HomeMy WebLinkAboutSWG2007-00246 - SWG Application / Design - 4/19/2007 ONSITE SEWAGE SYSTEM APPLICATION MASON COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH Official use only � m 1 // m 426 W. CEDAR STREET PERMIT NUMBER: W v VIP n m PO BOX 1656 SHELTON,WA 98584 DATE RECEIVED: 1 AMOUNT RECEIVED:S I m (360)427-9670, Eat.352 S'is - I 1 ° m i APPLICANT DATE CHEeK APPLICABLE ITEMS = E (. m 0 Il�S P NEW SYSTEM O REPAIR SYSTEM m m MAILING ADDR S DA1TI E PHONE TABLE 6 REPAIR D TANK REPLACEMENT m D RV HOLDING TANK ONLY '0 CI STAT ZIP /I(JrJapuiras waiver) m L GINGLELATION PERMIT ONLY o SITE ADDRESS Z D OTHER Pleas d..AW 3 D o NAME OF DESIGNER ONE NUMBER O t. .-c_ _ 6 - (�f'/ DDR`INK/NG WATER SOURCE a VN'\7C7a"Y IrrRIVATE INDIVIDUAL WELL � NAME OF INSTALLER m F^�. O PRIVATE TWO-PARTY WELL O ._ VACOMMUNITWPUBLIC WATERi YSTEM NUMBER OF BEDROOMS LOT SIZE' ACRES FTXFT SYSTEM WFI#: a _7 J / SYSTEM NAME: j I yNT� SPECIFIC DIRECTIONS FOR LOCATING SITE. {{w 3 I� 2 @ lP;�ka++ (� , �@ PI• Ups L.w RSII I s IC'C fo90 E. �° ti u : ps LaKm boo(„ . CLalwFvo..�t Site must be flagged from main road and test holes must be fla ed with fist hole numbers I kshr Official use only below this line I Rk SOIL LOGS 6U-4 t r COMMENTS/CONDITIONS p� 0-�G '' vyrT s �'• SOIL TEXTURE CODES: V =ftry G=qm"Ily S=aand L-bam Si=silt C=day E=ezmmel INS OR SIGN��```''REzTrom DESIGN EXPIRATION DATE DES APPROVED BY I DATE W y12 N D asg v Pc uINSTAL ON FEE PAIDINSTALLATION EXPIRATION DATE INSTAL TION APPROVED BY I DA a , n r n MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES April 26, 2007 Arrow Construction 230 E Warren DR Union WA 98592 RE: Design for MOLDENHAUER Case No: SWG2007-00246 Parcel No: 220055000064 Your design for the above referenced parcel has been review and is APPROV D. Please refer to the comments section of this letter for any additional informatio 1. Please call me at (360) 427-9670, ext. 353 if you have any questions. Sincerely, G 4 4mh Cindy Waite Environmental Health Mason County Health Services COMMENTS: We need a copy of the recorded O&M document. Timer, event counter and an elaspe meter will be required. Drainfield to be held in top 12" of original soil. DESIGN FORM—PAGE ONEn..r..-. AVKW A design riill be reviewed when 7 moire of each of the foollllouw Ing t. Completed design form that has been signed and dated. a p�sketch,including all applicable items on checklist Scaled plot plan,including all applicable items on checklist. �11 t sketch.including-all applicable items on checklist. Magi s' 7" PARCELIDENTIFI A l Permit Number: SWG 2007- 0O 2-f/6 Designer's Name: Applicant's Name: DDa.� Molddv.kAshaf Designers Phone Number: (360) 898-2255 Mailing Address: 0 O E. ?kztties las. L-ftf W- Designer's Address: 230 E. Warren Dr. SV,L,Oi A, raft 99584 Union, WK.I 98592 _ City State Zip City Sta_t1e Zip Iy Assessor s Parcel Number. Z i o 0 S -- S 9. -- o 0 0 16 __ - - - --- DESIGN PARAMETERS Treatment Devict O GICMoa Biolller O S.W Rlmr ❑Muu d ❑Saw IinW Dnaufidd O Rmimulming Rltn,Type:_ ❑Aerobic Unit MA.11AWel O Diaiurwion Unit Makc/Modcl Other: Drainftdd Type - ❑Gravity oPrecsum ❑Trench $.Ned ❑Ith Surface Drip Septic TanWDrainfleld Specifications Laterals Number of Bedrooms Schedule/Class Daily Flow 2q0 gpd Length 157I ft - SepticTankCapacity 12.00 gal Diameter 1 . 25 in Receiving Soil Type(1.6) 2 Number �Lpl Receiving Soil Appl.Rate N .0 gpd/flr Sepantion 3 ft Required Square Footage 2.40 ftr Orifices Designed Square Footage 2-7 O flr Total Number of Orifices 3 Percent Reduction Taken + 12 .5 % Diameter 3 (a in I TmncNBed Width -y') q it Spacing 3(V in Trench/Bed tangth (7) 15 ft - Manifold Elevation Measurements Schedule/Class -q CS Original Dninfieid Area Slope 3 % Length ft Ncw Slope,If Altered ,3 % Diameter .Z$ in Depth of Excavation IUPs 1 -_ M271y in Preferred manifold configuration used? '�Yc% ONo from Original Grade tones-rlatzl - on Tramsport Pipe Designed Vertical Separation '30+ in Scbcdule/Clxss t-f O Gnvelless Chambers Required? �0r Yes ❑OptiunaTREN ft OINO DEEPER THAN: 2 O .I q Pump Required? Yes ❑No UPSLC PlEamler /sI r/ 2. in Pump/Siphon Specifications DOWN LOPE / G Dosing and Pump C''hffambcr Difference in Elevation Beoucen Pump Shutoff and Uppermost Number of doses/day l Orifice ,5 Ft Dose quantity (00 1 gal Uppercuts Orifice 1914igher O Lower than Pump Shutoff Chamber Capacity $00 I gal Capacity@ Total Pressure ldcad 11 .'10 gpm Pump controls: Timer(or)Elapsc Time Mcer Circle i/required Calculated Total Pressure Head 7,Z^I it If Tinter: Pump on ,Pump off Comments -rt W..j _ 1 Cnkh141 Gan j --clo-W APR t)2 07 DESIGN FORM.—PAGE TWO Assessor's Parcel Number:? 2 o O 6 -- . Pcrmil Number:-SWG DESIGN CHECKLISTS ' Scaled Plot Plan Scaled Layout Sketch Cross-Section Sketch .R Test hole locations 18 Drainfield orientation and layout Reference depth from original grade: PF Soil logs 18 Trench/bed dimensions and $ Septic tank 191' Property lines critical distances within layout - Ea Drainfield cover 0 Existing and proposed wells ❑ D-Box[Valve box locations 'Refeicace depth From original grade within 100 ft of property tg Septic tank/pump chamber and restrictive strata: 2F Measurements to cuts,banks,and locations $ Laterals, trench/bed.top and 1. surface water and critical areas_ 0 Observation port location bottom ' ❑ Location and orientation of b Clean-out location ❑ Curtain drain collector ' curtain drain and all absorption 33 Manifold placement ❑ Sand augmentation components ® Orifice placement Other cross-section detail: ❑ Location and dimension of lig Lateral placement with distance 39 Observation ports/clean-outs primary system and reserve area to edge of • Other Information 0 Buildings gl Audibldvi,,�hl� arm referenced Yes No ID Direction of slope indicator 16, Scale of i,�r{�Fahown on scale ❑Design staked out Ey Waterlines bur ?.�c� ❑ .13rRecorded Notices attached ARoads,easements,driveways, ✓ "'• y mx El $Waive (s)attached parking " - �: ra' _ n Id ❑Pump curve attached North arrow-and scale drawing ❑ Evaluation of failure J shown on scale bar Q2 PAULA JOyJOHNSON .'F Non-residential justification Utz" 1S1 btgl Npli"" i � r. - '❑ � Waste strength ❑ 19 Flow DESIGN APPROVAL The undersigned designer must Xnafified by`�ins�tta""lll"lc""r mime of installation Yes No op nS� l 9 l"I Signature of Designer Date The undersigned has reviewed this design on behalf of Mason County Department of Health Services and determined it to be in compliance with state and 1 on-sim rj gula(ions: .. �� L.��r..6 mil/act c-7 Environ lal Health Specialist ` Date CAUTION: DESIGN APPROVAL IS VALID ONLY UNDER THE FOLLOWING CONDITION: J The design is stamped"Approved"by Mason County Department of Health Services. I The Onsite Sewage Permifh'a"s note P�redythe Pcrm Expiration Date is: N� Z Y U Drainfield site conditions have not been.allered.to.adversely affect conditions of design approval. 390.1-:4j4VCa Please Note: The system must he installed by a certified installcr, unlesys,prior authorization is obtained from Mason County Department of Health Services. An Installation Permit is required. Revision Date:SR7/06 Printed from Mason Gounty .,DM.S s�4 CT�^' I EXiS+t� � B'2 -�j+j �,� nJ.s�"" � Gam. N e�.�N-�•r Nwbh`6"`,1 P. l� 5 Y J PRULF JOY DNNSON -�'• tjG, log 20' 30' 40� D0... Moldo%nlwuar {?gl,.,Llt 0o's-so-0 00 bµ bq0 E . Ptiaicpc L.w.L- .(, RA. q5' P�rja: ed&,onia- o-n ounth 1 NOTE, O=JBSERVATLON PO TS--TU BE 3" Oby.s�A��\Pa"�t PVC PIPE FROMOTTOM OF BcD TO FINISHED BEGINSTALLEE. D ONABLE (yyAn.aw� i,JSERVATION P4LiT PIPES Tee on bottom (gluGd) ,I TOTAL OF If Ip SYSTEM o %� 45 1, OEGREi: ELBOW GS )wI,A:'ERAL EN .. DETAIL /`„ CLEANI OUT G NOTE, CLEANOUT T BE FROM 0 TO b INCHES BELOW FINISHED GRADE. MARK ENDS WITH R BAR. CLEAN OUT �(--- REOUIRED AT END OF EACH LATERAL. PAULA JOY J HNSON l�F, uaENSEDa i w�a' �,5'Rs�i Jot z zI/ y , TRENCHES NO DEEPER THAN: 3° UPSLOPE / q!J DOWNSLOPE No RashJ���� APR P Mason ��n-fidd CrvSS-�ech-ns�. Count 1 (A 30�—f Length Length Grill ce B Distance from Distance horn Lateral B In. FL 3 cln Orifices Feeder Line In. Cleanoul In. 1 180 15 1 36 1 5 18 18 2 180 1 1 1361 5 1 1s 18 3 180 1 15 1 36 1 5 18 13 4 180 15 36 5 13 18 5 180 15 1 36 1 5 1 18 18 6 180 1 15 1 36 1 5 1 18 18 Total Lateral Len 90 Total B Odfiaas 30 Dynamic Head Calculations Selected residual pressure: 2 R Length(FL) #Orifices Transport Pipe 20 30 0.12 f. Feeder Total Lateral LIM Length Lateral#1 15 3 18 5 0.03 IL Lateral ill 15 0 15 5 0.02 it Lateral#3 15 3 16 5 0.03 R Lateral#4 15 3 18 5 0.03 It. Lateral#5 15 0 15 5 0.02 1L Lateral#6 15 3 18 5 0.03 it Total Elevation Lift 5.00 it Total Dynamic Mead 7.27 g. Evaluation of Fallum: It was determined that the old drainfield was installed without a D-Box and there was uneven effluent distribution,with most of the liquid going down to the bottom lateral. The old drainfield lines were not installed level, so the top part of the field was not utilized. The low area of the old field is saturated,with water backed up in the existing pipes and in holes that were dug in that area. Solution: We are proposing the new dminfield be installed on higher ground,where there is no water in the new test holes and we will use pressure distrbution to ensure equal distribution of the effluent to utilize the entire drainfield absurbaon area as required by a Table VI Repair. We are also utilinng pressure distribution because the proposed drainfiled Is only 60'from the existing well. We are mom than 1 W from the lake. A� . } PAULA JOY P K" NSON P i d from agoll"Coun t R S SW/SD/VS33 - Submersible Sump/Effluent Pump ...........................................................■ .............................. ��1 .............................. .............................. MOMMIMMOMMEM .............................. ..:x"MO................onna.......... ■� :::::::::::: .1�•::::::: MMEMOM ::0 iiii.0 .......Imm..........IMS............. MINE ........=a.................... ® .......Ir..,,.................... L*i® ..................OMMMOMM..MOORE .......... 7 MF ® 9 1ATI . USA CANADA JVA Pertai Pump Group wcw.o wwrmaumxr,uc � m.ue.e u.ro. .i.w r.e+mmo IZ'� - ra..n�wna i000 GRQ m.o.. .to..0, n iw- �1..,.,tD __ \ wo..wavwo.. n•..am. .o..nnmenuw. _ _ _ ._ _ ..n.•r — .o..n La ' ..OM1Tf ,n4 _ ` IVrrI rurr ca.MSLp PItmP inrlow to be 411 from tot om or chamber. .ecv..owwmro..n.nr,eA maintain 1/8-1 /411 n.nw euae drop per „ runningt. subout — — — — — took .anu no.nrro•.r EXlS'4o^� Moo �cQ , �- UO -lobo or IllyiTC T°`Vtic" r,C I'l uen c 11 filter A AAA 0F f ex rsAr, SECILCJ�NR mr,uU P °i�atyd from Mas& ounty DMS fet(ree"r Dmrq„° Installation/Mainten a nee Pressure Distribution Systems 1. Install laterals with contour of the ground. 2. Install bed bottom level. 3. Install locator tape or rebar on top of all drain field laterals. 4. Install observation ports as indicated on the plot plan(minimum-2 per drain Iteld with bottom extending to bottom of drain rock. 5. Install drainficld during dry weather and soil conditions, any soil smearing n ust be eliminated by hand-raking. 6. Install threaded clean-outs at the end of all laterals(cap must extend to withit 6 inches of finished grade and be marked with locator tape or rebar.) 7. Install audiovisual high Water alarm. Redundant off switch required. 8. Install 1/8 inch mesh noncorrosive pump screen (min 12 sq. fl surface area, not to interfere with controls or floats.) Or Pump screen may be substituted with U - tube in septic tank. Pull Bio-Tube& flush back into the lank atIcasl once a 3 car:' 9. Install check valve in pump outlet line to prevent system from draining back No the chamber. 10. Tee to Tee construction between laterals and manifold with orifices orientate I at 6 O'clock. Install laterals to the manifold with orifices at 12 O'clock. (Do not glue). ANcr pressure test and the Health Dept. approval,turn orifices down O'clock)and glue laterals to manifold. 11. Filter fabric required over drain rock prior to back filling. If the drain rock extends above natural grade, run the filler fabric at last 2 inches down the trench wall. 12. Encasc all water lines within 10' of drain Geld area. 13. Divert all storm water runoffs away from on-site sewage system. 14. No curtain drains allowed within 10' of the up-slope edge or 30' of the down slope edge of the drain Geld and reserve area. 15. Have the septic tank and pump chamber pumped or inspected every 3 to 5 yc Ars. 16. Inspect and clean pump screen every 6-12 months as needed. 17. Inspect floats and lest high water alarm every 6-12 months as needed. 18. All materials and workmanship must meet County and Slate regulations. 19. Deviation from this design without prior approval from the Designer and Ma;on County Health Department will make this design null and void. 20. All manhole lids and access,sampling,or inspection ports must have lockin covers. 21. All pressure systems with pump chamber higher than drain field must have a 1/8" hole drilled in the discharge pipe above the pump to prevent siphoning. 22. All transport lines under driveways must be encased to prevent crushing. 23. OWNER RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL PROPERTY LINES. v N/( Pripted from Ma _ offlC �u PAU O o .E 70P rpw, s