HomeMy WebLinkAboutWAT2024-00189 - WAT Application - 4/1/2024 MASON COUNTY WA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 915 r!5^Suev1.BMg 6,Shelton WA 4a59e. 9haaal (�)427-9670 ad Mo •+ Bel 51 leg e00 4 Yena (3110)eat a269 and e00 FAX(JBU)4] Application for Determination of Water Adequacy Instructions an.� -- 1. complete Part 1. Na dalerminMan c be made anti Pan I Is INI 2, cgmptt only the won of Pan 2 eFF pn9 M the type of water connection utlNzed. 3. $utnIt cpmDeled adipkailon,wdh any required attachments for tavrew. roved bulldm to pl t accompa Y this at ion 4. An _ Part 1: Applicant/Parcel Wntificatione.✓ Name on Apphranl �N4 Mud 4sc y} t3.rm.} Dal. .Cl4j!� 171L`I Matting Address. 4434 A 1—Phort'. 3Lc yro 00"1 V'5j&' r Pastel Number ' l r"sA,e✓A , W A q£.�4 7 1b12r -17 II Type of Water System Reason for Application,{ i,,,�1 p0 � lY Pu,wCo mrunhy Well System(2 d more �l euddin9 perm f�14(7,.. 1 ,,nneshons) ❑ Unnium of land'. ❑ Indlvidua wader source lore wlvrxAwn), a of Parcelsl_ SPL ❑ way ❑ Boundary line adluslment / ❑ Spdng/wnau water I ❑ Other leaplast a Other(erylam e � 11 G ,.ntaron.T ❑ Replacement or Remodel(plea"wd"re name (sr a waters slam below If applicable-no If you have m than ore rasOonce curuwcmd d natum re cared) to to,wee,chock ma pdtho'GrnnawMy water sg q System bor part 2: Water Connection lnformatlran �dSiplete Ind section appre,nats for the type d water cnnnechon hwng evaluated Public Water System Namedwater System. 0 x-✓TL •i l 11 ----------._. . WAinf Faddy lmerauy(wF1)Numbs: lwda'mne'for aaofuerty) I dl am the manager d the water system The water syet.,,IHs been app ved for Theses. ,j�sarvices. The e presently�_--.conneclw in use This w+ll be the=connection 0 I ern the manger d In*system This comlection-11 be to upgrade a change ihb use of an esislmg cennar3iOn m this system(I e recme oi,,l to he time) Please lnd"te m the fdkheing fine the nalure of this change This MO1M"Vem K able and Man,W pmvlda water to this presin conneciasnls)we1oul estoseding aw limit of the caste system or any an0.s set by Nate and bcal reget3tkkl Signature d water System Deal `� I b A 4 This Nurn may be sunned aml availade for husk view at www co.mason>r.'•• . "-' 1 FII Nwe lkMml"n.a-. Individual Water Wall ❑ Wafer all rayon(altache0 to apphcahon) Dept,_.... ft. ❑ Well Capacity Test(attached to appOrahar) The well driller often performs wall capecdy tests at the time the well o construodd Resufts Iran these Iesis are rwled W the wale)well repdn Resuhs from these tests will be accepted It the wafer welt epon cannot be located by are applicant or a tbe water well report does not have a capacity test. a well rapacity lest.which provices stabilization o!draw-down and recovary date,must he performed by a hdenaed contractor ❑ Satisfactory bacteriological test(attach to appllcalwn) Water Resource Inventory Area(WRIA) Developmem within which WRIA hflp.!/g�.w mason.wa uglplAgptpg tIQ 15[]1q[—]22M Water use re hmaation recorded. NIA_ pass__ Vile"Drtl@d _. _. __._.. . Daft- Individual SpringlSodace Water ❑ WOOE permd(attach to apphwtion) ❑ Method of disinfection _ ❑ 1 haw reason to believe That this water source can provide al least Egg gaWna per day.a"m Provides wafer at a free Of 2 gallons per mmule based on the following ob"hes,ore Author of Statement _ Date_ Reishonwhip to AORlo ant Part 3: Mason County Community Satyricaa Evalwtlon(staff use only) Satisfactory Determination ---__--- - nvswtelm"ur"i1u hol edmers adeeuacy or the divribuuon p,thn guasittee an adequate Sur"Of Rath mdefinitaly in the runia or m Y geana comyLarice mth all upWcable WOOL water m>rurw rtetlreiane. Hecwmienped epproral ui .is,mowrdnenu ul Seoul,Code. Tit 6.C,hism 6666rp.Detarfnyysret of Araruacylorduwpi,gparmitsare BPxh�. pdoiumat Gtowtlr Managenmml2pwfMNta{mpy apply Chapbr 3d 700%RCW Unsatisfactory Determination. Asserted"war",Supply dress rid repave adwarate to mere are,heft of V nonded use b the fig reetret(q. n reviewer's Signatures: Emiron.kIli p/ .__..._ Date_ CSD Director. J Dap •a.