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SWG2024-00183 - SWG Application / Design - 4/29/2024
LTON, MASON COUNTY 415N6 SHELTON: ,SHE7-967 ,EXT 404 SHELTON:3604275 4467,EXT 400 40 BELFAIR:360-275d487,EXT 400 Public Health & Human Services ELMA:3604825269,EXT 400 FAX:360-427-7787 On-Site Sewage System Permit: SWG2024-00183 APPLICANT EMPIRE HOME CONSTRUCTION Phone: 360-751-1745 Address: PO BOX 241 KELSO, WA 98626 OWNER PEDE BEVERLY Phone: Address: 160 E ELK PL SHELTON, WA 98584 SEPTIC DESIGNER PAULA JOHNSON* Phone: 360-898-2255 Address: 171 E VUECREST DRIVE UNION,WA 98592 SEPTIC INSTALLER ALLAN KIRK* Phone: 360-426-0574 Address: 30 E WILCHAR BLVD SHELTON,WA 98584 Site Address: UNKNOWN Primary Parcel Number: 220175100066 Permit Description: New 3bd ATU to pressure trench Permit Submitted Date: 04/29/2024 Permit Issued Date: 05/14/2024 Issued By: Rhonda Thompson Current Permit Fees Paid: $540.00 (additsmai fees may as readired upon Instaltewn of system). Permit Expiration Date: 05/06/2027 (aaaadond.sedmap ion) Permit Conditions: 1 Proposed development subject to zoning requirements and approval by the planning department staff per Mason County Title 17. 2 Permit must be installed by a Mason County Certified Installer unless prior written authorization from Mason County is obtained. 3 Drainffeld installation not to exceed designed upslope and downslope depth specified on design form. 4 Installer is responsible for obtaining Mason County installation approval prior to backfill of system components. 5 Installer is responsible for obtaining Septic Designer/Engineer installation approval prior to backfill of system components. 6 Meson County Asbuilt Form, Record Drawing, and Installation fee must be submitted for final installation approval. THIS PERMIT MUST BE ONSITE DURING INSTALLATION OF DES. PROPERTY OWNERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR DETERMINING AND MARKING ALL PROPERTY LINE AND EASEMENT LOCATIONS. THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED IF THE SITE CONDITIONS HAVE CHANGED SINCE THE SITE WAS INSPECTED AND DESIGN APPROVED. FINAL INSTALLATION APPROVAL IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO TEMPORARY OR FINAL OCCUPANCY OF ANY RELATED STRUCTURES. For Final Inspection visit: masonwuntywa.govlhealth/environmental/onsite/oss-Inspection-request.php or call: 360-427-9670,extension 400. OFFICIAL USE ONLY W E RFM1H r ® MASON COUNTY ` m D C W COMMUNITY SERVICES X o m WMEIWFM rc..nnl�In RanN�EnHImDYnuINWImI z w " SWG �(� 1 - bd0 o y ON-SITE SEWAGE SYSTEM APPLICATION a 'a s M m m Rre PnaNE Empiome Construction (360)751-8062 = WUNGA6-SIREET,CRYSTATE,ZIPOODE P.O. 241 Kelso WA 98626 CD zSITEACORTREEr.GTV.➢PCOCEShelton WA 98564 lk Place/NAIE OF ERArroeptic Designs (360)898-2255 NAYE Cf ER FHONE GMasounty Excavating (360)490 3144 PISWITTIed P) DRIW(INGIWTERSOURCERETIALOSS 51COMMUNITYOSS 16COMMERCIRLO55 �PRNAWINOMDUALWELL 51PRNATETWO~TYNELL Z VYH� y) ®PUBLIC 6WTER SYSTEMIpINENSTFUCTIONIUPGRADES iJ1REPAIR/REPUCEMEM OTHEROETAILSPNMSTMI ) ❑TABLE IX REPAIR JENEcSURFACINGSEWAGE �EXISTINGFAIWRE E3SHORELINE Z�1AFORM(REOUIREDI tiDSEPTIC DESIGN(RECUIRED) BFLROCMs 3BR LOT MZE .21 acresI]�W (SI BF APPLICPBLE7 DIRECTIONSMSrtEANOdITECONDI➢ONO fe KKMOpM) Go out Hwy 3 and turn (R) onto E Agate Rd.Turn (L)onto E Timberlake Dr. Turn(R)onto E Pickering Dr.Turn (L)onto E Lakeshore Dr W. Turn (R)onto E Elk Place. Destination on o o (L).Yellow sign: "Empire Homes -Lot 66" Imim rnl LIEYIl41 RERADDED FADYYMV AOADIXD IESIMMESYYST SEMWEO'MTM TEST HOLENUMRERE OFFICIAL USE ONLY BELOW THIS LINE UFGRAOEIfiVWRESWRCE{bnFVWp W�"") n VOLUNTMY []MAINTENANCEATUMPING ❑BUIMINGPERMIT ❑HOMESALE OCOMFLAIw ❑OTHER: MSp MR£OILLWS CCMYFNTS�COxpRON6 U-Z1 Qic r[� � [�2 9 2024 RECORD DMYANG AND INdTAUATIOH REPORY .LCODFe'. V=VERY G=GRAVELLY S-S D L=LO S=ALT C=GAY E=E EMELV R�RCGTS RF9UIREO iOR FINALAFPRMAI MSPECTOR SIGNATVRE MTE AFFLICATIONPXPIMTION MTE APPVCATIOXMPROVEd 196UED BY DATE THIS FORM MAYBE 60 NNEDANDAVARABLEfdF PUBLIC VIEWONTHEMASON COUNTYWEBSME REVISED tIDIID15 DESIGN FORM—PAGE ONE Assessor's Parcel Ntanber: 2 2 0 1 7 — 5 1 — 0 0 0 6 6 A design will be reviewed when 3 cost"of each of the following are submitted: e��`sya..�� v Completed design form that has been signed and dated v Scaled layout sketch,including all applictaeefRms on checklist Scaled plot plan,including all applicable items on checklist. Cross-section sketchW eb site.4lmxtmum 17'"X 17' ,including all applicable rtesns on checklist. • This form may be scanned and available for public view on the Mason County tze: .. - "'PAR EN CEE IDTIFICATION Arrow Septic Designs,Inc Z 0'7t Designer's Name: Pcrnu�umbcv SN'C 7-0 ��00 (360)898-2255 Applicant's Name: Empire Home Construction Designer's Phone Number: t77 E Vueueat Dr Mailing Address: P.O.Box 241 Designer's Address: � 98626 WA Union, WA 986 Kelso State Zi Stale Ci Cn. Zip SIGN Treatment Device ❑Glendon Bwfilter ❑Send Fllter ❑Moved ❑Send Lined Dramfield ❑Recirculating Film,Type: G(Aerobic Uvi[ Make/Model Nu Water BNR-500 ❑Dainfxbon Unit Maks/Model Other' Drainffeld Type ❑Bed Laterals Sub Surface Drip ❑Gravity �Presnr se Rf Trench Laterals Sepik TanWDrainfield Specifications 40 Number of Bedroom g Schedule/Classs 33.5 ft Daily Flow.Operating Capacity 270 gird Length Diameter 1.25 in ame Daily Flow:Design Flow 360 gPd 6 Septic Tank Capacity(woduag) NUWater BNR-500 gal Number Receiving Soil Type(1-6) 4 Separation 5 ft 0.6 Orifices Receiving Soil ApPI.Rate 42 Required Primary Arco 600 fl Total NumberofOrifices 603 fr' Diameter 3118 in Designed Primary Area 60 in Designed Reserve Area 603 ft' Spacing 3 ft Manifold TrenchBed Width 40 TrenchBed Length 201 ft Schedule/Class Length header ft Elevation Measurements Length in Original Dminfield Area Slope 2 % Diameter 2 % referred manifold configuration used? Sfyie, ❑No New Slope,If Altered Trersport Pipe Depthoffixcavation upslope 9 in from Original Grade Dewv-dope 8 in Schedule/Class 40 12+ in Length 30 ft Designed Vertical Separation2 in Gmvelless Chambers Required? ❑Yes ❑No �Opdonal Diameter Pump Required? Id Yes ❑No Dosing and Pump Chamber 4/d fdosesay Pump/Siphon Specifications Number o 90 galDiff.in Elevation Between Pump&UPPetnmSt Orifice ft Dose quantity 1 000 Sul 2 ft Chamber Capacity(flood) Desinfield Squirt Height/Selected Residual(hand) ump controls:Please check those required. Uppermost Orifice�Higher O Lower than Pump Shutoff Timer Elapse Meter GgEvert Counter Capacity(rD Total Pressure Head 24.78 gpm 2 minutes Pura off 8 hours Calculated Torsi Pressure Head 10.15 it If Timer. Pump on P Comments A.PPROVtLJ MAY 14 2024 MASON COUNTY ENV RCNMERTAL HEAL 1�p RET DESIGN FORM—PAGE TWO Assessor's Parcel Number:2 2 0 1 7 — 5 1 -- 0 0 0 6 6 Permit Number: SWG DESIGN CHECKLISTS Scaled Plot Plan Scaled Layout Sketch Cross-Section Sketch lid Test hole locations id Drainfield orientation and layout Reference depth from original grade: 16 Soil logs 21 Trench/bed dimensions and Ed Septic tank It Property lines critical distances within layout 9 Dminfield cover ❑ Existing and proposed wells 19 D-Box/Valve box locations Reference depth from original grade within 100 fit of property 91 Septic tank/pump chamber and restrictive strata: ❑ Measurements m cuts,banks,and locations 0 Laterals,trench/bed,top and surface water and critical mess m Observation port location bottom ❑ Location and orientation of 19 Clean-out location ❑ Curtain drain collector curtain drain and all absorption Rf Manifold placement ❑ Sand augmentation components 19 Orifice placement Other moss-section detail: id Location and dimension of R1 Lateral placement with distance Ed ObservationporWcleanouts primary system and reserve area to edge of bed Ib Buildings Other Iorormation 69 Audible/vis referenced Yes No Ia Direction of slope indicator fid Scale of d on scale la Waterlines bar Design staked out bar ,� ❑ 9 Recorded Notices attached Id Roads,easements,driveways, �e".•"w'. ❑ Ef Waiver(s)attached parking �. N E6 ❑ Pump curve attached 21 North arrow and scale drawing ❑ Sf Evaluation of failure shown on scale bar S0pai9 Non-residential justification HULA JOY JOHNSON YC E i ❑ Ef Waste Strength rwaas 1 ❑ lif Flow DESIGN APPROVAL The undersigned designer must be d b 'nsta let at time of installation lif Yes ❑ No Signature of Designer Date The undersigned has reviewed this design on behalf of Mason County Public Health and determined it to be in compliance with state and local on-site regulations: )Zn ,� at (Zti Environmental Health Sp cialist Daze CAUTION: DESIGN APPROVAL IS VALID ONLY UNDER THE FOLLOWING CONDITION: V The design is stamped"Approved"by Mason County Public Health. —7 The Onsite Sewage Permit has not expired,the Permit Expirazion Date is: � 6 / Drainfield site conditions have not been altered to adversely affect conditions of design approval. Please Note: The system must be installed by a certified installer, unless prior authorization is obtained from Mason County Public Health. An Installation Fee is required. This form may be scanned and available for public view on the Mason County Web site. Updated Date: 12/72015 v , J O N Z. Dez ° O z Qf� . iAi,r F $ � ..T.p r ♦.L$ ., k\ N m Ilk 1 APPROVE ® -.. _ _.. MAY 14 2024 MASON COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH RET 5 r AL-e :1" 2 0' 81.�J4 0 (,�o ryZ�.o 3o q0 '`LOT t"LAN I I Q I I I I i L mn?f- NOME C oNSCRucS1UN ?A2UV— t-22011 51-00DCO(0 S,ryt AI+ I I I I � d=TEST �10L-E �s1 to�OMp Z OZ 24' o�s 1 to ti li. -5— 2$" �IS t0 Diu/`ohp z� � x �e� -5elz HousE , ' (�� 3'x33.5PYlYnaYy o _1 J s ® 5' cc. with re-SCYV?. e5.55' Kev- E ELK QLK E C Audio-Visual Alarm APpO2 Cleanout R o0 500 GaIlon Pre-Trash tank— VEp �bh e<ded 5i 4x 9 PVas{ MAY 14 2014 O Nu4Vater BNR-500 ATU Tank MASON COUNIYENVRQh�ftiiAlHEq f 1,000Gallon pump chamber PET Q. PRUU JOY JOHNSON'•. 0 Valve Control Box 3 e -ko �o 0 a T p 21" -ryr,aAt. ORi•rlcE o s to tT 2a SPAuNG Detailed Drainfield Layout. 'PIKA - sit m Z' it PROVED MAY � MASON CCU NTYEN7q,ti024 RET w uA�h'EkN � "+- as oagrea Eea. i La,aeal Drainiietd Cross-Secfiion View N. T. seda . lmle Piilma anasa. lack aka � Rrter. Ova atl NGb O ODw�i! M Re�/ratl 6 Lf CK O( FeC� L.deLL T. i t• 014 ip a/ Trt _ " "` "ra.. Arrow Septic _ DeNgns .. Oj "a1, Tdd� `T `. (360) 898-2255 o n PANLA JOY J ONNSON'. 1� l� W4O2 ngth Orifice # Distance from Distance from Ft SpacingOrifices Feeder Line In. Cleanout In. 3.5 60 7 21 21 3.5 60 7 21 21 3.6 60 7 21 21 3.5 60 7 21 21 33.5 60 7 21 21 33.5 60 7 21 21 Total Lateral Len h 201 Total#Orifices V E DGPM= 24.78 Dynamic Head calculations MAY 14 2024 Selected residual pressure: MASON COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 2 it. RET Length(Ft.) #Orifices Transport Pipe 30 42 0.33 R. Feeder Total Lateral Line Length Lateral#1 33.5 2 35.5 7 0.10 ft. Lateral#2 33.5 7 40.5 7 0.12 a. Lateral#3 33.5 12 45.5 7 0.13 R. Lateral#4 33.5 17 50.5 7 0.14 #. Lateral#5 33.5 22 55.5 7 0.16 ft. Lateral#5 33.5 27 60.5 7 0.17 R. Total Elevation Lift 7.00 ft. Total Dynamic Head 10.15 ft SECURED UO WITH GAS TIGHT SELL THREADED UN16H 24•DIAMETER AOCM RISER I SERVICE FINISH GRADE VALVE' FROM SEPTIC 1 �—+To o1wMF1ElO TANK —\ ri ENERGENCTtiTORAOL ANTI 31P110N VANE• NIDfI HATER ALNIN LEVEL —' ..9MOS IDEAT NDIMIAL OFF LEVEL' #YORKMO STEIN FLOAT ST1 ._ FOR FLOAT ENCLOSED P1/11F YOUIITIIO Q• } BEDIYENT SHROUD• .CHUM VALVE . �N� sEwYerrts . . _. . -- 'Nf.11 -. NIEMW1aLE '+p' - - OB#IRMIIGAL AaMP an3<e PAULS JOY lOiNNN'. CHMEHER 1 EM 'All REEDEED Septic Tanks must meet standards required by WAC chapter 24 tank 272C'4 and FIGURE 2 manufacturer must be on Dept of Health list of registered sewage C) WA W.blictien#337-022 PeSe35 of65 _ � 7 Broom construction available(139 series) • High head version available(145 series) Double shaft seal versions available for added protection Flow-Mate enn1edeh140/145. ion.m For more Information.me Technical Data Shears FM2782,FM2783. In high head dewatering or effluent applications where pumping g performance is critical, this robust _ °E1to o;.O1R°` family of pumps is known for reliability, durability and performance. These pumps are especially suited for harsh i emrimnments.ZoeWs cool run design and cortosion-resistant powder coated epoxy finish add up to a long-lasting trouble-free product. APPLICATIONS: • STEPoronsite apptications 4" " Watertransfer 6„ Light commercia l dewatering - SPECIFICATIONS: L ��`�•./ • 1-1/2-NPT discharge �F L2 HP through l HP S' tEAOF St tNE USA • Available in automatic or nonautomatic ■iAIW11aFOONB • Model 137,139.t .1/2•(12 mm)spherical solids , capacty with vortex impeller Model 145:3W(19 mm)spherical solids capacity with vortexlmpetter " �,-v PUMP PEfl ANCECURPE MO 51 9JI53 Dose-MateoKewI lA,eb ' N This is our fastest growing line of effluent pumps.The 150 series is tru ly a workhorse designed for reliability under extreme o N conditions in an effluent environment. 150 series pump curves cover a wide range w +N of applications. They are well suited to N applications with low pressure pipe(LPP) a tat andenhanceditowSTEPsystems.Zaeller's N COOL run design and CORoslon-resisrunt, N powder coated epoxy finish, in addition aNIVN to the hermetically seated,oil-filled motor and non-cloggingvortex impeller add up to ° a tong-lasting trouble-tree product. APPLICATIONS: s STEP or onsim applications MxIOFI N sew N N so +oo Light commercial devniering t�1YUr FOISRa SPECIFICATIONS: 1-1/2-NPT discharge • 3/SOHP through a/ZHP MAY 14 2024 • Available in nonautomatic or with a variable level MASON COUNTY ENORON YEN TAL HEALTH piggyback mechanicat switch �+ • '2-(12mm)spherical solids capacity with vortex RET thermoplastic tmpeller For more information,see Technical Data Sheet FM27U 0 ALL rights reserved. ZOELLER PUMP CO. 1 502-778-2731I 80"28-98671 aoellerpumPscom 9 I u .dxvwaTxil < S Sa' aN o- 6L N 09£: XdaLL 09£i 3NOH d l3 'd .N0 06tlM V O ;Nb33NIJN3 �Gusejl OO NI H9 n �Laa F— IREE.E z=a� 5k Kg Es & r Xis #p allRE s �S� unm�uwau� 6 � ae3 Sp`Y fi F ! �G s� t9o5 , Ra �g � i I �Aasa$ng€3 31 (( APPROVE6 phl ;2 p �r MAY 14 2024 sa$arA MASON COUNTYENV 44 s� RONMENTALHEALTH 8 1gQxk _ a 4 1 n E � Z�g o^ § 4 Piz i AgeY I� r ^ � IgFg ��F �3g�4 I � yEiji ', Y Ii5�liji$li �3$> v4 �3 �031d�s4% S WE 3 < a�$g ag's Ir$ sRE = gs38443"s= 1W 3 4S WKFCRIAEMTOR� WAIERneNf LID VFM l09) � + ' RIa@R(rYP) I '..' 3e•k1A1L rvvc(fxPl • I lusnc 6' Y couPLlNc c 'I 6PPOVDFA YTEE 4WD 8LVDGE -,, tY I RETVaR UNE I, YP✓G p10E8TER CXAYBER CLARIFIER TRASH CXRMBER DPEANTING G4PACIfT:<RtGN10N8 CXAIMER CV2000 GPACT'.<tf WLLOM4 FLWDCir^ACRl:Oar GALLONS 1W GKlLNa Fypap GPACrtT:a9J GiLLONB 1 pLLV'p:+%fMLI ST TEE APPROVED • 1Y vAR0.tELTo rANkwAu 4• iLWGE REn1RN WMENTAL HEALTH RET s TAR pow MEMSTON PACTEDSANO iL OYaR STONY D OVER STONY SOIL wsrALunoX MarRtwTIDXs 1)Emevate tank hale with Watlml Walla 4T 1 foot larger lhan tank on all sides. 2)If t=nn,of hole is stony,Install W of wrnpact sand&level out wim aOnasct r_———— 3)install tankince of h ke M1 a hot.,keeping l voldit an — .Asides. I M•ysptg'.1 ) Rratowm 4)As tank is fillin,w water,IS in veld space wtth mmpact foraF granular figs Of ml fi of large clumps Of day. 5)Install rest of system,S affix nsaro to adapters with I I 4r 5 pa,roof watercgharess test in fieltl es regulreE Oy Ioc% lunsdictlpn. II tr msER l; I T)Upon approval b beckfill,grefulty badcfill viM native .its over top of tank. iR4SN f.Msa®91 I I PfGESL`H I ig{aE®I 8)Final grade the surface to avow chanelling suftm L__—_——— J L__J welertOWerO tank. a AEROBIC TREATMENT TANK DETAIL FOR NUWATEER BNR-500 TREATMENT UNIT ENVIRO-FLO, INC. .111SED 3/Q1/12 Wastewater Treetmanf Te A0logtes w.,••r„•,-„r✓ P.O.BOX 321 f ef,FlowooQ MS 39232 scla, (87])836A416 (601)845-41f8 fax - 1" = 1.4 ft. www enviro-flo Nu Water i j APPRO MAY 14 py COUNTYEWRON EN i LHEALTH RET PARTS LIST NuWater NR Assembly Diagram j A.OUAL PORTAERATOR M.POLY OIMSER BAR Ri 8.W RUBBER%' W CLAWS(2) N.t"PW(3117 SECTION) C.SN'BARBEDAOAPTORXt2'NPT(P, O.1^SLIPCAP D.1IY SLIPX 1Y!NPTgpAPTOR P.tm'CLEM PJG HOSE(OPT7 S) E 1"STREE'11?NPT B S.5 9) 0.12'PVC PIPE(BY INSi ILLM G iliW ELBOW(9) Rt"WC PIPE(BY fN$fKLER) G.t'%t'X 1lSTEE S. PVC PIPE(BY INSTALLER)1 H.1.90°ELBOMf(3) T_ K'BPRBEO ADAPTOR TO vA^NPT(pJ �.TXr BUSHING U IM STREET Li"NPT BUSHING Q) J.Y'6 TARYTEE V In-PVC COUPLER('1) K.1°PVC CROSS W.Z CW PLER(BY INSTALLER; L.1"000PLER MY INSTALLER) Revised 2/25/12 goIo avww Septic Deoiow NuWater BNR Pretreatment INSTALLATION& MA NTENANCE ooaaa Pressure Distribution Systems ✓,PAULA JOY JONiNSON � fCp31. '[in ' N p �pnxs � 1. Install Laterals with contour of the ground. 2. Install trench bottoms level. 3. Install locator tape or rebar at each end of all drainfield laterals. 4. Install observation ports as indicated on the plot plan. One required at distal end of each lateral in drainfield with bottom extending to the drainrock/native soil interface. Glue `-r'to bottom so Observation Port cannot be easily removed from ground. Install removable cap on top of port at final grade level. 5. Install drainfield during dry weather and soil conditions;any soil smearing must be eliminated by hand raking. 6. Install threaded clean-outs at the end of all laterals(cap must extend to within six inches of finished grade and be marked with locator tape or rebar). 7. Install audio/visual high water level alarm Redundant off switch not required. S. Install check valve in pump outlet line to prevent system from draining back into the pump chamber. 9. Tee to Tee construction between laterals and manifold with orifices oriented at 6 o'clock. Install laterals to the manifold with the orifices at 12 o'clock,(do not glue), after pressure test and Environmental Health Dept. approval,turn orifices down(6 o'clock)and glue laterals to manifold. Orifice shields may be used with orifices in the 12 o'clock position in lieu of turning the orifices down to the 6 o'clock position. 10.Filter fabric required over drain rock prior to back filling. If the drain rock extends above natural grade,run the filter fabric at least 2 inches down the trench wall. 11. Encase all water lines within 10' of drainfield and under any driveway/parking areas. 12. Divert all storm water runoff away from on-site sewage system. 13.No curtain drains allowed within 10' of the up-slope edge or 30' of the down-slope edge of the drainfield and reserve area 14.No vehicular traffic over drainfield area. 15.Inspect floats,clew filters,and test high water level alarm every 6-12 months as needed. 16.All materials and workmanship must meet County and State regulations. 17.Deviation from this design without prior approval from the Designer and Mason County Environmental Health Department will make this design null and void. 18. All manhole lids and access, sampling or inspection ports must have locking covers and be located at ground level. 19. All pressure systems with a pump chamber outlet higher than the drainfield must have a 1/8"hole drilled in the discharge pipe above the pump to prevent siphoning. 20.All transport lines under driveways or parking areas must be encased to prevent crashing. 21.Homeowner is responsible for all property lines. 22. Please Note: When you begin using your septic system,contact your septic installer to discuss setting up a schedule for your required Operation&Maintenance on your NuWater pretreatment system. APPROVED MAY 14 2024 MASON COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH ©sIz-�D RET