HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD1845 SFR - BLD Permit / Conditions - 5/14/1975 Building Permit . Klaus W. Hoepfner Permit #1845 Rt 10, Box 132 5-14-75 Shelton, Wa Lot 19, Springwood Sec 1, 'Ilan 20, R 4 Residence 33,000. 7, � o,4<- oz,,� &e BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION MASON COUNTY P. O. Box 400 Shelton, Washinqton 98584 DATEL Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. PERMIT JOB ADDRESS Y 1 DESC R. C-%M/'Y I/ y �✓ W✓/ V W / S�/ ��C / /V ( V/�TA�O OWN MAIL ADDRESS ZIP PHONE 2 .� z d us ltJ, /�si�.o�.J/�2 RT,io /do.r/32 S�r'�ToA) CONTRACTOR MAIL ADDRESh PHONE LICENSE NO. s �r .223- 02- •-�1.3e ARCHITECT OR DESIGNER MAIL ADDRESS PHONE LICENSE NO. 4 ENGINEER MAIL ADDRESS PHONE LICENSE NO. 5 LENDER MAIL ADDRESS BRANCH 6 USE OI BUILDING 7 G 8 Class of work: XNEW ❑ADDITION ❑ALTERATION ❑ REPAIR ❑MOVE ❑ REMOVE 9 Describe work: 10 Change of use from Change of use to 11 Valuation of work:$ 33. OOD PLAN CHECK FEE o,Z PERMIT FEE SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Type of Occupancy Const.,hC�,,,-j • Group Division Size of Bldg. No.of Max. (Total)Sq. Ft. Stories Occ. Load Fire Use Fire Sprinklers APPLICATION ACCEPTED BY. PLANS CHECKED BY: APPROVED FOR ISSUANCE BY. Zone Zone Required []yes ❑No No.of OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: Y%L- Dwelling Units Covered Uncovered N O T I C E .Special Approvals Required Received Not Required ZONiNC. SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, 5�h HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. HEALTH DEPT. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION FIRE DEPT. AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUC- OTHER (Soecify) TION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any other state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR OR AUTHORIZED AG NT (DATE) SIGNATURE or Ow NCR 1I OWNER a LD (DATE) PLAN CHECK VALIDATION CK. M.O. CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK. M.O. CASH SHELTON PRINTING CO. MASON COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT P.0. Box 2400 Shelton, Washington 98584 MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION IMPORTANT -Complete ALL items. Mark boxes where applicable. I_ LEGAL DESCRIPTION Location Of N S V Y r C7 Building E W side of ! __ feet E W fro imersectt Of Sect. Twp. -- Range NO. DESCRIPTIONS FEE I �'ii. DESCRIPTIONS FEE 1. Forced air or gravity type furnace or burner including ducts 14. for the installation or relocation of each boiler or refrigeration and vents, up to and including 100,000 Btu's-$4.00 i compressor over 50 horse power or each absorption system over 1,750,000 Btu's---$25.00 2. Over 100,000 Btu's-$5.00 15. For each air handling unit to and including 10,000 cubic feet 3. Installation or relocation of floor furnace and vent, suspended per minute, including ducts attached thereto-$3.00 heater, or recessed wall heater-$4.00 NOTE: This fee shall not apply to an air handling unit which 4. Installation, relocation, or replacement of each appliance vent is a portion of a factory assembled appliance, cooling installed, not included in appliance permit-$2.00 unit, evaporative cooler or absorption unit for which a permit is required elsewhere in this Code. 5. Repair, alteration or addition to each heating appliance, re- frigeration unit, cooling unit, absorption unit, or evaporative 16. For each air handling unit over 10,000 cubic feet per minute cooling system including installation of controls regulated by -$5.00 this code-$4.00 17. For each evaporative cooler other than portable type-$3.00 6. Installation or relocation of each boiler or compressor to and including 3 horse power-$4.00 18. For each ventilation fan connected to a single duct-$2.00 7. Over 3 horse power to and including 15 horse power-$7.50 19. For each ventilation system which is not a portion of any heating 8. Over 15 horse power to and including 30 horse power-$10.00 or air conditioning system authorized by a permit-$3.00 9. Over 30 horse power to and including 50 horse power-$15.00 20. For the installation of each hood which is served by mechanical exhaust, including ducts for such hoo"3.00 10. Installation or relocation of each absorption system to and including 100,000 Btu's--$4.00 21. For the installation or relocation of each domestic type in- 11. Over 100,000 Btu's to and including 500,000 Btu's-$7.50 cinerator-$5.DO 12. Over 500,000 Btu's to and including 1,00D D00 @tu's CWWgiil or industrial type incimrator"20.00 �10.DD 22. Fnr each appliance or piece of equipment regulated by this 13. Over 1,000,000 Btu's to and ineltldMg 1,7$0,MD 8%'s Code but not classed in other appliance categories, or for which -$15.00 no other fee is listed in this Code--$3.00 FIELD INSPECT40N Basic Fee $3.00 Date By Remarks _ TOTAL 7 NaRie me)k aitOsess Nowdimpt,9tSteQf, cfty and state _ Zip code Tel. No. ow„er tI►)� �'i58 contact 7LJ3C ` The own" o1 rnis but4WrP9 and the vndersignec agree to conform t.n ate aWlicabie laws of adA80114 COUNTY Srg Wt o+ appr,Qi AppI ation date / ` ~ ! P DO NOT WRITE IN T74415 SPACE - FOR OFFICE USE Approved by Peetwst fee ibbtie 0411110M "Musa F`erw" Humber Recmpt No. _- iMCLTON•RWTINQ CO. MASON COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT P.0. Box 400 Shelton, Washington 98584 PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION IMPORTANT—Complete ALL items. Mark boxes where applicable. 1. LEGAL DESC ION /(- 7 J- Location Of NS NS Building E W side of feet E W from intersection of Sect. Twp. Range NO. PLUMBING FIXTURES FEE����yy�� NO. GAS APPLIANCES FEE GAS PLUMBING WATER CLOSETS 3W EACH UNDER 60 MBTU SEWER SEPTIC TANK BASINS Ud EACH 60 TO 120 MBTU BATH TUBS EACH 120 TO 200 MBTU ' SHOWERS EACH 200 TO 500 MBT WATER HEATERS •�Z� EACH OVER 500 MBTU AUTO. WASHERS SINKS D r FLOOR DRAINS DRINKING FOUNTAINS l LAUNDRY TRAYS Connect to City Sewer nn SERVICE CONNECTION DISH WASHER V DISPOSAL URINAL ` Distribution System By Special Permit (Show Street Names & Property Lines) INDICATE LOCATION OF MAIN SHUTOFF VALVE FOR GAS AND WATER. SKETCH IN SEPTIC TANK & DRAIN PERMIT PERMIT FIELD LOCATION OR SUBMIT ON OTHER SKETCH. � FIELD INSPECTION Date By Remarks Name Mailing address — NLKnber, s eet, city, and State Zip code Tel. No. Owner _ 2. --- - 0 S L 9 Zb-3/o e Contractor Theo ner of this buildipp and the undersigned agree to conform to all applicable laws of.Mason County Signatu e o applicant Address Application d e DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE — FOR OFFICE USE _ Approved by Permit fee Date permit issued Permit number Receipt No.