HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD2024-00067 Revised - BLD Application - 5/21/2024 eD
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Permit Assistance Center, Building,Planning 61
These requirements apply to all IRC building types, including detached one- and two-family dwellings and multiple
single-family dwellings(townhouses).
Contact Information Project Information
Owners Nam Site Address:
Mailing Addres .
Parcel Number:
Square Feet(total):X06 bL
Ventilations Compliance:
[Whole House Ventilation system 0 Whole House Ventilation
using exhaust fans&window or wall Integrated with a Forced Air
fresh air vents(M1507.3.4) System (M1507.3.5)
Other, describe:
Instructions: This single-family project will use the requirements of the Prescriptive Path below and
incorporate the minimum values listed. Based on the size of the structure,the appropriate number of
additional credits are checked as chosen by the permit applicant.
Provide all information from the following tables as building permit drawings:Table R402.1- Insulation and
Fenestration Requirements by Component,Table R406.2- Fuel Normalization Credits and 406.3- Energy Credits.
All Climate Zones(Table R402.1.1)
R-Value a U-Factor a
Fenestration U-Factor b n/a 0.30
Skylight U-Factor b n/a 0.50
Glazed Fenestration SHGC bye n/a n/a
Ceiling e 49 j 0.026
Wood Frame Wall 9,1 21 int 0.056
Floor 30 0.029
Below Grade Wall`h 10/15/21 int+TB 0.042
Slab M R-Value&Depth 10,2 ft n/a
R-values are minimums. U-factors and SHGC are maximums.When insulation is installed in a cavity that is less
a than the label or design thickness of the insulation,the compressed R-value of the insulation from Appendix
Table A101.4 shall not be less than the R-value specified in the table.
b The fenestration U-factor column excludes skylights. _
"10/15/21+5TB" means R-10 continuous insulation on the exterior of the wall,or R-15 continuous insulation on
the interior of the wall,or R-21 cavity insulation plus a thermal break between the slab and the basement wall at
c the interior of the basement wall. "10/15/21+5TB"shall be permitted to be met with R-13 cavity insulation on
the interior of the basement wall plus R-5 continuous insulation on the interior or exterior of the wall. "5TB"
means R-5 thermal break between floor slab and basement wall.
d R-10 continuous insulation is required under heated slab on grade floors.See Section R402.2.9.1.
Prescriptive Path—Single Family 2018 Washington State Energy Code-R
For single rafter-or joist-vaulted ceilings,the insulation maybe reduced to R-38 if the full insulation depth
e extends over the top plate of the exterior wall.
R-7.5 continuous insulation installed over an existing slab is deemed to be equivalent to the required perimeter
f slab insulation when applied to existing slabs complying with Section R503.1.1. If foam plastic is used,it shall
meet the requirements for thermal barriers protecting foam plastics.
For log structures developed in compliance with Standard ICC 400, log walls shall meet the requirements for
g climate zone 5 of ICC 400.
Int.(intermediate framing)denotes framing and insulation as described in Section n103.2.2 including standard
h framing 16 inches on center,78%of the wall cavity insulated and headers insulated with a minimum of R-10
Each dwelling unit in a residential building shall comply with sufficient options from Table R406.2 (fuel
normalization credits) and Table 406.3 (energy credits)to achieve the following minimum number of
credits.To claim this credit,the building permit drawings shall specify the option selected and the
maximum tested building air leakage and show the qualifying ventilation system and its control sequence
of operation.
1. Small Dwelling Unit: 3 credits
Dwelling units less than 1,500 sf in conditioned floor area with less than 300 sf of fenestration area.
Additions to existing building that are greater than 500 sf of heated floor area but less than 1,500 sf.
2. Medium Dwelling Unit:6 credits
All dwelling units that are not included in#1 or#3
3. Large Dwelling Unit: 7 credits
Dwelling units exceeding 5,000 sf of conditioned floor area
4. Additions less than 500 square feet: 1.5 credits
All other additions shall meet 1-3 above
Before selecting your credits on this Summary table,review the details in Table 406.3 (Single Family),on page 4.
Summary of Table R406.2
Heating Fuel Normalization Descriptions Credits-select ONE j User Notes
Options heating option
1 Combustion heating minimum NAECAb 0.0 1 _❑
2 Heat pump` 1.0 0 1.0
3 Electric resistance heat only-furnace or zonal -1.0 ❑
4 DHP with zonal electric resistance per option 3.4 0.5 El
5 All other heating systems -1.0 ❑
Energy Credits-select ONE
Options Energy Credit Option Descriptions energy option from each
P category_ _
1.1 Efficient Building Envelope 0.5 ❑
1.2 Efficient Building Envelope 1.0 ❑
1.3 Efficient Building Envelope _ 0.5 ,5
1.4 Efficient Building Envelope 1.0 ❑
1.5 Efficient Building Envelope 2.0 ❑
1.6 Efficient Building Envelope 3.0 ❑
1.7 Efficient Building Envelope 0.5 ❑
2.1 Air Leakage Control and Efficient Ventilation 0.5 [ rj
2.2 Air Leakage Control and Efficient Ventilation 1.0 ❑
2.3 Air Leakage Control and Efficient Ventilation 1.5 ❑
2.4 Air Leakage Control and Efficient Ventilation 2.0 ❑
3.la High Efficiency HVAC 1.0 ❑
3.2 High Efficiency HVAC 1.0 ❑
3.3a High Efficiency HVAC 1.5 ❑
3.4 High Efficiency HVAC 1.5 ❑
3.5 High Efficiencv HVAC 1.5
3.68 High Efficiency HVAC 2.0 - ❑
Prescriptive Path-Single Family 2018 Washington State Energy Code-R
4.1 High Efficiency HVAC Distribution System 0.5 ❑
4.2 High Efficiency HVAC Distribution System 1.0 ❑
5.1d Efficient Water Heating 0.5 ❑
5.2 Efficient Water Heating 0.5 ❑
5.3 Efficient Water Heating 1.0 ❑
5.4 Efficient Water Heating 1.5 ❑
5.5 Efficient Water Heating 2.0 Z.
5.6 Efficient Water Heating 2.5 ❑
6.10 Renewable Electric Energy(3 credits max) 1.0 ❑
7.1 Appliance Package 0.5
Total n
Credits ,�j
a. An alternative heating source sized at a maximum of 0.5 W/sf(equivalent) of heated floor area or 500 W,
whichever is bigger,may be installed in the dwelling unit.
b. Equipment listed in Table C403.3.2(4)orC403.3.2(5)
c. Equipment listed in Table C403.3.2(1)orC403.3.2(2)
d. You cannot select more than one option from any category EXCEPT in category 5.Option 5.1 may be combined
with options 5.2 through 5.6.See Table 406.3.
e. 1.0 credit for each 1,200 kWh of electrical generation provided annually, up to 3 credits max.
See the complete Table R406.2 for all requirements and option descriptions.
Please print only pages 1 through 3 of this worksheet for submission to your building official.
Prescriptive Path—Single Family 2018 Washington State Energy Code-R