HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD97-0940 SFR, Deck, and Garage - BLD Permit / Conditions - 12/8/1997 r MASON COUNTY Mason County Bldg. III 426 W. Cedar P.O. Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 F3 1_1 1 1 . V) I N c-� N L- €A 110 1 1 1 Ok I NSVI-u I ION,:* GAL.t 42 7-•9670� BETWEEN 5Trm AND Rem 427-7292 RLD97•-0940 PARCE1 t42008 76901 4 1 PL.A1 t DI V t RLK t, JOB ADDRESS : 60 F SkYLEITCLOW CT SHF-1.TON PERMIT OWNER t WARRFN' f nI VIM 427�: O ,n py r-XPIRATION CONTRACTOR ; 9AVF W/',I 'IFI1 I(:K r1ULL & LEGAL : E 331.34'Of TN 14 S111V 151159 IN i Of SP #2319 DATE -- CLASS OF WORK tNUW E31 OR e 3 if?( ANOIINT BY JAIF R HA � fC[IPI 11T'Pi A00111 Rf BATE O fIF] I .� TYPE OV t1S;E , . . :`7 V c T ON 'E S . . . . . . : 1 �s �.....:_-=-s. �<:;�r,•:_ �.-x-=�Y:.�-�.�:��:.�_.,,� .�a.......�:--Y-- �:__�-.�_<.-�,��:_,�->:�•� OCCUP . GROUP t'1 RI DG . HE IGH1 ., . : 0 . of ? 1PRN1 $ 505.50 Ili 1210810 46644 �ENCP $ ,Oe iY%t 121081"'t 46044 TYPE OF CONSf . %7 f IAEPL.A(.kS . . . . .. 91 IPIM $ '13,60 INJ i210419i 460x4 OCCU1' . 1.OAD . . . . 0 W0nDSTOVFS . . . , t 1 INCH $ 64.00 TV 12109197 46844 � DVVFI I .UNITS . . t 0 PARKING SPACFSt 0 IFIRP $ 11,03 (NJ (2198197 46014 INSPECT ION AREA t 2 SHORE I_ INF7 N F 1 4.50 TV 12108147 46044 TOTAL: h&t.60 VALULATIONt 81101 � 6cs^�>.:..Ica:ax^.xta.r.+..xaaxn.•ersea::xa:rsaa�:r.^�=-.r+.:�.-.�r::r:�r-a �':.�1ts::r.�c.a�•r:z�ic+esan::,3:a..^sr+,msn.m.—.,z+z-.n:•es r-::.ar.� Lf7F3ACKti: - _ TOILETS . . . . . . . . . . 2 FUEI Tl'Ft.S-- - _.____,._. BOI1._ERS/GOMf�,�-----_ MOB. 11.1- Hr?AIE--- FRONT . . .W 75 .Ott BATH BV', I N ; . . . . . . t 3 t 0--3 NF' 0 HEAR . . , .F 50 .oft BATH Tt.BS) . . , . , . . . t r_' 3 -15 IIP . : 0 MOVEL, 31DE ( 1 ? ,N N OPt SHOWFEI�: . . . .. . 0 VI.IPN { 100K BTU , 0 1s)- 30 HP . MAKF S I DF (2 ) .S 6 'Of t WATER HEATERS . 1 TURN '-10OK BTI9 : 0 30-60 HP . t 0 S,HRL. 1NE. . 0 ,Oft CIOTIIFS WVHfRS . t 1 FU14N - FLOOR . . . : 1 543.1 HP . s,_(n YFAR.- AREA -- - ._ .__..._ _.__ KITCHEN SINKS . . . . : 1 HEAT PUMP . . . . . . 0 � LOT SIZE — FL.00P 014; INS , . . . . 0 VFNT SYSTFMS . , 0 FVAP 0001_E-R,4g 0 LF NGI I1 - 0 BUILDING - - 15503 f DRINKING FOUNT - -, . 0 VENT FANS . . . . 4 HOOD,) . . . . . . .A 0 WIDTH . 3 0 BASEMENT . . . : VIE't [ AUNPR Y TRAYS . . . , Its DOMF S- . I NC I N�0 SF I`4 I Al 4 DECKS . . . . . . . 300Sf D i SHWAK;HE.RS, . . . . 1 AIR HANDLING UNITS--- COMMI I NC I N s tO CARlCARPiG !•'l6-,f GARS 1)1 . P0S,AL '.> . .. , : 0 w 10000 otm . . 0 PELCr(,IRFPAIR 1 4i ATIDT . :A IJR INAL ,� . : 0 �} 104300 ctin . : 0 OTHER UNITS,..5� G;1 M I :C I'1. A F I X1liftf- : 0 'iA 0011 FTS 1F 0 s^abror.:x�'s:�r^.:`stze:aeclr...^e^:s¢mersxra::see.�r7="xca�.--:::.a:.�..cxss-.:^_r:•rznx.:�.^x:.•:^�.acsr x:fa¢i^�zro�^.-z:.y:,s:,..:cyrw:rmr.x:...,xxa:a;:-.x�a.:-ewroKx.:,�.R_.�+rks.v:;:.rz:era:�:we:rnresr.c:c^.:+rmua..rs:.•.sez�ss m:x--u._..x...:-,-.:::c:.. �.�R;:..r:. :...e..vc as.«. -:+rs:xa�.v_<:..um P10!EC( DESCOIFIIOCO ES17ENCE, IIECL APO GARA6f tiJ PROJECT IOCATIONt111Y 101 TO 9"11011 AIRPORT RO PIS1 0RRE.01011 C10TER RI.(if91 TUR9 10 0AVION TFAIIS, GO TO TOP M. Nlll IURN 11FNo SIRA1Gdi INIhsD 0141 0 1rVE11A(f GO �IRAIGNI TO ENO TUP,N 0101 SREfT CIOVff CT. TNIS PFRNIT BECONES NUII AND V01D if 1041( AUTNORI'FD IS 401 CONNENCED WITHIN 180 PAIS, 49 IF CUNSTRNfTIOpfOR ti� IS sllrpfNpfo OF R PERtOD Of 161 DAYS AT ANY T(NF AFTER 10RU 'IS C099fNQ V fV1OENCE OF C.0NIINVAI-IOA Of 1011 1s A P10GIF-33 INSPECT WA 11THI14 tNE 181 OAY%iiN IAV FINAL 1N?P4 ICN NUS1 9E 41110R,VFO RFFORF BNIIDIbG CAN RE OCCUM O: 1Nf R OR AGENT, 1\2111T , rev, 93131191 COMPLIANCE TO Ai TACHVD CyOND I I IONS It. RE0111 RED CONCRETE MECHANICAL MOBILE HOME Footings-Setback date by Ribbons ` date by Gas Piping date b Foundation Walls date by Set Up date by INSULATION date by BG/SLAB Insulation Floors Final date by date by date by FRAMING Walls FIRE DEPT. date by date by date by PLUMBING OTHER Groundwork Attic date by date by D.W.V. WALLBOARD NAILING date by date by Water Line FINAL INSPECTION date by / date by date by l! L"— t /�� 1�1 �.eo�a r Y1��rP -. 'C" 1'� O w t�v i� Y\Q.r J►n 0. �y��Lr _ I MASON COUNTY Mason County Bldg. 111 426 W, Cedar P.O. Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 PE PM I -V f-_ C") N " 1 '11- 1 C:) I' Case No . ! 131,J)97-0940 For WARF(FN COLVIN Page I 1 ) phis app I t i!a-k I rvot is c tob Je4ot to flut ter end 1. ati(', f-ap I i-i(I f-eclu i i oweiii s as es tiio I i �.ht!d tonder. Mason Coutity Ordinanae 1 '011 .036 , 2 ) The use , Iiand I I nq rind storage of hazardous water i a I s or f I ammahl e and combtist I bi e I lqu I do I to exee,:,s of 19) ga I I ons J s not a I I owed w I thout t tie hpprova I of the Mason Ccon I v Fire Marshal . 3 ) Pro osed structu o rt structure car any Fort thee rof qreatet than 30" in height t. from erode I I ne, musIt, maintain a minimum 'of 5 ' setback from all property linet, , easements and 10 ' from a 1 1 , Cott4 rod S1 ate Road r I ght of ways 4 ) Sub leot to c(ond i t I oiis of Aqu I fer Not I f #,(;at I on I e tt ei- X � 1 5 ) At I approved pl arcs are- reclu I red trk he on—, Ito fur i iicpect ' Oft rurpot'-,V.-s If I nfpect I on Is oal led for and plans are not on site Approval WILL NOT be granted . In addition , a Re- tnspection fee itt the amount of *32 .66 per hour (minimum I hour ) will tie oharsl ed and must be collected by this department prior to any further Inspections being performed or approval granted . 6 1 PURSUANT TO a994 1,1NIFORM FAUll-DING (;00F , 1;ECTION 305((., ) AND `,FCTION 1,513 , Alt S141-S MUSI HAVE APPROVED NUMBERS OR ADDRESSE !' PROVIDED IN SUCH A POSITION AS TO BE PLAINLY VISIBI.F AND LEGIBLE FROM THE STREET OR ROAD FRONTING THE PPOPFRTY . MASON COUNTY St)I I P I NG DEPARTMENT REQUIRE',',, T14AT THIS BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO CAI-LING FOR ANY SITF INSPFCTIONS . A REINSPECTION FEE ., BAc'#rD ON RATES INJArit_F 3A OF 1-1-IF 1994 IYNIFORM 13011-DING CODE WILL (IF ASSESSED IF OWNER /CONTRACTOR FAILS TOPOST A,DDRFSS ON SITE PRIOR TO REQUESTING INSPECTIONS . r CONCRETE MECHANICAL MOBILE HOME Footings-Setback date by Ribbons date by Gas Pipmg date b Foundation Walls date by Set Up date by INSULATION date by BG/SLAB Insulation Floors Final date by date by date by FRAMING Walls FIRE DEPT. date by date by date by PLUMBING OTHER Groundwork Attic date by date by D.W.V. WALLBOARD NAILING date by date by Water Line FINAL INSPECTION date by date by date by I MASON COUNTY Mason County Bldg.. III 426 W, Cedar RO, Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 x 7 ) ALL GOVISPUCT I ON MUST MEET OR FxCFED AL t LOCAL CODE �!- AND ORG RFUt11 RFMENTs . 8 ) Owner r ezjions i b i e for, prey i nu hook up f gyres pr I car t o f I n , I i r+f"L+0c:t j nn Inc# x CONCRETE MECHANICAL MOBILE HOME Footings-Setback date by Ribbons date by Gas Piping date b Foundation Walls date by Set Up date by INSULATION date by BG/SLAB Insulation Floors Final date by date by date by FRAMING Walls FIRE DEPT. date by date by date by PLUMBING Attic OTHER Groundwork date by date by D.W.V. WALLBOARD NAILING date by date by Water Line FINAL INSPECTION date by date by date by I i Building Permit # MASON COUNTY BUILDING `ill 426 W. CEDAR SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584 (360) 427-9670 CORRE TION NOTICE Job Location o s c-(oocr c- 4- This structure has been inspected by Mason County Building Department and the following VIOLATION of County Laws and Ordinances has been found: were- Wr- , +►�,. �s -- Items listed below must be corrected to gain code compliance �. le s or. cg o cr U c:r e- T i d rG ke-t Ho I c�f 4,0 f&./_ 'ice e-jo 4=- cJ�. 5��4' l Ole You are hereby notified that the above corrections shall be made BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH ANY FURTHER WORK ,L.Call for re-inspection when corrections are made before continuing ❑ Make corrections, items will be checked on next inspection ❑ OK to Department Date 3- z c, - 95� Inspector Z ■ on NUT irMOV THF Tmkolw Building Permit # MASON COUNTY BUILDING III 426 W. CEDAR SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584 (360) 427-9670 CORRECTION NOTICE Job Location AO ,S'�Czj This structure has been inspected by Mason County Building Department and the following VIOLATION of County Laws and Ordinances has been found: Items listed below must be corrected to gain code compliance (! n z n o c.J �o Se Q jg�QA Q S IG,raa — e--NQz l h arO J c J e— ez" bt..s�i.tY G t r for 7 t �Z.rnkc� �t_ � , - ,,I'• ._. S� mob . �f De,- 1, ooa 6 t,, ,ez-� r r- 0 � rOf-li- OvC.' J 5t� S J Uc/\ c� �J N� C J L� L j6-0 G .4- cJ e, rCJ I L 1 t l•` �] ) r4 f t cJLrv- C/ CV 6a.- lO. '�I >4 Cc` T �LZ �`C� rQln54Ic C��G- ��^CJ 4- You are hereby notified that the above corrections shall be made BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH ANY FURTHER WORK ❑ Call for re-inspection when corrections are made before continuing ❑ Make corrections, items will be checked on next inspection ❑ OK to Department Date Inspector nool NO *T 'MO OV THI , TAL Lem i Building Permit # MASON COUNTY BUILDING III 426 W. CEDAR SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584 (360) 427-9670 CORRECTION NOTICE Job Location bo '5-')-,ef C,(ou el.1 e- This structure has been inspected by Mason County Building Department and the following VIOLATION of County Laws and Ordinances has been found: Items listed below must be corrected to gain code compliance 4 s �, 61 D J---,5 cr c, c, c c-,e! cJ1' t 5 5 . lzc� (. / l� $�r o►1r .ice / ^ ', 17 r. sfu 1 �/' ate-, b L You are hereby notified that the above corrections shall be made BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH ANY FURTHER WORK gCall for re-inspection when corrections are made before continuing • Make corrections, items will be checked on next inspection ❑ OK to Department 1302 Date 3- 2 w- 96 Inspector .� ■ oo 0 No OT MnV THI T' ,*-m Building Permit #--bLD(?7— no/`/O MASON COUNTY ` BUILDING 111 426 W. CEDAR SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584 (360) 427-9670 CORRECTION NOTICE Job Location E ( O e-eACj0jCr c_� e-c1,, r e k,f,) a�_c_-�-►e�, This structure has been inspected by Mason County Building Department and the following VIOLATION of County Laws and Ordinances has been found: Items listed below must be corrected to gain code compliance XC,J-f-1 4L Ae I-e i-�- 7/r&' + Y. 6 P� 1 L�efir -),-A e-- r�5 f'�ir,�i r -6e-4, con You are hereby notified that the above corrections shall be made BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH ANY FURTHER WORK %'Q,'all for re-inspection when corrections are made before continuing ❑ Make corrections, items will be checked on next inspection ❑OK to Department 1 c e Date Inspector 1-4--1 ■ 40 NnT 'MnV ' TH 1- T' ,* M Building Permit # Q 7— MASON COUNTY • BUILDING III 426 W. CEDAR SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584 (360) 427-9670 CORRECTION NOTICE Job Location C Lo O C4c_10-Dcr cJ This structure has been inspected by Mason County Building Department and the following VIOLATION of County Laws and Ordinances has been found: ` Items listed below must be corrected to gain code compliance J j 7 r( 1 .T �� r T e terr• -{-I•o__ ,13 c ; 12-1 r�-�; e ic f, 4(,-, x--�-cr -�,�.. Gz, d GI\r 4- 1 j T le, /4 r Sr?- /'G 4�r C.� � x3 n Ci r �if tea- You are hereby notified that the above corrections shall be made BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH ANY FURTHER WORK AS Call for re-inspection when corrections are made before continuing ❑ Make corrections, items will be checked on next inspection ❑ OK to Department l dCA Date 2- (0 -99 Inspector t ■ so * NOT Mo *V THI T ' 1 MASON COUNTY ` BUILDING III' 426 W. CEDAR SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584 (206) 427-9670 CORRECTION NOTICE Job Location ('��LV `. L �Gs i Ic i_1 ZI.BYI lJyld1 GAL C on This structure has been insp�cted by Mason County Building Department and the following VIOLATION of County Laws and Ordinances has been found: Items listed below must be corrected to gain code compliance 3, /.J!°�tti � !f� T�- L5 �� � n c� � �-G, T i G r9 5 An - c 15 cowfoe ram. a �e F �1�s e'er ,` T� (J/ L C✓�.b c� T ` .',- ems„n ,.� �r�- s/zc�� G IleYou are hereby notified that the above corrections shall be made BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH ANY FURTHER WORK ltc, .b ❑ Call for re-inspection when corrections are made before c ntinuing r. ❑ Make corrections, items will be checked on next inspection clam`"' c n ❑ OK to a f�� w�.' .'s ell Department Date /, 7 2 - i--� Inspector S. %�i>ct 01000 Co *T Mo *V THI T " ,�� MASON COUNTY BUILDING III 426 W. CEDAR SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584 (206) 427-9670 CORRECTION NOTICE Job Location e" /P AA This structure has been inspected by Mason County Building Department and the following VIOLATION of County Laws and Ordinances has been found: n© + rc4. .(,r Items listed below must be corrected to gain code compliance ��rl/�h �ram- ?Z l�, n rl /�/ ✓L1� �1 .S/�'nc� w L, i G. -Pro -) r Ye wIJ- Di ProJ�d I ' �S� �� r�n �'J" -�� eS You are hereby notified that tl e above corrections shall be made BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH ANY FURTHER WORK Call for re-inspection when corrections are made before continuing ❑ Make corrections, items will be checked on next inspection ❑ OKto Department Date Inspector ■ oo s NOOT MnV THI Tmk* M' 5.6C'K Permit No. CO'eRN(D MASON COUNTY iu �a r BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION !F'' Lo 426 W. Cedar/P.O. Box 186, Shelton, WA 98584 427-9670/1-800-562-5628 n(►(= a 8 1997 (Calling From: Seattle 464-6968, Belfair 275-4467, Elma 482-5269) PLEASE PRINT #1 Owner VV A21-€ M t DAWN C-o►U I N Phone# t427- g 6 76 11��r s-5'1 Site Address I&i (�d S w�t"T CLCtil�2 C"T Fire District# l lo City —St w R• Zip 78.T-8 y Directions to Job Site 4tuu�( /o l `ro D&-,T-6 N Pr12 o ox-r &b �AS.'—1 0 c2.2.tgyin Cr.NTtrL 21GHI: T�4fLW Tb b?3:::y7-0J _MA-) -S " -� To D o 1= H t L.L_ 7xk u L I FIT- 6-0 Ttt ie_> OCI 6 t'7— CLntrt2DAL.E &<�, s" - Li A6ftr I'a CND iu42-u atGHr S'iNt,,—_T- GLeyL-L ct. Owner Mailing Address 4 s( (Z-t--Q LM00A Cr. City St LI14- Zip Lien/Title Holder Address City St Zip #2 Contractor Name V A-v E W A t.T t=2I e.V, Contractor Reg # Address Expiration Date City St Zip Phone# #3 If septic is located on project site, include records. Connect to Septic? )!�_Public Water Supply_ Well Connect to Sewer System? Name of System (If residential, proof of potable water is required) #4 Parcel No. 4a 60 6 - ?g - 9 c> i LI Legal Description L cT 3 S tlan;r s-.A jD u.15m-P, Z'3 V? #5 Building Square Footage: 1 st FI i SSo 2nd FI 3rd FI Loft Basement # Bedrooms 3 # bathrooms Z- Deck jtC'C, Other Garage 3-7(o Carport (Circle�Attacher Detached?) #6 Use of building SF'(L Describe work gLAt(.-D Mt:(IJ #7 Type of Job: New _Add Alt Repair Other #8 MOBIL ANUFACTURED HOME INFORMATION Model Year Make el Length Serial No. #Bedroom throoms Type of Heat P se Price$ #9 Indicates' in the plicable source if any water is on or adjacent to subject property: River Pond Wetland Lake Marsh Saltwater Seasonal Runoff Other Show following on the site plan Lot Dimensions Fences Existing Structures Driveways Z Structure Setbacks Shorelines Water Lines Topography Drainage Plan Wells Septic Systems Easements Proposed Improvements R� Name of Side Street Indicate Directional by (N, S, E, W) Name of Fronting Street in relation to plot plan APPLICANT TO DRAW SITE PLAN BELOW 336 �- c `SG x r APPLICANT TO DRAW TOPOGRAPHY PROFILE BELOW d 0/0 I Plumbing Fixtures ($3.35 each) Fee Mechanical Fixtures ($6.75 each) No. ?.Toilets CIRCLE FUEL TYPE: Gas, Electric, .� Bath Basins Heatpump, Other t;;!CCAr�` FLA-(RNANG T 2-Bath Tubs No. Units Fees Showers Fu rn BTU 1—Hot Water Htr _ Heatpumps t Laundry Washer _ Vent Systems Sinks Lf Spot Vent Fans 27 " oa Floor Drains No. Boilers/Compressors _Laundry Basins _ HP Dishwasher No. Air Handling Units _Disposal _ cfm# Urinals No. Fire Protection Systems Other _ Auto. Fire Alarm Sys 50.00 f 1* 3 .3 r` 36.6y- _ Fixed Fire Supp. Sys 50.00 Permit Basic Fee 16.75 _ Auto Fire Sprink Sys 35.00 TOTAL PLUMBING $ 3- �'b No. Other Gas Outlets �o r Wood as, elIet Stove 33•cc NOTICE: THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COM- MENCED WITHIN 180 DAYS OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR Permit Basic Fee 16.75 WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD b OF 180 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCED. PROOF OF CONTINUATION OF WORK IS BY MEANS OF A PROGRESS INSPECTION. OWNERS AFFIDAVIT CONTRACTORS AFFIDAVIT I CERTIFY THAT I AM EXEMPT FROM THE REQUIRE- I CERTIFY THAT I AM A CURRENTLY REGISTERED MENTS OF THE CONTRACTORS REGISTRATION LAW CONTRACTOR IN THE STATE OF WASHINGTON AND I RCW 18.27, AND AM AWARE OF THE MASON COUNTY AM AWARE OFTHE ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS REGU- ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR WHICH THIS PER- LATING THE WORKFOR WHICH THE PERMIT IS ISSUED MIT IS ISSUED AND THAT ALL WORK DONE WILL BE IN AND ALL WORK DONE WILL BE IN CONFORMANCE CONFORMANCE THEREWITH. NO CHANGES SHALL BE THEREWITH. NO CHANGES SHALL BE MADE WITHOUT MADE WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING APPROVAL FROM FIRST OBTAINING APPROVAL FROM THE BUILDING THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. DEPARTMENT. X OWNER X BY DATE DATE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: Accepted by: Date: DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Approved Cond. Hold Approv I t Planning: g ��s Environmental Health: , Building Plan Review �C;C �f�7 Idlsnl D�Z Occupancy Group: Type of Const: Fire Marshal: Other: Special Conditions: FEES /S'5-0 x q(, z -7/.3 00 Building Permit s ,S7 G -c �3-�D 7, 7 Plan Check 8 0 Plumbing Fee Mechanical Fee (a�• o0 Wood/Gas/Pellet Stove 83 ,oO Violation Fee Site Inspection l Building State Fee y, $-"1:1 Other EfP fLay c-t-Lx-1 G, 0 a Other Other Building Valuation: g ��/ TOTAL FEE p Alb ``" WATTSUN 5 . 4 1991 WA STATE ENERGY CODE COMPLIANCE REPORT 07/15/97 FILE: G: \\APPS\\WATTSUNS\\NEWFILE HOUSE ID: Colvin -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Site : Dayton Trails Analyst : Debbera Coker Jurisdiction: Mason County ( ) - Utility: PUD #3 Homeowner: Warren and Dawn Colvin House Type : Single Family Floor Area: 1553 ft2 Builder: Weather Data: Olympia, WA Climate Zone : 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The PROPOSED design *COMPLIES* with 1991 WA State Energy Code . REFERENCE PROPOSED COMPONENT PERFORMANCE 333 270 Btu/hr-F ENERGY BUDGET 8 . 38 5 . 21 kWh/ft2-yr ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ REFERENCE DESIGN Reference Component Value X Area = UA ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- Floor U-0 . 041 1553 63 . 7 Glazing @150-. U-0 . 650 232 . 9 151 .4 Doors U-0 .400 21 . 0 8 .4 AG Wall U-0 . 062 828 51 . 3 Ceiling, Attic U-0 . 036 1625 58 . 5 Infiltration ACH-0 . 350 12728ft3 ( 81 . 5) ---------------------------- Reference UA 333 -------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ PROPOSED DESIGN COMPONENTS Component Description Value X Area = UA -------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Floor R30 vented Joist 16oc U-0 . 029 1553 45 . 0 --------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items in parentheses not included in COMPONENT PERFORMANCE totals . ** Denotes non-standard values - check calculation of thermal value . Page 1 WATTSUN 5 . 4 1991 WA STATE ENERGY CODE COMPLIANCE REPORT 07/15/97 FILE: G:\\APPS\\WATTSUNS\\NEWFILE HOUSE ID : Colvin Glazing @170-. **DEFAULT GLAZING CLASS 40 U-0 . 400 259 . 0 103 . 6 Doors **PEACHTREE "AVANTI" A300 METAL ENTRY U-0 . 090 21 . 0 1 . 9 AG Wall R21 INT T1-11- U-0 . 056 802 - 44 . 9 Skylights @20-. 2G1 Vinyl 1/2" w/low-E U-0 . 520 28 . 0 14 . 6 Ceiling R38 blown Attic STD baffled U-0 . 031 384 11 . 9 R38 blown Scissor 4 : 12 STD baffled U-0 . 040 1213 48 . 5 Infiltration Standard Air Sealing ACH-0 . 350 12728ft3 ( 81 . 5) ---------------------------- Proposed UA 270 Struc Mass Light Frame, Sheetrock walls M- 3 . 000 1553 4659 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HEATING/COOLING/VENTILATING SYSTEMS PROPOSED Heating System Type : Propane Make : Default Model : xyz/ System Efficiency: 92 0 Modified Efficiency: 70 % Design ACH: 0 . 60 Design Load (at 53F dt) : 22480 Btu/hr Duct Losses (% Dsn Load) : 5885 Btu/hr (260-.) Total Load: 28365 Btu/hr System Size : 42500 Btu/hr (1500-.) Average Annual Heat : 40 MBtu Annual Cost : $ 592 Ventilation System: Integrated Spot & Whole House Cooling System: NONE SEER: 0 . 0 (Ducted) Cooling Load (at 5F dt) : Btu/hr System Size (%Over) : tons (@125%) Annual Cool Requirement : kWh/yr Solar Access : Partially Shaded ------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- Page 2 WATTSUN 5 .4 1991 WA STATE ENERGY CODE COMPLIANCE REPORT 07/15/97 FILE: G:\\APPS\\WATTSUN5\\NEWFILE HOUSE ID: Colvin -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROPOSED DUCT SYSTEM Location Avg Rvalue Surface Area ------------ ------------------------------------- SUPPLY Vented crawlspace R- 8 . 0 310 . 6 ft2 RETURN Attic or garage R- 8 . 0 62 . 1 ft2 ----------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- GLAZING ORIENTATION PROPOSED PROPOSED South 64 . 7ft2 North 64 . 7ft2 Southeast : Northwest : East 64 . 7 West 64 . 7 Northeast : Southwest : -------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ Economic and energy consumption estimates are designed for comparative purposes only. Actual cost for heating will vary depending on weather conditions, occupant lifestyle and other factors . Page 3 T MASON COUNTY BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1991 WASHINGTON STATE ENERGY CODE AND VENTILATION AND INDOOR AIR QUALITY CODE RESIDENTIAL REQUIREMENTS (NEW CONSTRUCTION, ADDITIONS, &REMODELS) THE PROCESSING OF YOUR APPLICATION CAN BE EXPEDITED IF YOU PROVIDE COMPLETE AND DETAILED INFORMATION. YOU ARE ENCOURAGED TO COMPLY TO THE 1991 WSEC BY UTILIZING THE APPROPRIATE PRESCRIPTIVE PATH FOR YOUR PROJECT. THIS WILL ALSO HELP EXPEDITE MATTERS. THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION MUST BE PROVIDED: 1) A complete window schedule must be submitted with your WSEC compliance information, even if a window schedule is included on your building plans. Note that sliding glass doors (patio), french doors, and any door with 50% or more glass in it is considered a window with the area (sq.ft.) being the entire units rough opening dimensions. Any windows in doors (less than 50% of area) must be taken out of the door area and put into the window area on the schedule. This window schedule must minimally show the dimensions of the rough openings of each window, the model (casement, horizontal slider, single hung, awning, picture, etc...), and the units tested U-value. 2) If you are complying to the WSEC by prescriptive path and are using the area weighted averaging method you must include your calculations (worksheet). 3) Indicate type of hot water heater, location of exhaust fans (bathrooms, laundry, kitchen), the location of your whole house fan, and all insulation levels (walls, floors, ceilings, and slab) on your building plans. 4) Indicate how you will comply with the requirement for introducing fresh air to each habitable room on your building plans (window frame vents, through the wall ports, or an integrated system with your furnace). 5) Using electric heat or a heat pump??? If so, you may be eligible for an incentive from, from your local utility. For more information contact PUD #3 at 426-0777 or PUD #1 at 877-5249. 6) Questions? Call Debbera Coker at the Mason County Building Department at (360) 427-9670 ext. 284. MASON COUNTY BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1991 WASHINGTON STATE ENERGY CODE AND VENTILATION AND INDOOR AIR QUALITY CODE OWNER (,-j Att(t._L,N E DAWN Ca&V)N TELEPHONE 1�2-7-%070 COMPLIANCE INFORMATION TYPE OF PROJECT: (k NEW RESIDENCE() ADDITION()REMODEL()OTHER AREA(SQ.FT.) 1ST FLOOR S O 2ND FLOOR HEATED BASEMENT Note: Heated basements must be insulated and finished to meet minimum energy code requirements. TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF CONDITIONED (DATED) AREA !S-5-0 COMPLIANCE METHOD: ( ) PRESCRIPTIVE PATH -- circle option -- I II III IV V VI VII VIII Glazing percentage (total glazing area divided by total conditioned area) ( ) COMPONENT PERFORMANCE — Chapter 5 -- attach documentation and worksheets 09 SYSTEMS ANALYSIS — WATTSUN 5.2 -- attach documentation and worksheets WATER DATER ( ) Electric water heater W Gas water heater DATING SYSTEM: ELECTRIC RESISTANCE ( ) Electric Central Furnace ( ) Electric Wall Heaters ( ) Baseboard Units O Radiant Panels N Other OTHER FUELS ( ) Heat Pump with electric furnace ( ) Heat pump with gas furnace X Gas F Furnace ��Oil Furnace O Other O Boiler System(indicate type) Make Model Size AFUE HSPF VENTILATION SYSTEM: ( ) Spot and Whole House ( ) Central Ducted System VIntegrated with Furnace ( ) Heat Recovery System (air to air heat exchanger — heat recovery heat pump) GENERAL NOTES: Your building plans should indicate certain compliance measures: framing to be used (standard, intermediate, advanced); type of vapor barriers being used; location of furnaces, hot water tanks and other equipment; location of solid fuel burning appliances, fireplaces and their combustion air duct runs; and termination points of exhaust ventilation fans. • WINDOW & DOOR SCHEDULE WINDOWS INCLUDE ALL WINDOWS, SKYLIGHTS, SLIDING GLASS DOORS, FRENCH DOORS AND STORE DOORS. ANY WINDOWS IN DOORS (LESS THAN 50% OF AREA) MUST BE TAKEN OUT OF THE DOOR AREA AND PUT INTO THE WINDOW AREA ON THE SCHEDULE. BRAND MODEL U-VALUE QUANTITY SIZE TOTAL SQ. FT. m►� �h�2r� 5i.D Pec.cz • (' 2 606 (3 � I ACT- c 2c 2a b� YL 3e 1 `f 2- 3 G 2 3` �G 30 , cr es'c zC= CT- 6-s s' RZ jLo y ° 5x Q I-ri r" k, L( 2tZc: TOTAL WINDOW AREA DOORS BRAND MODEL U-VALUE LOCATION SIZE TOTAL SQ. FT. CAC MT/Lte TOTAL DOOR AREA 1991 WASHINGTON STATE ENERGY CODE AND VENTILATION AND INDOOR AIR QUALITY CODE PRESCRIPTIVE PATHS OTHER FUELS (GAS, OIL, HEAT PUMP) HVAC- Glazing wag Wag int' Wag ext' Slab' Equip. %Floor Gla Doors Vaulted Above Below Below on Option Effic. Arta U-Value U-Value C444-igz Ceiling' Grade Grade Grade Floor Grade I. Med. 10% 0.70 0.40 R-30 R-30 R-15 P,15 R-10 R-19 R-10 Mod. 12% 0.65 0.40 R-30 R-30 R-15 R-15 R-10 R-19 R-10 1-49h 21% 0.75 0.40 R-30 R-30 R49 R49 R-10 R-19 R-10 xx. . ..... Reference case V. LOW 21% 0.60 0.40 R-30 R-30 R49 R-19 R-10 R-19 R-10 V1.7 Mod. 25% 0.50 040 R-38 R-30 R49 R-19 R-10 R-25 R-10 V11.7 Mod. 30% 0.45 0.40 R-30 R-30 R49 R-19 R-10 R-25 R-10 1 Wrwrsx"r%qkmramwvb4 for each option listed- For exwrV44,if a proposed design has 5 Room craw}spaoes or exposed to amb-1 air condbons. a QL&INV ratio to the oondf("ned Yoor area of I Qwf�it"o3ffv4y with all of the r,sqkwwTW'Ax of the 21%giaxwV option(or hq xw). Proposed do"m vh,"ch card'oo( 6 Requiewl slab ponmetvira-uWson shall be a water rs4mum material,rramd dured meet de specAc rsquwwr-rft of a lie ad option above,may calculate compliance for its intended use.and in"lod according to fflanuladurseg specifications. See by Chapters 4 or 5 o(the oode. *.ctJoct 602.4. 2 P-quww-'ft &PP6"to all 0&4nqs&=-P("V4 fatter or joist v*AA*d coar-gs. 7 The"op(orw shop be appk&64 to buildings 64s than three stories. 'Ads/d-44"A,*.aro-d Framed Cilirn- 8 Ttm veep mvLaboei reclwomam d-o(*4 P,19 wall city inwwion plus R-5 foam 3 Requk-wrarx appke�only to single raher of joist vaunted omings. sh"fwg. 4 8*4o-w grade walk"be irmulated ether on the axtswior to&s' frinirm"level of P' 9 Wir�iffum WAC Equipw� �etkis recliAren-wit. tow"�"cl*nofaa an AFUE of 0.74. weJs above grade. Ertmotmolabon 'Alec'dwso(se w AFUE of 0.78 }High'denotes an AFUE of 0.8a. irmtaged on beio�grade walk*W be"vmuw rosmem material,nuv"saured for its mrAe-dod use,and instateda000rdiN to tt»marxAactwoes spociticustiom. see "CWn 11022 ELECTRIC RESISTANCE HEAT Gig wait Wag int' Wag ext` Slaba %Floor GlaziV Doors Vaulled Above BGIOW BG;OW on Option Area U-V" U-Value CoWng4l C4WW1g' Grade Grade Grade Floor Grade 1. 10% 0.46 0.40 R-38 R-30 R-21 R-21 R-10 R-30 R-10 11. 12% 0.43 0.20 R-38 Ft-30 R-19 R-19 R-10 R-30 R-10 Ill. 12% 0.40 0.40 R-38 R-30 R-21 R-21 R-10 R-30 R-10 ......... Reference case V. 18% 0.39 0-20 R-38 R-30 R-21 R-21 R-10 R-30 R-10 V1. 21% 0.36 020 R-38 R-30 R-21 R-21 R-10 R-30 R-10 V11.7 25% om 0.20 R-38 R-30 R-19+R-5' R-21 R-10 R-30 R-10 10111.7 30% 0.32 0.20 R-38 R-30 R-19+R-5' R-21 R-10 R-30 R-10 I M irwrum re*WWnwAs for each option limloi For exatroie.W a proposed design has 6 Floors over craw(spaoss or exposed to wrb-'K air oond6ons. a 94&rwv ratio to the owxlotiote Wbor area of IM it"oomply with all o(dw -q-of 0-21%96-V opt-(-hiqN-1. Proposed 6esigrat which cannot 6 Required slob peewre(w rtaAAstom th&A be a water mistAM malws&L ftur1u1J6dw6d nest the OPeo6o r6cKmsffwn4*of a listed option above,may calaiiw*oorrpiw%os W its imand.d wee,and installed a000rclicv to mArAgacturoes spocilicaiiore. S" by Chapters 4 of 6 of this ood*, section 602-4. 2 Requwwriseft spOse to all oeAr"exomtx single rafter of ptat veined coa-"Vs, 7 The"options 1W be am6c"to buildings less than three storiva. 'AdV d-%ot"Advanced F:rwrwd Ceilirtg. A This wall rwilmipon requvsm"deno4aa pr 19 wag cavity wvsuWion pies R-5 loam 3 PAqukwn*M applicable only 60 skVie rahor at joist vaunted ceilings. sheathing. 4 Golow grade walk"be mulcted either on the exterior to a rrminirnum level of R- 10,or on the ir"ecoor bo the swrw level as walla above grade. Exterior icmAmsom retailed on boiow grade waJis"be a muor mK*&-A material,ffwLmX&&ur*d for As rKwWod use.and metalled&coofdaV to the ffwKAacttm*es speedwAtom. See sootion 6022