HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOM2013-00016 Cell Tower Changes - COM Application - 2/21/2013 B U I L D I N (7. MASON COUNTY PERMIT NO. 0 o m 2013-G0O I(p BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 426 W. Cedar• P.O. Box 186, Shelton, WA 98584 —A ! I-A n Shelton (360) 427-9670•Belfair(360) 275-4467• Elma (360)482-5269 On the web www.co.mason.wa.us APPLICANT INFORMATION CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Applicant:Sprint Spectrum c/o Smartlink,LLC(Allison Zike,Agent) Company Name'BD Mailing Address 14432 SE Eastoate way.Ste 260 Mailing Address City BelleVUe State WA Zip Code 98007 City State Zip Code Phone 425-274-4444z112 Other Ph. Phone Other Ph. Lien/Title Holder Contractor Reg.m Exp. E mail address allison zike@smartrnalc com E Mail Address Drivers Lic.# DOB Drivers Lic.# DOB SEPTIC/WATER SYSTEM INFORMATION -Connect to New Septic Existing Septic Connect to Water System Name of Water System Well Water System Name of Water System PARCEL INFORMATION- 12 Digit Parcel No '2216-75-90044 Fire astrict Legal DBSCfIptlOn TR 4 D OF SURV 15/99 TR 4 OF SP#2033 SURVEY 32/97 _ �� c- ) [� Site Address(Please include street e, stree umber and city)�"wy 302 Directions to site Will timber be cut and sold inrWarcel prepa on?Yes 'A Is property within 200'of SalfWter " ke "'A River Creek "/ and "/�_ Wetland INA Seasonal Runoff w am N/A Slo or Blu 1 Is this permit submittal the result of a Sto k Notice,Correctio lice r enforcement actiopli Ye4o TYPE OF JOB-New Add Alt XX Repair Other PR ARY RESIDENCE ONAL ❑ Use of Building Telecommunication Facility Des a Work Rep1dCe'apg`adeth (3 ant r °e(1)e°ulPme,"bine1Ahef sy,t,m 49.19l(2)ewpm n,' b,n" oms No. Square Footage- oor 2nd rd F{oor Basemen Deck Cover Deck Other Garage Attac Detached C :IirAttached ached MANUFAC RMATION-Make Year Lengt th Sett f Bedrooms Ba s Ty of Heat Purchase Replacement Uni Ye o 16staller Name I Certification O+"N bmission of inaccurate t in a stop work vledgement of such is by low. at t am the owner,own legal tive,or the con I fu tare that I to receive this permit and to rk as in the application. d that I obtained the permission all the necessary f permission is required from erne ho er or any other party ere rding ,s application or the work pro in b ie-appli n,I have obtained 'on from e ply for this permit and con ^t wo ased. The ow r or ag t on owners behalf,rep r is thal information provided is a to is employees Mason u the abovegl rty and structure for ew and on. PR FOFC NTINU W M O GRESS INSPECT]O X Date*. Owner i rs Represanta /Contra r (indl e which one) AF FOR OFFICIAL USE BEYO THIS POIN d by Date DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW XPPROVED DENIED OTE Building Department "LAZ At Planning Department l S ( V- ,- Environmental Health Department Public Works Department Fire Marshal FEES Aw Building Permit Fee Site I I action Plan Review Fee E view Fe Plumbing&Base Fee nnin Re Fee Mechanical& Base fee Other Wood/Gas/Pellet Stove Fee State Fee Violation Fee Pre-Paid at Submittal Valuation$20,000 TOTAL FEES � 8 ! t t • `j r i Ilk �! .s r 02-21 -13A09 : 51 bvf'1 LD1 (%r ' Name5Qrilkt-+44ZC r-UmDU I . MASON-COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FEE CALCULATION WORKSHEET DETERMINATION Occupancy Type Square Footage Valuation Total Valuation Amount (sq. ft. x valuation) Residence /Addition /Basement $105.93 $ Garage/Storage $39.83 $ Unfinished Basement $15.00 $ Deck $14.34 $ Carport/Covered Deck $20.38 $ Other I I'V1D(� $ 00 TOTAL VALUATION $ c 6 OW , ob Estimated Plan Review Fee: $ 2-06 , e-)� Planning Dept. Review Fee ($205,$330,$70): $ GEO - Geo-technical Review Fee ($255.00): $ jd Addressing Fee ($173.50): $ Ej< Fire Access& GraderReviewTee ($73.00): $ n Other: n© TOTAL DUE WHEN PERMIT IS SUBMITTED: $ The estimated plan review fee is based upon information provided at the time of application and is subject t chan le. PI nin Department fee is a flat fee which is due when permit is submitted. Building permit fee, mechanical, and plu fees will be calculated during plan review. The balance of all other fees will be collected when permit is issued. ESTIMATED BUILDING PERMIT FEES Building Permit Fee (ICC, Table 1 — Building Valuation Data) $ 3 -a I 5 Estimated Mechanical Fees (U.M.C. , Table 1-A) $ Estimated Plumbing Fees (U.P.C. ,Table 1-1) $ State Fee: $ 4.50 Other: $ Estimated Building Permit Fees WHEN PERMIT IS READY $ GRAND TOTAL RECEIVED Sarah Telschow FEB 21 2013 From: Allan Borden <Ahb@co.mason.wa.us> Sent: Friday,July 20, 2012 2:19 PM To: Sarah Telschow Subject: RE:Sprint - SE33XCO19 Allyn-TPU - 3410 Hwy 302 PLANNING Sarah: No special land use permit review is needed to replace existing antennas and equipment cabinets for telecommunication sites previously reviewed by Mason County.. Community Development requirements-alteration to an existing tower The building &planning departments will require the following in order to review and approve modifications to an existing tower. 1) Building permit application 2) Engineer design calculations for the tower to address modifications 3)Construction plans 4) Completed Special Inspection Authorization form to identify and confirm work that requires structural observation and special inspection in accordance with the 2009 International Building Code. See form attached to this email. 5)The planning department will require a site plan. The design criteria for a structure located on SR Highway 302 is as follows: Snow: 25 psf Wind: As determined by the engineer of record Seismic: D (D1 or D2) My comments sent to you on Thursday 7/19/12 still will apply for site relocation or new site proposals. Thanks for your inquiries. Allan Borden Planner- Long Range&Site Inspection P.O. Box 279, Shelton, WA 98584 (360)427-9670 ext. 365 >>> "Sarah Telschow" <stelschow@realcomassoc.com> 7/20/2012 10:19 AM >>> July 20, 2012 .Man: i Thank you for the below information. Sprint would like to proceed in upgrading their existing site. Please confirm that no land-use review is required for upgrading their existing TPU site off Highway 302. Thanks Sarah Telschow, AICP Planner RealCom Associates LLC Office: (425) 274-4444 x114 Mobile: (206)979-6268 Fax: (425) 274-4449 stelschow(5)realcomassoc.com WEBSITE: www.realcomassoc.com From: Allan Borden [mailto:Ahb@co.mason.wa.us] Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2012 2:43 PM To: Sarah Telschow Subject: RE: Sprint - SE33XCO19 Allyn-TPU - 3410 Hwy 302 Sarah: As you have requested, below are my responses: Sprint Spectruin is proposing to modify their existing telecommunication facility at 3410 Hwy 302 (parcel no. 12216-75-90044). (Previous Permit Approvals: SHR99-0034, 2000-SW-01626, 77823,and COM2000-00001) Specifically, Sprint is proposing the following: Upgrade/replace three (3) existing antennas and add one (1)equipment cabinet to the existing fenced equipment area. After system testing,Sprint will remove two (2) cabinets. Tacoma Public Utilities has submitted shoreline permit and constructiou permit renews to remove and relocated the transnvssion line poles as diey cross North Bay Case Inlet. The project desenptrou is: along eaik[ig over-waterpowerlile a&unew of erNorth Bay,replace fouri1-water structures tvidl one newin-water structure. One existing upland structure on each side will be moved further upland wlien replaced The eastside tower will be mot ed outside shoreline,jurisdiction;the westside tower is already outside ofshorc&ie jurisdiction. This means the subject auteimas and associated equipment cabinets will need to be relocated or removed Mr. Pat Leach at TPU 1253.502-81221 has beet!mycontactperson on their request. Based on the below,Genie indicated that SEPA Review may be required for the proposed modification. However,based on my records Sprint filed for SEPA Review along with the Shoreline CUP Application in 1999. A SEPA was submitted in the 1.9.99 shoreline rmiew but the project ryas exempt due to attachment to an existing tower structure. B you decide to relocate to a separate new monopole or lattice tower, that proposal will need SEPA renew;and depending on tower height and prodders sbani ig the tower, a special use permit may be required to ewduate that request. If you have other questions. please contact me. Allan Borden Planner-Long Range&Site Inspection P.O. Box 279, Shelton, WA 98584 (360) 427-9670 ext. 365 >>> "Sarah Telschow" <stelschow(a,realcomassoc.eom>7/19/2012 10:50 AM>>> 2 July 19, 2012 Allan: Please provide an update on the below request. Thanks Sarah Telschow, AICP Planner RealCom Associates LLC Office: (425) 274-4444 x114 Mobile: (206) 979-6268 Fax: (425) 274-4449 stelschow(al realcomassoc.com WEBSITE: www.realcomassoc.com From: Sarah Telschow Sent: Monday, July 16, 2012 2:55 PM To: Allan Borden (ahb@co.mason.wa.us) Subject: Sprint - SE33XCO19 Allyn-TPU - 3410 Hwy 302 July 16, 2012 Allan: Sprint Spectrum is proposing to modify their existing telecommunication facility at 3410 Hwy 302 (parcel no. 12216-75-90044). (Previous Pennit Approvals: SHR99-0034, 2000-SW-01626, 77823,and COM2000-00001) 3 Specifically,Sprint is proposing the following: Upgrade/replace three (3)existing antennas-and add one (1) equipment cabinet to tine existing fenced equipment area. After system testing,Sprint will remove two (2) cabinets. Please see the attached plan for more detailed information. Based on the below, Genie indicated that SEPA Review may be required for the proposed modification. However,based on my records Sprint filed for SEPA Review along with tine Shoreline CLIP Application in 1999. Regardless,the proposed maintenance at this site location should not trigger SEPA Review. The proposed scope should only require the review and approval of a Building Permit. Please confirm that no land-use review will be required for the proposed maintenance at this site location. Thanks Sarah Telschow, AICP Planner RealCom Associates LLC Office: (425) 274-4444 x114 Mobile: (206) 979-6268 Fax: (425) 274-4449 stelschow(abrealcomassoc com WEBSITE: www.realcomassoc.com From: Genie McFarland fmailto:Gmm(cDco.mason.wa.us1 Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2012 12:12 PM To: Sarah Telschow Subject: Re: Sprint - SE33XCO19 Allyn-TPU Tine ptoKner for tine area tine tower is located is Allan 13orden 1.360.427.9670 ext. 365 or you cove contact Grace Miller 1.360.427.9670 ext 360. Genie McFarland Permin Te,-An&C ?n 4 3628 South 35"Street Tacoma,Washington 98409-3192 PLANNING TACOMA POWER TACOMA PUBLIC UTILITIES TI.COKA FV{LIC VTILITIlf FEB 21 2013 January 29, 2013 426 W. CEDAR ST, Mike Slotemaker RealCom Associates 14432 SE Eastgate Way, Suite 260 Bellevue, WA 98007 Subject: Tacoma Power Cushman/Potlatch Tower#181 and Sprint site no. SE33XCO19B Dear Mr. Slotemaker, Tacoma Power has reviewed the drawing(s) submitted concerning your proposed modification of the Wireless Communication Facility (WCF)antenna system located on an existing transmission line structure along State Route 302 at the Tacoma Public Utility right of way and north of 3370/3372 East State Route 302, Belfair, Washington. It is understood that the primary usage of the structure is and will remain a part of Tacoma Power's energized electrical transmission system while the installation of the additional WCF equipment is a secondary function permitted to remain in place until December 31, 2013, due to the removal of said structure. A review of the structural loading and design for the tower has been performed by staff, and it was determined there will be no significant structural load changes. Therefore, no further drawing submittals will be required prior to the temporary installation of the additional WCF antenna. Also, as public utility transmission structures are exempt under the International Building Code (IBC) section 105, design calculations are not required to be provided to the permitting agency. All other requirements of the Site License Agreement between Tacoma Power and Sprint will remain in force, including the need to contact Tacoma Power prior to any modification of Sprint owned equipment. Please contact me at (253) 502-8256 if you have further questions. Sincerely, Maureen L. Barnes Real Estate Officer 13UILDING s m a rtl i n k JZ-21 -1 3P09 : 51 RCVD DOCUMENTATION TRANSMITTAL DATE: February 12, 2013 TO: Mason County- Building Dept. Attn: Genie McFarland P.O. Box 279 Shelton,WA 98584 FROM: Allison Zike Planning Coordinator RE: Sprint Spectrum -SE33XCO19 Allyn/TPU Commercial Building Permit Application THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS HAVE BEEN ENCLOSED: One (1) $739.56 Check for Building Permit Fees One (1) Self-addressed Envelope for Receipt Return One (1) Building Permit Application One (1) Site Plan Two (2) Structural Calculations Three (3) Full-size Construction Drawings If you have any questions and/or concerns about the enclosed materials, please feel free to contact me at work (425)274-4444 x112, by cellular (559) 361-2717, or via e-mail allison.zike@smartlinkllc.com. Thank you. 14432 SE Eastgate Way, Suite 260 • Bellevue, WA 98007 p: 425.274.4444 •f: 425.274.4449 www.smartlinkllc.com �">r.� i i 3628 South 35"'Sheet Tacoma,Washington 98409 3192 4ft--:: --- ----J TACOMA POWER TACOMA PUBLIC UTILITIES TACOM• PUBLIC VTIl1T191 BUILDING January 29, 2013 02-21 -13A09 : 51 RCVD Mike Slotemaker RealCom Associates 14432 SE Eastgate Way, Suite 260 Bellevue, WA 98007 Subject: Tacoma Power Cushman/Potlatch Tower#181 and Sprint site no. SE33XCO19B Dear Mr. Slotemaker, Tacoma Power has reviewed the drawing(s) submitted concerning your proposed modification of the Wireless Communication Facility (WCF) antenna system located on an existing transmission line structure along State Route 302 at the Tacoma Public Utility right of way and north of 3370/3372 East State Route 302, Belfair, Washington. It is understood that the primary usage of the structure is and will remain a part of Tacoma Power's energized electrical transmission system while the installation of the additional WCF equipment is a secondary function permitted to remain in place until December 31, 2013, due to the removal of said structure. A review of the structural loading and design for the tower has been performed by staff, and it was determined there will be no significant structural load changes. Therefore, no further drawing submittals will be required prior to the temporary installation of the additional WCF antenna. Also, as public utility transmission structures are exempt under the International Building Code (IBC)section 105, design calculations are not required to be provided to the permitting agency. All other requirements of the Site License Agreement between Tacoma Power and Sprint will remain in force, including the need to contact Tacoma Power prior to any modification of Sprint owned equipment. Please contact me at (253) 502-8256 if you have further questions. Sincerely, Maureen L. Barnes Real Estate Officer _y RECEIVED ,zo-:��rN FEB 11 U4 0 X I'stl n c +' rI v� 426 W. CEDAR STD., Sprint'. P� PLANNIN E>:rsnNc oTNER mANSMIsyoN IV I " A 1 V G GENERAL DYNAMICS TOWER TO,HL NORTH—� I- LL SETBACKS ARE MEASURED ` WIRELESS DER\!ICE:; = �0 FROM THE FURTHEST _ �IaOJECTION OF THE BUILDING_ EXISTING..PRINT ANTENNA - I e - - _ AREA CY 1.0' TRANSMISSION .. TOWER: SEE A — - PRO0 PERTY LINE�463' _ _ s m a rt I i n k I f` TI 4 - — _ _ - _ I44:,7 SE EASTGATEE WAY.SURE 260 BELLEVUE WA%Wf-05M \ ---�- I TEL;(425)274.4444 FAX(425)2744440 . J I I I I ( NL f%\ORF VISION MMID LAUN('.I I —— + ALLYN ... . .. :=: : : : 33�© I I a SE33XCO19 T 33-10 CiT. . 0O0 HWY 302 n o ALLYNW98528 MON,COUNTY EXISTING GRASS FIELD I 11 II C 1 + I rvucu.\Tc 01-31-13 j I JI I ILIEurai CONSTRUCTION ` I i f REVISIONS ! RE•.: ME DESCRIPTION 4JT11LS EXILOCATED SPRINT 3 'X 'ELEASE A. / I I A 7/06/12 SSUED FOR Rf-IEW VD LOCATED WITHIN 30�XJ0'LEASE J 111 AREA WEN 6'FENCE SEE A-2 1 I O 10j`./12 90% CONSTRUCTION OR SWINGS 70 I I I t I/07/13 ,OCS CONSTRJCTION DRAWINGS TB 2 1/31;1} IV%CONSTRJCTION DR MINGP JD PROPERTY LINE -470' NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION UNLESS LABELED AS CONSTRUCTION SE7 1 t)(C\SIIRI DIAL of WA 1 I 1si1' h CY •�A a 42710 SSlo L E� 41CCT 7ML ENLARGED SITE PLAN SI IEET NUMBEIL R.EVDIONf A- 1 2 4• 22•A} SG,LE' ,• .-0. w OVERALL STfE PLAN I PROJECT THE INFORMATION C011TAIED IN THIS SET OF CON-TR(:CT,ON DOCUMENTS IS PROFRIETART BY NATURE. ANY USE OR DISCLC:URE OTHER THAN THAT WHICH RELATE:10 CIRIER SERACE� IS CTRICTLY PF,OHIBRED. 'RECEIVED 426 W. CEDAR Slf Sprintle r PLANNING E::IsnnG OTHER 7RANsw�oN `l GENERAL DYNAMICS TO!4ER TO 7HE NORTH------- ,('1 P LA N N I N G e WIREL SSS SERVICE_ �;LL SETBACKS ARE AS - FROM THE FURTHEST € EXI571NG.iPRiNT ANTENNA - �---' I PROJECTION! OF THE 3UiLDING _ AREA O`! 1�0' TRANSMISSION TOWER: SEE A-4 I y 4 PROPERTY LINE-483' I - _ smartlink I 744;,2 SE EASTGA7c WAY.SURE 2E0 I � 761:(475)274i444 FA!<(426)274-4448 I ` PROICCT NFCILA1ATTON- . it I I 1 VCTANORIZ vI5k71,4 AAMBSLAUN(:I I _..tea:=: :... ` { , ALLYN l 0 SE33XCO19 I K :••�CIStING.^:'.'.'.'.'.':':':':':•:':':':':•:':':'. I{ 4144-HWY 302 cBass.Flue. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . I <" z T n ALLYN,WA 9857E rt I MASON COUNTY EXISTING - I 1i I 4 GRASS FIELD I . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � + rSSu[DATE I I i J b y I I uu[u FOR - CONSTRUCTION. + I CON TRUCTIGN I I } I REVISIONS Rf.: 047E DESORPTION NRMLS I ••-••--• 4 CL�TLy ! I A 7/O6/t2 ISSUED FOR RE'tEW vD EXI f STING SPRINT EQUIPMENT AREA'•- I LOCATED "THIN 30'x30'LEASE _ (1 1 AREA WITH 6'FENCE SEE A-2 ` I 0 10%`4/12 90; CONSTRUCTION DP;WINOS TH i 1 1/07/13 10(%CONSTRJCTION ORAWINGS TB I I j j I 2 1/31!13 1Of'%CONSTRJCTION DR RANG" J8 PROPERTY LINE NOT FOR CONSTFUCTION UNLESS --- - LABELED AS CONSTRUCTION SET Lit C'l6kJIU* �AD I AC'0 V �ti OF Aw syi luo I 42710 at �F�IST1R� 0 �ss� NA L L----_ . --- EXPIRES — - SI ICCT 11TLG ENLARGED SITE PLAN . SI il_CT NUMMIL RSv15ON: A- 1 22'.34"SCALE. I• . 20'-0' 711"ilr SWF: I'- 40•-0- za iR n OVERALL SITE PLAN I PROS C I THE INFORHATION CONTAINED IN THIS ;E 0=CCN-TR:.CTION DOCUMENTS IS PROFRIEARY BY NATJRE. ANY USE OR OISCLC:URE OTHER THAN THAT VHICH RELATE TO CAPRIER SEPACE� IS CT"ICTL' PF.OHIBI7ED.