HomeMy WebLinkAboutFPA2023-00013 Geo Technical Report - FPA Reports - 2/20/2024 MASON COUNTY Suhl-�Jttal r`iecki COMMUNITY SERVICES Geotechnical Report Building,Planning.Environmental Health,Community Health Instructions: This checklist must be submitted with a Geotechnical Report and completed, signed, and stamped by the licensed professional(s) who prepared the Geotechnical Report for review by Mason County pursuant to the Mason County Resource Ordinance. If an item is found not applicable, the report should explain the basis for the conclusion. Note: Unless specifically documented, this report does not provide compliance to the International Residential Code Sections R403.1.7 for foundations on or adjacent to slopes, Section R403.1.8 for expansive soils or section 1808.7.1 of the International Building Code Section for Foundations on or adjacent to slopes. Applicant/Owner Lindell and Denise Sparrow Parcel# 22024-76-90021 Site Address 411 Hedlund Drive Shelton, WA 98584 (1) (a) A discussion of general geologic conditions in the vicinity of the proposed development, Located on page(s) 8 - 9 (b) A discussion of specific soil types. Located on page(s) 10-12 (c) A discussion of ground water conditions, Located on page(s) 12 (d) A discussion of the upslope geomorphology, Located on page(s) 12 (e) A discussion of the location of upland waterbodies and wetlands, Located on page(s) 12 (f) A discussion of history of landslide activity in the vicinity, as available in the referenced maps and records. Located on page(s) 13 (2) A site plan which identifies the important development and geologic features. Located on Map(s) 13 & Figure 2 (3) Locations and logs of exploratory holes or probes. Located on Map(s) 13 & Figure 2 (4) The area of the proposed development, the boundaries of the hazard, and associated buffers and setbacks shall be delineated (top, both sides, and toe) on a geologic map of the site. Located on Map(s) 13 & Figure 2 (5) A minimum of one cross section at a scale which adequately depicts the subsurface profile, and which incorporates the details of proposed grade changes. Located on Map(s) 13 & Figure 2 (6) A description and results of slope stability analyses performed for both static and seismic loading conditions. Analysis should examine worst case failures. The analysis should include the Simplified Bishop's Method of Circles. The minimum static safety factor is 1.5, the minimum seismic safety factor is 1.1, and the quasi-static analysis coefficients should be a value of 0.15. Located on page(s) 13-15 (7) (a) Appropriate restrictions on placement of drainage features, Rev. February 2018 Located on page(s 15-16 (b) Appropriate restrictions on placement of septic drain fields, Located on page(s) 16 (c) Appropriate restrictions on placement of compacted fills and footings, Located on page(s) 16 (d) Recommended buffers from the landslide hazard areas shoreline bluffs and the tops of other slopes. Located on page(s) 16 (e) Recommended setbacks from the landslide hazard areas shoreline bluffs and the tops of other slopes. Located on page(s) 16 (8) Recommendations for the preparation of a detailed clearing and grading plan which specifically identifies vegetation to be removed, a schedule for vegetation removal and replanting, and the method of vegetation removal. Located on page(s) 16 (9) Recommendations for the preparation of a detailed temporary erosion control plan which identifies the specific mitigating measures to be implemented during construction to protect the slope from erosion, landslides and harmful construction methods. Located on page(s) 16 (10) An analysis of both on-site and off-site impacts of the proposed development. Located on page(s) 17 (11) Specifications of final development conditions such as, vegetative management, drainage, erosion control, and buffer widths. Located on page(s) 17 (12) Recommendations for the preparation of structural mitigation or details of other proposed mitigation. Located on page(s) 17 (13) A site map drawn to scale showing the property boundaries, scale, north arrow, and the location and nature of existing and proposed development on the site. Located on Map(s) 17 Curtis D Cushman hereby certify under penalty of perjury that I am a civil engineer licensed in the State of Washington with specialized knowledge of geotechnical/geological engineering or a geologist or engineering geologist licensed in the State of Washington with special knowledge of the local conditions. I also certify that the Geotechnical Report, dated February 20, 2024 and entitled �0 Geotechnical Report for Logging and Grazing Development ^' meets all the requirements of the Mason County Resource Ordinance, Geologically Hazardous Areas Section, is complete and true, that the gineor,439 ng 3eologisl / assessment demonstrates conclusively that the risks posed by the 2�---' �t�'Z sr'd C v landslide hazard can be mitigated through the included geotechnical Curtis Dean Cushman design recommendations, and that all hazards are mitigated in such a n igna ur��riti Stam manner as to prevent harm to property and public health and safety. Page 2 of 2 Disclaimer: Mason County does not certify the quality of the work done in this Geotechnical Report. GEOTECHNICAL REPORT FOR LOGGING AND GRAZING DEVELOPMENT 411 HEDLUND DRIVE SHELTON, WASHINGTON PREPARED FOR LINDELL & DENISE SPARROW BY ALL AMERWAN GEOTECHNICAL OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON FEBRUARY 201, 2024 ALL AMERICAN GEOTECHNICAL CONTACT INFORMATION PREPARER INFORMATION AAG PROTECT NUMBER: AAG24-018 CONTACT: CURTIS D.CUSHMAN ADDRESS: 8947 BUTTONWOOD LANE NE OLYMPIA,WASHINGTON 98516 TELEPHONE: (360)491-5155 CELL: (360)481-6677 EMAIL ADDRESS: CURTIS.CUSHMAN@COMCAST.NET CLIENT INFORMATION CLIENT: LINDELL&DENISE SPARROW TELEPHONE: (360)464-5248(D)—(530)949-0375(L) CLIENT CONTACT: DAVID NESHEIM,CUSTOM TIMBER MANAGEMENT,LLC 109 KENNICOTT ROAD CHEHALIS,WA 98532 (360)880-3014 BILLING ADDRESS: LINDELL SPARROW 411 E HEDLUND DRIVE SHELTON,WA 98584 SITE ADDRESS: 441 E HEDLUND DRIVE SHELTON,WASHINGTON CONTACT EMAIL DNESHEIM532@GMAIL.COM PARCEL NUMBER 22024-76-90021 GPS LOCATION: 47.203-122.885 dd AAG24-018 8947 Buttonwood Lane NE,Olympia,WA 98516 2 Phone#: (360)491-5155 Cell#: (360)481-6677 ALL AMERICAN GEOTECHNICAL INTRODUCTION LINDELL&DENISE SPARROW 411 E HEDLuND DRIVE SHELTON,WASHINGTON 98584-7013 RE:411 E HEDLUND DRIVE SHELTON,WASHINGTON 47.203 -122.885 PARCEL 22024-76-90021 FEBRUARY 20,2024 Dear Mr.& Mrs. Sparrow: Custom Timber Management of Chehalis, Washington (contact) hired All American Geotechnical, Inc. (AAG) in February of 2024 to prepare a geotechnical report on behalf of the Sparrows (client) Sparrow located at the end of East Hedlund Drive on Harstine Island east of Shelton, Washington. The proposed development is to timber the lot and make it available for eventual development. The parcel noted above was previously developed with a home. A portion of the parcel is to be cleared and repurposed as grazing land. A few hazard trees in the vicinity of the existing home may be removed at part of this project. Access for timbering will be off the end of Hedlund Drive and on client property. The timbering will be done mostly on terrain with a low slope with the exception of at the north end of the project area where there is a steep slope to the west through north to the northeast which is in a 150 buffer associated with a Riparian Management Zone where there is to be no falling. The timbering is required for eventual development as grazing land. Because of steep slopes near the top of the timer area, a Landslide Hazard Areas(LHA)has been defined and a geotechnical report is required for this project. This is to be submitted along with the Mason County checklist by the client or contact.. There will be no timbering of the Landslide Hazard Areas (LHA)described in this text and on Figure 2 in the Appendix. The intent of this project is to harvest the timber and to provide room for the future grazing land development. Harvesting will be done under the conditions and requirements of the logging permit. As per client request, we have conducted a soils exploration and slope-stability analysis for the above- mentioned lots. The results of this investigation, together with our recommendations, are to be found in the following report. This report and the Mason County checklist will be sent by PDF to the client. Site geology was looked at in various locations. The parcel is on geological deposits that will be detailed in the text. AAG24-018 8947 Buttonwood Lane NE,Olympia,WA 98516 3 Phone#: (360)491-5155 Cell#: (360)481-6677 ALL AMERICAN GEOTECHNICAL We appreciate this opportunity to be of service to you and we look forward to working with you in the future. If you have any questions concerning the above items, the procedures used, or if we can be of any further assistance,please call us at the phone number listed below. Respectfully Submitted, f Was ALL AMERICAN GEOTECHNICAL,INC. oh; f pi J _ngineering ani gist ` Curtis D. Cushman, L.G., L.E.G. .c� 2439 � ZdAr Senior Engineering Geologist -sod Jam' Curtis Dean Cushman AAG24-018 8947 Buttonwood Lane NE,Olympia, WA 98516 4 Phone#: (360)491-5155 Cell #:(360)481-6677 ALL AMERICAN GEOTECHNICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTACT INFORMATION 2 INTRODUCTION 7 1) SITE CONDITIONS 8 SURFACE CONDITIONS 8 1)(A)SITE GEOLOGY 9 1)(B)SOIL TYPES 10 1)(C)GROUND WATER CONDITIONS 12 1)(D)UPSLOPE GEOMORPHOLOGY 12 1)(E)UPSLOPE WATERBODIES AND WETLANDS 12 1)(F) LANDSLIDE ACTIVITY 13 2) SITE PLAN 13 3) EXPLORATORY HOLES OR PROBES 13 4) PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT 13 5) CROSS SECTION 13 6) SLOPE STABILTY ANALYSIS 13 LIQUEFACTION AND SITE CLASS 15 GEOSEISMIC SETTING 15 LATERAL EARTH PRESSURES 15 7) RESTRICTIONS 15 A) PLACEMENT OF DRAINAGE FEATURES 15 B) PLACEMENT OF SEPTIC DRAIN FIELDS 16 C) PLACEMENT OF COMPACTED FILLS 16 D) BUFFERS 16 E) SETBACKS 16 8) CLEARING AND GRADING PLAN 16 9) EROSION CONTROL PLAN 16 10) ON AND OFFSITE IMPACTS 17 11) FINAL DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS 17 12) STRUCTURAL MITIGATION 17 13) SITE PLAN 17 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 17 CONTRACTORS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR SITE SAFETY ON THEIR OWN CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS 18 READ THESE PROVISIONS CLOSELY 18 REFERENCES 18 AAG24-018 8947 Buttonwood Lane NE, Olympia,WA 98516 5 Phone#: (360)491-5155 Cell#: (360)481-6677 ALL AMERWAN GEOTECHNICAL APPENDIX 20 LIDAR IMAGERY 21 NEIGHBORING WELL LOG 22 ASCE7-16 SEISMIC DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS 23 SLOPE MODELS 25 STATIC MODEL A-A'LINE 25 DYNAMIC MODEL A-A'LINE 25 STATIC MODEL B-B'LINE 27 DYNAMIC MODEL B-B'LINE 28 FIGURES 29 FIGURE 1.VICINITY MAP 29 FIGURE 2.SITE PLAN 30 FIGURE 3.PROPOSED SITE DEVELOPMENT PER CUSTOM TIMBER MANAGEMENT 31 FIGURE 4.EROSION CONTROL NOTES 32 AAG24-018 8947 Buttonwood Lane NE,Olympia,WA 98516 6 Phone#: (360)491-5155 Cell#: (360)481-6677 ALL AMERICAN GEOTECHNICAL INTRODUCTION This report summarizes the results of our geotechnical consulting services for the timbering and grazing land development on the client parcel herein described. The parcel is at the northern end of Hedlund Drive on the southwest side of Harstine Island. The overall parcel is listed on the Mason County website as being of 4.16 acres and is an trapezoid long to the north-south with its base leg on the west side. The lot is approximately 10.5 miles direct air-miles east of Shelton,Washington but is noted as 19.9 miles by Google Maps. The location of the site is shown relative to the surrounding area on the Vicinity Map, Figure 1. There are only a few nearby residences scattered around the parcel. The area of development is 2.46 acres,limited by the parcel boundaries entirely on the south property line, as well as largely on the east and west sides. It is restricted to the north by the RMZ setback (see Figure 3) The stream to the north loops around the high land on which the client parcel is sited flowing east to west. It is a Type F stream,hence the buffer. The parcel overall is mapped as being Qgt— Vashon Till. Due to the general thinness of the Vashon till, it is commonly modeled as a veneer on underlying outwash sediments (for example Qga). However, there are few deposits mapped in the area other than the Vashon Till. Nearby water wells indicate the likelihood of pre-Fraser fine-grained sediments,likely lacustrine as peat was recorded at-92 to-114 feet below ground level. For this reason,in this report the site is consider monolithic in nature. The geology will be described in"Geology,"below. Our understanding of the project is based on our discussions with the client. In general, there will be no grading outside a 100-foot road used which will be demolished on finishing the logging. Proper logging techniques will reduce any erosion hazards of the soils. The approximate layout of the site is shown on the Site Plan,Figure 2. The purpose of our services is to evaluate the surface and subsurface conditions at the site in order to satisfy the requirements of the Mason County Critical Areas Ordinance, and as a basis for providing geotechnical recommendations for the project. All American Geotechnical is therefore providing geologic and hydrogeologic services for the project. Specifically, our scope of services for this project includes the following: l. A review of the available geologic,hydrogeological and geotechnical data for the site area. 2. A geologic reconnaissance of the site area and surrounding vicinity. 3. Investigation and identification of shallow subsurface conditions at the site by characterizing the exposed soil, reviewing published well logs, and sampling. 4. Comparison of site to published geologic maps,previous field investigations, and open file reports. Inspection of aerial photos is used to determine the geomorphology of the site. 5. Evaluation of the landslide, erosion, and seismic hazards at the site per the Mason County Code Critical Areas (2024). 6. Dynamic and static slope stability modeling. 7. Geotechnical recommendations for fill placement, drainage, and typical erosion control measures (Figure 4.) AAG24-0 t 8 8947 Buttonwood Lane NE,Olympia,WA 98516 7 Phone#: (360)491-5155 Cell#: (360)481-6677 ALL AMERICAN GEOTECHNICAL The most critical slopes are associated with the drainage surrounding the parcel on its west through north to east side. They exceed 40% and are greater in height than 10 feet. These are defined as a Landslide Hazard Area (LHA). Therefore, Mason County requires that a geotechnical report be prepared in accordance with the Critical areas ordinance. 1) SITE CONDITIONS SURFACE CONDITIONS The parcel is characterized by a plateau at its southern end. Flat near the road, it descends going west of north, while east on north it rises in a low ridge. The north of the parcel is a slope down to the unnamed stream and includes the stream itself. The slope constitutes an LHA. This stream is incorrectly mapped on the Mason County GIS which shows it cutting contour to the south of its obvious bed. Figure 2 shows the course and its buffer correctly. The LHA is evident in the field,although the slope where the timbering is to occur intrudes in a minor way on the steep slope. These items are diagrammed on Figure 3 by Custom Timber Management, LLC. Note the location of the LHAs and buffers with respect to the Clearing Limit on Figure 2. There is only one small area of LHA in the Clearing Limit. Topographically, the parcel extends from an elevation of under 80 feet along the bed of the stream in the northwest part of the parcel to 185 feet on a ridge on the east side of the parcel not far from the top of the LHA. The grazing area will be approximately from the 130-foot contour to the 180-foot contour. The site was visited by Blaise Jelinek, E.I.T of All American Geotechnical on February 9, 2024. The purpose of a site visit is to physically observe the property and adjacent properties in order to identify any recognized geologic conditions. A site map was prepared identifying features of the property based on client information and using the Mason County GIS. Surficial exploration and sampling were performed. Sampling provides representative material for evaluation. Visual observations were documented. Site- specific features were mapped. Timbering is proposed for the parcel in conformance with the applicable timbering permit. At the time of the site visit, active erosion was not observed on the parts of the parcel that were accessible. The stream bed had flowing water. No evidence of deep-seated slope instability was observed on site. Trees located on the parcel in general are a mix of deciduous and conifer trees, all subject to harvest and clearing. No trees shall be taken from the 150-foot stream buffer. There was no standing water seen. There is no other evidence of surface water although there were some small natural drainages observed. The general topography of the site indicates that drainage flows overall to the west and north. The site exposure is to the north and west. The LiDAR map shows no landslides at the client property. (See UDAR Imagery in the Appendix,page 21.) The terrain is low and muted, with a regional series of low hills and intervening valleys caused by glacial bulldozing. This material is now cut by many small streams. The Coastal Zone Atlas lists the area as"Stable." AAG24-018 8947 Buttonwood Lane NE,Olympia,WA 98516 8 Phone#: (360)491-5155 Cell#: (360)481-6677 ALL AMERICAN GEOTECHNICAL 1)(A)SITE GEOLOGY The site is situated within the Puget Sound glacial province. The existing topography, as well as the surficial and shallow subsurface soils in the area, is the result of the most recent Vashon Stade (stage) of the Fraser glaciation that occurred between about 9,000 and 11,000 years ago, and weathering and erosion that has occurred since. A description of the surficial soils is included in the"Site Soils,"below. In general, the soil units are derived directly from the underlying Vashon till to be described,below. The Geologic Map of the Shelton 7.5-minute Quadrangle Mason and Thurston Counties, Washington Open File Report 2003-24 by Schasse,H. W. and others through the Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources is the primary source for the following,taken from The Mason County GIS: Qgt(Vashon till) Geologic Unit Symbol: Qgt Geologic Unit Age: Pleistocene Geologic Unit Name: Vashon Till Publication Source: WGS Publication Number: OFR 2003-24 Quadrangle Name: Shelton Feature Link: WGS I OFR 2003-24 1 Shelton I Qgt Unit Description: Unsorted and generally highly compacted mixture of clay, silt, sand, and gravel deposited directly by glacier ice; gray where fresh and light yellowish brown where oxidized; generally of very low permeability; most commonly matrix-supported but may be clast-supported...; ranges in thickness from wispy, discontinuous layers less than 1 in. to more than 30 ft thick; thicknesses of 2 to 10 ft are most common;mapped till commonly includes outwash clay, silt, sand, gravel, or ablation till that is too thin to substantially mask the underlying, rolling till plain... Age: Pleistocene Lithology: continental glacial till Age-Lithology: Pleistocene continental glacial till The Qgt is a lodgment till and is well compacted. The Deremo water well(2019)is located adjacent to the parcel on its south side. The well indicates water in an interval of-74 to -90 feet below ground level and is recoded as sand to that depth. Fine-grained sediments are recorded to a TD of-179 feet. The well was completed at the deepest part of the well and not in the shallower interval. This implies a relatively minor amount of water was found at the contact which was not enough for production. The Qgt- Vashon till is ubiquitous to the region and is suitable for support of heavy equipment. AAG24-018 8947 Buttonwood Lane NE,Olympia,WA 98516 9 Phone#: (360)491-5155 Cell#: (360)481-6677 ALL AMERICAN GEOTECHNICAL 1)(B) SOIL TYPES The soil types are from the USDA WSS online database. The first is the soil as mapped for the entire area of the parcel. Hb—Harstine gravelly ashy sandy loam, 15 to 30 percent slopes Map Unit Setting • National map unit symbol: 2rtvk • Elevation: 200 to 390 feet • Mean annual precipitation: 30 to 55 inches • Mean annual air temperature: 48 to 52 degrees F • Frost-free period: 180 to 200 days Description of Harstine Setting • Landform: Ridges • Landform position (two-dimensional): Backslope • Landform position (three-dimensional): Side slope • Down-slope shape: Linear • Across-slope shape: Convex • Parent material: Sandy glacial drift with an influence of volcanic ash over dense glaciomarine deposits Typical profile • Oi - 0 to 0 inches: slightly decomposed plant material • Oe - 0 to 1 inches: moderately decomposed plant material • Bw1 - 1 to 6 inches: gravelly ashy sandy loam • Bw2 - 6 to 14 inches: gravelly ashy sandy loam • Bw3 - 14 to 22 inches: gravelly ashy sandy loam • Bw4 - 22 to 32 inches: gravelly ashy sandy loam • 2Cd1 - 32 to 38 inches: gravelly loamy sand • 2Cd2 - 38 to 61 inches: gravelly loamy sand Properties and qualities • Slope: 15 to 30 percent • Depth to restrictive feature: 20 to 39 inches to densic material • Drainage class: Moderately well drained • Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water (Ksat): Very low (0.00 to 0.00 in/hr) • Depth to water table: About 24 to 37 inches • Frequency of flooding: None • Frequency of ponding: None • Available water supply, 0 to 60 inches: Low (about 4.2 inches) AAG24-018 8947 Buttonwood Lane NE, Olympia,WA 98516 10 Phone#: (360)491-5155 Cell#: (360)481-6677 ALL AMERICAN GEOTECHNICAL This is partially in error, as the slopes vary considerable but are generally not over 15% except at the northern end of the parcel. The soils of the lesser slopes, while not shown on Figure 2, are another Alderbrook soil as follows: Ha—Harstine gravelly ashy sandy loam, 6 to 15 percent slopes Map Unit Setting • National map unit symbol: 2rtvj • Elevation: 200 to 390 feet • Mean annual precipitation: 30 to 55 inches • Mean annual air temperature: 48 to 52 degrees F • Frost-free period: 180 to 200 days • Farmland classification: Prime farmland if irrigated Map Unit Composition • Harstine and similar soils: 85 percent • Minor components: 15 percent • Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Harstine Setting • Landform: Ridges • Landform position (two-dimensional): Footslope • Landform position (three-dimensional): Nose slope • Down-slope shape: Linear • Across-slope shape: Convex • Parent material: Sandy glacial drift with an influence of volcanic ash over dense glaciomarine deposits Typical profile • Oi - 0 to 0 inches: slightly decomposed plant material • Oe - 0 to 1 inches: moderately decomposed plant material • Bwl - 1 to 6 inches: gravelly ashy sandy loam • Bw2 - 6 to 14 inches: gravelly ashy sandy loam • Bw3 - 14 to 22 inches: gravelly ashy sandy loam • Bw4 - 22 to 32 inches: gravelly ashy sandy loam • 2Cdl - 32 to 38 inches: gravelly loamy sand • 2Cd2 - 38 to 61 inches: gravelly loamy sand Properties and qualities • Slope: 6 to 15 percent • Depth to restrictive feature: 20 to 39 inches to densic material • Drainage class: Moderately well drained • Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water (Ksat): Very low (0.00 to 0.00 in/hr) • Depth to water table: About 24 to 37 inches • Frequency of flooding: None • Frequency of ponding: None AAG24-018 8947 Buttonwood Lane NE, Olympia,WA 98516 11 Phone#: (360)491-5155 Cell#: (360)481-6677 ALL AMERICAN GEOTECHNICAL • Available water supply, 0 to 60 inches: Low (about 4.2 inches) The soil profiles are the same for both Alderwood soils and they are much the same elsewhere in the two descriptions. The gravelly sands were those seen during the site inspection. Variation may be expected but overall, the Shelton soils and the Vashon Till are the primary components of the geologic column near-surface. The material encountered was SP —Poorly graded gravelly sand with silt and possibly GP - Poorly graded sandy gravel (ASTM classification). This latter was seen locally but both sands and gravels are found in the Qgt. EROSION HAZARD CLASSIFICATION The purpose of the Erosion Hazard Section is to identify areas that present potential dangers to public health and safety, and to prevent the acceleration of natural geological hazards, and to neutralize the risk to the property owner from development activities. Areas in Mason County underlain by soils, which are subject to severe erosion when disturbed. Such soils include, but are not limited to, those for which potential for erosion is identified in the Soil Survey of Mason County,USDA Soil Conservation Service, 1960, or any subsequent revisions or additions to this source. These soils include, but are not limited to, any occurrence of River Wash ("Ra') or Coastal Beaches ("Cg') and the following when they occur on slopes 1 S%or steeper: a. Alderwood gravelly sandy loam ("Ac"and "Ad') b. Cloquallum silt loam ("Cd') c. Harstine gravelly sandy loam ("Hb') d. Kitsap silt loam ("Kc') Harstine gravelly sandy loam "Hb" is on this list. The latter is on slopes which exceedl5% locally so general protection practices are to be observed. 1)(C)GROUND WATER CONDITIONS No surface water flow was observed on site except at the stream to the north. There was no evidence of springs on the slopes. 1)(D)UPSLOPE GEOMORPHOLOGY The parcel is on a ridge which expands to the southeast for a distance of over 1,200 feet to a summit of approximately 230 feet in elevation. This does not represent a problem for the timbering operations nor for future development. 1)(E)UPSLOPE WATERBODIES AND WETLANDS There are none. AAG24-018 8947 Buttonwood Lane NE,Olympia,WA 98516 12 Phone#: (360)491-5155 Cell#: (360)481-6677 ALL AMERICAN GEOTECHNICAL 1)(F) LANDSLIDE ACTIVITY There are none in the area and this is seen in mapping, LiDAR, and site visits. There is no evidence of landslide activity at the parcel anecdotally, seen on site, or on LiDAR. 2) SITE PLAN A geotechnical plan is shown on Figure 2. This is not a construction site plan nor an as-built. The LHA is shown along with the topography,geology and soil types. The traces of the two cross-sections are shown as well. 3) EXPLORATORY HOLES OR PROBES The geologic column is seen in exposures on-site and in recent road-cuts. Samples were examined in the field and were fairly uniform. The soil tested on-site is firm and unyielding. 4) PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT There is no proposed post-timbering development planned. Grazing land is to be developed. 5) CROSS SECTION Four cross-sections along lines A—A', and B—B ', and are in the Appendix. 6) SLOPE STABILTY ANALYSIS Factors of safety were determined using the Bishop (semi-circular) method. The site was modeled monolithically with information from the volcanic unit described in the literature and as seen on-site. The parameters used in this modeling were based on experience with the surroundings and the types of materials encountered on site. A load of 2500-1b per foot was placed at the Clearing Limit to simulate the load of the logging equipment, the width is 10-feet. No groundwater was included in the model, based upon neighboring well logs and the stream base. Slope stability was modeled using the GALENA 6.1 program in both static and dynamic conditions (ca= 0.15, per Mason County Code). "Static" condition refers to an "as is" state of a given slope. "Dynamic" puts seismic acceleration into the model for earthquake conditions. The factor for ground acceleration(ca) was determined from the Peak Ground Acceleration from the USGS Seismic Design Maps, included in the Appendix. The site was modeled with the Qgt monolithically. The unit was modeled using the following parameters presented in Table 1. Geologic Modeling Values. AAG24-018 8947 Buttonwood Lane NE,Olympia,WA 98516 13 Phone#: (360)491-5155 Cell#: (360)481-6677 ALL AMERICAN GEOTECHNICAL Table 1. Geologic Modeling Values Geologic Unit Unit Weiglit Cohesion Phi An2le Qgt -Vashotl cantinetitial glacial till 41) Four analyses were calculated along the two cross-sections, itemized on Table 2. Modeling Parameters and Findings. The Analysis Number corresponds to the output presented on pages 25-28. The slopes were modeled based upon observations,field measurements,and available mapping. Initial positions were selected based upon the placement of the structure and the shape of the slopes. The initial points were varied over the analysis range indicated; with 50 different positions tested across these ranges. A total of 125,001 calculations were performed for Analysis 1 through 4. Calculated Factors of Safety are presented in Table 2. Table 2.Modeling Parameters and Findings Auah-sis Load Across Analysis Earthquake Slope to I Initial Positions(Analysis Ranges Configurations Factor of Number Proposed Road IT�Te Force Load JLower JUpper Radius JAnalNzed Safety _ Cross-Section A A' Ana1S_sis 1 1 2500#184-194' Static 0.0 j Above j 90(30) 129(30) 1 125,001 F 41 ---F -- --t---. --+-----+ +------i--= Analysis? 2500# 154-194' D`vamic 0.150 Aboee I 90(30) 1 189(12) 129(30) I 125,001 1.78 — ----1----------_ -�---- —w�_l ---�_ ��-- ---------L----- _ Cross-Section B-B' 58( 5 Analysis 2 2 00=2�_ 263' Static _ 0.0 Above 185(50) 212) _9—r 0(40) T 1? .001 r 1 91 Aitahsis 4 1 2500#253-263' I D`namic 0.150 1 Aboce 1 185(50) 1 258(12)� 90(40) 1 125001 1 1 50 1----------1-----1��-�1-----1�- I _L----- ---------L----- Under static conditions, the slopes generally did not show susceptibility to deep-seated failure that would cause harm to the proposed logging operations. Under dynamic loading (Ca--0.15), the computations demonstrated that the slopes are safe with respect to the modeled areas. These calculated Factors of Safety meet the requirements set forth by Mason County that is, 1.50 for static and 1.1 for dynamic loading scenarios. Based on our slope models representing critical slopes at the subject sites, it is apparent that the logging site is not susceptible to damage by deep-seated movements or instability. AAG24-018 8947 Buttonwood Lane NE,Olympia,WA 98516 14 Phone#: (360)491-5155 Cell#: (360)481-6677 ALL AMERICAN GEOTECHNICAL LIQUEFACTION AND SITE CLASS The Liquefaction Susceptibility Map of Mason County, Washington by Palmer, Magsino, Poelstra, Bilderback, Folger, and Niggemann(September 2004)maps the area as Very Low. The Site Class Map of Mason County, Washington by Palmer, Magsino, Bilderback, Poelstra,Folger, and Niggemann (September 2004) maps the development site areas as site class C. Site class C is Very Dense Soil, Soft Rock. GEOSEISMIC SETTING According to the Seismic Zone Map of the United States (Figure 1613.3.1(1)) contained in the 2018 International Building Code (IBC), the project site is located where the maximum spectral response acceleration is 65 percent of gravity (g). Site-specific seismic parameters are presented on the "Seismic Design Summary"in the Appendix of this report. We recommend following seismic factors for design purposes. • Site Class: C (soft rock) • Spectral response acceleration, short period(SMs): 1.80 g (Fa= 1.0) • Spectral response acceleration, 1-second period(SMi): null(Fv=null • Peak Ground Acceleration(PGA) 0.67lg LATERAL EARTH PRESSURES Lateral loads may be resisted by friction on the bases of footings and floor slabs and as passive pressure on the sides of footings. An allowable coefficient of friction of 0.40 may be used to calculate friction between the concrete and the underlying native soil. We recommend the following be used to determine the lateral earth pressures considering the onsite SP or GP • � (soil friction angle) 40 degrees • Ko(at rest earth pressure coefficient) 0.357 • Ka(active earth pressure coefficient) 0.217 • Kp(passive earth pressure coefficient) 4.60 • Y (soil unit weight) 116 pcf 7) RESTRICTIONS A) PLACEMENT OF DRAINAGE FEATURES Drainage is not a concern post logging as there will be no structures developed. The timbered area will be revegetated. AAG24-018 8947 Buttonwood Lane NE,Olympia,WA 98516 15 Phone#: (360)491-5155 Cell#: (360)481-6677 ALL AMERICAN GEOTECHNICAL Surface water runoff should be controlled by a system of curbs,berms, drainage swales if needed. No surface water and no storm discharge of any sort should be directed toward the steep slopes. B) PLACEMENT OF SEPTIC DRAIN FIELDS These are none developed for this project. C) PLACEMENT OF COMPACTED FILLS No fill is foreseen. D) BUFFERS There are irregular 50-foot buffers mapped on Figure 2. These are is due to the need to show the setbacks for the entire area. They coincide quite well with the setback from the stream and this is on Figure 2. These areas should not be disturbed and the stream should be protected from erosion by standard logging practices including on steep slopes. E) SETBACKS No geotechnical setback is required but heavy equipment should observe a setback of 10 feet when above any LHA. The stream setback and parcel boundary setbacks are to be observed. 8) CLEARING AND GRADING PLAN There will be clearing as there will be logging. There is no grading planned or proposed. "No Disturb"zones will not be required. There will be no removal of vegetation in the stream buffer. 9) EROSION CONTROL PLAN It is our opinion that the potential erosion hazard of the site is not a limiting factor for the proposed development. Revegetation as needed should occur immediately following timbering. Temporary and permanent erosion control measures should be implemented and maintained during operations and/or as soon as practical thereafter to limit any additional influx of water to exposed areas and protect potential receiving waters. These may be done under the requirements of the timbering permit. Erosion control measures may include, but not be limited to, silt fences, berms, and swales with ground cover/protection in exposed areas. No re-contouring of the site will occur. We do not believe extensive erosion control will be needed as most of the timbering is on low slopes and potential water erosion may be readily managed. Areas that are fully denuded of vegetation will require covering and reseeding as needed to finish the project and to prevent erosion. Straw, hay, or jute matting shall be used to cover exposed soils if needed until permanent vegetation is established. AAG24-018 8947 Buttonwood Lane NE,Olympia,WA 98516 16 Phone#: (360)491-5155 Cell#: (360)481-6677 ALL AMERICAN GEOTECHNICAL 10) ON AND OFFSITE IMPACTS There should be no notable on- or offsite impacts if the project is completed according to the recommendations of this report and in accordance with all regulations and to the highest standards and practices of the logging firm. 11) FINAL DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS Following the timbering, the area of the grazing fields will be developed depending on the client's timetable. The sites must be left in a state that will not create erosion conditions and/or excessively increase water flow. 12) STRUCTURAL MITIGATION There is none. 13) SITE PLAN Please see Figure 2. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the results of our site investigation, subsurface observations, and our experience in the area, it is our opinion that the site is suitable for the proposed project of timbering and conversion to grazing. If properly done to standard practices and following timbering erosion requirements,the area appears suitable for the work and the work will not create erosion hazards. Proper drainage control measures will reduce or eliminate the potential for erosion in this area. Revegetation should be done as per recommendations in the text although grass seeding procedures are outside the purview of the geotechnical examination. PROVISIONS We have prepared this report for the exclusive use of Lindell and Denise Sparrow and their authorized agents for the parcel on Hedlund Drive, Harstine Island near Shelton, Mason County, Washington. Site inspections, research, and mapping have culminated in this report. This report is intended to meet the requirements of the Mason County Code. This report does not specify setbacks for: line-of-sight setbacks, FWHCA setbacks, eagle tree setbacks,wetland setbacks, or property line setbacks. Within the limitations of scope, schedule and budget, our services have been executed in accordance with generally accepted practices in the field of geotechnical engineering in this area at the time this report was prepared. No warranty or other conditions, expressed or implied, should be understood. AAG24-018 8947 Buttonwood Lane NE,Olympia,WA 98516 17 Phone#: (360)491-5155 Cell#: (360)481-6677 ALL AMERWAN GEOTECHNICAL Clients and property owners must understand that, despite any calculated Factors of Safety,surficial failure and landslides can and do occur on steep slopes. The property owner should monitor the stability of the site following timbering. Moreover, acceptable Factors of Safety do not guarantee there cannot be failures. It is the responsibility of the property owner to understand that there are always risks in developing on or near steeply sloped areas. CONTRACTORS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR SITE SAFETY ON THEIR OWN CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS Our geotechnical recommendations are not intended to direct the contractor's procedures, methods, schedule or management of the work site. The contractor is solely responsible for job site safety and for managing operations to minimize risks to onsite personnel and to adjacent properties. READ THESE PROVISIONS CLOSELY Some clients, design professionals, and contractors may not recognize that the geoscience practices (geotechnical engineering or geology) are far less exact than other engineering and natural science disciplines. This lack of understanding can create unrealistic expectations that could lead to disappointments,claims and disputes.All American Geotechnical includes these explanatory"limitations" provisions in our reports to help reduce such risks. The equipment,techniques and personnel used to perform an environmental study differ significantly from those used to perform a geotechnical or geologic study and vice versa. For that reason, geotechnical engineering or geologic reporting does not usually relate any environmental findings, conclusions or recommendations; e.g., about the likelihood of encountering underground storage tanks or regulated contaminants. Similarly, environmental reports are not used to address geotechnical or geologic concerns regarding a specific project. REFERENCES MAPS DeLorme 3-D TopoQuads(2002),Source Data USGS,Yarmouth,Maine. Dragovich,Logan,Walsh, and Schasse (2002), Geological Map of Washington—Northwest Quadrant(Geological Map GM- 50),published by Washington State Department of Natural Resources. Palmer, Magsino, Poelstra, Bilderback, Folger, and Niggemann (September 2004), The Liquefaction Susceptibility Map of Mason County, Washington, published by Washington State Department of Natural Resources. Palmer, Magsino, Bilderback, Poelstra, Folger, and Niggemann (September 2004), The Site Class Map of Mason County, Washington,published by Washington State Department of Natural Resources. Rogers,A.M.,Walsh,T.J.,Kockelman,W.J.,and Priest,G.R.(1996),Map showing known or suspected faults with quaternary displacement in the Pacific Northwest,published by U.S.Geological Survey OFR 91-441-0,Plate 1,scale 1:2,000,000. Smith,Carson(1977),Relative Slope Stability of the Southern Hood Canal Area, Washington,prepared in cooperation with the Washington Department of Natural Resources Division of Geology and Earth Resources; and, Department of the Interior United States Geological Survey. AAG24-018 8947 Buttonwood Lane NE,Olympia,WA 98516 18 Phone#: (360)491-5155 Cell#: (360)481-6677 ALL AMERICAN GEOTECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS ASTM International(2005),Annual Book of Standards 2005, Section 4, Volume 4.08,published by ASTM International,West Conshohocken,Pennsylvania. International Code Council,Inc.(2020),2006International Building Code,published by International Code Council,Inc. Kollmorgen Instruments Corporation(1994),Munsell Soil Color Charts(1994 Revised Edition),published by Macbeth Division of Kollmorgen Instruments Corporation,New Windsor,New York. Ness,Fowler,Parvin(1960),The Soil Survey of Mason County, Washington, USDA Soil Conservation Service,in cooperation with the United States Department of Agriculture, and Washington Agricultural Experimental Station, and the Soils Conservation Service. Parks, Neal, Koloski, Laprade, Molinari, Butler, and Lorentson (November 2006), Guidelines for Preparing Engineering Geology Reports in Washington,published by Washington State Geologist Licensing Board,Olympia,Washington. WEBSITES(ALSO ON MASON COUNTY GIS,WASHINGTON GEOLOGIC INFORMATION PORTAL,AND USDA WEB SOIL SURVEY,WA DEPT OF ECOLOGY WATER WELLS,ETC.) Mason County Government Information Services (http://www.co.mason.wa.us) Mason County Codes,Ordinances,and Regulations (http://www.co.mason.wa.us/code) United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resource Conservation Service (http://soildatamart.nres.usda.gov) Washington Administrative Code (http://apps.leg.wa.gov/wac/) Washington Department of Ecology (http://apps.ecy.wa.gov/welllog) (https:Hfortress.wa.gov/ecy/coastalatlas/viewer.htrn) r AAG24-018 8947 Buttonwood Lane NE,Olympia,WA 98516 19 Phone#: (360)491-5155 Cell#: (360)481-6677 ALL AMERICAN GEOTECHNICAL APPENDIX LiDAR Imagery Neighboring Well Log USGS Seismic Design Specifications Slope Models Figure 1.Vicinity Map Figure 2. Site Plan AAG24-018 8947 Buttonwood Lane NE,Olympia,WA 98516 20 Phone#: (360)491-5155 Cell#: (360)481-6677 ALL AMERICAN GEOTECHNICAL UDAR IMAGERY Ef v w J J 1p 1 T � f C IIII �, W i L � W � N :J N J O E 'i- 1 � w y @ _ a 6 c aw �' U y a � E � V W U LP ey. :+ 1 o 0 .. 000 © 000 � ; AAG24-018 8947 Buttonwood Lane NE, Olympia,WA 98516 21 Phone#: (360)491-5155 Cell#: (360)481-6677 ALL AMERICAN GEOTECHNICAL NEIGHBORING WELL LOG WATER WELL REPORT .. 't'``'�'t" `' MrkcofIntentlJo w916M ECOLOGY 1'ntqucIcolog)'Well 11)rag No BJT943 t)pe t f vsw► Stau of W3'"torSite Well Name(it nwste than one+sell) ® Cumtuctwa ❑ DocanO ssivA r ? RaFeaal nlrsahtat\lil Vt ry WakrRlot F'vxntitlCoul'" o:No Prspmed 14e: !IAsatc bt O Itaduaaial Z loolvnatipsl Ititalwty(hill""Name Steven DereA10 O Dcsaatrittt C Inspatw.i CJ teal Wdi (ttbu Well Suwl Atldecsm 321 E Hedlund prfve Cwstnmtlo"Type: Menial: M Nests wail I- \nentsan Dn" f:k1W N CAW"4 City Shelton ('sash• Mason l Docpanit U(*.,I �flow C All. 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AAG24-018 8947 Buttonwood Lane NE,Olympia,WA 98516 24 Phone#: (360)491-5155 Cell#: (360)481-6677 ALL AM E RI CAN GE OTE CHNI C AL SLOPE MODELS STATIC MODEL A-'LINE A ~ ® � � a ff � i _ 2 � ■ 3£ 7 k 2 2 /; \ 2 q n J i 3 2 R , ^ � , R � 8 i # � �\ � �\ ! �« �> , �\ i � � @ - �� , ... � i � � , S , � � @ � � , y - � [ ., C) �j k $ § § 7 § § CD ° - $\ § / && ± AAQ2-18 8947 G2tt a*o d Lane NE,Olympia,WA 98516 25 Phone% (36)41-155 Cell* (6)41-67 ALL AM E RI CAN GE OTECHNICAL DYNAMIC MODEL A-'LINE A f ! c § « ) '§ 2 8 2 \ ) « \ \ § a � § § , � i 7 ? ! M � � ? � � � S _.z � \ » � �\ � � a �\ � x , � � § . � � � � e � � � � 2 . � � E � § � � 7 < R CD J q ! § § § ) § e S e 7 / \ ■¢ AAQ2-18 8947 Butt nwo d Lane*E Olympia,WA 98516 26 Phone+ (6)4 13155 Cell* (6)481-677 ALL AMERICAN GEOTECHNICAL STATIC MODEL B-B'LINE 2. N a t g i i I i I � I a I w, I I g � � I .s I I I 1 I I I I I � I I 8 I � I � I W in y u J (!1 1 O Q l�L AAG24-018 8947 Buttonwood Lane NE, Olympia,WA 98516 27 Phone#: (360)491-5155 Cell#: (360)481-6677 ALL AMERICAN GEOTECHNICAL DYNAMIC MODEL B-B'LINE 4 co a Y G }� 7k H rq to 10 cu d 1 'n I 1 I I � I I I 1 1 w, I I Q � I U 1 0 I 1 1 fea I I I 1 I I i I o I f I 0 �1 t 1 o I I Z c 0 4 AAG24-018 8947 Buttonwood Lane NE,Olympia,WA 98516 28 Phone#: (360)491-5155 Cell#: (360)481-6677 ALL AMERICAN GEOTECHNICAL FIGURES FIGURE 1.VICIMTY MAP 112a55'66'W 122°Si'00'41 121493,60`w o4,»64 r, /� 1? „;sue' r or ff /.� sl 15 — E N E lo Prn oNed { to Gr, 2202 qi `5 5y �� S S V4- t 12215.'00'w 122`54'00'W 5 122`53`00.w inn WG564 122°52'00"w t` i' i5wr16aoI !MIN'surrWorm..INFORMIrti— .keTMW AAG24-018 8947 Buttonwood Lane NE, Olympia,WA 98516 29 Phone#: (360)491-5155 Cell#: (360)481-6677 °{ Washl.. `/� nfo NOTES This is not a survey. This map is a presentation of - Y - information from county, state, and/or federal agencies, enn9 veok—ist / Z o V client provided information, and onsite observations. J°� 2439 �S6zd Ge°�� Curtis Dean Cushman Site Geology �O M ��o mho ti ����� o Qgt -- Vashon glacial till Btt e Hedlund .5041 D e Site Soil yd 1 e �a 4091 Hb - Harstine gravelly ashy sandy loam, 1 15 to 30 percent slope F- v1 � 1 ��- �d z'•j�ba � fJ SCALE 1'=80' O -6 o 10 06 I 0 20 40 60 80 l� �04 All American Geotechnical> Inc. Project Drawn By: Site Plan Permit Number: Parcel Number: 22024-76-90021 Figure 8947 Buttonwood Lane NE Number: BWJ Proposed Logging 2 Olympia, Washington 98516 AAG24-018 2/20/24 Shelton, WA Applicant Name: Lindell &Denise Sparrow Site Address: 411 East Hedlund Drive Page 32 ALL AMERICAN GEOTECHNICAL FIGURE 3.PROPOSED SITE DEVELOPMENT PER CUSTOM TIMBER MANAGEMENT 6 I r—� ��y s r a 4 '� '•i 4 1 1p 771, . 4 1 ► 1 _ r _ ._ _ i 1 1 1 1 � 4'y ," �� _ � ..— - •' y Aye 5 �. a . d a 1 b l � 1 a. ' NF ti 4i4 rIlkz � L — y 1 1 ` ■ 44,■,, •• f s w r � ' 1 — 1, r Legend .� s 'K'LLmztre_P3'rtls L gym,UelL3treams 31Ope-v n%--z7Y io-s nci y y t 1 1 tmPArM Roads —wrvea=uCE 1 ,C2cormvs i■xr 2e c PioPe'ti _asdng TV-ac --t 1 i Prce[t BourbxY' WVPMed Area r ' ■ ,+ 1 r ,' 1 r � + AAG24-018 8947 Buttonwood Lane NE,Olympia,WA 98516 31 Phone#: (360)491-5155 Cell#: (360)481-6677 FILTER FABRIC MATERIAL 60"WIDE ROLLS USE STAPLES OR WIRE RING TO ATTACH FABRIC TO WIRE 2"X2'X14 GAUGE WIRE FABRIC OR EQUIVALENT GENERAL EROSION CONTROL NOTES: 2'.0' : : 1. EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE IN PLACE PRIOR TO THE BEGINNING OF CONSTRUCTION. THE PROJECT ENGINEER AND THE COUNTY 5'-0" /�\ D SURFACE //�\\: : SHALL INSPECT AND APPROVE THE INSTALLATION OF 1/2 INCH MINIMUM DIAMETER STEEL ROD EROSION CONTROL MEASURES PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. (STRAP)CLAMPED SECURELY TO PIPE 2•.6" - .......................•.;-:--- 2. EROSION CONTROL MEASURES ARE NOT LIMITED TO THE ITEMS 6'MAX ON THIS PLAN. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CORRUGATED TIGHTLINE 4 INCH INSTALLATION AND MAINTAINANCE OF ALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES. MINIMUM,6 INCH SUGGESTED NO SILTATION OF EXISTING OR PROPOSED DRAINAGE FACILITIES M� SHALL BE ALLOWED. CARE SHALL BE TAKEN TO PREVENT MIGRATION ��"•=•-- COLj N//Lj 2"X4"WOOD POSTS,STANDARD OR BURY BOTTOM OF FILTER OF SILTS TO OFF SITE PROPERTIES. 7>°�,;,,;.`�.- •'. 'w '` Sp 44 70 ' _.'• BETTER OR EQUAL ALTERNATE: MATERIAL IN 8"X12"TRENCH .F�:,,.-fir:"t;k;%,�?r:;. �C/ FFF STEEL FENCE POSTS 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE DAILY SURVEILLANCE OF ALL EROSION a•�9::;�1•:•>t•.-; �,r,- . CONTROL MEASURES AND MAKE ANY NECESSARY REPAIRS OR ADDITIONS ,;;:+:;.;?:'.����'�+:�.;-,._.�..; v`c�••,_ TO THE EROSION CONTROL MEASURES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES AS DETERMINED NECESSARY _ �`;,��•,�-�ar,;;�Y -;�-- t;_!1�.,:;::;,;'<.--, BY THE COUNTY INSPECTOR AND/OR THE PROJECT ENGINEER. FAILURE a•; ;`=`:'r t s`"= :� j% :ti:'%''': FILTER FABRIC 6" TO COMPLY WITH ALL LOCAL AND STATE EROSION CONTROL REQUIREMENTS MAY RESULT IN CIVIL PENALTIES BEING LEVIED •`.:• > ,�' :?;+ w4'x'• i �••?• b ..'.>:;r 2"X2"X14 GAUGE WIRE AGAINST THE CONTRACTOR AND/OR PROJECT OWNER. FABRIC OR EQUIVALENT �.j^>" 4yy; y`• T`; ,'i<'T�.}�;. 'L'-0" 3'�..>l: S:il':a1.�.':_ -`_.•'+!'a`�ti}'A,,w�..�' ;,�4 k:fy��.ti 4. DURING THE WET SEASON NOVEMBER TO MARCH ALL DISTURBED SOILS :-••„?rr.�'!'• ` " ." *" '" `v' GROUND SURFACE 5-0, ( ) q: SHALL BE STABILIZED WITHIN 48 HOURS AFTER STOP OF WORK. EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL INCLUDE,BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO, _ °s •` �.:;•?.r� t:y,=> +; : �'` PROVIDE 3/4"-1 1/2"WASHED COVERING THE EFFECTED AREA INCLUDING SPOIL PILES WITH GRAVEL BACKFILLINTRENCH 12• •'•--<: .`:;,•�.'�'�'�-•:£.•a,^:;;a;.:. : `i,:�-` AND ON BOTH SIDES OF FILTER PLASTIC SHEETING,STRAW MATTING,JUTE MATTING,STRAW MULCH, FENCE FABRIC ON THE SURFACE 8"MIN OR WOOD CHIPS. SEEDING OF THE DISTURBED AREAS SHALL TAKE PLACE AS WEATHER PERMITS. TIGHTLINE ANCHORED WITH TWO, 2"X4"WOOD POSTS 5. ALL SEEDED OR SODDED AREAS SHALL BE CHECKED REGULARLY 3 FOOT REBAR LENGTHS OR BOLTS. ALT:STEEL FENCE POSTS TO MAKE SURE VEGETATIVE COVERAGE IS COMLETE. AREAS SHALL BE REPAIRED,RESEEDED,AND FERTILIZED AS REQUIRED. FILTER FABRIC FENCE NOTES: 6. TRACKING OF SOIL OFFSITE WILL NOT BE ALLOWED. IF ANY SOIL IS 1. FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE PURCHASED IN A CONTINUOUS ROLL CUT TO TRACKED ONTO A COUNTY STREET,IT SHALL BE REMOVED BY THE END THE LENGTH OF THE BARRIER TO AVOID USE OF JOINTS. WHEN JOINTS OF THAT WORKING DAY. ANY FURTHER TRACKING OF MUD WILL THEN ARE NECESSARY,FILTER CLOTH SHALL BE SPLICED TOGETHER ONLY AT A SUPPORT POST WITH A MINIMUM 6-INCH OVERLAP AND SECURELY BE PREVENTED BY SWEEPING OR WASHING OF THE VEHICLES TIRES FASTENED AT BOTH ENDS TO THE POST. BEFORE DRIVING ON A COUNTY STREET. 2. POSTS SHALL BE SPACED A MAXIMUM OF 6 FEET APART AND DRIVEN 7. NO MORE THAN 500 LF OF TRENCH ON A DOWNSLOPE OF MORE THAN 5 SECURELY INTO THE GROUND(MINIMUM OF 30 INCHES). PERCENT SHALL BE OPENED AT ONE TIME. 3. A TRENCH SHALL BE EXCAVATED APPROXIMATELY 8 INCHES WIDE AND 12 8. EXCAVATED MATERIAL SHALL BE PLACED ON THE UPHILL SIDE OF TRENCHES. �Gy FLARE END SECTION INCHES DEEP ALONG THE LINE OF POSTS AND UPSLOPE FROM THE BARRIER. QUARRY SPALL 4. WHEN STANDARD STRENGTH FILTER FABRIC IS USED,A WIRE MESH 9. TRENCH DEWATERING DEVICES SHALL BE DISCHARGED IN A MANNER THAT WILL SUPPORT FENCE SHALL BE FASTENED SECURELY TO THE UPSLOPE SIDE NOT ADVERSELY AFFECT FLOWING STREAMS. DRAINAGE SYSTEMS OR y� OR ENERGY ^rF7: OF THE POSTS USING HEAVY-DUTY WIRE STAPLES AT LEAST 1 INCH OFFSITE PROPERTIES. DISPERSION DEVICE 1 '''' LONG,TIE WIRES OR HOG RINGS. THE WIRE SHALL EXTEND INTO THE TRENCH A MINIMUM OF 4 INCHES AND SHALL NOT EXTEND MORE THAN 36 10.ALL STORM SEWER INLETS RECEIVING RUNOFF FROM THE PROJECT DURING INCHES ABOVE THE ORIGINAL GROUND SURFACE. CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE PROTECTED SO THAT SEDIMENT-LADEN WATER GRASS-LINED SWALE SHOULD BE A WILL BE FILTERED BEFORE ENTERING THE CONVEYANCE SYSTEM. MINIMUM ONE FOOT WIDE AT THE 5. THE STANDARD STRENGTH FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE STAPLED OR WIRED TO THE FENCE AND 20 INCHES OF FABRIC SHALL BE EXTENDED BOTTOM AND ONE FOOT DEEP WITH INTO THE TRENCH. THE FABRIC SHALL NOT EXTEND MORE THAN 36 11.ALL OFF-SITE CATCH BASINS IMMEDIATELY ADJACENT TO THE SITE A MAXIMUM SLOPE OF 5 PERCENT. INCHES ABOVE THE ORIGINAL GROUND SURFACE. FILTER FABRIC SHALL SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM SILTATION. NOT BE STAPLED TO THE EXISTING TREES. 12.ALL DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE SEEDED OR SODDED UPON COMPLETION MINIMUM 4 FEET 6. WHEN EXTRA-STRENGTH FILTER FABRIC AND CLOSER POST SPACING IS OF WORK. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO ENSURE THAT LEVEL SECTION USED,THE WIRE MESH SUPPORT FENCE MAP BE ELIMINATED,IN SUCH COMPLETE COVERAGE OF THE DISTURBED AREAS IS PROVIDED&THAT A CASE,THE FILTER FABRIC IS STAPLED OR WIRED DIRECTLY TO THE GROWTH OF THE VEGETATION IS ESTABLISHED. GEOTEXTILE FABRIC POSTS WITH ALL OTHER PROVISIONS OR ABOVE NOTES APPLYING. 7. FILTER FABRIC FENCES SHALL NOT BE REMOVED BEFORE THE UPSLOPE 13.CATCH BASINS SHALL TRAP SEDIMENT OR FILTER FABRIC MUST BE AREA HAS BEEN PERMANENTLY STABILIZED. PLACED UNDER GRATE UNTIL VEGETATION IS ESTABLISHED. 8. FILTER FABRIC FENCES SHALL BE INSPECTED IMMEDIATELY AFTER EACH RAINFALL AND AT LEAST DAILY DURING PROLONGED RAINFALL.ANY REQUIRED REPAIRS SHALL BE MADE IMMEDIATELY. All American Geotechnical, Inc. BWJm By Erosion Control Notes Permit Number: Parcel Numbers: 22024-76-90021 Figure 8947 Buttonwood Lane NE Proposed Logging 4 Olympia,Washington 98516 2/20/24 Lindell&Denise S arrow 411 East Hedlund Drive ymP � Shelton,Washington Applicant Name: p Site Address: Page Revisions: 34