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BLD96-07610 RES - BLD Permit / Conditions - 8/21/1996
Q vo O J O a _ c � Ly n OQ o � = C Q � z N ? OC• O (� :3 CD O Q 0 Q I I r� c O Q OD Ol Z � � O O C = Q N Z (Q --. 00 D 1O Q OD O Q .p :s_a _a _6G '> ) :3 t� U .Y ` Or` —U = CD O a O OD O O. Z O � O o o< o co, -n 7 (D ^ OD Ill r+5 N SAu ---S.L '-) 0 (D t9 u - O (vi +< Su co C? (D ;, l ' � l Permit No. R MASON COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION p'1 426 W. Cedar/P.O. Box 186, Shelton, WA 98584 427-9670/1-800-562-5628 PLEASE PRINT #1 Own Ai e Address_ llU �) ��.I bILYU 1?Q .PLI�I� _ Fire District# � 'City St _Zip Directions to Job Site c G o L ,7"` — t v� o &- Owner Mailing Address City St&)A _Zip Lien/Title Holder A,tiS Address Clty - St C;_, Zip_ #2 Contractor Name 4C — Contractor Reg# Address Expiration Date City �h/�Z 7-?91d St Zip 9.Q_z-8V Phone # #3 If septic is located on project site, include records. Connect to Septic? ✓Public Water Supply ✓Well Connect to Sewer System? Name of System (If residential, proof of potable water is required) 190091 reel No. V,2ck-Ab - -2 - Legal Description Lor / 6 ' Qr� bSjdC�iL'T Pt_H 76 3- /ki-0�To�'S ;'x:L4F #5 Building Square Footage: (existing/proposed) 1 st FI / 76,12- 2nd FI / / 1 7 :i 3rd FI / Loft / Basement / Deck / #bedrooms / _3 #bathrooms Garage / Carport / (Circle:At�r Detached?) Other sq. ft. / #6 Use of building Describe work� � #7 Type of Job: New Add Alt Repair Other ,B I #8 MOBILE/MANUFACTURED HOME INFORMATION v% Model Year Make Model kv Length Width Serial No. 2 !9 # Bedrooms #Bathrooms Type of Heat SUN Purchase Price$ %AV V #9 Indicate by circling the applicable source if any water is on or adjacent to subject property: River Pond Creek Stream Wetland Lake Marsh Saltwater Seasonal Runoff Other Show following on the site plan Lot Dimensions Flood Zones Existing Structures Fences Structure Setbacks Driveways Water Lines Shorelines Drainage Plan Topography Septic Systems Wells Proposed Improvements Easements Name of Flanking Street Indicate Directional by (N, S, E, W) Name of Fronting Street in relation to plot plan APPLICANT TO DRAW SITE PLAN BELOW APPLICANT TO DRAW TOPOGRAPHY PROFILE BELOW Plumbing Fixtures ($3.25 each Fie Mechanical Fixtures ($6.50 each) No. Toilets 6 CIRCLE FUEL TYPE: Gas, Electric, Bath Basins l J; � Hea ump, her Bath Tubs _ �� Units FM Showers Furn BTU t� Hot Water Htr ` _ Heatpumps Laundry Washer ,�s _ Vent Systems �s / Sinks . " _ Spot Vent Fans c( _Floor Drains No. Boilers/Comj2ressors Laundry Basins _ HP Dishwasher No.. Air Handling Units Disposal _ cfm# Urinals No. Fire Protection Systems Other _ Auto. Fire Alarm Sys 50.00 Fixed Fire Supp. Sys 50•00 Permit Basic Fee 16.25 _ Auto Fire Sprink Sys 35•00 TOTAL PLUMBING $ L 1> 75- No. Other Gas Outlets Wood, Gas, Pellet Stove NOTICE: THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COM- MENCED WITHIN 180 DAYS OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR Permit Basic Fee 16.25 WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 180 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCED. PROOF OF CONTINUATION OF WORK IS BY MEANS OF A PROGRESS INSPECTION. OWNERS AFFIDAVIT CONTRACTORS AFFIDAVIT I CERTIFY THAT I AM EXEMPT FROM THE REQUIRE- I CERTIFY THAT I AM A CURRENTLY REGISTERED MENTS OF THE CONTRACTORS REGISTRATION LAW CONTRACTOR IN THE STATE OF WASHINGTON AND I RCW 18.27, AND AM AWARE OF THE MASON COUNTY AM AWARE OFTHE ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS REGU- ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR WHICH THIS PER- LATING THE WORK FOR WHICH THE PERMIT IS ISSUED MIT IS ISSUED AND THAT ALL WORK DONE WILL BE IN AND ALL WORK DONE WILL BE IN CONFORMANCE CONFORMANCE THEREWITH. NO CHANGES SHALL BE THEREWITH. NO CHANGES SHALL BE MADE WITHOUT MADE WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING APPROVAL FROM FIRST OBTAINING APPROVAL FROM THE BUILDING THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. DEPA TMENT. X OWNER X BY DATE DATE \\\ \ \ \ FOR rFFICiAL USE ONLY Accepted by'! DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW ' FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Approved Cond. Hold Approval Planning: p i i 3 Environmental Health: Building Plan Review Occupancy Group: Type of Const: Fire Marshal: Other: Special Conditions: FEES Building Permit Plan Check ?Z z5 Plumbing Fee 6! '1- Mechanical Fee s �� W o / P Il�e�Stove Z Radon Monitor Violation Fee y,< Site Inspection ^ — Building State Fees Other 12L6_ Q� Other y�j2 Building Valuation: TOTAL FEE ; FORM MUST BE COMPLETED IN INK PLEASE PRESS HARD MASON COUNTY PROJECT SITE INFORMATION Case No. Name PARCEL NUMBERQ€ ^+:�' grJc',z't ,(Date SHOW THE FOLLOWING ON SITE PLAN Show Direction by indicationg N, S, E, W in relation to the site plan Lot Dimensions Fences Existing Structures Driveways Structure Setbacks Shorelines ILI Water Lines Topography Well Location (including adjacent) Drainage Plan Names of Streets Easements Names of Fronting Streets Septic System DRAW SITE PLAN BELOW Include adjacent properties if on shoreline or within 100 feet o adjacent property line. adjacent property line-> , 37 1-3` E-adjacent property line i I � -C I I � i I I %) ® i' I I I I I A I I I I I adjacent property ine-> I�� 'V ' <-adjacent property line SAMPLE SITE PLAN aCdjRaEcEIGt property line II _ FadjacGeanat eprop erty line v so SA ,/Al.\ _- :4 HrOL obM VACANT CARAC.6 0.oPsDR \Poo's tn smpRt\:\c SOS ��,IIIII TA&R u-'LLLTu-RAL i 1 4) I I 1 I I �--go• I I \ I I \ \ /DO" I I � t_—eLL I I I I I /DO —� adjacent property line--) Fad'acent ro ert line TOPOGRAPHY PROFILE(Show a side view of property. Show slopes, cuts and fills. If possible include height and the degree of slopes. See sample topography profile.) SAMPLE TOPOGRAPHY PROFILE 610pz -roe AL Srtruttlx.Y� +o IgLnature VDate HYDRAULIC PROJECT APPROVAL State of Washington id of RCW 75.20.100 or RCW 75.20.108 Department of Fish and Wildlife Region 7 Office FISHmd 600 Capitol Way North,MS 3155 IWII LN Olympia,Washington 98501-1091 DATE OF ISSUE: June 24, 1999 LOG NUMBER: 00-D7570-01 PERMITTEE AUTHORIZED AGENT OR CONTRACTOR William O'Brien Greg Walterick 111 W. Palomino Place 2380 Highland Road Shelton, WA 98584 Shelton, WA 98584 (360) 426-0301 (360)426-4364 Fax: (360)426-6306 PROJECT.DESCRIPTION: Trench Conduit under Stream PROJECT LOCATION: Vicinity of Shelton Dayton-Airport Road. # WRIA WATER BODY TRIBUTARY TO 1/4 SEC. SEC. TOWNSHIP RANGE COUNTY 1 14.0037 Unnamed N.Fk.Goldsborough Creek 08 20 North 04 West Mason PROVISIONS 1. TIMING LIMITATIONS: The project may begin Immediately and shall be completed by September 30,2000, provided: a. Work below the ordinary high water line shall only occur between June 15 and September 30. 2. NOTIFICATION REQUIREMENT: The permittee or contractor shall notify the Area Habitat Biologist(AHB) listed below of the project start date. Notification shall be received by the AHB at least one working days prior to the start of construction activities. The notification shall include the permittee's name, project location, starting date for work, and the control number for this Hydraulic Project Approval. 3. Work shall be accomplished per plans and specifications entitled, no name,dated June 15, 1999, and submitted to the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, except as modified by this Hydraulic Project Approval. These plans reflect design criteria per Chapter 220-1 10 WAC. These plans reflect mitigation procedures to significantly reduce or eliminate impacts to fish resources. A copy of these plans shall be available on site during construction. 4. Conduit alignment shall be as nearly perpendicular to the stream as possible. 5. The conduit shall be installed at sufficient depth so that subsequent disturbance of the streambed is avoided. 6. When using trench excavation, the trenches shall be excavated in the dry or shall be isolated from the flowing stream. Plowing, placement, and covering shall occur in a single pass of the equipment. Disturbance of the streambed as a result of the plowing operation shall be limited to the amount necessary to complete the project. 7. Trenches shall be backfilled with ?, and the streambed shall be returned to preproject condition. 8. The trench shall be backfilled to a depth of 12 inches with material composed of clean, rounded, uniformly-graded gravel with a size composition of 1/4 to 2 inches in diameter. If the material removed as a result of the trenching operation meets this criteria, it may be used to backfill the trench. Pagel of 3 w HYDRAULIC PROJECT APPROVAL State of Washington of RCW 75.20.100 or RCW 75.20.108 Department of Fish and Wildlife Region 7 Office FISHm�d 600 Capitol Way North,MS 3155 1 OLN Olympia,Washington 98501-1091 DATE OF ISSUE: June 24. 1999 LOG NUMBER: 00-D7570-01 9. Excess spoils shall be disposed of so it will not re-enter the stream. 10. The conduit approach trench shall be isolated from the stream until laying of the conduit across the stream occurs. 11. The approach trenching shall have all disturbed earth areas stabilized to prevent erosion extending to the top of the sloping approach to the stream. SEPA: Exempt, no other non-exempt permits APPLICATION ACCEPTED: June 17, 1999 ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: Ohlde 029 [P3] Jim Fraser (360) 664-4670 �jLyae-i for Director Area Habitat Biologist WDFW GENERAL PROVISIONS This Hydraulic Project Approval(HPA)pertains only to the provisions of the Fisheries Code(RCW 75.20). Additional authorization from other public agencies may be necessary for this project. This HPA shall be available on the job site at all times and all its provisions followed by the permittee and operator(s)performing the work. This HPA does not authorize trespass. The person(s)to whom this HPA is issued may be held liable for any loss or damage to fish life or fish habitat which results from failure to comply with the provisions of this HPA. Failure to comply with the provisions of this Hydraulic Project Approval could result in a civil penalty of up to one hundred dollars per day or a gross misdemeanor charge,possibly punishable by fine and/or imprisonment. All HPAs issued pursuant to RCW 75.20.100 or 75.20.160 are subject to additional restrictions, conditions or revocation if the Department of Fish and Wildlife determines that new biological or physical information indicates the need for such action. The permittee has the right pursuant to Chapter 34.04 RCW to appeal such decisions. All HPAs issued pursuant to RCW 75.20.103 may be modified by the Department of Fish and Wildlife due to changed conditions after consultation with the permittee: PROVIDED HOWEVER,that such modifications shall be subject to appeal to the Hydraulic Appeals Board established in RCW 75.20.130. APPEALS- GENERAL INFORMATION IF YOU WISH TO APPEAL A DENIAL OF OR CONDITIONS PROVIDED IN A HYDRAULIC PROJECT APPROVAL, THERE ARE INFORMAL AND FORMAL APPEAL PROCESSES AVAILABLE. Page 2 of 3 HYDRAULIC PROJECT APPROVAL State of Washington d RCW 75.20.100 or RCW 75.20.108 Department of Fish and Wildlife t Region 7 Office WOLN 600 Capitol Way North,MS 3155 Olympia,Washington 98501-1091 DATE OF ISSUE: June 24. 1999 LOG NUMBER: 00-D7570-01 A. INFORMAL APPEALS(WAC 220-110-340)OF DEPARTMENT ACTIONS TAKEN PURSUANT TO RCW 75.20.100, 75.20.103,75.20.106,AND 75.20.160: A person who is aggrieved or adversely affected by the following Department actions may request an informal review of: (A) The denial or issuance of a HPA,or the conditions or provisions made part of a HPA; or (B) An order imposing civil penalties. It is recommended that an aggrieved party contact the Area Habitat Biologist and discuss the concerns. Most problems are resolved at this level, but if not,you may elevate your concerns to his/her supervisor. A request for an INFORMAL REVIEW shall be in WRITING to the Department of Fish and Wildlife,600 Capitol Way North,Olympia, Washington 98501-1091 and shall be RECEIVED by the Department within 30-days of the denial or issuance of a HPA or receipt of an order imposing civil penalties. The 30-day time requirement may be stayed by the Department if negotiations are occurring between the aggrieved party and the Area Habitat Biologist and/or his/her supervisor. The Habitat Protection Services Division Manager or his/her designee shall conduct a review and recommend a decision to the Director or its designee. If you are not satisfied with the results of this informal appeal,a formal appeal may be filed. B. FORMAL APPEALS(WAC 220-110-350)OF DEPARTMENT ACTIONS TAKEN PURSUANT TO RCW 75.20.100 OR 75.20.106: A person who is aggrieved or adversely affected by the following Department actions may request an formal review of: (A) The denial or issuance of a HPA,or the conditions or provisions made part of a HPA; (B) An order imposing civil penalties; or (C) Any other"agency action"for which an adjudicative proceeding is required under the Administrative Procedure Act, Chapter 34.05 RCW. A request for a FORMAL APPEAL shall be in WRITING to the Department of Fish and Wildlife, 600 Capitol Way North, Olympia, Washington 98501-1091,shall be plainly labeled as "REQUEST FOR FORMAL APPEAL"and shall be RECEIVED DURING OFFICE HOURS by the Department within 30-days of the Department action that is being challenged. The time period for requesting a formal appeal is suspeAaded during consideration of a timely informal appeal. If there has been an informal appeal,the deadline for requesting a formal appeal shall be within 30-days of the date of the Department's written decision in response to the informal appeal. C. FORMAL APPEALS OF DEPARTMENT ACTIONS TAKEN PURSUANT TO RCW 75.20.103 or 75.20.160: A person who is aggrieved or adversely affected by the denial or issuance of a HPA,or the conditions or provisions made part of a HPA may request a formal appeal. The request for FORMAL APPEAL shall be in WRITING to the Hydraulic Appeals Board per WAC 259-04 at Environmental Hearings Office,4224 Sixth Avenue SE, Building Two- Rowe Six, Lacey, Washington 98504;telephone 360/459-6327. D. FAILURE TO APPEAL WITHIN THE REQUIRED TIME PERIODS RESULTS IN FORFEITURE OF ALL APPEAL RIGHTS. IF THERE IS NO TIMELY REQUEST FOR AN APPEAL,THE DEPARTMENT ACTION SHALL BE FINAL AND UNAPPEALABLE. Page 3 of 3 SECTION SIX: OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE (O&M) 1. FREQUENCY OF O&M All on-site sewage systems.require operation and maintenance care in order to function satisfactorily over an extended period of time. The following table summarizes minimum O&M frequency needed for each type of system,and the homeowner's options for who can perform the work: .......... ................... 7:1 ...... ... ..... ..... "rivenaarla jMty:::: . ........... .......... .......... Sandter ............. ......... ........... Wift .......... ........... ........ ..... ......... ......... PRO First 6 weeks CMS CMS- PRO First 6 months CMS PRO PRO As required by the CMS CMS manufacturer or NSF, but no less than every 6 months Year I of cycle HO CMS Year 2 of cycle HO CMS Year 3 of cycle HO CMS PUM INS DES CMS H0=Home Owner PRO=Proprietary Device Licensee PUM=Certified Pumper INS=Certified Installer DES=Certified Designer CMS=Certified Maintenance Specialist Revised January 7. 1999 Page 18 Building Permit #q(7-0-261 MASON COUNTY ylCL-z- 019 BUILDIING ill 426 W. CEI�AR IF SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584 (360) 427-9670 -q3003 T ri qCORRECTION NOTICE _ C Job Location (.�'l G 7a I owl I IAO 1 This structure has been inspected by Mason County Building Department w\i and the following VIOLATION of County Laws and Ordinances has been , found: Items listed below must be corrected to gain code compliance NULL & VOID BY EXPIRATION D TE BY l You are hereby notified that the above corrections shall be made BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH ANY FURTHER WORK ❑ Call for re-inspection when corrections are made before continuing ❑ Make corrections, items will be checked on next inspection ❑ OK to Department Date Z Inspector ,c 5 DO NOT REMOVE tHiS TAG keeth m. b1 a_ consulting structura; 9600 e. p.o. box 38 raytown, missouri 64133 August 15 , 1995 816/356-1445 fax 816/356-8364 Re: REWARD WALL SYSTEMS TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Our office has reviewed the reinforcing specified in the tables published for the Reward Wall System for various load conditions . Our calculations are conservatively based on a simplified concrete structure consisting of vertical rectangular posts • spaced on 12 inch centers and horizontal rectangular beams spaced on 16 inch centers. These are equivalent to the actual shape of the posts and beams found in the Reward Wall System configuration. We have compared our calculations to the requirements of the Uniform Building Code published by the ICBO and they appear to comply directly with chapter 26 of that code. We find this product to be acceptable to the requirements set out by said Uniform Building Code for use in the construction of basements, foundations and exterior load bearing walls for one and two story homes and light commercial applications . Any designs should be required to comply with the local conditions or codes such as seismic, wind, snow load, etc. and must utilize the recommendations set out by the manufacturer for method of installation and steel reinforcement . Our review of the Reward Wall System also includes the recommendation that items other than purely structural be taken into consideration on each project such as interior fire and flame spread protection and back plastering and waterproofing of below ground exteriors . • • — ,If this wall system is considered a new product or structural system by a Code Body, it is our further suggestion that a qualified building official, construction inspector or engineer be present just prior to and during concrete placement at each project site until the Code Body has been satisfied of quality assurance. Yours truly, Kenneth M. Blom, P.E . Wgsf�, /19� Norman B. Brasel, P.E. ?.1999 [�l ,c PFGrsTEP�a��� EXPIRES CDC D FILE � 1235 EAST 4TH AVE SUITE 101 OLYMPIA,WA 98506 (360)754-9339 FAX(360)352-2044 MC SQUARED E-mail:eng@mc2-inc.com INCORPORATED Bob Jones December 29, 1999 255 SW Gibson Lane Issaquah,WA 98027 RE: THE HOUSE LOCATED AT#61 DAYTON TRAILS IN SHELTON,WA Dear Mr. Jones, Monday, December 13, 1999, 1 visited the house located at#61 Dayton Trails in Shelton, Washington. The purpose of my visit was to obtain information about the house that would aid in the structural calculations for the lateral and vertical analysis and determine whether or not it meets the requirements of the 1997 Uniform Building Code. You were present during the site visit. The house is a Reward wall system and wood framed structure. The wall framing for the house is Reward forms filled with reinforced concrete. A portion of the attached garage is wood framed with 2x studs at 16" on center. The roof framing is pre-manufactured trusses at 24" on center. Cascade Testing Laboratory, Inc. performed field-testing in various locations of the house in order to determine the reinforcing steel lay-out of the Reward wall system. The information from the report was used in the calculations for the lateral and vertical analysis. A copy of the report is attached to the structural calculations. The house will meet the 1997 UBC once a few modifications have been made to the structure. The following plans show the requirements. If you have any questions, or if I may be of further assistance, please call me at (360) 754- 9339. Sincerely yours, MC SQUARED, INC. nette Graham Associate Engineer --Page 1 -- STRUCTURAL • FOUNDATION • C I�ENGINEERS CASCADE TESTING LABORATORY, INC. TESTING& INSPECTION /ENGINEERS 12919 N.E. 126TH PLACE KIRKLAND: (425)623-S800 SEATTLE: (206)525-6700 KIRKLAND.WASHINGTON 96034 FAX: (425)623-2203 EVERETT (425)259-061 7 December 8, 1999 Cert No. 9912-06 Bob Jones 255 SW Gibson Lane Issaquah, Washington 98027 Attention: Bob Jones Reference: Evaluation Testing Gordon Hastings House - Shelton, Washington Gentlemen; The following represents the results of the field testing as performed at the above noted project on December 1, 1999. Present during the testing was John Crass of Benton Cook Engineering and yourself. Testing was performed in various locations of the structure for determination of reinforcing steel lay-out of the "Reward Wall System" structural concrete walls. The testing was performed by the use of a Soiltest Concrete Cover Meter (Pachometer) for the indication of the reinforcing steel. The following was indicated; First Floor Level Tests were performed along the front wall and theffireplace wall of the living room area. Reinforcing steel was indicated to be vertical at twelve (12) inch centers. The pachometer indicated additional steel readings at each side of window and door openings likely due to increased reinforcing steel in those locations. Horizontal reinforcing steel was indicated to be at sixteen (16) inch centers. Horizontal reinforcing steel was also indicated above the window and door openings. Horizontal reinforcing steel was indicated along the second floor ledger attached to the wall. Tests were performed along the rear wall of the structure at the area between the rear door and window openings. Reinforcing steel was indicateld to be vertical at twelve (12) inch centers. The pachometer indicated additional steel readings at each side of window and door openings likely due to increased reinforcing steel in those locations. Horizontal reinforcing steel was indicated to be at sixteen(16) inch centers. Horizontal reinforcing steel was also indicated above the window and door openings. CASCADE TESTING LABORATORY, INC. TESTING&INSRECT1ON/ENGINEERS December 3, 1999 Gordon Hastings House Cert No. 9912-06 Page No. 2 - Tests were performed along the garage wing wall. Vertical reinforcing steel was indicated to be between twelve (12) to sixteen (16) inch centers. Horizontal reinforcing was indicated at sixteen (16) inch centers. Tests were performed along the main garage wall. Vertical reinforcing steel was indicated to be at twelve (12) inch centers and horizontal reinforcing was indicated at sixteen (16) inch centers through this wall section. The reinforcing steel was indicated to be in the center portions of both the vertical and horizontal cells of the "Reward Wall System" forms, in the areas tested alone the first flog and garage areas. Second Floor Level Tests were performed along the second floor bedrooms. Reinforcing steel was indicated to be vertical at twelve (12) inch centers. The pachometer indicated additional steel readings at each side of window and door openings likely due to increased reinforcing steel in those locations. Horizontal reinforcing steel was indicated to be at sixteen (16) inch centers. Horizontal reinforcing steel was also indicated above the window and door openings. The horizontal steel above the window opening along the front of the structure was indicated to be along the upper 1/3 of the horizontal cell of the "Reward Wall System. The horizontal steel above the window openings along the rear of the structure was indicated to be within the center of the cell area of the wall system. Tests were performed along the main wall over the garage. Vertical reinforcing steel was indicated at twelve (12) inch centers with horizontal reinforcing steel at sixteen (16) inch centers. We hope this will answer any questions you may have; if any should arise or we can be of further assistance please do not hesitate to give us a call. Respectfully; CASCADE TESTING LABORATORY, INC. Kenneth B. Foot Vice President �L'f-�,"J� ar �-4e a,a� ;r -Yhrw•--Ea�Y.,��'4 Yr-a o rod T,-VV; L) Wall SystemIS5 Incm E*6TALLATION ( MANUAL FOR REWARD FORMS (Patent Pending) Reward Wall Syst s, Inc. P. O. Box 461 17 Papillion, Nebraska 6 046-1117 1 08/07/199G 16: 00 20G8425769 DAYLE B. HOUK PAGE 01 Dayle B. Houk., P.E. R E C E 1-V E_D Consulting Structural Engineer AUG 0 8 19% 11704 Two Creeks Road NE � • Bainbridge island,Washington 98110 �►�`w. ES (208)"2-5769 , ELl� o TO �3+ I � (O SC loan DATE c _ 10 11 1 E21 z nl r nfl ice PROJECT 7Qrt _ 4c _ Wc�' J T_. 1_Xn t F-L' ATTENTIONS FROM v 1e t- r LL51 - 1 w` 7 6 r 240:;i I d f l(MES COPY TO e B 27 • 7-7 r ' Wall Systems, lnc'.;l INSTALLATION MANUAL FOR REWARD FORMS ( Patent Pending) Mli �I September 1995 �® Reward Wall Systems are exclusively distributed by 3•10 Insulated Forms, L.P. P.O. Box 461 117 • Papillion, Nebraska 68046-1117 • 402-592-9701 • Fax 402-592-7969 Wall Systems, Inc'"I INSTALLATION MANUAL FOR N REWARD FORMS (Patent Pending) Reward Wall SystemsTM, Inc. P. O. Box 461117 Papillion, Nebraska 68046-1117 ©1995 by I.S.M., Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transcribed, in any form or by any means, electronically, mechanically, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Wall Systems, hile.� The Use of Reward Wall SystemsTmStay in Place Forms Reward products are supplied exclusively through a nationwide network of trained Certified Dealers and Dist utors in an effort to insure proper instruction and installation. The instructions and guidelines contained in this manual are easy to follow and understand. These installation procedures have been developed from the experience of building contractors nationwide who use our forms. Please follow the procedures carefully. Like many of its predecessors, Reward Forms utilize a design that develops a reinforced post and beam concro a wall. The forms are 16" high, 48" long, 9 114" wide (6" core) and 11 4" wide (8" core). You will find with the Reward forms, the aggregate size I and concrete slump are not as critical as compared to previous versions of stay-in-place forms using the same type of concrete form design. This improvement is due to a uniquely designed modified polyethylene form tie that minimizes the restriction of concrete flow in the forms. The placement of the end ties on the Reward form also helps in the prevention of voids. Another advantage of the Reward II �T rm is the 16" high, 1 112" wide, furring strip placed at 12 inch on center which makes applying all interior and exterior finishes easier than similar forms. This type of furring strip allows the E/IFS finishes (stucco) to applied without concerns associated with metal or steel furring strips. ADVICE AND ASSISTANCE can be obtained by contacting your local dealer, distributor or 3#10 Insulated Foam, L.P. (National Distributor) Technical Service Department, 800-468-6344, located at P.O. Box 460790, Papillion, Nebraska 68046-0790. I TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction II. Table of Contents 1. Description of Reward Forms - Page 1 2. Benefits of Reward Wall System - Page 3 3. Technical Data Sheet - Page 7 4. Safety Information - Page 8 5. Instructions for Concrete Slabs with Stem Walls - Page 9 6. Instructions for Crawl Spaces - Page 11 7. Step by Step Instructions for Reward Form Walls - Page 13 8. Setting Forms in Wet Footings - Page 19 9. Final Checklist- Page 20 10. Form Usage Illustrations - Page 21 11. Corner Forms - Page 23 12. Special Angles with Reward Forms - Page 25 13. Curved Wall Details - Page 26 14. Intersecting Wall Details - Page 27 15. Plumbing and Electrical Installation- Page 28 16. Foundation Details - Page 31 17. Single Story Construction Details - Page 32 18. Basement Damp Proofing - Page 33 19. Multi Story Construction Details - Page 34 20. IFH - Series Hanger - Page 37 21. Alternate Flooring Installation for Multi Story - Page 38 22. Brickledge Details - Page 39 23. Lintels - Page 40 24. Vertical Rebar Placement - Page 43 25. Steel Reinforcement Tables - Page 46 26. Pre-Engineered Building Wall Section - Page 55 27. Form Drawings and Details - Page 57 28. Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning Requirements Page 64 29. Job Estimating Guidelines - Page 65 30. Tools List - Page 68 I I The Reward Forms Since their introduction in the 1960's, these types of concrete forming systems have proven to be an effective way for the builder and the consumer to achieve their goals of building structurally sound, environmentally friendly, energy efficient homes and commercial buildings. Our Reward Forms feature the most requested improvements making them the most user friendly insulated concrete forming system available. The modified polyethylene reinforcement members attach the two sections of modified expanded polystyrene together. The use of modified polyethylene greatly reduces thermal bridging. The Reward / Form has no visible attachment strips making it ideal for applications where synthetic stucco will be applied or where below grade water wicking may be a concern. The Reward 11 Form features 16"X 1 112"visible attachment strips to allow the use of any interior and exterior finishes. The attachment strips are anchored in the concrete and located at 12" on center allowing the attachment of wall finishing materials with drywall or self tapping screws. The attachment strips visually define where the vertical concrete posts are located within the form and reinforce the forming unit seams when interlocked. The new reinforcement members open design allows maximum concrete flow within the form while increasing the strength of the forming unit making it the most stable and strongest form of its type. 6+ 6. j2 t2 CORr GOR� 2, d' 2 GORE GORE RE , IRE GORE I GCRC ,I I 'I SrR�P I' � al .FURR�r Wall Systems, Inc'."l, SKETCH SHOWING CONCRETE COLUMN AND BEAM OF THE 6-INCH FORM VERTICAL COLUMN 12 INCHES ON CENTER �I HORIZONTAL BEAM—� 16 INCHES ON CENTER �® Reward Wall Systems are exclusively distributed by 3.10 Insulated Forms, L.P. P.O. Box 461117 • Papillion, Nebraska 68046-1117 • 402-592-9701 • Fax 402-592-7969 2 Reward Wall Systems TmAdvantages and Builder Benefits • No forms to be stripped, cleaned, transported or stored. • Fewer man-hours required when compared to "traditional" concrete walls, wood frame or concrete blocks. • Forms stay-in-place to provide a concrete wall that is 50 percent stronger per square inch while using 25 percent less concrete than "conventional"methods. ■4 Eliminates the costly labor intensive step of installing additional insulation to meet consumer demands or energy codes. • Forms are lightweight and easy to handle. One form weighing about 5 pounds replaces 140 pounds of concrete block. • Larger available labor pool due to forms being lightweight. • Minimizes construction time. • The fastest method of constructing a fully insulated concrete wall. • Provides a thermal mass wall of 76 lbs/sq ft (8 inch core) or 56 lbs/sq ft (6 inch core). • Lap joint assembly minimizes outside aid'infiltration, air leaks, drafts and heat loss through insulation joints. • Superior insulation of the forms allows concrete to be placed at temperatures as low as -15 degrees F°withc t adding special chemicals. • Excellent for construction in earthquake zones and areas subject to hurricane force winds. • Greatly exceeds standard building requirements. • Builders provide their customers with the finest building available. • Forms are easily cut to achieve special angles and shapes. • Furring strips allow all finishes to be easily applied. J Wall Systems, Ine., Reward Wall S stems 7mAdvanta es Y g and Consumer Benefits • Higher appraisal than "conventionally"constructed buildings. • Fire Insurance rates are lower than on "conventional'wood frame buildings. • Elim inates structural damage that can be caused by wood eating termites, carpenter ants, etc... • Minimizes outside air infiltration leaving home furnishings cleaner longer and lowers utility costs. • Reduces airborne pollution and dust allergens. • Eliminates mildew and damp smells found in "conventional'basements. • Combination of insulation, thermal mass and reduced air infiltration reduces heating and cooling costs by 60-80 percent. r • Reward Wall Systems are excellent for hurricane prone areas and earth quake zones. • Virtually eliminates outside noise pollution through walls. • Reduces cracking in foundation and basement walls which minimizes the leakage of radon gas into the home or other buildings. • In a fire the Reward Forms emit less toxic fumes than wood or most other insulation materials and exceeds all building code requirements for flame spread and smoke development. • No CFCs or HCFC s are used in manufacturing. • Produces no odor or irritating fumes (great for the allergy sufferer). 4 REWARD FORMS PRODUCE STRONGER CONCRETE WALLS Compressive strength, percent of 28—day moist—cured concrete 150 125 Moi"—c`�red entire time F—Concrete in Reward Forms In air after 7 days . 75 / ______ In air after 3 day.___ _ F—Concrete when forms are ' removed after 3 days In air entire time 50 25 0 3 7 28 90 180 Age, days Figure 1-4 Hydration at work (Courtesy of Portland Cement Association) Concrete is made possible because of the chemical reaction of cement and water. This reaction, called hydration, requires time and favorable conditions of temperature and moisture. Water is required initially to begin the process by making a cement paste. Once the compound is L formed, hydration starts and continues as long as moisture remains. The process stops when moisture is removed by heat and evaporation, but it can be restarted by adding moisture, even though this is undesirable. The chart in Figure 1-4 shows the strength that is formed under various conditions of hydration. When the hydration process is controlled for the first 28 days,that is, when moisture is continually available in the mass, 100 percent strength is obtained. If hydration is continued beyond that point, strength exceeds 125 percent if controlled for 180 days. However, notice that various degrees of strength are obtained if improper methods of curing are used. Chemical action can be sustained by: 1. Keeping the concrete wet 24 hours/day,using water and hoses. 2. Applying a plastic cover over the concrete,trapping the moisture within. 3. Covering the concrete with burlap,which is kept wet. 4. Covering the concrete with fresh hay,which is kept wet, This method also aids against freezing. (Source: Masonry and Concrete by Byron W. Maguire, Prentice Hall Co., Reston, Virginia, 1978.) 5 REWARD WALL SYSTEMSTM ADVANTAGES ENVIRONMENTAL BENEFITS • Helps to save the World's forests by reducing the dependence on lumber. • Uses concrete (portland cement, sand and gravel) of which the earth has an abundant supply. • Reduces burning of fossil fuels which reduces the "greenhouse effect" and air pollution. • Save energy so it saves our valuable oil and gas reserves. • No CFC's released during the manufacturing process. CFC's are believed to have a damaging effect on the earth's protective ozone layer. EXTRUDED EXPANDED POLYSTYRENE POLYSTYRENE (EPS) Uses CFC's which may be Does not use CFC's destroying the ozone VS. Appearance: tiny white Appearance: fibrous beads Used in Reward Forms Scientists studying the Earth's atmosphere believe that the ozone layer which shields us from the sun's ultraviolet radiation is being destroyed by the CFC (chloroflourocarbon) blowing agents. rene Fortunately, CFC blowing agents are not used in the manufacture of ex anded polystyrene p P Y Y (EPS) products such as our Reward Forms. Rather, pentane gas is used. Pentane is a naturally occurring hydrocarbon that does not react chemically with ozone and does not destroy it. Unfortunately, many extruded polystyrene products use CFC's in their manufacture. It can be recognized by its fibrous appearance and is found in the following: 1. Extruded polystyrene insulation products which are usually colored to differentiate them from other rigid insulation's. "Blue Board" and "Pink Board" are examples. 2. Extruded polystyrene disposable containers such as many types of drinking cups, hamburger containers, etc. 3. Packaging filler materials such as the"peanuts", etc. Expanded polystyrene does not use CFC's in their manufacture. Expanded polystyrene is easily recognized by its unique appearance, thousands of tiny white beads fused together tightly. It is found in the following products: 1. Reward Forms 2. Expanded polystyrene insulation commonly known as"bead board". 3. Ice chests, molded packaging materials, etc. 6 REWARD FORMS TECHNICAL DATA SHEET PRODUCT DESCRIPTION An expanded polystyrene concrete forming unit which is used to construct a one-piece, monolithic concrete wall with reinforced concrete post and beams. The Forms remain in place providing a super- insulated concrete wall and are finished with conventional interior and exterior wall coverings. MATERIALS AND MANUFACTURE • Molded expanded modified polystyrene(EPS), self-extinguishing,conforming to ASTM C578-87a • Modified polyethylene NOMINAL DIMENSIONS &WEIGHT Length 48" Height 16" Width 9-1/4" (6" core), 11 1/4" (8" core) Surface 5.33 s .ft. Weight 51bs. CONCRETE VOLUMES 6" core 0.074 cu.yd. per unit(1 vd. of concrete fills 13.5 Forms) 8" core 0.100 cu.yd. per unit(1 vd. of concrete fills 9.5 Forms) TYPICAL DESIGN VALUES Expanded Polystyrene 1.5 lbs/cu. ft. Average thickness of EPS 2.4"per side(6" core),2.4"per side(8" core) Thermal Mass of concrete 56 lbs/s .ft. (6" core), 76 lbs/s .ft. (8" core) R-value of 1.5 lb/cu.ft. EPS 4.17/inch K-factor of 1.5 lb/cu. ft. EPS 0.24/inch Air infiltration comparison 1:4 Ratio Reward Svstem to wood frame construction Water absorption(volume) Less than 2%(ASTM C272) Water Vapor Transmission 0.9-2.5perms/inch thickness Breathabili / ermeability 1.27perms/inch thickness Sound class 48 with 1/2" drvwall EPS compressive strength 19 -22 psi (10%deformation) Concrete compressive strength 2,500 psi (minim_uu,►1) Concrete pouring temperature -150 F minimum Coefficient of thermal expansion(EPS) 0.00035/100°F Concrete 0.00055/1000 F REWARD FORM SAFETY INFORMATION TOXICITY These toxicity test results compare the total sum of toxicity factors(carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and poisonous chemicals)found in the smoke of burning materials as compared to the smoke from burning red oak. Material Sum of Toxicity Factors Reward Form EPS 24 White pine 50 Red oak 100 (the standard) PVC(poly vinyl chloride) 360 Wool 390 ABS (plastic pipe) 280 Urethane(rigid) 290 FLAME SPREAD The distance that flame spreads from the igniting flame during a 10-minute fire exposure under controlled test conditions in a test tunnel. The results of the test are compared to the flame spread on asbestos-cement board and the flame spread on an untreated red oak floor under similar fire exposure conditions. Material Flame Spread Asbestos-cement board 0 Reward Forms EPS Less than 25 (self extinguishing) Untreated red oak flooring 100 ft. (Actual testing less than 10) maximum accepted by UBC 75 ft. SMOKE DEVELOPMENT The amount of smoke developed during a standard burning in a test tunnel. The results are compared to the smoke developed by burning an asbestos-cement board and the smoke developed by burning a red oak floor under similar fire conditions during a 10-minute period. The amount of smoke developed is determined by the light absorption percentage of the smoke using a photoelectric circuit operating across the test furnace flue pipe. Material Smoke Development Asbestos-cement board 0 Untreated red oak flooring 100 Reward Forms Less than 300 Maximum accepted by UBC 450 Flame spread and smoke development test procedures according to ASTM E84-81a and similar to the following: UL-723, ANSI No. 2.5,NFPA No. 255,and UBC 42-1. 8 1 STEP-BY-STEP PROCEDURES FOR CONCRETE SLABS WITH STEM WALLS 1. FOOTINGS • Pour foundation as required • A level footing is important to good building. (For, other options see wet footings section.) Building on a level footing results in less Work in laying stem walls, floors, walls, etc... 2. 'VERTICAL REBAR • When pouring footings, follow local code requirements or use a minimum of #4 vertical rebar placed at two foot intervals. (For ,other options see wet footing section.) -TG, � /1 be cc1'inq t� c�,c Se-f 3. PERIMETER CHALK LINE I • When concrete footing has set up, snap chalk fir# s on footing to represent the outside dimension lines for the Forms. • Prior planning should be done to ensure that the outer edge of the Forms will match the outer edge of the exterior wall sheeting. 4. PLACING FORMS • Beginning at a building comer, place Forms on footing, holding them to the chalk line while someone backfrlls with dirt on both sides b�the Form. Backfilling with too much dirt, too fast, may cause Forms to move. Ba kfril each side, a little at a time, until dirt covers at least the bottom half of each Fo (Eight inches minimum depth). • After each stem wall section has been placed a backfilled, visually check for straightness (or use preplaced stringline). Stem wa�l are easily straightened if they are crooked. Lightly compact the soil on one side q the stem wall in order to move it in the opposite direction. 5. HORIZONTAL REBAR • After all Forms have been placed, bend four foot pieces of#4 (half inch in diameter) rebar 90°at the middle and lay in each corner. 6. PREPARATIONS FOR SLAB • If a concrete slab is to be poured, cut the top four ir ches off the inside half portion of each Form. (Labor is saved if this cut is made prior to placing the Forms.) Later, when pouring concrete, pour the stem wall concrete to a level below this point so that when the slab is poured, the slab concrete will flow into the Forms. The outside half of each Form will then serve as the exterior form for the slab and insulate it as well. 7. MARK FOR ANCHOR BOLTS • Mark the outside of the Forms at the points where,finchor bolts are to be located. Anchor bolts should be located in the thick portions of the concrete where the vertical posts occur. 8. POURING CONCRETE INTO FORMS • After all Forms have been backfilled a minimum of eight inches, inspect all stem walls for straightness, etc. • Fill Forms using a four inch to five inch slump (stiff) concrete. (Do not use a thin, watery concrete mix. It will result in reduced concrete strength and can increase the likelihood of concrete spills or floating forms.) 9 • Begin filling Forms slowly with concrete until you get the "Feel"for using the Forms. , Pouring concrete into the Forms too rapidly may cause Forms to move out of position and result in a crooked stem wall. 9. LEVELING THE TOP OF STEM WALL AND/OR SLAB • If you begin with a level footing, the top of the forms will also be level if they have been properly installed. • If the top of the Forms are not level due to an uneven footing, etc., find the lowest point along the top of the Forms and strike a horizontal chalk line around the outside perimeter of the building. Trim off the top of the Forms at this chalk line using a hand saw. • Pour slab to the top of the Form after proper preparations have been completed including under floor plumbing, heating, and electrical. Proper compaction of the soil under the slab is also a necessity. 10. INSTALL ANCHOR BOLTS • Install bolts where location marks indicate (Step 7). FORMS PLACED ON WET FO OTINGS NOTE: With proper care, short stem walls may be completed the same day that the r footings are poured. The Forms can be set on the wet footings, backfilled, and poured. (This is not recommended for first-time Form user .) 1. PERIMETER STRING LINE • Utilizing batter boards, stretch string lines to represent the exterior surface (or exterior edge of tongue) of the Form. • Prior planning should be done to ensure that the outer edge of the Forms will match the outer edge of the exterior wall sheeting. • The string should be positioned so that it is approximately one inch above the top of the Form stem wall. (This will keep the string out of the way when placing the Forms.) 2. PROCEDURES • Follow the procedures for dry footings as detailed in Steps 4-10 in the previous section. 10 STEP-BY-STEP PROCEDURES FOR CRAWL SPACES (32 INCHES TO 48 INCHES ff GH) ` 1. FOOTINGS OR SLAB • Pour footings and/or slab as required. • A level footing is important to a good building. Build ng on a level footing results in less work in placing the stem wall, the floor, walls, etc. 2. VERTICAL REBAR • Locate vertical rebar in footings or slab at building comers and space additional rebar at required intervals according to drawings. (Rebar should be placed to coincide with the vertical cells in the Forms. Position comer rebar and then space additional rebar as required.) 3. PERIMETER CHALK LINE • When concrete has set up, snap chalk lines on feting or slab to represent the outside (or inside) lines of the Forms. 4. GUIDE • Nail 2 X 4's along the chalk lines to serve as a guide for the Forms and to prevent the first course of the Forms from moving inward or tward. (Backfilling both sides of the bottom Forms with dirt can be done in place o uides.) 5. CORNER BRACES • Place wood or metal corner braces at outside comer dimension lines. • Secure wood corner braces to ensure plumb and square comers. (These braces serve to keep the walls plumb as well as reinforcing the Forms at the corners where extreme forces occur when the concrete is poured. it is imperative that the comer braces are property installed and braced.) Silver duct tape and backfilling with dirt can be done in place of corner bracing for walls ul to 32 inches high; however, more care must be used when pouring the concrete. 6. PLACING FORMS • Beginning at a building corner, work towards the r�xt corner. (See page 23 for instructions on cutting comer section.) 7. SPECIAL CUT FORMS • When special size Forms are required, each Form should be cut to fit. Silver duct tape or packing tape can be used to tape in this special form. Additional bracing is required at these cuts. ' 8. HORIZONTAL REBAR • After the top course of Forms are placed, lay in the #4 horizontal rebar as required and wire it in tightly to the vertical rebar. 9. ADDITIONAL BRACING • Install 2 X 4 wood or metal vertical braces every 8 feet on long walls. • The vertical brace for the interior of the wall should be a standard straight wood or metal 2 X 4. • The exterior brace should be constructed of one wood or metal 2 X 4 to provide a "strong back"vertical brace. • Place the braces against the Forms on the inside and the outside of the wall, directly across from each other. • Wire the vertical braces together with tie wire at every other course. 11 • Toe nail the bottom of the inside 2 X 4 to the guide which was nailed to the concrete in Step 4. • The bottom of the outside brace should also be braced, tied, or nailed securely at the bottom. • Just below the top of the outside vertical (strong back) brace, attach another 2 X 4 running diagonally down and out to a stake which is driven securely into the ground. Make sure the wall is plumb and attach the diagonal brace to the stake. 10. INSPECT BRACING • Prior to the concrete pour, inspect all Form walls for proper bracing. The following locations are susceptible to concrete spills and ruptures if not property formed and braced: a) Interior and exterior comers. b) Areas around vent cutouts. c) Forms which have been cut and the original connecting joints have been removed. d) Special cutouts for pipe, conduit, or other areas where a Form has been modified. 11. PREVENT FLOATING • Prior to the concrete pour, all Forms must be tied down to prevent lifting or floating. Floating is prevented by using one of the following methods: a) Use bracing to hold the Forms down. b) Use internal wire hooks (12-gauge wire) to hold the Forms down. c) Use construction adhesive to glue the Forms together. d) Tie the top horizontal rebar down to the vertical rebar so that the Forms are held down. 12. MARK FOR ANCHOR BOLTS • Mark the Forms at the points where anchor bolts are to be located. Anchor bolts should be located in the thick portions of the concrete where the vertical posts occur. 13. FILLING WITH CONCRETE • Fill Forms using a four to five inch slump (stift) minimum 2,500 psi concrete. (Do Not use a thin watery mix. It will result in reduced concrete strength and can increase the likelihood of concrete spills, raptures, or floating Forms due to improper ' installation and improper bracing.) • It is recommended that, if the concrete is to be pumped, a concrete pump with a two inch diameter hose be used. • Begin filling Forms slowly until you get the "feel' for using our Forms. Pouring concrete into the Forms too rapidly may cause Forms to bulge or move out of position and result in a crooked wall. • Begin near a corner of the building, fill the Forms around the entire building. 14. POUR RATE {' • A concrete pour rate of four feet per hour(vertical) is recommended. 15. TOPPING OUT WALL - • Pour concrete to top of Forms and screed off to the finished level. • Install anchor bolts into concrete where location marks indicate (Step 12). NOTE: When using the product for 48 inch crawl spaces, we recommend that the Forms be poured in two passes (two feet per pass). 12 STEP-BY-STEP PROCEDURES FOR REWARD FORM WALLS 1. FOOTING OR SLAB • Pour footings and/or slab as required. 2. VERTICAL REBAR • Locate vertical rebar in footings or slab at building comers and space additional rebar at required intervals according to drawings. (Rebar should be placed to coincide with the vertical cells in the Forms. Position comer rebar and then, as required, space additional rebar in 24-inch or 12-inch increments, as required.) (See page 31.) 3. CHALK LINE • When concrete has set, snap chalk lines on footing or slab to represent the inside or outside lines of the Forms. 4. DOOR & WINDOW LOCATIONS • Locate and mark door and window locations along chalk lines. 5. GUIDE • Nail 2 X 4 (or whatever size lumber is to be used for interior walls) along the chalk lines except at door openings, to serve as a guide for the Forms and to prevent the first course of Forms from moving inward or outward. (See Figure 1.) NAIL TWO (2) 2X4s TOGETHER Figure 1 TO FORM AN 1" SHAPED BOTTOM GUIDE. THIS GUIDE IS NAILED TO THE CONCRETE FOOTING AND SCREWED TO THE BOTTOM COURSE OF REWARD FORMS. (A GUIDE ON THE OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE FORMS IS NOT REQUIRED.) REWARD FORMS it CONCRETE FOOTING OR SLAB REWARD FORM BOTTOM GUIDE BRACING 1� 6. CORNER BRACES • Position wood or metal comer braces (two 2 x 6's) at outside comer dimension lines. • Secure comer braces to ensure plumb and square comers (two 2 X 4's). (These braces serve to keep the walls plumb as well as reinforcing the Forms at the comers where extreme forces occur when the concrete is poured. It is important that the comer braces are properly installed and braced.) • Add a wood or metal 2 X 4 vertical brace along the interior of the comer. Toe nail this brace to the bottom ribbon. Tightly wire it across to the two 2 X 6's on the outside of the comer after every course of Forms using double tie wire (16 gauge). (See Figure 2.) 2 X 6 CORNER BRACE Figure 2 2 X 4 DIAGONAL BRACES AS REQ'D 2 X 4 GUIDE RIBBONS SPACE SO FORM FITS SNUGGLY IN BETWEEN CONCRETE FOOTING i (OR SLAB) 2 X 4s (REMOVE AFTER CONCRETE CURES) Figure 3 PRESSURE-TREATED 2 X 1QS FOR b' FORMS (2 X 12s FOR 8' FORMS) CROSS BRACE PRESSURE-TREATED 2 X 4s LEAVE CENTER SLOT OPEN FOR POURING CONCRETE INTO FORMS BELOW NOTE: ADDITIONAL VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL BRACING IS REQUIRED FOR LARGER WINDOWS. 7. DOOR FRAMES IV Place wood door frames (door bucks) in the proper locations and brace securely to the outside on the building to ensure that they will not move and remain plumb. 8. WINDOW FRAMES • Distribute wood window frames (window bucks) around the building adjacent to their proper locations in the walls. The windows should be set in place when the proper level is reached in the wall. Securely brace each window frame to the outside of the building to ensure they remain plumb. (See Figure 3.) 14 9. PLACING REWARD FORMS • Beginning at a building comer, work toward then t comer. (See page 23 for drawing for miter cuts to obtain good corners and a,natural stagger of the joints in the succeeding courses of Forms, etc.) (See Figure .) Figure 4 2 X 4 VERTICAL BRACE ON INSIDE OF CORNER DOUBLE TIE WIRE AROUND 2 X1 4 AND 2X6s ABO14 EVERY COURSE MITERED CORNER FORMS 10. SPECIAL CUT FORMS • When special size Forms are required, each Form should be cut to fit tightly. Silver duct tape or packing tape can be used to tape in this special block. Additional bracing is required at these cuts. 11. ADDITIONAL COURSES • Repeat the last two steps for the remaining courses making sure the vertical seams are staggered in a "running bond" 12. HORIZONTAL REBAR • After the first three courses of Forms are laid, place the horizontal rebar as required and wire it tightly to the vertical rebar. Note: Some applications may require more horizontal rebar. (See Tables) 13. LAYING OUT INTERIOR WALLS • Establish where interior walls are to be tied into the exterior Reward Form concrete walls and mark to help locate the anchor bolts. • Cut holes in the Forms and push in anchor bolts as quired. Leave nuts on bolts or use duck tape to prevent anchor bolts from falling into the Forms. 14. END WALL BRACES • Where Form walls dead-end, install an end buck and brace it securely. 15 I 15. ADDITIONAL BRACING • Install 2 X 4 vertical braces every eight to ten feet on long walls and in the middle of short walls. (Where no door or window bracing exists.) • The vertical brace for the interior and exterior of the wall should be a standard straight wood or metal 2 X 4. • Place braces against the Forms on the inside and the outside of the wall, directly across from each other and perpendicular to the Forms. • Wire the vertical braces together with tie wire after every other course. • Toe nail the bottom of the inside 2 X 4 to the guide which was nailed to the concrete in Step 5. • Just below the top of the outside vertical (strong back) brace, attach another 2 X 4 running diagonally down and out to a stake which is driven securely into the ground. Make sure the wall is plumb and attach the diagonal brace to the stake. (See Figure 5.) Figure 5 2 X 4 VERTICAL BRACE PERPENDICULAR TO EACH SIDE DOUBLE TIE WIRE AROUND 2 X 4s ABOVE EVERY SECOND COURSE h000 FORMS `_DIAGONAL BRACE TO STAKE ON ONE SIDE 16. INSPECT BRACING • Prior to each concrete pour, inspect all walls for proper bracing. The following locations are susceptible to concrete spills and ruptures if not properly formed and braced: a) Interior and exterior corners. b) Areas around windows and doors. c) Forms which have been cut and the original connecting joints have been removed. d) Special cutouts for pipe, conduit, or other areas where a Form has been modified. 16 17. PREVENT FLOATING • Prior to the concrete pour, all Forms must be secured to prevent lifting or floating. Floating is prevented by using one of the following methods: a) Use construction adhesive to glue Forms together. b) Use spray adhesives formulated for polystyrene and styrofoam. c) Screw a 2 X 4 horizontally along the top course of Reward ll Forms and attach to bracing. d) Use bracing to hold Forms down. e) Use internal wire hooks (12-gauge wire) to hold Forms down (See page 46). t) Tie top horizontal rebar down to the vertical rebar so that the Forms are held down. (See Figure 6.) Figure 6 SCREW A CONTINUOUS HORIZONTAL 2X4 TO THE TOP COURSE OF THE REWARD FORM WALL WITH 2 112" SCREWS AT 4"-0" ON CENTER. SCREW A DIAGONAL BRACE TO THE HORIZONTAL 2X4 AND NAIL THE DIAGONAL BRACE TO A STAKE DRIVEN INTO THE GROUND. REWARD FORMS e D D D Q 0 D Dd D. d d Q WARD FORK TOP BRACING G 18. MARK FOR ANCHOR BOLTS • Mark the Forms at the points where anchor bolts are to be located. Anchor bolts should be located in the thick portions of the concrete where the vertical posts occur. 19. FILLING WITH CONCRETE • Fill the Forms using a four to five inch slump (stiff) 2,500 psi concrete. (Do Not use a thin watery mix. It will result in reduced concrete strength and can increase the likelihood of concrete spills, ruptures on floating forms due to improper installation and improper bracing.) • It is recommended that, if the concrete is to be pumped, a concrete pump with a two inch diameter hose be used. • Begin filling Forms slowly until you get the "feel' for using Reward Forms. Pouring concrete into the Forms too rapidly may cause Forms to bulge or move out of position and result in a crooked wall. the • Begin near a comer of the building, fill first two or three courses of the Forms around the entire building. • Start back at the be, and fill the next two or three courses around the entire building. Fill the Forms below each window through the open slot in the bottom of the window frame. • If you do not plan to pour the entire eight foot wall in one day, stop the pour four or five inches from the top of one of the Reward Form courses. This will prevent a "cold joint" from occurring in the middle of the horizontal concrete beam which occurs every sixteen inches on center. It also prevents the cold joint in the concrete from coinciding with the horizontal connection joints between the Forms. 20. POUR RATE A concrete pour rate? of four feet per hour(vertical) is recommended. 21. TOPPING OUT WALL • Pour concrete to top of the Reward Form Wall and screed off to the finished level. • Install anchor bolts into concrete where location marks indicate (Step 18). 22. INTERMEDIATE FLOORS Prior to pouring concrete, install joist hangers (or anchor bolts) as required. See details included in this manual. (See Multi Floor Section.) 18 SETTING FORMS IN WET FOOTING 1. Prepare to pour footings in accordance with standard procedures. Install horizontal reinforcement as required. (See Figure 6, Page 17) 2. Install batter boards to hold string lines that will establish the outside line of the Reward Form wall. 3. Position the string lines 15-1/2 inches above the finished grade of the concrete. 4. Prepare pre-cut vertical rebar with six inch hooks (five to six foot lengths recommended). 5. Prepare first course of corner Forms. Cut as detailed in Installation Manual on page 23 or use factory pre-cut corner Forms. 6. Position all the Forms to be used on the first courses so that they are accessible but will not be in your way while pouring the concrete. 7. Order concrete for footing with about a six inch slump. P 8. Begin pouring concrete at one corner and roughly screed off top of concrete to grade. 9. Beginning at the corner, set the Forms into the concrete (approximately 1/2 inch). Set them to the string lines and level them (across the Form) as you proceed. 10. Install pre-cut vertical rebar as required, then, if necessary, readjust the Forms to the string line and to level. 11. Allow first course of Forms and concrete to set overnight before continuing the wall upward. 19 FINAL CHECKLIST Once you have installed the Reward Forms and are ready for concrete, utilize this checklist to ensure nothing has been overlooked. ❑ The bottom course of Forms are securely braced (or backfilled) to prevent any lateral movement. ❑ Forms are positioned properly on the footing and all connecting joints are properly mated. ❑ Corners are securely braced. ❑ Rebar is properly installed. ❑ Special cut Forms are properly reinforced and braced. ❑ Window and door frames are braced and squared. ❑ Forms are secured to prevent lifting or floating. ❑ Cutouts for piping, electrical wiring, etc., have been properly planned for. ❑ A 4 to 5 inch slump, 2,500 psi concrete (minimum) with proper aggregate size has been ordered. 3/8" minus aggregate is preferred, however, up to 3/4" aggregate may be used. ❑ Anchor bolt locations have been marked. ❑ Remember: one yard of concrete fills thirteen and one half 6 inch Forms or nine and one half 8 inch Forms. 20 O O Uj U S f _... yw c I r O a� jr fi Y .� t � •� ty � a S. L fti � e w rn N t,•, LID d � 21 cz G.. cn - o cz _J7 0 t f I I , ct _ CC 2 A 3 - - o , _ 7- USING FACTORY PRE-CUT CORNERS 1. Each factory pre-cut corner is identified on the en d of the Forms. 2. After locating pre-cut Forms, separate the two corner pieces making separate stacks of male and female components. 3. Begin by joining two long male pieces together to form your first corner. The next course will be two short male pieces. 4. Repeat the same steps for your next (opposite) corner using female pieces. P p 5. Place forms against pre-set corner bracing. ASSEMBLY OF FACTORY PRE-CUT CORNER PIECES All Male Corner Assembly All Female Corner Assembly i I 23 eery®rmance Lineet STRUCTURAL AND PERFORMANCE DATA CORNER FOR REWARD WALL SYSTEMS]FORMS FORMS REWARD WALL SYSTEMS, Inc. 13 5116" REVERSE CUT 45 22 9/16" 6' CORNER FORM CUTTING DETAIL 12 1/4" REVERSE CUT 45 23 1/2" 8' CORNER FORM CUTTING DETAIL USING THESE DIMENSIONS TO CUT MITERED CORNERS WILL RESULT IN PROPERLY ALIGNED CORES WITH STAGGERED VERTICAL SEAMS. THIS WILL PROVIDE A SOLID CORNER POST WITH NO FORM MATERIAL WASTE. THE CORNER UNIT, AS SHOWN IN THIS SKETCH, IS OB- TAINED BY CUTTING ONE REWARD FORM WITH THE REVERSE CUT AS INDICATED BY THE DASHED LINES ABOVE. THE SHORT PIECES BECOME THE CORNER FOR THE SECOND COURSE AS THIS SKETCH SHOWS. NOTE: SEE THE PREVIOUS PAGE FOR FACTORY PRE-CUT CORNERS. 24 SPECIAL ANGLES WITH REWARD FORMS DII&ENSION x CUT FROM BOTH FORMS ANGLE 60 FORM 8' FORM 50 3/8" 1/2" 100 13/16" 15/16" 150 1-3/16" 1-7/16" 200 1-5/8" 1-15/16" 22.50 1-13/16" 2-3/16" 300 2-1/2" 2-15/16" 360 3" 3-9/16" 400 3-3/8" 4" 450 3-13/16" 4-9/16" 500 4-5/16" 5-1/8" 600 5-5/16" 6-3/8" 720 6-3/4" 8,t 800 7-3/4" 9-1/4" 900 9-1/4" 11" � I ANGLE � 1 25 Perf®=ante Sheet SMUG CURAL AID]FMUFORLI TCE DATA CURVED WALL FOR RIEWYARD WALL SYSTEMS]FOP NM DETAIL REWARD WALL 'SYSTEMS, Inc. 6"REWARD FORM CENTER SLITS ON ,FORM CORES 3/4" WIDE SLIT ('TYP. 4 PLCS.) CURVED REWARD FORM (15'OUTSIDE RADIUS) Curved walls down to a minimum radius of ap roximately 10 feet can be achieved with REWARD FORMS (pat. pend.) by removing a small segment of expanded polystyrene from the center of each core. The illustrations above show a REWARD FORM with 3/4 inch removed in each core and curved to a 15 foot radius. The table below shows the segment width to remove to achieve the desired outside wall radius. OUTSIDE SECTION REMOVED FROM EACH CORE RADIUS (1 2" 0.C.) OF WALL 6" FORM 8" FORM 10 FEET 1 1/8" 1 1/4" 12 FEET 15/16" 1 1/16" 15 FEET 3/4" 7/8" 20 FEET 9/16" 5/8" 25 FEET 7/16" 1/2" 30 FEET 3/8" 7/16" 40 FEET 5/16" 5/16" 50 FEET 1,12" EVERY OTHER CORE 1/2" EVERY OTHER CORE 100 FEET 1,14" EVERY OTHER CORE 1/4" EVERY OTHER CORE 26 Performance Sheet STRUCrURA]L AND]PERFORMMC E DATA INTERSECTING FOR REWARD WALL SYSTEMS]F®]E8MS WALL DETAIL REWARD WALL SYSTEMS;'" Inc. L PROVIDE A DIAGONAL BRACE TO GROUND STAKE TIGHTLY LOOP 16 GAUGE WIRE AROUND ALL 2X4s AS INDICATED (EVERY OTHER COURSE) TO SECURE INTERSECTION REINFORCE THE WALL INTERSECTION WITH CORNER BARS. MATCH WALL HORIZONTAL REINFORCING SIZE AND SPACING. ALTERNATE BENDS. AT INTERSECTING REWARD FORM WALLS REMOVE A SECTION OF THE OUTER WALL SO THAT THE INTERSECTING FORMS FIT INTO THE OUTER FORMS. PROVIDE A 2X4 VERTICAL BRACE AT EACH INSIDE CORNER AND A 2X4 STRONG BACK BRACE AT THE OUTSIDE OF THE FORM AS SHOWN. J#VTERSECVNG WALL DETAIL 27 Performance Sheet STRUC R,kL AYE=ORMANC E DATA PLUMBING FOR REWARD WALL SYSTIMS FORMS ROUGH-IBA REWARD WALL SYSTEMS, Inc. + NOTE: O PLUMBING LINES UP TO 1 112" O.D. MAY BE INSTALLED IN THE REWARD WALL FORMS. LARGER PLUMBING LINES TOP VIEW SHOULD BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO POURING THE CONCRETE. 6" OR 8" REWARD FORMS i i -------------------- ----- -------- - SECTION ELEVATION PLUMBING ROUGH-8A9 DETAILS 6" OR 8" REWARD WALL FORM i TrIff CAST A PIPE SLEEVE LARGER a i THAN THE PIPE INTO WALL PIPING PASSING THROUGH WALL Y: � PASS PIPE THROUGH SLEEVE b AND SEAL WITH AN APPROVED FIRE STOP SEALANT (15 MIN. i RATING MINIMUM) POPE PENE RBI TION DETAIL 28 Performance Sheet STRUCTURAL AID IFERFORM C E DATA CONSTRUCTION FOR REWARD WALL SYSTEMS IFOI[81b1fS DETAILS REWARD WALL SYSTEMS;' Inc. 1 EXTERIOR ' FINISH 4 INTERIOR FINISH .4 -PLUMBING ROUGH-IN DETAIL Q EXTERIOR FINISH ° INTERIOR FINISH -ELECTRICAL ROUGH-IN DETAIL 29 Performance Sheet STRUCTURAL AND PERFORMANCE DATA ELECTRICAL FOR REWARD WALL SYSTEM'S FORMS WIRING DETAILS REWARD WALL SYSTEMS, TM Inc. j When installing electrical wiring in the Reward Wall SystemTM, the National Electrical Code should be followed. Basically, a 1-1/2 inch deep narrow groove should be cut into the polystyrene using a router, hot electric soldering gun, etc. "Romex" Type NM (NEC Article 336-3) should then be pushed back into the groove so that it fits tightly and it "is not less than 1-1/4 inches from the nearest edge of the framing member where nails or screws are likely to penetrate" (NEC Article 300-4d and 300-41a). Electrical wiring,junction boxes, etc., are then secured in place using construction adhesives that are compatible with expanded polystyrene (such as General Purpose Liquid Nails). Ideally, electrical boxes should be installed adjacent to the furring strips where the polystyrene is thickest. For commercial installations, electrical conduit can be used in accordance with the Code. "The authority having jurisdiction may wave specific requirements in the Code or permit alternative methods, where it is assured that equivalent objectives can be achieved by establishing and maintaining effective safety (NEC Article 90-4)." 30 Performance Sleet STRUCTURAL AND FERIEORMMC]E DATA CONSTRUCTION FOR REWARD WALL SYSTEMS]FORMS DETAILS REWARD WALL SYSTEMS, Inc. WOOD FI WE CONSTRUCWN WSU/U7XY4 ANCHOR AS REQUIRED 2X6 PUTS (LOCATE kV CORES) FLOOR JOIST WOOD FRAYS CON57Rl.G70W WATERPROOF BELOW QhADE G�J ANCHOR AS REOU/RED F*NSHED GRADE WATERPROOF (LOCATE IN CARES) BELOW GRADE FINISHED AR" CONCRETE FLOOR SLAB ON GRADE DEPTH AS REDID. DEPTH L:;% FOOTING AS REQUIRED AS R£D D. i ~ \ .i• .t FOOTING AS REQUIRED �j\.rfj• ••;,;.'L SLAB ON GRADE SECTION RAWbL SPACE SECTION 1 WOOD FRWE CNJSTRUC7TON INSUU7TON 2X TREATED LEDGER: REMOVE BRICK VENEER ANCHOR AS REQUIRED DORY MATERIAL AND BOLT (LOCATE IN CORES) (SITDIRE NOTLY TO THE CONCRETE (SEE NOTE BEtow) FLOOR JOIST BRICK VENEER 6�FORM WATERPROOF BRICK LEDGE BELOW GRADE f� FLOOR JOIST FNISHED GRADE FINISHED GRADE ANCHOR BOLTS PER TABLE BELOW OEPTN •�r.�F[• AS REDID. •:r� B'FORM 7;� •.r FOOTING AS REQUIRED •="�Y•;'t YAX FLOOR JOST CLEAR SPAN 15.5 176 19.6 21.6 2S6 25.6 REQUIRED BOLT DUMETER I 1A'5/B .7/4 7/B 1" 1 1- ,j3�r+r• ,f WTH BOLTS O 12.D.C. BRICK VENEER SECTION (WITH CONCRETE LEDGE) Provide 10' wide cut—outs in form wall at each anchor bolt location (12" O.C.). Prior to pouring concrete screw ledger BRICK VENEER SECTION tq form furring strips and secure anchor See the rim joist installation detail. 31 Pert o=ance Sheet STRUCTURAL AID PERFORMANCE DATA CONSTRUCTION FOR REWARD WALL SYSTEMS FORMS DETAILS REWARD WALL SYSTEMS''' Inc. 1 2X6 BEARING PLATE WTTH ANCHOR BOLTS GIST INTO FOMV CELLS AS REQLMR£D BY LOCAL CODES OR RATED CONNECTORS EHBEDOED ROOF FRAWN5. CONSTRUCTED IN CONCRETE PER LOCAL PER LOCAL CODE CODE R£OIARDVENT EMBEDDED HURRICANE STRAP HOLD DOWN CONNEC77ON PER LOCAL CODE R£OLORENENT f INTERIOR FINISH I 6'OR S'RIGID FORALS FILLED Wf7H CONCRETE(2500 PSI OR BETTER) LAP REBAR 25'MINIMUM r TA VER77CAL AND HORZONTAL // REINFORCING. SEE TABLES / FOR SIZE SPACING,AND GRADE OF REBAR. CONCRETE FLOOR SLAB OVER BACK PLASTER COMPACTEDEARTH FILL WATERPROOF EXTERIOR FIWSH BELOW CRADE LAP R9W \ 25'MINIMUM FROST ' 1. DEPTH FW77AIC AS REOUIRED BY DESIGN CONCRETE-FLOOR S148 OVER ' COMPACTED EARTH FILL FINISHED GRADE ALTEWATE FOOTING DETAIL FROST DEPTH ! / .. •,� FDORNC AS R'EOURED BY D£51GN ONE-STORY WALL SECTION 32 Performance Sheet STRUCnaAL Aim POOR MIANM DATA CONSTRUCTION FOR REWARD WAIL SYS=S]FO]E8Iv1[S DETAILS WALL SYSTEMS,, Inc. 6 3/8" i I I-I I INTERIOR FINISH 11=411 i 11111 'ee, REFER TO TABLES FOR REBAR REQUIREMENTS i I .3 -1 III (ORIENT THE VE ,CAL -III-III- REBAR AS SHOWN FOR BELOW GRADE W LS) m _ EN® VIEW2 6•Foy —III�•I�I • ••• ss•i I —III—'••F4 '~:�, � .. — _ — I�' _ , 117 FOOTING S REQ'D. BY DESIG 111111111„I � i BASEMENTDAMP-PROOFING PROCEDURE (REFER TO THE NUMBERS IN THE ABOVE SKETCH) STEP tO: INSTALL PROPER DRAINAGE SYSTEM AROUND THE BASEMENT 4S REQUIRED BY LOCAL CODES. STEP 2O: CLEAN THE SURFACES WHERE THE BASE OF THE WALL MEE7 FOOTING, APPLY A 112" BEAD OF PLASTIC ROOFING CEMENT* ALONG THIS JOINT AND BLEND /T INTO THE FOOTING BELOW AND THE WALL ABOVE TO PROVIDE A WATER-TIGHT I XAL. STEP : APPLY PLASTIC ROOFING CEMENT* TO ALL VERTICAL AND H IZONTAL JOINTS BETWEEN FORMS USING A PUTTY KNIFE TO PROVIDE A WATER-TIGHT SEAL AT EVERY JOINT. STEP 4O: APPLY A THIN LAYER OF PLASTIC ROOFING CEMENT* WITH A'' TROWEL TO OBTAIN A WATER- TIGHT MEMBRANE OVER THE ENTIRE BELOW-GRADE SURFACE' (COVERAGE RATE: 50 SQUARE FEET PER GALLON RESULTING IN AN AVERAGE THICKNESS 0) 1/32".) STEP SO: BACKFiLL THE BASEMENT WALL WITH SOIL THAT /S FREE OF', ONSTRUCTION DEBRIS AND LARGE ROCKS. (BACKFILL ONLY AFTER BASEMENT FLOOR IS POURS AND THE FIRST FLOOR /S /N PLACE.) *USE THE EQUIVALENT OF FRONTIER PLASTIC ROOFING CEME i T ,#21209 BY MONSEY PRODUCT COMPANY OF KIMBERTON, PENNSYLVAN/A, OR BLACK JACK ERED PLASTIC ROOF CEMENT f6220 BY THE G/BSON-HOLMES COMPANY OF TWINSBURG, OHIO. 33 Performance Sheet STRUCTURAL AID MMFORMANCE DATA CONSTRUCTION FOR REWARD WALL SYSTEMS FORMS DETAILS REWARD WALL SYSTEMS, Inc. 2X6 BEARING PLATE WITH ANCHOR BOLTS CAST INTO FORM CELLS AS REOWRED BY LOCAL CODES, OR RATED CONNECTORS EMBEDDED \ ROOF FRAMING C&&7RUC7ED IN CONCRETE PER LOCAL PER LOCAL CODE CODE REOLVREMENT EMBEDDED HURRICANE STRIP HOLD DOWN CONAIEC71ON PER LOCAL CODE R£OUAP£Af£M MINIMUM 13 REBAR(MM WM ONE FOOT LONG) IWA D TO i` 15 VE1mCAL R+JNFORCNENT MRERIOR FINISHA. , KANf SAG KST--216(OR EOLAL) IF REQUIRED BY DESIGN 6'OR 8'RIGID FORMS FILLED VOW CONCRETE (2500 PSI OR BETTER) II ,I I I•• I ' • I I I I I I I I VERTICAL AND HOR00NIAL II I REINFORCING. SEE ATTACHED E TABLES FOR SIZE, SPACING AND GRADE OF REBAR. KANT-S4G MW SERIES JOIST HANGER EXTERIOR fTNfSH OR EOU4L;NAIL PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENCATXNS ' Of GRADE 1F NODC RONWAfC BAR(MIN. LENGTH 15 VERTICAL REINFORCEMENT (MINIMUM 2'-6"LONG IF NOT 1FH-SERIES JO15/HANGER j• CORE REINFORCENDVI) BACK PLASTER WATERPROOF H BELOW GRADE FLOOR JOISTS AS REQUIRED WITH FLNISHED GRADE IFH-SERIES JOIST HANGERS OR ALTERNATES AS SHOWN MINIMUM 1J RE7NFORCEMEN7 (MIN. 1'-0'LONG); WIRE 70 VERTICAL REINFORCEMENT \\\ JOIST HANGER DETAILS \ LAP REB4R 25"MNNLAV CONCRETE FLOOR SLAB CAR •�r�'t COMPACTED EARTH FXL FOO"NG AS BY DESIGN R£DUIRED ONE-STORY WALL SECTION 34 Performance Sheet STRUCTURAL AM PERFORMANCE DATA CONSTRUCTION FOR REWARD WALL SYSTEM'S FORMS DETAILS ' REWARD WALL SYSTEMS, Inc. 2X6 SFARING PLATE WTTTI ANCHOR BOLTS GIST INTO FORIA CELLS AS REQUIRED BY LOCAL CODES OR RATED INCONNECTORS E PER LOED CH W CONCJ7EIE PER LOCAL CODE REOUIREM£Nf A\ ROlOF FRAYING, CONSTRUCTED LOCAL CODE ELgXDDED HURRICANE STRAP MINIMUM IV ltEHM(MMhVUN HOLD DOWN CONNEC77ON PER OINE FCO7 LONG) WI ED TO LOCAL CODE REQUIREAAENT /5 VERnCAL RETWM A ga INTERIOR FINISH y. 6'OR B"RIGID fORANS FILLED WITH •. KANT-SIG KST-215 (OR EQUAL) F REQUIRED BY DESK;FJ CONCRETE(2500 PSI OR BETTER) FLOOR JOISTS AS REQUIRED WITH ' "-SERIES JOIST HUNGERS OR ALTERNATES AS SHOWN II •I I I I I i I I II I I I•' at � I KANT-SAG TFH SERIES JOIST HANGER .y. OR EOLLM,• AWL PER IUNUFAcn*ER5 RECOMMENQNTKMLS TH EXTERIOR FI�LSH OF GRAD IF NOT COItE REWFDRCEIlEN7) VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL REWFDRCRVG. SEE TABLES FOR SIZE. SPACING.AND /5 VERTICAL RETWORC'EMENT GRADE OF REW. (MINANUM 2'-6�LONG IF NOT "-SLRTES J0I57 HANGER CdiE REINFORCEMENT) /�7{ BACK PLASTER WATERPROOF H BELOW GRADE FLOOR JOISTS AS REQUIRED WITH IH-SERIES JOIST HANGERS OR FIMSHED GRADE ALTERNATES AS SHOWN \ F I • MINNUM/J RETNFORCalENT MIN. T'-O LONG); WIRE TO RFBJFORCEWENT \ JD/S HANGER DETAILS LAP REBAR 25'MINGILLIM \ i CONCRETE FLOOR SLAB OVER M1jf}t COMPACTED EARTH FILL y / FOOTING AS REQUIRED BY DESIGN 35 TWO-ST0RY WALL SECTION Perfo=ance Sheet STRUCTURAL AND PERFORMANCE DATA CONSTRUCTION FOR REWARD WALL SYSTEM'S FORMS DETAILS REWARD WALL SYSTEMS, Inc. M MINIMUM jJ REBAR (MINNUM ON£FOOT LONG) WIRED TO 2x6 BEARING PLATE WITH #5 VERTICAL REINFORCEMENT ANCHOR BOLTS CAST INTO FORM rnI AS REQUIRED Ip67-216 (OR EQUAL) BY LOCAL CODE$ OR RATED A. K NT-SAG/REQUIRED T DESIGN CONNECTORS EMBEDDED IN CONCRETE PER LOCK CODE REQUREMENT ROOF FRAMING, CONSTRUCTED •. ' PER LOCAL CODE � II I I j••• I I I I - ' . II 1 I I • a II EMBEDDED HlR7RlGNf STRAP HOLD DOWN CONNECTION PER LOCAL CODE REQUIREMENT OR E SAG IFH PER JOISTaNuF HANGER INTERIOR FINISH OR EQUAL; AWL PER ANNUFACIURER'S R£COMMEA0471ON5 6'OR B'RIGID FORMS FILLED WITH , CONCRETE(2500 PSI OR BETTER) OF 2�E IF NOT CORE IRDN DF RC(ENENT)�m FLOOR JOISTS AS REQUIRED WITH /5 VERTICAL REINFORCEMENT lfN-SERIES JOIST HANC,ERS OR (M/N/MUM 2'-6'LONG IF NOT ALIE7RN47E5 AS SHOWN CORE RE*RMIENT) ST HANGER F H EXTERIOR F1N >VERTICAL AND HOR20NTAL REINFORCING. SEE TABLES FOR SIZE, SPACING,AND GRADE OF REBAR. JREINFORCEMENT 'LONG); WIRE TO EINFORCEMENT UP REBAR 25'MiN/MUAI JOIST HANGER DETAILS CONCRETE FLOOR SUB OVER COMPACTED EARTH FILL FINISHED GRADE fROST���� ,..,.4• I��� �• DEPTH LAP REBAR 25'M/NGH/M ' .. F0077NG AS REQUIRED BY DESIGN CONCRETE FLOOR SLAB OVER BOCK PLASTER COMPACTED EARTH FXL WATERPROOF BELOW GRADE TWO-STORY WALL SECT/ON _ • iA F 77 REQUIRED BY ESIGN ALTERNATE FOOTING DETAIL 36 Performance Sheet STRUCTURAL AM PERFO MACE DATA JOIST HANGER FOR REWARD WALL SYSTEMS FORMS INSTALLATION REWARD WALL SYSTEMS;' Inc. WOOD JOIST 3 4 7 6 REWARD IFH-SERIES WALL FORM ' INSULATED FORM HANGER 2 g IFH-SERIES 3 INSULATED FORM HANGER REWARD WALL FORM �i #5 X 2'-6" VERT. ' + + REBAR OR VERTICAL CELL REINF. (SEE WOOD I STEP©) JOIST 2 1PH-SERIES INSULATED rORM HANGER INSTALLAPON (REFER TO THE NUMBERS ABOVE) 13314, 3 2 i 4 MIN. STEP O: DETERMINE THE BOTTOM OF JOIST ELEVATION MAX. (BEARING HEIGHT) AND MARK THE REWARD FORMS. SECTION STEP 2O: INSTALL A TEMPORARY MOUNTING BOARD BY SCREWING ' A CONTINUOUS 2 X4" BOARD TO THE REWARD FORM TIE STRIPS. LOCATE THE TOP OF THE 2"X4" AT THE JOIST BEARING ELEVATION. STEP 3O: CUT A BLOCK (W X H) FROM THE REWARD FORM WHERE THE NGERS ARE TO BE LOCATED. CARE- FULLY REMOVE THE SECTION OF POLYSTYRENE FROM THE FORM I (TO BE REPLACED IN STEP 0). CUT AND REMOVE ALL POLYSTYRENE WHICH IS MORE THAN TH E (3) INCHES FROM THE FACE OF THE REWARD FORM FOR A DISTANCE OF THREE (3) INCHES O EACH SIDE AND THE BOTTOM OF THE HA JOIST HANGER. STEP 4O: INSERT THE JOIST HANGER INTO THE HOLE CREATED IN STEP(3 AND ADJUST TO FINAL POSITION. STEP 5�: NAIL THE JOIST HANGER TO THE TEMPORARY MOUNTING BOARD. STEP O: WIRE TWO (2) HORIZONTAL BARS (/3 X 1'-0) TO THE VERTIQ L BAR AFTER INSERTING THEM THROUGH THE HANGER. WHEN FACING THE HANGER FROM THE OIST SIDE, THE TOP ,43 X 1'-0" BAR SHOULD BE CENTERED ON THE HANGER AND BE LOCATED' EHIND THE #5 VERTICAL REBAR. THE BOTTOM /3 X 1'-0" BAR SHOULD BE LOCATED /N FRONTi F THE #5 VERTICAL REBAR. IF THE CORE REINFORCING IS #5 OR GREATER AND IS LOCATED ERE THE HANGER IS TO BE INSTALLED, IT MAY BE BE USED IN LIEU OF THE SEPARATE 4 , 2'-6" REBAR CALLED OUT ABOVE. STEP 0: REPLACE THE W X H SECTION OF POLYSTYRENE (REMOVED IN TEP a3 ) INTO THE INSIDE OF THE JOIST HANGER, AND SECURE IT TO PREVENT DISPLACEMENT Wq/I E THE CONCRETE IS PLACED. STEP 0: PLACE CONCRETE INTO REWARD FORMS, TAKING CARE TO INSURE THAT THE CONCRETE IS PLACED COMPLETELY AROUND THE HANGER AND REBAR WITH NO VOIDS. THE CONCRETE SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM COMPRESSION STRENGTH OF 2500 PSI AT 28 DAYS. STEP 9O: IF THE IFH-SERIES JOIST HANGER HEIGHT (H) IS LESS THAN 60 PERCENT OF THE JOIST DEPTH, USE ONE (1) KANT-SAG "KST-216" STRAP CAST INTO THE CONCRETE AND NAILED TO THE TOP EDGE OF THE JOIST TO PROVIDE LATERAL SUPPORT. Pert o=ante Sheet SMUCTURAL AID PERFORMANCE DATA RIM JOIST r FOR REWARD WALL SYSTEMS FORMS INSTALLATION REWARD WALL SYSTEMS, Inc. 1 1 30 FORM WALL CUT-OUT-,, ' fO TOP OF JOIST ELEVATION - JOIST ANCHOR BOLTS AS REQUIRED BY DESIGN ® RIM JOIST. SCREW TO FORM TIE STRIPS BOTTOM OF JOIST ELEVATION RIM JOIST INS TALLA TION REWARD ,FORM RIM JOIST INSTALLATION PROCEDURE. '. lO ESTABLISH TOP OF JOIST ELEVATION AND MARK THE ANCHOR BOLTS FORM SURFACE WITH A CHALK LINE. AS REQUIRED 2� MEASURE DOWN FROM THE TOP OF JOIST ELEVATION THE DEPTH OF THE RIM JOIST USED AND PROVIDE A CHALK LINE AT THIS ELEVATION. RIM JOIST O TEN (10) INCH WIDE CUT-OUTS ARE TO BE PROVIDED IN THE FORM WALL. THE HEIGHT OF THE CUT-OUTS ARE DETERMINED AS SHOWN IN THE DRAWING ABOVE WALL SECTION AT RIM JOJST (ONE INCH BELOW THE TOP CHALK LINE AND ONE INCH ABOVE THE BOTTOM CHALK LINE). ® SCREW THE RIM JOIST TO THE FORM TIE STRIPS AT THE PROPER ELEVATION. 5Q LAYOUT AND INSTALL THE RIM JOIST ANCHOR BOLTS AS REQUIRED. © FILL THE FORMS WITH CONCRETE AND ALLOW THE CON- CRETE TO CURE BEFORE INSTALLING JOIST HANGERS OR LOADING THE RIM JOIST. 37a Perfo=ance Sheet rSTRUCf URAL AD C?,DATA CONSTRUCTION FOR REWARD WALL SYS=S FORMS DETAILS 1 REWARD WALL SYSTEMS, Inc. 1 BcaLaNc WM71CAL AND HORIZONTAL REMORCUENT PER TABLES FLOOR J0157 X TREATED LEDGER' REMOVE SUB FLOOR FORA!AUTMR AND BOLT DIRECTLY TO THE CONCRETE (SEE NOTE BELOW) ' FLOOR JO ST SUB FLOOR CONTINUOUS 2X PLATE WITH 1/2%ANCHOR BOLTS O 4a OC. EXIINIOR JOIST FNISH TO 2X TREATED LEDGERFINISH CONCRETE LEDGE ' ANCHOR LO PER TABLE BELOW YJTERIOR FWISH INTERIOR FINISH M,V FLOOR JOIST 15.5 17.6 19.6 21.6 23.6 2a 6 CLEAR SPAN(FEET) /@ TERNA /g �Q REQUIRED BOLT DAMETER 1/2.51813141 /8 3/4 7/e 1• 1 1/8 AL ERNA A TE w1TH BOLTS O 12-O.L. AL TERNA TE B i Provide 10" wide cut—outs in form wall at each anchor bolt location (12" O.C.). Prior to pouring concrete screw ledger to form furring strips and secure anchor bolts. See the rim joist installation detail. r VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL REINFORCAIENT PER TABLES REINFORCMENT PER TABLES 2X TREATED LEDGER: RLTJOVE FORM MATMAL AND BOLT OIRECTLY TO THE CONCRETE _ (SEE N07E BELOW) FLOOR JOIST SUB FLOOR SUB FLOOR FT�R . :! ANCHOR SOLTS PER FW/5 7'RFAED T 2X FLOOR JOIST TABLE BELOW (LOC 2515c 1&5) INTERIOR RA65H WTERIOR F7NLSH 5-MINWUM AtAX. FLOOR JOIST 15.5 17.6 19.6 21.6 236 15.6 BEARING ' !SEAR SPAN REQUIRED 8017 DNMETER }/2- 7/B 7- 1 1/8 REQUIRED ROLLS O 12"D.L. AL TERNA TE D AL TERNA TE C (FIRE CUT JOIST'DETAAL) (8-FORM BELOW/6-FORM ABOVE) NOTE: Provide 10" wide cut—outs in form wall at each anchor bolt location (12" O.C.). Prior to pouring concrete screw ledger to form furring strips and secure anchor bolts. See the rim joist installation detail. 38 r Performance Sheet STRUCTURAL Aim]P ERPORMANM DATA BRICK LEDGE ]FOIE';REWARD WALL.SYSTEMS FORMS FORM DETAILS RE "" ,WARD WALL SYSTEMS, Inc. 1 FORM STRAPS: SCREW TO FORM TIE STRIPS 7" X 10" CUT—OUT BETWEEN FORM TIE STRIPS BRICK LEDGE FORM: SCREW TO FORM TIE STRIPS (FORM LENGTH = 4'-0 112") BRIO t LEDGE FORM INSTALLATION ' SEAL CORNERS 1/2" WITH DUCT TAPE 1 2" ' 4" I/2r 4" I/2" z ® � � / 4 I/2" LEFT RIGHT 26.4' `v r 4s.o• FORM STRAP CORNER BRICK LEDGE FORMS UTILIZE THIS SHAPE BOTH SHORT AND LONG SE75 REOUIRED FOR HIGHER LOAD CAPACITY BRICK LEDGE FORM SHAPES REWARD FORM FABRICATE FORMS FROM 16 GAUGE GALVANIZED STEEL SHEfT MATERLNL CUT-OUT BRICK VENEER TO END CORNER FORM OK BRICK LEDGE CUT-OUT EXTERIOR FACE OF ADDITIONAL HORIZ. , CORNER FORMS AS SHOWN REINFORCEMENT AS FOR BRICK LEDGE CONSTRUCTION •: REQUIRED BY DESIGN CORNER FORM DETAIL BOTH SHORT AND LONG WALL SECTION AT BRICK LEDGE CORNER FORMS REQUIRED 39 Performance Sheet STRUCTURAL AND PERFORMANCE DATA REINFORCEMENT FOR REWARD WALL SYSTEM'S FORMS REQUIREMENTS REWARD WALL SYSTEMS TM Inc. 1 ' LINTEL REINFORCEMENT FOR OPENINGS IN WALL Vertical Loads are in Pounds per Lineal Foot of ' Rca d F'oo voi t S Minim Renforcng is One(1)#5 Rebar Top and Bottom of the Lintel for Spars up m 8'-0"3. Minimum R ' is Two 2)#6 or Three(3)#5 Rebars Top and Bottom of the Lintel for S pans of 14'-0"and cAeaber. Depth =12" Depth =16" Depth =20" Depth =24" Depth =32" LINTEL SPAN WITH WITHOUT WITH WITHOUT WITH WITHOUT WITH WITHOUT WITH WITHOUT S.R.° S.R.` S.R.° S.R.° S.R.° S.R.° S.R.` S.R.° S.R.° S.R.` 5feet 2745 1 280 3925 475 5000 890 Shear Reinforcing #3 @ 8 #3 8 #3 @ 12 6feet 1890 215 2710 350 3530 620 5000 925 Shear Reinforcing #3 @ 8 — #3 @ 8 — #3 @ 12 — #3 @ 11 — 7feet 1375 175 1980 280 2580 475 5000 675 5000 1360 Shear Reinforcing #3 @ 8 #3 8 #3 @ 12 #3 @ 12 #3 @ 16 8feet 1040 150 1505 230 1965 385 4820 530 5000 970 Shear Reinforcing #3 @ 8 — #3 a 8 — #3 @ 12 — #3 @ 10 — #3 @ 16 — 9feet 1550 130 2280 200 3080 325 3810 435 5000 755 Shear Reinforcing #3 @ 8 #3 @ 8 #3 @ 9 #3 @ 10 #3 @ 16 10 feet 1200 115 1850 170 2495 280 3085 370 4265 620 Shear Reinforcing #3 @ 8 — #3 @ 9 — #3 @ 10 — #3 12 — #3 @ 16 — 11feet 1 905 100 1530 155 2060 245 2550 1 325 3525 525 Shear Reinforcing #3 @ 8 #3 @ 10 #3 @ 12 #3 12 #3 16 12 feet 695 90 1280 140 1730 230 2140 285 2960 450 Shear Reinforcing #3 8 — #3 12 — #3 12 — #3 12 — #3 16 — 13feet 550 85 1090 125 1475 195 1825 255 2525 400 Shear Reinforcing #3 @ 8 #3 @ 12 #3 @ 14 #3 @ 14 #3 @ 18 14 feet 595 75 1275 115 1755 180 2185 230 3040 355 Shear Reinforcing #3 @ 8 — #3 @ 10 — #3 @ 10 — #3 @ 10 — #3 @ 12 — 15feet 485 70 1050 105 1530 165 1905 210 2650 326 Shear Reinforcing #3 8 — #3 10 — #3 a 10 — #3 @ 10 — #3 @ 12 — 16feet 400 65 880 95 1 1345 150 1670 195 2325 295 Shear Reinforcing #3 @ 8 #3 @ 10 #3 @ 10 — #3 10 #3 @ 12 — "Limited by long term deflection of U240. 1. Concrete yield strength equals 2500 psi, rebar yield strength equals 60,000 psi. Table is based on one end continuous and one end simply supported; loads are superimposed onto the lintel. Loads for ade 40 rebar are approximately 2/3 of the tabulated loads not controlled b eflection. 2. Vertical loads are applied along the center of the lintel a the top of the lintel is supported against lateral buckling. Lateral loads are n included. 3. Minimum two (2) #5 rebar required on each side of all openings, extended 24" beyond opening (ACI 318 Sect. 14.3.7)Two (2) #5 rebars required over ' openings more than 8'and lintels greater than 20"deep. 4. S.R. = Shear Reinforcing. Shear reinforcing to be bars pl4ced at a 45 degree angle from the top of the lintel at the ends angling dog vnward toward the center of the opening. Spacing for loads other than tabulated may be linearly interpolated between the load for no shear reinforcement and the maximum load up to a maximum spacing of 80%of the lintel depth. 5. Minimum reinforcing is two(2)#6 or three(3)#5 for spans over 14 feet. 40 Performance Sheet STRUCTURAL AM MMFO][BMAl CM DATA LINTEL FOR RIEEWAR D WALL SYSTEMS FORMS DETAILS REWARD WALL SYSTEMS, Inc. 1 EXTEND LONGITUDINAL REINFORCING ' 2'-0" BEYOND WALL OPENING SHEAR REINFORCEMENT,• PLACE , SYMMETRICALLY ON EITHER SIDE OF CENTERLINE OF OPENING SPACING OF SHEAR REINFORCEMENT TWO (2) 115 VERTICAL BARS 10 EACH SIDE OF OPENING OPENING WIDTH LINTEL aEVATION WALL HEIGHT Q ABOVE LINTEL SHEAR REINFORCEMENT (IF REQUIRED) LONGITUDINAL REINFORCING TO BE SAME a TOP AND BOTTOM. MINIMUM (2) #5 CONT. LINTEL DEPTH ' FIELD SAW CAVITY IN BOTTOM OF LINTEL (5" X CORE WIDTH) TYPICAL SECTION THRU LINTEL 41 , Performance Sheet SMUCTURA.L AM PERFORMANCM DATA STIRRUP FOR REWARD WALL L SYSTEMS FORMS DETAILS REWARD WALL SYSTEMS. Inc. 1 r #3 STIRRUP #3 STIRRUP V V ' #5 REBAR \` #5 REBAR \\ ' TYPE A STIRRUP TYPE B STIRRUP STIRRUP DETAILS STIRRUPS TO BE FABRICATED FROM #3 REBAR (fy= 60,000 PSI) AND INSTALLED IN EACH VERTICAL CORE (12 O.C.) ACROSS THE ENTIRE ' LENGTH OF THE LINTEL. EITHER TYPE A OR TYPE B STIRRUPS ARE ACCEPTABLE. STIRRUP ENDS TO BE HOOKED AROUND THE #5 HORI- ZONTAL RESARS WITH MINIMUM 135' BENDS. 42 I ICI Performance Bluest STRUCTURAL AID PHRFORMMCE DATA VERTUCAL REBAR ' FOR 1 ISWAR D WALL SYSTEMS FORMS LAYOUT REWARD WALL SYSTEMS, Inc. 4 5 8" VERTICAL REBAR SPACING EQUALS 12" OR 24" O C ' F _ I I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - o = I I N i I i N I 6" REWARD'" FORMS I I � I I Z I i I I WALL FOOTING AS REQUIRED BY DESIGN � I � I I I I I I I VERTICAL REBAR LAYOUT FOR 6' REWARD WALL, FORMS ' IMPORTANT NOTE. PLACE REQUIRED VERTICAL REINFORCEMENT PRIOR TO POURING THE WALL FOOTING , USING ACCEPTED CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES AND FOLLOWING ACI RECOMMENDATIONS. 43 Performance Sheet STRUCTURAL AND PERFORMANCE DATA VERMAL REBAR FOR REWARD WALL SYSTEMS]FORMS LAYOUT r WALL SYSTEMS"' Inc. REWARD , 1 VERTICAL REBAR SPACING EQUALS 12" OR 24" 0/C I I I _ -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - I I N i o I N I 8" REWARD .. FORMS � I I Z I I Q I I Q I I WALL FOOTING AS REQUIRED BY DESIGN o I I I I I i I _ I ' VERTICAL REBAR LAYOUT FOR 8' REWARD WALL FORMS IMPORTANT NOTE: PLACE REQUIRED VERTICAL REINFORCEMENT PRIOR TO POURING THE WALL FOOTING USING ACCEPTED CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES AND FOLLOWING ACI RECOMMENDATIONS. 44 Performance Sheet STRUCrURA]L AID PERFORMANCE DATA VERTICAL REBAR FOR REWARD WALL[.SYSTEMS FORMS LAYOUT REWARD WALL SYSTEMS, Inc. CENTER—TO—CENTER DISTANCE OF VERTICAL REINFORCEMENT (Dv) IS A FUNCTION OF WALL RADIUS AND WIDTH OF CUT—OUT SEGMENTS ' (SEE EXAMPLE BELOW) 6" OR 8" REWARD ' WALL FOOTING WALL FORMS VERTICAL REBAR LAYOUT FOR CURVED REWARD WALL FORMS FORMULA TO CALCULATE THE ON CENTER DISTANCE OF VERTICAL REINFORCEMENT FOR , CURVED WALLS: Dv = Dn — (0.5Ws) WHERE Dv = CENTER—TO—CENTER DISTANCE OF VERTICAL REBAR, Dn = NOMINAL CENTER—TO—CENTER DISTANCE OF VERTICAL REBAR (EITHER 12" OR 24'), Ws = SEGMENT WIDTH OF CUT—OUT 1N FORM. EXAMPLE: 6" REWARD'm FORMS ARE TO BE USED TO FORM A WALL WITH AN ' OUTSIDE RADIUS OF 15'-0"* CALCULATE THE CENTER—TO—CENTER DISTANCE OF THE VERTICAL REINFORCEMENT. A NOMINAL 12" O.C. SPACING IS REQUIRED BY DESIGN. Dv = (12 IN.) — (0.5 X 0.75 IN.) = 11.625 INCHES THEREFORE USE AN 11 518" VERTICAL REBAR SPACING. IMPORTANT NOTE: , PLACE REQUIRED VERTICAL REINFORCEMENT PRIOR TO POURING THE WALL FOOTING USING ACCEPTED CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES AND FOLLOWING ACI RECOMMENDATIONS. ' 45 Wall Systems, lnc'.' � Reinforcement Index 1 Backfilled Wall Reinforcement Page 47 ' Above Grade Reinforcement Page 49 Standard Above Grade Reinforcement ' Page 49 Coastal Area Above Grade Reinforcement Page 51 Commercial and Industrial Above Grade Reinforcement ' Page 53 Reinforcement with Pre-Engineered Steel Buildings ' Page 55 ' 46 kenneth m. blom & associates j consulting structural and civil engineers 9600 e. 53rd street p.o. box 16538 raytown, missouri 64133 i 816/356-1445 fax 816/356-8364 December 15, 1994 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Our engineering firm has developed structural calculations, and has determined the reinforcing steel requirements in accordance with ACI 318 for the "REWARD WALL SYSTEM", an EPS concrete forming system for the construction of vertical load bearing walls . The calculations are . conservatively based or. a simplified j concrete structure consisting of vertical_ rectangular shaped columns spaced at 12 inches on center and horizontal rectangular shaped beams spaced at 16 inches on center. These cross—sections are equivalent to the actual shape of the columns and beams found in the REWARD WALL SYSTEM configuration. Our calculations have been compared to, and agree with, the requirements of the Uniform Building Code (I. C.B. O), National Building Code (BOCA) , and the Standard Building Code (SBCCI) . It is our opinion that the REWARD WALL SYSTEM meets or exceeds the requirements of the Basic Building Codes for use in the construction of basements, foundations and exterior load bearing walls for one and two story homes and light commercial applications. For any given project, the design loadings for snow, wind and seismic should be checked with officials of the local Jurisdiction to make sure local codes or conditions are complied with. Other factors should. be taken into consideration on each project when using the REWARD WALL SYSTEM, such as interior fire and flame spread protection and watersealing of below ground exterior wall surfaces . Respectfully, _Z1 0 - r3 MISS J '.. . � s•� 1 Kenneth M. Blom, E. E.8 2-2 6 Ilk+ kenneth m. biom & associates- '; consulting structural and civil engineers 9600 e. 53rd street p.o. box 16538 raytown, missouri 64133 816/356-1445 Notes for Basement Walls: fax 816/356-8364 1. Horizontal reinforcement: Seismic Zone 0, 1, 2 Place 94 every 2'-8" (every other course) Seismic Zone 3, 4 Place #4 every l'-4" (every course) 2. These charts are based on using 2500 psi concrete. j 3. Vertical reinforcement must be placed in the center of the column. Horizontal reinforcement is controlled by the built-in cross tie. 4. The basement floor must be poured and the first floor must be in place before backfilling. 5. Apply waterproofing on all exterior walls below grade. 6. Backfill should be a granular material for good drainage. Notes for One Story and Two Story Building: 1. Horizontal Reinforcement: Seismic Zone 0, 1,2 Place #4 every 2'-8" (every other course) Seismic Zone 3, 4 Place 94 every 1'-4" (every course) 2. These charts are based on using 2500 psi concrete. 3. Vertical reinforcement must be placed in the center of the column. Horizontal reinforcement is controlled by the built-in cross tie. 4. Do not remove construction bracing until roof framing is in place. Performance Sheet STRUCTURAL AND PERFORMANCE DATA REINFORCEMENT , FOR REWARD WALL SYSTEM'S FORMS REQUIREMENTS REWARD WALL SYSTEMS TM Inc. , VERTICAL REINFORCEMENT FOR BACKFILLED WALLS Axial Loads Applied to Center of Well t Backfill Equivalent Fluid Pressure=30 sf/fL of Depth Concrete Strength=2500 psi Rebar Strength=60,000 psi Concrete Strength=2500 psi Rebar Strength=40,000 psi 6 inch Forms 8 inch Forms 6 inch Forms 8 inch Forms Backfill Reinforcing Axial Load Reinforcing Axial Load Reinforcing Axial Load Reinforcing Axial Load , Height Required Ibs/ft Required Ibs/ft Required Ibs/ft Required Ibs/ft 5.0 feet #4 @ 24"o.c. 7750 #4 @ 24"o.c. 13130 #4 @ 24"o.c. 7750 #4 @ 24"o.c. 13130 6.0 feet #4 @ 24"o.c. 7200 #4 @ 24"o.c. 12690 #5 @ 24"o.c. 7200 #4 @ 24"o.c. 12690 7.0 feet #5 @ 24"o.c. 6540 #4 @ 24"o.c. 12160 #4 @ 12"o.c. 13070 #5 @ 24"o.c. 12160 ' 8.0 feet #4 @ 12"o.c. 11550 #5 @ 24"o.c. 11550 #5 @ 12"o.c. 11550 #4 @ 12"o.c. 23100 9.0 feet #5 @ 12"o.c. 9820 14 @ 12"o.c. 21720 #6 @ 12"o.c. 9820 #5 @ 12"o.c. 21720 10.feet #6 @ 12"o.c. 7900 #5 @ 12"o.c. 20180 2 #6 @ 12" 7900 #6 @ 12"o.c. 20180 ' 11.feet — — 2)#4 @ 12" 18470 — — 3 #4 @ 12" 18470 12.feet — -- (3)#4 @ 12" 16600 — — (4)#4 0 12" 16600 Horizontal Reinforcement: Place#4 Continuous Rebar Every 4'-0"O.C. (Every Third Course). VERTICAL REINFORCEMENT FOR BACKFILLED WALLS Axial Loads Applied to Center of Wall Backfill Equivalent Fluid Pressure=35 sf/ft. of Depth ' Concrete Strength=2500 psi Rebar Strength=60,000 psi Concrete Strength=2500 psi Rebar Strength=40,000 psi 6 inch Forms 8 inch Forms 6 inch Forms 8 inch Forms Backfill Reinforcing Axial Load Reinforcing Axial Load Reinforcing Axial Load Reinforcing Axial Load Height Required Ibs/ft Required Ibs/ft Required Ibs/ft Required Ibs/ft 5.0 feet #4 @ 24"o.c. 7750 #4 @ 24"o.c. 13130 #4 0.24"o.c. 7750 #4 @ 24"o.c. 13130 6.0 feet #4 @ 24"o.c. 7200 #4 @ 24"o.c. 12690 #5 @ 24"o.c. 7200 #4 @ 24"o.c. 12690 7.0 feet #4 @ 12"o.c. 13070 #4 @ 24"o.c. 12160 #4 @ 12"o.c. 13070 #4 @ 12"o.c. 24320 8.0 feet #5 @ 12"o.c. 11550 #4 @ 12"o.c. 23100 2 #4 @ 12" 11550 #5 @ 12"o.c. 23100 9.0 feet 2 #4 @ 12" 9820 #4 @ 12"o.c. 21720 (3)#4 @ 12" 9820 #5 @ 12"o.c. 21720 10.feet — -- #5 0 12"o.c. 20180 — — 3 #4 @ 12" 20180 11.feet — -- #6 12"o.c. 18470 — — 2 #5 12" 18470 12.feet — — (3)#4 @ 12" 16600 — — 2)#6 @ 12" 16600 Horizontal Reinforcement: Place#4 Continuous Rebar Every 4'-0"O.C. (Every Third Course). VERTICAL REINFORCEMENT FOR BACKFILLED WALLS Axial Loads Applied to Center of Wall Backfill Equivalent Fluid Pressure=40 psf/ft of Depth Concrete Strength=2500 psi Rebar Strength=60,000 psi Concrete Strength=2500 psi Rebar Strength=40,000 psi 6 inch Forms 8 inch Forms 6 inch Forms 8 inch Forms Backfill Reinforcing Axial Load Reinforcing Axial Load Reinforcing Axial Load Reinforcing Axial Load Height Required Ibs/ft Required Ibs/ft Required Ibs/ft Required Ibs/ft 5.0 feet #4 @ 24"o.c. 7750 #4 @ 24"o.c. 13130 #4 @ 24"o.c. 7750 #4 @ 24"o.c. 13130 , 6.0 feet #5 @ 24"o.c. 7200 #4 @ 24"o.c. 12690 #5 @ 24"o.c. 7200 #4 @ 24"o.c. 12690 7.0 feet #4 @ 12"o.c. 13070 #5 @ 24"o.c. 12160 3 #4 @ 24" 6540 #4 @ 12"o.c. 24320 8.0 feet #5 @ 12"o.c. 11550 #4 @ 12"o.c. 23100 2 #4 @ 12" 11550 3 #4 @ 24" 11550 9.0 feet 3 #4 a 12" 9820 3 #4 @ 24" 10860 2 #5 @ 12" 9820 2 #5 @ 12" 21720 10.feet — — 2 #4 @ 12" 20180 — — 3 #4 @ 12" 20180 11.feet — — 3 #4 @ 12" 18470 — — 4 #4 @ 12" 18470 12.feet — — (4)#4 @ 12" 16600 — — (6)#4 0 12" 16600 Horizontal Reinforcement: Place#4 Continuous Rebar Every 4'-0"O.C. (Every Third Course). 47 Performance Sheet STRUCTURAL AND PERFORMANCE DATA REINFORCEMENT FOR REWARD WALL SYSTEM'S FORMS REQUIREMENTS REWARD WALL SYSTEMS TM Inc., VERTICAL REINFORCEMENT FOR BACKFILLE6 WALLS Axial Loads Applied to Center of Wall Backfill Equivalent Fluid Pressure=45 p ft of Depth Concrete Strength=2500 psi Rebar Strength=60,000 psi Concrete Strength=2500 psi Rebar Strength=40,000 psi 6 inch Forms 8 inch Forms 6 inch Forms 8 inch Forms Backfill Reinforcing Axial Load Reinforcing Axial Load Reinforcing Axial Load Reinforcing Axial Load Height Required Ibs/ft Required Ibs/ft Re uired Ibs/ft Required Ibs/ft 5.0 feet #4 @ 24"o.c. 7750 #4 @ 24"o.c. 13130 #4 @ 24"o.c' ' 7750 #4 24"o.c. 13130 6.0 feet #4 @ 12"o.c. 14390 #4 @ 24"o.c. 12690 #4 12"o.c 14390 #4 @ 12"o.c. 25370 7.0 feet #4 @ 12"o.c. 13070 #4 @ 12"o.c. 24320 #5 @ 12"o.c. 13070 #4 @ 12"o.c. 24320 8.0 feet #5 @ 12"o.c. 11550 #4 @ 12"o.c. 23100 3 #4 @ 12" 11550 #5 @ 12"o.c. 23100 9.0 feet 3 #4 @ 12" 9820 #5 @ 12"o.c. 21720 2 #6 @ 12" 9820 2 #4 @ 12" 21720 11.feet -= 2 #4 12" 18470 = 3)#4 12" 18470 11.feet 3 #4 12" 18470 2)#6 12" 18470 12.feet Horizontal Reinforcement: Place#4 Continuous Rebar Every 4'-0" O.C. (Every Third Course). VERTICAL REINFORCEMENT FOR BACKFILLEQ IALLS Axial Loads Applied to Center of Wall Backfill Equivalent Fluid Pressure=50 pS ft of Depth Concrete Strength=2500 psi Rebar Strength=60,000 psi Concrete tren th=2500 psi Rebar Strength=40,000 psi 6 inch Forms 8 inch Forms 6 inco Forms 8 inch Forms Backfill Reinforcing Axial Load Reinforcing Axial Load Reinforcing Axial Load Reinforcing Axial Load Height Required Ibs/ft Required Ibs/ft R equired Ibs/ft Re uired Ibs/ft 5.0 feet #4 24"o.c. 7750 #4 24"o.c. 13130 4"o.c 7750 #4 24"o.c. 13130 6.0 feet #5 24"o.c. 7200 #4 24"o.c. 12690 2"o.c 14390 #5 24"o.c. 12690 7.0 feet #4 12"o.c. 13070 #4 12"o.c. 24320 2"c.c' 13070 #4 12"o.c. 24320 8.0 feet 2 #4 — 12" 11550 #4 12"o.c. 23100 12 11550 #5 12"o.c. 23100 9.0 feet #5 @ 12"o.c. 21720 3 #4 @ 12" 21720 10.feet — — (3)#4 @ 12" 20180 — — 4 #4 @ 12" 20180 11.feet — — 4 #4 @ 12" 18470 — — 6 #4 12" 18470 12.feet Horizontal Reinforcement: Place#4 Continuous Rebar Every 4'-0"O.C. (Every Third Course). Reinforcement Tables Prepared in Accordance with ACI 318, Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete Walls. 48 Performance Sheet STRUCTURAL AND PERFORMANCE DATA REINFORCEMENT ' FOR REWARD WALL SYSTEMS FORMS REQUIREMENTS RERARD WALL SYSTEMS TM Inc. VERTICAL REINFORCEMENT FOR ABOVE GRADE WALLS Axial Loads Applied to Center of Wall Wind Speed=70 m h(1993 BOCA Concrete Strength=2500 psi Rebar Strength=60,000 psi Concrete Strength=2500 psi Rebar Strength=40,000 psi 6 inch Forms 8 inch Forms 6 inch Forms 8 inch Forms Wall Reinforcing Axial Load Reinforcing Axial Load Reinforcing Axial Load Reinforcing Axial Load Height Required Ibs/ft Required Ibs/ft Re uired Ibs/ft Required Ibs/ft 8.0 feet #4 @ 24"o.c. 5780 #4 @ 24"o.c. 11550 #4 @ 24"o.c. 5780 #4 @ 24"o.c. 11550 9.0 feet #4 @ 24"o.c. 4910 #4 @ 24"o.c. 10860 #4 0 24"o.c. 4910 #4 24"o.c. 4910 10.feet #4 @ 24"o.c. 3950 #4 @ 24"o.c. 10090 #4 24"o.c. 3950 #4 24"o.c. 10090 ' 11.feet #4 @ 24"o.c. 2880 #4 @ 24"o.c. 9240 #4 @ 24"o.c. 2880 #4 @ 24"o.c. 9240 12.feet #4 @ 24"o.c. 1710 #4 24"o.c. 1 8300 #4 @ 12"o.c. 3430 #4 @ 24"o.c. 8300 Horizontal Reinforcement: Place#4 Continuous Rebar Every 4'-0"O.C. (Every Third Course)for 8'-0"Through 10'-0"Walls, Place#4 Continuous Rebar Every 2'-8"O.C. (Every Second Course)for 10'-0"Through 12'-0"Walls. VERTICAL REINFORCEMENT FOR ABOVE GRADE WALLS Axial Loads Applied to Center of Wall ' Wind Speed=80 m h(1993 BOCA Concrete Strength=2500 psi Rebar Strength=60,000 psi Concrete Strength=2500 psi Rebar Strength=40,000 psi 6 inch Forms 8 inch Forms 6 inch Forms 8 inch Forms Wall Reinforcing Axial Load Reinforcing Axial Load Reinforcing Axial Load Reinforcing Axial Load Height Required Ibs/ft Required Ibs/ft Reguired Ibs/ft Required Ibs/ft 8.0 feet #4 a 24"o.c. 5780 #4 @ 24"o.c. 11550 #4 @ 24"o.c. 5780 #4 @ 24"o.c. 11550 9.0 feet #4 @ 24"o.c. 4910 #4 @ 24"o.c. 10860 #4 24"o.c. 4910 #4 24"o.c. 10860 10.feet #4 24"o.c. 3950 #4 24"o.c. 10090 #4 24"o.c. 3950 #4 24"o.c. 10090 11.feet #4 24"o.c. 2880 #4 24"o.c. 9240 #4 12"o.c. 5760 #4 24"o.c. 9040 12.feet #4 24"o.c. 1710 #4 @ 24"o.c. 8300 #4 12"o.c. 3430 #4 24"o.c. 8300 Horizontal Reinforcement: Place#4 Continuous Rebar Every 4'-0"O.C. (Every Third Course)for 8'-0"Through 10'-0"Walls, Place#4 Continuous Rebar Every 2'-8"O.C. (Every Second Course)for 10'-0"Through 12'-0"Walls. VERTICAL REINFORCEMENT FOR ABOVE GRADE WALLS Axial Loads Applied to Center of Wall Wind Speed=90 m h (1993 BOCA Concrete Strength=2500 psi Rebar Strength=60,000 psi Concrete Strength.=2500 psi Rebar Stren th=40,000 psi 6 inch Forms 8 inch Forms 6 inch Forms 8 inch Forms Wall Reinforcing Axial Load Reinforcing Axial Load Reinforcing Axial Load Reinforcing Axial Load Height Required Ibs/ft Required Ibs/ft Required Ibs/ft Required Ibs/ft 8.0 feet #4 @ 24"o.c. 5780 44 @ 24"o.c. 11550 #4 2 24"o.c. 5780 #4 @ 24"o.c. 11550 9.0 feet #4 @ 24"o.c. 4910 #4@ 24"o.c. 10860 #4 24"o.c. 4910 #4 @ 24"o.c. 10860 10.feet #4 @ 24"o.c. 3950 #4 @ 24"c.c. 10090 #4 @ 12"o.c. 7900 #4 @ 24"o.c. 10090 11.feet #4 @ 12"o.c. 5760 #4 @ 24"o.c. 9240 #4 @ 12"o.c. 5760 #4 @ 24"o.c. 9040 12.feet #4 12"o.c. 3430 #4 @ 24"o.c. 8300 #4 @ 12"o.c. 3430 #4 @ 12"o.c. 16600 Horizontal Reinforcement: Place#4 Continuous Rebar Every 4'-0"O.C. (Every Third Course)for 8'-0"Through 10'-0"Walls, Place#4 Continuous Rebar Every 2'-8"O.C. (Every Second Course)for 10'-0"Through 12'-0"Walls. 49 Performance Sheet STRUCTURAL AND PERFORMANCE DATA REINFORCEMENT FOR REWARD WALL SYSTEM'S FORMS REQUIREMENTS REWARD WALL SYSTEMS TM Inc. VERTICAL REINFORCEMENT FOR ABOVE GRADE WALLS Axial Loads Applied to Center of Well Wind Speed=100 mph 1993 BOCA Concrete Strength=2500 psi Rebar Strength=60,000 psi Concrete Strength=2500 psi Rebar Strength=40,000 psi 6 Inch Forms 8 inch Forms 6 inch Forms 8 inch Forms Wall Reinforcing Axial Load Reinforcing Axial Load Reinforcing Axial Load Reinforcing Axial Load Height Required Ibs/ft Required Ibs/ft Required ibs/ft Required Ibs/ft 8.0 feet #4 @ 24"o.c. 5780 #4 @ 24"o.c. 11550 #4 @ 24"o.c. 5780 #4 @ 24"o.c. 11550 9.0 feet #4 @ 24"o.c. 4910 #4 @ 24"o.c. 10860 #4 @ 12"o.c. 9820 #4 24"o.c. 10860 10.feet #4 @ 12"o.c. 7900 #4 Cd 24"o.c. 10090 #4 @ 12"o.c. 7900 #4 @ 12"o.c. 20180 11.feet #4 a 12"o.c. 5760 #4 @ 24"o.c. 9240 #4 @ 12"o.c. 5760 #4 @ 12"o.c. 18470 12.feet #4 @ 12"o.c. 3430 #4 @ 12"o.c. 16600 #5 12"o.c. 3430 #4 @ 12"o.c. 16600 Horizontal Reinforcement: Place#4 Continuous Rebar Every 4'-0"O.C.(Every Third Course)for 8'-0"Through 10'-0"Walls, Place#4 Continuous Rebar Every 2'-8"O.C. (Every Second Course)for 10'-0"Through 12'-0"Walls. WIND - Conversion Formula: P = .00256 x Wind Velocity Squared (P = Wind Pressure on the Vertical Projection of a Wall, expressed in lbs./sq. ft.) EXAMPLE: Convert 209 Wind Load to Miles Per Hour (Velocity) Velocity Squared = 20 / .00256 Velocity Squared = 7812.5 Velocity = 88 MPH NOTE: This formula is not an accurate conversion for structures with vertical projection over 32 feet high. i 50 Performance Sheet STRUCTURAL AND PERFORMANCE DATA ROOF LOAD AND COASTAL WIND ' FOR REWARD WALL SYSTEM'S FORMS LOAD CHARACTERISTICS REWARD WALL SYSTEMS TM Inc. TABLE 1) Single Story-3,000 PSiConcrete Wall reinforcing table-for roof loads plus coastal wind load (3,000 psi concrete and Grade 60 rebar) FORM WALL VERTICAL SIZE HEIGHT REINFORCING REMARKS 6" Forms 8' #5 Q 24" O.C. Every second vert. core 6" Forms 10, #4 12" O.C. Every vertical core 8" Forms 8' #4 24" O.C. Every second vert.core 8" Form S 10, #4 24" O.C. Every second vert. core 8" Forms 12' #5 24" O.C. Every second vert.core NOTES FOR TABLE 1 ABOVE: 1. Axial wall load is based on maximum 60 foot roof span with 4 foot overhang. 2. Roof loading is 17 psf dead load, 20 psf roof live load, and 10 psf attic live load (Total load is 47 psf). 3. Wind load is based on ASCE 7-88 code, 110 mph fastest mile, exposure C, category 1 enclosed building at hurricane coastline, roof slope 2:12 to 7:12, mean roof height 20' maximum. Design wind pressure is 46 psf pressure or suction. 4. Place#4 reinforcing bars horizontal at 32" O.C. full height of wall. 5. Vertical reinforcing shall be placed in the center of the wall. 6. These reinforcing requirements are based on 60,000 psi deformed grade 60 steel reinforcing bars and 3,000 psi concrete, and are calculated in accordance with ACI 318- 89. 7. REWARD I and REWARD II forms are products of Reward Wall Systems, Inc., Omaha, Nebraska. All installations shall be done in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations and published tables and instructions. i i 1 1 Performance Sheet STRUCTURAL AND PERFORMANCE DATA ROOF OAO AND COASTAL WIND FOR REWARD WALL SYSTEM'S FORMS LOAD CHARACTERISTICS REWARD WALL SYSTEMS TM Inc. TABLE 2) Two Story-3,000 PS/Cor�rete Wall reinforcing table for bottom story of two story buildings With roof load plus coastal wind load plus floor load (3,000 psi concrete and Grade 60 rebar). FORM WALL VERTICAL SIZE HEIGHT REINFORCING REMARKS 6" Forms Up to 10' #5 @ 12" O.C. Every vertical core 8" Forms Up to 12' #4 12" O.C. Every vertical core Axial wall load is based on maximum 60' roof span with 4' oyr rhang and 24'floor span. TABLE 3) Two Story-4,000 PSI Conj�rete Wall reinforcing table for bottom story of two story buildings it roof load plus coastal wind load plus floor load (4,000 psi concrete ar Grade 60 rebar). FORM WALL VERTICAL SIZE HEIGHT REINFORCING REMARKS 6" Forms Up to 10, #5 @ 12" O.C. Every vertical core 8" Forms Up to 10, #5 Q 24" O.C. very second vert. core 8" Forms Up to 12' #6 a 24" O.C. 4very second vert.core Axial wall load is based on maximum 60' roof span with 4' overhang and 24' floor span. NOTES FOR TABLE 2 AND 3 ABOVE: 1. Roof loading is 17 psf dead load, 20 psf roof live load, and 10 psf attic live load (total load is 47 psf). Floor loading is 15 psf dead load and 40 psf live load (total floor load is 55 psf). 2. Wind load is based on ASCE 7-88 code, 110 mph fastest lle, exposure C, category 1 enclosed building at hurricane coastline, roof slope 2:12 t 7:12, mean roof height 30' maximum. Design wind pressure is 52 psf pressure or sucolon. 3. Place#4 reinforcing bars horizontal at 32" O.C. full height', If wall. 4. Vertical reinforcing shall be placed in the center of the wallI 5. These reinforcing requirements are based on 60,000 psi dig ormed grade 60 steel reinforcing bars and 3,000 psi concrete, and are calculated in accordance with ACI 318- 89. I� 6. REWARD I and REWARD II forms are products of Reward Wall Systems, Inc., Omaha, Nebraska. All installations shall be done in accordance withl manufacturer's recommendations and published tables and instructions. 52 Performance Sheet STRUCTURAL AND PERFORMANCE DATA REINFORCEMENT 1 FOR REWARD WALL SYSTEMS FORMS REQUIREMENTS 082895 REWARD WALL SYSTEMS;j Inc. VERTICAL REINFORCEMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL BUILDING WALLS FORMED WITH REWARD WALL SYSTEMS FORMS 6 INCH FORMS 20 PSF ROOF LIVE LOAD DESIGN WIND BUILDING HEIGHT PRESSURE 8 FEET7 10 FEET 12 FEET 14 FEET 16 FEET 18 FEET 15 PSF #3 ES #3 ES #3 ES #4 ES #4 ES #5 ES 20 PSF #3 ES #3 ES #3 ES #4 ES #5 ES ----- 25 PSF #3 ES #3 ES #4 ES #5 ES ----- ----- 30 PSF #3 ES #3 ES #4 ES #5 ES ----- ----- 35 PSF #3 ES #4 ES #4 ES #4 E ----- ----- 40 PSF #3 ES #4 ES #5 ES ----- ----- ----- 45 PSF #3 ES #4 ES #5 ES ----- ----- ----- 50 PSF #3 ES #4 ES #4 E ----- ----- ----- 6 INCH FORMS 30 PSF ROOF LIVE LOAD DESIGN WIND BUILDING HEIGHT PRESSURE 8 FEET 10 FEET 12 FEET 14 FEET 16 FEET 18 FEET 15 PSF #3 ES #3 ES #3 ES #4 ES #5 ES #4 E 20 PSF #3 ES #3 ES #4 ES #4 ES #4 E ----- 25 PSF #3 ES #3 ES #4 ES #5 ES ----- ----- 30 PSF #3 ES #3 ES #4 ES #5 ES ----- ----- 35 PSF #3 ES 1 #4 ES #5 ES ----- ----- ----- 40 PSF #3 ES #4 ES #5 ES ----- ----- ----- 45 PSF #3 ES #4 ES #5 ES ----- ----- ----- 50 PSF #3 ES #4 ES #4 E ----- ----- ----- NOTES: 1. The above tables are based on a design roof dead load of 10 PSF. 2. The above tables are based on a roof span of 50 feet. 3. Place #4 rebar horizontally in alternate courses (32" o.c.). 4. Place vertical rebar as detailed in the above tables. 'ES' indicates every second vertical core (24" o.c.). 'E' indicates every vertical core (12" o.c.) 5. The reinforcement must be placed in the center of the wall. 6. The reinforcement requirements are based on 60,000 psi deformed steel rebar and 2500 psi concrete. 7. Where openings are required, additional rebar should be added per design and code requirements (TWO #5 MINIMUM). 8. These reinforcement requirements are based upon "Ultimate Strength Design ACI 318-89" calculation methods. 9. Every effort has been made to assure that this information is accurate, however, we cannot accept responsibility for misinterpretation or misuse of this information or improper construction techniques used in the field. 53 Performance Sheet STRUCTURAL AND PERFORMANCE DATA REINFORCEMENT FOR REWARD WALL SYSTEM'S FORMS REQUIREMENTS 082895 REWARD WALL SYSTEVIS"w Inc. VERTICAL REINFORCEMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL BUILDING WALLS FORMED WITH REWARD WALL SYSTEMS FORMS 8 INCH FORMS 20 PSF ROOF LIVE LOAD DESIGN WIND BUILDING HEIGHT PRESSURE 8 FEET 10 FEET 12 FEET 14 FEET 16 FEET 18 FEET 20 FEET 22 FEET 24 FEET 15 PSF #4 ES #4 ES #4 ES #4 ES #4 ES #4 ES #4 ES #5 ES #4 E 20 PSF #4 ES #4 ES #4 ES #4 ES #4 ES #4 ES #5 ES #5 ES #4 E 25 PSF #4 ES #4 ES #4 ES #4 ES #4 ES #5 ES #4 E #4 E 30 PSF #4 ES #4 ES #4 ES #4 ES #4 ES #5 ES #6 ES #5 E ----- ' 35 PSF #4 ES #4 ES #4 ES #4 ES #5 ES #5 ES #5 E _____ _____ 40 PSF #4 ES #4 ES #4 ES #4 ES #5 ES #4 E 45 PSF #4 ES #4 ES #4 ES #4 ES #5 ES #6 ES ----- ----- ----- 50 PSF #4 ES 1 #4 ES #4 ES #5 ES #4 E #5 E ----- ----- ----- 8 INCH FORMS 30 PSF ROOF LIVE LOAD DESIGN WIND BUILDING HEIGHT PRESSURE 8 FEET 10 FEET 12 FEET 14 FEET 16 FEET 18 FEET 20 FEET 22 FEET 24 FEET 15 PSF #4 ES #4 ES #4 ES #4 ES #4 ES #4 ES #4 ES #5 ES #4 E 20 PSF #4 ES #4 ES #4 ES #4 ES #4 ES #4 ES #5 ES #4 E #5 E 25 PSF #4 ES #4 ES #4 ES #4 ES #4 ES #5 ES #5 ES #6 ES 30 PSF #4 ES #4 ES #4 ES #4 ES #4 ES #5 ES #4 E ----- ----- 35 PSF #4 ES #4 ES #4 ES #4 ES #5 ES #4 E #5 E ----- ----- 40 PSF #4 ES #4 ES #4 ES #4 ES #5 ES #4 E _____ _____ _____ 45 PSF #4 ES #4 ES #4 ES #5 ES #5 ES #5 E 50 PSF #4 ES #4 ES #4 ES #5 ES #4 E #5 E ----- ----- ----- NOTES: I 1. The above tables are based on a design roof dead load of 10 PSF. 2. The above tables are based on a roof span of 50 feet. 3. Place #4 rebar horizontally in alternate courses (32" o.c.). 4. Place vertical rebar as detailed in the above tables. ' 'ES' indicates every second vertical core (24" o.c.). 'E' indicates every vertical core (12" o.c.) 5. The reinforcement must be placed in the center of the wall. 6. The reinforcement requirements are based on 60,000 psi deformed steel rebar and 2500 psi concrete. 7. Where openings are required, additional rebar should be added per design and code requirements (TWO #5 MINIMUM). 8. These reinforcement requirements are based upon "Ultimate Strength Design ACI 318-89" calculation methods. 9. Every effort has been made to assure that this information is accurate, however, we cannot accept responsibility for misinterpretation or misuse of this information or improper construction techniques used in the field. 54 Performance Sheet STRUCTURAL AM PERFORMANCE DATA CONSTRUCTION FOR REWARD WALL SYSTEMS]FOB DETAILS REWARD WALL SYSTEMS, Inc. 1 EAVE STRUT 3/16- THK. PLATE 3/16 3 AT 5 O" D.C. ADDITIONAL 15 (2•r-� HORIZONTAL REBAR BENT PLATE CLIP WITH ADDITIONAL HORIZ. REINF. (SEE DETAIL) 1 WALL HEADER BENT PLATE DETAIL BUILDING FRAME RAFTER WALL HEADER DESIGNED BY BUILDING MANUFACTURER TO RESIST LATERAL LOADING 6" OR B" REWARD FORMS FILLED WITI-, CONCRETE (2500 PSI OR BETTER) BUILDING FRAME COLUMN VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL REINFORCING. SEE ATTACHED TABLE FOR SIZE, SPACING, AND GRADE OF REBAR. LAP REBAR (25" MINIMUM) ' FOUNDATION AND FLOOR SLAB AS REQUIRED BY DESIGN PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING WALL SECTION 55 Performance Sheet STRUCTURAL AND]PERFORMMC E DATA CONSTRUCTION FOR REWARD WAIL SYSTEMS FORMS DETAILS REWARD WALL SYSTEMS;` Inc. EAVE STRUT 3/16• THK. PLATE J116 3 AT 5"-0' O.C. ADDMONAL 15 (2•r-� HORIZONTAL REBAR r BENT PLATE CLIP WITH ADDITIONAL HORIZ. REINFF, WALL HEAOfR ■ (SEE DETAIL) BENT PLATE DETAIL BUILDING FRAME RAFTER WALL HEADER DESIGNED BY BUILDING MANUFACTURER TO RESIST LATERAL } LOADING 6" OR 8" REWARD FORMS FILLED WITH CONCRETE (2500 PSI OR BETTER) BUILDING FRAME COLUMN VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL REINFORCING. SEE ATTACHED TABLE FOR SIZE, SPACING, AND GRADE OF REBAR. LAP REBAR (25" MINIMUM) j FOUNDATION AND FLOOR SLAB AS REQUIRED BY DESIGN PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING WALL SECTION ' 56 • :FWall Systems, Ind." 6 3/8- ',III r �I. I I i i n�'WARD J� I 6 Rli WARInI Patent Pending 6-Form-Isometric Section SECTION A—A ' V SCALE: 3'-1•-0- II I. I" I R 6 3/8' i 1 15 1 1 2' 1 15 16' I" 20 3' }32 3/32- I I I 1/8'R I I I REWARD I Patent Pending I ( I 6"Form-Isometric I I I I �-�-}E FULL SCALE h P lief 2• 2 3 8' 2• 3 e' i END VIEW WARD I Pate t Pending 6"Form-End View-Section s REWARD I Patent Pending Watt Hanging Strap Isometric Ills 57 j i I Wall Systems, Inc",; REWARD II Patent Pending 6"Form-Isometric Section SECTION A- SCaLE: J". .'-0' t t5 t t 2'.1 15 16' �I Ili I o I � i , 6 I II III'.. i I 20 32. 23 32. I I I 1/8_R I 1 i�J T I III REWA RD rI 6"Form-Isometric I BULL SCALE I ry PV 3/8' 2' E-Ni VIEW SCALE }-_,'_o. REWARD H Patent Pending tjl� II ,I g 6"Form-End View-Section I ,._o. i - + APPROXIMATE 1 SHEAR PLANE T P VI E W QV=no 58 Performance Sheet STRUCTURAL AID PMtFORMANCM DATA W FORM 1 FOP,REWARD WALL SYSTEMS FORMS DETAIS REWARD WALL SYSTEMS;'" Inc. ' E8" 4'" 8" 4" 8" 4" 8 2 A B rn A B TOP VIEW 48" „ 1 ENO VIEW SIDE VIEW 25/32" 10 29/32" 12" 12" 10 29/32" 1 13/32" TYPICAL FORM TIE 6 3/8" 2 1/2" BOTTOM VIEW 2 3/8" SECTION AI A SECTION 0-0 59 1 Performance Sheet STRU=RkL AM PERFORMANCE DATA 6° REWARD WALL FORM FOR REWARD WALL SYSTEMS]FORMS TRACING TEMPLATES REWARD WALL SYSTEMS, Inc. 1 i iSCALE.- //2' = P-0' + PLAN SECTION ' SCALE.- 314' e P-0® + + + + PLAN SECTION SCALE. l m e l°-0' T PLAN SECTION SCALE. / 112' a P-0" SECTION + + + PLAN 60 Perfo=ante Sheet STRUCnMA]L AID=GRMANCE DATA Gm FORM FOR REWARD WALL SYS=S]FORMS ®ETAOLS REWARD WALL SYSTEMS;' Inc. ' 1 2" 8" 4" 8" 4" 8" a � a B r TOP VIEW 48" 1 1 r Eft® VIEW SIDE VIEW , 25/32" 10 29/32" 12" 12" 70 29/32" , 7 13/32" , 1 8 3/SL 4 1/2" TYPICAL FORM TIE BOTTOM VIEW d- r N 4 3/8" SECTION A A SECTION 0-8 61 i Performance Sheet STRUCTURAL AD ®DANCE DATA 8' REWARD WALL FORM FOR REWARD WALL SYSTEMS]FORMS TRACING TEMPLATES REWARD WA L SYSTEMS"" Inc. L , SCALE. 1/2' a /'-0' tPLAN SECTION SCALE. 314' ® /'-®' PLAN SECTION SCALE.• /' o /'-®' FIF - - PLAN SECTION ' SCALE.- 1 112' _ /'-0' SECTION PLAN 62 Performance Sheet STRUCTURAL AID MMFO 8MAI M DATA EQUIVALENT FOR REWARD WALL SYSTEMS FORMS CORE SKETCHES REWARD WALL SYSTEMS, Inc. 6 114" 12" 5» t 9 1146'* FORM VERTICAL CORE 6 FORM HORIZONTAL CORE 68' EQUIVALENT CORE SKETCHES N 12" 11 1 4" 8' FORM VERTICAL CORE 8° FORM HORIZONTAL CORE m EQUIVALENT CORE SKETCHES 63 1 HEATING, VENTILATION and AIR CONDITIONING Types and Sizes ' The following characteristics of the super insulated Reward Wall System must be taken into consideration when specifying the size and type ' of both the heating and air conditioning equipment. It will be necessary for your heating and air conditioning equipment supplier to be familiar with ' these characteristics in order to choose the proper equipment for your new building. ' First, the R-Value of the Reward Walls (the method of stating the insulating properties of the form) will be necessary information for your heating contractor but, it is more important that he know the insulating value of the forms when in place and filled with concrete. The long recognized "rule-of-thumb" method of sizing heating and air conditioning equipment will no longer apply for a building built with the Reward Wall System. Modern construction practice recognizes the necessity of limiting air infiltration through leaks, which along with good insulation is the primary ' factor in determining the energy efficiency of the building. The Reward Wall System develops an extremely tight building envelope and it is for this reason we strongly recommend your heating contractor investigate an air exchanger. "Controlled"incoming air doesn't cost, it saves energy. In addition to the superior insulating properties of the EPS and the ' reduced air infiltration, the thermal mass of the wall must also be taken into consideration when selecting heating and air conditioning units An air conditioner sized too large for the building according to size and conditions, will not provide a comfortable environment as it will not ' cycle frequently enough to remove the humidity from the building. Advice and Assistance: can be obtained by contacting your local dealer, distributor or 3.10 Insulated Forms, L.P. (National Distributor) Technical Service Department, 800-468-6344, located at P.O. Box 460790, Papiliion, Nebraska 68046-0790. 64 REWARD FORMS ESTIMATING SHEET , METHOD 1 ' 1. To estimate number of Forms required per course, divide linear feet by 4: linear feet/ 4 = Forms per course 2. To determine the number of courses required, divide the height of the wall in inches by 16: , height in inches / 16 = courses required 3. Multiply the number of Forms per course from Step 1 times the number of , courses required from Step 2: Forms per course X courses = Forms ' 4. Estimate the number of Forms located at door and window openings and subtract from the Forms required as calculated in Step 3: ' Forms - Forms at openings = Total Forms Required METHOD 2 1. Calculate the total wall area in square feet (minus door and window ' opening) and divide by 5.33: wall area in sq. ft. / 5.33 = Total Forms Required COST OF FORMS: total Forms required X $ — —price per Form = $ CONCRETE REQUIRED: Divide the total Forms required by 13.5 for the 6 inch Forms (or divide the total ' Forms required by 9.5 for the 8 inch Forms) to determine the number of yards of concrete required to fill the Forms: , For 6 inch Forms: Forms required / 13.5 = yards For 8 inch Forms: Forms required / 9.5 = yards COST OF CONCRETE: yards required X $ price per yard = $ r COST OF REINFORCING STEEL: ' feet of rebar X $ price per foot= $ NOTE: Refer to Rebar Tables for reinforcing steel requirements. 65 ' ' ESTIMATING LABOR COSTS ' One of the most often asked questions about using the Reward Forms is "How do I estimate labor costs?" Based upon our experience and the feedback we have received from our dealers, distributors and builders, we have devised this Table to guide you in estimating the labor costs for your projects. This Table gives you the approximate number of Forms one man can install in one hour. This includes layout, installing, bracing, stacking the Forms, installing and tying rebar, pouring ' the Forms and removing the bracing after the concrete has set up. By knowing the complexity of the project and the amount of experience your crew has with the Forms, you can consult this Table to estimate how many Forms per man-hour can be completed. Divide this number into the total number of Forms ' used in the project to estimate the total number of man-hours required. Please note that these are guidelines only! Your actual man-hour requirements may vary depending upon your crew's ability and efficiency. MAN-HOUR ESTIMATING TABLE Crew's Experience with Reward Forms Complexity of Project No previous Completed ' Ex erience Some Experience 4+Projects Simple Design (4 corners with few 5 Forms/MH 7 Forms/MH 8 Forms/MH openings) Average Design 4 Forms/MH 5 Forms/MH 6 Forms/MH Complex Design ' any corners and 3 Forms/MH 4 Forms/MH 5 Forms/MH many cut-outs ' EXAMPLE: You are bidding on a one-story house that will require a total of 356 Forms. How many man-hours will be required for the Reward Form construction? Assuming that the house is an average design (without excessive corners and ' windows) and the crew has never used the Forms. From the above Table, we find that they should average 4 Forms per man-hour. Dividing the 356 Forms by 4 ' Forms/MH, we estimate that the Reward Form construction portion of the project should take approximately 89 man-hours. 66 I Performance Sheet ' STRUCTURAL AND PERFORMANCE DATA CORNER SET FOR REWARD WALL SYSTEM'S FORMS REQUIREMENTS REWARD WALL SYSTEMSTM, Inc. 1 t in estimating how , The following table is provided to asses g many sets of factory pre-cut corners you need for a construction project. Remember, twelve (12) forms that have been pre-cut for corners result in two complete 8 foot high corners. , CORNER SET REQUIREMENT TABLE NUMBER OF HEIGHT OF NUMBER OF CORNERS COURSES WALL 4 6 1 8 10 12 14 1 16 3 4'-0" 1* 2 2* 3 1 3* 4 1 4* 6 8'-01, 2* 3* 4* 5* 6* 7* 8* 7 9'-4" 3 4 5 6 7* 9 10 8 10'-8" 3 4* 6 7 8* 10 11 9 12'-0" 3* 5 6* 8 9* 11 12* ' 12 16'-0" 4* 6* 8* 10* 12* 14* 16* 15 20'-0" 5* 8 10* 13 1 15* 18 20* 18 24'-0" 6* 9* 12* 15* 1 18* 21* 24* * Indicates exact quantities of corner sets required. ' CORNER SET FORMULA: Number of Courses X Number of Building Corners) _ 12 = Number of Corner ' Sets Required 67 I THE FOLLOWING TOOLS AND, SUPPLIES ARE RECOMMENDED FOR INSTALLING REWARD FORMS nails deck screws chalk line silver duck tape 4 foot level hand saw bailing wire framing square framing hammer small crowbar nylon stringline 6 foot step ladder wire-cutting pliers caulking gun ' 25 foot tape measure 3/8 inch electric drill and bits circular saw drywall saw Large tools that can be rented: 100 to 200 fo ot tape ' eye level to prepare footings reciprocating saw sledge hammer ADDITIONAL TOOLS FOR THE PROFESSIONAL BUILDER ' 30 foot tape me asure easure 250 foot tape measure t 2 foot level heavy duty hammer drill ' large crowbar rebar twist tie tool (pigtail) 1/2 inch electric drill ' 3/8 inch heavy duty battery powered drill rebar cutting and bending tool ' rebar twist ties for rebar 9 inch lineman's pliers 8 foot step ladder ' 16 inch circular saw 8 inch dikes flatbed trailer for hauling Forms, lumber, etc. 68 Performance Sheet ' STRUCTURAL AND PERFORMANCE DATA SPECIFICATIONS,LISTINGS FOR REWARD WALL SYSTEM'S FORMS AND CODE APPROVALS REWARD WALL SYSTEMSTMInc., I REWARD I AND REWARD II SPECIFICATIONS LENGTH...................................48 Inches HEIGHT..................................... 16 Inches WIDTH (6" CORE) .................... 9 1/4 Inches (8" CORE) ......................... 11 114 Inches , SURFACE AREA......................5.33 Square Feet WEIGHT...................................4 to 5 pounds ' R FACTOR............................... 30+ per ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals (corrected for thermal mass) SOUND CLASS........................48db with 1/2" Drywall CONCRETE VOLUME One Yard Fills......................... 13.5 (6 inch forms) ' 10.0 (8 inch forms) FLAME SPREAD INDEX.......... Less than 25 SMOKE DEVELOPMENT INDEX...................................... Less than 450 U.S. PATENT NUMBER........... Patents Pending t 69 I L �. i ..r'� � �I l� i ' i �� �� � i ►i �� r � ' .- .. � � i- ..,4 �,�,.. �,.... _ -�z_ �6-O�� f �-2�-�'1 �� .