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BLD2020-00590 Dock, Pier, Buoy - BLD Inspections - 3/21/2024
C�v D") INSPECTION CARD Mason County 615 W. Alder St. Bldg. 8, Shelton, WA 98584 360-427-9670 ext 352 www.co.mason.wa.us PERMIT# BLD2020-00590 PROJECT ADDRESS 1330 N Potlatch Dr Hoodsport, WA 98548 PARCEL# 423185100116 PROJECT DESCRIPTION NEW DOCK,PIER AND ALTERATION TO THE MOORING BOUY OWNER ROUSH JEFFREY A& DABNEY H ADDRESS 2510 208TH AVE SE PHONE 1.206.909.5012 CONTRACTOR INTEGRATED NW CONSTRUCTION ADDRESS P O BOX 1008 PHONE 206.310.4239 CONTRACTOR LICENSE INTEGNC843J1 LENDER INSPECTION INSP DATE Comments INSPECTION INSP DATE Comments Setback Inspection a 3/z/ BLD-Final Inspection Y 7,3 Z P"s Hole Inspection MASON COUNTY 360-427-9670 Shelton ext.352 360-275-4467 Belfair ext.352 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 360-482-5269 Elma ext.352 Building,Planning,Fire Marshal 615 W.Alder St. Bldg.8 - Shelton,WA 98584 www.masoncountywa.gov CORRECTION/INSPECTION REPORT PERMIT/CASE NUMBER: QLa ZVZv -ous- o ADDRESS/LOCATION: 133o ,y ,poLl.cjJ ,, "Dr .j sparE FIN�I GS: 1e�d-+�n., 2c,a..✓�- S rva. 6o✓ �Iv3 j S e.,.al CDs Items listed above must be corrected to gain compliance. ❑ THIS IS NOT A COMPLETE INSPECTION ❑ This structure has been inspected by Mason County Building Department and the items listed above are in VIOLATION of Mason County laws and/or ordinances. ❑ Call for re-inspection when corrections are made before proceeding with any further work. © Make corrections, items will be checked on the next inspection. [' OK to ,N ASS-r2,j Date: 3 f 21/Z q ❑ Please contact our office regarding possible Department: 6Lt> structural damage incurred by recent Inspector: "natural/man made"disasters.This is NOT a CORRECTION NOTICE. DO NOT REMOVE THIS TAG MCC14.12 L�>2,0 20 —00S-40 K o V SIti, MASON COUNTY . ? COMMUNITY SERVICES Shoreline Stabilization Emcfias�.PI.;hF y Frnmu:m. .h,l hicapft.Ccanu.muly Hr,.Ft3+ Note:This checklist must be submitted with a Shoreline Geotechnical Assessment and completed,signed,and stamped by the licensed professional(s)who prepared it for review pursuant to the Mason County Shoreline Master Program. If an item is found not applicable,the Assessment should explain the basis for the conclusion. MCC 17.50.340 B.2. New structural stabilization measures shall not be allowed except as follows: a. To protect existing primary structures: i. New or enlarged structural shoreline stabilization measures for an existing primary structure, including residences, shall not be allowed unless there is conclusive evidence documented by a Shoreline Geotechnical Assessment* that the structure is in danger from shoreline erosion caused by tidal action, currents,waves, or sea level rise. Normal sloughing, erosion of steep bluffs, or shoreline erosion itself,without a scientific or geotechnical analysis, is not demonstration of need. The geotechnical assessment shall evaluate on-site drainage issues and address drainage problems away from the shoreline edge before considering structural shoreline stabilization. ii. The erosion control structure will not result in a net loss of shoreline ecological functions. This shall be demonstrated in a Habitat Management Plan as required in MCC 8.52.170(J). iii. Primary structure means the structure or the only access associated with the principal use of the property that cannot feasibly be relocated. It may also include single family residential appurtenant structures that cannot feasibly be relocated. Applicant/Owner Roush Parcel # 42318-51-00116 Site Address 1330 N Potlatch Dr., Hoodsport, WA 98548 Items to be included in assessment Located on page(s): Scope of review,including landowner concerns and site assessment objectives. 2 Discussion of site development,including the location and setback of important primary and 1 — 2 appurtenant structures,roads and utilities. Assessment of relevant wetlands and surface water drainage and control systems. 4 Assessment of site vegetation,including species and communities present. 4 Assessment of regional/site geology,including relevant rock/soil unit descriptions,geologic history and stratigraphic correlation. 4 Assessment of regional/site geomorphology,including the influence of wave or tidal processes in 4 controlling sediment transport and the evolution of the site's landform. Include assessment of the drift cell sediment budget and local beach conditions. May 2018 Evaluation of erosion and/or flooding issues, including assessment of causes,and rates or timeframes associated with each issue. Include evaluation of how historic shoreline 4 modifications near the site may have impacted patterns of erosion. Evaluation of the amount of time until primary structures or major utilities will be damaged by wave or tidal action,based on evidence of erosion rates,a slope stability analysis or other 4 geotechnical considerations if no action is taken on the site. Discussion of alternative approaches to reduce risk from erosion on the site,including the use of nonstructural measures such as drainage and vegetation,and soft shoreline techniques such as 4 gravel berms,large woody debris,or other measures.Explain why these techniques would be infeasible or insufficient to reduce the threat from erosion. Discussion describing the proposed shoreline stabilization is the minimum size necessary,placed as far landward as possible and will not result in a net loss of shoreline ecological functions. 4-5 A site map drawn to scale which identifies property boundaries,scale,north arrow and the Plan Sheets location of proposed development,geologic features and ordinary high water mark(OHWM).All 1 - 2 development setbacks should be delineated and marked. Cross-section(s), identified on site map,showing both horizontal and vertical scales,and identifying important features such as:MHHW and OHWM,top and bottom of bluff, location of 2 upland structures and utilities,and geologic units where relevant. Supplementary photographs. 5 & 6 Alan A. Tahja PE hereby certify under penalty of perjury that I am a civil engineer licensed in the State of Washington with specialized knowledge of geotechnical/geological engineering or a geologist or engineering geologist licensed in the State of Washington with special knowledge of the local conditions.I also certify that the Geotechnical Assessment,dated 4/8/2024 and entitled r ,�A Roush Shoreline Geotechnical Assessment ,I pF S� meets a the requirements of the Mason County Shoreline Master Program,Shoreline Stabilization Section(MCC 17.50,340),and is complete and true. a� 3CJ78R � ,w�' N, f4NAL *MCC17.50.020 Definitions:Shoreline Geotechnical Assessment. A scientific study or evaluation conducted by a qualified expert that includes a description of the ground and surface hydrology and geology,the affected land form and its susceptibility to mass wasting,erosion,and other geologic hazards or processes,conclusions and recommendations regarding the effect of the proposed development on geologic conditions,the adequacy of the site to be developed,the impacts of the proposed development, alternative approaches to the proposed development,and measures to mitigate potential site-specific and cumulative geological and hydrological impacts of the proposed development, including the potential adverse impacts to adjacent and down-current properties. Geotechnical assessments shall conform to accepted technical standards and must be prepared by qualified professional engineers or geologists who have professional expertise about the regional and local shoreline geology and processes. Page 2 of 2 Disclaimer.Mason County does not certify the quality of the work done in this Geotechnical Assessment. TAHJA ENGINEERING,Inc. PO Box 235, Hoodsport, WA 98548 (360)877-9512 Mason County DCD Planning Division 615 W Alder Street Shelton, WA 98584 Jeffrey A.&Dabney H. Roush 2510—208"' Ave SE Sammamish,WA 98075 General Contractor Integrated NW Construction,LLC 60 N Lake Cushman Rd, Suite PO Box 1008 Hoodsport, WA 9854 (253)888-5314 ext 2 Re; Shoreline Geotechnical Assessment Lake Cushman Div.4,Lot 116 1330 Potlatch Dr. Hoodsport, WA 98548 Parcel No.: 42318-51-00116 Mason Co. Case No.s; SWG2000-00131 BLD2000-00890 Replace Exist Bulkhead BLD 2002-00372 Residence, SHR2023-00010 Buoy & Pier INTRODUCTION I was contacted by Mr. Rich Ohl of"Integrated NW Construction"earlier in March who informed me that the Mason County Planning Department has requested that a"Shoreline Geotechnical Assessment"is required to be submitted for the shoreline work already performed at the Roush property located at the above address. This assessment generally follows Mason County's Shoreline Stabilization Submittal Checklist as adopted in May 2018. 1 visited the site on four occasions in December between 2/7/23 &2/20/2023 to collect topographic information and to verify measurements and feature locations. Measurements were made with 100 foot and 200 foot long fiberglass surveyor's tapes and other field equipment common to surveying. Software employed in creating a site plan and writing this report included AutoCADTM 2024,and MicrosoftTM Office Word 2003. Slopes on the northwesterly area of the property were measured as steep as 27%as identified on the accompanying site plan.With slopes on or within 300 feet of the property exceeding 15%with a height of 10 feet or more,Mason County requires a geotechnical assessment to be developed to address stability issues relating to the property's development. File.C.lProfcctsiRoush�ShorelineStahtHzation 4)1 1 of 6 4/8/2024 TAHJA ENGINEERING, Inc. PO Box 235, I-loodsport, WA 98548 (360) 877-9512 The following elements are required by Mason County to be addressed in a Shoreline Geotechnical Assessment prepared to comply with Mason County's Shoreline Master Program, Shoreline Stabilization Section 17.50.340. Site Development& Landowner Concerns: The Roushs retained. Integrated NW Construction to replace a pier and other features as identified in Integrated NW Construction's Scope of Work(attached)as well as the project drawings produced by myself dated 4/9/2024(attached). The work complies with MCC 17.50.340 B.2 a.i,and a.iii in that the bulkhead provides protection to the residence on the property and the septic system components,and that it provides the only access associated with the principal use of the property that cannot be feasibly relocated. Due to the deterioration of the wood piles and pier/deck components,the Roushs are concerned about safety and the use of the shoreline features to access lake Cushman. The attached plans provide the locations of the existing features as well as the completed repairs and replacement items. The existing residence(Built—2002)is roughly 43' horizontally upland from the existing bulkhead with an average downslope of 27°.No wetlands or surface water drainage system adverse issues were identified. Site Vegetation: The site vegetation has been planted and maintained as landscaping with naturally occurring vegetation surrounding the residence. Discussion of Geologic Conditions: The site is located on the easterly shore of Lake Cushman Reservoir approximately 14 miles west of Hoodsport, Washington on the Olympic Mountain foothills. The general slope of the property from N Potlatch Drive to the top of the bulkhead is approximately 27%. Probing with a 4' rod found a moderately dense loamy sand(weathered till)covering most of the site to a depth between 3 &4' deep. Driven pipe-piles were typically driven to refusal at 12 to 14'. Probe locations and depths to the underlying firm hard soil layer are shown on plan sheets 1 &2. Inspection of the Washington State Interactive Geologic Map indicates that the site soils are Continental Glacial Deposit of the Fraser Glaciation, Vashon Stade described as soil category Qgo&Evcr,which are described as follows: File:C':IProJecisiRousliLSitorelute 5tabilizaii(m Rpt 2 of 6 4/8/2024 TAHJA ENGINEERING,Inc. PO Box 235, Hoodsport, WA 98548 (360)877-9512 x Evep 85 is Qad, °' 1� Qgt Qgd 715 Even a Q t ' "Roush EVcf 5 Parcel ; so ,. Qap /�., .i'r,J"� gap t i Ev 50 Qgd t` 65 Till,late Wisconsinan (Pleistocene)—unsorted,unstratified, highly `l compacted mixture of clay, silt, sand, gravel, and boulders deposited by glacial ice of the Puget lobe; gray; may contain u2terbedded strati- fied sand, silt, and gravel; sand-size fraction is eery angular and con- tains abundant polyciysLall ne quartz, which distinguishes this unit from alpine till;cobbles and boulders are commonly striated and (or) faceted;although unweathered almost everywhere,may contain cob- bles or small boulders of deeply weathered granitic rock. Qad Alpine drift, late Wisconsinan (Pleistocene)—Undif erentiated medimn Garay till and outhvash sand and gravel with little to no weath- ering apparent; clasts consist mostly of local sandstone and basalt; may contain alluvium, eollut iutn, landslide debris, and peat; gener- ally restricted to upper reaches of valleys in the Olympic Mountains. Inspection of the Soil Survey Map of Mason County found the soils listed as"(Hd)Hoodsport gravelly sandy loam,5 to 15 percent slopes.The Hoodsport soils are not listed in the County's Resource Ordinance s erodible soils. Inspection of the Washington Coastal Atlas, landslide hazard section, found the site located in an area identified as"stable". File:C. Iti,t 3 of 6 4/8/2024 TAHJA ENGINEERING,Inc. PO Box 235, Hoodsport, WA 98548 (360)877-9512 The project area lies at the base of the Olympic Mountain Foothills which can be characterized as a mix of ravines,valleys,and a gentle sloping shelf which connects the foothill plateau with the steep Olympic Mountains to the west.The immediate upslope geomorphology of the Roush property may be described as"hilly". Assessment of Relevant Wetlands& Surface Water Drainage: The general slope of the property helps keep the property well drained and dry.No evidence of rutting or stormwater channeling on the Roush or neighboring properties were evident during site visits to the property. The property is located fairly high(740-feet+)above the Hood Canal Sea Level elevation.No indications of groundwater surfacing,or wetlands were found on or around the property. Assessment of Site Vegetation: The Roushs maintain the vegetation in their yard with naturally occurring native vegetation and landscape plantings.The overall site may be considered natural. Assessment of Regional/Site Geology:Approximate depth to hard or competent soil. Soil probe locations&depths are shown on plan sheets 1 &2 along with measured depths to the underlying hardpan layer. Most of the undisturbed areas have a moderately dense soil layer approximately 36-inches deep overlying the strongly cemented till or basalt rock. Assessment of Regional/Site Geology including the influence of Wave or Tidal Processes: The Roush property and residential properties surrounding the site display no evidence of recent slope instability or earth movement. The Roush and surrounding properties are constantly subject to erosion from wave and"tidal action"—annual raising and lowering of the lake's surface water elevation between M 710 feet sea level and 738 sea level". With the shoreline being annually submerged and then exposed,the freeze thaw environment erodes the entire shoreline and roughly I to 2"of shoreline elevation is eroded away each year. Evaluation of Erosion or Flooding Issues: The residence was built in 2002 and has not been subject to any erosion or flooding issues other than the shoreline and bulkhead deterioration. Evaluation of the Amount of Time until Primary Structures or Major Utilities will be damaged by Wave or Tidal Action: If the bulkhead and slope behind the bulkhead are not maintained,the bulkhead could fail within a couple of years.The existing septic system was installed 54 feet landward of the Lake Cushman shoreline,and any loss of ground between the existing bulkhead and septic drain field would create a potential public health hazard.The existing residence is located rouhly 35 feet behind the existing bulkhead. Discussion of Alternative Approaches to reduce the risk from Erosion on the site: The bulkhead could benefit from having logs anchored along the toe of the existing bulkhead, no "soft"armoring erosion control features have been found to be successful. Discussion Describing the proposed shoreline stabilization is the minimum Necessary: The shoreline armoring being repaired has lasted several decades,and unless it is allowed to File:C.WrojectslRoushlShoreline Stabilkation Rpl 4 of 6 4/8/2024 TAHJA ENGINEERING,Inc. PO Box 235,Hoodsport, WA 98548 (360)877-9512 remain with routine maintenance,the existing residence could fail as well as the existing septic system. A Site Plan drawn to scale depicting property features,including Cross Section View: A site map drawn to scale showing the property boundaries, scale,north arrow, and the location and nature of existing and proposed development on the site: Supplementary Photographs: aF' 8 File:G•WrojectslRonshlShorcline Stahiu:ation Rpt 5 of 6 4/8/2024 TAHJA ENGINEERING, Inc. PO Box 235. Hoodsport, WA 98548 (360) 877-9512 All } V, �t DEVELOPMENT ON THE SITE: Summary & Conclusions: The proposed Robinson property development,though located in the vicinity of hazardous slopes,may be considered safe and the completion of the development features that Mr. Roush has undertaken do not represent a hazard and no adverse impacts are anticipated from the proposed maintenance and replacement activities. Please feel free to contact me if there are any questions or concerns regarding this report or my findings. Sincerely, T e�b of Wes�yr�c� P ,Q 1784A Cv �GIS11 �w `sSIONAL Alan A. Tahja,P.E. Attached: Shoreline Geotechnical Assessmrnt Checklist Integrated NW Construction's Scope of Work Morta Engineering Bulkhead Details Pile Driving Report Anchor Pile Driving Report I Plan View& I Cross Section Sheet File:C.1Ph- er&1Rous&Vhorelhm Stabili-ation Rju 6 of 6 4/8P-024 ....__.....__...... TAHJA ENGINEERING,Inc. PO Box 235,Hoodsport, WA 98548 (360)877-9512 Mason County DCD—Building Dept. 61.5 W Alder Street Shelton, WA 98584 7' F A$�! Jeffrey A.&Dabney II. Roush 2510—208`h Ave SE Sammamish, WA 98075 30784 General Contractor ��`SSIONAl.E G, Integrated NW Construction, LLC 60 N Lake Cushman Rd, Suite PO Box 1008 Hoodsport, WA 9854 (206)771-3635 Re; Steel Pile Installation Report Lake Cushman Div. 4,Lot 116 1330Potlatch Dr. Hoodsport, WA 98548 Parcel No.: 42318-51-00116 Mason Co. Case No.s; GE02015-00034, MEP20.15-00033,SEP2015-00059, SHX2015-00109,BLD2015-00673 I was contacted by Mr. Rich Ohl of"Integrated NW Construction"earlier this month to inform me that he would be setting up his pile driving equipment the following week and that he planned to start driving the piles for the Roush bulkhead on the December 8ih. Equipment breakdowns and having pipe couplings manufactured delayed the driving of the last three piles until December 19`h when the last three piles were driven. I visited the site on Dec. 8th and witnessed the installation of thirteen piles called for in the approved design. The last three piles were driven on December 19th.The approved building permit included the following requirement; Piles/Pile Driving Owner shall provide pile drivers report on all piles.Any pile supporting structure and over 10'in height from floor of body of water shall require engineered design and special inspection. Engineer of record (or certified special inspector)shall provide verification at time of inspection that piles are driven to point of refusal and/or installed per design. X The pile driver was a hydraulic vibratory attachment mounted to a Kubota excavator pictured on the next page.The average pile driving depth to refusal (Less than I"advancement in I minute)ranged between 5 to 7 feet. The piles were driven to refusal and cut off or extended with the addition of pipe couplings and additional pipe lengths as shown in the pictures on the next page to arrive at their design File:C:WrojectslRoushlPile DriritT Rpt i of 4 12/20/2023 TAHJA ENGINEERING,Inc. PO Box 235, Hoodsport, WA 98548 (360)877-9512 elevation. The pier piles(total 16)were 6"diameter Schedule 80 Thick Wall Steel Pipes,driven to refusal (less then I"of vertical travel over a minute or more of driving). Photos from December 8°i s.s wA t Photo from December 20"i File:C:11'rojecislRoushkPile.[hiving Rpt 2 of 4 12/20/2023 TAHJA ENGINEERING, Inc. PO Box 235, Hoodsport, WA 98548 (360)877-9512 Photo from December 20`h :x Coupling File:C'U rujecislRoushlPile Driving Rini 3 of 4 12/20/2023 .............................. TAIIJA ENGINEERING, Inc. PO Box 235, Hoodsport, WA 98548 (360) 877-9512 Welded Couplings - Photo from December I I"' lir dy: u f a a x 4 ,s , y e;ui I feel the pile installation went as planned and the piles, float landing,and other features have been constructed in conformity with the approved project plans. Please feel to contact me if there are any questions or concerns with my opinion. Sincerely, ( - A it c�A. Tahja, P. . Attached: Letter of Qualifications File:C..Wr(yectsWoushlPile Driving RM 4 of 4 12/20/2023 TAHJA ENGINEERING,Inc. PO Box 235,Hoodsport, WA 98548 (360)877-9512 Mason County DCD—Building Dept. 615 W Alder Street Shelton, WA 98584 t T 1tiASN Jeffrey A. & Dabney H. Roush 2510—208`h Ave SE Sammamish, WA 98075 �P ,Q �78k tq General Contractor ��' �GIS;ERA Integrated NW Construction, LLC SslONAL E�G� 60 N Lake Cushman Rd, Suite PO Box 1008 Hoodsport, WA 9854 (206)771-3635 Re; Steel Pile Anchor Installation Report Lake Cushman Div.4, Lot 116 1330Potlatch Dr. Hoodsport, WA 98548 Parcel No.: 42318-51-00116 Mason Co. Case No.s; GE02015-00034, MEP201.5-00033,SEP2015-00059.1 SHX2015-00109,BLD2015-00673 Following the installation of the driven pipe piles for the Roush pier,a single 2"galvanized pipe was driven to refusal at a buried depth of 14 feet. Prior to the finished pile,2 piles were driven to a depth of 14 feet roughly 2 feet apart and were driven to a solid object(boulder??)which broke the pipe pile at the welded connection between the two pipes connected. The third pile hit the impenetrable depth at 14 feet.A calculation was performed(page 3)to determine the"pull out force"needed to pull the pipe anchor from it's driven depth.The finished anchor is pictured on the next page. Piles/Pile Driving Owner shall provide pile drivers report on all piles.Any pile supporting structure and over 10'in height from floor of body of water shall require engineered design and special inspection. Engineer of record(or certified special inspector)shall provide verification at time of inspection that piles are driven to point of refusal and/or installed per design.X The pile driver was a hand held hydraulic vibratory driver as shown on the next page. File:C.lProjeclsiRouvhlrlttchorPile Driving RPt 1 of 3 1/29/2024 TAHJA ENGINEERING,Inc. PO Box 235,Iloodsport, WA 98548 (360) 877-95I2 � e e �bn I tf. i -ram ` i. �� •> III ��l'�`ir� .> rc O File:(°IProjectslRoushUlnclu)rPilr,Driving Rpt 2 of 3 I/29/2024 TAHJA ENGINEERING,Inc. PO Box 235, Hoodsport, WA 98548 (360) 877-9512 Anchor Pipe Pullout Resistance 2"Galvanized Pipe; Outside Diameter 2.375" (0.1979' ) 2' Pipe Circumfrence ; (dia)(ic) _ (0.1979)(3.1416)=0.6217' Driven Pipe Length; 14' Length(14') times Circumference (0.6317) = 8.7041 Sqr: Ft. Soil Weight; 125 lbs/cubic ft ( 125 #/ft3)(I 4')= 1,750# Avg. Pressure against Pipe = 1,750/2=875 # (875#)(14')= 12,250# Friction Factor 0.40 Pullout Force 4,900# ---Equivalent to a 3.2' x 3.2' x 3.2' Concrete anchor 4,900# --Equivalent to a 3.2' x 3.2' x 3.2' Concrete Block (Anchor) 4,900 4 —Equivalent to a 2.45 Ton Concrete Anchor Please feel to contact me if there are any questions or concerns with my report or opinions. Sincerely, Alan A. Tahja, P.E. Attached: 2 Sheet Plan Set File:C:iProjeels!RaushUischorPile Driving Rpl 3 of 3 1/29/2024 r WASy W c 2 3 w .P o F '. SCALE: 1"=30' \ ' rV oc�, 784 E'CISTERF'9 ��y' �j• = a z Pier -� r� Zi - 50' - 58' Bouv ®------------ :a v � Nw�t�7 b Top of Pier - 740.3 ®q. � ry Anchor Pipe - 723.0CIOz Bouy Line 25' 742 n 738 € o 25'Anchor k Line -� 730 N i 9-oo b C) ,x 710 � � 2" Galy. Pipe y Driven 14'to 710 �T� a -- Refusal F z i e�c. Y 3 y -Tk Integrated NW Construction 2/16/2024 To: Jeffrey Roush and Dabney Roush property location: 1330 N Potlatch Dr Hoodsport,WA 98548 Email:jeffreyaroushAgmail.com Subject: Addendum to Biological Evaluation(BE): Proposed Reduction in Planting Plan We are writing to submit an addendum to the Biological Evaluation(BE)previously completed by BioResources Fisheries Biologist Kim Schaumburg,dated 6/23/2021. The BE was prepared for Jeffrey and Dabney Roush for their property located at 1330 N Potlatch Dr, Hoodsport,WA 98548. The proposed project is on a residential lot located on the east shoreline of Lake Cushman. This addendum serves as a modification to the existing Biological Evaluation,aiming to reduce the planting plan to a 1:1 ratio while maintaining the overall integrity of habitat conservation efforts. The BE was revised on 2/21/2023 to reflect the changes to the proposed project.The changes included updating the design to a 300 square foot fixed pier attached to a 48 square foot walkway to anchor the pier to the uplands,removing the proposed ramp and float from the design,and installation of driven piles instead of piles encased in concrete. The mitigation outlined in the BE was proposed to meet the requirements of US Army Corps of Engineers since the original project would have been under their jurisdiction. However,the modifications to the design removed the project from USACE jurisdiction. Therefore a 1:1 ratio of mitigation is appropriate to compensate for the proposed project impacts outlined in the BE. The total area of impacts from the new pier and walkway is 348 square feet, as such the native planting plan can be decreased to 348 square feet.This is a reduction from the originally outlined planting plan which called for 830 square feet. Spacing of the native plants shall achieve the following as a minimum standard: • Trees will be spaced 10-foot on center • Shrubs five(5)-foot on center • Herbs four(4)-foot on center Given the spacing requirements,the ideal combination is 26 plants for the 348 square foot area: • 3 trees • 15 shrubs • 8 herbs This combination ensures that the planting densities for trees, shrubs, and herbs are maintained while optimizing the use of the available area.Adjustments can be made based on the specific species and their space requirements as well as site conditions. Refer to the BE for proposed native species,performance standard specifications,maintenance requirements, and details of the monitoring reports. All plants,with the exception of the trees,will be planted from directly behind the bulkhead (landward)up to 10-feet back.The trees shall be installed in a way so the roots at maturity will not affect the bulkhead structure,therefore they will be at least 10-feet upland from the bulkhead. Due to the close proximity of the existing rock retaining wall in this area,trees must be planted upland to prevent the roots from compromising the structure at maturity. The adjustments proposed in this addendum are based on a comprehensive review of the BE and proposed project.This addendum is intended to reduce excessive mitigation requirements while achieving no net loss to the local habitat. This addendum was written by Sarah Kupers, Habitat Biologist with Integrated NW Construction. Mrs. Kupers holds a degree in Environmental Science and has over five years of experience in habitat management and conservation planning. Mrs. Kupers was previously employed as an Area Habitat Biologist with WDFW,where she was responsible for reviewing and approving mitigation plans submitted with Hydraulic Project Approval (HPA)permit applications. Any questions or comments regarding this addendum can be sent via email psa@integratednwconstruction.com or by phone at(360)968-3441. Respectfully submitted, Sarah Kupers Project Manager—PSAs and Permitting Integrated NW Construction,LLC General Contractor License#: INTEGNC843JI Email:PSA@integratedNWconstruction.com Cell: 360-968-3441 60 N. Lake Cushman Road, Suite 109 PO Box 1008 Hoodsport, WA 98548 Main: 253-888-5314 Web:www.integratedN Wconstruction.com Biological Evaluation Roush Pier-, arr$, * Project Lake Cushman, Hoodsport WA For: Jeffrey & Dabney Roush 2510 208Ih Ave SE Sammamish, WA 98075 Prepared by: BioResources,LLC Kim Schaumburg Fisheries biologist, University of Washington, 1981 10112 Bay View Rd. KPN Vaughn, WA, 98394 (253) 884-5776 or 225-2973 Email: kimberly035@centurytel.net Revised 02/21/2023 Table of Contents 1.0 Proposed Action.............................................................................. 3 1.1 Background................................................................................... 3 1.2 Project Need and Objectives................................................................ 4 2.0 Project Description.............................................................................. 4 2.1 Prqi9Q! ...... 5-7 2.2 Timing.......................................................................................... 7 2.3 Conservation Measures...................................................................... 8 2.4 Best Management Practices.................................................................. 8-10 3.0 Action Area.................................................................................... 10-11 4.0 ESA Species and Habitat Information..................................................... 11-12 4.1 ESA Listed Species.......................................................................... 13-16 5.0 Environmental Baseline Conditions....................................................... 16 5.1 Action Area................................................................................... 16-17 5.2 Proposed Project Area....................................................................... 17 6.0 Effects of the Action.......................................................................... 18 6.1 Direct Effects.............................................................................................................. 18-21 6.2 Primary Constituent Elements............................................................ 21-23 6.3 Direct Effects to ESA Listed Species...................................................... 23 6.4 Indirect Effects................................................................................. 24 6.5 Primary Constituent Elements............................................................ 25-26 6.6 Direct Effects to ESA Listed Species.......................................................26 6.7 Interrelated/Interdependent Effects......................................................... 26 6.8 Primary Constituent Elements............................................................ ..26-28 6.9 Cumulative Effects............................................................................ 29 7.0 Conclusion......................................................................................28 7.1 Take Analysis.................................................................................. 28 7.2 Determination of Effect.......................................................................28-29 8.0 References..................................................................................... 30-34 Attachments 1. Project location................................................................................. 35 2. Site plan with existing development...........................................................36 3. Site plan with proposed development......................................................... 37 4. Bulkhead details................................................................................ 38 5. Site Photograph................................................................................. 39 6. Site Photograph................................................................................. 40 7. Site Photograph................................................................................. 41 8. Site Photograph................................................................................. 42 9. Site Photograph................................................................................. 43 10. Essential Fish Habitat........................................................................... 44-45 Roush Biological Evaluation 2.1 Project Activities Driving Piles Piles will be driven to the point of refusal depth using an excavator with a driving head. manua!4, e-g-A-vAto rh, Rto MRter-ial 4:6f:the pier-and flem piling footings. The eighteen Ad goat piling feetings will be si*feet deep and eighteeft inehes wide. A small �m of exemaled substmte material will be stoekpiled on the shoreline and will later -he used to ;Qll in any dopr-assions The M,�Oi;ity 4thko exis'Awted material will be Due to the diffiettity of aceessing the site with heavyrnachinery, it vvill be necessaty to from the- lakeha� t the site, T � t' mx: rfiPfRf[ORPQ 'ecc cr��oicc�-uo�c�r :a^v9�'i& Pew@r $r13le$&Cl�re�Hlaclen"laafora _.-isting pile stub and three stumps along the balkhead will ho AxG;R;,At6;id to AAF§ feet in depth using mantial labor and hand tools, and then sawed 0 or broken apart with a sledgehammer. Excw,2tad m2teri2l wdl he urad ti;4 r-pfill the holes. Construction of Pier and Installation of Mooring Buoy Alternative Powikg of Me Pier and RoW PdhtoT-- Using hand tools,the pier will be constructed per drawings dated 11/22/22.The mooring buoy alternative will be installed. Ganerete fi�r the pier and float piling fbotings will be pattied at the sarrie time. All galvaRiged steel pilings will be pesitioned in the appropriate holes,then the eanerete will Mitigation Native Planting Plan To further mitigate for the proposed project, native vegetation will be planted in a ten by eighty-three foot (10' x 8Y) area immediately landward of the bulkhead, where lawn grass is currently growing (Attachment 4). in or, F on will a rectangu at shaped area`f at'ls ten yse sty-three Vfeet{10t xr eight-huiicire _and_ thirty (830) square feet, commencing at the high water line and moving ten fee ' where there is no native vegetation growing (Attachment 4). Forty plants w" '' . The exact location of the plantings will be at the applicants' discretion. Due to the potential for the roots of trees and large shrubs to damage the bulkhead, especially during summer drought conditions, it is recommended that any trees or large shrubs be installed along the landward margin of the proposed planting area. As per United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) stipulations,the landward edge of the shoreline mitigation area must be no farther than ten-feet from the ordinary high water mark and orientated parallel to the shoreline. Also, as per USACE requirements, plants will be installed that are native to the area. Prior to installing new plants, non-native, invasive vegetation will be removed by hand (with hand tools) or cut back from the planting area. Non-native, invasive Roush Biological Evaluation 5 vegetation in the mitigation area shall be removed at least twice a year or more frequently, if necessary. One to five gallon or bare root vegetation shall be installed between late fall and early spring. The planting area shall be planted with trees and shrubs evenly dispersed or with the trees at the corners and shrubs across the middle. Organic bark or other appropriate organic mulch shall be used to mulch the newly installed plants and minimize runoff from topsoil. Plants will be watered as necessary to ensure plants receive adequate water for the first three years. Due to the close proximity of Lake Cushman, no herbicides, pesticides, or fertilizer will be used in this project. The following native trees are proposed for installation: Shore pine(Pinus contorta), Sitka spruce(Picea sitchensis), Western red cedar(Thuja plicata), vine maple(Ater Circinaturm),Douglas fir(Pseudotsuga menziesii), and willow(Salix spp. including scouleriana, sitchensis, and/or hookeriana). The following native shrubs are proposed for installation: ,Oceanspray(Holodiscus discolor),Nootka rose(Rosa nutkana),tall Oregon-grape(Berberis aquifolium . Indian lum Oemleria cerasiformis),Pacific ninebark(Physocarpus capitatus), snowbrush(Ceanothus velutinus var. hookeri),ever een huckleberry Vaccinium ovatum ,red huckleberryVaccinium arvi olium , ceidentale), snokvberry (Syny?horicarpos albus), saaal (Gaultheria shallon),tall Oregon-gr , (Berberis aquf)liurn), svu id fern (, ystichum munitum),, kinnik' pick �A.�f os44l� IR�.�x��r Several of the above native species,which are common to the Lake Cushman area,are not included on the USACE's approved planting list.They were added because the list does not include enough upland shrubs that will thrive at the site. The applicant's may add plants from the USACE list at their discretion. Performance Standards What constitutes successful mitigation?Providing a habitat that will be functionally equivalent to one that will be lost(Zedler 1996). The creation of an ecosystem requires establishment of both structure and function. Structure can be described by the measurement of attributes such as composition and biomass at one point in time. Describing function requires the examination of complex processes that occur through time. In a mitigation context,there should be clear performance standards for both structural and functional attributes;however,while structure can readily be assessed, there are no easy methods for assessing function. Therefore,mitigation evaluation for this project will focus on structure. Measureable specific criteria for the evaluation of project success include: •Vegetation survival. Roush Biological Evaluation 6 *Eradication of non-native,invasive species The mitigation plantings shall meet the following performance standards for a period of five years following installation: Year 1 &2: 100%survival of all installed plants Year 3 thru 5: 80%survival of all installed plants Maintenance In the event that monitoring indicates project performance standards are not being met, the cause of the inadequacy or failure shall be determined and appropriate corrective measures implemented.All dead plants shall be replaced throughout the monitoring period. If mortality is due to too little water,the watering system/schedule shall be evaluated and changed as appropriate.Non-native, invasive vegetation in the mitigation area shall be removed at least twice a year or more frequently, if necessary. Monitoring Reports Monitoring reports are due annually by November 30a' for five years. The first shoreline mitigation planting area monitoring should occur in the first September after plant installation. Monitoring reports must include: •A completed one page monitoring report.A template is available at the following link: hqp://www.nws.usace.army.mil/Missions/Civil-Works/Re ulg artory/Forms/. *The as-built site plan updated to show any changes that have occurred to the shoreline mitigation planting area since the last report, such as plants that have died and been replaced. •Photographs taken in September from the previously established photopoints. The photos must be dated and labeled with the photopoint and the direction of the photo. 2.2 Timing Work will be completed over an approx. fourteen(14)day period during daylight working hours normal to a rural neighborhood. Work will only take place when the waters of Lake Cushman have been lowered,which is generally between October and April. Roush Biological Evaluation 7 00 M d to tC 0., EXISTING ROCK c•, BULKHEAD 00 0 c 1 PROPOSED PIER,RAMP. &FLOAT NOT SHOWN 0 NATIVE TREES(SEE ROUSH BE FOR SPECIES) NATIVE SHRUBS(SEE ROUSH BE FOR SPECIES)' C4 s= o 0 o � Q. REFERENCE:NWS-2021-? LOCATION: 1330 N POTLATCH DR PROPOSED PROJECT:TO INSTALL m i� SOUTH #42318-51-00116 PIER.RAMP,&FLOAT U APPLICANT:JEFFERY&DABNEY 3 ROUSH LAT/LONG 47.47975 IN:LAKE CUSHMAN -123.23630 O +ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS: NEAR/AT:HOODSPORT p L.. NORTH (1)DAVID GALLIMORE.PAMELA SHEET: 1 OF 1 V GALLIMORE-WONG DATE:03-26-21 COUNTY: MASON STATE: WA W (2)JOAN MANKE FAMILY LLC �', TAHJA ENGINEERING, Inc. PO Box 235,Hoodsport, WA 98548 (360) 877-9512 Mason County DCD—Building Dept. 615 W Alder Street Shelton, WA 98584 ' �F WA Jeffrey A. &Dabney H. Roush 2510—208'h Ave SE Sammamish, WA 98075 3075 General Contractor foNAL o��'S��lS �gEGti Integrated NW Construction,LLC S EN 60 N Lake Cushman Rd, Suite PO Box 1008 Hoodsport, WA 9854 (206) 771-3635 Re; Steel Pile Installation Report Lake Cushman Div. 4, Lot 116 1330Potlatch Dr. Hoodsport, WA 98.548 Parcel No.: 42318-51-00116 Mason Co. Case No.s; GE02015-00034, MEP2015-00033, SEP2015-00059, SHX2015-001.09,BLD2015-00673 I was contacted by Mr. Rich Ohl of"Integrated NW Construction" earlier this month to inform me that he would be setting up his pile driving equipment the following week and that he planned to start driving the piles for the Roush bulkhead on the December Wh. Equipment breakdowns and having pipe couplings manufactured delayed the driving of the last three piles until December 19'h when the last three piles were driven. I visited the site on Dec. 8th and witnessed the installation of thirteen piles called for in the approved design. The last three piles were driven on December 19'h. The approved building permit included the following requirement; Piles/Pile Driving Owner shall provide pile drivers report on all piles. Any pile supporting structure and over 10'in height from floor of body of water shall require engineered design and special inspection. Engineer of record(or certified special inspector)shall provide verification at time of inspection that piles are driven to point of refusal and/or installed per design.X The pile driver was a hydraulic vibratory attachment mounted to a Kubota excavator pictured on the next page. The average pile driving depth to refusal (Less than I" advancement in I minute)ranged between 5 to 7 feet. The piles were driven to refusal and cut off or extended with the addition of pipe couplings and additional pipe lengths as shown in the pictures on the next page to arrive at their design F41e:C:1Projects"Roush Pile Driving Rpt 1 of 4 12/20/2023 TAHJA ENGINEERING,Inc. PO Box 235, Hoodsport, WA 98548 (360) 877-9512 elevation.The pier piles(total 16)were 6"diameter Schedule 80 Thick Wall Steel Pipes,driven to refusal(less then 1"of vertical travel over a minute or more of driving). Photos from December 8`" r Photo from December 201h .�• yy.y� [i - + ���5'.ti,. it. - d File:C.IProjecwRoush1Pi1e Driving Rpt 2 44 12/20/2023 TAHJA ENGINEERING, Inc. PO Box 235,Hoodsport, WA 98548 (360) 877-9512 Photo from December 20;h 77777 i w + OFV e '9 t Coupling 4 File:C.tProjeclslRousWile Driving Rpl 3 of 4 12/20/2023 TAHJA ENGINEERING,Inc. P4 Box 235, Hoodsport, WA 98548 (360) 877-9512 Welded Couplings - Photo from December I Ph IT yny J } • k r vq, ".m*ti •.-tea _ ' I feel the pile installation went as planned and the piles,float landing,and other features have been constructed in conformity with the approved project plans. Please feel to contact me if there are any questions or concerns with my opinion. Sincerely, Alan Attached: Letter of Qualifications File:C:lProjecW RoushWile Driving Rpt 4 o f 4 12/20/2023 TAHJA ENGINEERING, Inc. PO Box 235, Hoodsport, WA 98548 (360) 877-9512 Mason County Department of Community Development 615 W Alder Street Shelton, WA 98584 LETTER OF QUALIFICATIONS Qualifications of the individual who will perform special inspections and collect materials samples for testing by a licensed material testing laboratory as required. Inspector for TAHJA ENGINEERING, Inc.; Alan A. Tahja,PE Education 1988— 1994 Saint Martin's College,Lacey, WA Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering(BSCE) ■ Undergraduate work at OCC, SPSCC, and TESC Professional Passed EIT Exam in 1989 Licensures; Passed Professional Engineer's Exam 1994 (PE Lic. 30784 WA) Professional 1994 to 2005 Mason County Public Works Experience; Mason County Hydraulic Engineer General Responsibilities; As the County's Hydraulics Engineer my job responsibilities placed me in frequent contact with the public,Federal and State officials, County officials and staffs as well as consultant firms, engineers, surveyors, environmentalists, contractors and the public. I prepared, advertised, opened bids, and made award recommendations to the Public Works Director and Board of County Commissioners on a routine basis.I prepared plans and specifications for County road projects including creek crossing projects, annual gravel purchase contracts& specifications and held the position of the County's senior bridge inspector for the County's 54 bridges. Provided professional review for the building& planning departments when a professional engineer's review was required. Between 1994 and 1998 I was assigned the task of developing a stormwater management manual for Mason County's implementation. The manual was required to be technically equivalent Washington State's Department of Ecology Stormwater Manage Manual 1992. This task placed me in contact with a volunteer citizen committee comprised of engineers, developers,planners, environmentalists,builders, realtors, surveyors, contractors, and other interested citizens. The work was completed and became Mason County's Stormwater Management Manual after its adoption in 1998 until Mason County's phasing in of Ecology's 2005 Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington and continuous precipitation modeling took the place of event modeling. File:C:Projects',Ixr of Qualifications I of 3 12/14/2023 TAHJA ENGINEERING, Inc. PO Box 235, Hoodsport, WA 98548 (360) 877-9512 2005 to Present Principal engineer for TAHJA ENGINEERING, Inc General Responsibilities; After retiring from Mason County in 2005 as the County's Hydraulic Engineer, I began private practice as a consultant engineer providing engineering services typically to residential level property improvement including; site plans& grading plans; Onsite Septic System Designs; geotechnical reports and assessments; retaining wall and bulkhead designs including specifying and monitoring the installation of driven piles; residential structure designs; water system designs, and other engineering services. Technical 1985 to 1994 Mason County Public Works Experience; Positions: Public Works Office Technician with E.I.T. County Survey Crew Engr. Tech. IV-VI ■ General Responsibilities; In 1985 Mason County Public Works accepted my application to become a member of the County's survey crew. My initial duties involved collecting field survey information for design and construction of Public Works projects, mainly roads and bridges. I was assigned construction inspection tasks and other duties which over time reduced my survey crew responsibilities and time. The County Engineer allowed flexibility of my time to accommodate contractor schedules and my part time school schedules. I returned to school in 1988 completing my Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from Saint Martin's College in 1994. I also took and passed the Professional Engineer's Examination in 1994 and Professional Engineer's License. The County Engineer at that time, Mr. Jerry Hauth promoted me to the newly created position of County Hydraulic Engineer from which position I retired in 2005. 1970 to 1985 Miscellaneous Vocations generally construction related Experience; In 1970 the US Army classified me with a CAS(Civilian Acquired Skills)designation and gave me a military classification as a 62F20(Crane operator). From 1971 to 1972, while serving in Viet Nam, I operated a 60 ton P&H crane building bridges. I drove the piles for two bridges I worked on in 1971 and returned home from Viet Nam on May 51, 1971. As a consultant engineer, I specified and monitored the installation of driven piles on two residential projects involving both driven wood and steel piles. Community Activities; —40 year membership in Masonic Organizations Supporter of the local AA Programs File:C:1Projects 1 ur of owlifications 2 of 3 12/14/2023 TAHJA ENGINEERING, Inc. PO Box 235, Hoodsport, WA 98548 (360) 877-9512 � WA f' o � i �`SSjONAL�•��'� Please feel free to contact me if there are any questions regarding my qualifications. Cordially, Alan A. Tahja, PF. References; Tim Sheldon, Linda Ring Erickson,Randy Neatherland, Marley Young, Russel Cooper, Larry Winders, Bryan Wheeler, Allan Crick,Matt Hornyak, Barbara Adkins,Cindy Waite, Debbra Coker,Larry Waters,Larry Kelly, David Loser, Victoria Meadows, Kim Schaumburg, Jim Sawyer, Annet McGee, Jamie Kaman, Becky Rodgers George Fullerton, Bruce Chamblin,Kelly Medcalf,Ed Johnston, Ron Gold, Jim Goodpastor, Brian Sund, Brad Wilson,Fred Boysen, and Randy Neff. File:C:IProjectsTurofQualifications 3 of 3 12/14/2023 TAHJA ENGINEERING, Inc. PO Box 235, Hoodsport, WA 98548 (360) 877-9512 Mason County DCD— Building Dept. 615 W Alder Street Shelton, WA 98.584 ?' pB WA 3 Jeffrey A. & Dabney H. Roush 0. 2510—208°i Ave SE Sammamish, WA 98075 .q 'P 30T84� �y� General Contractor Integrated NW Construction, LLC SSj�NALE�C', 60 N Lake Cushman Rd, Suite PO Box 1008 Hoodsport, WA 9854 (206) 771-3635 Re; Steel Pile Anchor Installation Report Lake Cushman Div. 4, Lot 116 1330Potlatch Dr. Hoodsport, WA 98548 Parcel No.: 42318-51-00116 Mason Co. Case No.s; GE02015-00034, MEP2015-00033, SEP2015-00059= SHX2015-00109, 11,D2015-00673 Following the installation of the driven pipe piles for the Rouch pier, a single 2" galvanized pipe was driven to refusal at a buried depth of 14 feet. Prior to the finished pile, 2 piles were driven to a depth of 14 feet roughly 2 feet apart and were driven to a solid object(boulder??)which broke the pipe pile at the welded connection between the two pipes connected. The third pile hit the impenetrable depth at 14 feet. A calculation was performed(page 3)to determine the"pull out force" needed to pull the pipe anchor from it's driven depth. The finished anchor is pictured on the next page. Piles/Pile Driving Owner shall provide pile drivers report on all piles.Any pile supporting structure and over Win height from floor of body of water shall require engineered design and special inspection. Engineer of record(or certified special inspector)shall provide verification at time of inspection that piles are driven to point of refusal and/or installed per design.X The pile driver was a hand held hydraulic vibratory driver as shown on the next page. File: Priving Kpr l of 3 1/29/2024 f TAHJA ENGINEERING, Inc. PO Box 235, Hoodsport, WA 98548 (360)877-9512 f i +.w 7f� , J x r � ANY •� '1y L �] Fik:(,..Trojectfv?mislrlrLychorilik 1mvi►ix Kpl 2 of 3 1/29/2024 TAHJA ENGINEERING, Inc. PO Box 235, Hoodsport, WA 98548 (360)877-9512 Anchor Pipe Pullout Resistance 2" Galvanized Pipe; Outside Diameter 2.375" ( 0.1979' ) 2' Pipe Circumfence; (dia)(n) _ (0.1979)(3.1416)=0.6217' Driven Pipe Length, 14' Length(14') times Circumference (0.6317) = 8.7041 Sqr. Ft. Soil Weight; 125 lbs/cubic ft ( 125 #/ft3 )(14')= 1,750# Avg. Pressure against Pipe = 1,750/2=875# (875#)(14')= 12,250# Friction Factor 0.40 Pullout Force 4,900# —Equivalent to a 3.2' x 3.2' x 3.2' Concrete anchor 4,900#i Equivalent to a 3.2' x 3.2' x 3.2' Concrete Block (Anchor) 4,900 # Equivalent to a 2.45 Ton Concrete Anchor Please feel to contact me if there are any questions or concerns with my report or opinions. Sincerely, A � - Alan A. Tahja, P.E. Attached: 2 Sheet Plan Set 1411e:C. Driving Rp► 3 of 3 1/29/2024 Re* Dwaom DW TAHJA ENGINEERING,INC BODY LOCI SITE PLAN bomb Alan Tahja,P.B. Jefldy&Dabney Roush Roush PO Box 235 2510-208 th Ave SE Hbo W Macon Co.Piol No.: 423I8-SI-00116 S2 98548 Sammamish WA 98075 "01 of2 , 800 795 5 790 ---- 780 4 >>S v1 C v, 0 Qy �c {o � 4 ^ V V •\ 755 i � m w o ' �C, O O 4 7Z S vs>A N. N W -� A SCALE: 1" =20' V y 830784 rr -- 0I51'ER� ti�w rle SSIONAL W q er l 518' t Bout' @----------------- - v Top of Pier -740.3 Anchor Pipe - 723.0 Bouy Line 25' 742 738 �,o 25' Anchor 73 0 0 Line 720 a� Gah. Pipe Driven 14'to I M$'b Refusal 710 700 N N " Mason County ha Mason County - Division of Community Development 615 W.Alder St. Bldg.8 Shelton, WA 98584 360-427-9670 ext 352 www.co.mason.wa.us B DD2020-00590 BULKHEAD OR DOCK- RESIDENTIAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION: NEW DOCKRIER AND ALTERATION TO THE ISSUED: 10/12/2021 MOORING BOUY SITE ADDRESS: 1330 N POTLATCH DR HOODSPORT EXPIRES: 04/10/2022 PARCEL: 423185100116 APPLICANT: ROUSH JEFFREY A&DABNEY H OWNER: ROUSH JEFFREY A&DABNEY H 2510 208TH AVE SE 2510 208TH AVE SE SAMMAMISH,WA 98075 SAMMAMISH,WA 98075 1.206.909.5012 GENERAL CONTRACTOR'S LICENSE: INTEGRATED NW CONSTRUCTION License: INTEGNC843J1 P 0 BOX 1008 Expires: 04/21/2022 HOODSPORT,WA98548 206,310.4239 VALUATIONS: FEES: Paid Due Project Valuation (BID, 89400.00 $89,400.00 Plan Check Fee $655.47 $0.00 ESTIMATION..) Technology Surcharge $33.28 $0.00 Building Permit Fee $1,008.42 $0.00 Planning Review Fee $240.00 $0.00 State Fee-Residential $6.50 $0.00 Total: $89,400.00 Totals : $1,943.67 $0.00 REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Setback Inspection BLD-Final Inspection Hole Inspection CONDITIONS Any changes in proposed construction shall be reviewed by the engineer or architect of record and submitted in writing to the Mason County Building Department prior to construction. All engineering and/or architectural documents are a part of the approved set of plans and shall remain attached thereto. If documents are removed, approval will not be granted. In addition, a re-inspection fee (refer to current fee schedule, minimum 1 hour)will be charged and shall be collected by the Building Department prior to any further inspections being performed or approvals granted. Printed by:Ariane Paysse on:10/12/2021 01:03 PM Page 1 of 3 y Mason County Mason County - Division of Community Development 615 W. Alder St. Bldg.8 Shelton, WA 98584 360-427-9670 ext 352 www.co.mason.wa.us BULKHEAD OR DOCK- RESIDENTIAL BLD2020-00590 * All other necessary permits from Mason County, Washington State and/or Federal Agencies that are required for this proposed development and construction must be obtained PRIOR TO SAME DEVELOPMENT AND CONSTRUCTION. * Pressure treated wood manufactured after January 1, 2004 may contain high concentrations of copper which could quickly corrode metal fasteners, connectors, and flashing. Install metal connectors approved for contact with the new types of pressure treated material. * OWNER/BUILDER acknowledges submission of inaccurate information may result in a stop work order or permit revocation. Acknowledgement of such is by signature below. I declare that I am the owner, owners legal representative, or contractor. I further declare that I am entitled to receive this permit and to do the work as proposed. I have obtained permission from all the necessary parties, including any easement holder or parties of interest regarding this project. The owner or authorized agent represents that the information provided is accurate and grants employees of Mason County access to the above described property and structure(s)for review and inspection. This permit/application becomes null & void if work or authorized construction is not commenced within 180 days or if construction work is suspended for a period of 180 days. PROOF OF CONTINUATION OF WORK IS BY MEANS OF INSPECTION. INACTIVITY OF THIS PERMIT APPLICATION OF 180 DAYS WILL INVALIDATE THE APPLICATION. * All construction must meet or exceed all local and state ordinances in addition to the International Codes requirements as adopted and amended by Mason County and the State of Washington. Occupancy is limited to the approved and permitted classification. Any non-approved change of use or occupancy would result in permit revocation. * All permits expire 180 days after permit issuance, or 180 days after the last inspection activity is performed. The Building Official may grant a one time extention of 180 days, upon the receipt of a written extension request prior to permit expiration. Letter must indicating that circumstances beyond the control of the permit holder preventing action from being taken. No more than one extension may be granted. * The stamped approved site plan is required to be on-site for inspection purposes. If an inspection is requested and the approved site plan is not on site, approval will not be granted. In addition, a re-inspection fee (refer to current fee schedule, minimum 1 hour)will be charged and shall be collected by the Building Department prior to any further inspections being performed or approvals granted. * Contractor registration laws are governed under RCW 18.27 and enforced by the WA State Dept of Labor and Industries, Contractor Compliance Division. There are potential risks and monetary liabilities to the homeowner for using an unregistered contractor. Further information can be obtained at 1-800-647-0982. The person signing this condition is either the homeowner, agent for the owner or a registered contractor according to WA state law. * The foundation/footing must be placed on undisturbed, firm-native soil. * All building permits shall have a final inspection performed and approved by Mason County Building Department prior to permit expiration.The failure to request a final inspection or to obtain approval will be documented in the legal property records on file with Mason County as being non-compliant with Mason County ordinances and building regulations. * All changes to"approved" building plans that effect compliance with the international codes as amended and adopted, or any other Mason County ordinance or regulation, must be reviewed and approved by Mason County prior to construction. * Owner/Agent is responsible to post the assigned address and/or purchase and post private road signs in accordance with Mason County Title 14.28 and 14.17. * Concrete used for basement walls, foundation walls, exterior walls, porches, carport slabs, steps exposed to the weather, garage floor slabs and other vertical concrete work exposed to the weather shall have a minimum compressive strength of 3000 psi (IRC Table R402.2). * CONSTRUCTION PROCESS TO BE FIELD CORRECTED AS REQUIRED PER MASON COUNTY BUILDING DEPARTMENT AND THE ADOPTED BUILDING CODE. The construction of the permitted project is subject to inspections by the Mason County Building Department. All construction must be in conformance with the international codes as amended and adopted by Mason County. Any corrections, changes or alterations required by a Mason County Building Inspector shall be made prior to requesting additional inspections. Printed by:Ariane Paysse on:10/12/2021 01:03 PM Page 2 of 3 Mason County Mason County - Division of Community Development 615 W. Alder St. Bldg.8 �Oj•H,rr '� Shelton, WA 98584 360-427-9670 ext 352 www.co.mason.wa.us BULKHEAD OR DOCK- RESIDENTIAL BLD2020-00590 A Hydraulic Project Approval from the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife must be granted prior to commencing work. wdfw.wa.gov Army Corps of Engineers permit shall be obtained prior to the performance of any activities waterward of the mean higher high water mark or ordinary high water mark or in wetlands. www.nws.usace.army.mil I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of Laws and Ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any other state/local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. Issued By: p Contractor or Authorized Agent: - -- Date: Printed by:Ariane Paysse on: 10/12/2021 01:03 PM Page 3 of 3