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SPI2015-00039 - SPI Permit / Conditions - 10/12/2015
Py°N'STAr MASON COUNTY o A� _ DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT r S N = Planning Division o Y ti 426 W Cedar St, Shelton, WA 98584 (360)427-9670 1864 Site Inspection October 12, 2015 MIGUEL E JAYNES TO BE KEPT IN THE 27715 PARCELLS RD NE KINGSTON WA 98346 PARCEL FILE Case No.: SP12015-00039 ppj Parcel No.: 122162100000 Project Description: PLANNING PRE-INSPECTION IF AN ADDITON TO THE MAIN HOUSE IS FEASIBLE & SETBACKS FOR NEW GARAGE. Dear Applicant: Pursuant to your application, a site pre-inspection (SPI) was performed on your property. Below you will find comments made regarding the proposed development and its critical values. In some cases, setbacks for development from shorelines, steep slopes, streams, and wetlands must be included in your specific proposal; these setbacks are included as part of the comments listed below. This information is based on County and State regulations as they exist to date. These regulations may change and may affect the requirements for development of the subject property. Please contact me at(360) 427-9670, ext. 365 if you have questions. Sincerely, Allan Borden Land Use Planner Mason County Planning Department 10/12/2015 Page 1 of 4 SP12015-00039 Site Inspection 10/12/2015 Case No.: SP12015-00039 Comments: Inspection for Miguel Jaynes on May 22, 2015: The applicant requested a pre-inspection on portions of this 6.22 acre property along North Bay & Case Inlet and State Route 302 near Victor [PN: 12216-21-00000] to propose a new garage and home addition in relation to the existing wetland and associated buffer. A slope at less than 8 percent is oriented towards the bay and open water wetland. The wetland conditions border the property and much of the vegetation buffers are intact. The applicant wishes to develop a small footprint structures on the property near the wetland following county development standards. These findings state regulations in effect at the time of inspection, unless noted otherwise. Development Regulations standards: _Y_ The site is in Rural Residential 5 zone. Standard building setbacks are 25-foot front yard setback, and 20-foot side property line and rear yard setbacks. These setbacks are measured from structures above grade such as roof overhangs, stairs, balconies, decks, heat pumps, storage buildings, and fuel tanks. _Y_ An administrative variance may be requested to reduce these setback distances from property lines, to as low as 5 feet (side yard) or 10 feet (front yard), if the shape or features of the property constrain development from the proper setbacks. This process requires application and review at the time of the building permit submittal. Resource Ordinance Standards: _N_ Slope or Landslide hazards: Slopes less than 8 percent adjacent to or within 300 feet of a proposed project were observed. The applicant does not need a geologic special report during development review. _Y_ Shoreline setbacks: The Mason County Shoreline Master Program and Mason County Resource Ordinance setbacks applied to the site. The area shoreline designation is Rural Environment. The proposed development on the subject parcel would need to comply with Resource Ordinance 130 foot setback from the ordinary high water mark (equal to the vegetation change from low-growing plants to tree and shrub vegetation as you move from the saltwater area to the lands adjacent to the state highway). 10/12/2015 Page 2 of 4 SP12015-00039 1 Site Inspection 10/12/2015 Case No.: SP12015-00039 _N_ Stream setbacks: The stream to the north is a typed Np stream, and is subject to the Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areas Chapter (17.01.110) of the Mason County Resource Ordinance standards. But a separation distance of 300 feet from the stream to the site development would assure minimal impacts to the stream that is entering the saltwater and wetland area. _Y_ Wetland critical area: Planning staff confirmed that certain wetlands, soil conditions, and associated connecting drainages, are located on the subject parcel. These critical areas are regulated under Mason County's Wetlands Chapter 17.01.070 of the Mason County Resource Ordinance. These wetland conditions extend through much of the lowest elevations of the subject parcel. The wetlands are likely a mosaic of Category II or I wetlands with moderate plant diversity and subsurface flow into and out of the subject parcel. As part of the proposal review, you typically would need to have a qualified biologist (a list is on the website) prepare a wetland report that delineates the wetland edge, characterizes the wetland category, and determines the proper vegetation buffer using the information from this Wetlands chapter. Development near the wetlands shall have the determined vegetative buffer, and buildings must be set back an additional 15 feet from the outer edge of that buffer. _Y_ The wetland and the vegetation buffer are currently intact with some trails existing through them. The proposal is more than 125 feet from the area where highest tides would occur. For view improvement, some tree limbs in the buffer may be trimmed on a limited basis in accordance with the Wetland chapter standards. _Y Due to the potential impacts to the vegetation buffer adjacent to the wetland, a Mason Environmental Permit (MEP) review must be completed PRIOR to any development evaluation and additional clearing is done; NO CLEARING should take place within the 100 feet closest to the wetland, unless other recommended actions are made in the MEP review. When planning the location of all proposed improvements or removing further vegetation for development, consider the proper buffer and setback from the wetland edge in that site plan. Staff and the applicant discussed the locations of a proposed small garage and residence addition cabin (existing footprint) in the flat area near State Route 302 in regard to wetland areas to the west at 120 to 165 feet distance. The connection to North Bay sewer and use of the existing driveway access will minimize 10/12/2015 Page 3 of 4 SP12015-00039 Site Inspection 10/12/2015 Case No.: SP12015-00039 the area of potential development to the building and parking area within 70 to 80 feet from the North Bay Rd. alignment. General process: Future site development must include a site plan, showing all setbacks from property lines, slopes, and existing and proposed improvements; this site plan will be needed for the building permit application and the wetland study review. Specific County Code standards for future development may be found at the County website address http://www.co.mason.wa.us. If you have any questions please feel free to call. Thank you. 10/12/2015 Page 4 of 4 SP12015-00039 Xhuhi V rJiJ MAY 0 12015 I V0 426 W. rEDAR ST MASON COUNTY ACCEPTED BY PLANNING DEPT. PRE-INSPECTION APPLICATION PLEASE PRINT S255.00 Fee Required I. Site Address: s2 S®O S%_}%k 141(V/9 ) L-?Q 2 ,6 6,4 t4, c'(fT2j Owner: f L 1?—_ lof Applicant: MI 6Z &1)z L Si4 y��' Owner Address: l,S 6%tu'r Q NiL Applicant Address:,-'?7/f C14-LLf /�©A-�c City: 11NGS�N St�i �ip� City: ��l��s�N StC4:yd Zip Phone: ( O ) �31 � _day Phone: (3�pD) 3/ ���6 day Phone: C ) evening Phone: ( ) evening Email Address:th I 1<rL vncCr9�i� maiI Address: MIXt Y3/}Y A L_f Co ICt99i Al 2. Parcel#'s Legal Description: U 1 / 1 P_141u) 3. Purpose of Pre-Inspection: %y /'L%n /�// (� f�/� '"1 DV J 110/A--- %-e %ffYT 14-o o (,-L r S- old /v,//) `v a - j a i- 0�gZ- 4. Use of building: 5. Do any of the following exist on or adjacent to property?: slope ( ) saltwater(�Q lake ( ) river ( ) pond ( ) wetland W seasonal runoff( ) other ( ) stream( ) seasonal creek ( ) Directions to Site: _FQ o*4-) A Lt41- i c' T ff f'.' CO L- TEA' GQ[,e/C r'� C (46 I ACJ}P- Y '1-OF-1— �/'� P-1 i LX Or- T d-/Z 1 7- If the information is incomplete,then Mason County must disclaim any errors resulting from deficiencies in the original application. Pre-inspection reports remain valid only until development changes occur in the vicinity,which affect the lot evaluated in this inspection, or the laws regulating development of the site change after the time of inspection. Applicant Signature: Date:If you would like to be on site during inspection,please check here: Return application to: Department of Community Development, Planning Division Shelton,WA 98584 Please include a S255.00 check or money order payable to Mason County Treasurer. MORE ON BACK SIDE I:\Community Deve1opment\PAC\SPI\2012 Pre-Inspection.doc Please illustrate below the proposed building site in relation to critical areas(slopes, streams,lakes, wetlands, etc.) existing improvements, as well as property lines. APPLICATIONS SUBAI=D WITHOUT ADEQUATE ' ILLUSTRATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED AND WELL BE RETURNED TO THE APPLICANT. Departmental Review (For Office Use Only) Planning Department Findings: �r G� zs 6&1(eA 49e;( z IACo=unity Development\PAC\SPI12012 Pre-Inspection.doc Please ill o below the proposed building site in relation to critical areas (slopes, streams,lakes,wetlands, etc.) exdg�mcy improvements, as well as property lines. APPLICATIONS SUBI!'IITTED wITTiOUT ADEQUATE ILLUSTRATION'S W ,T,NOT BE ACCEPTED AND W=BE RETURNED TO THE APPLICANT Departmental Review (For Office Use Only) Planning Department Findings. IW M zov�� � � Y IACo=uni-Ly DevelopmentlPAC\SPI\2012 Pre-Inspection_doc ■...I[..■...lam■■■!.■�l��■......■........■■ ■\ail■1����..■■......■........■■.......... NMI ■.■.11...■!'i�.■■..rl■11■..r.■.....l.!%III%..mom ...■11.....■.....�I.�1...i.l............l. ■