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2024/05/06 - Briefing Packet
MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONER BRIEFING INFORMATION FOR THE WEEK OF May 6, 2024 In the spirit of public information and inclusion, the attached is a draft of information for Commissioner consideration and discussion at the above briefing. This information is subject to change, additions and/or deletion, and is not all inclusive of what will be presented to the Commissioners. Please see draft briefing agenda for schedule. CoU���� . 1854 ♦�` �u`"ri BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DRAFT BRIEFING MEETING AGENDA 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton WA 98584 Week of May 6, 2024 Monday Noon WA State Association of Counties Zoom Meeting* Virtual Assembly *This is being noticed as a Special Commission meeting because a quorum of the Mason County Commission may attend this event and notification is provided per Mason County Code Chapter 2.88.020-Special Meetings. Monday, May 6, 2024 Zoom link available on the Mason County website Commission Chambers Times are subject to change,depending on the amount of business presented 9:00 A.M. Closed Session—RCW 42.30.140(4)Labor Discussion 10:05 A.M. Community Development—Kell Rowen 10:15 A.M. Public Health—David Windom 10:20 A.M. WSU Extension—Heidi Steinbach 10:25 A.M. Public Works—Loretta Swanson 10:35 A.M. Support Services—Mark Neary Commissioner Discussion—as needed Tuesday, May 7, 2024 Zoom link available on the Mason County website Commission Chambers Times are subject to change,depending on the amount of business presented 1:00 P.M. Short-Term Rental Workshop Commission meetings are live streamed at http://www.masonwebtv.com/and public comment is accepted via email msmithkmasoncountywa. og_v;mail to Commissioners Office,411 N 5'Street,Shelton,WA 98584;or phone at(360)427-9670 ext.419. If you need to listen to the Commission meeting via telephone,please provide your telephone number to the Commissioners' office no later than 4:00 p.m.the Friday before the meeting. If special accommodations are needed,contact the Commissioners'office at Shelton(360)427-9670 ext.419 Briefing Agendas are subject to change,please contact the Commissioners' office for the most recent version. Last printed 05/01/24 at 2:46 PM 9. soN co�� Mason County Community Development Briefing May 6, 2024 Briefing Items Contractor's Conference Summary—Kell Rowen Blazestack Fire Investigation Reporting Software—Randy Collins C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Kell Rowen,Todd Cunningham,Josh Luck, Ext.286 DCD Department: Community Services Briefing: Action Agenda: ❑ Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): May 6,2024 Agenda Date: Click or tap here to enter text. Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Other (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item• Meeting summary from the Contractor's Conference sponsored by the Economic Development Council (EDC);hosted by Builders FirstSource;held on April 16,2024. Back2round/Executive Summary: The Building Department was invited to meet with the EDC and regional contractors,including the Olympia Master Builders(OMB)to discuss subjects related to the county's permitting process and the need for technical code information. The meeting was well attended by regional building representatives,members of the OMB,and county representatives. County staff presented statutory requirements of the codes as well as specific discussion of the new WA State Energy Code provisions for residential construction.Those in attendance showed great interest in the subject matter. Feedback from those in attendance was very positive and has resulted in ongoing discussions and improved communication with the building community.Additionally,the OMB has reenergized the local contractor's group to ensure ongoing discussions and understanding of the development review process and code applications. Budget Impact None. Public Outreach N/A. Requested Action: Discussion only. Attachments None C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Randy Collins Ext. 309 Department: Community Development Briefing: ❑X Action Agenda: ❑X Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): May 6,2024 Agenda Date: May 21,2024 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Risk (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item• Blazestack Fire Investigation Reporting Software Background/Executive Summary: At the December 4,2023,Commissioner's meeting,the County approved renewing the contract for fire investigation services with the Mason County Fire Chief s Association.One of the conditions identified in the contract was to assume the responsibility of funding a software program known as Blazestack used for preparing fire investigation reports that was currently being used by the Chiefs.Because the term of service with the Chiefs did not expire until June 1 of 2024,this item was deferred,to be brought back to Commissioners for approval shortly before its expiration. To that end,the item before you is to approved the enclosed Blazestack contract for$9,501 to cover the period June 12024 through December 31,2025 (nineteen months)to coincide with the expiration date of the existing fire investigation contract with the Fire Chiefs Association. Budget Impact(amount, funding source,budget amendment): Under the terms of the contract for investigation services with the Fire Chiefs Association, $82,000 has been budgeted.With the annual costs of the contract historically well below this figure(averaging$52,500 between 2020-2023),unless there is an enormous spike in the number of investigations,there is adequate funding to cover the contract's cost. Public Outreach (news release,community meeting, etc.): N/A Requested Action: Approval of the contract with Blazestack for fire investigation reporting software in the amount of$9,501 for a 19-month term. Attachments Contract u BLAZE STACK SOFTWARE SERVICES ORDER FORM AND SAAS SERVICES AGREEMENT This Software Services Order Form and SaaS Services Agreement(this "Agreement') is between Blazestack Inc., (`Blazestack")a Texas corporation with mailing address of 3201 Bee Caves Road,Suite 120#160266,Austin,Texas 78746,and("Customer")identified immediately below. CUSTOMER INFORMATION Mason County Community Development 615 W Alder St,Shelton,WA 98584 SERVICE,SERVICE LEVEL, INITIAL ANNUAL EFFECTIVE DATE& RENEWAL DATE USER-SEATS&CASE SERVICE FEE&TERM DUE DATE VOLUME Fire Investigation Case Management Software 01/01/2026;automatic $9,501 for 19-month term annual renewal into 12- Gold Plan month term unless Customer June 1,2024 provides Blazestack 30 days User-Seats: 12 prior written notice of non- renewal. Annual Case Volume: 50 STANDARD SUPPORT Blazestack will provide Technical Support to Customer via both telephone and electronic mail Monday through Friday during the hours of 9:OOAM through 5:OOPM Central Time,with the exclusion of federal holidays("Support Hours").Customer may initiate a helpdesk ticket during Support Hours by calling(866)303-4344 or any time by emailing ssUportAblazestack.com. Blazestack will use commercially reasonable efforts to respond to all hel desk tickets within one 1 business day. STANDARD INFORMATION Service Fee includes implementation,support,ongoing upgrades and updates,software patches, and 50 GB of case media storage.(Additional case media storage capacity can be added at a cost of$250/year per each additional 250 GB.Blazestack will provide notice when storage capacity reaches 50%. This Agreement is entered into on the"Effective Date"listed above,between Blazestack and Customer. This Agreement consists of the above Order Form,as well as the attached Terms and Conditions and contains,among other things,warranty disclaimers,liability limitations and use limitations. There shall be no force or effect to any different terms of any related purchase order or similar form provided by Customer. BLAZESTACK: CUSTOMER: Name: Randy Elmore Name: Randy Neatherlin Title: CEO Title: Chair,Mason County Commissioners Email: randy@blazestack.com Email: meatherlin@masoncountywa.gov Blazestack Inc. 3201 Bee Caves Road, Suite 120#160266, Austin,Texas 78746 hello@blazestack.com (866)303-4344 CONFIDENTIAL Last updated:January 20,2024 o BLAZE STACK TERMS OF SERVICE These Terms of Service is between Blazestack Inc.,a Texas corporation(collectively,"Blazestack"),and the entity identified on the applicable Order Form("Customer").The Agreement is effective as of the date in the applicable Order Form("Effective Date"). "User"means a single,unique authorized individual 1.DEFINITIONS of the Customer that uses the Service on Customer's Capitalized terms have the meanings described in this behalf. section or in the body of the Agreement. "User-Seat"is a license for one User to use the "Agreement"means these Terms of Service and the Service. relevant Order Form. 2.SERVICE AND SUPPORT "Annual Case Volume"means maximum number of 2.1.Provision of Service.Blazestack shall provide Cases entered into the system by Customer's Users Customer with access to the Service for the number per year. of User-Seats specified on the Order Form during the Term,or if not specified a reasonable amount of "Case"means one individual incident at a specific Users in the sole discretion of Blazestack. location. 2.2.Use of Service.Customer shall use the Service "Customer Data"means all electronic data or and the data generated by the Service("Generated information that Customer submits to the Service or Data")only for fire investigation purposes. is submitted on behalf of Customer as well as all Generated Data,as defined in Section 2.2,except to 2.3. System Requirements. Customer shall meet the the extent of any data,information,or intellectual minimum system requirements for access to the property owned by Blazestack or a third-party. Service,currently set forth at the end of this Agreement but subject to change by Blazestack on a "Order Form"means a Blazestack ordering document reasonable basis.Blazestack shall provide written that references these Terms of Service,whether notification to Customer for any changes to the online or via a separate form. minimum system requirements. "Report"means any report,analysis,content,survey, 2.4. Third-Party Products.Blazestack may offer opinion,photo,technique,hypothesis,finding,study Customer the ability to use Third Party Products with relating to any fire investigation prepared by the Service,subject to Customer's agreement with Customer and/or User. any applicable terms and conditions for those Third- Party Products. "Service"means Blazestack's proprietary fire investigation software accessible through the internet, 3.RESPONSIBILITES AND RESTRICTIONS that is intended for use in the investigation of fire. 3.1.Blazestack Responsibilities.Blazestack shall: (i) provide Customer with access to the Service in "Term"means the period of Customer's subscription accordance with this Agreement and all applicable to the Service as specified in an Order Form,unless laws;and(ii)provide the Service with a minimum of terminated earlier under Section 7(Term and 99.0%Uptime during any calendar month,except Termination). Blazestack shall have 2 business days to restore availability after any downtime. "Uptime"means the "Third-Party Products"means any products or availability of the Service,excluding lack of services not developed by Blazestack. availability due to Customer or third-party causes, downtime for maintenance,or a Force Majeure Event. Blazestack Inc. 3201 Bee Caves Road, Suite 120#160266, Austin,Texas 78746 hello@blazestack.com (866)303-4344 CONFIDENTIAL Last updated:January 20,2024 o BLAZE STACK 3.2. Customer Responsibilities.Customer shall: software service or product;or(viii)copy,record, (i)ensure Users to comply with this Agreement; (ii) screenshot,or otherwise capture any aspect of the ensure that any firewalls or other security measures Service in any medium without the prior written are properly configured to allow Blazestack internet consent of Blazestack. traffic on the necessary IP addresses and ports; (iii)whitelist any and all*.blazestack.com domains 4.FEES and*@blazestack.com email addresses,and disable 4.1.Fees. Customer shall pay all fees specified in all any ad blockers,pop-up blockers,content filters,or Order Forms("Fees").Fees are quoted and payable any other technologies that may interfere with in United States dollars and are non-refundable, Blazestack security or User usability,in order to except as described in Section 7(Term and enable proper functioning of the Service; (iv) Termination).Acceptable forms of payment are cooperate with Blazestack so that Blazestack can limited to credit card,ACH,wire transfers and provide the Service; (v)be responsible for the physical check,provided that Blazestack may change Customer Data including the accuracy,completeness, acceptable forms of payment upon thirty(30)days' and legality of the Customer Data;(vi)prevent notice to the Customer.User-Seats purchased but not unauthorized access or use of the Service and utilized during the Term are not eligible for refunds. promptly notify Blazestack if Customer discovers or reasonably believes any unauthorized access or use 4.2.Taxes.Fees are exclusive of all taxes,including has occurred;(vii)use the Service in accordance with any applicable sales,excise,or use taxes("Taxes"). this Agreement and applicable laws;and(viii)create Customer shall pay any Taxes directly or to Reports in accordance with industry standards. Blazestack,as required by law.If Customer is exempt from paying Taxes,Customer shall provide Furthermore,the Customer is responsible for the Blazestack with a valid tax exemption certificate. results of the use of the Service,including any and all Reports,and hereby acknowledges to the Blazestack 4.3.Invoicing and Payment.Blazestack shall invoice that(a)Customer is solely responsible for any such Customer according to the terms on the Order Form. use of Report and(b)the Blazestack is not certifying Unless the Order Form states otherwise,Fees are due or validating any portion of the Report. upon receipt of invoice(the"Due Date").Customer shall provide Blazestack with complete and accurate 3.3 Restrictions.Only Users may use the Service and billing and contact information and promptly notify only with the account credentials issued to that User Blazestack of any changes throughout the Term. by the Customer.Users may not share their account credentials. Customer shall not,and shall not permit 4.4. Overdue Fees.If Blazestack does not receive all any third party to:(i)use the Service except as Fees by the applicable Due Date,Blazestack may expressly authorized under this Agreement;(ii) charge a late fee on the unpaid balance at the lesser of interfere with or disrupt the integrity or performance 1.5%per month or the maximum lawful rate,starting of the Service;(iii)rent,lease,lend,sell,sublicense, from the date the payment was due until the date assign,distribute,publish,transfer or otherwise make paid.Customer shall also reimburse Blazestack for the Service available;(iv)remove any title, all reasonable costs incurred in collecting any trademark,copyright,or restricted rights notices or amounts not paid when due,including any attorneys' labels from the Service; (v)modify or create a fees.Blazestack reserves all rights and available derivative work of the Service or any portion of the remedies to collect overdue Fees from Customer, Service;(vi)reverse engineer,disassemble, including but not limited to suspending Customer's decompile,decode,adapt or otherwise attempt to access to the Service until all Fees are paid. derive or gain access to the source code,object code or underlying structure or algorithms of the Service; 5.CONFIDENTIALITY (vii)access or attempt to access or use the Services 5.1.Definition. "Confidential Information"means for purposes of competitive analysis of the Services oral,electronic,or written information disclosed by a or the development,provision,or use of a competing party,whether designated confidential or not,or that Blazestack Inc. 3201 Bee Caves Road, Suite 120#160266, Austin,Texas 78746 hello@blazestack.com (866)303-4344 CONFIDENTIAL Last updated:January 20,2024 4 BLAZE STACK a reasonable person would know it was confidential 6.PROPRIETARY RIGHTS based upon the nature or content of the information 6.1. Customer Ownership and Licenses.Customer or the circumstances of its disclosure. owns all rights,title and interest in and to Customer Data and Reports.During the Term,Customer grants Blazestack Confidential Information includes,but is Blazestack a worldwide,non-exclusive,royalty-free, not limited to,information pertaining to the features, non-sublicensable(except as needed to provide the functionality,any testing,and performance of the Service),non-transferable(except as described in Service,pricing,and this Agreement as well as Section 11.5 (Assignment))right to access and use Feedback.Confidential Information does not include the Customer Data to provide the Service to information that: (i)is now or becomes generally Customer and to monitor and improve the Service. known or available to the public without breach of Customer shall back up Customer Data during the this Agreement by the receiving party(the Term and may not have access to the Customer Data "Recipient");(ii)was acquired by the Recipient via the Service after the Term. without restriction on its use or disclosure before the information was received from the disclosing party 6.2.De-Identified Data.Blazestack may collect, (the"Discloser");(iii)is obtained by the Recipient develop,create,extract,compile,synthesize,analyze without restriction on its use or disclosure from a and commercialize statistics,benchmarks,measures third party authorized to make the disclosure;or(iv) and other information based on Aggregated Data is independently developed by the Recipient without (collectively,"De-Identified Data").De-Identified using or referring to the Discloser's Confidential Data will be owned solely by Blazestack and may be Information. used for any lawful business purpose."Aggregated Data"means Customer Data that is:(i)anonymized 5.2.Protection of Confidential Information.The and not identifiable to any person or entity;(ii) Recipient may only use the Discloser's Confidential combined with the data of other customers or Information in relation to this Agreement.The additional data sources;and(iii)presented in a way Recipient shall maintain the confidentiality of the which does not reveal Customer's identity. Discloser's Confidential Information with at least the same degree of care that it uses to protect its own 6.3.Feedback.If Customer provides Feedback, confidential and proprietary information(including Customer grants to Blazestack sole and exclusive but not limited to maintaining reasonable ownership of all intellectual property rights to any administrative,physical,and technical safeguards) Feedback and results of the implementation or any and no less than a reasonable degree of care.Each such Feedback."Feedback"means recommendations, party has the right to seek an injunction(without suggestions,enhancement requests or any ideas, having to post a bond)to prevent any breach or technology,developments,derivative works,or other continued breach of this section. intellectual property related to the Service or Blazestack. 5.3. Compelled Disclosure.If the Recipient is required by law or a valid court or government order 6.4.Reservation of Rights.Blazestack and its to disclose any of the Discloser's Confidential licensors reserve all right,title and interest in and to Information,then(to the extent permitted under law) the Service,including all related intellectual property the Recipient shall promptly notify the Discloser in rights,subject to the limited rights expressly granted writing of the required disclosure so that the in this Agreement.No other rights are granted to Discloser may seek to protect its Confidential Customer by this Agreement. Information.The Recipient shall cooperate with the Discloser in seeking such protection. 7.TERM AND TERMINATION 7.1. Term.The Term begins on the Effective Date and ends on the Termination Date."Termination Date"means the earlier date of. (i)the expiration or termination of all Order Forms under this Agreement; Blazestack Inc. 3201 Bee Caves Road, Suite 120#160266, Austin,Texas 78746 hello@blazestack.com (866)303-4344 CONFIDENTIAL Last updated:January 20,2024 #A BLAZE STACK or(ii)termination of this Agreement under this THE SERVICE IS PROVIDED"AS IS."EXCEPT section. AS EXPRESSLY PROVIDED HEREIN, BLAZESTACK MAKES NO WARRANTIES OF 7.2.Automatic Renewal.All subscriptions will renew ANY KIND,WHETHER EXPRESS,IMPLIED, for an additional 1-year term("Renewal Term")at STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE,AND the prevailing list price at the time of such renewal SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ALL IMPLIED unless either party receives written notice of an intent WARRANTIES,INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED not to renew at least 30 days before the end of the TO ANY WARRANTIES OF Term or Renewal Term. MERCHANTABILITY,NON-INFRINGEMENT OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, 7.3.Termination for Cause.A party may terminate TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY this Agreement or any applicable Order Form: (i)if APPLICABLE LAW. SPECIFICALLY,THIRD the other party is in material breach of this PARTY CONTENT AND TEST FEATURES ARE Agreement and fails to cure the breach within 30 PROVIDED"AS IS,"EXCLUSIVE OF ANY days of receiving written notice from the non- WARRANTY.EACH PARTY DISCLAIMS ALL breaching party;or(ii)if the other party becomes the LIABILITY AND INDEMNIFICATION subject of a petition in bankruptcy or any proceeding OBLIGATIONS FOR ANY HARM OR DAMAGES relating to insolvency,receivership,liquidation or CAUSED BY ANY THIRD-PARTY assignment for the benefit of creditors.If Customer NETWORKING OR HOSTING PROVIDERS OR terminates due to Blazestack's breach,Customer's THIRD-PARTY PRODUCTS. exclusive remedy is a pro-rata reimbursement of prepaid Fees covering the remainder of the Term 8.3 Indemnification. Customer shall indemnify, after the Termination Date.If Blazestack terminates defend,and hold harmless the Blazestack and its due to Customer's breach,Customer will pay any officers,directors,employees,agents,successors,and unpaid Fees covering the remainder of the Term after assigns against all losses arising out of or resulting the Termination Date.Termination under this section from any third party claim,suit,action,or proceeding will not relieve Customer of its obligation to pay any related to or arising out of or resulting from: (i) Fees owed for the period prior to the Termination Customer's(or its User's)breach of any Date. representation,warranty,covenant,or obligation under this Agreement,(ii)all matters related to any S. WARRANTIES AND DISCLAIMERS; Report,(iii)the transmission of harmful or malicious INDEMNIFICATION code,files,scripts,agents or programs by or through 8.1.Mutual Warranties.Each party represents that it: Customer(or its Users),(iv)any intellectual property (i)has the legal power to enter into this Agreement; infringement or other matter resulting from the (ii)will comply with all applicable laws in Customer's Data,or(v)any acts or omissions of relationship to the provision and use of the Service Customer(or its Users). during the Term;and(iii)will use reasonable efforts to avoid transmitting to the other party any harmful 9.LIMITATION OF LIABILITY or malicious code,files,scripts,agents or programs. 9.1 Limitation of Liability.IN NO EVENT WILL EITHER PARTY'S AGGREGATE LIABILITY 8.2.Warranty Disclaimer.Blazestack does not make ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THIS any representations that the functions performed by AGREEMENT,WHETHER IN CONTRACT, the Service will meet all of Customer's requirements, TORT OR UNDER ANY OTHER THEORY OF that the operation of the Service will be uninterrupted LIABILITY,EXCEED THE TOTAL AMOUNT or error free,that all defects in the Service will be PAID BY CUSTOMER HEREUNDER IN THE 12 corrected,or that the Service will be available in all MONTHS PRECEDING THE INCIDENT GIVING languages or all countries. RISE TO THE LIABILITY.THE FOREGOING LIMITATIONS WILL NOT APPLY TO CUSTOMER'S PAYMENT OBLIGATIONS OR Blazestack Inc. 3201 Bee Caves Road, Suite 120#160266, Austin,Texas 78746 hello@blazestack.com (866)303-4344 CONFIDENTIAL Last updated:January 20,2024 u BLAZE STACK CUSTOMER'S WILLFUL MISCONDUCT, proceed to legal action shall take place in Travis FRAUD,NEGLIGENCE,OR INDEMNIFICATION County,Texas. OBLIGATIONS. 11.2.Notices.Notices under this Agreement must be 9.2.Exclusion of Consequential and Related in writing and will be considered given upon: (i) Damages.IN NO EVENT WILL EITHER PARTY delivery by traceable courier or mail(delivery HAVE ANY LIABILITY TO THE OTHER PARTY confirmation/return receipt requested);or(ii)the FOR ANY LOST PROFITS OR REVENUES OR second business day after sending by email.Notices FOR ANY OTHER CONSEQUENTIAL, to Blazestack should be sent to INCIDENTAL,INDIRECT, SPECIAL,COVER OR notice(&blazestack.com.Billing notices and notices PUNITIVE DAMAGES,HOWEVER CAUSED, relating to this Agreement will be sent to the contacts WHETHER IN CONTRACT,TORT OR UNDER designated by Customer on the Order Form. ANY OTHER THEORY OF LIABILITY,AND WHETHER THE PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED 11.3. Customer References.During the Term, OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Blazestack may include Customer's name,logo and THE FOREGOING WILL NOT APPLY TO THE success stories in Blazestack's website,press EXTENT PROHIBITED BY APPLICABLE LAW. releases,promotional and sales literature,and lists of customers. 10.US.GOVERNMENT MATTERS 10.1.Terms for U.S.Government Customers.This 11.4.Force Majeure.Neither party will be section applies only to Customers that are U.S. responsible for failure or delay of performance if government entities subject to the cited regulations caused by an event outside the reasonable control of ("U.S.Government Customers").The Service is a the obligated party,including but not limited to an "commercial item"(as defined in 48 C.F.R.2.101) electrical,internet,or telecommunication change or and involves the use of"commercial computer outage not caused by the obligated party;government software"and"commercial computer software restrictions;or illegal acts of third parties("Force documentation"(as used in 48 C.F.R. 12.212).All Majeure Event").Each party will use reasonable U.S. Government Customers acquire subscriptions to efforts to mitigate the effect of a Force Majeure the Service only as a"commercial item"and only Event. with those rights that are granted to all other end- users pursuant to the terms and conditions of this 11.5.Assignment.Neither party may assign any of its Agreement,consistent with 48 C.F.R. 12.212 and 48 rights or obligations under this Agreement without C.F.R.227.72021 through 227.72024. the other party's prior written consent(not to be unreasonably withheld),except either party may 11.GENERAL TERMS assign this Agreement in its entirety without the other 11.1.Dispute Resolution;Governing Law;Forum. party's consent to its affiliate or as part of a merger, The parties shall first attempt to resolve any dispute acquisition,corporate reorganization,or sale of all or through mediation.The parties shall jointly select a substantially of all its assets. mediator and shall participate in good faith in the mediation process.The costs of the mediation 11.6.Relationship of the Parties.The parties are process shall be shared equally by the parties.The independent contractors.This Agreement does not mediation shall take place in Austin,Texas.If the create a partnership,franchise,joint venture,agency, dispute is not resolved through mediation within 90 fiduciary or employment relationship between the days from receipt by one party of the initial notice of parties. the dispute from the other party,either party may proceed to court to seek resolution.Each party 11.7.Waiver.No failure or delay by either party to waives its right to a jury trial. The laws of the State of exercise any right under this Agreement will Texas govern this Agreement excluding that State's constitute a waiver of that right,unless expressly choice-of-law provisions.Venue for any disputes that stated in this Agreement. Blazestack Inc. 3201 Bee Caves Road, Suite 120#160266, Austin,Texas 78746 hello@blazestack.com (866)303-4344 CONFIDENTIAL Last updated:January 20,2024 4 BLAZE STACK "include,"and"includes"are not limiting and shall 11.8. Severability.If any provision of this Agreement be deemed to be followed by the phrase"without is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be limitation."Use of the terms"hereunder,""herein," invalid or unenforceable,the provision will be "hereby,"and similar terms refer to this Agreement. modified to the minimum extent necessary to make it No modification,amendment,or waiver of any enforceable.The provision will be disregarded only if provision of this Agreement shall be effective unless such modification is not possible or is prohibited by in writing and signed by both parties hereto. law.The remaining provisions of this Agreement will remain in effect. 11.11.Headings.Headings are for reference only and do not affect the meaning or interpretation of this 11.9.Order of Precedence.If there is a conflict or Agreement. inconsistency between any Order Form, Statement of Work,Exhibit,and this Agreement,the order of 11.12.Counterparts. This Agreement may be precedence shall be: (i)Order Form,(ii)Statement of executed in one or more counterparts.Each Work,(iii)an Exhibit,and(iv)this Agreement. counterpart is an original.All counterparts together form one document. 11.10 Entire Agreement;Amendment.This Agreement,including the Software Services Order 11.13. System Requirements.Customer shall meet Form,constitutes the entire agreement between the the minimum system requirements for access to the parties with respect to the subject matter set forth Service herein,and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous agreements,proposals,or representations,written or Google ChromeTM:Version 97 to most oral,concerning its subject matter.No terms, Current provisions,or conditions of any purchase order, acknowledgement,check,or other business form that Microsoft®Edge®:Version 96 to most Customer may use in connection with the acquisition Current or licensing of the Service or Software will have any effect on the rights,duties,or obligations of the Mozilla®Firefox®:Version 96 to most parties under this Agreement,regardless of any Current failure of Blazestack to object to such terms, provisions,or conditions. Apple®Safari®:Version 15 to most Current As used in this Agreement,the terms"including," Blazestack Inc. 3201 Bee Caves Road, Suite 120#160266, Austin,Texas 78746 hello@blazestack.com (866)303-4344 CONFIDENTIAL Last updated:January 20,2024 MASON COUNTY rTi Public Health & Human Services Briefing May 6, 2024 Briefing Items Building Lease for Public Health—Dave Windom Opioid Settlement Dollars—Dave Windom C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: David Windom Ext.260 Department: Public Health Briefing: 0 Action Agenda: 0 Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): May 6,2024 Agenda Date: May 21,2024 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources 0 Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Risk (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item• Building Lease for Public Health Background/Executive Summary: Public Health is out of room in the current location—closets have been converted into workspaces. This lease agreement between Mason Health and Mason County Public Health for the former Mountain View Women's Clinic building would allow Community Health to move to the location near the hospital, relieving overcrowding in the current space. Mason County has gaps in service since COVID and this move would enable Public Health to fill some of those gaps in service. The move would allow Public Health to offer family planning services and an STD clinic in the near future at the new location and expand Environmental Health in the current location. Environmental Health and half of the finance team would remain in the current location co-located with the Building and Planning Department. Budget Impact(amount, funding source,budget amendment): Building will be provided at no cost. There will be costs associated with the move in adapting the building for Public Health use such as converting clinic space into office space,adding Mason County IT, photocopier,carpeting,and signage. Public Health has funds to cover these costs. Public Outreach (news release,community meeting, etc.): N/A Requested Action: Approval of the lease agreement with Public Hospital District No. 1 for the first floor of the building located at 2300 Kati Court Suite A in Shelton from May 1,2024 to April 30,2025. Attachments Agreement LEASE AGREEMENT THIS LEASE AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 1st day of May, 2024, by and between Public Hospital District No. 1, a Municipal Corporation, hereinafter Lessor and/or Mason Health, and Mason County Public Health and Human Services, a department of Mason County, Washington a Washington County,hereinafter Lessee. RECITALS: WHEREAS, Mason Health is a Washington Public Hospital District organized under to Chapter 70.44 RCW. WHEREAS, One of the purposes of a Public Hospital District is to provide services that promote health, wellness, and prevention of illness and injury; and such other services as are appropriate to the health needs of the population served. WHEREAS, RCW 70.44.060(7) authorizes public hospital districts to enter into any contract with the United States government or any state,municipality, or other hospital district, or any department of those governing bodies, for carrying out any of the powers authorized by Chapter 70.44 RCW. WHEREAS, Mason County Public Health is a local health department established under Chapter 70.05 RCW with jurisdiction over health issues of residents of Mason County. WHEREAS, Mason County Public Health desires to bring a family planning and sexually transmitted infection clinic to South Mason County. The clinic would focus on low-income and 1 other Populations that traditionally have limited access to services. The clinic would also provide valuable services to Mason Health as identified below. WHEREAS, Mason Health has suitable clinical and office space currently available which Mason Public Health may use to provide healthcare services to southern Mason County. Now therefore it is agreed as follows: I PREMISES LEASED The Lessor, for and in consideration of the services to be provided and the covenants and provisions herein contained, do hereby lease and let to the Lessee and the Lessee does hereby lease and rent from the Lessor, the of the first floor of the building located 2300 Kati Court STE A, Shelton, WA totalling approximately 4,297 sq.ft.. Lessee shall have the right to reasonable use of the common parking area, so long as such Lessee's use does not unreasonably interfere with the use of other Lessees. Lessee has reviewed common areas including parking available on the premises for Lessee and Lessor's other Lessees, and agrees that same is acceptable. Lessee agrees that parking is provided for the convenience of customers frequenting the medical center. Employees of Lessee are encouraged to park off site. Lessor shall at all times have the exclusive control and management of all parking areas, access roads, driveways, entrances, loading areas, signs, drainage facilities, landscaped areas, and other areas, improvements, facilities, and special services provided by Lessor for the general use, in common, of Lessees of the medical center (common areas and facilities.). Lessor shall have exclusive control over the common areas and facilities and do and perform such other acts 2 in the common areas and facilities Lessor deems necessary or desirable. Lessees agree to comply with all common area rules and regulations established by Lessor. If the amount of such areas or facilities be diminished, such diminution shall not be deemed constructive or actual eviction, and Lessor shall not be subject to any liability, nor shall Lessees be entitled to any compensation or reduction or abatement of rent. Lessee has also reviewed the interior of the premises to be leased. Lessee accepts the square footage as it exists and no abatement of rent shall occur in the event that the leased premises are less than the square footage indicated above. Lessee also accepts the tenant improvements as they exist and such improvements shall thereafter become the responsibility of the respective parry under the terms of this lease. II SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED In consideration of the rental value of the clinic and office space,Mason County Public Health agrees to provide Mason Health the following services at the clinic: Vital statistics including birth and death certificates. Communicable disease investigation and prevention. Behavioral health services including substance abuse prevention substance abuse intervention. Homelessness prevention. Housing assistance. Tobacco and vaping prevention. Developmental disability screening. Vaccine promotion. Maternal child health programs. 3 Children with special health care needs. Chronic disease education and intervention. Epidemiology and other services. III TERM AND OPTION The term of this lease shall be for a period of two years and shall commence May 1, 2024 and end April 30, 2025. In addition to the above lease term,Lessee shall have the option to extend the above lease for two additional one (1) year periods. This option may be exercised by giving written notice thereof to the Lessor at least ninety (90) days prior to the expiration of the above term. Failure to give such notice as strictly provided for shall be a complete waiver of such right. All the terms and provisions of this lease agreement shall govern such extensions. No option to renew may be exercised unless the Lessee is in compliance with this lease agreement. In addition, if the Lessee has been in violation of any provision of this lease on more than two(2) occasions during its term; Lessor may so advise the Lessee and may void the option or options to renew, even if the Lessee has already exercised any option. This provision shall apply regardless of Lessor's prior failure to object or waiver of such violations. After the expiration of the above term or terms, any consensual holding over shall be deemed a month-to-month tenancy. Other than a consensual month-to-month tenancy caused by holding over, there shall be no extension of this lease other than by written agreement executed by all parties to this agreement. The terms and conditions for any renewal period shall be the same as those contained herein. IV RENT 4 There shall be no rent paid under this lease, the healthcare services to be offered by Leasee are consideration for this lease. V LEGAL USE ONLY Lessee shall use and occupy the premises for medical professional services and shall not engage in any illegal activity or any activity constituting a nuisance. Lessee shall comply with all laws, codes and regulations, and cause its operations on the premises to so comply, at all times. VI SURRENDER OF PREMISES The said Lessee covenants and agrees that it will pay said rent in the manner aforesaid and surrender and deliver up said premises, together with the appurtenances thereunto belonging to the said Lessor, its successors or assigns,peaceably and quietly at the expiration of the said term of time in good condition, injury or destruction by fire and natural wear and decay excepted. Lessees shall remove all personal property at the expiration of the Lease. If for any reason such personal property is not entirely removed by the Lessees, Lessor shall have the right to remove any such personal property and store the same at the sole cost of Lessee. VII UTILITIES The Lessees will pay all utilities consumed in the building in which the lease premises are located. VIII COVENANT AGAINST WASTE The Lessee further covenants and agrees that it will not do or suffer any waste in said leased premises;that it will use the same for lawful purposes only. 5 IX ASSIGNMENT RESTRICTIONS Lessee may not assign this lease or sublet the whole or a portion of the leased premises to any individual or business without the written consent of the Lessor, which shall not be unreasonably withheld, provided such assignment or subletting shall not release Lessee of its obligations hereunder. X MAINTENANCE AND ALTERATIONS Lessee shall provide ordinary janitorial services for the premises and shall maintain the building and premises in good condition but shall not be responsible for repairs over$500.00 unless caused by the Lessee. Lessee shall not alter the building structure without the written consent of Lessor and any improvements or alterations so made shall become the property of the Lessor at the termination of the lease. XI SIGNS AND TRADE FIXTURES The Lessee shall have the right to erect signs upon the leased premises, provided that said signs are in conformance with all regulations of governing bodies and are approved by Lessor in writing. At the termination of the Lease and tenancy, the Lessee may remove all trade fixtures installed by it or owned by it so long as the premises are returned to a state of repair that is acceptable to Lessor. All other fixtures shall be forfeited by the Lessees at the termination of the Lease. XII WARRANTY OF RIGHT TO LEASE 6 The Lessor warrants that it has the right to enter into this Lease as Lessor, and that the premises can be used for the business purposes herein stated in accordance with all zoning laws. XIII TAXES AND INSURANCE Lessor shall pay real estate taxes and fire and casualty insurance for the building. Lessee is solely responsible for insuring Lessees' contents and improvements made in the building. XIV DESTRUCTION OF PREMISES If the leased premises shall be totally destroyed by fire or the elements, or if said premises be partial destroyed or rendered useless or untenantable by fire or the elements so that the same cannot be repaired or restored within 120 days from the happening of such injury,then either Lessor or Lessee may terminate this Lease by notice in writing to the other within thirty (30) days after such destruction or partial destruction. XV REMEDIES UPON DEFAULT It is mutually covenanted and agreed by and between the parties hereto that, in the case of a non-performance of services, as above stipulated, and in the event the Lessor has given Lessee twenty (20) day written notice of the not started to correct the defaulted conditions within twenty (20), then in that event the Lessor shall have the full right to terminate this Lease and declare all provisions, conditions and terms thereof null and void. Whereupon the said Lessee shall yield up to the Lessor full, quiet, peaceable and immediate possession of the said premises hereby leased, anything herein contained to the contrary thereof notwithstanding, and the Lessor, at its own option may institute proceedings in law or equity to collect such sums as may be due under this Lease. In 7 the event any action becomes necessary to terminate this Lease agreement or to enforce any covenant herein,the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney's fees and costs. Venue shall be in Mason County District or Superior Court. XVI SUBORDINATION This lease and all interest and estate of Lessee hereunder is subject to and is hereby subordinated to all present and future mortgages and deeds of trust affecting the premises. The Lessee agrees to execute at no expense to the Lessor, any instrument which may be deemed necessary or desirable by the Lessor to further effect the subordination of this Lease to any such mortgage or deed of trust, provided, however, that the holder of any mortgage or deed of trust shall agree that Lessee's use, occupancy and right to quiet enjoyment of the premises shall not be disturbed so long as Lessee is not in default hereunder. XVII INDEMNIFICATION Lessee shall indemnify and hold the Lessor harmless from any claim, liability or suit on behalf of any person, persons, corporations and/or firm for any injuries or damages occurring in or about the portion of the building occupied by the Lessee whether or not caused by the negligence or intentional act of the Lessee, unless caused by the sole negligence of Lessor. In common areas, Lessee and Lessor's other tenants shall assume all liability, if any, and hold the Lessor harmless for all claims except for claims arising from the sole negligence of the Lessor. Each party shall acquire and maintain comprehensive business liability insurance in an amount not less than $1,000,000.00 combined single limit. XVIII 8 WAIVER OF SUBROGATION Lessee and Lessor each hereby release and relieve the other, and waive their entire right of recovery against the other for loss or damage arising out of or incident to the perils insured against under paragraph XVII, which perils occur in, on or about the premises, whether due to the negligence of Lessor or Lessees or their agents, employees, contractors and/or invitees. Lessee and Lessor shall, upon obtaining the policies of insurance required hereunder, give notice to the insurance carrier or carriers that the foregoing mutual waiver of subrogation is contained in this Lease. XIX NOTICES Any notices to be sent to the Lessee shall be sent to it at Any notices to be sent to the Lessor shall be sent to it at P.O. Box 1668. Shelton, Washington 98584, with a copy to Robert W. Johnson, Shelton, WA 98584, or such other addresses as the parties may from time to time designate in writing to the other party. XX SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS The terms and conditions of this Lease shall be binding upon the successors and assigns of the Lessor and the Lessees, and if the Lessor be an individual, or individuals, or the heirs, administrators, executors and assigns of such individual or individuals. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals the date first written above. 9 LESSOR: PUBLIC HOSPITAL DISTRICT NO. 1 Eric Moll, CEO Mason County Public Health By: 10 C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: David Windom Ext.260 Department: Public Health Briefing: ❑X Action Agenda: ❑ Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): May 6,2024 Agenda Date: Click or tap here to enter text. Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑X Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Risk (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item• Opioid Settlement Dollars Background/Executive Summary: Included are the dollars received to date from the various opioid settlement sources and the estimated ongoing funding. Budget Impact(amount, funding source,budget amendment): The majority of the funds are one-time settlement dollars,the continuing funding is listed in the second spreadsheet. Public Outreach (news release,community meeting, etc.): N/A Requested Action: Informational only. Attachments Spreadsheet Amounts Allocated and Paid to Mason County,WA 1 1. Distributor $232,610.05 $232,610.05 2. Janssen $0.00 $0.00 3. Teva $22,192.22 $22,192.22 4. Allergan $24,592.46 $24,592.46 5. cvS $27,385.45 $27,385.45 6. Walgreens $52,993.84 $52,993.84 7. Walmart $215,470.65 $215,470.65 8. Totals $575,244.67 $575,244.67 Projected Allocation Amount 1. Distributor Projected Payment 4(July, 2024) $83,126.50 2. Distributor Projected Payment 5(July, 2025) $83,126.50 3. Distributor Projected Payment 6(July, 2026) $83,126.50 4. Distributor Projected Payment 7(July, 2027) $68,259.13 5. Distributor Projected Payment 8(July, 2028) $111,513.01 6. Distributor Projected Payment 9(July, 2029) $115,019.75 7. Distributor Projected Payment 10(July,2030) $115,019.75 8. Distributor Projected Payment 11(July,2031) $96,685.70 9. Distributor Projected Payment 12(July,2032) $96,685.70 10. Distributor Projected Payment 13(July,2033) $96,685.70 11. Distributor Projected Payment 14(July,2034) $96,685.70 12. Distributor Projected Payment 15(July,2035) $96,685.70 13. Distributor Projected Payment 16(July,2036) $96,685.70 14. Distributor Projected Payment 17(July,2037) $96,685.70 15. Distributor Projected Payment 18(July,2038) $96,685.70 C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Heidi Steinbach,Mason County Noxious Ext. 592 Weed Control Board Coordinator Department: WSU Extension Briefing: Action Agenda: ❑ Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): May 6,2024 Agenda Date: Click or tap here to enter text. Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ® Legal ❑ Information Tcchnology © Risk (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item: USDA Forest Service Participating Agreement No. 24-PA-11060900-042 between USDA Forest Service and Mason County. Background/Executive Summary: New participating Agreement in the amount of$35,000, executed as of date of last signature 2024 through September 30, 2026. This will allow Mason County Noxious Weed Control Board to expend the funds and control noxious weeds in Mason County and adjacent Federal Lands. This project is a continuation of a program for noxious weed control in Mason County and adjacent Federal Lands. The project includes activities to survey, identify, control and prevent the introduction and spread of noxious weeds, enhance and restore distributed or degraded land,coordinate actions and communication between local and Federal jurisdictions, and to engage and educate the public. Budget Impact(amount,funding source,budget amendment): $35,000 to budget revenue and expenditures, executed as of date of last signature 2024—September 30,2026.No impact to current 2024 budget. Public Outreach (news release,community meeting,etc.):N/A Requested Action: Place the Participating Agreement No. 24-PA-11060900-042 on the action agenda May 21, 2024 for approval and signature. Attachments: Participating Agreement No. 24-PA-11060900-042 U�S USDA,Forest Service OMB 056 FS-15 000-116 FS Agreement No. 24-PA-11060900-042 Cooperator Agreement No. PARTICIPATING AGREEMENT Between MASON COUNTY And The UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVICE OLYMPIC NATIONAL FOREST This PARTICIPATING AGREEMENT is hereby entered into by and between Mason County, hereinafter referred to as "the County," and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Forest Service, Olympic National Forest, hereinafter referred to as the"U.S. Forest Service,"under the authority: Cooperative Funds and Deposits Act of December 12, 1975, Pub.L. 94-148, 16 U.S.C. 565a1 —a3, as amended, and Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act of 2000, Public Law 106-393, 16 U.S.C. 500, as reauthorized and amended. Background: Invasive plants are becoming a threat to natural systems, including degrading terrestrial and aquatic habitats. The goal of this project is to protect and restore natural landscapes in Mason County by stopping the spread of noxious weed species, reducing existing populations, and preventing the introduction of additional exotic plants throughout Mason County. The primary method for accomplishing this will be through inventory and treatment of invasive plants. Additionally, the inspection of public and private rock sources throughout the County, efforts to restore and enhance the resiliency of disturbed native plant communities through planting and seeding of genetically local native species at selected sites on Federal lands, as well as public outreach and education will also be incorporated into this work. This project is a continuation of a program for noxious weed control in Mason County and adjacent Federal Lands. The project includes activities to survey, identify, control and prevent the introduction and spread of noxious weeds, enhance and restore disturbed or degraded land, coordinate actions and communication between local and Federal jurisdictions, and to engage and educate the public. Title: Invasive Plant Inventory Prevention and Control in Mason County I. PURPOSE: The purpose of this agreement is to document the cooperation between the parties is to coordinate and standardize weed control and restoration efforts across jurisdictional boundaries to minimize the negative impacts of noxious weeds and degraded habitat more effectively on (Rev. 9-15) Page 1 of 27 U�S USDA,Forest Service OMB 056 FS-15 000-116 watershed functions, wildlife habitat, human and animal health, and recreational activities, in accordance with the following provisions and the hereby incorporated Financial Plan, attached as Attachments A, B and C. II. STATEMENT OF MUTUAL BENEFIT AND INTERESTS: The U.S. Forest Service and the County both have the responsibility for managing non-native invasive plants on the lands under their jurisdiction. Since invasive plants originate from both public and private lands and infestations often occur on adjacent jurisdictions, it is in the interest of both parties under this agreement to work together in a cost-effective manner to accomplish common goals by locating and treating infestations, preventing their introduction and spread, planting and seeding native plants on disturbed or degraded lands to prevent establishment of invasive weeds and restore degraded habitat, and engaging the public related to these activities. In consideration of the above premises, the parties agree as follows: III. County SHALL: A. LEGAL AUTHORITY. The County shall have the legal authority to enter into this agreement, and the institutional, managerial, and financial capability to ensure proper planning, management, and completion of the project, which includes funds sufficient to pay the non-Federal share of project costs, when applicable. B. Perform the following activities for the entire period of this agreement, regardless as to whether any projects are cost-shared in a particular year. 1. Conduct or supervise the survey, treatment, and disposal (as appropriate) of noxious weeds on Federal lands, and on adjacent lands that may contribute to the introduction and spread of weeds to Federal lands. Treatment of weeds on Federal land will be done in a manner consistent with U.S. Forest Service policy and applicable environmental rules and documents. 2. Coordinate with the U.S. Forest Service Project Manager on development of a project list for the upcoming year by February 28th of each year. This will involve providing input to assist the U.S. Forest Service in identifying specific areas that are high priorities for treatment, survey, and monitoring for the upcoming year. 3. Meet prior to April 15th of each year with the U.S. Forest Service for the purpose of agreeing to specific projects that will be jointly performed and/or funded during that year. The County will also provide copies of County safety and herbicide spill plans at that time. The Project Work List will be mutually agreed upon and finalized by the project contacts before May V of each year. 4. Provide inventory and site location data in an electronic format, following U.S. Forest Service protocol, and complete the paper accomplishment forms provided by the U.S. Forest Service to document treatments, surveys and monitoring. (Rev. 9-15) Page 2 of 27 U�S USDA,Forest Service OMB 056 FS-15 000-116 5. Provide monthly communication via e-mail on invasive plant accomplishments to the U.S. Forest Service field representative during the inventory and treatment season(approximately April 15 —October 30). 6. Work cooperatively with local weed boards, private landowners, non-profits, and U.S. Forest Service personnel to control noxious weeds across jurisdictional boundaries. 7. As time and staffing allow, assist the U.S. Forest Service with other restoration activities related to weed management, such as seeding and planting. a. Restoration activities will be coordinated by U.S. Forest Service staff and will only utilize plant material appropriate to the sites, as determined by U.S. Forest Service staff. b. The U.S. Forest Service will provide tools and plant material (seed, plugs,plants)used for such activities. 8. For BIL-funded work, provide quarterly progress reports describing work completed no later than one month after the end of each quarter(see V. N and O. below). A year-end report that documents the work that has been carried out, overall program effectiveness and recommendations for treatment sites in the next year will be submitted no later than February 15th each year following the field season. 9. For non-BIL funded work, provide progress reports when invoices for reimbursement are submitted, and a year-end report that documents the work that has been carried out, overall program effectiveness and recommendations for treatment sites in the next year. Year-end report for BIL and non-BIL funded work can be combined into a single document,but accomplishments must be separated by funding source. IV. THE U.S. FOREST SERVICE SHALL: A. PAYMENT/REIMBURSEMENT. The U.S. Forest Service shall reimburse the County for the U.S. Forest Service's share of actual expenses incurred, not to exceed $35,000.00, as shown in the Financial Plan. In order to approve a Request for Reimbursement, the U.S. Forest Service shall review such requests to ensure payments for reimbursement are in compliance and otherwise consistent with the terms of the agreement. The U.S. Forest Service shall make payment upon receipt of the County's annual invoice. Each invoice from the County shall display the total project costs for the billing period, separated by U.S. Forest Service and the County 's share. In-kind contributions must be displayed as a separate line item and must not be included in the total project costs available for reimbursement. The final invoice must display the County's full match towards the project, as shown in the financial plan, and be submitted no later than 90 days from the expiration date. Each invoice must include, at a minimum: (Rev. 9-15) Page 3 of 27 U�S USDA,Forest Service OMB 056 FS-15 000-116 1. The County's name, address, and telephone number 2. U.S. Forest Service agreement number 3. Invoice date 4. Performance dates of the work completed(start& end) 5. Total invoice amount for the billing period, separated by the U.S. Forest Service and The County share with in-kind contributions displayed as a separate line item. 6. Display all costs, both cumulative and for the billing period,by separate cost element as shown on the financial plan. 7. Cumulative amount of U.S. Forest Service payments to date. 8. Statement that the invoice is a request for payment by"reimbursement" 9. If using SF-270, a signature is required. 10. Invoice Number, if applicable The invoice must be forwarded to: EMAIL: SM.FS.ASC GAAUSDA.GOV FAX: 877-687-4894 POSTAL: USDA Forest Service Budget& Finance - Grants and Agreements 4000 Masthead St,NE Albuquerque,NM 87109 Send a copy to: Cheryl Bartlett Olympic National Forest 1835 Black Lake Blvd SW Olympia, WA 98512 cheryl.bartlettAusda.gov B. Perform the following activities for the entire period of this agreement, regardless as to whether any projects are cost-shared in a particular year. 1. Initiate modifications, including a tracking number and financial plan, which will provide specifics for individual work projects and become an attachment to this Agreement. 2. Designate a project manager to coordinate U.S. Forest Service activities and facilitate communication between the parties. 3. Designate a qualified U.S. Forest Service field project representative to provide technical guidance and conduct field inspections. 4. Provide all native plant material, including plugs, containerized plants, and seed to be planted or sown on land managed by the Olympic National Forest(NF). Guidance for using this material, and tools needed to accomplish planting will be provided by staff from the Olympic NF. (Rev. 9-15) Page 4 of 27 U�S USDA,Forest Service OMB 056 FS-15 000-116 5. Provide National Environmental Policy Act requirements for the project, as needed, on National Forest sites. 6. Provide visitor information sites suitable for posting or distributing noxious weed education and awareness information. 7. Maintain a noxious weed GIS data layer of inventory, treatment, and monitoring activities. 8. Provide updated inventory and site location database forms that follow U.S. Forest Service protocol. 9. Provide to the County, a U.S. Forest Service radio for communications and safety. V. IT IS MUTUALLY UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED BY AND BETWEEN THE PARTIES THAT: A. PRINCIPAL CONTACTS. Individuals listed below are authorized to act in their respective areas for matters related to this agreement. Principal Cooperator Contacts: Cooperator Project Contact Cooperator Financial Contact Heidi Steinbach, Mason County Noxious Lisa DeWall, Mason County Extension, Weed Control Board Office Manager 303 N 4th Street 303 N 4th Street Shelton, WA 98584 Shelton, WA 98584 Telephone: 360-427-967OX592 Telephone: 360-427-967OX680 FAX: 360-427-7764 FAX: 360-427-7764 HSteinbach masoncoun a. ov lisad masoncount a. ov Principal U.S. Forest Service Contacts: U.S. Forest Service Program Manager U.S. Forest Service Administrative Contact Contact Cheryl Bartlett, Olympic National Forest Cassandra McCarthy 1835 Black Lake Blvd., SW Grants Management Specialist Olympia, WA 98512 Cassandra.mccarthykusda.gov Telephone: 3 60-956-2283 FAX: 360-956-2330 the l.bartlett usda. ov B. NOTICES. Any communications affecting the operations covered by this agreement given by the U.S. Forest Service or the County are sufficient only if in writing and delivered in person, mailed, or transmitted electronically by e-mail or fax, as follows: To the U.S. Forest Service Program Manager, at the address specified in the agreement. (Rev. 9-15) Page 5 of 27 U�S USDA,Forest Service OMB 056 FS-15 000-116 To the County, at the address shown in the agreement or such other address designated within the agreement. Notices are effective when delivered in accordance with this provision, or on the effective date of the notice, whichever is later. C. PARTICIPATION IN SIMILAR ACTIVITIES. This agreement in no way restricts the U.S. Forest Service or the County from participating in similar activities with other public or private agencies, organizations, and individuals. D. ENDORSEMENT. Any of the County's contributions made under this agreement do not by direct reference or implication convey U.S. Forest Service endorsement of the County's products or activities. E. USE OF U.S. FOREST SERVICE INSIGNIA. In order for the County to use the U.S. Forest Service Insignia on any published media, such as a Web page, printed publication, or audiovisual production,permission must be granted from the U.S. Forest Service's Office of Communications (Washington Office). A written request will be submitted by the U.S. Forest Service to the Office of Communications Assistant Director, Visual Information and Publishing Services, prior to use of the insignia. The U.S. Forest Service will notify the the County when permission is granted. F. NON-FEDERAL STATUS FOR COOPERATOR PARTICIPANT. The County agree(s)that any of the County's employees, volunteers, and program participants shall not be deemed to be Federal employees for any purposes including Chapter 171 of Title 28, United States Code (Federal Tort Claims Act) and Chapter 81 of Title 5, United States Code (OWCP), as the County hereby willingly agree(s) to assume these responsibilities. Further, the County shall provide any necessary training to the County's employees, volunteers, interns, and other program participants to ensure that such personnel are capable of performing tasks to be completed. The CountyThe County shall also supervise and direct the work of its employees, volunteers, interns and participants performing under this agreement. G. MEMBERS OF CONGRESS. Pursuant to 41 U.S.C. 22, no member of, or delegate to, Congress shall be admitted to any share or part of this agreement, or benefits that may arise therefrom, either directly or indirectly. H. NONDISCRIMINATION. In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity(including gender expression), (Rev. 9-15) Page 6 of 27 U�S USDA,Forest Service OMB 056 FS-15 000-116 sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, family/parental status, income derived from a public assistance program,political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity, in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA(not all bases apply to all programs). Remedies and complaint filing deadlines vary by program or incident. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information(e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.) should contact the responsible Agency or USDA's TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at(800) 877-8339. Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English. To file a program discrimination complaint, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, AD-3027, found online at How to File a Program Discrimination Complaint and at any USDA office or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632-9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by: (1) mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; (2) fax: (202) 690-7442; or(3) email: program.intake@usda.gov. USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender. I. ELIGIBLE WORKERS. The County shall ensure that all employees complete the 1-9 form to certify that they are eligible for lawful employment under the Immigration and Nationality Act(8 USC 1324a). The County shall comply with regulations regarding certification and retention of the completed forms. These requirements also apply to any contract awarded under this agreement. J. SYSTEM FOR AWARD MANAGEMENT REGISTRATION REQUIREMENT (SAM). The County shall maintain current information in the System for Award Management(SAM)until receipt of final payment. This requires review and update to the information at least annually after the initial registration, and more frequently if required by changes in information or agreement term(s). For purposes of this agreement, System for Award Management(SAM) means the Federal repository into which an entity must provide information required for the conduct of business as a Cooperative. Additional information about registration procedures may be found at the SAM Internet site at www.sam.gov. K. STANDARDS FOR FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT. 1. Financial Reporting (Rev. 9-15) Page 7 of 27 U�S USDA,Forest Service OMB 056 FS-15 000-116 The County shall provide complete, accurate, and current financial disclosures of the project or program in accordance with any financial reporting requirements, as set forth in the financial provisions. 2. Accounting Records The County shall continuously maintain and update records identifying the source and use of funds. The records shall contain information pertaining to the agreement, authorizations, obligations, unobligated balances, assets, outlays, and income. 3. Internal Control The County shall maintain effective control over and accountability for all U.S. Forest Service funds, real property, and personal property assets. The County shall keep effective internal controls to ensure that all United States Federal funds received are separately and properly allocated to the activities described in the agreement and used solely for authorized purposes. 4. Source Documentation The County shall support all accounting records with source documentation. These documentations include, but are not limited to, cancelled checks,paid bills, payrolls, contract and contract documents. These documents must be made available to the U.S. Forest Service upon request. L. INDIRECT COST RATES- PARTNERSHIP Indirect costs are approved for reimbursement or as a cost-share requirement and have an effective period applicable to the term of this agreement. 1. If the County has never received or does not currently have a negotiated indirect cost rate, they are eligible for a de minimis indirect cost rate up to 10 percent of modified total direct costs (MTDC). MTDC is defined as all salaries and wages, fringe benefits, materials and supplies, services, travel, and contracts up to the first $25,000 of each contract. 2. For rates greater than 10 percent and less than 25 percent, the County shall maintain documentation to support the rate. Documentation may include,but is not limited to, accounting records, audit results, cost allocation plan, letter of indirect cost rate approval from an independent accounting firm, or other Federal agency approved rate notice applicable to agreements. 3. For a rate greater than 25 percent, the U.S. Forest Service may require that request a federally approved rate from the County 's cognizant audit agency no later than 3 months after the effective date of the agreement. The County will be reimbursed for indirect costs or allowed to cost-share at the rate reflected (Rev. 9-15) Page 8 of 27 U�S USDA,Forest Service OMB 056 FS-15 000-116 in the agreement until the rate is formalized in the negotiated indirect cost rate (NICRA) at which time, reimbursements for prior indirect costs or cost-sharing may be subject to adjustment. 4. Failure to provide adequate documentation supporting the indirect cost rate, if requested, could result in disallowed costs and repayment to the U.S. Forest Service. M. AGREEMENT CLOSE-OUT. Within 90 days after expiration or notice of termination The County shall close out the agreement. Any unobligated balance of cash advanced to the County must be immediately refunded to the U.S. Forest Service, including any interest earned in accordance with 7CFR3016.21/2CFR 215.22. Within a maximum of 90 days following the date of expiration or termination of this agreement, all financial performance and related reports required by the terms of the agreement must be submitted to the U.S. Forest Service by the County. If this agreement is closed out without audit, the U.S. Forest Service reserves the right to disallow and recover an appropriate amount after fully considering any recommended disallowances resulting from an audit which may be conducted later. N. FINANCIAL STATUS REPORTS. A Federal Financial Report, form SF-425, must be submitted quarterly. The report is due 30 days afterthe reporting period ending March 31, June 30, September 30, December 31. The final SF-425 must be submitted either with the final payment request or no later than 120 days from the expiration date of the agreement. The form may be found at https://www. rg ants.gov/forms/post-award-reporting-fonns.html. O. PROGRAM MONITORING AND PROGRAM PERFORMANCE REPORTS. The parties to this agreement shall monitor the performance of the agreement activities to ensure that performance goals are being achieved. Performance reports must contain information on the following: -A comparison of actual accomplishments to the goals established for the period. Wherever the output of the project can be readily expressed in numbers, a computation of the cost per unit of output, if applicable. - Reason(s) for delay if established goals were not met. -Additional pertinent information. The Cooperator shall submit quarterly performance reports to the U.S. Forest Service Program Manager. These reports are due 30 days after the reporting period. The final performance report must be submitted either with Cooperator's final (Rev. 9-15) Page 9 of 27 U�S USDA,Forest Service OMB 056 FS-15 000-116 payment request, or separately,but not later than 120 days from the expiration date of the agreement. For non-BIL funded work: The County shall submit annual performance reports to the U.S. Forest Service Program Manager. These reports are due 90 days after the reporting period. The final performance report must be submitted either with the County's final payment request, or separately, but not later than 90 days from the expiration date of the agreement. P. RETENTION AND ACCESS REQUIREMENTS FOR RECORDS. The County shall retain all records pertinent to this agreement for a period of no less than 3 years from the expiration or termination date. As used in this provision, records includes books, documents, accounting procedures and practice, and other data, regardless of the type or format. The County shall provide access and the right to examine all records related to this agreement to the U.S. Forest Service, Inspector General, or Comptroller General or their authorized representative. The rights of access in this section must not be limited to the required retention period but must last as long as the records are kept. If any litigation, claim, negotiation, audit, or other action involving the records has been started before the end of the 3-year period, the records must be kept until all issues are resolved, or until the end of the regular 3-year period, whichever is later. Records for nonexpendable property acquired in whole or in part, with Federal funds must be retained for 3 years after its final disposition. Q. FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT (FOIA). Public access to grant or agreement records must not be limited, except when such records must be kept confidential and would have been exempted from disclosure pursuant to Freedom of Information regulations (5 U.S.C. 552). Requests for research data are subject to 2 CFR 215.36. Public access to culturally sensitive data and information of Federally-recognized Tribes may also be explicitly limited by P.L. 110-234, Title VIII Subtitle B §8106 (2008 Farm Bill). R. TEXT MESSAGING WHILE DRIVING. In accordance with Executive Order(EO) 13513, "Federal Leadership on Reducing Text Messaging While Driving," any and all text messaging by Federal employees is banned: a) while driving a Government owned vehicle (GOV) or driving a privately owned vehicle (POV) while on official Government business; or b)using any electronic equipment supplied by the Government when driving any vehicle at any time. All Cooperatives, their Employees, Volunteers, and Contractors are encouraged to adopt and enforce policies that ban text messaging when driving company owned, leased or rented vehicles, POVs or GOVs when driving while on official Government business or when performing any work for or on behalf of the Government. (Rev. 9-15) Page 10 of 27 U�S USDA,Forest Service OMB 056 FS-15 000-116 S. JUSTICE 40 INITIATIVE. Executive Order(EO) 14008, Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad, was signed on January 27, 2021. This EO commits federal agencies to providing 40% of federal benefits to disadvantaged communities. When the cooperator is considering a sub-award or contract to be executed under this agreement, the cooperator shall consider the requirements of EO 14008, section 223, OMB M-21-28 and OMB-23-09. T. PUBLIC NOTICES. It is The U.S. Forest Service's policy to inform the public as fully as possible of its programs and activities. The County is/are encouraged to give public notice of the receipt of this agreement and, from time to time, to announce progress and accomplishments. Press releases or other public notices should reference the Agency as follows: "The Invasive Plant Program of the Olympic National Forest of the U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture" The County may call on The U.S. Forest Service's Office of Communication for advice regarding public notices. The County is/are requested to provide copies of notices or announcements to the U.S. Forest Service Program Manager and to The U.S. Forest Service's Office of Communications as far in advance of release as possible. U. GOVERNMENT-FURNISHED PROPERTY. The County may only use U.S. Forest Service property furnished under this agreement for performing tasks assigned in this agreement. The County shall not modify, cannibalize, or make alterations to U.S. Forest Service property. A separate document, Form AD-107, must be completed to document the loan of U.S. Forest Service property. The U.S. Forest Service shall retain title to all U.S. Forest Service-furnished property. Title to U.S. Forest Service property must not be affected by its incorporation into or attachment to any property not owned by the U.S. Forest Service, nor must the property become a fixture or lose its identity as personal property by being attached to any real property. Liability for Government Property. 1. Unless otherwise provided for in the agreement, the County shall not be liable for loss, damage, destruction, or theft to the Government property furnished or acquired under this contract, except when any one of the following applies: a. The risk is covered by insurance or the County is/are otherwise reimbursed (to the extent of such insurance or reimbursement). b. The loss, damage, destruction, or theft is the result of willful misconduct or lack of good faith on the part of the County's managerial personnel. The County's managerial personnel, in this provision,means the County's directors, officers, managers, superintendents, or equivalent representatives who have supervision or direction of all or substantially all of the County's business; all or substantially all of the County's operation at any one plant or separate location; or a separate and complete major industrial operation. (Rev. 9-15) Page 11 of 27 U�S USDA,Forest Service OMB 056 FS-15 000-116 2. The County shall take all reasonable actions necessary to protect the Government property from further loss, damage, destruction, or theft. The County shall separate the damaged and undamaged Government property, place all the affected Government property in the best possible order, and take such other action as the Property Administrator directs. 3. The County shall do nothing to prejudice the Government's rights to recover against third parties for any loss, damage, destruction, or theft of Government property. 4. Upon the request of the Grants Management Specialist, the County shall, at the Government's expense, furnish to the Government all reasonable assistance and cooperation, including the prosecution of suit and the execution of agreements of assignment in favor of the Government in obtaining recovery. V. U.S. FOREST SERVICE ACKNOWLEDGED IN PUBLICATIONS, AUDIOVISUALS AND ELECTRONIC MEDIA. The County shall acknowledge U.S. Forest Service support in any publications, audiovisuals, and electronic media developed as a result of this agreement. W. NONDISCRIMINATION STATEMENT—PRINTED, ELECTRONIC, OR AUDIOVISUAL MATERIAL. The County shall include the following statement, in full, in any printed, audiovisual material, or electronic media for public distribution developed or printed with any Federal funding. In accordance with Federal law and U.S.Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin,sex, age, or disability. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call toll free voice (866) 632- 9992, TDD (800) 877-8339, or voice relay (866) 377-8642. USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. If the material is too small to permit the full statement to be included, the material must, at minimum, include the following statement, in print size no smaller than the text: "This institution is an equal opportunity provider." X. REMEDIES FOR COMPLIANCE RELATED ISSUES. If the County materially fail(s) to comply with any term of the agreement, whether stated in a Federal statute or regulation, an assurance, or the agreement, the U.S. Forest Service may take one or more of the following actions: 1. Temporarily withhold cash payments pending correction of the deficiency by the County or more severe enforcement action by the U.S. Forest Service; (Rev. 9-15) Page 12 of 27 U�S USDA,Forest Service OMB 056 FS-15 000-116 2. Disallow(that is, deny both use of funds and matching credit for) all or part of the cost of the activity or action not in compliance; 3. Wholly or partly suspend or terminate the current agreement for the County's program; 4. Withhold further awards for the program, or 5. Take other remedies that may be legally available, including debarment procedures under 2 CFR part 417. Y. TERMINATION BY MUTUAL AGREEMENT. This agreement may be terminated, in whole or part, as follows: 1. When the U.S. Forest Service and the County agree upon the termination conditions, including the effective date and, in the case of partial termination, the portion to be terminated. 2. By 30 days written notification by the County to the U.S. Forest Service setting forth the reasons for termination, effective date, and in the case of partial termination, the portion to be terminated. If the U.S. Forest Service decides that the remaining portion of the agreement will not accomplish the purposes for which the agreement was made, the U.S. Forest Service may terminate the agreement in its entirety. Upon termination of an agreement, the County shall not incur any new obligations for the terminated portion of the agreement after the effective date, and shall cancel as many outstanding obligations as possible. The U.S. Forest Service shall allow full credit to the County for the U.S. Forest Service share of obligations that cannot be cancelled and were properly incurred by the County up to the effective date of the termination. Excess funds must be refunded within 60 days after the effective date of termination. Z. ALTERNATE DISPUTE RESOLUTION—PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT. In the event of any issue of controversy under this agreement, the parties may pursue Alternate Dispute Resolution procedures to voluntarily resolve those issues. These procedures may include, but are not limited to conciliation, facilitation, mediation, and fact finding. AA. DEBARMENT AND SUSPENSION. The County shall immediately inform the U.S. Forest Service if they or any of their principals are presently excluded, debarred, or suspended from entering into covered transactions with the Federal Government according to the terms of 2 CFR Part 180. Additionally, should the County or any of their principals receive a transmittal letter or other official Federal notice of debarment or suspension, then they shall notify the U.S. Forest Service without undue (Rev. 9-15) Page 13 of 27 U�S USDA,Forest Service OMB 056 FS-15 000-116 delay. This applies whether the exclusion, debarment, or suspension is voluntary or involuntary. BB. MODIFICATIONS. Modifications within the scope of this agreement must be made by mutual consent of the parties, by the issuance of a written modification signed and dated by all properly authorized, signatory officials,prior to any changes being performed. Requests for modification should be made, in writing, at least 60 days prior to implementation of the requested change. The U.S. Forest Service is not obligated to fund any changes not properly approved in advance. CC. COMMENCEMENT/EXPIRATION DATE. This agreement is executed as of the date of the last signature and is effective through September 30,2026 at which time it will expire. The expiration date is the final date for completion of all work activities under this agreement. DD. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVES. By signature below, each party certifies that the individuals listed in this document as representatives of the individual parties are authorized to act in their respective areas for matters related to this agreement. In Witness Whereof, the parties hereto have executed this agreement as of the last date written below. RANDY NEATHERLIN, County Commissioner's Chair, Date Mason County KELLY D. LAWRENCE, Forest Supervisor Date U.S. Forest Service, Olympic National Forest The authority and format of this agreement (24-PA-11060900-042)have been reviewed and approved for signature. 4/22/24 MICHAEL K. GADDIS Date U.S. Forest Service Grants Management Specialist Burden Statement According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995,an agency may not conduct or sponsor,and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0596-0217. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 4 hours per response,including the time for reviewing instructions,searching existing data sources,gathering and maintaining the data needed,and completing and reviewing the collection of information. The U.S.Department of Agriculture(USDA)prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race,color,national origin,age,disability,and where applicable,sex,marital status,familial status,parental status,religion,sexual orientation,genetic information,political beliefs,reprisal,or because all or part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require (Rev. 9-15) Page 14 of 27 11�5 USDA,Forest Service OMB 056 FS-15 000-116 alternative means for communication of program information(Braille,large print,audiotape,etc.)should contact USDA's TARGET Center at 202-720-2600(voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination,write USDA,Director,Office of Civil Rights,1400 Independence Avenue,SW,Washington,DC 20250-9410 or call toll free (866)632-9992(voice). TDD users can contact USDA through local relay or the Federal relay at(800)877-8339(TDD)or(866)377-8642(relay voice). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. (Rev. 9-15) Page 15 of 27 U.S. Forest Service OMB 0596-0217 FS-1500-17B Attachment:JA USFS Agreement No.: 24-PA-11060900-042 Mod. No.: Cooperator Agreement No.: Note: This Financial Plan may be used when: (1) No program income is expected and (2) The Cooperator is not giving cash to the FS and 3 There is no other Federal funding Agreements Financial Plan (Short Form) Financial Plan Matrix: Note: All columns may not be used. Use depends on source and type of contribution(s). FOREST SERVICE CONTRIBUTIONS COOPERATOR CONTRIBUTIONS (a) (b) (c) (d) Cash COST ELEMENTS Noncash to Noncash In-Kind (e) Direct Costs Cooperator Total Salaries/Labor $802.89 $3,911.96 $1,137.92 $0.00 $5,852.77 Travel $0.00 $167.50 $167.50 $0.00 $335.00 Equipment $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Supplies/Materials $500.00 $123.99 $100.00 $0.00 $723.99 Printing $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Other $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Other $0.00 Subtotal $1,302.89 $4,203.45 $1,405.42 $0.00 $6,911.76 Coop Indirect Costs $796.55 $266.33 $1,062.88 FS Overhead Costs $208.46 $208.46 Total $1,511.35 $5,000.00 $1,671.75 $0.00 Total Project Value: $8,183.10 Matching Costs Determination Total Forest Service Share = (f) (a+b)_(e)_(0 79.57% Total Cooperator Share (g) (c+d)_(e)_(g) 20.43% Total (f+g) _ (h) (h) 100.00% Page 16 of 27 WORKSHEET FOR FS Non-Cash Contribution Cost Analysis, Column a Salaries/Labor Standard Calculation Job Description I Cost/Day 1#of Days I ITotal Invasive Plant Program Coordinator $348.88 1.00 $348.88 Forest Botanist $454.01 1.00 $454.01 Total Salaries/Labor I I $802.89 Travel Standard Calculation Travel Expense lEmployees Cost/Trip 1#of Trips I ITotal Total Travel I $0.00 Supplies/Materials Standard Calculation Supplies/Materials 1 1#of Items I Lump Sum ITotal Planting/Seeding $500.00 $500.00 Total Supplies/Materials I $500.00 Other Expenses Standard Calculation Item 1#of Units Cost/Unit I ITotal Total Other I I $0.00 Subtotal Direct Costs $15302.89 Forest Service Overhead Costs Current Overhead Rate ISubtotal Direct Costs I I ITotal 16.00% $1,302.89 $208.46 Total FS Overhead Costs 1 1 $208.46 TOTAL COST $1 ,511 .35 Page 17 of 27 WORKSHEET FOR FS Cash to the Cooperator Cost Analysis, Column b Salaries/Labor Standard Calculation Job Description I Cost/Day 1#of Days I ITotal MCNWCB Coordinator $349.96 5.00 $1,749.80 Crewmember $196.56 11.00 $2,162.16 Total Salaries/Labor $3,911.96 Travel Standard Calculation Travel Expense lEmployees Cost/Trip 1#of Trips I ITotal Travel to/from worksites 200 miles X 0.67/mile $167.50 Total Travel I $167.50 Supplies/Materials Standard Calculation Supplies/Materials 1#of Items Cost/Item I Total PPE, herbicide, hand pruners, heavy garbage bags, etc. 1.00 $123.99 $123.99 Total Supplies/Materials $123.99 Other Expenses Standard Calculation Item 1 1#of Units Cost/Unit I ITotal Total Other I I $0.00 Subtotal Direct Costs $4,203.45 Cooperator Indirect Costs Current Overhead Rate ISubtotal Direct Costs I I Total 18.95% $4,203.45 $796.55 Total Coop. Indirect Costs $796.55 TOTAL COST $53000.00 Page 18 of 27 WORKSHEET FOR Cooperator Non-Cash Contribution Cost Analysis, Column c Salaries/Labor Standard Calculation Job Description Cost/Day #of Days Total MCNWCB Coordinator $349.96 2.00 $699.92 Office Mgr—Contract Admin $438.00 1.00 $438.00 Total Salaries/Labor 1 $1,137.92 Travel Standard Calculation Travel Expense lEmployees Cost/Trip 1#of Trips I ITotal Travel to/from worksite 200 miles X 0.67/mile $167.50 Total Travel 1 $167.50 Supplies/Materials Standard Calculation Supplies/Materials 1 1#of Items Cost/Item ITotal PPE/Field Supplies/herbicide 1.00 $100.00 $100.00 Total Supplies/Materials 1 $100.00 Other Expenses Standard Calculation Item 1#of Units Cost/Unit I ITotal Total Other I 1 $0.00 Subtotal Direct Costs $1 ,405.42 Cooperator Indirect Costs Current Overhead Rate ISubtotal Direct Costs Total 18.95% $1,405.42 $266.33 Total Coop. Indirect Costs $266.33 TOTAL COST $15671 .75 Page 19 of 27 U.S. Forest Service OMB 0596-0217 FS-1500-17B Attachment: B USFS Agreement No.: 24-PA-11060900-042 Mod. No.: Cooperator Agreement No.: Note: This Financial Plan may be used when: (1) No program income is expected and (2) The Cooperator is not giving cash to the FS and 3 There is no other Federal funding Agreements Financial Plan (Short Form) Financial Plan Matrix: Note: All columns may not be used. Use depends on source and type of contribution(s). FOREST SERVICE CONTRIBUTIONS COOPERATOR CONTRIBUTIONS (a) (b) (c) (d) Cash COST ELEMENTS Noncash to Noncash In-Kind (e) Direct Costs Cooperator Total Salaries/Labor $1,500.65 $7,823.92 $1,837.84 $0.00 $11,162.41 Travel $0.00 $268.00 $268.00 $0.00 $536.00 Equipment $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Supplies/Materials $250.00 $314.97 $425.00 $0.00 $989.97 Printing $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Other $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Other $0.00 Subtotal $1,750.65 $8,406.89 $2,530.84 $0.00 $12,688.38 Coop Indirect Costs $1,593.11 $479.59 $2,072.70 FS Overhead Costs $280.10 $280.10 Total $2,030.75 $10,000.00 $3,010.43 $0.00 Total Project Value: $15,041.18 Matching Costs Determination Total Forest Service Share = (f) (a+b)_(e)_(0 79.99% Total Cooperator Share (g) (c+d)_(e)_(g) 20.01% Total (f+g) _ (h) (h) 100.00% Page 20 of 27 WORKSHEET FOR FS Non-Cash Contribution Cost Analysis, Column a Salaries/Labor Standard Calculation Job Description I Cost/Day 1#of Days I ITotal Invasive Plant Program Coordinator $348.88 3.00 $1,046.64 Forest Botanist $454.01 1.00 $454.01 Total Salaries/Labor I 1 $1,500.65 Travel Standard Calculation Travel Expense lEmployees Cost/Trip 1#of Trips I ITotal Total Travel I $0.00 Supplies/Materials Standard Calculation Supplies/Materials 1 1#of Items I Lump Sum ITotal Planting/Seeding $250.00 $250.00 Total Supplies/Materials I $250.00 Other Expenses Standard Calculation Item 1#of Units Cost/Unit I ITotal Total Other I I $0.00 Subtotal Direct Costs $15750.65 Forest Service Overhead Costs Current Overhead Rate ISubtotal Direct Costs I I ITotal 16.00% $1,750.65 $280.10 Total FS Overhead Costs 1 1 $280.10 TOTAL COST $29030.75 Page 21 of 27 WORKSHEET FOR FS Cash to the Cooperator Cost Analysis, Column b Salaries/Labor Standard Calculation Job Description I Cost/Day 1#of Days I ITotal MCNWCB Coordinator $349.96 10.00 $3,499.60 Crewmember $196.56 22.00 $4,324.32 Total Salaries/Labor $7,823.92 Travel Standard Calculation Travel Expense lEmployees Cost/Trip 1#of Trips I ITotal Travel to/from worksites 400 miles X 0.67/mile $268.00 Total Travel I $268.00 Supplies/Materials Standard Calculation Supplies/Materials 1#of Items Cost/Item I Total PPE, herbicide, hand pruners, heavy garbage bags, etc. 1.00 $314.97 $314.97 Total Supplies/Materials $314.97 Other Expenses Standard Calculation Item 1 1#of Units Cost/Unit I ITotal Total Other I I $0.00 Subtotal Direct Costs $8,406.89 Cooperator Indirect Costs Current Overhead Rate ISubtotal Direct Costs I I Total 18.95% $8,406.89 $1,593.11 Total Coop. Indirect Costs $1,593.11 TOTAL COST $107000.00 Page 22 of 27 WORKSHEET FOR Cooperator Non-Cash Contribution Cost Analysis, Column c Salaries/Labor Standard Calculation Job Description Cost/Day #of Days Total MCNWCB Coordinator $349.96 4.00 $1,399.84 Office Mgr—Contract Admin $438.00 1.00 $438.00 Total Salaries/Labor 1 $1,837.84 Travel Standard Calculation Travel Expense lEmployees Cost/Trip 1#of Trips I ITotal Travel to/from worksite 400 miles X 0.67/mile $268.00 Total Travel 1 $268.00 Supplies/Materials Standard Calculation Supplies/Materials 1 1#of Items Cost/Item I Total PPE/Field Supplies/herbicide 1.00 $400.00 $400.00 Office Supplies 1.00 $25.00 $25.00 Total Supplies/Materials $425.00 Other Expenses Standard Calculation Item 1#of Units Cost/Unit I ITotal Total Other I 1 $0.00 Subtotal Direct Costs $2,530.84 Cooperator Indirect Costs Current Overhead Rate ISubtotal Direct Costs I ITotal 18.95% $2,530.84 $479.59 Total Coop. Indirect Costs $479.59 TOTAL COST $35010.43 Page 23 of 27 U.S. Forest Service OMB 0596-0217 FS-1500-17B Attachment: C USFS Agreement No.: 24-PA-11060900-042 Mod. No.: Cooperator Agreement No.: Note: This Financial Plan may be used when: (1) No program income is expected and (2) The Cooperator is not giving cash to the FS and 3 There is no other Federal funding Agreements Financial Plan (Short Form) Financial Plan Matrix: Note: All columns may not be used. Use depends on source and type of contribution(s). FOREST SERVICE CONTRIBUTIONS COOPERATOR CONTRIBUTIONS (a) (b) (c) (d) Cash COST ELEMENTS Noncash to Noncash In-Kind (e) Direct Costs Cooperator Total Salaries/Labor $1,151.77 $15,647.84 $3,675.68 $0.00 $20,475.29 Travel $0.00 $469.00 $469.00 $0.00 $938.00 Equipment $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Supplies/Materials $250.00 $696.95 $440.00 $0.00 $1,386.95 Printing $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Other $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Other $0.00 Subtotal $1,401.77 $16,813.79 $4,584.68 $0.00 $22,800.24 Coop Indirect Costs $3,186.21 $868.80 $4,055.01 FS Overhead Costs $224.28 $224.28 Total $1,626.05 $20,000.00 $5,453.48 $0.00 Total Project Value: $27,079.53 Matching Costs Determination Total Forest Service Share = (f) (a+b)_(e)_(0 79.86% Total Cooperator Share (g) (c+d)_(e)_(g) 20.14% Total (f+g) _ (h) (h) 100.00% Page 24 of 27 WORKSHEET FOR FS Non-Cash Contribution Cost Analysis, Column a Salaries/Labor Standard Calculation Job Description I Cost/Day 1#of Days I ITotal Invasive Plant Program Coordinator $348.88 2.00 $697.76 Forest Botanist $454.01 1.00 $454.01 Total Salaries/Labor I 1 $1,151.77 Travel Standard Calculation Travel Expense lEmployees Cost/Trip 1#of Trips I ITotal Total Travel I $0.00 Supplies/Materials Standard Calculation Supplies/Materials 1 1#of Items I Lump Sum ITotal Planting/Seeding $250.00 $250.00 Total Supplies/Materials I $250.00 Other Expenses Standard Calculation Item 1#of Units Cost/Unit I ITotal Total Other I I $0.00 Subtotal Direct Costs $15401 .77 Forest Service Overhead Costs Current Overhead Rate ISubtotal Direct Costs I I ITotal 16.00% $1,401.77 $224.28 Total FS Overhead Costs 1 1 $224.28 TOTAL COST $19626.05 Page 25 of 27 WORKSHEET FOR FS Cash to the Cooperator Cost Analysis, Column b Salaries/Labor Standard Calculation Job Description I Cost/Day 1#of Days I ITotal MCNWCB Coordinator $349.96 20.00 $6,999.20 Crewmember $196.56 44.00 $8,648.64 Total Salaries/Labor $15,647.84 Travel Standard Calculation Travel Expense lEmployees Cost/Trip 1#of Trips I ITotal Travel to/from worksites 700 miles X 0.67/mile $469.00 Total Travel I $469.00 Supplies/Materials Standard Calculation Supplies/Materials 1#of Items Cost/Item I Total PPE, herbicide, hand pruners, heavy garbage bags, etc. $696.95 $696.95 Total Supplies/Materials $696.95 Other Expenses Standard Calculation Item 1 1#of Units Cost/Unit I ITotal Total Other I I $0.00 Subtotal Direct Costs $16,813.79 Cooperator Indirect Costs Current Overhead Rate ISubtotal Direct Costs I I Total 18.95% $16,813.79 $3,186.21 Total Coop. Indirect Costs $3,186.21 TOTAL COST $207000.00 Page 26 of 27 WORKSHEET FOR Cooperator Non-Cash Contribution Cost Analysis, Column c Salaries/Labor Standard Calculation Job Description Cost/Day #of Days Total MCNWCB Coordinator $349.96 8.00 $2,799.68 Office Mgr—Contract Admin $438.00 2.00 $876.00 Total Salaries/Labor 1 $3,675.68 Travel Standard Calculation Travel Expense lEmployees Cost/Trip 1#of Trips I ITotal Travel to/from worksite 700 miles X 0.67/mile $469.00 Total Travel 1 $469.00 Supplies/Materials Standard Calculation Supplies/Materials 1 1#of Items Cost/Item ITotal PPE/Field Supplies/herbicide 1.00 $400.00 $400.00 Office Supplies 1.00 $40.00 $40.00 Total Supplies/Materials $440.00 Other Expenses Standard Calculation Item 1 1#of Units Cost/Unit I ITotal Total Other I 1 $0.00 Subtotal Direct Costs $4,584.68 Cooperator Indirect Costs Current Overhead Rate ISubtotal Direct Costs I Total 18.95% $4,584.68 $868.80 Total Coop. Indirect Costs $868.80 TOTAL COST $55453.48 Page 27 of 27 MASON COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS COMMISSIONER BRIEFING May 6, 2024 �N C� Action Items• ■ Intention to create Road Improvement District(RID)No. 2024-01 for Shetland Road. Discussion Items: ■ Road Vacation No. 415 ■ Landfill post-closure monitoring requirements completed—May 1, 2024 Commissioner Follow-Up Items: Upcoming Items• 515-5111 Drinking Water Week 5/7 Public Hearing on new water and sewer rate structures and Code Updates 5/7 Public Hearing on Road Standards and Ch. 10, 12 and 14 and adopting Public Works Fee Schedule 5/19 -5/25 Public Works Week 5/23 Fill the Public Works Truck Events 9am to 2:30pm Locations: Walmart Supercenter NW Corner of 7th &Railroad Ave. Belfair QFC C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Mike Collins,PLS,PE, County Engineer Ext.450 Department: Public Works Briefing: 0 Action Agenda: 0 Public Hearing: 0 Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): May 6,2024 Agenda Date: May 21,2024, and July 2,2024 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources 0 Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Risk(This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑No ❑ Tabled❑No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item: Intention to create Road Improvement District(RID)No. 2024-01 for Shetland Road Background/Executive Summary: Sunny Woods Homeowners' Association submitted petitions for Shetland Road (currently a privately maintained road)to become a county road by formation of a Road Improvement District (RID). The petitions are signed by owners of the real property aggregating a majority of both lineal frontage upon the improvement and the area of the proposed RID. (RCW 36.88.020) The petitions have met the required criteria of the majority of the road frontage being largely in favor of the formation of the RID. Property owners may withdraw their names from the petition or add their names thereto at any time prior to five o'clock p.m. of the day before the hearing. (RCW 36.88.050 and 36.88.060) Public Works provided a diagram of the proposed RID, preliminary cost estimates, RID procedures, and Statutes to the Sunny Woods Homeowners' Association. Budget Impact: Bonds would be sold to finance the RID and special assessments on property owners within the RID are collected and used to pay the bond debt that will include 6% interest on the bond. (interest rate is an estimate, actual rate to be determined) Public Outreach: The Resolution of Intent will be published in the Shelton-Mason County Journal two times per RCW 36.88.050. A notification, along with the resolution of intent will be mailed out to property owners or reputed owners as shown on tax rolls of county treasurer at least 15-days prior to the hearing date. Property owners may withdraw or add their names to the petition at any time prior to 5:00pm of the day before the July 2, 2024, hearing date. cqi Mason County Agenda Request Form Requested Action: Requesting the Board approves: 1. the petition sufficient for the Road Improvement District (RID)project of Shetland Road and finds the property within the proposed district to be sufficiently developed in relation to statutory requirements. 2. to proceed with a resolution of intention setting a hearing for July 2, 2024, at 9:15am to consider public comment on the proposed formation of a Road Improvement District No. 2024- 01 to improve Shetland Road and become part of the County Road System. Attachments: 1. Resolution of Intent 2. Notice 3. Map 4. Engineers Estimate for Shetland Road RID 2023 5. RID procedures for initiation by petition MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 100 W PUBLIC WORKS DRIVE SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584 Phone(360)427-9670 ext. 450 Fax(360)427-7783 N C Notice of Adoption of a Resolution of Intention to Create a Road Improvement District (RID) And Notice of Public Hearing MASON COUNTY MISSION The Board of County Commissioners adopted Resolution No. 23- , a copy of The mission of Mason which is included with this notice, on May , 2024. The resolution declares County Government is to provide essential& Mason County's intention to create a Road Improvement District to be known as RID mandated services which No. 2024-01—Shetland Road. A public hearing has been scheduled in order for the will preserve&benefit the health,safety&welfare of Board to ascertain the feasibility of the proposed RID, to determine whether the the general public in a benefits to be derived therefrom exceed the costs and expense, to select the method professional and courteous manner through the effective of assessment, and to consider all other matters pertaining to the improvement. and equitable management of available public resources. As a property owner within this improvement district you may withdraw your name from the petition or add your name thereto no later than 5:00 p.m. Monday July 1, Mason County recognizes 2024. that its employees& volunteers are the foundation upon which Public testimony is invited at the hearing which will be held: these services are provided. Tuesday,July 2, 2024 at 9:15 am Mason County Commissioners Chambers 411 North St" Street Shelton, Washington The proposed RID involves the improvement of: • Shetland Road—located in Section 16, and 21, Township 21 North, Range 3 East, W.M., Mason County, Washington, from Milepost 0.306 to Milepost 1.670. The total estimated cost and expense of this improvement is $365,000. This estimated amount includes mobilization, drainage, grading, CSTC, double shot chip seal, engineering and survey crews and new signs and striping; all which by law are required to be included in the expense of the district. The estimated assessment for your property is shown on the enclosed sheet. Actual assessments may vary from assessment estimates so long as they do not exceed a figure equal to the increased true and fair value the improvement adds to the property. If you have questions, please call the Mason County Public Works Department at (360) 427-9670, Ext. 450. Notice provided by: Mason County Public Works SHETLAND RD RID MARCH 25 2024 TATE OF WASHINGTO LANDMAN STATE OF WASHINGTON 32116-75-00140 32116-75-00330 32116-76-00560 TATE OF WASHINGTO Petition Status:NR RIDER Petition Status:yes Petition Status:NR 32116-75-00130 TATE OF WASHINGTO 32116-31-90171 32116-75-00150 TATE OF WASHINGTO Petition Status:no STATE OF WASHINGTON BROWN Petition Status:NR 32116-75-00160 32116-76-00550 Petition Status:NR Petition Status:NR STATE OF WASHINGTON STATE OF WASHINGTON Petition Status:NR 32116-76-00540 32116-75-90181 32116-76-00570 Petition Status:NR Petition Status:NR STATE OF WASHINGTON Petition Status:NR 32116-75-90322 Petition Status:NR STATE OF WASHINGTON E SUNNY WOODS DR 32116-75-90321 It Petition Status:NR E SPIRIT CT WEST] E SPIRIT CT EAST ACKERMAN FFERNICK ET UX STATE OF WASHINGTON ON 32116-75-90182 32116-76-00580 32116-76-00520 Petition Status:NR STATE OF WASHINGTON Petition Status:NR Petition Status:yes 32116-75-90323 Petition Status:NR STRICKLAND HOLM 32116-75-00120 Z BAILEY 32116-75-90324 Petition Status:NR rJ 32116-75-00210 Petition Status:NR Petition Status:yes KASPER 32116 76-0530 X >— BREWER ET VIR 32116-76-00590 2116-76-00510 Petition Status:yes J Petition Status:NR etition Status:y STATE OF WASHINGTON D 32116-75-00190 cr Petition Status:NR STATE OF WASHINGTON ON 32116 75 Z GUTIERREZ 32116-75-00200 Petition Status:NR LONG Petition Status:yes I` S FFERNICK ET X LANZ 5- UX Y TYLER 321on St 005y 116-76-0048 32116 6-00460 32116-75-00110 H SE ERNICK ET X LA BER Petition Status:no W 32116-75-00220 Q etition Status: Petition Status:yes �(/ 32 6-76-00500 AGEEV 1999 FAMILY TRUST Pe'' Status:ye etition Status: es Petitio Status:yes Q 32116-76-00600 UST 08068 LAUBER 116-76-0047 116-76-004 STATE OF WASHINGTON Qy Petition Status:yes etition Status: s P tition Status: s STEGGELL 32116-75-00290 KASPER PHILLIPS 32116 75 90103 3211HILLI Petition Status:NR 32116-76-00510 Petition Status:yes Petition Status:yes Petition Status:yes LANZ ET UX PLUNKETT BOE 32116-75-00230 STATE OF WASHINGTON J?� CHANDLER 32116-75-90104 32116-75-90102 Petition Status:yes 32116-75-00280 y 32116-76-00610 Petition Status:yes Petition Status:NR Petition Status: Petition Status:yes CHESLEDON es Y PINKERTON 32116-34-90251 TYLER TYLER 32116-75-00240 Petition Status:yes HERMAN 32116-76-00490 32116-76-00500 Petition Status:NR 32116-75-00270 E SUNN Petition Status:yes etition Status:yes Petition Status:yes Y WOOD KING ET AL SMITH DR 32116-75-90092 32116-75-90091 CHESLEDON TYLER Petition Status:yes Petition Status:no 32116-34-90254 32116-76-00490 Petition Sta s:: es LATHROP LATHROP m Petition Status:yes 32116-43-90361 32116-43-90362 TRIMBLE Petition Status:yes Petition Status:yes 32116-76-00370 z E SUNNY WOODS RD WEST REESE Petition Status:yes TRIMBLE • 32116-76-00370 MCBRIDE MYERS 2116-75-90023 etition Status:ye !y Petition Status:yes WALKER 32116-76-00420 32116-76-00430 GLEASON NOWACKI 32116-76-00410 etition Status:ye petition Status:N REESE e 32116-76-00440 32116-33-90081 CHIN 32116-75-90022 'RI SIZEMORE etition Status:ye etition Status:ye Petition Status:NR 32116-75-90021 etition Status:ye 32116-76-90381 Petition Status:yes GREER 0 Petition Status:no 32116-76-00350 CHAVEZ ET UX �, Petition Status: 32116-76-90382 MARQUIN Status:yes AMANN ET VI MATH M&M LIVING TRUST Y Petition Status:NR 2116-76-00 0 32116-75-00070 32116-75-00060 32116-75-00050 FRIZZELL CADLE etition Statu yes Petition Status:NR Petition Status:NR Petition Status:NR 32116-75-00030 32116-76-00390 AC URATE DEVELOPMENT NC Petition Status:yes Petition Status:ye MITCHELL NOWACKI 32116-75-00040 32116-75-90011 32116-33-90082 Petition Status:NR Petition Status:NR CADLE Petition Status:NR PETERS 32116-76-00390 MCBRIDE MYERS GLEASON Petition Status:yes WALKER 32116-76-00420 32116-76-00430 32116-76-00340 32116-76-00440 FOSS Petition Status:yes 32116-76-00410 etition Status:ye etition Status:N etition Status:ye 32116-75-90012 etition Status:ye Petition Status:NR MARQUIN 32116-76-00400 United States of America Petition Status:yes 32121-20-00010 Petition Status:NR Z J H W 2 CO W Eagle 32121-22-00010 Heckert Kernan Living Trust Petition Status:yes 32121-21-00010 32121-12-00010 Kernan Living Trust Petition Status:NR Petition Status:yes 32121-11-00010 Petition Status:yes Sylvan Investments,LLC Sylvan Investments,LLC 32121-23-00010 32121-24-00010 Petition Status:yes Petition Status:yes Hicks JLCG LLC,an Ohio limited liability company 32121-13-90120 32121-14-00000 Petition Status:yes Petition Status:NR Hicks 32121-13-90110 Petition Status:yes Cascade Natural Gas Corp Legend 00010 32tion St tus:yeSylvan Investments, LLC Petition Status:yes 32121-32-00010 Petition Status:yes WADNR Petition Status Cranberry Lake Foundation 32121-41-00020 noresponse Petition Status:yes no Sylvan Investments,LLC 32121-34-00010 Petition Status:yes yes E. Cranberry Lake Foundation BALMORAL WAY 32121-43-00010 Petition Status:yes Sylvan Investments, LLC 32121-33-00010 Petition Status:yes ' �eq<tiIO Lake Le P2chaun R a E Pq�S�FY CO W SAP Sylvan Investments,LLC 'V w v 32121-34-00020 � Q' Petition Status:yes O� W F SyFT qNo RD �� LE SHETLAND- RD 2 _ Q�. 0 0 . 125 0 .25 0.5 Miles berry Cr ck Sources: Esri, HERE, Garmin, USGS, Intermap, INCREMENT P, NRCan, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China(Hong Kong), Esri Korea, Esri(Thailand), NGCC,(c) ��_ .,%C wo ��. 9� MASON COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT N\9`rO COS ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE Project: Shetland Road RID 1.3 miles CRP No. Working Days: I RAP Project No: Road No. Made By:j mwc Date:1 10/23/23 1 Checked By: Date: MP 1.30 Item No. Std.Item Description Total Qty. Units Unit Cost Total Cost No. Per Item MOBILIZATION 1 Mobilization 1.00 L.F. $15,000.00 1$15,000.00 2 Clearing and Grubbing 1.00 L.S. $5,000.00 $5,000.00 DRAINAGE 3 Replace 3 culverts place 18"x50 each 150.00 L.F. $60.00 $9,000.00 GRADING 4 rental dozer for 1 week 1 L.S. 1$2,500.00 $2,500.00 5 2 1/2"crushed rock 550 TON $50.00 $27,500.00 CSTC 6 4"of CSTC 4345 TON $50.00 $217,250.00 $0.00 DOUBLE SHOT CHIP SEAL 7 1.3 miles of double shot chip seal 1 Each $74,000.00 $74,000.00 ENGINEERING AND SURVEY CREWS 8 Engineering and survey Crews 80 Hours $50.00 $4,000.00 SIGNS 9 New signs speed and warinng signs 12 Each $200.00 $2,400.00 10 Striping 20592 LF $0.35 $7,207.20 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Bid Item Total = $363,857.20 RESOLUTION NO. COUNTY ROAD IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT(RID)NO.2024-01 IN THE MATTER OF MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON ) PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF SHETLAND ROAD ) RESOLUTION OF INTENTION LOCATED IN SECTIONS 16,and 21, ) TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH,RANGE 3 EAST,W.M ) A Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of Mason County, State of Washington, declaring the intention of the Board of Commissioners to improve an existing private road known as Shetland Road located in Section 16, and 21, Township 21 North,Range 3 East,W.M.,Mason County,Washington,from Milepost 0.306 to Milepost 1.670. WHEREAS,an informal petition, set forth in RCW 36.88.050,has been filed requesting the improvement of the following described tract of land: Shetland Road—located in Section 16, and 21, Township 21 North,Range 3,W.M. Mason County, Washington,from Milepost 0.306 to Milepost 1.670. WHEREAS,the County Auditor reports that the petition has been signed by the owners of property to an aggregate amount of a majority of the lineal frontage upon the improvement to be made and of a majority of the area within the limits of the proposed assessment district. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Mason County, State of Washington, as follows: SECTION 1: That it is the intention of the Board of Commissioners of Mason County to adopt as a County Road and also to order the improvement of Shetland Road when the formation of the road improvement district is approved by petition and also upon conveyance by donation to Mason County,all right-o-ways necessary for the intended improvement.The road construction improvements shall meet the adopted Mason County Road Standards.The dedicated public right-of-way for Shetland Road will be sixty feet(60'). SECTION 2: The estimated cost and expense of said improvement is hereby declared to be declared to be approximately Three hundred and sixty-five thousand dollars ($365,000) and that all costs shall be borne by the property owners; and, that the remaining construction cost of said improvements shall be borne by and assessed against the property included in the assessment district herein proposed to be established. SECTION 3: It is the intention of the Board of Commissioners to establish a RID to be known and designated as RID No. 2024-01 which said district includes all the property lying within the boundaries as described above. SECTION 4: All persons who may desire to speak in favor of or object to the construction of the aforesaid improvement or the formation of the aforesaid improvement district are hereby notified. Public testimony will be available in-person,email,mail and via ZOOM for those in favor of or protest such objections at a meeting of the Board of County Commissioners to be held on: Tuesday,July 2,2024,at 9:15 a.m. in the Mason County Commissioners Chambers located at 411 N.5'Street,Shelton,WA.,at which time is hereby fixed for hearing matters relating to said proposed improvement,and all objections thereto,and for determining the method of payment of said improvement. SECTION 5: The County Engineer is hereby directed to submit to the Board,at or prior to the date fixed for such hearing,an assessment map or print showing thereon the lots,tracts and parcels of land and other property which will be specially benefited thereby together with a preliminary assessment roll showing the estimated amount of the cost and expense of such improvement to be borne by each lot,tract or parcel of land or other property,and also designating thereon all property which is being purchased under contract from the County,if any. The method of assessment to be utilized will be Specifically.This method of assessment is the most practical and equitable under the prevailing conditions and reflects the special benefits derived. Page 1 of 2 SECTION 6: to meet the requirements of RCW 36.88.050,the County shall: A. Publish the resolution of intention of said hearing in at least two consecutive issues of the Shelton- Mason County Journal,the date of the first publication to be at least 15 days prior to the date fixed by this resolution for hearing before the Board. B. Send the notice of the adoption of this Resolution of Intention to each owner or reputed owner of any lot,tract or parcel of land or other property within the proposed improvement district by mailing said notice to the owners or reputed owners of the property as shown on the tax rolls of the County Treasurer at the address shown thereon at least 15 days before the date fixed for the public hearing. The notice shall refer to the Resolution of Intention and designate the proposed improvement district by number. Said notice shall set forth the nature of the proposed improvement,the total estimated cost,the proportion of the total to be borne by assessments,the estimated amount of the cost and expense of such improvement to be bome by the particular lot,tract or parcel,the date and place of the hearing before the Board and the fact that property owners may withdraw their names from the petition or add their names thereto at any time prior to five o' clock p.m. of the day before the hearing. The notice given to the public or to the owners of specific lots,tracts,or parcels of land relating to the formation of a County Road Improvement District shall contain a statement that actual assessments may vary from assessment estimates so long as they do not exceed a figure equal to the increased true and fair value the improvement adds to the property. EFFECTIVE this day of 2024. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON ATTEST: MCKENZIE SMITH, RANDY NEATHERLIN, Chair Clerk of the Board APPROVED AS TO FORM: KEVIN SHUTTY,Vice Chair TIM WHITEHEAD SHARON TRASK, Commissioner Ch. Civil Prosecutor Bill: Mason County Dept.of Public Works 100 W Public Works Dr. Shelton,WA 98584 Cc: Commissioners Treasurer Assessor Shelton Journal: Publ.2t:5/30/24&6/2/24 Page 2 of 2 RID Procedures for initiation by Petition Initial Steps Under Petition Method of Formation A. Filing a petition signed by owners of property aggregating a majority of both lineal frontage upon the improvement and the area of the proposed RID. RCW 36.88.020. Validity of signatures on petition governed by RCW 36.88.370. B. Certification of sufficiency (i.e., whether it meets the statutory requirements) of the petition and whether the property is sufficiently developed is made by the Board of County Commissioners. RCW 36.88.050. Steps under Petition method of Formation 1. The Board of County Commissioners, in response to the petition, adopts a resolution declaring intention to form the RID. The resolution provides for a public hearing on formation, and contains other information required by statute. RCW 36.88.050. 2. The County Engineer's Office at this point prepares a diagram of the proposed RID and cost estimate and assembles other statutorily required information. RCW 36.88.050 and 36.88.070. 3. The Clerk of the Board mails a Notice of Hearing to all affected property owners as shown on the tax records of the County Treasurer's Office at least fifteen days before the date fixed for the hearing. RCW 36.88.050. Statutes require that certain information be included in the notices. 4. The Clerk of the Board has the resolution of intention published in at least two consecutive issues of the official newspaper of Mason County, the first publication at least fifteen days prior to the date fixed for the hearing. RCW 36.88.050. 5. Conduct a public hearing on the formation of the RID. RCW 36.88.050 and 36.88.060 6. Property owners may withdraw their names from the petition or add their names thereto at any time prior to five o'clock p.m. of the day before the hearing. RCW 36.88.050 and 36.88.060 7. At t h e hearing, t h e Board must select t h e method of assessment, ascertain whether plan of improvement is feasible and whether the benefits to be derived by the properties within the proposed RID exceed the costs and expenses of the RID, determine whether the petition is sufficient, determine the RID boundaries and make written findings. RCW 36.88.060. 8. Adopt a resolution creating RID and ordering the improvement. RCW 36.88.060. 9. Prepare and consider Environmental Impact Statement or formally determine absence of need for it. This step may be required prior to adopting the resolution of creation if adoption of formation resolution is a final decision to undertake construction. RCW 43.12C 10.Authorize final engineering and design work. 11. Publish call for bids for construction once a week for two consecutive weeks before bid opening. This applies if it is determined that the work shall be done by a contractor. RCW 36.88.320 and 36.77.020. 12.The Board receives bids and obtains an analysis of bids from the County Engineer. RCW 36.77.030 13.The Board accepts the best bid and awards contract. RCW 36.77.040. OR 14.The Board authorizes construction by county's own crews to proceed as 'day labor'. (RCW 36.77.065 and RCW 36.77.070) 15. On completion of project, obtain, when necessary, state clearances, accept work and determine total cost. RCW 60.28.040, 51.12.050 and 36.88.300. 16. Direct County Engineer to prepare final assessment roll and file it with the Clerk of the Board. RCW 36.88.090 17.Adopt a resolution setting time, date, and place of assessment roll hearing. RCW 36.88.090. 18. Mail notice of hearing and right to object to all affected property owners at least fifteen days before date fixed for hearing. RCW 36.88.090. 19. Publish notice of hearing at least two times in a newspaper of general circulation in the county, the last publication at least fifteen days before the hearing date. RCW 36.88.090. 20. Conduct assessment roll hearing, considering objections and overruling them or modifying assessments. RCW 36.88.090. 21. If any assessments are raised, a new hearing must be set, and notice given by publication and mailing in the same manner as for the original assessment roll hearing. RCW 36.88.090. 22.Adopt resolution confirming and levying assessments as finally approved. RCW 36.88.090. 23. Expiration of appeal period ten days after the effective date of the confirming resolution. RCW 36.88.100 and 35.44.190 through 35.44.210. 24.The County Treasurer publishes (two consecutive daily or weekly issues in the official newspaper of the county) and mails a notice (to all property owners) that the assessment roll is filed for collection. RCW 36.88.270. 25. Prepayment period expires thirty days after first publication of the County Treasurer's notice. RCW 36.88.280. 26.Adopt bond resolution. RCW 36.88.200 and 36.88.210. 27. Sell bonds at public or private sale. RCW 36.88.210. C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Mike Collins Ext.450 Department: Public Works Briefing: ❑X Action Agenda: ❑X Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): April 29,2024 Agenda Date: May 7,2024 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑X Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Risk (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item• Hearing Examiner Recommendations for Vacation Order No. 415 Back2round/Executive Summary: The Mason County Hearing Examiner held a hearing on November 8,2023,to consider vacating all of E Island Place,in the Plat of Lakeland Village No. 5 in Volume 8 of plats,page 77,as dedicated on April 20, 1970,in Mason County Washington,in Section 19,Township 22 North,Range 1 West,W.M as requested by Tony and Shannon Hubert and Lakeland Village Community Club. The hearing was reopened by email to the hearing parties dated December 8,2023,to acquire more information on the road safety impacts of removal of the cul-de-sac. Lakeland Village Community Club has since decided not to vacate and purchase the East half of E Island Place as per the attached email. The Huberts wanted to move forward to vacate only the West half of E Island Place. The Examiner issued his Findings of Fact,Conclusions of Law,and Recommendations on January 1611,2024, recommending approval of the proposed vacation, subject to any existing easements for ingress and egress or other purpose and retaining an easement in favor of Mason County for any utilities present in the vacated road right-of-way. Budtet Impact(amount, funding source, budget amendment): An Administrative Fee of$1,000 for processing the petition. This road vacation is a Class A Road,which requires fifty percent(50%)of the appraised value to be paid.The compensation for this vacation(Lot 65)is $5,266.40 and was paid by the Huberts. Public Outreach (news release, community meeting, etc.): A public hearing took place on November 8,2023,at 1:00 AM via Zoom. The hearing was re-opened by email to the hearing parties,dated December 8,2023,to acquire more information on the road safety impacts of removal of the cul-de-sac. Comments and responses were authorized through December 20,2023. cqi Mason County Agenda Request Form Requested Action: Request the Mason County Board of Commissioners accept the recommendation of the Hearing Examiner and grant the vacation of the right-of-way as petitioned, subject to the conditions contained in the Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations of the Hearing Examiner for Road Vacation#415. Attachments: 1. Hearing Examiner's Findings,Conclusions and Recommendation 2. Email From Lakeland Village Community Club 3. Order of Vacation 4. Revised map for E Island Place Road Vacation#415 5. Revised Legal I BEFORE THE HEARING EXAMINER FOR MASON COUNTY 2 Phil Olbrechts, Hearing Examiner 3 4 RE: Road Vacation No. 415 FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS 5 OF LAW AND RECOMMENDATION Petition for a Road Vacation 6 7 SUMMARY 8 Tony Hubert, Shannon Hubert and Lakeland Village Community Club jointly 9 requested the vacation of the cul-de-sac located between 20 E. Island Place and 21 E. 10 Island Place in the Lakeland Village subdivision located west of Allyn. It is recommended that the County Commissioners approve the vacation. The requested 11 area to vacate has never been maintained or opened as a public roadway. The street was dedicated to the public on April 20, 1970, when Lakeland Village No. 5 was originally 12 platted. The cul-de-sac was never paved or been opened. All owners adjacent to this 13 road have joined in the petition to vacate. 14 The cul-de-sac is depicted in the image below. It is unusual in that it is a cul-de-sac that directly connects to E. Lake Shore Drive and only serves two lots, owned by the 15 petitioners. As testified by a professional engineer who resides in the Lakeland Village subdivision, William Gripp,the cul-de-sac was platted 50 years ago to provide for safe 16 egress from the two adjoining lots. The two lots are located at a moderate curve on E. 17 Lake Shore Drive. In Mr. Gripp's opinion the egress points for the two lots are too close to the curve to provide for safe vehicular back out egress. The adjoining lots are 18 currently undeveloped so egress safety is not yet an issue. As a result of Mr. Gripp's testimony, the record was left open to provide Mason County Public Works an 19 opportunity to comment on the road safety implications of removing the cul-de-sac. The County's Engineering and Construction Manager responded in Ex. D that 20 development of the adjoining lots would create "no sight distance safety problems." 21 Based upon the Manager's findings, it is found that the proposed vacation will not create any safety problems. 22 23 25 Road Vacation P. 1 Recommendation I TESTIMONY 2 A computer-generated transcript has been prepared of the appeal hearing to provide an 3 overview of the hearing testimony. The transcript is provided for informational purposes only as Appendix A. Since the transcript is computer generated, it is not 100% accurate, 4 but does provide a useful indication of what testimony was presented during the hearing. 5 EXHIBITS 6 The July 24, 2023 Engineer's Report along with attachments A-C listed on its page 2 7 were admitted into the record at the November 8, 2023 public hearing. The following emails were also admitted into the record after the close of the hearing': 8 D. December 5,2023 letter from Mason Public Works to Hearing Examiner re Vac. 9 415. 10 E. December 8, 2023 email from Hearing Examiner re-opening hearing to respond 11 to Public Works comments. 12 F. December 13, 2023 email response from William Gripp, 13 G. December 20, 2023 email response from Shannon Hubert. 14 15 FINDINGS OF FACT 16 Procedural: 17 1. Hearing. A virtual hearing on the petition for vacation was held on November 8, 2023 at 1:00 pm via Zoom. The hearing was re-opened by email to the hearing parties 18 dated December 8, 2023 to acquire more information on the road safety impacts of 19 removal of the cul-de-sac. Comments and responses were authorized through December 20, 2023. 20 21 22 ' Mr. Gripp submitted two additional emails on December 22,2023. Since these emails did not meet the December 20, 2023 deadline for responding to the December 5, 2023 23 Public Works letter, they were not admitted into the record. 24 25 Road Vacation p. 2 Recommendation Substantive: 1 2 2. Site/Proposal Description. Tony Hubert, Shannon Hubert and Lakeland Village Community Club have requested the vacation of the cul-de-sac located between 20 E. 3 Island Place (APN 122205400065, Lakeland Village No. 5 Lot 65) and 21 E. Island Place (APN 122205400066, Lakeland Village No. 5 Lot 66). This cul-de-sac is the 4 entirety of E. Island Place. The requested area to vacate has never been maintained or opened as a public roadway. The right of way was dedicated to the public on April 20, 5 1970, when Lakeland Village No. 5 was originally platted. 6 The engineering report identifies that the road is a Class A road, meaning that it is 7 owned by the County as an easement as opposed to fee simple. Further, according to the Engineer's report, the square footage adjacent to Lot 65 is 4,540sf. The square 8 footage adjacent to Lot 66 is 5,330sf. The value of the property according to the report is $2.32/sf for lot 65 and$1.80/sf for lot 66. 9 10 3. Utility of Vacation Area. As noted in the engineer's report,Public Works staff have determined that the proposed vacation area is not necessary for future use in the 11 County's road system. No lots will be landlocked as a result of the proposal. 12 However, at hearing Wade Gripp, a Lakeland Village resident and professional engineer, spoke against the proposal citing safety concerns. Mr. Gripp noted Lot 66 is 13 a community lot which could potentially develop into a clubhouse, pickle ball courts 14 or a park. He noted the unopened cul-de-sac is located at a bend in the road that would create sight clearance issues for this area as there are no shoulders and the road is 15 narrow. He fears drivers backing out of driveways on Lots 65 and 66 would be in danger and that the cul-de-sac represents a potential emergency vehicle turn around. 16 This cul-de-sac right of way is also directly across the street from the water system 17 access. 18 As detailed in the summary section of this recommendation, the record was re-opened to provide an opportunity for Public Works to address the road safety impacts of 19 removing the cul-de-sac. The County's Engineering and Construction Manager found no sight distance problems resulting from development of the adjoining lots. See Ex. 20 D. When the Examiner asked Mr. Gripp if he had any expertise in roads or traffic 21 construction, he only responded that he had completed a permit in Pierce County a couple weeks prior to the hearing. Given that the County's public works department 22 has considerable expertise in applying the County's road standards and assessing road safety and the very limited information on Mr. Gripp's expertise,the safety assessment 23 of the County's Engineering and Construction Manager is found the more compelling of the two engineers. For this reason,based upon the evidence produced at the hearing, 24 the proposed vacation is not found to create a road safety problem. 25 4. Petition Includes Majority of Abutting Owners. Tony Hubert, Shannon Hubert and Lakeland Village Community Club have signed the vacation petition. As shown in Ex. A, p. 5, the petitioners own the majority of area abutting the vacation area. Road Vacation p. 3 Recommendation I CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 2 Procedural: 3 1. Authority of Hearing Examiner. MCC 12.20.030 provides the Examiner with the 4 authority to review road vacation applications and make a recommendation to the Mason County Board of County Commissioners. 5 Substantive: 6 7 2. Review Criteria and Application. Chapter 12.20 MCC sets forth the requirements for vacation of roads. Furthermore, MCC 12.20.010 provides that County roads may 8 be vacated in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 36.87 RCW. Applicable review standards for vacation under Chapter 12.20 MCC, as well as those in Chapter 9 36.87 RCW, are quoted in italics below and applied via corresponding conclusions of law. 10 11 MCC 12.20.010: County roads may be vacated in accordance with the provisions of RCW 36.87, and Mason County may require as a condition precedent to the vacation 12 the receipt of just compensation from the person or persons benefiting from the vacation. 13 RCW 36.87.020: Owners of the majority of the frontage on any county road or portion 14 thereof may petition the county legislative authority to vacate and abandon the same 15 or any portion thereof. The petition must show the land owned by each petitioner and set forth that such county road is useless as part of the county road system and that the 16 public will be benefited by its vacation and abandonment. The legislative authority may: 17 (1) require the petitioners to make an appropriate cash deposit or furnish an 18 appropriate bond against which all costs and expenses incurred in the examination, 19 report, and proceedings pertaining to the petition shall be charged; or 20 (2) by ordinance or resolution require the petitioners to pay a fee adequate to cover such costs and expenses. 21 RCW 36.87.060: If the county road is found useful as apart of the county road system 22 it shall not be vacated, but if it is not useful and the public will be benefited by the 23 vacation, the county legislative authority may vacate the road or any portion thereof. 24 3. Vacation Area Meets Vacation Criteria. The proposed vacation conforms to the requirements of the statutes and ordinances quoted above. Tony Hubert, Shannon 25 Hubert and Lakeland Village Community Club,the petitioners,own the majority of the abutting property to the vacation area as determined in Finding of Fact No. 4 and required by RCW 36.87.020. Road Vacation p. 4 Recommendation As determined in Finding of Fact No. 3, the vacation area is not currently useful as a 1 part of the county road system as required by RCW 36.87.060. 2 MCC 12.20.040: For the purpose of vacating county roads, all roads shall be 3 classified as follows: 4 (1) Class A. All roads for which the right-of-way is an easement. (2) Class B. All roads for which the right-of-way is owned in fee simple and for which 5 the county paid full fair market value of the fee simple estate. 6 (3)Class C. All roads that meet RCW 36.87.090 requirements. 7 4. Vacation Area Qualifies as Class A Road. As outlined in the summary and Finding of Fact No. 2, the right of way subject to the requested vacation is a Class A road. 8 MCC 12.20.050: Any person or persons desiring to have any portion of any county 9 road vacated shall be required by the Mason County board of county commissioners 10 as a condition precedent to the vacation to pay the county prior to the vacation. The compensation rates include those rates set forth in Section 12.20.060, if any, and the 11 administration fee set forth in Section 12.20.080. 12 5. Required Administrative Fees Paid. The engineer's report identifies that the petitioners have paid the required$1000 administration fee. Compensation for the right 13 of way is required as concluded in Conclusion of Law No. 6. 14 MCC 12.20.060: The county shall require, as a condition precedent to the vacation of 15 roads or portions thereof within the classifications set forth in Section 12.20.040, that persons benefitting from the vacation thereof compensate Mason County as set forth in 16 the following schedule: 17 (1) Class A Roads. Fifty percent of the appraised value. 18 (2) Class B Roads. One hundred percent of the appraised value. (3) Class C Roads. No compensation other than for the administrative fee of the 19 vacation action. 20 At no time will the compensation for Class A or B roads be reimbursed less than the 21 county originally paid for the property. 22 6. Compensation Required. As previously noted, the vacation area is classified as a "Class A"road. Per RCW 36.87.120 & MCC 12.20.060, compensation is fifty percent 23 (50%) of appraised value. At the land value outlined in Finding of Fact No. 2, the compensation amount due for Lot 65 is $5,266.40 and for Lot 66 is $4,797.00. 24 25 MCC 12.20.080: Each petition for vacation of a road shall be accompanied by a payment of one thousand dollars to cover all administrative costs regardless of the county's approval of vacation. Said administrative costs shall include the costs of the Road Vacation p. 5 Recommendation hearing examiner in holding the public hearing and reporting recommendations to the I board of county commissioners. 2 7. Required Deposit Paid. The engineer's report identifies that petitioner has paid the 3 required $1,000 deposit. 4 RECOMMENDATION 5 It is recommended that the Board of Commissioners approve the proposed vacation 6 subject to the condition that the vacated area will still be subject to existing easements for ingress and egress or other purposes, if any, and in accordance with RCW 7 36.87.140, retaining an easement in favor of Mason County for any utilities present in the vacated right of way. 8 9 DATED this 16th day of January, 2024. 10 11 Phil A. Olbrechts Mason County Hearing Examiner 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Road Vacation p. 6 Recommendation From: officeCabllvcc.com To: Tina Schaefer Subject: LLVCC response to Vacation of Island Place Date: Friday,March 29,2024 11:23:47 AM Caution: External Email Warning! This email has originated from outside of the Mason County Network. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender, are expecting the email, and know the content is safe. If a link sends you to a website where you are asked to validate using your Account and Password, DO NOT DO SO! Instead, report the incident. Lovejoy, The Lakeland Village Community Club Board has decided not to purchase the vacated portion of Island Place at this time. They would like to leave the option open for purchase in the future. Mary Helton LLVCC Office Coordinator 360-275-3508 office anllvcc.com www.11vcc.com RETURN TO: MASON COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS 100 W.Public Works Drive Shelton,WA 98584 RESOLUTION NO.2024- IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF: ORDER OF VACATION VACATION FILE NO. 415 Vacate the West half of E Island Place,in the Plat of RCW 36.87 Lakeland Village No.5 in Volume 8 of plats,page 77, as dedicated on April 20, 1970, in Mason County Washington, in Section 19, Township 22 North, Range 1 West,W.M. WHEREAS, it is the intention of the Board of Mason County Commissioners to vacate the following described rights of way: Vacate the West half of E Island Place, in the Plat of Lakeland Village No. 5 in Volume 8 of plats,page 77,as dedicated on April 20, 1970,in Mason County Washington,in Section 19,Township 22 North,Range 1 West,W.M. WHEREAS,the Mason County Board of Commissioners agreed on October 10,2023 by adopting Resolution No. 2023-051 to publish and post, according to law, a notice of intent to close and vacate the described rights-of-way and set a virtual hearing for November 8,2023 at 1:00 p.m.with the Mason County Hearing Examiner. WHEREAS, the hearing was held on November 8, 2023, at 1:00 AM via Zoom and the Mason County Hearing Examiner considered the County Engineer's report, together with any evidence for or objection against said vacation; and WHEREAS,the Hearing Examiner has rendered to the Board of Mason County Commissioners,his Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations and the members of the Board have given them due consideration,and WHEREAS,the Petitioner has satisfied Provisions 1 which is fifty percent(50%) compensation of the appraised value for a"Class A"road,per RCW 36.87.120 and Mason County Code 12.20.060: Provision 1.Payment of$5,266.40 from Tony and Shannon Hubert for Lot 65. Order of Vacation File No.415 NOW,THEREFORE,IT IS ORDERED that the above described right of way is hereby vacated;and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that said vacation is subject to any existing private easements for ingress and egress or any other purpose and retaining an easement in favor of Mason County for any utilities present in the vacated road right-of-way in accordance with RCW 36.87.140. DATED this day of ,2024. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ATTEST: MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON McKenzie Smith,Clerk of the Board Randy Neatherlin,Chair APPROVED AS TO FORM: Kevin Shutty,Vice Chair Tim Whitehead,Ch.DPA Sharon Trask,Commissioner Cc: Assessor;Auditor;Treasurer;Petitioner; Public Works Dept.; GIS Vacation File No.415 Order of Vacation File No.415 Road Vacation # 415 - E Island Place - in Lakeland Village , 122195000012 122205400061 122205400060 122195000086, 122205400059 122205400116 122205400062 122205400058 122205400054 122205400057 ,�r 122205400063 122205400055 • 122205400056 J 122205400064 ` 4 122200060010 lot 65- 4540 sq ft. h� 122205400065 �C r` is ; 122205400068 �`�� r 122205400067 122205400066 122195000056 �_• t JF 122301004000 122307600010 122307600020 _r v 4 �• Vacate the West half of E Island Place, in the Plat of Lakeland Village No. 5 in Volume 8 of plats, page 77, as dedicated on April 20, 1970, in Mason County Washington, in Section 19, Township 22 North, Range 1 West, W.M. EXHIBIT"C LEGAL DESCRIPTION 2021610 MASON CO WA 03/03/2014 11:34 AM MISC MC PUBLIC WORKS #72002 Rec Fee: $73.00 Pages: 2 i llll ll 111 llll lllllll llllll llll llll lllll lllll lllllll 111 lllll llll llll RETURN TO MASON COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS Q 100 W.Public Works Drive 3 Shelton,WA 98584 O ~ re-recelrj 4-0 U eorrec.f- LP a,( a= Z o= O '^ w= v- LL_ N�= IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF: ORDER OF VACATION m- VACATION FILE NO. 389 a# A PORTION OF EAST SHORE PLACE RCW 36.87 00 U� Y m0� �00� a3— Nam= WHEREAS, it is the intention of the Board of Mason County Commissioners to vacate the No£= following described rights of way: A portion of East Shore Place in Sec.8,721N,R2W,W.M.,Mason County,WA, described as follows: All that portion of East Shore Place, as shown in the plat of Paradise Shore Estates,Volume S of Plats, Page 77,_records of Mason.County, Washington, lying Northerly and...Westerly of Ile. . following described line: Beginning at the Southeast corner of Lot 16 of said Paradise Shore Estates; thence Easterly 40 feet to the center of the cul-de-sac of said East Shore Place, thence Northerly 40 feet to the Northeast corner of said Lot 16 and the tenninos of the described line. AND,WHEREAS, the date of hearing was set for December 10,2013 at 1:00 p.m.and Notice of Hearing,Intent to Vacate,was published and posted according to law;and WHEREAS, the (tearing Nvas held on December 10, 2013 and the Mason County Hearing Examiner considered the County Engineer's report,together with any evidence for or objection against said vacation;and AVIIEREAS, the Hearing Examiner has rendered to the Board of Masan County Commissioners, his Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations and the members of the Board have given them due consideration. NOW,THEREFORE,IT IS ORDERED that the above described right of way is hereby vacated; and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that said vacation is subject to any existing private easements for ingress and egress or any other purpose and to retaining all easement in favor of Mason County for any utilities present in the vacated road right-of-way in accordance with RCW 36.87.140. Order of Vacation File No,389 Page 2 DATED this day of",2014. ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON "Thine Zoren, IerkoftheBoaid Terri Jeffrey , I a APPROVED AS TO FORM: r t� Deputy Prosecuthib Attorney Tim Sheldon,Commissioner Assessor;Auditor;Petitioner; Public Works Dept.; /,z Vacation File No.389 Rand eatherliu,Commissioner 221085`200012, - - 221085200012�jc` y 22 85200013 221085200013 .� 221082222222 M 221085200014 221085200014IV 221085200015 � 22108�5200015 221085200900' ' 221085200900 •iy _ f i r 221085200016 [ __ - r j.K 0, • 221085200016 221085200017 rat• ram, • 221085200900 � ' •'221085200017 221085200018• ''�1 221085200018 �JO ! r. A .221089999999 221085200019 221085200034 . • R 221085200020 l 221085200019)• �•j . f.. • 221086200028j. . f. "^+� 2210852000� !`�,i • 221085200033 221085200621 • , , �'.. w ;ri` �. •� 221085200027 2210852000211 -F}_ •,' { • 221085200032 (p 221085200022 221085200026 •' '• ' • '221085200031ti �wA 22108520002VF'T - 221085200030 V, 221085200025 '221085200024`1_� ' ROAD VACATION # 389 EAST • . PLACE, PLAT OF PARADISE SHORE EXHIBIT MAP \\\\\ VACATION AREA lip •.,S 41 li } } 1 � a L1 ' � '` 1p a •• H. 1 ±t I� f+• li�i}. ��1 a. a a 1r = PARADISE SHORE ESTATES ALL' GOV LOT I, SE6fA T. 21 N. R. 2 W.W. M. � MASON o COUNTY,, WASHINGTT of a � SCALE l"m SW 141 s '.14.C.Pl IraEsr •S'Ji - r.<:. ter.. eur. II Sec.0 e. 8. I N$ ;•;. ur, • fl wEs 'za.ai' w¢sr zao.oo 8 rZ7 L s -� Bo KY tl 2ono g . 'Iiil70. A /06 97 loa $ Iz3n Y. 9 e+.e:••• L 49 n 6B S �. �li $Of.A •.<+S o R If<.II' ifI P /03 `'.{)��{. 48' 67 a OW ' B6 y° ov. 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TrS�rNJ T✓r,,r F<ic!!�e<u.rx<Y Aer{A a F ''T.✓r ✓ Usgt r�•ef�✓i TN<R6m• MwTi.,v..r. i., r d:T.:7:;'r i) N Mqr� ,C NTy/INNNrgc rv.•v { I'irF Wr...cr My//+Wo Jorrcr.L rr ./r AvY / L�r�' EXNMµ OT AI/F N TN YB y0 1 y (Z�_ ..x: �'�/ •)F "� r. iC4 ExNwn.wofAi� //'�`/�ra�7,�py 0a ne 96r i . !C!D ePY rnwar.e+1 ,,43 c,\�NYA•. /,_\ `r/ _ c� q F R��'i✓. r STATE OF WAsH/NGTON 1 G \\ \ C M •AONRO 0I Ce✓N yCwiv,YrsNI/Jl�•aa:'�+pq` 'h ff COUNTY OF ) �•: ' +• \\\\\y `^�.(L,'�'tii „x,+V' TH,L/s T•Cesr vy <T ON T,�.s�NY U.c vci:Bcr..c>,vc v Tw-v m+.s.we,N NwsRyPrauc/f F++c isr..rs!{c ww1-' SUR S CERTIFICATE aLrc qS .w ,�6 N«✓ APruvr ': _' o L E, TKEA eurr e R OF Mgao.v Cev r/, CG—rrr—ram c.,rre mn.v boa .ems! —<-,+ Wr>E. 'IJ F/1rk TBcTs/q'rmo..-vv GlrHe Er<rgisn T.rcT G.Wc To.v, po Hezr EY Cru r,v Yr TNAr Act OrcYl9rroN¢A�.r,<coem .M,r TroT TJ's:t�l+Z/ %ES. ACO UE P'e OYL RT'/ NAVE S� PFm T<'?SN rAr T4L/F FCF6 fLYOGN•vT9<<yAcr JC7F C �.. T/�,. ~ na .:r6F /o.N'?_�. �Paa t Twa.vi Mcu T...vsn. ..�n, po.Cro✓krF;� m C� w e of K,roG�q< TWr� `ram s s�: ?iv d_uz. i Wirwcsr MYN r° Yt • ArYL ?`\rSY��' MAso,:r Cou,.r>y T.rE•�.rurema .T.,..y P..•A4 f 'i.��...- 9cl,x• dien'v;t° • .ers�,F..�-c 9T Scattic a RECORDING CERTIFICATE ° 3 C Fluo Fo¢ lEco<o Ar THE Rro urrr Or s.!L�<4,+s`e//hnA. L) TN,r.ZQ_DgY OEZg L196Z. AQLZ MrwrrYer'P<'sT L.i¢`p._O'e<aer PAl, {Rrco<vrq YN /YoF u�+r_�OFO<.cTi,pFG4p Kr,Swrar OF V(DA MAseu cou✓ry F ✓M=>. Mes'. � 88 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1�2 of I 30'/5A MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MISC 19.00 Mason Cc, WA O O RETURN TO MASON COUNTY COMMISSIO 411 North Fifth Street Shelton,WA 98584 IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF: ORDER OF VACATION VACATION FILE NO.329 Martin Greig RCW 36.87 WHEREAS, it is the ' on Board of Mason County Commissioners to vacate the following described property: D All that po f ore Avenue,lying North of the South line of Block 5, Moore's Addition to the City ton, 4 of Plats,Page 13,and Westerly of the Westerly Right of Way line of North CI oad. ( th g Parcel Nos.32018-52-01004;32018-53-05001) WHE caring was set for Tuesday,July 27,2004 at 6:30 p.m.and Notice of Hearing,huent to Vacate,was lis d posted according to law;and 8,the hearing was held on Tuesday,July 27,2004 and the Mason County Board of Commissioners conside the County Engineer's report,together with any evidence for or objection against said vacation; REAS,said vacation is pursuant to the following provisions:Existing utility easements retain their right t ISO RED,by the Mason County Board of Commissioners that the above-described property is hereby vacated records of Mason County so indicate said vacation. D this Z7 rday ofj 4,2004. 7 t h Sept . BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TTEST: MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON i l Rebecca S.Rogers,Clerk of th oard Wesley 10 John n,Chairperson APPROVED AS TO FORM: Herb Baze,CMimission r eputy Prosecuting Attorney �_ fy C:Petitioner,File,Public Works Dept.,Assessor, Jaye K t,&m1nislioner Auditor, Vacation File No.329 File 0:\user\cbcommon\index\roadO29.V MOORE'S Ao�ITION 1 -}� r e.„...:.m.n,.rA.rn. . ,..G ��✓ a x I� et e* oE�RIP,,oti> io y � fp .A✓en+St.b./a✓..n/ei,zeN ' 9 'R]wwM.,da++Nees,fJnx+•e+.nmenens r//Mar./..nor � p` ��.n nharcMnr./)-/e'/9 rnita-TnI tON'RYYWn{ /Mnrr Nrr/A M. /F wry � A „y yl - �rl.H.y/�Mfe,/.mr•9in r/rr.esr.h,n/e r/rrxm✓nr..s/vIN/Fe SI.+«nrn a �/r.rr? .:ir'o"rx. nn i✓/H S!-it/Src/.i..N-Fry..... rvro,.H F..prn/✓ �// r .. n y:...:./✓/M+✓ea /....Tirnrr rvrnnwiy.w./n rny.rs...r.S.n. 11\, /�r / ,S[t�}tijfry/�p "A` , .n,o!!.✓n.rr.;,/.n/A/Wr✓x..,Y-rror.Y >✓/A+aIA , jj ♦� r r�eN.RervW,�,..r..r.3.•.rxr�w:%.n+...na,/m+•�„.. si:::';'!.[>..n..NA.rsn,+....✓.rlNlarrmr.ui.l.rcAmn MR m: IS j eeo-e �t9N'A.1WWN�fnr.x+3e[•al'39Zsdrn.vr✓+e>.i>!rr/nlAr /�9, qµ, fjlp_�HeF �e l'nvk SEf 'F]]Rn ✓rerp�.nt f�r /✓mSrl/"+faa,.IY Rr+I.r+M..n rn/"r/ry .NNi ) 1Nrniy ? 1r DEOIG//h'T' IOIJ:- �7 � n' $� 01 y'iYsi.'iiY�`{'��9 Kn.ry meY lnxrp..+rnamr/vr Me wro.+nua �'✓ n_ NNN /4 lAi. 'A/T`rA �`✓rn/�pp / �hJ%ro O[ wi SEr�atTSt'a pH/sN✓e lo. r rar nrp /rrrr�r/, r r.enmr �VP`/Y A n.>Hr. } iM.rn sn/e n ourmrnn s.rvHhrrvp �nl�/pxen[ !p-r 'ute.ve �.�'�:aia,r*tu e�� p�..rH ""fn":o,'i.::.:+".'::�;'Ir A.;zirr n.,. nh se.•o.c9'e ' rli9 r...ti�nrcr,rh,+ rxn /.rc�j Qe oI rcdY orn/iry/A./ //fa+r.n+ry Arcn $v0orea ev ec10 w9.2o1.1-Roeawwl,� �m�� !�_m'� h !,Af sn n/Ar ar+p`�hrc.rvrnv• re. $.e e"1. oee� A�G/J.r�CK�I�NnOW O` LNY �'�T•' W I l:�nrnlrr rr, ,ruMlry+q���.iuw .. .rv-. i-n. 'tT h. hh✓ n1 F •ix�9 i a� M.Y -�.I•li.. • ,... .O' : $Y C_v_T i'.. `� �. ".H 9a,}•-_'-srR� ---i -^uv...x_ -,t:r 1 1 1 Aft J ��0, .'A+;C ���---LLL ���,3:4 �y`Y�y� + • I r ,' ,r. • IA 11 1 A E`ecem 'N < _-c.it'D fA //,Y�✓��j�"J J_ —ia C " P '�`a[eNBwK„ j L1_ l l RECORD OF SURmr j A PORTIONOF OOVER?M=LOT 1(SE 114 SE 114) SECTIONS ,TOWMS 22 NORTH,RAMOE 2 WEST WM.. GIASONCOUNTF,WASEENGTON /r W ►E M s n �Awr C"JP ,,a y rm rwm•moxrov adAwOFRG.Vim ' � IFD YleM J' e �,•. 2 k�wg 4 B Y ¢} q c �5 k� aJ eliccY WFugMOY/M Z99Ak M6PE1W[MTa.MPSKKMKI %M1_!W c NIN[0•M/� XIK W,9b . IPY]S� ''IC`a %qda� t, � v wmvzve. �:p ,DSO OPuioP vncatlrvNlnrou vmcxNaa N•.- w via.Pnw.s,w ,%� a�"au"i°a°PMi,umom�mn°wwuv�a.umen. a°AK�wwamxvawwwa m wmew. ..w.aww+wemuK.i,eow nex ramm IX�,omTORurr'wmaRTT�CATG m:,w�mnmavawm�w..na em,w D���...`+�W`..ro"^'Yf�NG 6URYGYORSCERTIPICATR 1 ,u e • Ke MOPwrmw znm.e...s^n .rcvwamwdaoa.,rsa,.. ��� E N� �wweem..�x.worawa ^'��� �N�••a•'°a--- aa.w�u.,cax�:aa-w.:a.ew,r QQ-•a „»'f RL rrtI n Msr MADIN UNNY SHORE ADDITION• I The proper embroead in)hit p/af sha/1 M uaad For v;,.* •rv,�r 3 rcaid< Purpexs only,excep/Leh b meluaiw whkh may r M bA v9dfor>lerc,q,.9arege,boot heme ad cabm9. 40CAree Ix laerrex a. w.yxaex No penvn oM,,lh+n.ee 6f Me wh;k race ah.l1 be«r,..ilkd I mo,<�� •n y _ b d cum eny Perfien PFany Lel in ihia PAf +ny"Hie of any 1. Ay .1Mrea epl+ae demcalicxr,•anl ac+u+//yam. dam+ 5 `y :m+r wk Mey ro./k open/a!ouch bui'd>g 1 ay. • R ° �`.Y/^"'NPe W � )'>"i•r g• g Her 9 Nnllew Mdumpd;,de Poe Lk�and ` / J e 'v „_:.C^xn Y4+'^F> r•; >qe Mi/cb,b{hrooma•not hikhvn x ka mua/amplwinfe aeplie l ka, 5 z i:: Al,, y"'•; 91.n. x .E Oil,lwn s,d�olhe mnerila PruPrn ln.properly hercw ahewn. \\♦ \\�% I IG y::$y.4 L Y � uiwl, n � ex .• 1 P • aO�:i�;_:i`:, n �„JG" K - OCS OR/Pr/ON: \ „\\��// x 4. .e _ y!C` r! M+.�"p •xve % reV l rl eF Gov/ L h /«d Alhi, 1 93 ,R.A ip #nerlh,Ringrr M xT+ { • Fe b!a e,TS R,Sedien f Tawn>hip 2/moth,R+nq.1 d, 6 mo,r p rlieu4r/y dncribd h. Ae le/lewa: J ,. a'., p+ P r` 8♦•J•a 6_l yP T.wwhip 23n<inghR frgai wea rW.Mn M�unm',y lhrn/lae t6�iG'l6 GJ� ue '� ••/ t.JR�ip r I I'll.76 hel b Mlel M6 .of Loi 1,M+,*Junny Jherc Adb Jad N yf �/ n _ t•5l>° �<, R S _ poml or beginning,/hence 5o•K'J6'r J/Ter)feel&Me oher+ \s.� I v •r �: t�f , of Maaen 4k<,M-Ao-. A,a+rd l ro t 1470W lt2o! i Nrn 2 M<„x Jeol<1•aew J17e furl,M<rcastJ'i/'Je'wn<a f ,,,/Mon _ fi. =u • e'p y' °'"" ___L 9 3 SSa•IAho'WRP.OlwI. IAanee NRS'OTtlnw 114,feel,Ihmee JIJ•o>n legok./M.ntt WYSM/ee.e/x/NNI,t<SLve'Jo'w q � [ Naelreh,rne,n.Sm)ew Ne./el,Manes SSr'xvW nea R./, -0! '�. � P. 7, Ik �' S Ihener JJf'Oa'N ISAO/wl lhrnee aN')P'N SGOOM()Mw< ,� 5�8+fep /R/KIe e )IANHl.e.elw{•Menu J+f'll'JO•N Site Ne%IFe„<e / ' yfl e ✓ Y.. ', '. ' JJf'JS'ra'N iweFnl Mmn}p•oTW)»L•/e.1, (Y ♦ / OR.� CH ,A ,pR CG TONAL MAP Oyorvolion eenlinue/en SFr./] LL s♦` \�M1 C.LRTII/CATG' ;r 1,4. J♦ . . i� - I, C.Wi//e A","ftbl car 6-ftt--/Ae W h6,7 e!N b;oh C j JNe+e Am/rlaw IA. &eny per!or Gowrom.nl(0l9 G,T+np'9,wh:M /.erfed an rM xrM>Fer. eFMe.•an LYM in axfiw J,fwp 1/n., 1 .7 • esi„q.x wr>l,W.G4,.nd Gev'l.LAI. !.riot 1 lion J2,MP22'nP Ih •\)a♦ OCOIGTIO HogeS wml,W.M,inM.mn roan/u,W)F.,is ewa.d enm.c/u./aur\ 'In ., �• f upa lF,graund,YMl fhaw hMne i<edng en.PoLnv+nd o/.b! p A Knew e// mqn by:Thew - �� , Nw .d,.n,M.l N!ceurao not dlak«w aNwn 1Mrron na ° 9 ".—A, /h.l!,Mh nderngnd,-W..C AIe"A , M. a•vn .N, {e anr�aM _,3, h<N e,w1 c.rncl,Hui.11/af.nd a/.ek cernera hew Men a I ' aF th 4�h d..r ab.d.not psv/r Ni/awv.M he&n+d`G NAIN* + ' 1 p the and;and Nwf all l fs Mw bem rron{.d o, a.n J,idF pw/irk» Aa A�/. p^^p+ P^in ' &clog hMd.ra of e.yq.gw en Me LnePTby pd�,n M: r of �F �'„ gM♦h MAOIN6'a Sul�Nr JNartc A«/r,ev NeJ, de h.reby o of /hia P,A, t M� emfdef . za" h\ v •.! eak Ao I/,r uae of/M pub//'c a// a/rq. and ro da eb.wn Mellen,end NJe wa < ./ d /here.!Ter soy e/rd+// public purpww ...! ;neen>ia&./ w/ih /heir ono r. 't !_L"• �C' yj f� 0 •puA/ie highway pu Pww. ♦' afT '" i •< /n '/Hem whereof we have Mnunb a./ear Mnd>.,of ac,/a Ja+«rw;:d\ •pra•d lhla a Gsi/ G ! q y . • rx.m.ned.not.Pprowdf `/( C ?' / � � ���� 'fJ�� ej Rear OF`Cp[n YY•aln }r �Y�i/ ' A[RNO wG[CG IILNT ( t' , r , e C� coon♦u d King_ S.S. ._G,•'. i.,b ccrfify fh en Mb dayel /A8!dAx me,a Nal+ry R/blk ,n and - 'x.r. 5 [ ' I AT for the 5i,,e of Weah:ngien, duly camm,m,ewd aryl awem, prnK,a/y spprored !� `6l1 2e Mnl Fercl p d W.C. nq. .nd OA.,ge Ni:9on di + ind.'vidw/and» executer eF the Mfa/e of T only a quad Au uala Ni3en .6...©', 1e me knewn A,M M.indivdw/> d rib.d in,.nd who ��yeipllMpreperlydexnbedly o fi x <ukd Mr M--;fh Oedia.lien mdaelrowled db m.Md N,r ,red+not ax/d Me..v.e>Mv•weeare,^.'p b fAr back>+dr.ceda �, n 9a y aiy f,ny eYfier,tiew boon fully paid $ /na.not r./ «I end do.d,!en M/ ue a+not purpan9 /Awein m.gAaxd. en 9aJeMrged melding/hue M,e / ., Gi—uM.. ...y hw,d coot>lfiei./a.d IM wy�• r Mr. wddcn Ail • /vuna n, ..d M�w4"OL E MI'ryn N .n d!.r Me JMN e!,ryaaN,yyn . Ti« M»en CaunF;,WOah. ALKNOW/IOGM[NS R g If�J •< f Q— n!WK,'ng, on�SR Ceunlu or K.hn f I e'lbY.#<Mrd al IM r.quva/.r SA./A.e._RwgNb•f R�{/R�, Thn io b cv {dy flu{Pn fM,2aQ-dry e! Jal�uary_,/9a1, bck M._3.y{eav or Jn^,ea^,. yam, A.T /Hula . Nehry public:n .nd kr Ih. SAb ! W+aN,gLn, duly<emm p - p /�{pyaalxk,and R.mrdrd/n v./_AL e!14h,p q.e ,. and awer ,paraenaOy•xepeva,vd P uY F. NJaan,b me knewn'&be,%v A♦{ I/ , :Y R9Tq^,R.wrda ! M+aon c.vnly,W»h. dmcribed;n d whe fed Me 5erervlMckmw/edy.d/>' d � Pi/< Ne./319/3 ) Ae signed and ss�d/he a me a his!+not w/bq+d+/d deed,ferny +not purP.Jea l6;,o, Ad., Had. n {+'e .i ✓ .5'„"j ,ba M en rounry, .>A. Gir<n under my fund end olGbiafa}t/.j/J!• aw y<�r a6.L! rr'+ RcSidinq-ef - -:ir. - - 1 , Name and Return Address: 2140580 MASON CO WA Mason County Public Works 100 W Public Works Drive MPSONrCO2PUBLIG3NOfl - 0141724 ReolFee S106.1150 Pages: 4 Shelton. WA98584 �l��P1�I���������p���.I��I1111111 pil�������0��l��I������.�����������I�� Document Titles) �v 1.Road Vacation#403 2. Reference Numbers(s)of Documefht�' hed or Released �J ADDITIONAL RCFCRENCE it's ON PAGE Grantor(s) 1.Mason Coun � 2. � \ ADDITIONAL GRANTORS ON PAGE Grantee]/ 1.Mi . ell KKJllliams 2. ADDITIONAL GRANTEES ON PAGE Legal scription(abbreviated form:i.e.lot,block,plat or section,township,range,quarter/quarter) Madfngs Sunny Shore Add#3 Tr. 9 S 46/39 ADDITIONAL LEGAL IS ON PAGE Assessor's Property Tax Parcel/Account Number(s) 22105-51-00009 ADDITIONAL PARCEL U's ON PAGE THE AUDITOR/RECORDER WILL RELY ON THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ON THIS FORM.THE STAFF WILL NOT READ THE DOCUMENT TO VERIFY THE ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF THE INDEXING INFORMATION PROVIDED HEREIN. RETURN TO MASON COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS 100 W.Public Works Drive Shelton,WA 98584 O 0 IN THE MATTER OF THE VACATION OF10 ORDER OF VACATION UNUSED PORTION OF VACATION FILE NO. 403 E.MASON LAKE DRIVE WEST RCW 36.87 WHEREAS, it is t nti f the Board of Mason County Commissioners to vacate the following described ight ay. An unused portion of soi rive West as dedicated in the Plat of Mading's Sunny Shore Addition No. 3, as recorded i olum o Plats at page 89 and 90, dedicated on January 22, 1951, recorded in Mason County, asl *h ton. AN II AS,the date of hearing was set for July 22, 2020 at l:00 p.m. and Notice of Hearing, I t aca e, was published and posted according to law; and R . S, the hearing was held on July 22, 2020 and the Mason County Hearing Examen onsidered the County Engineer's report, together with any evidence for or objection ins I cation;and HEREAS, the Hearing Examiner has rendered to the Board of Mason County o ssioners, his Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations and the members of the Board given them due consideration. NOW,THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED that the above described right of way is hereby vacated;and 2140580 Page 2 of 4 10/01/2020 10:33:46 AM Mason County, WA IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that said vacation is subject to any existing private casements for ingress and egress or any other purpose and to retail ittg an casement in favor of Mason County for any utilities present in the vacated road right-of-way i ccordance with RCW 36.87.140. DATED this fLl day orA—C pq)AyyN 2020 O ATTEST: BO OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS i COUNTY,WASHINGTON t Mckenzie Srftith, erk of the Board . Caron 7r sk, Chair- APPROVED AS TO FORM: Rarydy Nea rlin, Vice Chair �ii�mWhiteh—e-0,Ch. DP Kevin Shy y, Commissioner Cc: itL-Vlsor;Auditor; Petitioner; licrks Dept; GIS ation File No.403 O 2140580 Page 3 of 4 10/01/2020 10:33:46 AM Mason County, WA Exhibit- A LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR ROAD RIG1Tf-OF-WAY VACA— ON G A portion of Government Lot 1,in the Southeast Qua Southeast�Southeast Quarter of Section 32, Township 22 North, Range 2 West,W.M. Mason Codndshington, described as follows: COMMENCING at the Northeast corner of LotLr=—;of ��{V., Sunny Shore Addition No. 3,as recorded in Volume 4 of Plats at Page 89Vs.tav Mason County,Washington; thence N 25033'50"W 27.89 feet to a rebar andm LS 40520 and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continuing N 25°3 18 feet to the Northerly platted right-of-way of said plat; thence S 64°26'10"W 84.87 feet along said Northerly right-of-way to a rebar and cap stamped ROSE 44654;thence S 25033'50"E 20.74 to a rebar and cap stamped ROSE 44645 said point being on a line runnina�parallel with and 30' Northerly of the existing centerline of i East Mason Lake Drive West as 3ho record of survey recorded in Volume 46 of surveys, at Page 39 records of Mason ty, ashington;thence N 67°34'06"E 49.19 feet;thence N 78011'15"E 36,81 f tt �fue�Soint of beginning. Containing 0.005cs more or loss i \\ I i 21405BO Page 4 of 4 10/01/2020 10:33:46 AM Mason County, WA �r�ON CO& Mason County Administrator 411 N 5th Street Shelton, WA 98584 (360) 427-9670 ext. 419 Mason County Commissioner Briefing Items from County Administrator May 6, 2024 Specific Items for Review 2024 Budget amendments—Jennifer Beierle American Rescue Plan Act requests—Jennifer Beierle 2023 Oath of Inventory—Diane Zoren Scheduling Executive Session to prepare for Cyber Security tabletop exercise—Diane Zoren Defense&Indemnification coverage—Nichole Wilston Administrator Updates Commissioner Discussion C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Jennifer Beierle Ext. 532 Department: Support Services Briefing: Action Agenda: ❑ Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): 5/6/2024 Agenda Date: Click or tap here to enter text. Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Other (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item: Draft Requests for Supplemental Appropriations and Amendments to the first Budget Amendment Public Hearing for 2024 Background/Executive Summary: Requests for supplemental appropriations and amendments to the 2024 budget are attached. This request includes changes to beginning and ending fund balances to reflect actual beginning cash balances as of January 1,2024. Budget Impact(amount, funding source,budget amendment): See attached Public Outreach(news release,community meeting,etc.): RCW 36.40.100 requires the Board to publish notice in the official county newspaper for two consecutive weeks prior to the budget hearing. Requested Action: Request to set a public hearing for June 18, 2024, at 9:15 a.m. to consider and approve supplemental budget requests and budget transfers to the 2024 budget. Attachments: Proposed 2024 Budget Amendment#1 Detail and Detailed Budget Entries ATTACHMENT A TO RESOLUTION NO. 2024 BUDGET AMENDMENT#1 DETAIL 2024 2024 FUND REVENUE EXPENDITURE LINE NO. FUND NAME DEPARTMENT CHANGE CHANGE DESCRIPTION CHANGE BUDGETED BFB TO ACTUAL CASH 1 ALL ALL FUNDS AMOUNTS AT 1/1/2024 INC ELECTED OFFICIAL SALARY&BENEFITS $13,340; REMOVE 5 COMPUTERS FROM 2 001 GENERAL FUND ASSESSOR 3,340 REPLACEMENT CYCLE IN BUDGET<$10,000> INC ELECTED OFFICIAL SALARY&BENEFITS 3 001 GENERAL FUND AUDITOR 13,340 $13,340 MAY-DEC 2024 EMERGENCY REMOVE 2 COMPUTERS FROM REPLACEMENT 4 001 GENERAL FUND MANAGEMENT (4,000) CYCLE IN BUDGET PER IT TST TRANSFER IN FOR 2023 BILLING TO BE DONE IN 2024$20,104; INC ELECTED OFFICIAL SALARY 5 001 GENERAL FUND CLERK 20,104 13,340 &BENEFITS$13,340 MAY-DEC 2024 INC ELECTED OFFICIAL SALARY&BENEFITS 6 001 GENERAL FUND COMMISSIONERS 40,020 $13,340, EACH, MAY-DEC 2024 JUVENILE COURT ADD 1 COMPUTER TO REPLACEMENT CYCLE IN 7 001 GENERAL FUND SERVICES 2,000 2024 BUDGET PER IT HUMAN 8 001 GENERAL FUND RESOURCES 30,000 2025 NON-REP CLASS/COMP STUDY COMMUNITY SCJ CONTRACT MC CONTRACT#23-073 CARRY- 9 001 GENERAL FUND DEVELOPMENT 475,000 475,000 FORWARD BUDGET FROM 2023 TO 2024 INC ELECTED OFFICIAL SALARY&BENEFITS 10 001 GENERAL FUND CORONER 13,340 $13,340 MAY-DEC 2024 INC ELECTED OFFICIAL SALARY& BENEFITS 11 001 GENERAL FUND SHERIFF 5,595 $5,595 MAY-DEC 2024 OFFICE OF PUBLIC TST TRANSFER IN FOR 2023 BILLING TO BE DONE 12 001 GENERAL FUND DEFENSE 157,259 IN 2024 INC ELECTED OFFICIAL SALARY&BENEFITS 13 001 GENERAL FUND TREASURER 13,340 $13,340 MAY-DEC 2024 THERAPEUTIC OJJDP-FRC ENHANCEMENT GRANT REC'D AFTER 14 001 GENERAL FUND COURT 95,080 95,080 2024 BUDGET ADOPTION VICTIM WITNESS CHANGE BUDGETED BFB TO ACTUAL CASH 15 114 ACTIVITY 4,640 AMOUNTS AT 1/1/2024 SHERIFF'S BOATING INC OVERTIME BASED ON PAST YEAR ACTUAL 16 141 PROGRAM 5,000 EXPENDITURES AMERICAN RESCUE CHANGE BUDGETED BFB TO ACTUAL CASH 17 155 PLAN ACT (202,615) AMOUNTS AT 1/1/2024 2024 CONTRACTS THAT NEED TO BE ADDED TO THE BUDGET FOR FESTIVAL SUPPORT,TOURISM 18 163 LODGING TAX 645,307 DEVELOPMENT&TOURISM PROGRESSIVE APP TST TRANSFER TO CLERK&OPD FOR 2023 19 164 MENTAL HEALTH TAX 177,363 BILLING DONE IN 2024 CHANGE BUDGETED BFB TO ACTUAL CASH 20 180 TREASURER'S O&M 8,355 AMOUNTS AT 1/1/2024 MASON LAKE CHANGE BUDGETED BFB TO ACTUAL CASH 21 194 MANAGEMENT 37,026 AMOUNTS AT 1/1/2024 SPENCER LAKE CHANGE BUDGETED BFB TO ACTUAL CASH 22 195 MANAGEMENT (2,712) AMOUNTS AT 1/1/2024 ISLAND LAKE CHANGE BUDGETED BFB TO ACTUAL CASH 23 199 MANAGEMENT 1,429 AMOUNTS AT 1/1/2024 Page 1 of 8 ATTACHMENT A TO RESOLUTION NO. 2024 BUDGET AMENDMENT#1 DETAIL 2024 2024 FUND REVENUE EXPENDITURE LINE NO. FUND NAME DEPARTMENT CHANGE CHANGE DESCRIPTION MASON COUNTY 24 402 LANDFILL 55,000 55,000 ADD 1 FTE TO 2024 BUDGET FUNDED BY RATES RUSTLEWOOD SEWER CHANGE BUDGETED BFB TO ACTUAL CASH 25 411 &WATER 57,188 AMOUNTS AT 1/1/2024 CHANGE BUDGETED BFB TO ACTUAL CASH 26 502 UNEMPLOYMENT 41,086 AMOUNTS AT 1/1/2024 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 747,443 700,395 OTHER FUNDS TOTAL 125,183 756,884 ALL FUNDS GRAND TOTAL 872,626 1,457,279 Page 2 of 8 ATTACHMENT B TO RESOLUTION NO. 2024 BUDGET AMENDMENT#1 DETAILED BUDGET ENTRIES LINE FUND PROPOSED FROM BALANCE BUDGETED FB A ACCOUNT TYPE I/D REVENUE EXPENDITURE CHANGE TOTAL DESCRIPTION 1 001.000000.000.000.308.41.309994.0000.00. 7 1 87,000 500,000 BEG FUND-ACCRUED LEAVE 1 001.000000.320.000.508.41.509994.0000.00. 7 1 87,000 500,000 END FUND-ACCRUED LEAVE 1 001.000000.000.000.308.41.309996.0000.00. 7 1 210,000 1,000,000 BEG FUND-EQUIPMENT 1 001.000000.000.000.508.41.509996.0000.00. 7 1 210,000 1,000,000 END FUND-EQUIPMENT 1 001.000000.000.000.308.41.309997.0000.00. 7 1 14,000 400,000 BEG FUND-TECHNOLOGY 1 001.000000.000.000.508.41.509997.0000.00. 7 1 14,000 400,000 END FUND-TECHNOLOGY 1 001.000000.000.000.308.41.309999.0000.00. 7 1 1,057,955 11,249,909 BEG FUND-OPERATING 1 001.000000.320.000.508.41.509999.0000.00. 7 1 1,057,955 11,249,909 END FUND-OPERATING 1 001.000000.000.000.308.91.300000.0000.00. 7 D 1,843,286 8,375,760 BEG FUND UNASSIGNED 1 001.000000.320.000.508.91.500000.0000.00. 7 D 1,843,286 706,902 END FUND UNASSIGNED 1 103.000000.000.000.308.31.300000.0000.00. 7 1 101,881 2,237,013 BEG FUND RESTRICTED 1 103.000000.000.000.508.31.500000.0000.00. 7 1 101,881 2,624,504 END FUND RESTRICTED 1 103.000000.000.000.308.31.309999.0000.00. 7 1 4,709 169,577 BEG FUND-OPERATING 1 103.000000.000.000.508.31.509999.0000.00. 7 1 4,709 169,577 END FUND-OPERATING 1 104.000000.000.000.308.31.300000.0000.00. 7 D 43,866 464,913 BEG FUND RESTRICTED 1 104.000000.000.000.508.31.500000.0000.00. 7 D 43,866 432,857 END FUND RESTRICTED 1 105.000000.000.000.308.31.300000.0000.00. 7 D 1,643,306 3,334,371 BEG FUND RESTRICTED 1 105.000000.000.000.508.31.500000.0000.00. 7 1 823,959 904,362 END FUND RESTRICTED 1 105.000000.000.000.308.31.309999.0000.00. 7 1 589,121 4,595,814 BEG FUND-OPERATING 1 105.000000.000.000.508.31.509999.0000.00. 7 1 589,121 4,595,814 END FUND-OPERATING 1 106.000000.000.000.308.31.300000.0000.00. 7 1 8,552 315,266 BEG FUND RESTRICTED 1 106.000000.000.000.508.31.500000.0000.00. 7 1 8,552 323,345 END FUND RESTRICTED 1 109.000000.000.000.308.31.300000.0000.00. 7 D 111,822 129,680 BEG FUND RESTRICTED 1 109.000000.000.000.508.31.500000.0000.00. 7 D 111,822 117,770 END FUND RESTRICTED 1 110.000000.000.000.308.31.300000.0000.00. 7 1 36,420 162,410 BEG FUND RESTRICTED 1 110.000000.000.000.508.31.500000.0000.00. 7 1 36,420 111,429 END FUND RESTRICTED 1 114.000000.000.000.308.31.300000.0000.00. 7 D 6,323 307 BEG FUND RESTRICTED 1 114.000000.000.000.508.31.500000.0000.00. 7 D 6,323 - END FUND RESTRICTED 15 114.000000.000.000.333.16.357500.0000.00. 7 1 4,640 VICTIM WITNESS GRANT 1 117.000000.000.200.308.31.300000.0000.00. 7 1 1,243,658 1,658,658 BEG FUND RESTRICTED 1 117.000000.000.200.508.31.500000.0000.00. 7 1 1,243,658 1,658,458 END FUND RESTRICTED 1 118.000000.000.000.308.31.300000.0000.00. 7 1 65,329 292,282 BEG FUND RESTRICTED 1 118.000000.000.000.508.31.500000.0000.00. 7 1 65,329 250,970 END FUND RESTRICTED 1 120.000000.000.000.308.31.300000.0000.00. 7 1 13,164 98,164 BEG FUND RESTRICTED 1 120.000000.000.000.508.31.500000.0000.00. 7 1 13,164 13,164 END FUND RESTRICTED 1 134.000000.000.000.308.31.300000.0000.00. 7 1 3,974 33,974 BEG FUND RESTRICTED 1 134.000000.000.000.508.31.500000.0000.00. 7 1 3,974 3,974 END FUND RESTRICTED 1 135.000000.000.000.308.31.300000.0000.00. 7 D 378 115,113 BEG FUND RESTRICTED 1 135.000000.000.000.508.31.500000.0000.00. 7 D 378 84,266 END FUND RESTRICTED 1 141.000000.000.000.308.31.300000.0000.00. 7 D 56,680 53,320 BEG FUND RESTRICTED 1 141.000000.000.000.508.31.500000.0000.00. 7 D 56,680 52,520 END FUND RESTRICTED 1 142.000000.000.000.308.31.300000.0000.00. 7 D 6,370 93,630 BEG FUND RESTRICTED 1 142.000000.000.000.508.31.500000.0000.00. 7 D 6,370 94,172 END FUND RESTRICTED 1 145.000000.000.000.308.31.300000.0000.00. 7 1 77,956 167,956 BEG FUND RESTRICTED 1 145.000000.000.000.508.31.500000.0000.00. 7 1 77,956 162,509 ENDING FUND-RESTRICTED 1 150.000000.000.000.308.31.300000.0000.00. 7 1 1,938,586 2,738,586 BEG FUND RESTRICTED 1 150.000000.000.000.508.31.500000.0000.00. 7 1 1,938,586 2,709,107 END FUND RESTRICTED 1 155.000000.000.000.308.31.300000.0000.00. 7 D 202,615 4,797,385 BEG FUND RESTRICTED 17 155.000000.000.000.594.18.564000.0000.00. 7 D 202,615 CAPITAL EQUIPMENT 1 160.000000.000.000.308.31.300000.0000.00. 7 D 9,856 27,397 BEG FUND RESTRICTED 1 160.000000.000.000.508.31.500000.0000.00. 7 D 9,856 13,838 END FUND RESTRICTED 1 163.000000.000.000.308.31.300000.0000.00. 7 1 559,961 2,059,961 BEG FUND RESTRICTED 1 163.000000.000.000.508.31.500000.0000.00. 7 1 559,961 2,299,399 END FUND RESTRICTED 1 164.000000.100.000.308.31.300000.0000.00. 7 1 754,509 2,273,003 BEG FUND RESTRICTED 1 164.000000.100.000.508.31.500000.0000.00. 7 1 754,509 2,129,335 END FUND RESTRICTED 1 180.000000.000.000.308.31.300000.0000.00. 7 D 8,355 126,549 BEG FUND RESTRICTED 1 180.000000.000.000.508.31.500000.0000.00. 7 D 8,355 - END FUND RESTRICTED 20 180.000000.000.000.341.42.301000.0000.00. 7 1 8,355 TREAS.FEES-FORECLOSURE COSTS 1 190.000000.000.000.308.31.300000.0000.00. 7 1 70,526 270,526 BEG FUND RESTRICTED 1 190.000000.000.000.508.31.500000.0000.00. 7 1 70,526 70,526 END FUND RESTRICTED 1 192.000000.000.000.308.31.300000.0000.00. 7 1 41,830 41,830 BEG FUND RESTRICTED 1 192.000000.000.000.508.31.500000.0000.00. 7 1 41,830 41,830 END FUND RESTRICTED 1 194.000000.000.000.308.41.300000.0000.00. 7 1 37,026 97,026 BEG FUND COMMITTED 21 194.000000.000.000.553.60.541010.0000.00. 7 1 37,026 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1 195.000000.000.000.308.41.300000.0000.00. 7 D 2,712 7,288 BEG FUND COMMITTED 22 195.000000.000.000.553.60.541010.0000.00. 7 D 2,712 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1 199.000000.001.000.308.41.300000.0000.00. 7 1 1,429 13,429 BEG FUND COMMITTED Page I o ATTACHMENT B TO RESOLUTION NO. 2024 BUDGET AMENDMENT#1 DETAILED BUDGET ENTRIES LINE FUND PROPOSED FROM BALANCE BUDGETED FB A ACCOUNT TYPE I/D REVENUE EXPENDITURE CHANGE TOTAL DESCRIPTION 23 199.000000.001.000.553.60.541010.0000.00. 7 1 1,429 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1 350.000000.000.000.308.31.300000.0000.00. 7 1 736,246 2,236,246 BEG FUND RESTRICTED 1 350.000000.000.000.508.31.500000.0000.00. 7 1 736,246 1,745,062 END FUND RESTRICTED 1 351.000000.000.000.308.31.300000.0000.00. 7 1 1,007,256 4,007,256 BEG FUND RESTRICTED 1 351.000000.000.000.508.31.500000.0000.00. 7 1 1,007,256 3,606,069 END FUND RESTRICTED 1 402.000000.000.000.308.41.300000.0000.00. 7 1 414,239 3,520,833 BEG FUND COMMITTED 1 402.000000.000.000.508.41.500000.0000.00. 7 1 414,239 4,168,516 END FUND COMMITTED 1 403.000000.100.020.308.41.300000.0000.00. 7 1 582,020 3,053,980 BEG FUND COMMITTED 1 403.000000.100.020.508.41.500000.0000.00. 7 1 582,020 2,349,425 END FUND COMMITTED 1 411.000000.000.000.308.41.300000.0000.00. 7 D 85,413 22,763 BEG FUND COMMITTED 1 411.000000.000.000.508.41.500000.0000.00. 7 D 85,413 (57,188) END FUND COMMITTED 25 411.000000.000.000.TBD 7 1 57,188 TBD 1 412.000000.000.000.308.41.300000.0000.00. 7 1 20,351 988,172 BEG FUND COMMITTED 1 412.000000.000.000.508.41.500000.0000.00. 7 1 20,351 900,775 END FUND COMMITTED 1 413.000000.000.000.308.41.300000.0000.00. 7 1 2,574,138 3,664,626 BEG FUND COMMITTED 1 413.000000.000.000.508.41.500000.0000.00. 7 1 2,574,138 4,272,585 END FUND COMMITTED 1 428.000000.000.000.308.41.300000.0000.00. 7 1 287,123 448,326 BEG FUND COMMITTED 1 428.000000.000.000.508.41.500000.0000.00. 7 1 287,123 436,953 END FUND COMMITTED 1 500.000000.000.000.308.41.300000.0000.00. 7 1 150,021 350,021 BEG FUND COMMITTED 1 500.000000.000.000.508.41.500000.0000.00. 7 1 150,021 277,475 END FUND COMMITTED 1 501.000000.000.000.308.41.300000.0000.00. 7 1 1,459,718 5,278,885 BEG FUND COMMITTED 1 501.000000.000.000.508.41.500000.0000.00. 7 1 1,459,718 4,058,294 END FUND COMMITTED 1 501.000000.000.000.308.41.309999.0000.00. 7 D 170,816 505,617 BEG FUND COMMITTED 1 501.000000.000.000.508.41.509999.0000.00. 7 D 170,816 505,617 END FUND COMMITTED 1 502.000000.000.000.308.41.300000.0000.00. 7 1 41,086 241,086 BEG FUND COMMITTED 26 502.000000.000.000.517.78.520060.0000.00. 7 1 41,086 UNEMPLOYMENT PAYMENTS TO DES 2 001.000000.020.000.514.24.510010.0000.00. 1 1 13,340 ASSESSOR 3 001.000000.030.030.513.10.510010.0000.00. 1 1 13,340 AUDITOR 5 001.000000.070.000.512.30.510010.0000.00. 1 1 13,340 COUNTY CLERK 6 001.000000.080.000.511.60.510010.0000.00. 1 1 13,340 COMMISSIONER#1 6 001.000000.080.000.511.60.510020.0000.00. 1 1 13,340 COMMISSIONER#2 6 001.000000.080.000.511.60.510030.0000.00. 1 1 13,340 COMMISSIONER#3 10 001.000000.190.000.563.10.510010.0000.00. 1 1 13,340 CORONER 11 001.000000.205.265.521.10.510010.0000.00. 1 1 5,595 SHERIFF 13 001.000000.260.000.513.10.510010.0000.00. 1 1 13,340 TREASURER 2-13 001.000000.320.000.508.91.500000.0000.00. 1 D 112,315 594,587 END FUND UNASSIGNED 2 001.000000.020.000.514.24.535098.0000.00. 1 D 10,000 IT TRACKABLE EQUIPMENT 4 001.000000.050.000.525.10.535098.0000.00. 1 D 4,000 IT TRACKABLE EQUIPMENT 7 001.000000.170.000.527.60.535098.0000.00. 1 1 2,000 IT TRACKABLE EQUIPMENT 2-7 001.000000.320.000.508.91.500000.0000.00. 1 1 12,000 606,587 END FUND UNASSIGNED 8 001.000000.057.000.518.10.541010.0000.00. 1 1 30,000 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 8 001.000000.320.000.508.91.500000.0000.00. 1 D 30,000 576,587 END FUND UNASSIGNED 9 001.000000.125.146.334.04.320010.0000.00. 2 1 346,075 GMA PERIODIC UPDATE GRANT 9 001.000000.125.146.334.04.320120.0000.00. 2 1 115,125 CLIMATE PLANNING GRANT 9 001.000000.125.146.337.00.300000.0000.00. 2 1 13,800 CITY OF SHELTON ILA 9 001.000000.125.146.558.60.541020.0000.00. 2 1 475,000 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 14 001.000000.256.100.333.16.383810.0000.00. 2 1 95,080 FTC-AOC GRANT 14 001.000000.256.100.512.22.541010.0000.00. 2 1 15,000 URINALYSIS FEES 14 001.000000.256.100.512.22.541020.0000.00. 2 1 43,169 SERVICE PROVIDERS 14 001.000000.256.100.512.22.543010.0000.00. 2 1 23,366 TRAVEL 14 001.000000.256.100.512.22.549010.0000.00. 2 1 13,545 TRAINING 16 141.000000.000.000.521.22.512000.0000.00. 1 1 5,000 OVERTIME 16 141.000000.000.000.508.31.500000.0000.00. 1 D 5,000 47,520 END FUND RESTRICTED 5 001.000000.070.000.397.00.300164.0000.00. 2 1 20,104 TRANSFER IN MENTAL HEALTH 12 001.000000.240.000.397.00.300164.0000.00. 2 1 157,259 TRANSFER IN MENTAL HEALTH 19 164.000000.100.000.597.00.500070.0000.00. 2 1 20,104 TRANSFER OUT:CLERK 19 164.000000.100.000.597.00.500256.0000.00. 2 1 157,259 TRANSFER OUT:THERAPEUTIC CT 18 163.000000.000.000.557.30.541037.0000.00. 1 1 47,300 FESTIVAL SUPPORT-NEO 18 163.000000.000.000.557.30.541038.0000.00. 1 1 1 548,507 TOURISM DEVEL-NEO Page 2 o ATTACHMENT B TO RESOLUTION NO. 2024 BUDGET AMENDMENT#1 DETAILED BUDGET ENTRIES LINE FUND PROPOSED FROM BALANCE BUDGETED FB A ACCOUNT TYPE I/D REVENUE EXPENDITURE CHANGE TOTAL DESCRIPTION 18 163.000000.000.000.557.30.541043.0000.00. 1 1 49,500 TOURISM PROGRESSIVE APP-NEO 18 163.000000.000.000.508.31.500000.0000.00. 1 D 645,307 1,654,092 END FUND RESTRICTED 24 402.000000.000.000.343.70.300000.0000.00. 2 1 55,000 GARBAGE/SOLID WASTE FEES/CHGS 24 402.000000.000.000.537.80.510080.0000.00. 2 1 65,000 SOLID WASTE ATTENDANT/OPERATOR 24 402.000000.000.000.537.80.512000.0000.00. 2 D 10,000 OVERTIME --]General Fund Total: 747,443 700,395 Other Funds Total: 125,183 756,884 All Funds Grand Total: 872,626 1,457,279 Page 3 of 3 C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Jennifer Beierle Ext. 532 Department: Support Services Briefing: 0 Action Agenda: ❑ Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): May 6,2024 Agenda Date: Click or tap here to enter text. Internal Review: 0 Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Risk (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item• ARPA Requests for reallocated funds. Background/Executive Summary: The American Rescue Plan Act(ARPA)of 2021 provides $350 billion in emergency funding for eligible state,local,territorial,and tribal governments to respond to the COVID-19 emergency and bring back jobs. The US Treasury has given Mason County$12,968,901 of the ARPA grant money. The funds came in two installments and must be obligated by 12/31/2024 and expended by 12/31/2026. The total requests received for ARPA funds as of April 30'is $2,646,057 and Mason County has approximately$841,188 in completed projects to re-obligate to new projects. Budget Impact(amount, funding source,budget amendment): None Public Outreach (news release,community meeting, etc.): N/A Requested Action: Reallocation of remaining ARPA funds Attachments ARPA Update Spreadsheet,Letters of Request,Reallocation Request Spreadsheet CO Mason County Human Resources 411 N 5t" Street Shelton, WA 98584 'l 360.490.9809 Mary Ransier, HR Director mransier@masoncountywa.gov 360-490-9809 April 24, 2024 Dear Board of Mason County Commissioners, I am writing to formally request funding through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) to support comprehensive initiatives aimed at workforce development, acquiring essential equipment, developing recruitment materials, and enhancing organizational capacity within our community. Our organization is deeply committed to fostering economic recovery and resilience in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.The proposed activities encompass several key components: 1. Equipment Acquisition: Funding will be allocated towards acquiring necessary equipment and technology to support and recover our workforce effectively.This includes IT trackable equipment such as laptops and cameras. 2. Recruitment Materials: We plan to develop and distribute recruitment materials to engage community members in our job opportunities. These materials will include informational brochures, digital advertisements, vehicle advertising, and outreach campaigns to ensure broad participation, utilizing professional services. 3. Organizational Development: A portion of the funds will be utilized to strengthen our organizational capacity, including strategic planning, and operational improvements, ensuring sustained impact and effectiveness in our community efforts. These initiatives align closely with the objectives outlined in the American Rescue Plan Act, emphasizing investments in workforce development and community revitalization. By leveraging ARPA funding,we seek to accelerate recovery efforts and empower individuals to thrive in the post-pandemic economy. The requested funds will be used judiciously to cover equipment procurement, development and distribution of recruitment materials, and organizational enhancements. A detailed budget breakdown is enclosed with this letter for your review. Securing funding through ARPA is critical to the success and sustainability of these initiatives, enabling us to expand our impact and serve a broader audience within our community. Thank you for considering our request for American Rescue Plan Act funding. Sincerely, Mary Ransier ARPA Fund Request—Budget Breakdown Item Details Timeline Benefits Cost Meeting Owl Cam/Mic Center of the room camera which zooms in 2024 Efficient and productive hybrid meetings,improved collaboration,and $1,500 for Bldg 9.Conference on speakers' faces for face-to-face view. engaging/inclusive experience for all participants.Cost-effective solution Room compared to installing separate microphones, speakers,and cameras. Training Laptop Higher quality laptop for streaming County- 2024 HR launched a new LMS and is streaming free trainings County-wide.The $1,500 wide trainings/meetings current issued laptops do not have a high enough CPU and dedicated graphics card to process video independently. Recruitment Materials Professional photographer/videographer 2024 Enhanced employer branding,consistent messaging,differentiation in the $10,000 County vehicle advertising labor market to increase competitiveness,improved candidate experience and messaging. First Aid/CPR Materials Replacement First Aid Kits, CPR 2024 Fully trained CPR and First Aid staff County-wide mitigates risk,saves $3 0,000 Mannequins,Trainers,and CPR Training lives,reduces severity of injuries,complies with regulations,and fosters an Supplies environment of safety in the organization. Strategic Planning Facilitated workshop to determine County 2024 Strategic plans are vital for direction and focus,alignment,resource $25,000 strategic plan. allocation,accountability,and measurement of an organization.Facilitators provide an objective perspective,focused process,customized approach, and the abilitv to resolve and manage conflict. o0 �d Better 10 ITI ® Activities , o Center MASON COUNTY SENIOR ACTIVITIES CENTER April 11, 2024 Dear Mason County and County Commissioners, I am writing to you today to request funds for new computers for our staff. We currently use a mix of purchased and donated home-use computers. The computer I use was purchased in 2008, my activity coordinator's computer has a 50 GB hard drive and has been full for 6 plus years, and the bookkeeper's computer is just as bad as the others. Our budget has always been tight. We saw a 40% drop in membership and participation during the pandemic, and we have gained about half of that back. Last year, our building on 8111 and Railroad was set on fire by an arsonist. We have insurance but the lack of revenue from the days we had to be closed didn't help our budget after issues were found that weren't attributed to the fire, and needed to be repaired from our general reserve. Our organization has served to help the mental, emotional, and physical well-being of seniors in Shelton an d d Mason County for the last 43 years. We serve about 10,000 meals a year without assistance from any agencies for additional food costs. Most of our working days are spent in meetings, emails, graphic design work (as we design everything in-house to save money), senior database usage, and general planning.New computers for us would improve the quality of work as well as our ability to be more productive. I am requesting $4,628.31,to be used for 3 new commercial-grade desktop computers with cybersecurity software as well as a migration from our old computers to the new ones. The project will start as soon as possible and be completed before the end of 2024. I urge you to consider my request. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Penny Wilson Senior Center Director Unique Entity ID:DKURRL7JNFZ5 Mason County Senior Activities Association 190 W Sentry Dr. Shelton WA 98584 360-426-7374 MASON COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CAI C� Permit Assistance Center, Building, Planning April 29, 2024 Kate Campbell Financial Analyst, Budget Office 411 N. 51h Street Shelton, WA 98584 kcampbell@masoncountywa.gov RE:ARPA Funding Request for Computer Equipment Dear Ms. Campbell, I am writing to request ARPA funds for Community Development's Building Department's Electronic Inspections program. The building department has historically gone into the field with paper sheets where inspection notes are written down and then transcribed in the office by clerical staff.This is an inefficient use of time and causes both delay and "lost in translation" mistakes for the customer(contractor, homeowner, etc.). In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated the inefficiencies of the current inspection program and highlighted the need for the department to upgrade its systems. The Inspection Team successfully field-tested, using computer tablets borrowed from the Environmental Health Department, and decided to purchase six Microsoft Surface tablets and keyboards and six Under Armor cases (see cost breakdown below). We believe this purchase will both increase efficiency and better prepare the department to perform an essential government function if there is a future event that causes additional disruption. Requested Funds: • The Surface tablets and keyboards were paid to CDW 04/09/24: $11,533.90 warrant #08104198. • Six Under Armor cases were ordered 04/24/24$599.70+shipping/handling&tax purchased on Department credit card. Exact amount has not yet been posted. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Kell Rowen, Director, Department of Community Development ,�tV\t\Ri r�� Ay�Id/ i ht� U8PUT1;."-i Vjf. a PRR�a -11 l .; `CDU;.. '' Sheriff Ryan urfing , oN coV N- TX,,, 322 N 3rd St Shelton,WA 98584 (c 1 360.427.9670 x313 j Sherlff@MasonCountyWa.gov fsnccl� iil�n April 26, 2024 Board of County Commissioners, Mason County 411 N 5111 St Shelton WA, 98584 ARPA Funding Request---Proposal for upgraded CELLEBRITE Investigative Technology To the BOCC, This proposal is aimed at enhancing the investigative capabilities of the Mason County Sheriff's Office through the upgrade of our CELLEBRITE system. In an era where technology plays an increasingly significant role in criminal activities, it is imperative that law enforcement agencies have access to advanced tools and software to effectively gather digital evidence crucial for successful investigations and prosecutions. Purpose: The purpose of this proposal is to upgrade our investigative technology equipment and software, specifically our CELLEBRITE system. CELLEBRITE enables our investigators, under legal authority, to forensically review cell phones and computer hardware suspected of being involved in criminal activities. However, the current product in use within the Sheriff's Office lacks certain capabilities required for both current and future investigations. Upgrading to the Premium product would provide trs with the necessary tools, including the ability to access previously"uncrackable" types of cell phones and other technologies. Significance of Upgrade: The need for advanced investigative technology tools like CELLEBRITE is paramount, as more and more I criminal activities involve the use of technology. Having the capability to extract digital evidence from various devices is crucial for building strong cases and ensuring successful prosecutions. By upgrading our CELLEBRITE system,we empower our investigators to uncover vital evidence that can lead to quicker processing of cases through the legal system, providing closure to victims and prornoting public safety. Professionalism Integrity Accountability Respect Partnership � i Sheriff Ryan Spurling 322 N 3rd St Shelton,WA 98584 (; 1 360.427.9670 x313 Sheriff@MasonCountywa.gov Proposal Details: Upgrade Description: Upgrade of the current CELLEBRITE system to the Premium product. Cost for 2024: Additional $13,300.00 Annual total renewal cost for this product will increase starting in 2025 which will have to be appropriately budgeted for at approximately$23000.00. Implementation Timeline: Upon approval,the upgrade project can be initiated and completed almost immediately, ensuring swift access to the enhanced capabilities of the Premium CELLEBRITE system. Conclusion: In conclusion, investing in the upgrade of our investigative technology equipment and software is vital for enhancing the investigative capabilities of the,Mason County Sheriff's Department. By equipping our investigators with advanced tools like the Premium CELLEBRITE system,we strengthen our ability to gather digital evidence critical for successful prosecutions and promoting public safety. T4nkryyour at ention to this project, S C ty J Professionalism Integrity Accountability Respect Partnership i' � .1 Sheriff Ryan Spurling NCO , . b y� ( "l (lj)322 N 3rd St Shelton,WA 98584 (c) 360.427.9670 x313 ) Sheriff@MasonCountyWa.gov sn '} April 26, 2024 Board of County Commissioners, Mason County 411N5"'St Shelton WA, 98584 ARPA Funding Request---Proposal for SIMMUNITIONS Training Equipment To the BOCC, This proposal is aimed at enhancing the training capabilities of the Mason County Sheriff's Office. Our law enforcement agency is entrusted with the crucial responsibility of maintaining public safety and order in our community.To ensure our deputies are equipped with the necessary skills to handle diverse and challenging situations, it is imperative that we invest in advanced training methodologies. Purpose: The purpose of this proposal is to acquire SIMMUNITIONS training equipment,which will enable our deputies to engage in force-on-force scenario-based training with their assigned firearms.This type of training is widely recognized as an industry best practice and is instrumental in preparing law enforcement personnel to effectively respond to real-life situations they encounter in the line of duty, Significance of Training: Law enforcement officers often find themselves in high-stakes situations where split-second decisions can mean the difference between life and death. By providing our deputies with access to realistic training scenarios,we equip them with the skills and confidence needed to navigate such critical events safely and effectively.This investment in training directly translates to lives saved, both for our deputies and the members of our community they serve. Proposal Details: Equipment Description: Purchase of 50 SIMMUNITIONS training systems. Cost; $22,400.00(including shipping) Professionalism Integrity Accountability Respect Partnership ��qY S�ACCppA, Sheriff Ryan Spurling 322 N 3rd St Shelton,WA 98584 (c) 360,427,9670 x313 ( ' Sheriff@MasonCountyWa.gov Implementation Timeline; Upon approval,the procurement process for the SIMMUNITIONS training equipment will commence immediately. We anticipate that the project will take approximately 120 days to complete, ensuring timely delivery to the Mason County Sheriff's Office (MCSO). Conclusion: In conclusion, investing in SIMMUNITIONS training equipment is essential for the continued professional development and preparedness of the Mason County Sheriff's Department. By providing our deputies with access to realistic scenario-based training,we empower them to make informed decisions and respond effectively to dynamic law enforcement situations. Thank you for yo r atten ion t this project. Sincerely, Chief Cri ' al p Jason Dracob Professionalism Integrity Accountablllty Respect Partnership *IN.54 , Mason County Support Services Request for ARPA Funds Dear Mason County Board of Commissioners, The Mason County Parks & Trails Department is requesting American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds in the amount of$25,000 for the acquisition of a wood-chipper. The acquisition of a wood chipper would greatly benefit our efforts in park maintenance and improvement for the following reasons: 1. Enhanced Green Waste Management: Public parks generate a significant amount of organic waste, including fallen branches, pruned foliage, and tree trimmings. A wood chipper would allow us to efficiently process this green waste on-site, transforming it into valuable wood chips. These wood chips can then be used as mulch for landscaping projects, erosion control, and pathway surfacing, thereby promoting soil health and water conservation. 2. Cost-Effective Solutions: Currently, our park maintenance operations involve the collection and disposal of green waste, which incurs substantial transportation and landfill expenses. By investing in a wood chipper, we can reduce these costs significantly while also generating a reusable resource. This cost-effective approach to green waste management aligns with our goal of maximizing the impact of available resources to benefit our community. 3. Community Engagement and Education: The presence of a wood chipper in our public parks provides a unique opportunity for community engagement and education. We plan to organize hands-on workshops and demonstrations to showcase the benefits of wood chipping and sustainable landscaping practices. By actively involving community members in these activities, we aim to foster a sense of ownership and stewardship towards our public green spaces. 4. Environmental Benefits: Utilizing a wood chipper for green waste management contributes to environmental conservation by diverting organic waste from landfills and reducing greenhouse gas emissions associated with waste transportation and disposal. By promoting the use of wood chips as a renewable and locally sourced material, we further support sustainable practices within our community. We are deeply grateful for your consideration of our proposal. Your support will not only enhance the maintenance and sustainability of our County parks but also contribute to the overall well-being and enjoyment of our community members. Thank you for your time and attention. Sincerely, John Taylor DEM & Parks &Trails Manager Kate Campbell From: Ken VanB <kenvanb@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, March 11, 2024 6:53 PM To: Kate Campbell;Jennifer Beierle Cc: Sharon Hankinson; Mark Neary Subject: Re: ARPA funds Caution: External Email Warning!This email has originated from outside of the Mason County Network. Do not click Links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender, are expecting the email, and know the content is safe. If a link sends you to a website where you are asked to validate using your Account and Password, DO NOT DO SO! Instead, report the incident. Kate and Jennifer, Mason County Cemetery District 1,Twin Firs, would like to submit a cemetery expansion improvement project for consideration of any available ARPA funds. It is made up of four components. The components and bid estimates are as follows. 1. Surveywork for marking rows and plot Lines. $8,000 2.Water Lines and hydrants in the expansion area. $8000 3. Installation of 420'for4' galvanized chain Linkfence $7985 4. 50,000 square feet of hydroseeding $4500 Total $28,485 We feel these projects can all be completed well before 12/31/2026. We plan to start work as soon as possible once the weather cooperates. If there is anything else you need from us please let us know. If the Commissioners would Like a briefing about the project I would be happy to do so. thankyou Ken VanBuskirk Cemetery District 1 Commissioner. On Mon, Feb 12, 2024 at 6:24 PM Ken VanB <kenvanb(a)gmail.com>wrote: Mr. Nearythanks for the quick response.We will discuss it at our next Cemetery meeting. Thanks again. Ken i On Mon, Feb 12, 2024 at 3:35 PM Mark Neary<MNeary(�bmasoncountywa.gov>wrote: Ken, I � 1 NA7RR Dis y� csrnnuswi�vca +� - q April 5, 2024 Project Report To the Mason County Board of Commissioners and Staff, Thank you all for your help,guidance and support throughout our projects. It has been a journey but we can see the light at the end of the tunnel for these projects. There were some setbacks with both of the projects but once addressed the projects proceeded forward mostly as planned. The generators of course were a bit of a smaller project but required more coordination and extra work and funds to get the sites ready for delivery of the units,we had to upgrade the access and usable area at Romance Hill in order to get the crane and delivery truck on site at around$18k all said and done. We also spent an additional $6k on the prep for the office unit and around$9k on the Well 4 unit to address water runoff and pooling issues. All the units are onsite and start up has been completed at the office generator and within the next two weeks we will be tying in Romance and well 4 and getting those online. After waiting for delivery of the generators for between 9 and 14 months we are glad to be able to complete this project entirely. The Well 6 Project is also nearing completion, it should be done by the end of May to the beginning of June. As you can see from the attached spreadsheet this project has gone over quite a bit compared to original estimates and our original request for funding. Once we were able to put out for bids inflation greatly affected the pricing and total bid and a subsequent change order to reduce the full column pipe size to get to depth further drove the cost up. I am told that this will not hamper the wells' ability to produce so we are hoping for good production and of course good water quality as we get ready to move into test pumping and testing of the water. We are grateful and appreciative of all the support and help to this point and look forward to further partnerships and projects as we both work through the growth. Any additional funding that could possibly be made available to help offset our expenditure on these projects would be greatly appreciated. Over$400k from our small district is significant on our bottom line as we continue to grow and move the District forward. Each day we are trying to do the best we canto minimize the impact on our customers. Best R s, 77 l Dale Webb General Manager Belfair Water District#1 Date Reference# Amount Well 4 Romance Admin 12/29/2023 down on Generators $60,250.00 $25,000.00 $21,500.00 $13,750.00 Tacoma Diesel 8/28/2023 139440 Well 4 $81,809.57 $81,809.57 Tacoma Diesel 6/13/2023 SW Electric 202330 $5,460.00 8/2/2023 SW Electric 202341 $5,460.00 8/2/2023 SW Electric 202342 $5,460.00 9/12/2023 139458 Romance $57,886.20 $57,886.20 Tacoma Diesel 9/28/2023 Romance $13,458.34 $13,458.34 Tacoma Diesel 10/13/2023 SW Electric 202354 $8,137.50 12/6/2023 SW Electric 202358 $2,170.00 1/22/2024 SW Electric 202402 $11,320.20 1/22/2024 SW Electric 202403 $13,413.75 3/4/2024 Admin Bldg Genset $45,775.27 $45,775.27 Tacoma Diesel 3/27/2024 SW ELECTRIC 202413 $16,472.00 4/15/2024 SW ELECTRIC EST. $1,546.55 $106,809.57 $92,844.54 $59,525.27 Tacoma Diesel $259,179.38 $69,440.00 Southworth Electric $69,440.00 mason county tax rate&5% SWE bid with Tax $69,440.00 SWE billed 3/28/24 with tax $69,440.00 12/26/2023 remainder SWE with tax $0.00 tac diesel bid with tax $259,179.38 tac diesel billed with tax $259,179.38 12/26/2023 tac diesel remainder with tax $0.00 SITE WORK $31,582.00 12/26/2023 Remainder on ARPA funds $0.00 TOTAL TOTAL SWE&TG $328,619.38 Difference remainder BWD 100% $60,201.38 TOTAL AWARD $300,000.00 DIFFERENCE BWD 100% $60,201.38 Well 4 site work for water diversion $8,548.00 Office site regrading for gen set $5,669.00 Romance Hill site work $17,365.00 Total $31,582.00 44�0 TURNING POINTE Survivor Advocacy Center 76 create a world free of se ual and domestic violence. April 15, 2024 Kate Campbell 411 N 5"St Shelton, WA 98584 Dear Kate: Thank you for the opportunity to apply for ARPA funds to assist with our shelter project of replacing our 16-year-old roof. Turning Pointe Survivor Advocacy Center seeks to give survivors of domestic and sexual violence a safe roof over their heads as they heal from the effects of the trauma they and their children have endured. We are requesting$40,000 to help with the cost of replacing the well-worn 16-year-old roof of our 56- bed shelter. A new roof will ensure that our shelter is well maintained down the line. In a routine maintenance inspection in early 2023, it was noted that areas of the roof were wearing down and may soon start to leak. We received two bids in early 2024 from local roofing companies and applied for a grant through a private foundation requesting assistance in securing funds to replace the roof. One bid came in at$77,574.00 which included tax, and the other at$68,000 NOT including tax and permit fees. Because these are estimates of the work needing to be done, we anticipate the costs could be closer to $80,000. We recently were awarded the $40,000 requested and are now in the process of securing the final $38,000-$40,000 needed to start the project. We plan to start the project this June, and once started should be complete within 5 days. If we wait until the roof becomes a bigger problem, or starts to leak, disruption to our clients would be intense. We would likely have to move clients (including their children)to motels while the work was being done, and the cost of replacing damaged decking, plywood,flashing etc.would be more costly than replacing the roof now. Additionally,these bids are generally good for 30-60 days, and if we wait and rebid, the cost will likely increase. Our goal is to avoid disruption to our clients, save on repair costs, and avoid any inflation costs by replacing the roof this summer. Thanking you in advance for your consideration of this request. Sincerely, Rebecca sa&w-AUerS, Interim Executive Director Turning Pointe Survivor Advocacy Center UEI#FTDLTD6VT8L9 \� 1f F_PUTy:....I Vy ��✓t�lu��� i Sheriff Ryan Spurling (t:)322 N 3rd St Shelton,WA 98584 (<) 360.427.9670 x313 ;Sheriff@MasonCountywa.gov April 12, 2024 Board of County Commissioners, Mason County 411 N 5111 St Shelton WA, 98584 ARPA Funding Request---Proposal for additional Firearms for the Sheriff's Office To the BOCC, Our law enforcement agency plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety and security of our community, and it is incumbent upon us to equip our deputies with the necessary tools to effectively carry out their duties, especially in times of critical need, Purpose: The purpose of this proposal is to acquire additional rifle uppers and pistols to ensure that the Mason County Sheriff's Office is adequately prepared to handle critical events where multiple deputies may be involved in a firearm discharge incidents. In such unfortunate circumstances, it is imperative that we have sufficient spare firearms available to swiftly re-outfit affected deputies without compromising operational readiness. Current Challenges: Currently, the department faces challenges in managing firearm maintenance. Firearms used in critical events must be taken out of service for several months pending independent investigations by the Critical Incident Investigation Team (CIIT)and the Office of Independent Investigation (011).Additionally, we lack spare firearms to address routine maintenance needs, necessitating deputies to utilize personally owned firearms meeting department standards, Proposal Details: Firearms Acquisition: Acquisition of 10 Glock pistols fully outfitted, Cost: $12,589.00 Professionalism Integrity Accountability Respect Partnership o A Sheriff Ryan Spurling � ,�^SoN coQN�Y,�• (0)322 N 3rd St Shelton,WA 98584 ( ) 360.427,9670 x313 Sheriff@MasonCountyWa.gov i Rifle Uppers Acquisition: Acquisition of 10 rifle uppers. Cost: Approximately$29,780.00 Total Project Cost: The total project cost for acquiring the proposed firearms and equipment amounts to $42,369.00. Formal quotes are still pending delivery. Implementation Timeline: Upon approval,the department will immediately initiate the purchase process. We anticipate completion of the purchase by the end of the year,ensuring timely availability of the necessary resources for our deputies. Conclusion: In conclusion,the acquisition of additional rifle uppers and pistols is vital to enhancing the operational capabilities of the Mason County Sheriff's Office. By adequately preparing for contingencies and ensuring the swift re-outfitting of deputies involved in critical incidents,we reaffirm our commitment to the safety and security of our community. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincere y, i Chiefrlrimi I ieputy Jason ID 1� ---- r i� y I I i , Professionalism Integrity Accountability Respect Partnership Oregon Rifleworks 12260 SW Main Street Tigard, OR 97223 US +503 3529552 jeff@oregonrifleworks.com www.oregonrifleworks.com DRIESON RIFLEWORKS Estimate ADDRESS SHIP TO ESTIMATE# 1577 Mason County Sheriff's Office Mason County Sheriff's DATE 04/01/2024 322 N. 3rd St. Office Shelton, Washington 98584 322 N. 3rd St. Shelton, Washington 98584 ACTIVITY OTY RATE AMOUNT Sales-LE 10 429.00 4,290.00T Glock 47 MOS w/FXD Sales-LE 10 44.00 440.00T Ameriglo GL-429 (XL ALL-BLACKED) Sales-LE 10 152.00 1,520.00T Streamlight TLR-1 HL (69260) Sales-LE 10 477.00 4,770.00T Aimpoint ACRO P2 (200691) Sales-LE 10 55.00 550.00T CH Precision Aimpoint ACRO Adapter Plate ..._..__ ............._....._..... ..........___.....___....._.._... . ......_...._..... .. ..._.........._...... .._.. .......... Glock available immediately SUBTOTAL 11,570.00 Ameriglo/Streamlight/ACRO/CH Precision 1 week-3weeks out TAX 1,018.16 TOTAL $12588.16 Accepted By Accepted Date FEDERAL EASTERN INTERNATIONAL Q U O T E 135 W ADAMS ST JACKSONVILLE,FL 32202 WWW.FEDEASTINTL.COM 567058 BILL TO: MASON COUNTY SHIP TO: MASON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE SHERIFF'S OFFICE 322 N 3RD STREET 322 N 3RD STREET SHELTON WA 98584 SHELTON WA 98584 SALES REP SALES EMAIL SALES PHONE TYLER WELLS TWELLS@FEDEASTINTL.COM 253-259-1058 DATE QUOTE ACCT CUSTOMER PO TERMS REP ID OPERATOR SHIP VIA 04/11/24 567058 FE2230 NET 30 164 TYL UPS GROUND UNITS U/M DESCRIPTION DISC UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 10 EA KGMISURG55616BK 1,445.00 14,450.00 R556I INTEGRAL SUPPRESSED UPPER 16" W/BCG CHRG HANDL IRON SIGHTS 10 EA STR88059 115.50 1,155.00 STREAMLIGHT PROTAC RAIL MOUNT 2 LONG GUN LIGHT 10 EA MAG540 12.35 123.50 MAGPUL QD SLING SWIVEL BLACK 10 EA MAG608BLK 20.40 204.00 MAGPUL M-LOK HANDSTOP KIT 10 EA MAG1186BLK 8.30 83.00 MAGPUL MOE ENHANCED TRIGGER GUARD POLYMER BLACK 10 EA MAG532BLK 18.05 180.50 MAGPUL MOE K2+ GRIP AR15/M4 BLACK 10 EA MAG603BLK 12.00 120.00 MAGPUL M-LOK RAIL COVERS TYPE 2 INCLUDES 6 PANELS BLACK 10 EA RWR0006 107.00 1,070.00 RADIAN WEAPONS RAPTOR SD AMBIDEXTROUS CHARGING HANDLE PORTED BLACK 5.56MM 10 EA BFGVCAS2000ABK 62.50 625.00 ****CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 FEDERAL EASTERN INTERNATIONAL Q U O T E 135 W ADAMS ST JACKSONVILLE,FL 32202 WWW.FEDEASTINTL.COM 567058 BILL TO: MASON COUNTY SHIP TO: MASON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE SHERIFF'S OFFICE 322 N 3RD STREET 322 N 3RD STREET SHELTON WA 98584 SHELTON WA 98584 SALES REP SALES EMAIL SALES PHONE TYLER WELLS TWELLS@FEDEASTINTL.COM 253-259-1058 DATE QUOTE ACCT CUSTOMER PO TERMS REP ID OPERATOR SHIP VIA 04/11/24 567058 FE2230 NET 30 164 TYL UPS GROUND UNITS U/M DESCRIPTION DISC UNIT PRICE AMOUNT ...*.***QUOTATION****...*...*.... **.*...*PAGE 2 *..*...* VICKERS PADDED SLING NYLON HARDWARE BLACK 10 EA EOTEXPS30 650.00 6,500.00 EOTECH COMPACT SINGLE CR 123 NV COMP, 65 MOA RING 1 MOA DOT, SIDE BUTTONS, QD LEVER 10 EA EOTG45STS 565.00 5,650.00 EOTECH 5X MAGNIFIER W/QUICK DISCONNECT SWITCH TO SIDE MOUNT BLACK 10 EA MAG582BLK 17.00 170.00 MAGPUL M-LOK HAND GUARD RAIL SECTION 7 SLOTS ALUMINUM SUBTOTAL 30,331.00 SHIPPING FEE 193.00 TOTAL SALES TAX 2,686.14 WA State Tax 1,984.08 Shelton City Tax 702.06 QUOTE TOTAL 33,210.14 CREDIT CARD SURCHARGE NOTICE: EFFECTIVE 4/1/24, WE WILL START TO IMPOSE A 2.75% SURCHARGE ON CREDIT CARD AND PURCHASING CARD PAYMENTS WHERE APPLICABLE BY LAW AND IS NOT GREATER THAN OUR COST OF ACCEPTANCE. AS AN ALTERNATIVE WE ALSO ACCEPT ACH PAYMENTS ONLINE WITHOUT ANY ASSOCIATED FEES. ****CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 FEDERAL EASTERN INTERNATIONAL 0 135 W ADAMS ST JACKSONVILLE,FL 32202 WWW.FEDEASTINTL.COM 567058 BILL TO: MASON COUNTY SHIP TO: MASON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE SHERIFF'S OFFICE 322 N 3RD STREET 322 N 3RD STREET SHELTON WA 98584 SHELTON WA 98584 SALES REP SALES EMAIL SALES PHONE TYLER WELLS TWELLS@FEDEASTINTL.COM 253-259-1058 DATE QUOTE ACCT CUSTOMER PO TERMS REP ID OPERATOR SHIP VIA 04/11/24 567058 FE2230 NET30 164 TYL UPS GROUND UNITS U/M DESCRIPTION DISC UNIT PRICE AMOUNT .......QUOTATION**************** .+...+..PAGE 3 ******** YOU MAY PAY ONLINE WITH ACH, VISA OR MASTERCARD AT: HTTPS://PORTAL.FEDEASTINTL.COM TERMS: PRICES ARE EFFECTIVE FOR 30 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF THIS QUOTE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. ITEMS LISTED ON THIS DOCUMENT MAY REQUIRE A UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT LICENSE FOR EXPORT. EXPORTING CONTROLLED ITEMS WITHOUT A LICENSE IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. Hi McKenzie, Todd Parker from Mason County Health and Human Services suggested I contact you for possible funding associated with ARPA. I am a board member at Community Lifeline of Mason County and seeking$50k or so funding for new washers, dryers and necessary electrical and plumbing infrastructure. Community Lifeline provides emergency shelter, meals, hygiene and case management for homeless adults in Mason County. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Dan Dan Chandler 206-605-9246 C�Mcm k� GQUVIC 3 EDCMASON thriving businesses, strong communities April 15, 2024 Mason County Board of Commissioners ATTN: Kate Campbell 411 N. 5th St Shelton,WA 98584 Re: ARPA funding request Dear Commissioners, The Economic Development Council of Mason County(EDC) is writing to request American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)funding to complete a regional economic competitiveness study, which is also known as a "cluster study."A cluster study will help the EDC better align projects and funding across Mason County as we seek to attract new employers to the community and support the growth of existing firms. The EDC projects a cost of$50,000 to develop and complete the necessary components of a cluster study. Once awarded, the EDC believes this studywould be completed by the end of the second quarter of 2025, depending on contractor availability. Cluster studies help communities understand their strengths as well as the challenges facing current employers in the area while also identifying strategies for overcoming those challenges. Further, by identifying the ways industries in Mason County are connected, we can address issues such as workforce training or land use and infrastructure gaps in a more comprehensive way. Additionally, a successful cluster studywill help us engage better with current firms, attract new ones that are complimentary to existing clusters, and help direct investments to maximize benefits to the community. Finally, this work will complement the County as it begins its comprehensive plan update by supporting the development of the housing, economic development, capital facilities, transportation, and utilities elements of the plan. By utilizing ARPA funds to support this study, the County will play a vital role in assisting the EDC build a resilient post-COVID economy. The EDC looks forward to discussing this request further and will provide additional information to help secure funding for this important work. We appreciate the Commission's ongoing support of the EDC and look forward to continuing our partnership in the future. Sincerely, Karin Leaf, Deputy Director Economic Development Council of Mason County dTb www.masonedc.org O 360.426.2276 V admin@choosemoson.com AL n628 W Alder Street O P.O.Box 472 Shelton, WA 98584 Shelton, WA 98584 MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT of PUBLIC WORKS 100 W PUBLIC WORKS DRIVE iN SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584 MEMORANDUM DATE: April 8, 2024 TO: Board of Mason County Commissioners Kate Campbell, Support Services Financial Analyst FROM: Loretta Swanson, Director Cc: Stephanie Buhrman, Finance Manager Richard Dickinson, Deputy Director Utilities &Waste Management SUBJECT: ARPA Funding Request—Belfair Sewer SCADA Updates Commissioners approved $150,000 for the replacement of the Belfair water reclamation facility's SCADA, CPU and HMI systems during the 2024 budget. The existing operating software is no longer supported and current versions provide necessary Cybersecurity. Upon further scoping, the updates may cost approximately$50,000 more than estimated during budget preparation, bringing the total project cost to just under$200,000. Requested Amount: $50,000 This system was damaged during the extreme cold last winter and there is the possibility of FEMA and/or insurance coverage for some of the system replacement. The request for$50,000 is meant to cover the estimated gap between new total project cost and any FEMA/insurance coverage. Project Schedule: June 2024 Execute contract for purchase and installation August 2024 Complete installation Project Benefits: Funding for this work with ARPA monies will help to stabilize the Belfair sewer rate for our customers. The project is crucial for plant operation. MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT of PUBLIC WORKS 100 W PUBLIC WORKS DRIVE N SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584 MEMORANDUM DATE: April 8, 2024 TO: Board of Mason County Commissioners Kate Campbell, Support Services Financial Analyst FROM: Loretta Swanson, Director Cc: Stephanie Buhrman, Finance Manager Richard Dickinson, Deputy Director Utilities &Waste Management SUBJECT: ARPA Funding Request—Beard's Cove Well#5 Pump Replacement This request is for the purchase and installation of a new 40 hp well pump, seal and associated wiring for the Beard's cove water system. This well has been inoperable for over 2 years and serves as the system's primary backup up supply pump. Currently Well #3 has been serving as the system's backup supply pump but does not have sufficient capacity to meet system demand during high use periods including fire flow events. This project was not originally included in the 2024 Budget. Requested Amount: $55,000 Project Schedule: June 2024 Solicit bids for pump and installation. July 2024 Award Bid August—Sept 2024 Procurement and installation October 2024 Project complete Project Benefits: This project will improve the resiliency of the Beard's Cove water supply system by restoring full redundancy as intended and reflected in the approved water system plan. MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT of PUBLIC WORKS 100 W PUBLIC WORKS DRIVE SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584 MEMORANDUM DATE: April 8, 2024 TO: Board of Mason County Commissioners Kate Campbell, Support Services Financial Analyst FROM: Loretta Swanson, Director Cc: Stephanie Buhrman, Finance Manager Richard Dickinson, Deputy Director Utilities &Waste Management SUBJECT: ARPA Funding Request—Solid Waste Booth Upgrades The 2024 approved solid waste budget includes funding to upgrade the transfer station booths. This request is for the purchase of two modular units to be located at the Union and Hoodsport transfer stations. Requested Amount: $60,000 $30,000 Union transfer station $30,000 Hoodsport transfer station Project Schedule: June 2024 Purchase modular booths June—August Permits August 2024 Begin booth installation October 2024 Project complete Project Benefits: This project will improve the work environment for solid waste employees. April 291h, 2024 To: The Mason County Commissioners From: Mason County Fire District Four RE: ARPA Funding Request South Mason Fire and Rescue (legally known as Mason County Fire District 4)would like to request$63,340 in ARPA funding,for the purpose of creating three firefighting water fill sites located throughout our fire district. ARPA dollars are intended to fund the creation or maintenance of critical infrastructure in our communities. Our area in Southern Mason County is very rural—as is much of Mason County. In our fire district, roughly 1%of the area has the critical infrastructure of fire hydrants. This creates a great challenge to fighting structure fires or wildland fires, in that to keep water flowing on the fire, engines/tenders must travel great distances to obtain water. By the time one or even several tenders can return with more water,the fire can progress exponentially and destructively. With these dollars,we hope to cut distances that fire engines/water tenders would have to travel in order to resupply with water. Each of these fill sites will consist of two, 5000 gallon tanks,with piping emanating from them. The pipe will combine the supplied water in the two tanks into an outflow,to which a fire engine or tender(water truck) can attach. Once attached,the fire apparatus will fill its tank with water and quickly return to the scene of the fire. The sites would be approximately 3 to 4 miles from each other, along commonlytraveled routes (Lynch and Arcadia roads). This will make it easy for large vehicles to pull into the fill sites, access the water efficiently, and then depart quickly. All sites but one would be kept continually full by an on-site well. The site without the well will be kept full throughout the year by checking its status at regular intervals, and filling as needed with water tenders. ALL of our neighboring Mason County,Thurston County, and Grays Harbor County mutual aid firefighting partners would be made aware of(and have access to)these sites as needed. Additionally,fire units from the Department of Natural Resources (DNR)would be made aware of (and have access to)these water fill sites. Any firefighting endeavor,whether structural or wildland in nature,will be more easily undertaken with a greater availability of water,when seconds and minutes count. Additionally, home/property insurance ratings (assessed through the Insurance Services Office a.k.a."ISO")take into consideration how far a home is from available firefighting water. We F hope that the presence of these fill sites will reduce our constituents'insurance premiums due to their homes being closer to firefighting water sources. We feel that this is a step that we, as afire department, can take to be good stewards of our constituents'money. This project's start date is dictated largely by available funding. Once funding is secured, we will begin the ordering of material, schedule delivery of materials, prepare the sites, and undertake construction. It is projected that each site would take 3-5 days to complete I construction. Once awarded money,this project would begin IMMEDIATELY and the goal is to have all sites finished by the end of the year—if not by the beginning of September. This will depend Largely on workload encountered through the summer fire season. We have included some pictures of relevant materials for the project. Please note the differences in costs per tank. Also note that delivery fees to a distributor, and delivery fees to us at the sites will fluctuate due to changes in fuel and manpower costs associated with making deliveries. Therefore,we've taken a sample quote from John Deere in Chehalis as exemplary of the total costs for acquisition and delivery of two tanks per site. However, it is quite possible that a new quote for two tanks coming from closer manufacturers maybe less expensive. Regardless,two tanks for each site(with delivery)would cost between $15,000 and $20,000. Other costs include the galvanized piping to connect the tanks and create the adequate outflow; and concrete"ecology blocks"which will be used as bases for the tanks to keep them off the ground. South Mason Fire and Rescue would like to thank you for your consideration in this request. We feel that completing this project will not just create greater convenience for firefighters and our partners in efforts to combat rural fires—but this project may just save lives. Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions or concerns, or would like a representative to attend any meetings for informational purposes. Thank you so much for all you do for the citizens of Mason County, and have a great day! Sincerely, Jess Fulkerson Assistant Chief South Mason Fire and Rescue JFulkerson smfr4.org 360-401-5379 UEI: UC9JCCW6N1(E4 Cost Breakdowns: 5000 Gallon Plastic Water Storage Tanks: $19,500 for two tanks and delivery X 3 project sites = $58,500 Ripe Galvanized Steel Pipe(approx. 15 feet with fittings per site)x 3 sites = $1000 Concrete Ecology Blocks 8 Blocks Delivered per site X 3 sites (24 total blocks) at 1,920 per delivery of 12 = $3,840 Total Project Cost: $63,340 Call Now Toll Free �` Q o s�9" • , , • jl� what earn,:,help you Gnu ro�.l„ 8 Cart (866) 906-5471 _ Sign in R > 5050 Gallon Plastic Vertical Water Storage Tank in Black Shop all Enduraplas Vertical Plastic Water Tanks 5050 Gallon Plastic Vertical Water Storage Tank in Black Underground Water Storage Tanks SKU#:: EP-TLV050508K I Manufacturer Parts: TLV05050DG Parable Plastic Water Storaag $5,Y40 5.00 tanks Doorway Water Tanks Starting at S263imo or 0%APR with afflr�See if you quality Cradle Water tanks Emergency Water Tanks �� .: Pickup in Store Delivering to 98584 Change forklifwble Water Tanks IBC Totes and caged Water CLOSEST Est.Beady Est.shipping cost Tanks AVAILABLE Date' Onion Water Tanks Due to the physical size or quantity of this selection,we are not able to automatically Plastic Stock Tanks-Water t Distance Away calculate freight for your order.Please Troughs 1180miles contact our Freight continue iouat purchase Water Storage tanks on this or you may continue your purchase Neche,ND 05 f 30/2024 on this site it you intend to handle your own Steel Metal Storage Tanks �-_---- freight arrangements. Transport tanks truck Bed Plastic Water tanks Vertical Liquid storage Tanks {View More Options Horizontal Leg Tanks I I I� JOHN DEERE I I MLI91Nf Lf Quote Summary Prepared For: Prepared By: MASON COUNTY FIRE DISTRICT 4 Ryan Tomow 2970 SE ARCADIA RD Pape Machinery, Inc_ SHELTON, WA 98584 127 N Hamilton Road Business: 360-426-7222 Chehalis,%AJA 98532 Phone: 360-748-9944 rtornow@papemachi nery_com This sale is subject to Pap6's Terms and Conditions of Sale effective Quote Id: 30060312 on the date hereof, which are incorporated in full by this Created On: 06 December 2023 reference. The Terms and Conditions of Sale are available at www. East Modified On: 06 December 2023 paoe.com/terms, and will also be sent by mail or e-mail to the Expiration Date: 31 January 2024 purchaser upon request. Equipment Summary Selling Price Qty Extended ENDURAPLAS THV0500013K $8,960.00 X 2 - $ 17,920.00 Equipment Total $ 17,920.00 Quote Summary Equipment Total $ 17,920.00 SubTotal $ 17.920.00 Sales Tax-(8.50%) $ 1,523.20 Total $ 19,443.20 Down Payment (0.00) Rental Applied (0.00) Balance Due $ 19,443.20 3350 Mottman Rd SW Olympia,Washington 98512 0:(360)338-0459 info@quixotecommunities.orp ni iixntPrnmcqutaivir-s www.quixotecommunities.org March 27, 2024 Mason County Commissioners 411 N. 5th Street Shelton, WA 98584 Dear Commissioner Trask, Commissioner Shutty, and Commissioner Neatherlin: I represent the Mason County Homeless Task force. We recently presented information to the Commissioners to highlight the gap between Market Rate Rent and HUD's Fair Market Rent in Mason County (see below). We have found it increasingly difficult to find affordable units for our population (30 AMI and lower) due to the ever-increasing gap. We are seeking your help to fund a study that can be performed by Washington State University (see attached). The study will cost $74,000 and our hope is the findings from it will increase the HUD FMV to be more in line with the market. We know that they did a similar study for Kitsap County and the study enabled BHA to raise their FMR by 20% versus the 3% increase from HUD's calculation and that it quadrupled the amount of housing units available to their voucher holders. We also know that the number of units needed for individuals at this income level is approximately 650 individuals (Mason County Housing Needs Assessment findings). To be clear, we are not saying this will create more units (although any addition to the housing stock would be beneficial); we are simply stating that this will make a wider range of units available to our population. Commissioner Neatherlin asked us to try and find other funders for this study and to that end we requested that the Mason County Realtors Association support our efforts. The homeless service agencies were also asked to contribute but unfortunately only one stated they had available funds. As you are aware, we are all facing increased costs with limited funds to run our programs and many simply do not have the means. We are hoping to use ARPA funds to make this request a reality. We know that we have witnessed an increase in our homeless population for the past several years. We hope that funding this study will prevent more from families from becoming unhoused. 3350 Mottman Rd SW Olympia,Washington 98512 0:(360)338-0451 info@quixotecommunities.org ni www.quixotecommunities.org Type A artments.com Zillow Rent.com Realtor.com Trulia HUD Studio - $1,200" $1,000* $1,000" $1,000* $866 One BR $1,350* $1,500* $1,350* $1,500* $1,600* $1,040 Two BR $2,400* $2,500* $2,400* $2,000* $2,100* $1,278 Three BR $2,600* $2,600* $2,500* $2,500* $2,700* $1,801 Four BR $4,000* $2,900* $3,000* $3,200* $3,000* $1,885 *Average of multiple listings We appreciate your assistance with this project and we thank you for your consideration. Colleen Carmichael Mason County Homeless Task Force Representative Quixote Communities Executive Director Other Homeless Task Force agencies represented: Crossroads Housing Turning Pointe Youth Connections Community Lifeline i WASHINGTON STATE MUNIVERSITY Social and Economic Sciences Research Center TO: Colleen Carmichael(she/her) Executive Director 3350 Mottman Road SW,Olympia,WA 98512 Quixote Communities Cell: (360)932-9359 Fax: (360)742-3740 I FROM: Lena Le Social&Economic Sciences Research Center Washington State University PO Box 644014,Wilson-Short Hall# 133 Pullman,WA 99164-4014 509-335-1511/Fax 509-335-4688 http://www.sesrc.wsu.edu Date: December 2024 Subject: SESRC price quote for Fair Market Rent survey for Mason County Washington Project description: The Social and Economic Sciences Research Center(SESRC)will collaborate with Mason County Housing Authority(The Sponsor)to conduct Fair Market Rent survey and calculate the FMR value for FY25 according to HUD's procedure.Upon completion,Mason County Housing Authority will determine if it is appropriate to submit the survey results to HUD. If it deems appropriate the SESRC will submit the final data to HUD in the required format. According to HUD's guideline on conducting a fair market rent survey (https•//www huduser gov/portal/datasets/fmr/PrinciplesforPHA-ConductedAreaRentSurvgys.pdf) since Mason County is considered a non-metropolitan area,the goal of the survey is to obtain a minimum of 100 completed surveys from recent-mover renters in the county. HUD's criteria of an eligible rental unit(according to the guidelines) Be located in the FMR area • Be rented. • Contain one or two bedrooms. • Not built in last 2 years. • Not owned by a PHA or a relative. • Be rented for cash. • Have an unsubsidized market rent. • Be the occupant's primary residence. • Not be a group living situation, such as a college dormitory or group home. • Not have the rent reduced for substantial tenant-provided maintenance. 1. Proposed methods Methodology Per HUD's recommendation we will conduct a web-push mixed-mode survey of households in the Mason County housing area. In 2021,HUD started to allow a web survey option with the condition that a paper copy must be available for those who may not have internet/computer access or do not want to complete WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY Social and Economic Sciences Research Center the survey online.The SESRC is a pioneer in the mail-push-to-web method and has much experience administering this survey procedure. The data collection procedure is as follows: I '—Replacement I Paper •d • � questionnaire • letter with URL • etter with a letter with and access .denvelopereminder envelopeter reminder Mailing round Detail First mailing • Introduction letter • URL and unique access code • Incentive Second mailing(10 days to 2 . Post card reminder with URL and access weeks after the initial code mailing) Replacement mailing(10 • Mail to non-respondents only days to 2 weeks after the . Reminder letter with URL and access code second mailing) . Paper questionnaire • Business reply envelope for returning completed survey Second reminder(10 days to • Mail to non-respondents only 2 weeks after the third • Last chance letter with URL and access code mailing) • Paper questionnaire • Business reply envelope for returning completed survey Sample Size: The overall goal is to attempt a sufficient number of completed surveys from eligible rental units. The SESRC will draw a random address-based sample of all residential units within Mason County. While HUD does not have specific requirement regarding sample size. It must be large enough to be able to obtain a sufficient number completed surveys of eligible rental units. Based on census data of the population and home-owner occupancy rate,the SESRC recommend a sample of 7,000 residential addresses within Mason to attempt 100 completes. To increase the success rate, if the Sponsor could provide a list of properties managed by respective housing authorities,those addresses will be removed from the sample list prior to mailing. Housing statistics for Mason County,WA—ACS data 2022 Population size 68,166 Number of housing units 34,151 Owner—occupied housing unit rate 78.4% %Population living in the same 88.9% house 1 year ago WASHINGTON STATE �/jNIVERSITY � J Social and Economic Sciences Research Center Incentives: Due to the short time period to conduct the survey and the low eligibility factor,we strongly recommend a token cash incentive. The same method was applied in FMR surveys for King County Housing Authority in 2014 and 2017,2020,2022 and other counties in Washington. While we cannot foresee the effect,these previous experiences show the token incentive helped increase the response rate (overall,we achieved an approximate 3 5%response rate compared to the typical HUD's response rate of 20%). Questionnaire and communications: i • The SESRC will use the survey required by HUD to collect data.While we will not alter the content of the questionnaire,the SESRC will redesign the survey following the design concepts in The Tailored Design Method(Dillman et al,2014).These survey methods are the blue print of the SESRC procedures which have been proven to provide satisfactory results. • The SESRC will draft the language for the introductory letter and follow-up communication. The Sponsor will have final approval on the content. • We strongly recommended using a logo and signature from the housing authority on the survey and on all communication to increase the authenticity of the survey. Proposed timeline: - Sample only l Date Task October 1st Final contract and agreement on terms and conditions Sponsor's approval on questionnaire and content of follow-up communications with survey participant October 15th First mailing of questionnaire October 22"d Postcard reminder November 5' Second mailing of questionnaire(replacement) November 10' The Sponsor sends utility allowance rate to SESRC November 19111 Final reminder—replacement questionnaire package December t" Complete data entry and verification December 14'h Preliminary analysis and Gross Rent estimation submitted to the Sponsor December 29"' If the number of completes needed does not meet by December 4"we will keep the survey open as long as we can to get the number needed. Final deliverables submitted to the Sponsor. January 4"' If the Sponsor approval final dataset will be sent to HUD (deadline is January 8'") Note: • The SESRC can't start fielding the survey until the final contract agreement. If the delayed in contracting process WASHINGTON STATE jJNIVEMITY Social and Economic Sciences Research Center • Additional information such as utility allowances will be needed to calculate the Gross Rent value. Timely feedback from the Sponsor will be crucial to the SESRC's ability to meet the deadlines. i i II i i I i WASHINGTON STATE jUNIVERSITY %11/ Social and Economic Sciences Research Center 2. Budget Specifications Based on HUD's guidelines,we recommend starting sample size of 7,000 addresses attempting to obtained 100 qualified completes(recent mover renters of 1,2, or 3-bedroom unit) in Mason County,WA Mason County Item attempting 100 completes(starting sam le size 7,000 Project management,questionnaire design,& final report $14,980 Printing and postage(questionnaire, envelopes, andpostcards) $37,413 Mail assembling, data entry and management (including samplepurchase) $16,596 Token pre-incentive$1 to all participants(plus 8%service center fee) $7,609 Total for project $74 938 Note: • The SESRC cannot guarantee the response rate or number of qualified completes received. The j estimate was calculated based on census data and previous experience with similar survey. I • The SESRC will calculate the Gross Rent value and submit to Sponsor. Survey data will not be submitted to HUD until the Sponsor approve. The SESRC cannot guarantee that HUD will accept i the results. Our previous working experience with HUD showed that the results may be more acceptable to HUD if we can prove that the sample size was sufficiently large and we had tried all reasonable efforts to increase the response rate. 3. Deliverables: The following deliverables will be available in digital formats 1. Survey questionnaires and other communications(letter,postcards,etc.) 2. Database and Code Book. The SESRC will enter all questionnaire data into an SPSS readable format, and will create an SAS, SPSS or Excel survey database. We will prepare a codebook and any necessary instructions for accessing the database. 3. Data Report The SESRC will prepare a written methods report describing the process and results of the data collection activities. The report will be provided electronically as a pdf formatted file. 4. Other deliverables required by HUD: The SESRC will calculate the Gross Rent estimate and submit to the Sponsor to determine if the information is appropriate to submit to HUD. If it is suitable the SESRC will submit the data to HUD including all required documents in any format requested by HUD. The survey protocols and procedures will strictly follow HUD's guideline as described in http://www.huduser.gov/portal/datasets/firer/PrinciplesforPHA-ConductedAreaRentSurveys.pdf The SESRC will provide the best attempt to obtain valid results but we cannot guarantee that the data will be accepted by HUD. The report will include: 0 a description of the survey design and sample procedures; WASHINGTON STATE wUNIVERSITY Social and Economic Sciences Research Center I • description of implementation procedures used in the surveys; j • tables detailing response rates and dispositions for all cases in the sample; JJ • frequency distributions for all closed-ended questions in the survey; • a listing of all open-ended comments respondents made about the issues included in the survey; • the database, and a file with any open-ended remarks in Word or Excel format. i I i i I I i i i 1 Habitat® We build strength,stability,self-reliance and shelter for Humanity' of Mason County April 2"d, 2024 Dear Commissioners, My name is Melissa Moore. I am the Director of Operations for Habitat for Humanity of Mason County. Habitat advocates on behalf of those in need of safe, decent, and affordable housing. We focus on qualifying Homeowners and share in the process of the building, lifting families out of poverty one family at a time.We also provide refurbishment and preservation repairs to existing homes such as adding ramps to assist the disabled and minor service repairs for our low income, elderly, and veteran community. Our mission is to connect, engage and transform our community by applying inclusive leadership, diverse partnerships, and volunteer opportunities. We promote dignity and fully partner with current and future homeowners; and in so doing, promote transformational and sustainable community development. We are writing to inquire about the 12.5 million dollars of ARPA funds received by the county during the Covid Crisis. We recognize this funding has been allocated but understand there is a possibility that the unused portions of these funds may be available for reallocation in the near future. We are seeking$75,000 to be applied to our next future build. Currently, Habitat is finished, it's 37th home in Mason County since 2008.The reallocated funding from the county would be used to build our 38th home on Park Street, along with providing the Sidewalks that the City of Shelton is requiring. This project is underway now. Project started 3-18-2024 will be completed 10-1-2024. Including the sidewalks the city is making us install.This project will be completed by the end of the year easily. The community benefits from this project, not only will a family benefit from the low-income housing but the community will benefit from having a safe sidewalk to walk on. We appreciate your help and timely consideration to provide low-income housing to another needy and deserving family. Melissa Moore Director of Operations Melissam@habitatmasomwa.or>; 360-710-4425 1826 Olympic Hvvy North 1 I'.O.Box 1549 1 Shelton,WA 98584 Phone: (360)426-8134 1 Email: info«IZabitatmasonw,a.org I Website:habitatmasonwa.org R0MI:V '�0 ` 206-981-0712 V jimboad@gmail.com SHF ® www.sheltonhousingfirst.com C O R P O R A T E O 703. W Railroad Ave Shelton Dear Commissioner 2 April 2024 1 am writing on behalf of Shelton Housing First, a committed non-profit organization dedicated to supporting individuals in their journey towards sobriety through the provision of sober living homes. Our mission is to create an environment that not only fosters recovery but also integrates our residents back into the community with strength and dignity. We are currently in the process of completing a pivotal initiative, The Park St Projects, which comprises four homes designed to expand our capacity to support those in need. This includes two homes divided into three units each, and two single-family homes. To date, we have achieved 80% completion of the project. However, we find ourselves in need of additional funding to bring this vision fully to fruition. The Park St Projects are poised to offer over 60 beds for individuals seeking a clean and supportive living environment. This expansion is critical in addressing the growing need for sober living spaces and represents a significant step forward in our efforts to combat substance dependency in our community. To complete The Park St Projects, we are requesting $75,000 in funds allocated under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). These funds will be utilized to cover the remaining construction and operational costs, ensuring that we can provide a safe, welcoming, and fully functional living space for our residents. The allocation will specifically support final construction expenses, sidewalks and operational start-up costs to ensure a smooth transition for the incoming residents. The project commenced in 2022 and is projected to be completed by October 2024. Upon completion, The Park St Projects will significantly benefit individuals recovering from substance abuse, offering them a sanctuary to rebuild their lives. By collaborating with local non-profits and in-patient drug rehabilitation facilities, we ensure a holistic approach to recovery, emphasizing the importance of community and support in the healing process. Shelton Housing First has a proven track record of positively impacting lives through dedicated service and comprehensive care. The completion of The Park St Projects will allow us to extend this impact further, offering hope and a new beginning to many more individuals. We are confident that with your support, we can achieve this goal and contribute significantly to the well-being of our community. We are happy to provide any additional information or documentation required as part of the grant application process. Thank you for considering our request. We look forward to the possibility of working together to make The Park St Projects a reality and a beacon of hope for many. Sincerely, James Boad Director Shelton Housing First jimboad@gmail.com MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT of PUBLIC WORKS 100 W PUBLIC WORKS DRIVE �H C+ SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584 MEMORANDUM DATE: April 10, 2024 TO: Board of Mason County Commissioners Kate Campbell, Support Services Financial Analyst FROM: Loretta Swanson, Director Cc: Stephanie Buhrman, Finance Manager Richard Dickinson, Deputy Director Utilities &Waste Management SUBJECT: ARPA Funding Request—North Bay Grinder Pump Cores Many of the North Bay/Case Inlet sewer customers use grinder pumps to connect to the sanitary sewer collection system. Under our current Mason County code, it is the utility's responsibility to pay for and replace these grinders. The cost for this item is spread amongst all the utility's ratepayers. We routinely purchase grinders. Requested Amount: $75,000 Commissioners approved the North Bay 2024 budget request to purchase $150,000 of grinders. This will purchase 50 at bulk pricing of$2928 per core, less freight and sales tax. If this request is approved for $75,000 an additional 25 grinder cores can be purchased at the bulk rate. The request is scalable, and any additional purchases are useful. (For example: 10 cores for approximately$30,000.) Project Schedule: June 2024 Purchase grinder pump cores Project Benefits: Funding for this work with ARPA monies will help to stabilize the North Bay sewer rate for our customers. It also provides equity amongst ratepayers as non-grinder pump customers contribute to this fairly significant annual operating cost. MASON COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF MASON COUNTY MIKE SHEETZ,Commissioner N.21971 Hwy. 101 JACK JANDA,Commissioner Shelton,Washington 98584 RON GOLD,Commissioner April 24, 2024 Mason County Board of Commissioners Attn: Mark Neary,Administrator MNeary@masoncountywa•gov 411 N. 511,Street Shelton,WA 98584 Re:America Rescue Plan Funding Request Dear Commissioners, Thank you for the opportunity to submit this request for America Rescue Plan Act funds. PUD 1 Commissioners and staff greatly appreciate the partnership with Mason County in utilizing previous rounds of ARPA funding to accomplish infrastructure projects that have been super impactful to PUD 1 water ratepayers in Mason County. The PUD has identified another large water infrastructure project,which already has some local and state matching funds from the PUD's operating budget and Department of Health's Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF), but we did not get enough subsidy from DOH this last round to cover the entire expense of the project. Because the DWSRF program received an overwhelming number of applications when we submitted for this phase of the construction project, DOH was unable to award the full amount as they had in prior years, and we received 50%offer as a loan. Mason County PUD No. 1 respectfully requests$75,000 to help us finish our Lake Arrowhead mainline replacement project.This is an approved CEDS list project. The PUD has already completed two phases of rebuilding the Lake Arrowhead water system and is preparing to construct the final phase this summer.We received this water system because of the poor condition of the infrastructure and the HOA wasn't able to maintain and operate it.Its system leakage was over 50% and it had significant iron and manganese water quality issues.It is also located in a very low-income area of the county and the 258 households on that system have been unable to afford the significant costs to do the upgrades. Luckily,the PUD has been very successful in securing grant funding for a lion's share of this work. Due to Lake Arrowhead being a low-income community, we got 100% loan forgiveness for the first small section of mainline replacement.We also got 100% loan forgiveness to install an iron and manganese treatment system,which just came online this year.The residents now have clear water to drink and use for bathing and cooking. The last phase of this project involves replacement of the rest of the system's mainline,which is over 16,000 feet of 6" mainline installation. Randy Collins has been great to work with as we have consulted with him on the design discussion around fire hydrants.As a result of his help,we have developed a plan to install 25 hydrants throughout the development,which helps support fire suppression.This is a partnership Randy helped foster with Fire District 13,who will test and exercise the hydrants for us after they're installed. (360)877-5249 0 (800)544-4223 0 FAX(360)877-9274 www.mason-pudi.org MASON COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 1 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF MASON COUNTY MIKE SHEETZ,Commissioner N.21971 Hwy. 101 JACK JANDA,Commissioner I Shelton,Washington 98584 RON GOLD,Commissioner The PUD's crew has started this month replacing 4,900 feet of mainline on the Satsop-Cloquallum Road to feed the lateral mains on the individual roads in the development.We are spending $141,265 in materials alone for this and absorbing the labor costs through our operating budget.The material cost was an unbudgeted expense for PUD 1, as this part of the project was decided upon at the end of the design/engineering phase, after our budget process had occurred. The PUD just awarded the bid to SCI Infrastructure for the rest of the mainline replacement project that is inside the Lake Arrowhead development.They will begin their work in May and be completed by the end of 2024. The $75,000 in ARPA funding could either be applied to offset a portion of the unbudgeted materials expenses we incurred for the Satsop-Cloquallum mainline,which would alleviate the need for us to cut other projects out of our small annual water budget. Or it could be applied to the PUD's 50% portion of the construction for the rest of the project. Either way, it would save our water ratepayers quite a bit of money. This project meets the intent and requirements of ARPA, and we can complete the project in 2024,well ahead of the County's deadline.As is the case with all of our trenching projects,the PUD will invite telecommunications providers to share in the open trench to help expand their utility services to the community as well. Thank you again for your consideration and please let me know if you have any questions about this project. Sincerely, Kristin Masteller General Manager PUD 1's SAM.GOV number is DK7HQJF4JNC9. (360)877-5249 (1 (800)544-4223 0 FAX(360)877-9274 www.mason-pudl.org CJ C). C:_� «l 1( 11 �� • COMMUNICATIONS Kecpnx)oui conInumity c onncclncl sina, December 27, 2022 Mason County Board of Commissioners c/o Mark Neary 411 N. 5th Street Shelton,WA 98584 RE: Request to Reallocate ARPA Funding Request Dear Mr. Neary, Hood Canal Communications (HCC) in partnership with Mason PUD No. 1 was awarded ARPA funding to assist with the Eldon Fiber Broadband project in Mason County.Since the project was awarded HCC has been faced with material and labor inflation, as well as labor shortages. These factors have caused a large increase in the bid prices HCC has received. HCC will continue to match 20%of grant funds awarded to this project. HCC was awarded $110,000.00 of ARPA funding from Mason County to assist with customer arrearages.At this time,we have awarded Customer Arrearage Funds due to Covid impacts in the amount of$22,739.17 to cover past due phone and internet balances. We would like to ask the Mason County Board of Commissioners to re-allocate$87,260.83 of the funding earmarked for customer arrearages to offset the overages of the Eldon Fiber Broadband project. HCC has had success with the Customer Arrearage program but believe that customers will no longer submit the required documentation for program qualification. ARPA project updates: • $22,739.17 awarded to customers to bring their phone and internet accounts current. • Colony Surf Fiber Buildout project was completed, and 28 customers installed with Fiber Broadband Service. Customer connections continue into 2023. • Eldon Fiber Buildout project is under construction. HCC created a free public WiFi hot spot at the Eldon Store. Residential and commercial fiber connections will begin in 2023. Could you add our request to an upcoming briefing? Please let me know if you need any additional information. Sincerely,�ll�-t'i f� aL Mike Oblizalo Vice-President and General Manager 3GQ, t9&.24.31 phoiw PO Rox 2/19 M8 Olyrnpic: I-Iwy 1`1 www.hcc.net 3GO.it5)f3.?;? I I Ina Union, WA 9',t592 Shollon, WA 98592 1.3roadbnnd „ Video . Voice cy� r K r S0 Sheriff Ryan Spurling r 09'AN'� r i 322 N 3rd St Shelton,WA 98584 (t) 360,427.9670 x313 (, Sheri ff@MasonCountyWa,gov i April 4,2024 i I i Board of County Commissioners, Mason County 411 N 5"St Shelton WA, 98584 i l ARPA Funding Request---Proposal.for New Communication Support Equipment for SWAT and SORT Teams I Dear Members of:the Board of County Commissioners,. i I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to bring to,your attention an urgent matter regarding the safety and effectiveness of our community's:pritical first responders,specifically the members of our SWAT and SORT teams. It is important that our brave men and women who serve on.these elite teams have access to the latest and most reliable communication support,equi,pment,`Currently, the equipment they rely on is over a decade old and..is showing signs of wear and;te.ar. In.order to ensure the safety and efficiency of their operations, it is crucial that we invest in upgrading.this.equipment without delay, '• i The communication support equipment:3n question encompasses various tools and devices that are essential for effective coordination and execution of tactical operations.While.the portable radios may still be functional,the supporting equipment such as earpieces, microphones, headsets, and other I` accessories are in dire need of replacement, i By providing our SWAT and SORT teams with state-of-the-art communication support equipment, we i not only enhance their ability to respond swiftly and effectively to emergencies but also prioritize their safety and well-being in the line of duty, Upgrading this equipment will enable our first responders to communicate seamlessly and securely, thereby improving their overall operational efficiency and effectiveness. Furthermore, investing in modern communication support equipment demonstrates our commitment to maintaining a high standard of public safety and security within our community.As the threats and Professionalism Int tYe n Accountabill Res ect .Partnershl g ty. ` P i RE&MM @@TOUT � i M- fSheriff Ryan Spuriling i U 'pU a - _ 322 N 3rd St Shelton,WA 98584 (t) 360,427.9670 x313 (t>;)Sheriff@MasonCountywa.gov challenges faced by our law enforcement agencies continue to evolve, it is Incumbent upon us to ensure that they are equipped with the necessary tools and resources to adapt and respond accordingly, i I urge you to consider this proposal seriously and allocate the necessary resources to procure the new j communication support equipment for our SWAT and SORT tearns. By doing so, we not only fulfill our duty to support and protect those who protect us but also contribute to the overall resilience and safety j of our community. { The attached quote from INVISIO is for a total of$93,153,00. i Thank you for your attention to this matter. I am available to provide any additional Information or clarification that may be required. Your support in this endeavor Is greatly appreciated. Since i hief rr nal Deputy . r Ja Dracobly::: r . I 3 i f .. i t INVIS108 SALES QUOTE E Invoice Address: Date 04/02/2024 Mason County Sheriff's Dept Quote Version 4 Charles Taylor Page Page 1 of 2 322 North 3rd Street t SHELTON,WA 98584 Account No, US-7067 USA VAT No. E Att:Charles Taylor i Ref.No. Your reference SWAT Quote no. SQ-US012882 Delivery Address: Salesperson Jon Palka Mason County Sheriffs Dept 322 North 3rd Street Quote Valid Until 07/01/2024 SHELTON,WA 98584 Payment Terms Net 30 Days USA Delivery 20+Weeks Shipment Method Ex Works Carrier INVISIO COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT Item No. Description Qty. Unit Unit Price Amount -- INV21335 LE Kit-V50 Gen If-T7-Black 17 FA 1,676.00 28,492.00 INV21208 LE Kit-V10 Gen 11-T7-Black 27 FA 1,291.00 34,857.00 INV16239 Com Cable-CC01-14-Pin(Kertwood 17 PCS 236.00 4,012.00 NX-5300/5320)-Black-800mm ; NSN; 5995.22.631.4441 INVI7094 R30,3-Button,Wireless PTT,Black 4 PCS 242.00 968.00 NSN; 5820-22-633-2372 j INVI3991 Headset Cable-HC01-Splitter- 17 PCS 597.00 10,149.00 HCO1R+U173(02 Mask)-Black- 450mm NSN: 5995-2.2.629-PS61 INVI5696 Intercom,5-User,4-COM,I-PWR,Tan 1 PCS 9,291.00 9,291.00 t NSN: 5975.22.631.6390 l INVI8698 PWR Cable-PRO I-12VPower 1 PCS 404.00 404,W 1 Adaptor-ran-1400mm i NSN; $995-22.633.0084 4 INV19273 INVISIO(CS Backpack+Dump Pouch 1 PCs 662.00 662,00 1 -Coyote NSN: 8465-22-634-5554 INV18815- Com Cable-CC01-CC03(INVISIO 8 PCS 4SO.00 3,600,00 UCFOI16 ICS Cable)-Tan-Coiled-1400mm NSN; 5995.22.633.9786 1NV24508 Com Cable-CCO3-I4-Pin 1 PCS 435.00 435.00 (Ken%voodNX-5300/5320)-Tan- 1000mm tt Invisio POC of this quote Jon Palka,Regional Sales Manager I Email:jcp@invisio,com,Phone:+1 805 3312817 INVISIO Communications Inc,150 N Michigan Ave,Suite 1950,Chicago,IL 60601,USA Phone:+1-844-968-4746"%",N invisio.conl l I I 1 i { INVISIO SALES QUOTE Invoice Address: Date 04/02/2024 Mason County Sheriff's Dept Quote Version 4 Charles Taylor Page Page 2 of 2 322 North 3rd Street SHELTON,WA 98584 Account No. US-7067 USA VAT No. Alt:Charles Taylor i Ref.No, i Your reference SWAT Quote no. SQ-US012882 Delivery Address: Salesperson Jon Palka Mason County Sheriff's Dept 322 North 3rd Street Quote Valid Until 07/01/2024 SHELTON,WA 98584 Payment Terms Net 30 Days USA Delivery 20+weeks Shipment Method Ex Works Carrier INVISIO COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT Item No. Description Qty. Unit Unit Price Amount 02 Shipping and Handling fee 1 PCs 283.00 283.00 Sales quote condition: This quote is conditioned upon the customer being approved in accordance with INVISIO's credit check process and upon the Issuance of a written sale acknowledgement i by INVISIO. i Shipping: Please note that shipping will be handled by INVISIO and billed to the customer as quoted. Also note that all shipments are EXW Malmo, Sweden or EXW Hvidovre,Denmark,unless otherwise agreed, i Sales tax: i Sales tax may be added if no sates tax exempt 7 certificate is received. i i i 3I 1 t I f Ji Invisio POC of this quote Jon Palka,Regional Sales Manager Email:jcp@invisio.com,Phone:+1 805 3312817 Amount Qty total Sales Tax Basis Sales Tax Rate Sales Tax Amount CUR Invoice Total 93,153,00 190.00 92,870.00 0.00 0.00 USD 93,153.00 i INVISIO Communications Inc,150 N Michigan Ave,Suite 1950,Chicago,IL 60601,USA i Phone:+1-844-968-4746"Www.invisio.com i r s 1 I } 1j1 y^y 1 I N V I S■ V O SALES QUOTE I I Invoice Address: Date 04/02/2024 Mason County Sheriff's Dept Quote Version 4 , Charles Taylor Page Page 1 of 2 322 North 3rd Street SHELTON,WA 98584 Account No. US-7067 USA VAT No. Att:Charles Taylor ' ( Ref.No, I Your reference SWAT j i Quote no. SQ-US012882 Delivery Address: Salesperson Jon Palka j Mason County Sheriff's Dept 322 North 3rd Street Quote Valid Until 07/01/2024 SHELTON,WA 98584 Payment Terms Net 30 Days USA Delivery 20+-weeks i Shipment Method Ex Works Carrier j I j 1 INVISIO COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT Item No. Description Qty. Unit Unit Price Amount i- i INV21335 LE Kit-V50 Gen II-T7-Black 17 EA 1,676.00 28,492.00 i INV21208 LE Kit-VIO Gen 11-T7-Black 27 FA 1,291.00 34,857.00 INV16239 Com Cable-CC01-14-Pin(Kenwood 17 PCS 236.00 4,012.00 i NX-5300/5320)-Black-800mm NSN: 5995-22-631-4441 INVI7094 R30,3-8utton,Wireless PTT,Black 4 PCS 242.00 968.00 NSN: 5920-22-633-2372 j INVI3991 Headset Cable-HCO1-Splitter- 17 PCS 597.00 10,149.00 HCOI R+U t 73(02 Mask)-Black- # 450mm I' NSN: 5995.22.629.2561 1 } INVIS696 Intercom,5-User,4-COM,1-PWR,Tan 1 PCS 9,291.00 9,29LOD NSN; 5975.22-631.6390 f INV18698 PWR Cable-PR01-12V Power 1 PCS 404,00 404.00 j Adaptor-Tan-1400mm NSN: 5995-22-633-M INVI9273 INVISIO ICS Backpack+Dump Pouch 1 PCS 662.00 662,00 1 -Coyote NSN: 8465-22-634-SS54 INV18815- Com Cable-CCO1-0003(INVISIO 8 PCS 450.00 3,600.00 UCF0116 ICS Cable)-Tarr Coiled-1400mnt NSN: 5995.22.633.9786 INV24508 Com Cable-CC03-14-Pin i PCS 435,00 435,00 j (KenivoodNX-5300/5320)-Tan- 1000mm Invisio POC of this quote Jon Palka,Regional Sales Manager Email:jcp@invisio.com,Phone:+1 805 3312817 INVi510 Communications Inc,150 N Michigan Ave,Suite 1950,Chicago,IL 60601,USA Phone:+1-844-968-4746'vAAvJnvislo.com r , I i O t INVISIO I SALES QUOTE 1 Invoice Address; Date 04/02/2024 Mason County Sheriffs Dept Quote Version 4 Charles Taylor Page Page 2 of 2 322 North 3rd Street I SHELTON,WA 98584 Account No, US-7067 USA VAT No. , Att:Charles Taylor Ref.No. Your reference SWAT I i Quote no. SQ-US012882 Delivery Address: Salesperson Jon Palka Mason County Sheriff's Dept 322 North 3rd Street Quote Valid Until 07/01/2024 S� SHELTON,WA 98584 Payment Terms Net 30 Days I USA Delivery 20+weeks o Shipment Method Ex Works Carrier i i INVISIO COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT Item No. Description Qly, Unit Unit Price Amount 02 Shipping and Handling Fee 1 PCs 283,00 M.00 1 Sales quote condition: This quote is conditioned upon the customer being approved in accordance with INVISIO's { credit check process and upon the issuance of a written sale acknowledgement I by INVISIO, j Shipping: Please note that shipping vrill be handled by INVISIO and billed to the customer as quoted. Also note that all shipments are EXIN Malm6, Sweden or EXW Hvidowe,Denmark,unless otherwise agreed. j Sales tax: Sales tax may be added if no Sales tax exempt certificate is received. For Terms&Conditions,please refer to attached General Conditions for Sale. i I i i I I i f i Invisio POC of this quote Jon Polka,Regional Sales Manager I Email:jcpQinvisio.com,Phone:+1 805 3312817 IiI Amount Qty total Sales Tax Basis Sates Tax Rate Sales Tax Amount CUR Invoice Total 93,153,00 190.00 92,870.00 0.00 0.00 USD 93,153.00 INVISIO Communications Inc,150 N Michigan Ave,Suite 1950,Chicago,IL 60601,USA Phone:+1-844-968-4746!%vvrrr.invisio.com I i MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT of PUBLIC WORKS 100 W PUBLIC WORKS DRIVE SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584 MEMORANDUM DATE: April 8, 2024 TO: Board of Mason County Commissioners Kate Campbell, Support Services Financial Analyst FROM: Loretta Swanson, Director Cc: Stephanie Buhrman, Finance Manager Richard Dickinson, Deputy Director Utilities & Waste Management SUBJECT: ARPA Funding Request—North Bay/Case Inlet Utility Relocation WSDOT is removing a fish barrier on SR 302 at Victor Creek this summer and replacing two culverts with a bridge. Mason County's sewer collection line is located within the State's construction zone and must be relocated. Public Works submitted a Local Community Project request during the 2024 Session for $247,200 that was not funded. Public Works now requests the Board consider funding this project with ARPA monies. A design contract was executed with David Evans and Associates on 11/29/2023, and construction agreement with WSDOT executed on 2/8/2024 fulfilling obligation requirements prior to mid-year. WSDOT's project is expected to be completed in the Fall of 2024. Requested Amount: $125,000 $ 40,000 design services $ 85,000 construction The request is scalable (i.e., design only or construction only). Project Schedule: Utility relocate design Complete Utility relocate construction Begin Spring 2024 Complete Fall 2024 Project Benefits: Funding for this work will help to stabilize the North Bay/Case Inlet sewer rate for our customers. Additionally, this project "bundles" with WSDOT and minimizes impacts to both SR 302 travelers and our utility customers. Habitat We build strength, stability, self-reliance and shelter for Huma nity' of Mason County November V 2023 Dear Commissioners, My name is Melissa Moore. I am the Director of Operations for Habitat for Humanity of Mason County. Habitat advocates on behalf of those in need of safe, decent, and affordable housing. We focus on qualifying Homeowners and share in the process of the building, lifting families out of poverty one family at a time.We also provide refurbishment and preservation repairs to existing homes such as adding ramps to assist the disabled and minor service repairs for our low income, elderly and veteran community. Our mission is to connect engage and transform our community by applying inclusive leadership, diverse partnerships and volunteer opportunities. We promote dignity and fully partner with current and future homeowners; and in so doing, promote transformational and sustainable community development. We are writing to inquirer about the 12.5 million dollars of ARPA funds received by the county during the Covid Crisis. We recognize this funding has been allocated but understand there is a possibility that the unused portions of these funds may be available for reallocation in the near future. We are seeking$200,000 to be applied to our next future build. Currently, Habitat is finishing it's 37th home in Mason County since 2008.The reallocated funding from the county would be used to build our 38th home on Park street, along with providing the Sidewalks that the City of Shelton is requiring. We appreciate your help and timely consideration to provide low income housing to another needy and deserving family. Melissa Moore Melissam@habitatmasomwa.or� 360-710-4425 1826 Olympic Hwy North 1 1'.O.Box 1549 1 Shelton,VVA 98584 Phone: (360)426-8134 1 Email: info«,habitatmason�va.org I Website:habitatmasonwa.org MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT of PUBLIC WORKS 100 W PUBLIC WORKS DRIVE N C+ SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584 MEMORANDUM DATE: April 8, 2024 TO: Board of Mason County Commissioners Kate Campbell, Support Services Financial Analyst FROM: Loretta Swanson, Director Cc: Stephanie Buhrman, Finance Manager Richard Dickinson, Deputy Director Utilities &Waste Management SUBJECT: ARPA Funding Request—Belfair Sewer Extension Commissioners approved $250,000 to complete design of an extension and small lift station from Log Yard Road east of SR 3 to the west side of SR 3 to serve industrial and commercial landowners within the Belfair Urban Growth Area. Based on landowner interest and other criteria, staff requests cancelling the Log Yard Road extension design and applying those funds to design an extension serving the Romance Hill vicinity. Requested Amount: $250,000 If approved, funding would be moved from the Log Yard Road sewer extension design to Romance Hill. Project Schedule: May 2024 RFQ for engineering design services June 2024 Execute contract September 2024 Complete design Project Benefits: Romance Hill is planned to connect to the SR 3 Freight Corridor with roughly 110 undeveloped acres zoned R-5 (75) and R-10 (35)to be served by Belfair sewer. Developing this area could result in 500 ERUs or greater. Designing this extension will provide a greater degree of certainty to prospective developers. Funding for this work with ARPA monies will help to stabilize the Belfair sewer rate for our customers, particularly as new customers are added. it (A�RIvATFR is 0�Y IK tAKL15f1111 I9ee `,�� April 5, 2024 Project Report To the Mason County Board of Commissioners and Staff, Thank you all for your help,guidance and support throughout our projects. It has been a journey but we can see the light at the end of the tunnel for these projects. There were some setbacks with both of the projects but once addressed the projects proceeded forward mostly as planned. The generators of course were a bit of a smaller project but required more coordination and extra work and funds to get the sites ready for delivery of the units, we had to upgrade the access and usable area at Romance Hill in order to get the crane and delivery truck on site at around$18k all said and done. We also spent an additional $6k on the prep for the office unit and around$9k on the Well 4 unit to address water runoff and pooling issues. All the units are onsite and start up has been completed at the office generator and within the next two weeks we will be tying in Romance and well 4 and getting those online. After waiting for delivery of the generators for between 9 and 14 months we are glad to be able to complete this project entirely. The Well 6 Project is also nearing completion, it should be done by the end of May to the beginning of June. As you can see from the attached spreadsheet this project has gone oven quite a bit compared to original estimates and our original request for funding. Once we were able to put out for bids inflation greatly affected the pricing and total bid and a subsequent change order to reduce the full column pipe size to get to depth further drove the cost up. I am told that this will not hamper the wells' ability to produce so we are hoping for good production and of course good water quality as we get ready to move into test pumping and testing of the water. We are grateful and appreciative of all the support and help to this point and look forward to further partnerships and projects as we both work through the growth. Any additional funding that could possibly be made available to help offset our expenditure on these projects would be greatly appreciated. Over$400k from our small district is significant on our bottom line as we continue to grow and move the District forward. Each day we are trying to do the best we canto minimize the impact on our customers. Best R ds, Dale Webb General Manager Belfair Water District#1 Date Reference# Amount date Reference Amount days 9/28/2023 Holt#9329 $69,982.50 24 10/27/2023 Holt#9217 8/31/23 $137,659.38 24 11/14/2023 Holt#9461 10/31/23 $104,160.00 26 12/12/2023 Holt#9570 11/30/23 $76,004.25 24 1/11/2024 Holt#9655 12/31/23 $102,939.38 $490,745.51 24 2/20/2024 Holt#9768 2/20/24 $37,296.88 $450,000.00 24 difference $40,745.51 146 total billing HOLT $528,042.39 other Well 6 costs District paid 100% $64,503.00 3/4/2024 Mott Mcdonald $40,999.25 3/25/2024 Mott Mcdonald $15,597.32 2/25/2024 $4,060.88 remaining bid Mott Mcdonald $64 503.00 12/31/2023 Apex Engineering $18,963.75 BWD 100% Total Engineering $83,466.75 Change order 12" $111,250.00 TOTAL BID AMOUNT $627,615.67 $528,042.39 Total $738,865.67 $627,615.67 original bid amt TOTAL AWARD $450,000.00 $111,250.00 12" change order AMOUNT OVER $288,865.67 $738,865.67 Total bid amount TOTAL SUBMITTED $528,042.39 $450,000.00 ARPA fund amt TOTAL AWARD $450,000.00 $528,042.39 submitted amt REMAINDER $210,823.28 -$78,042.39 Balance Original estimate $550,000.00 $372,332.42 amt over funding BWD 100% actual project costs $822,332.42 gallons cubic feet 124100 16,591 d•PeON _CoU�Ty Mason County Support Services Request for ARPA Funds Dear Mason County Board of Commissioners, Our facilities play a crucial role in providing a safe and functional space for our staff, volunteers, and the community we serve. However, as you are aware, we face challenges in ensuring the upkeep and maintenance of our buildings due to limited financial resources. The Mason County Facilities & Grounds Department is requesting a total of up to $775,000 in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding for the following facilities maintenance projects estimated in priority order here: 1. Sheriff's Office — Heat Pump $20,000 2. Sheriff's Office, Building 11 — Remove Remaining Bentonite $20,000 3. Coroner's Office — Generator $10,000 4. Modular Courtroom, Building 6 — Ramp Repair$3,000 5. Juvenile Detention Center— New Ramps $7,000 6. Juvenile Court Services, Building 3 — Heat Pump $25,000 7. Courthouse — Elevator$200,000 8. Sheriff's Office — New Roof$50,000 9. Courthouse — New Roof$75,000 10. Juvenile Court Services, Building 3 — New Roof$75,000 11. Administration, Building 1 — Heat Pumps $75,000 12. WSU Extension, Building 4 — Heat Pump $25,000 13. Planning & Health, Building 8 — Heat Pumps $70,000 14. WSU Extension, Building 4 — New Roof$30,000 15. Planning & Health, Building 8 — Replace Windows $40,000 16. Administration, Building 1 — Replace Windows $50,000 All requested projects may either be completed or obligated by contract by the December 31, 2024 ARPA deadline. By investing in our building maintenance efforts, your support will have a tangible impact on our County and the people we serve. Not only will it ensure the longevity of our facilities, but it will also enhance the overall experience for visitors and occupants, fostering a welcoming and safe environment. We would be happy to provide any further information or documentation required to support our grant application. Thank you for your consideration in funding our building maintenance items. Sincerely, Kelly Frazier Facilities Manager American Rescue Plan Act Completed Project Funds to Re-Allocate as of May 6,2024 Comm. Comm. Comm. Neatherlin Shutty Trask Total Amount Amount Amount Amount Approved ARPA Project Name Requested Approved Approved Approved Amount Balance 841,188.16 General Fund Lost Revenue 841,188.16 Mason County HR Meeting Owl Cam/Mic for BLD 9 Conf.Room 1,500.00 841,188.16 Mason County HR Laptop 1,500.00 841,188.16 Mason County Senior Activities Center 4,628.31 841,188.16 Mason County HR Recruitment Materials 10,000.00 841,188.16 Mason County Community Development 13,000.00 841,188.16 Mason County Sheriff's Office-Cellebrite System Upgrade 13,300.00 841,188.16 Mason County Sheriff's Office-Simmunition Training 22,400.00 841,188.16 Mason County HR Strategic Planning 25,000.00 841,188.16 Mason County Parks&Trails Wood Chipper 25,000.00 841,188.16 Mason County Cemetery District#1 Twin Firs 28,485.00 841,188.16 Mason County HR First Aid/CPR Materials 30,000.00 841,188.16 Belfair Water District-Last of the Backup Generators 33,788.63 841,188.16 Turning Point 40,000.00 841,188.16 Mason County Sheriff's Office Firearms Acquistion 42,369.00 841,188.16 Community Lifeline 50,000.00 841,188.16 Economic Development Council of Mason County 50,000.00 841,188.16 Public Works Belfair Sewer SCADA Software Update 50,000.00 841,188.16 Public Works Beard's Cove Well#5 Pump Replacement 55,000.00 841,188.16 Public Works Solid Waste Booth Upgrades 60,000.00 841,188.16 South Mason Fire&Rescue/Fire District#4 63,340.00 841,188.16 Mason County Homeless Task Force 74,000.00 841,188.16 Habitat for Humanity 75,000.00 841,188.16 Shelton Housing First 75,000.00 841,188.16 Public Works North Bay Grinder Pump Cores 75,000.00 841,188.16 PUD#1 Lake Arrowhead mainline 75,000.00 841,188.16 Hood Canal Comm. 87,261.00 841,188.16 Mason County Sherrif Office Comm.Equipment 93,153.00 841,188.16 Public Works North Bay/Case Inlet Utility Relocation 125,000.00 841,188.16 Habitat for Humanity 200,000.00 841,188.16 Belfair Water District 372,332.42 841,188.16 MC Facilities:Sheriff's Office Heat Pump 20,000.00 841,188.16 MC Facilities:Sheriff's Office,BLD 11-Remove Bentonite 20,000.00 841,188.16 MC Facilities:Coroner's Office Generator 10,000.00 841,188.16 MC Facilities: Modular Courtroom,BLD 6 Ramp Repair 3,000.00 841,188.16 MC Facilities:Juvenile Detention Center New Ramp 7,000.00 841,188.16 MC Facilities:Juvenile Court Services BLD 3,Heat Pump 25,000.00 841,188.16 MC Facilities:Courthouse Elevator 200,000.00 841,188.16 MC Facilities:Sheriff's Office New Roof 50,000.00 841,188.16 MC Facilities:Courthouse New Roof 75,000.00 841,188.16 MC Facilities:Juvenile Court BLD 3 New Roof 75,000.00 841,188.16 MC Facilities:Admin BLD 1 Heat Pump 75,000.00 841,188.16 MC Facilities:WSU Extention BLD 4 New Roof 30,000.00 841,188.16 MC Facilities: Planning&Health BLD 8 Replace Windows 40,000.00 841,188.16 MC Facilities:WSU Extion BLD 4 Heat Pump 25,000.00 841,188.16 MC Facilities: Planning and Health BLD 8 Heat Pump 70,000.00 841,188.16 MC Facilities:Admin BLD 1 Replace Windows 50,000.00 841,188.16 Total Requests 2,646,057.36 0 0 0 Mason County Agenda Request Form „<1 To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Diane Zoren Ext. 747 Department: Support Services Briefing: Action Agenda: ❑X Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): 5/6/24 Agenda Date: 5/21/24 Internal Review: (It is the requestor's responsibility to obtain review from the following,when applicable) ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Other Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑No Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item• Approval of the 2023 Oath of Inventory pursuant to RCW 36.32.210 and Mason County Code Chapter 3.56 Background/Executive Summary: The Oath of Inventory includes equipment that cost$5,000 or more and other capital assets. Budget Impact(amount, funding source,budget amendment required): N/A Public Outreach (news release, community meeting, etc.): N/A Requested Action: Place the 2023 Oath of Inventory on the May 7 agenda for approval. Attachments: Oath of Inventory MASON COUNTY OATH OF INVENTORY AS OF DECEMBER 31,2023 As required by RCW 36.32.210,and in compliance with Chapter 3.56 of the Mason County Code,we,the Commissioners of Mason County,do solemnly swear that this is the full and complete inventory,to the best of our knowledge, of all capitalized machinery and equipment and capital assets for Mason County as of December 31,2023. Supporting documentation for this inventory is on file in the Mason County Support Services Department and Public Works Department. Current Expense&Sheriff Special Funds $ 6,467,462.05 Information Technology Fund (#500) $ 1,015,674.33 Reserve for Tech Fund(#119) $ 571,166.18 County Road $ 454,105.39 Public Health Fund $ 36,749.83 Equipment Rental&Revolving Fund(#501)* $ 13,756,494.73 Total Machinery and Equipment $22,301,652.51 Capital Assets*: Land $ 7,520,428.85 Other Improvements-Land $ 9,027,816.46 Buildings with Improvements $ 34,317,180.36 Construction in Progress $ 1,802,062.02 Public Works Road Land $ 4,397,682.92 Road Infrastructure $ 192,310,457.31 Road-Bridges $ 15,094,869.10 Road-Construction in Progress $ 3,335,473.06 ER&R Buildings(#501) $ 880,980.06 LandFill/Transfer Stations(#402) $ 2,250,923.00 North Bay/Case Inlet Sewer Utility(#403) $ 23,166,934.00 Rustlewood Sewer&Water(#411) $ 3,084,704.00 Beard's Cove Water(#412) $ 416,377.52 Belfair WW&Water Reclamation(#413) $ 43,528,797.00 *Source:Auditor's Report See attachment A 2023 Oath of Inventory Subscribed and sworn this date: BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Randy Neatherlin,Chair Kevin Shutty,Commissioner Sharon Trask,Commissioner C:\Users\Colson\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Outlook\S729ZYDJ\2023 Oath and Attach A with capital assets 1 of 1 Attachment A Inventory Balance Department/Fund As of 12/31/2023 Auditor Recording 63,191 .61 Facilities & Grounds 215,417.59 Clerk 101 ,709.44 Central Operations 7,604.18 Coroner 85,809.24 District Court 7,702.67 Emergency Management 90,274.00 Public Defense 11 ,424.00 Juvenile Facility 21 ,970.32 Parks 431 ,358.89 Prosecuting Attorney 16,411 .74 Sheriff 2,478,804.88 Superior Court 45,398.51 Treasurer 111 ,600.50 Motor Pool Vehicle & Equipment 2,778,784.48 Total Current Expense Fund, Sheriff Special Funds $6,467,462.05 Information Technology Fund (#500) 1 ,015,674.33 Reserve for Tech Fund (#119) note: in 2020 Fund 119 merged with Fund 500 571 ,166.18 County Road Fund 454,105.39 Public Health Fund 36,749.83 ER&R Fund 13,756,494.73 Total Other Funds: $15,834,190.46 Total Machinery & Equipment Inventory as of 12/31/23 $ 22,301 ,652.51 �r��K rgUhr F Mason County Agenda Request Form V Jxc1 To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Nichole Wilston Ext.643 Department: Risk Management Briefing: ❑x Action Agenda: 0 Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): 5/6124 Agenda Date: 5/7/24 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑X Legal 0 Risk ❑ Information Technology ❑ Other This is the responsibility responsibifity of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item: The following Mason County Officers, Employee's and Volunteer(s) request for Defense & Indemnification coverage assigned by the County as named defendants in the case of Rusty Lee Rouse v Mason County, et al., Case NO. 3:24-cv-05068-TL-GJL United States District Court Case served upon them on April 22, 2024, via USPS: Kevin Hanson, Randy Newell. Background/Executive Summary: Per Ordinance No. 06-18, Mason County Policy and Procedure for Defense and Indemnity of Employees any officer, employee or volunteer who is subject to a claim for damages may request that Mason County authorize and provide the defense of the claim. The Board of County Commissioners shall authorize the payment for the defense and any nonpunitive monetary judgment awarded in the case as outlined in the Ordinance arising from acts or omissions while performing or in good faith purporting to perform his or her official duties. Per Ordinance No. 06-18 Mason County reserves the right to pay punitive monetary judgments entered against any of the named defendant's, until, and if, a judgment is awarded. Requested Action: Approval of the following Mason County Officers, Employee's and Volunteer(s) request for Defense & Indemnification coverage assigned by the County as named defendants in the case of Rusty Lee Rouse v Mason County, et al., Case NO. 3:24-cv-05068-TL- GJL United States District Court Case served upon them on April 22, 2024, via USPS: Kevin Hanson, Randy Newell. Attachments: Rusty Lee Rouse v Mason County, et al., Case NO. 3:24-cv-05068-TL-GJL United States District Court Case on file with Clerk of the Board REQUEST FOR DEFENSE OF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES OF MASON COUNTY NAME OF CASE: Rouse CASE NUMBER: 3:24-cv-050684-9Ji COURT: United States District EMPLOYEE/OFFICER REQUESTING DEFENSE: Chief Kevin Hanson COMPLAINT—ATTACH COPIES OF ALL DOCUMENTS RECEIVED. DATE COMPLAINT WAS RECEIVED: 04/22/2024 FROM WHOM RECEIVED: Chief Bever REQUEST FOR DEFENSE: PURSUANT TO MASON COUNTY ORDINANCE NUMBER 06-18, I AM REQUESTING THAT MASON COUNTY PROVIDE FOR MY DEFENSE AND ANY NONPUNITIVE AT COUNTY EXPENSE. I UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT IF ANY TIME I FAIL TO COOPERATE WITH THE PROSECUTING ATTORNEY'S OFFICE OR OTHER ATTORNEY RETAINED BY THE COUNTY OR, IF EVIDENCE INDICATES THAT I WAS NOT ACTING EITHER IN GOOD FAITH OR WITHIN THE SCOPE OF MY OFFICIAL COUNTY DUTIES,THE COUNTY MAY WITHDRAW ITS DEFENSE IN WRITING. I FURTHER UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT I MAY NOT ENGAGE IN ANY OF THE FOLLOWING ACTS REGARDING THIS CASE UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AUTHORIZED BY THE PROSECUTING ATTORNEY'S OFFICE OR OTHER AGENCY REPRESENTING ME ON BEHALF OF THE COUNTY: (1) NEGOTIATE OR OTHERWISE AFFECT THE SETTLEMENT OF THE CASE; (2) MAKE AN ADMISSION OF LIABILITY (3) DISCUSS THE CASE WITH PERSONS WHO ARE NOT AN ELECTED OFFICIAL, DEPARTMENT HEAD, PROSECUTOR, ANOTHER COUNTY EMPLOYEE INVOLVED IN THE CASE, OR OTHER ASSIGNED ATTORNEY. /P��Q�Zd6I1� DATE OFFICER/EMPLOYEE/VOLUNTEER REQUESTING DEFENSE Mason County Board of County Commissioners authorize payment for the defense and any non-punitive monetary judgment for Chief Kevin Hanson based on the Ordinance 06-18. Mason County reserves the right to pay punitive monetary judgement entered against Chief Kevin Hanson until a judgement has been awarded. ❑ APPROVED DATE: ❑ DENIED DATE: i COUNTY COMMISSION CHAIR DocuSign Envelope ID:83EA7D07-D917-478A-B5FA-DCA49A6D4428 REQUEST FOR DEFENSE OF OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES OF MASON COUNTY NAME OF CASE: Rouse v Mason County,at al. CASE NUMBER: 3:24-cv-05068-TL-GJt- COURT: US District Court Western EMPLOYEE/OFFICER REQUESTING DEFENSE: Randy Newell COMPLAINT—ATTACH COPIES OF ALL DOCUMENTS RECEIVED. DATE COMPLAINT WAS RECEIVED: 04/22/2024 FROM WHOM RECEIVED: Mason County Risk Management REQUEST FOR DEFENSE: PURSUANT TO MASON COUNTY ORDINANCE NUMBER 06-18, I AM REQUESTING THAT MASON COUNTY PROVIDE FOR MY DEFENSE AND ANY NONPUNITIVE AT COUNTY EXPENSE. I UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT IF ANY TIME I FAIL TO COOPERATE WITH THE PROSECUTING ATTORNEY'S OFFICE OR OTHER ATTORNEY RETAINED BY THE COUNTY OR, IF EVIDENCE INDICATES THAT I WAS NOT ACTING EITHER IN GOOD FAITH OR WITHIN THE SCOPE OF MY OFFICIAL COUNTY DUTIES,THE COUNTY MAY WITHDRAW ITS DEFENSE IN WRITING. I FURTHER UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT I MAY NOT ENGAGE IN ANY OF THE FOLLOWING ACTS REGARDING THIS CASE UNLESS SPECIFICALLY AUTHORIZED BY THE PROSECUTING ATTORNEY'S OFFICE OR OTHER AGENCY REPRESENTING ME ON BEHALF OF THE COUNTY: (1) NEGOTIATE OR OTHERWISE AFFECT THE SETTLEMENT OF THE CASE; (2) MAKE AN ADMISSION OF LIABILITY (3) DISCUSS THE CASE WITH PERSONS WHO ARE NOT AN ELECTED OFFICIAL, DEPARTMENT HEAD, PROSECUTOR, ANOTHER COUNTY EMPLOYEE INVOLVED IN THE CASE, OR OTHER ASSIGNED ATTORNEY. DoouSigned by: 4/30/2024 Cf. A,& DATE 10F4 Rffl9MPLOYEE/VOLUNTEER REQUESTING DEFENSE Mason County Board of County Commissioners authorize payment for the defense and any non-punitive monetary judgment for Randy Newell based on the Ordinance 06-18. Mason County reserves the right to pay punitive monetary judgement entered against Randy Newell until a judgement has been awarded. ❑ APPROVED DATE: ❑ DENIED DATE: COUNTY COMMISSION CHAIR