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SEP2008-00088 Grading - SEP Determinations - 7/1/2008
oN STATE MASON COUNTY o Py A o N DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT y S N = Planning Division ° Y 4 P O Box 279, Shelton, WA 98584 (360)427-9670 1864 MITIGATED DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE (WAC 197-11-350) SEP2008-00088 Description of Proposal: For grading > 500 cy (cut 8,254 and fill 6,443). Grading for stormwater collection, utilities, septics/drainfields, road. 20 home sites on 19 acres. Proponent: GLEN JURGES Site Address (If Assigned): ............... Directions to Site: turn west off of Grapeview Road to Atwater Avenue just south of Treasure Island Drive. Parcel Number: 121055144001 Legal Description: DETROIT #2 PCL 1 OF BLA #07-82 PTN BLKS 44,45,46 Lead Agency: Mason County The Lead Agency for this proposal has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21 C.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review of a completed Environmental Checklist and other information on file with the Lead Agency. This information is available to the public upon request. MITIGATED MEASURES ARE ATTACHED. Please contact Rebecca Hersha at ext. 593 with any questions. This DNS is issued under WAC 197-11-340(2). The Lead Agency will not act on this proposal for 14 days from the date shown below, when the determination is final. Comments bmitted to Dept. of Community Development, P.O. Box 279, Shelton WA 98584 by 7/15/08. Appeal of this determination must be filed within a 14-day period following this final defermin tla on date, per Mason County Code Chapter 15.11 Appeals. . x r c 4- Authorized Local Government Official Date MITIGATED DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE (WAC 197-11-350) SEP2008-00088 CONDITIONS OF THIS DETERMINATION 1) Residential development on shorelines and wetlands should be planned with minimum adverse environmental and visual impact. Structures should be designed and located to not significantly block views of adjacent residences. X 2) Landfill for residential development which results in the creation of new dry land waterward of OHWM or in biological wetlands is prohibited. X 3) Grading is subject to the Grading and TESC Plan prepared by WestSound Engineering, dated June 11 , 2008. Removal of vegetation should be minimized and any areas disturbed should be restored to prevent erosion and other environmental impacts. X 4) Water quality is not to be degraded to the detriment of the aquatic environment as a result of this project. X 5) Development is subject to the Storm Drainage Report prepared by WestSound Engineering, dated May 23, 2008 and the Drainage Plan prepared by WestSound Engineering, dated June 11, 2008. X 6) If any items of potential archeological importance are found, all work must stop and the Department of Archeology and Historic Preservation shall be contacted immediately. X 7) Soils in stockpiles must be stabilized or protected with sediment-trapping measures to prevent soil loss. All exposed areas of final grade or areas that are not scheduled for work, whether at final grade or otherwise, shall not remain exposed and unworked for more than two days, between October 1 and April 30. Between May 1 and September 30, no soils shall remain exposed and unworked for more than 7 days. X 8) Clearing limits and buffers shall be identified and clearly marked in the field. X 9) A National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System and State Waste Discharge General Permit for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Construction Activities may be required by The Washington Department of Ecology. X 10) Permanent vegetative cover should be established on denuded areas at final grade if they are not otherwise permanently stabilized. X 11) During construction and grading, dust must be controlled (water spraying exposed soils, wheel washing to prevent tracking onto paved roads) to prevent offsite impacts. X oN'STArF MASON COUNTY o P� A,o N DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT S N Y = Planning Division N Y P O Box 279, Shelton, WA 98584 (360)427-9670 1864 MITIGATED DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE (WAC 197-11-350) SEP2008-00088 Description of Proposal: For grading > 500 cy (cut 8,254 and fill 6,443). Grading for stormwater collection, utilities, septics/drainfields, road. 20 home sites on 19 acres. Proponent: GLEN JURGES Site Address (If Assigned): ............... Directions to Site: turn west off of Grapeview Road to Atwater Avenue just south of Treasure Island Drive. Parcel Number: 121055144001 Legal Description: DETROIT #2 PCL 1 OF BLA #07-82 PTN BLKS 44,45,46 Lead Agency: Mason County The Lead Agency for this proposal has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21 C.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review of a completed Environmental Checklist and other information on file with the Lead Agency. This information is available to the public upon request. MITIGATED MEASURES ARE ATTACHED. Please contact Rebecca Hersha at ext. 593 with any questions. This DNS is issued under WAC 197-11-340(2). The Lead Agency will not act on this proposal for 14 days from the date shown below, when the determination is final. Comments must be submitted to Dept. of Community Development, P.O. Box 279, Shelton WA 98584 by 7/4/08. Appeal of this determination must be filed within a 14-day period following this final determination date, per Mason County Code Chapter 15.11 Appeals. Authorized Local Government Official Date MITIGATED DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE (WAC 197-11-350) SEP2008-00088 CONDITIONS OF THIS DETERMINATION �) Development is subject to the Storm Drainage Report prepared by WestSound Engineering, dated May 23, 2008 and the Drainage Plan prepared by WestSound Engineering, dated June 11, 2008. X 2) Residential development on shorelines and wetlands should be planned with minimum adverse environmental and visual impact. Structures should be and located to not significantly block views of adjacent residences. X 3) Landfill for residential development which results in the creation of new dry land waterward of OHWM or in biological wetlands is prohibited. X 4) Grading is subject to the Grading and TESC Plan prepared by WestSound Engineering, dated June 11 , 2008. Removal of vegetation should be minimized and any areas disturbed should be restored to prevent erosion and other environmental impacts. X 5) Water quality is not to be degraded to the detriment of the aquatic environment as a result of this project. X P$°N CO MASON COUNTY Shelton (360) 427-9670 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Belfair (360) 275-4467 Planning 360 482-5269 Mason County Bldg. 1411 N.5th Elma ( ) P.O.Box 279 Shelton,WA 98584 185f NOTICE TO RETAIN MDNS SEP2008-00088 July 16th, 2008 This is notice that the County is retaining the SEPA Threshold Mitigated Determination of Non- Significance (MDNS) for SEP2008-00088 issued on June 18, 2008 by Mason County Planning Department. The proposed grading for future residential development nearby a jurisdictional stream and jurisdictional wetlands does not pose a significant environmental impact warranting a Determination of Significance (DS) and a subsequent Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). The proposal involves 146 lots that were platted in 1890 at a very high density. Despite the lot sizes not conforming to current zoning requirements, each of the original platted lots were allowed one dwelling unit (per Mason County Development Regulations 17.03.032 B. 2). However, Mr. Jurges, through a Boundary line Adjustment (BLA), has combined 146 of these lots into 20 home sites and has submitted an engineered stormwater plan for the project. Although his proposal does involve encroachment into the wetland buffers for road improvements and well access, it is arguably less than the impact that would have resulted had he sold each lot individually. Mr. Jurges has submitted a Habitat Management Plan to mitigate for the proposed impacts to the wetlands and their buffers. He has also obtained an approved Eagle Management Plan from the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. The drainfields for the 20 homes are located together on two lots that are not within the wetland or stream buffers. The Environmental Health Department has reviewed and approved the drainfield designs and locations. The Planning Department concludes that this proposal does not pose significant environmental impacts. Because this SEPA is accompanied with a Mason Environmental Permit (MEP), all conditions will be attached to the MEP at the time the MEP is issued. Commentors receiving notice: Bob Pastore P.O. Box 5 Grapeview, WA 98546 Richard Settle,Attorney Foster Pepper LLC 1111 Third Ave., Suite 3400 Seattle, WA 98101-3299 Steve Clark Steve.c lark(a�urbo nd.com John and Judy Ringle Ringleic( engr.orst.edu Steven Winter Winterhydro(a?gmail.com Michael Fogde P.O. Box 108 Grapeview, Wa 98546 cc: Squaxin Tribe Commissioner Lynda Ring Erickson Glen Jurges,Applicant STAT DECEIVE E Off, JULI L 17 ?0 MCCD PLANNING STATE OF WASHINGTON -- DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY PO Box 47775• Olympia, Washington 98504-7775• (360) 407-6300 July 15,2008 Ms.Rebecca Hersha Your address Mason County is in the Department of Community Development } Kennedy- Planning Division PO Box 279 �� Goldsbcar® watershed Shelton,WA 98584 Dear Ms.Hersha: Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the mitigated determination of nonsignificance for the Re-Issue Fair Harbor Tracts Grading project(SEP2008-00088) located near Atwater Avenue,just south of Treasure Island Drive in Grapeview as proposed by Glen Jurges. The Department of Ecology(Ecology)reviewed the environmental checklist and has the following comment(s): WATER QUALITY: Roberta Woods(360)407-6269 Water Quality program comments submitted July 3, 2008 still apply to the project described(see enclosure). There are no new comments submitted at this time. Ecology's comments are based upon information provided by the lead agency. As such,they do not constitute an exhaustive list of the various authorizations that must be obtained or legal requirements that must be fulfilled in order to carry out the proposed action. If you have any questions or would like to respond to these comments please contact the appropriate reviewing staff listed above. Department of Ecology Southwest Regional Office (SM: 08-4991) Enclosure cc: Joyce Smith,HQIWQ Stephanie Werkman,WQ Roberta Woods, WQ Glen Jurges(Proponent) L�«1 STATE O� 9 STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY t'JI�'- A NG r P,_ PO Box 47775 • Olympia, Washington 98504-7775 • (360) 407-6300 "'�-----_ July 3,2008 Ms.Grace Miller Your address Mason County i is in the Department of Community Development s Kennedy- Planning Division Goldsborough PO Box 279 watershed Shelton,WA 98584 Dear Ms.Miller: Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the mitigated determination of nonsignificance for the Fair Harbors Tracts Grading project(SEP2'008-00088�located near Atwater Avenue,just south of Treasure Island Drive in Grapeview,as proposed by Glen J�rges. The Department of Ecology(Ecology)reviewed the environmental checklist and has the following comment(s): WATER QUALITY:Roberta Woods(360)407-6269 Any discharge of sediment-laden runoff or other pollutants to waters of the state is in violation of Chapter 90.48 RCW,Water Pollution Control,and WAC 173-201A,Water Quality Standards for Surface Waters of the State of Washington,and is subject to enforcement action. Erosion control measures must be in place prior to any clearing,grading,or construction. These control measures must be effective to prevent stormwater runoff from carrying soil and other pollutants into surface water or storm drains that lead to waters of the state. Sand, silt, clay particles, and soil will damage aquatic habitat and are considered to be pollutants. Proper disposal of construction debris must be on land in such a manner that debris cannot enter the seasonal streams,natural stormwater drainages or cause water quality degradation of state waters. During construction,all releases of oils,hydraulic fluids,fuels,other petroleum products,paints, solvents,and other deleterious materials must be contained and removed in a manner that will prevent their discharge to waters and soils of the state. The cleanup of spills should take precedence over other work on the site. Soil in stockpiles should be stabilized or protected with sediment-trapping measures to prevent soil loss. All exposed areas of final grade or areas that are not scheduled for work,whether at final grade or otherwise,shall not remain exposed and un-worked for more than two days,between October 1 and April 30. Between May 1 and September 30,no soils shall remain exposed and un-worked for more than 7 days. Clearing limits and/or any easements or required buffers should be identified and marked in the field, prior to the start of any clearing,grading,or construction. Some suggested methods are staking and flagging or high visibility fencing. ILA July 3,2008 Page 2 A permanent vegetative cover should be established on denuded areas at final grade if they are not otherwise permanently stabilized. Properties adjacent to the site of a land disturbance should be protected from sediment deposition through the use of buffers or other perimeter controls, such as filter fence or sediment basins. Cut and/or fill slopes should be designed to minimize erosion. Methods such as slope roughening, terraces,or pipe slope drains may be used. All temporary erosion control systems should be designed to contain the runoff from the developed two year,24-hour design storm without eroding. Provision should be made to minimize the tracking of sediment by construction vehicles onto paved public roads. If sediment is deposited, it should be cleaned every day by shoveling or sweeping. Water cleaning should only be done after the area has been shoveled out or swept. Wash water from paint and wall finishing equipment should be disposed of in a way which will not adversely impact waters of the state. Untreated disposal of this wastewater is a violation of State Water Quality laws and statutes and as such,would be subject to enforcement action. Coverage under the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System(NPDES)and State Waste Discharge General Permit for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Construction Activities is required for construction sites which disturb an area of one acre or more and which have or will have a discharge of stormwater to surface water or a storm sewer. An application can be downloaded from Ecology's website at http://www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wq/stormwater/construction/#Application or you can contact Joyce Smith at(360)407-6858 for an application form. To avoid project delays,we encourage the applicant(s)to submit a completed application form and to publish public notice more than 60 days before the planned start of the project. Ecology's comments are based upon information provided by the lead agency. As such,they do not constitute an exhaustive list of the various authorizations that must be obtained or legal requirements that must be fulfilled in order to carry out the proposed action. If you have any questions or would like to respond to these comments please contact the appropriate reviewing staff listed above. Department of Ecology Southwest Regional Office (AW: 08-4509) cc: Neil Caudill,WQ Joyce Smith,HQ/WQ Roberta Woods,WQ Glen Jurges(Applicant) STATE o� o r x �y't 1889 CEO STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF ARCHAEOLOGY & HISTORIC PRESERVATION 1063 S. Capitol Way, Suite 106 - Olympia, Washington 98501 Mailing address: PO Box 48343 - Olympia, Washington 98504-8343 (360) 586-3065 Fax Number(360) 586-3067 Website www.dahp.wa.gov June 25,2008 Ms. Rebecca Hersha �' ` ® ���8 Mason County PO Box 279 [M;CCD - PLANNING Shelton,WA 98584 In future correspondence please refer to: Log: 062508-05-MS Property: Jurges Development SEP2008-00088 MDNS Re: Archaeology- Survey Requested Dear Ms. Hersha: We have reviewed the materials forwarded to our office for the proposed project referenced above. The area has the potential for archaeological resources. Eight previously recorded archaeological sites are within 2 miles or less of the project area. Further,the scale of the proposed ground disturbing actions would destroy any archaeological resources present. Identification during construction is not a recommended detection method because inadvertent discoveries often result in costly construction delays and damage to the resource. Therefore,we recommend a professional archaeological survey of the project area be conducted prior to ground disturbing activities. We also recommend consultation with the concerned Tribes'cultural committees and staff regarding cultural resource issues. These comments are based on the information available at the time of this review and on behalf of the State Historic Preservation Officer. Should additional information become available,our assessment may be revised. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this project and we look forward to receiving the survey report. Should you have any questions,please feel free to contact me at(360) 586-3088 or Gretchen.Kaehler@dahp.wa.gov. Sincerely, Gretchen Kaehler Assistant State Archaeologist (360)586-3088 p,retchen.kaehler@dahp.wg.gov cc. Rhonda Foster, Squaxin Island Tribe Thor Hoyte,Nisqually Tribe Via email July 14, 2008 Ms. Rebecca Hersha Planner I Community Development Mason County, Washington Thank you for meeting with me on Thursday, July 10 regarding the development proposal by Glen Jurges in the Grapeview area of Mason County, specifically: Parcel Number: 121055144001 Legal Description: DETROIT#2 PCL 1 OF BLA #07-82 PTN BLKS 44,45,46 As I emphasized, I am extremely concerned about this development proposal and the harm it would cause to the community and, most importantly, to the waters of adjacent Case Inlet of Puget Sound. I am commenting specifically on the SEPA Mitigated Determination of Nonsignificance (MDNS) for the proposed Mason Environmental Permit for the construction of roads through environmentally critical wetland areas and creek buffer areas and the proposed construction of 20 homes on approximately 19 acres, which at first glance) appears as a density of less than one dwelling unit per acre in a rural area for which a maximum density of one dwelling unit per five (5) acres is prescribed by the State Growth Management Act, the Mason County Comprehensive Plan, and the Mason County Development Regulations (zoning). In actuality, the density will be significantly higher and as follows—I amusing the old Detroit 2 Block designation (200 x 300 feet) and Mr. Jurges'submission as my point of reference: Block 46 = 6 Lots or 1 Lot per..22 acres. Block 54 = 3 Lots or 1 Lot per.46 acres. Block 57 = 5 Lots or 1 Lot per .28 acres Block 58 = 4 Lots or 1 Lot per .34 acres This is an extreme example of the kind of"sprawl" that the Growth Management Act was adopted to prevent because of its harm to numerous elements of the environment which will be detailed in the comments below. The MDNS must be withdrawn and a Determination of Significance (DS) must be issued because the proposed development would have unmitigated significant adverse environmental impacts on numerous elements of the natural and built environment, including the existing County land use plan, water quality of the creek that traverses the site, related wetlands, and adjacent Case Inlet of Puget Sound, plants and animals as a result of probable septic system failures over the useful life of the proposed development, which failures would pollute the creek and Puget Sound, adversely affecting the habitat for salmon and other species of plants and animals, air quality by unnecessarily introducing large quantities of greenhouse gases (GHG), which are the cause of climate change, without any mitigation measures to avoid, minimize, or compensate for such GHG emissions, energy and natural resources, with no mitigation measures to avoid, minimize, or compensate for energy use and waste, and transportation impacts because the proposed access to the 20 proposed homes would be in the formerly platted right of way designated as "Atwater Avenue" in an ancient plat, which once platted right of way no longer exists. By operation of state law, this formerly platted right of way reverted to private ownership and is owned by me, Robert Pastore and not by Glen Jurges. If this proposed development is approved on the basis of access by the so-called "Atwater Avenue Right of Way", that access will be successfully legally challenged and access will not be available by that route. As a result, lots could be sold and homes could be built that will have no vehicular access to the road system, a significant adverse impact on the road system that supposedly would serve the proposed development. The septic drainfields on Plat of Detroit 2 Block 55 (Tract"B"Drainfields) planned at nine (9) drainfields on 1.377 acres is a density of one (1) per .15 acre; the drainfield on Plat of Detroit 2 Block 59 (Tract"A" Drainfields) plans for eleven (11) drainfields or approximately one (1) per .125 per acre. Both of these drainfields are adjacent to, if not in, wetlands which were the subject of a dispute with the pervious land owners (Mr. Richard Scott and Mr. Craig Eldridge) and the Army Corp of Engineers (Letter dated July 21, 1998, Col. James Rigsby, USACE). The five mitigation measures included in the MDNS do not even come close to addressing all of the significant adverse environmental impacts. Two of them are not even mitigation requirements at all, but are merely recommendations ("should"). More specifically, the MDNS should be withdrawn and a DS should be issued for the following reasons. 1. The density of the proposed development is many orders of magnitude larger than the density that is allowed in Rural areas by the Growth Management Act (GMA) , the County Comprehensive Plan, and the County Development Regulations (zoning ordinance). The County contrary to the anti-sprawl goal of the GMA and County plan policies, allowed development on grossly substandard lots in this century-old plat even though the County could have required owners of contiguous substandard lots to consolidate those lots in order to meet the present one unit per five acre zoning requirement. Whether or not the County had authority to allow development of these substandard lots, such development has significant adverse impacts caused by such extreme sprawl that is diametrically in conflict with the County's land use plan policies regarding development in rural areas of the County. Impacts on existing land use plans are impacts on the built environment under WAC 197-11-444. The impacts of development many times over the density allowed by the existing County comprehensive plan for rural areas certainly is a significant adverse impact. Given the blatant conflict of the proposed development with current State and County policy for rural development, the impact certainly is significant and an Environmental Impact Statement(EIS) must be prepared. Even if the County may allow development on existing substandard lots, the County may not approve this specific development on such substandard lots, construction in wetlands and buffer areas, and grave potential septic system, stormwater, and other impacts on Puget Sound and salmon species residing in Case Inlet of Puget Sound. The County may not approve such development so extremely at variance with State and County policies for development in rural areas with high quality wetlands and a creek, served by septic systems, adjacent to Puget Sound without full awareness of the potential significant adverse environmental impacts by requiring preparation of an EIS. While the County code may allow development of substandard lots, all County approvals of development are subject to the County's substantive SEPA authority under RCW 43.21C.060 and WAC 197-11-660. Under this substantive SEPA authority, the County has broad authority to impose stringent mitigation requirements to protect the environment. Such mitigation requirements should include much larger lot size, less area of impervious surfaces, relocation and much stricter design requirements for septic systems, given their proximity to high quality wetlands, a creek, and Puget Sound. Given the urgency of protecting Puget Sound and the vulnerability of Case Inlet to pollution, it would be blatantly irresponsible for the County to allow this development to proceed without an EIS and stringent mitigation requirements. 2. The proposed development would unnecessarily construct roads and other facilities in wetlands and/or wetland or creek buffer areas. There are far greater areas of roadways, impervious surfaces, than is necessary if access were provided to the proposed development in the vicinity of the platted Griswold Avenue which is already the main access used by Mr. Jurges to his property. In addition, Griswold Avenue has long been considered by Mason County as a reliever for Grapeview Loop Road by extending it from its present terminus at Grapeview Loop Road and Mr. ]urges' property through to Route 3 . Along with the other significant adverse impacts of the proposed development, the County must have full awareness of potential significant adverse environmental impacts, alternatives, and the full range of potential mitigation measures by preparation of an EIS. Moreover, the proposed access road from Grapeview Loop Road not only would be constructed in environmental critical areas, but it is proposed to be located on land that I, Robert Pastore own by operation of state law. I will legally challenge any road on my property, and the road would have to be relocated elsewhere contrary to the proposed plans for this development. 3. At a time of intense concern about the effect of GHG emissions on climate change, the submitted SEPA Checklist does not even mention GHG emissions over the life span of this project and their impacts on climate change. Sprawling, low density development are the worst offenders regarding GHG emissions. There are numerous means of mitigating GHG emissions, such as"green"building design and the exclusion of fossil-fuel burning fireplaces and stoves. This proposal and the scant mitigation measures in the MDNS do not even mention mitigation of GHG emissions and adverse climate change impacts. 4. The applicant has illegally filled wetlands in the past where this development is proposed. Specifically, Block 46 of the Plat of Detroit 2—which was primary wetlands - was filled by a construction firm under the direction of, and while the property was owned by, Mr. Jurges without a grading permit. It is ironic that Mr. Jurges is planning to install a storm pond (East Storm Pond) which he filled in during the illegal grading. The significant adverse impacts of such illegal filling must be analyzed in an EIS and appropriately mitigated by requirements of restoration of the illegally filled wetlands. 5. While the applicant is free to propose this extreme development so contrary to what is allowed in rural areas with critical areas and adjacent to Puget Sound, with minimal mitigation, by doing so, the applicant is making a proposal with unquestionable significant adverse impacts on the environment. As such, the proposal may not go forward without preparation of an EIS so that the County, State agencies, and interested members of the public will be fully informed of the significant adverse environmental impacts if this proposal is approved. This developer is not a resident of Mason County and apparently has no incentive not to irreparably harm the environment of Mason County. He must not be allowed to do so. As stewards of the County's environment, the County must require this applicant to behave responsibly by preparing an EIS and fully mitigating the significant adverse impacts of his proposal. Thank you for this opportunity to comment on the proposed MDNS. I respectfully request that the MDNS be withdrawn and a DS issued so that the significant adverse environmental impacts of the proposed development will be fully identified and disclosed through the EIS process.. Very truly yours, 0 L Robert Pastore PO Box 5 5294 Grapeview Loop Road Grapeview, WA 98546 ra�,c i ui i Rebecca Hersha - Parcel #121055144001 From: To: Date: 7/14/2008 8:24 Subject: Parcel #121055144001 Rebecca, I'm a neighbor across the street from the proposesd development of Glen Gurges. I just found out about this development and would like to ask for an extension to time to consult with professionals on the impact of this development . I'm concerned about the impact on the neighborhood as far as density versus Mason County regulations. I would like to investigate the platting and how this much density was approved and why. This is a sensitive wetlands area. This would have significant impact on the environment. What allowances are being considered on impact this will have on adjoining properties? What about impact on well water. I'm assuming 20 septic systems? This is another big concern. I just fear this proposal and potential acceptance has been made in haste, perhaps by a greedy developer who is not considering the impact on the area. This is a big deal to me and others who enjoy the harmony that this development would greatly impact. Plese consider an extension while myself and others give more detailed consideration to this proposal. Thank you. Steve Clark E5292 Grapeview loop rd A member of the ICI Group of Companies - see www.ici.com for more information. IMPORTANT NOTICE: This email may be confidential, may be legally privileged, and is for the intended recipient only. Unauthorised access, disclosure, copying, distribution, or reliance on any of it by anyone else is prohibited and may be a criminal offence. Please delete if obtained in error and email confirmation to the sender. file://C:\Documents%20and%20Settings\rebecch\Local%20Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\487B... 7/15/08 ry,, ,.,. ,...,..,--- , Ni UP0001 rage i I From: "Jahn Ringle" <ringlejc@engr.orst.edu> To: <rebecch@co.mason.wa.us> Date: 7/14/2008 3:15 PM Subject: Comments on Fair Harbor Tracts proposal CC: "John Ringle" <ringlejc@engr.orst.edu>, "Judy Ringle" <judy.ringle@gmail... Dear Ms. Hersha: We, John and Judy Ringle, are owners of property directly across Grapeview Loop Road from the proposed Fair Harbor Tracts development. Our property is located at E5290 Grapeview Loop Road. We were aware that there was some interest in developing this site for home sites, but did not see the proposed plans until yesterday. We understand that the deadline is tomorrow, July 15, for submitting comments on this development. We request a delay in this deadline so that we may study the proposal in more detail and secure outside professional comments on the proposed development. We have several concerns upon a quick reading of the material submitted, namely: 1. The allowing of approximately 1 home per acre instead of 1 home per 5 acres, as prescribed by the State Growth Management Act and the Mason County Comprehensive Plan is alarming. This type of higher-density housing could easily lead to urban sprawl,with its many problems--the exact things this Act and Plan were trying to avoid. 2. It appears there is an access road problem. The proposed access road goes through private land, and it is our understanding that the owner of this land will not allow this. 3. We would like at least one other wildlife/hydrologist to examine the plans to see if they agree with the assessments of Mr. Bredberg. We are concerned that the site visit and walkthrough was only done once. There might well be other issues that another expert would find on a more careful study of the area. For example, if the beaver dam were removed, how does this affect the stream? Would fish then be able to migrate further up, into the proposed development? Would these fish be endangered? Also it seems the bald eagle nest area might deserve more study. We are not wildlife nor hydrology experts, but it seems this area needs a much more careful and closer look before one can say there are no negative environmental impacts. We believe a complete Environmental Impact Statement would solve most of these issues. We request that an EIS be prepared for this site development. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this proposed development. John C. and Judy A. Ringle Rebecca Hersha - Fair Harbor Tracts Development Proposal From: "Steven M Winter" To: Date: 7/15/2008 10:37 Subject: Fair Harbor Tracts Development Proposal CC: "John Ringle" , Dear Ms. Hersha: I was asked by John and Judy Ringle(owners of E5290 Grapeview Loop Road)to review the proposed development at Fair Harbor Tracts along Grapeview Road. I am a wetland hydrologist and they were concerned about potential impacts to streams,wetlands, and drainage in the area as part of the proposed development. I'm afraid I only received the project submittal materials last night to review, so I have yet to perform a full review. Therefore, these findings are preliminary and I have not seen some key reports(e.g.,the wetland delineation report). My initial comments are listed below: 1. The use of an older wetland delineation is often acceptable,but in this case I think the wetland boundaries should be revisited. This site was significantly disturbed in the past, and drainage patterns may have adjusted over time. 2. The SEPA checklist indicates that one of the wetlands on the site is isolated. I find this curious since there is a direct surface connection from this site (via the stream or the roadside drainage system)to the tidal waters of Case Inlet. Has this determination been confirmed by the Corps of Engineers- Seattle District? 3. This site has a previous wetland mitigation project to offset grading impacts, installed in 2000. Was the requisite monitoring performed on this project to determine if it was successful? 4. I am concerned about the use of the 1992 Stormwater Manual to design and implement flow control and water quality treatment measures for this development. This manual is two iterations old (significantly revised in 2001 and in 2005), and has typically been found to not be protective of downstream resources. It is well established that the South Puget Sound is sensitive to changes in water quality, and protecting this resource should be a primary goal. file://C:\Documents%20and%20Settings\rebecch\Local%20Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\487C7... 7/15/08 5. The Habitat report indicates that a beaver dam in the unnamed stream is a full blockage to anadromous salmonids. While this might be the case here,typically salmonids can move upstream through beaver ponds, even in small streams. Several studies have found that beaver pond/dam systems are incredibly productive in terms of both resident and anadromous fish and their supporting food webs. Further,the recent culvert replacement along Grapeview Loop Road may have improved passage conditions into the stream from the inlet. 6. The delineated wetland to the west on the plans appears to extend through the proposed access road (Crogan Avenue). This road crossing therefore has the potential to impact the wetland system, which is inconsistent with the stated goal of no direct impacts to wetlands or streams. 7. While they appear to refer to buffer impacts, the legend on the plan sheets includes the terms 'wetland gain' and'wetland loss.' This should be clarified if in fact no direct impacts to the wetlands or stream system are proposed. 8. The use of many drainfields in this area mapped as Alderwood soil is also concerning. Maintenance of septic systems will always be an issue to ensure proper functioning. Further,typical septic systems are not effective in removing nitrogen from the waste stream. I look forward to the continued opportunity to comment on this proposal once I have seen all the applicable submittal materials. Thank you for your time, Steve Winter file://C:\Documents%20and%20Settings\rebecch\Local%20Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\487C7... 7/15/08 rage iori Rebecca Hersha - Glen Jurges property Grapeview, WA From: To: Date: 7/15/2008 10:42 Subject: Glen Jurges property Grapeview, WA CC: July 15, 2008 Ms. Rebecca Hersha Planner 1 Community Development Mason County As a Grapeview homeowner, I would like to express my concerns of a proposed development proposal by Glen Jurges on the Grapeview Loop Road, Mason County. Parcel Number:121055144001 Legal Description: DETROIT#2 PCL 1 OF BLA#07-82 PTN BLKS 44,45,46 I am a registered architect of the State of Washington and have reviewed the plat design by Westsound Engineering for the above stated description titled Fair Harbor Tracts MEP exhibit map. The Mitigated Determination of Nonsignificance (WAC 197-11-350)procedure is configured for 20 home sites on 19 acres. My understanding is that the State Growth Management Growth Act, The Mason County Comprehensive Plan and the Mason County Development Regulations will accept only (one) home per five acres. I am basing my continued residency in the community because of the density regulation. I am well aware of what has taken place with this project as my residence is directly across from this site on Grapeview Loop Road. I am adamantly opposed to this project. Michael H. Fogde, Architect PO Box 108 5244 Grapeview Loop Road Grapeview, WA The Famous, the Infamous, the Lame- in your browser. The Famous, the Infamous, the Lame- in your browser. Get the TMZ Toolbar Now! file://C:\Documents%20and%20Settings\rebecch\Local%20S ettings\Temp\XPgrpwi se\487C7... 7/15/08 r ar i vi-r Rebecca Hersha- RE: Request re: Jurges Enterprises From: "Richard Settle" To: "Rebecca Hersha" Date: 7/14/2008 8:40 Subject: RE: Request re: Jurges Enterprises CC: "bob pastore" , "Richard Settle" Rebecca Hersha SEPA Responsible Official Mason County Department of Community Development Re: MDNS on Jurges Enterprises Development Proposal Adjacent to Grapeview Loop Road Dear Ms. Hersha: I live at 7104 Grapeview Loop Road (Mailing Address is 1111 Third Avenue, Suite 3400, Seattle, WA 98101). I have been collaborating with Robert Pastore in formulating comments on the Jurges Enterprises proposed development adjacent to Grapeview Loop Road. I have reviewed and endorse the comments that Robert Pastore will be separately submitting to you. I add only the following. The size of a proposed development does not determine whether SEPA requires an EIS. The standard is whether the proposal is likely to have significant adverse environmental impacts. While the Jurges Enterprises proposal may not seem large, it is extremely significant environmentally because it is so grossly contrary to state and local policies and regulations regarding development of rural lands and,because it is on illegally filled wetlands, and because it would invade and disrupt high quality wetlands and wetland and creek buffers, and because it would place high density development in a rural area adjacent to Puget Sound,utilizing septic systems located close to a creek with runs into Case Inlet of Puget Sound. Significance is based not merely on the absolute size of a proposal but its location and the vulnerability of the location. WAC 197-11-330. This hazardous development must not be allowed to proceed without fully informing government agencies and the public of potential adverse environmental consequences through preparation of an EIS. This is especially so because the five mitigation measures listed as conditions in the MDNS are virtually meaningless and woefully inadequate to avoid significant adverse environmental impacts. Sincerely, Richard L. Settle From: Rebecca Hersha [mailto:RebeccH@co.mason.wa.us] Sent: Tuesday,July 01, 2008 4:29 PM To: Richard Settle Subject: RE: Request re: Jurges Enterprises Emailing SEPA comments is acceptable. They should be addressed to me. Here is a link for a Records Request Form. http://www.co.mason.wa.us/fonns/Community Dev/research request pdf Sincerely, file://C:\Documents%20and%20Settings\rebecch\Local%20Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\487B 1... 7/15/08 MASON COUNTY DCD Sent SEPA dg — c?O g to(check all that apply)on Skokomi Department of Ecology Natural ironmental Review Section ATTN: M ':y; BOX 47703 N 541 Tr " pia,WA 98504-7703 Shelton, p Quinault _ Army Corps of Engineers ATTN: A Reviewer PO Box Box C-3755 Tahola, __.,. ttle,WA 98124 ® Squaxin f Dept.of Fish and Wildlite Natural 0 _l _ N: Margie Schirato(saltwater) 2952 S 1 W Deegan Rd. Shelton elton,WA 98584 The Co Dept.of Fish&Wildlife F ATTN: N:Gloria Rogers,Area Habitat Biologist 420 Ho Devonshire Rd Oakville,WA 98568 Montesano,WA 98563-9618 ® WA Dept.of Transportation Alana Hess, Development Review Engineer { o / P.O. Box 47440 Olympia,WA 98504-7440 / ut/ C 1� � City of Shelton 525 West Cota St. �JU Shelton,WA 98584 Office of Archeaology&Historic Preservation ATTN:Scott Williams P.O. Box 48343 Olympia,WA 98504-8343 School District: ) ® Mason Cty Public Works ATTN: Mason Cty Env. Health ATTN: Mason County Transit PO Box 1880 Agent: Shelton,WA 98584 2 J� Apt. � I s MASON COUNTY DCD Sent SEPA �9 to(check all that apply)on —� Skokomish Tribal Nation 1�3 WA Department of Ecology Natural Resources Dept. Environmental Review Section ATTN: Marty Ereth PO BOX 47703 N 541 Tribal Center Rd. Olympia,WA 98504-7703 Shelton,WA 98584 Quinault Indian Nation ® U.S.Army Corps of Engineers ATTN: Mark Mobbs SEPA Reviewer PO Box 189 PO Box C-3755 Tahola,WA 98587 Seattle,WA 98124 Squaxin Tribal Nation WA Dept.of Fish and Wildlite Natural Resources Dept. ATTN: Margie Schirato(saltwater) 2952 SE Old Olympic Highway 2391 W Deegan Rd. Shelton,WA 98584 Shelton,WA 98584 The Confederated Tribe of the Chehalis WA Dept.of Fish&Wildlife ATTN: SEPA Reviewer ATTN:Gloria Rogers,Area Habitat Biologist 420 Howanut Rd. 48 Devonshire Rd Oakville,WA 98568 Montesano,WA 98563-9618 Shannon Soto WA Dept.of Transportation WA DNR,South Puget Sound Region Alana Hess, Development Review Engineer 950 Farman Avenue North P.O. Box 47440 Enumclaw,WA 98022-9282 Olympia,WA 98504-7440 Elizabeth Ellis �. City of Shelton WA DNR,Aquatic Resources 525 West Cota St. PO BOX 47027 Shelton,WA 98584 Olympia,WA 98504-7027 Office of Archeaology&Historic Preservation ® Boyd Powers ATTN:Scott Williams WA DNR, SEPA Center P.O. Box 48343 PO BOX 47015 Olympia,WA 98504-8343 Olympia,WA 98504-7015 School District: Olympic Region Clean Air Agency 2940-B Limited Ln. NW Mason Cty Public Works ATTN: Olympia,WA 98502 Mason Cty Env. Health ATTN: Mason County Transit PO Box 1880 Agent: Shelton,WA 98584 Applicant: S5PZ09 -00(OS9 MASON CO. ENVIROMENTAL CHECKLIST R F C E I V t ID A. BACKGROUND JUN 12 2008 1. Name of proposed project, if applicable: BELFAIR OFFICE Fair Harbor Tracts 2. Name of applicant: Jurges Enterprises, Inc. 3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person: Glen F. Jurges 2020 Enetai Beach Bremerton, WA 98310 360-377-0274 4. Date checklist prepared: 51712008 5. Agency requesting checklist: Mason County Planning Department 6. Proposed timing or schedule (including phasing, if applicable): Begin construction Spring 2009 7. Do you have any plans for future expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal: If yes, explain. No 8. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal. Mason County Environmental Permit, Wetlands reports, wildlife habitat plan, ESA listed Salmonids Checklist, Health Dept. waiver in lieu of JARPA, septic system designs and DOE water right permit approved. 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain. No 1 List any government approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known. Land Modification Permit, WA Dept. of Health Group A Water System Approval, Road Approach Permit 11. Give a brief, complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. There are several questions later in this checklist that ask you to describe certain aspects of your proposal. You do not need to repeat those answers on this page. (Lead agencies may modify this form to include additional specific information on project description.) 20 single family dwelling lots on 19 acres: Water, power, telephone, septic, roads and stormwater. 12. What is the location of the proposal? Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project including a street address, if any, and section, township, and range, if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topographic map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications related to this checklist. See Environmental permit application B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS: 1. EARTH: a. General description of the site (circle one): Flat, rolling, hilly, steep slopes, mountainous, other Rolling b. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope)? 15% to 20% C. What general types of soils are found on the site (for example, clay, sand, gravel, peat, muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any prime farmland. 1959 SCS Soil Survey indicates Alderwood gravely sand, loam, Bellingham silty clay loam;and Sinclair shotty loam. d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity: If so, describe. No Mason County Environmental Checklist Page 2 e. Describe the purpose, type, and approximate quantities of any filling or grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. General construction grading associated with storm and surface water mitigation and existing roads. Excavation for rockery, utilities and access roads. Approximately 1900 cu. yd. of material will be exported from the site in the current plan. However, as plans are refined, opportunities to place the material on-site will be explored. f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use: If so, generally describe. Undisturbed native vegetation is one of the most effective means of erosion control. This project will clear the minimum necessary area to construct the improvements. Clearing will be on moderate (<1091o) slopes and standard erosion control BMP's will be used to control the small amount of sediment that is anticipated. g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project constructions (for example, asphalt or buildings)? After construction approximately 13%of the site will be covered. h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any: Seeding, straw bales, silt fences, swales, sediment ponds and proscribed clearing limits. 2. AIR: a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal (i.e. dust, automobile, odors, industrial wood smoke) during construction and when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities, if known. During construction: Machinery used for construction purposes. After construction: Automobiles, chimneys and various emissions related to single family residences. No approximate quantities known. ti. Are there any off-site sources of emissions or odor that may affect your proposal? If so, generally describe. No known sources Mason County Environmental Checklist Page 3 C. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any: No measures proposed 3 WATER: a. Surface: 1) is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year-round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, wetlands)? If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into. One unnamed type 5(non salmon#0092) stream which eventually flows into Case Inlet per DFW stream catalog. One isolated wetland&one large wetland along the stream &one adjoining property. 2) Will the project require any work over, in, or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans. Yes, an existing gravel road, that crosses the stream will be improved. Underground utility trenches for water, power, phone and on-site septic system transport lines will also cross the stream. Stormwater ponds, swales and associated appurtenances will be constructed within 200 feet. 3) Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from surface water.or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material. None proposed. 4) Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. No Mason County Environmental Checklist Page 4 5) Does the proposal lie within a 100-year floodplain? If so, note location on the site plan. No 6) Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. No b. Ground: 1) Will ground water be withdrawn, or will water be discharged to ground water? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities, if known. Two existing wells. Water right application (#G2-30046 of 3112102 for 115 GPM) has been approved by DOE for class "A"water system. 2) Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any (for example; domestic sewage, industrial, containing the following chemicals..., agricultural, etc.). Describe the general size of the system, the number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve. Individual septic systems for 20 homes have been approved by Mason County Health Department. C. Water runoff (including storm water): 1) Describe the source of runoff(including storm water) and method of collection and disposal, if any (include quantities, if known). Where will this water flow? Will this flow into other waters? If so, describe. Stormwater runoff from most pervious and impervious surfaces will be collected by ditches and swales and routed to the two proposed Dention Systems. These systems will treat detain and discharge the water at the release rates allowed by the 1992 Stormwater Management Manual for the Puget Sound Basin. Some areas that do not require treatment or detention will be routed around the developed site and returned to their original discharge location. Small portions of the developed site will be allowed to bypass the detention system due to adverse grades. These flows have been included as Bypass flow when determining the allowed discharge limits. The stormwater detention systems will release water to the existing downstream conveyance systems for eventual release into Case Inlet of the Puget Sound. 2) Could waste materials enter ground or surface waters: If so, generally describe. Yes, residential and automobile wastes could accidentally enter the drainage system, though the system will be designed to provide the maximum protection practicable. Mason County Environmental Checklist Page 5 d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground, and runoff water impacts, if any: Temorary erosion/sediment control will be designed and constructed in accordance with the 1992 Puget Sound Stormwater Management Manual and Mason County Code. Permanent controls will be designed to the same standards to reduce and mitigate these potential impacts. 4. PLANTS: a. Check or circle types of ve etation found on the site: 0 deciduous tree. alder ma I aspen other 0 evergreen tree: fir edar ine other El shrubs ED grass 0 pasture 0 crop or grain 0 wet soil plants: cattail uttercu bullrus s unk cabba other water plants: water lily, eelgrass, milfoil, other 0 other types of vegetation b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? Vegetation connected with land clearing road construction and site preparation. G. List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. None known d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any: Will be specified on individual site plans. Mason County Environmental Checklist Page 6 r t i i �'� K ,�n ,` 1 ` .' •w..� 1 r ' i ,44 1 fy' � i `�� 1 j r i ti.� .., -- 5. ANIMALS a. Circle any birds and animals which have been observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site: Birds: awk heron agle songbird other Mammals: deer ear elk eaver other Fish: bass, salmon, trout, herring, shellfish, other b. List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. None known C. Is the site part of a migration route? If so, explain. No d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any: See the Wildlife Habitat Plan (attached) 6. ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES: a. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc. it is assumed that all proposed residences will operate on electric heat;however, since no actual homes are to be constructed in this project, that assumption may not be valid. b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties: If so, generally describe. No C. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any: None Mason County Environmental Checklist Page 7 ., � r /���7� �f :� � ,.. !�,'1 �: . 7. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH: a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste, that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so, describe. No 1) Describe special emergency services that might be required. Fire and medical services may be needed once residences are constructed but construction of those features is not part of this proposal. 2) Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: None proposed at this time. However, it is anticipated that fire sprinkler systems will be required for residence construction. b. Noise. 1) What types of noise exist in the area which may affect your project (for example: traffic, equipment, operation, other)? Traffic along Grapeview Loop Road. 2) What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short-term or a long-term basis (for example: traffic, construction, operation, other)? Indicate what hour's noise would come from the site. Short term-Noise associated with road and utility construction and replanting buffers. 3) Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: Limit construction to normal business hours. 8. LAND AND SHORELINE USE: a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? Forestry to the south and west. Single family homes across Grapeview Loop Road to the east. Wetlands to the north and south east. Single family homes to the south on blocks 60 and 61. Mason County Environmental Checklist Page 8 b. Has the site been used for agriculture? If so, describe. No Describe any structures on the site. No existing structures d. Will any structures be demolished? If so, what? No e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? Rural f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? Rural g. If applicable, what is the current Shoreline Master Program designation of the site? N/A Has any part of the site been classified as an "environmentally sensitive" area? If so, specify. All type 11 wetlands and the unnamed seasonal type 5 non salmon stream. i. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? 20 single 3 bedroom family residences or maximum of 60 people. j. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? None k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any: N/A Mason County Environmental Checklist Page 9 I. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans, if any: Mason County review process and the approval of all applicable permits. 9. HOUSING: a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. 20 single family residences assumed to be for middle-income families. b. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. None C. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: Wetland buffers, clearing limits and proscribed building sizes as well as a complete stormwater mitigation plan. 10. AESTHETICS: a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas; what is the principal exterior building material(s) proposed? Less than 30 feet tall. Exteriors to be siding or other material associated with single family structures. b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? None C. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any: None Mason County Environmental Checklist Page 10 11. LIGHT AND GLARE a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? None b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? No C. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal: None d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any: N/A 12. RECREATION: a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? Marina, launching ramp for small boats, nature trails, wildlife viewing b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe. No C. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, if any: None Mason County Environmental Checklist Page 11 13. HISTORIC AND CULTURAL PRESERVATION: a. Are there any places or objects listed on, or proposed for, national, state, or local preservation registers known to be on or next to the site? If so, generally describe. None known b. Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of historic, archaeological, scientific, or cultural importance known to be on or next to the site. None known C. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts, if any: N/A 14. TRANSPORTATION: a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any. Ingress and egress from Grapeview Loop Rd. using Atwater Ave. See site plans. b. Is site currently served by public transit? If not, what is the approximate distance to the existing street system? Show on site plans, if any. No. Grapeview Loop Rd. is approximately 200'away. The location is shown on the site plans. C. How many parking spaces would the completed project have? How many would the project eliminate? 2 parking spaces per dwelling unit. No parking spaces will be eliminated. d. Will the proposal require any new roads or streets, or improvements to existing roads or streets, not including driveways? If so, generally describe (indicate whether public or private). Existing private gravel roads will be improved and new private gravel roads will be constructed to provide access to the proposed lots. Mason County Environmental Checklist Page 12 e. Will the project use (or occur in the immediate vicinity of) water, rail, or air transportation? If so, generally describe. No f. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project: If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur. Using the ITE Trip Generation Manual(6th Ed.), approximately 236 vehicle trips would be generated on a week-day. Peak hourly traffic was estimated to occur on Sunday. g. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any: None 15. PUBLIC SERVICES: a. Would the project result in an increased need for public service (for example: fire protection, police protection, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally describe: Would require some fire and police service but not a significant amount. b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any: N/A Mason County Environmental Checklist Page 13 16. UTILITIES: a. Circle utilities currently available at the site: electricity, natural gas, water, refuse service, telephone, sanitary sewer, septic system, other: Electricity, refuse service, telephone and cable TV is available off Grapeview Loop Road. b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service, and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed. PUD#3 will provide electircal power, cable and telephone. Water will be provided by a Class A water system. Signature: The above answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the lead agency is relying on them to make its decision. Signature: Date submitted: —��—o Mason County Environmental Checklist Page 14 ESA LISTED SALMONIDS CHECKLIST Applicant Information Proiect Information Name Glen Jurges Name Fair Harbor Tract Phone 360-377-0274 Location Grapeview Description NE 1/4 of NW 1/4 S5 T21N R1W WM Install road, stormwater, septic, and water utilities This worksheet was designed to help project proponents, and government agencies, identify when a project needs further analysis regarding adverse effects on ESA (Endangered Species Act) listed salmonids. Salmonids are salmon, trout and chars, e.g. bull trout. For our purposes, "ESA Listed Salmonids" is defined as fish species listed as endangered, threatened or being considered for listing. If ESA listed species are present or ever were present in the water shed where your project will be located, your project has the potential for affecting them, and you need to comply with the ESA. The questions in this section will help determine if the ESA listings will impact your project. The Fish Program Manager at the appropriate Department of Fish and Wildlife (DFW) regional office can provide information for the following two questions. I. Are ESA listed salmonids currently present in the watershed in which your project will be located? YES NO X Please describe. 2. Has there ever been an ESA listed salmonid stock present in this watershed? YES NO X Uncertain Please describe. If you answered "yes" to either of the above questions,you should complete the remainder of this checklist. April 2003 - 1 - 4 VEV Z IJ 6 '000 1�5s' MASON CO. ENVIROMENTAL CHECKLIST R F C t i V t D A. BACKGROUND JUN 12 2008 1. Name of proposed project, if applicable: BELFAIIt OFFICE Fair Harbor Tracts 2. Name of applicant: Jurges Enterprises, Inc. 3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person: Glen F. Jurges 2020 Enetai Beach Bremerton, WA 98310 360-377-0274 4. Date checklist prepared: 51712008 5. Agency requesting checklist: Mason County Planning Department 6. Proposed timing or schedule (including phasing, if applicable): Begin construction Spring 2009 7. Do you have any plans for future expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal: If yes, explain. No 8. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal. Mason County Environmental Permit, Wetlands reports, wildlife habitat plan, ESA listed Salmonids Checklist, Health Dept waiver in lieu of JARPA, septic system designs and DOE water right permit approved. 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain. No 0. List any government approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known. Land Modification Permit, WA Dept.of Health Group A Water System Approval, Road Approach Permit 11. Give a brief, complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. There are several questions later in this checklist that ask you to describe certain aspects of your proposal. You do not need to repeat those answers on this page. (Lead agencies may modify this form to include additional specific information on project description.) 20 single family dwelling lots on 19 acres: Water, power, telephone, septic, roads and stormwater. 12. What is the location of the proposal? Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project including a street address, if any, and section, township, and range, if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topographic map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications related to this checklist. See Environmental permit application B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS: 1. EARTH: a. General description of the site (circle one): Flat, rolling, hilly, steep slopes, mountainous, other Rolling b. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope)? 15%to 20% C. What general types of soils are found on the site (for example, clay, sand, gravel, peat, muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any prime farmland. 1959 SCS Soil Survey indicates Alderwood gravely sand, loam, Bellingham silty clay loam;and Sinclair shotty loam. d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity: If so, describe. No Mason County Environmental Checklist Page 2 e. Describe the purpose, type, and approximate quantities of any filling or grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. General construction grading associated with storm and surface water mitigation and existing roads. Excavation for rockery, utilities and access roads. Approximately 1900 cu. yd. of material will be exported from the site in the current plan. However, as plans are refined, opportunities to place the material on-site will be explored. f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use: If so, generally describe. Undisturbed native vegetation is one of the most effective means of erosion control. This project will clear the minimum necessary area to construct the improvements. Clearing will be on moderate (<10%)slopes and standard erosion control BMP's will be used to control the small amount of sediment that is anticipated. g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project constructions (for example, asphalt or buildings)? After construction approximately 13%of the site will be covered. h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any: Seeding, straw bales, silt fences, swa/es, sediment ponds and proscribed clearing limits. 2. AIR: a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal (i.e. dust, automobile, odors, industrial wood smoke) during construction and when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities, if known. During construction: Machinery used for construction purposes. After construction: Automobiles, chimneys and various emissions related to single family residences. No approximate quantities known. `�. Are there any off-site sources of emissions or odor that may affect your proposal? If so, generally describe. No known sources Mason County Environmental Checklist Page 3 C. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any: No measures proposed 3 WATER: a. Surface: 1) Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year-round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, wetlands)? If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into. One unnamed type 5 (non salmon#0092) stream which eventually flows into Case Inlet per DFW stream catalog. One isolated wetland&one large wetland along the stream &one adjoining property. 2) Will the project require any work over, in, or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans. Yes, an existing gravel road, that crosses the stream will be improved. Underground utility trenches for water,power, phone and on-site septic system transport lines will also cross the stream. Stormwater ponds, swa/es and associated appurtenances will be constructed within 200 feet. 3) Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from surface water.or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material. None proposed. 4) Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. No Mason County Environmental Checklist Page 4 5) Does the proposal-lie within a 100-year floodplain? If so, note location on the site plan. No 6) Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. No b. Ground: 1) Will ground water be withdrawn, or will water be discharged to ground water? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities, if known. Two existing wells. Water right application (#G2-30046 of 3112102 for 115 GPM) has been approved by DOE for class 'A"water system. 2) Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any (for example; domestic sewage, industrial, containing the following chemicals..., agricultural, etc.). Describe the general size of the system, the number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve. Individual septic systems for 20 homes have been approved by Mason County Health Department. C. Water runoff (including storm water): 1) Describe the source of runoff(including storm water) and method of collection and disposal, if any (include quantities, if known). Where will this water flow? Will this flow into other waters? If so, describe. Stormwater runoff from most pervious and impervious surfaces will be collected by ditches and swales and routed to the two proposed Dention Systems. These systems will treat detain and discharge the water at the release rates allowed by the 1992 Stormwater Management Manual for the Puget Sound Basin. Some areas that do not require treatment or detention will be routed around the developed site and returned to their original discharge location. Small portions of the developed site will be allowed to bypass the detention system due to adverse grades. These flows have been included as Bypass flow when determining the allowed discharge limits. The stormwater detention systems will release water to the existing downstream conveyance systems for eventual release into Case Inlet of the Puget Sound. 2) Could waste materials enter ground or surface waters: If so, generally describe. Yes, residential and automobile wastes could accidentally enter the drainage system, though the system will be designed to provide the maximum protection practicable. Mason County Environmental Checklist Page 5 d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground, and-runoff water impacts, if any: Temorary erosion/sediment control will be designed and constructed in accordance with the 1992 Puget Sound Stormwater Management Manual and Mason County Code. Permanent controls will be designed to the same standards to reduce and mitigate these potential impacts. 4. PLANTS: a. Check or circle types of ve etation found on the site: deciduous tree: alder ma I aspen other I� evergreen tree: fir edar ine other El shrubs ED grass 0 pasture 0 crop or grain 0 wet soil plants: cattail uttercu bullrus s unk cabba other 0 water plants: water lily, eelgrass, milfoil, other other types of vegetation b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? Vegetation connected with land clearing road construction and site preparation. G. List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. None known d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any: Will be specified on individual site plans. Mason County Environmental Checklist Page 6 5. ANIMALS a. Circle any birds and animals which have been observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site: Birds: awk heron agle songbird other Mammals: deer ear elk eaver other Fish: bass, salmon, trout, herring, shellfish, other b. List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. None known c. Is the site part of a migration route? If so, explain. No d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any: See the Wildlife Habitat Plan (attached) 6. ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES: a. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc. It is assumed that all proposed residences will operate on electric heat;however, since no actual homes are to be constructed in this project, that assumption may not be valid. b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties: If so, generally describe. No C. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any: None Mason County Environmental Checklist Page 7 7. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH: a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste, that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so, describe. No 1) Describe special emergency services that might be required. Fire and medical services may be needed once residences are constructed but construction of those features is not part of this proposal. 2) Proposed measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any: None proposed at this time. However, it is anticipated that fire sprinkler systems will be required for residence construction. b. Noise. 1) What types of noise exist in the area which may affect your project (for example: traffic, equipment, operation, other)? Traffic along Grapeview Loop Road. 2) What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short-term or a long-term basis (for example: traffic, construction, operation, other)? Indicate what hour's noise would come from the site. Short term-Noise associated with road and utility construction and replanting buffers. 3) Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: Limit construction to normal business hours. 8. LAND AND SHORELINE USE: a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? Forestry to the south and west. Single family homes across Grapeview Loop Road to the east. Wetlands to the north and south east. Single family homes to the south on blocks 60 and 61. Mason County Environmental Checklist Page 8 b. Has the site been used for agriculture? If so, describe. No Describe any structures on the site. No existing structures d. Will any structures be demolished? If so, what? No e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? Rural f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? Rural g. If applicable, what is the current Shoreline Master Program designation of the site? N/A Has any part of the site been classified as an "environmentally sensitive" area? If so, specify. All type 11 wetlands and the unnamed seasonal type 5 non salmon stream. i. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? 20 single 3 bedroom family residences or maximum of 60 people. j. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? None k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any: N/A Mason County Enviromental Checklist Page 9 I. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans, if any: Mason County review process and the approval of all applicable permits. 9. HOUSING: a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. 20 single family residences assumed to be for middle-income families. b. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. None C. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: Wetland buffers, clearing limits and proscribed building sizes as well as a complete stormwater mitigation plan. 10. AESTHETICS: a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas; what is the principal exterior building material(s) proposed? Less than 30 feet tall. Exteriors to be siding or other material associated with single family structures. b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? None C. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any: None Mason County Environmental Checklist Page 10 11. LIGHT AND GLARE a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? None b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? No C. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal: None d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any: N/A 12. RECREATION: a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? Marina, launching ramp for small boats, nature trails, wildlife viewing b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe. No C. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, if any: None Mason County Environmental Checklist Page 11 13. HISTORIC AND CULTURAL PRESERVATION: a. Are there any places or objects listed on, or proposed for, national, state, or local preservation registers known to be on or next to the site? If so, generally describe. None known b. Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of historic, archaeological, scientific, or cultural importance known to be on or next to the site. None known C. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts, if any: N/A 14. TRANSPORTATION: a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any. Ingress and egress from Grapeview Loop Rd. using Atwater Ave. See site plans. b. Is site currently served by public transit? If not, what is the approximate distance to the existing street system? Show on site plans, if any. No. Grapeview Loop Rd. is approximately 200'away. The location is shown on the site plans. C. How many parking spaces would the completed project have? How many would the project eliminate? 2 parking spaces per dwelling unit. No parking spaces will be eliminated. d. Will the proposal require any new roads or streets, or improvements to existing roads or streets, not including driveways? If so, generally describe (indicate whether public or private). Existing private gravel roads will be improved and new private gravel roads will be constructed to provide access to the proposed lots. Mason County Environmental Checklist Page 12 e. Will the project use (or occur in the immediate vicinity of) water, rail, or air transportation? If so, generally describe. No f. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project: If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur. Using the ITE Trip Generation Manual(6th Ed.), approximately 236 vehicle trips would be generated on a week-day. Peak hourly traffic was estimated to occur on Sunday. g. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any: None 15. PUBLIC SERVICES: a. Would the project result in an increased need for public service (for example: fire protection, police protection, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally describe: Would require some fire and police service but not a significant amount. b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any: N/A Mason County Environmental Checklist Page 13 16. UTILITIES: a. Circle utilities currently available at the site: electricity, natural gas, water, refuse service, telephone, sanitary sewer, septic system, other: Electricity, refuse service, telephone and cable TV is available off Grapeview Loop Road. b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service, and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed. PUD#3 will provide electircal power, cable and telephone. Water will be provided by a Class A water system. Signature: The above answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the lead agency is relying on them to make its decision. Signature: Date submitted: Mason County Environmental Checklist Page 14 ESA LISTED SALMONIDS CHECKLIST Applicant Information Protect Information Name Glen Jurges Name Fair Harbor Tract Phone 360-377-0274 Location Grapeview Description NE 1/4 of NW 1/4 S5 T21N R1W WM Install road, stormwater, septic, and water utilities This worksheet was designed to help project proponents, and government agencies, identify when a project needs further analysis regarding adverse effects on ESA (Endangered Species Act) listed salmonids. Salmonids are salmon, trout and chars, e.g. bull trout. For our purposes, "ESA Listed Salmonids" is defined as fish species listed as endangered, threatened or being considered for listing. If ESA listed species are present or ever were present in the water shed where your project will be located, your project has the potential for affecting them, and you need to comply with the ESA. The questions in this section will help determine if the ESA listings will impact your project. The Fish Program Manager at the appropriate Department of Fish and wildlife (DFW) regional office can provide information for the following two questions. 1. Are ESA listed sahnonids currently present in the watershed in which your project will be located? YES NO X Please describe. 2. Has there ever been an ESA listed salmonid stock present in this watershed? YES NO X Uncertain Please describe. If you answered "yes" to either of the above questions, you should complete the remainder of this checklist. April 2003 - 1 - - i g. FAIR HARBOR TRACTS A PORTION OF SECTION 5,TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 1 EAST,W.M. J �` — — MASON COUNTY,WASHINGT©N EDSEOF �.� CEP EXH BIT I I rF/)Jf � i LOT, •,.tP•;�• ti. < AIV ATER RD LOTS! , . 4 LOT a ! f f L ij ! ! i f! / 7S !! i , 'itl. �,L c IvN+`r�v i tea. YK 1 }1Y1� n. LEGEND tWr TO SB1tS F18S1M MAJOR CONTOUR LOT 17X l tOT 5 � /` 't +r - EXISTING MINOR CONTCIUR f/„''e�✓,r+ ,Jr ��""�^I 1 I mp/+/ .�LOT-0 .}' f i '�di, s���l -.... PROPERLY LINE f ( rj( . `'�00 Je �F�?323"6.a.3��e. •'b,-s — tfi CLEAR SPACE [ 11O ADJACENT PNiCII. ! .r _ WE7U�ID d1p¢Pi L y/ Eve a ter' a a t A__-i 2 OR_A_ll_. -t DUSTING CULVERT aE i EV ACCESS TURNAROUND f 9 , #T I EDGE OF wERTWFJ9 / j >, - - - - _ - �. _ ED(2.OF wLTIANDS i OR 1. h �.,1 1 - 'I-�.,�f. Ff "3i�r'"� �" is _- .� WMAMS BUFFER f p �..`-_ - f f,~ w. MEW BUFFER I _ EDR OF WETWr� I afiff/� ! f {/ ! t" j `-.., j Ir A1�,IE ft z Kia � i } r �. ��''��YY cr---+_ .,�.-.ik lOB'EPIC \ ( rf I ^•�,,. ( ` - ------ - PROPOSED DRAINFIELU WT \ , }�{ `FOR- CENTER OF STREAM i .- 7 0 9 I .x I�•' 1, r r ! J _ I j 1 1 x £Y",*'tY .. �i; - — - 1� -� ' / � J i - y�j�� ! ^°' ;�,•. APPRD7(NJATE TREE TINE WE MNDS LOSS DENI]T@S MNflMlA1 -- �1x s%sc rR gt. WETLANDS GAIN - A I / BUFFER ENCR0.AC 16 NT 1 �!!! i92 l __� j 1 'ti Will -c�`k�d4a t'£#s�� !! l +� {`,(Jf, .- `'C�<_ 1� - M ' SECTION 1/4 CORNER ti � •i ! ,/ w f 'j T D� ! .7� --�- 1 .! j n•.we �e�s '.ti�. .a vs �,y WLZtAND o�cNAlum PRovrom BY i �� ps Sti`A n-. L_ T�n urmrrc w MASM COUNTY PUBIx WORRk4 �/`(• 3. �," 11 / {f)(j) +� '——� f _ � j!'� j f!J � CSi i�t]Y0.SN P (��F ._ 19L,IFFER AVERAGE TABLE ( ,• t i LbT 1 / ,f� ;��� „�. _J•�Jf7- •, -•-` � If,��jy� �y aR � r � { A — 3533 Sr 7782 SF -- 1 h �j� l ;7 �/ / _ .� f "-" - -�� D — 3952 SF EXISTING 2r E 29 CULVERT TO - I �'�' � ANTICIPATED HIGH POINT 59 9F ' IIF1m I. ()))) I #r} `f ( IN NEW ROAD 4RXv 1 _ j flp{ - ,1AREAS SHOWN REPRESENT THE r 1 C 3+133 SP+ I - (f } / 1 MAXIMUM A LOWABLE INPERVMM AREA i ! ALLOTTED TO(3rCR LOT IN THE STORM _ µ. --. 11622 SF 1 111 I!JJI - ,t� + r ABED 85 WEM(DEFER J/ i DRWQE ANN-YSIS AND DO NOT REFLECT 7FIE ACTUAL BUILDING AREAS!. -- 427 SF 5105 SF I" ! f PRIMARt'AW RESER�£ 1 iy d r r i DR"NETELD AREA t 1 �r TOTAL 18697 SF 27232 SF !! I f j- �f a � , �c3D 6D ¢I / N01"E., NET GAIN -- 8595 SF $`ti ! . 14/,"/: �r 1 1 , ALL IMPWVED ROADS DEPICTED ON THIS MAP SwL I LUDElldr1 ! fir C r� i 1 I EANENTS FDR INGRESS REDS U�ILITES AT�57QR�1 Wk7ERl i I t in FN=6o fee 1 l DRAIWAGE y —.. ! .i �, ., _ ,l, ,� :- j o G , apt.► ,G.�c.��.��� FAIR HARBOR TRACTS _ - ��r l� <. j MEP ESDHIB r raAP Y Y ..'t #�.�n I otee JURGES ENTERPRISES INC. mi Engineering, Inc fie WMAD DAM o CLIGNT 217 S.W.fths Olive Pod Orchard,Wa.98369 PhKm(36O)87G377B Fox MG)878-049 TNN H R 1w 2MEMETAI BEACH ROAD E-makwse@arseagineeriry}cam hIWhvAw.wswghseHrq=n I; I I SCALE }3RIRE5 RREMERTON,WASS310 1 REV. DESCRIPTION Dare By DAmsExEo ^ �� 71 JOB No 60-5 SHT OF SHTS FAIRHARBOR TRACTS � 4Q� A PORTION OF SECTION 5,TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 1 WEST, W.M. MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON SITE PLAN - -t -4E,M SF -=� j t f Tt I .�, $>•. a r � a�tra .� r a a' •-Z':• � $ �i� � J / 4s�T 3�lnLCrr2j I t J II n m5� WEIUL SO'x ' ::'+•; �✓ J I i t 1 J` I _ ,j. ! 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M j { �� , + ETT' ! —_ ---�__. r f/ } f- r j /, --�.�....,,_'t.+7_•r F -R-1- ——— wEfUw9s BUFFERL _ 1 0/ AC i 1 PROPOSED EASEMENT I 71.20&25$F ( C `' ' �!' ! r r Y i } ' STREW BUFFER t `4 e� .1 SECTION 1/4 CORNER JJ l IxiT i { i' i' j f7 '•Y {JJ/ �F' C'y :'`¢J LO •IB I _- - CULVERT /f KOO SF W f+ $ ,F _ �7 I f !t f ( x RIJER FABRIC FENCE J r e o��i e o PRnPOSEO CwvwttNw FENCE ' t �, � `� �+ � �-. -. ���8 5,693' �.t ! � 'f F v' ` l " !�8B'4 •�-`i I t+ :lei 1=81p06 i -�-»—�"` i 2 ]! w - fl e l r--� �. GRAPHS'SCALE I � CLEWING tLItt5 � / � t 1 f 77 I F , 6(IN W het rt E JlJJJ Jj`+ } 'F 19.LCIT t _ ( { !A• •J- .~ B6 E .! '� _ /f r { -•` _4—_ — __.��! 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SHEET 6-ROAD RAN AND PROFILES 83.828.3,SrI ; i �m ER HEM OR SSO URTHERVN U�WILL T�1 O OR FOR LTNft t�Ot�TION aF�STIRG U STILITIES SHEET to-iFSC t✓{}TES AND DEFNLS cmullANTS., IN AREAS CRDICAL TO DESIGN. ifDLOT tff I 1 Loris t t 4U44.60 SF TITLE FAIR HARBOR TRACTS DF6GNmBY AM sd = est�'UIJnC� �rre PLAH +f� r ,'�- �' ..� : ';, •'`' � „� Engineering, Inc t32� dUK( 3 ENTER tICE6 INC. 217 S.W.Wil&sD� Port ombard,wa.I Phone W)978. O Fax W)87604N SEC 5 1NW�_R iu' 20PQENETAIBEAAFIRfA1D E4T* 09Meeri,g oom I BR[ TON,1+M9tmid 3lER f tlp�Mww.ayetigt eerptptgm REV. DESCRIPTION DATE j BY I pRIEgyum 6 OS PW1377{p7d jor3 No. M5.4 &a 1 OF 10 s►1Ts FAIR HARBOR TRACTS A PORTION OF SECTION 5,TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 1 WEST,W.M. MASON COUNTY,WASH114GTON _} r aw' \�I E%lSI1NC BUFFER NEAR MIRED T. I �---- - -- C1IG # T PL�4�1 -` r tz FAN � � LOT 1 t` DP6 Y r = Y WWE OR COMPACTED FILL DIM TD rJ COUPES'D i ENT SECTION MWT r� AND ADUA rT CELL CROSS SLOPE RCSA[l CROSS SECTION UDT 2 / J — —,. ! 30LF SECTION OF t HIGH I WALL filkJAC ENT TO/ g fl 0+00 TO + iN, J - zl ITIOON x AND 8+24 TO T723 FOR 8 LOTS S POND oLUMISPD E PO I. CELL ONE OET i�rt 1E a� LOT 7 I \J� f ' L i _ _ i I it MIN SLOPE 3a 2$ t g SLOPE AM ZIM / SUBGR✓•DE°R mwpACTED FILL 71W FENCE y 1 PAVEMENT MON 1 If Jf /J NIFBiAP LINE6, OT6 ' LOTSCROWN MAD'+ 0. N f ✓ All TO WIIP(iNN # ' Lot 1.7 , fff I i LOT 4 / NES STA "TO 6+60 TOP=52AA0 � ,/9� � / {� � � � � ��� .•^ � � ` i � !� I f I' /{ I � �I I TOE-522.00 TOP=W" [ TOP=52220 RIE=SY°.W ,TQ YffllAFB)BURfR ` ! ). � ! TOE-5111.00 Tt.1 4�t� .t -1---t`F---•j-�... -_ - 11 1 t / �t f Y _ zD TDE=sie ao {J 1 /� f: i L 9/ ! EDP OF mows E@DE OF WER g 35B FILTER FABRIC FENCE EDGE OF WETLANDS txr(w CROSS90 tt r! _ _ - a r LOTt� 1 A E7WNG SUBGFIADE OR CONFACIED FILL T[W= F 9 + j , � F__E T SECTION 11�EF[#cEu t � }� 4 I b=CROSSING — �! .3 ' , + ]E(-4M.0 t dd I r l FAt�I ODD,ROAD OAD S SLOPE OF ROAD.PPAAt1tl. I . Tor ELtv�at.Do f1 mp `_ ' ' t �J {±/J # j �4 _ ' t I r TO Rojo,xowa u Nw of zK 251LF RETAINING WAIF. � ! 1 / 8tsr J +j} � FlA MLN � � f�ft �'1lf �P 1� �` f y " of FER DJCA PDDNDS r S CROSS SEC OF RAT ROAD ON SLOPE I f/ rTR J� �" `� Nts srA s+s°10 6+24 TbP� t`_ t 1 ,p' . J{1 f l 1 k, ! ?a a+D 1 +23 To 19+28 F�ND�z t fjI } � ,!/f � t � �� �` � !f� � � I � l DUELET W- HIRAC!( 4 - - 1+ r EE£Y=a9,m J •� •, f i 1 I ! '/ it 5LCOEIECIIDN DITCH (SEE DEGw r f( F ° ° ��� '�_ ,/•� + -- `� �� �� �` ' ' � ' IE=494J5 J i(. ' JT BID Rppgp.——•- INLET VPfERA5H FMCK I 62LLF IWEN �L3' I 1 LK — HARRIER /' 1 ! '''�- [f+ \t`...� f '? f�f 1 t •" �, - I a6 m •�t.ax tx a eFer 1.25'mP wY.VI�..DIR'fi VAI 4KX SIDE$LOPES ,+ ! 7 � I 1 .r"�"-.•—�J ,^,+ — dUn.Er WJFFrA,Sw ttACP( LOT 19' IN W{TftiLSN Yl, ( — - _ ! 1 f y— --` 1'. N (�� .E f1 r�`" HIGH POINT IN NEW pem l@ RMENT SIN Mks ART1t '—" `� _ S�t.az t?�i cP' lE=aet,50 Raw 1 I r 1 , �. � 1 — f { t:! .�• i CULVERT AND DITCH CROSSINGS C)ETAIL i 1 L S AVERW 96'RTLWD BUFFER / F 1 NIS AND F7LL� ! + I { I ONE-CALL NOTE PwuARr AND pl!E i ! + &1 $ice-424-5555 W V"ID AREA 0-fP) CUt• 8152 cu YO I I t l F FILL, 6103 Cu YD I GRAPRC`SCALE BURIED UnUTIES ARE SHOWN AS INDICATED ON RECORD NAPS NET CUT 20e6 CuTD F FURNLIJO!it'OTHERS AND VERIFIED WHERE POSSIBLE BY I E �� r I I J/ j}/J"'!,"'4"•- g� I eo o w FEATURES L=70 IN THE MD. WEFISODND ENGINEERM, t`t I �7J SE wi l ',+f I if I i ! ! [ INC.,ASSUMES ND UABTHEI AL R THE ACCUM OF LOCKnOR F FJOO TM�UIIM UE r "f` � � - I ! t I + (In Ft�. IN AR DS,09 OR TO ?p / !r �' . rmt 97 AZfAS CfaTFGAL TO DEs(GN. TITLE FAIR HARBOR TRACTS - fit} �+'+� O?WAGEY rr+ ZESENOW AW8 rC t�E [aFiPMNGMD E80PLAN Wes Saun�+'e 1 . i n p n c .' t t wU'9EPTI suakCK " E 1 1 i n mow+I '! l , 'n�r WEST � ` � l '/ � � �' pawx er GhdtA1M _ i f ONN fi0' D BUFFER 6 CLENT JLIROF$ENTERPRISES INC, Prevd.w 3Dr Q port o we.6483 GTE o 3pNeti'®� 2m ENETAU 514CH ROAD E-uWt wse@menl#rwrirlgoom hN(dA/:v8.wse119Ntse1ingwm 21MHDRENERr�twA9aalo i ! I � FS r> oATB a1 DATEGEALM L uEazro JOB No. 8�Jr. sHT Z 10 sHTs FAIR HARBOR TRACTS #ISLE 12`Ts ADS N-i2 5=1.oX SEE Eru g SEE DETl� hl CK lop .� THIS SHEET i A Powm OF SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 1 WEST,W.M. PRG °£'�°� '� � � EMLTTC�NCY ovL�FLOW V! —W MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON E WRAP W'a' DIRAINAGE PLAN -� � —'� •.� �;�� �,`� WARRRY SPAtLS I � I LOT t IS; $;f`��' � } j, wfoNTLET WNTROL STRUCTURE "f---- x'_- s� arZ USE TYPE 2 1 1 LiXT2 I8000 t I fiSIF 99"ID ADS N-12 5 5% i8'D MS N-iZ QITCHarSW h - - r { I f J f( /,+ AF ill#4 W-12 � r � � e 1 I �i.OS YPT IF- ➢9 ` FITRASH RACK S�.09 1 1 ENE 0 TWERACt{ , Rw!I j -- ?` J' I E�ntr avLtwir LOTa - -R Mr t2 0 Atr�S 127 ' ► JE' NTS P75.55 ! Tit.ACC?\ r ! IE f �11 Off-83D0 1 y zzt> 1914 ADS N ,P I I ,s.m ff r j/l J{� Ll Lt]7 7 1 r 1 I '6ri J IE OUT DO OOK EVENLYP(4)PUGS. I S } PROVIDE kUUNF ACCE55 BY YIELDING + S r i I t� NOTES cR05S BARS To(4)VER'f1CAL _ `M1`+`� HORS GQ SHOWN. N9IG'E UPPER ENDS 1 f ,�''` / "( J 3�J�4W3orA SMOOTH WITH DDLtFIANG€S 1w�PRGY]DE jJ I t i # ~ -;+t -- 1c, �l ` 1,i -�( �[`h� 1 LOTS 1 i '� , fi {SEE NOTE 1) �LOWERR ENn LGIC4TEt LAUDDEERSTSTEP)ON 7 J 1 J {f / tf 1 + TA�1 �IBd - S t T g t I DIRECTLY DEU 19. LOT 17 } L 649IF 129"U ,�LOTa ; f I �, , 3#'MCK.a`WOE QI I ( 11 I I RnRs x�tnEo ty 11 ff(f j I 1 1 ! �PpER Aya LnwER anrms UPPER STEEL eAFm NOTE 1) 3JCi'THICK A#'WIDE Xa5" LL TB i I - 1 - } -j---•r1T,$ ....\ ( N �� GROOVE OF U.RISER amv IX'P'�i / �`� t I SMOOTH VERT.BAR fc (�'j�''�-7� — — , t� r� { ( ,t� e t � . ��t�' ��ENUE � ��Li' 5ro.51' r�c.a�Risi�x :� '' rI B 't i ( ( t1 - �1 j f `� t ✓i�TIYT t� ` T' - r NOTES SECTION CB.R15ER NDOK CLAMP J' J ISLE t2' ADS R-IP i t r j I/ t i 1 II W K S=t. � 1 t tr j jjj -�/, .'. , 23aLF 1710 ADS N-12 W/TRASH RACK i— —4 7 y7 1.DIMENSIONS ARE MR INSTALLATION ON Se DU+.CS FOR DIFFERENT DT4 L8'S,ADJUST 1 1E W=#92 00 _ 111 i L NED O�@E10W j� } f / \\ r < a IE iN=384AD I DIMENSIONS TO MAINTAIN#S ANGLE ON YERDCAL'EARS AND Y fl C Wqf SFAgFR OF 7LSLF t 'Y"IXPL91 T=491.80I f !f —�` — + BARS hRDUFID LOWER S1EE1.9NLD. 7 6LF 1-i I ' t E%r1�Tf71NG THE OFF SIDE OF THE GRAVEL FILTER mwow. - ' J (T f } I R METAL PARIS;.CORROSION RESISTANT. E=#90.OD SEE DETAIL t S�J J2 vg '-`+521 F i�5'rV�Dli�� Y 4 J.THI5 DEBRIS MIER 15 ALSO RECOMMENDED MR USE DN THE!NL£r TO ROADWAY / t ,�. �F { ` .,{f �,✓' fit O f CROSS-?ULYEATS WTTIi HO PO lr NEW.FIAT DEBRIS t'dIlE�CTION.(E3 UT ON CLASS 2 STREAMS /Z I. N, f• �— . / / 15LF IYA'ARS N-12 W/TRASH.RACK 5=O.O;t ,+� , r ::` ' —�T-1 .r' i t i 1L CON6.TRASH RACK DETAIL f C 5# TYPE a /�}� j`1. fir. �f {/ f � WHEN SLOPING DOWN :W OURET COtIDTDL STRUCTURE / I' 1 t' jj( f s SEE DETAIL F t" - `i I } A 4FT MIN BERM IS REAURED 12 'N ' BI LF 12'0 ADS M-t3 WlTR45hi RACK 5=t,08 -}� i ! r WIN9LMF m x 1 i '�• N ,e r' IE W=4�58.a0 jj I L(�T J" I WIN SLOPE 1x I-It OUT=aB5 20 1 f wO ` / J t 1 Mldf SLOPE 1 DOWNSLOPE 6DE � j I t291F ADS fN-12 j t 'n ! / 8 I `�W WSN RACK 5=1= f f i ,r�'•�,,,--•.-, Y J - - -�-�--w +' + or d IE III=495:D5 IE OUT-$K75}. I � ��- J EXISTING S4' � ft_ � - - -- �� 1 t I INTERCEPTOR DITCH CROSS SECTION TO ANt1C7PANINT�- NTS - IN NEIV ROAD GVNEL #EA Ile%2W STRIPS UNIFORMLY 8 J { t �•.- .•. 30OLF 1.�a vl—DLFCN �J� { J f ! I '1, f I L 1 !!S TO FRAME ! fJ 1! f Il .i SPACED AND WELDED TO SJ#i FFAAIE O 5=1 f j I G ) ( �tB ;_ - r ' ) ,j�t) /i' •- ,►f'Y .{ f ! SPAGING f 1 \ 1 1 I I II f 314'0 FRAME 1 1 �/� ''� I r ONr-CALL NOTE-c Taro BARS sit PR�ARY AND RESERVE 8 ! 1/2'GAL1L DOLTS } ! FffiTD {- nrsd- g5 � t J li J JJJ GRAINFIELD AREA{tYP) I ALL SiELI.PARTS TO BE DALVMIZM.ARID f /, + , BURIED UTILITIES ARE SHOWN AS INDICATED ON RECORD MAPS 'GRAPHIC SCALE AST COALED(TREATMENT I OR BETrER7. l ' !!! FUMSHm BY OMERS Am VIVO FEATURES LOOM IN THE FIE ESTSOUND ENGINEE POSSIBLE RING. F J i f f {! I INC.ASSUMES NO LIAMI Y FUR THE ACCURACY OF THOSE I TRASH RACK DETAIL l / f t I I' I RDOORDS OR fW THE M&LDGYDDN OF fXaNG UDLRIES (B ITT Ri5 J {, It r f J t"� / rr 4 INiAREAS CRfiLCAL TtT DESIGN, t �� �''�;F-_. TITLE 1'vrcb.m Led .• .F ,� t t T. FAIR HARBOR TRACTS �+ /�� F �pATd T I t t f 1 � j r o uenBY AVVB �� DRALNAGEPLAN estS and `.' f° .. " MM mIY c&MA Engineering, Inc 2to5o Ot�JT 217 S.W.WildnsDdve End i3rctard wa 963M OtNeoBy CTE3 b 7 tit JURGES ENTERPRISES INC. Pnam(90)876-377D F.%(36D)876-0439 k !- ~' ---� y`'"_�•-.�..� SEC 5 NML-22L.R B�REMERT_BRCH ROAD E-m20:W�wBengkwd'goom r7HP'lIt¢ww-WSsn9irmBfvr9.cmn aat rFscRmtxsN 7—Lute—By DATE SEALED o '°t" JOBNG 8�5.4 MIT a 13F iQ MM FAIR HARBOR TRACTS CONTROL STRUCTURE NOTES DETENTK)N POW CONSTRUCTION NOTES L EXCW AS SHOWN OR NOTED,UNITS SHALL RE GQNSTRU=IN ,tE:T3ETENT1wN POND 6A34tAG4FNT BE FROM A PORTION OF SECTION 5,TOWNSHIP-21 NORTH,RANGE 1 WEST,W.M. ���� ACCORDANCE THE REDREW FOR DATC,B40 T,�2,54' lF8FOT81 I4IIERTAL L7R%VATT07 FROM THE SITE , MASON COUNTY,WASHIhiOTGN MANAIENT EACIIJTY EMBANKMENT SMALL (LX4PACTED N LETS TO 95%MAXIMUM DENSITY AS SPECIFIED IN McTION 2-0042(14)Ca METHOD 0 OF THE WSDCTT /f / r 2. FOR DETAILS SMOG GRADE RING.UDDER.STEPS.RANDHOLDS,AND STAf OW SPEi',ff1CCONS PLACED IN B TO B INCH LIFTS WITH HAND •t f/ /�'�/ T CAS. ,AM SEE STAND4R0 PLWiZ*MISCELLANEOUS CATCH BASIN DETNIS'. I. HELD EQUIPMENT AND 10 TO 12 INCH LIFTS WITH HEAVY EQUIPMENT, DRAINAGE NOTES AND DETAILS r�/ 11 rtSEE WITH THE FOLLOWING SOIL CHARACTERISTICS PER THE U14DID SIATEs r t OEPARTMErT OF Ac acuLTusE s TFxRTRAL 1 TAf4GLE A MINIMUM OF 309 I""1 r 1 A i r`1T r r1 t 3. PIPE SUPPORTS AND REStWGFOR/SEPARITOR SHALL BE THE S4L1E j 1LAY,A"Mum OF 6OX SAIA A MAKlWM OF 50%SILT,WITH D O NOT O I +�t f• 1# STEEL ,AND BE ANCHORED AT s ED 'IN WACKG er s/6'ma sT�uNl�ss NOMINAL GRAVEL AND OOBBLE CONTENT(NOTE IN GENEwL EXCAVATED STEEL EXPANS ON BOLTS OR EMBEDDED Y'N WALL IYACW.DLL WILL BE WELL-SIM FOR BERM EUBAk"ENT MAM W.). �Nn��� 4. THE RESTRICTOR/SEPAR4TOR SHALL BE FABRKAim FROM M'ALUMINUM, 2. fo BERM ENEANIQIEMS SHALL BE CONSIRUCIL71 BY EXCAVATING A WITHID SOUQ COVER UNLESS 4�nt1' 12�' OH.D11 LIT-12ED STEEL.OR.0)tT4'GALVANIZED STEEL PIPES N 'KEY`WA A1.TO 5Dx OF THE BERM EMBANKMENT CROSS-SEC710PW. WITH LOCKING BOLTS IINI_E� ENTERACCORDANCE WNH ARSHTO L 36,11 194 M 197.AND M 274. HEIGHT AND WIDTH MEASURED TNROUCHH THE CENTER OF THE BERM OiHETtWISE MH2OYFD 8Y ENGPoIEER GALVANIZED STEEL 5EWi HAVE TREATMENT 1. 1 (EXCEPT ON TILL SOILS WHERE THE ifEY MINI"DEPTH CAN BE BE CGxNErTED REDUCED TO I-FOOT OF EXCAVATION INTO THE TILL} FRAME LADDER/WEPS 1RI�FT a" - _ S. OUTLET SHALL CCOOUPUNG BAND FOR TCORRUGATEO MEETTAL PIPE, R GROUTED 3. - UMEDL4TELY FOLLOWING OOLPLEIlON OF THE EMBAFALMENT,.IT SHALL BE MFTQ THE BELL Of(�7NCRETE PEE: ST7�LFLED BY SEEDING AND MULCHING WITH SFMW _ I - - ! _ B. THE 41:RRRCA RISER STEM OF THE RESI>nCFORJSfPAPA70R SIWi BE THE 4. 8' .�:, +^.- ?,. M9UL DESIGN E,483,43 ACCESS - - - SAME ER AS THE HORIZONTAL OUTLET PIPE,WITH AN g'MINIMUM 4, THE DETENTION POND SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH A 6 FOOT HICK 1210 ELBOW '� WATFX SURFACE NON-CUMBA8LE FENCE AND A MINIMUM OF ONE LOCKING ACCESS ROAD ; `: GATE SHALL BE FROMM THAT IS 16'LNDE CONSISTING OF EWES] W/11'i ORFICE E.� %,f_ - - -- - 7, FRAME AND!ADDER OR STEPS ARE TO BE OFFSET 50 THAT; SWINGING SECTIONS B'WIDTH. ANY PROPOSED PEDESTRIAN-ONLY 18.0 ADS N-1 �, ': GONiTE PROIDCRRON ACCESS GATES SMALL BE A MINI"OF C WIDTH. THE FOLLOWING TD W POW SLOPE � V. > _ ' WNIVUM SPECIFICATIONS ARE REOURED; g• r•,_14'ADS N-13 - A. CLIMB-DOWN GATE IS VISIBLE FROM TOP. AND CATE, - •OD �- � - OO ;OR MORE INFORMATION CN1.(360) 427-9570 B cL9Je DOxw SPACE IS CLEAR OF RISER FENCE FABRIC: HELICALLY WOVEN,11 GAUGE HOT DIPPED ATTACH TAILPIECE TQ S^ �*�`�A - - .9`DENT STINLiGE C. FRAME 15 CLEAR OF CURB(IF ANY EXISTS). GALVANIZED SINE WIRE FABRIC,6 FEET WE OUTLET PIPE WITH EEIiNDG WITH BONDED NMfL C1)ATDTG SHALL BE GREEN E POND HDDR B. MLATt-pTIFlCE ELBOWS MAY BE LtXhTID AS SHOWN OR ALL ON ONE SIDE i COOPLWG OR EQUAL OF RISER TO ASSURE LADDER CLEARANCE SIZE OF ELBOWS AND I N OPEN AREAS AND BEAGL IN WOODED ATTFAS. Y•• fL&INCLII 5HEM CQE - SPECIFICATIONS PLACEMENT M BE DETERMINED BY THE ENGINEER TOP AND BOTTOM OF FABRIC SHALL BE 12 FWI ,�, TWISTED AND BARBED. GROUT CRU TAI RECE ,>: STNIDARD GALVANZED 5T101 LADOER/STEPS - B. RESTRILYOR PLATE WITH ORIFICE AS SPECIFIED N THE CONTRACT PLANS. TO CB 19ALL �E: # SPECIFIED OPENING TO BE CUT ROUND AND SMOOTH. FENCE P09S GATE POSTS,2?/@•Dtq.-SILT 4T1 HOT DIPPED '';:�-.��•1.�r,: .,f. MATEIN-1 ALUMMM WITH%lTE REFLE.CTWE SHEETING GALVANIZED STL PIPE CORNER 3 END POSTS, PIPE SUPPORT.WOO � SIR SCREEN LETTERING 10. CLEANOUT/SHEAR GATE:ALUWNLDI ALLOY PER AM B-26-ZG-M OR 2 3/8 OW SCH,20 HOT DIPPED CAL AN2M GAUGE STEEL STRAPS �::-.`' .. NSTALATTML SECURED TO CHAIN LINK FENCE IF AVAILABLE, CAST IRON 14 M A48 CLASS 30B AS REQUIRED. UFT HANDLE EITHER STL PiPE. ALL POSTS SHALL BE SET IN BOLTED OR IMBEDDED 2'IN OTHERWISE INSTALLED ON 6'x4'x4'POST BURIED SfNJO OR TUBING WTH ADJUSTABLE Hiktl{AS REQUIRED. NEOPRENE LYlNCRETE A MINUAU}d OF 3 FEET. CROSS WALL AT MAX.Y SPA.(M) °?� 30 INTO THE GROUND RUBBER GASKET REQUIRED BETWEEN RISER MWNOINO FLANGE AND GATE BARS SHALL CONNECT ADJACENT FENCE POSTS, FLANGE. MATING SURFACES OF LID AND BODY TO BE MACHINED FOR WSTH DIAGONAL BRACES AT CORNERS AND RESTRICTUR PLATE STORM WATER SKI PROPER ART. RANGE MOUNTING DOLTS SHALL BE 3/0'09 STAINLESS ENDS ALL POSTS,CROSS B4TL5 AND GATES WITH.2 7/9'0 ORIFICE. KS STEEL SHALL BE PANTED OR C090 THE SAME CB#1 TYPE II W/OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE COLOR AS THE V9TtT.CLAD FENCE. - � il. ALTERNATE CLEANOUF/SHEM GATES TO 71iE DESIGN 5110YM DM SHEET 2 7II+ISIQN VANE 717JSRiN PRE SHALL BE 7 GAUGE HOT DIPPED - OF WSDOT STANDARD PLAN 8 3 ARE ACCEPTABLE,PROVIDED THEY MEET GDISIOH P E SH WIRE AND W PROVIDED AT THE MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS ABOVE AND RAVE A SIX ROLL 16 3/4' THE TOP AND BOTTOM Off THE FENCE FABRIC. BOLT CIRCLE FOR BOLDING TO THE FLANGE CONNECTION. 12. GATE SHALL NOT OPEN BEYOND THE CLEAR OPENING AS SHOWN ON`MAX 5. AL PONDS SHALL HAVE SKINS PLACED SO THAT AT LEAST ONE IS HMwLD CATCH BASIN FRAME AND VANED OPENING OF QW ON SHEET 2,OF WSDOT STANDARD PLAN B-3,BY CLEARLY VISIBLE AND LEGIBLE FROM ALL ADJACENT STREETS,SIDEWALKS GRATE OR MANHOLE RING AND yONO STEPS ARE REOUIRM WHEN HEIGHT IS 4'OR LESS. LIMfRD HINGE MOVEMENT,STOP TAB,OR SOME OTHER DEVICE OR PATFIS SIGNS SWILL jM7'RE DESIGN AND INSTAI.LAAON COVER REGUIRDAENTS IJIRSTRATED IN THE STOR$lV M SIGN DETAIL SHOWN ON sf i THIS SHEET 3 2.THE BOTTOM OF THE PRECAST CATCH BASIN MAY BE SLOPED TO FACILITATE , .y, CLEANNG. F �+ RECTANGULAR ADJUSTMENT SECTION OR CIRCULAR 3.FRALiE AND ORATE MAY BE INSTALLED W($E FIANCE DOWN OR CASs INTO AANSTMENF SE=N Af1JUSTMENT SECTION. LRAi SLAB TOP 4.NNOCKOUTS SHALL WAVE A WALL DICKNESS OF 2'MINIMUM TO 2.5' MAXIMUM) P06DE A 1.5'MINIMUM GAP BETWEEN 111E KNOCKOUT WALL AND THE OUTSIDE OF THE PIPE AFTER THE PIPE 15 SEWED,FILL THE GAP WITH JOINT MORN IR ACCORDANCE MT14 SM WM 9-044 . 72 OR SIB' _ CATCH BASIN DIMENSIDti$ FT MORTAR(m) CATO}I M0.XIMlA,1 MINIMWIM DISTANCEBASE REINFORCING STEEL BASIN WALL RASE KNOCKOUT BETWEEN IBM IN EACH DIRECTIQV op OF IDIAMETMTHICKNESS THICIGNESS SIZE KNOCKOLRS INTEGRAL SEPATNTE P INTO DIVIDINGERM C015 STEP''OR LADDER 46' r -Ir 3e e' R75 9 P3 ��� 64' 40 If 42' e Q.19 Q.19 AXESS ABOVE E E72 Q.T ROUND SOLID.COVER MARKED"DRAW' PAN Vt Ii I' 6G' Ir r T Y^ ®. T� �. tq. on om TOP OF DEAD STORAGE WITH LOCKING BOLTS UNLESS ., `.". BOTTOM POND OTHERWISE APPROVED BY UMNAFA RRIWORM 51i 1. LAR TO FRAME 6 LADDER/STEPS TRASH RPDN 1�fuET••^4,' S.b MA7C -�. PIPE JLLLQWANCE4 PETTED AXIS CROSS C 0 D OF`: . 12 qT WE WAW4M.WITH MAXIMUM INSIDE DRILLER 4s MAX - - I L�6 IINWUN d MIL .4� 1/ \ L".:•t:,•-• <'s= DIAL,lm CONCRETE IIED4. CPSSP WALL PVC WALL PYC .Do _ MAX.DESCCN E-499.73 ` -: l' w 3r 2e 27, IC QUARRY sPAu s LATER 2-0 OFF t, WATER SEPARATE BASE InEW BASE sr 31r xl� 2r >n^ {e"TmcKNEss t n 1-t/2 ro+WASHED RACK CORE i QABT IN PLACE F REGAS7 W[ITE MO I 12'ADS N-12 TO CONCRETE ENDPPRO SEiTIOION w 36 4r W N' 42 CELLR>BE 1 E OND 12"0 PVT ' 1�2 N't2 45 - 'G RR16 73 4r B4` 4Y 3E' 48' BOTTOM P 't � c GRAVEL 84CJCFIlI FOR a_c5e € ATTACH 7NLRF�E lY! 48G00 ' S'DEAD sTOFTAGE PIPE ZOp1E BEDDING 96' Be 7e 6Q' 36' 4e DUKE PIPE WITH FERHCO - POlOD F1DOR a t.• ��I a �CDIHtU44ED POLYF]HiMLFJ✓E SiQOZ1 EEWEtI PPE STD.bPEC t-Od.2Q) �NI71&VY IV REDUIRED 6 COUPLDIG EOAN4 >3 STA SPEC.9 OS iZ(ij CROSS SF RM PARALLEL TO POND T2'MN ' :CLEANo1n SHEAR GATE ':•: I ism.SPEC.9-�.12(z FOREW(CELL,)POND BOTTOM GROUT CRU TAILPIECE 'STANDARD GALVANIZED SITFL.LADDER/5EEP5 �PAIIATE 1YSE (tYIC ALONG I:FPTTFR OF HARM TO CB WAll. _ T'l2F F CATr-Ai BASM TYPE GRAVID,RLT ER WINDaw PPE SUPPORT:3:.om MIS NTs g CADGE STELA.STRAPS BOLTED OR IMSEDDED r IN WALL AT MAX.3'SPA(TYP) SEGTIO G 'T 84 TITLE� FAIR HARBOR TRACTS RFSIPoCTDR PULE DEMEDn AwB �" �d DRAINAGE NOTES AND OETAU o7 �'�n WITH 2.25'. _ a6 Engineering, [no M MIN CA" - CM TYPE I W/OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE zL p5o �r CLIENT JUFQES ENTERRMSS M. 217 S Vd 0l87 Drive Pat Orchard,Wa.98369 .R6 7 . XMIRNELAHWFAAD Phials(360)8 sengir FaK(3�jerks 39 BFG 5 TW,1 21N 1 E maR wse®Wsenginee ng com hihXlMY+w.WseNpNeetin9 mm -�-�'� xMF�L1oN wA gsl/ w.4a 4w. 1 eY 1ncmo r o" JOBNo. $C)5.4 sHr-4-1 10- sHTS FAIR HARBOR TRACTS A PORTION OF SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 1 WEST;W.M. MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON DRAINAGE NOTES AND DETAILS 6 MONTH EXCEJDENCE YAM IVROAD 6 TOP OF BERM 5 D6(*1 I 491.0 11' ., 20• 490A 1� 81.T:I'IMER� 48i43 lOP OF BfAAO +4B5S �- 4855 _ffz ENT STORAGE am 65 4T9 5 .. .. - ,. .. WEMNO POND LKER VOLUME SEamkm it '47@ - PW lNER WEST POND CROSS SECTION D-D E A5T POND CROSS SECTION A-A H VERTICTAL scAJ. '.5, I -`D HOV�ON&svu 1,-2e vExncAL sC41E 1'y5 vER m SCALE 1'=5' { j 6'TOP OF BERM B•TOP or BERM 5'mm { F:. 1s ACCt� 't'.MICH ' ,�",��. Z 20'J80AD wofON �� 1 �491.a 489,73 � 2.1 Max _ A447915 POND IJNER POND LINER WEST POND CROSS SECTION!_-E 1 HOWIDNTAL SCALE: T'=20' r^ -:T:'�- EAST POND CROSS SECTION 13- • r � � � �� r-�—•Ord _ 5O HORIZONTAL vatnCAL SCALE 1'�5' 1 i ff T �^� , MC_ 1'-5 If }i F F p ,' J i 1 y O g Er OF BERM 5 TOP OF BERM 5 D1TCH 4'DnH e TOP OF BERM 491.0 469.73 - 2:1 MAX f� t �+ i! '� II•( POND LINER ' P 1D L1ER { SE ENT STORAGE-475 WEST POND CROSS SECTION F-F 7 I I _ HORIZONW.SCALE;iA=20' EAST POND CROSS�� ':a,�,u;;�.�1:..� �',.- w I SECTION G-C Vmm&SOA E- 1'5 j} f y 7 a o HOMONX Si`fii.E'1'=20' VERTICAL SCALE 1'=5 NOT POND EAST POND l%w SCALE:1*-30' POND LINER NOTES mven u� er AWB FAIR HARBOR TRACTS WE/ st S O u n d ` DRAR GENOTMANDDEMS a I. IMPERVIOUS SOILS SHALL W BE A l OF 3OR CLAY. .Engineering, ��.�����'��� ` A AlNOMUM OF 60%SAND,A MAXIMUMXMJM OF 60%SILT 9d o�av GAJZ4IM CONFORMANCE WITH THE UMk TDauHAL IRW4GLE. 2. WHERE M-W SIX MEETS THE CHASC ERISDCS OF esow mart 217S.W.tM19dsO ve Pori OrchardWa 9B358 RI IMPEOUS SUL.E7S'AMON 15 NOT RECMRED. �� - JIMES ENTERPRISES NO. Plane D�o (3BD)876-9770 Fax(380j 976410 SE +n2 OEM BEACH ROAD 5 1V/N 2'W R 1SR m laas4 gHl�A9mKwAama E�akwsar✓a'lwsengineering.com Mf w.wwsergineerimU.mm scaE AS NOT® RE pE6CRPTION OATS BY (380 www oA1E� a n 4- JWNo. $05.4 SM 5 OF 10 marts FAIR HARBOR TRACTS A PORTION OF SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 1 WEST,W.M. MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON STA 1+00 TO 6+00.78 ( �� �� Via.•. tfx'�� � '� � .... J � `-+•-�, ��` � / �r /� � � �'^ '--a,�� I J � r:' H�" c:>� —�� # �1i1 ZM. 1 Y � � ---�— -- —'— ,.c.tir�'� �YS•`.` a <i�`�r�'-�.;. ' �' a:�:`,rE;^e?,���..�.V '����''i' .,i:•^'. �• ,±. fin, t..,.. i r� �:^ 2.e .C..r\ is r.. r' n .tF. •1:1.: v• 6:n_ L., yYr. •ZeY- 1} t — — — — � — w STA 1+00 To 6+00.78 SCALE 1,120, Pd SMW4-67 - t PJ1 UV-494110� A0-7= L 75M 900 f C YtEfUND - 1 NO MMOG OR Q4 r m11FPG N Tm 1 7 d AR[A ORLY MWOR 49,E +m I�WW615 ALLOM'Ea1 PVI STA:3+E&11 ��,�'^•. .'•'••••� pw RE W.33 AU TI1mx _ I FM ELMS" 1 LV 7500 _ 490 Atr.-4,6ox � m 05 1 q t9s ---•- 0 r r � 4W 1 1 Suu +3s o2 ELM488.00 '.- ' LY4`60.D0 � DATUM f[EV 475 � �. 475.000 �m tirn _ 1+00 1+50 3+00 2+50 3+00 1+50 4+oo 4+50 5+00 5+50 6+00 +STA 1+00 TO 64M78 H0R1 Q m S L-t"' VERTItYL SCALE 11--T e $ � AWB a r?A nnE FAIR HARBOR TO&TRACTS STA 1+ west sound�n 00 00.78 ' Engineering, Inc GRAPFBC SCALE aerie CTa prase MEW Z1YS.W Witlt�isDn r Part(kchartf 9W 98366 w JURGESENTERPRISESINC EEG 5 'nvN Z N IP1 twit 20 ENt7Al BEACH RW MOW(950)676.3770 Fax{36M 876Z439 (M Fo F�la✓� SRSAERTON,I[B PASfO E_na:W9s@wser*0WrtD.00m h9p]A'rww.asengineering.C= i kw-20 Met SCALE OTED j REY, DESCRIPTKM! MITE 0Y OAYES641.E0 JOB No. SM4 sHT of 10 sHTs i FAIR HARBOR TRACTS A PORTION OF SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 1 WEST,W.M. . MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON STA 6+00.78 TO 11+00 1 ---_ -- -- -_- - ---------- ny _.--_-._----_--._-_-_-. _--------_,t �✓';�. c�. t ...�� �+'� � 1 e�� •,� T:.::. ^.v:��� .s�r:.a ay' "ii.`:1°5�• ��' 'a�.'!',:1,".6 M1.`Y.'a'_...;'.'.F.. __1'.t'.-;.: :-`v .L� _���� �I /� � r'Rta1�'i�.r^ .'�' a:.'i.•.'.%a.,�.. _:�'1},ri•-1 4^ t Ie'0.�• .11 .it 1.: fL'rta:5.h�.f:J` 4�" 1. py� r."\. - ,,a. _.--"•- .,w. `:.•. - _ ri��a�-'`�"'a':�� :"�•�_` ti:I .":zr.i�' -R`.t � 'L;�`s� _ --_- i':"r.•�'�'i:5�x'ti i.:k%AT' ��C��,:'+ti:. :'''.',i•�".- '.>,. t, `vv`:';;�`,�F: ;•t;,, •:y-:ti:;;.y.�.:. .r.'�,.3- '.y..� ,. `.�!i:;' .•t 1••r• _...-� t ' t , -�'-`'� tar. S a'..1 •;�� r F �• \ !•h#. +t "1i-.+•n• w;{;? ai•x4"•'t,t•• .. 5 Y.,,`V:�,rr;•'•,i:.::i' iY�•� ;a,�.-- t��'r,' �.k x'+ ,�' � a..�, — — — — ' _�- rY1'• .1^{: 'tf"f.Cb:�•( F l 4 b� o '._;.. 1� v���,:;\•. •�. t a,:5_: .y_.. .f� � %.:i5 � 5,':es e,, •4:. 't... ' �•.S t:.,t 9 .`< x• e'�'` :4 K4:.<'� i:�.��,tvr'• `'i:^:`a'�� ,.; v.'4.^�:• :5�+;� ;;1:£-y::'i #°.�• :��- 1`+' J. --e� �n�� .i ..1;'.'.h �- .t•.. Akj�'i.4 i.7^•{ .�. .;• "1 .+x-:�� .. :;�`•'�Y•it':1:(r' fq�e •�, x:(.F �,11••^ oT�r 'r �,r: r r..•.4"" 'r :.i. ..1`•.it; wL'!': Er Ye. ;may ..• ,.1.i�e`Y� .1.���.r:� ��s'^i i.. ,3::._�V ,i> 'ie'�" ��e "Rii��•. Yi' . l v:.`. i.•i 'f r � � r •�. .� ��,''-t,_.e. ..:��,`:i."•..�+ ..' �.Fc r�;er�7d'r�::�s' "'�:"a 'f. ,, �~ f �r�. Z.,t•r.. .S-.t>,<'�' V �ti !. o- Ys i`s�§ '1 S t i .t e. t:•a3�,, r �'� >'� _ t -t'� \:4..S. � .'..: tf •j..i2''o'.'.'..5�4' '1'?r"';"4+. .l^ .rt 'h'i.', CROGAN AVENUE SEVENTH STREET STA 6+00.78 TO 11+00 SCALE:1=71Y 505 P�1 STA 6+04.07 wn ELEV:494A0 509 I K:9.62 AtT 7.80X WI SR7+"aw PN M-S+17 LyC75.00 PA am9400 Pw ElEV:b02.� K- I Z K�42.fi5 AQ'--179% A1x1.41J iVC50.00 I1T.`60D0 500 � 495 s -1 ' Q5 a 4B0' 40 I 475' 475 I m ! aP 6+00 6+50 7+00 7+50 5{•pp fi+5D 8+50 0+00 9+50 10+00 t0+a0 'll+00 STA 6+00.78 TC 11400 HOROKAL WXC 1r=2d vERitciV_SOME 1"�' ��9Y AW13 $�� TRLE FAIR HARBOR TRACTS o' _ - S t O U Cl STAUMMM 11t00 - rm� t - Engineering, Inc - t GRAPHIC SCALE 10 GTH Qioso ,MESENTBiMSESINC. 217 S.W.Mwns N" Part Orchard,Wa.9M � iN �� �tfl°AL ! 2W erEM MACH ROAD Ptxm p�U6-3770 �� oom _Z� t09 Faz f ) SE0 6 TWCLR'W98@WsgNI166r61 om 9� MrMERTod,V A98310 Rt7r. oSWAvrtow nA>E BY DATES B/ 04 (ss;snoz7a J08Na 8 55.4 SHr 7 OF 10 SHTS i FAIR HARBOR TRACTS A PORTION OF,SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 1 WEST, W.M. MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON f STA 11+00 TO 15+50 74 �; vU -,•'Q. ?: .,� .� � ,�.r r•r'r I ,'� r � „, �' i<.,.413. -'a`�l•• •�`� --�—------ - —'----� — —• �if f� :Y/ I .f�: F { :� :: s _t: 'i<s: r`!s•- r-:a Y` •1 Y37..`: .�"r,. 4�C4'�,..,t. � �``•" +•\ � �- _� K. .3 nip `t :1: ',4 w.'A�r��.t,�•� .'.�"' i{ •\ �: - •'1'n. •+�'.•7 nY•y._ _,r. .y: .i;-•t: "_i?:rp' -.erg.,,t:' :ti: .K: iti; .;;;,.:�;'i�. t c..�4:. r?,__�� �'rs':~ •?r, ':T-' zi�-,.'t,„i.'imi•` �:n ;t� •.'�. =�r..T+ ^f:.:y �ii'+ .�`. 4i.,- %'y -:.•... .v_l •a+•,. Cam...= "i_„'� "a S.,er3':•:'::.:; . ".a%.4;v� .ti',',y�''..t i,t�;C.• �t.-r`:ie-}.^ «;;Y�.r: rr�. ��'.rra;.. '_�: :4%'?a.: car-.:;.h,• ': ::','a:•sj.i}` x.•„ .;� iY - .f:...��. '�`n :'c�'.e�;_w ..s. ..��w,`r•t,ers-... ..�:�z"s.r>�.;crr..�,'t�,�,; :yr I..�_::a t'':_:+.5: d� �•, '...� .., , .. :'s....:�, .K :..i�.. *.�` L:. .:t" �=.kc_ -*�'`�' e:i�: :1; `�...,tiSi:•�t ''eiti.;-,:;; ,� r�r.';?".�.,e�;(_ � .......�. r,:r,. �J�•.. ^.='fir�"s'i," .1 `,j_:;ti:+�wSz:.~•.�:r.ti ::�.. ..,,_ `�1•+,.w ,.r »`' r„::ti'�-`• 3 / `ti. ., .'��:A.i. .tJ:r:•'rY.>.iz: •tiy'-} rr.4`: �y'a;.. .�, f STA 00 TO15+5D SEVENTH STREET ,•-20 SEVENTH STREET i 9D5 k SE>0 i - I f i I 48b 48S � "Ll•82X a99 48D t P 475 ' 475 p i 4 Q Q o m m m o m S R o • n J 11fO0 11+50 12+00 12+59 13+00 13+50 2+50 14+00 14+50 15+w 1�rt•50 I, 5TA IliW TO 15+50 HMZDNTu scut:r=w' Awe TRLE FAIR HARBOR TRACTS 1G � a STA 11 Westsound +00 T0 15+50 DOM ff GUAAAEngineering Inc GRAPHC SCALE �? . ,o a eram CTS �1050 o,etr JURGES ENTEIiMES INC. Z17 s w ROOM DM Pat mod.wa. sac 6 TWN ZIN R lw zBaa4 rA,et�ettraan MOM(M)67WM FaX(MO)8764439 1 Mir AN yrt ® Uy "'I efa�lBttOiNAiL410 E—t w8e@—nql-dru,— htlperMrtdyu.5�I we n0.wm WALEfEv. OESCF1P170N MTE BY ppEM pQATi43Wi dOB N0. ��J'�-4 6tiT a OF 10 9HT5 1 t• t FAIR HARBOR TRACTS A PORTION OF SECTION 5,TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 1 WEST,W.M. I MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON + TO 19. + 7.86 I I�^_ `.r 1:^,. ..� -'y.an�-, iet'�t i :<� .l }" .^^ '� 1� )q �^-�--f..__�ic�t�����•i_ i\—i�,�~-Q`.. I "`r ! 1 r.. ^�;'=`':aim'' r -:t�:•'•- -',.�'; .^?'- .,, - t ^'1 ���- x.-. �, :. �1 � �. 1 •t`Zav�_^ :ts•,=_.*o^c.: a-k. _ �:ttY',�, - .ie+T^ _ 'p- v +t. }r:✓ir� a..{,J. -• � ,.,-:�s,�.�.1 bb .ti•�•::..'t:1;;i,'^i"ti;. e.,.�+.'-,`�ti+*;,y,���-.>i::.L'�' �., . �-i.^k•:^,Ys.ti ",gi A,^ I /,p ,.A•. `• - - ,<..� .:.:ae.�w,-s: ;sc.;e� - '`,-^,`',-. .'„'_..r1?S^'ce._.n_:1.� yx^*.w..w.^cy .•.3�: �::r'-i.�`�`„J^v�:o�'�'>;�;�' :ti.-.:. , an :d�, `�`(�' .•'t`• •v--g._ - _:it r;•'.' r:a =1' 1 v ,n?� .'T �'4.. __y Jiro=` i�."S'` i.e+. ,�i.A��.. 7 :Y'Y .t•:`=• �r ..Y ...` ^-%9. :•�.-,��t_. .�.^ .<=z�x .y.. - `u.,a. "�'�>kf:1!`ti'•`?`�'•x�-.x�: -::i�:_.:'c;�-�.:ti:* '.,. <-'�i'`_�_u--•`+ :.yx•Sr .:ti•���ici"}, � k..:-`,t.'.,r1 ''. �:;rr-,;;.,..•�: _: . .ti. Krr,.:,. �:::...•. ;,s I ,<, _e f 11II{I rA\ ift t I 4^ 'L•e"'� I f ATWATER AVENUE I i i A TO19+97.86 SCALE:1•=?�' PA i ' sm sua 1 - � 5TA:17+31 M li i LM7M Ami a 1 a 4MIt—_ 40 IBa iRri 1 16+00 16+50 17+00 17450 18+00 law 10+00 19i80 t9+97.87 - 9 STA 15+50 TO 19+97:86 HORIZONTAL SCALE- MCA SCALE 1`-5' re. a '"`� FAIR HARBOR TRACTS = W+eS t S o u n d MOONEDvr 6TA i5+M T019+WA 1 Engineering, Inc td9F CLENT 217S.W.V kt05oriVe Ponamhard,Wa.BB886 OFA HC ECAL.E LT8 , JURGESFNTWRISES INC. Phone(seat ar8•a77a Fax(3M875MB ,{pq ip w 20 0&7AT BEACH MAD wse@w1gmkmwi Q.o= 8��-79MI1... ._ 1 r-� --'� BREMERTM WA 9M $raE tom. TbN DAIS Br a sEAt>n Gii�`�b pm3nr m joB No. 8t�5-'`� sm 9 OF�� SIM SILT FENCE NOTES FAIR HARBOR TRACTS ,. lO HF THE Lon FABRIC SHALL BE PU2[11ASED IN A CONTINUOUS ROLL AND CUT TG THE A PORTION OF SECTION 5,TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 1 WEST, W.M. THE BARRIER AMID MKS. am NECESSARY,MID CtDTH SHALL BE SPLICED TOGEB{£A ONLY AT A - SUPPORT IP=WITH A MINIMUM 6-INCH MOW.AND SECURELY RIC MATERML IN MASON COUNTY,�( �t (� - FASOJED AT BOTH ENDS To POSTS. COAlMR1US ROLLS 115EWINE �■ HINGTON STAPLES WIRE iRIN05 ► SUPPORT TEED NOTE AND DETAILS MINIMUM EROSION AND SEDIMENTATK}N 2. POSTS SHALL BE SPACED A MAXIMUM OF 6 FEET APART AND DRNEN TO ATTACH FABRIC TD WIRE FEN FlY FILTER FABRIC 5ECUIRELY INTO THE GROUND OMIT um or 30 P CHIN. CONTROL REOI�iEMEIs 3. A TR94CH SHALL BE DMATED-APPROXIMATELY 8 INCHES WIDE AND 12 - 1Z STORM OWUN I H, ALL STORM DRNN INLETS MADE OPERABLE INCHES DEEP ALONG THE UNE OF POSTS AND U SLOPE FROM THE MWFORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION MINHAAUM-EROSION AND�EDIMENTATIbN DURING GONSITRUCTIDN SHALL PROTECTED SO THAT STORM WATER RUMOT' BARKER THIS 1fENtHP Stwl tLAGffa.tfD WITH WASHED GRAVEL ZaR URY BOTTOM OF FILTER CONTROL MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS CONTROL REOt11RENIENT3 SHALL NOT ENTER THE CONVEYANCE SYSTEM MTT}KAJT FIRST BEND F1IIEIETT OR +. WFLBJ STANDARD STRENGTH FILTER FABRIC IS USED,A WIRE MESH SLR Tg[ L" LJN� RFAGE AT[BML N Sk11' 1. EROSION AND SEGMENTATION CONTROL FACILITIES SHILL BE INSPECTED w1UIRE7IINT FOR RQET•PROTECTION MAY BE WANED SE TREATED IT)REMOVE SEDIMIENE AFTER PROPER Wtic RAC T I. RENGN 1. STABI�FWWN Nd( FT TRAPWN ALL EMPOSET7 MID UNWORKEU SOILS A SITE SPECIFIC BASIS WHEN THE CONVEYANCE SYSTEM WWNSiT1EAV f THE ow FENCE SfiAL1. FASTENED S[:'COI2ELY TO THE UP ROPE SIDE OF THE AFTER EAt51 RAFHFAlI,fVQJF AND DAILY DURING FROLRJG£D RANFAIL za NCLUGNC SOL 5TIC O SFWL BE STABILIZED BY SUITABLE APPLICATION OF POSTS USING FiE7tVY-0If1Y WIRE STAPLES AT LFRST I INCH LOMG,TIE 1RRR I THE OR HOG RINGS.THE WERE SHALL EXTEND PRO TIE TRENCH A WN➢WUM OF Tn •• .. 2. NECESSARY REPAIRS OR REPLACE►ENT OF FACILITIES SHALL BE BMPS WHICH PROTECT SOA FROM THE EROSIVE FORCES OF RAINDROP IMPACT FILET CA C E SY T"0 AN APPROPRIATE EADEQUAT S®BLEAN D FOLLOWING BLIP AND ILT 4 RICHES AND SHALL NOT EXTEND MORE THAN 24 INCITES ABOVE THE ACCOMPLISHED PROMPTLY. AND FLOM WER, APPUCAELE PRACTICES PIQUDE,BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO CONVEYANCE SYSTEM CAN BE AbE0UAh1Y GLEANED FIXLOTANG SITE STAB[LVAT104. VEGETATIVE FsTABLISHMEN[MULCHING,PLASTIC GOVERNING,AND THE EARLY ORIGINAL GROUND SURFACE. `�' APPLICATION OF GRAVEL BASE ON AREAS TO BE PAVED. FROM OCTOBIR, TO 13.I�t41)ERGROUND iR?Jl`(CONStTDJCTION, THE CONSTRUCTION OF UNDERGROUND L 3. SEGMENT DEPOSITS SHALL BE REMOVED AFTER EACH STORM EVENT OR APRR.30.NO SOILS SHALL REM+$1 UNSEABLRLD FOR MORE THAN 2 M. IINIJIY LUTES SHALL BE UMRE1 WHERE FEASIBLE,TO NO MORE THAN SUIT FEET 5. THE STANDARD STRENGTH FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE STAPLE}OR 00 TO Ta 8'MAY. WHEN THE LEVEL OF DEPOSITION REACHES APPRO)RMATELY ONE-H/JF THE THE FENCE,AND 20 I40-0 OF THE FABRIC SHNL BE EXTENDED INTO THE MAAM UM PO7BNDAL DFPTI. FROM MAY T to D SEPTEWCBEN 30,NO SOUS SFl4L1.Rf3JlJN UNSTABLP}D FOR OF OPEN TRENCH IO ANY ONE ONE NITS WHERE CBE PLC WITH SI UP ILL TRENCH.THE FABRIC SHALL NOT MISTED MOTE THAN 2+INCHES ABM MORE THAN 7 DAYS SPACE CTHE TRENM liAVATED MATERIAL S ALI IS PLACED ON N UPHILL SIDE OF 3'FIE TRENCH. OEYA1ERItWG DEVICES'SHALL DISCHARGE TO AN THE ORICI.VIAL ORNM%ATAC FILTER FABRIC SMALL NOT BE STAPLED TO 4. SMMLV DEPOSITS REMAINING IN RACE AFTER THE ESC FACILITIES ARE 2. AT ALL NAMES OF THE YEAR,THE IXHURACTIIR SHALL FIAVE SUFFlf9HNT MATE3AL5, APPROPRIATE SEORAENT TRAP OR POND PRECEDED BY A>]EGriTE ElIL7iGY EXISTING TREES. 3'W WOOD POSTS.STANDARD OR NO LONGERE,PRBRED AN 'SHALE,BE DRESSED TO lx>iJFOINM TO THE E)BSTNG WVIFWENT AND LAIR OR-SITE TO STABILIZE AND PRNENT EROSIOR FROM ALL DISSMIOR,PRIOR TO RUNOFF LEAVWG THE SAE GETTER OR E4lUNW.EIT GRADE,PREFAB®AND SEED. F RISER FABRIC 15.VEGETATION ED DENUDED AREAS WTHN T2-HOURS AS SITE AND WEAII t CONDITIONS DI:TATF_ WHEREVER RM fi VEHICLE ACCESS USED,THE WINE MESHH FILTER FABRIC AMA CLOSER POST SPIN SU H M.HNST NATNE VEGETAIWN GRAVEL 5. TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMMLATION CONTROL FACIITIES SHAD.BE - 14. R�OOUIES PIIERSE NSTRUCTED P ROADS,PROVISIONS IWUS'T BE MADE TO MI THE USED,THE WINE MESH SUPPORT FENCE MAY BE ELIMINATED,IN SUCH A BAC9ffRl.MAY BE OOMIITED 3. FROM OCTOBER 1ST TO APRIL 32K THE PROJECT ENGINEER SHILL VISIT THE CASE,THE RLTIIR FABRIC 15 STAPLED OR WIRED DIRECDY TO THE POSTS WIRE MESH SUPPORT FENCE TO BE MAINTAINED BY: DEVELOW9 SITE MINIMUM OF ONCE A WEEK FOR THE PURPOSE OF INSPECTING TRANSPORT O SEDIMENT(MUD)ONTO PAVED ROAD BY USE OF APPROPRIATE WITH All OTHER PROVISIONS OF ABOVE HIM APPLYING. LOCATED ON THE DOIFILTER E THE GLEN JURCFS THE EBOSIOH AND SEDIMENIAITON CONTROL FACIJUE$REI4EWEUNG THE PRDGRF3S BMPA5 SUCH AS A STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTR%Mm IF SEDIMENT IS FABRIC) e OF CONSTRUCTION.MAD VERIYING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE LROSION CONTROL TRANSP OiLEY,A5 AA MINIMUM,URFFACE,ET H O ADS SHALL DAY, 9ElbCLE Stall BE 7. FLTER FABTBC FENCE SNAIL NOT BE REMOVED BET9RE THE UPSLOPE 2020 E11EFN HERO{ROAD,111W)DON,WA 0010 MEASURES KENO INNDERTAXFlE. 7HE PWIECT ENGNEIJi SIiALI IMIMED77FLYMED AREA HAS BEEN PERWPNENR.Y S[A8i1ZED, - NK FABRIC INFORM MASON COUNTY OF ANY PROBLEMS OR POTENTIAL PROBLEMS OBSERVED RBWWEO FROM ROADS BY SHOVELING OR 5Y(IEPIRO AND BE TRANSPORTID TO A IAL. (NO)377-274 DURING SAID SiTE VISBS,AS WELL AS OF ANY RECOMMENDED CHANGES Uf THE CONTROLLED SEGMENT DISPOSAL AAFA. STREET WAS[•BNG SWGl BE ALLOWED 8, FILTER FABRIC FERCES SHALL BE NSPECTED IMMEDUITELY AFTER EACH II' ELOCETV PHONE N0. EROSION CONTROL MEASURE4 TO BE UNDERTA.KEL WHEN REQUESTED BY MASON ONLY AFTER SEDIMENT 6 REMOVED IN THIS UMNER. RAINFALL AND AT LEAST DAILYIMMEDIATELY DURING PROIDNC,ED RAINFALL ANY I?EgUR® it COUNTY,THE PROJECT ENGINEER SHALL PROVIDE THE GO UFLTY WITH WRITTEN 15,REMMOVAL OF TEMPORARY BMPS. ALL TEMPORARY EROSION AND S13)IMOVT REAMERS SHALL BE MADE 81UE01A1ELY .•. �i THE OWNERS RFPRESE}IH M SHALL BE: RECORDS OF SAID WEEKLY SITE VISITS,NCLUBWO DATES OF VISITS MID NOTED CANTROL BMPS SHALL BE REMOVED WORN 30 DAYS AFTER D S SITE 9. SILT FIENCES WALL BE INSTALLED PAWIUEL TO ANY SLOPE CONTOURS. " 'Eb SITE OB.mftTiQN9.. . GLEN JINGES STABIUZATION IS ACHIEVED OR AFTER THE TEMPORARY BMPS ARE NO LONGER 10. CONTRIBUTING LENGTH TO FENCE:WILL NOT BE'GREATER THAN 100 FWr. PROVIDE WASHED GRAVEL BACKFILL, y-. '. - 4. UI THE EVENT THAF GROUND ON A PROJECT SITE IS LEFT BARE AFTER SEPTEMBER HEEDED. TRAPPED SEDIMENT STALL BE RETiM GW STAB UZED ON•-SBE 3I4'-3'QH 7RTNCH AND ON 21321)METAL SO MI RO D.BREMERTON,WA 98310 SM.MASON COUNTY NAY ISSUE A STOP WORK ORDER FOR THE ENTIRE PROJECT DISTURBED SOIL AREAS RESULTING FROM REMOVAL OF TEMPORARY BMPS SHALL BE PERMANENTLY STARRJ'ED. THE REMOVAL OF TEMPORARY EROSION AND 11, DO NOT INSTALL BELOW AN OUTLET PiPE OR WEIR. BOTH SIDES OF FILTER FENCE .. UNTIL 54TISFACtORY CONTROLS ARE PROVIDED, _ FABRIC ON THE SURFACE 8�MIL �377-QY74 SWMUTENT CONTROL E,PS MAY NOT BE LL BE FOLLOWED FADIbTIONAL CONSTRUCTION,SUCH AS 12. INSTALL DOWN SLOPE OF E%POSID AREAS. EMERGENCY PHONE.NO: S IN THE EVENT THAT GROUND ON A PROJECT SITE IS LIFE BARE AFTER SUTE14SER UNDER A FAMILYGLE PLAT AERATE TIE THESE CIRCUMSTANCES,THE NEED FOR 3DTK AND MASON COUNTY IS UNSUCCESSFUL IN CONTACTING THE OWNER[TIT BURY BOTTOM OF FLTER GENERAL NOTES FIS�FiFR DESItANAdED EMFJRGUVCT'WNTAOT PIR50M1,MASON GRTUNtt MAY ENTER REMOVING OR WEANING THE MEASURES WILL BE EVALUATED ON A SITE-SPECIFIC 13. DO N07 DINE(EVER OR FILL OVER SILT FEaUES, MATERIAL IN B'zi2'1T TIGH STANDARD WOOD ENTER TH PROJECT SITE Ago INSTALL TEMPORARY GROUND COVER MEASURES AND BILL STANDARD OR BETTER OR L ALL WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIAL SHALT W09M TO THE MOST CURRW THE OWNER FUR ALL EXPENSES INCURRED BY MAMN COUNTY. THESE COSTS EDUIVALENT STANDARD SPECIFIATONS FOR ROAD,BRIDGE AND MUNICIPAL CONSTRUCTION WILL BE IN ADDITION TO ANY MONETARY PENALTIES LEVER A;AII$T THE OWNER, 16.DEWA E RING CONSTRUCTION 5TIE5. DEWATERING DUNS 9W1 DISCHARGE INTO GENERAL EROSION AND F� FABRIC FENCE DETA� PREPS BY WSDOT AND AM AS ADOPTED BY MASON COUNTY. AN APPROPRIATE SEDIMENT TRAP OR PW,fESIGNO TO ACCEPT SUCH A SM- AT1ON CONTROL NOTES 2 ANY REVISIONS TO THE ACCEPTED CONSTRUCTION PLANS SHALL BE REVIEWED MID 6. DELINEATION OF CIEARMG AND FASEMETU LIMITS CLEARING UWTS,SETBACKS, DISCHARGE,PRECEDED BY ADEQUATE ENERGY DISSIPATION.PRIOR TO RUNOFF ARMS LEAVING THE SLID APPROVED BY THE PROJECT ENGINEER AND MASON COUNTY PRIOR TO AND RIFPMwAN l CLEARLY MARKED iN HE FIESID AND WETLANDS n THAN SEDIMENT ON ALL 1, NNE FOLLOWCONSTRUCTION EROSION AND AT ALL TATIONIMES, UNLESS NOTES APPLY TO ALL IMPLEMENTATION IN THE HELD. INSPECIEO BY MASON COUNTY PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF LAND CLEARING ACTIVITIES, POLLUTANTS QF TIH[R TIhN OTHER SIDXMENf THAT OCCUR ON-STE DURING CONSTRUCTOP! CONSTRUCTION SUE ACTW 1E5 AT ALL TAPES UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED ON INSPECTK�N_BCHEDU�E THESE PLANS. 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTiFY MASON COUNTY TO.ARRANGE FOR INSPECTION OF 3. TIE CONTRACTOR SHALL.MAINTAIN A SET OF JfM ACCEPTED CL761RUCNIOI SHALL BE HANDLED AND LEGALLY DISPOSE OF IN A MANNER THAT DOES NOT THE VARIOUS PHASES OF WORK CHECKED BELOW. GSPfC➢ONS SHALL BE DRAWINGS ON-WE AT ALL TIMES WHILE CONSTRUCTION LS IN PRMWM 7. PROIECITON OF ADJACENT PROPERTIES. ADJACEM PROPERTIES SFVJl BE CRUST:CONTAMINATION OF STORM OR SURFACE WATERS. POLLUTANTS OF 2. APPROVAL.OF THIS EROSION AND SEGMENTATON CONTROL PLAN DOES NOT COMPLETE PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WIN THE NEAP PHASE OF WORK. pROTECI7D FROM SEDIMENT DEPOSITION BY APPROPRIATE USE O VEDEFATNE CONCERN INCWIIE,BUT ARE NOT LNIIED TO,FUEL!,LUBRICANTS,SOLVENTS, CONSMUTE AN APPROVAL OF THE PERMANENT ROAD OR DRAINAGE DESIGN. 4. IT SHALL BE THE MPONSIBILT,OF THE CONTRACTOR TO OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY BUFFER STRIPS,SEDIMENT BMMYd OR FILTM W.M OR MUD:MIND,OR BY A C>DNCRETE RY'PRDOUCTS AND CONSTRUCTEC MATERIALS. PERMITS FROM MASON COUNTY PRIOR TO COMMENCING ANY WORK WITHIN MASON THE OWNER AND HIS/HER CONTRACTOR SHALL BE f SIBLE AT ALL TIMES A LSmNG LIMITS. COUNTY RI HT-OF-WAY. COMBINATION OF THESE MEASUf�S AND OTHER APPROPRIATE SUPS 18. AWN ALL TF]WPORAW AND PERMANENT ERD510N AND SEDIMENT CONTROL FOR PREVENTING SILT-RADEN RUNOFF FROM GSCRARONG FROM THE PROJECT7 B,.HPLE(ENTATION OF THE VARIOUS PHASES OF THE EROSION AND & 7MING AHD STABIIJZATIOfl OF SEDIMENT TRAPPING MEASURES, SEDIMENT PONDS BMT3 SHALL BE MAINTAINED AND REPAIRED AS NEEDED TO ASSURE CONTINUED SffE FAILURE BY THE OWINER AND/OR CONTRACTOR GN•1 RESULT(N A FUG SEDIMENTATION OF DRAINAGE CONTROL PORN. 3. TFE CONTRACTOR SWYl BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVSCING ADEQUATE TRAFFIC PERFORCE OF THm INTENDED FUNCTION. ALL MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR G AI.A:CEWiElT OF DRAINAGE STRUCTURES PRIOR TO BACK FLLINO, AND(RAPS, &DID TER OIK[S,SEGMENT BARKERS AND OTHER BMPS INTENDED A A=DESIGNATED CONTACT BY CONTACT PERSON NOTED ON BASIS PUN MUST BE CONTROL AT ALL TRIES DURING w'iy'fRUCTION ALONGSIDE OR WITHIN ALL PUBLIC SHALL aE CONDUCTED IN ACCOR�ICE WITH THE MANUAL. THE APPLOW SHAD. AVAILABLE FOR 13JNTACT BY TELETFLONE ON A 24 HOUR BASIS THROUGHOUT PRIOR M POND EU,fflldlKllENF, ROADWAYS. TRAFFIC FLOW ON DISHING PUBLIC ROADWAYS SHALT.BE MAINTAINED TO TRAP SmIE ENlT ON-SINE SFWL BE FUNCTIONAL BEFORE AS A FIRST STEP IN BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ASSURING THAT ANY SUCH FACILITIES DAMAGED WRING CONSTRICTION AND UNTL.THE PROJECT HAS BEEN C OMPEETFD AND APPE3TVE) �L 0.PRIOR to PLACEMENT(F THE BLR3GTION OUTLET CONTROL AT ALL TIMES,UNLESS PERMISSION LS OBTAINED FROM MASON COUNTY FOR ROAD GRAVID THESE BMPS EMALLAR} N FUNCTIONAL BEFORE LAND DISTURBING 1O ADVERSES OR 00 BY MASON COUNTY. STRUCTURE fORIFlCE SIZE VERPIED). CLOSURE AHDJOR DETOURS. 4CTMDES T7sE F'CACE. FABTHEN STRUCK TIES SUCH AS GAMS,DKES AND RETURNFLOODSED TO MNORMAL OPERATING CONDI TIO ER CONDITIONS ARE IADAEDWETY E P19 clim F PIIPARED SUB-GNtA)IL DWERSJON SK U.BE STABUSE)ACCORDING TO THE TIMING INUOTED IN ITEM(1) 4. THE IMFiEMETNTATKK OF THEE ESC PLANS AND THE CONSTRUCTON, R INSPECTION OF GRAVEL BASE PLACEMENT, - fl THE LOCATIONS OF DOSTNG UIILITES ON THIS PLAN n nIS.�APPROXIMATE ONLY. THE ABOVE 19.FINANCIAL LIABILITY.A PERWRWAHGE COVE M OR PERF(MINCE SURETY;SHALL MAINTENANCE.REPLACEMENT AND UPGRADING OF THESE ESC FACILITIES IS THE OL PSPETKN OF FINE FAAtSQR E GRADING PRTOH TO PAVING. CONT SHALL CON �I1Np TACT THE ERGROUND UDCATE CENTER AT PH: 9. SLOPE STABILIZATION. CUT AND FTU.SLOPES SHALL BE CMSTRUCTED IN A BE REQUIRED FOR ALL PROJECTS TO TO ENSURE GOMPLIaa WiTH THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE OWNER AND/OR CONTRACTOR FROM THE BEGNRNO OF &SPECTIONI O;DDFPNNMAVING OPERATIONS. 1•-8D0-42+-6555,AND NON-SUBSCRIBING INDMDUAL UTLDY COMPANIES 4G MANNER THAT WILL MINIMIZE EROSION. ROUGHENED SOL SUAFXM ARE APPROVED EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN. CONSTRUCTION UNTIL ALL CONSTRUCTION 15 COMPiM AND APPROVED BY 2 H.N&9%&BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL WORK PERFORMED AND SHALL HOURS LN ADVANCE OF THE COMMENCEMENT OF ANY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY. PREFORED TO SMOOTH SURFACES. INIERCEPTORS SHOULD BE COLSTRDCEEU AT MASON MUVTT AND THE SITE S STABILIZED. ENSURE THAT CONSTRIDRON iS ACCEPTABLE TO CITY OF PORT OTICWM THE 03MVC M SHALT.WAX FOR PROTECTON OF DI W UTILTIES FROM THE TOP OF HANG,S{t3:P SLOPES WHICH HAVE SNffICANT AREAS ABODE THAT DAMAGE CALSO BY THE CONTRACTION'S OPF]WTONS. CONTRIBUTE RUNOFF. CONGFxiWED RUNOFF SHOULD NOT DE ALLOWED TO 5. PRIOR TO BMNKO ANY WORK ON THE PRWECT SITE,A PRECOHSTRUCTION - I F INSPECTION IS NOT CALLED FOR PRIOR TO COMPLETION OF ANY ITEM OF WORK FLOW DOWN THE FACE OF A CUT OR FILL SLOPE LNL.ESS CONTAINED WITHIN AN CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE CONFEl"CE ML57 BE HELD,AND SHALL BE ATTENDED BY THE GENERAL SO 0ESIGNATD7,SPXIA,DESTRUCRVB AND/OR NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING 7. ROCKERIES OR OTHER RETAINING FACIITIR EYMING 4 FT.I4 HEIGHT RMUIRE Ap�'TE G}{/�yNF1 OR pERE SLOPE DRAIN. WHEREVER A SHAPE FACE CROSSES COMIad:T AN THE PROJECT BNGTPEFR,MASON bEUNTY.ES FROM AFFECTiA PROCEDURES MAY<F REQUIRED TO ENSURE THE ADCEP1ABItITY rF THE WORK. A S(YARATE PERMIT FROM MASON COUNTY. A.WATER SEEPA&E PUME,ADEQUATE DRAINAGE OR THE PROTECTION 94OLU BE 1, APPLY FOR AND PM UP ANY FMG14RED ROAD APPROACH OR RIGHT OF WAY UTY111ETL AND A RET RESIINp1TIVE OF MASON COUNTY. F SUCH PRO�DURES ARE RIMUIRED,THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE PROVIDED. IN ADDITION,SLOPES SHOULD BE STABILIZED W ACCORDANCE WITH PERMITS FROM MASON COLWDY. FOR ALL COSTS ASSMikTIED WITH THE TESTING AND/DR RESTORATION OF THE & A 0RfSM PRACD W PERMIT MAY BE REQURED PRIOR TO CLEARING OF THE BEM C1)A1XNE 6, THE EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL FACILITIES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN WORK. SITE. CONTACT MASON COUNTY MR FURTHER INFORMATION. 2. CNVSRdRY STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION DITRANCE(S), ARE TO BE 0INSIDERED ADEQUATE BASIC REQUIREMENTS FOR THE AM•ICIPATID 10, N'TR FF Q SION. PROPERTIES AND WATERWAYS DOWNSTREAM SITE CONINTIOHS DURING CONSTRUCTION,DEVIATIONS FROM THIS PUN MAY BE FROG DTI✓ LEAK'SITES SIWi BE PROTECTED FROM ERASION DUE TO 3, CONSTRUCT FILTER FENCE BARRIERS. NE•Cl35ABY IN ORDER TO MAINTAIN WATER QUALITY. MINOR DEPARTUNES FROM C RAUINO NOTES BJCRFkSES ER THE VOLUME,VELOCITY,AND PEAK FLOW RATE OF STORM NITER TITS PLAN ARE PO Wi DTI)SUBJFGT TO THE APPROVAL OF MASON COUNTY RUNOFF FROM TIME ffcV MEO VE74T SITE BY THE I FLOENT E O OF ARM WATER 4. WIINSTRUGT SED WENTATON a*11,1.(IF PROPOSED) NSPECTES. H M EVO�THIS LAN M FOR EME SIGNED BY TH DNS,ALL OTHER 1. THE CONTRACTOR SKI NOTIFY THE ENGINEER IN TIE EVENT OR DISCOVERY OF AS REQUIi®ILEO'MIDI BMPS TO MINIMIZE AiFhRSE DOWNSTREAM IMPACTS. i DEVIATIONS FROM THIS PLAN MUST I#DESIGNED BY THE PROJECT ENGINEER POOR SOILS GROUNDWATER OR DISCREPANCIES IN THE EXISTING CONDITIONS AS EXC3P'T MAY BE REDUCED TO er 6. CONSIRLM RUNOFF INTERCEPTION AND DIVERSION DITCHES, AND APPRMD BY MASON COUNTY PRIOR TO UNSIAL11SION, NOTED ON THE PLANS � W MIN FUR 91B WITH LESS tt. y�A&UZATIOR QF 7EMPORARI'CONVEYANCE CHANNELS AMID OUTI.ED'i ALL THAN 1 ACRE OF EXPOSED TEiWPORN2f(NN-STTE OONLA,YANCE CHAN?W SHALL BE 05IYNFD,CONSTRUCTED 6. (XFATN AND GRADE THE MINIMUM SITE AREA REQUIRED FOR CONSTRUCTION()F THE T, ALL END"AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL FE INSPECTED BY 2. MAXIMUM SLOPE STEEPNESS SAL BE 2H:1V FOR CUT AND FILL SLOPES. - Sm AND STABILIZED TO PREW EROSION FROM THE ORCTEII FLOW VELOQTY FROM VARIOUS PHASES OF WORK THE OWNER AND/OR CDNTRACIDR ON A FREDUENT BASIS AND IMMEDVQEIY ~ A 2--YEAR F1iRTl/BR'L;24-HpUR DURATION 5GOR8M FLTR THE POSE CONDfILOtt AFTER EACH FUNCTIONING. AMU MAINTAINED AS NEB TD INSURE 7HEIE 3. UNLESS(RHERWISE SPECIFIED,ALL.EIMBANIQMENFS IN THE PLAN SET SHALL BE- STABILZATION ADEQUATE TO PREVENT EROSION OF OUTLETS,ADATENT STREAM 7. PROVIDE TEMPORARY HYOROSEEOING OR OTHER SOURCE CONTROL STABILIZATION CMW SAD S,SMOMANG. ALL,ETC-HT MUST BE REMOVED FROM REACHING FE1/2 CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORD WITH SECTION 2-033(14)H OF THE WSOOT - -�- WOSC SLOPES AND DOWNSTREAM REACHES SHALL SE PRO�ADED AT THE UNIZIS MEASURES ON ALL DISTURBED SOILS. STRAW SALES,SEDIMENT PONDS.f7G_PRIOR TO TIE SEOAJENT REAGIWG t/2 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. EMBANKMENT COMPACTION SHALL CONFORM TO OF ALL CONVEYANCE SYSTEMS. ITS MAXIMUM POTENTIAL DEPTH. SECTION 2-03.3(14)C,METHOD B OF SAID Si?NDNRD SPE[SFICA7IONS. - +3 - 8. MAINTAIN ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL FACILITIES PROVIDE THE ' � REtlU1RED PROTECTION OF DOWNSTREAM WATER GL6VLT1'. . B. AT NO TINE SHALT.CONCRETE,CONCRETE BY-PRODUCTS,VNCLE FLUIDS,PANT, 4. EMBANKMENTS DESIGNED ID IMPOUND WA SHALL BE COMPACTED TO 962 CHEMIQU_%,OR OTHER POLLUTING MATTER BE PERMITTED To DISCHARGE TO THE MAXIMUM DENSITY PER SECTION 2-Q3.3(14JC.METHOD C OF WSODT SIANDAID qfL�� 9, PROVIDE PERMANENT STE STABI]ZATON. TIEWOEG�OR PERMANENT DRAINAGE SYSTEM,ON TO DISCHARGE FROM THE SPECIFICATIONS. <L o$ s 2Y LOUPE, iQ EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL FACILITIES SHALL NOT BE RELCIVEH UNTIL 9. PERMANENT OETESITION/REIENDON PONDS,PIPES,TANKS OUR AUL15 MAY OKY 5. ALL ARFAS RECBVNG FILL WMAI STALL BE PREPARED BY RERTVING PRUDEEEACROSSFU AREd FULL � CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETE AND ACCEPTED BY MASON COUNTY, BE USED FOR S171MEM GDNFAIH8Ml7NT WHEN SPEdFlCA LY INDICATED ON THESEVESUATKON,NONCUMPLYM FILE,TOPSOIL AND OTHER UNSUITABLE MATEI CAL,BY PLANS SCAR"RG THE SURFACE TO PROVIDE A BOND WITH THE NEW FILL,AND WHEW STA6ILi�ED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE SLOPES ARE SFEIM THAN 3 HOIZDNDO.TO 1 VERTICAL ATE?THE HEXIB IS GREATER THAN 5 FT.,BY 0040"INTO SOUND CGLWEIENT MATERIAL AS NTS DETERMINED BY A SOBS ENGINEER. DFIMAGE NOTES TITLE 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL.ENSURE THAT THE DRANAGE 15 INSTALLED AND oMr4�er MET FAIR HARBOR TRACTS V �/�/est�`our,,,tid $ 2. PIPE AND PARTS SHALL BE GALVANIZED. ALL SUBMERGED STESTEELoAawN� N 7ESC NOTES AHD DEALS �. _��r l n_ I "`1 C PIPES SHALL BE 114a"20 AND HAVE AISFMX TRFATMEXT 11 OR BETTER ng i n g,�I 3. DRAINAGE STUBOlJ15 ON Ift7MDUAL LOTS SHALL BE LOCATED WITH A FIN LAB E FOOT ?p `Rosa CLIENT 217S.YJ,WNW DrIva � Pon Of lafd,We.9836E HIGH 2't4'STAGE MARRED STORM'. THE SIUBOUT SHALL BE WENDED ABOVE 087 �SroxwL� JURGE.S ENTERPRISES INC. Phone(360)B76 87T0 Fax(3q 875-04M SUFACE LWR AND BE SECURED TO THE SD*T- 3IIO PJMETN BFAgN R{YtD 6REMERTON,VU9,JiD L GEC 6 TWIN 21N R ITN E-ma WseCaahrsanpewing.tom on, ' ExPlrsS6 t t�►834E AS NOTEDfE.V! OESCHPTUR DATE BY DATE MALTEDPWN JOB No.8Q5 4