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BLD2021-01790 SFR - BLD Application - 12/10/2021
• MASON COUNTY COMMUNITY SERVICES Permit No: PERMIT ASSISTANCE CENTER: .BUILDING .PLANNING •PUBLIC HEALTH.FIRE MARSHAL 0 615 W.Alder Street,Shelton,WA 98584 RECEIVED Phone Shelton:(360)427-9670 ext. 352•Fax:(360)427-7798 Phone Belfair(360)275-4467•Phone Elma:(360)482-5269 DEC 10 2021 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 615 W./ PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: NAME: n Cc GZ NAME: /1 b MA LLCITY ING ADe V!� S ATE. ZIP 'c�G` CITY MAILING ADDRESS:/ STATE: W q ZIP: 37 PHONE#I:��2 -300 - 0/2 � PHONE: 2�/ -- CEtL�j: PHONE#2: EMAIL : ZIT 12. EMAIL: fi &r- /YJ 6 GC/JL)1-1 I REG # EXP. PRIMARY CONTACT: OWNER CONTRACTOR ❑ OTHER / NAME 6-C EMAIL m t /' C MAILING ADDRESS CITY S TE-W41-- ZIP "S (Q PHONE CELL - 00 — Z PARCEL INFORMATION: PARCEL NUMBER(12 Digit Number) 2Z.123 ZONINGg'es LEGAL DESCRIPTION (Abbreviated) L•0{'b n� sho SJ No- ��cJ3 FIRE DISTRICT f�QtrS(�1r1 CoU Y F� SITE ADDRESS 80b ( qD t'(� �l� CITY �exz 13 DIRECTIONS TO SITE ADDRESS r ^7 ri I Ave— IS L� �Tlorn��_� IS THE PROJECT WITHIN 300 FT OF SLOPE(S)GREATER THAN 14%: YES[] NO SNOW LOAD: psf IS PROPERTY WITHIN 200 FT OF THE FOLLOWING: (Check all that apply): SALTWATER ❑ LAKE ❑ RIVER/CREEK ❑ POND ❑ WETLAND ❑ SEASONAL RUNOFF ❑ STREAM ❑ TYPE OF WORK: NEW ADDITION ❑ ALTERATION ❑ REPAIR ❑f OTHER ❑ USE OF STRUCTURE(Residence,Garage,Commercial Bldg,Etc.)_ C 104e h Ce' / e IS USE: PRIMARYErSEASONAL ❑ NUMBER OF BEDROOMS NUMBER OF ATHROOMS HEATED STRUCTURE? YES(Whole Bldg) YES (Part/s)of Bldg) [] ❑ DESCRIBE WORK >°L,-,) Pl 0 me. by/ SQUARE FOOTAGE: (proposed) V`c It T 1ST FLOOR -L!M�sq. ft. 2ND FLOOR `11M sq. ft. 3RD FLOOR sq. ft. BASEMENT N�sq. ft. DECK sq. ft. COVERED DECK Co70 sq. ft. STORAGE sq. ft. OTHER sq. ft. GARAGE_ sq. ft. Attached Detached❑ CARPORT sq. ft. Attached❑ Detached❑ MANUFACTURED HOME INFORMATION: *4 COPIES OF THE FLOOR PLAN REQUIRED* MAKE MODEL YEAR LENGTH WIDTH BEDROOMS BATHS SERIAL NUMBER ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH: y SEWAGE/SEWER SOURCE: SEPTIC SEWER ❑ / NEW ❑ EXISTINGG PLUMBING IN STRUCTURE? YES NO ❑ Ifyes, attach completed Water Adequacy Form PERIMETER/FOUNDATION DRAINS PROPOSED? YESy NO[] EXISTING SQ. FT. EXISTING BEDROOMS PROPOSED BEDROOM S TOTAL BEDROOMS OWNER acknowledges that submission of inaccurate information may result in a stop work order or permit revocation.Acknowledgement of such is by signature below. I declare that I am the owner and I further declare that I am entitled to receive this permit and to do the work as proposed. I have obtained permission from all the necessary parties,including any easement holder or parties of interest regarding this project. The owner or legal representative, represents that the information provided is accurate and grants employees of Mason County access to the above described property and structure(s)for review and inspection. This permit/application becomes null&void if work or authorized construction is not commenced within 180 days or if construction work is suspended for a period of 180 days. PROOF OF CONTINUATION OF WORK ON THIS PERMIT IS BY MEANS OF INSPECTION. INACTIVITY OF THIS PERMIT APPLICATION OF 180 DAYS OF MORE WILL CAUSE THE APPLICATION TO BE EXPIRED. (MASON COUNTY CODE 14.08.42) X /Z-Z-- Zo21 Sign re o OW Must be si ed b the OWNER Date DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW APPROVED DATE DENIED DATE TAGS/NOTES/CONDITIONS BUILDING DEPARTMENT PLANNING DEPARTMENT FIRE MARSHAL PUBLIC HEALTH MASON COUNTY COMMUNITY SERVICES Permit No: 21-G I PERMIT ASSISTANCE CENTER: t f •BUILDING •PLANNING •FIRE MARSHAL V 615 W. Alder St- Shelton, WA 98584 DEC , www.co.mason.wa.us 61$ 202, Phone Shelton:(360)427-9670 ext. 352• Fax:(360)427-7798 �/ Phone Belfair:(360)275-4467• Phone E/ma:(360)482-5269 Al der Stre PLUMBING & MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION t OWNER INFORMATION: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: NAME: 41114y ( pti Cc.C-Z' NAME: VI-its- /'AZ"es MAILING ADDRESS: 60b E r /�j�, MAILING ADDRESS: 1130 la Znd .e CITY: TATE: ZIP: cjts j CITY: STATE: 1,��A ZIP:—� 3 I" PHONE: (a 02 -3y0!2 7-Z,(.ge I PHONE!L5 3, �'������ L: 2°d PHONE: EMAIL : X 2� EMAIL:_ &a o 6 a0 a' L&I REG # EXP. PARCEL INFORMATION: p PARCEL NUMBER (12 Digit Number): Z�237�9y ��� Zoning: J1 a LEGAL DESCRIPTION (Abbreviated): Lo IJ S d SITE ADDRESS: Pro, CITY: DIRECTIONS TO SITE ADDRESS: TYPE, OE JOB: NEW ADD=ALT=REPAIR=OTHER USE OF BUILDING LOCATIO OF FIXTURES/UNITS— IST FLOOE�—=2�D FLOOR�BASEMENT E=GARAGE=OTHER PLUMBING FIXTURES(SHOW NUMBER OV EACH) MECHANICAL UNITS N as� Type of Fixture No. of Fixtures Fees Fuel Type:Electric LPGOatural GDuctless= Toilets Type of Unit No.of Units Fees Bathroom Sink Furnace 1 Bath Tubs Heat Pump L— Showers Spot Vent Fan Water Heater Propane Tank Clothes Washer { Gas Outlets Kitchen Sinks Wood/Gas/Pellet Stove Dishwasher Kitchen Exhaust Hood Hose bibs 1. Dryer Vent Other Solar Panel Other Base Fee Base Fee TOTAL PLUMBING TOTAL MECHANICAL OWNER acknowledge submission of inaccurate information may result in a stop work order or permit revocation.Acknowledgement of such is by signature below. I declare that I am the owner, owners legal representative, or contractor. I further declare that I am entitled to receive this permit and to do the work as proposed. I have obtained permission from all the necessary parties, including any easement holder or parties of interest regarding this project.The owner or authorized agent represents that the information provided is accurate and grants employees of Mason County access to the above described property and structure(s)for review and inspection. This permit/application becomes null&void if work or authorized construction is not commenced within 180 days or if construction work is suspended for a period of 180 days. PROOF OF CONTIN R O"WJS PERMIT IS BY MEANS OF INSPECTION.INACTIVITY OF THIS PERMIT APPLICATION OF 180 DAYS WILL IN I ATE THE AP x / 2- Z- 2) Z) ttgnisfure o O er Date DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW APPROVED DATE DENIED DATE TAGS/NOTES/CONDITIONS BUILDING DEPARTMENT PLANNING DEPARTMENT FIRE MARSHAL Rev: 112712016 JBN f ,�a qCZ c s ccoff" R 2s F7 C. /f l •r rl RE IOFi ;O ,a or ; DEC 10 2021 p�yyyE R POLE 615 W. Alder Street *FT : f nN lA _. _. I 0 1 I I I r 0 WOW a1-- L")17?6 EH tbacks A.) Drainfield/Reserve requiroCLO'setback from footing/foundations 1 t C B.)Septic tank(s)requires 51rack from all footing/foundations + + C.)No foundation/Perimeter grains within 30ft,downgradient of Reserve located in Drainfield/Reserve area between existing -y D.)No Cut Bank(s)(greater than 511 and over 45 degrees)within trenches(9ft OC tz,, Vt 50ft,down gradient of Drainfield/Reserve area verified by Thad Bamford '�. 4 _ i � �' EH APPROVED Rhonda Thompson 01/24.2022 1 ICY %-' r ems: } ry f (¢I r t4 sx � 43 r ,-774, a` -rom Mason OV*MMS 'frl%d f,0111},'aae)i1 Cf)uftty DIAb — Name I01 Q 0— Parcel# 22) �315�0�C( �J BLD# Mason County Department of Community Development Small Parcel Stormwater Management Application/Worksheet (page 1 of 2) Per Mason County Code,Title 14, Chapter 14.48 a stormwater site plan is required whenever a building application is made for residential development,or redevelopment',with more than 2,000 square feet of impervious surface 2. 'Redevelopment means,on an already developed site,the creation or addition of impervious surfaces,structural development including construction, installation or expansion of a building or other structure,and/or replacement of impervious surface that is not part of a routine maintenance activity,and land disturbing activities associated with structural or impervious redevelopment. ZCommon impervious surfaces include,but are not limited to,rooftops,walkways,patios,driveways,parking lots or storage areas, concrete or asphalt paving,gravel roads,packed earthen materials,and oiled,macadam or other surfaces which similarly impede the natural infiltration of stornwater.Open,uncovered retention/detention facilities shall not be considered as impervious surfaces. To Calculate Impervious Surfaces Please Complete This Table Surface Type Length X Width = Area All dimensions in feet Buildings r� X X = Measurements for buildings are taken at the X _ perimeter of the farthest projections(example: eaves/gutters) X = Driveways X X = Length of drive begins at the right of way X = Parking Areas X X = Any paved. gravel or packed area per definition above table X = Patios/Walks X X = Any paved. gravel or packed area per definition above table X = Others X = X = If the total impervious area of the proposed site X = development is greater than 2000 square feet a Small Parcel Stormwater Site Plan is Required Total Impervious Surface Area (sum of all areas) If the Total Impervious Surface Area is LESS THAN 2000 Square Feet, please read,acknowledge and sign below. Based Upon the information you have provided a Stormwater Site Plan IS NOT required for this development activity. Owner/Builder/Agent Acknowledges that submission of inaccurate information may result in a stop work order or permit revocation. Acknowledgement of such is by signature below. I declare that I am the owner,owner's legal representative,or the contractor. I further acknowledge that the information provided is accurate and employees of Mason County are granted access to the above- describ roperty view and inspection as may be required. Owner/Agent/Contractor(circle one)Date: If the otal Impe face A ea is REATER THAN 2000 Square Feet, ?%V m&ge and sign the information provided on page 2 o 2. I �� tom_VV Page 1 of 2 DEC 10 2021 W. Alder ee Name Parcel# BLD# Mason County Department of Community Development Small Parcel Stormwater Management Ahplication/Worksheet (page 2 of 2) Based Upon the information you have provided a Storntivater Site Plan IS Required for this development activity. Title 14,Chapter 14.48 of the Mason County Code(MCC)regulates compliance requirements for Stormwater Management in this jurisdiction. A complete copy of the ordinance can be found on the Mason County website: httpHwww.co.mason.wa—us/code/commissioners/index.htm Please follow the links to "Title 14,Chapter 14.48 Stormwater Management". Regulated activities shall be conducted only after Mason County Public Works approves a stormwater site plan (Mason County Code Title 14 Chapter 14.48 section 14.48.70). You will receive a copy of the Public Works document entitled "Managing Storm Drainage on Small Lots,The Small Parcel Stormwater Site Plan". This document will assist you in preparing the necessary information and plans for Public Works to review and approve. Per Department of Public Works this document will constitute an approved plan if all of the relevant details* are to be installed in their entirety AND no part of the stormwater system adversely affects any septic system(see Environmental Health information below). If an alternative system is to be used a plan will need to be submitted to Public Works for approval. A design by a registered professional may be required for more complex sites. *These details are found in the document Managing Storm Drainage on Small Lots, The Small Parcel Stormwater Site Plan on the pages that begin with"Handout" PLEASE INITIAL BELOW TO INDICATE THE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR THIS SITE A)Y The relevant details from Managing Storm Drainage on Small Lots, The Small Parcel Stormwater Site Plan will be installed in their entirety AND the system will be located as not to adversely affect any septic systems on this,or any other,parcel. B) An alternative plan and/or professional design will be submitted to the Department of Public Works for approval AND the system will be located as not to adversely affect any septic systems on this,or any other,parcel. If you have further questions pertaining to parcel drainage and stormwater management Mason County's Public Works Department can provide additional instructions, guidance and examples. (Section 14.48.130)contact Public works at: Phone: (360)-427-9670 EXT. 450 Mail: P 0 Box 1850, Shelton WA 98584 Physical: 415 N 6th St, Shelton WA 98584 If this development has,or will have,a septic/drainfield system you may need to contact Mason County Division of Environmental Health to ensure that the stormwater system will not adversely affect the septic system of this,or any other,parcel.You may also wish to consult with the septic design professional involved with the project. Mason County Division of Environmental Health can be reached at: Phone: (360)-427-9670 EXT. 352 Mail: P 0 Box 1666, Shelton WA 98584 Physical: 426 W Cedar St, Shelton WA 98584 A condition will be added to the building permit that states, in part,that all conditions the stormwater site plan will be met prior to a request for final inspection of the building permit. Owner/Builder/Agent Acknowledges that submission of inaccurate information may result in a stop work order or permit revocation. Acknowledgement of such is by signature below. I declare that I am the owner,owner's legal representative,or the contractor. I further acknowled a that the information provided is accurate and employees of Mason County are granted access to the above- describ roperty fo r vie spection as may be required. Owner/Agent/Contractor(circle one)Date: Page 2 of 2 WSU Code Compliance Calculator,WSEC 2018 Project Information Messages/Results Medium SFR 6 Credds Review required for custom entries:-Doors-Vertical Glazing-Wall(above grade)-Floors Proposed UA is better than baseline by 12% On UA-reduction meets selected Option 1.3 MANDY BOGACZ Vertical glazing area exceeds 15%of floor area. 800 E APRIL AVE,GRAPEVIEW,WA 98546 What code compliance pathway are you using? Total UA Alternative,Whole Buildin2 Trade Off Anal sis Project Building Type? New Construction Occupancy Type? R3 Single family homes and duplexes Code Version? WSEC 2018 A DEC 10 2021 Classification: Medium Dwelling Unit--2686 sq.ft. Baseline Description: Code Baseline-Maximum baseline window area is 15%of floor area. 615 W. Alder About Your Selection: No exempt window or door areasStreet RESULTS-Comparison of Baseline and Proposed Design Component Performance R occupancies Baseline Proposed Design U Area UA U Area UA Doors U- 0.300 56 16.7 0.200 56 11.1 Overhead Glazing U a 0.500 0 00 0 0.0 Vertical Glazing U- 0.300 403 1209 0.244 405 98.7 Flat/Vaulted Ceilings U a 0.027 1,498 404 0.027 1,498 40.4 Wall(above grade) U= 0.056 2,165 121 2 0.050 2,165 108.3 Floors over Crawlspace U= 0 029 1,498 434 0,029 1.498 43.4 Slab on Grade F= 0.540 0 0 Below Grade Wall U= 0.042 0 00 0 0.0 Below Grade Slab F=1 0,570 1 01 0.0 1 1 01 0.0 Baseline UA Total 3427 Proposed UA Total 302.0 Required Credits 6.0 Proposed Credits 6.0 from Tables 406.2 and 406.3 UA Percent Reduction 12% Difference 40.7 Table R406.2 Fuel Normalization Credits Fuel Normalization System No. Full Description Select S stem Type Credits Energy Credits Total Credits For an initial heating system using a heat pump that meets federal standards for the equipment listed in Table C403.3.2(1)C or C403.3.2(2) OR Air to water heat pump units that are configured to provide both heating and cooling and are rated in accordance with AHRI 550/590. Heat 2 pump with electric resistance or fossil-fuel supplemental heat requires compliance with WSEC Heat Pump,air-to-air or air to water 1 0 5 0 6 0 403.1 2"Heat Pump Supplementary Heat".Packaged Terminal Heat Pumps(PTAC-HP) requires an HSPF tested value(See SEC Interpretation dated December 2020). Table R406.3 Energy Credits Energy Option No. Category Select Options Credits Brief Description of Selected Options* 1 Efficient Building Envelope Option 1.3 0.5 U 0.28 Windows/R-38 floors or R-10 Fully insulated slab Or 5% reduction in UA 2 Air Leakage Control and Efficient Ventilation Option 2.1 0.5 3.0 ACH50/High efficiency fans/For R-2,0.3 cm per ft2 at 50 Pa I High efficiency fans 3 High Efficiency HVAC Option 3.5 1.5 Heat Pump: Air Source with min HSPF of 11 4 High Efficiency HVAC Distribution System Option 4.1 0.5 Ducts deeply buried in unconditioned attic I Duct leakage-3 cfm/100 sf of floor area 5.1 Efficient Water Heating Not Selected 00 - 5.2-5.6 Efficient Water Heating Option 6.5 20 NEEA Tier 3 heat pump water heater 6 Renewable Electric Energy kWh Not Selected 00 7 Appliance Package Not Selected 00 Total Energy Credits 5.0 'Refer to WSEC 2018 Table R406.3 for complete option descriptions and requirements https:/Ihilinecorp-my.sharepointcom/personal/pwhitacre_hilinehomes_com/Documents/Preconstruction SHAROBLV IjED TO DO ENERGY N PRINT/1003-1801 Bogacz/2018 Energy Form OVER 1500.x1sm 1111812021 WSU Code Compliance Calculator,WSEC 2018 , Conditioned Floor Area,Proposed Design 2.686 Is,tt Classification Medium Dwelling Unit Notes 9'ceiling main floor 8 Ceiling upper floor Exterior Doors Plan Component Door Width Height ID Description Ref. U Qt. Feet "`" Feet Area UA ThermaAru Doors Custom 020 1 3 6 a 20 40 Refer to WSEC R402.1 Therma-tru Doors Custom 0.20 2 2 6 6 " 36 7 1 Refer to WSEC R402.1 0 00 0 00 01 0.0 0 00 0 0C Sum of Area and UA 56 11.1 Exterior Doors Area Weighted U 0.200 Overhead Glazing Plan Component Glazing Width H iclht ID Description Ref. U Ott. Feet Feet Area UA 0 0 0 0 0 Sum of Area and UA 01 0 Overhead Glazing Area Weighted U Vertical Glazing Schedule Rows to Show 14 Plan Component Glazing Width Hei ht ID Description Ref. U Qt. Feet Feet Area UA 1 Mil and 60610 SGD Custom 024 1 6 6 41 0 984 Refer to WSEC R402.1 2 Mil and FX Window Custom 0.22 1 7 1 7.0 1 54 Refer to WSEC R402.1 3 Mil and HS or SH Window Custom 025 3 6 6 108.0 27.00 Refer to WSEC R402.1 4 MII and HS or SH Window Custom 025 1 6 5 300 750 Refer to WSEC R402.1 5 Mil and HS or SH Window _ Custom 025 4 6 4 960 2400 Refer to WSEC R402.1 6 MII and FX Window Custom 022 1 1 6 4 24.0 5.28 Refer to WSEC R402.1 7 Mil and FX Window Custom 022 1 6 1 60 1 32 Refer to WSEC R402.1 8 Mil and HS or SH Window Custom 025 1 4 1 51 20.0 500 Refer to WSEC R402.1 9 MII and HIS or SH Window Custom 025 1 4 4 F, 18.0 4.50 Refer to WSEC R402.1 10 Mil and FX Window Custom 022 1 4 4 160 352 Refer to WSEC R402.1 11 Mil and HS or SH Window Custom 025 1 3 4 120 300 Refer to WSEC R402.1 12 MII and HS or SH Window Custom 025 1 3 3 90 225 Refer to WSEC R402.1 13 MII and FX Window Custom 022 1 3 1 1 3.0 0.66 1 Refer to WSEC R402.1 14 Mil and FX Window Custom 022 2 i 6 5 150 330 Refer to WSEC R402.1 Sum of Area and UA 405.0 98.7 Vertical Glazing Area Weighted U 0.244 FlaWaulted Ceilings Plan Component Attic ID Description Ref. U Area UA R49 blown Attic STD baffled 10-7 0.027 ?49 404 Sum of Area and UA 1,4981 40.4 IF Walls Above Grade Plan Component Wall ID Description Ref. U Net Area UA R-23 Cav 2 x 6 @ 16"oc Custom 0.050 2 165 108 •r, ., . Sum of Area and UA 2,165 108 Floor(over crawl or exterior) Plan I Component Floor r UA I I httpsa/hilinecorp-my sharepoint.com/personal/pwhitacre_hilinehomes_com/Documents/Preconstruction SHANIBt DOED TO DO ENERGY N PRINTI1003-1801 Bogacz/2018 Energy Form OVER 1500.x1sm 11/18/2021 WSU Code Compliance Calculator,WSEC 2018 ID Description Ref. I U Area R30 vented Joist 19.2oc Custom 0 029 1,498 43 Refer to WSEC R402.1 Sum of Area and UA 1,498 jjj 43 Slab on Grade less than 2 feet belowgrade) Plan Component Slab ID Description Ref. F Slab Perim FP Sum of Perimeter and FP1 01 0 Below Grade Walls and Slabs Plan Component Wall Wall Wall Slab Slab ID Description Ref. U Area UA F Slab Perim UA Sum of Area,Length and UAl 01 0.01 0 0 Show Heating System Sizing?Show Heating System Sizing-Proposed Design Try Out NEEA's SpecPro: Nearest Weather Station Grapeview Indoor Design Temperature 70 F Outdoor Design Temperature 30 F Design Temperature Difference(AT) 40 F Conditioned Floor Area 2,686 ft2 Conditioned Volume F 22.831 ft3 Leave blank to use default of a 5 tt ceiling height System Type Heat Pum Location of Ducts Conditioned Space Sum of UA 302 Envelope Heat Load F 12.078 Btu/Hour Sum of UA X AT Air Leakage Heat Load 9.863 Btu/Hour ((VolumeX 06)X AT)X 018)) Building Design Heat Load 21.941 Btu/Hour Art Leakage-Envelope Heat Loss Building and Duct Heat Load 21.941 Btu/Hour For ducts located in unconditioned space Sum of Building Heat Loss X 1 1 For ducts located in—dit,oned space or ductless Sum of Bund,ng Heat Loss X 1 Maximum Heat Equipment Output 27 427 Btu/Hour Building and Duct Heat Loss X 1 25 for heat pumps Building and Duct Heal Loss X 1 40 for all other systems https//hilinecorp-my sharepointcom/personal/pwhitacre_hilinehomes_com/Documents/Preconstruction SHAtitElffilli TO DO ENERGY N PRINT/1003-1801 Bogacz2018 Energy Form OVER 1500.xism 11/18/2021 mith. Residential Electric Water Heater An Moo"' D VOLTEX° HYBRID ELECTRIC RECEIVE HEAT PUMP WATER HEATER DEC 10 2021 The Voltex Hybrid Electric heat pump water heater from A. 0. Smith is the most 615 W. Alder Street cost effective energy-efficient option available for consumers who want to save money on their utility bills.Voltex can reduce water heating costs up to 71% and provide payback in 2-3 years.With annual savings of$437 or more, there is no better way to go green than Voltex. HOW DO THEY WORK? Absorb ambient heat from the surrounding air to heat water using a compressor and "Environmentally-Friendly" R134a refrigerant • Self-contained heat pump unit is integrated into the top of the tank • Multiple operating modes to maximize efficiency and performance SmNh QUALIFIES FOR MANY STATE AND LOCAL UTILITY REBATES - CHECK WWW.DSIREUSA.ORG INCREASED ENERGY EFFICIENCY DRY FIRE PROTECTION • Improved efficiency designed in,to Control system checks to ensure the ensure available hot water at the lowest tank is full of water during start up to possible cost. Up to a 3.24 Energy Factor prevent dry firing the heating elements (EF)Rating conserves energy and meets ELECTRONIC USER INTERFACE ENERGY STAR qualifications CHOICE OF OPERATING MODES • User-friendly electronic interface allows easy control of temperature setting, • Select from Efficiency, Hybrid, or Electric operating mode,and communicates modes to match heating requirements to diagnostics environmental conditions. • Easy to read temperature display(see • Hybrid mode automatically adjusts back)shows temperature in °F or°C between compressor and element, . Advanced diagnostics convey error depending upon heat requirements. messages for service purposes.The last • Vacation mode reduces operating costs four error messages are saved in the and provides freeze protection during control system memory. extended absence OTHER FEATURES BACKUP ELECTRIC ELEMENTS a Ideal for basements or garage • Long-lasting backup heating elements installations;the compressor transfers t.1 help heat water according to heat to the water while dehumidifying environmental conditions,demand,and and cooling the ambient air the chosen operating mode • Washable air filter is easily removed for COREGARDTm ANODE ROD routine cleaning r, • Our anode rods have a stainless steel TEN YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY core that extends the life of the anode For complete information,consult LISTED rod allowing superior tank protection far written warranty or go to hotwater.com longer than standard anode rods _ • 66 and 80 gallon models have dual sd CERTIFIED anodes for added protection. ©2015 A.0.Smith Corporation.All Rights Reserved Page 1 of 2 www.hotwater.com 1 800-527-1953 Toll-Free USA I A.0.Smith Corporation 1 500 Tennessee Waltz Parkway I Ashland City,TN 37015 AOSXE50004 Residential Electric mh1th. Water Heater Model Gallon Energy Factor by Mode 1st Hour Rating(Gal)By Mode Dimensions in Inches Approx. Number Capacity Shipping Warranty Term Efficiency Hybrid Electric Efficiency Hybrid Electric A B C D E Weight(Ibs) HPTU 50 50 3.61 3.24 0.93 44.4 76 57.3 63 22 40-5i8 3-314 40-112 196 10 HPTU 66 66 3.44 3.17 0.92 62.5 80 78.6 61 27 38 4 38 289 10 HPTU 80 80 3.27 3.06 0.92 76.3 95 90.1 69 27 46 4 46 307 10 Requires 30 amp breaker. Top T&P option not available. l Z�' ! v pub Y Z • EFFICIENCY m_ HYBRID MODE\ • EIECTRC • VACATION ELECTRONIC USER INTERFACE • User friendly,easy to read display. A • LEDs clearly indicate the current operating mode. • Easily select operating mode: B • Efficiency • Hybrid E • Electric • Vacation • Display communicates current status,mode and set point,and displays error messages when applicable. • Vacation mode programmable up to 99 days. EFFICIENCY MODE • Utilizes the heat pump for all water heating. • Automatically reverts to heating element if ambient air or water temperatures are outside optimal operating range for heat pump. OTHER FEATURES: • Sacrificial anode to protect against tank corrosion. HYBRID MODE • Utilizes the heat pump or heating element,depending on demand. • Environmentally-friendly non-CFC foam insulation. • Durable,enhanced-flow brass drain valve. ELECTRIC MODE • CSA certified and ASME rated temperature &pressure relief valve. • Standard electric water heater operation. OPERATING REQUIREMENTS: VACATION MODE • Requires provision for condensate draining; if a suitable drain is • One touch operation maintains tank temperature of 60°F not available,a condensate pump is required. 0 5.6°C)during vacation or extended absence to reduce operating costs and provide freeze protection. • 208/240 VAC 60Hz single phase 30 amp power supply. • Programmable up to 99 days. For • • :11Corporation • make product changesor • • - Page 2 of 2 www.hotwater.com 1 800-527-1953 Toll-Free USA AOSXE50004 Do RECEIVED www.ahridirectory.orgDEC 10 2021 Certificate of Product Rating!§15 W. Alder Street AHRI Certified Reference Number:201921879 Date:06-16-2021 Model Status:Active AHRI Type:HRCU-A-CB(Split System:Heat Pump with Remote Outdoor Unit-Air-Source) Series:XV19 Outdoor Unit Brand Name:TRANE Outdoor Unit Model Number (Condenser or Single Package):4TWL9036A1 Indoor Unit Model Number(Evaporator and/or Air Handier):TEM8AOC36V31+TDR The manufacturer of this TRANE product is responsible for the rating of this system combination. Rated as follows in accordance with the latest edition of AHRI 210/240 with Addendum 1, Performance Rating of Unitary Air-Conditioning&Air-Source Heat Pump Equipment and subject to rating accuracy by AHRI-sponsored,independent,third party testing: Cooling Capacity(A2)-Single or High Stage(95F),btuh:36000 SEER: 17.00 EER(A2)-Single or High Stage(9517): 12.00 Heating Capacity(H12)-Single or High Stage(47F):33600 HSPF(Region IV): 11.00 t"Active"Model Status are those that an AHRI Certification Program Participant is currently producing AND selling or offering for sale;OR new models that are being marketed but are not yet being produced."Production Stopped"Model Status are those that an AHRI Certification Program Participant is no longer producing BUT is still selling or offering for sale. Ratings that are for by WAS indicate an involuntary re-rate. The new published rating is shown alono with the previous(i.e.WAS)rating. DISCLAIMER AHRI does not endorse the product(s)listed on this Certificate and makes no representations,warranties or guarantees as to.and assumes no responsibility for, the product(s)listed on this Certificate.AHRI expressly disclaims all liability for damages of any kind arising out of the use or performance of the product(s),or the unauthorized alteration of data listed on this Certificate.Certified ratings are valid only for models and configurations listed in the directory at www.ahridirectory.org. TERMS AND CONDITIONS on This Certificate and its contents are proprietary products of AHRI.This Certificate shall only be used for individual,personal and confidential reference purposes.The contents of this Certificate may not,in whole or in part,be reproduced;copied;disseminated; ENN entered into a computer database;or otherwise utilized,in any form or manner or by any means,except for the user's individual. personal and confidential reference. AIR-CONDITIONING.HEATING, CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION &REFRIGERATION INSTITUTE The information for the model cited on this certificate can be verified at www.ahridirectory.org,click on'Verify Certificate"link we make life better" and enter the AHRI Certified Reference Number and the date on which the certificate was issued, which is listed above,and the Certificate No.,which is listed at bottom right. ©2021 Air-Conditioning, Heating,and Refrigeration Institute CERTIFICATE NO.: t32683503109230720