HomeMy WebLinkAboutSWG2023-00423 - SWG As-Built - 4/9/2024 Mason County OSS Installation Report pg. 1 MASON COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH APPLICANT/ PERMIT INFORMATION Permit Number SwG 2023-00423 Parcel# 22233-51-00046 Applicant Name Timothy Thaden Subdivision(Name/oiv/Block/Lot) Applicant Address 90 E.Old Ranch Rd. City, State, Zip Allyn we 96524 installer Name Arrow Excavation Site Address 4940 Mason Lake Dr.VV. Designer Name Bob Paysse INSTALLATION CHECKLIST ❑Full System Instellaaon Tanks)Onty ❑Dreinfeld only 13 Repairr. Pretreatmentoth ent Type❑ System Type >5 ft.from foundation? -------------------------- - 13❑wA �YEs ❑❑No >50 ft,from wells? --------------- ------------- - ® ❑ Y >50ft.from surface wateR - - ---- - - -- - -------- ----- _ ❑ ® ❑ Z FCleanout between building and tank? ---------- ❑ ■ ❑ t7 Tank baffles present? ---- - ------ -- - --- ---- ❑ 1 24'access clears over each compartment? . fW Effluent filter installed?----- --- ------- -----"---- - ❑ ❑ Heggerman Septic tank capacity(working) 1500 del Manufacturer O D•box water level and speed levelers used? ----- -- ®NIA ❑ YES ❑ NO Js-r ❑ Cl OLL Manifoldalves installed? accessible from--- - - -- --- --_-- - ❑ ❑ M= Check valves Installad7 - - --- - - - Q Schedule/Cta" Transport Line Size -- 3 4 ❑ 5 ❑6 ❑Commercial/Other Bedrooms installed(check one) ❑ ❑ ----- ------- ® NIA YES ❑ NO 2 >10 ft.from foundation? � ❑ ❑ >100 R from wells?- - -------- - --------------- - --------- -- ❑ ❑ J >100 fL from surface water?------ ------ ❑ ❑ W >10fL from Potable water lines?-- - - --- `-"---- ® ❑ ❑ Za >5 ft.from property lines and easements?----- --`- ❑ El1' 130 it.from downgredient curtain/foundation drain?-------- -- ❑ ❑ Dainfield level and observation parts present -------- ❑ Gravelass chambers or ❑ Clean gravel used?-(check one) ❑ ❑ Proper cover installed over drainfield?--------- WA ® YES ❑ NO Fpump k setbacks consistent with aePtic tank?----------'-- ❑ Haooerman 1500 oat Manufacturer O nk capacity(flood) ❑ ss Rser(s)and accessible from surface?--_-=i=_-__- : ❑ ® ❑Control Panel Installed? ----------anel equipped wNh Timer/ETM/Counter•--- ------'stalled in ® Bucket or ❑ On Block or Other Floats or ❑Transducer ake/Model Little Giant(solids) ft INmin Pump capacity go Squirt Height Tank draw down Daily flow set at gpd Pump on 5me Pump off 0re wa.�smrp,. Mason County OSS Installation Report pg. 2 Parezl# 22233-51-00046 ABANDONMENT RECORD O YES ❑ NO Were existing septic components abandoned as part of this project? ------ If yes, please describe'. - ® YES ❑ NO Were all ocmponents pumped out and properly abandoned per WAC24B-272A-0300? - -- ---- RECORD DRAWING Thin N.wrmenem racers and muu on-c 1.•na d—IPrne enough W m4o=m In he need er mule eNaYw aedtlruh,�w m=n W.�1 wars "go".—in: D"'Yed Aman'roid Wemetlon&Yyea aesed" mPrent kcatlan.NOM envx,MaM tlninAaM,sought,en PrdWw —11,oho.nnenn none,Wn_h..M ueer mfvbnenwewss points. Inwnpbre Remrd Dmrnpa may Male eddM.nW dWY.In nral IIssues,ggIu0V aM Mer•d pe^'We, Record Drawing Attached CERTIFICATION OF INSTALLATION rINSTALLER DESIGNER/ENGINEER y that I installed the system in accordance with I certify that the system has been installed in accor- ptic design stamped"APPROVED"by Mason dance with the septic design stamped"APPROVED'byy Public Health and that any deviations shown Mason County Public Health and that any deviationsave been cleared/approved 6y both the designer shown here have been clearad/approved by bothason County Pu61ic Health and meet all State mysel/and Meson County Public Health and meet allason County Codes. State and Mason County Codes I further certify that all information contained on this i further certify that all information contained on this form and attach of Record D 1 v 91s e1qaffate form and attached Record DMwing is accurate. v t nature oflasfaller ate John Gilliand e; FP,ktad Name of Signee N COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH 1\7 en.e:Tp ...e ntlersigned approves this Installation Report antl - -rd Drawing on behalfof Mason County Publich: � ���r9 I LLA st re nviranmenI 1 Health Specfalisf Defe (stamp, signature and date) 018 THIS FORM MAY BE SCANNED AND AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC VIEW ON THE MASON COUNTY WEB SRE Opdelb galn 1 FDKAU NG ! VE) --__ r COUNTYDS. . -- �-, ! - / - R100' kPPROVEDP092024�lyy COON ENVIRONMENTALHEALTH f RET/ EXISTINGWELL(5) -r -- R100' / I I ° ° III It / I tR100� O EX15llNG / TRAN5PORTLINE T\ l \-, NEW SEPTIC TANK �"� _ / $ PUMPTANK / - REPLACEMENT / HOME / j SOLIDS HANDLING PUMP BASIN (500 GAL) MASON LAKE ` APPROX. EDGE OF LAKE \ RECORD DRAWING CUSTOMER: 1IMOT14YTHADEN PIONEER DIGGING, INC PAP cEL t 2m3-5w0096 .A[7DREE4 4940E MASON LK DR W SEPIC k3 E�AfFAK1X-.WBUh4GtruNRD3D, GKAPSA'EW.NA yN590 DE9GNER: OBERT K PAYE FAt IEET ASBW.T SCALE P=30