HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024/04/29 - Briefing Packet MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONER BRIEFING INFORMATION FOR THE WEEK OF April 29, 2024 In the spirit of public information and inclusion, the attached is a draft of information for Commissioner consideration and discussion at the above briefing. This information is subject to change, additions and/or deletion, and is not all inclusive of what will be presented to the Commissioners. Please see draft briefing agenda for schedule. CoU���� . 1854 Commission meetings are live streamed at http://www.masonwebtv.com/ and public comment is accepted via email msmith@masoncountywa.gov; mail to Commissioners Office, 411 N 5th Street, Shelton, WA 98584; or phone at (360) 427-9670 ext. 419. If you need to listen to the Commission meeting via telephone, please provide your telephone number to the Commissioners’ office no later than 4 :00 p.m. the Friday before the meeting. If special accommodations are needed, contact the Commissioners' office at Shelton (360) 427-9670 ext. 419 Briefing Agendas are subject to change, please contact the Commissioners’ office for the most recent version. Last printed 04/25/24 at 12:54 PM BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DRAFT BRIEFING MEETING AGENDA 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton WA 98584 Week of April 29, 2024 Monday Noon WA State Association of Counties Zoom Meeting* Virtual Assembly *This is being noticed as a Special Commission meeting because a quorum of the Mason County Commission may attend this event and notification is provided per Mason County Code Chapter 2.88.020 - Special Meetings. Monday, April 29, 2024 Zoom link available on the Mason County website Commission Chambers Times are subject to change, depending on the amount of business presented 9:00 A.M. Closed Session – RCW 42.30.140(4) Labor Discussion 10:00 A.M. Auditor – Steve Duenkel 10:05 A.M. Community Development – Kell Rowen 10:10 A.M. Public Health – David Windom 10:15 A.M. Public Works – Loretta Swanson Utilities & Waste Management 10:25 A.M. Support Services – Mark Neary Commissioner Discussion – as needed C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Steve Duenkel Ext.468 Department: Auditor's Office Briefing: ❑X Action Agenda: ❑ Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): April 29,2024 Agenda Date: Click or tap here to enter text. Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Risk (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item: Mason County Local Voters' Pamphlet Administrative Rules for Candidates Background/Executive Summary: RCW 29A.32.230 requires the county auditor to adopt and publish the administrative rules for the local voters' pamphlet and submit a copy to the county legislative authority. Budget Impact(amount, funding source,budget amendment): N/A Public Outreach (news release,community meeting, etc.): Updated administrative rules will be posted on the Auditor's Elections web page and coordinated with participating jurisdictions. Requested Action: N/A Attachments Mason County Local Voters' Pamphlet Administrative Rules for Candidates adopted April 17,2024 Mason County Local Voters" Pamphlet Administrative Rules for Candidates (not for PCO candidates) Mason County Elections 1 I Mason County Elections 411 N 51h St PO Box 400 Shelton, WA 98584 (360) 427-9670 ext. 470 Fax (360) 427-7768 cimuui ib (�masoncountywa.gov www.masoncountywaelections.gov Adopted April 17 , 2024 Page 1 5 Purpose The purpose of these Administrative Rules is to establish the requirements for candidates on the ballot for inclusion in the Mason County Official Local Voters' Pamphlet. Inclusion in the Local Voters' Pamphlet(RCW 29A.32.220) All districts with a race or measure on the ballot in an election shall be included in the local voters' pamphlet unless exempted by the Board of County Commissioners. Submissions from federal, state and judicial candidates will not be published in the local voters' pamphlet, except Mason County District Court judge candidates. Precinct committee officer candidates are not eligible for inclusion in the pamphlet. General Provisions Each candidate may submit a biography, a statement, a photo and contact information. • The biography and statement should be carefully prepared, edited and spell checked before submission • Use of public office or agency facilities for campaign purposes is prohibited; this includes but not limited to stationery,postage,machines and equipment, office or agency during work hours, vehicles, office space (RCW 42.17A.555) • The Auditors office will use Microsoft Word to verify word counts • No changes will be allowed after submission • The same biography, statement,photo and contact information will be used for both the Primary and General Election pamphlets • Candidates filing for an office that spans multiple counties must file in the lead county, which is the county with the largest number of registered voters. • Mason County will publish submissions for the Elma and McCleary School Districts as approved by the Grays Harbor County Auditor. The candidate biography, statement, photo and information must be received no later than S:OOpm the second Tuesday following the last day of the candidate filing period. We recommend that candidates contact the Elections Department to ensure that their voters' pamphlet material is received prior to the deadline. After the submission deadline, a candidate may not withdraw material submitted for the voters' pamphlet. Biography and Statement Format and Information • Only text is permitted and it must be submitted electronically(.doc, .doex or .txt format) via online candidate portal, USB drive or email. A document in .pdf format will not be accepted. • Bolding and ALL CAPS formatting must be limited to no more than ten percent of the word limit • Tables, lists,bullets, graphs, charts, cartoons, or caricatures are not allowed. The Auditor's Office, Elections Department reserves the right to edit the formatting,but will not correct errors in spelling, grammar or punctuation. If a biography or statement exceeds the word limit,the Elections Department will contact the candidate by phone or email giving the opportunity to amend the biography and/or statement to meet the word limit. If there is no Adopted April 17 , 2024 Page 215 response or amendment received within two business days of notification, the text at the end of the biography and/or statement will be deleted until the word limit is met. It is the candidate's responsibility to verify that their biography, statement,photo and contact information are complete, correct and meet the requirements before submitting it. Biography Biography information shall not exceed 100 words and shall be organized in accordance with the four subsection headings: • Elected Experience • Other Professional Experience • Education • Community Service Subsection headings are not included in the word count. If a candidate does not submit information for a subsection heading, "No information submitted"will appear in the subsection space. A biography received that is not written out into the subsections, will be printed entirely under the `Other Professional Experience' heading. Statement The candidate's statement shall not exceed 200 words and should only address campaign issues, plans, and ideas of the candidate. If a candidate does not submit a statement, "No statement submitted"will appear in the space. Photo One photograph of the candidate may be printed. The Auditor's Office, Elections Department has discretion to crop and/or adjust a photo or to accept an updated photo prior to the deadline. Photos must meet the criteria outlined below: • A color(recommended) or black/white photo • Must be high resolution(recommend minimum of 600x600 pixels) in digital format (.jpeg or .tif) • A head and shoulders portrait only—Cannot be an informal candid photo, cartoon, caricature of any other image that does not accurately portray the candidate or be a group photo • Must have been taken within 5 years • No uniforms,judicial robe, or anything suggesting candidate held public office • Hats (other than religious head coverings) are prohibited • Background cannot have scenery, flags or other identifiable background images. A plain, light-colored background is recommended • Photos shall be submitted(in a separate file,not part of the statement or biography) electronically via the Candidate Filing Portal, USB drive or by email If a candidate does not submit a photo or the photo is rejected, "No photo submitted"will appear in the appropriate space. Contact Information The candidate's campaign name,phone number, email address, website and address may be Adopted April 17 , 20 gage 315 published in the local voters' pamphlet. If the candidate does not submit campaign information, the information on their Declaration of Candidacy Form or profile will be used as the contact information in the local voters' pamphlet. Contact information is not included in the 100-word biography or the 200-word statement word limits. Per RCW 42.17A.555 if a candidate works in a public office or agency, they shall not use a phone number, work address or email address for campaign information or contact information. Public Inspection of Statements (RCW 29A.32.100) Candidate statements submitted for publication in the local voters' pamphlet shall not be available for release to the public until all statements pertaining to the race have been received or the deadline for submissions has passed. Requests for public inspection of candidate statements shall be made in the same manner as requests for public records. Candidate Submission Content Responsibility The contents of the candidate's biography, statement, photo and contact information are the sole responsibility of the author and does not represent the position of the Auditor or Mason County regarding any material contained therein; neither the Auditor nor Mason County is responsible for the validity or accuracy of the submission. Submissions should be edited and prepared carefully. Spelling, grammar and punctuation errors will not be corrected. Statement content will be printed exactly as received, so long as it complies with content, format, and word limit specifications Content Rejection (RCW 29A.32.230) The Mason County Auditor reserves the right to reject any submission to the local voters' pamphlet. Submissions for publication may be rejected if: • It is obscene, libelous or otherwise inappropriate • Contains a commercial advertisement • Contains matter prohibited by law from distribution through the mail • Contains matter not limited to candidate themselves • Contains matter that is otherwise not germane to the candidate's qualifications nor to the office that is the subject of election • Contains matter that is otherwise inappropriate or does not comply with applicable law • Does not comply with formatting and other rules herein • Is received after the submission deadline • Use of a title, rank, symbol in conjunction with name, including,but not limited to, Mr., Mrs. Dr., Lieutenant, Sargent, General, Captain, except as may be provided by law (WAC 434-215-050) If any material is rejected by the Mason County Auditor, a notice of rejection shall be sent to the submitter by email within five business days after receipt thereof and shall explain the specific grounds for rejection. The submitter will have until 4:00pm the next business day after the notice is sent to submit an amended statement or information. The Auditor shall review the resubmitted material and will either accept or reject it and will inform the submitter of the decision within one business day. Adopted April 17 , 2024 Page 4 Appeal Process The submitter may appeal the decision to reject the resubmitted material to the Mason County Prosecuting Attorney,by 4:00pm the next business day after rejection was sent and shall explain the specific grounds for appeal. The Prosecuting Attorney shall issue a written decision granting or denying the appeal by email no more than five business days after receiving the notice of appeal. The decision of the Prosecuting Attorney to grant or deny an appeal shall be final. If the material submitted is rejected,the local voters' pamphlet will be printed without the rejected material and will include a notice that the material was rejected. Auditor is a Candidate If the County Auditor is a candidate for any office included in the pamphlet,the Auditor will recuse themselves from any involvement in review of statements for that office. The Election Administrator will review the materials and approve or reject them under the terms of these rules without any involvement by the Auditor. Administrative Rules Adopted this 17" day of April 2024. (RCW 29A.32.230) Steve Duenkel, Mason County Auditor Adopted April 17 , 2024 Page 515 9. soN co�� Mason County Community Development Briefing April 29, 2024 Briefing Items Rezone request for parcel 42024-34-90049—Kell Rowen C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Kell Rowen Ext.286 Department Community Development: Briefing: ❑X Action Agenda: ❑X Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): April 22&29,2024 Agenda Date: May 7,2024 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Other (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item• Rezone of Parcel 42024-34-90049 Background/Executive Summary: The applicant/property owner has requested to rezone portions of the subject parcel to match a subsequent boundary line adjustment(BLA)and future proposed use.BLA is expected to be approved prior to the public hearing,therefore,the draft Ordinance will be amended to include the new parcel numbers. The PAC,at their April 2024 meeting,recommended(unanimously)that the BOCC approve the request to rezone. Budget Impact(amount, funding source,budget amendment): N/A Public Outreach (news release,community meeting, etc.): All property owners within 300 feet of the subject parcel were notified by mail, on March 29,2024 informing them of the proposal to rezone the properties. In addition,Public Notice of the PAC public hearing was published in the Mason Shelton Journal on April 4 and April 11,2024. The first Public Notice was posted onsite on March 29,2024. This meeting of the BOCC to brief was advertised on the home page of the Mason County website and subsequent requests for action will also be advertised on the home page under the corresponding agenda as well as the Mason Shelton Journal on May 9 and 16,2024. Requested Action: Place on the May 7,2024 agenda to set a public hearing for June 4,2024 to consider the rezone of the west (1.36 acres)and east(0.96 acres)portions of parcel 42024-34-90049 to match future use(residential on the west and commercial on the east). The middle portion of the parcel's zoning will remain unchanged. Attachments Map with current and proposed zoning,proposed boundary line adjustment map with requested zoning NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Mason County Commissioners will hold a public hearing in Mason County Building I,Commission Chambers,411 North Fifth Street,Shelton, WA 98584 on June 4,2024 at 9:15 a.m. SAID HEARING will be to take public comment on ASCW Investments, LLC proposal to rezone two portions of one parcel in the Shelton Urban Growth Area (UGA) undergoing a Boundary Line Adjustment: Westerly 1.36 acres of parcel number 42024-34-90049 from Commercial Industrial (CI) to Low Intensity Mixed-Use (MU)AND Easterly 0.96 acres of parcel number 42024-34-90049 from Low Intensity Mixed-Use (MU)to Commercial Industrial (CI). SEPA DNS ISSUED 3.29.24 Public testimony will be available in-person or via Zooms. The URL is available on the County website hops://www.masoncogntywa.gov/ to sign into the meeting. Please use the "raise hand"feature to be recognized by the Chair to provide your testimony. You can also email testimony to msmith&masoncogpWya.gov or mail to the Commissioners' Office, 411 N 5th St, Shelton, WA 98584; or call(360)427-9670 ext. 230. If special accommodations are needed, please contact the Commissioners' office, (360) 427- 9670 ext. 419. DATED this 7th day of May, 2024. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON McKenzie Smith,Clerk of the Board Bill: Department of Community Development 615 W. Alder St. Shelton,WA 98584 Cc: Commissioners Shelton Journal: Publ. 2t: May 16&23,2024 I 39'2ti 59'E - DATE AP DIREC UNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT DEC NDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT RECORDED .;ND "OR'S FILE NO. 1`40TE SOUNDAPY Li MENT APPROVAL DOES NOT CONVEY TIRE. S6T26'50 E ' gS41 LINE TABLE: 273.57' 61.80' FOUND POWER OF _ LINE I A'C€� 'SECTION 24 3 f d' IRON PIPE Li NOC734'41"E 30.00' d, LEGEND n� {yLY; T2/96 1 L2 SO4'4T'08"E 40.87' 6 = SET 5/E" OWNER 2 S � nI L3 N85'48'53'E 50.00' AWN 42024-31-00470 "' O = FOUND aR= 3.10 ACRES +� L4 SO4'1i'07'E 50.02' a 02 s° CA L (P2<P6+P7 z k L5 S2o 57'35'E 10.00' n° 0 = FOUND OFFICE 6 a i L6 S43.05'i9°E 10.00' 0 = FOUND _ `+ 2 " L7 S43'02'37 E 10.00' 9 = CALCULI S£IV Y � T Sez L8 N2T1O'31'E 32.06' ��, POB = POINT Sff2fi'54"E 3T9.53'-- _ C1 L9 NBV29'05'E 10.47' APNI = MASON' to qs cc•' - qv L10 NOD'11'12'E 20.00' �. i(& L11 SO4'05'27'E 33.20' NAP = NOT RSo: = REC03 L12 S89'26'59'E 38.57' Shelton UGA - Low a� L13 i�29'21'S9"E :33.17' O.L. = OLD Shelton Ul3A L14 N2718'17'E 90.00' N.L. = NEW L Commercial Industrial CI Intensity Mixed Use (MU) , W = WELL ( � CURVE TABLE: CURVE DELTA RADIUS LENGTH 6S = FOUND ����" C, 2T26'40' 1MOO' 51.39' f C2 25'i8'54' 315.00' 139.18' C3 3T54'20' 85.00' 56,23' -.-_--- C4 24'23'38' 335.00' 142.53' t0 � zo 6_ CALCULATED C5 21'i7'22' 363.54' 135.08' C6 11*39'09' 739.09' 150.37' �l`.� C7 12'47'07" 765.74' 170.87' co "I oI CO 20'3T34' 788.51' 283.86' C G► Z! C9 1007'4-4' 778.51' 21S.15' C10 20'57'58` 125.00' 45.74' S�Y�F GA 25 CI i 0703'3f 175.00' 21.56' C12 Si'33'46` 175.CC' 35.32' C13 09'46'34' 120.OD' 20.48' $ AGATE LANTD SURVEYING, PLLC 2680 E. AGATE RD. -P.O. BOX 246 CqELTON, i& 99584- (360) 426-4172 LOVr-I s!dSogotelond.ccm 4TOLT JR. DRAMA'BY: I DATE SHEET I JOB AID. 5) VOLUME 3 OF SURVEYS, PAGE 235 31'JEF RFY J. ILNHERR MCC, LLC ! DEC. 2023 1 OF 3 4283 AUDITOR'S CERTIFICA T E < BOUNDARY MIE CDJUSTI.IE NT CHECEEO BY.• 1 SCA1 FIE NO, SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE �r.BEC- FOR so, jr. 1'=100' 4283-81-A.076 FILED FOR RECORD THIS DAY OF 2024 " THIS MAP CORRECTLY REPRESENTS A SUR'ltY 7/.ODE BY ME OR UNDER S'R6 4 1 ASCW INVESTl1,ENTS, LLC AT M. IN VOLUME OF SURIM AT PAGE NY DIRECTION IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE �� GEDORA ASSET MANEMENT CO. QUARTER SECTION INDEX SURVEY RECORDING ACT AT THE REQUEST 0,E ASCW INVESTMENTS LLC, T GEDORA BUSINESS CO. GEDORA ASSET MANAGEMENT CO. GEDORA BUSINESS CO. L / / I/THE / / / / / A7 THE REQUEST OF SIQNEY G. BECHTCLT JR. I r } NE 1/4 SW 1/4-, SE 1/4 SW 1/4; SW` 1/4 S4'1 1/4 NE 114 SV!114 SECTION TOWNSHIP RANGE IA NOLcGfBER, 2023. CCL'A'TY AUDITOR �'1`E LI P'\tN It1=y o &;s}6`� RANGE SECII01 WEST 24, T�59NLLnk1ETTE MERISHIP 20 DIAN; SE 1/4 SJ 1/4 L n� AUDITOR'S FILE NO. BY SONEY G. BECHTOLT JR.; P.ROFESSIO,NAL LAND SURI YOR NO. 28237 MASON COUNW, WASHINGTON Sit'i/4 Si9 1/4 24 20 NORTH 4 WEST, 'W 1 L2 SO4'41'00'E 40.87' L11 SO4'05'27°E . 33.20' 0 N85'48'531 50,00' L12 S89'26'59"E 38.57' .-- L4 S(4'71'07'L 50.02' 1.13 N29'21'59°E 53.17' DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SE I I DECLAR&TION OF 001.11 bi L5 S26'CiT35"C. 1QDD' L14 N22'98'17°E 90.00' N� SW SE L6 S43'0519"E 10.00' L15 S86'33'26"E 8B.94' w� � RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR'`_ U7 S43'02'37'E 10.00' L16 N81'40'41`E 31.5D' I NOTE BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTIAENT L8 N22'10'31'E 32,06' L17 N81'40'41°E 52.89' 1"_-100' L9 N8929'05"E 10:47' L18 S89'26'59'E 63.53' - - S89'26'58'E 407.87' S89'26'59'E 335.3T RS4-)N_ 86.91 50,35 ---. =— �)` 0' 50' f00' 1.00' 270.61' 273.57' G7.80' `� FOUND O CENTER OF SECTION 24 BONNEVILLE_PO ER i LEGEND I = EASEMENT 3/4" IRON PIPE !' O = SET 5/8' REBAR & YELLOW BEC14TOLT CAP LS NO. 28237 6.63!\C. C1 to cJ O = FOUND PREVIOUSLY SET 5/8" REBAR & YELLOW BECHTOLT JR. {J v 1 N i j? M, CAP LS NO. 28237 ( �} O = FOUND 1/2" IRON PIPE - SWIFT LS NO. 6U2 j LI NI O = FOUND 5/8' LENHERR REBAR & YELLOW PLASTIC CAP LS NU. 3!i9'// I 50.0' ROAD 5 UTILITYI'i Fv l t o I OFFICE l EASEMENT PER AFN 23977 z J lI w 03 = CALCULATED POSITION POB = POINT OF BEGINNING (PRIVATE) APN = MASON COUNTY TAX PARCEL NUh1DER O _ _—.yam-L14 LS89'2..:4"E 222.49' SB9'26'59"E 215.15p�Lc Sd9'2ti b9"F 227.73' 0 1_.._° L7 B NAP = NOT A PART C111C12 S82'�5 5 5�' /� RSA: = RECORD SURVEY R'0. 50.0' CASTAUI. ���1 m O.L Ta NATURAL GAS'_- � � l S77. o o /4 O.L. = OLD LINE FASEMENI 2`J'07 E Shelton UGA - Low °� N.L. = NEW LINT � Shelton UGA - �, � GARAGE � Y7 = WELL , Intensity K nixed Use (MU) Commercial Industrial (GI) \ w "DusE� v ®= FOUND MONUMENT AS NOTED \ M / •--- ---BON NEI9LLE POVlER o C�� I EASEMENT -" o_ n 3.08 AC, L77 A�I S89'2/'02�o"E I_' 173,8,7' o S89'27'0 " 53B.54' ` N S8 9' 02'E (' 0. O.L. 85. T 225.67' 127.50' 512.81 S B9'2T02"E _ w .64' 124. 4' 138.10'. ��' Pi �A 0 0'. a °tea CALCULATE wi wi w 01 SHORT PLAT NO. 3065;AFN 1956465 `S �ry6`Y / MI 1/16 P,vV• -') (NAP) 1X n 1.02 AC. I� 0.34 AC. ( - ` W.BERRY r1 ''I z oll 0 30.0' PRIVATE i- - =�I z EASEMENT` FOR INGRESS, L15 3 EGRESS & UTILITIES PER RS5) o? G o D. o 190 SS¢ \ ? F 1421g C2 G /R• I �� \ Gg� o/ FOUNRS4D y� Ai• CI L16 117 1�_ \ / 24 N"vRep F _ 1/ S. 1/4 CORNER OF Y A _ � / 1 SECTION 24 25 c�jFy7'o0/y ^�`c`, ,��" _- I 15 I 1/2" IPON PIPE —F'P _ ��� y6 F�k�� L3 1 DLV; 12/96 3.30 AC. / i cep_ _ _=cs AGATE m S89'25'19'E �L �� C7 %�\` �i 2680 E. AG Ct 116.36' -�_— 0-W _ . SHELTON, V W.SHELTON MATLOCK RD. sid6bgatefa (PUBLIC) - ISEE DETNL A p'm'c'cvN'LL8Cy POS`i-BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMFI-iT comrIOUI3A.TION l�I�t�l a�Ti{;'S CERTIFICATE SURVEYOR'S I CERTIFICATE T r�j r� BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT CHECKED BY. m.-__ �..s --- MASON COUNTY rTi Public Health & Human Services Briefing April 29, 2024 Briefing Items Shelton Family Center FY24 Emergency Housing Fund (EHF) Amendment—Dave Windom C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: David Windom Ext.260 Department: Public Health Briefing: ❑X Action Agenda: ❑X Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): April 29,2024 Agenda Date: May 7,2024 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Other (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item• Shelton Family Center FY24 Emergency Housing Fund(EHF)Amendment#1 Background/Executive Summary: The Emergency Housing Fund(EHF)grant contract cycle runs from July 1,2023,to June 30,2024. The funding does not roll over after June 30,2024. The funds were to continue at the same level or increase services from sunsetting fund. This amendment is to move funding in total of$65,000 from different budget categories,to add street outreach operation to increase individuals in Rapid Rehousing and Emergency Shelter and add additional scope of work. Budget Impact(amount,funding source,budget amendment): Budget of SFC EHF will stay the same. Public Outreach (news release,community meeting, etc.): None Requested Action: Approval of the Shelton Family Center FY24 Emergency Housing Fund(EHF)Amendment no. 1 to move $65,000 in funding to add street outreach operation to increase individuals in Rapid Rehousing and Emergency Shelter and add additional scope of work. Attachments Contract Contract Between Mason County and Shelton Family Center Professional Services Contract #SFC FY24. Emergency Housing Fund (MC Contract #23-062) Amendment# 1 The purpose of this amendment is to move funds $65,000 total from different budget categories, add in street outreach operations to increase individuals in Rapid Rehousing and Emergency Shelter, and additional scope of work. IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED THEREFORE: That the Original Contract is hereby amended as follows: 1. FUND SOURCE: Department of Commerce Emergency Housing Fund 2. AMENDMENT TERM: April 16, 2024 through June 30, 2024 3. TOTAL Budget Amendment: Category Current Amount Amended Amount Total New Budget Permanent Housing- $95,000 -$40,000 $55,000 Rent Permanent Housing- $45,000 $0 $45,000 Operations Offsite ES-Admin $13,410 $0 $13,410 Offsite ES-Facility $65,000 -$5,000 $60,000 Supports Offsite ES-Operations $70,000 -$20,000 $50,000 Street Outreach $0 $65,000 $65,000 Operations Total $288,410 $0 $288,410 4. EXHIBIT A—SCOPE OF SERVICE: • Addition of 4 full-time employees committed to outreach teams from April 16, 2024, until June 30, 2024 on a temporary basis. • Outreach teams will target high traffic areas frequented by young adults such as but not limited to parks, schools, libraries, and parking lots. • All street outreaches will help to increase access to Rapid Rehousing and Emergency Shelter services; documented by provider report by July 15, 2024, • SFC will work to build outreach partnerships with other socials services organizations in order to create a system for targeting outreach in encampments and other places where homeless individuals congregate. • Funded activities for street outreach: o Activities for street outreach must be linked to CE by performing mobile CE process services (e.g. assessment) or providing referrals to CE. Additional costs needed to update, enhance, and operate the applicable centralized or coordinated assessment system under 24 CFR 576.400 (d). o Engagement efforts: Activities to locate, identify, and build relationships with unsheltered homeless people for the purpose of providing immediate support, intervention, and connections with homeless assistance programs and/or mainstream social services and housing programs. o Emergency Health Services: Direct outpatient treatment of medical conditions by licensed medial professionals in community-based settings (e.g. streets, parks, and campgrounds) to those eligible participants for whom other appropriate health services are inaccessible 1 or unavailable within the area. o Emergency Mental Health Services: Direct outpatient treatment of mental health conditions by licensed professional in community-based settings (e.g street, parks, and campgrounds) to those eligible participants for whom other appropriate health services are inaccessible or unavailable within the area. o Transportation: The transportation costs of travel by outreach workers, social workers, medical professionals, or other services providers are eligible, provided that this travel takes place during provision of services eligible under this section. The costs of transporting unsheltered people to emergency shelters or other service facilities are also eligible. These costs include: The cost of a program participant's travel on public transportation, mileage allowance for service worker to visit program participants, and the travel costs of recipients or subrecipients staff to accompany or assist program participants to use public transportation. Vehicle purchase for transporting participants or staff serving participants to services and the cost of gas, insurance, taxes, and maintenance, for the vehicle. o Services to Special Populations: Otherwise, eligible Essential Services, as listed above, that have been tailored to address the special needs of homeless youth, victims of domestic violence and related crimes/threats, and/or people living with HIV/AIDS who are literally homeless. o Cell phones may be loaned to program participants and wireless services cost may be paid as needed to enable program participants to participate in activities necessary to obtain and maintain housing. ALL OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS of the original Contract remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has affixed his/her signature in execution thereof on the day of 2024. �NTRAC OR MASON COUNTY 4s� . I )CL Susan Kirchoff Randy Neatherlin, Chair Executive Director Mason County Board of County Commissioners 2 MASON COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS COMMISSIONER BRIEFING April 29, 2024 Action Items• ■ Request for an additional Solid Waste Operator FTE ■ Hearing Examiner recommendations for Road Vacation#415 —E Island Place in the Plat of Lakeland Village No. 5 (Huberts) ■ Intention to create Road Improvement District(RID)No. 2024-01 for Shetland Road Discussion Items: Commissioner Follow-Up Items: Upcoming Items• 4/23 Public Hearing on new water and sewer rate structures and Code Updates 515-5111 Drinking Water Week 5/7 Public Hearing on Road Standards and Ch. 10, 12 and 14 and adopting Public Works Fee Schedule 5/19 -5/25 Public Works Week 5/23 Fill the Public Works Truck Events 9am to 2:30pm Locations: Walmart Supercenter NW Corner of 7th &Railroad Ave. Belfair QFC TBD Belfair Pump Station ribbon-cutting C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Loretta Swanson Ext. 769 Department: Public Works Briefing: ❑X Action Agenda: ❑X Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): April 29,2024 Agenda Date: May 7,2024 Internal Review: ❑ Finance X❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Risk (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item• Request for and additional Solid Waste Operator FTE Position Background/Executive Summary: Public Works requests approval to add and hire one additional FTE- Solid Waste Operator to assist with the growing operational demands,bolster staffing and increase safety for employees and customers. There currently are four(4)full-time. Tonnage has increased by 37%in the last 4 years.Last year we increased our hours of operation to better serve our customers and handle the increased volume. Tonnage has increased 6.7%in the first quarter of 2024. The increased solid waste volume and expanded hours of operation make it more challenging to provide adequate vacation/sick leave coverage,increases overtime hours,and causes the occasional use of the Solid Waste Manager as an operator. Budget Impact: The proposed position would be funded out of the Solid Waste Fund. Salaries and benefits are approximately$84,000. In the last two years U&W has paid$22,300(2022); $28,700(2023)and estimate$26,500(2024)in overtime for this position. Adding this position should significantly reduce overtime expenses. We anticipate an additional$55,000 in net revenue based on first quarter and projected volume.Hiring will not occur until/unless a budget amendment is also approved. Public Outreach: Posting per Teamster General Services Collective Bargaining Agreement and then NEOGOV. Requested Action: Approval for Public Works to add and hire an additional Public Works 1.0 Full-Time Employee (FTE) Solid Waste Operator position. Attachments Job Description $BSON COVNZA County of Mason (WA) SOLID WASTE OPERATOR CLASS CODE 3038 SALARY $24.49-$28.37 Hourly $195.90-$226.99 Daily $979.50-$1,134.97 Weekly $2,122.26-$2,459.10 Semi-Monthly $4,244.52-$4,918.20 Monthly $50,934.24-$59,018.40 Annually ESTABLISHED DATE June 26, 2017 REVISION DATE December31,2022 Description This classification is primarily responsible for insuring the proper loading of solid waste at the transfer stations to be transported off site; monitor hazardous waste containment areas and perform routine and emergency maintenance on machinery and equipment at sites. Operates various heavy equipment to load and compact trailers for shipment. Perform job duties in a safe and productive manner. Essential Functions • Regular, reliable, and punctual attendance. • Operate equipment to move and load solid waste at transfer stations sites. • Maintain machinery and equipment required to perform duties. • Perform ground maintenance and general upkeep of all stations. • Haul county boxes from all stations. • Monitor hazardous waste and oil receptacle areas. • Test monitoring wells in accordance with standards set if needed. • Perform scale booth duties, and fill in when needed. • Operate hand and power tools for maintenance and repair of facilities and equipment. • Drive truck and other vehicles including lawn mowers, JOB COMPLEXITY: This classification requires the incumbentto be able to work independently and often alone; understand and communicate the laws, rules, and regulations regarding disposition of solid, recyclable and hazardous waste; operate equipment in safe manner; accurately collect, receipt and record fees. The nature of the work is recurring with occasional variations from the norm;the incumbent is expected to use good judgment within established guidelines. Incumbent should be able to complete a variety of tasks using proper procedures with limited supervision. Backup systems for error avoidance and detection include feedback from waste haulers on appropriate load levels and assistance from more senior operators for unusual, new situations or questions. INTERPERSONAL CONTACTS: Incumbents in this classification communicate on a daily basis with the public, commercial and private haulers of solid waste to provide and obtain direction and information. Knowledge of: • laws and regulations regarding solid, recyclable and hazardous waste disposal and operations of disposal and transfer sites; • acceptable methods for handling solid, recyclable and hazardous wastes; • safe and efficient operation of heavy equipment and machinery; • equipment and machinery maintenance and repair procedures and routines; • methods for handling and receipting money. Ability to: • perform the physical and mental duties accurately and timely; • safely and efficiently operate heavy equipment and machinery; • handle the disposition of solid, recyclable and hazardous wastes; • perform routine and emergency maintenance and repair of machinery and equipment; • make accurate mathematical calculations and maintain accurate records; • communicate effectively with the public, outside haulers and other employees; • work within established guidelines with limited supervision; • comprehend the laws and regulations relating to solid and hazardous waste; • establish and maintain effective working relationships with other employees in the department and with contract haulers. Minimum Qualifications Any equivalent combination of education and experience which provides the applicant with the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to perform the job may be considered. • High school diploma or GED • A sufficient education to read and comprehend the laws and regulations required of the position • Sufficient math skills to accurately calculate solid waste fees • Previous work experience would include safe operation of heavy equipment and dealing with the public. LICENSES, CERTIFICATES AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS: Valid WA State Class A CDL and a clean driving record HAZWOPER (Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response) 24 hours Class (or ability to obtain within 6 months of employment) This position is required to follow chapter 13 of the Mason County Personnel Policy. If offered the position you must provide a Abstract Driving Record from the WA State DOL. Working Conditions Work is performed at a solid waste transfer stations requiring the employee to work in all weather conditions and with potentially dangerous or hazardous materials. Incumbent must be able to stand, sit, walk, bend, climb and reach; handle waste products in a safe and healthy manner; attendance is required during assigned work hours. Employees in this classification are required to operate heavy machinery and equipment; adding and calculating machines, and small hand and power tools. Incumbents in this classification are required to be able to lift more than 50 pounds on a regular basis. Incumbent will regularly work 5 days within a Monday—Saturday work week. Class Specs Est. XXX/Rev 1-6.26.2017(format)/Rev 2-2.2020(format)/REV 3- 10.2020/ REV 412.2022 CBA Updates Department: Utilities and Waste Division of Public Works Reports to: Solid Waste Manager Supervises/Directs: None it C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Mike Collins Ext.450 Department: Public Works Briefing: ❑X Action Agenda: ❑X Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): April 29,2024 Agenda Date: May 7,2024 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑X Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Risk (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item• Hearing Examiner Recommendations for Vacation Order No. 415 Back2round/Executive Summary: The Mason County Hearing Examiner held a hearing on November 8,2023,to consider vacating all of E Island Place,in the Plat of Lakeland Village No. 5 in Volume 8 of plats,page 77,as dedicated on April 20, 1970,in Mason County Washington,in Section 19,Township 22 North,Range 1 West,W.M as requested by Tony and Shannon Hubert and Lakeland Village Community Club. The hearing was reopened by email to the hearing parties dated December 8,2023,to acquire more information on the road safety impacts of removal of the cul-de-sac. Lakeland Village Community Club has since decided not to vacate and purchase the East half of E Island Place as per the attached email. The Huberts wanted to move forward to vacate only the West half of E Island Place. The Examiner issued his Findings of Fact,Conclusions of Law,and Recommendations on January 1611,2024, recommending approval of the proposed vacation, subject to any existing easements for ingress and egress or other purpose and retaining an easement in favor of Mason County for any utilities present in the vacated road right-of-way. Budtet Impact(amount, funding source, budget amendment): An Administrative Fee of$1,000 for processing the petition. This road vacation is a Class A Road,which requires fifty percent(50%)of the appraised value to be paid.The compensation for this vacation(Lot 65)is $5,266.40 and was paid by the Huberts. Public Outreach (news release, community meeting, etc.): A public hearing took place on November 8,2023,at 1:00 AM via Zoom. The hearing was re-opened by email to the hearing parties,dated December 8,2023,to acquire more information on the road safety impacts of removal of the cul-de-sac. Comments and responses were authorized through December 20,2023. cqi Mason County Agenda Request Form Requested Action: Request the Mason County Board of Commissioners accept the recommendation of the Hearing Examiner and grant the vacation of the right-of-way as petitioned, subject to the conditions contained in the Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations of the Hearing Examiner for Road Vacation#415. Attachments: 1. Hearing Examiner's Findings,Conclusions and Recommendation 2. Email From Lakeland Village Community Club 3. Order of Vacation 4. Revised map for E Island Place Road Vacation#415 5. Revised Legal I BEFORE THE HEARING EXAMINER FOR MASON COUNTY 2 Phil Olbrechts, Hearing Examiner 3 4 RE: Road Vacation No. 415 FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS 5 OF LAW AND RECOMMENDATION Petition for a Road Vacation 6 7 SUMMARY 8 Tony Hubert, Shannon Hubert and Lakeland Village Community Club jointly 9 requested the vacation of the cul-de-sac located between 20 E. Island Place and 21 E. 10 Island Place in the Lakeland Village subdivision located west of Allyn. It is recommended that the County Commissioners approve the vacation. The requested 11 area to vacate has never been maintained or opened as a public roadway. The street was dedicated to the public on April 20, 1970, when Lakeland Village No. 5 was originally 12 platted. The cul-de-sac was never paved or been opened. All owners adjacent to this 13 road have joined in the petition to vacate. 14 The cul-de-sac is depicted in the image below. It is unusual in that it is a cul-de-sac that directly connects to E. Lake Shore Drive and only serves two lots, owned by the 15 petitioners. As testified by a professional engineer who resides in the Lakeland Village subdivision, William Gripp,the cul-de-sac was platted 50 years ago to provide for safe 16 egress from the two adjoining lots. The two lots are located at a moderate curve on E. 17 Lake Shore Drive. In Mr. Gripp's opinion the egress points for the two lots are too close to the curve to provide for safe vehicular back out egress. The adjoining lots are 18 currently undeveloped so egress safety is not yet an issue. As a result of Mr. Gripp's testimony, the record was left open to provide Mason County Public Works an 19 opportunity to comment on the road safety implications of removing the cul-de-sac. The County's Engineering and Construction Manager responded in Ex. D that 20 development of the adjoining lots would create "no sight distance safety problems." 21 Based upon the Manager's findings, it is found that the proposed vacation will not create any safety problems. 22 23 25 Road Vacation P. 1 Recommendation I TESTIMONY 2 A computer-generated transcript has been prepared of the appeal hearing to provide an 3 overview of the hearing testimony. The transcript is provided for informational purposes only as Appendix A. Since the transcript is computer generated, it is not 100% accurate, 4 but does provide a useful indication of what testimony was presented during the hearing. 5 EXHIBITS 6 The July 24, 2023 Engineer's Report along with attachments A-C listed on its page 2 7 were admitted into the record at the November 8, 2023 public hearing. The following emails were also admitted into the record after the close of the hearing': 8 D. December 5,2023 letter from Mason Public Works to Hearing Examiner re Vac. 9 415. 10 E. December 8, 2023 email from Hearing Examiner re-opening hearing to respond 11 to Public Works comments. 12 F. December 13, 2023 email response from William Gripp, 13 G. December 20, 2023 email response from Shannon Hubert. 14 15 FINDINGS OF FACT 16 Procedural: 17 1. Hearing. A virtual hearing on the petition for vacation was held on November 8, 2023 at 1:00 pm via Zoom. The hearing was re-opened by email to the hearing parties 18 dated December 8, 2023 to acquire more information on the road safety impacts of 19 removal of the cul-de-sac. Comments and responses were authorized through December 20, 2023. 20 21 22 ' Mr. Gripp submitted two additional emails on December 22,2023. Since these emails did not meet the December 20, 2023 deadline for responding to the December 5, 2023 23 Public Works letter, they were not admitted into the record. 24 25 Road Vacation p. 2 Recommendation Substantive: 1 2 2. Site/Proposal Description. Tony Hubert, Shannon Hubert and Lakeland Village Community Club have requested the vacation of the cul-de-sac located between 20 E. 3 Island Place (APN 122205400065, Lakeland Village No. 5 Lot 65) and 21 E. Island Place (APN 122205400066, Lakeland Village No. 5 Lot 66). This cul-de-sac is the 4 entirety of E. Island Place. The requested area to vacate has never been maintained or opened as a public roadway. The right of way was dedicated to the public on April 20, 5 1970, when Lakeland Village No. 5 was originally platted. 6 The engineering report identifies that the road is a Class A road, meaning that it is 7 owned by the County as an easement as opposed to fee simple. Further, according to the Engineer's report, the square footage adjacent to Lot 65 is 4,540sf. The square 8 footage adjacent to Lot 66 is 5,330sf. The value of the property according to the report is $2.32/sf for lot 65 and$1.80/sf for lot 66. 9 10 3. Utility of Vacation Area. As noted in the engineer's report,Public Works staff have determined that the proposed vacation area is not necessary for future use in the 11 County's road system. No lots will be landlocked as a result of the proposal. 12 However, at hearing Wade Gripp, a Lakeland Village resident and professional engineer, spoke against the proposal citing safety concerns. Mr. Gripp noted Lot 66 is 13 a community lot which could potentially develop into a clubhouse, pickle ball courts 14 or a park. He noted the unopened cul-de-sac is located at a bend in the road that would create sight clearance issues for this area as there are no shoulders and the road is 15 narrow. He fears drivers backing out of driveways on Lots 65 and 66 would be in danger and that the cul-de-sac represents a potential emergency vehicle turn around. 16 This cul-de-sac right of way is also directly across the street from the water system 17 access. 18 As detailed in the summary section of this recommendation, the record was re-opened to provide an opportunity for Public Works to address the road safety impacts of 19 removing the cul-de-sac. The County's Engineering and Construction Manager found no sight distance problems resulting from development of the adjoining lots. See Ex. 20 D. When the Examiner asked Mr. Gripp if he had any expertise in roads or traffic 21 construction, he only responded that he had completed a permit in Pierce County a couple weeks prior to the hearing. Given that the County's public works department 22 has considerable expertise in applying the County's road standards and assessing road safety and the very limited information on Mr. Gripp's expertise,the safety assessment 23 of the County's Engineering and Construction Manager is found the more compelling of the two engineers. For this reason,based upon the evidence produced at the hearing, 24 the proposed vacation is not found to create a road safety problem. 25 4. Petition Includes Majority of Abutting Owners. Tony Hubert, Shannon Hubert and Lakeland Village Community Club have signed the vacation petition. As shown in Ex. A, p. 5, the petitioners own the majority of area abutting the vacation area. Road Vacation p. 3 Recommendation I CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 2 Procedural: 3 1. Authority of Hearing Examiner. MCC 12.20.030 provides the Examiner with the 4 authority to review road vacation applications and make a recommendation to the Mason County Board of County Commissioners. 5 Substantive: 6 7 2. Review Criteria and Application. Chapter 12.20 MCC sets forth the requirements for vacation of roads. Furthermore, MCC 12.20.010 provides that County roads may 8 be vacated in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 36.87 RCW. Applicable review standards for vacation under Chapter 12.20 MCC, as well as those in Chapter 9 36.87 RCW, are quoted in italics below and applied via corresponding conclusions of law. 10 11 MCC 12.20.010: County roads may be vacated in accordance with the provisions of RCW 36.87, and Mason County may require as a condition precedent to the vacation 12 the receipt of just compensation from the person or persons benefiting from the vacation. 13 RCW 36.87.020: Owners of the majority of the frontage on any county road or portion 14 thereof may petition the county legislative authority to vacate and abandon the same 15 or any portion thereof. The petition must show the land owned by each petitioner and set forth that such county road is useless as part of the county road system and that the 16 public will be benefited by its vacation and abandonment. The legislative authority may: 17 (1) require the petitioners to make an appropriate cash deposit or furnish an 18 appropriate bond against which all costs and expenses incurred in the examination, 19 report, and proceedings pertaining to the petition shall be charged; or 20 (2) by ordinance or resolution require the petitioners to pay a fee adequate to cover such costs and expenses. 21 RCW 36.87.060: If the county road is found useful as apart of the county road system 22 it shall not be vacated, but if it is not useful and the public will be benefited by the 23 vacation, the county legislative authority may vacate the road or any portion thereof. 24 3. Vacation Area Meets Vacation Criteria. The proposed vacation conforms to the requirements of the statutes and ordinances quoted above. Tony Hubert, Shannon 25 Hubert and Lakeland Village Community Club,the petitioners,own the majority of the abutting property to the vacation area as determined in Finding of Fact No. 4 and required by RCW 36.87.020. Road Vacation p. 4 Recommendation As determined in Finding of Fact No. 3, the vacation area is not currently useful as a 1 part of the county road system as required by RCW 36.87.060. 2 MCC 12.20.040: For the purpose of vacating county roads, all roads shall be 3 classified as follows: 4 (1) Class A. All roads for which the right-of-way is an easement. (2) Class B. All roads for which the right-of-way is owned in fee simple and for which 5 the county paid full fair market value of the fee simple estate. 6 (3)Class C. All roads that meet RCW 36.87.090 requirements. 7 4. Vacation Area Qualifies as Class A Road. As outlined in the summary and Finding of Fact No. 2, the right of way subject to the requested vacation is a Class A road. 8 MCC 12.20.050: Any person or persons desiring to have any portion of any county 9 road vacated shall be required by the Mason County board of county commissioners 10 as a condition precedent to the vacation to pay the county prior to the vacation. The compensation rates include those rates set forth in Section 12.20.060, if any, and the 11 administration fee set forth in Section 12.20.080. 12 5. Required Administrative Fees Paid. The engineer's report identifies that the petitioners have paid the required$1000 administration fee. Compensation for the right 13 of way is required as concluded in Conclusion of Law No. 6. 14 MCC 12.20.060: The county shall require, as a condition precedent to the vacation of 15 roads or portions thereof within the classifications set forth in Section 12.20.040, that persons benefitting from the vacation thereof compensate Mason County as set forth in 16 the following schedule: 17 (1) Class A Roads. Fifty percent of the appraised value. 18 (2) Class B Roads. One hundred percent of the appraised value. (3) Class C Roads. No compensation other than for the administrative fee of the 19 vacation action. 20 At no time will the compensation for Class A or B roads be reimbursed less than the 21 county originally paid for the property. 22 6. Compensation Required. As previously noted, the vacation area is classified as a "Class A"road. Per RCW 36.87.120 & MCC 12.20.060, compensation is fifty percent 23 (50%) of appraised value. At the land value outlined in Finding of Fact No. 2, the compensation amount due for Lot 65 is $5,266.40 and for Lot 66 is $4,797.00. 24 25 MCC 12.20.080: Each petition for vacation of a road shall be accompanied by a payment of one thousand dollars to cover all administrative costs regardless of the county's approval of vacation. Said administrative costs shall include the costs of the Road Vacation p. 5 Recommendation hearing examiner in holding the public hearing and reporting recommendations to the I board of county commissioners. 2 7. Required Deposit Paid. The engineer's report identifies that petitioner has paid the 3 required $1,000 deposit. 4 RECOMMENDATION 5 It is recommended that the Board of Commissioners approve the proposed vacation 6 subject to the condition that the vacated area will still be subject to existing easements for ingress and egress or other purposes, if any, and in accordance with RCW 7 36.87.140, retaining an easement in favor of Mason County for any utilities present in the vacated right of way. 8 9 DATED this 16th day of January, 2024. 10 11 Phil A. Olbrechts Mason County Hearing Examiner 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Road Vacation p. 6 Recommendation From: officeCabllvcc.com To: Tina Schaefer Subject: LLVCC response to Vacation of Island Place Date: Friday,March 29,2024 11:23:47 AM Caution: External Email Warning! This email has originated from outside of the Mason County Network. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender, are expecting the email, and know the content is safe. If a link sends you to a website where you are asked to validate using your Account and Password, DO NOT DO SO! Instead, report the incident. Lovejoy, The Lakeland Village Community Club Board has decided not to purchase the vacated portion of Island Place at this time. They would like to leave the option open for purchase in the future. Mary Helton LLVCC Office Coordinator 360-275-3508 office anllvcc.com www.11vcc.com RETURN TO: MASON COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS 100 W.Public Works Drive Shelton,WA 98584 RESOLUTION NO.2024- IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF: ORDER OF VACATION VACATION FILE NO. 415 Vacate the West half of E Island Place,in the Plat of RCW 36.87 Lakeland Village No.5 in Volume 8 of plats,page 77, as dedicated on April 20, 1970, in Mason County Washington, in Section 19, Township 22 North, Range 1 West,W.M. WHEREAS, it is the intention of the Board of Mason County Commissioners to vacate the following described rights of way: Vacate the West half of E Island Place, in the Plat of Lakeland Village No. 5 in Volume 8 of plats,page 77,as dedicated on April 20, 1970,in Mason County Washington,in Section 19,Township 22 North,Range 1 West,W.M. WHEREAS,the Mason County Board of Commissioners agreed on October 10,2023 by adopting Resolution No. 2023-051 to publish and post, according to law, a notice of intent to close and vacate the described rights-of-way and set a virtual hearing for November 8,2023 at 1:00 p.m.with the Mason County Hearing Examiner. WHEREAS, the hearing was held on November 8, 2023, at 1:00 AM via Zoom and the Mason County Hearing Examiner considered the County Engineer's report, together with any evidence for or objection against said vacation; and WHEREAS,the Hearing Examiner has rendered to the Board of Mason County Commissioners,his Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations and the members of the Board have given them due consideration,and WHEREAS,the Petitioner has satisfied Provisions 1 which is fifty percent(50%) compensation of the appraised value for a"Class A"road,per RCW 36.87.120 and Mason County Code 12.20.060: Provision 1.Payment of$5,266.40 from Tony and Shannon Hubert for Lot 65. Order of Vacation File No.415 NOW,THEREFORE,IT IS ORDERED that the above described right of way is hereby vacated;and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that said vacation is subject to any existing private easements for ingress and egress or any other purpose and retaining an easement in favor of Mason County for any utilities present in the vacated road right-of-way in accordance with RCW 36.87.140. DATED this day of ,2024. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ATTEST: MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON McKenzie Smith,Clerk of the Board Randy Neatherlin,Chair APPROVED AS TO FORM: Kevin Shutty,Vice Chair Tim Whitehead,Ch.DPA Sharon Trask,Commissioner Cc: Assessor;Auditor;Treasurer;Petitioner; Public Works Dept.; GIS Vacation File No.415 Order of Vacation File No.415 Road Vacation # 415 - E Island Place - in Lakeland Village , 122195000012 122205400061 122205400060 122195000086, 122205400059 122205400116 122205400062 122205400058 122205400054 122205400057 ,�r 122205400063 122205400055 • 122205400056 J 122205400064 ` 4 122200060010 lot 65- 4540 sq ft. h� 122205400065 �C r` is ; 122205400068 �`�� r 122205400067 122205400066 122195000056 �_• t JF 122301004000 122307600010 122307600020 _r v 4 �• Vacate the West half of E Island Place, in the Plat of Lakeland Village No. 5 in Volume 8 of plats, page 77, as dedicated on April 20, 1970, in Mason County Washington, in Section 19, Township 22 North, Range 1 West, W.M. EXHIBIT"C LEGAL DESCRIPTION C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Mike Collins Ext.450 Department: Public Works Briefing: 0 Action Agenda: 0 Public Hearing: 0 Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): April 29,2024 Agenda Date: May 7, 2024, and June 18,2024 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources 0 Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Risk(This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑No ❑ Tabled❑No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item Intention to create Road Improvement District(RID)No.2024-01 for Shetland Road Background/Executive Summary: Sunny Woods Homeowners'Association submitted petitions for Shetland Road(currently a privately maintained road)to become a county road by formation of a Road Improvement District(RID). The petitions are signed by owners of the real property aggregating a majority of both lineal frontage upon the improvement and the area of the proposed RID. (RCW 36.88.020)The petitions have met the required criteria of the majority of the road frontage being largely in favor of the formation of the RID. Property owners may withdraw their names from the petition or add their names thereto at any time prior to five o'clock p.m. of the day before the hearing. (RCW 36.88.050 and 36.88.060) Public Works provided a diagram of the proposed RID,preliminary cost estimates,RID procedures, and Statutes to the Sunny Woods Homeowners'Association. Budget Impact: Bonds would be sold to finance the RID and special assessments on property owners within the RID are collected and used to pay the bond debt that will include 6%interest on the bond. (interest rate is an estimate, actual rate to be determined) Public Outreach: The Resolution of Intent will be published in the Shelton-Mason County Journal two times per RCW 36.88.050. A notification,along with the resolution of intent will be mailed out to property owners or reputed owners as shown on tax rolls of county treasurer at least 15-days prior to the hearing date. Property owners may withdraw or add their names to the petition at any time prior to 5:00pm of the day before the June 18,2024,hearing date. Requested Action: Requesting the Board approves: 1. the petition sufficient for the Road Improvement District(RID)project of Shetland Road and finds the property within the proposed district to be sufficiently developed in relation to statutory requirements. C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! 2. to proceed with a resolution of intention setting a hearing for June 18,2024, at 9:15am to consider public comment on the proposed formation of a Road Improvement District No.2024-01 to improve Shetland Road and become part of the County Road System. Attachments: 1. Resolution of Intent 2. Notice 3. Map 4. Engineers Estimate for Shetland Road RID 2023 5. RID procedures for initiation by petition RESOLUTION NO. COUNTY ROAD IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT(RID)NO.2024-01 IN THE MATTER OF MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON ) PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF SHETLAND ROAD ) RESOLUTION OF INTENTION LOCATED IN SECTIONS 16,and 21, ) TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH,RANGE 3 EAST,W.M ) A Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of Mason County, State of Washington, declaring the intention of the Board of Commissioners to improve an existing private road known as Shetland Road located in Section 16, and 21, Township 21 North,Range 3 East,W.M.,Mason County,Washington,from Milepost 0.306 to Milepost 1.670. WHEREAS,an informal petition, set forth in RCW 36.88.050,has been filed requesting the improvement of the following described tract of land: Shetland Road—located in Section 16, and 21, Township 21 North,Range 3,W.M. Mason County, Washington,from Milepost 0.306 to Milepost 1.670. WHEREAS,the County Auditor reports that the petition has been signed by the owners of property to an aggregate amount of a majority of the lineal frontage upon the improvement to be made and of a majority of the area within the limits of the proposed assessment district. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Mason County, State of Washington, as follows: SECTION 1: That it is the intention of the Board of Commissioners of Mason County to adopt as a County Road and also to order the improvement Shetland Road when the formation of the road improvement district is approved by petition and also upon conveyance by donation to Mason County,all right-o-ways necessary for the intended improvement.The road construction improvements shall meet the adopted Mason County Road Standards.The dedicated public right-of-way for Shetland Road will be sixty feet(60'). SECTION 2: The estimated cost and expense of said improvement is hereby declared to be declared to be approximately Three hundred and sixty-five thousand dollars ($365,000) and that all costs shall be borne by the property owners; and, that the remaining construction cost of said improvements shall be borne by and assessed against the property included in the assessment district herein proposed to be established. SECTION 3: It is the intention of the Board of Commissioners to establish a RID to be known and designated as RID No. 2024-01 which said district includes all the property lying within the boundaries as described above. SECTION 4: All persons who may desire to speak in favor of or object to the construction of the aforesaid improvement or the formation of the aforesaid improvement district are hereby notified. Public testimony will be available in-person,email,mail and via ZOOM for those in favor of or protest such objections at a meeting of the Board of County Commissioners to be held on: Tuesday,June 18,2024,at 9:15 a.m. in the Mason County Commissioners Chambers located at 411 N.5'Street,Shelton,WA.,at which time is hereby fixed for hearing matters relating to said proposed improvement,and all objections thereto,and for determining the method of payment of said improvement. SECTION 5: The County Engineer is hereby directed to submit to the Board,at or prior to the date fixed for such hearing,an assessment map or print showing thereon the lots,tracts and parcels of land and other property which will be specially benefited thereby together with a preliminary assessment roll showing the estimated amount of the cost and expense of such improvement to be borne by each lot,tract or parcel of land or other property,and also designating thereon all property which is being purchased under contract from the County,if any. The method of assessment to be utilized will be Specifically.This method of assessment is the most practical and equitable under the prevailing conditions and reflects the special benefits derived. Page 1 of 2 SECTION 6: to meet the requirements of RCW 36.88.050,the County shall: A. Publish the resolution of intention of said hearing in at least two consecutive issues of the Shelton- Mason County Journal,the date of the first publication to be at least 15 days prior to the date fixed by this resolution for hearing before the Board. B. Send the notice of the adoption of this Resolution of Intention to each owner or reputed owner of any lot,tract or parcel of land or other property within the proposed improvement district by mailing said notice to the owners or reputed owners of the property as shown on the tax rolls of the County Treasurer at the address shown thereon at least 15 days before the date fixed for the public hearing. The notice shall refer to the Resolution of Intention and designate the proposed improvement district by number. Said notice shall set forth the nature of the proposed improvement,the total estimated cost,the proportion of the total to be borne by assessments,the estimated amount of the cost and expense of such improvement to be bome by the particular lot,tract or parcel,the date and place of the hearing before the Board and the fact that property owners may withdraw their names from the petition or add their names thereto at any time prior to five o' clock p.m. of the day before the hearing. The notice given to the public or to the owners of specific lots,tracts,or parcels of land relating to the formation of a County Road Improvement District shall contain a statement that actual assessments may vary from assessment estimates so long as they do not exceed a figure equal to the increased true and fair value the improvement adds to the property. EFFECTIVE this day of 2024. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON ATTEST: MCKENZIE SMITH, RANDY NEATHERLIN, Chair Clerk of the Board APPROVED AS TO FORM: KEVIN SHUTTY,Vice Chair TIM WHITEHEAD SHARON TRASK, Commissioner Ch. Civil Prosecutor Bill: Mason County Dept.of Public Works 100 W Public Works Dr. Shelton,WA 98584 Cc: Commissioners Treasurer Assessor Shelton Journal: Publ.2t:5/16/24&5/23/24 Page 2 of 2 MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 100 W PUBLIC WORKS DRIVE SHELTON, WASHINGTON 98584 Phone(360)427-9670 ext. 450 Fax(360)427-7783 N C Notice of Adoption of a Resolution of Intention to Create a Road Improvement District (RID) And Notice of Public Hearing MASON COUNTY MISSION The Board of County Commissioners adopted Resolution No. 23- , a copy of The mission of Mason which is included with this notice, on May , 2024. The resolution declares County Government is to provide essential& Mason County's intention to create a Road Improvement District to be known as RID mandated services which No. 2024-01—Shetland Road. A public hearing has been scheduled in order for the will preserve&benefit the health,safety&welfare of Board to ascertain the feasibility of the proposed RID, to determine whether the the general public in a benefits to be derived therefrom exceed the costs and expense, to select the method professional and courteous manner through the effective of assessment, and to consider all other matters pertaining to the improvement. and equitable management of available public resources. As a property owner within this improvement district you may withdraw your name from the petition or add your name thereto no later than 5:00 p.m. Monday June 17, Mason County recognizes 2024. that its employees& volunteers are the foundation upon which Public testimony is invited at the hearing which will be held: these services are provided. Tuesday,June 18, 2024 at 9:15 am Mason County Commissioners Chambers 411 North 51h Street Shelton, Washington The proposed RID involves the improvement of: • Shetland Road—located in Section 16, and 21, Township 21 North, Range 3 East, W.M., Mason County, Washington, from Milepost 0.306 to Milepost 1.670. The total estimated cost and expense of this improvement is $365,000. This estimated amount includes mobilization, drainage, grading, CSTC, double shot chip seal, engineering and survey crews and new signs and striping; all which by law are required to be included in the expense of the district. The estimated assessment for your property is shown on the enclosed sheet. Actual assessments may vary from assessment estimates so long as they do not exceed a figure equal to the increased true and fair value the improvement adds to the property. If you have questions, please call the Mason County Public Works Department at (360) 427-9670, Ext. 450. Notice provided by: Mason County Public Works SHETLAND RD RID MARCH 25 2024 TATE OF WASHINGTO LANDMAN STATE OF WASHINGTON 32116-75-00140 32116-75-00330 32116-76-00560 TATE OF WASHINGTO Petition Status:NR RIDER Petition Status:yes Petition Status:NR 32116-75-00130 TATE OF WASHINGTO 32116-31-90171 32116-75-00150 TATE OF WASHINGTO Petition Status:no STATE OF WASHINGTON BROWN Petition Status:NR 32116-75-00160 32116-76-00550 Petition Status:NR Petition Status:NR STATE OF WASHINGTON STATE OF WASHINGTON Petition Status:NR 32116-76-00540 32116-75-90181 32116-76-00570 Petition Status:NR Petition Status:NR STATE OF WASHINGTON Petition Status:NR 32116-75-90322 Petition Status:NR STATE OF WASHINGTON E SUNNY WOODS DR 32116-75-90321 It Petition Status:NR E SPIRIT CT WEST] E SPIRIT CT EAST ACKERMAN FFERNICK ET UX STATE OF WASHINGTON ON 32116-75-90182 32116-76-00580 32116-76-00520 Petition Status:NR STATE OF WASHINGTON Petition Status:NR Petition Status:yes 32116-75-90323 Petition Status:NR STRICKLAND HOLM 32116-75-00120 Z BAILEY 32116-75-90324 Petition Status:NR rJ 32116-75-00210 Petition Status:NR Petition Status:yes KASPER 32116 76-0530 X >— BREWER ET VIR 32116-76-00590 2116-76-00510 Petition Status:yes J Petition Status:NR etition Status:y STATE OF WASHINGTON D 32116-75-00190 cr Petition Status:NR STATE OF WASHINGTON ON 32116 75 Z GUTIERREZ 32116-75-00200 Petition Status:NR LONG Petition Status:yes I` S FFERNICK ET X LANZ 5- UX Y TYLER 321on St 005y 116-76-0048 32116 6-00460 32116-75-00110 H SE ERNICK ET X LA BER Petition Status:no W 32116-75-00220 Q etition Status: Petition Status:yes �(/ 32 6-76-00500 AGEEV 1999 FAMILY TRUST Pe'' Status:ye etition Status: es Petitio Status:yes Q 32116-76-00600 UST 08068 LAUBER 116-76-0047 116-76-004 STATE OF WASHINGTON Qy Petition Status:yes etition Status: s P tition Status: s STEGGELL 32116-75-00290 KASPER PHILLIPS 32116 75 90103 3211HILLI Petition Status:NR 32116-76-00510 Petition Status:yes Petition Status:yes Petition Status:yes LANZ ET UX PLUNKETT BOE 32116-75-00230 STATE OF WASHINGTON J?� CHANDLER 32116-75-90104 32116-75-90102 Petition Status:yes 32116-75-00280 y 32116-76-00610 Petition Status:yes Petition Status:NR Petition Status: Petition Status:yes CHESLEDON es Y PINKERTON 32116-34-90251 TYLER TYLER 32116-75-00240 Petition Status:yes HERMAN 32116-76-00490 32116-76-00500 Petition Status:NR 32116-75-00270 E SUNN Petition Status:yes etition Status:yes Petition Status:yes Y WOOD KING ET AL SMITH DR 32116-75-90092 32116-75-90091 CHESLEDON TYLER Petition Status:yes Petition Status:no 32116-34-90254 32116-76-00490 Petition Sta s:: es LATHROP LATHROP m Petition Status:yes 32116-43-90361 32116-43-90362 TRIMBLE Petition Status:yes Petition Status:yes 32116-76-00370 z E SUNNY WOODS RD WEST REESE Petition Status:yes TRIMBLE • 32116-76-00370 MCBRIDE MYERS 2116-75-90023 etition Status:ye !y Petition Status:yes WALKER 32116-76-00420 32116-76-00430 GLEASON NOWACKI 32116-76-00410 etition Status:ye petition Status:N REESE e 32116-76-00440 32116-33-90081 CHIN 32116-75-90022 'RI SIZEMORE etition Status:ye etition Status:ye Petition Status:NR 32116-75-90021 etition Status:ye 32116-76-90381 Petition Status:yes GREER 0 Petition Status:no 32116-76-00350 CHAVEZ ET UX �, Petition Status: 32116-76-90382 MARQUIN Status:yes AMANN ET VI MATH M&M LIVING TRUST Y Petition Status:NR 2116-76-00 0 32116-75-00070 32116-75-00060 32116-75-00050 FRIZZELL CADLE etition Statu yes Petition Status:NR Petition Status:NR Petition Status:NR 32116-75-00030 32116-76-00390 AC URATE DEVELOPMENT NC Petition Status:yes Petition Status:ye MITCHELL NOWACKI 32116-75-00040 32116-75-90011 32116-33-90082 Petition Status:NR Petition Status:NR CADLE Petition Status:NR PETERS 32116-76-00390 MCBRIDE MYERS GLEASON Petition Status:yes WALKER 32116-76-00420 32116-76-00430 32116-76-00340 32116-76-00440 FOSS Petition Status:yes 32116-76-00410 etition Status:ye etition Status:N etition Status:ye 32116-75-90012 etition Status:ye Petition Status:NR MARQUIN 32116-76-00400 United States of America Petition Status:yes 32121-20-00010 Petition Status:NR Z J H W 2 CO W Eagle 32121-22-00010 Heckert Kernan Living Trust Petition Status:yes 32121-21-00010 32121-12-00010 Kernan Living Trust Petition Status:NR Petition Status:yes 32121-11-00010 Petition Status:yes Sylvan Investments,LLC Sylvan Investments,LLC 32121-23-00010 32121-24-00010 Petition Status:yes Petition Status:yes Hicks JLCG LLC,an Ohio limited liability company 32121-13-90120 32121-14-00000 Petition Status:yes Petition Status:NR Hicks 32121-13-90110 Petition Status:yes Cascade Natural Gas Corp Legend 00010 32tion St tus:yeSylvan Investments, LLC Petition Status:yes 32121-32-00010 Petition Status:yes WADNR Petition Status Cranberry Lake Foundation 32121-41-00020 noresponse Petition Status:yes no Sylvan Investments,LLC 32121-34-00010 Petition Status:yes yes E. Cranberry Lake Foundation BALMORAL WAY 32121-43-00010 Petition Status:yes Sylvan Investments, LLC 32121-33-00010 Petition Status:yes ' �eq<tiIO Lake Le P2chaun R a E Pq�S�FY CO W SAP Sylvan Investments,LLC 'V w v 32121-34-00020 � Q' Petition Status:yes O� W F SyFT qNo RD �� LE SHETLAND- RD 2 _ Q�. 0 0 . 125 0 .25 0.5 Miles berry Cr ck Sources: Esri, HERE, Garmin, USGS, Intermap, INCREMENT P, NRCan, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China(Hong Kong), Esri Korea, Esri(Thailand), NGCC,(c) ��_ MASON COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE Project: Shetland Road RID 1.3 miles CRP No. Working Days: RAP Project No: Road No. Made By: mwc Date:1 10/23/23 1 Checked By: Date: MP 1.30 Item No. Std.Item Description Total Qty. Units Unit Cost Total Cost No. Per Item MOBILIZATION 1 Mobilization 1.00 L.F. $15,000.00 $15,000.00 2 Clearing and Grubbing 1.00 1 L.S. $5,000.00 $5,000.00 DRAINAGE 3 Replace 3 culverts place 18"x50 each 150.00 L.F. $60.00 $9,000.00 GRADING 4 rental dozer for 1 week 1 L.S. $2,500.00 $2,500.00 5 2 1/2"crushed rock 550 TON $50.00 $27,500.00 CSTC 6 4"of CSTC 4345 TON $50.00 $217,250.00 $0.00 DOUBLE SHOT CHIP SEAL 7 1.3 miles of double shot chip seal 1 Each $74,000.00 $74,000.00 ENGINEERING AND SURVEY CREWS 8 Engineering and survey Crews 80 Hours $50.00 $4,000.00 SIGNS 9 New signs speed and warinng signs 12 Each $200.00 $2,400.00 10 Striping 20592 LF $0.35 1$7,207.20 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Bid Item Total = $363,857.20 TOTAL=$363,857.20 RID Procedures for initiation by Petition Initial Steps Under Petition Method of Formation A. Filing a petition signed by owners of property aggregating a majority of both lineal frontage upon the improvement and the area of the proposed RID. RCW 36.88.020. Validity of signatures on petition governed by RCW 36.88.370. B. Certification of sufficiency (i.e., whether it meets the statutory requirements) of the petition and whether the property is sufficiently developed is made by the Board of County Commissioners. RCW 36.88.050. Steps under Petition method of Formation 1. The Board of County Commissioners, in response to the petition, adopts a resolution declaring intention to form the RID. The resolution provides for a public hearing on formation, and contains other information required by statute. RCW 36.88.050. 2. The County Engineer's Office at this point prepares a diagram of the proposed RID and cost estimate and assembles other statutorily required information. RCW 36.88.050 and 36.88.070. 3. The Clerk of the Board mails a Notice of Hearing to all affected property owners as shown on the tax records of the County Treasurer's Office at least fifteen days before the date fixed for the hearing. RCW 36.88.050. Statutes require that certain information be included in the notices. 4. The Clerk of the Board has the resolution of intention published in at least two consecutive issues of the official newspaper of Mason County, the first publication at least fifteen days prior to the date fixed for the hearing. RCW 36.88.050. 5. Conduct a public hearing on the formation of the RID. RCW 36.88.050 and 36.88.060 6. Property owners may withdraw their names from the petition or add their names thereto at any time prior to five o'clock p.m. of the day before the hearing. RCW 36.88.050 and 36.88.060 7. At t h e hearing, t h e Board must select t h e method of assessment, ascertain whether plan of improvement is feasible and whether the benefits to be derived by the properties within the proposed RID exceed the costs and expenses of the RID, determine whether the petition is sufficient, determine the RID boundaries and make written findings. RCW 36.88.060. 8. Adopt a resolution creating RID and ordering the improvement. RCW 36.88.060. 9. Prepare and consider Environmental Impact Statement or formally determine absence of need for it. This step may be required prior to adopting the resolution of creation if adoption of formation resolution is a final decision to undertake construction. RCW 43.12C 10.Authorize final engineering and design work. 11. Publish call for bids for construction once a week for two consecutive weeks before bid opening. This applies if it is determined that the work shall be done by a contractor. RCW 36.88.320 and 36.77.020. 12.The Board receives bids and obtains an analysis of bids from the County Engineer. RCW 36.77.030 13.The Board accepts the best bid and awards contract. RCW 36.77.040. OR 14.The Board authorizes construction by county's own crews to proceed as 'day labor'. (RCW 36.77.065 and RCW 36.77.070) 15. On completion of project, obtain, when necessary, state clearances, accept work and determine total cost. RCW 60.28.040, 51.12.050 and 36.88.300. 16. Direct County Engineer to prepare final assessment roll and file it with the Clerk of the Board. RCW 36.88.090 17.Adopt a resolution setting time, date, and place of assessment roll hearing. RCW 36.88.090. 18. Mail notice of hearing and right to object to all affected property owners at least fifteen days before date fixed for hearing. RCW 36.88.090. 19. Publish notice of hearing at least two times in a newspaper of general circulation in the county, the last publication at least fifteen days before the hearing date. RCW 36.88.090. 20. Conduct assessment roll hearing, considering objections and overruling them or modifying assessments. RCW 36.88.090. 21. If any assessments are raised, a new hearing must be set, and notice given by publication and mailing in the same manner as for the original assessment roll hearing. RCW 36.88.090. 22.Adopt resolution confirming and levying assessments as finally approved. RCW 36.88.090. 23. Expiration of appeal period ten days after the effective date of the confirming resolution. RCW 36.88.100 and 35.44.190 through 35.44.210. 24.The County Treasurer publishes (two consecutive daily or weekly issues in the official newspaper of the county) and mails a notice (to all property owners) that the assessment roll is filed for collection. RCW 36.88.270. 25. Prepayment period expires thirty days after first publication of the County Treasurer's notice. RCW 36.88.280. 26.Adopt bond resolution. RCW 36.88.200 and 36.88.210. 27. Sell bonds at public or private sale. RCW 36.88.210. �r�ON CO& Mason County Administrator 411 N 5th Street Shelton, WA 98584 (360) 427-9670 ext. 419 Mason County Commissioner Briefing Items from County Administrator April 29, 2024 Specific Items for Review Emergency Management Performance Grant(EMPG)award—John Taylor County computer management software NinjaOne—Todd Cannon Administrator Updates Commissioner Discussion Commissioner calendar updates C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: John Taylor Ext. 806 Department: Emergency Management Briefing: 0 Action Agenda: ❑ Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): April 29,2024 Agenda Date: May 7,2024 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Other (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item• 22 Emergency Management Performance Grant Supplemental Funding Background/Executive Summary: Mason County Emergency Management was notified of returned grant funding for 22-EMPG,which we submitted a grant request for funding to support the growing Mason County CERT program. Budget Impact(amount, funding source,budget amendment): Grant Increase$19,016.00 Public Outreach (news release,community meeting, etc.): N/A Requested Action: Briefing Only Attachments Washington State Emergency Management Email of Notification of Approval From: John Taylor To: Diane Zoren Cc: Mark Neary Subject: FW: 22 EMPG Reallocation scoring results Date: Monday,April 22,2024 7:12:00 AM Attachments: imaae001.Dw FYI- We have been approved for supplemental of the 22-Emergency Management Performance Grant Funding to support CERT for $19,016.00 Thanks, JohnT. John M. Taylor. Ph.D., MPPPA, MBA Mason County Emergency Management, Parks & Trails Manager Desk: (360) 427-9670 ext. 806 Cell: (360) 463-9448 From: Drance, Peter (MIL) <Peter.Drance@mil.wa.gov> Sent:Tuesday, April 9, 2024 11:33 AM To:John Taylor<jtaylor@masoncountywa.gov> Subject: 22 EMPG Reallocation scoring results Caution: External Email Warning! This email has originated from outside of the Mason County Network. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender, are expecting the email, and know the content is safe. If a link sends you to a website where you are asked to validate using your Account and Password, DO NOT DO SO! Instead, report the incident. Congratulations, Your Enhance and Maintain Mason County's CERT Program Expansion proposal has been funded at the requested amount of$ 19,016.00. After collecting EMAG scoring preferences, we were able to fund 19 of the 34 project proposals. They are in rank order below: Project title - EMO 1. CERT Training - West Pierce EM Coalition 2. Region 7 IMT supplies - Kittitas County Sheriff's Office 3. EOC Kit - Asotin County Department of Emergency Management 4. Skagit Mobile Information Technology Resilience Unit (MITRU) - Skagit County Department of Emergency Management 5. Expansion of the BPNet Community Emergency Technical Network - City of Bainbridge Island 6. CERT Supplies and Preparedness Materials - Whatcom County Sheriffs Office Division of Emergency Management 7. Enhance and Maintain Mason County's CERT Program Expansion - Mason County Department of Emergency Management 8. Radio Communications Infrastructure Assessment- Asotin County Department of Emergency Management 9. Vulnerable Populations Personal Preparedness Direct Connection - City of Kirkland Office of Emergency Management 10. R9 CEMNET rebuilding - Spokane County Emergency Management for Region 9 11. BullsEye Fire Extinguisher Training System - Everett Office of Emergency Management 12. Mobile Incident Command Post Interoperability - Mason County Sheriffs Office/Emergency Management 13. Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Supplies - City of Puyallup 14. Deployable Emergency Communications - County of Okanogan, Emergency Management 15. Compact Rapid Deployable System - City of Marysville 16. Emergency Communications Update - City of Tukwila Emergency Management 17. Mobile EOC In-A-Box - Kitsap County Department of Emergency Management 18. Plotter printer- Yakima Valley Emergency Management 19. Incident Command System - Instructor Development - Snohomish County Department of Emergency Management Our Team will draft amendment/agreements over the next 2 weeks for these projects. Please reach out if you have any questions. Thank you. Peter Drance Program Manager Emergency Management Division — Preparedness Grants Section peter.drance&mil.wa.gov Mobile: (253)-929-4427 C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Todd Cannon Ext. 501 Department: Information Technology Briefing: ❑X Action Agenda: ❑X Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): April 29,2024 Agenda Date: May 7,2024 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑X Information Technology ❑ Risk (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item• NinjaOne Background/Executive Summary: Over the past three months,IT has been working to improve the efficiency in managing a growing number of devices. After evaluating several computer management software options,NinjaOne was selected. NinjaOne will streamline IT operations by providing a central hub for all device management tasks which will improve technician efficiency and user satisfaction. Additionally,NinjaOne's automated patching capabilities will address a critical security requirement and free up valuable IT resources. Benefits include: • Unified IT management:NinjaOne is an all-in-one platform that allows IT professionals to automate, manage,and remediate all their device management tasks from a single platform. This can improve technician efficiency and user satisfaction. • Remote monitoring and management(RMM):NinjaOne is consistently ranked#1 for RMM by G2 and Gartner Digital Markets. It provides endpoint visibility,control, and automation for managing devices. • Endpoint management:NinjaOne helps identify, evaluate,and deploy patches automatically to improve security and compliance. • Patch management: Patching is a crucial aspect of IT security, and NinjaOne automates the process of deploying patches to devices. • Software deployment:NinjaOne helps deploy and manage applications at scale,which can save IT professionals time and effort. Budget Impact(amount, funding source,budget amendment): $15,120 out of professional services,billed yearly. Public Outreach (news release,community meeting, etc.): N/A Requested Action: Approval to purchase the NinjaOne computer management software for the amount of$15,120. Attachments: Quote Thank you for choosing CDW. We have received your quote. CDW�G • Hardware Software Services IT Solutions Brands Research Hub QUOTE CONFIRMATION TJ CANNON, Thank you for considering CDW•G for your technology needs. The details of your quote are below. If you are an eProcurement or single sign on customer, please log into your system to access the CDW site. You can search for your quote to retrieve and transfer back into your system for processing. For all other customers, click below to convert your quote to an order. Convert Quote to Order ACCOUNT MANAGER NOTES: Thanks! QUOTE# QUOTE DATE QUOTE REFERENCE CUSTOMER# GRAND TOTAL NWDW401 4/24/2024 NINJAONE 4748016 $15,120.28 QUOTE DETAILS ITEM QTY CDW# UNIT PRICE EXT.PRICE NINJA PRO REMOTE MON &MGT SW 650 6577444 $19.20 $12,480.00 Mfg. Part#: NP Term 12 months Electronic distribution- NO MEDIA Contract: MARKET NINJA TICKETING SAAS 4 7519315 $354.33 $1,417.32 Mfg. Part#: NTK Term 12 months Electronic distribution- NO MEDIA Contract: National IPA Technology Solutions(2018011) SUBTOTAL $13,897.32 SHIPPING $0.00 SALES TAX $1,222.96 GRAND TOTAL $15,120.28 PURCHASER BILLING INFO DELIVER TO Billing Address: Shipping Address: MASON COUNTY IT MASON COUNTY IT ACCTS PAYABLE 411 N 5TH ST 411 N 5TH ST. SHELTON,WA 98584-3466 SHELTON,WA 98584 Phone: (360)427-5501 Phone: (360)427-5501 Shipping Method: ELECTRONIC DISTRIBUTION Payment Terms: NET 30-VERBAL Please remit payments to: CDW Government 75 Remittance Drive Suite 1515 Chicago,IL 60675-1515 nSales Contact Info • Ah Danny Higgins 1 (877) 625-7671 1 dannhig@cdwg.com Need Help? ■ My Account ■ Support I■ Call 800.800.4239 I About Us I Privacy Policy I Terms and Conditions This order is subject to CDW's Terms and Conditions of Sales and Service Projects at http://www.cdwq.com/content/terms-conditions/product-sales.aspx For more information,contact a CDW account manager. ©2024 CDW•G LLC, 200 N. Milwaukee Avenue,Vernon Hills,IL 60061 1 800.808.4239 Page 2 of 2