HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPI2001-00065 RLC2001-00021 - SPI Inspections - 5/29/2001 OH_STA MASON COUNTY c A u °N DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT S N Planning Division N Y o P O Box 279,Shelton,WA 98684 (360)427-0670 186A Shoreline Inspection May 29, 2001 TIFFANIE D KILMER 17206 112TH AVE NE ARLINGTON WA 98223 Case No.: SP12001-00065 Parcel No.: 122065000900 Project Description: Building lot suitability inspection for purchaser. Dear Applicant: As part of this department's review of your permit application, a Shoreline Inspection (SPI) was performed on your property. Below you will find comments made regarding the proposed development and its critical values. In some cases, setbacks for development from shorelines, steep slopes, streams, and wetlands must be included in your specific proposal; these setbacks are included as part of the comments listed below. This information is based on County and State regulations as they exist to date. These regulations may change and may affect the requirements for development of the subject property. Please contact me at(36,0)427-9670, ext. 363 if you have questions. Sincerely, � cc� i I i 3 j Scott Longanecker Land Use Planner Mason County Planning Department 1 I i 5/29/01 1 of 2 SP12001-00065 l I 1 Shoreline Inspection 5/29/01 Ca se No.: .S P 12001-00065 Comments: Met on site with applicant's realtor on 5125/01 to evaluate shoreline setbacks and other critical areas, and issues that may effect future redevelopment of the property. The Shoreline Designation is Urban Residential, and the Comprehensive Plan Designation is Rural. This is a small shoreline lot, 50 feet wide on the South Shore of the Hood Canal. Currently there is a trailer on the site with a waterfront deck. The shoreline is terraced with approx. 4 foot high retaining walls made of rail road ties. It appears that these ties may have been backfilled when they were installed. There is a fairly steep drop from the trailer to the beach, (approx. 25 degrees.) The shoreline is armored with a 5-6 foot high cement bulkhead. No streams were found in the area that would require a building setback. There is some ground water seepage on the hillside to the South of Hwy 106. The building setback required by the Shoreline Master Program would be the common line found by drawing an imaginary line between the driplines of the two adjacent residences. This setback was measured at approximately 32 feet from the NW corner of the bulkhead. The sideyard setback would be 5 feet from property lines. This would leave 40 feet in width in which to build. This 40 feet would have to include any eves, decks etc. or any structures over 30 inches above average grade. Given the shoreline slope and the possibility of fill behind the retaining walls on the shoreline a Geotechnical Report would most likely be needed when a building permit is requested to replace the current residence. A copy of the Landslide Hazard Areas Chapter of the Mason County Resource Ordinance is enclosed. This Geotechnical Report would address slope stability issues, soil type, compaction, storm water management, ground water issues and engineering recommendations. The requirements of the contents of Geological Assessments and Geotechnical Reports can be found in the enclosed Landslide Hazard Areas Ordinance. The site appears to be buildable, but development should be based upon the future recommendations of an engineering geologist, and whether a functioning septic system can be designed for the site. 1 1 I 5/29101 2 of 2 SP12001-00065 ' RECEIVED SEP 2 9 2015 SPI 2-6 i� - txa0�j! ACCEPTED BY !L 426 W. CEDAR ST MASON COUNTY PLANNING DEPT. PRE-INSPECTION APPLICATION PLEASE PRINT $255.00 Fee Required 1. Site Address: 13 -7 S5 gAe - 1 o U . fi r, �,. `� 8 Sz8 Owner: ��f �1.D 2 t `r��t' Applicant: SMwu_. Owner Address: C t S2_1 Wi)Dd 4M(oW_v4( Applicant Address: City: -a%-VyVSy i U-9— StT_N Zip `/6077 City: St Zip Phone: (303 ) $ $— O 28 3 day Phone: ( ) day Phone: ( ) evening Phone: ( ) evening Email Address: C.mvh Email Address: 2. Parcel#'s � 220(o _ S p _ p p't p Q Legal Description: SwLY 3. Purpose of Pre-Inspection: 94se- 4. Use of building: Z �25 5. Do any of the following exist on or adjacent to property?: slope �%J saltwater.Q) lake ( ) river( ) pond ( ) wetland ( ) seasonal runoff( other( stream ( ) seasonal creek ( ) Directions to Site: �A W-x (O(o C sS '�'o (' �` •�, 1 �-7SS is mdL Csa y� � AKA- � w`�(►'� ( 8�S I a s: If the information is incomplete, then Mason County must disclaim any errors resulting from deficiencies in the original application. Pre-inspection reports remain valid only until development changes occur in the vicinity, which affect the lot evaluated in this inspection, or the laws regulating development of the site change after the time of inspection. App icant Signature:�C Date: (0 5 If you would like to be on site during inspection,please check here: ( ) Return application to: Department of Community Development, Planning Division 426 W Cedar Street Shelton,WA 98584 Please include a$255.06 check or money order payable to Mason County Treasurer. MORE ON BACK SIDE C:\Users\blr.MASON\Desktop\2012_Pl anning_Pre-Inspection.doc SEP 2 9 ?015 Please illustrate below the proposed building site in relation to critical areas (slopes, streams, lakes, wetlands,etc.) existing improvements, as well as properly lines. APPLICATIONS SUBMITTED WITHOUT ADEQUATE ILLUSTRATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED AND WILL BE RETURNED TO THE APPLICANT. Departmental Review (For Office Use Only) Planning Department Findings: C:\Users\BLR—I.MAS\AppData\Local\Temp\XPgrpwise\2012 Planning Pre-Inspection.doc i S J Key: 62 ,, Ol Audio-Visual Alarm r Z v 00 O2 Cleanout ��"� N 3 NuWater BNR-500 ATU Tank with drivable top, lids & risers with drivable top, lids & risers 3 O i o 2D 30 �c O -e �r MASON COUNTYf'7d SHORELINE PRE-INSPECTION APPLICATION )-eec'O cal I r 2s P FJM PF*ff $70.00 Fee Pao*cd 1. Owner: Pbrro 66 n ':6t it .- 1rin Applicant: TL-.Q-ten�e�.�t I fYuzr Site Address: _t S Lhe2�1-1 P to Applioant Address: �co- �+`.�,•�►'� Owne"t'r ss: City: StIA,-L 'p_ g a City: St w4 Phone: osl 4o3 Phone: 1 ) 2. Parcel No. DO Legal Description: o RECEIVEC W MAY 2 3 20CI MCCD Lkf'vIVIfV{a 3. Pu ose of Pre-Inspection: bU d�n u o Su 4 1 n5 _ 4. Use of Building: _XIS yr e2 :I�c--9 (yaCA::�'CrN �(y peR`�► ) 5. Is there any type of water on or adjacent to property?: saltwater lake river pond wetland seasonal runoff other stream seasonal creek Directions to Site: '< Or If the information is incomplete, then Mason County must disclaim any errors'resulting from deficiencies in the original application. Pre-inspection reports remain valid only until i deveknxTmnt chap es occur in the vicinity which affect the lot evaluated In this Inspection. jApplicant Signature: Date: i I Return application to. Department of Community Development.Planning Division P.O. Box 578 Shelton, WA 98584 (360) 427-9670 Please include a 00.00 check or money order payabld to Mason County Treasurer FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: Accepted by: Date: i i 05!2112001 12:45 FAX 360 427 7798 MASON CO PERMIT CTR � 027� MASON COUNTY SHORELINE PRE-INSPECTION APPLICATION c-n`2-SgB j6!t # cot 1125- PLEASE MW 670.00 Fee Required 1. Owner: Pbrr 6r► �9%It .-4nn Applicant: T�-Qani_o Site Address: it 1 S 1 _ u O(o Applicant Address: --rt'' n 4_ Owne�Address: City: Stomp g a City t r St C"A Zip Phone; 40S-8 C( Phone: S ) 2. Parcel No. - 00 RECFIV Legal Description: �'° '` E L. MAY 2 3 2ocl MCCD - INNING 3. Pur ose of Pre-Inspection: bu14, 1 nL 9 4. Use of Building: Y n 5 t o �y�� '� �(�J- 5. Is there any type of water on or adjacent to property?: saltwater X) lake river pond wetland seasonal runoff other stream seasonal creek Directions to Site: 'Da&4r44r is J 1 m, Ga. lfRJzt" �Lno� 9!& _S q o t 3too 31. ncyao If the information is incomplete, then Mason County must disclaim any errors'resulting from deficiencies in the original application. Pre4nspection reports remain valid only until development chana es occur in the vicinity which affect the lot evaluated in this inspection. Applicant Signature: Date: 1 Retum application to: Department of Community Development,Planning Division P.O. Box 578 Shelton, WA 98584 (360) 427-9670 Please include a $70.00 check or money order payable to Mason County Treasurer FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: Accepted by: Date: MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Planning-Landfill-Utilities DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE ( PAC 197-11-340) Description of Proposal: Repair an existing erosion control bulkhead per construction plans. Reinforced concrete placed in front of and under front edge of existing footing to fill undercutting erosion. Repaired section measures approximately 25 lineal feet. Proponent: WILLIAM HORROBIN Location of Proposal : 18755 HIGHWAY 106. . . . BELFAIR CABIN BEACH TRACTS TR 2 SWLY 1/2 FS 02772 Bx 039 Approximately 3 miles west of Belfair, WA. E 18755 HWY 106. Name and sign at edge of road. Lead Agency: MASON COUNTY The Lead Agency for this proposal has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An Environment Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43 .21C.030 (2) (c) . This decision was made after review of a completed Environmental Checklist and other information on file with the Lead Agency. This information is available to the public upon request. This DNS is issued under 197-11-340 (2) , the Lead Agency will not act on this proposal for 15 days from the date below. Comments must be submitted by 04/23/92 . DATE: 04/08/92 i Sign4u'!teT responsible official Date Responsible Official: Gary Yando Director of Community Development 426 N. Cedar, I PO BOX 578 Shelton, WA 98584 (206)427-9670 9 1 NON_SIG, rev: 03/26/92 i 1 C L r7G E L 1 i �04 StAr, � MASON COUNTY k' Mo Planning Department o " U = P O Box 678, Shelton, WA 98584 N N Y ° (360)427-9670 OJ a0 186A Resource Lands & Critical Area Office Review April 16, 2001 TOBY TAHJA-SYRETT 113 N VALLEY DR SHELTON WA 98584 Case No.: RLC2001-00021 Parcel No.: 122065000900 Project Description Determine shoreline setbacks and other critical areas that may impact future re-development of the property. Dear Applicant: As part of this department's review of your permit application, a Resource Lands and Critical Areas (RLC) office review was performed on your property. Below you will find comments made regarding the proposed development and its critical values. This information is based on County and State regulations as they exist to date. These regulations may change and may affect the requirements for development of the subject property. Please contact me at (360) 427-9670, ext. 363 if you have questions. Sincerely, Scott Lon necker Land Use Planner Mason County Planning Department i 04l1612001 1 of 2 RLC2001-00021 I Resource Lands & Critical Area Office Review 04/16/2001 Case No.: RLC2001-00021 Comments Met on site with applicant on 4/12/01 to evaluate shoreline setbacks and other critical areas, and issues that may effect future redevelopment of the property. This is a small shoreline lot, 50 feet wide on the South Shore of the Hood Canal. Currently there is a trailer on the site with a waterfront deck. The shoreline is terraced with approx. 4 foot high retaining walls made of rail road ties. It appears that these ties may have been backfilled when they were installed. There is a fairly steep drop from the trailer to the beach, (approx. 25 degrees.) The shoreline is armored with a 5-6 foot high cement bulkhead. No streams were found in the area that would require a building setback. The building setback required by the Shoreline Master Program would be the common line found by drawing an imaginary line between the driplines of the two adjacent residences. This setback was measured at approximately 32 feet from the NW corner of the bulkhead. The sideyard setback would be 5 feet from property lines. This would leave 40 feet in width in which to build. This 40 feet would have to include any eves, decks etc. or any structures over 30 inches above average grade. Given the shoreline slope and the possibility of fill behind the retaining wails on the shoreline a Geotechnical Report would most likely be needed when a building permit is requested to replace the current residence. A copy of the Landslide Hazard Areas Chapter of the Mason County Resource Ordinance is enclosed. This Geotechnical Report would address slope stability issues, soil type, compaction, ground water issues and engineering recommendations. The requirements of the contents of Geological Assessments and Geotechnical Reports can be found in the enclosed Landslide Hazard Areas Ordinance. i a RLC2001-00021 04/16/2001 2 of 2 • MASON COUNTY Sid RESOURCE LANDS & CRITICAL AREAS CHECKLIST `�� -° � �b.l 39 $70.00 Feb Re red PLEASE PRINT Parcel No. - Applicant: Applicant Address: 113 N �/A� 1/ d� city, �-rn.l Sty. P `�g� Legal Description: Phone: Owner Name (if different from applicant: - � i 't1�6E C)r Purpose of Pre-Inspection: '` Use of Building: saltwater lake Do any of the following exist on or within 200 feet of the property: river/stream pond wetland seasonal runoff slope Directions to Site: $15S Mine Please illustrate in the box below the proposed building site in relation to property Ra4:N significant natural features, slope grade and direction and topography (or include on separate S;GN. i sheet): P4 North Arrow rrm�c -tfl shy sl,,,,v(,t. fts/ ri I i po„�N ►�` AO LT This checklist is designed to assist an applicant for a Building Permit, on-Site Sewage Sy�srtee Site Segregations,on and Hazardous Disposal Permit, Access Permit, Land Modification Permit, Boundary is affect by regulations under the Mason Waste Permit, or Shoreline Permit in determining whether their property In the permit process County Interim Ordinance (77-93). This checklist is an important opportunity for identifying early whether there will be any environmental regulations affecting the proposed development. If the information is incomplete, then Mason County must disclaim any errors resulting from deficiencies in the original application. Pre-inspection reports remain valid only until development changes occur in the vicinity which affects the lot evaluated in this inspection._ Applicant Signature: Dater Return application to: Department of Community DovelopmentYlan nlnp DivWon 411 N.6dJP.0.Box 578 l Shelton,WA 08584 $ (3601 427-0670 4 Fleece make oheoka or money orders psyabls to Mason county Treasure whan oompleted,the form becomes pet of the permit apprnostion. Please Illustrate below the proposed building site In relation to critical area & property lines: VIR F r T P aF � POLOPS' PVZP:Nb-CULARTVA ' Departmental Review (For Office Use Only) Planning Department Findings: ,5 Q 7 2 - - N� �co✓ �.. I k hZ -140