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SWG2024-00118 - SWG Application / Design - 3/26/2024
® MASON COUNTY 415N 6TR STREET,SHELTON,WA98584 SHELTON:360427-9670,EXT 400 BELFAIR:LFAIR:360-2]SM6],EXT 400 Public Health & Human Services ELMA:360482-5269,EXT 11M FAX:360427-7787 On-Site Sewage System Permit: SWG2024-00118 APPLICANT JOHNSON PATSY R Phone: Address: 151 W WIVELL RD SHELTON,WA 98584 OWNER JOHNSON PATSY R Phone: Address: 151 W WIVELL RD SHELTON,WA 98584 SEPTIC DESIGNER PAULA JOHNSONs Phone: 360-898-2255 Address: 171 E VUECREST DRIVE UNION,WA 98592 Site Address: 151 W Wivell Rd Primary Parcel Number: 419030090090 Permit Description: Non-Conforming Septic repair for SFR-2BR Pressure Permit Submitted Date: 03126/2024 Permit Issued Date: 03/29/2024 Issued By: Jeff Wilmoth Current Permit Fees Paid: $805.00 pmiuonalf .s my m rwuirw uFon lmmiabon orsyusml. Permit Expiration Date: 03127/2025 (basso on fate or mspeeMon) Permit Conditions: 1 Proposed development subject to zoning requirements and approval by the planning department staHper Mason County Title 17. 2 Permit must be installed by a Mason County Certified Installer unless prior written authorization from Mason County is obtained. 3 Dreinfield installation not to exceed designed upslope and downslope depth specirred on design form. 4 Installer is responsible for obtaining Mason County installation approval prior to backfill of system components. 5 Installer is responsible for obtaining Septic DesignerlEngineer installation approval prior to backfill of system Components. 6 Mason County Asbuilt Form, Record Drawing, and Installation fee must be submitted for final installation approval. THIS PERMIT MUST BE ONSITE DURING INSTALLATION OF OSS. PROPERTY OWNERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR DETERMINING AND MARKING ALL PROPERTY LINE AND EASEMENT LOCATIONS. THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED IF THE SITE CONDITIONS HAVE CHANGED SINCE THE SITE WAS INSPECTED AND DESIGN APPROVED. FINAL INSTALLATION APPROVAL IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO TEMPORARY OR FINAL OCCUPANCY OF ANY RELATED STRUCTURES. For Final Inspection visit: masoncountywa.gov/healthlenvironmentallonsiteloss-inspection-request.php or call: 360427.9670,extension 400. OFFICIAL USE ONLY 5SWG MASON COUNTY EWD.COMMUNITY SERVICES ® g` °° Act WG y0 a.0aia -�01l w o A ~-NRMLYafSM 2 N ON-SITE SEWAGE SYSTEM APPLICATION m M oxE r ° (360) 463-1587 z Patsy Johnson y 3 MANNGADDRESS'9TRE£f.GT'.GTATE.Zl=E Shelton WA I�OGOA p 151 W Wivell Rd _ JOJO� sttEACOREss'STREETcm.zlP wcE I A Same '— PNoxE NAMEC DESGNEA (360) 898-2255 Arrow Septic Designs o FNOXE 0 XAMEOPINSTA o (360)463-8474 c Maples Excavating H PFAMITTYPEMMa X'IPl 2 DRINMING WATER WVRCE f RESIDENTIALOBS EBCOMMUNR 0SS ®COMMERCIALOSS j[PRWATEINDIVIDUALMRLL Iy PRIVATETPNPARWY L I I W TYPE pf PUBLIC WATER SYSTEM C£NCIIX I1 NEW CONSTRICSTRUCTIONIUPGRADES ®REPNRI REPLACEMENT O 1RSUpFACINGSEWAGEE WEXISTINGFMLUREI DSNORELINE 03 Ir suwlnu 0 DESIGN FORM(REOUIRED) SEPTIC DESIGN(REQUIRED) BEDRCCMs WT&� I 3 2.21 Acres I m �WAIVER(SJ(IFAPP4CPBLE) MRECTgN9 N SITE AND SITE CONMTgXS'.pn.IOM�f 9wl Tum(R)onto W Alder St. At the traffic circle, take the 1st exit. Continue straight on S at o St for 5.9 miles.Turn (L)onto Wivell Rd.Turn (R to stay on Wivell Rd. Destination on (L). o I p Brown/green cottage with white fence I co y2YWiBE MGGED FROX MAIXRw°AM°TESINCLEi YI/ST... T ST �/ YYBERSii��® IO OFFICIAL L Y" upDRACEIRE s0VRCE(NRXPNNDw NM hVg ❑ ❑yDLUNTANTARy ❑µgINiENMICHWMPING ❑BUILDING PERMR ❑11'JME II ,DGNLYTgNS 9r1 INSf£C10R BMLLOGB RF°Fip�I�1 ) -tom zY16 yq -2) REGORDDR NGANDINWAw IONREFONT SpLDODUI R WED FOR FINALAWRWAL V•WRY G•GPAVELLY S."ND L=LOAM %'SLT C"' E•EMREMEIY 0.•RDOTS TIONAP%tOVELYI$VED BY wTE pE 0.9WNATVRE OI.TE APNCAIKIN EVIMTAH wTE z�-z's 'L y tN2°IS -Is YBE gCANNFD AND AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC VIEW ON THE MASON COUNTY WEBSITE DESIGN FORM—PAGE ONE Assessor's Parcel Number: 4 1 9 0 3 — A design will be reviewed when 3 conies of each of the following are submitted: Completed design form that has been signed and dated. 'Scaled layout sketch,including all applicable items on checklist Sealed plot plan.including all applicable items on checklist. .Cross-section sketch.including all applicable items on checklist. This form may be scanned and available for public view on the Mason County Web r vee.' if .l /' PARCEL IDENTIFICATION Arrow Septic Designs,Inc Permit\umber: SWG �� - Designer's Name: (360)898-2255 Applicant's Name: Petry Johnson Designer's Phone Number. Mailing Address: 151 W Wgvell Rd Designer's Address: 171 E Voluted Or union, WA 9&592 9heaon WA 98564 City State A Crt State 2UESIGN PARAMETERS Treatment Device ❑Glendon Blofilter ❑Send Filter ❑ Mound ❑Sand Lined Dminfield ❑Recirculating Filter.Type: ❑.4embicUnit Make/Model ❑ Disintcmion Ura MakelModel Other:_--- Draintield Type ❑Sub Surface Drip ❑Gravity Rf Pressure hi(Trench ❑Bed Septic Tank/Drainfield Specifications Laterals 3 Schedule/Class 40 Number of Bedrooms 50 11 Daily Flow:Operating Capacity 270 gpd Length Daily Flow:Design Flow 360 gPdi Diameter 125 in Septic Tank Capacity(working) 1,200 gal Number 3 Receiving Soil Type 11-b) 3 Separation 5 It Receiving Soil Appl.Rate 0.6 gpd/f` Orifices Required Primary'Area 450 ft' Total Number of Orifices 30 Designed Primary Area 450 tt' Diameter 3/16 in Designed Reserve Area 450 W Spacing 60 in Trench%Bed Width 3 R Manifold Trench/Bed Length 150 1t Schedule/Class 40 Elevation Measurements Length header R Original Dminfield Area Slope 0-1 % Diameter 1.25 in New Slope.If Altered 0-1 % Preferred manifold configuration used^. Rf Yes ONO Depthof Excavation Ur-11-K 6-12 in Transport Pipe from Original Grade Do..n.dop. 6-12 in Schedule/Class 40 12+ in Length 60 It Designed Vertical Separation _ Gmvelless Chambers Required? ❑Yes ❑No If optional Diameter 2 in Pump Required? Id Yes 0 No Dosing and Pump Chamber Pump/Sipbon Specifications Number ofdosesiday 4 Diff.in Elevation Be[ween Pump&Uppermost Orifice e R Dose quantity 90 gal 2 g Chamber Capacity(flood) 1,000 gal Doi Squirt Height/Selected Residual(head) Pump controls:Please check those required. Uppermost Orifice 91 Higher OLower tb-1 Pump Shutoff G(Fla Capacity @ Total Pressure Head 1Z70 gpm Timer pse Meter G�6 hours Counter 11.29 R If Timer: Pump oil 2 minutes pump off 6 hours Calculated Total Pressure Head Comments � O ,/ a. Mq v E COUN7VENVIRONMENrAL HEALTH ls&� JBw DESIGN FORM—PAGE TWO Assessor's Parcel Number:4 1 9 0 3 — 0 0 Permit Number: SWG DESIGN CHECKLISTS r.d Plan Scaled Layout Sketch Cross-Section Sketch 56 locations Z Dno"field orientation and layout Reference depth from original grade: Ed Trench/bed dimensions and 2f Septic hack critical distances within layout Drainlield cover ' lines lid and proposed wells 59 D-BoxlValve box locations Reference depth I,"original grade 00 ft of properly Ed Septic IanlJpump chamber and restrictive strata:locations 9 Laterals,trenchmed,top andments to cuts. banks.and bottom surface water and critical areas Observation port location ❑ Curtain drain collector ❑ Location and orientation of IZ Clean-out location ❑ Sand augmentation curtain drain and all absorption fid Manifold placement components 66 Orifice placement Ocher crossserva ion po il: 60 Location and dimension of Rf observation pons;cleatt-0outs, Lateral placcm t with distance primary system and reserve area to edge of be Other Information IZ Buildings Ed Audiblelvis referenced Yes No Ill Direction of slope indicator Rf Scale of n, - n on scale Ed ❑ Design staked out ❑ Waterlines bars ❑ 66 Recorded Notices attached ❑ 51 waiver(s)attached lid Roads.easements.driveways, r>d ❑ primp curve attached parking `. `� Rf ❑ Evaluation of failure id North arrow and scale drawing r�PAULA fors oxxsox'. shown on scale bar Lfow »ESi NpR_ Non-reside to sl justification ❑ Ed Was strength ❑ (if Flow DESIGN APPROVAL The undersigned designer must be o ie y in IS. ci at time of installation 56 Yes ❑ No Signature of Designer Date "I'Ile undersigned has revie.<ed this design on behalf of Mason County Public Health and determined a m be w compliance with state and local -s e regulatioi s: ';qV 1 vi ei F alth Specialist Date CAUTION: DESIGN AP ROVAL IS VALID ONLY UNDER THE FOLLOWING CONDITION: ✓ The design is stamped"Approved"by Mason County Public Health. 9��� ✓ The Onsite Sewage Permit has not expired.the Permit Expiration Date is: ✓ Dminfield site conditions have not been altered to adversely affect conditions of design approval. Please Note: The system must be installed by a certified installer, unless prior authorization is obtained from M n County Public Health. PIP ROVE An Installation Fee is re aired. 44 This form may be scanned and available for public view on the all MASON COUNTY s Updated 12!V2o15 ENVIRONMENTAL FFALfr. Ja1y Arrow Septic Designs 171 E.Vuecrest Dr. Union,WA 98592 March 26,2024 Mason County Department Of Health Services 415 N 6th St Shelton,WA 98594 RE: Patsy Johnson(Parcel#41903-00-90090)Evaluation of Failure Dear Inspector: Attached is a replacement septic design for a property located at 151 W W ivell Rd,Shelton.There is an existing 3-bedroom home built in 1974 that ties into a gravity septic system of the same era. There is an existing 1,000-gallon single-comparhnent septic tank followed by 160 LF of gravity trench drainfield. The system was discovered to be failing at a recent service. The drainfield is no longer taking water,likely because of the high water table. The owner has decided to move forward with an upgrade to a modem system. Proposed is a new 1,200 gallon operating capacity minimum 2-compartment septic tank with an effluent filter. The old tank can be re-used as a pump chamber if it is in acceptable condition. The old drainfield is to be abandoned. The new drainfield consists of 450 s.f.of shallow pressure trench using an application rate of O.S.The system will also have a control panel including timed dosing,a counter and elapse meter to prevent overuse and facilitate ongoing operation and maintenance. This is a non-compliant repair with 12"+vertical separation. The drainfield meets 100'+setback to surface water and wells and we have also designated a full reserve drainfield area. The property owner's contact information is as follows: Patsy Johnson 151 W Wivell Rd Shelton,WA 98584 (360)463-1587 If you need further information,please contact my office at(360)898-2255. Sincerely, % PPULN JOY JONNaO k� trn� t aa' ^nasoN MAR 7 7 204 Licensed Onsite Wastewater Treatment System Designer COUNTYENVIRONMENT, HFA(TN B{N 24w Jii✓9n7 S j $a1312 {R. 710 Q.. A W. . VJ.1.A. 418767 \earl 9achlund Claude Mclrvin et. ux. et. ux. —,NJ Vw on_ PFA gs L. Rucker Carte7 t4 >< a IQ � 0 0 JJ�j° �d dd wgAmd� >5 y o 00 J0 J �� n J 41: ' ;aQ so d J� � . j09 j dY� ooa adJ 4 10, 0 dY adj r a � Yp p � � �ilc sc �.n svJ �.n Zvi vn r�a 0 1 �y se11er: �� Q\ Ap P R 0 V C William G. S Patsy R Johnson West 151 Wivell Road 9 \ Shelton, WA 99584 'O MAR 2 7 202 4 a>r< pL`X iso q, 0 MASON COUNTY JBWME T � /83 �!—.'.?"n'�`-�i �pppDV E0 O`l P�.�U\f:S'�0\\1-`�-.��v.°-. V 0' l_E GE-UO - _ ���•• O.0 OF--b1A- W\ZV. POT rwo�IC`('S G!P SEX �JJ p Fes. 12 ROGER D. LOVITT 9 ASSOC.°1NC,P.S.. w.r-.m P.O. BOX 816 - \.. _ \p0• Z19.4 3� 1 SFELTON.WA - 98584. p — ___.-- CAL£ (3) 3x5U' ?r�mary 0 Ls �o ro�v� Ufa �rChG CS PLe PLAN � �' Of✓. W� 1So '� 'Pot�'Thncnh +�-n-&esv� �•"^`^-�`�L �arcel�h1g03-00'QOOgO 151 vV W yVeLL (Zb I o-i�• � j �� Old dP O. \ i D ° C 3 t� q2- 21 'Ls -to �xfj. l O �s3 -I A" LS to ous6 � 1 OAudio-Visual Alarm © Cleanout 1200 Gallon Septic TanIc 2-Compartment with Effluent Filter 1 USE E)QSY1W6'Ckwv. ¢OR 1000 Gallon Pump Chamber OValve Control Box A PPROVE . S,OP MAR 2 ) M24 MASON COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH JBW o 4 .d�'.mY1 boas PAULA JOY JONNSON'. 6a�R�E uwPas { z@ ��^'-� Ll Sax tc.�kl•Ls" � . * ,. o ; 7,90 fed' 3a„ fs' Obs+�'�ant lo �I2r r 5' eat, p fco b�Z4 9 " Izs'r+fF b�I K St0u39 1' �'�, PAULA JOY JOHN6pN �� AIL,-- �.a�LIC�JJS��iyi�riE�5fG�NEp" 3�Ir �I EXPMtESE 'OS/15i -��- .L. o„n..��FD CAweS-S:CGaK %45 REW ON CAP o b" 1' I$" 2' DEGREE ELBOW OR NOTE, SWEEPING 9U O�OHSERVATION PORTS--TO BE 4" LATERALpVC PIPE FROM BOTTOM OF TRENCH END CAP FINISHED BEGRADE. INSTALLED ONABD DITCH DETAIL OBSERVATION PORT PIPE. GLUED ON CLEAN OUT TEE AT BOTTOM. IN SYSTEM. MINIMUM OF - 3 NOTE, CLEANOUT TO BE FROM 0 TO 6 LATERALS ARE TO BE CENTERED INCHES ENDSBELOW WITH REBAR- GCLEAN OUT IN TRENCHES REQUIRED AT END A EACH LATERAL. ; PPROVE 50 , TECH ORIFICES bo 1.1. OCNI r I o ORIFICES 1 MAR 2 2024 gO"FROM MANIFOLD MASON COUNTY ENVIRONMENT,, NEgJ.r 300FROM ELBOW J13W � oft Length Length Orifice # Distance from Distance from Lateral# (In.) (Ft.) Spacing Orifices Feeder Line In. Cleanout(In.) 1 600 50 60 10 30 30 2 600 50 60 10 30 30 3 600 50 60 10 30 30 Total Lateral Length 150 Total#Orifices 30 1 GPM = 17.7 Dynamic Head Calculations Selected residual pressure: 2 ft. Length (Ft.) #Orifices Transport Pipe 60 30 0.35 ft. Feeder Total Lateral Line Length Lateral#1 50 2 52 10 0.29 ft. Lateral#2 50 7 57 10 0.31 ft. Lateral#3 50 12 62 10 0.34 ft. Total Elevation Lift 5.00 ft. Total Dynamic Head 11.29 ft. e ' PAl,lq JOY JOHn. Ic , � nEsr ta" Fxraea , , Pp"' • Brorae conswction available 1139 series) • High head version available(145 series) Double shaft seal versions a .flable for added protection Flow-Mate on models 140/145. For more infmma n,sae TechnicalData sheets FM2]82,FM2783- In high head dewatering or effluent applications where pumping ga performance is critical, this robust a e aae°EPisawc'C. family of pumps is known for reliability, e durability and performance. These pumps are especially suited for harsh environments.ZoeUers cool run design and corrosion-resistant,powder coated epoxy finish add up to a long-lasting trouble-free product APPLICAI"' ' STEP or.:.applications • Watermensfer F, ' Light commercial dewatedng BMCIFICATION6 1-1/2"NPT discharge vr_ 1/2 HP through l HP �`° MME IN THE USA Available in automatic or nonautomatic MBIMa911f1111IMap Model 137,139.140.1/2•(12 mm)spherical solids , capacky with wmo hnpelter • Model 145:3/4'(19 mm)spherical solids capacity,with ns vortex impeller ' In. 1 Y g PUMP PE" CE CUflVE DOSS-Mate 0Y e tt1Ay&A� MODE 151/1 153 This is our fastest growing line of effluent +^ ss pumps.The 150 series is truly a workhorse designed for reliability under extreme a ^° conditions in an effluent environment j 150 series pump curves cover a wide range u A5 +at of applications. They are well suited to ae applications with tow pressure pipe(LPP) a mI andenhancedflowSTEPsysrems.Zoeliees cool run design and corrosion-resistant, `� N powder coated epoxy finish,in addition ° to the hermetically sealed,oil-fifted motor +s and non-clogging vortex impeher add up to ' a long-tasting trouble-free product 1° APPLIDATIDNB: STEP or ensile appliwdonsOEM- Me10 MMNBaOMIm m 1a is. A w w 1 • Llghtcommercialdewatering aauaxa SPECIRennoxa: utru t' 1-1/2•NPT discharge _w - 1a V 3/10HPthn nonautomatic ® MAR 2I Availebk in nomutomati<9rwith a varlabk Lwel In�2 piggyback mechanical switch �A CQCNT 4 • 1/z-(12 mm)spherical solids capacity with vortex yENVIRONME demwplanicimpetler ,/Bw NTAI HEATH For more information,see Technical Own Sheet FM2284. I ®AU rights reserved. ZOELLER PUMP CO. I502g78-2731 180"28-7867 I toetlanomPs.mm 9 3 WWAMM I 5L CJL%� VAT scum APAWM WRMW IRSUMM So MILTAMIC SOT /I MMLT_MMLT MMLT MM= 0%4 tV 1.4l ACDLumm. AC=RMM FDM GROE FROM SEPT= r TANK3PTO DRADOMMU MGBUMA—vcpAw AiMSOMM ,cm WAMW ALmm L&M 0=0 if- VALVE MMMAL Tom ON Lars . wvAcmvw_,w 46 ENCLOM Pump t_:-�. SEDMMM SHROW. NOURTZW CH=VALVE- CMRWFDrAL --Note. SeptfC-anks.mLLstmee-_-andards required kv YjAC Qlaptar 24 _--54-72-, FIGURE 2 and m,r,u ft c t L,w mum k he on th 3eot &-I.35 e 6 serr.Oe t s:n k L Q1Uldl(t- sepek DQdLw PiSTALLATION& MAIlVTENANCE Pressue Distribution Systems .fry' :,aJ=I. PAULA JOI JOHNSON ti: r{r1 7 1. Install laterals with contour of the ground axwaas r 2. Install tench bottoms level. 3. Install locator tape or rebar at each end of all drainSeld UuarZTs. 4. Install observation ports as indicated on the plot plan. One required at distal end of each lateral in drainfield with bottom extending to the drain ock/native soil interface. Glue "T"to bottom so Observation Port cannot be easily removed from ground Install removable cap on top of port at final grade level. _ 5. Install drainfieid during dry weather and soil conditions;any soil smearing must be eliminated by hand raking. 6. Install threaded cieanouts at the end of all laterals(cap must extend to within six inches of finished grade and be marked with locator tape or rebar). 7. install audio/visual high water level alarm. 8. Install 1/8"mesh non-corrosive pump screen(min. 12 sq.ft surface area,not to interfere with controls or floats.) Or pump screen may be substituted with Bio-Tube in septic tank. Pull bio-tube ever;6-12 months and flush back into tank. - 9. Install anti-siphon valve above pump in pump chamber to prevent the pump chamber from siphoning into the drainfield. 10.Install check valve in pump outlet Hine to prevent system from draining back into the pump chamber. I I-Tee to Tee construenon between laterals and manifold wlm orifices oriented at 6 o'clock- Install laterals to the manifold with the orifices at 12 o'clock,(do not glue),after pressure test and Environmental Health Dept approval,t im or5ces down(6 o'clock)and glue laterals to manifold Orifice shields may be used with orifices in the 12 o'clock position in lieu of turning the orifices down to the 6 o'clock position 12:-Filter fabric required over drain rock prior to back 'filling. Lf the drain rock extends above natural grade,run the filter fabric at least 2 inches down the trench wall. 13.Encase all water lines within 1 o' of drainfield and under all driveway/parking areas. 14.Divert all storm water runoff away from on-site sewage system. 15.No curtain chins allowed within 10' of the up-slope edge or 30' of the down-slope edge of the drainfield and reserve area 16.Have the septic tank and pump chamber pumped or inspected every 3 to 5 yeas. 17.No vehicular naEie over drsinfield area 18.Incest floats, clean fters,and teat high waxer level alarm every 6-12 months as needed. 29.Alf materials and workmanship must meet County and State regulations. 20.Deviation from this design wiLom prior approval from the Designer and Mason County Environmental Health Department will make this design null and void. 21.All manhole lids and access, sampling or inspccdon pore taus[have locidnf;covers and be locatrd at ground level. 22. All pressure systems with a pump chamber outlet higher than The drain5eld must have a 1/8"hole drilled in the discharge pipe above the pump to went siphoning. 23.All transport lines under driveways or-parking ass:must be encased to prevent mushing. 24.Homeowner is responsible for all property lines. PPRO AVE ,.. MAR Z 7 2024 L�4ZN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTh- q4-cI JBW