HomeMy WebLinkAboutSWG2024-00125 - SWG Application / Design - 4/1/2024 MASON COUNTY 415 N6SHELTON: 60427-O70,EXT 584 SHELTON:360-02759"67,EXT 400 BELFAIR:380.275.448],EXT 400 Public Health & Human Services ELMA 3604825269,EXT 400 FAX 27-7787 On-Site Sewage System Permit: SWG2024-00125 APPLICANT MCMILLIN ET AL JACQUELINE ANN Phone: Address: MYRIAH LISH SHELTON,WA 98584 OWNER MCMILLIN ET AL JACQUELINE ANN Phone: Address: MYRIAH LISH SHELTON,WA 98584 SEPTIC DESIGNER CINDY WAITER Phone: 360-701-0205 Address: 80 E Pickering Lane SHELTON,WA 98584 Site Address: 1800 E Phillips Lake Loop Rd Primary Parcel Number: 220055300077 Permit Description: Nonconforming Repair-3BR Pressure Bed Permit Submitted Date: 04/01/2024 Permit Issued Date: 04/03/2024 Issued By: Jeff Wilmoth Current Permit Fees Paid: $805.00 laadrionat fees may ce required oWn nsanadoo or sr,lomi. Permit Expiration Date: 04/0212025 Kasen on date of osoeaool Permit Conditions: 1 Proposed development subject to zoning requirements and approval by the planning department staff per Mason County Title 17. 2 Permit must be installed by a Mason County Certified Installer unless prior written authorization from Mason County is obtained. 3 Drainfield installation not to exceed designed upslope and downslope depth specked on design form. 4 Installer is responsible for obtaining Mason County installation approval prior to backfi/l of system components. 5 Installer is responsible for obtaining Septic Designer/Engineer installation approval prior to backfill of system components. 6 Mason County Asbuilt Form, Record Drawing, and Installation fee must be submitted for final installation approval. THIS PERMIT MUST BE ONSHE DURING INSTALLATION OF OSS. PROPERTY OWNERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR DETERMINING AND MARKING ALL PROPERTY LINE AND EASEMENT LOCATIONS. THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED IF THE SITE CONDITIONS HAVE CHANGED SINCE THE SITE WAS INSPECTED AND DESIGN APPROVED. FINAL INSTALLATION APPROVAL IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO TEMPORARY OR FINAL OCCUPANCY OF ANY RELATED STRUCTURES. For Final Inspection visit: masoncountywa.gov/health/environmental/onsite/oss-inspection-request.php or call: 360-427-9670, extension 400. " CO(,/r—a r-lwbM�— OU CIAL USE ONLY ® MASON COUNTY DATE REccrveD: goy 0 a COMMUNITY SERVICES AMwNTRLCN R.DB ` Do m D) G O y NNio NealN lCommuniryJ NeaIM/EnWonmental Xeallhl OJ � y .m SWG jQA - as o 2 N ON-SITE SEWAGE SYSTEM APPLICATION 3 In A „ m APPLICANT PHONI FRI 1— JACKIE MCMILLAN c MAILING ADDRESS-STREET CITY STATE.VP CODE 1800 E PHILLIPS LAKE LOOP RD SHELTON WA 98584 FRI z EET.S.ADDRESS-STR CRY.OF CODE SAME IT NAME OF DESIGNER PHONE I N CINDY WAITE 360-701-0205 NAME OF INSTALLER PRONE O 10 SCHOENING EXCAVATION LLC 360-742-2982 m I o PERMTTYPENam* n) DRINKING VNATER SOURCE ®RESIDENTIALOSS LNpp COMMUNITYOSS 13MMMERCIAL OBS 51 PRIVATE INDMDUALWELL UPRIVATETMID-PARTYN.ELL 2 I � TYPE OF WORK(mad PM) a PUBLIC WATER SYSTEM (NEW CONSTRUCTION I UPGRADES ®REPAIR/REPLACEMENT OTHER DETAILS GaM aA KIM Wfy) QTABLE IX REPAIR IN SURMRTALS m SURFACING SEWAGE 19 EXISTING FAILURE 0SHORELINE � ®DESIGN FORM(REQUIRED) ®SEPTIC DESIGN(REQUIRED) BEDROOMS LOTS I ICA) fWANER(S)(IF APPLICABLE) 2 I D DIRECTIONSTOSREANDSITECONDITIONS'.(u.kGMp ) NORTH ON HIGHWAY 3, TURN RIGHT ONTO PICKERING RD, TURN RIGHT ONTO 0 PHILLIPS LAKE, TURN LEFT ONTO PHILLIPS LAKE LOOP. GO 1.8 MILES, PARCEL IS o I o ON LAKE SIDE OF PHILLIPS LAKE LOOP. $RByµSTBEFiADpED FIfONMAW 110ADAXOTESrxoLESMWTBE RADDED N9rx lESrxotENDMBERs. I I V OFFICIAL USE ONLY BELOW THIS LINE UPGRADE I FAILURE SOURCE PaCuaal (]VOLUNTARY ONAINTENANCEIPUMPING O BUILDING PERMIT OHOMESALE OCOMPLAINT []OTHER'. INSPECTORSOILLOGS COMMENTS/CONDITIONS C O RECORD DFLUA NG AND INSTALIATION REPORT SOILCOOFH: V=VERY G=GRNWLLY S=SAND L-LOAM Si=SILT C-CLAY E=EXTREMELY R=ROOTS REOUIREDFOR FINALAPPROVAL IN ORSIGNATURE DATE I MPLICATION EXPIRATION DATE T NAPPROVEDIISSUEDBY DATE T AY BE SCANNED AND AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC VIEW ON THE MASON COUNTY WEBBITE REVISED 1W=15 DESIGN FORM—PAGE ONE Assessor's Parcel Number 2 0 0 5 — 5 3 — 0 0 0 7 7 A design will be reviewed when 3 copies of each of the following are submitted: Completed design form that has been signed and dated. v Scaled layout sket h including all applicable items on checklist "Scaled plot plan,including all applicable items on checklist. r Cross-section sket hj including all applicable items on checklist. This form maybe scanned and avallable for public view on the Mason Conn Web site.Maximum a er size: 11"X 17- n,.n 1' PARCEL IDENTIFICATION Permit Number: SWG taDal4- ��_ Designer's Name: CINDY WAITS Applicant's Name: JACKIE MCMILLAN Designer's Phone Number: 360-701-0205 Mailing Address: 1800 E PHILLIPS LAKE LOOP RD Designer's Address: 80 E PICKERING LANE SHELTON WA 98584 SHELTON WA 98580 City State Zi Ci State Zi DESIGN PARAMETERS Treatment Device I ❑Glendon Biofilter ❑Sand Filter ❑Mound ❑ Sand Lined Drainfield ❑ e irculating Filter,Type: ❑Aerobic Unit Make(Model ❑Disinfection Unit Make/Modell Other: Drain field Type ❑Gravity Pressure ❑Trench ❑ Od ❑ Sub Surface Drip Septic TanWDrainfield Specificatdons Laterela Number of Bedrooms 2 Schedule/Class SCHEDULE40 Daily Flow:Operating Capacity 180 gpd Length 17 ft Daily Flow:Design Flow 240 gpd Diameter 1.25 in Septic Tank Capacity(working) EXISTING 1000 gal Number 3 Receiving Soil Type(1-6) 3 Separation 3 ft Receiving Soil Appl.Rate .8 gpd/fit Orifices Required Primary Area 306 Total Number of 0 mites 36 Designed Primary Area 300 fr2 Diameter 3/16 in Designed Reserve Area LIMITED ftr Spacin 36 in Trench/Bed Width TWO BEDS 9 ft Manifold e Trench/Bed Length 17 ft Sc le/ a 2 Elevation Measurements`- Original Drainfield Area Slope 1 % ' met 51 2 New Slope,If Altered s'o0°'s m P % ftarad maaiP6ld �1 �mtion used? 6+�Yes ❑No Depth of Excavation upalops SEE PAGE M4 in LICENSED DESIGNER nsport Pipe from Original Grade Downslope SEE PAGE JW in Schedule/Class SCHEDULE 40 Designed Vertical Separation in Len ft Gravellms Chambers Required? ❑Yes ❑No ❑Option CRriip,R ® 2 in Pump Required? Rf Yes ❑No ae � ing ump Chamber Pump/Siphon Specifications um6'PRf 9, 3s2 4 Diff.in Elevation Between Pump&Uppermost Orifice 10 IRONIu1 NTAL H 45 — gal Drainfreld Squirt Height/Selected Residual(head) P ft Chamber ( Qod) 1200 gal Uppermost Orifice D Higher ❑ Lower than Pump Shutoff Pump controls:Pie check those required. Capacity®Total Pressure Head 21.24 Spin gTimer GdElapse Meter I(Event Counter Calculated Total Pressure Head 1220 ft If Timer: Pump on ,Pump off Comments PUMP CONTOLS TO BE SET AT TIME OF INSTALLATION, GRAVEL BASE DRAINFIELD REQUIRED, RETRO FIT EXISTING SEPTIC TANK WITH RISERS AND EFFLUENT FILTER DESIGN FORM—PAGE TWO Assessor's Parcel Number:2 L L 0 5 — 5 3 -- 0 0 0 7 7 Permit Number: SW( DESIGN CHECKLISTS Scaled Plot Plan S�c/aled Layout Sketch Cross-Section Sketch Q'Test hole locations qe Drainfield orientation and lay ut Reference depth from original grade: E}�Soil logs Trench/bed dimensions and QY Septic tank f�Property lines critical distances within layou+` �Drainfield cover Existing and proposed wells 6JJD-Box/Valve box locations Reference depth from original grade within 100 ft of property !B Septic tank/pump chamber and restrictive strata: M_�Measurements to cuts,banks,and locations surface water and critical areas �Laterals,trench/bed,top and [t�/ Observation port location bottom Iffii�cation and orientation of Clean-out location I ❑ Curtain drain collector curtain drain and all absorption ldmJ Manifold placement ❑ Sand augmentation components �.,/ Location and dimension of "1" Orifice placement Other doss-section detail: primary system and reserve area 10 Lateral placement with disti n ar Observation ports/clean-outs to edge of bed III gr Buildings Other Information Audible/visual alarm referent Yes No f,t.3,�/Direction of slope indicator Scale of drawingshown on se d ,_,/ ai, Waterlines V ❑ Design dNot out bar ❑ ❑ Recorded Notices attached Roads, easements,driveways, e w ❑ ❑ Waiver(s)attached king P r R O V ❑ Pump curve attached �North arrow and scale drawing APR ❑ Evaluation of failure shown on scale but 0 3 4V4 on-residential justification MASON COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL EAL f$ ❑ Waste strength JBW ❑ Flow DESIGN APPROVAL The undersigned designer must be n y inst Iler at time of installatior Yes ❑ No Signatu f Designer Date The undersigned has reviewed this design on behalf of Mason County Publi � ealth and determined it to be in compliance with state and local o regulations: Ut u -zy En dual Health Specialist Date CAUTION: DESIGN APP VAL IS VALID ONLY UNDER THE F LLOWING CONDITION: ✓ The design is stamped"Approved" by Mason County Public Health. I ✓ The Onsite Sewage Permit has not expired, the Permit Expiration Date i I — 2 —�- ✓ Drainfreld site conditions have not been altered to adversely affect cwndi i ns of design approval. Please Note: The system must be installed by 4 certified installer, unless prior authorization is obtained from Ma on County Public Health. An Installation Fee is required. This form may be scanned and available for public view on the M County Web site. Updated Date: 12/72015 —VV n' 5 .6 } i fyrn � n u m i 3P r 0 y ka \\ r 0 1B � , - .�� CINDY E.Wr11TE P 7jnn LICENSED DESIGNER a fl � n'arx O 1 V C W U1 A w a m .� C X 7 fD O N X C d ' 3 30 �. � a �. a In a m co o a m sTN. o \ron5 o m ono wOn o 0 No o ° m coCIDa CIDv 0 c w ( Q � (D tl p c) 8 �., w wad PPROVE APR 0 3 2024 �1 1 M COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH $ a... Jaw i Lateral# Length . Length Orifice # Distance fro,I Distance from end Length # (Feet) (Inches) Spacing_" . Orifices feeder line of end of lateral 1'. .._ 17. - - 204 _. 6. it 1 17 2 17 _ 204 _ 61 1 17 3 - - 17, 204 61 1 17 4 _ 17 204 6 1 1 17 S 17 204 6 ',1 1 - 17 17 204. _ 6. _ _1 1 17 TRANS LE _ _. .. 36, NGTH - E 5 —._ _ GPM K (2 SCHEDULEN40) _ y s m FRuCrtION LOSS _. -.. _ ` ` d`- cw wnlTE- -- - U ESIGNER � rt:_ 2 Elevation difference 10 i — - _. evi,aes uvoi TDH 12.2056481 II t �rC S✓RC„rf/ fy val�. 8at " �u, j/ SDI 3,t ' g1 PAPROVE Y M1111111111111RINMENTALHEALTH PR112124 2 A SC lgW I ' SG a U- 4. d &js, 9')ef7' fl 1 ! Z Qeel / 9l 3 /it y s � V J ^ A \ N�1B ry C Y WADE Li N9Ep DESIGNER E%PWfS J9�Oi 04 y PPROVE 7P B<d L APR 0 1111, M SON COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH a JBW '7 �► a �b VGlva FIT RISER WITH LOCKING l.® TO RRINFIEL!] PRESBUflELATERRLB 0 51 S A IND E. RITE A LIL D SIGNE. } tmwts� RAINCONTROLVALVI lum 1lO�IIR® Womm MM YALM LONG SWEEP SD \\� �• OEOREE ELBOW t _.-1 .•�/\ /% NAA WRRHER ROCK DRAIN SUMP TRANSPORT PIPE FROM PUMP CHAMBER DRAINFIELD CONTROL BOX (SLOPING GROUND: MANIFOLD BELOW LAT (111 IR 0 3 2024 MASONCOU Y ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH JBW THR D CAP OR PLUG P4 ✓2uL I'I' 0"PVC LAST ORIFICE;WITH ORIFICE SHIELDS IF ORIFICE ORIENTATION IS BACKFILL UPWARD MATERIAL --- \� / O O 000 PRESSURELATERAL 0 AS SPECIFIED PVC HOSE OR �\�\\ �° ° hY�000 °o LONG SWEEP \� o 0 ELBOW DRAIN ROCK; S" MIN. BELOW PIPE UNDISTURBED SOIL S"PVC WITH DRAIN HOLES; EXTEND TO OM OF GRAVEL TO MONITOR PONDING INFILTRATIVESURI ram ' ITORINGICLEANQUI �t (EXAMPLE) / 'IQ 5 ° APPROVE a C v E AITE a LICENSED DE SIGNER MASON COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH JBW BECDRE�WRH GMTIGNT REAL THREADED UNION 8 DIAMETER 'ACCE88 RIeER FINISH GRADE .-- SERVICE ALE VAWE- FROM SEPTIC TANK TOORAINFIELD EMERGENCY ETCpAGM ANTI SIPHON HIGH WATER ALARM LEVEL VALVE WORKING VOLUME INOEPENOENT NORMALTIMEROFFLEVEL FLOATSTEM FOR FLOAT ENCL08EOPUMP MOUNTING SEDIMENT 8NR011O• CHECK VALVE• SEDIMENTS SUBMERSIBLE CENTRIFUGAL PUMP AS NEEDED ti J. �,0 st E W E LICENSED DESIGNER EMPIRLS WIN ROVE Dl MASON CO U ENVI3 2 ME TAL HEALTH �Bw fi Pump Specifications ,I�Iii'll/�b 280 Series 1 /2 hp ,,, Submersible Effluent Pump LITERS PER MINUTE ■�!30 ■■■■!■■■11■■ ■■\`\■■■■■■■11■■ 10 ■■■L'7■■■■■■II■■ ■■■■\\■■■■■ill■■ ■■■■■t!■■■■III■■ , ■■■■■■\\■■■■III■�=20 ul ■■■■■■■\!■■III■L-� . `'► sill ND ITE SIGNER 1117 ■■■■■■■!■■■III!" . , ■■■■■■■■■■►\III■i ■■■■■■■■■■\!11■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■I�a■ ■■■■■■■■■■■IIII ■ . . . 0 D ■■!■■■■■■■■il� �� 4TY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Installation Notes Pressure Distribution Syst . 22005-53-00077 1800 E Phillips Lake Lopj Rd 1. The prepared site plan is not a survey. It's the owner's responsibility to verify property lines, utility lines (water, sewer, power, phone and gas) p ,QI r to installation. 2. There is no records on this parcel. System is probably SC plus years old. System has been driven on and is very close to the till layer. 3. Gravel based drainfield required 4. Existing septic tank to be retrofitted with risers and efiluent filter 5. The tanks may be moved as necessary to accommodate building requirements. Septic tank location must meet all required setbacks. 6. Keep wheeled vehicles off the drainfleld area before, during and after installation. Tracked equipment only, 7. All ground, surface water and roof drains must be diverts way from the septic tanks and drainfield. Ensure the final grade slopes away from t se areas and water doesn't collect on or around them. Use swales, berms, catch be and tight lines, curtain drains, etc. to divert all waters. 8. Curtain drains can be no closer than 10' upgradient and down gradient of the drainfield 9. Exposed restrictive layers, cuts, banks, etc. can be no d r than 50' downhill from the drainfleld. 10. Install access risers on the septic tanks, valve box and er Js of laterals. 11. Make sure septic tank risers are epoxied or caulked to cat in riser rings on tank. 12. Lids must form a water and gas tight seal with the access risers. 13. Install effluent filter specified in this design at the septic t outlet. 14. This system must be installed by a Mason County Certifie I installer. _ 15. Deviation from this design without prior approval from the designer and Mason County Health Department will make this design null and void. 16. This design was sized per Washington Administrative Coc SIWAC246-272A-0230. The operating capacity is based on 45 gallons per day per ca its with two persons per bedroom. The minimum design flow per bedroom per day is the operating capacity of ninety gallons multiplied by 1.33. This results in a minimu (design flow of one hundred twenty gallons per day. This creates a surge factor of 330A but anticipated flow is ninety gallons per bedroom per day. 17. Install laterals with contour of the ground. 18. Install trench bottoms level and always maintain a minimu of six inches into native soil.. 19. Install threaded clean outs at the ends of all laterals (caps hrus end to within six p Q inches of finish grade and be in a valve box as shown on i is M. 1 i 20. Install audio/visual alarm. I 21. Filter fabric requirelave r� c r ¢��ling. If �rgj�i9) extends above the originalgrade, h�fIl�r��rVal toas APR 0 3 2024 5 s ie MASON COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALT ^'TE E 0 SIGNER JIM E ES M11 System Owner Responsibili i s: 1. Operation and Maintenance is required by Washington S Department of Health and Mason County Health Department. 2. The septic tank and pump tank should be pumped every ree to five years or as needed. 3. System owners are responsible for having maintenance rformed annually. 4. System owners are responsible for responding to septic i sues in a timely manner. 5. System owners shall not at any time change or alter setti gs in the control box. 6. System owner agrees to read and abide by information r garding their system in the User Manual provided by Mason County Public Health. '.. 7. Keep the flow of sewage at or below the approved design operating capacity. 8. Keep waste strength at residential waste strength param tars. 9. Spread loads of laundry through the week. 10. Do not use excessive bleach or detergents with added whit ners. 11. Do not shower, do laundry and dishwasher at the same timo 12.Antibiotics can kill or impair the biological process in the a app tic tank. 13. Leaky plumbing can hydraulic overload your on-site septic System. 4. � P R 0 V E N �1t1 �0 110 A Y 10 W 8 UN {{d e�rar O CINDY G m; .� APR U i `02a LICENSED SIGN Eq ''t'� ExaWES U.I COu»Ir ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Jsw