HomeMy WebLinkAboutWAT2024-00114 - WAT Application - 3/1/2024 WAT - 9)lt4 MASON COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FermisA Istance Center,gulldin{,Planning 415 N 61°Street, Bldg 8,Shelton WA 98584, Shelton:(360)427-9670 ext 400 L Better: (360)275-4467 ext 400 4 Elma: (360)482-5269 ext 400 FAX(360)427-7787 Application for Determination of Water Adequacy Instructions 1. Complete Part 1. No determination can be made until Part 1 is fully completed. 2. Complete only the portion of Part 2 applying to the type of water connection utilized. 3. Submit completed application,with any required attachments for review. 4. An approved building site plan must accompany this application. Part 1: Applicant/ Parcel Identification Name on Applicant: Michelle Vote Date: 3/1/2024 Mailing Address: 8514 18th Ave NW Seattle WA Phone: 206-930-9466 Parcel Number. 22009-50-00026 Type of Water System Reason for 1A`pplliric,��ation 7 [IPublic/Community Water System (2 or more El Building permit B(,l]aZ1V17—00oZ79 connections) O Division of land: O Individual water source(one connection), #of Parcels? SPL 0 Well Existing ❑ Boundary line adjustment ❑ Spring/surface water ❑ Other(explain) ❑ Other(explain) ❑ Replacement or Remodel (please indicate name If you have more than one residence connected of water system below if applicable—no to this well, check the Public Community Water signature required) System box. Part 2: Water Connection Information Complete the section appropriate for the type of water connection being evaluated: Public Water System Name of Water System: Water Facility Inventory(WFI) Number: (write"none"for two-party) ❑ 1 am the manager of this water system. The water system has been approved for_services. There are presently connection(s) in use. This will be the connection. ❑ 1 am the manager of this system.This connection will be to upgrade or change the use of an existing connection on this system(i.e.: recreational to full time). Please indicate on the following line the nature of this change: This water system is able and willing to provide water to this (these)connection(s)without exceeding the limits of the water system or any limits set by state and local regulation. Signature of Water System Manager Date 3/1/2024 Thisform may be scanned and available for public view at www.co.mason.wa.us. J:TH Forms\Drinking Wow RevisM tMa018 Individual Water Well i f Water well report(attached to application). Depth Well capacity Test(attached to application) 1 gpm ;7 LtOc� gpd. The well driller often performs well capacity tests at the time the well is constructed. Results from these tests are noted on the water well report. Results from these tests will be accepted. If the water well report cannot be located by the applicant or if the water well report does not have a capacity test, a well capacity test, which provides stabilization of draw-down and recovery data, must be performed by a licensed contractor. ❑ Satisfactory bacteriological test(attach to application). Water Resource Inventory Area (WRIA) Development within which WRIA htto7/ois co masonma.us/planning 14 15p 160220 Water use or limitation recorded...................... _....... N/A —Yes F-1 Well Drilled ............................................................... Date J Individual Spring/Surface Water ❑ WDOE permit(attach to application) ❑ Method of disinfection ❑ 1 have reason to believe that this water source can provide at least 800 gallons per day; and/or provides water at a rate of 2 gallons per minute based on the following observations. Author of Statement Date Relationship to Applicant Part 3: Mason County Community Services Evaluation (staff use only) Satisfactory Determination: This determination does not address adequacy of the distribution system,guarantee an adequate supply of water indefinitely in the future, or guarantee compliance with all applicable WDOE water resource regulations. Recommended approval indicates requirements of Sanitary Code,Title 6,Chapter 6.66.040-Determination of Adequacy for Building Permits are satisfied. Additional Growth Management requirements may apply. Chapter 36.70A RCW. ❑ Unsatisfactory Determination: Applicanfa water supply does not appear adequate to meet the needs of its intended use for the following reason(s). Reviewer's Signatures: Environ. Health: ��✓, Date CSD Director: Date 2°1`2 Pleas.4I111,sign and return to the Department of Eeol Water Well Report Current Nod.of Imma No. yf1063W {1 : r•:;..,, o[Wbw -Emke.wwp,-mncr.:M evpy-a,;ua fj dined Unique Ecolo vWell MT No. AFM l Cm1CyTtetlonNecommissian 9 E as E)CcmtNctivv Water Right Permit No,iXEfiR4 Wilt ❑ Deconawaissim OFJOINAL LNUTALL4TIONAbam prvpcm,0n %m-Nine DARRELLIBSSE oflnya+sr AAWraer Well Svee1 Address PICRERMGP.UAD WOpMMUff mDmmauc Induwz: ❑❑Mucvpl City R[ELTON Count ).U-SON rxvA,¢ pbnpbvn TrnWel ❑Oxe y TYREOf WOW[: Gaae'SmmacvfmtllOnmreuanooe) Location—tvd/d-]AI �IIA See Y Twn a .RBCr mM m ®N..c tl pamdemee uuxme Owe Dome ❑ o[m¢,ra ❑G51e paplxy ❑yemed tlei La/Long(a,tr LW Dag_ Lau Min/S. OIMMS1ONa Devtl¢urYj 6 men¢.wka too M1 still REQU'E ) ommcr>mdamwa i90 a LooH Deg_Long MimSec CDHSra11Cr10NMMIZ TW:PWcel No. 7ou93ouoo'-'6 ce bg Owdada Dive flan+2 a t 9i 6 _ bueal: 8'. —maml� " Dwa e®, 6m 6 CONSTRUCTIONORDECOh]ARSSIONPROCMURE TNp6rJ-.. Dlw.bom P.b P. 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Rmrmy 9 M1ptlpxmp9fwell ones Anesai vmsu¢ kr peripme i,m LWS__ . pnmm wen:sv wvevlletby o wl WELLTEVS:Dnelvvni[aaPIDInLCIMi[WvaG59vWmeclertl Wra OWR asmtlA❑Tei IIf Nv I4s.9yvbeW 0.dd. aax h Y.di o1.1tiv aala_a aa„opadn,aavav nde .a.Iwn MwhdawloanaM M gq,Yry 69pyw Men micovAnPW eretle®.NPmIMlxrmwgfwnaeN _ ep v used Lae Wat,av Levtl T. WYO'I.[IG RCIC WeL—Levtl ®avfl4 fwkrNz_Vdhdo wu atsWon zbc_M NM4�—Pl lnm silbem.utl'1 ebr'L_k[ Mean Ooa Ten,pdbxevrwlv_Wxammiu�vMlyaanvlC ❑Yc ®Nv smTou v:xos eanperee Dare uuos WBLLCONSTRUCITONCERTD'TCATION: IeovrbuetcdxWwaecept responsibility•(m crosv�iov efau[wcll.mdiu eomP6anee..ish dl wadingtoowcllcayslmcdannandnda. Metcdilrused andthe infwmauon reported above are auc to rnybat Wrlvle eandbelief. Dn6aF�@nelravx Nme(Pnm) M-UON I>,io�nse¢-,PaT "'• Lnumr[n6 rdnc Agnva 'ec � 7 'I am 1790 Dnn¢aoxwlip=[enro -6 cq,ex¢nP ^''-._ CoNnO¢'S YTMINEE. pepsn4on Ne ' r..n5 odod'do— lY. shear.sbm^¢ •_rd�"s:cr4m Wponun,'cTPmYe �cUYCU'.1.]o t4nbe5) • °WATER AL MANAGEMENT LABORATORIES rr+c� = 1516 both M E.Taoorh,WA 94a94 lqw COLIFORM BACTERIA ANALYSIS FORM Dab Sample Cdlectd Time Sample County Colleutad of BIZ { -L AM MP.Snt�1 Iknh r TypeulWakrSystanl(dledanyone boq ❑GmpA ❑Groupo OterLl�T�r' Gmw AandcmpBSyslbme-ProMdahanwaler dliaeslnWnity(WFI): ID9 - - - - Syslem Name: �(j Cpntp Porwn pay e o ( Ereil:Md' one:l ) WI ademasntl zipow.) 11� z_rt� - - w�jai►�- ------ SAMPLE INFORMATION Sam II by ame) 'n ' Specifilantionwhereaempk�� Spedal mstuctlhns«mmmen%: Type WSample(seledonly one typeof Marne from types 1 through 5 bebw) 1. Nine Diebibudon Sample(AIP) 2.❑ Repem Sample(AIP) Cblonmed:Yes_Nq — (hole dsHbfion system.aw unsa muam) Unsafafectory mlils lab number. Chlonne Residual:Total_Free_ 3.Groun �d Water Rule Source Sample UnsaMcbry,munne culled date: - I I _J—J— Chlemwtd:Yha_No_ ❑Tr%ered(AP) Chlodna Remmel:Total_Free_ W11) ent (WP) r GWl Haw Source Water Sample(Enumwelion) I _ ❑Fecal riw.a Ya_xo_ Cdleond b Imormetlon only: E ONLY DRINKING WATER RESULTS LAB USE ONLY dnry Total Cott.Present and �Satlshctory alipresent ❑E.coliabsent .y Result:Total CalSorm 110Pd. E.cu6 110Pd. Fecal Colifaml I100m1. HPC 11 m1. Replaement Sample Requhad: ❑TNTC ❑Sample Iota off ❑ SampleVdume ❑Damaged Container ❑ P•nheC ""Zia Human I4cdq Tempc•: w cos.: r089 b00H rvvc..nm�aw�aMwnfPYn. viMM1 Fn YlrawMYr RT]lMSfn'r1114