HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD2007-01164 - BLD Engineering / Geo-tech Reports - 10/2/2007 RECEIVE
OCT 04 2007
Jerome W.Morrissette&Associates Inc.,P.S.
Civil•Municipal•Ck-wechnical Engineering and Planning
1700 Cooper Point Road SW,#13-2,Olympia,WA 98502-1 1 1 0
(360)352-9456 / FAX(360)352-9990
02 October 2007
Mason County—Department of Community Development- Planning
PO Box 279
Shelton,Washington 98584
ATTENTION: Mr. Robert Fink,Planning Manager
SUBJECT: Consultant Review—Geological Assessment BLD 2007-01164—Minton-Tahja
(JWMA N07123-014)
Dear Mr. Fink:
Pursuant to Mason County Geo Tech Work Order BLD 2007-01164, the associated Geotechnical Report
Addendum has been reviewed for compliance with Mason County Resource Ordinance— 17.01.100
Landslide Hazard Areas. The report addendum provides supplemental information that addresses the
items listed in my Comment Letter dated 17 August 2007 and I have no further exceptions or comments.
Should you have any further questions or require clarification, kindly contact me at(360)352-9456.
Yours very truly,
r---- - BY — Date'
EXPIRES 09/11/2009
Edward A. Wiltsie,P.E.
AA,- Ede
Sr. Geotechnical Engineer/Associate
a Wrc&-r'� .
` PO Box 235, Hoodsport, WA 98548
(360) 877-9512
Mason County DCD
Attention: Ryan Carter& Robert Fink
PO Box 279
Shelton, WA 98584
Jerrison P. Minton
12951 Burchard Drive SW
Port Orchard, WA 98367
(360) 876-6435
RE: Geotechnical Assessment
Mason Co. Case No.s BLD2007-01164
Mason Co. Prcl No. 12206-51-00024
Ryan & Robert,
Enclosed please find two copies of an addendum I've prepared in answer to J.W.
Morrissette &Associate's review and request for additional information pertaining to the
Minton property located in the Belfair area. Also enclosed find a copy of your review
cover letter requesting additional information, and a copy of the review comments from
Mr. Wiltsie.
As the attached addendum to my original geotechnical assessment states, published
stability classifications were considered in my original site investigation and reporting, so
I still consider the findings and recommendations made in my original assessment valid
and applicable.
Again I am compelled to complain that the County, in accepting Mr. Wiltsie's reviews,
and is thereby supporting his non-compliance with Washington State's Board of
Engineers and Surveyors requirements which require his review(s)to be stamped, signed
and dated with his signature date and license expiration date. The next time I receive an
improperly sealed review report, I will report it to the Engineer's and Surveyor's Board
along with a complain that the County is supporting this unprofessional practice in
retaining Mr. Wiltsie, in spite of being informed of his unprofessional work.
Please feel free to contact me if there additional issues you feel need further consideration
or action on.
Sinc rely,
an A. ahja, P. .
File:C:TrojectsWintonlGeo-Addndm Cvr to Co 1 of 1 9/19/2007
PO Box 235, Hoodsport, WA 98548
(360) 877-9512
Mason County DCD
Planning Division—Tammi Clark,Robert Fink
PO Box 279
Shelton, WA 98584
Jerrison P. Minton
12951 Burchard Drive SW
Port Orchard, WA 98367
(360) 876-6435
RE: Geotechnical Assessment
Mason Co. Case No.s BLD2007-01164
Mason Co. Prcl No. 12206-51-00024
As indicated in the attached letter from Mason County Department of Community
Development, and the attached geotechnical report review letter prepared by Edward
Wiltsie, P.E.,representing J.W. MORRISSETTE&ASSOCIATES, additional
information is requested pertaining to Mason County case no. BLD2007-01164.
Information requested by Mr. Wiltsie is followed by my responses;
• 17.01.100.E.4(5&6 The report does not include a discussion slope stability
characterizations published in the Washington State Coastal Zone Slope Stability
Mapping or Map I-853-F, Relative Slope Stability of the Southern Hood Canal
Area, Washington, which categorized the site as Unstable (see Figure 1). This
categorization must be included in this report along with a discussion of
observations and conditions that lead to the conclusions presented.
Closer inspection of the Coastal Zone Atlas for this area finds an area northeast of the
Minton property between Evergreen Drive and Highway 106 as"Unstable Recent
Landslide". This area is generally located on my original site plan as a relatively level
area 200 to 300 feet northeast of the Minton property. The areas surrounding this
Unstable Recent Landslide area are characterized as Intermediate or Unstable.
In the winter of 1997,properties located along Evergreen Road and Alderwood Road
experienced stability problems associated with heavy rains,poor drainage, and saturated
soils. None of the problem properties were located in the"Unstable Recent Landslide"
area currently depicted on the Coastal Zone Atlas in the proximity of the Minton
File:C.IProjectslMintonlGeo-AssmntAddndm I of 2 9/19/2007
PO Box 235, Hoodsport, WA 98548
(360) 877-9512
property,but were located southwest of the Minton property at a distance approximated
at an eighth of a mile away as stated in my original geotechnical assessment.
These stability characterizations and knowledge of the problems experienced as recently
as 1997 were all taken into consideration in my original geotechnical assessment. My
original geotechnical assessment included recommendations for controlling drainage
from the property, and no change to my original assessment or recommendations appears
I hope this satisfies Mason County's and Mr. Wiltsie's concerns regarding this site's
stability issues. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions regarding this
information, or if you feel anything needs correction or changing.
Alan A. Tahja, P.E. v� WAs 13
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File:C:IProjectslMintonlGeo-Assmnt Addndm 2 of 2 9/19/2007
AUG 2 2 2007
Jerome W.Morrissette&Associates Inc.,P.S. MCCD - PLANNING
Civil•Municipal•Ceotecimical Engineering and Planning
1700 Cooper Point Road SW,#13-2, Olympia,WA 98502-1110
(360)352-9456 / FAX (360)352-9990
17 August 2007
Mason County—Department of Community Development- Planning
PO Box 279
Shelton, Washington 98584
ATTENTION: Mr. Robert Fink, Planning Manager
SUBJECT: Consultant Review—Geological Assessment BLD 2007-01 1 64—Minton - Tahja
QWMA N07123-014)
Dear Mr. Fink:
Pursuant to Mason County Geo Tech Work Order BLD 2007-0 1 1 64,the associated Geological
Assessment was reviewed for compliance with Mason County Resource Ordinance— 17.01.100 Landslide
Hazard Areas. My comments are as follows:
• 17.01.100.E.4(5 &6)The report does not include a discussion slope stability characterizations
published in the Washington State Coastal Zone Slope Stability Mapping or Map I-853-F,Relative
Slope Stability of the Southern Hood Canal Area, Washington,which categorized the site as Unstable
(see Figure 1). This categorization must be included in this report along with a discussion of
observations and conditions that lead to the conclusions presented.
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I recommend that the subject report be returned to the proponent for revision to achieve compliance with
the referenced ordinance.
I have attached a copy of the Geo Tech Work Order provided by your office authorizing this review.
Should you have any further questions or require clarification, kindly contact me at (360)352-9456.
Yours very truly,
Edward A. Wiltsie, P.E.
Sr. Project Engineer/Associate
PO Box 235, Hoodsport, WA 98548
(360) 877-9512
Mason County DCD
PO Box 279
Shelton, WA 98584
Jerrison P. Minton
12951 Burchard Drive SW
Port Orchard, WA 98367
(360) 876-6435
RE: Geotechnical Assessment
Mason Co. Case No.s BLD2007-01164
Mason Co. Prcl No. , 42333-51-02922
Mr. Jerrison Minton wishes to improve his undeveloped property located in the plat of
Alderwood Villa with a single family residence. He is in the process of pursuing permits
for a driveway access, an onsite septic system, and building permit for a house roughly
measuring 33 feet by 30 feet with a daylight basement. Slopes on and around the property
were investigated, and the steepest slope potentially affecting the property was on the
property itself with an average 30%downslope towards the northwest,with a vertical
relief greater than 10 feet. Mason County's critical resource ordinance requires
geotechnical investigation of any properties with slopes exceeding 15%and more than 10
feet of vertical relief. No greater slopes or instability indicators were found on or in the
vicinity of the property which would require a more aggressive investigation than the
County's geotechnical assessment requirements.
The following nine elements are required to be addressed in geotechnical assessments
prepared to meet the County's geotechnical assessment requirements.
1. Discussion of geologic conditions:
The site is located on the hillside above the south shore of Hood Canal roughly 3
miles southwest of Belfair, Washington. The site is accessed off of East
Evergreen Road, a plat road constructed during the development of Alderwood
Villa, in the mid 1960s.The property measures 100 feet along E Evergreen Road,
and extends 110 feet perpendicular to E Evergreen Road in a southeasterly
direction. Measurement of the slope ascending towards the southeast found to
average 30%, with small undulations near the bottom of the property,possibly
caused by past grading activities.
File:C:ProjectslMintonlGeo-Assmnt 1 of 4 8/6/2007
PO Box 235, Hoodsport, WA 98548
(360) 877-9512
Three soil log holes were found on the property, as located on the attached site
plan. The soil was found to be a gravelly sandy loam, with a fairly high silt and/or
clay content. The gravelly sandy loam was found to average 25 to 32 inches in
depth before a gray glacial till layer is encountered.
Inspection of the Geologic Map of Washington indicates that the soil is classified
as Qg, an unconsolidated deposit comprised of quaternary sediments, dominantly
glacial drift, including alluvian.
2. Discussion of groundwater conditions at the site:
The site was visited on July 29, 2007 when the site was in a dry condition. Small
pockets of wetland vegetation in locations identified by the owner and Mason
County Planning staff, generally developed in small pockets where stormwater
perches between the surface vegetation and the underlying impervious glacial till
material. Aside from the shallow stormwater perched in the shallow topsoil layer
in isolated spots on the property, groundwater is expected to generally agree with
the tidal elevation of Hood Canal, at a depth of roughly 120 feet below the
property's elevation at the E Evergreen Road. The groundwater at this elevation
should not affect the site's stability.
Because of the shallow depth of the permeable soil above the impermeable glacial
till layer, the shallow soils have a potential of becoming saturated if stormwater
isn't relieved from the surface, and subsurface soil horizon(s). Mr. Minton has
indicated his intention of installing a curtain drain across the "back"of the
property to capture surface runoff and direct it in a tightline pipe to the E
Evergreen Road drainage ditch. This curtain drain should be installed as far back
on the property as possible, and certainly should be installed"above"a septic
system drainfield if the back of the property is chosen for its location.
The curtain drain should be excavated no less than 36"deep by 24 to 36"wide,
with a 1-foot minimum excavation into the underlying glacial till layer. The
excavated trench should have a layer of geosynthetic filter fabric (Mirafi 140
NSL or Mirafi 160N,Amoco 4552, Carthage Mills FX-60HS, or equivalent)
wrapped around a drainage gravel fill material with a 6 inch perforated PVC
drainline pipe installed in the bottom of the trench, connected to a 6 inch non-
perforated PVC tightline pipe installed to convey collected surface and subsurface
water down to the E Evergreen Road drainage ditch.
3. Approximate depth to hard or competent soil:
Inspection of the soil log holes excavated on the site for design of an Onsite
Septic System(OSS)found a hard glacial till layer generally within 3 feet of the
ground's surface. The shallow topsoil horizon was found to be in a medium dense
File:C.TrojectslMintoMGeo-Assmnt 2 of 4 8/6/2007
PO Box 235, Hoodsport, WA 98548
(360) 877-9512
condition,capable of supporting standard building foundation loads in its natural
unsaturated, undisturbed condition.
4. Discussion of geomorphic expression of past slope instability:
Though the property surface undulates to a small extent,the surface appears to
reflect the geometry and slope of the underlying glacial till layer.No clear
evidence of slope instability was observed on or near the site.
5. Discussion of the history of landslide activity in the vicinity:
Some properties in the Alderwood Villa plat have experienced landslide problems
in the past, but the nearest problems were no nearer then an eighth of a mile away.
Slumping of the slopes in the past is considered to be a by-product of poor
stormwater runoff management and saturation of fairly deep pockets of the loamy
soil outside the area of the subject property.
6. An opinion on whether the proposed development is within the landslide hazard
area or its associated buffer or setback:
Because of the site's underlying glacial till substrate,the proposed development
site is not within a landslide hazard area, or within any buffers or setbacks from
landslide hazards off-site.
7. A recommendation by the preparer whether a Geotechnical Report should be
required to further evaluate site conditions and the proposed development of the
subject property:
A geotechnical report level investigation of the property does not appear
warranted from the observations and findings already made.
8. If the presence of a hazard is determined within 300 feet of the proposed
development, then the area of the proposed development, boundaries of the
hazard, and associated buffers and setbacks shall be delineated(top, both sides,
and toe) on a geologic map/site map.
No hazard was found within 300 feet of the subject property.
9. A site map drawn to scale showing the property boundaries, scale, north arrow,
and the location and nature of existing and proposed development on the site:
A site plan is attached which contains the required information. The house and
Onsite Septic System(OSS) locations are conceptual, awaiting design and
approval of the onsite septic system.
File:C.•TrojectslMintoMGeo-Assmnt 3 of 4 8/6/2007
PO Box 235, Hoodsport, WA 98548
(360) 877-9512
The proper disposal of surface water runoff is important to the continuing stability of the
site. A curtain drain as intended by Mr. Minton should be made a condition for site
development. A foundation drain should also be installed around the"back" side of the
basement/foundation to ensure no build up of water or soil pore pressure.
The shallow surface soils were found to be a fairly fine soil texture, susceptible to erosion
and scour, and are considered to be an erosion hazard if not properly managed. As a first
step to property development,a stabilized construction entrance constructed of a 6 inch or
deeper quarry spall or clean pit run gravel driving surface should be installed along with a
silt fence installed along the northerly boarder of the property(along E Evergreen Road's
right of way), and maintained until project completion and permanent soil stabilization
vegetation has established itself. Un-worked soils should be covered with a 3+ inch thick
layer of straw or hay to protect bare soils from erosive precipitation. Grass or other
ground cover vegetation should be planted and promoted to provide permanent scour and
erosion protection for areas of the site where grading has been completed.
Roof runoff should be collected and delivered to the E Evergreen Road drainage ditch in
one or more tightline 4 or 6"diameter PVC pipes.
This concludes my assessment of the Jed Minton property located in the Alderwood Villa
plat in Belfair, Washington. With proper drainage control, development of the property
should not produce any adverse impacts to either the subject property or neighboring
Please feel free to contact me if there are any additional concerns or issues required to be
addressed by Mason County's Critical Resource Ordinance 17.01.100 E. 4..
Alan A. Tahja, P.E. �' !0}'0 1
Attached: 3 page plan set. lr -p1
BOA S TF, 4�
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File:C:IProjectslMintonlGeo-Assmnt 4 of 4 8/6/2007
Rev# Description Date TAHJA ENGINEERING,INC. Vicinity Map-Alderwood Villa, Lot 24 ` .pa.
Alan Tahja,P.E. Jerrison Minton Minton
PO Box 235 12951 Burchard Dr. SW
Hoodsport WA 98548 Port Orchard, WA 98367 Shm
Mason County Pncl No.: 12206-51-00024 (360)877-9512 (360)876-6435 1 of 3
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