HomeMy WebLinkAboutGEO2023-00047 Critical Area Ordinance, Update 2023 - GEO Geological Review - 9/21/2018 1 EIVED May 16, 2023 JUL 1 1 2023 Mr. Victor Tran, Owner PLANNING 615 W. Alder Street 18841 East WA SR-106, Belfair, WA 98528 vtrandevl icggmai l.com Subject: Memorandum No. 1: Update to the Critical Area Ordinance(CAO)Report Tran Residential Property 18841 East WA SR-106 Belfair,WA 98528 MTC Project No.: 23B101 Dear Mr. Tran: This letter transmits our memorandum to our critical areas ordinance geotechnical investigation, originally performed August 1, 2018, for the above-referenced property (MTC Project No. 18S231 with a CAO Report, dated September 21, 2018). Materials Testing & Consulting, Inc. (MTC) performed this geotechnical assessment to confirm that previously reported conditions remain unchanged, as part of a consultation for future possible geotechnical recommendations and/or design. On May 2,2023,MTC arrived onsite to provide a limited geotechnical assessment of the onsite slopes and the immediate vicinity. The site and subject slope are located on a small lot with an existing single-family residence, which is founded a moderate to steep slope, which descends to Lynch Cove to the Northwest. From the front of the house at the crest of the slope,to the base of the slope, several old growth trees could be seen growing generally straight indicating that no lateral movement has been occurring at this section of the property. Additionally, dense vegetation and brambles are present across the site and slope. At the base of the slope is a small seawall which appears to be in generally good condition,with adequate drainage and no apparent evidence of imminent failure. Drainage around the perimeter of the house also appeared to be adequate, and at the time of our visit no water was observed to be discharging on,or around the slope face. MTC did not find any evidence to suggest that the slope is currently at risk of instability,failure or obvious movement. We did not observe any concerning erosional features such as large-scale channeling or the undercutting of foundations. Nor did we observe large-scale landslide features or relict evidence thereof (i.e.,hummocky terrane,head-scarps,downslope accumulations,etc.)that would suggest mass movement has occurred in the past. Environmental •Geotechnical Engineering•Special Inspection a Non-Destructive Testing•Materials Tasting Burlington l Olympia I Bellingham I Silverdale I Tukwila 360.755.1990 www.mtc-inc.net t Memorandum No.1-Tran Residence CAO Materials Testing&Consulting,Inc. May 16,2023 MTC Project No.23B 101 Generally,conditions onsite appear largely unchanged from the 2018 investigation and appear suitable for development utilizing the information and recommendations presented in the referenced MTC Report. Standard Erosion Protection Erosion is one of the most common driving forces leading to slope instability. In addition to the above commentary, the following general recommendations should be implemented in general to reduce long- term erosion potential at the project site: 1. The ground surface adjacent to the improvements should be sloped to drain away at a 5%minimum to prevent ponding of water adjacent to the structure. Footing drains and surface gradients should be incorporated as needed for the building and site design to help maintain a dry building and adjacent site area. 2. Minimize the volume and velocity of water that travels toward and down the slope face(via proper choice of site development features including stormwater controls discussed herein). 3. Avoid further accelerating slope erosion and mass wasting due to human activity such as: a) Adding side-cast debris to the slopes during or after construction b) Using heavy construction equipment on or near steep slopes c) Excavating on or near adjacent slope face outside of approved locations d) Placing additional tailings or soils near the slope crest or on the face 4. Construction equipment,construction materials,and native and imported soils should not be placed behind the erosion control devices. Suitable temporary erosion and sediment control measures should be implemented and maintained as needed at the construction site during and immediately after any ground disturbance occurs. Temporary areas bare of vegetation should be protected from erosion via a blanket of straw or rolled erosion control product(RECP)during prolonged breaks in site work and prior to reseeding or revegetation. 5. At the end of the project, all disturbed vegetation should be repaired and maintained until it is established. Concentrated surface water should not be allowed to traverse the slope during or after the construction phase of the project. Recommendations for long-term site drainage controls should be followed as discussed above. Footing drains should be routed into closed pipes and tightlined to the base of the slope to outlet in a drain course or ditch, tightlined to a pre-existing catch basin for disposal, or as directed by local regulations. Outlets for these pipes should be protected from erosion through the use of rip-rap or some other energy dissipating device. 6. Clearing of existing vegetation outside the proposed building area near to and on the slope should be avoided except as approved by a qualified professional. This provides additional stability to loose top soils and minimizes the effects of down-slope water movement. This is excepting removal of dead or dying trees if posing a direct hazard to site installations or adjacent roadways. 7. Grading or excavation of soils during construction should be accompanied by grass reseeding and re-vegetation as the project is completed. According to "Vegetation Management: A Guide for Puget Sound Bluff Property Owners" (Manashe, 1993)the following types of vegetation provide good to excellent erosion control: ti J • Memorandum No.1-Tran Residence CAO Materials Testing&Consulting,Inc. May 16,2023 MTC Project No.23B 10 1 Common Name Botanical Name DeciduotwEvergreen Mature Height r?fT Vine- a fle _ Acer cricinatum Deciduous 10+ a Nolociscus discolor D ous Willow Salix s Deciduous 10+ Snowberry S to boric os albus Deciduous Rose Rose s2p. Deciduous 2-10 Salmortberry =M Spectabil Deciduaus '. Salal Gaultheria shallon Evergreen To 4 Or 011 grape Rcd hucklcbetTv Vaccinium arvifolium Deciduous To 12 n Servicebe Amelanchier alnifolia Deciduous 12+ Pacific madrone Arbutus menziesii Evergreen 70 ,Ps ' ver een t I t Memorandum No. 1-Tran Residence CAO Materials Testing&Consulting,Inc. May 16,2023 MT Project No.23B101 Closing Remarks The information included in this memorandum should be considered"for information only"and should be considered supplemental to the information contained in the referenced original report,and as such, should be read in conjunction with the report. The selected recommendations presented in this memorandum are not intended to supersede any specific corresponding recommendations contained in the original report. All other recommendations of the above-mentioned reports remain valid,unless otherwise specified herein. Our professional services were performed using that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised, under similar circumstances, by reputable geotechnical engineers practicing in this or similar localities. No warranties,express or implied,are intended or made. Mr. Tran, we trust this memorandum presents the information you require. If you have questions,please do not hesitate to call. Respectfully Submitted, Materials Testing and Consulting,Inc. Medhanie ecle, P.E. Marcus Van Valen,E.I.T. Engineering Manager Geotechnical Division Manager Memorandum No.1.-Tran Residence CAO Materials Testing&Consulting,Inc. May 16,2023 MTC Project No.23B101 f, q, Top Left:Photo showing the overall site setting and condition(s),as seen from the midpoint of the adjacent lot to the North. Bottom Left. Vegetation&overgrowth on the northern side of the existing residence;typical to the crest of slope. Top Right: Rear of existing residence,facing East.Note the vertical deck posts,which showed no sign of eccentricity due to slope movement or soil conditions. Middle Right: Photo showing condition of existing seawall,where trickling water was observed dripping from the drain spouts. Bottom Right: Typical conditions at base of slope,between seawall and existing residence.No evidence of erosion,poor soils, or pumping/shoving was observed. 16 Ocn -7 PLANNING MTC Materials Testing & Consulting, Inc. } Geotechnical Engineering•Materials Testing•Special Inspection•Environmental Consulting �d�M'als Ta,Nr�&ConwltinlF�n�. September 21, 2018 Tina Tran c/o: John Dalberg RECEIVED 18841 East WA SR-106, 111 E Keen Rd Belfair, WA 98528 Grapeview, WA 98546 (360)277-0206 J U L 1 12023 Subject: Tran Residential Property—Critical Area Ordinance 615 W. Alder Street 18841 East WA SR-106, Belfair, WA 98528 Geotechnical Engineering& Consulting Services MTC Project No.: 185231 Dear Mr. Dalberg: At your request, Materials Testing & Consulting, Inc. (MTC) has completed critical area study performed and limited slope stability analysis at the above-referenced property, including site and slope visual reconnaissance, limited subsurface testing, and review of available geologic literature. The project site consists of an existing home with post-and-pier foundation on a coastal property. MTC understands that the client intends to replace the existing foundation with conventional spread footings, and possibly a daylight basement. MTC understands a site investigation is needed to meet Mason County critical area requirements for geohazard assessment and confirmation of the acceptability of the proposed development. The following report presents the findings and conclusions of �Afr literature review and site investigation, addresses inherent concerns and feasibility of proposed site development, and provides geotechnical recommendations for planning and design intended to reduce the inherent risks associated with site development within a potentially geologically hazardous area. MTC has performed this geotechnical investigation and critical area study in accordance with project discussions with the client and our Proposal for Geotechnical Services dated June 25, 2018, as well as in consideration of Mason County municipal code and typical regional requirements for site review for development within or adjacent to a geologically critical area. Relevant details regarding existing site features and proposed development are addressed herein,as applicable to the project scope at this time. i Corporate • 777 Chrysler Drive • Burlington, WA 98233 • Phone 360.755.1990 • Fax 360.755.1980 SW Region • 2118 Black Lake Blvd. S. Fax 360.534.9779 NW Region • 805 Dupont, Suite 5 • Belling ate, 98226 • Phone 360.647.6061 • Fax 360.647.8111 Kitsap Region • 5451 N.W. Newberry Hi11�3id;Shiite 101 • Silverdale, WA 98383 • Phone/Fax 360.698.6787 Visit our website: www.mtc-inc.net , r Tran Residential Property—Critical Area Ordinance Materials Testing&Consulting,Inc. September 21,2018 18S231 Site Investigation Methodology: On August 1, 2018,MTC visited the site to perform visual reconnaissance of the surface and topographic features of the subject property and proximal slopes, as well as to conduct subsurface exploration for geologic hazard assessment and site characterization. Site dimensions and general slope topography were estimated and mapped at representative intervals using hand survey equipment as access allowed. Salient slope features and existing vegetation were documented to assess general site and slope stability, as well as to identify historic or current local erosional or subsurface instability. The slope was observed and measured directly from within the site. MTC advanced two (2) Wildcat Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) tests extending to depths of approximately 16.0 and 18.0 feet below present grade (BPG) at representative locations along the slope profile and within the project building area to document in-situ soil strength and generally characterize subsurface stratigraphy. Penetrometer tests were terminated upon reaching practical refusal depth on very dense or hard conditions. During penetrometer advancement, blow counts were recorded in one- decimeter increments as a thirty-five-pound weight was dropped a distance of 15.0 inches. Blow counts were then converted to resistance (kg/cmz), standard penetration blow counts (N-values), and corresponding soil consistency,with complete results shown on the attached logs. Direct observations of soils via supplemental Hand Auger (HA) borings adjacent to DCP locations were also used to supplement interpretation of DCP data and classify soils. Observations and visual classifications of the exposed subsurface soils were used to correlate blow count data with generalized subsurface conditions. Inferences from those observations are described herein. Hand Auger boring logs are also attached for reference. A location and vicinity map is provided as Figure 1, Appendix Al. Exploration locations are shown schematically on the attached site plan in Figure 2, Appendix A2. Typical measured or estimated slope conditions are shown schematically on the attached topographic profile in Figures 3, Appendix A3. Photos showing general site features are provided in Appendix B. Complete exploration logs are presented in Appendix C. Summary of Geologic Literature Review: The Geologic Map of the Belfair 7.5-minute (1:24,000) Quadrangle, Mason Kitsap and Pierce Counties, Washington published by the Washington State Department of Natural Resource (Polenz et al., 2009) indicates site geology is mapped as Holocene-aged Landslide deposits (Qls) from the Alderwood Landslide dated at approximately 1.1ka. These unconsolidated landslide deposits are highly variable consisting of an unsorted, unstratified and, loose mixture of angular gravel (up to boulder-sized), sand, silt and clay. The Alderwood landslide is believed to be seismically triggered bg movement and lateral 2 Tran Residential Property—Critical Area Ordinance Materials Testing&Consulting,Inc. September 21,2018 18S231 spread of from the Cascadia Subduction Zone but also may have small-scale movement according to the review of historic photographs. A trace of the Tacoma fault zone is visible via lidar approximately 0.5 miles southeast of the project site. The fault line is estimated to be Holocene in age, and appears consistent in extent with several mapped historic landslides along the regional Belfair coastal margin. This landslide feature is mapped to compose the majority of the surrounding region and most of the residences in proximity to the site. Based on available information, shallow soils within the project area are mapped by the NRCS Web Soil Survey as Alderwood gravelly sandy loam (Ac) with 15 to 30 percent slopes. Alderwood gravelly sandy loam was formed by glacial drift/outwash in ridge and hill landforms. The soil is described to be moderately well drained and typically consists of very gravelly sandy loam to depths of 60 inches and beyond. Depth to the restrictive feature is reported to be between 20 and 39 inches and, corresponding water table is expected between 18 and 37 inches below grade. The capacity of the unit to transmit water is considered very low to moderately low with a ksat values between 0.00 and 0.06 inches per hour. The Liquefaction Susceptibility Map of Mason County, Washington published by the Washington DNR DGER (Palmer et al., 2004) shows the project site area as having a low susceptibility to liquefaction during a seismic event, consistent with observed soil and groundwater conditions. No fault traces are mapped to occur within or near to the site area. Surface Observations: The proposed area of development is a coastal residential property located northwest of WA SR-106 in Belfair, Washington. Topography of the region is typically northwest-sloping toward Hood Canal with moderate localized slopes. Adjacent parcels are similarly developed residential properties. The subject critical slope makes up the entire proposed area of development; the existing residential structure is cut into the slope, with the lower extent of property development defined by a concrete bulkhead, and its upper extent defined by WA SR-106. Slopes adjacent to the subject structure measured to be approximately 21 degrees. Benched areas above and below the subject structure measured approximately 37 and 21 horizontal feet, and act as a driveway and backyard/drain field. Vegetation upland of the driveway consisted of mature evergreen trees. Vegetation along the slope and bulkhead typically consisted of low vegetation, bramble, and second-growth trees. Tree trunks generally did not show obvious signs of excessive tilting or significant curvature that would indicate significant long-term slope creep or instability. 3 Tran Residential Property—Critical Area Ordinance Materials Testing&Consulting,Inc. September 21,2018 185231 Subsurface Conditions: A general characterization of on-site soil units encountered during our explorations is presented below. The exploration logs in Appendix C present details of soils encountered at each exploration location. The on-site soils are generally summarized as follows in stratigraphic order to depth: • Sandy Cover Soils—Silty Sand with Gravel(SM): Sandy surface soils were observed at the surface at testing locations within the area of development and the critical slope. These soils were typically silty sand with gravel, loose to weakly medium dense, brown in color, and dry. Gravel was typically 1.0 to 2.0 inches in diameter, and minor tree and shrub roots encountered did not appear adverse in size or extent. Thickness of sandy cover soils extended to approximately 2.0 feet BPG at both exploration locations. • Glacial Drift—Silt(NM): Weathered glacial deposits (or derived from parental glacial drift) were encountered below cover soils at both exploration locations. This layer typically consisted of silt with minor sand, was medium stiff to stiff, brownish-gray to gray in color, and damp. This unit was encountered to termination depths of 16.0 to 18.0 feet BPG at both testing locations. These soils transition from soft to generally medium stiff below depths of 4.0 feet BPG upland of the anticipated upper retaining wall, and at approximately 3.0 feet BPG in the vicinity of the lower retaining wall. Surface and Subsurface Water Conditions: The nearest significant surface water feature is Hood Canal, whose shores exist at the base of the bulkhead at the base of the slope. No major surface water features were present within or adjacent to the upland project site during MTC's reconnaissance in the summer season. The ground surface was generally dry throughout the site and on the slope face. An obvious groundwater table was not encountered by end depth of MTC's explorations conducted within the anticipated area of development or along the slope. Soils in the vicinity of DCP tests and hand auger borings among the proposed area of development and slopes were free of water seepage or significant excess moisture. No seepage was observed across the site surface. The actual severity and regularity of perched water conditions is unknown due to the limitations of observations conducted during a single visit in the winter season. MTC's scope of work did not include determination of seasonal groundwater elevation variations, documentation of wet season site conditions, or conclusive measurement of groundwater elevations at depths past the extent feasible for hand-operated explorations. Regional groundwater level is inferred to 4 Tran Residential Property—Critical Area Ordinance Materials Testing&Consulting,Inc. September 21,2018 185231 exist below the depth of concern for this study, based on topographic conditions and site elevation, vicinity surface water occurrences, and review of available well logs in the subject area. Critical Area Conditions: MTC performed reconnaissance to observe and document any indications of localized surface degradation or large-scale slope instability. No obvious features were noted that would indicate an active or prior slope failure, such as headscarps or downslope accumulations. Topography was generally consistent, lacking significantly oversteepened areas, channelized runout zones, or hummocky zones. No obvious evidence of rotational or translational failures or major toppling hazards was observed on the slope in proximity of or downhill of the proposed improvements. No obvious failure features were observed on adjacent slope areas visible from the subject property during the visit. The risk of erosional hazard appears to be low on the slope face due to the established vegetation. Surficial conditions of the upland pad and adjacent slopes may become partially saturated during heavy rainfall events, due to the presence of shallow confining soil conditions. However, seasonal water conditions and variations do not appear to have had a significant effect on site surface conditions, and therefore may be expected to be intermittent as opposed to pervasive in nature. MTC considered the potential for reactivation of the existing historic landslide boundary that the site exists within. Rather than being a site-specific issue, this is a widespread regional dormant geohazard feature, with many existing homes located within the mapped boundary. No known widespread efforts have been taken by the county to mitigate future landslide hazards. Failure mechanisms of the historic slide may be interpreted to be a series of complex interactions between geologic units, and naturally varying slope safety factors at depth across wide extents of the coast, as a natural process of erosion and weathering of elevated coastal sedimentary deposits. Failure mechanisms of deep-seated landslide events are commonly at depths well beneath the depth and scope of most residential construction projects,which are typically of a weight and impact that is insignificant to global stability and safety factors. Based on field observations and the map resources, MTC does not consider the site to be at immediate risk of landslide hazards, provided that recommendations in this letter are followed during construction and development. Slope Stability Analysis: Considering the conditions of the potential critical slope and shallow soil conditions, specific foundation requirements must be followed for successful construction at this location. Slope factor of safety were determined by the following the sirtiplified relationship (Landslides: Investigation and Mitigation, Turner and Schuster, 1996): 5 Tran Residential Property—Critical Area Ordinance Materials Testing&Consulting,Inc. September 21,2018 185231 Factor of Safety(FS) = Tan Tan(a) Where = Inferred Internal friction angle of soil a = Angle of slope or projection plane. Underlying glacial drift soils appeared to be in a medium stiff to stiff condition, with exposed faces inclined shallower than the inferred safety projections. Accounting for potential surcharges of new structures, potential failure plains were assumed to emanate from the toe of the nearest descending feature, in this case, the approximate base of the bulkhead. In general, safety projections are to be measured from the top of an adjacent retaining wall, as they are considered stabilization features. However, grade adjacent to the wall does not extend over the derived safety projections, therefore safety projections were considered from the approximate base of the seawall for general protection against potential surcharge loads. If alternative construction methods requiring additional mathematical slope analysis are selected, less conservative parameters may be considered. An inferred 0 = 32 degrees friction angle was assigned to the generally medium stiff silts and sand profile for use in assessing slope factor of safety and determining a suitable conservative building setback. Target factor of safety for residential structures is typically FS = 1.5 for static analysis. Factor of safety is an indication of stability; an FS = 1.0 or below corresponds to the point of failure. The setback projection angle for a suitable factor of safety is found by using: Factor of Safety(FS) -+ Tan Tan (a)=Tan(32)/Tan (a)= 1_5 a = 22 degrees MTC's profile estimates were used to create a projection from the slope base for an a = 22-degree projection angle. This geometry meets county critical area ordinance factor of safety requirements for residential development. Discussion and Recommendations: The findings of MTC's reconnaissance at the subject site appear broadly consistent with available geologic literature and do not indicate that any excessively prohibitive conditions exist for the anticipated level of development. Designation as a critical area is based on the mapped historic slope failure rather than present site-specific stability concerns. Based on the information herein, MTC provides the following development and site-specific recommendations to be followed to minimize the inherent risks of owning a sloped property. 6 Tran Residential Property—Critical Area Ordinance Materials Testing&Consulting,Inc. September 21,2018 185231 Setbacks MTC understands the footprint of the house and deck will remain generally unchanged, with no future developments planned to encroach on any existing setbacks. Upland slopes in line with the house are generally stabilized by existing retaining features, and inclination of proximal slopes do not intersect any factor of safety projections. Therefore, MTC does not recommend any additional setbacks or analysis be conducted at this time. Foundations For general foundation design considerations, MTC recommends referring to guidelines and parameters of the International Building Code (IBC, 2015; or most recent edition at the time of construction). Footings should be placed to a minimum depth in accordance with the setback and factor of safety projection criteria above, as well as meeting minimum IBC (2015) requirements. Excavations should be performed during the dry season. Cutting to grade should be done with a smooth blade bucket to limit disturbance of subgrade soils. The proposed home modification may utilize either shallow continuous footings with slab-on-grade, or a daylight basement foundation, depending on the chosen development style. In either situation, MTC recommends overexcavation of loose, soft, or organic-rich cover soils down to firm bearing conditions. New foundation elements and their fill shall be embedded such that the bottom of the closest face of the foundation fill material is placed below a 22-degree plane projected upward from the base of the existing bulkhead. This embedment is intended to protect future developments from any potential degradation related to surcharges imparted by the new structure, for the design life of the structure, and to protect the bulkhead from any adverse effect of the improvements. These measurements and delineations are schematically detailed in the attached slope profile in Figure 3 of Appendix A3. Regional slope stability modeling beyond conditions identified within the parcel is considered to be outside the scope of typical residential improvements. For continuous footing elements, upon reaching bearing strata, we recommend benching foundation lines flat. Continuous perimeter and strip foundations may be stepped as needed to accommodate variations in final subgrade level. We also recommend maximum steps of 18 inches with spacing of at least 5 feet be constructed unless specified otherwise by the design engineer. Structural fill may then be placed as needed to reestablish final foundation grade. • Foundation Preparations: Within the proposed building area, an elevated risk of settlement potential exists due to the presence of shallow medium plastic fine-grained soils below the surface. Mitigation of these soil conditions 7 Tran Residential Property—Critical Area Ordinance Materials Testing&Consulting,Inc. September 21,2018 18S231 can typically be accomplished by overexcavation, and replacement with structural fill, in combination with lowering of footing grades. MTC recommends that foundation subgrade be overexcavated to a minimum depth of 3 feet below present grade. If, during excavation, poor soil conditions are encountered or additional overexcavation is required, MTC recommends footing grades be reestablished by placement of imported structural fill. • Allowable Bearing Capacity: An allowable bearing capacity of 1,500 pounds per square foot (psf) for footings placed overtop a minimum 6-inch section of compacted structural fill as presented above is recommended. Native soils below structural fill should be suitably firm, verified by an MTC soils inspector. The allowable bearing capacity may be increased by 1/3 for transient loading due to wind and seismic events. If, during design, greater than anticipated loads requiring a higher bearing capacity are considered, MTC may be contacted to provide consultation on the feasibility of alternative foundation designs and allowable bearing capacities. • Structural Fill: All structural fill shall be compacted to a firm and unyielding condition and at least to 95 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density per ASTM D1557. Imported structural fill material should also conform to Section 9-03.14(1), Gravel Borrow, of the most recent edition of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. Note: For lateral and bearing support, structural fill placement below footings shall extend at minimum a distance past each edge of the base of the footing equal to the depth of structural fill placed below the footing[e.g.,for a 2.0 foot wide footing,fills placed to approximately 1.5 feet below footing grade will require a minimum bac>fill width of 5.0 feet (1.5 feet each side plus 2.0 foot width of footing. • Minimum Footing Embedment: For a shallow perimeter and spread footing system, all exterior concrete footings shall have a final embedment of 18 inches and all interior footings shall be embedded 12 inches below the lowest adjacent finished grade, and not less than the depth required by design. Minimum depths are referenced per IBC requirements for frost protection; other design concerns may dictate greater values be applied. Raising of exterior site grade may be utilizes to achieve required embedment. 8 Tran Residential Property—Critical Area Ordinance Materials Testing&Consulting,Inc. September 21,2018 185231 • Footing Drains: Footing drains should be incorporated to maintain dry foundation conditions. MTC recommends footing drains employ 4-inch minimum perforated pipe. Footing drains shall be backfilled with free- draining material (as specified below for wall drainage) wrapped in filter fabric. Footing drains should be tightlined separately from roof drains to a catch basin system or to a permanent discharge point at least 10 feet from the structure. A schematic illustration of a typical footing drain is shown below. Foundation Backfill: Interior Floor Slab Impervious Upper I Final grading per project specifications Stem Wall Filter Fabric Wrap �f�ftirtirtifyr1r tirtirtir4r�ryryr 4rLrtiitiftirtirtif ti r.r•r•r•r.r.ti.. Drain Rock .ti.ti •r•r•r•r•r•r• ryr:}.r1 r 4-inch Diameter Perforated Pipe Footing r (graded to drain by gravity) Retaining Wall Recommendations: The following recommendations pertain to the design (by others) of any new laterally loaded retaining structures founded on suitable subgrade, or on properly compacted structural fill, as detailed below. These recommendations are not applicable to exceedingly sloping backfills, backfills composed of non- granular soil materials, braced or tied-back walls, or for walls greater than 10 feet in height. MTC expressly recommends that we review final plans and specifications for retaining walls to ensure consistency with the recommendations presented herein, and to provide additional geotechnical consultation and recommendations as needed for final design and construction. • Foundations MTC recommend retaining wall foundations bear on suitably medium stiff to stiff dense native silty soils and adhere to the o n a t n reco en a ns etat a • Active and At-Rest Pressures: Yielding (cantilever) retaining walls should be designed to withstand an appropriate active lateral earth pressure, whereas non-yielding (restrained) walls should be designed to withstand an 9 Tran Residential Property—Critical Area Ordinance Materials Testing&Consulting,Inc. September 21,2018 18S231 appropriate at-rest lateral earth pressure. The at-rest case is applicable where retaining wall movement is confined to less than 0.005 H, where H is the wall height. If greater movement is possible, the active case applies. A wall movement of about 0.02 H will be required to develop the full passive pressure. These pressures act over the entire back of the wall and vary with the backslope inclination. For lateral pressures relative to seismic loading conditions, we recommend applying a uniform blanket seismic surcharge of 10psf x Height for a generalized design situation. For retaining walls up to 10 feet in height with a level backslope and retaining intact native soils, we recommend using parameters for active and at-rest pressure (given as equivalent fluid unit weights) provided in the following table: For retaining walls up to 10 feet in height with a level backslope and retaining intact native soils, we recommend using parameters for active and at-rest pressure (given as equivalent fluid unit weights) provided in the following table: Table 1. Wall Pressures UNIT ACTIVE AT-REST SEISMIC SOIL TYPE CONDITION WEIGHT PRESSURE PRESSURE SURCHARGE PCF PSF*H) PSF*H) PSF*H Native Soil(ML) Retained 100 45 100 10 Structural Fill Retained/Backfilled 125 35 55 10 Retaining Wall Construction Recommendations: • Excavations: The duration of time that excavations behind walls remain open should be limited to only as necessary to prepare the base pad and placement of the wall features, backfilling with drain rock and approved fill immediately. Temporary worker protections such as trench boxes or temporary shoring may be required for entering excavations deeper than 4 feet, and all OSHA safety regulations should be observed. Extended open cut periods or work proceeding in wet weather may require surface coverings, lesser cut angles, and/or temporary bracing be applied. We suggest a minimum 5-foot horizontal buffer be maintained from the temporary cut to the upslope property lines(to allow for some near-surface disturbance during excavation). • Wall Drainage: To preclude build-up of hydrostatic pressure, we recommend a minimum width of 1 foot of clean, granular, free-draining material extend from the footing drain at the base of the wall to the ground surface immediately behind the wall. Native soils are not considered suitable as drainage material. Imported wall drain aggregate should conform to WSDOT Standard Specification 9- 03.12(4) Gravel Backfill for Drains or 9-03.12(5) Gravel Backfill for Drywells. A filter fabric 10 Tran Residential Property—Critical Area Ordinance Materials Testing&Consulting,Inc. September 21,2018 18S231 suitable for use in soil separation and water transmission is recommended to be placed against retained soil cuts behind the wall (if present)to limit migration of fines into the drain corridor. • Wall Backfill: Native material is not considered suitable for wall backfill due to its elevated fines content. For additional wall backfills as needed, soils should be relatively granular with less than 5 percent fines(material passing the U.S. No. 200 sieve). MTC recommends wall backfill import material to conform to WSDOT Standard Specification 9-03.12(2)Gravel Backfill for Walls. • Wall Backfill Compaction: It is recommended that wall backfill directly below pavement or other permanent structures be compacted to 95 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density per ASTM D1557. Wall backfill supporting landscaping elements and other non-structural components should be compacted to a relatively firm and unyielding condition. Drainage Controls MTC recommends proper drainage controls for mitigating the increased potential for stormwater runoff should be implemented along with site development to protect conditions of the site and slopes. MTC anticipates on-site infiltration potential is infeasible due to the presence of shallow silty soils within the subject site. MTC does not recommend dispersion or infiltration of collected stormwater between the proposed development and slope, or on the slope itself, as increased runoff or localized stormwater inundation can negatively impact long-term erosional and global slope stability. MTC recommends roof and footing water sources be tightlined away from the building to an existing upland catch basin and stormwater system, or down the slope to be released beyond the bulkhead using appropriate energy-dissipating features at the outfall to minimize point erosion. Roof and footing drains should be tightlined separately, or should be gathered in an appropriately sized catch basin structure and redistributed collectively. If storm drains are incorporated for impervious flatworks (driveways, patios, etc.), collected waters should also be discharged according to the above recommendations. All drainage tightlines should be composed of appropriately sturdy material (such as rigid PVC), sized adequately according to anticipated flow, and anchored sufficiently. MTC recommends slope tightlines be inspected by the owner periodically to look for signs of damage or displacement requiring repair. Site Grading and Permanent Slopes MTC recommends that any new permanent graded slopes be inclined no greater than 3H:1 V. MTC also recommends permanent slopes and undeveloped surfaces be planted with a deep-rooted, rapid-growth vegetative cover as soon as possible after completion of slope construction. Alternatively, slopes may be 11 Tran Residential Property—Critical Area Ordinance Materials Testing&Consulting,Inc. September 21,2018 18S231 covered with plastic, straw, etc., until they can be landscaped. Cut or uncontrolled fill contaminated with organic or manmade debris are not suitable for reuse as structural or grade fill. We recommend that fill placed on slopes steeper than 3:1 (H:V) be `benched' in accordance with hillside drives entry of section 2-03.3(14) of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. We recommend any earth embankments be designed by a qualified civil site designer. Erosion Controls and Vegetation Improvements Heavy compaction equipment and excessive vibratory activities should not be used adjacent to site slopes, or the existing wall features. In general, vibratory plate or"sled"compactors are often sufficient. Stockpiling of excavated tailings and side cast is to be prohibited above, near, or on slopes & walls. Tailings should be removed to an inland area of the site, sufficiently away from the crest if temporary storage of exported/imported materials is required. Marginal areas disturbed during construction should be revegetated at the end of the construction phase,preferably using a pre-determined planting schedule. If plans change to incorporate deep trenching, or additional excavations, or the type of installation changes, MTC should be contacted to reevaluate site conditions and provide further analysis. If additional developments, such as drainage features or other structures are considered, MTC should also be contacted for further site analysis,applicable to the type and extent of development or construction. Disturbance of the ground surface and existing vegetation outside of the planned building footprint should be avoided in the vicinity of the slope crest as recommended above. Marginal landscape areas disturbed during construction should be revegetated at the end of the construction phase. Following construction and for long-term site use, maintaining existing upland vegetation and installing additional beneficial ground plantings within the ancillary vicinity of the improvements and near the slope crest is encouraged, assuming installation is done in a manner that minimizes slope .face disturbance and erosional hazard in the long term. Adding resistive vegetation will increase the erosional and hydrologic resistance of the slope, and assist in retaining cover soils. Further information and recommendations for erosion control including typical beneficial native plantings for sloping areas are provided herein. However, major landscaping alterations should not be undertaken without the involvement of a qualified professional. In general, MTC recommends avoiding altering the area near the slope or on the slope face by terracing or similar landscaping unless adequately designed as part of a comprehensive improvement which also takes into account surface stability. In the event that surface alterations are proposed outside of the planned building footprint,MTC should be contacted to review the geotechnical feasibility of landscaping plans. 12 Tran Residential Property—Critical Area Ordinance Materials Testing&Consulting,Inc. September 21,2018 18S231 Erosion is one of the most common driving forces leading to slope instability. In addition to the above commentary, the following general recommendations should be implemented in general to reduce long- term erosion potential of the slope below the project site and maintain the present slope stability: 1. The ground surface adjacent to the building should be sloped to drain away from the building pad and slope at a 5% minimum to prevent ponding of water adjacent to the house. Footing drains and yard drains should be incorporated as needed for the building and site design to help maintain a dry building area. 2. Minimize the volume and velocity of water that travels toward and down the slope face (via proper choice of site development features including stormwater controls discussed above). 3. Prior to construction, a silt fence and/or a continuous line of straw bales should be placed on the slopeward edge of the construction area. Heavy construction equipment, construction materials, or native and imported soils should not be placed behind the erosion control devices. Suitable temporary erosion and sediment control measures should be implemented at the construction site during and immediately after ground disturbance occurs. Temporary areas bare of vegetation should be protected from erosion via a blanket of straw or rolled erosion control product (RECP) during prolonged breaks in site work and prior to reseeding or revegetation. 4. Grading or excavation of soils during construction should be accompanied by grass reseeding and re-vegetation as the project is completed. According to "Vegetation Management: A Guide for Puget Sound Bluff Property Owners" (Manashe, 1993) the following types of vegetation provide good to excellent erosion control: Common Name Botanical Name Deciduous/Evergreen Mature Height t Vine Maple Acer cricinatum Deciduous 10+ Oceans pray Holodiscus discolor Deciduous 10+ Willow Salix spp. Deciduous 10+ Snowbe Symphoricarpos albus Deciduous 3+ Rose Roses . Deciduous 2-10 Salmonberry Rubus s ectabilis Deciduous To 12 Salal Gaultheria shallon Evergreen To 4 Oregon Grape Mahonia spp. Evergreen To 6 Red huckleberry Vaccinium parvifolium Deciduous To 12 Evergreen Vaccinium ovatum Evergreen To 8 Serviceberry Amelanchier alnifolia Deciduous 12+ Bi leaf Maple Acer macro h llum Deciduous 60 Pacific Madrone Arbutus menziesti Evergreen 70 Douglas Fir Pseudotsu a menziesii Evergreen 200+ 13 Tran Residential Property—Critical Area Ordinance Materials Testing&Consulting,Inc. September 21,2018 18S231 Closing Remarks: The project location is designated by the county as a potential critical area. Upon acceptance and use of this report, and its interpretations and recommendations, the owner shall agree to indemnify and hold harmless MTC, including its owners and employees, from any adverse effects resulting from development and residence in a critical area. Ultimately it is the owner's choice to develop and live in a geologically hazardous area, and therefore the future consequences, both anticipated and unknown, are solely the responsibility of the owner. By using this report for development of the subject property, the owner must accept and understand that it is not possible to fully anticipate all inherent risks of development within a potentially geologically hazardous critical area. The recommendations provided above are intended to reduce,but not eliminate, such risks as is practically feasible from the point of view of geotechnical engineering. Our professional services were performed using that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised, under similar circumstances, by reputable geotechnical engineers practicing in this or similar localities. No other warranties, express or implied, are intended or made. We trust this letter satisfies your requirements at this time; however, should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call the undersigned at(360) 755-1990. Regards, Materials Testing and Consulting,Inc. ERTF n, w y iX. r tv 50966 C/S'rB��� Ss�ONAt, LNG 09-21-2018 Luke Preston McCann, G.I.T. Medhanie G. Tecle,P.E. Senior Geologist Engineering Manager Attached: Limitations and Use of this Report Appendix A1. Location and Vicinity Map Appendix A2. Aerial Photo Overview with Test Locations Appendix A3. Slope Profile Appendix B. Photos of Site Reconnaissance Appendix C. Exploration Logs 14 Tran Residential Property—Critical Area Ordinance Materials Testing&Consulting,Inc. September 21,2018 185231 Appendix D. Laboratory Test Results 15 Tran Residential Property—Critical Area Ordinance Materials Testing&Consulting,Inc. September 21,2018 18S231 Limitations and Use of This Letter Recommendations contained in this report are based on our understanding of the proposed development and construction activities, our field observations and exploration and our laboratory test results. It is possible that soil and groundwater conditions could vary and differ between or beyond the points explored. If soil or groundwater conditions are encountered during construction that vary or differ from those described herein, MTC shall be notified immediately in order that a review may be made and supplemental recommendations provided. If the scope of the proposed construction, including the proposed loads or structural locations, changes from that described in this report, our recommendations shall also be reviewed. We have prepared this letter in substantial accordance with the generally accepted geotechnical engineering practice as it exists in the site area at the time of our study. No warranty, expressed or implied, is made. The recommendations provided in this report are based on the assumption that an adequate program of tests and observations will be conducted by MTC during the construction phase in order to evaluate compliance with our recommendations. Other standards or documents referenced in any given standard cited in this report, or otherwise relied upon by the author of this report, are only mentioned in the given standard; they are not incorporated into it or"included by reference", as that latter term is used relative to contracts or other matters of law. This letter may be used only by Mr. Dalberg, the current property contractor, and their design consultants and only for the purposes stated within a reasonable time from its issuance, but in no event later than 18 months from the date of the report. Note that if another firm assumes Geotechnical Engineer of Record responsibilities they need to review this report and either concur with the findings, conclusions, and recommendations or provide alternate findings, conclusions and recommendation under the guidance of a professional engineer registered in the State of Washington. The recommendations of this report are based on the assumption that the Geotechnical Engineer of Record has reviewed and agrees with the findings, conclusion and recommendations of this report. Land or facility use, on- and off-site conditions, regulations, or other factors may change over time, and additional work may be required with the passage of time. Based on the intended use of the report, MTC may recommend that additional work be performed and that an updated report be issued. Non- compliance with any of these requirements by Mr. Dalberg, the property owner or anyone else will release MTC from any liability resulting from the use of this report by any unauthorized party and Mr. Dalberg agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold MTC harmless from any claim or liability associated with such unauthorized use or non-compliance. We recommend that MTC be given the opportunity to review the final project plans and specifications to evaluate if our recommendations have been properly interpreted. We assume no responsibility for misinterpretation of our recommendations. The scope of work for this subsurface exploration and geotechnical report did not include environmental assessments or evaluations regarding the presence or absence of wetlands or hazardous substances in the soil, surface water, or groundwater at this site. 16 Tran Residential Property—Critical Area Ordinance Materials Testing&Consulting,Inc. September 21,2018 18S231 Appendix Al. Site Vicinity and Location Maps Site VicinitN' ?; o "fair Sktaknmisfi AHYy Site Location ��* IL Got '6��-Washi�gton 166 Maps Source: Google Imagery 2018 � Materials Testing & Consulting,Inc. Site Vicinity and Location Maps FIGURE 2118 Black Lake Blvd SW 18841 E WA SR-106 Olympia, WA 98512 Belfair, WA 98528 1 17 Tran Residential Property—Critical Area Ordinance Materials Testing&Consulting,Inc. September 21,2018 18S231 Appendix A2. Site Overview { Parcel Extent 18 861 E STATE Existing Concrete } Bulkhead 4- IIood Canal House r and DCP/HA-1 Deck DCP/HA-2 Existing Rockery Wall Upper Retaining r A WA-SR 106 -188 21 E STATE ROUTE 106 0 40 SCALE IS APPROXIMATE Maps Source: (Based on site measurements Mason County Assessor and mapped topography) Accessed 9/4/18 SCALE(FEET) *Not for Construction 1 inch=40 feet Materials Testing& Consulting,Inc. Site Overview FIGURE 2118 Black Lake Blvd SW 18841 E WA SR-106 Olympia, WA 98512 Belfair, WA 98528 2 18 Tran Residential Property—Critical Area Ordinance Materials Testing&Consulting,Inc. September 21,2018 18S231 Appendix A3. Slope Profile EAST Slope Profile A — A' WEST DC.P-1 A' Refusal at A D -16 feet BPG ('P-2 ..Refusal at WA-SR 106 -18 feet BPG - ��` Existing House Cut io Existing Overhang 20' I Oo i &deck 37' 1...I...................................... ' Bulkhead I —8 feet —20' I srof 5� Hood Canal Beach ................................................................................................................ Bulkhead E 0 20 SCALE IS APPROXIMATE Embed closest bottom face of ` (Based on site measurements new foundations/rill below and mapped topography) FS Projection SCALE(FEET) *Not for Construction 1 inch=20 feet .................................................................................................................. : Materials Testing & Consulting,Inc. Tran Residence CAO FIGURE 2118 Black Lake Blvd SW Slope Profile: A—A' Olympia, WA 98501 188441 East SR-106 3 Belfair, WA 98312 19 Tran Residential Property—Critical Area Ordinance Materials Testing&Consulting,Inc. September 21,2018 185231 Appendix B. Photos of Site Reconnaissance via .,� R. Photo A. Image of property facing upslope showing deck. stairway and residence. Image facing Southeast. a ^r 4j Photo B. Bulkhead, lower lawn area,beach front and, hood canal. Image facing south. 20 Tran Residential Property—Critical Area Ordinance Materials Testing&Consulting,Inc. September 21,2018 185231 Appendix C. Exploration Logs Grab soil samples were collected from each exploration location by our field geologist during Hand Auger excavation. Soil samples collected during the field exploration were classified in accordance with ASTM D2487. All samples were placed in plastic bags to limit moisture loss, labeled, and returned to our laboratory for further examination and testing. Exploration logs are shown in full in Appendix C. The explorations were monitored by our field geologist who examined and classified the materials encountered in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS), obtained representative soil samples, and recorded pertinent information including soil sample depths, stratigraphy, soil engineering characteristics, and groundwater occurrence. Upon completion test pits were backfilled with existing native and fill soils tailings. The stratification lines shown on the individual logs represent the approximate boundaries between soil types; actual transitions may be either more gradual or more severe. The conditions depicted are for the date and location indicated only, and it should not necessarily be expected that they are representative of conditions at other locations and times. Penetrometer results from DCP testing are shown in Appendix C. During penetrometer advancement, blow counts were recorded in one-decimeter increments as a thirty-five-pound weight was dropped a distance of 15 inches. Blow counts were then converted to resistance (kg/cm2), standard penetration blow counts (N-values), and corresponding soil consistency, as displayed on the logs. 21 Tran Residential Property—Critical Area Ordinance Materials Testing&Consulting,Inc. September 21,2018 18S231 Ml'' Log of Hand Auger HA-1 Tran Residential Property Date Started &1/18 Critical Area Ordinance Date Completed 8/1/18 18841 WA-106 Sampling Method :Grab Samples BeHair,Washington 98526 Location Anticipated Lower Retairing Wall MTC Job#:18S231 Logged By :101 m d > LL U d � = J a U a DESCRIPTION 0 SILTY SAND with GRAVEL.Dry,roots up to 0.5',gravel up to 2.0"in diameter.Medium BROWN. Approximately 20.0%Gravel,45.0•5 Sand,35.0'1.Fines SM 2 SILT.Damp to most,minor roots,minor mottling,some cohesion,silt laminae.GRAYISH BROWN TO GRAY. Approximately 001%Gravel,5.0%Sand,95.0%Fines 4 Soil becomes moist and minorly mottled below 4.0 feet BPG. Minor cohesion observed in soils below 5.0 feet BPG. MIL 6 Chunks of silt laminae observed in soils below 7.0 feet BPG. 8 Termination Depth:9.0 feet BPG No groundwater encountered. Hand Augerterminated on difficult digging conditions. 10 22 Tran Residential Property—Critical Area Ordinance Materials Testing&Consulting,Inc. September 21,2018 18S231 Materials Testing&Consulting, Inc Log of Hand Auger HA-2 2118 Black Lake Blvd SW Olympia,WA 98512 Tran Residential Property Date Started 8/1/18 Critical Area Ordinance Date Completed :8/1/18 18841 WA-106 Sampling Method Grab Samples Belfair,Washington 98526 Location Anticipated Upper RW MTC Job#:18S231 Logged By KH ILL m m U a) C = J DESCRIPTION Q) n U 0 Z) 0 SILTY SAND with GRAVEL.Dry,roots up to 0.5',gravel up to 2.0"in diameter.Medium BROWN. Approximately 20.0%Gravel,45.0%Sand,35.0%Fines SM 2 SILT.Damp to moist,minor roots,some cohesion.GRAYISH BROWN TO GRAY. Approximately 0.0%Gravel,5.0%Sand,95.0%Fines 4 ML 6 Minor cohesion observed in soils below 7.0 feet BPG. 8 Termination Depth:9.0 feet BPG No groundwater encountered Hand Auger terminated on difficult digging conditions. 10 23 Tran Residential Property-Critical Area Ordinance Materials Testing&Consulting,Inc. September 21,2018 18S231 WILDCAT DYNANHC CONE LOG Page 1 of 2 Materials Testing and Consulting 2118 Black Lake Blvd SW PROJECT NUMBER: 18S231 Olympia,WA 98512 DATE STARTED: 08-01-2018 DATE COMPLETED: 08-01-2018 HOLE#: DCP-I CREW: KH SURFACE ELEVATION: Existing Grade PROJECT: Tran Residence CAO WATER ON COMPLETION: None encountered ADDRESS: 18841 E STATE ROUTE 106,BELFAIR,WA HAMMER WEIGHT: 35 lbs. LOCATION: Anticipated Lower RW CONE AREA: 10 sq.cm BLOWS RESISTANCE GRAPH OF CONE RESISTANCE TESTED CONSISTENCY DEPTH PER 10 cm K /cm2 0 50 100 150 N SAND&SILT CLAY 21 93.2 - MEDIUM DENSE VERY STIFF 26 115.4 .........................•••«••• - DENSE HARD lft 14 62.2 ............•••••• 17 MEDIUM DENSE VERYSTIFF 3 13.3 3 VERYLOOSE SOFT 1 4.4 1 VERYLOOSE VERY SOFT ti 1 4.4 1 VERYLOOSE VERYSOFT 1 4.4 1 VERYLOOSE VERY SOFT 3 13.3 3 VERYLOOSE SOFT ti 4 17.8 ••• 5 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 1 m 8 35.5 ......•••• 10 LOOSE STIFF 15 57.9 ............•••• 16 MEDIUM DENSE VERYSTIFF 4t4 15 57.9 ............•••• 16 MEDIUM DENSE VERYSTIFF 17 65.6 ..................• 18 MEDIUM DENSE VERYSTIFF 14 54.0 ............••• 15 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF 5 ft 16 61.8 ............••••• 17 MEDIUM DENSE VERY STIFF 10 38.6 ......••••• 11 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF 10 38.6 ......••••• 11 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF 6 ft 8 30.9 ......•• 8 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 10 38.6 ......••••• 11 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF - 2 m 8 30.9 ......•• 8 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF - 7 ft 8 27.4 ......• 7 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF - 8 27.4 ......• 7 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF - 7 23.9 •••• 6 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 8 ft 7 23.9 •••• 6 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 10 34.2 ......••• 9 LOOSE STIFF 8 27.4 ......• 7 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 9 ft 10 34.2 ......••• 9 LOOSE STIFF 11 37.6 ......•••• 10 LOOSE STIFF 13 44.5 ......•••••• 12 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF m loft 13 44.5 ••• 12 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF 12 36.7 ......•••• 10 LOOSE STIFF 12 36.7 ......•••• 10 LOOSE STIFF 14 42.8 ......•••••• 12 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF 11 11 17 52.0 14 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF 18 55.1 15 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF 15 45.9 13 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF 12 t t 16 49.0 13 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF 14 42.8 ......•••••• 12 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF 16 49.0 ............•• 13 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF - 4 m 13 ft 15 45.9 ............• 13 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF WLMAT.XLS 24 Tran Residential Property—Critical Area Ordinance Materials Testing&Consulting,Inc. September 21,2018 18S231 HOLE#:DCP-1 WILDCAT DYNAMIC CONE LOG Page 2of 2 PROJECT:Tran Residence CAO PROJECT NUMBER: 18S231 BLOWS RESISTANCE GRAPH OF CONE RESISTANCE TESTED CONSISTENCY DEPTH PER 10 cm Kg/cm= 0 50 100 150 N SAND&SILT CLAY - 19 52.6 •............•• 15 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF - 20 55.4 ............•••• 15 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF 14 ft 21 58.2 ...........•••• 16 MEDIUM DENSE VERYSTIFF - 26 72.0 ..................•• 20 MEDIUM DENSE VERYSTIFF - 27 74.8 ..................••• 21 MEDIUM DENSE VERYSTIFF - 15 ft 36 99.7 ........................•••• - MEDIUM DENSE VERYSTIFF - 39 108.0 ..............................• - MEDIUM DENSE VERYSTIFF - 43 119.1 ••••••.......................•••• - DENSE HARD - 16 ft 50 138.5 ........................................ - DENSE HARD - 5m 17ft - 181i 19 tit 6m 2011 21 ft 22 ft 7m 23ft 24 Ii 2;It 2011 27 ft ?8 It 29 I( 9111 Tran Residential Property-Critical Area Ordinance Materials Testing&Consulting,Inc. September 21,2018 18S231 W-MDCAT DYNAMIC CONE LOG Page 1 of 2 Materials Testing and Consulting 2118 Black Lake Blvd SW PROJECT NUMBER: 18S231 Olympia,WA 98512 DATE STARTED: 08-01-2018 DATE COMPLETED: 08-01-2018 HOLE#: DCP-2 CREW: KH SURFACE ELEVATION: Existing Grade PROJECT:Tran Residence CAD WATER ON COMPLETION: None encountered ADDRESS: 18841 ESTATE ROUTE 106,BELFAIR,WA HAMMERWEIGHT: 35lbs. LOCATION: Anticipated UpperRW CONEAREA: 10 sq.Cm BLOWS RESISTANCE GRAPH OF CONE RESISTANCE TESTED CONSISTENCY DEPTH PER 10 cm Kg/cm? 0 50 100 150 N' SAND&SILT CLAY - 22 97.7 ........................•••• MEDIUM DENSE VERY STIFF - 37 164.3 ............................................. DENSE HARD - 1 ft 39 173.2 ............................................. DENSE HARD - 32 142.1 ......................................... _ DENSE HARD - 26 115.4 ................................• - DENSE HARD - 2 8 15 66.6 ..................• 19 MEDIUM DENSE VERY STIFF - 9 40.0 ......••••• I MEDIUM DENSE STIFF 4 17.8 ••• 5 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF li 5 22.2 •••• 6 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 1 m 4 17.8 ••• 5 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 3 11.6 3 VERYLOOSE SOFT 4 Q 5 19.3 ••• 5 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 7 27.0 ......• 7 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 10 38.6 ......••••• 11 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF 5 i1 6 23.2 •••• 6 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 6 23.2 •••• 6 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 7 27.0 ......• 7 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 6 ft 8 30.9 ......•• 8 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF 5 19.3 ••• 5 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF - 2 m 8 30.9 ......•• 8 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF - 7 ft 7 23.9 •••• 6 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF - 9 30.8 ......•• 8 LOOSE MEDIUM STIFF - 10 34.2 ......••• 9 LOOSE STIFF - R fl 12 41.0 ......••••• 11 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF - 14 47.9 ............• 13 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF - 12 41.0 ......••••• 11 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF - 91i 11 37.6 ......•••• 10 LOOSE . STIFF - 16 54.7 ............••• 15 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF 17 58.1 ............•••• 16 MEDIUM DENSE VERY STIFF m l i)Il 18 61.6 ••••••••••••••••• 17 MEDIUM DENSE VERY STIFF 17 52.0 ............••• 14 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF 19 58.1 ............•••• 16 MEDIUM DENSE VERY STIFF 16 49.0 ............•• 13 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF 11 ft 15 45.9 ............• 13 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF 14 42.8 ......•••••• 12 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF 19 58.1 ............•••• 16 MEDIUM DENSE VERYSTIFF 12 ft 15 45.9 ............• 13 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF 17 52.0 ............••• 14 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF 18 55.1 ............••• 15 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF 4 m 13 ft 20 61.2 ............••••• 17 MEDIUM DENSE VERY STIFF WILDCATXLS 26 Tran Residential Property—Critical Area Ordinance Materials Testing&Consulting,Inc. September 21,2018 18S231 HOLE#:DCP-2 WILDCAT DYNAMIC CONE LOG Page 2of 2 PROJECT:Tran Residence CAO PROJECT NUMBER: 18S231 BLOWS RESISTANCE GRAPH OF CONE RESISTANCE TESTED CONSISTENCY DEPTH PER 10 cm Kg/cm? 0 50 100 150 N SAND&SILT CLAY - 23 63.7 •............••••• 18 MEDIUM DENSE VERYSTIFF 19 52.6 ............••• 15 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF - 14 ft 20 55.4 ............•••• 15 MEDIUM DENSE STIFF - 26 72.0 ..................•• 20 MEDIUM DENSE VERYSTIFF 26 72.0 ..................•• 20 MEDIUM DENSE VERYSTIFF - 15 ft 24 66.5 ..................• 18 MEDIUM DENSE VERYSTIFF - 25 69.3 ..................•• 19 MEDIUM DENSE VERYSTIFF - 24 66.5 ..................• 18 MEDIUM DENSE VERYSTIFF - 16 ft 29 80.3 ..................••••• 22 MEDIUM DENSE VERYSTIFF - 5 m 35 97.0 ........................•••• - MEDIUM DENSE VERYSTIFF 37 94.0 ........................••• MEDIUM DENSE VERYSTIFF - 17 ft 39 99.1 ........................•••• - MEDIUM DENSE VERYSTIFF - 44 111.8 ...............................• - DENSE HARD - 44 111.8 ...............................• - DENSE HARD - 18 ft 50 127.0 ...................................• DENSE HARD 19ft 6m 20 ft 21ft 22 ft 7m 2',it 24 R 15(i 26 ft - 8m 27 ft 28 ft 29 ft 9m WLDCATALS 27 Tran Residential Property—Critical Area Ordinance Materials Testing&Consulting,Inc. September 21,2018 18S231 Appendix D. Laboratory Test Results Laboratory tests were conducted on several representative soil samples to better identify the soil classification of the units encountered and to evaluate the material's general physical properties and engineering characteristics. A brief description of the tests performed for this study is provided below. The results of laboratory tests performed on specific samples are provided at the appropriate sample depths on the individual boring logs. However, it is important to note that these test results may not accurately represent in situ soil conditions. All of our recommendations are based on our interpretation of these test results and their use in guiding our engineering judgment. MTC cannot be responsible for the interpretation of these data by others. Soil samples for this project will be retained for a period of 3 months following completion of this report, unless we are otherwise directed in writing. SOIL CLASSIFICATION Soil samples were visually examined in the field by our representative at the time they were obtained. They were subsequently packaged and returned to our laboratory where they were re-examined and the original description checked and verified or modified. With the help of information obtained from the other classification tests, described below, the samples were described in general accordance with ASTM Standard D2487. The resulting descriptions are provided at the appropriate locations on the individual exploration logs and are qualitative only. GRAIN-SIZE DISTRIBUTION Grain-size distribution analyses were conducted in general accordance with ASTM Standard D422 on representative soil samples to determine the grain-size distribution of the on-site soil. The information gained from these analyses allows us to provide a description and classification of the in-place materials. In turn, this information helps us to understand engineering properties of the soil and thus how the in- place materials will react to conditions such as heavy seepage, traffic action, loading, potential liquefaction,and so forth. The results are presented in this Appendix. 28 Tran Residential Property-Critical Area Ordinance Materials Testing&Consulting,Inc. September 21,2018 18S231 Sieve Report Project.Tran Residence Critical Area Ordinance Date Received:l l-Sep-18 ASTM D-2487 Unified Soils Classification System Project#: 18S231 Sampled By:KH L,Silt Client.John Dalberg Date Tested:13-Sep-18 Sample Color: Source:HA1 @-6 Tested By:JE Gay ACCREDITED G'Mra T•.L.YRM Sam e#:S18 2075 ASTM D-2216 ASTM D-2419 ASTM D-4318 ASTM W5821 D,,;=0.004 mm %Gravel=0.0% Cceff.of Curvature,Cc=1.50 Specifications DOo;=0.008 mm %Sand=1.2% Cceff.of Uniformity,Cc=6.00 No Spas Dp,1=0,011 mm %Silt&Clay=98.8% Fineness Modulus=0.02 S ample Meets Specs?N/A Dpot=0.023 mm Liquid Limit=36.4% Plastic Limit=25.68/6 Dt,u=0.038 mm Plasticity Index=10.8% Moisture%,as sampled=28.3% D(6o)=0.046 nun Sand Equivalent=n/a Req'd Sand Equivalent=P D„o;=0.068 mm Fracture%,I Face=n/a Req'd Fracture%,1 Face=r Dust Ratio= # Fracture%2+Faces=n/a R 'd Fracture%,2+Faces= ASTM C-136,ASTM D-6913 Actual Interpolated Gran Si.DislnWlim Cumulative Cumulative Sieve Size Percent Percent Specs Specs US Metric Passin Passing Ma: Min 12.00" 300.00 100% 100.0% 0.0'/o I IIII:I I ;'III ! iit 't�'ti}II I it I y,. I t i 10.001, 250.00 1000/0 100.0% 0.0e/ i ,lii,ii I !iiiliil i Ilii i i illi,• .�i,li 8,00" 200.00 1000/a 100.0% 0.Oa/o sna 6.00^ 150.00 loos/ 100.0% o.oe/ i�i�iil l ' I till ! !i iii ii�! i 4.00" 100.00 100% loo.o^/o 0.0% II'ittt ! `IN H:i Iltt 4 - I ern _}___ -+-i7i41++- -i -S enos 3.00" 75.00 100% 100.0% 0.0% ; j j illl l i I !liiil i i i ?Hil l i I 2.50" 63.00 100% 100.0% 0.00/0illtll�' I i i li11 E ittii illlli 2.00" 50.00 100% 100.00/0 0.0"/o r� �-_!il�ill _Ittit j _7__ LI: „. � i rnws •: I i 1 1.75" 45.00 100% 100.0% 0.oe/ i iliiiii ! �i ilEEi ;III II.• 1.50" 37.50 100% 100.00/0 0.0% I 'I " I I•I I I iHIM i illllll i :::: Iiiil° 3H ' ,ii• • I ; 1.25" 31.50 100% 100.00/0 0.00/0T -j j(i III i; 1.00" 25.00 100% 100.0% 0.0% .F I"li!I I lilt li I i till! 3/4" 19.00 100% 100.00/0 0.00/0 >° tiilitt IL'iit:' I^ ii :lit -t rirt1 --- + t 1 5/8" 16.00 100% 100.0% 0.00/1 r i--: HICC* - I t I E I I II'II! ' 1/2" 12.50 100% 100.00/0 0.00/ !NH 1 I i wi iii f 1 t 'il�ll� I "iiiii 3/8" 9.50 100"/0 100.0% 0.0% ,as T--;il l i 1 -�-.i1• 1 1/4" 6.30 room t00.00/ o.oei I ;lilt i i iiiii i itIii'•i 1 i!i it I i i y;tilil i t #4 4.75 1000/0 1000/0 100.0% o.o^/ i It:ittt I i IIIII I I ! IillllE I i illlli!I I ^iiiii i i #8 2.36 100% 100.0% 0.00/ -- 'F-+----fffl::-1 I i -- 11 lilt, #10 2.00 100% 1000/0 B 100.0% o.o% I I I! i i i� ••; #16 1.18 100% 100.00/ 0.00/ i l i i III I i1; 11 i a 1 #20 0.850 100% 100% 100.0% 0.0% -«- i.i �_� -- -�t- '- ; zaox i i il• i i AIM I I I digit'i #30 o.6ao 100% 100.00/0 0.o"i i iiii ! I'tiiit Ili ll #40 0.425 100% 100% 100.00/0 0.0% it Itijµ' t} tnox #50 0.300 99% 100.0% 0.0% , III i I Hit Ili i liiiiili i ilrl! #60 0.250 990/0 99% 100.00/0 0.oai illllili i Illillil i iiiii!!I i Itiiiili i ;iiiifl i #80 0.180 99% 990/0 100.00/0 0.00/ 1 mm o.• o.ao omo� #100 0.150 99"/0 99% 100.01/. 0.000/0 #140 0.106 99% 100.0% 0.01/6 Pp-5e"t0aot #170 0.090 99"/0 100.01% 0.00/0 #200 0,075 98.8% 1 98.8% 100.0% 0.00/1 . se"0s�: �.-t. vim• ��nnsP•d �,.�s"""s�dn CWrgN Speam Enain n a Tech l Services PS,199&98 29 Tran Residential Property-Critical Area Ordinance Materials Testing&Consulting,Inc. September 21,2018 18S231 ASTM D4318 - Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit and Plasticity Index of Soils Project: Tran Residence Critical Area( Date Received: 11-Sep-18 Unified Soils Classification System,AST-NI D-2487 Project#: 18S231 Sampled By: KH L,Silt Client: John Dalberg Date Tested: 13-Sep-18 Sample Color Source: HAI @-6' Tested By: JE Gray Sans le#: S18-2075 li uid limit Determination I'I #2 #3 F4 Weight of Wet Soils+Pan: 15.92 14.58 29.06 Weight of Dry Soils+Pan: 12.42 11.15 21.48 Weight of Pan: 1.55 1.55 1.55 Weight of Dry Soils: 10.87 9.60 1293 liquid limit @ 25 Blows: 36.4% Weight of Moisture: 3.50 3.43 7.58 Plastic limit: 25.6% %Moisture: 32.2% 35.7% 38.0% Plasticity Index,1p: 10.8% N n In he r o f 111401%1: 33 28 21 Plastic limit Determination Weight of Wet Soils+Pan: 4.01 3.41 Weight of Dry Soils+Pan: 3.51 3.03 Weight of Pan: L55 1.55 Weight of Dry Soils: 1.96 1.Fs ACCREDITED Weight of Moisture: 0.50 0.38 eem aroc,xso,.�usoxtueea %Moisture: 25.5% 25.7 01 60.0% -------------. - - ----------------- Plasticity Chart Liquid Limit =' 45% I 70.0% ,___------ ---- ---------;----------;----------;-------------------;----------r---------, r=------------;--------- 40% ------------------- -- -- 60.0% , ------- °- ------------------- ------- 35% - -- r,' !A' e! X -------- - - , , +CH or H r + + i 25% } + I T I T11-+-1 Y i . , , , as ---------4--------------------'--------- ----------------- ------- ------- ---------------------------- MH or OH a ; �- t s% F f + ++a+1 zo.o% CL or Q , 10.0% ----- ------: ----- r --------� t , � i L 0.0% 0.0% 10.0% 20.0% 30.0% 40.0% 50.0% 60.0% 70.0% 80.0% 90.0% 100.0% 110D% 0% 10 100 Liquid Limit Number of Blows,"N" 30