HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAR2002-00010 - VAR Letters / Memos - 4/2/2002 MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Planning Mason County Bldg.1 411 N.5th P.O.Box 279 Shelton,WA 98584 (360) 427-9670 Belfair (360) 275-4467 Elma (360) 482-5269 S attle (206) 464-6968 April 2,2002 Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife ATTN: Marc Wicke,Biologist 600 Capital Way N Olympia, WA 98501 RE: Resource Ordinance Variance-#VAR2002-00010,Donald D ontet-applicant. Dear Marc: The above-referenced variance is required for an after-the-fact permit for a carport constructed in 1999. At that time,the carport was consistent with County regulations for setbacks from streams. However, nD permits were obtained subsequent to completion of the carport. The property was sold and the new owner is being required to obtain all necessary permits to bring the parcel into compliance. He must confoi m to existing regulations,therefore,he must obtain a Variance for the carpo . The enclosed documents satisfy the requirements for a Habitat Management Plan(HMP)per the M on County Resource Ordinance. Per the provisions of the Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areat chapter of the RO(specifically Section G. 1. e),a Variance is required for construction within 115' f a Type IV stream. The Variance application must be accompanied by a abitat Management Plan. Obviously,this HMP is minimal because of the unusual nature of the application. The attached letter from Steve Shanewise of the Coot Company addresses the existing buffer arl d makes some recommendati ns for enhancement. Please review the enclosed documents and let me know if you have co ments,question,or concerns about this plan. I can adopt your comments as conditions into any approval the County may grant. I have included my e-mail address if you find this method of correspondence more convenient. Our ordinance allows for a 28-day comment period. Closing date for comments is May 1,2002. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Sincerely, t Rick Mraz, Senior Planner Mason County Department of Community evelopment mrazr(d)co.mason.wa.us MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEN. Planning Mason County Bldg.1 411 N.5th P.O.Box 279 Shelton,WA 98584 (360) 427-9670 Belfair (360) 275-4467 Elm I(360) 482-5269 S attle (206) 464-6968 April 2,2002 Squaxin Tribe ATTN: Michelle Stevie,Habitat Biologist 2952 SE Old Olympic Highway Squaxin Indian Fisheries Shelton, WA 98584 RE: Resource Ordinance Variance-#VAR2002-00010,Donald Du nontet-applicant. Dear Michelle: The above-referenced variance is required for an after-the-fact permit or a carport constructed in 1999. At that time,the carport was consistent with County regulations for setbacks from streams. However,do permits were obtained subsequent to completion of the carport. The property was sold and the new weer is being required to obtain all necessary permits to bring the parcel into compliance. He must conform to existing regulations,therefore,he must obtain a Variance for the carport. The enclosed documents satisfy the requirements for a Habitat Management Plan(HMP)per the Mason County Resource Ordinance. Per the provisions of the Fish and Wild fe Habitat Conservation Areahs chapter of the RO(specifically Section G. 1. e),a Variance is required for construction within 115' f a Type IV stream. The Variance application must be accompanied by a Habitat Management Plan. Obviously,this HMP is minimal because of the unusual nature of the application. The attached Jett r from Steve Shanewise of the Coot Company addresses the existing buffer d makes some recommenda ons for enhancement. Please review the enclosed documents and let me know if you have co uments,question,or concerns about this plan. I can adopt your comments as conditions into any approval he County may grant. I have included my e-mail address if you find this method of correspondence more convenient. Our ordimmce allows for a 28-day comment period. Closing date for comments is May 1,2002. Thank you for ydur consideration in this matter. Sincerely, Rick Mraz, Senior Planner Mason County Department o mmunity Development mrazr(&co.mason.wa.us i — T.17CX— E+dv�6 4 s yr t t a v . N o lf) �-S $ "AAIL (Zep1A e � 0. m 36to '6AA1a�- rf�. -� �.- - Aq - 14 --MAD _ -- J / Y Y r