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PAR2004-00041 - PAR Application - 11/10/2004
r1C4 Case number: PAR MASON COUNTY PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE REQUEST FORM The purpose of the pre-submission conference is to identify and/or eliminate as many potential problems as possible in order for the project to be processed without delay. Representatives for the Fire Marshal's Office, Building Department, Environmental Health, Planning, and Public Works Departments may attend the meeting to discuss rules and regulations applicable to the proposed project. Topics covered during the meeting will include the comprehensive plan, shoreline program, zoning, availability of sewer and potable water, development concepts, building construction, fire protection and life safety concerns of the proposed project. The pre-submission conference will be most informative when you provide accurate and detailed information on the Pre-Submission Conference Application Form and the site plan.Applications will be accepted when all information is received and deemed complete. Pre-Submission Conferences are held every Wednesday and last one hour. To schedule a meeting complete the application on both sides and return 10 copies of the detailed site plan, along with $205.00 fee, by 4:30 on the Wednesday prior to the proposed Wednesday meeting to the Mason County Department of Community Development, AT-IN: Pre-Submission Coordinator, P.O. Box 186, Shelton, WA 98584. Fax request forms to (360) 427-7798. If you have any questions call (360)427-9670 ext. 284. Date of Request: Site Plan Submit 10 copies Applicant: �/ •— Include the following information Name: Q`11.73��l �" �L 6�L20SS .f g � f on site plans: Mailing Address: �0 Zug2�G� ��,�/}ii7 g8S2P r Daytime Telephone: zbi�49e-424 rc. 3�.• .f 7� J ❑ Indicate Scale and North Arrow Representative: ❑ Property line dimensions,easements, Name: ��y�.h L TL`P�cr r and right-of-ways. Mailing Address: i— 1 71 7 � �iGl/� �_��•Z�. �� ❑ The location of all existing and �� �— proposed structures.include square Daytime Telephone:(�(�Q (ot�C�_�q ���� �� r�� footage of existing and proposed structures. Parcel Number: 12 digits D ❑ Setback distance,in feet from all property lines and structures. Description of Project: ❑ Existing and proposed road access to Include: 1) Square footage of structure, 2) Use of building and rooms (i.e., and from the site. office, warehouse, restaurant,storage,etc), 3)Occupancy classification per ❑ Parking sites UBC,Table 3-A, and construction type.4) Provide two sets of plans, if ❑ Location of on-site sewage tanks and available.Use separate sheet if necessary drainfields. AT' S $J 6 1 i.� LaC t s 1'�N ❑ Location of drinking water supply. G Include location on the proposed site s"&Ijp and surrounding parcels. - AC ❑ Steep bluffs,wetlands,streams,and bodies of water ❑ Location of fire hydrants and emergency vehicle access roads, including grade. ❑ Surface and storm water run-off routes. 1:PLANNING\CHARE LURENEE\PRESUBMISSION.FRM na Case number: PAR MASON COUNTY PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE REQUEST FORM The purpose of the pre-submission conference is to identify and/or eliminate as many potential problems as possible in order for the project to be processed without delay. Representatives for the Fire Marshal's Office, Building Department, Environmental Health, Planning, and Public Works Departments may attend the meeting to discuss rules and regulations applicable to the proposed project. Topics covered during the meeting will include the comprehensive plan, shoreline program, zoning, availability of sewer and potable water, development concepts, building construction, fire protection and life safety concerns of the proposed project. The pre-submission conference will be most informative when you provide accurate and detailed information on the Pre-Submission Conference Application Form and the site plan. Applications will be accepted when all information is received and deemed complete. Pre-Submission Conferences are held every Wednesday and last one hour. To schedule a meeting complete the application on both sides and return 10 copies of the detailed site plan, along with $205.00 fee, by 4.30 on the Wednesday prior to the proposed Wednesday meeting to the Mason County Department of Community Development, ATTN: Pre-Submission Coordinator, P.O. Box 186, Shelton, WA 98584. Fax request forms to (360) 427-7798. If you have any questions call (360)427-9670 ext. 284. Date of Request: Site Plan Submit 10 copies Applicant: �/ �- Include the following information Name: Q�L7g��f �" �L 6r�JC RO SS f g f on site plans: Mailing Address: PC) '8 vyC �4oe= ��,t-,��,,� g85Zp Daytime Telephone: � t� GrQ�1 � �, 3�-.Z71r:/� � J ❑ Indicate Scale and North Arrow Representative:: ❑ Property line dimensions,easements, Name: 9� �•h L ��a S, and right-of-ways. �, Mailing Address: 6-1 7-0 Q� l '"`'��0 G�li� TA;_9; k-i�• ❑ The location of all existing and /� proposed structures. Include square Daytime Telephone:ek&4 (ot� 7 M QI ��.�S,I�* footage of existing and proposed structures. Parcel Number: 12 digits ❑ Setback distance,in feet from all / ZZ ID(p 1 Z Q coAlY-) — property lines and structures. Description of Project: ❑ Existing and proposed road access to Include: 1) Square footage of structure, 2) Use of building and rooms (i.e., and from the site. office, warehouse, restaurant, storage, etc), 3) Occupancy classification per ❑ Parking sites UBC, Table 3-A, and construction type. 4)Provide two sets of plans, if ❑ Location of on-site sewage tanks and drainfields. available.Use separate sheet if necessary Sj- � PGA-r 5�tyrA]6 /Z.� Lx 15 7-1 At�, ❑ Location of drinking water supply. Include location on the proposed site C.&-�r and surrounding parcels. ❑ Steep bluffs,wetlands,streams,and bodies of water ❑ Location of fire hydrants and emergency vehicle access roads, including grade. ❑ Surface and storm water run-off routes. I PLANNING\CHARELi.&RENF.E\PRESUBMISSION.FRM Has the project been discussed during a previous Pre-Application Conference: If yes, please indicate date. Will the building have employees? If yes, how many? What is the water availability of the proposed project? If there is an existing well, what is the name of the system? &,JELL AJ 4 Amg 940i<r c Q u,l What is planned for the on-site sewage system? If you are proposing a new on-site system provide detail on the required site plan. LeA2& ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: APPLICABLE BUILDING CODES 1997 Uniform Building Code and Uniform Fire Code—WAC 51-40 1997 Uniform Mechanical Code—WAC 51-42 2000 Uniform Plumbing Code—WAC 51-46/51-47 2001 Washington State Energy CodeNentilation and Indoor Air Quality Code Mason County Ordinance To be filled out by Coordinator III lift Pis rr", 1. �fl I PLANNING\CHARELL&RENEETRESUBMISSION.FRM NON RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT INITIAL REVIEW QUESTIONNAIRE In accordance with Washington State's Growth Management Act, the Mason County Comprehensive Plan regulates the placement, expansion or modification of commercial, industrial and public facilities to certain areas of the county. In the interest of saving you time and money the Department requires this initial review checklist to be completed and reviewed by this department prior to the submission of any building permits. Applicant Name kP,Ur C4.CZ%,U Ckc&aytime Phone # 2 ) Mailing Address P,D ,ga Site Address /Zy/�,ZZ , .,�,,u���,,�a iAj , sc�e - Directions to Site O.Fr 1©6 Al zc,c- OF V*m 7jP- 2�"T 3 Septic�� or Sewer Water Supply__ hen t1r�orc- Tax Parcel Number # I ZZa�n - / 2 - Legal Description P,.t&r ocg c Zcg-Z <Z Type of Development Stro;P!?- Ac m -;;7- Aewu Applicant's Signature L � � OFFICIAL USE It GA APProced By — _Existing(commercial Date y eft u THAT PART OF GOVERNI"IENT LOT 2, SECTION. 0 RANGE 1 WEST, W.M., AND TIDELANDS IN FRON FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE ® 28' 30" E, 460.00 FEET FROM 175 60lJ7 IWES° ,`�l44' 519.E FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE NORTHE �� r THENCE NORTNEASTERLI' ALONG SAID NOR ® 44+ �y`' OR LESS: THENCE S 36" 55' E, 572 FEET M •�� h LINE OF LOT 2: THENCE 5 89' 28' 30" W AL ^�� �� TO TWE POINT OF BEGINNING. TOGETHER WITH ALL TIDELANDS AS CONVE WASI-IINGTON L 1'ING IN FRONT OF, ADJACENT TRACT, AND BETWEEN LINES RUNNING NORHI-1 �� oo AND NOR7NWE57 CORNERS TO A POINT ON s� SAID SECTION 6, 60 FEET EAST OF ITS INTE WEST LINE OF SAID SECTION 517UATE IN MAS EAvE OF SHED ID.42' TOGETHER UJ17W AND SUBJECT TO EASEMENT WEST OF PROPERTI' ` ' ■ RESERVATIONS OF RECORD. LINE 12,626 50. F . Cf J FIRE APPARATUS TURN-AROUND CENTERLINE s�■ � EXISTING IID' L 1 W C R.AVE!_ NO. lb Ise V L I S 4 00 co) , L2 N �I�\\ L3 N. PREVIOUS SURVEY OF RECORD o, I� \ L4 N OK 13, PAGE 100. E N L 5 S L6 N SURVEY Bl' WARD MULLER \ \ � L7 S OK 12, PAGE 57. rER FOR THIS SHORT PLAT IS \ \\ VIDEO BY A COMMUNITI' WATER STEM LOCATED OFF-SITE. \ r, 20' EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS, DRAINAGE $ UTILITIES W17W FIRE APPARATUS TURN-AROUND (PRIVATE) UPI N L5 460.00 (REC) 77.00 ` N 89 28'30" E 1320.65 (REC) 1-114" IRON PIPE, 5W CORWR GOVERNI.IENT LoT 2, SECTION 6, TOU,NSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE I WEST, Wi`I o SCALE. 1"=50 FEET t 4ND PROCEDURES =TZ 6 SECOND THEODOLITE CALIBRATED CHAIN 0 25 50 100 1 :IELD TRAVERSE