HomeMy WebLinkAboutGEO Assessment Critical Area Report - GEO General - 11/18/2021 i Mud Bay Geotechnical Services, LLC 1001 Cooper Pt Rd SW,Suite 140,PMB 108 1 Olympia,WA 98502 1 360.481.9784 1 CHeathman@MudBayGeotech.com November 18, 2021 Job: 1639-MAS Page 1 Subject: Critical Area Geological Assessment 611 E Rauschert Rd, Grapeview, WA 98546 Parcel #12118-50-00008 Dear Tim Perry, Per your request, Mud Bay Geotechnical Services, LLC is providing a critical area report for parcel #12118-50-00008. The scope for this project was to perform a site reconnaissance and subsurface investigation of the parcel and prepare a geotechnical assessment meeting the requirements of the Mason County critical area geologic hazard ordinance for development of property on or near shorelines of statewide significance and geologically hazardous areas. The report provides recommendations for the final design and construction of the retaining wall. This report specifically addresses MCC Section 8.52.140.D, which pertains to the requirements for land development within or near critical areas. Per MCC Section 8.52.140.E a geotechnical assessment is required when proposed development or alteration is located within a geologically hazardous area or its buffer. This site falls into the classification of a landslide hazard area and shoreline environment due to the grade differences onsite qualifying as steep slopes and being positioned along the shoreline of Case Inlet in Grapeview, Washington. SITE LOCATION AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION Parcel#12118-50-00008 makes up 0.25 acres off of the southern side of E Rauschert Rd, located along the northern shore of Case Inlet in Grapeview, Washington. The parcel location is identified on the Site Map included as Figure 1 attached to this report.A single-story, single-family residence with a daylight basement and detached garage structure currently exists on-site. The parcel slopes down from E Rauschert Rd towards the back of the property located on the water. Significant grade differences occur across the site as the property is terraced with several rockery walls.A wooden deck structure exists on the southeastern side of the home, supported by wooden 1639-MAS 611 E Rauschert Rd, Grapeview WA Page 12 posts and concrete pier pads. Two separate concrete retaining walls support the backyard of the parcel from the beachfront and water below. The first wall closest to the home is approximately 8 feet tall and 8 inches thick. This upper wall appears to be reinforced by rebar supports and displays several weep holes that do not appear to be in use. These weep holes were filled with debris at the time of our site visit on August 6, 2021. The upper retaining wall also displayed signs of vertical cracking with a 2-30 degree lean to the east from the crack. The lower retaining/bulkhead wall is approximately 5 feet 8 feet in height and 10 inches thick.This lower wall also appears to be reinforced by rebar supports and displayed several weep holes. Vertical and horizontal cracking within the lower wall was apparent at the time of our site visit on August 61h, 2021. Based on conversations with the client and Matvey Foundation Repair, we understand the scope of the project to include the underpinning with push piers and reinforcement with helical tie backs of the existing upper concrete retaining wall. These repairs will be limited to the northeastern portion of the wall. The repair plan schematic prepared by SFA Design Group, LLC has been attached to this report as Figure 2, Retaining Wall Repair Plan. SITE GEOLOGY AND SOILS As part of this project, available geologic data from the Washington Department of Natural Resources (DNR)available at the 1:24,000 scale was reviewed, and a site-specific geologic map was prepared. The project vicinity geologic map is attached as Figure 3, WA DNR Geologic Map. This figure indicates the northwestern half of the parcel consists of Pleistocene continental glacial till. These deposits are generally characterized by the DNR as an unstratified to moderately stratified, compact, unsorted mixture of clay, silt sand and gravel deposited directly by glacial ice. The southeastern half of the parcel consists of Quaternary alluvium. These deposits are generally characterized by the DNR as mud, sand and gravel deposited in the intertidal zone, or residual pebble-cobble gravel and isolated boulders on a wave-cut platform. Conditions observed at the site are generally consistent with the mapped geology at the site. Along with the site geology, soil data was also reviewed and is represented in Figure 4, USDA Soil Map. The soil in the parcel was mapped by the United States Department of Agriculture, USDA as le—Indianola sandy loam, 5 to 15 percent slopes. The Indianola soil series is described by the USDA as somewhat excessively drained sand sourced from glacial sandy outwash deposited over terraces. The estimated depth to the water table within this unit is estimated to be more than eighty (80) inches below ground surface. Conditions observed at the site are generally 1639-MAS 611 E Rauschert Rd, Grapeview WA Page 13 consistent with the mapped soil at the site. It should be noted that the slope percentages associated with the mapped soils are estimates and do not necessarily reflect true, on-site topography. SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION As part of the geotechnical investigation, two shallow hand augured borings were completed. The borings were performed from the existing ground surface at the approximate locations shown in Figure 5, Site Exploration Map, immediately above and below the existing upper retaining wall on the eastern side. The borings were completed using a Humboldt Manufacturing model H-4414QC hand auger with a 4-inch diameter bucket tube sampler. In situ testing was performed at selected depths using a Humboldt Manufacturing model H-4202A dynamic cone penetrometer to estimate the density of the soil. The dynamic cone penetrometer uses a 15-lb steel mass falling a height of 20-inches onto an anvil to penetrate a 1.5-inch diameter 45-degree cone tip seated into the bottom of the hole. The penetrometer is driven 1-inch through the upper slough within the boring and the number of blows is recorded, afterwards the number of blows required to achieve a total of inches of penetration into the undisturbed soil is recorded. The number of blows from three intervals of the 3/4 inches are averaged and recorded as the field N-value. This recorded blow count is correlated to the Standard Penetration Test (SPT) field N-value blow count determined in accordance with ASTM D1586,which is the standard in situ test method for determining relative density of cohesionless soils and the consistency of cohesive soils. Hand auger samples were removed from the bottom of the hole after the dynamic cone penetration testing was performed to observe the soil material at the approximate depth the test was performed. The soil samples were classified visually in the field in general accordance with ASTM D2488, The Standard Practice for Description and Identification of Soils(Visual-Manual Procedure). Once transported back to the office, the samples were re-examined, and the field classifications were modified accordingly. Summary logs of the borings are included in Appendix A. Note the soil descriptions and interfaces shown on the logs are interpretive, and actual changes may be gradual. Upon completion, the holes were backfilled to the original ground surface using excavated material from the spoil piles. SUBSURFACE AND GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS Boring BH-1-21 was performed immediately in front of the eastern side of the existing upper concrete retaining wall and was performed to a final depth of 76-inches below ground surface. 1639-MAS 611 E Rauschert Rd, Grapeview WA Page 14 The upper 10 inches consisted of gravelly topsoil and organic debris where it then transitioned to a very loose, dry, tan, silty sand with gravel (SM). At 66 inches the soils transitioned to a very loose, moist, grey-brown, well-graded sand with silt and gravel (SW-SM) to the depth final depth of 76-inches. At 76 inches, two large 6-inch cobbles were encountered halting further exploration of 131-1-1-21. BH-2-21 was performed directly below BH-1-21 at the base of the existing upper concrete retaining wall and was performed to a final depth of 48-inches below ground surface. The upper 6 inches consisted of dry, grey, well-graded sand with gravel(SW) and shell fragments. It than transitioned to a very loose, dry, tan, silty sand with gravel (SM). The soils continued to increase in density, and at 48 inches the soils transitioned to a very dense, moist, grey-brown, well-graded sand gravel(SM. Groundwater was encountered during our ground explorations of the site in BH-1-21 or BH-2-21 and is anticipated to be relatively consistent with the tide elevation of Case Inlet. GEOLOGIC HAZARD ASSESSMENT As part of the investigation of the site, we reviewed landslide hazard mapping and LiDAR imagery information available from the Washington Department of Natural Resources. The current landslide hazard mapping inventory available from the Washington State Department of Natural Resources (WA-DNR) shows no mapped landslides within the project vicinity. The nearest mapped landslides consist of small,failure approximately 0.14 miles southwest of the parcel along the coastline. The landslide hazard map has been attached to this report as Figure 6, WA DNR Landslide Map. In addition to reviewing the WA DNR landslide inventories, an on-site slope investigation was performed on August 6th, 2021, to assess the slope for signs of instability, failure, or erosion. No signs of slope failure, retrogression, oversteepening, or severe erosion were noted. The slopes onsite are moderately graded and consistent in their morphology, with no signs of slump or block- rotation failure. In addition to WA-DNR landslide hazard mapping, the geomorphology (shape of the land) was analyzed during the site evaluation and compared to the Light Detection and Ranging images (LiDAR)from the Washington State LiDAR portal. LiDAR is a remote sensing method where light is pulsed down to the surface of the Earth and back to a sensor. This methodology enables bare earth images of the surface to be analyzed for the presence of geologic landforms. The most recent available LiDAR images of this site are from 2019. LiDAR imagery can be found attached to this report as Figure 7, WA LiDAR Map (2019). Figure 7 suggests that the topography in the 1639-MAS 611 E Rauschert Rd, Grapeview WA Page 1 5 region is moderately and consistently sloped with no signs of arcuate scarping, channelized erosion runoff, benching, or hummocky terrain. The slopes show a sharp increase directly along the shoreline as expected within the region. These shoreline slopes have been altered with the construction of the bullhead walls across the region. Slope values for the site can be seen in the attached Figure 8, QGIS Slope Transect & Profile. These slope values are derived from the most recent existing LiDAR imagery available and were created based on calculations derived from WA DNR LiDAR Data from 2019 using Quantum Geographic Information Systems software (QGIS). The existing slopes range from 0-15 percent and 15-30 percent within the driveway and building pad near the central area of the parcel. The existing concrete retaining walls can be seen in Figure 8 along the southeastern margin of the property ranging from 40-60 percent. In addition, QGIS was used to extract elevation data from 2019 LiDAR data. An elevation profile was developed for the site location, designated A-A', which is identified on Figure 8, Slope Transect & Profile. Figure 8 indicates that the northwestern margin of the parcel slopes gently with the southeastern margin consisting of the two concrete retaining walls creating a significant grade difference and artificially over-steepened slopes. Because the slope value is an average of the surrounding raster(pixels)values, a flattening may occur in areas where the center raster was determined to have a lower slope value or where the raster cell contains No-Data by the software. This artifact is why a flattened slope value can be seen on the elevation profile between 110 to 180 feet on the horizontal (x-axis), instead of a vertical slope face as expected in when a wall is present. Though steep slopes exist in the southeastern portion of the subject parcel along the shoreline of Case Inlet to the south, the proposed development activity should serve to increase slope stability and mitigate coastal erosion. Overall, it is our opinion that the risk of landslides on-site is low to low-moderate. Furthermore, the proposed developments should not serve to increase the risk of landslide on-site nor in the neighboring parcels. GEOTECHNICAL RECOMMENDATIONS Slope Stability Based on the conditions observed in the hand auger borings and our review of the available site geology and landslide hazard information, slope stability under static and seismic conditions should not be an issue for this proposed development and the construction will not serve to 1639-MAS 611 E Rauschert Rd, Grapeview WA Page 16 increase the overall landslide or erosion hazard on site, provided that the recommendations in the report are implemented. Wall Repair The proposed repair for this project is to repair and reinforce the existing concrete retaining wall. The repair includes the installation of (8) Push Piers with (8) helical tiebacks. Push Pier Foundation Elements Push piers are proposed to prevent future settlement and to lift the structure back into a level position. All push piers should meet the design and installation specifications in the Push Pier Technical Manual, Third Edition, dated June 20, 2018, including all supporting documentation included with the manual. Based on the conditions observed in the boring, we recommend installing the push piers to a minimum depth of 10 feet below the current ground surface with an installation pressure of 2,000 psi. Push piers installed to these minimum criteria should be capable of developing allowable capacities greater than 24 kips. Load testing should be performed to 2.0 times the design load on a minimum of 20% of the push piers in accordance with ASTM Standard D1143-81. Helical Tieback Foundation Elements Helical tieback anchors consist of screw-like anchors that are drilled into the ground. Typically, these consist of a lead tieback section with helixes 10 to 12 inches in diameter that are spaced approximately one foot apart. We recommend using helical anchors meeting this basic geometry, installed to a minimum length of 20 feet and a minimum installation torque of 3000 lb-foot. The anchors should be installed at an inclination of 20 to 25 degrees from horizontal. Helical tieback anchors meeting this basic geometry criteria should be capable of achieving allowable pullout anchor capacities greater than 10 kips. Load testing should be performed on a minimum of (1) helical anchor and pier, tested to 200% verification and test remaining elements to 130% verification in accordance with ASTM Standard D 1143-8. Lateral Earth Pressures The wall should be designed to resist lateral earth pressures of the backfill behind the wall. For lateral load analysis, we recommend the geotechnical parameters in Table 1 be used for lateral design and analysis. 1639-MAS 611 E Rauschert Rd, Grapeview WA Page 17 Table 1: Lateral Earth Pressure Parameters Parameter Design Value Backfill Unit Weight(y) 130 pcf Wall Backfill Soil Friction Angle((�f) 34' Coefficient of Sliding(tan(�f) 0.67 Active Earth Pressure (Ka) 0.26 (EFP 32.5 pcf) At Rest Earth Pressure (Ko) 0.44(EFP 57.2 pcf) Passive Earth Pressure(Kp) 6.71 (EFP 872.3 pcf) A concrete-soil interface friction angle delta (6) of 2/3 cpfwas assumed for design. The lateral earth pressure coefficients provided in Table 1 are based on the use of Gravel Backfill for Walls. Active earth pressures can be assumed for design, provided that the walls can yield laterally at least 0.001 H (where H is the exposed wall height in feet). If the wall is not capable of yielding that amount, then at-rest earth pressures should be used. The passive earth pressure coefficient and coefficient of sliding presented in Table 1 are ultimate values and should be reduced by a factor of safety equal to 1.5 for final design. Erosion Control Onsite materials are erodible when exposed on steep slope areas. No excavated material should be placed on the steep slopes. Soil stockpiles and exposed slope areas should be covered during heavy rainfall and siltation fences, or other detention devices should be provided as required to control the transport of eroded material. Silt fences should be used as an erosion control measure and to separate the critical area boundary from the work area where disturbance is allowed. Jute, coir, or turf reinforcement mat should be placed on the surface of all exposed ground surfaces and spoil piles that are not intended for reuse during and following construction, pinned using 9- inch landscaping staples at a 16-inch spacing. The erosion condition adjacent to the structures should be monitored periodically for any signs of surface erosion, degradation, and shallow failures. If significant erosion or failures are observed, then those should be mitigated as soon as possible. Vegetation should be maintained where it currently exists on existing slopes where disturbance is not necessary as part of construction. Existing bare and disturbed soil areas should be planted immediately with grass and deep-rooted plants and native conifers to help reduce erosion potential. Where felling of trees is necessary on the existing slopes, stumps should be left intact. 1639-MAS 611 E Rauschert Rd, Grapeview WA Page 18 Excavations Temporary cuts will be stable at a vertical angle up to 4 feet in height and may be used in the design where temporary excavations less than or equal to 4 feet will be necessary to construct the project. We anticipate that temporary excavation cuts greater than 4 feet in height will be stable at a maximum slope angle of 1 HA V. The ground surface at the top of the temporary cuts should be periodically monitored for vertical movement, cracks, and other signs of instability. If signs of instability are observed, we should be contacted immediately so that we can assist and provide additional geotechnical recommendations. RECOMMENDED ADDITIONAL SERVICES Mud Bay Geotechnical Services, LLC is available to provide geotechnical engineering and construction monitoring services throughout the remainder of the design and construction of the project.The integrity of the geotechnical elements of a project depends on proper site preparation and construction procedures. In addition, engineering decisions may need to be made in the field if conditions are encountered that differ from those described in this report. During the construction phase of the project,we recommend that Mud Bay Geotechnical Services, LLC be retained to review construction submittals, observe, and evaluate push pier installation, helical tieback installation, monitor backfill placement and compaction, and provide recommendations for any other geotechnical considerations that may arise during construction. INTENDED USE AND LIMITATIONS This report was prepared based on observations of the surface and subsurface conditions at the site, review of geology and other information available for the site, and conversations with the property owner about the soil and surface water conditions on the property and the nature of the proposed development. The geotechnical recommendations in this report are based on the current site conditions and understanding of the proposed development as described previously. Any modification of the current property conditions or the nature of the proposed development beyond what is described in this report would render these geotechnical recommendations invalid. It should not be used, in part or in whole for other purposes without contacting Mud Bay Geotechnical Services, LLC for a review of the applicability of such reuse. Note this report is not considered to be final geotechnical recommendations for any items that may require geotechnical engineering as part of the final design and construction, such as 1639-MAS 611 E Rauschert Rd, Grapeview WA Page 19 foundations, earthwork, and retaining walls. Mud Bay Geotechnical Services, LLC is available to assist you with the geotechnical design requirements for any items that may require design. We have enjoyed the opportunity to work with you and serve your geotechnical needs for the permitting phase of this project. Please contact me at your earliest convenience if you have any questions or would like to discuss any of the content of this report. Sincerely, Chris Heathman, P.E. Mud Bay Geotechnical Services, LLC W ��c. Digitally signed �� "ate by Chris Ar � Heathman, PE 46365 \`;4 Date: 2021 .11 .18 SS�O14A4'��i 23:28:23 -08'00' T 'y Ak Legend N. �^ O Approximate Site Location Approximate Parcel Boundary yam, is Mud Bay Geotechnical Services, LLC • " ' JOB #:1639-MAS Date: Nov. 2021 a; Figure 1: Site Map Rauschert Rd, Grapeview, WA 98546 :` Wall Repair Geotechnical Report r �I I I I I 1 I I I I I I 1E}C�Ai I I I SVAt f, I it I i I 1 I �I I I I I I I ---------------_.._._ -a .-- ---- ttl� 2/ IX cm Tw Mud Bay Geotechnical Services, LLC - JOB #:1639-MAS Date: Nov. 2021 Figure 2: SFA Retaining Wall Repair Plan (E) PARTIAL FOUNDATION/(N) PIER LAYOUT/(N) TIEBACK PLAN 611 E Rauschert Rd, Grapeview, WA 98546 Wall Repair Geotechnical Report Sources:Bureau of Land Management,Esri,HERE,Garmin,INCREMENT P,NGA,USGS-Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources Legend O Approximate Parcel Boundary Geologic Units 24k ❑ Quaternary alluvium ❑ Quaternary mass-wasting deposits Water ❑ Pleistocene continental glacial till Mud Bay Geotechnical Services, LLC JOB #:1639-MAS Date: Nov. 2021 Figure 3: WA DNR Geologic Map 03 611 E Rauschert Rd, r 0.3 mi Grapeview, WA 98546 Wall Repair Geotechnical Report l`L).% Natural Resources a Sad Map—MasGn County,ViMsNngtoa Conservation Service 11 1 4rN 5r - q' Legend Approximate Parcel Boundary N� Map Unit Symbol Map Unit Name ` le - Indianola sandy loam.5 to 15 r.1 percent slopes a Sinclair oa 5 to 15 percent shapes m ` r srm see s,m+o s,• sxarrr srr�ac s,am sysn s,nwn r,�c snm Mud Bay Geotechnical Services, LLC noSala:t:1.4/0 JOB #:1639-MAS Date: Nov. 2021 rimFigure 4: USDA Soil Map 'Mop Mwo",-Yft"—ftir c— WGW EdwD-UTM tm WGS114 611 E Rauschert Rd, n„ Natural Resources Web Soil Surrey Grapeview, WA 98546 ••• ConservationSe"iae National Cooperative Sal,Survey Wall Repair Geotechnical Report . r a < .,... Legend P . v a Approximate Parcel Boundary i - 74 ® Approximate Boring Locations IAI 'V-V. BH-1-21 r BH-1-21 Mud Bay Geotechnical Services, LLC 4 JOB #:1639-MAS Date: Nov. 2021 Figure 5: Site Exploration Map 30M " 611 E Rauschert Rd, Grapeview, WA 98546 Wall Repair Geotechnical Report Sources:Bureau of Land Management,Esri,HERE,Garmin,INCREMENT P,NGA,USGS-Washington Division of Geology and Earth s Cove Resources y Cub V v Legend QQ ° ° Approximate Site Location tea, Landslide Compilation 4 1:100,000-scale Landslides from Geologic Mapping 0 1:24,000-scale Landslides El from Mapping Geologic Ic Ma in 9 Miscellaneous Landslides §a v x`aG Mud Bay Geotechnical Services, LLC r` JOB #:1639-MAS Date: Nov. 2021 Figure 6: WA DNR Landslide Map 0.3 krnr' 611 E Rauschert Rd, 0.3 mi Grapeview, WA 98546 --` �, Wall Repair Geotechnical Report ' (� .A ✓� fNYNOip4 111 � g Y' a r Lie n d r - Approximate Parcel Y Boundary r .. Contours 10' Contour Line V 2' Contour Line = Mud Bay Geotechnical Services, LLC JOB #:1639-MAS Date: Nov. 2021 Figure 7: WA DNR UDAR Map (2019) 0 100 200 ft , 611 E Rauschert Rd, N Grapeview, WA 98546 Wall Repair Geotechnical Report Leg AN end Slope Percentage 0-5% 0 5-10% .'" 10-20% Q 40-50% 0 70 80% ° 20-30/° ° Q 90-100% 100-119%(45= 119-173%(50-60°) 1411 ' cif Sa � Approximate Parcel Boundary 10' Contour Line 2' Contour Line 4C 3C zC Mud Bay Geotechnical Services, LLC A' JOB #:1639-MAS I Date: Nov. 2021 Figure 8: Slope Transect & Profile 611 E Rauschert Rd, Grapeview, WA 98546 Elevation Profile(ft) Wall Repair Geotechnical Report APPENDIX A - FINAL BORING LOGS Project: Client: Bore No. 1 of 2: ® Wall Repair Tim Perry BH-1-21 ■ Project Number: Contractor: Equipment: Mud Bay Gwtodv*al SavIceL LLC 1639-MAS Matvey Foundation Repair Humboldt H-4414QC Auger Address: Started: Bit Type: Diameter: 611 E Rauschert Rd, 8/6/2021 Bucket Tube Auger 4 inches Grapeview,WA 98546 Completed: Hammer Type: Fluid: 0 8/6/2021 Humboldt H-4202A n/a Logged By: Backfilled: Hammer Weight: Hammer Drop: Hannah Anderson 8/6/2021 15 Ibs 20 inches Helper: Groundwater Depth: Elevation: Total Depth of Boring: n/a n/a Existing Surface 76 inches GPS Method: GPS Coordinates: GPS Elevation: Lithology y 5, j_ C 4 J Soil Group Name:modifier,color,moisture,density/consistency,grain size,other T F- ~ 3 p v descriptors U io O 2 V 3 :EC d o C d E Q. 3 o to '= p (n E m d Rock Description:modifier,color,hardness/degree of concentration,bedding and joint ui to characteristics,solutions,void conditions. 0 C Q 101, :: Gravelly topsoil and organic debris.Transition to tan silty sand with gravel(SM). 24" ® S-1 1 I :: Very loose,dry,tan,silty sand with gravel(SM). Minor root debris. ITT Very loose,dry,tan,silty sand with gravel(SM).Minor root debris. 48" ® S-2 2 Increase in moisture content from dry to moist. 54" 66" Transition to grey-brown well-graded sand with silt and gravel(SW-SM). 76° ® S-3 2 •Very loose,moist,grey-brown,well-graded sand with silt and gravel (SW-SM). At 76 inches(2)6"cobbles. Unable to continue boring. Test Pit and Boring Log Symbols Soil Density Modifiers Q Standard Penetration Slit Spoon Sampler(SPT) Gravel,Sand,Non-Plastic Silt Elastic Silts and Clays California Sampler Blows/3/4" Density Blows/3/4" Consistency ® Shelby Tube 0-4 Very Loose 0-1 Very Soft ® CPP Sampler 5-10 Loose 2-4 Soft 1 Stabilized Ground water 11-24 Medium Dense 5-8 Medium Stiff V Groundwater At time of Drilling 25-50 Dense 9-15 Stiff ® Bulk/Bag Sample REF Very Dense 16-30 Very Stiff 31-60 Hard >60 Very Hard Project: Client: Bore No.2 of 2: ® Wall Repair Tim Perry BH-2-21 Project Number: Contractor: Equipment: Mud Bay Geotcchr"SelMm LLC 1639-MAS Matvey Foundation Repair Humboldt H-4414QC Auger Address: Started: Bit Type: Diameter: 611 E Rauschert Rd, 8/6/2021 Bucket Tube Auger 4 inches Grapeview,WA 98546 ) Completed: Hammer Type: Fluid: 0 8/6/2021 Humboldt H-4202A n/a Logged By: Backfilled: Hammer Weight: Hammer Drop: Hannah Anderson 8/6/2021 15 Ibs 20 inches Helper: Groundwater Depth: Elevation: Total Depth of Boring: n/a n/a I Existing Surface 48 inches GPS Method: GPS Coordinates: GPS Elevation: n/a (t_ft.) Lithology E 0 Soil Group Name:modifier,color,moisture,density/consistency,grain size,other T t— L p y v descriptors w U o C Z o m E a u o p 3 O M E m U Rock Description:modifier,color,hardness/degree of concentration,bedding and joint y N characteristics,solutions,void conditions. O Q O g '•; Dry,grey,well-graded sand with gravel(SW).Shell fragments. 6" 24" ® S-1 2 ;•;Very loose,moist,grey-brown,well-graded sand with gravel(SW). 48" ® S-2 REF Very dense,moist,grey-brown,well-graded sand with gravel(SW). Refusal at 1/8 inch penetration. Test Pit and Boring Log Symbols Soil Density Modifiers 0 Standard Penetration Slit Spoon Sampler(SPT) Gravel,Sand, Non-Plastic Silt Elastic Silts and Clays California Sampler Blows/3/4" Density Blows/3/4" Consistency ® Shelby Tube 0-4 Very Loose 0-1 Very Soft ® CPP Sampler 5-10 Loose 2-4 Soft 1 Stabllized Ground water 11-24 Medium Dense 5-8 Medium Stiff Groundwater At time of Drilling 25-50 Dense 9-15 Stiff ® Bulk/Bag Sample REF Very Dense 16-30 Very Stiff 31-60 Hard >60 Very Hard