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BLD2021-00608 Retaining Wall Foundation - BLD Engineering / Geo-tech Reports - 4/27/2021
PLANNING SFA Design Group, LLC STRUCTURAL I GEOTECHNICAL I SPECIAL INSPECTIONS a PORTLAND, OR I LIVERMORE, CA ( SEATTLE, WA 503.641 .8311 1 www.sfadg.com STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS Perry Residence Underpinning 611 E Rauschert Rd, Grapeview, WA 9854C E C E I V E D Matvey Foundation Repair, Inc. APR 2 7 2021 615 W. Alder Street I�1VAL 8 EXPIP.ES- 12/24/22 LIMITATIONS ENGINEER WAS RETAINED IN A LIMITED CAPACITY FOR THIS PROJECT.DESIGN IS BASED UPON INFORMATION PROVIDED BY THE CLIENT WHO IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCURACY OF SAME.NO RESPONSIBILITY AND/OR LIABILITY IS ASSUMED BY,OR IS TO BE ASSIGNED TO THE ENGINEER FOR ITEMS BEYOND THAT SHOWN ON THESE SHEETS. Project No. MFR20-137 March 16,2021 5FA Design Group, LLC S I RUC I URAI I G1-0I FCHNIC:AI I SPFCIAI INSVF(:110NS PROJECT NO. SHEET NO. IMFR20-137 PROJECT DATE Perry Residence Underpinning 3/16/2021 SUBJECT BY Push Pier Design Requirements CB Structural Narrative There is no ICC-ES report currently approved for underpinning systems within Seismic Design Category D or higher, thus the entire underpinning system has been reviewed and analyzed and is therefore a fully engineered system complying with all current codes and stamped by a licensed design professional. Deep foundation guidelines, load combinations, special inspection and testing requirements per IBC 2018 have been included.Axial and bending capacities of the external sleeve, analysis of the retrofit foundation bracket, design reductions, and corrosion considerations have been incorporated in all required calculations per AISC 360-10.Concrete foundation span capacities have been analyzed per AC1318-14. Bracket fabrication welding has been performed by Behlen Mfg Co.conforming to AWS D1.1 performed by CWB qualified welders certified to CSA Standard W47.1 in Division 2. In addition, Behlen Mfg Co. has received US99/1690 certification meeting ISO 9001:2008 requirements by ANAB accredited SGS. There is no ICC-ES report currently approved for underpinning systems within Seismic Design Category D or higher,thus the entire underpinning system has been reviewed and analyzed and is therefore a fully engineered system complying with all current codes and stamped by a licensed design professional. Deep foundation guidelines, load combinations, special inspection and testing requirements per IBC 2015 have been included.Axial and bending capacities of the external sleeve, analysis of the retrofit foundation bracket, design reductions, and corrosion considerations have been incorporated in all required calculations per AISC 360-10. Concrete foundation span capacities have been analyzed per AC1318-14. Bracket fabrication welding has been performed by Behlen Mfg Co.conforming to AWS D1.1 performed by CWB qualified welders certified to CSA Standard W47.1 in Division 2. In addition, Behlen Mfg Co. has received US99/1690 certification meeting ISO 9001:2008 requirements by ANAB accredited SGS. General Building Department City of Grapeview Building Code Conformance(Meets Or Exceeds Requirements) 2018 International Building Code(IBC) 2018 International Residential Code(IRC) 2018 Washington Building Code 2018 Washington Residential Code (Dead Loads Concrete 150.0 pcf Live Loads Floor Live Load (Residential) 40.0 psf Soil Parameters Reference Standards Conform to CBC Chapter 18 "Soils&Foundations". Active Lateral Pressure(unrestrained) 40 psf/ft 5FA Design Group, LLC PROJECT NO. SHEET NO S 1 IMC I UI(AI I (;FO 1 rCHNICAI I SPF(=1A1 INSPFC IIONS IMFR20-137 PROJECT DATE Per 3/16/2021 SUBJECT BY Pier Layout CB (Pier Layout(See S2.1 for Enlarged Plan) I L ()c-,- I �� ----------------------------- - 1 1 ar crrr..E y a 5FA Design UMLIP, LLC PROJECT NO. SHEET NO. STRUCTURAL I GEOTECHNICAL I SPECIAL INSPECTIONS IMFR20-137 PROJECT DATE Perry Residence Underpinning 3/16/2021 SUBJECT BY Design Loads CB Worst case Vertical Design Loads(Gridline 2) Tributary Width To Pier= =5.00 ft Load Type Design Load Tributary Length Line Load ConCFloorDL= (150 pcf) (4.00 in) (48.00 in) =200 plf Dead Load 6.833 kips ConCFloon-L= (40 psf) (4.00 ft) = 160 pif Floor Live Load 0.800 kips StemwallDL_ (150 pcf) (10.00 in) (96.00 in) =1000 plf Roof Snow Load 0.000 kips FootingDL_ (150 pcf) (10.00 in) (16.00 in) = 167 plf Controlling ASD Load Combination: Tieback= (2487 Ib) =2487 lb D+W(+) Max Vertical Load to Worst Case Pier 9.320 kips Max Unsupported Ftg Span from Arching Action 17.67 ft SFA Design Group. LL[ PROJECT NO. SHEET NO. S I RUC_I Ulw I CiFOI l`rHNIC:AI I SPK:UU WSPFC:I IONS MFR20-137 PROJECT DATE Perry Residence Underpinning 3/16/2021 SUBJECT BY 2.875 in 0 Push Pier System CB rL/PIER/ Design Input REACTION Pier System Designation= 2.875 in 0 PIER CAP WITH Pier Material= Galvanized THREADED RODS I (E) STEMWALL External Sleeve Material= Galvanized AND FooTING Vertical Load to Pier,PTL= 9.320 kips PIER Minimum Installation Depth,L= 10.000 ft " (E) GRADE EXTERNAL SLEEVE Unbraced Length,I= 1.000 ft _— Eccentricity,e= 4.250 in = I I I I�= Friction Factor of Safety,FS= 2 BRACKET P:. I—� Normal Surface Force,Fn= 4.660 kips EXCAVA71ON Design Load(Vertical),PDL= 9.320 kips T rr� I III Design Moment,MomentP,erLL= 39.611 kip-in —� h �_e J Zr l l- Sleeve Property Input Sleeve Length= 48.000 in —III—I I —III—I 11= Design Sleeve OD= 3.445 in Design Wall Thickness= 0.188 in — I I=ll =I I r= 1.153 in I I-E —1 =I I—III—I A= 1.927 in2 =I I I-I I�II S= 1.488in' �1z 1I—III=T= Note: Sleeve reduces bending stress on main o Z= 2.000 in' I I 1=1 I I—� -- = pier from eccentricty _ I— EXTERNAL = 2.563 in° I I_ _ I SLEEVE E= 29000 ksi Fy= 50 ksi � J =I Pier Property Input Design Tube OD= 2.833 in Design Wall Thickness= 0.141 in k= 2.10 — IsL'PIER r= 0.953 in l i- A= 1.192 in2 REACTION AT LOAD Note: Design thickness of pier and sleeve c= 1.416 in BEARING STRATUM based on 93%of nominal thickness per AISC S= 0.764 in' and the ICC-ES AC358 based on a corrosion loss rate of 50 years for zinc-coated steel Z= 1.022 in' I= 1.083 in° Note:Section above is a general representation of piering system,refer E= 29000 ksi to plan for layout and project specific details. Fy= 50 ksi Hyrdraulic Ram Area= 9.620 in2 (Pier Output Per AISC 360-10 Doubly and Singly Symmetric Members Subject To Flexure and Axial Force Id/r= 26.44 OK.<200 §E2 Note: Flexural design capacity Fe= 409.224 ksi §(E3-4) based on combined plastic section 4.71"(E/Fy)5= 113.43 §E3 modulous of pier and sleeve For= 47.507 ksi §(E3-2&E3-3) Pn= 56.6 kips §(E3-1) Safety Factor for Compression,nc= 1.67 Allowable Axial Compressive Strength,Pnlnc= 33.9 kips §E1 Actual Axial Compressive Demand,Pr= 9.320 kips D/tpier= 20.1 OK,<.45E/Fy §F8 Mn= 151.1 kip-in §(F8-1) Safety Factor for Flexure,nb= 1.67 Allowable Flexural Strength,Mnlnb= 90.5 kip-in §F1 Actual Flexural Demand,Mr= 39.6 kip-in Combined Axial&Flexure Check= 0.66 OK §(H1-1a& 1b) Results Max Load To Pier= Design Load=9320 lb 2.875"Diameter Pipe Pier with 0.165"Thick Wall 3.5"Diameterx48"Long Pipe Sleeve With 0.216"ThickWall Minimum 10'-0"Installation Depth And Minimum 2000 psi Installation Pressure Minimum'/:'Foundation Lift During Installation 5FA Design Group, LLC PROJECT NO. SHEET NO. S I RM:I11MI 1 GI-01 FCHNIK:AI I SNFCIAI IMSM:I IONS �MFR20-137 PROJECT DATE Perry Residence Underpinning 3/16/2021 SUBJECT BY Foundation Supportworks FS288BL Bracket CB Capacity of 3/4"0 GRB7(125ksi)Threaded Rod 11 = 11 l D= 0.750 in a Ft= 125 ksi At= 0.344 in e — !t/4 Capacity= 42.950 kips Block Shear at%" Plate ) and © to (2) P TBs= 0.3(58)(%)(11)+0.5(58)(%)(2) = 93.525 kips R Capacity of Weld ® A 1y" E70 Electrodes= 70 ksi _ Size of Fillet= 0.188 in 3/8 �`�0 —3/13. RATE(2 Length of Weld= 11.000 in Capacity of Per Inch of Fillet= 2.784 kli Capacity of Fillet= 30.627 kips 3 Capacity of Plate © /ts w� 4 f I At= 3.188 in2 r r � >1 Ft= 21.600 ksi T= 68.850 kips I = 0.031 in° J � A= 0.375 in I r= 0.289 in k= 1.00 I= 8.500 in kl/r= 30.0 6y" g" Fa= 20.350 ksi S= 4.516 in Fb= 27.000 ksi RMAX= 15.429 kips t Limiting System Factor Fv= 14.400 ksi VALLOW= 43.200 kips Results Capacity of System(2 Sides)=15.43(2)=30.86kips(Bracket Only) 5FA Design GFOUP, LLt PROJECT NO. SHEET NO. SIRUCIURAI I GFOIFCHNICAI I SMCIAI INSPI-C=IIONS IMFR20-137 PROJECT DATE Perry Residence Underpinning 3/16/2021 SUBJECT BY Retaining Wall Loads(Rankine Analysis) CB [Tieback Info Spacing,s= 5.00 ft Angle of Tieback Downward from Horizontal, Oc= 15' Retaining Wall and G66& hnical Input Angle of Internal Soil Friction(Soil on Soil), m= 30' Soil Backfill Angle, 0= 0° Height of Grade h9= 8.00 ft Height of Wall, hW= 8.00 ft Simplified Method Seismic Multiplier, KE= 9 Unit Weight of Earth,we= 110 Ib/ft3 Surcharge Load,ws= 40 Ib/ft2 Active Earth Pressure,%= 50 Ib/ft3 Surcharge Equivalent Height of Earth, hsu= 0.36 ft Coefficient of Active Earth Pressure, Ka= 0.333 Coefficient of Active Earth Pressure(sloped), Kp= 0.000 Equivalent Fluid Weight, Kawe or Kawa = 40 Ib/ft3 4 Based off wa Point Load Output Total Seismic Pressure, HE= 576 lb/ft @ 5.33 ft Total Surcharge Pressure, Hsu= 107 lb/ft @ 4.00 ft Total Active Earth Pressure, Ha= 1173 lb/ft @ 2.67 ft Tieback Output Total Horizontal Pressure, HT= 1856 Ib/ft Max Horizontal Seismic Load ,TCEL= 2.880 kips Max Horizontal Surcharge Load ,TCLL= 0.533 kips Max Horizontal Earth Load,TCHL= 5.867 kips Max Horizontal Load ,TCHOR¢= 9.280 kips Max Vertical Load ,TcvERT= 2.487 kips Max Tension Load ,TR= 9.607 kips Depth to Tieback,y= 4.43 ft 5FA Design Group, LL[ PROJECT NO. SHEET NO. S I RIK:I URAI I (A0I FLHNICAI I SNFCIAI INSPFC:I10N5 IMFR20-137 PROJECT DATE Perry Residence Underpinning 3/16/2021 SUBJECT BY Foundation Supportworks HA150 Helical Tieback CB Tcv TR TCH -- FSI IIA150TRAA THREADED ROD ADAPTER (O FSI HA150 SQUARE SHAFT PIER FSI HA150 SQUARE SHAFT COUPLER Design Input Finish on Shaft= Plain Pier System Designation = HA150 Depth to Centerline of Anchor, Pv= 4.430 ft Tieback Installation Length,AT= 15.000 ft Angle of Tieback Downward from Horizontal, a= 15' Soil Unit Weight,7= 110 pcf Angle of Internal Soil Friction, 0= 32' Applied Loads , Vertical Load Tieback,Tcv= 2.487 kips Tension Load to Anchor,TR= 9.607 kips LHA150 Square Shaft Pier Ft= 90.000 ksi Square Shaft Size,Wshan= 1.500 in A= 2.000 in' ft= 4.804 ksi Ft= 54.000 ksi OK HA150 Square Shaft Coupler _ Bolt diameter= 0.750 in Bolt Grade= A490 Double Shear Capacity= 24.700 kips OK HA150TRAA Threaded Rod Adaptor Ft= 120.000 ksi Threaded Rod Diameter= 1.000 in A= 0.606 in' ft= 15.854 ksi Ft= 72.000 ksi OK LRHA150 Lateral Restraint System Threaded Rod Ft= 125.000 ksi Threaded Rod Diameter= 0.625 in A= 0.307 in fc= 15.647 ksi Ft= 75.000 ksi OK i LRHA150 Lateral Restraint System Saddle Beam Design Tube OD= 2.875 in Design Wall Thickness= 0.203 in A= 1.704 in S= 1.064 in' Fy= 60.000 ksi MAPPUED= 2.402 kip-in MALLOW= 38.305 kip-in OK VAPPUED= 4.804 kips VALLOw= 61.346 kips OK LRHA150 Lateral Restraint System Adapter Beam Width of Plate,b= 0.380 in Depth of Plate,d = 3.500 in A= 1.330 in S = 0.776 in' Fy= 36.000 ksi MAPPUED= 3.603 kip-in (2)Plates MALLOW= 33.516 kip-in OK VAPPUED= 4.804 kips (2) Plates VALLOw= 57.456 kips OK Helix Properties and Capacity Fyh= 36 ksi Fbh=0.75*Fyh= 27.000 ksi Di = 10 in Al =n*D12/4-n*(Wshaft)2A= 76.8 in ti = 0.375 in S, = 1*ti2/6= 0.023 in' Q1 =Al*wi = 22.9 kips wi = 0.298 ksi D2= 12 in A2=7E*D22/4-7L*(Wshaft)2/4= 111.3 in t2= 0.375 in S2= 1122/6= 0.023 in' Q2=A2*w2= 26.8 kips w2= 0.241 ksi EQ= 49.7 kips OK Helix Weld to Pier Capacity E70 Electrodes= 70 ksi Size of Fillet Both Sides= 0.250 in Capacity of Fillet Both Sides= 7.424 kli Ri = 1.266 kli Weld OK R2= 1.266 kli Weld OK Rs= 1.266 kli Weld OK Soil-Individucal Bearing Method-Cohesive Factor of Safety= 2.0 Blow Count, N= 14 Ref Table A-1 Y_4h=Al+A2+A3= 1.3 ft2 Cohesion, c= 1.750 ksf Nc= 9 Q =:EAh(cNj= 20.574 kips Qa,compression/tension=Q„/FS= 10.287 kips OK t Cohesive Controls Soil -Individucal Bearing Method-Non-Cohesive Factor of Safety, FS= 2.0 y= 110 pcf 0= 32' Ref Table 3-4 Failure Plane Wedge Angle,0= 29* Lead Helix Horizontal Length, Ah= 14.489 ft Depth of Helix, Di = 8.183 ft Depth of Helix, D2= 7.536 ft Depth of Helix, D3= 0.000 ft q'1 =y*D1 = 900.1 psf q'2=y*D2= 828.9 psf q'3= y*D3= 0.0 psf Nq= 1+0.56(12*0)0114= 20.04 (for 0=32°) Q1 u=A1(q'1Nq)= 9.617 kips Q2 =A2(q'2Nq) = 12.843 kips Q3 =A3(q'3Nq) = 0.000 kips Qa,compression/tension=Y_Q jFS = 11.230 kips OK Soil-Torque Correlation Method-Verification Factor of Safety, FS= 2.0 Installation Torque Pressure,qi= 667 psi Installation Pressure to Torque Conversion Factor= 3.00 Emperical Torque Correleation Factor, Kt= 10 ft-' Final Installation Torque,T= 2000 lb-ft Ultimate Pile Capacity,Qu= 20.000 kips Allowable Pile Capacity,Qa= 10.000 kips OK Results Max Load To Tieback= Design Load=9607 lb 1.5"Solid Square Shaft Tieback Installed at a 15 Degree Angle 0.375"Thick 10/12" Helix With 0.25" Fillet Welds Each Side Of Helix To Pipe Pier Minimum 15'-0"Installation Length And 2000 lb-ft Installation Torque Steel Beam File=C:\Userstblank\DesktoplPROJEG11340-MF-11CaidsCalculations.-6. Software copyright ENERCALC,INC.19n2019,Build: . 0.0i Description: Steel Waler CODE REFERENCES Calculations per Al SC 360-10, IBC 2015, CBC 2016,ASCE 7-10 Load Combination Set:ASCE 7-10 Material Properties Analysis Method: Allowable Strength Design Fy:Steel Yield: 42.0 ksi Beam Bracing: Completely Unbraced E:Modulus: 29,000.0 ksi Bending Axis: Minor Axis Bending uo.oaezl ecos7el H<o.e281 c•xta Span-•.o ft Applied Loads Service loads entered.Load Factors will be applied for calculations. Beam self weight NOT internally calculated and added Uniform Load: L=0.04620, E=0.5760, H=0.6280 kilt, Tributary Width=1.0 ft DESIGN SUMMARY '' • Maximum Bending Stress Ratio = 0.951: 1 Maximum Shear Stress Ratio= 0.166 : 1 Section used for this span C9X15 Section used for this span C9X15 Ma:Applied 3.223 k-ft Va:Applied 2.578 k Mn/Omega:Allowable 3.387 k-ft Vn/Omega:Allowable 15.518 k Load Combination +D+0.70E+H Load Combination +D+0.70E+H Location of maximum on span 2.500ft Location of maximum on span 0.000 ft Span#where maximum occurs Span#1 Span#where maximum occurs Span#1 Maximum Deflection Max Downward Transient Deflection 0.160 in Ratio= 374>=240 Max Upward Transient Deflection 0.000 in Ratio= 0<240 Max Downward Total Deflection 0.263 in Ratio= 228>=180 Max Upward Total Deflection 0.000 in Ratio= 0<180 Vertical Reactions Support notation:Far left is#1 Values in KIPS Load Combination Support 1 Support 2 Overall MAXimum 2.578 2.578 Overall MINimum 0.116 0.116 +D+H 1.570 1.570 +D+L+H 1.686 1.686 +D+Lr+H 1.570 1.570 +D+S+H 1.570 1.570 +D+0.750Lr+0.750L+H 1.657 1.657 +D+0.750L+0.750S+H 1.657 1.657 +D+0.60W+H 1.570 1.570 +D+0.70E+H 2.578 2.578 +D+0.750Lr+0.750L+0.450W+H 1.657 1.657 +D+0.750L+0.750S+0.450W+H 1.657 1.657 +D+0.750L+0.750S+0.5250E+H 2.413 2.413 +0.60D+0.60W+0.60H 0.942 0.942 +0.60D+0.70E+0.60H 1.950 1.950 D Only Lr Only L Only 0.116 0.116 S Only W Only E Only 1.440 1.440 H Only 1.570 1.570 Steed Beam File=C:\UserstblanklDesktoplPROJEC-11340-MF-11CalcslCalculations.ec6. Software copyright ENERCALC,INC.1983-2019,Build: . 0.ii. Description: Angle CODE REFERENCES Calculations per AISC 360-10, IBC 2015, CBC 2016,ASCE 7-10 Load Combination Set: IBC 2015 Material Properties Analysis Method: Allowable Strength Design Fy:Steel Yield: 36.0 ksi Beam Bracing: Completely Unbraced E:Modulus: 29,000.0 ksi Bending Axis: Major Axis Bending Vertical Leg Up 0(1.367 Q0.18) D 1.367 L 0.18 i L6x6x f•--- --_—�F�n-1..S.5o ft -------i Applied Loads Service loads entered.Load Factors will be applied for calculations. Beam self weight NOT intemally calculated and added Uniform Load: D=1.367, L=0.160 k/ft, Tributary Width=1.0 ft Point Load: D=1.367, L=0.160 k @ 1.50 ft DESIGN SUMMARY '' • Maximum Bending Stress Ratio = 0.601: 1 Maximum Shear Stress Ratio= 0.131 : 1 Section used for this span L6x6x3/8 Section used for this span L6x6x3/8 Ma:Applied 4.008 k-ft Va:Applied 3.818 k Mn/Omega:Allowable 6.670 k-ft Vn/Omega:Allowable 29.102 k Load Combination +D+L+H Load Combination +D+L+H Location of maximum on span 0.000ft Location of maximum on span 0.000 ft Span#where maximum occurs Span#1 Span#where maximum occurs Span#1 Maximum Deflection Max Downward Transient Deflection 0.001 in Ratio= 33,149>=360 Max Upward Transient Deflection 0.000 in Ratio= 0<360 Max Downward Total Deflection 0.010 in Ratio= 3473>=180 Max Upward Total Deflection 0.000 in Ratio= 0<180 Vertical Reactions Support notation:Far left is#1 Values in KIPS Load Combination Support 1 Support 2 Overall MAXimum 3.818 Overall MINimum 0.400 +D+L+H 3.818 D Only 3.418 L Only 0.400