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COM2001-00063 PAR2001-00022 Cancelled Tenant Review - COM Application - 9/5/2001
From: Arturo Fuente <puyid@yahoo.com> To: % <Dlc@co.mason.wa.us> Date: 9/5/01 9:34AM Subject: Mason County Bed and Breakfast Dear Ms. Coker, Thank you for contacting me regarding my proposed Bed and Breakfast. Due to the onerous conditons of converting my private well into a Class B water system I have elected to not proceed with this project. As Mason County has not begun processing my application I am cancelling the application and also request a refund of the application fee. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Michael Diaz Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. Groucho Marx --------------------------------- Do You Yahoo!? Get email alerts & NEW webcam video instant messaging with Yahoo! Messenger. A t jo i Mas �ber. �Mason County TENANT REVIEW APPL is Complete the tenant review application and return with floor plan. site plan, pumpers report, and $100.00 fee to the Mason County Permit Assistance Center, attn. M MacSems, P.O. Box 186, Shelton, WA 98584. The tenant review application will be evaluated on Wednesday after the application has been received. During the evaluation Mason County staff members from the Building, Fire Marshal, Environmental Health, Planning, and Public Works offices will identify compliance requirements, if needed, and advise whether a separate building permit will be required. Date: _ �q _c) I Assessor's Parcel Number: Legal Description: ,-� t .3 Building Site Address: rn 02 12 A4 0 S J Method of sewage disposal: Septic O Sewer- name of district: Water source: , Well O Community Well O Public System, name of system: PEOPLE and FIRMS INVOLVED IN THE PROJECT } Name of property owner: m�C i\ E i(> i Mailing address: C t 4 ��(1 C(o S ` Day phone: ,��Zy�1�Contact Person: Message phone: } yy) i-U� E� lj 1 AZ_ 9 f �� i 12 SZI l , s Name of applicant: SKI s Mailing address: Day phone: Contact person: Message phone: Name of Tenant: -Mailing address: Day phone: Contact person: Message phone: PROJECT INFORMATION Proposed business name: s Proposed use: _P�T .t ; 2c AI--?:= 1S? Number of employees: � Previous business name: >1 n, Previous use: INFORMATION ABOUT STRUCTURE Check one: ODetached single level/single tenant single level/multi tenant Multi level/single tenant ulti level/multi tenan Age of structure: Is structure cun&�_estjcj!o ie pie , how long has it been vacant? 1��12 Circle one: Yrs mos. List square footage for each floor level Basement: First: Mezzanine: I Second: Third: Will structur a heated: Type heating fuel: Cir one: Circle one: es No lectric Liquid Propane as Oil Type of hea : ircle one: Furnace Heat Pump Electric baseboard Kwall mount Radiant Will there be any changes to the following? Circle yes orno, if applicable: Floor lay-out: Yt,s No Lighting: Yes N Heating: Yes o Exterior Finishes: Yes No Interior Finishes Yes o Parkin o Number of restrooms provided: aZ Number of fixtures in each y Is structure ADA Accessible? circle one es No Is the structure equipped with a fire sprinkler system? Yes No Fire alarrn system? Yes N Return this application with: it Fioor Han, 2)Site Plan, 3) Pumpers Report, and 4) $100 Fee 1) Floor Plan: Include existing walls,proposed walls,and walls that will be removed. • Draw the floor plan to scale, '/4"= 1 foot min. Use of rooms • Room Dimensions Location of all its a d (include ensions) • Location of plumbing and mechanical fixtures Interior doors it h s d' s 2) Site Plan: Note scale • Property lines, easements, & right of ways Location of all e ting str res & di o • Distance, in feet, from property line & structures 0 Landscape buffer yar • On-site sewage tanks and drainfields, & reserve Well location • Surface & stormwater run-off routes Parking areas mbe rang • • Location of fire hydrants &vehicle access roads Slope of pr rt;Ah 3) Pumpers Report 4) Fee: >100.00Inta„e fee will be colle :tecl when submitted d nal fee Issued. rp P -IN - Case number:Mrs PA2a001 00v a-, MASON COUNTY PRE-SUBMISSION CONFERENCE REQUEST FORM The purpose of the pre-submission application is to identify and/or eliminate as many potential problems as possible in order for the project to be processed without delay. Representatives from the Building Department, Fire Marshal's office, Environmental Health, Planning, and Public Works departments may attend the meeting to discuss rules and regulations applicable to the proposed project. Topics covered during the meeting will include the comprehensive plan, shoreline program, zoning, availability of sewer and potable water, development concepts, building construction, fire protection and life safety of the proposed project. By providing the most accurate and detailed information on the application and site plan your pre-submission conference will be more informative. Pre-Submission conferences are held every Wednesday and last approximately one hour. To schedule a meeting complete the application on both side and return 7 copies of the site plan to the Mason County Permit Assistance Center, attn. M. MacSems. If you have questions call (360)427-9670 ext. 281. i Date: p ( Site Plan Submit 7 copies Applicant: Name ff\ �C�4 CA C—L 7- Include the following Address -Bo �� information on site plans: �� l 01 pv 5��1 ✓ Property lines,easements,and right- Daytime telephone of-ways. ✓ The location of all existing and Representative proposed structures. Include square Name footage of existing and proposed buildings. Address ✓ Setback distance,in feet,from all Daytime telephone Property lines and buildings. Parcel Number. 12 digits v-r �3 SO ✓ Existing and proposed road access to and from the site. ✓ Parking sites DescripiLOil Gf 1,r oject: .% Location of on-site:,c;'r'r5&Z tar:ks 3=,! drainfields. Include square footage of structure, use of buildings i.e. office, warehouse, etc, ✓ Location of drinking water supply of occupancy classification(UBC, Table 3-A), and construction type . Provide one set of plans, if available. proposed site and surrounding sites. L"©/1 t1P/'� �Q� h y'�� ✓ Steep bluffs,wetlands,streams, and /h �S bodies of water ✓ Location of fire hydrants and emergency vehicle access roads, N = 1 L i\l Y including grade. ✓ Surface and storm water run-Off routes. Continued on reverse side Has this project been discussed during a previou``s,,Pre-Submission Conference?If yes,please indicate date �/l/CJ ------------- Will the building have employees?If yes,how many? /C> What is the water availability of the proposed project? If there is an existing well,what is the name of the system? lSTis?b p,�?l VAq257 cc)rGL What is planned for an on-site sewage system? If you are proposing a new on-site system provide detail on the required site plan. `�457744z ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: APPLICABLE BUILDING CODES: 1997 Uniform Building Code-WAC 51-40 1997 Uniform Mechanical Code-WAC 51-42 1997 Uniform Plumbing Code-WAC 51-46/51-47 1994 Non-Residential Energy Code/Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality Code Mason County.Ordinance Date and Time Conference Scheduled: v � n � � - Q Location: S i ci Z 1' k r� v� 1�v� P �a r�►�,`. . ���..`c�ti� aCfS , , i ++ ' 1 i ' A S e s It f gs.t� 1CrG5 4 11btiiS LIS/ - ' 1o' t +- CA2A�i6 lo`+-LIO f v i ��lS;� LDTI��i C�aP?PaPT 1Di ! E70RAb& : yeOPf+_ C AP_poor i L fz":, , SLOTIG f r i i r cs4 " i