HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024/04/09 - Regular Packet ♦* cM� Board of Mason County Commissioners Draft Meeting Agenda Commission Chambers 411 N 5t' St, Shelton, WA 98584 AW April 9, 2024 9:00 a.m. Commission meetings are live streamed at hqp://www.masonwebtv.com/ Effective May 10,2022,regular Commission business meetings will be held in-person and via Zoom. Please click the Zoom meeting link posted on the Mason County homepage and use the"raise hand"feature to be recognized by the Chair to provide your comments and testimony. Public comment and testimony can be provided in-person,via e-mail at msmithgmasoncountywa.gov;mail in to the Commissioners'Office at 411 N 51h St,Shelton,WA 98584;or call(360)427- 9670 ext.419. If you need to listen to the Commission meeting via telephone,please provide your telephone number to the Commissioners'Office no later than 4:00 p.m.the Friday before the meeting. 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call 4. Correspondence and Organizational Business 4.1 Correspondence 4.2 Timberland Regional Library Annual Report by Trustee Ken Sebby 4.3 National Library Week Proclamation 5. Open Forum for Citizen Input Please see above options to provide public comment;3 minutes per person, 15-minute time limit. 6. Adoption of Agenda Items appearing on the agenda after "Item 10.Public Hearings"may be acted upon before 9:15 a.m. 7. Approval of Minutes 8. Approval of Action Agenda Items listed under `Action Agenda"may be enacted by one motion unless a Commissioner or citizen requests an item be removed from the Action Agenda and considered a separate item. 8.1 Approval of Warrants and Treasurer Electronic Remittances Claims Clearing Fund Warrant#810377-8104048 $1,140,179.07 Direct Deposit Fund Warrant#104959-105374 $ 918,125.01 Salary Clearing Fund Warrant#7008018-7008044 $ 617,856.82 8.2 Approval of the Oakland Bay Park Host Agreement between Randall Olson and Mason County. 8.3 Approval of the Resolution amending Resolution No. 51-16 Claims Imprest Checking Account. 8.4 Approval of the contract with Inzata for data analytic software for Public Health in the amount of$15,000 funded through Federal Public Housing Assistance(FPHA). 8.5 Approval to extend the waterline at Foothills Park and install two donated stainless steel pet fountains for the estimated cost of$600 from Real Estate Excise Tax(REET)2 funds. 8.6 Approval to create an Emergency Support Function 17—Cybersecurity Workgroup and add it to the Mason County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan(CEMP). 8.7 Approval to advertise a Request for Proposals(RFP)for Mason County website redesign. 8.8 Approval to amend Resolution 2024-007 revising the Non-Represented Salary Scale Range Alignment to create new ranges 48,49, 50, 51 and 52;place the Chief Public Defender position at the new Range 50; add the approved Executive Assistant position to Range 24;and update the title Administrative Assistant— Commissioners to Administrative Assistant I. 8.9 Approval of the Interlocal Agreement between Thurston-Mason Behavioral Health Administrative Services Organization(TMBH-ASO)and mason County to allow TMBH-ASO to fund judicial services provided by Mason County for individuals detained due to behavioral health disorders at$817 per case not to exceed $175,000 for a period of January 1,2024 through December 31,2024. 8.10 Approval to extend the American Rescue Plan Act(ARPA)contract with The Youth Connection from June 30, 2024 to June 30,2025. 8.11 Approval to set a Public Hearing for Tuesday,May 7,2024 at 9:15 a.m.to review final project performance and close out the state CARES Act Community Development Block Grant(CDBG)CV—Coronavirus Funds Grant which ends June 30,2024. 8.12 Approval to set a Public Hearing for Tuesday,May 7,2024 at 9:15 a.m.to consider public comment and consider adopting the new Mason County Road Standards Manual and updates to Chapters 10, 12 and 14 of the Mason County Code,and approving a Resolution adopting the Public Works Fee Schedule. 8.13 Approval of the Consultant Agreement with KPFF for Engineering and Construction services for County Road Project(CRP)2026 Harstine Island Bridge deck repair. 9. Other Business(Department Heads and Elected Officials) 10. 9:15 a.m. Public Hearings and Items Set for a Certain Time Please see above options to provide public testimony. No Public Hearings set for this time. 11. Board's Calendar and Reports 12. Adj ournment MASON COUNTY TO: Board of Mason County Commissioners Reviewed FROM: Danielle Thompson Ext. 419 DEPARTMENT: Support Services Action Agenda DATE: April 9, 2024 No. 4.1 ITEM: Correspondence 4.1.1 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission: -Deflection Monitoring Program Revision Plan and Schedule,Cushman Project -DSSMP and STID Revisions, Cushman Project 4.1.2 Comments received from two Sunny Woods Residence regarding the Shetland Road RID Project. 4.1.3 Notice received from Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board of Liquor License Application for Hideaway Adventures Inc. 4.1.4 2024 Quarter 1 Report received from Economic Development Council of Mason County. 4.1.5 Advisory Board Applications received: -Housing Authority,Kathy McDowell -Civil Service Commission,Mel Ferrier 4.1.6 Letter received from Miss Andrews 5tb grade class at Lincoln Elementary of Hoquiam,WA concerning Protection Laws in Mason County for Bigfoot. Attachments: Originals on file with the Clerk of the Board. FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION Office of Energy Projects Division of Dam Safety and Inspections—Portland Regional Office 1201 NE Lloyd Blvd, Suite 750 Portland, Oregon 97232 eP1e"1(*eW (503) 552-2700 APR 01 2024 3/22/2024 In reply refer to: P-460 VIA Electronic Mail Mr. Chris Mattson Generation Manager Tacoma Public Utilities cmattson(a)ci.tacoma.wa.us Subject: Deflection Monitoring Program Revision Plan and Schedule, Cushman Project Dear Mr. Mattson: This letter is to acknowledge Mr. Paul Lennemann's January 30, 2024 letter transmitting the Deflection Monitoring Program Revision Plan and Schedule for the Cushman Project, FERC No. 2114. We have reviewed the information provided and have the following comments: Plans and Schedules 1. Tacoma Power proposes to submit a ground disturbance activity notice for survey pedestal design and locations by May 31, 2024. This plan and schedule is accepted. Please include design documentation and installation methods, including all pedestal and prism locations, for our review with this submittal. 2. As data collection from the new survey will commence in 2024, and the Dam Safety Surveillance and Monitoring Plan (DSSMP) revision will not be submitted until December 31, 2025, please also include a preliminary discussion of proposed monitoring practices for the new instrumentation in your May 31, 2024 submittal. This should include monitoring practices, types of data being collected(i.e. north- south, east-west, vertical, etc.), monitoring frequencies, and should confirm the two-year overlap in data collection with both the old and the new systems. In addition, please confirm whether both horizontal and vertical surveying will be performed at the Cushman No. 1 spillway (refer to your responses to Parametrix recommendations 8 and 9; "Spillway Headworks Structure and Embankments" is only listed in the response to recommendation 9). 2 3. Tacoma Power proposes to include the survey data in the annual submittal of the Dam Safety Surveillance and Monitoring Report(DSSMR), beginning with the data collected in 2024 and include in the DSSMR due April 1, 2025. This plan and schedule is accepted. 4. Tacoma Power proposes to include details on the decommissioning of the GPS survey program and the current practices within the replacement survey program in the next scheduled DSSMP revision scheduled for December 31, 2025. This plan and schedule is accepted. 5. The submittal contains a proposal to supersede two Part 12D recommendations related to updating caution and critical action levels (Cl Rec 2022-05 and C2 Rec 2022-06) and one FERC DSSMR review Comment (No. 6) to consider installation of a survey monument in the embanlanent section parapet/core-wall. a. In Tacoma Power's response to Parametrix Rec.1, Part 7 (Rec P1-7), they note that initial caution and critical levels will be based on the historic survey data, and that these levels will be revised after five years of collecting data from the replacement survey system. Therefore, Cl Rec 2022-05 and C2 Rec 2022-06 are superseded by Rec P1-7 and are now considered closed. Revised caution and critical levels should be included in the submittal of the 2028 survey data in the 2029 DSSMR submittal and updated in the following update of the DSSMP. b. In Tacoma Power's response to Parametrix Rec. 9 (Rec P9), they include the general locations for survey monitoring points including the location in FERC DSSMR review Comment No. 6. Therefore, Comment No. 6 is superseded by Rec P9 and is considered closed. 6. In Tacoma Power's response to Parametrix Rec. Nos. 1, 5, 7, 9, 10, and 11, they propose to consult with Parametrix to develop and implement a deflection monitoring program and the associated elements discussed, for both Cushman Dam No. 1 and No. 2, and will submit an updated survey program with the next DSSMP update due on or before December 31, 2025. This plan and schedule is accepted. No additional submittal is requested at this time. File your submittal using the Commission's eFiling system at httt)s://www.ferc.gov/ferc-online/overview. When eFiling, select Hydro Dam Safety and Portland Regional Office from the eFiling menu. The cover page of the filing must indicate that the material was eFiled. For assistance 3 with eFiling, contact FERC Online Support at FERCOnlineSupport(Werc.gov, (866) 208- 3676 (toll free), or(202) 502-8659 CITY). Thank you for your continued cooperation and interest in dam safety. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Daniel Klein of this office at (503) 552-2707. Sincerely, Digitally signed by r, D O U G LAS`DOUGLAS JOHNSON JOHNSON D5:31:0024.03. '2 Douglas L. Johnson, P.E. Regional Engineer FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION Office of Energy Projects Division of Dam Safety and Inspections —Portland Regional Office 1201 NE Lloyd Blvd, Suite 750 Portland, Oregon 97232 zee,,ew (503) 552-2700 MAR 2 5 2024 3/14/2024 In reply refer to: P-460 VIA Electronic Mail Mr. Chris Mattson Generation Manager Tacoma Public Utilities cmattson(a,ci.tacoma.wa.us Subject: DSSMP and STID Revisions, Cushman Project Dear Mr. Mattson: This letter is to acknowledge Mr. Paul Lennemann's December 28, 2023 letters transmitting the Dam Safety Surveillance and Monitoring Plans (DSSMPs) and Supporting Technical Information Documents (STIDs) for the Cushman No.I and Cushman No.2 Developments of the Cushman Project, FERC No. 460. The letters note that Tacoma Power has completed the initial revisions of the DSSMPs and that the STID sections 1, 7, 10, and 11 have been updated. We have reviewed the revisions provided and have the following comments: 1. The revisions adequately address the 2022 Part 12D recommendations for revisions to the DSSMPs. 2. As discussed previously with Tacoma Power Staff, we acknowledge that the assessment of monitoring practices and frequencies is ongoing, and therefore we will not provide comments on the current practices and frequencies outlined in the DSSMPs in this letter. 3. The DSSMP revisions and the components noted as "under development"will be discussed during the upcoming FERC annual Dam Safety Inspection (DSI). 4. As there have been changes to the Daily Inspection and Instrumentation Monitoring Checklists, please have a Tacoma Power staff member who regularly performs the daily inspection at the next FERC DSI to perform and discuss the dam safety monitoring actions on the checklists. 2 5. As noted in Engineering Guidelines Section 15-3.1, the STID Section I is to include the current PFMA Report in its entirety, and should not contain extraneous information (e g., the most recent P 12D Recommendations). The information currently included is helpful but does not fulfill the expectations of Chapter 15. The STID needs to be revised to include the most recent PFMA Report as Section 1. 6. While the transmittal letters indicate that Sections 10 and 11 were updated in accordance wiih Chapter 15,neither of these sections includes the information specified in the Guideline. Each of these sections is-expected to contain a list of the materials (i.e., correspondence and supporting references). General statements such as "Documents referenced in Section 7 include inspection reports and previous DSSMR's" with no additional information of contents and location, do not meet the intention of the Guideline in providing a resource for the user of the STID to access valuable project information. Please review the Guideline and update these sections of the STID accordingly. 7. If the corrections noted in the previous two comments cannot be made prior to submitting the physical copies of the STIDs, then hardcopies of the revised Sections 1, 10;and 11 may be submitted to the Portland Regional Office as standalone items and complete STID resubmittals are not required. However, the revised eFiled ;version must be the entire STID. 8. The transmittal letters note that physical copies of the STIDs will be sent to our Portland Office. If this is to occur within 60 days, please notify your FERC Project Engineer of tracking information when it is available. If additional time is required, please submit a plan and schedule. 9. As noted in the details below, file the DPAs using the Commission's eFiling system. Within 60 days of the date of this letter please address Comment Nos. 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 above or provide a plan and schedule to do so. File the STID with the Digital Project Archive (DPA) using the Commission's eFiling system at https://www.fere.gov/ferc-online/overview. You must also submit one hard copy of the STID to this office. Both the electronic and hard copy must be entire copies of the STID, do not send individual pages or sections. When eFiling, select Hydro: Dam Safety and Portland Regional Office. The Digital Project Archive (DPA) must be submitted electronically. If the DPA cannot be eFiled, contact the project engineer to discuss options for transmitting the DPA to the Commission. For more information in transmitting the DPA, see Chapter 15 of the Engineering Guidelines here: https://www.fere.gov/industries-data/hydropower/dam-safety-and-inspections/eng guidelines. The cover page of the filing must indicate that the material was eFiled. For assistance with eFiling, contact FERC Online Support at FERCOnlineSupportWerc.gov, (866) 208-3676 (toll free), or (202) 502-8659 (TTY). 3 Thank you forYour continued cooperation and interest in dam safety. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Daniel Klein of this office at (503) 552-2707. Sincerely, • f Digitally signed by DOUGLAS' DOUGLAS ¢kJOHNSON J O H N S O N-Date::2024.03.14 (/ 14:36:40-07-00' Douglas L. Johnson, P.E. Regional Engineer I MAR 2 5 2024 March 21, 2024 Shetland Road RID Information The Shetland Road RID proposal is a serious decision deserving informed consideration. It may be a 'feel good' thing to sign in support right now but an ultimate decision requires participation time and financial commitments. Contrary to the rumors, the Commissioners have not to date approved formation of the RID. We have an official petition vote and a public hearing to get through before the Commissioners will consider their decisions. This letter is from a 20+year property owner and resident of Sunny Woods. I am in no way associated with the Sunny Woods HOA 'Board'. I am sharing the following FYI, and to fill in the information missing in the preliminary petition. This letter was prepared and mailed to all owners of record in our subdivision on my time and at my cost including consultation with my real estate attorney, and the County has fact checked the RID process content. After covering 'what's happened (2023 to date) and what now' I request you vote and/or make a final decision on the preliminary petition ASAP, I propose the large lot owners contribute their fair share to the cost of the RID and why, and I present concerns of possible RID-related financial hardship for some of our residents. I've also included links, references, and contacts at the end FYI. What Has Happened & Related Info • During a March 13, 2023 Briefing Meeting a presentation was made to the County Commissioners on the Shetland RID. Included in the presentation was a letter from one of the Sunny Woods 'Board' members which stated ".... 80% of the parcel owners within the effected[sic]boundaries have consented to being assessed for the upgrades needed." No known internal ballot vote on 'agreeing to be assessed' occurred prior to that statement-or to move forward with the RID for that matter. That statement was also made eight months before the preliminary petition was mailed out. • On September 26, 2023 the Commissioner's adopted the County's Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program ('TIP') which included the Shetland Road RID with a 'other funds' allotment of$71,500. To spare you even more details in explaining why it is on the 'TIP'think of it as a 'placeholder' and means only if the project moves forward. • The properties included in the proposed RID 'district' are our subdivision and the 'large lot' owners along Shetland Road. Improvements are proposed only for Shetland Road, and it is not clear how the boundaries of the RID district were formed or by who. • We should all have a deeded 60-foot wide perpetual ingress/egress easement along a portion of Shetland Road. That easement is a 'right' not an ownership. The property 'beneath' our easement is the large lot owner's property. Our collective Shetland Road obligation is limited to 'maintaining the road in its original condition'. How that is defined present day is not known but if we decide to support the RID -which means improving the large lot owner's property with paving and other upgrades - it is our choice to make and that choice includes financial obligations. • A long-standing assumption is that the large lot owner's only contribution to the RID project will be 'donation' of property. I asked my real estate attorney to take a look at the 'value' of that land donation to the RID. It is his opinion that under the circumstances that land donation is not a contribution to the costs of the RID because the large lot owners would only be agreeing to transfer to the County a deeded 60-foot wide perpetual easement they can't use for anything else and in return they receive improvements to their property. 1 • The large lots are 'heavyweights'within the RID district with about 558 acres (that includes their lots not fronting Shetland that are also in the district) and about 2.5 miles of Shetland Road frontage. The entire Sunny Woods subdivision has roughly 225 acres (DNR subtracted because traditionally they do not vote) and roughly 4Z miles of internal roads with only a small portion fronting Shetland Road. So?There is a lot of language in the law(and otherwise) defining the 'majority' as owning.the aggregate amount of frontage and acreage. At face value the large lot owners could carry the majority without a single vote from Sunny Woods. How the majority'rules' play out remains to.be seen. • The 'preliminary' petition for the RID was (presumably) mailed to all owners of record in the district on or about November 15, 2023 The petition was missing the number of lots, the 'ball-park' estimate of cost per lot, and contained the unnecessary baited language 'benefitting from the project and requesting to be assessed costs for the improvements." which with a 'I do support'-signature you agreed to. The County was not the author or -- - - the-sender-ofthat petition.--- --- -- - — - - - - • According to the March 13, 2023 presentation to the Commissioners there are 72 lots within our subdivision that will be responsible to pay the costs of the RID. Based on that number-keeping in mind the large lot owners are not currently being asked to help pay for the RID-the 'ball-park' estimated cost per lot(at a project cost of$365;000) is approximately$612 per year for 10 years at 4%. Given the current market I don't think we should expect an interest rate as low as 40/6 of even 60/6. Keep in mind there are several ways lot assessments can be calculated so the'per lot' is a rough estimate, and the County cannot by law contribute to the cost of the RID. - - • The preliminary petition stated that'assessment estimates' cannot exceed the estimated cost by more than 10%. That is true as it applies only to the project design and scope of work which is the$365,000. However, that cost can be increased for several reasons including unforeseen construction issues, a demand(s)for payment for a right-of way or easement, unexpected appraisal or other costs arise, the County has to acquire right-of- way by condemnation, a protest, appeal or a lawsuit is filed, etc.Anylall of these costs will be added to the project cost, and approving this project now means you are in essence agreeing to write a blank check. Same is true if you signed in support on the preliminary petition due to the language"... benefitting from the project and requesting to be assessed costs for the improvements." What Happens Now& Related Info • County staff will present the preliminary petition results to the Commissioners, and the Commissioners may-with receipt of the Auditor's verification of signatures and over 50%.road frontage owner's approval-adopt a Resolution of Intent to establish the RID. A hearing date is set and the Clerk of the Board locally advertises the hearing and sends copies to each property involved. The preliminary petition stated your vote is 'non-binding'which is not fully truthful. If the Commissioners adopt a Resolution of Intent to establish the RID that sets the ball in motion and we are obligated to pay the County's costs for the public hearing preparation work and all charges thereafter whether the project gets done or not • IF we get this far it is really important to attend and testify at the hearing. Along with making the ultimate decision as to whether or not the project proceeds, the Commissioners cantwill make several major decisions which may include project boundaries, the equitable method of dividing the costs of the RID(i.e., assessments), determinations concerning benefit, etc. (RCW 36.88.060). 2 Based on what-occurs at the hearing, the Commissioners may or maynotdecide to move forward on the RID process: If their decision,is to move forward,the Auditor will send out a formal petition to all affected owners. Returned petitions are tabulated and the RID either passes or.fails. If a 'pass'another hearing is held to establish Shetland'as a County road)Keep in mind it is highly likely will not know what each of us will be assessed before we are asked to sign the formal petition. • If the proposed RID receives a 'pass'vote and `formation' approval from the Commissioners,the.per-lot assessments will be calculated and those assessments will- become a lien against all involved properties..That lien will not be removed until you have paid the assessment in full.This is lawful safeguard for the County to ensure .recovery of the;RID expenditures. • - Just a guess but I think our future tax assessments will be an unpleasant surprise based on the prices property has sold for in-our subdivision recently. If the Assessor happens to link the Shetland Road improvements to property values in our subdivision that will likely increase our taxes too. Good news (1-think) is that RID assessments cannot exceed the true and fair value the improvement adds to a property(RCW 36.88.035 et al)-and 'what value does this project add to my property?' is a good question to ask. In the 20 years I've been paying to maintain Shetland Road and hearing about turning:d over to the County my position'has always been that the RID should be the'large for owners project- not ours. Not only are We proposing to pay to pave their property but-also potentially resolving some of the drainage and.flooding problems they have—part of which has been caused by the activities of at least one large lot owner. The large lot owners also get.the benefit of relieving themselves of depending on us to maintain their property. Keep in mind as well that our 'internal' roads(except'a small part of Shetland)will not be paved as part of this project and we are not going to escape driving in mud, dust, and potholes or the cost of maintaining our internal roads. I think.it is unrealistic to:expect our current road maintenance:bill will,decrease (particularly if the same people keep getting voted in). I am among the supporters of the RID project BUT only if it is done fairly and by due process. I have complete confidence that the Counbf staff will ensure both but I have asked they take a second look at the assumed 'value' of-the right-of-way'donations', and 1 hope they will give due consideration to the large lot owners majority in acreage and property fronting the improvements. The big stickers with me are the large lot owners are not currently being asked to pay their fair share to the RID(and they never been have been to my knowledge); I do not agree with any assertion that everyone benefits equally from-the project;-I have yet to be convinced that I am 'specifically benefitted' by this project(my frontage won't be paved) or that my property value will increase as a result of the RID improvements. I am also concerned about the imbalanced advantage—both in 'weight' and benefit-the large lot owners have, and I don't like the idea.of voting on something when I don'tknow what it will.cost me-i.e.; blank check. ' Three Important Things We Need to Do Now ASAP: Vote&Make A Final Decision on Changing or Revoking Your Vote.All we have for now is the 'preliminary' petition.A no-response is not counted, your vote matters, and you have a right to record your position on the RID.We can be assured all votes are counted as long as they are returned to the County. If you decide to change or withdraw your vote on the preliminary petition it is in everyone's best interest to do that now. 3 Contact our Commissioner. Kevin Shutty. Tell him we want the large lot Shetland Road owners to pay their fair share to the cost of the RID in addition to 'donating'the existing encumbered easement. That should reduce the cost for everyone. The large lot property owners have a lot to gain from this project and it is to their advantage to actively cooperate and contribute towards making the project happen. I think it's highly unlikely that approaching them about contributing their fair share of assessment would be a project killer. Financial Hardship. Unfortunately there are no known provisions in the RID laws that require financial hardship considerations so you need to speak up if you have concerns about this. I think we may have residents who, on top of the high cost of basic living combined with the flurry of 'HOA' 'special assessments', 'general fund' and increased road maintenance bills may not be able to financially weather the additional bills of a RID. If you honestly feel the RID could cause you a serious financial hardship it's important you tell Commissioner Shutty. If you are hesitant to share personal information I would hope an anonymous message would be accepted —just be clear you are a Sunny Woods property owner and you are concerned about the costs of the RID and why. I don't want to be witness to anyone else's property being taken away from them in this subdivision. Contacts. Links &Websites To make a request to our Commissioner to consider a fair share RID assessment on the large- lot owners you can call the Mason County Commissioners Office at 360-427-9670 x 419 and ask to speak with Commissioner Shutty, or you can send a message to Commissioner Shutty at https://www.masoncountywa.gov/commissioners/index.php and scroll to the lower part of the first page. Commissioner Shutty may refer you to one of the County offices. If you want to withdraw or change your preliminary petition vote you can do so by calling Mason County Public Works: 360427-9670 x450 or by sending a message at: https://www masoncountywa qcv/questions.pl)- select: Public Works — Road Department. For copies of the RID documents presented at the March 13, 2023 Commissioner Briefing — including the 'Board' member's letter- contact the Mason County Commissioners Office at 360- 427-9670 x 419. If you want to watch the same 'Board' member make a presentation to the Commissioners go to YouTube and enter the search: Mason County Commission Meeting September 26 2023—about 5, closer to 6, minutes into the stream. Mason County Public Works has RID information posted on their website at: https://masoncountVwa.gov/public-works/pwrid-php You can muck your way through the Revised Code of Washington for County RID information at https://apps.leg.wa.gov/rcw. Go to Title 36(.88) (et al) but keep in mind recorded amendments, case law, that how the RCWs are applied are variable in government practices, (etc.) can change what you are reading. Title 35 has also been cited (35.43 in the preliminary petition) but those provisions were written for cities and towns. cc: Mason County Commissioners—For the Shetland Road RID Proposal Record Mason County Public Works - For the Shetland Road RID Proposal Record 4 March 25, 2024 Commissioner Sharon Trask APR 0 3 2024 Board of Mason County Commissioners 411 N 5th St eo"""y Shelton WA 98584 RE: Proposed Shetland Road RID (GRID) project Dear Commissioner Trask: I respectfully request your consideration to require a fair share contribution by the 'large lot' owners towards the cost of the proposed Shetland Road RID (GRID) project in addition to any 'donation' of right-of-way by those owners. Within the RID district, outside of the Sunny Woods subdivision, the large lot Shetland Road owners have the majority of acreage and linear footage fronting the proposed RID improvements. A 'donation' of property would only be their agreement to transfer to the County a 60-foot wide easement that is already a deeded encumbrance for ingress/egress, and in return they receive pavement and drainage improvements to their property. That encumbered property cannot be used by those owners for anything else. Our Shetland Road deeded ingress/egress easement has value as well but I am not aware of any plan of'donation' credit for transferring our easement to the County. A monetary contribution by the large lot owners - based fairly on their acreage, frontage, and the improvements they will receive - will assist us all with the cost of the RID. Our subdivision has low income residential property owners that may experience financial hardship if the formation of the RID is approved. In addition, all of us in Sunny Woods will remain obligated to pay for the maintenance of our 'internal' gravel roads that will not be improved by the RID. Those internal roads are roughly twice the length of Shetland Road. Please consider this request prior to any action to adopt a Resolution of Intent to establish the RID. Results from the 'preliminary' petition seem to indicate a willingness on our part to contribute but our small community should not have to bear the full financial burden of the RID particularly since the large lot owners will receive the speck benefit of the improvements to their own property. I certify that I am a real property owner and long-term resident of the Sunny Woods subdivision. In appreciation for your time and consideration, cc: Ms. Loretta Swanson, Public Works Director Mr. Mike Collins, County Engineer, Deputy Director Q Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board NOTICE OF LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION WASHINGTON STATE LIQUOR AND CANNABIS BOARD License Division - P.O. Box 43098 �eceAv� Olympia,WA 98504-3098 Customer Service: (360) 664-1600 Fax: (360) 753-2710 MAR 2 5 2024 Website: http://Icb.wa.gov TO:MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 6kvz RETURN TO: localauthoft@sp.lcb.wa.gov RE:ASSUMPTION DATE: 3/25/24 From HIDEAWAY ADVENTURES INC Dba HIDEAWAY GRILL APPLICANTS: HIDEAWAY CONSOLIDATED INC License: 367957 -2N County:23 LORA,JOHN CLAYTON UBI: 605-33M88-001-0001 1958-03-07 Tradename:THE HIDEAWAY TORRE, 68-03NE Address: 22540 NE STATE ROUTE 3 1968-03-12 BELFAIR WA 98528-9303 Phone No.: 360-275-4547 JOHN LORA Privileges Applied For. SPIRITSBR/WN REST LOUNGE- As required by RCW 66.24.010(8), the Liquor and Cannabis Board is notifying you that the above has applied for a liquor license. You have 20 days from the date of this notice to give your input on this application. If we do not receive this notice back within 20 days,we will assume you have no objection to the issuance of the license. If you need additional time to respond,you must submit a written request for an extension of up to 20 days,with the reason(s)you need more time. If you need information on SSN,contact our CHRI desk at(360)664-1724. YES NO 1.Do you approve of applicant? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ ❑ 2. Do you approve of location? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ ❑ 3.If you disapprove and the Board contemplates issuing a license,do you wish to request an adjudicative hearing before final action is taken? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ ❑ (See WAC 314-09-010 for information about this process) 4.If you disapprove,per RCW 66.24.010(8)you MUST attach a letter to the Board detailing the reason(s)for the objection and a statement of all facts on which your objection(s)are based. DATE SIGNATURE OF MAYOR,CITY MANAGMCOUNTY COMMISSIONERS OR DESIGNEE <2�mr MAR PB lxvweacw Invoice EDCMASON thmMgbusinesses strongromrmmities Economic Development Council of Mason County P.O.Box 472 Shelton,WA 98584 Date Invoice# 3/25/2024 2023.63 www.choosemason.com TA&us on Facehook! Bill To Mason County 411 North 5th Sc Shelton,WA 98584 Terms Due Date Net 30 4/24/2024 Description Amount 1 st Qtr Contract Obligation Jan, Feb, Mar 24,750.00 Balance Due $24,750.00 2024 Q1 Report: Economic Development Council of Mason County The Mason EDC is the lead designated economic development agency for Mason County.We represent the County and local businesses on a number of statewide, national and international issues.At the heart of the work the EDC does are four main principles: • RECRUIT investment and employment opportunities to the region, • RETAIN existing local businesses by providing technical assistance and advocacy,and • EXPAND operational capacity for local employers by providing them with new market opportunities. • COORDINATE economic development efforts in Mason County,the region,and the state. 2024 Scope of Services Q CONTRACTOR to provide a budget by expense category totaling$99,000 for the 2024,one-year contract to the BOCC within fifteen days(15) of contract execution. Deliverable:At a minimum of once per quarter the Executive Director or designee will provide a brief update on EDC work during public testimony at commission meetings. Q1:We continue our regular briefings to the BOCC through Zoom. RECRUITMENT&MARKETING Q CONTRACTOR to market Mason County as excellent locations to expand or relocate ... Deliverable: Quarterly list of project names. Q1: New leads:0 Potentials Pipeline: 4 • Project Alfred—food processing I $80m capex 1 150 8 year 140 acres I Submitted to county • ProjectAramis—nextgen data center I $1b 1 350jobs 1 100acres I no update • Project Condor—advanced aerospace &defense 1 100 3-5 year—no update • Project Disk—aerospace manufacturer I $250m capex 1 100 3-5 year I leasable 44 acres I no update Sites: Industrial Land -Work beginning on examination of current industrial land and potential development areas. I Commercial sites-1 identification of potential projects areas, review of current infrastructure, assessment of needed infrastructure to make marketable. I Q CONTRACTOR to provide site location assistance ... Deliverable: number of businesses contacted. 1 Q1: No site selectors were assisted in the first quarter in Mason County. BUSINESS RETENTION &EXPANSION ACTIVITIES Deliverable: quarterly dashboard of communication analytics. Q1: )tASHBO lka]bFANALYncs-2ETZ44;Q WEBSITE I • • a :• 319 359 48.32% SOCIAL MEDIA Followers:2,959 Followers:489 Link clicks:86 New Followers:62 Likes:2,411 New Posts:36 Post Reach:20,253 Post engagement:6,372 Engagement rate:31.46% CONTRACTOR to provide business retention and expansion services ... Our BRE program continues with business visits and meetings held in person. This program incorporates a wide range of tools and services designed to help local businesses become more competitive and to grow where they are rather than relocate. Deliverable: number of businesses visited. QI: We have met with 22 local businesses to discuss support service.connections, marketing,funding opportunities and available training. Deliverable: number of follow-ups with existing businesses. QI: We followed up with over 8. Q CONTRACTOR to participate in the coordination of the job skills training program and the customized training program within its region. QI: We actively work with PacMtn, Thurston EDC, Olympic College,Shelton School District and The Evergreen State College to assist with educational and instructional opportunities they offer. Q1: We support and market the Scale Up,Size Up, and Thrive programs through our partnership with the Washington State Department of Commerce. BUSINESS ASSISTANCE Q CONTRACTOR to provide or facilitate the provision of export assistance. Q CONTRACTOR to provide business assistance ... Deliverable: number of businesses that direct assistance was provided. QI: Over 40 businesses were provided resources for export assistance training and funding opportunities. Deliverable: and number of follow-up interactions. QI:Approximately 4 businesses were followed up with for export training and funding. READINESS&CAPACITY BUILDING CONTRACTOR to solicit, compile and rank the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy(CEDS) list annually. Q CONTRACTOR to provide an annual economic report. Q1—The Mason EDC Economic Vitality Index is distributed in August. Deliverable: report of the community economic development strategies for Mason County. QI—CEDS Regional Report Work—No update Q CONTRACTOR to participate in economic development system-wide discussions regarding gaps in business start-up assistance in Mason County. Q CONTRACTOR to participate in development of a countywide economic development plan in conjunction with other governmental jurisdictions and institutions. o Opportunity Zones o RECOMPETE Act QI—Recompete Work-After the ReCompete Actfunding opportunity, our consultant Ridge Policy Group, has put together additional funding opportunities that the community may want to consider. We have o full list of potential options and will work to narrow down the programs that we want to apply for. Q CONTRACTOR to provide an annual snapshot of local economic conditions ... Deliverable: Economic Vitality Index will be complete by August of 2024 . ° °►;}. MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 411 NORTH FIFTH STREET SHELTON WA 98584 Fax 360-427-8437; Voice 360-427-9670, Ext. 419;275-4467 or 482-5269 1RS1 / J 1 AM SEEKING APPOINTMENT TO f6611��d��r. �`✓ a {l// 0(AJ ADDRESS: CITYMP: VOTING PRECINCT: WORK PHONE (OR AREA IN THE COUNTY YOU LIVE) _______________________________-_________-_____,___-_______-_______----__________ COMMUNITY SERVICE EMPLOYMENT:..(IF RETIRED.PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE)_ (ACTIVITIES OR MEMBERSHIPS) COMPANY: `[(( Far hI -I+� COMPANY: YRS Wdyvt4hf ��. MarcL �c[�t/ I POSITION: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In your words, what do you perceive is the role or purpose of the Board, Committee or Council for which you are applying; What interests, skills do you wish to offer the Board, Committee,or Council? Please list any financial, professional, or voluntary affiliations which may influence or affect your position on this Board: (i.e.create a potential conflict of interest) h Cnmo Your participation is dependent upon attending certain trainings made available by the County during regular business hours (such as Open Public Meetings Act and Public Records).The trainings would be at no cost to you.Would you be able to attend such trainings? Realistically,how much time can you give to this position? Quarterly Mor" Weekly Daly . Daia Term Expire Date eplecla a APR 01 2024 MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 411 NORTH FIFTH STREET SHELTON WA 98584 Fax 360-427-8437; Voice 360-427-9670, Ext. 419;275-4467 or 482-5269 lX.cl 1 AM SEEKING APPOINTMENT TO Civil Service Commission NAME: r PHONE: ADDRESS: two years, and voter of the County? Yes No❑ EMAIL: ' POLITICAL PARTY: COMMUNITY SERVICE EMPLOYMENT: (IF RETIRED. PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE) (ACTIVITIES OR MEMBERSHIPS) COMPANY: ✓ YRS POSITION: In your words, what do you perceive is the role or purpose of the Civil Service Commission? What intg ests skills do you wish to offer the Civil Service Commission? 1J 4� PI/pr 1S Please list any financial, professional, or voluntary affiliations which may influence or affect your position on the Civil Service Commission (i.e. create a potential conflict of interest) () On-e Your participation is dependent upon attending certain trainings made available by the County during regular business hours (such as Open Government Trainings Act, Open Public Meetings Act and Public Records Act). The trainings would be at no cost to you. Would you be able to attend such trainings? N/-e5 Meetings are held the third Thursday of each month at 5 pm in the Mason County Building 9#eyou an Resources Conference Room at 423 N. 5th office Use only St, Shelton WA. available to attend these meetings? s Appointment Date Date March 27, 2024 Students of Lincoln Elementary 700 Wood Ave. APR 0 3 2024 Hoquiam, WA 98550 Mason County Commissioners 411 N 5th St Shelton, WA 98584 Dear Commissioners, We are the students of Miss Andrews class in 5th grade at Lincoln Elementary school in Hoquiam, Washington. The reason we are writing this letter to you is because we believe that Mason County should have laws to protect Bigfoot. Firstly, Bigfoot might be endangered. Though we're not sure, we can still try to help. For example, helping the environment in general. Another example would be if you are in a county that has less sightings of bigfoot, perhaps you could pass these laws to help bigfoot stay safe! Another reason Mason County should have laws is what if Bigfoot is harmless? Bigfoot could just be another animal wanting to survive like everyone else. Sure, if we attack it, it would probably attack back, but that's just self defense in general. Any animal would do that, even a bunny! Finally, in Mason County you have 24 sightings. At least one of those sightings are real, and people saw Bigfoot. There's a reason to protect bigfoot, so you need laws to help Bigfoot! In Conclusion, Whatcom, Skamania, Clallam, and Grays Harbor counties already have laws. Will you be next to protect Bigfoot? Sincerely, (5(ad srfa r�()naa N4 • Libraries c.n nect ul- ---`-- Li arar y iS a � _ '� ['�]� � � max"^ ---•" 4 o0 cwd� - - y®u Un Z T RAR`, CA V y m be f y i.,b►ar L 16r ro lik . ° a At ; ' P LI �I i ` Timberland Regional Library's 245 staff, 29 public t libraries, and mobile services provides services AL el— to the 550,000+ residents of five counties in Southwest Washington State: Grays Harbor, Lewis, Mason, Pacific, and Thurston Counties. GRAYS HARBOR Aberdeen,Amanda Park,Elma,Hoquiam, McCleary,Montesano,Oakville,Westport P. North Mason Amanda Park Hoodsport MASON Hoodsport,North Mason,Shelton `L. fShelton TH U RSTON s - � McCleary• Hoqu m • Headquarters,Hawks Prairie,Lacey,Olympia, / • • Elma HeadWadm Tenino,Tumwater,West Olympia,Yelm Aberdeen Montesano Yelm Westport• it Oa Tenino Centralia it ymond Packwood Chehalis 9 end 7/ R Ocean Mountain View Park t L/ rIP- - 7 iIwaco PACIFIC LEWIS Ilwaco,Naselle,Ocean Park, Centralia,Chehalis,Mountain View, Raymond,South Bend,Shoalwater Bay Packwood,Salkum,Winlock Timberland Regional Library(TRL)recognizes that we operate within the traditional territories of the Nisqually Indian Tribe, •" • ": • Shoo/water Bay Indian Tribe, Confederated Tribes of the Chehalis Reservation, Quinault Indian Nation,Skokomish Indian Tribe,and • - • Squaxin Island Tribe who have been stewards of these lands since time immemorial. TRL provides library services to Indigenous • .. tribes, extending beyond the geographic limits of Lewis, Mason, Thurston, Pacific, and Grays Harbor Counties. This acknowledgment • reminds us to strive for respectful partnerships with all people as we search for collective healing and learn how to be better • • ' • • • stewards of the indigenous lands we inhabit. MESSAGE FROM EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Vibrant,interactive,and fun are 3 words that describe the new services,collections,and programs our staff introduced in 2023. As I reflect on the 4th and final year of TRL's current Strategic Direction, I want to share some highlights of }. the amazing things that TRL did this past year as we worked together with the support of our staff,volunteers, local %a communities,and partners to provide the best possible services to our patrons and supporters that know the value of a public library in their communities. Check it out- ,� Expanded Access Hours came to Westport, Elma,Tenino, Ilwaco,and Ocean Park Libraries, providing library access e lm� ` beyond regularly staffed hours for eligible patrons ages 14 and up. `` ,�� q • Anywhere Library-mobile services launched in Thurston, Pacific and Mason counties-visiting Head Starts, e ` ; } dk _ ECEAPS,Senior Centers, Churches,and more,Anywhere Library services for Lewis/Grays Harbor counties will be coming in early 2024. • McCleary, Ilwaco,West Olympia, North Mason(Belfair),and Hoodsport Libraries underwent building improvements to enhance and revitalize their spaces to benefit their patrons and communities. • Library Card Design Contest for three age groups:Birth-5,6-11,and 12-18 with 3 winning designs selected in time for September Library Card Sign Up Month. . _ Books by Mail service expanded to increase ease of access for patrons with transportation and other barriers. - New Website launched with beautifully redesigned interface, improved user-experience,and user-friendly features translated into Spanish, Korean,Vietnamese and Chinese. • Increased Social Media Reach with engaging content,and viral reach on multiple platforms. • Korean and Vietnamese physical materials added to collections at Lacey,Olympia,Tumwater libraries. • Purchased land in Randle for the construction of a new Mountain View Library with construction scheduled to k;. +r' be completed in 2024! TRL's approach to workplace excellence with an eye towards continuous improvement,extends into the 29 libraries, community outreach,and mobile services. Every day,we connect with people in our communities across our 5-county district. 4 Every day,we strive to provide 21 st century services, diverse resources,and innovative programming to all residents. Every day,we work with community partners across the region and in our local communities.Together we are moving our communities forward. rE It is also exciting to see that our work and what we do is being noticed by many of our partners,within our local communities,and our patrons. One example of this, is in 2023,TRL received the Nancie Payne Workplace Excellence Award from the Pacific Mountain Workforce Development, recognizing TRL for"Demonstrating workplace excellence and customer service, meaningful employee engagement and a constructive,diverse and progressive workforce culture that works to better business management." t. Thank you to the staff and to the Board of Trustees for an eventful year. See you at the library! r 1:. --'_-:jai-'`��`-+�=___�''�.-°�►.'�,,. 7 .i 2020-2024 STRATEGIC DIRECTION p" / The Timberland Regional Library Strategic Direction for 2020-2024 was developed through community and staff participation with our Board of Trustees strategic planning committee. We appreciate the time and effort that was given to understand the needs within the community, identify areas of focus that we assist with, and then align our resources to create positive change in those areas. - MISSION Welcoming everyone to a vibrant world of possibilities. Connecting people, places, and ideas. qW Evolving to meet the needs of our communities. _ ILWkWG, ,ND OPENING • • • • VISION • " • LOCAL COMMUNITIES Libraries connecting to our communities. 000 • Sharing local culture. • Increasing our presence in under-served communities. • Creating opportunities for inter-generational connection. WE VALUE Access for all. Working together. Q EQUITY, DIVERSITY, AND INCLUSION Diverse communities and ideas. Responsible use of public resources. • Reaching those with disabilities and other access barriers. • Reflecting under-represented groups in our collections, staff, and services. • Partnering with local agencies and organizations to support diverse communities. ® CHILDREN FROM BIRTH TO FIVE • Providing appealing spaces and engaging experiences. • Clarifying what they need and how to provide for those needs. BORROW • • • Empowering them to build relationships with the library & within their communities. eBooks and Books Book Groups • Repair Printing Movies • • - • Computers Audiobooks Meeting Space History & Genealogy Job Search � 6 C� J; 67.46/o Salaries& Benefits $18,253,691 I 3 • 14.88% Books& Materials $4,026,834 ti r Tota i f - E p reS 8.98% Other $2,429,868 ------ x enditu P • 5.97/o Professional Services 1 616'454 $27,057,712 • 1.43% Supplies $385,606 • 1.28% Capital Expenditures $345,259 _r $23,846,819 Property Taxes ........ 91.3% • Tota� Revenues $1,855,777 Timber 7.1% $26,10%656 Physical Checkouts ................2,701,351 Physical Collection Total...........705,589 $407,059 Other.......................... 1.6% OverDrive Total.......................1,853,704 New Items- Orders...................108,018 Kanopy.........................................85,128 New Items-Added ...................104,991 . Total Circulation.............. 426402183 Computer Session.....................205,804 Print Jobs ..................................632,239 Wi-Fi Sessions............................145,063 Sheets of Paper Used .............2,663,548 Turnaround Time for New Collection Items New Patrons ................................96,680 New OverDrive Patrons...............13,892 1/ActMm ive Patrons............................274,938 ® - 0 0 Q rab& 27,500 108,018 3J42 107,542 1042991 0 Days wAskLib Live Chat g Grab Bags Total Total Items Total Boxes Total Items Total Items Average MAN 239 Bags Items Request Ordered Received Received Cataloged Out to Branches 3,443 e m a i is ••• 7,042 Chats via interlibrary Time Loan 7 i I found this website easier to navigate and more visually appealing than the current one. NEW CATALOG, WEBSITE & APP Good job! Rebecca S Seemed easy and intuitive to navigate. I found LIVE I , 23 things I didn't know TRL provided which has excited me about discovering new things as When you visit TRL.org, you'llbe Dynamic Tools we head into fall and winter. Terry G welcomed by our beautifully redesigned website. We can't wait for you to Our dedicated staff share their expertise, — - _ I am so excited to have the "more like this" experienceexperiences,new or "if you liked this, check these out" linksuser-friendly • into the vibrant • • of • -' back!!!! I find so many great books through the catalog. access, _• navigation, library website, and I have really missed that personalized accounts, Curated collection of recommendations crafted by feature! THANK YOU! Clayann L event calendar, and so our staff. Covering a wide array of genres, topics, much more! and formats. I love the new look and feel. It feels much more inviting and I like the larger buttons for the linksTRL.org/Explore to books, movies, etc.The account section looks great, and I'm anxious to use the collections and Pid community portions.Very well done! Heather M ——� Awesome, love the new •t I am totally psyched that you look, especially the colorful specific items.d find t buttons o n s have a 3D printing feature ,. i � � p now. What a great library! - I also like reading the staff picks, there's nothing like a Susan L a good book recommendation from a fellow reader. r Louise R 16 Download our new app! • �T� 4 I like the easy access to - -' + 11q![E audiobook CDs! Very colorful . website. Thank you! The new layout looks fresh and new - beautiful and easy to locate books/authors. I also liked the info provided with each book regarding copies available, format and requesting a hold. Good job by our library staff - we are very fortunate. Julianne A t 1l . �f SOCIAL MEDIA Facebook REACH OALIHOFF HAL,�740% . ,. , . VISITS 364% r THE BOUNTY.NEW j LIKES/FOLLOWS 00P 718% TRILOGY ; -• , O Instagram : ' ��� ♦ �ti-1 I f REACH ot' gm7K% ' VISITS 469% NEW �� LIKES/FOLLOWS416% REELS �- VIEW 838,351 "Big" history was made this January when one of the most prestigious awards in children's literature,the Randolph Caldecott Medal, was awarded to Vashti Harrison, illustrator of the TI kTOk picture book, Big. TRL Deputy Director, Kendra Jones, had the privilege to serve on the 1 ,179y994 2024 Randolph Caldecott Committee. - Committee members review every eligible picture book published in 2023, TikToks amassed views in 2023 - • •• ' • • •• - • - - : • • which was around 700 titles. • • •. • _ . ••• • - •- •-GIPHY 1701 M GIF VIEWS •• •• - -• • • • • • • ANYWHERE LIBRARY ► Y Anywhere', QAnywhere LIBRARY Anywhere Library is a mobile library that brings TRL A T materials and services directly to community sites. Visit:TRL.org/Anywhere r Ot We're looking forward to it! I 1 4 1r` 0.0 Rochester AV 001 0 0 F7 0 E0pN � � :- �� ._ :.� ;�• t f G IAON Korean and Vietnamese M materials added" to the collectionJUNE - DECEMBER Olympia Library Lacey Library SUMMER LIBRARY - 93 LIBRARY STOPS ATTENDANCE 41� 369 BOOKS DISTRIBUTED View online: + LAPTOPS 600ECLIPSE GLASSES Featuredkk Languages 17DISTRIBUTED SPECIAL EVENTS GIVEN AWAY STORYTIMES or �► 115 0 CHECKOUTS 58 & CLASSES � 13 � rIt DOLLY PARTON'S IMAGINATION LIBRARY Timberland Regional BOOKS BY MAIL SERVICE LIBRARY 415 Tumwater Boulevard SW r MEDIA n Expanded Service: Books by Mail Launched June 2023. The Books by Mail service helps remove barriers and increase ease of access for patrons who cannot visit their library due to physical disability or lack of transportation. T4_ Visit: TRL.org/books-by-mail I'm homebound and this is my entertainment, so if I couldn't get things from the library I'd be so �, depressed and lonely. MAILINGS Thanks to everyone who works on this! 896JUN - DEC fIlk ► . WASHINGTON Dolly Parton's Imagination Library mails free high-quality, age-appropriate books to children from birth to age five! _ Grays Harbor& Pacific Counties 1,773 37.6% s ti w J 9cg , r� Enrolled Eligible Population Lewis County j ♦ �3 • ' ' ' • 2,816 59.7% • • Enrolled Eligible PopulationAr-AN 1�# . - _ _ Mason County - , • 1,2020 30% Enrolled Eligible Population Thurston County Thank you for all that you did to keep my Mom in books, she was an avid reader! It was 4,640 28,2% wonderful for her to receive the books in the mail, she looked forward to their arrival. APR EtAIECE Enrolled Eligible Population What a wonderful program for seniors-thank you! 15 • 3 � I MOMM ► � EXPANDED ACCESS HOURS � ailable from 7 am , until the library opens and after _ library closes At until 8 pm, seven days a week lincluding lolidays). During EAH hours, staff will not be in the building. ED The Board of Trustees approved the age eligibility to 14 years . . �. IS Locations added in 2023; I . Elma Library • Library Ilwaco Library - WestportLibrary Ocean Park Library 1,391 EAH CARD HOLDERS t ' WELCOPATRONS WITH OTHER B1E[�[VH157 OME LIBRARIES 9 LOCATIONS `�=���• � ,..�� �;�=;„ � � � - LAND PURCHASED IN RANDLE T 1 dO or Toy shopping carts make selecting library books even �� `+ more engaging for kids! •:, � ��" •_� •�6. H/1URE HOME OF -. '. f1C� �E Toy shopping carts area i• Timberland Regional ; d` fun way to encourage brain development, interaction, °a literacy, and STEM learning through la Count the number g play. � of books in the cart, look for Mountain View Timberland Library has items on the list and more. �" _ f .. leased space in Randle since March 1988. For updates to the project, visit: ' • • • i\. GRAND OPENING: ILWACO -- Libraries are vibrant because our communities are vibrant! The Ilwaco Library had a major refresh this year, and you can see their patrons and community members are still LOVING the updated space! Holly Beller, city administrator for the City of Ilwaco, which owns the building, gave the collaborative program a huge thumbs up. "We would like to thank the library for everything r' IL they provide for our community," said Beller. "This is such a great thing. I congratulate you." 1,642 people came through the Ilwaco Library doors during July, checking out 2,160 items. New library cards have been issued to 196 people this year. �I" r" _� r :<1•• Updates to the Ilwaco Library building also prepared the library for Expanded Access Hours ,.t��+ � p Y g p p Y p (EAH)which will allow library patrons to utilize resources at the library beyond standard operating hours. I • 9 k � �!•; �I Omgosh it looks amazing! ' Danielle Lefor W Ile A Healthy Community should always include a thriving library system! I am so grateful that Timberland Regional Library system serves so many communities, families and ��, 1 Y. , •, 4M individuals in our geographical area. Sandy C 19 -MIL ��il i r. ! GRAND OPENING: - left �I 3 r -• F �' ; 1 _ ' y "More than 30 people came to see what the library had to offer visually and to celebrate the 00 joyous occasion. From new lighting, flooring, wiring, furniture and staff rooms among other l ` �► items, an argument could be made that the library interior is more modern in its design than •� any other building in the rural East County town." The history of the McCleary Timberland Library spans back to 1969.After 20 years in their current space, a recently completed $250,000 upgrade, with countless hours of help from staff, ram_ i, has resulted in a beautifully refreshed space. I The McCleary Library also offers expanded access hours (EAH)from 7am - 8pm daily, including W- holidays,to truly serve as a "community living room." T.I T ' R • • p `� T Wow, how exciting! Can't wait to see the end results. > 1 Paula K 7177 7,711 t 4W r. Wonderful news for our students! ti. *r Gladis M ~ 21 --- ------------ Sol III• • - O GRAND OPENING: WEST OLYMPIA IThe new early learning space at the West Olympia Library is a must-stop at the Capital Mall! The library had it's grand reopening showcasing doubled floorspace, new lighting, an innovative new child's area, fixtures, artwork, and more! cl r,-W s F Complete with a life-size"Lite-Brite", a computer workspace with an attached play space for families, and items and features that encourage social emotional development, fine and gross ` are motor skills, independent and collaborative play, and a love of all things library and literacy. The Library is open 7 days a week from 10 am-6 pm! /..ate' :� � 1 • - I love all libraries but AOIN WIN 40— especially my home TRU Tyra L _ 1k Ak- Ir Aw too My customers at Terra Firma Cosmetics & Spa at Capital Mall love this place so much. We love it too! -'- Meridith C � 23� � fir. i� • • • REFRESHED SPACES ti r Aberdeen Library 44 Security . Y Fencing. Chehalis Library ` Staff Workroom refresh. ED B II - ,• j � � ! Elma Library Bathroom refresh. Hoodsport Library New Manger's Office, I ° , o deck improvements, and bathroom refresh u.- Lacey Library New interior painting provided by the City of Lacey. sue-- as �' •"� North Mason Library Exterior repainted. 7' Packwood Bathroom refresh. TRL Headquarters / + New office spaces, improved Youth Services space, meeting !.1 room refresh, and new flooring. _ 4 . � "We deeply appreciate the City amp \ y� ll��''' �!!fll��'' of Lacey's care of our Library,' \ \\ -ilfl says Library Manager, Holly yy Paxson. "As the building's Sunday Hours Added P \ \ , Aimi owners, they make sure the 1 n 2023, in effort to expand and adapt _ �\ � '• -'f � -� i- _ , � �` ' facility is clean, safe, and library • - --• -• . � 1 � always looks fantastic. The City • - - • Shelton \ has done everything in their Libraries added Sunday Hours. ` - power to ensure the interior painting is completed as < Locations •- • 4 quickly as possible." Mas II I— on Co � 7 Shelton N - _ �. 0 YouTube rWest Olympia ® Enjoy watching TRL Highlights: Renovations and Refreshes on YouTube Channel. �25� +e 7 - WV- - ,• .� �• _ ,.,�� �� �• :M SUMMER LIBRARY PROGRAM JUNE 1 TOi Summer Library Program (SLP) is about more than reading, imagination, creating opportunities, and aboutn • •ring nature • • ur R � ULM � E A R Y ' l r Ty ' I love @timberlandlibrary. ;,-• �► � -� Looks like great fun, and _ Your core mission is u easy to fill your activity a culture of creative log. I had some kids tell me they played Rock 'E generosity which is so m f Sock Robots at the Air rare and precious in these •.. ..fit r BnB where they stayed. Old times. school games. rebecajane ' '' ` Stefan A Flo \..._F • I love how TRL engages the WHOLE community!! ��• Diane Marriott F LoEE MY AR�Bs , LFZ #.!. enCanta mi biblio}eCal iMe 4 lac r Y 46 1 StoryTrailsi Area residents •• •r a unique outdoor - •- • • •- . • 11 • ?�� - Regional -. . - outdoor J�,. Stor 1 events. Visit TRL.org/Storytrails ATTENDED 00+ BOOKS 227363PROGRAMS PROGRAMS 975 DISTRIBUTED F t LIBRARY CARD CONTEST From June 1-July 15, library patrons ages SEPTEMBER IS LIBRARY x C 18 and under were invited to participate NEW in a library card contest. 31053 ' DSISSUED In September,three new library card IN SEPTEMBER designs were unveiled, featuring artwork 4 �� E submitted during the contest. Entries „ were divided into three age groups: 0-5, _ 00 submissions across 5 counties. 6-11, and 12-18 providing opportunities ' ■ �j for children of various ages to take part. WWI Z \y` Madison's Mom, Gloria, on the experience � 1 • � � y.`1'� ", �►��•�' ��,,'�• of the library card art contest: "It was a "` '' �r.�.�►`i�. great home-school teaching experience , g g p for her, and I think this will be something Its r r I she can look back on to see all the learning that was involved, the self-growth, and the R - �,N� rewards that come from putting a lot of ,_ F I effort into something" bon ,� Ari on their inspiration for their design -' _ and interpretation of the prompt: �` i "Libraries really do bring you together. LW FA Reading is a great way to learn about different cultures and different aspects of .4 �•• life that you aren't going to get elsewhere •� %�:� : Often times we are afraid of what we don't ' 1 ' Y J��jl''I ��� � '� � '!�'_ ��,• know, so reading for me is the easiest way �' —" to get to know the world." � =T Patron response to Isaac's card design: "This is my favorite library card design! AgeGroup: AgeGroup: ; Age It inspired me to get a library card again. MadisonIsaac �,i' • . ,, •,' `�. , Thanks, Isaac." Lacey Timberland Library Centralia Timberland Library Olympia Timberland Library ' 'r!L%. "Can we update our card with his? It's amazing!" 'Just got my library card 2 weeks ago and -a• ' Meet the 2023 • • Contest Enjoy • all the submissions•; i., this was the design I picked for it!" Cbubbe Winners. (Watch on Youtube) on our YouTube Channel. 29 ■1 11•• ,- - — —_ �, -1 tlYN0101 •IINDIA ' R BANNED BOOK WEEK ` ll OCTOBER 1 -7, 2023 i ^i *1��rylq tl�t I'm glad you are leaving it up to the individual what As we celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Freedom to read and to decide what their children can read. to Read statement, Timberland Regional Library Marsha H encourages all citizens to support the fundamental • • • right to read freely. The library system invites the public to participate in Banned Books Week, taking — - a stand for intellectual freedom and the unimpeded 1 exploration of diverse ideas and perspectives. "Timberland Regional Library promotes and defends the principles of intellectual freedom based on the f - — - First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. We believe • U that the ability to freely choose what to read is a .� • • cornerstone of democracy and of a free society." -Executive Director, Cheryl Heywood So grateful for our banned books that my wife and )■u _< v L� I got today. This is a community I'm proud to raise ' FEW our daughter in. �= I OD CLAP. ALVORG/ BROOKS Whitney K I.\AmerlcanbbraryAssociation MILLI / CHECKOUTS Awl .� 1.9 Million to be exact. For the second year in a row We're _ _ I — • Timberland Regional readers have checked out - g Library ,� over 1.5 million digital items!! E � a EI MILLION 10M / - digital book checkouts in 2023 We are delighted to serve readers of all interests and !; ages with this free, always growing, and diverse digital A M E R I C A i - collection and proud to share that Timberland is in NEW the top 55 public library systems worldwide in total digital circulation. the Itfary.ewhN a OP i In the top 55 public libraries worldwide is such an amazing accomplishment, we love Timberland library!t Katherine Paterson - v (k W L.�` mrs.crystalspencer' any I ■ 31 I,N1.1 i 3IE ► � V �, i .�`� +^ ��• ts�.a a:4P �ltlf� ,' � �� - *, N�,.�^ .L• tt•.�j..a �� • �t�;fir ��:�AI � �k. is ti. �°;C:a.a �'a , ..... - r - � •f. t. BOARD OF TRUSTEES xI Library Giving Day Tuesday, April 4 ving Thanks to your' TV$ �"�i�' �.I rSf�d� r •�x �v�r�•f a !. - '� ..r• �' �,.'; orts, Library Gi Day s a huge success with ' donationsdoubling from last year to $11,676. Y. a One-day, national, event that if 4 Y . 'Cv=K`t��5,��rj�C,� t����if", Y� 1.3 �l t';�j. h • • •_ encouragespeople _•• ••ising depend • • :" _ j I •• ;h r.'7r►� ♦1IKwj±. -c3�•.`l S�'w enjoy public libraries to donate to tht-2 i r individual • +�"} aC WK, t, r t' • -� air ✓,+fji �t�' � "•: 'ns .c. � � '� . y?plw ?YrSt"' ..y3•'�• ,.,5•> j �, f` .s l ' . YI�� � �r4,'y� �j„ +f'�^D''`f ,'•I . .� �„ ;��! �4.• a�, .-3 ��'1 F•�.i41�`j°�,'�' c Y� t M 1, .Tf� � .i -p,r _.. r >- � �'.L::,�: �nT1 �• , .'rt •�q �•+,� fa6a�",rl:,y 7 '4 � �y t. r� �.. �, 1�, •J.� j x+r • --. A" :auo�c� y r � �`.. i ,� ��j �s��� y���. s �a_4" •. •�"� it �., �, ��'t ' .K ••+-' �y(I f�.yt`� ." +•t�;. ,1.'3�•'w� e• •- µ }i;d-. - � �i'i'4.•cc' t�4 _• f 'fir a ' �l • t � w�?, �iipt l �' NV ^ V11 1 r AST.. -' � • _.�S �� 'j, _ ;;G.t h• Y^ .�� E� � �` } } I+•.f �.�.Ti. ' i _ �++{;�yt!' - - r - •.y. _7 t' S :fit d: �` �w�i`Sk �1 � "�,.`�1V \J` .fit i, _ '� >, .r •?`,� GRAYS HARBOR COUNTY THURSTON COUNTY Aberdeen Timberland Library Hawks Prairie Timberland Library 121 East Market Street; 360.533.2360 8205 Martin Way; 360.252.9658 Amanda Park Timberland Library Lacey Timberland Library 6118 US Highway 101;360.288.2725 500 College Street Southeast;360.491.3860 Elma Timberland Library Olympia Timberland Library 119 North 1 st Street;360.482.3737 313 8th Avenue Southeast; 360.352.0595 Hoquiam Timberland Library Tenino Timberland Library 420 7th Street; 360.532.1710 172 Central Avenue West; 360.539.3329 McCleary Timberland Library Tumwater Timberland Library 121 South 4th Street;360.495.3368 7023 New Market Street; 360.943.7790 Montesano Timberland Library West Olympia Timberland Library W.H.Abel Memorial Library 625 Black Lake Blvd SW; 360.764.4440 125 Main Street South; 360.249.4211 Yelm Timberland Library Oakville Timberland Library 210 Prairie Park Street; 360.539.3330 204 Main Street;360.273.5305 Book Return - Fire District 3, Station 35 Westport Timberland Library 3701 Willamette Drive, Lacey 101 East Harms Drive; 360.268.0521 Book Return -West Olympia 1313 Cooper Point Road Southwest Rainier Book Drop at Rainier City Hall COUNTYPACIFIC 102 Rochester Street West, Rainier Ilwaco Timberland Library 158 1 st Avenue North; 360.642.3908 LEWIS COUNTY Naselle Timberland Library 4 Parpala Road; 360.539.3327 Centralia Timberland Library Ocean Park Timberland Library 110 South Silver Street; 360.736.0183 1308 256th Place; 360.665.4184 Vernetta Smith Chehalis Timberland Library Raymond Timberland Library 400 North Market Boulevard;360.748.3301 507 Duryea Street;360.942.2408 Mountain View Timberland Library(Randle) South Bend Timberland Library 210 Silverbrook Road;360.497.2665 1 st and Pacific; 360.875.5532 Packwood Timberland Library Shoalwater Bay Tribal Community Library 109 West Main Street; 360.494.5111 4115 State Route 105,Tokeland; 360.267.8190 Salkum Timberland Library 2480 US Hghway 12;360.539.3328 Winlock Timberland Library 322 Northeast 1 st Street; 360.785.3461 MASON • Morton Centralia College East Kiosk 701 Airport Way; 360.496.5022 Hoodsport Timberland Library Toledo Community Library Kiosk 40 N Schoolhouse Hill Road; 360.877.9339 241 Cowlitz Street;360.864.4247 North Mason Timberland Library(Belfair) 23081 NE State Rt 3;360.275.3232 As a convenience to you, most checked out Shelton Timberland Library items can be returned to any TRL book returns. William G. Reed Public Library A few specifically labeled items need to be returned 710 W Alder Street; 360.426.1362 to their original location. RegionalTimberland Proclamation National Library Week April 7-13, 2024 WHEREAS,libraries offer the opportunity for everyone to connect with others,learn new skills,and pursue their passions,no matter where they are on life's journey; and, WHEREAS, libraries have long served as trusted institutions, striving to ensure equitable access to information and services for all members of the community regardless of race, ethnicity, creed, ability, sexual orientation, gender identity, or socio-economic status; and, WHEREAS, libraries adapt to the ever-changing needs of their communities, developing and expanding collections,programs, and services that are as diverse as the populations they serve; and, WHEREAS, libraries are accessible and inclusive places that promote a sense of local connection, advancing understanding, civic engagement, and shared community goals; and, WHEREAS, libraries play a pivotal role in economic development by providing resources and support for job seekers,entrepreneurs, and small businesses,thus contributing to local prosperity and growth; and, WHEREAS, libraries make choices that are good for the environment and make sense economically, creating thriving communities for a better tomorrow; and, WHEREAS,libraries are treasured institutions that preserve our collective heritage and knowledge,safeguarding both physical and digital resources for present and future generations; and, WHEREAS, libraries are an essential public good and fundamental institution in democratic societies, working to improve society,protect the right to education and literacy, and promote the free exchange of information and ideas for all; and, WHEREAS, libraries, librarians, and library workers are joining library supporters and advocates across the nation to celebrate National Library Week; and, NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED,that the Board of Mason County Commissioners hereby proclaims April 7-13,2024,as National Library Week in Mason County and encourages all residents to visit their local Timberland Regional Library in person or online and celebrate the adventures and opportunities they unlock for us every day. Ready, Set,Library! Signed this day of April 9t',2024. Randy Neatherlin, Kevin Shutty, Sharon Trask, Chair Vice-Chair Commissioner C A Mason County Agenda Request Form V /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Danielle Thompson Ext.419 Department: Support Services Briefing: ❑ Action Agenda: Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): Click or tap here to enter text. Agenda Date: April 9,2024 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Other (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item: Approval of Warrants &Treasurer Electronic Remittances Claims Clearing Fund Warrant 810377-8104048 $ 1,140,179.07 Direct Deposit Fund Warrant# 104959-105374 $ 918,125.01 Salary Clearing Fund Warrant#7008018-7008044 $ 617,856.82 Treasurer Electronic Remittance February $ 462,668.47 Macecom 03.05.24 $ 172,126.59 Mental Health 03.08.24 $ 12,757.10 Dispute Resolution Surcharge 03.08.24 $ 1,820.00 Current Expense Refund Interest Earned 03.29.24 $ 57.28 Road DIV-Current Expense Refund Interest Earned 03.29.24 $ 6.05 Veterans Assistance Refund Interest Earned 03.29.24 $ 0.79 County Road Refund Interest Earned 03.29.24 $ 59.26 Mental Health Refund Interest Earned 03.29.24 $ 1.25 Back2round/Executive Summary: The Board approved Resolution no. 80-00 Payment of Claims Against County: Procedure Authorizing Warrant Issue and Release Prior to Board Claim Approval. Mason County Code 3.32.060(a)requires that the Board enter into the minutes of the County Commissioners the approval of claims listing warrant numbers. C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /AtJ Claims Clearing YTD total $ 20,681,220.08 Direct Deposit YTD total $ 6,567,888.35 Salary Clearing YTD total $ 6,275,922.07 Requested Action: Approval of the aforementioned Claims Clearing Fund,Direct Deposit Fund, Salary Clearing Fund, and Treasurer Electronic Remittance warrants. Attachments: Originals on file with the Auditor/Financial Services; copies on file with the Clerk of the Board C A Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Cassidy Perkins for John Taylor Ext. 535 Department: Parks&Trails Briefing: Action Agenda: ❑X Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): March 11,2024 Agenda Date: April 9,2024 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ® Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Other (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item• Oakland Bay Park Host Agreement Background/Executive Summary: The Oakland Bay Park Host position has been filled. The park host has moved on site and is performing gate regulating duties as assigned per their agreement with Mason County. Requested Action: Approval of the Oakland Bay Park Host Agreement between Randall Olson and Mason County. Attachments• Agreement C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Lisa Frazier Ext.484 Department: Treasurer's Office Briefing: ❑X Action Agenda: ❑X Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): March 25,2024 Agenda Date: April 9,2024 Internal Review: ❑X Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Risk (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item• Claims Imprest Checking Account Background/Executive Summary: It is necessary to amend the Resolution to ensure compliance with the Washington State Budgetary Accounting and Reporting System(BARS)Manual Chapter 3—Accounting, Section 3.8.8—Imprest,Petty Cash,and Change Funds. Budget Impact(amount, funding source,budget amendment): $5,000 deposited back to Current Expense cash balance. Public Outreach (news release,community meeting, etc.): N/A Requested Action: Approval of the Resolution amending Resolution no. 51-16 Claims Imprest Checking Account. Attachments Resolution RESOLUTION NO. AMENDING RESOLUTION NO.,'�'S1-16 Formatted:Strikethrough CLAIMS IMPREST CHECKING ACCOUNT WHEREAS,pader-Resolution 22 92 51-16 it was-determined that it was necessary for Mason County to Formatted:Strikethrough process small claims against the county in a timely manner,and \ Formatted:Strikethrough Formatted:Strikethrough Formatted:Strikethrough Formatted:Strikethrough and 1{979 nnn NVaS aPpFeved by the Beard of nA..g....!•gun ,!•..,.missi,.neFs en iune 21,2016 ,WHEREAS,Fund#127.000000.000.000 ne lenger exists,it is theFefffe pFudent te rneve the Claims Formatted:Strikethrough continued use as fellews: WHEREAS,it is necessary to amend the resolution to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Washington State Budgetary Accounting and Reporting System(BARS)Manual,Chapter 3,Accounting,3.8.8. Imprest,Petty Cash and Change funds. WHEREAS,pursuant to the results of an internal audit,the Mason County Treasurer recommends reducing the Claims Imprest Checking Account from$10,000 as originally recommended to$5,000 to comply with the BARS Manual for its continued use as follows: 1. Only small claims under ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS($1,000)and approved by the Board of County Commissioners may be paid from this Imprest checking account. 2. �Twe One signatures will be required on each check written on this Imprest checking account. _-- Formatted:Strikethrough Designated signers are the Chief Deputy Prosecutor,nisk Maig.,,.,..and eti.eF alt,.mate de igRe l l County Administrator,Masan County Treasurer,and Administrative Services Manager. Formatted:Strikethrough Formatted:Strikethrough 3. The County shall comply with all requirements as required in the Washington State Budgetary Accounting and Reporting System(BARS)manual, Chapter 3,Accounting,3.8.8,Imprest,Petty Cash and Change Funds. JNOW THEREFORE RE IT RIESPIALED,that the Mason County T-FeasuFeF is authgri7ed tp traRqfer the ClaimS IFRPFL-,A Cheeking Aeequnt fF9FR the Cumulative Reserve Deductible InSUFaRce Fund#12-7.000000.009.090 tA the QFFeRt Formatted:Strikethrough NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Mason County Commissioners approve the funding of the Claims Imprest Checking account at$5,000.00 and that the Treasurer's Office will deposit the additional$5,000 currently in the account back to the current expense fund. Approved this SAT€D-this ,of August 2 `&.April,2024. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, ATTEST: MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON McKenzie Smith,Clerk of the Board'"^Aknanzw,Clerk of the-Anara Te rjef-es GhaiF Randy Neatherlin,Chair APPROVED AS TO FORM: Randy Neath^-n^ Commissioner Kevin Shutty,Vice Chair Tim Whitehead,Chief Deputy Prosecutor Tirn 9hel'^^ CeFnFR'--'^^^ Sharon Trask, Commissioner APPROVED: Elisabeth(Lisa)Frazier,Mason County Treasurer Cc:Auditor Finance Department,Risk Manager,Treasurer C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: David Windom Ext.260 Department: Public Health Briefing: ❑X Action Agenda: ❑X Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): March 25,2024 Agenda Date: March 26,2024 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑X Information Technology ❑ Risk (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item• Inzata Contract Background/Executive Summary: The contract with Inzata is for data analytic software for compiling,analyzing,and presenting data for Public Health. Budget Impact(amount, funding source,budget amendment): $15,000 funded through Federal Public Housing Assistance(FPHA). Public Outreach (news release,community meeting, etc.): N/A Requested Action: Approval of the contract with Inzata for data analytic software for compiling,analyzing,and presenting data for Public Health in the amount of$15,000 funded through Federal Public Housing Assistance(FPHA). Attachments Contract David Windom dwindom&masoncountywa.gov Hello Mr. Windom, As promised, I have attached the following information that provides an overview of our company and outlines how we can assist you in achieving your data analytics goals. Inzata is a Data Analytics software provider, founded in 2016, and we do a lot of work with large public sector and education customers. We believe data is one of the most powerful forces shaping organizations over the next ten years. • Inzata exists to help users streamline and speed up the process of turning raw data into insights and knowledge. Our unique AI-Driven data modeling approach, recognized by Gartner as "Augmented Analytics,"has proven successful and valuable with our other public sector customers. • Speed-to-value is Inzata's major differentiator, and your major benefit. We help you go from raw data to actionable intelligence faster than any other platform on the market. With that speed comes lower risk, and of course, lower cost. • Inzata's AI-Powered Data Modeler, which automatically combines your disparate data sources into unified, integrated data models that support end-user and self-service analytics. Inzata is the fastest way to build and launch a Data Analytics capability for your organization. • Inzata helps you get control of your ever-growing data assets, to gain maximum value from them without breaking the bank, and to use them as strategic tools to drive growth, development and efficiency. • As your data footprint continues to grow, Inzata helps you keep this under control by quickly connecting to each of your new and emerging data sources - ALL without coding, without expensive consultants, or risky, multi-year projects. �anatee Inzata is secure, enterprise-tested, vetted and used by organizations like Polk County Schools, County Schools, Florida's Department of Children and Families, and the Florida Department of Citrus. It has won recognition and awards from Gartner and other analysts. We welcome you to review our information and consider the value Inzata could bring to your data project. Consider also that you would be receiving a platform that scales and grows with you to future-proof your environment for continued data growth. Here's what we're proposing: 1. We will start working with your department immediately, focusing on the use cases of your choice from our previous discussions. 2. The cost for this initial engagement will be set at a special rate of $15,000. This includes comprehensive services such as implementation, support, and training to ensure a successful partnership. 3. Our primary goal during this phase is to demonstrate the full potential of Inzata Analytics and how it can benefit your specific needs and objectives. We look forward to engaging with you during your review and would welcome the opportunity to demonstrate our platform and discuss your needs more in depth at your earliest convenience. Best regards, ion zatd Christopher Rafter, COO, Inzata Analytics Inzata Introduction Inzata is a next-generation, Augmented Analytics software platform. The company was founded in 2016 by a team of seasoned Data Professionals who have worked in Data Analytics since the late 1990s, with DATA GENERATION Is 2b extensive experience in the State, Local EXPLODING =�� and Education verticals. The company is independent, privately funded and headquartered in the United States with Data-producing applications in the = 100% US based support and hosting. typical medium-large business has grown 296%in the last years. 2 Inzata first began working with Public • • •• customers in 2018, following its market introduction. Inzata's philosophy and ion zatar belief is that data is one of the most 0 201a201320]6 2019 2038 2W92020 powerful forces shaping organizations over the next ten to twenty years. Inzata exists to help organizations get more value out of their ever-growing and ever-changing data environments. We also observed that the current generation of Data Management technologies are unable to meet emerging challenges facing organizations today around data. Current tools and techniques rely too heavily on manual human effort for tasks like data modeling and data integration. As the volume and variety of sources, this leads to cases where these resources simply cannot keep up with the volumes of data being presented. This leads to the statistic below: Up to 90% of collected data is not nn zata' making its way into Analytics Environments where it can be analyzed. • - • data collected goes • We believe organizations L unanallyzed = unread.. who pivot quickly to make their data a strategic asset will enjoy a significant advantage over those THAT MEANS 90% who don't. `——- of data • Inzata exists to help users L producing value. streamline and speed up the process of turning raw data into insights and knowledge. Our unique AI-Driven data modeling approach, recognized by Gartner as "Augmented Analytics,"has proven successful and valuable across a number of verticals, government and public sector being one of them. ion zatd • Inzata's innovative AI-Powered Data Modeler, the first of its kind, automatically combines your disparate data sources into unified, integrated data models that support end-user and self-service analytics. Inzata is the fastest way to build and launch a Data Analytics capability for your organization. • As your data footprint continues to grow, Inzata helps you keep this under control by quickly connecting to each of your new and emerging data sources. We have more than 800 App and API data connectors. Inzata then automatically detects the relationships between different datasets, and walks users through blending and modeling that data into useful structures that support advanced analytics, including predictive analytics. • Inzata eliminates manual coding and expensive consulting engagements, and delivers value in weeks, rather than risky, multi-year projects. • Our time-to-value is our major differentiator. We help you go from raw data to actionable intelligence faster than any other platform on the market. With that speed comes lower risk, and of course, lower cost. • Inzata is secure and enterprise-tested, vetted and used by organizations like Polk County Schools,Manatee County Schools, Florida's Department of Children and Families, and the Florida Department of Citrus. It has won recognition and awards from Gartner and other analysts. Watch a brief message from Dr. Tina Barrios, Asst. Superintendent and CIO, Polk County Schools (130,000 students.) • Inzata is an entirely new approach to Data Management and Analytics • Inzata gives your organization access to an enterprise-grade analytics platform, with full expert support, at a price you can afford. • Inzata is an AI-powered, end-to-end data analytics platform that creates and delivers a self-organizing data warehouse for you. The benefit of all that is that Inzata is This process produces the same quality the fastest way to develop a Data i models as a 3-5 month manual process, Warehouse for any size organization, except it is about 1000 times faster, up to 1000 times faster than allowing you to achieve this in a matter of traditional methods. minutes and hours,not weeks and months. With Inzata,and your data sources,you , can get started building your data warehouse in as little as one day. In zata® ion zatd Inzata is the FASTEST way to build and launch an integrated Data Environment, or Data Warehouse, without lengthy projects, no consultants, no ETL, no coding. Launch your data warehouse in just a few days, accomplishing in minutes what used to take months. How Inzata Provides Rapid Value Step 1. Connect your data Use Inzata's robust, automated Data Extraction & Ingestion tools to connect to your different data sources Step 2. Create Data Warehouse Logical Data Model with Inzata: Inzata's Al data modeler begins processing and determining how the different data sets fit together into ion za to Gartner a logical, enterprise model. Step 3. Start Building Dashboards: With the model Vendors in Data Management created, the data warehouse is done ready to begin Initiatives:Data Management Solutions supporting analytics. You're now ready to begin creating Augmented capabilities are becoming the major dashboards, using either Inzata's tools, or tools like differentitators for data management solutions. PowerBI. Inzata offer data and analytics leaders ways to Benefits of this Approach connect,ingest,analyzE and more quickly and at a lower cost. • Transform disparate data sources into organized and secure data models feeding dashboards that provide insights and analysis for your staff. �,}� Gartner • Inzata was built for any type of user, no coding _.'__-r0 0 OL experience necessary. __ N VENDOR • Inzata has more than 400 App and API connectors IIII AIA and also the ability to load data from hundreds of other MANAGEMENT`J sources and formats. • Inzata offers powerful Al and Machine Learning methods used to profile, standardize and cleanse all kinds of electronic data. ion zatd About Inzata 0 nn zatd i o� Inzata helps your entire organization explore / and work with data in ways never before " possible. u 4 Inzata empowers you to put more of your data to work for you,making everyone more informed, with quicker results,and the fastest time to value. QImmersive,world class user experience, empowering both technical and non-techies alike. QSuperfast,AI-enabled performance,stunning visualizations advanced graphics, Inzata delivers the world's best experience for working with data. Inzata is an AI-powered, end-to-end data analytics platform, (from Database to Dashboard) delivering unprecedented speed and time to value. Inzata is the fastest way to build and launch a Data Warehouse and Data Analytics/Management function for your organization. NO lengthy projects, no consultants, no ETL, no coding. Launch your data warehouse in just a few days, accomplish in days what used to take months. Transform disparate data sources into organized, enriched and secure dashboards that provide personalized insights and analysis for your staff and other users. Share real-time updates with your staff and colleagues and empower them to answer any question, clearly, without emotion. Help your team become data-informed and your processes become data-driven. Inzata was built for any type of user, no coding experience necessary. With just 1-2 hours of guided training, your users can begin using the platform. Our average onboarding takes just 8 days, and includes connecting to and loading your source data Inzata has more than 400 App and API connectors and also the ability to load data from hundreds of other sources and formats. ion za ta® The power of Inzata is that it allows you to connect data from any source. It points out relationships between these different datasets to connect them together and lets you create virtually any type of analysis you can envision, not limited by canned reports or dashboards. At Inzata, we believe an organization's Data is going to be an expanding and shifting landscape. We empower our customers to take full advantage of whatever data you have available, now and into the future. We empower your team to ask and answer any questions, we don't force you down paths to canned or "convenient" conclusions. Inzata SSO integrates with a variety of different Identity Providers: Classlink, Focus SIS Active Directory, Okta, Google Cloud, Azure, OneRoster and dozens of others (Our SSO uses Auth-0). SSO via traditional username and password authentication, social networks, and enterprise federation. Configuration of any enterprise connection, including Active Directory, LDAP, ADFS, SAML, and others. How it Works Step 1. Connect to data using Inzata's robust, automated Data Extraction & Ingestion tools to connect to your different data sources. This takes the place of traditional ETL,by the way. However, it requires no coding, zero developers. It is also very easy to add new data sources as your needs evolve. Timer/triggers schedule & automate data refreshes from source. Inzata also validates and quality-checks the data as it flows through every time, and can be used to standardize, clean and format data before it makes its way into your Data Warehouse. It creates real-time data pipelines to flow all your data into your new analytics environment. Step 2. Create Data Model: Once data is flowing in, Inzata's Al data modeler begins processing and determining how the different data sets fit together into a logical, enterprise model. The process used within Inzata's data • " " ' - nn za ta® modeler Development automatically detects and profiles every Mil ' field within every one of • • _ your datasets. � Dimensions, Data Warehouse ETL Development Design Autogenerate Data Model Enrich Data Start Building Entities, Facts and Mappings from 11-3minnces per Dashboards! Data sources Enrichment) and Attributes 2-3 Months un+ 1-2 Months (3-5 minutes per source) are detected 4__ 3-5 Months and organized Minutes Not Months automatically. ion zatd Inzata also supports metrics, which work with Inzata's ELT framework to provide the industry's first real-time-aggregation engine, allowing for unprecedented flexibility in data analysis. Inzata's Al accomplishes in minutes what takes human-only teams months. It delivers the same high quality, multidimensional data models, star and snowflake schemas, with unprecedented functionality, 1,000 times faster than unassisted methods. U i 4 it hL Ail AIL IP Edata Quickly Define and Advanced Build e�ta re and extend modets Analytic, beautiful visuals Data Sources nnY�Bartn ln dources h Ai Learning with your data Bkon-Bl Reporting Self-reported analytics on how employees and customers are using analytics tools Step 3. Start Building Dashboards to Analyze your data: With the model created, the data warehouse is done. All of your ETL has been created by Inzata. Your data mappings are done as well. Inzata even creates a series of basic metrics around your fact values and key entities. You're now ready to begin creating dashboards. Data Dashboard Option 1: You can start building dashboards directly inside �� �• - o ,tn.h��aymmxmp I "'J Inzata, using Inzata's o' dashboard tools featuring more than 1,000 data visualizations, 10 b 1i Mi 1� d j or Data Dashboard Option 2: STM RW&V STAnMan You can publish your new Data Warehouse to any SQL 0 IN Not 01 platform, SQL Server, Azure, L $TAR aeotling vs.Early LM AR 1 FIIECIQE QI°rbrlip Snowflake, etc. You can use I, p, „ many other commercial visualization tools to begin m working with your data. ion zatd System Implementation/Onboarding Inzata is well-known for exceptional speed-to-implementation and rapid time-to-value. This helps keep costs down and risk levels low for our customers. Inzata's typical time to first productive use with new clients is usually less than 2 calendar weeks (14 days.) Our standard implementation structure appears below. This can be customized to accommodate additional training and/or data integration requirements. Inzata Onboarding - 8 Days to Dashboards ion zata' /FF Subscription ©User Account ©Initial Loading 0 First User ph Agreement Logins Created of Client Data Training Held users Signed ©Your Inzata First User Data Model Create initial Project Activated Training Creation dashboards and Provisioned; Scheduled Based on what we know of the requirements for this project, we see it fitting largely into this structure, however we are happy to tailor this to your exact needs. ion zatd Staffing and Qualifications/List of Key Personnel Inzata has the resource capacity to support your project with our teams of delivery professionals. Inzata will assign a dedicated Data Engineer to your account who will be known to you by name and your dedicated communications liaison and Success Manager. This is a technical resource experienced in onboarding companies similar to yours on the Inzata platform. Inzata's delivery org offers a number of different resource types and skill sets, including: • Data Engineers/Data Integration Specialists • Data Analytics Project Managers • Data Analytics Senior Architects/Solution Designers • Platform Training Instructors & Coaches • Data Dashboard/UX designers • User Support and Troubleshooting • Data Scientists • Data Modeling experts • Data Quality/Data Cleaning Specialists • Master Data Management Specialists Here are a few of Inzata's Features: Integrated Online Form & Survey Tools For Data Collection iR -- Collect data with custom forms and surveys,flow E _= responses directly Into into dashboards. ---- -_- From submitted survey to published dashboard in -•` seconds. '""K^'^~•~~"•°^°�^�^°• •�°°" �_- Inzata's Data Storytelling QUESTION NIiLCOMf COMMUNITY features let you create rich 1. Student/Parent/ SUPPORTIVE data experiences,mixing data Staff submits "I" visuals with multimedia survey or form WORKING COLLABORATE` I data INNOV.THIN-Lu content(images,video, CARE HIGH animations,text,) CNALLEN0ING Works with Inzata or Qualtrics surveys! 2.Instantly summarize,view and publish results in dashboards and in zata® reports with REAL TIME updating. ion zatd Data Storytelling Features _ Eh� Some audiences - - require a softer approach to information delivery to become engaged and informed - - «.- Inzata gives you the - power to organize w data visualization, narrative and rich media content together to tell stories -- that inform,persuade, and enlighten Data Powered by in zatd Storytelling ion zata' I'm excited to show InzataStories as we have helped most Health departments revolutionize the way to leverage data.I believe this tool holds immense potential in helping to make data-driven decisions and further your mission of improving community health. • InzataStories provides intuitive and powerful data visualization capabilities. We can transform complex data sets into visually compelling charts, graphs, and interactive dashboards with just a few clicks_This will enable us to communicate information effectively, making it easier for stakeholders and community members to understand key health trends and outcomes. • InzataStories can extract valuable insights from our vast data sources, including health records, demographics, and environmental factors. Through advanced analytics and machine learning algorithms, we can identify patterns, trends, and correlations that were previously hidden. These insights will help us make more informed decisions and develop targeted strategies for improving public health outcomes. • InzataStories allows us to craft compelling narratives around our data. We can create interactive presentations and reports that bring our data to life,making it easier for stakeholders, policymakers, and the public to understand the importance of our work. By telling impactful data stories, we can inspire action and drive positive change within our community. • InzataStories promotes collaboration by enabling multiple team members to work simultaneously on data projects. We can easily share visualizations, dashboards, and reports with colleagues, encouraging knowledge sharing and fostering a data-driven ion zatd culture within our organization. This collaborative approach will enhance our ability to tackle public health challenges more effectively. To learn more about how we can transform your website, feel free to visit the Los Angeles County InzataStories site which recently went live on Inzata. Data Enrichments: Inzata offers out of the box access to 40 reference datasets including person and place demographics, healthcare diagnostic and procedure codes, medi span drug information, Provider information, historical weather and traffic almanac data, other healthcare enrichments, socioeconomic data, and many more. You can click here to see our Data Enrichments. Data Cleaning/Data Audit Inzata also validates and quality-checks the data as it flows through every time, and can be used to standardize, clean and format data before it makes its way into your Data Warehouse. Inzata is highly attuned and intuitive when it comes to Data Validation. Inzata features an entire Data Quality Management Suite that helps you view, manage and maintain the quality and accuracy of your data, down to the individual table, column and row level. Benefit: This means you will have the most accurate, up-to-date, near-real-time reporting and fidelity between source system and data and your online dashboards or downstream data marts. Inzata has a special data quality monitoring and analytical tool. The data QA system consists of 2 types of QA subsystems: 1. QA Audit functions (Monitoring System) -procedure statements monitor data anomalies in provided data and verify correctness of the ETL process. The QA system also executes automatic go/no go decisions in terms of ETL process&#39;s continuation based on results of data auditing procedures.Inzata QA Reports created in Inzata Project performs data verification after transformation into target PDLs and lookup files used by the Inzata project 2. QA Data Statistics (Data Quality). Additional set of QA SQL statements and procedures with follow actions on error data records to be able to further explore and analyze source data. Examples of monitoring functions : • Row Count -Check row numbers between tables or files • Referential Integrity- Checks foreign keys in tables=values from a child table exist in a parent table • Comparison to previous batch -Values from the current batch are compared to the previous batch • Logical -Any logical condition(e.g. valid Gender codes, correct Diagnosis codes, comparison of financial columns) 9 Empty Field-A text value is null or empty string ion zatd • Date Format-The date value has incorrect format • Duplicate Primary Key-Check duplicate values of PK • Sums in Fact Columns- Check values in numeric columns Case Studies Client 1: a. Client Name: Florida Department of Children and Families b. Brief description of the project: Florida's Department of Children and Families (DCF)provides social and health services to children, adults, refugees, domestic violence victims, human trafficking victims, the homeless community, child care providers, disabled people, and elderly persons. Serving the residents of US's 3rd most populous state, Florida's DCF oversees diverse and multi-faceted systems of care that must be designed, managed and continuously improved. DCF analyzes and manages its data in multidimensional ways to gain deep understanding of system issues and challenges. DCF uses analytic data to drive daily actions; inform strategic, operational, and financial decision-making; and improve outcomes. Inzata first began work with DCF in mid-2021, in the lull between the 1st and 2nd waves of the pandemic. DCF was working on multiple challenges at the time, but one of the most visible was a struggling multi-year initiative to cleanse, standardize and deduplicate data across three major platforms that had accumulated over decades of care delivery to persons across the state. The inaccuracies in this data were causing multiple problems with outcome measurement, budget planning, and obscured visibility into which services were being provided to which citizens,by whom, and how much was being spent for them. DCF's data challenges were significant. All in, DCF counted around 72 million person records in its databases across thousands of tables, which was more than 3 times the current population of the entire state! Each of DCF's person records were then associated with hundreds of millions of transactions (fact records, encounters, payments, diagnoses, treatments, etc.). However, with so many duplicates, how could they determine if 4 people had each received 4 separate services, or if 1 person had received 4 services? DCF had previously tried using tools and extensive services from IBM for master data management, but these efforts did not yield desirable results after more than a year of trying. The best result they were able to achieve with other products still left more than 7,000,000 records requiring manual adjudication, a process that would have taken them years at current staffing levels. Using Inzata's Data Management, Data Profiling, Al and Fuzzy Matching, and Advanced-Rule-Development, and supported by Inzata's data engineers, DCF was able to accomplish its goals in an unprecedented timeframe. In just over 4 months, Inzata helped DCF achieve its Golden Record dataset(composed of 99.999%unique records), across all of its platforms, all of its patient lives, and reduced the number of records requiring manual deduplication to between 1,300 and 4,700 records. In addition, Inzata was able to give DCF explainability and traceability for every single one of its deterministic matching rules (more than 133 rules), which was required by their audit committees and general counsel. ion zatd c. Size of the project in terms of. #users, #user locations, and#of patient encounters: This project encompasses nearly 33,000,000 person records, with patient encounters totaling in the hundreds of millions on datasets going back several years. d. Technology platform and architecture Inzata Data Analytics Platform+Inzata Data Engineers and Data Scientists e. Interfaces hospital settings Not applicable. f. Software and Hardware specifications used Inzata Data Analytics Platform+Inzata Data Engineers and Data Scientists g. Date implemented and timing for implementation process. The DCF and Inzata team formed and coalesced early in the project around the joint goal of achieving vast improvements in the quality of DCF's person/patient data in order to drive multiple DCF quality-of-care improvement, financial and efficiency initiatives. Started November 2021, the first"Golden Record"milestone was reached in March 2022. The project is continuing, moving into additional phases. h. The services and activities that your company performed for the project and the activities that the customer performed. The DCF and Inzata team formed and coalesced early in the project around the joint goal of achieving vast improvements in the quality of DCF's person/patient data in order to drive multiple DCF quality-of-care improvement, financial and efficiency initiatives. Inzata provided data engineering and data science resources. The DCF team was composed of subject matter experts and data analysts, most of whom had been with the agency for less than 6 months. i. Is the system still in use today? If yes, who is providing maintenance and support services? Are there additional fees associated with support services? If yes,please indicate the fee structure. Yes, the project/system is still active, and is expected to remain so for the next several years. Inzata continues to support the system 100%. Support and maintenance are included in the annual software subscription fee. No, there are no additional fees associated with support services. j. Do you offer other products/services that other vendors may not offer? There are dozens of other useful features and tools for schools within Inzata we would love to demonstrate to your team further. Self-Service Data Exploration, Data Enrichments, and Advanced Ad-hoc mode have proven to be very popular with public institutions. Inzata empowers you to publish attractive dashboards but ALSO lets your users and staff drill down and across the data to get down to the level of detail. This function is called Drill Anywhere and it&#39;s part of our Advanced Ad Hoc Mode. It is an extremely versatile and well-supported platform, enabling you to build exactly what you need to your specifications, rather than having to accept canned reports and dashboards. Another feature popular with government users is Inzata&#39;s Embedded Dashboards,which you can embed into your public website and serve up rich analytics and dashboards to website visitors and the public at large. 1) Data Enrichments: Access to 40 reference datasets including person and place demographics, historical weather and traffic almanac data, healthcare enrichments, ion zatd socio-economic data, and many more. 2) Predictive Analytics &amp; Access to Inzata&#39;s data scientists - Our Data scientists are available to you to help in constructing your own Predictive and Prescriptive models, which you can develop and use within Inzata to create predictive models (Neural networks, Random Forest, multivariate linear regressions, etc.) for your audience. 3) More than 1,000 connectors and data visualizations available. Inzata supports the entire global library of world class data visualization widgets from (https:Hobservablehq.com/@d3/gallery). 4) Al Powered Data Modeling - this is what saves Inzata users weeks vs. other solutions. Simply connect up your data sources and Inzata will automatically begin generating Entity models for key entities like person,patient,provider, etc. Inzata automatically modifies its data models to support whichever systems you&#39;re using then automatically maps everything together. Don&#39;t have the right primary and foreign keys?No problem, Inzata takes care of that as well. 5) Real-world, real-time, actionable intelligence: Ability to configure the system to issue alerts &amp; notifications, open tickets, send API calls and emails to staff and users if different analytic conditions are met. This allows the platform to draw users in and increases utilization by staff by alerting them to new and interesting insights produced from your data. Can also send out dashboards as PDFs, reports as XLS, CSV, JSON and XML datasets to recipients based on analysis performed in the Inzata platform. Client 2: a. Client Name: Novelle Health Partners b. Brief description of the project: Novelle Health Partners, a large Population Health Management company, offers a complete menu of population health services, data science, and . They assist medical practices in improving patient experiences, quality outcomes, and cost efficiencies. Novelle offers scalable analysis and tools for provider organizations such as ACO/CIN/MSO, as well as health systems and private medical practices. Data Warehousing &amp; Interoperability Quality Metrics &amp; Analytics Novelle provides an integrated, cloud-based platform for managing quality, cost, care, and patient engagement. Every single day,Novelle extracts and standardizes data from hundreds of sources, including EHR's, HIE's, RCM's, and other data feeds. It then provides secure data aggregation with advanced dimensional data warehousing. Novelle adopted Inzata's Data Platform in early 2019, and has been using it continuously since. It had transitioned from a previous homegrown SQL Data Warehouse environment to Inzata. Inzata automates all of Novelle's inbound data ingestion, from sources like Epic, Cerner, Cigna, Aetna and Medicare. Inzata's Data Platform provides services to all of Novelle's customers across its Population Health landscape, and is used daily by Providers, Administrators, ion zatd Executives and Revenue Specialists. c. Size of the project in terms of. #users, #user locations, and#of patient encounters -Approx. 150 users -30 user locations -Client asked that# of Patient Encounters not be disclosed. d. Technology platform and architecture Inzata Data Analytics Platform+Inzata Data Engineers and Data Scientists e. Interfaces hospital settings Not applicable. f. Software and Hardware specifications used Inzata Data Analytics Platform+Inzata Data Engineers and Data Scientists g. Date implemented and timing for implementation process. Implementation began February, 2019 and took approximately six weeks. h. The services and activities that your company performed for the project and the activities that the customer performed. Inzata performed 100% of the data migration from the previous system(s), redirecting data pipelines and EDI translators to flow data directly into Inzata. Inzata and the client team jointly developed dashboards on Inzata for the use of Novelle's end-customers. i. Is the system still in use today? If yes, who is providing maintenance and support services? Are there additional fees associated with support services? If yes, please indicate the fee structure. Yes, the project/system is still active, and is expected to remain so for the next several years. Inzata continues to support the system 100%. Support and maintenance are included in the annual software subscription fee. No, there are no additional fees associated with support services. j. Do you offer other products/services that other vendors may not offer? There are dozens of other useful features and tools for schools within Inzata we would love to demonstrate to your team further. Self-Service Data Exploration, Data Enrichments, and Advanced Ad-hoc mode have proven to be very popular with public institutions. Inzata empowers you to publish attractive dashboards but ALSO lets your users and staff drill down and across the data to get down to the level of detail. This function is called Drill Anywhere and it&#39;s part of our Advanced Ad Hoc Mode. It is an extremely versatile and well-supported platform, enabling you to build exactly what you need to your specifications, rather than having to accept canned reports and dashboards. Another feature popular with government users is Inzata&#39;s Embedded Dashboards, which you can embed into your public website and serve up rich analytics and dashboards to website visitors and the public at large. 1) Data Enrichments: Access to 40 reference datasets including person and place demographics, historical weather and traffic almanac data, healthcare enrichments, socio-economic data, and many more. 2) Predictive Analytics &amp; Access to Inzata&#39;s data scientists - Our Data scientists are available to you to help in constructing your own Predictive and Prescriptive models,which you can develop and use within Inzata to create predictive models (Neural networks, Random Forest, multivariate linear regressions, etc.) for your audience. ion zatd 3) More than 1,000 connectors and data visualizations available. Inzata supports the entire global library of world class data visualization widgets from (https:Hobservablehq.com/@d3/gallery). 4) Al Powered Data Modeling - this is what saves Inzata users weeks vs. other solutions. Simply connect up your data sources and Inzata will automatically begin generating Entity models for key entities like person,patient,provider, etc. Inzata automatically modifies its data models to support whichever systems you&#39;re using then automatically maps everything together. Don&#39;t have the right primary and foreign keys?No problem, Inzata takes care of that as well. 5) Real-world, real-time, actionable intelligence: Ability to configure the system to issue alerts &amp; notifications, open tickets, send API calls and emails to staff and users if different analytic conditions are met. This allows the platform to draw users in and increases utilization by staff by alerting them to new and interesting insights produced from your data. Can also send out dashboards as PDFs,reports as XLS, CSV, JSON and XML datasets to recipients based on analysis performed in the Inzata platform. Client 3 a. Client Name: Pediatric Health Alliance (a subsidiary of Novelle Health Partners) b. Brief description of the project: PHCA is the largest pediatric group on the West Coast of Florida, with more than 50 board-certified pediatricians and pediatric nurse practitioners who have dedicated their careers to providing the best medical care for children. *PHCA's management services company, PHCA Administration LLC, is a fully-owned subsidiary of Novelle Health Partners, LLC. PHCA and PHCA Administration started using Inzata in 2019 for ingestion of raw data from six healthcare sources and to produce a Data Analytics/Data Warehouse/Data Lake environment providing end-user reporting, data dashboards, what-if analysis, and Ad-hoc data expiration (Drill Anywhere). c. Size of the project in terms of. #users, #user locations, and#of patient encounters -60 users -17 Locations - Client asked that#of Patient Encounters not disclosed. d. Technology platform and architecture Inzata Data Analytics Platform+Inzata Data Engineers and Data Scientists e. Interfaces hospital settings Not applicable. f. Software and Hardware specifications used Inzata Data Analytics Platform+Inzata Data Engineers and Data Scientists g. Date implemented and timing for implementation process. Implementation began April, 2019 and took approximately four weeks. h. The services and activities that your company performed for the project and the activities that the customer performed. Inzata performed 100% of the data migration from the previous system(s), redirecting data ion zatd pipelines and EDI translators to flow data directly into Inzata. Inzata and the client team jointly developed dashboards on Inzata for the use of PHC&#39;s end-customers. i. Is the system still in use today? If yes, who is providing maintenance and support services? Are there additional fees associated with support services? If yes, please indicate the fee structure. Yes, the project/system is still active, and is expected to remain so for the next several years. Inzata continues to support the system 100%. Support and maintenance are included in the annual software subscription fee. No, there are no additional fees associated with support services. j. Do you offer other products/services that other vendors may not offer? There are dozens of other useful features and tools for schools within Inzata we would love to demonstrate to your team further. Self-Service Data Exploration, Data Enrichments, and Advanced Ad-hoc mode have proven to be very popular with public institutions. Inzata empowers you to publish attractive dashboards but ALSO lets your users and staff drill down and across the data to get down to the level of detail. This function is called Drill Anywhere and it&#39;s part of our Advanced Ad Hoc Mode. It is an extremely versatile and well-supported platform, enabling you to build exactly what you need to your specifications, rather than having to accept canned reports and dashboards. Inzata's out of the box Enrichments CONSUMER DEMOGRAPHICS Profile your best customers to target similar prospects by enriching your data directly from Inzata. Add many data elements like household income, age, gender, number of adults/kids, marital status, homeowner/renter, length of residence, dwelling type & credit card information. Inzata accesses 30+ commercial sources like Experian, Acxiom, NOAA & TransUnion. Access over 2 billion records with 250 million U.S. consumers &households 1. Identify customer traits for targeted marketing 2. Standardize customer addresses for targeted mailing 3. Profile your customers for up/cross-selling 4. Learn about your customers to strengthen loyalty&retention WEATHER, TRAFFIC & ENVIRONMENTAL Learn the impact weather has on your business, and which conditions predict business outcomes. ion zatd Does weather affect store traffic? What products sell in higher temps? When do accident claims increase? Does traffic or road construction impact business? Inzata offers comprehensive historical weather enrichments for every single day going back 5 years for every location in North America. With Inzata, you can apply geo-based environmental analysis to your business data to see what others can't see and uncover the facts. HEALTHCARE ENRICHMENTS Quickly associate text to diagnosis codes, which is critical for cluster analysis and labeling your analysis for your audience to easily understand. Access more than a dozen healthcare-specific enrichments with Inzata covering National Provider Identifiers, pharmaceutical, condition& diagnosis codes. Healthcare-specific enrichments accessible directly in Inzata includes: • National Provider Index(NPI) • Lab &Lifestyle Cluster • Medicare Severity Diagnosis-Related Groups • HCPCS, ICD9 & ICD10 Diagnosis codes • Patient Risk Scoring • Medispan drug data. GEOSPATIAL Power up business decisions & deepen your understanding with geospatial data and analysis. With geospatial intelligence, you can optimize: • Marketing campaigns • Sales Territories • Logistics • Service coverage ion zatd Working with GeoSpatial data used to be difficult and error-prone. With built-in spatial analytics, Inzata enables anyone to unleash geospatial intelligence. PUBLIC SECTOR& GOVERNMENT DATA Uncover trends not apparent from your data alone. Access to a wider range of data makes more accurate forecasts and increases transparency. Public sector data helps you build confidence in your data among stakeholders and the public. Access directly from Inzata data from more than 100 public sector& government sources. Some of Inzata's public sector and government data enrichments are curated from: • US Census • American Housing Survey • Department of Labor • Federal, state & local agencies & More! Common Issues Other Data Analytics Software Inzata Analytics have: -Complexity: Users have reported that Data Analytics The Inzata System will support and provide Softwares can be complex to set up and use, high-quality service delivery and improve particularly for those who are not familiar with data employment outcomes for all participants by modeling and SQL queries. It may take some time and providing a more user friendly, intuitive and training to fully understand how to use the software interactive seamless experience across all effectively. participants. Inzata supports this with our pre-configured dashboards, and empowers your staff to create entirely custom dashboards to display your students data and insights to your exact specifications, all with a friendly drag-and-drop, ion zatd point and click, intuitive interface, no coding, no SQL. -Limitations in data sources: While other Data Inzata has more than 800 App and API connectors Anlytics Software supports a wide range of data and also the ability to load data from hundreds of sources, some users have reported that they may not other sources and formats. Data trends will be in a integrate well with certain proprietary or less common centralized single source of truth with all users data sources. This may require additional setup and accessing common data. Inzata's onboarding will customization work to fully integrate data. include the development of initial analysis and creation of actionable reports. Inzata supports REST API integration, and can also ingest data via file (SFTP export) or direct database connection (ODBC) which yields maximum flexibility. Inzata's Data Pipelines are completely customizable and can be set to run either on time-based or event-based triggers. Inzata also allows you to automate the collection and ingesting of data from multiple sources to reduce manual effort, enable more data sources, and bring analysis closer to real-time. As your data footprint continues to grow, Inzata helps you keep this under control by quickly connecting to each of your new and emerging data sources. Inzata then automatically detects the relationships between different datasets, and walks users through blending and modeling that data into useful structures that support advanced analytics, including predictive analytics. The power of Inzata is that it allows you to connect data from any source. It points out relationships between these different datasets to connect them together and lets you create virtually any type of analysis you can envision, not limited by canned reports or dashboards. At Inzata, we believe an organization's Data is going to be an expanding and shifting landscape. We empower our customers to take full advantage of whatever data you have ion zatd available, now and into the future. We empower your team to ask and answer any questions, we don't force you down paths to canned or "convenient" conclusions. Here at Inzata we are so confident that we can connect to any source. So we also provide a 100% money back guarantee if we can not connect to any of your sources. -Limited customization options: While other Data Inzata will give you a very important competitive Anlytics Software provide a range of report building edge: Speed to value. Inzata supports the entire options, some users have reported that the softwares global library of world-class data visualization may have limitations when it comes to customizing widgets from(htlps:Hobservablehq.com/d3/gallery). reports or creating unique visualizations. Building Inzata Data Warehouse will be a centralized single reports in other softwares takes too long (even for source of truth with all users accessing common experts). This may be a consideration for users who data. The System will support and provide require highly tailored or specialized reports. high-quality service delivery and improve employment outcomes for all participants by providing a more user-friendly, intuitive, and interactive seamless experience across all participants. Improve user engagement and comprehensive usage reporting on users accessing Inzata dashboards and reports (who, when, how often viewed, how often shared, etc.) Inzata will also allow you to reduce the effort to produce reports by 95%by automating report creation and Powerpoint deliverable production. All of Inzata's reports and dashboard have their own sharing parameters, set at the object level. This allows for highly granular access control to data assets within the system, but also allows for productive sharing and reuse of resources amongst team members, colleagues, and stakeholders. Inzata empowers you to publish real-time attractive dashboards but ALSO lets your users, and staff, drill down and across the data to get ion zatd down to the level of detail. This function is called Drill Anywhere and it's part of our Advanced Ad Hoc Mode. Users can drill and filter across any related data, regardless of source, they can dive deep and quickly resurface to higher levels. At any point, users may export their work product as Excel or CSV. We're constantly told Inzata is an extremely versatile and well-thought-out platform, enabling the building of exactly what you need to your specifications extremely quickly,rather than having to accept and live with canned reports and dashboards. Inzata's comprehensive Drill-anywhere supports traditional drill-up and down hierarchies but also lets you incorporate data from adjacent dimensions because people don't think in just up and down hierarchies. The creative mind of the User wants to explore all around, and Inzata facilitates that, all with an intuitive point and click interface. Drill down your student roster, to cohort groups, then drill across to access student demographics. Then use demographic indicators to filter and drill to demographic test results. -Technical support: Some users have reported Inzata offers a variety of communication challenges in getting timely and effective technical mechanisms for support calls, including phone, support from the other Data Anlytics Software teams. email, ticketing, support portal and instant This may be a consideration for users who require messaging. Most customers prefer the dedicated ongoing support or assistance with the software. instant message channel to get the fastest answers. You will have a live Messaging channel (Teams, Slack, etc.) These are monitored by Inzata's team during US business hours and we usually respond in ion zatd under 5 minutes. However, we can set up a combination of these methods for different groups. Inzata will appoint a Project Manager dedicated to the Department's project, customer satisfaction and success for the service term. These individuals will be experienced in managing this type of project and the Department. The Inzata project manager will perform the following duties for the duration of the service term: • Plan, manage and communicate the progress of the project, achieving project milestones and maintaining momentum of the project • Present and manage sign-off of key milestones and deliverables, such as project kick-off, project plan, status report, change requests, review,user acceptance, Support transition,project closure • Collaborate with Client leaders, Account Management, Client Implementation, Custom Development, Product, and Customer Care • Promote project management best practices throughout the organization • Continuously refine project management processes and standards • Ensure High Customer Satisfaction and measure same through frequent surveys • Define processes, workflows, communication standards, and templates to standardize project management for all client-facing work done by Inzata • Accountability: Project resources will be invited to participate in a weekly compulsory Project Management status meetings and semi-monthly or monthly Accountability meetings. These two constructs fit within our ion zatd "Measure and Improve" framework. The Project Status calls are to Measure: measuring success,progress, outputs, etc. The purpose of the Accountability calls is to Improve that which is being measured. They are typically composed of leaders and key contributors. The agenda of the Accountability calls focused around any KPIs that deviate from planned outcomes. They address late delivery of assigned tasks, risks uncovered, and anything else that is deemed a threat to efficient or on-time delivery of the project or phase-of-the-project's goals. • Set and manage customer expectations in regard to: project scope and timeline, Inzata and customer responsibilities, stakeholder roles and responsibilities, project governance (communication, change control, escalation), risk management and organizational readiness • Effectively transition customers to support • Participate in project health checks and post go-live analysis on completed projects with PMO Feature requests are evaluated on a monthly basis as part of Inzata's customer feedback program. Inzata performs bi-weekly sprints and typically pushes new functionality (minor releases) monthly. With Inzata you not only get the software but you also get a Data Engeneer and Data Scientist to guide you the hole time while your account is active. - Cost: Other Data Anlytics Software can be relatively Inzata is extremly affordable data analytics platform expensive, particularly for small businesses or compared to Argos. Inzata offers a non-profit organizations with limited budgets. subscription-based pricing model, with different pricing tiers based on the number of users. The pricing for Inzata is generally transparent and ion zatd straightforward, with no hidden fees or additional costs. Inzata's pricing is also flexible, with the ability to customize plans based on specific needs and requirements. The platform offers a well range of pricing options to fit different budgets and use cases. Inzata will help you save a lot of money and time. Say good bye to significant amounts of data quality and access complaints that soak up a lot of IT/SME staff time that they could devote to higher value tasks. Other Data Anlytics Software runs out of a program, Inzata is a SaaS application and runs fully in the not a browser. There are extra maintenance costs for cloud(AWS, GCP, or Azure). No local software that to make sure everyone has the app on their installation is required. It is accessible through a machine. Argos is also heavily Windows-based and browser. Inzata hosting is also available in CJIS Mac users have to run Argos through Windows in (Criminal Justice Information Systems) compliant Parallels or Boot Camp witch can cause problems at clouds. Inzata is a constantly monitored, managed times with accessibility. Software Service. Inzata, as well as all of our cloud hosting partners, are SOC2 Type 1 and 2 certified, and also HIPAA compliant. Our US-based support staff is background checked and every employee undergoes HIPAA training and recertification every year. We have numerous other K12 as well as State Government customers who require similar privacy compliance. All activities are logged, monitored and evaluated. Inzata provides a 99.9% service availability guarantee. C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Cassidy Perkins for John Taylor Ext. 806 Department: Parks&Trails Briefing: ❑X Action Agenda: ❑X Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): March 25,2024 Agenda Date: March 26,2024 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Risk (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item• Extension of Waterline at Foothills Park and Installation of Two Dog Fountains Background/Executive Summary: The Friends of Foothills Park would like to donate two new stainless steel pet fountains to be installed at Foothills Park if the County agrees to commit to installation. The waterline at Foothills Park will need to be extended in order to install the fixtures,the cost will be approximately$600. This generous donation will greatly benefit those who visit Foothills Park and will add value to the area. Budget Impact(amount,funding source,budget amendment): Approximately$600 from REET 2. Public Outreach (news release,community meeting, etc.): N/A Requested Action: Approval to extend the waterline at Foothills park and install two donated stainless steel pet fountains for the estimated cost of$600 from Real Estate Excise Tax(REET)2 funds. . Attachments Quote Pet Fountains SMART QUOTE < Markstaar Date Quote# Markstaar.com A Division of Bin Ripple Inc. 2/9/2024 85709 PO Box 6807,Scarborough,ME 04070 Phone207-888-2335 Monday thru Thursday-9:30 AM to 4:30 PM Eastem Time Friday-9:30 AM to 3 PM Eastern Time Name/Address Ship To William Long William Long PO Box 1501 Hoodsport,WA 98548 Hoodsport,WA 98548 253-202-8502 Quote Valid for 15 days Qty Item Description Rate Total 2 GRT-75-Green-PF-RFS Round Stainless Steel Pet Fountain 1,255.07 2,510.14T Color:Green Options: Round,Free Standing Bowl Shipping&Handling Shipping and Handling-Residential Delivery,UPS Ground 184.14 184.14T Lead Time Estimated Lead Time before shipment 2-3 weeks Ready to Purchase? Reply to this Email stating you are "Ready to purchase"and we will send you an Easy Pay Invoice. Need more information? Please call Kirk at 207-888-2335. You can also Email Sales at sales@markstaar.com if you have any questions or concerns. Additional Delivery Services added at time of delivery are No Sales Tax is being charged if sale is outside the states of ME,CA CUSTOMER'S Responsibility and will be charge to their invoice. OK,PA,VT,FL,GA,KS,VA and WA. It is the responsibility of the ex:Residential Delivery,Litigate Service,Inside Delivery,Re-Delivery I I purchaser to pay any sales/use tax if applicable. ******This item is"BUILD to ORDER". Please refer to our Terms of Service at www.MARKSTAAR.com.***** Subtotal $2,694.28 ***It's the customer's responsibility to thoroughly review all Smart Quote information and Sales Tax (8.5%) $229 02 Specifications provided prior to placing and completing your order.*** Please review this quote to confirm accuracy. *** E-Mail Address Web Site Total $2,923.30 US Dollars sales.markstaar@gmail.com MARKSTAAR.COM Get Help Now. View Quote Cart 2 Search... Markstaar 'Always The Lowest Delivered Price!" 88&80;46-2693 Menu Round Stainless Steel Pet Fountain (GRT7'-PF) Drinking Fountains > Contemporary Drinking Fountains ) Round Stainless Steel Pet Fountain (GRT7`-PF) $1,286.19 j' SKU: GIRT 2-4 week lead time: iter Qty. &Add 1 :art. Click"Get ree Quote" For Additional Discounts: Color: Blue Green Red s> Satin Stainless Steel • 12 gage, heavy duty steel receptor, corrosion and scratch resistant finish • Polished stainless steel, anti-rotation non-squirt bubbler • 100 mesh inlet strainer Lead Time: 2-4 weeks before shipment. This item is "Build to Order". Lr�AWARNING: Cancer and Reproductive Harm -www.P65Warnings.ca.gov Learn More about this warning VIEW QUOTE CART ITEMS Get A FRE11.1 Q ' e. 2 Items $2,529.94 BROWSE CATEGORIES • ' Aluminum Planks Recycled Plastic Lumber Quick Ship! Ships in 4 Business Days! Tubing & Railing Systems Drinking Fountains Hand Rail Kits Foot Rail Kits Premium Park Series Bollards 316 Stainless Steel Tubing & Railing Systems Seating Aluminum Picnic Tables Aluminum Benches Bleachers Concrete Site Amenities Recycled Plastic Benches Recycled Plastic Planters Recycled Plastic Picnic Tables Bike Racks Metal Benches Metal Waste Receptacle View Cart About Us Search How To.Get A FREE Quote And Save Even Morel Get Help Now. How To Order On MARKSTAAR Sitemap Expect Double Discounts View All Categories Help Now Ask Us Anything! Callback Request Request Free Sample Request Tracking&ETA Info Via Email Sales Support Nowl Request A Smart Quote! Quickly Check Stock Items Purchase MARKSTAAR Smart Quote NAME YOUR DELIVERED PRICE AT MARKSTAARI Pay By Wire Request EasyPay Invoice Request Contact Us-We'll Call You Fast! Best Price 365 Guarantee Free Smart Quotes Always The Lowest Delivered Price! Error 404 Shipping And Returns Privacy Notice Terms Of Service Mason County Facilities and Park Y Memorial and Donation Application /,Y+J To accept a donated park or facility element, the donation must meet certain conditions. The donations shall: Meet a true need of a park or facility. Not interfere with the intended current or future use of a park or facility. Not require the relocation of other equipment or infrastructure. The County reserves the right to determine whether a park or facility is fully developed and there- fore, no donations would be accepted for that park or facility. Applicant Information 11 Name: j Iv r r Phone rK,,e111d_j of First Name Last Name Address: POD n V,5l // ' (� W� Street J 1City State + Zip Email: A-5 S 1[JOr✓/� yt.�l Iuo �; (�yn Memorial / Donation Please select the item you wish to donate to Mason County. Memorial Plaque A flat tablet or metal, plastic, stone, or other appropriate material which includes text and/or images commemorating a person or an event and/or providing historical text or information relevant to its location. Such tablet shall be affixed to an object, building or pavement. Bench Bicycle Rack Picnic Table Park benches, bicycle racks, picnic tables and playground components may be sited in locations approved by the County. Items donated must be of a product approved by the County and these items become County property at the time of acceptance. Trees/Shrubs Landscaping and plant selection for parks or facilities is critical due to the environment in Mason County. Accordingly, the location, size and species of trees and shrubs donated shall be limited to those predetermined by the County. Flags Flags may be sited in locations approved by the County. Flags deteriorate quickly when exposed to the elements and the size of a flag is determined by the type, size, and configuration of the pole on which it is to be mounted. Consequently, donated flags must be of a size and quality suitable for the site and the environment in which they are to be located. Flags may be subject to replace- ment, which are to be paid by the donor at the time when the County determines replacement is needed. Interpretive Signs Interpretive signs may be installed at sites that are appropriate for describing the history, geology, environment, flora, and fauna of a particular area. Interpretive signs shall be of a size that is in keep- ing with the character of the site. Interpretive signs shall be designed to meet requirements for access to the disabled. Interpretive signs shall be designed in a manner that is consistent with other interpretive signs on the site. Interpretive signs shall be constructed of materials that are of high quality,vandal resistant, and able to withstand harsh environmental conditions. D4Other Donation SP'o h'f1�,�� p4N/V// Donations other than those expressly listed or contained within this policy may be possible. The County may accept such donations, subject to a review by the County Commission. 041el -5 P e�,5 41-1�- **Donated buildings, structures (including playgrounds) and public art are subject to full review and approval of the County Commission and are not considered to be part of this policy.** Preferred Location: Div,r ,;�, P , � ��t✓ - _ I acknowledge I have read the Facilities and Park Memorial and Donation Policy. 1 understand my responsibilities as a donor and accept the financial responsibilities associated with my donation. Signature: Date: Attachment to:Donation Application for Foothills County Park in Mason County We(Friends of Foothills Dog Park)would like to donate 2 sel#drainingfree standing pet fountains for the dog park at Foothills County Park.We have a quote from Markstaar Corporation for $2923.30 which we have approval from our board for purchase. We are askingfor Mason Countyto approve and provide installation of these at Foothills County Park_These will provide fresh drinking water for our pets while visiting the off-leash areas. Previously we have used gallon jugs and stainless water bowls which have proved not safe for our pets due to problems with cleanliness and heat. We also realize that the water will be shut off during the winter months due to the possibility of freezing conditions_ Thank you foryour consideration. William Long President Friends Of Foothills Dog Park PO Box 851, Hoodsport WA 98548 253-202-8502 1 I h HOME INDOOR OUTDOOR ` murdo ON ck Q g b ABOUT CONTACT Home GRT75-PF Series Round Pet Fountain SKU: GRT75-PF a Home GRT75-PF Series Round Pet Fountain Don't miss out! x HOME INDOOR OUTDOOR ` murdocok cQ Q b ABOUT CONTACT Home GRT75-PF Series Round Pet Fountain SKU: GRT75-PF 1-11 F • `• III III I I II I E II I IIEl I EI III I l Home GRT75-PF Series Round Pet Fountain Don't miss out! x C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: John Taylor Ext. 806 Department: Emergency Management Briefing: ❑X Action Agenda: ❑X Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): March 25,2024 Agenda Date: April 9,2024 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Other (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item• Adding Emergency Support Function 17-Mason County Cybersecurity Workgroup(MCCW)to Mason County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan(CEMP) Background/Executive Summary: Cyber security attacks have increased by 313%in the last year. Six of the biggest cybersecurity challenges for smaller governments are intrusion into critical infrastructure,ransomware attacks,data breaches, supply chain attacks,insider threats, and limited number of cybersecurity professionals. According to experts,these are some of the biggest weaknesses to governments' cybersecurity programs as these threats are still being created. Experts recommend a unified approach to integral security between partners with common interests as opposed to attempting to protect many separate organizational systems who each face the same threats and limitations. Information Technology(IT),supported by Emergency Management,has taken the initiative to create a Mason County Partners Cybersecurity Workgroup(MCCW)whose purpose is to address single limitations together to protect critical infrastructure from the growing threat of cybersecurity attacks. The Workgroup is currently developing a policy to outline their operational partnership. Once the policy is complete, it will be provided to the Commissioners for review. Budget Impact(amount,funding source,budget amendment): N/A Public Outreach (news release,community meeting, etc.): N/A Requested Action: Due to the security threats the MCCW faces, statements of confidentiality have been signed by participants. It is requested that Commissioners authorize the workgroup to be approved as Emergency Support Function 17— Cybersecurity which is protected under the Department of Homeland Security Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency(CISA). Attachments C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Todd Cannon Ext. 501 Department: Information Technology Briefing: 0 Action Agenda: 0 Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): March 25,2024 Agenda Date: April 9,2024 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources 0 Legal ® Information Technology ❑ Risk (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item• Request for Proposals for Mason County Website Design Background/Executive Summary: The County's website is due for a refresh! To elevate our online presence and provide a more user-friendly experience,IT proposes partnering with a specialized web development company. This approach will leverage outside expertise to bring a fresh perspective and cutting-edge solutions. The Request for Proposals(RFP)prioritizes the following key goals: 1. Modern interface: a visually appealing and user-friendly interface that reflects our county's values and identity. 2. Enhanced organization: a clear and intuitive website structure that makes it easy for residents to find the information they need. 3. Empowered departments: streamlined content management allowing departments to easily update and maintain their respective webpages. By implementing these objectives,we can create a modern,informative, and engaging website that serves the needs of our community. Budget Impact(amount, funding source,budget amendment): To be determined. Public Outreach (news release,community meeting, etc.): N/A Requested Action: Approval to advertise a Request for Proposals(RFP)for Mason County website redesign. Attachments RFP Request For Proposal Website Redesign Project Mason County 0V co 1854 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Website Redesign Project Issue Date: A p r i l 9 , 2024 Due Date and Time: May 15, 2024, no later than 4:00 p.m. Page 1 of 37 Request For Proposal Website Redesign Project REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Notice is hereby given that proposals will be received by Mason County, Washington for: Website Redesign Project by filing with the Central Services department at 411 n. 5th street Shelton WA 98584 until: Date: May 15t" 2024 Time: 4:00 p.m. Proposals submitted after the due date and time may not be considered. Vendors accept all risks of late delivery of mailed proposals regardless of fault. Detailed Request for Proposal (RFP) information including general information, general terms and conditions, requested services, proposal requirements and evaluation process is available on the County's website at https://www.masoncountywa.gov/rfp/index.php Mason County reserves the right to reject any and all submittals and to waive irregularities and informalities in the submittal and evaluation process. This RFP does not obligate the County to pay any costs incurred by respondents in the preparation and submission of a proposal. Furthermore, the RFP does not obligate the County to accept or contract for any expressed or implied services. The successful Vendor must comply with Mason County equal opportunity requirements. The County is committed to a program of equal employment opportunity regardless of race, color, creed, sex, age, nationality or disability. Dated this 9 t h day of April, 2024 Page 2 of 37 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page REQUESTFOR PROPOSAL .......................................................................................................................2 SECTION 1. GENERAL INFORMATION.....................................................................................................5 1.01 INTRODUCTION ..............................................................................................................................5 1.02 PURPOSE OF RFP.........................................................................................................................5 1.04 RFP COORDINATOR/COMMUNICATIONS...........................................................................................5 1.05 PRELIMINARY SCHEDULE................................................................................................................6 1.06 RESPONSE FORMAT.......................................................................................................................6 1.07 COMPLETENESS OF PROPOSAL......................................................................................................6 1.08 PROPOSAL RESPONSE DATE AND LOCATION...................................................................................6 1.09 REQUIRED NUMBER OF PROPOSALS...............................................................................................7 1.10 VENDOR'S COST TO DEVELOP PROPOSALS.....................................................................................7 SECTION 2. TERMS AND CONDITIONS....................................................................................................8 2.01 QUESTIONS REGARDING THE RFP..................................................................................................8 2.02 RFP CLARIFICATIONS&ADDENDUMS..............................................................................................8 2.03 WITHDRAWAL OF PROPOSAL..........................................................................................................8 2.04 REJECTION OF PROPOSALS............................................................................................................8 2.05 CODE OF CONDUCT FOR COMPETITIVE SOLICITATIONS ....................................................................8 2.06 PROPOSAL MODIFICATION AND CLARIFICATIONS..............................................................................9 2.07 PROPOSAL VALIDITY PERIOD..........................................................................................................9 2.08 PROPOSAL SIGNATURES................................................................................................................9 2.09 PUBLIC RECORDS..........................................................................................................................9 2.10 BUSINESS REGISTRATION AND TAXATION........................................................................................9 2.11 NON-ENDORSEMENT.................................................................................................................... 10 2.12 NON-COLLUSION CERTIFICATE..................................................................................................... 10 2.13 INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS.........................................................................................................10 2.14 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY AND TITLE VI REQUIREMENTS...................................................................... 10 2.15 NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT.................................................................................................... 10 2.16 OTHER COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS...........................................................................................10 2.17 COOPERATIVE PURCHASING.........................................................................................................10 2.18 OWNERSHIPS OF DOCUMENTS......................................................................................................11 2.19 CONFIDENTIALITY OF INFORMATION...............................................................................................11 SECTION 3. REQUESTED SERVICES.....................................................................................................12 3.01 DURATION OF SERVICES..............................................................................................................12 3.02 VENDOR INFORMATION.................................................................................................................12 3.03 PERFORMANCE EXPECTATIONS....................................................................................................12 3.04 COST REQUIREMENTS..................................................................................................................12 3.05 TIMELINE..................................................................................................................................... 13 3.06 SCOPE OF SERVICES...................................................................................................................13 SECTION 4. PROPOSAL EVALUATION AND VENDOR SELECTION ....................................................19 4.01 EVALUATION PROCEDURES..........................................................................................................19 4.02 SCORING AND EVALUATION FACTORS........................................................................................... 19 4.03 SELECTION PROCESS..................................................................................................................19 4.04 CONTRACT AWARD AND EXECUTION.............................................................................................20 FORM#1 PROPOSAL FORM ....................................................................................................................21 FORM#2 VENDOR INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS............................................................................23 FORM#3 CLIENT REFERENCES..............................................................................................................25 ATTACHMENT"A" ....................................................................................................................................26 NON-COLLUSION CERTIFICATE...........................................................................................................26 ATTACHMENT"B" ....................................................................................................................................27 Page 3 of 37 INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS..............................................................................................................27 ATTACHMENT"C" ....................................................................................................................................28 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY&TITLE VI REQUIREMENTS ..........................................................................28 AFFIDAVIT OF EQUAL OPPORTUNITY&TITLE VI COMPLIANCE.......................................................30 ATTACHMENT"D" ....................................................................................................................................31 MASON COUNTY NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT...........................................................................32 ATTACHMENT"E.......................................................................................................................................35 PRICING..................................................................................................................................................35 ATTACHMENT"G" INFORMATION SECURITY REQUIREMENTS.........................................................36 Page 4 of 37 Section 1 . General Information 1.01 Introduction Nestled between the Olympic Mountains and the Puget Sound, Mason County, Washington, embraces a vibrant tapestry of nature and community. Its 300 miles of rugged coastline, emerald forests, and serene lakes beckon explorers, while its charming towns and resilient spirit invite belonging. With a population of around 60,000, Mason County blends a rich history of timber and fishing with a growing arts scene and diverse economy. 1.02 Purpose of RFP The objective of this Request For Proposal (RFP) is to solicit proposals to provide Mason County IT Department (the County)with the following services: Website Redesign and Development. 1.03 Definitions County Mason County,Washington, and its departments. Vendor The person or firm submitting the proposal and/or the person or firm awarded the contract. Contract The agreement to be entered into for services between the County and the Vendor who submits the proposal accepted by the County. RFP This Request for Proposal, including any amendments or other addenda hereto. Selection Committee The RFP Selection Committee is comprised of the RFP Coordinator (defined in Section 1.05)and other County staff. Short List Vendors selected to proceed for further evaluation. 1.04 RFP Coordinator/Communications Upon release of this RFP, all vendor communications concerning this information request should be directed in writing to the RFP Coordinator listed below. Unauthorized contact regarding this RFP with other County employees may result in disqualification. Any oral communications will be considered unofficial and non-binding on the County. The RFP Coordinator for this RFP will be: Name: Todd Cannon Address: 411 N 51" St. Shelton WA. 98584 Telephone: 360-427-5501 Email: Toddc@masoncountywa.gov Page 5 of 37 1.05 Preliminary Schedule These dates are estimates and are subject to change by the County. Event Time& Date Release RFP to Vendors April 9, 2024 Vendor Questions Due April 19, 2024 by 4:00 PM Vendor Questions Answered May 1, 2024 Proposal Responses Due May 15, 2024 Interviews With Selected Vendors June 5, 2024 Announce Apparent Successful Vendor June 17, 2024 Contract Negotiations Complete July 8, 2024 County Commission Approval July 16 2024 Signed Contract Delivered To Vendor July 22, 2024 1.06 Response Format Proposals should be prepared simply, providing a straightforward, concise delineation of the approach and capabilities necessary to satisfy the requirements of the RFP. Technical literature and elaborate promotional materials, if any, must be submitted separately. Emphasis in the proposals should be on completeness, clarity of content and adherence to the presentation structure required by this RFP. Vendor proposals must be submitted in the format specified in Form#1 Proposal Form. Please provide responses in the format provided. Vendors that deviate from this format may be deemed non-responsive. 1.07 Completeness of Proposal The vendor must attach the Form #1 Proposal Form signed by a vendor representative authorized to bind the proposing firm contractually. This statement must identify any exceptions that the Vendor takes to the County's RFP, or declare that there are no exceptions taken to the RFP. Vendors that fail to complete this step may be deemed unresponsive. 1.08 Proposal Response Date and Location Proposals must be submitted to the following locations no later than May 15, 2024 at 4:00 pm PST. Mason County building 1 — Proposals will be accepted at the reception desk on the first floor of Mason County building 1 located at 411 N. 51h St Shelton WA. All proposals and accompanying documentation will become the property of the County and will not be returned. Vendors accept all risks of late delivery of mailed proposal regardless of fault. Page 6 of 37 1.09 Required Number of Proposals A total of one original and an electronic copy of the vendor's proposal, in its entirety, must be received as specified in Section 1.06. Paper copies may not be submitted by facsimile transmission. The County, at its discretion, may make additional copies of the proposal for the purpose of evaluation only. The original proposal will include original signatures, in ink, by authorized personnel, on all documents that require an authorized signature. 1.10 Vendor's Cost to Develop Proposals Costs for developing proposals in response to the RFP are entirely the obligation of the vendor and shall not be chargeable in any manner to the County. Page 7 of 37 Section 2. Terms and Conditions 2.01 Questions Regarding the RFP Oral interpretations of the RFP specification are not binding on the County. Request for interpretation or clarification of the RFP specifications must be made in writing and submitted to Support Services at the address indicated in Section 1.08. 2.02 RFP Clarifications &Addendums The County reserves the right to clarify or change the RFP or issue addendums to the RFP at any time. The County also reserves the right to cancel or reissue the RFP. All such addenda will become part of the RFP. In the event that it becomes necessary to revise any part of this RFP, the County will issue addenda on the County's website https://www.masoncountywa.gov/rfp/index.php It is the vendor's responsibility to confirm as to whether any addenda have been issued. 2.03 Withdrawal of Proposal Proposals may be withdrawn at any time prior to the submission time specified in Section 1.04, provided notification is received in writing. Proposals cannot be changed or withdrawn after the time designated for receipt. 2.04 Rejection of Proposals The County reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to waive any minor informalities or irregularities contained in any proposal, and to accept any proposal deemed to be in the best interest of the County. 2.05 Code of Conduct for Competitive Solicitations Definitions: Solicitations— method of acquiring goods, services, and construction for public use in which offers are made to the County between two or more sources. Typical documents used by the County are titled: Invitation to Bid, Invitation to Quote, Request for Proposals, Request for Qualifications Request for Information, or any other method of obtaining competitive offers. Blackout Period:The period between the time a solicitation is issued by the County and the time the County awards the contract. Lobbying:The attempt to persuade or influence any County employees, officials, or representatives responsible for reviewing, evaluating, ranking or awarding the work or contract for goods or services for or against any solicitation; provided, however, that lobbying shall not include the submission of required materials in direct response to the solicitation according to the instructions to respondents in such solicitation. Conduct of Participants: After the issuance of any solicitation, all bidders, proposers, contractors, consultants or individuals acting on their behalf are hereby prohibited from lobbying any County employee, official or representative at any time during the blackout period. Page 8 of 37 Sanctions: The County may reject the submittal of any bidder, proposer, contractor and/or consultant who violates the policy set forth herein. 2.06 Proposal Modification and Clarifications The County reserves the right to request that any vendor clarify its proposal or to supply any additional material deemed necessary to assist in the evaluation of the proposal. Modification of a proposal already received will be considered only if the request is received prior to the submittal deadline. All modifications must be made in writing, executed and submitted in the same form and manner as the original proposal. 2.07 Proposal Validity Period Submission of a proposal will signify the vendor's agreement that its proposal and the content thereof are valid for 180 days following the submission deadline unless otherwise agreed to in writing by both parties. The proposal will become part of the Contract that is negotiated between the County and the successful Vendor. 2.08 Proposal Signatures 1) An authorized representative must sign proposals, with the vendor's address,telephone and email information provided. Unsigned proposals will not be considered. 2) If the proposal is made by an individual, the name, mailing address and signature of the individual must be shown. 3) If the proposal is made by a firm or partnership, the name and mailing address of the firm or partnership and the signature of at least one of the general partners must be shown. 4) If the proposal is made by a corporation, the name and mailing address of the corporation and the signature and title of the person who signs on behalf of the corporation must be shown. 5) The County reserves the right to request documentation showing the authority of the individual signing the proposal to execute contracts on behalf of anyone, or any corporation, other than himself/herself. Refusal to provide such information upon request may cause the proposal to be rejected as non- responsive. 2.09 Public Records Under Washington state law, the documents (including but not limited to written, printed, graphic, electronic, photographic or voice mail materials and/or transcriptions, recordings or reproductions thereof)submitted in response to this RFP (the "documents") become a public record upon submission to the County, subject to mandatory disclosure upon request by any person, unless the documents are exempted from public disclosure by a specific provision of law. If the County receives a request for inspection or copying of any such documents it will promptly notify the person submitting the documents to the County (by U.S. mail and by fax if the person has provided a fax number) and upon the written request of such person, received by the County within five (5) days of the mailing of such notice, will postpone disclosure of the documents for a reasonable period of time as permitted by law to enable such person to seek a court order prohibiting or conditioning the release of the documents. The County assumes no contractual obligation to enforce any exemption. Page 9 of 37 2.10 Non-Endorsement As a result of the selection of a vendor to supply products and/or services to the County, Vendor agrees to make no reference to the County in any literature, promotional material, brochures, sales presentation or the like without the express written consent of the County. 2.11 Non-Collusion Certificate The proposal submitted for this RFP shall include the Non-Collusion Certificate(Attachment"A"). 2.12 Insurance Requirements The County will require the selected Vendor to comply with the Insurance Requirements listed in Attachment "B". 2.13 Equal Opportunity and Title VI Requirements The County is an equal opportunity employer and requires all Vendors to comply with policies and regulations defined in the Equal Opportunity and Title VI Requirements defined in Attachment"C". The Vendor, in the performance of the Contract, agrees not to discriminate in its employment because of the employee's or applicant's race, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, age or physical handicap. The requirements of County County Code Section 4.28.170 entitled "Equal Opportunity" provided to the Vendor with the Request for Proposals, are hereby incorporated herein, and shall be binding on the vendor. 2.14 Non-Disclosure Agreement The County will require the selected Vendor to comply with the Non-Disclosure Agreement listed in Attachment"D". Selected vendor will be required to execute this agreement. 2.15 Other Compliance Requirements In addition to nondiscrimination and affirmative action compliance requirements previously listed, the Vendor awarded the Contract shall comply with federal, state and local laws, statutes and ordinances relative to the execution of the work. This requirement includes, but is not limited to, protection of public and employee safety and health; environmental protection; waste reduction and recycling; the protection of natural resources; permits; fees; taxes; and similar subjects. 2.16 Cooperative Purchasing RCW 39.34 allows cooperative purchasing between public agencies (political subdivision) in the State of Washington. Public agencies which have filed an Intergovernmental Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with Mason County and which are actively participating may purchase from Mason County contracts. Only those public agencies who have complied with these requirements are eligible to use this contract. Mason County does not accept any responsibility for purchase orders or contracts issued by other public agencies. The public agency accepts responsibility for compliance with any additional or varying Page 10 of 37 laws and regulations governing purchase by or on behalf of the public agency in question. Mason County accepts no responsibility for the performance of any purchasing contract by the Vendor, and Mason County accepts no responsibility for payment of the purchase price for any public agency. 2.17 Ownerships of Documents Any reports, studies, conclusions and summaries prepared by the Vendor shall become the property of the County. 2.18 Confidentiality of Information All information and data furnished to the Vendor by the County, and all other documents to which the Vendor's employees have access during the term of the Contract, shall be treated as confidential to the County.Any oral or written disclosure to unauthorized individuals is prohibited. Page 11 of 37 Section 3. Requested Services 3.01 Duration of Services The term of the Contract with the selected Vendor shall be from the date of execution of the Contract to the completion of the work defined within. 3.02 Vendor Information The forms referenced below must be submitted with the vendor's proposal. Please mark with an N/A those areas that do not apply to your proposal. Do not leave any space blank. Proposal Form - Complete Form #1 Company Information—Complete Form#2 Client References- Complete Form #3 3.03 Performance Expectations If the vendor has had a contract terminated for default during the past five (5)years, all such incidents must be described. "Termination for default" is defined as notice to stop performance due to the vendor's non-performance or poor performance, and the issue was either(a) not litigated; or(b) litigated and such litigation determined the vendor to be in default. Submit full details of all terminations for default experienced by the vendor during the past five (5)years, including the other party's name, address and telephone number. Present the vendor's position on the matter. The County will evaluate the facts and may, at its sole discretion, reject the vendor's proposal if the facts discovered indicate that completion of a contract resulting from this RFP may be jeopardized by selection of the vendor. If the vendor has experienced no such termination for default in the past five(5)years, so declare. If the vendor has had a contract terminated for convenience, non-performance, non-allocation of funds or any other reason, which termination occurred before completion of the contract, during the past five (5) years, describe fully all such terminations, including the name, address and telephone number of the other contracting party. 3.04 Cost Requirements Since the County expects to complete a "not to exceed/fixed price"contract, the budget for the proposal must not exceed the specified amount, and must be broken down as to hours, hourly rates and expenses for each task and subtask. All prices are to be in U.S. dollars. All applicable taxes to be paid by the County must be separately shown. Vendors must itemize the unit and extended price for each service proposed. In addition to the breakdown of costs described above, Mason County would like to have a quoted hourly rate for professional services that may be required to complete our project, but were not anticipated and included Page 12 of 37 in this RFP. The quoted rate(s) is expected to be applied for the duration of the project(as described herein). Please refer to Attachment E for all cost proposal details. 3.05 Timeline The vendor shall include a timeline with its proposal showing when major milestones for tasks and subtasks will be completed considering the work start and completion dates as specified in section 1.05. 3.06 Scope of Services BACKGROUND: Project Goals The overall goal of the project is to design and construct a website that supports our value of being a responsive government by: being an open, transparent County government that seeks involvement; provides high quality service at an excellent value, and is future focused. Below are desired elements to support these values: • Usability ❖ Make it easy for customers(residents, businesses, visitors, intergovernmental partners and other interested users)to navigate and find information and services. + The site must be ADA compliant and viewable/navigable on multiple platforms (including smart phones and tablets), resolutions and web browsers using responsive web design. Design and function should be focused on intuitive and familiar navigation mechanisms and prominently feature high-priority or targeted content for the various website user audiences. ❖ The site must enhance integration with interactive applications such as social media. ❖ Users will be able to create a personalized experience based on their preferences. • Sustainability + Develop an information architecture that is efficient, easily understood and sustainable by staff in the future. + Implement a content management solution that can be maintained by both experienced web development staff as well as business users with no coding experience. Necessary functionality includes: the creation of templates, WYSIWYG editing to facilitate content management by novice users, ADA compliance, responsive design, content approval workflows, search engine and user friendly URL aliasing. • Flexibility ❖ Develop a framework that allows for regular site re-fresh cycles to maintain user interest and excitement. • Marketing/Branding + The website helps promote the County's goals, identity and message.Webpages are visited by prospective businesses and prospective residents and the redesigned County website needs to be representative of the dynamic community and the vibrant County economy. Page 13 of 37 Technical Background The current Mason County website is powered by Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP. The website consists of approximately 1300 URLs and 18,000 supporting assets (PDF, images,video, etc.).Additionally, the County utilizes several third-party applications/services to provide added functionality via the website. These systems include but are not limited to: • ESRI web map gallery for online mapping • Facebook, Twitter,for social media • Google for site search and translation • NeoGov for job applicants • Several custom developed applications for Tax and Property information, Employee Directory, etc. Site Visit Information The County's website averages more than 100,000 page views per month. Site Governance The website is administered and governed by the Information Technology department of the County Support Services Office. SCOPE OF WORK: The scope of this RFP encompasses all activities and procurements (hardware/software) to complete the platform as a service turnkey project. Only vendors that can deliver all required services for the project will be considered. Mason County expects industry best practices to be outlined within the proposal and be followed for the delivery of all major components of the project. Assumptions • County staff will be accessible and active participants throughout the project and able to make the necessary decisions to move the project forward in accordance with predefined timelines. • The County will have overall project management responsibility; the selected vendor will provide a project manager for its staff and deliverables. • The IT Steering Committee will serve as the website redesign steering committee. The redesigned website • may be either vendor hosted Mason County aspires to achieve a high-quality website consistent with government sites that have won national awards. 1. Website redesign A high level of emphasis should be placed on user experience (UX), ease of use, and design simplicity. All decisions will primarily be made from the customer's perspective. Page 14 of 37 a. Conduct usability analysis i. Stakeholder interviews(IT Steering Committee) • Facilitate and conduct requirements meeting • Describe methodology to obtain representation from the diverse spectrum of decision makers, individuals, businesses, community groups and associations. • Provide gap analysis report to County staff on current website and demands of site users. ii. Develop content standards, guidelines, and implementation plan. iii. Review current website usage trends. iv. Evaluate usability pitfalls V. Search discovery vi. Accessibility requirements and guidelines b. Establish clear key performance indicators(KPIs) c. Redesign website i. Responsive design-allow user experience to be device/browser agnostic. ii. New look and feel. • Design (photography, graphics, mood, nimble: reflection of current County priorities) • Information architecture and classification content placement, navigation, standards) iii. Content • Tagging • Page/application development • Template design for current applications iv. HTMI_5 V. CSS3 iv. ADA compliant-WAI,WCAG level AA, Section 508, including interactive content(e.g. videos) vii. Search engine optimization (SEO) viii. Site maps ix. Wireframes X. Style guide 2. Web content management system migration,setup, and deployment a. Migration i. Initiate and assist in website cleanup ii. Migrate existing static website data iii. Perform quality assurance of data migration b. Setup i. CMS programming 1. Security 2. Online forms 3. Site visitor data gathering 4. Functionality Requirements Page 15 of 37 a. HTML5&CSS3 compliant b. ADA compliance C. Admin/editing console is device agnostic, e.g. desktop, phone, and tablet d. Scalable e. Page/Content templates f. Multiple content areas per page g. Audience targeting h. WYSIWYG authoring/editing i. In-Page(real-time)editing j. User and group management k. Group-based permission system I. ADFS support to allow for single sign-on by editors M. Multifactor authentication support n. Digital asset management o. Audit trail/logging (change management) P. Lifecycle management q. Content approval(workflow) r. Versioning S. URL/page aliasing (ie: masoncountywa.gov/assessor not masoncountywa.gov/33) t. URL /page redirection U. Meta tag enforcement/requirement V. Site search W. Site analytics—internal or ability to integrate with leading vendors (ie: Google Analytics, etc) X. Multiple language support that is also culturally appropriate (i.e. not a direct English to target language translation) Y. Event management(calendar) Z. Allow content editors to easily—without admin/development staff involvement—create/insert: i. Polls/surveys ii. Photo albums/slideshows iii. Interactive forms iv. Video aa. Create multiple sites (new domain, sub-domain or microsite) bb. Generate menu/navigation via site map. ii. Create training program and conduct CMS training (approx. 50 users) • Onsite training or equivalent • Train-the-trainer approach is prohibited. iii. Develop and implement web governance. • Assist in developing content publishing standards and a visual style guide for use with any County web property. • Roles and responsibilities of content development • Workflow o Approval processes o Publishing processes • Archival retention and maintenance iv. Setup and configure a controlled hosting/server environment 1. Acquisition of CMS 2. Provide at least two years of hosting v. OR, setup and configure website to be self-hosted by County on premise 1. Microsoft platform utilizing Windows, IIS and MS SQL Page 16 of 37 C. Deployment i. Hands-on migration from existing system ii. Auditing/quality control process and measures iii. Testing procedures of design,development, deployment stages iv. Provide source code and supporting documentation 3. Web operations(development, operations,tuning, maintenance, and repair) Ongoing maintenance/support and development for two years with a minimum 10 hours per month retainer with a month-to-month roll over plan a. Support strategy(24 month period) i. Website go-live date ii. Post go-live review iii. Review of site analytics iv. Performance measurements b. Website Strategy Plan i. Future roadmap(24 month period) • Short-term goals • Long-term goals ii. Site tuning iii. Ongoing maintenance iv. Continue site improvement v. Roadmap for features/functionality/widgets and design work in future releases 4. Proiect Management The County desires to partner with the selected consultant to work as a team during the project rather than the consultant working independently. Describe your plan for working with staff to ensure that the end product meets the County's goals and outcomes. a. Philosophy and approach to project management b. Delivery lifecycle i. Requirements ii. Prototyping iii. Detailed design iv. Testing v. Implementation vi. Close out, including documentation c. Project Planning Documents i. Defined schedule using Microsoft Project which includes, but not limited to: 1. Migration/redesign/operations roadmap Page 17 of 37 2. Work breakdown structure—must include project deliverables 3. Gantt charts 4. Timelines with associated tasks and responsibilities of vendor and County staff 5. Estimated hours of County staff— both IT and its customers — and the selected vendor's assistance by type of professional (e.g., network specialist; compliance specialist; project manager) 6. Required technical configurations and task sequences with dependencies 7. Major milestone list with completion dates 8. Stage gates and deliverable sign-offs 9. Identify which services will be performed onsite versus remotely d. Communication Plan i. Onsite project team kick-off meetings ii. Website redesign mockup presentations with County staff iii. Weekly status reports/b urn down charts iv. Meetings/stand ups V. Prototype reviews e. Quality Management Plan f. Risk Management Plan Other deliverables as agreed to between the County and the selected vendor's Project Manager which could require a County"Change Order." All deliverables will be developed with input from the County and will not be considered accepted until County staff reviews and approves the deliverables as to their accuracy and quality. When practical and as determined by the County, the vendor shall submit all deliverables in both electronic and hardcopy media. PROJECT COSTS AND TIMELINE: The County is seeking a fixed price proposal. This project is anticipated to be awarded in July 2024. The project is anticipated to be completed in Q1 2025. Page 18 of 37 Section 4. Proposal Evaluation and Vendor Selection 4.01 Evaluation Procedures Proposals will be evaluated by the Selection Committee. The Selection Committee will consider the completeness of a vendor's proposal and how well the proposal meets the needs of the County. In evaluating the proposals, the County will be using a criteria evaluation process. Evaluations will be based on criteria as outlined in Section 4.02. All proposals will be evaluated using the same criteria and possible points. 4.02 Scoring and Evaluation Factors The evaluation factors reflect a wide range of considerations. While cost is important, other factors are also significant. Consequently, the County may select other than the lowest cost proposal. The objective is to choose the vendor capable of providing quality vendor services that will help the County achieve the goals and objectives of the requested services within a reasonable budget. Evaluations will be based on criteria as defined below. All proposals will be evaluated using the same criteria and possible points. Evaluation Criteria Possible Points Responsiveness/Completeness of Proposal (i.e.,Were all the forms 5 completed and everything included that was required by the RFP? Were explanations in Comments or Additional Information areas adequate?) Experience/Qualifications(i.e.,Vendor's experience working within the 20 requested services arena;vendor's experience working with municipalities; vendor's ability to successfully complete the scope of services on time and on budget; vendor's ability to successfully work with County staff; vendor's references) Scope of Services(i.e., Does the vendor understand what it will take to 45 successfully achieve the goals and objectives of the requested services? Did the vendor propose any revisions and/or changes to the draft Scope of Services that would better serve the County?) Budget(i.e., Does the budget seem reasonable for the scope of services 15 proposed; does the budget provide the County good value?) Timeline(i.e., Can the scope of work be completed within the County's 15 timeline; is the vendor investing the appropriate project resources to complete the project within the timeline?) Total Points Possible 100 4.03 Selection Process After the proposals are evaluated, the Selection Committee will determine whether formal presentations Page 19 of 37 (product demonstration) and interviews are necessary, and if so, which vendors from the 'short list' may be invited to make a formal presentation and/or sit for a panel interview with the Selection Committee. At this time, The County may choose to contact officials from other jurisdictions regarding the vendor, their prior work experience and their ability to successfully complete the scope of services. The County may request clarification or additional information from a specific vendor in order to assist in the County's evaluation of the proposed solution. Two finalists may be announced and, at the County's option, invited back for follow up demonstrations and questions. Proposed project managers and key team members, as named in the proposals, are required to be in attendance. Other team members are strongly encouraged to be present as well. The Selection Committee will then formulate their recommendation for award of the Contract. 4.04 Contract Award and Execution The County reserves the right to make an award without further discussion of the proposal submitted. Therefore, the proposal should be initially submitted on the most favorable terms the vendor can offer. The County may require changes in the scope of services as deemed necessary by the County, before execution of the Contract. The County shall not be bound or in any way obligated until both parties have executed a vendor contract. The general conditions and specification of the RFP and the successful Vendor's response, as amended by Contract between the County and the successful Vendor, including e-mail or written correspondence relative to the RFP, will become part of the Contract documents. Additionally, the County will verify vendor representations that appear in the proposal. Failure of a vendor to perform services as represented may result in elimination of the vendor from further competition or in Contract cancellation or termination. The vendor selected as the apparently successful Vendor will be expected to enter into a contract with the County. The foregoing should not be interpreted to prohibit either party from proposing additional contract terms and conditions during negotiations of the final contract. If the selected Vendor fails to sign the Contract within ten (10) business days of delivery of the final Contract, the County may elect to cancel the award and award the Contract to the next-highest ranked vendor. No parties may incur any cost chargeable to the proposed contract before the date of execution of the Contract. Page 20 of 37 RFP#15076 Website Redesign Project Form #1 Proposal Form Vendor Name Vendor Address County, State, Zip Code Telephone # Email Address 1. Response: In response to the County's Request for Proposal, we offer the following: I. Cover Letter Signed by vendor representative authorized to bind the proposing firm contractually. II. Table of Contents III. Executive Summary A one-page high-level overview of the solution being proposed. IV. Responses to Form 2 -Vendor Information Requirements Complete all the information requested in Form#2. V. Responses to Section 3.04-Cost Requirements Please include your itemized cost proposal as described in section 3.04. VI. Responses to Section 3.06—Scope of Work Explain how you will complete the scope of work described in section 3.06. Include a proposed timeline as described in section 3.05. VII. Attachments Please provide the following as attachments to your proposal: A. Non-Collusion Certificate(Attachment A). This certificate must be notarized. Page 21 of 37 B. Insurance Requirements(Attachment B). ➢ Please provide evidence of insurance in the required amounts or a statement indicating vendor will obtain required insurance if awarded the contract. C. Equal Opportunity and Title VI Requirements(Attachment C). ➢ Please complete and sign the Affidavit of Equal Opportunity and Title VI Compliance form. D. Non-Disclosure Agreement(Attachment D). ➢ Please complete and sign the Non-Disclosure Agreement. 2. Exceptions: Except as noted below, the undersigned hereby agrees to comply with all the terms and conditions put forth in the County's Request for Proposal. Signed: Dated: Title: Page 22 of 37 RFP#15076 Website Redesign Project Form #2 Vendor Information Requirements Company Information Question Vendor Answer Website Address Name of Person to be contacted concerning the proposal Title Address Telephone Number Fax Number Email Address Name of parent company, if applicable Home Office Address Telephone Number Website Address Describe the parent company's relationship with the vendor Does the person signing the proposal have the authority to sign on behalf of the vendor? Names of companies that will share significant and substantive responsibilities with the vendor in performing the scope of services under the Contract Length of time in business Gross revenue for the prior fiscal year (in US dollars) Page 23 of 37 Project Staff Information Please copy the table below and complete for each of the key project staff members (including subcontractors)who will be involved in this project. Staff member name Position in the company Length of time in position Project position and responsibilities Hours dedicated to project onsite Hours dedicated to the project Remotely Education Certifications Previous work experience Technical skills and qualifications for the project Page 24 of 37 RFP#15076 Website Redesign Project Form #3 Client References Please duplicate form and provide five client references. Client Name Contact Name Title Phone Number Email Address Type of Services Provided Services Provided ❑ Yes — Explain similarities: Similar to the County's requirements? ❑ No — Explain differences: Page 25 of 37 Attachment "A" NON-COLLUSION CERTIFICATE STATE OF ) ss. COUNTY OF ) The undersigned, being duly sworn, deposes and says that the person, firm, association, co-partnership or corporation herein named, has not, either directly or indirectly, entered into any agreement, participated in any collusion, or otherwise taken any action in restraint of free competition in the preparation and submission of a proposal to Mason County for consideration in the award of a contract on the improvement described as follows: RFP#15076-Website Redesign Project (Name of Firm) By: (Authorized Signature) Title: Sworn to before me this day of 2015. Notary Public CORPORATE SEAL: Page 26 of 37 Attachment "B" INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS The Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of this Agreement insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Contractor, his agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. The cost of such insurance shall be paid by the Contractor. Insurance shall meet or exceed the following unless otherwise approved by the County. A. Minimum Insurance 1. Commercial General Liability coverage with limits not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence/ $2,000,000 annual aggregate. 2. Commercial Automobile Liability coverage with limits not less than $1,000,000 per accident for any auto. 3. Stop Gap/Employer's Liability coverage with limits not less than $1,000,000 per accident/disease. 4. Workers' Compensation coverage as required by the Industrial Insurance Laws of the State of Washington. 5. Consultant's Errors &Omissions or Professional Liability with limits not less than $1,000,000 per claim or as an annual aggregate. B. Self-Insured Retentions Self-insured retentions must be declared to and approved by the County. C. Other Provisions 1. Commercial General Liability policies shall be endorsed to: a. Include the County, its officials, employees and volunteers as additional insureds, b. Provide that such insurance shall be primary as respects any insurance or self-insurance maintained by the County, 2. Contractor or its Insurance Agent/Broker shall notify the County of any cancellation, or reduction in coverage or limits, of any insurance within seven (7)days of receipt of insurers' notification to that effect. D. Acceptability of Insurers Unless otherwise approved by the County, insurance provided pursuant to the requirements herein shall be by insurers authorized to do business in the state of Washington and with a minimum A.M. Best rating of A-:VII. E. Verification of Coverage Contractor shall furnish the County with certificates of insurance required by this clause. The certificates are to be received and approved by the County before work commences. The County reserves the right to require complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies at any time. F. Subcontractors Contractor shall require subcontractors to provide coverage which complies with the requirements stated herein. Page 27 of 37 Attachment "C" EQUAL OPPORTUNITY & TITLE VI REQUIREMENTS General Instructions Applications: The following materials pertain to the Equal Opportunity Requirements of Mason County as set forth in Chapter 2.164.121 of the County Code. All contractors, subcontractors, consultants, vendors and suppliers who contract with the County in a total amount of thirty-five thousand or more within any given year, or as requested by Mason County, must comply with these requirements. Affidavit: Before being considered for a contract of the magnitude listed above, all contractors will be required to submit the"Affidavit of Equal Opportunity Compliance" as part of their proposal/qualifications or upon the request of the Purchasing Manager. Compliance: Mason County reserves the right to randomly select contractors, subcontractors, consultants, vendors or suppliers to be audited for compliance of the requirements listed. During this audit, the contractors, etc. will be asked for a specific demonstration of compliance with the requirements. Noncompliance: A finding of a noncompliance may be considered a breach of contract and suspension or termination of the contract may follow. Countycontact: RFP Coordinator (see information above) . Willful disregard of the County's nondiscrimination and affirmative action requirements shall be considered breach of contract and suspension or termination of all or part of the contract may follow. All contractors, subcontractors, vendors, consultants or suppliers of the County required to take affirmative action must sign the affidavit of compliance and submit with the bid proposal or upon the request of the RFP Coordinator. All documents related to compliance steps listed above shall be presented upon the request of the RFP Coordinator. The RFP Coordinator shall serve as the compliance officer for the County and is authorized to develop and issue procedures for the administration of this section." Page 28 of 37 Affidavit of Title VI Compliance Section Assurances for Contractors, Subcontractors, Consultants,Suppliers and Manufacturers. • Compliance with Regulations: The Vendor shall comply with the Regulations relative to nondiscrimination in Federally assisted programs of the Department of Transportation (hereinafter DOT), Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, part 21, and as may be requested by the County, as they may be amended from time to time, (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations), which are herein incorporated by reference and made a part of this contract. • Nondiscrimination: The Vendor, with regard to the work performed during the contract, shall not discriminate on the grounds of race, color, sex, or national origin in the selection and retention of subcontractors, including procurement of materials and leases of equipment. The Vendor shall not participate either directly or indirectly in the discrimination prohibited by Section 21.5 of the Regulations, including employment practices when the contract covers a program set forth in Appendix B of the Regulations. • Solicitations for Subcontracts, including Procurement of Materials and Equipment: In all solicitations either by competitive bidding or negotiations made by the Vendor for work to be performed under a subcontract, including procurement of materials or leases of equipment, each potential subcontractor or supplier shall be notified by the Vendor of the Vendor's obligations under this contract and the Regulations relative to nondiscrimination on the grounds of race, color, sex or national origin. • Information and Reports: The Vendor shall provide all information and reports required by the Regulations or directives issued pursuant thereto, and shall permit access to its books, records, accounts, other sources of information, and its facilities as may be determined by Mason County or the Washington State Department of Transportation to be pertinent to ascertain compliance with such Regulations, orders and instructions. Where any information required of a Vendor is in the exclusive possession of another who fails or refuses to furnish this information, the Vendor shall so certify to Mason County or the Washington State Department of Transportation as appropriate, and shall set forth what efforts it has made to obtain the information. • Sanctions for Noncompliance. In the event of the Vendor's noncompliance with the nondiscrimination provisions of this contract, Mason County and the Washington State Department of Transportation shall impose such contract sanctions as it, or the Federal Highway Administration may determine to be appropriate, including, but not limited to: a. Withholding of payments to the Vendor under the contract until the contractor complies, and/or; b. Cancellation,termination, or suspension of the contract, in whole or in part. • Incorporation of Provisions. The Vendor shall include the provisions of paragraphs (1)through (6) in every subcontract, including procurement of materials and leases of equipment, unless exempt by the Regulations, or directives issued pursuant thereto. The Vendor shall take such action with respect to any subcontractor or procurement as Mason County or the US Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, may direct as a means of enforcing such provisions including sanctions for non-compliance. Provided, however, that in the event a Vendor becomes involved in, or is threatened with, litigation with a subcontractor or supplier as a result of such direction, the Vendor may request Mason County enter into such litigation to protect the interests of the County and, in addition, the Vendor may request the United States to enter into such litigation to protect the interests of the United States. Page 29 of 37 AFFIDAVIT OF EQUAL OPPORTUNITY & TITLE VI COMPLIANCE certifies that: Respondent 1. If necessary to recruit additional employees, it has: a. Notified relevant minority and women's organizations,or b. Hired through a union hall with an equal opportunity policy. 2. It intends to use the following listed construction trades in the work under the contract: 3. In sourcing subcontract work for trades listed above, it has notified in writing appropriate minority and women contractors of bids for subcontract work. 4. It will obtain from its subcontractors and submit upon request, an Affidavit of Equal Opportunity Compliance as required by these bid documents. 5. It has provided a written statement to all new employees or subcontractors indicating its commitment as an equal opportunity employer. 6. It has considered all eligible employees for promotion or advancement when promotion or advancement opportunities have existed. By: (authorized signature) Title: Date: Page 30 of 37 Attachment "D" MASON COUNTY NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT (STANDARD RECIPROCAL) This Non-Disclosure Agreement (the "Agreement") is made and entered into as of the later of the two signature dates below by and between MASON COUNTY, a Municipal corporation ("COB"), and corporation ("Company")and is entered into for website redesign services. IN CONSIDERATION OF THE MUTUAL PROMISES AND COVENANTS CONTAINED IN THIS AGREEMENT AND THE MUTUAL DISCLOSURE OF CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION, THE PARTIES HERETO AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. Definition of Confidential Information and Exclusions. (a) "Confidential Information" means nonpublic information that a party to this Agreement ("Disclosing Party") designates as being confidential to the party that receives such information ("Receiving Party")or which, under the circumstances surrounding disclosure ought to be treated as confidential by the Receiving Party. "Confidential Information" includes, without limitation, information in tangible or intangible form relating to and/or including released or unreleased Disclosing Party software or hardware products, the marketing or promotion of any Disclosing Party product, Disclosing Party's business policies or practices, and information received from others that Disclosing Party is obligated to treat as confidential. For purpose of this agreement, this confidential information also includes but is no limited to the following types of information, whether in writing or not: all documentation, other tangible or intangible discoveries, ideas, concepts, drawings, specifications, techniques, data or any other information including any information the Disclosing Party obtains from another party which the Disclosing Party treats as proprietary or designates as confidential information whether or not it is owned by the Disclosing Party. Except as otherwise indicated in this Agreement, the term "Disclosing Party"also includes all Affiliates of the Disclosing Party and, except as otherwise indicated, the term "Receiving Party" also includes all Affiliates of the Receiving Party. An "Affiliate" means any person, partnership,joint venture, corporation or other form of enterprise, domestic or foreign, including but not limited to subsidiaries, that directly or indirectly, controls, are controlled by, or are under common control with a party. (b) Confidential Information shall not include any information, however designated, that: (i) is or subsequently becomes publicly available without Receiving Party's breach of any obligation owed Disclosing Party; (ii) became known to Receiving Party prior to Disclosing Party's disclosure of such information to Receiving Party pursuant to the terms of this Agreement; (iii) became known to Receiving Party from a source other than Disclosing Party other than by the breach of an obligation of confidentiality owed to Disclosing Party; (iv) is independently developed by Receiving Party. 2. Obligations Regarding Confidential Information (a) Receiving Party shall: (i) Refrain from disclosing any Confidential Information of the Disclosing Party to third parties for two (2)years following the date that Disclosing Party first discloses such Confidential Information to Receiving Party, except as expressly provided in Sections 2(b) and 2(c)of this Agreement; (ii) Take reasonable security precautions, at least as great as the precautions it takes to protect its own confidential information, but no less than prevailing standard of reasonable care in the Receiving Party's industry, to keep confidential the Confidential Information of the Disclosing Party; (iii) Refrain from disclosing, reproducing, summarizing and/or distributing Confidential Information of the Disclosing Party except in pursuance of Receiving Party's Page 31 of 37 business relationship with Disclosing Party, and only as otherwise provided hereunder; and (iv) Refrain from reverse engineering, decompiling or disassembling any software code and/or pre-release hardware devices disclosed by Disclosing Party to Receiving Party under the terms of this Agreement, except as expressly permitted by applicable law. (b) Receiving Party may disclose Confidential Information of Disclosing Party in accordance with judicial action, federal or state public disclosure requirements, state or federal regulations, or other governmental order or requirement of law, provided that Receiving Party either(i) gives the undersigned Disclosing Party reasonable notice prior to such disclosure to allow Disclosing Party a reasonable opportunity to seek a protective order or equivalent, or(ii) obtains written assurance from the applicable judicial or governmental entity that it will afford the Confidential Information the highest level of protection afforded under applicable law or regulation. In the event the Disclosing Party elects to obtain a protective order or equivalent,or legally contest and avoid such disclosure, the Receiving Party shall fully cooperate with the Disclosing Party. (c) The undersigned Receiving Party may disclose Confidential Information only to Receiving Party's employees and consultants on a need-to-know basis. The undersigned Receiving Party will have executed or shall execute appropriate written agreements with third parties sufficient to enable Receiving Party to enforce all the provisions of this Agreement. (d) Receiving Party shall notify the undersigned Disclosing Party immediately upon discovery of any unauthorized use or disclosure of Confidential Information or any other breach of this Agreement by Receiving Party and its employees and consultants, and will cooperate with Disclosing Party in every reasonable way to help Disclosing Party regain possession of the Confidential Information and prevent its further unauthorized use or disclosure. Upon discovery of an inadvertent or accidental disclosure, the Receiving Party shall promptly notify the Submitting Party of such disclosure and shall take all reasonable steps to retrieve the disclosure and prevent further such disclosures. If the foregoing requirements are met, a Receiving Party shall not be liable for inadvertent disclosure. (e) The restrictions herein shall not apply with respect to Confidential Information which: (i) Is or becomes known to the general public without breach of this Agreement; or (ii) Is or has been lawfully disclosed to a Receiving Party by a third party without an obligation of confidentiality; (iii) Is independently developed by a Party without access to or use of the Confidential Information; or (iv) At the end of the period of confidentiality set forth in this agreement. (f) All tangible information, including drawings, specifications and other information submitted hereunder, by the Receiving Party to the other shall remain the property of the Disclosing Party. The Receiving Party promptly shall return Confidential Information, including all originals, copies, reproductions and summaries of Confidential Information and all other tangible materials and devices provided to the Receiving Party, and shall cease any further use thereof, upon the first to occur of the following events: (i) written request of the Submitting Party; (ii) termination of this Agreement;or (iii) completion of the purpose for which the Confidential Information was disclosed. In lieu of the foregoing, the Receiving Party, upon mutual consent, may destroy all copies of the Confidential Information and certify to the Submitting Party in writing that it has done so. (g) The receiving Party shall not export, directly or indirectly, any Confidential Information or any products utilizing such data unless it first complies with any applicable laws and regulations pertaining thereto, including, but not limited to, U.S. export laws or traffic in arms regulations. 3. Remedies Page 32 of 37 The parties acknowledge that monetary damages may not be a sufficient remedy for unauthorized disclosure of Confidential Information and that Disclosing Party shall be entitled, without waiving any other rights or remedies, to such injunctive or equitable relief as may be deemed proper by a court of competent jurisdiction. 4. Miscellaneous (a) All Confidential Information is and shall remain the property of Disclosing Party. By disclosing Confidential Information to Receiving Party, Disclosing Party does not grant any express or implied right to Receiving Party to or under any patents, copyrights, trademarks, or trade secret information except as otherwise provided herein. Disclosing Party reserves without prejudice the ability to protect its rights under any such patents, copyrights, trademarks, or trade secrets except as otherwise provided herein. Except as expressly herein provided, no rights, licenses or relationships whatsoever are to be inferred or implied by the furnishing of Confidential Information specified above or pursuant to this Agreement. (b) The terms of confidentiality under this Agreement shall not be construed to limit either the Disclosing Party or the Receiving Party's right to independently develop or acquire products without use of the other party's Confidential Information. Further, the Receiving Party shall be free to use for any purpose the residuals resulting from access to or work with the Confidential Information of the Disclosing Party, provided that the Receiving Party shall not disclose the Confidential Information except as expressly permitted pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. The term "residuals" means information in intangible form, which is retained in memory by persons who have had access to the Confidential Information, including ideas, concepts, know-how or techniques contained therein. The Receiving Party shall not have any obligation to limit or restrict the assignment of such persons or to pay royalties for any work resulting from the use of residuals. However, this sub-paragraph shall not be deemed to grant to the Receiving Party a license under the Disclosing Party's copyrights or patents. (c) This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof. It shall not be modified except by a written agreement dated subsequent to the date of this Agreement and signed by both parties. None of the provisions of this Agreement shall be deemed to have been waived by any act or acquiescence on the part of Disclosing Party, the Receiving Party, their agents, or employees, but only by an instrument in writing signed by an authorized employee of Disclosing Party and the Receiving Party. No waiver of any provision of this Agreement shall constitute a waiver of any other provision(s)or of the same provision on another occasion. (d) If either the Disclosing Party or the Receiving Party employs attorneys to enforce any rights arising out of or relating to this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorneys'fees and costs. This Agreement shall be construed and controlled by the laws of the State of Washington, and the parties further consent to exclusive jurisdiction and venue in the federal courts sitting in King County, Washington, unless no federal subject matter jurisdiction exists, in which case the parties consent to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue in the Superior Court of King County, Washington. Company waives all defenses of lack of personal jurisdiction and forum non-conveniens. Process may be served on either party in the manner authorized by applicable law or court rule. (e) This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of each party's respective successors and lawful assigns; provided, however, that neither party may assign this Agreement(whether by operation of law, sale of securities or assets, merger or otherwise), in whole or in part, without the prior written approval of the other party. Any attempted assignment in violation of this Section shall be void. (f) If any provision of this Agreement shall be held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect. Page 33 of 37 (g) Either party may terminate this Agreement with or without cause upon ninety- (90) days prior written notice to the other party. All sections of this Agreement relating to the rights and obligations of the parties concerning Confidential Information disclosed during the term of the Agreement shall survive any such termination. (h) This Agreement is not intended to constitute, create, give effect to, or otherwise recognize a joint venture, partnership or formal business entity of any kind and the rights and obligations of the Parties shall be limited to those expressly set forth herein. Any exchange of Confidential Information under this Agreement shall not be deemed as constituting any offer, acceptance, or promise of any further contract or amendment to any contract which may exist between the Parties. Nothing herein shall be construed as providing for the sharing of profits or losses arising out of the efforts of either or both Parties. Each Party shall act as an independent contractor and not as an agent of the other for any purpose whatsoever and neither shall have any authority to bind the other. Moreover, this Agreement shall create no obligation by either Party to disclose any particular kind or quantity of information to the other. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties hereto have executed this Agreement. COMPANY: MASON COUNTY Address: 411 North 5th St Shelton, WA 98584 By: By: Name: Name: Title: Title: Date: Date: Page 34 of 37 Attachment "E" PRICING Please complete this attachment by indicating all costs associated with each product and/or service included in the proposal. Also include aggregate pricing if price advantages are available. Project Phase Proposed Cost Website Redesign (SOW section#1) Discovery $ Prototyping $ Design $ Sub-Total SOW section#1 $ Build (scope of SOW section#2) CMS (migration, setup, deployment) $ Support(SOW section#3) $ Hosting $ CMS(cost of software) $ Project Management(SOW section#4) $ Total $ Page 35 of 37 Attachment "G" Information Security Requirements Consultants with access to County data or systems shall provide their services in a manner consistent with the County's Information Security policies. This includes, but is not limited, to ensuring that user accounts are known only by the individual assigned access, and not shared with anyone unless approved by the County in advance. If Consultants have remote access into systems with County data, Consultants shall ensure that the remote access is conducted from IT systems which have the latest security patches, multifactor authentication, anti-virus, and malware signatures. Consultants are required to protect County data per the following table: The most private and restricted type of data stored, processed or transmitted by the County (e.g. credit card data, individually identifiable health information, social security numbers). This type of data must be strictly monitored and controlled at all times. When in electronic form, such data must be stored and transmitted in encrypted form. The data also must be version controlled, and must not Critical be sent or taken outside of the County without explicit permission of a County department manager or the data owner. Such data must only be sent to business partners who have executed an approved non- disclosure agreement(NDA)with the County. Unauthorized disclosure or use of such data would violate laws, regulations or standards and/or cause a significant adverse impact to the County, its citizens, or business partners. Data that is private and restricted (e.g. detailed information about the County's security controls or computer network, citizen account information, employee performance reviews). This includes data which by statute is specifically exempted from public disclosure. Such data must be restricted to those having a need for specific access in order to accomplish a legitimate task. When in electronic form, such data may be stored and transmitted in Confidential encrypted form. The data must not be sent or taken outside of the County without explicit permission of a County department manager or the data owner. Such data must only be sent to business partners who have executed an approved non-disclosure agreement(NDA)with the County. Unauthorized disclosure or use of such data may violate laws, regulations or standards and/or would likely cause a significant adverse impact to the County, its citizens, or business partners. A Contractor responsible for providing managed hosting services (such as hosting a website on behalf of the County), the Contractor shall ensure that website, access control systems, and supporting Operating Systems and Applications are secure. At a minimum, this includes an annual review of all users with access to the systems, applications, and code provided by Contractor, an annual independent security assessment which includes vulnerability scans, network and application layer penetration tests, code reviews. Independent shall mean that the persons conducting the security assessment will be independent of the design, installation, or maintenance of the systems. Contractor shall have a centralized logging, monitoring, and alerting systems in place such as an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) or Log Management Server. All systems which store, process, or transmit County data shall have updated anti-virus and updated security patches for all software that is no later than 30 days old. Page 36 of 37 These requirements are not substitutes for the Contractor's obligations under applicable regulatory requirements including, but not limited to, the Payment Card Industry (PCI), Criminal Justice Information System (CJIS), the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act(HIPAA), or State Laws. If Contractor has access or retains data that is considered critical or confidential by the County, Contractor acknowledges that it will properly turn over or destroy all data upon termination of the contract. Contractor agrees at reasonable times to provide to the County or to its assignees, the audit rights for all physical locations, systems or networks that store, process, or transmit data on behalf of the County, and will provide access to the independent security assessments within one (1) business day. Contractor shall provide prompt notice to the County of any confirmed or suspected security breach affecting the County's data or informational infrastructure that supports the County's contracted services. Prompt notice shall mean within four(4) hours of discovery of the confirmed breach. Notice will be provided by e-mail and telephone to County's primary technical contact and primary business contact. Page 37 of 37 C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Mary Ransier Ext.422 Department: Human Resources Briefing: ❑X Action Agenda: ❑ Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): March 25,2024 Agenda Date: Click or tap here to enter text. Internal Review: ❑ Finance X❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Risk (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item• Placement of Chief Public Defender on the Non-Represented Salary Scale Background/Executive Summary: The Chief Public Defender position was not able to be benchmarked in the 2022 class/comp study. Based on market and internal positioning,the recommendation is to add 3 ranges to the 2024 Non-Represented Salary Scale and place the Chief Public Defender position in the new range 50. Option 1: Move the position to the new range 50 in 2024. Option 2: Move the position to range 46 in 2024 and then range 50 in 2025. There is also a need to re-name the Administrative Assistant—Commissioners,to Administrative Assistant I— Commissioners on the non-represented salary scale for consistency purposes. Budget Impact(amount, funding source,budget amendment): To be determined. Public Outreach (news release,community meeting, etc.): N/A Requested Action: Move to action agenda either Option 1 or Option 2 for the Chief Public Defender position and renaming of the Administrative Assistant I—Commissioners. Attachments Option 1 Non-Represented Salary Scale Option 2 Non-Represented Salary Scale Non-Represented Salary Range Alignment with 2%ATB RANGE CLASSIFICATION TITLE JOB CLASS STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 STEP 6 STEP 7 STEP 8 STEP 9 STEP 10 4952 County Administrator 3601 Annual $ 151,652.40 $ 155,443.68 $ 159,329.52 $ 163,313.04 $ 167,395.92 $ 171,580.56 $ 175,869.84 $ 180,266.88 $ 184,773.60 $ 189,392.88 Monthly $ 12,637.70 $ 12,953.64 $ 13,277.46 $ 13,609.42 $ 13,949.66 $ 14,298.38 $ 14,655.82 $ 15,022.24 $ 15,397.80 $ 15,782.74 Semi-Monthly $ 6,318.85 $ 6,476.82 $ 6,638.73 $ 6,804.71 $ 6,974.83 $ 7,149.19 $ 7,327.91 $ 7,511.12 $ 7,698.90 $ 7,891.37 4851 Community Development Director 2070 Annual $ 124,852.08 $ 128,054.16 $ 131,337.36 $ 134,704.32 $ 138,159.12 $ 141,700.80 $ 145,242.96 $ 148,874.40 $ 152,596.32 $ 156,411.12 Human Resources Director 2900 Monthly $ 10,404.34 $ 10,671.18 $ 10,944.78 $ 11,225.36 $ 11,513.26 $ 11,808.40 $ 12,103.58 $ 12,406.20 $ 12,716.36 $ 13,034.26 Public Health&Human Services Director 2170 Semi-Monthly $ 5,202.17 $ 5,335.59 $ 5,472.39 $ 5,612.68 $ 5,756.63 $ 5,904.20 $ 6,051.79 $ 6,203.10 $ 6,358.18 $ 6,517.13 Public Works&Utilities Director 4005 Undersheriff 3000 50 Chief Public Defender Annual $115,052.75 $117,929.07 $120,877.30 $123,899.23 $126,996.71 $ 130,171.63 $133,425.92 $136,761.57 $140,180.61 $143,685.12 Monthly $ 9,587.73 $ 9,827.42 $ 10,073.11 $ 10,324.94 $ 10,583.06 $ 10,847.64 $ 11,118.83 $ 11,396.80 $ 11,681.72 $ 11,973.76 Semi-Monthly $ 4,793.86 1 $ 4,913.71 $ 5,036.55 $ 5,162.47 1 $ 5,291.53 $ 5,423.82 $ 5,559.41 $ 5,698.40 1 $ 5,840.86 $ 5,986.88 49 Annual $112,246.59 $115,052.75 $117,929.07 $120,877.30 $123,899.23 $ 126,996.71 $130,171.63 $133,425.92 $136,761.57 $140,180.61 Monthly $ 9,353.88 $ 9,587.73 $ 9,827.42 $ 10,073.11 $ 10,324.94 $ 10,583.06 $ 10,847.64 $ 11,118.83 $ 11,396.80 $ 11,681.72 Semi-Monthly $ 4,676.94 $ 4,793.86 $ 4,913.71 $ 5,036.55 $ 5,162.47 $ 5,291.53 $ 5,423.82 $ 5,559.41 $ 5,698.40 $ 5,840.86 48 Annual $109,508.87 $112,246.59 $115,052.75 $117,929.07 $120,877.30 $ 123,899.23 $126,996.71 $130,171.63 $133,425.92 $136,761.57 Monthly $ 9,125.74 $ 9,353.88 $ 9,587.73 $ 9,827.42 $ 10,073.11 $ 10,324.94 $ 10,583.06 $ 10,847.64 $ 11,118.83 $ 11,396.80 Semi-Monthly $ 4,562.87 $ 4,676.94 $ 4,793.86 $ 4,913.71 $ 5,036.55 $ 5,162.47 $ 5,291.53 $ 5,423.82 $ 5,559.41 $ 5,698.40 47 County Engineer 4008 Annual $106,837.92 $109,508.64 $112,162.80 $114,966.96 $117,865.20 $ 120,732.00 $123,756.72 $126,828.00 $129,998.64 $133,248.48 Monthly $ 8,903.16 $ 9,125.72 $ 9,346.90 $ 9,580.58 $ 9,822.10 $ 10,061.00 $ 10,313.06 $ 10,569.00 $ 10,833.22 $ 11,104.04 Semi-Monthly $ 4,451.58 $ 4,562.86 $ 4,673.45 $ 4,790.29 $ 4,911.05 $ 5,030.50 $ 5,156.53 $ 5,284.50 $ 5,416.61 $ 5,552.02 46 Annual $ 104,232.00 $ 106,837.92 $ 109,427.04 $ 112,162.80 $ 114,745.68 $ 117,787.20 $ 120,738.00 $ 123,734.40 $ 126,828.00 $ 129,998.64 Monthly $ 8,686.00 $ 8,903.16 $ 9,118.92 $ 9,346.90 $ 9,562.14 $ 9,815.60 $ 10,061.50 $ 10,311.20 $ 10,569.00 $ 10,833.22 Semi-Monthly $ 4,343.00 $ 4,451.58 $ 4,559.46 $ 4,673.45 $ 4,781.07 $ 4,907.80 $ 5,030.75 $ 5155.60 $ 5,284.50 $ 5416.61 45 Chief Criminal Deputy 3002 Annual $ 101,689.68 $ 104,232.00 $ 106,758.24 $ 109,427.04 $ 112,110.96 $ 114,914.40 $ 117,793.44 $ 120,716.40 $ 123,734.40 $ 126,828.00 Monthly $ 8,474.14 $ 8,686.00 $ 8,896.52 $ 9,118.92 $ 9,342.58 $ 9,576.20 $ 9,816.12 $ 10,059.70 $ 10,311.20 $ 10,569.00 Semi-Monthly $ 4,237.07 $ 4,343.00 $ 4,448.26 $ 4,559.46 $ 4,671.29 $ 4,788.10 $ 4,908.06 $ 5,029.85 $ 5,155.60 $ 5,284.50 44 Deputy Director Public Works/Utilities&Waste Mgmt 4010 Annual $ 99,245.52 $ 101,726.64 $ 104,223.36 $ 106,829.04 $ 109,441.44 $ 112,170.24 $ 114,974.16 $ 117,853.20 $ 120,799.44 $ 123,815.36 Central Services Manager 1153 Monthly $ 8,270.46 $ 8,477.22 $ 8,685.28 $ 8,902.42 $ 9,120.12 $ 9,347.52 $ 9,581.18 $ 9,821.10 $ 10,066.62 $ 10,318.28 Semi-Monthly $ 4,135.23 $ 4,238.61 $ 4,342.64 $ 4,451.21 $ 4,560.06 $ 4,673.76 $ 4,790.59 $ 4,910.55 $ 5,033.31 $ 5,159.14 43 Chief Jail 3003 Annual $ 96,816.48 $ 99,236.88 $ 101,660.16 $ 104,201.52 $ 106,742.40 $ 109,426.80 $ 112,140.48 $ 114,959.28 $ 117,833.28 $ 120,779.28 Pf o Ch�,,, , „c Defender 1160 Monthly $ 8,068.04 $ 8,269.74 $ 8,471.68 $ 8,683.46 $ 8,895.20 $ 9,118.90 $ 9,345.04 $ 9,579.94 $ 9,819.44 $ 10,064.94 Chief Superior Court Administrator 4650 Semi-Monthly $ 4,034.02 $ 4,134.87 $ 4,235.84 $ 4,341.73 $ 4,447.60 $ 4,559.45 $ 4,672.52 $ 4,789.97 $ 4,909.72 $ 5,032.47 Budget&Finance Manager 1155 Chief Finance Officer 2000 Chief Civil Deputy 3001 42 Annual $ 94,552.08 $ 96,915.84 $ 99,276.00 $ 101,757.84 $ 104,223.36 $ 106,847.52 $ 109,516.32 $ 112,245.12 $ 115,051.44 $ 117,927.84 Monthly $ 7,879.34 $ 8,076.32 $ 8,273.00 $ 8,479.82 $ 8,685.28 $ 8,903.96 $ 9,126.36 $ 9,353.76 $ 9,587.62 $ 9,827.32 Semi-Monthly $ 3,939.67 $ 4,038.16 $ 4,136.50 $ 4,239.91 $ 4,342.64 $ 4,451.98 $ 4,563.18 $ 4,676.88 $ 4,793.81 $ 4,913.66 41 Chief District Court Administrator 1180 Annual $ 92,213.28 $ 94,518.48 $ 96,816.48 $ 99,236.88 $ 101,674.32 $ 104,208.72 $ 106,817.76 $ 109,486.56 $ 112,223.76 $ 115,029.36 Jail Lieutenant 3005 Monthly $ 7,684.44 $ 7,876.54 $ 8,068.04 $ 8,269.74 $ 8,472.86 $ 8,684.06 $ 8,901.48 $ 9,123.88 $ 9,351.98 $ 9,585.78 Patrol Lieutenant 3006 Semi-Monthly $ 3,842.22 $ 3,938.27 $ 4,034.02 $ 4,134.87 $ 4,236.43 $ 4,342.03 $ 4,450.74 $ 4,561.94 $ 4,675.99 $ 4,792.89 40 Engineering and Construction Manager 4030 Annual $ 90,039.12 $ 92,290.08 $ 94,552.08 $ 96,915.84 $ 99,260.64 $ 101,750.16 $ 104,298.96 $ 106,907.52 $ 109,580.40 $ 112,319.76 Monthly $ 7,503.26 $ 7,690.84 $ 7,879.34 $ 8,076.32 $ 8,271.72 $ 8,479.18 $ 8,691.58 $ 8,908.96 $ 9,131.70 $ 9,359.98 Semi-Monthly $ 3,751.63 $ 3,845.42 $ 3,939.67 $ 4,038.16 $ 4,135.86 $ 4,239.59 $ 4,345.79 $ 4,454.48 $ 4,565.85 $ 4,679.99 39 Annual $ 87,835.20 $ 90,030.96 $ 92,243.76 $ 94,550.16 $ 96,846.72 $ 99,260.64 $ 101,750.16 $ 104,298.96 $ 106,906.32 $ 109,579.20 Monthly $ 7,319.60 $ 7,502.58 $ 7,686.98 $ 7,879.18 $ 8,070.56 $ 8,271.72 $ 8,479.18 $ 8,691.58 $ 8,908.86 $ 9,131.60 Semi-Monthly $ 3,659.80 $ 3,751.29 $ 3,843.49 $ 3,939.59 $ 4,035.28 $ 4,135.86 $ 4,239.59 $ 4,345.79 $ 4,454.43 $ 4,565.80 38 County Surveyor 4058 Annual $ 85,736.40 $ 87,879.60 $ 90,024.24 $ 92,274.96 $ 94,522.32 $ 96,906.48 $ 99,290.16 $ 101,794.56 $ 104,339.28 $ 106,947.84 DEM/Parks&Trails Manager 2059 Monthly $ 7,144.70 $ 7,323.30 $ 7,502.02 $ 7,689.58 $ 7,876.86 $ 8,075.54 $ 8,274.18 $ 8,482.88 $ 8,694.94 $ 8,912.32 Facilities Manager 2058 Semi-Monthly $ 3,572.35 $ 3,661.65 $ 3,751.01 $ 3,844.79 $ 3,938.43 $ 4,037.77 $ 4,137.09 $ 4,241.44 $ 4,347.47 $ 4,456.16 Water&Wastewater Manager 4015 Building Official 3203 Road Operations&Maintenance Mana er 4231 37 Community Health Manager 2171 Annual $ 83,636.88 $ 85,728.00 $ 87,820.08 $ 90,015.36 $ 92,228.40 $ 94,521.60 $ 96,891.60 $ 99,305.28 $ 101,787.84 $ 104,332.56 Environmental Health Manager 2169 Monthly $ 6,969.74 $ 7,144.00 $ 7,318.34 $ 7,501.28 $ 7,685.70 $ 7,876.80 $ 8,074.30 $ 8,275.44 $ 8,482.32 $ 8,694.38 Public Works Finance Manager 2011 Semi-Monthly $ 3,484.87 $ 3,572.00 $ 3,659.17 $ 3,750.64 $ 3,842.85 $ 3,938.40 $ 4,037.15 $ 4,137.72 $ 4,241.16 $ 4,347.19 36 Engineerlll 4033 Annual $ 81,642.48 $ 83,683.68 $ 85,736.40 $ 87,879.60 $ 90,024.24 $ 92,288.16 $ 94,598.16 $ 96,966.24 $ 99,390.48 $ 101,875.20 Monthly $ 6,803.54 $ 6,973.64 $ 7,144.70 $ 7,323.30 $ 7,502.02 $ 7,690.68 $ 7,883.18 $ 8,080.52 $ 8,282.54 $ 8,489.60 Semi-Monthl $ 3,401.77 $ 3,486.82 $ 3,572.35 $ 3,661.65 $ 3,751.01 $ 3,845.34 $ 3,941.59 $ 4,040.26 $ 4,141.27 $ 4,244.80 35 Juvenile Court Services Deputy Administrator 1052 Annual $ 79,678.56 $ 81,670.32 $ 83,666.64 $ 85,758.24 $ 87,850.08 $ 90,039.12 $ 92,302.80 $ 94,612.80 $ 96,978.24 $ 99,402.48 Monthly $ 6,639.88 $ 6,805.86 $ 6,972.22 $ 7,146.52 $ 7,320.84 $ 7,503.26 $ 7,691.90 $ 7,884.40 $ 8,081.52 $ 8,283.54 Semi-Monthly $ 3,319.94 $ 3,402.93 $ 3,486.11 $ 3,573.26 $ 3,660.42 $ 3,751.63 $ 3,845.95 $ 3,942.20 $ 4,040.76 $ 4,141.77 34 Prosecuting Attorney Administrative Manager 2149 Annual $ 77,788.80 $ 79,733.76 $ 81,657.84 $ 83,699.52 $ 85,751.28 $ 87,894.96 $ 90,098.88 $ 92,348.64 $ 94,657.20 $ 97,023.84 Monthly $ 6,482.40 $ 6,644.48 $ 6,804.82 $ 6,974.96 $ 7,145.94 $ 7,324.58 $ 7,508.24 $ 7,695.72 $ 7,888.10 $ 8,085.32 Semi-Monthly $ 3,241.20 $ 3,322.24 $ 3,402.41 $ 3,487.48 $ 3,572.97 $ 3,662.29 $ 3,754.12 $ 3,847.86 $ 3,944.05 $ 4,042.66 33 Juvenile Detention Manager 3800 Annual $ 75,884.64 $ 77,781.84 $ 79,678.56 $ 81,670.32 $ 83,666.64 $ 85,751.28 $ 87,894.96 $ 90,026.88 $ 92,351.28 $ 94,660.32 Chief Deputy Assessor 1099 Monthly $ 6,323.72 $ 6,481.82 $ 6,639.88 $ 6,805.86 $ 6,972.22 $ 7,145.94 $ 7,324.58 $ 7,502.24 $ 7,695.94 $ 7,888.36 Chief Deputy Treasurer 1139 Semi-Monthly $ 3,161.86 $ 3,240.91 $ 3,319.94 $ 3,402.93 $ 3,486.11 $ 3,572.97 $ 3,662.29 $ 3,751.12 $ 3,847.97 $ 3,944.18 32 Project Support Services Manager 4201 Annual $ 74,100.72 $ 75,953.04 $ 77,803.92 $ 79,748.88 $ 81,672.72 $ 83,711.28 $ 85,810.80 $ 87,955.44 $ 90,154.32 $ 92,408.16 Monthly $ 6,175.06 $ 6,329.42 $ 6,483.66 $ 6,645.74 $ 6,806.06 $ 6,975.94 $ 7,150.90 $ 7,329.62 $ 7,512.86 $ 7,700.68 Semi-Monthly $ 3,087.53 $ 3,164.71 $ 3,241.83 $ 3,322.87 $ 3,403.03 $ 3,487.97 $ 3,575.45 $ 3,664.81 $ 3,756.43 $ 3,850.34 31 Chief Deputy Clerk 1108 Annual $ 72,241.68 $ 74,047.68 $ 75,870.00 $ 77,766.96 $ 79,663.44 $ 81,642.48 $ 83,696.16 $ 85,795.68 $ 87,940.80 $ 90,139.20 Monthly $ 6,020.14 $ 6,170.64 $ 6,322.50 $ 6,480.58 $ 6,638.62 $ 6,803.54 $ 6,974.68 $ 7,149.64 $ 7,328.40 $ 7,511.60 Semi-Monthly $ 3,010.07 $ 3,085.32 $ 3,161.25 $ 3,240.29 $ 3,319.31 $ 3,401.77 $ 3,487.34 $ 3,574.82 $ 3,664.20 $ 3,755.80 30 Engineering&Construction Assistant Manager 4029 Annual $ 70,561.44 $ 72,325.44 $ 74,085.60 $ 75,937.44 $ 77,788.80 $ 79,738.08 $ 81,702.24 $ 83,756.40 $ 85,850.40 $ 87,996.48 Risk Manager 1057 Monthly $ 5,880.12 $ 6,027.12 $ 6,173.80 $ 6,328.12 $ 6,482.40 $ 6,644.84 $ 6,808.52 $ 6,979.70 $ 7,154.20 $ 7,333.04 Grant Writer 1159 Semi-Monthly $ 2,940.06 $ 3,013.56 $ 3,086.90 $ 3,164.06 $ 3,241.20 $ 3,322.42 $ 3,404.26 $ 3,489.85 $ 3,577.10 $ 3,666.52 29 Equipment Maintenance Supervisor 4080 Annual $ 68,852.64 $ 70,574.16 $ 72,271.44 $ 74,078.16 $ 75,884.64 $ 77,803.92 $ 79,738.08 $ 81,732.72 $ 83,775.84 $ 85,870.56 FinanceManager-SheriffOffice 2010 Monthly $ 5,737.72 $ 5,881.18 $ 6,022.62 $ 6,173.18 $ 6,323.72 $ 6,483.66 $ 6,644.84 $ 6,811.06 $ 6,981.32 $ 7,155.88 Road Operations&Maintenance Supervisor 4022 Semi-Monthly $ 2,868.86 $ 2,940.59 $ 3,011.31 $ 3,086.59 $ 3,161.86 $ 3,241.83 $ 3,322.42 $ 3,405.53 $ 3,490.66 $ 3,577.94 Finance Manager-Health Services 3410 Elections Superintendent 1080 Solid Waste Manager 2200 Public Works Office Administrator 2045 Human Resources Analyst 1157 Clerk of the Board 1056 28 Engineerll 4032 Annual $ 67,202.88 $ 68,883.12 $ 70,561.44 $ 72,325.44 $ 74,085.60 $ 75,929.52 $ 77,848.80 $ 79,798.08 $ 81,793.20 $ 83,838.24 Senior Epidemiologist 3416 Monthly $ 5,600.24 $ 5,740.26 $ 5,880.12 $ 6,027.12 $ 6,173.80 $ 6,327.46 $ 6,487.40 $ 6,649.84 $ 6,816.10 $ 6,986.52 Office Manager 2040 Semi-Monthly $ 2,800.12 1 $ 2,870.13 $ 2,940.06 $ 3,013.56 $ 3,086.90 $ 3,163.73 $ 3,243.70 $ 3,324.92 $ 3,408.05 $ 3,493.26 27 Therapeutic Court Program Manager 2199 Annual $ 65,568.96 $ 67,208.16 $ 68,837.76 $ 70,558.80 $ 72,256.32 $ 74,085.60 $ 75,929.52 $ 77,819.28 $ 79,764.96 $ 81,759.12 Monthly $ 5,464.08 $ 5,600.68 $ 5,736.48 $ 5,879.90 $ 6,021.36 $ 6,173.80 $ 6,327.46 $ 6,484.94 $ 6,647.08 $ 6,813.26 Semi-Monthly $ 2,732.04 $ 2,800.34 $ 2,868.24 $ 2,939.95 $ 3,010.68 $ 3,086.90 $ 3,163.73 $ 3,242.47 $ 3,323.54 $ 3,406.63 26 Engineer 4031 Annual $ 64,009.68 $ 65,609.76 $ 67,202.88 $ 68,883.12 $ 70,561.44 $ 72,301.20 $ 74,130.24 $ 75,989.76 $ 77,889.60 $ 79,836.96 Public Records Coordinator 3602 Monthly $ 5,334.14 $ 5,467.48 $ 5,600.24 $ 5,740.26 $ 5,880.12 $ 6,025.10 $ 6,177.52 $ 6,332.48 $ 6,490.80 $ 6,653.08 Lead Judicial Assistant-Superior Court 4653 Semi-Monthly $ 2,667.07 $ 2,733.74 $ 2,800.12 $ 2,870.13 $ 2,940.06 $ 3,012.55 $ 3,088.76 $ 3,166.24 $ 3,245.40 $ 3,326.54 Epidemiologist 3415 25 Financial Analyst- Superior Court 4652 Annual $ 62,435.28 $ 63,996.00 $ 65,553.60 $ 67,192.56 $ 68,823.36 $ 70,546.80 $ 72,286.56 $ 74,115.36 $ 75,968.40 $ 77,867.52 Financial Analyst-Central Operations 1158 Monthly $ 5,202.94 $ 5,333.00 $ 5,462.80 $ 5,599.38 $ 5,735.28 $ 5,878.90 $ 6,023.88 $ 6,176.28 $ 6,330.70 $ 6,488.96 Temp Financial Analyst-Central O s 3603 Semi-Monthly $ 2,601.47 1 $ 2,666.50 $ 2,731.40 $ 2,799.69 $ 2,867.64 1 $ 2,939.45 $ 3,011.94 $ 3,088.14 1 $ 3,165.35 $ 3,244.48 24 Noxious Weed Coordinator 2226 Annual $ 60,966.00 $ 62,490.00 $ 64,009.68 $ 65,609.76 $ 67,202.88 $ 68,882.88 $ 70,591.92 $ 72,376.56 $ 74,185.92 $ 76,040.64 Judicial Assistant/Family Law Facilitator 1192 Monthly $ 5,080.50 $ 5,207.50 $ 5,334.14 $ 5,467.48 $ 5,600.24 $ 5,740.24 $ 5,882.66 $ 6,031.38 $ 6,182.16 $ 6,336.72 Judicial Assistant/Official Court Recorder 1193 Semi-Monthly $ 2,540.25 $ 2,603.75 $ 2,667.07 $ 2,733.74 $ 2,800.12 $ 2,870.12 $ 2,941.33 $ 3,015.69 $ 3,091.08 $ 3,168.36 23 Annual $ 59,465.76 $ 60,952.56 $ 62,435.28 $ 63,996.00 $ 65,553.60 $ 67,202.88 $ 68,882.88 $ 70,591.92 $ 72,356.88 $ 74,165.76 Monthly $ 4,955.48 $ 5,079.38 $ 5,202.94 $ 5,333.00 $ 5,462.80 $ 5,600.24 $ 5,740.24 $ 5,882.66 $ 6,029.74 $ 6,180.48 Semi-Monthly $ 2,477.74 $ 2,539.69 $ 2,601.47 $ 2,666.50 $ 2,731.40 $ 2,800.12 $ 2,870.12 $ 2,941.33 $ 3,014.87 $ 3,090.24 22 Annual $ 58,057.20 $ 59,508.72 $ 60,966.00 $ 62,490.00 $ 64,024.80 $ 65,613.84 $672,600.00 $ 68,927.52 $ 70,650.72 $ 72,416.88 Monthly $ 4,838.10 $ 4,959.06 $ 5,080.50 $ 5,207.50 $ 5,335.40 $ 5,467.82 $ 56,050.00 $ 5,743.96 $ 5,887.56 $ 6,034.74 Semi-Monthly $ 2,419.05 $ 2,479.53 $ 2,540.25 $ 2,603.75 $ 2,667.70 $ 2,733.91 $ 28,025.00 $ 2,871.98 $ 2,943.78 $ 3,017.37 21 WIC Coordinator/Certifier 3402 Annual $ 56,632.32 $ 58,047.84 $ 59,465.76 $ 60,952.56 $ 62,450.40 $ 64,009.68 $ 65,598.96 $ 67,233.36 $ 68,914.08 $ 70,637.04 Monthly $ 4,719.36 $ 4,837.32 $ 4,955.48 $ 5,079.38 $ 5,204.20 $ 5,334.14 $ 5,466.58 $ 5,602.78 $ 5,742.84 $ 5,886.42 Semi-Monthly $ 2,359.68 $ 2,418.66 $ 2,477.74 $ 2,539.69 $ 2,602.10 $ 2,667.07 $ 2,733.29 $ 2,801.39 $ 2,871.42 $ 2,943.21 20 Annual $ 55,267.92 $ 56,649.60 $ 58,042.08 $ 59,493.12 $ 60,950.88 $ 62,465.04 $ 64,039.44 $ 65,628.96 $ 67,269.60 $ 68,951.28 Monthly $ 4,605.66 $ 4,720.80 $ 4,836.84 $ 4,957.76 $ 5,079.24 $ 5,205.42 $ 5,336.62 $ 5,469.08 $ 5,605.80 $ 5,745.94 Semi-Monthly $ 2,302.83 $ 2,360.40 $ 2,418.42 $ 2,478.88 $ 2,539.62 $ 2,602.71 $ 2,668.31 $ 2,734.54 $ 2,802.90 $ 2,872.97 19 Administrative Clerk 1055 Annual $ 53,933.04 $ 55,281.36 $ 56,632.32 $ 58,047.84 $ 59,465.76 $ 60,966.00 $ 62,480.16 $ 64,054.56 $ 65,656.08 $ 67,297.44 Deputy Coroner 3071 Monthly $ 4,494.42 $ 4,606.78 $ 4,719.36 $ 4,837.32 $ 4,955.48 $ 5,080.50 $ 5,206.68 $ 5,337.88 $ 5,471.34 $ 5,608.12 Semi-Monthly $ 2,247.21 $ 2,303.39 $ 2,359.68 $ 2,418.66 $ 2,477.74 $ 2,540.25 $ 2,603.34 $ 2,668.94 $ 2,735.67 $ 2,804.06 18 Therapeutic Courts Caseworker 1185 Annual $ 52,659.12 $ 53,975.52 $ 55,283.04 $ 56,665.20 $ 58,057.20 $ 59,496.24 $ 60,995.76 $ 62,510.40 $ 64,073.28 $ 65,675.04 Temp-Therapeutic Courts Caseworker 4685 Monthly $ 4,388.26 $ 4,497.96 $ 4,606.92 $ 4,722.10 $ 4,838.10 $ 4,958.02 $ 5,082.98 $ 5,209.20 $ 5,339.44 $ 5,472.92 Semi-Monthly $ 2,194.13 $ 2,248.98 $ 2,303.46 $ 2,361.05 $ 2,419.05 $ 2,479.01 $ 2,541.49 $ 2,604.60 $ 2,669.72 $ 2,736.46 17 Annual $ 51,369.60 $ 52,653.84 $ 53,948.16 $ 55,296.96 $ 56,647.68 $ 58,072.32 $ 59,511.12 $ 61,010.88 $ 62,536.08 $ 64,099.68 Monthly $ 4,280.80 $ 4,387.82 $ 4,495.68 $ 4,608.08 $ 4,720.64 $ 4,839.36 $ 4,959.26 $ 5,084.24 $ 5,211.34 $ 5,341.64 Semi-Monthly $ 2,140.40 $ 2,193.91 $ 2,247.84 $ 2,304.04 $ 2,360.32 $ 2,419.68 $ 2,479.63 $ 2,542.12 $ 2,605.67 $ 2,670.82 16 Administrative Assistant II-Human Resources Annual $ 50,139.84 $ 51,393.60 $ 52,659.12 $ 53,975.52 $ 55,283.04 $ 56,677.92 $ 58,087.44 $ 59,525.76 $ 61,014.00 $ 62,539.20 Monthly $ 4,178.32 $ 4,282.80 $ 4,388.26 $ 4,497.96 $ 4,606.92 $ 4,723.16 $ 4,840.62 $ 4,960.48 $ 5,084.50 $ 5,211.60 Semi-Monthly $ 2,089.16 $ 2,141.40 $ 2,194.13 $ 2.248.98 $ 2,303.46 $ 2,361.58 $ 2,420.31 $ 2,480.24 $ 2,542.25 $ 2,605.80 15 Annual $ 48,925.20 $ 50,148.48 $ 51,384.48 $ 52,668.96 $ 53,933.04 $ 55,267.92 $ 56,632.32 $ 58,057.20 $ 59,508.72 $ 60,996.24 Monthly $ 4,077.10 $ 4,179.04 $ 4,282.04 $ 4,389.08 $ 4,494.42 $ 4,605.66 $ 4,719.36 $ 4,838.10 $ 4,959.06 $ 5,083.02 Semi-Monthly $ 2,038.55 $ 2,089.52 $ 2,141.02 $ 2,194.54 $ 2,247.21 $ 2,302.83 $ 2,359.68 $ 2,419.05 $ 2,479.53 $ 2,541.51 14 Annual $ 47,741.52 $ 48,935.04 $ 50,125.20 $ 51,378.48 $ 52,629.36 $ 53,948.16 $ 55,297.92 $ 56,692.80 $ 58,110.24 $ 59,562.72 Monthly $ 3,978.46 1 $ 4,077.92 $ 4,177.10 $ 4,281.54 1 $ 4,385.78 $ 4,495.68 $ 4,608.16 $ 4,724.40 1 $ 4,842.52 $ 4,963.56 Semi-Monthlv $ 1,989.23 1 $ 2,038.96 $ 2,088.55 $ 2,140.77 1 $ 2,192.89 $ 2,247.84 $ 2,304.08 $ 2,362.20 1 $ 2,421.26 $ 2,481.78 13 Administrative Assistant I-Commissioners 3604 Annual $ 46,586.40 $ 47,751.12 $ 48,910.56 $ 50,133.36 $ 51,369.60 $ 52,644.24 $ 53,963.28 $ 55,313.04 $ 56,695.92 $ 58,113.36 Monthly $ 3,882.20 $ 3,979.26 $ 4,075.88 $ 4,177.78 $ 4,280.80 $ 4,387.02 $ 4,496.94 $ 4,609.42 $ 4,724.66 $ 4,842.78 Semi-Monthly $ 1,941.10 $ 1,989.63 $ 2,037.94 $ 2,088.89 $ 2,140.40 $ 2,193.51 $ 2,248.47 $ 2,304.71 $ 2,362.33 $ 2,421.39 12 Annual $ 45,462.00 $ 46,598.64 $ 47,741.52 $ 48,935.04 $ 50,125.20 $ 51,384.48 $ 52,674.24 $ 53,978.16 $ 55,327.68 $ 56,710.80 Monthly $ 3,788.50 $ 3,883.22 $ 3,978.46 $ 4,077.92 $ 4,177.10 $ 4,282.04 $ 4,389.52 $ 4,498.18 $ 4,610.64 $ 4,725.90 Semi-Monthly $ 1,894.25 $ 1,941.61 $ 1,989.23 $ 2,038.96 $ 2,088.55 $ 2,141.02 $ 2,194.76 $ 2,249.09 $ 2,305.32 $ 2,362.95 11 Annual $ 44,367.84 $ 45,476.88 $ 46,586.40 $ 47,751.12 $ 48,910.56 $ 50,139.84 $ 51,399.60 $ 52,674.24 $ 53,991.12 $ 55,340.88 Monthly $ 3,697.32 $ 3,789.74 $ 3,882.20 $ 3,979.26 $ 4,075.88 $ 4,178.32 $ 4,283.30 $ 4,389.52 $ 4,499.26 $ 4,611.74 Semi-Monthly $ 1,848.66 $ 1,894.87 $ 1,941.10 $ 1,989.63 $ 2,037.94 $ 2,089.16 $ 2,141.65 $ 2,194.76 $ 2,249.63 $ 2,305.87 10 Customer Service Specialist 2041 Annual $ 43,317.60 $ 44,400.72 $ 45,462.00 $ 46,598.64 $ 47,741.52 $ 48,925.20 $ 50,155.20 $ 51,414.72 $ 52,700.16 $ 54,017.52 Monthly $ 3,609.80 $ 3,700.06 $ 3,788.50 $ 3,883.22 $ 3,978.46 $ 4,077.10 $ 4,179.60 $ 4,284.56 $ 4,391.68 $ 4,501.46 Semi-Monthly $ 1804.90 $ 1850.03 $ 1,894.25 $ 1941.61 $ 1989.23 $ 2038.55 $ 2089.80 $ 2142.28 $ 2,195.84 $ 2,250.73 9 Annual $ 42,253.44 $ 43,309.44 $ 44,367.84 $ 45,476.88 $ 46,586.40 $ 47,741.52 $ 48,940.32 $ 50,155.20 $ 51,408.96 $ 52,694.16 Monthly $ 3,521.12 $ 3,609.12 $ 3,697.32 $ 3,789.74 $ 3,882.20 $ 3,978.46 $ 4,078.36 $ 4,179.60 $ 4,284.08 $ 4,391.18 Semi-Monthly $ 1,760.56 $ 1,804.56 $ 1,848.66 $ 1,894.87 $ 1,941.10 $ 1,989.23 $ 2,039.18 $ 2,089.80 $ 2,142.04 $ 2,195.59 8 Annual $ 41,248.56 $ 42,279.60 $ 43,287.60 $ 44,369.76 $ 45,462.00 $ 46,601.28 $ 47,756.16 $ 48,955.92 $ 50,179.92 $ 51,434.16 Monthly $ 3,437.38 $ 3,523.30 $ 3,607.30 $ 3,697.48 $ 3,788.50 $ 3,883.44 $ 3,979.68 $ 4,079.66 $ 4,181.66 $ 4,286.18 Semi-Monthiv $ 1,718.69 $ 1,761.65 $ 1,803.65 $ 1,948.74 $ 1,894.25 $ 1,941.72 $ 1,989.84 $ 2,039.83 $ 2,090.83 $ 2,143.09 7 Annual $ 40,228.80 $ 41,234.40 $ 42,253.44 $ 43,309.44 $ 44,367.84 $ 45,462.00 $ 46,601.28 $ 47,786.40 $ 48,981.36 $ 50,205.84 Monthly $ 3,352.40 $ 3,436.20 $ 3,521.12 $ 3,609.12 $ 3,697.32 $ 3,788.50 $ 3,883.44 $ 3,982.20 $ 4,081.78 $ 4,183.82 Semi-Monthly $ 1,676.20 $ 1,718.10 $ 1,760.56 $ 1,804.56 1 $ 1,848.66 $ 1,894.25 $ 1,941.72 $ 1,991.10 $ 2,040.89 $ 2,091.91 6 Annual $ 39,284.88 $ 40,266.72 $ 41,263.68 $ 42,295.68 $ 43,317.60 $ 44,397.36 $ 45,506.88 $ 46,646.64 $ 47,812.80 $ 49,008.24 Monthly $ 3,273.74 $ 3,355.56 $ 3,438.64 $ 3,524.64 $ 3,609.80 $ 3,699.78 $ 3,792.24 $ 3,887.22 $ 3,984.40 $ 4,084.02 Semi-Monthly $ 1,636.87 $ 1,677.78 $ 1,719.32 $ 1,762.32 $ 1,804.90 $ 1,849.89 $ 1,896.12 $ 1,943.61 $ 1,992.20 $ 2,042.01 5 Annual $ 38,324.88 $ 39,282.96 $ 40,228.80 $ 41,234.40 $ 42,253.44 $ 43,317.60 $ 44,397.36 $ 45,506.88 $ 46,644.72 $ 47,810.64 Monthly $ 3,193.74 $ 3,273.58 $ 3,352.40 $ 3,436.20 $ 3,521.12 $ 3,609.80 $ 3,699.78 $ 3,792.24 $ 3,887.06 $ 3,984.22 Semi-Monthly $ 1,596.87 $ 1,636.79 $ 1,676.20 $ 1,718.10 $ 1,760.56 $ 1,804.90 $ 1,849.89 $ 1,896.12 $ 1,943.53 $ 1,992.11 4 Annual $ 37,425.36 $ 38,360.88 $ 39,284.88 $ 40,266.72 $ 41,263.68 $ 42,299.28 $ 43,362.96 $ 44,427.84 $ 45,538.56 $ 46,676.88 Monthly $ 3,118.78 $ 3,196.74 $ 3,273.74 $ 3,355.56 $ 3,438.64 $ 3,524.94 $ 3,613.58 $ 3,702.32 $ 3,794.88 $ 3,889.74 Semi-Monthly $ 1559.39 $ 1,598.37 $ 1,636.87 $ 1,677.78 $ 1,719.32 $ 1,762.47 $ 1,806.79 $ 1,851.16 $ 1,897.44 $ 1,944.87 3 Annual $ 36,510.48 $ 37,422.96 $ 38,339.76 $ 39,298.32 $ 40,243.92 $ 41,263.68 $ 42,299.28 $ 43,362.96 $ 44,446.80 $ 45,558.24 Monthly $ 3,042.54 $ 3,118.58 $ 3,194.98 $ 3,274.86 $ 3,353.66 $ 3,438.64 $ 3,524.94 $ 3,613.58 $ 3,703.90 $ 3,796.52 Semi-Monthly $ 1,521.27 $ 1,559.29 $ 1,597.49 $ 1,637.43 $ 1,676.83 $ 1,719.32 $ 1,762.47 $ 1,806.79 $ 1,851.95 $ 1,898.26 2 Annual $ 35,626.08 $ 36,516.72 $ 37,410.00 $ 38,345.52 $ 39,284.88 $ 40,258.56 $ 41,278.56 $ 42,299.28 $ 43,356.72 $ 44,440.80 Monthly $ 2,968.84 $ 3,043.06 $ 3,117.50 $ 3,195.46 $ 3,273.74 $ 3,354.88 $ 3,439.88 $ 3,524.94 $ 3,613.06 $ 3,703.40 Semi-Monthly $ 1,484.42 $ 1,521.53 $ 1,558.75 $ 1,597.73 $ 1,636.87 $ 1,677.44 $ 1,719.94 $ 1,762.47 $ 1,806.53 $ 1,851.70 1 Central Shop Assistant 4099 Annual $ 34,786.08 $ 35,655.60 $ 36,510.48 $ 37,422.96 $ 38,324.88 $ 39,284.88 $ 40,258.56 $ 41,278.56 $ 42,310.80 $ 43,368.48 Monthly $ 2,898.84 $ 2,971.30 $ 3,042.54 $ 3,118.58 $ 3,193.74 $ 3,273.74 $ 3,354.88 $ 3,439.88 $ 3,525.90 $ 3,614.04 Semi-Monthl $ 1,449.42 $ 1,485.65 $ 1,521.27 $ 1,559.29 $ 1,596.87 $ 1,636.87 $ 1,677.44 $ 1,719.94 $ 1,762.95 $ 1,807.02 Non-Represented Salary Range Alignment with 2%ATB RANGE CLASSIFICATION TITLE JOB CLASS STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 STEP 6 STEP 7 STEP 8 STEP 9 STEP 10 4952 County Administrator 3601 Annual $ 151,652.40 $ 155,443.68 $ 159,329.52 $ 163,313.04 $ 167,395.92 $ 171,580.56 $ 175,869.84 $ 180,266.88 $ 184,773.60 $ 189,392.88 Monthly $ 12,637.70 $ 12,953.64 $ 13,277.46 $ 13,609.42 $ 13,949.66 $ 14,298.38 $ 14,655.82 $ 15,022.24 $ 15,397.80 $ 15,782.74 Semi-Monthly $ 6,318.85 $ 6,476.82 $ 6,638.73 $ 6,804.71 $ 6,974.83 $ 7,149.19 $ 7,327.91 $ 7,511.12 $ 7,698.90 $ 7,891.37 4851 Community Development Director 2070 Annual $ 124,852.08 $ 128,054.16 $ 131,337.36 $ 134,704.32 $ 138,159.12 $ 141,700.80 $ 145,242.96 $ 148,874.40 $ 152,596.32 $ 156,411.12 Human Resources Director 2900 Monthly $ 10,404.34 $ 10,671.18 $ 10,944.78 $ 11,225.36 $ 11,513.26 $ 11,808.40 $ 12,103.58 $ 12,406.20 $ 12,716.36 $ 13,034.26 Public Health&Human Services Director 2170 Semi-Monthly $ 5,202.17 $ 5,335.59 $ 5,472.39 $ 5,612.68 $ 5,756.63 $ 5,904.20 $ 6,051.79 $ 6,203.10 $ 6,358.18 $ 6,517.13 Public Works&Utilities Director 4005 Undersheriff 3000 50 Annual $115,052.75 $117,929.07 $120,877.30 $123,899.23 $126,996.71 $ 130,171.63 $133,425.92 $136,761.57 $140,180.61 $143,685.12 Monthly $ 9,587.73 $ 9,827.42 $ 10,073.11 $ 10,324.94 $ 10,583.06 $ 10,847.64 $ 11,118.83 $ 11,396.80 $ 11,681.72 $ 11,973.76 Semi-Monthly $ 4,793.86 1 $ 4,913.71 $ 5,036.55 $ 5,162.47 1 $ 5,291.53 $ 5,423.82 $ 5,559.41 $ 5,698.40 1 $ 5,840.86 $ 5,986.88 49 Annual $112,246.59 $115,052.75 $117,929.07 $120,877.30 $123,899.23 $ 126,996.71 $130,171.63 $133,425.92 $136,761.57 $140,180.61 Monthly $ 9,353.88 $ 9,587.73 $ 9,827.42 $ 10,073.11 $ 10,324.94 $ 10,583.06 $ 10,847.64 $ 11,118.83 $ 11,396.80 $ 11,681.72 Semi-Monthly $ 4,676.94 $ 4,793.86 $ 4,913.71 $ 5,036.55 $ 5,162.47 $ 5,291.53 $ 5,423.82 $ 5,559.41 $ 5,698.40 $ 5,840.86 48 Annual $109,508.87 $112,246.59 $115,052.75 $117,929.07 $120,877.30 $ 123,899.23 $126,996.71 $130,171.63 $133,425.92 $136,761.57 Monthly $ 9,125.74 $ 9,353.88 $ 9,587.73 $ 9,827.42 $ 10,073.11 $ 10,324.94 $ 10,583.06 $ 10,847.64 $ 11,118.83 $ 11,396.80 Semi-Monthly $ 4,562.87 $ 4,676.94 $ 4,793.86 $ 4,913.71 $ 5,036.55 $ 5,162.47 $ 5,291.53 $ 5,423.82 $ 5,559.41 $ 5,698.40 47 County Engineer 4008 Annual $106,837.92 $109,508.64 $112,162.80 $114,966.96 $117,865.20 $ 120,732.00 $123,756.72 $126,828.00 $129,998.64 $133,248.48 Monthly $ 8,903.16 $ 9,125.72 $ 9,346.90 $ 9,580.58 $ 9,822.10 $ 10,061.00 $ 10,313.06 $ 10,569.00 $ 10,833.22 $ 11,104.04 Semi-Monthly $ 4,451.58 $ 4,562.86 $ 4,673.45 $ 4,790.29 $ 4,911.05 $ 5,030.50 $ 5,156.53 $ 5,284.50 $ 5,416.61 $ 5,552.02 46 Chief Public Defender Annual $ 104,232.00 $ 106,837.92 $ 109,427.04 $ 112,162.80 $ 114,745.68 $ 117,787.20 $ 120,738.00 $ 123,734.40 $ 126,828.00 $ 129,998.64 Monthly $ 8,686.00 $ 8,903.16 $ 9,118.92 $ 9,346.90 $ 9,562.14 $ 9,815.60 $ 10,061.50 $ 10,311.20 $ 10,569.00 $ 10,833.22 Semi-Monthly $ 4,343.00 $ 4,451.58 $ 4,559.46 $ 4,673.45 $ 4,781.07 $ 4,907.80 $ 5,030.75 $ 5155.60 $ 5,284.50 $ 5416.61 45 Chief Criminal Deputy 3002 Annual $ 101,689.68 $ 104,232.00 $ 106,758.24 $ 109,427.04 $ 112,110.96 $ 114,914.40 $ 117,793.44 $ 120,716.40 $ 123,734.40 $ 126,828.00 Monthly $ 8,474.14 $ 8,686.00 $ 8,896.52 $ 9,118.92 $ 9,342.58 $ 9,576.20 $ 9,816.12 $ 10,059.70 $ 10,311.20 $ 10,569.00 Semi-Monthly $ 4,237.07 $ 4,343.00 $ 4,448.26 $ 4,559.46 $ 4,671.29 $ 4,788.10 $ 4,908.06 $ 5,029.85 $ 5,155.60 $ 5,284.50 44 Deputy Director Public Works/Utilities&Waste Mgmt 4010 Annual $ 99,245.52 $ 101,726.64 $ 104,223.36 $ 106,829.04 $ 109,441.44 $ 112,170.24 $ 114,974.16 $ 117,853.20 $ 120,799.44 $ 123,819.36 Central Services Manager 1153 Monthly $ 8,270.46 $ 8,477.22 $ 8,685.28 $ 8,902.42 $ 9,120.12 $ 9,347.52 $ 9,581.18 $ 9,821.10 $ 10,066.62 $ 10,318.28 Semi-Monthly $ 4,135.23 $ 4,238.61 $ 4,342.64 $ 4,451.21 $ 4,560.06 $ 4,673.76 $ 4,790.59 $ 4,910.55 $ 5 033.31 $ 5,159.14 43 Chief Jail 3003 Annual $ 96,816.48 $ 99,236.88 $ 101,660.16 $ 104,201.52 $ 106,742.40 $ 109,426.80 $ 112,140.48 $ 114,959.28 $ 117,833.28 $ 120,779.28 Pf o Ch�,,, , „c Defender 1160 Monthly $ 8,068.04 $ 8,269.74 $ 8,471.68 $ 8,683.46 $ 8,895.20 $ 9,118.90 $ 9,345.04 $ 9,579.94 $ 9,819.44 $ 10,064.94 Chief Superior Court Administrator 4650 Semi-Monthly $ 4,034.02 $ 4,134.87 $ 4,235.84 $ 4,341.73 $ 4,447.60 $ 4,559.45 $ 4,672.52 $ 4,789.97 $ 4,909.72 $ 5,032.47 Budget&Finance Manager 1155 Chief Finance Officer 2000 Chief Civil Deputy 3001 42 Annual $ 94,552.08 $ 96,915.84 $ 99,276.00 $ 101,757.84 $ 104,223.36 $ 106,847.52 $ 109,516.32 $ 112,245.12 $ 115,051.44 $ 117,927.84 Monthly $ 7,879.34 $ 8,076.32 $ 8,273.00 $ 8,479.82 $ 8,685.28 $ 8,903.96 $ 9,126.36 $ 9,353.76 $ 9,587.62 $ 9,827.32 Semi-Monthly $ 3,939.67 $ 4,038.16 $ 4,136.50 $ 4,239.91 $ 4,342.64 $ 4,451.98 $ 4,563.18 $ 4,676.88 $ 4,793.81 $ 4,913.66 41 Chief District Court Administrator 1180 Annual $ 92,213.28 $ 94,518.48 $ 96,816.48 $ 99,236.88 $ 101,674.32 $ 104,208.72 $ 106,817.76 $ 109,486.56 $ 112,223.76 $ 115,029.36 Jail Lieutenant 3005 Monthly $ 7,684.44 $ 7,876.54 $ 8,068.04 $ 8,269.74 $ 8,472.86 $ 8,684.06 $ 8,901.48 $ 9,123.88 $ 9,351.98 $ 9,585.78 Patrol Lieutenant 3006 Semi-Monthly $ 3,842.22 $ 3,938.27 $ 4,034.02 $ 4,134.87 $ 4,236.43 $ 4,342.03 $ 4,450.74 $ 4,561.94 $ 4,675.99 $ 4,792.89 40 Engineering and Construction Manager 4030 Annual $ 90,039.12 $ 92,290.08 $ 94,552.08 $ 96,915.84 $ 99,260.64 $ 101,750.16 $ 104,298.96 $ 106,907.52 $ 109,580.40 $ 112,319.76 Monthly $ 7,503.26 $ 7,690.84 $ 7,879.34 $ 8,076.32 $ 8,271.72 $ 8,479.18 $ 8,691.58 $ 8,908.96 $ 9,131.70 $ 9,359.98 Semi-Monthly $ 3,751.63 $ 3,845.42 $ 3,939.67 $ 4,038.16 $ 4,135.86 $ 4,239.59 $ 4,345.79 $ 4,454.48 $ 4,565.85 $ 4,679.99 39 Annual $ 87,835.20 $ 90,030.96 $ 92,243.76 $ 94,550.16 $ 96,846.72 $ 99,260.64 $ 101,750.16 $ 104,298.96 $ 106,906.32 $ 109,579.20 Monthly $ 7,319.60 $ 7,502.58 $ 7,686.98 $ 7,879.18 $ 8,070.56 $ 8,271.72 $ 8,479.18 $ 8,691.58 $ 8,908.86 $ 9,131.60 Semi-Monthly $ 3,659.80 $ 3,751.29 $ 3,843.49 $ 3,939.59 $ 4,035.28 $ 4,135.86 $ 4,239.59 $ 4,345.79 $ 4,454.43 $ 4,565.80 38 County Surveyor 4058 Annual $ 85,736.40 $ 87,879.60 $ 90,024.24 $ 92,274.96 $ 94,522.32 $ 96,906.48 $ 99,290.16 $ 101,794.56 $ 104,339.28 $ 106,947.84 DEM/Parks&Trails Manager 2059 Monthly $ 7,144.70 $ 7,323.30 $ 7,502.02 $ 7,689.58 $ 7,876.86 $ 8,075.54 $ 8,274.18 $ 8,482.88 $ 8,694.94 $ 8,912.32 Facilities Manager 2058 Semi-Monthly $ 3,572.35 $ 3,661.65 $ 3,751.01 $ 3,844.79 $ 3,938.43 $ 4,037.77 $ 4,137.09 $ 4,241.44 $ 4,347.47 $ 4,456.16 Water&Wastewater Manager 4015 Building Official 3203 Road Operations&Maintenance Mana er 4231 37 Community Health Manager 2171 Annual $ 83,636.88 $ 85,728.00 $ 87,820.08 $ 90,015.36 $ 92,228.40 $ 94,521.60 $ 96,891.60 $ 99,305.28 $ 101,787.84 $ 104,332.56 Environmental Health Manager 2169 Monthly $ 6,969.74 $ 7,144.00 $ 7,318.34 $ 7,501.28 $ 7,685.70 $ 7,876.80 $ 8,074.30 $ 8,275.44 $ 8,482.32 $ 8,694.38 Public Works Finance Manager 2011 Semi-Monthly $ 3,484.87 $ 3,572.00 $ 3,659.17 $ 3,750.64 $ 3,842.85 $ 3,938.40 $ 4,037.15 $ 4,137.72 $ 4,241.16 $ 4,347.19 36 Engineerlll 4033 Annual $ 81,642.48 $ 83,683.68 $ 85,736.40 $ 87,879.60 $ 90,024.24 $ 92,288.16 $ 94,598.16 $ 96,966.24 $ 99,390.48 $ 101,875.20 Monthly $ 6,803.54 $ 6,973.64 $ 7,144.70 $ 7,323.30 $ 7,502.02 $ 7,690.68 $ 7,883.18 $ 8,080.52 $ 8,282.54 $ 8,489.60 Semi-Monthl $ 3,401.77 $ 3,486.82 $ 3,572.35 $ 3,661.65 $ 3,751.01 $ 3,845.34 $ 3,941.59 $ 4,040.26 $ 4,141.27 $ 4,244.80 35 Juvenile Court Services Deputy Administrator 1052 Annual $ 79,678.56 $ 81,670.32 $ 83,666.64 $ 85,758.24 $ 87,850.08 $ 90,039.12 $ 92,302.80 $ 94,612.80 $ 96,978.24 $ 99,402.48 Monthly $ 6,639.88 $ 6,805.86 $ 6,972.22 $ 7,146.52 $ 7,320.84 $ 7,503.26 $ 7,691.90 $ 7,884.40 $ 8,081.52 $ 8,283.54 Semi-Monthly $ 3,319.94 $ 3,402.93 $ 3,486.11 $ 3,573.26 $ 3,660.42 $ 3,751.63 $ 3,845.95 $ 3,942.20 $ 4,040.76 $ 4,141.77 34 Prosecuting Attorney Administrative Manager 2149 Annual $ 77,788.80 $ 79,733.76 $ 81,657.84 $ 83,699.52 $ 85,751.28 $ 87,894.96 $ 90,098.88 $ 92,348.64 $ 94,657.20 $ 97,023.84 Monthly $ 6,482.40 $ 6,644.48 $ 6,804.82 $ 6,974.96 $ 7,145.94 $ 7,324.58 $ 7,508.24 $ 7,695.72 $ 7,888.10 $ 8,085.32 Semi-Monthly $ 3,241.20 $ 3,322.24 $ 3,402.41 $ 3,487.48 $ 3,572.97 $ 3,662.29 $ 3,754.12 $ 3,847.86 $ 3,944.05 $ 4,042.66 33 Juvenile Detention Manager 3800 Annual $ 75,884.64 $ 77,781.84 $ 79,678.56 $ 81,670.32 $ 83,666.64 $ 85,751.28 $ 87,894.96 $ 90,026.88 $ 92,351.28 $ 94,660.32 Chief Deputy Assessor 1099 Monthly $ 6,323.72 $ 6,481.82 $ 6,639.88 $ 6,805.86 $ 6,972.22 $ 7,145.94 $ 7,324.58 $ 7,502.24 $ 7,695.94 $ 7,888.36 Chief Deputy Treasurer 1139 Semi-Monthly $ 3,161.86 $ 3,240.91 $ 3,319.94 $ 3,402.93 $ 3,486.11 $ 3,572.97 $ 3,662.29 $ 3,751.12 $ 3,847.97 $ 3,944.18 32 Project Support Services Manager 4201 Annual $ 74,100.72 $ 75,953.04 $ 77,803.92 $ 79,748.88 $ 81,672.72 $ 83,711.28 $ 85,810.80 $ 87,955.44 $ 90,154.32 $ 92,408.16 Monthly $ 6,175.06 $ 6,329.42 $ 6,483.66 $ 6,645.74 $ 6,806.06 $ 6,975.94 $ 7,150.90 $ 7,329.62 $ 7,512.86 $ 7,700.68 Semi-Monthly $ 3,087.53 $ 3,164.71 $ 3,241.83 $ 3,322.87 $ 3,403.03 $ 3,487.97 $ 3,575.45 $ 3,664.81 $ 3,756.43 $ 3,850.34 31 Chief Deputy Clerk 1108 Annual $ 72,241.68 $ 74,047.68 $ 75,870.00 $ 77,766.96 $ 79,663.44 $ 81,642.48 $ 83,696.16 $ 85,795.68 $ 87,940.80 $ 90,139.20 Monthly $ 6,020.14 $ 6,170.64 $ 6,322.50 $ 6,480.58 $ 6,638.62 $ 6,803.54 $ 6,974.68 $ 7,149.64 $ 7,328.40 $ 7,511.60 Semi-Monthly $ 3,010.07 $ 3,085.32 $ 3,161.25 $ 3,240.29 $ 3,319.31 $ 3,401.77 $ 3,487.34 $ 3,574.82 $ 3,664.20 $ 3,755.80 30 Engineering&Construction Assistant Manager 4029 Annual $ 70,561.44 $ 72,325.44 $ 74,085.60 $ 75,937.44 $ 77,788.80 $ 79,738.08 $ 81,702.24 $ 83,756.40 $ 85,850.40 $ 87,996.48 Risk Manager 1057 Monthly $ 5,880.12 $ 6,027.12 $ 6,173.80 $ 6,328.12 $ 6,482.40 $ 6,644.84 $ 6,808.52 $ 6,979.70 $ 7,154.20 $ 7,333.04 Grant Writer 1159 Semi-Monthly $ 2,940.06 $ 3,013.56 $ 3,086.90 $ 3,164.06 $ 3,241.20 $ 3,322.42 $ 3,404.26 $ 3,489.85 $ 3,577.10 $ 3,666.52 29 Equipment Maintenance Supervisor 4080 Annual $ 68,852.64 $ 70,574.16 $ 72,271.44 $ 74,078.16 $ 75,884.64 $ 77,803.92 $ 79,738.08 $ 81,732.72 $ 83,775.84 $ 85,870.56 FinanceManager-SheriffOffice 2010 Monthly $ 5,737.72 $ 5,881.18 $ 6,022.62 $ 6,173.18 $ 6,323.72 $ 6,483.66 $ 6,644.84 $ 6,811.06 $ 6,981.32 $ 7,155.88 Road Operations&Maintenance Supervisor 4022 Semi-Monthly $ 2,868.86 $ 2,940.59 $ 3,011.31 $ 3,086.59 $ 3,161.86 $ 3,241.83 $ 3,322.42 $ 3,405.53 $ 3,490.66 $ 3,577.94 Finance Manager-Health Services 3410 Elections Superintendent 1080 Solid Waste Manager 2200 Public Works Office Administrator 2045 Human Resources Analyst 1157 Clerk of the Board 1056 28 Engineerll 4032 Annual $ 67,202.88 $ 68,883.12 $ 70,561.44 $ 72,325.44 $ 74,085.60 $ 75,929.52 $ 77,848.80 $ 79,798.08 $ 81,793.20 $ 83,838.24 Senior Epidemiologist 3416 Monthly $ 5,600.24 $ 5,740.26 $ 5,880.12 $ 6,027.12 $ 6,173.80 $ 6,327.46 $ 6,487.40 $ 6,649.84 $ 6,816.10 $ 6,986.52 Office Manager 2040 Semi-Monthly $ 2,800.12 1 $ 2,870.13 $ 2,940.06 $ 3,013.56 $ 3,086.90 $ 3,163.73 $ 3,243.70 $ 3,324.92 $ 3,408.05 $ 3,493.26 27 Therapeutic Court Program Manager 2199 Annual $ 65,568.96 $ 67,208.16 $ 68,837.76 $ 70,558.80 $ 72,256.32 $ 74,085.60 $ 75,929.52 $ 77,819.28 $ 79,764.96 $ 81,759.12 Monthly $ 5,464.08 $ 5,600.68 $ 5,736.48 $ 5,879.90 $ 6,021.36 $ 6,173.80 $ 6,327.46 $ 6,484.94 $ 6,647.08 $ 6,813.26 Semi-Monthly $ 2,732.04 $ 2,800.34 $ 2,868.24 $ 2,939.95 $ 3,010.68 $ 3,086.90 $ 3,163.73 $ 3,242.47 $ 3,323.54 $ 3,406.63 26 Engineer 4031 Annual $ 64,009.68 $ 65,609.76 $ 67,202.88 $ 68,883.12 $ 70,561.44 $ 72,301.20 $ 74,130.24 $ 75,989.76 $ 77,889.60 $ 79,836.96 Public Records Coordinator 3602 Monthly $ 5,334.14 $ 5,467.48 $ 5,600.24 $ 5,740.26 $ 5,880.12 $ 6,025.10 $ 6,177.52 $ 6,332.48 $ 6,490.80 $ 6,653.08 Lead Judicial Assistant-Superior Court 4653 Semi-Monthly $ 2,667.07 $ 2,733.74 $ 2,800.12 $ 2,870.13 $ 2,940.06 $ 3,012.55 $ 3,088.76 $ 3,166.24 $ 3,245.40 $ 3,326.54 Epidemiologist 3415 25 Financial Analyst- Superior Court 4652 Annual $ 62,435.28 $ 63,996.00 $ 65,553.60 $ 67,192.56 $ 68,823.36 $ 70,546.80 $ 72,286.56 $ 74,115.36 $ 75,968.40 $ 77,867.52 Financial Analyst-Central Operations 1158 Monthly $ 5,202.94 $ 5,333.00 $ 5,462.80 $ 5,599.38 $ 5,735.28 $ 5,878.90 $ 6,023.88 $ 6,176.28 $ 6,330.70 $ 6,488.96 Temp Financial Analyst-Central O s 3603 Semi-Monthly $ 2,601.47 1 $ 2,666.50 $ 2,731.40 $ 2,799.69 $ 2,867.64 1 $ 2,939.45 $ 3,011.94 $ 3,088.14 1 $ 3,165.35 $ 3,244.48 24 Noxious Weed Coordinator 2226 Annual $ 60,966.00 $ 62,490.00 $ 64,009.68 $ 65,609.76 $ 67,202.88 $ 68,882.88 $ 70,591.92 $ 72,376.56 $ 74,185.92 $ 76,040.64 Judicial Assistant/Family Law Facilitator 1192 Monthly $ 5,080.50 $ 5,207.50 $ 5,334.14 $ 5,467.48 $ 5,600.24 $ 5,740.24 $ 5,882.66 $ 6,031.38 $ 6,182.16 $ 6,336.72 Judicial Assistant/Official Court Recorder 1193 Semi-Monthly $ 2,540.25 $ 2,603.75 $ 2,667.07 $ 2,733.74 $ 2,800.12 $ 2,870.12 $ 2,941.33 $ 3,015.69 $ 3,091.08 $ 3,168.36 23 Annual $ 59,465.76 $ 60,952.56 $ 62,435.28 $ 63,996.00 $ 65,553.60 $ 67,202.88 $ 68,882.88 $ 70,591.92 $ 72,356.88 $ 74,165.76 Monthly $ 4,955.48 $ 5,079.38 $ 5,202.94 $ 5,333.00 $ 5,462.80 $ 5,600.24 $ 5,740.24 $ 5,882.66 $ 6,029.74 $ 6,180.48 Semi-Monthly $ 2,477.74 $ 2,539.69 $ 2,601.47 $ 2,666.50 $ 2,731.40 $ 2,800.12 $ 2,870.12 $ 2,941.33 $ 3,014.87 $ 3,090.24 22 Annual $ 58,057.20 $ 59,508.72 $ 60,966.00 $ 62,490.00 $ 64,024.80 $ 65,613.84 $672,600.00 $ 68,927.52 $ 70,650.72 $ 72,416.88 Monthly $ 4,838.10 $ 4,959.06 $ 5,080.50 $ 5,207.50 $ 5,335.40 $ 5,467.82 $ 56,050.00 $ 5,743.96 $ 5,887.56 $ 6,034.74 Semi-Monthly $ 2,419.05 $ 2,479.53 $ 2,540.25 $ 2,603.75 $ 2,667.70 $ 2,733.91 $ 28,025.00 $ 2,871.98 $ 2,943.78 $ 3,017.37 21 WIC Coordinator/Certifier 3402 Annual $ 56,632.32 $ 58,047.84 $ 59,465.76 $ 60,952.56 $ 62,450.40 $ 64,009.68 $ 65,598.96 $ 67,233.36 $ 68,914.08 $ 70,637.04 Monthly $ 4,719.36 $ 4,837.32 $ 4,955.48 $ 5,079.38 $ 5,204.20 $ 5,334.14 $ 5,466.58 $ 5,602.78 $ 5,742.84 $ 5,886.42 Semi-Monthly $ 2,359.68 $ 2,418.66 $ 2,477.74 $ 2,539.69 $ 2,602.10 $ 2,667.07 $ 2,733.29 $ 2,801.39 $ 2,871.42 $ 2,943.21 20 Annual $ 55,267.92 $ 56,649.60 $ 58,042.08 $ 59,493.12 $ 60,950.88 $ 62,465.04 $ 64,039.44 $ 65,628.96 $ 67,269.60 $ 68,951.28 Monthly $ 4,605.66 $ 4,720.80 $ 4,836.84 $ 4,957.76 $ 5,079.24 $ 5,205.42 $ 5,336.62 $ 5,469.08 $ 5,605.80 $ 5,745.94 Semi-Monthly $ 2,302.83 $ 2,360.40 $ 2,418.42 $ 2,478.88 $ 2,539.62 $ 2,602.71 $ 2,668.31 $ 2,734.54 $ 2,802.90 $ 2,872.97 19 Administrative Clerk 1055 Annual $ 53,933.04 $ 55,281.36 $ 56,632.32 $ 58,047.84 $ 59,465.76 $ 60,966.00 $ 62,480.16 $ 64,054.56 $ 65,656.08 $ 67,297.44 Deputy Coroner 3071 Monthly $ 4,494.42 $ 4,606.78 $ 4,719.36 $ 4,837.32 $ 4,955.48 $ 5,080.50 $ 5,206.68 $ 5,337.88 $ 5,471.34 $ 5,608.12 Semi-Monthly $ 2,247.21 $ 2,303.39 $ 2,359.68 $ 2,418.66 $ 2,477.74 $ 2,540.25 $ 2,603.34 $ 2,668.94 $ 2,735.67 $ 2,804.06 18 Therapeutic Courts Caseworker 1185 Annual $ 52,659.12 $ 53,975.52 $ 55,283.04 $ 56,665.20 $ 58,057.20 $ 59,496.24 $ 60,995.76 $ 62,510.40 $ 64,073.28 $ 65,675.04 Temp-Therapeutic Courts Caseworker 4685 Monthly $ 4,388.26 $ 4,497.96 $ 4,606.92 $ 4,722.10 $ 4,838.10 $ 4,958.02 $ 5,082.98 $ 5,209.20 $ 5,339.44 $ 5,472.92 Semi-Monthly $ 2,194.13 $ 2,248.98 $ 2,303.46 $ 2,361.05 $ 2,419.05 $ 2,479.01 $ 2,541.49 $ 2,604.60 $ 2,669.72 $ 2,736.46 17 Annual $ 51,369.60 $ 52,653.84 $ 53,948.16 $ 55,296.96 $ 56,647.68 $ 58,072.32 $ 59,511.12 $ 61,010.88 $ 62,536.08 $ 64,099.68 Monthly $ 4,280.80 $ 4,387.82 $ 4,495.68 $ 4,608.08 $ 4,720.64 $ 4,839.36 $ 4,959.26 $ 5,084.24 $ 5,211.34 $ 5,341.64 Semi-Monthly $ 2,140.40 $ 2,193.91 $ 2,247.84 $ 2,304.04 $ 2,360.32 $ 2,419.68 $ 2,479.63 $ 2,542.12 $ 2,605.67 $ 2,670.82 16 Administrative Assistant II-Human Resources Annual $ 50,139.84 $ 51,393.60 $ 52,659.12 $ 53,975.52 $ 55,283.04 $ 56,677.92 $ 58,087.44 $ 59,525.76 $ 61,014.00 $ 62,539.20 Monthly $ 4,178.32 $ 4,282.80 $ 4,388.26 $ 4,497.96 $ 4,606.92 $ 4,723.16 $ 4,840.62 $ 4,960.48 $ 5,084.50 $ 5,211.60 Semi-Monthly $ 2,089.16 $ 2,141.40 $ 2,194.13 $ 2.248.98 $ 2,303.46 $ 2,361.58 $ 2,420.31 $ 2,480.24 $ 2,542.25 $ 2,605.80 15 Annual $ 48,925.20 $ 50,148.48 $ 51,384.48 $ 52,668.96 $ 53,933.04 $ 55,267.92 $ 56,632.32 $ 58,057.20 $ 59,508.72 $ 60,996.24 Monthly $ 4,077.10 $ 4,179.04 $ 4,282.04 $ 4,389.08 $ 4,494.42 $ 4,605.66 $ 4,719.36 $ 4,838.10 $ 4,959.06 $ 5,083.02 Semi-Monthly $ 2,038.55 $ 2,089.52 $ 2,141.02 $ 2,194.54 $ 2,247.21 $ 2,302.83 $ 2,359.68 $ 2,419.05 $ 2,479.53 $ 2,541.51 14 Annual $ 47,741.52 $ 48,935.04 $ 50,125.20 $ 51,378.48 $ 52,629.36 $ 53,948.16 $ 55,297.92 $ 56,692.80 $ 58,110.24 $ 59,562.72 Monthly $ 3,978.46 1 $ 4,077.92 $ 4,177.10 $ 4,281.54 1 $ 4,385.78 $ 4,495.68 $ 4,608.16 $ 4,724.40 1 $ 4,842.52 $ 4,963.56 Semi-Monthlv $ 1,989.23 1 $ 2,038.96 $ 2,088.55 $ 2,140.77 1 $ 2,192.89 $ 2,247.84 $ 2,304.08 $ 2,362.20 1 $ 2,421.26 $ 2,481.78 13 Administrative Assistant I-Commissioners 3604 Annual $ 46,586.40 $ 47,751.12 $ 48,910.56 $ 50,133.36 $ 51,369.60 $ 52,644.24 $ 53,963.28 $ 55,313.04 $ 56,695.92 $ 58,113.36 Monthly $ 3,882.20 $ 3,979.26 $ 4,075.88 $ 4,177.78 $ 4,280.80 $ 4,387.02 $ 4,496.94 $ 4,609.42 $ 4,724.66 $ 4,842.78 Semi-Monthly $ 1,941.10 $ 1,989.63 $ 2,037.94 $ 2,088.89 $ 2,140.40 $ 2,193.51 $ 2,248.47 $ 2,304.71 $ 2,362.33 $ 2,421.39 12 Annual $ 45,462.00 $ 46,598.64 $ 47,741.52 $ 48,935.04 $ 50,125.20 $ 51,384.48 $ 52,674.24 $ 53,978.16 $ 55,327.68 $ 56,710.80 Monthly $ 3,788.50 $ 3,883.22 $ 3,978.46 $ 4,077.92 $ 4,177.10 $ 4,282.04 $ 4,389.52 $ 4,498.18 $ 4,610.64 $ 4,725.90 Semi-Monthly $ 1,894.25 $ 1,941.61 $ 1,989.23 $ 2,038.96 $ 2,088.55 $ 2,141.02 $ 2,194.76 $ 2,249.09 $ 2,305.32 $ 2,362.95 11 Annual $ 44,367.84 $ 45,476.88 $ 46,586.40 $ 47,751.12 $ 48,910.56 $ 50,139.84 $ 51,399.60 $ 52,674.24 $ 53,991.12 $ 55,340.88 Monthly $ 3,697.32 $ 3,789.74 $ 3,882.20 $ 3,979.26 $ 4,075.88 $ 4,178.32 $ 4,283.30 $ 4,389.52 $ 4,499.26 $ 4,611.74 Semi-Monthly $ 1,848.66 $ 1,894.87 $ 1,941.10 $ 1,989.63 $ 2,037.94 $ 2,089.16 $ 2,141.65 $ 2,194.76 $ 2,249.63 $ 2,305.87 10 Customer Service Specialist 2041 Annual $ 43,317.60 $ 44,400.72 $ 45,462.00 $ 46,598.64 $ 47,741.52 $ 48,925.20 $ 50,155.20 $ 51,414.72 $ 52,700.16 $ 54,017.52 Monthly $ 3,609.80 $ 3,700.06 $ 3,788.50 $ 3,883.22 $ 3,978.46 $ 4,077.10 $ 4,179.60 $ 4,284.56 $ 4,391.68 $ 4,501.46 Semi-Monthly $ 1804.90 $ 1850.03 $ 1,894.25 $ 1941.61 $ 1989.23 $ 2038.55 $ 2089.80 $ 2142.28 $ 2,195.84 $ 2,250.73 9 Annual $ 42,253.44 $ 43,309.44 $ 44,367.84 $ 45,476.88 $ 46,586.40 $ 47,741.52 $ 48,940.32 $ 50,155.20 $ 51,408.96 $ 52,694.16 Monthly $ 3,521.12 $ 3,609.12 $ 3,697.32 $ 3,789.74 $ 3,882.20 $ 3,978.46 $ 4,078.36 $ 4,179.60 $ 4,284.08 $ 4,391.18 Semi-Monthly $ 1,760.56 $ 1,804.56 $ 1,848.66 $ 1,894.87 $ 1,941.10 $ 1,989.23 $ 2,039.18 $ 2,089.80 $ 2,142.04 $ 2,195.59 8 Annual $ 41,248.56 $ 42,279.60 $ 43,287.60 $ 44,369.76 $ 45,462.00 $ 46,601.28 $ 47,756.16 $ 48,955.92 $ 50,179.92 $ 51,434.16 Monthly $ 3,437.38 $ 3,523.30 $ 3,607.30 $ 3,697.48 $ 3,788.50 $ 3,883.44 $ 3,979.68 $ 4,079.66 $ 4,181.66 $ 4,286.18 Semi-Monthiv $ 1,718.69 $ 1,761.65 $ 1,803.65 $ 1,948.74 $ 1,894.25 $ 1,941.72 $ 1,989.84 $ 2,039.83 $ 2,090.83 $ 2,143.09 7 Annual $ 40,228.80 $ 41,234.40 $ 42,253.44 $ 43,309.44 $ 44,367.84 $ 45,462.00 $ 46,601.28 $ 47,786.40 $ 48,981.36 $ 50,205.84 Monthly $ 3,352.40 $ 3,436.20 $ 3,521.12 $ 3,609.12 $ 3,697.32 $ 3,788.50 $ 3,883.44 $ 3,982.20 $ 4,081.78 $ 4,183.82 Semi-Monthly $ 1,676.20 $ 1,718.10 $ 1,760.56 $ 1,804.56 1 $ 1,848.66 $ 1,894.25 $ 1,941.72 $ 1,991.10 $ 2,040.89 $ 2,091.91 6 Annual $ 39,284.88 $ 40,266.72 $ 41,263.68 $ 42,295.68 $ 43,317.60 $ 44,397.36 $ 45,506.88 $ 46,646.64 $ 47,812.80 $ 49,008.24 Monthly $ 3,273.74 $ 3,355.56 $ 3,438.64 $ 3,524.64 $ 3,609.80 $ 3,699.78 $ 3,792.24 $ 3,887.22 $ 3,984.40 $ 4,084.02 Semi-Monthly $ 1,636.87 $ 1,677.78 $ 1,719.32 $ 1,762.32 $ 1,804.90 $ 1,849.89 $ 1,896.12 $ 1,943.61 $ 1,992.20 $ 2,042.01 5 Annual $ 38,324.88 $ 39,282.96 $ 40,228.80 $ 41,234.40 $ 42,253.44 $ 43,317.60 $ 44,397.36 $ 45,506.88 $ 46,644.72 $ 47,810.64 Monthly $ 3,193.74 $ 3,273.58 $ 3,352.40 $ 3,436.20 $ 3,521.12 $ 3,609.80 $ 3,699.78 $ 3,792.24 $ 3,887.06 $ 3,984.22 Semi-Monthly $ 1,596.87 $ 1,636.79 $ 1,676.20 $ 1,718.10 $ 1,760.56 $ 1,804.90 $ 1,849.89 $ 1,896.12 $ 1,943.53 $ 1,992.11 4 Annual $ 37,425.36 $ 38,360.88 $ 39,284.88 $ 40,266.72 $ 41,263.68 $ 42,299.28 $ 43,362.96 $ 44,427.84 $ 45,538.56 $ 46,676.88 Monthly $ 3,118.78 $ 3,196.74 $ 3,273.74 $ 3,355.56 $ 3,438.64 $ 3,524.94 $ 3,613.58 $ 3,702.32 $ 3,794.88 $ 3,889.74 Semi-Monthly $ 1559.39 $ 1,598.37 $ 1,636.87 $ 1,677.78 $ 1,719.32 $ 1,762.47 $ 1,806.79 $ 1,851.16 $ 1,897.44 $ 1,944.87 3 Annual $ 36,510.48 $ 37,422.96 $ 38,339.76 $ 39,298.32 $ 40,243.92 $ 41,263.68 $ 42,299.28 $ 43,362.96 $ 44,446.80 $ 45,558.24 Monthly $ 3,042.54 $ 3,118.58 $ 3,194.98 $ 3,274.86 $ 3,353.66 $ 3,438.64 $ 3,524.94 $ 3,613.58 $ 3,703.90 $ 3,796.52 Semi-Monthly $ 1,521.27 $ 1,559.29 $ 1,597.49 $ 1,637.43 $ 1,676.83 $ 1,719.32 $ 1,762.47 $ 1,806.79 $ 1,851.95 $ 1,898.26 2 Annual $ 35,626.08 $ 36,516.72 $ 37,410.00 $ 38,345.52 $ 39,284.88 $ 40,258.56 $ 41,278.56 $ 42,299.28 $ 43,356.72 $ 44,440.80 Monthly $ 2,968.84 $ 3,043.06 $ 3,117.50 $ 3,195.46 $ 3,273.74 $ 3,354.88 $ 3,439.88 $ 3,524.94 $ 3,613.06 $ 3,703.40 Semi-Monthly $ 1,484.42 $ 1,521.53 $ 1,558.75 $ 1,597.73 $ 1,636.87 $ 1,677.44 $ 1,719.94 $ 1,762.47 $ 1,806.53 $ 1,851.70 1 Central Shop Assistant 4099 Annual $ 34,786.08 $ 35,655.60 $ 36,510.48 $ 37,422.96 $ 38,324.88 $ 39,284.88 $ 40,258.56 $ 41,278.56 $ 42,310.80 $ 43,368.48 Monthly $ 2,898.84 $ 2,971.30 $ 3,042.54 $ 3,118.58 $ 3,193.74 $ 3,273.74 $ 3,354.88 $ 3,439.88 $ 3,525.90 $ 3,614.04 Semi-Monthl $ 1,449.42 $ 1,485.65 $ 1,521.27 $ 1,559.29 $ 1,596.87 $ 1,636.87 $ 1,677.44 $ 1,719.94 $ 1,762.95 $ 1,807.02 C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Mark Neary Ext. 530 Department: County Administrator Briefing: ❑X Action Agenda: ❑X Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): March 25,2024 Agenda Date: March 26,2024 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Risk (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item• Thurston-Mason Behavioral Health Administrative Service Organization Interlocal Agreement Background/Executive Summary: The Interlocal Agreement will allow the Thurston-Mason Behavioral Health Administrative Service Organization(TMBH-ASO)to fund judicial services provided by the Clerk's Office, Superior Court, Prosecutor's Office,and Office of Public Defense for individuals involuntarily detained due to behavioral health disorders per RCW 71.05 and RCW 71.24. The county-wide rate per case is$817 for a period of January 1,2024 through December 31,2024 not to exceed$175,000. Budget Impact(amount, funding source,budget amendment): Up to$175,000. Public Outreach (news release,community meeting, etc.): N/A Requested Action: Approval of the Interlocal Agreement between Thurston-Mason Behavioral Health Administrative Service Organization(TMBH-ASO)and Mason County to allow TMBH-ASO to fund judicial services provided by Mason County for individuals detained due to behavioral health disorders at$817 per case not to exceed $175,000 for a period of January 1,2024 through December 31,2024. Attachments Interlocal Agreement THURSTON-MASON BEHAVIORAL HEALTH ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE ORGANIZATION (TMBH-ASO) INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT(ILA) WITH Commented[TS1]:To be determined by Mason County Entity: Mason County Commented[TM2R1]:TBD Contact: Title:] Commented[TS3]:To be determined by Mason Phone: Email: County nted[TM4R3]:TBD Mailing Address: Comme Commented[TSS]:To be determined by Mason County ILA Number: 2024-MC-ILA Start Date: January 1,2024 End Date: December 31,2024 Commented[TM6R5]:TBD Thurston-Mason BH-ASO Contacts: Tara Smith,Finance Director Phone: 360.763.5809 Email: tara.smithCc@tmbho.ore Mark Freedman,ASO Administrator Phone: 360.763.5791 Email: Mark.freedman@tmbho.org Mailing Address: 670 Woodland Square Loop SE Ste 301 Lacey WA 98503 TOTAL FUNDING FOR ILA PERIOD: $175,0001 — Commented[T57]:Estimated based on$603 rate x 290 Filings max. INCORPORATION OF EXHIBITS AND ATTACHMENTS Commented[TM8R7]:TBD The Provider shall provide services and comply with the requirements set forth in the following attached exhibits,attachments,or any other materials which are incorporated herein by reference.To the extent that the terms and conditions of any Exhibit or Attachments conflicts with the terms and conditions of this base contract,the terms of this Contract shall control. ®Exhibit C:Business Associate Agreement(BAA) This ILA is entered into in counterpart or duplicate copies,and any signed counterpart or duplicate copy shall be equivalent to a signed original for all purposes,between Thurston Mason Behavioral Health Administrative Service Organization,hereinafter"TMBH- ASO"and(Mason County Board of County Commissioners hereinafter"Contractor." This ILA governs the work to be and supersedes Commented[TS9]:To be determined by Mason and replaces any previously executed general terms and conditions,program contracts,or other agreements as of the start date County below. Contractor Signature: Printed Name and Title: Date: Thurston-Mason BWASO Signature: Printed Name and Title: Date: Mark Freedman,ASO Administrator Approved as to Form by,Fred A.Johnson,TMBH-ASO Legal Counsel,February 15,2022 2024_MC-ILA Page 1 of 8 THIS AGREEMENT, is made and entered by and between Mason County Board of County Commissioners, hereinafter referred to as"BOARD"and the Thurston-Mason Behavioral Health Commented[T510]:To be determined by Mason Administrative Services Organization,a quasi-governmental entity formed pursuant to the County Interlocal Cooperation Act,chapter 39.34 RCW, hereinafter referred to as"TMBH-ASO." 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this Agreement is to define and fund judicial services provided by the Mason County Clerk's Office,the Mason County Superior Court,the Mason County Prosecutor's Office, and the Mason County Office of Public Defense for those individuals involuntarily detained to Mason County due to a behavioral health disorder per chapters 71.05 and 71.24 RCW. 2. DURATION OF AGREEMENT This Agreement shall be effective January 1,2024,and shall terminate on December 31, 2024, unless otherwise amended or renewed.This agreement may be extended for a period not to exceed three(3)months for the purpose of accommodating amendments and revisions pursuant to a renewal or replacement of this agreement.The Extension shall be in writing and agreed upon by the Board and TMBH-ASO prior to the termination date set forth herein. This agreement supersedes any other agreement for the reimbursement of judicial services for individuals involuntarily detained effective on or after January 1,2024. 3. SERVICES Services to be provided are those defined in chapters 71.05 and 71.24 RCW. Involuntary Treatment Court will be provided as established by a majority vote of the sitting judges of Mason County Superior Court hearings and may be held either remotely via approved video streaming service or in person at the location of the Evaluation and Treatment Facility.Jury trials shall be held at the Mason County Courthouse. The location of the Evaluation and Treatment Facility is: a. Mason County Evaluation and Treatment Facility 307 West Cota St.Shelton,WA 98584 The Court shall operate two to three days a week or as necessary to meet the statutory requirements. Days and hours shall be determined by TMBH-ASO,the Treatment Provider at the Facility location and the Superior Court. Additionally,the judges of the Mason County Superior Court, by majority vote, may authorize behavioral health commissioners,appointed pursuant to RCW 71.05.135,to perform any or all of the following duties: a. Receive all applications, petitions,and proceedings filed in the Superior Court for the purpose of disposing of them pursuant to this chapter; b. Investigate the facts upon which to base warrants,subpoenas,orders to directions in actions,or proceedings filed pursuant to this chapter; 2024_MC-ILA Page 2 of 8 c. For the purpose of this chapter,exercise all powers and perform all the duties of a Court Commissioner appointed pursuant to RCW 2.24.010; d. Hold hearings in proceedings and make written reports of all proceedings under this chapter which shall become a part of the record of Superior Court; e. Provide such supervision in connection with the exercise of its jurisdiction as may be ordered by the presiding judge;and f. Cause the orders and findings to be entered in the same manner as orders and findings are entered in cases in the superior court. 4. FUNDING Funding for court services shall be in accordance with RCW 71.05.730: A countywide rate per case of$817 is set for the period of January 1, 2024,through December 31,2024.The rate is based on an average of the expenditures per case for judicial services for civil commitment cases within the county over the past three years,excluding indirect costs. A civil commitment case is defined in RCW 71.05.730(3)(a): all judicial hearings related to a single episode of hospitalization or less restrictive alternative treatment,except that the filing of a petition for a one hundred eighty-day commitment under this chapter shall be considered to be a new case regardless of whether there has been a break in detention. The number of filings shall be documented and submitted with each invoice. The total amount of this contract shall not exceed$175,000. Thurston Mason BH-ASO reserves the right to withhold payment until such time that adequate back up documentation is provided to support the invoice. The number of filings will be reviewed every six months to evaluate the need to adjust the contract maximum amount for the total number of filings expected. The Mason County Clerk is authorized to provide information in order for TMBH-ASO to pay for Thurston County for judicial services as provided for in RCW 71.05 and related audit functions or for seeking reimbursement for judicial services as provided for in RCW 71.05.730 from the BH-ASO that serves the county residence of the individual who is the subject of the Civil Commitment Case and related audit functions. Mason County Clerk,if provided in the court file, is authorized to provide: 1. Name of Person 2. Date of Birth 3. Case Number 4. Date of Hearing 5. Type of Hearing 6. Facility 7. Judicial Officer 8. Clerk 9. Prosecuting Attorney 2024_MC-ILA Page 3 of 8 10.Defense Attorney 5. INVOICING FOR SERVICES RENDERED The BOARD will provide a quarterly invoice for services provided to TMBH-ASO. Invoices must Commented[T5111:To be determined by Mason be accompanied by case filing information.The invoice is due by the 101h of the month following (County the end of the quarter. Invoices shall be submitted to invoices(cDtmbho.org. 6. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS Each Party shall comply with all applicable federal, state,and local laws, rules,and regulations and will maintain all necessary certifications, licenses, and accreditation that may be required to perform such Party's obligations under this Agreement. Pursuant to RCW 71.05.740,All behavioral health administrative service organizations in the state of Washington must forward historical behavioral health involuntary commitment information retained by the organization, including identifying information and dates of commitment to the authority.As soon as feasible,the behavioral health administrative services organizations must arrange to report new commitment data to the authority within twenty-four hours. Commitment information under this section does not need to be resent if it is already in the possession of the authority. Behavioral health administrative services organizations and the authority shall be immune from liability related to the sharing of commitment information under this section. The Clerk of the Court must share commitment hearing outcomes in all hearings under this chapter with the local behavioral health Administrative Services Organization that serves the region where the Superior Court is located, including in cases in which the Designated Crisis Responder investigation occurred outside the region.The hearing outcome data must include the name of the facility to which the person has been committed 7. CONFIDENTIALITY The Parties shall use Personal Health Information(PHI)only for the purpose of the services outlined in this Agreement. TMBH-ASO,county employees,or any other service provider shall not disclose,transfer,or sell any such information to any other Party,except as provided by law, or in the case of PHI,without the written prior consent of the person to whom the PHI pertains. The Parties also agree not to use or disclose PHI other than as permitted or required by this Agreement, HIPAA,and the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act(HITECH).The Parties shall use and disclose PHI only if such use or disclosure, respectively, is in compliance with federal state and local laws, including,but not limited to codes of conduct governing the individual parties. The Parties shall maintain the confidentiality of all PHI and other information gained by reason of this Agreement and shall return or certify the destruction of such information if requested in writing by the Party to this Agreement that provided the information. TMBH-ASO and Clerk shall protect all PHI, records, and data from unauthorized disclosure in accordance with all applicable federal,state,and local laws regarding HIPAA confidentiality requirements. 2024_MC-ILA Page 4 of 8 8. HOLD HARMLESS AND INDEMNIFICATION Each Party to this Agreement shall be responsible for its own wrongful and negligent acts or omissions,or those of its officers,officials,agents,or employees to the fullest extent required by law,and shall indemnify,defend, and hold the other Party harmless from and against all claims, suits,actions, liabilities, losses,expenses,damages, and judgments including costs and attorney's fees,for injury, illness,disability,or death to any person or persons or damage to property caused by,arising out of, or resulting from the performance of this Agreement by the Party,that Party's officers,officials,agents,and/or employees. In the case of negligence of more than one Party,any damages allowed shall be levied in proportion to the percentage of negligence attributable to each Party,and each Party shall have the right to seek contribution from the other Party in proportion to the percentage of negligence attributable to the other Party. 9. INSURANCE Each Party shall,at its own cost and expense,obtain and maintain in force during the term of this Agreement professional and general liability insurance with limits of$1,000,000 per occurrence,$3,000,000 annual aggregate. Such insurance shall be provided by insurance company(ies)or self-insurance mutually acceptable to the parties. Each Party shall provide the other with a certificate of insurance(or copy of the insurance policy)verifying such coverage upon the other Party's request. 10. THIRD PARTY CLAIMS HOLDING A. The Party seeking indemnification hereunder shall promptly notify the other Party from whom indemnification is sought in writing of any claim asserted against it and promptly deliver a true copy of any summons or other process, pleading or notice issued in any lawsuit or claim. B. Where acceptance of its obligation to indemnify is deemed proper by the indemnifying Party, said Party reserves the right to control the investigation,trial and defense of such lawsuit or action(including all negotiations to effect settlement),any appeal arising from it and employ or engage attorneys of its own choice. C. The Party seeking indemnification may,at its sole cost, participate in such investigation,trial and defense of such lawsuit or action and any appeal arising from same. D. Each Party to this Agreement, its employees,agents, servants, and representatives shall provide full cooperation to the other at all times during the pendency of the claim or lawsuit, including,without limitation, providing one another with all available information concerning the claim. 11. NONDISCRIMINATION TMBH-ASO, its assignees,delegates or subcontractors shall not discriminate against any person in the performance of any of its obligations hereunder on the basis of race,color,creed, ethnicity, religion, national origin,age,sex, marital status,veteran status,sexual orientation,or 2024_MC-ILA Page 5 of 8 the presence of any disability. Implementation of this provision shall be consistent with RCW 49.60.400. 12. WITHDRAWAL Any party hereto shall have the right to withdraw from this Agreement at any time, PROVIDED that the remaining party to this Agreement shall have received written notification of the other party's intention to withdraw at least 120 days prior to the proposed effective date of such withdrawal;and PROVIDED FURTHER,that such notification is received at least 120 days prior to the expiration of the current fiscal year period. 13. PROHIBITION AGAINST ASSIGNMENT The obligations and duties under this Agreement shall not be assigned,delegated,or subcontracted to any other person,firm,or entity without the prior express written consent of TMBH-ASO. 14. CHOICE OF LAW,JURISDICTION AND VENUE A. This Agreement has been and shall be construed as having been made and delivered within the State of Washington,and it is agreed by each party hereto that this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Washington, both as to its interpretation and performance. B. Any action at law,suit in equity,or judicial proceeding arising out of this Agreement shall be instituted and maintained only in any of the courts of competent jurisdiction in Mason County. 15. SEVERABILITY If a court of competent jurisdiction holds any part,term or provision of this Agreement to be illegal, or invalid in whole or in part,the validity of the remaining provisions shall not be affected, and the parties'rights and obligations shall be construed and enforced as if the Agreement did not contain the particular provision held to be invalid. If any provision of this Agreement is in direct conflict with any statutory provision of the State of Washington,that provision which may conflict shall be deemed inoperative and null and void insofar as it may conflict and shall be deemed modified to conform to such statutory provision. 16. COUNTERPARTS This Agreement may be signed in counterpart or duplicate copies,and any signed counterpart or duplicate copy shall be equivalent to a signed original for all purposes.This Agreement shall be effective upon its execution by the two named Parties. 17. FILING OF AGREEMENT 2024_MC-ILA Page 6 of 8 A copy of this Agreement shall be filed with the County Auditor of Mason County or, alternatively, listed by subject on a public agency's web site or other electronically retrievable public source,as required by RCW 39.34.040. 18. AMENDMENT All amendments to this Agreement shall be in writing and mutually agreed upon and signed by both Parties. 19. TERMINATION This Agreement may be terminated by either party by giving(120)one hundred days written notice of termination to the other Party. 20. ENTIRE AGREEMENT The parties agree that this Agreement is the complete expression of its terms and conditions. Any oral or written representations or understandings not incorporated in this Agreement are specifically excluded. 21. NOTICES Any notices shall be effective if personally served upon the other Party or if mailed by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested,to the addresses set out on the cover page. Notice may also be given by facsimile with the original to follow by regular mail. Notice shall be deemed to be given three days following the date of mailing or immediately if personally served. For service by facsimile,service shall be effective upon receipt during working hours. If a facsimile is sent after working hours, it shall be effective at the beginning of the next working day IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties have executed this Agreement by authorized officials thereof on the day of ,2024. 2024_MC-ILA Page 7 of 8 Board of County Commissioners Thurston-Mason Behavioral Health Mason County,Washington Administrative Services Organization Governing Board Randy Neatherlin, Chair Kevin Shutty, Chair Kevin Shutty,Vice-Chair Caroline Mejia,Vice-Chair Sharon Trask, Commissioner Emily Clouse, Commissioner Approved as to Form Tim Whitehead, Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney 2024_MC-ILA Page 8 of 8 C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Jennifer Beierle Ext. 532 Department: Support Services Briefing: ❑X Action Agenda: ❑ Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): April 1,2024 Agenda Date: Click or tap here to enter text. Internal Review: ❑X Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Other (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item: ARPA—Contract amendment for the Youth Connection Background/Executive Summary: On October 25t1i,2022,The Board of County Commissioners awarded The Youth Connection$722,000 to purchase a building and add an elevator to meet ADU requirements. The contract completion date is June 30,2024. The Youth Connection Board Chair, Terri Drexler,is requesting to extend the contract date by one year,to June 30,2025. Budget Impact(amount, funding source,budget amendment): N/A Public Outreach (news release,community meeting, etc.): None Requested Action: Approve the contract amendment Attachments ARPA Contract Amendment, Letter of request from The Youth Connection a The Connection February 7, 2024 Mason County Board of County Commissioners Sent Via Email: Kate Campbell kcampbell@masoncountywa.gov Commissioners: The Youth Connection is extremely grateful for your grant of ARPA funds to purchase our current location, 123 S. 2nd Street in Shelton and provide ADA accessibility by installing an elevator for access to the transitional housing units on the second floor. As you know,we used a portion of the funds to purchase the building. However, we will not be able to obligate funds for elevator purchase and installation before expiration of the contract effective date of June 30, 2024 (Mason County Contract#22-078). We are currently in the full architectural design phase which we hope to have completed by mid- summer then submitted to the City of Shelton for permitting. Depending on the length of time to complete the permit process, we anticipate going out to bid late summer or early fall. The Youth Connection respectfully ask that you extend our fund obligation date to June 30, 2025 or later. This would allow us enough time to work through the permit and bidding process. Thank you for your consideration. My best wishes, Terri Drexler Chair, Board of Directors (360) 229-0947 terridrexler@outlook.com 1 123 South 2nd Street Shelton, WA 98584 (360) 462-0125 www.sheltonfamilycenter.org AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN ACT OF 2021 AGREEMENT#22-078 AMENDMENT#1 Between MASON COUNTY and THE YOUTH CONNECTION THIS CONTRACT AMENDMENT is made and entered into by and between Mason County, hereinafter referred to as "COUNTY" and The Youth Connection hereinafter referred to as "RECIPIENT" for the Acquisition and Renovation Project herein referred to as "PROJECT"). WHEREAS, The U.S. Treasury has allocated to Mason County federal stimulus funding under an amended Title VI of the Social Security Act to add sections 602 and 603, Subtitle M, Section 9901 of the Act, referred to in the Act as Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund("CSLFRF") for the limited purposes identified in the Interim Final Rule between U. S. Treasury and Mason County, identified as the Interim Final Rule ("IFR") or 31 CFR Part 35 RIN 1505-AC77 WHEREAS, ARPA authorizes the County to offer funding from receipted ARPA funds for certain cost projects in response to the COVID-19 public health emergency during the period of July 16, 2021, incurred by December 31, 2024, and expended by December 31, 2026, which may include expenditures incurred to respond directly to the emergency as well as expenditures incurred to respond to second-order effects of the emergency, such as providing economic support to those suffering from employment or business interruptions due to COVID-19, related business closures, investments to improve water, sewer and broadband infrastructure and support public health response. As required under Amendment, Section 16, no amendment or modification to the Agreement will be effective without prior written consent of the authorized representatives of the parties. This Amendment will change the completion date requirement to June 30, 2025. All other terms of the contract remain the same. All other items listed under"Scope of Services" in the original agreement remain the same. DATED this day of , 2024. RECIPIENT NAME MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON Mark Neary, County Administrator Dated: Dated: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Tim Whitehead, Chief DPA CWO Mason County Agenda Request Form To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Jennifer Beierle Ext. 532 Department: Support Services Briefing: Action Agenda: ❑X Public Hearing: Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): April 1,2024 Agenda Date: April 9,2024 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Other (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item• Approval to set a public hearing on May 7,2024,to review final project performance and close out the state CARES Act Community Development Block Grant(CDBG) CV—Coronavirus Funds Grant which ends June 30,2024. Backsround/Executive Summary: CDBG-CV 1 grants funded local public services and microenterprise assistance programs; and public health, emergency response, or temporary housing facilities that addressed COVID-19 impacts, and grant administration. CDBG funded activities benefited low- and moderate-income persons or met the CDBG urgent need national objective criteria. The County made these CV 1 funds available to the Community Action Council of Lewis,Mason, and Thurston counties (CAC)as grant subrecipient. Budget Impact(amount, funding source,budget amendment): None Public Outreach(news release,community meeting, etc.): CDBG grant closeout requires Public Hearing notice in the official county newspaper at least 14 days prior to the hearing. Requested Action: Approval to submit Public Hearing notice to the Shelton-Mason County Journal for publication on Thursday,April 18,2024, and Thursday,April 25,2024, and to set a public hearing on Tuesday, May 7, 2024. Attachments: Proposed Notice of Public Hearing Contract Close Out Report NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Mason County Commissioners will hold a public hearing in Mason County Building I,Commission Chambers,411 North Fifth Street,Shelton, WA 98584 on May 7,2024 at 9:15 am. SAID HEARING will be to review and receive comments on the final project performance using $1,079,870 Community Development Block Grant — Coronavirus (CDBG-CV) funds for public health, emergency response, or temporary housing facilities that addressed COVID-19 impacts. Public testimony will be available in-person or via Zoom. The URL is available on the County website hqs://www.masoncggRt)L)va.gov/ to sign into the meeting. Please use the "raise hand" feature to be recognized by the Chair to provide your testimony. You can also email testimony to msmith&masoncountywa.gov or mail to the Commissioners' Office, 411 N 5th St, Shelton, WA 98584; or call(360)427-9670 ext. 230. If special accommodations are needed,please contact the Commissioners' office, (360) 427- 9670 ext. 419. DATED this 9 day of April, 2024. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON McKenzie Smith, Clerk of the Board Bill: Non-Departmental 411N5thSt Cc: Commissioners Shelton Journal: Publ. 2t: April 18, 2024 &April 25, 2024 Areh Washington State 9409 Coi=erce Community Development Block Grant — Coronavirus CONTRACT CLOSE OUT REPORT 1. Contract Number: 20-6221C-118 2. Grantee Jurisdiction: Mason County 3. Chief Administrative Official and Title: Mark Neary, County Administrator 4. CDBG Contract End Date or Project Completion Date: 06/30/2024 5. Final Public Hearing Date: May 7, 2024 6. Brief project summary and results achieved:The COVID-19 funding provided through this grant has assisted numerous Lewis and Mason County residents during the pandemic with past due rent, utilities, and mortgage payments. This ensured that they kept safe and stable housing during this time of need. 7. Physical address and/or service area of the project/activity(s): Mason and Lewis Counties The chief administrative official of the grantee jurisdiction certifies that: 1. The financial information and data provided in this report is accurate as of the signature date indicated below. 2. The project was completed in accordance with the grant contract and scope of work. 3. A final public hearing was conducted to assess project performance. 4. Records supporting the information provided in this report will be maintained for a minimum of six(6) years from final close out and made available upon request. 5. The CDBG Program can use or reproduce all media material provided by the grantee. In the event audits disclose disallowable costs,the Washington State Department of Commerce shall retain the right to recover an appropriate amount of costs after fully considering the recommendations on disallowed costs resulting from the final audit. Signature: Chief Administrative Official Date FINANCIAL SUMMARY Budget Summary HUD IDIS Activity Number, Budget Code and Description (see the project A-19 invoice voucher information) Expenditures IDIS Activity# Budget Code and Description Budget Amount Funds Expended Balance* 8250 21A General Administration $ 18,000.00 $1,596.96 $16,403.04 8251 05Q Subsistence Payments $ 1,061,910.00 $1,061,910.00 $0 $ $ $ Total CDBG $ 1,079,910.00 $ 1,063,506.96 *$16,403.04 Other Funding Total Project $1,079,910.00 $1,063,506.96 $16,403.04 *Any dollar amount reflected in the Total CDBG Balance column will be assumed as a de-obligation and returned to the CDBG Program. PROGRAM INCOME 1. Will this project generate program income? ❑ Yes ® No 2. If"Yes"to question 1, have you submitted a Program Income Reuse Plan to your CDBG-CV project manager? ❑ Yes ❑ No For detail on program income and content of a Program Income Reuse Plan, see Section 4 CDBG Management Handbook. BENEFICIARY SUMMARY At CDBG-CV application, the grantee identified how each project activity would benefit low- and moderate-income (LMI) persons as well as the estimated ethnic and racial breakdown. Actual beneficiary data was required during the project. BENEFICIARIES AT CLOSE OUT FORM Note: • General Administration (your admin) and planning budget codes do not require reporting. • Totals for Lines 1, 2, and 3 should be the same. Budget code and activity numbers can be found on the A19 voucher form. Budget Code 05Q Subsistence Payments 2021 2022 2023 Activity Number 8251 L__ IL Project Beneficiary— Persons Served New Access (i.e. first in area) Access to services/facility is no longer substandard Improved access (i.e. improved proximity) 1. Total Persons 176 458 E 244 Racial/Ethnic Breakdown #by #of #by #of #by #of Race Hispanic Race Hispanic Race Hispanic White 153 40 400 75 226 41 Black/African American 4 21 7 Asian 3 1 American Indian/Alaskan Native 7 9 Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 5 American Indian/Alaskan Native and White 7 Asian and White Black/African American and White American Indian/Alaskan Native & Black/African 7 2 American Other Multi-Racial 9 8 9 2. Total 176 40 458 76 244 41 Low- and Moderate-Income Breakdown Very Low Income (0-30% AMI) 35 207 174 Very Low to Low Income (31-50%AMI) 117 198 70 Low to Moderate Income (51-80%AMI) 24 53 Sub-Total Non-LMI ( 81% AMI and above) 3. Total 176 458 244 BENEFICIARIES AT CLOSE OUT FROM INSTRUCTIONS: This data is reported to HUD to document how CDBG funds are used in Washington State. HUD uses this data to report the use of CDBG funds nationally. Budget Code and Activity Number: These are the same budget code(s) and activity numbers used on the budget summary. If in doubt, the Contract Data Sheet sent with the executed CDBG contract lists the budget code(s) and Activity Number(s). Complete columns for each activity assigned to the project. NOTE: General Administration (Budget Code 21A) and Planning (Budget Code 20) do not require reporting. The totals for 1, 2, and 3 should be the same number. 1. Proiect Beneficiary -- Persons Served: Choose the appropriate accomplishment and enter the total number of beneficiaries for each activity. 2. Racial/Ethnic Breakdown: Insert the race and ethnicity for the beneficiary served at project completion. Use the first column, labeled # by Race, to list the number of individuals by racial group. HUD has designated Hispanic as an ethnic group. A person can be identified as both a member of a racial group and an ethnic group, but cannot be designated only as an ethnic group. If an individual is also of Hispanic ethnicity, count the individual also in the second column labeled # of Hispanic. 3. Low- and Moderate-Income Breakdown: Enter the number of persons by income category. If the 30% and 50% breakdown are unknown, at a minimum, enter the total number of low- and moderate-income beneficiaries as a "Sub-total LMI served". The total of LMI served and non-LMI served should be the same as sections 1, 2, and 3. The CDBG Income Limits showing 30%, 50%, and 80% levels of area median income (AMI) by county are available on our website at www.commerce.wa.gov/cdbg under Guidance Materials. *Projects meeting LM -the Presumed Benefit Activities: If the activity qualified as exclusively benefiting clientele in special groups presumed by HUD to be principally LMI persons, report the number of persons benefiting under the following income categories unless you have information that supports reporting them under a different income category. Group Income Level Abused children Very low income Battered spouses Low income Severely disabled adults Low income Homeless persons Very low income Illiterate adults Low income Persons with Aids Low income Migrant Farm workers Low income Elderly Moderate income (If to acquire, construct, convert, and/or rehabilitate senior center) C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /AtJ To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Mike Collins, PLS, PE, County Engineer Ext. 450 Department: Public Works Briefing: ❑x Action Agenda: ❑x Public Hearing: Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): April 1, 2024 Agenda Date: April 9, 2024 and May 7, 2024 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑X Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Other (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item: Set a Public Hearing to consider adopting new Mason County Road Standards Manual, changes to Mason County Code (MCC) Chapters 10, 12 and 14 and Public Works Fee Schedule Background/Executive Summary: Per RCW 36.86, Public Works has developed a Road Standards Manual, as required by RCW 36.86. These Standards are to govern the design and construction of County maintained roads and privately maintained roads whether they are on private or public easements in the unincorporated parts of Mason County. These Standards were developed to provide minimum design requirements for the safety, welfare, and convenience of the traveling public. These standards are guidelines over a multitude of roadway design and geometrics such as horizontal and vertical alignments, cross-sections, intersections, road approaches, bridges, emergency vehicle access, Utilities, sight distance, roadway dimensions, surface requirements, clear zones, grades, mailboxes, landscaping, and signing. These standards are not intended to provide for all situations, but to be flexible in form and content. They are intended to assist but not substitute for competent work by design professionals. Variance from these standards may be requested; however, these requests are subject to the acceptance by the county engineer based on satisfactory evidence that the proposed variance will produce an equivalent outcome. The adoption of the manual will require Chapter 10, 12 and 14 of the MCC to be updated. These updates are attached to the resolution as attachments A through F. Updates include removal of Public Works fees, reference in the manual and include GIS services and franchise agreement fees, adding Public Works permit categories and additional clean up to Chapter 10 adopting Washington State Statues 46.44 by reference. Budget Impact: N/A C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /AtJ Public Outreach: The Road Standards went through a SEPA review, and a Determination of Non-significance was published on June 15, 2023. The public comment period ended on June 29, 2023, and no public comments were received. Public Notice will also be published in the Shelton-Mason County Journal for a public hearing to consider adopting the new road standards, revisions to Chapters 10, 12 and 14 of the Mason County Code and adoption of a resolution for Public Works Fee Schedule. Requested Action: Requesting the Board set a hearing for May 7, 2024 to consider public comment on the following: 1. Approving an Ordinance adopting the Mason County Road Standards Manual and updates to Chapters 10, 12 and 14 of the Mason County Code. 2. Approving a Resolution adopting the Public Works Fee Schedule. Attachments: 1. Notice of Hearing 2. Mason County Road Standard Manual 3. Ordinance and Code update Attachments 4. Resolution and Exhibit A"Public Works Fee Schedule" NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Mason County Commissioners will hold a public hearing in Mason County Building I,Commission Chambers,411 North Fifth Street,Shelton, WA 98584 on May 7,2024 at 9:15am. SAID HEARING will be to take public comment on the following: 1. adoption of the Mason County Road Standards and, 2. revisions to the County Code, Chapters 10, 12 and 14 to reflect the road standards, remove Public Works fees from the code and other minor amendments. Public testimony will be available in-person or via Zoom. The URL is available on the County website https://www.masoncoimWya.aov/ to sign into the meeting. Please use the "raise hand" feature to be recognized by the Chair to provide your testimony. You can also email testimony to msmithkmasoncountywa.gov or mail to the Commissioners' Office, 411 N 5t' St, Shelton, WA 98584; or call(360)427-9670 ext. 230. If special accommodations are needed,please contact the Commissioners' office, (360)427-9670 ext. 419. DATED this 9th day of April, 2024. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON McKenzie Smith,Clerk of the Board Bill: Public Works Department 100 W Public Works Drive Shelton,WA 98584 Cc: Commissioners Community Dev. Shelton Journal: Publ. 2t: 4/18/24&4/25/24 ORDINANCE NUMBER 2024- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS OF MASON COUNTY CODE TITLE 10, 12 & 14 AND ADOPTING THE MASON COUNTY ROAD STANDARDS MANUAL WHEREAS,RCW 36.86.070- 080 requires the County to adopt uniform definitions and design standards for county roads;and WHEREAS, RCW 36.80.030 and RCW 36.75.050 provide that the County Engineer has the authority for preparing standards for construction of roads and bridges; and WHEREAS, the County Engineer has prepared a Mason County Road Standards Manual that updates current standards to comply with applicable standards, guidance, and sound engineering practice; and WHEREAS,the Board of County Commissioners find a need to update Title 12 and 14 of the County Code to adopt the updated County Road Standards; and, WHEREAS, additional amendments were also needed in Title 10, 12 and 14 of the Mason County; and WHEREAS, Mason County citizens, stakeholders and outside agencies have been afforded opportunities to review and comment on the proposed Road Standards and code amendments; and WHEREAS, Mason County Road Standards went through SEPA review, and a Determination of Non-significance was published on June 15, 2023. The public comment period ended on June 29, 2023 and no public comments were received; and WHEREAS,the Mason County Board of County Commissioners held a public hearing on May 7, 2024 to consider written and oral testimony on the proposed ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MASON COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS: Section 1. The recitals set forth above are hereby adopted in support of the regulations imposed by this ordinance. Section 2. Mason County Code Chapter 10.44, 'Standard Road and,' adopted by Resolution 869, is amended as shown on Attachment A. Section 3: Mason County Code Chapter 12.04, ', adopted by Resolution 869, is amended as shown on Attachment B. Section 4. Mason County Code Chapter 12.05 `Use of and Improvements to Unopened or Unmaintained Roads Within the County Rights of Way is added to the Code as shown on Attachment C. Section 5. Mason County Code Chapter 12.08, `Highway Approaches,' adopted by Resolution 2021-03 8, is amended as shown on Attachment D. Section 6, Mason County Code Chapter 12.24, `Utilities on Road Rights-of- Way,' adopted by Resolution 115-06, is amended as shown on Attachment E. Section 7. Mason County Code Chapter 14.28, 'Addressing Ordinance,' adopted by Ordinance 44-10, is amended as shown on Attachment F. ADOPTED this day of , 2024. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ATTEST: MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON McKenzie Smith, Clerk of the Board Randy Neatherlin,Chair APPROVED AS TO FORM: Kevin Shutty,Vice Tim Whitehead, Sharon Trask, Commissioner Ch. Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Title 10-VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC Chapter 10.44 SIZE,WEIGHT AND LOAD Chapter 10.44 SIZE, WEIGHT AND LOAD Sections: 10.44.005 Overweight and over-dimension vehicle permits—Regulations and Statutes adopted by reference-1+iIizat0 (a) The most current Washington State Statues in Chapter 46.44 are adopted by reference. (b) The most current Washington State Commercial Vehicle Guide prepared by multiple Washington state agencies, is adopted as the policy of Mason County. (cb) The board of commissioners of Mason County hereby authorizes and directs the Mason County engineer to utilize these regulations and conditions as applicable underfor this chapter. (Res. 230, 1972; Res. No. 120-09, 12-22-2009) 10.44.010 ^16-tsi -o Wid-th limit, permit Required. Permits are required when any vehicle combination,and/or equipment or machinery being moved exceeds the dimensional and/or weight limits set forth in RCW 46.44, as amended, upon any public highway under the jurisdiction of Mason County without first obtaining a permit from the County. The tetal eut-ride width ef any vehiele OF lead theireenen Shall not exceedeight feet: pFevided,that in any nstance where it is necessary te extend a . . . rer beyond the extreme left er right of the body,the sarne may be done despite the fact that this results an a width an excess ef eight feet, but n . . a rror shall extend FnE)Fe than five inches beyand the extFeFne limits of the body; provided,further,that in these instances wheFe at as necessary to install fenders on the reaF wheels of vehicles to reduce wheel SpFay,the sarne may be dene despite the far-#that thffi_-; in�;;vVid-th On exceSs of eight feet; Providing sweh fe.nd-eFs are Made of ruwhhe.r expansion of the tires: provided fffther, however,that safety appliances such as cleaFance lights, Fula rails, binder chains and appurtenances such as door handles,door hinges and turning signal brackets, may extend beyond the extreme left or right of the bedy despite the fact that this results an a width an excess of eight feet but na appliances or appurtenances can extend Fn()Fe than two inches beyond the extreme limits of the body. (Res. 78§ 1 (46.44.010), 1970). 19.^4129 nn.,.,am....... height—Impaired elearanee signs. level surface upon which the vehicle stands: PFOvWed,that autemebHe transporters shall not exceed fourteen feet and that these height hmitations shall not apply to autherized eFneFgency vehicles ar Fepair equipment of a public utility engaged in Feasenably necessaFy operation.The provisions of this section shall n0t Felieve the owner or eperated;and ne liability shall aaarsh*-ne t-he st-at-p- Asir t-Re ;any eeunty, eity,tev.fn A-.r ethe.r pelitieal subdiv i seen by Mason County,Washington,Code of Ordinances Created: 2024-02-01 12:03:15 [EST] (Supp. No.66,2-24,Update 1) Page 1 of 14 Washingten State Highway Celmilmleirssie-In are eFeeted and maintainedd Ae.n.the Fight side ef any such publie highway: FWFal aFeas at a distance ef net less than three hundred fifty feet and net mere than five hundred feet,frem eaGh (Res 78§ 9 (46.44.0201), 197-0) 10 AA 030 Maximum lengths. (a) it is unlawful fer any peFSeR te eperate upon the publie highways ef thus eewRty any vehiele having an overall 'ength,w0th er;.AVwthA_,A In-ac-I on Pexce-tess Ref*Wrty five feet,except that an aute stage shall not e)(Geed an E)veFall length, inclusive ef frent and rear bumpers, ef forty feet, but the eperatien ef any such aute stage upen the public highways shall be limited as determiRed by the State Highway CO m . (b) it as unlawful for any person to operate on the highwaY5 Of thi5 county any combination of vehicies which .,+-,i..s a vehicle of which the permanent 5tFUCt i5 an exceS5 of forty feet ef a nenstinger stee-Fed-tra-c-teff-and-sefflitrailer whieh has an eveFall length in exe-ess ef sixty feet withe-A lead .,f si..+.,fi....f.,.,+..,i+h I..-..J (d) It is unlawful for any person te eperate en the highway5 Of thi5 county any cembination consisting of a tFUCI( and trailer, or any lawful combination ef three vehicles,with an overall length,with or without load, an exce55 Of SiXty five feet,er a combination consisting ef a tractor and a 5tingeF 5teered 5emitrailer which has an overall length in excess Of 56)(ty five feet witheut lead or an exce55 Of 5eventy five feet with lead. n u (f) These 'ength limitatiens shall net apply te vehicles tFaRSPeFtiRg peles, pope, FnaehineFy eF etheF objeets ef a emerg ney repair of public service faeilitie5 Or properties, but On re5pect to night transportation eveFy 5HCh veh"cle and load thereon shall be equipped w4 a sufficient number of clearaRce IaMPS E)R both 5ides a marker IaMP5 upon the extreme ends ef any projecting load to clearly mark the diFnen5iOn5 of such load, (Res 74 § 9 (46.44.030), 197(Y) , or any portion of the front vehicle of a cernbination of vehicles,shall not extend more than three feet beyE)nd the frent wheels of such vehicle er the frent bumper, if equipped with frOnt hU.n per Ne veNcle shall be operated upen the public highways with any part E)f the perManent strUctUre E)F IE) extending in excess of fifteen feet h.,.,end the .teF of the last axle of such. .,hi.-I., (Res 78 f. 'I (46.44.034), 197l11 Created: 2024-02-01 12:03:15 [EST] (Supp. No.66,2-24,Update 1) Page 2 of 14 Except as provided on Sectk)n 10.44.060, it is unlawful for any person to operate upon the pubkc hughway&-Gf tWs county any cornbinatk)n of veNcles consisting of more than two veNcles. For the purposes of tNs section a another axle to the tFaCteF ef a tFLIGI(tFaeter semitraileF and/OF pole trailer GeMbiRation in such a way that it supports a proportional ShaFe ef the load of the seffiitFaileF and/eF pole tFailer shall not be deemed a sepaFate vehmele but fer all PUFPeses shall be considered a paFt of the tFUCIE tractoF. FOF the purposes of this seetien a cenveFteF gP--;;r in conveFting a semitFaileF to a full traileF shall not be deerned a separate vehicle but for all (Res 79§ 1 (46.44.0361), 197-0) Notwith5tanding the provisions of Section 10.44.050 and subject to such rules and regulation5 governi theiF operation as Fnay be adopted by the State Highway Commission operation of the following combinations is combination; (2) A combination consisting of three trucks or truek tractors used in driveaway service where two E) vehmeles are towed by the third an double saddlemount position. maxamum aliewed an Sectaon 10.44.090 upon the payment of the fee5 5et forth an RCW 46.44.095 and on such highways and subject to such teFM5 and conditions a5 the State Highway CemrniS56on shall prescribe pursuant to the provisions of RCW 46.44.095: provided,that any 5tate patrol officer who shall find any person operating a vehacle an vaelataon of the conditions of a 5pecial permit issued undeF this section may confiscate 5uch permit and forwaFd at to the State Highway Commission which Fnay return at to the permittee OF revoke,cancel,OF 5U5pend it. /o :78§ 1 Inc nn n2791 99:70 10.44.070- nn.,.,*.•.. uFn grosswCFghis—Aulp f- +.,.. (a) it is unlawful to operate any vehicle upon the pubhe highwaY5 with a gF05S weight including lead upon any eme awle thereef in excess of eighteen thousand pounds. It is winl-am.ffuil to epeFate any ene axle upon the pubkc highways with a gross weight including lead upon Leh ene .n.,in excess of eigh+eeR thousand ., n4s twn;;Mier --v.gith a gFess weight ineluding lead in excess eftwenty eight theusand peun w4 a gross weight including load in excess of thirty two thousand pounds. it is unlawful to operate any two axle trader upon the public highways with a gress weight including load, on excess of thirty six thousand pounds. Created: 2024-02-01 12:03:15 [EST] (Supp. No.66,2-24,Update 1) Page 3 of 14 SUPPE)Fted UPE)n thFee axles OF ffiffe with a gFess weight ineluding lead in excess ef thiFty six theusand pounds. (c) it is unlawful to operate any vehiele upen the publie highways equipped with two amles spaGed less than seven feet apart, unless the two axles aFe Se CORStFUcted and mounted on such a manneF te ffevWe than the Fnamm — ght allowed fOF Eme axle er two amies speeified an subseetion (a)above. (Res 78§ 1 (nc nn 040) 19701 Subject to the 5 weights specified an subsection (a) of Section 10.44.070, unlawful to operate any vehicle upon the public highway5 with a gFO55 weight iRcluding load, upon any tiFe concentrated upoR the 5Urface ef the highway in exces5 of five hundred fifty pound5 peF inch width of 5uch tire, up to a maximurn wedth of twelve inche5,and for a tiFe having a width of twelve inche5 or more there 5hall be allowed a twenty the law, shall be hP*;.AvPPn.*.h.p flanges ef the Fim. FeF the P61FPose of this seetien,the width Af tires case ef pneurnatic tires shall be the maximum overall normal inflated width as stipulated by the manufacturer when anfl-ted to the pressure specified and without load thereon. (Dom 74 § 1 (46.44.042), 197M 1A AA AAA\A/hooll»co�•��+ter of+ � (1) The total gFe55 weight, including load, E)R any group ef axles of a vehicle or combination of vehicles, wheFe the dastance between the fir5t and last axles ef any greup of axles is eighteen feet ............ not exceed that set forth an the fellewing tab4,e­-. k4heelh-u-o of a gFoup of-.wles of a vehicle.. _R feet ems 48 5 32,000 6 32,000 7 32,000 $ 82,619 3 333,,5880 4:0 334,550 34 335,550 14 36,830 13 38,350 -14 39,870 Created: 2024-02-01 12:03:15 [EST] (Supp. No.66,2-24,Update 1) Page 4 of 14 35 4�;49s �6 42 ,930 3� 44,459 46,000 (2) WheFe the wheelbase of any vehicle eF GeMbiRation of vehicles is eighteeR feet 9F FneFe,the gFess. we ght iRcluding lead ef the vehicle A-F GA-mbiRation of veh.cles must net exeeed that given fer the .,c+iye distances; it the fellewing table: 479 46()98 4=9 47,9BB 2-0 48,000 24 49,000 22-2 50,000 2-3 51,349 2-4 52,670 2-5 54,008 2-6 55,108 22-7 56,2()8 2-9 2-9 -30 3-1 69,398 32- 61,149 -33 61,719 334 62,289 62,868 -36 8 8 39 0 39 0 49 65,500 41 66,000 42 �8 43 44 67 45 8 46 68,500 47 69,000 49 69,509 49-50 �8 �8 T 72,()()8 %VhPn *nchp,; ;;rp Indpr,;*x*nrhp,;take lewer; sex inches er ever take higher. (Res 74 § 'I (46.44.044), 197l11 Created: 2024-02-01 12:03:15 [EST] (Supp. No.66,2-24,Update 1) Page 5 of 14 if) AA 100 Penalties for violations misdemeanor and upon first convietweR theFeef shall be fined a basic fine ef Ret less than twenty five dell.ar-s shall be funed a h-asic fine ef net less than fifty dellaFS AeF FneFe than one hundFed dellars;and upen a thmFd eF subsequent cenvictien shall be fined a fine of net less than ., a hur.. Fed dellarc PA-t up P_.wc_-.P_sr_A-f tp_n peuRds,the additional fine shall be three cents peF peuRd feF each peun exeess weightj and- if the execess weight is teR thebisand Pe6lRdS eF eveF,the fiRe'-;hall be fR-'-'F cents may s spend the additienal fine fE)F emeess weight up te five theusand pounds and feF excess weight ever five theusand pounds may apply the sehedule ef additienal fines as if the e)Eeess weight eveF five theusapA pounds were the ORly excess weight, but in no case shall the basic fine be 5uspended. (c) Any other provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding,justice ceurts having venue shall hav-- (b) in additien te, but net an liew ef-,the abeve basic fines,sweh persen shall be fined twe cents peF peund fer `�`cctT'vr"r. uweight" , Means the poundage in excess of the ma)(mFnuFn gress weight prescribed by SectiORS 10.44.070 through 10.44.090-pkis theweights allowed by Sectffian5 10 AA 11n and 10.44.120. (Res 74 § 1 (46.44.0451), 1970) 10 44 11() Excess weight- -Discretion of arresting offiror in addotmen to the hmitatieRs ef Seetieenss 110.44.070 through 10.44.090, Of the gress axle weight is REA mere than five hundFed peunds in exces-s ef the - 5 axle weight feF ene axle, and if the gFess weight ef twe axles spaced less than seven feet apart is net mere than ene thousand pounds in excess of the maximum grass weight fer twe axles spaced less than seven feet apart,and if the gross weight of any group ef axles is not Fnere than fifteen hundred peunds in excess ef the maximum gress weight fer any group ef axles aGCeFdiRg tO the wheelbase spacing ef the greup ef axles as shewn in the Maximum gress lead table ef Sectien 10.44.090 and if the gress weight ef-;;tv.ge ;;xlp wpherlp net mere than RAP theusand peund-s-in excess ef the legal gFeSS weight fer a.xle veheele, and if the gFess weight ef a thFee ;;mlp yphec-lp k Ret mere than fifteen hundred pounds in e.wee-Sr.ef the maximum legal gFess weight fe-F sueh three axle vehiele, and Of the ma4w.......gi ef the combinatbon of vehicles,the arresting efficer may,within his discretion, permit the operater te preceed with his vehmele er vehmcles ffin cernbinatmon witheut penalty. For I.I.-pui poses of deterrniRiRg gross weights the actual scale weight taken by the arresting efficeF shall be prima facie evidence of such total gross weight. pFevent the habbiti-mal and rGeelmssirste-Int leaddiing ef vehieles abeve the maximum legal gross weight previded fer C.,.,NOR-R-S 10 AA 070 th Fe gh 10 AA nnn (Res 78§ 1 (Ac AA nAc1) 1970) Created: 2024-02-01 12:03:15 [EST] (Supp. No.66,2-24,Update 1) Page 6 of 14 aFFesting e#€ise� twe axle Pelt-trailP_F GR_Rqh_i.RatiE)R eRgaged iR the epeFatieR ef hablliRg legS,Shall have an alle-mvable variatien in spaeed less than seveR feet apart Fnay exceed by net meFe thaR sixteen hundFed peunds the maximum gFess axle weight specified fE)F tWE)axles spaced less than seven feet apaFt, beiRg thiFty twe theusand pounds as pFevided in theusand 6ght hundFed pounds the maximum legal gre efvehieles,when fully lieensed as matted by law, being sixty eight the sand p nds c,ewRty Feadr*A rpach state highways autheFizing feF peFmit by the State Highway DepaFtment and will he by the couRty.A fee of five dollars feF 5uch county peffnit may be assessed by the board of couRty coMM455moneF5 which shall be deP05ited iR the couRty road fuRd.The special permit previded herein shall be I(newR a5 a "county leg telerance permit"and 5hall de5ignate the route or routes to be used,which shall first be appreved by the county engineer.Autherizatien of additional reute or reutes may be made at the discretion of the county by amendiRg the eFigiRal peRnit E)F by issuing a new peFMit Said peFmits shall be i_-;-_;m_,P_d_ OR a yeaFly basil tFanspeFting legs with weights amutherized- by state highway leg teleFaRee peFmits,te Feaeh a state highWay Surch addotu enal allowances shall be permitted by a special peRnit when involving county reads or using the penaltie5 prescribed by Section 10.44.100. For the PUFP05e of deteFMining gFO55 weight the actual Wale weight taken by the officer shall be prima facie evidence of such total gFE)55 weight. in the eveRt the gFE)55 weight is in excess ef the weight permitted by law,the officer may,withiR his discretion, permit the operator te proceed with has vehacies in cembmnation. (Res. w § 1 inc An nA7-1) 197-0) V-3.444-20- Minimum length of wheelbase it is unlawful to operate any vehicle with a wheelba5e between any twe axles thereof of less than three feet, sx ch. T For the purposes of this section,wheelbase shall be measured upen a straight line from center to center-Gf the vehmele axles de5ignated, (Res 78§ 1 (46 AA 050 197m NE)pa5senger type vehicle 5hall be operated en any public highway wkh any lead carried thereen exten beyond the line ef the fenders en the left side of such vehicle ner extending mere than sN inches beyond the line of the fenders en the right side themof. (Res 74 § 1 (46.44.060), 197401 Created: 2024-02-01 12:03:15 [EST] (Supp. No.66,2-24,Update 1) Page 7 of 14 1941ra8 w equiFements I-railer••,h�HH�HR ].I,HR-TA..I,HR fl^JR Thp drawhar Ar Athpr r-.c;nnP4ffinn hetween vehicles combination shall be of sufficient strength to hold the weight of the Vw.ved_vehic-fle en any grade wheFe epeFated. No trailer shall whip,weave or oscillate or fail to fellew substantially in the cauFse of the towing vehicle.When a disabled vehicle is being towed by FneaRS of laaF, ehain, FGpe,cable er similar means and the distanee between the towed vehiele and the towing vehicle exceeds fifteen feet theFe shall be fastened on sweh eonneetion in appFOXimately the eenteF theFeef a white flag or Gloth not less than twelve inehes squaFe. (Res 78§ 1(4 6 nn mm 1974 10.44.46020 Authority of engineer to close roads. f uFffing the.,,,.iod of j.,.,, aFy!St th.-,ugh r,,ceir.-heir 33,.-+„f an.,. eaF +The county road engineer or his designated representative may prohibit the operation thereon of motor trucks or other vehicles or impose limits as to the weight thereof,or may other restrictions as may be deemed necessary,whenever any such public highway by reason of rain,snow, climatic or other conditions,will be seriously damaged or destroyed unless the operation of vehicles thereon be prohibited or restricted or the permissible weights thereof reduced as defined by RCW 46.44.080. i PeURGIS^r^«weight and te.pest Any such restriction,or limitations,or prohibiting any use or reducing the permissible weights of r.,-^" rRadr,.,,*"shall be appFeppiatappropriatelye s+gsignedfrs to that effect and the restrictions as posted shall be in effect on those roads so posted for the period of time such signs are in place. (Res. 78§ 1 (46.44.0801), 1970). 10.44.44030 Overweight or oversize permits required—Vehicles exempted. It is unlawful for any person to operate upon any county road of Mason County any vehicle which is overweight or oversize as defined by RCW 46.44,without having first obtained from the county road engineer a permit to so do; provided,that the provisions of this chapter shall not apply: (1) To vehicles having overall dimensions including load,if any,which do not exceed ten feet in width and/or fifteen feet in height above the level surface upon which the vehicle stands,and/or having a gross weight, including load,which does not exceed eighteen thousand pounds per axle and which are of the following types: (A) Farm or construction equipment,without pay load moving to or from work sites within Mason County during daylight hours if properly patrolled and flagged, (B) Vehicles having integral parts, but not loads,which put the vehicle in the category of oversize,for daylight moves, if properly patrolled and flagged; (2) To vehicles of governmental agencies or public utility companies making emergency moves. (Res. 78§ 1 (46.44.0901), 1970). 10.44.44040 Application—Fees—Permit conditions—Revoking permit. The county engineer is: (1) Authorized to require each person applying for an oversize or overweight permit to submit a written application which shows: Created: 2024-02-01 12:03:15 [EST] (Supp. No.66,2-24,Update 1) Page 8 of 14 (A) Names and addresses of the applicants, (B) Type of vehicle, (C) License number of vehicle, (D) Tire,gross and license load, (E) Origin,destination and route, (F) If oversize: Loaded height,width and length, (G) Date and time of proposed move; (2) Authorized and directed to collect fees for such overweight or oversize permits in accordance with RCW 46.44. .The County has established these fees under the Public Works Fee Schedule Resolution,such fees to be deposited to the Mason County road fund; provided,that no such fees will be required of any governmental agencies or municipal corporations; (3) Authorized to prescribe for each such move authorized by permit the routes,speeds,dates and times, frequency,and other conditions of the permit to assure the safety of the public and to protect both public and private property; (4) Authorized to revoke any permit issued when the county engineerhe finds noncompliance with any provision of the permit; (5) Authorized to suspend for a period of thirty days from the date of such occurrence,the issuance of any permits to any person found in noncompliance with any of the provisions of this chapter,and upon taking such action he shall give notice of such to the permit holder and to the board of county commissioners,stating the nature of the infraction and the conditions of the suspension. (Res. 78§ 1 (46.44.0902), 1970). 90 44 10A Additional gracc Inad (a) A thFee axle tFuck epeffated- as_a Se-le unit aand- net in vihirCh ;an additienal gFess lead peffnit vv.eve.....nts en M-sen County Fe ads witte ut payment of any-dditieni,I Feer (b) When fully licensed to the maximurn gross weight permitted under RCW 46.44.040 and when opeFated combination with another vehicle,a three er ME)Fe axle truek tractor,a three E)F FnE)Fe axle truck and a three OF more axle dromedary truek tractor may be eligible upon application for a special twelve month permi IA;;d-; Af-;,,ch;gPh0cIP-; -;h;;'' nAt Pxc-,PPrJ the limits specified in RON 46 44 040 and the tire limits specified RGW 46.44.042. provided further,that the gFess weight of a three or more axle tFuck operated in combination with a two er three axle trailer shall not exceed seventy six thousand pounds, and the gFE)5S weight for a thFee er mere axle tFLICk tFactE)F operated in combination with a seMitFaileF shall not exceed seventy thFee thee-u-sand-tvies hundFed eighty peunds.Such speeial peFmits shall P-Mefle the peFMittee te eaFFY undue it ..W the r- iAs (c) When fully liceRsed te the maximum gross weight permitted Linder RCW 46.44.040 a thFee OF ME)Fe axle tFUCk or combination vehicle with fixed load Fnay be eligible undeF a special ninety day permit to be issued by Created: 2024-02-01 12:03:15 [EST] (Supp.No.66,2-24,Update 1) Page 9 of 14 the Geunty read engineer te carry additienal gross leads beyORd the limit specified fer sup—h i.�Phaplp,; RCW P)(G--PP thiFty dellaFS fe—r the tetal excess weight ef the vehicle, ffeVWed the gFess weight ef the Wphwclp ;h;;'' net exceed eighty theusand peuRds.Such speeial peFFnits shall Pin-WIP thle PeFFnittee te caFFy such addit the T (d) The Geunty read engineer as hereby-a-U-theirized-te issue additieRal gress lead permits as herein previded and te designate reutes and Genditiens fer the permits such as te prevent uRdue injury te Geunty reads ancl bridges. 10 AA 9AA Speeial r enmi+c for extra wore ire the loaded vehicle stands,without, additiOR to the other requiremeRtS of this chapter,complying with the g a ven te a Fespensib—le membe-F ef r.---.r--.h GefflpaRy at least twenty four hR-m--.r--; befelre staking the (2) DePOSitiRg OF haviRg oR deP05it with the county road eRgineer a boRd an the aMoURt of five thE)Usand surety, iR the state of WashingtoR, aS 5Urety,such bond ceRditieRed� (A) To iRdemnify and held harrnle55 Mason County against all Iiabilitie5,jUdgMent5,GE)5t5 and expenses whieh may in any way aeeFue against it in eensequence ef eVer-size moving by the hr elver i (C) To pay all lawful claims for injury or damage to peFSORS or property OCcasiOned by Or in any way aFi5ing GLIt Of 5uch E)veF56ze lead moving opeFations by the permit holder and such bond shall a nure to the benefit of any person darnaged an peF5E)n or property by 5LIch Operations-, FeaFFangements ef their prepeFty te aeeAn;n;ada*P-*hp- leads movement. (Res 78§ 'I lnc nn nClnnl 1970) , AA 7 l r, + or ey overweight Gy + or;+ll nd 1' of 1918 �es+a,�er�;z �,--�rers���;--�rer�� re�erazs—A��n�a ��s— AHHIiGation fer r em;iF in addition to Section 10.44.200, no special permit shall be issued for movement on any two lane highway eutsWe the limits of any 6ty or town where the E)veFall width of lead exceeds fourteen feet, er en any multiple Created: 2024-02-01 12:03:15 [EST] (Supp. No.66,2-24,Update 1) Page 10 of 14 lane highway wheFe the eveFall width of lead exceeds thiFty twe feet; except that en multiple lane highways wheFe o h-.II be is-wed f.,.-..d.J+h i '.f+..,....+.,feet: p ,ided +h-.+. that the highWay eF sectieR ef highway eaFries than A-Re hund-red vehicles peF day: pFevided NFthu,that on the ease ef buildings,the limitatiens FefeFFed te in this seCtieR feF FneveMent OR aRy twe lane highway other than the natienal system E)f inteFState and defense highways Fnay be exeeeded under the fellewing Genditien-s� (A) lininteFFUpted vehiculaF tFaffic shall -he Maintained an one diFeetien at all times, (B) Maximurn distance ef.m.eve-Me-M sh�;;" pet five miles;additieRal GeRtigWE)Ws peFfflitS Shall rrrc-r�vcrr� (c) Prier te i i t a qualified highway department employee shall make a visual inspecti of the building and route involved deteffnining that the conditions listed heFein shal! be complied with and that 5tFUCtUre5 OF overhead Ob5tFUctie%may be cleared or meved order to maintain safest pessih-le eenditie—ns,and the Masen Geunty sheFiff's effiee shall he Avised when ;;Ad y.,hp.rp the R:ieve.m.ent is te be made; (2) Permits may be 655ued for widths of vehicle5 an exce55 of the preceding limitation5 en highways O-F sections of highwaY5 which have been designed and conStFUcted for width an excess ef such limitations-, (3) These limitation5 may be re5cinded when certificatien as made by military officials er by officials of .,i.J+h.-i ..f,-.,.,h li..-.i+-,+i..... i (4) These limitatiens shall not apply te farmeFs rneving farm machinery between farms during daylight heuF5 if the rnevernent does net pass aleng and upon any primary er secondary highway fer a di5tance- +.,.-+han+hi.+., five miles if p erly trolled and fl-..,..ed (5) These lm.m..Ot-;#*A-.A--;r—hall net apply te Fnevement duFing daylight heuFs en any twe lane highway wh de-ess Inleet exe-e-ed sixteen feet� pFevided,that the Minimi-in;-;;nd maximum speed ef sueh mevements, (which limitatien 5hall be not le55 than ene per weelo,and ce—nditie—ns te-assure safety of traffic may be PFe5CFibed by the beard of ceunty cemmissioners. The applicant for any special peffnit shall 5pecifically describe the vehicle or vehicles and load te be operated or moved and the particular highways for which permit to eperate as Fequested and whetheF Rich permit (Res 78 f. 'I (46.44.0921), 'I970) Created: 2024-02-01 12:03:15 [EST] (Supp. No.66,2-24,Update 1) Page 11 of 14 1 A 44 77A Fppc All fees for everlegal lead permits shall be paid and disbursed OR accerdance with RCW 46.44.094 and 46.44.096. (Res 78§ 1 1970) 10.44.2-30-050 Display of permit. Every permit issued hereunder shall be carried in the vehicle or combination of vehicles to which it refers and shall be open to inspection by any peace officer or authorized agent of Mason County. (Res. 78§ 1 (46.44.0942), 1970). 10.44.2-49-060 Hearing on suspension or revocation. Any permittee whose permit is suspended, revoked or from whom a permit has been withheld may, upon request, receive a hearing before the board of county commissioners of Mason County,Washington.The board, after such hearing, may reinstate any permit or amend, revise or revoke the conditions of suspension. (Res. 78§ 1 (46.44.0943), 1970). 10 44.259 SFep eseRtat+en-s and p i*—w^- 4Rg the requirements and conditions of the special permit as guilty of a misdemeanor and up jl� the reef shall be fined not less than fif+y dollars o more than One hU.,. red dOlIa Fs (b) Any person who operates any vehicle,the gross weight of which as an excess of the maximum fer which such peFrn 19:44260 €p#exEP m,-Ri—Weighing and Rghten;,;s (b) Whenever a police officer, upon weighing a vehicle and lead,as above provided,determines that the weight E s unlawful,such officeF may, in addition to any other penalty pFevided, require the dFiver to stop the vehicle in a suitable place and remain standing unto!such poFtion of the load is Femoved as may be necessaFy to Created: 2024-02-01 12:03:15 [EST] (Supp. No.66,2-24,Update 1) Page 12 of 14 (G) it is unlawful for any drive-F A-f R-vehicle te fail o-F rp-f.,-,-,;e to step and submit the vehicle a.n.d- lead-te a weighing,or to faO er refuse,when directed by an officer upen a w6gWng ef the veNcle to stop the vehi (Res 74 § 9 (46.44.100), 19701 1 A AA 77A Liability Fer damage +e highways, hridges etr Any peFSeR operating any vehicle or moving any objeet oF eonveyance upon any publie highway in this county or upon any bFidge oF elevated structure which as a part of any such public highway shall be liable for all damages which the public highway, bFidge R-F P-.IP-VatP-d--rtF61r=tblFe may su-stain-a-s a re-swit of aRy illegal epeFatieR Of vehicle, object or conveyanee weighing On excess A-f the legal weight limits allowed by law.This seetion shall appl", to any peFS9R operating any vehicle 9F Fneving any elaject er c.A-MrivancCe in aRy illegal eF negligent rnanneF eF without a speemal permit as by law provided for vehieles,E)bjeGts or contrivance-,;ef everweight,u. overheight or overiength.Any person operating any veNcle shall be liable for any damage to any public highway, bridge or elevated structure sustained as the result of any negligent eperatiOR thereef.).A.Ihp-.n such operator iS Ret the owner of such vehicle,object or contrivaRce h,it se eperating or moving the sarne with the express er mplied peRM-ir-SOR-A R-f the owner thereef,then.*hp eviReF and the operator shall be jeontly and severally liable foF any sueh damage.Such damage to any eeunty highway OF structure may be reeeveFed in -;; eivil-aetie—n the R-a.m.e A-f Mason Geunty by the b9aFd of ceunty eemm i ssieRers.Any measure A-f damage to any publie highway determined by the county engineer by reason of thiS 5ection shall be prima facie the amoURt of damage caused thereby and 5hall be presumed to be the amouRt recoverable in any civ.1 aGtiOR theref (Res 74 § 9 (46.44.110), 1974 19 2�Av-Big Beef OFiddge—Weight restrinFionc The use ef Big Beef BFidge by SiRgle tFucks exeeediRg a gross weight ef ten tens; by true!(and- se-mitraile-F exeeeeling a gFess weight ef fi4een tens; 9F by a true!(and- tri-Ae-F P—mee-eding a gFoss weight ef eighteen teins rtr 4Pd (Res 74 f 9 (46.44.1121), 1970) 1 .AA.'SA Bog Beef OF dge—cirrus +e he nested The eeunty read engineer OS @lAhA-F.i-;zP-d- and d-lire-e-Ae-d-te h.ave posted suitable signs at the bFidge advising-t4e d Fi.,i.,..publie of the pFevisien r.f seetie—n 40 nn 24n (Res 74 § 9 //IC nn 99]91 1970) 19 €veFS Bridge—Weight r„S+ri.,+iGRIS commissioners,(a) The gross load on Bridge No.9010 23.35, Evers Bridge, over Decker Creek shall be limited to thirty seven tons for a peFiOd of five years unless the board of by appropriate action based upon proper certification, modifies o Ferneves such restrictions(b) The ceunty engineer shall post the bFidge with the lead- limit-;;r-set fe-Fth in thi-s See#ien.Vielatie—m ef thi-s lead- linnit., nstit-ter-, ir.J.,w...aner i ar-cerdancp with RPAI 26 7C 770 (Ord.893 'I[i741 r Created: 2024-02-01 12:03:15 [EST] (Supp. No.66,2-24,Update 1) Page 13 of 14 Created: 2024-02-01 12:03:15 [EST] (Supp. No.66,2-24,Update 1) Page 14 of 14 ATTACHMENT B Chapter 12.04-STANDARD ROAD AND BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS* Sections: 12.04.010-Adoption. The current edition combined of the State of Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT)_ and American Public Works Association (APWA) edition of the Standard Specifications for Road-apA-_Bridge, and Municipal Construction, ^r any ....seed.n edition,includine any amendments thereto, promulgated by the WSDOT is hereby adopted as the Mason County standards specifications for road and bridge construction. (Res. 869(part), 1978:Res.231 (part), 1972:Res. 62(part), 1969). 12.0412.05.020-Utilization. The county engineer is authorized and directed to utilize these standard specifications,with such amendments, modifications and special provisions as may be required to adapt to special conditions, in the preparation of contracts for road construction in the county. (Res. 869(part), 1978:Res.231 (part), 1972:Res. 62(part), 1969). 12.04.030-Mason County Road Standards There is adopted by reference the Mason County Road Standards to be known as the "Standards," and as hereafter amended,which shall apply to unincorporated Thurston County except where separate development standards have been adopted for urban growth areas as set forth in Section 17.02.020 Mason County Code. Hard copies of the Standards are available at the Mason County Public Works permit center during normal business hours. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause,phrase,or other portion of the Standards,or its application to any person is,for any reason,declared invalid, illegal or unconstitutional,in whole or in part by any court or agency of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of the Standards. Page 1 i ATTACHMENT C Chapter 12.05—Use of or Improvements to Unopened County Right of Way 12.05.010 Purpose The purpose of this chapter is to provide the enteral public with uniform criteria to obtain road use permits for use of and improvements to unopened right of way or unmaintained roads within the County right of way. Use of and improvements to unopened or unmaintained roads within the coun. rights-of-way shall follow the requirements and permitting process set forth in the current edition of the Mason County Road Standards. 12.05.020 General Within Mason County,there are occasional portions of dedicated or deeded public road rights-of-way that have been either not officially opened and established as county roads,or not formally vacated,by the county.From time to time,there is a desire by individuals or corporations to use said unopened county rights-of-way for road access.Nothing in this section should be construed as to allow other than road purpose access to private lands on unopened county rights-of-wa. 12.05.020 Public Works Permit Types: A permit shall be required by the Public Works Department for the following right of way use permit categories listed below.Permit requirements are outlined in the current road standards and shall apply to MCC Chapters 12.04, 12.08, 12.24, 13.08 and 14.28 . Category 1: Right of Way Use Permit shall be required for use of and improvements to unopened county ri hg t of way or unmaintained road within county right of way when the applicant desires the County to assume maintenance responsibilities for the road and drainage improvements to be constructed or when such improvements are required in connection with other development approvals. Category 2:Right of Way Use Permit shall be required for use of and improvements to an unopened county right of way when the maintenance responsibilities for the improvements will rest with the applicant and all abutting property owners usingthe he improvements. Category 3:Right of Way Use Permit shall be required for use of and improvements to an unopened Countright of way or unmaintained road for the specific purpose of providing bike/pedestrian/equestrian access for trail purposes. The Category 3 Permit is limited to non-profits,organized communi. clubs, groups,and organizations. Maintenance responsibilities for the trail rest with the applicant(s). Category 4:Right of Way Use Permit(known as a Road Approach/Encroachment Permit)shall be required when a property owner is requesting permanentor temporaU private facilities(Driveways,logging,roads,parking,etc.)to an existing road in a County right of way.This permit applies to unmaintained roads constructed prior to the effective date of this manual or unmaintained roads constructed under a Category 2 Permit wherein the road abuts the applicant's property. The maintenance responsibilities for the road rest with the applicant and all abutting property owners having access to the road.Road Approach/Encroachment Permit pursuant to Chapter 12.08. Category 5 Right of Way Use Permit(known as a Utility Permit)shall be required for the construction,installation, repair,maintenance,removal,replacement,adjustment,and relocation of all above and below ground utility_ facilities that are located within the coun. right-of-way.Utilijy Right of Way Permit pursuant to Chapter 12.24. i Category 6 Right of Way Use Permit(known as a Moving Permit)shall be required for revisions to the movement of vehicles,materials,and structures with the opened right of way.These permits shall be in compliance with these standards and Mason County Code 10.44 Size,Weight,and Load and 12.36 Closed or Restricted Roads.Pursuant to Chapters 10.44 and 12.36 Category 7 Right of Way Use Permit(known as a Road Use Permit)shall be required for private events which extend into the rights-of-way or affect the ordinary use of public streets,sidewalks,traffic etc. and/or generates considerable public participation.For practical purposes,this includes,but not limited to,parades,fun runs,cycling, temporary work or non-permanent items within the right-of-way.There is also a special use permit used during road weight restrictions.Also used with road closures or restrictions pursuant to Chapter 12.32 12.05.050 Public Work's Permit fees Each Public Work's permit application shall be accompanied by a fee,pursuant to the current Mason County Public Works Permit Fee Schedule which is adopted by resolution.These fees can be found on the Public Works webpage or at the Public Works Permit Center. ATTACHMENT D Chapter 12.08 HIGHWAY APPROACHES' 12.08.010 Purpose. (1) The purpose of this chapter is to provide reasonable rules for the construction of road approaches from abutting property to county roads pursuant to RCW 36.75.130 et seq.This chapter requires permits,provides for inspection of proposed and actual construction of said approaches,and provides penalties for violations of this chapten. (2) Utility Right of Way Permit requirements are set forth in Chapter 12.24 (3)Use of or improvements to unopened county right of way or unmaintained roads are set forth in Chapter 12.05. Current Permit fees that have been adopted by resolution are available online and available at the Public Works Permit Center. (Res.No.2021-038,6-22-2021) 12.08.020 Regulations adopted—Scope—Conformance required. The following rules and regulations for the location and construction of approaches to county roads in Mason County are adopted of June 22 20247.These amended regulations shall supersede all prior regulations and practices in Mason County and shall govern all approaches,including,but not necessarily limited to,driveways and private access roads.Any person wishing to construct or modify an approach onto any Mason County roadway shall obtain a permit for such work within the right-of-way from the public works department and shall comply with these regulations,currents road standards and Chapter 36.75 RCW. The county engineer or their designee shall be authorized to issue permits for road approaches to county roads; provided that the applicant complies with^ppr^^ri^*e rule road standards,regulations and conditional requirements of the issued permit. The county may limit the number,width,location and configuration of driveway(s)to provide access to any property,as may be necessary in the public interest for reasons of safety. (Res.No.2021-038,6-22-2021) 12.08.030 Access. Each property owner is entitled to reasonable access to the county road system.Access to a particular roadway and/or at a particular location may be restricted in certain circumstances including,but not limited to: (1) Locations where limited access rights have been obtained by the county. (2) When reasonable access can be established through other roadways or lanes,both public and private. 'Editor's note(s)—Res. No. 2021-038,adopted June 22, 2021, in effect repealed Ch. 12.08, §§ 12.08.010- 12.08.080, and enacted a new Ch. 12.08, §§ 12.08.010-12.08.120, as set out herein.The former chapter pertained to similar subject matter and derived from §§ 1-7 from a resolution dated Dec. 21, 1970; and §§ 1-7 from a resolution dated Dec. 26, 1973. Mason County,Washington,Code of Ordinances Created: 2023-04-05 09:20:01 [EST] (Supp. No.62-2-23) Page 1 of 5 (3) When topographic features may cause the access to be unsafe or undesirable to the county. (Res.No.2021-038,6-22-2021) 12.08.040 Approach construction required. All property owners shall be required to construct a new road approach,to county standards,any time an access point is added to the county road system or in conjunction with any construction or change in use of the property that may increase the traffic volume or change the type of traffic entering or exiting the roadway. A building permit issued by the Mason County Building Department shall not pass a final inspection until the county engineer or their designee has verified that permitted access exists or an approach permit has been issued for the intended use. In evaluating if a new road approach is required or if an existing approach must be brought up to current standards as a condition of issuing a permit required by the Mason County Building Department,the county engineer or their designee,will use the following thresholds: • Construction of any dwelling or accessory dwelling • Construction of any commercial or industrial structure • Placement or replacement of a manufactured home • Ingress or egress to a county road for commercial or industrial purposes other than temporary approaches Any subdivision or modification of parcel boundaries that results in an approach serving more than a single parcel shall be required to construct one approach,unless circumstances warrant more than one(sight distance, topography,etc.)for the new parcels lacking an approach to county standards as a condition of approval and must be surveyed and recorded with the Mason County Auditor's Department.A road approach permit will need to be issued and pass final inspection as part of this process. For new joint use approaches that are not a result of a division of land,the first applicant for a road approach permit shall be required to construct the approach to county standards. (Res.No.2021-038,6-22-2021) 12.08.050 Permit required,application review. All property owners constructing a new road approach or making upgrades or modifications to an existing approach shall first file an approach permit application with the public works department.The application forms are available from the department and online. Applications that are turned in incomplete will not be accepted and returned to applicant. When a completed application is received,the county engineer or their designee,will review the application and approve,deny or request additional information.Public works will make every effort to complete the application review and inspection process within seven to ten business days. The review of the application will include: • Ensuring the information on the application is accurate and appropriate to the subject property. • Ensuring the site sketch is accurate as to the location and type of approach requested by the applicant. • A site visit to determine any conditional requirements that may need to be added to the permit(the-access shall be marked by the applicant). If approved,the applicant will then proceed with construction of their access if the required permit fees have been paid.If not approved,the county engineer or their designee will notify the applicant. Created: 2023-04-05 09:20:01 [EST] (Supp. No.62-2-23) Page 2 of 5 If during the course of the review it is determined that the approach is already permitted,and conforms to all permit requirements at the time of original issuance,and the permittee is not proposing any modifications to the approach,the reviewer will update the current county permitting program and notify applicant that no additional action is required in relation to the approach. Generally,no new approach permit will be issued. (Res.No.2021-038,6-22-2021) 12.08.060 Permit fees. No new approach or alteration of an existing approach to any county road shall be constructed until the person benefitted by or desiring such approach has been issued a permit by the public works department on a form which will be provided;except that the county may alter or improve any existing approach to a county road when such alteration or improvement is necessary to the proper maintenance of the county road. After approval of the permit for a new approach or modification to an existing approach the applicant shall pay a non-refundable permit fee. of two hundred dollars.ars. established by resolution and available on the County website and at the Public Works Permit Center. The fee may be waived in the following circumstances: • The approach is existing and found to be in conformance with the standard and policies at the time of its original permitting and no modifications to the approach are proposed or required. • The approach connects directly to a private road which provide access to the county road system. If the permit expires or the work has not been completed after three hundred sixty days the applicant shall reapply and pay the permit fee again. In addition to the permit fee,a bond(or cash deposit)may be required in an amount to be determined by the county engineer or designee. (Res.No.2021-038,6-22-2021) 12.08.070 Inspection. All construction within the county right-of-way is subject to inspection and approval by the county engineer or their designee for the permit to be considered valid.All debris,including wind[blown] sand/dirt and debris shall be removed from the roadway,road shoulder and roadside ditch along the entire frontage of the property before final inspection will be approved. Inspection of the work may include,but is not limited to,the following: • Verification that the geometric layout is consistent with permit requirements • Verification and/or testing of compaction for base course and pavement within the county right-of-way • Verification of layer thickness for base course and pavement within the county right-of-way • Verification that all conditional requirements have been satisfied The applicant shall request an inspection by online permit portal,calling or emailing the public works department when their access is ready for inspection.If the work is not ready for inspection,the inspection will be failed and the applicant will be required to schedule a new inspection.If the applicant establishes a history of requesting inspections when the work to be inspected has not been completed,an additional one htmdr-oa a^"^r set fee may be added to the permit in order to compensate the county for costs incurred. Work completed without a required prerequisite inspection being approved will be automatically failed and public works will require the permittee to demonstrate that the previous work meets all permit requirements or all such work shall be removed by the owner at their own expense. Created: 2023-04-05 09:20:01 [EST] (Supp. No.62-2-23) Page 3 of 5 Records for each road approach will be kept on file in the public works department.Records will consist of all applications,whether approved or not,and all permits with supporting construction records.Records will be maintained in accordance with Mason County record retention policy and applicable state laws. (Res.No.2021-038,6-22-2021) 12.08.080 Construction—Requirements. After approval of permit application and permit fee has been paid,the applicant will be issued the permit. The permittee shall install the access per their permit requirements and current minimum standard specifications.These minimum standard specifications may not be sufficient for all approach types.It is the sole responsibility of the permittee to provide a road approach design that is appropriate for the intended use.Public works makes no certification that approaches constructed to minimum standards will be sufficient and,if due to special use of or conditions on an approach,the county engineer and their designee may direct that additional design work be required.This may include,but not be limited to,certification of the adequacy of the approach by a licensed engineer. All approaches shall pass a final inspection by the county engineer or their designee in order for the permit to be finalized.Final inspection shall include a review of the approach surface,size and location.All debris,including wind[blown] sand/dirt and debris shall be removed from the roadway,road shoulder and roadside ditch along the entire frontage of the property before final inspection will be approved. Any damage to the roadway,roadway shoulder or drainage ditch resulting from the permittee's activities shall be repaired at the permittee's sole cost and expense and paid prior to final approval of the road approach permit. In accordance with RCW 19.122.030,the property owner shall be responsible to obtain utility locates by using the statewide one-number locating service. (Res.No.2021-038,6-22-2021) 12.08.090 Construction—Improper. In addition to all other enforcement remedies,any person,firm,partnership,association,joint venture, corporation,or other entity who fails to construct an approach property shall be required to compensate the County for the improvement or removal of the approach. Compensation shall include administration time as well as equipment and materials to remove or improve the approach.Reimbursement shall be made to the Mason County Department of Public Works. action.All access points to the cotmty road system shall have a permit and shall comply with all requirements of that eonfoimiing appr-oaehes under-the eur-r-ent version,shall be considered unper-mitted appr-oaehes wheft ehanging pr-opeFty iise and will need to r-e apply. Pufsuant to RCW 36.75.130,any per-son failing to obtain the per-mission ftem the publie warks depai4m The public works depaAment will issue a waming to any property owner obsen,ed to be constructing or have constmoted an unpermitted appreaeh.The warning will give the pr-operty owner ten business days in which to remove said approach or-oomplete an approach permit applioation. if the property owner-fails to oomply with the conditions of the warning letter,the matter will be fom,arded to the Mason County SheFiff Department for further Upon failure of the permittee to use,occupy,or maintain an appromh the county engineer or their designee- will notify the PeFfflittee verbally(if possible)and by first elass leoer-of the non eamplianee.if-,afteF Aifty days the Created: 2023-04-05 09:20:01 [EST] (Supp. No.62-2-23) Page 4 of 5 non complianee has not been eerrected,the county engineer-or their-designee may order any stieh waAE to be done t remove the appr-eaeh. the approach oreates a danger to the traveling publie. in addition to all other enforcement aetions authorized under the code,any person,firm,The county engineer or their designee reserves the right to revoke or deny any and all approach permits when association,joint venture,cof-poration or other legal entity who fails to correet an approach will be required to compensate the county for the removal of the approach. Compensation shall include administration time as well as equipment and materials to remove or improve the approaeh.Reimbursement shall be made to the public works dot. (Res.No.2021 038 6 22 2024) 12.08.100 Responsibility for cost. Pursuant to RCW 36.75.130,all costs of construction and maintenance of approaches to any county road shall be at the expense of the person benefitted by or desiring such approach and all work shall be done in accordance with specific requirements stipulated by the county engineer or their designee and permit issued by the public works department. (Res.No.2021-038,6-22-2021) 12.08.110 Maintenance. The maintenance of an approach off of a county-maintained road is the responsibility of the person,whose property is served by the approach,including culvert replacements. In the event a culvert needs emergency maintenance or replacement,to preserve a county road,or,if,because of a county road or maintenance project,a culvert needs to be relocated or removed,the county will be responsible for the cost.In the event a culvert needs replacement due to age or damage,it is the property owner's responsibility. If a culvert is causing damage to a county road,the county may opt to replace the culvert,and back charge the property owner associated costs. Clearing of snow from approaches is the responsibility of the property owner. (Res.No.2021-038,6-22-2021) 12.08.120 Expectations. Nothing in these regulations shall be construed to prohibit the county from building approaches to replace existing approaches during reconstruction or maintenance of any county road or providing necessary access to property adjacent to roads constructed on new alignment.The construction of approaches on new construction shall be as negotiated by the county and the property owner at the time right-of-way is secured for the improvement. (Res.No.2021-038,6-22-2021) Created: 2023-04-05 09:20:01 [EST] (Supp. No.62-2-23) Page 5 of 5 ATTACHMENT E Chapter 12.24 UTILITIES ON ROAD RIGHTS-OF-WAY 12.24.010 Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to establish a county policy governing management of the road rights-of-way through requirements and standards for the construction, installation, repair, maintenance, removal, replacement, adjustment and relocation of all above and below ground utility facilities that are located within the county road right-of-way.The goal of this policy and the requirements and standards is to protect and advance the public health,safety,and welfare by: (1) Establishing clear and nondiscriminatory local guidelines,standards,and time frames for the exercise of local authority with respect to the use of public rights-of-way; (2) Minimizing unnecessary local regulation of operators and services; (3) Permitting and managing reasonable access to the road rights-of-way of the county on a competitively neutral basis; (4) Assuring that the county's current and ongoing costs of granting and regulating access to and use of the road rights-of-way are fully paid for by the persons seeking such access and causing such costs; (5) Assuring that all persons using the road rights-of-way comply with the ordinances, rules, regulations, policies,and procedures of the county; (6) Ensuring the ability of the county to obtain sufficient information from persons subject to its jurisdiction to enable effective decisions regarding their access to county road rights-of-way and effective management of activity in the rights-of-way; (7) Providing for the grant of a franchise to govern use of and activities within the public rights-of-way; (8) Providing for the issuance of a master road use permit to govern the activities of exempt operators within the public rights-of-way;and (9) Providing for the issuance of private line utility occupancy permits to govern activities of operators of private lines serving single-family residences. This chapter shall replace and supersede Ordinance 3-93 adopted by the board of county commissioners' action on January 5, 1993. (Ord. 115-06§ 1(part), 2006). 12.24.020 Applicability. The requirements and policies set forth in this chapter shall apply to all new franchises, master road use permits, private line utility occupancy permits,and utility permits issued by the county pursuant its police powers and its authority granted in RCW 80.32.010, RCW 80.36.040,and Ch. 36.55 RCW,and to all construction, installation, repair, maintenance, removal, replacement,adjustment,and relocation of utility facilities within the county road right-of-way by public and private operators, including, but not limited to, electric power,telephone, television,cable,telegraph,communication, information,water,gas,all petroleum products,steam,chemicals, sewage,drainage, irrigation,and similar pipes, lines,or cables. Mason County,Washington,Code of Ordinances Created: 2024-02-01 12:03:21 [EST] (Supp. No.66,2-24,Update 1) Page 1 of 15 This chapter cannot address all situations and conditions that may be encountered.Specific provisions contained herein may not be appropriate for all locations and existing conditions.The requirements of this chapter are intended to assist, but not be a substitute for,competent work by both road and utility design and installation professionals.This chapter should not be construed to limit any innovative or creative effort which could result in better quality, better cost savings,or improved safety characteristics. It shall be the responsibility of any operator installing or relocating any of its facilities to ascertain and abide by the requirements and conditions of this chapter. (Ord. 115-06§ 1(part), 2006). 12.24.030 Definitions. For the purposes of this chapter,the following terms, phrases,words,and abbreviations shall have the meanings given herein, unless otherwise expressly stated.When not inconsistent with the context,words used in the present tense include the future tense,words in the plural number include the singular number,words in the singular number include the plural number,and the masculine gender includes the feminine gender.The words "shall" and "will" are mandatory,and "may" is permissive. Unless otherwise expressly stated,words not defined in this title shall be construed consistent with their common and ordinary meaning. References to governmental entities(whether persons or entities) refer to those entities or their successors in authority. If specific provisions of law referred to herein are renumbered,then the reference shall be read to refer to the renumbered provision. References to laws,ordinances, rules, or regulations shall be interpreted broadly to cover government actions, however nominated, and include laws,ordinances,and regulations, now in force or hereinafter enacted or amended or re-codified. "Abandon"or"abandonment" means and refers to an intent by the owner or operator to cease or surrender use for the intended purpose. "Administrative regulations" means regulations adopted and amended from time to time by the county engineer that implement,supplement, or interpret Chapter 12.04 of this code. "Appurtenance" means equipment and/or accessories which are a necessary part of an operating utility system or subsystem or private lines. "Backfill" means replacement of excavated material with suitable material compacted as specified. "Boring" means grade and alignment-controlled mechanical or other method of installing a pipe or casing under a road without disturbing the surrounding medium. "Carrier" means pipe directly enclosing a transmitted fluid or gas. "Casing" means a larger pipe enclosing a carrier for the purpose of providing structural or other protection to the carrier and/or to allow for carrier replacement without re-excavation,jacking,or boring. "Coating" means protective material applied to the exterior of a pipe or conduit to prevent or reduce abrasion and/or corrosion damage. "Conduit" means an enclosed tubular runway for protecting wires or cables. "Cover" means depth to top of pipe,conduit,casing,or gallery below the grade of a road or ditch. "Drain" means appurtenances to discharge accumulated liquids from casings or other enclosures. "Encasement" means a structural element surrounding a pipe or conduit for the purpose of preventing future physical damage to the pipe or conduit. Created: 2024-02-01 12:03:21 [EST] (Supp. No.66,2-24,Update 1) Page 2 of 15 "Exempt operator"or"exempt,"or any derivations thereof,shall, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, means any operator that has a continuing and lawfully vested right to occupy the Mason County road rights-of-way to provide a particular service or services and may not lawfully be required to obtain consent from the county to occupy or continue to occupy the road rights-of-way to provide such service or services. "Franchise" means the authorization granted by the county for non-exclusive use and occupancy of road rights-of-way in accordance with Chapters 36.55 and 80.32 RCW to provide a specific service within the franchise area.Such franchise shall not include or be a substitute for: (1) Any permit, agreement,or authorization required in connection with operations on or in public streets or property, including by way of example and not limitation, utility permits; or (2) Any permits or agreements for occupying any other property of the county or private entities to which access is not specifically granted by the franchise. "Franchise area" means the area of the county that an operator is authorized to serve by the terms of its franchise or by operation of law. "Gallery" means an underpass for two or more utility lines. "Manhole" means an opening in an underground utility system or private lines into which workers or others may enter for the purpose of making installations, inspections, repairs,connections,cleaning,and testing. "Master road use permit" means the authorization granted by the county engineer to an exempt operator of a utility system,giving the operator permission to enter upon and use specified road rights-of-way for the purpose of installing, maintaining, repairing, relocating,or removing identified utility facilities to provide service.Such master road use permit shall not include or be a substitute for: (1) Any permit, agreement,or authorization required in connection with operations on or in specific parts of the public roads or property, including by way of example and not limitation, utility permits;or (2) Any permits or agreements for occupying any property of the county other than road rights-of-way or property of private entities to which access is not specifically granted by the master road use permit including,without limitation, permits and agreements for placing devices on or in poles,conduits, other structures,or railroad easements,whether owned by the county or a private entity. "Normal maintenance" means maintenance that is required to be performed in the normal course of utility operations due to ordinary wear and tear; provided that, normal maintenance shall not include work requiring the disturbance of the soil or improvements in the road right-of-way,or work when a traffic control plan would be required pursuant to the Federal Highway Administration's Manual on Uniform Traffic Control as modified and adopted by the Washington State Department of Transportation. "Operator" means and refers to a person (a)who provides service over a utility system or private line(s)and directly or through one or more affiliates owns a significant interest in such utility system or private lines; or(b) who otherwise controls or is responsible for,through any arrangement,the management and operation of such a utility system or private line(s). "Pavement" means the combination of sub-base, base course, and surfacing placed on a subgrade to support the traffic load and distribute it to the subgrade. "Person" means and includes any individual, corporation, partnership, association,joint stock company, limited liability company, political subdivision, public corporation,taxing districts,trust,or any other legal entity, but not the county or any person under contract with the county. "Pipe" means a structural tubular product designed,tested,and produced for the transmittance of specific liquids and gases under specific conditions. Created: 2024-02-01 12:03:21 [EST] (Supp. No.66,2-24,Update 1) Page 3 of 15 "Plowing" means direct burial of utility lines by means of a "plow"type mechanism which breaks the ground, places the utility line at a predetermined depth,and closes the break in the ground. "Pressure" means internal gauge pressure in a pipe in pounds per square inch,gauge(psig). "Private lines" means privately owned,operated,and maintained utility facilities devoted exclusively to the use of the owner or operator. "Relocation" means planned change of location of an existing utility facility to a more advantageous place without changing the character or general physical nature of the utility facility. "Replacement" means installation of a like element of a utility system or subsystem or private line in the same or near-same physical location normally due to damage,wear,or obsolescence of the element. "Restoration" means all work necessary to replace, repair,or otherwise restore the right-of-way and all features contained within to the same or equal condition as before any change or construction thereto. "Right-of-way" is a general term denoting public land, property,or interest therein, usually in a strip, acquired for or devoted to transportation or secondary purposes. "Road" or"roadway" is a general term denoting a street, road,or other public way, including shoulders, designated for the purpose of vehicular traffic and located within the geographical and jurisdictional limits of Mason County. "Sleeve" means a short casing through a pier,wall,or abutment of a highway structure. "Traffic control" means those activities necessary to safeguard the general public, as well as all workers, during the construction and maintenance of utility facilities within the right-of-way. "Transfer" means any transaction in which all or a portion of the utility system or private lines are sold or assigned (except a sale or assignment that results in removal of a particular portion of the facility from the public rights-of-way);or the rights and/or obligations held by the operator under the franchise or master street use permit are transferred,sold,assigned, or leased, in whole or in part, directly or indirectly,to another party.A transfer of control of an operator shall not constitute a transfer as long as the same person continues to hold the franchise or master street use permit both before and after the transfer of control. "Trenched" means installation of a utility facility in an open excavation. "Untrenched" means installation of a utility facility without breaking the ground or pavement surface such as by jacking or boring. "Utility facility" means any part or all of the facilities and appurtenances of an operator whether underground or overhead and located within the road right-of-way including but not limited to,conduit,case, pipe, line,fiber,equipment,equipment cabinets and shelters,generators, poles,carriers,drains,vents,guy wires, encasements,sleeves,valves,wires,supports,and foundations. "Utility permit" means a document issued under the authority of the Mason County engineer(or public works director)that provides specific requirements and conditions for specific utility facility installation, repair, maintenance, or relocation work at specific locations within the right-of-way. "Utility system" means utility facilities that together are used to provide service to the general public. "Vent" means appurtenance to discharge gaseous contaminants from casings or other enclosures. (Ord. 115-06§ 1(part), 2006). 12.24.035 Franchise/master road use permit/private line utility occupancy permit required. (a) Franchise Required. Created: 2024-02-01 12:03:21 [EST] (Supp. No.66,2-24,Update 1) Page 4 of 15 (1) No person may occupy the road rights-of-way without first having obtained, in full force and effect,a valid franchise issued by the county board of commissioners,except as follows: (A) Franchises will not be required for private lines that have a de minimis impact upon the road right-of-way; provided that,the operator has and maintains in full force and effect,a private line utility occupancy permit.The following are examples of private lines which would ordinarily have a de minimis impact upon or use of the road right-of-way: (i) Private line serving one single-family residence; (ii) A private line utility system with a single road right-of-way crossing of two hundred fifty feet or less; and (iii) A private line utility system with a single longitudinal use of the road right-of-way of five hundred feet or less. (B) Franchises will not be required for any work on road rights-of-way that is performed by or on behalf of the county or by any entity under contract with the county to perform such work. (C) Franchises will not be required for exempt operator utility facilities as provided herein; provided that,the operator has and maintains in full force and effect a master road use permit. (2) No franchise granted hereunder shall confer any exclusive right,grant, privilege,or franchise to occupy or use the rights-of-way for delivery of services or any other purposes. (b) Master Road Use Permit. (1) In lieu of a franchise,an exempt operator shall obtain and have in full force and effect a valid master road use permit issued by the county engineer.The authorization granted shall be conditioned upon the operator's compliance with the terms and conditions of this chapter and the master road use permit. Every master road use permit shall include,or be read to include,as if stated therein,a reservation of rights by the county to require the operator to obtain a franchise as to those utility facilities or uses for which the exemption is inapplicable or to which the exemption is otherwise determined by a court of law not to be applicable. Further,the county does not, by issuance of a master road use permit,waive its rights in the future to require the operator to obtain a franchise. No master road use permit shall become effective until approved by the county engineer and accepted by the exempt operator. (2) A master road use permit does not convey title,equitable or legal, in the road rights-of-way nor is it an authorization to operate utility facilities located within the road rights-of-way.The master road use permit is intended to implement the right-of-way management policies of this chapter and to protect the road rights-of-way through regulations governing the construction, installation, repair, maintenance, removal, replacement,adjustment,and relocation of utility facilities. (c) Private Line Utility Occupancy Permit. In lieu of a franchise, an operator using the road right-of-way for a private line serving a single-family residence may apply for a private line utility occupancy permit.The private line utility occupancy permit is intended to implement the right-of-way management policies of this chapter and to protect the road rights-of-way through regulations governing the construction, installation, repair, maintenance, removal, replacement,adjustment,and relocation of private line utility facilities. (d) Application. Every application for a new cable franchise or a new open video system franchise,for renewal of a cable franchise or an open video system franchise,for amendment to a cable franchise or open video system franchise, and for transfer of a cable franchise or open video system,shall be governed by and conform to the requirements of Chapter 5.20 of the Mason County Code.All other applications for a new franchise, renewal of a franchise,amendment of a franchise,and for the transfer of a franchise,and every application for a new franchise, master road use permit,or private line utility occupancy permit, or for an amendment to a franchise, master road use permit,or private line utility occupancy permit, or for a transfer Created: 2024-02-01 12:03:21 [EST] (Supp. No.66,2-24,Update 1) Page 5 of 15 of a franchise, master road use permit,or private line utility occupancy permit,or for a renewal of a franchise or master road use permit shall be on forms provided by the Mason County engineer which application forms shall,at a minimum,contain and require the following: (1) Identity of Authorized Parties.The names and addresses of persons authorized to act on behalf of the operator with respect to the application and those person(s)who are authorized to receive all notices regarding action taken pursuant to an application. (2) Nonrefundable Application Fees are..established by resolution and available on the County website and at the Public Works Permit Center,A.n initi-al n ref,,.,dabl apphr-atien fee in the nt A-f. it;twe hundred fifty dellaFs feF an amendment ef a franchise Ar master read use peFFAit;eRe use peFFn tr.;;n-,;fp-.r ef—Pi franr-hise er master read use permit, and one hundred dellar-,;f.n-.r efa private line utility eGeupanGy permit. The purpose of the nonrefundable application fee is to reimburse the county for the costs incurred to review and issue or deny a franchise, master road use permit,or private line utility occupancy permit,or issue an amendment thereto,or a renewal, or a transfer. In addition to the nonrefundable application fee,the applicant shall,as a condition of action being taken, reimburse the county for the direct costs of third parties retained by the county when deemed by the county engineer to be reasonable and necessary to assist the county in reviewing or responding to the application.The county engineer shall,at the request of the applicant, provide an itemized accounting for the services provided that become a cost of the applicant as provided herein. The County Engineer is directed to review the application fees on a biennial basis and make a recommendation to the board for adjustment of the application fees.The board may adjust the application fees from time to time by a duly adopted resolution. (3) Identity of Applicant. Identity of the operator,the persons who exercise working control over the operator,and the persons who control those persons to the ultimate parent. (4) Certificate Verifying Status as Exempt Operator. If applicable,a certification of the authorized officer of the operator stating that the operator is exempt and the reasons therefore; provided that, if such utility facilities will be used to provide services other than those qualifying it as an exempt operator, the applicant shall state what other services will be provided and under what authority the applicant will be utilizing facilities located within the public rights-of-way to provide such services. (5) Location/Description/Purpose of Facilities.The location in the county in which the applicant proposes to install utility facilities in the road rights-of-way, including the approximate linear feet of overhead utility facilities,the approximate linear feet of underground utility facilities;the type of utility facilities to be installed;and,the proposed use of the utility facilities and type of services to be provided. (6) Certification Verifying Truth/Accuracy.A certificate of an authorized officer of the operator certifying the truth and accuracy of the information in the application. (e) Term.The term of the franchise and the master road use permit shall not exceed ten years.The private line utility occupancy permit shall be revocable upon thirty days'written notice to the operator with or without cause. (f) No Vested Rights.The franchise, master road use permit, and private line utility occupancy permit do not grant any vested right to have any utility facility installed or to remain at a specific location in the road right- of way. (g) Applicability to and Enforceability Against Operator. Even in the absence of a franchise, master road use permit,or private line utility occupancy permit,all requirements of this chapter or any other applicable Created: 2024-02-01 12:03:21 [EST] (Supp. No.66,2-24,Update 1) Page 6 of 15 provision of the Mason County Code or ordinance which have been promulgated under the county's police or other regulatory powers shall apply and be enforceable against an operator,except to the extent,and only to that extent,the application and enforcement of any such requirement is expressly prohibited by applicable laws. Any operator who currently occupies road rights-of-way without having in place a current and valid master road use permit,franchise, private line utility occupancy permit,or other similar agreement with the county shall submit a completed application for a franchise, master road use permit,or private line utility occupancy permit as provided by this section within one hundred twenty days of the effective date of this section.The one hundred twenty-day time period may be extended by the county engineer for good cause shown by an operator upon written application received by the county engineer no less than five days prior to the expiration of the one hundred twenty time period.The decision of the county engineer shall be final and non-appealable. (h) Effect on Existing Franchises or Other Agreements. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter,this section shall have no effect on any existing franchise or other agreement until: (1) The expiration of such franchise or agreement; (2) An amendment to an unexpired franchise or agreement, unless both parties agree to defer full compliance to a specific date not later than the present expiration date; or (3) Any transaction which results in a transfer. (Ord. 115-06§ 1(part), 2006). (Ord. No.04-11,§ 1, 1-11-2011) 12.24.040 Standards adopted. (a) The current and any subsequent edition of the Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction issued by the Washington State Department of Transportation WSDOT and the American Public Works Association Washington State Chapter, is adopted as the Mason County standard specifications for road and bridge construction applicable to construction,installation, repair, maintenance, removal, replacement,adjustment,and relocation of utility facilities in the road rights-of-way which hereinafter shall be referred to as"Standard Specifications." (b) The county engineer is authorized and directed to prepare, review, update,and publish a Manual on Accommodating Utilities in the Mason County Right-of-Way(the"Manual"); provided that,the manual shall be consistent with this chapter,and applicable state and federal law,with the exception that,the manual may include any road design standards which the county engineer shall deem necessary to provide adequate protection to the road, its safe operation,appearance,and maintenance,which standards supersede the standard specifications. (c) There is adopted by reference the Mason County Road Standards,also known as the"road standards,set forth in Section 12.04.030. The county engineer shall provide opportunity for public comment upon the manual prior to its adoption. Upon adoption by the county engineer,the manual and all subsequent amendments to and editions of the manual,together with this chapter,shall be and become the utility accommodation policy of the board.All work performed in the road rights-of-way for the construction, installation, repair, maintenance, removal, replacement, adjustment, and relocation of utility facilities shall conform to the utility accommodation policy and road standards, as applicable. The manual shall,at a minimum: (1)Address all public and private utilities and other transmission facilities which are constructed, installed, repaired, maintained, removed, replaced,adjusted,or relocated within the county road right-of-way pursuant to Created: 2024-02-01 12:03:21 [EST] (Supp. No.66,2-24,Update 1) Page 7 of 15 franchises, permits,and/or exemptions from the permit process including, but not limited to,electric power, telephone,television,telegraph,communication,water,gas,all petroleum products,steam,chemicals,sewage, drainage and irrigation; (2) Include general standards and requirements for the location,design, and construction of each utility facility; (3) Incorporate a written permit process for all utility work not exempted by the provisions of the utility policy,and specify exemptions from such permit process, if any; (4) Include specific requirements for underground utilities which shall include location and alignment, depth of burial and cover,encasement, marking, appurtenances and related installation procedures; (5) Include specific requirements for above ground utilities which shall include location, alignment,and vertical clearances;and (6) Include specific requirements for all utilities,which shall include aesthetic/scenic considerations, installations on roadway bridges and structures,site restoration and cleanup,traffic control and public safety,and both normal and emergency repairs. (c) The standards,guidelines and requirements set forth in the current model utility accommodation policy as published by the county road administration board is adopted as the"interim utility accommodation policy" of Mason County until such time as the manual is adopted pursuant to subsection (b)of this section. Upon adoption,the manual shall replaced and supersede the"interim utility accommodation policy."All work performed in the road rights-of-way for the construction, installation, replacement, relocation,adjustment, and maintenance of utility facilities shall conform to the"interim utility accommodation policy." (d) The county engineer is further authorized and directed to prepare,adopt, publish,and amend from time to time,administrative regulations(hereinafter referred to as the"administrative regulations")that implement, supplement, and interpret this chapter; provided that,such administrative regulations are consistent with this chapter,and applicable state and federal law. (e) In the event of a conflict between Ch. 12.04 MCC,the administrative regulations,or the manual and the standard specifications,the Mason County Code,the administrative regulations,and the manual shall take precedence. In the event of a conflict between the Mason County Code and the administrative regulations or manual,the Mason County Code shall take precedence. In the event of a conflict between the manual and the administrative regulations,the manual shall take precedence. (Ord. 115-06§ 1(part), 2006). 12.24.050 General requirements. The following general requirements shall be applicable to construction,installation, repair, maintenance, removal, replacement,adjustment,and relocation of utility facilities in the road rights-of-way: (1) Location. (A) Utility facility installations shall be located to minimize the need for later adjustment to accommodate future roadway improvements and to permit access to servicing such installations with minimum interference to roadway traffic.The county shall make available to operators a copy of its six-year transportation improvement program (or capital facilities and transportation plan where required), in order to minimize both utility customer and road user inconvenience should future road improvements(on existing or new alignment) require adjustment or relocating of the utility facilities.Said operators shall,within the limits of standard business practice, make available appropriate short and long range development plans to the county. Created: 2024-02-01 12:03:21 [EST] (Supp. No.66,2-24,Update 1) Page 8 of 15 (B) The operator shall have a duty to ensure that utility facilities within the road right-of-way do not become or constitute an unacceptable roadside obstacle and do not interfere with or create a hazard to county maintenance of and along the road right-of-way. In such event, or in the event that the county engineer, in his or her sole discretion,determines that a utility facility within the road right-of-way has become or constitutes an unacceptable roadside obstacle or may interfere with or create a hazard to county maintenance of and along the road right-of-way,the operator shall at its expense,or the county may at operator's expense: (i) Relocate the utility facility to another place within the right-of-way; (i i) Convert the utility facility to a break-away design; (iii) Crash-protect the utility facility; (iv) Relocate the utility facility to another location off the road right-of-way; or (v) In the event that the utility facility is screened from view(i.e., not readily visible from all directions by persons standing at ground level), remove or trim vegetation in and around the utility facility. (C) Installations that are required for a road purpose,such as street lighting or traffic signals,are to be located and designed in accordance with this chapter. (D) Where existing utility facilities are in place, new utility facilities shall be compatible with the existing installations and conform to this chapter as nearly as practicable. (E) Every operator shall have a continuing duty to identify the location of existing utility facilities of the operator in the road right-of-way in a format acceptable to the county engineer. In the event that information regarding the location of existing facilities in the road rights-of-way is not readily available,operator shall have a continuing duty to use due diligence to prepare and provide such information to the county engineer in a form and time frame acceptable to the county engineer. (2) Design—General. (A) The operator shall be responsible for the design of the utility facility being proposed.This responsibility shall include, in addition to the integrity of the proposed utility facility, provisions for public safety during the course of construction,as well as consideration of traffic safety and accident potential for the life of the installation. (B) For work requiring application to the county,the county may review and approve the operator's plans with respect to: (i) Location; (i i) The manner in which the utility facility is to be installed; (iii) Measures to be taken to preserve safe and free flow of traffic; (iv) Structural integrity of the roadway, bridge, or other structure;and (v) Ease of future road maintenance,and appearance of the roadway. (C) Provision shall be made for known or planned expansion of the utility facilities, particularly those located underground or attached to bridges or other structures within the right-of-way. (D) Granting of a franchise, master road use permit, private line utility occupancy permit,or utility permit shall not imply or be construed to mean the county shall be responsible for the design, construction, installation, repair, maintenance, removal, replacement,adjustment, relocation,or operation of the utility facility or for public safety during the utility facility's construction, installation, repair, maintenance, removal, replacement,adjustment, relocation,or operation. Created: 2024-02-01 12:03:21 [EST] (Supp. No.66,2-24,Update 1) Page 9 of 15 The county's grant of a franchise, master road use permit, private line utility occupancy permit, or utility permit and approvals given therein are for the sole purpose of protecting the county's rights as the owner or manager of the road right-of-way and shall not constitute any representation or warranty,express or implied,as to the adequacy of the design,construction, installation, relocation, repair, maintenance, removal, replacement, adjustment, relocation, operation of the utility facilities,or suitability of the road right-of-way for construction, maintenance, or repair of the utility facilities.The county is under no obligation or duty to supervise the design,construction, installation, repair, maintenance, removal, replacement, adjustment, relocation,or operation of the utility facilities. (3) Standards and Codes.All utility facilities shall be designed in accordance with the standards,codes,and regulations applicable to the type of utility facility.The methods of construction, installation, repair, maintenance, removal, replacement,adjustment, relocation,and materials used shall conform to the codes and standards promulgated by the government and by the industry.This shall also include any road design standards adopted by the county. (4) Adjustment and Relocation of Existing Utility Facilities. (A) Existing underground utility facilities on county road right-of-way may be removed or relocated when road work funded by the county would disturb the existing underground utility facilities.All such removal or relocation shall be at the sole expense of the operator,and all work must be accomplished by the same permitting process as for new utility facility installations. (B) Notwithstanding reinforcement or protection otherwise provided,the operator and its contractors and subcontractors shall be responsible for the security of all utility facilities within a road construction zone.Where there are unusual utility hazards or where heavy construction equipment will be used,the operator and its contractors and subcontractors shall provide adequate temporary protection. In replacing the roadway,the design should give due consideration to the protection of previously existing utility facilities in the roadway section without sacrificing the geometrics of roadway design. (Ord. 115-06§ 1(part), 2006). 12.24.060 Permits. (a) General Requirements. For all work in the road right-of-way to construct, install, maintain, repair, removed, replace,adjust, or relocate utility facilities,a utility permit will be required for each specific project and location,except for(1)aerial drops,and (2) normal maintenance. Utility permit applications shall be submitted in writing to the county engineer on forms provided by that office. No work may be performed within the road right-of-way to construct, install, maintain, repair, replace, adjust,or relocate utility facilities until after receipt of the returned,approved utility permit,an insurance certificate conforming to the requirements of this chapter is obtained, a performance bond is obtained when required by the county engineer,and notification is made to the county engineer indicating when work will commence. In emergencies only, permission may be granted by the county engineer for commencement of work prior to receipt by the operator of the approved permit; provided that,as soon as practical thereafter,the operator shall apply for and obtain a utility permit.The provisions of this chapter shall apply only to utility facilities located above,on,or under the road right-of-way, properties owned or controlled by the county,and properties that will be dedicated to the county for road rights-of-way. No utility facility shall be used for other than the purpose stated in the utility permit,franchise, master road use permit,or private line utility occupancy permit, unless written approval is granted by the county. Created: 2024-02-01 12:03:21 [EST] (Supp. No.66,2-24,Update 1) Page 10 of 15 (b) Specific Requirements.When required, utility permit applications shall be submitted in a standard format as prescribed by the county.The utility permit application shall include the following information: (1) Agreement to all pertinent provisions of this chapter and to such special conditions as the county may deem appropriate; (2) Agreement to indemnify,defend, release, and hold harmless the county, its elected and appointed officers, and its agents,and employees from and against any and all claims,demands,or causes of action of whatsoever kind or nature,and the resulting losses,costs,expenses, reasonable attorneys' fees, liabilities, damages,orders,judgments, or decrees sustained by the county or any third party arising out of the presence of the utility facilities in the road rights-of-way,or by reason of,or resulting from the acts,errors,or omissions of the operator or operator's agents, independent contractors,or employees related to or in any way arising out of the construction, installation, repair, maintenance, removal, replacement,adjustment, relocation,or operation of utility facilities within the county road right-of-way,or by reason of,or resulting from the acts,errors,or omissions of third parties when arising out of the installation,construction,adjustment, relocation, replacement, removal, maintenance,of such third party utility facilities within the road rights-of-way when such work is performed under authority of operator's utility permit or at the direction or under the control of the operator; (3) Description of the utility facilities to be installed; and (4) Adequate exhibits depicting existing or proposed location of the facility in relation to the road, including right-of-way or easement lines; relationship to currently planned road revisions, if applicable; and all locations and situations for which deviations in depth of cover(including the proposed method of protection)or other locational standards are anticipated. (c) Utility Permit Fees. Utility permit fees, established by resolution and available on the County website and at the Public Works Permit Centers Arder are required to offset the costs of administering the policy for accommodation of utility facilities on county road rights-of-way, including the orderly recording and maintenance of records of utilities,the applicant shall pay the reasonable costs to the county for investigating, handling,and granting the utility permit, including a basic overhead charge of^^^hundred twenty five dollars for a utility permit application and thirty five dollars for a one-time renewal for one month with no change in scope from the original utility permit,together with an additional charge for all costs and expenses, if any,actually incurred by the county in investigation of the application; provided that, no charge will be made for applications where the applicant is in the United States or any of its agencies,or a utility anticipating relocation from its private easement acquired or to be acquired by the county for construction or reconstruction of a county road.The applicant shall pay an additie-nal eest charge of twenty five cents peF feet feF inspectieR -and recereling ef utility faceilitiers basseed een the liffineal feetage ef utility te he r-tall,d The county engineer is directed to review the inspection and recording fees on a biennial basis and make a recommendation to the board for adjustment of the application fees.The board n a -shall adjust the inspection and recording fees from time to time by resolution. An equitable portion of the added costs of design and construction of highway structures which may be required to accommodate utility facilities shall be charged to any operator for any necessary relocation of its utility facilities and/or to any operator making new installations. (d) Performance/Payment Bond. Before any work commences in the road right-of-way,the county engineer may require the operator to provide a performance and payment bond for each separate project in an amount to be determined by the county engineer, but not less than five hundred dollars, written by a surety company acceptable to the county risk manager and authorized to do business in the state of Washington.The purpose of the bond is to insure completion of construction, including the restoration of surfacing,slopes, slope treatment,top soil, landscape treatment,and drainage facilities,cleanup of rights-of-way,and Created: 2024-02-01 12:03:21 [EST] (Supp. No.66,2-24,Update 1) Page 11 of 15 payment of costs incurred by the county to enforce the requirements of this chapter.The performance and payment bond shall be in plaee JeF a peFie ' ^^thin^^t Mere than ene effect for a minimum of two years following acceptance of the work as complete by Mason County. after. the date of c ^l^t;^. A project specific performance bond shall not be required for(1)an operator that has in place a blanket performance bond and,when required,a payment bond maintained by the operator pursuant to the requirements of the operator's franchise or master road use permit guaranteeing performance of the obligations of the operator as described therein,or(2)for an operator of private lines operating under a private line utility occupancy permit; provided that,the work in the road right-of-way is being performed by a licensed and bonded contractor. A performance and payment bond for work in the road right-of-way will not be required of the United States Government or any of its agencies or of any municipal corporation or department of the state of Washington and its local subdivisions. (e) Joint Occupancy. In the event utility facilities of two or more operators are to occupy a common trench,a basic utility permit fee and inspection fee will be required for each such utility facility installation.All moneys shall be paid to the county road fund and no part shall be refundable. (f) Record Drawings. Upon completion of work in the road right-of-way for which a utility permit is required,the operator shall provide or cause to be provided record drawings to the county engineer in a form acceptable to the county engineer,depicting at a minimum the location,alignment,and depths of the utility facilities installed or relocated.The county engineer may accept Global Positioning Satellite(or equivalent) coordinates in lieu of record drawings and encourages providing record drawings in an electronic form and format acceptable to the county engineer. Commencing the i st day of january, 2009 aAII record drawings shall be provided in an electronic form and format acceptable to the county engineer for inclusion on the county's GIS database. (Ord. 115-06§ 1(part), 2006). 12.24.100 Protection of county and residents. (a) Indemnification Required. Every franchise, master road use permit,and private utility line occupancy permit issued to an operator shall include an adequate agreement from the operator to indemnify,defend, release, and hold harmless the county, its elected and appointed officers,and its agents,and employees from and against any and all claims,demands,or causes of action of whatsoever kind or nature,and the resulting losses,costs,expenses, reasonable attorneys'fees, liabilities,damages,orders,judgments,or decrees sustained by the county or any third party arising out of the presence of the utility facilities in the road rights- of-way,or by reason of,or resulting from the acts,errors,or omissions of the operator or operator's agents, independent contractors,or employees related to or in any way arising out of the construction, installation, repair, maintenance, removal, replacement, adjustment, relocation, or operation of utility facilities within the county road right-of-way. (b) Insurance. (1) Except as provided at subsection (b)(2)of this section for private line utility facilities,every operator shall have and maintain adequate insurance in a form and with coverages and limits sufficient, in the judgment of the Mason County risk manager,to protect the county. The required insurance shall cover all liability of the operator arising out of,or related to,the operator and its officers',directors',employees',contractors',subcontractors',and agents' performance or nonperformance, under the franchise, master road use permit,or utility permit, or arising out of the presence of the operator's utility facilities in the road rights-of-way,or arising out of the installation,construction,adjustment, relocation, replacement, removal, maintenance,or Created: 2024-02-01 12:03:21 [EST] (Supp. No.66,2-24,Update 1) Page 12 of 15 operation of the operator's utility facilities in the road rights-of-way,or by reason of,or resulting from the acts, errors,or omissions of third parties when arising out of the, installation,construction, adjustment, relocation, replacement, removal, or maintenance of such third party utility facilities within the road rights-of-way when such work is performed under authority of the operator's utility permit or at the direction or under the control of the operator; all such liability includes,without limitation, any negligence of the operator and its officers,directors, employees,contractors, subcontractors,and agents. Policies shall be issued by companies authorized to do business under the laws of the state of Washington and with financial ratings acceptable to the Mason County risk manager.The insurance shall include blanket contractual coverage, including coverage for written contracts and specific coverage for the indemnity provisions set forth in the franchise, master road use permit, private line utility occupancy permit,and utility permit. The county shall be named as an additional insured,without limitation,on the general liability policy. (2) An operator of private line utility facilities meeting the following requirements shall not be required to comply with the insurance requirements of subsection (b)(1)of this section: (A) The utility facilities are permitted under a private utility line occupancy permit; (B) The work in the road right-of-way is performed by a licensed and bonded contractor; and (C) The contractor performing the work provides a certificate of insurance to the county in a form and with coverages and limits sufficient, in the judgment of the Mason County risk manager,to protect the county. The insurance required from the contractor shall cover all liability of the contractor, its subcontractors,and their agents'arising out of work performed in the public rights-of-way, including,without limitation,any negligence of the contractor and its officers,directors, employees, contractors,subcontractors, and agents. The county shall be named as an additional insured,without limitation,on the general liability policy. (3) If the operator or contractor does not have the insurance required pursuant to subsections(b)(1)and (2),the county may order the operator or contractor to stop any activity in the road rights-of-way until the insurance is obtained and approved. (c) Performance/Payment Bonds. Every operator shall be required to obtain performance bonds and, if necessary, payment bonds,to ensure the faithful performance of its responsibilities under any franchise or master road use permit. The minimum amount of the performance/payment bond necessary to achieve the purpose of the bond requirement for a franchise or master road use permit shall be set by the county engineer based upon such factors that relate to the risk to the county and nonperformance by the operator.The performance and/or payment bond shall be a minimum of twenty-five thousand dollars.The amount of the performance and/or payment bond may, from time to time, be increased or decreased to reflect changes in risks to the county.The requirement for a performance and/or payment bond may be waived for public entities or operators determined by the county engineer to be operators in good standing. The performance and/or payment bond shall be in a form acceptable to the county engineer; be with a surety company authorized to do business in the state of Washington with financial ratings acceptable to the Mason County risk manager;and,shall provide that it cannot be revoked during the term of the franchise or master road use permit and for two years thereafter. Created: 2024-02-01 12:03:21 [EST] (Supp. No.66,2-24,Update 1) Page 13 of 15 (Ord. 115-06§ 1(part), 2006). 12.24.110 Transfer/change of control. (a) No franchise or master road use permit may be transferred without: (1) Prior written notice to the county; (2) Execution of an agreement with the county unconditionally providing that the transferee will be bound by all the conditions of the applicable franchise or master road use permit and will assume all the obligations of its predecessor; (3) Resolving or preserving to the satisfaction of the county any outstanding compliance issues; and (4) Filing or establishing with the county the insurance certificates,security fund,and performance bond as required pursuant to this chapter. (b) A transfer shall not in any respect relieve the operator,or any of its successors in interest,of any obligation or liability occurring prior to the transfer,or of responsibility for acts or omissions occurring prior to the transfer, known or unknown,or the consequences thereof, including the review of past performance for purposes of determining whether the franchise or master road use permit should be renewed. (Ord. 115-06§ 1(part), 2006). 12.24.120 Remedies/violation/penalties. (a) Revocation or Termination of Franchise/Master Road Use Permit.A franchise or master road use permit may be revoked upon notice and opportunity to cure for any one or more of the following reasons: (1) Construction or operation at an unauthorized location; (2) Unauthorized transfer of the operator's franchise or master road use permit; (3) Unauthorized sale,assignment,or transfer of the operator's franchise assets or an interest therein; (4) Misrepresentation by or on behalf of an operator in any application to the county; (5) Abandonment of utility facilities in the road rights-of-way.Abandonment of a utility facility shall be presumed when a utility facility has not been used for a continuous period of twelve months or the appearance and condition of the utility facility together with the lack of maintenance or repair would lead a reasonable person to believe that the utility facility has been abandoned; (6) Failure to relocate,adjust,or remove facilities as required in this chapter; (7) Failure to pay taxes,compensation,fees, or costs when and as due to the county; (8) Insolvency or bankruptcy of the operator; (9) Violation of a material provision of this chapter; and/or (10) Violation of a material term of a franchise or master road use permit. (b) Revocation/Termination of Private Utility Line Occupancy Permit.The county engineer may terminate or revoke a private line utility occupancy permit at any time upon thirty days'written notice,with or without cause. (c) Penalties/Violation. Created: 2024-02-01 12:03:21 [EST] (Supp. No.66,2-24,Update 1) Page 14 of 15 (1) Misdemeanor.Any person violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof,shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars or by imprisonment for not more than ninety days,or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each person,found guilty of a violation shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for every day during any portion of which any violation of any provision of this chapter is committed,continued or permitted by such person,firm,or corporation and shall be punishable therefor as provided for in this chapter. (2) Civil Infractions.The violation of any provision of this chapter is designated as a Class I civil infraction pursuant to Chapter 7.80 RCW. (3) Notwithstanding the existence or use of any other remedy,the county may seek legal or equitable relief to enjoin any acts or practices and abate any conditions which constitute or will constitute a violation of this chapter. (Ord. 115-06§ 1(part), 2006). Created: 2024-02-01 12:03:21 [EST] (Supp. No.66,2-24,Update 1) Page 15 of 15 ATTACHMENT F 14.28.110 Road signs. All traffic signs and installations shall conform to the latest edition of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices(MUTCD),as adopted by the Secretary of the Washington State Department of Transportation per RCW 47.36.030. (a) All roads maintained by Mason County shall display the proper signing,including road name and district indicator. (b) Mason County shall be responsible for the placement and maintenance of all road signs required for implementing this ordinance for county maintained roadways. (c) Roadways within Mason County,maintained and signed by the Washington State Department of Transportation,will be the responsibility of that department. (d) Private roads not maintained by Mason County shall be signed in conformance with this ordinance within thirty days of naming the private roadway. (e) Parcel owners using the private roadway shall be responsible for the cost and maintenance of private road signs. (f) Streets and roads shall be identified with approved signs. (g) Temperar-y sigas shall be installed at each street inter-seetion when developmeW of new roadways allows passage byvehieles. Signs shall be a miaimtim of tweat-y fetw inehes in length or a maximum of sixty inehes to aceommodate varying name lengths.Height shall be a minimum of eight inehes with five ineh letters deseribing the geographioal indieatof fifst then the road nafne eading in the Foad type indieatoF as described in the State Sig F.,brieation Ma"al Tact 05 For example: E island Lake 4)T—. CRC (hg) Signs shall be of green permanent waterproof materials with white reflective lettering.All sign supports shall be of a breakaway design,having the ability to break away if struck by a vehicle. (ih) The sign shall be a minimum height of seven feet from the bottom of the sign to surface of the ground,for visibility. (}i) The sign shall be located as to not interfere with site distance or road maintenance operations. (ki) Private road signing,placement and maintenance shall be the responsibility of the property owner(s). (Ord.No.44-10,5-25-2010;Ord.No. 32-13,6-18-2013) Created: 2023-05-24 11:42:41 [EST] (Supp. No.63,5-23,Update 1) Page 1 of 1 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING FEES FOR PUBLIC WORKS PERMITS, GIS SERVICES AND FRANCHISE AGREEMENTS WHEREAS, the County Engineer has updated the Mason County Road Standards that includes three (3) new right of way permits to use unimproved, unmaintained, and unopened rights of way, requiring Public Works to review current fee schedule; and WHEREAS, current fees are adopted within the Mason County Municipal Code which makes them cumbersome to find and update as needed without holding a public hearing to update the code; and WHEREAS, the Public Works Department wishes to be able to be transparent in the fees by including them into one document that is only reference in the code, that can be easily reviewed and updated as needed; and WHEREAS, department staff has reviewed the fees included; and WHEREAS, this Fee Resolution will be reviewed annually and updated when necessary. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mason County Board of Commissioners does hereby adopt the Department of Public Works Fee Schedule, attached as Exhibit A. DATED this day of , 2024. ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON McKenzie Smith, Clerk of the Board Randy Neatherlin, Chair APPROVED AS TO FORM: Kevin Shutty, Vice Chair Tim Whitehead, Chief DPA Sharon Trask, Commissioner PUBLIC WORKS FEE SCHEDULE ADOPTED BY RESOLUTION NO. UTILITY PERMIT FEES AND REQUIREMENTS CABLE FRANCHISE FEES Permit and Franchise Fees Price Each Utility Franchise $400 Cable Franchise $5,000 Master Road Use Permit $400 Private Line Utility Occupancy Permit $200 *Utility Permit - Category 5 Right of Way Use $125 **Utility Permit Extension $35 Franchise/ MRUP Renewal $300 Franchise/MRUP Amendment $250 Amend Private Line Permit $100 Transfer Franchise/MRUP $100 Transfer Private Line Permit $100 *In addition, an inspection fee of $0.25/ foot will be assessed. **One month, with no change in scope of work. Additional Requirements A Minimum performance bond for any Utility Permit or Private Line Utility Occupancy Permit is $500. Minimum performance bond for Utility Franchise and Master Road Use Permit is $25,000. All Utility Franchise Agreements, Master Road Use Permits, Private Line Occupancy Permits and Utility Permits require indemnification for the County. This will be evidenced by an insurance certificate showing a minimum of $2,000,000 general liability coverage and naming Mason County as an additional insured party under the policy. PUBLIC WORKS FEE SCHEDULE ADOPTED BY RESOLUTION NO. RIGHT OF WAY PERMITS Permit Fees Price Each Category 1 —Unopened Rights of Way $300 Category 2—Unopened Right of Way $300 Category 3— Trail Permit $50 Category 4—Road Approach/Encroachment Permit $200.00 Category 5—Utility Permits $125.00 Lineal Ft. Work $ 0.25/per ft. Permit Extension $ 35.00 Category 6—Overweight Moving Permits $ 10.00 Monthly Over Dimensional Moving Permit $ 10.00 Yearly Over Dimensional Moving Permit $ 30.00 Category 7—Road Use Permit(excludes special use permits) $100 Road Closure Postings $100 * Road Closure Publication $200 ff Additional Requirements The amount of the maintenance bond or surety shall be ten percent(10%) of the estimated construction cost of the improvements requiring maintenance,or five thousand dollars ($5,000.00)whichever is greater. The construction cost of the facilities requiring maintenance shall be estimated by a professional engineer and is subject to approval of the County Engineer. *For permits requiring a road closure to be published in the newspaper per RCW. The applicant may be required to pay the publication cost before the permit can be issued. PUBLIC WORKS FEE SCHEDULE ADOPTED BY RESOLUTION NO. GIS MAP PRICES Custom and Existing Map Orders Mason County GIS Staff can provide custom mapping services for your mapping needs. The billing rate is $72.50/hr, with a minimum 1/2-hour charge ($36.25). The Mason County GIS Department sells prints of all existing maps based on size. See chart below for print sized and prices. The GIS staff typically provides the recommended printing size during the ordering process. The GIS Department will not be responsible for any dissatisfaction, misuse or misinterpretation of a map if the customer requests the map printed at a non-recommended size. Digital copies (PDF) of existing maps can be made available on CD for either pick-up at the GIS office or they can be mailed to the customer. Those requesting digital copies of a map(s) through the mail will be charged a 1/2-hour labor, plus shipping, materials and any applicable sales tax. Many existing maps are available for free download from the "Maps Online" section of the County website. To get the lower price for the additional copies, the order must be for the same map, at the same size and printed at the same time. PRICE PRICE for Additional P SI (1st co 11 x 17" --or smaller $1.00 $0.25 17"x 22" $16.50 $1.50 18"x 24" $16.75 $1.50 22"x 24" $17.00 $2.00 22"x 34" $17.50 $2.50 24"x 36" $17.75 $3.00 28"x 40" $18.00 $4.00 36"x 36" $18.25 $4.50 34"x 44" $18.50 $5.00 36"x 48" $20.00 $6.50 41"x 50" $25.00 $8.00 Lamination of 11" x 17" or smaller is $0.50 per map Pricin for Available Maps Map Name NEEL- Size Price Each Addressing Districts 36" x 36" $18.25 Allyn Urban Growth Area Zoning 17"x 22" $16.50 Belfair Urban Growth Area Zoning 17"x 22" $16.50 Belfair Water District 22"x 34" $17.50 Belfair Sewer Connection Zones 34"x 44" $18.50 County Commissioner Districts 36"x 36" $18.25 Development Areas(County Zoning)Map Panels 41"x 50" $25.00 Election Precincts-County 36"x 36" $18.25 Election Precincts in the loth Congressional Districts 36"x 36" $18.25 Fire Districts 36"x 36" $18.25 Future Land Use 26"x 36" $17.75 Oakland Bay Clean Water District 34"x 44" $18.50 County Parks 34"x 44" $18.50 Port Districts 36"x 36" $18.25 Public Utility(PUD)Districts 36"x 36" $18.25 Assessor Revaluation Areas 36"x 36" $18.25 Road Atlas- small 12" x 7.75" $26.59 Road Atlas-large I V x 17" $30.26 Road Map 41"x 50" $25.00 School Districts 36"x 36" $18.25 Shoreline Environment Designations 36"x 36" $18.25 Storm and Surface Water Utility(5 maps) 17"x 22" $16.50 Urban Growth Areas 36"x 48" $20.00 USGS Quad Index Grid 36"x 36" $18.25 Zip Code Areas 36" x 36" $18.25 The GIS Department strongly recommends printing existing maps on the size of paper they were originally designed for. C A Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Mike Collins,PE,Deputy Director/County Ext.450 Engineer Department: Public Works Briefing: ❑X Action Agenda: 0 Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): April 1, 2024 Agenda Date: April 9,2024 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Information Technology N Risk (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑No ❑ Tabled ❑No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item: Consultant Agreement with KPFF for Engineering and Construction services for County Road Project 2026—Harstine Island Bridge—Deck Repair Back2round/Executive Summary: Mason County was awarded funds through the WSDOT Local Bridge Program for Harstine Island Bridge Polyester Overlay(CRP 2026)in 2019. Through an RFQ in 2021,Mason County selected and executed a contract with KPFF to complete the design for the project and extended the contract in 2022 to include Construction Management through 12/31/2023. The project is not fully closed out.We have reached out to KPFF to initiate a new contract as they are the firm that's been with this project from the start. Budtet Impact• The original contract with KPFF for design was executed on 7/27/2021 for an amount of$191,760.73. Supplement#1 was executed on 9/6/2022 extended the contract for an amount of$227,829.43. At the expiration of contract,there was $77,060.39 remaining. The new proposal from KPFF is not to exceed$77,060.39. These funds are all reimbursable through the WSDOT. Public Outreach: N/A Requested Action: Request the Board authorize the County Engineer to sign the attached consultant agreement with KPFF for an amount not to exceed$77,060.39. Attachments: 1. Agreement Local Agency A&E Professional Services Negotiated Hourly Rate Consultant Agreement Agreement Number: Firm/Organization Legal Name (do not use dba's): KPFF, Inc. Address Federal Aid Number 1601 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1600, Seattle, WA 98101 BHS-Z236(001 ) UBI Number Federal TIN 578063612 91-0755897 Execution Date Completion Date Date of Mutual Execution December, 31 2024 1099 Form Required Federal Participation ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No Project Title Harstine Island Bridge Resurfacing Description of Work Continue Construction Management (CM) and Construction Support Services (CSS) as defined in Supplemental Agreement No 1 for Agreement Number Z236001-1-PE. ❑ Yes ■❑ No DBE Participation Maximum Amount Payable:$77,060.39 ❑ Yes ❑■ No MBE Participation ❑ Yes ❑■ No WBE Participation ❑ Yes ❑■ No SBE Participation Index of Exhibits Exhibit A Scope of Work Exhibit B DBE Participation Exhibit C Preparation and Delivery of Electronic Engineering and Other Data Exhibit D Prime Consultant Cost Computations Exhibit E Sub-consultant Cost Computations Exhibit F Title VI Assurances Exhibit G Certification Documents Exhibit H Liability Insurance Increase Exhibit I Alleged Consultant Design Error Procedures Exhibit J Consultant Claim Procedures Local Agency A&E Professional Services Agreement Number Negotiated Hourly Rate Consultant Agreement Revised 0210112021 Page 1 of 34 THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into as shown in the "Execution Date" box on page one (1) of this AGREEMENT, between the Mason County hereinafter called the "AGENCY," and the "Firm / Organization Name" referenced on page one (1) of this AGREEMENT, hereinafter called the "CONSULTANT." WHEREAS, the AGENCY desires to accomplish the work referenced in "Description of Work" on page one (1) of this AGREEMENT and hereafter called the "SERVICES;" and does not have sufficient staff to meet the required commitment and therefore deems it advisable and desirable to engage the assistance of a CONSULTANT to provide the necessary SERVICES; and WHEREAS, the CONSULTANT represents that they comply with the Washington State Statutes relating to professional registration, if applicable, and has signified a willingness to furnish consulting services to the AGENCY. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the terms, conditions, covenants, and performance contained herein, or attached and incorporated and made a part hereof, the parties hereto agree as follows: I. General Description of Work The work under this AGREEMENT shall consist of the above-described SERVICES as herein defined, and necessary to accomplish the completed work for this project. The CONSULTANT shall furnish all services, labor, and related equipment and, if applicable, sub-consultants and subcontractors necessary to conduct and complete the SERVICES as designated elsewhere in this AGREEMENT. II. General Scope of Work The Scope of Work and projected level of effort required for these SERVICES is described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference made a part of this AGREEMENT. The General Scope of Work was developed utilizing performance based contracting methodologies. III. General Requirements All aspects of coordination of the work of this AGREEMENT with outside agencies, groups, or individuals shall receive advance approval by the AGENCY. Necessary contacts and meetings with agencies, groups, and/or individuals shall be coordinated through the AGENCY. The CONSULTANT shall attend coordination, progress, and presentation meetings with the AGENCY and/or such State, Federal, Community, City, or County officials, groups or individuals as may be requested by the AGENCY. The AGENCY will provide the CONSULTANT sufficient notice prior to meetings requiring CONSULTANT participation. The minimum required hours or days' notice shall be agreed to between the AGENCY and the CONSULTANT and shown in Exhibit"A." The CONSULTANT shall prepare a monthly progress report, in a form approved by the AGENCY, which will outline in written and graphical form the various phases and the order of performance of the SERVICES in sufficient detail so that the progress of the SERVICES can easily be evaluated. The CONSULTANT,any sub-consultants, and the AGENCY shall comply with all Federal, State, and local laws, rules, codes, regulations, and all AGENCY policies and directives, applicable to the work to be performed under this AGREEMENT. This AGREEMENT shall be interpreted and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. Local Agency A&E Professional Services Agreement Number Negotiated Hourly Rate Consultant Agreement Revised 0210112021 Page 2 of 34 Participation for Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) or Small Business Enterprises (SBE), if required, per 49 CFR Part 26, shall be shown on the heading of this AGREEMENT. If DBE firms are utilized at the commencement of this AGREEMENT, the amounts authorized to each firm and their certification number will be shown on Exhibit "B" attached hereto and by this reference made part of this AGREEMENT. If the Prime CONSULTANT is, a DBE certified firm they must comply with the Commercial Useful Function (CUF) regulation outlined in the AGENCY's "DBE Program Participation Plan" and perform a minimum of 30% of the total amount of this AGREEMENT. It is recommended, but not required, that non-DBE Prime CONSULTANTS perform a minimum of 30% of the total amount of this AGREEMENT. In the absents of a mandatory DBE goal, a voluntary SBE goal amount of ten percent of the Consultant Agreement is established. The Consultant shall develop a SBE Participation Plan prior to commencing work. Although the goal is voluntary, the outreach efforts to provide SBE maximum practicable opportunities are not. The CONSULTANT, on a monthly basis, shall enter the amounts paid to all firms (including Prime) involved with this AGREEMENT into the wsdot.diversitycompliance.com program. Payment information shall identify any DBE Participation. All Reports, PS&E materials, and other data furnished to the CONSULTANT by the AGENCY shall be returned. All electronic files, prepared by the CONSULTANT, must meet the requirements as outlined in Exhibit "C —Preparation and Delivery of Electronic Engineering and other Data." All designs, drawings, specifications, documents, and other work products, including all electronic files, prepared by the CONSULTANT prior to completion or termination of this AGREEMENT are instruments of service for these SERVICES, and are the property of the AGENCY. Reuse by the AGENCY or by others, acting through or on behalf of the AGENCY of any such instruments of service, not occurring, as a part of this SERVICE, shall be without liability or legal exposure to the CONSULTANT. Any and all notices or requests required under this AGREEMENT shall be made in writing and sent to the other party by(i) certified mail, return receipt requested, or(ii)by email or facsimile, to the address set forth below: If to AGENCY: If to CONSULTANT: Name: David Smith Name:W.Greg Hess Agency: Mason County Public Works Agency:KPFF, Inc. Address: 100 W Public Works Dr Address: 1601 Fifth Avenue,Suite 1600 City: Shelton State: WA Zip:98584 City: Seattle State: WA Zip:98101 Email: DNSmith@co.mason.wa.us Email:Greg.Hess@kpff.com Phone: (360)427-9670 ext. 523 Phone: 206-406-3836 Facsimile: Facsimile:206-622-8130 IV. Time for Beginning and Completion The CONSULTANT shall not begin any work under the terms of this AGREEMENT until authorized in writing by the AGENCY. All work under this AGREEMENT shall conform to the criteria agreed upon detailed in the AGREEMENT documents. These SERVICES must be completed by the date shown in the heading of this AGREEMENT titled"Completion Date." The established completion time shall not be extended because of any delays attributable to the CONSULTANT, but may be extended by the AGENCY in the event of a delay attributable to the AGENCY, or because of unavoidable delays caused by an act of GOD, governmental actions, or other conditions beyond the control of the CONSULTANT. A prior supplemental AGREEMENT issued by the AGENCY is required to extend the established completion time. Local Agency A&E Professional Services Agreement Number Negotiated Hourly Rate Consultant Agreement Revised 0210112021 Page 3 of 14 V. Payment Provisions The CONSULTANT shall be paid by the AGENCY for completed SERVICES rendered under this AGREEMENT as provided hereinafter. Such payment shall be full compensation for SERVICES performed or SERVICES rendered and for all labor, materials, supplies, equipment, and incidentals necessary to complete SERVICES. The CONSULTANT shall conform to all applicable portions of 48 CFR Part 31 (www.ecfr.gov). A. Hourly Rates: Hourly rates are comprised of the following elements - Direct(Raw) Labor, Indirect Cost Rate, and Fee (Profit). The CONSULTANT shall be paid by the AGENCY for work done, based upon the negotiated hourly rates shown in Exhibits "D" and "E" attached hereto and by reference made part of this AGREEMENT. These negotiated hourly rates will be accepted based on a review of the CONSULTANT's direct labor rates and indirect cost rate computations and agreed upon fee. The accepted negotiated rates shall be memorialized in a final written acknowledgment between the parties. Such final written acknowledgment shall be incorporated into, and become a part of, this AGREEMENT. The initially accepted negotiated rates shall be applicable from the approval date, as memorialized in a final written acknowledgment, to 180 days following the CONSULTANT's fiscal year end(FYE) date. The direct (raw) labor rates and classifications, as shown on Exhibits "D" and "E" shall be subject to renegotiations for each subsequent twelve (12) month period (180 days following FYE date to 180 days following FYE date) upon written request of the CONSULTANT or the AGENCY. The written request must be made to the other party within ninety (90) days following the CONSULTANT's FYE date. If no such written request is made, the current direct (raw) labor rates and classifications as shown on Exhibits "D" and "E"will remain in effect for the twelve (12)month period. Conversely, if a timely request is made in the manner set forth above, the parties will commence negotiations to determine the new direct (raw) labor rates and classifications that will be applicable for the twelve (12 month period. Any agreed to renegotiated rates shall be memorialized in a final written acknowledgment between the parties. Such final written acknowledgment shall be incorporated into, and become a part of, this AGREEMENT. If requested, the CONSULTANT shall provide current payroll register and classifications to aid in negotiations. If the parties cannot reach an agreement on the direct (raw) labor rates and classifications, the AGENCY shall perform an audit of the CONSULTANT's books and records to determine the CONSULTANT's actual costs. The audit findings will establish the direct (raw) labor rates and classifications that will applicable for the twelve (12) month period. The fee as identified in Exhibits "D" and"E" shall represent a value to be applied throughout the life of the AGREEMENT. The CONSULTANT shall submit annually to the AGENCY an updated indirect cost rate within 180 days of the close of its fiscal year. An approved updated indirect cost rate shall be included in the current fiscal year rate under this AGREEMENT, even if/when other components of the hourly rate are not renegotiated. These rates will be applicable for the twelve (12) month period. At the AGENCY's option, a provisional and/or conditional indirect cost rate may be negotiated. This provisional or conditional indirect rate shall remain in effect until the updated indirect cost rate is completed and approved. Indirect cost rate costs incurred during the provisional or conditional period will not be adjusted. The CONSULTANT may request an extension of the last approved indirect cost rate for the twelve (12) month period. These requests for provisional indirect cost rate and/or extension will be considered on a case-by-case basis, and if granted, will be memorialized in a final written acknowledgment. The CONSULTANT shall maintain and have accessible support data for verification of the components of the hourly rates, i.e., direct (raw) labor, indirect cost rate, and fee (profit) percentage. The CONSULTANT shall bill each employee's actual classification, and actual salary plus indirect cost rate plus fee. Local Agency A&E Professional Services Agreement Number Negotiated Hourly Rate Consultant Agreement Revised 0210112021 Page 4 of 14 A. Direct Non-Salary Costs: Direct Non-Salary Costs will be reimbursed at the actual cost to the CONSULTANT. These charges may include, but are not limited to, the following items: travel, printing, long distance telephone, supplies, computer charges, and fees of sub-consultants. Air or train travel will be reimbursed only to lowest price available, unless otherwise approved by the AGENCY. The CONSULTANT shall comply with the rules and regulations regarding travel costs (excluding air, train, and rental car costs) in accordance with the WSDOT's Accounting Manual M 13-82, Chapter 10—Travel Rules and Procedures, and all revisions thereto. Air, train, and rental card costs shall be reimbursed in accordance with 48 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 31.205-46 "Travel Costs." The billing for Direct Non-salary Costs shall include an itemized listing of the charges directly identifiable with these SERVICES. The CONSULTANT shall maintain the original supporting documents in their office. Copies of the original supporting documents shall be supplied to the STATE upon request. All above charges must be necessary for the SERVICES provided under this AGREEMENT. B. Maximum Amount Payable: The Maximum Amount Payable by the AGENCY to the CONSULTANT under this AGREEMENT shall not exceed the amount shown in the heading of this AGREEMENT on page one (L) The Maximum Amount Payable does not include payment for extra work as stipulated in section XIII, "Extra Work."No minimum amount payable is guaranteed under this AGREEMENT. C. Monthly Progress Payments: Progress payments may be claimed on a monthly basis for all costs authorized in A and B above. Detailed statements shall support the monthly billings for hours expended at the rates established in Exhibit "D," including names and classifications of all employees, and billings for all direct non-salary expenses. To provide a means of verifying the billed salary costs for the CONSULTANT's employees, the AGENCY may conduct employee interviews. These interviews may consist of recording the names, titles, salary rates, and present duties of those employees performing work on the SERVICES at the time of the interview. D. Final Payment: Final Payment of any balance due the CONSULTANT of the gross amount earned will be made promptly upon its verification by the AGENCY after the completion of the SERVICES under this AGREEMENT, contingent upon receipt of all PS&E, plans, maps, notes, reports, electronic data, and other related documents, which are required to be furnished under this AGREEMENT. Acceptance of such Final Payment by the CONSULTANT shall constitute a release of all claims for payment, which the CONSULTANT may have against the AGENCY unless such claims are specifically reserved in writing and transmitted to the AGENCY by the CONSULTANT prior to its acceptance. Said Final Payment shall not, however, be a bar to any claims that the AGENCY may have against the CONSULTANT or to any remedies the AGENCY may pursue with respect to such claims. The payment of any billing will not constitute agreement as to the appropriateness of any item and at the time of final audit all required adjustments will be made and reflected in a final payment. In the event that such final audit reveals an overpayment to the CONSULTANT, the CONSULTANT will refund such overpayment to the AGENCY within thirty (30) calendar days of notice of the overpayment. Such refund shall not constitute a waiver by the CONSULTANT for any claims relating to the validity of a finding by the AGENCY of overpayment. Per WSDOT's "Audit Guide for Consultants," Chapter 23 "Resolution Procedures," the CONSULTANT has twenty (20) working days after receipt of the final Post Audit to begin the appeal process to the AGENCY for audit findings E.Inspection of Cost Records: The CONSULTANT and their sub-consultants shall keep available for inspection by representatives of the AGENCY and the United States, for a period of six (6) years after receipt of final payment, the cost records and accounts pertaining to this AGREEMENT and all items related to or bearing upon these records with the following exception: if any litigation, claim or audit arising out of, in connection with, or related to this AGREEMENT is initiated before the expiration of the six (6) year period, the cost records and accounts shall be retained until such litigation, claim, or audit involving the records is completed. An interim or post audit may be performed on this AGREEMENT. The audit, if any, will be performed by the State Auditor, WSDOT's Internal Audit Office and /or at the request of the AGENCY's Project Manager. Local Agency A&E Professional Services Agreement Number Negotiated Hourly Rate Consultant Agreement Revised 0210112021 Page 5 of 14 VI. Sub-Contracting The AGENCY permits subcontracts for those items of SERVICES as shown in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference made part of this AGREEMENT. The CONSULTANT shall not subcontract for the performance of any SERVICE under this AGREEMENT without prior written permission of the AGENCY. No permission for subcontracting shall create, between the AGENCY and sub-consultant, any contract or any other relationship. Compensation for this sub-consultant SERVICES shall be based on the cost factors shown on Exhibit "E" attached hereto and by this reference made part of this AGREEMENT. The SERVICES of the sub-consultant shall not exceed its maximum amount payable identified in each sub consultant cost estimate unless a prior written approval has been issued by the AGENCY. All reimbursable direct labor, indirect cost rate, direct non-salary costs and fee costs for the sub-consultant shall be negotiated and substantiated in accordance with section V "Payment Provisions" herein and shall be memorialized in a final written acknowledgment between the parties All subcontracts shall contain all applicable provisions of this AGREEMENT, and the CONSULTANT shall require each sub-consultant or subcontractor, of any tier, to abide by the terms and conditions of this AGREEMENT. With respect to sub-consultant payment, the CONSULTANT shall comply with all applicable sections of the STATE's Prompt Payment laws as set forth in RCW 39.04.250 and RCW 39.76.011. The CONSULTANT, sub-recipient, or sub-consultant shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or sex in the performance of this AGREEMENT. The CONSULTANT shall carry out applicable requirements of 49 CFR Part 26 in the award and administration of DOT-assisted contracts. Failure by the CONSULTANT to carry out these requirements is a material breach of this AGREEMENT, which may result in the termination of this AGREEMENT or such other remedy as the recipient deems appropriate. VII. Employment and Organizational Conflict of Interest The CONSULTANT warrants that they have not employed or retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the CONSULTANT, to solicit or secure this contract, and that it has not paid or agreed to pay any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the CONSULTANT, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift, or any other consideration, contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this contract. For breach or violation of this warrant, the AGENCY shall have the right to annul this AGREEMENT without liability or, in its discretion, to deduct from this AGREEMENT price or consideration or otherwise recover the full amount of such fee, commission, percentage,brokerage fee, gift, or contingent fee. Any and all employees of the CONSULTANT or other persons while engaged in the performance of any work or services required of the CONSULTANT under this AGREEMENT, shall be considered employees of the CONSULTANT only and not of the AGENCY, and any and all claims that may arise under any Workmen's Compensation Act on behalf of said employees or other persons while so engaged, and any and all claims made by a third party as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of the CONSULTANT's employees or other persons while so engaged on any of the work or services provided to be rendered herein, shall be the sole obligation and responsibility of the CONSULTANT. The CONSULTANT shall not engage, on a full- or part-time basis, or other basis, during the period of this AGREEMENT, any professional or technical personnel who are, or have been, at any time during the period of this AGREEMENT, in the employ of the United States Department of Transportation or the AGENCY, except regularly retired employees, without written consent of the public employer of such person if he/she will be working on this AGREEMENT for the CONSULTANT. Agreement Number: Local Agency A&E Professional Services Agreement Number Negotiated Hourly Rate Consultant Agreement Revised 0210112021 Page 6 of 14 VIII. Nondiscrimination During the performance of this AGREEMENT, the CONSULTANT, for itself, its assignees, sub-consultants, subcontractors and successors in interest, agrees to comply with the following laws and regulations: • Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 • Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987 (Public Law (42 U.S.C. Chapter 21 Subchapter V § 100-259) 2000d through 2000d-4a) • American with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 • Federal-aid Highway Act of 1973 (23 U.S.C. Chapter 126 § 12101 et. seq.) U.S.C. Chapter 3 § 324) • 23 CFR Part 200 • Rehabilitation Act of 1973 • 49 CFR Part 21 (29 U.S.C. Chapter 16 Subchapter V § • 49 CFR Part 26 794) • RCW 49.60.180 • Age Discrimination Act of 1975 (42 U.S.C. Chapter 76 § 6101 et. seq.) In relation to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the CONSULTANT is bound by the provisions of Exhibit "F" attached hereto and by this reference made part of this AGREEMENT, and shall include the attached Exhibit "F" in every sub-contract, including procurement of materials and leases of equipment, unless exempt by the Regulations or directives issued pursuant thereto. IX. Termination of Agreement The right is reserved by the AGENCY to terminate this AGREEMENT at any time with or without cause upon ten(10) days written notice to the CONSULTANT. In the event this AGREEMENT is terminated by the AGENCY, other than for default on the part of the CONSULTANT, a final payment shall be made to the CONSULTANT for actual hours charged at the time of termination of this AGREEMENT, plus any direct non-salary costs incurred up to the time of termination of this AGREEMENT. No payment shall be made for any SERVICES completed after ten (10) days following receipt by the CONSULTANT of the notice to terminate. If the accumulated payment made to the CONSULTANT prior to Notice of Termination exceeds the total amount that would be due when computed as set forth in paragraph two (2) of this section, then no final payment shall be due and the CONSULTANT shall immediately reimburse the AGENCY for any excess paid. If the services of the CONSULTANT are terminated by the AGENCY for default on the part of the CONSULTANT,the above formula for payment shall not apply. In the event of a termination for default, the amount to be paid to the CONSULTANT shall be determined by the AGENCY with consideration given to the actual costs incurred by the CONSULTANT in performing SERVICES to the date of termination, the amount of SERVICES originally required which was satisfactorily completed to date of termination, whether that SERVICE is in a form or a type which is usable to the AGENCY at the time of termination, the cost to the AGENCY of employing another firm to complete the SERVICES required and the time which may be required to do so, and other factors which affect the value to the AGENCY of the SERVICES performed at the time of termination. Under no circumstances shall payment made under this subsection exceed the amount, which would have been made using the formula set forth in paragraph two (2) of this section. If it is determined for any reason, that the CONSULTANT was not in default or that the CONSULTANT's failure to perform is without the CONSULTANT's or its employee's fault or negligence, the termination shall be deemed to be a termination for the convenience of the AGENCY. In such an event, the CONSULTANT would be reimbursed for actual costs in accordance with the termination for other than default clauses listed previously. Local Agency A&E Professional Services Agreement Number Negotiated Hourly Rate Consultant Agreement Revised 0210112021 Page 7 of 14 The CONSULTANT shall, within 15 days, notify the AGENCY in writing, in the event of the death of any member, partner, or officer of the CONSULTANT or the death or change of any of the CONSULTANT's supervisory and/or other key personnel assigned to the project or disaffiliation of any principally involved CONSULTANT employee. The CONSULTANT shall also notify the AGENCY, in writing, in the event of the sale or transfer of 50% or more of the beneficial ownership of the CONSULTANT within 15 days of such sale or transfer occurring. The CONSULTANT shall continue to be obligated to complete the SERVICES under the terms of this AGREEMENT unless the AGENCY chooses to terminate this AGREEMENT for convenience or chooses to renegotiate any term(s) of this AGREEMENT. If termination for convenience occurs, final payment will be made to the CONSULTANT as set forth in the second and third paragraphs of this section. Payment for any part of the SERVICES by the AGENCY shall not constitute a waiver by the AGENCY of any remedies of any type it may have against the CONSULTANT for any breach of this AGREEMENT by the CONSULTANT,or for failure of the CONSULTANT to perform SERVICES required of it by the AGENCY. Forbearance of any rights under the AGREEMENT will not constitute waiver of entitlement to exercise those rights with respect to any future act or omission by the CONSULTANT. X. Changes of Work The CONSULTANT shall make such changes and revisions in the completed work of this AGREEMENT as necessary to correct errors appearing therein, without additional compensation thereof. Should the AGENCY find it desirable for its own purposes to have previously satisfactorily completed SERVICES or parts thereof changed or revised, the CONSULTANT shall make such revisions as directed by the AGENCY. This work shall be considered as Extra Work and will be paid for as herein provided under section XIII "Extra Work." XI. Disputes Any disputed issue not resolved pursuant to the terms of this AGREEMENT shall be submitted in writing within 10 days to the Director of Public Works or AGENCY Engineer, whose decision in the matter shall be final and binding on the parties of this AGREEMENT; provided however, that if an action is brought challenging the Director of Public Works or AGENCY Engineer's decision, that decision shall be subject to judicial review. If the parties to this AGREEMENT mutually agree, disputes concerning alleged design errors will be conducted under the procedures found in Exhibit "J". In the event that either party deem it necessary to institute legal action or proceeding to enforce any right or obligation under this AGREEMENT, this action shall be initiated in the Superior Court of the State of Washington, situated in the county in which the AGENCY is located. The parties hereto agree that all questions shall be resolved by application of Washington law and that the parties have the right of appeal from such decisions of the Superior Court in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. The CONSULTANT hereby consents to the personal jurisdiction of the Superior Court of the State of Washington, situated in the county in which the AGENCY is located. XII. Legal Relations The CONSULTANT, any sub-consultants, and the AGENCY shall comply with all Federal, State, and local laws, rules, codes, regulations and all AGENCY policies and directives, applicable to the work to be performed under this AGREEMENT. This AGREEMENT shall be interpreted and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. The CONSULTANT shall defend, indemnify, and hold the State of Washington (STATE) and the AGENCY and their officers and employees harmless from all claims, demands, or suits at law or equity arising in whole or in part from the negligence of, or the breach of any obligation under this AGREEMENT by, the CONSULTANT or the CONSULTANT's agents, employees, sub consultants, subcontractors or vendors, of any tier, or any other persons for whom the CONSULTANT may be legally liable; provided that nothing herein shall require a CONSULTANT Local Agency A&E Professional Services Agreement Number Negotiated Hourly Rate Consultant Agreement Revised 0210112021 Page 8 of 14 to defend or indemnify the STATE and the AGENCY and their officers and employees against and hold harmless the STATE and the AGENCY and their officers and employees from claims, demands or suits based solely upon the negligence of, or breach of any obligation under this AGREEMENT by the STATE and the AGENCY,their agents, officers, employees, sub-consultants, subcontractors or vendors, of any tie , or any other persons for whom the STATE and/or the AGENCY may be legally liable; and provided further that if the claims or suits are caused by or result from the concurrent negligence of (a) the CONSULTANT or the CONSULTANT's agents, employees, sub-consultants, subcontractors or vendors, of any tier, or any other persons for whom the CONSULTANT is legally liable, and (b) the STATE and/or AGENCY, their agents, officers, employees, sub-consultants, subcontractors and or vendors, of any tier, or any other persons for whom the STATE and/or AGENCY may be legally liable, the defense and indemnity obligation shall be valid and enforceable only to the extent of the CONSULTANT's negligence or the negligence of the CONSULTANT's agents, employees, sub-consultants, subcontractors or vendors, of any tier, or any other persons for whom the CONSULTANT may be legally liable. This provision shall be included in any AGREEMENT between CONSULTANT and any sub-consultant, subcontractor and vendor, of any tier. The CONSULTANT shall also defend, indemnify, and hold the STATE and the AGENCY and their officers and employees harmless from all claims, demands, or suits at law or equity arising in whole or in part from the alleged patent or copyright infringement or other allegedly improper appropriation or use of trade secrets, patents, proprietary information, know-how, copyright rights or inventions by the CONSULTANT or the CONSULTANT's agents, employees, sub-consultants, subcontractors or vendors, of any tier, or any other persons for whom the CONSULTANT may be legally liable, in performance of the Work under this AGREEMENT or arising out of any use in connection with the AGREEMENT of methods, processes, designs, information or other items furnished or communicated to STATE and/or the AGENCY,their agents, officers and employees pursuant to the AGREEMENT; provided that this indemnity shall not apply to any alleged patent or copyright infringement or other allegedly improper appropriation or use of trade secrets, patents, proprietary information, know-how, copyright rights or inventions resulting from STATE and/or AGENCY's, their agents', officers and employees' failure to comply with specific written instructions regarding use provided to STATE and/or AGENCY, their agents, officers and employees by the CONSULTANT, its agents, employees, sub- consultants, subcontractors or vendors, of any tier, or any other persons for whom the CONSULTANT may be legally liable. The CONSULTANT's relation to the AGENCY shall be at all times as an independent contractor. Notwithstanding any determination by the Executive Ethics Board or other tribunal, the AGENCY may, in its sole discretion, by written notice to the CONSULTANT terminate this AGREEMENT if it is found after due notice and examination by the AGENCY that there is a violation of the Ethics in Public Service Act, Chapter 42.52 RCW; or any similar statute involving the CONSULTANT in the procurement of, or performance under, this AGREEMENT. The CONSULTANT specifically assumes potential liability for actions brought by the CONSULTANT's own employees or its agents against the STATE and/or the AGENCY and, solely for the purpose of this indemnification and defense, the CONSULTANT specifically waives any immunity under the state industrial insurance law, Title 51 RCW. The Parties have mutually negotiated this waiver. Unless otherwise specified in this AGREEMENT, the AGENCY shall be responsible for administration of construction contracts, if any, on the project. Subject to the processing of a new sole source, or an acceptable supplemental AGREEMENT, the CONSULTANT shall provide On-Call assistance to the AGENCY during contract administration. By providing such assistance, the CONSULTANT shall assume no responsibility for proper construction techniques, job site safety, or any construction contractor's failure to perform its work in accordance with the contract documents. The CONSULTANT shall obtain and keep in force during the terms of this AGREEMENT, or as otherwise required, the following insurance with companies or through sources approved by the State Insurance Commissioner pursuant to Title 48 RCW. Local Agency A&E Professional Services Agreement Number Negotiated Hourly Rate Consultant Agreement Revised 0210112021 Page 9 of 14 Insurance Coverage A. Worker's compensation and employer's liability insurance as required by the STATE. B. Commercial general liability insurance written under ISO Form CG 00 01 12 04 or its equivalent with minimum limits of one million dollars ($1,000,000.00)per occurrence and two million dollars ($2,000,000.00) in the aggregate for each policy period. C. Business auto liability insurance written under ISO Form CG 00 01 10 01 or equivalent providing coverage for any"Auto" (Symbol 1)used in an amount not less than a one million dollar($1,000,000.00) combined single limit for each occurrence. Excepting the Worker's Compensation Insurance and any Professional Liability Insurance, the STATE and AGENCY, their officers, employees, and agents will be named on all policies of CONSULTANT and any sub- consultant and/or subcontractor as an additional insured (the "AIs"), with no restrictions or limitations concerning products and completed operations coverage. This coverage shall be primary coverage and non- contributory and any coverage maintained by the AIs shall be excess over, and shall not contribute with, the additional insured coverage required hereunder. The CONSULTANT's and the sub-consultant's and/or subcontractor's insurer shall waive any and all rights of subrogation against the AIs. The CONSULTANT shall furnish the AGENCY with verification of insurance and endorsements required by this AGREEMENT. The AGENCY reserves the right to require complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies at any time. All insurance shall be obtained from an insurance company authorized to do business in the State of Washington. The CONSULTANT shall submit a verification of insurance as outlined above within fourteen(14) days of the execution of this AGREEMENT to: Name: David Smith Agency: Mason County Address: 100 W Public Works Drive City: Shelton State: WA Zip: 98584 Email: DNSmith@co.mason.wa.us Phone: (360) 427-9670 Facsimile: No cancellation of the foregoing policies shall be effective without thirty (30) days prior notice to the AGENCY. The CONSULTANT's professional liability to the AGENCY, including that which may arise in reference to section IX "Termination of Agreement" of this AGREEMENT, shall be limited to the accumulative amount of the authorized AGREEMENT or one million dollars ($1,000,000.00), whichever is greater, unless the limit of liability is increased by the AGENCY pursuant to Exhibit H. In no case shall the CONSULTANT's professional liability to third parties be limited in any way. The parties enter into this AGREEMENT for the sole benefit of the parties, and to the exclusion of any third part, and no third party beneficiary is intended or created by the execution of this AGREEMENT. The AGENCY will pay no progress payments under section V "Payment Provisions" until the CONSULTANT has fully complied with this section. This remedy is not exclusive; and the AGENCY may take such other action as is available to it under other provisions of this AGREEMENT, or otherwise in law. Local Agency A&E Professional Services Agreement Number Negotiated Hourly Rate Consultant Agreement Revised 0210112021 Page 10 of 14 XIII. Extra Work A. The AGENCY may at any time, by written order, make changes within the general scope of this AGREEMENT in the SERVICES to be performed. B. If any such change causes an increase or decrease in the estimated cost of, or the time required for, performance of any part of the SERVICES under this AGREEMENT, whether or not changed by the order, or otherwise affects any other terms and conditions of this AGREEMENT, the AGENCY shall make an equitable adjustment in the: (1) maximum amount payable; (2) delivery or completion schedule, or both; and (3) other affected terms and shall modify this AGREEMENT accordingly. C. The CONSULTANT must submit any "request for equitable adjustment," hereafter referred to as "CLAIM," under this clause within thirty (30) days from the date of receipt of the written order. However, if the AGENCY decides that the facts justify it, the AGENCY may receive and act upon a CLAIM submitted before final payment of this AGREEMENT. D. Failure to agree to any adjustment shall be a dispute under the section XI "Disputes" clause. However, nothing in this clause shall excuse the CONSULTANT from proceeding with the AGREEMENT as changed. E. Notwithstanding the terms and conditions of paragraphs (A.) and (B.) above, the maximum amount payable for this AGREEMENT, shall not be increased or considered to be increased except by specific written supplement to this AGREEMENT. XIV. Endorsement of Plans If applicable, the CONSULTANT shall place their endorsement on all plans, estimates, or any other engineering data furnished by them. XV. Federal Review The Federal Highway Administration shall have the right to participate in the review or examination of the SERVICES in progress. XVI. Certification of the Consultant and the Agency Attached hereto as Exhibit "G-1(a and b)" are the Certifications of the CONSULTANT and the AGENCY, Exhibit "G-2" Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension and Other Responsibility Matters - Primary Covered Transactions, Exhibit "G-3" Certification Regarding the Restrictions of the Use of Federal Funds for Lobbying and Exhibit "G-4" Certificate of Current Cost or Pricing Data. Exhibit "G-3" is required only in AGREEMENT's over one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) and Exhibit "G-4" is required only in AGREEMENT's over five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00.) These Exhibits must be executed by the CONSULTANT, and submitted with the master AGREEMENT, and returned to the AGENCY at the address listed in section III "General Requirements" prior to its performance of any SERVICES under this AGREEMENT. XVII. Complete Agreement This document and referenced attachments contain all covenants, stipulations, and provisions agreed upon by the parties. No agent, or representative of either party has authority to make, and the parties shall not be bound by or be liable for, any statement, representation, promise or agreement not set forth herein. No changes, amendments, or modifications of the terms hereof shall be valid unless reduced to writing and signed by the parties as a supplement to this AGREEMENT. XVIII. Execution and Acceptance This AGREEMENT may be simultaneously executed in several counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original having identical legal effect. The CONSULTANT does hereby ratify and adopt all statements, representations, warranties, covenants, and AGREEMENT's contained in the proposal, and the supporting material submitted by the CONSULTANT, and does hereby accept this AGREEMENT and agrees to all of the terms and conditions thereof. Local Agency A&E Professional Services Agreement Number Negotiated Hourly Rate Consultant Agreement Revised 0210112021 Page 11 of 14 XIX. Protection of Confidential Information The CONSULTANT acknowledges that some of the material and information that may come into its possession or knowledge in connection with this AGREEMENT or its performance may consist of information that is exempt from disclosure to the public or other unauthorized persons under either chapter 42.56 RCW or other local, state, or federal statutes ("State's Confidential Information"). The "State's Confidential Information" includes, but is not limited to, names, addresses, Social Security numbers, e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, financial profiles credit card information, driver's license numbers, medical data, law enforcement records (or any other information identifiable to an individual), STATE and AGENCY source code or object code, STATE and AGENCY security data, non-public Specifications, STATE and AGENCY non-publicly available data, proprietary software, STATE and AGENCY security data, or information which may jeopardize any part of the project that relates to any of these types of information. The CONSULTANT agrees to hold the State's Confidential Information in strictest confidence and not to make use of the State's Confidential Information for any purpose other than the performance of this AGREEMENT, to release it only to authorized employees, sub- consultants or subcontractors requiring such information for the purposes of carrying out this AGREEMENT, and not to release, divulge, publish, transfer, sell, disclose, or otherwise make it known to any other party without the AGENCY's express written consent or as provided by law. The CONSULTANT agrees to release such information or material only to employees, sub-consultants or subcontractors who have signed a nondisclosure AGREEMENT, the terms of which have been previously approved by the AGENCY. The CONSULTANT agrees to implement physical, electronic, and managerial safeguards to prevent unauthorized access to the State's Confidential Information. Immediately upon expiration or termination of this AGREEMENT, the CONSULTANT shall, at the AGENCY's option: (i) certify to the AGENCY that the CONSULTANT has destroyed all of the State's Confidential Information; or (ii) returned all of the State's Confidential Information to the AGENCY; or (iii) take whatever other steps the AGENCY requires of the CONSULTANT to protect the State's Confidential Information. As required under Executive Order 00-03, the CONSULTANT shall maintain a log documenting the following: the State's Confidential Information received in the performance of this AGREEMENT; the purpose(s) for which the State's Confidential Information was received; who received, maintained, and used the State's Confidential Information; and the final disposition of the State's Confidential Information. The CONSULTANT's records shall be subject to inspection, review, or audit upon reasonable notice from the AGENCY. The AGENCY reserves the right to monitor, audit, or investigate the use of the State's Confidential Information collected, used, or acquired by the CONSULTANT through this AGREEMENT. The monitoring, auditing, or investigating may include, but is not limited to, salting databases. Violation of this section by the CONSULTANT or its sub-consultants or subcontractors may result in termination of this AGREEMENT and demand for return of all State's Confidential Information, monetary damages, or penalties It is understood and acknowledged that the CONSULTANT may provide the AGENCY with information, which is proprietary and/or confidential during the term of this AGREEMENT. The parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of such information during the term of this AGREEMENT and afterwards. All materials containing such proprietary and/or confidential information shall be clearly identified and marked as "Confidential" and shall be returned to the disclosing party at the conclusion of the SERVICES under this AGREEMENT. Local Agency A&E Professional Services Agreement Number Negotiated Hourly Rate Consultant Agreement Revised 0210112021 Page 12 of 14 The CONSULTANT shall provide the AGENCY with a list of all information and materials it considers confidential and/or proprietary in nature: (a) at the commencement of the term of this AGREEMENT, or (b) as soon as such confidential or proprietary material is developed. "Proprietary and/or confidential information" is not meant to include any information which, at the time of its disclosure: (i) is already known to the other party; (ii) is rightfully disclosed to one of the parties by a third party that is not acting as an agent or representative for the other party; (iii) is independently developed by or for the other party; (iv) is publicly known; or (v) is generally utilized by unaffiliated third parties engaged in the same business or businesses as the CONSULTANT. The parties also acknowledge that the AGENCY is subject to Washington State and federal public disclosure laws. As such, the AGENCY shall maintain the confidentiality of all such information marked proprietary and or confidential or otherwise exempt, unless such disclosure is required under applicable state or federal law. If a public disclosure request is made to view materials identified as "Proprietary and/or confidential information" or otherwise exempt information, the AGENCY will notify the CONSULTANT of the request and of the date that such records will be released to the requester unless the CONSULTANT obtains a court order from a court of competent jurisdiction enjoining that disclosure. If the CONSULTANT fails to obtain the court order enjoining disclosure, the AGENCY will release the requested information on the date specified. The CONSULTANT agrees to notify the sub-consultant of any AGENCY communication regarding disclosure that may include a sub-consultant's proprietary and/or confidential information. The CONSULTANT notification to the sub-consultant will include the date that such records will be released by the AGENCY to the requester and state that unless the sub-consultant obtains a court order from a court of competent jurisdiction enjoining that disclosure the AGENCY will release the requested information. If the CONSULTANT and/or sub-consultant fail to obtain a court order or other judicial relief enjoining the AGENCY by the release date, the CONSULTANT shall waive and release and shall hold harmless and indemnify the AGENCY from all claims of actual or alleged damages, liabilities, or costs associated with the AGENCY's said disclosure of sub- consultants' information. XX. Records Maintenance During the progress of the Work and SERVICES provided hereunder and for a period of not less than six (6) years from the date of final payment to the CONSULTANT, the CONSULTANT shall keep, retain, and maintain all "documents" pertaining to the SERVICES provided pursuant to this AGREEMENT. Copies of all "documents" pertaining to the SERVICES provided hereunder shall be made available for review at the CONSULTANT's place of business during normal working hours. If any litigation, claim, or audit is commenced, the CONSULTANT shall cooperate with AGENCY and assist in the production of all such documents. "Documents" shall be retained until all litigation, claims or audit findings have been resolved even though such litigation, claim, or audit continues past the six (6) year retention period. For purposes of this AGREEMENT, "documents" means every writing or record of every type and description, including electronically stored information (`BSI"), that is in the possession, control, or custody of the CONSULTANT, including, without limitation, any and all correspondences, contracts, AGREEMENTS, appraisals, plans, designs, data, surveys, maps, spreadsheets, memoranda, stenographic or handwritten notes, reports, records, telegrams, schedules, diaries, notebooks, logbooks, invoices, accounting records, work sheets, charts, notes, drafts, scribblings, recordings, visual displays, photographs, minutes of meetings, tabulations, computations, summaries, inventories, and writings regarding conferences, conversations or telephone conversations, and any and all other taped, recorded, written, printed or typed matters of any kind or description; every copy of the foregoing whether or not the original is in the possession, custody, or control of the CONSULTANT, and every copy of any of the foregoing, whether or not such copy is a copy identical to an original, or whether or not such copy contains any commentary or notation whatsoever that does not appear on the original. Local Agency A&E Professional Services Agreement Number Negotiated Hourly Rate Consultant Agreement Revised 0210112021 Page 13 of 14 For purposes of this AGREEMENT, `BSI"means any and all computer data or electronic recorded media of any kind, including "Native Files", that are stored in any medium from which it can be retrieved and examined, either directly or after translation into a reasonably useable form. ESI may include information and/or documentation stored in various software programs such as Email, Outlook, Word, Excel, Access, Publisher, PowerPoint, Adobe Acrobat, SQL databases, or any other software or electronic communication programs or databases that the CONSULTANT may use in the performance of its operations. ESI may be located on network servers, backup tapes, smart phones, thumb drives, CDs, DVDs, floppy disks, work computers, cell phones, laptops, or any other electronic device that CONSULTANT uses in the performance of its Work or SERVICES hereunder, including any personal devices used by the CONSULTANT or any sub-consultant at home. "Native files" are a subset of ESI and refer to the electronic format of the application in which such ESI is normally created, viewed, and/or modified The CONSULTANT shall include this section XX "Records Maintenance" in every subcontract it enters into in relation to this AGREEMENT and bind the sub-consultant to its terms, unless expressly agreed to otherwise in writing by the AGENCY prior to the execution of such subcontract. In witness whereof, the parties hereto have executed this AGREEMENT as of the day and year shown in the "Execution Date"box on page one (1) of this AGREEMENT. 3/26/2024 Signature Date Signature Date Any modification, change, or reformation of this AGREEMENT shall require approval as to form by the Office of the Attorney General. Local Agency A&E Professional Services Agreement Number Negotiated Hourly Rate Consultant Agreement Revised 0210112021 Page 14 of 14 Exhibit A Scope of Work Project No. See Exhibit A-1. Local Agency A&E Professional Services Agreement Number Negotiated Hourly Rate Consultant Agreement Revised 0210112021 EXHIBIT A-1 1601 Fifth Avenue,Suite 1600 Seattle,WA 98101 kpff.com lqff March 26, 2024 Scope of Work Harstine Island Bridge Rehab Construction Management & Construction Support Services PROJECT TEAM The project team includes: Owner Mason County CSS & CM KPFF Consulting Engineers (Prime Consultant) Special Inspections & Testing MTC (Subconsultant) SCOPE OF WORK This scope of work is to continue Construction Management (CM) and Construction Support Services (CSS) as defined in Supplemental Agreement No 1 for Agreement Number Z236001- 1-PE. The remaining uncompleted fee from that contract is a Not-to-Exceed $77,060.39 invoiced hourly. Refer to the summary fee spreadsheet for breakdown of KPFF team's fees. Reimbursable expenses are estimates and include travel costs associated with travel to and from the project site. If this proposal is acceptable to Mason County, please include this proposal as an attachment to the contract for our signature. Sincerely, Greg Hess, PE SE Principal Page 1 of 1 Exhibit B DBE Participation Plan In the absents of a mandatory DBE goal, a voluntary SBE goal amount of ten percent of the Consultant Agreement is established. The Consultant shall develop a SBE Participation Plan prior to commencing work. Although the goal is voluntary, the outreach efforts to provide SBE maximum practicable opportunities are not. Local Agency A&E Professional Services Agreement Number Negotiated Hourly Rate Consultant Agreement Revised 0210112021 Exhibit C Preparation and Delivery of Electronic Engineering and Other Data In this Exhibit the agency, as applicable, is to provide a description of the format and standards the consultant is to use in preparing electronic files for transmission to the agency. The format and standards to be provided may include,but are not limited to, the following: L Surveying, Roadway Design &Plans Preparation Section A. Survey Data Any survey data transmitted shall include the original points along with the TIN that was generated from the points with contours, right of way and all topographic features. It shall be in AutoCAD files compatible with Civil 3D 2021. B. Roadway Design Files All design deliverables will be generated in a design program compatible to Civil 3D. They shall be designed to current code specified by the County. C. Computer Aided Drafting Files All drawings shall be in AutoCAD files compatible with Civil 31), with title block provided by the County. Upon completion of the project, all drawing electronic files shall be transmitted to the County. Local Agency A&E Professional Services Agreement Number Negotiated Hourly Rate Consultant Agreement Revised 0210112021 D. Specify the Agency's Right to Review Product with the Consultant If the County determines that a deliverable does not meet the County acceptance criteria, the County shall notified the consultant in writing and describe in reasonable detail the basis of the rejection. Upon receipt of the rejection notice,the consultant will modify or improve the deliverable, at the consultants expense, so that the deliverable meets the County's acceptance criteria. E. Specify the Electronic Deliverables to Be Provided to the Agency All files, reports,plans, and specifications produced from this contract will be delivered to Mason County Public Works in an electronic format compatible with the County's software. Hard copies will also be delivered to the County upon request. Additional documentation may be requested by the County and the consultant will provide said documentation electronically as well as hard copies if requested. On completion of services or termination of this agreement, all drawings,map originals, survey notes, field books, calculations,reports and all data used will become property of the county. F. Specify What Agency Furnished Services and Information Is to Be Provided The County will provide the Consultant with any information needed by the consultant for rendering the services required under this contract. Information rendered by sources other than the County, may be used by the consultant,but the County assumes no liability for it's accuracy or completeness. Local Agency A&E Professional Services Agreement Number Negotiated Hourly Rate Consultant Agreement Revised 0210112021 IL Any Other Electronic Files to Be Provided See section E of this Exhibit III. Methods to Electronically Exchange Data All electronic exchange of data will be delivered to the County by email, or removable storage devices at the County's request. On completion of services or termination of this agreement, all drawings, map originals, survey notes, field books, calculations, reports and all data used will become property of the County. Local Agency A&E Professional Services Agreement Number Negotiated Hourly Rate Consultant Agreement Revised 0210112021 A. Agency Software Suite AutoCAD Civil 3D, MS Office,Adobe PDF, WSDOT E-Forms B. Electronic Messaging System C. File Transfers Format Files delivered to the County will be in a format specified by the County that is compatible with the County's software. Local Agency A&E Professional Services Agreement Number Negotiated Hourly Rate Consultant Agreement Revised 0210112021 Exhibit D Prime Consultant Cost Computations See Exhibit D-1. Local Agency A&E Professional Services Agreement Number Negotiated Hourly Rate Consultant Agreement Revised 0210112021 Exhibit D-1 KPFF Consultant Fee Summary Negotiated Hourly Rate Consultant Agreement HARSTINE ISLAND BRIDGE REHAB Overhead (OH) Cost 151.53% Fixed Fee (FF) 30.00% Classification Direct Hourly Total X Negotiated = Cost Rate Hours Hourly Rate Principal/PM $ 76.93 38.32 X $216.58 = $ 8,299.55 Senior Engineer/Technical Expert $ 72.81 52.72 X $204.99 = $ 10,808.00 Project Coordinator $ 42.00 4.00 X $118.25 = $ 473.01 Construction Project Manager $ 70.97 130.00 X $199.80 = $ 25,974.24 Construction Manager $ 57.70 145.48 X $162.44 = $ 23,632.46 CM Assistant $ 34.62 25.00 X $97.47 = $ 2,436.64 Construction Observer $ 46.45 15.00 X $130.77 = $ 1,961.56 Administration $ 32.60 1.00 X $91.78 = $ 91.78 Subtotal $ 73,677.24 Reimbursables Mileage (##Miles x$0.67/mile)' Airfare (Allowance) Per Diem (Hotel + Meals @$#.##x#trips) AAR Testing and Inspection, Inc. Special Inspections&Testing $ 3,383.15 (Blank) (Allowance) *Mileage will be reimbursed at the current approved GSA rate at the time of billing Subtotal $ 3,383.15 GRAND TOTAL: $77,060.39 March 26,2024 KPFF KPFF Senior Construction Project Construction Construction Administratio HARSTINE ISLAND BRIDGE REHAB Principal/PM Engineer/Tec Coordinator Project an Mager CM Assistant Observer n hnical Expert Manager Item SCOPE OF WORK $216.58 $204.99 $118.25 $199.80 $162.44 $97.47 $130.77 $91.78 1 STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING 1.00 Structural Engineering 5 5 2 $2,253 Labor Subtotal:1 5 5 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 $2,252.82 Reimbursables: 11 2 PERMITTING 1.00 Permitting 3 $617 Labor Subtotal: 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 $616.98 Reimbursables: 3 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 1.00 Construction Services 13 20 2 85 106 15 10 1 $44,208 Labor Subtotal: 13 20.161 2 85 106 15 10 1 $44,207.82 Reimbursables: $3,383.15 4 PROJECT CLOSEOUT 1.00 Project Closeout 20 25 45 40 10 5 $26,600 Labor Subtotal: 20 25 0 45 40 10 5 0 $26,599.62 Reimbursables: Labor Sum: 38 53 4 130 145 25 15 1 $73,677.24 Reimbursable Sum: $3,383.15 IF $77,060.39 Exhibit F - Title V/ Assurances Appendix A & E APPENDIX A During the performance of this contract, the contractor, for itself, its assignees, and successors in interest(hereinafter referred to as the "contractor") agrees as follows: 1. Compliance with Regulations: The contractor(hereinafter includes consultants)will comply with the Acts and the Regulations relative to Non-discrimination in Federally-assisted programs of the U.S. Department of Transportation, (Title of Modal Operating Administration), as they may be amended from time to time, which are herein incorporated by reference and made a part of this contract. 2. Non-discrimination: The contractor,with regard to the work performed by it during the contract,will not discriminate on the grounds of race, color, or national origin in the selection and retention of subcontractors, including procurements of materials and leases of equipment. The contractor will not participate directly or indirectly in the discrimination prohibited by the Acts and the Regulations, including employment practices when the contract covers any activity,project, or program set forth in Appendix B of 49 CFR Part 21. [Include Modal Operating Administration specific program requirements.] 3. Solicitations for Subcontracts,Including Procurements of Materials and Equipment: In all solicitations, either by competitive bidding, or negotiation made by the contractor for work to be performed under a subcontract, including procurements of materials, or leases of equipment, each potential subcontractor or supplier will be notified by the contractor of the contractor's obligations under this contract and the Acts and the Regulations relative to Non-discrimination on the grounds of race, color, or national origin.[Include Modal Operating Administration specific program requirements.] 4. Information and Reports: The contractor will provide all information and reports required by the Acts, the Regulations, and directives issued pursuant thereto and will permit access to its books, records, accounts, other sources of information, and its facilities as may be determined by the Recipient or the (Title of Modal Operating Administration) to be pertinent to ascertain compliance with such Acts, Regulations, and instructions. Where any information required of a contractor is in the exclusive possession of another who fails or refuses to furnish the information, the contractor will so certify to the Recipient or the (Title of Modal Operating Administration), as appropriate, and will set forth what efforts it has made to obtain the information. 5. Sanctions for Noncompliance: In the event of a contractor's noncompliance with the Non- discrimination provisions of this contract, the Recipient will impose such contract sanctions as it or the (Title of Modal Operating Administration) may determine to be appropriate, including,but not limited to: a. withholding payments to the contractor under the contract until the contractor complies; and/or b. cancelling,terminating, or suspending a contract, in whole or in part. 6. Incorporation of Provisions: The contractor will include the provisions of paragraphs one through six in every subcontract, including procurements of materials and leases of equipment,unless exempt by the Acts,the Regulations and directives issued pursuant thereto. The contractor will take action with respect to any subcontract or procurement as the Recipient or the (Title of Modal Operating Administration) may direct as a means of enforcing such provisions including sanctions for noncompliance. Provided,that if the contractor becomes involved in, or is threatened with litigation by a subcontractor, or supplier because of such direction, the contractor may request the Recipient to enter into any litigation to protect the interests of the Recipient. In addition, the contractor may request the United States to enter into the litigation to protect the interests of the United States. Local Agency A&E Professional Services Agreement Number Negotiated Hourly Rate Consultant Agreement Revised 0210112021 Exhibit F - Title VI Assurances Appendix A & E APPENDIX E During the performance of this contract, the contractor, for itself, its assignees, and successors in interest (hereinafter referred to as the "contractor") agrees to comply with the following non-discrimination statutes and authorities; including but not limited to: Pertinent Non-Discrimination Authorities: • Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. § 2000d et seq., 78 stat. 252), (prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin); and 49 CFR Part 21. • The Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, (42 U.S.C. § 4601), (prohibits unfair treatment of persons displaced or whose property has been acquired because of Federal or Federal-aid programs and projects); • Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1973, (23 U.S.C. § 324 et seq.), (prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex); • Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, (29 U.S.C. § 794 et seq.), as amended, (prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability); and 49 CFR Part 27; • The Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended, (42 U.S.C. § 6101 et seq.), (prohibits discrimination on the basis of age); • Airport and Airway Improvement Act of 1982, (49 USC § 471, Section 47123), as amended, (prohibits discrimination based on race, creed, color, national origin, or sex); • The Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987, (PL 100-209), (Broadened the scope, coverage and applicability of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, The Age Discrimination Act of 1975 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, by expanding the definition of the terms "programs or activities" to include all of the programs or activities of the Federal-aid recipients, sub-recipients and contractors, whether such programs or activities are Federally funded or not); • Titles II and III of the Americans with Disabilities Act, which prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability in the operation of public entities,public and private transportation systems, places of public accommodation, and certain testing entities (42 U.S.C. §§ 12131-12189) as implemented by Department of Transportation regulations at 49 C.F.R. parts 37 and 38; • The Federal Aviation Administration's Non-discrimination statute (49 U.S.C. § 47123) (prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, and sex); • Executive Order 12898, Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations, which ensures discrimination against minority populations by discouraging programs, policies, and activities with disproportionately high and adverse human health or environmental effects on minority and low-income populations; • Executive Order 13166, Improving Access to Services for Persons with Limited English Proficiency, and resulting agency guidance, national origin discrimination includes discrimination because of limited English proficiency(LEP). To ensure compliance with Title VI, you must take reasonable steps to ensure that LEP persons have meaningful access to your programs (70 Fed. Reg. at 74087 to 74100); • Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as amended, which prohibits you from discriminating because of sex in education programs or activities (20 U.S.C. 1681 et seq). Local Agency A&E Professional Services Agreement Number Negotiated Hourly Rate Consultant Agreement Revised 0210112021 Exhibit G Certification Document Exhibit G-1(a) Certification of Consultant Exhibit G-1(b) Certification of Mason County Exhibit G-2 Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension and Other Responsibility Matters - Primary Covered Transactions Exhibit G-3 Certification Regarding the Restrictions of the Use of Federal Funds for Lobbying Exhibit G-4 Certificate of Current Cost or Pricing Data Local Agency A&E Professional Services Agreement Number Negotiated Hourly Rate Consultant Agreement Revised 0210112021 Exhibit G-1(a) Certification of Consultant I hereby certify that I am the and duly authorized representative of the firm of KPFF, Inc. whose address is 1601 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1600, Seattle, WA 98101 and that neither the above firm nor I have a) Employed or retained for a commission, percentage, brokerage, contingent fee, or other consideration, any firm or person(other than a bona fide employee working solely for me or the above CONSULTANT) to solicit or secure this AGREEMENT; b) Agreed, as an express or implied condition for obtaining this contract, to employ or retain the services of any firm or person in connection with carrying out this AGREEMENT; or c) Paid, or agreed to pay, to any firm, organization or person (other than a bona fide employee working solely for me or the above CONSULTANT) any fee, contribution, donation, or consideration of any kind for, or in connection with, procuring or carrying out this AGREEMENT; except as hereby expressly stated(ifany); I acknowledge that this certificate is to be furnished to the Mason County and the Federal Highway Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation in connection with this AGREEMENT involving participation of Federal-aid highway funds, and is subject to applicable State and Federal laws, both criminal and civil. KPFF, Inc. Consultant(Firm Name) 3/26/2024 Signature(Authorized Official of Consultant) Date Local Agency A&E Professional Services Agreement Number Negotiated Hourly Rate Consultant Agreement Revised 0210112021 Exhibit G-1(b) Certification of Agency Official I hereby certify that I am the: 0 ❑ Other of the Mason County , and KPFF, Inc. or its representative has not been required, directly or indirectly as an express or implied condition in connection with obtaining or carrying out this AGREEMENT to: a) Employ or retain, or agree to employ to retain, any firm or person; o b) Pay, or agree to pay, to any firm, person, or organization, any fee, contribution, donation, or consideration of any kind; except as hereby expressly stated(if any): I acknowledge that this certificate is to be furnished to the Mason County and the Federal Highway Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, in connection with this AGREEMENT involving participation of Federal-aid highway funds, and is subject to applicable State and Federal laws, both criminal and civil. Signature Date Local Agency A&E Professional Services Agreement Number Negotiated Hourly Rate Consultant Agreement Revised 0210112021 Exhibit G-2 Certification Regarding Debarment Suspension and Other Responsibility Matters - Primary Covered Transactions I. The prospective primary participant certifies to the best of its knowledge and belief, that it and its principals: A. Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any Federal department or agency; B. Have not within a three (3) year period preceding this proposal been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them for commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (Federal, State, or local) transaction or contract under a public transaction; violation of Federal or State anti-trust statues or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements, or receiving stolen property; C. Are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a governmental entity (Federal, State, or local) with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph (1)(b) of this certification; an D. Have not within a three (3) year period preceding this application /proposal had one or more public transactions (Federal, State and local) terminated for cause or default. II. Where the prospective primary participant is unable to certify to any of the statements in this certification such prospective participant shall attach an explanation to this proposal. KPFF, Inc. Consultant(Firm Name) V?�/ 3/26/2024 Signature(Authorized Official of Consultant) Date Local Agency A&E Professional Services Agreement Number Negotiated Hourly Rate Consultant Agreement Revised 0210112021 Exhibit G-3 Certification Regarding the Restrictions of the Use of Federal Funds for Lobbying The prospective participant certifies, by signing and submitting this bid or proposal, to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, that: 1. No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of the undersigned, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any Federal agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or any employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract, the making of any Federal grant, the making of any Federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative AGREEMENT, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of Federal contract, grant, loan or cooperativeAGREEMENT. 2. If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any Federal agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with this Federal contract, grant, loan or cooperative AGREEMENT, the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form - LLL, "Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying," in accordance with its instructions. This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was made or entered into. Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by Section 1352, Title 31, U.S. Code. Any person who fails to file the require certification shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000.00, and not more than $100,000.00 for each such failure. The prospective participant also agrees by submitting his or her bid or proposal that he or she shall require that the language of this certification be included in all lower tier sub-contracts, which exceed $100,000 and that all such sub-recipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. KPFF, Inc. Consultant(Firm Name) 3/26/2024 Signature(Authorized Official of Consultant) Date Local Agency A&E Professional Services Agreement Number Negotiated Hourly Rate Consultant Agreement Revised 0210112021 Exhibit G-4 Certification of Current Cost or Pricing Data This is to certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the cost or pricing data (as defined in section of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and required under FAR subsection 15.403-4) submitted, either actually or by specific identification in writing, to the Contracting Officer or to the Contracting Officer's representative in support of Harstine Island Bridge Resurfacing *are accurate, complete, and current as Of 3/26/24 ** This certification includes the cost or pricing data supporting any advance AGREEMENT's and forward pricing rate AGREEMENT's between the offer or and the Government that are part of the proposal. Firm: KPFF, Inc. Principal Signature Title Date of Execution ***: *Identify the proposal,quotation,request for pricing adjustment,or other submission involved,giving the appropriate identifying number(e.g.project title.) **Insert the day,month,and year,when price negotiations were concluded and price AGREEMENT was reached. ***Insert the day,month,and year,of signing,which should be as close as practicable to the date when the price negotiations were concluded and the contract price was agreed to. Local Agency A&E Professional Services Agreement Number Negotiated Hourly Rate Consultant Agreement Revised 0210112021 Exhibit H Liability Insurance Increase To Be Used Only If Insurance Requirements Are Increased The professional liability limit of the CONSULTANT to the AGENCY identified in Section XII, Legal Relations and Insurance of this Agreement is amended to $ The CONSULTANT shall provide Professional Liability insurance with minimum per occurrence limits in the amount of$ Such insurance coverage shall be evidenced by one of the following methods: • Certificate of Insurance • Self-insurance through an irrevocable Letter of Credit from a qualified financial institution Self-insurance through documentation of a separate fund established exclusively for the payment of professional liability claims, including claim amounts already reserved against the fund, safeguards established for payment from the fund, a copy of the latest annual financial statements, and disclosure of the investment portfolio for those funds. Should the minimum Professional Liability insurance limit required by the AGENCY as specified above exceed $1 million per occurrence or the value of the contract, whichever is greater, then justification shall be submitted to the Federal Highway Administration(FHWA) for approval to increase the minimum insurance limit. If FHWA approval is obtained, the AGENCY may, at its own cost, reimburse the CONSULTANT for the additional professional liability insurance required. Notes: Cost of added insurance requirements: $ • Include all costs, fee increase, premiums. • This cost shall not be billed against an FHWA funded project. • For final contracts, include this exhibit Local Agency A&E Professional Services Agreement Number Negotiated Hourly Rate Consultant Agreement Revised 0210112021 Exhibit I Alleged Consultant Design Error Procedures The purpose of this exhibit is to establish a procedure to determine if a consultant has alleged design error is of a nature that exceeds the accepted standard of care. In addition, it will establish a uniform method for the resolution and/or cost recovery procedures in those instances where the agency believes it has suffered some material damage due to the alleged error by the consultant. Step 1 Potential Consultant Design Error(s) is Identified by Agency's Project Manager At the first indication of potential consultant design error(s), the first step in the process is for the Agency's project manager to notify the Director of Public Works or Agency Engineer regarding the potential design error(s). For federally funded projects, the Region Local Programs Engineer should be informed and involved in these procedures. (Note: The Director of Public Works or Agency Engineer may appoint an agency staff person other than the project manager, who has not been as directly involved in the project, to be responsible for the remaining steps in these procedures.) Step 2 Project Manager Documents the Alleged Consultant Design Error(s) After discussion of the alleged design error(s) and the magnitude of the alleged error(s), and with the Director of Public Works or Agency Engineer's concurrence, the project manager obtains more detailed documentation than is normally required on the project. Examples include all decisions and descriptions of work, photographs, records of labor, materials, and equipment. Step 3 Contact the Consultant Regarding the Alleged Design Error(s) If it is determined that there is a need to proceed further, the next step in the process is for the project manager to contact the consultant regarding the alleged design error(s) and the magnitude of the alleged error(s). The project manager and other appropriate agency staff should represent the agency and the consultant should be represented by their project manager and any personnel (including sub-consultants) deemed appropriate for the alleged design error(s) issue. Step 4 Attempt to Resolve Alleged Design Error with Consultant After the meeting(s) with the consultant have been completed regarding the consultant's alleged design error(s), there are three possible scenarios: • It is determined via mutual agreement that there is not a consultant design error(s). If this is the case, then the process will not proceed beyond this point. • It is determined via mutual agreement that a consultant design error(s) occurred. If this is the case, then the Director of Public Works or Agency Engineer, or their representatives, negotiate a settlement with the consultant. The settlement would be paid to the agency or the amount would be reduced from the consultant's agreement with the agency for the services on the project in which the design error took place. The agency is to provide LP, through the Region Local Programs Engineer, a summary of the settlement for review and to make adjustments, if any, as to how the settlement affects federal reimbursements. No further action is required. • There is not a mutual agreement regarding the alleged consultant design error(s). The consultant may request that the alleged design error(s) issue be forwarded to the Director of Public Works or Agency Engineer for review. If the Director of Public Works or Agency Engineer, after review with their legal counsel, is not able to reach mutual agreement with the consultant,proceed to Step 5. Local Agency A&E Professional Services Agreement Number Negotiated Hourly Rate Consultant Agreement Revised 0210112021 Step 5 Forward Documents to Local Programs For federally funded projects, all available information, including costs, should be forwarded through the Region Local Programs Engineer to LP for their review and consultation with the FHWA. LP will meet with representatives of the agency and the consultant to review the alleged design error(s), and attempt to find a resolution to the issue. If necessary, LP will request assistance from the Attorney General's Office for legal interpretation. LP will also identify how the alleged error(s) affects eligibility of project costs for federal reimbursement. • If mutual agreement is reached, the agency and consultant adjust the scope of work and costs to reflect the agreed upon resolution. LP,in consultation with FHWA,will identify the amount of federal participation in the agreed upon resolution of the issue. • If mutual agreement is not reached, the agency and consultant may seek settlement by arbitration or by litigation. Local Agency A&E Professional Services Agreement Number Negotiated Hourly Rate Consultant Agreement Revised 0210112021 Exhibit J Consultant Claim Procedures The purpose of this exhibit is to describe a procedure regarding claim(s) on a consultant agreement. The following procedures should only be utilized on consultant claims greater than $1,000. If the consultant's claim(s) total a $1,000 or less, it would not be cost effective to proceed through the outlined steps. It is suggested that the Director of Public Works or Agency Engineer negotiate a fair and reasonable price for the consultant's claim(s) that total $1,000 or less. This exhibit will outline the procedures to be followed by the consultant and the agency to consider a potential claim by the consultant. Step 1 Consultant Files a Claim with the Agency Project Manager If the consultant determines that they were requested to perform additional services that were outside of the agreement's scope of work, they may be entitled to a claim. The first step that must be completed is the request for consideration of the claim to theAgency's project manager. The consultant's claim must outline the following: • Summation of hours by classification for each firm that is included in the claim • Any correspondence that directed the consultant to perform the additional work; • Timeframe of the additional work that was outside of the project scope; • Summary of direct labor dollars, overhead costs, profit and reimbursable costs associated with the additional work; and • Explanation as to why the consultant believes the additional work was outside of the agreement scope of work. Step 2 Review by Agency Personnel Regarding the Consultant's Claim for Additional Compensation After the consultant has completed step 1, the next step in the process is to forward the request to the Agency's project manager. The project manager will review the consultant's claim and will met with the Director of Public Works or Agency Engineer to determine if the Agency agrees with the claim. If the FHWA is participating in the project's funding, forward a copy of the consultant's claim and the Agency's recommendation for federal participation in the claim to the WSDOT Local Programs through the Region Local Programs Engineer. If the claim is not eligible for federal participation, payment will need to be from agency funds. If the Agency project manager, Director of Public Works or Agency Engineer, WSDOT Local Programs (if applicable), and FHWA (if applicable) agree with the consultant's claim, send a request memo, including backup documentation to the consultant to either supplement the agreement, or create a new agreement for the claim. After the request has been approved, the Agency shall write the supplement and/or new agreement and pay the consultant the amount of the claim. Inform the consultant that the final payment for the agreement is subject to audit. No further action in needed regarding the claim procedures. If the Agency does not agree with the consultant's claim, proceed to step 3 of the procedures. Local Agency A&E Professional Services Agreement Number Negotiated Hourly Rate Consultant Agreement Revised 0210112021 Step 3 Preparation of Support Documentation Regarding Consultant's Claim(s) If the Agency does not agree with the consultant's claim, the project manager shall prepare a summary for the Director of Public Works or Agency Engineer that included the following: • Copy of information supplied by the consultant regarding the claim; • Agency's summation of hours by classification for each firm that should be included in the claim • Any correspondence that directed the consultant to perform the additional work; • Agency's summary of direct labor dollars, overhead costs, profit and reimbursable costs associate with the additional work; • Explanation regarding those areas in which the Agency does/does not agree with the consultant's claim(s); • Explanation to describe what has been instituted to preclude future consultant claim(s); and • Recommendations to resolve the claim. Step 4 Director of Public Works or Agency Engineer Reviews Consultant Claim and Agency Documentation The Director of Public Works or Agency Engineer shall review and administratively approve or disapprove the claim, or portions thereof, which may include getting Agency Council or Commission approval (as appropriate to agency dispute resolution procedures). If the project involves federal participation, obtain concurrence from WSDOT Local Programs and FHWA regarding final settlement of the claim. If the claim is not eligible for federal participation, payment will need to be from agency funds. Step 5 Informing Consultant of Decision Regarding the Claim The Director of Public Works or Agency Engineer shall notify (in writing) the consultant of their final decision regarding the consultant's claim(s). Include the final dollar amount of the accepted claim(s) and rationale utilized for the decision. Step 6 Preparation of Supplement or New Agreement for the Consultant's Claim(s) The agency shall write the supplement and/or new agreement and pay the consultant the amount of the claim. Inform the consultant that the final payment for the agreement is subject to audit Local Agency A&E Professional Services Agreement Number Negotiated Hourly Rate Consultant Agreement Revised 0210112021