HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD92-0225 Expired SFR - BLD Application - 9/14/1994 t'MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT of GENERAL SERVICES Mason County Bldg. III 426 W.Cedar P.O. Box 186 Shelton,Washington 98584 (206)427-9670 BUILDING PARKS& RECREATION FAIR/CONVENTION CENTER ADMINISTRATION September 14, 1994 John Diehl 678 Portage Rd Shelton, WA 98584 RE: Building Permit #BLD92-0225 Dear Mr. Diehl, The building permit listed above is expired and it will now be necessary for you to renew that permit prior to any further construction on the project. Mason County policy pursuant to the Uniform Building Code as adopted by Ordinance No. 138-92 allows for the jurisdiction to renew the permit if it is not expired by more than one year for one half of the original permit fee. No activity on a permit for more than a year requires that the permit applicant resubmit and the initial permit process is completed again at the full permit price. If you should have any questions, please contact me at (206)427-9670 ext 356. Sinc rely, �'r�u�. mi Griffey Building Inspector cc: Property File Mike Byrne, Building Official BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT of GENERAL SERVICES 426 W.CEDARIP.O.BOX 186 SHELTON,WASHINGTON 98584 427-9670 DATE ISSUED 1/ PERMIT NO. NAME MAIL ADDRESS CITY 3 STATE ZIP PHONE OWNER Lie-AlJoba 6' 8 orA ¢oUIA TV'5ft1-370 DIRECTIONS TO JOB SITE 7'L PARC.NUMBER I II9 SO apoo?-Z DESCR Iof 9.2 o7F 45tecw+a�r.�1 140/1 gIPPI�s ,8�� NAME MAIL ADDRESS CITY d STATE PNO! NQ CONTRACTOR USE OF BUILDING CLASS OF NEW ADDITION ALTERATION REPAIR MOVE REMOVE WORK r DESCRIBE WORK r S a to AREA: NUMBER OF: PLEASE INDICATE: NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REWIRED FOR PLUMBING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR REsomm jj2LBQn STORIES SHORELINE O CONDITIONING. BASO&W_&&Sqk W"OMS, - PRIMARY RE&W' THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 1W DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR DECKS BgFt BATHROOMS_2 SEASONAL,RES.❑ ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 180 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED. CARE'ORT FIREPLACE If IS CARPORTn&RAGE GARAGE_4dSgFt ATTACHED dDETACHED❑ OWNERS AFFIDAVIT CONTRACTORS AFFIDAVIT I CERTIFY THAT I AM EXEMPT FROM THE 9EWIREMENTS OF THE CONTRACTORS I CERTIFY THAT 1 AM A CURRENTLY REGISTERED CONTRACTOR IN THE STATE OF R6GMTRAT10N LAW ROW I&V,AND AM AWARE OF THE MASON COUNTY ORDINANCE WASHINGTDN AND I AM AWARE OF THE ORDINANCE REOUIREMOM REGULATING THE REOIHREw1ENT6 FOR WHICH THIS PERMIT 18ISSUED AND THAT ALL WORK DONE WILL BE WORK FOR WHICH THE PERMIT 18 ISSUED AND ALL WORK DONE WILL BE IN IN CONRMANCE THEREWITH. NO CHANGES SHALL BE MADE WITHOUT FIRST CONFORMANCE THEREWITH.NO CHANGES SHALL BE MADE WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING OBTAINING APPROVALFRDM THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. APPROVAL FROM THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. X OW N ER DATE X BY DATE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY DEPARTMENT YES N.PPROVED DEPARTMENT y� ENO BUILDING VALUATION HEALTH NIT PUBLIC WORKS FEE PLANNING FIRE MARSHAL BUILDING PERMIT D.O.T. BUILDING PLAN CHECK I SPECIAL CONDITIONS BUILDING GROUP PRE-INSPECTION ALL CONSTRUCTION MUST MEET SHORELINE—C.—CeAtcoues. or ANY cc S� QUESTIONS PLE.,SF CALL THIS WOODSTOVE 15 5i911 PLUMBING MECHANICAL STATE BUILDING FEE 4� APPlM�1?M�1 CCEPTED BY rl"CHECK BYMBL� FOR 188UANCE PERMRVALIDATION (/�� �`?2CASH CK Mo TOTAL � `� PLUMBING & MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT of GENERAL SERVICES 426 W.CEDAR/P.O. BOX 186 SHELTON,WASHINGTON 98584 /1 427-9670 DATE ISSUED �ITTJJ v PERMIT NO. NAME OWNER MAIL ADDRESS CITY 6 STATE Zip PHONE P r7 DIRECTIONS -3 O TO JOB SITE P""� As DI_ 2"1 q` P 7r LEGAL �// / DESCR. of 9 Of!T4/'�stey Aihy 4S ne-CoI-11ec� ire orl' s 8o f4� �'K NAME MAIL ADDRESS CONTRACTOR CITY&STATE LICENSE NO. ZIP ONE USE OF BUILDING PLUMBING FIXTURES MECHANICAL FIXTURES NO. 2.00 PER FIXTURE OR TRAP FEE ]NO. TYPE OF FIXTURE FEE WATER CLOSETS FORCED-AIR/GRAVITY TYPE FURNACE 6.00 BASINS FLOOR I SUSPENDED FURNACE 6.00 BATH TUBS Z. BOILER/COMPRESSOR 6.00 SHOWERS Z REPAIR I ALTERATION 8.00 WATER HEATERS Z REFRIGERATION COMPRESSOR SYSTEM 6.00 AUTO.WASHER Q AIR HANDLING UNITS 7.50 SINKS HEAT•PUMPS 6 00 FLOOR DRAINS EACH GAS PIPING SYS.2.00 PER OUTLET DRINKING FOUNTAINS 3 VENT.FAN SYS.3.00 PER UNIT LAUNDRY TRAYS FIRE SUPPRESSION 5.00 WOOD FURNACE 5.00 DISH WASHER Z„ DISPOSAL -Z URINALS PERMIT BASIC FEE 3.00 PERMIT BASIC FEE 10.00 TOTAL a7 TOTAL 11 SPECIAL CONDITIONS: NOTICE: THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 180 DAYS,OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 180 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED. OWNERS AFFIDAVIT: I CERTIFY THAT I AM EXEMPT FROM THE REQUIREMENTS OF CONTRACTORS AFFIDAVIT: I CERTIFY THAT I AM A CURRENTLY REGISTERED THE CONTRACT OR REGISTRATION LAW RCW 18.27, AND AM AWARE OF THE MASON CONTRACTOR IN THE STATE OF WASHINGTON AND 1 AM AWARE OF THE ORDINANCE COUNTY ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR WHICH THIS PERMIT IS ISSUED AND THAT ALL REQUIREMENTS REGULATING THE WORK FOR WHK;H THIS PERMIT IS ISSUED AND ALL WORK DONE WILL BE IN CONFORMANCE THEREWITH. NO CHANGES SHALL BE MADE WORK DONE WILL BE IN CONFORMANCE THEREWITH. NO CHANGES SMALL SE MADE WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING APPROVAL FROM THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING APPROVAL FROM THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. XOWNER DATE � 1? XBY DATE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY AP,Pi/ICf TION A EPTEO BY �ANSCMECKBY BUILDING GROUP APPROVED FOR ISSUANCE PERMIT VALIDATION `// � rcl� *I ___ BY CASH CK MO Page No. CASE HISTORY FOR CASE NO.: ELD92-0225 JOHN DIEHL E678 PORTAGE RD SHELTON 10/14/98 Action Description Req/ Schd/ End/ Action Notes Disp By Update Upd Code Sent Done Done Date By ------- ------------------------------ -------- -------- -------- --------------------------------------- ---- --- -------- --- BLDA200 (H) Hold / / 09/14/94 / / expired permit see letter in DOC or TLG 11/08/94 MJB attached to card PERMIT EXTENDED TO APRIL 1, 1995. PROGRESS AND INSPECTIONS MUST BE NOTED PRIOR TO APRIL 1, 1995. IF NO ACTION BUILDING DEPARTMENT MAY REQUIRE PERMIT REVIEW AND ONE-HALF BUILDING PERMIT FEE. MJB BLDA900 Telephone call / / / / 09/26/97 Mr. Diehl called to let us know he will DONE PIB 09/26/97 PIB be calling within a week or so for the wallboard nailing inspection. He wants his permit to remain in force as he is making progress. BLDB110 Structural Plan Review 08/07/97 / / 08/07/97 for deck/ landing outside sliding glass DONE DC O8/07/97 DLC door BLDB210 Water Adequacy 05/01/92 / / 05/01/92 THIS IS CS&W COMP DJK 05/01/92 DJK BLDC100 Inspection 09/22/95 09/26/95 09/26/95 progress only. DONE WLC 09/27/95 WLC BLDC100 Inspection 03/26/96 03/27/96 03/27/96 progress inspection ok'ed DONE LW 03/27/96 LAW BLDC100 Inspection 09/23/96 / / 09/25/96 work progressing, Structure is insulated DONE GDR 09/26/96 GDR at this time and building is weather tight. BLDC100 Inspection 03/31/97 �044/02/97 04/02/97 PROGRESS ONLY. BUILING IS SEALED TO THE DONE DH 04/03/97 DWH —A0-4 / �' � � tTx • WEATHER. OWNER IS HAVING MEDICAL PROBLEMS. BLDC100 Inspection 09/28/98 10/01/98 10/01/98 Unable to do progress inspection. FAIL WLC 10/02/98 TMJ Cannot get in to see progress. Need to make this available as permit is going to expire in 1 week. BLDC100 Inspection 10/08/98 10/08/98 10/08/98 PROGRESSED OK'D SUBJECT TO RESOLVING TWO PASS TR 10/09/98 KW OUTSTANDING ISSUES - ISSUE #1 ADDITIONAL PLAN REVIEW FEE OF 42.00 DUE AS OF 8/7/97 AND ISSUE #2 REINSPECT FEE OF 42.00 DUE AS OF 9/29/98 SEE CORRECTION NOTICES W/THAT DATE OK TO RESOLVE ISSUES BLDC115 Foundation wall inspection 08/06/92 08/06/92 08/06/92 FORMS AND STEEL OK 8/6/92 PASS DF 08/07/92 TLG s S )s � X c� �- c � A) S cs s sst oo..t L � 3 /4 14 V 47 r7 #,4) "tom lI �\ Z1�7 Co- off'' £ ::f0- 9? �� � 4 r� / _ram ��►-� � s�/�Z � �� � � 1 � w4g,� 2 CASE HISTORY FOR CASE NO.: BLD92-0225 JOHN DIEHL E678 PORTAGE RD SHELTON 10/14/98 Action Description Req/ Schd/ End/ Action Notes Disp By Update Upd Code Sent Done Done Date " By ------- ------------------------------ -------- -------- -------- --------------------------------------- ---- --- -------- --- BLDC125 Framing inspection 06/04/93 06/08/93 06/08/93 24 oc 32/16 sheathing FAIL DH 06/14/93 FVC AB to be 6' oc max and within 12" of each end pony wall to be braced (sheathed crawl • side) trusses jto be blk at point of bearing l: or engineering p p sheetrock backing 5 g 1 knee brace ` blk floor joist at bearing point provide positive post/beam connection seal to weather BLDC125 06/15/93 corrections not done thirty doller FAIL DH 06/18/93 DWH reinspection fee to be paid prior to next inspection BLDC125 Framing inspection 03/30/95 03/31/95 03/31/95 PASS DH 04/03/95 DWH BLDC130 Plumbing inspection 06/04/93 06/08/93 06/08/93 PASS DH 06/14/93 FVC BLDC135 Mechanical inspection 06/04/93 06/08/93 06/08/93 mechanical to be hooked up at 4" min. FAIL DH 06/14/93 FVC BLDC150 Wallboard inspection 10/09/97 10/09/97 10/09/97 FIX AND PROCEED COND SKM 10/10/97 KW 1. CORNER AND EDGE NAILING 15 8" ADD NAILS IN THESE AREAS. 2. ADD NAILS TO HORIZONTAL 2 X 6 AT PANTRY FRAMS. 3. APPROVED PLANS ARE NOT ON SITE OWNER STATES THAT SHEAR WALLS. ARE IN PLACE. AS PER DANAS REQUEST. PROCEED WITH TAPING ' REST LOOKS GOOD. BLDC155 Final inspection 03/31/98 03/31/98 03/31/98 1. POST ADDRESS ON HOUSE FAIL TR 04/01/98 KW 2. NO ACCESS NO INSPECTION BLDC155 Final inspection 09/29/98 09/29/98 09/29/98 No acces, no inspection. Same thing FAIL TR 09/30/98 TMJ happened to me here on 3/31/98. Next time $42.00 re-inspect fee will be due. BLDC156 Energy Code Payment 03/13/96 / / 03/13/96 WSEC END LETTER 03/13/96 DLC BLDC252.REINSPECTION FEE DUE / / / / 10/14/98 MR. DIEHL CALLED AND REQUESTED THE $42 DONE PIB 10/14/98 PIB RE-INSPECTION FEE BE WAIVED. DANA HAS ALLOWED THIS FEE TO BE WAIVED. I SENT A LETTER TO MR. DIEHL ABOUT THIS AND ALSO REMINDED HIM THE PLAN CHECK FEE FOR THE DECK WILL BE DUE BEFORE A FINAL INSPECTION. r - ,.l �'-t t 5... ,./, UL- 1k- -95 FRI 15 :59 TRU TRUSS INC. t•�'�lok3�3 E' -' • c. y P a 1 19 CARPENTER ROAD Se LACEX, WASIJINGTON,98503 (2-06). 91-8024 FAX(:oo) 491-8028 July 16, 1� Dana Herron Mason County Inspections Dept. Re: John Diehl 678 Portage Road East - Harstene Island _ Permit #30844 - (truss blocking at Dana, It is our opinion that blocking between trusses at bearing walls is not - required in most situations. Only-when.truss blocking is pa -t of..a.n engineered system including shear walls would blocking between ttle' trusses be part of the roof framing system. In the case of non-cantilevered closed , soffits the blocking is not a component of an engineered roof tru�s •system. As we view the case of John Diehl 's, engine6ri*d--roof_1fru•s-sue in d dosed-`'r`" s:ffit situation, no blocking is required as a componegt 'of `therroof system. Respectful iy, . 111§111141- now` Mark Vold lb/MV i I MASON COUNTY BUILDING DEPARTMENT PLAN REVIEWER AND INSPECTOR CHECKLIST ' 1991 WSEC AND V&IAQ CODE COMPLIANCE rER 1IT I14TUMBER LEGAL -4T 9 Z 6 iiZS �ot,� NAME ON PERMITD l ESL _7 PHONE # �6,9 6D 762 COMPLIANCE METHOD: ( } Prescriptive O Component J( -Y�ystems Analysis Ins . Rev. ( ) ( Slab: 3S I't Feu( �O�05-1 - TvIOJYr R-� (FIL foundation down to froosdine/slab bottom;or interior 24"top of slab&horizontal. Radiant under entire.) ( ) ( ) Below grade exterior wall insulation: R- ( ) ( ) Crawlspace ventilation: g (I sq.ft :vF.v150sq.f<floorarea-cross veered) FRAMING Standard ( ) Intermediate ( - -'Advanced WOodstoves andlor fireplaces: (6 sq.inches combustion air supply duct with damper direct to firebox.) ( ) (J Standard air seal: (Bottom plate/ssubfloor,rimjoist/mudsill,window/door frames,penetratiotu condition to non-condition.) Attic ventilation (i sq.ft sq.ft ailing area with 50/50 split UBC 3205-C) 1 9 7 q l i,5­0 / 3•Z Spot exhaust falls: (4-exhaust-bath/Iaundry 50 c£m @1.25 WG;kitchen 100 cfm @?5 WG. vented out with dampers.) Fresh air ventilation: Available to all habitable rooms. Installed and operational. Whole house exhaust fan: ±=- efm (Intermitten(system manual&auto controls/sone less than or=to 1.5 at.I WG) ( ) ( ) Integrated forced-air system. outside air duct(with damper)allowing between.35&.5 ACH. INSULATION Wall insulation (above grade) R- ­�, / (Baru face stapled) ( ) ( ) Wall insulation (below grade - interior) R- (Batts face stapled) Vapor retarders on walls (Faced bait,or 4 mil poly or perm,paint.) ( ) ( ) Rim joist (Insulated with vapor retarder-rigid foam and caulked or 4 mil poly.) Floor insulation R- 3 0 (Substantial contact w/surface,supports less than or=to 24"OC•,not blocking vertu.) ( ) ( ) Ceiling insulation R--Lf—_ (Weatherstripped access/ha(ch insulation/and rigid access dam-no cardboard.) ( ) ( ) Vaulted ceiling insulation R- (vapor retarder& I"air space) Mechanical ventilation ducts R-4 (Exhaust in unconditioned space&supply in conditioned space.) ( ) ( ) HVAC ducts in unconditioned areas R-8 (Joints sealed) Pipe insulation R-3 Hot and cold lines in unconditioned areas(service or recirc.see Table 5-12). SHW heaters: (YAECA label.separate power or gas shut-off,on R-10 pad if electric in unconditioned or on concrete.) Heating system type: I Heat pump, list size. HSPF, and COP. _- - Indoor model # Outdoor model # FINAL Radon monitor on site with instructions. (sign&date.) ( ) ( ) Thermostat: (Heat ranee 55-75:AC 70-85;both 55.85. Backup heat controls(lockouo prevent simultaneous operation of primary system) Solid fuel applS.: (Glass/metal Licht-fi(ting doors;dir.comb.air source.or 4"dia.dampened,indir.source for existing coast-) -Ground cover: (6 mil black polyethylene or approved equal lapped 12"at joints.extending to foundation wall.) ( ) ( Penetrations (All exterior wall and ceiling penetrations sealed to drywall.) * Less than or equal to 24" on center is code. Twine is recommended or supports at 12" on center. GLAZING Plan Reviewer - Fill out this glazing section or attach a window schedule to this checklist. lmpector - Verify window information during field inspections. Include skylights. glass doors and all other glazing on this form. Use rough opening area for calculations. Size Quantity Area Sq. Ft. U-Value Manufacturer Rev. Insp. o� 2 �( 2 43 '1 Total glazing area: Total conditioned area: Percentage glazing: l o Verifled: DOORS Plan Reviewer -List opaque doors by type(solid core, insulated,etc.)quantity, U-value,and manufacturer. jMpD;=- Verify door information during field inspection. Type/Quantity U-Value Nlanufacturer Rev. Insp. z � Signature of Building Inspector: Date of Final Inspection: . ` . WATTs�t.;v 5 SUPER SO0} CENTS ( 1991 MC3 ) COMPLIANCE REPORT MOW, - ^ ' MOW FILL: DNIEHL!WS ` ' ^ HOUSE^ ID: _ Site: Analyst: jurisdiction:: . ' Vtilit)': Houa� Type: 8in�l� Family/D�plex ' ' °^ ` Floor Area: 1475 ft2 ' Builder: Weather Data: Portland, OR ' Climate Zone: 1 | The PROPOSED design "COMPLIES* with Super Good Cents ( 1901 MOP ), _ | | | | COMPONENT PERFORMANCE 288 285 Btu/hr-F � | ENERGY BUDGET 2.00 1.00 W/W-yr | REFERENCE DESIGN . Reference ' Component Description Value X Area UA ______-__--___-_____________________________-___________-___-=-_______________ On Grade Slab R15 2 ' horizontal w/TB _ F70,520 35ft 10.2 Floor . R30 vented joist U-0.029 1415 41.0 m!azing 015% 0.35 U-value U-0.350 - 221.3' - 77.4 ,wra Metal R5 base case U-0.100 40'8 7.8 AG Well R'�1+R5 ADV ^ U-0'041 067 39.7 Ceiling, Attic R49 blown Attic ADV U-0.020 1475 29,5 Infiltration Standard air sealing AOH-0..350 11581ft3 _ 74 .2 . ----------------- Reference ' UA -' 288 � ----------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- PROPOSED DESIGN COMPONENTS ` Component Description Value % Area = UA ......_.....________.........._........._....._.....----------------------------------------------------............ _ On Grade Slab R10 Fully insulated F-0.360 35ft 12.6 Flowr R30 vented Joist 1600 U-0.029 1415 41 .0 Glazing @12N m"Milgard 281 Argon SL U-0.370 128'0 46.1� ""MilQard 201 Casement-Argon U-0.350 10.0 3.4-v: ""Hilgard PIC - Argon U-0.360 24'5 8.6�r ""MilQard S/H - Argon W-0.400 8.0 3,1� D"oora »r�Peachtree Avant 660 U-0.090 .21A 1.9i� '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . ' . ^ ` ^ \It��ma in_ parentheae, nAt ! nplUded in COMPONENT PERFORMANCE. tVtale. - \ Denotea non-standard values - check calculation of thermal value, \ ~�enotea adjusted UA to reflect 7-1/2 mph wibd apeed: - ---== Page 1, ` ` - � WATTSON 5.2 SUPER GOOD CENTS ( 1991 MCS ) COMPLIANCE PEPORT 06/15/92 FILE: B!DIEHL.WS HOUSE ID: Metal R-5 base case U-0.190 19.5 3.7:-` Wal l R21 ADV Lap Wood U-0„051 1018 51.9 .ailing **R49 Std - 5:12 pitch U-0.026 1475 38 Inffl treat ion Standard Air Sealing ACH-0.350 11581ft3 74 .2 ------------------------------- Proposed UA 285 Struc' Mass Light Frame, Sheetrock walls M- 3.000 1475 4425 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HEATING/COOLING/VENTILATING SYSTEMS PROPOSED Heating System Type: Electric: Zone(l System Efficiency: 100 % Modified Efficiency: 100 % Design ACH: 0.60 Heating Load( at 47F dt ): 15879 Btu/hr System Size: 4 .7 kW Maximum Size @150K 7.0 kW Average Annual Heat: 4470 kWh Annual Cost: 246 Ventilation System: Integrated Spot & Whole House Cooling Load( at OF dt ): i6019 Btu/hr Recommended Size @125%: 1.9 tons Solar Access: Partially Shaded - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GLAZING ORIENTATION PROPOSED PROPOSED South: 42.6 ft2 North: 42.6 ft2 Southeast: Northwest: East: 42.6 West: 42 .6 Northeast: Southwest: inomic and energy consumption Are designed for comparative ,.,`poses only. Actual cost for hpaying- w'ill vary d�e-pending on weather conditions, occupant lifestyle and Page 2 AT 41