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SWG2023-00494 - SWG As-Built - 3/27/2024
Mason County OSS Installation Report pg. 1 MASON COUNTY PU LIC H H APPLICANT/PERMIT INFORMATION Permit Number SWG 2023-00494 Parcel# 12105-51-31003 1B 1 Applicant Name Julie Currier Subdivision (Name/Div/Block/Lot) Cl�/(�O Applicant Address 3818 100th St Ct DETROIT#2 BLKS:31-34 TR 3&TAX 3-H&4-H City, State,Zip Gig Harbor WA 98332 Installer Name Bamford d Septic Repair Site Address 30 E Grapeview Pt Rd Allyn Designer Name Arrow Septic Des ens INSTALLATION CHECKLIST Full System Installation ❑Tank(s)Only ❑ Drainfield Only ® Repair ❑Other. System Type Pressure Bed Pretreatment Type >5ft.from foundation? --------------------------- ❑WA YES ❑ NO 150it from Wells? ------------------ -- -------I-- ❑ ❑ e i >50ft.from surface water? ---------- -- - ---N-'y='-�I - ❑ ® ❑ fCleancutbetween building and tank? ---------------nR ❑ ® ❑ v Tankbamespresent? ----- --- -- --- -- -:1��QZ4_ '� - ❑ ® ❑ F- 24"access risers over each compartment?---- ------- - ❑ e ❑ a IN W Effluent filter installed?------------ -- - ❑ ❑ in Septic tank capacity(working) NUWatef BNR pal Manufacturer Sound Placement 0 D-box water level and speed levelers used? --------------- ❑ WA ❑YES NO +J 0O Manifold/D-box accessible from surface?----------------- ❑ B ❑ m,Z Check valves installed? -------------------------- ❑ ❑ OQ 2 Transport Line Size 2inch Schedule/Class 40 Bedrooms installed(check one) E 2 ❑3 ❑4 ❑ 5 ❑6 ❑CommerciaVOther >10 ft.from foundation?- ---------------------- - -- ❑ NIA . YES No >100 ft,from wells?----------------------------- ❑ ❑ 0 W >100 ft.from surface wateO------------------------ ❑ ❑ LL >10ft.from potable water lines?------SIeG�e.d --------- ❑ ❑ Z >5 ft.from property lines and easements?-- -------------- ❑ ® ❑ W >30 ft.from downgradient curtain/foundation drains?-------- -- ❑ ® ❑ Drainfield level and observation ports present-------------- ❑ ❑ ❑ Graveless chambers or N Clean gravel used? (check one) Proper cover installed over drainfield?------------------- ❑ ® ❑ Pump tank setbacks consistent with septic tank?------------- ❑ N/A ® YES ❑ NO Y Pump tank capacity(flood) 1,475 oal Manufacturer Sound Placement Z Q 24 access risers)antl accessible from surface?------------- ❑ o. Alarm or Control Panel Installed? --------------------- ❑ ❑ 2 Control Panel equipped with Timer I ETM/Counter---------- - ❑ ❑ 7 d- Pump installed in ❑ Bucket or ® On Block or ❑ Other 0* Pump Make/Model Zoeller N-151 Floats or ❑Transducer a Tank draw down 1.5 in/min Pump cepacty 37.5 gpm Squirt Height 3 ft_ Pump on time 1.6 minutes Pump off time 8 hours Daily flow set at 360 opd uia emrmre �z�u5-5i-3��3 Masan County OSS Installation Report pg-2 ABANDONPAENT RECORD � NO p' i1i15 Were existing apt, comPo;enb aba �'e"rtl s d p 0H. Qpiw�-Lsded _al--- YES NO If yes, please tlescriba'.��-ve---w�"� were all components Pumpec c_and properly abandoned per RlAC246-272A-B3007 - -- RECORD DRAVdING Tm:fs r:em�eeon antl m s!M aaw�c:n zna o setleure ........re-mcam m tn.n v a(melnrenann aetrvuw SrN Sown avaleP^'ent tYr'u{iatn:d a Pam:a P I:eW,eaNm.9 antl PoaN W:IENga.6-slim o-'xroWx.wOWrhre Jn' gs xMa:nl D (:ebLRWM1laltl reU 8. VW..56P IP I nA bcalFn run d "au'v PT 'xe1S.Wssrc.I:o.:WM1S,eItF50g1b.ens oJwlrt nlB.renN asset pc w. IrmnPlde NasCDa 'n9a ma Iv aCtl�I:W:a ONOYa n(mal lnebFNOn argeou el antl lda'.e.l'Pa�mILF Record Drawing ACacnad CERTIFICATION OF INSTALLATION INSTALLER DESIGNER/ENGINEER 1 1 certify that I installed the system in accordance Hem I certify that the system has been installed in accor- the septic design stamped'APPROVEO°by Mason dance with the septic design stamped"APPROVED"by County Public Health and(hat any deviations shown Mason County Public Health and that any deviations here have been cisaredlapproved by both the designer shown,here have been clearedlapproved by both and Masan County Public Health and meet ali State myself and Mason County Public Health and meet all and Masan County Codes. State and Mason County Codes I further certify that all information contained on this I further certify that at/information contained on this form tl a8ache ecord Drawing is accurate form form and attached Record Drawing is accurate. 2 ; �251 f Signature_ -lade, Date j7ik Printed Name of Signed MASON COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH `. PP The undersigned approves tilts installation Report anc PAULA JOY JOHNSON'. Record Drawing cn behalfof Mason County Public L E Health,:p,�-,, t 1-'�D�Q�W�� ���2�( 6 3- fl Z Signature of Envlrcnma al Health Specialist Cate rstamp, s5 r:2u,e ar,C dater THIS FORM MAY BE SCANNED ANO AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC VIEW ON THE MASON COUNT WES SITE oxaua a"-`o;a C0.S` 35� 1uUE �122.�� el�12t05'Sl-3\003 R0��it 0 D t .r e 26Q ,I 9 House �^lou5e � 'i p ELK k i I T i i fl y,leJt i L �•� RFj �EHIgz r: Se ° Carpov.l- Ol Aldo-Visual Alarm O Cleanout Jo s� © NuWatecBNR-500 ATU Tank O4 1,250 Gallon Pump Chamber V - OS Valve Control Box C ' a R a r QR(� bar m5�de fwKe rock. r � rJe ��s a j E S�oasa9 } PAULA JOY JOHNSON I N L7G' Etl�;I;GN�q"