HomeMy WebLinkAboutWAT2023-00203 - WAT Application - 7/21/2023 I I WAT .01-5 - �Z
Fermu Assistance Gene,Buildng,Manning
415 N r Street, Bldg 8,Shelton WA 98584.
Shelton:(360)427.9670 ext 400 a Belfair:(360)275-4467 ext 400 O Elms:(360)482-5269 ext 400
Application for Determination of Water Adequacy
1. Complete Part 1. No determination can be made until Part 1 is fully completed.
2. Complete only the portion of Part 2 applying to the type of water connection utilized.
3. Submit completed application,with any required attachments for review.
4. An approved building site plan must accompany this application.
Part 1: ApplicanU Parcel Identification
Name on Applicant: Yaf i n VAr�cx Date:3 1 -21 -23
Mailing Address: 1602 ` •2 091 hone: 360-191—bq>;I
Parcel Number: HI-I Z-1 14' 0
Type of Water System Reason for Application
Public/Community Water System(2 or more I( Building permit-&Iow0 -Xq
connections) ❑ Division of land:
❑ Individual water source (one connection), #of Parcels? SPL
❑ Well ❑ Boundary line adjustment
❑ Spring/surface water ❑ Other(explain)
❑ Other(explain)
❑ Replacement or Remodel (please indicate name
If you have more than one residence connected of water system below if applicable-no
to this well, check the PubholCommunity Water signature required)
System box. t� l 2
Part 2: Water Connection Information
Complete the section appropriate for the type of water connection being evaluated:
Public Water System
Name of Water System:
Water Facility Inventory(WFI) Number: rvoAP_
(write"none"for two-party)
16 1 am the manager of thi water system. The water system has been appproved for Z services.
There are presently fa connection(s)in use. This will be the IS F connection.
❑ 1 am the manager of this system.This connection will be to upgrade or change the use of an existing
connection on this system (i.e.: recreational to full time). Please indicate on the following line the nature
of this change:
This water system is able and willing to provide water to this (these)connection(s)without exceeding
the limits of the water system or an i i se state and local regulation.
Signature of Water System Manager Date 0 3-Z3
This form may be scanned and available for public view at www.co.mason.wa.us.
J:TH Forme\Drinking Water Rev(ud 1'25M8
ECOLOGY Unpin Ecology Well ID Tag No. IM215
TywolWwC gate al waaningmn Rib Wtll Neme dmwe thin one xell3'
IN cowewdon
❑ Reines, o Oridwl mean NO.No Water Right POMiWi if toNo.
RryW lkm ID lbnwrnc ❑IMmirl OMonkyal PropmtyOwbr Nnmc Nadn Vada
❑Donations, ❑Inipino OTm Wa ❑Qhr
Well Stan Address spa CMlbmla Roatl
Cwmneia TyFn IMId:
O Na.wdl ❑°bents, Oonwv ❑Mad Oc.Rk Tod City Ellakan Carty Mason
O IMpany OOdc ❑Dw w Air O mw4nwy T.Pamal No. 42127-14-91011
Dirlam:Dmnranurv°flmmR 8 m m
b 11L L W a variance approved fin this Well? O Ym 10 No
Dap°ofempkwt weu 119 R.
f embwin0.Wr: WWI Ifym,Wins,.th VafNnot fs?
L1e7 Is,Dimrmb Fmm To T lhwsw &M WC WJY1 hrrd
M 1 ❑ R in. 0 Up .0M in. m 1 ❑ 111 1 ❑ Laotian(aa imuuctimsam peg 2): CiIWWMmOEWM
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❑ 1 ❑ n _ n ❑ 1 ❑ O 1 0 tatitide(Example:47.12345)47.282800
L~tols(Eumple-In 12345) -123.188402
hrYrMamm: ❑Yes ®N° TypeofpvOrNud
No.WpMk+Mm_ Size°fFVBMbm_a by1116 Drillar'al.o[/ConaWetbn°r Decommission Praedom
PerSMeA Nm_am_Labw!°•avYa F.1001 Deacrih by cokr,chanln ,WO,Of mnen.I M.—sov,W WMdd
mwe oroe onn-1 ui euh I.,,pewwicd.with u keen ins muY for ambdooW a
Bua: OYw OW ❑WMs d lhph_R, hkmora ion. Wow MdirnM drossJow,
MwuLemm'aNme Material From To
SNP emwn el Rasa and ravel 0 1e
prma®_ 9br® aRaa _!.b L
him.&_ SM.e_asm R.b_L Smwn medium Wont are growl with RR Nram 15 35
Brovn mrWJ growl,
sand era revel 35 44
RaaMFLMFtl:OYm 1No Siw Mpaekmamhi_a Mdticiloren] ravel,rrmtitm brovn send.lows 44 83
kYyriaY pYmt R®_L m_L.
tiae4w Fi M YO O No TOMm dy01 1$_L krose 010retl ravel,medium drown uM, 53
Mwwwdorel Benkrile Chan bwe,wet M
DN uryenmwmiO wruv4le waM OYw OW Multi.lOred avel,menus,Mown nor 0Tyyeofwmelt pplhMMa bnde,Wdter r 119
MeiM1N olssainRswu oD
Pump: mandanurtieNaw T)R:
H P_ Pump ai4e dwU—R. I1MRwd bw rani:_R no
Waver lewh: INwrf ekwrmtl°ro mmuwkwl 310 a,
Siickrr,pafmpofwbllmiro 1 R.aWw pine au6s
Sinicwnerkwl 75 ft hWn&KPofwcUmiq D@ 4MM
Mnian Prtrwrt_Ib.ler&Woes inch tom _
Artesian water iaeomollM by (oaA dw,m.)
Well Tna:
W..,umpi..00r,KvmM ONo OYmb bywWmo
Yidd_Wm with_R.dnwdown ear_Yes.
Yield_N:m with R.dnwMwn aflw M_ .
YitlJ apm rvitb_fl.dnrvWrvn aflu_b.
linc,,bnUi—-aeru rvlwO WOV h nmMoT-wino kM rnma.A Nm&NI _
TmToros bate
w ww<r teal Tw W.lerel Time wins,lent
Oere ofpumpiM as
Inks oat_vs, Jawdowe aaa_Is,
,Urns, M wmwMrtrm• 1W R.R& 1 Is,. hone 412L122
Tws,mmmeofawa 49 IF wonaWndml mlHk made? ❑Yee EW San Dab 4Q()M Completed Date 420/Y2
WELL CONSTRUCTION CERTIFICATION: I cwstmdd adrorascept sesponsibilay for cantrmum ofthis Well,ad its compliance with all Wadiingli n Wt11
mmtriwiw atadeas.Matmias u�and tee infmmmi0n reposed aborc art tine to my beN krbwidg and belief
O DWlkr❑Trounce 11 PE Jwh Drilling Coormy Arcadia Drilling Ise.
mtmn -Pont Name
5 !// _ Address PO Bw 1780
4cmee No 2874 City Shia Zia SMKw.WA 985M
U TRAIN�i4ame Ne. Cwtrxtm's
Sponsa'R Simmure Reginrotion No.ARCADDIMK1 Dole 412W22
ECY050-1-20(Rev MlIR) If)ma med&tls dormwm lnmalremaref tplmwcalllhe Warer Resoarms Progmmm31f0I01fi822.
Pe.with hmrag lass inn mil 111 forW ning.&toy&Mil, Penmu wbha spetth dsabiliyem w118Ad33b341.
8 Lor3
0.1.Sample Col(laclledd Time 6empb Cr rly 1
� 0 01Ly IIC1elle�Qle�d i
.11 W1 It. 1.:✓V �N "wlJ oil
Type of Water System(check only one box) 91 Pdvale Neareari
❑Group A Cl Group B ❑Other
Group A and Group B..
W r Eve Phonea 1 —.
�, sane�nM Q_2ml �gmsaGJe�n:�gyeleae el _.
'ampb cnlacled by name): V4,i
n •/ I/
alit locationar Md..Mte sample collected: Special instructors or comments
402 W [• air Orvlirn Q
Stq�f�bn 9eSF y
Type al Sample(must check only one box of kt through Nd listed habw)
1.09 Routine Distribution Sample 2.Repeat Sample(after unral.routine)
Chlorinated:Yes—N. X ❑Distribution System
y Chlorine Residual:Total_Free_,-_ Chlonnated'.Yes_No_
9.Raw Water Source Sample Chbnne Residual:Total Frea_
❑F -Surlse.G 951wrrwnbn) Junaiisfetta,mium,not nambeL I
Fllgne.Yss No _
❑Assessmeni Monitoring(A)') I rr, c1 tlnlr
a. Sample Collected for Information Only
Invearya at ConsWclionl Repairs_ Other_
❑U jqfSaftefrii
❑Ecoli present ❑Ewli absent
harm deleded
Replacement Sample Required:
[]Sample too old(>30 hours) ❑TNTC ❑_
Bacterial Density Results'.Total Colilonn 1100m1. E.1 1100m1. t.
Fecal Leitrim, 1100od Emirrococci_...._(100rot
Method Cod SM 9223B ❑Sh192220 Dale and Time R"I'ved.
SM 921Ea ❑Bntembryb 0 r1-2 l Ori
Daoarw TMe Analrmd. O " 'Z Dale Repro - P
snrige llumlwi lAW rw�R+'du eru WNur tee Utle onlr