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SWG Non-Occupancy Notice - 12/11/2023
r � Arrow Septic Designs, Inc. 171 E Vuecrest Dr. Union, WA 98592 December 11,2023 Mason County Department of Health Services 415 N 6th St Shelton, WA 98584 RE: South Shore Enterprises(Parcel N32232-43-90013)Existing Septic Documentation Dear Inspector: This is documentation for South Shore Enterprises existing septic system for a warehousing property at 750 E. Dalby Rd. in Union, WA. There is an existing septic system onsite equivalent to a 4-bedroom or 480 gallons per day. The septic records indicate a design date of 1996 and installation in 1997. The existing septic received an Operation&Maintenance inspection on 11-16-23 and has no observed problems. The site currently has a 1- bedroom cottage onsite used for security and an existing warehouse building with plumbing that may be remodeled or replaced in the future. A new 4,800 s.f.warehouse is going to be built at the north end of the site that will be dry vehicle storage only with no plumbing. Flow/usage breakdown: I-bedroom security cabin to be used by a maximum of 2 people = 120 GPD 10 full-time field&shop employees(8 hrs./day)@ 15 GPD - 150 GPD Excess capacity for future employees up to 14 ea @n• 15 GPD = 210 GPD Total maximum anticipated use= 480 GPD Note: The average usage will be approx.28%lower because the site is primarily used 5 weekdays and is closed the 2 weekend days every week. Currently,this facility has very little restroom/water usage. This existing septic system is oversized for its application and proposed usage including the existing and new warehouse buildings. This facility does not have a customer restroom and they are not planning on adding them. This is a warehousing facility to be used by South Shore Enterprises/Hood Canal Communications employees only. See the attached Plot Plan layout drawing. There are(8)33.5' laterals spaced at 10'O.C.with a center feed manifold and room for reserve drainfield in between the existing trenches. If the reserve is installed,the fill dirt that has been placed on the drainfield area will need to be removed first. In a Type 4 soil,with an application rate of 0.6,this equates to 800 s.f.of drainfield area to accommodate up to 480 gallons per day of flow. There is currently a 2-compartment 1,200 gallon septic tank with an effluent filter followed by a 1,000 gallon(1,200+flood cap)single-compartment pump chamber. South Shore Enterprises/Hood Canal Communications contact information is as follows: Attn: Rick Buechel or Mike Oblizalo P.O. Box 249 Union, WA 98592 (360)898-2481 If you need further informatioj; case contact my office at(360)898-2255. Sincerely, - y, 10 -• fir. Paula J.Johnson • . ., 1:1: Licensed Onsite 4:•' aters ,-..u. ent n Designer t PAULA JOY JOHNSON Ex it ..s SSri5/ Key: ��S-r r0 0 Audio-Visual Alarm Soy.k�c$1^e-� `r t°"' , 1 �`' 3(� `'' �1-5 3 Cleanout fart{(IP 32232-Y3- ea413 Z,,, iiii: (. ,5 f f0U'"S O 1200 Ga]lo Septic Tank �xiStTnq 7ci 0 j�vtl ® { 1 2-Compartment with y t / Wf < Effluent Filter ! EX Ste` LZ.ao .�Q! / 3 1000 Gallon Pump Chamb �� • . 7o' C Valve Control Box trTh �CpQ,c.c. �5c tr�� a"�/ • .‘''') CxiS+fria C i '1 Covtr<d L8� 3 X ?J3• J j Per ;h zx;S-i-inc) r\-;mary d ra;n-F, o(d kv J re S ? in ritC( h NI iti'.. A' Pivw,b��y D O a© ' r Sj 2 +'1� *4 •It _./ .t. .. , . .4„...4,....„..4,,,,. , _, ,k. ,,,.w.. .. 0,..„, ....:A,, _ 4c-- 8 � COX C T¢ &PAuLA.IOY JGHNSpN •?�%�}, . anal ? KeAsEcinPgiakt .. `tr cots a �. is��.- yPfRESST� `� 1 t Z —Lc -Z3 2so' SCau : , ::_ Su• - J 1 1 f 0 25 S° 7r 100 g . • , ---T-•:.F;" .: .-,:" t—7--- — — I, I i . ,. 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Wallace Kneeland Blvd STE#224-332 13607902364 Shelton, WA 98584 c-PROPERTY INFORMATION Location:750 E DALBY ROAD Union Tax ID:322324390013 Nee To, SOUTH SHORE ENTERPRISES LLC PO BOX 249 Use: UNION,WA 985920249 GENERAL SYSTEM TYPE:Conventional (Pressurized) ON ID:322324390013 County Area: Hood Canal Fad .- ON-SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM INSPECTION REPORT Faa {are Here Inspected:11/16/2023 • Inspection Type:ROUTINE - Correction Status:No corrections needed Company: Work Performed By: Submitted 11/17/2623 by: Bamford septic Repair,LLC Thaddeus Bamforc Thaddeus Bamford COMMENTS& GENERAL INSPECTION NOTES No Deficiencies Noted Repaired broken lateral end in drain field. No observed problems. GENERAL SITE&SYSTEM CONDITIONS The General Site and System Conditions were: _ _ _ Fully Inspected Components accessible for service YES All required service performed(if no-specify omitted inspection items in notes): __ _ YES Surfacing effluent from any component(including mound seepage): NO Components appear to be watertight-no visual leaks: _ YES Improper encroachment(structures/impervious surfaces) NO All riser lids securely fastened upon departure: _ YES Electrical repairs needed. If YES describe in comments. NO Inspected components appear to be in good physical condition: YES Root intrusion on any components. If YES describe in comments: _ - NO Settling problems observed. If YES describe in comments: NO The house/structure was vacant or used infre-guenn�_assessment of pep drainfield was not_possible. NO ONSITE SEWAGE SYSTEM INSPECTION DETAIL TANK::Septic Tank-2 Comportment This component was: Fully Inspected Effluent level within operational limits(if NO explain in comments): YES All required baffles In place(N/A=No baffles required): YES Compartment 1 Scum accumulation(Inches,if other specify): 2-4 Compartment 1 Sludge accumulation(Inches,if other specify): Compartment 2 Scum accumulation(Inches,if other specify): Compartment 2 Sludge accumulation(Inches,if other specify): 2-4 Pum.in.recommended NO TANK:Pump Tank This component was: Fully Inspected Compartment 1 Scum accumulation(Inches.if other specify): Compartment 1 Sludge accumulation(Inches,If other specify): Pum.in•recommended -ump:Effluent Pump This component was: Fully Inspected Controls functioning: YES Tested.allons•-r minute flow: -met:Alarm-High Water This component was: Fully Inspected Alarm mechanism functioning as intended: YES ReportiD: 1239041 View inspection reports online at www.onlinerme.com Page 1 of 2 erainfierd(disposal):Pressure This component was: Fully Inspected Lateral lines flushed: NO Average squirt height(if performed)(feet,if other specify): Ponding present?If YES explain in comments: u0 Tres report iMicates certain cheraelensfics of the onsae sewage system et the time a'wr In r o way 0s[his roper a guarantee Of Opera50e Or future performance ReportiD: 1239041 View inspection reports online at www.onlinerme.com Page 2 of 2