HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004/11/04 - Board of HealthMASON COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH PROCEEDINGS
November 4, 2004
Chairperson Jayni Kamin called the meeting to order at 10:02 a.m. Attendance: Chairperson, Jayni Kamin; Board
Member, Wes Johnson; Board Member, Herb Baze, Absent.
Steve Kutz, Depaitnrent of Health Director
Debbie Riley, Environmental Health Manager
Dr. Trucksess, Health Officer
Dean Gushee, Mason General Hospital
Joe Hoffman, Mason General Hospital
Mark Freedman, Regional Support Network
Cmmr. Johnson/Kamin moved and seconded to approve the Board of Health meeting minutes for September
2, 2004. Motion carried unanimously. J-aye; K-aye; B-absent.
Health Officer's Report:
Dr. Trucksess, Health Officer, reported for the months of September and October on communicable diseases:
Giardia — 3 cases; Rabies Prev. Treatment — 3 cases; Positive PPD Tuberculosis — 1 case; LTBI RX Started — 1 case.
STD Report from January 1, 2004 through October 29, 2004 indicates: Chlamydia - 87 cases; Gonorrhea - 5 cases;
Herpes Simplex — 2 cases; Herpes Genital Simplex — 6 cases; Secondary Syphilis — 1 case; Early Latent Syphilis — 1
case; Late Latent Syphilis — 3 cases; and HIV — 2 cases.
In Southern Oregon a case of West Nile Virus (WNV) was discovered in a Blue Jay. There have not been any cases
of WNV reported in Washington.
Dr. Trucksess reported a draft has been issued for Pandemic Influenza response and preparedness. The draft of the
plan outlines a coordinated national strategy to prepare for and respond to an influenza pandemic. It includes a core
section, which describes a coordination of decision making at the national level, state level and at the local level.
Staff Presentation:
Steve Kutz, reported the Center of Disease Control (CDC) has a new distribution process for the Flu vaccine and is
attempting to provide all the Health Departments with half of their original ordered. Mr. Kutz is estimating 700-900
doses to be delivered to Mason County Health Department. The CDC is also planning to distribute vaccines to the
retirement and nursing homes to take the pressure off of the health departments.
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Mr. Kutz announced he had sent out a press release on November 3, 2004 to inform the public flu vaccines will be
available. The health department is requesting Mason County residents eligible for the Flu vaccine, because of their
risk factors, to fill out a questionnaire form and return it to Mason County Health Department Office. The screening
forms will need to be received no later than Friday November 19, 2004. The questionnaire and screening forms are
available at the health depailnient and on the county web site. The questionnaire and screening form will be
reviewed for eligibility. If the number of returned eligible forms exceed the available quantity of Flu vaccine, the
staff will randomly select those who will receive the vaccine, since there is no way to determine whether one
individual has a greater medical need for the vaccine than another individual. Applications will not be accepted
from residents in other counties, as the other counties will be receiving their own limited allocation to supply to their
Cmmr. Kamin asked how many vaccine doses were administered at the Mason County Health Department in 2003.
Mr. Kutz replied approximately 2000 doses were administered in 2003.
Regional Support Network (RSN):
Mr. Kutz introduced Mr. Mark Freedman, RSN Administrator. Mr. Freedman will provide an update to the
Commissioners on the Health and Social Services program administered through RSN.
Mr. Mark Freedman, RSN Administrator, gave a PowerPoint presentation. He reviewed the history, the defmition
of RSN's, who is eligible for services, services currently being provided in Mason County, how funding works,
Non -Medicaid issues, evaluations, and treatment facilities.
In the early 70's there was an inter -local agreement formed between Thurston and Mason Counties. Mason County
agreed to transfer the funding and the responsibility for mental health services in Mason County to Thurston County.
The RSN responsibilities are to provide the most effective/efficient quality mental health care services to those in
need. They do the planning and working with the Advisory Board, stakeholders, consumers, advocates and agency
subcontractors. They utilize limited resources to ensure the right services and resources are available to all that meet
the eligibility requirements. The services that are offered are crisis services, inpatient care, and outpatient care.
Mr. Freedman stated there are 14 RSN's statewide and $794 million Biannual in funding per year.
Cmmr. Johnson questioned what source of funding the $794 million is.
Mr. Freedman replied it is from the Federal Government Title 19 funding that is administered through Centers for
Medicare and Medicaid services. The funds are sent to the state and they contract for services under a managed care
environment, which is the RSN's.
Cmmr Johnson asked if the $794 million is all Federal funds.
Mr. Freedman replied 50% is Federal and the other 50% is matched by State funding.
Mr. Freedman reported 924 clients from Mason County received services in 2003. Mason County's available
resources are Behavioral Health Resources (BHR), South Sound Mental Health, Providence St. Peter Hospital, and
Puget Sound Hospital.
Cmmr. Kamin asked Mr. Freedman for more information on the strategic plan the Thurston/Mason Mental Health
Advisory Board has done.
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Mr. Freedman replied the advisory board develops a long-range plan for assessing community needs and the
approach to the needs.
Cmmr. Kamin asked if the Thurston County Commissioners adopted the plan.
Mr. Freedman replied it is not necessary to have the Commissioners approval, although a copy is sent to them.
Cmmr. Kamin said she attended an Economic Development summit last summer and an issue was raised about the
need to have a comprehensive strategic health plan for Mason County. She requested Mr. Freedman to send her a
copy of the strategic plan.
Mr. Freedman reviewed the eligibility requirements and the services provided. He stated currently there is a severe
lack of inpatient beds available in the state. The anticipation is that there will be a further reduction in beds
available for mental health patients in our area.
Mr. Kutz asked Mr. Freedman if there are more people requesting services than there are funds available.
Mr. Freedman said anyone on Medicaid that needed services received them. The problem comes with an individual
that is mentally ill and doesn't have Medicaid coverage. Often times it is people in jail or just coming out of jail that
are not served because of funding.
Mr. Kutz introduced the hospital staff present. They are in attendance because they are expecting to be greatly
impacted by the expected funding cuts.
Mr. Kutz asked if the advisory board has any open positions.
Mr. Freedman replied there is always a need for more members.
Cmmr. Kamin stated there is an open position on the advisory board for a person from Mason County. A press
release was sent out to the press for the open position and was also added to the website. At this time there haven't
been any applications received. Commissioner Kamin stated she would continue to try and recruit someone to fill
the position.
Environmental Health Fees:
Ms. Debbie Riley, Environmental Health Director stated she received a report of a woman who tried to pass herself
off as health inspector at a local fast food establishment. The Mason County health inspectors always wear an
identification tag, carry business cards, and usually drive to the restaurants in a County car. Mr. Jess Mosley, Health
Food Inspector has been visiting the local restaurants to let them know that he is the inspector and of the person
posing as the inspector.
Ms. Riley requested a fee hearing to be scheduled at the next Board of Health meeting December 9, 2004 to revise
the onsite septic permit fee payment process and a few other minor revisions.
Cmmr. Johnson/Kamin moved and seconded to set a hearing at the December 9, 2004 Board of Health
meeting for environmental fees at 10:30 am. Motion carried unanimously. J-aye; K-aye; B-absent.
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Environmental Health Waivers/Variances:
Provided for informational only.
Submitted to the Board by Health Director, Steve Kutz
The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 a.m. due to no further business.
Dr. Mark Trucksess, Health Officer
'n, Chairperson
v aa�,
Wesley E. ohnso Board Member
Herb Baze, Board Member