HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD2022-01444 - BLD Permit / Conditions - 7/28/2022SW 1/4, NE 1/4 SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 20 NORTH, RANGE 2 WEST, W.M. PARCEL NO. 22005-52-00042 PROJECT GENERAL NOTES These notes supplement the drawings. Any discrepancy found among the drawings, these notes, and the site conditions shall be reported to the engineer, who shall correct such discrepancy in writing. Any work done by the contractor after discovery of such discrepancy shall be done at the contractor's risk. The contractor shall verify and coordinate the dimensions among all drawings prior to proceeding with any work or fabrication. The contractor is responsible for all bracing and shoring during construction. The Contractor is responsible for furnishing and installing all materials, labor and equipment necessary to complete the work shown on these drawings and to obtain acceptance by the County and the owner. The Contractor shall coordinate all construction activities with adjacent property owners. Adjacent roadways shall remain accessible at all times. All areas disturbed during construction shall be restored to their original pre -construction state or better. BIDDERS WARRANTY By the act of submitting a bid for the proposed contract, the Contractor warrants that: A. The contractor and all subcontractors he intends to use have carefully and thoroughly reviewed the drawings and notes and have found them complete and free from ambiguities and sufficient for the purpose intended; further that, B.The contractor has carefully examined the site of the work and that from his own investigations, he has satisfied himself as to the nature and location of the work, as to the character, quality, quantities of material and difficulties to be encountered, as to the extent of equipment and other facilities needed for the performance of the work and as to the general and local conditions, and other items which may in any way affect the work or its performance, further that, C.The contractor and all workmen he intends to use are skilled and experienced in the type of construction represented by the drawings and documents bid upon; further that, D Neither the contractor nor any of his employees, agents, intended suppliers, or subcontractors have relied upon any verbal representations allegedly authorized or unauthorized from the owner or his employees or agents, including the architect or engineers, in assembling the bid figures; further that, E.The bid figure is based solely upon the construction contract documents and soils/geotechnical reports, and properly issued written addenda and not upon any other written or verbal representations. GENERAL NOTES (FOR ALL PROJECTS) 1. All workmanship and materials shall be in accordance with the Mason County Standards and the most current copy of the State of Washington Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction (WSDOT/APWA). 2. All safety standards and requirements shall be complied with as set forth by OSHA, WISHA, and Washington State Department of Labor and Industries. 3. All work in the County right-of-way requires a Mason County Business License and right of way permit. All contractors shall be licensed and bonded in the State of Washington. Proponent shall comply with all other permits and other requirements of the governing authority or agency. 4. A pre -construction meeting with the Mason County is required. The meeting shall be scheduled a minimum of two (2) days before the start of construction. Contact the County Engineering Department at (360) 786-5590 to schedule. 5. It is the contractor's responsibility to notify the County of his/her schedule. Inspection by County personnel shall be during County work hours. County inspection hours are 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday through Friday, except holidays. The proponent must give the County a minimum of 24-hours notice for inspections. No trenching on public right-of-way after 4:00 PM unless otherwise approved by the County. Other work such as backfilling, cleanup, etc. or as approved by the County is acceptable if 24-hour prior notice is provided to the County. 6. Temporary erosion/water pollution measures shall be required in accordance with section 1-07.15 of the WSDOT/APWA Standard Specifications, the Washington State Department of Ecology Storm Water Management Manual for the Puget Sound Basin, and of the Mason County Code. At no time will silts and debris be allowed to drain into an existing or newly installed storm water facility or adjacent roads or properties. The contractor shall not release storm water to the sanitary sewer system. All erosion control and water pollution prevention measures shall be regularly inspected and maintained by the contractor. 7. It is the contractor's responsibility to notify all emergency services (Fire, Police, etc.) if streets or other accesses are obstructed. The contractor shall be responsible for notifying the Fire Department. 8. The Contractor shall notify and work with all affected property owners. The Contractor shall provide the County with emergency telephone numbers at the time of the preconstruction meeting and shall supply a foreman on site at all times. 9. The contractor shall be responsible for all traffic control in accordance with The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and Department of Labor and Industries. Prior to disruption of any traffic, traffic control plans shall be prepared and submitted to the County for approval. No work shall commence until all approved traffic control is in place. 10. The contractor shall be fully responsible for the location and protection of all existing utilities. The contractor shall verify all utility locations prior to construction by calling the Underground Locate line at 1-800-424-5555 a minimum of two (2) business days prior to any excavations. 11. Water, sewer or storm service lines broken on private property shall be repaired immediately by the contractor in accordance with Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC) or other appropriate standards. County service lines broken in the County Right-of-way shall be repaired by the County. The Contractor will be billed for the repair work on a time and materials charge for marked utility lines. 12. All utilities shall be staked for grades and alignment by a licensed Engineering or Surveying firm capable of performing such work. 13. Signed approved blueprints shall be on site at all times while work is being performed. 14. The Contractor shall restore work area to same or better condition unless otherwise approved or specified. 15. All disturbed areas, other than pavement and rocked surfaces, shall be seeded and mulched, or similarly stabilized to the satisfaction of the County, and in accordance with the Standards. For sites where grass has been planted, the performance and or maintenance guarantees will not be released until the grass has been thoroughly established, unless otherwise approved by the County. 16. If existing native material is determined by the County to be suitable for backfill, the contractor may use the native material. 17. All asphalt restoration shall be as specified in the Mason County Minimum Road Standards or to the depth of the existing pavement, whichever is greater. Existing asphalt edges shall be sawcut to a smooth straight edge prior to final patching, unless otherwise approved by the County. 18. All concrete restoration shall be sawcut to a smooth, straight edge prior to final patching, unless otherwise approved by the County. 3000-psi concrete shall be used, and shall be poured to the same depth and alignment as the existing pavement. The County may require doweling. 19. All permanent patching shall be accomplished within seven (7) calendar days unless otherwise approved by the County. Any temporary patch that requires more than seven (7) calendar days shall be hot mix asphalt concrete. Temporary patching shall be 2" depth Class B asphalt concrete pavement 2" medium curing (MC-250) liquid asphalt (coldmix), or 2" asphalt treated base. Contractor shall maintain the patch. If not properly maintained, the County will perform any necessary repair and bill the Contractor. GENERAL NOTES: STREET CONSTRUCTION (IF APPLICABLE) 1. Prior to working within the County Right-of-way or on County Property, the Contractor must obtain a Mason County Right -of -Way Permit. It is the contractor's responsibility to verify the location of the right-of-way. 2. All curb and gutter, street grades, sidewalk grades, -and -any- other -vertical- andfo Horizontal alignment shall be staked by a licensed engineering or surveying firm capable of performing such work. 3. Where new asphalt joins existing, the existing asphalt shall be cut to a neat vertical edge and tacked with asphalt emulsion type CSS-1 in accordance with the WSDOT/APWA Standard Specifications. The new asphalt shall be feathered back over existing to provide for a seal at the saw cut location and the joint sealed with AR-4000W paving asphalt. 4. Compaction of subgrade, rock and asphalt shall be in accordance with the WSDOT/APWA Standard Specifications. 5. Form and subgrade inspection by the County is required before placing asphalt or concrete. Twenty-four hours notice is required for form inspection. 6. Testing and sampling frequencies wll be as described in the Mason County Design and Construction Standards. 7. The Contractor/Developer provides and installs street name and regulatory signs at their expense. 8. Where new asphalt joins existing asphalt, the existing asphalt shall be cut to a neat vertical edge and tacked with Asphalt Emulsion type CSS-1 per Section 9-02.1(6) of the WSDOT/APWA Standard Specifications. Tack coat shall be applied per Section 5-04.3(5)A. The new asphalt shall be feathered back over existing to provide for a seal at the saw cut location and the joint sealed in accordance with Section 5-04.3(5)C of the WSDOT/APWA Standard Specifications. 9. Compaction of subgrade, sub -base, base, surfacing, pavement, or layers of similar material shall be in accordance with Section 2-06 and Section 4-04.3(5) of the WSDOT/APWA Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction. Fill shall be provided in 6" maximum lifts unless otherwise approved by the County, and shall be compacted to 95 percent of its maximum relative density. 10. Inspection by the County is required during all phases of construction. It is the contractor's responsibility to notify the County of his/her schedule. Inspection by County personnel shall be required during County work hours. County work hours are 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday through Friday, except holidays. A minimum of 24-hours notice is required for inspection of any work by the County. BASIS OF BEARING Basis of Bearing is the bearing between two found points in Phillips Lake road. the first being found 3/4 iron pipe w/brass tack in cap (last visited September, 1990), bearing N63°22'00" W, 150.00 feet to found 3/4 iron pipe w/brass tack in cap (last visited December, 2021). See survey by Holman and Associates, dated December 2021. PROJECT SITE Site Layout based on existing location and measurements performed and shown on surey. TransOlympic Engineering recommends verification all site features and boundaries prior to construction. Contractor should verify lines and bearings prior to layout of bulkhead, site features, or other improvements. BENCHMARK NAVD 1988 vertical datum. Project benchmark: IRON BAR WITH PLASTIC CAP, ELEVATION = 193.71, (NAVD 88). Two foot contour intervals shown TOPOGRAPHIC NOTE Topographic information was generally verified by TransOlympic Engineering, Inc. by site visit. AS -BUILT DRAWING NOTE TransOlympic Engineering, Inc. is required by Mason County to provide as -built certification prior to final County acceptance. TransOlympic Engineering, Inc., will not certify as-builts unless we have inspected actual installation of the storm and drainage features prior to backfill. Provide 72 hours notice to schedule inspections. EXISTING UTILITY NOTE Existing utility information depicted on these plans was obtained from best available sources at the time of design. Private services should be confirmed with land owners, as they may not be of record and located by location services. Contractor shall be solely responsible for the relocation of existing underground utilities depicted or not depicted on these plans. 2650 E Phill►p; Lake loop4.Rd. Shclion VICINITY MAP SHEET INDEX Cal C1.0 C2.0 NOTES AND COVER SHEET SITE PLAN DETAILS APPLICANT: OWNER: PARCEL NO: SITE AREA: ZONING: PROJECT INFORMATION KRISTIN DOWNING PO BOX 65929 UNIVERSITY PLACE, WA 98464 (253)820-1524 DOWNING MARITAL TRUST PO BOX 65929 UNIVERSITY PLACE, WA 98464 22005--52-00042 APPROX. 0.19 ACRES, MORE OR LESS RESIDENTIAL SURVEY LEGEND FOR SYMBOLS NOT SHOWN SEE SHEET C1.0. LEG FND • _ SET #5 IRON BAR W/ PLASTIC YELLOW CAP "HOLMAN LS 15653" 0 = FOUND AS NOTED (R) = RECORD (M) = AfPASURED z 0 U) W 0 0 z PERMIT REVIEW SUBMITTAL U o .�_z O� w W z� INCORP CLIENT REVIEW COMMENTS N 1 to 0 N N Ns -I 0 NOTES AND COVER SHEET Sheet Contents w Lll V - w cc cm cc w CC W z H t 0 CC 0 0 cc a O J w U) a J J a W 0 U) l0 N 00 U) 0o rn 0 w N Designed By MJL Drown By SOG Checked By MJL Dote 04-27-22 04-27-22 Project Number 22008 Sheet Number C0.1 1 of 3 ��� C / / / 4 / / •/ / / / / / 4 �� / -.-:4 — FOUND 3/4'' IRON PIPE ��, / O / 4<// Cl / // \\\ / / // FOUND 3/4'' IRON PIPE LEANING, NORTH 0.09', EAST 0.39' FOUND 3/4 IRON PIPE W/BRASS TACK IN CAP (LAST VISITED DECEMBER, 2021) LEGAL DESCRIPTIO SW 1/4, NE 1/ SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 20 NORTH, RANGE 2 WEST, W.M. SITE AD ► ESS: 2650 E PHILLIPS LAKE LOOP RD. SHELTON, WA. 98584 PARCr' NO. 22005-52-00042 \ / PAVED PARKING AREA \ PARKING AREA / \ c1\ APPROXIMATE OVERHEAD POWER AND UTILITIES — — — FUTILITY POI.' N N / / / / \ `c'\ / ` 7,7„LOT 43 \ \ l // / \ \ G\.:I?� ISHED ` \+ \ / / \ UO� `� \ \ = l5.98 \ \ \��\/ / / \ ��'�' \ (� \ \ FLOc�R \ \ // // \\ ?> \\ 0 \ \ \ \ / • N �� \ \\ \ \� ///\ l 1r' \ // } \ 4 N \-24\\\ //j/,� LOT42 `\\\\\\\/ , \ \ \\ \ ///ii '` A4- `\\ 0',a` \ ` \ // // /4>Gv°> .', `p. -,\` \ / //c <,>,p 'c \ \// // t ���\\<\ // %tS�7'�d �' \ \ \\' / UTILITY POLE X231.52 LOT 41 N sc N // / / / /4' / // // // / /,// /< // EXISTING`\\\\\ /�,�/xA �-/ �i / 2650 SHELTON, WA -O M�PE ROAD OAD / \/Gc//HOUSE rINISHrD�C�)cO�/c,O// // FLOOR 224.79' \\-/\\/ / / / `�\X223-1 ° 22 //, / `/^\ \ N / c.o/ N NNxNN,. N,\ CN 31 F` 6-\ \ N \ (iJ �� N N ��7c, N s 1.0 FOUND #5 IRON BAR WITH PLASTIC CAP "HOLMAN, TS 15653" SET IN PREVIOUS SURVEY, ONLINE, TEANING SOUTHEASTERLY ( \ \ \��` N N N 214.5/%< \ // \\ / / \ / / CONCRETE \ham / PATIO/DECK ��� 5 1 EAVE CORNER N N N N 2�454 / / / / 215•35 \ \ w EXISTING BENCH, \\�\�� LANDSCAPING AND FEATURES TO REMAIN FOUND #5 IRON BAR WITH PLASTIC CAP "HOLMAN, 15653" SET IN PREVIOUS SURVEYSOUTH 0.04, EAST 0.17 BULKHEAD REPAIR SITE PLAN TOPOG' A 'HY NOTE: TOPOG' • IC INFORMATION FROM SURVEY DATED ECEMBER 2021, BY CLIENT'S SU ' OR, DAN HOLMAN, PLS 156%3, HOLMAN AND ASSOCIATES, LAND SURVEYORS (360)426-2990 EXISTING UTILITIES NOTE: EXISTING U11LI7Y INFORMATION WAS OBTAINED FROM BEST AVAILABLE SOURCES AT THE TIME OF DESIGN. U11LI11ES MAY EXIST ON SITE THAT ARE NOT DEPICTED. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR RELOCATION OF CONFLICTING DUSTING UTILITIES WHETHER SHOWN OR NOT. CALL FOR LOCATES 2 WORKING DAYS BEFORE BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. WWW.CALLBEFOREYOUDIG.COM EAVE CORIs_IT I` '%/'M 1• eel < /K,— D I,�'TING o c,) / ON ADJACE 00 \� INSTALL MODULAR" [ BLOCK RETAIAYNG WALL/BULKHEAD. SEE TYPICAL FOUND #5 LRON B.A.T, WITH PLASTIC CAP "HOLMAN, TS 15653" SET IN PREVIOUS SURVIY SOUTH O. 05, EAST TRANING, TIED POINT OF ENTRY /4) +97 FOUND #5 IRON BAR WITH PLASTIC CAP "EMERSON, LS SILT FENCE AS REQUIRED TO PROTECT SHORELINE, LAKE AND ADJACENT PROPERTIES 00 ACCESS STAIR DO T DISTURB EXISTIN OCK TO REMAIN N DO NOT DIStUiW EXISTING BULKHEAD ON ADJACENT PARCEL \i-v<0 VERTICAL DATUM NAVD 1988 1 FOOT CONTOUR INTERVAL SHOWN IA co ci o IE u. co o 19 co Li >- I NO, DATE REVISION PERMIT REVIEW SUBMITTAL INCORP CLIENT REVIEW COMMENTS EN In ei- 04-27-22 CL LU CC CL CC 0 LU —J a) LU LU LLJ CC CC LU CD —J Ca th 2650 E PHILLIPS LAKE LOOP ROAD SHELTON, WA 98584 Designed By Drawn By SO G Checked By Date 04-27-22 04-27-22 Project Number 22008 OVERLAPPING GEOGRID AA,♦♦♦ .4 pwalm�rimvirm.imasiAwEVMSIE.**141E•1.4MIIK41/4 off, imumkniviwawliMNOWAr AZ.VIV•211E1P__,:k i Tip k...wz7iiri •iTiffAmiLVA��a.iiVivio. 110mai kiNi .TI 01 ,.4ElMY4TV4ElIT46TW/Wil 4WIEIMMAIKag tailllavaMMIk ,, '07 1 m pro im m no r war+ww 4got m../ 0%0♦:'�♦A♦ *° � ..11040140tVA4e4Y / II,. ♦♦♦, 7:1**♦♦ ♦♦mivati,--- 4'-On WALL CONSTRUCTION PER PLANS AND DETAILS STEP SYSTEM DETAILS 1"_1'-0» ;11/1„? 9 ch 2 O� wx _Q z zw CO ▪ MI • m w CAPSTONES -\ MODULAR BLOCK UNITS RADIUS = 4'-On TYPICAL OVERLAPPING GEOGRID • ril um opili iiiil 1:11111 %as IV't_121:1101111reAtroW11011 SECT ON ��-A&NrA�����'�'I ,i.� �OSt a���� RIGHT �V��y�� �►��►� �,i :A ��r.w 1*\ , , , IT At‘g ;41 1 irtn 1 k wr. mmar ��,.t1� ♦-44t4L..!!AAIriikviivp-v-ii• Nomplowintwaim • AL.iik --ws; ��♦♦�;.,�♦♦♦�♦♦♦♦♦♦iin IN*44:w4y Am i -..- ,4b.„ „, ` .___. -�� ±8" VERTICAL FACE OF STEPS, TYP. NOTE6_ • WALL iLOGK le S-RAV I TYSTONE ENCORE, fY I.A6AL I TE • TOP6O I L 16 6T12 3-WAY MIX GAP AP -FEARED ARED IN PLAGE iiA6AL I TE ENCORE CONCRETE RETAINING WALL if7LOGK IN6TALL PER MAN Uff IN6TRUGTION6 AND 6PEGIff IGAT ION6 I DRAINAGE ROCK, -O3 IZ(4) F2E1 [IND WALL AND IN UN I T6 r a COMPACTED 5/e" MINUS A6E (�MIN Jhk2K) ff IRM, UNDI6TURIED NATIVE 601 L6 I I -I. I I I 11 I I ----I I I I FILTER ffAl5RIG MULGh-f OVER 6." TOP6O 1 L -1- PROVIDE I O GRAVEL 1.AGKff I LL I w °O ffOR WALLS, I V/6DOT S-03_ I2 (2) I 1 > MIRAF I 3XT OR EQUAL sEOaR ID (TYP) 5'-0" TYP r i CO MODULAR REINF. BULKHEAD WALL SECTION DOUBLE 16 x 16 x4 n PRECAST BLOCK OR CAPS FOR TREADS ARRANGED IN RUNNING BOND COMPACT SUBBASE MATERIAL TO A MINIMUM OF 95% MAX. DRY DENSITY NOT TO SCALE C1.0 FREE -DRAINING GRANULAR MATERIAL (3" THICK, MINIMUM) COMPACT TO A MIN. OF 95% MAX. DRY DENSITY SECTION THRU STAIRS NO. DATE REVISION PERMIT REVIEW SUBMITTAL INCORP CLIENT REVIEW COMMENTS 1 04-15-22 04-27-22 Sheet Contents w w V a w CL LU w z —J m (9 0 zz z� U cc 2650 E PHILLIPS LAKE LOOP ROAD SHELTON, WA 98584 Designed By MJL Drawn By SOG Checked By MJL Dote 04-27-22 04-27-22 Project Number 22008 Sheet Number C2.0 3 of 3