HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOM 2023-00064 - COM CD Environmental Health Review - 7/10/2023 (,, . :ti MASON COUNTY COMMUNITY SERVICES PermitNo:L(I ' / `[�. PERMIT ASSISTANCE CENTER: �I V• BUILDING•PLANNING•PUBIC HEALTH•BRE MARSHAL - 615 W.Alder Street,Shelton,WA 98584 � � � s. p; Phone Shelton:(360)427-9670 ext 352-Far(360)427-7798 Phone J U L 10 2023 „v. Belfair.(360)2754467-Phone Elm:(360)482-5269 • MIN BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 615 W. Alder S reet PROPERTY O R T FORMAT VII N: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: J U L 1 0 2023 (--NICx w,1 /'uYr'Sl NAME:CAIoYtr '1/ccat kip 3-1,i.( �h, Nam: 1 MAILING ADDRESS: 3-0E-Zic 1,,i Ort MAILING ADD.EESS_-)t- K 1•f ; pj, RECEIVED CITY:Sk L levi STATEts_YA ZIP:9' Z CITY:,SG STATE:/. LIP:g 3/ PHON #1: _?c-.710-7 7G• PHONES?-,�,td-OLS' ELI.: i i - // -// r PHONE#2: EMAIL:l ctCK,,c,by t WI q 4 A..'f- I-C.c•r'r‘ EMAIL: S i. t� T RtT REG# J 0 EXP. / / e_ - C P�CONTACT• OWNER❑ CONTRACTOR OTHER❑ T T NAME �, 14 Z�1 3 c E L - -i -.Il MAILING DRESS ? LJp Rce K 11 i'ect-I P1 CITY Sln 04YrtA STATE(AiC ZIP%-1 2fL rn C': PHONE 5C{} `971'-(T . CELL // — /! /l Z • PARCEL INFORMATION: PAR('FT NUMBER(12 Digit Numbs) 92,(>)'2. )Z —tb Civ t-Aa ZONING Z f n LEGAL DESCRIPTION(Abbreviated) FIRE DISTRICT Z SITE ADDRESS T) ' 1,5 S i es v\e, L-K t 1�(--„ CTTY ,S 1,„LA t or% .."...1 • DIRECTIONS TO SITE ADDRESS N r r" IS TICE PROJECT WITHIN 300 FT OF SLOPE(S)GREATER THAN 14%: YES❑ NO K SNOW LOAD: psf - . IS PROPERTY WITHIN 200 FT OF THE FOLLOWING: (Check all that apply): SALTWAIJSR❑ LATE❑ RIVER/CREEK❑ POND❑ WETLAND❑ SEASONAL RUNOFF❑ STREAM❑ TYPE OF WORK: NEW Pc ADDITION❑ ALTERATION❑r REPAIR] OTHER 0 . USE OF STRUCTURE(Residence,Garage,CammerriaI Bldg,Etc) ( J L i e- IU L ) 1 i OcY\ m(t A-- (I 110 6L • IS USE: PRIMARX.a SEASONAL❑ I .l 9 MS-3 NUMBER OF BATHROOMS_ - HEATED STRUCTURE? AYES(Whole Bldg)K YES(Part[s)ofBldg)❑ NO❑{ ``(IISS y�S DESCRIBE WORK I 1 E'.1 YAI�,V1.2(1 (e v i>11 ��Oil i VI/ .✓U .-( CI')V f L _ - )UARE FOOTAGE- 3 L/ - (1 I . 1ST FLOOR sq.ft 2ND FLOOR sq.ft 3RD FLOOR sq.ft. BASEMENT sq.fr_ • DECK sq.fL COVERED DECK sq.ft STORAGE sq.ft. OTHER sq.ft GARAGE sq.ft Attached❑ Detached❑ CARPORT sq.it.Attached❑ Detached❑ MA F CTURKD B OMT WEFT RMATION: ' *4 COPIES OF THE FLOOR PLAN REQUIRED* MAKE CrIIIIIII LENGTH WID BEDROOMS BATHS SERIAL NUMBER ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH: SEWAGE/SEWER SOURCE: SEPTIC lQ' SEWER❑ / NEW❑ EXISTING ' PLUMBING IN S IIZUCTURE? YES>' NO❑ If yes,attach completed Water-Adequacy Form PER]METER/FOUNDATION DRAINS PROPOSED? YES, NOD EXISTING SQ.FT. E7HS-'£$d@tlEDROOMS FROFO ROOMS -T TAttst.LIROOMS • OWNER acknowledges that submission of inaccurate information may result In a stop work order or permt revomfon.Acknowledgement of such is by signature below.I declare that I am the owner and I further declare that I am entitled to restive this permit and to do the work as proposed.I have obtained permission from al the necessary parties,Including any easement holder or parties of interest regarding this project.The owner or legal representative,represent that the info:mation provided is accurate and grants employees of Mason Catny access to the above described property and structure(s)for review and inspe on.This permit/application be=nes null&void 6 work or authorized construction is not commenced within 183 days or if construction work is suspended fa a period o`183 days. PROOF OF CONTINUATION OF WORK ON THIS PERMIT IS BY MEANS OF INSPECTION. INACTIVITY OF THIS IT APPLICATION F 180 AYS OF MORE WILL CAUSE THE APPLICATION TO BE EXPIRED.(MASON (-'COtlit7 CODE 14.08.42) X 1 ?—5 'Z3 Sig (Must be sinned by the OWNER) Date .rDEPARTMENTAL REVIE 4,'i APPRQVYD'- DATE=:.; - DEI.11t.D DATE`_=T_AGS/NOTES/CONDPIIMS: ., BUILDING DEPARTMENT • PLANTING DEPARTIv1'TT FIRE MARSHAL �j�,�r/�' PUBLIC HEALTH OP- Y/17Z3 C it/t'i7�►i ai1P�• .r►. • L...orJ Qq2. t NG LO T �2) EX 't rr _ .StcPs t sidewalk 3q,x&6, 1 z0 ECriv`$ - Installed `�� CAL VA12 FELLpw51-}!P W without G/ 1/►i,G1 5i0 Uli • 0 o )permits ts__6. ' _ . • I y� a V • S o a .qq —) P��KtN� w 1 • -....: ? . r Puo. ._. �� ..: oSc� rC! X w. w \ . • \ , w ii, \/* --P -----------..-.'"'........,,,...*N: L,O N • SCALE'. 1 4O, • PLOT CLPcN CALVA'EL`{ .LLO w S i~1 1.P TARc,EL ,.12.01'2.-12-60060 'S' ,. 50 E ISLAND LASE oR. jo,`, Arrow Septic Designs ,, 171 E.Vuecrest Dr — Union,WA 98592 r (360)898-2255 ',� EH SETBACKS N A) Drainfield/Reserve requires 10'setback from footing/foundations B)Septic tank(s)requires 5'setback from all footing/foundations EH APPROVED C) No foundation/perimeter drains within 30'down-gradient of drainfield/ reserve area U.Anderson 08/22/2023 D) No cut(s),bank(s)(greater than 5'&over 45 degrees)within 50' down-gradient of drainfield/reserve area Chapter 3: Establishing Treatment System Performance Requirements Table 3-5.Typical wastewater flow rates from institutional sources' Flow,gallons/unit/day Flow,liters/unit/day Facility Unit Range Typical Range Typical Assembly hall Seat 2-4 3 8-15 11 Hospital,medical Bed 125-240 165 470-910 630 Employee 5-15 10 19-57 38 Hospital,mental Bed 75-140 100 280-530 380 Employee 5-15 10 19-57 38 Prison Inmate 80-150 120 300-570 450 Employee 5-15 10 19-57 38 Rest home Resident 50-120 90 190-450 340 Employee 5-15 10 19-57 38 . School,day-only: With cafeteria,gym,showers Student 15-30 25 57-110 95 With cafeteria only Student 10-20 15 38-76 57 Without cafeteria,gym,or showers Student 5-17 11 19-64 42 School,boarding Student 50-100 75 190-380 280 `Systems serving more than 20 people might be regulated under USEPA's Class V UIC Program.See http://www.epa.govisatewater/uic.html for more information. Source:Crites and Tchobanoglous,1998. residential dwellings. Maximum hourly flows as ness characteristics of the establishment(e.g., hours high as 100 gallons (380 L/hr) (Jones, 1976; of operation, fluctuations in customer traffic). Watson et al., 1967) are not unusual given the variability of typical fixture and appliance usage The peak flow rate from a residential dwelling is characteristics and residential water use demands. a function of the fixtures and appliances present Hourly flows exceeding this rate can occur in cases and their position in the plumbing system con- of plumbing fixture failure and appliance misuse figuration. The peak discharge rate from a given (e.g., broken pipe or fixture, faucets left running). fixture or appliance is typically around 5 gallons/ minute (19 liters/minute), with the exception of Wastewater flows from nonresidential establish- the tank-type toilet and possibly hot tubs and ments are also subject to wide fluctuations over bathtubs. The use of several fixtures or appliances time and are dependent on the characteristics of simultaneously can increase the total flow rate water-using fixtures and appliances and the bust- above the rate for isolated fixtures or appliances. However, attenuation occurring in the residential drainage system tends to decrease peak flow rates Figure 3-4.Peak wastewater flows for single-family home observed in the sewer pipe leaving the residence. 15 4 T- TOILET D DISH WASH Although field data are limited, peak discharge L- LAUNDRY W-WATER SOFTENER rates from a single-family dwelling of 5 to 10 B- BATH/SHOWER 0- OTHER gallons/minute (19 to 38 liters/minute) can be = 3 expected. Figure 3-4 illustrates the variability in = 10- a ��� 4,, peak flow from a single home. a (III \ \ � 4 • 2 17111111,11,, �•� ���,� ;i��I ` 3.4 Wastewater quality 5_ , The qualitative characteristics of wastewaters I / / '� �l j •, generated byresidential dwellings and nonresiden ,. � g '•!1W - o tial establishments can be distinguished by their 0- 0 - physical, chemical, and biological composition. MN 3 6 9 N 3 6 9 MN TIME OF DAY Because individual water-using events occur Source:University of Wisconsin,1978. intermittently and contribute varying quantities of 3-8 USEPA Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems Manual t TT.) , ME\r1—\) I\-- Arrow Septic Designs, Inc �,�� MAR2L023 LJ 171 E. Vuecrest Dr. Union, WA 98592 VI6 • By February 21, 2023 Mason County Department of Health Services 415 N 6th St Shelton, WA 98584 RE: Calvary Fellowship(Parcel #42012-12-60040) Flow Calculations& Reserve Drainfield Dear Inspector: The Calvary Fellowship property located at 50 E Island Lake Dr, Shelton, WA 98584 has an existing church. There is a proposed new structure to house the children's and youth ministry. There is no immediate planned change of use or increase in flows,although if the church attendance continues to grow,the septic system has plenty of capacity. There is a gravity flow septic system currently serving the church that was installed in 1983. It consists of (2) 1,200 gallon septic tanks followed by 250 If x 36"wide = 750 s.f. of drainfield. The system was inspected 2-1-23 by Bamford Septic Repair and checked out with no deficiencies noted. The drainfield passed a 20-minute water test at that time. The church was approved in 1983 with a drainfield size of 750 s.f. for a total of 900 GPD(using a 1.2 application rate). See attached flow calculations for the current usage which averages 174 gallons per day using a conservative estimate of 5 gallons per visit per person. Actual water usage(avg approx. 300 cubic feet/month)shows even less average flow than calculated. The plot plan attached shows a designated reserve drainfield area for the future if needed. The area soils are a very gravelly medium sand so we have designated 1,125+s.f. sand-lined pressure bed reserve area(900 gpd avg @ 0.8 ap rate). A"Notice of Operation and Maintenance of On-Site Sewage System" has been notarized and filed on the property deed. A copy is attached. The property owner's contact information is as follows: Calvary Fellowship P.O. Box 432 Shelton, WA 98584 (360)280-8634 -Robin Williams If you need further information, please feel free to contact my office at(360) 898-2255. Sincerely, A f-� ,G APPROVED Paula -- .::n MAR 03 2023 Lice On�aste� dr Treatment System Designer MASON COUNTY ENr1RONMENTAL HEALTH 5,L0749 ) RET a-,' PAULA JOY JOHNSON ' ImmbrSi /; Printed 1=ror , County DMS Printed from Mason County DMS • Calvary Fellowship Arrow Septic Designs, Inc Parcel#42012-12-60040 2/21/2023 50 E Island Lake Dr Shelton,WA 98584 Number of Duration Gallons Total Gallons Average Usage: Attendees (Hours) per person per Week Sunday-Early Service 50 1.5 5 250 Sunday- Late Service 100 2.0 5 500 Sunday-Children 30 2.0 5 150 Sunday-Youth Group 12 2.0 5 60 Wednesday-Bible Study 40 2.0 5 200 Total Average Flow per Week 1160 Average Flow per Day 166 Existing Septic Tank Size: 1,200 Gallon Tanks x 2 each = 2,400 gallons Using 2.2 days retention time (2,400/2.2 days) 1,091 GPD Existing Drainfield Size: 250 lineal feet x 3 ft wide = 750 s.f. Original Design Flow Capacity(using 1.2 ap rate) 900 GPD Reserve Area DF Sizing(using 0.8 application rate) 1,125 s.f. Use 9' wide beds 125 I.f. RESERVE AREA: Use(2)9'wide x 65' long reserve drainfield beds = 1,170 s.f. Ai APPROVED �► aC). MAR 03 2023 „� . . ;! • MASON E'+`‘'iRONME'+TAL HEALTH &Axplor.3.:MLSVoll>egiaitflti.), e+ooa<9PAULAJOYJOHNSONRET Printed From Mason County DMS Printed from Mason County DMS n r ` • II LooJ E- PA12. 1 NCI LoT N (I (2.) Exes4,..,6 34' x87V E?civ.m. cLeo ICALV�+10 FELLOwSH1P -.� c r--- G U 2 G1-� 5%0- o 44 1 11.1 ) 1PL -V o• ' $ 0 1 i(� f — ° r100' PARKIN w i ` . f r +o c-, LOT A �`7HI , 1 tl k Puo. L l�� 1 W EL • K h oseA "o a w LU J z ‘ W U. 5-rocoll 1 \JATER RETENT ION p0 NIA i SCALE: 1'''4O' o :o 40 4'6 10 ?LOT PL AC N • CALVACzy��LLC' JSNIP APPROVED Tpar,EL 9/012-I2:(p0040 `�"y� MAR 0 3 2013 5o E l SLAM) LAKE D(Z, >o 'MASON CGUNiYF,yyjRONM�NTA�HEAIt� 1' RET 51003„ % \Aj ::: AULAJOYJOHNSON •.yPrinted From MasonaT ' - Printed from Mason County 2194377 MASON CO WA 03102/2023 09.08 AN NOTCE Return To IIIIIfl1�IIII9�IHNulllll'AU1LI3NUII IW P's" 2 Calvary Fellowship P.O. Box 432 Shelton, WA 98584 Grantor(s): (1) Calvary Fellowship , (2) Grantee(s): (1) PUBLIC Legal Description (1) TR C OF SP #311 AF#348098 Ptn TR 4 OF W1/2 NE1/4 SURVEY 14/47 (DOR #13000-001), SEC12, TWP2ON, R4W (Abbreviated form: i.e. lot, block, plat or section, township, range) Assessor's Tax Parcel: (1) 42012-12-60040 NOTICE OF OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF ON-SITE SEWAGE SYSTEM I (We) the undersigned grantor, hereby place this notice on record that the described real estate situated in Mason County, State of Washington; to wit the described real estate is served by an on-site sewage system that was approved and permitted on the condition that it would receive on-going operation and maintenance to assure it would continue to function in a manner that provides adequate treatment and disposal of sewage. Operation and maintenance of the on-site sewage treatment and disposal system must be done in accordance with the Mason County On-Site Standards, the Mason County Board of Health On-Site Sewage Regulations and Washington State Administrative Code: 246.272A On-Site Sewage Systems. These covenants shall run with the land and shall be binding to all parties having or acquiring any right, title, or interest in the land described herein or any part thereof, and shall inure to the benefits of each owner thereof. Dated on this 07 2 day of ?4f/i!�(/ , 200?3. 'APPROVED MAR 0 3 2023 Signs rantor : .,ASO'4 CUJ: i T EWIRONMENTAL HEALTH (1) , (2) RET Page 1 of 2 Printed From Mason County DMS Printed from Mason County DMS r State of Washington County of Mason ) I, the undersigned, a Notary Public i and for the above named County and State, do hereby cert'fy,that on this �27 Siay of - , 20..2 3 , êJY{4AL,f ok,Q perso Ily appeared before me, who is known to be signer of the above instrument, and acknowledged that he (she) (they) signed it. GIVEN under my hand and official seal the day and year last abo written. NOTARY PUBUC Not Pub in 3otan�d for OStat of ash' otn C3i ►S 115 STATE OF WASHINGTON residing at '.Q rkt KALEY B. MACKIE My commission expires:G /(p Lic. No.22020372 My Appointment Expkee JUNE 18,2026 APPROVED MAR 0 3 2023 MASON COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH RET Page 2 of 2 Printed From Mason County DMS Printed from Mason County DMS