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SWG2023-00288 - SWG Application / Design - 7/6/2023
I MASON COUNTY 415 N 6TH STREET,SHELTON,967 ,E 98584 400 SHELTON:360-427-9670,EXT 400 e BELFAIR:360-275-4467,EXT 400 a3 Public Health & Human Services ELMA:360-482-5269,EXT 400 FAX:360-427-7787 On-Site Sewage System Permit: SWG2023-00288 APPLICANT MINNICH TODD MATTHEW & SONA Phone: TAMAZIAN Address: 40 N TRITON HEAD DR LILLIWAUP, WA 98555 OWNER MINNICH TODD MATTHEW & SONA Phone: TAMAZIAN Address: 40 N TRITON HEAD DR LILLIWAUP, WA 98555 SEPTIC DESIGNER Tim Quayle-Quayle Septic Designs Phone: 360-440-4249 Address: 140 Maple Ln PORT LUDLOW, WA 98365 Site Address: 40 N Triton Head Dr Primary Parcel Number: 224065000007 Permit Description: Table IX Repair-2BR Nuwater Permit Submitted Date: 07/06/2023 Permit Issued Date: 08/04/2023 Issued By: Jeff Wilmoth Current Permit Fees Paid: $525.00 (additional fees may be required upon installation of system). Permit Expiration Date: 07/17/2024 (based on date of inspection) Permit Conditions: 1 Proposed development subject to zoning requirements and approval by the planning department staff per Mason County Title 17. 2 Permit must be installed by a Mason County Certified Installer unless prior written authorization from Mason County is obtained. 3 Drain field installation not to exceed designed upslope and downslope depth specified on design form. 4 Installer is responsible for obtaining Mason County installation approval prior to backfill of system components. 5 Installer is responsible for obtaining Septic Designer/Engineer installation approval prior to backfill of system components. 6 Mason County Asbuilt Form, Record Drawing, and Installation fee must be submitted for final installation approval. THIS PERMIT MUST BE ONSITE DURING INSTALLATION OF OSS. PROPERTY OWNERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR DETERMINING AND MARKING ALL PROPERTY LINE AND EASEMENT LOCATIONS. THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED IF THE SITE CONDITIONS HAVE CHANGED SINCE THE SITE WAS INSPECTED AND DESIGN APPROVED. 1 FINAL INSTALLATION APPROVAL IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO TEMPORARY OR FINAL OCCUPANCY OF ANY RELATED STRUCTURES. For Final Inspection visit: masoncountywa.gov/health/environmental/onsite/oss-inspection-request.php or call: 360-427-9670, extension 400. Fin . 1-46e p...Q. r ,,r OFFICIAL USE ONLY DATE RECEIVED: �"1_ ��iolin- C > MASON COUNTY CP COMMUNITY SERVICES AMOUNrRECEI RECEIVED BY03 CA Public Health;Community Health/Environmental Health)^ - CD 415N.0 7-9670.ext.400 or n.WA -4467,ext.4W SwG Ca3 — �C t '' - °- T 415 N.6th Street-Shelton,WA 98564 N z di ON-SITE SEWAGE SYSTEM APPLICATION > m 0..... APPLICANT PHONE Sona and Todd Minnich 360-801-5365 z MAILING ADDRESS-STREET.CITY.STATE,ZIP CODE C 1333 Mount Pleasant Rd., Kelso, WA 98626 m SITE ADDRESS-STREET,CITY,ZIP CODE 40 N. Triton Head Dr., Lilliwaup 98555 IS-) NAME OF DESIGNER PHONE I Tim Quayle - Quayle Septic Designs 360-440-4249 NAME OF INSTALLER PHONE 0 None yet _R PERMIT TYPE(select one) DRINKING WATER SOURCE N I1 Or RESIDENTIAL OSS h 0 COMMUNITY OSS M COMMERCIAL OSS ❑ PRIVATE INDIVIDUAL WELL O PRIVATE TWO-PARTY WELL Z I TYPE OF WORK(select one) 2 PUBLIC WATER SYSTEM Triton Head Assodatlon I 6 NEW CONSTRUCTION/UPGRADES bI REPAIR/REPLACEMENT OTHER DETAILS(select all that apply) B TABLE IX REPAIR IL SUBMITTALS 0 SURFACING SEWAGE B EXISTING FAILURE H SHORELINE DESIGN FORM(REQUIRED) elSEPTIC DESIGN(REQUIRED) BEDROOMS LOT SIZE r IZ 0 1 el WAIVER(S)(IF APPLICABLE) 2 .38 acre DIRECTIONS TO SITE AND SITE CONDITIONS:(ex.locked gate) v See attached map. Off N. Triton Head. Site is flagged with pink ribbons. IZ 4 House sale/failure - please rush if possible. r 4 Pressure drainfield to be 75'+ from approximate ordinary high water mark with treatment R standard B w/o disinfection. SITE MUST BE FLAGGED FROM MAIN ROAD AND TEST HOLES MUST BE FLAGGED WITH TEST HOLE NUMBERS. OFFICIAL USE ONLY BELOW THIS LINE UPGRADE/FAILURE SOURCE(for reporting purposes) 0 VOLUNTARY 0 MAINTENANCE/PUMPING ❑BUILDING PERMIT ['HOME SALE ['COMPLAINT ❑OTHER: INSPECTOR SOIL LOGS COMMENTS/CONDITIONS .1 �� �C AL1065 + (ti'e� CD o (_,— ►ln ( /�l C r' N 1 ;- CIS L, Sp << s1 O OIL � �� o N ...A Aid i-lArd (fr-r-)X Ut)(/Q t/r- pici 0 l V -5 'I Li) c)(' Ul Dr6.9 v RECORD DRAWING AND INSTALLATION REPORT SOIL CODES: V=VERY G=GRAVELLY S=SAND L=LOAM Si=SILT C=CLAY E=EXTREMELY R=ROOTS REQUIRED FOR FINAL APPROVAL. IN TOR SIGNATURE DATE APPLICATION EXPIRATION DATE LICATION APPROVED/ISSUED BY DATE 4(...j.k„,a,-?-11-23 T FORM MAY BE SCANNED AND AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC VIEW ON THE MASON COUNTY WEBSITE REVISED 12/7/2015 DESIGN FORM—PAGE ONE Assessor's Parcel Number: a'' /a L -- h -- n 0 ' ' -2 A design will be reviewed when 3 conies of each of the following are submitted: Completed design form that has been signed and dated. Scaled layout sketch, including all applicable items on checklist '" Scaled plot plan, including all applicable items on checklist. Cross-section sketch, including all applicable items on checklist. This form may be scanned and available for public view on the Mason County Web site. Maximum paper size: 11"X 17" PARCEL IDENTIFICATION Permit Number: SWG 2.c2.3 — 00 Designer's Name: Tim Quayle-Quayle Septic Designs Applicant's Name: Sona and Todd Minnich Designer's Phone Number: 360-440-4249 Mailing Address: 1333 Mount Pleasant Rd. Designer's Address: 140 Maple Ln. Kelso WA 98626 Port Ludlow WA 98365 City State Zip City State Zip DESIGN PARAMETERS liq k IX 'c 4. Treatment Device ❑ Glendon Biofilter ❑ Sand Filter 0 Mound 0 Sand Lined Drainfield 0 Recirculating Filter,Type: 'Aerobic Unit Make/Model NuWater BNR 500 ❑ Disinfection Unit Make/Model N/A Other: Drainfield Type ❑ Gravity Er Pressure ❑ Trench 0 Bed 0 Sub Surface Drip Septic Tank/Drainfield Specifications Laterals Number of Bedrooms 2 Schedule/Class 40 Daily Flow: Operating Capacity 240 gpd Length 105 ft Daily Flow: Design Flow 180 gpd Diameter 1.25 in Septic Tank Capacity(working) ATU-463 gal Number 5 Receiving Soil Type(1-6) 3 Separation 5 ft Receiving Soil Appl. Rate .8 gpd/ft2 Orifices Required Primary Area 300 ft2 Total Number of Orifices 25 Designed Primary Area 300 ft2 Diameter 1/8 in Designed Reserve Area N/A ft2 Spacing 60 in Trench/Bed Width 3 ft Manifold Trench/Bed Length 105 ft Schedule/Class 40 Elevation Measurements Length 235 ft Original Drainfield Area Slope 2-5 % Diameter 1.25 in New Slope, If Altered N/A % Preferred manifold configuration used? l 'Yes 0 No 4 Depth of Excavation Up-slope 12 in Transport Pipe from Original Grade Down-slope 14 in Schedule/Class 40 Designed Vertical Separation 12 in Length 60 ft Gravelless Chambers Required? Elf Yes 0 No 0 Optional Diameter 2 in Pump Required? El Yes 0 No Dosing and Pump Chamber Pump/Siphon Specifications Number of doses/day 9 Diff. in Elevation Between Pump& Uppermost Orifice 20 ft Dose quantity 20 gal Drainfield Squirt Height/Selected Residual (head) 5 ft Chamber Capacity(flood) 1000 gal Uppermost Orifice Higher 0 Lower than Pump Shutoff Pump controls: Please check those required. Capacity @ Total Pressure Head 10.8 gpm EeTimer r• - a. - .-te '41 Event Counter Calculated Total Pressure Head 23.5 ft If Timer: Pump on d T ' ,0, , . Comments -...- - 3', •'' Pump on and off times to be determined at the time of setup. AUG 0 4 2023 . r:' See attached site specific notes/requirements. MASON COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEAD J©w DESIGN FORM—PAGE TWO Assessor's Parcel Number: ,?--/a(2 -- i2 -- 2 0Q_62 Permit Number: SWG DESIGN CHECKLISTS Scaled Plot Plan Scaled Layout Sketch Cross-Section Sketch 66 Test hole locations g Drainfield orientation and layout Reference depth from original grade: g Soil logs lif Trench/bed dimensions and Ii6 Septic tank 0 Property lines critical distances within layout Gil Drainfield cover g Existingand proposed wells g D-Boxalve box locations p p /V Reference depth from original grade within 100 ft of property g Septic tank/pump chamber and restrictive strata: Measurements to cuts, banks,and locations I21 Laterals,trench bed,top and surface water and critical areas 121 Observation port location bottom IZI Location and orientation of 12i Clean-out location 0 Curtain drain collector curtain drain and all absorption g Manifold placement 0 Sand augmentation components g Orifice placement Other cross-section detail: • Location and dimension of g Lateral placement with distance g Observation ports/clean-outs primary system and reserve area to edge of bed g Other Information Wti Buildings g Audible/visual alarm referenced Yes No 121 Direction of slope indicator g Scale of drawing shown on scale 0 l Design staked out g Waterlines b ❑ g Recorded Notices attached g Roads,easements,driveways, P P R ® V E ❑ RI Waiver(s)attached parking M' 0 Pump curve attached g North arrow and scale drawing AUG 0 4 2023 0 i I Evaluation of failure shown on scale bar MASON COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTF Non-residential justification J BW ❑ g Waste strength ❑ g Flow DESIGN APPROVAL The undersigned designer must be notified b installer at time of installation g Yes 0 No Signature of Designer Date The undersigned has reviewed this design on behalf of Mason County Public Health and determined it to be in compliance with state and local ite regulations: tk Ii c e'er ' '''q'23 E v►r• l Aealth Specialist Date CAUTION: DESIGN APPROVAL IS VALID ONLY UNDER THE FOLLOWING CONDITION: ✓ The design is stamped"Approved"by Mason County Public Health. ✓ The Onsite Sewage Permit has not expired,the Permit Expiration Date is: 7 4 ✓ Drainfield site conditions have not been altered to adversely affect conditions of design approval. Please Note: The system must be installed by a certified installer, unless prior authorization is obtained from Mason County Public Health. An Installation Fee is required. This form may be scanned and available for public view on the Mason County Web site. Updated Date: 12/7/2015 2 /V, —I r Head, i--l-jf 'tQ V lD DRINKING WATER&ONSITE SEWAGE SYSTEM SPECIFICATION SHEET Assessor Tax Account Number: 224065000007 A. DRINKING WATER SUPPLY INFORMATION System Name System ID pc Public Triton Head Association 89450-M ❑ Proposed ❑ Private ASSESSOR TAX ACCOUNT NUMBERS FOR PROPERTIES SERVED BY WELL 'Existing ❑Individual Water Connection 1(Parcel with Well) Water Connection 2(Parcel connected to Well) ❑2-Party B. SOIL EVALUATION PROFILES Soil Evaluation Dote SOIL LOG NUMBERS MUST CORRELATE WITH SITE PLAN—INDICATE TOTAL EXCAVATED DEPTH,SOIL TYPES,WATER TABLE LEVEL&DEPTH OF RESTRICTIVE LAYER SOIL LOG#1 SOIL LOG#2 SOIL LOG#3 SOIL LOG#4 Downslope Side Measurements Downslope Side Measurements Downslope Side Measurements Downslope Side M ea ements 0-24/26" medium 0-28" medium loamy 0-12" dark medium � �a loamy sands sands loamy sand % • �1 Type 3 Type 3 12-24" medium loamy :r` ,,��,j (soil log had sloughed (soil log sloughed in, sands - °`w'"'�y9'y1• 1 in - was 48" at time of was 36") Type 3 ave , .. _ . ' �I excavation) molt ' 210• 34302 fZ C~ R o E TIM QUAYLE 1 UCENSED DESIGNER i' AUG 0 4 2023 0 / 7-13.)-) MASON-COUNTY ENVIRONMFN A1, C. DAILY FLOW—TANKAGE—TREATMENT DESIGNED MAX SEWAGE FLOW TRASH/SEPTIC/PUMP TANKS ADVANCED TREATMENT INFORMATION 240 Type Size(gal) QTY IIrProprIetary Advanced Treatment Gallons Per Day ❑Trash Tank Manufacturer Enviro-Flo NuWater PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL BEDROOMS 2 ❑Septic Tank _ Model:BNR-500 (concrete) or 600 (poly) Maximum Bedrooms �,/ 1 000 1 E Non-Proprietary Advanced Treatment PROPOSED TREATMENT LEVEL LJ Pump Tank 1 Device Type: TL B Other D. DISPERSAL COMPONENT CONSTRUCTION DISPERSAL COMPONENT SIZING TRENCH CONSTRUCTION PROFILE A.Slope in Primary 2-5 % Hydraulic Loading Rate of Dispersal Area: 8 A.Percent Slope in Primary: 2-5 % E.Additional Cover Required 12 inches Minimum Dispersal Area(Sq.Ft.)In Prima 300 B.Maximum Trench Depth: 12ire � ry: D.Trench Width 36 (Downzlope Side Measurements) 1 Minimum Linear Feet or Dimensions: 1 B.Maximum ' Trench depth Dispersal 12 inches Component C.Vertical Separation: 12 ;rcti. r 0 DISTRIBUTION METHOD Infiltrative y<?<><?<>s,<y<? y A Surface 36 0 Gravity Distribution c < < < < < < c D.Trench Width: ) > ) ) ) > ) > ) Native >c><><><><><><><> C.Vertical Pressure Distribution < < < < < c < < Soil '<'<'<'<'t'<'<'<' Separation Irrigation ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '❑Drip12 inches 12 g ation ><><><><><>c><><>v E.Additional Cover Required: < < < < < < �x M� < < 11 S ] S 1 1 1 i ❑Other: Restrictive Layer OR Hliihest Seasonal Water Table•• NW 0 N .o o cu w LI a -0 D .cu \Lica OWp 00 — 2 f1 7C -0 O n O� - N fD C a N cu . 1111411111111111114%40. 1-, 0. ci i 1%..-'NN o _ 71 '' : .-.... ><6 N 41 A ut a a - aillip 0 u, o 0 o v � �\ /47,. 0 01. S\ ' ,O 4 w 0 w 1-11 \Li 4 0 . cv 0 0 oIL WA av L..) oc X O � al 46 atO � G�i '� f�D r N O 0 0 fD to APPROVE MASON AUG0y2023 �s��\``4. , t1NT�BfR�NMFT F.�IL '. .- w .11 am RN au►F•..44. \� Q' D +o co o `.,',•°L •..R kik 0 V., m off= U N ( xi -L 1,= 1-.• W / h � ,. O N ~� V V • w ul \Ls o 0 wD 0 00 - n m o C Z o 7 cp a --I 4? O O M t a W = a A 5 cu to A r 3 al a it X (�J1 ~ a) al CT ID N f�D N �. p cu N m �, r o \ \ o c rNc rr ?4 0. v i° w 4 ° w , .� rr cn a Q ' • Cu o. N fD FI01 T ♦ fD C? w,0 C a) 0- 13) ` 4 m C 17 �c 3 �� O r to oi, , CO F-►� N-0 11/ 0 41 to ‘00‘. o v�ic�• m o In -, / m X oNt II• r 713 a , PPROVE D re AUG 0 41023 3 z m ,�, _ SON COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH cs cv r0 1\11°. oa o JBW 'c o curi• c� \ / Aim— C rti 0 a, r as ac 0 h, 0 4e......*... ‘‘..‘ ru cu al X s� _ - o oni m a oAtik d z Site Specific Notes/Requirements — Repair Design Page 1 of 2 40 N. Triton Head, Lilliwaup - 224065000007 1. The existing septic tank is to be pumped and filled. There are no records on the existing drainfield. It is assumed to be next to the existing tank. A NuWater BNR 500 or BNR 600 GPD unit is to be installed. A concrete unit comes in the 500 GPD, but the 600 GPD only comes in a poly tank. Install the concrete one if possible.All tank lids on both tanks must be risered up to the surface. Install the air motor next to the house, not on top of the tank. A new cleanout is required between the house and the new NuWater tank. 2. Install a Hagerman 1000 gallon concrete pump tank if possible. An Infiltrator poly tank (CM-1060) or Roth 1000 tank is acceptable if a concrete one can't be installed. The pump tank is to have a turbine pump with a flow inducer around the pump with float tree, alarm, and redundant off (3 floats). An Omron timer, hour meter and counter are required. Install the panel on a 4x4 post, or a non bedroom wall. See the attached pump spec sheet. A minimum of 5' of residual head is required. 3. Install 105' of drainfield in 5 laterals. 2X25', 1x10', 1x20', and 1 x 25'. 4. Remove the tall hose bibb/sillcock near the front door. The water line is to be replaced from the lower water meter box to the house with HDPE SDR 11 welded pipe. It is also to be sleeved in sch 40 pipe as it will be close to the drainfield, and the 2 upper transport lines are to cross under it. It will need to be sleeved in sch 40 only when within 10' of the drainfield or transport pipe. Use 2 separate transport lines from the valve box to the lower 2 lines to the south. They will need to be routed under the new water line. Keep the 2 transport lines at least 10' to the existing water meter box. The water meter box can be moved higher up if desired. 5. Install the trenches no deeper than 12" on the low side, to maintain 12" of vertical separation. Use gravelless chambers with filter fabric over the louvers. 6. The laterals must be hung in the chambers. Orifices to be at 12:00. Gravel is not permitted due to the shallow trench depth. Observation ports are required at both ends. 7. The 6-valve riser is to have gravel and wire under it or a solid bottom to keep rodents out.A solid bottom is preferred. The transport lines from the valve box and pump tank may be re-routed if needed. APPROVE AUG 042023 MASON COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH JBW Page 2 8. The laterals may be angled/moved a bit differently to better follow the contours. The laterals may be placed no closer than 2' to the property line, and only if needed. 9. The lower drainfield lateral near the tanks is to be approximately 60' from the ordinary high water mark. The tanks need to be 50'. Note: this is a repair, with TSB required. 10. This is a repair. No new construction is proposed. 11. An additional $450 inspection/setup/Record of Construction fee is required to be paid to the designer prior to the final inspection. This is to be put in the installers bid. Tim Quayle Quayle Septic Designs 360-440-4249 PPROVE , AUG 0 4 2023 MASON COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AJB W Are f TIM QUAY LE 1 �3 y� LICENSED DESIGNER // ��/ General Construction Notes—40 N.Triton Head, Lilliwaup -224065000007 Quayle Septic Designs Also see site specific notes 1. This is not a survey.All property lines have been demonstrated by the property owners or their agents. It is the responsibility of the owner or their agent to provide any and all information pertinent to the development of the septic feasibility/design including gray/black water lines, utility locations, property lines, easements, buffers, and any other setbacks as determined by governmental agencies. If easements exist and are not shown, it is the responsibility of the client to disclose easement locations and the client assumes all liability for any damages resulting from their omission. 2. Any topography shown is per publicly available GIS data. 3. Water line disclaimer: If the water line needs to be re-located for any reason, the homeowner assumes all financial responsibility. The installer must verify that the water line location at the time of installation meets all setbacks.All potable water lines must be at least 10'from all septic components or be sleeved in accordance with all applicable regulations. 4. All known wells that impact the subject property are shown to the best of our knowledge and the knowledge of the property owner/client. 5. Tank locations may be re-located as long as all setbacks can still be met. 6. Garbage disposals are not permitted, and this designer is not responsible for any damage that may result. 7. Waste strengths are not to exceed normal residential waste as determined by local/state regulations. 8. Actual flows should not exceed 70% of the design flows on a regular basis. 9. All new irrigation lines must have back flow prevention installed. 10. All access enclosure riser lids must remain at the surface and be watertight. Use stainless steel screws where applicable. 11. The designer is not liable for construction practices during installation or erosion control problems. 12. A septic tank outlet filter is required to be installed if shown on the design. It should be cleaned every 6 months. 13. Septic system additives can cause damage and should not be used. Their use will void all warranties. Only toilet paper and human waste are to be flushed down the toilet. 14. Garbage disposals are not permitted, and this designer is not responsible for any damage that may result. PPROVEA •t AUG 042023 +• '�t/ M COUNTY ENVIRONMENTgC HEALTH ��w " / Air. , bi i i 4 IIII4(,,,, ' 21034802 %.v ...) O TIM OUAYLE `• 1 '' LICENSED DESIGNER I. • Pump Selection for a Pressurized System-Single Family Residence Project 4 0 iv l✓', OI1 Heaai 1L /(1 way' Parameters /J-3-�CVV, (, Oo t oo 7 Discharge Assembly Size 2.00 inches 300 Transport Length 60 feet Transport Pipe Class 40 Transport Line Size 2.00 inches Distributing Valve Model None . Max Elevation Lift 15 feet 250 , Manifold Length 235 feet _ Manifold Pipe Class 40 l moioj Manifold Pipe Size 1.25 inches . Number of Laterals per Cell 5 Lateral Length 21 feet �� Lateral Pipe Class 40 200 Lateral Pipe Size 1.25 inches y 'marl Orifice Size 1/8 inches li Orifice Spacing 5 feet p Residual Head 5 feet I— Flow Meter None inches ra ,. \ 'Add-on'Friction Losses 2 feet = 150 u E 7.--.. : Calculations c - '' Irr3osl Minimum Flow Rate per Orifice 0.43 gpm 8 Number of Orifices per Zone 25 :° - - : ' Total Flow Rate per Zone 10.8 gpm 100 ,+Number of Laterals per Zone 5 %Flow Differential 1 st/Last Orifice 0.1 % ._. Transport Velocity 1.0 fps .. _ :. Frictional Head Losses - A.A. Loss through Discharge 0.2 feet 501 \ Loss in Transport 0.1 feet Loss through Valve 0.0 feet pm l— NN Loss in Manifold 1.1 feet —'iAl Loss in Laterals 0.0 feet , Loss through Flowmeter 0.0 feet 'Add-on'Friction Losses 2.0 feet 00 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Net Discharge(gpm) Pipe Volumes Vol of Transport Line 10.5 gals Vol of Manifold 18.3 gals PumpData Legend Vol of Laterals per Zone 8 2 gals Total Volume 36.9 gals CF3005 High Head Effluent Pump System Curve:- 0 GPM,1/2HP Minimum Pump Requirements 15/230V 10 60Hz,200V 30 60Hz Pump Curve: • Design Flow Rate 10.8 gpm PF3007 High Head Effluent Pump Pump Optimal Range: Total Dynamic Head 23.5 feet / 30 GPM,3/4HP ag- dt tf Lq/ L` ,^6/ 230V 10 60Hz,200/460V 30 60Hz Operating Point:Q G (/ , lP PF3010 High Head Effluent Pump Design Point:O 30 GPM,1HP 230V 10 60Hz,200/460V 30 60Hz '�1,, ® PF3015 High Head Effluent Pump �� 30 GPM,1 1/2HP OO H6bO/46o"3e6O Hz 'if o t�tt SYSTEMS • .?�' ,p 11 1 ' MMEMMEMMOMMOMM + � ~''•vim, JN AUG 0 4 2023 :, ENviRONib1ENTAC ; DESIGNER .leW HEALTH MVP q--13".9 4H 1111:I'll@ z co Y ,\ 5U . • � O .24• ,:`:.: i ' 4 1 cz, 4---. "144, .11 iii!Ill I l&lk ••"• • II 11 0 g AQ • i . I*. . AA 14 )• . ` • _..„ , , .. A, 1 , , ,, ,- i 11 3' 1 4). 4.... .. • ...I ''.4`.9. 1‘‘ ..ik ' 111 tD $T E 12 5T,FO'A FR\‘‘ :Eli 4iiii--.1- .'. 1%' . ...... •g -VI....: ......a. *z.\ V.). .....1 :3 PpRnup „. ,I NC i - ,� AU6 � � �23 'ii '• - - COUNT I Y fNy1RCNM . ;,. w ./Qh/ f�Tql kip A, 0 ;ra. w ry -* ► 'i=U_ II1 Z -I 00 o =1T_I I I rn o NI r m m z iI -- ■■L ` 1© .� C 1 0 —III o m o I '■_ =1 t�Tt a o !i i 1 -1cn mil i — rn mm0) i -- Yr 1-1 0 n ~ ~ ' I I m C� o o �I 1 I N I -a c . 0 = iI ! 1�1 n o : _ Ij_iI A oa '� co rn o t 1--� c rn . 4 - � '` I !ID TII-- § X [4I I II 1 � s m . d Qp �� ■I I1 —T o _ I _ lTir;I APPROVE ; J m L r■I n CO (�' • . � I AUG 0 4 2023 ,{ -�\ S ►► j j 1 MASON COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH JBW - -„- - - 1 V P ii —ifi i I II 11 ; `� "kz.z.‘‘. $ .11illli i 1 iiiiiir: -lib, 1=1 4 ;'!,,,„,.'. .•----=' v �,�ofr -0- - - I I is +i �, �'-e4v 0 4 2- 1 m I I'ail. in 1 I .:7-.:- E t: s A% . CS, htt_% bid..- • '►ttli „. ....._ I" =-11 csj '-- `• • O I u , • \ . r lig ,V -r{1- -o ii / ie41j /_i'///'k4/Q1) ,�zlo6c 19c70i)c2 7 / 9'-2" 'RISERSTIGHT ,ID VENT ryp)RISERS WATER(TYP) OJAL PORT AERATOR -• _1. r l. 36'MAX. t•PVC j :TYP; r F 7 ` MASTfC . J1 1 n ° •—\\..... 'INea �' 4. la/ J ) 2'COUPLING I 1/2"PVC r &REDUCER 6' AIRLINE ice" ,1...4 2'TE 1'PVC SLUDGE ^" 12' RETURN LINE r-Nr 2'PVC ./'— TRASH CHAMBER DIGESTER CHAMBER CLARIFIER OPERATING CAPACITY:463 GALLONS OPERATING CAPACITY:474 GALLONS CHAMBER FLO OD CAPACITY. 506 GALLONS FLOOD CAPACITY:518 GALLONS 160 GALLONS .--^ FLOOD:191 GAL. 65" �.. i v r 1 5 4' 1 53• I r r 0 0 °36' P P P r���� 1'X 1/2' TEE /jl P P P0 ° ar 1L • II •S . \ Or�:. ... •/� I /- :�1Y Sy�9J` 1 DiFF USER BARS(2)�4 • ,� C( PALELTO TA N1(WALL /41 I--d 1-1 „k,:' 3 ': p, pow r SLJDGE RETURN \ j y:. 210 :• 7s- �- 0. TIM QUAYLE 4 / � �� 1.S'TAPER LICENSED DESIGNER I.• �a116 � BIDE VIEW �N������� I ��� f INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS j� 0' qt lL" /14-/ /vJ`_ �< 1)Excavate tank hole wish vertical walls to 1 foot _I �, "ov— larger than tank on all sides. 4. 94 • 4. 2)If bottom of hole is s tl ny,install 3"of compact r_ 1 (- sand&level out with screed. I 3)Install tank in center of hole, keeping 1 ft.void c 24•RISERSI ft'YP) 24'BLOWER space on all sides. 0US/NG CAST ON TOP OF LI• 4)As tankis filling with water,fill void space wilt granular(sandy)soil free of large clumps. I 5)Install rest of system,& affix risers to adapters C t j 3". with waterproof adhesive. I 1 6)Perform watertightness test in field as ragLired I 012.RISER t by local jurisdiction. I 7)Upon approval tobacicfill,carefully backfilI jRASHCfA,MBER piGESTEP IttCd.4REgt with native soils overtop of tank. I 1 8) nalgradethesurfacetoavoidchsnaiing L---- JL Jr____J Fi surface water toward tank joP VIEW PpRp � E •.��•: 4 2023 AUG 0 ' TANK INSTALLATION DETAIL Mery BOUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTr 500 GPD TREATMENT UNIT c ►\G�-e w C ii Of • w PO ,r7/y 'tQ— 4 r . . .. ______... . ...„. „„„„.,,, NiuWaltr \ i, __ .4avotvcsd Tr'1eJtm6r rat Syato �V ma By Erlrta-Fbr�.lc N.I11 1 �', ,A rr ( ,\ �1 **)- l I � \'\. 4:1 -..I �/ �y 4. ter � Il P`� n r % ri \r v,. p �r '!;40, ri D U 46 1s - �`�� tt► �� rtile v 1, t! I r1: ,I.) r1"1,1 1 c4© I'►) Oft A, 4: I. `;7.: 11/11 .41 L� 1� la �0 11 fV, FPI CS 116,- 4:4%V 41110 girl* if rik CI 41 IIIIII 1 III If 31"-C)2 ir et IMO .. I PARTS LIST NuWater NR Assembly Diagram V I A DUAL PORT AERATOR M POLY DIFFUSER BAR(2) ~ 10 B 3/8"RUBBER 90°WI CLAMPS(2) N 1"PVC(3 1/2"SECTION) III C.3/8"BARBED ADAPTOR X 1/2"NPT(2) O. 1"SLIP CAP 01 D 1/2"SLIP X 1/2"NPT ADAPTOR P.1/8"CLEAR PVC HOSE(OPTIONAL 5') A E r STREET X 1/2"NPT BUSH( 0 V E .VC PVC PIPE(BY INSTALLER) PNS F 1/2"90'ELBOW(3) , G 1"X 1"X 1/2"TEE PIPPIPEE(( TT IINSTALLER)TALLER) I 40 H 1"90'ELBOW(3) ^AUG 0 ✓I+ 2023 .'BARBED ADAPTOR TO l/4-NPT(2) 1417 I.2'X 1'BUSHING STREET X 1+4'NPT BUSHING(2) 1y J 2'SANITARY TEE MASON COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HE L PVC COUPLER(2) I;/ K 1"PVC CROSS JBW w 2"COUPLER L 1'COUPLER(BY INSTALLER) Revised 2/25/12