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2023/07/31 - Briefing Packet
MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONER BRIEFING INFORMATION FOR THE WEEK OF July 31, 2023 In the spirit of public information and inclusion, the attached is a draft of information for Commissioner consideration and discussion at the above briefing. This information is subject to change, additions and/or deletion, and is not all inclusive of what will be presented to the Commissioners. Please see draft briefing agenda for schedule. CoU���� . 1854 Commission meetings are live streamed at http://www.masonwebtv.com/ and public commented is accepted via email msmith@masoncountywa.gov; mail to Commissioners Office, 411 N 5th Street, Shelton, WA 98584; or phone at (360) 427-9670 ext. 419. If you need to listen to the Commission meeting via telephone, please provide your telephone number to the Commissioners’ office no later than 4 p.m. the Friday before the meeting. If special accommodations are needed, contact the Commissioners' office at Shelton (360) 427-9670 ext. 419 Briefing Agendas are subject to change, please contact the Commissioners’ office for the most recent version. Last printed 07/28/23 at 9:15 AM BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DRAFT BRIEFING MEETING AGENDA 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton WA 98584 Week of July 31, 2023 Monday Noon WA State Association of Counties Zoom Meeting* Virtual Assembly *This is being noticed as a Special Commission meeting because a quorum of the Mason County Commission may attend this event and notification is provided per Mason County Code Chapter 2.88.020 - Special Meetings. Monday, July 31, 2023 Commission Chambers Times are subject to change, depending on the amount of business presented 10:00 A.M. Closed Session – RCW 42.30.140(4) Labor Discussion 11:00 A.M. Auditor’s Office – Steve Duenkel 11:10 A.M. Support Services – Mark Neary 11:35 A.M. Public Works – Loretta Swanson Utilities & Waste Management Commissioner Discussion – as needed Tuesday, August 1, 2023 Commission Chambers Times are subject to change, depending on the amount of business presented 8:30 A.M. Executive Session – RCW 42.30.110 (1)(i) Potential Litigation C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Steve Duenkel Ext.468 Department: Auditor's Office Briefing: 0 Action Agenda: 0 Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): July 31,2023 Agenda Date: August 1,2023 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources © Legal 0 Information Technology ❑ Other (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item• VoteWA data sharing agreement. Background/Executive Summary: The Mason County Auditor's Offices will be entering a VoteWA data sharing agreement with the Washington Office of Secretary of State along with the other 38 Washington Counties. Budget Impact(amount, funding source,budget amendment): N/A Public Outreach (news release,community meeting, etc.): N/A Requested Action: N/A Attachments VoteWA data sharing agreement. I- VOTEWA DATA SHARING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE WASHINGTON OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE, ELECTIONS DIVISION AND MASON COUNTY This VoteWA Data Sharing Agreement (this "Agreement") is entered into by and between the Washington Office of the Secretary of State, Elections Division (hereinafter referred to as "OSOS") and Mason County (hereinafter referred to as "County"). WHEREAS, OSOS and thirty-nine (39) Washington state counties have collaborated together in order to modernize, streamline, and improve the elections process through the development and implementation of a statewide modern Elections Management Project (EMP)for the state of Washington, commonly known as VoteWA; and WHEREAS, RCW 39.34.240 requires public agencies to enter into a written agreement that conforms to the policies of the Office of Cybersecurity when a public agency requests Category 3 or higher data (as defined in policy established in accordance with RCW 43.105.054)from another public agency; and WHEREAS, OSOS has requested and is receiving Category 3 or higher data from County through the VoteWA system; and WHEREAS, while OSOS and County are parties to an agreement setting forth their obligations and duties with respect to the annual vendor maintenance and support costs of the VoteWA system, that agreement does not address VoteWA data sharing between County and OSOS; and WHEREAS, OSOS and County desire to enter into this Agreement to comply with the provisions of RCW 39.34.240and the policies of the Office of Cybersecurity for VoteWA data shared between them. NOW,THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and the mutual promises contained herein, OSOS and County agree as follows: 1. PURPOSE It is the purpose of this Agreement to establish the terms, conditions, and restrictions under which County provides requested VoteWA data electronically to the OSOS, or OSOS provides requested VoteWA data electronically to County. Both parties will receive and safeguard the data as set forth in this Agreement. 2. DATA TO BE SHARED UNDER THIS AGREEMENT,• CLASSIFICATION OF DATA County is providing OSOS with the VoteWA data listed below, classified by Category (as defined in OCIO Policy "Data Classification Standard"): Description of Data Category (1-4) • Category 3: Voter Registration Records, including data specifically protected from disclosure by law o Signature Image 1 I- o Form images o Personal information about individuals (DLN, SSN4) o Registration source o UOCAVA (Uniformed And Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act)status o Email o Phone number o Language preference o Registration information for voters under the age of 18 • Category 3: Ballot Issuance Records, including data specifically protected from disclosure by law o Signature Image o Envelope Image o UOCAVA (Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act)status o Ballot issuance information for voters under the age of 18 • Category 3: Voter Pamphlet information o Arguments or statements submitted to the secretary of state for publication in the voters'pamphlet are protected until the submission deadline has passed or all submissions have been received. • Category 3: Optional Information regarding IT infrastructure and security of computer and telecommunications o In order to implement system improvements, information regarding the elections infrastructure may need to be discussed with the Vote WA governing bodies during meetings and system improvement discussions. 3. PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE The period of performance of this Agreement commences on the date it is executed by both parties (the "Effective Date"), and automatically renews each year on the date that is the anniversary date of the Effective Date. 4. DELIVERY OF DATA The data shall be provided by the County to OSOS or by the OSOS to the County via secure file transfer. Data will be secured using separate encryption and password protection from any used by the secure file transfer tool. 5. DATA STORAGE AND HANDLING REQUIREMENTS All data provided by the County will be stored by OSOS on secure servers with access limited OSOS staff on a need to know basis only for purposes of the VoteWA system and elections management. Files received via secure file transfer will be removed immediately from the secure file transfer tool once retrieved and the OSOS will notify the County that the files have been removed. All data provided by the OSOS will be stored by the County on secure servers with access limited County staff on a need to know basis only for purposes of the elections management. Files received via secure file transfer will be removed immediately from the secure file transfer tool once retrieved and the County will notify the OSOS that the files have been removed. 2 I- 6. SECURITY OF DATA OSOS and the County shall take due care and reasonable precautions to protect the data from unauthorized physical and electronic access. OSOS and the County will strive to meet or exceed the requirements of the OCIO policies and standards for data security and access controls, including OCIO's "Data Sharing Policy,"to ensure the confidentiality, availability and integrity of all data shared. 7. NON-DISCLOSURE OF DATA; CONFIDENTIALITY Neither party nor its officials, officers, employees, volunteers, or agents may disclose, in whole or in part, any data covered by this Agreement, except as necessary to accomplish the express purposes of this Agreement or as may be required or permitted by law. Both parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of the data covered by this Agreement to the fullest extent required or permitted by law. 8. TERMINATION Either party may terminate this Agreement with 30 days' prior written notice to the contract manager for the other party listed in Section 12 of this Agreement; provided, however,that once data is accessed by OSOS,this Agreement is binding as to the confidentiality, use of the data, and disposition of all data received as a result of access, unless otherwise amended by the mutual agreement of both parties. 9. DISPUTE RESOLUTION If a dispute arises between OSOS and County under this Agreement, both parties will make a prompt, reasonable, good-faith effort to resolve the dispute by negotiation. If the parties fail to resolve the dispute through negotiation,the parties will choose a mutually acceptable alternative dispute resolution method. Such an alternative dispute resolution process must precede any judicial action, provided that both parties mutually pursue such alternative dispute resolution promptly, reasonably and in good faith. 10. GOVERNANCE This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the state of Washington, and the venue of any action brought hereunder shall be in the Superior Court for Thurston County. 11. ENTIREAGREEMENT This Agreement sets forth the entire understanding of the parties and may be modified only by written instrument duly executed by both parties. 12. CONTRACT MANAGEMENT The contract manager for each of the parties is listed below and shall be responsible for and shall be the contact person for all communications regarding this Agreement: Contract Manager for County: Contract Manager for OSOS: Marie Stevenson Stuart Holmes Election Superintendent Director of Elections Mason County Auditor's Office Office of the Secretary of State 411 N. 51"Street 520 Union Ave. Shelton, WA 98584 Olympia, WA 98501 Phone: (360)427-9670, Ext 469 Phone: (360) 725-5794 MStevenson@masoncountywa.gov stuart.holmes@sos.wa.gov 3 (- THIS AGREEMENT is executed by the persons signing below who warrant that they have the authority to execute this Agreement. County: OSOS: Steve Duenkel Office of the Secretary of State Signature Signature Auditor Title Title July 31, 2023 Date Date 4 Mason County Administrator 411 N 5th Street Shelton, WA 98584 (360) 427-9670 ext. 419 Mason County Commissioner Briefing Items from County Administrator July 31, 2023 Specific Items for Review →Playground equipment for Sandhill Park – John Taylor →Office of Public Defense Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) – Mary Ransier →Hiring bonus for Public Works Finance Manager position – Mary Ransier →Non-Represented Salary Range Table update – Mary Ransier →American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) update – Jennifer Beierle →Copier lease funding – Jennifer Beierle/Michael Dorcy/Charles Rhodes →Belfair location for County services – Mark Neary Administrator Updates Commissioner Discussion C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: John Taylor Ext. 806 Department: Parks&Trails Briefing: ❑X Action Agenda: ❑X Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): July 31,2023 Agenda Date: August 15,2023 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Other (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item• Sandhill Playground Equipment Background/Executive Summary: Currently,at Sandhill Sports Complex is no Children's playground equipment to be used by children who are not old enough or are not participating in organized sports.Additionally,playground equipment exists at NCRA,which should also be available at Sandhill. The equipment manufacturer selected is currently the producer of the playground equipment used within our park system. The equipment has been reliable and virtually maintenance-free,reducing annual maintenance costs. Budget Impact(amount, funding source,budget amendment): Two Current: Playworld Challengers Series 350-2170 $37,163.00 Site Work Estimate $20,000.00 Total Project Estimate-w-Tax $62,307.67 Playworld Challengers Series 350-1743 $47,080.00 Site Work Estimate $20,000.00 Total Project Estimate-w-Tax $73,112.20 Public Outreach (news release,community meeting, etc.): N/A Requested Action: The Commission approve the project and authorize Mason County Parks and Trails to move forward with the Sandhill Sports Complex Playground Equipment Project. Attachments Sandhill Playground Equipment Quotes. � P L AYWORLD Challengers° 350-2245 Product:350-2245 $33,243 Ages 5-12yrs Space Required 30'0"x33'4" (9,14m x 10,16m) Product Details Size:17'8"x 21'0"x 11'5"H Capacity:28 Color:Available in any Playworld color(s), Weight:2231 lb Install Hours:40 Fall Height:6'0" Complies With: ASTM F1487 CPSC PUB.325 CAN/CSA-Z614* Indicates complicancywith minor changes and/or additions.Please contact your playground professional for details. Prices are approximate.Prices shown in U.S.Dollars.Prices do not include freight,custom fees,surfacing or installation.Please contact your authorized Playworld Representative for pricing. Pictured components and their associated prices are not reflective of total cost of configuration � P L AY WO Chall s° 350-21 Product:350-2179 n� $37,163 Price: Sale Item! Ages 5-12yrs Space Required 35'1"x 40'0" (10,69m x 12,19m) Product Details Size:22'7"x 24'9"x 13'10"H Capacity:37 Color:Available in any Playworld color(s). Weight:3235 lb Install Hours:48 Fall Height:6'2" Complies With: ASTM F 1487 CPSC PUB.325 CAN/CSA-Z614* Indicates complicancy with minor changes and/or additions.Please contact your plaground professional for details. Prices are approximate.Prices shown in U.S.Dollars.Prices do not include freight,custom fees,surfacing or installation.Please contact your authorized Playworld Representative for pricing. Pictured components and their associated prices are not reflective of total cost of configuration yw� PLA ORLD --� Challengers 350-2247 i Product:350-2247 l $351011 Ages 5-12yrs Space Required 31'811x42'0" (9,65m x 12,8m) Product Details Size:19'6"x 29'8"x 11'5"H Capacity:32 Color:Available in an Plavworld color(s). Weight:2402lb Install Hours:35 Fall Height:8'0" Complies With: ASTM F1487 CPSC PUB.325 CAN/CSA-Z614* *Indicates complicancy with minor changes and/or additions.Please contact your playground professional for details. Prices are approximate.Prices shown in U.S.Dollars.Prices do not include freight,custom fees,surfacing or installation.Please contact your authorized Playworld Representative for pricing. Pictured components and their associated prices are not reflective of total cost of configuration C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Mary Ransier Ext.422 Department: Human Resources Briefing: 0 Action Agenda: 0 Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): July 31,2023 Agenda Date: August 1,2023 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ® Human Resources ® Legal ❑ Information Technology 0 Risk (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item• 2023-2026 Collective Bargaining Agreement for Woodworkers Local Lodge W38 I.A.M. Office of Public Defense Support Staff Background/Executive Summary: The exclusive representatives of the Woodworkers Local Lodge W38 I.A.M. Office of Public Defense Support Staff have reached a tentative agreement with Mason County for the 2023-2026 term. It is noted and commended to the Commissioners that the parties reached this agreement through a very collaborative negotiations process. Budget Impact(amount, funding source,budget amendment): Supplemental—funded by Ending Fund Balance Public Outreach (news release,community meeting, etc.): N/A Requested Action: Approval of the 2023-2026 Collective Bargaining Agreement(CBA)for Woodworkers Local Lodge W38 I.A.M.Office of Public Defense Support Staff. Attachments Collective Bargaining Agreement COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT By and Between MASON COUNTY And OFFICE OF PUBLIC DEFENSE SUPPORT STAFF CO 1854 And WOODWORKERS LOCAL LODGE W38, I.A.M \o�r F MACH/�y�srs o� L 99 o a � o H y 0 N1 rr Sb�`T� Effective upon signing through December 31 , 2026 Table of Contents PREAMBLE.............................................................................................3 ARTICLE I: RECOGNITION........................................................................ 3 ARTICLE II: RIGHTS OF MANAGEMENT......................................................4 ARTICLE III: GRIEVANCES........................................................................5 ARTICLE IV: NON-DISCRIMINATION............................................................7 ARTICLE V: HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME............................................7 ARTICLE VI: WAGES AND BENEFITS...........................................................8 ARTICLE VII: HOLIDAYS...........................................................................10 ARTICLE VIII: VACATION...........................................................................10 ARTICLE IX: SICK LEAVE, BEREAVEMENT LEAVE, FMLA...............................11 ARTICLE X: CIVIL LEAVE...........................................................................14 ARTICLE XI: LONGEVITY...........................................................................14 ARTICLE XII: SAVINGS CLAUSE..................................................................14 ARTICLE XIII: DURATION...........................................................................14 APPENDIXA............................................................................................16 2023-2026 Agreement-Mason County OPD Support Staff/Woodworkers Local Lodge W38, IAM Page 2 of 16 PREAMBLE This Agreement entered into by Mason County and the Mason County Office of Public Defense, hereinafter referred to as the "Employer" and Woodworkers Local Lodge W38, I.A.M., hereinafter referred to as the "Union," has as its purpose the promotion of harmonious relations between Mason County, the Employer and the Union, and the establishment of an equitable and peaceful procedure for the resolution of differences, in the public interest. ARTICLE I: RECOGNITION Section 1. The Employer recognizes the Union as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent for the purpose of negotiations concerning salaries, hours, and other conditions of employment for all full-time and regular part-time support staff in the Office of Public Defense, hereinafter referred to as"employee", "employees", except for Rule 9 interns and confidential employees. Section 2. A. It is mutually agreed that only Union members of this unit shall engage in active participation in Union affairs of this unit or serve in a role of leadership of the unit such as: serving as a delegate or representative, serving on negotiating or other Union committees, or participating in other similar activities to the interest of the unit. B. Within ninety (90) days of the new employee's start date, the Union shall have no less than thirty (30) minutes during the employee's work hours to present information about the Union. The Union will explain that it is designated as the exclusive representative for all employees covered under this Collective Bargaining Agreement. The Union shall inform each new employee that membership in the Union is voluntary and only when an employee clearly and affirmatively consents to joining the Union may collect fees. In addition, the Union shall explain to the new employee the rights and the benefits the employee would forgo by being a non-member. C. The Union agrees to accept employees as members without discrimination asto race,color, creed, sex, sexual orientation, national origin or physical, sensory, or mental disabilityor protected classes under the law. D. The Employer will provide for payroll deduction of Union dues and initiation fees upon authorization by the employee. Payroll deduction authorization cards must be received by the County department by the 15th day of the month to be recognized as effective for that month. The County will transmit to the duly designated officer of the Union the total amount so deducted together with the list of names of the employees from whose pay deductions were made. All refunds of such deductions which may be required to be made to any employee shall be made by the Union, and the Union shall settle all questions, and disputes between it and its members with reference to the deductions or refunds of the like without recourse to the County. E. The Employer will distribute one copy of this Agreement to each employee in the unit and to each newly hired employee of the unit. The cost of printing this Agreement shall be equally shared between the Department and the Union. F. The Union agrees to supply the Employer with lists of officers of the Union and representatives and to keep such lists current.The Employer will recognize the officers and representatives, or shop stewards. 2023-2026 Agreement-Mason County OPD Support Staff/Woodworkers Local Lodge W38, AM Page 3 of 16 G. The signatory organization will indemnify, defend,and hold the Employer harmless against any claims made and against any suit instituted against the County on account of any check- off of dues for the Union organization. The Union agrees to refund to the County any amounts paid to it in error on account of the check-off provisions upon presentation of proper evidence thereof by the County. ARTICLE II: RIGHTS OF MANAGEMENT Subject to the terms of this Agreement, it is understood and agreed that the County possesses the sole right to operate the Mason County Public Defense, whether heretofore or herein after exercised, and regardless of the frequency or infrequency of the exercise. It is expressly recognized that such rights include, but are not limited to the following: A. To determine the Mason County Public Defense mission, policies and set forth all standards of service offered to the public. B. To Plan, direct, control and determine the operations or services to be conducted by the employees. C. To utilize personnel, methods and means in the most appropriate and efficient manner possible. D. To manage and direct the employees of the Public Defense Office E. To hire, promote, transfer, train, evaluate performance and retain employees in positions of the Public Defense Office F. To establish work rules and rules of conduct G. To determine the size and composition of the work force and to lay off employees in the event of lack of work or funds. If a layoff is imminent due to a lack of funds or work, the parties shall meet to discuss efforts to preserve the bargaining unit workforce and develop potential alternatives to curtailment. H. Determine the methods, maintenance, equipment, training, number and kinds of personnel, the job, work, or position content required to accomplish governmental operations and maintain the efficiency and safety of those operations. I. Determine and change the number and locations and types of operations, processes, and materials to be used in carrying out all County functions. J. Control departmental budgets and financial policies, including accounting procedures. K. Take whatever actions are necessary in emergencies or exigent circumstances to ensure the proper function of the Public Defense Office. Exigent circumstances are declared by the Board of County Commissioners or designee in writing and are circumstances which, through no fault of the employer, result in a situation that impacts safety of efficient operation. L. The Union and the employer will work together to develop and implement a system of Case Load weighting or Case Load distribution that's beneficial to both parties. 2023-2026 Agreement-Mason County OPD Support Staff/Woodworkers Local Lodge W38, IAM Page 4 of 16 ARTICLE III: GRIEVANCES Section 1. The purpose of this grievance procedure is to promote harmony and efficiency between the employees and the Employer by providing for the timely settlement of grievances without fear of discrimination or reprisal. Section 2. The term "grievance" shall mean any dispute between the Employer and the Union, or an employee covered by this Agreement, concerning the interpretation, application, claim, or breach or violation of the terms of this Agreement and established personnel matters. Section 3. Employees will be unimpeded and free from restraint, interference, coercion, discrimination, or reprisal in seeking adjudication of their grievances. Section 4. Any time limits stipulated in the grievance procedure may be extended for stated periods of time by appropriate parties by mutual agreement in writing with copies to the Union and the Employer. Section S. Failure of the Employer to comply with any time limitations of a procedure in this Article shall automatically permit the aggrieved employee to advance their grievance to the next step of these procedures. Section 6. A grievance of interest to several employees may be filed as a "group" grievance at Step 2 of the Grievance Procedure and be processed within the time limits set forth herein. Either the Union or the Employer may initiate a grievance. The Employer may not grieve the acts of individual Employees, but rather, only orchestrated acts or actions of authorized representatives believed to conflict with this Agreement. An Employer grievance will not be subject to Arbitration and may go to mediation. Section 7. Grievance Procedure Step 1. Within fourteen (14) calendar days of the incident, giving rise to the grievance or within fourteen (14) calendar days of the date the grievant knew or reasonably should have known of the incident-giving rise to the grievance, the employee and/or the shop steward or other representative of the Union shall discuss the grievance with the Supervisor. The Supervisor shall notify the employee of any decision on the grievance within fourteen (14) calendar days of the discussion with the employee. Step 2. If the grievance is directly related to Termination, Suspension or Wages and Benefits, then within fourteen (14)calendar days after receipt of the response or expiration of the time for response in Step 1, the employee and/or Union shall reduce to writing a statement of the grievance, which shall contain the following: (1) the facts upon which the grievance is based. (2) the Article(s) and/or Section(s) of the Agreement allegedly violated; and (3) the remedy sought. The written grievance shall be filed with the Human Resources Director, with a copy to the Supervisor. The Human Resources Director shall schedule a meeting with the Union Representative, affected employee(s) and the Supervisor(or designee) to hear and seek to resolve the grievance. Within fourteen (14) calendar days of the meeting, the Human 2023-2026 Agreement-Mason County OPD Support Staff/Woodworkers Local Lodge W38, IAM Page 5 of 16 Resources Director shall provide a written response to the Union Representative, employee(s) and the Supervisor. If the grievance is not resolved at Step 2, it may be advanced to arbitration by the Union. Section 8. Grievance Arbitration A. Should the Union choose to advance the grievance to arbitration, written notification of its intent to arbitrate shall be submitted to the Supervisor and Human Resources Director within fourteen (14) calendar days of receiving the written response in Step 2. Thereafter, the parties will attempt to agree on an arbitrator to hear the grievance. If the parties are unable to agree to an arbitrator, then a list of nine (9) names shall be jointly requested by the parties from the Public Employment Relations Commission (PERC) within thirty (30) calendar days of the date the Union filed its notice of intent to arbitrate with the County. B. If a list of arbitrators is requested, both parties will attempt to agree upon an arbitrator from this list. If they cannot agree within fourteen (14) calendar days from the receipt of the list, a flip of the coin will determine which party strikes the first name from the list. This striking of names will alternate between the parties until one name remains. This person shall be the arbitrator. C. The Parties shall jointly submit a written referral to the arbitrator that will contain the following: 1) A stipulated agreement of the question or questions at issue. If unable to stipulate, parties shall frame their own question or questions and the arbitrator shall have authority to define the question as a first order of business at any subsequent hearing. 2) Statement of facts and position of each respective party, a copy of the grievance and related correspondence. The arbitration hearing shall be scheduled at a date, time, and location mutually acceptable to the parties. D. For any grievance arbitration proceeding held pursuant to this Article, it is understood as follows: 1) The arbitrator shall have no power to render a decision that will add to, subtract from, or alter, change, or modify the terms of this Agreement, and their power shall be limited to interpretation or application of the terms of this Agreement, and all other matters shall be excluded from arbitration. 2) The decision of the arbitrator shall be final, conclusive, and binding upon the Employer, the Union and the employees involved, provided the decision does not involve action by the Employer, which is beyond its jurisdiction. 3) Each party may call witnesses. Such testimony shall be sworn and shall be limited to the matters set forth in the written statement of the grievance and shall be subject to cross-examination. The arguments of the parties may be supported by oral comment and rebuttal. Either or both parties may submit post-hearing briefs within a time mutually agreed upon. Such arguments of the parties, whether oral or written, shall be confined to and directed at the matters set forth in the written statement of the grievance. 2023-2026 Agreement-Mason County OPD Support Staff/Woodworkers Local Lodge W38, IAM Page 6 of 16 4) Either party may request that a stenographic record of the hearing be made. The party requesting such records shall bear the cost thereof; provided, however, if the other party requests a copy, such cost shall be shared equally. 5) The cost of the arbitrator shall be borne equally by the Employer and the Union, and each party shall bear the cost of presenting its own case. ARTICLE IV: NON-DISCRIMINATION Section 1. Neither the Employer, Union, nor any employee shall in any manner whatsoever discriminate against any employee on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, sex, marital status, national origin, age, or sensory, mental or physical handicaps; Except,that such factors may be considered in employment decisions where determined to be a bona fide occupational qualification under the guidelines promulgated by the Federal Equal Employment opportunity commission. Section 2. All references to gender in this Agreement are intended to refer equally to all gender pronouns. Section 3. No employee shall be discharged or discriminated against for engaging in lawful Union activities, fulfilling duties as an officer in the union, serving on a Union committee or member thereof, or exercising the employee's rights as a Union member, or for acting in compliance with the rules of professional conduct as mandated by the Washington State Supreme Court. ARTICLE V: HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME Section 1. The workweek shall normally consist of five (5) workdays within a seven (7) consecutive day period beginning Sunday at 12:00 am through Saturday 11:59 pm. The assignment of workdays and work schedules shall be determined by the Employer to meet business and customer service needs or in response to budgetary demands. Section 2. For regular full-time employees, the workweek shall normally consist of forty(40) hours of time scheduled within a seven (7) consecutive day period. Work hours for full-time employees covered by this Agreement shall normally be 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. Section 3. Employees may be allowed up to a one (1) hour unpaid lunch period as approved and scheduled by the Employer. Employees are entitled to take one (1) fifteen-minute break for every four(4) hours worked. Breaks should be arranged so that they do not interfere with County business or service to the public. Lunch periods and breaks shall not be combined, and they may not be used to shorten an employee's workday, unless agreed on by supervisor. Section 4. Any employee, or who works more than forty (40) hours in a workweek shall be compensated at the rate of one and one-half times their straight-time hourly rate for all such overtime hours worked. All overtime must be pre-approved by the Employer. Upon a request to work beyond the regular workday or workweek, by mutual agreement, the parties may agree upon an adjusted workweek for that specific workweek, for purposes of employee convenience and to avoid overtime. 2023-2026 Agreement-Mason County OPD Support Staff/Woodworkers Local Lodge W38, AM Page 7 of 16 ARTICLE VI: WAGES AND BENEFITS Section 1. Effective upon signing, each employee shall also have their base wage as set forth in Appendix A and adjusted by an across the board (ATB) increase as set forth below: Upon Signing 2.00% 1/1/2024 2.00% 1/1/2025 2.00% 1/1/2026 2.00% Step increases shall occur on the employee's anniversary date. If an employee's performance is unsatisfactory, the Supervisor may defer a scheduled pay increase for the stipulated period or until the employee's job performance is satisfactory. The anniversary date is defined as the employee's actual date of appointment to their current job classification. The actual day of the pay increase shall be the 1st or 161" of the month, depending on the date of the anniversary day (e.g., if an employee's anniversary date is January 14, the pay increase will take effect January 1). Section 2. The County shall contribute as below each month during the term of this Agreement for each eligible employee for medical, dental, vision, and life insurance coverage. This contribution is to be applied to premiums for PEBB medical and WCIF dental, vision and life or, with the provision of adequate notice to the County, applied to the premiums of such other carrier or carriers as designated by the Union. Eligible employees are those regular full-time and regular part-time employees compensated for eighty (80) man-hours (excludes vacation, sick and comp time upon separation) or more per month during the calendar year. A. Effective upon signing, the contribution shall be one thousand four hundred and sixty- six dollars ($1,466.00) per month during the term of this Agreement for each eligible employee for medical, dental, vision, and life insurance coverage. B. Effective January 1, 2024, the contribution shall be increased to one thousand five hundred and eighteen dollars ($1,518.00) per month during the term of this Agreement for each eligible employee for medical, dental, vision, and life insurance coverage. C. Effective January 1, 2025, the contribution shall be increased to one thousand five hundred and eighteen dollars ($1,570.00) per month during the term of this Agreement for each eligible employee for medical, dental, vision, and life insurance coverage. D. Effective January 1, 2026, the contribution shall be increased to one thousand six hundred and twenty-two dollars ($1,622.00) per month during the term of this Agreement for each eligible employee for medical, dental, vision, and life insurance coverage. Section 3. The County and the Union mutually agree to comply with all Washington State Long Team Services Trust Act Laws, in accordance with RCW 5013.04. Section 4. The Employer shall provide an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) benefit for all bargaining unit employees. 2023-2026 Agreement-Mason County OPD Support Staff/Woodworkers Local Lodge W38, IAM Page 8 of 16 Section 5. In the event either party is subject to carrier plan design change or a penalty, tax, fine or increased costs because of requirements or provisions of the ACA, not within their control, the parties agree to meet and negotiate regarding the impacts of any such cost or plan design impacts and immediately bargain alternative provisions. Section 6. The County and Union mutually agree to comply with Washington State Paid Family & Medical Leave laws, per RCW 50A.04, and future amendments with the law. Section 7. Eligible employees that possess bilingual fluency in a County-approved non-English language, and who use their bilingual skills in the performance of official duties, shall receive bilingual incentive pay as indicated herein: Bilingual Language Fluency $ 75.00 per month Bilingual Medical Certification $100.00 per month Bilingual Legal/Court Certification $125.00 per month Eligibility requirements: A. The County shall determine if bilingual pay shall be utilized, the language(s) bilingual is payable for and the number of employees eligible for bilingual pay. B. Bilingual language fluency eligible employees are those who have taken and passed a language fluency test from an accredited institution and/or employee who have self-identified bilingual fluency that has been demonstrated on the job. Bilingual Medical and Legal/Court certification eligible employees are those who have their bilingual skills tested and certified by an accredited institution. The County at its discretion may choose which certification(s) is a required and acceptable substitute, such as certification from other states. Section 8. When an employee possesses a higher education, additional compensation will be added to their base rate and shall be paid at the following rate: Associate's Degree 1.5% Baccalaureate Degree 3.0% Master's Degree 4.5% Section 9. Unemployment Claims: If laid off employees apply for unemployment compensation benefits, the Employer will not contest the claim and will confirm that the employee was laid off. Section 10.Working in a Higher Classification: No employee shall be reduced in salary or benefits because of being assigned by the employer to perform the work of a lower classification, except in the situation of layoff. A supervisor may assign an employee to perform the primary duties of a higher classification, when those duties are not part of the employee's current job classification, for the purpose of: A. Providing work coverage during an authorized vacation. B. Providing work coverage during an authorized sick leave. C. Provide work coverage for an authorized leave of absence; or D. provide work coverage for a current vacant position. 2023-2026 Agreement-Mason County OPD Support Staff/Woodworkers Local Lodge W38, AM Page 9 of 16 An employee who has been assigned to perform all of the significant duties of a higher level job classification and who performs such duties for five (5) or more consecutive days, due to the absence of the employee who normally holds that higher level position, shall be compensated using the step on the salary range of the higherjob class that provides at least a five (5%) Percent increase over the current rate of base pay for the employee working out of classification. This section is not applicable to employees who are being trained to perform the work of the higher classification. ARTICLE VII: HOLIDAYS Section 1. The following is a list of the annual recognized holidays for employees in the Supervisor's Office: New Year's Day Labor Da Martin Luther King Day Veterans' Day Presidents' Day Thanksgiving Da Memorial Day Friday after Thanksgiving Da Independence Day Christmas Eve Da Two 2 Floating Holidays Christmas Da Juneteenth Christmas Eve may be taken off based on the operational needs of the County and the prior approval of the Chief Public Defender, and if this cannot be accommodated, the employee will schedule an alternate day with their supervisor's approval within the month of December and should be scheduled no later than December 1st of the current calendar year. Section 2. Where there is a conflict or difference between either a federal or state designated holiday, the parties may agree to honor either one but not both. Section 3. When a recognized holiday falls on Saturday, the Friday preceding it will be allowed; and when a recognized holiday falls on a Sunday, the Monday following will be allowed as a regular paid holiday. Section 4. Floating holidays may be taken at the discretion of the employee, provided the approval of the Employer is obtained and one week's advance notice is given. The one-week notice requirement may be waived by the Employer. Floating holidays not used by the end of the calendar year during which they accrued will be lost. ARTICLE Vill: VACATION LEAVE Section 1. Each regular full-time employee shall accrue paid vacation leave as follows: Years of Continuous Service Annual Accrual 1st through 311 year of employment 96 hours 4t" through 7t" year of employment 120 hours 8t" through 9t" year of employment 144 hours 10t" through 11 t" year of employment 160 hours 121" through 14t" year of employment 176 hours 15t" through 16t" year of employment 184 hours 17t" through 19t" year of employment 192 hours 20 or more years of employment 200 hours 2023-2026 Agreement-Mason County OPD Support Staff/Woodworkers Local Lodge W38, AM Page 10 of 16 Section 2. All new employees must satisfactorily complete six(6) months of service to be entitled to the accrual and use of vacation leave. Regular part-time employees will receive vacation on a pro-rata basis. Extra help employees are not eligible for any vacation benefits. Employees do not accrue vacation benefits during a leave without pay. Section. 3. Regular full-time employees must work, or be in a paid status, at least eighty (80) hours in a month to accrue vacation for the month. Regular part-time employees must work, or be in a paid status, at least in the same proportion to eighty (80) hours as their regular hours are to full-time employment to accrue vacation leave for that month. Section 4. The first day of the month of hire shall be the effective date of subsequent increases in the vacation accrual rate for employees hired between the first (1st) and the fifteenth (15th) of the month. The first day of the month following the month of hire shall be the effective date for subsequent increases in the vacation accrual rate for employees hired between the sixteenth and the last day of the month. Section 5. The Supervisor is responsible for scheduling its employees' vacations without undue disruption of department operations. Leave requests shall normally be submitted, in writing, at least two weeks prior to taking vacation leave. Section 6. The maximum vacation leave hours that may be accrued at any point in time is four hundred (400) hours. No additional vacation leave accrual will be added to the employee's vacation leave benefit when the maximum accrual of four hundred (400) hours has been attained. Section 7. Eligible employees will be paid for unused accrued vacation leave upon termination of employment with Mason County, provided that no employee may receive payment for more than four hundred (400) hours. ARTICLE IX: SICK LEAVE, BEREAVEMENT LEAVE AND FMLA Section 1. Per the Washington State Paid Sick Leave law, RCW 49.46, in accordance with WAC 296-130 and Initiative 1433. Regular full-time employees must work or be in a paid status at least eighty(80)hours in a month to accrue sick leave for the month. Sick leave shall accrue for all regular full-time employees at the rate of eight(8)hours per month for each month of employment. Regular part-time employees shall accrue sick leave on a pro-rated basis in proportion to the number of hours the part-time employee is in a paid status during the month as compared to that required for full-time employment. Sick leave cannot be taken before it is actually earned. Sick leave accrual may not exceed one thousand two hundred (1,200)hours. Usages of sick leave shall be consistent in accordance with the Washington State Paid Sick Leave law, RCW 49.46, WAC 296-130 and Initiative 1433, the County and the Council mutually agree to comply with the laws. Authorized uses of sick leave may be utilized for immediate family as defined below: "Immediate family" shall be defined as persons related by blood, marriage, or legal adoption in the degree of relationship of spouse, registered domestic partner, grandparent, parent (biological, adoptive, de facto, or foster parent, stepparent, or legal guardian of an employee or employee's spouse or registered domestic partner, or a person who stood in loco parentis when the employee was a minor child), sibling, child (biological, adopted, or foster child, stepchild, or a child to whom the employee stands in loco parentis, is a legal guardian, or is a de facto parent, regardless of age or dependency), grandchild, in compliance with WAC 296-130-030 and RCW 49.12.270 (or subsequent statutes) and other persons with the approval of the Employer or designee. 2023-2026 Agreement-Mason County OPD Support Staff/Woodworkers Local Lodge W38, IAM Page 11 of 16 Section 2. A written certificate from an employee's medical provider may be required when the employee is absent for a period more than three (3) days or when a pattern of sick leave use indicates possible sick leave abuse. To the extent allowed by law, the County also may request the opinion of a second medical provider, at County expense, to determine whether the employee suffers from a condition which impairs their ability to perform the essential functions of the job. Section 3. Sick Leave Cash Out: Employees hired before January 1, 2011, shall receive payment for unused sick leave upon termination of employment with fifteen (15) years of continuous county service; or upon termination of employment with Mason County when the termination is contemporaneous with retirement from an applicable Washington State Public Employees Retirement System; or upon the death of the employee, in which case payment shall be made to their estate. Employees hired on or after January 1, 2011, neither they nor their estate shall be eligible to receive any cash out of the employee's accrued sick leave upon separation from county service. Section 4. Sick Leave Adjustment for Worker's Compensation: A. For a period of absence from work due to injury or occupational disease resulting from County employment, the employee shall file an application for Worker's Compensation in accordance with state law. B. If the employee has accumulated sick leave credit, the County shall pay the sick leave difference between their time loss compensation and their full regular salary unless the employee elects not to use their sick leave. C. Should an employee receive Worker's Compensation for time loss, and they also receive sick leave compensation, their sick leave accrual prior to the time loss will be reduced by the total number of hours they were on sick leave minus the number of hours at full salary for which they are paid to the nearest hour. D. Until eligibility for Worker's Compensation is determined by the Department of Labor and Industries, the County may pay full sick leave accumulated, provided that the employee shall return any subsequent over-payment to the County. E. Should an employee apply for time loss compensation and the claim is then or later denied, sick leave and vacation leave may be used for the absence in accordance with other provisions of this rule. F. Nothing herein pertains to a permanent disability award. G. If an employee has no sick leave accumulated, or has exhausted all sick leave, vacation leave, or comp time, may be substituted. Section S. Bereavement Leave: The County will provide regular, full-time, and full-time, employees with paid bereavement leave for up to three (3) days in the event of the death of an immediate family member. Two (2) additional days chargeable to accrued sick leave may be granted at the request of the employee. Immediate family for purposes of bereavement leave includes only the employee's spouse, parent, grandparent, child, grandchild, sister, brother, grandmother-in-law, grandfather-in-law, mother-in-law, father-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, aunt, uncle, nephew, or niece. 2023-2026 Agreement-Mason County OPD Support Staff/Woodworkers Local Lodge W38, IAM Page 12 of 16 Section 6. Family Leave: The County and the Union mutual agree to comply with all State and Federal Family Leave laws (FMLA, RCW 49.78), whichever is more advantageous to the employee Employer will grant leave consistent with the FMLA and the adopted conditions and provisions of the state and federal law and are not intended to expand upon the rights thus set forth If an employee has any questions regarding the State and Federal Family leave laws, they may contact the County's Human Resource Department for guidance. • For purposes of this Article, the definition of "immediate family" will be found in Section 1. Maternity Disability Leave: Consistent with WAC 162-30-020, the Employer will grant a leave of absence for a period of temporary disability because of pregnancy or childbirth. This may be in addition to the leave entitlements of FMLA. This leave provides female Employees with the right to a leave of absence equivalent to the disability phase of pregnancy and childbirth. There is no eligibility requirement, however, the Employer has no obligation to pay for health insurance benefits while on this leave (unless utilized concurrent with FMLA or otherwise entitled under disability or sick leave paid status). Leave for temporary disability due to pregnancy or childbirth will be medically verifiable. There is no limit to the length of the disability phase, except for the right for medical verification and the right of second opinion at the Employer's expense. At the end of the disability leave, the Employee is entitled to return to the same job or a similar job of at least the same pay. Employees must use their accrued sick leave and vacation, if any, during the leave period and, at their election, any accrued comp time. Once this paid leave is exhausted, the Employee's leave may be switched over to unpaid leave. Section 7. Military Leave: Employees enlisting or entering the military service of the United States, pursuant to the provisions of the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 (USERRA) shall be granted all rights and privileges provided by the Act. In addition to benefits granted under USERRA, Employees shall be allowed military leave as required by RCW 38.40.060 and as interpreted by the Court. This provides for twenty-one (21) working days of military leave per year (October 1 through September 30). Section 8. Leave Without Pay: Except in the case of Family Medical Leave Act related leave (and/or other protected leaves), an employee may be granted leave without pay with prior approval of the Supervisor or designee. Leaves of absence requests detailed in this section shall not be unreasonably denied. All leave is to be requested in writing as far in advance as possible. As appropriate for the type of leave requested, paid leave accruals will be utilized prior to unpaid leave, unless otherwise provided for in this Agreement, or utilization of Washington Paid Family Medical Leave. Leave does not accrue, nor may it be used until the first day of the following pay period in which it is earned (no "negative" leave use during the period in which it is earned). An employee on leave of absence may be affected by a layoff in the same manner as if the employee were working. Leave of absence without pay is not creditable towards seniority and seniority related benefits, except for periods of legally protected leave, such as FMLA, PFML or military leave. An employee who takes a leave of absence without pay shall have their date of hire for seniority purposes adjusted for the same duration of time as the period of leave without pay. Step increases are based on the duration of employment and will be adjusted accordingly. General salary increases are not based upon the duration of employment and will not be adjusted in this manner. The employee's seniority for purposes of vacation accrual, promotion and layoff would be 2023-2026 Agreement-Mason County OPD Support Staff/Woodworkers Local Lodge W38, AM Page 13 of 16 adjusted in the same amount as the duration of the leave without pay. In the unlikely event an employee was granted leave without pay during their probationary period, the probationary period would be extended for the same duration as the leave without pay. ARTICLE X: CIVIL LEAVE Section 1. Jury Duty: The County provides all employees leave for jury service. Regular full- time and part-time employees who have completed their probationary period receive paid jury duty leave each time they are called for jury service. Payment provided by the courts during periods of paid jury duty leave must be paid over to the County, excluding expense reimbursements, such as mileage. Employees must provide their supervisor with a copy of the jury duty summons as soon as possible after receiving it. Upon completion of jury duty, employees are required to provide their supervisor with proof of jury service. Employees who have been released by the court during their period of jury duty service may be required to report to work. An employee who is called to jury service for a matter which is discovered to be likely multiple- week litigation agrees to ask to be excused from such service based on hardship to the Employer. Section 2. Witness Duty: All employees summoned to testify in court are allowed time off for the period they serve as witnesses. Employees will be compensated for time spent testifying, payment provided by the courts during periods of paid witness duty must be paid over to the County, excluding expense reimbursements, such as mileage. In general, witness duty leave is paid unless the employee is a party in the case. ARTICLE XI: LONGEVITY Section 1. Employees shall receive longevity pay in addition to their base pay as set forth below: Beginning of 111" year of County Service 1.5% Beginning of 161" year of County Service 3.0% Beginning of 21 st year of County Service 4.5% Beginning of 26t" year of County Service 6.0% ARTICLE XII: SAVINGS CLAUSE Should any clause of this Agreement be found to be in violation of any law, all other provisions shall remain in full force and effect. If any provision in this Agreement is determined to be invalid, the parties shall meet to renegotiate the substance of the provision if demanded by either party. ARTICLE XIII: DURATION This Agreement shall be effective upon signing by both parties and shall remain in full force and effect through December 31, 2026, by mutual agreement superseding previous Agreements in term and effective date. Either party may commence negotiations of a successor agreement by filing a written notice to the other party pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 41.56 RCW. Any retroactive application of the provisions of this agreement shall apply only to those eligible employees under this bargaining unit who are actively employed by Mason County on the date of signing by both parties. 2023-2026 Agreement-Mason County OPD Support Staff/Woodworkers Local Lodge W38, IAM Page 14 of 16 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement this Day of 2023. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WOODWORKERS LOCAL MASON COUNTY LODGE W38, I.A.M. Sharon Trask, Chair 0 zrrvykett, Business Agent Randy Neatherlin, Commissioner Brad McQuade, President Kevin Shutty, Commissioner 2023-2026 Agreement-Mason County OPD Support Staff/Woodworkers Local Lodge W38, IAM Page 16 of 15 APPENDIX A— Salary Table Note: Figures are rounded and will vary slightly in MUNIS because it calculates out four (4) decimal places. Note: Effective upon signing by both parties, the members of this bargaining unit will receive a step increase to Step 3, and their annual anniversary date for step increases will be modified to coincide with the date on which the contract is officially signed by both parties. Upon signing STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 STEP 6 STEP 7 STEP 8 STEP 9 STEP 10 2.00%ATB Admin.Assistant $4,280.80 $4,387.82 $4,495.67 $4,608.07 $4,720.64 $4,839.37 $4,959.26 $5,084.23 $5,211.34 $5,341.64 Legal Secretary $3,882.20 $3,979.26 $4,075.88 $4,177.78 $4,280.80 $4,387.02 $4,496.94 $4,609.42 $4,724.66 $4,842.78 Eff.11112024 STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 STEP 6 STEP 7 STEP 8 STEP 9 STEP 10 2.00%ATB Admin Assistant $4,366.41 $4,475.57 $4,585.58 $4,700.24 $4,815.05 $4,936.16 $5,058.45 $5,185.92 $5,315.57 $5,448.47 Legal Secretary $3,959.85 $4,058.85 $4,157.40 $4,261.33 $4,366.41 $4,474.76 $4,586.87 $4,701.61 $4,819.15 $4,939.63 Eff.11112025 STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 STEP 6 STEP 7 STEP 8 STEP 9 STEP 10 2.00%ATB Admin Assistant $4,453.74 $4,565.08 $4,677.30 $4,794.24 $4,911.36 $5,034.88 $5,159.61 $5,289.63 $5,421.88 $5,557.44 Legal Secretary $4,039.04 $4,140.03 $4,240.54 $4,346.56 $4,453.74 $4,564.26 $4,678.61 $4,795.64 $4,915.54 $5,038.42 Eff.11112026 STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 STEP 6 STEP 7 STEP 8 STEP 9 STEP 10 2.00%ATB Admin Assistant $4,542.82 $4,656.39 $4,770.84 $4,890.13 $5,009.58 $5,135.58 $5,262.81 $5,395.43 $5,530.32 $5,668.59 Legal Secretary $4,119.82 $4,222.83 $4,325.36 $4,433.49 $4,542.82 $4,655.54 $4,772.18 $4,891.55 $5,013.85 $5,139.19 2023-2026 Agreement-Mason County OPD Support Staff/Woodworkers Local Lodge W38, IAM Page 16 of 16 C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Mary Ransier Ext.422 Department: Human Resources Briefing: ❑X Action Agenda: ❑X Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): July 31,2023 Agenda Date: Click or tap here to enter text. Internal Review: ❑ Finance ® Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Risk (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item• $5,000 Hiring Bonus for Public Works Finance Manager Position Background/Executive Summary: The Public Works Finance Manager position has been open since 2021. Recruitment for this position has been difficult due to the market. Research shows that a$5,000 hiring bonus to be paid in equal installments of $2,500 upon hire and$2,500 upon completion of the first year, is comparable in the market. Budget Impact(amount, funding source,budget amendment): Salary Savings Public Outreach (news release,community meeting, etc.): N/A Requested Action: Approval of a$5,000 hiring bonus for the Public Works Finance Manager position. Attachments C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Mary Ransier Ext.422 Department: Human Resources Briefing: ❑X Action Agenda: ❑X Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): July 31,2023 Agenda Date: August 1,2023 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ® Human Resources ® Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑X Risk (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item• Updates to the Non-Represented Salary Scale Background/Executive Summary: 1. Removal of the positions Administrative Assistant(Range 17)and Legal Secretary(Range 13)from the current Non-Represented Scale. 2. Retitle Receptionist/Secretary to Customer Service Specialist(no Range change). 3. Create new title for second Receptionist/Secretary position to Administrative Assistant—Commissioner's Office to reflect higher duties(move from Range 10 to Range 13). The removal of the two positions from the pay scale are due to Union negotiations and moving to their own scale(Public Defense Support Staff). Retitling and classifying the two Receptionist/Secretary positions upon request of Central Services and the demonstrated need for additional support. Budget Impact(amount, funding source,budget amendment): Supplemental—funded by Ending Fund Balance Public Outreach (news release,community meeting, etc.): N/A Requested Action: Approval to update the Non-Represented Salary scale to show the removal of the Administrative Assistant and Legal Secretary positions,retitle Receptionist/Secretary to Customer Service Specialist,and to create a new title for the second Receptionist/Secretary to Administrative Assistant—Commissioner's Office and to move that position from a Range 10 to Range 13. Attachments: 2023 Non-Represented Salary Scale Resolution RESOLUTION NO. AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 2023-009 REVISE THE NON-REPRESENTED SALARY RANGE TABLE TO UPDATE CLASSIFICATION TITLES AND RANGES. WHEREAS RCW 36.16.070 states... The Board shall fix the compensation of all employees...; WHEREAS the there is a need to remove two positions from the scale as they are now represented. WHEREAS one position needs to be split into new position titles. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of County Commissioners does hereby revise the Non-Represented Salary Scale Range Alignment approving the attached 2023 Non-Represented Salary Schedule to be effective August 1, 2023. DATED this day of ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON McKenzie Smith, Clerk of the Board Sharon Trask, Chair APPROVED AS TO FORM: Kevin Shutty, Commissioner Tim Whitehead, Chief DPA Randy Neatherlin, Commissioner Page 11 2023 Non-Represented Sala Ran a Ali nment RANGE CLASSIFICATION TITLE JOB CLASS STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 STEP 6 STEP 7 STEP 8 STEP 9 STEP 10 49 County Administrator 3601 Annual $ 148,678.73 $ 152,395.70 $ 156,205.46 $ 160,110.71 $ 164,113.63 $ 168,216.19 $ 172,421.56 $ 176,732.18 $ 181,150.48 $ 185,679.25 Monthly $ 12,389.89 $ 12,699.64 $ 13,017.12 $ 13,342.56 $ 13,676.14 $ 14,018.02 $ 14,368.46 $ 14,727.68 $ 15,095.87 $ 15,473.27 Semi-Monthly $ 6,194.95 $ 6,349.82 $ 6,508.56 $ 6,671.28 $ 6,838.07 $ 7,009.01 $ 7,184.23 $ 7,363.84 $ 7,547.94 $ 7,736.64 48 Community Development Director 2070 Annual $ 122,404.03 $ 125,543.22 $ 128,762.26 $ 132,063.12 $ 135,449.93 $ 138,922.21 $ 142,395.22 $ 145,955.17 $ 149,604.04 $ 153,344.15 Human Resources Director 2900 Monthly $ 10,200.34 $ 10,461.94 $ 10,730.19 $ 11,005.26 $ 11,287.49 $ 11,576.85 $ 11,866.27 $ 12,162.93 $ 12,467.00 $ 12,778.68 Public Health&Human Services Director 2170 Semi-Monthly $ 5,100.17 $ 5,230.97 $ 5,365.09 $ 5,502.63 $ 5,643.75 $ 5,788.43 $ 5,933.13 $ 6,081.47 $ 6,233.50 $ 6,389.34 Public Works&Utilities Director 4005 UnderSheriff 3000 47 County Engineer 4008 Annual $ 104,742.97 $107,361.45 $109,963.51 $112,712.58 $115,554.01 $118,364.65 $121,330.00 $124,341.02 $127,449.55 $130,635.79 Monthly $ 8,728.58 $ 8,946.79 $ 9,163.63 $ 9,392.71 $ 9,629.50 $ 9,863.72 $ 10,110.83 $ 10,361.75 $ 10,620.80 $ 10,886.32 Semi-Monthly $ 4,364.29 $ 4,473.39 $ 4,581.81 $ 4,696.36 $ 4,814.75 $ 4,931.86 $ 5,055.42 $ 5,180.88 $ 5,310.40 $ 5,443.16 46 Annual $ 102,188.27 $ 104,742.88 $ 107,281.47 $ 109,963.49 $ 112,735.62 $ 115,477.71 $ 118,370.74 $ 121,308.32 $ 124,341.02 $ 127,449.55 Monthly $ 8,515.69 $ 8,728.57 $ 8,940.12 $ 9,163.62 $ 9,394.63 $ 9,623.14 $ 9,864.23 $ 10,109.03 $ 10,361.75 $ 10,620.80 Semi-Monthly $ 4,257.84 $ 4,364.29 $ 4,470.06 $ 4,581.81 $ 4,697.32 $ 4,811.57 $ 4,932.11 $ 5,054.51 $ 5,180.88 $ 5,310.40 45 Chief Criminal Deputy 3002 Annual $ 99,695.87 $ 102,188.18 $ 104,664.85 $ 107,281.46 $ 109,985.97 $ 112,661.18 $ 115,483.65 $ 118,349.58 $ 121,308.32 $ 124,341.02 Monthly $ 8,307.99 $ 8,515.68 $ 8,722.07 $ 8,940.12 $ 9,165.50 $ 9,388.43 $ 9,623.64 $ 9,862.46 $ 10,109.03 $ 10,361.75 Semi-Monthly $ 4,153.99 $ 4,257.84 $ 4,361.04 $ 4,470.06 $ 4,582.75 $ 4,694.22 $ 4,811.82 $ 4,931.23 $ 5,054.51 $ 5,180.88 44 Deputy Director Public Works/Utilities&Waste Mgmt 4010 Annual $ 97,299.54 $ 99,732.01 $ 102,179.87 $ 104,734.21 $ 107,295.62 $ 109,970.83 $ 112,719.79 $ 115,542.25 $ 118,430.81 $ 121,391.58 Monthly $ 8,108.29 $ 8,311.00 $ 8,514.99 $ 8,727.85 $ 8,941.30 $ 9,164.24 $ 9,393.32 $ 9,628.52 $ 9,869.23 $ 10,115.96 Semi-Monthly $ 4,054.15 $ 4,155.50 $ 4,257.49 $ 4,363.93 $ 4,470.65 $ 4,582.12 $ 4,696.66 $ 4,814.26 $ 4,934.62 $ 5,057.98 43 Chief Jail 3003 Annual $ 94,918.10 $ 97,290.99 $ 99,666.81 $ 102,158.38 $ 104,649.47 $ 107,281.21 $ 109,941.53 $ 112,705.14 $ 115,522.77 $ 118,410.84 Chief Public Defender 1160 Monthly $ 7,909.84 $ 8,107.58 $ 8,305.57 $ 8,513.20 $ 8,720.79 $ 8,940.10 $ 9,161.79 $ 9,392.09 $ 9,626.90 $ 9,867.57 Chief Superior Court Administrator 4650 Semi-Monthly,$ 3,954.92 $ 4,053.79 $ 4,152.78 $ 4,256.60 $ 4,360.39 $ 4,470.05 $ 4,580.90 $ 4,696.05 $ 4,813.45 $ 4,933.78 42 Central Services Manager 1153 Annual $ 92,698.08 $ 95,015.53 $ 97,329.33 $ 99,762.54 $ 102,179.87 $ 104,752.52 $ 107,369.12 $ 110,044.33 $ 112,795.44 $ 115,615.33 Monthly $ 7,724.84 $ 7,917.96 $ 8,110.78 $ 8,313.54 $ 8,514.99 $ 8,729.38 $ 8,947.43 $ 9,170.36 $ 9,399.62 $ 9,634.61 Semi-Monthly $ 3,862.42 $ 3,958.98 $ 4,055.39 $ 4,156.77 $ 4,257.49 $ 4,364.69 $ 4,473.71 $ 4,585.18 $ 4,699.81 $ 4,817.31 41 Chief District Court Administrator 1180 Annual $ 90,405.04 $ 92,665.11 $ 94,918.10 $ 97,290.99 $ 99,680.73 $ 102,165.47 $ 104,723.22 $ 107,339.82 $ 110,023.31 $ 112,773.90 Jail Lieutenant 3005 Monthly $ 7,533.75 $ 7,722.09 $ 7,909.84 $ 8,107.58 $ 8,306.73 $ 8,513.79 $ 8,726.93 $ 8,944.98 $ 9,168.61 $ 9,397.82 Patrol Lieutenant 3006 Semi-Monthly $ 3,766.88 $ 3,861.05 $ 3,954.92 $ 4,053.79 $ 4,153.36 $ 4,256.89 $ 4,363.47 $ 4,472.49 $ 4,584.30 $ 4,698.91 Budget&Finance Manager 1155 Chief Finance Officer 2000 Chief Civil Deputy 3001 40 Engineering and Construction Manager 4030 Annual $ 88,273.66 $ 90,480.50 $ 92,698.08 $ 95,015.53 $ 97,314.19 $ 99,754.97 $ 102,253.87 $ 104,811.37 $ 107,431.66 $ 110,117.45 Monthly $ 7,356.14 $ 7,540.04 $ 7,724.84 $ 7,917.96 $ 8,109.52 $ 8,312.91 $ 8,521.16 $ 8,734.28 $ 8,952.64 $ 9,176.45 Semi-Monthly,$ 3,678.07 $ 3,770.02 $ 3,862.42 $ 3,958.98 $ 4,054.76 $ 4,156.46 $ 4,260.58 $ 4,367.14 $ 4,476.32 $ 4,588.23 39 Annual $ 86,112.98 $ 88,265.85 $ 90,435.07 $ 92,696.12 $ 94,947.89 $ 97,314.19 $ 99,754.97 $ 102,253.87 $ 104,810.21 $ 107,430.47 Monthly $ 7,176.08 $ 7,355.49 $ 7,536.26 $ 7,724.68 $ 7,912.32 $ 8,109.52 $ 8,312.91 $ 8,521.16 $ 8,734.18 $ 8,952.54 Semi-Monthly $ 3,588.04 $ 3,677.74 $ 3,768.13 $ 3,862.34 $ 3,956.16 $ 4,054.76 $ 4,156.46 $ 4,260.58 $ 4,367.09 $ 4,476.27 38 County Surveyor 4058 Annual $ 84,055.11 $ 86,156.45 $ 88,259.01 $ 90,465.60 $ 92,669.02 $ 95,006.50 $ 97,343.25 $ 99,798.44 $ 102,293.40 $ 104,850.73 DEM/Parks&Trails Manager 2059 Monthly $ 7,004.59 $ 7,179.70 $ 7,354.92 $ 7,538.80 $ 7,722.42 $ 7,917.21 $ 8,111.94 $ 8,316.54 $ 8,524.45 $ 8,737.56 Facilities Manager 2058 Semi-Monthly $ 3,502.30 $ 3,589.85 $ 3,677.46 $ 3,769.40 $ 3,861.21 $ 3,958.60 $ 4,055.97 $ 4,158.27 $ 4,262.22 $ 4,368.78 Water&Wastewater Manager 4015 37 Annual $ 81,996.99 $ 84,047.05 $ 86,098.08 $ 88,250.46 $ 90,419.93 $ 92,669.02 $ 94,991.85 $ 97,358.14 $ 99,792.10 $ 102,286.90 Monthly $ 6,833.08 $ 7,003.92 $ 7,174.84 $ 7,354.21 $ 7,534.99 $ 7,722.42 $ 7,915.99 $ 8,113.18 $ 8,316.01 $ 8,523.91 Semi-Monthly $ 3,416.54 $ 3,501.96 $ 3,587.42 $ 3,677.10 $ 3,767.50 $ 3,861.21 $ 3,957.99 $ 4,056.59 $ 4,158.00 $ 4,261.95 36 Engineer III 4033 Annual $ 80,041.68 $ 82,042.90 $ 84,055.11 $ 86,156.45 $ 88,259.01 $ 90,478.54 $ 92,743.25 $ 95,064.86 $ 97,441.48 $ 99,877.52 Road Operations&Maintenance Manager 4231 Monthly $ 6,670.14 $ 6,836.91 $ 7,004.59 $ 7,179.70 $ 7,354.92 $ 7,539.88 $ 7,728.60 $ 7,922.07 $ 8,120.12 $ 8,323.13 Semi-Monthly $ 3,335.07 $ 3,418.45 $ 3,502.30 $ 3,589.85 $ 3,677.46 $ 3,769.94 $ 3,864.30 $ 3,961.04 $ 4,060.06 $ 4,161.56 35 Juvenile Court Services Deputy Administrator 1052 Annual $ 78,116.16 $ 80,069.03 $ 82,026.05 $ 84,076.84 $ 86,127.63 $ 88,273.66 $ 90,492.95 $ 92,757.66 $ 95,076.60 $ 97,453.52 Community Health Manager 2171 Monthly $ 6,509.68 $ 6,672.42 $ 6,835.50 $ 7,006.40 $ 7,177.30 $ 7,356.14 $ 7,541.08 $ 7,729.81 $ 7,923.05 $ 8,121.13 Environmental Health Manager 2169 Semi-Monthly $ 3,254.84 $ 3,336.21 $ 3,417.75 $ 3,503.20 $ 3,588.65 $ 3,678.07 $ 3,770.54 $ 3,864.90 $ 3,961.53 $ 4,060.56 34 Public Works Finance Manager 2011 Annual $ 76,263.66 $ 78,170.37 $ 80,056.94 $ 82,058.28 $ 84,069.76 $ 86,171.59 $ 88,332.27 $ 90,537.88 $ 92,801.33 $ 95,121.36 Monthly $ 6,355.31 $ 6,514.20 $ 6,671.41 $ 6,838.19 $ 7,005.81 $ 7,180.97 $ 7,361.02 $ 7,544.82 $ 7,733.44 $ 7,926.78 Semi-Monthly $ 3,177.65 $ 3,257.10 $ 3,335.71 $ 3,419.10 $ 3,502.91 $ 3,590.48 $ 3,680.51 $ 3,772.41 $ 3,866.72 $ 3,963.39 33 Annual $ 74,396.75 $ 76,256.58 $ 78,116.16 $ 80,069.03 $ 82,026.05 $ 84,069.76 $ 86,171.59 $ 88,332.27 $ 90,540.57 $ 92,804.09 Monthly $ 6,199.73 $ 6,354.71 $ 6,509.68 $ 6,672.42 $ 6,835.50 $ 7,005.81 $ 7,180.97 $ 7,361.02 $ 7,545.05 $ 7,733.67 Semi-Monthly $ 3,099.86 $ 3,177.36 $ 3,254.84 $ 3,336.21 $ 3,417.75 $ 3,502.91 $ 3,590.48 $ 3,680.51 $ 3,772.52 $ 3,866.84 32 Project Support Services Manager 4201 Annual $ 72,647.79 $ 74,463.91 $ 76,278.31 $ 78,185.27 $ 80,071.23 $ 82,070.00 $ 84,128.12 $ 86,230.68 $ 88,386.45 $ 90,596.11 Prosecuting Attorney Administrative Manager 2149 Monthly $ 6,053.98 $ 6,205.33 $ 6,356.53 $ 6,515.44 $ 6,672.60 $ 6,839.17 $ 7,010.68 $ 7,185.89 $ 7,365.54 $ 7,549.68 Semi-Monthly $ 3,026.99 $ 3,102.66 $ 3,178.26 $ 3,257.72 $ 3,336.30 $ 3,419.58 $ 3,505.34 $ 3,592.95 $ 3,682.77 $ 3,774.84 31 Chief Deputy Clerk 1108 Annual $ 70,825.08 $ 72,595.78 $ 74,382.34 $ 76,241.93 $ 78,101.51 $ 80,041.68 $ 82,055.11 $ 84,113.47 $ 86,216.31 $ 88,371.71 Juvenile Detention Manager 3800 Monthly $ 5,902.09 $ 6,049.65 $ 6,198.53 $ 6,353.49 $ 6,508.46 $ 6,670.14 $ 6,837.93 $ 7,009.46 $ 7,184.69 $ 7,364.31 Chief Deputy Assessor 1099 Semi-Monthly $ 2,951.05 $ 3,024.82 $ 3,099.26 $ 3,176.75 $ 3,254.23 $ 3,335.07 $ 3,418.96 $ 3,504.73 $ 3,592.35 $ 3,682.15 Chief Deputy Treasurer 1139 RANGE CLASSIFICATION TITLE JOB CLASS STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 STEP 6 STEP 7 STEP 8 STEP 9 STEP 10 30 Engineering&Construction Assistant Manager 4029 Annual $ 69,177.95 $ 70,907.38 $ 72,632.89 $ 74,448.52 $ 76,263.66 $ 78,174.53 $ 80,100.29 $ 82,113.96 $ 84,166.81 $ 86,270.98 Monthly $ 5,764.83 $ 5,908.95 $ 6,052.74 $ 6,204.04 $ 6,355.31 $ 6,514.54 $ 6,675.02 $ 6,842.83 $ 7,013.90 $ 7,189.25 Semi-Monthly $ 2,882.41 $ 2,954.47 $ 3,026.37 $ 3,102.02 $ 3,177.65 $ 3,257.27 $ 3,337.51 $ 3,421.41 $ 3,506.95 $ 3,594.62 29 Equipment Maintenance Supervisor 4080 Annual $ 67,502.74 $ 69,190.41 $ 70,854.14 $ 72,625.57 $ 74,396.75 $ 76,278.31 $ 78,174.53 $ 80,130.08 $ 82,133.33 $ 84,186.66 Finance Manager 3410 Monthly $ 5,625.23 $ 5,765.87 $ 5,904.51 $ 6,052.13 $ 6,199.73 $ 6,356.53 $ 6,514.54 $ 6,677.51 $ 6,844.44 $ 7,015.56 Road Operations&Maintenance Supervisor 4022 Semi-Monthly $ 2,812.61 $ 2,882.93 $ 2,952.26 $ 3,026.07 $ 3,099.86 $ 3,178.26 $ 3,257.27 $ 3,338.75 $ 3,422.22 $ 3,507.78 Elections Superintendent 1080 28 Engineer II 4032 Annual $ 65,885.16 $ 67,532.29 $ 69,177.95 $ 70,907.38 $ 72,632.89 $ 74,440.71 $ 76,322.51 $ 78,233.62 $ 80,189.46 $ 82,194.20 Senior Epidemiologist 3416 Monthly $ 5,490.43 $ 5,627.69 $ 5,764.83 $ 5,908.95 $ 6,052.74 $ 6,203.39 $ 6,360.21 $ 6,519.47 $ 6,682.46 $ 6,849.52 Semi-Monthly,$ 2,745.22 $ 2,813.85 $ 2,882.41 $ 2,954.47 $ 3,026.37 $ 3,101.70 $ 3,180.10 $ 3,259.73 $ 3,341.23 $ 3,424.76 27 Therapeutic Court Program Manager 2199 Annual $ 64,283.21 $ 65,890.29 $ 67,488.09 $ 69,175.27 $ 70,839.49 $ 72,632.89 $ 74,440.71 $ 76,293.45 $ 78,200.79 $ 80,155.81 Solid Waste Manager 2200 Monthly $ 5,356.93 $ 5,490.86 $ 5,624.01 $ 5,764.61 $ 5,903.29 $ 6,052.74 $ 6,203.39 $ 6,357.79 $ 6,516.73 $ 6,679.65 Public Works Office Administrator 2045 Semi-Monthly $ 2,678.47 $ 2,745.43 $ 2,812.00 $ 2,882.30 $ 2,951.65 $ 3,026.37 $ 3,101.70 $ 3,178.89 $ 3,258.37 $ 3,339.83 26 Engineer 1 4031 Annual $ 62,754.52 $ 64,323.26 $ 65,885.16 $ 67,532.29 $ 69,177.95 $ 70,883.45 $ 72,676.85 $ 74,499.80 $ 76,362.30 $ 78,271.36 Epidemiologist 3415 Monthly $ 5,229.54 $ 5,360.27 $ 5,490.43 $ 5,627.69 $ 5,764.83 $ 5,906.95 $ 6,056.40 $ 6,208.32 $ 6,363.52 $ 6,522.61 Semi-Monthly $ 2,614.77 $ 2,680.14 $ 2,745.22 $ 2,813.85 $ 2,882.41 $ 2,953.48 $ 3,028.20 $ 3,104.16 $ 3,181.76 $ 3,261.31 25 Human Resources Analyst 1157 Annual $ 61,210.93 $ 62,741.33 $ 64,268.07 $ 65,874.90 $ 67,473.93 $ 69,163.55 $ 70,869.04 $ 72,662.20 $ 74,478.75 $ 76,340.72 Risk Manager 1057 Monthly $ 5,100.91 $ 5,228.44 $ 5,355.67 $ 5,489.58 $ 5,622.83 $ 5,763.63 $ 5,905.75 $ 6,055.18 $ 6,206.56 $ 6,361.73 Semi-Monthly $ 2,550.46 $ 2,614.22 $ 2,677.84 $ 2,744.79 $ 2,811.41 $ 2,881.81 $ 2,952.88 $ 3,027.59 $ 3,103.28 $ 3,180.86 24 Clerk of the Board 1056 Annual $ 59,770.64 $ 61,264.90 $ 62,754.52 $ 64,323.26 $ 65,885.16 $ 67,532.04 $ 69,207.75 $ 70,957.44 $ 72,731.37 $ 74,549.66 Noxious Weed Coordinator 2226 Monthly $ 4,980.89 $ 5,105.41 $ 5,229.54 $ 5,360.27 $ 5,490.43 $ 5,627.67 $ 5,767.31 $ 5,913.12 $ 6,060.95 $ 6,212.47 Office Manager 2040 Semi-Monthly,$ 2,490.44 $ 2,552.70 $ 2,614.77 $ 2,680.14 $ 2,745.22 $ 2,813.84 $ 2,883.66 $ 2,956.56 $ 3,030.47 $ 3,106.24 23 Financial Analyst-Superior Court 4652 Annual $ 58,299.82 $ 59,757.45 $ 61,210.93 $ 62,741.33 $ 64,268.07 $ 65,885.16 $ 67,532.04 $ 69,207.75 $ 70,937.94 $ 72,711.39 Financial Analyst-Central Ops 1158 Monthly $ 4,858.32 $ 4,979.79 $ 5,100.91 $ 5,228.44 $ 5,355.67 $ 5,490.43 $ 5,627.67 $ 5,767.31 $ 5,911.49 $ 6,059.28 Public Records Coordinator 3602 Semi-Monthly $ 2,429.16 $ 2,489.89 $ 2,550.46 $ 2,614.22 $ 2,677.84 $ 2,745.22 $ 2,813.84 $ 2,883.66 $ 2,955.75 $ 3,029.64 Lead Judicial Assistant 4653 Temp Financial Analyst-Central O s 3603 22 Official Court Recorder/Family Law Facilitator 1192 Annual $ 56,918.87 $ 58,341.82 $ 59,770.64 $ 61,264.90 $ 62,769.41 $ 64,327.16 $ 65,929.36 $ 67,576.00 $ 69,265.40 $ 70,997.04 Official Court Recorder/Judicial Assistant 1193 Monthly $ 4,743.24 $ 4,861.82 $ 4,980.89 $ 5,105.41 $ 5,230.78 $ 5,360.60 $ 5,494.11 $ 5,631.33 $ 5,772.12 $ 5,916.42 Semi-Monthly,$ 2,371.62 $ 2,430.91 $ 2,490.44 $ 2,552.70 $ 2,615.39 $ 2,680.30 $ 2,747.06 $ 2,815.67 $ 2,886.06 $ 2,958.21 21 Annual $ 55,521.80 $ 56,909.83 $ 58,299.82 $ 59,757.45 $ 61,225.82 $ 62,754.52 $ 64,312.76 $ 65,914.95 $ 67,562.83 $ 69,251.90 Monthly $ 4,626.82 $ 4,742.49 $ 4,858.32 $ 4,979.79 $ 5,102.15 $ 5,229.54 $ 5,359.40 $ 5,492.91 $ 5,630.24 $ 5,770.99 Semi-Monthly $ 2,313.41 $ 2,371.24 $ 2,429.16 $ 2,489.89 $ 2,551.08 $ 2,614.77 $ 2,679.70 $ 2,746.46 $ 2,815.12 $ 2,885.50 20 Annual $ 54,184.32 $ 55,538.89 $ 56,903.97 $ 58,326.44 $ 59,755.74 $ 61,240.23 $ 62,783.82 $ 64,342.06 $ 65,950.61 $ 67,599.38 Monthly $ 4,515.36 $ 4,628.24 $ 4,742.00 $ 4,860.54 $ 4,979.65 $ 5,103.35 $ 5,231.99 $ 5,361.84 $ 5,495.88 $ 5,633.28 Semi-Monthly $ 2,257.68 $ 2,314.12 $ 2,371.00 $ 2,430.27 $ 2,489.82 $ 2,551.68 $ 2,615.99 $ 2,680.92 $ 2,747.94 $ 2,816.64 19 Administrative Clerk 1055 Annual $ 52,875.65 $ 54,197.02 $ 66,510.80 $ 56,909.83 $ 58,299.82 $ 59,770.64 $ 61,254.88 $ 62,798.72 $ 64,368.68 $ 65,977.90 Monthly $ 4,406.30 $ 4,516.42 $ 5,542.57 $ 4,742.49 $ 4,858.32 $ 4,980.89 $ 5,104.57 $ 5,233.23 $ 5,364.06 $ 5,498.16 Semi-Monthly $ 2,203.15 $ 2,258.21 $ 2,771.28 $ 2,371.24 $ 2,429.16 $ 2,490.44 $ 2,552.29 $ 2,616.61 $ 2,682.03 $ 2,749.08 18 Annual $ 51,626.57 $ 52,917.16 $ 54,198.97 $ 55,554.03 $ 56,918.87 $ 58,335.61 $ 59,799.94 $ 61,284.68 $ 62,816.79 $ 64,387.21 Monthly $ 4,302.21 $ 4,409.76 $ 4,516.58 $ 4,629.50 $ 4,743.24 $ 4,861.30 $ 4,983.33 $ 5,107.06 $ 5,234.73 $ 5,365.60 Semi-Monthly,$ 2,151.11 $ 2,204.88 $ 2,258.29 $ 2,314.75 $ 2,371.62 $ 2,430.65 $ 2,491.66 $ 2,553.53 $ 2,617.37 $ 2,682.80 17 A''^'O^^'•^'i••^A^^'^'^^' 1040 Annual $ 50,362.34 $ 51,621.44 $ 52,890.30 $ 54,212.64 $ 55,536.94 $ 56,933.76 $ 58,344.26 $ 59,814.59 $ 61,309.96 $ 62,842.71 Monthly $ 4,196.86 $ 4,301.79 $ 4,407.53 $ 4,517.72 $ 4,628.08 $ 4,744.48 $ 4,862.02 $ 4,984.55 $ 5,109.16 $ 5,236.89 Semi-Monthly $ 2,098.43 $ 2,150.89 $ 2,203.76 $ 2,258.86 $ 2,314.04 $ 2,372.24 $ 2,431.01 $ 2,492.27 $ 2,554.58 $ 2,618.45 16 Annual $ 49,156.73 $ 50,385.79 $ 51,626.57 $ 52,917.16 $ 54,198.97 $ 55,566.49 $ 56,948.42 $ 58,358.67 $ 59,817.64 $ 61,313.08 Monthly $ 4,096.39 $ 4,198.82 $ 4,302.21 $ 4,409.76 $ 4,516.58 $ 4,630.54 $ 4,745.70 $ 4,863.22 $ 4,984.80 $ 5,109.42 Semi-Monthly $ 2,048.20 $ 2,099.41 $ 2,151.11 $ 2,204.88 $ 2,258.29 $ 2,315.27 $ 2,372.85 $ 2,431.61 $ 2,492.40 $ 2,554.71 15 Deputy Coroner 3071 Annual $ 47,966.01 $ 49,165.27 $ 50,376.99 $ 51,636.33 $ 52,875.65 $ 54,184.32 $ 55,521.80 $ 56,918.87 $ 58,341.84 $ 59,800.39 Monthly $ 3,997.17 $ 4,097.11 $ 4,198.08 $ 4,303.03 $ 4,406.30 $ 4,515.36 $ 4,626.82 $ 4,743.24 $ 4,861.82 $ 4,983.37 Semi-Monthly $ 1,998.58 $ 2,048.55 $ 2,099.04 $ 2,151.51 $ 2,203.15 $ 2,257.68 $ 2,313.41 $ 2,371.62 $ 2,430.91 $ 2,491.68 14 Therapeutic Courts Caseworker 1185 Annual $ 46,805.57 $ 47,975.53 $ 49,142.32 $ 50,370.89 $ 51,597.26 $ 52,890.30 $ 54,213.62 $ 55,581.14 $ 56,970.67 $ 58,394.94 Monthly $ 3,900.46 $ 3,997.96 $ 4,095.19 $ 4,197.57 $ 4,299.77 $ 4,407.53 $ 4,517.80 $ 4,631.76 $ 4,747.56 $ 4,866.24 Semi-Monthly,$ 1,950.23 $ 1,998.98 $ 2,047.60 $ 2,098.79 $ 2,149.89 $ 2,203.76 $ 2,258.90 $ 2,315.88 $ 2,373.78 $ 2,433.12 13 liege!gesretwy 2155 Annual $ 45,672.97 $ 46,814.85 $ 47,951.60 $ 49,150.38 $ 50,362.34 $ 51,611.91 $ 52,905.20 $ 54,228.52 $ 55,584.23 $ 56,973.84 Administrative Assistant-Commissioner's Office Monthly $ 3,806.08 $ 3,901.24 $ 3,995.97 $ 4,095.86 $ 4,196.86 $ 4,300.99 $ 4,408.77 $ 4,519.04 $ 4,632.02 $ 4,747.82 Semi-Monthly $ 1,903.04 $ 1,950.62 $ 1,997.98 $ 2,047.93 $ 2,098.43 $ 2,150.50 $ 2,204.38 $ 2,259.52 $ 2,316.01 $ 2,373.91 12 Annual $ 44,570.65 $ 45,684.94 $ 46,805.57 $ 47,975.53 $ 49,142.32 $ 50,376.99 $ 51,641.46 $ 52,919.85 $ 54,242.85 $ 55,598.92 Monthly $ 3,714.22 $ 3,807.08 $ 3,900.46 $ 3,997.96 $ 4,095.19 $ 4,198.08 $ 4,303.46 $ 4,409.99 $ 4,520.24 $ 4,633.24 Semi-Monthly $ 1,857.11 $ 1,903.54 $ 1,950.23 $ 1,998.98 $ 2,047.60 $ 2,099.04 $ 2,151.73 $ 2,204.99 $ 2,260.12 $ 2,316.62 11 Annual $ 43,497.88 $ 44,585.30 $ 45,672.97 $ 46,814.85 $ 47,951.60 $ 49,156.73 $ 50,391.89 $ 51,641.46 $ 52,932.50 $ 54,255.81 Monthly $ 3,624.82 $ 3,715.44 $ 3,806.08 $ 3,901.24 $ 3,995.97 $ 4,096.39 $ 4,199.32 $ 4,303.46 $ 4,411.04 $ 4,521.32 Semi-Monthly $ 1,812.41 $ 1,857.72 $ 1,903.04 $ 1,950.62 $ 1,997.98 $ 2,048.20 $ 2,099.66 $ 2,151.73 $ 2,205.52 $ 2,260.66 10 Reeept'^^'^t'S^^•^t^^• 2041 Annual $ 42,468.33 $ 43,530.12 $ 44,570.65 $ 45,684.94 $ 46,805.57 $ 47,966.01 $ 49,171.62 $ 50,406.54 $ 51,666.71 $ 52,958.37 Customer Service Specialist Monthly $ 3,539.03 $ 3,627.51 $ 3,714.22 $ 3,807.08 $ 3,900.46 $ 3,997.17 $ 4,097.64 $ 4,200.55 $ 4,305.56 $ 4,413.20 Semi-Monthl $ 1,769.51 $ 1,813.75 $ 1,857.11 $ 1,903.54 $ 1,950.23 $ 1,998.58 $ 2,048.82 $ 2,102.27 $ 2,152.78 $ 2,206.60 9 Annual $ 41,424.87 $ 42,460.28 $ 43,497.88 $ 44,585.30 $ 45,672.97 $ 46,805.57 $ 47,980.90 $ 49,171.62 $ 50,400.91 $ 51,660.94 RANGE CLASSIFICATION TITLE JOB CLASS STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 STEP 6 STEP 7 STEP 8 STEP 9 STEP 10 Monthly $ 3,452.07 $ 3,538.36 $ 3,624.82 $ 3,715.44 $ 3,806.08 $ 3,900.46 $ 3,998.41 $ 4,097.64 $ 4,200.08 $ 4,305.08 Semi-Monthly $ 1,726.04 $ 1,769.18 $ 1,812.41 $ 1,857.72 $ 1,903.04 $ 1,950.23 $ 1,999.20 $ 2,048.82 $ 2,100.04 $ 2,152.54 8 Annual $ 40,439.76 $ 41,450.75 $ 42,438.79 $ 43,499.83 $ 44,570.65 $ 45,687.62 $ 46,819.73 $ 47,995.80 $ 49,195.70 $ 50,425.59 Monthly $ 3,369.98 $ 3,454.23 $ 3,536.57 $ 3,624.99 $ 3,714.22 $ 3,807.30 $ 3,901.64 $ 3,999.65 $ 4,099.64 $ 4,202.13 Semi-Monthly $ 1,684.99 $ 1,727.11 $ 1,768.28 $ 1,812.49 $ 1,857.11 $ 1,903.65 $ 1,950.82 $ 1,999.83 $ 2,049.82 $ 2,101.07 7 Annual $ 39,440.01 $ 40,425.84 $ 41,424.87 $ 42,460.28 $ 43,497.88 $ 44,570.65 $ 45,687.62 $ 46,849.53 $ 48,020.76 $ 49,221.28 Monthly $ 3,286.67 $ 3,368.82 $ 3,452.07 $ 3,538.36 $ 3,624.82 $ 3,714.22 $ 3,807.30 $ 3,904.13 $ 4,001.73 $ 4,101.77 Semi-Monthly $ 1,643.33 $ 1,684.41 $ 1,726.04 $ 1,769.18 $ 1,812.41 $ 1,857.11 $ 1,903.65 $ 1,952.06 $ 2,000.87 $ 2,050.89 6 Annual $ 38,514.49 $ 39,477.13 $ 40,454.66 $ 41,466.14 $ 42,468.33 $ 43,526.94 $ 44,614.61 $ 45,732.07 $ 46,875.37 $ 48,047.25 Monthly $ 3,209.54 $ 3,289.76 $ 3,371.22 $ 3,455.51 $ 3,539.03 $ 3,627.25 $ 3,717.88 $ 3,811.01 $ 3,906.28 $ 4,003.94 Semi-Monthly,$ 1,604.77 $ 1,644.88 $ 1,685.61 $ 1,727.76 $ 1,769.51 $ 1,813.62 $ 1,858.94 $ 1,905.50 $ 1,953.14 $ 2,001.97 5 Annual $ 37,573.34 $ 38,512.78 $ 39,440.01 $ 40,425.84 $ 41,424.87 $ 42,468.33 $ 43,526.94 $ 44,614.61 $ 45,729.97 $ 46,873.22 Monthly $ 3,131.11 $ 3,209.40 $ 3,286.67 $ 3,368.82 $ 3,452.07 $ 3,539.03 $ 3,627.25 $ 3,717.88 $ 3,810.83 $ 3,906.10 Semi-Monthly $ 1,565.56 $ 1,604.70 $ 1,643.33 $ 1,684.41 $ 1,726.04 $ 1,769.51 $ 1,813.62 $ 1,858.94 $ 1,905.42 $ 1,953.05 4 Annual $ 36,691.54 $ 37,608.75 $ 38,514.49 $ 39,477.13 $ 40,454.66 $ 41,469.80 $ 42,512.53 $ 43,556.73 $ 44,645.65 $ 45,761.79 Monthly $ 3,057.63 $ 3,134.06 $ 3,209.54 $ 3,289.76 $ 3,371.22 $ 3,455.82 $ 3,542.71 $ 3,629.73 $ 3,720.47 $ 3,813.48 Semi-Monthly $ 1,528.81 $ 1,567.03 $ 1,604.77 $ 1,644.88 $ 1,685.61 $ 1,727.91 $ 1,771.36 $ 1,814.86 $ 1,860.24 $ 1,906.74 3 Annual $ 35,794.59 $ 36,689.34 $ 37,588.00 $ 38,527.68 $ 39,454.91 $ 40,454.66 $ 41,469.80 $ 42,512.53 $ 43,575.35 $ 44,664.73 Monthly $ 2,982.88 $ 3,057.45 $ 3,132.33 $ 3,210.64 $ 3,287.91 $ 3,371.22 $ 3,455.82 $ 3,542.71 $ 3,631.28 $ 3,722.06 Semi-Monthly $ 1,491.44 $ 1,528.72 $ 1,566.17 $ 1,605.32 $ 1,643.95 $ 1,685.61 $ 1,727.91 $ 1,771.36 $ 1,815.64 $ 1,861.03 2 Annual $ 34,927.44 $ 35,790.02 $ 36,665.83 $ 37,582.47 $ 38,502.99 $ 39,457.59 $ 40,457.40 $ 41,457.46 $ 41,975.68 $ 42,500.38 Monthly $ 2,910.62 $ 2,982.50 $ 3,055.49 $ 3,131.87 $ 3,208.58 $ 3,288.13 $ 3,371.45 $ 3,454.79 $ 3,497.97 $ 3,541.70 Semi-Monthly,$ 1,455.31 $ 1,491.25 $ 1,527.74 $ 1,565.94 $ 1,604.29 $ 1,644.07 $ 1,685.73 $ 1,727.39 $ 1,748.99 $ 1,770.85 1 Central Shop Assistant 4099 Annual $ 34104.00 $ 34,956.50 $ 35794.59 $ 36,689.34 $ 37573.34 $ 38,514.49 $ 39469.31 $ 40,469.31 $ 41481.05 $ 42,518.07 Monthly $ 2:842.00 $ 2,913.04 $ 2:982.88 $ 3,057.45 $ 3:131.11 $ 3,209.54 $ 3:289.11 $ 3,372.44 $ 3:456.75 $ 3,543.17 Semi-Monthly $ 1,421.00 $ 1,456.52 $ 1,491.44 $ 1,528.72 $ 1,565.56 $ 1,604.77 $ 1,644.55 $ 1,686.22 $ 1,728.38 $ 1,771.59 C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Mark Neary Ext. 530 Department: County Administrator Briefing: Action Agenda: ❑ Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): July 31,2023 Agenda Date: Click or tap here to enter text. Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Other (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item: North Mason Building Revisions to accommodate Sheriff's precinct Back2round/Executive Summary: Mason County is leasing the old North Mason Regional administrative building located on Old Belfair Hwy. We will be moving the North Precinct of the Sheriff's Office into the building before the end of this year. To accommodate the operational needs of the Sheriff's Office we will need to make some modifications to the building. These proposed modifications have been reviewed and approved by the Sheriff's Office administration. The work will be performed by our facilities team,under the direction of Kelly Frazier. The preliminary plans have been reviewed and discussed with our Planning and Development staff and the county will acquire all the necessary permits to complete the work. Our plan is to modify two of the current garage stalls into an open office area for staff and build a 1 Ox10 BAC room in this area. We will remove the two garage doors and wall in the opening. A divider wall will separate the two bathrooms in the hallway to secure the space for the Sheriff s office staff and the bathroom will be upgraded to a unisex ADA compliant bathroom. Additional modifications to the entrance will provide a space for the Sheriff's office receptionist position. The main entrance to the building for the public will also have a space for other county offices and departments to greet and conduct business with our constituents. The details of the additional occupants of this building have not been defined at this point in time,but I have received some inquiries regarding how the additional space can be used. cqi Mason County Agenda Request Form Budget Impact(amount, funding source,budget amendment): $75,000 Public Outreach (news release,community meeting, etc.): Working with Planning and Development to get all of the necessary permits. Requested Action: Approve Facilities to move forward with the proposed modifications. Attachments Drawings of the plans s � III t , r� w s L MASON COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS COMMISSIONER BRIEFING July 31, 2023 N C Action Items• • Approval of Vacation Order No. 413—Portion of Jackson Ave, Laurel Street, Park Ave and the un- opened alley in Block 33 in the Plat of McReavy's First Addition to Hoodsport in Volume 2 of plats, page 11. • Approval of Vacation Order No. 414—portion of the West half of Sixth Street adjacent to Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 15, of the Plat of Detroit No. 2, recorded in Volume 1 of Plats,page 23. Discussion Items: Commissioner Follow-Up Items: July 31st @ 9am Public Hearing Solid Waste Long Haul Transportation and Disposal Contract Upcoming Items• August 7th - 11th Cloquallum Road Rock Creek Bridge Repair @ MP 5.85 — Road closure August 211t- August 25th Satsop Cloquallum Road Cross-Culvert Replacement @ MP 5.20 September 4th -5th Homestead Road Paving from MP 0.00 to MP 0.22 - Closure during working hours. 7:30 am to 4:00pm. September 6th - 8th Lakeland Road Paving from MP 0.00 to 0.45 - Road closure during working hours 7:30am to 4:00pm. September 25th - 2 9th North Shore Road Little Shoefly Culvert Replacement @ MP 8.18 July/1st week in August Chipseal conversation roads (Sunnyside Road, Kelly Hall and Sunnyslope Road) and re-chip sealing Shelton Matlock (from Highland Road to the W) End of July-August Restriping County roads (Contracted project w/Stripe Rite) C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Mike Collins,PLS,PE Deputy Ext.450 Director/County Engineer Department: Public Works Briefing: ❑X Action Agenda: ❑x Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): July 31,2023 Agenda Date: August 15,2023 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑X Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Risk (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item• Approval of Vacation Order No. 413—Portion of Jackson Ave, Laurel Street,Park Ave and the un-opened alley in Block 33 in the Plat of McReavy's First Addition to Hoodsport in Volume 2 of plats,page 11. Background/Executive Summary: The Mason County Hearing Examiner held a hearing on June 14, 2023 to consider vacating a portion of Jackson Ave,Laurel Street,Park Ave and the un-opened alley in Block 33 in the Plat of McReavy's First Addition to Hoodsport(Road Number none)as requested by Manke Timber Co. The Examiner issued his Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommendations on June 30, 2023 recommending approval of the proposed vacation. Budget Impact(amount, funding source,budget amendment): The required Administrative Fee of$1,000. has been paid. Public Outreach (news release,community meeting, etc.): Notice of a Public Hearing was published in the Shelton Journal May 18t'and 25t'', 2023 and the Notice of Intent was posted on site and two other area locations. Hearing took place on June 14, 2023 at 1:00pm via Zoom. Requested Action: Request the Mason County Board of Commissioners accept the recommendation of the Hearing Examiner and grant the vacation of the right-of-way as petitioned, subject to the conditions contained in the Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations of the Hearing Examiner for Road Vacation No. 413. Attachments: 1. Hearing Examiner's Findings, Conclusions and Recommendation 2. Order of Vacation RETURN TO: MASON COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS 100 W.Public Works Drive Shelton,WA 98584 IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF: ORDER OF VACATION A PORTION OF Jackson Ave,Laurel Street,Park VACATION FILE NO. 413 Ave. and the un-opened alley in Block 33 in the Plat RCW 36.87 of McReavy's First Addition to Hoodsport in Volume 2 of plats,page 11. WHEREAS, it is the intention of the Board of Mason County Commissioners to vacate the following described rights of way of Parcel No's. 42214-10-00000 and 42212-51-33000: All that portion of Jackson Ave, Laurel Street, Park Ave. and the un-opened Alley in Block 33, in the Plat of McReavy's First Addition to Hoodsport in Volume 2 of plats, page 11, as dedicated on October 10, 1890, in Mason County Washington, lying Southerly of the Northerly Section line of Section 14, Township 22 North, Range 4 West,W.M. AND,WHEREAS,the date of hearing was set for June 14, 2023, and Notice of Hearing, Intent to Vacate,was published and posted according to law; and WHEREAS, the hearing was held on June 14, 2023, at 1:00pm via Zoom and the Mason County Hearing Examiner considered the County Engineer's report, together with any evidence for or objection against said vacation;and WHEREAS,the Hearing Examiner has rendered to the Board of Mason County Commissioners,his Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations and the members of the Board have given them due consideration. NOW,THEREFORE,IT IS ORDERED that the above described right of way is hereby vacated; and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that said vacation is subject to any existing private easements for ingress and egress or any other purpose and to retaining an easement in favor of Mason County for any utilities present in the vacated road right-of-way in accordance with RCW 36.87.140. Order of Vacation File No.413 Page 2 DATED this day of 92023. ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON McKenzie Smith,Clerk of the Board Sharon Trask,Chair APPROVED AS TO FORM: Tim Whitehead,Ch.DPA Randy Neatherlin,Vice Chair Kevin Shutty,Commissioner Assessor;Auditor;Petitioner; Public Works Dept.;GIS Vacation File No.413 I BEFORE THE HEARING EXAMINER FOR MASON COUNTY 2 Phil Olbrechts, Hearing Examiner 3 4 RE: Road Vacation No. 413 FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS 5 OF LAW AND RECOMMENDATION Petition for a Road Vacation 6 7 SUMMARY 8 Manke Timber Co.has requested the vacation of all that portion of Jackson Ave,Laurel 9 Street, Park Ave and the unopened alley in Block 33, in the Plat of McReavy's First 10 Addition to Hoodsport. It is recommended that the County Commissioners approve the vacation, especially since it is likely already vacated as a matter of law. The 11 requested areas to vacate have never been maintained or opened as a public roadway. The alley and streets were dedicated to the public on October 10, 1890, when 12 McReavy's First Addition to Hoodsport was originally platted. Since the road was created prior to 1904, it likely is already vacated by operation of law. RCW 36.87.090, 13 as construed by the courts,provides for the automatic vacation of streets unopened for 14 Eve years and platted prior to March 11, 1904. See Gillis v. King County, 42 Wn.2d 373 (1953). 15 16 TESTIMONY 17 Tina Schaefer, Mason County Public Works, summarized the petition request. 18 No one else attended the hearing. 19 20 EXHIBITS 21 The June 5, 2023 Staff Report along with attachments A-C listed on its page 2 were 22 admitted into the record at the June 14, 2023 public hearing. 23 FINDINGS OF FACT 24 Procedural: 25 1. Hearing. A virtual hearing on the petition for vacation was held on June 14, 2023 at 1:00 pm via Zoom. Road Vacation P. 1 Recommendation I Substantive: 2 2. Site/Proposal Description. Manke Timber Co. has requested the vacation 3 of all that portion of Jackson Ave, Laurel Street, Park Ave and the unopened alley in Block 33, in the Plat of McReavy's First Addition to Hoodsport. The requested areas 4 to vacate have never been maintained or opened as a public roadway. The alley and 5 streets were dedicated to the public on October 10, 1890, when McReavy's First Addition to Hoodsport was originally platted. 6 3. Utility of Vacation Area. As noted in the engineer's report, Public Works 7 staff have determined that the proposed vacation area is not necessary for future use in the County Road system. No lots will be landlocked as a result of the proposal and as 8 noted in the summary above the vacation area likely has already been vacated as a 9 matter of law under RCW 36.87.090. 10 4. Petition Includes Majority of Abutting Owners. Manke Timber Co. has signed the vacation petition. As shown in Ex. A, p. 4, except for the relatively small 11 amount of area subject to vacation in the Laurel Street portion, Manke owns the property on both sides of the proposed vacation areas. As further shown in Ex. A,p, 4, 12 Manke owns a little more than 50% of the property abutting the Laurel Street portion. 13 CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 14 Procedural: 15 16 1. Authority of Hearing Examiner. MCC 12.20.030 provides the Examiner with the authority to review road vacation applications and make a recommendation to 17 the Mason County Board of County Commissioners. 18 Substantive: 19 2. Review Criteria and Application. Chapter 12.20 MCC sets forth the 20 requirements for vacation of roads. Furthermore,MCC 12.20.010 provides that County roads may be vacated in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 36.87 RCW. 21 Applicable review standards for vacation under Chapter 12.20 MCC, as well as those in Chapter 36.87 RCW, are quoted in italics below and applied via corresponding 22 conclusions of law. 23 MCC 12.20.010: County roads may be vacated in accordance with the provisions of 24 RCW 36.87, and Mason County may require as a condition precedent to the vacation the receipt of just compensation from the person or persons benefiting from the 25 vacation. RCW 36.87.020: Owners of the majority of the frontage on any county road or portion thereof may petition the county legislative authority to vacate and abandon the same Road Vacation p. 2 Recommendation or any portion thereof. The petition must show the land owned by each petitioner and 1 set forth that such county road is useless as part of the county road system and that the 2 public will be benefited by its vacation and abandonment. The legislative authority may: 3 (1) require the petitioners to make an appropriate cash deposit or furnish an 4 appropriate bond against which all costs and expenses incurred in the examination, 5 report, and proceedings pertaining to the petition shall be charged; or 6 (2) by ordinance or resolution require the petitioners to pay a fee adequate to cover such costs and expenses. 7 RCW 36.87.060: If the county road is found useful as apart of the county road system 8 it shall not be vacated, but if it is not useful and the public will be benefited by the 9 vacation, the county legislative authority may vacate the road or any portion thereof. 10 3. Vacation Area Meets Vacation Criteria. The proposed vacation conforms to the requirements of the statutes and ordinances quoted above. Manke Lumber, the 11 petitioner, owns the majority of abutting property to the vacation area as determined in Finding of Fact No. 4 and required by RCW 36.87.020. 12 As determined in Finding of Fact No. 3, the vacation area is not useful as a part of the 13 county road system as required by RCW 36.87.060. The public will benefit from the 14 vacation as it will increase the size and developable area of the petitioner's property, thus adding to Assessor Rolls. The vacation will also reduce potential County liability 15 and maintenance responsibilities of the vacation area. 16 17 MCC 12.20.040: For the purpose of vacating county roads, all roads shall be classified as follows: 18 (1) Class A. All roads for which the right-of-way is an easement. 19 (2) Class B. All roads for which the right-of-way is owned in fee simple and for which the county paid full fair market value of the fee simple estate. 20 (3)Class C. All roads that meet RCW 36.87.090 requirements. 21 4. Vacation Area Qualifies as Class A Road. As outlined in the summary and 22 Finding of Fact No. 3,the right of way subject to the requested vacation has likely been vacated as a matter of law under RCW 36.87.090 and thus qualifies as a Class C road. 23 24 MCC 12.20.050: Any person or persons desiring to have any portion of any county 25 road vacated shall be required by the Mason County board of county commissioners as a condition precedent to the vacation to pay the county prior to the vacation. The compensation rates include those rates set forth in Section 12.20.060, if any, and the administration fee set forth in Section 12.20.080. Road Vacation p. 3 Recommendation 1 5. Required Administrative Fees Paid. The engineer's report identifies that 2 the petitioners have paid the required $1000 administration fee. No compensation for the right of way is required as concluded in Conclusion of Law No. 6. 3 MCC 12.20.060: The county shall require, as a condition precedent to the vacation of 4 roads or portions thereof within the classifications set forth in Section 12.20.040, that persons benefitting from the vacation thereof compensate Mason County as set forth in 5 the following schedule: 6 (1) Class A Roads. Fifty percent of the appraised value. 7 (2) Class B Roads. One hundred percent of the appraised value. (3) Class C Roads. No compensation other than for the administrative fee of the 8 vacation action. 9 At no time will the compensation for Class A or B roads be reimbursed less than the 10 county originally paid for the property. 11 6. Compensation Required. Since the vacation area qualifies as a Class C road, no compensation is required. 12 MCC 12.20.080: Each petition for vacation of a road shall be accompanied by a 13 payment of one thousand dollars to cover all administrative costs regardless of the 14 county's approval of vacation. Said administrative costs shall include the costs of the hearing examiner in holding the public hearing and reporting recommendations to the 15 board of county commissioners. 16 7. Required Deposit Paid. The engineer's report identifies that petitioner has 17 paid the required$1,000 deposit. 18 RECOMMENDATION 19 It is recommended that the Board of Commissioners approve the proposed vacation, subject to the condition that the vacated area be subject to existing easements for 20 ingress and egress and access to existing public utilities for any purpose. 21 DATED this 30th day of June, 2023 22 23 Phil A. Olbrechts 24 Mason County Hearing Examiner 25 Road Vacation p. 4 Recommendation C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Mike Collins,PLS,PE Deputy Ext.450 Director/County Engineer Department: Public Works Briefing: ❑X Action Agenda: ❑X Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): July 31,2024 Agenda Date: August 15,2023 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑X Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Risk (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item: Approval of Vacation Order No. 414—portion of the West half of Sixth Street adjacent to Lots 1, 2,and 3, Block 15, of the Plat of Detroit No. 2,recorded in Volume 1 of Plats,page 23. Background/Executive Summary: The Mason County Hearing Examiner held a hearing on June 14, 2023 to consider vacating a portion of the West half of Sixth Street adjacent to Lots 1,2, and 3, Block 15, of the Plat of Detroit No. 2,recorded in Volume 1 of Plats,page 23, (Road Number none)as requested by Raenelle Restad and Jerry Barry. The Examiner issued his Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommendations on June 30,2023, recommending approval of the proposed vacation. Budget Impact(amount, funding source,budget amendment): The required Administrative Fee of$1,000. has been paid. Public Outreach (news release,community meeting, etc.): Notice of a Public Hearing was published in the Shelton Journal May 18t'and 25", 2023 and the Notice of Intent was posted on site and two other area locations. Hearing took place on June 14, 2023 at 1:00pm via Zoom. Requested Action: Request the Mason County Board of Commissioners accept the recommendation of the Hearing Examiner and grant the vacation of the right-of-way as petitioned, subject to the conditions contained in the Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations of the Hearing Examiner for Road Vacation 414. Attachments 1. Hearing Examiner's Findings, Conclusions and Recommendation 2. Order of Vacation RETURN TO: MASON COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS 100 W.Public Works Drive Shelton,WA 98584 IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF: ORDER OF VACATION VACATION FILE NO. 414 A PORTION OF the West half of Sixth Street RCW 36.87 adjacent to Lots 1,2,and 3,Block 15,of the Plat of Detroit No.2,recorded in Volume 1 of Plats,page 23, in the Northwest Quarter of Section 5,Township 21 North,Range 1 West,W.M in Mason County, Washington. WHEREAS, it is the intention of the Board of Mason County Commissioners to vacate the following described rights of way: Vacate all that portion of the West half of Sixth Street adjacent to Lots 1,2, and 3,Block 15, of the Plat of Detroit No.2,recorded in Volume 1 of Plats,page 23,in the Northwest Quarter of Section 5,Township 21 North,Range 1 West,W.M in Mason County,Washington. AND,WHEREAS, the date of hearing was set for June 14, 2023, and Notice of Hearing, Intent to Vacate,was published and posted according to law; and WHEREAS, the hearing was held on June 5, 2023, at 1:OOpm via Zoom and the Mason County Hearing Examiner considered the County Engineer's report, together with any evidence for or objection against said vacation;and WHEREAS,the Hearing Examiner has rendered to the Board of Mason County Commissioners,his Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations and the members of the Board have given them due consideration. NOW,THEREFORE,IT IS ORDERED that the above described right of way is hereby vacated; and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that said vacation is subject to any existing private easements for ingress and egress or any other purpose and to retaining an easement in favor of Mason County for any utilities present in the vacated road right-of-way in accordance with RCW 36.87.140. Order of Vacation File No.414 Page 2 DATED this day of 92023. ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON McKenzie Smith,Clerk of the Board Sharon Trask,Chair APPROVED AS TO FORM: Tim Whitehead,Ch.DPA Randy Neatherlin,Vice Chair Kevin Shutty,Commissioner Assessor;Auditor;Petitioner; Public Works Dept.;GIS Vacation File No.414 I BEFORE THE HEARING EXAMINER FOR MASON COUNTY 2 Phil Olbrechts, Hearing Examiner 3 4 RE: Road Vacation No. 414 FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS 5 OF LAW AND RECOMMENDATION Petition for a Road Vacation 6 7 SUMMARY 8 Raenelle Restad and Jerry Barry have requested the vacation of half the Sixth Street 9 right of way (30 feet of its 60-foot width) adjoining lots they own at 51 East Oakdale 10 Street, located roughly three miles south of Allyn near Reach Island. It is recommended that the Commissioners approve the vacation, especially since it likely 11 has already been vacated as a matter of law. The proposed vacation area has never been maintained or opened as a public roadway. Sixth Street was dedicated to the public 12 on April 30, 1890 as part of Plat of Detroit No. 2. Since the road was created prior to 1904, it likely is already vacated by operation of law. RCW 36.87.090, as construed 13 by the courts, provides for the automatic vacation of streets unopened for five years 14 and platted prior to March 11, 1904. See Gillis v. King County, 42 Wn.2d 373 (1953). 15 TESTIMONY 16 17 Tina Schaefer, Mason County Public Works, summarized the petition request. In response to Examiner questions, she noted that the lot adjoining the petitioner's 18 property to the south was a mitigation site for a road project and is accessed by a dirt road off of Grapeview South. She confirmed that the vacation would not landlock any 19 parcels. 20 Raenelle Restad,petitioner,noted she and Mr. Barry just want to maintain the proposed 21 vacation area as is and don't have any development plans for that area. 22 EXHIBITS 23 The June 5, 2023 Staff Report along with attachments A-C listed on its page 2 24 were admitted into the record at the June 14, 2023 public hearing. 25 Road Vacation P. 1 Recommendation I FINDINGS OF FACT 2 Procedural: 3 1. Hearing. A virtual hearing on the petition for vacation was held on June 4 14, 2023 at 1:00 pm via Zoom. 5 Substantive: 6 7 2. Site/Proposal Description. Raenelle Restad and Jerry Barry have requested the vacation of half the Sixth Street right of way(30 feet of its 60-foot width)adjoining 8 lots they own located at 51 East Oakdale Street, located roughly three miles south of Allyn near Reach Island. The proposed vacation area has never been maintained or 9 opened as a public roadway. Sixth Street was dedicated to the public on April 30, 1890 as part of the Plat of Detroit No. 2. 10 11 The proposed vacation area is more precisely identified as follows: 12 Vacate all that portion of the West half of Sixth Street adjacent to Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 15, of the Plat of Detroit No. 2, recorded in Volume 1 of Plats,page 23, 13 in the Northwest Quarter of Section 5, Township 21 North, Range 1 West, W.M 14 in Mason County, Washington. 15 3. Utility of Vacation Area. As noted in the engineer's report, Public Works staff have determined that the proposed vacation area is not necessary for future use in 16 the County Road system. No lots will be landlocked as a result of the proposal and as noted in the summary above the vacation area likely has already been vacated as a 17 matter of law under RCW 36.87.090. 18 CONCLUSIONS OF LAW 19 Procedural: 20 21 1. Authority of Hearing Examiner. MCC 12.20.030 provides the Examiner with the authority to review road vacation applications and make a recommendation to 22 the Mason County Board of County Commissioners. 23 Substantive: 24 2. Review Criteria and Application. Chapter 12.20 MCC sets forth the 25 requirements for vacation of roads. Furthermore,MCC 12.20.010 provides that County roads may be vacated in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 36.87 RCW. Applicable review standards for vacation under Chapter 12.20 MCC, as well as those Road Vacation p. 2 Recommendation in Chapter 36.87 RCW, are quoted in italics below and applied via corresponding 1 conclusions of law. 2 MCC 12.20.010: County roads may be vacated in accordance with the provisions of 3 RCW 36.87, and Mason County may require as a condition precedent to the vacation the receipt of just compensation from the person or persons benefiting from the 4 vacation. 5 RCW 36.87.020: Owners of the majority of the frontage on any county road or portion 6 thereof may petition the county legislative authority to vacate and abandon the same or any portion thereof. The petition must show the land owned by each petitioner and 7 set forth that such county road is useless as part of the county road system and that the public will be benefited by its vacation and abandonment. The legislative authority 8 may: 9 (1) require the petitioners to make an appropriate cash deposit or furnish an 10 appropriate bond against which all costs and expenses incurred in the examination, report, and proceedings pertaining to the petition shall be charged; or 11 (2) by ordinance or resolution require the petitioners to pay a fee adequate to cover 12 such costs and expenses. 13 RCW 36.87.060: If the county road is found useful as apart of the county road system 14 it shall not be vacated, but if it is not useful and the public will be benefited by the vacation, the county legislative authority may vacate the road or any portion thereof. 15 3. Vacation Area Meets Vacation Criteria. The proposed vacation conforms 16 to the requirements of the statutes and ordinances quoted above. Raenelle Restad and 17 Jerry Barry signed the subject vacation petition. According to the staff report,they are the owners of the lots adjoining the vacation area. Since the petitioners are the only 18 property owners with "frontage" on the vacation area, their signature likely' qualifies as the majority of frontage property owners for purposes of RCW 36.87.020. 19 20 1 There is some ambiguity on the signature requirement because of court opinions that hold that right of way is usually an easement and abutting owners own to the centerline of the street. Holmquist v.King 21 Cmy., 328 P.3d 1000, 1001-1002 (Wash. Ct. App. 2014). This means that the property owners across 6t'Street from the petitioners own the property to the centerline of 6'Street and thus could be construed 22 as fronting the vacation area on its east side,which would make the petitioners less than majority owners in violation of RCW 36.87.020. For this reason,it is prudent to have the property owners located across 23 from a half-width vacation sign the petition along with the abutting owners when possible. 24 Acquiring that signature also helps avoid liability under case law holding that property owners abutting right of way subject to vacation may have a claim for damages,even for partial vacations,as follows: 25 We think it also clear, under the uniform weight of authority, that one who is an abutting property owner upon a street or alley, any portion or the whole of which is sought to be vacated, has a special right and a vested interest in the right to use the whole of the street for ingress and egress, light, view and air, and, if any damages are Road Vacation p. 3 Recommendation I As determined in Finding of Fact No. 3, the vacation area is not useful as a part of the 2 county road system as required by RCW 36.87.060. The public will benefit from the vacation as it will increase the size and developable area of the petitioner's property, 3 thus adding to Assessor Rolls. The vacation will also reduce potential County liability and maintenance responsibilities of the vacation area. 4 5 MCC 12.20.040: For the purpose of vacating county roads, all roads shall be 6 classified as follows: 7 (1) Class A. All roads for which the right-of-way is an easement. (2) Class B. All roads for which the right-of-way is owned in fee simple and for which 8 the county paid full fair market value of the fee simple estate. 9 (3)Class C. All roads that meet RCW 36.87.090 requirements. 10 4. Vacation Area Qualifies as Class A Road. As outlined in the summary and Finding of Fact No. 2,the right of way subject to the requested vacation has likely been 11 vacated as a matter of law under RCW 36.87.090 and thus qualifies as a Class C road. 12 MCC 12.20.050: Any person or persons desiring to have any portion of any county 13 road vacated shall be required by the Mason County board of county commissioners 14 as a condition precedent to the vacation to pay the county prior to the vacation. The compensation rates include those rates set forth in Section 12.20.060, if any, and the 15 administration fee set forth in Section 12.20.080. 16 5. Required Administrative Fees Paid. The staff report identifies that the 17 petitioners have paid the required $1000 administration fee. No compensation for the right of way is required as concluded in Conclusion of Law No. 6. 18 MCC 12.20.060: The county shall require, as a condition precedent to the vacation of 19 roads or portions thereof within the classifications set forth in Section 12.20.040, that 20 suffered by such an owner, compensation is recoverable therefor. It follows, 21 therefore, that if appellants' light, air, view, or access is materially 22 diminished, as alleged in the complaint, they are entitled to have the same passed upon by a jury regularly impaneled to determine the amount thereof. 23 Fry v. O'Leary, 141 Wn.465,469-70 (1927)(emphasis added). 24 Acquiring the signature of those abutting owners helps eliminate any claim they would have to damages. In 25 this specific vacation request liability is not a concern since the proposed vacation area has already likely been vacated as a matter of law under RCW 36.87.090. However,for future vacation requests not involving RCW 36.87.090 the case law above is another very compelling reason to acquire petition signatures from the property owners abutting both sides of the right of way of a proposed vacation area. Road Vacation p. 4 Recommendation persons benefitting from the vacation thereof compensate Mason County as set forth in I the following schedule: 2 (1) Class A Roads. Fifty percent of the appraised value. 3 (2) Class B Roads. One hundred percent of the appraised value. (3) Class C Roads. No compensation other than for the administrative fee of the 4 vacation action. 5 At no time will the compensation for Class A or B roads be reimbursed less than the 6 county originally paid for the property. 7 6. Compensation Required. Since the vacation area qualifies as a Class C road, no compensation is required. 8 MCC 12.20.080: Each petition for vacation of a road shall be accompanied by a 9 payment of one thousand dollars to cover all administrative costs regardless of the 10 county's approval of vacation. Said administrative costs shall include the costs of the hearing examiner in holding the public hearing and reporting recommendations to the 11 board of county commissioners. 12 7. Required Deposit Paid. The staff report identifies that petitioner has paid 13 the required$1,000 deposit. 14 RECOMMENDATION 15 It is recommended that the Board of Commissioners approve the proposed vacation, subject to the condition that the vacated area be subject to existing easements for 16 ingress and egress and access to existing public utilities for any purpose. 17 DATED this 30th day of June, 2023 18 19 Phil A. Olbrechts 20 Mason County Hearing Examiner 21 22 23 24 25 Road Vacation p. 5 Recommendation