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SHX2007-00085 JARPA - SHX Permit / Conditions - 12/5/2007
P�0N_srgTFo MASON COUNTY C DEPARTMENT OF COMMUN TY DEVELOPMENT o n° �= Planning Divis on ~ o T z P O Box 279, Shelton, WA 98584 N Y o~ (360)427-967 J � 1864 Exemption from Shoreline Management Act Case No.: SHX2007-00085 Substantial Development Permit Requirement k;cel 4 4 .21 3 -c�00i 01 The Proposal By: EDWIN R. PATTERSON PO BOX 597 HOODSPORT, WA 9854800597 TO BE KEPT IN THE To undertake the following development: PARCEL FILE Repair of three (3) pilings that are supporting a house structure. The pr posed repair involves encasing the existing pile in concrete. All construction work will be with hand tools at low tide when piles are dry. The piles are deteriorating and repair is critical to keeping the existing residence from potential collapse into Hood Canal. Installation of new p lings is impractical due to the lack of overhead room for pile driving requirements. Within Hood Canal and/or its associated wetlands is exempt from the requirement of substantial development because the development is categorized under WAC 173-27-040(2) as beinq category B-normal maintenance Please contact Tammi Wright at ext 295 if you have any questions. Issued: 12/5/2007 Expires: 12/5/2009 Authorized Local Governme t Official cc: APPLICANT WDEW USACOE WDOE TRIBAL C IL 6'I(r i2 f tort l E- z t k- S"Kum►s AGENCY USE ONLY JARPA FORM LAST UPDATED:March 19,2007 Agency Reference#: Date Received: Circulated by: (local govt.or agency) Project Tracking Number: Washington State JOINT AQUATIC RESOURCES PERMIT APPLICATION (JARPA) Form431 Step 1: Get Ready Step 2: Complete Form Step 3:Check Work Step 4: Copy and Send In Go to www.epermitting,org Use black ink. Use internet"Help" Use final review See JARPA Contacts at for correct form and Check correct buttons to answer checklist at 11Vww.epermittin .or for instructions. permit boxes. questions completely. www.epermittina.org. orrect mailing addresses. ❑ Fish Habitat Enhancement Projects per RCW 77.55.181. You must submit copy of completed JARPA form and Fish Habitat Enhancement JARPA Addition to your Local Government Planning Dep't and WA Dep't of Fish and Wildlife(WDFW)Area Habitat Biologist on same da . Note for Local Governments: You must submit comments to WDFW within 15 working days. Based on instructions at www.epermitting.orq, I am sending copies of this application to the following: (check all that apply) [X]Local Government for Shoreline: ❑Substantial Development ❑Conditional Use FIVariance ❑X Exemption ❑Revision ❑Floodplain Management ❑Critical Areas Ordinance ❑X. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife for Hydraulic Project Approval (Submit 2 copies to W FW Region) ❑X, Washington Department of Ecology for 401 Water Quality Certification (to Regional Office-Federal Permit Unit) XJWashington Department of Natural Resources for Aquatic Resources Use Authorization Notification FA—Icorps of Engineers for: ❑Section 404 permit FX Section 10 permit ❑X. Coast Guard for: ❑General Bridqe Act Permit nPrivate Aids to Navigation (for non-bridge projects) ❑For Department of Transportation projects only: This project will be designed to meet conditions of the most current Ecology/Department of Transportation Water Quality Implementing Agreement PROJECT TITLE. Patterson Residential Piling Repair PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Repair of deteriorated piling supporting the Patterson's primary residence. SECTION A-Use for all permits covered by this application. Be sure to ALSO complete Section C(Signature Block)for all permit applications. CM 1.APPLICANT Peggy J. Patterson MAILING ADDRESS PO Box 597 Hoodsport,WA 98548 ----- PERMIT QUESTION CONTACT PHONE NUM ER 206 321 6655) WORK PHONE I E-MAIL ADDRESS HOME PHONE FAX# 360 877 9894 er atterson comcasLnet 360 877 9720 1 r/a If an agent is acting for the applicant during the permit process, complete#2. Be sure agent signs Section C(Signature Block)for all permit applications I�' 2.AUTHORIZED AGENT N/A MAILING ADDRESS WORK PHONE E-MAIL ADDRESS HOME PHONE FAX# EM 3. Relationship of applicant to property: © OWNER ❑ PURCHASER ❑ LESSEE ❑ C 4. Name, address and phone number of property owner(s)if other than applicant: Same as above 5. Location (street address, including city,county and zip code,where proposed activity exists or will occur) 23790 Hwy 101 Hoodsport,WA 98548 Local government with jurisdiction(city or county) Mason County Waterbody you are working in Hood Canal =Tributary of M WRIA# 16 = Is this waterbody on the 303(d) List x❑ YES ❑ NO n/a If YES,what parameter(s)? IM Shoreline designation Urban CM Zoning designation Rural Residential 2.5 '/.Section Section Township Range Government Lot NE �13 �22N �4W 1 W DNR stream type if known Office of Regulatory Assistance,JARPA JARPA FORM LAST UPDATED: March 19,2007 For help call 800-91 -0043 or visit www.epermitting.org 1 EM Latitude and Longitude: 47-23-54N, 123-08-34W Tax Parcel Number 4221350000901 &422132370671 IM 6. Describe(a)the current use of the property, (b)structures existing on the property, and (c) existing environmental conditions. Have you completed any portion of the proposed activity on this property? ❑ YES NO For any portion of the proposed activity already completed on this property, indicate month anc year of completion. (a) Primary residence (b) House structure with decks (c) Rocky beach, dry at low tide. No vegetation. MM Is the property agricultural land? ❑ YES Fj] NO IM Are you a USDA programparticipant? ❑ YES NO IM 7a. Describe the proposed work that needs aquatic permits: Complete plans and specifications Should be provided for all work waterward of the ordinary high water mark or line, including types of equipment to be used. If applying for a shoreline permit, describe all work within and beyond 200 feet of the ordinary high water mark. If you have provided attached materials to describe your project, you still must summarize the proposed work here. Attach a separate sheet if ad itional space is needed. The house structure is supported by piling. Three (3) piling are in urgent need of repair, The proposed repair involves encasing the existing pile in concrete. All construction work will be with hand tools at low tide when piles are dry. The work includes: 1. Hand excavation around existing pile base 2. Cleaning debris off existing piling with hand tools 3. Placing reinforcing bars around pile 4. Place formwork 5. Place concrete 6. Allow concrete to cure for at least 90 days before removing formwork There is no underwater work proposed. See attached engineering sketches. PREPARATION OF DRAWINGS: See sample drawings and guidance for completing the drawings. ONE SET OF ORIGINAL OR GOOD QUALITY REPRODUCIBLE DRAWINGS MUST BE ATTACHED. NOTE: Applicants are encouraged to submit photographs of the project site,but these DO NOT substitute for drawings. THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS AND COAST GUARD REQUIRE DRAWINGS ON 8-112 X 11 INCH SHEETS. LARGER DRAWINGS MAY E REQUIRED BY OTHER AGENCIES. M3 7b. Describe the purpose of the proposed work and why you want or need to perform it at the Site. Please explain any specific needs that have influenced the design. The purpose of the propose work is to repair existing piling that have deteriorated over the last 60 +/-years. Repairing the piling is critical to keeping the existing residence from potential collapse. Installing new piles is impractical due to the lack of overhead room for pile driving requirements. Proposed repair matches previous historical repairs. CM 7c. Describe the potential impacts to characteristic uses of the water body. These uses may inch de fish and aquatic life,water quality,water supply, recreation and aesthetics. Identify proposed actions to avoid, minimize and mitigate detrimental impacts and provide proper protection of fish and aquatic life. Identify which guidance documents YOL have used. Attach a separate sheet if additional space is needed. All work will occur in the dry. Each pile repair will disturb only 27 square feet of bez ch. Total disturbance about 0.0019 Acres. The proposed pile repair-is encasement of existing piles and will not affect the water body or navigation. Formwork will be left in place to minimize any contact of water with fresh concrete. Pile repair aesthetics match previous pile repair. E 7d. For in-water construction work,will your project be in compliance with the State of Washingto i water quality standards for turbidity(WAC 173-201A-410)? x0 YES ❑ NO 8. Will the project be constructed in stages? ❑ YES x0 NO Proposed starting date: 10Dec07 Estimated duration of activity: Two weeks Office of Regulatory Assistance,JARPA JARPA FORM LAST UPDATED:March 19,2007 For help call 800-91 -0043 or visit www.ei)ermitting.org 2 CM 9. Check if any temporary or permanent structures will be placed: TJ Waterward of the ordinary high water mark or line for fresh or tidal waters AND/OR x0 Waterward of the mean higher high water for tidal waters? CM 10. Will fill material (rock,fill, bulkhead, or other material) be placed: - No fill material v ill be placed. ❑ Waterward of the ordinary high water mark or line for fresh waters? If YES,VOLUME(cubic yards) /AREA (acres) ❑ Waterward of the mean higher high water for tidal waters? If YES,VOLUME (cubic yards) /AREA (acres) M3 11. Will material be placed in wetlands? ❑ YES NO If YES: A. Impacted area in acres: B. Has a delineation been completed? If YES, please submit with application. ❑ YEE NO C. Has a wetland report been prepared? If YES, please submit with application ❑ YE ❑ NO IM D.Type and composition of fill material (e.g., sand, etc.) E. Material source: F. List all soil series(type of soil)located at the project site,and indicate if they are on the cou ty's list of hydric soils. Soils information can be obtained from the natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). 03 G.WILL PROPOSED ACTIVITY CAUSE FLOODING OR DRAINING OF WETLANDS? ❑ YES ❑ NO If YES, IMPACTED AREA IS ACRES OF DRAINED WETLANDS. NOTE:If your project will impact greater than 1/10 of an acre of wetland,submit a mitigation plan to the Corps and Ecology for approval alorg with the JARPA form. NOTE:A 401 water quality certification may be required from Ecology in addition to an approved mitigation plan if your project wetland impacts are greater than 1/10 acre in size. Please submit the JARPA form and mitigation plan to Ecology for 401 certification review. 12. Stormwater Compliance: This project is(or will be)designed to meet ecology's most current stormwater manual, or an Ecology approved local stormwater manual. ❑ YES ❑ NO n/a If YES—Which manual will your project be designed to meet? IM If NO—For Clean Water Act Section 401 and 404 permits only—Please submit to Ecology for approval,along with this JARPA application, documentation that demonstrates the stormwater runoff from your project or activity will comply with the water quality standards,WAC 173-201 A CM 13. Will excavation or dredging be required in water or wetlands? �x YES ❑ NO If YES: A. Volume: 5 (cubic yards) /area 0.0018 (acre) B. Composition of material to be removed: Beach rock and sand C. Disposal site for excavated material: Off site,to be determined by contractor D. Method of dredging: n/a - excavation will be by hand shovel M 14. Has the State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA)been completed ❑ YES Ox NO SEPA Lead Agency: Mason County SEPA Decision: DNS, MDNS, EIS,Adoption, Exemption Exempt Decision Date(end of comment period) SUBMIT A COPY OF YOUR SEPA DECISION LETTER TO WDFW AS REQUIRED FOR A COMPLETE APPLICATION 15. List other Applications, approvals or certifications from other federal,state or local agencies for any structures,construction discharges or other activities described in the application(i.e.preliminary plat approval, health district approval, building permit, SEPA review,federal energy regulatory commission license(FERC), Forest practices application,etc.). Also, indicate whether work has been completed and indicate all existing work on drawings. NOTE: For use with Corps Nationwide Permits, identify whether your project has or will need an NPDES permit for discharging wastewater and/or storTnwater. TYPE OF APPROVAL ISSUING AGENCY IDENTIFICATION DATE OF APPLICATION DATE APPROVED COMPLETED? NO. Building Permit Mason County Corps Nationwide Permit(No NPDES reqd) USACE 16. Has any agency denied approval for the activity you're applying for or for any activity directly related to the activity described herein? ❑ YES 0 NO Office of Regulatory Assistance,JARPA JARPA FORM LAST UPDATED:March 19 2007 For help call 800-91 -0043 or visit www.epermitting.org 3 If YES, explain: SECTION B - Use for Shoreline and Corps of Engineers permits only; EM 17a. Total cost of project. This means the fair market value of the project, including materials, lab r, machine rentals, etc. $9,500 EM 17b. If a project or any portion of a project receives funding from a federal agency, that agency is responsible for ESA consultation. Please indicate if you will receive federal funds and what federal agency is providing those funds. FEDERAL FUNDING ❑ YES x0 NO If YES, please list the federal agency. 18. Local government with jurisdiction: Mason County IM 19. Provide names, addresses and telephone numbers of adjoining property owners, lessees,etc Please note: Shoreline Management Compliance may require additional notice—consult your local government. NAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER Daren Ogg 23840 Highway 101 Hoodsport,WA 98548 360 877 6535 Jean Tippie 23740 Highway 101 Hoodsport,WA 98548 360 877 5761 SECTION C- This section MUST be completed for any permit covered by this application 20. Application is hereby made for a permit or permits to authorize the activities described herein. I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in this application, and that to the best of my knowledge and belief,such information is true, complete, -a accurate. I furthe certify that I possess the authority to undertake the proposed activities. I hereby grant to the agencies to whi h this ap ication is ad ,the right to enter the above-described location to inspect the roposed, in-progress or completed wovk. I agr start w Y after all necessary permits have been received. DATE URE PF AP LICANT j Z DATE SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED AGENT I HEREBY DESIGNATE TO ACT AS MY AGENT IN MATTERS RELATEC TO THIS APPLICATION FOR PERMIT(S). I UNDERSTAND THAT IF A FEDERAL PERMIT IS ISSUED, I MUST SIGN THE PERMIT. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE SIGNATURE OF LANDOWNER(EXCEPT PUBLIC ENTITY LANDOWNERS, E.G. DNR) THIS APPLICATION MUST BE SIGNED BY THE APPLICANT AND THE AGENT,!FAN AUTHORIZED AGENT IS DESIGNATED. 18 U.S.0§1001 provides that: Whoever, in any manner within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States knowingly falsifies,conceals, or covers up by any trick,scheme,or device a material fact or makes any false,fictitious,or fraudulent statements or representations or makes or uses any false writing or document knowing same to contain any false,fictitious,or fraudulent statement or entry, shall be fined not more than$10,000 or imprisoned not more than 5 years or both. Office of Regulatory Assistance,JARPA JARPA FORM LAST UPDATED:March 19,2007 For help call 800-91 -0043 or visit www.er)ermifing.org 4 COMPLETED BY LOCAL OFFICIAL A. Nature of the existing shoreline. (Describe type of shoreline, such as marine, stream, lake, lagoon, marsh, bog, swamp,flood plain, floodway, delta;type of beach, such as accretion,erosion, high bank, low bank, or dike; material such as sand, gravel, mud,clay, rock, riprap; and extent and type of bulkheading, if any) B. In the event that any of the proposed buildings or structures will exceed a height of thirty-five feet above the average grade level, indicate the approximate location of and number of residential units,existing and potential,that will have an obstructed view: C. If the application involves a conditional use or variance, set forth in full that portion of the master program which provides that the proposed use may be a conditional use, or, in the case of a variance,from which the variance is being ought: These Agencies are Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action employers. For special accommodation needs,please contact the appropriate agency in the instructions Office of Regulatory Assistance,JARPA JARPA FORM LAST UPDATED:March 19,2007 For help call 800-91 -0043 or visit www,epermitting.org 5 Section 2 -- Project Description, Vicinity Map, Pictures, Engineering Calculations, Construction Notes, and Sketches PROGRAMMATIC ESA' CONSULTATION i � �` Specific Project Information Form US Army Corps For Replacement of up to Eighteen(18)Existing Piling of Engineers c- Seattle District Version: 21 April 2006 Eligibility for Programmatic Consultation This application: ❑ Meets all of the requirements of this programmatic consultation ® Does not meet all of the requirements of this programmatic consultation. This form constitutes a reference biological evaluation in association with: NMFS reference: WSB-00-582 USFWS reference: 1-3-00-I-1524& 1-3-00-IC-1525 1. Programmatic Activity: Replacement of up to Eighteen(18)Piling 2. Drawings and Photographs-Drawings and photographs must be submitted. Drawings must include a vicinity map;plan,profile, and cross-section drawings of the proposed structures; and over-and in- water structures on adjacent properties. (For assistance with the preparation of he drawings,please refer to our Drawing Checklist located on our website at www.nws.usace.anny.mil Select Regulatory —Regulatory/Permits—Forms.) If the work is in a tidal area, please see Sectior l l of this form for additional photo requirements. 3. Date: 12Nov07 4. Applicant: Peggy J.Patterson Corps Reference No. Address: PO Box 597 City: Hoodsport State:WA Zip: 9 548 5. Agent: n/a Address: n/a City: n/a State: n/a Zip: a 6. Project Name(e.g.,Alice's Restaurant): Patterson Residential Piling Repair 7. Location(s)of Activity: Section: 13 Township: 22N Range: 4W Latitude: 47-2,3-54N Longitude: 128-08-34W Waterbody: Hood Canal County: Mason 8. Listed or Proposed Fish Species and their Critical Habitat Present(If critic 1 habitat is present, please attach an assessment on impacts to critical habitat primary constituent elements. A template for this assessment can be found on the Corps' webpage under Forms): Puget ound chinook listed Hood Canal summer run chum listed Coastal/Puget Sound Bull Trout listed and Puget Sound st elhead(listed). The project site is within designated critical habitat area for hinook and bull trout. (Altg.ched is the draft assessment on the impacts) Endangered Species Act 9. Listed Non-Fish Species and their Critical Habitat Present(listed non-fish species are not covered under this programmatic consultation; individual consultation is required fort e non-fish species): Marble murrelet listed -no critical habitat in the project area Steller sea lion listed -no critical habitat in Washington State Southern resident killer whale listed -no critica habitat in the project area Humpback whale listed Leatherback sea turtle listed -no critical hat itat in Washington State Summary of Endangered Species Act Consultation for Non-Fish Species and their Critical Habitat Present(e.g.,no effect with work window, addendum with effects analysis, etc.): determination of no effect for the above s ecies. It is highly unlikely that these species would be resent in the action area. There is no known direct or indirect effects that the proposed proiect would have on thesespecies,their habitat or prgy resources. 10. Description of Work: Describe what is being replaced(e.g., support piling for pier, dolphin, etc.). Include diameter,composition and treatment of piling(e.g., 10"diameter, untr ated wood piling). Existing timber piling supporting the Patterson primgry residence to be repaired in place. The existing piles included both treated and un-treated piles with diameters that vary between nine and 14 inches. The proposed repair is to encase the base of the piling with reinforced poncrete. Construction Techniques—Describe how the work will be done: Pile driver type(e.g.,vibratory or 'impact hammer,maximum rated energy, strokes per minute, etc.): All work will be by hand. This is includes hand excavation. For vibratory installation,estimate the number of piling that will be proofed and the duration of proofing per piling: n/a Describe any sound attenuation measures that will be employed: Not Mquiled. Substrate into which piling will be installed: No new.piling. Substrate varies from cobles to coarse gravel Water depth into which piling will be installed: No new pilfing. Existing les in water from zero to about six feet. Installation by hand?: All proposed construction work by hand. Please note that the National Marine Fisheries Service and the U.S. Fish ani f Wildlife Service require individual review of any projects that propose installation or prooft'nA of steel with an inwact hammer. Individual project review is not required for projects proposing wood,plastic 2 or concrete piling. Similarly,projects proposing vibratory installation are ex mpt from the review provided no proofing of steel piles is required for the project 11. Forage Fish Habitat—only complete this section if the project is in tidal waters. Check box if Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife(WDFW)documen ed habitat is present. Go to the WDFW website for this information: hitp://wdfw.wa.gov/fish/foragei'foraize.htm,then search for each species under the link to Biology,then the link to Documented Spawning Grounds(if available, please attach a copy of the Hydraulic Project Approval from WDFW): Surf Smelt: ❑ Pacific Herring: ❑ Sand Lance: ❑ If there is no WDF W documented habitat present,please describe the type of st bstrate and elevation and presence of aquatic vegetation at the project area. For example: At+10 to+5 feet above MLLW,there is no aquatic vegetation,the substrate consists of large cobbles. At+5 to+1 foot above MLLW,there is eelgrass and the substrate consists of fine sand. At each proposed pile repair location there is no Muatic vegetation. The substrate varies from cobles to coarse gravel. Photo requirements: The photographs should be taken at ground level and at to W tide and should show a panoramic view of the entire project area in the dry. Photographs should clearly show the presence or absence of vegetation and the substrate composition. Close up photographs of the substrate and/or vegetation should be included if there are any areas of particul interest. To most accurately reflect vegetation distribution, photos should be taken at low tide during June 1 through October 1. 12. Programmatic Conditions. In order to meet all ESA requirements for this programmatic consultation,all programmatic conditions listed below must be met. Check each condition that you will meet. Check each item"not applicable"if they do not apply to your project. If you checked "will not meet"for any of the conditions,you must complete the"Will Not Meet"section at the end of this document. Will Will Not Programmatic Conditions Meet Not Applicable Meet ❑ ❑ Work will be performed within the approved woj k windows. ® ❑ El Timing The action shall only occur once within one approved work window for a single and complete project. The a proved work windows are described in Programmatic Consult 7tion— Phase Z• Approved Work Windows. (Note: The work windows are located on our website at www.nws.usace.arff v.mil Click on Regulatory—Regulatory/Permits—Endangered S.pecies Act.) For example,only a maximum of 18 piles shall b D replaced on a single pier within the approved work window, 71 ie following year, up to 18 piles may be replaced on the same pier within the approved work window for that year. 3 Will Will Not Programmatic Conditions Meet Not Applicable Meet ® ❑ ❑ No work will be done in or within 300 feet of an existing or previously designated Superfund Clean-up sites or a site currently or previously designated for cleanup under the W hington State Model Toxic Cleanup Act. ® ❑ ❑ No piles are associated with log raft booms. ® ❑ ❑ No sheet piling will be used in lieu of pole piling. ❑ ❑ ® Existing piling will be partially cut with a new pile secured directly on top, fully extracted,or cut 2-feet below the mudline. ❑ ❑ ® For all treated piling that are fully extracted or c t 2-feet below the mudline,the holes or cut piling will be capped Mrith appropriate material(such as clean sand,or plastic or steel pile cap for cut piling)to ensure that the chemicals from the existing pile do not leach into the adjacent sediments or water colurr n. If fill(i.e. clean sand)is used to cap the area,the fill material sh uld match sediment substrate of the site. ❑ ❑ ® All removed creosote treated piling will be cut into maximum lengths of 4 feet prior to disposal. ® ❑ ❑ No piling treated with creosote or pentachlorophenot will be used.. ❑ ❑ ® If a barge is used,the barge does not ground out and the barge will not be over or within 300 feet of vegetated shallows(except where such vegetation is limited to State-designated no ydous weeds). ❑ ❑ ® Hydraulic water jets will not be used to remove or place piling. ® ❑ ❑ Piling will be replaced in the same general location and do not extend beyond the footprint of the existing struc a(i.e.,pier). ® ❑ ❑ The project complies with the General Implemei itation Conditions for our programmatic consultations(Note: Thes D are located on our website at www.nws.usace.argiy.mil Click on Regulatory— Regulatory/Permits—Forms.) ® ❑ ❑ In Fresh Waters including the Columbia River mainstem,Baker Bay,and the Snake River: Only non-treated piling are used. ❑ ❑ ® In Marine/'Estuarine Waters gxcludin Baker Ba : Use of vibratory pile drivers is prohibited where the piling is located in or within 300 feet of eelgrass bed . If the applicant will meet all of the above conditions,then the applicant mus sign below: I,as the applicant,have read all the activity and waterway specific conditions and the general implementation conditions for the"Not Likely to Adversely Affect"Programmatic Consultation, dated 30 May 2001. I certify that this project meets all conditions of the programmatic consultation. In the event 4 that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Seattle District,the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,and/or the National Marine Fisheries Service/NOAA Fisheries determines that the conditions hive not been met,I agree to comply with all resolution measures in accordance with Corps regulations. _,. A lic Date 5 If the applicant has checked "Will Not Meet" for any of the above conditions, then this section must be completed and the applicant must sign below: 1. Why can't you meet all of the conditions of this programmatic consultation? PIles will be repaired in- lace not replaced. The proposed repair will encase the existing piles with reii Lforced concrete. The proposed repair includes; hand excavation around base of existing pile, lacer infocement lace formwork lace concrete. All work will be performed at low tide in d cond tions. Formwork will be left in place for at least 90 days to minimize any contact between fresh conc ete and canal water. All ex osed concrete surfaces will be covered with a membrane to minimize at iv potential contact with surface water. The concrete will be mixed at a perinenant concrete su li rs plant,transported to the the construction site in a standard concrete truck. The concrete will be pimp from the street level to the formwork. The proposed repair will use only a small quantity of concrete,a small trailer mounted pump is sufficient for delivering concrete to forms. 2. Why are the impacts of the proposed project"Not Likely to Adversely Affect"ESA species?How have you minimized impacts? (Note: If your effect analysis is lengthy,you may attach an addendum.) The impacts of the proposed project are not likely to adversly aff t ESA species due to; the size of the project,the location of the project,and the implementation of best management practices. The proposed project is to re air a small number of existing piles that support a residence. The amount of hand excavation and concrete placement is minimal. The distu bane to the environment is minimal. The location of the project is outside of 4,ny documented habitat or sensitive area. The pLoiect will not disturb an a uatic vegetation. Previous similar pile repairs have proven to be compatible with the immediate environment. The construction methods chc isen will have the least possible impacts to the environment. There will be no heM equipment used cn the beach. All work will be by hand. All fresh concrete will be isolated from the water by stay in pace forms and membrane until the concrete has cured for an extended period of time. I,as the applicant,have read all the activity and waterway specific conditions and the general implementation conditions for this programmatic consultation,dated May 30,2001. I understand that informal consultation with National Marine Fisheries Service and U.S.Fish and W Idlife Service will be initiated with this form. I will not proceed with construction until I receive written notification from the U,S..Arnly Corps of Engineers that the proposed work is authorized. ,f plicant Date 6 --------------------------------- Below to be completed by the Corps -------------- -------------- Note to PM: If the applicant meets all of the conditions of this programmatic consultation,complete this section. If the applicant does not meet all of the conditions of this programmatic consultation,do not complete this section; instead,complete a Memorandum for the Services—Reference Biological Evaluation Form. ❑ I have reviewed the Department of the Army application and this form for consistency with the"Not Likely to Adversely Affect" Programmatic Consultation, dated 30 May 2001. Additional Information(complete as applicable): 1. Summary of ESA consultation for associated project activities not covered by the Programmatic Consultation (e.g., "no effect"for replacement of overwater structures such as deck ng): 2. Approved Work Window: to 3. Summary of ESA Consultation for non-fish species(e.g.,"no effect"analysis, late consultation completed,etc): 4. Summary of ESA Consultation for critical habitat(e.g.,"no effect"analysis,date consultation completed,etc): Corps Project Manager Date Corps Environmental Analyst/ESA Coordinator Date 7 Section 4 — Critical Habitat Assessment ADDENDUM FOR INFORMAL ESA CONSULTATION ASSESSMENT OF IMPACTS TO CRITICAL HABITAT FOR Puget Sound Salmon (chinook, steelhead, summer run chum) and Coastal/Puget Sound bull trout Patterson Residence Pile Repair Project. NWS-2007 1925-SO Existing Conditions: The existing residence is supported by concrete bulkhead and creosote timber piles. About six of the piles have been repaired in the past by encasin the piles in steel reinforced concrete with concrete footings. The existing residence overhang and shades area about 42 feet wide and 77 feet long in the nearshore zone between the mean I tigher high water and mean lower low water line. Substrate under the structure consists of larg cobble, coarse gravel, and oyster shells. The existing timber piles and concrete footings sup ort clams and barnacles. The project site does not support aquatic vegetation. There is no documented forage fish spawning in the project area. The adjacent shoreline to the north consist of concrete bulkheads that continue for several hundred feet. The adjacent shoreline tot e south consists of rock and gabion wall for erosion protection for about 110 feet. South of that idjacent property, a rock wall bulkhead protrudes away from the shore, for about 100 feet along tl te shore. Properties to the north and south are all residential properties. There is little or no shore ine vegetation or no aquatic vegetation in the immediate vicinity. The project is located in Hood Canal,at Hoodsport, Mason County, Washington. Salmon Critical Habitat- Primary Constituent Elements From 50 CFR Part 226 The primary constituent elements determined essential to the conservation of salmon in marine waters are: (4) Estuarine areas free of obstruction with water quality, water quantity and alinity conditions supporting juvenile and adult physiological transitions between fresh-and salt titer; natural cover such as submerged and overhanging large wood,aquatic vegetation, large roc is and boulders, and side channels, and juvenile and adult forage, including aquatic invertebral es and fishes, supporting growth and maturation. (5)Nearshore marine areas free of obstruction with water quality and quantit3 conditions and forage, including aquatic invertebrates and fishes, supporting growth and mat iration; and natural cover such as submerged and overhanging large wood, aquatic vegetation, large rocks and boulder and side channels. (6) Offshore marine areas with water quality conditions and forage, including aquatic invertebrates and fishes, supporting growth and maturation. Bull Trout Critical Habitat—Primary Constituent Elements From 50 CFR Part 17 The primary constituent elements determined essential to the conservation of bull trout in marine waters are: (6) Migratory corridors with minimal physical, biological, or water quality impediments between spawning, rearing, over-wintering, and foraging habitats, including intermittent or seasonal barriers induced by high water temperatures or low flows. 7)An abundant food base including terrestrial organisms of riparian origin, aquatic macro- invertebrates, and forage fish. 8) Permanent water of sufficient quantity and quality such that normal reproduction, growth and survival are not inhibited. Effects Analysts for salmon and bull trout critical habitat: Disturbance to sediments and increased turbidity at the project site will be minimal and short- term and should not impact overall water quality in the project area. The new concrete footings and concrete casement used to repair the piles will be sealed in membrane arid forms unlit the concrete cures. Uncured concrete will not come in direct contact with marine waters. The proposed project will not form a barrier to migrating fish. The proposed pro ect will not affect riparian areas or forage fish in the project area. Disturbance of aquatic macr -invertebrates supported by piles will be limited to the three piles that will be repaired. Disturbance of the sediments and increase in turbidity due to construction will be limited to the areas adjacent to the three piles and therefore will be minimal and temporary. Turbidity associated with the proposed project will be minimal and temporary and is not expected to affect overall mater quality. The proposed will not change the overall baseline conditions at the project site. Determination of Effect: no effect Conservation Measures: Section 5 - Project Need Statement Why do the piling repairs need to be completed now? Over 60%of the identified pile support has deteriorated. While the remaining are of piles is sufficient to support day to day vertical loads, the piles are in a weakened state and continue to deteriorate. The immediate concern is that the pile will suffer from a side impact load caused by dr fting debris. Typical winter weather storms produce flooding in the Skokomish river area, high winds, z nd high waves. The flooding in the Skokomish area dislodges debris,such as large logs. This debris wil float down the river, into the Hood Canal. It is typical for the Patterson residence to experience impact to the piling from logs and other debris. At times,the debris will become "trapped" between the pit ng. With high winds and waves the trapped debris will result in repeated pounding and impact loading to the piles. This pounding action is the most concerning due to the amount of deterioration of the identified piles. It is possible that the deteriorated piles could fail under these circumstances. The Patt rson's would like to repair the piles prior winter storm weather to mitigate the risk of losing piles. The loss of piles would most likely lead to the collapse, or partial collapse of the occupied residence. Patterson House Pile Repair Hoodsport, WA October 2007 K. D P4P g EXPIRES 9J26e f j Prepared by: E. Richard Patterson, PE, SE Description: The Patterson house is located in Hoodsport, Washington. The structure f rmerly housed the Treasure Chest gift shop and was originally constructed in the 1940's+/- a an aquarium. The structure is a timber building supported on timber piles. Over time the piles deteriorate at the mud line. The historical fix has been accomplished by jacketing the piles ir concrete. This fix has performed well. Residence is located Seattle Poulsfbo ,Shorel4` Iie'g- L.ti-, mile south of Y' `� 202. 305(9 Hoodsport,WA slhBainbridge I rtnu Irkla�r�c1 Re n "e Islando Se szo Bellevue; .� Bremerton, ¢p 90 a }° Dun o K 11' § rl I' Port l u y z,�Orchar Spwhw(h is Man I r 3 T k�wtla \, Issaquah Grcau 0 1so Burien� d R(nton B 300 + i vaSI1fM. � 76 ,, ) Des 767 e�tlath ahu a m2 (. Molneso Kent !�IV I roncS, ._�eUn N�n� !. �. AI Federal os uhhn Ke,centt Cig Harbor W-a �- / Cowin¢ _ } A'ub,6rn JIsla<kq 1 S (,S j'J Nmre -�\ 1j Diamond htatlxk 9 s i" ,. /® toa Fife,,.a —�� ts� nanon t;,ke5a yK Urnv+ r --t-�--, Lonraorh, . _ tm 1 lea o, _ p Pla a® i '�i5t ,Jl Summer Shelton'_ Lewbo �L a SterlacJom Puy up o Bonney a10"®g _ K.1,16r �'— /�4 tsz lake 0B e 0'AP O� IYI a l �. 5 - ® A1cCkary 1 ) DuPont ng 0 Ca Gr.101 yt N al r�.� 507 b 765 SatesFinn. LJ•i / trio.ly I_d'e R ry Olympia Urn r�4mp1a Tacoma n a'f' _r &"Kcn a c t121 -1fm 0 G2 12 1 Lil$e. Location Map Currently there are three piles that require repair. The current proposed fix is similar to the historical pile repairs. This solution has been chosen based on the acceptable performance of the past fixes. Below are photos of the existing structure. r m ..,, A vas•�• e a Photo from beach—looking west towards bank ,<<ta NORM z • r. Existing, historical pile repairs r� Hole in pile—interior has deteriorated Existing deteriorated pile to be repaired —interior pile deterioration WS"k i . y Close up of pile for repair with interior deterioration s v2 Exterior Deterioration p, 7771 This nHe not in use u fi 4 4 �.. Wirt Existing deteriorated pile to be repaired—exterior pile deterioration F X v a More existing, historical pile repairs Calculations for the vertical capacity of the pile have been attached. Lateral calculations have not been included because this is a repair. The repair will increase the vertical capacity by eliminating the unbraced length of the deteriorated portion of the pile, and y transferring vertical load to the reinforced concrete. The existing pile has not deteriorated below the mud line, and will continue to hold the existing pile and repair in location, both VE rtically and laterally. Lateral loading from wave action is insignificant. The existing piles have bee i in place for over 60 years with no adverse affect from lateral wave loading. The proposed rer air will only strengthen the pile for lateral loading. The proposed repair has been design to be circular in cross section to minimize any potential lateral loading from wave action. Although the cross section is larger, three feet instead of 1.2 feet, the stiffness and mass from the concrete will over compensate for any increase is lateral load due to the increase in projected area. The proposed pile repair is supported laterally at the top by the cross bracing, and at the bottom by the existing pile below the mud line. See attached calculations and engineering sketches. I rz,CL�►�� �'� c,tz �.��-� c tom`' ��z.-fit.t� R-P k.c m,4 m , 1,4) t►3C� { xxx f A ice+*"C PAD. i N 4�a� 6N Pi h8 i wcaam � ?Co ' X 4 ' 1 ' k L�Alt u✓r tOA-f, (LC-� n {err a 3o v� �v�~ 40' rL l�!-c14-r74At) I I,c-7AC) - x LUtiw : wLUw t0' Ln ®® `° C;�4 C� ar neeml c, Qo - z4o P Z. - 4-23 o �l !S 45C-1-7vAJ ; D 14 71 J43 z 3 To -_e:,Wptber 444rx Pk c �S fJc �7 2[,oeA V-jj /ATD ED a . B i �,4 eL WWW W W W U'8 c[S W ut®NQ i C4 N N N C4 N �Q I C ua = C�, � � ,fit$D✓� ���`�,. l Ao art A o eo L G-,--,0 FF fe� _ z ree = few ,y � r C,SIG k:a� pt 1.45E J 14 f �° r) s t. GENERAL STRUCTURAL NOTES GOVERNING CODE: The "International Building Code", 2006 Edition, as adopted and amended by the Mason County, WA shall govern design and construction. REFERENCE STANDARDS : Reference to ASTM and other standards shall refer to the latest edition in effect as of the bid date of Owner-Contractor agreement except as noted in these documents or designated by the governing code. PLAN NOTES : Notes on the individual structural drawings shall take priority over structural notes on this sheet. DISCREPANCIES: In case of discrepancies between the plans, reference standards and governing code, the more stringent requirements shall govern. All discrepancies shall be brought to the attention of the Engineer of Record prior to proceeding with any worn involved. CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBUTIES: The contractor is responsib!e for safety in and around the site and for the strength and stability of all partially completed structures. The contractor shall at his discretion employ the aid of a Washington State registered structural engineer to design all temporary bracing and shoring necessary to complete the work described in these contract documents. LOAD LIMITS : Loads on the structure shall be kept within the limits of the design loads. SPECIAL CONDITIONS : Contractor shall measure all dimensions in the field and shall provide adequate shoring and bracing of all structural members during construction. Contractor shalt notify the Structural Engineer of all field changes prior to installation or fabrication. INSPECTION : All inspections shall conform to Mason County, VIA standards and propeedures. QE$1GN CRITERIA LIVE LOADS : Roof Live/Snow Load 30 PSF CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE REFERENCE STANDARDS Concrete construction shall conform to AEI 301 "Specifications for Structural Concrete for Buildings". .4, L MATERIALS CEMENT : Conform to ASTM C-150. AGGREGATES : Conform to ASTM C-33. ADMIXTURES Conform to ACI 301, Section 2.2. WATER : Conform to ASTM C=94. CONCRETE REQUIREMENTS .- Strength Test Max. Max. Ai Slump Age Agg. Size W/C Content Location si .(days) inch Ratio ° inch Pile Repair 4000 28 .75 0.50 0 4 112 WATER/CEMENT RATIO W/C ratio shall be calculated on tie basis of total cementiti us material. AIR CONTENT : Tolerance for air content shall be± 1�1/2%. SLUMP : Slump requirements may be waived, upon approval of the Architect and Engineer of Record, if water/cement (W/C) ratios are maintained. Tolerance for slump shall conform to ASTM C�94. MIX DESIGN : Submit a mix design for each class of concrete t the Engineer of Record for review prior to construction. EMBEDDED ITEMS : Verify the location for embedded items with suppliers or design consultants' drawing, latest revision, before placing concrete. Loc Lion of embedded items not conforming with drawings shall be reviewed by the Architec and the Engineer of Record before placing concrete. WING : Concrete shall be batched, mixed and transported in accordance with ACI 301, Chapter 7. PLACING : Concrete shall be placed as nearly as practicable in its final position to avoid segregation due to flawing. CONSOLIDATION : Concrete shall be consolidated by suitable means and thoroughly worked around reinforcement, embedded items, and into corners of fc rms. 3 GURIN : Concrete shall be maintained in a moist condition for a Suitable period after placement, in accordance with ACI 301, Chapter 12. WEATHER CONDITIONS : Adequate precautions shall be taken during hot and cold weather in accordance with ACI 301, Section 12.3. REMOVAL OF FORMS : CONVENTIONALLY REINFORCED CONCRETE : Forms for pile repair shall be left in place for a minimum of 90 days to minimize the contact of fresh concrete to the environment. GROUT : Use a non-shrink grout with ultimate compressive strength at 28 days of 6000 psi minimum, unless noted or shown otherwise. CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT REFERENCE STANDARDS : Detail reinforcement in accordan e with the "ACI Detailing Manual" by the ACI Committee 315, unless noted or shown therwise. MATERIALS : REINFORCING BARS : Use deformed bars. Conform to A TM A-615, Grade 60, unless noted otherwise. WEL_DED._WIRE FABRIC Smooth fabric shall conform to ASTM X185. Deformed fabric shall conform to ASTM A-49 i. Deformed wire shall conform to ASTM A-496. BAR SUPPORTS : Conform to Chapter 3 "CRSI Mar ual of Standard Practice;"(1VISP-1). TIE IRE : Wire shall be 16-112 gage or heavier, black annealed. BENQIN : Bars shall be bent cold. Bars partially embedded in concrete shall not be field bent unless noted or shown otherwise or authorized by the Structural Engineer. PLAQING : Place bars in accordance with CRSI, "Placing Reinforcing Bars". Reinforcement shall be supported and tied to prevent displacement by construction loads or placing of concrete. PLACING TOLERANCES : Place bars to the following tolerances: 114" For minimum clear distance to formed surfaces t 114" For tap bars in horizontal members less than 8" thick 4 1/2" For top bars in horizontal members 8" thick or gr ater but less than + 1 For top bars in horizontal members 24" thick or 9 eater - 1/411 For minimum clear space between bars WELDING : Do not weld bars unless noted or shown otherwise or authorized by the engineer. When authorized, welds shall conform to AWS D1.4. SURFACE CONDITIONS : Reinforcement shall be free of mud, oil, or other materials that may reduce bond. Rust or mill scale is allowed provided bar weight and dimensions conform to ASTM specifications. CONCRETE COVER : Minimum concrete cover for reinforcement shall be as follows, unless noted or shown otherwise: Concrete cast against and permanently exposed to earth 3" Concrete exposed to earth or weather 2" WIRE FABRIC SUBSTITUTION : Welded deformed wire fabric ma be substituted for reinforcing bars. Consult engineer for required steel areas and additional requirements. BAR SPLICES : Refer to drawings for location and length of all splices. MECHANICAL CONNECTIONS : Mechanical connections may be substituted for lap splices if approved by the engineer. Such connections shall develop at least 125% of the specified yield strength of the bar. I 1 i Aj } IZ 3 a Q � a g � � I ti o � g i l Tz) [1 {Ct=t -t !! wW� mix �AV)4A Lei C4 It ea-N sv ! �X1ST. Is I � 4Mo c5�' . If -LI I I I � W W W ! N i NON a Ij ry ea ea S � � V M Q M Lod � o o Q � s 2 ' a ��AVFI PIPE Vwr5 W W W W W SA9 000 I n nr • � I e 1 It r4 c4 C4 L. + ptltof- R-AC-4�1--k4 SA`T- c p ,I(7 �..tST• N�1�p �tr•,1� 1 a o � o � t i a I I 15 � w ✓r-�e�I,JL7 r �c tsc p1t N tA V) - a ,uWW m M I i �Ha s J I�I P«E- P i Lr, 'SA - /d njo'h �4� G 174A]