HomeMy WebLinkAboutSWG2022-00467 - SWG As-Built - 6/28/2023 Mason County OSS Installation Report pg. 1 �t, MASON COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH APPLICANT/PERMIT INFORMATION Permit Number SWG 2022-00467 Parcel# 22131-44-00060 Applicant Name Grace Deffinbaugh Subdivision (Name/Div/Block/Lot) Installer Name Spear Construction Applicant Address 1510 Spencer Lake Road City, State, Zip Shelton,Wa. 98584 Site Address Same Designer Name Bob Paysse it INSTALLATION CHECKLIST lip Full System Installation ❑Tank(s)Only 0 Drainfield Only ❑❑Repair Other System Type Pressure Pretreatment Type >5 ft.from foundation? - - >50 ft.from wells? - ❑ N/A II YES 0 NO Y >50 ft. from surface water? - _ 0 IN ❑ fill Cleanout between building and tank? -- 0 e o Tank baffles present? - 0 NE ❑ a24"access risers over each compartment?- 0 ❑ Ill Effluent filter installed?- e C Cl, 0 IN Septic tank capacity(working) 2250 gal Manufacturer Sound Placement o D-box water level and speed levelers used? �-1 N/A ❑ YES ❑ NO oO Manifold/D-box accessible from surface?- 0 Ill El o92 Check valves installed? - 0 e 0 a Transport Line Size 2" Schedule/Class 40 Bedrooms installed (check one) 0 2 0 3 ❑4 0 5 0 6 ❑Commercial/Other >10 ft.from foundation?- - 0 N/A El YES 0 NO G >100 ft.from wells?- - 0 U ❑ W >100 ft.from surface water? - 0 ni LLL. >10 ft.from potable water lines?- 0 U 0 z >5 ft. from property lines and easements?- CL > 30 ft.from downgradient curtain/foundation drains?- - 0 El o Drainfield level and observation ports present - - ❑ UJ 0 0 Graveless chambers or 111 Clean gravel used? (check one) Proper cover installed over drainfield?- _ 0 ® 0 Pump tank setbacks consistent with septic tank?- - 0 N/A Q YES ❑ NO `1 Pump tank capacity(flood) 2700 gal Manufacturer Sound Placement Z < 24"access riser(s)and accessible from surface?- - 0 U ❑ ~ Alarm or Control Panel Installed? 0 I 0 a E Control Panel equipped with Timer/ETM/Counter- 0 0 ❑ m a Pump installed in IN Bucket or ❑ On Block or ❑ Othera. Pump Make/Model ❑ Floats or 0 Transducer Tank draw down 1 in/min Pum ca aci 45 a p p ty qpm Squirt Height 24" ft Pump on time 2 min. 15 sec Pump off time 3 hrs 57 min Daily flow set at 600 gpd - Updated 821/2018 Mason County OSS Installation Report pg. 2 Parcel# 22131-44-00060 ABANDONMENT RECORD Were existing septic components abandoned as part of this project? • - El YES 0 NO If yes, please describe: Were all components pumped out and properly abandoned per WAC246-272A-0300? r3 YES NO RECORD DRAWING This Is a permanent record and must be accurate and descrrptive enough to re-locate In the need of malMenance activities and future development. Typical Record Drawings cbrrtam Drains eld d mani'uto onentaaon 8 layout,Septic/pump lark location North arrow,reserve drainlreld•existing and proposed buildngs location of wells.wutedines, wells observaton ports.devout:.and other maintenance access points. Incomplete Record Drawings may crea:e additional delays in final installation approval and related perms. III Record Drawing Attached CERTIFICATION OF INSTALLATION INSTALLER DESIGNER/ENGINEER I certify that I installed the system in accordance with I certify that the system has been Installed in accor- the septic design stamped`APPROVED"by Mason dance with the septic design stamped"APPROVED"by County Public Health and that any deviations shown Mason County Public Health and that any deviations here have been cleared/approved by both the designer shown here have been cleared/approved by both and Mason County Public Health and meet all State myself and Mason County Public Health and meet all and Mason County Codes. State and Mason County Codes I further certify that all information contained on this I further certify that all information contained on this form and attached Record Drawing is accurate. form and attached Record Drawing is accurate. L C/6-1Z 3 Siinat of Installer Date Loaan Spear ,t�t,Q"•, Printed Name of Signee ' MASON COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH The undersigned approves this Installation Report and Roe7.H,A� .,s_t• >. Record Drawing on behalf of Mason County Public Health: Exp;REs g-n-\9.,\X\V--041 (z- / T3 , Signature of Environmental Health Specialist Date (stamp, signature and date)L. THIS FORM MAY BE SCANNED AND AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC VIEW ON THE MASON COUNTY WEB SITE Updated e21:2016 �NG�M,EKE RoPQ SP , --- a."-7\r. APPROXIMATE EXISTING DRIVEWAY AND ROADS PROPOSED `. APPROVED DRAINFIELD JUN 2$ 2023 ="% ' EXISTING WELL MASON COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEAL".H - a. RbT 7 MAINTAIN 10F1-SETBACK _ '1 FROM WATERL;NES TO i `'AP..11 SEPTIC COMPONENTS // \ \\ I � —1 J ^t` ". \\ 1 - 1' / • \` %O_ —'\ t, �„cpaseoI — f . Lr�, 1 1 !HOME`! ."� \` ,' // / // ! PROPOSED • \-- •-� / /�i — ; t- SEPTIC 6'r PUMP _�� i r --- , - TANKS : EXIST. %�, i/ / TANK � _ i i / & DF COI* �� EXISTING TANK()) \`��- EXISTING TANK — - & DRAINFIELD I HOME AND OFFICE CURRENTLY SHARE EXISTING 4 BEDROOM SYSTEM. PROPOSAL IS TO INSTALLA NEW 6 BEDROOM SYSTEM FOR HOME, I i I INCREASING THE HOMES CAPACITY, EXISTING 4 BEDROOM SYSTEM I WOULD REMAIN IN USE BY OFFICE ONLY.. _ ..... ! ,, - - - 4 - - - - . n. N wnflF�•.,H'rJJf EXPIRES NFU; AN ASBUILTI INSTALL SIGNOFF FEE WILL INC. CHARGED AT TIME OF INSTALLATION PIONEER DIGGING, 1 V PAR CUSTOMER.: r .: GRACE 1-NBAUGH TEST`111I LF j ;(H,�IE_ SEPTIC DESIGNS ADDRE.': 1512 SPENCER LAKE RD 1 3083 L!YI&tiYv BE\�'N RD. GR.ME\'(m.v%A 0546 DESIGNER: ROBERT H.rAYSSE w asap L.„7, ,1°,1"W 1N`Of u-11.«i Y! e_•-- ':',i OFFICE•30K)42(ism FA\ 3( 427 2353 S Dt + •CV os..cw.otiai vr° ' .4:�,.i.•-4:�I HFFI: SITE r1 A\ SUIE 1"=100 a,ccorONEWS 1