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2023/06/05 - Briefing Packet
MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONER BRIEFING INFORMATION FOR THE WEEK OF June 5, 2023 In the spirit of public information and inclusion, the attached is a draft of information for Commissioner consideration and discussion at the above briefing. This information is subject to change, additions and/or deletion, and is not all inclusive of what will be presented to the Commissioners. Please see draft briefing agenda for schedule. CoU���� . 1854 BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DRAFT BRIEFING MEETING AGENDA 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton WA 98584 Week of June 5, 2023 llcf Monday Noon WA State Association of Counties Zoom Meeting* Virtual Assembly *This is being noticed as a Special Commission meeting because a quorum of the Mason County Commission may attend this event and notification is provided per Mason County Code Chapter 2.88.020-Special Meetings. Monday,June 5, 2023 Commission Chambers Times are subject to change,depending on the amount of business presented 9:00 A.M. Closed Session—RCW 42.30.140(4)Labor Discussion 10:00 A.M. Treasurer—Lisa Frazier 10:05 A.M. Support Services—Mark Neary 10:45 A.M. Community Development—Kell Rowen 10:50 A.M. Public Works—Loretta Swanson Utilities&Waste Management Commissioner Discussion—as needed Commission meetings are live streamed at hlW://www.masonwebtv.com/and public commented is accepted via email msmith@masoncountywa.gov;mail to Commissioners Office,411 N 5'Street, Shelton, WA 98584;or phone at(360)427-9670 ext.419. If you need to listen to the Commission meeting via telephone,please provide your telephone number to the Commissioners' office no later than 4 p.m.the Friday before the meeting. If special accommodations are needed,contact the Commissioners'office at Shelton(360)427-9670 ext.419 Briefing Agendas are subject to change,please contact the Commissioners' office for the most recent version. Last printed 06/01/23 at 3:20 PM C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Lisa Frazier Ext.484 Department: Treasurer Briefing: ❑X Action Agenda: ❑X Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): June 5,2023 Agenda Date: June 6,2023 Internal Review: ❑X Finance ❑ Human Resources © Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Other (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item• Establish a bank account for the Mason County Flexible Spending Account(FSA) Background/Executive Summary: In April of 2023,the board approved the implementation of a Flexible Spending Account(FSA)for eligible Mason County Employees. The vendor Navia Benefit Solutions needs the ability to direct debit/credit a bank account to facilitate the purposes for which it was contracted. The County Treasurer has reviewed and approves opening such bank account. Requested Action: Approval of Resolution establishing a bank account for use with the Mason County Flexible Savings Account (FSA). Attachments Resolution RESOLUTION NO. ESTABLISH THE MASON COUNTY FSA(Flexible Spending Account) CLEARING ACCOUNT Fund#001.000000.057.000 WHEREAS, On April 11, 2023,the Mason County Board of Commissioners approved implementation of an Flexible Spending Account(FSA)for Mason County eligible employees utilizing a third-party vendor Navia Benefit Solutions. WHEREAS, Navia Benefit Solutions needs the ability to direct debit and credit a bank account set up for such Flexible Spending Account(FSA) product(s)for the purposes as contracted and elected to by eligible county employees. WHEREAS,eligible county employees who elect to make use of the Flexible Spending Account(FSA) through Navia Benefit Solutions,agree to have such funds payroll deducted and such funds will be deposited directly to the Mason County FSA(Flexible Savings Account)Clearing bank account, by the Financial Services Department of the Mason County Auditor's Office. WHEREAS,the Human Resources Department will be the responsible party for making deposits of such funds as necessary for administration costs into the Mason County Flexible Spending Account(FSA) Clearing bank account, reconciling the monthly bank statement and providing such reconciliation to the Mason County Treasurer's Office. WHEREAS,the Mason County Treasurer has reviewed and approves the creation of a bank clearing account for the Mason County Flexible Spending Account(FSA). NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOVLED,that the Board of County Commissioners hereby approves the recommendation of the Mason County Treasurer to create the Mason County Flexible Spending Account (FSA) Clearing Account with Umpqua Bank DATED this of June, 2023. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, ATTEST: MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON McKenzie Smith,Clerk of the Board Sharon Trask, Chair APPROVED AS TO FORM: Randy Neatherlin,Vice Chair Tim Whitehead, Chief Deputy Prosecutor Kevin Shutty,Commissioner APPROVED: Lisa Frazier, Mason County Treasurer Cc: Auditor Finance Department,Risk Manager,Treasurer,Auditor �r�ON CO& Mason County Administrator 411 N 5th Street Shelton, WA 98584 (360) 427-9670 ext. 419 Mason County Commissioner Briefing Items from County Administrator June 5, 2023 Specific Items for Review 2022 Current Use taxation applications—Diane Zoren July 3 briefing and July 4 regular meetings—Diane Zoren 2024 draft Budget rates—Jennifer Beierle 2024 draft Budget guidelines—Jennifer Beierle CDBG grant amendment with CAC—Jennifer Beierle Lead worker MOU—Mary Ransier Zoom licensing—Mark Neary Pride proclamation—Mark Neary Administrator Updates Commissioner Discussion C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Cassidy Perkins Ext.419 Department: Support Services Briefing: Action Agenda: ❑X Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): June 5,2023 Agenda Date: June 20,2023 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ® Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Other (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item• Public hearing to consider the 2022 Open Space applications. Background/Executive Summary: The Open Space Taxation Act,enacted in 1970,allows property owners to have their open space, farm and agricultural,and timberlands valued at their current use rather than their highest and best use. RCW 84.34 governs this Act. Budget Impact(amount, funding source,budget amendment): None Public Outreach (news release,community meeting, etc.): Hearing notice published and sent to individual applicants Requested Action: Approval of all 24 of the Open Space applications to the recommendations of the County Assessor. Attachments Spreadsheet summarizing applications with Assessor recommendations and DOR info on the Current Use program. Recap of 2022 Current Use Applications Line# Parcel# Owner Name Transfer Info Assessor Discussion Assessor Commissioner Recommendation Approval 1 31910-34-90070 Kimberly Gregg Reclassified as Open Space This is a 4.21 acre residential The Assessor Application received 1/21/22 parcel.It is improved with a recommends that at Paid$600.00 residence,septic system and least 1.00 acre remains Receipt#107441636 water system.The remainder is at market value due to Recorded 1/21/2022 undeveloped deciduous wetland the residence and the and forest area with a foot trail. remainder of 3.21 acres be approved for Open Space Current Use. 2 41927-31-00040 Squaxin Island Tribe Reclassified as Open Space This is a 10.34 acre parcel The Assessor Application received 1/31/22 transferring from Farm&Ag to recommends Approval Paid$10,200.00 Open space. No longer farming. of this transfer. Receipt#2022-81288 Recorded 1/31/2022 3 41927-31-00050 Squaxin Island Tribe Reclassified as Open Space This is a 6.33 acre parcel The Assessor Application received 1/31/22 transferring from Farm&Ag to recommends Approval of Paid$10,200.00 Open space. No longer farming. this transfer. Receipt#2022-81288 Recorded 1 31 2022 4 41927-31-00060 Squaxin Island Tribe Reclassified as Open Space This is a 5 acre parcel transferring The Assessor Application received 1/31/22 from Farm&Ag to Open space.No recommends Approval of Paid$10,200.00 longer farming. this transfer. Receipt#2022-81288 Recorded 1/31/22 5 41927-31-00070 Squaxin Island Tribe Reclassifed as Open Space This is a 5 acre parcel transferring The Assessor Application received 1/31/22 from Farm&Ag to Open space.No recommends Approval of Paid$10,200.00 longer farming. this transfer. Receipt#2022-81288 Recorded 1/31/22 6 41927-42-00010 Squaxin Island Tribe Reclassified as Open Space This is a 1.92 acre parcel The Assessor Application received 1/31/22 transferring from Designated recommends Approval of Paid$10,200.00 Forest Land to Open Space.No this transfer. Receipt#2022-81288 longer forest land. Recorded 1 31 2022 J:\CURRENT USE\2018\2018 applications Recap of 2022 Current Use Applications Line# Parcel# Owner Name Transfer Info Assessor Discussion Assessor Commissioner Recommendation Approval 7 41927-42-00020 Squaxin Island Tribe Reclassified as Open Space This is a 7.05 acre parcel transferring The Assessor Application received 1/31/22 from Designated Forest Land to recommends Approval of Paid$10,200.00 Open Space.No longer Forest land. this transfer. Receipt#2022-81288 Recorded 1/31/2022 8 41927-42-00030 Squaxin Island Tribe Reclassified as Open Space This is a 7.05 acre parcel transferring The Assessor Application received 1/31/22 from Designated Forest Land to recommends Approval of Paid$10,200.00 Open Space.No longer Forest land. this transfer. Receipt#2022-81288 Recorded 1/31/2022 9 41927-41-00010 Squaxin Island Tribe Reclassified as Open Space This is a 6.11 acre parcel transferring The Assessor Application received 1/31/22 from Designated Forest Land to recommends Approval of Paid$10,200.00 Open Space.No longer Forest land. this transfer. Receipt#2022-81288 Recorded 1/31/2022 10 41927-41-00020 Squaxin Island Tribe Reclassified as Open Space This is a 6.35 acre parcel transferring The Assessor Application received 1/31/22 from Designated Forest Land to recommends Approval of Paid$10,200.00 Open Space.No longer Forest land. this transfer. Receipt#2022-81288 Recorded 1/31/2022 11 41927-43-00010 Squaxin Island Tribe Reclassified as Open Space This is a 5 acre parcel transferring The Assessor Application received 1/31/22 from Designated Forest Land to recommends Approval of Paid$10,200.00 Open Space.No longer Forest land. this transfer. Receipt#2022-81288 Recorded 1/31/2022 12 41927-43-00020 Squaxin Island Tribe Reclassified as Open Space This is a 5 acre parcel transferring The Assessor Application received 1/31/22 from Designated Forest Land to recommends Approval of Paid$10,200.00 Open Space.No longer Forest land. this transfer. Receipt#2022-81288 Recorded 1/31/2022 13 41927-43-00030 Squaxin Island Tribe Reclassified as Open Space This is a 5 acre parcel transferring The Assessor Application received 1/31/22 from Designated Forest Land to recommends Approval of Paid$10,200.00 Open Space.No longer Forest land. this transfer. Receipt#2022-81288 Recorded 1/31/2022 14 41927-43-00040 Squaxin Island Tribe Reclassified as Open Space This is a 5 acre parcel transferring The Assessor Application received 1/31/22 from Designated Forest Land to recommends Approval of Paid$10,200.00 Open Space.No longer Forest land. this transfer. Receipt#2022-81288 Recorded 1/31/2022 JACURRENT USE\2018\2018 applications Recap of 2022 Current Use Applications Line# Parcel# Owner Name Transfer Info Assessor Discussion Assessor Commissioner Recommendation Approval 15 41927-43-00050 Squaxin Island Tribe Reclassified as Open Space This is a 12.70 acre parcel The Assessor Application received 1/31/22 transferring from Designated Forest recommends Approval of Paid$10,200.00 Land to Open Space.No longer this transfer. Receipt#2022-81288 Forest land. Recorded 1/31/2022 16 41927-34-00020 Squaxin Island Tribe Reclassified as Open Space This is a 5 acre parcel transferring The Assessor Application received 1/31/22 from Farm&Ag to Open space.No recommends Approval of Paid$10,200.00 longer farming. this transfer. Receipt#2022-81288 Recorded 1/31/2022 17 41927-34-00050 Squaxin Island Tribe Reclassified as Open Space This is a 7.50 acre parcel transferring The Assessor Application received 1/31/22 from Farm&Ag to Open space.No recommends Approval of Paid$10,200.00 longer farming. this transfer. Receipt#2022-81288 Recorded 1/31/2022 18 41927-34-00060 Squaxin Island Tribe Reclassified as Open Space This is a 7.50 acre parcel transferring The Assessor Application received 1/31/22 from Farm&Ag to Open space.No recommends Approval of Paid$10,200.00 longer farming. this transfer. Receipt#2022-81288 Recorded 1/31/2022 19 52026-41-00030 Michael Oppelt&Michele Manu Reclassified as Open Space This is a 6.43 acre parcel with 1 acre The Assessor Application received 5/31/22 at market value and the remainder recommends that the Paid$600.00 was in designated forest land that 1.00 acre remains at Receipt#2022-84534 had been part of a larger parcel. market value due to the Recorded 5/31/2022 After it was split,it no longer residence and the qualifies for the forest land remainder of 5.43 acres designation,owners applied to be approved to transfer transfer from DFL to Current Use from Designation Forest Open Space.Owners provided a to Open Space. wetland delineation report that shows most of the parcel in a wetland designation. 20 22127-75-00070 Jerry&Cheryl Hubbell Reclassified as Open Space This is a 5.40 acre residential parcel The Assessor Application received 9/6/22 with 150 high bank waterfront feet recommends that the Paid$600.00 overlooking Pickering Passage.It is 1.00 acre remains at Receipt#2022-86863 improved with a residence,septic market value due to the Recorded 9/6/2022 system and water system.The residence and the parcel has a ravine on one side that remainder of 4.40 acres is an undeveloped forested area left be approved for Open in its natural state. Space. JACURRENT USE\2018\2018 applications Recap of 2022 Current Use Applications Line# Parcel# Owner Name Transfer Info Assessor Discussion Assessor Commissioner Recommendation Approval 21 32219-22-90040 Mark Green&Carol Niccolls Reclassified as Open Space This is a 2.90 acre residential parcel The Assessor Application received 12/27/22 with 115 feet of salt waterfront.It is recommends that the Paid$1200.00 improved with a residence,septic 1.00 acre remains at Receipt#2022-89595 system and water system.The market value due to the Recorded 12/27/22 remainder is undeveloped with a residence and the steep hillside left in its natural state. remainder of 1.90 acres be approved for Open Space. 22 32218-33-90070 Mark Green&Carol Niccolls Reclassified as Open Space This is a 0.90 acre vacant parcel with The Assessor Application received 12/27/22 240 feet of salt waterfront.The recommends Approval of Paid$1200.00 entire parcel is undeveloped with a this transfer.It is the Receipt#2022-89595 steep hillside left in its natural state. contiguous parcel to Recorded 12/27/22 CLIOS 021-2022. 23 42102-12-00010 Donald&Joseph Pavel Reclassified as Open Space This is a vacant 20 acre parcel The Assessor Application received 12/29/22 transferring from Designated Forest recommends Approval of Paid$N/A Receipt Land to Open Space.All of this this transfer. #2022- Recorded parcel is within National Wetland 12/29/22 Inventory,therefore would not support tree growth. 24 42102-13-00000 Donald&Joseph Pavel Reclassified as Open Space This is a vacant 20.45 acre parcel The Assessor Application received 12/29/22 transferring from Designated Forest recommends Approval of Paid$N/A Receipt Land to Open Space.All of this this transfer. #2022- Recorded parcel is within National Wetland 12/29/22 Inventory,therefore would not support tree growth. JACURRENT USE\2018\2018 applications C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Diane Zoren Ext. 747 Department: Support Services Briefing: 0 Action Agenda: 0 Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): June 5,2023 Agenda Date: June 6,2023 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources 0 Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Risk (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item• July 3 Briefing and July 4 Regular Commissioner Meetings Background/Executive Summary: Monday,July 3—should we hold a briefing? Tuesday,July 4—Fourth of July holiday and with the current Commissioner meeting schedule,would be a meeting day. Pursuant to Mason County Code 2.88.010,the meeting would be held on Wednesday,July 5. Regular business meetings of the Board of Mason County Commissioners are held at 9:00 a.m. every-other Tuesday,in the Commission Chamber,411 North 5t'Street, Shelton,Washington to transact regular business, (RCW 36.32.080)provided that(1)if a holiday recognized and observed by the county falls on a Tuesday, such regular meeting shall be held on the next business day,per RCW 42.30.070. Budtet Impact(amount, funding source,budget amendment): None Public Outreach (news release,community meeting, etc.): Notice will be emailed and information will be posted on County website. Requested Action: Confirm the Monday,July 3 briefing and regular Commission meeting on Wednesday,July 5 or reschedule to the following Tuesday,July 11. Attachments None C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Jennifer Beierle Ext. 532 Department: Support Services Briefing: ❑X Action Agenda: ❑X Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): June 5,2023 Agenda Date: June 20,2023 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Other (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item• Review of 2024 Budget Rates for Internal Cost Allocations,Information Technology, State Auditor's Office Charges,Unemployment,and Motor Pool Background/Executive Summary: The budget office prepares various rates for the county's budget each year.These rates serve as a starting point for the budget process.Below is a summary of the rates,and a synopsis of the basis of distribution for each: • Internal Cost Allocations:Allocates indirect costs to all departments and funds based on several different factors.2024's rates are based on 2022's actual expenditures • Information Technology:Allocates shared county costs for information technology by FTE.2024's rates are based on 2022's actual expenditures • State Auditor's Office Charges:Allocates the 2024 budgeted amount to each fund based on 2023's adopted budget • Unemployment: 2024's rates are based on the 2023 Adopted Budget FTE numbers.Rates are$200 per FTE.Elected officials are exempt from unemployment • Motor Pool: Rates are based on the estimated cost of leasing and maintaining the County's General Fund and Community Services Health Fleet Budget Impact(amount, funding source,budget amendment): Please see the attachments for detailed 2024 budget impacts.Here are the totals: • 2024 Internal Cost Allocations Receivable: $1,976,297 • 2024 Information Technology Rates: $1,230,000 • 2024 State Auditor's Office Budgeted Rates: $140,000 • 2024 Unemployment Rates: $79,202 • 2024 Motor Pool Rates: $1,852,723 Public Outreach (news release,community meeting, etc.): Each step of the County's budget is a public process,open to public comment,beginning with the budget guidelines and internal budget rates. The Internal Cost Allocations are reviewed by the County's CFO,Leo Kim,CPA,and by Teresa Johnson,CPA,and IT Rates are reviewed by the IT Steering Committee. Requested Action: Approval of the 2024 Budget Rates for Internal Cost Allocations,Information Technology, State Auditor's Office Charges,Unemployment, and Motor Pool. Attachments Rates for the 2024 Mason County Budget for: Internal Cost Allocations,Information Technology, State Auditor's Office Charges,Unemployment,and Motor Pool Mason County 2024 Simplified Indirect Cost Allocation Plan to Departments Plan Notes Using Data from the year ended December 31,2022 Cost Pool:Schedule A shows the summary of indirect costs by allocable department and the summary of the allocation base for total expenditures by department. Allocate Indirect Costs to Departments:Schedule A-1 shows the allocation of indirect costs by allocable department.Total allocated costs are shown in green in column W,allocated costs receivable from departments are shown in yellow in column X,and allocated costs not recoverable from departments are shown in orange in column Y. Assessor:The Assessor's Office expenditures are shown on Schedule A-2.The cost of the assessor's services have not been directly charged to county departments,and is allocated by property tax revenue.See Schedule F. Auditor:The Auditor's Office includes financial services,recording,licensing,and elections. These costs are shown on Schedule B-1. The cost of the financial services office has not been directly charged to County departments,and is allocated by number of JE lines,shown on Schedule G-1. Facilities&Grounds:Facilities Services(Schedule B-3)provides janitorial and maintenance services to all County funds and departments.Facilities costs to functions other than central services are removed from the allocation.Facilities costs to support the central services were not directly charged to departments during the year and the cost has been allocated by budgeted full-time equivalent employee count(FTE)shown on Schedule E and E-1. Human Resources/Risk Management:Human Resources&Risk Management services are provided to the entire County.The costs for these services(identified on Schedule A-2)are allocated by budgeted full-time equivalent employee count(FTE)shown on Schedules E and E-1.The risk pool premium for insurance is paid from the Current Expense Fund as a non-departmental expense as are all liability claims and lawsuits against the County not covered by the risk pool. Those premiums and claims are billed back to departments directly through the internal allocation-see Schedule C-5. Commissioners and Support Services:The Commissioners and Support Services departments provide support to all county offices.Costs incurred for these functions are shown on Schedule A-2 and allocated to departments by total expenditures,less unallowed costs.See Schedules A and D. Treasurer: Cash management and receipting services(Schedule B-2) have not been directly charged to the County departments.These have been allocated based on journal entry lines coded GCR,shown on Schedule G-2. Non-Departmental Costs:The County incurred costs for several functions during the year that were accounted for separately from the costs of operating departments.Costs for these administrative functions include associations dues,air pollution control,and settlement payments.None of these costs were directly charged to any County department.Non-Departmental costs are shown in Schedule C. Non-County Expenditures:The County provides selected financial services to non-County Special Purpose Taxing Districts,to include Fire,ports,water,cemetery,and hospital.Treasurer and auditor costs for providing these services are allocated on the basis of number of JE lines and removed from the indirect cost charged to county funds. See Schedule A-1.Assessor costs are allocated by property tax revenue.See Schedule F. Unallowed Costs: Unallowed costs include other financing uses(e.g.,operating transfers),prior period adjustment expense,debt service payments,capital purchases,and nonexpenditures.See Schedule D. Other Direct Charges to Departments: Costs initially paid by an indirect department incurred by another fund or department.Examples include:pay-outs for departing employees paid by non-departmental,facility costs for non-indirect buildings paid by facilities,and claims paid by non-departmental on behalf of other funds/departments.2022 is the first year claims are included in the internal allocation.In prior years,claims were billed to other funds by the HR/Risk Manager.See Schedule A. 1:\Budget Office\Budget Adoption Info\2024\2024 Rates\2024Internal Allocations\2024Internal allocations 5/24/2023 Mason County 2024 Simplified Indirect Cost Allocation Plan Using Data from the year ended December 31,2022 Schedule A-2022 Cost Pool bfiffirect Departments-Essential Services Performed for the Benefit of Other Funds and Departments Total 2022 YTD Other Direct Unallowable R"pa en, escription Dept/Fund No, Ex ended Costs Indirect Costs Indirli Assessor 020 1,374,048 5,233 1,379,290 Auditor-Financial Services 030 1,773,773 22,321 1,157,782 638,312 Facilities&Grounds 055 1,335,924 993,256 342,668 Human Resources/Risk Management 057 549,133 549,133 I Commissioners 080 356,726 356,726 1 Support Services 090 966,562 37,017 1,003,580 Treasurer 260 818,810 404 818,406 Non Departmental 300 5,175,224 4,780,846 394,377 Total Indirert Charge_. 2,350,200 64,571 6,932,289 5,482,482 Other Direct Charges to Departments Community Development 125 31,743 31,743 County Road 105 8,163 8,163 j Community Health Services 150 36,441 36,441 Information Services 500 8,290 8,290 Total Other Direct Costs: _ 84,636 84,636 Grand Totals: 12,350,200 149,208 6,932,289 5,567,118 Unallowable Allocation Total 20ZZ WD Other Direct Department Base for Total Direct Departments&Funds Dept/Fund No. Expended Costs Costs Expenditures WSU Extension 010 307,150 3,922 303,228 Auditor-Non Financial Services 030 1,773,773 10,781 1,784,555 Emergency Management 050 377,507 13,689 391,195 LEOFF 058 79,128 79,128 Clerk 070 1,162,874 40,315 1,203,188 District Court 100 1,318,932 4,135 1,323,067 Community Development 125 2,677,111 4,953 2,682,063 Historical Preservation 126 9,383 9,383 Parks&Trails 146 769,125 201 38,956. 730,370 Juvenile Court Services 170 1,793,128 19,588 1,812,717 Prosecutor 180 1,703,035 10,110 1,713,146 Child Support Enforcement 185 109,451 109,451 Coroner 190 359,840 5,914 365,754 Sheriff 205 14,193,647 371,390 523,726 14,041,311 Courthouse Security 208 259,109 259,109 Office of Public Defense 240 1,192,356 3,234 1,195,590 Superior Court 250 1,092,866 1,092,866 Family Court 255 - - Therapeutic Court 256 516,217 4,227 520,444 Murder Expenditures 258 7,183 7,183 Motor Pool 305 23,291 23,291 Transfers Out 310 466,282 466,282 - Sales&Use Tax 103 659,472 450,000 209,472 Auditor's O&M 104 88,656 88,656 County Road 105 15,118,658 4,395,582 10,723,076 Paths&Trails 106 2,052 2,052 Election Equipment 109 1,622 1,622 Crime Victims 110 91,354 91,354 Victim Witness Activity 114 28,951 28,951 Community Support Services 117 8,629,012 8,629,012 Abatement 118 1,279 1,279 BEET Property Tax 120 16,009 16,009 National Forest Safety 134 6,206 6,206 Trial Court Improvement 135 21,680 18,489 3,192 Sheriff's Boating Program 141 101,476 50,795 50,681 Narcotics Investigation Fund 142 5,353 5,353 Clean Water District 145 - - Community Services Health 150 3,758,452 25,791 3,784,243 American Rescue Plan Act 155 4,063,507 2,004,238 2,059,269 Law Library 160 32,454 32,454 Lodging Tax 163 450,423 450,423 Mental Health Tax 164 1,094,888 407,608 687,280 Treasurer's O&M 180 199,639 199,639 Veterans Assistance 190 91,569 5 I 91,564 _ Skokomish Flood Zone 192 4,338 4,338 Mason Lake Management 194 39,274 39,274 Spencer Lake Management 195 14,729 14,729 Island Lake Management 199 13,452 13,452 Public Works Facility Bond 205 998,500 998,500 - MC LTGO 2013 Band 215 133,675 133,375 300 MC LTG02008 Bond 250 275,280 275,280 - REET1 350 1,588,810 1,383,259 205,551 REEr2 351 969,960 867,275 102,685 Mason County Landfill 402 5,540,791 386,750 5,154,041 NBCI Sewer Utility 403 1,641,333 462,892 1,178,440 Rustlewood Sewer&Water 411 422,032 63,029 359,002 Beards Cove Water 412 164,111 12,737 151,374 Belfair W W&W Reclamation 413 2,606,218 1,904,230 701,988 I Landfill Reserve 428 7,635 7,635 Beards Cove Reserve 429 229,117 224,609 4,508 Storm Drain System Development 480 178,820 178,355 466 Information Technology Soo 894,678 32,116 862,562 Equipment Rental&Revolving 501 2,705,733 533,113 2,172,619 Unemployment 502 55,091 55,091 Total Direct Expenditures: 83,137,679 514,329 15,815,122 Remove Auditor's Charges in Direct&Indlrects: (1,773,773) (1,157,782) Unallowable Indirect Expenditures: (5,756,067) Total Expenditures: 93,714,105 663,537 15,833,562 67,921,522 I Mason County 2024 Simplified Indirect Cost Allocation Plan Using Data from the year ended December 31,2022 Auditor(Financial Treasurer Cash Services)cost Facilities Human Resources Cost Mngt and Receipting Central Ops,BOCC, Non- Assessor Cost Allocated by allocated by number Maintenance cost Allocated to Srvs cost allocated Dept Cost Allocated by Schedule A-1-Allocate Indirect Costs to property tax revenues of auditor-recorded allocated by FTE(2023 departments by FTE by number of GCR total expenditures(2023 Other Direct Departments (2023 data) JE lines(2023 data) data) (2023 data) JE lines(2023 data) data) Charges 2024 Rates Allocated Allocated Total I Costs Costs Not Fund/ Allocated Receivable Receivable Dept I Units 1 Amount Units Amount Units Amount Units Amount Units Amount Units Amount Amount Costs from Depts from Depts 000 Beginning Fund Balance 3,276 22,539 - - 165 4,284 - - 26,824 26,824 O10 WSU Extension 406 2,793 2.25 1,951.81 2.25 3,127.81 9 234 303,228 7,843 15,950 15,950 020 Assessor 592 4,073 13.00 11,277.10 13.00 18,071.82 3 78 - - 33,500 33,500 030 Auditor 1,487 10,231 14.50 12,578.31 14.50 20,157.03 475 12,334 1,784,555 46,160 101,459 101,459 050 Emergency Management 384 2,642 2.34 2,029.88 2.34 3,252.93 3 78 391,195 10,119 18,121 18,121 055 Facilities&Grounds 1,631 11,222 5.50 4,771.08 5.50 7,645.77 20 519 - - 24,158 24,158 057 Human Resources/Risk Mngmt 941 6,474 5.00 4,337.35 5.00 6,950.70 1 26 - - , 17,788 17,788 O58 1 LEOFF 275 1,892 - - 79,128 2,047 3,939 3,939 070 Clerk 842 5,793 13.00 11,277.10 13.00 18,071.82 375 9,737 1,203,188 31,122 76,001 76,001 080 Commissioners 263 1,809 3.00 2,602.41 3.00 4,170.42 1 26 - - 0,608 8,608 090 Support Services 781 5,373 8.65 7,503.61 8.65 12,024.71 4 104 - - 25,006 25,006 100 District Court 1,022 7,032 12.20 10,583.13 12.20 16,959.70 658 17,085 1,323,067 34,223 85,882 85,882 125 Community Development 1,901 13,079 22.50 19,518.06 22.50 31,278.14 918 23,836 2,682,063 69,375 31,743 188,830 188,830 126 Historical Preservation 10 69 - - - 60 1 1,558 9,383 243 1,869 1,869 146 Parks&Trails 901 6,199 4.33 3,756.14 4.33 6,019.30 45 1,168 730,370 18,892 36,035 36,035 170 Juvenile Court Services 1,721 11,841 19.00 26,481.92 19.00 26,412.65 133 3,453 1,812,717 46,888 105,077 105,077 180 Prosecutor 806 5,545 15.00 13,012.04 15.00 20,852.09 45 1,168 1,713,146 44,313 84,891 84,891 185 1 Child Support Enforcement 298 2,050 1.00 867.47 1.00 1,390.14 18 467 109,451 2,831 7,606 7,606 190 Coroner 411 2,828 2.40 2,081.93 1 2.40 3,336.34 2 52 365,754 9,461 17,759 17,759 205 Sheriff 5,266 36,231 98.50 85,445.74 98.50 136,928.76 451 11,710 14,041,311 363,195 633,511 633,511 208 Courthouse Security 12 83 - - - 259,109 6,702 6,785 6,785 240 Office of Public Defense 1,295 8,910 8.00 6,939.76 8.00 11,121.12 30 779 1,195,590 30,925 58,675 58,675 250 Superior Court 2,082 14,324 7.58 6,575.42 7.58 10,537.26 150 3,895 1,092,866 28,268 63,600 63,600 255 Family Court 57 1,480 - - 1,480 1,480 256 ITherapeutic Court 766 5,270 4.22 3,660.72 4.22 1 5,866.39 40 1,039 520,444 13,462 29,298 29,298 258 Murder Expenditures 17 117 7,183 186 303 303 260 Treasurer (11,292,326) 198,696 573 3,942 8.00 6,939.76 8.00 11,121.12 1,435 37,260 - - 257,960 257,960 300 Non Departmental - 623 4,286 153 3,973 8,259 8,259 305 Motor Pool 173 1,190 0.50 433.73 0.50 695.07 - 23,291 602 2,922 2,922 310 Transfers Out 6 156 156 156 103 Sales&Use Tax 61 420 74 1,921 209,472 5,418 7,759 1 7,759 104 Auditor's 0&M - 246 1,693 251 6,517 88,656 2,293 10,503 10,503 105 County Road (10,237,076) 180,128 4,792 32,970 60.70 52,655.39 60.70 84,381.48 761 19,760 10,723,076 277,365 8,163 655,422 655,422 106 Paths&Trails - 40 275 - - - - 72 1,870 2,052 53 _ 2,198 i 2,198 109 Election Equipment 40 275 - - 72 1,870 1,622 42 2,187 2,187 110 Crime Victims 261 1,796 1 1 1.00 867.47 1.00 1,390.14 110 2,856 91,354 2,363 9,273 9,273 114 Victim Witness Activity 155 1,066 - - - - 9 234 28,951 749 2,049 2,049 117 Community Support Services 635 4,369 2.00 1,734.94 2.00 2,780.28 321 8,335 8,629,012 223,200 240,419 240,419 118 Abatement 40 275 - - 36 935 1,279 33 1,243 1,243 120 REET Property Tax 46 316 208 5,401 16,009 414 6,131. 6,131 134 National Forest Safety 57 392 3 78 6,206 161 ' 631 631 135 Trial Court Improvement 50 344 12 312 3,192 83 738 738 141 Sheriffs Boating Pro ram 213 1,465 3 78 50,681 1,311 ,854 2,854 A-1 Allocate Ind Cost to Depts 1 5/24/2023 Mason County 2024 Simplified Indirect Cost Allocation Plan Using Data from the year ended December 31,2022 Auditor(Financial Treasurer Cash Services)cost Facilities Human Resources Cost Mngt and Receipting Central Ops,BOCC, Non- Assessor Cost Allocated by allocated by number Maintenance cost Allocated to Srvs cost allocated Dept Cost Allocated by Schedule A-1-Allocate Indirect Costs to property tax revenues of auditor-recorded allocated by FTE(2023 departments by FTE by number of GCR total expenditures(2023 Other Direct Departments (2023 data) JE lines(2023 data) data) (2023 data) JE lines(2073 data) data) Charges 2024 Rates Allocated Allocated Total Costs Costs Not Fund/ Allocated Receivable Receivable Dept Units Amount Units Amount Units Amount Units Amount Units Amount Units Amount Amount Costs from Depts from Depts. 142 Narcotics Investigation Fund 88 605rO-06 - - - 45 1,168 5,353 138 "36,441 1,912 1,912 145 Clean Water District 5 34 - 200 5,193 - 5,227 5,227 150 Community Services Health 2,248 15,467 19,518.06 22.50 31,278.14 846 21,967 3,784,243 97,884222,554 222,554 155 American Rescue Plan Act 375 2,580 - - 50 1,298 2,059,269 53,265 57,1441 57,144 160 Law Library 306 2,105 52.05 0.06 83.41 170 4,414 32,454 839 7,494 7,494 163 Lodging Tax 199 1,369 - - - 84 2,181 450,423 11,651 15,201 15,201 164 Mental Health Tax (220,433) 3,879 412 2,835 867.47 1.00 1,390.14 403 10,464 687,280 17,777 37,212 37,212 180 Treasurer's 0&M 498 3,426 867.47 1.00 1,390.14 313 8,127 199,6395,164 18,975 18,975 190 Veterans Assistance (137,462) 2,419 292 2,009 326 8,465 91,564 2,368 15,261 15,261 192 Skokomish Flood Zone 40 275 4,338 112 387 387 194 Mason Lake Management 70 482 184 4,778 39,274 1,016 6,275 1,497 4,778 195 Spencer Lake Management 50 344 127 3,298 14,729 381 4,023 725 3,298 199 Island Lake Management 51 351 97 2,519 13,452 348 3,217 699 2,519 205 Public Works Facility Bond - 26 675 - - 675 j 675 215 MC LTGO 2013 Bond 54 1,402 300 8 1,410 1 1,410 250 MC LTGO 2008 Bond 46 1,194 - - 1,194' 1,194 350 REET 1 555 3,818 204 5,297 205,551 5,317 14,432 14,432 351 REET 2 309 2,126 199 5,167 102,685 2,656 9,949 j 9,949 402 Mason County Landfill 1,794 12,343 12.35 10,713.25 12.35 17,168.22 761 19,760 5,154,041 133,316 193,300 193,300 403 NBCI Sewer Utility 1,669 11,483 6.03 5,230.84 6.03 8,382.54 275 7,141 1,178,440 30,482 62,719: 62,719 411 Rustlewood Sewer&Water - 2,169 14,923 2.11 1,830.36 2.11 2,933.19 299 7,764 359,002 9,286 36,736 36,736 412 Beards Cove Water 1,281 8,813 0.91 789.40 0.91 1,265.03 309 8,023 151,374 3,915 22,807 22,807 413 Belfair WW&W Reclamation 1,560 10,733 2.56 2,220.72 2.56 3,558.76 300 7,790 701,988 18,158 42,4601 42,460 428 Landfill Reserve 35 241 - - - - 36 935 7,635 197 1,373 1,373 429 Beards Cove Reserve 20 138 198 5,141 4,508 117 5,395 5,395 480 Storm Drain System Development 40 275 3 78 466 12 365 365 500 Information Technology 893 6,144 4.68 4,059.76 4.68 6,505.85 15 389 862,562 22,311 8,290 47,700 47,700 501 Equipment Rental&Revolving 2,871 19,753 7.65 6,636.14 7.65 10,634.57 290 7,530 2,172,619 56,197 100,751; 100,751 502 Unemployment 65 447 - - - 3 78 55,091 1,425 1,950 1,950 625 Tax Foreclosure Trust 5 34 21 545 - - 580 580 631 Claims Clearing 925 6,364 6,364' 6,364 632 Payroll Clearing 125 860 - 8601 860 637 community Health - 48 1,246 1,246. 1,246 645 Treasurer's Trust 323 8,387 8,387 8,387 646 Timber Tax 14 364 364 364 650 State Clearing (30,953,917) 544,655 3,256 84,544 629,199 629,199 658 Forest Fire Patrol - 414 10,750 10,750 10,750 660 City of Shelton (2,535,887) 44,621 528 13,710 58,330 58,330 661 Shelton Park district (599,171) 10,543 238 6,180 16,723 16,723 662 Cemetery (24,200) 426 105 722 276 7,166 8,315 8,315 665 Fire Districts (15,045,350) 264,733 8,862 60,972 5,299 137,591 463,296 463,296 666 Housing Authority - 114 784 25 649 1,433 1,433 668 Transit 1,408 9,687 508 13,190 22,878 22,878 A-1 Allocate Ind Cost to Depts 2 5/24/2023 Mason County 2024 Simplified Indirect Cost Allocation Plan Using Data from the year ended December 31,2022 Auditor(Financial Treasurer Cash Services)cost Facilities Human Resources Cost Mngt and Receipting Central Ops,BOCC, Non- Assessor Cost Allocated by allocated by number Maintenance cost Allocated to Srvs cost allocated Dept Cost Allocated by Schedule A-1-Allocate Indirect Costs to property tax revenues of auditor-recorded allocated by FTE(2023 departments by FTE by number of GCR total expenditures(2023 Other Direct Departments (2023 data) JE lines(2023 data) data) (2023 data) JE lines(2023 data) data) Charges 2024 Rates Allocated Allocated Total Costs Costs Not Fund/ Allocated Receivable Receivable Dept Units I Amount Units Amount Units Amount Units Amount Units Amount Units Amount I Amount Costs from Depts from Depts 670 Ports (1,392,659) 24,505 1,447 9,956 1,363 35,391 69,851 69,851 675 Hospitals (2,797,920) 49,231 13,112 90,212 735 19,085 158,528 158,528 681 IMACECOM - 595 4,094 164 4,258 8,352 8,352 682 1 Regional Library (3,151,017) 55,444 - 343 8,906 64,350 64,350 685 School Districts - 10,336 71,113 3,911 101,551 172,664 172,664 690 water Districts 2,456 16,898 1,001 25,991 42,889 42,889 Grand Totals: (78,387,417) 1,379,280 L92,776 395.02 395.02 31,519 67,836,886 84,636 5,567,118 1,976,297 3,590,821 Schedule: F a A E&E-1 A E&E-1 A G-2 A A A A 5,567,118Total Cost Pool: (78,387,417) 1,379,280 395.02 395.02 31,519 67,836,886 NEW-- Difference: A-1 Allocate Ind Cost to Depts 3 5/24/2023 Mason County 2024 Information Technology Allocation Plan to Departments Plan Notes Using Data from the year ended December 31,2022 Rate Methodology: Information Technology(IT) pays for items and services approved by the Board of County Commissioners that benefit the County as a whole. Items and services that benefit one department are paid for by the individual departments with the exception of some phone costs.Those phone charges that benefit one department are charged back to that department in the rates. Prior year's Information Technology expenditures are captured in the next year's budgeted rates. For example, 2022 actual expenditures are charged in the 2024 planned rates.The budget for the next year's Information Technology fund is figured in conjuction with the rates to ensure funding for all planned expenditures,shown on Schedule A-1.At the end of 2022 the County implemented MS Office county-wide and this is paid through the IT rates. In 2023 an accrued leave payout line of$50,000 was added in the IT budget.See Schedule A for Total IT Rates. Future Planning:Schedule A-2 shows the current and future professional services plan.Schedule A-3 shows a reserve for future capital to help ensure enough funding to allocate future costs above current levels.According to the Mason County Computer Replacement Policy& Procedure, desktop and laptop computers should be purchased with the intention of providing acceptable performance for no less than three years, with the goal of replacement in the sixth year. Departments are responsible for the cost of the computers as put into the budget by the Budget Manager, and IT staff will perform the work required to replace the computers. Information Technology Cost Distribution:All information Technology costs are distributed by full time employee (FTE). In prior years phone costs were distributed based on number of extensions by department.This was changed to FTE in 2024 to simplify the rate process.All FTE's are users of the phone system either directly or indirectly and moving to FTE simplifies the rate process.The rate distribution by FTE shown on Schedule B. J:\Budget Office\Budget Adoption Info\2024\2024 Rates\2024 IT Rates\2024 ITAates 5/24/2023 MASON COUNTY FUND 500 SCHEDULE A-Total 2024 INFO TECHNOLOGY RATES FUND BARS DEPARTMENT $ 1,230,000 001.000000.125.000 559.30.541500 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT $ 70,760 001.000000.300.000 518.80.541500 CURRENT EXPENSE $ 783,529 105.000000.000.000 543.10.541500 PUBLIC WORKS-COUNTY ROAD $ 186,484 105.000000.000.100 543.10.541500 PUBLIC WORKS-GIS $ 6,290 110.000000.000.000 515.70.541500 CRIME VICTIMS $ 3,145 117.000000.000.000 565.40.541500 COMMUNITY SUPPORT SERVICES $ 6,290 150.000000.100.000 562.10.541500 HEALTH $ 70,760 �160.000000.000.000 572.20.541500 LAW LIBRARY $ 189] 164.000000.100.000 564.10.541500 MENTAL HEALTH TAX $ 3,145 402.000000.000.000- 537.10.541500 UTILITIES-SOLID WASTE $ 3 403.000000.100.020 535.10.541500 UTILITIES-CSW $ 18,979 411.000000.100.000 535.10.541500 UTILITIES-CSW $ 3,304 411.000000.200.000 534.10.541500 UTILITIES-CSW $ 3,304 412.000000.200.000 534.10.541500 UTILITIES-CSW $ 2,866 413.000000.000.000 535.10.541500 UTILITIES-CSW $ 8,058 501.000000.000.000 548.30.541500 ER&R $ 24,058 GRAND TOTAL: $ 1,230,000 Tab B-2024 Information Technology Based on 2022 Budgeted FTE's 2022 2024 INDIRECT SOFTWARE& Fund/ Budgeted MACHINERY IT CHARGES BY TOTAL Dept Fund/Department Name FTE's DEPARTMENT COUNT $ 1,227,572 001-010 WSU 2.25 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 22.50 5.76% $ 70,760 001-020 Assessor 13.00 CURRENT EXPENSE 248.97 63.78% $ 782,980 001-030 Auditor 14.50 PUBLIC WORKS-COUNTY ROAD 58.70 15.04% $ 184,604 001-050 Emergency Management 2.34 PUBLIC WORKS-GIS 2.00 0.51% $ 6,290 001-055 Facilities&Grounds 5.50 CRIME VICTIMS 1.00 0.26% $ 3,145 001-057 Human Resources/Risk Management 5.00 COMMUNITY SUPPORT SERVICES 2.00 0.51% $ 6,290 001-058 LEOFF - HEALTH 22.50 5.76% $ 70,760 001-070 Clerk 13.00 LAW LIBRARY 0.06 0.02% $ 199 001-080 Commissioners 3.00 G01-090 Support Services 8.65 UTILITIES-SOLID WASTE 12.35 3.16% $ 38,839 001-100 District Court 12.20 UTILITIES-CSW 11.61 2.97% $ 36,512 001-125 Community Development 22.50 ER&R 7.65 1.96% $ 24,058 001-146 Parks&Trails 4.33 001-170 Juvenile Court Services 19.00 GRAND TOTAL: 390.34 100.00% $ 1,227,572 001-180 Prosecutor 15.00 2024 DIRECT SOFTWARE& MACHINERY CHARGES BY 001-185 Child Support Enforcement 1.00 DEPARTMENT 2,429 001-190 Coroner 2.40 CURRENT EXPENSE 549 001-205 Sheriff 98.50 PUBLIC WORKS 1,880 001-208 Courthouse Security - TOTAL DIRECT SOFTWARE/MACHINERYCHARGES: 2,429 001-240 Office of Public Defense 8.00 2024 GRAND TOTAL SOFTWARE& MACHINERY IT CHARGES BY TOTAL 001-250 Superior Court 7.58 DEPARTMENT COUNT $ 1,230,000 001-255 Family Court - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 22.50 5.76% $ 70,760 001-256 Therapeutic Court 4.22 CURRENT EXPENSE 248.97 63.78% $ 783,529 001-258 Murder Expenditures - PUBLIC WORKS-COUNTY ROAD 58.70 15.04% $ 186,484 001-260 Treasurer 8.00 PUBLIC WORKS-GIS 2.00 0.51% $ 6,290 001-300 Non Departmental - CRIME VICTIMS 1.00 0.26% $ 3,145 001-305 Motor Pool 0.50 COMMUNITY SUPPORT SERVICES 2.00 0.51% $ 6,290 001-310 Transfers Out - HEALTH 22.50 5.76% $ 70,760 103 Sales Use Tax - 'LAW LIBRARY 0.06 0.02% $ 189 104 Auditor's O&M - 105 County Road 58.70 UTILITIES-SOLID WASTE 12.35 3.16% $ 38,839 105-100 County Road-GIS 2.00 UTILITIES-CSW 11.61 2.97% $ 36,512 106 Paths&Trails - ER&R 7.65 1.96% $ 24,058 109 Election Equipment - 110 Crime Victims 1.00 GRAND TOTAL: 390.34 100.00% $ 1,230,000 116 Historical Preservation - 117 Community Support Services 2.00 118 Abatement - 119 Reserve for Technology - 120 BEET Property Tax - 134 National Forest Safety - 135 Trial Court Improvement - 138 Family Law Facilitator - 140 Sheriff's Special Funds - 150 Community Services Health 22.50 163 Lodging Tax - 180 Treasurer's O&M 1.00 190 Veterans Assistance - 192 Skokomish Flood Zone - 194 Mason Lake Management - 199 Island Lake Management - 205 Public Works Facility Bond - 210 Rural Development LTGO 2002 Bond - 215 MC LTGO 2013 Bond - 250 MC LTGO 2008 Bond - 350 BEET 1 351 BEET 2 402 Mason County Landfill 12.3M 403 NBCI Sewer Utility 6.03 404 NBCI Sewer Reserve - 405 WW System Development - 411 Rustlewood Sewer&Water 2.11 412 Beards Cove Water 0.91 413 Belfair W W&W Reclamation 2.56 428 Landfill Reserve - 429 Beards Cove Reserve - 480 Storm Draln System Development - 500 Information Technology 4.68 501 Equipment Rental&Revolving 7.65 502 Unemployment Fund Total Budgeted FTE's 395.02 Remove IT FTE's (4.68) Total FTE's to Allocate: 390.34 Mason County 2024 Budgeted SAO Audit Allocations SAO Allocation for 2024 Budget Based on 2023 Adopted Budget $ 140,000 Includes SAO Travel Cost Exempt from Allocation-paid by General Fund oa Fund Adopted Total Based %of No Fund Account Budget on Allowable Budget Allocation 103 Rural Co Sales&Use Tax(.09) 103.000000.000.000.558.70.541510.0000.00 2,673,000 2,673,000 1.5% $ 2,103 104 Auditor's O&M 104.000000.000.000.514.89.541510.0000.00 638,942 638,942 0.4% $ 503 105 Roads 105.000000.000.000.543.10.541510.0000.00 33,755,693 33,755,693 19.0% $ 26,553 106 Paths&Trails Reserve 106.000000.000.000.543.10.541510.0000.00 306,230 306,230 0.2% $ 241 109 Election Equipment Holding 109.000000.000.000.514.40.541510.0000.00 283,752 283,752 0.2% $ 223 110 Co Share-20%RCW 7.68.035 110.000000.000.000.515.70.541510.0000.00 200,000 200,000 0.1% $ 157 114 Victim Witness Activities 64,000 - 0.0% $ - 117 Community Support Services 117.000000.000.000.565.40.541510.0000.00 3,130,028 3,130,028 1.8% $ 2,462 118 Abatement/Repair/Demolition 118.000000.000.000.559.30.541510.0000.00 278,400 278,400 0.2% $ 219 120 REET Electronic Technology 120.000000.000.000.514.22.541510.0000.00 110,750 110,750 0.1% $ 87 134 National Forest Safety 134.000000.000.000.521.22.541510.0000.00 36,500 36,500 0.0% $ 29 135 Trial Court Improvement 135.000000.000.000.512.40.541510.0000.00 138,604 138,604 0.1% $ 109 141 Sheriff Special Funds 141.000000.000.000.521.22.541510.0000.00 160,846 160,846 0.1% $ 127 142 Sheriff Special Funds 142.000000.000.000.521.21.541510.0000.00 102,674 102,674 0.1% $ 81 145 Clean Water District 145.000000.000.000.553.10.541510.0000.00 280,000 280,000 0.2% $ 220 150 Public Health 150.000000.100.000.562.10.541510.0000.00 4,077,531 4,077,531 2.3% $ 3,207 155 American Rescue Plan Act 155.000000.000.000.518.90.541510.0000.00 10,022,500 10,022,500 5.6% $ 7,884 160 Law Library 160.000000.000.000.572.20.541510.0000.00 62,988 62,988 0.0% $ 50 163 Lodging Tax(Hotel/Motel) 163.000000.000.000.557.30.541510.0000.00 1,730,750 1,730,750 1.0% $ 1,361 164 Mental Health 164.000000.100.000.564.10.541510.0000.00 2,811,501 2,811,501 1.6% $ 2,212 180 Treasurer's M&O 354,062 - 0.0% $ - 190 Veteran's Assistance 190.000000.000.000.565.20.541510.0000.00 356,524 356,524 0.2% $ 280 192 Skokomish Flood Zone 192.000000.000.000.554.90.541510.0000.00 7,007,203 7,007,203 3.9% $ 5,512 194 Mason Lake Mngmt Dist#2 194.000000.100.000.553.60.541510.0000.00 129,990 129,990 0.1% $ 102 195 Spencer Lake Mngmt Dist. 195.000000.000.000.553.60.541510.0000.00 20,201 20,201 0.0% $ 16 199 Island Lake Mngmt Dist#1 199.000000.001.000.553.60.541510.0000.00 35,100 35,100 0.0% $ 28 350 REET 1 350.000000.000.000.518.30.541510.0000.00 4,270,813 4,270,813 2.4% $ 3,360 351 REET 2 351.000000.000.000.576.80.541510.0000.00 5,813,000 5,813,000 3.3% $ 4,573 402 Landfill 402.000000.000.000.537.10.541510.0000.00 9,222,396 9,222,396 5.2% $ 7,255 403 NBC[Sewer Utility 403.000000.100.020.535.10.541510.0000.00 4,192,183 4,192,183 2.4% $ 3,298 411 Rustlewood Sewer 411.000000.100.000.535.10.541510.0000.00 368,280 368,280 0.2% $ 290 411 Rustlewood Water 411.000000.200.000.534,10.541510.0000.00 368,280 368,280 0.2% $ 290 412 Beards Cove Water 412.000000.200.000.534.10.541510.0000.00 1,231,379 1,231,379 0.7% $ 969 413 Belfair WW/Water Rec 413.000000.000.000.535.10.541510.0000.00 7,202,265 7,202,265 4.0% $ 5,665 500 Information Technology(IT) 500.000000.000.000.518.80.541510.0000.00 1,305,233 1,305,233 0.7% $ 1,027 501 Equipment Rental&Revolving 501.000000.000.000.548.30.541510.0000.00 6,466,490 6,466,490 3.6% $ 5,087 502 Unemployment 502.000000.000.000.517.78.541510.0000.00 276,204 276,204 0.2% $ 217 001 General Fund 001.000000.300.000.518.90.541510.0000.00 68,492,402 68,492,402 38.5% $ 53,877 Excluded Paid by General Fund 001.000000.300.000.518.90.541510.0000.00 418,062 0.2% $ 329 Grand Totals: 177,976,694 177,976,694 100.0% $ 140,000 Mason County 2023 Unemployment Budget $200 per FTE- Based on 2022 Budgeted FTE's Elected Officials are Exempt from Unemployment General Fund Budgeted Total2024 Budgeted EO's FTE's for Unemployment Dept. General Fund Department FTE's Exempt Unemp. Budget Amount 001-000 Beginning Fund Balance 001-010 WSU 2.50 2.50 500 001-020 Assessor 13.00 1 12.00 2,400 001-030 Auditor 14.50 1 13.50 2,700 001-050 Emergency Management 2.50 2.50 500 001-055 Facilities & Grounds 6.00 6.00 1,200 001-057 Human Resources/ Risk Management 6.00 6.00 1,200 001-058 LEOFF - - - 001-070 Clerk 13.00 1 12.00 2,400 001-080 Commissioners 3.00 3 - - 001-090 Support Services 8.65 8.65 1,730 001-100 District Court 12.20 1 11.20 2,240 001-125 Community Development 25.00 25.00 5,000 001-126 Historical Preservation - - - 001-146 Parks&Trails 5.50 5.50 1,100 001-170 Juvenile Court Services 19.00 19.00 3,800 001-180 Prosecutor 15.00 1 14.00 2,800 001-185 Child Support Enforcement 1.00 1.00 200 001-190 Coroner 3.40 1 2.40 480 001-205 Sheriff 101.50 1 100.50 20,100 001-208 Courthouse Security - - - 001-240 Office of Public Defense 9.00 9.00 1,800 001-250 Superior Court 8.58 3 5.58 1,116 001-255 Family Court - - - 001-256 Therapeutic Court 4.22 4.22 844 001-260 Treasurer 8.00 1 7.00 1,400 001-300 Non Departmental - - - 001-310 Transfers Out - - - 001-320 Ending Fund Balance - - Total General Fund 281.55 14.00 267.55 53,510 Mason County 2024 Unemployment Budget $200 per FTE-Based on 2023 Budgeted FTE's Elected Officials are Exempt from Unemployment Special Revenue Other Funds Budgeted Total2024 Budgeted EO's FTE's for Unemployment Fund Fund Name FTE's Exempt Unemp. Budget Amount 103 Sales Use Tax - - - 104 Auditor's 0&M - - - 105 County Road 60.80 60.80 12,160 106 Paths&Trails - - - 109 Election Equipment - - - 110 Crime Victims 1.00 1.00 200 114 Victim Witness Activity - - - 117 Community Support Services 2.00 2.00 400 118 Abatement - - - 120 REET Property Tax - - - 134 National Forest Safety - - - 135 Trial Court Improvement - - - 141 Sheriff's Boating Program - - - 142 Narcotics Investigation Fund - - - 150 Community Services Health 25.75 25.75 5,150 155 American Rescue Plan Act - - - 160 Law Library 0.06 0.06 12 163 Lodging Tax - - - 164 Mental Health Tax 1.00 1.00 200 180 Treasurer's 0&M 1.00 1.00 200 190 Veterans Assistance - - - 192 Skokomish Flood Zone - - - 194 Mason Lake Management - - - 195 Spencer Lake Management - - - 199 Island Lake Management - - - 205 Public Works Facility Bond - - - 215 MC LTGO 2013 Bond - - - 250 MC LTGO 2008 Bond - - - 350 REET 1 - - - 351 REET 2 - - - 402 Mason County Landfill 13.35 13.35 2,670 403 NBCI Sewer Utility 6.03 6.03 1,206 411 Rustlewood Sewer&Water 2.10 2.10 420 412 Beards Cove Water 0.91 0.91 182 413 Belfair WW&W Reclamation 2.56 2.56 512 428 Landfill Reserve - - - 429 Beards Cove Reserve - - - 480 Storm Drain System Development - - - 500 Information Technology 4.35 4.35 870 501 Equipment Rental &Revolving 7.55 7.55 1,510 502 Unemployment Fund - - Total Special&Other Funds 128.46 - 128.46 25,692.00 Grand Total All Funds 410.01 14.00 396.01 79,202.00 Tab A-New Motor Pool Vehicle Orders for 2023 and 2024,and Recurring Payments for Current Leased Vehicles for 2024 2024 Other Total Capital Uprd 2024 2024 Total New Replaces Delivery Lease End Capitalized Monthly Leased Owned 2024 Base Depr for Paid 2024 Oil 2024 Maint 2024 Fees•Radios Capital Uprd Enterprise Order Year Quote No. Veh No. Veh.No. Status Date Date Type Amount Rental Rate Vehicle Vehicle Department Make Model Year Term Capital Lease Leases 2024 Tires Changes Fee Insurance 8,Delivery Charges Estimate 2020 4558457 267 191 In-Service 71312024 WF 25018.48 367.65 1 Facilities Ford F150 Reg Cab 2020 48 2,574 1.162 150 550 408 - 4,843 2020 4449043 268 1361n-Service 8/312024 WF 25444.48 532.55 1 Facilities Ford F150 Reg Cab 2020 48 4,260 1,503 150 550 408 - 6,871 2020 4561515 273 121 In-Service 7/312024 WF 24443.00 541.40 1 Health-Enviro Ford Escape 2020 48 3,790 1,912 150 539 408 - 6,798 2020 4561515 274 173 In-Service 7/312024 WF 24443.00 523.15 1 DCD-Planning Ford Escape 2020 48 3,662 11855 150 539 408 - 6,614 2020 4449557 275 5InService 8/312024 WF 22811.00 500.53 1 Prosecutor Ford Fusion AWD 2020 48 4,004 1,422 150 539 408 - 6,523 2020 4449557 276 8InService 7/312024 WF 22811.00 501.55 1 Motor Pool Ford Fusion AWD 2020 48 3.511 1,757 150 539 408 - 6.365 2020 4561530 277 120 In-Service 71312024 WF 2430.00 502.20 1 Health-Personal Ford Fusion AWD 2020 48 3,515 1,760 150 539 408 - 6,372 2020 4561515 278 1981n-Service 7/312024 WF 24443.00 519.83 1 Health-Enviro Ford Escape 2020 48 3,639 1,824 150 567 408 - 6,588 2020 4561515 279 1861nService 7/31/2024 WF 24443.00 514.69 1 Assessor Ford Escape 2020 48 3,603 11813 150 539 408 - 6,512 2020 4561515 280 1391nService 7/312024 WF 24443.00 514.69 1 Assessor Ford Escape 2020 48 3.603 1,813 150 539 408 - 6,512 2020 4561515 281 1121nService 7/312024 WF 24443.00 514.69 1 Assessor Ford Escape 2020 48 3.603 1,813 150 539 408 - 6,512 2020 4561515 282 39 In-Service 7/312024 WF 24443.00 514.69 1 Assessor Ford Escape 2020 48 3,603 1,613 150 539 408 - 6,612 2020 4561515 283 1781nService 7/312024 WF 24443.00 514.69 1 DCD-Buildng Ford Escape 2020 48 3,603 1,813 150 722 408 - 6,696 2020 4561615 284 1621n-Service 7/312024 WF 24443.00 514.69 1 DCD-Building Ford Escape 2020 48 3.603 1,813 150 539 408 - 6,512 2020 4561515 286 1871n-Service 7/312024 WF 24443.00 514.69 1 Health-Enviro Ford Escape 2020 48 3,603 1,813 150 539 408 - 6,512 2020 4561515 287 1381nService 7/312024 WF 24443.00 514.69 1 Heakh-Enviro Ford Escape 2020 48 3,603 1,813 150 539 408 - 6,512 2020 4561515 288 1151n-Service 7/312024 WF 24443.00 514.69 1 DCD-Building Ford Escape 2020 48 3,603 1,813 150 722 408 - 6.696 2020 4561515 289 1141n-Service 7/312024 WF 24443.00 514.69 1 Health-Enviro Ford Escape 2020 48 3,603 1,813 150 539 408 - 6,512 2020 4449557 291 1 In-Service 7/312024 WF 22811.00 514.69 1 DCD-Building Ford Fusion AWD 2020 48 3,603 1,813 150 539 408 - 6,512 2020 4561530 292 1991nService 7/312024 WF 2430.00 514.69 1 DOD-Planning Ford Fusion AWD 2020 48 3,603 1,813 150 539 408 - 6.512 2020 4561515 293 11 In-Service 7/312024 WF 24443.00 514.69 1 Probation Ford Escape 2020 48 3,603 1,813 150 539 408 - 6.512 2020 4561515 309 137 In-Service 12/312024 WF 2444300 50603 1 DCD-Building Ford Escape 2020 48 6072 150 408 6,630 Total Motor Pool Vehicles Ordered in 2020: 20 2 81,864 36,760 - 3,300 11.733 8,976 - - 142,633 2020 310 194 In-Service 11312025 WF 33086.75 78022 1 Coroner Ford Trani-150 Cargo' 2020 48 9,363 150 408 9,921 2021 4936909 323 207 In-Service 6130/2026 WF 35198.00 516.33 1 Parks Ford F350 XL Reg Cab 2022 48 6,196 150 408 6,754 2021 4936918 328 209 In-Service 1 0131 2 0 26 WF 35198.00 831.71 1 Parks Ford F350 XL Reg Cab 2022 48 9,981 150 408 10,539 2021 4936904 329 241 In-Service 9/302026 WF 38361 00 77925 1 Parks Ford F350 XL 4x4 Supei 2022 48 9,351 150 408 9,909 Total Mawr Pool Vehicle Requests for 2021• 4 0 34,890 - 600 - 1.632 - - 37,122 2024 Other Total Capital Upfit 2024 2024 Total New Replaces Delivery Lease End Capitalized Monthly Leased Owned 2024 Base Depr for Paid 2024 Oil 2024 Maint 2024 Fees-Radios Capital Upfn Enterprise Order Year Quote No. Veh No. Veh.No. Status Date Date Type Amount Rental Rate Vehicle Vehicle Department Make Model Year Term Capital Lease Leases 2024 Tires Changes Fee Insurance &Delivery Charges Estimate 2022 6481548 122 WF 724.00 1 Facilities Ford Ranger Supercab 2023 48 8,688 150 408 9,246 2022 6481747 136 WF 1179.00 1 Coroner Ford Transit-150 Cargo 2023 48 14,148 150 408 14,706 Total Motor Pool Vehicle Requests for 2022: 2 0 48 22,836 - - 300 - 816 - 23,952 2023 129 WF 650.00 1 Probation Ford Escape 48 7,800 150 408 2,000 10,358 2023 164 WF 900.00 1 Facilities Ford F1504 Door 48 10,800 150 408 2,000 13,358 Total Motor Pool Vehicle Requests for 2023• 2 0 48 18,600 - - 300 - 816 4,000 - 23,716 Total 2024 Motor Pool Leased Vehicle Rates•: 28 2 158,190 36,760 4,500 11,733 12,240 4,000 - 227,423 Some of the vehicles ordered in 2023 for 2024 may go into service in 2023.This may create a need for a budget amendment in 2023, New Vehicle Orders: Approved by: BOCC Chair Date Viewed and Verified by: Budget Manager Date Viewed and Verifed by: Motor Pool Manager Date Tab B-Total 2024 Motor Pool Vehicle Rates-DRAFT Co nty Owned Vehicles Outside Owned Vehicle Depr for Capital Upfit Maint& Vehicle No. Cust Name Base Lease Paid Leases Fees Maint Fee Insurance supplies Wex Fuel Total 1 5 Mason County-DEM - 6.55 34.00 - 40.55 1 39 Mason County-Motor Pool - 6.55 34.00 - 40.55 1 46 Mason County-Building - 6.55 34.00 - 40.55 Priority 3-Replace in 2025 w/Ford Ranger 1 54 Mason County-DEM - 6.55 34.00 - 40.55 1 102 Mason County-DEM - 6.55 34.00 - 40.55 1 128 Mason County-DEM - 6.55 34.00 - 40.55 1 147 Mason County-Parks 6.55 34.00 - 40.55 1 150 Mason County-WSU - 6.55 34.00 - 40.55 Priority 4-Replace in 2025 w/Ford Ranger 1 202 Mason County-Facilities - 6.55 34.00 - 40.55 Priority 5-Replace in 2025 w/Ford Dump Truck 1 241 Mason County-Parks 6.55 34.00 - 40.55 Priority 6-Replace in 2025 w/Ford Ranger 66 340 406 Annual Billing Estimate: - 786 4,080 - - 4,866 Add New Vehicle Orders from Tab A: 158,190 36,760 4,000 11,733 12,240 4,500 227,423 Other Additions/Adjustments: 174 1,500 61,500 63,174 Grand Total 2024 Rates: 158,190 36,760 4,000 12,693 16,320 6,000 61,500 295,463 2024 Total MP White Fleet Grand Total 2024 Motor Pool Rates by Department: Vehicle Counts by Dept. Outside Deprfor Capital Upfit Maint& Leased Owned Total No.of Vehicles for the Motor Pool Departments Base Lease Paid Leases Fees Maint Fee Insurance supplies Wex Fuel Total vehicles Vehicles Budget WSU 80 408 150 1,500 2,138 1 1 Assessor 14,411 7,251 2,156 1,632 600 6,150.00 32,200 4 4 DEM 320 1,632 600 500.00 3,052 4 4 Facilities 26,322 2,665 2,000 1,339 2,040 750 10,000.00 45,116 2 3 5 Facilities-Motor Pool 1,757 619 816 300 1 1,610.00 5,102 1 1 2 DCD-Building 24,182 7,251 2,602 2,448 900 9,800.00 47,183 5 1 6 DCD-Planning 7,265 3,668 1,078 816 300 2,555.00 15,681 2 2 Parks 25,527 160 2,040 750 14,915.00 43,392 3 2 5 Probation 11,403 1,813 2,000 539 816 300 700.00 17,570 2 2 Prosecutor 4,004 1,422 539 408 150 605.00 7,128 1 1 Coroner 23,511 816 300 6,050.00 30,677 2 2 Health-Environmental 18,050 9,173 21723 2,040 750 7,115.00 39,851 5 5 Health-Personal 3,515 1,760 539 408 150 6,372 1 1 Grand Total 2024 Motor Pool Rates: 158,190 36,760 4,000 12,693 16,320 6,000 61,500 295,463 28 12 40 Object Codes: 545777 545777 564778 548777 546777 548778 532777 Tab A-New Sheriff's Office Vehicle Orders for 2023 and 2024,and Recurrin Pa ments for Current Leased Vehicles for 2024 ToWI 2024 Other 2024 2024 Total Order New Veh Replaces Delivery Lease End Capitalized Monthly Leased Owned 2024 Base Depr for Paid 2024 0il 2024 2024 Capital Upm Capi01 Up fit Enterprise Year Quote No. No. Veh No. Status Date Date Type Amount Rental Rate Vehicle Vehicle Make Model Year Tenn Capital Lease Leases 2024 Tires Changes Maint Fee Insurance Fees Charges Estimate 2020 4601918 250 118 In-Service 5/42020 5/312024 WF 30183.35 451.02 1 Nissan Frontier 2019 48 2,255 2,122 300 539 408 5,624 2020 4601921 251 In-Service 5/112020 5/312024 WF 26944.60 558.34 1 Nissan Alma AWD 2020 48 2,792 2,770 300 530 408 6,800 2020 4601928 252 In-Service 5/52020 5/312024 WF 32179.43 799.68 1 Ford Explorer 2020 48 3,998 4,289 300 673 408 9,669 2020 4558469 253 9 In-Service 11/182020 11/302024 WF 29470.00 632.66 1 Ford Explorer 2020 48 6,959 458 300 673 408 8,798 2020 4558469 254 128 In-Service 1/152021 1/312025 WF 29470.00 681.09 1 Ford Explorer 2020 48 8,173 300 408 8,881 2020 4558469 255 In-Service 10292020 10/312024 WF 29470.00 680.62 1 Ford Explorer 2020 48 6,806 913 300 1,274 408 9,701 2020 4448964 256 61 In Service 1282021 1/312025 PPV 36981.00 820.73 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2020 48 9,849 1,200 300 11,349 2020 4612M 257 64 In-Service 11/102020 11/302024 PPV 36408.00 875.14 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2020 48 9,627 749 1,200 300 11,875 2020 4612677 258 98 In-Service 11/102020 11/302024 PPV 36408.00 886.75 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2020 48 9,754 759 1,200 300 12,013 2020 4612677 259 62 In-Service 11/182020 11/302024 PPV 36408.00 790.95 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2020 48 8,700 673 1,200 300 10,873 2020 4676328 260 60 In-Service 11/182020 11/302024 PPV 41515.90 885.47 1 Ford F-150 Police Responder 2020 48 9,740 753 1,200 300 11,993 2020 4676328 261 171 In-Service 11/182020 11/302024 PPV 41515.90 813.90 1 Ford F-150 Police Responder 2020 48 8,953 688 1,200 300 11,141 2020 4676328 262 153 In-Service 12/102020 12/312024 PPV 41515.90 668.67 1 Ford F-150 Police Responder 2020 48 8,024 1,200 300 9,524 2020 4612677 263 166 In-Service 11/102020 11/302024 PPV 36408.00 656.65 1 Ford Police Interceptor U8lity 2020 48 7,223 554 1,200 300 9,277 2020 4625117 264 65 In-Service 11/102020 11/302024 PPV 33599.00 780.83 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2020 48 8,589 667 1,200 300 10,756 2020 4625117 265 51 In-Service 11/182020 11/302024 PPV 33599.00 654.55 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2020 48 7,200 552 1,200 300 9,252 2020 4625117 266 63 In-Service 11/10/2020 11/302024 PPV 33599.00 780.83 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utllity 2020 48 8,569 667 1,200 300 10,756 2020 4448642 269 38 In-Service 10/12020 9/302024 PPV 37523.00 848.02 1 Ford F150 2020 48 7,632 2,160 1,200 300 11,292 2020 4560225 270 In-Service 9/92020 9/302024 WF 36902.48 862.52 1 Ford F150 2020 48 7,763 2,138 1,200 300 408 11,809 2020 4560225 271 In-Service 6292020 6/302024 WF 36902.48 887.09 1 Ford F150 2020 48 5,323 4,282 1,200 300 408 11,513 2020 4560225 272 In-Service 9192020 9/302024 WF 36902.48 859.99 1 Ford F150 2020 48 7,740 2,132 1,200 300 408 11,780 2020 4625117 294 53 In-Service 5202021 5/312025 PPV 33599.00 807.92 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utllity 2021 48 9,695 1,200 300 11,195 2020 4676243 295 147 In-Service 5262021 5/312025 PPV 36046.44 807.92 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utllity 2021 48 9,695 1,200 300 11,195 2020 4676454 296 54 In-Service 5/112021 5/31/2025 PPV 36046.44 807.92 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2021 48 9,695 1,200 300 11,195 2020 4676455 297 174 In-Service 6/112021 6/302025 PPV 36046.44 806.95 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utllity 2021 48 9,683 1,200 300 11,183 2020 4664924 298 175 In-Service 5/112021 5/31/2025 PPV 36957.00 810.68 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2021 48 9,728 1,200 300 11,228 2020 4664924 299 166 In-Service 6/12021 5/312025 PPV 36957.00 809.31 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2021 48 9,712 1,200 300 11,212 2020 4664924 300 46 In-Service 5262021 5/312025 PPV 36957.00 810.68 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2021 48 9,728 1,200 300 11228 2020 4664924 301 44 In-Service 5/182021 5/31 M25 PPV 36957.00 711.89 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2021 48 8,543 1,200 300 10,043 2020 4664924 302 50 In-Service 6/142021 6/302025 PPV 36957.00 809.68 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2021 48 9,716 1,200 300 11,216 2020 4666222 303 47 In-Service 6/162001 6/302025 PPV 37530.00 821.76 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2021 48 9,861 1,200 300 11,361 2020 4660338 304 In-Service 2/112021 2282025 WF 33981.90 684.93 1 Ford Explorer 2021 48 8,219 300 408 8,927 2020 4660338 305 In-Service 2/112021 2282025 WF 33981.90 683.67 1 Ford Explorer 2021 48 8,204 300 408 8,912 2020 4660338 306 In-Service 2/12021 1/312025 WF 33981.90 683.67 1 Ford Explorer 2021 48 8,204 300 408 8,912 2020 4660338 307 In-Service 2/112021 22M025 WF 33981.90 683.67 1 Ford Explorer 2021 48 8,204 300 408 8,912 2020 4660338 308 In-Service 2/12021 1/312025 WF 33981.90 683.67 1 Ford Explorer 2021 48 8,204 300 408 8,912 2021 4680045 311 InService 422/2022 4/302026 PPV 35909.00 854.77 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2021 48 10,257 1,200 300 11,757 2021 4680053 312 In-Service 4=022 4/302026 PPV 35909.00 854.77 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2021 48 10,257 1,200 300 11,757 2021 4680059 313 In Service 4222022 4/302026 PPV 35909 00 854.77 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2021 48 10,257 1,200 300 11,757 Total Sheriff Vehicles Ordered in 2020 #3(w/exception f 11#312 8#313)• 30 9 323,553 27,324 33.600 11,700 3,690 5,712 - - 4059579 2021 4936834 314 In-Service 4202022 4/302026 PPV 35909.00 854.77 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2021 48 10,257 1,200 300 11,757 2021 4936834 315 In-Service 5/52022 4/302026 PPV 35909.00 854.77 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2021 48 10,257 1,200 300 11,757 2021 4936834 316 In-Service 4/152022 4/302026 PPV 35909.00 857.72 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2021 48 10,293 1,200 300 11,793 2021 4936834 317 In-Service 3/112022 3/312026 PPV 35909.00 657.39 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2021 48 7,889 1.200 300 9,389 2021 4936834 318 In-Service 4292022 4130=26 PPV 35909.00 854.77 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2021 48 10,257 1,200 300 11,757 2021 4936834 319 In-Service 4292022 4/302026 PPV 35909.00 857.72 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2021 48 10,293 1,200 300 11,793 2021 4936834 320 In-Service 5/5/2022 5/312026 PPV 35909.00 857.52 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2021 48 10,290 1,200 300 11,790 2021 4936843 321 In-Service 2/142022 2262026 WF 24689.00 516.23 1 Ford Escape 4x4 2021 48 6,195 300 408 6,903 2021 4936843 322 In Service 3/112022 W312026 WF 24689.00 514.78 1 Ford Escape 4x4 2021 48 6,177 300 408 6,885 2021 4936834 324 In-Service 525/2022 5/312026 PPV 35909.00 846.54 1 Ford Police Interceptor U8lity 2D21 48 10,158 1,200 300 11,658 Total 2024Other 2024 2024 Total Order New Veh Replaces Delivery Lease End Capitalized Monthly Leased Owned 2024 Base Depr for Paid 2024 Oil 2024 2024 Capital Upfd Capital Upftt Enterprise Year Ouote No. No. Veh No. Status Date Date Type Amount Rental Rate Vehicle Vehicle Make Model Year Tenn Capital Lease Leases 2024 Tires Changes Maird Fee In Fees Charges Estimate 2021 4936834 325 InService 2192022 2282026 PPV 35909.00 823.56 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2021 48 9,883 1,200 300 11,383 2021 4936834 326 In-Service 5/732022 5/312026 PPV 35909.00 849.26 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2021 48 10,191 1,200 300 11,691 2021 4922719 327 At AME Vendor 5/132022 WF 37310.00 850.04 1 Ford F350 SORT Truck 2022 48 10,200 300 408 10,908 2021 4936834 330 In-Service 1272022 1/31/2026 PPV 35909.00 841.52 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2021 48 10,098 1.200 3" 11,598 2021 4936834 331 InService 127/2022 1/312026 PPV 35909.00 841.52 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2021 48 10,098 1,200 300 11,598 2021 4936834 332 In-Service 1272022 1/312026 PPV 35909.00 841.52 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2021 48 10,098 1,200 300 11,598 2021 4936834 333 In-Service 5/132022 5/312026 PPV 35909.00 363.23 1 Ford Police Interceptor U01ily 2022 48 4,359 1,200 300 5,859 2021 4936834 334 In-Service 429/2 22 4/302026 PPV 35909.00 162.73 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2022 48 1,953 1,200 300 3,453 2021 4936834 335 In-Service 429=22 4/30/2026 PPV 35909 00 710 69 1 Ford Police Interceptor U01ity 2022 48 8 528 1 200 300 10.028 order PPV's,3 are wrecked vehicles Total Sheriff Vehicle Requests for 2021' 19 0 needing replacemem ordered adt'I 6 167,475 19,200 5.700 1,224 - - 193.599 Total 2024 Other 2024 1 2024 Total Order New Veh Replaces Delivery Lease End Capitalized Monthly Leased Owned 2024 Base Depr for Paid 2124 Oil 2024 2024 Capital Upfd Capital Upfit Enterprise Year Quote No. No. Veh No. Status Date Date Type Amount Rental Rate Vehicle Vehicle Make Model Year Term Capital Lease Leases 2024 Tires Changes Maint Fee Insurance Fees Charges Estimate 2022 6481773 61 PPV 1321.33 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2023 48 15,856 1,200 300 17,356 2022 6482171 72 PPV 1321.33 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2023 48 15,856 1,200 300 17,356 2022 6482171 73 PPV 1321.33 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2023 48 15,856 1,200 300 17,356 2022 ? PPV 1321.33 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2023 48 15,856 1.200 300 17,356 2022 6481922 160 WF 696.00 1 Ford Escape 4x4 2023 48 8,352 300 408 9,060 2022 6482161 208 WF 1221.00 1 Ford F150 Eft bed w1low pkg 2023 48 14,652 300 408 15,360 Total Sheriff Vehicle Requests for 2022: 6 0 86,428 4,800 1.800 816 93,844 2023 ordered new PPV 1453.46 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2023 48 17,442 1,200 300 10,000 23,735 52,677 2023 ordered new PPV 1453.46 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2023 48 17,442 1,200 300 10,000 23,735 52,677 2023 71 wd WF 900.00 1 Ford Explorer 2024 48 10,800 300 408 10,000 21,508 2023 72wd WF 900.00 1 Ford Explorer 2024 48 10,800 300 408 10,000 21,508 2023 70 PPV 1453.46 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2024 48 17,442 1,200 300 10,000 23,735 52,677 2023 PPV 1453.46 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2024 48 17,442 1,200 300 10,000 23,735 52,677 2023 PPV 1453.46 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2024 48 17,442 1,200 300 10,000 23,735 52,677 2023 PPV 1453.46 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2024 48 17.442 1,200 300 10,000 23,735 52,677 2023 PPV 1453.46 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2024 48 17,442 1,200 300 10,000 23,735 52,677 2023 PPV 1453.46 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2024 48 17,442 1,200 300 10,000 23,735 52,677 2023 PPV 1453.46 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2024 48 17,442 1,200 300 10,000 23,735 52,677 Total Sheriff Vehicle Requests for 2023: 11 0 178,574 10,800 3,300 816 110,000 213,615 517,105 Total 2024 Sheriff Leased Vehicle Rates% 66 9 756,030 27,324 68,400 22,500 3,690 8,568 110,000 213,615 1,210,127 Some of these vehicles may go into service in 2023.Those vehicle upfR costs will also be due and payable in 2023 and may be removed from the 2024 rates,and may need to be added to the 2023 budget. For the sake of conservatism,for 2024 budgeting purposes,all vehicles on order are treated as if they will go into service in 2024. New Vehicle Orders: Approved by: BOCC Chair Date Viewed and Verged by: Budget Manager Date Viewed and Vented by: Chief Deputy Date Tab B -Total 2024 Sheriff Motor Pool Vehicle Rates - DRAFT Planned Outside Owned replace- Lease Capital Upfit Maint& Vehicle Veh No. ment Type Cust Name Base Lease Payoff &Radios Maint Fee Insurance supplies Wex Fuel Total 1 070 PPV Mason County Sheriffs Office-Patrol 6.55 6.55 1 071 WF Mason County Sheriffs Office-Patrol 6.55 34.00 40.55 Was PPV,Move to WF Jail in 2023 1 072 WF Mason County Sheriffs Office-Patrol 6.55 34.00 40.55 Was PPV,Move to WF Jail in 2023 1 123 WF Mason County Sheriffs Office-Jail 6.55 34.00 40.55 1 157 WF Mason County Sheriffs Office-Brewer 6.55 34.00 40.55 1 170 WF Mason County Sheriffs Office-Boating Truck 6.55 34.00 40.55 1 175 WF Mason County Sheriffs Office-Jail 6.55 34.00 40.55 1 NarcVanl SP Mason County Sheriffs Office-Patrol 6.55 34.00 40.55 1 SWTVN SP Mason County Sheriffs Office-Patrol 6.55 34.00 40.55 Total Monthly Billing Estimate for County Owned Vehicles: - 52 272 - 324 Annual Billing Estimate: - 629 3,264 - 3,893 Add 2024 Vehicle Rates from Tab A: 756,030 27,324 323,615 3,690 8,568 90,900 1,210,127 Other Additions/Adjustments: 51 71 18 3,100 340,000 343,240 Grand Total 2024 Sheriff Motor Pool Rates: 756,030 27,324 323,666 4,389 11,850 94,000 340,000 1,557,260 Object Codes: 545777 564778 548777 546777 548778 532777 510635 169484 11000 4040 70000 340050 Sheriffs Office Vehicle Counts for 2024 Rates: Total 2024 Leased PPVs: 47 Total 2024 Owned PPVs: 1 Total 2024 PPVs: 48 Total 2024 Leased WF: 19 Total 2024 Owned WF: 6 Total 2024 WF: 25 Total Special Vehicles: 2 Total Sheriff Vehicle Count: 75 C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Jennifer Beierle Ext. 532 Department: Support Services Briefing: ❑X Action Agenda: ❑X Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): June 5,2023 Agenda Date: June 20,2023 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Other (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item Draft Mason County 2024 and 2025 Preliminary Budget Preparation Guidelines Background/Executive Summary: The Board of Mason County Commissioners typically sends out budget guidelines on or before the date the County Auditor circulates the call for budgets.The call by the auditor for county officials to file budget estimates goes out to departments by the second Monday in July,per RCW 36.40.010.As stated in RCW 36.40.050,the budget is submitted by the auditor to the board of county commissioners on or before the first Tuesday in September. The board shall then consider the submitted budget and make any revisions or additions it deems advisable. The Congressional Budget Office's current 2023 projections show a larger federal budget deficit than was estimated in February. The projected cumulative deficit over the 2024-2033 period is estimated to grow from 6%of gross domestic product(GDP)in 2024 to 6.9%in 2033.The 50-year average GDP is 3.6%annually. A conservative approach to the 2024 budget is recommended. Budget Impact(amount,funding source,budget amendment): The preliminary budget submitted by offices and departments serves as a plan to help the Board of Mason County Commissioners adopt a balanced budget for the year. Public Outreach (news release,community meeting, etc.): Each step of the County's budget is a public process,open to public comment,beginning with the budget guidelines. Public budget workshops between the Commission and offices or departments typically begin in October.A public notice of hearing on the proposed budget is published for two weeks in the newspaper and the detailed proposed budget is posted two weeks prior to adoption on the County's website.The County follows the alternate date for budget hearing in RCW 36.40.071,with the goal of adopting a balanced budget on the first Monday in December. Requested Action: Approval of the Mason County Commissioners' 2024 and 2025 Preliminary Budget Preparation Guidelines. Attachments Draft 2024 and 2025 Preliminary Budget Preparation Guidelines June 20, 2023 To: Elected Officials& Department Heads Re: Mason County Commissioners' 2024 and 2025 Preliminary Budget Preparation Guidelines The following are the Board of County Commissioners'guidelines for the Preliminary Budget. Preliminary budgets are due to the Auditor in the Munis Financial System by close of business on Monday,August 14, 2023. Elected Officials and Department Heads are asked to present a 2024 status quo budget at 2023 adopted budget levels,and a 2025 "shadow budget" at 2024 levels. Approved contractual increases are added to the department's bottom line in a status quo budget. Please implement the following guidelines when developing both 2024 and 2025 Preliminary Budgets: BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (BFB) ESTIMATES ■ The Budget Office will make initial BFB estimates based on cash on hand at June 30th and the current 2023 budget. Estimates will be emailed to Departments by July 11t". Departments should make their own estimates and changes in calculations should be communicated back to the Budget Office. REVENUE LEVELS ■ Current Expense Property Tax levy may include an increase. ■ Roads Property Tax levy may include an increase. ■ Budget with existing fees and service charge schedules; review for proposed fee increases if applicable. ■ Grants should be budgeted conservatively with projected amounts to be received within the proper budget year. ■ Interest rates on investments will be 4%. ■ Transfers in— Fill out the attached transfer form, send to the transferring department for signature, and return to the Budget Office. Transfers in without a form or equivalent transfer out offset may not be considered in the budget. ■ Reimbursable interdepartmental revenue budgeted in one fund should be budgeted as an expense in another fund via the attached form. Requests without a form or equivalent offset will not be considered in the budget. This includes departments receiving Mental Health Fund revenue. EXPENDITURE LEVELS SALARIES& BENEFITS: 1 Salary& Benefit Projections will be emailed to Departments by the Budget Office by July 11th. Differences in calculations should be entered into the spreadsheet provided and sent back with an explanation. Further guidance on salary& benefit calculations: ■ Wages for union represented employees with signed union contracts should reflect general wage, step, and COLA increases as outlined in the contracts. ■ Wages for non-represented employees shall reflect step increases only.The BOCC may increase non-represented wages at a later date. ■ Wages for Elected Officials shall reflect the increase stated in Resolution No. 39- 19, except for Prosecuting Attorney wages in Resolution No. 22-19, and BOCC wages in Resolution No. 73-12. ■ The Benefit Rate Sheet will be emailed to Departments by the Budget Office by July 11t". Medical budgets should reflect maximum amounts paid by the County times the number of FTE's(use budget expense accounts ending in 520040 for medical). ■ The total dollar amount of salary and benefits for each new position request should be entered on a BARS line titled "2024 Unapproved Budget Request". EXPENDITURE RATES: All internally calculated rates will be emailed by the Budget Office by July 11t" and include: ■ 2024 Internal Allocations—see tab A-1: use budget expense accounts ending in 541019. ■ 2024 State Auditor Charges: use budget expense accounts ending in 541510. ■ 2024 Motor Pool rates: use budget expense accounts ending in 5xx777& 5xx778. ■ 2024 Information Technology rates: use budget expense accounts ending in 545952. ■ 2024 Unemployment rates: $200 per FTE based on 2023's adopted budget FTE counts. Elected Officials do not receive an unemployment rate charge. Use budget expense accounts ending in 546096. ■ 2024 ER&R vehicle rates: use budget expense accounts ending in 545951. OTHER EXPENDITURE GUIDANCE: ■ Budget any debt service per the Treasurer's Debt Service schedule. ■ Transfers out—The attached transfer form is signed by the transferring from department and returned to the Budget Office for processing during the budget year. 2 ■ Reimbursable interdepartmental expenses budgeted in one fund should be budgeted as revenue in another fund and approved by the other department via the attached form. ■ Building remodel request forms emailed to departments should be returned to Facilities so that Facilities may budget accordingly. ■ Traffic Policing Diversion at$1,080,000— Funding from Roads Property Tax Levy. The BOCC may change the diversion amount during budget preparation. ■ Expenditure authority shall be adopted as two bottom lines for all Elected Officials and County Department budgets, including Special Funds, in accordance with Resolution No. 26-17: one bottom line for the total salaries and benefits and one bottom line for operational expenses. Ending Fund Balance is not an appropriation. ■ Overall expenditures will be reviewed in relation to reserve requirements identified in Resolution No. 2022-052. ■ Departments are encouraged to seek out new grant awards. Additional expenditure requests in order to hire a grant writer will be considered by the BOCC. MUNIS BUDGET Prepare your internal budget analysis via any mechanism you prefer in preparation of Munis entry. The Auditor will send processing instructions to submit budgets in Munis. The 2023 Munis budget entry will include the following: ■ Budget 1—Preliminary Budget Request—Budget Level 1 will be populated with 2023 adopted budget numbers at 1/1/23. Departments may change the numbers to the requested amounts. ■ Budget 2—Auditor's Preliminary Budget—The Auditor will make error correction changes to preliminary budget requests. ■ Budget 3- Maintenance Level Changes(MLC)—This is departments' 2023 adopted budget plus non-discretionary changes, i.e. CBA's in effect, L&I, DRS, and medical changes. Budget Level 3 will be entered by the Budget Office. ■ Budget 4—Policy Level Requests (PLR)—This is the difference between Budget Level 2 and Budget Level 3, and will populate automatically.The Budget Office will email a draft budget level spreadsheet to departments by mid-August.An explanation or justification and project number should be entered into the 'Comments' and 'Project No.' columns for any amount in Budget Level 4. In addition, the attached project form may be filled out for each new "project" requested in the 2023 budget. A project request may include multiple BARS lines, 3 and both revenue and expenses to show how the "project" was derived.The following are considered projects: 1. New staffing request(s) 2. Capital &Vehicle Purchases 3. Operational requests by project 4. All other items over Maintenance Level Changes The 2025 Munis "shadow" budget entry will include the following: ■ Budget 1— Enter any changes to the 2024 budget for the 2025 budget. BUDGET NARRATIVES A Budget Narrative should include the following information and is due to the Budget Manager via email (no paper copies) by September 141n: ■ 2022, 2023, and 2024 FTE count, and Organizational Chart ■ FTE position allocations and funding sources, if any ■ Proposed Fee Increases ■ Workload Indicators—include a 3 year history comparison ■ Project Level Changes (Budget Level 4 in Munis— Instructions and training to follow) Countywide trainings will be provided by the Budget Manager via Teams on July 13th at 9:00 am. Departmental budget workshops with the Board will begin in October.The first workshop scheduled will be an overview of the entire budget. Sincerely, BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Sharon Trask Randy Neatherlin Kevin Shutty Chair Commissioner Commissioner 4 C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Jennifer Beierle Ext. 532 Department: Support Services Briefing: 0 Action Agenda: 0 Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): June 5,2023 Agenda Date: June 6,2023 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Other (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item• 2023 CDBG Public Service Grant Amendment for grant period 71/12023 —6/30/2024. Background/Executive Summary: Mason County coordinates with the Community Action Council of Lewis,Mason, &Thurston Counties on an annual basis to apply for,receive, and provide services through a Public Services Community Development Block Grant(PS-CDBG) administered by the Washington State Department of Commerce (DOC). DOC has given recipients the opportunity to continue the grant for a second year using an amendment,rather than going through the full application process every year. The scope of work will remain unchanged. The grant will be extended by 12 months, and the amount for 2023 will be increased from$102,000 to $103,000. The new end date will be June 30,2024. The amendment must be signed by all parties prior to June 30, 2023,to avoid the full application process. Budget Impact(amount, funding source,budget amendment): This project is fully funded by the CDBG grant. Public Outreach (news release,community meeting, etc.): N/A Requested Action: Approval of the Community Development Block Grant(CDBG)Public Service Grant amendment for 2023-2024 to extend the grant an additional 12 months and increase the 2023 amount from$102,000 to $103,000. Attachments Request for Amendment %r. a-1—frill �i State ATTACHMENT 1-G (1) .,[X.parti nont of COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT REQUEST FOR AMENDMENT 1. Grantee Name 2. CDBG Contract Number 3. Request Number Mason County 22-6221 0-0 1 0 A 4.Type of Amendment(check all that apply) ® Time Extension ® Budget Revision ❑ Scope of Work ❑ Special Conditions 5. Explanation (attach additional page if response requires more space or for Supplemental Funds request) Public Services through Community Action Council of Lewis, Mason &Thurston Counties to low-and moderate-income persons in Lewis and Mason County for program year 2023. 6. Amendment Changes Current End Date Change (#months) Revised End Date Time Extension 6/30/2023 12 6/30/2024 CDBG Budget Code Current Budget Change (+/-) Revised Budget 21A—General Administration $3,500 $3,500 $7,000 05Z—Other Public Services $98,500 $99,500 $198,000 Totals $102,000 $103,000 $205,000 7. Submitted By(Chief Administrative Official) 4 N a m _ Title (G �'n'�/✓ 7 Signature o� /C23e4Date 8.Action Taken (COMMERCE USE ONLY) APPROVED DISAPPROVED Name Title Signature Date November 2022 C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Mary Ransier Ext.422 Department: Human Resources Briefing: ❑X Action Agenda: ❑X Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): June 5,2023 Agenda Date: June 6,2023 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ® Human Resources ® Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Risk (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item• Addition of Lead Worker language to the 2020-2022 AFSCME Local 1504 Collective Bargaining Agreement Background/Executive Summary: The County and AFSCME Local 1504 entered into a Collective Bargaining Agreement for 2020-2022.The agreement does not provide for Lead Worker. Budget Impact(amount, funding source,budget amendment): N/A Public Outreach (news release,community meeting, etc.): N/A Requested Action: Approval of the Memorandum of Understanding with AFSCME Local 1504 to add Lead Worker language to the 2020-2022 Collective Bargaining Agreement. Attachments Memorandum of Understanding Memorandum of Understanding Between Mason County And AFSCME, Local 1504 of the WSCCCE Mason County and AFSCME, Local 1504 of the WSCCCE agree to the temporary addition of a Lead Worker provision. Whereas; Mason County recognizes the need to address employees taking on lead responsibilities; and Whereas; the current 2020-2022 Collective Bargaining Agreement with AFSCME Local 1504 does not address Lead Pay; and Now therefore the parties agree employees in the AFSCME Local 1504 may be eligible for Lead Worker provision as outlined below through December 31, 2023. Either party may terminate this MOU at any time between the date of signing by both parties and the expiration. Lead Worker The County may designate an employee as a Lead Worker; such designation is not considered to be a `job vacancy"or"newly created position". A Lead Worker will typically direct, oversee, and/or organize the work of other employees, although the County reserves the exclusive right to make a Lead Worker designation based on other factors and rationale. The Lead Worker cannot hire, fire, or discipline other employees in the Bargaining Unit. This provision is used at the discretion of management and with prior approval of Human Resources. A Department Head will post within their department a notice of intent to appoint a Lead Worker. They will consider all department applicants before going outside their department. An employee designated and approved as a Lead Worker will receive an additional ten percent (10%) added to their base salary for the period they are approved to perform that function. All other provisions will be addressed by County Personnel Policy. Date: May 18, 2023 For the Union For the County Business Rep. Commissioner. Tim Binsc s Sharon Trask C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Mark Neary Ext. 530 Department: County Administrator Briefing: FXI Action Agenda: ❑ Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): June 5,2023 Agenda Date: Click or tap here to enter text. Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ® Information Technology ❑ Other (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item• Use of Zoom Background/Executive Summary: During COVID the County purchased several Zoom licenses that are paid by the I.T.Fund. The licenses renew in June. The County has now moved to Office 365 which includes Teams and staff previously briefed on whether to retain both platforms. After reaching out to County departments,the recommendation is retain both platforms and those departments that wish to use Zoom will pay the$200 annual license fee. Budget Impact(amount, funding source,budget amendment): $200 for each Zoom license fee Public Outreach (news release,community meeting, etc.): N/A Requested Action: Confirm the Commissioner briefings and meetings will be held via Zoom. Attachments None Proclamation National LGBTQ+ Pride Month June 2023 WHEREAS, the Mason County Board of County Commissioners recognizes and proclaims the month of June 2023 as Lesbian, Gay,Bisexual,Transgender, Queer+(LGBTQ+)Pride Month; and, WHEREAS, Mason County has a diverse LGBTQ+ community and is committed to supporting visibility, dignity,equality,and freedom from discrimination for all people in the community; and, WHEREAS, the Mason County Board of County Commissioners observes June as a time to celebrate our dynamic LGBTQ+ community,raise awareness of quality services, and foster a dialogue to promote healthy, safe,and prosperous communities for all; and, WHEREAS,this nation was founded on the principle that every individual has infinite dignity and worth, and Mason County calls upon the people of this municipality to embrace this principle and work to eliminate prejudice everywhere it exists and join in respectful dialog with groups who faced historic struggles to obtain equal protection under the law; and, WHEREAS,LGBTQ+people and people living with and affected by HIV make vital contributions to and enhance the social and economic fabric of Mason County in the fields of education, law, health, business, science,research,economic development,architecture,fashion, sports,government,music, film, technology, literature, civil rights,politics,and more; and, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Mason County Commissioners recognizes June as"LGBTQ+Pride Month"in Mason County; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mason County Board of County Commissioners fully supports the rights, freedoms, and equal treatment of LGBTQ+; and to show this support. Signed this 6'day of June,2023. Sharon Trask, Randy Neatherlin, Kevin Shutty, Chair Vice-Chair Commissioner C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Kell Rowen,DCD Ext.286 Department: Community Services Briefing: ❑X Action Agenda: ❑ Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): June 5,2023 Agenda Date: Click or tap here to enter text. Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Other (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item• All-Staff Meeting for DCD. Background/Executive Summary: The Department of Community Development requests an office closure for the day of Tuesday,June 13, 2023, for an All-Staff Training Day to be held at Public Works. Budget Impact None. Public Outreach Notice will be made on the website, office door and outgoing phone message. Requested Action: Discussion and approval to close the Permit Assistance Center from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on June 13, 2023. Attachments Agenda �� �► MASON COUNTY q � COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT �N C Permit Assistance Center, Building,Planning ALL-STAFF SMARTGOV AGENDA Date: June 13, 2023 /Time: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. / 100 Public Works Drive Please bring your LAPTOP!! Time Topic/Discussion Item Facilitator 8:00 a.m. Coffee chat, opening remarks Kell 8:15-9:15 User To-Do: Setting up for success Julie 9:15-11 Submittals Kell &Julie 11-11:15 BREAK ALL 11:15-12 Parent/Child Permit Julie 12:00 Lunch: Subway ALL Group Activity Trish &Scott 1:15-2:15 Stop Clock Julie 2:15-2:30 Verification Required Conditions Julie 2:30-2:45 Report Generation Julie 2:45-3 BREAK ALL 2:45-3 Electronic Case Manager: New Process Kell &Julie 3-3:30 Permit Status: Closed or Cancelled: legacy permit clean-up Kell 3:30-4 Parcel Tags:Tags can be critical! Remove no longer needed tags Kell &Julie 4:00 p.m. End - MASON COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS COMMISSIONER BRIEFING June 5, 2023 Action Items• • Request for Proposals for biosolid removal and disposal (Sludge Hauling Services). Discussion Items: • 2023 Solid Waste Work Plan • Fill the Public Works Truck Event Shelton Locations (City & County) (Donated to Saint Pantry and Turning Pointe) 0 560.5lbs 0 5-bags of toiletries 0 48 bottles of water o $115- Cash o One child booster seat Belfair Location (County) (Donated to North Mason Food Bank) 0 783lbs 0 90lbs of toiletries 0 $709.50- Cash Commissioner Follow-Up Items: Upcoming Calendar/Action Items: July 12, 2023 @ 4:30pm TIP-CAP Community Outreach Meeting Shelton City Hall Civic Center C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Richard Dickinson,Deputy Director/U&W Ext.450 Department: Utilities&Waste Management Briefing: 0 Public Hearing: ❑ Action Agenda: 0 Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): June 5,2023 Agenda Date: June 20, 2023 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Other (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑No ❑ Tabled ❑No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item: Request for Quotes: Biosolid Removal and Disposal(Sludge Hauling Services) Background/Executive Summary: Wastewater treatment facilities owned and operated by the County(Belfair,North Bay and Rustlewood Treatment Facilities)require the occasional removal and disposal of biosolids. Mason County entered into an agreement with Tribeca Transport,LLC for hauling and disposing of biosolids in July 2021 that expires July 28,2023. The contract allows for three one-year automatic renewals unless written notice of termination or cost adjustments is requested 60 days prior to the end of the relevant term. Denali Water Solutions LLC recently purchased Tribeca and notified the County by letter they have elected to not extend the agreement. Public Works requests to advertise a Request for Quotes to procure sludge hauling services for a period of two years, with the option to renew three additional years. Budget Impact• Each adopted 2023 sewer utility budget includes funds for sludge hauling services. Public Outreach: Solicit RFP in Journal, on Builder Exchange and posted on County website. Requested Action: Approval to authorize the Deputy Director,Public Works/Utilities and Waste Management to advertise a Request for Quotes for the hauling of biosolids and execute a two-year agreement with a renewal option. Attachments: 1. Tribeca Letter 2. Draft RFQ 3. Draft Notice DENALI 3308 Bernice Avenue Russellville, Arkansas 72802 479-498-0500 May 10, 2023 Via email:rickinson@co.mason.wa.us Via UPS# 1ZR76R950190735265 - Richard Dickinson Mason County Deputy Director,Public Works/Utilities and Waste 100 Public Works Drive Shelton, WA 98584 Re:Notice of Termination Dear Mr. Dickinson: Reference is made to that certain Sludge Hauling Professional Services Contract (the "Agreement") between Tribeca Transport,LLC, (predecessor in interest to Denali Water Solutions LLC("Denali")),and Mason County, effective July 28,2021. This letter is to inform you that Denali has elected not to extend the Agreement following the end of the current term.Please consider this Denali's formal written notice of intent not to renew;the Agreement will be terminated effective July 28, 2023. This notice is without prejudice to any of our rights, powers, privileges, remedies, and defenses,now existing or hereafter arising, all of which are hereby expressly reserved. If you have any questions about this letter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, uJ K- .L."n-Aw- Wendy K.Lambie Associate General Counse Denali Water Solutions, LLC Waste Should Not Be Wasted I www.DenaliWater.com COUNTY OF MASON DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS REQUEST FOR QUOTES SLUDGE HAULING SERVICES June 20,2023 Mason County is currently requesting quotes for the hauling of accumulated sludge from the County's Wastewater Treatment Facilities in Belfair,Allyn and Rustlewood;transporting sludge to the City of Shelton's Treatment Plant located at Fairmount Avenue in Shelton,Washington.ADDITIONAL TRANSPORTING SITES MAY BE INCLUDED IN THIS CONTRACT although that is not anticipated. The Contractor shall provide all equipment,materials,supplies,and labor to successfully carry out the requirements of this service agreement. The cost and availability are important considerations in the process of selecting a Contractor,but not the only considerations.Other factors include responsiveness to the RFQ qualifications,track record of successes at other municipalities,identification and understanding of the County's requirements as embodied within this RFQ,and experience and qualifications of key personnel. Background and Need Mason County is responsible for the maintenance and operation of three wastewater treatment facilities:the Belfair WRF(Belfair),the Rustlewood WTP(Grapeview)and the North Bay/Case Inlet WRF(Allyn).These facilities need routine hauling of sludge to keep the systems operating effectively. The solids percentage for each of these facilities is expected to be between 1—4%. In 2021 Mason County hauled 146,239 gallons of sludge. In 2022 Mason County hauled 231,121 gallons of sludge. The sludge will be delivered to the City of Shelton treatment facility and processed into Class A biosolids. The truck tanks used to haul sludge will be rinsed out prior to taking any sludge from a Mason County facility. The tanks shall not have any inorganic non-biodegradable items like paper,band-aids,clothing material,or plastics in them prior to accepting sludge from a Mason County Facility. Requirements The original quote(of no more than 6 pages)and four(4)copies must be submitted to Public Works in a sealed envelope by 4:00 p.m.on July 27,2023 and clearly marked:Sludge Hauling Services. should be delivered to: Mason County Public Works Attn:Richard Dickinson 100 W Public Works Drive,Bldg 1 Shelton,WA 98584 Quotes received after the deadline will not be considered.Any quote received after the scheduled closing time shall be returned to the vendor unopened. Quotes may be sent by mail or turned in personally;however,if sent by mail, the responsibility for delivering a quote to the County before the deadline is wholly upon the vendor. A vendor may not withdraw its quote after it is formally opened by a representative from the County. Vendor shall provide a cost per gallon for the hauling of sludge from each facility to the Shelton Treatment Plant. Vendor shall include in its quote all applicable local,city,state and federal taxes.It is the vendor's obligation to state,on their quote sheet,the correct percentage and total applicable federal,state,city and local taxes. Taxes shall not be imbedded in other costs in the quote but shall be explicitly expressed. The cost per gallon will not include the dumping fee. The County will pay the City of Shelton directly for the cost of processing sludge from County facilities. Any costs to the Vendor to rinse out Vendor trucks prior to receiving the sludge will be included in the bid price per gallon. This contract is subject to state prevailing wage requirements and Vendor must pay prevailing wages for all employees working on this job. Page 1 of 8 Costs Those submitting quotes do so entirely at their expense.There is no expressed or implied obligation by the Mason County to reimburse any individual or firm for any costs incurred in preparing or submitting quotes,providing additional information when requested by the Mason County,or for participating in any selection interviews. Inquiries Vendors with questions about the quote or needs language services may contact Richard Dickinson at(360)427- 9670,ext. 652,or by email at rickinson&co.masoncountywa.gov. The Mason County contact will also receive written requests for clarification and/or interpretation for this Request for Quotes up to seven(7)business days prior to the due date. Proposed Schedule Publish RFQ....................................... June 29,2023 &July 6,2023 Quote Due .....................................Thursday,July 27,2023 at 4 PM Anticipated Award Announcement............ Thursday,August 10 2023 Anticipated Contract Start Date................ Tuesday,August 22,2023 Quote Format In order to thoroughly analyze the responses to the RFQ,vendors are required to prepare their quotes in accordance with the instructions outlined in this section.Vendors whose quote deviate from these instructions may be considered non-responsive and may be disqualified at the discretion of Mason County. Vendors must present their products,services and applicable features in a clear and concise manner that demonstrates the vendors' capabilities to satisfy the requirements of this RFQ.Emphasis should be concentrated on accuracy,clarity,comprehensiveness,and ease of identifying pertinent information and suitability of the product and services.The quote should be organized into the following major sections.Instructions relative to each section are defined in Quote Requirements. Letter of Transmittal Vendor Profile Bid Quote"Attachment#1" Statement of Intent to Pay Prevailing Wage as applicable Client References Agreement for hauling of sludge will be for a period beginning upon approval of the applicable contract agreement by the Public Works Department and expiring two years from that date,with three(3)one-year automatic renewals if there are no cost changes or request to terminate.If the contractor requests cost changes it must be approved by the Board and be in writing 60 days before the two-year agreement or renewal meets the expiration date,at that current time. The Contractor whose quote is accepted shall provide the necessary Performance Bond and Liability Insurance prior to contract agreement approval. The Contractor shall also provide trip tickets demonstrating volumes hauled per trip. Such trip tickets shall be submitted to the County with each invoice submittal by the Contractor. The Contractor shall also provide a Statement of Intent to Pay Prevailing Wages if required. Page 2 of 8 QUOTE REQUIREMENTS Vendor Profile Please provide a vendor profile that indicates the number of staff,year's established and key personnel.In addition, please provide relevant experience of your firm in performing similar work. Bid Ouote(Attachment"1") The contract award will be based on the cost per gallon to Mason County for hauling sludge including all applicable taxes. Client References Please provide a list of at least three municipalities or wastewater utilities that use your services that are comparable in size and scope to this request.Please include names and phone numbers of responsible individuals who can be contacted. Performance Bond The Proposer shall provide Mason County with a Performance Bond or Letter of Credit from a bank or other approved financial institution in an amount of$10,000.00. Said Bond or Letter of Credit shall be furnished to Mason County on or before the effective date of this agreement and shall be subject to the approval of the Mason County Prosecuting Attorney. Wastewater Facility Locations Services shall be hauled from the following locations: Belfair WRF North Bay/Case Inlet WRF Rustlewood WWTP 25200 NE SR 3 1001 E Reclamation Ridge Rd. 111 E Rustle Way Belfair,WA 98528 Allyn,WA 98524 Grapeview,WA 98546 Method of Payment Payment will be made within 30 days of receipt of invoice delivery to the County,assuming the services provided were accepted and that proper and correct billing has been received by the Mason County Department of Public Works/Utilities&Waste Management(100 W Public Works Drive,Shelton,WA 98584)before the 5th of each month. Mason County,in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 78 Stat.252,42 U.S.C.2000d to 2000d-4 and Title 49,Code of Federal Regulations,Department of Transportation, Subtitle A,Office of the Secretary,Part 21,nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs of the Department of Transportation issued pursuant to such Act,hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively insure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement,disadvantaged business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color,or national origin in consideration for an award. Regulation Compliance Requirements All materials handling including handling,transportation,storage,deposition,disposal,and utilization will be subject to current state and county regulatory codes. All activities will be conducted in accordance with applicable codes and their intent to prevent illegal handling and disposal practices,and the resulting contamination from the same,vector breeding,hazardous materials handling,and aesthetic and other public nuisances. Insurance At a minimum,the Contractor shall provide insurance that meets or exceeds the requirements detailed in "Attachment#2,Insurance Requirements." Page 3 of 8 Equipment Inspections The County shall have the right to conduct an on-site inspection of the Contractor's equipment prior to award. Evaluation Criteria Mason County requires a vendor that is responsive. Please include in your quote the following: 1. Relevant Experience of your firm in performing similar work 2. Schedule Availability 3. Costs of providing the services 4. Outline of intended data reporting procedures for collection 5. References Final Rankin and Selection A committee will make a recommendation for the award of the contract to the vendor whose quote is determined to be the most suitable for the County,considering all the criteria as set forth in this Request for Quotes. Discussions: Best and Final Proposer The Committee reserves the right to recommend a vendor for contract award based exclusively upon the written quote,without further discussions. Should the Committee determine that further discussions would be in the best interest of the County,the Committee shall establish procedures and schedules for conducting discussions and/or presentations and will notify specific vendors.When in the best interest of the County,the Committee may permit all qualified vendors,those who meet the mandatory criteria,to revise their quotes by submitting"best and final" Quote. Reiection of Ouote Mason County reserves the right to reject any and or all quotes and waive any informality in quotes. Service Agreement Structure A negotiated Service Agreement will define the relationship between the County and the selected Contractor. The initial Agreement will be for a period of 24 months with(3)one-year automatic renewals at the end of the 24 months,unless either party gives the other written notice of termination or cost changes at least 60-days prior to the end of the relevant term.Any negotiation of pricing in one of the renewal terms would require an agreement amendment and approval by the Board.A renewal will not be for less than yearly increments. The Agreement will include specific guarantees and stipulations to be met by the selected Contractor and the County. Page 4 of 8 ATTACHMENT#1 BID QUOTE TO MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF UTILITIES AND WASTE MANAGEMENT TO PROVIDE SLUDGE HAULING SERVICES Furnish Sludge Hauling Services to the Mason County Department of Public Works as described in the quote information. Service shall be between the Belfair Wastewater Reclamation Facility located in Belfair,WA,the North Bay/Case Inlet Wastewater Treatment Facility located in Allyn,WA and the Rustlewood Water and Wastewater Treatment Facility,located in Grapeview,WA. BID: Hauling sludge in compliance with the attached Provisions. Initial delivery of service shall be within thirty working days after receiving notice to proceed. Belfair Water Reclamation Facility Bid price: cost per gallon $ Sales Tax(cost per gallon) $ North Bay/Case Inlet Water Reclamation Facility Bid price: cost per gallon $ Sales Tax(cost per gallon) $ Rustlewood Wastewater Treatment Plant Bid price: cost per gallon $ Sales Tax(cost per gallon) $ Bidder's Service Facility is located at: Company: Phone: Address: Email: Submitted by: Signature Printed Name and Title NOTE: Should the Grand Total Amount exceed the budget for this project,the County reserves the right to decrease the work or make other changes in the work as necessary.Mason County will incorporate the bid quote as part of the Contract Agreement. Page 5 of 8 ATTACHMENT#2 INSURANCE REQUIREMENT For the duration of this Agreement the Contractor shall maintain in effect all insurance as required herein and comply with all limits,terms and conditions stated therein. Work under this Agreement shall not commence until evidence of all required insurance and bonding is provided to the County. Evidence of such insurance shall consist of a completed copy of the Certificate of Insurance signed by the insurance agent for the Contractor and returned to the Mason County Deputy Director of Utilities/Waste Management. If for any reason,any material change in the coverage occurs during the course of this Agreement; such change will not become effective until 45 days after Mason County receives written notice of such change. The policy shall be endorsed and the certificate shall reflect that Mason County is an additional insured on the Contractor's general liability policy with respect to activities under this Agreement. The policy shall provide and the certificate reflect that the insurance afforded applies separately to each insured against whom a claim is made or suit is brought except with respect to limits of the company's liability. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to provide fire insurance for any equipment used by the Contractor. This fire insurance shall cover the entire replacement value of the equipment insured. A.MINIMUM Insurance Requirements: 1. Commercial General Liability Insurance using Insurance Services Office"Commercial General Liability"policy form CG 00 01,with an edition date prior to 2004,or the exact equivalent.Coverage for an additional insured shall not be limited to its vicarious liability.Defense costs must be paid in addition to limits.Limits shall be no less than two million dollars($2,000,000)per occurrence for all covered losses and no less than five million dollars($5,000,000)general aggregate,for bodily injury,personal injury,and property damage,including without limitation,blanket contractual liability. 2. Workers' Compensation on a state-approved policy form providing statutory benefits as required by law with employer's liability limits for the Contractors,with two(2)or more employees and/or volunteers,no less than $1,000,000 per accident for all covered losses. 3. Business Auto Coverage on ISO Business Auto Coverage form CA 00 01 including owned,non-owned and hired autos,or the exact equivalent.Limits shall be no less than five million dollars($5,000,000)per accident, combined single limit.If Contractor owns no vehicles,this requirement may be satisfied by a non-owned auto endorsement to the general liability policy described above.If Contractor or the Contractor's employees will use personal autos in any way on this project, Contractor shall obtain evidence of personal auto liability coverage for each such person. 4. Contractor's Pollution Liability Insurance shall be written with limits not less than five million dollars ($5,000,000)combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury,personal injury,property damage,cleanup costs and legal defense expenses. 5. Umbrella or excess liability policies shall provide coverage at least as broad as specified for underlying coverages and covering those insured in the underlying policies.Coverage shall be"pay on behalf',with defense costs payable in addition to policy limits.There shall be no cross-liability exclusion of claims or suits by one insured against another. B.Certificate of Insurance: A Certificate of Insurance naming County as the Certificate Holder must be provided to County within five(5)days of Contract execution. C.Basic Stipulations: 1. Contractor agrees to endorse third party liability coverage required herein to include as additional insureds County,its officials,employees,and agents,using ISO endorsement CG 20 10 with an edition date prior to Page 6 of 8 2004.Contractor also agrees to require all Contractors,subcontractors,and anyone else involved in this Contractor on behalf of the Contractor(hereinafter"indemnifying parties")to comply with these provisions. 2. Contractor agrees to waive rights of recovery against County regardless of the applicability of any insurance proceeds,and to require all indemnifying parties to do likewise. 3. All insurance coverage maintained or procured by Contractor or required of others by Contractor pursuant to this Contract shall be endorsed to delete the subrogation condition as to County or must specifically allow the named insured to waive subrogation prior to a loss. 4. All coverage types and limits required are subject to approval,modification,and additional requirements by County.Contractor shall not make any reductions in scope or limits of coverage that may affect County's protection without County's prior written consent. 5. Contractor agrees to provide evidence of the insurance required herein,satisfactory to County,consisting of.a) certificate(s)of insurance evidencing all of the coverages required and,b)an additional insured endorsement to Contractor's general liability policy using Insurance Services Office form CG 20 10 with an edition date prior to 2004.Contractor agrees,upon request by County to provide complete,certified copies of any policies required within 10 days of such request.County has the right,but not the duty,to obtain any insurance it deems necessary to protect its interests.Any premium so paid by County shall be charged to and promptly paid by Contractor or deducted from sums due Contractor.Any actual or alleged failure on the part of County or any other additional insured under these requirements to obtain proof of insurance required under this Contract in no way waives any right or remedy of County or any additional insured,in this or in any other regard. 6. It is acknowledged by the parties of this Contract that all insurance coverage required to be provided by Contractor or indemnifying party,is intended to apply first and on a primary non-contributing basis in relation to any other insurance or self-insurance available to County. 7. Contractor agrees not to self-insure or to use any self-insured retentions on any portion of the insurance required herein and further agrees that it will not allow any indemnifying party to self-insure its obligations to the County.If Contractor's existing coverage includes a self-insured retention,the self-insured retention must be declared to the County.The County may review options with Contractor,which may include reduction or elimination of the self-insured retention,substitution of other coverage,or other solutions. 8. Contractor will renew the required coverage annually as long as County,or its employees or agents face an exposure from operations of any type pursuant to this Contract.This obligation applies whether or not the Contract is canceled or terminated for any reason. Termination of this obligation is not effective until County executes a written statement to that effect. 9. The limits of insurance as described above shall be considered as minimum requirements. Should any coverage carried by Contractor or a subcontractor of any tier maintain insurance with limits of liability that exceed the required limits or coverage that is broader than as outlined above,those higher limits and broader coverage shall be deemed to apply for the benefit of any person or organization included as an additional insured and those limits shall become the required minimum limits of insurance in all Paragraphs and Sections of this Contract. 10. None of the policies required herein shall be in compliance with these requirements if they include any limiting endorsement that has not been first submitted to County and approved of in writing. 11. The requirements in this Exhibit supersede all other sections and provisions of this Contract to the extent that any other section or provision conflicts with or impairs the provisions of this Exhibit. 12. Unless otherwise approved by County,insurance provided pursuant to these requirements shall be by insurers authorized to do business in Washington and with a minimum A.M.Best rating of A-:VII. 13. All insurance coverage and limits provided by Contractor and available or applicable to this agreement are Page 7 of 8 intended to apply to the full extent of the policies.Nothing contained in this Contract limits the application of such insurance coverage. 14. Contractor agrees require insurers,to provide notice to County thirty(30)days prior to cancellation of such liability coverage or of any material alteration or non-renewal of any such coverage,other than for non-payment of premium. Contractor shall assure that this provision also applies to any subcontractors,joint ventures or any other party engaged by or on behalf of contractor in relation to this agreement.Certificate(s)are to reflect that the issuer will provide thirty(30)days'notice to County of any cancellation of coverage. 15. County reserves the right at any time during the term of the Contract to change the amounts and types of insurance required by giving the Contractor ninety(90)days advance written notice of such change.If such change results in substantial additional cost to the Contractor,the County and Contractor may renegotiate Contractor's compensation. 16. Requirements of specific coverage features are not intended as limitation on other requirements or as waiver of any coverage normally provided by any given policy. Specific reference to a coverage feature is for purposes of clarification only as it pertains to a given issue and is not intended by any party or insured to be all-inclusive. 17. Contractor agrees to provide immediate notice to County of any claim or loss against Contractor arising out of the work performed under this agreement. County assumes no obligation or liability by such notice but has the right(but not the duty)to monitor the handling of any such claim or claims if they are likely to involve County. Page 8 of 8 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL COUNTY OF MASON DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS REQUEST FOR QUOTES SLUDGE HAULING SERVICES June 20,2023 Mason County is currently requesting quotes for the hauling of accumulated sludge from the County's Wastewater Treatment Facilities in Belfair,Allyn and Rustlewood to the City of Shelton's Treatment Plant located at Fairmount Avenue in Shelton,WA. Performance of work in connection with this operation shall be for a period of two years with up to three additional(1)year automatic renewals. Quotes due by 4:00pm on July 27,2023. The Request for Quotes is made available as follows: Free-of-charge access to the Request for Quotes is provided to Vendors by going to www.bxwa.com and clicking on "Posted Projects", "Public Works", and "Mason County". This online plan room provides Bidders with fully usable online documents with the ability to: download, view,print, order full/partial plan sets from numerous reprographic sources, and a free online digitizer/take-off tool. It is recommended that Bidders"Register" in order to receive automatic e- mail notification of future addenda and to place themselves on the "Self-Registered Bidders List". Bidders that do not register will not be automatically notified of addenda and will need to periodically check the on-line plan room for addenda issued on this project. Contact Builders Exchange of Washington at(425) 258-1303 should you require assistance with access or registration. Mason County,in accordance with Title V1 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. 2000d to 2000d-4 and Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Department of Transportation, Subtitle A, Office of the Secretary, Part 21,nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs of the Department of Transportation issued pursuant to such Act,hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively insure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, or national origin in consideration for an award. Questions regarding the RFQ or special language services shall be sent via email to rdickinson(a-)co.mason.wa.us. The Mason County contact will also receive written requests for clarification and/or interpretation for this Request for Quotes up to seven(7)business days prior to the due date. PUBLISH: 2-Times—Shelton-Mason County Journal 6/29/23&7/6/23 XegalsAmasoncounty.com 2-Times—Daily Journal of Commerce 6/29/23&7/6/23 leQals(a( jc.com Bill: Mason County Department of Public Works—U&W Management 100 W Public Works Drive Shelton,WA 98584