HomeMy WebLinkAboutSHX2014-00039 JARPA, SEP2014-00066 - SHX Permit / Conditions - 12/17/2014 } MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 426 W Cedar St, Shelton, WA 98584 (360)427-9670 MITIGATED DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE (WAC 197-11-350) SEP2014-00066 Description of Proposal: Replace approximatey 184 lineal feet of existing failing concrete/mortered rock bulkhead with concrete wall. Repair approx 96 lineal feet of existing concrete bulkhead foundation where footing is undermined. Proponent: MANKE FAMILY LLC Site Address (If Assigned): 271 N POTLATCH DR NORTH HOODSPORT Directions to Site: US HIGHWAY 101 NORTH, L ON LAKE CUSHMAN RD, FOLLOW TO STOP SIGN, TURN LEFT, THEN LEFT ON MT TEBO WY, FOLLOW TO POTLATCH DR NORTH Parcel Number: 423075000027 Legal Description: LAKE CUSHMAN #2 TRS 27-28 Lead Agency: Mason County The Lead Agency for this proposal has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21 C.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review of a completed Environmental Checklist and other information on file with the Lead Agency. This information is available to the public upon request. MITIGATED MEASURES ARE ATTACHED. Please contact Grace Miller at ext. 360 with any questions. This DNS is issued under WAC 197-11-340(2). The Lead Agency will not act on this proposal for 14 days from the date shown below, when the determination is final. Comments must be submitted to Dept. of Community Development, P.O. Box 279, Shelton WA 98584 by 12/31/2014. Appeal of this determination must be filed within a 14-day period following this final determination date, per Mason County Code Chapter 15.11 Appeals. Au4 orized Local Government Official ate L'C : -1,7)� III, SEP2014-00066 Page 1 of 2 T MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 426 W Cedar St, Shelton, WA 98584 (360)427-9670 MITIGATED DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE (WAC 197-11-350) SEP2014-00066 CONDITIONS OF THIS DETERMINATION 1) The permit authorizes the replacement of the existing failing bulkhead adjacent to Lot 28. The new section of concrete bulkhead must be placed within the same footprint as the existing failing bulkhead. No materials associated with the removal of the existing failing bulkhead or the construction of the replacement bulkhead may be abandoned and must be removed. 2) The existing unpermitted dock structure shall be removed prior to Final Inspection of the Bulkhead. No materials associated with the removal of the dock may be abandoned and must be removed from the site. 3) Residential developers and individuals shall be required to control erosion during construction. Removal of vegetation should be minimized and any areas disturbed should be restored to prevent erosion and other env ronmental impacts. 4} Debris or deleterious material resulting from onstruction shall be removed from the beach area and project site and shall not be allowed to enter waters of the State. 5) Water quality is not to be degraded to the detriment of the aquatic environment as a result of this project. SEP2014-00066 Page 2 of 2 MASON COUNTY F P�°N_STgT °"' DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT &L M O Planning Division o s N = 426 W Cedar St, Shelton, WA 98584 o Y y (360)427-9670 OJ �O 1864 Exemption from Shoreline Management Act Substantial Development Permit Requirement Case No.: SHX2014-00039 The Proposal By: MANKE FAMILY LLC 826 FAIRMOUNT AVE SHELTON,WA 98584 To undertake the following development: Replace approx 184' of existing faling bulkhead with new concrete wall in same location. Repair footings for 96' of existing concrete bulkhead foundation. Within Lake Cushman and/or its associated wetlands is exempt from the requirement of substantial development because the development is categorized under WAC 173-27-040(2) as being category B-normal maintenance Please contact Grace Miller at ext 360 if you have any questions. Issued: 12/17/2014 Expires: 12/17/2016 Authorized Local Government Official 51G('v"G"1-l5i'l'-Tlz i f�, cc: APPLICANT WDFW USACOE WDOE TRIBAL COUNCIL vl.jL SEPA CHECKLIST �a FDateRcvd: �nty Permit Center Use) $385;-Single Family �$3�0 - Non-Single Family 0 to 9.99 Acres $755 -10 to 20 Acres '� ` D I$945 - Over 20 Acres E+$2,525+ 701hr- EIS (DS) 014 Purpose of Checklist: 426 W. CEDAR ST. The State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA), chapter 43.21 C RCW, requires all governmental agencies to consider the environmental impacts of a proposal before making decisions. An environmental impact statement (EIS) must be prepared for all proposals with probable significant adverse impacts on the quality of the environment. The purpose of this checklist is to provide information to help you and the agency identify impacts from your proposal (and to reduce or avoid impacts from the proposal) and to help the agency decide whether an EIS is required. Instructions for Applicants: Governmental agencies use this checklist to determine whether the environmental impacts of your proposal are significant, requiring preparation of an EIS. Answer the questions briefly, with the most precise information known, or give the best description you can. e best of your knowledge. In most cases, you should be You must answer each question accurately and carefully, to th able to answer the questions from your own observations or project plans without the need to hire experts. If you really not know the answer, or if a question does not apply to you proposal, write "do not know" or "does not apply". do s now may avoid unnecessary e ; answers to the question later. o not know and landmark designations. Answer Some questions ask about governmental regulations, such as z ning, shoreline, these questions if you can. If you have problems, the governmen I agencies can assist you. The checklist questions apply to all parts of your proposal, even if you plan to do them over a period of time or on different parcels of land. Attach any additional information that will help describe your proposal or its environmental effects. The agency to which you submit this checklist may ask you to explain your answers or provide additional information reasonably related to determining if there may be significant adverse impact. There is a fee required, for the processing of the checklist, see above for the appropriate fee. Please make your check payable to"Mason County Treasurer": A. BACKGROUND _ J 1. Name of proposed project: )) 2. Name of applicant: 1 1 �' �'� !�It r1` — ✓vac' iv►'1 44- Property owner. ft' AA M �L+� 3. Applicant mailing address: Applicant phone numbers: CO 4. Date checklist prepared: 5. Agency requesting checklist: Mason County SEPA Checklist 1 S. Proposed timing or schedule (including phasing, if applicable): F hek 1 f�c��of Z�ly �a j)&4- tocA4ed vim, LiKc 6,15 A"n- L e- Cv54"n w4er lev If s 6oA O11eP( by k dk M , Well' - pr� or'�O W a..oc r LAke Jeu-e 115 -19P lip; 60,154 rvC f ie" 4-(-ea , 7. Do you have any plans for future expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes, explain. n 8. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal. &i ) yA,� k h C-Lv t 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain. &I C), 10. List any government approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known. Al SVN 6V4 11. Give a brief, complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. There are several questions later in this checklist that ask you to describe certain aspects of your proposal. You do not need to repeat those answers on this page. (Lead agencies may modify this form to include additional specific information on project description.) Re-Pl icy Cx►S �r b�/�K�I�c+ �Y� IS - 1� O'4A ire 1 r C�( r S�� r 1f �/i����'I`CLi� ��`f- / S ��C i �0� W►l YI��''IC.y -����17�5 Iqq L i n-ed F4 , Of i��������� r-yhce.vw-,W-. 90 b ned Few o,( byIeke&I re Pa I,r. 12. What is the location of the proposal? Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project including a street address, if any, and section, township, and range, if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topographic map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications related to this checklist. Projec`I- L.©crdeW a,4- 7/ IV , Paf- Lam . qe qSS, .Sec , 7 , Tw/V;P 23Al 9�r e- oy bt, RaCce 4 OOOZ7 I yZ307- -0- 00028 Mason County SEPA Checklist 2 B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS �'. EARTH: a. General description of the site (circle one): Flat rolling hilly, steep slopes, mountainous, other(explain). r b. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope)? z c. What general types of soils are found on the site (for example, clay, sand, gravel, peat, muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any prime farmland. 5 � / &ram ( d. Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, describe. e. Describe the purpose, type, and approximate quantities o any filling or grading proposed. Indicate source�of fill. �,.r fl�ft T �� .� �rt r 1Uvi'� S G� Cf /�t►)'Y .t� J/ ��d' '/© %p It I,( ebceawl-a Avwl �I rA,r nzr 'r"" V,A,.4 WK ey 15 r f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, r use? If so, generally describe. NO' g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project constructions (for example, asphalt or buildings)? 6 -+ h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or oth 'r impacts to the earth, i� W � Cow ed � P lerl e r-05 e" 2. AIR: a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal (i.e. dust, automobile, odors, industrial wood smoke) during construction and when the project is corr leted? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities, if known. tkK 15S lOtr5 r"k evil5-rvc� fevA K vid r �'.x:�cZv�c�-�'1 1�1t' E�'���?1"'�e,�".T- lit VC�:vI`�I �?� /��C►`�- ��'� . b. Are there any off-site sources of emissions or odor that may affect your proposal? If so, generally describe. Mason County SEPA Checklist 3 ' c c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or oth r impacts to air, if any, +N1 v te6 ��,✓�t� Ctti�c� f�-iG �'o►� v�'! e l i✓l f ieW O E'��✓� �jc,�, 3 WATER: a. Surface: 1) Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year-round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, wetlands)? If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into. �O'Kt 605 h ov h { 5 Ko gvrw/S A (Z I vim' i 5 1"Apr 0ory '4' K no*u how vv c h y +v,)b 4- 2) Will the project require any work over, in, or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the described wat rs? if yes, please describe and attach available plans. /��j. ��O���Ge E?X 5 �� ►mot , �, N bo l K k4al a vi cl r epa i f -reV-fl p1cj o n 'Px 1 S4►r 1 ! I 4-hk-(- a ko) 3) Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would beaffected. Indicate the source of fill material. tilene- w✓,I t 1,,x ri Nevro( 'evN Svr6�_ec i4A4 r, d.c,A fell tvi/( hdo,o I.�i,,1k_ S A , ri lr W f ll le -f"M Oil S de c to o-�- CA?Yo' &m4wrc►o-e PJ, 4) Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. 5) Does the proposal fie within a 100-year floodplain? If so, note location on the site plan. 6) Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? if so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. b. Ground: 1) Will ground water be withdrawn, or will water be discharged to ground water? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities, if known. #one Mason County SEPA Checklist 4 2) Describe waste material that will be discharged into the round from septic tanks or other sources, if any (for example; domestic sewage, industrial, containing thlystem(s) following chemicals..., agricultural, etc.). Describe the general size of the system, the number ofuch systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of animals or humans the are expected to serve. /11017e c. Water runoff including storm water): 1) Describe the source of runoff(including storm water} and method of collection and disposal, if any (include is flow into other waters? N� �11�6:�-ipN quantities, if known). Where will this water flow? Will v✓w'- - G✓l�1 r i �r w�-v' w 1 I P r� �( �, rb��h �` l--.A.C'15 h r� 2) Could waste materials enter ground or surface waters: if so, generally describe. /V0 d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground, and runoff water impacts, if any: 4. PLANTS: a. Check or circle types of vegetation found on the site: deciduous tree: gir, r, m aspen, other ever en tree: ear; pine, other shrubs: ss) sture crop or grain wet soil plants: cattail, buttercup, bullrush, skunk cabbage, other water plants: water lily, eelgrass, milfoil, other other types of vegetation b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? '^ Lat 4� 40 {�`' � i'YC SCt� +Y-e65 � �o dl c�c �fv P)d5,r l y�y' W l I ' (-flu I n c Mason County SEPA Checklist C. List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. iAllti d. Proposed landscaping, use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any: 5cme ex/ f I ✓l 1A4-sey1 ►`► will bt lrl o -4-0 prov.iG4- GV/11 U replaced 5. ANIMALS a. Circle any birds and animals which have been observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site: Birds: caw�' heron, eagle, songbird other Mammals: eer %trout, beaver, other Fish: bass, salmerring, shellfish, other b. List any threatened or endangered,�J/species known to be on or near the site. c. Is the site part of a migration route? If so, explain. d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any: M v 6. ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES: a. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc. NOh'V. b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties: If so, generally describe. c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any: l�,%r o _ Mason County SEPA Checklist 6 7. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH: a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exp -ure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so, describe. WKe ►,owo. 1) Describe special emergency services that might be required. /vai,e. 2) Proposed measures to reduce or control environmenta health hazards, if any: /v b. Noise. 1) What types of noise exist in the area that may affect y ur project(for example: traffic,, equipment, operation, other)? NO I� --kc►!VII tlG'�'10�/1 ��' V FW " 2) What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short-term or a ? Indicate what hour's noise would long-term basis (for example: traffic, construction, operation, other)? come from the site. i1`ov4 - � f'/�,�1 ��YHIa✓` JL +1 Semi p riA 3) Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impa s, if any: he 'r �M�t� � Cf nerve S. LAND AND SHORELINE USE: a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? b. Has the site been used for agriculture? if so, describe. �o� �a c. Describe jany structures on the site. ikpp J +h-P ' 4% GJ�I khpc� �iti'o 4t C S d. Will any structures be demolished? If so, what? ��� . I I rx I o�I / Mason County SEPA Checklist e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? _ yrCLQ f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? IW f g. If applicable, what is the current Shoreline Master Program designation of the site? OLr, h. Has any part of the site been classified as an "environmentally sensitive"area? If so, specify. >L-,J6J( T gp?cw i. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? t�ti .. j. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any: None, 1. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and praw�7 , ' ted land uses and plans: �1 f yr r1q ^i +r �Q►v�I <� ro�v� �K�rvtGt I�� / :St�,�. W b FW, 9. HOUSING: a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. A)/A. b. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. /V/4. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any: /Vo 10. AESTHETICS: a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structure(s), not including antennas; what is the p incipal e erior building materiial.(s) proposed? A fpfc� ( 4,ee+ ex 4r� ltkke ZMV/ A,f PW W f ` b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? /V0rit c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any: NO". Mason County SEPA Checklist g 11. LIGHT AND GLARE a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? Wha time of day would it mainly occur? b. Could light or glare from the finished project be a safety ha and or interfere with views? c. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect y ur proposal: d. Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any: 12. RECREATION: l; t70c4rrti)t r/�/v�W►I Yll,}/ a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities le in the immediate vicinity? �J project displace an existing recreational uses? if so, describe. /v4 n �Ci�� ' b. Would the proposed prod p Y p rIT 5,4 WHeai /k/4 It°�� S �ltr� C,r�►�S�''�c �ae� 2©r?p . C. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recr ation, including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, if any: De too �r 13. HISTORIC AND CULTURAL PRESERVATION: a. Are there any places or objects listed on, or proposed for national, state, or local preservation registers known to be on or next to the site? If so, generally describe. ti ae ow'i . b. Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of historic, archaeological, scientific, or cultural importance known to be on or next to the site. Nme J nm(,,#4 c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts, if any: 4v-ch e l o/Cx/ S46eK 60 tic/Uwe./ ZO/L 101 (AM-5 ewx I- Mason County SEPA Checklist 9 14. TRANSPORTATION: a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site and describe proposed access to the existingstreet system. Show on site plans, if any. 41 !�fw�ty /0, 11 k.+ y I I q AA t, -re,b,0 WAAJ I�Ce e55 t o r"r l%lam d V,I ve-W!A� � A a4e i� b f /U b. Is site currenterved by public transit? If not, what is the approximate distance to the existing street system? Show on site plans, if any. �>O"'r 1C ri tl,/ c. How many parking spaces would the completed project have? How many would the project eliminate? CU(,r.e,,,4( -I d Spaced None P%W,k7� d. Will the proposal require any new roads or streets, or improvements to existing roads or streets, not including driveways? If so, generally describe (indicate whether public or private). AJt- e. Will the project use (or occur in th eicinity of) water, rail, or air transportation? If so, generally describe. f. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project? If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur. / O-�-- il,row A g. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any: I'V104.1a 15. PUBLIC SERVICES: a. Would the project result in an increased need for public service (for example: fire protection, police protection, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally describe: Ak, b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any: //®Pi ne a 16. UTILITIES: a. Circle utilities curren at the site: electricity natural gas, water refuse servic telephone, sanitary sewer, Et!fj other: b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service, and the general n construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity that might be needed. Ndn+� /ale The above answers are true and complete to t est of my knowledge. I understand that the lead agency is relying on them to make its decision. Applicant Signature: Date: Mason County SEPA Checklist ti 10 ESA LISTED SALMONIDS CHECKLIST ject This worksheet was designed to help project proponents, Species Act) listed salmonids. Salmonidsrare salmons irther analysis regarding adverse effects on ESA(Endangered trout and chars, e.g. bull trout. For our purposes, "ESA Listed Salmonidsn is defined as fish species listed as endangered, threatened or being considered for listing. If ESA listed species are present or ever were present i comply watershed where ESA. your project rThe o ect wil be this section uwpl help roject has the potential for affecting them, and you need p Y determine if the ESA listings will impact your project. The Fish Program Manager at the appropriate Department of Fish and Wildlife (DFW) regional office can provide information for the following two questions. 1. Are ESA listed salmonids currently present in the watershed in which your project will be located? YES NO_ Please describe. Rl%l r/-4w4) 6-11)I n 009 Chow, 5 e-[ 2. Has there ever been an ESA listed salmonid stock present in th s watershed? YES NO Uncertain Please describe. � 1 TroyCl�v , 54ee h ed ou should complete the if you answered "yes" to either of the above qu stions, y remainder of this checklist. PROJECT SPECIFICES: The questions in this section are specific to the project and vicinity. 1. Name of watershed: 2. Name of nearest waterbody: IC IIA"I Often a buffer 3. What is the distance from this project to the nearest body of water: between the project and a stream can reduce the chance of a negative impact to fish. 4. Wha t is the current land use between the project and the p tentially affected water body (parking lots, farmland, etc.)? L�� /t`�Y!!�� 5. Is the project above a: YES NO natural permanent barrier (waterfall) _ �. natural temporary barrier (beaver pond) YES_ NO man-made barrier (culvert, dam YES NO other(explain): 6. if yes, are there any resident salmonid populations above the blockage? YES— NO _ Don't know What percent of the project will be impervious surface (including pavement&roof area)? 7. Wh p Mason County SEPA Checklist lI FISH MIGRATION: The following questions will help determine if this project could interfere with migration of adult r and juvenile fish. Both increases and decreases in water flows can affect fish migration. 1. Does the project require the withdrawal of: a. Surface water? YES_ NO Amount �) Name of surface water body J-G1 i � C�5 �iI b. Ground water? YES_ NO Amount From where Depth of well 2. Will any water be rerouted: YES_ NO If yes, will this require a channel change? 3. Will there be retention or detention ponds? YES_ NO If yes, will this be an infiltration pond or a surface discharge to either a municipal storm water system or a surface water body? If to a surface waterbody, please give the name of the waterbody. YES_ NO_ 4. Will this project require the building of new roads? YES_ NO Increased road mileage may affect the timing of water reaching a stream and may impact fish habitat. 5. Are culverts proposed as part of this project? YES_ NO 6. Will topography changes affect the duration/direction of runoff flows? YES_ NO L if yes, describe the changes. 7. Will the project involve any reduction of the floodway or floodplain by filling or other partial blockage of flows? YES_ NO-X If yes, how will the loss of flood storage be mitigated by your project? WATER QUALITY: The following questions will help determine if this project could adversely impact water quality. Such impacts can cause problems for listed species. Water quality can be made worse by runoff from impervious surfaces, altering water temperature, discharging contaminants, etc. 1. Do you know of any problems with water quality, in any of the streams, within this watershed? YES— NO If yes, describe. Mason County SEPA Checklist 12 s 2. Will your project either reduce or increase shade along or over a waterbody? YES_ NO)( If yes, describe. Removal of shading vegetation or the building of structures ch as docks or floats often results in a change in shade. 3. Will the project increase nutrient loading or have the potential to increase nutrient loading or contaminants (fertilizers, other waste discharges, or runoff)to the waterbody? If yes, describe. YES — NO 4. Will turbidity be increased because of construction of the proj t or during operation of the project? YES— NO In-water or near water work will often increase turbidity. 5. Will your project require long-term maintenance, i.e. bridge cleaning, highway salting, and chemical sprays for vegetation management, clearing of parking lots? YES— NO If yes, please describe. VEGETATION: The following questions are designed to determine if the project will affect riparian vegetation, thereby, adversely impacting salmon. 1. Will the project involve the removal of any vegetation from the stream banks: YES — NO If yes, please describe the existing conditions, and the amount and type of vegetation to be removed. 2. If any vegetation is removed, do you plan to*re-plant? YES _ NO X If yes, what types of plants will you use? The above answers are true and complete to t es of my knowledge. I understand that the lead agency is relying on them to make its ecision. r Applicant Signature: Date: Mason County SEPA Checklist 13 RECEIVED r NOV 0 3 2014 creo�eclaw%cal.° �v�.virowwt.ew�a�°DYaLVt,aL1C°R.oa wad 426 W. CEDAR ST. October 21,2013 1 . Marc Lanphear 2635 Lacrosse Way Shelton,Washington 98584 RE: Bulkhead Design®®�71 Masoo potlatch DAY Wash ngaoPort, Washington Parcel 42307 5 hea in En virotech Engineering has completed this geotechnical/structural evaluation aor a bulkters fold repair an analysis conjunction with the and referenced property.The following analysis provides rn wall and structural u overturning. Design sheets enclosed with this letter depict specifications conclusions for steel reinforcement, sliding and and other information relating to this retaining wall design. Sarameters Structural Parameters 134 psf Wail Support: Fixed-fixed oil P Y= ° 0.5 in wall flexural rebars vertical,diameter �= 34 50 psf 0.19635 m2 wall flexural rebars vertical, area ca= 0.5 in #4 wall temperature rebars horizontal, diameter Pore Pressure: Yes 0.19635 in2 #4 wall temperature rebars horizontal, area Earth Pressure: Actuve 0 ° 0.5 in #4 footing rebars, diameter R 6:Z.4 psf 0.19635 n2 #4 footing rebars, area YW 0.9 strength reduction factor, flexural 0.85 strength reduction factor, shear fy= 60 ksi yield stress in steel reinforcement Load Inputs 0.0018 yield stress ratio q 10 psf fc= 2500 psi concrete compressive strength DL 0 ib/ft 3 in reinforcement steel cover LL 0 Ib/ft yc= 150 pcf concrete unit weight v„ 0 lb Soil Conclusions K 0.28 Mall Geometry Ke 0.25 B= 54 in 6 22.67 h = 10 in 41 0.00 b= 12 in Rs1 863.04 H = 6.75 ft RsH1 796.38 t= 8 in RsV1 332.59 D= 12 in Rw 1421.55 n= 8 in Rq 19.08 Key No RqH 17.61 RqV 7.35 Re 582.21 Rs2 18.94 RsH2 17.48 PO BOX 984 Belfair,Washington 98528 Off: 360-275-9374 Cell: 36o-689-6045 Fax: 360-275-4789 n c�trirni-a-R�rson+orhnir�linfn �nrn � ^ Ro\/2 25.82 Sliding Fr= ([VVi+ RaV1 + RqV)t 4908 ib/ft�nO+uA+ �aH3+ RaV� 2238 |b8t Fs= RsHI + RqH +Rs+ Nw 2_2 o.k. F.S.static= Fr/Fe 1'7w.h. F.Sdynmnic=Fr/(Fs+ Re) 13O7G |b K8r= �U�b�+ F�aH2u2+ RsV2)�\Cl+ F{sV1 + F�o\ho�'1 5D5O |b K8o= RnH1y1 + R»�'1 + R4Hyq ' 2'6 o.b. FS.mtotio= KAr/Mo 1'80.k. F.G.dynannio= K8r/(K0o+ Reve) Flexural -je in Wall Ly_erfical) Wall load from resultant earth pressure= 1��1 + �+ �+�= 4�.2 |� 'Ku= (Rs1 +Rw+ Rq)YM-n)A2/20= ^ 4032.2 ��b As= 8u°12Xet�n0tnnaducUontaobz[ � '=� 'x1ODOT-3-Q�1°8-3\\) 0.20 in2 5.6 in2 Ac � = *1 000°As/0.85/fo= G�TO3Oin�b N1n=Aa°h*1ODO*�-3-U1°8-3)) = . — ~ ` ' ` �O322 ��|b o0�n= reduction �enuno�K8n/12= . . �u=.m"^ ' O.2O in2 As2=/�*K8u/�KMn = 1�Q1 Number ofnabans per�mt 12'00in rebarspaoing piorizontal D�O7O5in2 As= ��|d*�r�en nabo°b^do= . x' Number ofnebmrs per foot=Am#4foob 3 nQrebmna. �naa= .OS nobar spacing= 121numberrebom 2��99 inperfoot= Pu= 14^DL/��+ � 7°LL/12+�sV1/1J+�uV2/12+�H(B/ 2-�12 /12)'nV12+q/12= 209.38 |b/|n ' � 4.99psi qu= Pu/B= 1OU.OQ poi Vc=2°fc1/2=d= h -reinhorcenenteteelnover-1'5°#4foctin0rebaro. dhanebsr 6.2 5 in 13.37 psi Vu=qu/d^((B-t)C2-d)= 85OO psi ck/c=Vc�stnengthreduoU [reduction . o'k' cvcpVu Flexural Steel in a11a11 Footing 1319.50 in-lb Mu =qu*(B-t)218= = 0.0043 in2 As= Mu/(strength reduction factor,flexural fy*900*d) 0.1227 in2 Ac=As*fy*1000/0.85/f c= 0.0051 in h=Ac/2/b= *1000 d 1\ 0.0039 in2 As2= Mul(strength reduction factor, flexural*fY ( - ))= 0.1458 in2 As=yield stress ratio*b*hc= 0.7426 Number of rebars per foot=As2l#4 footing rebars, area= 16.16 in rebar spacing= 12/number of rebars per foot= Temoerature steel in Wall Footin 0.97 in2 As=ycBh= 4.95 Number of rebars per foot=As/#4 footing rebars, area= 2.42 in Spacing= 1/number of rebars per foot*12= 0.97 in2 As2 =yield stress ratio*B*h= 4.95 Number of rebars per foot=As2f#4 footing rebars, area= 2.42 in Minimum spacing = 1/number of rebars per foot*12= 18 in Maximum spacing=5*h= Choose in rebar spacing Glossary soil unit weight q = surcharges y = DL= dead loads on wall �= angle of internal friction live loads on wall ca = adhesion LL= Pore Pressure: pressures due to water w= extra sliding/overturning resistance Earth Pressure: active, passive,or at rest R= angle of backfill water unit weight fy= yield stress in steel reinforcement = fc= concrete compressive strength B = footing width yc= concrete unit weight h = footing thickness resistance against sliding b= footing length Fr= y = height of wall Fs= sliding forces t= wall thickness F.S.static= Factor of Safety(static) D- foodting depth F.S.dynamic= Factor of Safety(dynamic) n = footing length beyond wall face Key: "notched"footing for sliding resistence Mr= resistance against overturning MO= overturning forces F.S.static= Factor of Safety(static) F.S.dynamic= Factor of Safety(dynamic) K= earth pressure coefficient Mu = Maximum moment Ke= earthquake pressure coefficient As= Area of steel Ac= Area of concrete at stress 5= = Nominal moment capacity =Rs1 = soil partical resultant force cp n Design moment capacity _ New area of Steel RsH1 = horizontal resultant force A - RsV1 = vertical resultant force Rw= pore water resultant force P = Factored dead and live Toads R surcharge resultant force q = Load per unit length of wall q= V = Shear strength capacity of concrete RqH = horizontaG surcharge component Effective footing depth RqV= vertical surcharge component d Shear stress at critical section Re= earthquake resultand force V = Rs2= opposite soil partical relultant force o c= Reduced shear strength capacity RsH2 = horizontal component RsV2= vertical component Envirotech is pleased to submit this engineering analysis. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Michael Staten at 360-275-9374. Best Regards, Envirotech Engineering 'LYD'S T WA�S V 0 f'y\ 43045 j S'SIONAI.�~ Michael Staten,P.E. Project Manager U SCALEa 1 INCH = 40 FEET 0 5 10 20 40 POTLACH DRIVE NORTH 1PSFT± PROPERTY LINE EXISTING DRIVEWAY +i EXISTING (� HrnISE CD u) CU EXISTING CONCRETE STAIRS (TYP) EXISTING WOOD DOCK (TYP) REPAIR EXISTING PIER C.LYp,� F❑❑TINGS. SEE DETAILS. ,�,�� vd.�sJ Sjq f REp iR 411 �'aNCREr ems, f SS10N k . kjST T��kcR TFi AI�IIV, PROJECT/ LOCATIGN- PLL BVLk e ok)'G �`�C�AGE11 HEAD ERED BULKHEAD REPAIR LAKE CUSHMAN SEE bt"' e��E 271 NORTH POTLACH DRIVE NORTH jLs `KEjE PARCEL 42307-50-00027 MASON COUNTY, WASHINGMN NOTES, 1. BOUNDARIES WERE NOT PREPARED BY A ENGINEER- LICENSED SURVEYOR. LOCATIONS OF SITE ENVIROTECH ENGINEERING FEATURES ARE BASED ON AERIAL MAPPING, PO BOX 984 SITE MEASUREMENTS, AND OWNER PROVIDED BELFAIR, WASHINGTON 98528 INFORMATMK OWNER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR 360-275-9374 MAINTAINING PROJECT ON HIS PROPERTY. errs of Ani 2. CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING F CONCRETE OVALL FURTHER AND fTO BEAR SWILL HE LOCATED NO FURTlER TO BEACH TWW EXISTWG WALL —{8 IN --2 FT MIN---�. #4 REINFORCEMENT STEEL =•= :4 - HORIZONTAL E 1:8 IN O C "t' ��� '. (TYP) a '` RPr1E1� .r-?•" s, #4 REINFORCEMENT STEEL VERTICAL 2 12 IN O C. (TYP) PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE AND FOOTING, 2500 ps6 MIN -• •�= 9RR� D- " �' GP) ORDINARY ': :sc •"$Yk' TO 1 1/2' CLEAK-ORAI14•R K HIGH ?T_��(j�Hil+t-6:IN, OFF 6RYFBC`,• WATER — e• + dLt ••S.Y: 6.75 FT MAX _,� :'.:<�»."::.` �-r:»Y�:�,,_•:�.„E;,e,.,s �E''�EPrf10LF:;�_Fi:`j ;:..:�'~: NATIVE UNDISTURBED 3 FT •' A. ,;` ` ;; ILT�R f ABRIC:,�cH2%APElf SOD_ .:,pRQl1N11[�I3it�?1f'1`.d4R�E.A�::- • �•4�""" LIMITS OF EXCAVATION _� .�` �• ^ �•• Wit.-.y:•°6•-:`• 16 IN 10IN• #4 REINFORCEMENT STEEL 8 IN 8 IN (FLEXURAL) 2 12 IN D.C. 4.5 FT MIN (5) #4 REINFORCEMENT STEEL (TEMPERATURE) 12' D.C. MAX. CONCRETE WALL-DETAIL UNDISTURBED, FIRM SUBGRADE OR COMPACTED ENGINEERED FILL NTS ORDINARY e •. v HIGH — WATER 7 FT '' ° . DaSTING CONCRETE RULKHEAB 5 FT a .° DasTm PIER FaOaIHG `. • ►�.•�"• SCOUR HAS IIJtED FOUNDATION . "s. • � DY YS@.ATED LOCATIONS ALONG •.: s° - • ' THE BULIWEAD AND PIER FOOTDiGS :®• .,, .a-� e 2 FT PROPOSED NON-jMHFORC0 2 FT CONCRETE TO �SOUR RELATIVELY UNDISTURBED UMWABE TYPICAL FOUNDATION REPAIR DETAIL NTS NOTES, I. RETAINING WALLS CALCULATED USING ACTIVE EARTH PRESSURES. PROJECT/ LOCATION- 2 LIMITEDRING WALL TO 6.75 FEET DETAILS FROMARE THERBOTT13M OFED RTHE FOOTING TO BULKHEAD REPAIR THE OP OF THE WALL. RETAINING WALLS HEIGHT LESS EARTH RETENTION (BACKFILL) ISREQUIRED, 3. LEVEL 4. ALL FOOTING SUBGRADES SHALL BE ON COMPETENT UNDISTURBED 271 POTLATCH DRIVE NORTH SOIL, R RE-COMPACTED TO AT LEAST 95% OF MAXIMUM DENSITY PARCEL 42307-50-00027 PER ASTM D1557. MASON COUNTY, WASHINGT13N 5. ALL CONCRETE SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM 28-DAY COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 2500 psi. [ENGINEER,& CONCRETE SHALL BE PLACED USING MECHANICAL VIBRATION. C.Lyn� VIROTECH ENGINEERING7. REINFORCEMENT STEEL YIELD STRENGTH SHALL BE 60 ksl. R S8. CONCRETE COVER FOR STEEL MUST BE A MINIMUM OF 1.5 INCHES WASI�t ?yam BOX 984FOR WALLS, AND 3 INCHES FOR FOOTINGS. 3 INCHES IS �G tr LFAIR, WASHINGTON 98528RECOMMENDED FR ALL ONE, (360) 275-9374 9. BRCES AND TIE-DOWNS SHOULD HAVE A CORROSIVE RESISTENT - X, (360) 275-4789 COATING. rr DRAWN BYi DATE+ IM FINISHED WORK SHALL NOT EMCROCH EXISTING WALL 4J f MCS 10/21/13 EUMERINTS. h '� DATE, 11, CONTRACTOR SHALL USE EXTRA PRECAUTION TO PREVENT BY� `, ` DESIGNED DISTURBED SOILS (SEDIMENTS) FROM ENTERING THE WATER. " Michnet Staten, P.E. 10/21/13 12. ALL WORK ON BEACH SHALL BE DONE DURING PERIODS OF THE ELEVATIONS 13.YEA WITH LOWER ALL WORK SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH PROPRIATE IBC, JO AC_ DETAILS STATE AND LOCAL CODES. �" •'04 .. � � ('y j,+ {' arm s' 9" rt • x' x Zn P LA M RECEIVED NOV 0 3 2014 426 W. CEDAR ST. u n k ; AGENCY USE ONLY CJ �I � Date received: ' US Army Corps of Engineers WASHINGTON STATE S..Me District Agency reference#: bkaidj Joint Aquatic Resources Permit �,2 Tax Parcel#{s): Application (DARPA) Form ; a USE BLACK OR BLUE INK TO ENTER ANSWERS IN THE WHITE SPACES BELOW. t RECEIVED NOV 0 3 2014 Part 1—Project Identification 126 W. CEDAR ST. 1. Project Name (A name for your project that you create. Examples: Smith's Dock or Seabrook Lane Development) Lhel ftlCe- time L4 L.L(= Sul V, mea fe 12 Part 2—Applicant The person and/or organization responsible for the project. hel 2a. Name(Last,First,Middle) 2b.�Orgaanzatfion'J(lf applicable) -eru (A -�,�✓� /o vt LPL. 2c. Mailing Address(Street or Box) 2d. City, State, Zip 2e. Phone(1) 2f. Phone(2) 2g. Fax 2h. E-mail (31 O )WO_�y447 ( 3k6' >�fzb--s�s� Additional forms may be required for the following permits: • If your project may qualify for Department of the Army authorization through a Regional General Permit(RGP),contact the U.S.Army Corps of Engineers for application information(206)764-3495. • If your project might affect species listed under the Endangered Species Act,you will need to fill out a Specific Project Information Form(SPIF)or prepare a Biological Evaluation. Forms can be found at http://www.nws.usace.arm .mii/Missions/CivilWorks/Re ulato /PermitGudebook/EndangeredSpecies.aspx. • Not all cities and counties accept the JARPA for their local Shoreline pe its.If you need a Shoreline permit,contact the appropriate city or county government to make sure they accept the JARPA. 2To access an online JARPA form with[help]screens,go to http//www.epermitting.wa.gov/site/alias resourcecenter/iarpa iarpa form/9984/iarpa form.aspx. For other help,contact the Governor's Office for Regulatory Innovation and Assistance at(800)917-0043 or help(a)-ora.wa.gov. JARPA Revision 2012.2 Page 1 of 14 Part 3-Authorized Agent or Contact Person authorized to represent the applicant about the project. (Note: Authorized agent(s) must sign 11 b of this application.) ELeip 3a. Name(Last, First, Middle) c Cc 3b. Or anization (If applicable) �Gi d'l ._> f'Li r` l'I ✓lit'" T"/ ->`3't G-C.G 3c. Mailing Address (Street or PO Box) 3d. City, State, Zip a 3e. Phone(1) 3f. Phone(2) 3g. Fax 3h. E-mail rcc Awn e he Part 4-Property Owner(s) Contact information for people or organizations owning the property(ies) where the project will occur. Consider both upland and aquatic ownership because the upland owners may not own the adjacent aquatic land. Etgipl ❑ Same as applicant. (Skip to Part 5.) ❑ Repair or maintenance activities on existing rights-of-way or easements. (Skip to Part 5.) ❑ There are multiple upland property owners. Complete the section below and fill out JARPA Attachment A for each additional property owner. ❑ Your project is on Department of Natural Resources (DNR)-managed aquatic lands. If you don't know, contact the DNR at (360) 902-1100 to determine aquatic land ownership. If yes, complete JARPA Attachment E to apply for the Aquatic Use Authorization. 4a. Name (Last,First, Middle) 4b. Organization (If applicable) 4c. Mailing Address (Street or PO Box) 4d. City, State, Zip 17 / 41es e 4e. Phone(1) 4f. Phone(2) 4g. Fax 4h. E-mail 53 ( ) ( ) JARPA Revision 2012.2 Page 2 of 14 Part 5-Project Location(s) Identifying information about the property or properties wher the project will occur. hel ❑ There are multiple project locations (e.g. linear projects).tomplete the section below and use JARPA Attachment B for each additional project location. 5a. Indicate the type of ownership of the property. (check ail that apply.) net Private ❑ Federal ❑ Publicly Owned (state, county, city, special districts like schools, ports, etc.) ❑ Tribal ❑ Department of Natural Resources (DNR)—managed aquatic lands (Complete JARPA Attachment E) 5b. Street Address(Cannot be a PO Box.If there is no address, provide other location information in 5p.) jhelp] 5c. City, State,Zip(If the project is not in a city or town, provide the name of the nearest city or town.) Lhel 5d. County LheM 5e.;Provide the section, township, and range for the project location_ LbeM 1/4 Section Section Township Range 5f. Provide the latitude and longitude of the project location. Lhel • Example:47 03922 N tat,/-122.89142 W long. (Use decimal egrees�7-;NAD 83) 5g. List the tax parcel number(s)for the project location. eI The local county assessor's office can provide this information, 5h. Contact information for all adjoining property owners. If you need more space, use DARPA Attachment C.) [help] Name` Mailing Address Tax Parcel #(if known) 61 Ir"c>v>v �, rVl e For sI�07 � - 'q2 307-1 ---- -- q$D � �Z�o 1- SD -OIbZ 7S 9_T �c+rPr e Gs Hof i4nn Dv�✓la _ _ G{23o7-SZ�- ®C�p3r 2 Yi, lv I- 3771 Flebiq - JARPA Revision 2012.2 Page 3 of 14 r5J ist all wetlands on or adjacent to the project location. nei pj A A ist all waterbodies (other than wetlands) on or adjacent to the project location. nei J-aie- s any part of the;project area within a 100-year#loodplain? nel Yes ❑ No „Don't know 51. Briefly describe the vegetation and habitat conditions on the property. Jt@jpj y 4-4 ,Shrubs , d Some large efoi y 1 -5 5m. Describe how the property is currently used. itpipj 5n. Describe how the adjacent properties are currently used. nei 5o. Describe the structures (above and below ground)on the property, including their purpose(s) and current condition. ELes1J Dva,e-i I i I'll W i A k dA1 /i y h f clrocl e Mcl, /cex - 5p. Provide driving directions from the closest highway to the project location, and attach a map_ [hey] ,14-i yji 4; ia1 y i v i /\1e,., l>r�.� v E r sP -t- , ✓P ► h,9hwc�..1 Jlq- ro//Oct) 4v ery( , 1v,^rl 1e 4, ro/I +V AAT ROSe bIv15"OA 5`yn� cl° Ie_r�wlT Ted w �, iv,^n IZ4. oA�, wtT. Ch,rckjr, i�cn P—{- one AV L(k �, 6r 0f'I It,f4- a4 2 71 n; A /V JARPA Revision 2012.2 Page 4 of 14 Part 6-Project Description 6a. Briefly summarize the overall project. You can provide more detail in 6b. [help] 1-)Y74%d F-� . lit ��n b✓I � (A ff vx 96 �1h �i �'yl� 6 6b. Describe the purpose of the project and why you want r need to perform it. LLeM % e2ae� � 7 nd rs 4v ex(s4, "� G' IZheetW j1eC�SS�-TY -� 6c. Indicate the project category. (Check,all that apply) LtgM ❑ Co nmercial ❑residential ❑ Institutional ElTransportation Recreational aintenance ❑ Environmental Enhancement 6d. Indicate the major elements of your project. (Check all that apply) [help] ❑ Aquaculture ❑ Culvert Float ❑ Retaining Wall [L}'6ank Stabilization ❑ Dam /Weir Floating Home (upland) ❑ Road ❑ Boat House ❑ Dike/ Levee/Jetty Geotechnical Survey Land Clearin ❑ Scientific ❑ Boat Launch ❑ Ditc g Measurement Device ❑ Boat Lift ock/ Pier Marina / Moorage tairs ❑ Bridge ❑ Dredging Mining ❑ Stormwater facility bulkhead ❑ Fence Outfall Structure ❑ Swimming Pool ❑ Buoy ❑ Ferry Terminal Piling/Dolphin ❑ Utility Line ❑ Channel Modification ❑ Fishway Raft ❑ Other: JARPA Revision 2012.2 Page 5 of 14 F6eDee how you plan to construct each project element checked in 6d. Include specific construction s and equipment to be used. hel fy where,each element will occur in relation to the nearest waterbody. te which activities are within the 100-year floodplain. u wwe.�i vwt Seeo -�k�tioe- l cJ,It � v 4-o wo eb ,1rlw� as o�( a-S di c looJ f-, U lieu) bo161).#rw+S will be s-&-/ wr ft &e pJ)"pp I h S , 5 cio I I l W 4 r I f f;,ej r-e nqv , &Zk-'t'I I( of- r S W " hea I -e l k ke— rid so r L . cte,S t W/'A r v, rock will bo-c-- k--A t vrlevlat ®,� 4vpPeei w(4—K {1rL4.1e-- - -o -�Ji4th �l ((le 9 6f. What are the anticipated start and end dates for project construction?(MonthNear) [help] • If the project will be constructed in phases or stages, use JARPA Attachment D to list the start and end dates of each phase or stage._ Start date:—toy zzcN End date: _�f�l�/S ❑ See JARPA Attachment D 6g. Fair market value of the project, including materials, labor, machine rentals, etc. hel PJ 6h. Will any portion of the project receive federal funding? [help] • If yes, list each agency providing funds. ❑ Yes '4No ❑ Don't know Part--Wetlands: Impacts and Mitigation L Check here if there are wetlands or wetland buffers on or adjacent to the project area. (If there are none, skip to Part 8.)LbeM 7a. Describe how the project has been designed to avoid and minimize adverse impacts to wetlands. tel ❑ Not applicable 7b. Will the project impact wetlands? hel ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Don't know DARPA Revision 2012.2 Page 6 of 14 7c.Will the project impact wetland buffers? hel ❑ Yes JI No ❑ Don't know 7d. Has a wetland delineation report been prepared? hei • If Yes,submit the report, including data sheets,with the JARPA package. ❑ Yes i No 7e. Have the wetlands been rated using the Western'Washiington or Eastern Washington Wetland Rating System? hel • If Yes,submit the wetland rating forms and figures with the JARPA package. ❑ Yes ❑ No rl Don't know 7f. Have you prepared a mitigation plan to compensate for any adverse impacts to wetlands? Lbpjpj • If Yes,submit the plan with the JARPA package and answer 7g: • If No,or Not applicable,explain below why a mitigation plan should not be required. ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Not applicable 7g. Summarize what the mitigation plan is meant to acconjplish, and describe how a watershed approach was used to design the plan. �] 71h. Use the table below to list the type and rating of each wetland impacted,the extent and duration of the impact, and the type and amount of mitigation proposed. Or if you are submitting a mitigation plan with a similar table, you can state (below)where we can find this information in the plan. hel Activity (fill, Wetland Wetland Impact Duration Proposed Wetland drain, excavate, Name' type and area (sq. of impact3 mitigation mitigation area flood, etc.) rating ft. or type (sq. ft. or category2 Acres) acres) if no official name for the wetland exists,create a unique name(such as"Wetland 1"). The name should be consistent with other project documents,such as a wetland delineation report. 2 Ecology wetland category based on current Western Washington or Eastern Washington Wetland Rating System.Provide the wetland rating forms with the JARPA package. 3 Indicate the days,months or years the wetland will be measurably impacted by the activity.Enter"permanent'if applicable. °Creation(C),Re-establishment/Rehabilitation(R),Enhancement(E),Preservation(P), Mitigation Bank/In-lieu fee(B) Page numbers) for similar information in the mitigation pla�ifava�Ilable-.�_ DARPA Revision 2012.2 Page 7 of 14 7i. For all filling activities identified in 7h, describe the source and nature of the fill material, the amount in cubic yards that will be used,and how and where it will be placed into the wetland. he} I 7j. For all excavating activities identified in 7h, describe the excavation method,type and amount of material in cubic yards you will remove, and where the material will be disposed. [Lei) Part 8—Waterbodies (other than wetlands): Impacts and Mitigation In Pa "waterbodies" refers to non-wetland waterbodies. (See Part 7 for information related to wetlands.) hel Check here if there are waterbodies on or adjacent to the project area. (If there are none, skip to Part 9.) 8a. Describe how the project is designed to avoid and minimize adverse impacts to the aquatic environment. hel l ❑ Not applicable ka n W,�, lee e( i s Ce yi +Y—P I,e ( l s �•ou e�' �f f o�,.-.o( l v�r n -er- 4v �t a b 15, 5✓c h '�� h0-� 64vsC 5/1�- or S��',z,e,,�- 4v em4e� iwa4rhvc . 8b. Will your project impact a waterbody or the area around a waterbody? to ❑ Yes X No JARPA Revision 2012.2 Page 8 of 14 8c. Have you prepared a mitigation plan to compensate for the project's adverse impacts to non-wetland waterbodies? h[�el • If Yes,submit the plan with the JARPA package and answer 8d • If No,or Not applicable,explain below why a mitigation plan st ould not be required. ❑ Yes X* No ❑ Not applicable 8d. Summarize what the mitigation plan is meant to accomplish. Describe how a watershed approach was used to design the plan. • If you already completed 7g you do not need to restate your an wer here. [help] � , a� ®r �1DVJ E',rr Be. Summarize impact(s)to each waterbody in the table below. [Lel Activity (clear, Waterbody Impact Duration Amount of material Area (sq. ft. or dredge, fill, pile name' location of impact3 (cubic yards) to be linear ft.) of drive, etc.) placed in or waterbody removed from directly affected f waterbody y IT If no official name for the waterbody exists,create a unique name(such as"Stream 1")The name should be consistent with other documents provided. z Indicate whether the impact will occur in or adjacent to the waterbody. If adjacent,provide the distance between the impact and the waterbody and indicate whether the impact will occur within the 100-year flood plain. 3 Indicate the days,months or ears the waterbodywill be measurablyim acted b the work. Enter"permanent"if applicable. 8f. For all activities identified in 8e, describe the source a d nature of the fill material, amount(in cubic yards) you will use, and how and where it will be placed into the waterbody. hell l 644—c*k Cvt--W- n.1 rOGrL rt'v r pvs �� �xC JARPA Revision 2012.2 Page 9 of 14 8g. For all excavating or dredging activities identified in 8e, describe the method for excavating or dredging, type and amount of material you will remove, and where the material will be disposed. ,hel .SAuc.l( � /'1� v,�t �I2P bw 171w- IV//I !� IJSF�+ tJ l?�Pnvlti �',c ' /hc 6wrie,((- Lx Ii r- Ieae(, � ►►�� ��e �'It�e wt It bt tJSear 4' d/yS' to X-�f I( Lv l�'I't Sa� ex Ca oc,.4ie� weirs,4-0 n4 l6 4 /✓fq,-fir i 1.41 f�! r.LL �1 S Jp�� (rZ-� Gi. f3Y��i°�r w�r n�'�� Gt���Cr✓P� $i T'c Part 9—Additional Information Any additional information you can provide helps the reviewer(s) understand your project. Complete as much of this section as you can. It is ok if you cannot answer a question. 9a. If you have already worked with any government agencies on this project, list them below. hel Agency Name Contact Name Phone Most Recent Date of Contact 9b. Are any of the wetlands or waterbodies identified in Part 7 or Part 8 of this JARPA on the Washington Department of Ecology's 303(d) List? hel ] • If Yes,list the parameter(s)below. • if you don't know, use Washington Department of Ecology's Water Quality Assessment tools at: http://www.ecy,wa.gov/programs/wq/303d/. ❑ Yes ,K No 9c. What U.S. Geological Survey Hydrological Unit Code(HUC) is the project in? hel j • Go to httg:flcfpub.epa:gov/surf/locate/index cfm to help identify the HUC. -71 ( ©0 I -7 9d. What Water Resource Inventory Area Number(WRIA#) is the project in? LbLeM • Go to hLti?://www.ecy.wa.gov/services/ois/maps/wria/wria.htm to find the'WRIA#. JARPA Revision 2012.2 Page 10 of 14 9e.Will the in-water construction work comply with the State of Washington water quality standards for turbidity? [help] • Go to http//www ecy,wa gov/programs/wq/swgs/criteria.htmI for the standards_ ❑ Yes ❑ No RNot applicable 9f. If the project is within the jurisdiction of the Shoreline Management Act, what is the local shoreline environment designation? hei ; • If you don't know, contact the local planning department. • For more information, go to: http//www.ecy,wa.gov/i)roqpams/sea/sma/iaws rules/173-26/211 designations,html. ❑ Rural urban ❑ Natural ❑ Aquatic ❑ Conservancy ❑ Other 9g.What is the Washington Department of Natural Resources Water Type? het • Go to http llwww dnr wa gov/BusinessPermits/Topics/ForestP[4cticesApplications/Pages/fp watertyping.aspx for the Forest Practices Water Typing System. Shoreline ❑ Fish ❑ Non-Fish Perennial ❑ Non-Fish Seasonal 9h.Will this project be designed to meet the Washington Department of Ecology's most current stormwater manual? h[hel • If No, provide the name of the manual your project is designed to meet. Yes ❑ No Name of manual: 9i. Does the project site have known contaminated sedim t? net • If Yes, please describe below. In ❑ Yes No 9j. If you know what the property was used for in the past, describe below. [Le-IPl Y� j'`C'S 1��.✓t.�l 9k. Has a cultural resource (archaeological) survey been performed on the project area? [tgjpj if Yes,attach it to your JARPA package. KYes ❑ No 5 '� � � SS �c: OCL,,o4 Page 11 of 14 JARPA Revision 2012.2 91. Name each species listed under the federal Endangered Species Act that occurs in the vicinity of the project area or might be affected by the proposed work. LLeM /V0y1 e. V,r10W v\ . 9m. Name each species or habitat on the Washington Department of Fish and Wildllfe's Priority Habitats and Species List that might be affected by the proposed work. [help _ fl. No41e-r'YA Gl 0+4ex ©C,)L t X D cc Pied - ,- [�s- Mak,/a em�� Part 10-SEPA Compliance and Permits Use the resources and checklist below to identify the permits you are applying for. • Online Project Questionnaire at hftp://apps.ea..wa.gov/oi)as/. • Governor's Office for Regulatory Innovation and Assistance at(800) 917-0043 or help(cD-ora.wa.gov. • For a list of addresses to send your JARPA to, click on agency addresses for completed JARPA. Fompliance with the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). (check all that apply.) hel For more information about SEPA,go to www.ecv wa aoy/programs/sea/sepa/e reviewhtml. A copy of the SEPA determination or letter of exemption is included with this application. A S PA determination is pending with A. xl I (lead agency). The expected decision date is I am applying for a Fish Habitat Enhancement Exemption. (Check the box below in 1Ob.)This project is exempt (choose type of exemption below). ❑ Categorical Exemption. Under what section of the SEPA administrative code (WAC) is it exempt? ❑ Other: ❑ SEPA is pre-empted by federal law. JARPA Revision 2012.2 Page 12 of 14 10b. Indicate the permits you are applying for. (Check all that apply.) hel LOCAL GOVERNMENT Local Government Shoreline permits: ❑ Substantial Development Conditional Use ❑ Variance ❑ Shoreline Exemption Type (explain): Other City/County permits: ❑ Floodplain Development Permit ❑ Critical Areas Ordinance STATE GOVERNMENT Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife: Hydraulic Project Approval (HPA) ❑ Fish Habitat Enhancement Exemption —Attach Exemption Form Effective July 10, 2012, you must submit a check for $150 to Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, unless your project qualifies for an exemption or alternative payment method below. Do not send cash. Check the appropriate boxes: $150 check enclosed. Check# Attach check made payable to Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. ❑Charge to billing account under agreement with WDFW. Agreement# ❑My project is exempt from the application fee. (Check appropriate exemption) ❑ HPA processing is conducted by applicant-funded WDFW staff. Agreement# ❑ Mineral prospecting and mining. ❑ Project occurs on farm and agricultural land. (Attach a copy of current land use classification recorded with the county auditor, or other proof of current land use.) ❑ Project is a modification of an existing HPA originally applied for, prior to July 10, 2012. HPA# Washington Department of Natural Resources: ❑ Aquatic Use Authorization Complete JARPA Attachment E and submit a check for$25 payable to the Washington Department of Natural Resources. Do not send cash. Washington Department of Ecology: ❑ Section 401 Water Quality Certification FEDERAL GOVERNMENT United States Department of the Army permits (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers): ❑ Section 404 (discharges into waters of the U.S.) ❑ Section 10 (work in navigable waters) United States Coast Guard permits: ❑ Private Aids to Navigation (for non-bridge projects) JARPA Revision 2012.2 Page 13 of 14 Part 11—Authorizing Signatures Signatures are required before submitting the JARPA package. The JARPA package includes the JARPA form, project plans, photos, etc. hel 11a. Applicant Signature (required) help] I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information provided in this application is true, complete, and accurate. I also certify that I have the authority to carry out the proposed activities, and I agree to start work only after I have received all necessary permits. I hereby authorize the agent named in Part 3 of this application to act on my behalf in matters related to this application. ALL. (initial) By initialing here, I state that I have the authority to grant access to the pr ,perty. I also give my consent to the permitting agencies entering the property where the project is loc ed t inspect the project site or any work related to the project. Al. L . (initial) _M Applicant Printed Name I Apolicant Sign ty Dat 11 b. Authorized Agent Signature hel I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information provided in this application is true, complete, and accurate. I also certify that I have the authority to carry out the proposed activities and I agree to start work only after all necessary permits have been issued. Authorized Agent Printed N me Autho ized 4iiat Da 11 C. Property Owner Signature (if not applicant) help] Not required if project is on existing rights-of-way or easements. I consent to the permitting agencies entering the property where the project is located to inspect the project site or any work. These inspections shall occur at reasonable times and, if practical, with prior notice to the landowner. Teaki Er!','ikc L ZZ Property Owner Printed Name P erty Owner Signature D to 18 U.S.0§1001 provides that:Whoever, in any manner within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States knowingly falsifies, conceals, or covers up by any trick, scheme, or device a material fact or makes any false, fictitious, or fraudulent statements or representations or makes or uses any false writing or document knowing same to contain any false,fictitious, or fraudulent statement or entry, shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than 5 years or both. If you require this document in another format, contact the Governor's Office for Regulatory Innovation and Assistance(ORIA)at(800) 917-0043. People with hearing loss can call 711 for Washington Relay Service. People with a speech disability can call(877)833-6341. ORIA publication number: ENV-019-09 rev. 08/2013 JARPA Revision 2012.2 Page 14 of 14 D RE EVE NOV 0 3 2014 CITY OF TACOMA DEPARTMENI OF PUBLIC UTILITIES CEDAR ST. SHORELINE USE PERMIT NO. 265 426 W LAKE CUSHMAN (Dock, Bulkhead, Stairs) Refer No P2013-210/SUP265 2-2 Structure No. City of Tacoma, Department of Public Grantor: Utili ies, Light Division d.b.a. Tacoma Power Joa M. Manke Family, LLC Permittee: Lot 27 and 28 of Lake Cushman No. 2; Adjacent Parcel'(s) Legal Description: within the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 7, Township 23 North, Ran e 4 West, W.M. 42 07-50-00027 Tax Parcel No. s of Adjacent Parcel: Mahon County: __ '44-is of 12019 Permit Expiration Date: Untecorded Tacoma Power Reservoir upercedes and S Replaces St cture Permit No. 2-27 and 2-28 dated Au ust 7, 1987 CONTACT INFORMATION GRANTOR: PERMITTEE: Tacoma Public Utilities Joan M. Manke Family, LLC Real Property Services 826 Fairmont Avenue 3628 South 35'h Street, Shelton,WA 98584-1210 Tacoma,Washington 98409 (253)396-3060 This Shoreline Use Permit ("Permit") made and ehtered into this ji�nay of OF TACOMA, DEPARTMENT PUBLIC 2014 ("Effective Date") by and between the CITY UTILITIES, LIGHT DIVISION (d.b.a. Tacoma Manke)Family,municipal a Washington limited ter referred to as"Tacoma Power, and Joan liability company, hereinafter collectively referred to as "Permittee." RECITALS WHEREAS, Tacoma Power owns, operates, and i naintains the Cushman Hydroelectric Project inclu ing the Premises as defined herein, pursuant and associated reservoirs and real property,to a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission issue d hydroelectric project license («FERC License"), and licies and WHEREAS, pursuant to said FERC License and r use of hydroelectrica Power land use oproject eservoir procedures, Tacoma Power Issues land use permits for shoreline areas, and Page 1 of 17 Permittee Initials: Shoreline Use Permit No.265 (, Form Date:8/5/13 U fl WHEREAS, the FEIRC License allows Tacnc a the t a purposes of protecting and areas only if the proposed use and occupancy is con ist nt with enhancing the scenic, recreational, and other environmental values of the project. WHEREAS, Permittee desires to use a specified portion of said reservoir shoreline area for the structure, improvement, or use as specified in this Permit, and WHEREAS, Tacoma Power is willing to grant permission to Permittee to access and use a portion of its real property for the specified structure, improvement, or use strictly as specified the terms in this Permit and issue Permittee a real property license to use said real property p and conditions specified herein. WITNESS&H NOW THEREFORE:, the Parties, for and in o si followsion of the mutual benefits and covenants herein contained, do hereby mutually agree 1. LICENSE. A. Grant of License/ Description of Premises. Tacoma Power does hereby grant to the Permi a limited, non-exclusive, revocable permission to use the following described Premi es for the Permitted Use defined herein subject to the terms and conditions specified he ein: The lake and shoreland from the lake level to the 742-foot contour elevation (Cushman ed in Volume 6 of Datum) adjacent to Lots 27 and 28, Plat of Lake Cushman No. 2, recorded ton, and located Plats, pages 85 through 87, inclusive, records of Mason County, Washington, between the Southerly extensions of the West lisle of said Lot 27 and East line of said Lot 28, to a lateral distance of 35 feet into Lake Cushman from said 742-foot contour. Note: Said Lots 27 and 28 are legally combined through Declaration of Parcel Combination dated March 29, 1995 and recorded March 31, {1995 under Auditor's file no. 605326 in Mason County, Washington. For reference purposes of this description U.S.(D.S. benchmark"J-32" in the top of Cushman Dam equals elevation 741.50 feet(Cushman Datum). The Premises herein described is shown on Exhibit A(attached). B. Purpose. i. Permitted Use. Tacoma Power permits the Premises to be used by the Permittee only for the express purpose of: Concrete bulkhead (5.5—7 foot varying height)along the length of the property line (Lots 27 and 28) e 2 of 17 Permittee Initials: Pa Shoreline Use Permit No.265 9 Form Date:8/5/13 24'-Y long x 8'-2" wide fixed dock with iminum ladder. Fixed dock is supported by (6)6x6 wood posts anchor d in concrete pier blocks and has wood slats on all sides for debris protect Dn (Lot 27) 10'-2" x 16'-Y wood floating dock anchored on its east and west sides by a metal pipe with concrete footing (Lot 27) Concrete stairs from top of wall to lakebed Construction, nstallation, use an maintenance of the fixed dock and floating dock, ibit A and Exhibits B-1 and B-2 attached hereto bulkhead, and stairs as depicted in Exh and by this reference incorporated herein. This Permit replaces and superced 2 unrecorded Iu st Reservoir 1 g8 Structure Permit No. 2-27 and Reservoir Structure Permit No ii. Recreational Use. This Shoreline Use Permitlis granted for recreational and other purposes as defined and authorized by RCW 4.2I4.210. use of the Premises or chNo Other Use Is Per duseethe eof withotit p or wrmittee shall make no ritten approval of Tcoma Power. ange or enlarge Perm ttee's C. No Property Rights Are Granted. This Shoreline Use Permit does not convey any fright, title, or interest in real property or in the above described Premises.The permission oranted by this Permit is only a license in real property. D. Special Conditions. 1. This Permit is authorized and permitted under Tacoma Power's Prior Existing Use policies. The Permitted Use herein that does not comply with current Tacoma Power requirements related to improvements is authorized only to the extent they comply with Tacoma Power's Prior Existing Use policies, "Prior Existing Uses" (also called Grandfathering) are uses of Tacoma Power real property established prior to current policy requirements that Tacoma Power is v illing to authorize under certain conditions specified by policy. 2. Existing Dock Removal Lot 28 of Plat of Lake Cushman No. 2). Permittee shall remove the existing unpermitted dock structure associated with said Lot 28 of Plat of Lake Cushman No. 2 within eighteen (18) ionths following Permit issuance otherwise this Permit will automatically terminate. No materials associated with the removal of the dock may be abandoned within the FERC boundary of the Cushman Hydroelectric Project and must be removed. 3. Bulkhead F,eplacement (Lot 28). Permit uthorizes the replacement of the existing (failing) bulkhead adjacent to Lot 28. The new section of concrete bulkhead must be placed within the same footprint as the exi ing (failing) bulkhead. No materials associated with the removal of the existing (failing) bulkhead or the construction of the Page 3 of 17! Permittee initials: Shoreline Use Permit No.265 9 Form Date:8/5/13 replacement bulkhead may be abandoned wit in the FERC boundary of the Cushman Hydroelectric Project and must be removed. 2. DEFINITIONS. The following capitalized terms shall have the spec led meanings throughout this Permit. A.Adjacent Parcel: The real property that is adj cent to the Premises and is owned, leased, or licensed by Permittee. B. FERC: The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. C. Permit: This Shoreline Use Permit document which grants a real property license as described and authorized herein. D. Permit Extension: An additional extension of an existing permit per Section 3.C. E. Permitted Use: The permitted use of the Premises as detailed in Section 1.B. F. Premises: The Tacoma Power real property s defined in Section 1.A. for which Tacoma Power has granted permission to use per the to s and conditions of this Permit. G. Project Lands: Lands included in the project boundary of a ved which the FERC�cen se ex license erts authority. license application issued by the FERC and o H. Shoreline Property: The real property owned by Tacoma Power both upland of and adjacent to the applicable high water line and a ending below the high water line, including the beds of the reservoirs that have been identiflIed by Tacoma Power as being eligible for certain types of Shoreline Uses. I. Shoreline Use: The installation of any permaiient or temporary structure or improvement, the placement of any object, the establishment of any prolonged use or activity, the conducting of any organized event, and/or any action that disturbs the ground or vegetation on Shoreline Property owned or controlled by T coma Power. J. Shoreline Use Permit: This Permit document which grants the real property license described and authorized herein. K. Term: The time period specified in Section �.A. during which a Shoreline Use Permit is authorized. L. Utility Systems: The poles, conduits, cond tors, wires, structures, facilities, equipment, devices, and all other items, that Tacoma Pow r uses or owns as part of its generation, transmission, and distribution of electrical ener y including any facilities that are required in the license for fish, recreation or wildlife. Shoreline Use Permit No.265 - r� Page 4 of 17 Permittee Initials Form Date:8/5/13 3. PERMIT PERIOD. A. Term. The period of this Permit and the permission and license granted herein shall be effective for 5 ( a five year period beginning on the Effective Date. )Y B. Termination for Failure to Start Construction of Authorized Improvement or Structure. Any construction authorized herein must be initia d within eighteen (18) months following Permit issuance otherwise this Permit will autom tIcally terminate. Permittee must notify Tacoma Power in writing within thirty(30) days o initiating construction in order to avoid automatic Permit termination. C. Permit Extension. A Permit Extension may, at Tacoma Power's solo discretion, be issued for additional, consecutive petods not to exceed five (5)years per extension, if all permit conditions and uses remain unchanged and all permitted structures and/or improvements are in compliance with the terms and conditions of this Permit. Permittee must submit an extension request and applicable fee to Tacoma Power no later than ninety(90) days before permit expiration. A mandatory site inspection will be required for all Permit Extensions. 4. FEES AND COSTS. A. Tacoma Power Fees. Permittee shall pay all fees and charges specifi d in and in accordance with Exhibit C "Shoreline Use Specifications and Permitting GL idelines" (see Appendix D: Permit Application Fee Schedule) attached. B. Permittee Assumes all Costs. Permittee hereby expressly assumes all costs associated with this Permit and/or costs arising in connection with the use and improve ent of the Premises permitted hereunder.All costs, expenses, and responsibilities for the construction, installation, operation and maintenance of the permitted structure(s) and/or improvement(s), including the expense of obtaining all necessary federal, state and local ermits or approvals, shall be borne solely by Permittee. Tacoma Power shall not be respons le for any such costs, whether or not presently known or contemplated. C. Permittee to P'ay Costs to Enforce Conditions of Permit. Permittee agrees to reimburse Tacoma Power for any costs (including reasonable attorney's the terms and ons of this fees)that Tacorna Power may incur in mburse Tacoma Power for alldamages to Tacoma Power it. Power property Permittee shall reimburse resulting from any violation of this Permit. Page 5 of 17I Permittee Initials: Shoreline Use Permit No.265 9 Form Date:815/13 5. NO WARRANTY. Tacoma Power does not warrant its authority to per it the above described Permitted Use and Permittee shall secure any other rights that are needed for Permittee's lawful use of the Premises. 6. TACOMA POWER'S RIGHTS. A. Tacoma Power May Impact or Damage Permittee's Structure or Improvement. Tacoma Power in the course of operating its Utility Systems, including controlling the water levels in the reservoirs, may damage any permittd use, improvement, or structure installed by Permittee. Permittee assumes the risk of its limited use rights and Tacoma Power's paramount rights. Permittee shall be responsible for the costs and expenses in repairing or restoring said use, improvement, or structure. B. Tacoma Power May Require Permittee to Move or Modify Permitted Use or Improvements. Permittee shall promptly move or modify the Per itted Use, including any structures or improvements, at Permittee's expense upon noti a from Tacoma Power should Tacoma Power determine that said use, structures, or improvements interfere or conflict with Tacoma Power's operations. Should Permittee fail to move or modify said structures or improvements as directed in any notice from Tacoma Power, Permittee shall be considered in violation of this Permit and Tacoma Power may move, modify, or remove said structure or improvements and terminate this agreement as allowed and specified in Sections 20 and 21 herein. C. Tacoma Power May Prescribe Additional Rules and Regulations. Tacoma Power reserves the right at any time to,prescribe additional rules and regulations for the use, conduct, and maintenance of the Premises that may impact the Permitted Use under this Permit. Tacoma Power will endeavor to give notice to Permittee within sixty(60) days of the adoption or approval by Tacoma Po er of any such additional rules and regulations. 7. USE AND CONTROL OF THE PREMISES. A. The Permitted Use is Subordinate to Tacoma Power's Paramount Rights. Permittee hereby acknowledges that the primary purpose and use of the Premises is the use, operation, and maintenance of Tacoma Pc wer's FERC licensed hydroelectric project. The permission granted herein is subordinate to and subject to the paramount right of Tacoma Power to use the Premises and Proje Lands, and nothing herein shall prevent Tacoma Power from using the Premises or Pro ect Lands or affect its right to full supervision and control over the Premises and Project Lan as. Shoreline Use Permit No.265 Page 6 of 17 Permittee Initials: Form Date:8/5113 B. Permit Non-Exclusive. This Permit is non-exclusive, and shall not prohibi Tacoma Power from granting other permits for use of the Premises of like or other na ure to 8. OWNERSHIP OF IMPROVEMENTS. A. Ownership of Removable Structures/ improvements. i. As used in this Section 8.A. "Removable Structures/ Improvements" means any permitted structure or improvement that can be removed without impacting Tacoma Power's real property as determined by Tacoma Power. Most permitted Shoreline Structures/ Improvements are considered removable. ii. Permittee agrees and covenants that any existing Removable Structures/ Improvements covered under this Permit that were not built by C r do not belong to Tacoma Power and any future Removable Structures/Improvements that Tacoma Power permits to be built by said Permittee, or its agents, on the Premises, shall n t belong to Tacoma Power upon the termination (or etxpiration) of this Permit. Said Removable Structures/Improvements shall be owned by Permittee and authorization for their p sence and use on the Premises can only be transferred to new owners/lessees of the Adjacent Parcel with written authorization from Tacoma Power pursuant to Section 19, "Change of Ownership and Transferability." B. Ownership and Disposition of Permanent Structures/ Improvements. i. As used in this Section 8.13., "Permanent Stru ures/Improvements" means any permitted structure or improvement that is attached to Tacoma Power real property and Tacoma Power determines that its removal would impact said real property. ii. Upon termination or expiration of this Permit, I ermittee shall follow Tacoma Power directives relating to or regarding the disposition,of any existing Permanent Structures/ Improvements that are located on the Premises and that were not built by or do not belong to Tacoma Power and any Permanent Structures/Improvements that Tacoma Power permitted to be built by Permittee on the Premises. Tacoma Power's directives may include directions to remove said improvements and restore the Premises, directions to bring the improvement into compliance with Tacoma Power policies, or any other directive at the discretion of Tacoma Power. 9. LIMITATIONS ON PERMITTED USE. The Permitted Use is subject to and governed by(policies, regulations, agreements, and uses as specified in this Section 9. A. The Permitted Use is Subject to Policies, Procedures, and Regulations. This Permit and the Permitted Use authorized under this Permit shall be governed by and subject to: Shoreline Use Permit No.265 Page 7 of 17 Permittee Initials: Form Date:8/5/13 e i. all applicable Tacoma Power shoreline and la d use Policies and procedures including but not limited to Exhibit C, Shoreline Use Specifications and Permitting Guidelines, which may be updated and modified from time to time; ii. the FERC issued license for the Tacoma Power hydroelectric project referenced above; and iii. the provisions, regulations, or requirements of any federal, state, local, or other regulatory agency having jurisdiction over Tacoma Power's hydroelectric system, lands, or reservoirs or jurisdiction over aquatic and shoreline areas which are currently in effect or which may come into effect. B. The Permitted Use is Subject to Other Agreements. This Permit and the Permitted Use authorized upper this Permit shall be subject to, subordinate to, and limited by any prior, concurrent, subsequent, or future agreements related to the Premises entered into by Tacoma Power with any third party including, but not limited to, any federal, state, or local agency. C. The Permitted Use is Subject to Tacoma Power's Use of Premises and Utility System. This Permit and the Permitted Use authorized u er this Permit shall be at all times subservient to and subject to Tacoma Power's u e, construction, operation, and maintenance of-the Premises and its Utility Syst ms, and the Permitted Use shall not at any time or in any manner interfere therewith. Permit ee hereby acknowledges and agrees that Tacoma Power shall not be liable to Permittee or to any guests on account of Tacoma Power's use, construction, operation, and maintenance of the Premises and its Utility Systems. 10. PERMITTEE'S GENERAL OBLIGATIONS. A. Permittee shall Cooperate with Federal, State, and Local Agencies. Permittee shall cooperate fully with the federal, state, and county departments of fish, wildlife, or other departments preserving and me intaining wildlife, energy, ecology, or the environment and shall, at all times, give access o said departments and employees for the purpose of making studies or performing other duties in connection with said endeavors. B. Permittee Must Personally Supervise Permi�ted Use. Permittee, its successors and assigns, shall personally supervise and direct the conduct, operation, and maintenance of the Permitted Use of the Premises granted herein. C. Nuisances Prohibited. Permittee will, at all times, maintain the Premisels in an orderly manner; will not engage in or permit any illegal, offensive, or dangerous trade business or occupation to be parried on the Shoreline Use Permit No.265 Page 8 of 17 Permittee Initials: Form Date:8/5/13 Premises; and will not create or permit any nuisanl a to exist or allow the Premises to be used for any immoral or unlawful purposes. D. Permittee's Waste and Storage Requirements, The Permittee shall keep Tacoma Power property and water occupied by and surrounding the permitted uses, structures and/or improveme4 s free of all waste, garbage and other unsightly debris and materials. E. Permittee Must Obtain All Necessary Permits. Permittee must determine which permits or approvals are necessary from all relevant federal, state, or local agencies prior to use of or construction in shoreline and fresh water areas. Before any use of or construction in said shoreline and fresh water areas, Permittee shall obtain all such permits and approvals and shall provide Tacoma Power with written evidence of said approvals and copies of permits.. 11. PERMITTEE'S CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTE ANCE OBLIGATIONS. A. Construction Requirements of Permitted Str ctures or Improvements. Construction of the structure(s) or improvements(permitted herein shall be as depicted in the Exhibits, attached hereto, and shall meet the conditions as described in this Permit. If Tacoma Power determines that the construction standards described in the Exhibits conflict with the construction standards stated in Exhibit C, Shoreline Use Specifications and Permitting Guidelines, the standards set forth in Exhibit C shall prevail. B. Permittee Shall Affix an Identification Plate tip Display Permit Numbers. The structure number(2-15) shall be displayed n an identification plate, with at least three- inch (Y) high black numbers/letters on white ba ground, affixed to permitted structure so as to be clearly read from the water side. C. Permittee's Obligation to Maintain the Premises, Structures, and Improvements. i. General Obligation. Permittee shall at all ti es maintain its structures, improvements, uses, associated wildlife habitat conditions, ancl the Premises subject to this Permit, in a clean, neat and safe manner, as determined b Tacoma Power, at Permittee's expense and according to the specifications described this Permit. ii. Regular Maintenance/Minor Repairs.This Permit authorizes regular maintenance of permitted structures or improvements without written consent as necessary to remain in compliance with the Permit terms. Regular maintenance shall be limited to maintenance and repair of an existing improvement that does not alter the structure's original permitted design, dimensions, materials or purpose. The repair or maintenance may not exceed the replacement of 50 percent (50%) of the original structure within a five (5)-year period as determined by Tacoma Power. Shoreline Use Permit No.265 Page 9 of 17 Permittee Initials: Form Date:8/5113 No ground disturbing activities are allowed with t written approval from Tacoma Power. Permittee is responsible for meeting all applicable laws, codes, ordinances, regulations, and guidelines for any repairs, including the use of appropriate materials as outlined herein. If changes in design or dimension are required to meet other regulations, then Permittee must contact Tacoma Power prior to conducting the activity. iii. Major Repairs. Major repairs of permitted structures or improvements are not allowed without written authorization from Tacoma Power. Major repairs consist of replacement of more than 50 percent(50%)of existing permitted shoreline structures/improvements within a five (5) year period as determined by TacomaPower or alteration of a structure's original permitted design, dimensions, materials or purpose. 12. HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES. A. Permittee is Prohibited from Storing or Disposing of Hazardous Substances on the Premises. No goods, merchandise, or material shall be produced, stored, sold, or disposed of on the Premises, which are in any way toxic, explosive or hazardous. B. Permittee Liability for Remediation. Permittee shall be liable for the remediation requ red due to the use of any hazardous substance on the Premises resulting from Permi ee's use of said Premises. C. Permittee's Indemnification Obligation. Permittee shall indemnify and hold harmless Ta ma Power with respect to any and all damages, costs, attorney fees, and penalties ari ing from the presence of such hazardous substances on the Premises, except for such su stances as may be placed on the Premises by Tacoma Power. 13. ENVIRONMENTAL AND CULTURAL RESOURCES. A. Permittee's Prevailing Obligation. Permittee is obligated to use the Premises in a manner that is environmentally and culturally sensitive. B. Permittee's Use of Pesticides Restricted. Permittee shall not use pesticides and fertilizers,on the Premises, unless authorized in writing by Tacoma Power. C. Ground Disturbing Activities Restricted. No ground disturbing activities are allowed on the Premises without written aLAhonzation Shoreline Use Permit No.265 Page 10 of 17 Permittee Initials: Form Date:8/5/13 from Tacoma Power. D. Cultural Resources Survey Required. Permittee acknowledges that surveys for cultural resources are required on all Tacoma Power property included in this Permit where ground-disturbing activities have been authorized pursuant to section 13.0 herein. This includes digging, grading, and pounding of posts. Permittee must contact Tacoma Power in advance of any such activity. Tacoma Power will coordinate the Cultural Resources su y, and Permittee shall pay the applicable fees specified in Exhibit C"Shoreline Use Specifi tions and Permitting Guidelines" (see Appendix D: Permit Application Fee Schedule) an follow any directives from Tacoma Power that result from said survey. 14. PROHIBITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS. A. Interference with Tacoma Power's Operations is Prohibited. Permittee shall not damage or interfere with Tacoma Power's operations or use of the Premises or its Utility System. B. Commercial Activity is Prohibited. Permittee may not engage in commercial activity on Tacoma Power property or otherwise charge a fee for the use of the Premises by others. C. Removal of Vegetation Is Prohibited. Removal of trees, shrubs, natural growth vegetation (including grass)within the Premises or on any Tacoma Dower property beyond what is pecified in Exhibit C is not authorized. Removal of any vegetation from Tacoma Power roperty that is not specified in this Permit is not allowed unless the removal has first been pproved in writing by Tacoma Power. D. Restriction on Machinery and Vehicles. No motor vehicles are allowed on the Premises. qo machinery or apparatus shall be used or operated on the Premises, which will in any way impact the Premises; provided, however, that nothing in this paragraph shall preclude Per nittee from bringing, keeping, or using on or about the Premises such motor vehicles, materi Is, supplies, equipment, and machinery as specified in this Permit or as allowed by current horeline use standards and policies. 15. ACCESS TO PERMITTED PREMISES. Permittee shall grant access to Tacoma Power representatives to enter/cross the Adjacent Parcel for inspection and evaluation of Premises. 16. PUBLIC USE OF PROPERTY. Shoreline Use Permit No.265 Page 11 of 17 Permittee Initials: Form Date:8/5/13 In connection with the ownership, construction, operation or maintenance of the permitted structure(s) and/or improvement(s), no attempt shad be made by Permittee to forbid the full and free use by the public of Tacoma Power prope y or any waters at or adjacent to the permitted structure(s) and/or improvement(s), or to reasonably interfere with land or water- based recreation. 17. DANGEROUS OBSTACLES WARNING. A. Permittee's Acknowledgement of Receipt of WARNING. Permittee acknowledges receipt of a WARNING toat this reservoir contains tree stumps, snags, submerged trees, and other similar hazar� near the surface of the water, at the water's edge and extending out from the shore w ich are or may be submerged below the surface. Due to the fluctuating water surface level, these dangerous obstacles may be close to the surface and not easily visible. Boating, swi ming, water skiing, diving and other similar water activity is hazardous in areas where these dangerous obstacles are near the water surface. Therefore, these activities should Ilie conducted with extreme caution. B. Permittee Agrees to Warn Others. Permittee agrees to provide this warning to all guests, family, friends and other invitees of Permittee who may engage in any water activitie$. 18. INDEMNIFICATION. Permittee agrees, as a condition of this Permit an J in consideration of being granted this Permit, to defend, indemnify and hold harmless T coma Power, its officers and employees, from and against all loss or expense, including bu not limited to,judgments, settlements, attorney's fees and costs by reason of any and al claims and demands upon Tacoma Power's elected or appointed officials or employe s for damages because of personal or bodily injury, including death, at any time resultin therefrom, sustained by any person or persons, or on account of damage to property, in luding loss of use thereof, arising out of or in consequence of the use of the Premises and p rmitted improvements thereon by any person or in consequence of any activity related or arising out of this Permit or permitted use of said Premises, excepting only loss occasi ned by the sole negligence and/or willful misconduct of officers, employees or agents of T coma Power acting within the scope of their responsibilities and incurred by third parties. In this regard, Permittee and its contractors acknowledge that they may be waivi g immunity under Title 51 R.C.W., Industrial Insurance Law, and also acknowledge that this p ovision has been mutually negotiated. 19. CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP AND TRANSFER BILITY. A. Permit Benefactor. Unless an exception applies pursuant to Tacoma Power policy, this Permit is hereby reserved to the owner of the Adjacent Parcel herein described as shown on Exhibit"A" (attached) and to Permittee herein named, and is not transferrable to any subsequent owners/lessees ,of the Adjacent Parcel. Shoreline Use Permit No.265 Page 12 of 11 Permittee Initials: . Form Date:8/5113 B.New Owner or Lessee Application. A new owner or lessee of the Adjacent Parcel ma apply for a permit to authorize the Permitted Use defined herein. Said application m y be accepted or rejected at the discretion of Tacoma Power pursuant to its applicable policies and procedures. Upon request of Permittee and payment of appropriate fees, Tacoma Power will conduct a compliance inspection of the Premises and improvement and ittee's use, improvements,thand structuresis Permit. d inspection will be to determine whether the Pe remain compliant with the Permit and applicable Tacoma Power policies or identify what Lions need to be made to bring the use, imrovements, and structures back into corrections compliance. C. Notification of Sale/Transfer of Real Property. Permittee shall notify Tacoma Power, in writing, prior to a sale or the Adjacent a Adjacent Parcel and this Permit will terminate upon the sale or transfer1 New permit requests received by a subsequent caner/les withi f n for notedive (n5)day tfrom r m the date of sale or transfer will be charged a reduced applicationAppendix D: Permit "Shoreline Use Specifications and Permitting Guidelines" (see Application Fee Schedule). If additional users, structure(s) and/or improvement(s) are requested with the ownership transfer, a new Permit application will be requirEd with applicable fees. 20. PERMIT VIOLATIONS. A. Notice of Violation. Tacoma Power shall provide Permittee written otice via mail or hand-delivery of any violations of this Permit. Permittee shall have forty-five (45)days from receipt of said notice to abate the violation. B. Tacoma Power May Remove Permittee's Structures or Improvements. Permittee here'oy acknowledges and agrees that if Permittee violates any conditions of this Permit or, upon termination of this Permit pm, ma Power, Tacoma Power has ther cection 21, fails to remove anyited r right to structures, or improvements as directed y o remove any Permitted Use, improvement, ors ucture without obligation to Permittee or liability for damage or destruction of any of Perlmittee's property including the Permitted Use, structure, or improvement. 21. CANCELLATION AND/OR TERMINATION OF PERMIT. A. Termination by Tacoma Power. Permittee expressly acknowledges that the permission granted herein is a limited, non- exclusive, revocable permission to use the Premises as authorized, and therefore Tacoma Page 13 of 17 Permittee Initial Pa s. Shoreline Use Permit No.265 9 Form Date:8/5/13 Power may revoke said permission and terminate this Permit at any time with or without cause. B. Termination by Permittee. This Shoreline Use Permit may be terminated by Permittee without cause following receipt of written notice mailed by certified mail to Tacoma Power. C.Vacation of Premises. Permittee agrees to peaceably vacate said Premises at the termination of this Permit, and to remove any improvements and restore Premises as directed by Tacoma Power. D. Permittee Responsible for Improvements. Upon termination of this Permit, Permittee shall retain responsibility of the permitted improvements associated with the Premises per$ection 8 (ownership of Improvements) until the improvement(s) is/are removed from the Premises and the Premises restored to its original condition, the improvement(s) is/are pernlitted to a new owner or lessee of the Adjacent Parcel, or Tacoma Power has accepted',in writing the abandonment of the improvement(s) on the Premises. E. Liability for Permittee's Failure to Maintain I provements. In the event that Permittee fails to maintain any permitted structure(s) and/or improvement(s), Permittee shall remove any structure(s) and/or improvement(s)within forty- five (45) days of notice from Tacoma Power and estore Premises as directed by Tacoma Power. Upon nolJce and removal this Permit sha be terminated. If Permittee fails to complete removal and restoration to the satisfac on of Tacoma Power, Permittee agrees that Tacoma Power may do so and recover the Cost from Permittee. F. Automatic Termination. This Permit will terminate upon the sale, transfer or termination of Permittee's ownership or upon said sale, transfer, or termination, fails to rlease of the Adjacent Parcel. Permittee hereby knowledges and agrees that if Permittee, move any Permitted Use, structures, or improvements, as directed by Tacoma Power, or a new owner or lessee of the Adjacent Parcel fails to obtain a Shoreline Use Permit for the Permitted Use, structure, or t improvement, Tacoma Power has the right to re ove any Permitted Use, improvement, or structure without obligation to Permittee or liabili y for damage or destruction of any of Permittee's property including the Permitted Use, structure, or improvement. G. Unauthorized Use of Tacoma Power Property. Permittee agrees and acknowledges that its unauthorized use of any Tacoma Power property may result in immediate termination of this Permit and the imposition of a moratorium on future Permits to Permittee. Shoreline Use Permit No.265 Page 14 of 17 Permittee Initials: Form Date:8/5/13 H. Termination for Use of Premises by Tacoma Power. In the event it should become necessary for Taco a Power to make use of said Premises in connection with the operation of its Utility Systems to such an extent as to necessitate discontinuance of the use thereof by Permittee, TE coma Power may terminate this Permit by giving Permittee written notice of such termination] same to be given not less than forty-five (45) days prior to the date of termination. 1. Failure to Start Construction of Authorized Improvement or Structure. This Permit will automatically terminate per the provisions of Section 3.13. herein for failure to initiate construction within eighteen (18) months of Permit issuance. 22. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. Other than the restrictions, directions, and guidance of Tacoma Power's policies, procedures, and guidelines related to the use of shoreline area 5, this Shoreline Use Permit constitutes the entire agreement and understanding of the parties and supersedes all discussions and other agreements between the parties. There are no rer resentations or understandings of any kind not set forth herein. Notwithstanding anything to ft e contrary in this section, Tacoma Power policies, regulations, and procedures will apply to and govern the terms and conditions and the permission granted by this Permit. Any amendments to this Permit must be in writing and executed by both Parties. 23. GOVERNING LAW. This Permit shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. 24. ENFORCEABILITY. Parties agree that if any provisions are deemed not enforceable, they shall be deemed modified to the extent necessary to make them enforceable. 25. EXHIBITS. All Exhibits referred to herein or attached hereto are incorporated herein for all purpose 26. MUTUAL NEGOTIATION. Permittee acknowledges that this Permit has bee mutually negotiated. 27. SURVIVAL. The following sections will survive the termination of this Permit and remain enforceable against Permittee after termination: Sections 8, 12, 18, 20, 21, 23, 24, and 27. Shoreline Use Permit No.265 Page 15 of 1 Permittee Initials: Form Date:8/5/13 � IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have executed this instrument at ��.^�X1�(1 County, Washington, on behalf of Joan M. Manke Family, LLC said Washington limited liability company having caused its company name to be hereunto sub cribed and affix and these presents to be ecuted by its Sole Manager thereunto duly auth rized, this day of ) 2014. JOA iVl. MANKE FAMILY, LLC f� Joan M. Manke, ole a ager -a�� STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Joan M. Manke is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledgec that she signed this instrument, and on oath stated that she was authorized to execute the ir strument and acknowledged it as the Sole Manager of Joan M. Manke Family, LLC to be the fr 'e and voluntary act and deed of such company for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated this day of ( 2 14 Place Notary Seal in Box AAAAAAAAAAAA Notary Public a >� for the State KUSERLY J.PALLER of Washington NOTARY PUBLIC Residing in STATE OF WA%4WTON i�OMMISSION EXPIRES My Commission Expires AME 19 2D17 IN vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvVV Shoreline Use Permit No.265 Page 16 of 17 Form Date:8/5/13 Dated this day of 201 Approved: P6wer Superintendent Accepted: Authorized and Approved: Z� L lein�eration Manager Patural esources Manager Reviewed: Form A proved: �&, rMe Wilnager Deputy City Attorney Reviewed i S�lrve --- Shoreline Use Permit No.265 Page 17 of 17 Form Date:8/5/13 i City of Tacoma - Department of Public Utilities — Real Property Services Reservoir Structure Pe it No.265 PREMISES Adjacent to Lot 27 and 28, Plat of Lake Cushmarli No.2; within the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 7,Town*hip 23 North, Range 4 West,W.M. in Mason County,Wsishington ra .ft a CL Q. i N Potlatch Drive N ff�. dArm Plat of Lake *+ Cushman No. 2 t AT ► � 'i 742' ,...... Contour Dock Concrete +�. Bulkhead PREMISES LAKE CUSHMAN NOT TO SCALE REAL PROPERTY SERVI ES ILLUSTRATION This illustration is not to scale. it is provided las a customer convenience Exhibit A Reference No. to assist in identifying significant characteristics of the installation. No P2013-210 DJB liability is assumed by reason of eliance hereon. i City of Tacoma - Department of Public U ilities — Real Property Services Reservoir Structure Pe mit No.265 DOCK-TOP (PLAN)VIEW Adjacent to Lot 27 and 28, Plat of Lake Cushman No. 2; within the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 7,Township 23 North, Range 4 West,W.M. in Mason County,Wsishin ton ALL -r,rn —7z is c'�oe"eG 7e ll�e t� AU, ONc.�.t& "" FC'ot'ee4 lest . 14O 1'jt Aa. (A�5rMT c A'1' 01 of I � �. NOT TO SCALE _ N 1•. 0 414-1 'i qq Z vim? a 'I _ I REAL PROPERTY SERVI ES ILLUSTRATION �/ This illustration is not to scale. It is provided las a customer convenience Exhibit B- 1 Reference No. to assist in identifying significant characteri$tics of the installation. No P2013-210 DJB liability is assumed by reason of reliance hereon. N uj ch x U) w 4) C41 -;�—N 1- 1 1 U -Z "t, .=-4 ZI > U) 4. 1 1: a) W 0 3 r. CL Z V; 2 0 'ai'6 M C 4) Lo 0 r U) LL, z o > (D E 0 > 6i z , 8 z o CL ca E E (n Z� to r- = > > E cr co Lo 4) Lij = 0 > r m uj U) wo Z 4, ui m CL 2 w c 6 *- a .% 0 02 m 0. 16� U) LL40 --4 W v 0 4- M '-T. vl,. CL 4" ik r 0 . Z. 0 NIS ai CL ,—o E 4 t C4 C v .2 Z6 IQ .2 ca o 0 nO E U) vi 0 4- 0 Wo 0 T- C4 A CM ce. 0. RECEIVED DEC 0 2 2014 Mason County Building Department 426 W. CEDAR STg P O Box 279 Shelton WA 98584 Lamphear Construction, LLC �. Attn: Mr. Marc Lamphear,Agent 2635 LaCrosse Way Shelton, WA 98584 2 U.S. Department of Commander 915 Second Ave.,Rm 3510 United States Coast Guard Seattle,WA.98174-1067 Homeland Security : Thirteenth District Staff Symbol:dpw ! Phone:(206)220-7270 United States * Fax:(206)220-7265 Coast Guard 16518 NOV 2 0 2014 Manke Family, LLC 826 Fairmount Avenue Shelton, WA 98584 Dear Madam or Sir, I am writing in regards to a Washington State Joint Aquatic Resources Permit Application Form (JARPA) (Ref: Manke Family LLC Bulkhead), which was received by this office that discusses the permitting of a preexisting bulkhead on Lake Cushman in Mason County,Washington. Please be aware that Lake Cushman is considered s4te waters and not within the jurisdiction of the United States Coast Guard for the purposes of nWigation. Therefore I have no jurisdiction over the permitting of your bulkhead. If you have any questions contact my representative Mr. Timothy Westcott at(206) 220-7285 or d 13-pf-paton@uscg.mil. Sincerely,', M.L. SC IP Lieutenar t Commander,U.S. Coast Guard Chief, Waterways Management Branch Copy: Building Department, Mason County, Washington Lamphear Construction, LLC, Agent Wessen&Amdates ARCHAEOLOGICAL, SERVICES 15028 24th Avenue SW Seattle,Washington 98166 gvewssen@aol.com Phone/Fax 206 241-8142 17 January 2014 Ms. Kyrra Wilson Tacoma Power 3628 South 351h Street P. O. Box 11007 Tacoma,Washington 98411-0007 RE: Invoice for an Archaeological Survey of the Manke Bulkhead and Dock Project Area, Cushman Hydroelectric Project, Mason County,Washington Dear Kyrra: Greetings, I hope that all is well with you As I'm sure that you are aware, I just sent you an elevtronic copy of the report of my archaeological survey of the Manke Bulkhead and Dock Project Area at the Lake Cushman Reservoir in Mason County. I visited this project area on the 9th of January 2013. No evidence of archaeological materials was observed. As such, I have concluded that the proposed construction work at this location will not adversely impact potentiall significant archaeological resources. Monitoring is riot needed in this case. Please consider that this letter is an invoi for that job. The invoice includes background research, fieldwork, and report prepa-ation. Note that I conducted several other survey inspections in the Lake Cushman an a that day and so I have split the travel time and mileage among these jobs. A breakdown of the present billing is as follows: Gary Wessen, Ph.D. 4 hours @ $88/hour $352.00 Mileage 38 miles @ $0.56/mile $21.28 for a grand tot it of$373.28. Please forward this amount at your earliest convenience. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about my activities or this billing. Respectful) , A7 . Gary C. W ssen,Ph.D., RPA a .