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2023/05/08 - Briefing Packet
MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONER BRIEFING INFORMATION FOR THE WEEK OF May 8, 2023 In the spirit of public information and inclusion, the attached is a draft of information for Commissioner consideration and discussion at the above briefing. This information is subject to change, additions and/or deletion, and is not all inclusive of what will be presented to the Commissioners. Please see draft briefing agenda for schedule. CoU���� . 1854 ♦�` �u`"ri BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DRAFT BRIEFING MEETING AGENDA 411 North Fifth Street, Shelton WA 98584 Week of May 8, 2023 Monday Noon WA State Association of Counties Zoom Meeting* Virtual Assembly Monday,May 8, 2023 Commission Chambers Times are subject to change,depending on the amount of business presented 9:00 A.M. Closed Session—RCW 42.30.140(4)Labor Discussion 10:00 A.M. Hood Canal Communications—Mike Oblizalo 10:10 A.M. WSU Extension—Kela Hall-Wieckert 10:15 A.M. Support Services—Mark Neary 10:50 A.M. Public Works—Loretta Swanson Utilities&Waste Management Commissioner Discussion—as needed Friday,May 12, 2023 Mason County Public Works 100 W Public Works Drive Shelton,WA 98584 Times are subject to change,depending on the amount of business presented 7:30 A.M. Economic Development Council Legislative Update* *A quorum of the Mason County Commission may attend this event,notification is being provided per Mason County Code Chapter 2.88.020. Commission meetings are live streamed at hlW://www.masonwebtv.com/and public commented is accepted via email msmith@masoncountywa.gov;mail to Commissioners Office,411 N 5'Street, Shelton, WA 98584;or phone at(360)427-9670 ext.419. If you need to listen to the Commission meeting via telephone,please provide your telephone number to the Commissioners' office no later than 4 p.m.the Friday before the meeting. If special accommodations are needed,contact the Commissioners'office at Shelton(360)427-9670 ext.419 Briefing Agendas are subject to change,please contact the Commissioners' office for the most recent version. Last printed 05/03/23 at 1:45 PM C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Kela Hall-Wieckert Ext. 592 Department: WSU Extension Briefing: 0 Action Agenda: ❑ Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): May 8,2023 Agenda Date: Click or tap here to enter text. Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Risk (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item• Grant Questionnaire for Washington State Noxious Weed Control Board's Fiscal Year(FY)2024 Class A and B Designate Noxious Weed Eradication Program Background/Executive Summary: The Mason County Noxious Weed Control Board would like to submit a proposal for funding from the Washington State Noxious Weed Control Board's Class A and B Designate Noxious Weed Eradication Program to continue ongoing perennial pepperweed control efforts in 2024. An amount of$5,000 would be requested to cover costs of contracted services from a conservation corps crew scheduled for May or June 2024. Budget Impact(amount, funding source,budget amendment): A project-level request in the amount of$5,000 of 2024. Match contributions are not required for this grant but makes proposals more competitive. MCNWCB will match in-kind contributions of the program coordinator's salary. Public Outreach (news release, community meeting, etc.): N/A Requested Action: Approval to submit the request for proposal to the Washington State Noxious Weed Control Board's Fiscal Year(FY)2024 Class A and B Designate Noxious Weed Eradication Program. Attachments FY24 Class A and B Designate Noxious Weed Eradication Program RFP Grant Questionnaire FY24 Class A and B Designate Noxious Weed Eradication Program Request for Proposals Washington State Noxious Weed Control Board GENERAL INFORMATION Posted Date: Monday April 3rd, 2023 Due Date for Proposals: Fri, May 12111, 2023 Funding Instrument Types: Interagency Agreement or Purchased Service Contract AGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION Washington State Noxious Weed Control Board - Attn: Mary Fee P.O. Box 42560; 1111 Washington Street; Olympia, WA 98504 Phone: (360) 561-4428 Email: MFee(@LigL.wzt.gov FUNDING OPPORTUNITY DESCRIPTION The Washington State Noxious Weed Control Board (WSNWCB) is soliciting proposals for projects to eradicate Class A and B Designated Noxious Weeds in the State. Up to $15,000 may be available this fiscal year, which ends June 30, 2024. The WSNWCB has set a maximum request amount of$5000. Proposals to eradicate plants listed as Class A Noxious Weeds (as listed in WAC 16-750-005) or Class B Noxious Weeds Designated for control by the state (as listed in WAC 16-750-011) are eligible if they include the required proposal elements. All proposals must adhere to the principles of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) as described in RCW 17.15. ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS AND REQUIREMENTS o County Noxious Weed Boards, County Noxious Weed Programs, and County Noxious Weed Districts o Representation at the May 251i noxious weed board meeting either in person or WebEx is required. o Projects will only be funded for control efforts to include herbicide purchase, equipment costs, crew-time and/or contractors. Surveying in-conjunction with control will be considered. Survey only projects will not be funded. o Projects with landowner participation will be ranked higher than those that do not have landowner participation. o Projects with matching funds from other entities will be ranked higher than those that do not have matching funds. County match is greatly encouraged. o The intent is to eradicate class A noxious weed species or class B designated species that are very limited distribution. I 1 Mason County Grant Questionnaire Date: 05/01/2023 Department: Mason County Noxious N I Contact Person: Kela Hall-Wieckert I) Name of the grairt/program: WA State Noxious Weed Control Board Class A and B Designate Noxious Weed Erb 2) New grant B Renewing grant ❑ Term: (#of years) 3) Is the grant unchanged and does not require Current Expense funding? Yes ❑ No ® (If"yes"please skip to number 24) July 1st 2023 - June 31st, 2024 (To be used in 2024 - PLR in 2024 budget). 4) How will this grant benefit the County's constituents? MCNWCB has controlled perennial pepperweed (Class B Designate) along north Hod 5) Is this a program grant or an equipment grant? Program Grant 6) Is this a "one-time only" grant or is it renewable? If renewable, how long is the grant anticipated to last? One-Time Only 7) If this is a new grant, how will the grant support a current program or how will the program change? WA State Dept. of Natural Resources has provided a WA Conservation Corps the pad 8) Does this grant require upfront funding?Yes 8 No ❑ If yes, what is the source of the upfront funds needed to cover costs prior to initial and continuing reimbursements being received? Project-Level Request of$5,000 9) How many employees,new or current,will be paid by the grant? 0 a. If this grant requires new hire(s) and the grant ends, how will unemployment costs be funded? n/a 10) Will the grant require matching funds? (i.e. in-kind, cash, Employment Security, Social Security, PICA, PERS,etc.?)Yes ® No ❑ pg. 1 I If so,what? While NOT a requirement, MCNWCB intends to utilize the program coordinator's salt 11) Would the grant allow for an annual COLA in salary, increase in medical insurance premiums, or increases in any personnel benefits?Yes ❑ No ❑ n/a 12) If required, what fund would support the cash match? WSU Extension- Noxious Weeds #001.000000.010.003 (Program coordinator's sal% 13) If required, what is the TOTAL cost of the match over the life of the grant? $1,800 14) What fund would support the administration of the grant? WSU Extension - Noxious Weeds #001.000000.010.003 (Program coordinator's salt 15) Will the grant allow for the County cost allocation plan to be funded?Yes ❑ No R 16 Would the rant require h g qu e the County to provide office space and/or additional equipment to administer the program? If so,what are the requirements? no 17) Would the program require use of a County vehicle or personal vehicle?Yes B No ❑ County vehicle usage 18) If so,would the grant provide for the cost of the vehicle and/or liability insurance?Yes ❑ No B 19) Would the grant require activities by other County departments? (i.e. legal review, technology services assistance, new BARS numbers, etc.)Yes ® No ❑ If so,what are the activities? Legal & Risk Management review of contract, new BARS numbers. 20) Would acceptance and completion of the grant project obligate the County, in any way, to create or enact a new Ordinance or policy?Yes ❑ No 8 If so, what are the obligations? i 21) Does this grant project include any activities that may fall outside of the County's standard policies such as personnel policies on travel,hours of work, training requirements, reimbursement for meeting refreshments, paying for meeting space, etc.? no pg. 2 22) Will outside consultants be solicited to work on the grant,if so is a process n place for the appropriate selection and oversight of the consultant activities? Yes A No ❑ If so,what is the funding source for consultant fees? WA State Conservation Corps Crew 23) For a program grant,how would the program be funded after the grant expires? (It should be understood that once grant funding ends, either the program ceases or the funding for the program needs to be absorbed within the department's existing budget orjustification must be provided that the program has been and will continue to save or benefit taxpayers.) Follow-up control activities will be completed by County funded coordinator or other 24) Please attach a synopsis of the grant or a copy of the fact sheet. Please feel free to submit additional information as needed: Official signature of the requesting department: 20- 00 Ala�a0a3 Elected Official/671rent Head Date Approved by: Chair,Board of County Commissioners Date i pg. 3 �r�ON CO& Mason County Administrator 411 N 5th Street Shelton, WA 98584 (360) 427-9670 ext. 419 Mason County Commissioner Briefing Items from County Administrator May 8, 2023 Specific Items for Review Move from Zoom to Microsoft Teams platform for Commissioner briefings/meetings—Diane Zoren Personnel Policy updates—Mary Ransier Motor Pool—Jennifer Beierle Update on American Rescue Plan Act funds—Jennifer Beierle Environmental report for 126 W Kneeland Street—Mark Neary Administrator Updates Commissioner Discussion C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Diane Zoren/TJ Cannon Ext. 747 Department: Support Services Briefing: Action Agenda: ❑ Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): May 8,2023 Agenda Date: Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ® Information Technology ❑ Other (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item• Moving from Zoom to Microsoft Teams platform for County virtual meetings Background/Executive Summary: Mason County moved to Microsoft 365 in 2022 which includes Microsoft Teams. One of Teams features is videoconferencing and IT is recommending we not renew our Zoom license and move to Teams. The I.T. Steering Committee has reviewed this recommendation and concurs. Budget Impact(amount, funding source,budget amendment): Save the$4,500 annual Zoom license fee. Public Outreach (news release,community meeting, etc.): I.T.will send out notification to County departments and offices and virtual meeting information/links will be updated on the County website. Requested Action: Approval to move from Zoom to Microsoft Teams platform for County virtual meetings. Attachments N/A C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Mary Ransier Ext.422 Department: Human Resources Briefing: ❑X Action Agenda: ❑X Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): May 8,2023 Agenda Date: May 9,2023 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑X Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Risk (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item• Draft updates to Personnel Policy to Add Section 3.6 Probationary Periods and Correct Overall Grammar Background/Executive Summary: Human Resources has updates to assist the Board in the coordination of county administrative and personnel programs and follow guidance from the Risk Pool. Changes and additions are necessary at this time to reflect best practices, clarification of what is currently practiced, and ensure the document is organized and updated appropriately. Budget Impact(amount, funding source,budget amendment): N/A Public Outreach (news release,community meeting, etc.): N/A Requested Action: Approval of the Resolution amending Resolution 2023-023 to add Section 3.6 Probationary Periods to the Mason County Personnel Policy and to correct overall grammar issues. Attachments Personnel Policy Resolution RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION 2023-11 MASON COUNTY PERSONNEL POLICY, TO ADD, REMOVE, AND UPDATE LANGUAGE IN THE PERSONNEL POLICY MANUAL AND MASON COUNTY CODE WHEREAS, it is the responsibility of the Board of Mason County Commissioners for the coordination of county administrative programs, which is accomplished through the adoption of the Personnel Policy; and WHEREAS, it is necessary and appropriate to make the following changes: • Addition of Section 3.6 Probationary Periods • Overall grammar edits Chapters 1-17 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Mason County Commissioners hereby amends Resolution 2022-087 Mason County Personnel Policy to include the updates above. This resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage. ADOPTED THIS day of BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON ATTEST: Sharon Trask, Chair McKenzie Smith, Clerk of the Board Randy Neatherlin, Commissioner APPROVED AS TO FORM 01 Kevin Shutty, Commissioner T-rm-othy ite ea , Deputy Prosecuting Attorney co 1854 MASON COUNTY PERSONNEL POLICIES Revised F Ma9, 2023 -Resolution No. 2023-044xx Table of Contents Chapter 1—Purpose and Scope 1.1 Introduction.......................................................................................11 1.2 Intent of Policies ...............................................................................................................................11 1.3 Scope of Policies................................................................................................................................11 1.4 Changing These Policies....................................................................................................................11 1.5 Definitions.........................................................................................................................................12 DepartmentHead: ..............................................................................................................................12 Regular Full-Time Employee: ..............................................................................................................12 RegularPart-Time Employee: .............................................................................................................12 ExtraHelp Employee:..........................................................................................................................12 ContinuousService: ............................................................................................................................12 Chapter 2—General Policies and Practices.................................................................................................13 2.1 Employee Personnel Records............................................................................................................13 2.2 Employment Verification ..................................................................................................................13 2.3 Employee Badge Policy.....................................................................................................................13 2.3.1 Definitions..................................................................................................................................13 2.3.2 Requirements.............................................................................................................................13 2.3.3 Procedure...................................................................................................................................14 2.3.4 Identification Holder Responsibilities........................................................................................14 Chapter3—Recruiting and Hiring...............................................................................................................15 3.1 Recruiting..........................................................................................................................................15 3.2 Hiring.................................................................................................................................................15 3.2.1 Screening....................................................................................................................................15 3.2.2 Examinations..............................................................................................................................15 3.2.3 Applicant Travel .........................................................................................................................16 3.2.4 Veteran's Preference .................................................................................................................16 3.2.5 Employee Selection....................................................................................................................16 3.2.6 Moving Expenses .......................................................................................................................16 3.3 Extra Help Employees .......................................................................................................................16 3.4 Employment of Relatives (Nepotism)...............................................................................................17 3.4.1 Change in Circumstances...........................................................................................................17 3.5 Promotions........................................................................................................................................17 Mason County Personnel Policy Page 2of114 Chapter 4— Hours and Attendance ........................................................................................................1919 4.1 Working Hours..............................................................................................................................1919 4.2 Hours of Work and Overtime........................................................................................................1918 4.2.1 Non-Exempt Employees.........................................................................................................1938 4.2.2 Exempt Employees.................................................................................................................1938 4.3 Compensatory (Comp)Time.........................................................................................................1938 4.3.1 Comp Time Use......................................................................................................................2019 4.3.2 Maximum Accruals.................................................................................................................2019 4.3.3 Comp Time Upon Transfer.....................................................................................................2019 4.4 Attendance....................................................................................................................................203r9 4.5 Emergency Closures......................................................................................................................212-A 4.5.1 County Office Closure Procedure...........................................................................................21--A 4.6 Breaks and Mealtime....................................................................................................................2224 4.6.1 Purpose and Overview...........................................................................................................232-2- 4.6.2 Procedures.............................................................................................................................23_L2 4.6.3 Reasonable Amount of Time to Express Milk or Breastfeed (Lactation Time)......................232-2- 4.6.4 Private and Secure Rooms to Express Milk or Breastfeed (Lactation Room)........................232-2 4.6.5 Employee Responsibilities......................................................................................................242-3 4.6.6 Education and Support ..........................................................................................................242-3 4.6.7 Anti-Discrimination, Harassment, or Retaliation...................................................................242-3 4.6.8 Employee Notification............................................................................................................242-3 4.7 Call Back........................................................................................................................................252-4 4.8 Payroll Records..............................................................................................................................252-4 Chapter5—Compensation .....................................................................................................................262-5 5.1 Salary Classification and Grades ...................................................................................................2625 5.2 Employee Pay Rates......................................................................................................................262-5 5.2.1 Pay Adjustments ....................................................................................................................2625 5.2.2 Lead Pay.................................................................................................................................2625 5.2.3 Out of Class Pay......................................................................................................................272-6 5.2.4 Transfers and Promotions......................................................................................................272-6 5.3 Longevity.......................................................................................................................................272-6 5.3.1 Definitions..............................................................................................................................272-6 Mason County Personnel Policy Page 3of114 EligibleEmployees ..........................................................................................................................272-6 5.4 Reclassification..............................................................................................................................282-6 5.5 Paydays .........................................................................................................................................282-7 5.6 Deductions....................................................................................................................................28-7 5.7 Compensation Upon Separation...................................................................................................29-8 5.8 Uniform Allowance.......................................................................................................................29-2-8 5.9 Personnel Action Policy.................................................................................................................302-9 5.10 Career Incentive Pay Policy.........................................................................................................3130 5.10.1 Definitions............................................................................................................................3130 Licensure.........................................................................................................................................3130 Professional Certification................................................................................................................3139 CertificationProgram......................................................................................................................32-3-1 Chapter6— Benefits................................................................................................................................3554 6.1 Retirement Benefits......................................................................................................................3554 6.2 Workers' Compensation ...............................................................................................................3554 6.2.1 Workers' Compensation Leave..............................................................................................35-34 6.2.2 Coordination of Benefits........................................................................................................35-34 6.3 Health Insurance Benefits.............................................................................................................36--5 6.4 Continuation of Insurance Coverage ............................................................................................368-5 6.5 Unemployment Compensation.....................................................................................................368-5 Chapter7—Leaves..................................................................................................................................3736 7.1 Vacation Leave..............................................................................................................................378b 7.2 Sick Leave......................................................................................................................................38-37- 7.2.1 Eligibility Requirements .........................................................................................................383-7 7.2.2 Exempt from Eligibility...........................................................................................................38-3-7 7.2.3 Leave Accrual .........................................................................................................................383-7 7.2.4 Accrual Year...........................................................................................................................3988 7.2.5 Carryover of Paid Sick Leave Hours........................................................................................3988 7.2.6 Family Member Defined ........................................................................................................3988 7.2.7 Authorized Uses of Paid Sick Leave........................................................................................39-39 7.2.8 Increments of Use for Paid Sick Leave...................................................................................4140 7.2.9 Rate of Pay When Using Sick Leave .......................................................................................4140 Mason County Personnel Policy Page 4of114 7.2.10 Reasonable Notice for Use of Sick Leave.............................................................................4140 7.2.11 Foreseeable Absence...........................................................................................................424-1 7.2.12 Unforeseeable Absence.......................................................................................................424-1 7.2.13 Verification for Absences Exceeding Three Days.................................................................4244 7.2.14 Unreasonable Burden or Expense for Verification ..............................................................4342- 7.2.15 Abusing Sick Leave May Receive Discipline .........................................................................4342- 7.2.16 Sick Leave Coordinated with Workers' Compensation........................................................4443 7.2.17 Shared Leave........................................................................................................................4443 7.2.18 Sick Leave Cash-Out.............................................................................................................4443 7.2.19 Separation from Employment..............................................................................................4544 7.2.20 Reinstatement of Employment............................................................................................4544 7.2.21 Payroll ..................................................................................................................................4544 7.2.22 Retaliation Prohibited..........................................................................................................464-5 7.3 Leave without Pay.........................................................................................................................464-5 7.4 Jury and Witness Leave.................................................................................................................464-5 7.5 Administrative Leave.....................................................................................................................464-5 7.6 Military Leave................................................................................................................................4746 7.7 Family Leave..................................................................................................................................4746 7.7.1 Substitution of Paid Leave .....................................................................................................474g 7.7.2 Advance Notice and Medical Certification ............................................................................484-7 7.7.3 Periodic Reporting..................................................................................................................484-7 7.7.4 Health Insurance....................................................................................................................4847 7.7.5 Other Insurance .....................................................................................................................4847 7.7.6 Couples Employed..................................................................................................................484-7 7.8 Bereavement Leave ......................................................................................................................4949 7.9 Washington Paid Family and Medical Leave Act ..........................................................................4949 7.9.1 Premiums...............................................................................................................................4949 7.9.2 Eligibility and Use...................................................................................................................5049 7.9.3 Returning from Leave.............................................................................................................5049 7.10 Washington State Long Term Care Trust Act"WA Cares" Compliance......................................5049 7.11 Holidays.......................................................................................................................................5049 7.12 Holidays for Reasons of Faith or Conscience..............................................................................51§A Mason County Personnel Policy Page 5of114 7.13 Benefits for Part-Time and Extra Help Employees......................................................................525-1 Chapter 8—Employee Responsibilities and Conduct .............................................................................53- 2 8.1 General Code of Conduct..............................................................................................................535-2 8.2 Workplace Safety and Violence Prevention..................................................................................535-2 8.2.1 Definitions..............................................................................................................................535-2 UnsafeAct.......................................................................................................................................535-2 Actsof Violence: .............................................................................................................................535-2 Workplace:......................................................................................................................................54-53 Memberof the Public:....................................................................................................................54-53 8.2.2 Responsibilities ......................................................................................................................5453 8.3 Outside Employment and Conflicts of Interest.............................................................................5655 8.4 Reporting Improper Governmental Action...................................................................................5756 8.4.1 Definitions..............................................................................................................................5756 8.4.2 Procedure for Reporting Improper Government Action .......................................................581-1,7 8.4.3 Procedure for Seeking Relief Against Retaliation ..................................................................58-57 8.4.4 Policy Implementation...........................................................................................................5958 8.4.5 Prohibition of Intimidation and Nondisclosure......................................................................59§8 8.5 Political Activities..........................................................................................................................5959 8.6 No Smoking Policy.........................................................................................................................5958 8.6.1 Definitions..............................................................................................................................60151�4 PublicAreas:....................................................................................................................................60� Smoking:..........................................................................................................................................605-9 Vape: ...............................................................................................................................................605-9 CountyProperty:.............................................................................................................................601-1-9 8.6.2 No Smoking Signs and Removal of Ashtrays..........................................................................601-1-9 8.7 Personal Possessions and Electronic Communications ................................................................6169 8.8 Use of County Equipment.............................................................................................................6160 8.9 Bulletin Boards..............................................................................................................................6160 8.10 Contact with the News Media ....................................................................................................6160 8.11 Solicitations.................................................................................................................................6264 8.12 Safety..........................................................................................................................................62664 8.13 Substance Abuse.........................................................................................................................6264 Mason County Personnel Policy Page 6of114 8.14 Discipline/Corrective Action .......................................................................................................6362 8.15 Using Position for Personal Gain.................................................................................................6362 Chapter9—Separation ...........................................................................................................................6564 9.1 Layoff.............................................................................................................................................6564 9.2 Resignation....................................................................................................................................6564 9.3 Retirement....................................................................................................................................6564 9.4 Offboarding...................................................................................................................................6564 Chapter 10—Complaint Procedures.......................................................................................................6665 10.1 Complaint Procedures.................................................................................................................6665 Chapter 11— Educational Assistance......................................................................................................6766 11.1 Introduction................................................................................................................................6766 11.2 Objective.....................................................................................................................................6766 11.3 Procedures..................................................................................................................................6766 Chapter 12— Equal Employment Opportunity .......................................................................................6968 12.1 Purpose.......................................................................................................................................6968 12.2 Policy...........................................................................................................................................6969 12.3 Prohibition of Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation......................................................6969 12.3.1 Definitions............................................................................................................................6969 12.4 Employment of Persons with Disabilities ...................................................................................706-9 12.5 Employee Responsibilities ..........................................................................................................706-9 12.6 Supervisor/Manager Responsibilities.........................................................................................706-9 12.7 County Responsibilities...............................................................................................................7170 12.8 Complaint Procedures.................................................................................................................7170 Chapter 13—Vehicle Use Policy..............................................................................................................72-74 13.1 Vehicle Use and Scope................................................................................................................72-74 13.2 Definitions...................................................................................................................................72-74 13.3 Assignment of County Vehicles...................................................................................................737-2 13.4 Qualified Non-Personal Use Vehicles..........................................................................................747-3 13.5 Emergency Responses.................................................................................................................757-4 13.6 Special Equipment Vehicles........................................................................................................757-4 13.7 Economic Benefit to the County.................................................................................................757-4 13.8 Temporary Take-Home Vehicle Assignment...............................................................................767-5 Mason County Personnel Policy Page 7of114 13.9 Board of County Commissioners' Responsibilities......................................................................767-5 13.10 Budget Management Responsibilities......................................................................................767-5 13.11 Department Heads and Elected Officials' Responsibilities.......................................................767-5 13.12 Sheriff's Office Responsibilities.................................................................................................77-7�6 13.13 Employee's Responsibilities......................................................................................................787�7 13.14 Financial Services—Payroll Responsibilities.............................................................................787-7 13.15 Drivers License and Insurance Requirements...........................................................................787-7 13.16 Use of Personal Vehicles for County Business..........................................................................797-8 13.17 Use of County Vehicles for Personal Business..........................................................................797-8 13.18 Incidental Travel and Stops.......................................................................................................7938 13.19 Political Use of County Vehicles................................................................................................8079 13.20 Use of County Vehicles by Other Individuals............................................................................807-9 13.21 Permitted and Prohibited Uses of County and Personal Vehicles for County Business...........807-9 13.22 Vehicle Use Agreement (VUA)— Request for Driving Record...................................................8199 13.23 Driver Disqualification and Review...........................................................................................8291 13.24 Accidents and Citations.............................................................................................................8284 13.25 Commercial Driver License .......................................................................................................8383 13.26 County Vehicle Related Purchases............................................................................................8383 13.27 ER&R Vehicles Fuel Policies and Fuel Credit Card Uses............................................................8392 13.28 Motor Pool Repairs and Preventative Maintenance ................................................................8383 13.29 Repairs and Preventative Maintenance....................................................................................8483 13.30 General Motor Vehicle Safety...................................................................................................8483 13.31 Safety........................................................................................................................................8483 Chapter14—Travel.................................................................................................................................8694 14.1 Travel Expense Reimbursement .................................................................................................8694 14.2 Per Diem (Meal Reimbursement) ...............................................................................................8785 14.2.1 Single Day Per Diem.............................................................................................................8785 14.2.2 Per Diem While in Overnight Travel Status..........................................................................8785 14.2.3 Per Diem Three Hour Rule ...................................................................................................8785 14.3 Advance Travel............................................................................................................................8785 14.4 Special Circumstances.................................................................................................................8785 14.5 Lodging........................................................................................................................................8896 ILMason County Personnel Policy Page 8of114 14.6 Transportation ............................................................................................................................888g Chapter 15— Electronic Information Acceptable Use Policy..................................................................9098 15.1 Electronic Information Policy......................................................................................................9089 15.2 Definitions...................................................................................................................................9099 15.3 Roles and Responsibilities...........................................................................................................9089 15.4 Equipment and Programs ...........................................................................................................9189 15.4.1 Acquiring Hardware and Software.......................................................................................9189 15.4.2 Complying with Copyright and Licensing.............................................................................9189 15.4.3 Using Personally Owned Software.......................................................................................9189 15.5 E-Mail and Voice Mail (Electronic Communication) ...................................................................9189 15.5.1 Acceptable Use ....................................................................................................................9189 15.5.2 Prohibited Use......................................................................................................................9189 15.5.3 Encryption............................................................................................................................9189 15.6 E-Mail Management ...................................................................................................................9290 15.6.1 Policy....................................................................................................................................9290 15.6.2 Definitions............................................................................................................................9394 PublicRecord: .................................................................................................................................93-94 TransitoryRecord:...........................................................................................................................93-94 Non-Record:....................................................................................................................................9394 15.7 Internet Access............................................................................................................................9394 15.7.1 Acceptable Use ....................................................................................................................9394 15.7.2 Prohibited Use......................................................................................................................9492 15.8 Generally Prohibited Uses of Information Resources.................................................................9492 15.9 Monitoring,Auditing, and Inspection.........................................................................................9594 Chapter 16—Social Media Policy............................................................................................................96-94 16.1 Definitions...................................................................................................................................96-94 16.2 Administration of Social Media...................................................................................................979-5 16.3 Mason County Website...............................................................................................................9896 16.4 Social Media Public Records.......................................................................................................9896 16.5 Users and Visitors of Mason County Social Media .....................................................................99-W 16.6 Blogging Policy............................................................................................................................99-W 16.6.1 Procedures.........................................................................................................................10099 Mason County Personnel Policy Page 9of114 16.6.2 Author and Commenter Identification ..............................................................................10199 16.6.3 Ownership and Moderation...............................................................................................10199 16.6.4 Blog Comments and Responses.........................................................................................1019-9 16.7 Facebook Standards Policy .....................................................................................................1024-W 16.7.1 Establishing a Page...........................................................................................................1024-90 16.7.2 Content ............................................................................................................................1024-90 16.7.3 Archive.............................................................................................................................1034-GI 16.8 Twitter Standards Policy.........................................................................................................1034-9I 16.8.1 Content ............................................................................................................................1044-92 16.8.2 Archive .............................................................................................................................1054 3 Chapter 17—Cellular Telephone Policy..............................................................................................1064-94 17.1 Definitions...............................................................................................................................1064-94 17.2 County Owned Cellular Phones ..............................................................................................106104 17.3 Use of Cellular Phones............................................................................................................106104 17.4 Personal Use of Cellular Phones .............................................................................................107105 17.5 Termination of Use of County Owned Cellular Phones..........................................................107395 17.6 Records Retention of Cell Phone Record................................................................................1073-C�5 17.7 Service Billing..........................................................................................................................107445 Chapter 18—Telework Policy .............................................................................................................1091-9-7 18.1 Purpose...................................................................................................................................109447 18.2 Eligibility..................................................................................................................................1094rG7 18.3 Job Responsibilities and Conditions........................................................................................109107 18.4 Telework Site...........................................................................................................................110108 18.5 Computers, Software, Supplies, and Support.........................................................................1101-G9 18.6 Workers' Compensation .........................................................................................................1114r99 18.7 Overtime, Leave, and Compensation......................................................................................1111-019 18.8 Liability....................................................................................................................................111-1-G9 18.9 Inclement Weather.................................................................................................................112149 18.10 Confidentiality.......................................................................................................................112149 Mason County Personnel Policies Adoption Chronology...................................................................113444 Mason County Personnel Policy Page 10of114 Chapter 1 — Purpose and Scope 1.1 Introduction These personnel policies serve as a general guide to the County's current employment practices and procedures. They help employees understand County operations and expectations. These policies also describe County provided compensation and benefits to employees. The County places a high value on employees' and their wellbeing, aims to provide the support necessary to achieve the mission, and make productive contributions to the organization and residents of Mason County When consistent personnel policies are known and communicated to all,the opportunities for greaterjob satisfaction increase. Any questions, comments, concerns, or suggestions please contact an appropriate supervisor, Department Head, or Elected Official. 1.2 Intent of Policies These policies are intended as guidelines and do not constitute a contract,express or implied, or any type of promise or guarantee of specific treatment upon which any employee may rely, or as a guarantee of employment for any specific duration. Although the County hopes an employment relationship will be longterm, either the employee or County may decide to terminate the employment relationship. Unless specific rights are granted to an employee in civil service rules, a collective bargaining agreement, an employment contract,or elsewhere,all employees of the County are considered at-will employees and as such, may be terminated from County employment at any time with or without cause and with or without notice. No supervisor, manager, or other representative of the County other than the Board of County Commissioners, or the Elected Official in the case of their employee, has the authority to enter into any agreement with an employee for employment for any specified period or to make written or verbal commitments contrary to the foregoing. It is the intent and policy of Mason County to utilize best practice and industry standards when implementing personnel policies. 1.3 Scope of Policies These personnel policies apply to all County employees unless exempted in a specific section. In cases where these policies conflict with any provision of the County Code, Civil Service rules and regulations, the provisions of a collective bargaining agreement, or state or federal law,the terms of that law, rule or regulation, or collective bargaining agreement prevail. In all other cases, these policies apply. The non- economic provisions of these policies shall apply to Elected Official's departments unless the Elected Official(s) have adopted policies covering the same subject(s) and filed those policies with the Board of county Commissioners. 1.4 Changing These Policies The County reserves the right to modify these policies at any time. The Board of County Commissioners or the County Administrator may deviate from these policies to achieve the primary mission of serving the citizens of Mason County. Employees may request specific changes to these policies by submitting suggestions to their Elected Official or Department Head. Mason County Personnel Policy Page 11of114 1.5 Definitions Department Head:An employee who reports directly to the Board of County Commissioners or County Administrator and who is responsible for directing one or more departments. Regular Full-Time Employee: An employee who holds a budgeted position and who regularly works a minimum of forty (40) hours a week. Regular Part-Time Employee: An employee who holds a budgeted position and who regularly works less than forty(40) hours a week. Extra Help Employee:An employee who holds a job of limited duration due to special projects, seasonal or abnormal workloads, the absence of a regular employee or emergencies. Appointed Employee:An employee appointed by an elected official in their office. For example, Chief Deputy Treasurer, Chief Deputy Clerk, Chief Deputy Prosecutor, etc. Continuous Service:The most recent period of County employment unbroken by periods of unauthorized absence, separation from employment due to discharge, resignation, retirement, or other reason where the employment relationship has ceased, or periods of layoff twelve (12) months or longer. Mason County Personnel Policy Page 12of114 Chapter 2 — General Policies and Practices 2.1 Employee Personnel Records A personnel file for each employee is kept in the Human Resources Department and/or in the department in which they work. An employee's personnel file contains the employee's name, title and/or position held, department to which the employee is assigned, salary, changes in employment status, training received, performance evaluations, insurance enrollment forms, personnel actions affecting the employee, including discipline, and other pertinent information. Medical information about employees is contained in a separate confidential file. Employees have the right to review their file. An employee may request removal of irrelevant or erroneous information in their personnel file. If the County denies the employee's request to remove the information,they may file a written rebuttal statement to be placed in their file. Personnel files are kept confidential to the maximum extent permitted by law. Except for routine verifications of employment, no information from an employee's personnel file will be released to the public, including the press, without a written request for specific information and notification to the employee. 2.2 Employment Verification Only the Elected Official, Department Head, or Human Resources are authorized to provide employment verifications on current or former County employees to outside employers. Other employees shall refer requests for employment verification to the personnel listed above. Information will be limited to verification of employment and salary unless the employee has completed a written waiver and release. Standardized release forms are available through the Human Resources Department. 2.3 Employee Badge Policy To establish guidelines for the issuance of a photo identification badge to all employees and for the use of badges by employees while representing Mason County in an official capacity to provide a safe and secure workplace for all employees. Employees are expected to fully comply with all provisions of this policy. 2.3.1 Definitions Employee: For the purpose of this policy, staff; embe members shall refer to elected officials,full-time, part-time, extra help, and seasonal employees, including volunteers and interns. Employee ID Badge: The official County ID badge for all employees.The ID badges will identify employees' name, department, and position. Official Capacity: Includes any time while on County property and/or any business where the employee is representing the County.This includes operating any vehicle owned or leased by the County. 2.3.2 Requirements The Human Resources Department will provide all new staff„aembersmembers with a copy of this policy at the time of new employee orientation. All employees are required to wear ID badges at County work Mason County Personnel Policy Page 13of114 areas during official capacity. ID badges are to be prominently worn so the photo is clearly visible to others.The requirement may be temporarily waived at the department's discretion when wearing the ID badge presents a safety issue. However,the employee must always carry the ID badge when acting in an official capacity. Employees are responsible for safeguarding their own ID badge. Any lost or damaged ID badges should be reported immediately to the employee's supervisor, who is responsible for reporting it to Human Resources. 2.3.3 Procedure 1. All employees of Mason County will be issued photo identification, clip, and lanyard upon completion of the ID Badge Request Form. 2. All new employees will have their ID badges made by Human Resources by appointment after completing all required new employee training(First Aid/CPR,CORE Training, IS907 Active Shooter...). 3. Employees will be issued one ID badge. 4. New ID badges will be issued to current employees who receive a transfer, promotion, demotion,etc. to a different department or a name change. An ID Badge Request Form will need to be completed along with the required proof of ICS training if not previously done. 5. Supervisors shall report lost or damaged ID badges to Human Resources. Damaged ID badges shall be returned to the Human Resources Department. A reprint of the original ID badge will be done and sent to the department supervisor. 6. Any lost ID badge that is found should be turned in to Human Resources. 7. Upon separation of employment, an employee must turn in their ID badge to their supervisor. The supervisor will send the ID badge to Human Resources. 8. An employee placed on paid/unpaid administrative leave, or that is out for an extended period on other leave, must turn in their badge to their supervisor until returning to work. 2.3.4 Identification Holder Responsibilities 1. Employees will not lend ID badges to anyone. 2. Do not leave ID badge on dash of vehicle or other locations exposed to extreme temperatures or theft. 3. Do not fold, bend, deface, a'�d=withalter pins, stickers, or decals, or mutilate ID badges. 4. Employees will use ID badges for official Mason County business only. 5. Do not leave ID badges unattended. 6. Employees will Immediately notify their supervisor if their ID badge is lost or missing. (Resolution No. 22-18) Mason County Personnel Policy Page 14of114 Chapter 3 — Recruiting and Hiring Empleyment,Employment practices to include recruitment and hiring will be established by Human Resources.They are based solely on an applicant's ability, merit, qualifications, and competence without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, pregnancy, disability, age, or other protected status by Federal or State statute. 3.1 Recruiting When a position becomes vacant, prior to any posting or advertisement of the vacancy,the Department Head shall review the position, its job description,and the need for such a position.The Department Head will complete the requisition process to fill the position. Approved and budgeted positions will be posted and/or advertised only after #uff�aRthe Human Resources Department and County Administrator have reviewed and approved. Unfunded positions must be briefed to the Board of County Commissioners before posting. County recruitments will include information about pay and other benefits for all postings in accordance with RCW 49.58.100. Interested applicants shall submit a completed application to Human Resources by the designated date prior to being considered for any position. 3.2 Hiring 3.2.1 Screening The County may screen applicants for minimum qualifications and/or subject matter expertise. The Elected Official and Human Resources may decline to move forward with an applicant for specific reasons which may include but are not limited to false statements, used or attempted to use illegal or unethical means to secure an advantage in the application process,failure to reply to inquiries,the applicant arrived late or failed to appear for a scheduled test or interview or expressed lack of interest in the position,failed to provide a completed application packet by the designated date,or improper conduct on the part of the applicant during any examination process. 3.2.2 Examinations The County may administer pre-employment examinations to test the qualifications and ability of applicants, as determined necessary by the County. The County may contract with any agency or individual to prepare and/or administer examinations. Examples of such examinations include requiring applicants/employees to show proof they are authorized to work in the United States, background checks, interviews, written, oral, or physical exercises, reference checks, education verification, disclosure statements, or other valid examination process. Human Resources specifies the nature and content of examinations based upon the advice and information of Elected Officials, Departments, and/or subject matter experts. Applicants for positions in which there are expectations to operate a motor vehicle will be required to present a valid Washington State driver's license with any necessary endorsements. Driving records of applicants may be checked. Applicants with poor driving records, as determined by the County, may be disqualified for employment. Mason County Personnel Policy Page 15of114 3.2.3 Applicant Travel Reasonable expenses incurred by candidates for management level,or hard to fill technical or professional level positions may be reimbursed when such candidates are invited by the appointing authority in writing for personal interviews and approved by the Board of County Commissioners. Expenses will be limited to transportation, ledginglodging, and meals. The transportation reimbursement shall be limited to the amount the County would pay for round trip coach class airfare. The written invitation to the interview shall include an explanation of those expenses that will be reimbursed and the method for claiming reimbursement. 3.2.4 Veteran's Preference In accordance with RCW 73.16.010 Mason County offers Veteran's employment preference to service members claiming such benefit in the hiring process. 3.2.5 Employee Selection The employee requisition and selection process shall be completed before any offer of employment is made. After a contingent offer of employment has been made and prior to commencement of employment,the County may require persons selected for employment to successfully pass a test for the presence of alcohol and/or controlled substances. The offer of employment may be conditioned on the results of the examination. A candidate may be disqualified from consideration if tests reveal use of alcohol and/or controlled substances (other than legally prescribed medications), or if the candidate refuses to be tested. 3.2.6 Moving Expenses At the discretion of the Board of County Commissioners and their advance approval, reasonable moving expenses of a new employee in a management level or hard to fill technical or professional level position may be reimbursed. Such reimbursement shall not exceed $5,000. Moving expenses shall mean the cost of moving household goods, furniture, clothing, and other personal effects of the new employee. To be eligible for reimbursement the new employee must agree in writing to refund to the County such moving expenses if they voluntarily terminate their employment within one (1)year of their hire date. 3.3 Extra Help Employees Elected Officials and Department Heads may use extra help employees to temporarily replace regular employees who are on vacation or other leave, to meet peak workload needs, or to temporarily fill a vacancy until a regular employee is hired. Extra help employees may be hired without competitive recruitment or examination, although all hiring processes must comply with state and federal laws. Extra help employees are eligible for overtime pay and sick leave as required by law. Extra help employees normally do not receive retirement, vacation, health insurance, holidays, or any other benefits during their employment. Extra help employees pay contributions to the Social Security system and to Labor and Industries,as does the County on their behalf. Extra help employees are normally not placed on the state PERS retirement system, although there are a few exceptions based on PERS eligibility criteria, such as those who work over seventy(70) hours per month for five (5) months out of twelve on a long-term basis. Mason County Personnel Policy Page 16of114 3.4 Employment of Relatives (Nepotism) The immediate family, by blood or marriage, of current County employees, Elected Officials and County Commission members will not be employed by the County where: 1. One of the parties would have authority, or practical power, to supervise, appoint, remove, or discipline the other. 2. One party would handle confidential material that creates improper or inappropriate access to that material by the other. 3. One party would be responsible for auditing the work of the other: or 4. Other circumstances exist that might lead to potential conflict among the parties or conflict between the interest of one or both parties and the best interests of the County. Immediate family for the purpose of this section shall include the employee's spouse, registered domestic partner, parent, child, grandchild, brother, sister, father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in- law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, and step relationships. 3.4.1 Change in Circumstances If two employees marry, become related, or are in a relationship and begin sharing living quarters, and in the County's judgment, the potential problems noted above exist or reasonably could exist, only one of the employees will be permitted to stay with the County, unless other arrangements, as determined by the Board of County Commissioners, can be made to eliminate the potential problem. The decision as to which employee will remain with the County must be made by the two employees within thirty (30) calendar days of the date they marry, become related, or begin sharing living quarters. If no decision is made during this time, either employee may be terminated. 3.5 Promotions The County encourages promotion from within the organization whenever possible. All openings will be posted so that employees may become aware of opportunities and apply for positions in which they are interested and qualified. Before advertising a position to the public, Human Resources may choose to circulate a promotional opportunity within the County. The County reserves the right to seek qualified applicants outside of the organization at its discretion. Employees must meet the qualifications for the vacant position to be considered for promotion. Before offering a position,the Employee Selection Process must be completed in accordance with current HR procedures. 3.6 Probationary Periods All newly hired, promoted, and transfer employees will be placed on a probationary period of six (6) calendar months from date of hire. The Employer may discharge a probationary employee with a minimum of one(1) day written notice.The County may extend the six(6) month probationary period up to an additional six(6) months. Mason County Personnel Policy Page 17of114 Mason County Personnel Policy Page 18of114 Chapter 4 — Hours and Attendance 4.1 Working Hours A normal working schedule for regular, full-time employees consists of forty (40) hours each work week. Different work schedules may be established by the County to meet job requirements and provide necessary County services. Each employee's Elected Official or Department Head will advise the employee regarding their specific working hours. 4.2 Hours of Work and Overtime All County positions are designated as either "exempt" or "non-exempt" according to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and Washington Minimum Wage Act regulations. Employees will be informed of their status by the County. For most County employees, the established work period is forty (40) hours within a seven (7) day work week. All personnel are responsible for accurately reporting all hours worked and leave taken using the County process. Employees failing to accurately record time worked and leave taken are subject to discipline. 4.2.1 Non-Exempt Employees Non-exempt employees are entitled to additional compensation, either in cash or compensatory (comp) time off, when working more than the maximum ^misnumber of hours during a work period. All overtime must be authorized in advance by the employee's supervisor. Overtime pay is calculated at one and one-half times (1 %) the employee's regular rate of pay for all time worked beyond the established work period. When computing overtime, time paid for but not worked (e.g., holidays, sick leave, and vacation time), is not counted as hours worked. 4.2.2 Exempt Employees Exempt employees are not covered by the FLSA or Washington Minimum Wage Act overtime provisions and do not receive either overtime pay, or comp time in lieu of overtime pay. Exempt employees who are absent from work shall use paid leave time or have their salaries reduced for the following types of absences: • FMLA leave. • Participation in political activity. • Outside employment, subject to approval; or • Other activities that would be in violation of the Conflict-of-Interest Policy if conducted during regular work hours. A Partial day of absence of four (4) hours or more (half the employee's regular workday for an employee working less than a full FTE). (Resolution No. 89-19) 4.3 Compensatory (Comp) Time Non-exempt employees entitled to overtime pay may request comp time off in lieu of cash payment.This is approved on a case-by-case basis by the supervisor. The County is not required to grant comp time Mason County Personnel Policy Page 19of114 instead of overtime pay. If the comp time option is exercised and approved,the employee is credited with one and one-half(1%) times the hours worked as overtime. 4.3.1 Comp Time Use Employees may use comp time within a reasonable time after making a request to their supervisor, unless doing so would unduly disrupt County operations. Comp time should be used for shert absences from work during times mutually agreed to by the employee and their supervisor. 4.3.2 Maximum Accruals Maximum accruals of comp time shall not exceed forty (40) hours for regular employees unless a higher limit has been authorized in writing by the Board of County Commissioners. After maximum accrual, overtime compensation shall be paid by the appointing authority's department. Comp time cannot be rolled over, and the allowed forty(40) hours of accrued comp time must be used by the end of each year. If the employee does not use all their accumulated comp time, they will receive a payout for the unused comp time on the December 25 payroll check. 4.3.3 Comp Time Upon Transfer Unused comp time is nontransferable.When an employee is transferring from one department to another and has a balance of unused comp time, the employee is encouraged to use their comp time before the effective date of transfer. When this is not possible, the transferring employee shall receive payment in full for the accrued comp time from the employee's former department. Payout for comp time is not eligible for a payout payment plan. Exempt regular employees shall not be entitled to any additional compensation for hours worked more than forty (40) hours per week. Employee's transferring from non-exempt to exempt positions are encouraged to use their comp, banked holiday, and premium time before the effective date of transfer. When this is not possible, the transferring employee shall receive payment in full for the accrued comp, banked holiday,and/or premium time from the employee's former department.Such payout shall be paid by the appointing authority's budget, based on the rate of pay for the position from which the employee is transferring from, not the rate of the new position. Payout for comp time is not eligible for a payout payment plan. (Resolution No. 89-19 and 2020-86) 4.4 Attendance Punctual and consistent attendance is a condition of employment. Each Elected Official and Department Head is responsible for maintaining an accurate attendance record of their employees. Employees unable to work or unable to report to work on time should notify their supervisor as soon as possible, ordinarily before the workday begins or within thirty (30) minutes of the employee's usual starting time. If an absence continues beyond one day, the employee is responsible for reporting in each day unless excused from daily reporting by their supervisor. If the supervisor is unavailable,the employee may leave a message with the Elected Official/Department Head or their designated representative, stating the reason for being late or unable to report for work. Failure to notify of an absence or return to Mason County Personnel Policy Page 20of114 work shall,with the approval of Human Resources, be considered job abandonment and/or an automatic resignation. 4.5 Emergency Closures During times of inclement weather or natural disaster, it is essential that the County continue to provide vital public services. Therefore, it is expected that employees make every reasonable effort to report to work without endangering personal safety. An employee who is unable to get to work, arrives late to work, or leaves work early because of unusual weather conditions or other extreme circumstances shall charge the time missed to vacation, floating holiday, comp time or if such leave is not available,to leave without pay.The employee shall advise their supervisor by phone or in person as in any other case of late arrival or absence. In some extreme circumstances, including, but not limited to,flooding,fire,total power outages,or other public health emergencies, one or more County work locations may be unsuitable for employees to perform their jobs safely or effectively. Under such circumstances, if employees are sent home after reporting to work or told to report to work later than their regular starting time, they shall be paid for hours missed from work that day. If employees are advised before reporting to work, or if reasonable efforts were made to advise them before reporting to work, that they should not report to work, such absence for time missed from work shall be charged to vacation, personal holiday, comp time or if such leave is not available, to leave without pay. In no event shall the decision that some employees cannot work due to conditions at their work ;eeatioTTlocation entitle other employees who worked, compensation beyond their regular pay. The decision to send employees home or tell them not to report to work shall be made by the Elected Official or Department Head responsible for the work location and is subject to the prior approval of the Board or a single Board member if only one Board member is available. If no Board member is available, the decision of the Elected Official or Department Head shall be final.Such dee+s+ona decision shall include consideration of the expected duration of the condition, safety issues affecting employees or the public and alternative work locations. 4.5.1 County Office Closure Procedure 1. When a major snow, ice or storm event is taking place or appears to be imminent,the road operations manager or their designee shall collect information from a variety of community sources to prepare a road condition report as early as possible, but no later than 4:45 a.m. if possible. 2. On or about 4:45 a.m. the designated road operations manager shall contact the Public Works Director or their designee to discuss the road and weather conditions and latest weather forecast. 3. On or about 5:00 a.m.the Public Works Director or designee calls the County Administrator to advise them of road conditions throughout the county and latest weather forecast and makes recommendation regarding suspending standard operations. The County Administrator shall notify the Commission Chair and Presiding Judges. 4. The Chair shall decide that: Mason County Personnel Policy Page 21of114 a. S RThe situation does not merit suspending standard operations: The County will observe normal business operations because road conditions in most areas of the County are not hazardous; all County operations will be conducted to facilitate justice and commerce. Staff may use leave as provided in the Personnel Policy 4.5 Unusual Weather Conditions/Extreme Circumstances: or b. Opening standard operations will be delayed until specified time later in the day (preferably 10:00 a.m. or 12:30 p.m.) [or closed early if conditions merit] because extremely hazardous conditions currently exist and the safety risks of travel for employees and the public and the associated County liability outweigh the benefit of commencing designated standard operations at the normal time; or c. Extremely hazardous conditions exist and are likely to persist throughout the day and the safety risks of travel for employees, the public, and the associated County liability outweigh the benefit of conducting designated standard operations this day. Conduct of standard operations is suspended until a specified time the following day. 5. The Chair will contact the Presiding Judges of Superior and District Courts to determine if it is necessary to make special accommodations for any of their operations during the suspension of standard operations. 6. By 6:00 a.m.,the Chair calls Support Services staff to update the County closure information message number(360-427-9670 ext. 678)with information regarding the duration of the suspension. Support Services will contact the media and the Emergency Management/Information Technology Manager or designee. 7. The Emergency Management/Information Technology Manager or designee shall update the County website with the closure information and broadcast an AlertSense message. 8. If closure occurs during regular work hours, Support Services staff updates the County closure information message number (x678), contacts each county office, sends out an "all-county" email, sends notice to website and the media. Emergency Management shall broadcast an AlertSense message. (Resolution No. 70-16) 4.6 Breaks and Mealtime Employees will be allowed up to a one (1) hour unpaid lunch period as approved and scheduled by the employee's supervisor. Employees may take one(1)fifteen-minute break for every four(4)hours worked. Breaks should be arranged so that they do not interfere with County business or service to the public. The scheduling of meal periods may vary depending on ;tthe department's workload. Meal periods are unpaid. Lunch periods and breaks shall not be combined, and they may not be used to shorten an employee's workday. Breaktime for Nursing Mothers Provision: ILMason County Personnel Policy Page 22of114 4.6.1 Purpose and Overview The intent of this policy is to support Mason County employees who are breastfeeding and to meet the requirements of Section 7 of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (29 U.S.C. 207) as amended by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (effective March 23, 2010). This policy applies to all Mason County employees. 4.6.2 Procedures This policy provides the following information: 1. A reasonable amount of time to express milk or breastfeed (lactation time). 2. Private and secure rooms to express milk or breastfeed (lactation room). 3. Employee responsibilities. 4. Education and support. 5. Anti-discrimination, harassment, or retaliation. 6. Employee notification. 4.6.3 Reasonable Amount of Time to Express Milk or Breastfeed (Lactation Time) Managers must provide an eeemployee with a reasonable amount of time to express milk or breastfeed their infants during the workday. The frequency of breaks and the duration may vary. In the early months of a baby's life, nursing employees will typically need two to three breaks during an eight- hour shift. Typically, the act of expressing breast milk alone will take fifteen to twenty (15-20) minutes. However,the actual length of break may vary depending on additional factors,such as the location of the private space and the amenities nearby (proximity to sink, milk storage area, etc.) Reasonable accommodations shall be made to provide breaks of adequate timing and length to support the ongoing production of breast milk. This may necessitate total break time more than that regularly scheduled on a temporary basis during the breastfeeding experience. Managers and employees will discuss requestedthe requested accommodations and any schedule adjustments needed. Nursing mothers may request a flexible work schedule, subject to approval by management, to address their individual needs (e.g., allow the employee the flexibility to come in early or stay late, or use a portion of their lunch period,to make up time). 4.6.4 Private and Secure Rooms to Express Milk or Breastfeed (Lactation Room) Federal guidelines provide that a bathroom may NOT serve as a lactation room. Lactation rooms shall be: 1. Private (window ceverings arecovering is required). 2. Secure (lockable from the inside, if possible). 3. Accommodating(comfortable seating, a table, and power outlets). 4. Reasonably close to the employee's work area. Mason County Personnel Policy Page 23of114 5. Provided with a sign to designate the space is in use. Although not required,when possible, the lactation room should also: 1. Be near a sink with hot water and soap for hand washing and equipment cleaning. 2. Have a place where expressed breast milk can reasonably be stored. This does not mean refrigeration must be provided but employees must be allowed to bring insulated food containers and ensure there is a place to store a pump and containers while they are at work. Employees in outlying work locations that do not have a designated lactation room should arrange, with their managers, an intermittent or temporary location to be used as a lactation room. Designated lactation rooms may exist at some Mason County worksites; a list of rooms and scheduling information can be found at: https://masoncountywa.gov/forms/human-resources/lactation-rooms.pdf Please contact Human Resources for additional assistance or questions. 4.6.5 Employee Responsibilities Any necessary equipment (breast pump, storage containers, etc.) should be securely stored at the employee's workstation or other storage area agreed upon by the employee and manager. Employees are responsible for keeping milk expression areas clean, using antimicrobial wipes. Breast milk may be stored in a labeled personal storage cooler or in a tightly closed container in a staff refrigerator. 4.6.6 Education and Support Employees have access to additional support and education for breastfeeding through the following resources. 1. Health insurance benefits may cover breastfeeding-related resources and services. Employees should contact their specific health insurance provider to inquire about resources available. Please contact a Mason County Public Health Nurse for additional resource information. 4.6.7 Anti-Discrimination, Harassment, or Retaliation Mason County is committed to supporting its employees who are nursing mothers. As with any right conferred under the FLSA, nursing mothers who express milk or nurse their infants during the workday are protected from discrimination, harassment, or retaliation. Such actienan action is a violation of this policy and any employee engaging in such misconduct may be subject to discipline, up to and including termination. Any county employee who experiences or witnesses what may be discrimination, harassment, or retaliation toward a nursing mother, is strongly encouraged to address it by asking the person to stop the behavior; and/or reporting the alleged incident to the immediate supervisor, member of management,or Human Resources. 4.6.8 Employee Notification 1. Human Resources shall notify all employees of Mason County's Breastfeeding Accommodation Policy and Procedures upon adoption. Mason County Personnel Policy Page 24of114 2. Employees will receive a copy of the Breastfeeding Accommodation Policy and Procedures during New Employee Orientation. 3. Human Resources or management shall provide a copy of the Breastfeeding Accommodation Policy and Procedures when they become aware of an employee preparing for an approaching childbirth or maternity leave. (Resolution No. 37-14) 4.7 Call Back Employees are subject to call back in emergencies or as needed by the County to provide necessary services to the public. Non-exempt employees called back to duty will be paid their appropriate rate of pay for hours worked (the overtime rate for hours worked over the applicable overtime threshold). 4.8 Payroll Records Official payroll records are kept by the Auditor. Each Elected Official and Department Head shall submit monthly a signed payroll worksheet for all employees within their department,noting hours worked, leave taken, overtime worked, and comp time taken for each employee. Each Department Head shall submit menthlyMgnthly a signed statement noting regular hours worked and leave taken to the Auditor's Office. The Board of County Commissioners will approve at regular board meetings. Mason County Personnel Policy Page 25of114 Chapter 5 — Compensation 5.1 Salary Classification and Grades Each regular job title is classified into one of the County's job classifications for salary purposes. Each job classification is designated a particular salary or salary range shown on the County's salary range alignment, which is modified periodically by the Board of County Commissioners, or as specified in the applicable union agreement. Employee's classifications, grades, and changes are to be tracked in the County's MUNIS system to maintain the transparency, professionalism, integrity, accountability, respect, and partnership between Mason County, its departments, and the employees. 5.2 Employee Pay Rates Employees shall be paid within the limits of the salary range to which their positions are assigned. Usually, new employees will start their employment at the minimum wage rate for their classification. However, a new employee may, upon the written request of the Elected Official or Department Head and approval of the Human Resources Director, be employed at a higher rate than the minimum. When deemed appropriate, and approved by the Board of County Commissioners, an employee may be compensated at a Y-Rate,which is a rate of pay that either is between steps of the salary range or exceeds the top step of the salary range.A Y-Rate shall remain in effect until such time as a step of the salary range for the employee's job classification equals or exceeds the Y-Rate or the Board of County Commissioners rescinds their authorization for the Y-Rate. Pay increases are contingent on satisfactory performance. If an employee's performance is consistently unsatisfactory, the Elected Official or Department Head may defer a scheduled pay increase for a stipulated period or until the employee's je49-,L performance is satisfactory. 5.2.1 Pay Adjustments The Board of County Commissioners may grant a pay adjustment from time to time, raising the salaries of all classifications, a defined group of classifications,or a single classification.Such adjustments, if any,will not normally change an employee's pay anniversary date.The actual day of any pay increase shall be the 1s' or 161" of the month, except for working out of class, depending on the date of the anniversary day (e.g., if an employee's anniversary date is on January 14,the pay increase will take effect January 1). 5.2.2 Lead Pay The County may designate an employee as a Lead and assign Lead Pay.This designation is not considered to be a "job vacancy' or "newly created position". An employee may be designated a lead if they are directing,overseeing,or organizing,the work of other employees or specific projects.The County reserves the right to make a Lead designation based on other factors and rationale with the approval of Human Resources. A Lead cannot hire, fire, or discipline employees. Employees acting as Lead will receive an additional ten (10) percent increase over their current rate of pay. Lead pay may be approved by the County Administrator, in conjunction with Human Resources, if no budget adjustments are necessary. Requests requiring a budget adjustment shall be brought to the Board of County Commissioners. Lead Pay statuses will be reviewed annually as part of the budget process. Mason County Personnel Policy Page 26of114 5.2.3 Out of Class Pay An employee who has been assigned to perform all of the significant duties of a higher level job classification, due to the absence of the employee who normally holds that position, and who performs such duties for five (5) or more consecutive days, shall be compensated on that step of the salary range of the higher job class that provides at least a five (5) percent increase over their(the employee working out of class) current rate of pay. Out of class pay may be approved by the County Administrator, in conjunction with Human Resources, if no budget adjustments are necessary. Requests requiring a budget adjustment shall be brought to the Board of County Commissioners. 5.2.4 Transfers and Promotions Employees that accept a position in another County office or department (a position under a different Elected Official or Department Head) and that position is of a higher classification and salary range than the employee's current position, will preferably be placed on the step which results in a five (5) percent increase over the employee's current salary. If the Elected Official or Department Head determines that significant training is needed for the employee in the new position, the Elected Official or Department head may offer the position at any step in the higher classification and salary range. [RESOLUTION 61-06, 6/20/061 Upon the request of the Elected Official or Department Head and approval of the Human Resources Director, a promoted employee may be wed-inplaced at a step higher than specified above. If the Human Resources Director does not concur in a request for advanced step placement for a newly hired, transferred, or promoted employee, the Elected Official or Department Head may appeal that decision to the County Administrator. 5.3 Longevity 5.3.1 Definitions Eligible Employees: For section 5.3 eligible employees are defined as regular full-time employees, appointed employees, and regular part-time employees. The County shall provide additional monthly compensation, beginning January 1, 2023, above each eligible employee's base salary to recognize continuous length of service as a County employee,as follows: Total Years of Service Completed Additional Pay Increment 1-10 Years 0 11-15 Years 1.5 16-20 Years 3.0 21-25 Years 4.5 26 or more Years 6.0 Regular part-time employees shall receive longevity pro-rated in proportion to the part-time employee is in pay status during the month as compared to that required of full-time employment. Mason County Personnel Policy Page 27of114 5.4 Reclassification A reclassification is a change in the allocation of a position from its current job classification to a different job classification because of changed duties, responsibilities, and/or authority of a position. Reclassification will be considered when an employee has been permanently assigned to perform the primary functions of a different job classification or has been permanently assigned significantly different duties, which may warrant establishing a new job classification. Reclassification requests will not be considered for factors such as increased work volume of the same level of work,added duties of a similar nature already covered by the classification, requiring similar skills, education, or experience, duties within the current classification that have not been previously assigned, additional duties assigned in a higher classification unless those duties become a majority of the current position, enhanced technological tools to perform current duties, salary differences for similar jobs in other jurisdictions, reclassifications which occur in other departments. Reclassification requests may not be considered for positions covered by a Collective Bargaining Agreement that is in open negotiations. An employee, Department Head, or Elected Official may request reclassification by submitting a written request,which includes a justification,to the Human Resources Director. The Human Resources Director shall conduct a position analysis and respond with a recommendation in writing within sixty(60)working days. Recommendations requiring action may then be submitted to the Board of County Commissioners with supporting documentation for their review. If approved by the Board, the reclassification shall be effective as of the date of Board's action or other date set by the Board in such action. If the Board denies the request, the matter is closed. StepThe step placement of an employee who has been reclassified shall be the same as if the employee had been promoted,transferred, or demoted,whichever is applicable. 5.5 Paydays County employees are paid semi-monthly on the 10th and 25th of each month and the payroll will be a direct deposit into the bank of the employee's choice. If a regularly scheduled payday falls on Saturday or Sunday, payroll will be a direct deposit on Friday. If a regularly scheduled payday falls on a holiday, payroll will be a direct deposit on the last regular workday prior to the holiday. (Resolution No. 04-08 and 89-19) 5.6 Deductions Some regular deductions from the employee's earnings are required by law; other deductions are specifically authorized by the employee. The County will withhold from the employee's paycheck those deductions required by law and any voluntary deductions authorized by the employee, by applicable union contract, or by statute. All deductions from pay are deducted from the last check of the month. If an employee is overpaid or required deductions were not withheld,the amount overpaid or not withheld will be deducted from future pay on a reasonable basis unless excused by the Board of County Commissioners. Mason County Personnel Policy Page 28of114 (Resolution No. 150-07) 5.7 Compensation Upon Separation When employment with the County is terminated,the employee will receive the following compensation on the next regularly scheduled payday: 1. Regular wages for all hours worked up to the time of termination, which have not already been paid. 2. Any overtime or holiday pay due. 3. A lump sum payment for accrued but unused vacation provided the employee has completed six (6) months of employment, comp time and, for eligible employees, accrued but unused sick leave. A lump sum payment for accrued but unused sick leave for eligible employees hired prior to April 13, 2010. (Resolution No. 23-10) Separating employees entitled to payment for accrued leave time, and in the case of employees of the Sheriff's Department, banked holiday time, may request payment for such time in scheduled payments rather than a lump sum.To be eligible for scheduled payments the amount due must be$10,000 or more, the scheduled payments must be $500 or more per month and the employee must agree to conditions established by the county. (Resolution No. 95-04) 5.8 Uniform Allowance Compensation for required employee work apparel shall be based on RCW 49.12.450. Non-Represented employees requesting reimbursement, upon presentation of receipt, under this policy, shall be reimbursed for the purchase of a uniform meeting the following conditions: 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of Chapter 49.46 RCW or other provisions of this chapter, the obligation of the employer to furnish or compensate an employee for apparel required during work hours shall be determined only under this section. 2. Employers are not required to furnish or compensate employees for apparel that the employer requires an employee to wear during working hours unless the required apparel is a uniform. 3. As used in this section, "uniform" means: a. Apparel of a distinctive style and quality that, when worn outside of the workplace, clearly identifies the person as an employee of Mason County. b. Apparel that is specially marked with the employer's logo. 4. Except as provided in subsection (5) of this section, if the employer requires an employee to wear apparel of a common color that conforms to a general dress code or style, the employer is not required to furnish or compensate an employee for that apparel. For the purposes of this subsection, Mason County Personnel Policy Page 29of114 "common color" is limited to the following colors or light or dark variations of such colors:White,tan, gray, blue, or black for tops; and tan, black, blue, or gray, for bottoms. The employer is permitted to require an employee to obtain two sets of apparel to accommodate for the seasonal changes in weather,which necessitate a change in wearing apparel. 5. If the employer changes the color or colors of apparel required to be worn by any of their employees during a two(2)year period,the employer shall furnish or compensate the employees for the apparel. The employer shall be required to furnish or compensate only those employees who are affected by the change. The two (2) year time begins on the date the change in wearing apparel goes into effect and ends two years from this date. The beginning and end of the two (2) year time applies to all employees regardless of when the employee is hired. 6. For the purposes of this section, personal protective equipment required for employee protection under Chapter 49.17 RCW is not deemed to be employee wearing apparel. (Resolution No. 89-19) 5.9 Personnel Action Policy The Personnel Action Form (PAF) is used to report all changes, such as, but not limited to; appointments, terminations, change in status, leave, compensation of an individual employee, and shall be entered into the County's financial system MUNIS. Since the information on the PAF form can affect employee's paycheck, benefits, and receipt of information such as state retirement and W-2's, it is critical that it be completed by the department in a timely manner, as outlined by Mason County Auditor's Office. Human Resources and Payroll shall receive PAFs from the departments by the established deadline, per the PAF schedule,to ensure timely,accurate, posting and processing payment to employees. All County departments are required to enter PAF's into MUNIS for the following(but not limited to) purposes: 1. Hire (This category only is typically entered by HR, once the Employee Selection Process has been completed): a. New Hire b. Extra Help c. Seasonal Help d. Temporary Position, etc. 2. Leave: a. Administrative Leave (Admin/Disciplinary Leave with or without pay) b. Family Medical Leave Act(FMLA Leave with or without pay) c. Leave Without Pay (LWOP) d. Military Leave (Leave with or without pay) e. Continued FMLA Leave—Doctor Approval f. Workers Compensation Time Loss (L&I) g. Authorized Leave of Absence h. Transfer from Paid to Unpaid Leave (or vice-versa) i. Return from Any Leave (Admin/FMLA/LWOP/MIL/L&I/Authorized with or without Pay), etc. Mason County Personnel Policy Page 30of114 3. Master: a. Address, E-Mail, Phone, or Emergency Contact Change or Update b. Name Change c. Supervisor Change d. Demographic Change e. Update an Employee's Service Date, etc. 4. Re-Hire: a. Re-hire or Re-Activate (Previous Full time/Part Time/Extra Help/Seasonal/Temporary/Project Employees b. Re-Activate for Collective Bargaining Agreement Payouts on Inactive Employees, etc. 5. Salary: a. BARS and/or Account Code Changes b. Additional Positions/Job Classes c. Change in Employee Status (Full Time to Part Time/Extra Help or vice versa) d. Employee Payroll Allocation e. Promotions/Demotions f. Addition and/or Removal of Pays (Special Pay/Assignment Pay/Lead Pay/Out of Class Pay) g. Position and/or Departmental Transfer h. Reclassifications(Temporary& Permanent) i. Salary Increases/Decreases j. L&I Code Changes k. Probationary Period Ended or Extended I. Longevity Increases (Hourly Longevity for Public Works &Juvenile Courts only) m. Change Base Pay Type n. Payment Plan (Move to Payment Plan or End of Payment Plan) o. Job Class or Salary Table Corrections, etc. 6. Terminations: a. Termination (Termed/Retire/Resign/End of Term/Lay Off/Position Term/Extra Help & Seasonal Term) b. Deceased Employee's c. Inactive(Return to Inactive, Military Out on Lon Term Military Leave, Ex/PT/FT/Seasonal changed to Inactive), etc. 5.10 Career Incentive Pay Policy The following Career Incentive Policy has been established to achieve the goal of encouraging the career growth, education, and development of its employees, as well as attract qualified and professional applicants. Employees are encouraged to take advantage of educational and training opportunities which increase their knowledge and skill in their present jobs, or to prepare them for specific career goals within their departments. 5.10.1 Definitions Licensure:A state's grant of legal authority to practice a profession within a designated scope of practice. Professional Certification: A standardized process that enables an individual to demonstrate a certain level of competency in a specific career or job function. Upon completion of professional certification Mason County Personnel Policy Page 31of114 requirements, which typically entail passing an exam administered by an industry specific credentialing organization, a certification credential is awarded. Professional certification holders must complete continuing education requirements to retain the credential. Certification Program:Atraining program on a specialized topic for which participants receive a certificate after completing the course and passing an assessment instrument. The County has identified, and continues to identify, key licenses and professional certifications that are essential to the efficient and cost-effective operation of the department. As a result, upon approval, the acknowledged employee will be eligible to receive Career Incentive pay in accordance with the following table, which may be modified at any time by the Board of County Commissioners or designee, in consultation with the Human Resources Department. An employee shall only be approved for one (1) incentive pay from the Professional Certification or Licensure level, but not both. Certification incentives shall be limited to up to four(4)certifications per employee and may be earned in addition to an incentive for a Licensure or Professional Certification. Licensures Type Amount Payment Period Certified Public Accountant(CPA) Licensure $10,000 12 Month Professional Engineering (PE) Licensure $10,000 12 Month Professional Land Surveyor(PLS) Licensure $10,000 12 Month Professional Certifications Type Amount Payment Period Engineer-In-Training Professional Certification $5,000 12 Month Land Surveyor-In-Training Professional Certification $5,000 12 Month American Institute of Certified Planners Professional $5,000 12 Month Certification Certification Program Type Amount Payment Period TBD TBD TBD Mason County Personnel Policy Page 32of114 All regular County employees who have completed their probationary period (if applicable) shall be eligible to participate, provided that the employees meet certain eligibility requirements and obtain approval per the policy. The approved incentive pay shall cease when an employee separates from employment in that classification related to the license and/or certification receiving the incentive pay, or the employee no longer has the certification. Career Incentives are neither a guaranteed benefit nor an entitlement of employment with Mason County and is limited by the availability of funds. Incentive pay under this policy is subject to all applicable federal, state, and local taxes. Employees assigned to fully grant funded positions are not eligible unless the grant has funded this benefit. Class attendance, transportation, travel expenses, and classwork are non-com pensable, not eligible for reimbursement, and county equipment is not authorized for use. To qualify for the incentive, the attained license or professional certification, listed in the table above, must be from a nationally or regionally accredited institution in a field of study directly related to improvement of knowledge and skills in the employee's current job. Employees meeting the criteria will be required to submit a written request, along with an official transcript and/or copy of the license or certification earned, to their Department Head or designee. The Department Head or designee shall submit to the Human Resources Department all requests with supporting documents for final review and approval. Career Incentive pay shall be paid in twelve (12) equal installments over a one (1)year fiscal year beginning January 1.The incentive pay shall be prorated based on the date of approval for the first year. For approved employees to continue to receive the annual incentive, proof of a current license or certification must be submitted to Human Resources no later than January 15 of the new year. An employee is responsible for notifying the Human Resources Department in writing of any changes to their license and/or certification. Should an employee submit documentation that the employee knows is false or intentionally misleading to receive benefits for which the employee is not entitled,the employee will be deemed ineligible to continue to participate in the Career Incentive Policy and must repay Mason County for any incentive pay received from submittal of the false or misleading documents.The employee may also be subject to disciplinary action. All documents relating to this plan, including originals or copies of certificates, certifications, diplomas,or transcripts demonstrating employee educational efforts and accomplishments shall become a part of the employee's permanent file in the Human Resources Department and shall be considered educational achievements and accomplishments in rating and assessing employees for purposes of promotion and transfer. Mason County reserves the right to terminate, suspend, restrict, withdraw, amend, or modify the Career Incentive Policy in whole or in part at any time based upon the availability of funds or for any other business reason as determined by Mason County. The Board of County Commissioners or designee, in consultation with the Human Resources Department, is authorized to establish and modify, as needed, a procedure for implementing this policy. If sufficient funds are not available, the Board of County Commissioners or designee in consultation with the Human Resources Department, and Budget Mason County Personnel Policy Page 33of114 & Finance will meet to discuss whether to reduce the amount of the bonus or to delay some or all the payments until the next fiscal year in which sufficient funds are available. Mason County Personnel Policy Page 34of114 Chapter 6 — Benefits 6.1 Retirement Benefits The County makes contributions to the Social Security System on behalf of all eligible employees in addition to those contributions made by the employee through FICA payroll deductions. All regular uniformed employees in the Sheriff's Department are covered by the Law Enforcement Officers and Firefighters Retirement System (LEOFF). Benefit levels and contribution rates are set by the State of Washington. All regular full-time and eligible part-time non-uniformed employees are covered under the Public Employees Retirement System (PERS). Benefit levels and contribution rates are set by the State of Washington. Membership in PERS is optional for Elected Officials and the Board of County Commissioners. Employees intending to retire should notify their Elected Official or Department Head of their intent to retire at least six(6) months prior to the date of retirement. The County participates in a Section 457 Deferred Compensation Plan which allows employees to make tax deferred contributions up to certain dollar limits defined by the IRS. Contributions and interest earnings from investments are not subject to income tax withholding until time of receipt. 6.2 Workers' Compensation Most employees are covered by the State Workers' Compensation Program. This insurance covers employees in case of on-the-job injuries or job-related illnesses. For qualifying cases, State Industrial Insurance will pay the employee for workdays lost and medical costs due to job-related injuries or illnesses. All job-related accidents should be reported immediately to the supervisor along with a completed accident/incident report. When an employee is absent for one or more days or receives medical attention due to an on-the-job injury, they are required to file a claim for Workers' Compensation. If the employee files a claim and is unable to work, the County will continue to pay (by use of the employee's unused sick leave) the employee's regular salary pending receipt of Workers' Compensation benefits unless the employee requests that sick leave not be used. If the employee has no accrued sick leave, they may request use of vacation leave. 6.2.1 Workers' Compensation Leave An employee receiving Workers Compensation benefits who has exhausted their sick and vacation leave continues to accrue vacation leave and sick leave for up to six (6) months. The County also continues to pay for the employer's portion of health insurance premiums, provided that the employee continues to pay their share of premiums, if any. After six (6) months, the employee's benefits shall cease unless the Board of County Commissioners makes an exception based on the criteria of these policies.The employee may continue health care benefits by self-paying insurance premiums for the remainder of the time they receive Workers Compensation benefits. 6.2.2 Coordination of Benefits When the employee receives Workers' Compensation benefits,they are required to repay to the County the amount covered by Workers' Compensation and previously advanced by the County.This policy is to ensure that employee will receive prompt and regular payment during periods of injury or disability Mason County Personnel Policy Page 35of114 caused by a work-related injury so long as accrued leave is available, while ensuring that no employee receives more than they would have received had the injury not occurred. Upon the repayment of funds advanced,the appropriate amount of leave shall be restored to the employee's account. The County may require an examination at its expense to determine when the employee can return to work and if they will be capable of performing the essential duties of the position with or without reasonable accommodation. 6.3 Health Insurance Benefits Regular full-time employees and regular part-time employees working at least eighty (80) hours per month and their dependents are eligible to participate in the County's various insurance programs on the first day of the month following employment, except that if the first day of employment is the first of the month their eligibility shall commence immediately. The programs and criteria for eligibility will be explained upon hire. The County contributes toward the cost of premiums in the amounts authorized by the Board of County Commissioners.The remainder of the premiums,if any,shall be paid by the employee through payroll deduction.The County reserves the right to make changes in the carriers and provisions of these programs at its discretion, with prior notice to affected employees. Employees electing not to take coverage for those insurance programs that the County contributes toward the cost of premiums may be required to sign a waiver of coverage. Extra help employees will normally not be eligible for insurance coverage. 6.4 Continuation of Insurance Coverage When certain qualifying events occur, including an employee's termination from County employment, beginning an unpaid leave of absence, or a reduction in hours worked, at the employee's option and expense, the employee may be eligible to continue County health insurance benefits to the extent provided under the federal COBRA statutes and regulations. Covered dependents may also be eligible, at their option and expense, to continue County health insurance coverage. To the extent allowed by law, an administrative handling fee over and above the cost of the insurance premium may be charged to the employee or their dependents who elect to exercise their COBRA continuation rights. An explanation of COBRA rights will be provided to new hires, annually to current employees, and when a qualifying event occurs. For eligible employees who terminate, retire or are on an approved leave of absence,the County will pay the premium for the month the employee is leaving, provided the employee is on paid status for the eighty(80) hours in the month. 6.5 Unemployment Compensation County employees may qualify for State Unemployment Compensation after termination from county employment depending on the reason for termination from employment. ILMason County Personnel Policy Page 36of114 Chapter 7 — Leaves Some leaves listed in Chapter 7 affect an employee's paycheck, benefits, and receipt of information such as state retirement and W-2's, therefore a Personnel Action Form (PAF) may be required to be entered into the County's financial system. 7.1 Vacation Leave Each regular full-time employee shall accrue paid vacation leave as follows: Years of Continuous Service Vacation Days Earned 1-3 12 4-7 15 8-9 18 10-11 20 12-14 22 15-16 23 17-19 24 20+ 25 All new employees must satisfactorily complete their tpim4pjgbationary period to be entitled to the accrual and use of vacation leave. Regular part-time employees will receive vacation on a pro-rata basis. Extra help employees are not eligible for any vacation benefits. Employees do not accrue vacation benefits during a leave without pay. Usually, new employees will start their employment at the minimum vacation accrual rate. However, as part of the negotiated compensation package, for an at will position, a new employee may, upon the written request of the Elected Official or Department Head and approval of the Human Resources Director, be employed at a higher accrued vacation rate than the minimum. Regular full-time employees must work, or be in a paid status, at least eighty (80) hours in a month to accrue vacation for the month. Regular part-time employees must work, or be in a paid status, at least in the same proportion to eighty (80) hours as their regular hours are to full-time employment to accrue vacation for that the month. (Resolution No. 95-04) The first day of the month of hire shall be the effective date of subsequent increases in the vacation accrual rate for employees hired between the first and the fifteenth of the month. The first day of the month following the month of hire shall be the effective date o#for subsequent increases in the vacation accrual rate for employees hired between the sixteenth and the last day of the month. Each department is responsible for scheduling its employees' vacations without undue disruption of department operations. Leave requests shall normally be submitted at least two weeks prior to taking vacation leave. The maximum number ofvacation days,which may be accrued, is fifty(50)days.Anyvacation days earned beyond fifty (50) days shall be forfeited. Employees will be paid for unused vacation time upon Mason County Personnel Policy Page 37of114 termination of employment, except in the case of termination during the first six (6) months of employment. Employees who resign their position to assume an Elected Office will be paid for unused vacation time upon termination of employment. 7.2 Sick Leave Paid sick leave is available for employees to care for their own health and for the health of their family members. 7.2.1 Eligibility Requirements 1. Regular and Part-Time Regular employees are eligible to use sick leave from their date of hire and may use paid sick leave hours as they are earned; and 2. Employees in part-time, on-call and seasonal and non-regular positions will accrue sick leave from the date of hire but are not eligible to use accrued leave until (ninety) 90 days after their hire date. 3. Per RCW 3.34.100 district judges shall be granted sick leave in the same manner as other county employees. 7.2.2 Exempt from Eligibility 1. Elected Officials 2. Any individual engaged in volunteer work for the county, where the employer-employee relationship does not in fact exist or where the services are rendered gratuitously. If the individual receives a reimbursement in lieu of compensation for normally incurred out-of-pocket expenses or receives a nominal amount of compensation per unit of voluntary services rendered, an employer-employee relationship is deemed not to exist for the purpose of this policy(Boards, Commissions, BOE, etc.). 3. Individuals whose duties require that they reside or sleep at the place of their employment or who otherwise spends a substantial portion of their work time subject to call, and not engaged in the performance of active duties (Any on call staff who are not working in the office/field engaged in active duties for their entire shift.) 4. Any resident or inmate of the county correctional, detention,treatment, or rehabilitative institution. 7.2.3 Leave Accrual All employees shall accrue paid sick leave at the rate of one hour(1) per 40 hours worked, beginning from their date of hire (per RCW 49.46.210).There is no cap on the number of leave hours that can be accrued during the accrual year. All regular and part-time regular employees,who are in a paid status, at least eight(80) hours in a month, shall accrue sick leave. Sick leave for all regular part-time employees will be pro-rated based on their full- time equivalency(FTE) percentage. Sick leave for all regular and part-time regular exempt positions, and those in non-represented positions, shall not exceed eight (8) hours in any given month. Mason County Personnel Policy Page 38of114 Employees in regular and part-time regular non-exempt positions shall accrue additional sick leave in accordance with the amounts stated in their collective bargaining agreements. 7.2.4 Accrual Year The leave accrual year is December 16 to December 15. 7.2.5 Carryover of Paid Sick Leave Hours Unused sick leave as of December 15 in any year, shall be carried over to the succeeding year up to the following maximums: 1. For part-time (less than 80 hours a month), non-regular positions, forty (40) hours will carry over to the succeeding year. 2. Employees in regular exempt, part-time regular exempt positions and non-represented employees will carry over a maximum of done hundred and fifty(150) days or twelve hundred (1,200 hours). 3. For represented employees, the number of hours carried over is stated in the collective bargaining agreement. 7.2.6 Family Member Defined When using paid sick leave,the following definition of family member shall apply: 1. A child, including a biological, adopted, or foster child, stepchild, or a child to whom the employee stands in loco parentis, is a legal guardian, or is a de facto parent, regardless of age or dependency status. 2. A biological, adoptive, de facto, or foster parent, stepparent, or legal guardian of an employee or the employee's spouse or registered domestic partner, or a person who stood in loco parentis when the employee was a minor child. 3. A spouse. 4. A registered domestic partner. 5. A grandparent. 6. A grandchild. 7. A sibling; or 8. Other relative or person living in the household of the employee with whom the employee has a familial relationship. 7.2.7 Authorized Uses of Paid Sick Leave Employees are eligible for sick leave for the following reasons: Mason County Personnel Policy Page 39of114 1. Personal mental or physical illness, injury, physical disability, or health condition and/or preventative care such as a medical, dental, or optical appointment. 2. Care of a family member with an illness, injury, health condition and/or preventative care such as a medical, dental, or optical appointment. 3. Employees must make a reasonable effort to schedule such appointments at time d"times which have the least interference with the workday. 4. Quarantine of an employee by a physician for exposures to a contagious disease, where on-the-job presence of the employee would jeopardize the health of others. 5. The need to care for a spouse, parent, or child of the employee who is ill or injured and requires the presence of the employee, except that no more than five (5) days of sick leave may be taken for any occurrence unless the condition of the spouse, parent,or child would qualify the employee for FMLA. The employee shall complete and submit FMLA paperwork to Human Resources within fifteen (15) days, as required by law,for any qualified event. 6. Employees who are ill or injured and require more than five (5) days of sick leave for a FMLA qualified event, shall complete and submit FMLA paperwork to Human Resources within fifteen (15) days, as required by law. 7. In the event of a death in the employee's immediate family,the Board of County Commissioners may authorize an additional two(2)days beyond bereavement leave as outlined in the Bereavement Leave section of the Personnel Policy. Leave of absence is not to exceed five consecutive calendar days. Such leave is not included in any Family or medical leave period for which the employee is eligible under the Family Leave section of the Personnel Policy. 8. Use of a prescription drugs which impairs job performance or safety. 9. Actual periods of temporary disability related to pregnancy or childbirth. 10. To attend the birth of and/or to care for a newborn child of an employee. 11. Closure of the employee's place of business or a child's school/place of care by order of a public official for any health-related reasons. 12. If an employee is sent home for signs and symptoms, and quarantine orders of pandemic related illnesses; and 13. If the employee or the employee's family member is a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking. Authorized use of paid sick leave for domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking includes: a. Seeking legal or law enforcement assistance or remedies to ensure the health and safety of the employee and their family members including but not limited to, preparing for, or participating Mason County Personnel Policy Page 40of114 in, any civil or criminal legal proceeding related to or derived from domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking. b. Seeking treatment by a health care provider for physical or mental injuries caused by domestic violence, sexual, assault, or stalking. c. Attending health care treatment for a victim who is a member of the employee's family. d. Obtaining, or assisting a family member in obtaining, services from: a domestic violence shelter; a rape crisis center; or a social services program for relief from domestic violence, sexual assaultassault, or stalking. e. To obtain, or assist a family member in obtaining, mental health counseling related to an incident of domestic violence, sexual assault of stalking in which the employee or a family member of the employee was a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking; and f. Participating, for the employee or for a family member, in safety planning; or temporary or permanent relocation; or other actions to increase the safety from future incidents of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking. g. For the purpose of leave allowed for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking, Chapter 296-135-010 WAC defines "family' members as: o any child, biological, adopted, or foster child, a stepchild, a legal ward, or a child of a person standing in loco parentis who is under eighteen years of age, or eighteen years of age or older and incapable of self-care because of mental or physical disability. o Spouse means a husband or wife, and individuals in state registered domestic partnerships; See RCW 49.12.265 (6) and 1.12.080 o Parent means a biological or adoptive parent of an employee or an individual who stood in loco parentis to an employee when the employee was a child. o Parent-in-law means a parent of the spouse or of a partner in a state registered domestic partnership of an employee; and o Grandparent means a parent of a parent of an employee. 7.2.8 Increments of Use for Paid Sick Leave Employees may use paid sick leave in 10-minute increments. 7.2.9 Rate of Pay When Using Sick Leave Paid sick leave hours will be compensated at the base salary rate, excluding any overtime, premiums, or other add to pays. Calculation of overtime shall be based on FLSA rules; therefore, use of paid sick leave shall not count towards the overtime calculation. 7.2.10 Reasonable Noticefor Use of Sick Leave Employees must provide reasonable advanced notice of an absence from work for the use of paid sick leave to care for self or a family member. Reasonable notice shall be provided to the employee's Elected Official, Department Head, or immediate supervisor. Any information provided will be kept confidential. Mason County Personnel Policy Page 41of114 7.2.11 Foreseeable Absence If an employee's absence is foreseeable,the employee must provide notice at least ten (10)working days, or as early as possible, before the first day paid sick leave is used. Employees are required to submit an Employee Notice for Use of Paid Sick Leave form. If possible, notification should include the expected duration of the absence. 7.2.12 Unforeseeable Absence If an employee's absence is unforeseeable,the employee must contact their Elected Official, Department Head, or immediate supervisor as soon as possible; but no later than one (1) hour before the employee's required start time. Notice should include the expected duration of absence. In the event it is not possible to provide notice of an unforeseeable absence, a person on the employee's behalf may provide such notice. Employees are required to complete an Employee Notice for Use of Paid Sick Leave Form on the day following the employee's return from paid sick leave. 7.2.13 Verification for Absences Exceeding Three Days Em Employees seeking to use or using paid sick leave for authorized purposes for more than three (3) consecutive days, may be required to provide verification that establishes or confirms that the use of paid sick leave is for an authorized purpose. 1. When an employee or the employee's family member is sick for more than three (3)consecutive days for which the employee is required to work, acceptable verification may include: a. A doctor's note or a signed statement by a health care provider indicating that the use of paid sick leave is necessary to care for the employee or an employee's family member; or b. A written or oral statement from the employee indicating that the use of paid sick leave is necessary to take care of themselves or a family member. 2. When an employee or a member of the employee's family has been a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking, the employee may provide any one of the following documents or any combination thereof,to verify the use of leave: a. A written statement that the employee, or a member of the employee's family, is a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking, and that the leave was taken to address related issues. b. A police report indicating that the employee or a member of the employee's family was a victim of domestic violence. Mason County Personnel Policy Page 42of114 c. Evidence from a court or prosecuting attorney showing that the employee or a member of the employee's family appeared, or is scheduled to appear, in court in connection with an incident of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking. d. A court order of protection. e. Documentation from any of the following persons from whom an employee or a member of the employee's family sought assistance in addressing the domestic violence situation indicating that the employee or a member of the employee's family is a victim: o An advocate for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking. o An attorney. o A member of the clergy; or o A medical professional. 3. When an employee is absent due to the closure of a school or a place of care, attended by the employee's child, by a public official due to health-related reasons. A copy of the notice received by the employee regarding the closure shall be provided. Verification must be provided within ten (10) calendar days of the first day that paid sick leave is used to care for either the employee or a family member. 7.2.14 Unreasonable Burden or Expense for Verification If an employee " Tbelieves obtaining verification for use of paid sick leave would result in an unreasonable burden or expense, please contact Human Resources in writing, prior to the required ten (10) calendar days allotted to provide the verification. Indicate that the absence is for an authorized purpose and explain why verification would result in an unreasonable burden or expense. Within ten (10) calendar days of receiving the employee's request, Human Resources will work with the Elected Official or Department Head and employee to identify an alternative for the employee to meet the verification requirement in a way that does not result in an unreasonable burden or expense. 1. Company-provided transportation to the employee's doctor. 2. Sharing the cost of getting a note from a medical provider; or 3. Providing a note of explanation in lieu of other forms of verification. Mason County may choose not to pay an employee for paid sick leave taken more than ten (10) consecutive days until verification is provided. An employee has the right to contact the Mason County Prosecutor in the event they feel they are being discriminated upon or treated unfairly. 7.2.15 Abusing Sick Leave May Receive Discipline In the event an employee misuses, falsifies, or abuses sick leave, the employee will forfeit any leave compensation. The employee may become subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment. Mason County Personnel Policy Page 43of114 7.2.16 Sick Leave Coordinated with Workers' Compensation An employee receiving worker's compensation disability insurance payments during a medical related leave shall use only the number of sick leave hours that,together with the workers'compensation benefits payments, represents the employee's normal pay for the same period. Financial Services "Payroll" will calculate use of paid sick leave hours on a retroactive basis back to the first day in which the employee was off work. In no event shall the accumulation of sick leave and L&I income result in any employee receiving income more than 100%of their regular straight-time income for the same period. If the employee elects to use paid sick leave to supplement the employee's earnings,the employee must notify Human Resources at the start of their disability leave. Once the employee elects to use paid sick leave to supplement their earnings, the employee may not reverse the election. An employee may not elect use only a portion of their accrued sick leave. Employees who elect to use their accrued sick leave to supplement their wage while on disability shall bring their workers compensation check in to their department payroll to purchase back all or a portion of their leave hours used and paid to the employee during the disability. Once the employee makes payment to Mason County and Financial Services "Payroll" approves the deposit,the employee's number of leave hours will be added back to the accrual record. Any employee who collects both a full-accrued leave paycheck and a worker's compensation disability insurance payment SHALL remit the worker's compensation disability insurance payment to the county. In the event an employee does not submit, the worker's compensation disability insurance payment to the county may be subject to disciplinary action for misuses, falsifying, or abusing sick leave. 7.2.17 Shared Leave Washington paid sick leave shall not be used in a shared leave program. (Resolution No. 89-19) 7.2.18 Sick Leave Cash-Out Payment for and balance up to the maximum amount allowed, by this policy and all other policies, shall be no greater than 1,200 hours of unused Mason County Sick Leave and shall be made only in the following circumstances: 1. Upon termination of employment with fifteen (15) years of continuous service with Mason County, and the employee's hire date was prior to April 13, 2010; or 2. Upon termination of employment with Mason County, when the termination is contemporaneous with retirement from the applicable Washington State Public Employees Retirement System, and the employee was hired prior to April 13, 2010, with continuous service; or 3. Upon the death of an employee, in which case payment shall be made to their estate, provided the employee was hired prior to April 13, 2010; or ILMason County Personnel Policy Page 44of114 4. Employees who terminate employment to become an Elected Official of Mason County, provided the employee was hired prior to April 13, 2010. 5. Per RCW 3.34.100 a district judge may receive when vacating office remuneration for unused accumulated leave and sick leave at a rate equal to one day's monetary compensation for each four full days of accrued sick leave not to exceed the equivalent of thirty days' monetary compensation. The district judge shall meet the requirements as outlined in items 1-3 of this section to be eligible for a payout. Terminating employees who are not eligible for payment of unused sick leave shall forfeit all sick leave accrual. 7.2.19 Separation from Employment When an employee in a part-time, seasonal, extra-help, or on-call, non-regular status position separates from employment, there will be no financial or other reimbursement given to the employee for any accrued, unused Washington paid sick leave at the time of separation. Employees in regular status positions will be cashed out for Mason County sick leave in accordance with the terms stated in their collective bargaining agreement, and for exempt and non-represented employees, as stated in the Sick Leave Cash-out section of the Personnel Policy. In the event any employee terminates their position with Mason County and returns within twelve (12) months of separation, only Washington paid sick leave balance shall be restored. If the year has rolled over, prior to the employee's return to employment, and the employee's balance was greater than the forty (40) hours, the employee forfeits any unused balance greater than the maximum amount of forty (40) hours. Mason County sick leave hours shall not be paid out upon termination and will be forfeited unless conditions are met in Section 7.2.13 or otherwise stated in a Collective Bargaining Agreement. 7.2.20 Reinstatement of Employment If an employee leaves employment and is rehired within twelve (12) months of separation, any accrued, unused Washington paid sick leave up to 40 hours will be reinstated to the employee's accrued leave bank. Employees in part-time, non-regular positions who are rehired within twelve (12) months of separation, will not be required to wait ninety (90) days to use accrued their accrued sick leave bank if the employee met this requirement in the previous period of employment. If an employee did not meet the ninety (90) calendar-day requirement prior to separation, prior employment time with the County will be counted for purposes of determining the eligibility of the employee for paid sick leave. If a regular status employee leaves and is rehired within twelve (12) months of separation, any accrued, unused Mason County sick leave not previously paid out was forfeited upon termination of employment and shall not be restored. 7.2.21 Payroll Employees will be notified of their paid sick leave balance each month on their pay stub. This information will include: Mason County Personnel Policy Page 45of114 1. Washington paid sick leave & Mason County sick leave accrued since the last notification. 2. Washington paid sick leave & Mason County sick leave used since the last notification; and 3. Current balances of Washington paid sick leave& Mason County sick leave available for use. 7.2.22 Retaliation Prohibited Any discrimination or retaliation against an employee for lawful exercise of paid sick leave rights is not allowed. Employees will not be disciplined for the lawful use of paid sick leave. If an employee feels discriminateddiscriminated against or retaliated against, the employee may contact the Human Resources Director. If an employee is not satisfied with the response received from the Human Resources Director, the employee shall contact the Mason County Prosecutor for resolution prior to filing a complaint to Washington State Department of Labor& Industries. 7.3 Leave without Pay The Elected Official or Department Head may grant leaves of absence without pay,or authorize a reduced work schedule, for absence from work not covered by any other type of leave or if other leave balances are exhausted.As appropriate for the type of leave requested, paid leave accruals will be utilized prior to unpaid leave, unless Washington Paid Family Medical Leave is utilized. Examples of situations for which leave without pay,or a reduced work schedule may be granted include time off work for personal reasons, such as prolonged illness, parenting, caring for an ill relative,or pursuing an education. Such leave will not normally exceed ninety(90) days. 7.4 Jury and Witness Leave Jury Duty: The County provides all employees leave for jury service. Regular full-time and part- time employees receive paid jury duty leave each time they are called for jury service. Payment provided by the courts during periods of paid jury duty leave must be paid over to the County, excluding expense reimbursements, such as mileage. Employees must provide their supervisor with a copy of the jury duty summons as soon as possible after receiving it. Upon completion of jury duty, employees are required to provide their supervisor with proof of jury service. Employees who have been released by the court during their period of jury duty service may be required to report to work. Witness Duty:All employees summoned to testify in court are allowed time off for the period they serve as witnesses. If employees are paid by the County for time testifying, payment provided by the courts during periods of paid witness duty must be paid over to the County,excluding expense reimbursements, such as mileage. In general, witness duty leave is paid unless the employee is a party in the case. 7.5 Administrative Leave On a case-by-case basis, the County may place an employee on administrative leave with or without pay for an indefinite period.As determined by the Board of County Commissioners, administrative leave may be used in the best interests of the County during the pendency of an investigation or other administrative proceeding. Mason County Personnel Policy Page 46of114 7.6 Military Leave Based on RCW 38.40.060, the County provides all employees leave while performing military service in accordance with federal and state law. Regular full-time and part-time employees receive paid military leave of up to 21 working days per year for military service. In general, if military service extends beyond 21 working days, the additional leave will be unpaid. All employees who are not eligible for paid military leave are provided unpaid leave for a period of their military service. Military service includes active military duty and Reserve or National Guard training. Employees are required to provide their supervisor with copies of the military orders as soon as possible after they are received. Reinstatement upon return from military service will be determined in accordance with applicable federal and state law. 7.7 Family Leave The County complies with the Federal Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (the FMLA)and all applicable state laws related to family and medical leave. The FMLA provides up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job- protected leave every 12 months to eligible employees for certain family and medical reasons. Family Leave Eligibility: Employees must have worked for the County for at least one year, and for 1,250 hours over the previous 12 months. Unpaid FMLA leave is granted for any of the following reasons: 1.To care for an employee's child after birth or placement for adoption or foster case. 2.To care for a spouse, son, daughter, or parent who has a serious health condition. 3. For a serious health condition that makes an employee unable to perform the essential functions of the job. Leave to care for a child after birth or placement for adoption or foster care must be concluded within twelve (12) months of the birth or placement. Under such circumstances as allowed by law, FMLA leave may be taken intermittently -- which means taking leave in blocks of time, or by reducing a normal weekly or daily work schedule. 7.7.1 Substitution of Paid Leave At the employee's or County's request, certain types of paid leave may be substituted for unpaid FMLA leave. Accrued vacation may be substituted for any type of FMLA leave. Accrued sick leave may be substituted only in the circumstances where County policies or state law allow use. Employees using any sick leave available that may be used for FMLA leave taken, it is the County's policy that employees must use that paid sick leave as part of their FMLA leave. Use of vacation time for FMLA leave, however, is the employee's option. Employees using paid leave for an FMLA qualifying purpose, it is the County's policy to designate paid leave as counting against the employee's FMLA leave allowance. Employees are required to notify the County if using paid leave for a reason covered by the FMLA so the leave may be properly accounted for. Mason County Personnel Policy Page 47of114 7.7.2 Advance Notice and Medical Certification The County requires employees provide advance leave notice, with medical certification, of the need for a leave related to a health condition, and with medical certification of fitness to return to duty after medical leave. Taking leave, or reinstatement after leave, may be denied if these requirements are not met. Employees are required to provide a medical certification to support a request for leave because of a serious health condition (own or child's, spouse's, or parent's) whenever the leave is expected to extend beyond five (5) consecutive working days or will involve intermittent or part-time leave.The County may require second or third opinions, at their option, at the County's expense. The County may require the employee to provide a medical certification of fitness for duty to return to work after a medical leave. 7.7.3 Periodic Reporting If employees take leave for more than two(2)weeks,the County may require reporting at least every two weeks on the status and intent to return to work. 7.7.4 Health Insurance If employees are covered by the group health plan (medical, dental or vision),the County will continue to provide paid health insurance during FMLA leave on the same basis as during regular employment. If employees don't return to work after the leave, they will be required to pay back the County's portion of the insurance premiums unless failure to return was beyond the employee's control. 7.7.5 Other Insurance If an employee is covered by other insurance plans through the County, such as life insurance, those coverages will continue during paid leave on the same basis as during regular employment. If employees take unpaid FMLA leave, they will be responsible during the leave for the premiums normally paid plus the premiums the County normally pays. If an employee doesn't pay these premiums, the County may choose to pay them for the employee, to keep the coverage from lapsing. The employee will be responsible for repaying the County whether they return to work. 7.7.6 Couples Employed If spouses or domestic partners work for the County and request leave for the birth, adoption, or foster care placement of a child,to care for a new child, or to care for a sick parent,the total annual FMLA leave available to the couple for those purposes is typically(twelve) 12 weeks. Determining Leave Availability: FMLA leave is available for up to 12 weeks during a 12-month period. For purposes of calculating leave availability, the "12-month" period is a rolling 12-month period measured backwards from the date the employee uses any FM LA leave. Leave Related to Pregnancy. If an employee takes leave for the disability phase of pregnancy or childbirth while physically unable to work,this time could be ceuntcounted against the annual 12-week FMLA leave allowance. Mason County Personnel Policy Page 48of114 Employees are entitled to unpaid leave for the full period of a physical disability resulting from pregnancy and childbirth, even if they are disabled for more than 12 weeks, and even if they don't qualify for leave under the federal law. 7.8 Bereavement Leave The County provides regular, full-time, and part-time employees with paid bereavement leave for up to three (3) days in the event of the death of an immediate family member.Two additional days chargeable to accrued sick leave will be granted at the request of the employee. Immediate family for purposes of bereavement leave includes only the employee's spouse, parent, grandparent, child, grandchild, sister, brother, grandmother-in-law, grandfather-in-law, mother-in-law,father- in-law, sister-in-law, brother-in- law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, aunt, uncle, nephew, or niece. 7.9 Washington Paid Family and Medical Leave Act Effective December 31, 2019, Mason County shall remove the Shared Leave Program based on the Washington Paid Family & Medical Leave, which pays employees who quaJi€y7 ug alify for family medical leave based on a qualifying event. (Resolution No. 89-19) Paid Family and Medical Leave, RCW 50A.05 is a mandatory statewide insurance program that will provide almost every Washington employee with paid time off to give or receive care. If an employee qualifies, this program will allow them to take up to 12 weeks, as needed, if they: 1. Welcome a child into the family(through birth, adoption, or foster placement). 2. Experience a serious illness or injury. 3. Need to care for a seriously ill or injured relative. 4. Need time to prepare for a family member's pre- and post-deployment activities, as well as time for childcare issues related to a family member's military deployment. For specifics on military-connected paid leave, visit www.dol.gov/whd/reps/compliance/whdfs28mc.pdf If employees face multiple events in a year, they may be eligible to receive up to 16 weeks, and up to 18 weeks if they experience a serious health condition during pregnancy that results in incapacity. 7.9.1 Premiums The program is funded by premiums paid by both employees and employers. It will be administered by the Employment Security Department (ESD). Premium collection started on Jan. 1, 2019. In 2019, the premium is 0.4 percent 0.4% of wages. Employers can either pay the full premium or withhold a portion of the premium from their employees. Employers who choose to withhold premiums from their employees may withhold up to about sixty- three63 percent jj6aof the total premium,or$2.44 per week for an employee making$50,000 annually. The employer is responsible for paying the other thirty-seven 37- percent 37% . Businesses with fewer Mason County Personnel Policy Page 49of114 than fift 501 employees are exempt from the employer portion of the premium but must still collect or opt to pay the employee portion of the premium. Premium collection began Jan. 1, 2019. Employers will calculate and withhold premiums from paychecks and send both the employee share and County share to ESD on a quarterly basis. 7.9.2 Eligibility and Use Starting Jan. 1,2020,employees who have worked eight hundred and twenty(820) hours in the qualifying period (equal to sixteen (16) hours a week for a year) will be able to apply to take paid medical leave or paid family leave.The eight hundred and twenty(820) hours are cumulative, regardless of the number of employers or jobs someone has during a year. All paid work over the course of the year counts toward the eight hundred and twenty(820) hours, including part-time, seasonal, and temporary work. While on leave, employees are entitled to partial wage replacement.The benefit is generally up to ninety ep rcent 90^ ;tJaQL/oj of an employee's weekly wage,with a minimum of one hundred dollars($100) per week and a maximum of one thousand dollars ($1,000) per week. Employees will be paid by the Employment Security Department rather than the employer. Unlike the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), employees of small businesses may take Paid Family and Medical Leave if they meet the standard eligibility requirements. Please go to paidleave.wa.gov for more information on applying for benefits. 7.9.3 Returning from Leave Employees who return from leave under this law will be restored to a same or equivalent job if they work for an employer with fifty(50) or more employees, have worked for this employer for at least twelve (12) months, and have worked one thousand two hundred and fifty (1,250) hours in the twelve (12) months before taking leave (about twenty four(24 hour) per week, on average). Employees can keep their health insurance while on leave. If employees contribute to the cost of their health insurance,they must continue to pay their portion of the premium cost while on leave. Mason County is prohibited from discriminating or retaliating against employees for requesting or taking paid leave. (Resolution No. 89-19) 7.10 Washington State Long Term Care Trust Act "WA Cares" Compliance The parties acknowledge that RCW 5013.04.080 requires premium deductions for the Long-Term Services and Supports Trust Program beginning January 1,2022. Employees shall be assessed a premium based on the individual's wages in accordance with RCW 50B.04.080. Mason County and employees will comply with Washington State Long Term Care Trust Act. 7.11 Holidays The following are recognized as paid holidays for all regular full-time and part-time employees: Mason County Personnel Policy Page 50of114 Holiday Day Observed New Year's Day January 1 Martin Luther King's Birthday 3rd Monday in January President's Day 3rd Monday in February Memorial Day Last Monday in May Juneteenth June 19 Independence Day July 4 Labor Day 1st Monday in September Veteran's Day November 11 Thanksgiving Day 4th Thursday in November Day after Thanksgiving Day after Thanksgiving Christmas Eve Day December 24 Christmas Day December 25 (2) Floating Holidays As scheduled with supervisor Holidays falling on Saturday will be celebrated on the preceding Friday. Holidays falling on Sunday will be celebrated on the following Monday. For any holiday to be paid, an employee must be in a paid status on the employee's scheduled workday before and after the holiday. U%The use of floating holiday is to be at the discretion of the employee with the approval of the Supervisor in advance of the absence. Floating holiday(s) must be used by December 15, or will be forfeited, unless denied based on staffing needs by the County. Floating holidays shall be used in whole hour increments. Christmas Eve Day may be taken off based on the operational needs of the County and Public Works, and if this cannot be accommodated, the employee will schedule an alternate date with their supervisor's approval. (Resolution No. 06-02 and 2020-86) Non-exempt regular full-time or part-time employees will be given equivalent time off for any time worked on a holiday. Such work on a holiday must be pre-authorized by the supervisor. Extra help employees are not entitled to holiday and will be paid at their regular straight-time rate for hours worked on a holiday. 7.12 Holidays for Reasons of Faith or Conscience Employees are entitled to two unpaid holidays per calendar year for a reason of faith or conscience or an organized activity conducted under the auspices of a religious denomination, church, or religious organization, as pursuant to SB 5173- 2013-14 (or successor legislation). The employee may select the days of the two unpaid holidays off with their supervisor's approval. The unpaid holiday may be compensated through utilization of vacation or comp time or by making alternative work schedule arrangements and following the department's process to request approval and scheduling time off. Such requests shall not be unreasonably denied unless the absence would unduly disrupt operations, impose an undue hardship, or the employee is necessary to maintain public safety. Mason County Personnel Policy Page 51of114 The two holidays allowed by this section must betaken during the calendar year, if at all;they do not carry over from one year to the next. (Resolution 37-14) 7.13 Benefits for Part-Time and Extra Help Employees Unless noted otherwise in these policies, benefits for regular part-time and extra help employees are as follows: Regular Part-Time Employees: All leavesleave, including holidays, are pro-rated. Pro-rated means the ratio between the number of hours in the employee's normal work schedule and forty (40) hours per week. Regular part-time employees working three-quarter (3/4) time or more shall receive the same insurance premium contribution as regular full-time employees. Regular part-time employees working between eighty (80) hours per month and three-quarter (3/4) time shall receive one-half (1/2) the insurance premium contribution of regular full-time employees. Regular part-time employees, whose hours may drop below the eligibility thresholds referenced above for one or more months during the calendar year due to work requirements, will be eligible for insurance premium contributions for all months if their average hours for the calendar year meet the eligibility criteria. Extra Help Employees: Extra help employees normally are not eligible to receive benefits,including leaves, holidays, and insurance. Mason County Personnel Policy Page 52of114 Chapter 8 — Employee Responsibilities and Conduct 8.1 General Code of Conduct All County employees are expected to represent the County to the public in a professional manner which is courteous, efficient,and helpful. Employees must maintain a clean and neat appearance appropriate to their work assignment, as determined by their position and Elected Official or Department Head. Since the proper working relationship between employees and the County depends on each employee's on-going job performance, professional conduct and behavior, the County has established certain minimum standards of personal conduct. Among the County's expectations are: Basic tact and courtesy towards the public and fellow employees; adherence to County policies, procedures, processes, safety rules and safe work practices; compliance with directions from supervisors; preserving and protecting the County's equipment, grounds, facilities, and resources; and providing orderly and cost-efficient services to its citizens. The County is a relatively small organization. To function as efficiently as possible, employees may be asked to perform duties outside their regular assignments. It is no reflection e+Rof an employee's worth to the County, but a necessary arrangement in small organizations. To make the most efficient use of personnel,the County also reserves the right to change an employee's work conditions and the duties originally assigned. If these arrangements become necessary, employee cooperation is expected. 8.2 Workplace Safety and Violence Prevention This policy is intended to ensure that all employees adhere to work practices designed to make the workplace more secure and to refrain from verbal threats or physical actions which may create a safety or security hazard for others in the workplace. The safety and security of the employees of Mason County and members of the public seeking or receiving County services or using County facilities is of the utmost importance. Any prohibited acts committed by employees or members of the public while on premises owned or leased or work sites otherwise occupied by Mason County will be prosecuted as appropriate and/or will cause the use of appropriate managerial, administrative, or disciplinary measures. 8.2.1 Definitions Unsafe Act: Includes but is not limited to, any deliberate act or behavior which jeopardizes the safety or security of oneself, another person, or County property; or failure to act, where there is a duty to act and/or take safety precautions or where such failure would reasonably be known to jeopardize the safety or security of oneself, another person or County property. An unsafe act may include physical contact, such as "horseplay" and is prohibited,whether an injury, safety violation, or actual harm results. Acts of Violence: Includes but is not limited to, any deliberate act or behavior which: 1. Results in a physical assault against a person such as hitting, pushing, kicking, holding/restraining, spitting on, or blocking the movement of another person. Mason County Personnel Policy Page 53of114 2. Constitutes a directly or indirectly communicated or reasonably perceived threat to cause harm, injure, or intimidate another individual. 3. Endangers the safety of oneself or another individual, whether an injury result. 4. Would be reasonably perceived to constitute a threat of inflicting physical harm which in any way interferes with a person's safety or consists of a directly or indirectly communicated or perceived threat to destroy property thFough the Y ^{using a weapon, a f+rearmfirearm, or other means. 5. Would constitute the violation of a protective or restraining order which lists County locations as being protected areas; or 6. Interferes with the orderly conduct of Mason County operations. An unsafe act and/or act of violence does not include communicated direction by a supervisor to require appropriate performance on the job, the imposition of disciplinary action, or warnings that discipline could occur; or law enforcement employees acting within the scope and authority of their position. Workplace: Any building or areas constituting the place where work is performed or assigned; common areas such as reception areas, halls and private or personal work areas; and any other area where employees engage in official County business,including field locations,County parking lots,vehicles either employer owned or leased or privately owned when used on County business. Member of the Public: Any person who has no legitimate employment-related relationship with the County, including: strangers who have no legitimate business relationship with the County; customers or clients who currently or previously have received services from the County or who have or have had a custodial relationship with the County including inmates, criminal suspects or prisoners; and individuals who have or had personal relationships with County employees such as a current or former spouse, lover, relative, friend or acquaintance. 8.2.2 Responsibilities County employees shall not commit an unsafe act and/or act of violence and employees shall be responsible for reporting any unsafe act and/or act of violence in the workplace, whether physical injury occurs. Employees who believe an unsafe act and/or act of violence has occurred, observe, or are informed of such an act, shall immediately notify their supervisor, department head or management representative. Insofar as possible, any report of an unsafe act and/or act of violence shall include the name of the reporting party, the date, time, and place of the act; the name or identity of the person alleged to have committed the act; a description of the act; and the names of any witnesses. All employees, including managers and supervisors, are responsible for using safe work practices, for following all directives, policies, and procedures, and for assisting in maintaining a safe and secure work environment. Mason County Personnel Policy Page 54of114 A. Employee Responsibilities 1. Imminent Threat or Act of Violence a. Employees shall take the following steps if a threat of violence or act of violence presents an imminent danger to safety: b. Immediately leave the area putting as much distance between themselves and the threat as possible. c. Tell others to leave as the area is evacuated. d. Call 911 and report the threat/emergency as soon as it is safe. e. Provide the 911 dispatcher with identification and the nature and location of the threat/emergency. f. Follow all directions from law enforcement. 2. Threat or Unsafe Act a. Employees shall take the following steps if a threat or unsafe act does not present an imminent danger to safety: b. Notify their supervisor as soon as possible; and c. Complete a county incident report form (Incident Report Form) which can be found on the Risk Management website. 3. Employees who obtain a protective or restraining order which lists County locations as being protected areas or which prohibits contact with the employee while at work,shall immediately advise their supervisor, department head or management representative and provide a copy of the granted order and a description of the person identified in the order. 4. Report r^^e^r^s --heut personal safety concerns or violations of County policy to a supervisor, manager, or department head. 5. Immediately notify a member of management if there is reason to believe they may become or are victim of unsafe acts, threats, or acts of violence in the workplace. Under no circumstances should employees put themselves at risk in a dangerous situation. Once the situation has been secured by proper authorities, employees shall then cooperate with supervisors, investigators, law enforcement personnel and any others as they conduct follow-up reviews of the incident. B. Department Heads, Managers and Supervisors' Responsibilities ILMason County Personnel Policy Page 55of114 1. Provide this policy and educational opportunities to their employees about workplace safety and violence prevention and make workplace safety and violence prevention training and education programs available to all employees. 2. Immediately notify the Human Resources Department and their appropriate management of any incidents involving unsafe acts and/or acts of violence. 3. Address employee workplace safety concerns and ensure that such concerns are investigated. Safety concerns, and any other situation where an employee has been subjected to or threatened with an unsafe act and/or an act of violence, should be reported to Human Resources 4. Take immediate steps to diffuse or mitigate any situation that has potential to escalate into an unsafe act and/or an act of violence. 5. Forward a copy of the protective or restraining order to the Human Resources Department. 6. Notify appropriate law enforcement agencies about persons who violate a granted protective or restraining order and require the violator to leave the premises immediately. C. Human Resources Department Responsibilities: 1. Assess and investigate all alleged unsafe acts and/or acts of workplace violence as may be appropriate. 2. Provide or make available appropriate training and education about workplace safety and violence prevention, how to identify potentially unsafe acts and/or violent situations, and how to deal with them. 3. Maintain confidentiality of complaints and concerns to the extent allowed by law. 4. Receive and investigate all reports of unsafe acts and/or acts of workplace violence, or threats of the same, made by a county employee. 5. Recommend to the Department Head what, if any, administrative or disciplinary action should be taken when an employee is found to have committed an unsafe act and/or an act of violence. 6. Upon completion of any investigation, notify employees affected by the unsafe act and/or act of violence or threat of the same that the matter has been concluded and that appropriate action has or will betaken. 8.3 Outside Employment and Conflicts of Interest Employees shall not, directly, or indirectly, engage in any outside employment or financial interest which may conflict, in the County's opinion, with the best interests of the County or interfere with the employee's ability to perform their assigned County job. Examples include, but are not limited to,outside employment which: Mason County Personnel Policy Page 56of114 1. prevents the employee from being available for work beyond normal working hours, such as emergencies or peak work periods,when such availability is a regular part of the employee's job. 2. is conducted during the employee's work hours. 3. utilizes County telephones, computers, supplies, or any other resources,facilities, or equipment. 4. is employment with a firm which has contracts with or does business with the County; or 5. may reasonably be perceived by members of the public as a conflict of interest or otherwise discredits public service. Employees considering or engaged in an additional job, contractual commitment, or self- employment, who are concerned about a conflict of interest should discuss the matter with their Elected Official or Department Head. 8.4 Reporting Improper Governmental Action In compliance with the Local Government Employee Whistleblower Protection Act, RCW 42.41.050, this policy is created to encourage employees to disclose in good faith, improper governmental action taken by County officials or employees without fear of retaliation. This policy also safeguards legitimate employer interests by encouraging complaints to be made first to the County,with a process provided for speedy dispute resolution. 8.4.1 Definitions Improper Governmental Action: any action by a County Officer or employee that is: 1. undertaken in the performance of the official's or employee's official duties, whether the action is within the scope of the employee's employment, and 2. in violation of any federal, state, or local law or rule, is an abuse of authority, is of substantial and specific danger to the public health or safety or is a gross waste of public funds. "Improper governmental action" does not include personnel actions including but not limited to employee grievances, complaints, appointments, promotions, transfers, assignments, reassignments, reinstatements, restorations, reemployment, performance evaluations, reductions in pay, dismissals, suspensions, reprimands, demotions, violations of the local government collective bargaining and civil service laws, alleged labor agreement violations or any action that may be taken under RCW Chapter 41.14 or 41.56. Retaliatory Action: means any(a) adverse change in a local governments employee's employment status, or the terms and conditions of employment including denial of adequate staff to perform duties,frequent staff changes, frequent and undesirable office changes, refusal to assign meaningful work, unwarranted and unsubstantiated letters of reprimand or unsatisfactory performance evaluations, demotion,transfer, reassignment, reduction in pay, denial of promotion, suspension, dismissal or any other disciplinary actions; or (b) hostile actions by other employees toward a local government employee that were encouraged by a supervisor or senior manager or official. Mason County Personnel Policy Page 57of114 Emergency: a circumstance that if not immediately changed may cause damage to persons or property. 8.4.2 Procedure for Reporting Improper Government Action County employees who become aware of improper governmental action shall follow this procedure: 1. Bring the matter to the attention of the Board of County Commissioners or the Prosecuting Attorney, preferably in writing, stating in detail the basis for the employee's belief that an improper action has occurred.This shall be done as soon as the employee becomes aware of the improper action. 2. The Board of County Commissioners or the Prosecuting Attorney,or their designee, shall respond to the report of improper government action, within thirty (30) days of the employee's report. The employee shall be advised of the County's response. 3. The identity of a reporting employee shall be kept confidential to the extent possible under the law unless the employee authorizes the disclosure of their identity in writing. An employee who fails to make a good faith effort to follow this policy shall not be entitled to the protection of this policy against retaliation, pursuant to RCW 42.41.030. In the case of an emergency,where the employee believes that damage to persons or property may result if action is not taken immediately, the employee may bypass the above procedure and report the improper action directly to the appropriate government agency responsible for investigating the improper action. Employees may report information about improper governmental action directly to an outside agency if the employee reasonably believes that an adequate investigation was not undertaken by the County to determine whether an improper government action occurred,or that insufficient action was taken by the County to address the improper action or that for other reasons the improper action is likely to recur. Protection Against Retaliation: It is unlawful for a local government to take retaliatory action because an employee, in good faith, provided information that improper government action occurred. Employees who believe they have been retaliated against for reporting an improper government action shall follow the procedure outlined below. 8.4.3 Procedure for Seeking Relief Against Retaliation 1. Employees shall provide a written complaint to the Board of County Commissioners within thirty (30) days of the occurrence of the alleged retaliatory action. a. The written charge shall specify the alleged retaliatory action; and b. Specifies the relief requested. 2. The Board of County Commissioners or their designee shall respond in writing within thirty (30) days of receipt of the written charge. Mason County Personnel Policy Page 58of114 3. After receiving the County's response, the employee may request a hearing before a state administrative law judge to establish that a retaliatory action occurred and to obtain appropriate relief under the law.The request for hearing must be delivered within the earlier of either fifteen (15) days of receipt of the County's response to the charge of retaliatory action or forty-five (45) days of receipt of the charge of retaliation to the Board of County Commissioners for response. 4. Within five (5)working days of receipt of a request for hearing the County shall apply to the State Office of Administrative Hearing's for an adjudicative proceeding before an administrative law judge. At the hearing, the employee must prove that a retaliatory action occurred by a preponderance of the evidence in the hearing. The administrative law judge shall issue a final decision not later than forty-five (45) days after the date of the request for hearing unless an extension is granted. The final decision of the administrative law judge is subject to judicial review under the arbitrary and capricious standard. Relief ordered by the administrative law judge may be enforced by petition to superior court. 8.4.4 Policy Implementation The Board of County Commissioners are responsible for implementing these policies and procedures.This includes posting the policy on County bulletin boards, making the policy available to any employee upon request, and providing the policy to all newly hired employees. Officers, managers, and supervisors are responsible for ensuring the procedures are fully implemented within their areas of responsibility. 8.4.5 Prohibition of Intimidation and Nondisclosure County Elected Officials or employees may not use their official authority or influence,directly or indirectly to threaten, intimidate, or coerce an employee for the purpose of interfering with that employee's right to disclose information concerning an improper governmental action in accordance with the provisions of this policy. (Per Resolution No. 27-16) 8.5 Political Activities County employees may participate in political or partisan activities of their choosing if County resources and property are not utilized, and the activity does not adversely affect the responsibilities of the employees in their positions. employees may not campaign on County time or in a county uniform or while representing the County in any way. Any County employee who meets with or may be observed by the public or otherwise represents the County to the public, while performing their regular duties, may not wear or display any button, badge, or sticker relevant to any candidate or ballot issue during working hours. Employees shall not solicit, on County property or County time, for a contribution for a partisan political cause. 8.6 No Smoking Policy For health and safety considerations, the County prohibits smoking and vaping by employees on all County-owned, leased, or eperatedoperated areas and all County property is designated as non-smoking Mason County Personnel Policy Page 59of114 and vaping free areas. Smoking and vaping are prohibited in all buildings and vehicles owned or leased by the County are offices or other facilities rented or leased by the County. 8.6.1 Definitions Public Areas:The term "public area" is defined for the purpose of the No Smoking Policy, but not limited to all hallways,conference rooms,elevators, restrooms, lobbies,stairwells,reception areas,and any other areas which are: (1) open to the public, or(2) areas which employees are required to pass through during employment. Smoking: The term "smoke" or "smoking" is defined for the purpose of the No Smoking Policy, but not limited to; the carrying or smoking of any kind of lighted cigarettes, pipes, cigars, chewing of tobacco, vaping and the use of e-cigarettes, or any other lighted smoking equipment. Vape: The term "vape" or "vaping" is defined for the purpose of this chapter as inhaling or exhaling the vapor produced by any noncombustible product that may contain nicotine or a marijuana product and that employs a heating element, power source, electronic circuit, or other electronic, chemical, or mechanical means, regardless of shape or size, that can be used to produce vapor or aerosol from a solution or other substance including any electronic cigarette, electronic cigar, electronic cigarillo, electronic pipe, or similar product or device. County Property: The term "County property" is defined as the grounds and parking lots surrounding county buildings and all County parks. County property does not include: 1. Private vehicles and residences unless otherwise required by individual or group contracts with the County. 2. County roads. 3. Any person passing by or through County property while on a public sidewalk or public right-of-way has not intentionally violated this chapter. 8.6.2 No Smoking Signs and Removal of Ashtrays The Facilities Department shall post and maintain no-smoking and no-vaping signs in all public areas and county property as defined herein and remove ashtrays from those public areas. Pursuant to RCW 70.160.070 — Intentional Violators, any person intentionally violating this policy by smoking or vaping in a public place, place of employment or within twenty-five feet of doors, windows that open and ventilation intakes or any person removing, defacing, or destroying a sign required by this policy is subject to a civil fine of up to one hundred dollars. The County Sheriff's Department shall enforce this policy by issuing a notice of civil infraction to be assessed in the same manner as traffic infractions. All County employees are encouraged to help educate the public about the non-smoking and vaping policy by reminding violators not to smoke or vape on the property and by adding the policy to all use agreements and event publications. Violators, who refuse to comply with the smoking and vaping policy, may be asked to leave the County property. Mason County Personnel Policy Page 60of114 The appropriate Department Head or Elected Official is responsible for educating employees about the non-smoking policy and shall resolve intentional employee violations of the policy through disciplinary action. Interpretation of this chapter shall be in a manner that is consistent with RCW 70.160 Smoking in Public Places, prohibiting smoking in all public places and places of employment. (Ordinance No. 91-06 and 20-01) 8.7 Personal Possessions and Electronic Communications The County furnishes desks, closets, and/or lockers for security of employee coats, purses, and other personal possessions. Desks, closets, lockers,cabinets, and furniture are County property for the purpose of County operations. The County also furnishes computers,voice mail,facsimile(fax)communications, electronic mail (E-Mail), data and file transfers using electronic means and Internet access for use in conducting County business only. Because these systems are for County business, none of the communications or information transmitted or stored on these systems is private and may be reviewed by the County and be subject to public disclosure. County electronic communications systems are not for personal use. (Resolution No. 130-04) 8.8 Use of County Equipment Use of County phones for local personal phone calls should be kept to a minimum; leRg diStaReelong- distance personal use must be approved in advance by the Elected Official or Department Head. Other County equipment, including vehicles, should be used by employees for County business only. An employees' misuse of County services, telephones, vehicles, equipment, or supplies can result in disciplinary action including termination. 8.9 Bulletin Boards Information of special interest to all employees is posted regularly on the County bulletin boards. Employees may not post any information on these bulletin boards without the authorization of their Elected Official or Department Head. Legally required notices shall not be covered or obscured by other materials on any bulletin board. 8.10 Contact with the News Media The Board of County Commissioners, Elected Officials or Department Heads authorized by the Board shall be responsible for all official contacts with the news media, including answeFing efanswering questions from the media. They may designate specific employees to give out procedural, factual, or historical information on subjects. Employees not designated should refer media personnel to an appropriate spokesperson. Mason County Personnel Policy Page 61of114 8.11 Solicitations Most forms of selling and solicitations are inappropriate in the workplace. They can be an intrusion on employees and citizens and may present a risk to employee safety or to the security of County or employee property.The following limitations apply: 1. Persons not employed by the County may not solicit, survey, petition, or distribute literature on our premises at any time.This includes peFSeR-S ep ople soliciting for charities, salespersons, questionnaire surveyors, or any other solicitor or distributor. Exceptions to this rule may be made in special circumstances where the County determines that an exception would serve the best interests of the organization and our employees. An example of an exception might be the United Way campaign or a similar, community-based fundraising effort. 2. Employees may not solicit for any purpose during work time. Reasonable forms of solicitation are permitted during non-work time, such as before or after work, during meal breaks, and/or break periods. Soliciting employees who are on non-work time may not solicit other employees who are on work time. Employees may not distribute literature for any purpose during work time or in work areas. The employee lunchrooms are considered a non-work area under this policy. 8.12 Safety Every employee is responsible for maintaining a safe work environment and following the County's safety rules. Each employee shall promptly report all unsafe or potentially hazardous conditions to their Elected Official or Department Head.The County will make every effort to remedy problems as quickly as possible. In case of an accident involving a personal injury, regardless of how serious, employees shall immediately notify their supervisor and complete an accident/incident report. Employee safety depends on the safety consciousness of everyone.To facilitate a safe work environment, employees may not bring dangerous weapons to the workplace. This includes, but is not limited to, weapons for which employees have a valid permit. The only exception to this rule involves law enforcement positions for which the job regimes-requiress op ssess dangerous weapons. Employees should consult the County's Safety Policy and Accident Prevention Program for additional details concerning safety. 8.13 Substance Abuse The County's philosophy on substance abuse has two focuses: (1) a concern for the well-being of the employee and (2) a concern for the safety of other employees and members of the public. Availability of Rehabilitation or Treatment: As part of our Employee Assistance Program, we encourage employees who are concerned about their alcohol or drug use to seek counseling, treatment, and rehabilitation.Although the decision to seek diagnosis and accept treatment is completely voluntary,the County is fully committed to helping employees who voluntarily come forward overcome substance abuse problems. In most cases, the expense of treatment may be fully or partially covered by the County's benefit program. Please contact our EAP or Human Resources for more information. Employees who seek advice or treatment will not be subject to retaliation or discrimination. Mason County Personnel Policy Page 62of114 Substance Abuse Policy for Operators of Commercial Motor Vehicles: County employees who hold Commercial Driver's Licenses (CDL) and who operate commercial motor vehicles (CMV) while employed by the County are subject to additional rules and regulations imposed by the federal government. These regulations require urine drug testing and alcohol breath testing in the following circumstances: 1. Pre-employment. 2. Reasonable suspicion. 3. Post-accident. 4. Return to duty testing. 5. Random testing. CDL holders who test positive must be removed from service and are subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination. CDL holders should consult the Mason County Drug and Alcohol Testing Policy and Procedure for Department of Transportation Regulated Employees for additional details concerning these rules. Drug-Free Workplace: The manufacturing, distribution, dispensation, possession, and use of unlawful or alcohol on County premises or during work hours by County employees is strictly prohibited. Employees also must notify the County within five (5) days of any conviction for a drug violation in the workplace. Employees should consult the Drug-Free Workplace Policy for additional details on this subject. 8.14 Discipline/Corrective Action The intent of progressive discipline is to assist the employee with performance improvement or to correct misconduct. Progressive discipline may not apply where the offense requires more serious discipline in the first instance. Both the sequence and the steps of progressive discipline are determined on a case- by-case basis. Progressive discipline may include: • Oral warnings,which will be documented. • Written warnings, which may also include work performance improvement or corrective action plan for poor work performance or misconduct. • Suspension without pay. • Demotion. • Discharge. 8.15 Using Position for Personal Gain No County employee will use their position with Mason County for personal gain from any source. Personal gain is receiving any money,item,or benefit for personal use,which is not available to the public. Exception: Nominal value items ($10.00 or less) with company logos, given for advertising purposes such as samples, pens,calendars,coffee cups and ball caps are acceptable. Requesting,or knowingly accepting, discounts on purchases, tickets, meals,travel, clothing, etc.,for personal use is not acceptable. Mason County Personnel Policy Page 63of114 Threats or promises of future business or lack of future business with the County to influence personal business will be referred to the Prosecuting Attorney. (Resolution No. 95-04) Mason County Personnel Policy Page 64of114 Chapter 9 — Separation 9.1 Layoff The County may lay off employees for lack of work, budgetary restrictions, reorganization, or other changes that have taken place. In determining who is to be laid off, consideration will usually be given to individual performance and the qualifications required for remaining jobs. Seniority will be considered when performance and qualifications are equal, as determined by the County. Employees who are laid off may be eligible to be re-employed for up to one(1)year after layoff if a vacancy occurs in a position for which they are qualified. 9.2 Resignation An employee should provide two (2) weeks written notice of resignation to resign in good standing. Management is requested to give at least 30 days' notice. Employee requests to change their separation date must be approved by the Department Head and the Human Resources Director. 9.3 Retirement Employees should provide six (6) e}ent#smonths' written notice of resignation. Employee requests to change their retirement date must be approved by the Department Head and the Human Resources Director. 9.4 Offboarding Employees separating from the organization shall undergo an offboarding process to mitigate risk and recover assets. An employee placed on paid/unpaid administrative leave or who is out for an extended period on Federal Medical Leave may be subject to all or parts of the offboarding process. Upon separation from employment, the Department Head or designee is responsible for offboarding an employee using the County Offboarding Checklist. Additional items may be necessary based on department. Offboarding should eeGY occur on the employee's last physical day at their workstation. Mason County Personnel Policy Page 65of114 Chapter 10 — Complaint Procedures 10.1 Complaint Procedures The County recognizes that sometimes situations arise in which employees feel that they have not been treated in accordance with County policies. For this reason, the County provides its employees with procedures for resolving complaints. Step 1: Employees should first attempt to resolve any problem or complaint with their supervisor. Step 2:When normal communication between an employee and the supervisor is not successful, or when an employee disagrees with the application of County policies and procedures, the employee should attempt to resolve the problem with their Elected Official or Department Head. The Elected Official or Department Head will usually respond to the employee in writing within five (5) days after meeting with them, if possible. Step 3: If the employee is not satisfied with the response in Step 2 above, the employee may submit the problem, using the County Complaint Form to the Board of County Commissioners or their designee and Human Resources. The form must be filed within ten (10)working days of receiving a response from Step 2 above. The Board of County Commissioners or their designee and Human Resources may meet with the parties, either individually or together, and will usually respond in writing to the complainant within ten (10) days of the meeting.The response and decision shall be final and binding. Certain employees may have more than one source of dispute RESOLUTION rights, i.e.,the County's Civil Service rules, a collective bargaining agreement, etc. Employees represented by a bargaining unit or who are covered under civil service rules should follow grievance procedures set out in their respective labor contracts or civil service rules,where applicable. In all other cases,the procedures described in this section shall be used. Under no circumstances shall an employee have the right to utilize both this process and any other complaint or appeal procedure that may be available to an employee. ILMason County Personnel Policy Page 66of114 Chapter 11 — Educational Assistance 11.1 Introduction If budgetary considerations permit, the County may reimburse full-time regular employees for education costs for courses approved by their Elected Official or Department Head.Approval for reimbursement will be dependent upon the course and its relevance to the employee's current position. Approval must be obtained prior to commencement of each course per semester.Attendance at all course offerings will be outside the employee's regular duty schedule. 11.2 Objective The objective of this policy is to assist employees in furthering their education to enhance current skills for the benefit of the County and the public. 11.3 Procedures 1. Educational assistance will be authorized only when the budget of the Office or Department contains sufficient funds to support this policy AND the course of study will be of benefit to the Office or Department. Access to educational assistance will be solely determined by the Elected Official or Department Head, as appropriate. 2. Approval will be sought using the Educational Assistance Request form. 3. If approved, reimbursement for coursework relevant to the employee's current position is subject to the limitations in paragraphs 8 and 9, below. Approval of a course of study by the Elected Official or the Department Head is required prior to approval of the courses required in that course of study. Accordingly, the Elected Official or Department Head will review employee applications for educational assistance on a course-by-course basis. 4. All relevant bachelor's degrees and associate degrees, if the employee does not already have a bachelor's or associate degree, may, upon approval of the Elected Official or Department Head, be reimbursed subject to the limitations in paragraphs 8 and 9, below.This would apply regardless of the position the employee holds. 5. Certificates or continuing education units (CEU) required for continued certification may be reimbursed at 100 percent. 6. A second degree directly relevant to the employee's current position as determined by the Elected Official or Department Head to be in the best interests of the County may be reimbursed subject to the limitations in paragraphs 8 and 9, below, only if: 1)the first degree is not directly applicable to the employee's position; or, 2) it is an advanced degree in a field of study relevant to the employee's current position. 7. There is no limit to the number of credit hours eligible for reimbursement per semester/quarter. Employees are encouraged to be prudent in the selection of the number of courses attempted each semester. Employees must be in paid status when reimbursement is sought. Forthis policy, paid status is defined as working the employee's regular schedule or on approved vacation leave. Mason County Personnel Policy Page 67of114 8. Employees must satisfactorily complete the course work to be considered for reimbursement. Satisfactory completion is defined as award of a grade of "C" or higher, or the equivalent, in the coursework for which reimbursement is sought. 9. Reimbursement will be set by the current, lowest tuition rates at either the University of Washington or Washington State University,whichever institution offers the course of instruction concerned.This rate will apply to courses of instruction at private universities, correspondence programs, or other high-cost programs. 10. Initial approval of a course of study does not obligate the County to future/continued approval of courses in that course of study. Course approvals are only valid for the course and semester/quarter given. Mason County Personnel Policy Page 68of114 Chapter 12 — Equal Employment Opportunity 12.1 Purpose The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines to Elected Officials, Department Heads, employees, volunteers, and members of the public to ensure equal employment opportunities regardless of a person's race, color, creed, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, age, veteran's status, HIV status, genetic information, families with children, sensory, mental, or physical disability, or any other protected class under federal or state statute. Additionally, the policy provides guidelines for identifying, reporting,and resolving claims of discrimination or related retaliation. 12.2 Policy It is the policy of Mason County that no person shall be subjected to employment discrimination based upon their race,color,creed, national origin,gender,gender identity,sexual orientation,religion,age,veteran's status, HIV status, genetic information, families with children, sensory, mental, or physical disability, or any other protected class under federal or state statute. No individual shall be subjected to retaliation because they have exercised a right protected under the law such as submitting, assisting with, participating in the resolution or investigation of,a complaint of discrimination or harassment.Any form of retaliation is prohibited, will not be tolerated, and is subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.The County will incorporate appropriate non-discrimination language in all its contracts and collective bargaining agreements. The words "Equal Opportunity Employer" will be included aein employment applications and recruitment materials. To further promote the Board of County Commissioners'commitment to non-discrimination,the County will conduct periodic training on the Non-Discrimination & Harassment Policy and to clarify management and employee responsibilities for effective implementation.This Non-Discrimination & Harassment Policy will be distributed and reviewed in new employee orientation. 12.3 Prohibition of Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation Mason County is committed to a workplace that isfree from unlawful discrimination,harassment,and retaliation. Discrimination,harassment,and retaliation are strictly prohibited.Complaints of discrimination,harassment,and retaliation are taken seriously and will be investigated and resolved in a timely manner. 12.3.1 Definitions Discrimination: The County prohibits discrimination against Elected Officials, employees, and volunteers based on race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ethnicity, age, sex, marital status, veteran status, sexual orientation, disability (known or perceived), or any other protected class under federal or state statute. Harassment: Harassment is a form of discrimination that is unwelcome verbal or physical conduct directed toward or relating to a person based on the person's race,color,creed, religion, national origin,ethnicity,age, sex, marital status,veteran's status,sexual orientation,or disability(known or perceived),where the conduct is sufficiently pervasive or severe as to alter the terms and conditions of employment.Such conduct can take many forms, including unwelcome slurs, comments, joking, touching, innuendo, gestures, display or transmission of materials, and other similar conduct. Employees who engage in harassment will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. Mason County Personnel Policy Page 69of114 Sexual Harassment: Sexual harassment is a type of harassment that consists of unwelcome verbal or physical conduct directed toward or relating to a person because of their gender that is sufficiently pervasive or severe as to alter the terms or conditions of employment. Such conduct can take many forms including unwelcome slurs, comments, jeki�Rg of kes, touching innuendo, repeated request for dates, display or transmission of materials,gestures,compliments,and other similar conduct.Sexual harassment also includes unwelcome conduct based on an individual's gender where submission to the conduct or rejection of the conduct is used as a basis for employment decisions regarding the individual. Employees who engage in sexual harassment will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. Retaliation:Adverse employment action against employees for complaining in good faith of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation, or for assisting or participating in an investigation of such complaints. Employees who engage in retaliation will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination. 12.4 Employment of Persons with Disabilities Mason County is committed to providing equal opportunities for current and potential County employees with disabilities. Every reasonable effort will be made to create an accessible work environment to the extent possible without undue hardship to the County. Judgements concerning the reasonableness of providing an shall be made by the County on a case-by-case basis. It is the County's responsibility to determine if etxhe proposed accommodation is effective and reasonable. Employment practices will be administered to allow a person with a disability to participate at the same level as a person without a disability. It is the responsibility of the person with the disability to disclose the existence of the disability if reasonable accommodation is to be requested. 12.5 Employee Responsibilities Each employee is responsible for supporting and adhering to this policy. It is the responsibility of all County employees to bring instances of inappropriate behavior to the attention of management. This includes employees who believe they are the recipient of discriminatory behavior as well as those who believe they have witnessed such behavior directed at another employee. Employees should never tolerate inappropriate or harassing behavior. If possible, they should make their feelings known to the offending employee. Whether they confront the harasser or not, employees must promptly report any offending behavior to their Department Head, Elected Official, or to the Human Resources Department. Employees are strongly encouraged to report concerns about discrimination or harassment before behaviors become severe or pervasive.This will assist the County in its efforts to stop discrimination or harassment before it rises to the level of a violation of anti- discrimination laws. 12.6 Supervisor/Manager Responsibilities When a supervisor, manager, department head or elected official suspects or has reason to believe that discriminatory behavior has occurred,theyshall immediately notifythe Director of Human Resources orthe Office of the Prosecuting Attorney and report the incident. Mason County Personnel Policy Page 70of114 12.7 County Responsibilities County Management representatives will promptly and thoroughly investigate all reports of discrimination or harassment. Complaints against either the Human Resources Department or the Prosecuting Attorney's Office will be investigated by a non-county agency. Complaints of discrimination and harassment will be handled with sensitivity,discretion,and confidentiality to the extent allowed by the circumstances and the law. If the County concludes that a violation of this policy occurred,prompt and effective remedial action will be taken. This may include disciplinary action and/or other actions needed to remedy the effects of the discrimination and prevent further incidents. 12.8 Complaint Procedures Employees who feel that they may have been bullied, discriminated against,or sexually harassed,or are aware of actions against another person that may be in violation of this policy, shall immediately contact either their immediate supervisor, their department official, or the Human Resources Department. Complaints should be submitted using the Mason County Internal Discrimination Complaint Form. If the complaint is reported to the employee's supervisor or department official, they will notify the Human Resources Department to peFfGF carry out the investigation. Any person may file a complaint under this policy when the person believes: 1. They have been the target of discrimination or harassment(including bullying); 2. They have personal and first-hand knowledge of behavior believed to be in violation of this policy;or 3. They are being retaliated against for reporting behavior believed to be in violation of this policy. The complaint must be filed within 180 days of the alleged violation of this policy.The complaint should include a description of the alleged violation,the date it occurred,and the name,signature,address,and phone number of the person filing the complaint.The complaint must include sufficient information to allow for investigation into the allegations. In addition to filing a complaint with Mason County, an individual may file a written complaint within one- hundred and eighty (180) days of the alleged violation with the Washington State Human Rights Commission and/or the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Employees are encouraged to exhaust administrative remedies outlined in this policy before outside agencies are consulted. The use of the County's internal discrimination complaint procedure is not a prerequisite to the pursuit of such statutory remedies. When an employee or union files both a grievance and an internal discrimination complaint regarding the same alleged acts or incidences,the investigation and processing of one shall be suspended until the other is completed. Mason County Personnel Policy Page 71of114 Chapter 13 —Vehicle Use Policy 13.1 Vehicle Use and Scope This policy addresses assignment of county vehicles for business use, for home-to-work commuting and after-hours use, use of personal vehicles for county business, mileage allowances, general motor vehicle safety expectations, and reporting requirements for commercial vehicle operators as per RCW 46.25.030. All employees who operate motor vehicles for county-related business are responsible for operating the vehicle in a lawful, safe, and prudent manner. This policy applies to: 1. Departments reporting to the Board of County Commissioners. 2. Elected Officials'Offices with the proviso that those officials are responsible for application of this policy, or a comparable alternative, in their departments.All allowances, mileage reimbursement rates, and other cash disbursements require approval of the Board of County Commissioners. 3. Represented and non-represented employees - Where permitted, the policy is applicable to bargaining unit employees depending on the collective bargaining agreement for that unit and the requirements of RCW 41.56. 4. Where provisions of this policy address topics covered in the Sheriff's Office Vehicle Use policy, those rules shall apply. All users of county vehicles(owned, leased,or rented)or personal vehicles being used for county business purposes, including regular employees,temporary employees, contractors,volunteers, and citizens. 13.2 Definitions Vehicle: Per RCW 46.04.670 includes every device capable of being moved upon a public highway an in, upon, or by which any persons or property is or may be transported or drawn upon a public highway, including bicycles.This includes motorized or non-motorized„eh;elevehicles to include boats,aircraft,and utility tractors designed to transport persons or goods on public roadways,waterways,or federal airspace. Motor vehicle: Per RCW 46.04.320 means every vehicle that is self-propelled by electric poser obtained from overhead trolley wires, but not operated upon rails. Special Mobile Equipment: Per RCW 46.04.552 means every vehicle not designed or used primarily for the transportation of persons or property and only incidentally operated or moved over a highway, including but not limited to: ditch digging apparatus, well boring apparatus and road construction and maintenance machinery such as asphalt spreaders, bituminous mixers, bucket loaders, tractors another than truck tractors, ditchers, leveling graders, finishing machines, motor graders, road rollers, scarifiers, earthmoving carryalls and scrapers, power shovels and draglines, and transportation of persons or property to which machinery has been attached. Specialized Equipment: Per WAC 468-38-270 certain vehicles are designed and built for unique functions other than transporting persons. The federal highway administration classifies and references some of Mason County Personnel Policy Page 72of114 these vehicles as specialized equipment in Title 23 C.F.R. Part 658.13(e) and sets minimum and/or maximum parameters for the vehicle to operate. The department adopted these specialized classifications and accepted or further defined the legal parameters for operation on state highways. Weapon: A tool or instrument used with the aim of causing damage or harm to live beings or artificial structures or systems. Assigned Take-Home Vehicle: A county vehicle,which is used by a County employee for county business and for regularly commuting to and from the employee's home and workstation. Assigned Vehicle: A county vehicle assigned to a department or county employee for county business, but not for employee commuting to and from the employee's home and workstation. Call-Out: A directive to an employee to report to a work site during off duty time or day, and to respond to emergencies, which require immediate response to protect life and property. Commissioned Officers: All officers commissioned by the Sheriff's Office. Commute Trip Mileage: The mileage from an employee's home to their regular place of work and back, or the actual daily mileage from home to the first worksite and from the last worksite to home. Designated Parking Area: A county parking facility or lot, which has been identified by an employee's Elected Official or the Risk Manager as an acceptable overnight location for parking the employee's assigned county vehicle. Emergency Response:An employee has primary responsibility for immediate response,to protect life and property, and to maintain and enforce law. Occasional Overnight Usage of County-Owned Vehicles: County employees taking home county-owned vehicles for conducting county business away from the employee's normal place of work and outside an employee's normally scheduled work hours. 13.3 Assignment of County Vehicles Purpose and Responsibility It is the responsibility of the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) to ensure the proper use of public funds concerning the County practice of allowing employees to commute to and from work in County- owned and leased vehicles. The BOCC is to assure all County owned and leased vehicles are used responsibly, and centralized controls are in place to report taxable benefits if applicable. All Take-Home Vehicle assignments for County issued vehicles will be reviewed by the BOCC annually. The BOCC w+s4wishes to restrict the number of county-owned and leased vehicles used by employees to commute to and from work. Authority and References IRS Publication 15-B Fringe Benefit IRS Publication 5137 Fringe Benefit Guide ILMason County Personnel Policy Page 73of114 IRS Substantiation Requirements§1.274-5 Take-Home Vehicles are only to be assigned to those meeting the IRS requirements of Qualified Non- personal Use Vehicles as identified in Publication 5137, or meet the Emergency Response, Specialized Equipment, or Economic Benefit as defined below. Take-Home Vehicle assignment must be preapproved by BOCC, unless for a temporary assignment. 13.4 Qualified Non-Personal Use Vehicles 1. Clearly marked police,fire, and public safety officer vehicles. 2. Ambulances used as such, or hearses used as such. 3. Any vehicle designed to carry cargo with a loaded gross vehicle weight over 14,000 pounds. 4. Bucket trucks (cherry pickers). 5. Cement mixers. 6. Combines. 7. Cranes and derricks. 8. Delivery trucks with seating only for the driver, or only for the driver plus a folding jump seat. 9. Dump trucks (including garbage trucks). 10. Flatbed trucks. 11. Forklifts. 12. Passenger buses used as such with a capacity of at least 20 passengers. 13. Qualified moving vans. 14. Qualified specialized utility repair trucks (as defined in Publication 5137). 15. Refrigerated trucks. 16. School buses. 17. Tractors and other special purpose farm vehicles. 18. Unmarked vehicles used by law enforcement officers if the use is officially authorized. 19. Pickup Trucks and Vans that meet the specifications as defined in Publication 15-B. Mason County Personnel Policy Page 74of114 The use of County vehicles or travel reimbursement is preferred over the assignment of take-home vehicles for conducting county business. Assignment of a County vehicle is neither a privilege nor a right of any County employee. Assignment of a County vehicle shall not be made based on employee merit or employee status. The need for communication access (car radio, telephone, etc.) shall not be considered adequate justification for a County vehicle assignment. Wherever possible, assigned County vehicles shall be picked up and dropped off at designated County parking area,thereby avoiding the assignment of Take-Home Vehicles. 13.5 Emergency Responses Take-Home Vehicles may be assigned to county employees who: 1. Are called out at least 12 times per quarter, or 48 times a year and have primary responsibility to respond to emergencies which require immediate response to protect life or property; and 2. Cannot use alternative forms of transportation to respond to emergencies; and 3. Cannot pick-up County-owned assigned vehicles at designated sites without impacting the employee's ability to respond to emergencies, which require immediate response to protect life or property. Emergency response assignments should be supported by data demonstrating the actual number and nature of emergency responses in the prior year and estimates of future emergency responses. There must be an explanation as to why an employee cannot use alternative forms of transportation to respond to the ^merge^^^emergencies or pick up county-owned or leased assigned vehicles at designated parking areas. 13.6 Special Equipment Vehicles Take-home vehicles may be assigned if an employee needs specialized equipment or a special vehicle to perform county work outside of an employee's normally scheduled workday. 1. Communication access shall not normally be considered a valid justification for a specially equipped take-home vehicle. 2. Employees must have primary responsibility to respond to emergencies. Special equipment vehicle assignments shall be supported by information describing the special equipment needed to perform the county work. 13.7 Economic Benefit to the County Take-home vehicles may be assigned if employee's private vehicle mileage reimbursement costs are greater than the commuting costs for an assigned county vehicle with overnight vehicle usage. 1. Lost productivity costs, the cost of the time it takes an employee to travel from a designated county parking facility to their workstation,shall not be included in the calculation of economic benefit to the county. 2. There must be an explanation as to why an employee cannot use alternative forms of transportation or pick up county-owned or leased vehicles at designated parking areas. 3. Tax treatment of all vehicle assignments shall be subject to current regulations. Mason County Personnel Policy Page 75of114 13.8 Temporary Take-Home Vehicle Assignment Occasional overnight usage of County-owned or leased vehicles is permitted. Such occasional usage of County vehicles may occur when an employee conducts County business away from the employee's normal place of work, and outside an employee's normally scheduled workday. Other types of occasional overnight usage are permitted when the following conditions exist: 1. Inclement weather conditions: When empleyeean employee is on-call and has primary responsibility to respond. 2. Emergency preparedness or seasonal assignment: County-owned or leased vehicle isvehicles are permitted when an employee is on-call and vehicle is taken home less than 12 times per quarter on average. 3. Collective Bargaining Agreement: Authorization for take-home :mentassignments may be granted to employees represented by collective bargaining agreements with language that provides for take-home vehicle assignment. 13.9 Board of County Commissioners' Responsibilities The BOCC will evaluate, authorize, or deny the current Take-Home vehicle assignments and any new requests from all departments and elected offices by October 31st of each year. Take-home vehicle authorization shall be for the following periods of time: January 15T to December 315Y of each year, unless otherwise specified by a collective bargaining agreement. 13.10 Budget Management Responsibilities Budget Management shall be the department in charge of the following provisions: 1. Maintaining the listing of BOCC approved Take-Home vehicle assignments. 2. Maintain the supporting documents for each Take-Home vehicle assignment. Documents will be compiled, calculated, and submitted to payroll for fringe benefit, per the IRS rules and regulations. 3. Provide Fair Market Value of vehicles for auto fringe benefit calculation if applicable. 4. Develop and maintain records of all take-home vehicle assignments for Budget Management provisions. 13.11 Department Heads and Elected Officials' Responsibilities Department Heads and Elected Officials shall prepare a Vehicle Take-Home Authorization Request Form and submit to Budget Management for presentation to the BOCC. These forms should be submitted by September 30th of each year or when a new Take-Home assignment is issued to Budget Management. Each department and office shall maintain a list of authorized Take-Home Vehicles.This list shall include: 1. Employee name 2. Rank or Title 3. Work location Mason County Personnel Policy Page 76of114 4. Vehicle number 5. Vehicle type 6. County of residence 7. Miles outside the County, if applicable An updated list shall be transmitted to Risk Management by September 30' each year or upon request by the Budget Manager. Apply the following standards and criteria for proposing all take-home assignments. The employee shall reside within Mason County. The elected may propose a take-home vehicle assignment for employees residing outside the county if both the residence is within 15 miles of the county line and a reasonable 30-minute response time can be met. In addition,there are reasonable and compelling justifications and if such requests meetare met,the criteria contained in sections 1 through 6 found below. 1. The employee commute mileage shall not be greater than the business mileage. 2. In cases where the Take-Home Vehicle Assignment requests are based on Emergency Response or Special Equipment, the Elected must show that emergency response outside of the employee's normal working hours is necessary due to an eminent threat to life or property. 3. The employee must provide historical data showing the number of emergency responses made during the same time in the previous year. 4. There must be no other employees on duty and available to respond or perform the emergency work during their normal work shift. 5. Before approving Take-Home Vehicle Assignment,the Elected shall first consider whether occasional overnight assignment,temporary on-call status,or reimbursement for the use of a private vehicle will be of greater economic benefit to the county than a Take-Home Vehicle Assignment. 6. The employee has primary countywide custodial control of resources used during emergency response, and who must be available for all emergencies. 13.12 Sheriff's Office Responsibilities The Sheriff or the Sheriff's designee shall: Prepare a Vehicle Take-Home Authorization Request Form and stsubmit it to Budget Management for presentation to the BOCC. These forms should be submitted by September 301h of each year or when a new Take-Home Vehicle assignment is issued to Budget Management. Each Department shall maintain a list of authorized Take-Home Vehicles. This list shall include: 1. Employee name 2. Rank or Title Mason County Personnel Policy Page 77of114 3. Work location 4. Vehicle number 5. Vehicle type 6. County of residence 7. Miles outside the County, if applicable An updated list shall be transmitted to Budget Management by September 30t"each year or upon request by the Budget Manager. Commissioned employees of the Sheriff's Office are exempt under IRS Publication 15-B Fringe Benefit, however, for Non-Commissioned employees, this is considered a fringe benefit and may create a tax liability. 13.13 Employee's Responsibilities A County owned or leased Take-Home vehicle is a fringe benefit that may generate a tax liability. If a request for a Take-Home Vehicle is approved, it is the responsibility of the employee to contact payroll and determine the tax liability. The employee is also responsible for submitting ythe monthly mileage report to Budget Management by the 5t" working day of the month. Monthly mileage reports are required for all Take- Home assignments, except for Commissioned Officers of the Sheriff. 13.14 Financial Services— Payroll Responsibilities Payroll will update fringe benefit data in the payroll system. (Resolution No. 19-17) 13.15 Drivers License and Insurance Requirements The County has auto liability coverage on its Mason County vehicles. Authorized employees appointed or authorized representatives and persons, or volunteers driving Mason County vehicles are covered under the County's liability coverage. However, employees using their personal vehicles for County business are not included in the County's insurance coverage and, therefore their personal vehicle insurance is responsible for accidents, regardless of whether the accident occurred while they were on County business. The mileage reimbursement received by employees for approved use of personal vehicles includes, in part, a reimbursement for personal insurance coverage. Employees should consult with their insurance agent/company to inquire about what coverage exists while using their personal vehicles for County business. 1. Employees shall provide valid proof of automobile liability/property damage insurance with policy coverage limits that meet the Washington State minimum requirements. Mason County Personnel Policy Page 78of114 2. When an employee is using their privately-owned vehicle pursuant to County policy, the individual's insurance shall be considered the primary insurance coverage with County coverage potentially available for secondary or excess coverage. 3. Job applicants who have reached the final interview stage of the employment selection process will provide the county with a "Driving Record" prior to being offered the position. This applies to both internal and external applicants and only to those applicants whose job would require them to operate county owned or leased vehicles on a regular(routine) basis. 13.16 Use of Personal Vehicles for County Business Employee's use of personal vehicles for county business travel purposes is subject to the approval of the department head or elected official. Employees may be required to utilize a county vehicle based on cost or safety considerations. Authorization to use private vehicles may be given on a trip-by-trip or standing approval basis. Upon request, employees are required to provide to their supervisor proof that they possess a valid motor vehicle operator's license, proof of current vehicle liability insurance and a current year Vehicle Use Agreement on file. Private vehicles utilized for county business are considered official vehicles and must conform to the following requirements: 1. The vehicle must meet legal requirements to operate on a public highway. 2. The vehicle must be in sound mechanical condition and present no safety risks. 3. Employees must submit a mileage reimbursement form, to receive reimbursement based on the county's current mileage rate allowance. The standard mileage rate reimbursement covers gas, maintenance, repairs, and insurance for work related driving. 13.17 Use of County Vehicles for Personal Business Employees using county vehicles on a continuing assignment ortrip-by-trip basis are prohibited from using vehicles for personal business except as provided herein. Unauthorized personal use of a county vehicle may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. All employees should exercise reasonable judgment regarding the use of a county vehicle for personal purposes. Personal use of a county vehicle may be permitted, subject to the approval of the applicable department head or elected official, when the use serves the county's interests, results in negligible expense, and/or is justified by compelling circumstances and doesn't pose a "bad appearance" even if on personal time — (e.g., at a bar or liquor store). 13.18 Incidental Travel and Stops Employee d. Employee drivers should remember that public perception of county employees is important and influenced by how and where the public observes county vehicles being used. Em e dsEmployee drivers should not make incidental stops at locations the public would generally perceive as inappropriate. Mason County Personnel Policy Page 79of114 13.19 Political Use of County Vehicles No employee or person may use any vehicle owned, leased, or operated by the county for any trip which is exclusively for the purposes of campaigning in support of, or in opposition to, any candidate or cause for national,county,or local office, unless use of the vehicle is required for purposes of security protection provided by the county or local governmental unit. 13.20 Use of County Vehicles by Other Individuals Use of countyvehicles bytemporary employees orvolunteers requires authorization from the department head or elected official. Temporary county employees and volunteers are subject to the applicable provisions of this policy, including signing the Vehicle Use Agreement and providing proof of va da valid driver's license. Interagency use of a county vehicle requires authorization from the county's elected official. Use of a county vehicle under an interagency agreement is subject to the provisions mutually agreed upon by the agencies involved. 13.21 Permitted and Prohibited Uses of County and Personal Vehicles for County Business The following policies govern all vehicle use for county business: 1. All drivers and passengers must comply with all the motor vehicles laws of the state of Washington or any other state in which the vehicle is operated, including seatbelt and cell phone laws. 2. Vehicles shall be locked when unattended with the engine turned off. Keys shall not be left in the ignition unless authorized by the department head or elected official. 3. No person may use a county vehicle, or permit the use of a county vehicle, or operate a personal vehicle for county business in the following prohibited manners: a. The driver is impaired by fatigue or any other known mental or physical condition that affects the safe operation of the vehicle. b. The driver is impaired because of prescribed appliances (e.g., cast, sling, brace), prescribed or over-the-counter medications that eausescause or results in adverse side effects(e.g.,drowsiness or impaired reflexes or reaction time). As described in Policy 8.12- Substance Abuse, employees are responsible for informing their supervisor of the possible effects of the medication and expected duration of its use. c. Tobacco use (smoking and non-smoking products and devices) is prohibited in county-owned or leased vehicles. This does not include smoking in personal vehicles used for county-related business. d. Transporting non-county employee passengers, including family members, is not permitted unless authorized by the employee's department head or elected official. e. Permitting non-authorized individuals to drive a county-owned/leased vehicle unless it is for a bona fide emergency purpose. f. Drivers of motor vehicles are prohibited from reading, manually writing, or sending a message on an electronic wireless communications device or holding a wireless communication device to their ear while the vehicle is moving. Exceptions to this section include operators of an authorized Mason County Personnel Policy Page 80of114 emergency motor vehicle; a driver using a wireless communications device in the hands-free mode; using devices to report illegal activity or summon medical aid or other emergency assistance or to prevent injury to a person or property; using hearing aids. g. Use for personal gain, such as delivering goods or services. h. Modifications including affixing signs, stickers, antennas, bike racks, ski racks, etc. Modifications to county vehicles may be undertaken only with the prior written consent of the department head or elected official. The County Shop or its designee will perform any modification to a county- owned or leased vehicle. i. Transporting of animals — Allowed only with prior written consent of the department head or elected official-(excludes Animal Control activities and transportation and use of canines or other animals by the Sheriff's Office). j. Hauling loads that exceed the rated capacity of the vehicle or that could cause damage to the vehicle (i.e., hauling firewood or gravel in a passenger vehicle). k. Use of trailer hitches and towing—allowed only with prior approval by either the County Shop or Motor Pool Manager.The County Shop or Motor Pool must evaluate hitches and lights. I. Installation or use of any radar or speed detection devices. m. Transporting hitchhikers. n. Use or consumption of alcohol and/or illegal drugs is prohibited while operating a county- owned/leased vehicle or personal vehicle for county business. o. Use for vacations,side trips or any other use not expressly authorized by this policy or department head or elected official. Drivers with questions regarding the appropriate use of a county vehicle or a personal vehicle while in use for county business should consult with their supervisor, department head, elected official, or the Risk Management Office. 13.22 Vehicle Use Agreement (VUA) — Request for Driving Record The purpose of the VUA is to ensure employees are licensed to operate a motor vehicle and possess auto liability insurance to operate their personal vehicle for county business. Use of a county (owned, rented, or leased) or personal vehicle for business purposes is contingent upon the following conditions and requirements: 1. Vehicle Use Agreement - Each department head and elected official or their designee will acquire a signed Vehicle Use Agreement(VUA), annually from each of their employees that operate a personal or county-owned/leased vehicle for business purposes. This includes those employees required to hold a Commercial Driver's License (CDL). 2. Motor Pool User Agreement—Each department head and elected official ortheir designee will acquire a signed Motor Pool User Agreement (MPUA), annually from each of their employees that operate a motor pool county-owned/leased vehicle for business purposes. 3. Driving Record Request a. Employees who are required to operate a vehicle on a regular(routine) basis to perform their job shall, as part of the Vehicle Use Agreement, authorize Mason County to acquire a copy of their driving abstract from the Department of Licensing per RCW 46.52.130. ILMason County Personnel Policy Page 81of114 b. All other employees who may drive a county vehicle or a personal vehicle for the use of county business may have their driver abstract requested from the Department of Licensing per RCW 46.52.130 if requested by their department head, elected official and/or the Risk Management Office. 13.23 Driver Disqualification and Review County employees and other authorized agents of the county may become disqualified as a driver for county business for any of the following conditions: 1. Three or more moving violations in the past three years. 2. Two aeetsaccidents, if one or more results in injury, loss of life or significant property damage. Note:This includes only accidents where the driver was substantially at fault. 3. Suspension or revocation of driver's license. 4. Drivers must immediately inform their supervisor, department head, or elected official in writing if they become disqualified under this policy. 5. Any change in the status of an employee's driver record resulting in disqualification or the failure to report such change may result in revocation of the privilege to drive a county-owned/leased vehicle or a personal vehicle utilized for county business and/or disciplinary action up to and including termination. 6. Drivers denied the use of a county vehicle based on an unsatisfactory driving record may request a review of the denial through their department head or elected official. The Risk Management Office should be consulted regarding any requests for review. A requested review will be investigated by the department head or elected official, and the Risk Management Office then approved or denied by the elected official in writing. Approval or denial will be documented and kept on file in the Risk Management Office. 13.24 Accidents and Citations Employees are fully responsible to eperatefgr operating vehicles on county business in a legal, safe, and prudent fashion and are subject to appropriate corrective action for failure to do so, up to and including termination. 1. Employees shall immediately report all traffic accidents and/or damage to their vehicle to their supervisor or department head or elected official while operating a personal or county-owned/leased vehicle while on county business. In addition to any state required accident reports, employees shall complete the Risk Management Vehicle Accident Report form within the first business day following the accident.The report will be forwarded to Risk Management.A review by the department head or elected official may be convened to evaluate the accident depending on the severity. 2. Drivers are personally responsible for the cost of all traffic citations, parking tickets, etc. Passengers are personally responsible for the cost of any traffic citation they may receive while riding in a county- Mason County Personnel Policy Page 82of114 owned/leased vehicle or a personal vehicle being used for county business - (i.e., seatbelt violations, parking violations, throwing object from vehicle). The offending employee shall pay citation fines promptly. 3. Employees shall report moving violation citations that occur while operating a vehicle for county business within the first business day of the issuance of the citation. Employees will notify their immediate supervisor,who in turn will forward the report to the Risk Management Office. 13.25 Commercial Driver License In addition to the conditions and requirements for all motor vehicle operators, employees who hold a commercial driver's license (CDQ are subject to all requirements applicable to state and federal laws. 13.26 County Vehicle Related Purchases Supervisors shall inform employees of acceptable vendors, gas stations, and other services that may be utilized for county vehicle related purchases. Repair and towing services are primarily acquired through county contracts. If services are needed while traveling out of the county, the employee should contact the County Shop for public works vehicles,the Facilities manager for motor pool vehicles,or use their best judgment if outside of work hours. 13.27 ER&R Vehicles Fuel Policies and Fuel Credit Card Uses Public Works vehicles should use the county-owned fuel dispensers whenever possible. There is one fill up per fuel card use. No doubling up on one card with more than one respective, associated vehicle is permitted. Department supervisors should provide directions to those locations and instruct their assigned drivers on the uses of these dispensers. Public Works vehicles may use public self-service, regular unleaded and diesel dispensers if county fuel dispensers are not available.The most cost-effective vendor should be used whenever possible. Receipts must be submitted for reimbursement. The use of premium grades of fuel is not authorized, unless required by the vehicle's owner's manual. 13.28 Motor Pool Repairs and Preventative Maintenance Motor pool vehicles should use the assigned WEX Fleet card to purchase fuel from any authorized gas station (Shell or Chevron). Arco and AM/PM gas stations are not authorized vendors. There is one fill up per fuel card use. No doubling up on one card with more than one respective, associated vehicle is permitted. Department supervisors should provide directions to those locations and instruct their assigned drivers on the uses of these dispensers. Motor pool vehicles may use public self-service, regular unleaded and diesel dispensers for emergency situations only. The most cost-effective vendor should be used whenever possible. Receipts must be submitted for reimbursement. The use of premium grades of fuel is not authorized, unless required by the vehicle's owner's manual. Mason County Personnel Policy Page 83of114 13.29 Repairs and Preventative Maintenance When a vehicle is assigned to an employee or department, the driver or department supervisor is responsible for ensuring that all preventative maintenance is performed on schedule and the vehicle is serviced in a timely manner when notified by either the Facilities department or the County Shop. 13.30 General Motor Vehicle Safety In the interest of safety, supervisors may elect to have assignments,jobs or tasks delayed or postponed during inclement weather until driving conditions improve. Only essential vehicles equipped with necessary traction devices should be required to operate during hazardous conditions (e.g., Sheriff's vehicles, snowplows, sanding trucks, etc.). Vehicles used during inclement weather may require the use of tire chains. It is the responsibility of the vehicle/equipment operator to install tire chains when needed. Operators shall conduct a safety check of the vehicle each day. The minimum operator's check should consist of a check for body damage, mechanical problems (tire inflation & tread, brakes, steering, turn signals, wipers, horn, etc.) and verification that all lights are functioning, and windows are cleaned to present a clear field of view. All items requiring repair shall be reported to the immediate supervisor and the County Shop for public works vehicles,or by submitting a maintenance support ticket to the Facilities Department for motor pool vehicles. County departments may have additional requirements for the safe operation of motor vehicles and equipment. 13.31 Safety In the event a county officer, employee, or volunteer is involved in an accident while operating a county vehicle or their own vehicle and conducting county business,the driver shall follow these safety rules: 1. Immediately provide first aid (if possible and if necessary) to any injured person. It is recommended that employees providing first aid/CPR have a valid first aid/CPR card. 2. The county driver shall then immediately notify their supervisor and the appropriate law enforcement agency. No vehicles shall be moved from the accident scene until law enforcement arrives unless a greater safety hazard would be created by not moving the vehicle(s). 3. The county employee/driver shall exchange information regarding driver's license, vehicle registration, and insurance information with the operator(s) of the other vehicle(s). 4. If possible, the county employee/driver shall gather the names and addresses of all potential witnesses including passengers in all vehicles involved. 5. If possible, take photos of both the county vehicle and the other injured parties' vehicle, equipment, or the scene itself. 6. The county employee/driver shall complete the vehicle accident checklist located in the glove compartment of each county vehicle. If the accident results in death, personal injury, or property Mason County Personnel Policy Page 84of114 damage in excess of five hundred dollars, complete the State of Washington Uniform Collision Report Form (WSP 161)within twenty-four hours of the accident. (Resolution No. 2020-024) Mason County Personnel Policy Page 85of114 Chapter 14 —Travel Mason County recognizes that out of town travel and related business expenses can be an integral and necessary component of the operation of local government. This policy is intended to establish equitable standards and to provide consistent and fair treatment to all employees who incur such expenses. It is also intended to establish and maintain effective controls over those expenses. County officials (department heads and elected officials) and County employees are expected to exercise prudent judgment when incurring travel expenses on behalf of the County doing official County business. The failure of employees to follow this policy, or incur excessive expenses, may be cause for disciplinary action. Non-business-related expenses and/or expenses not made in accordance with this policy will not be approved or reimbursed. 14.1 Travel Expense Reimbursement All travel and associated expenses must be approved in advance by the department head or elected official. Employees will be reimbursed for reasonable and customary expenses incurred in connection with doing business on behalf of the County. These may include meals, lodging,transportation,and other necessary expenses while away from the office. These expenses may not include alcoholic beverages; tobacco; tips exceeding 15%; meals, lodging or transportation provided for the employee by an outside entity as part of the employee's participation; any expenses for a person(s)traveling with the employee; any expenses incurred that are not in connection with the business of the County. All requests for payment of travel must be submitted to the Auditor's Financial Services department on forms approved and provided by the Auditor. All required documentation must also be submitted on the approved travel document form. Required travel documents include all itemized receipts, conference/seminar agendas,and all proof of costs incurred while doing business on behalf of the County. Travel documents should be presented to the Auditor's Financial Services department in the month the charges occur. If an employee chooses to travel to a destination in advance of the necessary time for arrival or remain at the destination following the official closing of the event,there will be no additional per diem, lodging or miscellaneous expenses paid to the employee. All requests for payment must be signed by the department head or elected official and the employee that is requesting reimbursement. An employee may not request reimbursement on behalf of another employee. If an employee is compensated by an outside entity for any travel costs while traveling on behalf of Mason County, the employee will deposit those funds with the Mason County Treasurer. The employee will provide the Auditor's Financial Services department with a copy of the Treasurer's deposit receipt and a detail of the expenses covered. Any member of a board, committee or commission that is not a Mason County employee but is an appointed member to do business on behalf of Mason County is subject to all travel rules and documentation noted herein. Mason County Personnel Policy Page 86of114 14.2 Per Diem (Meal Reimbursement) All requested meal reimbursement must have a detailed receipt. Meals will be reimbursed, minus any alcohol or a tip exceeding 15%, using the Washington State Office of Financial Management (OFM) per diem rates and,for out of state travel,the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) per diem rates. The meals will be reimbursed up to the allowable rate for the location and meal type per GSA per diem rates. Per diem will be reduced for any meals provided through conference registration, seminars, or similar events. Reimbursement will not be made if the employee chooses not to eat the meal provided and eats elsewhere. 14.2.1 Single Day Per Diem Single day per diem occurs when no overnight stay is required. Single day meal reimbursements are considered taxable wages according to the IRS and will be included as gross taxable income of the employee. An employee must use the single day per diem form and include it with their payroll timesheet information. The department supervisor will forward the per diem form to the Auditor's Financial Services department.The meal will be added to their taxable gross wages and taxed accordingly. 14.2.2 Per Diem While in Overnight Travel Status If an overnight stay is required, per diem will be based on GSA FatesGSA rates for each day the employee is in full travel status. The per diem rate will be based on the location the employee is in for that meal. On days of departure and return, an employee will apply the Three-Hour Rule (see rule below). 14.2.3 Per Diem Three Hour Rule If an employee is in travel status for three hours beyond their regular work schedule for a single day,they may receive meal reimbursement. The three hours may consist of hours occurring before, after or a combination of both before and after the employee's regular work schedule for the day. The employee may not stop for a meal just to meet the three-hour rule. 14.3 Advance Travel If an employee will be in training on behalf of the County and staying at the training location for four consecutive weeks or more,they may request advance travel. All requests for payment of advance travel must be submitted to the Auditor's Financial Services department on forms approved and provided by the Auditor. Documentation of the training must be submitted with the approved advance travel request that includes the location and the training calendar. It is the responsibility of the employee to submit the advance travel request two weeks prior to travel to allow for processing the request. Per diem will be used for only advance travel using the Washington State Office of Financial Management (OFM) per diem rates and,for out of state travel,the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) per diem rates. There is no requirement to provide receipts. All advance travel requests must be signed by the department head or elected official and the employee that is requesting the advance travel. 14.4 Special Circumstances During emergency situations such as, but not limited to, initial crime scene investigations, major crimes, emergency weather situation, natural disasters, etc., when employees are working extended hours and Mason County Personnel Policy Page 87of114 stopping for a meal break could worsen the emergency or increase costs to the County,departments may provide an on-scene meal of nominal cost. A detailed receipt, including namesthe names of all employees/volunteers involved, must be provided. All receipts and pertinent information involving the emergency must be included on the claim for payment voucher submitted to the Auditor's Financial Services department. An employee may not claim a per diem meal reimbursement if their County department is also submitting a claim for payment voucher for the same incident. 14.5 Lodging All lodging is to be reserved using a government, or most economical, rate whenever possible. County credit cards may be used to secure lodging for a county employee. Reimbursement for lodging is allowed when the temporary duty station is located more than fifty(50) miles, using the most direct route, of the closer of either the traveler's official residence or official workstation. Reimbursement will be made for the actual lodging expense and any applicable taxes. If there are additional charges for a person(s) traveling with the employee, who is not traveling on behalf of County business, the employee is responsible for all charges for that additional person(s) and it will not be reimbursed. An itemized statement is required for all charges. If an employee shares aR with another employee or an employee of another entity who is attending the same event, an equal share of the double room rate will be paid on behalf of the Mason County employee. Each employee must submit an original invoice showing the lodging charge for their portion of the room rate. Not eligible for reimbursement on a lodging receipt are, but not limited to laundry services;valet service; entertainment expenses; athletic room (gym) charges, internet charges (unless required by their supervisor). 14.6 Transportation Any employee driving a vehicle (either County car or personal vehicle) must have and must be able to provide proof of valid car insurance. Employees are encouraged to reserve and use a pool car from ER&R as much as possible. All county vehicles shall be used in accordance with Mason County ER&R use policy. If a personal vehicle is used,the mileage will be based on the current IRS standard POV rate. Mileage will be prohibited for normal travel between the usual place of business and employee's main place of residence. When traveling on behalf of the County, mileage will be paid from either the official workstation or the employee's main residence, whichever is the closer and most direct route of the two, to the travel destination. Mileage shall not exe-ped whatexceed the sum of a round trip coach airfare from a common carrier, any needed local ground transportation, and other related costs for that destination. Airfare (coach rate), car rentals,trains,ferry,tolls, shuttle/taxi, etc. will be reimbursed with a receipt and paid at actual costs. Personal travel insurance will not be reimbursed. Tickets purchased with an employee's individual frequent flyer miles will not be reimbursed. Mason County Personnel Policy Page 88of114 !� (Resolution No. 82-12) Mason County Personnel Policy Page 89of114 Chapter 15 — Electronic Information Acceptable Use Policy 15.1 Electronic Information Policy Mason County provides a communications and data network capable of offering Electronic Mail (e-mail), Voice Mail, Internet access, data storage and data processing to employees to assist and facilitate legitimate Mason County business operations. Mason County information and information resources shall be used in an approved, lawful manner to avoid loss or liability to Mason County and/or loss of public confidence in the operation of Mason County. Utilization of these systems is a privilege. Employees should never put information on or access services unless they would be comfortable with the information associated with their name in public. By using Mason County's communications and data systems, employees agree that they are aware of, understand and comply with the provisions of this policy. 15.2 Definitions Computers Systems: Includes individual desktop and laptop computers (PCs), e-mail system, internet access, file servers, digital media such as floppy disks, Compact Digital disks (CDs) and Digital Video disks (DVDs), and all other components of Mason County's computer systems. E-Mail: The County's e-mail system. Intranet: Web site containing content for internal use. Internet: The worldwide network of computers. Software: The digital programs that perform functions on the PCs and network. All software normally has a copyright and is licensed. Streaming Audio(or Video): Technology used to"play"or view audio/video on a PC from a remote source or Web site over the network. Can be used for music, voice, lectures, videos, and other audio/video material. It generally consists of a continuous stream of data coming over the network. Web Browsing: Use of a software tool to access Web sites on the Internet. 15.3 Roles and Responsibilities Mason County owns all information services resources; use of such resources constitutes consent to monitor, inspect and audit any data or information resident on those resources without permission or further notice. BeaFdThe Board of County Commissioners shall approve the Acceptable Use Policy. Elected officials and Department Heads shall be responsible for the following: 1. Informing their personnel of acceptable use policies and acceptable use of information resources. 2. Ensuring that personnel under their supervision comply with these polices. 3. Ensure the contract personnel under their supervision comply with these policies and procedures. Mason County Personnel Policy Page 90of114 15.4 Equipment and Programs 15.4.1 Acquiring Hardware and Software To prevent the introduction of malicious code and protect the integrity of County information resources, all hardware and software shall be obtained through or with the advice of Information Services. 15.4.2 Complying with Copyright and Licensing All software utilized shall be procured by Mason County and shall be licensed and registered in the name of Mason County. All personnel shall abide by software copyright laws and shall not obtain, install, replicate, or use software except as permitted by the software licensing agreements. 15.4.3 Using Personally Owned Software To protect the integrity of County resources and licensing requirements, personnel shall not use personally owned software on Mason County information systems.This includes, but his not limited to, personally purchased and licensed applications and shareware. Exception: Personally, owned Personal Digital Assistant (PDAs) that are compatible with the County systems, may be installed with the authorization of the Elected Official or Department Head. The software licensing that accompanies the PDA must allow concurrent home and business use. 15.5 E-Mail and Voice Mail (Electronic Communication} 15.5.1 Acceptable Use Mason County provides electronic communications to facilitate the conduct of government business. Occasional and incidental personal electronic communications use shall be permitted if it does not interfere with the government's ability to perform its mission. However,while they remain in the system, personal messages shall be in the possession and control of Mason County and shall be deemed public information, unless specifically protected by law. 15.5.2 Prohibited Use Prohibited activities when using government electronic mail shall include, but not be limited to, sending, or arranging to receive the following: 1. Information that violates county,state or federal laws and regulations. 2. Any material that may defame, libel,abuse,tarnish,or portray in false light,the recipient,the sender, or any other person. 3. Pornographic, racist, sexually oriented, offensive material, chain letters, unauthorized mass mailings, or malicious code. 15.5.3 Encryption Encrypting electronic mail, messages or data shall comply with the following: 1. Use of encryption will be approved by the Commissioners. 2. Place the key or other similar file for all encrypted electronic mail in a directory or file system that can be accessed by the responsible Elected Official or Department Head prior to encrypting email. Mason County Personnel Policy Page 91of114 3. Supply the key or other device needed to decrypt the electronic mail upon request by authorized management. 4. Use of encryption without prior authorization will be considered violating this policy. 15.6 E-Mail Management Recognizing that e-mail messages that meet the definition of a public record must be managed according to approved records retention periods, Mason County has implemented a process to support the proper management of e-mail records. It is the responsibility of all County employees to manage records according to retention requirements mandated by federal, state and/or local statute, grant agreement, and/or other contractual obligations and Mason County's policies and procedures. Storing every email is not the same as managing public records created and/or received as emails. Such a strategy is unlikely to be sustainable in the long run,will make it harder to locate the public records that do need to be retained and may not be the most efficient use of agency resources. Mason County supports appropriate management of e-mail messages through: 1. Implementation of an email archiving selutiORSSOlution that provides central storage and access of e- mail messages that meet the definition of a public record. 2. Development of user procedures and guidelines. 3. Training for email storage is available to all employees through the Secretary of State https://www.sos.wa.gov/archives/recordsmanagement/managing-emails.aspx. Please contact depa the department's records retention staff for assistance. 15.6.1 Policy All e-mail messages sent or received that are related to the conduct of County business must be evaluated for the function and content of the record. The function/content of each e-mail message should be evaluated against the following criteria of a public record: • Was the email created while doing County business? • Was the email received for action? • Does the email document County activities, decisions, or actions? • Is the email mandated by statutes or regulations? • Does the email support financial obligations or legal claims? • Does the email communicate County requirements? 1. Email messages that meet the definition of a public record must be managed according to their approved retention period in their native format. https://www.sos.wa.gov/archives/recordsmanagement/local-government-records-retention- schedules---alphabetical-list.aspx 2. All email messages sent or received from a County email address will be retained for a minimum of 90 days by the County's email system. Mason County Personnel Policy Page 92of114 3. Employees have 90 days from the date an email message was created or received to determine if an email meets the definition of a public record. All emails that are public records must be retained in their native format for their approved records retention period. Retention periods are based on functional use of the information contained in each message. 4. Employees shall place email messages in email storage folders for the appropriate retention period as approved by the Washington State Local Records Committee Records Retention Schedule. The email archiving system will retain email based on folder designation. It is critical to use the appropriate email storage folder. 5. 90 days after the received date, e-mails will be purged from the County's email system (Outlook). E- mails in an employee in-box will be retained by the county's archiving system (Retain) for two years and deleted e-mails will be retained for one year. This process will purge archived emails that have met their required retention period and junk e-mails. Purged means deleted and unrecoverable. 6. To comply with records management requirements and the Washington State Public Records Act (RCW 42.56) email messages that meet the definition of a public record must be stored within technology systems supported by the County.The County's email archiving solution is considered the official system of record for County email messages. Requests for alternative methods for retaining emails must be submitted to the Information Technology Department for approval. 7. The creation of new Microsoft Outlook Personal Storage Table (.pst)files is prohibited. 15.6.2 Definitions Public Record: Information in any fermat7f0rmat that has been made by or received by Mason County in connection with the transaction of public business. Transitory Record:A public record with minimum retention value. These records can be deleted "as soon as no longer needed for agency business". They are subject to public disclosure while they exist. Non-Record: Non-records may be created or maintained by County employees, but do not document the organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures, operations, or other activities of Mason County. (Resolution No. 68-19) 15.7 Internet Access Access to the Internet is available to employees, contractors, whose duties require it for the conduct of government business. Since Internet activities may be monitored, all personnel accessing the Internet shall have no expectation of privacy. 15.7.1 Acceptable Use Mason County provides Internet access to facilitate the conduct of government business. Occasional and incidental personal internet use shall be permitted if it is not a Prohibited Use activity, is not conducted during county work time and does not interfere with the government's ability to perform its mission. Elected officials and Department Heads shall determine when usage is acceptable for their employees. Mason County Personnel Policy Page 93of114 15.7.2 Prohibited Use Prohibited activities when using the Internet include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Browsing explicit pornographic or hate-based web sites, hacker or cracker sites, or other sites that Mason County has determined to be off-limits. 2. Posting, sending, or acquiring sexually explicit or sexually oriented material, hate-based material, hacker-related material, or other material determined to be off-limits. 3. Posting or sending sensitive information without management authorization. 4. Accessing outside personal e-mail accounts such as Hotmail or Yahoo mail. Downloads or attachments from these accounts could bypass the County e-mail virus software. Information needed from these accounts should be forwarded to the employee's County e-mail address. 5. Using other services available on the Internet, such as FTP or Telnet, on systems for which the user does not have an account, or on systems that have no guest or anonymous account for the service being used. 6. Posting commercial announcements or advertising material. 7. Promoting or maintaining a personal or private business. 8. Receiving news feeds and push data updates unless the material is required for government business. 9. Using non-work-related applications or software that occupy excess workstation or network processing time (e.g., processing in conjunction with screen savers, streaming audio, or video feeds). 10. Conducting fund-raising, endorsing any product or service, lobbying, or participating in any political or campaign activity. 15.8 Generally Prohibited Uses of Information Resources Generally prohibited activities when using government information resources shall include, but are not limited to,the following: 1. Stealing or ge#cop in electronic files without permission. 2. Violating copyright laws. This includes downloading copyright music or video files. 3. Browsing the private files or accounts of others, except as provided by appropriate authority. 4. Performing unofficial activities that may degrade the performance of systems or waste employee time, such as the playing of electronic games. Mason County Personnel Policy Page 94of114 5. Performing activities intended to circumvent security or access controls of any organization, including the use of hardware or software tools intended to defeat software copy protection, discover passwords, identify security vulnerabilities, decrypt encrypted files, or compromise information security by any other means. 6. Writing, copying, executing,or attempting to introduce any computer code designed to self-replicate, damage,or otherwise hinder the performance of or access to any computer, network,or information. 7. Accessing the County network via modem or other remote access service without the approval of management. 8. Promoting or maintaining a personal or private business or using County information resources for personal gain. 9. Using someone else's logon ID and password. 10. Disclosing any County information that is not otherwise public. 15.9 Monitoring, Auditing, and Inspection Elected Officials and Department Heads may monitor, inspect, or audit the e-mail, data, or information their employees create or utilize on the County information services resources at any time. System administrators and other personnel with unrestricted access to email, files, data, and similar services shall receive approval from the supervising Elected Official or Department Head prior to decrypting, opening, or reading the e-mail, data or information of their employees. If due to unusual circumstances,such as result of viruses, malicious programs, equipment failure or error, employee e-mail, data or information is read or intercepted, then system administrators and other employees that intercept, read, or view the information shall inform the responsible Elected Official or Department Head at the first opportunity. An Elected official may only be monitored, inspected, or audited only with the express authorization of the Prosecutor. Mason County Personnel Policy Page 95of114 Chapter 16 — Social Media Policy To address the fast-changing landscape of the Internet and the way residents communicate and obtain information online, Mason County departments may consider using social media tools to reach a broader audience. The County encourages the use of social media to further the goals of the County and the missions of its departments, where appropriate. This policy is not meant to address one form of social media; rather social media in general, as advances in technology will occur and new tools will emerge. Mason County personnel will approach the use of social media tools as consistently as possible, County Government wide. All Mason County social media sites shall comply with all appropriate RCW, Mason County policies and standards, including but not limited to: 1. Mason County Electronic Information Acceptable Use Policy (Revision F) 2. Mason County Blogging Policy 3. Mason County Electronic Communications Policy 4. Mason County Personnel Policy 5. RCW 42.52 Ethics in Public Service 6. Mason County Social Media Standards for Facebook and Twitter 7. State of Washington public records laws Mason County has an overriding interest and expectation in deciding what is "spoken" on behalf of the County on social media sites.This policy establishes guidelines for the use of social media. 16.1 Definitions Blog:A self-published diary or commentary on a particular topic that may allow visitors to post responses, reactions, or comments.The term is short for "Web log." Blog article:An original posting of content to a Mason County blog site by a Mason County blog author. Blog commenter:A member of the public who submits a comment for posting in response to the content of a particular Mason County blog article. Blog comment:A response to a Mason County blog article submitted by a blog commenter. Mason County blog author: An authorized Mason County employee/official that creates and is responsible for posted blog articles(see blog article below). Mason County blog moderator: An authorized Mason County employee/official,who reviews,authorizes, and allows content submitted by a Mason County blog authors and public commenters to be posted to a Mason County blog site. Mason County Personnel Policy Page 96of114 Page: The specific portion of a social media website where content is displayed and managed by an individual or individuals with administrator rights. Post: Contents an individual share on a social media site or the act of publishing content on a site. Profile: Information that a user provides about 'lthemselves on a social networking site. Social Media: A category of Internet-based resources that integrate user-generated content and user participation. This includes, but is not limited to, social networking sites (Facebook, MySpace), micro- blogging sites (Twitter, Nixle), photo- and video-sharing sites (Flickr, YouTube), wikis (Wikipedia), blogs, and news sites(Digg, Reddit). Social Networks: Online platforms where users can create profiles, share information, and socialize with others using a range of technologies. Speech: Expression or communication of thoughts or opinions in spoken words, in writing, by expressive conduct, symbolism, photographs,videotape, or related forms of communication. Web 2.0:The second generation of the World Wide Web focused on shareable, user generated content, rather than static web pages. Some use this term interchangeably with social media. Wiki: Web page(s) that can be edited collaboratively. 16.2 Administration of Social Media The Mason County Information Services Department will maintain a list of social media tools which are approved for use by County departments and staff. The Mason County Information Services Department will maintain a list of all Mason County social media sites, a list of logins and passwords will be supplied by department / Office directors / managers. (The Mason County Information Services Department must be able to immediately edit or remove content from social media sites.) ^fEThe Official Mason County logo must appear somewhere on the "cover page" of the social media site. Mason County personnel use of personally owned devices to manage the County's social media activities or in the course of official duties is prohibited without express written permission by their Department Head. Mason County personnel shall observe and abide by all copyright, trademark, and service mark restrictions in posting materials to electronic media. For each social media tool approved for use by the County the following documentation and financial planning will need to be developed and adopted by each department/office: • Standards and processes for managing and administration of accounts. • Written operational and use guidelines. • Secured budgeting for the approved retention and archiving program. Mason County Personnel Policy Page 97of114 The following social media sites and networks have been approved for use by Mason County: • Twitter—Mason County Twitter Standard • Facebook—Mason County Facebook Standard All additional social media tools proposed for County use will be forwarded to Information Services for review and processing for approval. 16.3 Mason County Website The Mason County website (https://masoncountywa.gov/index.php) will remain the County's primary and predominant internet presences. The best, most appropriate Mason County uses of social media tools fall generally into two categories: 1. As channels for disseminating time-sensitive information as quickly as possible (example: emergency information). 2. As marketing/promotional channels which increase the County's ability to broadcast its messages to the widest possible audience. Wherever possible,content posted to Mason County social media sites should contain links directing users back to the County's official website for in-depth information, forms, documents, or online services necessary to conduct business with Mason County. As is the case for Mason County's web site, assigned department staff will be responsible for the content and upkeep of any social media sites their department may create. 16.4 Social Media Public Records Mason County's social media sites are subject to State of Washington public records laws(RCW 42.56). Any content maintained in a social media format that is related to County business, including a list of subscribers, and posted communication, is a public record. The Department maintaining the site is responsible for responding completely and accurately to any public records request for public records on social media. Content related to County business shall be maintained in an accessible feet ar dformat so that it can be produced in response to a request utilizing an approved retention and archiving program. Wherever possible, such sites shall clearly indicate that"any articles and any other content posted or submitted for posting are subject to public disclosure". Users shall be notified that public disclosure requests must be directed to the relevant departmental public disclosure officer. Washington state law and relevant Mason County records retention schedules apply to social media formats and social media content. Unless otherwise addressed in a specific social media standards document,the Department maintaining a site shall preserve records required to be maintained pursuant to a relevant records retention schedule for the required retention period on a County server in a format that preserves the integrity of the original record and is easily accessible through the approved retention and archiving program. Appropriate retention formats for specific social media tools are detailed in the Mason County Social Media Standards for Facebook and Twitter. Mason County Personnel Policy Page 98of114 16.5 Users and Visitors of Mason County Social Media Users and visitors to social media sites shall be notified that the intended purpose of the site is to serve as a mechanism for communication between Mason County departments and members of the public. Social media pages should state, where possible, that "Opinions expressed by visitors to the page(s) do not reflect the opinions of Mason County". Pages shall clearly indicate that posted comments will be monitored and that the department reserves the right to remove obscenities, off-topic comments, and personal attacks. Mason County social media site articles and comments containing any of the following forms of content shall not be allowed: 1. Comments not topically related to the particular social medium article being commented upon. 2. Comments in support of or opposition to political campaigns, ballot measures or pending action items. 3. Profane language or content. 4. Content that promotes, fosters, or perpetuates discrimination based on race, creed, color, age, religion, gender, marital status, status about public assistance, national origin, physical or mental disability or sexual orientation. 5. Sexual content or links to sexual content. 6. Solicitations of commerce. 7. Conduct or encouragement of illegal activity. 8. Information that may tend to compromise the safety or security of the public or public systems; or 9. Content that violates a-4egalthe legal ownership interest of any other party. These guidelines must be displayed to users or made available by hyperlink. Any content removed based on these guidelines must be retained, including the time, date, and identity of the poster when available. Mason County Information Services Department reserves the right to restrict or remove any content that is deemed in violation of this social media policy, or any applicable law posted on a Mason County social media site. 16.6 Blogging Policy Mason County departments Facebook and Twitter accounts,commonly referred to as"blog"sites,provide County officials the ability to post short articles, exchanges of information, post status updates and photos, and receive notifications related back to those postings. County blogs facilitate further discussion of those articles by providing members of the public the opportunity to submit comments regarding the articles. Comments submitted by members of the public must be directly related to the content of the article. Submission of comments by members of the public constitutes participation in a limited public forum. ILMason County Personnel Policy Page 99of114 16.6.1 Procedures All County blogs shall be: 1. Approved and reviewed by the Mason County department/office Elected Official and the Mason County Information Services Manager. 2. Published using the approved County blog sites (see Social Media Policy). 3. Administered by the Mason County Information Technology Department (except Mason County Sheriff's Office). All Mason County blogs shall adhere to the following Revised Codes of Washington and County policies: 1. Mason County Electronic Information Acceptable Use Policy (Revision F) 2. Mason County Electronic Communications Policy 3. Mason County Personnel Policy 4. RCW 42.52 Ethic in Public Service 5. Mason County Facebook Standards 6. Mason County Twitter Standards The Mason County department/office or Information Services Department reserves the right to restrict or remove any content that is deemed in violation of this blogging policy or any applicable law. 1. Mason County blogs are subject to State of Washington public records laws.All blog sites shall clearly indicate that any content posted or submitted for posting a�eis subject to public disclosure. All blog sites shall include a notification on the home page that public disclosure requests must be directed to the department's public disclosure officer. (See Mason County Social Media Policy) 2. Relevant Mason County records retention schedules apply to blogs and blog content. Records required to be maintained pursuant to a relevant records retention schedule shall be maintained for the required retention period in a format that preserves the integrity of the original record and is easily accessible using the approved retention and archiving program. Content submitted for posting that is deemed not suitable for posting on a Mason County Blog by a moderator because it is not topically related to the particular blog article being commented upon or is deemed prohibited content based on the criteria in Section 7 of this policy, shall be retained pursuant to the records retention schedule along with a description of the reason the specific content is deemed not suitable for posting. 3. Each County blog shall include an introductory statement which clearly specifies the purpose and topical scope of the blog. 4. County blog articles and comments containing any of the following forms of content shall not be allowed for posting: a. Comments not topically related to the blog article being commented upon. b. Profane language or content. Mason County Personnel Policy Page 100of114 c. Content that promotes, fosters, or perpetuates discrimination based on race, creed, color, age, religion, gender, marital status, status with FegaF ' *^regarding public assistance, national origin, physical or mental disability or sexual orientation. d. Comments that support or oppose political campaigns or ballot measures. e. Sexual content or links to sexual content. f. Solicitations of commerce. g. Conduct or encouragement of illegal activity. h. Information that may tend to compromise the safety or security of the public or public systems. i. Content that violates a legal ownership interest of any other party 5. Mason County blog moderators shall allow blog comments that are topically related to the blog article being commented and thus within the purpose of the limited public forum, except for the prohibited content listed above. 6. All Mason County blog moderators shall be trained regarding the terms of this Mason County Blogging Policy, including their responsibilities to review article content submitted for posting to ensure compliance with the Policy. 7. All blog sites shall clearly indicate that they are maintained by a particular Mason County department/office and shall have the Mason County department's/office contact information prominently displayed. 16.6.2 Author and Commenter Identification All Mason County blog authors shall be clearly identified by entering their name at the end of the post. Public commenters shall be accompanied by valid contact information including the poster's Facebook or Twitter I.D. Anonymous posting shall not be allowed. Authentication credentials used for posting blog articles and blog comments by authorized Mason County department/office blog authors shall conform to the County's password standard. 16.6.3 Ownership and Moderation The content of each Mason County blog shall be the sole responsibility of the department/office producing and using the blog. Comments submitted to a Mason County blog shall be moderated by an authorized blog moderator that has been trained and assigned by the department/office manager. 16.6.4 Blog Comments and Responses All blog articles submitted with attached content shall be scanned using antivirus technology prior to posting. The linked content of embedded hyperlinks within any Mason County blog articles or blog comments submitted for posting shall be evaluated prior to posting. Any posted hyperlinks shall be accompanied by a disclaimer stating that "Mason County guarantees neither the authenticity, accuracy, appropriateness nor security of the link,web site or content linked thereto." Mason County Personnel Policy Page 101of114 16.7 Facebook Standards Policy Facebook is a social networking site. Businesses and governments have joined individuals in using Facebook to promote activities, programs, projects, and events. This standard is designed for County departments/Offices looking to drive traffic to the Mason County Web sites(www.masoncountywa.gov) and to inform more people about County's activities.These standards should be used in conjunction with the County's Blogging Policy and Social Media Policy. As Facebook changes, these standards may be updated as needed. 16.7.1 Establishing a Page When a department determines it has a business need for a Facebook account, it will submit a request through their chain of command to the Elected Official or Division Director. Once approved by their Elected Official or Division Director, the department social media personnel will create the page which will include the official County logo. 16.7.2 Content 1. Type of'pages' a. The County department will create "pages"iron Facebook not"groups". Facebook"pages"offer distinct advantages including greater visibility, customization, and measurability. Related community pages are unofficial representations of county business created by Facebook. Community pages will currently be accepted as is unless there is a copyright/trademark issue. b. For"type" description, choose "government". 2. Page Design Requirements a. The Mason County logo is to be added to the cover photo. b. Departments will complete the Page Info section as fully as possible. c. If comments are turned on,the Facebook page should include a tab/link to a Comment Policy tab with the following disclaimer: Comments posted to this page will be monitored. Under the Mason County blogging policy, the County reserves the right to remove inappropriate comments including those that have obscene language or sexual content, threaten, or defame any person or organization, violate the legal ownership interest of another party, support or oppose political candidates or ballot propositions, promote illegal activity, promote commercial services or pr-edu=t-sproducts, or are not topically related to the particular posting. 3. Link to the Mason County Website a. Link to (www.masoncountywa.gov)will be included on the "Page" information section. b. County department and project pages should be page favorites of other County Facebook pages. 4. Page Naming a. Page name should be descriptive of the department. o Departments will choose carefully with consideration for abbreviations, slang iterations, etc. o The Division Director will approve proposed names. 5. Page Administrators Mason County Personnel Policy Page 102of114 a. A successful page requires"babysitting." Each department communications officer is responsible for monitoring the Facebook page. Posts should be approved by the Division Director or a designated alternate. b. The department communications officer is responsible for making sure content is not stale. Departments will designate a back-up editor in communications officer's absence. c. Information Service department will be provided logins, passwords and editing rights by the Division Director or Elected Official for emergency editing. 6. Comments and Discussion Boards a. Comments to department / office postings generally will be allowed but will be monitored by department/office communications officer for proper content. b. Discussion boards will be monitored by the communications officer for proper content. 7. Style a. County Department Facebook cover page will display the official County logo. The Information Services Department will provide departments with the official county logo. b. Departments will use proper grammar and standard Associated Press (AP) style, avoiding jargon and abbreviations. Facebook is more casual than most other communication tools but still always represents the County. 8. Applications and Security a. There are thousands of Facebook applications. Common applications can allow users to stream video and music, post photos, and view. While some may be useful to the page's mission, they can cause clutter and security risks. b. An application should not be used unless it serves a business purpose, adds to the user experience, comes from a trusted source, and is approved by the Elected Official or Division Director. c. An application may be removed at any time if there is significant reason to think it is causing a security breach or spreading viruses. d. For security purposes, all Facebook accounts logins and password will be kept by the assigned department communications officers, Division Director / Elected Official, and Information Services. 16.7.3 Archive Each Facebook page will be set up in conjunction by Information Services to a designated county account. Mason County's social media sites are subject to State of Washington public records laws RCW 42.56. Content that cannot be retrieved from Facebook via the approved retention and archiving program, but need to be retained as a record, will be printed, and maintained according to the County's records retention policy by that individual department/office utilizing the account. 16.8 Twitter Standards Policy Twitter is a micro blogging tool that allows account holders to tweet up to 140 characters of information to followers. By procuring and maintaining Twitter accounts, County departments will communicate ILMason County Personnel Policy Page 103of114 information directly to their Twitter followers, alerting them to news and directing them to the Mason County Website (www.masoncountywa.gov) for more information. These standards should be used in conjunction with the County's Social Media Policy. 16.8.1 Content 1. Department communications officer shall hold and maintain their department's Twitter account. a. Each department will have only one Twitter account, unless otherwise approved by the Elected Official or Division Director. Account information, including usernames and passwords, shall be registered, and updated with the department Communications officer, Division OireGterDirector, and Elected Official. Information Service department will be provided logins, passwords and editing rights by the Division Director or Elected Official for emergency editing. 2. All Mason County department's Twitter bio will read: (Department name) Comments, list of followers subject to public disclosure (RCW 42.56). If appropriate the following will be added: This site is not monitored. Call 911 for emergencies. 3. Twitter usernames shall begin with "Mason" (Mason Parks, MasonPW and MasonPH). In cases where the username is too many characters, begin with "MC" (MCProsecutor). 4. Department Twitter account backgrounds will share an official Mason County logo provided by the Information Services Department. 5. Twitter accounts shall serve three primary purposes: a. Get emergency information in/out quickly. b. Promote County-sponsored events. c. Refer followers to content hosted at www.masoncountVwa.gov 7. Information posted on Twitter shall conform to the policies and procedures of the County Social Media Policy and the department / office posting the information. Tweets shall be relevant, timely and informative. 8. Twitter content is sheFta short synopsis of information presented on the Mason County Website and other existing information dissemination mechanisms. Department communications officer shall ensure that information is posted correctly the first time. Twitter does not allewferallow content editing. 9. Department communications officer shall be responsive to those citizens who communicate via Twitter's @reply or direct message functions. Communication with followers will be timely and consistent with existing protocols. 10. Mason County Information Services Department shall have the right to suspend or close a Twitter account for improper usage in alliance with the Mason County Social Media Policy. Mason County Personnel Policy Page 104of114 16.8.2 Archive DepartmentThe Department communications officer shall be responsible for archiving Twitter posts. Initial policy will be to archive Twitter postings with the approved retention and archiving program selected by the Information Services in accordance with RCW 42.56. In the retention and archiving program Twitter archives may not be visible to the public but will be accessible for public document retention purposes. Mason County Personnel Policy Page 105of114 Chapter 17 — Cellular Telephone Policy This policy applies to all employees of Mason County, unless otherwise addressed by a current collective bargaining agreement or public safety policy. 17.1 Definitions Cellular Telephones: This includes but is not limited to: Mobile devices that can be used for phone calls and/or te*#ngtext messages, internet, and network features. Electronic Files: Information stored electronically residing on storage media containing data, images, programs,or other information.This includes all files produced or copied onto County-owned or operated hardware,or files produced or copied either to or from other information systems on behalf of the County. Text Messages: The act of composing and sending brief, electronic messages between two or more mobile phones, or fixed or portable devices over a phone network. Internet: Refers to connectivity with other agencies, networks and/or services outside local area networks established and maintained by Mason County. 17.2 County Owned Cellular Phones It is the policy of Mason County to provide employees with efficient, cost-effective telephone communication equipment and services. The purchase and utilization of cellular telephones shall be limited to the requirement and specification contained in this policy. The acquisition of cellular telephones shall be limited to those instances in which there is a demonstrated need for such equipment to perform essential County business or to improve safety,increase productivity, increase service to the public, or in situations in which necessary communications cannot be provided by any other means. The purchase of cellular telephones shall be subject to approval by the Department Head and completed by Mason County Information Services. Eeunty4The County Information Services Department shall install, service,and support cellular telephones software connected to the County's network system. All equipment purchases, including hardware (phones) or software (applications), shall be approved, in writing, by the department head prior to purchase or installation on to cellular phone or communications equipment by Information Services. Additionally, electronic communication equipment purchased and owned by employees with the intent of using it for County purposes will not be eligible for County reimbursement or to be placed on the County's network system. 17.3 Use of Cellular Phones Discretion is to be used in discussing confidential information using cellular communication. Cellular transmissions can be overheard by others. Employees are responsible for taking reasonable precautions to prevent theft and/or vandalism of cellular equipment. In an event an employee fails to use reasonable precautions, the county may require the employee responsible for such cellular telephone to reimburse the county for the reasonable cost to replace such telephone. Mason County Personnel Policy Page 106of114 17.4 Personal Use of Cellular Phones The County recognizes that occasions arise in which personal calls or text messages need to be made or received on a cellular telephone. However, it is intended that cellular telephones be used for County business-related purposes. Personal calls and text messages are to be minimized. Calls or text messages home or to the family, etc., by County staff when required to work extended hours shall be considered business calls or texts. Making and receiving personal calls or text messages should be limited. Use of personal cellular telephones and/or County telephone equipment and services should not result in additional costs to the County and should not interfere with performance of official duties or normal business operations. Employees are trusted to exercise good judgment in both the duration and frequency of such calls and text messages. The County reserves the right to monitor the billing and use of all County owned cellular telephones. The County normally does not reimburse employees for calls made on personal cellular phones. 17.5 Termination of Use of County Owned Cellular Phones If the conditions of this policy are violated by the employee, the department head may restrict or terminate the use of County owned cellular phones by the employee. 17.6 Records Retention of Cell Phone Record The County Auditor's Office will retain copies of the County cellular telephone billing records. These billing records must include call history (all numbers called and text messages) in accordance with the laws set forth by the State of Washington. Billing records sent to the Auditor's Office without the call history will not be paid and sent back to the department due to lack of information. Text message contents will be retained the mnin the same fashion as the County's e-mails. Cellular phone calls, text messages, e-mails, electronic files, and internet usage made on County owned phones are subject to the Public Records Act(RCW 42.56),and the Washington Court Rules and specifically General Rules (GR) 22, 31 and 31.1 for courts. Therefore, there is an extremely narrow scope of expectation of privacy. All calls and text messages are open to public records requests. Information Services will provide text message management; install the application for and storage of text messages. 17.7 Service Billing Information Services will manage and administer all County cellular phone contracts to include service plans, maintenance agreements and upgrades. The retention software will be purchased and funded by Information Services. The cellular company will provide Information Services with individual department statements of monthly services. Information Services will provide individual depaFtMeRtsdepartments with a copy of their monthly statements. Each county department/office will be responsible for yearly budgeting and Support Services will voucher payment from the individual departmental budgets. The consolidated contract's services will be shared by all County owned cellular telephones and will be subject to review by Information Services of individual's usage. If individual's usage exceeds the County's Mason County Personnel Policy Page 107of114 average usage and an overages fee is charged, those individual's departments will be responsible for the payment of the overage fee. If iRdividual'san individual's usage is determined to be for non-county use, the individual shall be personally responsible for the overages fee. Mason County Personnel Policy Page 108of114 Chapter 18 —Telework Policy 18.1 Purpose To establish guidance and direction for when there is a determined need for qualified employees to conduct County business from a location outside the normal work location. 18.2 Eligibility Teleworking may be used on specific occasions or more often depending on the need. Qualified employees may request approval to telework, but all may not be eligible.Their work must: 1. Require minimal face-to-face interaction with co-workers, supervisors, and customers. Writing, reading, telephoning, data analysis, computer programming, word processing and certain data entry functions are all tasks amenable to teleworking. 2. Have a minimal need for specialized material, equipment, or supervision. An employee's request to telework will be considered in light of the objectives of the office or department and must be approved by the Elected Official/County Administrator/Department Head for the office or department. Approval is discretionary and will be based on the following factors: 1. Office/Department needs, e.g., emergencies, special projects, critical position, etc. 2. Employee's job performance history. 3. Nature of work. 4. Effect on service to clients and effect on office workload. 5. Competing work schedule or leave requests. 18.3 Job Responsibilities-and Conditions 1. Employee salary,job responsibilities, benefits and insurance coverage will not change. 2. Professionalism in terms of job responsibilities, work, output, and customer service will continue to follow the high standards set by County policies. 3. Teleworkers are responsible for maintaining effective workflow among clients, coworkers, and the Elected Official/County Administrator/Department Head. 4. The amount of time an employee is expected to work will not change. Overtime hours will not be permitted unless requested and authorized in advance by the supervisor. 5. Teleworking is not a substitute for dependent care. Mason County Personnel Policy Page 109of114 6. Teleworkers may withdraw or be withdrawn by the Elected Official/County Administrator/Department Head from the program at any time with three (3) days written notice, or sooner if there is an immediate need. 18.4 Telework Site The Teleworker must designate and maintain a clean, safe, and productive workspace that is adequate for accomplishing necessary tasks and free of obstructions and distractions. The site must also be ergonomically correct based upon Labor & Industries guidelines to prevent occupational disease or injuries. 1. Employees telework sites are considered an extension of the office/department for limited purposes while employee is in official telework status. All County policies are in effect. 2. The County owned computing device, or any other equipment assigned to the employee while teleworking shall not be used for personal business. 3. The County may make on-site inspections of the telework work site and any County-owned equipment, at a mutually agreed upon time. 4. The County may electronically monitor employee's activities while connected to County network. 5. Teleworkers will take precautions necessary to secure proprietary and confidential information and prevent unauthorized access to any County systems or paper files. 6. Em Employees in telework status shall be available during the approved work schedule for telephone calls. 7. The county will not pay for a telework site (physical facility),telephone lines, or internet connection. 8. A Teleworker must not conduct in-person meetings with customers or co-workers while working from home. 18.5 Computers, Software, Supplies, and Support 1. Any hardware or software furnished by the County remains the property of the County and will be returned should a teleworking agreement be terminated. Information Technology(IT)will coordinate all transfers of equipment according to established procedures. 2. County owned software may not be duplicated except as formally authorized by the manufacturer's licensing agreement. 3. Any requests for PCs or terminals with access to County networks, mainframes, or other applications must be reviewed and approved by the IT Department. 4. County equipment (computers, printers, modems, telephones, etc.) furnished to the teleworking employee is to be used only by authorized persons for official County business. Mason County Personnel Policy Page 110of114 5. Supplies required to complete assigned work at the telework work site shall be obtained during the teleworker's in-office work periods. 6. IT shall be responsible for any County equipment maintenance, installation of software, security access, or support. 7. Only County approved software will be installed on County approved teleworking equipment. 8. Teleworkers requiring access to the County's Virtual Private Network(VPN) must contact IT Help Desk at 360-427-9670 ext. 558, via the County's IT Support Ticket System at http://heIpdesk.mason.loca1/tickets/to request an account. 18.6 Workers' Compensation During Telework hours, the Teleworker is covered for any injury arising out of and in the course of employment pursuant to the Washington State Workers' Compensation Act. A Teleworker injured while working at the Teleworker's residence or other Remote Work Locations is required to follow established County procedures for reporting on-the-job injuries.This can be found on the Human Resources website: https://masoncountywa.gov/forms/human-resources/Employee-Injury-Illness-Incident-Report.pdf 18.7 Overtime, Leave, and Compensation In accordance with the County's overtime policy, overtime must be approved in advance to preclude any unintended liability for premium pay. Teleworkers must receive supervisory approval prior to working beyond their normal hours of duty. Failure to obtain supervisory approval may result in the termination of the Telework Arrangement and possible disciplinary action. Procedures for requesting leave will remain unchanged.The teleworker is responsible for obtaining leave approval in advance and keeping appropriate personnel informed of leave usage in accordance with either the Personnel Policy or applicable Collective Bargaining Agreement policy and procedures. Teleworkers working at their Remote Work Location will be granted the same holidays as employees working at the Main Worksite. If a Teleworker becomes sick at any time while Teleworking,the Teleworker must immediately notify their manager and use sick leave to cover those hours not worked. If a Teleworker must take some other form of leave, the Teleworker must request leave from their manager immediately and use the leave to cover those hours not worked. A Teleworker's compensation and benefits will not change due to participation in the Telework Program. A Teleworker must submit timesheets and leave requests in accordance with the normal policies and procedures. 18.8 Liability The County will defend and indemnify a Teleworker who is Teleworking at their residence or other approved Remote Work Location for all claims arising out of and with the Teleworker's scope of employment consistent with the provisions for the Local Government Tort Claims Act and other applicable laws and in accordance with Mason County's Policy and Procedure for Defense and Indemnity of Employees, Ordinance No. 06-18. Mason County Personnel Policy Page 111of114 Mason County is not liable for any loss, destruction, or damage to property or for any injury or loss to third persons occurring at or around the Teleworker's residence or other approved Remote Work Location. 18.9 Inclement Weather It is a County priority to ensure continuity of operations during inclement weather or other emergency conditions. In the event of a County declared general,weather-related, or other public health emergency closes the Teleworker's Main Worksite, a teleworking employee scheduled to Telework will be required to continue working remotely, unless it is impossible (power outage). County closures,or limited operation changes,are typically to accommodate the safety of employees who are risking the travel to and from the worksite. Teleworking is a privilege and does not include a risk of traveling to and from the worksite. 18.10 Confidentiality A Teleworker is responsible for protecting the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data, information, and paper files used when Teleworking. A Teleworker must follow all applicable County,federal,state, and departmental policies, laws, and regulations to protect data, accessed or maintained while Teleworking. In addition, Teleworking employees must adhere to the following: 1. Protecting information assets from unauthorized access and use by others, including family members,friends, and other visitors. 2. Leaving information assets only in secured locations and not in unattended or'unlocked vehicles, or other locations where they may be easily stolen. 3. Ensuring that any County issued equipment, such as cell phones, hot spots, or computers passwords are protected from unauthorized access and use by the Teleworker's personal equipment (i.e., County issued hot spot hooked up to personal laptop or cellphone, etc...) or used by others, including family members,friends, and other visitors. Costs incurred by personal use shall be paid by the Teleworker. Mason County Personnel Policy Page 112of114 Mason County Personnel Policies Adoption Chronology Action Resolution Number Date Original Adoption 148-99 December 21, 1999 Revised Chapter 6.3 63-00 July 5, 2000 Add Chapter 5.8 7-01 January 23, 2001 Revised Chapter 5.6 93-01 August 28, 2001 Revised Chapter 4.6 and 7.11 37-14 July 8, 2014 Revised Chapter 5.3 71-15 December 22, 2015 Revised Chapter 8.3 27-16 May 24, 2016 Added Chapter 15.1-15.4 56-16 September 20, 2016 Revised Chapter 4.5 70-16 October 18, 2016 Added Chapter 16.1-16.7 102-16 December 20, 2016 Revised Chapter 13 19-17 April 11, 2017 Revised Chapter 7 & 13 04-18 February 6, 2018 Added Chapter 2.3 22-18 April 3, 2018 Revised Chapter 14.5 68-19 July 23, 2019 Added Chapter 14.6 Revised Chapter 4.2, 4.3, 5.5, 89-19 September 3, 2019 5.10, 7.9, and 13 Revised Chapter 16.7 96-19 October 8, 2019 Revised Chapter 7.9 and 8.5 2020-01 January 7, 2020 Revised Chapter 13 2020-24 March 3, 2020 Revised Chapter 4.5 2020-28 March 17, 2020 Revised Chapter 4.3 and 7.10 2020-86 November 3, 2020 Revised Chapter 3.5, 5.1, 5.2, 2021-047 August 3, 2021 5.3, 5.12, 7, 7.1, 7.3, 7.6, 7.10, 7.11, and 17 Added Chapter 5.13 2022-036 May, 2022 Revised Chapters 2-17 2022-087 December 6, 2022 Revised Chapters 1-17 2023-011 February 28, 2023 Mason County Personnel Policy Page 113of114 Revised Chapters 1-17 2023-xx May 9,2023 Mason County Personnel Policy Page 114of114 C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Jennifer Beierle Ext. 532 Department: Support Services Briefing: ❑X Action Agenda: ❑ Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): May 8,2023 Agenda Date: Click or tap here to enter text. Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Other (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item• Comparison of ER&R and Motor Pool cost analysis and draft 2024 Motor Pool rates Background/Executive Summary: In March of 2020,the Current Expense,Health Services,and Information Technology Departments began using an outside service for fleet management needs and separated service from the internal Equipment, Rental,&Revolving Fund(ER&R).A 10-year plan was created prior to the separation to show the estimated cost savings of moving the fleet to an outside lease service through Enterprise.The plan has now been updated to include 2020,2021,&2022 Motor Pool actual expenditures and compares average ER&R actual average 2018&2019 expenditures using the Bremerton area CPI-U as an inflation factor. The ER&R expenditures include direct and indirect costs by vehicle type: Police Pursuit Vehicle(PPV)or White Fleet(WF). The original 2018&2019 average ER&R expenditure source was briefed to the Board on 3/8/2021. New assumptions included in this updated analysis include: • The ER&R actual expenditures from 2021's analysis have been updated using the 8.4%Bremerton area CPI-U inflation factor to compare years 2022 through 2029 to Motor Pool • ER&R fuel and Motor Pool fuel has been updated to reflect actual 2022 fuel expenditures for years 2022 through 2029 since fuel went up 28%from 2021 to 2022 • Enterprise rates have been updated to reflect any monthly depreciation due at the end of the lease term (depreciation is charged until the accumulated depreciation reaches the delivered price of the vehicle) • 4 White Fleet vehicle replacements and 7 PPV vehicle replacements are used in the 2024 cost analysis Budget Impact(amount, funding source,budget amendment): For 2024,the total budget impact for Motor Pool(including MCSO)is estimated to be$1,841,300.The total 2023 Motor Pool budget is$1,561,300;the total 2024 increase over 2023 is estimated at 280,000. The cost savings with Enterprise is estimated to be approximately$178,000 a year. C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /AtJ Public Outreach (news release,community meeting, etc.): N/A Requested Action: Request the Board review the 10-year cost comparison of ER&R and Motor Pool and give verbal approval to proceed with vehicle quotes for 2024 for 4 white fleet vehicles and 7 police pursuit vehicles. Attachments • 2024 Draft Motor Pool Rates • 2024 Draft Sheriff Motor Pool Rates Motor Pool Inventory • Motor Pool Inventory • 10-Year Comparison of ER&R and Motor Pool Cost Analysis for PPV and WF vehicles Tab A-New Motor Pool Vehicle Orders for 2023 and 2024,and Recurring Payments for Current Leased Vehicles for 2024 2024 Other Total Capital Upfit 2024 2024 Total New Replaces Delivery Lease End Capitalized Monthly Leased Owned 2024 Base Deprfor Paid 2024 Oil 2024 Maint 2024 Fees-Radios Capital Upfit Enterprise Order Year quote No. Veh No. Veh.No. Status Date Date Type Amount Rental Rate Vehicle Vehicle Department Make Model Year Term Capital Lease Leases 2024 Tires Changes Fee Insurance &Delivery Charges Estimate 2020 4558457 267 191 In-Service 7/312024 WF 25018.48 367.65 1 Facilities Ford F150 Reg Cab 2020 48 2,574 1,162 150 146 408 - 4,439 2020 4449043 268 136 In-Service 8/312024 WF 25444.48 532.55 1 FaclrNes Ford F150 Reg Cab 2020 48 4,260 1,503 150 117 408 - 6,438 2020 4561515 273 121 In-Service 7/312024 WF 24443.00 541.40 1 Health-Enviro Ford Escape 2020 48 3,790 1,912 150 141 408 - 6,401 2020 4561515 274 1731n-Service 7/312024 WF 24443.00 523.15 1 DCD-Planning Ford Escape 2020 48 3,662 1,855 150 141 408 - 6,216 2020 4449557 275 51n-Service 6/312024 WF 22811.00 500.53 1 Prosecutor Ford Fusion AWD 2020 48 4,004 1,422 150 141 408 - 6,125 2020 4449557 276 81n-Service 7/312024 WF 22811.00 501.55 1 Motor Pool Ford Fuslon AWD 2020 48 3,511 1,757 150 141 408 - 5,967 2020 4561530 277 120 In-Service 7/312024 WF 2430.00 502.20 1 Health-Personal Ford Fusion AWD 2020 48 3,515 1,760 150 141 408 - 5,975 2020 4561615 278 1981n-Service 7/312024 WF 24443.00 519.83 1 Health-Enviro Ford Escape 2020 48 3,639 1,824 150 153 408 - 6,174 2020 4561515 279 1861n-Service 7/312024 WF 24443.00 514.69 1 Assessor Ford Escape 2020 48 3,603 1,813 150 141 408 - 6,115 2020 4561515 280 139 In-Service 7/312024 WF 24443.00 514.69 1 Assessor Ford Escape 2020 48 3,603 1,813 150 141 408 - 6,115 2020 4561515 281 1121n-Service 7/312024 WF 24443.00 514.69 1 Assessor Ford Escape 2020 48 3,603 1,813 150 141 408 - 6,115 2020 4561515 282 39 In-Service 7/312024 WF 24443.00 514.69 1 Assessor Ford Escape 2020 48 3,603 1,813 150 141 408 - 6,115 2020 4561515 283 178 In-Service 7/312024 WF 24443.00 514.69 1 DCD-Building Ford Escape 2020 48 3,603 1,613 150 218 408 - 6,191 2020 4561515 284 162 In-Service 7/312024 WF 24443.00 514.69 1 DCD-Building Ford Escape 2020 48 3,603 1,813 150 141 408 - 6,115 2020 4561515 286 1871n-Service 7/312024 WF 24443.00 514.69 1 Health-EnJuo Ford Escape 2020 48 3,603 1.813 150 141 408 - 6,115 2020 4561515 287 138 ln-Service 7/312024 WF 24443.00 514.69 1 Health-Enviro Ford Escape 2020 48 3,603 1,813 150 141 408 - 6,115 2020 4561515 288 115 In-Service 7/312024 WF 24443.00 514.69 1 DCD-Building Ford Escape 2020 48 3,603 1,813 150 218 408 - 6,191 2020 4561515 289 114 In-Service 7/312024 WF 24443.00 514.69 1 Health-Enviro Ford Escape 2020 48 3,603 1,813 150 141 408 - 6,115 2020 4449557 291 1 In-Service 7/312024 WF 22811.00 514.69 1 DCD-Building Ford Fusion AWD 2020 48 3,603 1,813 150 141 408 - 6,115 2020 4561530 292 1991n-Service 7/312024 WF 2430.00 514.69 1 DCD-Planning Ford Fusion AWD 2020 48 3,603 1,813 150 141 408 - 6,115 2020 4561515 293 11 In-Service 7/312024 WF 24443.00 514.69 1 Probation Ford Escape 2020 48 3,603 1,813 150 141 408 - 6,115 2020 4561515 309 1371n-Service 12/312024 WF 24443.00 506.03 1 DCD-Building Ford Escape 2020 48 6072 150 408 6630 Total Motor Pool Vehicles Ordered in 2020: 20 2 81,864 36,760 3,300 3,110 8,976 134,010 2020 310 194 In-Service 1/312025 WF 33086.75 780.22 1 Coroner Ford Transit-150 Cargo 2020 48 9,363 150 40a 9,921 2021 4936909 323 207 In-Service 6/302026 WF 35198.00 516.33 1 Parks Ford F350 XL Reg Cab 2022 48 6,196 150 408 6,754 2021 4936918 328 209 In-Service 10/312026 WF 35198.00 831.71 1 Parks Ford F350 XL Reg Cab 2022 48 9,981 150 408 10,539 2021 4936904 329 241 In-Service 9/302026 WF 38361.00 779.25 1 Parks Ford F350 XL 44 Supei 2022 48 9,351 150 408 9,909 Total Motor Pool Vehicle Requests for 2021: 4 0 34,890 600 1,632 37,122 2024 Other Total Capital Upfit 2024 2024 Total New Replaces Delivery Lease End Capitalized Monthly Leased Owned 2024 Base Depr for Paid 2024 Oil 2024 Maint 2024 Fees-Radios Capital Uptit Enterprise Order Year quote No. Veh No. Veh.No. Status Date Date Type Amount Rental Rate Vehicle Vehicle Department Make Model Year Term Capital Lease Leases 2024 Tires Changes Fee Insurance &Delivery Charges Estimate 2022 6481548 122 WF 724.00 1 Facilities Ford Ranger Supercab 2023 48 8,688 150 408 9,246 2022 6481747 136 WF 1179.00 1 Coroner Ford Transit-150 Cargo 2023 48 14,148 150 408 14,706 Total Motor Pool Vehicle Requests for 2022: 2 0 48 22,836 300 816 23,952 2023 129 WF 650.00 1 Probation Ford Escape 48 7,800 150 408 2.000 10,358 2023 164 WF 900.00 1 Facilities Ford F1504 Door 46 10.800 150 408 2,000 13,358 Total Motor Pool Vehicle Requests for 2023: 2 0 48 18,600 300 816 4,000 23,716 Total 2024 Motor Pool Leased Vehicle Rates': 28 2 158,190 36,760 4,500 3,110 12,240 4,000 218,800 Some of the vehicles ordered in 2023 for 2024 may go into service in 2023.This may create a need for a budget amendment in 2023. New Vehicle Orders: Approved by: BOCC Chair Date Viewed and Verified by: Budget Manager Date Viewed and Verifed by: Motor Pool Manager Date Tab B-Total 2024 Motor Pool Vehicle Rates-DRAFT Co nty Owned Vehicles Outside Owned Vehicle Depr for Capital Upfit Maint& Vehicle No. Cust Name Base Lease Paid Leases Fees Maint Fee Insurance supplies Wex Fuel Total - 1 5 Mason County-DEM - 6.55 34.00 - 40.55 1 39 Mason County-Motor Pool - 6.55 34.00 - 40.55 1 46 Mason County-Building - 6.55 34.00 - 40.55 Priority 3-Replace in 2025 w/Ford Ranger 1 54 Mason County-DEM - 6.55 34.00 - 40.55 1 102 Mason County-DEM - 6.55 34.00 - 40.55 1 128 Mason County-DEM - 6.55 34.00 - 40.55 1 147 Mason County-Parks 6.55 34.00 - 40.55 1 150 Mason County-WSU - 6.55 34.00 - 40.55 Priority 4-Replace in 2025 w/Ford Ranger 1 202 Mason County-Facilities - 6.55 34.00 - 40.55 Priority 5-Replace in 2025 w/Ford Dump Truck 1 241 Mason County-Parks 6.55 34.00 40.55 Priority 6-Replace in 2025 w/Ford Ranger 66 340 406 Annual Billing Estimate: - 786 4,080 - - 4,866 Add New Vehicle Orders from Tab A: 168,190 36,760 4,000 3,110 12,240 4,600 218,800 Other Additions/Adjustments: 174 1,600 61,500 63,174 Grand Total 2024 Rates: 158,190 36,760 4,000 4,070 16,320 6,000 61,500 286,840 2024 Total MP White Fleet Grand Total 2024 Motor Pool Rates by Department: Vehicle Counts by Dept. Outside Depr for Capital Upfit Maint& Leased Owned Total No.of Vehicles for the Motor Pool Departments Base Lease Paid Leases Fees Maint Fee Insurance supplies Wax Fuel Total vehicles Vehicles Budget WSU 80 408 150 1,500 2,138 1 1 Assessor 14,411 7,261 565 1,632 600 6,160.00 30,609 4 4 DEM 320 1,632 600 500.00 3,052 4 4 Facilities 26,322 2,666 2,000 502 2,040 750 10,000.00 44,280 2 3 5 Facilities-Motor Pool 1,757 221 816 300 1,610.00 4,705 1 1 2 DCD-Building 24,182 7,261 798 2,448 900 9,800.00 45,378 5 1 6 DCD-Planning 7,266 3,668 282 816 300 2,555.00 14,886 2 2 Parks 26,527 160 2,040 750 14,915.00 43,392 3 2 5 Probation 11,403 1,813 2,000 141 816 300 700.00 17,173 2 2 Prosecutor 4,004 1,422 141 408 150 605.00 6,730 1 1 Coroner 23,611 816 300 6,050.00 30,677 2 2 Health-Environmental 18,050 9,173 718 1 2,040 750 7,11S D 37,846 5 5 Health-Personal 3,516 1,760 141 408 150 5,975 1 1 Grand Total 2024 Motor Pool Rates: 168,190 36,760 4,000 4,070 16,320 6,000 61,500 286,840 28 12 40 Object Codes: 545777 545777 564778 548777 546777 548778 532777 Tab A-New Sheriff's Office Vehicle Orders for 2023 and 2024,and Recurring Payments for Current Leased Vehicles for 2024 Total 2024 Other 2024 2024 Total Order New Veh Replaces Delivery Lease End Capitalized Monthly Leased Owned 2024 Base Depr for Paid 2024011 2024 2024 Capital Unfit Capital Uprit Enterprise Year Quote No. No. Veh No. Status Date Date Type Amount Rental Rate Vehicle Vehicle Make Model Year Term Capital Lease Leases 2024 Tires Changes Maint Fee Insurance Fees Charges Estimate 2020 4601918 250 118 In-Service 514202O 5/312024 WF 30183.35 451.02 1 Nissan Frontier 2019 48 2,255 2,122 300 198 408 5,282 2020 4601921 251 In-Service 5/112020 5/312024 WF 26944.60 558.34 1 Nissan Aid-AWD 2020 48 2,792 2,770 300 192 408 6,462 2020 4601928 252 In-Service 5152020 5/312024 WF 3217g.43 799.68 1 Ford Explorer 2020 48 3,998 4,289 300 276 408 9,271 2020 4558469 253 9 In-Service it/1812020 11/302024 WF 29470.00 632.66 1 Ford Explorer 2020 48 6,959 458 300 39 408 8,164 2020 4558469 254 128 In-Service 1/152021 1/312025 WF 29470.00 681.09 1 Ford Explorer 2020 48 8,173 300 408 8,881 2020 4558469 255 In-Service 10292020 101312024 WF 29470.00 680.62 1 Ford Explorer 2020 48 6,806 913 300 179 408 8,606 2020 4448964 256 61 In Service 1282021 1/312025 PPV 36981.00 820.73 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2020 48 9,849 1,200 300 11,349 2020 4612677 257 64 In-Service 11/102020 11/302024 PPV 36408.00 875.14 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2020 48 9,627 749 1,200 300 11,875 2020 4612677 258 98 In-Service 11/102020 11/302O24 PPV 36408.00 886.75 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2020 48 9,754 759 1.200 300 12,013 2020 4612677 259 62 In-Service 11/182020 11/302024 PPV 36408.00 790.95 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2020 48 8,700 673 1,200 300 10,873 2020 4676328 260 60 In-Service 11/182020 11/302024 PPV 41515.90 885.47 1 Ford F-150 Police Responder 2020 48 9,740 753 1,200 300 11,993 2020 4676328 261 171 In-Service 11/182020 11/302024 PPV 41515.90 813.90 1 Ford F-150 Police Responder 2020 48 8.953 688 1,200 300 11,141 2020 4676328 262 153 In-Service 12/102020 12/312024 PPV 41515.90 668.67 1 Ford F-150 Police Responder 2020 48 8,024 1,200 300 9,524 2020 4612677 263 166 In-Service 11/102020 11/302024 PPV 36408.00 656.65 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2020 48 7,223 554 1,200 300 9,277 2020 4625117 264 65 In-Service I Ill02020 11/302024 PPV 33599.00 780.83 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2020 48 8,589 667 1,200 300 10,756 2020 4625117 265 51 In-Service 11/l82020 11/302024 PPV 33599.00 654.55 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2020 48 7,200 552 1,200 300 9,252 2020 4625117 266 63 In-Service 11/102020 11/302024 PPV 33599.00 780.83 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2020 48 8,589 667 1,200 300 10,756 2020 4448642 269 38 In-Service 10/12020 9/302024 PPV 37523.00 848.02 1 Ford F150 2020 48 7,632 2,160 1.200 300 11,292 2020 4560225 270 In-Service 9192020 9/302O24 WF 36902.48 862.52 1 Ford F150 2020 48 7,763 2,138 1,200 300 408 11,809 2020 4560225 271 In-Service 6292020 6/302024 WF 36902.48 887.09 1 Ford F150 2020 48 5,323 4,282 1,200 300 408 11,513 2020 4560225 272 In-Service 9/92020 9/302024 WF 36902.48 859.99 1 Ford F150 2020 48 7,740 2,132 1,200 300 408 11,780 2020 4626117 294 53 In-Service 5202021 5/312025 PPV 33599.00 807.92 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2021 48 9,695 1,200 300 11,195 2020 4676243 295 147 In-Service 5262021 5/312025 PPV 36046.44 807.92 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility, 2021 48 9,695 1,200 300 11,195 2020 4676454 296 54 In-Service 5/112021 5/312025 PPV 36046.44 807.92 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2021 48 9,695 1,200 300 11,195 2020 4676455 297 174 In-Service 61112021 61302025 PPV 36046.44 806.95 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2021 48 9,683 1,200 300 11,183 2020 4664924 298 175 In-Service 5/112021 51312025 PPV 36957.00 810.68 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2021 48 9,728 1,200 300 11,228 2020 4664924 299 168 In-Service 6112021 5/312025 PPV 36957.00 809.31 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2021 48 9,712 1.200 300 11,212 2020 4664924 300 46 In-Service 5262021 51312025 PPV 36957.00 810.68 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2021 48 9,728 1,200 300 11,228 2020 4664924 301 44 In-Service 5/182021 5/312025 PPV 36957.00 711.89 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2021 48 8,543 1,200 300 10,043 2020 4664924 302 50 In-Service 6/142021 6/302025 PPV 36957.00 809.68 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2021 48 9.716 1,200 300 11,216 2020 4666222 303 47 In-Service 6/162001 6/302025 PPV 37530.00 821.76 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2021 48 9,861 1,200 300 11,361 2020 4660338 304 In-Service 2/112021 2282025 WF 33981.90 684.93 1 Ford Explorer 2021 48 8,219 300 408 8,927 2020 4660338 305 In-Service 2/112021 2282025 WF 33981.90 683.67 1 Ford Explorer 2021 48 8,204 300 408 8,912 2020 4660338 306 In-Service 2/12021 1/312025 WF 33981.90 683.67 1 Ford Explorer 2021 48 8,204 300 408 8,912 2020 4660338 307 In-Service 2/112021 2282025 WF 33981.90 683.67 1 Ford Explorer 2021 48 8,204 300 408 8,912 2020 4660338 308 In-Service 2/12021 1/312025 WF 33981.90 683.67 1 Ford Explorer 2021 48 8,204 300 408 8,912 2021 4680045 311 In-Service 4222022 4/302026 PPV 35909.00 854.77 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2021 48 10,257 1,200 300 11,757 2021 4680053 312 In-Service 4222022 4/302026 PPV 35909.00 854.77 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2021 48 10,257 1,200 300 11,757 2021 4680059 313 In-Service 4222022 4/302026 PPV 35909.00 854.77 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2021 48 10,257 1.200 300 11,757 Total Sheriff Vehicles Ordered in 2020(w/exception of#311,#312,8#313): 30 9 323,553 27,324 33,600 11,700 885 5,712 402,774 2021 4936834 314 In-Service 4202022 4/302026 PPV 35909.00 854.77 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2021 48 10,257 1,200 300 11,757 2021 4936834 315 In-Service 5/52022 41302026 PPV 35909.00 854.77 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2021 48 10,257 1,200 300 11,757 2021 4936834 316 In-Service 4/152022 4/302026 PPV 35909.00 857.72 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility, 2021 48 10,293 1,200 300 11,793 2021 4936834 317 In-Service 3/110022 3/312026 PPV 35909.00 657.39 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2021 48 7.889 1,200 300 9,389 2021 4936834 318 In-Service 4292022 4/302026 PPV 35909.00 854.77 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility, 2021 48 10,257 1,200 300 11,757 2021 4936834 319 In-Service 4292022 4/302026 PPV 35909.00 857.72 1 Ford Police Interceptor Will 2021 48 10,293 1,200 300 11,793 2021 4936834 320 In-Service 5/52022 5/312026 PPV 35909.00 857.52 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2021 48 10,290 1,200 300 11,790 2021 4936843 321 In-Service 2/142022 2282026 WF 24689.00 516.23 1 Ford Escape 4x4 2021 48 6,195 300 408 6,903 2021 4936843 322 In Service 3/112022 3/312026 WF 24689.00 514.78 1 Ford Escape 4x4 2021 48 6,177 300 408 6,885 2021 4936834 324 In-Service 5252022 5/312026 PPV 35909.00 846.54 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2021 48 10,158 1,200 300 11,656 Total 2024 Other 2024 2024 Total Order New Veh Replaces Delivery Lease End Capitalized Monthly Leased Owned 20248ase Depr for Paid 2024 Oil 2024 2024 Capital Upfit Capital Upfit Enterprise Year Quote No. No. Veh No. Status Date Date Type Amount Rental Rate Vehicle Vehicle Make Model Year Term Capital Lease Leases 2024 Tires Changes Maint Fee Insurance Fees Charges Estimate 2021 4936834 325 in-Service 2/92022 2282026 PPV 35909.00 823.56 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2021 48 9,883 1,200 300 11,383 2021 4936834 326 In-Service 5/132022 51312026 PPV 35909.00 849.26 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility, 2021 48 10.191 1,200 300 11,691 2021 4922719 327 At AME Vendor 5/132022 WF 37310.00 850.04 1 Ford F350 SORT Truck 2022 48 10,200 300 408 10,908 2021 4936834 330 In-Service 1272022 1/312026 PPV 35909.00 841.52 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2021 48 10,098 1,200 300 11,598 2021 4936834 331 In-Service 1272022 1/312026 PPV 35909.00 841.52 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2021 48 10,098 1,200 300 11,598 2021 4936834 332 In-Service 1272022 11312026 PPV 35909.00 841.52 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2021 48 10,098 1,200 300 11,598 2021 4936834 333 In-Service 5/1312022 5/312026 PPV 35909.00 363.23 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2022 48 4,359 1,200 300 5.859 2021 4936834 334 In-Service 4292022 4/302026 PPV 35909.00 162.73 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2022 48 1,953 1,200 300 3.453 2021 4936834 335 in-Service 4292022 41302026 PPV 35909.00 710.69 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2022 48 8.528 1,200 300 10,028 order PPV's,3 are wrecked vehicles Total Sheriff Vehicle Requests for 2021: 19 0 needing replacement,ordered adfl6 167,475 19,200 5,700 1,224 193,599 Total 2024 other 2024 2024 Total Order New Veh Replaces Delivery Lease End Capitalized Monthly Leased Owned 2024 Base Deter for Paid 2024 Oil 2024 2024 Capital Upfit Capital Upft Enterprise Year quote No. No. Veh No. Status Date Date Type Amount Rental Rate Vehicle Vehicle Make Model Year Term Capital Lease Leases 2024 Tires Changes Maint Fee Insurance Fees Charges Estimate 2022 6481773 61 PPV 1321.33 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2023 48 15,856 1,200 30D 17,356 2022 6482171 72 PPV 1321.33 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2023 48 15,856 1,200 300 17,356 2022 6482171 73 PPV 1321.33 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2023 48 15,856 1,200 300 17,356 2022 7 PPV 1321.33 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2023 48 15,856 1,200 300 17,356 2022 6481922 160 WF 696.00 1 Ford Escape 4x4 2023 48 8,352 300 408 9,060 2022 6482161 208 WF 1221.00 1 Ford F1506ft bed whow pkg 2023 48 14652 30D 408 15360 Total Sheriff Vehicle Requests for 2022: 6 0 86,428 4,800 1,800 816 93,844 2023 ordered new PPV 1453.46 1 Ford Police Interceptor U01ity 2023 48 17,442 1,200 300 10,000 23,735 52,677 2023 ordered new PPV 1453.46 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2023 48 17,442 1,200 300 10,000 23,735 52,677 2023 71wd WF 900.00 1 Ford Explorer 2024 48 10,800 300 408 10,000 21,508 2023 72wd WF 900.00 1 Ford Explorer 2024 48 10,600 300 408 10,000 21,508 2023 70 PPV 1453.46 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2024 48 47,442 1,200 300 10,000 23,735 52,677 2023 PPV 1453.46 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2024 48 17,442 1,200 300 10,000 23,735 52,677 2023 PPV 1453.46 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2024 48 17,442 1,200 300 10,000 23,735 52,677 2023 PPV 1453.46 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2024 48 17,442 1,200 30D 10,000 23,735 52,677 2023 PPV 1453.46 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utility 2024 48 17,442 1,200 300 10,000 23,735 52,677 2023 PPV 1453.46 1 Ford Police Interceptor Utildy 2024 48 17,442 1,200 300 10,000 23,735 52,677 2023 PPV 1453.46 1 Ford Police Interceptor UBlity 2024 48 17,442 1,200 300 10,000 23,735 52 677 Total Sheriff Vehicle Requests for 2023: 11 0 178,574 10,800 3,300 816 110,000 213,615 517,105 Total 2024 Sheriff Leased Vehicle Rates*: 66 9 756,030 27,324 68,400 22,500 885 8,668 110,000 213,615 1,207,322 Some of these vehicles may go into service in 2023.Those vehicle upft costs will also be due and payable in 2023 and may be removed from the 2024 rates,and may need to be added to the 2023 budget. For the sake of conservatism,for 2024 budgeting purposes,all vehicles on order are treated as if they will go into service in 2024. New Vehicle Orders: Approved by: BOCC Chair Dale Viewed and Verified by: Budget Manager Date Viewed and Verifed by: Chief Deputy Date Tab B -Total 2024 Sheriff Motor Pool Vehicle Rates -DRAFT Planned Outside Owned replace- Lease Capital Upfit Maint& Vehicle Veh No, ment Type Cust Name Base Lease Payoff &Radios Maint Fee Insurance supplies Wax Fuel 7T.tal 1 070 PPV Mason County Sheriffs Office-Patrol 6.55 6.55 1 071 WF Mason County Sheriffs Office-Patrol 6.55 34.00 40.55 Was PPV,Move to WF Jail in 2023 1 072 WF Mason County Sheriffs Office-Patrol 6.55 34.00 40.55 Was PPV,Move to WF Jail in 2023 1 123 WF Mason County Sheriffs Office-Jail 6.55 34.00 40.55 1 157 WF Mason County Sheriffs Office-Brewer 6.55 34.00 40.55 1 170 WF Mason County Sheriffs Office-Boating Truck 6.55 34.00 40.55 1 175 WF Mason County Sheriffs Office-Jail 6.55 34.00 40.55 i 1 NarcVanl SP Mason County Sheriffs Office-Patrol 6.55 34.00 40.55 1 SWTVN SP Mason County Sheriffs Office-Patrol 6.55 34.00 40.55 Total Monthly Billing Estimate for County Owned Vehicles: 52 272 324 Annual Billing Estimate: 629 3,264 - 3,893 Add 2024 Vehicle Rates from Tab A: 756,030 27,324 323,615 885 8,568 90,900 1,207,322 Other Additions/Adjustments: 51 71 18 3,100 340,000 343,240 Grand Total 2024 Sheriff Motor Pool Rates: 756,030 27,324 323,666 1,584 11,850 94,000 340,000 1,554,455 Object Codes: 545777 564778 548777 546777 548778 532777 510635 169484 11000 4040 70000 340050 Sheriffs Office Vehicle Counts for 2024 Rates: Total 2024 Leased PPVs: 47 Total 2024 Owned PPVs: 1 Total 2024 PPVs: 48 Total 2024 Leased WF: 19 Total 2024 Owned WF: 6 Total 2024 WF: 25 Total Special Vehicles: 2 Total Sheriff Vehicle Count: 75 Motor Pool Inventory - Explanation of Change from 6/16/2022 to 5/1/2023 Additions or New Fleet Other Non- New Fleet Size at Owned Size at Department 6/16/2022 Vehicles Reason for Motor Pool Fleet Addition 5/1/2023 70,256,257,25 8,25 9,260,261,262,263,264,265,266,269,294,295,296,297,298, 299,3 0 0,3 01,30 2,3 03,311,312,313,314,315,316,317,318,319,3 20,3 24,3 25,3 2 6, Sheriff-PPV 46 2 Added two new deputy positions in 2023 budget 48 330,331,332,333,334,335,50R,61R,72R,73R,New,New Moved SP vehicles to WF&removed 2 jail washdowns 71,72,123,157,160,170,175,208,250,251,252,253,254,255,270,271,272,304,305,306 Sheriff-White Fleet 26 1 added to fleet in 2022 27,307,308,321,322,327,Narc Van,SWAT Van Sheriff-Special Vehicles 3 -3 Moved to White Fleet 0 4188 purchased from ER&R in 2022,replaced WSU-White Fleet 1 w/washdown#150 1 150 Assessor-White Fleet 5 -1#46 went to building 4 279,280,281,282 #102 transferred from ER&R in 2022,#54 added 8/2/22 DEM-White Fleet 1 3 by B.Action 4 5,54,102,128 Facilities-White Fleet 4 1 Came from Health 5 164,202,267,268,122R Facilities-Motor Pool-WF 3 -1#188 was purchased from ER&R in 2022&sold in 2022 2 39,276 DCD-Building-White Fleet 6 6 46,283,284,288,291,309 DCD-Planning-White Fleet 2 2 274,292 Parks-White Fleet 4 1 Came from Health 5 147,241,323,328,329 Probation-White Fleet 3 -1 Went to DEM 2 129,293 Prosecutor-White Fleet 1 1 275 Coroner-White Fleet 2 2 310,13611 Health-Env-White Fleet 6 -1 Went to Facilities 5 273,278,286,287,289 Health-Per-White Fleet 2 -1 Went to Parks 1 277 Total Motor Pool Fleet 1141 1 1115 Mason County - NON-PPV - Fleet Planning Analysis Updated with 2022 Motor Pool Actuals and ER&R Direct&Indirect Costs Average of 2018&2019 Actuals Price Inflator of 8.4%, December 2022 Bremerton CPI-U applied to ER&R Actuals&2022-2029 Motor Pool Projections Cycled owned Up Front AME In Up Front AME In Net Cash Bas Fiscal Year Fleet Size Annual through Cycled Owned Leased Leased In Purchase Service at Progress at Lease Maintenance Estimated Equity Estimated Equity Fuel Fleet Budget on ER&R 201 Needs Leases through Progress 12/31/2022 12/31/2022 Owned Vehicles atYear5 2019 Act Leases Averal ER&R 2022 Estimated Average 66 9 66 0 $323,791 $0 $149,478.95 -$9,331 $106,158 $570,097 2020 62 31 31 7 $0 $70,223 $8,952 $74,309 $86,619 ($24,625) $0 $48,014 $263,492 $268,831 2021 64 26 38 3 $0 $56,804 $258,826 $16,645 ($29,942) $0 $84,452 $386,786 $131,910 2022 66 6 19 47 3 $0 $62,523 $258,411 $47,247 ($32,744) $0 $106,158 $441,595 $128,502 2023 66 4 12 54 $0 $40,000 $380,785 $62,853 ($8,748) $0 $106,158 $581,048 ($1o,9s1) 2024 67 4 30 30 9 28 $0 $40,000 $230,296 $160,544 ($147,489) $106,158 $389,508 $180,589 2025 67 10 7 34 2 31 $0 $100,000 $254,970 $154,136 ($34,414) $106,158 $580,850 ($10,753) 2026 67 10 5 29 2 36 $0 $100,000 $296,095 $136,456 ($24,582) $106,158 $614,127 ($44,029) 2027 67 10 0 19 2 46 $0 $100,000 $378,343 $101,096 $0 $106,158 $685,597 ($115,499) 2028 67 10 10 21 46 $0 $100,000 $378,343 $102,296 ($49,163) $106,158 $637,634 ($67,536) 2029 67 10 10 21 46 $0 $100,000 $378,343 $102,296 ($49,163) $106,158 $637,634 ($67,536) $393,527 Esimated Equity: $ 4,215 Per Vehicle Estimated Full Maintenance $ 359 Average Per Year per leased vehicle Owned Maintenance&Remaining Depreciation $ 2,876 per year Original Owned Fleet New White at Fleet Size at Fleet consists of 6/16/2022 Department Additions or(Deletions)or other non-owned vehicles 5/1/2023 vehicle#s: 71,72,123,157,160,170,175,208,250,251,252,253,254,255,270,271,272,304,305,306,307,308,321,322, 27 Sheriff-White Fleet 27 327,Narc Van,SWAT Van WSU 1#188 purchased from ER&R in 2022,replaced w/washdown#150 1 150 5 Assessor-White Fleet -1#46 went to building 4 279,280,281,282 1 DEM 3#102 transferred from ER&R in 2022,#54 added 8/2/22 by B.Action 4 5,54,102,128 4 Facilities-White Fleet 1 Came from Health 5 164,202,267,268,TBD(replaces 122) 3 Facilities-Motor Pool -1#188 was purchased from ER&R in 2022&sold in 2022 2 39,276 6 DCD-Building-White Fleet 6 46,283,284,288,291,309 2 DCD-Planning-White Fleet 2 274,292 4 Parks-White Fleet 1 Came from Health 5 147,241,323,328,329 3 Probation-White Fleet -1 Went to DEM 2 129,293 1 Prosecutor-White Fleet 1 275 2 Coroner-White Fleet 2 310,TBD(replaces 136) 6 Health-Env-White Fleet -1 Went to Facilities 5 273,278,286,287,289 2 Health-Per-White Fleet -1 Went to Parks 1 277 66 1 67 Mason County - Sheriff PPV- Fleet Planning Analysis Updated with 2022 Motor Pool Actuals and ER&R Direct&Indirect Costs Averaged from 2018&2019 Actuals Price Inflator of 8.4%,December 2022,Bremerton CPI-U applied to ER&R Actuals&2022-2029 Motor Pool Projections Replace Owned Up Front Payoff to Fiscal Year F�eet Annua wrecked or Cycled Up Front AME i.n Enterprise for Estimated Estimated Net Cash Based out of service through Cycled Owned Leased Leased In Purchase AME in Progress t wrecked Lease Maintenance Equity Owned Equity at Lease Fuel Fleet Budget on ER&R 2018& S ze Needs vehicles Leases through Progress Service at �' 22 leased Vehicles Term 2019 Actual (unplanned) Leases 12/31/2022 vehicles Average ER&R 2022 Estimated Average 46 8 46 0 $645,414 $292,304 -$8,165 $237,334 $1,166,888 2020 46 36 10 11 $0 $293,756 $55,148 $ 2,559 $ 89,439 $0 $0 $120,721 $561,623 $371,789 2021 46 4 21 25 3 $0 $283,047 $149,095 $ 188,790 $ 110,040 ($63,809) $0 $184,856 $852,019 $155,100 2022 46 7 3 8 38 $0 $478,798 $11,808 $ 349,836 $ 65,265 ($63,649) $0 $237,334 $1,079,392 $87,496 2023 46 4 1 4 42 $0 $174,972 $50,000 $ 424,286 $ 94,477 ($30,326) $0 $237,334 $950,743 $216,145 2024 48 7 1 11 9 1 38 $0 $279,955 $50,000 $ 503,674 $ 112,275 ($83,396) $237,334 $1,099,842 $67,046 2025 48 7 1 11 14 34 $0 $279,955 $50,000 $ 487,612 $ 120,608 ($83,396) $237,334 $1,092,113 $74,775 2026 48 7 1 19 26 22 $0 $279,955 $50,000 $ 420,784 $ 142,006 ($144,048) $237,334 $986,032 $180,856 2027 48 7 1 0 19 29 $0 $279,955 $50,000 $ 459,767 $ 129,524 $0 $237,334 $1,156,581 $10,307 2028 48 7 1 13 25 23 $0 $279,955 $50,000 $ 426,353 $ 140,223 ($98,559) $237,334 $1,035,307 $131,581 2029 48 7 1 8 26 22 $0 $279,955 $50,000 $ 420,784 $ 142,006 ($60,652) $237,334 $1,069,429 $97,459 $2,910,306 $3,684,445 Estimate Year Estimated Equity Each Owned Vehicle AME ESTIMATE $ 29,590 1 $4,500 AMEw/Tax $ 32,283 2 $6,500 Depreciation 1.75% 3 $6,500 Average Purchase Price w/tax $ 69,168 4 $6,500 Remaining Depreciation at end of lease $ 6,214 5 $6,500 C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Jennifer Beierle Ext. 532 Department: Support Services Briefing: 0 Action Agenda: ❑ Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): May 8,2023 Agenda Date: Click or tap here to enter text. Internal Review: N Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Other (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item• ARPA Update Background/Executive Summary: The ARPA Grant is reported to the Treasury every quarter,tracking obligated and expended amounts.The Treasury has granted$12,968,901 to the County and we have obligated$13,079,827. The amount over- obligated is$110,926.This amount was removed from the Administration obligation,currently$434,000, so that Administration was reported obligated at$323,074. There is$132,813 in completed obligated projects that have not been expended that will help to offset the over-obligated ARPA. Budget Impact(amount, funding source,budget amendment): None Public Outreach (news release,community meeting, etc.): N/A Requested Action: None Attachments ARPA Briefing Spreadsheet ARPA Briefing Support Page 1 ARPA Briefing Support Proposed Revenue Recipients Balance Proposed Proposed Distri BOCC Obligated by Remaining of Contract Used in Proposed Use in Use in Mason ARPA Category Mason County Project Name ct Confirmed Requests Approved Contract Expended Approved Amt End Date 2021 Use in 2022 2023 2024 County Mason GF HAMC EDC CEDS HCC A Support Public Health Response/Negative Economic Impacts PUD 1 Customer Arrearages due to COVID 2 125,000 125,000 125,000 $ 25,000.00 100,000 12/31/2024 6,578 18,422 Reallocate from PUD Arrearages to HCC Eldon Fiber Buildout 2 (100,000) (100,000) (100,000) (100,000) HCC Customer Arrearages due to COVID 2 110,000 110,000 110,000 $ 22,739.17 87,261 12/31/2024 110,000 110,000 Mason County Treasurer Property Tax Reim-individual households All 125,000 125,000 125,000 $ 107,979.74 17,020 84,157 40,843 125,000 Mason County Treasurer Property Tax Reim-small businesses All 75,000 75,000 75,000 $ 25,067.94 49,932 75,000 75,000 Mason County Utility Arrearages All 90,000 90,000 in Hna.. $ 55,872.17 34,128 EDC Small Business Grants All 500,000 500,000 500,000 $ 500,000.00 - 12/31/2021 475,000 25,000 500,000 Crossroads Housing for Assistance to Homeless Veterans All 10,000 10,000 30,000 $ 1,738.80 8,261 12/31/2022 10,000 Mason County Housing Authority Rent Arrearages All 2/10/22 Frank Pinter 123,545 100,000 100,000 $ 100,000.00 - 6/30/2024 123,545 The Arc ofthe Peninsulas All 4/5/2022 Chris Tibbs 35,000 35,000 35,000 $ 33,297.27 1,703 7/31/2024 Camp Sluys Youth Camp All 5/20/2022 30,000 30,000 30,000 $ 30,000.00 - 6/30/2024 Shelton Young Adult Transitional Housing Project All 1,428,000 722,000 722,000 6/30/2024 Mason County Housing Authority Unit Renovation Project All 1,208,790 750,000 750,000 $ 750,000.00 6/30/2024 Mason County Emergency&Disaster Response Center All 50,900 50,667 in Howe Community Lifeline All 54,790 54,790 54,790 $ 36,526.56 18,263 6/302024 ARPA$from City of Shelton for Community Lifeline (20,000) (20,000) $ (1,736.73) A Support Public Health Response/Negative Economic Impacts Subtotal 3,866,025 2,657,457 2,516,790 $1,686,484.92 216,568 565,734 279,265 - - - 200,000 123,545 500,000 - 110,000 B Premium pay for Essential Workers Signing Bonus for Corrections Deputies-up to$30k approved All 74,266 30,000 in H.- $ 10,000.00 20,000 74,266 B Premium pay for Essential Workers Subtotal 74,266 30,000 - $ 10,000.00 20,000 - - - - - 74,266 - - - - C Replace Public Sector Revenue Loss Up for government services up to$10 Million MCSO Body Cameras All 702,364 702,364 in Hn $ 702,363.84 0 702,364 702,365 MCSO Body Camera install All 40,000 40,000 in Hn $ 25,789.50 14,211 25,790 14,210 40,000 PUD 3 Belfair Substation 1 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,5mgomo 1,500,000 6/30/2024 1,500,000 Public Records Software GOVOA All 2/15/2022 Diane 22,700 22,700 in Hn $ 22,700.00 - 22,700 22,700 DCD Records Archival Image All 2/11/22 kilR 542,000 542,000 in Hn 542,000 542,000 Prosecutors Office 2nd floor expansion(Originally 700,000) All 2/18/2022 Kelly F 75,000 75,000 in Hn $ 38,423.88 36,576 75,000 Jail Elevator and Doors All 5/2/2022 WlyF 80,000 80,000 in Hna.. $73,591.04 6,409 80,000 Eels Hill Yard Goats All 240,000 240,000 in Hnu.. $ 240,000.00 240,000 MCSO Bearcat All 342,000 342,000 in H.- 342,000 North Mason Fire Mobile Integrated Health Program Startup 1 337,000 337,000 337,000 C Replace Public Sector Revenue Loss Subtotal 1 3,881,064 3,881,064 1,500,000 $1,102,868.26 1 2,099,196 728,153 1,536,910 - - 22,700 2,358,365 - - - - D Water,Sewer,and Broadband Infrastructure PUD 1 Agate Beach Water System Mainline 3 spending 1n 2023 559,000 559,000 559,000 559,000 12/31/2024 559,000 PUD 1 Vuecrest Storage Upgrade Phase 1&2 2 158,284 158,284 158,284 $ 158,284.00 - 12/31/2024 158,284 CEDS Belfair Water New Well for Commercial Core UGA 1 450,000 450,000 450,000 450,000 12/31/2024 450,000 450,000 HCC Colony Surf Fiber Buildout 2 313,556 313,556 313,556 $ 313,556.00 - 12/31/2024 313,556 313,556 HCC Eldon Fiber Buildout 2 501,932 501,932 501,932 $ 360,204.96 141,727 12/31/2024 501,932 501,932 Reallocate from PUD#1 Customer Arrearages to HCC Eldon Fiber Buildout 100,000 100,000 300,000 $ 100,000.00 - 100,000 100,000 Mason County IT Infrastructure Backbone/Storage upgrade All 136,261 136,261 in Hnu.. $ 136,097.84 163 136,098 136,261 PW Rustlewood-Project Removed PW Beards Cove AC Mainline Replacement 1 2/17/22 Rirhard D- 100,000 100,000 in Hnu.. 100,000 100,000 100,000 PW Belfair PS#1 Improvement Project 1 2/17/22 Rirhard D- 150,000 150,000 in H... 150,000 150,000 150,000 PW Belfair PS#3 Improvement Project 1 2/17/22 Rirhard D- 180,000 180,000 in Hnu.. 180,000 180,000 180,000 Reallocate from PW Belfair PS#3 to Mason County Utilities Arrearages (90,000) (90,000) (90,000) (90,000) PW Lakeland Pump Station 1 2/17/22 Rirhard D Ye: 42,000 42,000 in Hnu.. $ 39,433.27 2,567 42,000 42,000 Belfair Water Backup Generators 1 2/23/22 Daie Webb Ye: 300,000 300,000 300,000 60,250 239,750 6/30/2024 PW 70 Grinder Pumps All 2/23/22 Richard Yes 151,273 151,273 in Hnu.. $ 97,653.58 53,619 151,273 Port Of Allyn Water Company 1 Yes 4/8/2022 MarkN 100,000 100,000 100,000 7/31/2024 Belfair Sewer Log Yard Rd.Extension Design 1 $250,000 250,000 in Hnu.. Belfair Sewer Extension 1 $5,200,000 1,500,000 in Hnu.. $ 1,500,000.00 Mason County Fiber Optic Infrastructure Upgrade All $425,000 425,000 in Hna.. PUD 1 Vuecrest Storage Upgrade Phase 3 2 1 $750,000 750,000 1 750,000 1 6/30/2024 D Water,Sewer,and Broadband Infrastructure Subtotal 9,777,306 6,077,306 2,382,772 $2,765,479.65 1,786,826 136,098 2,554,772 - - 669,534 - - -1 450,0001 915,488 E Administration Washington State Association of Counties 2022 Dues All 4,000 4,000 $ 4,000.00 - 4,000 Temp County Staff to address COVID All 430,000 430,000 - $ 14,799.00 415,201 Included in the amount bi 92,078 250,000 Administraction Payroll $ 70,943.82 Temp County Staff Suppies(Included in Temp Staff) All $ 1,527.57 E Administration Subtotal 434,000 434,000 - $ 91,270.39 415,201 - 96,078 - - - 250,000 - - - - Grand Total 18,032,661 1 13,079,827 1 6,399,562 1$5,656,103.22 1 4,537,791 1 1,429,986 1 4,467,025 692,234 2,882,631 123,545 500,000 450,000 1,025,488 Total APRA Funds Available 12,968,901 Total ARPA Funds Received in 2021-First Round 6,484,451 Total ARPA Funds Expected in 2022-Second Round 6,484,451 Total ARPA Funds Approved/Obligated in prior briefings: 13,079,827 Total ARPA Funds Currently Over-Obligated removed from Administration: 110,926 Possible unexpended ARPA awards to be redistributed 132,813 ARPA Briefing Support Page 2 ARPA Briefing Support Crossroads Belfair Amt Rtn fm BOCC Action Project in PUD 1 PUD 3 Housing Water WSAC Total Complete Prjs Agenda Date Notes Munis 125,000 125,000 8/3/2021 (100,000) (100,000) 2/15/2022 110,000 8/3/2021 125,000 8/3/2021 75,000 12/7/2021 9/27/2022 500,000 8/3/2021 10,000 10,000 11/23/2021 123,545 4/12/2022 25,000 - 10,000 - - 968,545 - 74,266 4/11/2022 There is no other funding for this ask-est$45k-$70k - - - - - 74,266 - 702,365 6/8,8/3&11/23/21 40,000 14,211 11/23/2021 Project complete-Jason Dracoby 9/26/2022 1,500,000 1,500,000 8/3/2021 On hold due to interim revenue amt of$1.9M 22,700 542,000 75,000 36,576 4/11/2022 80,000 5/24/2022 240,000 342,000 337,000 - 1,500,000 - - - 3,881,065 50,787 559,000 559,000 8/3/2021 158,284 158,284 8/3/2021 450,000 8/3/2021 313,556 8/3/2021 501,932 8/3/2021 100,000 2/15/2022 136,261 163 9/28/2021 100,000 12/7/2021 150,000 12/7/2021 180,000 12/7/2021 (90,000) 42,000 12/21/2021 197,000 197,000 151,273 4/11/2022 717,284 - - 197,000 - 2,949,306 163 4,000 4,000 12/21/2021 250,000 12/7/2021 Approved$2501,until 12/31/2026 on 5/24/2022 - - - - 4,000 254,000 - 742,284 1,500,000 10,000 197,000 4,000 8,127,182 50,950 C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Mark Neary Ext. 530 Department: County Administrator Briefing: ❑ Action Agenda: ❑ Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): Agenda Date: Click or tap here to enter text. May 8,2023 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Other (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item Purchase of 126 Kneeland property Background/Executive Summary: On December 12,2022 commissioners approved the purchase and sale agreement for the property at 126 Kneeland Street(item 8.13). The purchase was contingent upon an appraisal and environmental inspection. The appraisal came in at the purchase price and the initial environmental phase 1 report recommended further analysis. A phase 2 subsurface analysis of the site was performed by Atlas Geosciences NW. The analysis came back clean in the soil and vapor samples but did identify fuel related volatiles in two of the groundwater samples collected. Although the diesel and oil levels were above the MTCA clean-up levels it may have been caused by the turbidity in the sample and not representative of the groundwater conditions. Environmental analysis performed on properties within this general area(5 blocks) so similar results. I expected to find these types of contaminants in the groundwater,but was pleasantly surprised that they did not find large amounts of contaminants in the soil samples. I recommend we accept the results of the phase II analysis and move forward with the purchase of the property. The county plans on using the space as-is without having to do any major modifications that might trigger additional environmental analysis requirements. Budget Impact(amount, funding source,budget amendment): $550,000 Public Outreach (news release,community meeting, etc.): C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! Requested Action: Approve moving forward with the purchase of 126 Kneeland. We need to approve the appraisal and the environmental reports and provide written notice waiving our feasibility to proceed to closing. Commissioner Neatherlin will sign all documents on behalf of the commission. Attachments 126 Kneeland—counteroffer 12142022 02-0087-B 126 Kneeland focused phase II report Authentisign�ID;6C8AC371-FB7B-ED11,AC20-0050F2765AB1 _-63FB-98699BF42E02 Kidder Kidder Mathews ©Commercial Brokers �' CBA Mathews 1201 Pacific Ave, Ste. 1400 Association V ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Tacoma, WA 98402 Phone: 253-722-1400 Form: PSA Addendum/Amendment to PSA Fax: 253-722-1409 Rev.7/2020 Page 1 of 1 ADDENDUM/AMENDMENT TO PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT CBA Text Disclaimer: Text deleted by licensee indicated by strike. New text inserted by licensee indicated by small capital letters. The following is part of the Purchase and Sale Agreement with Reference Date Dec. 1 , 20 22 (the "Agreement') between Mason County Government("Buyer")and 126 Kneeland Street LLC ("Seller") regarding the sale of the property located at 126 Kneeland St. , Shelton , WA 98584 (the "Property"). IT IS AGREED BETWEEN THE BUYER AND SELLER AS FOLLOWS: 1. Mason County Commissioner Randy Neatherlin is a licensed real estate broker in the State of Washington and will be signing on behalf of Mason County. 2. Within 30 days of mutual execution Mason County Commissioners shall approve the purchase and sales agreement in an Open Public Meeting. If approved written notice shall be provided to the seller. 3. Upon written notice of commissioner approval; seller shall engage both environmental inspection and appraisal services for the property. The environmental inspection shall be performed by a licensed geologist/hydrologist. The appraisal shall be performed by a General Certified Real Estate appraiser in the State of Washington and shall be a yellow book appraisal. 4. A Phase II shall only be completed and paid for by the Seller if the Phase I report recommends further site study. 5. If the appraisal deems the value of the property to be less than the purchase price, both buyer and seller shall have a right to terminate the purchase and sale agreement. 6. Upon completion of the appraisal and necessary environmental reports, the buyer shall have 20 days due diligence to approve of the environmental and appraisal documents. 7. If property is deemed acceptable at the end of the due diligence period, Buyer shall provide written notice waiving their feasibility and closing shall occur on or before 15 days following feasibility waiver. 8. Buyers feasibility contingency shall expire 20 days after the buyer receives the final written environmental report. ANI 12/14/22 ALL OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS of the Agreement remain unchanged. Ds ANI12/14/22 Eff 12/7/2022 INITIALS: Buyer Date Seller Date Buyer Date Seller Date Authentisign�ID;6C8AC371-FB7B-ED11,AC20-0050F2765AB1 _-63F6-986996F42EO2 Richard Beckman Realty Group, LLC ©Commercial Brokers �� CBA 117 N. 8th St. Association V ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Shelton, WA 98584 Form: Phone: 360-426-5521 Purchase&Sale Agreement Fax: 360-426-1645 Rev.8/2021 Page 1 of 17 COMMERCIAL & INVESTMENT REAL ESTATE PURCHASE & SALE AGREEMENT This has been prepared for submission to your attorney for review and approval prior to signing.No representation is made by licensee as to its sufficiency or tax consequences SPECIFIC TERMS Reference Date: 12/1/2022 Offer Expiration Date: 12/9/2022 5:OOpm (the third day after Reference Date, if not completed) 1. PROPERTY: The Property is legally described on Exhibit A. Address: 126 Kneeland St City of Shelton , Mason County, Washington. Tax Parcel No(s): 320195302007,320195302008 Included Personal Property: ❑None;❑If on and used in connection with the Property, per Section 25 (None, if not completed). Ds 12/7/2022 2. BUYER(S): Mason County Government ANI 12/14/22 a(n) Washington State Municipality Eb; 12/7/2022 112/14/22 3. SELLER(S): 126 KNEELAND STREET LLC RN a(n) Washington Limited Liability Company C 4. PURCHASE PRICE: $ 550000 Dollars Payable as:®Cash;❑Financing (attach CBA Form PS_FIN); ❑Other: 5. EARNEST MONEY: $ 5000 Dollars; Held by: ❑Selling Firm; ®Closing Agent Form of Earnest Money: ❑Wire/Electronic Transfer; ®Check;❑Note (attach CBA Form PS_EMN); ❑ Other: Ds Earnest Money Due Date: ® 5 days after Mutual Acceptance; Contingency Date; or El — 12/7/2022 See Addendum EDs 6. FEASIBILITY CONTINGENCY DATE: ElEb; 5; completed.) — 12/7/2022 12/7/20227. CLOSING DATE: 4A `_RM r'"""" ; ® 15 days after After removal of feasibility (see addendum) 8. CLOSING AGENT: Aegis Land Title �N 12/14/22 9. TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY: Aegis Land Title 10. DEED: ®Statutory Warranty Deed; or ❑Bargain and Sale Deed. 11. POSSESSION:®on closing; ❑Other: (on closing if not completed). 12. SELLER CITIZENSHIP (FIRPTA): Seller ❑is; ®is not a foreign person for purposes of U.S. income taxation. Ds ^I 12/02/2022 INITIALS: Buyer �/v Date Seller Date 12/7/2022 Buyer Date Seller Date Authentisign�ID;6C8AC371-FB7B-ED11,AC20-0050F2765AB1 _-B3FB-98699BF42EO2 Richard Beckman Realty Group, LLC ©Commercial Brokers �� CBA 117 N. 8th St. Association V ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Shelton, WA 98584 Form: Phone: 360-426-5521 Purchase&Sale Agreement Fax: 360-426-1645 Rev.8/2021 Page 2 of 17 COMMERCIAL & INVESTMENT REAL ESTATE PURCHASE & SALE AGREEMENT (CONTINUED) DS 13. BUYER'S DEFAULT: (check only one) ®Forfeiture of Earnest Money; El Seller's Election of Remedies. ff 12/14/22 14. SELLER'S DEFAULT: (check only one) ®Recover Earnest Money or Specific Enforcemen , Glor4inn of C?omorlioc 12/7/2022 15. UNPAID UTILITIES: Buyer and Seller®Do Not Waive (attach CBA Form UA); ❑Waive 16. AGENCY DISCLOSURE: Selling Broker represents: ®Buyer;❑Seller; ❑both parties;❑neither party Listing Broker represents: ®Seller;❑both parties 17. EXHIBITS AND ADDENDA. The following Exhibits and Addenda are made a part of this Agreement: ❑Earnest Money Promissory Note, CBA Form EMN ❑Back-Up Addendum, CBA Form BU-A ❑Blank Promissory Note, LPB Form No. 28A ❑Vacant Land Addendum, CBA Form VLA ❑Blank Short Form Deed of Trust, LPB Form No. 20 ❑Financing Addendum, CBA Form PS_FIN El Blank Deed of Trust Rider, CBA Form DTR El Tenant Estoppel Certificate, CBA Form PS_TEC ®Utility Charges Addendum, CBA Form UA ❑Defeasance Addendum, CBA Form PS_D ElFIRPTA Certification, CBA Form 22E ®Lead-Based Paint Disclosure, CBA Form LP-LS ❑Assignment and Assumption, CBA Form PS-AS ❑Other: ®Addendum/Amendment, CBA Form PSA ❑Other: DS INITIALS: Buyer A Date 12/02/2022 Seller Date 12/7/2022 Buyer Date Seller Date Authentisign�ID;6C8AC371-FB7B-ED11,AC20-0050F2765AB1 _-63F6-986996F42EO2 Richard Beckman Realty Group, LLC ©Commercial Brokers �� CBA 117 N. 8th St. Association V ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Shelton, WA 98584 Form: Phone: 360-426-5521 Purchase&Sale Agreement Fax: 360-426-1645 Rev.8/2021 Page 3 of 17 COMMERCIAL & INVESTMENT REAL ESTATE PURCHASE & SALE AGREEMENT (CONTINUED) 18. IDENTIFICATION OF THE PARTIES. The following is the contact information for the parties involved in this Agreement: Bu er s : Sellers : Contact: Mark Neary Contact: Address: Address: Business Phone: (360)427-9670 Business Phone: Cell Phone: Cell Phone: Fax: Fax: Email: mneary(a-)-masoncountywa.gov Email: Selling Firm Listing Firm Name: Richad Beckman Realty Group, LLC Name: Kidder Mathews Assumed Name: Assumed Name: Selling Broker: Richard Beckman Listing Broker: Ryan Haddock Selling Broker DOL License No.: 98421 Listing Broker DOL License No.: Firm Address: 117 N 8th St Shetlon, WA Firm Address: 98584 Firm Phone: 3603585567 Firm Phone: Broker Phone: 3607901921 Broker Phone: Firm Email: mail(a)-richardbeckman.com Firm Email: Broker Email: richard(cD_richardbeckman.com Broker Email: ryan.haddock@kidder.com Fax: 3604261645 Fax: CBA Office No.: CBA Office No.: Selling Firm DOL License No.: 9628 Listing Firm DOL License No.: Copy of Notices to Buyer to : Copy of Notices to Seller to Name: Name: Company: Company: Address: Address: Business Phone: Business Phone: Fax: Fax: Cell Phone: Cell Phone: Email: Email: RDA DS /V 12/02/2022 �� 12/7/2022 Y INITIALS: Buy-. Date Seller Date Buyer Date Seller Date Authentisign�ID;6C8AC371-FB7B-ED11,AC20-0050F2765AB1 _-63F6-986996F42EO2 Richard Beckman Realty Group, LLC ©Commercial Brokers fit' CgA 117 N. 8th St. Association V ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Shelton, WA 98584 Form: Phone: 360-426-5521 Purchase&Sale Agreement Fax: 360-426-1645 Rev.8/2021 Page 4 of 17 COMMERCIAL & INVESTMENT REAL ESTATE PURCHASE & SALE AGREEMENT (CONTINUED) GENERALTERMS 19. Purchase and Sale. Buyer agrees to buy and Seller agrees to sell the commercial real estate identified in Section 1 as the Property and all improvements thereon. Unless expressly provided otherwise in this Agreement or its Addenda, the Property shall include (i)all of Seller's rights, title and interest in the Property, (ii) all easements and rights appurtenant to the Property, (iii) all buildings, fixtures, and improvements on the Property, (iv) all unexpired leases and subleases; and (v) all included personal property. 20. Acceptance; Counteroffers. If this offer is not timely accepted, it shall lapse and the earnest money shall be refunded to Buyer. If either party makes a future counteroffer, the other party shall have until 5:00 p.m. on the day (if not filled in, the second day)following receipt to accept the counteroffer, unless sooner withdrawn. If the counteroffer is not timely accepted or countered, this Agreement shall lapse and the earnest money shall be refunded to Buyer. No acceptance, offer or counteroffer from Buyer is effective until a signed copy is received by Seller, the Listing Broker or the licensed office of the Listing Broker. No acceptance, offer or counteroffer from Seller is effective until a signed copy is received by Buyer, the Selling Broker or the licensed office of the Selling Broker. "Mutual Acceptance" shall occur when the last counteroffer is signed by the offeree, and the fully-signed counteroffer has been received by the offeror, his or her broker, or the licensed office of the broker. If any party is not represented by a broker, then notices must be delivered to that party and shall be effective when received by that party. 21. Earnest Money. Selling Broker and Selling Firm are authorized to transfer Earnest Money to Closing Agent as necessary. Selling Firm shall deposit any check to be held by Selling Firm within 3 days after receipt or Mutual Acceptance, whichever occurs later. If the Earnest Money is to be held by Selling Firm and is over $10,000, it shall be deposited to:❑the Selling Firm's pooled trust account(with interest paid to the State Treasurer); or❑a separate interest bearing trust account in Selling Firm's name, provided that Buyer completes an IRS Form W-9 (if not completed, separate interest bearing trust account). The interest, if any, shall be credited at closing to Buyer. If this sale fails to close, whoever is entitled to the Earnest Money is entitled to interest. Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, the Earnest Money shall be applicable to the Purchase Price. 22. Title Insurance. a. Title Report. Seller authorizes Buyer, its Lender, Listing Broker, Selling Broker or Closing Agent, at Seller's expense, to apply for and deliver to Buyer a standard coverage owner's policy of title insurance from the Title Insurance Company. Buyer shall have the discretion to apply for an extended coverage owner's policy of title insurance and any endorsements, provided that Buyer shall pay the increased costs associated with an extended policy including the excess premium over that charged for a standard coverage policy, the cost of any endorsements requested by Buyer, and the cost of any survey required by the title insurer. If Seller previously received a preliminary commitment from a title insurer that Buyer declines to use, Buyer shall pay any cancellation fee owing to the original title insurer. Otherwise, the party applying for title insurance shall pay any title cancellation fee, in the event such a fee is assessed. b. Permitted Exceptions. Buyer shall notify Seller of any objectionable matters in the title report or any supplemental report within the earlier of: (a) days (20 days if not completed)after receipt of the preliminary commitment for title insurance; or(b)the Feasibility Contingency Date. This Agreement shall terminate and Buyer shall receive a refund of the earnest money, less any costs advanced or committed for Buyer, unless within five (5) days of Buyer's notice of such objections Seller shall give notice, in writing, AN DS INITIALS: Buyer Date 12/02/2022 Seller Lbr Date 12/7/2022 Buyer Date Seller Date Authentisign�ID;6C8AC371-FB7B-ED11,AC20-0050F2765AB1 _-B3FB-98699BF42EO2 Richard Beckman Realty Group, LLC ©Commercial Brokers �� CgA 117 N. 8th St. Association V ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Shelton, WA 98584 Form: Phone: 360-426-5521 Purchase&Sale Agreement Fax: 360-426-1645 Rev.8/2021 Page 5 of 17 COMMERCIAL & INVESTMENT REAL ESTATE PURCHASE & SALE AGREEMENT (CONTINUED) of its intent to remove all objectionable provisions before Closing. If Seller fails to give timely notice that it will clear all disapproved objections, this Agreement shall automatically terminate and Buyer shall receive a refund of the earnest money, less any costs advanced or committed for Buyer, unless Buyer notifies Seller within three (3) days that Buyer waives any objections which Seller does not agree to remove. If any new title matters are disclosed in a supplemental title report, then the preceding termination, objection and waiver provisions shall apply to the new title matters except that Buyer's notice of objections must be delivered within three (3)days of receipt of the supplemental report by Buyer and Seller's response or Buyer's waiver must be delivered within two (2)days of Buyer's notice of objections. The Closing Date shall be extended to the extent necessary to permit time for these notices. Buyer shall not be required to object to any mortgage or deed of trust liens, or the statutory lien for real property taxes, and the same shall not be deemed to be Permitted Exceptions; provided, however, that the lien securing any financing which Buyer has agreed to assume shall be a Permitted Exception. Except for the foregoing, those provisions not objected to or for which Buyer waived its objections shall be referred to collectively as the "Permitted Exceptions." Seller shall reasonably cooperate with Buyer and the title company to clear objectionable title matters and shall provide an affidavit containing the information and reasonable covenants requested by the title company. The title policy shall contain no exceptions other than the General Exclusions and Exceptions common to such form of policy and the Permitted Exceptions. c. Title Policy. At Closing, Buyer shall receive an ALTA Form 2006 Owner's Policy of Title Insurance with standard or extended coverage (as specified by Buyer) dated as of the Closing Date in the amount of the Purchase Price, insuring that fee simple title to the Property is vested in Buyer, subject only to the Permitted Exceptions ("Title Policy"), provided that Buyer acknowledges that obtaining extended coverage may be conditioned on the Title Company's receipt of a satisfactory survey paid for by Buyer. If Buyer elects extended coverage, then Seller shall execute and deliver to the Title Company on or before Closing the such affidavits and other documents as the Title Company reasonably and customarily requires to issue extended coverage. 23. Feasibility Contingency. Buyer's obligations under this Agreement are conditioned upon Buyer's satisfaction, in Buyer's sole discretion, concerning all aspects of the Property, including its physical condition; the presence of or absence of any hazardous substances; the contracts and leases affecting the Property; the potential financial performance of the Property; the availability of government permits and approvals; and the feasibility of the Property for Buyer's intended purpose. This Agreement shall terminate and Buyer shall receive a refund of the earnest money unless Buyer gives notice that the Feasibility Contingency is satisfied to Seller before 5:OOpm on the Feasibility Contingency Date. If such notice is timely given, the feasibility contingency shall be deemed to be satisfied and Buyer shall be deemed to have accepted and waived any objection regarding any aspects of the Property as they exist on the Feasibility Contingency Date. a. Books, Records, Leases, Agreements. Within days (3 days if not filled in) Seller shall deliver to Buyer or post in an online database maintained by Seller or Listing Broker, to which Buyer has been given unlimited access, true, correct and complete copies of all documents in Seller's possession or control relating to the ownership, operation, renovation or development of the Property, excluding appraisals or other statements of value, and including the following: statements for real estate taxes, assessments, and utilities for the last three years and year to date; property management agreements and any other agreements with professionals or consultants; leases or other agreements relating to occupancy of all or a portion of the Property and a suite-by-suite schedule of tenants, rents, prepaid rents, deposits and fees; plans, specifications, permits, applications, drawings, surveys, and studies; maintenance records, accounting records and audit reports for the last three years and year to date; any existing environmental reports; any existing surveys; any existing inspection reports; and "Vendor Contracts"which shall include os INITIALS: Buyer Date 12/02/2022 Seller Date 12/7/2022 Buyer Date Seller Date Authentisign�ID;6C8AC371-FB7B-ED11,AC20-0050F2765AB1 _-63F6-986996F42EO2 Richard Beckman Realty Group, LLC ©Commercial Brokers �� CgA 117 N. 8th St. Association V ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Shelton, WA 98584 Form: Phone: 360-426-5521 Purchase&Sale Agreement Fax: 360-426-1645 Rev.8/2021 Page 6 of 17 COMMERCIAL & INVESTMENT REAL ESTATE PURCHASE & SALE AGREEMENT (CONTINUED) maintenance or service contracts, and installments purchase contracts or leases of personal property or fixtures used in connection with the Property. Buyer shall determine by the Feasibility Contingency Date: (i)whether Seller will agree to terminate any objectionable Vendor Contracts; and (ii)whether Seller will agree to pay any damages or penalties resulting from the termination of objectionable Vendor Contracts. Buyer's waiver of the Feasibility Contingency shall be deemed Buyer's acceptance of all Vendor Contracts which Seller has not agreed in writing to terminate. Buyer shall be solely responsible for obtaining any required consents to such assumption and the payment of any assumption fees. Seller shall cooperate with Buyer's efforts to receive any such consents but shall not be required to incur any out-of-pocket expenses or liability in doing so. Any information provided or to be provided by Seller with respect to the Property is solely for Buyer's convenience and Seller has not made any independent investigation or verification of such information (other than that the documents are true, correct, and complete, as stated above)and makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of such information, except to the extent expressly provided otherwise in this Agreement. Seller shall transfer the Vendor Contracts as provided in Section 25. b. Access. Seller shall permit Buyer and its agents, at Buyer's sole expense and risk, to enter the Property at reasonable times subject to the rights of and after legal notice to tenants, to conduct inspections concerning the Property, including without limitation, the structural condition of improvements, hazardous materials, pest infestation, soils conditions, sensitive areas, wetlands, or other matters affecting the feasibility of the Property for Buyer's intended use. Buyer shall schedule any entry onto the Property with Seller in advance and shall comply with Seller's reasonable requirements including those relating to security, confidentiality, and disruption of Seller's tenants. Buyer shall not perform any invasive testing including environmental inspections beyond a phase I assessment or contact the tenants or property management personnel without obtaining Seller's prior written consent, which shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed. Buyer shall restore the Property and all improvements to substantially the same condition they were in prior to inspection. Buyer shall be solely responsible for all costs of its inspections and feasibility analysis and has no authority to bind the Property for purposes of statutory liens. Buyer agrees to indemnify and defend Seller from all liens, costs, claims, and expenses, including attorneys' and experts'fees, arising from or relating to entry onto or inspection of the Property by Buyer and its agents, which obligation shall survive closing. Buyer may continue to enter the Property in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this Section 23 after removal or satisfaction of the Feasibility Contingency only for the purpose of leasing or to satisfy conditions of financing. c. ❑(check if applicable)Access Insurance. Notwithstanding anything in this Section 23 to the contrary, prior to entering the Property and while conducting any inspections pursuant to subsection (b) above, Buyer shall, at no cost or expense to Seller: (a) procure and maintain commercial general liability (occurrence) insurance in an amount no less than $2,000,000 on commercially reasonable terms adequate to insure against all liability arising out of any entry onto or inspections of the Property that lists Seller and Tenant as additional insureds; and (b)deliver to Seller prior to entry upon the Property certificates of insurance for Buyer and any applicable agents or representatives evidencing such required insurance. d. Buyer waives, to the fullest extent permissible by law, the right to receive a seller disclosure statement (e.g. "Form 17") if required by RCW 64.06 and its right to rescind this Agreement pursuant thereto. However, if Seller would otherwise be required to provide Buyer with a Form 17, and if the answer to any of the questions in the section of the Form 17 entitled "Environmental"would be "yes,"then Buyer does not waive the receipt of the "Environmental" section of the Form 17 which shall be provided by Seller. pin r DS INITIALS: Buyer ,\,V Date 12/02/2022 Seller Ff Date 12/7/2022 Buyer Date Seller Date Authentisign�ID;6C8AC371-FB7B-ED11,AC20-0050F2765AB1 _-B3FB-98699BF42EO2 Richard Beckman Realty Group, LLC ©Commercial Brokers �� CBA 117 N. 8th St. Association V ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Shelton, WA 98584 Form: Phone: 360-426-5521 Purchase&Sale Agreement Fax: 360-426-1645 Rev.8/2021 Page 7 of 17 COMMERCIAL & INVESTMENT REAL ESTATE PURCHASE & SALE AGREEMENT (CONTINUED) 24. Conveyance. Title shall be conveyed subject only to the Permitted Exceptions. If this Agreement is for conveyance of Seller's vendee's interest in a Real Estate Contract, the deed shall include a contract vendee's assignment sufficient to convey after-acquired title. At Closing, Seller and Buyer shall execute and deliver to Closing Agent CBA Form PS-AS Assignment and Assumption Agreement transferring all leases and Vendor Contracts assumed by Buyer pursuant to Section 25(b) and all intangible property transferred pursuant to Section 25(b). 25. Personal Property. a. If this sale includes the personal property located on and used in connection with the Property, Seller will itemize such personal property in an Exhibit to be attached to this Agreement within ten (10) days of Mutual Acceptance. The value assigned to any personal property shall be❑$ (if not completed, the County-assessed value if available, and if not available, the fair market value determined by an appraiser selected by the Listing Broker and Selling Broker). Seller warrants title to, but not the condition of, the personal property and shall convey it by bill of sale. b. In addition to the leases and Vendor Contracts assumed by Buyer pursuant to Section 24 above, this sale includes all right, title and interest of Seller to the following intangible property now or hereafter existing with respect to the Property including without limitation: all rights-of-way, rights of ingress or egress or other interests in, on, or to, any land, highway, street, road, or avenue, open or proposed, in, on, or across, in front of, abutting or adjoining the Property; all rights to utilities serving the Property; all drawings, plans, specifications and other architectural or engineering work product; all governmental permits, certificates, licenses, authorizations and approvals; all rights, claims, causes of action, and warranties under contracts with contractors, engineers, architects, consultants or other parties associated with the Property; all utility, security and other deposits and reserve accounts made as security for the fulfillment of any of Seller's obligations; any name of or telephone numbers for the Property and related trademarks, service marks or trade dress; and guaranties, warranties or other assurances of performance received. 26. Seller's Underlying Financing. Unless Buyer is assuming Seller's underlying financing, Seller shall be responsible for confirming the existing underlying financing is not subject to any"lock out" or similar covenant which would prevent the lender's lien from being released at closing. In addition, Seller shall provide Buyer notice prior to the Feasibility Contingency Date if Seller is required to substitute securities for the Property as collateral for the underlying financing (known as "defeasance"). If Seller provides this notice of defeasance to Buyer, then the parties shall close the transaction in accordance with the process described in CBA Form PS_D or any different process identified in Seller's defeasance notice to Buyer. DS R/V 12/02/2022 f 12/7/2022 INITIALS: Buyer 1W Date Seller Date Buyer Date Seller Date Authentisign�ID;6C8AC371-FB7B-ED11,AC20-0050F2765AB1 _-B3FB-98699BF42EO2 Richard Beckman Realty Group, LLC ©Commercial Brokers �� CgA 117 N. 8th St. Association V ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Shelton, WA 98584 Form: Phone: 360-426-5521 Purchase&Sale Agreement Fax: 360-426-1645 Rev.8/2021 Page 8 of 17 COMMERCIAL & INVESTMENT REAL ESTATE PURCHASE & SALE AGREEMENT (CONTINUED) 27. Closing of Sale. Buyer and Seller shall deposit with Closing Agent by 12:00 p.m. on the scheduled Closing Date all instruments and monies required to complete the purchase in accordance with this Agreement. Upon receipt of such instruments and monies, Closing Agent shall cause the deed to be recorded and shall pay to Seller, in immediately available funds, the Purchase Price less any costs or other amounts to be paid by Seller at Closing. "Closing" shall be deemed to have occurred when the deed is recorded and the sale proceeds are available to Seller. Time is of the essence in the performance of this Agreement. Sale proceeds shall be considered available to Seller, even if they cannot be disbursed to Seller until the next business day after Closing. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if Seller informed Buyer before the Feasibility Contingency Date that Seller's underlying financing requires that it be defeased and may not be paid off, then Closing shall be conducted in accordance with the three (3)-day closing process described in CBA Form PS_D. This Agreement is intended to constitute escrow instructions to Closing Agent. Buyer and Seller will provide any supplemental instructions requested by Closing Agent provided the same are consistent with this Agreement. 28. Closing Costs and Prorations. Seller shall deliver an updated rent roll to Closing Agent not later than two (2)days before the scheduled Closing Date in the form required by Section 23(a) and any other information reasonably requested by Closing Agent to allow Closing Agent to prepare a settlement statement for Closing. Seller certifies that the information contained in the rent roll is correct as of the date submitted. Seller shall pay the premium for the owner's standard coverage title policy. Buyer shall pay the excess premium attributable to any extended coverage or endorsements requested by Buyer, and the cost of any survey required in connection with the same. Seller and Buyer shall each pay one-half of the escrow fees. Any real estate excise taxes shall be paid by the party who bears primary responsibility for payment under the applicable statute or code. Real and personal property taxes and assessments payable in the year of closing; collected rents on any existing tenancies; expenses already incurred by Seller that relate to services to be provided to the Property after the Closing Date; interest; utilities; and other operating expenses shall be pro- rated as of Closing. Seller will be charged and credited for the amounts of all of the pro-rated items relating to the period up to and including 11:59 pm Pacific Time on the day preceding the Closing Date, and Buyer will be charged and credited for all of the pro-rated items relating to the period on and after the Closing Date. If tenants pay any of the foregoing expenses directly, then Closing Agent shall only pro rate those expenses paid by Seller. Buyer shall pay to Seller at Closing an additional sum equal to any utility deposits or mortgage reserves for assumed financing for which Buyer receives the benefit after Closing. Buyer shall pay all costs of financing including the premium for the lender's title policy. If the Property was taxed under a deferred classification prior to Closing, then Seller shall pay all taxes, interest, penalties, deferred taxes or similar items which result from removal of the Property from the deferred classification. At Closing, all refundable deposits on tenancies shall be credited to Buyer or delivered to Buyer for deposit in a trust account if required by state or local law. Buyer shall pay any sales or use tax applicable to the transfer of personal property included in the sale. Ds INITIALS: Buyer � Date 12/02/2022 Seller �r Date 12/7/2022 Buyer Date Seller Date Authentisign�ID;6C8AC371-FB7B-ED11,AC20-0050F2765AB1 _-B3FB-98699BF42EO2 Richard Beckman Realty Group, LLC ©Commercial Brokers �� CgA 117 N. 8th St. Association V ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Shelton, WA 98584 Form: Phone: 360-426-5521 Purchase&Sale Agreement Fax: 360-426-1645 Rev.8/2021 Page 9 of 17 COMMERCIAL & INVESTMENT REAL ESTATE PURCHASE & SALE AGREEMENT (CONTINUED) 29. Post-Closing Adjustments, Collections, and Payments. After Closing, Buyer and Seller shall reconcile the actual amount of revenues or liabilities upon receipt or payment thereof to the extent those items were prorated or credited at Closing based upon estimates. Any bills or invoices received by Buyer after Closing which relate to services rendered or goods delivered to the Seller or the Property prior to Closing shall be paid by Seller upon presentation of such bill or invoice. At Buyer's option, Buyer may pay such bill or invoice and be reimbursed the amount paid plus interest at the rate of 12% per annum beginning fifteen (15) days from the date of Buyer's written demand to Seller for reimbursement until such reimbursement is made. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if tenants pay certain expenses based on estimates subject to a post-closing reconciliation to the actual amount of those expenses, then Buyer shall be entitled to any surplus and shall be liable for any credit resulting from the reconciliation. Rents collected from each tenant after Closing shall be applied first to rentals due most recently from such tenant for the period after closing, and the balance shall be applied for the benefit of Seller for delinquent rentals owed for a period prior to closing. The amounts applied for the benefit of Seller shall be turned over by Buyer to Seller promptly after receipt. Seller shall be entitled to pursue any lawful methods of collection of delinquent rents but shall have no right to evict tenants after Closing. Any adjustment shall be made, if any, within 180 days of the Closing Date, and if a party fails to request an adjustment by notice delivered to the other party within the applicable period set forth above (such notice to specify in reasonable detail the items within the Closing Statement that such party desires to adjust and the reasons for such adjustment), then the allocations and prorations at Closing shall be binding and conclusive against such party. 30. Operations Prior to Closing. Prior to Closing, Seller shall continue to operate the Property in the ordinary course of its business and maintain the Property in the same or better condition than as existing on the date of Mutual Acceptance but shall not be required to repair material damage from casualty except as otherwise provided in this Agreement. After the Feasibility Contingency Date, Seller shall not enter into or modify existing rental agreements or leases (except that Seller may enter into, modify, extend, renew or terminate residential rental agreements or residential leases for periods of 12 months or less in the ordinary course of its business), service contracts, or other agreements affecting the Property which have terms extending beyond Closing without obtaining Buyer's consent, which shall not be withheld unreasonably. 31. Possession. Buyer shall accept possession subject to all tenancies disclosed to Buyer before the Feasibility Contingency Date. DS INITIALS: Buyer �/'� Date 12/02/2022 Seller Date 12/7/2022 Buyer Date Seller Date Authentisign�ID;6C8AC371-FB7B-ED11,AC20-0050F2765AB1 _-63F6-986996F42EO2 Richard Beckman Realty Group, LLC ©Commercial Brokers �� CgA 117 N. 8th St. Association V ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Shelton, WA 98584 Form: Phone: 360-426-5521 Purchase&Sale Agreement Fax: 360-426-1645 Rev.8/2021 Page 10 of 17 COMMERCIAL & INVESTMENT REAL ESTATE PURCHASE & SALE AGREEMENT (CONTINUED) 32. Seller's Representations. Except as disclosed to or known by Buyer prior to the satisfaction or waiver of the Feasibility Contingency, including in the books, records and documents made available to Buyer, or in the title report or any supplemental report or documents referenced therein, Seller represents to Buyer that, to the best of Seller's actual knowledge, each of the following is true as of the date hereof: (a) Seller is authorized to enter into the Agreement, to sell the Property, and to perform its obligations under the Agreement, and no further consent, waiver, approval or authorization is required from any person or entity to execute and perform under this Agreement; (b)The books, records, leases, agreements and other items delivered to Buyer pursuant to this Agreement comprise all material documents in Seller's possession or control regarding the operation and condition of the Property, are true, accurate and complete to the best of Seller's knowledge, and no other contracts or agreements exist that will be binding on Buyer after Closing; (c) Seller has not received any written notices that the Property or any business conducted thereon violate any applicable laws, regulations, codes and ordinances; (d) Seller has all certificates of occupancy, permits, and other governmental consents necessary to own and operate the Property for its current use; (e)There is no pending or threatened litigation which would adversely affect the Property or Buyer's ownership thereof after Closing; (f)There is no pending or threatened condemnation or similar proceedings affecting the Property, and the Property is not within the boundaries of any planned or authorized local improvement district; (g) Seller has paid (except to the extent prorated at Closing) all local, state and federal taxes (other than real and personal property taxes and assessments described in Section 28 above)attributable to the period prior to closing which, if not paid, could constitute a lien on Property (including any personal property), or for which Buyer may be held liable after Closing; (h) Seller is not aware of any concealed material defects in the Property except as disclosed to Buyer before the Feasibility Contingency Date; (i)There are no Hazardous Substances (as defined below)currently located in, on, or under the Property in a manner or quantity that presently violates any Environmental Law (as defined below); there are no underground storage tanks located on the Property; and there is no pending or threatened investigation or remedial action by any governmental agency regarding the release of Hazardous Substances or the violation of Environmental Law at the Property; Q) Seller has not granted any options nor obligated itself in any matter whatsoever to sell the Property or any portion thereof to any party other than Buyer; and (k) Neither Seller nor any of its respective partners, members, shareholders or other equity owners, is a person or entity with whom U.S. persons or entities are restricted from doing business under regulations of the Office of Foreign Asset Control ("OFAC") of the Department of the Treasury (including those named on OFAC's Specially Designated and Blocked Persons List) or under any statute or executive order; and (1)the individual signing this Agreement on behalf of Seller represents and warrants to Buyer that he or she has the authority to act on behalf of and bind Seller. As used herein, the term "Hazardous Substances" shall mean any substance or material now or hereafter defined or regulated as a hazardous substance, hazardous waste, toxic substance, pollutant, or contaminant under any federal, state, or local law, regulation, or ordinance governing any substance that could cause actual or suspected harm to human health or the environment ("Environmental Law"). The term "Hazardous Substances" specifically includes, but is not limited to, petroleum, petroleum by-products, and asbestos. If prior to Closing Seller or Buyer discovers any information which would cause any of the representations above to be false if the representations were deemed made as of the date of such discovery, then the party discovering the information shall promptly notify the other party in writing and Buyer, as its sole remedy, may elect to terminate this Agreement by giving Seller notice of such termination within five (5)days after Buyer first received actual notice (with the Closing Date extended to accommodate such five (5)day period), and in such event, the Earnest Money Deposit shall be returned to Buyer. Buyer shall give notice of termination within five (5) days of discovering or receiving written notice of the new information. Nothing in this paragraph shall prevent Buyer from pursuing its remedies against Seller if Seller had actual knowledge of the newly discovered information such that a representation provided for above was false. Ds 12/02/2022 12/7/2022 INITIALS: Buyer Date Seller ��` Date Buyer Date Seller Date Authentisign�ID;6C8AC371-FB7B-ED11,AC20-0050F2765AB1 _-B3FB-98699BF42EO2 Richard Beckman Realty Group, LLC ©Commercial Brokers �� CgA 117 N. 8th St. Association V ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Shelton, WA 98584 Form: Phone: 360-426-5521 Purchase&Sale Agreement Fax: 360-426-1645 Rev.8/2021 Page 11 of 17 COMMERCIAL & INVESTMENT REAL ESTATE PURCHASE & SALE AGREEMENT (CONTINUED) 33. As-Is. Except for the express representations and warranties in this Agreement, (a) Seller makes no representations or warranties regarding the Property; (b) Seller hereby disclaims, and Buyer hereby waives, any and all representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, concerning the Property or any portion thereof, as to its condition, value, compliance with laws, status of permits or approvals, existence or absence of hazardous material on site, suitability for Buyer's intended use, occupancy rate or any other matter of similar or dissimilar nature relating in any way to the Property, including the warranties of fitness for a particular purpose, tenantability, habitability and use; (c) Buyer takes the Property"AS IS" and with all faults; and (d) Buyer represents and warrants to Seller that Buyer has sufficient experience and expertise such that it is reasonable for Buyer to rely on its own pre-closing inspections and investigations. 34. Buyer's Representations. Buyer represents that Buyer is authorized to enter into the Agreement; to buy the Property; to perform its obligations under the Agreement; and that neither the execution and delivery of this Agreement nor the consummation of the transaction contemplated hereby will: (a) conflict with or result in a breach of any law, regulation, writ, injunction or decree of any court or governmental instrumentality applicable to Buyer; or(b) constitute a breach of any agreement to which Buyer is a party or by which Buyer is bound. The individual signing this Agreement on behalf of Buyer represents that he or she has the authority to act on behalf of and bind Buyer. 35. Claims.Any claim or cause of action with respect to a breach of the representations and warranties set forth herein shall survive for a period of nine (9) months from the Closing Date, at which time such representations and warranties (and any cause of action resulting from a breach thereof not then in litigation, including indemnification claims) shall terminate. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement: (a) Buyer shall not make a claim against Seller for damages for breach or default of any representation or warranty, unless the amount of such claim is reasonably anticipated to exceed $25,000; and (b) under no circumstances shall Seller be liable to Buyer on account of any breach of any representation or warranty in the aggregate in excess of the amount equal to$250,000, except in the event of Seller's fraud or intentional misrepresentation with respect to any representation or warranty regarding the environmental condition of the Property, in which case Buyer's damages shall be unlimited. 36. Condemnation and Casualty. Seller bears all risk of loss until Closing, and thereafter Buyer bears all risk of loss. Buyer may terminate this Agreement and obtain a refund of the earnest money if improvements on the Property are materially damaged or if condemnation proceedings are commenced against all or a portion of the Property before Closing, to be exercised by notice to Seller within ten (10)days after Seller's notice to Buyer of the occurrence of the damage or condemnation proceedings. Damage will be considered material if the cost of repair exceeds the lesser of$100,000 or five percent(5%) of the Purchase Price. Alternatively, Buyer may elect to proceed with closing, in which case, at Closing, Seller shall not be obligated to repair any damage, and shall assign to Buyer all claims and right to proceeds under any property insurance policy and shall credit to Buyer at Closing the amount of any deductible provided for in the policy. 37. FIRPTA Tax Withholding at Closing. Closing Agent is instructed to prepare a certification (CBA or NWMLS Form 22E, or equivalent)that Seller is not a "foreign person"within the meaning of the Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act, and Seller shall sign it on or before Closing. If Seller is a foreign person, and this transaction is not otherwise exempt from FIRPTA, Closing Agent is instructed to withhold and pay the required amount to the Internal Revenue Service. os INITIALS: Buyer Al Date 12/02/2022 Seller Date 12/7/2022 Buyer Date Seller Date Authentisign�ID;6C8AC371-FB7B-ED11,AC20-0050F2765AB1 _-63F6-986996F42EO2 Richard Beckman Realty Group, LLC ©Commercial Brokers �� CgA 117 N. 8th St. Association V ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Shelton, WA 98584 Form: Phone: 360-426-5521 Purchase&Sale Agreement Fax: 360-426-1645 Rev.8/2021 Page 12 of 17 COMMERCIAL & INVESTMENT REAL ESTATE PURCHASE & SALE AGREEMENT (CONTINUED) 38. Notices. Unless otherwise specified, any notice required or permitted in, or related to, this Agreement (including revocations of offers and counteroffers) must be in writing. Notices to Seller must be signed by at least one Buyer and must be delivered to Seller and Listing Broker with a courtesy copy to any other party identified as a recipient of notices in Section 18. A notice to Seller shall be deemed delivered only when received by Seller and Listing Broker, or the licensed office of Listing Broker. Notices to Buyer must be signed by at least one Seller and must be delivered to Buyer, with a copy to Selling Broker and with a courtesy copy to any other party identified as a recipient of notices in Section 18. A notice to Buyer shall be deemed delivered only when received by Buyer and Selling Broker, or the licensed office of Selling Broker. Selling Broker and Listing Broker otherwise have no responsibility to advise parties of receipt of a notice beyond either phoning the represented party or causing a copy of the notice to be delivered to the party's address provided in this Agreement. Buyer and Seller shall keep Selling Broker and Listing Broker advised of their whereabouts in order to receive prompt notification of receipt of a notice. If any party is not represented by a licensee, then notices must be delivered to and shall be effective when received by that party at the address, fax number, or email indicated in Section 18. Facsimile transmission of any notice or document shall constitute delivery. E-mail transmission of any notice or document (or a direct link to such notice or document)shall constitute delivery when: (i)the e-mail is sent to both Selling Broker and Selling Firm or both Listing Broker and Listing Firm at the e-mail addresses specified on page two of this Agreement; or(ii) Selling Broker or Listing Broker provide written acknowledgment of receipt of the e-mail (an automatic e-mail reply does not constitute written acknowledgment). At the request of either party, or the Closing Agent, the parties will confirm facsimile or e-mail transmitted signatures by signing an original document. 39. Computation of Time. Unless otherwise specified in this Agreement, any period of time in this Agreement shall mean Pacific Time and shall begin the day after the event starting the period and shall expire at 5:00 p.m. of the last calendar day of the specified period of time, unless the last day is a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday as defined in RCW 1.16.050, in which case the specified period of time shall expire on the next day that is not a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday. Any specified period of five (5)days or less shall not include Saturdays, Sundays or legal holidays. Notwithstanding the foregoing, references to specific dates or times or number of hours shall mean those dates, times or number of hours; provided, however, that if the Closing Date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday as defined in RCW 1.16.050, or a date when the county recording office is closed, then the Closing Date shall be the next regular business day. If the parties agree upon and attach a legal description after this Agreement is signed by the offeree and delivered to the offeror, then for the purposes of computing time, mutual acceptance shall be deemed to be on the date of delivery of an accepted offer or counteroffer to the offeror, rather than on the date the legal description is attached. 40. Assignment. Buyer's rights and obligations under this Agreement are not assignable without the prior written consent of Seller, which shall not be withheld unreasonably; provided, however, Buyer may assign this Agreement without the consent of Seller, but with notice to Seller, to any entity under common control and ownership of Buyer, provided no such assignment shall relieve Buyer of its obligations hereunder. If the words "and/or assigns" or similar words are used to identify Buyer in Section 2, then this Agreement may be assigned with notice to Seller but without need for Seller's consent. The party identified as the initial Buyer shall remain responsible for those obligations of Buyer stated in this Agreement notwithstanding any assignment and, if this Agreement provides for Seller to finance a portion of the purchase price, then the party identified as the initial Buyer shall guarantee payment of Seller financing. 41. Default and Attorneys' Fees. a. Buyer's default. In the event Buyer fails, without legal excuse, to complete the purchase of the Property, then the applipablle provision as identified in Section 13 shall apply- Ds INITIALS: Buyer /\,V Date 12/02/2022 Seller " Date 12/7/2022 Buyer Date Seller Date Authentisign�ID;6C8AC371-FB7B-ED11,AC20-0050F2765AB1 _-B3FB-98699BF42EO2 Richard Beckman Realty Group, LLC ©Commercial Brokers �� CgA 117 N. 8th St. Association V ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Shelton, WA 98584 Form: Phone: 360-426-5521 Purchase&Sale Agreement Fax: 360-426-1645 Rev.8/2021 Page 13 of 17 COMMERCIAL & INVESTMENT REAL ESTATE PURCHASE & SALE AGREEMENT (CONTINUED) i. Forfeiture of Earnest Money. Seller may terminate this Agreement and keep that portion of the earnest money that does not exceed five percent(5%) of the Purchase Price as liquidated damages as the sole and exclusive remedy available to Seller for such failure. ii. Seller's Election of Remedies. Seller may, at its option, (a)terminate this Agreement and keep that portion of the earnest money that does not exceed five percent(5%) of the Purchase Price as liquidated damages as the sole and exclusive remedy available to Seller for such failure, (b) bring suit against Buyer for Seller's actual damages, (c) bring suit to specifically enforce this Agreement and recover any incidental damages, or(d) pursue any other rights or remedies available at law or equity. b. Seller's default. In the event Seller fails, without legal excuse, to complete the sale of the Property, then the applicable provision as identified in Section 14 shall apply: i. Recover Earnest Money or Specific Enforcement. As Buyer's sole remedy, Buyer may either(a) terminate this Agreement and recover all earnest money or fees paid by Buyer whether or not the same are identified as refundable or applicable to the purchase price; or(b) bring suit to specifically enforce this Agreement and recover incidental damages, provided, however, Buyer must file suit within sixty (60)days from the Closing Date or from the date Seller has provided notice to Buyer that Seller will not proceed with closing, whichever is earlier. ii. Buyer's Election of Remedies. Buyer may, at its option, (a) bring suit against Seller for Buyer's actual damages, (b) bring suit to specifically enforce this Agreement and recover any incidental damages, or(c) pursue any other rights or remedies available at law or equity. c. Neither Buyer nor Seller may recover consequential damages such as lost profits. If Buyer or Seller institutes suit against the other concerning this Agreement, the prevailing party is entitled to reasonable attorneys'fees and costs. In the event of trial, the amount of the attorneys' fees shall be fixed by the court. The venue of any suit shall be the county in which the Property is located, and this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Washington without regard to its principles of conflicts of laws. 42. Miscellaneous Provisions. a. Complete Agreement. This Agreement and any addenda and exhibits thereto state the entire understanding of Buyer and Seller regarding the sale of the Property. There are no verbal or other written agreements which modify or affect the Agreement, and no modification of this Agreement shall be effective unless agreed in writing and signed by the parties. b. Counterpart Signatures. This Agreement may be signed in counterpart, each signed counterpart shall be deemed an original, and all counterparts together shall constitute one and the same agreement. c. Electronic Delivery and Signatures. Electronic delivery of documents (e.g., transmission by facsimile or email) including signed offers or counteroffers and notices shall be legally sufficient to bind the party the same as delivery of an original. At the request of either party, or the Closing Agent, the parties will replace electronically delivered offers or counteroffers with original documents. The parties acknowledge that a signature in electronic form has the same legal effect as a handwritten signature. d. Section 1031 Like '-Kind Exchange. If either Buyer or Seller intends for this transaction to be a part of a INITIALS: Buyer I�/V Date 12/02/2022 Seller f� Date 12/7/2022 Buyer Date Seller Date Authentisign�ID;6C8AC371-FB7B-ED11,AC20-0050F2765AB1 _-63F6-986996F42EO2 Richard Beckman Realty Group, LLC ©Commercial Brokers �� CgA 117 N. 8th St. Association V ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Shelton, WA 98584 Form: Phone: 360-426-5521 Purchase&Sale Agreement Fax: 360-426-1645 Rev.8/2021 Page 14 of 17 COMMERCIAL & INVESTMENT REAL ESTATE PURCHASE & SALE AGREEMENT (CONTINUED) Section 1031 like-kind exchange, then the other party agrees to cooperate in the completion of the like- kind exchange so long as the cooperating party incurs no additional liability in doing so, and so long as any expenses (including attorneys'fees and costs) incurred by the cooperating party that are related only to the exchange are paid or reimbursed to the cooperating party at or prior to Closing. Notwithstanding this provision, no party shall be obligated to extend closing as part of its agreement to facilitate completion of a like-kind exchanged. In addition, notwithstanding Section 40 above, any party completing a Section 1031 like-kind exchange may assign this Agreement to its qualified intermediary or any entity set up for the purposes of completing a reverse exchange. 43. Information Transfer. In the event this Agreement is terminated, Buyer agrees to deliver to Seller within ten (10) days of Seller's written request copies of all materials received from Seller and any non-privileged plans, studies, reports, inspections, appraisals, surveys, drawings, permits, applications or other development work product relating to the Property in Buyer's possession or control as of the date this Agreement is terminated. 44. Confidentiality. Until and unless closing has been consummated, Buyer and Seller shall follow reasonable measures to prevent unnecessary disclosure of information obtained in connection with the negotiation and performance of this Agreement. Neither party shall use or knowingly permit the use of any such information in any manner detrimental to the other party. 45. Agency Disclosure. Selling Firm, Selling Firm's Designated Broker, Selling Broker's Branch Manager(if any) and Selling Broker's Managing Broker(if any) represent the same party that Selling Broker represents. Listing Firm, Listing Firm's Designated Broker, Listing Broker's Branch Manager(if any), and Listing Broker's Managing Broker(if any) represent the same party that the Listing Broker represents. If Selling Broker and Listing Broker are different persons affiliated with the same Firm, then both Buyer and Seller confirm their consent to the Brokers' Designated Broker, Branch Manager(if any), and Managing Broker(if any) representing both parties as a dual agent. If Selling Broker and Listing Broker are the same person representing both parties, then both Buyer and Seller confirm their consent to that person and his/her Designated Broker, Branch Manager(if any), and Managing Broker(if any) representing both parties as dual agents. All parties acknowledge receipt of the pamphlet entitled "The Law of Real Estate Agency." AlDS 12/02/2022 12/7/2022 INITIALS: Buyer f�j�Q Date Seller Date Buyer Date Seller Date Authentisign�ID;6C8AC371-FB7B-ED11,AC20-0050F2765AB1 _-63F6-986996F42EO2 Richard Beckman Realty Group, LLC ©Commercial Brokers �� CgA 117 N. 8th St. Association V ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Shelton, WA 98584 Form: Phone: 360-426-5521 Purchase&Sale Agreement Fax: 360-426-1645 Rev.8/2021 Page 15 of 17 COMMERCIAL & INVESTMENT REAL ESTATE PURCHASE & SALE AGREEMENT (CONTINUED) 46. Seller's Acceptance and Brokerage Agreement. Seller agrees to sell the Property on the terms and conditions herein, and further agrees to pay a commission in a total amount computed in accordance with the listing or commission agreement. If there is no written listing or commission agreement, Seller agrees to pay a commission of 6 % of the sales price or$ . The commission shall be apportioned between Listing Firm and Selling Firm as specified in the listing or any co-brokerage agreement. If there is no listing or written co-brokerage agreement, then Listing Firm shall pay to Selling Firm a commission of 3 % of the sales price or$ . Seller assigns to Listing Firm and Selling Firm a portion of the sales proceeds equal to the commission. If the earnest money is retained as liquidated damages, any costs advanced or committed by Listing Firm or Selling Firm for Buyer or Seller shall be reimbursed or paid therefrom, and the balance shall be paid one-half to Seller and one-half to Listing Firm and Selling Firm according to the listing agreement and any co-brokerage agreement. Seller and Buyer hereby consent to Listing Firm and Selling Firm receiving compensation from more than one party and irrevocably instruct the Closing Agent to disburse the commission(s)directly to the Firm(s). In any action by Listing Firm or Selling Firm to enforce this Section, the prevailing party is entitled to reasonable attorneys'fees and expenses. Neither Listing Firm nor Selling Firm are receiving compensation from more than one party to this transaction unless disclosed on an attached addendum, in which case Buyer and Seller consent to such compensation. The Property described in attached Exhibit A is commercial real estate. Notwithstanding Section 44 above, the pages containing this Section, the parties' signatures and an attachment describing the Property may be recorded. Listing Broker and Selling Broker Disclosure. EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE DISCLOSED IN WRITING TO BUYER OR SELLER, THE SELLING BROKER, LISTING BROKER, AND FIRMS HAVE NOT MADE ANY REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OR CONDUCTED ANY INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION CONCERNING THE LEGAL EFFECT OF THIS AGREEMENT, BUYER'S OR SELLER'S FINANCIAL STRENGTH, BOOKS, RECORDS, REPORTS, STUDIES, OR OPERATING STATEMENTS; THE CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY OR ITS IMPROVEMENTS; THE FITNESS OF THE PROPERTY FOR BUYER'S INTENDED USE; OR OTHER MATTERS RELATING TO THE PROPERTY, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE PROPERTY'S ZONING, BOUNDARIES, AREA, COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE LAWS (INCLUDING LAWS REGARDING ACCESSIBILITY FOR DISABLED PERSONS), OR HAZARDOUS OR TOXIC MATERIALS INCLUDING MOLD OR OTHER ALLERGENS. SELLER AND BUYER ARE EACH ADVISED TO ENGAGE QUALIFIED EXPERTS TO ASSIST WITH THESE DUE DILIGENCE AND FEASIBILITY MATTERS, AND ARE FURTHER ADVISED TO SEEK INDEPENDENT LEGAL AND TAX ADVICE RELATED TO THIS AGREEMENT. „ DS RN 12/02/2022 Eff 12/7/2022 INITIALS: Buyer Date Seller Date Buyer Date Seller Date Authentisign�ID;6C8AC371-FB7B-ED11,AC20-0050F2765AB1 _-63F6-986996F42EO2 Richard Beckman Realty Group, LLC ©Commercial Brokers �� CgA 117 N. 8th St. Association V ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Shelton, WA 98584 Form: Phone: 360-426-5521 Purchase&Sale Agreement Fax: 360-426-1645 Rev.8/2021 Page 16 of 17 COMMERCIAL & INVESTMENT REAL ESTATE PURCHASE & SALE AGREEMENT (CONTINUED) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have signed this Agreement intending to be bound. Randy Neatherlin Buyer Buyer Printed name and type of entity Printed name and type of entity Authenti Buyer r kody NeatW)t oh 64D%r&Comity Buyer STghature and title Signature and title Date signed 12/02/22 Date signed Bill Rosenkrantz Seller Seller Printed name and type of entity Printed name and type of entity F�L ocuSigned by: Seller St,IL& Seller Signature and 'tle 4891611 FOBBDaoa_ Signature and title Date signed 12/7/2022 Date signed DS INITIALS: Buyer � Date 12/02/2022Seller F� Date 121712022 Buyer Date Seller Date Authentisign�ID;6C8AC371-FB7B-ED11,AC20-0050F2765AB1 _-63F6-986996F42EO2 Richard Beckman Realty Group, LLC ©Commercial Brokers �� CgA 117 N. 8th St. Association V ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Shelton, WA 98584 Form: Phone: 360-426-5521 Purchase&Sale Agreement Fax: 360-426-1645 Rev.8/2021 Page 17 of 17 COMMERCIAL & INVESTMENT REAL ESTATE PURCHASE & SALE AGREEMENT (CONTINUED) EXHIBIT A* [Legal Description] *To ensure accuracy in the legal description, consider substituting the legal description contained in the preliminary commitment for title insurance or a copy of the Property's last vesting deed for this page. Do not neglect to label the substitution "Exhibit A."You should avoid transcribing the legal description because any error in transcription may render the legal description inaccurate and this Agreement unenforceable. INITIALS: Buyer Date Seller Date Buyer Date Seller Date Authentisign�ID;6C8AC371-FB7B-ED11,AC20-0050F2765AB1 _-63F6-986996F42EO2 Richard Beckman Realty Group, LLC ©Commercial Brokers �� BA 117 N. 8th St. Association VC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Shelton, WA 98584 Phone: 360-426-5521 Form: uA Fax: 360-426-1645 Utility Rev.Addendum2 Page 1 of 2 UTILITY CHARGES ADDENDUM CBA Text Disclaimer:Text deleted by licensee indicated by strike. New text inserted by licensee indicated by small capital letters. The following is part of the Purchase and Sale Agreement with Reference Date , 20_between Mason County Government ("Buyer") and 126 KNEELAND STREET LLC ("Seller") regarding the sale of property located at 126 Kneeland St , Shelton , WA 98584 (the "Property"). Pursuant to RCW 60.80, Buyer and Seller request the Closing Agent to administer the disbursement of closing funds necessary to satisfy unpaid utility charges affecting the Property. The names and addresses of all utilities providing service to the Property and having lien rights are as follows: Water District: City Of Shelton Name e-mail or website(optional) Address City,State,Zip Sewer District: City Of Shelton Name e-mail or website(optional) Address City,State,Zip Irrigation District: Name e-mail or website(optional) Address City,State,Zip Garbage: Mason County Garbage Name e-mail or website(optional) Address City,State,Zip DS INITIALS: Buyer ,\I� Date 12/02/22 Seller ff Date 12/7/2022 Buyer Date Seller Date Authentisign�ID;6C8AC371-FB7B-ED11,AC20-0050F2765AB1 _-63F6-986996F42EO2 Richard Beckman Realty Group, LLC ©Commercial Brokers �� BA 117 N. 8th St. Association VC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Shelton, WA 98584 Phone: 360-426-5521 Form: uA Fax: 360-426-1645 Utility l t Rev.Addendum2 Page 2 of 2 UTILITY CHARGES ADDENDUM (CONTINUED) Electricity: PUD 3 Name e-mail or website(optional) Address City,State,Zip Gas: Cascade Natural Gas Name e-mail or website(optional) Address City,State,Zip Special District(s): (local improvement districts Name or utility local improvement) e-mail or website(optional) Address City,State,Zip IF THE ABOVE INFORMATION HAS NOT BEEN FILLED IN AT THE TIME OF MUTUAL ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT, THEN (1)WITHIN DAYS (5 DAYS IF NOT FILLED IN) OF MUTUAL ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT, SELLER SHALL PROVIDE THE LISTING BROKER, SELLING BROKER, OR CLOSING AGENT WITH THE NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF ALL UTILITY PROVIDERS HAVING LIEN RIGHTS AFFECTING THE PROPERTY AND (2) BUYER AND SELLER AUTHORIZE LISTING BROKER, SELLING BROKER OR CLOSING AGENT TO INSERT INTO THIS ADDENDUM THE NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF THE UTILITY PROVIDERS IDENTIFIED BY SELLER. SELLER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT THIS ADDENDUM DOES NOT RELIEVE SELLER OF ITS OBLIGATION TO PAY UTILITY CHARGES, BILLED OR UNBILLED OR EVIDENCED BY A RECORDED LIEN OR NOT. THE PARTIES UNDERSTAND THAT NEITHER LISTING BROKER NOR SELLING BROKER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PAYING UTILITY CHARGES OR FOR INSURING THAT THEY ARE PAID BY ANY OTHER PERSON. Q DS INITIALS: Buyer "� Date 12/02/22 Seller Eff Date 12/7/2022 Buyer Date Seller Date Authentisign�ID;6C8AC371-FB7B-ED11,AC20-0050F2765AB1 _-63F6-986996F42E02 Richard Beckman Realty Group, LLC ©Commercial Brokers �� BA 117 N. 8th St. Association VC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Shelton, WA 98584 Phone: 360-426-5521 Form: PSA Addendum/Amendment to PSA Fax: 360-426-1645 Rev.7/2020 Page 1 of 1 ADDENDUM/AMENDMENT TO PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT CBA Text Disclaimer: Text deleted by licensee indicated by strike. New text inserted by licensee indicated by small capital letters. The following is part of the Purchase and Sale Agreement with Reference Date 20_(the "Agreement") between Mason County Government("Buyer")and 126 KNEELAND STREET LLC ("Seller") regarding the sale of the property located at 126 Kneeland St , Shelton , WA 98584 (the "Property"). IT IS AGREED BETWEEN THE BUYER AND SELLER AS FOLLOWS: 1. Se Sallcover all cost associated with an environmental ins ection. Bu er shall direct ins n. Environm ection to include but not limited to a Phase 1 and Phaset2inspection. 2. Seller shall cover all Cos ociated with the a raisal. Bu er shall dire raisal. Appraisal shall be a yellow book appraisal. 3. This agreement is contingent up on propertV a sin the event the property fails to appraise at value the bu er maV elect to purchase the propertv at the Io ed value. 4. This agreement is contingent u o ason CountV Commissione proval of this purchase and sales agreement, in an open public In . 5. Mason Count missioner Randy Neatherlin is a licensed real estate broker in Washln State. 6. R eatherlin will sign on behalf of Mason Count . ALL OTHER TERM ,$ANP CONDITIONS of the Agreement remain unchanged. INITIALS: Buyer RN" Date 12/02/22 Seller Date Buyer Date Seller Date Authentisign�ID;6C8AC371-FB7B-ED11,AC20-0050F2765AB1 _-63F6-986996F42EO2 Richard Beckman Realty Group, LLC ©Commercial Brokers �� BA 117 N. 8th St. Association VC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Shelton, WA 98584 Form: LP_LS Phone: 360-426-5521 Lead-based Paint Disclosure Fax: 360-426-1645 Rev.7/2020 Page 1 of 2 DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION ON LEAD-BASED PAINT AND LEAD-BASED PAINT HAZARDS CBA Text Disclaimer:Text deleted by licensee indicated by strike. New text inserted by licensee indicated by small capital letters. The following is part of the❑Purchase & Sale Agreement ❑the Lease/Rental Agreement with Reference Date , 20 between Mason County Government("Buyer" or"Lessee")and 126 KNEELAND STREET LLC ("Seller" or"Lessor")concerning 126 Kneeland St Shelton WA 98584 ("the Property"). Lead Warning Statement—Purchase and Sale Agreements Every purchase of any interest in residential real property on which a residential dwelling was built prior to 1978 is notified that such property may present exposure to lead from lead-based paint that may place young children at risk of developing lead poisoning. Lead poisoning in young children may produce permanent neurological damage, including learning disabilities, reduced intelligence quotient, behavioral problems and impaired memory. Lead poisoning also poses a particular risk to pregnant women. The seller of any interest in residential real property is required to provide the buyer with any information on lead-based paint hazards from risk assessments or inspections in the seller's possession and notify the buyer of any known lead-based paint hazards. A risk assessment or inspection for possible lead-based paint hazards is recommended prior to purchase. Lead Warning Statement—Lease/Rental Agreements Housing built before 1978 may contain lead-based paint. Lead from paint, paint chips, and dust can pose health hazards if not managed properly. Lead exposure is especially harmful to young children and pregnant women. Before renting pre-1978 housing, lessors must disclose the presence of lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards in the dwelling. Lessees must also receive a federally approved pamphlet on lead poisoning prevention. Seller's/Lessor's Disclosure. Seller/Lessor makes the following disclosures: a. Presence of lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards (check one below): ❑Seller/Lessor knows the following lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards are present in the housing. ®Seller/Lessor has no knowledge of lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards in the housing. b. Records and reports available to the Seller/Lessor: (check one below): ❑Seller/Lessor has provided the Buyer with all available records and reports pertaining to lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards in the housing, as follows: ®Seller/Lessor has no reports or records pertaining to lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards in the housing. Buyer's/Lessee's Acknowledgment. Buyer/Lessee acknowledges that: c. Buyer/Lessee has received copies of all information listed above. d. Buyer/Lessee has received the pamphlet Protect Your Family from Lead in Your Home. e. If this disclosure is being made by Seller as part of a Purchase and Sake Agreement, then Buyer has ANI 12/02/2212/7/2022 INITIALS: Buyer/Lessee Date Er Seller/Lessor Date Buyer/Lessee Date Seller/Lessor Date Authentisign�ID;6C8AC371-FB7B-ED11,AC20-0050F2765AB1 _-63F6-986996F42EO2 Richard Beckman Realty Group, LLC ©Commercial Brokers �� BA 117 N. 8th St. Association VC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Shelton, WA 98584 Form: LP_LS Phone: 360-426-5521 Lead-based Paint Disclosure Fax: 360-426-1645 Rev.7/2020 Page 2 of 2 DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION ON LEAD-BASED PAINT AND LEAD-BASED PAINT HAZARDS CBA Text Disclaimer:Text deleted by licensee indicated by strike. New text inserted by licensee indicated by small capital letters. (check one below): ® Waived the opportunity to conduct a risk assessment or inspection for the presence of lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards. or ❑ Accepted an opportunity to conduct a ten (10) day risk assessment or inspection for the presence of lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards as part of the Feasibility Contingency set forth in the Purchase and Sale Agreement. Licensees' Acknowledgment. Licensees have informed the Seller of the Seller's obligations under 42 U.S.C. 4582(d) and are aware of their responsibility to ensure compliance. CANCELLATION RIGHTS. If a residential dwelling or housing was built on the Property prior to 1978, this disclosure must be provided to Buyer/Lessee before mutual acceptance of the purchase and sale, rental, or lease agreement. If this disclosure is not provided before mutual acceptance, then Buyer may rescind the purchase and sale, rental, or lease agreement up to three (3)days after Buyer receives this disclosure. Certification of Accuracy. The following parties have reviewed the information above and certify, to the best of their knowledge, that the information provided by the signatory is true and accurate. AuthentisiGN ocuSigned by: "' l kody NeatAk*oh behalf Pf 4rm Couhty 12/02/22 F�(L r6SLV�Y'avU 12/7/2022 Buyer/Lessee Date Sell 1611FOBBDaoa_ Date Buyer/Lessee Date Seller/Lessor Date Selling Broker Date Listing Broker Date DS INITIALS: Buyer/Lessee AI 12/02/22 Date Seller/Lessor Date 12/7/2022 Buyer/Lessee Date Seller/Lessor Date Authentisign'ID:6C8AC371-FB7B-ED11,AC20-0050F2765AB1 -B3FB-98699BF42E02 1945574 MASON CO WA 08127/2009 01:32 PIS ACD Recorded at the Request of and ������������������,�������������������������������������4���������111111111I 2 11 When Recorded Please Return To: Jay A. Goldstein Law Office, PLLC 1800 Cooper Point Rd. SW, Bldg. 8 %AFFIDAVIT Olympia, WA 98502 „`Z.l........ OWA R.E. EXCISF TAX Exhibit A IAUG 2 7 1009 EXEMPT LISA FRAZIER Grantor: Western Steel & Supply, Inc. Treas., Mason County Grantee: 126 Kneeland Street, LLC Assessor's Tax Parcel ID#: 320195302007 an 95302008 ORIGINALQUIT CLAIM DEED THE GRANTOR, el & Supply, Inc., a Washington corporation, in consideration for the tra fer he corporation of all of its interest in real property to its shareholders who will hol r property together in the same pro rata shares they owned in the corporation, and r va e consideration, conveys and quit claims to 126 Kneeland Street, LLC, a Wash gton li ited liability company, the following described real estate, situated in the County of a St of Washington; together with all after acquired title of the grantor therein: S 7 AND 8, BLOCK "B", KNEELAND'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF TON, MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON IM47,_ 52009 ANT GRANTOR By: Oscar Rosenkrantz, President Jill Fasenkrantz, Treasurer stern Steel & Supply, Inc. Western Steel & Supply, Inc. ,¢DS �N 12/02/22 1J� 12/7/2022 ATLAS' G'EOS'C'1ENC'ES NW April 27, 2023 Project No. 02-0087-B Ms. Jill Rosenkrantz 126 Kneeland Street, LLC PO Box 105 Aberdeen, WA 98520 jillrosenkrantz@comcast.net Subject: Focused Phase II Subsurface Investigation 126 Kneeland Street Property 126 Kneeland Street Shelton, Washington Dear Ms. Rozenkrantz: Atlas Geosciences NW, LLC (Atlas) is pleased to provide 126 Kneeland Street, LLC (the Client) with this letter report presenting the results of our focused evaluation of subsurface conditions at the above-referenced property parcel (subject property). The subject property consists of two contiguous tax parcels totaling approximately 0.28 acre of land that are improved with an approximately 5,420-square-foot light manufacturing building and associated paved areas (Mason County parcel nos. 32019-53-02007 and 32019-53- 02008).The location of the subject property is shown on Figure 1, "Subject Property Vicinity Map." 1.0 BACKGROUND Atlas prepared a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) for the subject property dated February 6, 2023. Based on the Phase I ESA findings, the following recognized environmental conditions (RECs) were identified relative to the subject property: ■ On-Property Service Pit: A service pit was observed on the southern portion of the subject property building. The pit was inaccessible for inspection during the site reconnaissance; therefore, its integrity was not known.The use of the subject property building as a machine, vehicle maintenance, and metal works shop with an open service pit is a potential concern. The historical use and handling of hazardous materials and wastes associated with these operations the subject property for approximately 50 years as represents a REC for the subject property. ■ Historical On-Property Machine Shop: A former machine shop was present on the southeastern corner of the subject property from at least 1949 to 1973 (24 years), and machine shop activities have been performed in the existing building since it was built Atlas Geosciences NW • P.O. Box 1009, Sumner, WA 98390 • 253-237-7366 www.atlasgeonw.com 126 Kneeland Street Property Focused Phase II Subsurface Investigation Shelton, Washington Project No. 02-0087-B in 1973 (approximately 50 years). The historical use of oils, solvents, and metals associated with machining operations at the subject property for at least 70 years as well as the unknown associated waste storage and disposal practices represent a REC for the subject property. ■ Historical Off-Property Service Station: A historical, inferred upgradient, service station on the west-adjacent property (at least 1954 to 1996, or 42 years) was listed in various Ecology databases associated with fuel system releases. The databases indicate that the property had underground storage tanks (USTs) for at least 42 years, of which at least one UST was reportedly leaking into the subsurface impacting both soil and groundwater. The records reviewed indicated that the NFA was issued although available data indicated that petroleum-related contaminants remained in soil and groundwater at concentrations above the Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA) Method A Cleanup Levels. Therefore, due to the reported impacts to soil and groundwater inferred upgradient of the subject property and their proximity to the subject property (less than 30 feet) this off-property listing represents a REC for the subject property. Pursuant to client request, Atlas has performed this Focused Phase II Subsurface Investigation (Focused Phase II) to evaluate the potential for the abovementioned RECs to have adversely affected the subject property. 2.0 SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION For this Focused Phase II, Atlas oversaw test probe advancement at the subject property and performed a sub-slab vapor evaluation. The purpose of the test probes and vapor sampling was to evaluate soil, groundwater, and sub-slab vapor conditions beneath the subject property for the presence of a release. Figure 2 is a "Subject Property and Exploration Plan" that indicates the approximate locations of the explorations.Test probe logs are included as Appendix A and analytical laboratory results and sample chain-of- custody forms are included as Appendix B. 2.1 Subsurface Soil and Groundwater Sampling On February 13, 2023, Atlas oversaw the advancement of six test probes on the subject property (Figure 2) to a maximum depth of 12 feet below ground surface (bgs). The test probes were advanced to assess the soil and groundwater quality beneath the subject property building in areas of interest.The test probes were completed by driving a hollow probe tube with a hydraulic impact hammer, which was mounted to a truck-mounted drilling rig. Test probes SP1 and SP2 were advanced in the southern portion of the subject property building to assess subsurface conditions near the in-ground service pit. Test probes SP3, SP5, and SP6 were advanced in the western portion of the subject property building to assess the potential upgradient former off-property service station as well as the on- property chemical storage activities. Test probe SP4 was advanced in the southeastern portion of the subject property parking lot to assess subsurface conditions near the former machine shop. April 27, 2023 ATLAS GEOSCIENCES NW Page 2 126 Kneeland Street Property Focused Phase II Subsurface Investigation Shelton, Washington Project No. 02-0087-B 2.1.1 Soil Sampling Test probes were advanced using a plastic liner in 4-foot increments. After each 4-foot driving interval, the probe was removed from the borehole and the plastic sleeve, containing a sample of the subsurface materials encountered during that driving interval, was removed. The plastic liner was cut open to expose the soil sample and laboratory- prepared sample containers were filled with soil for possible analytical testing. A soil sample was also collected for field screening using a photoionization detector (PID) and visual and olfactory methods. Field screening observations are discussed in Section 3.2 below. 2.1.2 Groundwater Grab Sampling Groundwater was encountered at depths of approximately 8 feet bgs throughout the subject property and grab samples were successfully collected from each test probe location.The groundwater sampling procedure consisted of inserting a dedicated plastic tube extending from the borehole to a peristaltic pump used to withdraw groundwater. The pump was run for approximately 15 minutes in an attempt to clear the majority of the turbidity from the water flow; however, the water remained fairly turbid even after the development activities. The groundwater sample was collected into laboratory- prepared sample containers after the development period. The tubing was then removed and disposed of. 2.1.3 Soil and Groundwater Sample Management All soil and groundwater grab samples collected for chemical analysis were placed in appropriate sample containers supplied by an Ecology-approved laboratory subcontracted to Atlas. The portions of the soil samples intended for volatiles analysis were collected using the approved 5035A sampling method. Each container was labeled with the project number, subject property name, date, time, sample number, and sampling personnel.Sample containers were placed in a chilled cooler immediately after sampling, and subsequently transported to On-Site Environmental, Inc., of Redmond, Washington (a Washington-accredited analytical laboratory), via courier under strict chain-of-custody procedures. 2.2 Vapor Intrusion Assessment Following the abovementioned field work, a vapor intrusion assessment was performed at the subject property. Two sub-slab vapor samples (SSV-1 and SSV-2) were collected within the footprint of the subject property building, including one on the south of the central dividing wall and one on the north of the central dividing wall, which were collected to evaluate the current soil vapor conditions under the subject property building. Sub-slab vapor sample SSV-2 was located farther south than planned due to the presence of a buried utility in its planned location. The approximate location of the sub-slab vapor samples is presented in Figure 2. 2.2.1 Sub-Slab Soil Vapor Sampling On February 14, 2023, sub-slab vapor sampling points SSV-1 and SSV-2 were constructed at the south and north of the central dividing wall of the subject property building. At April 27, 2023 ATLAS GEOSCIENCES NW Page 3 126 Kneeland Street Property Focused Phase II Subsurface Investigation Shelton, Washington Project No. 02-0087-B each location, a hand-held drill was used to core a hole of approximately 5/8-inch in diameter through the building slab. After the slab was penetrated, the drill was removed and a minimal amount of coarse-grained (10/20) silica sand was poured into the bottom of the resulting hole. A one- to two-foot-long section of dedicated inert tubing was then placed into the hole. Additional sand was then poured into the annular space, followed by pre-hydrated granular bentonite to seal the tubing into the hole. Hydrated bentonite was placed at the slab around the tubing to seal off the sub-slab environment from the indoor air. A water dam was then installed at the sealed floor penetration, consisting of a PVC collar bentonite-sealed to the concrete floor and partially filled with water. The water level in the water dam was monitored to verify the integrity of the seal at the floor penetration. A stainless-steel manifold assembly was connected to the floor penetration tubing. The manifold assembly and a valve coupler connected the sub-slab environment to an evacuated Summa sample canister and to a syringe. Once the assembly was complete, a shut-in test was performed to verify manifold assembly integrity, after which three sample-train volumes of air were purged from the sample equipment and the sub-slab sample point area using the syringe. Following purging, once the system had been allowed to equilibrate for 30 minutes, sub-slab vapors were drawn from beneath the slab and transferred to the evacuated Summa sample canister. Once filled, the Summa sample canister was closed, the sampling assembly was dismantled, and the vapor point was abandoned as discussed in Section 4.0. 2.2.2 Sub-Slab Vapor Sample Management The sample canister was labeled with the subject property name, date, time, sample number, and sampling personnel. The sub-slab vapor sample was then placed in a container supplied by an Ecology-approved laboratory subcontracted to Atlas and subsequently transported to H & P Mobile Geochemistry, of Carlsbad, California (a nationally-accredited analytical laboratory), under strict chain-of-custody procedures. 2.3 Laboratory Analysis Select soil samples, exhibiting the highest or most suspect field indication of adverse impacts or corresponding to a targeted depth of interest, and all groundwater grab samples were analyzed for one or more of the following compounds: ■ Hydrocarbon identification by Ecology Method NWTPH-HCID. ■ Gasoline-range Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) by Ecology Method NWTPH-G. ■ Diesel- and oil-range TPH by Ecology Method NWTPH-Dx. • Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) by United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Method 8260D. • MTCA-regulated metals (arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead, and mercury) by USEPA Methods 601 OD and 7471 B. The soil and groundwater grab sample results are discussed in Section 3.3.1 and 3.3.2, respectively. April 27, 2023 ATLAS GEOSCIENCES NW Page 4 126 Kneeland Street Property Focused Phase II Subsurface Investigation Shelton, Washington Project No. 02-0087-B The sub-slab vapor samples were analyzed for: ■ Air-Phase Petroleum Hydrocarbons (APH) by test method USEPA TO-15. ■ Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes, and naphthalene by USEPA Method USEPA TO-15. ■ Tetrachloroethene and its breakdown compounds, including trichloroethene, dichloroethenes, and vinyl chloride, by USEPA Method USEPA TO-15. The sub-slab vapor analytical results are further discussed in Section 3.3.3. 3.0 SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION RESULTS 3.1 Subsurface Conditions Subsurface conditions at the subject property were inferred from observations made during the field explorations accomplished for this study. Generally, soils encountered beneath the subject property consisted of gray gravelly sand to 6 to 7 feet bgs, overlying brown sandy silt to 8 to 11 feet bgs and brown gravelly sand or brown silty sand from 8 to 12 feet bgs. Soils observed in SP3 were somewhat anomalous compared to the rest of the subject property, in that they exhibited a greater degree of interbedding between the sandy silt and gravelly sand at depths below 7 feet bgs. As discussed above, groundwater was observed at approximately 8 feet bgs across the subject property. Observations regarding groundwater and wet soils are depicted on the test probe logs attached to this report. Groundwater conditions should be expected to vary in response to changes in weather, season, on- and off-property land usage, and other factors. 3.2 Field Screening Observations PID readings ranged from 0.1 volumetric parts per million (vppm) to 0.2 vppm (test probe SP5). PID readings were consistent with ambient conditions at time of observation. Staining and/or odors were not encountered in the soils sampled at the subject property. PID readings and observations pertaining to staining and/or odors are noted on the test probe logs included in Appendix A. 3.3 Laboratory Analytical Results The soil, groundwater, and sub-slab vapor analytical results are summarized in Tables 1, 2, 3, and 4, "Soil Sample Analytical Results," "Groundwater Grab Sample Analytical Results," "Sub-Slab Vapor Sample Analytical Results," and "Subject Property-Specific Total TPH Concentration Evaluation in Sub-Slab Vapor," respectively.Analytical results are discussed in detail below. Analytical laboratory results and sample chain-of-custody forms are included as Appendix B. April 27, 2023 ATLAS GEOSCIENCES NW Page 5 126 Kneeland Street Property Focused Phase II Subsurface Investigation Shelton, Washington Project No. 02-0087-B 3.3.1 Soil Analytical Results Oil-range TPH was detected, at a depth of 3 to 4 feet bgs, in a soil sample collected from test probe SPI at a concentration of 380 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) and SP6 at a concentration of 190 mg/kg, below the MTCA Method A soil cleanup level for unrestricted land use (Method A) of 2,000 mg/kg. Oil-range TPH was not detected in the remaining analyzed soil samples. Gasoline- and diesel-range TPH were either not detected in soils analyzed from the subject property or were detected at concentrations below their applicable MTCA Method A soil cleanup levels. Tetrachloroethene (PCE) was detected in the soil samples collected from test probes SP2 and SP6 (both collected from a depth of 3 to 4 feet bgs) at respective concentrations of 0.0047 and 0.0024 mg/kg, below the MTCA Method A soil cleanup level of 0.05 mg/kg. PCE was not detected in the remaining soil samples analyzed at the subject property. The remaining VOCs (including PCE and its breakdown compounds) were either not detected in soils analyzed from the subject property or were detected at concentrations below their applicable MTCA Method A soil cleanup levels. Heavy metals were detected at a depth of 3 to 4 feet bgs, in a soil sample collected from test probe SP4 at a concentration of 29 mg/kg for chromium and 65 mg/kg for lead, below the MTCA Method A soil cleanup levels of 2,000 mg/kg and 250 mg/kg, respectively. The remaining heavy metals were not detected in the sample. 3.3.2 Groundwater Grab Analytical Results Gasoline-range TPH was not detected in the groundwater grab samples analyzed from the subject property. Diesel-range TPH was detected in the groundwater grab sample collected from test probe SP6 at a concentration of 1,300 micrograms per liter (µg/L), which is above the MTCA Method A cleanup level of 500 µg/L. The remaining groundwater grab samples were not detected or below the MTCA Method A cleanup level for diesel-range TPH. Oil-range TPH was detected in SPI, SP2, and SP6 at concentrations of 570 µg/L, 1,100 µg/L, and 4,400 µg/L, respectively, above the MTCA Method A cleanup level of 500 µg/L. The remaining groundwater grab samples were below the MTCA Method A cleanup level for heavy oil-range TPH. The laboratory indicated that hydrocarbons in the oil range were impacting the diesel- range TPH results in groundwater grab samples collected from test probes SPI, SP2, and SP6. In other words, some or all of the diesel-range TPH results reported in those samples can be attributed to oil-range TPH. Ethylbenzene and total xylenes were detected in the groundwater grab sample collected from test probe SP3 at concentrations of 0.69 µg/L and 3.6 µg/L respectively, below the MTCA Method A cleanup level of 700 µg/L and 1,000 µg/L, respectively. Ethylbenzene and total xylenes were not detected in the remaining groundwater samples collected at the subject property. Additionally, PCE was not detected in groundwater grab samples analyzed from the subject property. The remaining VOCs (including PCE and its breakdown compounds as well as fuel-related compounds) were either not detected in the groundwater at subject property or were detected at concentrations below their applicable MTCA Method A groundwater cleanup levels. April 27, 2023 ATLAS GEOSCIENCES NW Page 6 126 Kneeland Street Property Focused Phase II Subsurface Investigation Shelton, Washington Project No. 02-0087-B Dissolved heavy metals were detected in the groundwater grab sample collected from SP2 at a concentration for 4.7 µg/L for arsenic, 20 µg/L for chromium, and 2.2 µg/L for lead, which are below the MTCA Method A cleanup levels of 5 µg/L, 50 µg/L, and 15 µg/L, respectively. The remaining dissolved heavy metals were not detected in the analyzed samples. 3.3.3 Sub-Slab Vapor Sampling Results and Evaluation PCE (up to 17 micrograms per cubic meter, or fag/m3), Ethylbenzene (up to 1 1 fag/m3), and xylenes (up to 68 fag/m3), were detected in the sub-slab vapor samples below their respective MTCA Method B screening levels of 320, 15,000, and 1,500 fag/m3- respectively. The remaining VOCs were not detected in the sub-slab vapor samples. APH was detected in SSV-1 for the aliphatic petroleum hydrocarbons 5-8 carbon fraction and in SSV-2 for the aliphatic petroleum hydrocarbons 9-12 carbon fraction, at concentrations of 150 fag/m3 and 100 fag/m3 in sub-slab vapor samples, respectively. The APH analytical results and corresponding benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes, and naphthalene concentrations for SSV-1 and SSV-2 were factored into calculated subject property-specific total TPH concentrations of 229 fag/m3 and 110.7 fag/m3, respectively. The calculated subject property-specific total TPH concentrations in both sub-slab vapor samples were below the corresponding, calculated subject property-specific MTCA Method B sub-slab screening levels of 4,870.94 fag/m3 and 3,890.98 fag/m3- respectively. 3.3.4 Quality Assurance/Quality Control Results The analytical results for the current investigation were checked for completeness immediately upon receipt from the laboratory to ensure that data and QA/QC information requested were present. Data quality was assessed by considering hold times, surrogate recovery, method blanks, matrix spike and matrix spike duplicate (MS/MSD) recovery, and detection limits. QA/QC review was completed using guidance described in USEPA Contract Laboratory Program National Functional Guidelines for Data Review (USEPA, 2020). Our evaluation assumes that the QA/QC is correct as reported by the laboratory, and merely provides an interpretation of the QA/QC results. Hold Times. All analyses were completed within specified hold times. Surrogate Recoveries. All surrogate recoveries were within laboratory limits. Method Blanks. Analytes were not detected in any of the laboratory method blanks. MS/MSD Results. MS and MSD recoveries were all within laboratory limits, and Relative Percent Differences (RPDs) between MS and MSD recoveries were all within laboratory limits. Laboratory Reporting Limits. Reporting limits for the soil and groundwater analytical results were below relevant MTCA cleanup levels. The laboratory indicated that the groundwater grab sample SP2-GW was received containing solid material. As discussed above, the field development activities do not April 27, 2023 ATLAS GEOSCIENCES NW Page 7 126 Kneeland Street Property Focused Phase II Subsurface Investigation Shelton, Washington Project No. 02-0087-B appear to have significantly reduced turbidity in the groundwater samples. Therefore, interference from the suspended sediment, resulting in falsely elevated results, may have occurred. In particular, the diesel- and oil-range TPH results should be considered a screen since the laboratory results for these analytes are known to be affected by suspended sediment in the sample. Based upon our interpretation of quality control information provided by the laboratories, it is our opinion that the overall dataset is usable as qualified for the purposes of this Focused Phase 11, with the possible exception of the diesel- and oil-range results in the groundwater grab samples, which may exceed the applicable MTCA cleanup levels due to sediment interference. 4.0 SUBJECT PROPERTY RESTORATION All test probe and sub-slab vapor sample exploration locations were abandoned with bentonite seals in accordance with Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) guidelines. The surficial area at each borehole was patched with concrete. No permanent wells were installed. 5.0 WASTE MANAGEMENT Soil cuttings, purge water, and equipment cleaning water generated during the field activities were placed into two Department of Transportation (DOT)-approved, 16-gallon steel drums, which were left on-property for subsequent characterization and disposal. Disposal of drummed material is not included in this scope of work. Based on the results of the investigation, the contents of the drum will require special handling. Based on the detected concentrations, the drum contents may only be used as paving base material and road construction, as landfill cover, or in asphalt manufacturing. 6.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS A Focused Phase II subsurface investigation was conducted to further assess the RECs identified in the previous Phase I ESA. Based on the Focused Phase II findings, Atlas concludes the following: ■ Based on the soil analytical results, a release to soil was not indicated in the samples analyzed at the subject property. • Residual concentrations of fuel-related volatiles were detected in two of the groundwater grab samples collected from the subject property; however, a regulated release from the west-adjoining former fueling activities was not indicated in the groundwater samples collected. As discussed above, development activities did not effectively reduce turbidity in the groundwater samples. Although the diesel- and oil-range TPH were over the MTCA cleanup levels, it appears this could potentially April 27, 2023 ATLAS GEOSCIENCES NW Page 8 126 Kneeland Street Property Focused Phase II Subsurface Investigation Shelton, Washington Project No. 02-0087-B be due to the turbidity in the sample and not necessarily representative of groundwater conditions at the subject property. Therefore, the quality of the shallow groundwater beneath the subject property, with regard to the on-property current and historical machine shop activities remains unclear. ■ An adverse vapor intrusion condition associated with the existing subject property building was not indicated, based on the sub-slab vapor analytical data collected for the subject property. Atlas recommends additional investigation by installing a well or wells at the subject property to facilitate the collection of representative groundwater samples. 7.0 LIMITATIONS AND EXCEPTIONS This subsurface investigation is intended to reduce, but not eliminate, uncertainty regarding the potential for adversely-affected media in connection with the subject property. In addition, performance of this subsurface investigation does not eliminate uncertainty regarding subject property hazards not covered by the scope of work or the potential for future identification of adversely-affected media at the subject property. The findings, conclusions, and/or recommendations of this subsurface investigation are based strictly on information available, and conditions observed, at the time of this assessment. Subsequent changes to subject property conditions,such as redevelopment or changes to ground cover, or changes in applicable regulatory requirements have the potential to materially affect the conclusions and/or recommendations of this report. If any such changes are apparent, the client should contact Atlas about reevaluating the findings of this investigation to incorporate the new information. The conclusions and/or recommendations are not to be construed as legal interpretation or advice. No warranties, express or implied, are intended or made herein. 8.0 CLOSURE This report was prepared for the exclusive use of the Client, and its agents for specific application to the subject property and is subject to the agreed-upon terms and conditions included in our proposal for this scope of work. Atlas personnel performed this assessment in accordance with generally accepted standards of care that existed in the State of Washington at the time of this study. Our findings and conclusions have been prepared in accordance with generally accepted professional practice in the area at this time. We make no other warranty, either express or implied. April 27, 2023 ATLAS GEOSCIENCES NW Page 9 126 Kneeland Street Property Focused Phase II Subsurface Investigation Shelton, Washington Project No. 02-0087-B We appreciate this opportunity to provide these services. Please do not hesitate to call if you have any questions. o1 Wash . Sincerely, ���m �� �o ATLAS GEOSCIENCES NW di HydrogaologistCO �. `'c+N 2494 �Ged GeO Elizibf th 4nn Rachman Brian K.iQuerry, G.I.T. Elizabeth ac man, L.G., L.Hg. Staff G6ologist Principal�Hydrogeologist Attachments: Figure 1: Subject Property Vicinity Map Figure 2: Subject Property and Exploration Plan Table 1: Soil Sample Analytical Results Table 2: Groundwater Grab Sample Analytical Results Table 3: Sub-Slab Vapor Sample Analytical Results Table 4: Subject Property-Specific Total TPH Concentration Evaluation in Sub-Slab Vapor Appendix A: Test Probe Logs Appendix B: Laboratory Analytical Reports and Sample Chain-of- Custody Forms April 27, 2023 ATLAS GEOSCIENCES NW Page 10 ATLAS G'E-0SC IENC'ES N W FIGURES m 0 W © \p E ROCK WAY y 1 0 f 200 P E EAGLE RIDGE DR 1 SPRINGFIECo ,Johns Prairie b r c- ELI s E•AP � S)io'Ii6 -EPEACOCK HILL_R-D 1 Spr(ags O and 5It ( e� © Ile 2DD SHELTON 3 W ALDER Sr a � r x /!! �I t © p K / �tN S1 E PINE ST W-RAILROAD - W E WOOD COTA ST Subject Property Q L 3 ^ m 1Lu Munson Point THOMAS AVE PARK ST R TURNER AVE MAYAVE =+, Eagle PointEsou qP O W HARVARD AVE � GRANT VE so EUCLID AVE ZFF -- Miller FAIRMOUNT AVE WYANDOTTE AVE �- -- D - _ ELLINOR AVE ,.! _ -�,�---` Wq<KfR Pq R 200 DEARBORN AVE .__. _-� KA'D E CASCADE AVE F N / m 2 DICKISON AVE ZOO. . ! Dv BASEMAP TAKEN FROM SHELTON (2020)QUADRANGLE, WASH I NGTON-MASON COUNTY 7.5-MINUTE SERIES DRAWN BY:BKQ SUBJECT PROPERTY VICINITY MAP FIGURE PROJ. ATLAS o2-oos7-B GEOSCIENCES DATE: 126 KNEELAND STREET PROPERTY NW JANUARY 2023 126 EAST KNEELAND STREET P.O.BOX 1 009 APPROX SCALE: SHELTON,WASHINGTON SUMNER,WA 98390 1:24,000 PRJ MGR: BKQ BOB'S TAVERN HOMETOWN BRAKE & MUFFLER BOB'S TAVERN PARKING BOB'S TAVERN PARKING RIVERSIDE EXPRESSO } (FORMER GAS I •SP6 STATION p 1954-1996) _ u PAVEMENT r 3 0 Q 1 C) ' SP5 Q OFFICELu W w ssv 2 w >- L -' co •S P3 — cf) 0 2 Q PAVEMENT Z O ssv-� DIVIDING WALL t 2 APPROXIMATE U sp�C _ sP2 LOCATION OF • O O FORMER USTS SP4 c J EAST SERVICE PIT 2 0 KNEEL REET of AND ST FORMER p Q MACHINE SHOP (1949-1973) U U E: U a MASON COUNTY , PUD#3 w LEGEND SUBJECT PROPERTY BOUNDARY 0 SUBJECT PROPERTY BUILDING 0 PARCEL BOUNDARY • SOIL BORING LOCATION SUB-SLAB VAPOR LOCATION 0 20 40 FEET DRAWN BY: FR SUBJECT PROPERTY AND EXPLORATION r I ATLAS PROD.NO: PLAN FIGURE oz-oos7-B GEOSCIENCES DATE: 126 KNEELAND STREET PROPERTY �rf NW MARCH 2O23 126 E KNEELAND STREET APPROXSCALE: SHELTON,WASHINGTON P.O. BOX 1009 SEE ABOVE SUMNER,WA 98390 PRJ MGR: BKO ATLAS G'E-0SC IENC'ES N W TABLES TABLE 1 Soil Sample Analytical Results 126 Kneeland Street Property 126 Kneeland Street Shelton,Washington Total Metals Sample Test Probe Sample Depth Gasoline- Diesel- Oil-Range Tetrachloroethene Trichloroethene cis-1,2- Vinyl Location Sample Date Number (feet) Range TPH Range TPH TPH Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes Naphthalene (PCE) (TCE) Dichloroethene Chloride Other VOCs Arsenic Cadmium Chromium Lead Mercury MTCA Method A or Method B Cleanup Level' 100 2,000 2,000 0.03 7 6 9 5 0.05 0.03 160 0.67 Varies 20 2 2,000 250 2 Results reported in millgrams per kilogram SP1 3/13/2023 SP1-3-4 3-4 <23 <28 380 <0.0011 <0.0056 <0.0011 <0.0034 <0.30 <0.0011 <0.0011 <0.0011 <0.0011 Acetone=0.025 Carbon Disulfide=0.0044 SP2 3/13/2023 SP2-3-4 3-4 <25 <62 <120 <0.0012 <0.0058 <0.0012 <0.0035 <0.0058 0.0047 <0.0012 <0.0012 <0.0012 ND --- --- --- --- --- SP3 3/13/2023 SP3-3-4 3-4 <22 <55 <110 <0.0011 <0.0055 <0.0011 <0.0033 <0.0055 <0.0011 <0.0011 <0.0011 <0.0011 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene=0.0015 --- --- --- --- --- SP4 3/13/2023 SP4-3-4 3-4 <24 <60 <120 <0.0012 <0.0058 <0.0012 <0.0035 <0.35 <0.0012 <0.0012 <0.0012 <0.0012 ND <12 <0.60 29 65 <0.30 SP5 3/13/2023 SP5-3-4 3-4 1 <21 <52 <100 <0.0014 <0.0068 <0.0014 <0.0041 <0.0068 <0.0014 <0.0014 <0.0014 <0.0014 ND --- --- --- --- --- SP6 3/13/2023 SP6-3-4 3-4 <24 <29 190 <0.0012 <0.0058 <0.0012 <0.0035 <0.33 0.0024 <0.0012 <0.0012 <0.0012 ND --- --- --- --- --- Notes: Only those analytes detected or specifically targeted for evaluation are included in the table.Refer to the laboratory reports in Appendix B for full list of analytes and analytical methods. MTCA Standard Method A Soil Cleanup Levels for Unrestricted Land Uses.Where Method A Cleanup Levels were not available,the most conservative Method B Cleanup Level was used. --- Sample not analyzed. ND Analytes not detected. <0.2 The analyte was not detected at a concentration greater than the indicated reporting limit. 8.69 Bold value indicates contaminant detected. 8.69 Bold and highlighted value indicates contaminant detected above cleanup level. MTCA Model Toxics Control Act Table is in color,black and white copies may not be suitable for review. Page 1 of 1 02-0087-B Soil Analytical Results FINAL.xlsx TABLE 2 Groundwater Grab Sample Analytical Results 126 Kneeland Street Property 126 Kneeland Street Shelton,Washington Dissolved Metals Test Probe Sample Gasoline-Range Diesel-Range Heavy Oil-Range Tetrachloroethene Trichloroethene cis-1,2- Vinyl Location Sample Date Number TPH TPH TPH Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes Naphthalene (PCE) (TCE) Dichloroethene Chloride Other VOCs Arsenic Cadmium Chromium Lead Mercury MTCA Method A or Method B Cleanup Level' 1,000 500 500 5 1,000 700 1,000 160 5 5 16 0.2 Varies 5 5 50 15 2 Results reported in micrograms per liter SP1 3/13/2023 SP1-GW <120 220 570 <0.20 <1.0 <1.0 <0.20 <0.20 <0.20 <0.20 SP2 3/13/2023 SP2-GW <110 250 1,100 <0.20 <1.0 <1.0 <0.20 <0.20 <0.20 <0.20 4.7 20 2.2 n-Propylbenzene=0.44 SP3 3/13/2023 SP3-GW <120 160 310 <0.20 <1.0 0.69 3.6 <1.0 <0.20 <0.20 <0.20 <0.20 1,3,5-t rim ethyl benzene=0.52 1,2,4-Trim ethyl benzene=2.1 n-But (benzene=0.24 SP4 3/13/2023 SP4-GW <110 170 450 <0.20 <1.0 <0.20 <0.60 <1.0 <0.20 <0.20 <0.20 <0.20 p-Isopropyltoluene=0.49 <3.0 <4.0 SP5 3/13/2023 SP5-GW <110 <140 240 <0.20 <1.0 <0.20 <0.60 <1.0 <0.20 <0.20 <0.20 <0.20 ND --- --- <120 1,300 4,400 <0.20 <1.0 <0.20 <0.60 <1.0 <0.20 <0.20 <0.20 <0.20 ND Notes: Only those analytes detected or specifically targeted for evaluation are included in the table.Refer to the laboratory reports in Appendix B for full list of analytes and analytical methods. MTCA Method A Cleanup Level.Where Method A Cleanup Levels were not available,most conservative Method B Groundwater Cleanup Levels were used. --- Sample not analyzed. ND Analytes not detected. <0.20 The analyte was not detected at a concentration greater than the indicated reporting limit. 150 Bold value indicates contaminant detected. 61 Bold and highlighted value indicates contaminant detected above cleanup level. Table is in color,black and white copies may not be suitable for review. Page 1 of 1 02-0087-B Groundwater Analytical Results FINAL.xlsx TABLE 3 Sub-Slab Vapor Sample Analytical Results 126 Kneeland Street Property 126 Kneeland Street Shelton, Washington Aliphatic Petroleum Aliphatic Petroleum Aromatic Petroleum Exploration Hydrocarbons Hydrocarbons Hydrocarbons Tetrachloroethene Trichloroethene cis-1,2- trans-1,2- Vinyl Location Sample Date Sample Number 5-8 Carbon Fraction 9-12 Carbon Fraction 9-10 Carbon Fraction (PCE) (TCE) Dichloroethene Dichloroethene Chloride Naphthalene Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes MTCA Method B Sub-Slab Soil Gas Screening Level' 1,500 320 11 610 610 9.5 2.5 11 76,000 15,000 1,500 Results reported in micrograms per cubic meter SSV-1 3/14/2023 SSV-1 150 <100 <100 17 <2.2 <1.6 <0.5 <2.1 <0.6 <3.1 11 68 SSV-2 3/14/2023 SSV-2 <100 100 <100 12 <2.2 <1.6 <0.5 <2.1 <0.6 <3.1 <1.8 10.7 Notes: Refer to the laboratory reports in Appendix B for full list of analytes and analytical methods. 1 MTCA Method B Sub-Slab Soil Gas Screening Level,most stringent of cancer or noncancer screening level. <0.2 The analyte was not detected at a concentration greater than the indicated reporting limit. 8.69 Bold value indicates contaminant detected. MTCA Model Toxics Control Act Table is in color,black and white copies may not be suitable for review. Page 1 of 1 02-0087-B Subslab Vapor FINAL.xlsx TABLE 4 Subject Property-Specific Total TPH Concentration Evaluation in Sub-Slab Vapor 126 Kneeland Street Property 126 Kneeland Street Shelton, Washington SSV-1 Measured Indoor Air Sub-Slab Fraction of Total Total TPH Sub-Slab Total TPH Petroleum Fraction or Concentration in Concentration Non- Attenuation Non- F;/CULss Compound Sub-Slab Sample /m3 (F;) Carcinogenic Factor(AF) Carcinogenic (ug ) CUL /m3 CULss /m3 Aliphatics EC>5-8 150 0.655021834 2700 0.03 90000 0 Aliphatics EC>9-12 0 0 140 0.03 4666.67 0 Aromatics EC>9-10 0 0 180 0.03 6000 0 Benzene 0 0 13.71 0.03 457.14 0 Toluene 0 0 2285.71 0.03 76190.48 0 Site-Specific Sub-Slab Total TPH Ethylbenzene 11 0.048034934 457.14 0.03 15238.10 0 Non-Carcinogenic Xylenes 68 0.296943231 45.71 0.03 1523.81 0 Screening Level Naphthalene 1 0 0 1.37 0.03 45.71 0 (pg/m3) Total TPH Concentration: 229.00 4,870.94 Note: Values detected below the PQL are entered as "0" SSV-2 Measured Indoor Air Sub-Slab Petroleum Fraction or Concentration in Fraction of Total Total TPH Sub-Slab Total TPH Compound Sub-Slab Sample Concentration Non- Attenuation Non- F;/CULss /m3 (F;) Carcinogenic Factor(AF) Carcinogenic (pg ) CUL /m3 CULss /m3 Aliphatics EC>5-8 0 0 2700 0.03 90000 0 Aliphatics EC>9-12 100 0.903342367 140 0.03 4666.67 0 Aromatics EC>9-10 0 0 180 0.03 6000 0 Benzene 0 0 13.71 0.03 457.14 0 Toluene 0 0 2285.71 0.03 76190.48 0 Site-Specific Sub-Slab Total TPH Ethylbenzene 0 0 457.14 0.03 15238.10 0 Non-Carcinogenic Xylenes 10.7 0.096657633 45.71 0.03 1523.81 0 Screening Level Naphthalene 0 0 1.37 0.03 45.71 0 (Ng/m3) F-I Total TPH Concentration: 110.70 3,890.98 Note: Values detected below the PQL are entered as "0" ATLAS G'E-0SC IENC'ES N W APPENDIX A TEST PROBE LOGS PROJECT NAME: PROJECT NUMBER: DRILLING DATE: ATLAS 126 Kneeland 02-0087-B 3/13/2023 GEOSCIENCEs NW DRILLING CONTRACTOR: BORING DIAMETER: WEATHER: Standard Probe 2" Rainy BORING/WELL ID: DRILLING METHOD: TOTAL DEPTH: DEPTH TO WATER: Direct Push 12' 8. SP 1 LOCATION: LOGGED BY: Shelton, Washington BKQ NOTES:Ambient PID=0.1 w O _m N > L n OU o Description a Sample ID Well Construction 0 Cone: 0-0.5': Concrete. 0.5-7': GRAVELLY SAND, fine to coarse grained, gray, loose, dry, no odor. 2 50 Temporary boring.Backfilled with bentonite. 0.1 SP• 4 0.1 SP1-3-4 6 50 7-11': SANDY SILT, brown, soft, moist, no 0.1 odor. $ 0.1 SP1-7-8 ML 9-9.5': Gravel lens. 10 75 0.1 • 11-12': GRAVELLY SAND, fine to coarse o.1 :SR grained, some silt, brown, loose, wet, no odor. 12 Boring terminated at 12 feet. Groundwater 0.1 SP1-11-12 sample collected. SP-GW PROJECT NAME: PROJECT NUMBER: DRILLING DATE: ATLAS 126 Kneeland 02-0087-B 3/13/2023 GEOSCIENCEs NW DRILLING CONTRACTOR: BORING DIAMETER: WEATHER: Standard Probe 2" Rainy BORING/WELL ID: DRILLING METHOD: TOTAL DEPTH: DEPTH TO WATER: Direct Push 12' 8. SP2 LOCATION: LOGGED BY: Shelton, Washington BKQ NOTES:Ambient PID=0.1 w O _m N > o Description a Sample ID Well Construction 0 Cone: 0-0.5': Concrete. 0.5-7': GRAVELLY SAND, fine to coarse grained, gray, loose, dry, no odor. 2 25 Temporary boring.Backfilled with bentonite. :SP• 4 0.1 SP2-3-4 6 75 0.1 7-11': SANDY SILT, fine to medium grained, 0.1 brown, soft, moist, no odor. $ 0.1 SP2-7-8 ML 9.5-10': Gravel lens. 10 50 • 11-12': GRAVELLY SAND, fine to coarse o.1 :SR::: grained, brown, loose, wet, no odor. 12 Boring terminated at 12 feet. Groundwater 0.1 SP2-11-12 sample collected. SP2-GW PROJECT NAME: PROJECT NUMBER: DRILLING DATE: ATLAS126 Kneeland 02-0087-B 3/13/2023 DRILLING CONTRACTOR: BORING DIAMETER: � GEOSCIENCES NW WEATHER: Standard Probe 2" Rainy BORING/WELL ID: DRILLING METHOD: TOTAL DEPTH: DEPTH TO WATER: Direct Push 12' 8. SP3 LOCATION: LOGGED BY: Shelton, Washington BKQ NOTES:Ambient PID=0.1 w O _m N > o Description a Sample ID Well Construction 0 Cone: 0-0.5': Concrete. 0.5-7': GRAVELLY SAND, fine to coarse grained, gray, loose, dry, no odor. 25 Temporary boring.Backfilled with bentonite. SP• 0.1 SP3-4-5 5 25 •ML 7-7.5': SANDY SILT, fine to medium grained, brown, soft, dry, no odor. .•.SP.•. 7.5-8': GRAVELLY SAND, fine to coarse grained, gray, loose, dry, no odor. 0.1 SP3-7-8 8-9': SILTY/SANDY GRAVEL, brown, loose, Glvi wet, no odor. 9-12': SANDY SILT, fine to medium grained, brown, soft, wet, no odor. 10 75 0.1 ML 0.1 Boring terminated at 12 feet. Groundwater 0.1 SP3-11-12 sample collected. SP3-GW PROJECT NAME: PROJECT NUMBER: DRILLING DATE: ATLAS 126 Kneeland 02-0087-B 3/13/2023 GEOSCIENCEs NW DRILLING CONTRACTOR: BORING DIAMETER: WEATHER: Standard Probe 2" Rainy BORING/WELL ID: DRILLING METHOD: TOTAL DEPTH: DEPTH TO WATER: Direct Push 12' 8. SP4 LOCATION: LOGGED BY: Shelton, Washington BKQ NOTES:Ambient PID=0.1 w O _m N > o Description a Sample ID Well Construction 0 Asp 0-0.5': Asphalt. 0.5-6.5': GRAVELLY SAND, fine to coarse grained, gray, loose, dry, no odor. 2 25 Temporary boring.Backfilled with bentonite. •SP: 4 0.1 SP4-3-4 6 75 0.1 6.5-9': SANDY SILT, fine to medium grained, brown, soft, moist, no odor. 0.1 MIL $ 0.1 SP4-7-8 Becomes wet. 9-12': SILTY SAND, fine to coarse grained, brown, loose, wet, no odor. 10 60 10-10.5': Gravel lens. SM: 0.1 12 Boring terminated at 12 feet. Groundwater 0.1 SP4-11-12 sample collected. SP4-GW PROJECT NAME: PROJECT NUMBER: DRILLING DATE: 126 Kneeland 02-0087-B 3/13/2023 ATLAS DRILLING CONTRACTOR: BORING DIAMETER: WEATHER: GEOSCIENCES NW Standard Probe 2" Rainy BORING/WELL ID: DRILLING METHOD: TOTAL DEPTH: DEPTH TO WATER: Direct Push 12' 8. SP5 LOCATION: LOGGED BY: Shelton, Washington BKQ NOTES:Ambient PID=0.2 w O _m N > o Description a Sample ID Well Construction 0 Cone: 0-0.5': Concrete. 0.5-4.5': GRAVELLY SAND, fine to coarse grained, gray, loose, dry, no odor. 2 30 Temporary boring.Backfilled with bentonite. 4 0.2 SP5-3-4 4.5-6': SAND, fine to coarse grained, gray, loose, dry, no odor. 6 6-8': SANDY SILT, fine to medium grained, 75 0.2 brown, soft, moist, no odor, no sheen. M L 0.2 SP5-6.5-7.5 8 0.2 8-12': SILTY SAND, brown, loose, wet, no odor. 10 : :SM: : 75 0.2 0.2 12 Boring terminated at 12 feet. Groundwater 0.2 SP5-11-12 sample collected. SP5-GW PROJECT NAME: PROJECT NUMBER: DRILLING DATE: ATLAS 126 Kneeland 02-0087-B 3/13/2023 : GEOSCIENCES NW DRILLING CONTRACTOR: BORING DIAMETER: WEATHER: Standard Probe 2" Rainy BORING/WELL ID: DRILLING METHOD: TOTAL DEPTH: DEPTH TO WATER: Direct Push 12' 8. SP6 LOCATION: LOGGED BY: Shelton, Washington BKQ NOTES:Ambient PID=0.1 w O _m N > L n OU o Description a Sample ID Well Construction 0 Cone: 0-0.5': Concrete. 0.5-7': GRAVELLY SAND, fine to coarse grained, gray, loose, dry, no odor. 2 50 Temporary boring.Backfilled with bentonite. 0.1 SP• 4 0.1 SP6-3-4 6 40 7-10': SANDY SILT, fine to medium grained, 0.1 brown, soft, moist, no odor. $ 0.1 SP6-7-8 ML 9.5-10': Gravel lens. 10 10-12': SILTY SAND, fine to coarse grained, 60 brown, loose, wet, no odor. SM 0.1 12 Boring terminated at 12 feet. Groundwater 0.1 SP6-11-12 sample collected. SP6-GW ATLAS G'E-0SC IENC'ES N W APPENDIX B LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORTS AND SAMPLE CHAINmOFmCUSTODY FORMS OnSite Environmental Inc. 14648 NE 951h Street, Redmond,WA 98052• (425)883-3881 March 27, 2023 Liz Rachman Atlas GeoSciences NW PO Box 1009 Sumner, WA 98390 Re: Analytical Data for Project 02-0087-B Laboratory Reference No.2303-153 Dear Liz: Enclosed are the analytical results and associated quality control data for samples submitted on March 14,2023. The standard policy of OnSite Environmental, Inc. is to store your samples for 30 days from the date of receipt. If you require longer storage, please contact the laboratory. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you on this project. If you have any questions concerning the data, or need additional information, please feel free to call me. Sincerely, David Baumeister Project Manager Enclosures AM OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond,WA 98052(425)883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. 2 Date of Report: March 27,2023 Samples Submitted: March 14,2023 Laboratory Reference: 2303-153 Project: 02-0087-B Case Narrative Samples were collected on March 13, 2023 and received by the laboratory on March 14, 2023. They were maintained at the laboratory at a temperature of 2°C to 6°C. Please note that any and all soil sample results are reported on a dry-weight basis, unless otherwise noted below. General QA/QC issues associated with the analytical data enclosed in this laboratory report will be indicated with a reference to a comment or explanation on the Data Qualifier page. More complex and involved QA/QC issues will be discussed in detail below. Dissolved Metals by EPA 200.8 Analysis The dissolved field filter sample SP2-GW was received containing solid material.The sample was digested according to OnSite Environmental standard operating procedure. Any other QA/QC issues associated with this extraction and analysis will be indicated with a footnote reference and discussed in detail on the Data Qualifier page. OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond,WA 98052(425)883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. 3 Date of Report: March 27,2023 Samples Submitted: March 14,2023 Laboratory Reference: 2303-153 Project: 02-0087-B HYDROCARBON IDENTIFICATION NWTPH-HCID Matrix: Soil Units: mg/Kg (ppm) Date Date Analyte Result PQL Method Prepared Analyzed Flags Client ID: SP1-3-4 Laboratory ID: 03-153-01 Gasoline Range Organics ND 23 NWTPH-HCID 3-15-23 3-15-23 Diesel Range Organics ND 56 NWTPH-HCID 3-15-23 3-15-23 Lube Oil Detected 110 NWTPH-HCID 3-15-23 3-15-23 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits o-Terphenyl 112 50-150 Client ID: SP2-3-4 Laboratory ID: 03-153-04 Gasoline Range Organics ND 25 NWTPH-HCID 3-15-23 3-15-23 Diesel Range Organics ND 62 NWTPH-HCID 3-15-23 3-15-23 Lube Oil Range Organics ND 120 NWTPH-HCID 3-15-23 3-15-23 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits o-Terphenyl 113 50-150 Client ID: SP3-3-4 Laboratory ID: 03-153-07 Gasoline Range Organics ND 22 NWTPH-HCID 3-15-23 3-15-23 Diesel Range Organics ND 55 NWTPH-HCID 3-15-23 3-15-23 Lube Oil Range Organics ND 110 NWTPH-HCID 3-15-23 3-15-23 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits o-Terphenyl 116 50-150 Client ID: SP4-3-4 Laboratory ID: 03-153-10 Gasoline Range Organics ND 24 NWTPH-HCID 3-15-23 3-15-23 Diesel Range Organics ND 60 NWTPH-HCID 3-15-23 3-15-23 Lube Oil Range Organics ND 120 NWTPH-HCID 3-15-23 3-15-23 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits o-Terphenyl 108 50-150 Client ID: SP5-3-4 Laboratory ID: 03-153-13 Gasoline Range Organics ND 21 NWTPH-HCID 3-15-23 3-15-23 Diesel Range Organics ND 52 NWTPH-HCID 3-15-23 3-15-23 Lube Oil Range Organics ND 100 NWTPH-HCID 3-15-23 3-15-23 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits o-Terphenyl 108 50-150 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond,WA 98052(425)883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. 4 Date of Report: March 27,2023 Samples Submitted: March 14,2023 Laboratory Reference: 2303-153 Project: 02-0087-B HYDROCARBON IDENTIFICATION NWTPH-HCID Matrix: Soil Units: mg/Kg (ppm) Date Date Analyte Result PQL Method Prepared Analyzed Flags Client ID: SP6-3-4 Laboratory ID: 03-153-16 Gasoline Range Organics ND 24 NWTPH-HCID 3-15-23 3-15-23 Diesel Range Organics ND 59 NWTPH-HCID 3-15-23 3-15-23 Lube Oil Detected 120 NWTPH-HCID 3-15-23 3-15-23 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits o-Terphenyl 102 50-150 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond,WA 98052(425)883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. 5 Date of Report: March 27,2023 Samples Submitted: March 14,2023 Laboratory Reference: 2303-153 Project: 02-0087-B HYDROCARBON IDENTIFICATION NWTPH-HCID QUALITY CONTROL Matrix: Soil Units: mg/Kg (ppm) Date Date Analyte Result PQL Method Prepared Analyzed Flags METHOD BLANK Laboratory ID: MB0315S2 Gasoline Range Organics ND 20 NWTPH-HCID 3-15-23 3-15-23 Diesel Range Organics ND 50 NWTPH-HCID 3-15-23 3-15-23 Lube Oil Range Organics ND 90 NWTPH-HCID 3-15-23 3-15-23 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits o-Terphenyl 119 50-150 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond,WA 98052(425)883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. 6 Date of Report: March 27,2023 Samples Submitted: March 14,2023 Laboratory Reference: 2303-153 Project: 02-0087-B HYDROCARBON IDENTIFICATION NWTPH-HCID Matrix: Water Units: ug/L(ppb) Date Date Analyte Result PQL Method Prepared Analyzed Flags Client ID: SP1-GW Laboratory ID: 03-153-19 Gasoline Range Organics ND 120 NWTPH-HCID 3-17-23 3-17-23 Diesel Range Organics ND 240 NWTPH-HCID 3-17-23 3-17-23 Lube Oil Detected 240 NWTPH-HCID 3-17-23 3-17-23 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits o-Terphenyl 89 50-150 Client ID: SP2-GW Laboratory ID: 03-153-20 Gasoline Range Organics ND 110 NWTPH-HCID 3-17-23 3-17-23 Diesel Range Organics Detected 230 NWTPH-HCID 3-17-23 3-17-23 Lube Oil Detected 230 NWTPH-HCID 3-17-23 3-17-23 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits o-Terphenyl 99 50-150 Client ID: SP3-GW Laboratory ID: 03-153-21 Gasoline Range Organics ND 120 NWTPH-HCID 3-17-23 3-17-23 Diesel Range Organics ND 230 NWTPH-HCID 3-17-23 3-17-23 Lube Oil Detected 230 NWTPH-HCID 3-17-23 3-17-23 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits o-Terphenyl 90 50-150 Client ID: SP4-GW Laboratory ID: 03-153-22 Gasoline Range Organics ND 110 NWTPH-HCID 3-17-23 3-17-23 Diesel Range Organics ND 220 NWTPH-HCID 3-17-23 3-17-23 Lube Oil Detected 220 NWTPH-HCID 3-17-23 3-17-23 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits o-Terphenyl 74 50-150 Client ID: SP5-GW Laboratory ID: 03-153-23 Gasoline Range Organics ND 110 NWTPH-HCID 3-17-23 3-17-23 Diesel Range Organics ND 220 NWTPH-HCID 3-17-23 3-17-23 Lube Oil Range Organics Detected 220 NWTPH-HCID 3-17-23 3-17-23 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits o-Terphenyl 87 50-150 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond,WA 98052(425)883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. 7 Date of Report: March 27,2023 Samples Submitted: March 14,2023 Laboratory Reference: 2303-153 Project: 02-0087-B HYDROCARBON IDENTIFICATION NWTPH-HCID Matrix: Water Units: mg/L(ppm) Date Date Analyte Result PQL Method Prepared Analyzed Flags Client ID: SP6-GW Laboratory ID: 03-153-24 Gasoline Range Organics ND 120 NWTPH-HCID 3-17-23 3-17-23 Diesel Range Organics Detected 250 NWTPH-HCID 3-17-23 3-17-23 Lube Oil Detected 250 NWTPH-HCID 3-17-23 3-17-23 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits o-Terphenyl 93 50-150 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond,WA 98052(425)883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. 8 Date of Report: March 27,2023 Samples Submitted: March 14,2023 Laboratory Reference: 2303-153 Project: 02-0087-B HYDROCARBON IDENTIFICATION NWTPH-HCID QUALITY CONTROL Matrix: Water Units: ug/L(ppb) Date Date Analyte Result PQL Method Prepared Analyzed Flags METHOD BLANK Laboratory ID: M130317W1 Gasoline Range Organics ND 80 NWTPH-HCID 3-17-23 3-17-23 Diesel Range Organics ND 160 NWTPH-HCID 3-17-23 3-17-23 Lube Oil Range Organics ND 160 NWTPH-HCID 3-17-23 3-17-23 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits o-Terphenyl 96 50-150 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond,WA 98052(425)883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. 9 Date of Report: March 27,2023 Samples Submitted: March 14,2023 Laboratory Reference: 2303-153 Project: 02-0087-B VOLATILE ORGANICS EPA 8260D page 1 of 2 Matrix: Soil Units: mg/kg Date Date Analyte Result PQL Method Prepared Analyzed Flags Client ID: SP1-3-4 Laboratory ID: 03-153-01 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Chloromethane ND 0.0056 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Vinyl Chloride ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromomethane ND 0.0056 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Chloroethane ND 0.0056 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Trichlorofluoromethane ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1-Dichloroethene ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Acetone 0.025 0.011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 lodomethane ND 0.0056 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Carbon Disulfide 0.0044 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Methylene Chloride ND 0.0056 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 (trans) 1,2-Dichloroethene ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Methyl t-Butyl Ether ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1-Dichloroethane ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Vinyl Acetate ND 0.0056 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 2,2-Dichloropropane ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 (cis) 1,2-Dichloroethene ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 2-Butanone ND 0.0056 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromochloromethane ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Chloroform ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Carbon Tetrachloride ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1-Dichloropropene ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Benzene ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Trichloroethene ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Dibromomethane ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromodichloromethane ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 2-Chloroethyl Vinyl Ether ND 0.0056 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 (cis) 1,3-Dichloropropene ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone ND 0.0056 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Toluene ND 0.0056 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 (trans) 1,3-Dichloropropene ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond,WA 98052(425)883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. 10 Date of Report: March 27,2023 Samples Submitted: March 14,2023 Laboratory Reference: 2303-153 Project: 02-0087-B VOLATILE ORGANICS EPA 8260D page 2of2 Date Date Analyte Result PQL Method Prepared Analyzed Flags Client ID: SP1-3-4 Laboratory ID: 03-153-01 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Tetrachloroethene ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,3-Dichloropropane ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 2-Hexanone ND 0.0056 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Dibromochloromethane ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2-Dibromoethane ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Chlorobenzene ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Ethylbenzene ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 m,p-Xylene ND 0.0023 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 o-Xylene ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Styrene ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromoform ND 0.0056 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Isopropylbenzene ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromobenzene ND 0.060 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.060 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND 0.060 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 n-Propylbenzene ND 0.060 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 2-Chlorotoluene ND 0.060 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 4-Chlorotoluene ND 0.060 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 1,3,5-Tri methyl benzene ND 0.060 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 tert-B utyl benzene ND 0.060 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 1,2,4-Tri methyl benzene ND 0.060 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 sec-Butyl benzene ND 0.060 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.060 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 p-Isopropyltoluene ND 0.060 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.060 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.060 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 n-Butylbenzene ND 0.060 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ND 0.30 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.060 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 Hexachlorobutadiene ND 0.30 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 Naphthalene ND 0.30 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.060 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits Dibromofluoromethane 105 75-130 Toluene-d8 95 78-128 4-Bromofluorobenzene 81 71-130 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond,WA 98052(425)883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. 11 Date of Report: March 27,2023 Samples Submitted: March 14,2023 Laboratory Reference: 2303-153 Project: 02-0087-B VOLATILE ORGANICS EPA 8260D page 1 of 2 Matrix: Soil Units: mg/kg Date Date Analyte Result PQL Method Prepared Analyzed Flags Client ID: SP2-3-4 Laboratory ID: 03-153-04 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Chloromethane ND 0.0058 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Vinyl Chloride ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromomethane ND 0.0058 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Chloroethane ND 0.0058 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Trichlorofluoromethane ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1-Dichloroethene ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Acetone ND 0.012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 lodomethane ND 0.0058 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Carbon Disulfide ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Methylene Chloride ND 0.0058 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 (trans) 1,2-Dichloroethene ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Methyl t-Butyl Ether ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1-Dichloroethane ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Vinyl Acetate ND 0.0058 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 2,2-Dichloropropane ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 (cis) 1,2-Dichloroethene ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 2-Butanone ND 0.0058 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromochloromethane ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Chloroform ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Carbon Tetrachloride ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1-Dichloropropene ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Benzene ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Trichloroethene ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Dibromomethane ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromodichloromethane ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 2-Chloroethyl Vinyl Ether ND 0.0058 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 (cis) 1,3-Dichloropropene ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone ND 0.0058 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Toluene ND 0.0058 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 (trans) 1,3-Dichloropropene ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond,WA 98052(425)883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. 12 Date of Report: March 27,2023 Samples Submitted: March 14,2023 Laboratory Reference: 2303-153 Project: 02-0087-B VOLATILE ORGANICS EPA 8260D page 2of2 Date Date Analyte Result PQL Method Prepared Analyzed Flags Client ID: SP2-3-4 Laboratory ID: 03-153-04 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Tetrachloroethene 0.0047 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,3-Dichloropropane ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 2-Hexanone ND 0.0058 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Dibromochloromethane ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2-Dibromoethane ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Chlorobenzene ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Ethylbenzene ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 m,p-Xylene ND 0.0023 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 o-Xylene ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Styrene ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromoform ND 0.0058 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Isopropylbenzene ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromobenzene ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 n-Propylbenzene ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 2-Chlorotoluene ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 4-Chlorotoluene ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,3,5-Tri methyl benzene ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 tert-B utyl benzene ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2,4-Tri methyl benzene ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 sec-Butyl benzene ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 p-Isopropyltoluene ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 n-Butylbenzene ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ND 0.0058 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Hexachlorobutadiene ND 0.0058 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Naphthalene ND 0.0058 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits Dibromofluoromethane 103 75-130 Toluene-d8 99 78-128 4-Bromofluorobenzene 86 71-130 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond,WA 98052(425)883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. 13 Date of Report: March 27,2023 Samples Submitted: March 14,2023 Laboratory Reference: 2303-153 Project: 02-0087-B VOLATILE ORGANICS EPA 8260D page 1 of 2 Matrix: Soil Units: mg/kg Date Date Analyte Result PQL Method Prepared Analyzed Flags Client ID: SP3-3-4 Laboratory ID: 03-153-07 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Chloromethane ND 0.0055 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Vinyl Chloride ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromomethane ND 0.0055 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Chloroethane ND 0.0055 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Trichlorofluoromethane ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1-Dichloroethene ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Acetone ND 0.011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 lodomethane ND 0.0055 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Carbon Disulfide ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Methylene Chloride ND 0.0055 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 (trans) 1,2-Dichloroethene ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Methyl t-Butyl Ether ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1-Dichloroethane ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Vinyl Acetate ND 0.0055 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 2,2-Dichloropropane ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 (cis) 1,2-Dichloroethene ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 2-Butanone ND 0.0055 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromochloromethane ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Chloroform ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Carbon Tetrachloride ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1-Dichloropropene ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Benzene ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Trichloroethene ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Dibromomethane ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromodichloromethane ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 2-Chloroethyl Vinyl Ether ND 0.0055 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 (cis) 1,3-Dichloropropene ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone ND 0.0055 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Toluene ND 0.0055 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 (trans) 1,3-Dichloropropene ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond,WA 98052(425)883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. 14 Date of Report: March 27,2023 Samples Submitted: March 14,2023 Laboratory Reference: 2303-153 Project: 02-0087-B VOLATILE ORGANICS EPA 8260D page 2of2 Date Date Analyte Result PQL Method Prepared Analyzed Flags Client ID: SP3-3-4 Laboratory ID: 03-153-07 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Tetrachloroethene ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,3-Dichloropropane ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 2-Hexanone ND 0.0055 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Dibromochloromethane ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2-Dibromoethane ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Chlorobenzene ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Ethylbenzene ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 m,p-Xylene ND 0.0022 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 o-Xylene ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Styrene ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromoform ND 0.0055 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Isopropylbenzene ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromobenzene ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 n-Propylbenzene ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 2-Chlorotoluene ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 4-Chlorotoluene ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,3,5-Tri methyl benzene ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 tert-B utyl benzene ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2,4-Tri methyl benzene 0.0015 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 sec-Butyl benzene ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 p-Isopropyltoluene ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 n-Butylbenzene ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ND 0.0055 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Hexachlorobutadiene ND 0.0055 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Naphthalene ND 0.0055 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.0011 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits Dibromofluoromethane 103 75-130 Toluene-d8 100 78-128 4-Bromofluorobenzene 94 71-130 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond,WA 98052(425)883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. 15 Date of Report: March 27,2023 Samples Submitted: March 14,2023 Laboratory Reference: 2303-153 Project: 02-0087-B VOLATILE ORGANICS EPA 8260D page 1 of 2 Matrix: Soil Units: mg/kg Date Date Analyte Result PQL Method Prepared Analyzed Flags Client ID: SP4-3-4 Laboratory ID: 03-153-10 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Chloromethane ND 0.0058 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Vinyl Chloride ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromomethane ND 0.0058 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Chloroethane ND 0.0058 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Trichlorofluoromethane ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1-Dichloroethene ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Acetone ND 0.012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 lodomethane ND 0.0058 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Carbon Disulfide ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Methylene Chloride ND 0.0058 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 (trans) 1,2-Dichloroethene ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Methyl t-Butyl Ether ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1-Dichloroethane ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Vinyl Acetate ND 0.0058 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 2,2-Dichloropropane ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 (cis) 1,2-Dichloroethene ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 2-Butanone ND 0.0058 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromochloromethane ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Chloroform ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Carbon Tetrachloride ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1-Dichloropropene ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Benzene ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Trichloroethene ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Dibromomethane ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromodichloromethane ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 2-Chloroethyl Vinyl Ether ND 0.0058 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 (cis) 1,3-Dichloropropene ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone ND 0.0058 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Toluene ND 0.0058 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 (trans) 1,3-Dichloropropene ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond,WA 98052(425)883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. 16 Date of Report: March 27,2023 Samples Submitted: March 14,2023 Laboratory Reference: 2303-153 Project: 02-0087-B VOLATILE ORGANICS EPA 8260D page 2of2 Date Date Analyte Result PQL Method Prepared Analyzed Flags Client ID: SP4-3-4 Laboratory ID: 03-153-10 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Tetrachloroethene ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,3-Dichloropropane ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 2-Hexanone ND 0.0058 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Dibromochloromethane ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2-Dibromoethane ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Chlorobenzene ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Ethylbenzene ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 m,p-Xylene ND 0.0023 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 o-Xylene ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Styrene ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromoform ND 0.0058 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Isopropylbenzene ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromobenzene ND 0.069 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.069 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND 0.069 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 n-Propylbenzene ND 0.069 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 2-Chlorotoluene ND 0.069 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 4-Chlorotoluene ND 0.069 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 1,3,5-Tri methyl benzene ND 0.069 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 tert-B utyl benzene ND 0.069 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 1,2,4-Tri methyl benzene ND 0.069 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 sec-Butyl benzene ND 0.069 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.069 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 p-Isopropyltoluene ND 0.069 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.069 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.069 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 n-Butylbenzene ND 0.069 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ND 0.35 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.069 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 Hexachlorobutadiene ND 0.35 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 Naphthalene ND 0.35 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.069 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits Dibromofluoromethane 108 75-130 Toluene-d8 97 78-128 4-Bromofluorobenzene 74 71-130 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond,WA 98052(425)883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. 17 Date of Report: March 27,2023 Samples Submitted: March 14,2023 Laboratory Reference: 2303-153 Project: 02-0087-B VOLATILE ORGANICS EPA 8260D page 1 of 2 Matrix: Soil Units: mg/kg Date Date Analyte Result PQL Method Prepared Analyzed Flags Client ID: SP5-3-4 Laboratory ID: 03-153-13 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND 0.0014 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Chloromethane ND 0.0068 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Vinyl Chloride ND 0.0014 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromomethane ND 0.0068 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Chloroethane ND 0.0068 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Trichlorofluoromethane ND 0.0014 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1-Dichloroethene ND 0.0014 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Acetone ND 0.014 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 lodomethane ND 0.0068 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Carbon Disulfide ND 0.0014 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Methylene Chloride ND 0.0068 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 (trans) 1,2-Dichloroethene ND 0.0014 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Methyl t-Butyl Ether ND 0.0014 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1-Dichloroethane ND 0.0014 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Vinyl Acetate ND 0.0068 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 2,2-Dichloropropane ND 0.0014 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 (cis) 1,2-Dichloroethene ND 0.0014 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 2-Butanone ND 0.0068 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromochloromethane ND 0.0014 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Chloroform ND 0.0014 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND 0.0014 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Carbon Tetrachloride ND 0.0014 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1-Dichloropropene ND 0.0014 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Benzene ND 0.0014 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 0.0014 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Trichloroethene ND 0.0014 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 0.0014 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Dibromomethane ND 0.0014 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromodichloromethane ND 0.0014 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 2-Chloroethyl Vinyl Ether ND 0.0068 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 (cis) 1,3-Dichloropropene ND 0.0014 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone ND 0.0068 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Toluene ND 0.0068 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 (trans) 1,3-Dichloropropene ND 0.0014 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond,WA 98052(425)883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. 18 Date of Report: March 27,2023 Samples Submitted: March 14,2023 Laboratory Reference: 2303-153 Project: 02-0087-B VOLATILE ORGANICS EPA 8260D page 2of2 Date Date Analyte Result PQL Method Prepared Analyzed Flags Client ID: SP5-3-4 Laboratory ID: 03-153-13 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 0.0014 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Tetrachloroethene ND 0.0014 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,3-Dichloropropane ND 0.0014 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 2-Hexanone ND 0.0068 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Dibromochloromethane ND 0.0014 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2-Dibromoethane ND 0.0014 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Chlorobenzene ND 0.0014 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.0014 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Ethylbenzene ND 0.0014 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 m,p-Xylene ND 0.0027 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 o-Xylene ND 0.0014 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Styrene ND 0.0014 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromoform ND 0.0068 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Isopropylbenzene ND 0.0014 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromobenzene ND 0.0014 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.0014 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND 0.0014 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 n-Propylbenzene ND 0.0014 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 2-Chlorotoluene ND 0.0014 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 4-Chlorotoluene ND 0.0014 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,3,5-Tri methyl benzene ND 0.0014 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 tert-B utyl benzene ND 0.0014 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2,4-Tri methyl benzene ND 0.0014 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 sec-Butyl benzene ND 0.0014 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.0014 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 p-Isopropyltoluene ND 0.0014 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.0014 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.0014 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 n-Butylbenzene ND 0.0014 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ND 0.0068 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.0014 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Hexachlorobutadiene ND 0.0068 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Naphthalene ND 0.0068 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.0014 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits Dibromofluoromethane 105 75-130 Toluene-d8 98 78-128 4-Bromofluorobenzene 85 71-130 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond,WA 98052(425)883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. 19 Date of Report: March 27,2023 Samples Submitted: March 14,2023 Laboratory Reference: 2303-153 Project: 02-0087-B VOLATILE ORGANICS EPA 8260D page 1 of 2 Matrix: Soil Units: mg/kg Date Date Analyte Result PQL Method Prepared Analyzed Flags Client ID: SP6-3-4 Laboratory ID: 03-153-16 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Chloromethane ND 0.0058 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Vinyl Chloride ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromomethane ND 0.0058 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Chloroethane ND 0.0058 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Trichlorofluoromethane ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1-Dichloroethene ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Acetone ND 0.012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 lodomethane ND 0.0058 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Carbon Disulfide ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Methylene Chloride ND 0.0058 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 (trans) 1,2-Dichloroethene ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Methyl t-Butyl Ether ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1-Dichloroethane ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Vinyl Acetate ND 0.0058 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 2,2-Dichloropropane ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 (cis) 1,2-Dichloroethene ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 2-Butanone ND 0.0058 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromochloromethane ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Chloroform ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Carbon Tetrachloride ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1-Dichloropropene ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Benzene ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Trichloroethene ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Dibromomethane ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromodichloromethane ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 2-Chloroethyl Vinyl Ether ND 0.0058 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 (cis) 1,3-Dichloropropene ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone ND 0.0058 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Toluene ND 0.0058 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 (trans) 1,3-Dichloropropene ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond,WA 98052(425)883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. 20 Date of Report: March 27,2023 Samples Submitted: March 14,2023 Laboratory Reference: 2303-153 Project: 02-0087-B VOLATILE ORGANICS EPA 8260D page 2of2 Date Date Analyte Result PQL Method Prepared Analyzed Flags Client ID: SP6-3-4 Laboratory ID: 03-153-16 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Tetrachloroethene 0.0024 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,3-Dichloropropane ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 2-Hexanone ND 0.0058 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Dibromochloromethane ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2-Dibromoethane ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Chlorobenzene ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Ethylbenzene ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 m,p-Xylene ND 0.0023 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 o-Xylene ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Styrene ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromoform ND 0.0058 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Isopropylbenzene ND 0.0012 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromobenzene ND 0.066 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.066 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND 0.066 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 n-Propylbenzene ND 0.066 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 2-Chlorotoluene ND 0.066 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 4-Chlorotoluene ND 0.066 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 1,3,5-Tri methyl benzene ND 0.066 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 tert-B utyl benzene ND 0.066 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 1,2,4-Tri methyl benzene ND 0.066 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 sec-Butyl benzene ND 0.066 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.066 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 p-Isopropyltoluene ND 0.066 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.066 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.066 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 n-Butylbenzene ND 0.066 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ND 0.33 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.066 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 Hexachlorobutadiene ND 0.33 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 Naphthalene ND 0.33 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.066 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits Dibromofluoromethane 104 75-130 Toluene-d8 97 78-128 4-Bromofluorobenzene 81 71-130 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond,WA 98052(425)883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. 21 Date of Report: March 27,2023 Samples Submitted: March 14,2023 Laboratory Reference: 2303-153 Project: 02-0087-B VOLATILE ORGANICS EPA 8260D QUALITY CONTROL page 1 of 2 Matrix: Soil Units: mg/kg Date Date Analyte Result PQL Method Prepared Analyzed Flags METHOD BLANK Laboratory ID: MB0315S1 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Chloromethane ND 0.0050 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Vinyl Chloride ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromomethane ND 0.0050 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Chloroethane ND 0.0050 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Trichlorofluoromethane ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1-Dichloroethene ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Acetone ND 0.010 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 lodomethane ND 0.0050 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Carbon Disulfide ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Methylene Chloride ND 0.0050 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 (trans) 1,2-Dichloroethene ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Methyl t-Butyl Ether ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1-Dichloroethane ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Vinyl Acetate ND 0.0050 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 2,2-Dichloropropane ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 (cis) 1,2-Dichloroethene ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 2-Butanone ND 0.0050 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromochloromethane ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Chloroform ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Carbon Tetrachloride ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1-Dichloropropene ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Benzene ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Trichloroethene ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Dibromomethane ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromodichloromethane ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 2-Chloroethyl Vinyl Ether ND 0.0050 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 (cis) 1,3-Dichloropropene ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone ND 0.0050 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Toluene ND 0.0050 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 (trans) 1,3-Dichloropropene ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond,WA 98052(425)883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. 22 Date of Report: March 27,2023 Samples Submitted: March 14,2023 Laboratory Reference: 2303-153 Project: 02-0087-B VOLATILE ORGANICS EPA 8260D QUALITY CONTROL page 2of2 Date Date Analyte Result PQL Method Prepared Analyzed Flags METHOD BLANK Laboratory ID: MB0315S1 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Tetrachloroethene ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,3-Dichloropropane ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 2-Hexanone ND 0.0050 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Dibromochloromethane ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2-Dibromoethane ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Chlorobenzene ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Ethylbenzene ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 m,p-Xylene ND 0.0020 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 o-Xylene ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Styrene ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromoform ND 0.0050 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Isopropylbenzene ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromobenzene ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 n-Propylbenzene ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 2-Chlorotoluene ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 4-Chlorotoluene ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 tert-B utyl benzene ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2,4-Tri methyl benzene ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 sec-Butyl benzene ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 p-Isopropyltoluene ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 n-Butylbenzene ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ND 0.0050 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Hexachlorobutadiene ND 0.0050 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Naphthalene ND 0.0050 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits Dibromofluoromethane 105 75-130 Toluene-d8 101 78-128 4-Bromofluorobenzene 98 71-130 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond,WA 98052(425)883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. 23 Date of Report: March 27,2023 Samples Submitted: March 14,2023 Laboratory Reference: 2303-153 Project: 02-0087-B VOLATILE ORGANICS EPA 8260D QUALITY CONTROL page 1 of 2 Matrix: Soil Units: mg/kg Date Date Analyte Result PQL Method Prepared Analyzed Flags METHOD BLANK Laboratory ID: MB0316S1 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 Chloromethane ND 0.0050 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 Vinyl Chloride ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 Bromomethane ND 0.0050 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 Chloroethane ND 0.0050 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 Trichlorofluoromethane ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 1,1-Dichloroethene ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 Acetone ND 0.010 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 lodomethane ND 0.0050 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 Carbon Disulfide ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 Methylene Chloride ND 0.0050 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 (trans) 1,2-Dichloroethene ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 Methyl t-Butyl Ether ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 1,1-Dichloroethane ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 Vinyl Acetate ND 0.0050 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 2,2-Dichloropropane ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 (cis) 1,2-Dichloroethene ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 2-Butanone ND 0.0050 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 Bromochloromethane ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 Chloroform ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 Carbon Tetrachloride ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 1,1-Dichloropropene ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 Benzene ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 Trichloroethene ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 Dibromomethane ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 Bromodichloromethane ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 2-Chloroethyl Vinyl Ether ND 0.0050 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 (cis) 1,3-Dichloropropene ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone ND 0.0050 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 Toluene ND 0.0050 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 (trans) 1,3-Dichloropropene ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond,WA 98052(425)883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. 24 Date of Report: March 27,2023 Samples Submitted: March 14,2023 Laboratory Reference: 2303-153 Project: 02-0087-B VOLATILE ORGANICS EPA 8260D QUALITY CONTROL page 2of2 Date Date Analyte Result PQL Method Prepared Analyzed Flags METHOD BLANK SP6-3-4 Laboratory ID: MB0316S1 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 Tetrachloroethene ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 1,3-Dichloropropane ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 2-Hexanone ND 0.0050 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 Dibromochloromethane ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 1,2-Dibromoethane ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 Chlorobenzene ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 Ethylbenzene ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 m,p-Xylene ND 0.0020 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 o-Xylene ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 Styrene ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 Bromoform ND 0.0050 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 Isopropylbenzene ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 Bromobenzene ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 n-Propylbenzene ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 2-Chlorotoluene ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 4-Chlorotoluene ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 tert-B utyl benzene ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 1,2,4-Tri methyl benzene ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 sec-Butyl benzene ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 p-Isopropyltoluene ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 n-Butylbenzene ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ND 0.0050 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 Hexachlorobutadiene ND 0.0050 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 Naphthalene ND 0.0050 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.0010 EPA 8260D 3-16-23 3-16-23 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits Dibromofluoromethane 85 75-130 Toluene-d8 101 78-128 4-Bromofluorobenzene 98 71-130 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond,WA 98052(425)883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. 25 Date of Report: March 27,2023 Samples Submitted: March 14,2023 Laboratory Reference: 2303-153 Project: 02-0087-B VOLATILE ORGANICS EPA 8260D QUALITY CONTROL page 1 of 2 Matrix: Soil Units: mg/kg Percent Recovery RPD Analyte Result Spike Level Recovery Limits RPD Limit Flags SPIKE BLANKS Laboratory ID: SB0315S1 SB SBD SB SBD SB SBD Dichlorodifluoromethane 0.0590 0.0523 0.0500 0.0500 118 105 30-160 12 26 Chloromethane 0.0498 0.0482 0.0500 0.0500 100 96 59-131 3 26 Vinyl Chloride 0.0487 0.0473 0.0500 0.0500 97 95 68-136 3 23 Bromomethane 0.0477 0.0463 0.0500 0.0500 95 93 48-155 3 32 Chloroethane 0.0525 0.0513 0.0500 0.0500 105 103 67-141 2 16 Trichlorofluoromethane 0.0460 0.0445 0.0500 0.0500 92 89 76-127 3 19 1,1-Dichloroethene 0.0533 0.0525 0.0500 0.0500 107 105 75-129 2 19 Acetone 0.0485 0.0514 0.0500 0.0500 97 103 49-158 6 37 lodomethane 0.0417 0.0457 0.0500 0.0500 83 91 37-140 9 27 Carbon Disulfide 0.0512 0.0504 0.0500 0.0500 102 101 41-143 2 19 Methylene Chloride 0.0523 0.0520 0.0500 0.0500 105 104 60-124 1 18 (trans) 1,2-Dichloroethene 0.0540 0.0532 0.0500 0.0500 108 106 79-133 1 15 Methyl t-Butyl Ether 0.0492 0.0500 0.0500 0.0500 98 100 73-125 2 17 1,1-Dichloroethane 0.0524 0.0524 0.0500 0.0500 105 105 79-125 0 17 Vinyl Acetate 0.0587 0.0594 0.0500 0.0500 117 119 51-145 1 41 2,2-Dichloropropane 0.0486 0.0482 0.0500 0.0500 97 96 79-126 1 18 (cis) 1,2-Dichloroethene 0.0510 0.0511 0.0500 0.0500 102 102 75-131 0 15 2-Butanone 0.0548 0.0534 0.0500 0.0500 110 107 54-145 3 32 Bromochloromethane 0.0479 0.0471 0.0500 0.0500 96 94 80-126 2 15 Chloroform 0.0453 0.0455 0.0500 0.0500 91 91 80-123 0 15 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 0.0443 0.0440 0.0500 0.0500 89 88 78-124 1 21 Carbon Tetrachloride 0.0445 0.0439 0.0500 0.0500 89 88 74-127 1 18 1,1-Dichloropropene 0.0522 0.0509 0.0500 0.0500 104 102 80-123 3 15 Benzene 0.0498 0.0498 0.0500 0.0500 100 100 80-122 0 18 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.0448 0.0448 0.0500 0.0500 90 90 75-124 0 15 Trichloroethene 0.0515 0.0507 0.0500 0.0500 103 101 80-129 2 18 1,2-Dichloropropane 0.0539 0.0534 0.0500 0.0500 108 107 80-123 1 15 Dibromomethane 0.0465 0.0457 0.0500 0.0500 93 91 80-123 2 15 Bromodichloromethane 0.0477 0.0482 0.0500 0.0500 95 96 80-129 1 15 (cis) 1,3-Dichloropropene 0.0539 0.0541 0.0500 0.0500 108 108 80-130 0 15 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone 0.0590 0.0593 0.0500 0.0500 118 119 63-137 1 27 Toluene 0.0532 0.0524 0.0500 0.0500 106 105 80-120 2 18 (trans) 1,3-Dichloropropene 0.0497 0.0505 0.0500 0.0500 99 101 80-124 2 15 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond,WA 98052(425)883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. 26 Date of Report: March 27,2023 Samples Submitted: March 14,2023 Laboratory Reference: 2303-153 Project: 02-0087-B VOLATILE ORGANICS EPA 8260D QUALITY CONTROL page 2of2 Percent Recovery RPD Analyte Result Spike Level Recovery Limits RPD Limit Flags SPIKE BLANKS Laboratory ID: S130315S1 SB SBD SB SBD SB SBD 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.0489 0.0494 0.0500 0.0500 98 99 80-120 1 15 Tetrachloroethene 0.0504 0.0506 0.0500 0.0500 101 101 77-126 0 15 1,3-Dichloropropane 0.0498 0.0498 0.0500 0.0500 100 100 77-123 0 15 2-Hexanone 0.0585 0.0591 0.0500 0.0500 117 118 53-137 1 29 Dibromochloromethane 0.0461 0.0464 0.0500 0.0500 92 93 80-128 1 16 1,2-Dibromoethane 0.0499 0.0501 0.0500 0.0500 100 100 80-122 0 20 Chlorobenzene 0.0495 0.0497 0.0500 0.0500 99 99 80-120 0 18 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.0472 0.0474 0.0500 0.0500 94 95 80-120 0 15 Ethylbenzene 0.0513 0.0504 0.0500 0.0500 103 101 80-120 2 15 m,p-Xylene 0.0975 0.0977 0.100 0.100 98 98 80-120 0 15 o-Xylene 0.0492 0.0491 0.0500 0.0500 98 98 80-120 0 15 Styrene 0.0530 0.0533 0.0500 0.0500 106 107 80-122 1 15 Bromoform 0.0456 0.0463 0.0500 0.0500 91 93 78-126 2 15 Isopropylbenzene 0.0516 0.0515 0.0500 0.0500 103 103 80-125 0 15 Bromobenzene 0.0469 0.0474 0.0500 0.0500 94 95 79-124 1 15 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.0511 0.0511 0.0500 0.0500 102 102 75-122 0 17 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 0.0494 0.0485 0.0500 0.0500 99 97 72-125 2 20 n-Propylbenzene 0.0527 0.0522 0.0500 0.0500 105 104 77-126 1 16 2-Chlorotoluene 0.0494 0.0499 0.0500 0.0500 99 100 75-128 1 15 4-Chlorotoluene 0.0495 0.0501 0.0500 0.0500 99 100 78-127 1 16 1,3,5-Tri methyl benzene 0.0508 0.0506 0.0500 0.0500 102 101 77-128 0 15 tert-B utyl benzene 0.0511 0.0512 0.0500 0.0500 102 102 73-130 0 20 1,2,4-Tri methyl benzene 0.0496 0.0499 0.0500 0.0500 99 100 77-125 1 16 sec-Butyl benzene 0.0523 0.0515 0.0500 0.0500 105 103 75-130 2 17 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.0484 0.0492 0.0500 0.0500 97 98 78-123 2 17 p-Isopropyltoluene 0.0519 0.0520 0.0500 0.0500 104 104 75-130 0 18 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.0459 0.0463 0.0500 0.0500 92 93 77-121 1 17 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.0476 0.0478 0.0500 0.0500 95 96 80-120 0 15 n-Butylbenzene 0.0539 0.0536 0.0500 0.0500 108 107 76-131 1 20 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 0.0477 0.0483 0.0500 0.0500 95 97 61-137 1 28 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 0.0476 0.0479 0.0500 0.0500 95 96 77-127 1 17 Hexachlorobutadiene 0.0456 0.0444 0.0500 0.0500 91 89 77-125 3 22 Naphthalene 0.0495 0.0498 0.0500 0.0500 99 100 68-129 1 19 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 0.0476 0.0479 0.0500 0.0500 95 96 77-124 1 19 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 100 103 75-130 Toluene-d8 100 101 78-128 4-Bromofluorobenzene 100 101 71-130 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond,WA 98052(425)883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. 27 Date of Report: March 27,2023 Samples Submitted: March 14,2023 Laboratory Reference: 2303-153 Project: 02-0087-B VOLATILE ORGANICS EPA 8260D QUALITY CONTROL page 1 of 2 Matrix: Soil Units: mg/kg Percent Recovery RPD Analyte Result Spike Level Recovery Limits RPD Limit Flags SPIKE BLANKS Laboratory ID: SB0316S1 SB SBD SB SBD SB SBD Dichlorodifluoromethane 0.0493 0.0497 0.0500 0.0500 99 99 30-160 1 26 Chloromethane 0.0469 0.0453 0.0500 0.0500 94 91 59-131 3 26 Vinyl Chloride 0.0458 0.0442 0.0500 0.0500 92 88 68-136 4 23 Bromomethane 0.0460 0.0426 0.0500 0.0500 92 85 48-155 8 32 Chloroethane 0.0519 0.0503 0.0500 0.0500 104 101 67-141 3 16 Trichlorofluoromethane 0.0437 0.0449 0.0500 0.0500 87 90 76-127 3 19 1,1-Dichloroethene 0.0518 0.0518 0.0500 0.0500 104 104 75-129 0 19 Acetone 0.0515 0.0563 0.0500 0.0500 103 113 49-158 9 37 lodomethane 0.0418 0.0431 0.0500 0.0500 84 86 37-140 3 27 Carbon Disulfide 0.0487 0.0481 0.0500 0.0500 97 96 41-143 1 19 Methylene Chloride 0.0556 0.0555 0.0500 0.0500 111 111 60-124 0 18 (trans) 1,2-Dichloroethene 0.0530 0.0529 0.0500 0.0500 106 106 79-133 0 15 Methyl t-Butyl Ether 0.0495 0.0492 0.0500 0.0500 99 98 73-125 1 17 1,1-Dichloroethane 0.0526 0.0523 0.0500 0.0500 105 105 79-125 1 17 Vinyl Acetate 0.0597 0.0605 0.0500 0.0500 119 121 51-145 1 41 2,2-Dichloropropane 0.0470 0.0476 0.0500 0.0500 94 95 79-126 1 18 (cis) 1,2-Dichloroethene 0.0511 0.0507 0.0500 0.0500 102 101 75-131 1 15 2-Butanone 0.0541 0.0554 0.0500 0.0500 108 111 54-145 2 32 Bromochloromethane 0.0482 0.0474 0.0500 0.0500 96 95 80-126 2 15 Chloroform 0.0457 0.0448 0.0500 0.0500 91 90 80-123 2 15 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 0.0428 0.0434 0.0500 0.0500 86 87 78-124 1 21 Carbon Tetrachloride 0.0430 0.0436 0.0500 0.0500 86 87 74-127 1 18 1,1-Dichloropropene 0.0490 0.0510 0.0500 0.0500 98 102 80-123 4 15 Benzene 0.0494 0.0493 0.0500 0.0500 99 99 80-122 0 18 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.0457 0.0449 0.0500 0.0500 91 90 75-124 2 15 Trichloroethene 0.0502 0.0509 0.0500 0.0500 100 102 80-129 1 18 1,2-Dichloropropane 0.0531 0.0536 0.0500 0.0500 106 107 80-123 1 15 Dibromomethane 0.0461 0.0462 0.0500 0.0500 92 92 80-123 0 15 Bromodichloromethane 0.0490 0.0487 0.0500 0.0500 98 97 80-129 1 15 (cis) 1,3-Dichloropropene 0.0539 0.0550 0.0500 0.0500 108 110 80-130 2 15 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone 0.0594 0.0621 0.0500 0.0500 119 124 63-137 4 27 Toluene 0.0520 0.0529 0.0500 0.0500 104 106 80-120 2 18 (trans) 1,3-Dichloropropene 0.0487 0.0494 0.0500 0.0500 97 99 80-124 1 15 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond,WA 98052(425)883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. 28 Date of Report: March 27,2023 Samples Submitted: March 14,2023 Laboratory Reference: 2303-153 Project: 02-0087-B VOLATILE ORGANICS EPA 8260D QUALITY CONTROL page 2of2 Percent Recovery RPD Analyte Result Spike Level Recovery Limits RPD Limit Flags SPIKE BLANKS Laboratory ID: S130316S1 SB SBD SB SBD SB SBD 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.0483 0.0487 0.0500 0.0500 97 97 80-120 1 15 Tetrachloroethene 0.0482 0.0498 0.0500 0.0500 96 100 77-126 3 15 1,3-Dichloropropane 0.0500 0.0495 0.0500 0.0500 100 99 77-123 1 15 2-Hexanone 0.0580 0.0613 0.0500 0.0500 116 123 53-137 6 29 Dibromochloromethane 0.0462 0.0461 0.0500 0.0500 92 92 80-128 0 16 1,2-Dibromoethane 0.0492 0.0492 0.0500 0.0500 98 98 80-122 0 20 Chlorobenzene 0.0480 0.0499 0.0500 0.0500 96 100 80-120 4 18 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.0464 0.0463 0.0500 0.0500 93 93 80-120 0 15 Ethylbenzene 0.0487 0.0501 0.0500 0.0500 97 100 80-120 3 15 m,p-Xylene 0.0936 0.0967 0.100 0.100 94 97 80-120 3 15 o-Xylene 0.0475 0.0485 0.0500 0.0500 95 97 80-120 2 15 Styrene 0.0512 0.0525 0.0500 0.0500 102 105 80-122 3 15 Bromoform 0.0451 0.0451 0.0500 0.0500 90 90 78-126 0 15 Isopropylbenzene 0.0494 0.0513 0.0500 0.0500 99 103 80-125 4 15 Bromobenzene 0.0450 0.0464 0.0500 0.0500 90 93 79-124 3 15 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.0498 0.0505 0.0500 0.0500 100 101 75-122 1 17 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 0.0478 0.0478 0.0500 0.0500 96 96 72-125 0 20 n-Propylbenzene 0.0488 0.0516 0.0500 0.0500 98 103 77-126 6 16 2-Chlorotoluene 0.0470 0.0493 0.0500 0.0500 94 99 75-128 5 15 4-Chlorotoluene 0.0471 0.0491 0.0500 0.0500 94 98 78-127 4 16 1,3,5-Tri methyl benzene 0.0473 0.0493 0.0500 0.0500 95 99 77-128 4 15 tert-B utyl benzene 0.0477 0.0500 0.0500 0.0500 95 100 73-130 5 20 1,2,4-Tri methyl benzene 0.0470 0.0487 0.0500 0.0500 94 97 77-125 4 16 sec-Butyl benzene 0.0481 0.0509 0.0500 0.0500 96 102 75-130 6 17 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.0459 0.0478 0.0500 0.0500 92 96 78-123 4 17 p-Isopropyltoluene 0.0481 0.0510 0.0500 0.0500 96 102 75-130 6 18 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.0434 0.0459 0.0500 0.0500 87 92 77-121 6 17 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.0454 0.0467 0.0500 0.0500 91 93 80-120 3 15 n-Butylbenzene 0.0493 0.0530 0.0500 0.0500 99 106 76-131 7 20 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 0.0475 0.0460 0.0500 0.0500 95 92 61-137 3 28 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 0.0439 0.0475 0.0500 0.0500 88 95 77-127 8 17 Hexachlorobutadiene 0.0419 0.0443 0.0500 0.0500 84 89 77-125 6 22 Naphthalene 0.0471 0.0485 0.0500 0.0500 94 97 68-129 3 19 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 0.0445 0.0469 0.0500 0.0500 89 94 77-124 5 19 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 86 85 75-130 Toluene-d8 102 103 78-128 4-Bromofluorobenzene 103 103 71-130 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond,WA 98052(425)883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. 29 Date of Report: March 27,2023 Samples Submitted: March 14,2023 Laboratory Reference: 2303-153 Project: 02-0087-B VOLATILE ORGANICS EPA 8260D page 1 of 2 Matrix: Water Units: ug/L Date Date Analyte Result PQL Method Prepared Analyzed Flags Client ID: SP1-GW Laboratory ID: 03-153-19 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Chloromethane ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Vinyl Chloride ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromomethane ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Chloroethane ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Trichlorofluoromethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1-Dichloroethene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Acetone ND 5.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 lodomethane ND 8.6 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Carbon Disulfide ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Methylene Chloride ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 (trans) 1,2-Dichloroethene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Methyl t-Butyl Ether ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1-Dichloroethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Vinyl Acetate ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 2,2-Dichloropropane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 (cis) 1,2-Dichloroethene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 2-Butanone ND 5.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromochloromethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Chloroform ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Carbon Tetrachloride ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1-Dichloropropene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Benzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Trichloroethene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Dibromomethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromodichloromethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 (cis) 1,3-Dichloropropene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone ND 2.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Toluene ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 (trans) 1,3-Dichloropropene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond,WA 98052(425)883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. 30 Date of Report: March 27,2023 Samples Submitted: March 14,2023 Laboratory Reference: 2303-153 Project: 02-0087-B VOLATILE ORGANICS EPA 8260D page 2of2 Date Date Analyte Result PQL Method Prepared Analyzed Flags Client ID: SP1-GW Laboratory ID: 03-153-19 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Tetrachloroethene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,3-Dichloropropane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 2-Hexanone ND 2.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Dibromochloromethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2-Dibromoethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Chlorobenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Ethylbenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 m,p-Xylene ND 0.40 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 o-Xylene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Styrene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromoform ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Isopropylbenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromobenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 n-Propylbenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 2-Chlorotoluene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 4-Chlorotoluene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,3,5-Tri methyl benzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 tert-Butylbenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2,4-Tri methyl benzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 sec-Butyl benzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 p-Isopropyltoluene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 n-Butylbenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Hexachlorobutadiene ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Naphthalene ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits Dibromofluoromethane 111 75-127 Toluene-d8 106 80-127 4-Bromofluorobenzene 97 78-125 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond,WA 98052(425)883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. 31 Date of Report: March 27,2023 Samples Submitted: March 14,2023 Laboratory Reference: 2303-153 Project: 02-0087-B VOLATILE ORGANICS EPA 8260D page 1 of 2 Matrix: Water Units: ug/L Date Date Analyte Result PQL Method Prepared Analyzed Flags Client ID: SP2-GW Laboratory ID: 03-153-20 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Chloromethane ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Vinyl Chloride ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromomethane ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Chloroethane ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Trichlorofluoromethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1-Dichloroethene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Acetone ND 5.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 lodomethane ND 8.6 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Carbon Disulfide ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Methylene Chloride ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 (trans) 1,2-Dichloroethene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Methyl t-Butyl Ether ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1-Dichloroethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Vinyl Acetate ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 2,2-Dichloropropane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 (cis) 1,2-Dichloroethene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 2-Butanone ND 5.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromochloromethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Chloroform ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Carbon Tetrachloride ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1-Dichloropropene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Benzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Trichloroethene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Dibromomethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromodichloromethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 (cis) 1,3-Dichloropropene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone ND 2.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Toluene ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 (trans) 1,3-Dichloropropene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond,WA 98052(425)883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. 32 Date of Report: March 27,2023 Samples Submitted: March 14,2023 Laboratory Reference: 2303-153 Project: 02-0087-B VOLATILE ORGANICS EPA 8260D page 2of2 Date Date Analyte Result PQL Method Prepared Analyzed Flags Client ID: SP2-GW Laboratory ID: 03-153-20 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Tetrachloroethene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,3-Dichloropropane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 2-Hexanone ND 2.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Dibromochloromethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2-Dibromoethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Chlorobenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Ethylbenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 m,p-Xylene ND 0.40 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 o-Xylene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Styrene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromoform ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Isopropylbenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromobenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 n-Propylbenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 2-Chlorotoluene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 4-Chlorotoluene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,3,5-Tri methyl benzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 tert-Butylbenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2,4-Tri methyl benzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 sec-Butyl benzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 p-Isopropyltoluene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 n-Butylbenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Hexachlorobutadiene ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Naphthalene ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits Dibromofluoromethane 110 75-127 Toluene-d8 107 80-127 4-Bromofluorobenzene 99 78-125 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond,WA 98052(425)883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. 33 Date of Report: March 27,2023 Samples Submitted: March 14,2023 Laboratory Reference: 2303-153 Project: 02-0087-B VOLATILE ORGANICS EPA 8260D page 1 of 2 Matrix: Water Units: ug/L Date Date Analyte Result PQL Method Prepared Analyzed Flags Client ID: SP3-GW Laboratory ID: 03-153-21 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Chloromethane ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Vinyl Chloride ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromomethane ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Chloroethane ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Trichlorofluoromethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1-Dichloroethene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Acetone ND 5.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 lodomethane ND 8.6 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Carbon Disulfide ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Methylene Chloride ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 (trans) 1,2-Dichloroethene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Methyl t-Butyl Ether ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1-Dichloroethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Vinyl Acetate ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 2,2-Dichloropropane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 (cis) 1,2-Dichloroethene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 2-Butanone ND 5.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromochloromethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Chloroform ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Carbon Tetrachloride ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1-Dichloropropene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Benzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Trichloroethene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Dibromomethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromodichloromethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 (cis) 1,3-Dichloropropene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone ND 2.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Toluene ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 (trans) 1,3-Dichloropropene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond,WA 98052(425)883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. 34 Date of Report: March 27,2023 Samples Submitted: March 14,2023 Laboratory Reference: 2303-153 Project: 02-0087-B VOLATILE ORGANICS EPA 8260D page 2of2 Date Date Analyte Result PQL Method Prepared Analyzed Flags Client ID: SP3-GW Laboratory ID: 03-153-21 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Tetrachloroethene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,3-Dichloropropane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 2-Hexanone ND 2.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Dibromochloromethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2-Dibromoethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Chlorobenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Ethylbenzene 0.69 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 m,p-Xylene 2.3 0.40 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 o-Xylene 1.3 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Styrene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromoform ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Isopropylbenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromobenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 n-Propylbenzene 0.44 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 2-Chlorotoluene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 4-Chlorotoluene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,3,5-Tri methyl benzene 0.52 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 tert-Butylbenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2,4-Tri methyl benzene 2.1 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 sec-Butyl benzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 p-Isopropyltoluene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 n-Butylbenzene 0.24 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Hexachlorobutadiene ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Naphthalene ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits Dibromofluoromethane 113 75-127 Toluene-d8 106 80-127 4-Bromofluorobenzene 100 78-125 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond,WA 98052(425)883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. 35 Date of Report: March 27,2023 Samples Submitted: March 14,2023 Laboratory Reference: 2303-153 Project: 02-0087-B VOLATILE ORGANICS EPA 8260D page 1 of 2 Matrix: Water Units: ug/L Date Date Analyte Result PQL Method Prepared Analyzed Flags Client ID: SP4-GW Laboratory ID: 03-153-22 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Chloromethane ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Vinyl Chloride ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromomethane ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Chloroethane ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Trichlorofluoromethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1-Dichloroethene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Acetone ND 5.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 lodomethane ND 8.6 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Carbon Disulfide ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Methylene Chloride ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 (trans) 1,2-Dichloroethene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Methyl t-Butyl Ether ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1-Dichloroethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Vinyl Acetate ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 2,2-Dichloropropane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 (cis) 1,2-Dichloroethene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 2-Butanone ND 5.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromochloromethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Chloroform ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Carbon Tetrachloride ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1-Dichloropropene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Benzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Trichloroethene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Dibromomethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromodichloromethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 (cis) 1,3-Dichloropropene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone ND 2.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Toluene ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 (trans) 1,3-Dichloropropene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond,WA 98052(425)883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. 36 Date of Report: March 27,2023 Samples Submitted: March 14,2023 Laboratory Reference: 2303-153 Project: 02-0087-B VOLATILE ORGANICS EPA 8260D page 2of2 Date Date Analyte Result PQL Method Prepared Analyzed Flags Client ID: SP4-GW Laboratory ID: 03-153-22 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Tetrachloroethene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,3-Dichloropropane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 2-Hexanone ND 2.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Dibromochloromethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2-Dibromoethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Chlorobenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Ethylbenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 m,p-Xylene ND 0.40 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 o-Xylene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Styrene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromoform ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Isopropylbenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromobenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 n-Propylbenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 2-Chlorotoluene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 4-Chlorotoluene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,3,5-Tri methyl benzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 tert-Butylbenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2,4-Tri methyl benzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 sec-Butyl benzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 p-Isopropyltoluene 0.49 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 n-Butylbenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Hexachlorobutadiene ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Naphthalene ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits Dibromofluoromethane 111 75-127 Toluene-d8 108 80-127 4-Bromofluorobenzene 102 78-125 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond,WA 98052(425)883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. 37 Date of Report: March 27,2023 Samples Submitted: March 14,2023 Laboratory Reference: 2303-153 Project: 02-0087-B VOLATILE ORGANICS EPA 8260D page 1 of 2 Matrix: Water Units: ug/L Date Date Analyte Result PQL Method Prepared Analyzed Flags Client ID: SP5-GW Laboratory ID: 03-153-23 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Chloromethane ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Vinyl Chloride ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromomethane ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Chloroethane ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Trichlorofluoromethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1-Dichloroethene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Acetone ND 5.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 lodomethane ND 8.6 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Carbon Disulfide ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Methylene Chloride ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 (trans) 1,2-Dichloroethene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Methyl t-Butyl Ether ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1-Dichloroethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Vinyl Acetate ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 2,2-Dichloropropane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 (cis) 1,2-Dichloroethene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 2-Butanone ND 5.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromochloromethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Chloroform ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Carbon Tetrachloride ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1-Dichloropropene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Benzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Trichloroethene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Dibromomethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromodichloromethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 (cis) 1,3-Dichloropropene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone ND 2.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Toluene ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 (trans) 1,3-Dichloropropene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond,WA 98052(425)883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. 38 Date of Report: March 27,2023 Samples Submitted: March 14,2023 Laboratory Reference: 2303-153 Project: 02-0087-B VOLATILE ORGANICS EPA 8260D page 2of2 Date Date Analyte Result PQL Method Prepared Analyzed Flags Client ID: SP5-GW Laboratory ID: 03-153-23 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Tetrachloroethene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,3-Dichloropropane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 2-Hexanone ND 2.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Dibromochloromethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2-Dibromoethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Chlorobenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Ethylbenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 m,p-Xylene ND 0.40 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 o-Xylene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Styrene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromoform ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Isopropylbenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromobenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 n-Propylbenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 2-Chlorotoluene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 4-Chlorotoluene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,3,5-Tri methyl benzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 tert-Butylbenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2,4-Tri methyl benzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 sec-Butyl benzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 p-Isopropyltoluene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 n-Butylbenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Hexachlorobutadiene ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Naphthalene ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits Dibromofluoromethane 110 75-127 Toluene-d8 105 80-127 4-Bromofluorobenzene 98 78-125 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond,WA 98052(425)883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. 39 Date of Report: March 27,2023 Samples Submitted: March 14,2023 Laboratory Reference: 2303-153 Project: 02-0087-B VOLATILE ORGANICS EPA 8260D page 1 of 2 Matrix: Water Units: ug/L Date Date Analyte Result PQL Method Prepared Analyzed Flags Client ID: SP6-GW Laboratory ID: 03-153-24 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Chloromethane ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Vinyl Chloride ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromomethane ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Chloroethane ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Trichlorofluoromethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1-Dichloroethene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Acetone ND 5.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 lodomethane ND 8.6 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Carbon Disulfide ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Methylene Chloride ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 (trans) 1,2-Dichloroethene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Methyl t-Butyl Ether ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1-Dichloroethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Vinyl Acetate ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 2,2-Dichloropropane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 (cis) 1,2-Dichloroethene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 2-Butanone ND 5.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromochloromethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Chloroform ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Carbon Tetrachloride ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1-Dichloropropene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Benzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Trichloroethene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Dibromomethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromodichloromethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 (cis) 1,3-Dichloropropene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone ND 2.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Toluene ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 (trans) 1,3-Dichloropropene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond,WA 98052(425)883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. 40 Date of Report: March 27,2023 Samples Submitted: March 14,2023 Laboratory Reference: 2303-153 Project: 02-0087-B VOLATILE ORGANICS EPA 8260D page 2of2 Date Date Analyte Result PQL Method Prepared Analyzed Flags Client ID: SP6-GW Laboratory ID: 03-153-24 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Tetrachloroethene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,3-Dichloropropane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 2-Hexanone ND 2.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Dibromochloromethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2-Dibromoethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Chlorobenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Ethylbenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 m,p-Xylene ND 0.40 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 o-Xylene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Styrene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromoform ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Isopropylbenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromobenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 n-Propylbenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 2-Chlorotoluene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 4-Chlorotoluene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,3,5-Tri methyl benzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 tert-Butylbenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2,4-Tri methyl benzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 sec-Butyl benzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 p-Isopropyltoluene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 n-Butylbenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Hexachlorobutadiene ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Naphthalene ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits Dibromofluoromethane 110 75-127 Toluene-d8 106 80-127 4-Bromofluorobenzene 100 78-125 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond,WA 98052(425)883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. 41 Date of Report: March 27,2023 Samples Submitted: March 14,2023 Laboratory Reference: 2303-153 Project: 02-0087-B VOLATILE ORGANICS EPA 8260D QUALITY CONTROL page 1 of 2 Matrix: Water Units: ug/L Date Date Analyte Result PQL Method Prepared Analyzed Flags METHOD BLANK Laboratory ID: MB0315W1 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Chloromethane ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Vinyl Chloride ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromomethane ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Chloroethane ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Trichlorofluoromethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1-Dichloroethene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Acetone ND 5.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 lodomethane ND 8.6 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Carbon Disulfide ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Methylene Chloride ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 (trans) 1,2-Dichloroethene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Methyl t-Butyl Ether ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1-Dichloroethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Vinyl Acetate ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 2,2-Dichloropropane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 (cis) 1,2-Dichloroethene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 2-Butanone ND 5.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromochloromethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Chloroform ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Carbon Tetrachloride ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1-Dichloropropene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Benzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Trichloroethene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Dibromomethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromodichloromethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 (cis) 1,3-Dichloropropene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone ND 2.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Toluene ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 (trans) 1,3-Dichloropropene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond,WA 98052(425)883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. 42 Date of Report: March 27,2023 Samples Submitted: March 14,2023 Laboratory Reference: 2303-153 Project: 02-0087-B VOLATILE ORGANICS EPA 8260D QUALITY CONTROL page 2of2 Date Date Analyte Result PQL Method Prepared Analyzed Flags METHOD BLANK Laboratory ID: MB0315W1 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Tetrachloroethene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,3-Dichloropropane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 2-Hexanone ND 2.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Dibromochloromethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2-Dibromoethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Chlorobenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Ethylbenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 m,p-Xylene ND 0.40 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 o-Xylene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Styrene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromoform ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Isopropylbenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Bromobenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 n-Propylbenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 2-Chlorotoluene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 4-Chlorotoluene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,3,5-Tri methyl benzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 tert-Butylbenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2,4-Tri methyl benzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 sec-Butyl benzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 p-Isopropyltoluene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 n-Butylbenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Hexachlorobutadiene ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Naphthalene ND 1.0 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.20 EPA 8260D 3-15-23 3-15-23 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits Dibromofluoromethane 111 75-127 Toluene-d8 107 80-127 4-Bromofluorobenzene 100 78-125 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond,WA 98052(425)883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. 43 Date of Report: March 27,2023 Samples Submitted: March 14,2023 Laboratory Reference: 2303-153 Project: 02-0087-B VOLATILE ORGANICS EPA 8260D QUALITY CONTROL page 1 of 2 Matrix: Water Units: ug/L Percent Recovery RPD Analyte Result Spike Level Recovery Limits RPD Limit Flags SPIKE BLANKS Laboratory ID: SB0315W1 SB SBD SB SBD SB SBD Dichlorodifluoromethane 11.7 10.9 10.0 10.0 117 109 34-166 7 21 Chloromethane 9.30 9.42 10.0 10.0 93 94 63-138 1 18 Vinyl Chloride 10.5 10.2 10.0 10.0 105 102 71-135 3 20 Bromomethane 8.99 8.08 10.0 10.0 90 81 20-151 11 36 Chloroethane 10.1 9.90 10.0 10.0 101 99 76-125 2 20 Trichlorofluoromethane 12.0 11.8 10.0 10.0 120 118 75-131 2 19 1,1-Dichloroethene 10.9 10.7 10.0 10.0 109 107 78-125 2 19 Acetone 9.93 9.55 10.0 10.0 99 96 76-125 4 18 lodomethane 5.81 6.28 10.0 10.0 58 63 10-155 8 40 Carbon Disulfide 9.56 8.76 10.0 10.0 96 88 58-129 9 17 Methylene Chloride 10.4 10.2 10.0 10.0 104 102 80-120 2 15 (trans) 1,2-Dichloroethene 10.8 10.6 10.0 10.0 108 106 80-125 2 17 Methyl t-Butyl Ether 11.0 10.7 10.0 10.0 110 107 80-122 3 15 1,1-Dichloroethane 10.7 10.6 10.0 10.0 107 106 80-125 1 17 Vinyl Acetate 11.7 11.0 10.0 10.0 117 110 80-131 6 15 2,2-Dichloropropane 12.4 12.3 10.0 10.0 124 123 80-146 1 21 (cis) 1,2-Dichloroethene 11.2 11.1 10.0 10.0 112 111 80-129 1 17 2-Butanone 10.3 10.5 10.0 10.0 103 105 80-129 2 16 Bromochloromethane 11.0 10.8 10.0 10.0 110 108 80-125 2 18 Chloroform 10.6 10.5 10.0 10.0 106 105 80-123 1 16 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 10.7 10.8 10.0 10.0 107 108 80-123 1 18 Carbon Tetrachloride 10.7 10.5 10.0 10.0 107 105 80-126 2 17 1,1-Dichloropropene 10.6 10.3 10.0 10.0 106 103 80-126 3 18 Benzene 10.3 10.1 10.0 10.0 103 101 80-121 2 16 1,2-Dichloroethane 11.1 10.9 10.0 10.0 111 109 80-124 2 15 Trichloroethene 10.6 10.5 10.0 10.0 106 105 80-122 1 18 1,2-Dichloropropane 10.1 9.94 10.0 10.0 101 99 80-123 2 15 Dibromomethane 10.8 10.6 10.0 10.0 108 106 80-123 2 15 Bromodichloromethane 10.6 10.3 10.0 10.0 106 103 80-125 3 15 (cis) 1,3-Dichloropropene 11.0 10.6 10.0 10.0 110 106 80-129 4 15 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone 10.8 10.5 10.0 10.0 108 105 80-124 3 15 Toluene 9.14 8.90 10.0 10.0 91 89 80-120 3 18 (trans) 1,3-Dichloropropene 10.8 10.2 10.0 10.0 108 102 80-134 6 17 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond,WA 98052(425)883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. 44 Date of Report: March 27,2023 Samples Submitted: March 14,2023 Laboratory Reference: 2303-153 Project: 02-0087-B VOLATILE ORGANICS EPA 8260D QUALITY CONTROL page 2of2 Percent Recovery RPD Analyte Result Spike Level Recovery Limits RPD Limit Flags SPIKE BLANKS Laboratory ID: S130315W1 SB SBD SB SBD SB SBD 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 9.64 9.32 10.0 10.0 96 93 77-126 3 20 Tetrachloroethene 10.4 10.1 10.0 10.0 104 101 80-124 3 18 1,3-Dichloropropane 9.97 9.48 10.0 10.0 100 95 80-120 5 15 2-Hexanone 10.7 10.2 10.0 10.0 107 102 80-130 5 16 Dibromochloromethane 10.8 10.4 10.0 10.0 108 104 80-128 4 15 1,2-Dibromoethane 10.2 9.99 10.0 10.0 102 100 80-127 2 15 Chlorobenzene 9.83 9.53 10.0 10.0 98 95 80-120 3 17 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 10.5 10.1 10.0 10.0 105 101 80-125 4 17 Ethylbenzene 9.81 9.63 10.0 10.0 98 96 80-125 2 18 m,p-Xylene 19.6 19.0 20.0 20.0 98 95 80-127 3 18 o-Xylene 9.77 9.57 10.0 10.0 98 96 80-126 2 18 Styrene 10.3 10.0 10.0 10.0 103 100 80-130 3 17 Bromoform 10.5 10.1 10.0 10.0 105 101 80-130 4 15 Isopropylbenzene 10.2 10.1 10.0 10.0 102 101 80-129 1 18 Bromobenzene 9.58 9.35 10.0 10.0 96 94 76-128 2 16 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 9.63 9.38 10.0 10.0 96 94 74-130 3 15 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 8.76 8.43 10.0 10.0 88 84 71-129 4 25 n-Propylbenzene 9.65 9.51 10.0 10.0 97 95 80-129 1 19 2-Chlorotoluene 9.91 9.63 10.0 10.0 99 96 80-128 3 18 4-Chlorotoluene 9.74 9.28 10.0 10.0 97 93 80-130 5 19 1,3,5-Tri methyl benzene 9.88 9.69 10.0 10.0 99 97 80-131 2 18 tert-B utyl benzene 9.61 9.50 10.0 10.0 96 95 80-130 1 18 1,2,4-Tri methyl benzene 9.73 9.55 10.0 10.0 97 96 80-130 2 18 sec-Butyl benzene 9.90 9.72 10.0 10.0 99 97 80-130 2 18 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 9.71 9.67 10.0 10.0 97 97 80-126 0 17 p-Isopropyltoluene 10.1 9.79 10.0 10.0 101 98 80-132 3 18 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 9.73 9.57 10.0 10.0 97 96 80-121 2 17 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 9.82 9.67 10.0 10.0 98 97 79-125 2 15 n-Butylbenzene 10.2 10.2 10.0 10.0 102 102 80-138 0 19 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 9.34 9.15 10.0 10.0 93 92 73-133 2 15 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 10.0 10.2 10.0 10.0 100 102 80-139 2 18 Hexachlorobutadiene 10.0 10.1 10.0 10.0 100 101 80-151 1 18 Naphthalene 9.56 9.74 10.0 10.0 96 97 68-144 2 25 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 9.34 9.64 10.0 10.0 93 96 75-146 3 28 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 110 111 75-127 Toluene-d8 107 106 80-127 4-Bromofluorobenzene 103 102 78-125 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond,WA 98052(425)883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. 45 Date of Report: March 27,2023 Samples Submitted: March 14,2023 Laboratory Reference: 2303-153 Project: 02-0087-B TOTAL METALS EPA 6010D/7471 B Matrix: Soil Units: mg/Kg (ppm) Date Date Analyte Result PQL Method Prepared Analyzed Flags Client ID: SP4-3-4 Laboratory ID: 03-153-10 Arsenic ND 12 EPA 6010D 3-16-23 3-17-23 Cadmium ND 0.60 EPA 6010D 3-16-23 3-17-23 Chromium 29 0.60 EPA 6010D 3-16-23 3-17-23 Lead 65 6.0 EPA 6010D 3-16-23 3-17-23 Mercury ND 0.30 EPA 7471B 3-21-23 3-21-23 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond,WA 98052(425)883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. 46 Date of Report: March 27,2023 Samples Submitted: March 14,2023 Laboratory Reference: 2303-153 Project: 02-0087-B TOTAL METALS EPA 6010D/7471 B QUALITY CONTROL Matrix: Soil Units: mg/Kg (ppm) Date Date Analyte Result PQL Method Prepared Analyzed Flags METHOD BLANK Laboratory ID: MB0316SM1 Arsenic ND 10 EPA 6010D 3-16-23 3-16-23 Cadmium ND 0.50 EPA 6010D 3-16-23 3-16-23 Chromium ND 0.50 EPA 6010D 3-16-23 3-16-23 Lead ND 5.0 EPA 6010D 3-16-23 3-16-23 Laboratory ID: MB0321S1 Mercury ND 0.25 EPA 7471B 3-21-23 3-21-23 Source Percent Recovery RPD Analyte Result Spike Level Result Recovery Limits RPD Limit Flags DUPLICATE Laboratory ID: 03-181-01 ORIG DUP Arsenic 36.3 32.4 NA NA NA NA 11 20 Cadmium ND ND NA NA NA NA NA 20 Chromium 16.4 13.8 NA NA NA NA 17 20 Lead 350 338 NA NA NA NA 4 20 Laboratory ID: 03-084-03 Mercury ND ND NA NA NA NA NA 20 MATRIX SPIKES Laboratory ID: 03-181-01 MS MSD MS MSD MS MSD Arsenic 118 118 100 100 36.3 82 82 75-125 0 20 Cadmium 43.5 42.9 50.0 50.0 ND 87 86 75-125 1 20 Chromium 98.5 98.1 100 100 16.4 82 82 75-125 0 20 Lead 538 557 250 250 350 75 83 75-125 4 20 Laboratory ID: 03-084-03 Mercury 0.489 0.494 0.500 0.500 0.00740 96 97 80-120 1 20 "'A OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond,WA 98052(425)883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. 47 Date of Report: March 27,2023 Samples Submitted: March 14,2023 Laboratory Reference: 2303-153 Project: 02-0087-B DISSOLVED METALS EPA 200.8/7470A Matrix: Water Units: ug/L(ppb) Date Date Analyte Result PQL Method Prepared Analyzed Flags Client ID: SP2-GW Laboratory ID: 03-153-20 Arsenic 4.7 3.3 EPA 200.8 3-15-23 3-15-23 Cadmium ND 4.4 EPA 200.8 3-15-23 3-15-23 Chromium 20 11 EPA 200.8 3-15-23 3-15-23 Lead 2.2 1.1 EPA 200.8 3-15-23 3-15-23 Mercury ND 0.50 EPA 7470A 3-17-23 Client ID: SP4-GW Laboratory ID: 03-153-22 Arsenic ND 3.0 EPA 200.8 3-15-23 Cadmium ND 4.0 EPA 200.8 3-15-23 Chromium ND 10 EPA 200.8 3-15-23 Lead ND 1.0 EPA 200.8 3-15-23 Mercury ND 0.50 EPA 7470A 3-17-23 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond,WA 98052(425)883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. 48 Date of Report: March 27,2023 Samples Submitted: March 14,2023 Laboratory Reference: 2303-153 Project: 02-0087-B DISSOLVED METALS EPA 200.8/7470A QUALITY CONTROL Matrix: Water Units: ug/L(ppb) Date Date Analyte Result PQL Method Prepared Analyzed Flags METHOD BLANK Laboratory ID: MB0313F1 Arsenic ND 3.0 EPA 200.8 3-13-23 3-15-23 Cadmium ND 4.0 EPA 200.8 3-13-23 3-15-23 Chromium ND 10 EPA 200.8 3-13-23 3-15-23 Lead ND 1.0 EPA 200.8 3-13-23 3-15-23 Laboratory ID: MB0317D1 Mercury ND 0.50 EPA 7470A 3-17-23 Laboratory ID: MB0315WM1 Arsenic ND 3.3 EPA 200.8 3-15-23 3-15-23 Cadmium ND 4.4 EPA 200.8 3-15-23 3-15-23 Chromium ND 11 EPA 200.8 3-15-23 3-15-23 Lead ND 1.1 EPA 200.8 3-15-23 3-15-23 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond,WA 98052(425)883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. 49 Date of Report: March 27,2023 Samples Submitted: March 14,2023 Laboratory Reference: 2303-153 Project: 02-0087-B DISSOLVED METALS EPA 200.8/7470A QUALITY CONTROL Matrix: Water Units: ug/L(ppb) Source Percent Recovery RPD Analyte Result Spike Level Result Recovery Limits RPD Limit Flags DUPLICATE Laboratory ID: 03-020-08 ORIG DUP Arsenic ND ND NA NA NA NA NA 20 Cadmium ND ND NA NA NA NA NA 20 Chromium ND ND NA NA NA NA NA 20 Lead ND ND NA NA NA NA NA 20 Laboratory ID: 03-131-01 ORIG DUP Arsenic ND ND NA NA NA NA NA 20 Cadmium ND ND NA NA NA NA NA 20 Chromium ND ND NA NA NA NA NA 20 Lead ND ND NA NA NA NA NA 20 Laboratory ID: 03-153-22 Mercury ND ND NA NA NA NA NA 20 MATRIX SPIKES Laboratory ID: 03-020-08 MS MSD MS MSD MS MSD Arsenic 102 109 111 111 ND 92 98 75-125 6 20 Cadmium 102 105 111 111 ND 92 95 75-125 3 20 Chromium 101 106 111 111 ND 91 96 75-125 5 20 Lead 102 108 111 111 ND 92 97 75-125 6 20 Laboratory ID: 03-131-01 MS MSD MS MSD MS MSD Arsenic 79.0 80.6 80.0 80.0 ND 99 101 75-125 2 20 Cadmium 76.0 76.4 80.0 80.0 ND 95 96 75-125 1 20 Chromium 78.2 76.8 80.0 80.0 ND 98 96 75-125 2 20 Lead 82.2 80.4 80.0 80.0 ND 103 101 75-125 2 20 Laboratory ID: 03-153-22 Mercury 11.8 11.9 12.5 12.5 ND 94 95 75-125 1 20 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond,WA 98052(425)883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. 50 Date of Report: March 27,2023 Samples Submitted: March 14,2023 Laboratory Reference: 2303-153 Project: 02-0087-B DIESEL AND HEAVY OIL RANGE ORGANICS NWTPH-Dx Matrix: Soil Units: mg/Kg (ppm) Date Date Analyte Result PQL Method Prepared Analyzed Flags Client ID: SP1-3-4 Laboratory ID: 03-153-01 Diesel Range Organics ND 28 NWTPH-Dx 3-22-23 3-22-23 Lube Oil 380 56 NWTPH-Dx 3-22-23 3-22-23 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits o-Terphenyl 77 50-150 Client ID: SP6-3-4 Laboratory ID: 03-153-16 Diesel Range Organics ND 29 NWTPH-Dx 3-22-23 3-23-23 Lube Oil 190 59 NWTPH-Dx 3-22-23 3-23-23 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits o-Terphenyl 74 50-150 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond,WA 98052(425)883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. 51 Date of Report: March 27,2023 Samples Submitted: March 14,2023 Laboratory Reference: 2303-153 Project: 02-0087-B DIESEL AND HEAVY OIL RANGE ORGANICS NWTPH-Dx QUALITY CONTROL Matrix: Soil Units: mg/Kg (ppm) Date Date Analyte Result PQL Method Prepared Analyzed Flags METHOD BLANK Laboratory ID: MB0322S1 Diesel Range Organics ND 25 NWTPH-Dx 3-22-23 3-22-23 Lube Oil Range Organics ND 50 NWTPH-Dx 3-22-23 3-22-23 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits o-Terphenyl 91 50-150 Source Percent Recovery RPD Analyte Result Spike Level Result Recovery Limits RPD Limit Flags DUPLICATE Laboratory ID: 03-153-01 ORIG DUP Diesel Range ND ND NA NA NA NA NA NA Lube Oil 333 263 NA NA NA NA 23 NA Surrogate: o-Terphenyl 77 81 50-150 J& OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond,WA 98052(425)883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. 52 Date of Report: March 27,2023 Samples Submitted: March 14,2023 Laboratory Reference: 2303-153 Project: 02-0087-B DIESEL AND HEAVY OIL RANGE ORGANICS NWTPH-Dx Matrix: Water Units: ug/L(ppb) Date Date Analyte Result PQL Method Prepared Analyzed Flags Client ID: SP1-GW Laboratory ID: 03-153-19 Diesel Range Organics 220 150 NWTPH-Dx 3-17-23 3-17-23 N Lube Oil 570 240 NWTPH-Dx 3-17-23 3-17-23 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits o-Terphenyl 89 50-150 Client ID: SP2-GW Laboratory ID: 03-153-20 Diesel Range Organics 250 140 NWTPH-Dx 3-17-23 3-17-23 N Lube Oil 1100 230 NWTPH-Dx 3-17-23 3-17-23 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits o-Terphenyl 99 50-150 Client ID: SP3-GW Laboratory ID: 03-153-21 Diesel Range Organics 160 140 NWTPH-Dx 3-17-23 3-17-23 Lube Oil 310 230 NWTPH-Dx 3-17-23 3-17-23 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits o-Terphenyl 90 50-150 Client ID: SP4-GW Laboratory ID: 03-153-22 Diesel Range Organics 170 140 NWTPH-Dx 3-17-23 3-17-23 Lube Oil 450 220 NWTPH-Dx 3-17-23 3-17-23 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits o-Terphenyl 74 50-150 Client ID: SP5-GW Laboratory ID: 03-153-23 Diesel Range Organics ND 140 NWTPH-Dx 3-17-23 3-17-23 Lube Oil Range Organics 240 220 NWTPH-Dx 3-17-23 3-17-23 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits o-Terphenyl 87 50-150 Client ID: SP6-GW Laboratory ID: 03-153-24 Diesel Range Organics 1300 160 NWTPH-Dx 3-17-23 3-17-23 N Lube Oil 4400 250 NWTPH-Dx 3-17-23 3-17-23 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits o-Terphenyl 93 50-150 i OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond,WA 98052(425)883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. 53 Date of Report: March 27,2023 Samples Submitted: March 14,2023 Laboratory Reference: 2303-153 Project: 02-0087-B DIESEL AND HEAVY OIL RANGE ORGANICS NWTPH-Dx QUALITY CONTROL Matrix: Water Units: ug/L(ppb) Date Date Analyte Result PQL Method Prepared Analyzed Flags METHOD BLANK Laboratory ID: M130317W1 Diesel Range Organics ND 100 NWTPH-Dx 3-17-23 3-17-23 Lube Oil Range Organics ND 160 NWTPH-Dx 3-17-23 3-17-23 Surrogate: Percent Recovery Control Limits o-Terphenyl 96 50-150 Source Percent Recovery RPD Analyte Result Spike Level Result Recovery Limits RPD Limit Flags DUPLICATE Laboratory ID: 03-159-01 ORIG DUP Diesel Range Organics 306 334 NA NA NA NA 9 NA Lube Oil Range Organics 506 395 NA NA NA NA 25 NA Surrogate: o-Terphenyl 94 91 50-150 J& OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond,WA 98052(425)883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. 54 Date of Report: March 27,2023 Samples Submitted: March 14,2023 Laboratory Reference: 2303-153 Project: 02-0087-B %MOISTURE Date Client ID Lab ID %Moisture Analyzed SP1-3-4 03-153-01 11 3-15-23 SP2-3-4 03-153-04 20 3-16-23 SP3-3-4 03-153-07 10 3-16-23 SP4-3-4 03-153-10 17 3-16-23 SP5-3-4 03-153-13 4 3-16-23 SP6-3-4 03-153-16 15 3-15-23 OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond,WA 98052(425)883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. � AX 55 '1N OnSite Environmental Inc. Data Qualifiers and Abbreviations A-Due to a high sample concentration, the amount spiked is insufficient for meaningful MS/MSD recovery data. B-The analyte indicated was also found in the blank sample. C-The duplicate RPD is outside control limits due to high result variability when analyte concentrations are within five times the quantitation limit. E-The value reported exceeds the quantitation range and is an estimate. F-Surrogate recovery data is not available due to the high concentration of coeluting target compounds. H -The analyte indicated is a common laboratory solvent and may have been introduced during sample preparation, and be impacting the sample result. I -Compound recovery is outside of the control limits. J-The value reported was below the practical quantitation limit. The value is an estimate. K-Sample duplicate RPD is outside control limits due to sample inhomogeneity. The sample was re-extracted and re-analyzed with similar results. L-The RPD is outside of the control limits. M -Hydrocarbons in the gasoline range are impacting the diesel range result. M1 -Hydrocarbons in the gasoline range(toluene-naphthalene)are present in the sample. N -Hydrocarbons in the lube oil range are impacting the diesel range result. N1 -Hydrocarbons in diesel range are impacting lube oil range results. O-Hydrocarbons indicative of heavier fuels are present in the sample and are impacting the gasoline result. P-The RPD of the detected concentrations between the two columns is greater than 40. Q-Surrogate recovery is outside of the control limits. S-Surrogate recovery data is not available due to the necessary dilution of the sample. T-The sample chromatogram is not similar to a typical U -The analyte was analyzed for, but was not detected above the reported sample quantitation limit. U1 -The practical quantitation limit is elevated due to interferences present in the sample. V-Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate recoveries are outside control limits due to matrix effects. W-Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate RPD are outside control limits due to matrix effects. X-Sample extract treated with a mercury cleanup procedure. X1 -Sample extract treated with a sulfuric acid/silica gel cleanup procedure. X2-Sample extract treated with a silica gel cleanup procedure. Y-The calibration verification for this analyte exceeded the 20%drift specified in methods 8260&8270, and therefore the reported result should be considered an estimate. The overall performance of the calibration verification standard met the acceptance criteria of the method. Y1 -Negative effects of the matrix from this sample on the instrument caused values for this analyte in the bracketing continuing calibration verification standard (CCVs)to be outside of 20%acceptance criteria. Because of this, quantitation limits and sample concentrations should be considered estimates. Z- ND-Not Detected at PQL PQL-Practical Quantitation Limit RPD-Relative Percent Difference AL OnSite Environmental, Inc. 14648 NE 95th Street, Redmond,WA 98052(425)883-3881 This report pertains to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody, and is intended only for the use of the individual or company to whom it is addressed. 3 o O O 3 N 0 m a m. n a ¢ o. m V• V' 0 N (AU a y 3 3 ' w � - W � � a W 1r W t y N Z a CA 00 N G0 N o� Er a F m w 6..F E 3 < 1� Q m o u 3 ^' r � �l W � U.S v9 _ _ 1_W, d o ❑ yJ���� ❑ ❑ m j o 3 ] m O n `x f F „ a 0 ❑ ❑ m W N — � v. \,n N QR _Y Numher of Containers X x NWTPH-HCID r NwrPH-cx/BTEx(8oz1O6zso ) cr LI C 1y NWTPH-Gx y 0 �j NWTPH-Dx(Acid/SG Clean-UP LD 0 _ 0 Volatiles 8260 C Halogenated Volatiles 8260 \^ Ste( S EDB EPA 8011 (Waters Only) i O n Semivolatiles8270/SIM O (with low-level PAHs) a y W 3 o PAHs 8270/SIM(low-level) y PCBs 8082 3 m i 'm S!, Organochlorine Pesticides 8081 n Organophosphorus Pesticides 8270/SIM m 11 Sl v w 5I, Chlorinated Acid Herbicides 8151 10 O C y YYV 4 � Total RCRA Metals m Total MTCA Metals TCLP Metals m W W HEM(oil and grease)1664 o = CA m m .� 0 0 N %Moisture 3 Z Z \ Uf z CA v/ z' V' S, CA < vmcm 6 om 1 J p ° zdc.y y - ,! Ui °c 3 5 J m s a ee i E a m' 1 mCD F �.rt d o. o a Q m D \A 1 m 3 WH O n 6 O N 0r r r a w M N � O Number of Containers _r Y NWTPH-HCID l` Cf d NWTPH-Gx/BTEX(802108260]) 6 N W o NWTPH-Gx y O NWTPH-Dz(Acid SG Clean-up]) 0 Q d Volatiles 8260 Z Halogenated Volatiles 8260 3 _ 1 CID EDB EPA 8011(Waters Only) s 0 J� Semivolatiles8270/Sim o w v 1 3 (with low-level PAHs) 33 C PAHs 8270/SIM(low-level) o O pFj �+ PCSs 8082 m o A 3 m F _ Organochlorine Pesticides 8081 j p m (� Organophosphorus Pesticides 8270/SIM W E m O m E-0 ^. Chlorinated Acid Herbicides 8151 r F " Total RCRA Metals m Total MTCA Metals m T = � o ❑ TCLP Metals v o m HEM(oil and grease)1664 w m El o � H 'm 0 0 N <[ %Moisture 9 ]1 A A D 3 0 F n a m z � ,A P mca m=emu � us � oaCCDCD _4)• � `� `� � N 1 [tea N 2 f N rt d £ 3 '< In p ? O n D C2 m n o O N 3 � � ❑ `} ❑ El O V 6 O 3 -~ 3 m y s oa o ,o ❑ ❑ S• O J J Number of Containers NWfPH-HCID r W u VJ y NWTPWGx/BTEX(8021[]8260❑ 1S N O ( NWTPH-Gx O _ !v NWrPH-Dx(Acid/SG Clean-up]) 0 CL m J x Volatiles 8260 `CG \ x 3 /\ Halogenated Volatiles 8260 3 NEDB EPA 8011 (Waters Only) O 0 Semivolatiles8270/SIM p1 (with low-level PAHs) 3 m 3 � -o � m3 PAHs 8270/5IM(low-level) O n e w 2 PCBs 8082 3 R ® �► m e. Organochlorine Pesticides 8081 F N mCA _ d o. m Organophosphorus Pesticides 8270/SIMLo d m a ^ Chlorinated Acid Herbicides 8151 a Li e e a. � " Total RCRA Metals ❑ m \ m _ 1 SeteL MTCA Metals m — �., f d j El TCLP Metals pj HEM(oil and grease)1664 a < 1 O G O a W n� 0 o - N n %Moisture RMobile Geochemistry Inc. 23 March 2023 Q Pcw Liz Rachman =�S Atlas Geosciences Inc-WA PO BOX 1009 Sumner, WA 98390 e. H&P Project: MC031723-10 � Client Project: 02-0087-B/ 126 Kneeland Patw Dear Liz Rachman: ^ \ AccreaftaTestt'i—#69070 ing Enclosed is the analytical report for the above referenced project. The data herein applies to samples as received by H&P Mobile Geochemistry, Inc. on 17-Mar-23 which were analyzed in accordance with the attached Chain of Custody record(s). The results for all sample analyses and required QA/QC analyses are presented in the following sections and summarized in the documents: • Sample Summary • Case Narrative (if applicable) • Sample Results • Quality Control Summary • Notes and Definitions/Appendix • Chain of Custody • Sampling Logs (if applicable) Unless otherwise noted, I certify that all analyses were performed and reviewed in compliance with our Quality Systems Manual and Standard Operating Procedures. This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval of H&P Mobile Geochemistry, Inc. We at H&P Mobile Geochemistry, Inc. sincerely appreciate the opportunity to provide analytical services to you on this project. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this analytical report, please contact me at your convenience at 760-804-9678. Sincerely, gw� Lisa Eminhizer Laboratory Director H&P Mobile Geochemistry,Inc.is certified under the California ELAP and the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference (NELAC)for the fields of proficiency and analytes listed on those certificates.H&P is approved as an Environmental Testing Laboratory in accordance with the DoD-ELAP Program and ISO/IEC 17025:2005 programs for the fields of proficiency and analytes included in the certification process and to the extent offered by the accreditation agency.Unless otherwise noted,accreditation certificate numbers,expiration of certificates, and scope of accreditation can be found at:www.handl)mq.com/about/certifications.Fields of services and analytes contained in this report that are not listed on the certificates should be considered uncertified or unavailable for certification. Quality.Accuracy.Experience. 2470 Impala Drive,Carlsbad,CA 92010&Field Office-Signal Hill,CA P 1.800.834.9888/760.804.9678 F 760.804.9159 W handpmg.com Page 1 of 9 H&P Mobile 2470 Impala Drive Carlsbad,CA 92010 Geochemistry Inc. 760-804-9678Phone 760-804-9159 Fax Atlas Geosciences Inc-WA Project: MC031723-10 PO BOX 1009 Project Number: 02-0087-B/126 Kneeland Reported: Sumner,WA 98390 Project Manager: Liz Rachman 23-Mar-23 15:26 ANALYTICAL REPORT FOR SAMPLES Sample ID Laboratory ID Matrix Date Sampled Date Received SSV-1 E303035-01 Vapor 14-Mar-23 17-Mar-23 SSV-2 E303035-02 Vapor 14-Mar-23 17-Mar-23 Page 2 of 9 H&P Mobile 2470 Impala Drive Carlsbad,CA 92010 Geochemistry Inc. 760-804-9678Phone 760-804-9159 Fax Atlas Geosciences Inc-WA Project: MC031723-10 PO BOX 1009 Project Number: 02-0087-B/126 Kneeland Reported: Sumner,WA 98390 Project Manager: Liz Rachman 23-Mar-23 15:26 DETECTIONS SUMMARY Sample ID: SSRl Laboratory ID: E303035-01 Reporting Analyte Result Limit Units Method Notes Tetrachloroethene 17 2.8 ug/m3 EPATO-15 Ethylbenzene 11 1.8 ug/m3 EPATO-15 m,p-Xylene 51 1.8 ug/m3 EPATO-15 o-Xylene 17 1.8 ug/m3 EPATO-15 TPHv(C5-C8)aliphatic 150 100 ug/m3 EPA TO-15 Sample ID: SSR2 Laboratory ID: E303035-02 Reporting Analyte Result Limit Units Method Notes Tetrachloroethene 12 2.8 ug/m3 EPATO-15 m,p-Xylene 7.8 1.8 ug/m3 EPATO-15 o-Xylene 2.9 1.8 ug/m3 EPATO-15 TPHv(C9-C12)aliphatic 100 100 ug/m3 EPA TO-15 Page 3 of 9 H&P Mobile 2470 Impala Drive Carlsbad,CA 92010 Geochemistry Inc. 760-804-9678Phone 760-804-9159 Fax Atlas Geosciences Inc-WA Project: MC031723-10 PO BOX 1009 Project Number: 02-0087-B/126 Kneeland Reported: Sumner,WA 98390 Project Manager: Liz Rachman 23-Mar-23 15:26 Volatile Organic Compounds by EPA TO-15 H&P Mobile Geochemistry,Inc. Reporting Dilution Analyte Result Limit Units Factor Batch Prepared Analyzed Method Notes SSV-1(E303035-01)Vapor Sampled:14-Mar-23 Received:17-Mar-23 Vinyl chloride ND 0.5 ug/m3 1 EC32211 22-Mar-23 22-Mar-23 EPATO-15 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND 1.6 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND 1.6 " Benzene ND 0.6 " Trichloroethene ND 2.2 " Toluene ND 3.1 " Tetrachloroethene 17 2.8 " Ethylbenzene 11 1.8 m,p-Xylene 51 1.8 " o-Xylene 17 1.8 " Naphthalene N D 2.1 Surrogate:1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 101% 76-134 Surrogate:Toluene-d8 101% 78-125 Surrogate:4-Bromofluorobenzene 101% 77-127 SSV-2(E303035-02)Vapor Sampled:14-Mar-23 Received:17-Mar-23 Vinyl chloride N D 0.5 ug/m3 1 EC32211 22-Mar-23 22-Mar-23 EPA TO-15 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene N D 1.6 " cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND 1.6 " Benzene N D 0.6 " Trichloroethene N D 2.2 " Toluene N D 3.1 " Tetrachloroethene 12 2.8 " Ethylbenzene N D 1.8 " m,P-X lene 7.8 1.8 " Y o-Xylene 2.9 1.8 " Naphthalene N D 2.1 Surrogate:1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 105% 76-134 Surrogate:Toluene-d8 100% 78-125 Surrogate:4-Bromofluorobenzene 106% 77-127 Page 4 of 9 H&P Mobile 2470 Impala Drive Carlsbad,CA 92010 Geochemistry Inc. 760-804-9678Phone 760-804-9159 Fax Atlas Geosciences Inc-WA Project: MC031723-10 PO BOX 1009 Project Number: 02-0087-B/126 Kneeland Reported: Sumner,WA 98390 Project Manager: Liz Rachman 23-Mar-23 15:26 Petroleum Hydrocarbon Analysis by EPA TO-15 H&P Mobile Geochemistry,Inc. Reporting Dilution Analyte Result Limit Units Factor Batch Prepared Analyzed Method Notes SSV-1(E303035-01)Vapor Sampled:14-Mar-23 Received:17-Mar-23 TPHv(C5-C8)aliphatic 150 100 ug/m3 1 EC32211 22-Mar-23 22-Mar-23 EPA TO-15 TPHv(C9-C12)aliphatic ND 100 TPHv(C9-C10)aromatic ND 100 " SSV-2(E303035-02)Vapor Sampled:14-Mar-23 Received:17-Mar-23 TPHv(C5-C8)aliphatic ND 100 ug/m3 1 EC32211 22-Mar-23 22-Mar-23 EPA TO-15 TPHv(C9-C12)aliphatic 100 100 " TPHv(C9-C10)aromatic ND 100 " Page 5 of 9 H&P Mobile 2470 Impala Drive Carlsbad,CA 92010 Geochemistry Inc. 760-804-9678Phone 760-804-9159 Fax Atlas Geosciences Inc-WA Project: MC031723-10 PO BOX 1009 Project Number: 02-0087-B/126 Kneeland Reported: Sumner,WA 98390 Project Manager: Liz Rachman 23-Mar-23 15:26 Volatile Organic Compounds by EPA TO-15-Quality Control H&P Mobile Geochemistry,Inc. Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch EC32211-TO-15 Blank(EC32211-BLKI) Prepared&Analyzed:22-Mar-23 Vinyl chloride N D 0.5 ug/m3 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND 1.6 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND 1.6 Benzene N D 0.6 " Trichloroethene N D 2.2 Toluene N D 3.1 Tetrachloroethene N D 2.8 Ethylbenzene N D 1.8 m,p-Xylene N D 1.8 o-Xylene N D 1.8 Naphthalene N D 2.1 " Surrogate:1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 ?19 214 103 76-134 Surrogate:Toluene-& 210 208 101 78-125 Surrogate:4-Bromofluorobenzene 371 363 102 77-127 LCS(EC32211-BS1) Prepared&Analyzed:22-Mar-23 Vinyl chloride 57 0.5 ug/m3 52.0 109 64-127 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 77 1.6 80.8 95.7 67-124 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 77 1.6 80.0 96.9 70-121 Benzene 64 0.6 64.8 98.4 69-119 Trichloroethene 110 2.2 110 99.0 71-123 Toluene 77 3.1 76.8 100 66-119 Tetrachloroethene 140 2.8 138 101 66-124 Ethylbenzene 93 1.8 88.4 105 70-124 m,p-Xylene 94 1.8 88.4 107 61-134 o-Xylene 97 1.8 88.4 110 67-125 Surrogate:1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 228 214 107 76-134 Surrogate:Toluene-& 208 208 100 78-125 Surrogate:4-Bromofluorobenzene 388 363 107 77-127 Page 6 of 9 H&P Mobile 2470 Impala Drive Carlsbad,CA 92010 Geochemistry Inc. 760-804-9678Phone 760-804-9159 Fax Atlas Geosciences Inc-WA Project: MC031723-10 PO BOX 1009 Project Number: 02-0087-B/126 Kneeland Reported: Sumner,WA 98390 Project Manager: Liz Rachman 23-Mar-23 15:26 Volatile Organic Compounds by EPA TO-15-Quality Control H&P Mobile Geochemistry,Inc. Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch EC32211-TO-15 LCS Dup(EC32211-BSDI) Prepared&Analyzed:22-Mar-23 Vinyl chloride 57 0.5 ug/m3 52.0 110 64-127 0.862 25 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 78 1.6 80.8 96.8 67-124 1.24 25 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 77 1.6 80.0 95.8 70-121 1.15 25 Benzene 64 0.6 64.8 98.2 69-119 0.254 25 Trichloroethene 110 2.2 110 103 71-123 4.18 25 Toluene 77 3.1 76.8 101 66-119 0.545 25 Tetrachloroethene 140 2.8 138 102 66-124 1.57 25 Ethylbenzene 93 1.8 88.4 105 70-124 0.331 25 m,p-Xylene 97 1.8 88.4 109 61-134 2.72 25 o-Xylene 100 1.8 88.4 113 67-125 3.39 25 Surrogate:1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 232 214 109 76-134 Surrogate:Toluene-d8 207 208 99.5 78-125 Surrogate:4-Bromofluorobenzene 398 363 110 77-127 Page 7 of 9 H&P Mobile 2470 Impala Drive Carlsbad,CA 92010 Geochemistry Inc. 760-804-9678Phone 760-804-9159 Fax Atlas Geosciences Inc-WA Project: MC031723-10 PO BOX 1009 Project Number: 02-0087-B/126 Kneeland Reported: Sumner,WA 98390 Project Manager: Liz Rachman 23-Mar-23 15:26 Petroleum Hydrocarbon Analysis by EPA TO-15-Quality Control H&P Mobile Geochemistry,Inc. Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch EC32211-TO-15 Blank(EC32211-BLKI) Prepared&Analyzed:22-Mar-23 TPHv(C5-C8)aliphatic ND 100 ug/m3 TPHv(C9-C12)aliphatic ND 100 TPHv(C9-C10)aromatic N D 100 Page 8 of 9 H&P Mobile 2470 Impala Drive Carlsbad,CA 92010 Geochemistry Inc. 760-804-9678Phone 760-804-9159 Fax Atlas Geosciences Inc-WA Project: MC031723-10 PO BOX 1009 Project Number: 02-0087-B/126 Kneeland Reported: Sumner,WA 98390 Project Manager: Liz Rachman 23-Mar-23 15:26 Notes and Definitions LCC Leak Check Compound ND Analyte NOT DETECTED at or above the reporting limit MDL Method Detection Limit %REC Percent Recovery RPD Relative Percent Difference All soil results are reported in wet weight. Appendix H&P Mobile Geochemistry,Inc.is approved as an Environmental Testing Laboratory and Mobile Laboratory in accordance with the DoD-ELAP Program and ISO/IEC 17025:2005 programs through PJLA,accreditation number 69070 for EPA Method TO-15,EPA Method 8260B and H&P 8260SV. H&P is approved by the State of California as an Environmental Laboratory and Mobile Laboratory in conformance with the Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program(ELAP)for the category of Volatile and Semi-Volatile Organic Chemistry of Hazardous Waste,certification numbers 2740,2741, 2743&2745. H&P is approved by the State of Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality under the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference (NELAC)certification number 04138 The complete list of stationary and mobile laboratory certifications along with the fields of testing(FOTs)and analyte lists are available at V;ww.handpmg.com/about/certifications. Page 9 of 9 2470 Impala Drive,Carlsbad,CA 92010 DATE:? 3 Mobile &Field Office Signal Hill,CA VAPOR 1 AIR Chain of Custody q-61T, W handpmg.com E info@handpmg.com 7 Page _; 0 Geochemistry, Inc. P 760.804.9678 F 760.804.9159 Lab Client and Project Information Sample Receipt(Lab Use Only) Lab Client/Consultanl:f�j l U Project Name/#: Date Rec'd. 9 I Z• Control#: �'YGI�S — Lab Client Project Manager Project Location: , . H&P Project# 114 7 L Z*,e - Lab Client Address: Report E-Mail(s): Lab Work Order# 6-51 Lab Client City.State,Zip: W(� Ci 3 f ` Sample Intact: e See Notes Below s ❑ No ❑ Receipt Gauge ID: !,� Temp: r<T Phone Number: Turnaround Time Sampler Information Outside Lab: Reporting Requirements Sampler(s): Receipt Notes/Tracking#: ( (7 Standard Report ❑ Level III ❑ Level IV KStandard(7 days for preliminary qq / report,10 days for final report) Signature: + Z el ) Excel EDD ❑Other EDD: r ❑ r- CA Geotracker Global ID: ❑ Rush(specify): Date: Z7-1 Lab PM Initial.— Additional Instructions to Laboratory: L QS- V14S 3)Ul23 N 2 Preferred VOC units(please choose one): u _ ❑ ❑pg/L 11g/m3 ❑ppbv ❑ppmV a o CL❑ °° a Ely- CONTAINER El �' ❑ ❑ ❑ L ❑ o a o S SAMPLE TYPE SIZE&TYPE z o > m U) o .�� a a ❑ ❑ , s�1 FIELD POINT a d a o t Indoor Air(IA),Ambient 400mU1 U6L N N N t N is G LL �, o NAME DATE TIME Air(AA),Subslab(SS). Summa,Tedlar, Z a a c i ° c� ° a°° a°° x' °� o oO o w d v-' •� SAMPLE NAME (if applicable) mmldd/yy 24hr clock Soil Vapor(SV) Tube,etc. OU o ❑ ono ❑ z ❑ ❑ a` ❑ ❑ LL n Ct" Q 55v._� .� i -T k C�l'-) S t L_ P l l <-+- Gt 5r X 'x .� _Z 3 Z� SS I � '5qz t� ApprovedfRelinguished b Company '^ / Received by. i Company. Date. laiz�Time ApprovedlRelinquished by Company: D. Received by. Company: Dais Time ApprovedlRelinquished by. Company. Date. Received by: Company: Dale Time. Appendix 6A1.Rev 1/92019,Effective 112112079 'Approval constitutes as authorization to proceed with analysis and acceptance of conditions on back MASON COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS COMMISSIONER BRIEFING May 8, 2023 Action Items• Purchase Line Striper and Attachments Herbicide Program Notice (add to the May 9th Commission Meeting) Proclamation—2023 National Public Works Week, May 21"-27th, 2023 (add to the May 9th Commission Meeting) Proclamation -2023 Drinking Water Week, May 7th-13th, 2023 (add to the May 91h Commission Meeting) Belfair Water Reclamation Facility Screen Rebuilds and Replacement of Controller and Viewing Screen— Sole Source (add to the May 9th Commission Meeting) Discussion Items: 2023 Work Plan Implementation—Road Fund Focus Annual Road Construction and Maintenance Program Roads Planning Activities Commissioner Follow-Up Items: Roessel Road site visit w/Commissioner Trask, May 1 Oth 2023 Work Plan Implementation—Water/Sewer Utility Fund Focus Water/Sewer Construction, and Maintenance Water/Sewer Utility Planning Solid Waste Upcoming Calendar/Action Items: May 21 —27 National Public Works Week July 12, 2023 @ 4:30pm TIP-CAP Community Outreach MeetingShelton City Hall Civic Center C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Mike Collins, PLS, PE, County Engineer Ext. 450 Department: Public Works Briefing: ❑x Action Agenda: ❑x Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): May 8, 2023 Agenda Date: May 23, 2023 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Other (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item: Purchase Line Striper and Attachments Background/Executive Summary: The County road system has about 620 miles of road that the Public Works Department is responsible for maintaining. Of that,there are approximately 740 lane miles of individual edge and center line re-painted annually,by a contractor, during the dryer summer months. Public Works would like to purchase a road line striper that county maintenance crews could use between our regular striping season as needed and paint centerlines on some of our Functional Classification 09 (Rural local access, ADT under 100) roads. Budget Impact (amount, funding source,budget amendment): The estimated cost for this equipment is $23,247.21 and budgeted in the 2023 Road Fund budget. Public Outreach (news release, community meeting, etc.): N/A. Requested Action: Request Board authorize Public Works to procure the line striper and attachments at the estimated cost of$23,247.21.10 from Alpine Products, Inc. Attachments: 1. Quotes 2. Equipment pictures ALPINE PRODUCTS INC 550 3RD ST. SW BLDG. C ESTIMATE AUBURN, WA 98001 DATE INVOICE# 4/18/2023 36056 BILL TO MASON COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS 100 WEST PUBLIC WORKS DRIVE BLDG 41 SIGN SHOP SHELTON,WA 98584 P.O. NUMBER TERMS REP F.O.B. CHECK Quote Net 30 IFC QUANTITY ITEM CODE DESCRIPTION PRICE EACH Total 1 LL-17U-805** 17U-805 - LL V 3900,HP,AUTOMATIC,2 GUNS, 11,988.00 11,988.00T WITH LAZBRGUIDE2000 LASER-GUIDED SYSTEM** 1 LINEDRIVER-25... (25U-474) - LINEDRIVERHD WITH KOHLER KEY 8,455.00 8,455.00T START 1 BEADER-24N-265 24N-265 - 12"-BEAD DISPENSER KIT INCLUDES 983.00 983.00T HOPPER WITH MOUNTING BRACKETS Mason County 2300 Sales Tax 8.50"/" 1,821.21 Total $23,24721 Dispensing Technology Corporation Quote390 Lombard Street Oxnard, CA 93030 Phone# 805-388-5575 Date Quote# Fax# 805-388-5560 sales(a)dispensingtech.com 4/28/2023 13587 Name/Address Ship To MASON COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS MASON COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS 100 WEST PUBLICV WORKS DR 100 WEST PUBLICV WORKS DR BLDG#1 SIGN SHOP BLDG#1 SIGN SHOP SHELTON,WA 98584 SHELTON,WA 98584 P.O. No. Terms Due Date FOB Rep Account# Net 10 5/8/2023 OXNARD Item Description Qty U/M Cost Total G17U805D (SAME AS LL-17U-805)LINELAZER 3900 HP 1 ea 13,186.80 13,186.80 AUTOMATIC W/LAZERGUIDE 2000 G25U474 LINEDRIVER,HD 20OCC ELECTRIC START 1 ea 9,300.50 9,300.50 G24N265 EZ BEAD SYSTEM KIT WITH ONE 12 INCH 1 ea 1,081.30 1,081.30 Subtotal $23,568.60 Sales Tax () $0.00 Signa I ure All Prices Are Subject To Change Without Notice Total $23,568.60 G R COy Mason County Public Works Jronald(a_masoncountVwa.gov Below is the part numbers and List price for the items you are seeking a quote for. Please let me know if there is anything else you need.Thank you for considering Graco. Josh Roberts Niche Market Specialist Jroberts@graco.com 509-217-8977 LINELAZER SPRAYER,V,3900,AUTO,2A,GL200 Breakdown Assembly Discount Code:C 1 17U805 Division:CED 19,650.00 0.0% 19,650.00 19,650.00 Family Code:FAMLNS UPC:00755652696308 earth for manuals MODULE,LINEDRIVER,ELECTRIC START Length:32 Height:53.5 Width:70 in. Chargeable Weight:721.928 LBS Length:.8128 Height:1.3589 Width:1.778 m. Chargeable Weight:327.304 KG Available 1 5U47 EA Discount Code:C at 12,930.00 0.0% 12,930.00 12,930.00 Division:CED Rogers,MN Family Code:FAMLDR UPC:00769946241174 Search for manuals KIT,ACCESSORY,12"BEAD SYSTEM Breakdown Assembly Discount Code:C 1 24N265 Division:CED 1,345.00 0.0% 1,345.00 1,345.00 Family Code:MISC UPC:00633955171077 Search for manuals 4/27/23,12:04 PM LineLazer V 3900 HP Automatic Series Gas Airless Line Striper,2 Auto Guns,LazerGuide 2000]Alpine Products,Inc. ` Oulllll �i llY L_quipn Lin La2 Item i Price: Prods For the . smarici The III data to Includ.- a'in ioftB • I ' 4, �u • r ��� •�9 \ r7tFf • r r, + • .yUllhLi1111111 ll o Simplify parking Lot Layout o Snnart(lonovl measures guile you walk and puts doe-a pre-marks a No need for measuring tape,string lines or aerosol cans o Cuts your layout time in half • LazerGuide 2000 Laser-Guided Layout System o Improve productivity with less Sc[-up time for higher profits _ o Easy,one-person laser-quality line production o Eliminate die need lit tape measures,string or chalk • LiveLonk Display with Smart(ontrol o Striping Information AI-A-Glance o Lack,measure and control every aspect of your job o Accessible proof-of-job data from die J-Lag System with USB Download o Consistent spraying pressure for perfect lines • .1-Log System with USB Download o Valuable Joh Information o Proof afjob=More striping opportunities. o USB duwnload capability allows you to capture and save all joh data • Honda GX Engine o Reliable,tiasy-toStarl Power o Contractor-pret'crred—excellent power and proven reliability o Oil Alert slims down engine to pmvem damage if oil level drops too low • EasyMark Gmt Adjustment System a Easy Gun Adjustments a Pcrtcct gum alignment every time with easy-to-use guide mark system a 2-gun capability with QuikSclect gun selector • EZ Align Wheel System - o perfect Striper Tracking o Simple front wheel alignment.no special tools needed • DualComforl Flndiebw-Scstem https://www.alpinemarkings.com/products/linelazerv3900hpauto/ 112 4/27/23,12:03 PM LineDriver HD Ride-On Attachment Alpine Products,Inc. 61IlZ 3=1R �. Uuipment n SS I LineDri Item#: LINF 1 Price:Call V I ProductDest Why wall,when :ides the higher power and perl'e • Inwine 131 • I'01 Use 9 • Fuel Tank 1 Mmillitin • Maximmrt • Model-1 - - • Power Ra r • Series-F Type- Ri FlrxBc:m _ - u LEI o Rct • Patented o For o Ens • ProStart t o Eas o Up • Out Honda* . Rel o Oil a Cal Cool-Con u Om • Hie o Ext Product Images I 550 3rd St.S.W.Bldg.C.Aubum.R'A 98001(253)351-9828(800)591-9466Fax(253)735-6303 https://www.alpinemaricings.com/products/linedriverhdhonda/ 1/1 5os Co ap NEWS RELEASE MAY 9, 2023 - MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE 1854 411 N 5TH ST, BLDG 1, SHELTON,WA 98584 TO: KMAS, KRXY, SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL, THE OLYMPIAN, SHELTON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE,NORTH MASON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, CITY OF SHELTON, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL, THE SUN RE: HERBICIDE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM NOTICE Mason County Department of Public Works has begun the spring application of herbicides for vegetation control along county roads, weather permitting. For a detailed list of the roads effected by the herbicide application program,please visit the county Public Works Herbicide Spray Program webpage www.masoncountywa.gov or contact the Mason County Department of Public Works at(360) 427-9670, Ext. 450. Property owners that are adjacent to the areas to be sprayed, that do not want the spraying to take place, may enroll in our"Owner Will Maintain"program by contacting Public Works. Those property owners who have already enrolled in the program and designated their property as "No Spray,"will not need to contact the Public Works office --their propeM will not be s rp ae. BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Sharon Trask Randy Neatherlin Kevin Shutty Chair Vice Chair Commissioner �. S NATIONAL PUBLIC WORKS WEEK rANYVECTINO 2023 e r: 1 National Public Works Week Proclamation May 21-27, 2023 "Connecting the World Through Public Works" WHEREAS, public works professionals focus on infrastructure, facilities and services that are of vital importance to sustainable and resilient communities and to the public health, high quality of life and well-being of the people of Mason County; and, WHEREAS,these infrastructure,facilities and services could not be provided without the dedicated efforts of public works professionals,who are engineers, managers, and employees at all levels of government and the private sector, who are responsible for rebuilding, improving, and protecting our nation's transportation,water supply, water treatment and solid waste systems, public buildings, and other structures and facilities essential for our citizens; and, WHEREAS, it is in the public interest for the citizens, civic leaders and children in Mason County to gain knowledge of and to maintain an ongoing interest and understanding of the importance of public works and public works programs in their respective communities; and, WHEREAS,the year 2023 marks the 63rd annual National Public Works Week sponsored by the American Public Works Association/Canadian Public Works Association be it now, RESOLVED,the Board of Mason County Commissioners, do hereby designate the week May 21-27, 2023 as National Public Works Week; and urge all citizens to join with representatives of the American Public Works Association and government agencies in activities, events, and ceremonies designed to pay tribute to our public works professionals, engineers, managers, and employees and to recognize the substantial contributions they make to protecting our national health, safety, and quality of life. DONE IN OPEN SESSION on this day of , 2023. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON Sharon Trask, Chair Randy Neatherlin, Vice Chair Kevin Shutty, Commissioner • • Drinking Water Week 2023 May 7-13, 2023 WHEREAS, water is our most valuable natural resource; and WHEREAS, drinking water plays a vital role in daily life, ensuring the health, hydration and hygiene needs for our citizens are met; and WHEREAS,tap water delivers public health protection, fire protection, support for our economy and the quality of life we enjoy; and WHEREAS,the hard work performed by the entire water sector is to be recognized—those designing, maintaining, operating and building the infrastructure communities rely on to transport high quality drinking water from its source to consumers' taps; and WHEREAS,the coronavirus pandemic has shone a light on the importance of drinking water for health, hydration and hygiene needs; and WHEREAS,we are all stewards of the water infrastructure upon which all generations depend on; and WHEREAS,the citizens of Mason County are called upon to help protect our source waters from pollution, practice water conservation and get involved with their water by familiarizing themselves with it. NOW,THEREFORE,the Board of Mason County Commissioners hereby designate the week May 7-13, 2023, as Drinking Water Week. DONE IN OPEN SESSION on this day of , 2023. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON Sharon Trask, Chair Randy Neatherlin, Vice Chair Kevin Shutty, Commissioner C Mason County Agenda Request Form Y /A t! To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Richard Dickinson,PW Deputy Director Ext. 199 Utilities and Waste Management Department: Utilities&Waste Management Briefing: FXI Action Agenda: ❑X Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): May 8,2023 Agenda Date: May 9,2023 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Risk (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item: Belfair Screen Rebuilds and Replacement of Controller and Viewing Screen—Sole Source Purchase Background/Executive Summary: The Belfair Water Reclamation Facility has four screens to remove medium to large-sized debris from raw sewage entering the plant. Debris removal is crucial for the protection of downstream equipment and redundant fine screens ensure added membrane protection. The screens have been in service for 11 years and now in need of rebuilding. Budget Impact• The 30-day quote to fully rebuild three screens and replace the programmable logic controller (PLC) and viewing screen is $91,140.58. The quote includes freight, sales tax,parts, and two Huber service technician's labor for two weeks. Mason County is to provide lifting equipment and have the Huber machine removed prior to the technician's arrival. The adopted Fund 413 budget includes $415,000 in the repair and maintenance line of which 4%has been expended to date. Public Outreach: N/A Requested Action: Request the Board authorize the Deputy Director to proceed with the sole source purchase of necessary parts and equipment to rebuild three screens at the Belfair Water Reclamation Facility. Attachments: 1. Sole Source Justification Form/letter, Resolution and Quote 2. Screen Diagram ON_STArF° M C MASON COUNTY LIL° "s N �= SOLE SOURCE JUSTIFICATION FORM r 0 T 2 N y Y O 1864 Date: 5/8/2023 Department: Utilities and Waste Department Contact: Richard Dickinson Recommended Vendor: Huber Technology, Inc Address: 1009 Airlie Parkway, Denver, NC 28037 Phone: (704) 949-1010 Cost Estimate: $91,140.58 Describe the item requested and its function:The three of the four screens that remove debris from raw sewage entering the Belfair Water Reclamation Facility need to be rebuilt and the programmable logic controller and viewing screen needs to be replaced. 1. Check the reasons for the sole source request: ® Sole Source: No other items are known to exist which performs the same function ❑ Special Design: Item is of specific design to fit in with an existing installation ❑ Consultant: Providing professional or technical expertise of a unique nature or location availability ❑ Proprietary: Item is held under exclusive title,trademark or copyright ❑ Warranty Service:The vendor is the sole provider of goods and services which the County has established a standard. ❑ Used item:The vendor/distributor is a holder of a used item that would represent good value and is advantageous to the County(attached information on market price, availability, etc) 3. Is this product available from other sources? ❑ Yes ❑ No 4. What necessary features does the vendor provide which are not available from other vendors? Huber is the only vendor of the ROTOMAT Perforate Plate Screen and parts for the ROTOMAT Perforated Plate Screens. Replacement parts are unique in design based on more than 20 years of application experience. 5. Can your requirements be modified so that competitive products or services may be used? ❑ Yes ® No If yes, please explain modifications and potential costs: 6. How does the recommended vendor's prices or fees compare to the general market? N/A 7. What steps were taken to verify that these features were not available elsewhere? ❑ Other brands manufactures were examined. Provide a list of phone numbers and names and explain why these did not meet the requirement: ❑ Other vendors were contacted but did not meet the requirements. Provide a list of companies and phone numbers and why they did not meet the requirements: ® Other, please explain: Huber has been used multiple times to service and repair the influent screens at Belfair Reclamation Facility. Any warranty on the ROTOMAT screens would be void if non-factory parts or service is used. My department's recommendation for sole source is based upon an objective review of the product/service required and appears to be in the best interest of the County. I know of no conflict of interest on my part or personal involvement in any way with this request. No gratuities, favors or compromising action have taken place. Neither has my personal familiarity with particular brands,types of equipment, materials or firms been a deciding influence on my request to sole source this purchase when there are other known suppliers to exist. Elected Official or Director Signature for Approval: Date: HUBER Technology, Inc. HUBER WASTE WATER Solutions May 2"d, 2023 Subject: Sole Source Letter Dear Sir or Madam, This letter serves as a sole source document for products manufactured by HUBER SE and HUBER Technology Inc. (U.S.). HUBER Technology, Inc., based in Denver, NC, is the only vendor for the HUBER products. A list of HUBER products can be provided upon request. Please let me know should you need further details. Sincerely, Henk-Jan van Ettekoven President HUS HUBER Technology, Inc. HUBER Technology, Inc. 1009 Airlie Parkway, Denver,NC 28037 (704)949-1010-Fax(704)949-1020-huber@hhusa.net www.huber-technology.com A member of the HUBER Group RESOLUTION NO. 2023- A RESOLUTION WAIVING PUBLIC BIDDING REQUIREMENTS AND APPROVING A SOLE SOURCE PROCURMENT FOR THE PURCHASE OF HMI REPLACEMENT SCREENS, PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLER AND VIEWING SCREEN FOR THE BELFAIR WATER RECLAMATION FACILITY HUBER RPPS SYSTEM WHEREAS, the Belfair Water Reclamation Facility has Huber Fine ROTAMAT Screens used to filter wastewater and ; and, WHEREAS, Huber Technology, Inc. is the manufacturer of the screens and the only maintenance service provider and source for replacement parts in the United States. WHEREAS, RCW 39.04.280(1) (a) specifies exemption to competitive bidding if the purchase is clearly and legitimately limited to a single source supplier; NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Mason County Commissioners as follows: 1. Huber Technology, Inc. is the sole source manufacturer and service provider for the Huber Fine ROTOMAT Screens, controller and viewing screen used at the Belfair Water Reclamation Facility. 2. That the County is authorized to purchase the HMI Replacement screens, controls, and programing without proceeding to secure competitive bids, estimated at $91,140.58. ADOPTED this day of , 2023. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON ATTEST: Sharon Trask, Chair McKenzie Smith, Clerk of the Board Randy Neatherlin, Vice Chair APPROVED AS TO FORM: Kevin Shutty, Commissioner Tim Whitehead, Ch. DPA HUBER Technology, Inc. HUBER 10 1 ME ror.r ZT67 WeTey WASTE WATER Solutions Billing Address Delivery Address Belfair WWTP Belfair WWTP 100 Public Works Drive 100 Public Works Drive Belfair,WA 98584 Shelton, WA 98584 UNITED STATES UNITED STATES OFFER: 71013367/V1 Date printed: 5/1/23 Your Reference: Belfair,WA(290056) Our Reference: Lukas Hilgenstock Phone: Your Reference: Email: Lukas.Hi lgenstock(a)hhusa.net Customer No.: 120181 All parts in stock unless otherwise indicated below. Customer is responsible for the following prior to Huber's technician arrival: (1)Removal of Huber machine from channel, (2)Pressure washing of machine,and (3)Providing lifting equipment. Failure to do so will result in additional charges of$1,000 per day Huber is onsite. Pos Quantity Unit Item Price USD Total USD Description Discount(%) Tax(%) "'RPPS 1400/3 x2- 10/1 2.00 PCs 506107 526.14 947.05 brush L1210 6D 40/65 0,6 10% 9.2% 20/1 2.00 PCs 50983169 1,263.81 2,274.86 sealing 1199/1269x 2 BC1251 36xbo8 10% 9.2% 30/1 8.00 PCs 50093044 102.30 736.56 plate 881x 200x 3 9xbt7x7 10% 9.2% 40/1 6.00 PCs 504846 276.46 1,492.88 brush L 441 6D 40/65 0,6 10% 9.2% 50/1 2.00 PCs 303370 456.13 821.03 scraper324 10% 9.2% 60/1 26.00 PCs 702013 29.57 691.94 flat jet nozzle JAQ1490 1/8"60°3 bar:4,9 I/min 10% 9.2% 70/1 4.00 PCs 706881 37.29 134.24 flat jet nozzle 632.941.5ECC 1/4"20'3 bar:27,4 I/min 10% 9.2% 80/1 8.00 PCs 10141167 308.60 2,221.92 Support Roller Kit D100 d30 L 40 800kg 10% 9.2% HUBER Technology,Inc. 1009 Airlie Parkway•Denver,NC 28037 Phone(704)949-1010•Fax(704)949-1020•huber@hhusa.net•www.huber-technology.com A member of the HUBER Group HUBER Technology, Inc. HUBER 10 1 ME ror.r ZT67 WeTey WASTE WATER Solutions Offer: 71013367 Date printed: 5/1/23 Page: 2(10) Pos Quantity Unit Item Price USD Total USD Description Discount(%) Tax(%) 90/1 6.00 PCs 10065405 105.00 567.00 Rebuild Kit Valve Body 5282 DN 25 10% 9.2% 100/1 2.00 PCs 10065401 121.51 218.72 Rebuild Kit Valve Body 5282 DN 32-40 10% 9.2% 110/1 2.00 PCs 10117977 2,468.35 4,443.03 RotoMat 1400-1800 Lower Bearing Assembly Kit 10% 9.2% 120/1 2.00 PCs 10300197 75.60 136.08 PU Seal Hardware Kit 10% 9.2% 130/1 2.00 PCs 50091918 676.50 1,217.70 brush L3060 d0,60 W 8 h10 BL16 H26 10% 9.2% -Spray Bar*" 140/1 2.00 PCs 290055-598319 805.99 1,450.78 mounting angle 10% 9.2% 150/1 2.00 PCs 504496 72.60 130.68 holding clamp 60/5x 250 3x90° 10% 9.2% 160/1 2.00 PCs 290055-598320 582.38 1,048.28 bracket 10% 9.2% 170/1 2.00 PCs 702427 0.75 1.35 washer DIN 125 Al TO 10% 9.2% 180/1 2.00 PCs 702694 6.93 12.47 hexagon bolt DIN 933 M16x 40 10% 9.2% 190/1 2.00 PCs 702840 2.58 4.64 hexagon nut DIN 934 M16 10% 9.2% 200/1 2.00 PCs 706451 0.99 1.78 half length taper grooved pin DIN 1472 5,Ox 20 10% 9.2% 210/1 8.00 PCs 703101 0.63 4.54 washer DIN 9021 A 8,4 10% 9.2% 220/1 8.00 PCs 702751 1.33 9.58 hexagon bolt DIN 933 M 8x 20 10% 9.2% 230/1 8.00 PCs 702837 0.44 3.17 hexagon nut DIN 934 M 8 10% 9.2% 231/1 2.00 PCs 702426 0.64 1.15 washer DIN 125 A13,0 10% 9.2% '`'`'`Brush'`'`'` 240/1 2.00 PCs 504841 36.30 65.34 z-profile 116/41/6x 60 2xbo12 10% 9.2% 250/1 2.00 PCs 290055-598328 597.93 1,076.27 fastening angle 10% 9.2% 260/1 2.00 PCs 10000001 660.69 1,189.24 HUBER Technology,Inc. 1009 Airlie Parkway•Denver,NC 28037 Phone(704)949-1010•Fax(704)949-1020•huber@hhusa.net•www.huber-technology.com A member of the HUBER Group HUBER Technology, Inc. HUBER 10 1 ME ror.r ZT67 WeTey WASTE WATER Solutions Offer: 71013367 Date printed: 5/1/23 Page: 3(10) Pos Quantity Unit Item Price USD Total USD Description Discount(%) Tax(%) Part no. 501713-strengthening 585x 98x 8 1 xbo 18 10% 9.2% 270/1 4.00 PCs 703101 0.63 2.27 washer DIN 9021 A 8,4 10% 9.2% 280/1 4.00 PCs 702751 1.33 4.79 hexagon bolt DIN 933 M 8x 20 10% 9.2% 290/1 4.00 PCs 702837 0.44 1.58 hexagon nut DIN 934 M 8 10% 9.2% 300/1 2.00 PCs 702426 0.64 1.15 washer DIN 125 A13,0 10% 9.2% 310/1 2.00 PCs 706083 3.32 5.98 cap screw DIN 912 M12x 40 10% 9.2% 320/1 2.00 PCs 702839 1.20 2.16 hexagon nut DIN 934 M12 10% 9.2% 330/1 8.00 PCs 703104 2.12 15.26 washer DIN 9021 A13,0 10% 9.2% 340/1 4.00 PCs 702683 2.07 7.45 hexagon bolt DIN 933 M12x 40 10% 9.2% 350/1 4.00 PCs 702839 1.20 4.32 hexagon nut DIN 934 M12 10% 9.2% """RPPS 1200/6'"" 360/1 1.00 PCs 506106 250.72 225.65 brush L1001 6D 40/65 0,6 10% 9.2% 370/1 1.00 pcs 504852 808.96 728.06 brush L2800 6D 40/65 0,6 10% 9.2% 380/1 1.00 PCs 506087 319.68 287.71 brush R485 roller Ro2 1200 10% 9.2% 390/1 1.00 PCs 504845 335.59 302.03 brush L1077 6D 40/65 0,6 10% 9.2% 400/1 1.00 PCs 303369 189.93 170.94 scraper 243 10% 9.2% 410/1 2.00 PCs 706881 37.29 67.12 flat jet nozzle 632.941.5ECC 1/4"20'3 bar:27,4 I/min 10% 9.2% 420/1 3.00 PCs 10141167 308.60 833.22 Support Roller Kit D100 d30 L 40 800kg 10% 9.2% 430/1 1.00 PCs 10118446 1,574.55 1,417.09 RotoMat 600-1200 Lower Bearing Assembly Kit 10% 9.2% 440/1 3.00 PCs 10065405 105.00 283.50 Rebuild Kit Valve Body 5282 DN 25 10% 9.2% 450/1 1.00 PCs 10065401 121.51 109.36 HUBER Technology,Inc. 1009 Airlie Parkway•Denver,NC 28037 Phone(704)949-1010•Fax(704)949-1020•huber@hhusa.net•www.huber-technology.com A member of the HUBER Group HUBER Technology, Inc. HUBER 10 1 WE ror.r ZT67 WeTey WASTE WATER Solutions Offer: 71013367 Date printed: 5/1/23 Page: 4(10) Pos Quantity Unit Item Price USD Total USD Description Discount(%) Tax(%) Rebuild Kit Valve Body 5282 DN 32-40 10% 9.2% 460/1 1.00 PCs 10398518 375.00 375.00 Chevron Cetus Hipersyn Oil 220-5 gal. 9.2% 470/1 1.00 PCs 10430192 3,053.43 3,053.43 RPPS/1200 Motor 2HP-051-1113W836G1-HB 9.2% ***Spray Bar*** 480/1 1.00 PCs 400569 108.90 98.01 fastening angle spray bar 1000/1200 10% 9.2% 490/1 2.00 PCs 504496 72.60 130.68 holding clamp 60/5x 250 3x90° 10% 9.2% 500/1 1.00 PCs 702426 0.64 0.58 washer DIN 125 A13,0 10% 9.2% 510/1 1.00 PCs 702839 1.20 1.08 hexagon nut DIN 934 M12 10% 9.2% 520/1 1.00 PCs 706451 0.99 0.89 half length taper grooved pin DIN 1472 5,Ox 20 10% 9.2% 530/1 4.00 PCs 703101 0.63 2.27 washer DIN 9021 A 8,4 10% 9.2% 540/1 4.00 PCs 702751 1.33 4.79 hexagon bolt DIN 933 M 8x 20 10% 9.2% 550/1 4.00 PCs 702837 0.44 1.58 hexagon nut DIN 934 M 8 10% 9.2% -Brush- 560/1 1.00 PCs 10000001 64.78 58.30 Part no.506447-Z-profile 248/96/6x 60 2xbo12,3 1xbo13 10% 9.2% 570/1 1.00 pcs 706451 0.99 0.89 half length taper grooved pin DIN 1472 5,Ox 20 10% 9.2% 580/1 1.00 PCs 702426 0.64 0.58 washer DIN 125 A13,0 10% 9.2% 590/1 1.00 PCs 702839 1.20 1.08 hexagon nut DIN 934 M12 10% 9.2% 600/1 1.00 PCs 504841 36.30 32.67 z-profile 116/41/6x 60 2xbo12 10% 9.2% 610/1 2.00 PCs 703101 0.63 1.13 washer DIN 9021 A 8,4 10% 9.2% 620/1 2.00 PCs 702751 1.33 2.39 hexagon bolt DIN 933 M 8x 20 10% 9.2% 630/1 2.00 PCs 702837 0.44 0.79 hexagon nut DIN 934 M 8 10% 9.2% HUBER Technology,Inc. 1009 Airlie Parkway•Denver,NC 28037 Phone(704)949-1010•Fax(704)949-1020•huber@hhusa.net•www.huber-technology.com A member of the HUBER Group HUBER Technology, Inc. HUBER 10 1 ME ror.r ZT67 WeTey WASTE WATER Solutions Offer: 71013367 Date printed: 5/1/23 Page: 5(10) Pos Quantity Unit Item Price USD Total USD Description Discount(%) Tax(%) 631/1 1.00 PCs 10000001 13,863.00 13,863.00 New PLC Rack Replacement 9.2% -Includes all new PLC w/ethernet cable -Programmed CPU 632/1 1.00 PCs 10000001 4,251.00 4,251.00 26-005-087-OIU,PVP Standard,6"Display 9.2% -Includes window foil for sun protection -Programmed OIU 640/1 1.00 PCs 10000002 33,010.00 33,010.00 Service Visit-3x RPPS rebuild+training 9.2% -2 Techs for 2 weeks 640/2 1.00 PCs 10000002 3,200.00 3,200.00 Freight Estimate 9.2% Total net USD 83,462.06 Including Sales Tax USD 7,678.52 Total gross USD 91,140.58 The quotation is subject to national or international export control regulations and embargoes or any other export restrictions. Valid for: 30 days Delivery: prepaid and add Payment terms: Net 30 days Best regards Lukas Hilgenstock Huber Technology,Inc. HUBER Technology,Inc. 1009 Airlie Parkway•Denver,NC 28037 Phone(704)949-1010•Fax(704)949-1020•huber@hhusa.net•www.huber-technology.com A member of the HUBER Group HUBER Technology, Inc. HUBER 10 1 WE ror.r ZT67 WeTey WASTE WATER Solutions Offer: 71013367 Date printed: 5/1/23 Page: 6(10) Aftermarket Sales & Service Rates 2023 Field Service Base Rates Continental U.S., Mexico and Canada.............................................................. $160.00 per hour Outside Continental U.S., Mexico and Canada................................................... $240.00 per hour Training Product Training................................................................................................... $160.00 per hour Travel Travel (time).................................................................................................................. $150.00 per hour Mileage....................................................................................................... $0.58 per mile Manufacturing/Engineering Services in house Services include failure analysis of returned hardware........................................... $150.00 per hour Premium Rates Overtime rate(in excess of 8 hours per day...................................................... $240.00 per hour Standby rate................................................................................................. Applicable base rate Double time rate(Sunday, Holiday,or in excess of 12 hours)................................ $320.00 per hour Expenses Travel and accommodations........................................................................... Actual cost Per Diem......................................................................Business Rate Plan 1..$64.00 per day High Cost Area Rate 2.. $74.00 per day Service Truck Rate ..................................................................................... $80.00 per day Materials, Equipment Rental, Supplies.............................................................. Actual cost plus 20% Laboratory testing........................................................................................ Actual cost plus 20% Fees Visa,work permits,taxes, user fees or special assessments, etc................................ Actual cost Cancellation Charges Prior to departure for travel expenses incurred (i.e. airline/change fees)................... Actual cost HUBER Technology,Inc. 1009 Airlie Parkway•Denver,NC 28037 Phone(704)949-1010•Fax(704)949-1020•huber@hhusa.net•www.huber-technology.com A member of the HUBER Group HUBER Technology, Inc. HUBER TMOTWOT WASTE WATER Solutions Offer: 71013367 Date printed: 5/1/23 Page: 7(10) Aftermarket Sales & Service Rates 2023 Field service Base Rate. Rates are calculated from the day the Service Hazardous Locations. Specialist departs Huber Technology,Huntersville,North Carolina until the day Huber Technology,Inc.reserves the right to recall its personnel if the the Service Specialist returns to Huber Technology,Inc.,Huntersville,North worksite does not meet governmental health and safety standards. Carolina.Rates include weekends and holidays.If a Service Specialist is required Minimum Daily Charge. For all Field Service Base Rates or combinations to travel from any other location,including,Germany the rates are calculated of Base Rates,the minimum fee will be for eight(8)hours.If services are from when the Service Specialist departs the home office until the day the performed on the same day as travel,travel time will be billed in addition Service Specialist returns to the home office. to service time. Travel.Time includes transportation to and from the airport,security clearance, Overtime. The overtime rate applies to work or travel in excess of eight(8) time between flight changes,driving time and local travel to and from worksite. hours per day(weekdays)and all Saturday work.Workdays in excess of Travel time in excess of eight(8)hours may be billed at the premium rate. (16)hours are prohibited.Service specialist are NOT required to perform, Double Time.Any Sunday or Recognized Huber Technology,Inc.Holiday. and may decline,work in excess of twelve(12)hours.The overtime Transportation.The customer is responsible for reimbursing Huber Technology, charge shall be at the base rate plus a one hundred percent(100%) Inc.for all transportation charges associated with service work.Flights will be premium. booked as coach-tourist class unless it is unavailable.Rental car,gas,taxis,airport Recognized Huber Technology,Inc.Holidays New Year's Day,Good /hotel limousines,company or personal vehicles will be used when necessary. Friday,Memorial Day,Independence Day,Labor Day,Thanksgiving Day, Standby rate.Applies to the time a Service Specialist is available for work and is the Friday after Thanksgiving Day,Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. located at or near the job site but unable to work due to circumstances beyond his Expenses.The customer is responsible for ALL expenses associated with control.Time shall be considered time worked and will be charged at the applicable service work.All travel expenses including airfare,taxi,mileage for base or premium rate. personal or company owned vehicles or any other chauffeured vehicle, Accommodations and Meals. Meals are charged at$64.00 per day or$74.00 per living accommodations and meals will be invoiced.Invoices day depending on the area(See Business Rate Plan 1 and 2).If an overnight stay will include a cost is required,the customer is required to reimburse Huber Technology,Inc.for break-down.Copies of receipts will not be furnished unless specifically lodging charges.Hotel rooms will be booked on a business executive,single requested.Original receipts cannot be provided.Receipts for under$25.00 occupancy basis. cannot be provided.Use of personal or company owned vehicles will be Visa.Work Permits&Local Taxes.The customer is responsible to pay any and invoice at the rate set by IRS mileage regulations. all taxes,user fees or special assessments.If a visa or work permit is required Payment. All field service invoices are in U.S.Currency and all payments before departing for an international assignment,the fee will be charged to the must be in U.S.Dollars. Payment is due NET 30 DAYS from the date customer at actual cost(including any expediting charges). of invoice. Warranties. Per Huber Technology,Inc.'s Terms and Conditions of Sale,Huber Purchase Orders. A purchase order is required BEFORE any field Technology,Inc.warrants Field Service work performed at site."Breach of Warranty"service arrangements will be made.The purchase order is to be made out claims do not entitle the customer to refuse payment for field service work. to Huber Technology,Inc.and must contain the following information: HUBER TECHNOLOGY,INC.MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTY,EXPRESS OR 1)Customer's name,2)company,3)billing address,4)dates of IMPLIED,WITH REGARD TO THE DESIGN,SALE,MERCHANTABILITY OR service,5)type of service requested(i.e.installation, FITNESS OF THE GOODS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE EXCEPT AS commissioning,troubleshooting,training,etc.),6)serial number EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN HUBER TECHNOLOGY,INC.'S TERMS AND /model number,7)equipment purchase order number,and 8) CONDITIONS.HUBER TECHNOLOGY,INC.IS NOT SUBJECT TO ANY OTHER equipment tag numbers.A"confirming-copy'purchase order must OBLIGATIONS OR LIABILITIES ARISING OUT OF BREACH OF CONTRACT OR follow any preliminary arrangements.Equipment location including WARRANTY,TORT CLAIMS INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE AND STRICT LIABILITY, city,state,plant site,directions to the site,a local contact and OR ANY OTHER THEORIES OF LAW.HUBER TECHNOLOGY,INC.IS UNDER telephone number must also be included. NO EVENT LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIFIC,INDIRECT,INCIDENTAL OR 2)Amended Purchase Orders.An amended PO is required if services CONSEQUENTIAL LOSS,DAMAGES,EXPENSE,INJURY,DISMEMBERMENT, are extended beyond the cost of the original PO.If the Service OR DEATH OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER. Specialist is on site and an amendment is required,the PO must be SCHEDULING—10 Working Days Notice.Request for field service should be completed and submitted to Huber Technology,Inc.before the made in writing(letter,fax or e-mail)to Huber Technology,Inc.at least ten(10) Service Specialist can continue working. working days prior to the date for which services are requested.Confirmation Applicable law. Any purchase order accepted by Huber Technology,Inc. of the service will be conveyed verbally by Huber Technology,Inc. in conjunction with Field Service work,shall be deemed to have been Insurance. All Huber Technology,Inc.Service Specialists are insured.Liability executed,delivered and accepted in the State of North Carolina,USA and insurance certificates may be provided upon request by the customer in order to shall be governed,construed and enforced pursuant to the laws of the allow for sufficient time for document processing,the request must be made at State of North Carolina,USA least seven(7)working days prior to the date of services. Huber Technology,Inc.can not offer fixed lump sum contracts for Field Service activities.The duration of site visitation is neither under our direct control nor influence,and as such we can only provide estimates of time on-site to affect the required service actions.Field service published rates and terms are valid through December 2023 HUBER Technology,Inc. 1009 Airlie Parkway•Denver,NC 28037 Phone(704)949-1010•Fax(704)949-1020•huber@hhusa.net•www.huber-technology.com A member of the HUBER Group HUBER Technology, Inc. HUBER 10 1 ME ror.r ZT67 WOTCV WASTE WATER Solutions Offer: 71013367 Date printed: 5/1/23 Page: 8(10) Warranty and Returns Policy & Instructions Huber Technology, Inc. ("Huber")warranties any original Huber part(mechanical or electrical)for a period of: A.Twelve(12) months from the date of purchase and only when part(s)are installed by a Huber factory trained technician. Should the part(s)fail within the warranty period, a replacement shall be supplied at no cost to the owner ("Replacement Part") 1. Only valid if the product is operated in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. 2.The replacement part(s) must not be modified or changed in anyway. 3.The replacement part(s) must be installed by a qualified person to the manufacturer's specifications Or B.Three(3) months from the date of purchase and/or installed by a non-Huber factory trained technician. 1. Only valid if the product is operated in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions 2.The replacement part(s) must not be modified or changed in anyway. 3.The replacement part(s) must be installed by a qualified person to the manufacturer's specifications This warranty does not apply to any damage or defect arising out of any of the following circumstances: • Part(s) needing repair or replacement due to events or circumstances outside of normal use and operation of the equipment. • Part(s)or components damaged due to power surges, short circuits, loss of power, lightning strikes, fire or water damage, vandalism,theft, or any other causes outside of normal use and operation of the equipment or that would normally be covered by casualty insurance on the equipment. • Damage or defects caused by neglect, incorrect application, abuse,or by accidental damage of the parts or components. • Repair or replacement of part(s)or components due to improper or negligent operation of the equipment. • Damage or defects to the part(s), component(s), or equipment caused by the attempted repair by an unauthorized or unqualified person. All Huber parts warranties are non-transferable,and cannot be sold,assigned or transferred in any other way. This warranty of original Huber Service parts does not include the labor to remove the defective part nor the labor to install the new part.All labor costs associated with the replacement of the part is the responsibility of the owner. The request for assistance of a certified Huber technician is available upon the issuance of a purchase order by the owner.The fee for the assistance of a Huber technician includes labor (billed at prevailing Huber Field Service Base Rates) plus associated expenses for travel to and from the jobsite. Return of New Wear or Spare Parts: •Any original Huber part(s) returned to Huber after a purchase order has been submitted is subject to a flat twenty percent(20%) restocking fee for each part returned. •The customer has up to thirty(30)days to return a part from the purchase order submittal date to Huber. Returns will not be accepted past thirty(30)days. • Part(s) must be new and never installed.Any indication of wear or installation, at Huber's sole discretion, may result in the part(s) being shipped back to owner, at the owner's cost, and no credit shall be issued. •Exception: The owner may exchange,without a restocking fee, if the incorrect part(s) is delivered and/or sold to the HUBER Technology,Inc. 1009 Airlie Parkway•Denver,NC 28037 Phone(704)949-1010•Fax(704)949-1020•huber@hhusa.net•www.huber-technology.com A member of the HUBER Group HUBER Technology, Inc. HUBER 10 1 ME ror.r ZT67 WOTCV WASTE WATER Solutions Offer: 71013367 Date printed: 5/1/23 Page: 9(10) owner by a Huber team member. Huber will ship the correct part(s)to the owner expeditiously.A refund will be issued to the owner upon Huber"s receipt of the incorrect part(s). warehouse. The customer may return,without a restocking fee, any original Huber part(s) if said part(s)was sold as part of a complete rebuild and the Huber technician concluded the part(s)were not needed.The customer has thirty(30)days from the date the service was completed.After thirty(30)days have expired,the normal Huber restocking fee shall apply. HUBER Technology,Inc. 1009 Airlie Parkway•Denver,NC 28037 Phone(704)949-1010•Fax(704)949-1020•huber@hhusa.net•www.huber-technology.com A member of the HUBER Group HUBER Technology, Inc. HUBER 10 1 WE ror.r ZT67 WeTey WASTE WATER Solutions Offer: 71013367 Date printed: 5/1/23 Page: 10(10) Warranty and Returns Policy & Instructions Return of Damaged/Defective Items • In the event of a damaged or defective part,the return process can often be expedited by providing a digital image of the damage or defect(along with a clear description of the problem) in an email to the Huber Aftermarket Team ("Aftermarket Team") at the following email address: returns@hhusa.net. The phone and fax numbers for Aftermarket Team are: 704.990.2045; Fax: 704.896.2830. Huber reserves the right to inspect in person even if a digital image is provided as outlined above. • If the damage or defect cannot be verified over the phone or via email contact,the item may be required to be returned to Huber Technology, Inc.for inspection before a determination can be made as to the state of the product. •The Aftermarket Team will validate the warranty claim for the defective part. • If the Aftermarket Team determines that the part is under warranty and should be replaced,the Aftermarket Team will provide a Return Merchandise Authorization ("RMA") number and a shipping address to the Customer for the return of the defective part. •The Customer shall ship the part to the specified address with the RMA number listed on the outside of the package. •When the warranty part has been repaired (or replaced) by Huber,the part will be shipped to the"ship-to" address included in the RMA information provided by the Customer. Return shipping cost •ONLY in the event that an incorrect part is sold to the Customer by a Huber team member, will Huber pay for shipping. The Customer will be provided with a prepaid return shipping label. • UNDER ALL OTHER CIRCUMSTANCES, the Customer returning the part(s) is responsible for any freight costs incurred for returning the part(s). • UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE will Huber reimburse(or provide credit)for return shipping costs incurred by the Customer. How to Request an RMA(Return Merchandise Authorization) Contact the Huber Technology Aftermarket Sales Team and request a Return Merchandise Authorization ('RMA") number. •Completely fill out the RMA form. • Include the completed RMA form in the package along with the item(s)to be returned. •Write the RMA number conspicuously on the outside of the package to ensure proper routing upon receipt by the Aftermarket Team. •Ship the package to: o o Huber Technology, Inc. Aftermarket Sales and Service 1009 Airlie Parkway Denver, NC 28037 Phone: 704.874.8237 Fax 704.896.2830 Email: service@hhusa.net HUBER Technology,Inc. 1009 Airlie Parkway•Denver,NC 28037 Phone(704)949-1010•Fax(704)949-1020•huber@hhusa.net•www.huber-technology.com A member of the HUBER Group Treatment Plant Wastewater flows into the system through an initial screen where garbage Wastewater flows into an aerated tank where Remaining biological organisms and is removed,along with sand and grit. O oxygen allows the organisms to consume waste. water are separated in membrane tanks. O These membranes have openings tenths of a micron wide,allowing just water to pass through. 6 Treated water is further disinfected with UV light. irrigation membranes(MBR) Initial screen 2)6mw 5 1 O Waste ed with a biologica gical organisms returned to Treated water is available for ben mass of organisms and subjected to beginning of process to repeat uses,including irrigation. anoxic,or low-oxygen conditions,to treatment steps help remove nitrogen from wastewater. 'g ;. OOS1026 COARSE SCREEN HEADWORKS FINE SCREEN �� 100 OOM1025 I OOM1021 RAW SEWAGE I GRIT M � REMOVAL � I 1 I ', 100h41101 ? � 100h11023 —r—' 100M1022 I I I j I I I I I I I I I PUMP STATION NO.3 I I I I I I I I OOh11102 OOP1103 GRITCYCLONE GRIT SCREENINGS/ AND CLASSIFIER PUMP GRIT DUMPSTER