HomeMy WebLinkAboutWAI Health Waiver - 6/10/2022 tigr".. ' MASON COUNTY
t;; re', ,,,..,
Building,Planning,Environmental Health,Community Health
415 N 6`h Street, Bldg 8, Shelton WA 98584,
Shelton: (360)427-9670 ext 400 Belfair: (360)275-4467 ext 400 :• Elma: (360)482-5269 ext 400
FAX (360)427-7787
Application for Waiver/Aeal
Amount Paid: 1160 qv
Receipt Number: a.-0 I7-
1. Complete Parts 1 and 2. No determination.can be made until these parts are fdilycompleted.
2. Fees may be billed for waivers and appeals, based on the Environmental Healtl •;Fee Schedule.
3. Submit completed application with attachments to Mason County Public Health:for review.
PART 1. Applicant/Parcel Identification
/ \
Name of Applicant (Z�be�-* Sc e `(�`2t' Telephone `LF J 99 8 - S 13(0
Mailing Address of Applicant (OQ\ !J.6 \0.` Q- V.
City ---7 \'^``-Lt• State Zip 9 SS 88
12-digit Tax Parcel No. Z 2 3 3 0 -- s 0 - 0 0 0 9
Site Address S-r f2-
Subdivision Name and Lot \-kc` 'L La-Ace- , L_S 9O - 1 I (C.o-cti10'r¢..)
PART 2: Nature of Waiver/Appeal
0 Contractor Certification Requirements
❑ Class B Reduction in Vertical (Installer, Pumper, O&M Specialists)
❑ Separation 0 Food Sanitation Requirements
❑ Building Permit Review Policies El Group B Water System Regulations
>3( Location, WAC 246-272A-0210 0 Water Adequacy Requirements
❑ Holding Tank WAC 246-272A-0240 0 Enforcement Timelines
❑ Mason County Onsite Standards ❑ Departmental Determinations
❑ Other
Description of Waiver/Appeal (include justification, additional material may be attached.):
S ems. k* C)^e2c,
Applicant Signature: --cik0Date: (0-t0-22
J:\EH Forms\Waiver-Appeal Mason County Local Revised 1/20/2017
Page 1 of 2
PART 3: Public Health Evaluation (Staff Use Only) L
1. Type of Determination Required: Type of Onsite Waiver (if applicable)
Appeal ..re-Waiver E None required J Class A c Class B c Class C
2. Identification of Specific Code! Standard/ Determination (include date of determination or latest Code/
Standard revision) WI '? Ic. -)-1')rA.-0?'(0
3. Nature of Appeal: elLa--;,_ 1-40s Ca, t„Al.l S
-7ri' ,oa"'w.'
4. Hearing Official:
❑ Board of Health _ 0 Health Officer
❑ Pollution Control hearing Board 0 Public Health Director
❑ Certified Contractor Review Board ..iir. Environmental Health Manager
5. Miti ating Factors: O sc.�•. .
6 U #(.4-'4 €F C.ts`„'L'A-4.cr.dC(•ov.`'r-S ' '�`-'�'t L#/
ti— )e . L_ 1_• a1-b ' • • 6,, tic*t1--.-rc�..2
6. I have received this waiver/appeal request. It is complete and mitigation required by the state and
local policy has been submitted.
Staff Signature: Date: 1 j"Y(•f)4..)">'" ---
PART 4: Determination of the Hearing Official
%. The hearing official has determined that approval of this request will not adversely affect public health and
is hereby granted.This decision is based on the following findings and conditions:
0 The hearing official has determined that approval of this request could potentially adversely effect public
health and is hereby denied. This decision is based on the following findings and conditions:
Official Si nature: 17"---- Date: 7/2_ C, L
Hearing g
J:\EN Forms\Waiver-Appeal Mason County Local Revised 1/20/2017
Page 2 of 2
Application for Waiver/Appeal Mitigation 6-9-22
Owner: Robert Scheffler
Phone: (425)998-3136
Mailing Address: 601 NE Haven Lake Dr., Tahuya, WA 98588
Site Address: same
Parcel Number: 22330-50-00092
Property Description: Haven Lake/Lots 90-91 (combined)
1) Waiver Sought: Reduce horizontal separation between primary and reserve drainfields
and owner's proposed well and two existing neighboring wells from 100' to 75'
1)Mitigation Measures: Drainfield system is NuWater BNR-500 to OSCAR mound
drainfield and timed dosing, which meets Treatment Standard B without disinfection.
General direction of slope is downhill toward lake and away from all wells.
Area well logs are attached. Local wells show multiple till/hardpan and/or clay layers.
Neighbors have been notified via certified mail and documentation is attached.
srrt and No. W 100266 .
SecOnd Copy—Owner's Copy STATE OF WASHINGTON
Third Copy—OAMr'a Dopy Water Right Perron No.
5 (1) OWNER: fine Earl Hurm Adtkeea3314 Robin Ave. , Bremerton, WA 98312
,11 C (2) LOCATION OF WELL: toper u.Mason . SW Ill NE s.c 30 T. 23 N..a 2W W.K.
( ) SThEET ADDRESS OF WELL(or nem*sd*eee) NE 591 Haven Lk. Dr. , Tahuya, WA 98588
a (3) PROPOSED USE: 4C Dornestrc Industrial C Municipal ❑ (10) WELL LOG or ABANDONMENT PROCEDURE DESCRIPTION
❑ Irrigation by odor.charather,et•of material sad structure.end srow thickness of
.._) DeWefer Test Wall ❑ Other ❑ Formation: �naure of the maMriel ineach smitten penetrated.with st(sit one entry lot*peers
3 (4) TYPE OF WORK: Owner's number of well pt°1O`" t O"" ,
(N more tthnn one) teA7lE1,1AL MOM TU
Aberhdahed(_1 New Metth°dCable[7C Bored
Driven 0
Reconditioned° Rotary° Jetted°6 Brown conglomora to 0 5
DIMENSIONS:� (5) Dolmens of Ares -— ,note.. 5 27
c- Drleed 237 feet Depth of completed weir 237 n- Gray hardpan
5 (6) CONSTRUCTION DETAILS: Cemented sand & gravel with water 27 98
- Camino U,statl.d: 6 • a.m.from 0 ft.to 232 ft.
- Welded • DtLe.from ff.to n• 98 " 100
Brown hardpan
• rnU _.. • plain.from ft to h.
wtioradot,.: Yes D No Ci Sand & gravel with some water 100 105
5 Type of perforator used
3 SIZE a perforator* in.W an. Cemented sand & gravel 105 134
4 perforations harry n.to ft. I
Si perforationsfrom h.to h. Gray hardpan , 134 176
� perforations from n.to n.
Screens: Yea ® No❑ Brown hardpan 176 205
U Manufacturer's Wine Cook _ •
• Tyr. stainless wire wrap 232 Model No.
o237 Sand & gravel with water 4 205 237
s► Dlartt. 5 slot aaa 50 from >L ri.
Dorm. _Slot size from tt to ft.
Gfawl packed: Yes❑ No ® Size of gravel _ Ns
C Greve;pieced from ft.to ff. W
Is •
— f3ialac....i: Yee No ❑ To what depth? 18 rt.
oor Mea*pwaat Betorsito ____--
) - tv f
� Did an cv y strata nta n unusad fer e water? Yes E No tit
Typed water? Depth of strata
U Method of sealing strata ow - —
3 (7) Pl.IMP: ecturer'sHams Berkley
Type: SUM. H.P. 1
D (3) WATER LEVELS: •sun n woo(surte 6/24J98 .10. c 7/15/98 .tti
soars mean sea Myer C.
stoat freer 205 e below top of sea fear. WELL CONSTRUCTOR CERTIFICATION:
LI Artesian pressure tbs.per spy-pre inch Des
Arlie en water as cornro'Md by I constructed and/or accept responsibility for construction of this well,end its
5 (Cep,vale,Mc.) compliance with all Washington well construction I/tender*.Materiels used and
the information reported above are true to my best knowledge and belief.
-+ (9) WELL TESTS: newborn is amount water levet is lowered below static level
U Was a pump test made?Yee❑ No® If yes.by whom? NAME Davis Drilling
Yield: gal./min.with fLdrawdormalter hrs. rrriesaa FMK orrt:onrOftAnorrt gym onofaun
y,/r ” " •• moms; Belfair WA 98528
11,i 1, r, 11 S. )ram
D Recovery data(tens taken as zero when pump turned os)(water level measured from well (Signed) .JL ' I.( e t_ianse No. 1884
top to water levet)
v Time Wear Level Time Water Level Time Water Level Connector's
— VTSFIT1100A Date July .19 98
Date of feet
Bailer test 12 gat./min.with 5 h drawdown after 1 hrs.
Airiest gal.tmin with stem set at h.for hrs. Ecology is an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action employer.For spe-
ArfW en flow p p.m. Date cial accommodation needs,contact the Water Resources Program at(206)
Temperature of water Was
a chemical analysis roads? Yes❑ No 50407-8800.The TN)number is(206)407-8006.
WY 0501-20(943)•'I
WATER WELL REPORTat. - .....::?...f,---)A1--)Ori
' l&1"W -Eeol ,2""copy-owner,3"'rnpy-drillerCURRENT
.,,, ,,,,, Original copy Ecology,
'le CO t.o s r Notice of Intent No.W 228542
Construction/Decommission ("x"in circle) a-1 2,, Qb
• ® Construction Unique Ecology Well 1D Tag No.APS 658
El Decommission ORIGINAL INSTALLATION Water Right Permit No.
Notice of Intent Number W 228542 Property Owner Name KCK ENTERPRISES,LLC
PROPOSED USE: ® Domestic ❑ Industrial 0 Municipal
0 DcWater 0 Irrigation 0 Test Weil 0 Other Well Street Address 600 HAVEN LAKE DR
TYPE OF WORK: Owner's number of well(if more than one) City BELFAIR County MASON
® New well 0 Reconditioned Method:❑ Dug 0 Bored ❑ Driven
0 Deepened 0 Cable ® Rotary 0 Jetted Location NVVI/4-1/4 SEl/4 Sec 30 Twn 23N R 2 EWM 0
DIMENSIONS: Diameter of well6 inches,drilled239 ft. or
Depth of completed well 239ft. Lat/Long wwM
(s,t,r Still Lat Deg Min ec
Casing El Welded 6" Diam.from +1 ft.to 234 ft. LongDegMin Sec
Installed: 0 Liner installed__" Diam.from ft.to ft. REQUIRED)
Perforations: 0 Yes El No Formation:Describe by color,character,size of material and structure,and the kind and
nature of the material in each stratum penetrated,with at least one entry for each change
Type of perforator used of information. (USE ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY.)
SIZE of perfs_in.by in.and no.of pmfs from ft.to_ft. MATERIAL FROM _ TO
Screens: ® Yes 0 No ® K-Pac Location CLAY&GRAVEL BROWN 0 90
Manufacturer's Name JHONSON CLAY&GRAVEL BLUE 90 170
Type STANL Model No. CLAY&GRAVEL BROWN 170 220
Dian.6Slot size 12 from 234 ft.to 239 ft. GRAVEL H2O BROWN 220 239
' Diam. Slot size from fL to ft.
Gravel/Fitter packed:'0 Yes la No Size of gravetfsand
Materials placed from ft to ft.
Surface Seal: ® Yes 0 No To what depth?20ft.
Material used in seal BENTONITE •
Did any strata contain unusable water? 0 Yes El No
Type of water? Depth of strata
Method of sealing strata off
PUMP: Manufacturer's Name GOULDS
WATER LEVELS: Land-surface elevation above mean sea level ft.
Static level 226ft below top of well Date 9-14-07
Artesian pressure lbs.per square inch Date
Artesian water is controlled by cap,valve,etc.)
1t WELL TESTS: Dtawdown is amount water level is lowered below static level
Was a pump test made? ® Yes ❑ No if yes,by whom? -
Yield:18galJmio.with 511.drawdown after 4hrs.
Yield: galJmin.with ft.drawdown after hrs.
Yield: *Arvin.with_ft.drawdown after hrs. R E C a+'.V E
' Recovery data(time taken as zero when pump turned ofj)(water level measured from well {�-I
top to water level) OCT Z 9 Z00 r
Time Water Level Time Water Level Time Water Level
- . _____ DEP i. OF ECOLOGY
Date of test Baiter test 18 gal./Min.with 5ft.drawdown after 4hrs.
Airtest gal/min_with stem set at ft.for hrs.
Artesian flow g.p.m. Date Start Date 9-4-07 Completed Date 9-11-07
Temperature of water Was a chemical analysis made? 0 Yes la No Tax Parcel No.223305000327
WELL CONSTRUCTION CERTIFICATION: I constructed and/or accept responsibility for construction of this well,and its compliance with all Washington well
construction standards. Materials used and the information reported above are true to my best knowledge and belief.
❑Driller❑Engineer 0 Trainee Driller or trainee License No.2516 Drilling Company COOLWATER DRILLING,INC.
Name(print Last,Fun)P11 lb,CLAYTON Address 10921 HOLLY RD NW
Driller/Engineer/Trainee Signature City,State,Zip BREMERTON, WA, 98312
IF TRAINEE:Driller's License No: Contractor's
Driller's Sig ature: Registration No.COOLWD1941QM Date 9-19-07
ECY 050-1-20(Rev 3/05) Ecology is an Equal Opportunity Employer
ECOLOGY Original&1' copy-Ecology, 2adcopy-owner, 3 copy-driller •
Notice of Intent No.W 280101
Construction/Decommission ('1"in circle) Unique Ecology Well ID Tag No BCA 503
Construction .
Decommission ORIGINAL INSTALLATION 'Water Right Permit No
140QQ T j Property Owner Name
Notice of Intent Number Ben Amende
PROPOSED USE: ❑x Domestic ❑ Industrial ❑Municipal
❑DeWater ❑Irrigation ❑Test Well Cl Other Well Street Address 501 NE Haven Lake Dr
TYPE OF WORK: Owner's number of well(if more than one) City Tahuya County Mason
New well Reconditioned Method El Dug ❑Bored ❑ Driven 2
❑ O Cable ❑Rotary ❑ Jetted Location SW 1/4-1/4 NE 1/4 Sec 30 Twn23 R EOM 0 Check
❑ Deepened
DIMENSIONS:Diameter of well 6 inches,drilled 260 ft (s,t,r Still REQUIRED) WWM One
Depth of completed well 260 ft
Casing ElWelded 6 Dam from +1 ft to 255 ft Long Deg Long Min/Sec
Installed: II Liner installed " Diam from — ft to ft
❑Threaded " Diam From ft to ft . Tax Parcel No (Required) 223305000102
Type of perforator used • Formation Describe by color,character,size of material and structure,and the kind and
SIZE of ifs in_by in and no of perfs from ft to ft nature of the material in each stratum penetrated,with at least one entry for each change
Screens: ❑x ycs ONO lK-Pac Location 253 MATERIAL FROM TO
Manufacturer's Name Johnson
Type stainless Silty sand&gravel,redish brown I 0 10
Model Na • Brown till 110 29
Diam 5" Slot size 20 from 255 ft to 260 ft Sand&gravel with some water 29 32
Dram Slot size from ft to ft
Gravel/Filter packed: CI Yes 0 No Size of gravel/sand Gray till 32 54
Brown till 54
Materials placed from ft to ft 86
. Sandy brown clay with some water 86 105
Surface Seal: 0 Yes ❑ No To what depth? 30 ft Gray till 105 165
Material used in seal Betonite
'Brown till 165 215
Did any strata contain unusable water? ❑Ycs 0 No • Gray silty sand&gravel 215 220
Type of water? Depth of strata Gray till 220 1238
Method of sealing strata off ,• Cemented sand&gravel with water 238 i 254
PUMP: Manufacturer's Name Goulds , . • ' Sand&gravel with water 254 260
Type sub H P 11/2
WATER LEVELS: Land-surface elevation above mean sea level ft
Static level 222 ft below top of well Date
Artesian pressure lbs per square inch Date
Artesian water is controlled by (cap,valve,etc)
WELL TESTS: Drawdown is amount water level is lowered below static level
I Was a pump test made? ❑ Yes 0 No If yes,by whom? 1
Yield gal/min with ft drawdown after hrs
Yield gal/min with ft drawdown after hrs •
Yield gal/min with ft drawdown after hrs '
. arnik a�.
Recovery data(time token as zero when pump turned off)(water level measured from well ri a I t 4/1-11
top ro water level) - •
Time Water Level Time Water Level Time Water Level pp ,t G O n l
VVA Stott tier' ..,, ,iiA-t
of Frnlnni, /Cutinr\
Date of test —— ci" \'-' t v'
Bailer Test 16 gal/min with 2 ft drawdown after 1 his
Airtest gal/min with stern set at ft for hrs
Artesian flow g p m Datc 2/24/1
Temperature of water Was a chemical analysis made? ❑ Yes 0 No Start Date 1/9/11 Completed Date
WELL CONSTRUCTION CERTIFICATION: I constructed and/or accept responsibility for construction of this well,and its compliance with all Washington well
construction standards Materials used and the information reported above are true to my best knowledge and belief
ODrillerD Engineer DTrainee Name(Poet) Stan Davis Drilling Company Davis Drilling
Driller/Engineer/Trainee Signature ,,,_' i 4 "\ ejt,,,.--• Address 340 NE Davis Farm Rd
Driller or trainee License No 967
City,State,Zip Belfatr , WA , 98528
IF TRAINEE Driller's License No
iDriller's Signature Registration No DAVISDI1100A Date Feb 2011
ECY 050-1-20(Rev 06/08)If you need this document to an altenate format,please call the Water Resources Program at 360-407-6600
Persons with hearing loss can call 711 for Washington Relay Service Per.cnrtc with a.tneech d,cnhrhry inn,-,Il R77-R2 LAld 1
Arrow Septic Designs, Inc
171 E. Vuecrest Dr.
Union, WA 98592
Larry Schlemmer& Nancy Lindley
4014 N 33rd St
Tacoma, WA 98407
June 9, 2022
RE: Robert Scheffler Septic with Well Waiver- Parcel#22330-50-00091
Dear Larry & Nancy,
This letter is to inform you that we are submitting a septic design on the property next door to yours for
Robert Scheffler at 601 NE Haven Lake Dr., Tahuya, WA 98588. Along with the septic design,we are
applying for a local Mason County health department waiver to reduce the setback from your well from
100 feet down to 75 feet.
The proposed waiver is to place the drainfield no less than 75 feet from your well located at 591 NE
Haven Lake Dr..The standard setback is 100 feet, but the state and local health code allows us to lessen
this distance down to 75 feet with proper mitigation.
To mitigate the setback reduction on this project, the septic system proposed is a NuWater BNR-500
pretreatment tank to a low-profile OSCAR mound drainfield system with timed-dosing. Also, the general
direction of slope/drainage in his drainfield area slopes downhill toward the lake and away from your well.
The proposed drainfield exceeds the 100-foot standard setback to Haven Lake so we are not asking for a
reduction there. The proposed system meets treatment level B without disinfection, meaning that the
septic effluent/water is cleaned to a high standard before it even goes to the drainfield.
No response to this letter is required, it is for notification only.
You can feel free to contact the local Health Department or myself with any questions. A septic design
has been previously approved in this same exact location, with the same reduced well setbacks back in
The Mason County Health Department regulator contact information is as follows:
Mason County Department of Health Services
Attn: Rhonda Thompson, Jeff Wilmoth or Luke Cencula
415 N 6th St
Shelton, WA 98584
(360) 427-9670 ext. 581 (Rhonda)
(360)427-9670 ext. 543 (Jeff)
(360) 427-9670 ext. 353 (Luke)
If you need further information, please contact my office at(360) 898-2255.
Paula J. Johnson
Licensed Onsite Wastewater Treatment System Designer
- 13 21,
Arrow Septic Designs, Inc
171 E. Vuecrest Dr.
Union, WA 98592
Kristine & Craig Tompkins
P.O. Box 367
Belfair, WA 98528
June 9, 2022
RE: Robert Scheffler Septic with Well Waiver- Parcel#22330-50-00091
Dear Kristine & Craig,
This letter is to inform you that we are submitting a septic design on the property next door to yours for
Robert Scheffler at 601 NE Haven Lake Dr., Tahuya, WA 98588. Along with the septic design, we are
applying for a local Mason County health department waiver to reduce the setback from your well from
100 feet down to 75 feet.
The proposed waiver is to place the drainfield no less than 75 feet from your well located at 631 NE
Haven Lake Dr.. The standard setback is 100 feet, but the state and local health code allows us to lessen
this distance down to 75 feet with proper mitigation.
To mitigate the setback reduction on this project, the septic system proposed is a NuWater BNR-500
pretreatment tank to a low-profile OSCAR mound drainfield system with timed-dosing. Also, the general
direction of slope/drainage in his drainfield area slopes downhill toward the lake and away from your well.
The proposed drainfield exceeds the 100-foot standard setback to Haven Lake so we are not asking for a
reduction there. The proposed system meets treatment level B without disinfection, meaning that the
septic effluent/water is cleaned to a high standard before it even goes to the drainfield.
No response to this letter is required, it is for notification only.
You can feel free to contact the local Health Department or myself with any questions. A septic design
has been previously approved in this same exact location, with the same reduced well setbacks back in
The Mason County Health Department regulator contact information is as follows:
Mason County Department of Health Services
Attn: Rhonda Thompson, Jeff Wilmoth or Luke Cencula
415 N 6th St
Shelton, WA 98584
(360)427-9670 ext. 581 (Rhonda)
(360)427-9670 ext. 543 (Jeff)
(360)427-9670 ext. 353 (Luke)
If you need further information, please contact my office at(360) 898-2255.
Paula J. Johnson
Licensed Onsite Wastewater Treatment System Designer
`{vtpC/ CSLC (o-,3- t-
A. S:•ature CI Agent
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