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SWG2022-00336 - SWG Application / Design - 6/13/2022
OFFICIAL USE ONLY v DATE RECEIVED: //c)MASON COUNTY 6 /ao.a.z u, N COMMUNITY SERVICES AMOUNT RECEWEG:)�,O(� RECEIVED BY. st CO (J) 5 g cmn Public Health(Community Health/Environmental Health) C U) 415 N.6th Street et•400 or 360-WA 8584 ezt.4aC S W G ,O�^ 3 / (n Q a 7 5 N.6th Street�Shelton WA 9958� l'�.^l'l\ '�--y Z to ON-SITE SEWAGE SYSTEM APPLICATION m APPLICANT I PHONE m Robert Scheffler j (425) 998-3136 z MAILING ADDRESS-STREET.CITY STATE.ZIP CODE 1 g 601 NE Haven Lake Dr Tahuya WA 98588 `m co SITE ADDRESS-STREET.CITY,ZIP CODE M same a) I N.) NAME OF DESIGNER PHONE (D I IV Arrow Septic Designs (360) 898-2255 NAME OF INSTALLER PHONE o I w C () ().) PERMIT TYPE(select one) �; IN DRINKING- WATER SOURCE O i 5 RESIDENTIAL OSS COMMUNITY OSS COMMERCIAL OSS Uo PRIVATE INDIVIDUAL WELL b PRIVATE TVVO-PARTY WELL Z I O TYPE OF WORK(seectone) h PUBLIC WATER SYSTEM gL;NEW CONSTRUCTION/UPGRADES ff REPAIR/REPLACEMENT OTHER DETAILS(select all that apply) 0 TABLE IX RE?AIR I 01 SUBMITTALS 0 SURFACING SEWAGE 0 EXISTING FAILURE 0 SHORELINE fir DESIGN FORM(REQUIRED) w SEPTIC DESIGN(REQUIRED) BEDROOMS LOT SIZE r I O WAIVER(S)(IFAPPLICABLE) 2 BR .67 Acres o o DIRECTIONS TO SITE AND SITE CONDITIONS.(en locked gate) From downtown take HWY 3 towards Belfair. Turn (L) onto NE Old Belfair Hwy. 1 0 Turn (L) onto NE State Route 300/WA-300. WA-300 becomes NE North Shore Rd. Turn (R) r I o onto NE Belfair Tahuya Rd. Turn slight right onto NE Haven Way. Turn (L) onto NE Haven o Lake Dr. Destination on the (R) next to black mailbox "601". o I co t SITE MUST BE FLAGGED FROM MAIN ROAD AND TEST HOLES MUST BE FLAGGED WITH TEST HOLE NUMBERS. I OFFICIAL USE ONLY BELOW THIS LINE UPGRADE/FAILURE SOURCE(for reporting purposes) 0 VOLUNTARY 0 MAINTENANCE/PUMPING 0 BUILDING PERMIT ['HOME SALE ['COMPLAINT ['OTHER: INSPECTOR SOIL LOGS COMMENTS/CONDITIONS i C t -N-- &5L tL 5 : d RECORD DRAWING AND INSTALLATION REPORT SOIL CODES: V=VERY G=GRAVELLY S=SAND L=LOAM Si=SILT C=CLAY E=EXTREMELY R=ROOTS REQUIRED FOR FINAL APPROVAL. INSPECTOR SIGNATURE DATE APPLICATION EXPIRATION DATE APPLICATION APPROVED/ISSUED BY DATE 11I,1"Yr 1 Iii4 til ('Zt (z 3 '� FORM MAY BE SCANNED AND AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC VIEW ON THE MASON COUNTY WEBSITE REVISED 12/7/2015 MASON COUNTY 415 N 6TH STREET,SHELTON,WA 98584 SHELTON:360-427-9670,EXT 400 Mi. BELFAIR:360-275-4467,EXT 400 Public Health & Human Services ELMA:360-482-5269,EXT 400 FAX:360-427-7787 On-Site Sewage System Permit: SWG2022-00336 APPLICANT SCHEFFLER ROBERT Phone: 425-998-3136 Address: 601 NE HAVEN LAKE DR TAHUYA, WA 98588 OWNER SCHEFFLER ROBERT Phone: 425-998-3136 Address: 601 NE HAVEN LAKE DR TAHUYA, WA 98588 SEPTIC DESIGNER PAULA JOHNSON -Arrow Septic Phone: 360-898-2255 Designs Inc. Address: 171 E VUECREST DRIVE UNION, WA 98592 Site Address: 601 NE HAVEN LAKE DR Primary Parcel Number: 223305000091 Permit Description: New 2bd ATU to subsurface drip with waiver Permit Submitted Date: 06/13/2022 Permit Issued Date: 04/24/2023 Issued By: Rhonda Thompson Current Permit Fees Paid: $500.00 (additional fees may be required upon installation of system). Permit Expiration Date: 07/12/2025 (based on date of inspection) Permit Conditions: 1 Proposed development subject to zoning requirements and approval by the planning department staff per Mason County Title 17. 2 Permit must be installed by a Mason County Certified Installer unless prior written authorization from Mason County is obtained. 3 Drainfield installation not to exceed designed upslope and downslope depth specified on design form. 4 Installer is responsible for obtaining Mason County installation approval prior to backfill of system components. 5 Installer is responsible for obtaining Septic Designer/Engineer installation approval prior to backfill of system components. 6 Mason County Asbuilt Form, Record Drawing, and Installation fee must be submitted for final installation approval. THIS PERMIT MUST BE ONSITE DURING INSTALLATION OF OSS. PROPERTY OWNERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR DETERMINING AND MARKING ALL PROPERTY LINE AND EASEMENT LOCATIONS. THIS PERMIT MAY BE REVOKED IF THE SITE CONDITIONS HAVE CHANGED SINCE THE SITE WAS INSPECTED AND DESIGN APPROVED. FINAL INSTALLATION APPROVAL IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO TEMPORARY OR FINAL OCCUPANCY OF ANY RELATED STRUCTURES. For Final Inspection visit: masoncountywa.gov/health/environmental/onsite/oss-inspection-request.php or call: 360-427-9670, extension 400. DESIGN FORM—PAGE ONE Assessor's Parcel Number: 2 2 3 3 0 — 5 0 — 0 0 0 9 1 A design will be reviewed when 3 copies of each of the following are submitted: Completed design form that has been signed and dated. 'Scaled layout sketch, including all applicable items on checklist Scaled plot plan, including all applicable items on checklist. Cross-section sketch.including all applicable items on checklist. This form may be scanned and available for public view on the Mason County Web site.:1laximurn paper size: 11"_''1 1 " _ -PARCEL IDI IY LF CATION - : U-LZ_ 2 Arrow Septic Designs, Inc Permit Number: SWG 2 ' Designer's Name: Applicant's Name: Robert Scheffler Designer's Phone Number: (360)898-2255 Mailing Address: 601 NE Haven Lake Dr Designer's Address: 171 E Vuecrest Dr. Tahuya, WA 98588 Union, WA 98592 City State Zip City State Zip 1. ;D£SI( .PA:RAMITERS Treatment Device ❑Glendon Biofilter ❑Sand Filter 21Mound ❑Sand Lined Drainfield 0 Recirculating Filter_Type: 3f Aerobic Unit Make/Mode! NuWater BNR-500 ❑ Disinfection Unit Make/Model Other: Drainfield Type Gravity Fie rPressure 0 Trench 0 Bed Eil Sub Surface Drip Septic Tank/Drainfield Specifications Laterals Number of Bedrooms 2 Schedule/Class Netafim .42 gph Daily Flow: Operating Capacity 180 g-pd Length 25 ft Daily Flow: Design Flow 240 `pd Diameter .66 in Septic Tank Capacity(working) NuWater BNR-500 gtal Number 5 Receiving Soil Type(1-6) 4 Separation .5 ft Receiving Soil Appl.Rate 0.6 gpdift2 Orifices Required Primary Area 400 ft2 Total Number of Orifices 50 x 5=250 Designed Primary Area 400 ft2 Diameter emitter in Designed Reserve Area 400 -ft2 Spacing 6 in Trench/Bed Width 13.5 ft Manifold Trench/Bed Length 30 ft Schedule/Class 40 Elevation Measurements Length 30 ft Original Drainfield Area Slope 6 % Diameter 1 in New Slope. If Altered 6 % Preferred manifold configuration used? GtYes 0 No Depth of Excavation up-slope 12" (thru fill) in Transport Pipe from Original Grade Down-slope 12" (thru fill) in Schedule/Class 40 Designed Vertical Separation 18+ in Length 90 ft Gravelless Chambers Required? ❑ Yes V No 0 Optional Diameter 1 in Pump Required? I 'Yes 0 No Dosing and Pump Chamber Pump/Siphon Specifications 'Number ofdoses/day 350 Diff. in Elevation Between Pump& Uppermost Orifice 25 fr Dose quantity .64 gal Drainfield Squirt Height'Selected Residual(head) ft Chamber Capacity(flood) 1,000 gal Pump controls:Please check those required. Uppermost Orifice ELI Higher 0 Lower than Pump Shutoff Elapse Meter Ql Event Counter 6'Timer P Capacity rep Total Pressure Head 9.75 gpm22 sec 3 min 44 sec Calculated Total Pressure Head 29.76 ft If Timer: Pump on .Pump off Comments I DESIGN FORM-PAGE TWO Assessor's Parcel Number:2 2 3 3 0 - 5 0 -- 0 0 0 9 L Permit Number: SWG 4 DESIGN CHECKLISTS Scaled Plot Plan Scaled Layout Sketch Cross-Section Sketch 66 Test hole locations Q1 Drainfield orientation and layout Reference depth from original grade: EZI Soil logs g Trench/bed dimensions and l Septic tank g Property lines critical distances within layout GI Drainfield cover 0 Existing and proposed wells 0 D-Box/Valve box locations Reference depth from original grade within 100 ft of property g Septic tank/pump chamber and restrictive strata: g Measurements to cuts.banks.and locations Cd Laterals, trench/bed,top and surface water and critical areas g Observation port location bottom 121 Location and orientation of ' Clean-out location 0 Curtain drain collector curtain drain and all absorption g Manifold placement 0 Sand augmentation components g Orifice placement Other cross-section detail: Location and dimension of g Lateral placement with distance g Observation ports/clean-outs primary system and reserve area to edge of bed Buildings Other Information g Audible/visual of need Yes No Direction of slope indicator g Scale of dra ❑ Design staked out Pi Waterlines ms, ' •�- •, tale d bar ^e 4. 0 0 g Recorded Notices attached g Roads,easements.driveways, �. • . I� 0 Waiver(s)attached parking *a .y -� � , -.•ZJ► � g ❑ Pump curve attached g North arrow and scale drawing ..,-to', ;. { '-.fit+111,1111 1t Evaluation of failure 4. shown on scale bar Y51003t91on-residential justification ei PAULA JOY JOMNSON•; L'iC>CNSI:ti j ❑ I 'Waste strength EXPIRES 0 g Flow DESIGN APPROVAL The undersigned designer must ootified bby,ins. Ilex at time of installation g Yes CI No l_- _. b-(O-Z2 Signature of Designer Date The undersigned has reviewed this design on behalf of Mason County Public Health and determined it to be in compliance with state and local on-site regulations: I2- iJz3 V- 11NIY\V --6Y)(1 Environmental Halth Specialist Date CAUTION: DESIGN APPROVAL IS VALID ONLY UNDER THE FOLLOWING CONDITION: / The design is stamped"Approved"by Mason County Public Health.✓ ��� The Onsite Sewage Permit has not expired,the Permit Expiration Date is: ✓ Drainfield site conditions have not been altered to adversely affect conditions of design approval. Please Note: The system must be installed by a certified installer, unless prior authorization is obtained from Mason County Public Health. An Installation Fee is required. This form may be scanned and available for public view on the Mason County Web site. Updated Date: 12/7/2015 110 sp t, • — as - ___ 1 O MN 9,1 • d a V' ss-itu 7.,o.,OZ.a s, I C p xe tr d K •, 1Sto�x �_ic.02.a'.v.C6'IDLrj;:i.; i./TAw� ~'/r�� ZLTf!/✓ ,BZ'o2/ ,tzozb .srC 2/ _, _\v : ') 0 ",tt1/3 u ' �4 ! .,fry ail-X.-U.! CdiC `� I ' ♦ boy` i �� :in 3 as r s \ .s rrr x.n c v 0 Y' ' ; ' - o� w Q Z = i ' '\ of • ', <s; : s - i� ' s4 _ \ (n '. . '- * ' „ix 4 .0,w., . 6raat, .arcs[. • .6far c. r ; ti IC .cczscr r.7r. za W Cu 3 o p\ �' it .: i 1, cL e ,^'a, �V r rm I. ' s cn } > . U. � f•.' uvrr "� O W ~ _ la � ia FO il.Z.111 �ss�T W Z co O Q h 3 'f�� \. �� '..1• ".• 1.001111111 . 4k • a, h-c= •\.•:\ rii ,4- 11„-- -_, .7-r.,,.- ‘..,...7....,,...,..7,,,,:.;:-.-., 1 1 �� ,� %e Iffi — Ike ,9 --.4Iga . m A -%. ‘Nii D • • of i I APPROVED APR 2 12023 MASON COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH RET N y Haven Lake �lo �IU � rA ral f•-, -� N "�- Ro to e r-� S�(�off I?r ?arCei4t2Z33o -50-000 91 t9OI IVE Hav- L' k_e Dr Scale: I`.- 30 . 1 , , t 1 a r5 30 95 6° t L=7S+ Hole x t1 i�`N`op © ' £3014.\ he ifs 0-r2 " ��,sk, o '© dtS -vrbjd 9SL , �t��i \ Z, - 3a y SL APR 2 4 2023 tit. MASON COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH . 35, \ RET ° ' 45� L \o ° �•\. 5 �' eq\ ` �,O\C) \ ,3.5X30' �. rr�n,ary Kew �r� `O�Ko 05(a i — 0Audio-Visual Alarm (or `�°$}) -Al- �oScar x�r` 1III ` Rc5 r r v e 75 - O2 Cleanout 0 � _ J : to wet, 0NuWater BNR-500 Pretreatment Tank - 75. :k 0 1,000 Gallon Single Compartment +o ar • b Pump Chamber/Clarifier Tank �` y11 / OOSCAR Mound Drainfield �/� 1�Q�oQoSec �Y.. ',� v,30 ,\ 1 , . if-A, . . f ..., . ,:„.... °t o 4 a' 1 ,,..; , ,_ • \........ ) 5O34g ,0 0 ULA JOY JOHNSON ; Q ,,..,_\., L►G,,,81=D t7ESl'GN,fF• 3 A-1 NuWater ATU Pretreatment to OSCAR at-grade drip design Calculations i Friction Loss Calculations: Iti F = L(Q/K)1.85 • .o F=friction loss through pipe in feet of head h • ,c , L= length of supply line in feet `' 51.C'0349 ""4 A J Q= Flush GPM es:,%:i:ZaiT5YofstlaNf.lt K=47.8(1" sch 40 PVC pipe) '' ai Table XY Design Flow Total Coils # of lats Coils per lat Dose GPM Flush GPM Excess TDH 240 5 5 1 1.75 9.75 50' 360 8 4 2 2.8 9.2 50' 480 10 5 2 3.5 11.5 50' 600 12 3 4 4.2 9 40' Coils must be arranged in a single line p R F = 90 (9.75/47.8)1.85 AP R O V E D F=4.76 APR 14 2023 MASON COUNTY ENV1RONMEhTAL HEALTH Total Design GPM = Flush GPM =9.75 RET GMP discharge at Drainfield = .42 gph/60 min per hour x 50 x#Coils = .35 GPM x#Coils= 1.75 GPM Total Head = Friction Loss+ Elevation from Pump Tank to OSCAR Coil Drainfield Total Head=4.76+25 =29.76 (29.76< 50' excess TDH—OK) Dose Volume= .35 GPM x 5 coils x 22 sec (per manuf.)/60 sec per min = .642 gallons per dose Timer Settings: set at 240 GPD design flow, or 225 GPD operating capacity 225/.642 gal per dose = 350 doses per day 1,440 minutes per day/350 doses per day=4.10 min per dose cycle (incl. on & off) On Time=gallons per dose/gallons per minute On Time= 1.03/2.8 GPM = .368 min=22 seconds(Factory Setting) Off time=4.1 min— .368 min = 3.73 min = 3 minutes&44 seconds(Factory Setting) G 61@V OSCAR at-grade drip design Calculations Basal Area Calculations: Base Design Criteria: 240 gpd design flow, soil type 4 (0.6 gpd/ft2), sloped site (>5%slope) Basal area required= daily design flow-soil loading rate 240 gpd_0.6 gpd/ft2=400 sq. ft. 0. ; 0 Coil length =5 coils @ 5' diameter(5 x 5' = 25')with 6" coil spacing 4 x 6" = 2' =27' IF '"%t ;,� Minimum shoulder width @ 6" (2 x 6" = 1') = 1' % ' 51O0349 a PAULA JOY JOHNSON 3'L Minimum side slopes at 1 : 1 slope @ 6" (2 x 6" = 1') = 1' ExP1FLEs'69n Minimum basal area length= coil length+shoulder widths+side slopes =27' + 1'+ 1' = 29', use 30' Basal area width = required basal area _ minimum basal length =400 sq.ft._ 30' = 13.34', use 13.5' Basal area dimensions=30' x 13.5' (405 s.f.) Media: OSCAR drainfield: ASTM C-33 sand media: as per Washington Department of Health's Recommended Standards and Guidance for Intermittent Sand Filters. Supplies/Control Panel: • Order NuWater-O kit that does not come with a control panel • Control panel comes with Oscar Kit to serve both the NuWater and the Oscar OSCAR authorized dealer supply kit contact info: • H.D. Fowler, contact Dennis Groff, phone: 1-800-927-5699 • Iconix Waterworks,contact Kris Swanson, phone: 360-539-7518 • Ferguson Waterworks (Silverdale) contact Zach or Daryl 360-697-1510. APPROVED APR 2 4 2023 MASON COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH RET 8 j Uo ....... O O CDO F- 0- LLJ NZ— O W F- J O cnJW M W .-r \\ \ \ w / o \ \ p / 10 ¢ u z � 4. �� csz \ o O } a J :3,:::. c W ~U - N\� N Z Q �; \ N in w \ \ / s. [ 1.11111!\ "� cn ' a)tp', \J v \_ � CL N _ 0 \\\ O= O\\\} \ 0NZ Sa E n)-\ ifl— N�\N 0 Y o Y S o 0 0 w c =APPROVE s W� APR cc 0 L 4 202314.1 J . J MS ON COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL H H !,2, � � a. RET i co Na. --Ia�i W �jft .f___ 1 Y r C.-J a b a.€ \'1 i • I. OSCAR-II I T• :: ; !;: i :• ., l I :.•oti ..f;•::.:i; 1 ., ,qA A,Q q O ..,• . SOycOUygoR l� fr 5 S �FH�H 813 O 0 0 ,� H� Ft. Fyl l �4jh' a 1000 Gallon 1000 Gallon Pre-cast Concrete Treatment Vessel Single Compartment Discharge Tank i LOWRIDGE ONSI T E TECHNOLOGIES DRAWING ID:OSCAR-U I SCALE:NTS DRAWN BY: DBM CK BY: DAVE LOWE DATE:08.04.2018 1,0OQ`1 LOWRIDGE ONSITE TECHNOLOGIES, LLC LOT-HWN-.7-CON Manual Flush Headwork .75" MANUAL DISC FILTER PRESSURE GAUGE DF75-120 z .¢._.._...._, - SUPPLY FROM PUMP D y i'l ' '- ( Ill 1.. t'/ ARAD 3/4" /\ ' ''. t FLOW METER! g • 3 17" 21" k. t• le .. gi • EFFLUENT RETURN Q t -10 ' I -°-) . , 16" Plan View ' A R.I.S. M IN FROM OUT TO DRAIN DRAIN FIELD FIELD Specifications: (RETURN) (SUPPLY) •Filter: •Mesh:120 mesh(130 micron) •Filter Body and Cover:Reinforced Polyamide •Disc Rings:Polypropylene S��J � •0-Rings and Seals:Nitrile&EPDM _ •Clamps,Spring and Bolts:Stainless Steel t •Temperature Range:-40°-160°F(-40°-70°C)•Maximum Pressure:140 psi(9.65 bar) tr9- A-4, •Meter: •Size:34"Compositelude Plastic P ROVE D •Register:Includes reed switch and measures in 1 gallon per pulse increments •Maximum Pressure:145 psi(10 bar) •Gauges: -0-100 psi range(0-6.9 bar)•2"Glycerin fi!ied APR ) 4 2023 •Flow Range:2-15 GPM -Maximum Pressure:100 psi(6.9 bar) •Inlet/Outlet Pipe&Diameter:1°Sch 40 PVC MASON COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTf' •Valve Box: •NDS Pro Series rectangular 14"x 19"valve box with bolt down cover RET Ordering Information: Model Number:LOT-HWN-.7-CON Description:Manual Flush Headwork rfY, .P �a�d �.d 1,,g.da��1.,4u- cmtc. "�.,,,,,��,wn.,,,,,.,,,xc„. .,�- Lowridge Onsite Technologies, LLC P=-3^"'�^^� Lake Stevens,WA 877-476-8823 Fow76erKI(NSF•mmaRra It eM:I S gutWL:.--,,�m n 9,r, fli.',G:.^.8S4dDY1{:b�?;amczG LtPfl aodASMD�Fn M. omeaenC Pion-EYc s�n.n"a 4t!3Lnps smirk k,�57a+n aar� www.lown getec .com haw.a.-4 laX-maaur IV••••,.•••,ce 1r=maccGaG9:rofS resenznenCar,.,•� loos:r.'c:eF::.r=mols.&.r:-r Pl still x:rstauod^ /Cr4gl1t=,�sooent Blau .ASIM °er M,,.., P.,.,-e .sr.i-..,d.�,ru •T,-6., info@ lowridgetech.com „a• main.nm a aurae'di„olr:mw]dtr'F / T-r DUAL PORT AERATOR YYATERTIGHT 11 LID VENT(typ) 1; RISERS(t"?) , 1'Pvc{~P) 1!2'AIR —i 36-MAXV PVC • C( MASTIC LINE it S 4' — 2 COUPLING ( I &REDUCER 6' r i I 2'TEE 1•PVC SLUDGE I i 1r RETURN UNE 2•PVC J TRASH CHAMBER DIGESTER CHAMBER CLARIFIER OPERATING CAPACITY:417 GALLONS j OPERATING CAPACITY:421 Cot t ONS CHAMBER FLOOD CAPACITY:4 94 GALLOtrs 160 GALLONS ! I I FLOOD CAPACITY:<9C GALLONS FLOOD:191 GAL, j SS' . sr S1 n o 0 1•XUr 36' e n o TEE 0 o e V I ookPPROVED APR 24 2023 -DIFFUSER 'r BARS(z) PARALEL TO TANK WALL �• Y. ON cOUNTY ENV1RpNuEN?��L NEALTf i } — r R E T SLUDGE RETURN ____,� � 1sTA��/ P - sloe WEIN -1.4 ti STONE-FREE NATIVE SOIL OR COMPACTED SAND OVER STONY SOIL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 1)Excavate tank hole with vertical walls to 1 foot larger than tank on all sides. 2)If bottom of hole is story,install 3'of compact sand&level A' 9 2 '� out with screed. -— 3)Install tank in center of hole,keeping 1 ft.void space on E -1 1 all sides. I 24•RISERS ) 24•BLOWER I 4)As tank is filling with water,fill in void space with compac ! f ma^ I granular(sandy)soil free of lenge dumps of day. ► I I rnP o<u 5)install rest of system,&affix risers to adapters with I 6 Perform watertigh Hess test in field as required by local waterproof adhesive. I I I l I t 8' jursdiction. ` I I /,2'RISER ! I 7)Upon approval to backfill,carefully backfill with native I I i I I soils over top of tank. I TRASH CHAMBER I I D1GES7ER I IS BECEB1 8)Final grade the surface to avoid chanelfng surface L i L J I___J water toward tank. —mac TOP VIEW 1•=2811. AEROBIC TREATMENT TANK DETAIL FOR '4 : NuWATER BNR-500 TREATMENT UNIT 11,Eiir I ENVIRO-FLO, INC. 3/01/12 �, Wastewater Treatment Technologies ';...`'++w,..r,,,� , P.O.BOX 321161,Flowood,MS 39232 SCALD _ (877)836-8476 (601)845-4716 fax 1 rr = 1.4 ft. __= www.enviro-flo.net r Nu Wa ter \ t Advoncar�d Two}monr SYetems 6Y Em j �♦ 11 . � tom. '''''''''''''''. I i \ \/ 4� fro fy � V ` �� • i ire .. ......1 lc"- IIII to DPP c r..#gar (1) villire APR 2 4 2023fic 0MASON COUNTY ENViRONMEti'TA H ,, A ei` Alb RET +� a rl'a :I. .I 4$ r`IL) 0 II a ,a ...4 410 OdeA ....., j„,.._e 11.?,,,,© " 4 ow .. , PARTS LIST NuWater NR Assembly Diagram ) i A.DUAL PORT AERATOR M.POLY DIFFUSER BAR CZ N. i. 3.3/8'RUBBER 90°Vi/CLAMPS(2) N.'"PVC(3 112"SECTION) C.3/8"BARBED ADAPTOR X 1/2"NPT(2; O.1"SUP CAP (e) D.1/2"SUP X 1/2"NPT ADAPTOR P.1/8'CLEAR PVC HOSE(OPTIONAL 5; O I_ STREET X 1/2'NPT @US!-llNG;3) Q.1/2'PVC PIPE(6Y I.V.l'TAI LEP) F 112 C.ELBOW(3) R.1"PVC PIPE(BY INSTALLER) G.1"X "X 117 TEE S.2"PVC PIPE(BY INSTALLER) H.1"9'J°EL601rV(3) T.1/8'BARBED ADAPTOR TO 1/4"NPT(2) i.2 X 1'BUSHING U.la"STREET X 1/4"NIPT BUSHING(2) , J.2"SANITARY TEE V.;/2-PVC COUPLER(2) iC I"PVC CROSS W.2"COUPLER(BY INSTALLER) L 1'COUPLER(BY INSTALLER) s Revised 2/25/I2 't.•� 11 1€ 00 GAL CLARIFIER/ DISCHARGE TANK UNION "K P• t r1 /A :. HWA 1 t - CHECK VALVE N 4" MIN. LoArs ■__ t-; f,:AP I -- COVERAGE - - - 1,.: i F. J. t I ' - APPROVED APR 2 4 202 MASON COUNTYEN0RON3 ME HEALTH LTH L.L 6Q„r-i Wastewater Pumps Thermoplastic - Effluent ..... Reinforced Thermoplastic motor bracket and discharge with built-in guide bearing.Sizes range from 1/2- 1 1/2 HP.300 series stainless steel top bearing and motor coupling.The 1/2 HP through 1 HP uses composite and 1 1/2 HP uses stainless steel motor.Two wire single phase models include pump,motor,and 10'"S10W" lead,25',50'& 100'available. All four inch submersibles are supplied with grounded leads meeting the National Electrical Code (N.EC.) N specifications. The performance curves on the following page will assist you in choosing the pump that meets your needs. Features: -Stainless steel pump shell and pump shaft IL N -Reinforced Thermoplastic diffusers and impellers a .- -Internal,anti-spin check valve standard x , -Thermoplastic intake screen and cable guard :.: y -Powered by Franklin Electric submersible motors 1/2-1 1/2 HP. n . - 1 1/4"FNPT Discharge _ Models I ~~ 5 GPM - J Series APPROVED , '� 7 GPM - V Series 10 GPM - K Series ,��- 15 GPM - L Series APR 14 2023 20 GPM - P Series MASON COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 30 GPM - E Series RET High Head Effluent Pumps 10"Lead 101ead 25'Lead 50'Lead 100'Lead Pump Ends Model Flow HP Voltage X996 X993 X995 X994 Model Flowrate. HP List Price 22050K2AJ 10 ' 1/2 115 $1,117 $1,117 ' $1,284 ' $1,335 ' $1,471 gal/min 22050K2J 10 ' 1/2 I 230 $1,117 ; $1,117 ; $1,284 ; $1,335 $1,471 22050KAI 10 1/2 ; $314 22075K2J i 10 i 3/4 230 I $1,276 I $1,276 I $1,447 ! $1,493 $1,599 22075KJ i 10 i 3/4 ; $327 22100K21 10 1 230 I $1,426 $1,426 I $1,594 I $1,644 $1,748 22100KJ ! 10 I 1 ` $419 22150K21 10 111/2 230 $2,004 I $2,004 j $2,175 I $2,220 , $2,324 22150KJ ; 10 ' 11/2 i $671 22050P2AJ 20 j 1/2 i 115 $1.132 I $1,132 i $1.299 I $1.350 I $1,486 22050PAJ ; 20 1/2 $314 22050P2J 20 I 1/2 230 $1.132 $1,132 I $1,299 i $1,350 ' $1,486 22075PJ , 20 I 3/4 $335 22075P21 20 3/4 I 230 ; $1,274 $1,274 ` $1,433 $1,491 ' $1,597 22100P1 I 20 1 $366 22100P2J i 20 1 230 I $1,365 $1,365 $1,446 , $1,583 $1,687 22150P1 I 20 1 1/2 $452 22150P2J 1 20 11/2 230 ! $1,877 $1,877 ; $2,047 ' $2,066 ' $2,200 22050EAI i 30 1/2 I $436 .-- 22050E2AJ 30 1/2 115 i $1,168 ` $1,168 I $1,339 1 $1,385 i $1,491 22075E1 30 3/4 $493 22050E2J 30 1/2 ! 230 $1,168 ' $1,168 I $1,339 $1,385 ; $1,491 22100EJ 30 1 $550 22075E21 130 + 3/4 230 I $1,327 I $1,327 $1,433 $1.543 ' $1,649 22150E1 30 j 1/2 $598 22100E21 I 30 1 1 230 $1.481 I $1,481 ; $1,633 , $1,702 $1,821 22150E2J j 30 1 1/2 j 230 ; $2,085 I $2,085 $2,256 ', $2,279 ! $2,407 Less check valve,cable guard,cable guard screws,with hole drilled into center Leads(use accessories discount) of discharge 663 --234 2 10 $66.00 6635-235 : 2 50 I $221.00 6635-236 i 2 , 100 I $332.00 6635-237 I 2 I 25 I $176.00 274 800.292.2737 I FAX 800.832.9298 I sales@aymcdonald.com I aymcdonald.com 1-18 i Wastewater Pumps Thermoplastic - Effluent P Series - 20 GPM S SOO ___._........_. SHUTOFF HEAD Ca1- 1/2 HP 146 FT. • 63 RS.1. co_ —. 3/4 HP 203 FT 88 PSI 400 SHP 261FT.• 113PSL _ __ __ •__ i•1 1/2 HP 358 FT.• 155 PAL 2 liiP j2 k I r i • N -- I • • 200 „3/4 HP•TgTAGES — N c _ .2 6_,.. . w , A : 100 ;-- — ---- 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 U.S.GALLONS PER MINUTE B Specifications Model HP Material Volts Phase A B Wt. t::=:7 i 22050P2A11 1/2 Plastic 115 i 1 12.48 ' 9.53 23 22050P2J ' 1/2 Plastic I 230 l 1 12.48 9.53 i 23 /� ^ A 22075P2J 3/4 i Plastic I 230 ; 1 : 14.63 10.66 ; 27 /"�r'•J `/ 22100P2J i 1 i Plastic 230 1 I 16.78 ! 11.75 31 V VE D 22150P2J 1 11/2 I Plastic ; 230 ; 1 120.00 ! 15.12 , 41 APR 2 4 ----_ MAsory COUNTYE 2023 E Series - 30 GPM R r NMENTALHEALTH 500 < ' I SHUTOFF HEAD 1/2 HP 122 FT. • 53 P.S.I. - ---,-- I 3/4 HP 152 FT. • 66 P.S.I. 400 ----- 1 HP 219 FT. • 95 P.9.1. • 1 1/2 HP 282 FT. • 122 P.S.1. . .a...' ........ ._. ..... ... . -• 3o0 —1 1 2 HP i — — — - - M 200 ' . , --3 4 HP•5 suns r-' f A 100 1 /2 HP F 1 L •4 } I � ___— D ' + r , ......ram_:.-1...!_ ; t I'.4)_ —' r 4_1-: .: ll „--i.. i 0 8 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 U.S.GALLONS PER MINUTE B Specifications • Model HP F•taterial Volts Phase A B Vit. —p 22050E2A1 ; 1/2 Plastic 115 1 ' 10.94 , 9.53 23 22050E21 i 1/2 I Plastic 230 1 . 10.94 - 9.53 23 22075E21 3/4 ; Plastic 230 : 1 i 12.48 10.66 25 22100E2J • 1 ; Plastic 230 1 114.63 i 11.75 30 22150E21 11/2 I Plastic 230 1 : 16.78 i 15.12 39 1_18 800.292.2737 I FAX 800.832.9296 I sales@aymcdonald.com I aymcdonald.com 277 From Main Power Panel Control Panel Wiring Diagram 120 VAC.1 Phase,60 Hz I Branch provided _ Model LF1 P-RF-BLWR - =Factory d re re provided by others. 1.1 Ground Wire}-- ------ --- ---- -----—` J -- �~ L1 Ti L1 .. CB 20A L2 1 I T2 !�'1-.-_..__~ 1.2 N:- 1=1 L::J M1 PUMP 1 DISCHARGE 1.3 120VAC 10 3/4 Hp 1.4 1.5 1.6 Ground Wire a ------...._._.--------�- --- s 1.7 L1-- a �� Nita- .- CB 10A own N. © Nsux Aux -......-......... 1.8 BLOWER 120VAC 10 114 Hp 1.9 Ground Wire) _--.1 L1>- m 1.10 N1 13 1.11 CB 10A-- LOGO BASE LOGO 1.12 0 0 • SIEMENS LET—r1.,� �� 6ED1052-1MD08-0BAO 1.13 I ! r •HAND MOTOR CONTACTOR 1.14 I 1 01 2 OFF Al COA2 AX1830-iG84 AUTO 1.15 ! f Discharge High Level © •^ 40 . 2 APPROVED 1.16 Alarm 1.17 Timer/R0Float 0 a i1 APR 1 2023 1.18 MASON COUNTY EhV1F ONMENTAL HEALTH RE' 1.19 •HAND • V1 VALVES 02 OFF RELAY 1.20 1 I L2 i •AUTO Al IDEC RJ2S-CL-A120 121 • r • ♦HAND V2 VALVES 122 1 i r2 OFF-AUTO Al 0 A2 • FtELAY IDEC RJ2S-CL-A120 123 •HAND V3 VALVES OFF • RELAY 1.24 1 2 AUTO Al A2 IDEC RJ2S-CL-A120 1.25 All-.- Push To Seence 1 `s 126 EDW-WD-OENSUBY Rev.2.0 0 04/25/1 8 Page 1 of 3 21 V l4\1 • s. Pressure 2.2 -.7Switch PR 1 y _ Cl (open on alarm condition) 2.3 2.4 ! 1 i 2.5 LOGO EXPANSION 3DM8 • 0aN • SIEMENS 2.6 6E01055-1 FB10.OBA1 I I 1 1 2.7 2.8 Q2 29 1• Cr 2 1 Q AL ALARM UGHT • SIEMENS 3SU1 SERIES • Q3 X1 X2 1 AUDIBLE ALARM 210 • ( • FLOYD BELL 1(I7) SP-1081 2.11 TRANSFORMER 1.5 2.6 SIGNAL CL2-4424 .AAA&. 2.12 115V-24V 4CVA 7 12 J 2.13 FUSE 2A.230V 2.14 11 CR1 14 NCI I Common SOLENOID VALVE 1 2.15 I V 1 I'M I 1M S1 24VAC VALVE PROVIDED BY OTHERS 2.16 4111114 , i 2.17 • I.I Common 2.18 SOLENOID VALVE 2 -- -R S2 24VAC VALVE i`I PROVIDED BY OTHERS = JI II1111 2.19 11 C 114 N/C ICI Common SOLENOID VALVE 3 2.20 4 % S3 24VAC VALVE �^ PROVIDED BY OTHERS 221i 1111111111 E 2.22 I e Nil Common SOLENOID VALVE 4 ICI _ —4 S4 24VAC VALVE 2Z3 =- PROVIDED BY OTHERS I►II llll 2.24 2.25 11 CR314 m _ N/C Ill Common SOLENOID VALVE 5 83 24VAC VALVE — PROVIDED BY OTHERS 2.26 EDW-WD-0Eev. M-SUBM Rev.2.0 004/25I1 E 2.27 APPROVED R 2 o APR 14 2023 MASON COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH RET q. 3.1 Control Panel Connections • 3.2 3.3 Discharge Tank Valves 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 El 1:3 0 1=1 c--1 12 El . P 3.8 1 --1 . . . 39 i I I i i ! ; I " ta i . . 3.10 .r.........\- 44: lrge 3.11 High Level Alarm CroP) i i t. i i ...............j 3.12 Discharge TimerfRO Float input 52 (Bottom) 3.13 Input#1 3.14 Pumps&Aux 3.15 5 El C33 I= —T- 3.16 i . ? : - 3.17 3.18 CD z. 1 !. 3.19 Discharge Blower APPROVED 04/25/18 APR MASON COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL Rev.2.0 HEALTH EDW4M3-0EM-SUBM eli Page 3 of 3 RET i6 tslf.11 avt w Septic De/sign/3 kho,. NuWater BNR Pretreatment ' t it �� 5700319 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE PAULA JOY JOHNSON OSCAR At-Grade Drip Distribution Systems CidDIS>±tit?E t va•• 1. Installers must attend OSCAR training and be certified by Dave Lowe at Low Ridge Technologies (www.lowridgetech.com)prior to installing this system. 2. Installers must attend NuWater training and be certified by Nathan Ek at Ek Engineering (www.ekengineering.net) prior to installing this system. 3. OSCAR supply kits are available through H.D. Fowler, contact Dennis Groff,phone: 1 (800) 927-5699 or Ferguson Waterworks (Silverdale) contact Zach or Daryl360-697- 1510. Control panel will be pre-programed by supplier. 4. Order NuWater-O kit that does not come with a control panel. Control panel comes with Oscar kit from suppliers above. 5. OSCAR Sand media must meet or exceed ASTM C-33 standards. 6. Install drainfield level with contour of the ground. 7. Install drainfield during dry weather and soil conditions; any soil smearing must be eliminated by hand raking. 8. Tanks must have risers to the surface as required by Mason County to ensure easy access for future operation and maintenance. 9. Headworks must be in boxes accessible from the surface for future operation and maintenance. 10. Ensure any trees and shrubs are removed, grass is cut short and then scarify surface of ground in drainfield area to prep for drainfield. 11. Ensure 6"minimum cover sand media over the drip irrigation tubing. 12. Install audio/visual high-water level alarm. Redundant off switch not required. 13. Install return line from headworks back into the pump chamber. 14. Encase all water lines within 10' of drainfield and under any driveway/parking areas. 15. Divert all storm water runoff and house downspouts away from on-site sewage system. 16. No curtain drains allowed within 10' of the up-slope edge or 30' of the down-slope edge of the drainfield and reserve area. 17. Inspect floats, clean filters, and test high water level alarm every 6-12 months as needed. 18. All materials and workmanship must meet County and State regulations. 19. Deviation from this design without prior approval from the Designer and Mason County Environmental Health Department will make this design null and void. 20. All manhole lids and access, sampling or inspection ports must have locking covers and be located at ground level. 21. All transport lines under driveways or parking areas must be encased to prevent crushing. 22. The preferable cover planting for subsurface drip is turf or grass. It is recommended to spread a thin layer of straw upon completion of the drainfield to prevent erosion and then seed with grass immediately. 23. The homeowner should ensure no vehicle traffic,roto-tilling or digging in the area of the drip field to prevent damage to the drip tubing. Also, invasive plant species should not be allowed. 24. Homeowner is responsible for all property lines. 25. Owner Please Note: When you begin using your septic system, contact your septic installer to discuss setting up a schedulg fpyouiq&tt3tion &Maintenance. APR Z 4 2023 t �( cal MASON COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH RET