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MIS96-00901Tank BLD10500 Replace MH BLD13191 MH BLD15157 MH BLD4866 Sign BLD8491 Cabin BLD8492 Cabin - MIS Permit / Conditions - 12/31/1976
MASON COUNTY Mason County Bldg. III 426 W. Cedar 1 P.O. Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 M I S C E L L A N E O U S PERM I T FOR INSPECTIONS CALL 42i-9670 MIS96-0901 PARCEL :322325093001 PLAT :UNPLO DIV : BLK : LOT : JOB ADDRESS : E 6780 STATE ROUTE 106 UNION APPLICANT : BILL WOODCOCK OWNER : BILL E WOODCOCK LE GA L : UNION HOOD CANAL LAND II IMP CO LOTS 1-30, BLK 93 & LOTS 1-30, BLK 100 & VAC STS ADJ EX E OF Rif & LOTS 19-22 & E 29.30' 23 BLK 100 (TR B PROJECT DESCRIPTION : TANK REPLACEMENT PROJECT LOCATION : MCREAVY TO 106 TURN RIGHT TO ADDRESS PROJECT NOTES : TYPE AMOUNT BY DATE RECEIPT MCFE $ 16 .25 TW 12/ 18/96 43647 TOTAL : 16 .25 41�e���OWNER—OR� AGENT DATE M!S_PRMT, rev: 04101192 COMPLIANCE TO ATTACHED CONDITIONS IS REQUIRED MASON COUNTY ' Mason County Bldg. III 426 W. Cedar P.O. Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 P E R M I T C O NID I T I O N Case No . : MIS96-0901 For : BILL E WOODCOCK Page : 1 1 ) PURSUANT TO 1991 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE , SECTION 305 ( C ) AND SECTION 513 , ALL SITES MUST HAVE APPROVED NUMBERS OR ADDRESSES PROVIDED IN SUCH A POSITION AS TO BE PLAINLY VISIBLE AND LEGIBLE FROM THE STREET OR ROAD FRONTING THE PROPERTY . MASON COUNTY BUILDING DEPARTMENT REQUIRES THAT THIS BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO CALLING FOR ANY SITE INSPECTIONS . A REINSPECTION FEE , BASED ON RATES IN TABLE 3A OF THE 1994 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE WILL BE ASSESSED IF OWNER/CONTRACTOR FAILS TO POST ADDRESS ON SITE PRIOR TO REQUESTING INSPECTIONS . 2 ) The owner shall have available on site for inspection by Mason County , a report indicating the name and license number of the installer , the amount of pressure at the time of testing and the length of test time . This report shall be signed by the person conducting the test . 3 ) If the tank size is between 125 and 500 gallons you must follow these guidelines : MASON COUNTY Mason County Bldg. III 426 W. Cedar P.O. Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 1 . Tank is to be 10 feet from any buidling , public way or property line . 2 . If the tank is exposed to probable vehicular damage , provide protective bollards . 3 . All weeds , grass , brush , trash and other combustible material shall be kept a minimum of 10 feet away from LP containers . X —z� Permit No. MASON COUNTY PLUMBING/MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION ' 426 W. Cedar/P.O. Box 186, Shelton, WA 98584 • 427-9670 PLEASE PRINT #1 Owner «-! C . i� �CnC=rc Phone a�d�> rl�"3�R—2L-'6� Site Address E, P��¢30 ,fie, y ZO CGS City 1�2�1lr5ee) St GC>6¢ Zip Directions to Job Site Owner Mailing Address a!E: City St ups¢ Zip Lien/Title Holder Address City St Zip #2 Contractor Name Contractor Reg. # Address Expiration date City St Zip Phone #3 Parcel No. - - Legal Description #4 Use of building Describe work #5 Type of Job: New Add Alt Repair Plumbing Fixtures ($3.25 each) Fee Mechanical Fixtures ($6.50 each) No. Toilets CIRCLE FUEL TYPE: Gas, Electric, _Bath Basins Heatpump, Other _Bath Tubs No. Units Fees _Showers _ Furn BTU _Hot Water Htr _ Heatpumps ti _Laundry Washer — Vent Systems _Sinks — Spot Vent Fans _Floor Drains No. Boilers/Compressors _Laundry Basins — HP _Dishwasher No. Air Handling Units _Disposal cfm# _Urinals No. Other _Other — Gas Outlets Wood, Gas, Pellet Stove 32.00 Q- Permit Basic Fee 16.25 _ TOTAL PLUMBING $ Permit Basic Fee P25 TOTAL MECHANICAL No Basic Fee for Wood, Gas, Pellet Stove NOTICE: This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days or if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days at any time after work is commenced. Proof of continuation of work is by means of a progress inspection. NOTE: If this permit application includes the placement of a fuel tank, heat pump or other unit to be located outside of the existing structures, a plot plan MUST be submitted as required below: Show following on the site plan below: Lot Dimensions, Existing Structures, Structure Setbacks, Water Lines, Septic Systems, Flood Zones, Wells, Shorelines, Easements, Name of Flanking & Fronting Streets. Indicate directional by N, S, E, W, etc. OWNERS AFFIDAVIT CONTRACTORS AFFIDAVIT I CERTIFY THAT I AM EXEMPT FROM THE REQUIREMENTS OF I CERTIFY THAT I AM A CURRENTLY REGISTERED CONTRAC- THE CONTRACTORS REGISTRATION LAW RCW 18.27,AND AM TOR IN THE STATE OF WASHINGTON AND I AM AWARE OF THE AWARE OFTHE MASON COUNTYORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS REGULATING THE WORK FOR FOR WHICH THIS PERMIT IS ISSUED AND THAT ALL WORK WHICH THE PERMIT IS ISSUED AND ALL WORK DONE WILL BE IN DONE WILL BE IN CONFORMANCE THEREWITH. NO CHANGES CONFORMANCE THEREWITH. NO CHANGES SHALL BE MADE SHALL BE MADE WITHOUT FIRSTOBTAINING APPROVAL FROM WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING APPROVAL FROM THE BUILDING THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT. DEPARTMENT. X OWNER��/ter `� X BY DATE z DATE Return permit to: Department of General Services 426 W. Cedar/P.O. Box 186, Shelton, WA 98584 . 427-9670/1-800-562-5628 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: Accepted by: Date:" Receipt No. Referred To DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Proposal Proposal Approved Denied Planning: Building: Fire Marshal: BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION MASON COUNTY P.O. Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 426-5593 DATE ISSUED PERMIT NO. OWNER NAME MAIL ADDRESS CITY 8 STATE ZIP PHONE S $s (o-Ga' ! DIRECTIONS TO JOB SITE 20 /34 j IG 0 IW �O� (J wu 4tis9y LEGAL J/--�� /,(❑ SEE ATTACHED SHEET) DESCR. `30 2-3 — 3 0 6-4C C NAME MAIL ADDRESS CITY 8 STATE LICENSE NO. PHONE CONTRACTOR b;<'�ineii I&A, 3/00 0 4w ,v. s ye jjGVj 41-2"1 - q .yob- �qa USE OF BUILDING 6- 10s 1 QNG Class of work: NEW ❑ ADDITION ❑ ALTERATION ❑ REPAIR ❑ MOVE ❑ REMOVE Describe work: P�Q ce Q,vQr MO 13HOC- O Valuation of work: $ PLAN CHECK FEE PERMIT FEE i SPECIAL CONDITIONS: BEDROOMS 0 DECKS CARPORT❑ NOTICE BATHROOMS_— TOTAL SO. FT. GARAGE ❑ ATTACHED Li SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR PLUMBING, HEATING, VENTILATING NO. OF STORIES BASEMENT ❑ OR AIR CONDITIONING. TOTAL SO. FT.L`I O FIREPLACE [_] DETACHED ❑ THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION AUTHOR- CONTRACTOR AFFIDAVIT IZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 180 DAYS,OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 180 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER certify that I am a currently registered contractor In WORK IS COMMENCED. the State of Washington and I the aware of the FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ordinance requirements regulating the work for which the permit is issued and all work done will be in conformance therewith. PERMANENT " SHORELINES ❑ SEASONAL ❑ FLOODPLAIN ❑ Firm E.D. NO. S.E.P.A. ❑ By Special Approvals IN OUT YES APPROVED NO Lic. No. Date ZONING PLANNING DEPT. OWNERS AFFIDAVIT HEALTH DEPT. PUBLIC WORKS certify that I am exempt from the requirements of the FIRE MARSHAL contract or registration law RCW 18.27, and am aware BUILDING DEPT. of the Mason County ordinance requirements for which this permit is issued and that all work done will ROAD ACCESS b ' conformance' therewith. _ MOTOR VEHICLE PERMIT Owner n I �` `�UOA Date.J � F/ PL A710N f�C�PT BY PLANS CHECK BY BYP V O SSUANCE P N CHECK VALIDATION CK. M.O. CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK. M.O. CASH = PLOT PLAN ADDRESS PERMIT NO. f o � Do LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT BLK ADDITION u SITE AREA � Sq. Ft. AREA OF SITE OCCUPIED BY BUILDINGS `/ �-' Sq. Ft. INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT THIS FORM NEED NOT BE USED WHEN PLOT PLANS DRAWN TO SCALE OF NOT LESS THAN 1"=20' ARE FILED WITH PERMIT APPLICATION. (EACH BUILDING SITE MUST HAVE A SEPARATE PLOT PLAN.) FOR NEW BUILDINGS PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IN THE SPACE BELOW: LOCATION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION AND EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS.SHOW BUILDING,SITE,AND SETBACK DIMEN- SIONS. SHOW EASEMENTS, FINISH CONTOURS OR DRAINAGE, FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION, STREET ELEVA- TION P"'D SEWER SERVICE ELEVATION. SHOW LOCATION OF WATER, SEWER, GAS AND ELECTRICAL SERVICE LINES.SHOW LOCATION OF SURVEY PINS.SPECIFY THE USE OF EACH BUILDING AND MAJOR POR- TION THEREOF. I INDICATE NORTH IN CIRCLE GRAPH SQUARES ARE 5' X 5' OR 1"=20' 1 c... ,LI I L C I/We certify that the proposed construction will conform to the di ions and uses shown above Ind that no changes will be made without first obtaining approval. 'NER(S) OF SITE a STRUCTURE(S) (PRINT) SIGNATURE OF OWNER(S) OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE APPROVED AS NOTED DATE BUILDING LI ATION PERMIT APPLICATION C MASON COUNTY P.O. Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 426-5593 DATE ISSUED f PERMIT NO. OWNER NAME MAIL ADDRES CITY&STA ZIP PHONE 14At r_�: u u bG gS .lb 5'S DIRECTIONS I — TO JOB SITE O C V G' 5P n C e- LEGAL _ (❑ SEE ATTACHE E NAN9 MAIL ADDRESS CfTY&STATE LICENSE NO. PHONE CONTRACTOR USE OF BUILDING Class of work: ❑ NEW ❑ ADDITION ❑ ALTERATION ❑ REPAIR ❑ MOVE ❑ REMOVE Describe work: Valuation of work: $ oo PLAN CHECK FEE PERMIT FEE SPECIAL CONDITIONS: BEDROOMS DE CARPORT ❑ NOTICE BATHROOMS__ TO T.7r GARAGE ❑ ATTACHED L SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR PLUMBING, HEATING, VENTILATING NO. OF STORIES BASEMENT G OR AIR CONDITIONING. TOTAL SQ. FT. FIREPLACE ❑ DETACHED ❑ THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION AUTHOR- CONTRACTOR AFFIDAVIT IZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 180 DAYS,OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 180 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER I certify that I am a currently registered contractor in WORK IS COMMENCED. the State of Washington and I the aware of the F R OFFICE USE ONLY ordinance requirements regulating the work for which the permit is issued and all work done will be in conformance therewith. PERMANENT SHORELINES i SEASONAL Ci FLOODPLAIN ❑ Firm E.D. NO. S.E.P.A. [_7 By Special Approvals IN OUT YES APPROVED NO Lic. No. Date ZONING PLANNING DEPT. OWNERS AFFIDAVIT HEALTH DEPT. 0'L�'�Z IJ'i `YZ PUBLIC WORKS I certify that I am exempt from the requirements of the FIRE MARSHAL contract or registration law RCW 18.27, and am aware BUILDING DEPT. of the Mason County ordinance requirements for which this permit is issued and that all work done will ROAD ACCESS be in c nformanc th rew�th. MOTOR VEHICLE PERMIT -ATTLICATION Ag PTED BY I PLANS CHECK BY &, I, VED FOR SUANCE Owner "' Date. P CHECK VALIDATION CK. M.O. CASH PERMIT VALIDATION M.O. CASH BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION MASON COUNTY P.O. Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 426-5593 DATE ISSUED PERMIT NO. 6 '5 OWNER NAME MAIL ADDRESS 91TY&STATE ZIP PHONE 2-3 9 DIRECTIONS TO JOB SITE LEGAL (❑ SEE ATTAQLED SHEET) DESCR. /QT l/i71ol),Tr. /- &0, & /00 RIO) � Tr. i-3�; ,�/� oft * 4uclrr (7041 7 NAME MAIL ADDRESS CITY&STATE LICENSE NO. PHONE CONTRACTOR O` `�t F—i 0- 1 'S(`�kW OF t BUILDING Class of work: ❑ NEW ❑ ADDITION ❑ ALTERATION ❑ REPAIR ❑ MOVE ❑ REMOVE Describe work: /gePy Valuation of work: $ p0 PLAN CHECK FEE PERMIT FEE SPECIAL CONDITIONS: BEDROOMS DECKS CARPORT❑ NOTICE BATHROOMS_ TOTAL SQ. FT. GARAGE ❑ ATTACHED ❑ SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR PLUMBING, HEATING, VENTILATING NO. OF STORIES BASEMENT ❑ OR AIR CONDITIONING. TOTAL SO. FT. FIREPLACE ❑ DETACHED Ll THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION AUTHOR- CONTRACTOR AFFIDAVIT IZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 180 DAYS,OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 180 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER I certify that I am a currently registered Contractor in WORK IS COMMENCED. the State of Washington and I the aware of the FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ordinance requirements regulating the work for which the permit is issued and all work done will be in conformance therewith. PERMANENT SHORELINES SEASONAL [ FLOODPLAIN I lr —AAAE.D. NO. S.E.P.A. 11 IV AU(I Special Approvals IN OUT YES APPROVED NO Lic. No Date ZONING PLANNING DEPT. OWNERS AFFIDAVIT HEALTH DEPT. PUBLIC WORKS I certify that I am exempt from the requirements of the FIRE MARSHAL contract or registration law RCW 18.27, and am aware BUILDING DEPT. of the Mason County ordinance requirements for which this permit is issued and that all work done will ROAD ACCESS be in conformance there h. MOTOR VEHICLE PERMITi AP LICATI ACCEPTED BY PLANS CHECK BY APPROVED FOR ISSUANCE Owner C 1. BY PLAN CHECK VALIDATION CK. M.O. CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK. M.O. CASH September 1, 1976 RoL in Hood Trailer Village Post Office Box 82 Union, Washington. 9�592 Gentlemen: At their regular meeting last Monday, the Boar�t of County Commissioners went on record with a motion to exempt the re- moval of your escisting woos; signs and the replacement with a lighter: Plex & neon sign from a Shoreline management Permit. r11his letter is for your information and records. Sincerely, Ruth E. Boysen Cleri:: of the Board. By: Chief Deputy. 7r cc: --t ounty Planner fijob / �) hoed BUILDING P4RMIT APPLICATION t� MASON COUNTY P.O. Box 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 DATE ISSUED? PERMIT NO. OWNER MAIL ADD SS /f f CITY d$Ty4TE ZIP �� NONE i /N{ , �/+ DIRECTIONS / y � �. TO JOB SITEM9 �4z ki LEGAL I, /� l. (❑ SEE ATTACH SHEET) DESCR. y (./�/Q_ k�( C NAME S,111-A E CITY&^ ATE LICENSE NO. PHONE CONTRACTOR 1 :�1 ` USE OF BUILDING +AA Class of work: 7K NEW ❑ ADDITION ALTERATION ❑ REPAIR ❑ MOVE ❑ REMOVE Describe ork: 47 Aix,�,/ zo or On Z Valuation of work: $ PLAN CHECK FEE PERMIT FEE SPECIAL CONDITIONS: APP ICATION ACCEPTED BY, PLANS CHECK BY AP>ROVED FOR ISSUANCE Type of Occupancy Division i ✓� II� �j .t_� Const. Group L L�iV Size of Bldg. No. of Max. (Total) Sq. Ft. Stories Occ. Load CONTRACTOR AFFIDAVIT PERMANENT SEASONAL E.D.NUMBER I certify that I am a currently registered contractor In RESIDENCE the State of Washington and I am aware of the MOBILE HOME ordinance requirements regulating the work for which the permit is issued and all work done will be in Special Approvals Required Received Not Required onf mans herewith(%,0 ZONING HEALTH DEPT. Firm ` PUBLIC WORKS By , w ROAD DEPT. Lic. No 3—C) Z--C"o OWNERS AFFIDAVIT I certify that I am exempt from the requirements of the N O T I C E contract or registration law RCW 18.27, and am aware of the Mason County ordinance requirements for SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIREDFOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. which this permit is issued and that all work done will be in conformance therewith. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER Owner Date WORK IS COMMENCED. PbA,WCHECK VALIDATION CK. M.O. CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK. M.O. CASH RNT 1 r, .+. 4bt ct!gee at --------------- M e. e 1 fX, J ,n -40 pox b� io — --- - -a a - rv'n9d O>y --- - _ -� as •. k�x/r ^^J^� ' 1 Y A BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION r MASON COUNTY P. O. Box 400 Shelton, Washinqton 98584 DATE ISSUED 2 ZLS 7S-- _ PERMIT NO. O /� M ADDRESS -ZIP ---�— PHONE — OWNER_—t— C DIRECTIONS ��J! l L�J I I /� 1 I TO JOB SITE _-CA&:—t ` 7� II LE•GAL � MAIL ADDRESS ZIP �EE ATTACHED SHEET) DESCR. �S — 3 C� ��5�` 3 '- LOB Uf D �l� _ MAIL ADIbREOW PHONE i CONTRACTOR USE OF MAIL ADDRESS PHONE LICENSE NO. BUILDING Class df work: NEW 10 ADDITION FALT RATION ❑ REPAIR ❑MOVE ❑ REMOVE Describe work: / •p �lC�tT/ tr �"It-I,S d/1, d L Valuation of work:$ PLAN CHECK FEE ��00 PERMIT FEE Oo SPECIAL CONDITIONS: APPLICATION ACCEPTED BY PLANS CHECKED BY APPROVED FOR.ISSUANCE BY / Type of Occupancy _ '„ G�P�a/ � 9� Const. /�� Group 1 Division fi -e (/r 777 Size of Bldg. r No.of ,--- Max. (Total)Sq. Ftt Stories 1 `'�- f Occ. Load CONTRACTOR AFFIDAVIT Special Approvals Required Received Not Require I Certify that I am a currently registered contractor in the State NIN(31 of Washington and the County of Mason and I am aware cf the HEALTH OKPT. ordinance requirements regulating the wcrk Icr which the permit PUNLIC WORK8 Is Issued and all work done wi;l be in conformance therewith. !I+T. Firm By - Lic. No. Date OWNERS AFFIDAVIT I certify that I am exempt from the requirements of the contract or registration law RCW 18.27, and am aware of the Mason County ordinance requirements for which this permit is issued and that all work done will he in conformance therewith. N 0 T I C E SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, 7 HEATING. VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. Own DateTHIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND V 7�- AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITOH N1120 DAYS,WORK ORCONSTRUCTION IF CONSTRUC- TION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION CK. M.O. CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK. M.O. CASH 1/ 7 SHELTON PRINTING CO. O t 9 0 06Li7A;1_6, -THAT& S A+ BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION MASON COUNTY P. O. Box 400 Shelton, Washinqton 98`184 DATE ISSUED �� PERMIT NO. �- MAIL ADDRESS 21P PHONE OWNER 244 La2 d DIRECTIONS I r TO JOB SITE�j h , L c-S ..`E.wL MAIL ADORES* /JrJ/ 21P "�� - f/ �i[�A T�TACN[D SH[LT) DESCR. za���il c 3 �rl /O 10 �Z/Ll/ G'� MAIL ADDRESS PNON[ CONTRACTOR / USE OF MAIL ADDRESS PHONE LICENSE NO. BUILDING Class of work: ❑ADDITION A RATION ❑ REPAIR ❑MOVE ❑ REMOVE Describe work: Valuation of work:$ p cla PLAN CHECK FEE.,*a el71 PERMIT FEE O SPECIAL CONDITIONS: ' i APPLICATION ACCEPTED BY PLANS CHECKED BY APPROVED FOR.ISSUANCE BY Type of Occupancy Const. 1j/J Group Division _.-- — Size of Bldg. Ol) No.of .� Max. (Total)Sq. Ft. Storle{ / C U V Oca Load CONTRACTOR AFFIDAVIT Special Approvals Required Received Not Require I Certify that I am a currently registered contractor In the State � of Washington and the County of Mason and I am aware cf the HEALTH dEF'T� ordinance requirements regulating the wcrk fcr which the permit 1,5030d WORKS Is issued and all work done wi;l be in conformance therewith. 145A5 D&F-T. Firm By - Lic. No. Date OWNERS AFFIDAVIT I certify that I am exempt from the requirements of the contract _ or registration law RCW 18.27, and am aware of the Mason County ordinance requirements for which this permit is issued and that all work done will be in conformance therewith. N 0 T I C E SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, HEATING. VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. (.�/(� TFiIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION Own Date l! AUT14ORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUC- TION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED, LAN CHECK VALIDATION CK. M.O. CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK.' M.O. CASH SHELTON PRINTING CO. MASON COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT P.O. BOX BOX 186 Shelton,Washington 98584 PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION IMPORTANT— Complete ALL items. Mark boxes where applicable. Name Mailing address—Number,street,city,and State Zip code Tel.No. Owner �� � .. E 9 2. Contractor The owner of this building and the undersigned agree to conform to all applicable laws of Mason County and State of Washington "n Address / Application date ,84t ure of applicant LEGAL DESCF�IPTION ration /L4f-S ` � �0 Building NO. PLUMBING FIXTURES FEE WATER CLOSETS BASINS © .7- r!a BATH TUBS ®/tom s SHOWERS 0A . �� ��/ /�v WATER HEATERS � � e--d AUTO.WASHERS SINKS" U/ 1 -- FLOOR DRAINS DRINKING FOUNTAINS LAUNDRY TRAYS Connect to City Sewer I H DISH WASHER DISPOSAL URINAL (Show Street Names & Prop rty Lines) ` INDICATE LOCATION OF MAIN SHUTOFF VALVE FOR WATER PERMIT C crD SKETCH IN SEPTIC TANK & DRAIN FIELD LOCATION OR SUBMn t� ON OTHER SKETCH. DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE — FOR OFFICE USE Permit fee Date pemit issued Permit number Receipt No. Approved by ,ID t t. MASON COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT P.O. BOX 186 Shelton, Washington 98584 PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION IMPORTANT— Complete ALL items. Mark boxes where applicable. Name Mailing address—Number,street,city,and State Zip code Tel.No. `7 3 Owner 2. , �I Contractor The owner of this building and the undersigned agree to conform to all applicable laws of Mason County and State of Washington s?ni to a of applicant ` Address ` Applicat n dat 10 7t4' LEG L ESCRIPTIO It Location / O / Of Building Q-O Q 0 NO. PLUMBING FIXTURES FEE WATER CLOSETS © G-C 44) BASINS O BATH TUBS rC _ SHOWERS �. Sa It-d i 12S WATER HEATERS (T� IYpIA," AUTO.WASHERS �\ SINKS FLOOR DRAINS DRINKING FOUNTAINS (.L�'Q/G� A LAUNDRY TRAYS Connect to City Sewer OA DISH WASHER DISPOSAL URINAL + _ STET �. i0� -- --- ----- (Show Street Names & Property Lines) INDICATE LOCATION OF MAIN SHUTOFF VALVE FOR WATER. PERMIT /-t' SKETCH IN SEPTIC TANK & DRAIN FIELD LOCATION OR SUBMIT ON OTHER SKETCH. DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE — FOR OFFICE USE Approved by Permit fee Date pemit issued Permit number Receipt No. No. ......----- Expires December 31, 1976-------------------------------------------- Z4urstau-,ffla9vn `rA4 Pistrict STATE OF WASHINGTON MOBILE HOME PARK • ------------------------------------------- PERMIT James & Mary- Oblizalo P.O. Box 82 - Union Name ----= - ------------------------•---------------------------------------Address -------------------------------------------------------------------- agreeing to comply with all local rules and regulations applying to----------------------------------------------- Mobile Home Parks is hereby granted a permit to ..........................operate ROBIN HOOD TRAILER PARK at Union, Washington --------- - ------ withinthe ----•--------------------------------------------------------------••-•-------••---•-- issued this January 1 -, 19-76... THIS PERMIT IS NOT TRANSFERABLE This permit shall remain the property of the Thurston-Mason Health District and may be sus- pended by the District Health Officer or his authorized agent; or revoked after an opportunity for hearing by the District Health Officer, upon violation by the holder of any of the local rules and regulations applicable hereto. District Sanitarian District Heal Officer I L r 1�SEATTLE-F/RST SIMPLE INTEREST CONDITIONAL SALE CONTRACT DISCLOSURE AND SECURITY AGREEMENT �NATKjNAL BANK MANUFACTURED HOUSING (MOBILE HOME) In this agreement the words 1,me,and my mean the buyer: .,._, The words you and your mean the seller:.____ �G 6� _ Jk oL t J This agreement covers my installment purchase from you of the mobile home described below. You have my permission to transfer this agreement to the "'rls of the Seattle-First National Bank,in which case the words you and your will mean Seattle-First National Bank. I'll then make my payments directly to the bank. SECURITY INTEREST/COLLATERAL For protection you retain and are given a security interest under the Uniform Commercial Code in: (1) the mobile home I am purchasing; (2) All parts, additions, equipment and accessories to it and their proceeds. I also give you a contractual security interest in any insurance you provide or finance.These security interests cover this debt and any other amount I owe you.Any collateral I have given you in the past won't cover this debt. WARRANTY I understand you don't provide any warranties whatsoever,and the mobile home is sold as is and with all defects,unless a warranty page is attached to this agreement.Any new mobile home warranty by the manufacturer (not you)will be in the information provided by the manufacturer.,_--- B _,. uyer's Initials MODEL YR. MAKE OR TRADE NAME MODEL NUMBER SERIAL NUMBER NEW OR USED WIDTH LENGTH" . t INCLUDING THE FOLLOWING SPECIAL ACCESSORIES AND EQUIPMENT: S e eel's c.,�c.�s�tart, �--,� >r�•�y e 2 • TOGETHER WITH ALL PARTS, ADDITIONS, EQUIPMENT AND ACCESSORIES NOW UPON OR IN SAID PROPERTY OR HEREAFTER ADDED THERE- TO. ALL OF WHICH ARE MADE A PART THEREOF BY THIS AGREEMENT AND INCLUDED IN THE TERM "PROPERTY" AS USED HEREIN MO OEL YR MAKE OR TRADE NAME MODEL NUMBER SERIAL NUMBER ALLOwANcE NETPAY OFF OWED TO . . �w..,-,..oc.G:w.rc�rrngwva. -.r... �nc,crs.U..,sswwv:,:+ •. ,,.-: __.,.._ ... _ _ ..._�. _x ... i t THE PROPERTY SHALL BE LOCATED AT THE BREAKDOWN _ — AOD13Ess Qom, : _.ae�._____COUrvTY Yrllc t�x.cL ._':.___. PRICE OF MOBILE HOME excludes license - - $ /1 L!f"'• CITY G�J%� � f STATE /, to ZIP e—f- - � S< and title fees i 7 1 can select my own insurance company or agent, or I can get insurance through you. SALES TAX + I understand insurance for bodily injury liability, public liability, or property damage liability isn't provided by you unless the cost and a description of the coverage has 1. CASH PRICE J been included under"Other Insurance"below. The following costs of insurance are the costs if I get insurance through you. Cash down payment $ COVERAGE(sellerto order) TERM MOS. PREMIUM Trade-in + $ MOBILE HOME OWNER'S INSURANCE- (Including fire and theft coverage and. 2. TOTAL DOWN PAYMENT $ actual cash value of loss) $ 3. UNPAID BALANCE VENDORS VSI-I-CONVERSION OF CASH PRICE (1-2) $ SINGLE INTEREST VSI-2-COST OF RETURN $ OTHER INSURANCE (describe fully)- * 4. TOTAL COST OF INSURANCE ® $ $ Filing Fees $ • OPTIONAL CREDIT LIFE& DISABILITY INSURANCE Title,Mobile Home I.D. $ understand you don't require either credit life or credit disability insurance to cover Tag,Excise Tax any amounts I owe you. But if I want, and I qualify, you will provide me with this 5. TOTAL OFFICIAL FEES $ 0 insurance at the costs listed below. _ TERM MOS. PREMIUM ❑ I want credit life insurancet $ 6. AMOUNT FINANCED (3+4+ 5) $ ❑ I want credit life and credit disability insurancet $ ❑ We want joint credit life insurance g 7. FINANCE CHARGE $ �, ❑ We want joint credit life and single credit disability insurancet $ 8. TOTAL OF PAYMENTS (6+7) $ _. X _ DATE _. SIGNATURE OF PRINCIPAL INSURED ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE /o X (� . DATE SIGNATUREOF ADDITIONAL INSURED DEFFER RED PAYMENT PRICE tSingle life and disability are for the top signer only. * (1+4+5+7) * These amounts are: ❑ Estimated as if there are 42 days to the first payment date,The actual amounts will vary depending on the actual days to first payment. ❑Computed based on the first payment date shown in the Promise to Pay section. PROMISE TO PAY In addition to my down payment in cash and trade-ins, I promise to pay you the Amount Financed (# 6 in The Breakdown)together with a finance charge at the Annual Percentage Rate shown in The Breakdown. II make a payment of$ on , 19_ and a payment of$------on ,19 Then I'll make T_:-,consecutive monthly payments not later than the__�_of each month beginning with L,, �._ _ 19 _�4 ` These payments will be$ =� h each except the final payment which may be somewhat higher or lower than the others depending on my payment record.You will notify me of the exact amount. ❑ Then I'll make_._payments according to the following schedule: RIGHT TO PREPAY I CAN PREPAY WHAT I OWE YOU IN FULL OR PART AT ANY TIME WITHOUT ANY PENALTY.Since finance charges are figured each day and not in advance,no refund for finance charges is due.Prepayment,however,does reduce finance charges. LATE CHARGES If I haven't made a full payment by the 15th day after it is due, I will pay a late charge of 5%of the overdue amount or$5,which ever is less. will only have to pay you one late charge for each late installment. There wil! be no late charge for the last installment. For purposes of determining late charges, 7 payments will be deemed to apply first to current installments. COLLECTION CHARGES III pay all collection charges including your attorney's fees. Charges for phone calls and visits will be based on your collection charge ' schedule. - THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS ON THE BACK ARE PART OF THIS AGREEMENT Some of the terms used are inconsistent with those required in the Federal-Truth-In-Lending, and FEDERAL LAW HAS PREEMPTED THE STATE TWELVE PERCENT (12%) LIMIT AND PERMITS A SERVICE CHARGE IN EXCESS OF THAT STATED IN THE NOTICE. That federal law is Public Law 96-221,effec. live April 1, 1980. NOTICE TO BUYER !* w Apw 301408 ROW* REAL ESTATE CONTRACT � SECURITY AGREEMENT '�+---��--- —•.... a �`2r `PHIS CONTRACT, made and entered into this day of May, 1975, between WALMAR, INC. , a Washington corporation, hereinafter called the "Seller", and JAMES A. OBLIZALO and MARY B. OBLI7_ALO, husband and wife, hereinafter called the "Purchasers", 4: WITNESSETH: That the Seller agrees to sell to the Purchasers 'r r ` and the Purchasers agree to purchase from the Seller, the following- described real estate, with the appurtenances, in Mason County, State I •. of Washington: _ 1l Block 93 and B1�}-k .10 le!s s 19, 20, 21 , 22 &the East 29.60 7 feet of Lot 23/ao� 1�oo 1anal"I:and and Improvement CoRecordsdoftion to Union, as recorded in Volume 1 of Plats, page 9, :. Mason County, Washington; TOGETHER WITH all that part of vacated 3-73� street lying between said blocks; TOGETHER WITH that portion of South half of vacated street adjoining said property on the North G lying westerly of State Highway 106; �r TOGETHER WITH that part of North half of vacated street adjoining - said property on the South; and TOGETHER WITH that part of vacated s ' 4 street adjoining said Block 100 on the East; EXCEPTING therefrom1OHN I; 'I State Highway 106. EXCEPTING therefrom legal description of realty sold to DANIEL J. , j BAKER, et ux as follows: The Northerly 100 feet of even width of Block 100, Hood Canal Land and Improvement Company, Mason County, lying East of State Highway No. 106 right of way as of this date, together with all tidelands fronting said 100 feet as recorded in Deed Book 65 at page 377, Mason County, Washington. TOGETHER WITH: all tidelands as conveyed by State of Washington by deed dated March 16, 1937, and recorded in Volume 65 of Deeds, page 377, lying in front of, adjacent to and abutting on Lots 15 and 16 in said Block 100, except for those tidelands conveyed to DANIEL J. BAKER and KATHRYN A. BAKER pursuant to that Real Estate Contract between WALTER C. HENDERSON and MARIAN J. HENDERSON, husband and wife, as Sellers, and DANIEL J. BAKER and KATHRYN A. BAKER, husband and wife, as Purchasers, with Real Estate Contract dated September 19, 1973, Mason County Auditor Fee #283308.• NOTE: Seller retains the following realty: Lots 19, 20, 21, 22, and the East 29.60 feet of Lot 23, TOGETHER with the North half of vacated Boyle Avenue ad- joining on the South, Excepting therefrom State Highway 106, as said highway existed in May, 1975; All in Block 100, Plat of Hood Canal Land and Improvement Company Addi- tion to Union, as recorded in Volume 1 of Plats, page 9, records of Mason County, State of Washington. F I A I I I e_ 3 4 APPROVED COUN l-i Vr0A�r�` r/ U SITE PLAN :; �i (?EO TO 3E ON SITE. yp c3LPv I_� { CN.:^,NGES SUBJti;T TO A-'PROV,iL By co RECEIVED NOV 01 2005 426 W. CEDAR ST.' pL