HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023/04/25 - Regular PacketBoard of Mason County Commissioners
Draft Meeting Agenda
Commission Chambers
411 N 5th St, Shelton, WA 98584
April 25, 2023
9:00 a.m.
April 25.2
Commission meetings are live streamed at http://www.masonwebtv.com/
Effective May 10, 2022, regular Commission business meetings will be held in -person and via Zoom.
Please click the Zoom meeting link posted on the Mason County homepage and use the “raise hand” feature to be recognized
by the Chair to provide your comments and testimony. Public comment and testimony can be provided in -person, and you can
also e-mail msmith@masoncountywa.gov; mail in to the Commissioners’ Office at 411 N 5th St, Shelton, WA 98584; or call
(360) 427-9670 ext. 419. If you need to listen to the Commission meeting via telephone, please provide your telephone
number to the Commissioners’ Office no later than 4:00 p.m. the Friday before the meeting.
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Correspondence and Organizational Business
4.1 Correspondence
5. Open Forum for Citizen Input
Please see above options to provide public comment; 3 minutes per person, 15-minute time limit.
6. Adoption of Agenda
Items appearing on the agenda after “Item 10. Public Hearings” may be acted upon before 9:15 a.m.
7. Approval of Minutes – April 10, 2023 Briefing Minutes; April 11, 2023 Finance Committee Minutes; and
April 11 Regular Minutes
8. Approval of Action Agenda
Items listed under “Action Agenda” may be enacted by one motion unless a Commissioner or citizen requests an item be
removed from the Action Agenda and considered a separate item.
8.1 Approval of Warrants and Treasurer Electronic Remittances
Claims Clearing Fund Warrant # 8095293-8095796 $1,215,254.18
Direct Deposit Fund Warrant # 95611-96011 $ 833,610.21
Salary Clearing Fund Warrant # 7007288-7007322 $1,108,255.80
Treasurer Electronic Remittance $ 176,074.61
8.2 Approval to increase the 2023 Hood Canal Coordinating Council (HCCC) dues in the budget from $2,500 to
$10,000; an increase to expenditures of $7,500 in the General Fund.
8.3 Approval of the Crossroads Housing Eviction Rent Assistance Program (ERAP) 2.0 amendment for an
additional $165,000.
8.4 Approval to delegate signature authority to the Public Works Director to submit reports or documents for
County permitted wastewater facilities.
8.5 Approval to support the National Center for Public Lands Counties in the amount of $7,957 from the General
8.6 Approval to reallocate American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds awarded to the Mason County Treasurer
from Personal Property Tax to Real Property Tax in the amount of $49,932 to give the Treasurer a total
amount of $66,952 to help prevent foreclosure to individual households.
8.7 Approval of the Community Lifeline American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) contract amendment to change the
effective date and term to December 1, 2022 through May 31, 2023 and to add detailed requirements to the
COVID-19 expenditure report regarding necessary information on spending reports and breakdowns.
8.8 Approval to award the fiber upgrade bid to Hood Canal Communications (HCC) and to enter into contract in
the amount of $304,018. SEFNCO’s bid was the apparent low bid but was not responsive because their scope
of work was inadequate, and they did not include costs for the total scope of services in the bid specifications.
8.9 Approval of the 2022 Oath of Inventory pursuant to RCW 36.32.210 and Mason County Code Chapter 3.56.
8.10 Approval for the County Engineer to advertise, set bid date/time, and award contract for the Satsop
Cloquallum culvert structure replacement project at milepost 5.20, for the Chair to sign all pertinent
documents, and approval for the road closure from August 21, 2023 to August 25, 2023 to complete project
with County forces.
8.11 Approval for the County Administrator to sign the Temporary Easement Agreement granting Public Utility
District (PUD) No. 1 an easement on County-owned parcel number 42118-24-00130 at 4091 W Skokomish
Valley Road for installing, operating, and maintaining power, water, and communication utilities.
8.12 Approval to appoint Brad Carlberg to the Planning Advisory Commission for a four-year term expiring April
25, 2027.
8.13 Approval to revise the November 23, 2023 agenda action item 8.12 to include the use of American Rescue
Plan Act (ARPA) funds for the Mason County Sheriff’s Office of up to $40,000 for the purchase and install of
in-car vehicle cameras and the purchase of body cameras for the years 2021 through 2024.
8.14 Approval of the repair work order, reference ID # ACIA-22VLU42, with TK Elevator Corporation for repairs
to the Courthouse elevator in the amount of $148,100.85 to be paid from Real Estate Excise Tax (REET) 1.
8.15 Approval to withdraw the two Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program (WWRP) grant requests for 22-
1388 Union Park and 22-1410 Sandhill Park multi-purpose field and to not accept the Youth Athletic Facilities
(YAF) program grant 22-1387 request for $350,000 with a $4,755,000 match.
8.16 Approval for Public Works to advertise a Request for Proposals for Solid Waste Long Haul Transport and
Disposal and set a public hearing for Tuesday, August 1, 2023 at 9:15 a.m. for review and consideration of
submitted responses to the request and potentially award contract.
8.17 Approval for the Chair to sign the contract amendments with the Department of Commerce and Community
Action Council for additional Housing and Essential Needs funds in the amount of $52,000.
8.18 Approval for the Public Health and Human Services Director to sign a letter of intent to apply for Overdose
Data to Action (OD2A) grant funding.
8.19 Approval for the Public Health and Human Services Director to sign the Memorandum of Understanding with
the Pierce County AIDS Foundation to promote healthy communities and improve HIV/STI and PrEP Service
awareness and education.
9.Other Business (Department Heads and Elected Officials)
10.9:15 a.m. Public Hearings and Items Set for a Certain Time
Please see above options to provide public testimony.
10.1 Public Hearing to approve and adopt the amendment to the Development Areas (Zoning) Map rezoning parcels
22129-34-90004, 22129-34-90003, and 22129-34-90002 from Rural Residential 5 (RR5) to Rural Commercial
2 (RC2).
11.Board’s Calendar and Reports
TO: Board of Mason County Commissioners
FROM: Cassidy Perkins Ext. 419
DEPARTMENT: Support Services Action Agenda
DATE: April 25, 2023 No. 4.1
ITEM: Correspondence
4.1.1 Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board sent in the following: Notice of
Cannabis License Application received from Black Sushi Cannabis, and a Notice of
Liquor License Application received from the Belfair Chevron.
4.1.2 Mason County Advisory Board Application received from: Brad Carlberg for the
Planning Advisory Commission.
Attachments: Originals on file with the Clerk of the Board.
Mason County Fax 360-427-8437, Voice 360-427-9670, Fxt 419;275-4467or4825269
== Commissioners
I AM SEEKING APPOINTMENT TO Planning Advisory Commission Vacancy
lorvAREA w THE courm rouwel
Senior life member Intema Tonal Society of COMPANY: BSC Engineering 29 years YRS
Automaton connect.lsa.org
Senior life member International Society of POSfrION: Consulting Control Systems Engineer
Automation tonne ppl.org
Potlatch Beach Mutual Water Company COMPANY: YRS
In your words, what do you perceive is the role or purpose of the Board, Committee or Council for which you are applying:
The Planning Advisory Commission should play a critical role to establish the vision and goals for the County's future
environmental,economic and social growth and development
What interests, skills do you wish to offer the Board, Committee,or Council?
Rrod C2NhGrg 6C 0 1 CeAQe1J Pr0fQSSinMM1 COAtro' Systems Engineer(ip Alabama &Washington)with over thirby-nine
years'engineering experience in automation projects over four continents(N 8 S America, Hong Kong, U.A.E, 8
bouth Korea)and specifically twenty-tive pup and paper mills&twenty-two other of gas, wa erwa er, In us na
mane,farh mnn farilitipc
Please list any financial, professional, or voluntary affiliations which may influence or affect your position on this Board:
(i.e.create a potential conflict of interest)
I am a Trustee for the Potlatch Beach Mutual Water Company, a community-owned, non-profit organization providing
potable water to 84 member/owners
Your participation is dependent upon attending certain trainings made available by the County during regular business hours
(such as Open Public Meetings Act and Public Records).The trainings would be at no cost to you.Would you be
able to attend such trainings? YES
Realistically, how much time can you give to this position?
/{� Quarterlyd Mod* Weekly 2 Dy Office Use Only
r/d[i I �66{ 06Apr23 Appointment Date
S�nature Dele
Term Expire Date
Page | 1
Mason County Commission Chambers, 411 North 5th Street, Shelton, WA
Week of April 10, 2023
Monday, April 10, 2023
9:00 A.M. Closed Session – RCW 42.30.140(4) Labor Discussion
Commissioners Neatherlin, Shutty, and Trask met in closed session for labor negotiation via
Zoom from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Mark Neary, Mary Ransier, Nichole Wilston, Cabot
Dow, and Lindsey Smith were also in attendance.
10:00 A.M. Support Services – Mark Neary
Commissioners Neatherlin, Shutty, and Trask were in attendance via Zoom.
• Jennifer Beierle shared Hood Canal Coordinating Council dues are increasing from $2,500 to
$10,000 annually. Approved to move forward.
• John Taylor requested RV covers for Sandhill, Mason Lake, and Oakland Bay Parks for an
estimated cost of $19,580.73 each from Real Estate Excise Tax (REET) 2 funds. Tabled.
• John shared the results of the Request for Proposals for food concessions at Mason County
Recreation Area (MCRA). One response was received from Mendoza’s Texas Style Food.
Jennifer added that the Leasehold Excise Tax needs to be submitted to the County then
remitted to the Department of Revenue. Approved to move forward.
• John announced the grand opening of Foothills Dog Park on April 22 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00
• Mary Ransier requested to extend the contract with Cabot Dow to May 1, 2024 and add an
additional $20,000. Approved to move forward.
• Mark will bring forward a priority list for REET 1 projects and spending.
10:15 A.M. Community Development – Kell Rowen
Commissioners Neatherlin, Shutty, and Trask were in attendance via Zoom.
• Kell received two applications for the Planning Advisory Commission from Mike Hill and
Brad Carlberg. Move forward with interviewing.
• Kell shared the monthly update for permitting in Community Development. Average days to
issue 78.2 days. In March, 272 permit applica tions were received and 219 permits were
10:25 A.M. Public Health – Dave Windom
Commissioners Neatherlin, Shutty, and Trask were in attendance via Zoom.
• Melissa Casey shared the Crossroads Housing amendment for the Eviction Rent Assistance
Program (ERAP 2.0) for an additional $165,000. Approved to move forward.
10:30 A.M. Public Works – Loretta Swanson
Utilities & Waste Management
Commissioners Neatherlin, Shutty, and Trask were in attendance via Zoom.
• Richard Dickinson requested the delegation of signature authority for required Ecology
submittals for Rustlewood Wastewater Treatment Plant, North Bay/Case Inlet Water
Reclamation Facility, and Belfair Wastewater and Water Reclamation Facility. Approved to
move forward.
Page | 2
Respectfully submitted,
McKenzie Smith,
Clerk of the Board
Sharon Trask,
Randy Neatherlin,
Kevin Shutty,
Board of Mason County Commissioners
Special Finance Meeting Agenda
Commission Chambers
411 N 5th St, Shelton, WA 98584
April 11, 2023
9:35 a.m.
1 | S p e c i a l F i n a n c e C o m m i t t e e M e e t i n g
1. Call to Order – The Chairperson called the special meeting to order at 9:35 a.m.
2. County Finance Committee Balances
Lisa Frazier shared the Current Expense Cash Balance as of March 31, 2023 is $25,415,093.32 which is an
over $4 million increase from 2022. The updated General Fund Reserve and Contingency Policy at the
25% range is $14,223,098.66 less contingency. Total cash and investments $249,079,096.42 and the
Imprest account is $66,025. Total invested funds are $233,060,149.79. Benchmark 90-day T-Bill rate is
4.81%, current State Pool rate is 4.77%, and the Market Rate Yield Agency/Treasury is 0.96%. Return on
investments is above budgeted. The Treasurer’s banking cost is $512. County outstanding debt is
$18,736,540.26. Jennifer Beierle shared that the $5 million capital reserve should have been included,
unreserved cash is $9 million. The reserves for vehicles and technology replacement also need to be
3. Old Business
a. No update was received from Loretta Swanson regarding the Skokomish River Restoration or Belfair
Wastewater System.
4. New Business
a. Public Disclosure Commission
Lisa shared the Public Disclosure Commission Attestation must be signed every year stating that those
on the Finance Committee do not hold or have board positions or own shares in the banks that the
County has funds with.
b. Recommendation for Treasurer to Invest Funds
Lisa recommended that the Treasurer invests funds on the behalf of the Health Department (Fund 150)
and Community Support Services (Fund 117).
Cmmr. Trask/Auditor Duenkel moves and seconds to approve recommending to the County
Board of Commissioners that authorization be approved for the County Treasurer to invest excess
funds which are not required for immediate expenditure in the Health Department (Fund 150)
and Community Support Services (Fund 117) as provided for in RCW 36.29.020. All in favor.
Motion carried.
c. Safety of County Funds
Lisa shared that the State of Washington takes public funds very seriously, banks must be approved by
the Public Disclosure Commission and must have assets for collateral when holding public funds.
Collateral limits have been strengthened.
d. Columbia Bank Merger to Umpqua Bank
Lisa shared that Columbia Bank was purchased by Umpqua Bank.
5. Adjournment – the meeting adjourned at 10:00 a.m.
2 | S p e c i a l F i n a n c e C o m m i t t e e M e e t i n g
McKenzie Smith, Clerk of the Board
Sharon Trask, Chair
Randy Neatherlin, Vice-Chair
Kevin Shutty, Commissioner
Board of Mason County Commissioners
Commission Chambers
411 N 5th St, Shelton, WA 98584
April 11, 2023
1. Call to Order – The Chairperson called the regular meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.
2. Pledge of Allegiance – Sheriff Spurling led the flag salute.
3. Roll Call – Present: Present: Commissioner District 1 – Randy Neatherlin; Commissioner District 2 –
Kevin Shutty; Commissioner District 3 – Sharon Trask.
4. Correspondence and Organizational Business
4.1 Correspondence
4.1.1 Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board sent in the following: notice of special occasion
liquor license applications for North Mason Senior Grad Night and The Hub Center for Seniors.
4.1.2 Kathleen Geist sent in an application for the Parks and Trails Advisory Board and Mike Hill sent in
an application for the Planning Advisory Committee.
4.1.3 Squaxin Island Tribe’s Legal Department sent in a notice regarding marijuana processing and
production activities.
4.2 Cmmr. Shutty read the National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week proclamation.
4.3 Cmmr. Neatherlin read the Child Abuse Prevention Month proclamation.
5. Open Forum for Citizen Input
No citizen input.
6. Adoption of Agenda
Cmmr. Shutty/Neatherlin moved and seconded to adopt the agenda as published. Motion carried
unanimously. N-aye; S-aye; T-aye.
7. Approval of Minutes
Cmmr. Neatherlin/Shutty moved and seconded to adopt the March 20, March 27, and April 3, 2023
Briefing Minutes and March 28, 2023 Regular Minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously. N-
aye; S-aye; T-aye.
8. Approval of Action Agenda
8.1 Approval of Warrants and Treasurer Electronic Remittances
Claims Clearing Fund Warrant # 8095030-8095292 $2,304,242.67
Direct Deposit Fund Warrant # 95206-95610 $ 860,499.14
Salary Clearing Fund Warrant # 7007265-7007287 $ 567,125.44
Treasurer Electronic Remittance $ 176,074.61
8.2 Approval to appoint Kathleen Geist to the Mason County Parks and Trails Advisory Board for a four-
year term expiring December 31, 2027.
8.3 Approval to designate the Mason County Economic Development Council (EDC) as Mason County’s
Associate Development Organization (ADO) for the 2023-2025 Biennium.
8.4 Approval of the revised Resolution replacing Resolution no. 43-13 for County Road Project (CRP) 2020
– Old Belfair Highway to update new project limits. (Exhibit A, Resolution No. 2023-022)
2 | A p r i l 1 1 , 2 0 2 3 C o m m i s s i o n M i n u t e s
8.5 Approval of the contract renewal with Lewis County for the use of Jail facilities to house prisoners at the
daily rate of $92.40 for general population inmates and $110.88 for those who would require individual
8.6 Approval of the Shelter Program grant amendment with Community Lifeline for the additional amount
of $57,235 to increase shelter bed capacity from 35 beds to 50 beds.
8.7 Approval to amend the contract with MasonWebTV to include an option for Zoom-only for a flat rate
fee of $25 per hour.
8.8 Approval to utilize Navia Benefit Solutions, Inc. to implement a Flexible Spending Account (FSA) for
Mason County eligible employees.
8.9 Approval of the Resolution adding Section 8.14 Discipline/Corrective Action to the Mason County
Personnel Policy. (Exhibit B, Resolution No. 2023-023)
8.10 Approval for the County Administrator to sign the opioid settlement agreements with Allergan, CVS,
Teva, Walgreens, and Walmart, and to sign the Allocation Agreement II using DocuSign.
8.11 Approval of the Resolution for County Road Project (CRP) 2049 North Shore Road – Little Shoefly
culvert replacement project on North Shore Road at milepost 8.18 and approval to authorize the County
Engineer and/or Chair to sign all pertinent documents and for Public Works to advertise, set a bid date
and time, and award the bid for structure. (Exhibit C, Resolution No. 2023-024)
8.12 Approval for the County Administrator to sign the contract with Mendoza’s Texas Style Food for
concession services at Mason County Recreation Area (MCRA) for 2023 with the option to extend the
contract for up to three additional years.
8.13 Approval for the County Administrator to sign the Professional Services Agreement amendment with
Cabot Dow Associates, Inc. for an additional $20,000 and to extend the end date to May 1, 2024.
Cmmr. Neatherlin/Shutty moved and seconded to approve action items 8.1 through 8.13 with the
removal of item 8.4 for separate discussion and vote. Motion carried unanimously. N-aye; S-aye; T-aye.
Item 8.4
Mike Collins shared this is a Rural Arterial Program (RAP) project increasing the length by 2/5ths to pave road
and shoulders. This does not include work on cross culverts, only roadside ditches to increase the width of the
road. County forces are working on dirt work now and will contract out for paving in the summer.
Ken VanBuskirk asked if this will include work on the Courtney Creek culvert and shared concerns about
intersection control at Newkirk and Old Belfair Highway and impact to the Urban Growth Area. Road
widening and extension for intersection control should be the priority. Ken also asked about timelines for the
widening project and shared that this needs to be coordinated with the Washington State Department of
Transportation (WSDOT).
Cmmr. Neatherlin/Shutty moved and seconded to approve the revised Resolution replacing Resolution
no. 43-13 for County Road Project (CRP) 2020 – Old Belfair Highway to update new project limits.
Motion carried unanimously. N-aye; S-aye; T-aye.
9. Other Business (Department Heads and Elected Officials)
Sheriff Spurling shared his thanks for telecommunicators, the partnership with MACECOM is crucial and
the telecommunicators take care of law enforcement. MACECOM routinely does extra work to keep
deputies safe. Shout out to Lieutenant Schoenberg and Lieutenant Severance for the accreditation project
for both the Jail and patrol. Sheriff Salisbury will be at the upcoming conference. Accreditation helps
with risk pool, industry standards, bet practices, court, etc.
Mark Neary shared that he will be in Leavenworth for the Washington State County Administrator
conference. Discussions will include opioid settlement funds and laws from legislative actions.
3 | A p r i l 1 1 , 2 0 2 3 C o m m i s s i o n M i n u t e s
10. 9:15 a.m. Public Hearings and Items Set for a Certain Time
Please see above options to provide public testimony. These options are available only while COVID-19 OPMA meeting
restrictions are in place.
No Public Hearings set for this time.
11. Board’s Calendar and Reports – The Commissioners reported on meetings attended the past week and
announced their upcoming weekly meetings.
12. Adjournment – The meeting adjourned at 9:32 a.m.
McKenzie Smith, Clerk of the Board
Sharon Trask, Chair
Randy Neatherlin, Vice-Chair
Kevin Shutty, Commissioner
Mason County
Agenda Request Form
To: Board of Mason County Commissioners
From: Cassidy Perkins Ext. 419
Department: Support Services Briefing: ☐
Action Agenda: ☒
Public Hearing: ☐
Special Meeting: ☐
Briefing Date(s): Click or tap here to enter text. Agenda Date: April 25, 2023
Internal Review: ☐ Finance ☐ Human Resources ☐ Legal ☐ Information Technology ☐ Other
(This is the responsibility of the requesting Department)
Below for Clerk of the Board’s Use Only:
Item Number: 8.1
Approved: ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Tabled ☐ No Action Taken
Ordinance/Resolution No. __________ Contract No. __________ County Code: __________
Approval of Warrants & Treasurer Electronic Remittances
Claims Clearing Fund Warrant # 8095293-8095796 $ 1,215,254.18
Direct Deposit Fund Warrant # 95611-96011 $ 833,610.21
Salary Clearing Fund Warrant # 7007288-7007322 $ 1,108,255.80
Treasurer Electronic Remittance $ 176,074.61
Background/Executive Summary:
The Board approved Resolution no. 80-00 Payment of Claims Against County: Procedure Authorizing Warrant
Issue and Release Prior to Board Claim Approval. Mason County Code 3.32.060(a) requires that the Board
enter into the minutes of the County Commissioners the approval of claims listing warrant numbers.
Claims Clearing YTD total $ 17,235,147.66
Direct Deposit YTD total $ 6,906,582.29
Salary Clearing YTD total $ 6,858,417.06
Approval of Treasurer Electronic Remittances YTD total $ 2,809,017.28
Requested Action:
Approval of the Claims Clearing Fund, Direct Deposit Fund, Salary Clearing Fund, and Treasurer Electronic
Remittance warrants.
Originals on file with the Auditor/Financial Services; copies on file with the Clerk of the Board
Mason County
Agenda Request Form
To: Board of Mason County Commissioners
From: Jennifer Beierle Ext. 532
Department: Support Services Briefing: ☒
Action Agenda: ☒
Public Hearing: ☐
Special Meeting: ☐
Briefing Date(s): April 10, 2023 Agenda Date: April 25, 2023
Internal Review: ☐ Finance ☐ Human Resources ☐ Legal ☐ Information Technology ☐ Other
(This is the responsibility of the requesting Department)
Below for Clerk of the Board’s Use Only:
Item Number: 8.2
Approved: ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Tabled ☐ No Action Taken
Ordinance/Resolution No. __________ Contract No. __________ County Code: __________
Hood Canal Coordinating Council Dues Increase from $2,500 to $10,000 annually
Background/Executive Summary:
The Hood Canal Coordinating Council (HCCC) is a council of governments formed in 1985 in response to
community concerns about water quality problems and related natural resource issues in the Hood Canal
watershed. Member governments include Jefferson, Kitsap, and Mason Counties, and the Port Gamble
S’Klallum and Skokomish Tribes. The HCCC works with partners and communities to advance a shared
regional vision to protect and recover Hood Canal’s environmental, economic, and cultural wellbeing. The
dues to HCCC recently went from $2,500 to $10,000 for 2023. The amount budgeted by the County to expend
in 2023 is $2,500, so I am asking for a $7,500 budget amendment for the dues increase.
Budget Impact (amount, funding source, budget amendment):
$7,500 increase to expenditures in 2023
Public Outreach (news release, community meeting, etc.):
The HCCC meets monthly
Requested Action:
Approval for the Board to increase the 2023 Hood Canal Coordinating Council dues in the budget from $2,500
to $10,000; an increase to expenditures of $7,500 in the General Fund.
2023 HCCC dues invoice
Mason County Board of Commissioners Invoice Date:3/18/2023
411 N 5th St Due Date:Upon Receipt
Shelton, WA 98584
1 10,000.00$
SUBTOTAL 10,000.00$
Balance Due 10,000.00$
Thank you for your business!
Basic Membership Dues Jan 1, 2023 - Dec 31, 2023 10,000.00$
Hood Canal Coordinating Council
17791 Fjord Dr NE Ste 118, Poulsbo, WA 98370
Attn: Terry Fischer, Accountant/360-536-1338
Mason County
Agenda Request Form
To: Board of Mason County Commissioners
From: Melissa Casey Ext. 404
Department: Public Health Briefing: ☒
Action Agenda: ☒
Public Hearing: ☐
Special Meeting: ☐
Briefing Date(s): April 10, 2023 Agenda Date: April 25, 2023
Internal Review: ☐ Finance ☐ Human Resources ☐ Legal ☐ Information Technology ☐ Other
(This is the responsibility of the requesting Department)
Below for Clerk of the Board’s Use Only:
Item Number: 8.3
Approved: ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Tabled ☐ No Action Taken
Ordinance/Resolution No. __________ Contract No. __________ County Code: __________
Crossroads Housing Eviction Rent Assistance Program (ERAP 2.0) Amendment
Background/Executive Summary:
The Department of Commerce has allocated additional funding to the Eviction Rent Assistance Program
(ERAP 2.0) aimed at reducing and preventing homelessness. Funds will be subcontracted to Crossroads
Housing to support the eviction rent assistance program through June 2023.
Budget Impact (amount, funding source, budget amendment):
Additional $165,000 pass through to Crossroads Housing Eviction Rent Assistance Program
Public Outreach (news release, community meeting, etc.):
Requested Action:
Approval of the Crossroads Housing Eviction Rent Assistance Program (ERAP) 2.0 amendment for an
additional $165,000.
Washington Department of Commerce Contract No 21-4619C-117 Amendment C
Mason County Contract #21-083 Amendment #3
Department of Commerce
Contract Number: 21-4619C-117
Amendment Number: C
Washington State Department of Commerce
Housing Division
Homelessness Assistance Unit
Eviction Rent Assistance Program 2.0
1. Contractor 2. Contractor Doing Business As (optional)
Mason County Community Services
415 N 6th St
Shelton, WA 98584
3. Contractor Representative 4. COMMERCE Representative
Haley Foelsch
Community Health Specialist 1
360-427-9670 x704
Henry Bennett
Commerce Specialist II
(360) 725-5053
PO Box 42525
1011 Plum St SE
Olympia, WA 98504-2525
5. Original Contract Amount
(and any previous amendments)
6. Amendment Amount 7. New Contract Amount
$6,425,567.00 $165,000.00 $6,590,567.00
8. Amendment Funding Source 9. Amendment Start Date 10. Amendment End Date
Federal: X State: Other: N/A: 3/15/2023 6/30/2023
11. Federal Funds (as applicable):
Federal Agency:
US Dept. of Treasury
CFDA Number:
Rate: 10%
12. Amendment Purpose:
To add additional funds.
COMMERCE, defined as the Department of Commerce, and the Contractor, as defined above, acknowledge and accept the terms
of this Contract As Amended and attachments and have executed this Contract Amendment on the date below to start as of the date
and year referenced above. The rights and obligations of both parties to this Contract As Amended are governed by this Contract
Amendment and the following other documents incorporated by reference: Contractor Terms and Conditions including Attachment
“A” – Budget. A copy of this Contract Amendment shall be attached to and made a part of the original Contract between
COMMERCE and the Contractor. Any reference in the original Contract to the “Contract” shall mean the “Contract as Amended”.
Signature, Executive
Corina Grigoras, Assistant Director
Housing Division
Sandra Adix
Assistant Attorney General
DocuSign Envelope ID: 25B3F0A2-FB65-4252-9D6E-3D8CA4645E08DocuSign Envelope ID: AD3B8C20-9CA4-447D-BB05-2299CC9E1835
This Contract is amended as follows:
Attachment A Budget
Budget Category
Current Contract
Total Amendment C
New Contract Total
Rent and Utility Assistance
By and For Sub grant/s
DocuSign Envelope ID: 25B3F0A2-FB65-4252-9D6E-3D8CA4645E08DocuSign Envelope ID: AD3B8C20-9CA4-447D-BB05-2299CC9E1835
Certificate Of Completion
Envelope Id: 25B3F0A2FB6542529D6E3D8CA4645E08 Status: Completed
Subject: Complete with DocuSign: ERAP 2.0 Mason Amendment C.pdf
Community Services and Housing
Program: ERAP 2.0
ContractNumber: 21-4619C-117
Contract Amendment
Source Envelope:
Document Pages: 2 Signatures: 0 Envelope Originator:
Certificate Pages: 2 Initials: 1 Henry Bennett
AutoNav: Enabled
EnvelopeId Stamping: Enabled
Time Zone: (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
1011 Plum Street SE
MS 42525
Olympia, WA 98504-2525
IP Address:
Record Tracking
Status: Original
4/3/2023 10:38:08 AM
Holder: Henry Bennett
Location: DocuSign
Security Appliance Status: Connected Pool: StateLocal
Storage Appliance Status: Connected Pool: Washington State Department of Commerce Location: DocuSign
Signer Events Signature Timestamp
Kathy Kinard
Security Level: Email, Account Authentication
Signature Adoption: Pre-selected Style
Using IP Address:
Sent: 4/3/2023 1:28:32 PM
Viewed: 4/3/2023 1:38:55 PM
Signed: 4/3/2023 1:39:29 PM
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In Person Signer Events Signature Timestamp
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Kathryn Dodge
Security Level: Email, Account Authentication
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Sent: 4/3/2023 10:41:12 AM
Viewed: 4/3/2023 1:28:32 PM
Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure:
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DocuSign Envelope ID: AD3B8C20-9CA4-447D-BB05-2299CC9E1835
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Envelope Summary Events Status Timestamps
Envelope Sent Hashed/Encrypted 4/3/2023 10:41:12 AM
Certified Delivered Security Checked 4/3/2023 1:38:55 PM
Signing Complete Security Checked 4/3/2023 1:39:29 PM
Completed Security Checked 4/3/2023 1:39:29 PM
Payment Events Status Timestamps
DocuSign Envelope ID: AD3B8C20-9CA4-447D-BB05-2299CC9E1835
Certificate Of Completion
Envelope Id: AD3B8C209CA4447DBB052299CC9E1835 Status: Sent
Subject: Complete with DocuSign: ERAP 2.0 Mason Amendment C.pdf
Community Services and Housing
Program: ERAP 2.0
ContractNumber: 21-4619C-117
Contract Amendment
Source Envelope:
Document Pages: 4 Signatures: 0 Envelope Originator:
Certificate Pages: 5 Initials: 0 Henry Bennett
AutoNav: Enabled
EnvelopeId Stamping: Enabled
Time Zone: (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
1011 Plum Street SE
MS 42525
Olympia, WA 98504-2525
IP Address:
Record Tracking
Status: Original
4/3/2023 2:14:20 PM
Holder: Henry Bennett
Location: DocuSign
Security Appliance Status: Connected Pool: StateLocal
Storage Appliance Status: Connected Pool: Washington State Department of Commerce Location: DocuSign
Signer Events Signature Timestamp
Sharon Trask
Security Level: Email, Account Authentication
Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure:
Not Offered via DocuSign
In Person Signer Events Signature Timestamp
Editor Delivery Events Status Timestamp
Agent Delivery Events Status Timestamp
Intermediary Delivery Events Status Timestamp
Certified Delivery Events Status Timestamp
Haley Foelsch
Security Level: Email, Account Authentication
(None)Using IP Address:
Sent: 4/3/2023 2:20:28 PM
Viewed: 4/3/2023 2:22:02 PM
Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure:
Accepted: 4/3/2023 2:22:02 PM
ID: 935e38af-5202-4008-b97a-c8651ce9a622
Melissa Casey
Security Level: Email, Account Authentication
Sent: 4/3/2023 2:22:03 PM
Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure:
Accepted: 3/29/2023 1:59:43 PM
ID: 2a64fc94-2044-4711-93e6-6050dc7cfc96
Certified Delivery Events Status Timestamp
McKenzie Smith
Security Level: Email, Account Authentication
Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure:
Accepted: 2/13/2023 3:40:27 PM
ID: ffa7bb75-cc3b-4b82-95d4-6252639db419
Carbon Copy Events Status Timestamp
Witness Events Signature Timestamp
Notary Events Signature Timestamp
Envelope Summary Events Status Timestamps
Envelope Sent Hashed/Encrypted 4/3/2023 2:20:28 PM
Payment Events Status Timestamps
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Electronic Record and Signature Disclosure created on: 8/11/2020 4:44:12 PM
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during the course of your relationship with Washington State Department of Commerce.
Contract Between
Mason County and
Crossroads Housing
Professional Services Contract #CH.2021-2023.ERAP2.0 (MC Contract #21-083)
Amendment # 3
IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED THEREFORE: That the Original Contract is hereby amended as follows:
1. FUND SOURCE: Eviction Rent Assistance Program 2.0 Grant
2. AMENDMENT TERM: March 15, 2023 – June 30, 2023
Current Amount Amended Amount Total New Budget
Administration: $103,179 $5,000 $108,179
Operations: $331,126 $10,000 $341,126
Rent and Utilities: $5,126,765 $150,000 $5,276,765
By and for: $263,720 $0 $263,720
TOTAL: $5,824,790 $165,000 $5,989,790
ALL OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS of the original Contract remain in full force and effect.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has affixed his/her signature in execution thereof on the ______day
of , 2023.
__________________________________ _________________________________
Tanya Frazier Sharon Trask, Chair
Executive Director, Crossroads Housing Mason County Board of County Commissioners
Mason County
Agenda Request Form
To: Board of Mason County Commissioners
From: Richard Dickinson Ext. 450
Department: Utilities & Waste Management Briefing: ☒
Action Agenda: ☒
Public Hearing: ☐
Special Meeting: ☐
Briefing Date(s): April 10, 2023 Agenda Date: April 25, 2023
Internal Review: ☐ Finance ☐ Human Resources ☐ Legal ☐ Information Technology ☐ Risk
(This is the responsibility of the requesting Department)
Below for Clerk of the Board’s Use Only:
Item Number: 8.4
Approved: ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Tabled ☐ No Action Taken
Ordinance/Resolution No. __________ Contract No. __________ County Code: __________
Delegation of Signature Authority for Required Ecology Submittals
Background/Executive Summary:
The Washington State Department of Ecology (DOE) requires submittal of reports or documents for permitted
wastewater facilities using Ecology’s WQWebPortal with an electronic signature. The Board previously
delegated signature authority to Richard Dickinson, Deputy Director of Utilities and Waste Management and
Justin Phelps, previous Water and Wastewater Manager.
Public Works would like to add Loretta Swanson, Director of Public Works, as a signature authority for the
DOE reports and documents for County permitted wastewater facilities. This authorization applies to the
submittal of Biosolids Reports, Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs), Notice of Intent, and Certificates of
No Exposure for Rustlewood Wastewater Treatment Plant, North Bay/Case Inlet Water Reclamation Facility,
and Belfair Wastewater and Water Reclamation Facility.
Budget Impact (amount, funding source, budget amendment):
Public Outreach (news release, community meeting, etc.):
Requested Action:
Approval to delegate signature authority to the Public Works Director to submit reports or documents for
County permitted wastewater facilities.
Electronic Signature Forms
Department of Ecology Letters
Electronic Signature Agreement Form ESAF
Washington State Department of Ecology
Water Quality Program
Headquarters: (360) 407-7097
Web site: www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wq
For Ecology Use Only Date Received:
Form Reviewed Entered Verified
1. Site Location Information
If you are applying for multiple facilities/permits, please include a list containing the site location information and permit numbers for
all requested facilities/permits.
Site/Facility Name:
Site Location Address:
Permit Number:
2. Electronic Signer Contact Information
Signature Account User Name:
Full Name:
Work Mailing Address:
Work Phone No. (Ext):
Work Email Address:
Facility Signer Facility Coordinator
3. Proof of Identity
Please include a copy of one of the following documents, with your name on the document, with your ESAF to prove your
association with the facility-(ies).
• Your permit’s letter of coverage
• Your permit’s cover sheet
• A previously submitted DMR
• A correspondence from Ecology that has both the facility name and permit number on the same page
• Signature authority delegation letter signed by the permittee (responsible official).
4. Electronic Signature Agreement and Certification Statement
By completing and submitting this form to Ecology, I agree to follow the rules and procedures governing the Electronic Signature
account. I also agree that the reports and documents I submit under my Electronic Signature will be used as the corresponding
paper report would. I want to submit the following report(s) or document(s) using W QWebPortal with an electronic signature.
Discharge Monitoring Reports/Submittals Notice of Intent (Permit Applications) Certificate of No Exposure
5. Clean Water Act Certification Statement
All submittals to the Department of Ecology under this WQWebPortal application are subject to the following certification, as
required by federal and state regulations:
I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance
with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. The information
submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete and I am aware that there are significant
penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.
6. Certification Statement
I agree that I will: I agree that I will not:
• Protect my Electronic Signature account, which includes
my answers to the verification questions and my
• Review the content and meaning of my submitted
Annual Reports and Notifications;
• Within 24 hours of discovery, report to Ecology if:
o My Electronic Signature account is lost, stolen or used
by someone else;
o There is any difference between the information I
submitted and the information displayed in WebDMR;
o My role as a signer for this organization changes.
Agree: ____________________________ (initial here)
• Let anyone else use my Electronic Signature account.
Agree: ____________________________ (initial here)
I, __________________________________________________ (print Electronic Signer’s name), understand that:
1. My electronic signature is legally the same as my handwritten signature for the purpose of compliance with the relevant
environmental regulations;
2. A failure to timely notify Ecology of a possible misuse of my Electronic Signature account may result in my liability for the
information submitted;
3. There are significant penalties for submitting false information, including possible fines and imprisonment, related to the
federal Department of Justice and federal environmental program;
4. I will be asked to verify that I am following the rules outlined in this agreement when I electronically submit documents.
7. Signature of Electronic Signer This form cannot be processed without a handwritten signature.
Electronic Signer’s Signature Date
Name (print or type) Title
8. Signature of Permittee (Responsible Official) This form cannot be processed without a handwritten signature.
I, _______________________________ (insert name of permittee or responsible official) acknowledge that the individual named
above works at/for ________________________________________ (insert site/facility name) and is authorized to submit
documents on the site’s/facility’s behalf. I understand that I will be contacted by Ecology to validate the account holder’s
employment at the site/facility name listed above.
Signature Date
Name (print or type) Title
Note: You may skip this section if the responsible official has written, signed, and attached a delegation letter to this form or if the responsible
official completes this form.
If you need this document in a version for the visually impaired call the Water Quality Program at 360-407-6401. Persons with
hearing loss, call 711 for Washington Relay Service. Persons with a speech disability, call 877-833-6341.
9. Assign Administrator This section cannot be processed without a handwritten signature.
I, _______________________________ (insert name of permittee or responsible official) acknowledge that
________________________________________ (person being assigned) is authorized to be an administrator on the site’s/facility’s
behalf. I understand that I will be contacted by Ecology to validate the account holder’s employment at the site/facility name listed
Signature Date
Name (print or type) Title
Note: You may skip this section if the responsible official has written, signed, and attached a delegation letter to this form, if the responsible official
completes this form, or if the responsible official is not assigning a person to the administrator role.
Mail the signed electronic signature agreement and additional document(s) to one of the following Ecology office.
Stormwater Permit Facilities – Industrial and
Construction Stormwater
Washington Department of Ecology
Water Quality Program Stormwater Unit
PO Box 47696
Olympia, WA 98504-7696
Major Industrial Unit
Washington Department of Ecology
Major Industrial Unit
PO Box 47600
Olympia, WA 98504-7600
For all other permits, please contact one of the follow offices.
Clallam, Clark, Cowlitz, Grays Harbor, Jefferson, Mason,
Lewis, Pacific, Pierce, Skamania, Thurston, and
Wahkiakum counties
Washington Department of Ecology
Water Quality Program - SWRO
PO Box 47775
Olympia, WA 98504-7775
Adams, Asotin, Columbia, Ferry, Franklin, Garfield, Grant,
Lincoln, Pend Oreille, Spokane, Stevens, Walla Walla, and
Whitman counties
Washington Department of Ecology
Water Quality Program - ERO
N. 4601 Monroe
Spokane, WA 99205-1295
Benton, Chelan, Douglas, Kittitas, Klickitat, Okanogan,
and Yakima counties
Washington Department of Ecology
Water Quality Program - CRO
UNION GAP WA 98903-0009
Island, King, Kitsap, San Juan, Skagit, Snohomish, and
Whatcom counties
Washington Department of Ecology
Water Quality Program - NWRO
ATTN: Chris Smith
3190 - 160th Ave. SE
Bellevue, WA 98008-5452
April 25, 2023
Department of Ecology
Southwest Regional Office
Attn: Ms. Emily Kijowski
P.O. Box 47775
Olympia, WA 98504-7775
RE: Biosolids General Permit (BSGP), Permit No. ST6224
Belfair Water Reclamation Facility (WRF)
Dear Ms. Kijowski,
This letter is to grant authorization to Loretta Swanson, Public Works Director, to sign the
reports, Notices Of Intents and all other reports and correspondence as may be required by the
Department of Ecology as per our BSGP permit as described below. Any person signing
documents related to BSGP Permit No. ST6224 agrees to the following statement:
“I certify under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared
under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified
personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of
the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for
gathering information, the information is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true,
accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false
information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment.”
Sharon Trask, Mason County Commissioner, District 3, Chair Date
Randy Neatherlin, Mason County Commissioner, District 1, Vice Chair Date
Kevin Shutty, Mason County Commissioner, District 2 Date
April 25, 2023
Department of Ecology
Southwest Regional Office
Attn: Carey Cholski
P.O. Box 47775
Olympia, WA 98504-7775
RE: State Waste Discharge Permit (SWDP), Permit No. ST6224
Belfair Water Reclamation Facility (WRF)
Dear Ms. Cholski,
This letter is to grant authorization to Loretta Swanson, Public Works Director, to sign the
monthly discharge monitoring reports (DMRs) and all other reports and correspondence as may
be required by the Department of Ecology as per our SWDP permit as described below. Any
person signing documents related to SWDP Permit No. ST6224 agrees to the following
“I certify under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared
under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified
personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of
the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for
gathering information, the information is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true,
accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false
information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment.”
Sharon Trask, Mason County Commissioner, District 3, Chair Date
Randy Neatherlin, Mason County Commissioner, District 1, Vice Chair Date
Kevin Shutty, Mason County Commissioner, District 2 Date
Electronic Signature Agreement Form ESAF
Washington State Department of Ecology
Water Quality Program
Headquarters: (360) 407-7097
Web site: www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wq
For Ecology Use Only Date Received:
Form Reviewed Entered Verified
1. Site Location Information
If you are applying for multiple facilities/permits, please include a list containing the site location information and permit numbers for
all requested facilities/permits.
Site/Facility Name:
Site Location Address:
Permit Number:
2. Electronic Signer Contact Information
Signature Account User Name:
Full Name:
Work Mailing Address:
Work Phone No. (Ext):
Work Email Address:
Facility Signer Facility Coordinator
3. Proof of Identity
Please include a copy of one of the following documents, with your name on the document, with your ESAF to prove your
association with the facility-(ies).
• Your permit’s letter of coverage
• Your permit’s cover sheet
• A previously submitted DMR
• A correspondence from Ecology that has both the facility name and permit number on the same page
• Signature authority delegation letter signed by the permittee (responsible official).
4. Electronic Signature Agreement and Certification Statement
By completing and submitting this form to Ecology, I agree to follow the rules and procedures governing the Electronic Signature
account. I also agree that the reports and documents I submit under my Electronic Signature will be used as the corresponding
paper report would. I want to submit the following report(s) or document(s) using W QWebPortal with an electronic signature.
Discharge Monitoring Reports/Submittals Notice of Intent (Permit Applications) Certificate of No Exposure
5. Clean Water Act Certification Statement
All submittals to the Department of Ecology under this WQWebPortal application are subject to the following certification, as
required by federal and state regulations:
I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance
with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. The information
submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete and I am aware that there are significant
penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.
6. Certification Statement
I agree that I will: I agree that I will not:
• Protect my Electronic Signature account, which includes
my answers to the verification questions and my
• Review the content and meaning of my submitted
Annual Reports and Notifications;
• Within 24 hours of discovery, report to Ecology if:
o My Electronic Signature account is lost, stolen or used
by someone else;
o There is any difference between the information I
submitted and the information displayed in WebDMR;
o My role as a signer for this organization changes.
Agree: ____________________________ (initial here)
• Let anyone else use my Electronic Signature account.
Agree: ____________________________ (initial here)
I, __________________________________________________ (print Electronic Signer’s name), understand that:
1. My electronic signature is legally the same as my handwritten signature for the purpose of compliance with the relevant
environmental regulations;
2. A failure to timely notify Ecology of a possible misuse of my Electronic Signature account may result in my liability for the
information submitted;
3. There are significant penalties for submitting false information, including possible fines and imprisonment, related to the
federal Department of Justice and federal environmental program;
4. I will be asked to verify that I am following the rules outlined in this agreement when I electronically submit documents.
7. Signature of Electronic Signer This form cannot be processed without a handwritten signature.
Electronic Signer’s Signature Date
Name (print or type) Title
8. Signature of Permittee (Responsible Official) This form cannot be processed without a handwritten signature.
I, _______________________________ (insert name of permittee or responsible official) acknowledge that the individual named
above works at/for ________________________________________ (insert site/facility name) and is authorized to submit
documents on the site’s/facility’s behalf. I understand that I will be contacted by Ecology to validate the account holder’s
employment at the site/facility name listed above.
Signature Date
Name (print or type) Title
Note: You may skip this section if the responsible official has written, signed, and attached a delegation letter to this form or if the responsible
official completes this form.
If you need this document in a version for the visually impaired call the Water Quality Program at 360-407-6401. Persons with
hearing loss, call 711 for Washington Relay Service. Persons with a speech disability, call 877-833-6341.
9. Assign Administrator This section cannot be processed without a handwritten signature.
I, _______________________________ (insert name of permittee or responsible official) acknowledge that
________________________________________ (person being assigned) is authorized to be an administrator on the site’s/facility’s
behalf. I understand that I will be contacted by Ecology to validate the account holder’s employment at the site/facility name listed
Signature Date
Name (print or type) Title
Note: You may skip this section if the responsible official has written, signed, and attached a delegation letter to this form, if the responsible official
completes this form, or if the responsible official is not assigning a person to the administrator role.
Mail the signed electronic signature agreement and additional document(s) to one of the following Ecology office.
Stormwater Permit Facilities – Industrial and
Construction Stormwater
Washington Department of Ecology
Water Quality Program Stormwater Unit
PO Box 47696
Olympia, WA 98504-7696
Major Industrial Unit
Washington Department of Ecology
Major Industrial Unit
PO Box 47600
Olympia, WA 98504-7600
For all other permits, please contact one of the follow offices.
Clallam, Clark, Cowlitz, Grays Harbor, Jefferson, Mason,
Lewis, Pacific, Pierce, Skamania, Thurston, and
Wahkiakum counties
Washington Department of Ecology
Water Quality Program - SWRO
PO Box 47775
Olympia, WA 98504-7775
Adams, Asotin, Columbia, Ferry, Franklin, Garfield, Grant,
Lincoln, Pend Oreille, Spokane, Stevens, Walla Walla, and
Whitman counties
Washington Department of Ecology
Water Quality Program - ERO
N. 4601 Monroe
Spokane, WA 99205-1295
Benton, Chelan, Douglas, Kittitas, Klickitat, Okanogan,
and Yakima counties
Washington Department of Ecology
Water Quality Program - CRO
UNION GAP WA 98903-0009
Island, King, Kitsap, San Juan, Skagit, Snohomish, and
Whatcom counties
Washington Department of Ecology
Water Quality Program - NWRO
ATTN: Chris Smith
3190 - 160th Ave. SE
Bellevue, WA 98008-5452
April 25, 2023
Department of Ecology
Southwest Regional Office
Attn: Ms. Emily Kijowski
P.O. Box 47775
Olympia, WA 98504-7775
RE: Biosolids General Permit (BSGP), Permit No. ST6039 North Bay/Case Inlet Water
Reclamation Facility (WRF)
Dear Ms. Kijowski,
This letter is to grant authorization to Loretta Swanson, Public Works Director, to sign the
reports, Notices of Intents and all other reports and correspondence as may be required by the
Department of Ecology as per our BSGP permit as described below. Any person signing
documents related to BSGP Permit No. ST6039 agrees to the following statement:
“I certify under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared
under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified
personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of
the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for
gathering information, the information is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true,
accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false
information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment.”
Sharon Trask, Mason County Commissioner, District 3, Chair Date
Randy Neatherlin, Mason County Commissioner, District 1, Vice Chair Date
Kevin Shutty, Mason County Commissioner, District 2 Date
April 25, 2023
Department of Ecology
Southwest Regional Office
Attn: Carey Cholski
P.O. Box 47775
Olympia, WA 98504-7775
RE: State Waste Discharge Permit (SWDP), Permit No. ST6039 North Bay/Case Inlet Water
Reclamation Facility (WRF)
Dear Ms. Cholski,
This letter is to grant authorization to Loretta Swanson, Public Works Director, to sign the
monthly discharge monitoring reports (DMRs) and all other reports and correspondence as may
be required by the Department of Ecology as per our SWDP permit as described below. Any
person signing documents related to SWDP Permit No. ST6039 agrees to the following
“I certify under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared
under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified
personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of
the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for
gathering information, the information is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true,
accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false
information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment.”
Sharon Trask, Mason County Commissioner, District 3, Chair Date
Randy Neatherlin, Mason County Commissioner, District 1, Vice Chair Date
Kevin Shutty, Mason County Commissioner, District 2 Date
Electronic Signature Agreement Form ESAF
Washington State Department of Ecology
Water Quality Program
Headquarters: (360) 407-7097
Web site: www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wq
For Ecology Use Only Date Received:
Form Reviewed Entered Verified
1. Site Location Information
If you are applying for multiple facilities/permits, please include a list containing the site location information and permit numbers for
all requested facilities/permits.
Site/Facility Name:
Site Location Address:
Permit Number:
2. Electronic Signer Contact Information
Signature Account User Name:
Full Name:
Work Mailing Address:
Work Phone No. (Ext):
Work Email Address:
Facility Signer Facility Coordinator
3. Proof of Identity
Please include a copy of one of the following documents, with your name on the document, with your ESAF to prove your
association with the facility-(ies).
• Your permit’s letter of coverage
• Your permit’s cover sheet
• A previously submitted DMR
• A correspondence from Ecology that has both the facility name and permit number on the same page
• Signature authority delegation letter signed by the permittee (responsible official).
4. Electronic Signature Agreement and Certification Statement
By completing and submitting this form to Ecology, I agree to follow the rules and procedures governing the Electronic Signature
account. I also agree that the reports and documents I submit under my Electronic Signature will be used as the corresponding
paper report would. I want to submit the following report(s) or document(s) using W QWebPortal with an electronic signature.
Discharge Monitoring Reports/Submittals Notice of Intent (Permit Applications) Certificate of No Exposure
5. Clean Water Act Certification Statement
All submittals to the Department of Ecology under this WQWebPortal application are subject to the following certification, as
required by federal and state regulations:
I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance
with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. The information
submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete and I am aware that there are significant
penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.
6. Certification Statement
I agree that I will: I agree that I will not:
• Protect my Electronic Signature account, which includes
my answers to the verification questions and my
• Review the content and meaning of my submitted
Annual Reports and Notifications;
• Within 24 hours of discovery, report to Ecology if:
o My Electronic Signature account is lost, stolen or used
by someone else;
o There is any difference between the information I
submitted and the information displayed in WebDMR;
o My role as a signer for this organization changes.
Agree: ____________________________ (initial here)
• Let anyone else use my Electronic Signature account.
Agree: ____________________________ (initial here)
I, __________________________________________________ (print Electronic Signer’s name), understand that:
1. My electronic signature is legally the same as my handwritten signature for the purpose of compliance with the relevant
environmental regulations;
2. A failure to timely notify Ecology of a possible misuse of my Electronic Signature account may result in my liability for the
information submitted;
3. There are significant penalties for submitting false information, including possible fines and imprisonment, related to the
federal Department of Justice and federal environmental program;
4. I will be asked to verify that I am following the rules outlined in this agreement when I electronically submit documents.
7. Signature of Electronic Signer This form cannot be processed without a handwritten signature.
Electronic Signer’s Signature Date
Name (print or type) Title
8. Signature of Permittee (Responsible Official) This form cannot be processed without a handwritten signature.
I, _______________________________ (insert name of permittee or responsible official) acknowledge that the individual named
above works at/for ________________________________________ (insert site/facility name) and is authorized to submit
documents on the site’s/facility’s behalf. I understand that I will be contacted by Ecology to validate the account holder’s
employment at the site/facility name listed above.
Signature Date
Name (print or type) Title
Note: You may skip this section if the responsible official has written, signed, and attached a delegation letter to this form or if the responsible
official completes this form.
If you need this document in a version for the visually impaired call the Water Quality Program at 360-407-6401. Persons with
hearing loss, call 711 for Washington Relay Service. Persons with a speech disability, call 877-833-6341.
9. Assign Administrator This section cannot be processed without a handwritten signature.
I, _______________________________ (insert name of permittee or responsible official) acknowledge that
________________________________________ (person being assigned) is authorized to be an administrator on the site’s/facility’s
behalf. I understand that I will be contacted by Ecology to validate the account holder’s employment at the site/facility name listed
Signature Date
Name (print or type) Title
Note: You may skip this section if the responsible official has written, signed, and attached a delegation letter to this form, if the responsible official
completes this form, or if the responsible official is not assigning a person to the administrator role.
Mail the signed electronic signature agreement and additional document(s) to one of the following Ecology office.
Stormwater Permit Facilities – Industrial and
Construction Stormwater
Washington Department of Ecology
Water Quality Program Stormwater Unit
PO Box 47696
Olympia, WA 98504-7696
Major Industrial Unit
Washington Department of Ecology
Major Industrial Unit
PO Box 47600
Olympia, WA 98504-7600
For all other permits, please contact one of the follow offices.
Clallam, Clark, Cowlitz, Grays Harbor, Jefferson, Mason,
Lewis, Pacific, Pierce, Skamania, Thurston, and
Wahkiakum counties
Washington Department of Ecology
Water Quality Program - SWRO
PO Box 47775
Olympia, WA 98504-7775
Adams, Asotin, Columbia, Ferry, Franklin, Garfield, Grant,
Lincoln, Pend Oreille, Spokane, Stevens, Walla Walla, and
Whitman counties
Washington Department of Ecology
Water Quality Program - ERO
N. 4601 Monroe
Spokane, WA 99205-1295
Benton, Chelan, Douglas, Kittitas, Klickitat, Okanogan,
and Yakima counties
Washington Department of Ecology
Water Quality Program - CRO
UNION GAP WA 98903-0009
Island, King, Kitsap, San Juan, Skagit, Snohomish, and
Whatcom counties
Washington Department of Ecology
Water Quality Program - NWRO
ATTN: Chris Smith
3190 - 160th Ave. SE
Bellevue, WA 98008-5452
April 25, 2023
Department of Ecology
Southwest Regional Office
Attn: Ms. Emily Kijowski
P.O. Box 47775
Olympia, WA 98504-7775
RE: Biosolids General Permit (BSGP), Permit No. WA0038075
Rustlewood Wastewater Treatment Plant
Dear Ms. Kijowski,
This letter is to grant authorization to Loretta Swanson, Public Works Director, to sign the
reports, Notices of Intents and all other reports and correspondence as may be required by the
Department of Ecology as per our BSGP permit as described below. Any person signing
documents related to BSGP Permit No. WA0038075 agrees to the following statement:
“I certify under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared
under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified
personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of
the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for
gathering information, the information is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true,
accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false
information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment.”
Sharon Trask, Mason County Commissioner, District 3, Chair Date
Randy Neatherlin, Mason County Commissioner, District 1, Vice Chair Date
Kevin Shutty, Mason County Commissioner, District 2 Date
April 25, 2023
Department of Ecology
Southwest Regional Office
Attn: Carey Cholski
P.O. Box 47775
Olympia, WA 98504-7775
RE: National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit No. WA0038075,
Rustlewood Wastewater Treatment Plant
Dear Ms. Cholski,
This letter is to grant authorization to Loretta Swanson, Public Works Director, to sign the
monthly discharge monitoring reports (DMRs) and all other reports and correspondence as may
be required by the Department of Ecology as per our NPDES permit as described below . Any
person signing documents related to NPDES Permit No. WA0038075 agrees to the following
“I certify under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared
under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified
personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of
the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for
gathering information, the information is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true,
accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false
information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment.”
Sharon Trask, Mason County Commissioner, District 3, Chair Date
Randy Neatherlin, Mason County Commissioner, District 1, Vice Chair Date
Kevin Shutty, Mason County Commissioner, District 2 Date
Electronic Signature Agreement Form ESAF
Washington State Department of Ecology
Water Quality Program
Headquarters: (360) 407-7097
Web site: www.ecy.wa.gov/programs/wq
For Ecology Use Only Date Received:
Form Reviewed Entered Verified
1. Site Location Information
If you are applying for multiple facilities/permits, please include a list containing the site location information and permit numbers for
all requested facilities/permits.
Site/Facility Name:
Site Location Address:
Permit Number:
2. Electronic Signer Contact Information
Signature Account User Name:
Full Name:
Work Mailing Address:
Work Phone No. (Ext):
Work Email Address:
Facility Signer Facility Coordinator
3. Proof of Identity
Please include a copy of one of the following documents, with your name on the document, with your ESAF to prove your
association with the facility-(ies).
• Your permit’s letter of coverage
• Your permit’s cover sheet
• A previously submitted DMR
• A correspondence from Ecology that has both the facility name and permit number on the same page
• Signature authority delegation letter signed by the permittee (responsible official).
4. Electronic Signature Agreement and Certification Statement
By completing and submitting this form to Ecology, I agree to follow the rules and procedures governing the Electronic Signature
account. I also agree that the reports and documents I submit under my Electronic Signature will be used as the corresponding
paper report would. I want to submit the following report(s) or document(s) using W QWebPortal with an electronic signature.
Discharge Monitoring Reports/Submittals Notice of Intent (Permit Applications) Certificate of No Exposure
5. Clean Water Act Certification Statement
All submittals to the Department of Ecology under this WQWebPortal application are subject to the following certification, as
required by federal and state regulations:
I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance
with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. The information
submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete and I am aware that there are significant
penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations.
6. Certification Statement
I agree that I will: I agree that I will not:
• Protect my Electronic Signature account, which includes
my answers to the verification questions and my
• Review the content and meaning of my submitted
Annual Reports and Notifications;
• Within 24 hours of discovery, report to Ecology if:
o My Electronic Signature account is lost, stolen or used
by someone else;
o There is any difference between the information I
submitted and the information displayed in WebDMR;
o My role as a signer for this organization changes.
Agree: ____________________________ (initial here)
• Let anyone else use my Electronic Signature account.
Agree: ____________________________ (initial here)
I, __________________________________________________ (print Electronic Signer’s name), understand that:
1. My electronic signature is legally the same as my handwritten signature for the purpose of compliance with the relevant
environmental regulations;
2. A failure to timely notify Ecology of a possible misuse of my Electronic Signature account may result in my liability for the
information submitted;
3. There are significant penalties for submitting false information, including possible fines and imprisonment, related to the
federal Department of Justice and federal environmental program;
4. I will be asked to verify that I am following the rules outlined in this agreement when I electronically submit documents.
7. Signature of Electronic Signer This form cannot be processed without a handwritten signature.
Electronic Signer’s Signature Date
Name (print or type) Title
8. Signature of Permittee (Responsible Official) This form cannot be processed without a handwritten signature.
I, _______________________________ (insert name of permittee or responsible official) acknowledge that the individual named
above works at/for ________________________________________ (insert site/facility name) and is authorized to submit
documents on the site’s/facility’s behalf. I understand that I will be contacted by Ecology to validate the account holder’s
employment at the site/facility name listed above.
Signature Date
Name (print or type) Title
Note: You may skip this section if the responsible official has written, signed, and attached a delegation letter to this form or if the responsible
official completes this form.
If you need this document in a version for the visually impaired call the Water Quality Program at 360-407-6401. Persons with
hearing loss, call 711 for Washington Relay Service. Persons with a speech disability, call 877-833-6341.
9. Assign Administrator This section cannot be processed without a handwritten signature.
I, _______________________________ (insert name of permittee or responsible official) acknowledge that
________________________________________ (person being assigned) is authorized to be an administrator on the site’s/facility’s
behalf. I understand that I will be contacted by Ecology to validate the account holder’s employment at the site/facility name listed
Signature Date
Name (print or type) Title
Note: You may skip this section if the responsible official has written, signed, and attached a delegation letter to this form, if the responsible official
completes this form, or if the responsible official is not assigning a person to the administrator role.
Mail the signed electronic signature agreement and additional document(s) to one of the following Ecology office.
Stormwater Permit Facilities – Industrial and
Construction Stormwater
Washington Department of Ecology
Water Quality Program Stormwater Unit
PO Box 47696
Olympia, WA 98504-7696
Major Industrial Unit
Washington Department of Ecology
Major Industrial Unit
PO Box 47600
Olympia, WA 98504-7600
For all other permits, please contact one of the follow offices.
Clallam, Clark, Cowlitz, Grays Harbor, Jefferson, Mason,
Lewis, Pacific, Pierce, Skamania, Thurston, and
Wahkiakum counties
Washington Department of Ecology
Water Quality Program - SWRO
PO Box 47775
Olympia, WA 98504-7775
Adams, Asotin, Columbia, Ferry, Franklin, Garfield, Grant,
Lincoln, Pend Oreille, Spokane, Stevens, Walla Walla, and
Whitman counties
Washington Department of Ecology
Water Quality Program - ERO
N. 4601 Monroe
Spokane, WA 99205-1295
Benton, Chelan, Douglas, Kittitas, Klickitat, Okanogan,
and Yakima counties
Washington Department of Ecology
Water Quality Program - CRO
UNION GAP WA 98903-0009
Island, King, Kitsap, San Juan, Skagit, Snohomish, and
Whatcom counties
Washington Department of Ecology
Water Quality Program - NWRO
ATTN: Chris Smith
3190 - 160th Ave. SE
Bellevue, WA 98008-5452
April 25, 2023
Department of Ecology
Southwest Regional Office
Attn: Ms. Emily Kijowski
P.O. Box 47775
Olympia, WA 98504-7775
RE: National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit No. WAG994585,
Rustlewood Wastewater Treatment Plant
Dear Ms. Kijowski,
This letter is to grant authorization to Loretta Swanson, Public Works Director, to sign the
monthly discharge monitoring reports (DMRs) and all other reports and correspondence as may
be required by the Department of Ecology as per our NPDES permit as described below . Any
person signing documents related to NPDES Permit No. WAG994585 agrees to the following
“I certify under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prep ared
under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified
personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of
the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for
gathering information, the information is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true,
accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false
information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment.”
Sharon Trask, Mason County Commissioner, District 3, Chair Date
Randy Neatherlin, Mason County Commissioner, District 1, Vice Chair Date
Kevin Shutty, Mason County Commissioner, District 2 Date
April 25, 2023
Department of Ecology
Southwest Regional Office
Attn: Carey Cholski
P.O. Box 47775
Olympia, WA 98504-7775
RE: National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit No. WAG994585,
Rustlewood Wastewater Treatment Plant
Dear Ms. Cholski,
This letter is to grant authorization to Loretta Swanson, Public Works Director, to sign the
monthly discharge monitoring reports (DMRs) and all other reports and correspondence as may
be required by the Department of Ecology as per our NPDES permit as described below . Any
person signing documents related to NPDES Permit No. WAG994585 agrees to the following
“I certify under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prep ared
under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified
personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of
the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for
gathering information, the information is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true,
accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false
information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment.”
Sharon Trask, Mason County Commissioner, District 3, Chair Date
Randy Neatherlin, Mason County Commissioner, District 1, Vice Chair Date
Kevin Shutty, Mason County Commissioner, District 2 Date
Mason County
Agenda Request Form
To: Board of Mason County Commissioners
From: Mark Neary Ext. 530
Department: County Administrator Briefing: ☒
Action Agenda: ☒
Public Hearing: ☐
Special Meeting: ☐
Briefing Date(s): April 17, 2023 Agenda Date: April 25, 2023
Internal Review: ☒ Finance ☐ Human Resources ☐ Legal ☐ Information Technology ☐ Other
(This is the responsibility of the requesting Department)
Below for Clerk of the Board’s Use Only:
Item Number: 8.5
Approved: ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Tabled ☐ No Action Taken
Ordinance/Resolution No. __________ Contract No. __________ County Code: __________
Request to financially support the National Center for Public Lands Counties
Background/Executive Summary:
In October of 2022 the National Association of Counties (NACO) and the Western Interstate Region (WIR)
Board of Directors proposed the creation of a National Center for Public Lands Counties (The Center) to look
towards the future of these unique and important lands, opportunities, and investments. The creation of this
center will give public lands counties an enhanced opportunity to demonstrate how prosperous public lands
counties create a prosperous America. The Center will identify and create research projects, collect, and create
data and information, and at times provide detailed, individual research and written county profiles focused on
the benefit, opportunities, and impact of Public Lands in our counties.
WSAC has a goal to generate $635,000 to support the creation of the future operations center from the 38 of 39
counties in Washington state that receive Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) and Secure Rural Schools (SRS)
funding from the federal government.
The request to Mason County is $7,957 – the equivalent of one percent of Local Assistance and Tribal
Consistency Funds received in FY 22 and FY23.
Eric Johnson, Executive Director WSAC and Wes McCart Stevens County Commissioner, District 1 will be
present at our briefing to present this topic and answer any questions you have.
Budget Impact (amount, funding source, budget amendment):
$7,957 – General Fund
Public Outreach (news release, community meeting, etc.):
Mason County
Agenda Request Form
Requested Action:
Approval financially support the National Center for Public Lands Counties in the amount of $7,957 from the
General Fund.
Originally Presented: November 14, 2022
Updated: March 2, 2023
Revised: April 3, 2023
TO: Washington State Public Land Counties
FROM: Eric Johnson, Executive Director
Stevens County Commissioner Wes McCart, WIR 2nd Vice President
SUBJECT: National Center for Public Lands Counties
Attached for consideration is your County’s invoice to support the National Center for Public Lands
Counties. This is a one-time assessment. It may be paid in full, or paid in two installments
(2023/2024 or 2024/2025). If you intend to pay in two installments, please advise us accordingly
by contacting finance@wsac.org. Your Assessment is calculated based on one percent of your
allocation of Local Assistance and Tribal Consistency Funds. In addition to your counties invoice,
a complete listing of all assessments is attached.
This is a voluntary assessment. Our hope is to have 100% participation of all Public Land
Counties in Washington State. If you would like a presentation to your county legislative
authority, have questions on The Center itself, or the attached invoice, please do not hesitate to
contact either Commissioner McCart or Eric Johnson.
Monday, April 3rd WSAC Virtual Assembly
Please join us for the Monday, April 3rd WSAC Virtual Assembly. Stevens County Commissioner
Wes McCart will be joined by Eric Bryson, Executive Director of the Montana Association of
Counties, to discuss the purpose of the proposed National Center for Public Land Counties. This
is an excellent opportunity to get all your questions answered as you consider participation and
funding The Center. Zoom link to join this meeting: https://wsac-org.zoom.us/j/96091320845
Public Lands in Washington State Background
Over 43%, or 19.8 million acres, of lands in Washington State are publicly owned. The number of
acres and land in public ownership varies widely per county - ranging from Whitman County with
approximately 5% public land ownership to Skamania County with more than 86% public land
ownership. Of the 19.8 million acres in public ownership, 12.7 million, or 64 percent, are owned
by the federal government In Washington State.
Federal and State Lands are important economic generators for a number of natural resource
base industries, provide outdoor recreation opportunities, support cultural values, and provide a
variety of environmental benefits.
Public Lands in Washington State are also important Federal and State revenue sources for
counties -- with more than $110 million annually in revenue to counties.
• Secure Rural Schools (Federal) 26 of 29 Counties $18.2 million (FFY2021)
• Payment in Lieu of Taxes (Federal) 37 of 39 Counties $26.3 million (FFY2022)
• Dept of Energy Payment (Federal) 3 of 39 Counties $1.78 million (FFY2020)
• Refuge Revenue Sharing (Federal) 25 of 39 Counties $490,000 (FFY2021)
• WDFW PILT (State) 14 of 39 Counties $2 million (FY2021)
• DNR PILT (State) 30 of 39 Counties $1.87 million (FY2021)
• DNR Timber 19 of 39 Counties $64.5 million (FY Average)
• Local and Tribal Consistency Fund 38 of 39 Counties $63.5 million
▪ (FFY 2022/2023)
Proposed National Center for Public Lands Counties
In October 2022, the National Association of Counties (NACo) and the Western Interstate Region
(WIR) Board of Directors proposed the creation of a National Center for Public Lands Counties
(The Center) to look towards the future of these unique and important lands, opportunities and
As many of you know, our county elected and appointed officials are a leading voice in the
intergovernmental partnership in responsible resource management. Understanding counties
unique governance role and relationship to Public Lands, Congress has consistently supported
appropriations for critical programs like Payments In-Lieu of Taxes (PILT) and Secure Rural
Schools (SRS).
Congress has granted new authorities to federal land managers to broaden the scope, pace and
scale of their on-the-ground resource management work with local governments. We have a
unique opportunity to accelerate our understanding and demonstrate the results achieved through
this partnership. It is important that we provide and share evidence-based research, peer
information exchanges, and overall understanding of our lessons learned, emerging trends
analysis, and priority public policy issues.
The NACo and WIR Boards of Directors is establishing the National Center for Public Lands
Counties (The Center) to give public lands counties an enhanced opportunity to demonstrate how
prosperous public lands counties create a prosperous America. The Center will identify and
complete research projects, collect and create data and information, and at times provide
detailed, individual research and written county profiles focused on the benefit, opportunities, and
impact of Public Lands in our counties. The Center will use both traditional and new media—
such as podcasts and video interviews—to tell stories and disseminate information. The Center
will look at:
• County partnerships with federal agencies, states, tribes and other counties to reduce
wildfire risk, responsibly develop energy and minerals, improve public access and
recreational opportunities on federal lands, protect watersheds, conserve species and
fish and wildlife habitat, and protect our national parks and other natural treasures;
• County investments of PILT, SRS and other natural resource revenue payments to
benefit residents, visitors and surrounding public lands;.
• The different economic drivers and values in rural vs. urban public lands counties;
• Development and implementation of county natural resource management plans and
baseline socioeconomic data for environmental analyses;
• Resource and property values of federal lands compared to nearby privately owned
• Meeting the unique challenges facing public lands counties, such as housing
affordability for residents and federal employees, ensuring a stable tax base to deliver
critical services, managing infrastructure on federal lands, and providing services to
visitors coming to visit public lands and on the public lands themselves.
For the Center to meet its mission and serve as a long-term tool for public lands counties, a one
time voluntary investment of $15 million from counties throughout the nation is being sought over
the next two years. These resources will provide the necessary ongoing funding for staff and
consultants to plan, initiate, and complete critical research, projects, activities, communication
materials and an annual work plan and place The Center on a sustainable future financial course.
The Center will report to the NACo and WIR Board of Directors on its financial health and issue
an annual report at the annual WIR Conference on both the work product, return on investment,
and financial position of the Center.
The Center’s governing body is currently envisioned as follows:
• WIR Executive Committee (President, 1st VP, 2nd VP, Immediate Past President)
• NACo Public Lands Steering Committee Chair
• NACo Public Lands Steering Committee Subcommittee Chairs
• Federal Lands Gateway County Official appointed by the NACo Public Lands
Steering Committee Chair
• NACo West Region Representative
• NACo Executive Director
• Executive Director from WIR Immediate Past President’s home state
• NACo Public Lands Legislative Director and WIR Liaison, serving as NACo staff
liaison to the governing board
The Center’s governing board will be empowered to develop an annual workplan based on the
research priorities selected by the WIR Board of Directors and NACo Public Lands Steering
Committee. At the WIR Annual Conference each May, the WIR Board of Directors and the NACo
Public Lands Steering Committee will review the activities and performance of the Center, and
consider and adopt the proposed workplan for the next year.
In order to leverage the expertise of NACo’s public lands membership, the governing board will
also have the ability to appoint research subcommittees made up of county officials, based on
the research priorities selected by the WIR Board of Directors and NACo Public Lands Steering
Committee, to coordinate and oversee the research efforts of The Center. Research work
conducted by The Center will be non-partisan, aligned with NACo policy and priorities and will not
directly conflict with the interests of any county.
Washington’s 39 Counties have a unique opportunity to invest in the Center. WIR Board of
Directors, NACo leadership, state associations of counties executives and county officials set a
fundraising goal of $15 million over the next two years to establish a set of funds to draw from to
hire the necessary staff to conduct this critical research and keep The Center on a sustainable
financial course. Washington’s counties are being asked to provide $635,000 in funding – a one
time assessment. If NACo and the WIR Board of Directors are successful, this initial investment
will pay dividends for generations to come.
Moving Forward – Immediate Ask
The goal for WSAC over the next two years, is to generate $635,000 to support the creation and
future operations of the Center. Attached is your invoice to support the National Center for Public
Land Counties Membership Assessments. Counties that receives PILT and Secure Rural
Schools, and/or refuge revenue sharing (38 of 39 counties). Your individual counties assessment
is equivalent to one percent of your allocation of Local Assistance and Tribal Consistency Funds
(see attached).
WSAC and our WIR and Public Lands leaders will continue to provide information to our county
elected and appointed officials on how to participate as well as work with WSAC leadership and
member counties to better understand the role WSAC can play in funding and supporting the
development of the National Center for Public Lands Counties.
If you have any questions, you are encouraged to reach out to either WSAC Executive Director
Eric Johnson and/or WIR 2nd Vice President Stevens County Commissioner Wes McCart. Either
can be available to answer questions, attend work sessions, and provide additional information.
National Center for Public Land Counties
Washington State Per County Membership Assessment
Based on 1% of Local Assistance and Tribal Consistency Funds (LATCF) Received
Total 1% Assessment
Adams $92,193.89 $92,193.89 $184,387.78 $1,843
Asotin $171,672.78 $171,672.78 $343,345.56 $3,433
Benton $105,151.74 $105,151.74 $210,303.48 $2,103
Chelan $3,567,874.70 $3,567,874.70
$7,135,749.40 $71,357
Clallam $1,255,382.62
$1,255,382.62 $2,510,765.24 $25,107
Clark $50,000.00 $50,000.00 $100,000.00 $1,000
Columbia $393,306.04 $393,306.04 $786,612.08 $7,866
Cowlitz $101,230.55 $101,230.55 $202,461.10 $2,024
Douglas $141,970.80 $141,970.80 $283,941.60 $2,839
Ferry $2,181,900.00
$2,181,900.00 $4,363,800.00 $43,638
Franklin $153,893.31 $153,893.31 $307,786.62 $3,077
Garfield $243,777.61 $243,777.61 $487,555.22 $4,875
Grant $923,224.67 $923,224.67 $1,846,449.34 $18,464
Grays Harbor $470,064.70 $470,064.70 $940,129.40 $9,401
Island $50,000.00 $50,000.00 $100,000.00 $1,000
Jefferson $1,692,385.26
$1,692,385.26 $3,384,770.52 $33,847
King $286,534.63 $286,534.63 $573,069.26 $5,730
Kittitas $1,223,789.54
$1,223,789.54 $2,447,579.08 $24,475
Klickitat $172,981.59 $172,981.59 $345,963.18 $3,459
Lewis $1,517,241.04
$1,517,241.04 $3,034,482.08 $30,344
Lincoln $144,905.94 $144,905.94 $289,811.88 $2,898
Mason $397,884.65 $397,884.65 $795,769.30 $7,957
Okanogan $6,000,000.00
$6,000,000.00 $12,000,000.00 $120,000
Pacific $50,000.00
$50,000.00 $100,000.00 $1,000
Pend Oreille $2,071,121.58
$2,071,121.58 $4,142,243.16 $41,422
Pierce $541,889.51 $541,889.51 $1,083,779.02 $10,837
San Juan $50,000.00 $50,000.00 $100,000.00 $1,000
Skagit $856,496.09 $856,496.09 $1,712,992.18 $17,129
Skamania $2,021,482.30 $2,021,482.30 $4,042,964.60 $40,429
Snohomish $505,038.99 $505,038.99 $1,010,077.98 $10,100
Spokane $53,944.88
$53,944.88 $107,889.76 $1,078
Stevens $984,174.82 $984,174.82 $1,968,349.64 $19,683
Thurston $50,000.00 $50,000.00 $100,000.00 $1,000
Wahkiakum $50,000.00
$50,000.00 $100,000.00 $1,000
Walla Walla
$60,129.90 $120,259.80 $1,202
Whatcom $1,353,433.85
$1,353,433.85 $2,706,867.70 $27,068
Whitman $52,115.59 $52,115.59 $104,231.18 $1,042
Yakima $1,716,447.05 $1,716,447,05 $3,432,899.05 $34,328
Totals $31,753,640.62 $31,753,645.57 $63,507,286.19 $635,055.00
Invoice Date Description Amount
$7,957.00 4/1/2023 Special Assessment supporting the National Center for Public Land Counties
Please make checks payable to 'WSAC' and reference the Invoice Number
Mail to:
WSAC - Attn: Business Office
206 Tenth Ave SE, Olympia, WA 98501-1311
Billing Question?
Contact Bridget Lockling at finance@wsac.org or 360-489-3017
Invoice Number:
$7,957.00 Total Now Due
206 Tenth Ave SE, Olympia, Washington 98501-1311
Phone (360) 753-1886 Fax (360) 753-2842
Federal ID 91-6056479 www.wsac.org
Mason County
Board of Commissioners
Courthouse Building I
411 N Fifth St
Shelton, WA 98584
Mason County
Agenda Request Form
To: Board of Mason County Commissioners
From: Jennifer Beierle Ext. 532
Department: Support Services Briefing: ☒
Action Agenda: ☒
Public Hearing: ☐
Special Meeting: ☐
Briefing Date(s): April 17, 2023 Agenda Date: April 25, 2023
Internal Review: ☒ Finance ☐ Human Resources ☐ Legal ☐ Information Technology ☐ Other
(This is the responsibility of the requesting Department)
Below for Clerk of the Board’s Use Only:
Item Number: 8.6
Approved: ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Tabled ☐ No Action Taken
Ordinance/Resolution No. __________ Contract No. __________ County Code: __________
Reallocate/Combine Remaining ARPA Funds Awarded to Mason County Treasurer for Real Property Tax and
Personal (Business & MH’s) Property Tax
Background/Executive Summary:
The Board of Mason County Commissioners approved the Treasurer’s use of ARPA funds to prevent
foreclosure on real property tax and personal property tax in 2021. The approved ARPA allocations are
$125,000 for individual households and $75,000 for small businesses. The Treasurer has stated that the small
business delinquent property taxes are complete and is requesting the remaining funds be moved into the
individual household’s section.
Budget Impact (amount, funding source, budget amendment):
Public Outreach (news release, community meeting, etc.):
Requested Action:
Approval to reallocate American Rescue Plan Act funds from Personal Property Tax to Real Property Tax in
the amount of $49,932 to give the Treasurer a total of $66,952 to help prevent foreclosure to individual
Letter from the Mason County Treasurer
ARPA Spreadsheet
ARPA Briefing Support as of 12/31/2022 Page 1 ARPA Briefing Support 2022
Mason County Project Name District Confirmed Requests BOCC Approved
Obligated by
Contract Expended
Remaining of
Approved Amt
Used in
Use in 2022
Use in
Use in
Water WSAC Total
Amt Rtn fm
BOCC Action
Agenda Date Notes
Project in
A Support Public Health Response/Negative Economic Impacts
PUD 1 Customer Arrearages due to COVID 2 125,000 125,000.00$ 125,000 25,000.00$ 100,000 6,578 18,422 125,000 125,000 8/3/2021
Reallocate from PUD Arrearages to HCC Eldon Fiber Buildout 2 (100,000) (100,000.00)$ (100,000) (100,000) (100,000) (100,000) 2/15/2022
HCC Customer Arrearages due to COVID 2 110,000 110,000.00$ 110,000 22,739.17$ 87,261 110,000 110,000 110,000 8/3/2021
Mason County Treasurer Property Tax Reim ‐ individual households All 125,000 125,000.00$ 125,000 103,014.36$ 21,986 84,157 40,843 125,000 125,000 8/3/2021
Mason County Treasurer Property Tax Reim ‐ small businesses All 75,000 75,000.00$ 75,000 25,067.94$ 49,932 75,000 75,000 75,000 12/7/2021
Mason County Utility Arrearages All 90,000 90,000.00$ In House 54,707.53$ 35,292 9/27/2022
EDC Small Business Grants All 500,000 500,000.00$ 500,000 500,000.00$ ‐ 475,000 25,000 500,000 500,000 8/3/2021
Crossroads Housing for Assistance to Homeless Veterans All 10,000 10,000.00$ 10,000 1,738.80$ 8,261 10,000 10,000 10,000 11/23/2021
Mason County Housing Authority Rent Arrearages All 2/10/22 Frank Pinter 123,545 100,000.00$ 100,000 100,000.00$ ‐ 123,545 123,545 4/12/2022
The Arc of the Peninsulas All 4/5/2022 Chris Tibbs 35,000 35,000.00$ 35,000 22,440.62$ 12,559
Camp Sluys Youth Camp All 5/20/2022 30,000 30,000.00$ 30,000 30,000
Shelton Young Adult Transitional Housing Project All 1,428,000 722,000.00$ 722,000 722,000
Mason County Housing Authority Unit Renovation Project All 1,208,790 750,000.00$ 750,000 750,000.00$ ‐
Mason County Emergency & Disaster Response Center All 50,900 50,667.00$ In House 50,667
Community Lifeline All 54,790 54,789.84$ 54,790 9,131.64$ 45,658
ARPA $ from City of Shelton for Community Lifeline (20,000.00)$ (20,000)
A Support Public Health Response/Negative Economic Impacts Subtotal 3,866,025 2,657,456.84$ 2,516,790 1,613,840.06$ 1,063,617 565,734 279,265 ‐ ‐ ‐ 200,000 123,545 500,000 ‐ 110,000 25,000 ‐ 10,000 ‐ ‐ 968,545 ‐
B Premium pay for Essential Workers
Signing Bonus for Corrections Deputies‐ up to $30k approved All 74,266 30,000.00$ In House 30,000 74,266 74,266 4/11/2022 There is no other funding for this ask‐est $45k‐$70k
B Premium pay for Essential Workers Subtotal 74,266 30,000.00$ ‐ ‐$ 30,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 74,266 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 74,266 ‐
C Replace Public Sector Revenue Loss Up for government services up to $10 Million
MCSO Body Cameras All 702,364 702,364.00$ In House 702,363.84$ 0 702,364 702,365 702,365 6/8, 8/3&11/23/21
MCSO Body Camera install All 40,000 40,000.00$ In House 25,789.50$ 14,211 25,790 14,210 40,000 40,000 11/23/2021 Project complete‐ Jason Dracoby 9/26/2022
PUD 3 Belfair Substation 1 1,500,000 1,500,000.00$ 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 8/3/2021 On hold due to interim revenue amt of $1.9M
Public Records Software GovQA All
2/15/2022 Diane 22,700 22,700.00$ In House 17,783.36$ 4,917 22,700 22,700 22,700
DCD Records Archival Image All
2/11/22 Kell R 542,000 542,000.00$ In House 542,000 542,000 542,000
Prosecutors Office 2nd floor expansion (Originally 700,000) All
2/18/2022 Kelly F 75,000 75,000.00$ In House 38,423.88$ 36,576 75,000 75,000 36,576 4/11/2022
Jail Elevator and Doors All
5/2/2022 Kelly F 80,000 80,000.00$ In House $73,591.04 6,409 80,000 80,000 5/24/2022
Eels Hill Yard Goats All 240,000 240,000.00$ In House 240,000.00$ ‐ 240,000 240,000
MCSO Bearcat All 342,000 342,000.00$ In House 342,000 342,000 342,000
North Mason Fire Mobile Integrated Health Program Startup 1 337,000 337,000.00$ 337,000 337,000 337,000
C Replace Public Sector Revenue Loss Subtotal 3,881,064 3,881,064.00$ 1,500,000 1,097,951.62$ 2,783,112 728,153 1,536,910 ‐ ‐ 22,700 2,358,365 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 1,500,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ 3,881,065 36,576
D Water, Sewer, and Broadband Infrastructure
PUD 1 Agate Beach Water System Mainline 3
Spending in 2023 559,000 559,000.00$ 559,000 559,000 559,000 559,000 559,000 8/3/2021
PUD 1 Vuecrest Storage Upgrade Phase 1 & 2 2 158,284 158,284.00$ 158,284 158,284.00$ ‐ 158,284 158,284 158,284 8/3/2021
CEDS Belfair Water New Well for Commercial Core UGA 1 450,000 450,000.00$ 450,000 450,000 450,000 450,000 450,000 8/3/2021
HCC Colony Surf Fiber Buildout 2 313,556 313,556.00$ 313,556 313,556.00$ ‐ 313,556 313,556 313,556 8/3/2021
HCC Eldon Fiber Buildout 2 501,932 501,932.00$ 501,932 360,204.96$ 141,727 501,932 501,932 501,932 8/3/2021
Reallocate from PUD #1 Customer Arrearages to HCC Eldon Fiber Buildout 100,000 100,000.00$ 100,000 100,000.00$ ‐ 100,000 100,000 100,000 2/15/2022
Mason County IT Infrastructure Backbone/Storage upgrade All 136,261 136,261.00$ In House 136,097.84$ 163 136,098 136,261 136,261 163 9/28/2021
PW Rustlewood ‐ Project Removed
PW Beards Cove AC Mainline Replacement 1 2/17/22 Richard D Yes 100,000 100,000.00$ In House 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 12/7/2021
PW Belfair PS #1 Improvement Project 1 2/17/22 Richard D Yes 150,000 150,000.00$ In House 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 12/7/2021
PW Belfair PS #3 Improvement Project 1 2/17/22 Richard D Yes 180,000 180,000.00$ In House 180,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 12/7/2021
Reallocate from PW Belfair PS #3 to Mason County Utilities Arrearages (90,000) (90,000.00)$ (90,000) (90,000) (90,000)
PW Lakeland Pump Station 1 2/17/22 Richard D Yes 42,000 42,000.00$ In House 39,433.27$ 2,567 42,000 42,000 42,000 12/21/2021
Belfair Water Backup Generators 1
2/23/22 Dale Webb Yes 300,000 300,000.00$ 300,000 300,000 197,000 197,000
PW 70 Grinder Pumps All 2/23/22 Richard Yes 151,273 151,273.00$ In House 97,653.58$ 53,619 151,273 151,273 4/11/2022
Port Of Allyn Water Company 1 Yes 4/8/2022 Mark N 100,000 100,000.00$ 100,000 100,000
Belfair Sewer Log Yard Rd. Extension Design 1 $250,000 250,000.00$ In House 250,000
Belfair Sewer Extension 1 $5,200,000 1,500,000.00$ In House 1,500,000.00$ ‐
Mason County Fiber Optic Infrastructure Upgrade All $425,000 425,000.00$ In House 425,000
PUD 1 Vuecrest Storage Upgrade Phase 3 2 $750,000 750,000.00$ 750,000 750,000
D Water, Sewer, and Broadband Infrastructure Subtotal 9,777,306 6,077,306.00$ 2,382,772 2,705,229.65$ 3,372,076 136,098 2,554,772 ‐ ‐ 669,534 ‐ ‐ ‐ 450,000 915,488 717,284 ‐ ‐ 197,000 ‐ 2,949,306 163
E Administration
Washington State Association of Counties 2022 Dues All 4,000 4,000.00$ 4,000.00$ ‐ 4,000 4,000 4,000 12/21/2021
Temp County Staff to address COVID All 430,000 430,000.00$ ‐ 14,799.00$ 415,201 92,078 250,000 250,000 12/7/2021 Approved $250k until 12/31/2026 on 5/24/2022
Administraction Payroll 70,943.82$ (70,944)
Temp County Staff Suppies (Included in Temp Staff) All 1,527.57$
E Administration Subtotal 434,000 434,000.00$ ‐ 91,270.39$ 415,201 ‐ 96,078 ‐ ‐ ‐ 250,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 4,000 254,000 ‐
Grand Total 18,032,661 13,079,826.84$ 6,399,562 5,508,291.72$ 7,664,007 1,429,986 4,467,025 ‐ ‐ 692,234 2,882,631 123,545 500,000 450,000 1,025,488 742,284 1,500,000 10,000 197,000 4,000 8,127,182 36,739
Total APRA Funds Available 12,968,901.00$
Total ARPA Funds Received in 2021 ‐ First Round 6,484,450.50$
Total ARPA Funds Expected in 2022 ‐ Second Round 6,484,450.50$
Total ARPA Funds Approved in prior briefings:13,079,826.84$
Completed projects with unexpended ARPA funds returned 36,739.12$
Total Obligated ARPA Funds:13,043,087.72$
Total ARPA Funds over‐allocated at 12/31/2023 that may come out of ARPA Administration (74,186.72)$
ARPA Category
Proposed Revenue Recipients
Mason County
Agenda Request Form
To: Board of Mason County Commissioners
From: Jennifer Beierle Ext. 532
Department: Support Services Briefing: ☒
Action Agenda: ☒
Public Hearing: ☐
Special Meeting: ☐
Briefing Date(s): April 17, 2023 Agenda Date: April 25, 2023
Internal Review: ☐ Finance ☐ Human Resources ☐ Legal ☐ Information Technology ☐ Risk
(This is the responsibility of the requesting Department)
Below for Clerk of the Board’s Use Only:
Item Number: 8.7
Approved: ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Tabled ☐ No Action Taken
Ordinance/Resolution No. __________ Contract No. __________ County Code: __________
Community Lifeline’s American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Contract Amendment
Background/Executive Summary:
The Board of County Commissioners previously approved to award Community Lifeline $34,790 in American
Rescue Plan Act funding in coordination with the City of Shelton to provide 24/7 cold weather shelter.
Budget Impact (amount, funding source, budget amendment):
Public Outreach (news release, community meeting, etc.):
Requested Action:
Approval of the Community Lifeline American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) contract amendment to change the
effective date and term to December 1, 2022 through May 31, 2023 and adding detailed requirements to the
COVID-19 Expenditure Report regarding necessary information on spending reports and breakdowns.
Contract Amendment
AGREEMENT # ___22-089______
THIS CONTRACT AMENDMENT is made and entered into by and between Mason County,
hereinafter referred to as "COUNTY" and Community Lifeline hereinafter referred to as
“RECIPIENT” for the Cold Weather 24/7 Shelter Project herein referred to as “PROJECT”).
WHEREAS, The U.S. Treasury has allocated to Mason County federal stimulus funding under an
amended Title VI of the Social Security Act to add section 602 and 603, Subtitle M, Section 9901 of
the Act, referred to in the Act as Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (“CSLFRF”) for
the limited purposes identified in the Interim Final Rule between U. S. Treasury and Mason County,
identified as the Interim Final Rule (“IFR”) or 31 CFR Part 35 RIN 1505-AC77
WHEREAS, ARPA authorizes the County to offer funding from receipted ARPA funds for certain
costs projects in response to the COVID-19 public health emergency during the period of March 3,
2021, allocated by December 31, 2024 and expended by December 31, 2026, which may include
expenditures incurred to respond directly to the emergency as well as expenditures incurred to
respond to second-order effects of the emergency, such as providing economic support to those
suffering from employment or business interruptions due to COVID-19, related business closures,
investments to improve water, sewer and broadband infrastructure and support public health
As required under Amendment, Section 16, no amendment, or modification to the Agreement will
be effective without prior written consent of the authorized representatives of the parties. There are
two sections being revised under this Amendment:
The first revision is to change Section 1, Effective Date and Term. This section now reads: “This
Agreement is effective as of December 1, 2022, and shall remain in effect until May 31, 2023,
unless terminated by the County in writing.”
The second revision is to add more detailed requirements to Section 4, COVID-19 Expenditure
Report. This Section now reads “To facilitate the County’s requirement for documentation of
ARPA funding under the IFR, the Recipient will submit an emailed report to the County, daily,
through May 31, 2023, detailing the number of people housed and a Monthly A-19 expenditure
report, detailing the payroll expenditure costs by the Recipient. The detailed payroll expenditure
report shall include an itemized list of dates and hours worked by employee name and total salaries
and benefits paid by the Recipient for each line item billed to ARPA. Such a schedule may be
modified with the prior approval of the County. Failure to provide any of the required
documentation may result in termination of the Agreement.”
All other terms of the contract remain the same.
All other items listed under “Scope of Services” in the original agreement remain the same.
DATED this____ day of ______________ , 2023.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Mark Neary, County Administrator
Dated: _____________________________ Dated: _____________________________
Tim Whitehead, Chief DPA
Mason County
Agenda Request Form
To: Board of Mason County Commissioners
From: Diane Zoren and TJ Cannon Ext. 747
Department: Support Services Briefing: ☒
Action Agenda: ☒
Public Hearing: ☐
Special Meeting: ☐
Briefing Date(s): April 17, 2023 Agenda Date: April 25, 2023
Internal Review: ☐ Finance ☐ Human Resources ☒ Legal ☒ Information Technology ☐ Risk
(This is the responsibility of the requesting Department)
Below for Clerk of the Board’s Use Only:
Item Number: 8.8
Approved: ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Tabled ☐ No Action Taken
Ordinance/Resolution No. __________ Contract No. __________ County Code: __________
Fiber Upgrade for Downtown County Campus
Background/Executive Summary:
Information Technology opened the bidding process for the downtown campus fiber optic upgrade on January
23, 2023. At close of bid on March 2, 2023 the county received two bids for review – Hood Canal
Communications $177,406.25 + $126,610.94 in contingencies for a total of $304,017.19 and SEFNCO
$121,374.68. The bids were tabulated by Mark Neary and Todd Cannon.
It was determined that the county received only one responsive bid that met all the specifications. Proposals
were evaluated on criteria that includes “Strategy for completion of services (i.e. paths of fiber, materials
used)” and SEFNCO’s scope of work and map are inadequate to determine their strategy.
SEFNCO’s bid amount doesn’t appear to reflect the total scope of services. Included in the bid specification
scope of services is “Ability to work within Mason County Public Utility District #3 guidelines on pole usage
and possible replacement if necessary.” There is no cost in SEFNCO’s bid for pole replacement even though
their path appears to predominantly overhead and the County is aware that PUD 3 will require some poles to
be replaced, And the total splicing costs are not clear.
After consulting with Tim Whitehead and MRSC, staff recommendation is to award the bid to Hood Canal
Communications in the bid amount of $304,018.
Budget Impact (amount, funding source, budget amendment):
$304,018 with contingencies from ARPA funding.
Public Outreach (news release, community meeting, etc.):
Call for Bids issued.
Mason County
Agenda Request Form
Requested Action:
Approval to award the fiber upgrade bid to Hood Canal Communications (HCC) and to enter into a contract
in the amount of $304,018. SEFNCO’s bid was the apparent low bid but was not responsive because their
scope of work was inadequate and they did not include costs for the total scope of services in the bid
Bid Specifications
Submitted Bid Amounts
Page 1 of 4
Optic Upgrade Bid Specifications Final.docx
Notice is hereby given that Mason County Central Services Department will receive sealed bids for
performing the construction of the Downtown Campus Fiber Optic Upgrade according to the Project
Outline described in general as:
1.Installation of new fiber optic cabling from the following locations (all are in Shelton,
A.Building 1 411 N 5th St.
B.Building 2 410 N 4th St.
C.Building 3 426 W Cedar St.
D.Building 4 303 N 4th St.
E.Building 6 414 N 5th St.
F.Building 8 415 N 6th St.
G.Building 9 423 N 5th St.
H.Courthouse 419 N 4th St
I.Juvenile Detention Center 317 N 5th St.
J.Sheriff’s Office 322 N 3rd St
2.All fiber connections will terminate at Building 10, 414 W Franklin St., Shelton, WA
● Fiber Network Installation (consisting of all labor, parts, materials and supplies) to
include installation of drop (aerial and/or underground) and splicing. Installation of
splitters, inside wiring with termination at building network closet for hand-off to
●Routine cable maintenance and fiber restoration services to include labor, parts,
materials and supplies, for the fiber optic network.
● In the event of an emergency, the County may require services at off-times. To facilitate
prompt response and resolution of emergency fiber restoration incidents, the County’s
expectations for emergency repair services are as follows: The successful contractor
must be able to initiate emergency fiber optic response within twenty (20)
minutes of emergency service notification from the County.
●Ability to work within Mason County Public Utility District #3 guidelines on pole usage and possible
replacement if necessary.
●Acquire all appropriate permissions and permitting from the City of Shelton for the work to be
● Coordinate with County technical staff for entry, scheduling, completion, testing /validation, and the
development of a detailed plan of action for emergency response.
● Provide warranty work as directed for defects or incomplete services.
● Installation services are required to meet applicable Federal and State building codes
and standards.
● The Successful contractor shall provide a single point of contact to initiate installation, routine cable
maintenance, and fiber restoration services.
Page 2 of 4
Optic Upgrade Bid Specifications Final.docx
Cable Specifications
The cable must be single mode fiber with a minimum of 12 strand per location.
Inside Building Specifications
The fiber will be run into all buildings and terminated at contractor supplied fiber patch panel in existing
network closets.
The County seeks a professional service provider that possesses a demonstrated ability,
knowledge and expertise related to the implementation and expansion of fiber-optic
systems. Respondents should also have sufficient knowledge and experience in all matters
relevant to the requirements of local governmental entities.
Neither the Contractor(s) nor the County shall, sell, transfer, assign or otherwise dispose of the
contract or any portion thereof, or of their right, title or interest therein, or the obligation
there under, without written consent of the other party.
The Contractor(s) shall observe and comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, and the
rules and regulations of all authorities having jurisdiction over the County’s contract.
The Contractor(s) shall comply, when applicable, with the U. S. Department of Labor, Safety
and Health Regulations identified as Chapter XVII of Title 29, Code of Federal Regulations
(CFR) Parts 1910 and 1926 and subsequent amendments. The Contractor(s) shall meet or
exceed all County, State, Federal safety guidelines and standards. All OSHA applicable
guidelines and standards.
The Contractor(s) agrees that in the hiring of employees for the performance of work under
the County’s contract or any subcontract, no contractor, subcontractor, or any person acting on
their behalf shall, by reason or race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, familial status,
disability, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression, or any
prohibition provided by federal or state law, discriminate against any citizen of the State in
the employment of labor or workers who are qualified and available to perform the work to
which the employment relates, nor shall any contractor, subcontractor, or any person acting
on their behalf, in any manner, discriminate against or intimidate any employee hired for the
performance of work under the County’s contract on account of race, color, religion, sex,
national origin, age, familial status, disability, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity,
or gender expression, or any prohibition provided by federal or state law.
Contractor certifies that to the best of its knowledge and belief they are not presently debarred,
suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from covered
transactions by any Federal department or agency.
Page 3 of 4
Optic Upgrade Bid Specifications Final.docx
Prevailing Wage
Contractor agrees to comply with Prevailing Wage requirements, RCW 39.12, and to file all required
forms, certifications, and affidavits necessary to comply with Federal and State laws before final
payment shall be made to the Contractor.
The State of Washington prevailing wage rates applicable for this public works project, which is located
in Mason County, may be found at the following website address of the Department of Labor and
Industries: https://lni.wa.gov/licensing-permits/public-works-projects/prevailing-wage-rates/
Based on the bid submittal deadline for this project, the applicable effective date for prevailing
wages for this project is March 2, 2023. A copy of the applicable prevailing wage rates is also
available for viewing at the Mason County Commissioners’ Office, 411 North 5th Street, Shelton, WA
98584. Upon request, the County will mail a hard copy of the applicable prevailing wages for this
Bid Bond Requirement
ALL BID PROPOSALS shall be accompanied by a bid proposal deposit in the form of a Surety Bond, Cash,
Cashier's Check, or Certified Check in an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the amount of such bid
proposal. Should the successful bidder fail to enter into such contract and furnish satisfactory
performance bond within the time stated in the bid award, the bid proposal deposit shall be forfeited
to Mason County.
Insurance Requirements. All insurance provided shall be primary and non-contributory.
•Comprehensive General Liability. $1,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury,
personal injury and property damage, $2,000,000 general aggregate;
•Automobile Liability. $1,000,000 combined single limit per accident for bodily injury and property
•Workers’ Compensation. Workers’ compensation limits as required by the Workers’ Compensation
Act of Washington;
•Consultant’s Errors and Omissions Liability. $1,000,000 per occurrence and as an annual aggregate.
Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria. The evaluation criteria are subject to change
without notice.
1)Strategy for completion of services (i.e. paths of fiber, materials used).
2)Experience completing similar projects.
3)Strategy for maintaining and emergency response.
4)Hours of operation and level of staffing.
5)Cost of the proposal and the degree to which the budget reflects the requested activities.
6)Timeline to complete project.
Pre‐submittal Meeting
The County is hosting a mandatory pre‐submittal walk-through of the county campus on Tuesday,
Page 4 of 4
Optic Upgrade Bid Specifications Final.docx
February 14, 2023 at 10 a.m. Meet in the lobby of Building 1, 411 North 5th Street, Shelton, WA.
Submittal Criteria
All bid proposals shall include the following:
Contact name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address
Detailed description of proposed plan of work with timeline
Project budget breakdown
Statement of Bidder’s qualifications– Attachment A
Certification of Compliance with Wage Payment statutes – Attachment B
5% bid deposit
All bid proposals shall be mailed to:
Mason County Central Services, Information Technology
Attn: Todd Cannon, Network Engineer
411 N 5th St.
Shelton WA, 98584
The County is accepting bids on this project until 4 p.m. March 2, 2023.
Bids must be in a sealed, properly addressed envelope with the name of the Bidder and “Fiber Optic
Upgrade Bid” plainly written on the outside of the envelope, delivered prior to the scheduled time
and date stated in the Invitation to Bid. County offices are not open for special mail or other delivery
on weekends and County holidays. The County shall assume no responsibility for delay in U.S. mail
service or for bids delivered to County offices other than the specified County Office. Bids received
after the time stated in the bid will not be accepted and will be returned, unopened, to the Bidder.
There will be no exceptions or waivers of this requirement.
Mason County reserves the right to accept or reject bids on each item separately or as a whole, to
reject any or all bids, to waive informalities and to contract as to the best interest of Mason County.
Mason County
Agenda Request Form
To: Board of Mason County Commissioners
From: Diane Zoren Ext. 747
Department: Support Services Briefing: ☒
Action Agenda: ☒
Public Hearing: ☐
Special Meeting: ☐
Briefing Date(s): April 17, 2023 Agenda Date: April 25, 2023
Internal Review: ☐ Finance ☐ Human Resources ☐ Legal ☐ Information Technology ☐ Risk
(This is the responsibility of the requesting Department)
Below for Clerk of the Board’s Use Only:
Item Number: 8.9
Approved: ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Tabled ☐ No Action Taken
Ordinance/Resolution No. __________ Contract No. __________ County Code: __________
2022 Oath of Inventory Pursuant to RCW 36.32.210 and County Code Chapter 3.56
Background/Executive Summary:
The Oath of Inventory includes equipment that costs $5,000 or more and other capital assets.
Budget Impact (amount, funding source, budget amendment):
Public Outreach (news release, community meeting, etc.):
Requested Action:
Approval of the 2022 Oath of Inventory Pursuant to RCW 36.32.210 and County Code Chapter 3.56.
Oath of Inventory
Mason County
Agenda Request Form
To: Board of Mason County Commissioners
From: Mike Collins Ext. 450
Department: Public Works Briefing: ☒
Action Agenda: ☒
Public Hearing: ☐
Special Meeting: ☐
Briefing Date(s): April 17, 2023 Agenda Date: April 25, 2023
Internal Review: ☐ Finance ☐ Human Resources ☐ Legal ☐ Information Technology ☐ Risk
(This is the responsibility of the requesting Department)
Below for Clerk of the Board’s Use Only:
Item Number: 8.10
Approved: ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Tabled ☐ No Action Taken
Ordinance/Resolution No. __________ Contract No. __________ County Code: __________
Satsop Cloquallum Road Culvert Replacement Project at Milepost 5.20
Background/Executive Summary:
Public Works has a maintenance project on Satsop Cloquallum Road that will require county forces to remove
a 30”in diameter culvert that is failing at milepost 5.20 and replace with a 16.9’ Span by 10.8’ Rise aluminum
structural arch pipe to meet Department of Fish and Wildlife’s replacement requirements. Public Works would
like authorization to procure the culvert and close the road from Monday, August 21, 2023 to Friday, August
25, 2023 to complete the project.
Budget Impact (amount, funding source, budget amendment):
Project is estimated to cost $200,000 and will come out of the 2023 Road Fund.
Public Outreach (news release, community meeting, etc.):
Bid advertisement for structure will be published in the Shelton Journal, Daily Journal of Commerce, on
Builders Exchange and County website. Road closure is scheduled during summer break. The notice of
closure will be published in the Shelton Journal, posted on County Facebook page, website, road hotline, road
closure email contact group and reader boards used to alert drivers prior to the start of the closure.
Requested Action:
Approval for the County Engineer to advertise, set bid date/time, and award contract for the Satsop
Cloquallum culvert structure replacement project at milepost 5.20 and Chair to sign all pertinent documents
and approval for the road closure from August 21, 2023 to August 25, 2023 to complete project with county
Mason County
Agenda Request Form
To: Board of Mason County Commissioners
From: Loretta Swanson Ext. 450
Department: Public Works Briefing: ☒
Action Agenda: ☒
Public Hearing: ☐
Special Meeting: ☐
Briefing Date(s): April 17, 2023 Agenda Date: April 25, 2023
Internal Review: ☐ Finance ☐ Human Resources ☐ Legal ☐ Information Technology ☐ Risk
(This is the responsibility of the requesting Department)
Below for Clerk of the Board’s Use Only:
Item Number: 8.11
Approved: ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Tabled ☐ No Action Taken
Ordinance/Resolution No. __________ Contract No. __________ County Code: __________
PUD #1 Temporary Easement – Skokomish Valley Road
Background/Executive Summary:
PUD #1 requests a 10’ wide by approximately 635’ long easement across tax parcel #42118-24-00130 owned
by Mason County. The proposed easement is temporary, for the purpose of installing, operating, and
maintaining power, water, and communication utilities. Executing the easement will allow PUD #1 to perform
necessary work in conjunction with planned road and habitat improvements between Vance Creek Bridge and
Eells Hill Road, in the area known as “the Dips”. The requested easement is located on property purchased by
Mason County in 1998 with FEMA flood mitigation funds.
Budget Impact (amount, funding source, budget amendment):
Public Outreach (news release, community meeting, etc.):
Requested Action:
Approval for the County Administrator to sign the Temporary Easement Agreement granting Public Utility
District (PUD) No. 1 an easement on County owned parcel number 42118-24-00130 at 4091 W Skokomish
Valley Road for installing, operating, and maintaining power, water, and communication utilities.
Temporary Easement Agreement
Location Map
STIP ID: WA-13847
LPA-325 Page of ( ) Pages Parcel Number: 421182400130
Rev. 5/2021
Return document to:
James Reyes, Engineering Manager
Mason County PUD 1
21971 N HWY 101
Shelton, WA 98584
Document Title: Temporary Easement
Grantor(s): Mason County
Grantee(s): PUD 1
Legal Description: Township: 21N, Range: 4W, Section: 18
TR 13 of E1/2 of NW Size: 4.94 acres
Assessor’s Tax Parcel Number: 421182400130
The Grantor, MASON COUNTY, conveys and grants unto the PUD 1, Grantee, the right,
privilege, and easement over, upon, and across the hereinafter described lands for the purpose
of brushing and installing temporary utilities to facilitate the Skokomish Valley Road and
Habitat Restoration project improvements.
Said lands being situated in MASON County, State of Washington, and shown on Exhibit
A, attached hereto and made a part hereof.
The term of this Temporary Easement shall commence on the date of acceptance of this
Temporary Easement by the Grantee and shall terminate on January 1, 2026, hereinafter the
The Grantee shall restore the premises as nearly as practicable to the same condition
prior to work. The Grantor shall retain use of the land not inconsistent with anticipated work.
Dated: , 2023________
Mark Neary, County Administrator
Accepted and Approved
Date: , 2023________
Exhibit A
Approximate Location of Easement
Mason County
Agenda Request Form
To: Board of Mason County Commissioners
From: Kell Rowen Ext. 286
Department: Community Services Briefing: ☒
Action Agenda: ☒
Public Hearing: ☐
Special Meeting: ☐
Briefing Date(s): April 10, 2023 Agenda Date: April 25, 2023
Internal Review: ☐ Finance ☐ Human Resources ☐ Legal ☐ Information Technology ☐ Risk
(This is the responsibility of the requesting Department)
Below for Clerk of the Board’s Use Only:
Item Number: 8.12
Approved: ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Tabled ☐ No Action Taken
Ordinance/Resolution No. __________ Contract No. __________ County Code: __________
Planning Advisory Commission Application from Brad Carlberg
Background/Executive Summary:
The Mason County Planning Advisory Commission (PAC) is a seven-member citizen board appointed to
advise the Board of Commissioners on policy related to the County Comprehensive Plan and on land use
issues. The Planning Advisory Commission members help set the long-term direction or vision for the
community’s future. The Commission considers and makes recommendations on issues such as amendments
to the Mason County Comprehensive Plan, Shoreline Master Program, and land use regulation.
An application was received from Brad Carlberg (District 2). There is currently one open position. Current
members include District 1: Jeff Carey, Terri Arcieri, Robert “Mac” McLean, and Timothy Opiela Jr.; District
2: Joseph Meyers; and District 3: Bob Wilkerson.
Budget Impact (amount, funding source, budget amendment):
Public Outreach (news release, community meeting, etc.):
News Release and County website
Requested Action:
Approval to appoint Brad Carlberg to the Planning Advisory Commission for a four-year term expiring April
25, 2027.
Mason County Fax 360-427-8437; Voice 360-427-9670, ExL 419;275-4467 or 482-5269
= Commissioners
I AM SEEKING APPOINTMENT TO Planning Advisory Commission Vacancy
-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
Senior life member International Society of COMPANY: BSC Engineering 29 years YRS
Automation connect.lsa.org
Senior life member International Society of POSMON: Consulting Control Systems Engineer
Automation Conn ppl.org
Potlatch Beach Mutual Water Company COMPANY: YRS
In your words,what do you perceive Is the role or purpose of the Board, Committee or Council for which you are applying:
The Planning Advisory Commission should play a critical role to establish the vision and goals for the County's future
environmental, economic and social gFofi and development
What interests,skills do you wish to offer the Board, Committee,or Council?
Brad Cariberg is a 1 icansed Professional Control Systems Engineer(in Ajobama &Washington)with over thit1y-nine
years'engineering experience in automation projects over four continents(N &S America, Hong Kong, U.A.E, &
boUth Korea)and specitically twenty-five pup and paper mills 6,twenty-two other of gas,wa erwa er, In us na
main ifaMi vinn farilitinc 0
Please list any financial, professional, or voluntary affiliations which may influence or affect your position on this Board:
(i.e. create a potential conflict of interest)
I am a Trustee for the Potlatch Beach Mutual Water Company, a community-owned non-profit organization providing
potable water to 84 member/owners
Your participation is dependent upon attending certain trainings made available by the County during regular business hours
(such as Open Public Meetings Act and Public Records).The trainings would be at no cost to you.Would you be
able to attend such trainings? YES
Realistically, how much time can you give to this position?
Quarterly Monthly N 2 Daily Office Use Only
Sture 06Apr23 Appointment Date
ii��nnaa Daile
Term Expire Date
Mason County
Agenda Request Form
To: Board of Mason County Commissioners
From: Mark Neary Ext. 530
Department: Support Services Briefing: ☒
Action Agenda: ☒
Public Hearing: ☐
Special Meeting: ☐
Briefing Date(s): April 17, 2023 Agenda Date: April 25, 2023
Internal Review: ☐ Finance ☐ Human Resources ☐ Legal ☐ Information Technology ☐ Other
(This is the responsibility of the requesting Department)
Below for Clerk of the Board’s Use Only:
Item Number: 8.13
Approved: ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Tabled ☐ No Action Taken
Ordinance/Resolution No. __________ Contract No. __________ County Code: __________
Revise the remaining obligated ARPA funds of $14,211 for the installation of vehicle cameras to include
purchase of the vehicle and body cameras.
Background/Executive Summary:
The Mason County Board of Commissioners approved the use of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds
for the Mason County Sheriff’s Office of up to $40,000 for the installation of in-car vehicle cameras for the
years 2021 through 2024, item 8.12, on November 23, 2021. There is currently $14,211 of the $40,000
remaining and I am requesting a revision to the original Action Agenda item to include the purchase of in-car
vehicle cameras and body cameras.
Budget Impact (amount, funding source, budget amendment):
Public Outreach (news release, community meeting, etc.):
Requested Action:
Approval to revise the November 23, 2021 Agenda Action Item 8.12 to include the use of American Rescue
Plan Act (ARPA) funds for the Mason County Sheriff’s Office of up to $40,000 for the purchase and install of
in-car vehicle cameras and the purchase of body cameras for the years 2021 through 2024.
Mason County
Agenda Request Form
To: Board of Mason County Commissioners
From: Diane Zoren/Kelly Frazier Ext. 747
Department: Support Services Briefing: ☒
Action Agenda: ☒
Public Hearing: ☐
Special Meeting: ☐
Briefing Date(s): April 17, 2023 Agenda Date: April 25, 2023
Internal Review: ☐ Finance ☐ Human Resources ☐ Legal ☐ Information Technology ☐ Risk
(This is the responsibility of the requesting Department)
Below for Clerk of the Board’s Use Only:
Item Number: 8.14
Approved: ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Tabled ☐ No Action Taken
Ordinance/Resolution No. __________ Contract No. __________ County Code: __________
Repair Work Order from TK Elevator Corporation for Courthouse Elevator
Background/Executive Summary:
During the mandatory five-year testing of the Courthouse elevator, it was discovered the elevator needed
repairs and has been shut down for the last few months. This repair work order will put the elevator back into
safe operating order.
Budget Impact (amount, funding source, budget amendment):
$148,101 from REET 1
Public Outreach (news release, community meeting, etc.):
Requested Action:
Approval of the repair work order, reference ID # ACIA-22VLU42, with TK Elevator Corporation for repairs
to the Courthouse elevator in the amount of $148,100.85 to be paid from Real Estate Excise Tax (REET) 1.
Work Order
Mason County
Agenda Request Form
To: Board of Mason County Commissioners
From: John Taylor Ext. 806
Department: Parks & Trails Briefing: ☒
Action Agenda: ☒
Public Hearing: ☐
Special Meeting: ☐
Briefing Date(s): March 14, 2022, April 18, 2022 &
April 17, 2023
Agenda Date: April 25, 2023
Internal Review: ☐ Finance ☐ Human Resources ☐ Legal ☐ Information Technology ☐ Risk
(This is the responsibility of the requesting Department)
Below for Clerk of the Board’s Use Only:
Item Number: 8.15
Approved: ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Tabled ☐ No Action Taken
Ordinance/Resolution No. __________ Contract No. __________ County Code: __________
Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO) Grant for Sandhill Park All-Purpose Field and
Union Park Renovation
Background/Executive Summary:
Parks and Trails applied for a Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO) Grant on May 1,
2022 to assist with adding a synthetic ball field to Sandhill Park. Two separate grants were applied for: (1)
Youth Athletic Facilities (YAF) grant for $350,000 and (2) Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program
(WWRP) for $500,000. Mason County was selected for the YAF grant and the deadline to accept the grant is
May 9, 2023.
Budget Impact (amount, funding source, budget amendment):
Sandhill all-purpose field estimate (Mason County Investment): $4,803,000.00
Union Park renovation estimate (Mason County Investment): $1,849,000.00
Total Mason County cost: $6,652,000.00
Public Outreach (news release, community meeting, etc.):
Requested Action:
Approval to withdraw the two Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program (WWRP) grant requests for
22-1388 Union Park and 22-1410 Sandhill Park multi-purpose field and to not accept the Youth Athletic
Facilities (YAF) program grant 22-1387 request for $350,000 with a $4,755,000 match.
Commissioner Briefings
Contractor Estimates
Status of the RCO Grant for Sandhill and Union
Sandhill large project: ranked 11/34 / Sandhill Project awarded: $350,000
Sandhill Project Washington Wildlife & Recreation Program: 40/59
Union: Washington Wildlife & Recreation Program 47/59
Moving ahead with the Projects:
Budget Impact (amount, funding source, budget amendment):
Sandhill Budget: Estimated Construction Costs: $5,118,123.33
RCO Grant for Sandhill: ($ 350,000.00)
Total Estimated County Cost: $4,768,123.33
(Sandhill Cost Estimate Attached)
Union Park Project: $1,374,000.00
RCO Grant for Union: $0.00
Total Estimated County Cost: $1,374,000.00
(Union Cost Estimate Attached)
Commissioner decision: Moving forward or not
Status of Foothills Dog Park
The nonprofit group assisting in the creation of a dog park at Foothills Park, did not get the grant
their applied for. However, the group current has over $9,000 to towards the estimated $18,000
project and is continuing to move forward. During the Park Tour it was suggested the County
assist with additional funding.
2023 Field Use Fee Resolution & revised Field Use Agreement MC Parks
Pursuant to the Fees and Charges Policy for the Parks & Trails Department, Section IV, fees will be adjusted
annually by using the Seattle Consumer Price (CPI) Index. The 2023 increase is 10.1%.
The Parks & Trails Advisory Committee reviewed the proposed 2023 rates and recommended approval.
Budget Impact (amount, funding source, budget amendment): Based on the average revenue from field
rental of $20K, the 10.1% increase will generate an additional $2,000 in revenue.
Public Outreach (news release, community meeting, etc.): Reviewed by the Parks & Advisory
Requested Action: Place the resolution and revised Field Use Agreement on the October 11 agenda
New Pitching Machines at MCRA
In 1998 with an estimated life span of 20 year. However, the current machines have been in
operation for five years beyond their expected life. The replacement of the Ball Distribution
System is also in the total cost estimates.
Budget Impact (amount, funding source, budget amendment):
Estimated Cost Per Machine: $ 4,350.00
Total for 4 Machines $ 17,400.00
Ball Distribution System $ 6,050.00
Dozen Yellow Dimpled Baseballs $ 1,078.50
Dozen (12) Yellow Dimpled Softballs $ 575.40
Freight (estimate) $ 3,020.10
Total Estimated Cost $ 28,300.00
The total cost of the Pitching Machines is budgeted for using REET-II.
Awaiting the Commission’s approval to move forward.
Application For Bill Long Parks & Trails Advisory Board
William Long as applied to be a member of the Mason County Parks and Trails Board, and is a
member of the Lake Cushman and Hoodsport community. His application for appointment is
Requested Action:
The Commission review Mr. Long’s application to become a member of the Mascon County
Parks and Trails Board. Once reviewed, that Mr. Long be approved for appointment to the
Mason County Parks and Trails Board.
County Alert System Upgrade
Mason County is currently using Alert Sense as its primary and only County-wide Emergency
and Disaster Alerting System. After a careful evaluation of the four like products, narrowing the
potential systems to two, Alert Sense and CodeRed, the decision has been made to discontinue
Alert Sense and implement CodeRed. Mason County Alert Sense currently has 3000 county
enrollees out of a population of 66,000. Both systems have about the same abilities. However,
Alert Sense pricing is based on the number of Admins, which are the key person or people,
within a County organization that is authorized to activate the system. In an effort to sustainably
increase enrollments, we are making the system available to any organization in Mason County.
Based on the current pricing model of Alert Sense the estimated cost is estimated at
approximately $27,000, with an expectation as organizations enroll their people the cost will
continue to increase. The current plan is for Mason County to fund the total cost of the system
for the first year. The second year MACECOM will assist with the annual cost. The third year
costs will be divided with the organizational uses to assist the expense to Mascon County and
Budget Impact (amount, funding source, budget amendment):
Alert Sense Basic Project Annually $15,520.00
Alert Sense Estimate with Admins Annually $27,000.00
CodeRed Estimated Cost Annually $ 15,862.15
Distribution of the CERT Trailers
The tentative location of the three CERT Response Trailers is:
1ea-CERT Trailer located at Mason County Port
1ea-CERT Trailer located at North Mason Fire Authority
1ea-CERT Trailer located at Mason County Public Works
Attached Trailer Inventories.
Briefing Summary 4/11/2023
To: Board of Mason County Commissioners
From: John Taylor
Department: Parks & Trails Ext: 806
Briefing Date: 04/18/2022
Previous Briefing Dates: 03/14/2022
(If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information)
Item: Cost Estimate for Sandhill RCO Grant Project
Executive Summary: (If applicable, please include available options and potential
solutions): Mason County Parks and Trails is preparing to apply for a Washington State Recreation
and Conservation Office (RCO) Grant on May 1, 2022, to assist with adding a synthetic ball field to the
existing park. Two grants being applied for: (1) Youth Athletic Facilities (YAF) grant and (2)
Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program (WWRP). The projected costs estimated by Bob Droll are
presented in the Budget Impact section of this briefing.
Budget Impact: The estimated potential awards and cost are listed below:
Estimated YAF Grant: ($350,000.00)
Estimated WWRP Grant: ($500,000.00)
Potential Grant Award: ($850,000.00)
Mason County total Costs $5,153,000.00
Total Estimated County Match $4,303,000.00
Public Outreach:(Include any legal requirements, direct notice, website, community
meetings, etc.) Community information meeting held on 04/01/2022 at 5:30 PM in the Sandhill Park.
Recommended or Requested Action:
1. Sandhill Community Park Estimated Cost Spreadsheet
2. Sandhill Site Drawing
Briefing Summary 4/11/2023
To: Board of Mason County Commissioners
From: John Taylor
Department: Parks & Trails Ext: 806
Briefing Date: 04/18/2022
Previous Briefing Dates: 03/14/2022
(If this is a follow-up briefing, please provide only new information)
Item: Cost Estimate for Union Park Revision Project
Executive Summary: (If applicable, please include available options and potential
solutions): Mason County Parks and Trails is preparing to apply for a Washington State
Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO) Grant on May 1, 2022. To assist in funding the
project, Mason County is applying for a Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program
(WWRP) grant. The project costs estimated by Bob Droll are in the Budget Impact section
below. Of course, the figures presented an estimate that Mason County will receive the full
potential grant amount. In contrast, the total amount as Mason County’s share will increase if
the grant awards are less than the maximum, which will increase the match required by the
Budget Impact:
Estimated WWRP Grant: ($500,000.00)
Total Estimated Project Cost: $1,849,000.00
Estimated County Cost Share: $1,349,000.00
Public Outreach:(Include any legal requirements, direct notice, website, community
meetings, etc.) Community meeting conducted on 04/02/2022 at 1100 AM in the Union Park
Recommended or Requested Action: County Commission and Mason County Public
understand the total potential cost incurred from this project to Mason County Government.
1. Union Park Cost Estimate Spreadsheet
2. Union Park Site Plan
4/12/2022 22005 1
Sandhilll Community Park - Synthetic Turf Field
YAF & WWRP Local Parks- Estimate of Probable Costs - RCO Format
Line Item Description Subtotal Escalation to
2024 Construction Unit Quantity Unit Cost Item Subtotal
Mobilization &
to 2024
1 Athletic Fields
2 Synthetic Turf Field
3 4" permeable aggregate base course $ 258,620.95 TON 2,640.00 $ 60.00 $ 158,400.00 $ 15,840.00 $ 174,240.00 $ 14,810.40 $ 189,050.400 $ 37,810.080 $ 226,860.480 $ 31,760.47
4 2" permeble aggregate top course $ 140,086.35 TON 1,320.00 $ 65.00 $ 85,800.00 $ 8,580.00 $ 94,380.00 $ 8,022.30 $ 102,402.300 $ 20,480.460 $ 122,882.760 $ 17,203.59
5 concrete perimeter curb $ 77,145.45 LF 1,350.00 $ 35.00 $ 47,250.00 $ 4,725.00 $ 51,975.00 $ 4,417.88 $ 56,392.875 $ 11,278.575 $ 67,671.450 $ 9,474.00
6 2.5" synthetic turf $ 655,736.35 SF 94,500.00 $ 4.25 $ 401,625.00 $ 40,162.50 $ 441,787.50 $ 37,551.94 $ 479,339.438 $ 95,867.888 $ 575,207.325 $ 80,529.03
7 Soccer/Football/Unified Lacrosse striping $ 24,490.62 LS 1.00 $ 15,000.00 $ 15,000.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 16,500.00 $ 1,402.50 $ 17,902.500 $ 3,580.500 $ 21,483.000 $ 3,007.62
8 Gravity Block Retaining Wall - 4' $ 162,617.72 SF 1,660.00 $ 60.00 $ 99,600.00 $ 9,960.00 $ 109,560.00 $ 9,312.60 $ 118,872.600 $ 23,774.520 $ 142,647.120 $ 19,970.60
9 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
10 Subtotal $ 1,318,697.43
11 Rounded $ 1,319,000.00
12 Buildings and Structures
13 Construction /Install Restroom
14 CXT Vault Toilet $ 138,780.18 LS 1.00 $ 85,000.00 $ 85,000.00 $ 8,500.00 $ 93,500.00 $ 7,947.50 $ 101,447.500 $ 20,289.500 $ 121,737.000 $ 17,043.18
15 Site work allowance $ 24,490.62 LS 1.00 $ 15,000.00 $ 15,000.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 16,500.00 $ 1,402.50 $ 17,902.500 $ 3,580.500 $ 21,483.000 $ 3,007.62
16 $ -
17 Subtotal $ 163,270.80
18 Rounded $ 163,000.00
19 Construct Administrative Building $ -
20 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
21 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
22 $ -
23 Subtotal $ -
24 Rounded $ -
25 Construct Amphitheatre $ -
26 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
27 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
28 Subtotal $ -
29 Rounded $ -
30 Construct Bathhouse $ -
31 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
32 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
33 Subtotal $ -
34 Rounded $ -
35 Construct Caretaker's Residence
36 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
37 Subtotal $ -
38 Rounded $ -
39 Construct Registration Booth
40 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
41 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
42 Subtotal $ -
43 Rounded $ -
44 Construct Storage Facility
45 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
46 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
47 Subtotal $ - $ -
Robert W. Droll Landscape Architect, PS 1 360-456-3813
4/12/2022 22005 2
Sandhilll Community Park - Synthetic Turf Field
YAF & WWRP Local Parks- Estimate of Probable Costs - RCO Format
Line Item Description Subtotal Escalation to
2024 Construction Unit Quantity Unit Cost Item Subtotal
Mobilization &
to 2024
48 Rounded $ -
49 Construct Warming Hut
50 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
51 Subtotal $ - $ -
52 Rounded $ -
53 Camping Facilities
54 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
55 Subtotal $ -
56 Rounded $ -
57 Equestrian
58 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
59 Subtotal $ -
60 Rounded $ -
61 General Site Improvements
62 Construct Picnic Shelter
63 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
64 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
65 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
66 Subtotal $ -
67 Rounded $ -
68 Create Lake/Pond
69 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
70 Subtotal $ -
71 Rounded $ -
72 Develop Circulation Paths or Access Routes
73 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
74 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
75 Subtotal $ -
76 Rounded $ -
77 Develop Community Garden $ -
78 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
79 Subtotal $ -
80 Rounded $ -
81 Develop Viewpoint
82 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
83 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
84 Subtotal $ -
85 Rounded $ -
86 Habitat Enhancement $ -
87 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
88 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
89 Subtotal $ -
90 Rounded $ -
91 Install Fencing/Barriers
92 3' coated CL fence w/ top rail $ 20,898.66 LF 400.00 $ 32.00 $ 12,800.00 $ 1,280.00 $ 14,080.00 $ 1,196.80 $ 15,276.800 $ 3,055.360 $ 18,332.160 $ 2,566.50
93 6 ' coated CL fence w/ top rail $ 68,181.89 LF 870.00 $ 48.00 $ 41,760.00 $ 4,176.00 $ 45,936.00 $ 3,904.56 $ 49,840.560 $ 9,968.112 $ 59,808.672 $ 8,373.21
94 3' coated CL gates - pedestrian $ 5,877.75 EA 3.00 $ 1,200.00 $ 3,600.00 $ 360.00 $ 3,960.00 $ 336.60 $ 4,296.600 $ 859.320 $ 5,155.920 $ 721.83
Robert W. Droll Landscape Architect, PS 2 360-456-3813
4/12/2022 22005 3
Sandhilll Community Park - Synthetic Turf Field
YAF & WWRP Local Parks- Estimate of Probable Costs - RCO Format
Line Item Description Subtotal Escalation to
2024 Construction Unit Quantity Unit Cost Item Subtotal
Mobilization &
to 2024
95 6 ' coated double gates - vehicle $ 3,265.42 EA 1.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 200.00 $ 2,200.00 $ 187.00 $ 2,387.000 $ 477.400 $ 2,864.400 $ 401.02
96 20' errant ball netting & posts - 80 lf $ 81,635.40 LF 2.00 $ 25,000.00 $ 50,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 55,000.00 $ 4,675.00 $ 59,675.000 $ 11,935.000 $ 71,610.000 $ 10,025.40
97 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
98 Subtotal $ 179,859.11
99 Rounded $ 180,000.00
100 Install Site Structures
101 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
102 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
103 Subtotal $ -
104 Rounded $ -
105 Install Lighting (General Security)
106 Sports Field Illumination System $ 653,083.20 LS 1.00 $ 400,000.00 $ 400,000.00 $ 40,000.00 $ 440,000.00 $ 37,400.00 $ 477,400.000 $ 95,480.000 $ 572,880.000 $ 80,203.20
107 Parking Lot Illumination System $ 163,270.80 LS 1.00 $ 100,000.00 $ 100,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 110,000.00 $ 9,350.00 $ 119,350.000 $ 23,870.000 $ 143,220.000 $ 20,050.80
108 Subtotal $ 816,354.00
109 Rounded $ 816,000.00
110 Install Pilings
111 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
112 Subtotal $ -
113 Rounded $ -
114 Install Signs/Kiosks
115 Kiosk $ 13,061.66 LS 1.00 $ 8,000.00 $ 8,000.00 $ 800.00 $ 8,800.00 $ 748.00 $ 9,548.000 $ 1,909.600 $ 11,457.600 $ 1,604.06
116 Regualtory signs $ 1,959.25 LS 1.00 $ 1,200.00 $ 1,200.00 $ 120.00 $ 1,320.00 $ 112.20 $ 1,432.200 $ 286.440 $ 1,718.640 $ 240.61
117 Subtotal $ 15,020.91
118 Rounded $ 15,000.00
119 Install Site Furnishings
120 Benches, bike rack allowance $ 32,654.16 LS 1.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 22,000.00 $ 1,870.00 $ 23,870.000 $ 4,774.000 $ 28,644.000 $ 4,010.16
121 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
122 Subtotal $ 32,654.16
123 Rounded $ 33,000.00
124 Landscaping Improvements
125 Topsoil Type A - 4" $ 168,985.28 CY 1,150.00 $ 90.00 $ 103,500.00 $ 10,350.00 $ 113,850.00 $ 9,677.25 $ 123,527.250 $ 24,705.450 $ 148,232.700 $ 20,752.58
126 Seeding $ 19,102.68 SF 78,000.00 $ 0.15 $ 11,700.00 $ 1,170.00 $ 12,870.00 $ 1,093.95 $ 13,963.950 $ 2,792.790 $ 16,756.740 $ 2,345.94
127 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
128 Subtotal $ 188,087.96
129 Rounded $ 188,000.00
130 Parking and Roads
131 Parking Development - 25,700 sf
132 Crushed Surfacing Base Course-4"-parking lot $ 46,368.91 TON 710.00 $ 40.00 $ 28,400.00 $ 2,840.00 $ 31,240.00 $ 2,655.40 $ 33,895.400 $ 6,779.080 $ 40,674.480 $ 5,694.43
133 Crushed Surfacing Top Course-2"-parkng lot $ 28,980.57 TON 355.00 $ 50.00 $ 17,750.00 $ 1,775.00 $ 19,525.00 $ 1,659.63 $ 21,184.625 $ 4,236.925 $ 25,421.550 $ 3,559.02
134 HMA Class 1/2" - 2"-parking lot $ 108,738.35 TON 370.00 $ 180.00 $ 66,600.00 $ 6,660.00 $ 73,260.00 $ 6,227.10 $ 79,487.100 $ 15,897.420 $ 95,384.520 $ 13,353.83
135 Crushed Surfacing Base Course-4"-emergency access - 1460 sf $ 4,898.12 TON 50.00 $ 60.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 300.00 $ 3,300.00 $ 280.50 $ 3,580.500 $ 716.100 $ 4,296.600 $ 601.52
136 Signing & Striping $ 13,061.66 LS 1.00 $ 8,000.00 $ 8,000.00 $ 800.00 $ 8,800.00 $ 748.00 $ 9,548.000 $ 1,909.600 $ 11,457.600 $ 1,604.06
137 Security Gate $ 32,654.16 LS 1.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 22,000.00 $ 1,870.00 $ 23,870.000 $ 4,774.000 $ 28,644.000 $ 4,010.16
138 Wheel Stop $ - EA - $ 100.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
139 Subtotal $ 159,352.30
140 Rounded $ 159,000.00
141 Road from parking lot - 15,600 sf $ -
142 Crushed Surfacing Base Course-4" $ 28,082.58 TON 430.00 $ 40.00 $ 17,200.00 $ 1,720.00 $ 18,920.00 $ 1,608.20 $ 20,528.200 $ 4,105.640 $ 24,633.840 $ 3,448.74
Robert W. Droll Landscape Architect, PS 3 360-456-3813
4/12/2022 22005 4
Sandhilll Community Park - Synthetic Turf Field
YAF & WWRP Local Parks- Estimate of Probable Costs - RCO Format
Line Item Description Subtotal Escalation to
2024 Construction Unit Quantity Unit Cost Item Subtotal
Mobilization &
to 2024
143 Crushed Surfacing Top Course-2" $ 16,735.26 TON 205.00 $ 50.00 $ 10,250.00 $ 1,025.00 $ 11,275.00 $ 958.38 $ 12,233.375 $ 2,446.675 $ 14,680.050 $ 2,055.21
144 HMA Class 1/2-3"-parking lot road $ 99,921.73 TON 340.00 $ 180.00 $ 61,200.00 $ 6,120.00 $ 67,320.00 $ 5,722.20 $ 73,042.200 $ 14,608.440 $ 87,650.640 $ 12,271.09
145 Security Gate $ 32,654.16 LS 1.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 22,000.00 $ 1,870.00 $ 23,870.000 $ 4,774.000 $ 28,644.000 $ 4,010.16
146 Signing & Striping $ 4,898.12 LS 1.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 300.00 $ 3,300.00 $ 280.50 $ 3,580.500 $ 716.100 $ 4,296.600 $ 601.52
147 Gravity Block Retaining Wall - 12' $ 305,642.94 SF 3,120.00 $ 60.00 $ 187,200.00 $ 18,720.00 $ 205,920.00 $ 17,503.20 $ 223,423.200 $ 44,684.640 $ 268,107.840 $ 37,535.10
148 Subtotal $ 487,934.79
149 Rounded $ 488,000.00
150 Play Areas
151 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
152 Subtotal $ -
153 Rounded $ -
154 Site Preparation
155 General Site Preparation
156 Clearing $ 204,088.50 AC 5.00 $ 25,000.00 $ 125,000.00 $ 12,500.00 $ 137,500.00 $ 11,687.50 $ 149,187.500 $ 29,837.500 $ 179,025.000 $ 25,063.50
157 Grubbing - 6" $ 195,924.96 CY 4,800.00 $ 25.00 $ 120,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 132,000.00 $ 11,220.00 $ 143,220.000 $ 28,644.000 $ 171,864.000 $ 24,060.96
158 sawcut asphalt $ 489.81 ls 1.00 $ 300.00 $ 300.00 $ 30.00 $ 330.00 $ 28.05 $ 358.050 $ 71.610 $ 429.660 $ 60.15
159 Removal of Structure & Obstruction $ - LS - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
160 Stabilized Construction Entrance $ 4,081.77 EA 1.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 250.00 $ 2,750.00 $ 233.75 $ 2,983.750 $ 596.750 $ 3,580.500 $ 501.27
161 Silt Fence $ 5,224.67 LF 800.00 $ 4.00 $ 3,200.00 $ 320.00 $ 3,520.00 $ 299.20 $ 3,819.200 $ 763.840 $ 4,583.040 $ 641.63
162 Wattles $ - LF - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
163 Straw Mulch $ - AC - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
164 Temporary Construction Fencing $ 2,938.87 LF 300.00 $ 6.00 $ 1,800.00 $ 180.00 $ 1,980.00 $ 168.30 $ 2,148.300 $ 429.660 $ 2,577.960 $ 360.91
165 Excavation, including offsite Haul $ 832,681.08 CY 20,400.00 $ 25.00 $ 510,000.00 $ 51,000.00 $ 561,000.00 $ 47,685.00 $ 608,685.000 $ 121,737.000 $ 730,422.000 $ 102,259.08
166 Fill placement & Compaction $ 260,580.20 CY 26,600.00 $ 6.00 $ 159,600.00 $ 15,960.00 $ 175,560.00 $ 14,922.60 $ 190,482.600 $ 38,096.520 $ 228,579.120 $ 32,001.08
165 Rough grading $ 88,207.05 SF 216,100.00 $ 0.25 $ 54,025.00 $ 5,402.50 $ 59,427.50 $ 5,051.34 $ 64,478.838 $ 12,895.768 $ 77,374.605 $ 10,832.44
166 Fine Grading $ 23,266.09 SF 95,000.00 $ 0.15 $ 14,250.00 $ 1,425.00 $ 15,675.00 $ 1,332.38 $ 17,007.375 $ 3,401.475 $ 20,408.850 $ 2,857.24
167 Construction Surveying $ 13,061.66 LS 1.00 $ 8,000.00 $ 8,000.00 $ 800.00 $ 8,800.00 $ 748.00 $ 9,548.000 $ 1,909.600 $ 11,457.600 $ 1,604.06
168 Trim & Clean-up $ 9,796.25 LS 1.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 600.00 $ 6,600.00 $ 561.00 $ 7,161.000 $ 1,432.200 $ 8,593.200 $ 1,203.05
169 Subtotal $ 1,640,340.91
170 Rounded $ 1,640,000.00
171 Skating Facilities
172 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
173 Subtotal $ -
174 Rounded $ -
175 Special Use Area
177 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
178 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
179 Subtotal $ -
180 Rounded $ -
181 Sport Courts
182 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
183 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
184 Subtotal $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
185 Rounded $ -
Robert W. Droll Landscape Architect, PS 4 360-456-3813
4/12/2022 22005 5
Sandhilll Community Park - Synthetic Turf Field
YAF & WWRP Local Parks- Estimate of Probable Costs - RCO Format
Line Item Description Subtotal Escalation to
2024 Construction Unit Quantity Unit Cost Item Subtotal
Mobilization &
to 2024
186 Sport Facilities
187 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
188 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
189 Subtotal $ -
190 Rounded $ -
191 Swimming Facilities
192 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
193 Subtotal $ -
194 Rounded $ -
195 Trails
196 1/4" to dust Surfacing for trail and spectator pad - 6800 sf $ 26,123.33 TON 200.00 $ 80.00 $ 16,000.00 $ 1,600.00 $ 17,600.00 $ 1,496.00 $ 19,096.000 $ 3,819.200 $ 22,915.200 $ 3,208.13
197 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
198 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
199 Subtotal $ 26,123.33
200 Rounded $ 26,000.00
201 Utilities
202 Install Fire Suppression System $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
203 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
204 Subtotal $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
205 Rounded $ -
206 Install Gas Utilities $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
207 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
208 Subtotal $ -
209 Rounded $ -
210 Install Power Utilities $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
211 Power-Transformer $ 24,490.62 LS 1.00 $ 15,000.00 $ 15,000.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 16,500.00 $ 1,402.50 $ 17,902.500 $ 3,580.500 $ 21,483.000 $ 3,007.62
212 Power-2-2" conduit/power wire $ 29,388.74 LF 600.00 $ 30.00 $ 18,000.00 $ 1,800.00 $ 19,800.00 $ 1,683.00 $ 21,483.000 $ 4,296.600 $ 25,779.600 $ 3,609.14
213 Subtotal $ 53,879.36
214 Rounded $ 54,000.00
215 Install Sewerage System $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
216 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
217 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
218 Subtotal $ -
219 Rounded $ -
220 Install Stormwater System
221 Stormwater System Allowance $ 48,981.24 LS 1.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 33,000.00 $ 2,805.00 $ 35,805.000 $ 7,161.000 $ 42,966.000 $ 6,015.24
222 $ -
223 Subtotal $ 48,981.24
224 Rounded $ 49,000.00
225 Install Water System
226 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
227 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
228 Subtotal $ - $ 63,000.00 $ 6,300.00 $ 69,300.00 $ 5,890.50 $ 75,190.50 $ 15,038.10 $ 90,228.60 $ 12,632.00
229 Rounded $ -
230 Water Access
Robert W. Droll Landscape Architect, PS 5 360-456-3813
4/12/2022 22005 6
Sandhilll Community Park - Synthetic Turf Field
YAF & WWRP Local Parks- Estimate of Probable Costs - RCO Format
Line Item Description Subtotal Escalation to
2024 Construction Unit Quantity Unit Cost Item Subtotal
Mobilization &
to 2024
231 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
232 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
233 Subtotal $ -
234 Rounded $ -
235 Cultural Resources
236 Cultural Report $ 15,000.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
237 Subtotal $ 15,000.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
238 Rounded $ 15,000.00
240 Permits
241 Permits Allowance $ 5,000.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
242 Subtotal $ 5,000.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
243 Rounded $ 5,000.00
244 Architecture & Engineering
245 surveying $ 15,000.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
246 geotech $ 8,000.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
247 environmental $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
248 A/E $ 160,000.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
249 Testing $ 8,000.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
250 Subtotal $ 191,000.00
251 Rounded $ 191,000.00
252 Owner's Project Cost Total $ 5,153,000.00
253 YAF Grant 350,000.00$ 350,000.00
254 WWRP Grant 500,000.00
255 LWCF Grant 1,000,000.00
256 Donation / Private Funding Goal 4,803,000.00$
257 Owner's Match 5,153,000.00$
258 YAF Grant 350,000.00$
259 WWRP Grant 500,000.00$
260 LWCF Grant
261 Donation / Private Funding Goal -$
262 Owner's Match 4,303,000.00$
Robert W. Droll Landscape Architect, PS 6 360-456-3813
4/8/2022 22005 1
Union Community Park
WWRP Local Parks- Estimate of Probable Costs - RCO Format
Line Item Description Subtotal Escalation to
2024 Construction Unit Quantity Unit Cost Item Subtotal
Mobilization &
to 2024
1 Athletic Fields
2 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
3 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
4 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
5 Subtotal $ - $ -
6 Rounded $ - $ -
7 Boating Infrastructure $ -
8 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
9 Subtotal $ - $ -
10 Rounded $ - $ -
11 Buildings and Structures $ -
12 Construction /Install Restroom $ -
13 PreFab Restroom - Flush $ 146,943.72 LS 1 $ 90,000.00 $ 90,000.00 $ 9,000.00 $ 99,000.00 $ 8,415.00 $ 107,415.000 $ 21,483.000 $ 128,898.000 $ 18,045.72
14 Concrete Slab - 2030 sf $ 22,857.91 SY 100 $ 140.00 $ 14,000.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 15,400.00 $ 1,309.00 $ 16,709.000 $ 3,341.800 $ 20,050.800 $ 2,807.11
15 Site work allowance $ 48,981.24 LS 1 $ 30,000.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 33,000.00 $ 2,805.00 $ 35,805.000 $ 7,161.000 $ 42,966.000 $ 6,015.24
16 $ - $ -
17 Subtotal $ 218,782.87 $ -
18 Rounded $ 219,000.00 $ -
19 Construct Administrative Building $ - $ -
20 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
21 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
22 $ - $ -
23 Subtotal $ - $ -
24 Rounded $ - $ -
25 Construct Amphitheatre $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
26 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
27 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
28 Subtotal $ - $ -
29 Rounded $ - $ -
30 Construct Bathhouse $ -
31 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
32 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
33 Subtotal $ - $ -
34 Rounded $ - $ -
35 Construct Caretaker's Residence $ -
36 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
37 Subtotal $ - $ -
38 Rounded $ - $ -
39 Construct Registration Booth $ -
40 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
41 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
42 Subtotal $ - $ -
43 Rounded $ - $ -
44 Construct Storage Facility $ -
45 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
46 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
47 Subtotal $ - $ - $ -
Robert W. Droll Landscape Architect, PS 1 360-456-3813
4/8/2022 22005 2
Union Community Park
WWRP Local Parks- Estimate of Probable Costs - RCO Format
Line Item Description Subtotal Escalation to
2024 Construction Unit Quantity Unit Cost Item Subtotal
Mobilization &
to 2024
48 Rounded $ - $ -
49 Construct Warming Hut $ -
50 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
51 Subtotal $ - $ - $ -
52 Rounded $ - $ -
53 Camping Facilities $ -
54 $ - LS $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
55 Subtotal $ - $ -
56 Rounded $ - $ -
57 Equestrian $ -
58 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
59 Subtotal $ - $ -
60 Rounded $ - $ -
61 General Site Improvements $ -
62 Construct Picnic Shelter $ -
63 Concrete Pavement $ 62,695.99 SY 320 $ 120.00 $ 38,400.00 $ 3,840.00 $ 42,240.00 $ 3,590.40 $ 45,830.400 $ 9,166.080 $ 54,996.480 $ 7,699.51
64 34'x64' Rocky Mt PreFab Shelter-FOB Union $ 228,579.12 LS 1 $ 140,000.00 $ 140,000.00 $ 14,000.00 $ 154,000.00 $ 13,090.00 $ 167,090.000 $ 33,418.000 $ 200,508.000 $ 28,071.12
65 PreFab Shelter- Installation $ 179,597.88 LS 1 $ 110,000.00 $ 110,000.00 $ 11,000.00 $ 121,000.00 $ 10,285.00 $ 131,285.000 $ 26,257.000 $ 157,542.000 $ 22,055.88
66 Subtotal $ 470,872.99 $ -
67 Rounded $ 471,000.00 $ -
68 Create Lake/Pond $ -
69 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
70 Subtotal $ 471,000.00 $ -
71 Rounded $ 471,000.00 $ -
72 Develop Circulation Paths or Access Routes $ -
73 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
74 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
75 Subtotal $ - $ -
76 Rounded $ - $ -
77 Develop Community Garden $ -
78 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
79 Subtotal $ - $ -
80 Rounded $ - $ -
81 Develop Viewpoint $ -
82 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
83 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
84 Subtotal $ - $ -
85 Rounded $ - $ -
86 Habitat Enhancement $ -
87 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
88 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
89 Subtotal $ - $ -
90 Rounded $ - $ -
91 Install Fencing/Barriers $ -
92 Dog Park - 4' coated CL fence & gates w/ top rail $ 34,286.87 LF 500 $ 42.00 $ 21,000.00 $ 2,100.00 $ 23,100.00 $ 1,963.50 $ 25,063.500 $ 5,012.700 $ 30,076.200 $ 4,210.67
93 Post & Rail Fencing $ 15,674.00 LF 160 $ 60.00 $ 9,600.00 $ 960.00 $ 10,560.00 $ 897.60 $ 11,457.600 $ 2,291.520 $ 13,749.120 $ 1,924.88
94 Subtotal $ 49,960.86 $ -
Robert W. Droll Landscape Architect, PS 2 360-456-3813
4/8/2022 22005 3
Union Community Park
WWRP Local Parks- Estimate of Probable Costs - RCO Format
Line Item Description Subtotal Escalation to
2024 Construction Unit Quantity Unit Cost Item Subtotal
Mobilization &
to 2024
95 Rounded $ 50,000.00 $ -
96 Install Site Structures $ -
97 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
98 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
99 Subtotal $ - $ -
100 Rounded $ - $ -
101 Install Lighting (General Security) $ -
102 Lighting in Shelter $ 32,654.16 LS 1 $ 20,000.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 22,000.00 $ 1,870.00 $ 23,870.000 $ 4,774.000 $ 28,644.000 $ 4,010.16
103 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
104 Subtotal $ 32,654.16 $ -
105 Rounded $ 33,000.00 $ -
106 Install Pilings $ -
107 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
108 Subtotal $ - $ -
109 Rounded $ - $ -
110 Install Signs/Kiosks $ -
111 $ - LS - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
112 Information/directional signs $ 8,163.54 LS 1 $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 500.00 $ 5,500.00 $ 467.50 $ 5,967.500 $ 1,193.500 $ 7,161.000 $ 1,002.54
113 Subtotal $ 8,163.54 $ -
114 Rounded $ 8,000.00 $ -
115 Install Site Furnishings $ -
116 Benches, bike racks, seat platforms allowance $ 16,327.08 LS 1 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 11,000.00 $ 935.00 $ 11,935.000 $ 2,387.000 $ 14,322.000 $ 2,005.08
117 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
118 Subtotal $ 16,327.08 $ -
119 Rounded $ 16,000.00 $ -
120 Landscaping Improvements $ -
121 Topsoil Type A $ 6,530.83 CY 200 $ 20.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 400.00 $ 4,400.00 $ 374.00 $ 4,774.000 $ 954.800 $ 5,728.800 $ 802.03
122 Seeding $ 2,449.06 SF 10,000 $ 0.15 $ 1,500.00 $ 150.00 $ 1,650.00 $ 140.25 $ 1,790.250 $ 358.050 $ 2,148.300 $ 300.76
123 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
124 Subtotal $ 8,979.89 $ -
125 Rounded $ 9,000.00 $ -
126 Parking and Roads $ -
127 Parking Development $ -
128 HMA Class 1/2-3"-parking lot - 37,680 sf $ 26,449.87 TON 90 $ 180.00 $ 16,200.00 $ 1,620.00 $ 17,820.00 $ 1,514.70 $ 19,334.700 $ 3,866.940 $ 23,201.640 $ 3,248.23
129 Signing & Striping $ 1,632.71 LS 1 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 100.00 $ 1,100.00 $ 93.50 $ 1,193.500 $ 238.700 $ 1,432.200 $ 200.51
130 Wheel Stop $ 1,632.71 EA 10 $ 100.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 100.00 $ 1,100.00 $ 93.50 $ 1,193.500 $ 238.700 $ 1,432.200 $ 200.51
131 Subtotal $ 29,715.29 $ -
132 Rounded $ 30,000.00 $ -
133 Roads/Bridges Development $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
134 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
135 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
136 Subtotal $ - $ -
137 Rounded $ - $ -
138 Play Areas $ -
139 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
140 Subtotal $ - $ -
141 Rounded $ - $ -
Robert W. Droll Landscape Architect, PS 3 360-456-3813
4/8/2022 22005 4
Union Community Park
WWRP Local Parks- Estimate of Probable Costs - RCO Format
Line Item Description Subtotal Escalation to
2024 Construction Unit Quantity Unit Cost Item Subtotal
Mobilization &
to 2024
142 Site Preparation $ -
143 General Site Preparation $ -
144 Restroom Demolition $ 24,490.62 LS 1.0 $ 15,000.00 $ 15,000.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 16,500.00 $ 1,402.50 $ 17,902.500 $ 3,580.500 $ 21,483.000 $ 3,007.62
145 Clearing & Grubbing $ 36,735.93 AC 0.5 $ 45,000.00 $ 22,500.00 $ 2,250.00 $ 24,750.00 $ 2,103.75 $ 26,853.750 $ 5,370.750 $ 32,224.500 $ 4,511.43
146 Removal of Structure & Obstruction $ 4,081.77 LS 1 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 250.00 $ 2,750.00 $ 233.75 $ 2,983.750 $ 596.750 $ 3,580.500 $ 501.27
147 Inlet Protection $ 653.08 EA 4 $ 100.00 $ 400.00 $ 40.00 $ 440.00 $ 37.40 $ 477.400 $ 95.480 $ 572.880 $ 80.20
148 Stabilized Construction Entrance $ 11,428.96 EA 2 $ 3,500.00 $ 7,000.00 $ 700.00 $ 7,700.00 $ 654.50 $ 8,354.500 $ 1,670.900 $ 10,025.400 $ 1,403.56
149 Silt Fence $ 1,306.17 LF 200 $ 4.00 $ 800.00 $ 80.00 $ 880.00 $ 74.80 $ 954.800 $ 190.960 $ 1,145.760 $ 160.41
150 Temporary Construction Fencing $ 5,387.94 LF 550 $ 6.00 $ 3,300.00 $ 330.00 $ 3,630.00 $ 308.55 $ 3,938.550 $ 787.710 $ 4,726.260 $ 661.68
151 Excavation, including offsite Haul $ 34,286.87 CY 600 $ 35.00 $ 21,000.00 $ 2,100.00 $ 23,100.00 $ 1,963.50 $ 25,063.500 $ 5,012.700 $ 30,076.200 $ 4,210.67
152 Construction Surveying $ 6,530.83 LS 1 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 400.00 $ 4,400.00 $ 374.00 $ 4,774.000 $ 954.800 $ 5,728.800 $ 802.03
153 Geotextile for Separation $ 51,593.57 SY 7,900 $ 4.00 $ 31,600.00 $ 3,160.00 $ 34,760.00 $ 2,954.60 $ 37,714.600 $ 7,542.920 $ 45,257.520 $ 6,336.05
154 Crushed Surfacing Base Course-4" $ 30,041.83 TON 460 $ 40.00 $ 18,400.00 $ 1,840.00 $ 20,240.00 $ 1,720.40 $ 21,960.400 $ 4,392.080 $ 26,352.480 $ 3,689.35
155 Crushed Surfacing Top Course-2" $ 18,776.14 TON 230 $ 50.00 $ 11,500.00 $ 1,150.00 $ 12,650.00 $ 1,075.25 $ 13,725.250 $ 2,745.050 $ 16,470.300 $ 2,305.84
156 Trim & Clean-up $ 5,224.67 LS 1 $ 3,200.00 $ 3,200.00 $ 320.00 $ 3,520.00 $ 299.20 $ 3,819.200 $ 763.840 $ 4,583.040 $ 641.63
157 Subtotal $ 230,538.37 $ -
158 Rounded $ 231,000.00 $ -
159 Skating Facilities $ -
160 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
161 Subtotal $ - $ -
162 Rounded $ - $ -
163 Special Use Area $ -
164 $ -
165 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
166 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
167 Subtotal $ - $ -
168 Rounded $ - $ -
169 Sport Courts $ -
170 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
171 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
172 Subtotal $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
173 Rounded $ - $ -
174 Sport Facilities $ -
175 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
176 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
177 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
178 Subtotal $ - $ -
179 Rounded $ - $ -
180 Swimming Facilities $ -
181 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
182 Subtotal $ - $ -
183 Rounded $ - $ -
184 Trails $ -
185 HMA Class 1/2" - 2" - Trail $ 26,580.49 TON 74 $ 220.00 $ 16,280.00 $ 1,628.00 $ 17,908.00 $ 1,522.18 $ 19,430.180 $ 3,886.036 $ 23,316.216 $ 3,264.27
Robert W. Droll Landscape Architect, PS 4 360-456-3813
4/8/2022 22005 5
Union Community Park
WWRP Local Parks- Estimate of Probable Costs - RCO Format
Line Item Description Subtotal Escalation to
2024 Construction Unit Quantity Unit Cost Item Subtotal
Mobilization &
to 2024
186 Concrete ADA Transition into Play Area $ 5,714.48 LS 1 $ 3,500.00 $ 3,500.00 $ 350.00 $ 3,850.00 $ 327.25 $ 4,177.250 $ 835.450 $ 5,012.700 $ 701.78
187 Subtotal $ 32,294.96 $ -
188 Rounded $ 32,000.00 $ -
189 Utilities $ -
190 Install Fire Suppression System $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
191 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
192 Subtotal $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
193 Rounded $ - $ -
194 Install Gas Utilities $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
195 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
196 Subtotal $ - $ -
197 Rounded $ - $ -
198 Install Power Utilities $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
199 Power-Transformer $ 24,490.62 LS 1 $ 15,000.00 $ 15,000.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 16,500.00 $ 1,402.50 $ 17,902.500 $ 3,580.500 $ 21,483.000 $ 3,007.62
200 Power-2-2" conduit/power wire $ 29,388.74 LF 600 $ 30.00 $ 18,000.00 $ 1,800.00 $ 19,800.00 $ 1,683.00 $ 21,483.000 $ 4,296.600 $ 25,779.600 $ 3,609.14
201 Subtotal $ 53,879.36 $ -
202 Rounded $ 54,000.00 $ -
203 Install Sewerage System $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
204 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
205 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
206 Subtotal $ - $ -
207 Rounded $ - $ -
208 Install Stormwater System $ -
209 Rain Garden $ 19,592.50 SF 3000 $ 4.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 1,200.00 $ 13,200.00 $ 1,122.00 $ 14,322.000 $ 2,864.400 $ 17,186.400 $ 2,406.10
210 $ - $ -
211 Subtotal $ 19,592.50 $ -
212 Rounded $ 20,000.00 $ -
213 Install Water System $ -
214 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
215 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
216 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
217 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
218 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
219 Subtotal $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
220 Rounded $ - $ -
221 Water Access $ -
222 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
223 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
224 Subtotal $ - $ -
225 Rounded $ - $ -
226 Cultural Resources $ -
227 Cultural Report $ 15,000.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
228 Subtotal $ 15,000.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
229 Rounded $ 15,000.00 $ -
230 $ -
231 Permits $ -
Robert W. Droll Landscape Architect, PS 5 360-456-3813
4/8/2022 22005 6
Union Community Park
WWRP Local Parks- Estimate of Probable Costs - RCO Format
Line Item Description Subtotal Escalation to
2024 Construction Unit Quantity Unit Cost Item Subtotal
Mobilization &
to 2024
232 Permits Allowance $ 15,000.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
233 Subtotal $ 15,000.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
234 Rounded $ 15,000.00 $ -
235 Architecture & Engineering $ -
236 surveying $ 12,000.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
237 geotech $ 8,000.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
238 environmental $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
239 A/E $ 120,000.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
240 Testing $ 5,000.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -
241 Construction Services $ 30,000.00 $ -
242 Subtotal $ 175,000.00 $ -
243 Rounded $ 175,000.00 $ -
244 Owner's Project Cost Total $ 1,849,000.00
245 -$ 350,000.00$
246 WWRP Grant 500,000.00$ 500,000.00$
247 1,000,000.00$
248 Donation / Private Funding Goal -$
249 Owner's Match 1,349,000.00$
250 YAF Grant -$ 350,000.00$
251 WWRP Grant -$ 500,000.00$
252 LWCF Grant -$ 2,000,000.00$
253 Donation / Private Funding Goal -$
254 Owner's Match
Robert W. Droll Landscape Architect, PS 6 360-456-3813
Mason County
Agenda Request Form
To: Board of Mason County Commissioners
From: Richard Dickinson Ext. 450
Department: Utilities & Waste Management Briefing: ☒
Action Agenda: ☒
Public Hearing: ☐
Special Meeting: ☐
Briefing Date(s): April 24, 2023 Agenda Date: April 25, 2023
Internal Review: ☐ Finance ☐ Human Resources ☐ Legal ☐ Information Technology ☐ Risk
(This is the responsibility of the requesting Department)
Below for Clerk of the Board’s Use Only:
Item Number: 8.16
Approved: ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Tabled ☐ No Action Taken
Ordinance/Resolution No. __________ Contract No. __________ County Code: __________
Request for Proposals for Solid Waste Long Haul Transport and Disposal
Background/Executive Summary:
The County’s current Solid Waste Long Haul Export Services agreement with Republic Services expires
August 23, 2023. To meet requirements of RCW 36.58.090 for soliciting for these services, the County must
publish a request for proposals in the official newspaper once a week for two weeks not less than sixty days
before final date for the submission of qualification proposals and before entering a contract with vendors for
solid waste handling systems, plants, sites, or facilities hold a public hearing. At this time, Public Works,
U&W Management Division would like to advertise a Request for Proposals (RFP) to start the procurement
process in efforts to have a new contract in place by the expiration date of the current contract.
Budget Impact (amount, funding source, budget amendment):
Unknown; last year approximately $3.1 million was spent to haul and dispose of solid waste.
Public Outreach (news release, community meeting, etc.):
A public announcement will be published in the Shelton-Mason County Journal as follows: April 27 and May
4 – solicitation for proposals and July 20 and 27 notice of Public Hearing.
Requested Action:
Approval for Public Works to advertise a Request for Proposals for Solid Waste Long Haul Transport and
Disposal and set a public hearing for Tuesday, August 1, 2023 at 9:15 a.m. for review and consideration of
submitted responses to the request and potentially award contract.
Draft Request for Proposals
Mason County, Washington, Public Works Department, Solid Waste Division (“County”) is soliciting
proposals from qualified firms or individuals for solid waste transport and disposal services. It is the
purpose of this RFP solicitation to secure long-term transport and disposal services for solid waste
collected at the Mason County Transfer and Recycling Station. The County is seeking proposals from
experienced entities that are technically, financially, and legally qualified to provide the required services.
The County’s current contract for solid waste receiving, transport, and disposal services expires on
August 23, 2023. The 2017 amendment to the current contract granted the County the right to extend
the current contract to such time.
All dates are estimates.
• Public Announcement – April 27th and May 4th, 2023 (2 consecutive Thursdays)
• Questions Due – May 30th, 2023 (1 month after posting)
• Proposal Due – June 22, 2023 (8 weeks after 1st publication date, no later than 4 pm PST)
• Begin Proposal Evaluations – June 23rd, 2023
• Interviews – last week of June/first of July
• Begin Contract Finalization Discussions – July 2023
• End Contract Finalization Discussions and Brief – July 17th
• Notice of Public Hearing – Published July 20th and 27th, 2023
• Public Hearing on Proposed Selection and Commission action – August 1st, 2023
• Contract effective date – August 23rd, 2023
Sealed written proposals (including complete submission of qualifications and all other information and
materials specified in this RFP) shall be submitted to the Administrative Services Manager at the Mason
County Public Works Office located at 100 W Public Works Drive, Shelton, WA 98584, no later than 4:00
pm, Thursday, June 22, 2023 (“Proposal Due Date”).
Submitted Proposals shall remain firm and unaltered after the time of the Proposal Due Date for one
hundred eighty (180) calendar days from such date. The County and Proposer may mutually agree to
additionally extend the evaluation period during which the proposal shall remain firm and unaltered.
Written requests to withdraw a proposal received by the County prior to the scheduled Proposal Due
Date will be accepted and the Proposal will be returned unopened. No oral requests to withdraw a
proposal will be allowed. Requests to withdraw a proposal must be addressed and labeled in the same
manner as the proposal and marked as WITHDRAWAL of the proposal. If the Proposer wishes to
modify and resubmit the Proposal, it must be submitted prior to the Proposal Due Date. Requests for
withdrawal after the time of closing on the Proposal Due Date (final date for submission) may only be
allowed at the County’s sole discretion.
The information, documents, and data contained in this RFP are provided for informational purposes
only, without any representations or warranties. Each Proposer is responsible for conducting its own
due diligence, and shall make its own examination, investigation and research regarding the proper
method of doing the work under this RFP and Contract, all conditions affecting the work to be done,
the necessary labor, equipment and materials, and the quantity of the work to be performed. The
Proposer agrees that it has satisfied itself by Proposer’s own investigation and research regarding all
of such conditions, and that Proposer’s conclusion to enter into the Contract and execution of the
Contract is based upon such investigation and research, and that Proposer shall make no claim against
the County because of any of the estimates, statements or interpretations made by any officer or agent
of the County that may prove to be inaccurate in any respect.
County Information: Mason County is located on Puget Sound, between Kitsap County to the northeast,
Pierce County to the West, Thurston County to the South, Grays Harbor County to the West and
Jefferson County to the North. Covering 959 square miles, Mason County’s population is estimated at
65,726 people in 2020 (US Census).
The Mason County Comprehensive Plan provides information including population growth, housing
needs, and development projections. The Mason County Comprehensive Plan is available at:
Title 6, “Sanitary Code”, of the Mason County Code governs solid waste management within Mason
County. In Mason County Code 6.72.030(i)1-8, the County enacted a “flow control” regulation requiring
all solid waste generated and collected within Mason County to be disposed of through the Mason
County Solid Waste System.
Current Transport and Disposal Services: The Mason County Solid Waste Management Plan
(SWMP) describes the management of solid waste generated in the County. The SWMP is available
at https://masoncountywa.gov/forms/utw/swmp-2018.pdf.
Solid waste generated in unincorporated areas of the County and from cities/towns is delivered to the
County’s transfer station located off Eels Hill Road just North of Shelton. The County operates one (1)
transfer station and three (3) remote drop box stations.
The County transports all solid waste accepted at the County’s waste sites to the main Transfer Station
on Eels Hill Road. Solid waste is further compacted and currently transported to an intermodal facility
in Centralia, WA. The County delivered approximately 48,971 tons of solid waste to the intermodal facility
in the calendar year 2021 from the transfer station. Table 1 summarizes the monthly quantity of solid
waste transported from the County transfer station for years 2019 through 2021.
Table 1. 2019-2021 Solid Waste Tonnage at Mason County Recycling & Transfer Station
Month 2019 2020 2021
January 3150 2691 3734
February 2095 3129 3249
March 3043 3339 4439
April 3166 3378 4386
May 3506 3571 4109
June 3549 3577 4431
July 3238 4407 4735
August 4091 4179 4150
September 3380 3993 4203
October 3222 4223 4060
November 3023 3701 4095
December 2905 3941 3380
Total 38369 44129 48971
The successful Proposer will be required to receive, transport, and dispose of all solid waste generated
and collected in the County in accordance with the service Contract (Contract). The Contract will be
subject to prevailing wage requirements in accordance with applicable law, including RCW 39.58.090(8)
and RCW 39.12. The following is an overview of the scope of services:
A. Transport Services: The successful Proposer will be required to transport all Loaded Containers
accepted at the Transfer Station to the Disposal Site and return empty Containers from Disposal Site to
the Transfer Station.
B. Disposal Services: For disposal services, the successful Proposer will be required to utilize the
Disposal Site identified in the Contract throughout the term of the Contract unless an alternative Disposal
Site is approved in writing by the County Representative. The Disposal Site must be in compliance with
WAC 173-351-300 Design Criteria (2)(a) or CFR Title 40, Subpart D, Section 258.40 Design Criteria,
(2)(b) and compliant with all applicable Federal, State, and Local laws, regulations, and rules.
C. Capacity: The successful Proposer will be solely responsible for providing sufficient capacity to
receive, transport, and dispose of Waste in accordance with this Contract.
D. Inspection of Loaded Containers and Unacceptable Waste: The successful Proposer may inspect
the contents of a Loaded Container. If the successful Proposer discovers Unacceptable Waste in a
Loaded Container, the successful Proposer shall comply with the procedures set forth in the Contract.
E. Average County Compacted Container Weight: The County will compact the waste that is
accepted at the County Transfer Stations. The County guarantees an annual average County Compacted
Container weight of at least twenty-six (26) tons per County Compacted Container. Twenty-six tons is the
minimum container weight, and Containers under this weight will be charged for twenty-six (26) tons.
F. Provision of Equipment: Excluding equipment explicitly stated in the Contract to be provided by the
County, the successful Proposer, at its sole cost and expense, agrees to furnish all equipment necessary
to provide the services in accordance with the Contract. The successful Proposer will provide sufficient
Containers, Chassis, and Trailers to provide services in accordance with the Contract which shall not in
any event be provided by the Proposer in quantities less than those specified in the Contract.
G. Appearance, Operation, and Maintenance of Equipment: The successful Proposer shall adhere
to the requirements for appearance, operation and maintenance of equipment set forth in the Contract.
The initial term of the Contract shall commence on August 23, 2023 and shall expire on September 30,
2033, subject to the termination provisions and other terms of the Contract. The County shall have the
option to renew the Contract for up to two (2) additional renewal terms of ten (10) years, upon mutual
agreement with the Proposer.
The remainder of this page intentionally left blank.
Proposals will be scored according to the criteria indicated in Table 3 below.
Table 3. Evaluation Criteria
Evaluation Criteria Evaluation Factors Criteria
(Rating Percentage)
Criteria 1: Letter of
Intent and
Method of Approach
− Letter of Intent/ Proposer’s understanding of project
− Operations plan
• Disposal Site
• Transport plan
• Equipment plan
• Authorization to Operate
• Safety policies and procedures and safety record
• Key personnel and staffing plan
• Proposer representative and communications
• Environmental protection plan
− Transition plan
− Emergency response plan
− Monthly/Annual Reporting
Thirty percent (30%)
acceptable, good,
better, or best).
Criteria 2:
− Transport Mode/Distance
− Landfill Gas/Energy Recovery Five percent (5%)
acceptable, good,
or best).
Criteria 3: Similar
Service Experience/
Technical Expertise/
Involvement/ Financial
− Service experience
− Performance history for similar services
− Breach of contract resolution
− References for similar services
− Community involvement
− Compliance history
− Litigation history
− Claims history and regulatory compliance
− Audited financial statements
− Certificate of insurability
− Proof of ability to acquire Performance Bond
− Bankruptcy history
Fifteen percent (15%)
acceptable, good,
better, or best).
Criteria 4: Pricing and
County Operations
Financial Impact
− Fees to be paid by County
− Estimated financial impact to County operations Fifty percent (50%)
Criteria 5: Ability to
Contract with Proposer
− Acceptance of Contract Template terms. Pass or Fail
(Acceptable or
Evaluation Criteria Evaluation Factors Criteria
(Rating Percentage)
Total Percentage 100
The selection criteria may include, but are not limited to: the Proposer’s prior experience; management
capability; schedule availability; financial resources and stability; cost of services, nature of proposed
facility; system reliability; performance standards for facility; compatibility with existing service facilities;
project performance guarantees; technical expertise; enforcement provisions; environmental protection
measures; consistency with comprehensive solid waste management plan; risk allocation; and as
further described and provided per this RFP. Proposals will be evaluated based on the process
described in the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 36.58.090, including the following steps:
A. The County will complete an initial proposal review to determine completeness and responsiveness
of all proposals received. The County will then interview each proposer whose proposal the County
finds to be complete and responsive. In the event the County determines that a proposal is not complete
or not responsive the County may at its sole discretion eliminate the proposal from further consideration.
B. The County will evaluate proposals found to be complete and responsive using the criteria set forth
in this RFP. If deemed necessary, prior to ranking the proposals, the County may request written and/or
oral clarifications of the proposals (and/or more detailed proposal information), conduct site visits to the
proposed Disposal Site, and/or conduct other investigations to confirm the information provided in the
proposals. Criteria ranking percentages are based upon “Unacceptable, Acceptable, Good, Better, or
Best” determinations made by applicable County staff, at the County’s sole judgment and discretion.
C. All information and elements of the submitted proposals may be topics for discussion during
interviews. Interviews are intended to enhance the County’s understanding of written proposals and
will not be separately scored.
D. After the County has determined that the initial interview process has been completed, the County
may then proceed with discussions with a Proposer recommended to the Board of County
Commissioners. Such discussions shall include any necessary minor negotiation of final Contract
terms, although such final contract terms shall be consistent with the terms of the substantial form of
the Contract Template, and shall be in conformance with applicable federal, state and local laws,
regulations and procedures. The objective of the negotiations will be to reach agreement on all
provisions of the proposed Contract. In the event negotiations with the Proposer are not successful, the
County may terminate the process and initiate negotiations with the next recommended preferred
Proposer. This process may be repeated with other Proposers until an agreement is reached.
E. Prior to entering into the Contract with a recommended preferred Proposer (vendor), the Mason
County Board of Commissioners (Board) shall make written findings after holding a public hearing as
required per RCW 36.58.090(6).
The Mason County Board of Commissioners (Board) hereby designates the Mason County Public Works
Deputy Director (or their designee), in consultation with the Mason County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office
and County Administrator, to be the Board’s representative for purposes of proposal evaluation and
Proposals shall be concise and address the required content requested in this section. Proposals are
requested to be in 11-point font or greater and printed on 8.5” x 11” paper with no less than ½” margins.
For page limitations specified herein, one side of a piece of paper constitutes one page.
All required signatures shall be made by an authorized representative of the Proposer who has legal
authority to bind the Proposer to contractual obligations. Proposals by corporations must be executed
in the corporate name by the President or Vice President (or other documented duly authorized
corporate representative). The corporate address and state of incorporation shall be shown below the
signature. Erasures, interlineations or other modifications in the submitted proposal shall be initialed
and dated by the person authorized to sign the proposal.
The proposals shall be divided into sections, subsections, and appendices as shown in Table 4.
Table 4. Proposal Format
Section Section Title Forms
A. Letter of Intent and Transmittal Page 2
B. Method of Approach
C. Sustainability
D. Similar Service Experience/Technical
Expertise/References/Community Involvement/Financial Stability
E. Pricing and County Operations Financial Impact 2
F. Acceptance of Contract terms
Proposals shall include, at a minimum, the following:
A. Letter of Intent and Statement of Organization:
1. Letter of Intent: Recommended length two (2) pages. The letter of intent must be signed
in accordance with the signature requirements stated above. The letter of intent should
at a minimum include the following information:
i. The Proposer's understanding of the work, including a brief overview of the
Proposer’s method of approach.
ii. Statement that the proposal is a firm offer valid for one hundred eighty (180)
days from the Proposal due date.
iii. Statement that the Proposer acknowledges all addenda.
iv. Statement that the Proposer acknowledges and agrees to be willing and
ready to commence services on the Commencement Date as described in
Section IV above.
2. Statement of Organization: Proposer must complete and submit Statement of
Organization. All subcontractors must be identified in the Statement of Organization.
B. Method of Approach: Recommended length (50) pages, excluding the following that shall
be included in a proposal appendix: facility drawings, equipment photos, manufacturer
equipment drawings and literature, information relevant to authorization to operate, and key
personnel resumes.
1. Operations Plan:
i. Disposal Site:
− General Information: Name, owners, operators, and description of the Disposal
− Location: Location of the proposed Disposal Site.
− General Arrangement Drawings: Show full extent of all facilities, details of bottom
liner and permanent closure construction plans, location and details of
groundwater and landfill monitoring system, pavement, rail lines, and other
features within the property boundaries. Include details of permitted and expected
future permitted landfill footprint.
− Landfill Gas Management Plan: Provide description of the facilities and systems
employed for capturing and managing landfill gas generated at the Disposal Site.
Include system performance information, including capture rates, percent methane
in the landfill gas, gas uses and other explanation to describe the functioning of
the landfill gas management system. This information will be used by the County
for assessing the sustainability evaluation criteria points.
− Landfill Groundwater Monitoring Plan: Provide detailed description of the
current groundwater monitoring network. Include drawings and system
performance information.
− Acquisition/Construction/Renovation Plan: Description of the timeline, key
milestones, and other requirements to acquire, construct, and/or renovate the
proposed Disposal Site.
− Capacity: Description of the total daily capacity, available daily capacity, and
remaining capacity of Disposal Site through the initial Term of the Contract
(September 20, 2033). Total daily capacity means the average current capacity of
the Disposal Site on a weekday. For example, “the Disposal Site has the capacity
to dispose of X tons per weekday”. Available daily capacity means the total daily
capacity less the average capacity that is utilized by other customers. Available
daily capacity is capacity that can be used to serve the County. Remaining capacity
means the capacity currently available prior to closure of the Disposal Site. Total
daily capacity and available daily capacity shall be stated in tons per day. Provide
evidence supporting the available daily capacity and remaining capacity of the
Disposal Site.
− Gate House Procedures: Description of gate house procedures at Disposal Site
including daily gate house record keeping and record sharing with the County (in
compliance with applicable law, including RCW 42.56).
ii. Transport Plan: Description of transport services including:
− General Information: Overview of transport services approach. In addition,
name(s) of owner of firm or firms providing transport services.
− Teaming Experience of Proposer and Transport Service Firm(s): Description
of current and prior projects for which Proposer has teamed with firm providing
transport services. Provide evidence of the transport services firms’ commitments
to fulfill their role in the services for the term of the Contract including any and all
renewal terms.
− Transport Distances: Provide distances, measured to the nearest mile, for each
leg of the transport route that will be employed, and include a description of the
mode of transportation used for each leg of the route. This information will be used
by the County for assessing the sustainability evaluation criteria points.
iii. Alternate Operations Plan: Description of procedures and facilities Proposer will use
to address short term (five [5] days or less) and long term (greater than five [5] days)
difficulties and/or inability to provide services using Proposer’s procedures and
proposed Facilities. Identify alternative transport services, and alternative Disposal
iv. Equipment Plan: Proposer shall provide equipment descriptions including the make,
model, and age of each proposed type of equipment. Equipment photos and
manufacturers’ drawings and literature should be included in an Appendix. Proposer
shall describe the following:
− Primary mobile-portable equipment used for waste transportation, including but not
limited to closed and open top containers, chassis, and trailers.
− Excluding equipment at the Disposal Site, the total number of equipment units
including spare units that will be available to perform each service under the
− Excluding equipment at the Disposal Site, any equipment to be acquired in the
future, and a timeline for acquisition of such new equipment.
− Excluding equipment at the Disposal Site, preventive and unscheduled
maintenance program for all Proposer-furnished equipment used to perform
services under the Contract, including the proposed frequency of cleaning waste
containers. Identify parties who will be responsible for maintenance and cleaning
of the equipment.
v. Authorization to Operate: For existing facilities, copies of all current facility operating
permits, financial assurances, and the past five (5) years of health distr ict or other
public oversight inspection reports for the Disposal Site. Provide the last two annual
landfill monitoring reports for the proposed Disposal Site.
vi. Safety Policies and Procedures and Safety Record: Description of safety policies
and procedures that will be in effect at the Disposal Site to ensure the safety of
Proposer’s personnel, County staff, and other third parties. Provide the Proposer’s
documented safety record over the past five (5) years for its operations in Washington,
Oregon and Idaho, including a summary of all accidents that involved injury, death,
property damage and/or lost work time.
vii. Key Personnel and Staffing Plan: Proposer shall describe the following:
− Proposed staffing levels by function/labor classification within each element of the
services (i.e., at the Disposal Site, and in the transport element but not including
the rail leg if used).
− Key members of the Proposer’s team including job descriptions, resumes,
references, and their proposed role and responsibilities for each team member.
− Subcontractors that are proposed to perform any portion of the work and their
respective roles.
− Labor management/relations provisions of existing agreements to which the
Proposer or a relevant subcontractor are parties and the Proposer’s plan for
dealing with any labor disruptions that could impact operations and services.
− Compliance with payment of prevailing wages. The Contract will be subject to
prevailing wage requirements in accordance with applicable law, including RCW
39.58.090(8) and RCW 39.12.
viii. Proposer Representative and Communications Plan: Identification of Proposer
representative(s) who will be responsible for Contract matters and for day -to-day
operations. Description of communications plan between Proposer and County
including expected frequency of in-person coordination meetings and other forms of
regular communications.
ix. Environmental Protection Plan: Provide a description of all measures that will be
taken to prevent, minimize and/or respond to spills, releases, and/or envir onmental
damage that could occur as a result of the Proposer’s services during waste transport
and at the Disposal Site. Environmental damage includes, but is not limited to, spills
of solid waste or leachate, or oil spills from equipment.
x. Monthly/Annual Reporting: Provide examples of monthly/annual reports prepared
and submitted to the County quantifying and documenting Federal/State disposal
compliance and adherence to sustainability.
2. Transition Plan: Description of strategies to ensure a smooth transition from the current
service provider to the successful Proposer. Proposer shall describe the following:
i. Individual who will oversee the execution of the transition plan.
ii. Proposed approach, including equipment acquisition, and personnel hiring,
assignment and training.
iii. Schedule for the transition period that identifies all key transition activities.
3. Emergency Response Plan: Description of Proposer’s strategies to ensure proper
management of materials due to unplanned or unexpected increased quantities of
material. Such emergency conditions could arise due to natural disasters such as floods,
seismic events, severe storms, pandemic, conflagrations, or large explosion events.
4. Sustainability: Description of Proposer’s planned and existing national and local
sustainability initiatives and practices including any documented results of these initiatives
and practices over the past five (5) years.
C. Sustainability: Recommended length two (2) pages.
1. Sustainability shall be ranked in the following way (based upon Low, Medium, High, and
Highest determinations made by applicable County staff, at the County’s sole judgment
and discretion):
Category Evaluation
Factor Range Ranking
Truck > 200 miles R/T Low
Truck 50-200miles R/T Medium
Train > 300miles One Way High
Train < 300miles One Way Highest
Recovery of Beginning with start of High
energy from
landfill gas
Recovery of
energy from
landfill gas
Beginning 5 years
after start of service
No energy
recovery from
landfill gas
During Contract term Low
[1] Transport Mode/Distance refers to the primary means of transport between the
Receiving Facility and the Disposal Site and excludes short haul transport at either end
of the primary transport leg.
D. Similar Service Experience / Technical Expertise / References / Community
Involvement / Financial Stability: Recommended length fifty (50) pages.
1. Service Experience:
i. Identify the number of years the Proposer has been in business, and any previous or
additional names under which the Proposer has conducted or is conducting business.
ii. Identify the number of years of Proposer’s experience providing solid waste transport
and disposal services including a description of those services, and the names of the
businesses under which the services were provided.
iii. Identify the agencies and parties for whom those services have been provided.
2. Performance History for Similar Services: Identify any solid waste long haul transport
and disposal services contract providing services in the Pacific Northwest (i.e.,
Washington, Oregon, Idaho) during the past five (5) years to which the Proposer was a
party and for which the Proposer’s services under the contract ended prior to the contract
expiration date due to assignment of the contract to another vendor, mutual agreement
with the customer to discontinue Proposer’s services, or any other reason. Provide a brief
explanation of the reason(s) for the termination.
3. Breach of Contract Resolution: Identify any solid waste long haul transport and disposal
services contract in the past five (5) years for which a breach of contract claim was made
against Proposer and/or its subcontractor(s). Describe the nature of the claim of breach
and the measures taken to resolve the claim.
4. References for Similar Services: Provide four (4) customer references, for which
Proposer has provided similar solid waste transport and disposal services within the last
ten (10) years. Briefly describe each service contract including annual tons of waste
managed and nature of the service provided. For each reference service contract provide
a current customer contact name, email address and phone number. Referenced service
contracts should demonstrate experience transporting large quantities of solid waste long
distances and disposing of such materials. For the listed reference service contracts,
describe those instances, if any, where the customer claimed that the Proposer was in
breach of any requirement(s) of the contract and describe how the claim of breach was
5. Community Involvement: Provide a description of any community involvement activities
by Proposer including development and/or expansion of solid waste management
programs, and a description of awards/recognitions received associated with contracts
discussed in Section D.4. Recommended length four (4) pages.
6. Compliance History:
i. Identify any formal enforcement actions commenced by state or federal agencies
within the past five (5) years for violations relating to Proposer’s or Proposer’s affiliates’
operations for transport, and disposal in Washington or any other state where
Proposer proposes to provide waste receiving, transport or disposal services under
the contract.
ii. Identify all fines, penalties, settlements, or damages of any kind paid by Proposer,
Proposers proposed subcontractor(s), Proposer’s parent company and/or any of the
parent company’s subsidiaries because of the enforcement actions identified in (i.)
7. Litigation History: Description of any litigation with a federal, local, or state government
entity or agency in the past five (5) years. Include the name of the entity, type of services
provided, date of litigation, description of claim, and resolution of litigation.
8. Audited Financial Statements: Audited financial statements for years 2019, 2020, and
9. Certificate of Insurability. Statement that the Proposer agrees to comply with the
County’s insurance requirements.
10. Proof of Ability to Acquire Performance Bond: Proof that the Proposer agrees to and
is capable of complying with the performance bond.
11. Bankruptcy History: Identification whether Proposer and/or any applicable parent,
subsidiary, and/or affiliate company has ever been declared insolvent, filed for bankruptcy,
or consented to or acquiesced in the appointment of a receiver or trustee for management
of its assets or business.
12. Pricing and County Operations Financial Impact: Proposer must have a Pricing
proposal. The lowest total cost proposal will receive significant consideration and
potentially higher evaluation based on this criterion. Proposals that are not the lowest
cost may be considered based on a percentage of the lowest cost proposal.
Questions or language service needs shall be submitted to the Public Works Deputy Director by email
to: rdickinson@masoncountywa.gov, no later than 4:00 pm, Thursday, June 15, 2023.
A. Oral questions will not be accepted or answered. Questions must be in written form, by email.
All addendums to this RFP will be issued by the Solid Waste Division and published under this
competitive solicitation on Builders Exchange and County website.
B. A Silent Period established between the time the County publishes notice of the RFP and the
time that the County recommends award of the RFP (prior to the public hearing on the proposed
Contract). The Silent Period includes the issuance, submittal receipt, and evaluation of the RFP. All
proposers, consultants, or individuals acting on their behalf are hereby prohibited from contacting or
lobbying any County employee, official, or representative regarding this RFP during the Silent Period
other that the County’s designated representative (the Mason County Solid Waste Division Manager,
or her designee). Failure to observe to the Silent Period may disqualify the proposer and/or delay or
void the RFP.
If at any time, the County changes, revises, deletes, clarifies, increases, or otherwise modifies the RFP,
the County will issue a written addendum to the RFP. Proposer must registered on Builders Exchange for
this RFP to be notified of any addenda and/or new documents on this RFP. It is the Proposer’s
responsibility register for notification and to otherwise check for addenda and other new documents on-
The Proposer agrees to comply with the County’s insurance requirements. Performance bond and
indemnification language to be provide during contract negotiations.
Federal Executive Order 12549 prohibits federal, state, and local public agencies receiving grant
funding from contracting with individuals, organizations, or companies who have been excluded from
participating in federal contracts or grants.
The purpose of this certification is for the contractor/vendor to advise Mason County, in writing, of any
current Federal Suspension and Debarment.
Debarment Certification. By signing and submitting a response to this competitive solicitation (RFP),
I certify that this firm and its principals are not currently suspended or debarred by any Federal
Department or Agency from participating in Federal Funded Contracts.
Submittals received by Mason County in response to this RFP solicitation become public records upon
receipt and are subject to public disclosure pursuant to Chapter 42.56 RCW, the Public Records Act.
Unless privileged, or otherwise exempt from public disclosure pursuant to applicable law, the County shall
have the right to use and distribute any and all documents, writings, programs, data, public records or other
materials prepared by any party in connection with performance of this Agreement. The Proposer
recognizes and agrees that any documents and/or materials arising from and/or related to this Agreement
may be subject to public disclosure pursuant to applicable law (including RCW 42.56). The Proposer
should clearly identify and label in its proposal any specific information that it believes to be exempt
from public disclosure, with an explanation as to what specific exemption(s) it believes to apply. If Mason
County receives a Public Records Act request for such information so marked in the Proposer’s
submitted proposal, and the County determines that it may need to produce that information in response
to the Public Records Act request, the County’s sole obligation to the Proposer shall be to reasonably
attempt to notify the Proposer: (1) of the request, and (2) of the date that such information will be
released to the requester, unless the Proposer obtains a court order to enjoin that disclosure(at the
Proposer’s sole cost and expense). If the Proposer fails to timely obtain a court order enjoining
disclosure, Mason County will release the requested information on the date specified. While the
County may take such above-described reasonable steps to attempt to prevent the disclosure of such
documents and information, the County cannot and does not represent and/or guarantee that any
specific drawings, documents, data, plans, materials and/or information will not be released, even if the
release of such drawings, documents, data, materials, plans, and/or information may be (or may
arguably be) exempt or otherwise preventable by law. The Proposer expressly waives any and all
claims against the County for any harm, liability, costs, and/or damages (direct and/or consequential)
incurred by Proposer arising from and/or directly or indirectly related to the release of any and all
drawings, plans, documents, data, materials, and/or information provided by Proposer.
“The (Local Agency) in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 78 Stat. 252, 42
U.S.C. 2000d to 2000d-4 and Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Department of Transportation,
Subtitle A, Office of the Secretary, Part 21, nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs of the
Department of Transportation issued pursuant to such Act, hereby notifies all bidders that it will
affirmatively insure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged
business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will
not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, or national origin in consideration for an
Mason County assures that no person shall on the grounds of race, color, national origin or sex, as
provided by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and related statues, be excluded from participation in,
be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any Mason County program
or activity. For more information, please contact Mason County Public Works at (360) 427-9670, Ext.
Conado de Mason y El Departamento de Obras Públicas del Condado de Mason garantiza que ninguna
persona será excluida de participar, no se le denegarán beneficios, ni estará de otra manera sujeta a
discriminación en cualquier programa o actividad de la Conado de Mason y El Departamento de Obras
Públicas del Condado de Mason, por motivos de raza, color, origen nacional o sexo, según lo previsto
en al Artículo VI de Ley Derechos Civiles de 1964 y los estatutos relacionados
It is the policy of Mason County to comply with 49 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 26, to ensure that
Disadvantaged Businesses, including minority and women, have an equal opportunity to receive and
participate in federally assisted contracts. Mason does not exclude any person from participation in,
does not deny any person the benefit of, or otherwise discriminate in connection with the award or
performance of any contract covered by 49 CFR Part 26 on the basis of race, sex, or national origin.
Mason County efforts made to use minority and female consultants during FY 2021 include the
following activities:
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE/UDBE) Goals. As part of Mason County’s outreach efforts to
use minority and female consultants, when appropriate, proposals include a Disadvantaged Business
Enterprise (DBE/UDBE) goal. These firms that are certified can encompass small, minority and women
-owned firms. As a condition of award, the successful bidder must make good faith efforts to meet this
DBE/UDBE goal. The proposer establishes good faith efforts when it documents that it has obtained
enough DBE/UDBE participation to meet the DBE/UBDE goals; or documents that it has made efforts to
so, although unsuccessful.
Mason County Public Works
Request for Proposals
Solid Waste Long Haul and Transport Disposal
Mason County, Washington, Public Works Department, Solid Waste Division (“County”) is soliciting
proposals from qualified firms or individuals for solid waste transport and disposal services. It is the
purpose of this RFP solicitation to secure long-term transport and disposal services for solid waste
collected at the Mason County Transfer and Recycling Station. The County is seeking proposals from
experienced entities that are technically, financially, and legally qualified to provide the required services.
Performance of work in connection with this operation shall be for a period of 10 years with up to
two additional (10) years, upon mutual agreement with the Proposer.
The successful Proposer will be required to receive, transport, and dispose of all solid waste generated
and collected in the County in accordance with the service Contract (Contract). The Contract will be
subject to prevailing wage requirements in accordance with applicable law, including RCW 39.58.090(8)
and RCW 39.12.
The following is an overview of the scope of services:
• Transport Services
• Disposal Services
• Capacity
• Inspection of Loaded Containers and Unacceptable Waste
• Average County Compacted Container Weight
• Provision of Equipment
• Appearance, Operation, and Maintenance of Equipment
Schedule: (All dates are estimates.) • Public Announcement – April 27th and May 4th, 2023 (2 consecutive Thursdays)
• Questions Due – May 30th, 2023 (1 month after posting)
• Proposal Due – June 22, 2023 (8 weeks after 1st publication date, no later than 4 pm PST)
• Begin Proposal Evaluations – June 23rd, 2023
• Interviews – last week of June/first of July
• Begin Contract Finalization Discussions – July 2023
• End Contract Finalization Discussions and Brief – July 17th
• Notice of Public Hearing – Published July 20th and 27th, 2023
• Public Hearing on Proposed Selection and Commission action – August 1st, 2023
• Contract effective date – August 23rd, 2023
The Request for Proposals is made available as follows:
Free-of-charge access to the Request for Proposals is provided to Vendors by going
to www.bxwa.com and clicking on "Posted Projects", "Goods and Services", and "Mason County". This
online plan room provides Bidders with fully usable online documents with the ability to: download,
view, print, order full/partial plan sets from numerous reprographic sources, and a free online
digitizer/take-off tool. It is recommended that Bidders “Register” in order to receive automatic e-mail
notification of future addenda and to place themselves on the “Self-Registered Bidders List". Bidders that
do not register will not be automatically notified of addenda and will need to periodically check the on-
line plan room for addenda issued on this project. Contact Builders Exchange of Washington at (425)
258-1303 should you require assistance with access or registration.
Submittal Instructions:
Sealed written proposals (including complete submission of qualifications and all other information and
materials specified in this RFP) shall be submitted to the Administrative Services Manager at the Mason
County Public Works Office located at 100 W Public Works Drive, Shelton, WA 98584, no later than 4:00
pm, Thursday, June 22, 2023 (“Proposal Due Date”).
Mason County, in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C.
2000d to 2000d-4 and Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Department of Transportation, Subtitle A,
Office of the Secretary, Part 21, nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs of the Department of
Transportation issued pursuant to such Act, hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively insure that
in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises will be
afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against
on the grounds of race, color, or national origin in consideration for an award.
Questions regarding the RFP or special language services shall be sent via email to
rdickinson@masoncountywa.gov. The Mason County contact will also receive written email requests for
clarification and/or interpretation for this Request for Proposal up to seven (7) business days prior to the
due date.
PUBLISH: 2-Times – Shelton-Mason County Journal 4/27/23 & 5/04/23
2-Times – Daily Journal of Commerce 4/27/23 & 5/04/23
Bill: Mason County
Department of Public Works – U&W Management
100 W Public Works Drive
Shelton, WA 98584
Mason County
Agenda Request Form
To: Board of Mason County Commissioners
From: Melissa Casey Ext. 404
Department: Public Health Briefing: ☒
Action Agenda: ☒
Public Hearing: ☐
Special Meeting: ☐
Briefing Date(s): April 24, 2023 Agenda Date: April 25, 2023
Internal Review: ☐ Finance ☐ Human Resources ☐ Legal ☐ Information Technology ☐ Other
(This is the responsibility of the requesting Department)
Below for Clerk of the Board’s Use Only:
Item Number: 8.17
Approved: ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Tabled ☐ No Action Taken
Ordinance/Resolution No. __________ Contract No. __________ County Code: __________
Community Action Council Housing and Essential Needs (HEN) Amendment # 2
Background/Executive Summary:
The Department of Commerce is allocating additional funding to the Housing and Essential Needs (HEN)
program, which prevents the homelessness of and rehouses unemployable adults and assists them with basic
essential needs such as utility payments, personal hygiene products, and transportation. The additional funds
will be subcontracted to Community Action Council, which administers the HEN program in Mason County,
through June 30, 2023.
Budget Impact (amount, funding source, budget amendment):
Additional $52,000 pass through to Community Action Council’s HEN Program
Public Outreach (news release, community meeting, etc.):
Requested Action:
Approval for the Chair to sign the contract amendments with the Department of Commerce and Community
Action Council for additional Housing and Essential Needs funds in the amount of $52,000.
CHG Contract 2022-2023_Amend #F
CAC Amendment 2_2021-2023.CHG.HEN
Mason County
Agenda Request Form
To: Board of Mason County Commissioners
From: Melissa Casey Ext. 404
Department: Public Health Briefing: ☒
Action Agenda: ☐
Public Hearing: ☐
Special Meeting: ☐
Briefing Date(s): April 24, 2023 Agenda Date: April 25, 2023
Internal Review: ☐ Finance ☐ Human Resources ☐ Legal ☐ Information Technology ☐ Other
(This is the responsibility of the requesting Department)
Below for Clerk of the Board’s Use Only:
Item Number: 8.18
Approved: ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Tabled ☐ No Action Taken
Ordinance/Resolution No. __________ Contract No. __________ County Code: __________
Overdose Data to Action (OD2A) Letter of Interest
Background/Executive Summary:
The CDC recently released the “Overdose Data to Action in States” (OD2A-S) Notice of Funding Opportunity.
OD2A-S focuses on the promotion of evidence-based overdose prevention interventions informed by data-
driven overdose surveillance strategies. DOH is requesting Letters of Interest (LOI) from LHJs that are
interested in applying to participate in the OD2A-S prevention activities. This funding will allow Public
Health & Human Services to continue harm reduction work in the community such as overdose surveillance,
overdose prevention awareness and education workshops, and naloxone distribution.
Budget Impact (amount, funding source, budget amendment):
Estimated max budget amount is $70,000
Public Outreach (news release, community meeting, etc.):
Requested Action:
Approval to submit Letter of Interest for OD2A funding
Letter of Interest
PH (360) 427-9670 EXT 400
FAX (360) 427-7787
April 19, 2023
415 N 6th St.
Shelton, WA 98584
Dear Recipient:
Please accept this Letter of Intent from Mason County Public Health and Human Services to apply to the
Overdose Data to Action in States funding opportunity.
1. Mason County Public Health and Human Services are stating our interest in applying for Strategy 8 of
the Overdose Data to Action in States. Activities will include 1) using navigators to connect people to
services, 2) ensuring PWUD have access to overdose prevention and reversal tools, treatment
options, and drug checking equipment, 3) improving access to and delivery of harm reduction
services to reduce overdose, and 4) creating and disseminating education and communication
materials to increase awareness of and access to harm reduction resources and to combat stigma
and change social norms around harm reduction.
2. Navigators will be used for each strategy and activity.
3. Populations at risk for experiencing or witnessing an overdose will be prioritized by providing
services and engagement at syringe service programs, at areas people congregate like downtown
transit center, emergency homeless shelters, the county jail and juvenile detention, and at
community events. Health equity gaps will be addressed by partnering with both tribal communities
within Mason County (in five years of naloxone distribution between 2017-2022, 16% of individuals
were American Indian/Alaskan Native), co-locating with other services like community food banks,
and by providing services to the LGBTQ+ community.
Line Item Annual Amount
Salaries and Wages 45,000 (.64 FTE)
Benefits 16,169
Indirect Costs 8,331
Total 70,000
David Windom
Mason County Public Health & Human Services
(360) 427-9670 Ext 260
Mason County
Agenda Request Form
To: Board of Mason County Commissioners
From: Melissa Casey Ext. 404
Department: Public Health Briefing: ☒
Action Agenda: ☐
Public Hearing: ☐
Special Meeting: ☐
Briefing Date(s): April 24, 2023 Agenda Date: April 25, 2023
Internal Review: ☐ Finance ☐ Human Resources ☐ Legal ☐ Information Technology ☐ Other
(This is the responsibility of the requesting Department)
Below for Clerk of the Board’s Use Only:
Item Number: 8.19
Approved: ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Tabled ☐ No Action Taken
Ordinance/Resolution No. __________ Contract No. __________ County Code: __________
Pierce County AIDS Foundation MOU
Background/Executive Summary:
The state DOH regionalized surveillance of HIV several years ago, restricting local health jurisdictions from
tracking and investigating the rate and burden of disease in our communities, and by extension, from designing
educational and prevention programs to reduce transmission. Mason County’s Mobile Outreach engages with
individuals who are at high risk of transmissible diseases, including HIV and other sexually transmitted
diseases. The Pierce County AIDS Foundation (PCAF) provides free HIV/STI testing, navigation services for
access to care and treatment, counseling, and education. This Memorandum of Understanding between PCAF
and Public Health & Human Services will allow PCAF to provide these services during regularly scheduled
Mobile Outreach hours twice a month through May 2024.
Budget Impact (amount, funding source, budget amendment):
Public Outreach (news release, community meeting, etc.):
Requested Action:
Approval for Director to sign Memorandum of Understanding with the Pierce County AIDS Foundation.
Mason County MOU
Memorandum of Understanding
Mason County Public Health and Human Services
This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) sets the terms and understanding between PCAF
and Mason County Public Health and Human Services..
This MOU will promote healthy communities and improve HIV/STI and PrEP Service awareness
and education for individuals and families in the greater South Sound region. PCAF will provide
monthly reports to Mason County Public Health and Human Services capturing: Demographics,
number of completed tests and results, and the number of individuals who have attained
The above goal will be accomplished by undertaking the following activities from 11 am to 4 pm
on the 1st and 3rd Thursday each month.
● Provide confidential HIV/STI testing, PrEP enrollment navigation service, counseling,
and other areas of support for participants.
● Identify and work to resolve problems that may impede participant access to PrEP
services network, HIV/STI services, and other systems.
● Serve as a liaison with the HIV/STI and healthcare community.
● Educate the partners in regard to current information regarding PrEP, HIV/AIDS testing,
mediation, and care.
● Provide condoms and lube to the service participant.
This MOU is at will and may be modified by mutual consent of authorized PCAF and Mason
County officials. This MOU shall become effective upon signature by the authorized officials
from the PCAF and Mason County and will remain in effect until modified or terminated by any
of the partners by mutual consent. In the absence of mutual agreement by authorized officials
from PCAF and Mason County, this MOU shall end May 2024.
Contact Information
DeCarlo Braddy
ETE Director
2101 4th Ave. E. #103, Olympia, WA 98506
Mason County
David Windom
Director of Mason County Health and Human
415 N 6th St, Shelton, WA 98584
Date: Date:
Mason County
Agenda Request Form
To: Board of Mason County Commissioners
From: Marissa Watson Ext. 367
Department Community Development: Briefing: ☒
Action Agenda: ☒
Public Hearing: ☒
Special Meeting: ☐
Briefing Date(s): March 6, 2023 Agenda Date: March 14 and April 25, 2023
Internal Review: ☐ Finance ☐ Human Resources ☒ Legal ☐ Information Technology ☐ Other
(This is the responsibility of the requesting Department)
Below for Clerk of the Board’s Use Only:
Item Number: 10.1
Approved: ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Tabled ☐ No Action Taken
Ordinance/Resolution No. __________ Contract No. __________ County Code: __________
Rezone of three parcels: 22129-34-90002, 22129-34-90003, and 22129-34-90004 from Rural Residential 5
(RR5) to Rural Commercial 2 (RC2).
Background/Executive Summary:
Rezone three parcels, 22129-34-90004, 22129-34-90003, and 22129-34-90002, from Rural Residential 5 to
Rural Commercial 2. These parcels are in the Rural Development Areas close to Spencer Lake Hamlet. This
request does not require an amendment to the Future Land Use Map. If the request is approved the applicant
intends to apply for a special use permit to expand his self-storage business that is adjacent to the subject
parcels. The approximate acreage requested for rezone is 5.91 acres. The applicant, Alfred W. Jones, owns an
additional 8 acres to the north of the subject parcels; this acreage is zoned Rural Commercial 2. The acreage is
the site of the applicant’s self-storage business that has existed in some form since the early 1990s, prior to the
implementation of land use designations and zoning within the County. The applicant recently expanded the
business on the existing RC2 acreage.
Budget Impact (amount, funding source, budget amendment):
Public Outreach (news release, community meeting, etc.):
The public hearing with the PAC on 02.27.23 was advertised in the Mason Shelton Journal on February 16,
2023 and February 23, 2023. This public hearing of the BOCC was advertised on the home page of the Mason
County website and within the Shelton-Mason County Journal on March 23 and March 30 of 2023.
Requested Action:
Approve and adopt amendment to the development areas (zoning) map rezoning parcels 22129-34-90004,
22129-34-90003, and 22129-34-90002 from Rural Residential 5 (RR5) to Rural Commercial 2 (RC2).
Ordinance and staff report with attachments
MC Case: AFA2023-00002
615 W. Alder Street Shelton, Wa 98584 1
360.427.9670 ext. 352 | masoncountywa.gov
Alfred W. Jones
2494 E Pickering Rd.
Shelton, wa 98584
The applicant submitted a complete rezone application, with fees, to the Permit Assistance Center
on 01/25/22. The parcels are owned by Alfred W. and Debra A. Jones, also the applicant.
Rezone three parcels, 22129-34-90004, 22129-34-90003, and 22129-34-90002, from Rural Residential
5 to Rural Commercial 2. These parcels are in the Rural Development Areas close to the Spencer
Lake Hamlet. This request does not require an amendment to the Future Land Use Map. If the
request is approved the applicant intends to apply for a special use permit to expand his self-
storage business that is adjacent to the subject parcels.
Parcel No. 22129-34-90004, 22129-34-90003, and 22129-34-90002: The approximate acreage
requested for rezone is 5.91 acres. The applicant owns an additional 8 acres to the north of the
subject parcels, this acreage is zoned Rural Commercial 2. The acreage is the site of the applicant’s
Applicant Proposal: Proposed rezone of three parcels, 22129-34-90004,
22129-34-90003, and 22129-34-90002, totaling approximately 5.91 acres
from Rural Residential 5 (RR5) to Rural Commercial 2 (RC2).
Department: Community Development – Planning
Staff Contact(s):
Marissa Watson, Senior Planner
Ext. 367 or mwatson@masoncountywa.gov
Date: April 25, 2023
Action Requested at this Meeting: BOCC review and approval of rezone
MC Case: AFA2023-00002
615 W. Alder Street Shelton, Wa 98584 2
360.427.9670 ext. 352 | masoncountywa.gov
self-storage business that has existed in some form since the early 1990s, prior to the
implementation of land use designations and zoning within the County. The applicant recently
expanded the business on the existing RC2 acreage.
Zoning to the east, south and west is Rural Residential 5, with the majority of parcels to the east and
south built out as residential and/or recreational properties. There is a private road, E Forestcove
Ln., separating the subject parcels from the residential properties to the south. A wetland is present
on a parcel outside of this request, but the wetland buffer may affect the usage of parcel 22129-34-
The parcels are within the outer boundaries of the Spencer Lake Hamlet area and near the
intersection of Pickering Road and Spencer Lake Road with improved road access. The properties in
question have a slight slope away from the County roads.
There are five types of rural residential districts. These districts primarily provide for low density
residential use, but also provide for some rural uses such as hobby farms. Rural Residential 5
(RR5) provides for new residential subdivision on parcels of five acres or more. Uses permitted
include single-family residential, hobby farm (small scale commercial agriculture, including
aquaculture and wood lots), churches, local community and recreation centers, group homes, cell
towers, fire stations, fish hatcheries, and public utilities. Accessory uses include cottage industries
(home occupations) and single-family residences.
There are four types of rural commercial districts. These districts provide for a variety of
commercial areas reflecting the diversity of existing business areas. Isolated LAMIRDs ("D2
and D3 LAMIRDs") of a commercial nature are not required to be principally designed to serve
the rural population. These isolated commercial LAMIRDs, however, shall protect rural
character, which is defined at RCW 36.70A.030(14), by containing and limiting rural
development, by not being in conflict with surrounding uses and by assuring that such
development is visually compatible with the surrounding area. The county's primary method
of achieving such purpose is by providing for buffer yards, limiting the character of rezones,
by limiting building size and height in such a way as to be appropriate for the rural areas.
Public services and facilities shall not be provided so as to permit low intensity sprawl. Uses
permitted in Rural Commercial 2 zoning are Convenience/general store, retail, restaurant,
vehicle and equipment repair and maintenance (automotive, truck, farm implement, and
small engines), small office, laundry, professional services, public meeting space, nursery,
MC Case: AFA2023-00002
615 W. Alder Street Shelton, Wa 98584 3
360.427.9670 ext. 352 | masoncountywa.gov
post office/fire station, church, local community and recreation centers,
commercial/government operated day care, single-family residential. Uses permitted with a
special use permit are gas and self-storage.
NORTH: Rural lands/Rural Commercial 2
EAST: Rural lands/Rural Residential 5
SOUTH: Rural lands/Rural Residential 5
WEST: Rural lands/Rural Residential 5
Mason County Code Section 17.05.080(a) describes the eight rezone criteria used to review a rezone
proposal. These criterion have been established and adopted specifically for Mason County to
establish standards by which each zone is to be reviewed. The Code requires that each rezone be
evaluated considering these standards; however, it does not require that they all be met. Below is
Staff responses to the proposed request:
1. Development allowed by the proposed rezone designation shall not damage public
health, safety and welfare.
This criterion is met as the applicant’s proposed rezone of the parcels will not damage public
health, safety and welfare. The applicant is requesting a zone that already exists adjacent to the
subject parcels along with potentially requesting an expansion of the business that already exists
in the area. An approved special use permit will be required, in addition to the rezone, and
conditions will be assigned to the special use permit in relation to planning, fire, building, and
stormwater requirements. Review standards for commercial development (setbacks, buffers,
stormwater, and parking, if needed) will be applied.
2. The zone designation shall be consistent with the Mason County Comprehensive Plan,
Development Regulations, and other County ordinances, and with the Growth
Management Act; and that designation shall match the characteristics of the area to
be rezoned better than any other zone designation.
Staff believes this criterion has been met as it is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and
specifically consistent with the Rural Commercial 2 section of the Development Regulations. The
parcels border an existing area similarly zoned and consisting of the same use that will be
requested of the potential special use permit, if the rezone is approved. The comprehensive Plan
and the GMA promote Limited Areas of More Intense Rural Development which allows for such
requested zoning as long as the request is not conflicting with the surrounding area and is visually
compatible. Expansion of commercial and/or recreational/tourist uses is allowed provided urban
MC Case: AFA2023-00002
615 W. Alder Street Shelton, Wa 98584 4
360.427.9670 ext. 352 | masoncountywa.gov
levels of government service are not required and any public services or facilities provided for the
development are limited to that necessary for the development.
3. No rezone shall be approved if, either by itself or together with other rezoning and/or
development, whether actual or potential, the cumulative impacts of such zoning
would be to materially increase sprawling, low-density rural development, or to
significantly increase uses incompatible with resource-based uses in the vicinity.
This criterion is met and staff believes the rezone of these parcels would not increase sprawl or
low-density development or cause it to occur. There are no resource based uses in the vicinity that
will be affected by this request. DCD receives many inquiries regarding rezoning for the purposes
of self-storage and many of the subject parcels are incompatible for the use due to the absence of
similar uses and zoning nearby. The current self-storage facility serves the community of Spencer
Lake Hamlet and adjacent areas. Hamlets are areas that are expected to serve the area with a mix
of residential and commercial uses.
4. No rezone to more intensive land use shall be approved if, either by itself or together
with other rezoning and/or development, whether actual or potential, the cumulative
impacts of such zoning would be to materially increase demand for urban services in
rural areas, including but not limited to streets, parking, utilities, fire protection,
police, and schools.
This criterion is met as the proposed zoning for the moderate amount of land involved in this
request is not likely to cause a noticeable demand for urban services, especially for self-storage
buildings. Some increase in service demand within the hamlet could result if additional parcels
are created or an intensive development is proposed on the three parcels along the County road,
but not to urban levels of service.
5. No rezone to more intensive land use shall be approved if, either by itself or together
with other rezoning and/or development, whether actual or potential, the cumulative
impacts of such zoning would be to materially interfere with the Growth Management
Act goal to encourage development in urban areas where adequate public services
and facilities exist or can be provided in an efficient manner.
This criterion is met. The proposed rezone is in proximity to a designated hamlet which is
supposed to support a wide variety of more intensive development to support the needs of the
nearby rural residents. The moderate amount of land involved in the request is not likely to create
a remarkable increase in demand for urban services or affect the development in UGAs.
6. No rezone to more intensive land use shall be approved if, either by itself or together
with other rezoning and/or development, whether actual or potential, the cumulative
impacts of such zoning would be to materially interfere with the Growth Management
Act goal to encourage retention of open space, to conserve fish and wildlife habitat,
and generally to protect the environment, including air and water quality.
MC Case: AFA2023-00002
615 W. Alder Street Shelton, Wa 98584 5
360.427.9670 ext. 352 | masoncountywa.gov
This criterion is met as the proposed rezone of these parcels would not materially interfere with
the Growth Management Act goal to encourage retention of open space, to conserve fish and
wildlife habitat, and generally to protect the environment, including air and water quality. Project
level permitting will further evaluate for critical areas. Setbacks and buffers for proposed
commercial developments will need to be adequate to screen land uses activities, these
requirements will be outlined in the special use permitting process if the applicant decides to
proceed with the self-storage expansion proposal.
7. No rezone to more intensive land use shall be approved if, either by itself or together
with other rezoning and/or development, whether actual or potential, the cumulative
impacts of such zoning would be to create pressure to change land use designations of
other lands or to increase population growth in rural areas as projected in the Mason
County Comprehensive Plan.
Staff believes this criterion is met. Additional parcels within the Spencer Lake hamlet could
potentially be presented for rezone to allow future commercial development, such requests are
anticipated though as the area is outlined in the Mason County Comprehensive Plan as an area of
more intensive commercial and non-residential land use; requests would be limited to the outer
boundaries of the hamlet and evaluated on appropriateness based on adjacent uses and zoning.
8. These criteria shall not be construed to prevent corrective rezoning of land
necessitated by clerical error or similar error of typography or topography committed
in the original zoning of such land.
Not applicable to this situation.
A SEPA checklist was prepared for this project. A formal SEPA Determination of Non-Significance
was made on February 01, 2023. Comment period for this determination closed on February 16,
2023. General comments from PUD3 and Ecology have been received as of drafting this staff report.
All property owners within 300 feet of the subject parcel were notified by mail, on February 8, 2023
informing them of the proposal to rezone the properties. In addition, Public Notice of the PAC public
hearing was published in the Mason Shelton Journal on February 16 and February 23, 2023. The
Public Notice was posted onsite on February 13, 2023. The Public Hearing with the BOCC was
published in the Shelton-Mason County Journal on March 23 and March 30, 2023. It will also be
available on the Mason County Wa home page within the agenda for April 25, 2023.
MC Case: AFA2023-00002
615 W. Alder Street Shelton, Wa 98584 6
360.427.9670 ext. 352 | masoncountywa.gov
Staff has not received any public comment as of drafting this staff report, but will forward the BOCC
any comments received.
1. Approval of the proposal as the applicant has requested.
2. Denial of the proposal.
3. Remand to the Planning Advisory Commission for additional consideration.
Staff and the PAC recommend that the BOCC review the request, consider the staff report and
public testimony, and approve the applicant proposal to rezone the three parcels, 22129-34-90004,
22129-34-90003, and 22129-34-90002, from Rural Residential 5 (RR5) to Rural Commercial 2 (RC2).
• Application and Rationale for Request (criteria questions)
• Current Zoning Map
• SEPA DNS and Checklist
• Notice of Hearing
• 60-Day Notice to Commerce
• Property owners within 300' who received notice by mail
• Comments (on SEPA/or Application)
Mason County WA GIS Web Map
Source: Esri, Maxar, Earthstar Geographics, and the GIS User Community
County Boundary
No Filled
Tax Parcels (Zoom in to 1:30,000)
Rural Zoning
Rural Multi Family
Inholding Lands
Rural Residential 2.5 Acres
Rural Residential 5 Acres
Rural Residential 10 Acres
Rural Residential 20 Acres
Agricultural Resource Lands
2/7/2023, 10:26:35 AM
0 0.05 0.10.03 mi
0 0.08 0.160.04 km
Maxar |
Mason County WA GIS Web Map Application
Page: 1
Planning Division of Community
615 W. Alder St. Bldg. 8, Shelton, WA 98584
360-427-9670 ext 352
Permit #:SEP2023-00009
Project Name:
Project Description
Parcel Number:
22129-34-90004, 22129-34-90003, & 22129-34-90002
Lead Agency: Mason County
Lead Agency
Contact:Marissa Watson 360-427-9670 ext. 367
Comment Deadline 02/16/2023
The Lead Agency for this proposal has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the
environment. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). This decision was
made after review of a completed Environmental Checklist and other information on file with the Lead Agency. This
information is available to the public upon request.
This DNS is issued under WAC 197-11-340(2). The Lead Agency will not act on this proposal for 14 days from the date
shown below, when the determination is final. Comments must be submitted to the Dept of Community Development, 615
W Alder St, Shelton, WA 98584 by the comment deadline. Appeal of this determination must be filed with a 14-day period
following this final determination date, per Mason County Code Chapter 15.11 Appeals
Authorized Local Government Official Date
wetland on adjacent lot, connection to
Spencer Lake.
All required buffers required by the MC Resource Ordinance will be
observed and regulations adhered to.
Attachment: parcel map
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Mason County Planning Advisory Commission
will hold a public hearing in person and via Zoom on Monday, February 27, 2023
at 6:00 p.m.
SAID HEARING will be to consider adopting the following Development Areas
amendment (REZONE):
PARCEL(2): 22129-34-90004, 22129-34-90003, AND 22129-34-90002
Any person desiring to express their view or to be notified of the action taken on
the application should attend in person or virtually, or notify:
ATTENTION: Marissa Watson, Long Range Planner
615 W. Alder Street
Shelton, WA 98584
mwatson@masoncountywa.gov (360) 427-9670 ext. 367
Please visit the Mason County website (http://www.co.mason.wa.us/ac/planning-
commission/index.php) for a detailed list of agenda items.
If special accommodations are needed, or for information on how to attend this public meeting
via Zoom, please contact Mariah Frazier at mfrazier@masoncountywa.gov or call (360) 427-
9670 Ext 365.
Ms. Marissa Watson
Senior Planner
Mason County
411 N 5th Street
Shelton, WA 98332
Sent Via Electronic Mail
Re: Mason County--2023-S-4760--60-day Notice of Intent to Adopt Amendment
Dear Ms. Watson:
Thank you for sending the Washington State Department of Commerce (Commerce) the 60-day
Notice of Intent to Adopt Amendment as required under RCW 36.70A.106. We received your
submittal with the following description.
Proposed development areas (zoning) map amendment to rezone parcels 22129-34-90004,
22129-34-90003, and 22129-34-90002 from Rural Residential 5 (RR5) to Rural
Commercial 2 (RC2).
We received your submittal on 02/01/2023 and processed it with the Submittal ID 2023-S-4760.
Please keep this letter as documentation that you have met this procedural requirement. Your
60-day notice period ends on 04/02/2023.
We have forwarded a copy of this notice to other state agencies for comment.
Please remember to submit the final adopted amendment to Commerce within ten days of
If you have any questions, please contact Growth Management Services at
reviewteam@commerce.wa.gov, or call Matt Ojennus, (360) 292-3435.
Review Team
Growth Management Services
1011 Plum Street SE PO Box 42525 Olympia, Washington 98504-2525 (360) 725-4000
Page: 1 of 1
DUPREE JAMES & GWEN 23633 164TH AVE SE KENT WA 98042 22129‐34‐90154
BECKER HOMES LLC 13407 117TH AVE CT E PUYALLUP WA 98374 22129‐76‐90141
DILORETO SYLVIA & DAVID 4617 N 24TH ST TACOMA WA 98406 22129‐76‐90144
CALVIN KEVIN N & SANDI L 35033 57TH AVE S AUBURN WA 98001 22129‐34‐90120
ALLEN JOHN A & WENDY FP O BOX 2163 SHELTON WA 98584 22129‐34‐90100
Southwest Region Office
PO Box 47775, Olympia, WA 98504-7775 • 360-407-6300
February 16, 2023
Marissa Watson, Planner
Mason County
Planning Division of Community Development
615 W. Alder St. Bldg. 8
Shelton, WA 98584
Dear Marissa Watson:
Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the determination of nonsignificance for the Jones
Rezone 2023 Proposal (SEP2023-00009) as proposed by Alfred W. Jones. The Department of
Ecology (Ecology) reviewed the environmental checklist and has the following comment(s):
It appears that wetlands may extend onto the property. A wetland delineation and rating will
be necessary for subsequent development. Rezoning the property to commercial zoning
would likely entail a wider wetland buffer per MCC 8.52.110(B). Wetlands associated with
Spencer Lake are regulated by the Shoreline Management Act.
TOXICS CLEANUP: Dean Malte (360) 999-9584
No confirmed or suspected contaminated sites are located on or within ¼ mile of the project
area. If any contamination is unexpectedly encountered, please report it to Ecology (per
WAC 173-340-300) via the online ERTS at https://ecology.wa.gov/Footer/Report-an-
Ecology’s comments are based upon information provided by the lead agency. As such, they
may not constitute an exhaustive list of the various authorizations that must be obtained or legal
requirements that must be fulfilled in order to carry out the proposed action.
If you have any questions or would like to respond to these comments, please contact the
appropriate reviewing staff listed above.
Department of Ecology
Southwest Regional Office
cc: Lizzie Carp, SEA
Dean Malte, TCP