HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023/03/28 - Regular PacketBoard of Mason County Commissioners
Draft Meeting Agenda
Commission Chambers
411 N 5th St, Shelton, WA 98584
March 28, 2023
9:00 a.m.
March 28.2
Commission meetings are live streamed at http://www.masonwebtv.com/
Effective May 10, 2022, regular Commission business meetings will be held in -person and via Zoom.
Please click the Zoom meeting link posted on the Mason County homepage and use the “raise hand” feature to be recognized
by the Chair to provide your comments and testimony. Public comment and testimony can be provided in -person, and you can
also e-mail msmith@masoncountywa.gov; mail in to the Commissioners’ Office at 411 N 5th St, Shelton, WA 98584; or call
(360) 427-9670 ext. 419. If you need to listen to the Commission meeting via telephone, please provide your telephone
number to the Commissioners’ Office no later than 4:00 p.m. the Friday before the meeting.
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Correspondence and Organizational Business
4.1 Correspondence
4.2 National County Government Month Proclamation
4.3 Request for Proposal Homeless Response Grant Funds news release by Melissa Casey
4.4 National Public Health Week Proclamation
5. Open Forum for Citizen Input
Please see above options to provide public comment; 3 minutes per person, 15-minute time limit.
6. Adoption of Agenda
Items appearing on the agenda after “Item 10. Public Hearings” may be acted upon before 9:15 a.m.
7. Approval of Minutes – February 28 and March 14, 2023 Regular Minutes and March 6 and March 13, 2023
Briefing Minutes
8. Approval of Action Agenda
Items listed under “Action Agenda” may be enacted by one motion unless a Commissioner or citizen requests an ite m be
removed from the Action Agenda and considered a separate item.
8.1 Approval of Warrants and Treasurer Electronic Remittances
Claims Clearing Fund Warrant # 8094208-8094650 $1,116,680.03
Direct Deposit Fund Warrant # 94410-94810 $ 856,838.63
Salary Clearing Fund Warrant # 7007205-7007228 $1,143,293.79
Treasurer Electronic Remittance $ 284,431.84
8.2 Approval of the Resolution amending the County Administrator’s level of authority to include documents to
correct scrivener’s errors, credit card program documents, and documents from the Washington State Liquor
and Cannabis Board.
8.3 Approval of the amendment to the Memorandum of Understanding with Homes First to raise the management
fee by $100 a month from $1,000 to $1,100 effective February 1, 2023.
8.4 Approval of the Resolution selecting the Shelton-Mason County Journal as the official County newspaper for
publishing certain legal publications.
8.5 Approval for the County Administrator to sign the Fiscal Year 2022 Emergency Management Performance
Grant (EMPG) contract no. E23-206 in the amount of $39,012.
8.6 Approval of the temporary promotion of Corrections Support Officer (CSO) Brad McQuade to Alternative
Sentencing Unit (ASU) Coordinator from March 16, 2023 through May 17, 2023 at Corrections Deputy Range
Step 2.
8.7 Approval of the amendment to the Washington State Department of Ecology Solid Waste Grant adding an
additional $40,000 in funding.
8.8 Approval to appoint Becky Cronquist to the Mason County Housing Authority Board of Commissioners for a
5-year term which expires March 28, 2028.
8.9 Approval to appoint Dennis Hamilton to the Mason County Parks and Trails Advisory Board for a 4-year term
which expires December 31, 2027.
8.10 Approval of the Resolution revising the Non-Represented Salary Range Table to update classification titles
and ranges.
8.11 Approval to move forward with the Office of the Secretary of State Information Security Grant and any
procurement processes necessary.
8.12 Approval to create an Extra Help budget line under the Clerk’s Office.
8.13 Approval to sign the letter of support to the Senate Transportation Committee regarding the State Route 3
9. Other Business (Department Heads and Elected Officials)
10. 9:15 a.m. Public Hearings and Items Set for a Certain Time
Please see above options to provide public testimony.
No Public Hearings set for this time.
11. Board’s Calendar and Reports
12. Adjournment
TO: Board of Mason County Commissioners
FROM: Cassidy Perkins Ext. 419
DEPARTMENT: Support Services Action Agenda
DATE: March 28, 2023 No. 4.1
ITEM: Correspondence
4.1.1 Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board sent in the following: Notice of
Cannabis License Applications Received for Triple R Farms and Resinate LLC.
Change of Cannabis License Location Approval Received for Wilber Industries LLC.
Notice of Liquor License Application Received for Olympic Oyster Co. Notice to
Cannabis Licensees on Firearms, and Liquor & Cannabis License Renewal
4.1.2 Response from Mason County Auditor to Anna Wood regarding a petition requesting
a Comprehensive Process Audit of the election system ahead of the elections for
4.1.3 Notice of Public Hearing received from Mason County Community Services.
4.1.4 Notification received from PUD3 regarding upcoming Service Pole Inspecting.
Attachments: Originals on file with the Clerk of the Board.
National County Government Month
April 2023
WHEREAS, the nation’s 3,069 counties serving more than 330 million Americans provide essential services to
create healthy, safe, and vibrant communities; and,
WHEREAS, counties fulfill a vast range of responsibilities and deliver services that touch nearly every aspect of
our residents’ lives such as providing health services, administering justice, keeping communities safe, fostering
economic opportunities, and so much more; and,
WHEREAS, Mason County and all counties take pride in our responsibility to protect and enhance the health,
wellbeing, and safety of our residents in efficient and cost-effective ways; and,
WHEREAS, under the leadership of National Association of Counties President Denise Winfrey, NACo is
demonstrating how “Counties RISE!”, demonstrating exemplary Resiliency, Inclusion, Solvency, and Empowerment;
WHEREAS, each year since 1991 the National Association of Counties has encouraged counties across the
country to elevate awareness of county responsibilities, programs, and services; and,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Mason County Commissioners hereby proclaims
April 2023 as National County Government Month and encourages all county officials, employees, schools, and
residents to participate in county government celebration activities.
Signed this day of November 22nd, 2022.
Sharon Trask,
Randy Neatherlin,
Kevin Shutty,
411 N 5TH ST, BLDG 1, SHELTON, WA 98584
RE: Request for Proposal Homeless Response Grant Funds
Mason County Public Health & Human Services is pleased to announce the Request for
Proposal Application for Homeless Response Grants is now open for the 2023-2025 grant
The Homeless Response Grant Program includes funds from the Consolidated Homeless
Grant (CHG) and the Local Document Recording Fees (Engrossed Second Substitute
House Bill (ESSHB) 2163) administered by Mason County. Mason County Public Health
& Human Services is responsible for contracting and compliance activities related to
these homeless response funds. These funds provide resources to agencies that respond to
the immediacy and urgency of homelessness and make sure that everyone has a safe and
appropriate place to live. Mason County Public Health & Human Services is committed
to supporting agencies that have a primary objective of ending homelessness in Mason
The RFP Application materials can be found on the Mason County website under
Request for Proposals at: https://masoncountywa.gov/
Todd Parker
Phone: (360) 427-9670 ext. 293
Email: tparker@masoncountywa.gov
Sharon Trask,
Kevin Shutty,
Randy Neatherlin,
National Public Health Week
April 3-9, 2023
WHEREAS, the week of April 3-9, 2023 is National Public Health Week and the theme is “Centering and
Celebrating Cultures in Health”; and,
WHEREAS, since 1995, the American Public Health Association, through its sponsorship of National Public
Health Week, has educated the public, policymakers, and public health professionals about issues important to
improving the public’s health; and,
WHEREAS, a person’s health status can differ drastically due to differences in the built environment,
environmental quality, community context, access to healthy food, access to education, and access to health care; and,
WHEREAS, there is a significant decrease in health status among persons who are more likely to face social
determinants that negatively impact health, such as racism, poverty, adverse childhood experiences, transportation
barriers, and lack of economic opportunity; and,
WHEREAS, public health professionals help communities prevent, prepare for, withstand, and recover from the
impact of a full range of health threats, including disease outbreaks such as the COVID -19 pandemic, tuberculosis,
natural disasters, and disasters caused by human activity; and,
WHEREAS, public health action, together with scientific and technological advances, has played a major role in
reducing and eliminating the spread of infectious disease and in establishing todays’ disease surveillance and control
systems; and,
WHEREAS, studies show that relatively small strategic investments in disease prevention can result in
significant savings in health care costs; and,
WHEREAS, efforts to adequately support public health and the prevention of disease and injury can continue to
transform a health system focused on treating illness into a health system focused on preventing disease and injury and
promoting wellness; and,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Mason County Commissioners hereby proclaims
April 3-9, 2023 as National Public Health Week and encourages all county officials, employees, schools, and residents
to observe this week by celebrating the value of public health in improving the quality of life for all its communities .
Signed this day of March 28, 2023.
Sharon Trask,
Randy Neatherlin,
Kevin Shutty,
Board of Mason County Commissioners
Commission Chambers
411 N 5th St, Shelton, WA 98584
February 28, 2023
1. Call to Order – The Chairperson called the regular meeting to order at 9:01 a.m.
2. Pledge of Allegiance – Mark Neary led the flag salute.
3. Roll Call – Present: Present: Commissioner District 1 – Randy Neatherlin; Commissioner District 3 – Sharon
Trask; Absent: Commissioner District 2 – Kevin Shutty
4. Correspondence and Organizational Business
4.1 Correspondence
4.1.1 Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board sent in the following: special occasion liquor license
application for the Allyn Community Association; liquor license renewal application information; notice of
cannabis license discontinuation for Mayflower Partners; notice of liquor license discontinuation for
Summertide Resort; notice to cannabis licensees on firearms; notice of cannabis license approval for Perfect
Plant LLC; and liquor license application for Model T Pub & Eatery.
4.1.2 Advisory Board applications were received from the following: Thomas Duffield, Delroy Cox, Lynda
Links, and Chad White for the Solid Waste Advisory Committee; and Dennis Hamilton for the Parks
Advisory Board.
4.1.3 Comcast sent in notification regarding a fee increase for Broadcast TV from $26.30 to $26.85.
4.1.4 United Way sent in event information regarding their Spring Dessert and Gift Auction.
4.2 Kell Rowen read the Planning Advisory Commission news release.
4.3 Marissa Watson read the Shoreline Master Program User Guide news release.
4.4 Luke Viscusi read the Historic Preservation Commission’s Historical Building, Structure, or Place Plaque
Program news release.
5. Open Forum for Citizen Input
Ken VanBuskirk shared concerns and frustrations regarding traffic mitigation efforts on Highway 3 and
Ridgetop Boulevard, the delay of work on the Belfair bypass project, and the proposed apartments on Roy
Boad Road.
6. Adoption of Agenda
Cmmr. Neatherlin/Trask moved and seconded to adopt the agenda as published. Motion carried unanimously.
N-aye; S-absent; T-aye.
7. Approval of Minutes
Cmmr. Neatherlin/Trask moved and seconded to adopt the January 30, 2023 and February 6, 2023 Briefing
Minutes and February 7, 2023 Regular Minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously. N-aye; S-absent; T-
8. Approval of Action Agenda
8.1 Approval of Warrants & Treasurer Electronic Remittances
Claims Clearing Fund Warrant # 8093928-8094207 $ 831,070.99
Direct Deposit Fund Warrant # 94015-94409 $ 811,878.47
Salary Clearing Fund Warrant # 7007169-7007204 $1,110,828.10
Treasurer Electronic Remittance $2,348,510.83
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8.2 Approval of the Resolution adopting a Public Works policy regarding preservation of survey monuments within
County right-of-way. (Exhibit A, Resolution No. 2023-010)
8.3 Approval for the Public Works Director to sign the Letter Agreement extending the term of agreement between
the City of Bremerton, Port of Bremerton, and Mason County to December 31, 2023.
8.4 Approval to create and fill a Financial Analyst position in Superior Court and reclassify a Secretary position to a
Judicial Assistant position and a Judicial Assistant Position to a Lead Judicial Assistant position.
8.5 Approval of the Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission Interagency Agreement no. IA 123-503 to
survey for and control noxious weed species within state parks in Mason County for the period of March 1, 2023
to June 30, 2025.
8.6 Approval of the Washington State Department of Agriculture Interagency Agreement no. K4369 to survey for
and control Giant Hogweed within Mason County for the period of February 15, 2023 to December 31, 2024.
8.7 Approval of the Washington State Department of Commerce Consolidated Homeless Grant Contract no. 22-
46108-20 Amendment E and the Community Action Council Professional Services Contract no. CAC:2021-2023
CHGHEN Amendment no. 1 for the increased amount of $76,933.
8.8 Approval of the Resolution amending the Mason County Personnel Policy to include updates for grammar and
plain talk language; Section 4.5.1 to include the County Administrator as advising party to Chair and Presiding
Judge during emergency closures; Section 4.8 Payroll Records procedure to include the Auditor’s Office;
Section 5.2.2 Lead Pay and Section 5.2.3 Out of Class Pay to include County Administrator authority per
Resolution no. 2022-033; Section 5.3.1 definitions of eligible employees for longevity; Section 5.4
Reclassifications to include language from request form, positions in open negotiations, and providing a 60-day
window for response; Section 7.2.3 leave accrual to remove confusing language around sick leave; and Chapter
14 Travel Policy to include advance travel. (Exhibit B, Resolution No. 2023-011)
8.9 Approval of the reclassification for Stephen Thur in Public Health and Human Services from Accounting
Technician to Senior Accounting Technician Step 1.
8.10 Approval of the Resolution reflecting a 2.5% increase between Steps 9 and 10 for all Ranges and the retitling of
the following positions: Senior Deputy Coroner to Deputy Coroner, Clerk of the Board/Records Specialist to
Clerk of the Board, Risk & Safety Compliance Manager to Risk Manager, Program Manager I to Solid Waste
Manager, and Administrative Manager to Prosecuting Attorney Administrative Manager. (Exhibit C,
Resolution No. 2023-012)
8.11 Approval of the Memorandum of Understanding with Teamsters Union Local No. 252 Appraiser’s Unit to add
Lead Worker language around Article 10 of the current 2022-2024 Collective Bargaining Agreement.
8.12 Approval of the Memorandum of Understanding with Woodworkers Local Lodge W38 I.A.M. Corrections &
Support Staff to correct a Scrivener’s error to the Appendix A – Wage Tables for the current 2022-2024
Collective Bargaining Agreement.
8.13 Approval of the Memorandum of Understanding with Woodworkers Local Lodge W38 I.A.M. Mason County
Office of Public Defense to add Lead Pay language to Article VI Wages and Benefits for the current 2021-2023
Collective Bargaining Agreement.
8.14 Approval to sign the letter of support supporting a holistic jail system study and analysis and for the
establishment of a Jail Modernization Task Force.
8.15 Approval to sign the letter of support for The Youth Connection’s application for Congressionally Directed
Spending (CDS) funds for building transitional housing for homeless young people.
Cmmr. Neatherlin/Trask moved and seconded to approve action items 8.1 through 8.15. Motion carried
unanimously. N-aye; S-absent; T-aye.
9. Other Business (Department Heads and Elected Officials)
No other business.
10. 9:15 a.m. Public Hearings and Items Set for a Certain Time
Please see above options to provide public testimony. These options are available only while COVID-19 OPMA meeting
restrictions are in place.
3 | F e b r u a r y 2 8 , 2 0 2 3 C o m m i s s i o n M i n u t e s
10.1 Public Hearing to consider amending Mason County Code Title 15 – Development Code to add to the
Hearing Examiner’s Authority and Mason County Code Title 17 – Zoning Code to allow higher
residential densities within the Shelton Urban Growth Area (UGA) by use of the City of Shelton’s
Planned Unit Development standards. Staff: Kell Rowen
Kell Rowen shared that Mason County and the City of Shelton jointly want to encourage the
development of housing within the Urban Growth Areas (UGAs). Existing regulations for the Shelton
UGA limit the number of housing units. Staff proposes that the County adopt the City’s Planned Unit
Development (PUD) standards to allow developers to take advantage of higher residential densities.
Changes include: County Code Section 15.03.050 addition of PUDs in Shelton UGA to Hearing
Examiner review to determine if the proposed PUD met the criteria outlined in the City of Shelton’s
code; Section 17.02.022 addition of statement that residential densities may be increased through use of
a PUD where city services such as water and sewer are provided; and addition of Section 17.07 Article
9 – Planned Unit Development to detail the requirements and review procedures for when the use of a
PUD is allowed. The Planning Advisory Commission voted to recommend approval of adopting the
aforementioned amendments. Several comments in support of amendments were received. The letter
from PUD3 shared that power provisions could be provided. No comments were received against the
proposed changes.
Jay Hill, Community Development Director for the City of Shelton, shared that he works closely with
County staff on projects in the UGA especially if there is a request to extend utilities from municipal
services. The City is interested in seeing more investment from the community and more housing in all
levels of affordability. The City is in support of this because it will advance those goals. County code
amendments are not brought before City council. City Code Title 17 gives developers the opportunity
to extend services outside of the UGA if it is agreed to meet City standards and sign the no protest
agreement. This gives developers and property owners more flexibility. The alternative is to annex in
exchange for the extension of services. It is up to the City Council to remove that provision, but staff
would not recommend it. The City would have to do a cost benefit scenario to determine if services are
extended more would more properties be needed or would more road responsibilities be taken on to
reach. The question would be is there enough development to serve that warrants the extension. In
some cases annexation would not make sense.
Jennifer Baria, Economic Development Council, shared that a letter of support was submitted.
Housing is a big issue and the collaborative efforts between the City and County to make Shelton a
desirable place to develop is an excellent move in the right direction.
James Schweickert, Professional Civil Engineer and Vice-President of Dragonwheel Investment Group,
read his letter of support.
Letters of support for the proposed amendments to Mason County Code Titles 15 and 17 were also
received from Senator Drew MacEwan, Angela Barnes of REMAX, Kristin French, and Sam Tsai.
Cmmr. Neatherlin is supportive of most aspects the proposed amendments and increasing housing. The
only way to handle some of the homeless issues is to have more homes, the only way to move people
around is to have different levels of homes for them to live in. The issue is that if this moves forward,
individuals will be forced to sign away their rights to contest and annexation. The County would never
provide services with a letter stating they can never receive incorporation. That would be inappropriate
for stewards of the County’s tax base. If this is allowed, the County can lose a large amount of tax
base. The County can only go up by 1% plus new construction. It is the Commissioners job to protect
the rights of constituents and their right to be annexed or not. There is no issue with annexation if it
goes through the proper process. It is jointly believed that housing is needed, and it will be allowed to
happen, but the City needs to remove that clause. A clause can be added to our Code stating that the
Hearings Examiner can examine this and there is no clause for no contest to annexation. If the City
4 | F e b r u a r y 2 8 , 2 0 2 3 C o m m i s s i o n M i n u t e s
wants the hookups, they should allow citizens to choose. There is a misnomer that the County must
provide services, the County must plan for services. There should not be a provision to hook up to the
City and get this new zoning ability. The City can remove the provision of a no protest agreement.
Kell added that Cmmr. Neatherlin is speaking of a City of Shelton provision that when the City extends
its services outside of City boundaries, the developer is required to sign a no contest waiver to not
protest annexation in the future. This is not currently addressed in County code. Peacock Ridge is
being annexed because it is adjacent to the City. Currently, Dragonwheel is unable to annex their
property. This amendment will impact the entire Shelton UGA where residential development is. The
properties in question are mostly undeveloped. The Assessor designated zoned mixed-use. Typically,
undeveloped areas take advantage of PUD standards and develop at a density that allows the developer
to get a return on investment.
Mark Neary clarified that the City couldn’t annex a property outside of the border of the current City of
Shelton limits. This limits the potential development of higher densities in areas not contiguous with
the current City border.
Cmmr. Trask shared that as a government, the County needs to ensure services are available.
Cmmr. Neatherlin moved to approve the Ordinance amending the Mason County Code Title 15 –
Development Code to add the Hearing Examiner’s authority and Mason County Code Title 17 –
Zone Code to allow higher residential densities within the Shelton Urban Growth Area (UGA) by
use of the City of Shelton’s Planned Unit Development (PUD) standards with addition that
Hearings Examiner will ensure that there is no non-contest to annexation included in those
agreements. Motion died.
Mark added that if the amendments were to move forward. Properties that were adjacent to the current
City boundaries that wanted to hook up to City utilities to develop higher densities they could annex.
For example, Peacock Ridge is annexing into the City before development begins and moving through
those regulations. Properties that want to be developed into a different density, the property owner
would most likely want to annex prior to development. Pieces of property not adjacent to the current
City boundary, the City will have to determine if they want to annex all the way to the property in
Cmmr. Neatherlin shared that there have been developments recently that were approved to rezone at
higher densities. Lakeland Village is already zoned for six per acre and areas in the Shelton UGA are
zoned for twelve per acre. There is no provision in the Shelton UGA for it to go up to twenty-four per
acre, these code amendments would have to be used. The City needs to give up the no contest
Kell shared this would be development regulation changes within the zone. The County could create
its own PUD standards, but the City of Shelton has PUD provisions in place that can be used. County
code would still apply to that PUD. The purpose of UGAs is for future growth of the city and the
eventual annexation of property into said city.
Cmmr. Neatherlin/Trask moved and seconded to table this Public Hearing to add to the March
14 Commission meeting. Motion carried unanimously. N-aye; S-absent; T-aye.
10.2 Public Hearing to consider corrections to the Future Land Use map and Development Areas (zoning)
map for the following parcels: 42022-21-00010, 61922-33-00010, 61918-33-00010, 42107-13-00010,
42015-33-60010, and 42015-33-00000. Staff: Marissa Watson. (Exhibit D, Ordinance 2023-013)
Marissa Watson shared that Community Development has discovered parcels that are incorrectly
5 | F e b r u a r y 2 8 , 2 0 2 3 C o m m i s s i o n M i n u t e s
mapped on the County GIS layers. This is generally discovered when a landowner inquires about the
permitted uses of their parcels or if research is being done on parcels. A list of incorrectly mapped
parcels on the GIS layers was put together. The parcels are listed on spreadsheets and proofing logs
from the early 2000s with the correct designation and zoning. Resource Lands and Rural Area
designations in Mason County were approved in 1995 and mapped in June 2000. To provide the most
accurate information to the public and County offices, Community Development will periodically bring
forward map corrections to the Planning Advisory Commission (PAC) and County Commissioners for
approval. Map corrections are not considered rezones. PAC and staff recommended approval to adopt
the amendments to the Mason County Future Land Use map and Development Areas (zoning) map for
the correcting parcels: 42015-33-00000, 42015-33-60010, 61918-33-00010, and 61922-33-00010 from
Long-Term Commercial Forest Lands (LTCF) to Inholding Lands (IH); correcting parcel 42022-21-
00010 from Rural Natural Resource Lands (RNR) to Rural Residential 10 (RR10); and correcting
parcel 42107-13-00010 from Long-Term Commercial Forest Lands (LTCF) to Agricultural Resource
Lands (AG).
Cmmr. Neatherlin/Trask moved and seconded to approve to adopt the amendments to the Mason
County Future Land Use map and Development Areas (zoning) map for the correcting parcels:
42015-33-00000, 42015-33-60010, 61918-33-00010, and 61922-33-00010 from Long-Term
Commercial Forest Lands (LTCF) to Inholding Lands (IH); correcting parcel 42022-21-00010
from Rural Natural Resource Lands (RNR) to Rural Residential 10 (RR10); and correcting
parcel 42107-13-00010 from Long-Term Commercial Forest Lands (LTCF) to Agricultural
Resource Lands (AG). Motion carried unanimously. N-aye; S-absent; T-aye.
11. Board’s Calendar and Reports – The Commissioners reported on meetings attended the past week and
announced their upcoming weekly meetings.
12. Adjournment – The meeting adjourned at 10:08 a.m.
McKenzie Smith, Clerk of the Board
Sharon Trask, Chair
Randy Neatherlin, Vice-Chair
Kevin Shutty, Commissioner
Board of Mason County Commissioners
Commission Chambers
411 N 5th St, Shelton, WA 98584
March 14, 2023
1. Call to Order – The Chairperson called the regular meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.
2. Pledge of Allegiance – John Taylor led the flag salute.
3. Roll Call – Present: Present: Commissioner District 1 – Randy Neatherlin; Commissioner District 2 –
Kevin Shutty; Commissioner District 3 – Sharon Trask.
4. Correspondence and Organizational Business
4.1 Correspondence
4.1.1 Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board sent in the following: notice of liquor license
application for Taylor Station, LLC; and special occasion liquor license applications for the Karen
Hilburn Cancer Fund, Hood Canal Salmon Enhancement Group, and the Washington Indian
Gaming Association.
4.1.2 Tessa Halloran sent in an advisory board application for the Solid Waste Advisory Committee.
4.1.3 Hood Canal Communications sent in notice regarding the basic cable television rate increasing to
$119.95 per month effective April 1, 2023.
4.1.4 Port of Port Angeles sent in a letter regarding their Foreign-Trade Zone application.
4.1.5 City of Shelton sent in a notice of postponed action date for an annexation request to annex the
Peacock Ridge area into Shelton City limits.
4.1.6 North Mason Fire sent in a letter regarding their partnership with Mason County.
4.1.7 Ken VanBuskirk sent in a letter regarding the Roy Boad Apartments.
4.2 Richard Dickinson read the 2023 Days of Caring – Free Dump Vouchers news release.
4.3 Cheryl Heywood presented the Timberland Regional Library Spring presentation.
5. Open Forum for Citizen Input
Cynthia Stang shared her concerns regarding the briefed Resolution expanding the authority of the County
Administrator. The County Administrator is not an Elected Official and should not make budget
6. Adoption of Agenda
Cmmr. Shutty/Neatherlin moved and seconded to adopt the agenda as published. Motion carried
unanimously. N-aye; S-aye; T-aye.
7. Approval of Minutes
Cmmr. Neatherlin/Shutty moved and seconded to adopt the February 27, 2023 Briefing Minutes as
presented. Motion carried unanimously. N-aye; S-aye; T-aye.
8. Approval of Action Agenda
8.1 Approval of Warrants and Treasurer Electronic Remittances
Claims Clearing Fund Warrant # 8094208-8094650 $2,165,810.27
Direct Deposit Fund Warrant # 94410-94810 $ 938,958.33
Salary Clearing Fund Warrant # 7007205-7007228 $ 640,090.34
Treasurer Electronic Remittance $ 284,431.84
2 | M a r c h 1 4 , 2 0 2 3 C o m m i s s i o n M i n u t e s
8.2 Approval of the following 2023 Mason County Heritage Grants: Mason General Hospital Foundation’s
Arts Commission Chapter for $5,000; McReavy House Museum of Hood Canal for $5,000; North Bay
Historical Society for $5,000; Peninsular Railway and Lumbermen’s Museum for $2,000; and Pickering
Homemakers Club DBA Pickering Community Club for $5,000; for a total amount of $22,000.
8.3 Approval of the CHOICE Regional Health Network Youth Cannabis and Commercial Tobacco
Prevention Program contract in the amount of $52,676.01.
8.4 Approval to authorize the County Engineer to submit the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP)
grant for safety improvements on Shelton-Matlock Road from milepost 1.76 to milepost 7.67 and
approval to authorize the Chair to sign all pertinent documents for the grant.
8.5 Approval to execute the Notification of Final Cost of County Road Construction projects completed in
2022 performed by County forces in the amount of $652,594.
8.6 Approval to authorize the transfer of funds from Beginning Fund Balance in the amount of $220,000;
approval of the Resolution for County Road Project No. 2048 to replace the Rock Creek Bridge
superstructure; approval for the County Engineer to procure the bridge structure from the apparent low
bidder, TrueNorth Steel Bridge; and approval for the County Engineer and Chair to sign all pertinent
documents for the project. (Exhibit A, Resolution No. 2023-014)
8.7 Approval of the Resolution for the sole-source purchase from Correct Equipment of seventy-five (75)
grinder pumps and conversion kits for a total of $212,877. (Exhibit B, Resolution No. 2023-015)
8.8 Approval to sign the letter of support for the Port of Port Angeles’ application for a Foreign-Trade Zone
(FTZ) in the proposed service area of Clallam County/North Olympic Peninsula.
8.9 Approval to set a Public Hearing for Tuesday, April 25, 2023 at 9:15 a.m. to consider the rezone of
parcels 22129-34-90002, 22129-34-90003, and 22129-34-90004 from Rural Residential 5 (RR5) to
Rural Commercial 2 (RC2).
8.10 Approval to appoint the following applicants to the Solid Waste Advisory Committee (SWAC): Thomas
Duffield to represent District No. 1; Sharon Trask to represent Local Elected Public Official; Tessa
Halloran to represent Special Group – Agriculture; and to reappoint Lynda Links to represent District
No. 3; Delroy Cox to represent Business; and Chad White to represent the Solid Waste Industry.
8.11 Approval of the Resolution for County Road Project No. 2046 Bear Creek Dewatto Road milepost 0.43
to milepost 1.02 to realign the roadway to improve the horizontal curves with wider lanes and shoulders
paved with hot mix asphalt and approval for the County Engineer and/or Chair to sign all pertinent
documents. (Exhibit C, Resolution No. 2023-016)
8.12 Approval of the Resolution for County Road Project No. 2047 Skokomish Valley Road milepost 3.80 to
milepost 4.60 to preserve and improve access to the upper Skokomish River Valley and Olympic
National Forest by stabilizing, strengthening, and elevating the roadway and improving drainage and
approval for the County Engineer and/or Chair to sign all pertinent documents. (Exhibit D, Resolution
No. 2023-017)
8.13 Approval to issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) for food concessions at Mason County Recreational
Area (MCRA) for the spring and summer of 2023.
8.14 Approval of the AFSCME Memorandum of Understanding for 0.25% and closing out the “Me Too”
clause of the 2020-2022 Collective Bargaining Agreement.
8.15 Approval for Lead Pay for Tom Gibbons in the Assessor’s Office from March 16, 2023 through
December 31, 2023.
8.16 Approval for Lead Pay for Rose Boughton in the Public Defender’s Office from March 16, 2023 through
December 31, 2023
Cmmr. Shutty/Neatherlin moved and seconded to approve action items 8.1 through 8.16 with a date
change for item 8.9 from April 5, 2023 to April 25, 2023. Motion carried unanimously. N-aye; S-aye; T-
9. Other Business (Department Heads and Elected Officials)
Mark Neary clarified the purpose of the Resolution for expanding County Administrator authority is not
3 | M a r c h 1 4 , 2 0 2 3 C o m m i s s i o n M i n u t e s
additional budget but to be able to sign contracts already approved in the budget.
10. 9:15 a.m. Public Hearings and Items Set for a Certain Time
Please see above options to provide public testimony. These options are available only while COVID-19 OPMA meeting
restrictions are in place.
10.1 Continuation of the Public Hearing on February 28, 2023 to consider amending Mason County Code
Title 15 – Development Code to add to the Hearing Examiner’s Authority and Mason County Code
Title 17 – Zoning Code to allow higher residential densities within the Shelton Urban Growth Area
(UGA) by use of the City of Shelton’s Planned Unit Development standards. Staff: Kell Rowen.
(Exhibit E, Ordinance No. 2023-018)
Kell Rowen shared this is a code amendment to County Code Title 15 giving the Hearing Examiner
authority over review of Planned Unit Developments (PUDs) and Title 17 giving the County the ability
to review projects in the Shelton Urban Growth Area (UGA) that have residential development that will
utilize City sewer and water using the City of Shelton standards allowing for additional density of
residential within the Shelton UGA that existing zoning does not allow for. County zoning allows for
about half of what this PUD would allow. Planning staff worked jointly with the City of Shelton and
believes this will benefit both the County and the City in the future for annexation into city limits.
Cmmr. Neatherlin felt it is inappropriate to stand in the way of this moving forward for technicality and
expressed that he is not against the amendment brought forward. The County needs the ability to do
this. The issue is the forced no contest to annexation which changes how easy it is to annex and it
disenfranchises future voters that won’t know they don’t have the right to determine whether or not
they will be annexed. The taxation issue occurs when you take hundreds of homes out of the equation,
the remaining homes must adjust for that tax increase. The addition of the Hearings Examiner to
ensure there is not an inclusion of a no contest provision in acquiring these rights to utilize the City
sewer and water could easily be added. Mason County has put millions of dollars into the sewer and
continues to pay into it every year. Residents should get the benefit of the sewer. The City can still
annex, but residents should get a choice. The City needs hookups and did a huge increase on rate
payers. Developers pay to do all their infrastructure. This is a great benefit to our community as it is
Cmmr. Shutty/Trask moved and seconded to approve the Ordinance amending Mason County
Code Title 15 – Development Code to add to the Hearing Examiner’s Authority and Mason
County Code Title 17 – Zoning Code to allow higher residential densities within the Shelton
Urban Growth Area (UGA) by use of the City of Shelton’s Planned Unit Development standards.
Motion carried unanimously. N-nay; S-aye; T-aye.
Cmmr. Shutty appreciates the opportunity to comment and understands the opposition standpoint of
Cmmr. Neatherlin. Housing is needed and that is clear in the code amendments. The County wants
more housing and parity is needed between planning, codes, and development regulations. There is
still a lot of decision making that must be done on the private sector side. Letters of support were
received from individuals on the development side. Cities must be methodical in how they approach
annexation. The City is looking at annexing 300+ acres on Peacock Ridge and must think years ahead.
The City is dependent on sales tax, more so than the County. Belfair generates a ton of sales tax
revenue for the County. The City has its own capacity issues regarding utilities, staffing, policing, and
road services. More housing is needed, it benefits the community. A strong Shelton is a strong Mason
County and vice versa. This amendment moves us in a positive direction to plan for a shared future.
Cmmr. Trask asked for this extension to do research and be confident in her decision. The Planning
Advisory Commission (PAC) meeting was reviewed as well. The public testifying had good comments
and the Commission had great questions. She is comfortable moving forward with this amendment.
4 | M a r c h 1 4 , 2 0 2 3 C o m m i s s i o n M i n u t e s
Cmmr. Neatherlin shared that MRSC is great, but just because something is common doesn’t mean it
can’t be changed or done differently. To protect future voters and the tax base, Cmmr. Neatherlin will
be voting against the amendments. The annexation cannot be figured out later, the no contest removes
that vote. Mason County can do better and protect everyone with just a single action.
11. Board’s Calendar and Reports – The Commissioners reported on meetings attended the past week and
announced their upcoming weekly meetings.
12. Adjournment – The meeting adjourned at 9:58 a.m.
McKenzie Smith, Clerk of the Board
Sharon Trask, Chair
Randy Neatherlin, Vice-Chair
Kevin Shutty, Commissioner
Page | 1
Mason County Commission Chambers, 411 North 5th Street, Shelton, WA
Week of March 6, 2023
Monday, March 6, 2023
9:00 A.M. Closed Session – RCW 42.30.140(4) Labor Discussion
Commissioners Neatherlin, Shutty, and Trask met in closed session for labor negotiation via
Zoom from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Mark Neary, Mary Ransier, Nichole Wilston, Cabot
Dow, and Lindsey Smith were also in attendance.
10:00 A.M. Community Lifeline – Chriss Brickert
Commissioners Neatherlin, Shutty, and Trask were in attendance via Zoom.
• Chriss Brickert requested a letter of support for Community Lifeline’s request of a grant for
fiscal year 2024 Congressionally Directed Spending (CDS) funds for a pallet shelter village in
the amount of $1,239,278.02. Location is being considered. Letters of support have been
received from the City of Shelton, North Mason Fire Department, Qu ixote Village, and the
National Northwest Alliance. Approved to move forward.
10:10 A.M. Support Services – Mark Neary
Commissioners Neatherlin, Shutty, and Trask were in attendance via Zoom.
• Mark shared a Parks Advisory Board application received from Dennis Hamilton. Approved
to set up an interview.
• Mark discussed expanding the County Administrator’s level of authority to include budgeted
contracts and contract extensions of $50k and under , documents to correct scrivener’s errors,
credit card program documents, documents from the State Liquor and Cannabis Board, and
letters of support that have no budget impact. Tabled.
• Mark discussed the North Mason Fire Authority building lease and use of the building. The
plan is for the North Mason Sheriff’s precinct to move to this location. Other departments
such as Emergency Management could utilize this space as well. Permitting still needs done.
• Mark shared that the next phase for District Court is to move staff into Building 10.
• Mark discussed the letter of support for the Port of Port Angeles’ request for Foreign-Trade
Zone (FTZ). Jennifer Baria, Economic Development Council, added that requests are based
on port of entry and only designates service area. Approved to move forward.
• Cmmr. Shutty discussed a grant from the Federal Government regarding Narcan distribution
and Rural Communities Opioid Response Program (RCORP) funding which could allow the
County to have a wider distribution of Narcan.
• Cmmr. Shutty shared that he plans to attend the Broadband Action Team meetings.
• Cmmr. Shutty discussed an email request from Katy Crabtree from Representative Kilmer’s
office for community project submissions.
10:30 A.M. Community Development – Kell Rowen
Commissioners Neatherlin, Shutty, and Trask were in attendance via Zoom.
• Marissa Watson discussed the rezone request for three parcels (22129-34-90002, 22129-34-
90003, and 22129-34-90004) from Rural Residential 5 to Rural Commercial 2. Approved to
move forward.
10:35 A.M. Public Works – Loretta Swanson
Utilities & Waste Management
Commissioners Neatherlin, Shutty, and Trask were in attendance via Zoom.
• Richard Dickinson shared the 2023 Days of Caring – Free Dump Vouchers news release.
United Way of Mason County will have 300 vouchers and Youth Connection of Belfair will
Page | 2
have 150 vouchers. Vouchers must be used at the Mason County Landfill by June 30, 2023.
Approved to move forward.
• Richard shared Solid Waste Advisory Committee appointments and reappointments. New
appointments include Thomas Duffield, Commissioner Sharon Trask, and Tessa Halloran.
Reappointments include Lynda Links, Delroy Cox, and Chad White. Approved to move
• Mike Collins shared County Road Project 2046 – Bear Creek Dewatto Road between milepost
0.43 and milepost 1.02 to realign road and improve horizontal curve. The estimated project
cost is about $680k with County matching funds of $86k. Approved to move forward.
• Mike shared County Road Project 2047 – Skokomish Valley Road between milepost 3.80 and
milepost 4.60 to stabilize, strengthen, and elevate roa dway. Public Works received $1.6
million through FFY2023 WA Federal Lands Access program (FLAP) and the County will
need to pay 13.5% of project cost. Approved to move forward.
10:50 A.M. District Court – Judge Steele
Commissioners Neatherlin, Shutty, and Trask were in attendance via Zoom.
• Judge George Steele shared a staffing issue in the Indigent Defense Office. RCW 36.26.090
allows the Court to appoint attorneys at an appropriate compensation and requested to create a
$7,500 line item under the Public Defense budget to allow the court to appoint attorneys.
Peter Jones added that Public Defense has a line item to appoint outside attorneys at $75 an
hour. If the cost exceeds $75 an hour, he is unable to appoint the attorney. Mike Dorcy
included that the statute states the County which the offense is committed shall pay, but is not
specific as to where to budget. Tabled.
Respectfully submitted,
McKenzie Smith,
Clerk of the Board
Sharon Trask,
Randy Neatherlin,
Kevin Shutty,
Page | 1
Mason County Commission Chambers, 411 North 5th Street, Shelton, WA
Week of March 13, 2023
Monday, March 13, 2023
9:00 A.M. Closed Session – RCW 42.30.140(4) Labor Discussion
Commissioners Neatherlin, Shutty, and Trask met in closed session for labor negotiation via
Zoom from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Mark Neary, Mary Ransier, Nichole Wilston, Cabot
Dow, and Lindsey Smith were also in attendance.
10:00 A.M. WSU Extension – Dan Teuteberg
Commissioners Neatherlin, Shutty, and Trask were in attendance via Zoom.
• Dan introduced new Washington State University Extension staff Kela Hall-Wieckert and
Tessa Halloran.
• Dan presented the WSU Fall/Winter Report for 2023.
10:05 A.M. Support Services – Mark Neary
Commissioners Neatherlin, Shutty, and Trask were in attendance via Zoom.
• Diane Zoren shared a request for proposals for the 2023 Mason County Recreational Area
(MCRA) concession services. Approved to move forward.
• Mary Ransier discussed classification and compensation implementation options. Option 1
using 2022 data would be a budget increase of about $276,040. Option 2 using 2023 data
would be a budget increase of about $230,179 in 2023 and $491,400 in 2024. Undersheriff
Adams shared concerns about not having all chiefs in one job classification and pay scale.
Approved to move forward with Option 2.
• Mary shared the AFSCME Memorandum of Understanding for 0.25% and closing out the
“Me Too” clause of the 2020-2022 Collective Bargaining Agreement. Approved to move
• Mary requested Lead Pay for Tom Gibbons in the Assessor’s Office from March 16, 2023
through December 31, 2023. Approved to move forward.
• Mary requested Lead Pay for Rose Boughton in the Public Defender’s Office from March 16,
2023 through December 31, 2023. Approved to move forward.
• Mark discussed the requested letters of support from both the Port of Shelton and The Arc of
the Peninsulas for Community Project Funding.
• Mark shared opioid settlement information. The deadline is April 18, 2023 for forms to be
10:35 A.M. Community Development – Kell Rowen
Commissioners Neatherlin, Shutty, and Trask were in attendance via Zoom.
• Kell presented monthly permitting reports for the number of permit submittals, permits
issued, and average permit turnaround times.
• Kell gave an update on the scanning project.
10:45 A.M. Public Works – Loretta Swanson
Utilities & Waste Management
Commissioners Neatherlin, Shutty, and Trask were in attendance via Zoom.
• Mike Collins shared the 2023 annual bridge report. There are 72 bridges located in Mason
County, one is owned by the City of Shelton. 50 are concrete bridges, 9 timber bridges, 5
timber composite bridges, 7 culverts, and 1 concrete bridge owned by the City of Shelton.
• Richard Dickinson discussed an easement request near the Union Transfer Station. Option
one is to grant the easement, option two is to sell about 13 acres.
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• Mike discussed the Shetland Road Improvement District (RID) formation for approximately
1.3 miles of private road. Parcels are fronting E Shetland Road agreed to donate their right-
of-way to the County.
Respectfully submitted,
McKenzie Smith,
Clerk of the Board
Sharon Trask,
Randy Neatherlin,
Kevin Shutty,
Mason County
Agenda Request Form
To: Board of Mason County Commissioners
From: Cassidy Perkins Ext. 419
Department: Support Services Briefing: ☐
Action Agenda: ☒
Public Hearing: ☐
Special Meeting: ☐
Briefing Date(s): Click or tap here to enter text. Agenda Date: March 28, 2023
Internal Review: ☐ Finance ☐ Human Resources ☐ Legal ☐ Information Technology ☐ Other
(This is the responsibility of the requesting Department)
Below for Clerk of the Board’s Use Only:
Item Number: 8.1
Approved: ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Tabled ☐ No Action Taken
Ordinance/Resolution No. __________ Contract No. __________ County Code: __________
Approval of Warrants & Treasurer Electronic Remittances
Claims Clearing Fund Warrant # 8094208-8094650 $ 1,116,680.03
Direct Deposit Fund Warrant # 94410-94810 $ 856,838.63
Salary Clearing Fund Warrant # 7007205-7007228 $ 1,143,293.79
Treasurer Electronic Remittance $ 284,431.84
Background/Executive Summary:
The Board approved Resolution no. 80-00 Payment of Claims Against County: Procedure Authorizing
Warrant Issue and Release Prior to Board Claim Approval. Mason County Code 3.32.060(a) requires that
the Board enter into the minutes of the County Commissioners the approval of claims listing warrant
Claims Clearing YTD total $ 13,715,650.81
Direct Deposit YTD total $ 5,212,472.94
Salary Clearing YTD total $ 5,183,035.82
Approval of Treasurer Electronic Remittances YTD total $ 2,632,942.67
Requested Action:
Approval of the aforementioned Claims Clearing Fund, Direct Deposit Fund, Salary Clearing Fund, and
Treasurer Electronic Remittance warrants.
Originals on file with the Auditor/Financial Services; copies on file with the Clerk of the Board
Mason County
Agenda Request Form
To: Board of Mason County Commissioners
From: Mark Neary Ext. 530
Department: County Administrator Briefing: ☒
Action Agenda: ☒
Public Hearing: ☐
Special Meeting: ☐
Briefing Date(s): March 6 and 20, 2023 Agenda Date: March 28, 2023
Internal Review: ☐ Finance ☐ Human Resources ☒ Legal ☐ Information Technology ☐ Risk
(This is the responsibility of the requesting Department)
Below for Clerk of the Board’s Use Only:
Item Number: 8.2
Approved: ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Tabled ☐ No Action Taken
Ordinance/Resolution No. __________ Contract No. __________ County Code: __________
County Administrator’s Level of Authority
Background/Executive Summary:
Continued from the March 6, 2023 briefing. To further improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the
Commissioners’ office, staff is recommending amending the level of authority the County Administrator has to
carry out the policies and projects approved by the County Commissioners. Providing this authority to the
Administrator creates a more efficient process and the Administrator will provide progress reports in public
From the amended Resolution: “…this approving and signature authority includes, but is not limited to,
contracts and contract extensions $50,000 and under if expenditure authority exists within the adopted
budget; budgeted motor pool business; budgetary documents to carry out the adopted budget; requests to fill
vacant budgeted positions; temporary higher class/lead pay requests that do not require a budget adjustment;
urgent news releases; updating procedures; documents to correct scrivener’s error; credit card program
documents; documents from the WA State Liquor and Cannabis Board; letters of support that have no budget
impact and other duties as assigned.”
Budget Impact (amount, funding source, budget amendment):
Public Outreach (news release, community meeting, etc.):
Requested Action:
Approval of the Resolution amending the County Administrator’s level of authority.
C:\Users\MSmith\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Outlook\8PXBJRCN\Administrator Responsibilities -
amended 2.docxJ:\RESOLUTIONS & ORDINANCES\RESOLUTIONS -ORDINANCES Word Files\2022\Administrator
Resolution ________
A Resolution Amending Resolution 2022-033, County Administrator’s Level of Authority
WHEREAS, the County Administrator position is established in Mason County Code Chapter
WHEREAS, the purpose of the County Administrator is to improve the overall efficiency and
effectiveness of county government and improve productivity;
WHEREAS, duties of the County Administrator include ensuring that policies and projects
approved by the County Commissioners are fully implemented, and presenting policy
alternatives and analysis to the Commissioners for consideration;
WHEREAS, the County Administrator position was filled in 2021 and Resolution 2022-033 was
adopted detailing the level of authority for this position;
WHEREAS, to improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of county government, the
authority of the County Administrator needs to be expanded as follows;
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the County Commissioners to grant the County
Administrator the day-to-day responsibility and authority to approve and sign a variety of
documents to carry out the mission of the Commissioners. The County Administrator will
provide progress reports to the County Commissioners in public briefings ; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this approving and signature authority includes, but is not
limited to, contracts and contract extensions under $50,000 and under if expenditure authority
exists within the adopted budget; contracts and contract extensions that have no budget
impact; budgeted motor pool business that is budgeted; budgetary documents to carry out the
adopted budget; requests to fill vacant budgeted positions; temporary higher class/lead pay
requests that do not require a budget adjustment; urgent news releases;, updating procedures;
documents to correct scrivener’s error; credit card program documents; documents from the
WA State Liquor and Cannabis Board; and other duties as assigned.
Dated this __________ of ______________, 20232
McKenzie Smith, Clerk of the Board
Kevin Shutty Sharon Trask, Commissioner
Sharon Trask Kevin Shutty, Commissioner
Formatted: Normal
C:\Users\MSmith\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Outlook\8PXBJRCN\Administrator Responsibilities -
amended 2.docxJ:\RESOLUTIONS & ORDINANCES\RESOLUTIONS -ORDINANCES Word Files\2022\Administrator
Tim Whitehead,
Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney
Randy Neatherlin, Commissioner
Mason County
Agenda Request Form
To: Board of Mason County Commissioners
From: Paddy McGuire Ext. 206
Department: Superior Court Briefing: ☒
Action Agenda: ☐
Public Hearing: ☐
Special Meeting: ☐
Briefing Date(s): March 20, 2023 Agenda Date: Click or tap here to enter text.
Internal Review: ☐ Finance ☐ Human Resources ☐ Legal ☐ Information Technology ☐ Risk
(This is the responsibility of the requesting Department)
Below for Clerk of the Board’s Use Only:
Item Number: 8.3
Approved: ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Tabled ☐ No Action Taken
Ordinance/Resolution No. __________ Contract No. __________ County Code: __________
Revision to Memorandum of Understanding with Homes First
Background/Executive Summary:
Homes First manages a County-owned property for Therapeutic Courts under terms of a Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU) and has notified the County that it will raise the management fee by $100 a month
from $1,000 to $1,100 effective February 1, 2023. This is the first increase since the MOU was signed
February 2020.
Budget Impact (amount, funding source, budget amendment):
A net increase in the cost of management of the property by $1,100 in 2023 which can be absorbed by the
Housing Assistance line in Therapeutic Court’s budget and not require a budget amendment.
Public Outreach (news release, community meeting, etc.):
Requested Action:
Approval of the amendment to the Memorandum of Understanding with Homes First to raise the
management fee by $100 a month from $1,000 to $1,100 effective February 1, 2023.
Memorandum of Understanding
Proposed Amendment
Mason County
Agenda Request Form
To: Board of Mason County Commissioners
From: McKenzie Smith Ext. 589
Department: Support Services Briefing: ☒
Action Agenda: ☒
Public Hearing: ☐
Special Meeting: ☐
Briefing Date(s): March 20, 2023 Agenda Date: March 28, 2023
Internal Review: ☐ Finance ☐ Human Resources ☐ Legal ☐ Information Technology ☐ Other
(This is the responsibility of the requesting Department)
Below for Clerk of the Board’s Use Only:
Item Number: 8.4
Approved: ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Tabled ☐ No Action Taken
Ordinance/Resolution No. __________ Contract No. __________ County Code: __________
Selecting the Shelton-Mason County Journal as the Official County Newspaper
Background/Executive Summary:
Per RCW 36.72.075, the County legislative authority, at its first April meeting, shall select a legal
newspaper as the official County newspaper for a term of one year. The Shelton-Mason County Journal
is the only newspaper published in Mason County that qualifies as a legal newspaper under RCW
Budget Impact (amount, funding source, budget amendment):
Public Outreach (news release, community meeting, etc.):
Requested Action:
Approval of the Resolution selecting the Shelton-Mason County Journal as the official County newspaper
for publishing certain legal publications.
Amending Resolution No. 2022-022
Selecting the Official Mason County Newspaper
WHEREAS, RCW 36.72.075 requires the County legislative authority to let a contract to a legal
newspaper to serve as the official County newspaper for the term of one year; and,
WHEREAS, if there is at least one legal newspaper published in the County, the contract shall be
let to a legal newspaper published in the County; and,
WHEREAS, the Shelton-Mason County Journal is published in Mason County and qualifies as a
legal newspaper in accordance with RCW 65.16.020; and,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of County Commissioners of Mason
County hereby declares the Shelton-Mason County Journal as the official County newspaper for furnishing
certain legal publications for the period of one year beginning April 1, 2023.
DATED this 28th day of March, 2023.
McKenzie Smith, Clerk of the Board
Tim Whitehead, Chief Deputy Prosecuting
Sharon Trask, Chair
Randy Neatherlin, Vice-Chair
Kevin Shutty, Commissioner
Mason County
Agenda Request Form
To: Board of Mason County Commissioners
From: John Taylor Ext. 806
Department: Emergency Management Briefing: ☒
Action Agenda: ☒
Public Hearing: ☐
Special Meeting: ☐
Briefing Date(s): March 20, 2023 Agenda Date: March 28, 2023
Internal Review: ☐ Finance ☐ Human Resources ☒ Legal ☐ Information Technology ☐ Risk
(This is the responsibility of the requesting Department)
Below for Clerk of the Board’s Use Only:
Item Number: 8.5
Approved: ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Tabled ☐ No Action Taken
Ordinance/Resolution No. __________ Contract No. __________ County Code: __________
FY22 – Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) Contract No. E23-206
Background/Executive Summary:
This grant originates from the US Department of Homeland Security to Washington State Military Department
to State EMD then to us at the county level. The EMPG grant is a yearly reimbursable grant we have been
receiving since 2007. The purpose of EMPG is to assist with the enhancement, sustainment and improvement
of state, local, and tribal emergency management programs. This grant will assist with establishing a North
Mason Emergency Operations & Training Center to mirror the current Emergency Operations Center, along
with mobile communications upgrades for the two EOC’s and the mobile communications vehicle.
The 2022 amount is $3,274 more than in 2021 ($35,738). We will be receiving $39,012 for the 2022 grant.
There is a 50% match to the grant, which comes from the 2022 DEM salaries and supplies budget lines. The
grant paperwork has been reviewed by the Mason County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office as to form.
Budget Impact (amount, funding source, budget amendment):
DEM budget revenue of $39,012 for FY 2023
Public Outreach (news release, community meeting, etc.):
Requested Action:
Approval for the County Administrator to sign the FY22 – Emergency Management Performance Grant
(EMPG) Contract No. E23-206.
Mason County
Agenda Request Form
To: Board of Mason County Commissioners
From: Mary Ransier Ext. 422
Department: Human Resources Briefing: ☒
Action Agenda: ☒
Public Hearing: ☐
Special Meeting: ☐
Briefing Date(s): March 20, 2023 Agenda Date: March 28, 2023
Internal Review: ☐ Finance ☒ Human Resources ☒ Legal ☐ Information Technology ☐ Risk
(This is the responsibility of the requesting Department)
Below for Clerk of the Board’s Use Only:
Item Number: 8.6
Approved: ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Tabled ☐ No Action Taken
Ordinance/Resolution No. __________ Contract No. __________ County Code: __________
Temporary Promotion Extension of Corrections Support Officer (CSO) Brad McQuade to Alternative
Sentencing Unit (ASU) Coordinator
Background/Executive Summary:
Currently, Corrections is experiencing a staffing crisis and do not have the capability for deputies to continue
coordinating the ASU. In order to keep the program operational, and ensure deputies are engaged in higher
need areas, there is need to temporarily promote CSO Brad McQuade to the ASU Coordinator in accordance
with Section 14.3 of the current Collective Bargaining Agreement. Due to Officer McQuade’s experience and
coverage of additional duties, compensation is recommended at Step 2 of the Corrections Deputy Range
beginning August 8, 2022 when duties began. This temporary promotion would be in effect to May 17, 2023.
Budget Impact (amount, funding source, budget amendment):
Currently funded position (salary savings).
Public Outreach (news release, community meeting, etc.):
Requested Action:
Approval of the temporary promotion of Corrections Support Officer (CSO) Brad McQuade to Alternative
Sentencing Unit (ASU) Coordinator from March 16, 2023 through May 17, 2023 at Corrections Deputy Range
Step 2.
Memorandum of Understanding
Mason County
Agenda Request Form
To: Board of Mason County Commissioners
From: Ian Tracy Ext. 544
Department: Public Health Briefing: ☒
Action Agenda: ☒
Public Hearing: ☐
Special Meeting: ☐
Briefing Date(s): March 20, 2023 Agenda Date: March 28, 2023
Internal Review: ☒ Finance ☐ Human Resources ☐ Legal ☐ Information Technology ☐ Other
(This is the responsibility of the requesting Department)
Below for Clerk of the Board’s Use Only:
Item Number: 8.7
Approved: ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Tabled ☐ No Action Taken
Ordinance/Resolution No. __________ Contract No. __________ County Code: __________
Contract amendment with WA Dept. of Ecology for Solid Waste Grant.
Background/Executive Summary:
Mason County is currently under contract to perform local solid waste code enforcement work where
Ecology provides $130k over two years and Mason County provides 25% matching funds for a total of
$174k. Other counties were unable to spend their funds by June 30, 2023 and Mason County submitted
a request for additional funds. This amendment adds $40k total; $30k from Ecology with $10k in
matching funds from Mason County. The $10k in matching funds is covered by our tipping fees .
Budget Impact
None at this time. We might need an to make a budget for the new contract in July, 2023.
Public Outreach (news release, community meeting, etc.):
Requested Action:
Move to Action agenda for approval by the Commission.
Amended contract
Mason County
Agenda Request Form
To: Board of Mason County Commissioners
From: Cassidy Perkins Ext. 419
Department: Support Services Briefing: ☒
Action Agenda: ☒
Public Hearing: ☐
Special Meeting: ☐
Briefing Date(s): March 20, 2023 Agenda Date: March 28, 2023
Internal Review: ☐ Finance ☐ Human Resources ☐ Legal ☐ Information Technology ☐ Risk
(This is the responsibility of the requesting Department)
Below for Clerk of the Board’s Use Only:
Item Number: 8.8
Approved: ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Tabled ☐ No Action Taken
Ordinance/Resolution No. __________ Contract No. __________ County Code: __________
Approval to appoint Becky Cronquist to the Mason County Housing Authority Board of Commissioners for a
5-year term expiring March 28, 2028.
Background/Executive Summary:
The Housing Authority of Mason County, doing business as the Mason County Housing Authority, was
organized in 1972 and serves citizens with low income in Mason County. It operates the Goldsborough Cove
and Fairmont Cove apartments, Pine Gardens, and the Kneeland Park Apartments.
Allan Emmons Jr. is moving out of state and will be vacating his position. Currently there is one member in
District 1, one member in District 2, and one member in District 3. Becky Cronquist is in District 1.
Budget Impact (amount, funding source, budget amendment):
Public Outreach (news release, community meeting, etc.):
News Release
Requested Action:
Approval to appoint Becky Cronquist to the Mason County Housing Authority Board of Commissioners for a
5-year term expiring March 28, 2028.
1ST District
2nd District
3rd District
Mason County Building 1
411 North Fifth Street
Shelton, WA 98584-3400
(360) 427-9670 ext. 419
Fax (360) 427-8437
March 28, 2023
Becky Cronquist
Dear Becky,
We are pleased to announce that we have appointed you to serve on the Mason
County Housing Authority Board to fill a term ending March 28, 2028.
Shelly Bellisle is the staff contact and will provide you with meeting information.
If you need to contact her, please call (360) 427-9670 ext. 720 or send her an
email at shellyb@masoncountywa.gov. The link to the Housing Authority Board
website can be found at https://www.masoncountywa.gov/ac/housing-
The Housing Authority Board typically meets the 3rd Wednesday of the month at
2:30 p.m. via Zoom.
The Mason County Boards and Commissions Handbook can be found at:
As a Board member, we ask that you become familiar with the Open Public
Meetings Act (OPMA) and the Public Records Act (PRA). Our Advisory Boards
are subject to these regulations. The link to the online training can be found at
http://www.atg.wa.gov/open-government-training. Please view Lessons 2 and 3
as soon as you are able. Once you have viewed these trainings, please contact
Shelly Bellisle for documentation purposes.
We appreciate your willingness to serve on the important board and are certain
you will provide valuable input.
Thank you for your service to our community,
Sharon Trask,
Kevin Shutty,
Randy Neatherlin,
Mason County
Agenda Request Form
To: Board of Mason County Commissioners
From: Cassidy Perkins Ext. 419
Department: Support Services Briefing: ☒
Action Agenda: ☒
Public Hearing: ☐
Special Meeting: ☐
Briefing Date(s): March 20, 2023 Agenda Date: March 28, 2023
Internal Review: ☐ Finance ☐ Human Resources ☐ Legal ☐ Information Technology ☐ Risk
(This is the responsibility of the requesting Department)
Below for Clerk of the Board’s Use Only:
Item Number: 8.9
Approved: ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Tabled ☐ No Action Taken
Ordinance/Resolution No. __________ Contract No. __________ County Code: __________
Approval to appoint Dennis Hamilton to the Mason County Parks & Trails Advisory Board for a 4-year term
expiring December 31, 2027.
Background/Executive Summary:
The Parks & Trails Advisory Board consists of seven-members serving four-year terms with one alternate and
is appointed by the Board of County Commissioners. Every effort is made to fill the Board with two members
from each of the three Commission districts with one “at-large” member. The purpose of the Mason County
Parks & Trails Advisory Board is to provide guidance, direction, and recommendations regarding the planning,
acquisition, developments, and operations of parks, trails, facilities, and programs serving the needs of Mason
Currently there is one member in District 1, two members in District 2, and one member in District 3. Dennis
Hamilton is in District 2.
Budget Impact (amount, funding source, budget amendment):
Public Outreach (news release, community meeting, etc.):
News Release
Requested Action:
Approval to appoint Dennis Hamilton to the Mason County Parks & Trails Advisory Board for a 4-year term
expiring December 31, 2027.
1ST District
2nd District
3rd District
Mason County Building 1
411 North Fifth Street
Shelton, WA 98584-3400
(360) 427-9670 ext. 419
Fax (360) 427-8437
March 28, 2023
Dennis Hamilton
Dear Dennis,
We are pleased to announce that we have appointed you to serve on the Mason
County Parks and Trails Advisory Board to fill an unexpired term ending
December 31, 2027.
Anne White is the staff contact and will provide you with meeting information.
If you need to contact her, please call (360) 427-9670 ext. 535 or email her at
annev@masoncountywa.gov. The link to the Mason County Parks and Trails
Advisory Board website can be found at
The Parks and Trails Advisory Board normally meets the 4th Tuesday of each
month at 5:15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers in Building 1.
The Mason County Boards and Commissions Handbook can be found at:
As a Board member, we ask that you become familiar with the Open Public
Meetings Act (OPMA) and the Public Records Act (PRA). Our Advisory Boards
are subject to these regulations. The link to the online training can be found at
http://www.atg.wa.gov/open-government-training. Please view Lessons 2 and 3
as soon as you are able. Once you have viewed these trainings, please contact
Anne White for documentation purposes.
We appreciate your willingness to serve on the important board and are certain
you will provide valuable input.
Thank you for your service to our community,
Sharon Trask,
Kevin Shutty,
Randy Neatherlin,
Mason County
Agenda Request Form
To: Board of Mason County Commissioners
From: Mary Ransier Ext. 422
Department: Human Resources Briefing: ☒
Action Agenda: ☐
Public Hearing: ☐
Special Meeting: ☐
Briefing Date(s): January 30, February 27, and
March 13, 2023
Agenda Date: March 28, 2023
Internal Review: ☒ Finance ☒ Human Resources ☐ Legal ☐ Information Technology ☐ Risk
(This is the responsibility of the requesting Department)
Below for Clerk of the Board’s Use Only:
Item Number: 8.10
Approved: ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Tabled ☐ No Action Taken
Ordinance/Resolution No. __________ Contract No. __________ County Code: __________
Class/Comp Implementation Options
Background/Executive Summary:
The Board approved a classification and compensation study of the County’s non-represented
employees in 2022. This is the final recommendation based on the Commissioner’s feedback.
Budget Impact (amount, funding source, budget amendment):
Option 1 (2022 Data) ~ $276,040
Option 2 (2023 Data) ~ $721,579 ($230,179 for 2023 and $491,400 for 2024)
Public Outreach (news release, community meeting, etc.):
Requested Action:
Approval of the Resolution revising the Non-Represented Salary Range Table to update classification
titles and ranges.
2023 Non-Represented Salary Schedule
2024 Non-Represented Salary Schedule
49 County Administrator 3601 Annual 148,678.73$ 152,395.70$ 156,205.46$ 160,110.71$ 164,113.63$ 168,216.19$ 172,421.56$ 176,732.18$ 181,150.48$ 185,679.25$
Monthly 12,389.89$ 12,699.64$ 13,017.12$ 13,342.56$ 13,676.14$ 14,018.02$ 14,368.46$ 14,727.68$ 15,095.87$ 15,473.27$
Bi-Monthly 6,194.95$ 6,349.82$ 6,508.56$ 6,671.28$ 6,838.07$ 7,009.01$ 7,184.23$ 7,363.84$ 7,547.94$ 7,736.64$
48 Community Development Director 2070 Annual 122,404.03$ 125,543.22$ 128,762.26$ 132,063.12$ 135,449.93$ 138,922.21$ 142,395.22$ 145,955.17$ 149,604.04$ 153,344.15$
Human Resources Director 2900 Monthly 10,200.34$ 10,461.94$ 10,730.19$ 11,005.26$ 11,287.49$ 11,576.85$ 11,866.27$ 12,162.93$ 12,467.00$ 12,778.68$
Public Health & Human Services Director 1015 Bi-Monthly 5,100.17$ 5,230.97$ 5,365.09$ 5,502.63$ 5,643.75$ 5,788.43$ 5,933.13$ 6,081.47$ 6,233.50$ 6,389.34$
Public Works & Utilities Director 4005
UnderSheriff 3000
47 County Engineer 4008 Annual 104,742.97$ 107,361.45$ 109,963.51$ 112,712.58$ 115,554.01$ 118,364.65$ 121,330.00$ 124,341.02$ 127,449.55$ 130,635.79$
Monthly 8,728.58$ 8,946.79$ 9,163.63$ 9,392.71$ 9,629.50$ 9,863.72$ 10,110.83$ 10,361.75$ 10,620.80$ 10,886.32$
Bi-Monthly 4,364.29$ 4,473.39$ 4,581.81$ 4,696.36$ 4,814.75$ 4,931.86$ 5,055.42$ 5,180.88$ 5,310.40$ 5,443.16$
46 Annual 102,188.27$ 104,742.88$ 107,281.47$ 109,963.49$ 112,735.62$ 115,477.71$ 118,370.74$ 121,308.32$ 124,341.02$ 127,449.55$
Monthly 8,515.69$ 8,728.57$ 8,940.12$ 9,163.62$ 9,394.63$ 9,623.14$ 9,864.23$ 10,109.03$ 10,361.75$ 10,620.80$
Bi-Monthly 4,257.84$ 4,364.29$ 4,470.06$ 4,581.81$ 4,697.32$ 4,811.57$ 4,932.11$ 5,054.51$ 5,180.88$ 5,310.40$
45 Chief Criminal Deputy 3002 Annual 99,695.87$ 102,188.18$ 104,664.85$ 107,281.46$ 109,985.97$ 112,661.18$ 115,483.65$ 118,349.58$ 121,308.32$ 124,341.02$
Monthly 8,307.99$ 8,515.68$ 8,722.07$ 8,940.12$ 9,165.50$ 9,388.43$ 9,623.64$ 9,862.46$ 10,109.03$ 10,361.75$
Bi-Monthly 4,153.99$ 4,257.84$ 4,361.04$ 4,470.06$ 4,582.75$ 4,694.22$ 4,811.82$ 4,931.23$ 5,054.51$ 5,180.88$
44 Deputy Director Public Works/Utilities & Waste Mgmt 4010 Annual 97,299.54$ 99,732.01$ 102,179.87$ 104,734.21$ 107,295.62$ 109,970.83$ 112,719.79$ 115,542.25$ 118,430.81$ 121,391.58$
Monthly 8,108.29$ 8,311.00$ 8,514.99$ 8,727.85$ 8,941.30$ 9,164.24$ 9,393.32$ 9,628.52$ 9,869.23$ 10,115.96$
Bi-Monthly 4,054.15$ 4,155.50$ 4,257.49$ 4,363.93$ 4,470.65$ 4,582.12$ 4,696.66$ 4,814.26$ 4,934.62$ 5,057.98$
43 Chief Jail 3003 Annual 94,918.10$ 97,290.99$ 99,666.81$ 102,158.38$ 104,649.47$ 107,281.21$ 109,941.53$ 112,705.14$ 115,522.77$ 118,410.84$
Chief Public Defender 1160 Monthly 7,909.84$ 8,107.58$ 8,305.57$ 8,513.20$ 8,720.79$ 8,940.10$ 9,161.79$ 9,392.09$ 9,626.90$ 9,867.57$
Chief Superior Court Administrator 4650 Bi-Monthly 3,954.92$ 4,053.79$ 4,152.78$ 4,256.60$ 4,360.39$ 4,470.05$ 4,580.90$ 4,696.05$ 4,813.45$ 4,933.78$
42 Central Services Manager 1153 Annual 92,698.08$ 95,015.53$ 97,329.33$ 99,762.54$ 102,179.87$ 104,752.52$ 107,369.12$ 110,044.33$ 112,795.44$ 115,615.33$
Monthly 7,724.84$ 7,917.96$ 8,110.78$ 8,313.54$ 8,514.99$ 8,729.38$ 8,947.43$ 9,170.36$ 9,399.62$ 9,634.61$
Bi-Monthly 3,862.42$ 3,958.98$ 4,055.39$ 4,156.77$ 4,257.49$ 4,364.69$ 4,473.71$ 4,585.18$ 4,699.81$ 4,817.31$
41 Chief District Court Administrator 1180 Annual 90,405.04$ 92,665.11$ 94,918.10$ 97,290.99$ 99,680.73$ 102,165.47$ 104,723.22$ 107,339.82$ 110,023.31$ 112,773.90$
Jail Lieutenant 3005 Monthly 7,533.75$ 7,722.09$ 7,909.84$ 8,107.58$ 8,306.73$ 8,513.79$ 8,726.93$ 8,944.98$ 9,168.61$ 9,397.82$
Patrol Lieutenant 3006 Bi-Monthly 3,766.88$ 3,861.05$ 3,954.92$ 4,053.79$ 4,153.36$ 4,256.89$ 4,363.47$ 4,472.49$ 4,584.30$ 4,698.91$
Budget & Finance Manager 1155
Chief Finance Officer 2000
Chief Civil Deputy 3001
40 Engineering and Construction Manager 4030 Annual 88,273.66$ 90,480.50$ 92,698.08$ 95,015.53$ 97,314.19$ 99,754.97$ 102,253.87$ 104,811.37$ 107,431.66$ 110,117.45$
Monthly 7,356.14$ 7,540.04$ 7,724.84$ 7,917.96$ 8,109.52$ 8,312.91$ 8,521.16$ 8,734.28$ 8,952.64$ 9,176.45$
Bi-Monthly 3,678.07$ 3,770.02$ 3,862.42$ 3,958.98$ 4,054.76$ 4,156.46$ 4,260.58$ 4,367.14$ 4,476.32$ 4,588.23$
39 Annual 86,112.98$ 88,265.85$ 90,435.07$ 92,696.12$ 94,947.89$ 97,314.19$ 99,754.97$ 102,253.87$ 104,810.21$ 107,430.47$
Monthly 7,176.08$ 7,355.49$ 7,536.26$ 7,724.68$ 7,912.32$ 8,109.52$ 8,312.91$ 8,521.16$ 8,734.18$ 8,952.54$
Bi-Monthly 3,588.04$ 3,677.74$ 3,768.13$ 3,862.34$ 3,956.16$ 4,054.76$ 4,156.46$ 4,260.58$ 4,367.09$ 4,476.27$
38 County Surveyor 4058 Annual 84,055.11$ 86,156.45$ 88,259.01$ 90,465.60$ 92,669.02$ 95,006.50$ 97,343.25$ 99,798.44$ 102,293.40$ 104,850.73$
DEM/Parks & Trails Manager 2059 Monthly 7,004.59$ 7,179.70$ 7,354.92$ 7,538.80$ 7,722.42$ 7,917.21$ 8,111.94$ 8,316.54$ 8,524.45$ 8,737.56$
Facilities Manager 2058 Bi-Monthly 3,502.30$ 3,589.85$ 3,677.46$ 3,769.40$ 3,861.21$ 3,958.60$ 4,055.97$ 4,158.27$ 4,262.22$ 4,368.78$
Water & Wastewater Manager 4015
37 Annual 81,996.99$ 84,047.05$ 86,098.08$ 88,250.46$ 90,419.93$ 92,669.02$ 94,991.85$ 97,358.14$ 99,792.10$ 102,286.90$
Monthly 6,833.08$ 7,003.92$ 7,174.84$ 7,354.21$ 7,534.99$ 7,722.42$ 7,915.99$ 8,113.18$ 8,316.01$ 8,523.91$
Bi-Monthly 3,416.54$ 3,501.96$ 3,587.42$ 3,677.10$ 3,767.50$ 3,861.21$ 3,957.99$ 4,056.59$ 4,158.00$ 4,261.95$
36 Engineer III 4033 Annual 80,041.68$ 82,042.90$ 84,055.11$ 86,156.45$ 88,259.01$ 90,478.54$ 92,743.25$ 95,064.86$ 97,441.48$ 99,877.52$
Road Operations & Maintenance Manager 4021 Monthly 6,670.14$ 6,836.91$ 7,004.59$ 7,179.70$ 7,354.92$ 7,539.88$ 7,728.60$ 7,922.07$ 8,120.12$ 8,323.13$
Bi-Monthly 3,335.07$ 3,418.45$ 3,502.30$ 3,589.85$ 3,677.46$ 3,769.94$ 3,864.30$ 3,961.04$ 4,060.06$ 4,161.56$
35 Juvenile Court Services Deputy Administrator 1052 Annual 78,116.16$ 80,069.03$ 82,026.05$ 84,076.84$ 86,127.63$ 88,273.66$ 90,492.95$ 92,757.66$ 95,076.60$ 97,453.52$
Community Health Manager 2171 Monthly 6,509.68$ 6,672.42$ 6,835.50$ 7,006.40$ 7,177.30$ 7,356.14$ 7,541.08$ 7,729.81$ 7,923.05$ 8,121.13$
Enviromental Health Manager 2169 Bi-Monthly 3,254.84$ 3,336.21$ 3,417.75$ 3,503.20$ 3,588.65$ 3,678.07$ 3,770.54$ 3,864.90$ 3,961.53$ 4,060.56$
34 Public Works Finance Manager 2011 Annual 76,263.66$ 78,170.37$ 80,056.94$ 82,058.28$ 84,069.76$ 86,171.59$ 88,332.27$ 90,537.88$ 92,801.33$ 95,121.36$
Monthly 6,355.31$ 6,514.20$ 6,671.41$ 6,838.19$ 7,005.81$ 7,180.97$ 7,361.02$ 7,544.82$ 7,733.44$ 7,926.78$
Bi-Monthly 3,177.65$ 3,257.10$ 3,335.71$ 3,419.10$ 3,502.91$ 3,590.48$ 3,680.51$ 3,772.41$ 3,866.72$ 3,963.39$
33 Annual 74,396.75$ 76,256.58$ 78,116.16$ 80,069.03$ 82,026.05$ 84,069.76$ 86,171.59$ 88,332.27$ 90,540.57$ 92,804.09$
Monthly 6,199.73$ 6,354.71$ 6,509.68$ 6,672.42$ 6,835.50$ 7,005.81$ 7,180.97$ 7,361.02$ 7,545.05$ 7,733.67$
Bi-Monthly 3,099.86$ 3,177.36$ 3,254.84$ 3,336.21$ 3,417.75$ 3,502.91$ 3,590.48$ 3,680.51$ 3,772.52$ 3,866.84$
32 Project Support Services Manager 4201 Annual 72,647.79$ 74,463.91$ 76,278.31$ 78,185.27$ 80,071.23$ 82,070.00$ 84,128.12$ 86,230.68$ 88,386.45$ 90,596.11$
Prosecuting Attorney Administrative Manager 2149 Monthly 6,053.98$ 6,205.33$ 6,356.53$ 6,515.44$ 6,672.60$ 6,839.17$ 7,010.68$ 7,185.89$ 7,365.54$ 7,549.68$
Bi-Monthly 3,026.99$ 3,102.66$ 3,178.26$ 3,257.72$ 3,336.30$ 3,419.58$ 3,505.34$ 3,592.95$ 3,682.77$ 3,774.84$
31 Chief Deputy Clerk 1108 Annual 70,825.08$ 72,595.78$ 74,382.34$ 76,241.93$ 78,101.51$ 80,041.68$ 82,055.11$ 84,113.47$ 86,216.31$ 88,371.71$
Juvenile Detention Manager 3800 Monthly 5,902.09$ 6,049.65$ 6,198.53$ 6,353.49$ 6,508.46$ 6,670.14$ 6,837.93$ 7,009.46$ 7,184.69$ 7,364.31$
Chief Deputy Assessor 1099 Bi-Monthly 2,951.05$ 3,024.82$ 3,099.26$ 3,176.75$ 3,254.23$ 3,335.07$ 3,418.96$ 3,504.73$ 3,592.35$ 3,682.15$
Chief Deputy Treasurer 1139
30 Engineering & Construction Assistant Manager 4029 Annual 69,177.95$ 70,907.38$ 72,632.89$ 74,448.52$ 76,263.66$ 78,174.53$ 80,100.29$ 82,113.96$ 84,166.81$ 86,270.98$
Monthly 5,764.83$ 5,908.95$ 6,052.74$ 6,204.04$ 6,355.31$ 6,514.54$ 6,675.02$ 6,842.83$ 7,013.90$ 7,189.25$
Bi-Monthly 2,882.41$ 2,954.47$ 3,026.37$ 3,102.02$ 3,177.65$ 3,257.27$ 3,337.51$ 3,421.41$ 3,506.95$ 3,594.62$
29 Equipment Maintenance Supervisor 4080 Annual 67,502.74$ 69,190.41$ 70,854.14$ 72,625.57$ 74,396.75$ 76,278.31$ 78,174.53$ 80,130.08$ 82,133.33$ 84,186.66$
Finance Manager 2010 Monthly 5,625.23$ 5,765.87$ 5,904.51$ 6,052.13$ 6,199.73$ 6,356.53$ 6,514.54$ 6,677.51$ 6,844.44$ 7,015.56$
2023 Non-Represented Salary Range Alignment
Road Operations & Maintenance Supervisor 4022 Bi-Monthly 2,812.61$ 2,882.93$ 2,952.26$ 3,026.07$ 3,099.86$ 3,178.26$ 3,257.27$ 3,338.75$ 3,422.22$ 3,507.78$
Elections Superintendent 1080
28 Engineer II 4032 Annual 65,885.16$ 67,532.29$ 69,177.95$ 70,907.38$ 72,632.89$ 74,440.71$ 76,322.51$ 78,233.62$ 80,189.46$ 82,194.20$
Senior Epidemiologist Monthly 5,490.43$ 5,627.69$ 5,764.83$ 5,908.95$ 6,052.74$ 6,203.39$ 6,360.21$ 6,519.47$ 6,682.46$ 6,849.52$
Bi-Monthly 2,745.22$ 2,813.85$ 2,882.41$ 2,954.47$ 3,026.37$ 3,101.70$ 3,180.10$ 3,259.73$ 3,341.23$ 3,424.76$
27 Therapeutic Court Program Manager 2199 Annual 64,283.21$ 65,890.29$ 67,488.09$ 69,175.27$ 70,839.49$ 72,632.89$ 74,440.71$ 76,293.45$ 78,200.79$ 80,155.81$
Solid Waste Manager 2200 Monthly 5,356.93$ 5,490.86$ 5,624.01$ 5,764.61$ 5,903.29$ 6,052.74$ 6,203.39$ 6,357.79$ 6,516.73$ 6,679.65$
Public Works Office Administrator 2045 Bi-Monthly 2,678.47$ 2,745.43$ 2,812.00$ 2,882.30$ 2,951.65$ 3,026.37$ 3,101.70$ 3,178.89$ 3,258.37$ 3,339.83$
26 Engineer I 4031 Annual 62,754.52$ 64,323.26$ 65,885.16$ 67,532.29$ 69,177.95$ 70,883.45$ 72,676.85$ 74,499.80$ 76,362.30$ 78,271.36$
Monthly 5,229.54$ 5,360.27$ 5,490.43$ 5,627.69$ 5,764.83$ 5,906.95$ 6,056.40$ 6,208.32$ 6,363.52$ 6,522.61$
Bi-Monthly 2,614.77$ 2,680.14$ 2,745.22$ 2,813.85$ 2,882.41$ 2,953.48$ 3,028.20$ 3,104.16$ 3,181.76$ 3,261.31$
25 Human Resources Analyst 4230 Annual 61,210.93$ 62,741.33$ 64,268.07$ 65,874.90$ 67,473.93$ 69,163.55$ 70,869.04$ 72,662.20$ 74,478.75$ 76,340.72$
Human Resources Analyst 1152 Monthly 5,100.91$ 5,228.44$ 5,355.67$ 5,489.58$ 5,622.83$ 5,763.63$ 5,905.75$ 6,055.18$ 6,206.56$ 6,361.73$
Risk Manager 1057 Bi-Monthly 2,550.46$ 2,614.22$ 2,677.84$ 2,744.79$ 2,811.41$ 2,881.81$ 2,952.88$ 3,027.59$ 3,103.28$ 3,180.86$
24 Clerk of the Board 1056 Annual 59,770.64$ 61,264.90$ 62,754.52$ 64,323.26$ 65,885.16$ 67,532.04$ 69,207.75$ 70,957.44$ 72,731.37$ 74,549.66$
Noxious Weed Coordinator 2226 Monthly 4,980.89$ 5,105.41$ 5,229.54$ 5,360.27$ 5,490.43$ 5,627.67$ 5,767.31$ 5,913.12$ 6,060.95$ 6,212.47$
Office Manager 2040 Bi-Monthly 2,490.44$ 2,552.70$ 2,614.77$ 2,680.14$ 2,745.22$ 2,813.84$ 2,883.66$ 2,956.56$ 3,030.47$ 3,106.24$
23 Financial Analyst Annual 58,299.82$ 59,757.45$ 61,210.93$ 62,741.33$ 64,268.07$ 65,885.16$ 67,532.04$ 69,207.75$ 70,937.94$ 72,711.39$
Public Records Coordinator 3602 Monthly 4,858.32$ 4,979.79$ 5,100.91$ 5,228.44$ 5,355.67$ 5,490.43$ 5,627.67$ 5,767.31$ 5,911.49$ 6,059.28$
Bi-Monthly 2,429.16$ 2,489.89$ 2,550.46$ 2,614.22$ 2,677.84$ 2,745.22$ 2,813.84$ 2,883.66$ 2,955.75$ 3,029.64$
22 Official Court Recorder/.Family Law Facilitator 1192 Annual 56,918.87$ 58,341.82$ 59,770.64$ 61,264.90$ 62,769.41$ 64,327.16$ 65,929.36$ 67,576.00$ 69,265.40$ 70,997.04$
Official Court Recorder/Judicial Assistant 1193 Monthly 4,743.24$ 4,861.82$ 4,980.89$ 5,105.41$ 5,230.78$ 5,360.60$ 5,494.11$ 5,631.33$ 5,772.12$ 5,916.42$
Bi-Monthly 2,371.62$ 2,430.91$ 2,490.44$ 2,552.70$ 2,615.39$ 2,680.30$ 2,747.06$ 2,815.67$ 2,886.06$ 2,958.21$
21 Annual 55,521.80$ 56,909.83$ 58,299.82$ 59,757.45$ 61,225.82$ 62,754.52$ 64,312.76$ 65,914.95$ 67,562.83$ 69,251.90$
Monthly 4,626.82$ 4,742.49$ 4,858.32$ 4,979.79$ 5,102.15$ 5,229.54$ 5,359.40$ 5,492.91$ 5,630.24$ 5,770.99$
Bi-Monthly 2,313.41$ 2,371.24$ 2,429.16$ 2,489.89$ 2,551.08$ 2,614.77$ 2,679.70$ 2,746.46$ 2,815.12$ 2,885.50$
20 Annual 54,184.32$ 55,538.89$ 56,903.97$ 58,326.44$ 59,755.74$ 61,240.23$ 62,783.82$ 64,342.06$ 65,950.61$ 67,599.38$
Monthly 4,515.36$ 4,628.24$ 4,742.00$ 4,860.54$ 4,979.65$ 5,103.35$ 5,231.99$ 5,361.84$ 5,495.88$ 5,633.28$
Bi-Monthly 2,257.68$ 2,314.12$ 2,371.00$ 2,430.27$ 2,489.82$ 2,551.68$ 2,615.99$ 2,680.92$ 2,747.94$ 2,816.64$
19 Administrative Clerk 1055 Annual 52,875.65$ 54,197.02$ 66,510.80$ 56,909.83$ 58,299.82$ 59,770.64$ 61,254.88$ 62,798.72$ 64,368.68$ 65,977.90$
Monthly 4,406.30$ 4,516.42$ 5,542.57$ 4,742.49$ 4,858.32$ 4,980.89$ 5,104.57$ 5,233.23$ 5,364.06$ 5,498.16$
Bi-Monthly 2,203.15$ 2,258.21$ 2,771.28$ 2,371.24$ 2,429.16$ 2,490.44$ 2,552.29$ 2,616.61$ 2,682.03$ 2,749.08$
18 Annual 51,626.57$ 52,917.16$ 54,198.97$ 55,554.03$ 56,918.87$ 583,359.61$ 59,799.94$ 61,284.68$ 62,816.79$ 64,387.21$
Monthly 4,302.21$ 4,409.76$ 4,516.58$ 4,629.50$ 4,743.24$ 48,613.30$ 4,983.33$ 5,107.06$ 5,234.73$ 5,365.60$
Bi-Monthly 2,151.11$ 2,204.88$ 2,258.29$ 2,314.75$ 2,371.62$ 24,306.65$ 2,491.66$ 2,553.53$ 2,617.37$ 2,682.80$
17 Annual 50,362.34$ 51,621.44$ 52,890.30$ 54,212.64$ 55,536.94$ 56,933.76$ 58,344.26$ 59,814.59$ 61,309.96$ 62,842.71$
Monthly 4,196.86$ 4,301.79$ 4,407.53$ 4,517.72$ 4,628.08$ 4,744.48$ 4,862.02$ 4,984.55$ 5,109.16$ 5,236.89$
Bi-Monthly 2,098.43$ 2,150.89$ 2,203.76$ 2,258.86$ 2,314.04$ 2,372.24$ 2,431.01$ 2,492.27$ 2,554.58$ 2,618.45$
16 Annual 49,156.73$ 50,385.79$ 51,626.57$ 52,917.16$ 54,198.97$ 55,566.49$ 56,948.42$ 58,358.67$ 59,817.64$ 61,313.08$
Monthly 4,096.39$ 4,198.82$ 4,302.21$ 4,409.76$ 4,516.58$ 4,630.54$ 4,745.70$ 4,863.22$ 4,984.80$ 5,109.42$
Bi-Monthly 2,048.20$ 2,099.41$ 2,151.11$ 2,204.88$ 2,258.29$ 2,315.27$ 2,372.85$ 2,431.61$ 2,492.40$ 2,554.71$
15 Deputy Coroner 3071 Annual 47,966.01$ 49,165.27$ 50,376.99$ 51,636.33$ 52,875.65$ 54,184.32$ 55,521.80$ 56,918.87$ 58,341.84$ 59,800.39$
Monthly 3,997.17$ 4,097.11$ 4,198.08$ 4,303.03$ 4,406.30$ 4,515.36$ 4,626.82$ 4,743.24$ 4,861.82$ 4,983.37$
Bi-Monthly 1,998.58$ 2,048.55$ 2,099.04$ 2,151.51$ 2,203.15$ 2,257.68$ 2,313.41$ 2,371.62$ 2,430.91$ 2,491.68$
14 Therapeutic Courts Caseworker 1185 Annual 46,805.57$ 47,975.53$ 49,142.32$ 50,370.89$ 51,597.26$ 52,890.30$ 54,213.62$ 55,581.14$ 56,970.67$ 58,394.94$
Monthly 3,900.46$ 3,997.96$ 4,095.19$ 4,197.57$ 4,299.77$ 4,407.53$ 4,517.80$ 4,631.76$ 4,747.56$ 4,866.24$
Bi-Monthly 1,950.23$ 1,998.98$ 2,047.60$ 2,098.79$ 2,149.89$ 2,203.76$ 2,258.90$ 2,315.88$ 2,373.78$ 2,433.12$
13 Administrative Secretary 1046 Annual 45,672.97$ 46,814.85$ 47,951.60$ 49,150.38$ 50,362.34$ 51,611.91$ 52,905.20$ 54,228.52$ 55,584.23$ 56,973.84$
Monthly 3,806.08$ 3,901.24$ 3,995.97$ 4,095.86$ 4,196.86$ 4,300.99$ 4,408.77$ 4,519.04$ 4,632.02$ 4,747.82$
Bi-Monthly 1,903.04$ 1,950.62$ 1,997.98$ 2,047.93$ 2,098.43$ 2,150.50$ 2,204.38$ 2,259.52$ 2,316.01$ 2,373.91$
12 Annual 44,570.65$ 45,684.94$ 46,805.57$ 47,975.53$ 49,142.32$ 50,376.99$ 51,641.46$ 52,919.85$ 54,242.85$ 55,598.92$
Monthly 3,714.22$ 3,807.08$ 3,900.46$ 3,997.96$ 4,095.19$ 4,198.08$ 4,303.46$ 4,409.99$ 4,520.24$ 4,633.24$
Bi-Monthly 1,857.11$ 1,903.54$ 1,950.23$ 1,998.98$ 2,047.60$ 2,099.04$ 2,151.73$ 2,204.99$ 2,260.12$ 2,316.62$
11 Annual 43,497.88$ 44,585.30$ 45,672.97$ 46,814.85$ 47,951.60$ 49,156.73$ 50,391.89$ 51,641.46$ 52,932.50$ 54,255.81$
Monthly 3,624.82$ 3,715.44$ 3,806.08$ 3,901.24$ 3,995.97$ 4,096.39$ 4,199.32$ 4,303.46$ 4,411.04$ 4,521.32$
Bi-Monthly 1,812.41$ 1,857.72$ 1,903.04$ 1,950.62$ 1,997.98$ 2,048.20$ 2,099.66$ 2,151.73$ 2,205.52$ 2,260.66$
10 Receptionist/Secretary 2041 Annual 42,468.33$ 43,530.12$ 44,570.65$ 45,684.94$ 46,805.57$ 47,966.01$ 49,171.62$ 50,406.54$ 51,666.71$ 52,958.37$
Monthly 3,539.03$ 3,627.51$ 3,714.22$ 3,807.08$ 3,900.46$ 3,997.17$ 4,097.64$ 4,200.55$ 4,305.56$ 4,413.20$
Bi-Monthly 1,769.51$ 1,813.75$ 1,857.11$ 1,903.54$ 1,950.23$ 1,998.58$ 2,048.82$ 2,100.27$ 2,152.78$ 2,206.60$
9 Annual 41,424.87$ 42,460.28$ 43,497.88$ 44,585.30$ 45,672.97$ 46,805.57$ 47,980.90$ 49,171.62$ 50,400.91$ 51,660.94$
Monthly 3,452.07$ 3,538.36$ 3,624.82$ 3,715.44$ 3,806.08$ 3,900.46$ 3,998.41$ 4,097.64$ 4,200.08$ 4,305.08$
Bi-Monthly 1,726.04$ 1,769.18$ 1,812.41$ 1,857.72$ 1,903.04$ 1,950.23$ 1,999.20$ 2,048.82$ 2,100.04$ 2,152.54$
8 Annual 40,439.76$ 41,450.75$ 42,438.79$ 43,499.83$ 44,570.65$ 45,687.62$ 46,819.73$ 47,995.80$ 49,195.70$ 50,425.59$
Monthly 3,369.98$ 3,454.23$ 3,536.57$ 3,624.99$ 3,714.22$ 3,807.30$ 3,901.64$ 3,999.65$ 4,099.64$ 4,202.13$
Bi-Monthly 1,684.99$ 1,727.11$ 1,768.28$ 1,812.49$ 1,857.11$ 1,903.65$ 1,950.82$ 1,999.83$ 2,049.82$ 2,101.07$
7 Annual 39,440.01$ 40,425.84$ 41,424.87$ 42,460.28$ 43,497.88$ 44,570.65$ 45,687.62$ 46,849.53$ 48,020.76$ 49,221.28$
Monthly 3,286.67$ 3,368.82$ 3,452.07$ 3,538.36$ 3,624.82$ 3,714.22$ 3,807.30$ 3,904.13$ 4,001.73$ 4,101.77$
Bi-Monthly 1,643.33$ 1,684.41$ 1,726.04$ 1,769.18$ 1,812.41$ 1,857.11$ 1,903.65$ 1,952.06$ 2,000.87$ 2,050.89$
6 Annual 38,514.49$ 39,477.13$ 40,454.66$ 41,466.14$ 42,468.33$ 43,526.94$ 44,614.61$ 45,732.07$ 46,875.37$ 48,047.25$
Monthly 3,209.54$ 3,289.76$ 3,371.22$ 3,455.51$ 3,539.03$ 3,627.25$ 3,717.88$ 3,811.01$ 3,906.28$ 4,003.94$
Bi-Monthly 1,604.77$ 1,644.88$ 1,685.61$ 1,727.76$ 1,769.51$ 1,813.62$ 1,858.94$ 1,905.50$ 1,953.14$ 2,001.97$
5 Annual 37,573.34$ 38,512.78$ 39,440.01$ 40,425.84$ 41,424.87$ 42,468.33$ 43,526.94$ 44,614.61$ 45,729.97$ 46,873.22$
Monthly 3,131.11$ 3,209.40$ 3,286.67$ 3,368.82$ 3,452.07$ 3,539.03$ 3,627.25$ 3,717.88$ 3,810.83$ 3,906.10$
Bi-Monthly 1,565.56$ 1,604.70$ 1,643.33$ 1,684.41$ 1,726.04$ 1,769.51$ 1,813.62$ 1,858.94$ 1,905.42$ 1,953.05$
4 Annual 36,691.54$ 37,608.75$ 38,514.49$ 39,477.13$ 40,454.66$ 41,469.80$ 42,512.53$ 43,556.73$ 44,645.65$ 45,761.79$
Monthly 3,057.63$ 3,134.06$ 3,209.54$ 3,289.76$ 3,371.22$ 3,455.82$ 3,542.71$ 3,629.73$ 3,720.47$ 3,813.48$
Bi-Monthly 1,528.81$ 1,567.03$ 1,604.77$ 1,644.88$ 1,685.61$ 1,727.91$ 1,771.36$ 1,814.86$ 1,860.24$ 1,906.74$
3 Annual 35,794.59$ 36,689.34$ 37,588.00$ 38,527.68$ 39,454.91$ 40,454.66$ 41,469.80$ 42,512.53$ 43,575.35$ 44,664.73$
Monthly 2,982.88$ 3,057.45$ 3,132.33$ 3,210.64$ 3,287.91$ 3,371.22$ 3,455.82$ 3,542.71$ 3,631.28$ 3,722.06$
Bi-Monthly 1,491.44$ 1,528.72$ 1,566.17$ 1,605.32$ 1,643.95$ 1,685.61$ 1,727.91$ 1,771.36$ 1,815.64$ 1,861.03$
2 Annual 34,927.44$ 35,790.02$ 36,665.83$ 37,582.47$ 38,502.99$ 39,457.59$ 40,457.40$ 41,457.46$ 41,975.68$ 42,500.38$
Monthly 2,910.62$ 2,982.50$ 3,055.49$ 3,131.87$ 3,208.58$ 3,288.13$ 3,371.45$ 3,454.79$ 3,497.97$ 3,541.70$
Bi-Monthly 1,455.31$ 1,491.25$ 1,527.74$ 1,565.94$ 1,604.29$ 1,644.07$ 1,685.73$ 1,727.39$ 1,748.99$ 1,770.85$
1 Central Shop Assistant 4099 Annual 34,104.00$ 34,956.50$ 35,794.59$ 36,689.34$ 37,573.34$ 38,514.49$ 39,469.31$ 40,469.31$ 41,481.05$ 42,518.07$
Monthly 2,842.00$ 2,913.04$ 2,982.88$ 3,057.45$ 3,131.11$ 3,209.54$ 3,289.11$ 3,372.44$ 3,456.75$ 3,543.17$
Bi-Monthly 1,421.00$ 1,456.52$ 1,491.44$ 1,528.72$ 1,565.56$ 1,604.77$ 1,644.55$ 1,686.22$ 1,728.38$ 1,771.59$
49 County Administrator 3601 Annual 148,678.73$ 152,395.70$ 156,205.46$ 160,110.71$ 164,113.63$ 168,216.19$ 172,421.56$ 176,732.18$ 181,150.48$ 185,679.25$
Monthly 12,389.89$ 12,699.64$ 13,017.12$ 13,342.56$ 13,676.14$ 14,018.02$ 14,368.46$ 14,727.68$ 15,095.87$ 15,473.27$
Bi-Monthly 6,194.95$ 6,349.82$ 6,508.56$ 6,671.28$ 6,838.07$ 7,009.01$ 7,184.23$ 7,363.84$ 7,547.94$ 7,736.64$
48 Community Development Director 2070 Annual 122,404.03$ 125,543.22$ 128,762.26$ 132,063.12$ 135,449.93$ 138,922.21$ 142,395.22$ 145,955.17$ 149,604.04$ 153,344.15$
Human Resources Director 2900 Monthly 10,200.34$ 10,461.94$ 10,730.19$ 11,005.26$ 11,287.49$ 11,576.85$ 11,866.27$ 12,162.93$ 12,467.00$ 12,778.68$
Public Health & Human Services Director 1015 Bi-Monthly 5,100.17$ 5,230.97$ 5,365.09$ 5,502.63$ 5,643.75$ 5,788.43$ 5,933.13$ 6,081.47$ 6,233.50$ 6,389.34$
Public Works & Utilities Director 4005
UnderSheriff 3000
47 County Engineer 4008 Annual 104,742.97$ 107,361.45$ 109,963.51$ 112,712.58$ 115,554.01$ 118,364.65$ 121,330.00$ 124,341.02$ 127,449.55$ 130,635.79$
Monthly 8,728.58$ 8,946.79$ 9,163.63$ 9,392.71$ 9,629.50$ 9,863.72$ 10,110.83$ 10,361.75$ 10,620.80$ 10,886.32$
Bi-Monthly 4,364.29$ 4,473.39$ 4,581.81$ 4,696.36$ 4,814.75$ 4,931.86$ 5,055.42$ 5,180.88$ 5,310.40$ 5,443.16$
46 Annual 102,188.27$ 104,742.88$ 107,281.47$ 109,963.49$ 112,735.62$ 115,477.71$ 118,370.74$ 121,308.32$ 124,341.02$ 127,449.55$
Monthly 8,515.69$ 8,728.57$ 8,940.12$ 9,163.62$ 9,394.63$ 9,623.14$ 9,864.23$ 10,109.03$ 10,361.75$ 10,620.80$
Bi-Monthly 4,257.84$ 4,364.29$ 4,470.06$ 4,581.81$ 4,697.32$ 4,811.57$ 4,932.11$ 5,054.51$ 5,180.88$ 5,310.40$
45 Chief Criminal Deputy 3002 Annual 99,695.87$ 102,188.18$ 104,664.85$ 107,281.46$ 109,985.97$ 112,661.18$ 115,483.65$ 118,349.58$ 121,308.32$ 124,341.02$
Monthly 8,307.99$ 8,515.68$ 8,722.07$ 8,940.12$ 9,165.50$ 9,388.43$ 9,623.64$ 9,862.46$ 10,109.03$ 10,361.75$
Bi-Monthly 4,153.99$ 4,257.84$ 4,361.04$ 4,470.06$ 4,582.75$ 4,694.22$ 4,811.82$ 4,931.23$ 5,054.51$ 5,180.88$
44 Deputy Director Public Works/Utilities & Waste Mgmt 4010 Annual 97,299.54$ 99,732.01$ 102,179.87$ 104,734.21$ 107,295.62$ 109,970.83$ 112,719.79$ 115,542.25$ 118,430.81$ 121,391.58$
Central Services Manager 1153 Monthly 8,108.29$ 8,311.00$ 8,514.99$ 8,727.85$ 8,941.30$ 9,164.24$ 9,393.32$ 9,628.52$ 9,869.23$ 10,115.96$
Bi-Monthly 4,054.15$ 4,155.50$ 4,257.49$ 4,363.93$ 4,470.65$ 4,582.12$ 4,696.66$ 4,814.26$ 4,934.62$ 5,057.98$
43 Chief Jail 3003 Annual 94,918.10$ 97,290.99$ 99,666.81$ 102,158.38$ 104,649.47$ 107,281.21$ 109,941.53$ 112,705.14$ 115,522.77$ 118,410.84$
Chief Public Defender 1160 Monthly 7,909.84$ 8,107.58$ 8,305.57$ 8,513.20$ 8,720.79$ 8,940.10$ 9,161.79$ 9,392.09$ 9,626.90$ 9,867.57$
Chief Superior Court Administrator 4650 Bi-Monthly 3,954.92$ 4,053.79$ 4,152.78$ 4,256.60$ 4,360.39$ 4,470.05$ 4,580.90$ 4,696.05$ 4,813.45$ 4,933.78$
Budget & Finance Manager 1155
Chief Finance Officer 2000
Chief Civil Deputy 3001
42 Annual 92,698.08$ 95,015.53$ 97,329.33$ 99,762.54$ 102,179.87$ 104,752.52$ 107,369.12$ 110,044.33$ 112,795.44$ 115,615.33$
Monthly 7,724.84$ 7,917.96$ 8,110.78$ 8,313.54$ 8,514.99$ 8,729.38$ 8,947.43$ 9,170.36$ 9,399.62$ 9,634.61$
Bi-Monthly 3,862.42$ 3,958.98$ 4,055.39$ 4,156.77$ 4,257.49$ 4,364.69$ 4,473.71$ 4,585.18$ 4,699.81$ 4,817.31$
41 Chief District Court Administrator 1180 Annual 90,405.04$ 92,665.11$ 94,918.10$ 97,290.99$ 99,680.73$ 102,165.47$ 104,723.22$ 107,339.82$ 110,023.31$ 112,773.90$
Jail Lieutenant 3005 Monthly 7,533.75$ 7,722.09$ 7,909.84$ 8,107.58$ 8,306.73$ 8,513.79$ 8,726.93$ 8,944.98$ 9,168.61$ 9,397.82$
Patrol Lieutenant 3006 Bi-Monthly 3,766.88$ 3,861.05$ 3,954.92$ 4,053.79$ 4,153.36$ 4,256.89$ 4,363.47$ 4,472.49$ 4,584.30$ 4,698.91$
40 Engineering and Construction Manager 4030 Annual 88,273.66$ 90,480.50$ 92,698.08$ 95,015.53$ 97,314.19$ 99,754.97$ 102,253.87$ 104,811.37$ 107,431.66$ 110,117.45$
Monthly 7,356.14$ 7,540.04$ 7,724.84$ 7,917.96$ 8,109.52$ 8,312.91$ 8,521.16$ 8,734.28$ 8,952.64$ 9,176.45$
Bi-Monthly 3,678.07$ 3,770.02$ 3,862.42$ 3,958.98$ 4,054.76$ 4,156.46$ 4,260.58$ 4,367.14$ 4,476.32$ 4,588.23$
39 Annual 86,112.98$ 88,265.85$ 90,435.07$ 92,696.12$ 94,947.89$ 97,314.19$ 99,754.97$ 102,253.87$ 104,810.21$ 107,430.47$
Monthly 7,176.08$ 7,355.49$ 7,536.26$ 7,724.68$ 7,912.32$ 8,109.52$ 8,312.91$ 8,521.16$ 8,734.18$ 8,952.54$
Bi-Monthly 3,588.04$ 3,677.74$ 3,768.13$ 3,862.34$ 3,956.16$ 4,054.76$ 4,156.46$ 4,260.58$ 4,367.09$ 4,476.27$
38 County Surveyor 4058 Annual 84,055.11$ 86,156.45$ 88,259.01$ 90,465.60$ 92,669.02$ 95,006.50$ 97,343.25$ 99,798.44$ 102,293.40$ 104,850.73$
DEM/Parks & Trails Manager 2059 Monthly 7,004.59$ 7,179.70$ 7,354.92$ 7,538.80$ 7,722.42$ 7,917.21$ 8,111.94$ 8,316.54$ 8,524.45$ 8,737.56$
Facilities Manager 2058 Bi-Monthly 3,502.30$ 3,589.85$ 3,677.46$ 3,769.40$ 3,861.21$ 3,958.60$ 4,055.97$ 4,158.27$ 4,262.22$ 4,368.78$
Water & Wastewater Manager 4015
Road Operations & Maintenance Manager 4021
37 Community Health Manager 2171 Annual 81,996.99$ 84,047.05$ 86,098.08$ 88,250.46$ 90,419.93$ 92,669.02$ 94,991.85$ 97,358.14$ 99,792.10$ 102,286.90$
Enviromental Health Manager 2169 Monthly 6,833.08$ 7,003.92$ 7,174.84$ 7,354.21$ 7,534.99$ 7,722.42$ 7,915.99$ 8,113.18$ 8,316.01$ 8,523.91$
Public Works Finance Manager 2011 Bi-Monthly 3,416.54$ 3,501.96$ 3,587.42$ 3,677.10$ 3,767.50$ 3,861.21$ 3,957.99$ 4,056.59$ 4,158.00$ 4,261.95$
36 Engineer III 4033 Annual 80,041.68$ 82,042.90$ 84,055.11$ 86,156.45$ 88,259.01$ 90,478.54$ 92,743.25$ 95,064.86$ 97,441.48$ 99,877.52$
Monthly 6,670.14$ 6,836.91$ 7,004.59$ 7,179.70$ 7,354.92$ 7,539.88$ 7,728.60$ 7,922.07$ 8,120.12$ 8,323.13$
Bi-Monthly 3,335.07$ 3,418.45$ 3,502.30$ 3,589.85$ 3,677.46$ 3,769.94$ 3,864.30$ 3,961.04$ 4,060.06$ 4,161.56$
35 Juvenile Court Services Deputy Administrator 1052 Annual 78,116.16$ 80,069.03$ 82,026.05$ 84,076.84$ 86,127.63$ 88,273.66$ 90,492.95$ 92,757.66$ 95,076.60$ 97,453.52$
Monthly 6,509.68$ 6,672.42$ 6,835.50$ 7,006.40$ 7,177.30$ 7,356.14$ 7,541.08$ 7,729.81$ 7,923.05$ 8,121.13$
Bi-Monthly 3,254.84$ 3,336.21$ 3,417.75$ 3,503.20$ 3,588.65$ 3,678.07$ 3,770.54$ 3,864.90$ 3,961.53$ 4,060.56$
34 Prosecuting Attorney Administrative Manager 2149 Annual 76,263.66$ 78,170.37$ 80,056.94$ 82,058.28$ 84,069.76$ 86,171.59$ 88,332.27$ 90,537.88$ 92,801.33$ 95,121.36$
Monthly 6,355.31$ 6,514.20$ 6,671.41$ 6,838.19$ 7,005.81$ 7,180.97$ 7,361.02$ 7,544.82$ 7,733.44$ 7,926.78$
Bi-Monthly 3,177.65$ 3,257.10$ 3,335.71$ 3,419.10$ 3,502.91$ 3,590.48$ 3,680.51$ 3,772.41$ 3,866.72$ 3,963.39$
33 Juvenile Detention Manager 3800 Annual 74,396.75$ 76,256.58$ 78,116.16$ 80,069.03$ 82,026.05$ 84,069.76$ 86,171.59$ 88,332.27$ 90,540.57$ 92,804.09$
Chief Deputy Assessor 1099 Monthly 6,199.73$ 6,354.71$ 6,509.68$ 6,672.42$ 6,835.50$ 7,005.81$ 7,180.97$ 7,361.02$ 7,545.05$ 7,733.67$
Chief Deputy Treasurer 1139 Bi-Monthly 3,099.86$ 3,177.36$ 3,254.84$ 3,336.21$ 3,417.75$ 3,502.91$ 3,590.48$ 3,680.51$ 3,772.52$ 3,866.84$
32 Project Support Services Manager 4201 Annual 72,647.79$ 74,463.91$ 76,278.31$ 78,185.27$ 80,071.23$ 82,070.00$ 84,128.12$ 86,230.68$ 88,386.45$ 90,596.11$
Monthly 6,053.98$ 6,205.33$ 6,356.53$ 6,515.44$ 6,672.60$ 6,839.17$ 7,010.68$ 7,185.89$ 7,365.54$ 7,549.68$
Bi-Monthly 3,026.99$ 3,102.66$ 3,178.26$ 3,257.72$ 3,336.30$ 3,419.58$ 3,505.34$ 3,592.95$ 3,682.77$ 3,774.84$
31 Chief Deputy Clerk 1108 Annual 70,825.08$ 72,595.78$ 74,382.34$ 76,241.93$ 78,101.51$ 80,041.68$ 82,055.11$ 84,113.47$ 86,216.31$ 88,371.71$
Monthly 5,902.09$ 6,049.65$ 6,198.53$ 6,353.49$ 6,508.46$ 6,670.14$ 6,837.93$ 7,009.46$ 7,184.69$ 7,364.31$
Bi-Monthly 2,951.05$ 3,024.82$ 3,099.26$ 3,176.75$ 3,254.23$ 3,335.07$ 3,418.96$ 3,504.73$ 3,592.35$ 3,682.15$
30 Engineering & Construction Assistant Manager 4029 Annual 69,177.95$ 70,907.38$ 72,632.89$ 74,448.52$ 76,263.66$ 78,174.53$ 80,100.29$ 82,113.96$ 84,166.81$ 86,270.98$
Risk Manager 1057 Monthly 5,764.83$ 5,908.95$ 6,052.74$ 6,204.04$ 6,355.31$ 6,514.54$ 6,675.02$ 6,842.83$ 7,013.90$ 7,189.25$
Bi-Monthly 2,882.41$ 2,954.47$ 3,026.37$ 3,102.02$ 3,177.65$ 3,257.27$ 3,337.51$ 3,421.41$ 3,506.95$ 3,594.62$
29 Equipment Maintenance Supervisor 4080 Annual 67,502.74$ 69,190.41$ 70,854.14$ 72,625.57$ 74,396.75$ 76,278.31$ 78,174.53$ 80,130.08$ 82,133.33$ 84,186.66$
Finance Manager 2010 Monthly 5,625.23$ 5,765.87$ 5,904.51$ 6,052.13$ 6,199.73$ 6,356.53$ 6,514.54$ 6,677.51$ 6,844.44$ 7,015.56$
Road Operations & Maintenance Supervisor 4022 Bi-Monthly 2,812.61$ 2,882.93$ 2,952.26$ 3,026.07$ 3,099.86$ 3,178.26$ 3,257.27$ 3,338.75$ 3,422.22$ 3,507.78$
Elections Superintendent 1080
Solid Waste Manager 2200
2024 Non-Represented Salary Range Alignment
Public Works Office Administrator 2045
Human Resources Analyst 4230
Human Resources Analyst 1152
Clerk of the Board 1056
28 Engineer II 4032 Annual 65,885.16$ 67,532.29$ 69,177.95$ 70,907.38$ 72,632.89$ 74,440.71$ 76,322.51$ 78,233.62$ 80,189.46$ 82,194.20$
Senior Epidemiologist Monthly 5,490.43$ 5,627.69$ 5,764.83$ 5,908.95$ 6,052.74$ 6,203.39$ 6,360.21$ 6,519.47$ 6,682.46$ 6,849.52$
Office Manager 2040 Bi-Monthly 2,745.22$ 2,813.85$ 2,882.41$ 2,954.47$ 3,026.37$ 3,101.70$ 3,180.10$ 3,259.73$ 3,341.23$ 3,424.76$
27 Therapeutic Court Program Manager 2199 Annual 64,283.21$ 65,890.29$ 67,488.09$ 69,175.27$ 70,839.49$ 72,632.89$ 74,440.71$ 76,293.45$ 78,200.79$ 80,155.81$
Monthly 5,356.93$ 5,490.86$ 5,624.01$ 5,764.61$ 5,903.29$ 6,052.74$ 6,203.39$ 6,357.79$ 6,516.73$ 6,679.65$
Bi-Monthly 2,678.47$ 2,745.43$ 2,812.00$ 2,882.30$ 2,951.65$ 3,026.37$ 3,101.70$ 3,178.89$ 3,258.37$ 3,339.83$
26 Engineer I 4031 Annual 62,754.52$ 64,323.26$ 65,885.16$ 67,532.29$ 69,177.95$ 70,883.45$ 72,676.85$ 74,499.80$ 76,362.30$ 78,271.36$
Public Records Coordinator 3602 Monthly 5,229.54$ 5,360.27$ 5,490.43$ 5,627.69$ 5,764.83$ 5,906.95$ 6,056.40$ 6,208.32$ 6,363.52$ 6,522.61$
Bi-Monthly 2,614.77$ 2,680.14$ 2,745.22$ 2,813.85$ 2,882.41$ 2,953.48$ 3,028.20$ 3,104.16$ 3,181.76$ 3,261.31$
25 Financial Analyst 4652 Annual 61,210.93$ 62,741.33$ 64,268.07$ 65,874.90$ 67,473.93$ 69,163.55$ 70,869.04$ 72,662.20$ 74,478.75$ 76,340.72$
Monthly 5,100.91$ 5,228.44$ 5,355.67$ 5,489.58$ 5,622.83$ 5,763.63$ 5,905.75$ 6,055.18$ 6,206.56$ 6,361.73$
Bi-Monthly 2,550.46$ 2,614.22$ 2,677.84$ 2,744.79$ 2,811.41$ 2,881.81$ 2,952.88$ 3,027.59$ 3,103.28$ 3,180.86$
24 Noxious Weed Coordinator 2226 Annual 59,770.64$ 61,264.90$ 62,754.52$ 64,323.26$ 65,885.16$ 67,532.04$ 69,207.75$ 70,957.44$ 72,731.37$ 74,549.66$
Official Court Recorder/.Family Law Facilitator 1192 Monthly 4,980.89$ 5,105.41$ 5,229.54$ 5,360.27$ 5,490.43$ 5,627.67$ 5,767.31$ 5,913.12$ 6,060.95$ 6,212.47$
Official Court Recorder/Judicial Assistant 1193 Bi-Monthly 2,490.44$ 2,552.70$ 2,614.77$ 2,680.14$ 2,745.22$ 2,813.84$ 2,883.66$ 2,956.56$ 3,030.47$ 3,106.24$
23 Annual 58,299.82$ 59,757.45$ 61,210.93$ 62,741.33$ 64,268.07$ 65,885.16$ 67,532.04$ 69,207.75$ 70,937.94$ 72,711.39$
Monthly 4,858.32$ 4,979.79$ 5,100.91$ 5,228.44$ 5,355.67$ 5,490.43$ 5,627.67$ 5,767.31$ 5,911.49$ 6,059.28$
Bi-Monthly 2,429.16$ 2,489.89$ 2,550.46$ 2,614.22$ 2,677.84$ 2,745.22$ 2,813.84$ 2,883.66$ 2,955.75$ 3,029.64$
22 Annual 56,918.87$ 58,341.82$ 59,770.64$ 61,264.90$ 62,769.41$ 64,327.16$ 65,929.36$ 67,576.00$ 69,265.40$ 70,997.04$
Monthly 4,743.24$ 4,861.82$ 4,980.89$ 5,105.41$ 5,230.78$ 5,360.60$ 5,494.11$ 5,631.33$ 5,772.12$ 5,916.42$
Bi-Monthly 2,371.62$ 2,430.91$ 2,490.44$ 2,552.70$ 2,615.39$ 2,680.30$ 2,747.06$ 2,815.67$ 2,886.06$ 2,958.21$
21 Annual 55,521.80$ 56,909.83$ 58,299.82$ 59,757.45$ 61,225.82$ 62,754.52$ 64,312.76$ 65,914.95$ 67,562.83$ 69,251.90$
Monthly 4,626.82$ 4,742.49$ 4,858.32$ 4,979.79$ 5,102.15$ 5,229.54$ 5,359.40$ 5,492.91$ 5,630.24$ 5,770.99$
Bi-Monthly 2,313.41$ 2,371.24$ 2,429.16$ 2,489.89$ 2,551.08$ 2,614.77$ 2,679.70$ 2,746.46$ 2,815.12$ 2,885.50$
20 Annual 54,184.32$ 55,538.89$ 56,903.97$ 58,326.44$ 59,755.74$ 61,240.23$ 62,783.82$ 64,342.06$ 65,950.61$ 67,599.38$
Monthly 4,515.36$ 4,628.24$ 4,742.00$ 4,860.54$ 4,979.65$ 5,103.35$ 5,231.99$ 5,361.84$ 5,495.88$ 5,633.28$
Bi-Monthly 2,257.68$ 2,314.12$ 2,371.00$ 2,430.27$ 2,489.82$ 2,551.68$ 2,615.99$ 2,680.92$ 2,747.94$ 2,816.64$
19 Administrative Clerk 1055 Annual 52,875.65$ 54,197.02$ 66,510.80$ 56,909.83$ 58,299.82$ 59,770.64$ 61,254.88$ 62,798.72$ 64,368.68$ 65,977.90$
Deputy Coroner 3071 Monthly 4,406.30$ 4,516.42$ 5,542.57$ 4,742.49$ 4,858.32$ 4,980.89$ 5,104.57$ 5,233.23$ 5,364.06$ 5,498.16$
Bi-Monthly 2,203.15$ 2,258.21$ 2,771.28$ 2,371.24$ 2,429.16$ 2,490.44$ 2,552.29$ 2,616.61$ 2,682.03$ 2,749.08$
18 Therapeutic Courts Caseworker 1185 Annual 51,626.57$ 52,917.16$ 54,198.97$ 55,554.03$ 56,918.87$ 583,359.61$ 59,799.94$ 61,284.68$ 62,816.79$ 64,387.21$
Monthly 4,302.21$ 4,409.76$ 4,516.58$ 4,629.50$ 4,743.24$ 48,613.30$ 4,983.33$ 5,107.06$ 5,234.73$ 5,365.60$
Bi-Monthly 2,151.11$ 2,204.88$ 2,258.29$ 2,314.75$ 2,371.62$ 24,306.65$ 2,491.66$ 2,553.53$ 2,617.37$ 2,682.80$
17 Annual 50,362.34$ 51,621.44$ 52,890.30$ 54,212.64$ 55,536.94$ 56,933.76$ 58,344.26$ 59,814.59$ 61,309.96$ 62,842.71$
Monthly 4,196.86$ 4,301.79$ 4,407.53$ 4,517.72$ 4,628.08$ 4,744.48$ 4,862.02$ 4,984.55$ 5,109.16$ 5,236.89$
Bi-Monthly 2,098.43$ 2,150.89$ 2,203.76$ 2,258.86$ 2,314.04$ 2,372.24$ 2,431.01$ 2,492.27$ 2,554.58$ 2,618.45$
16 Annual 49,156.73$ 50,385.79$ 51,626.57$ 52,917.16$ 54,198.97$ 55,566.49$ 56,948.42$ 58,358.67$ 59,817.64$ 61,313.08$
Monthly 4,096.39$ 4,198.82$ 4,302.21$ 4,409.76$ 4,516.58$ 4,630.54$ 4,745.70$ 4,863.22$ 4,984.80$ 5,109.42$
Bi-Monthly 2,048.20$ 2,099.41$ 2,151.11$ 2,204.88$ 2,258.29$ 2,315.27$ 2,372.85$ 2,431.61$ 2,492.40$ 2,554.71$
15 Annual 47,966.01$ 49,165.27$ 50,376.99$ 51,636.33$ 52,875.65$ 54,184.32$ 55,521.80$ 56,918.87$ 58,341.84$ 59,800.39$
Monthly 3,997.17$ 4,097.11$ 4,198.08$ 4,303.03$ 4,406.30$ 4,515.36$ 4,626.82$ 4,743.24$ 4,861.82$ 4,983.37$
Bi-Monthly 1,998.58$ 2,048.55$ 2,099.04$ 2,151.51$ 2,203.15$ 2,257.68$ 2,313.41$ 2,371.62$ 2,430.91$ 2,491.68$
14 Annual 46,805.57$ 47,975.53$ 49,142.32$ 50,370.89$ 51,597.26$ 52,890.30$ 54,213.62$ 55,581.14$ 56,970.67$ 58,394.94$
Monthly 3,900.46$ 3,997.96$ 4,095.19$ 4,197.57$ 4,299.77$ 4,407.53$ 4,517.80$ 4,631.76$ 4,747.56$ 4,866.24$
Bi-Monthly 1,950.23$ 1,998.98$ 2,047.60$ 2,098.79$ 2,149.89$ 2,203.76$ 2,258.90$ 2,315.88$ 2,373.78$ 2,433.12$
13 Administrative Secretary 1046 Annual 45,672.97$ 46,814.85$ 47,951.60$ 49,150.38$ 50,362.34$ 51,611.91$ 52,905.20$ 54,228.52$ 55,584.23$ 56,973.84$
Monthly 3,806.08$ 3,901.24$ 3,995.97$ 4,095.86$ 4,196.86$ 4,300.99$ 4,408.77$ 4,519.04$ 4,632.02$ 4,747.82$
Bi-Monthly 1,903.04$ 1,950.62$ 1,997.98$ 2,047.93$ 2,098.43$ 2,150.50$ 2,204.38$ 2,259.52$ 2,316.01$ 2,373.91$
12 Annual 44,570.65$ 45,684.94$ 46,805.57$ 47,975.53$ 49,142.32$ 50,376.99$ 51,641.46$ 52,919.85$ 54,242.85$ 55,598.92$
Monthly 3,714.22$ 3,807.08$ 3,900.46$ 3,997.96$ 4,095.19$ 4,198.08$ 4,303.46$ 4,409.99$ 4,520.24$ 4,633.24$
Bi-Monthly 1,857.11$ 1,903.54$ 1,950.23$ 1,998.98$ 2,047.60$ 2,099.04$ 2,151.73$ 2,204.99$ 2,260.12$ 2,316.62$
11 Annual 43,497.88$ 44,585.30$ 45,672.97$ 46,814.85$ 47,951.60$ 49,156.73$ 50,391.89$ 51,641.46$ 52,932.50$ 54,255.81$
Monthly 3,624.82$ 3,715.44$ 3,806.08$ 3,901.24$ 3,995.97$ 4,096.39$ 4,199.32$ 4,303.46$ 4,411.04$ 4,521.32$
Bi-Monthly 1,812.41$ 1,857.72$ 1,903.04$ 1,950.62$ 1,997.98$ 2,048.20$ 2,099.66$ 2,151.73$ 2,205.52$ 2,260.66$
10 Receptionist/Secretary 2041 Annual 42,468.33$ 43,530.12$ 44,570.65$ 45,684.94$ 46,805.57$ 47,966.01$ 49,171.62$ 50,406.54$ 51,666.71$ 52,958.37$
Monthly 3,539.03$ 3,627.51$ 3,714.22$ 3,807.08$ 3,900.46$ 3,997.17$ 4,097.64$ 4,200.55$ 4,305.56$ 4,413.20$
Bi-Monthly 1,769.51$ 1,813.75$ 1,857.11$ 1,903.54$ 1,950.23$ 1,998.58$ 2,048.82$ 2,100.27$ 2,152.78$ 2,206.60$
9 Annual 41,424.87$ 42,460.28$ 43,497.88$ 44,585.30$ 45,672.97$ 46,805.57$ 47,980.90$ 49,171.62$ 50,400.91$ 51,660.94$
Monthly 3,452.07$ 3,538.36$ 3,624.82$ 3,715.44$ 3,806.08$ 3,900.46$ 3,998.41$ 4,097.64$ 4,200.08$ 4,305.08$
Bi-Monthly 1,726.04$ 1,769.18$ 1,812.41$ 1,857.72$ 1,903.04$ 1,950.23$ 1,999.20$ 2,048.82$ 2,100.04$ 2,152.54$
8 Annual 40,439.76$ 41,450.75$ 42,438.79$ 43,499.83$ 44,570.65$ 45,687.62$ 46,819.73$ 47,995.80$ 49,195.70$ 50,425.59$
Monthly 3,369.98$ 3,454.23$ 3,536.57$ 3,624.99$ 3,714.22$ 3,807.30$ 3,901.64$ 3,999.65$ 4,099.64$ 4,202.13$
Bi-Monthly 1,684.99$ 1,727.11$ 1,768.28$ 1,812.49$ 1,857.11$ 1,903.65$ 1,950.82$ 1,999.83$ 2,049.82$ 2,101.07$
7 Annual 39,440.01$ 40,425.84$ 41,424.87$ 42,460.28$ 43,497.88$ 44,570.65$ 45,687.62$ 46,849.53$ 48,020.76$ 49,221.28$
Monthly 3,286.67$ 3,368.82$ 3,452.07$ 3,538.36$ 3,624.82$ 3,714.22$ 3,807.30$ 3,904.13$ 4,001.73$ 4,101.77$
Bi-Monthly 1,643.33$ 1,684.41$ 1,726.04$ 1,769.18$ 1,812.41$ 1,857.11$ 1,903.65$ 1,952.06$ 2,000.87$ 2,050.89$
6 Annual 38,514.49$ 39,477.13$ 40,454.66$ 41,466.14$ 42,468.33$ 43,526.94$ 44,614.61$ 45,732.07$ 46,875.37$ 48,047.25$
Monthly 3,209.54$ 3,289.76$ 3,371.22$ 3,455.51$ 3,539.03$ 3,627.25$ 3,717.88$ 3,811.01$ 3,906.28$ 4,003.94$
Bi-Monthly 1,604.77$ 1,644.88$ 1,685.61$ 1,727.76$ 1,769.51$ 1,813.62$ 1,858.94$ 1,905.50$ 1,953.14$ 2,001.97$
5 Annual 37,573.34$ 38,512.78$ 39,440.01$ 40,425.84$ 41,424.87$ 42,468.33$ 43,526.94$ 44,614.61$ 45,729.97$ 46,873.22$
Monthly 3,131.11$ 3,209.40$ 3,286.67$ 3,368.82$ 3,452.07$ 3,539.03$ 3,627.25$ 3,717.88$ 3,810.83$ 3,906.10$
Bi-Monthly 1,565.56$ 1,604.70$ 1,643.33$ 1,684.41$ 1,726.04$ 1,769.51$ 1,813.62$ 1,858.94$ 1,905.42$ 1,953.05$
4 Annual 36,691.54$ 37,608.75$ 38,514.49$ 39,477.13$ 40,454.66$ 41,469.80$ 42,512.53$ 43,556.73$ 44,645.65$ 45,761.79$
Monthly 3,057.63$ 3,134.06$ 3,209.54$ 3,289.76$ 3,371.22$ 3,455.82$ 3,542.71$ 3,629.73$ 3,720.47$ 3,813.48$
Bi-Monthly 1,528.81$ 1,567.03$ 1,604.77$ 1,644.88$ 1,685.61$ 1,727.91$ 1,771.36$ 1,814.86$ 1,860.24$ 1,906.74$
3 Annual 35,794.59$ 36,689.34$ 37,588.00$ 38,527.68$ 39,454.91$ 40,454.66$ 41,469.80$ 42,512.53$ 43,575.35$ 44,664.73$
Monthly 2,982.88$ 3,057.45$ 3,132.33$ 3,210.64$ 3,287.91$ 3,371.22$ 3,455.82$ 3,542.71$ 3,631.28$ 3,722.06$
Bi-Monthly 1,491.44$ 1,528.72$ 1,566.17$ 1,605.32$ 1,643.95$ 1,685.61$ 1,727.91$ 1,771.36$ 1,815.64$ 1,861.03$
2 Annual 34,927.44$ 35,790.02$ 36,665.83$ 37,582.47$ 38,502.99$ 39,457.59$ 40,457.40$ 41,457.46$ 41,975.68$ 42,500.38$
Monthly 2,910.62$ 2,982.50$ 3,055.49$ 3,131.87$ 3,208.58$ 3,288.13$ 3,371.45$ 3,454.79$ 3,497.97$ 3,541.70$
Bi-Monthly 1,455.31$ 1,491.25$ 1,527.74$ 1,565.94$ 1,604.29$ 1,644.07$ 1,685.73$ 1,727.39$ 1,748.99$ 1,770.85$
1 Central Shop Assistant 4099 Annual 34,104.00$ 34,956.50$ 35,794.59$ 36,689.34$ 37,573.34$ 38,514.49$ 39,469.31$ 40,469.31$ 41,481.05$ 42,518.07$
Monthly 2,842.00$ 2,913.04$ 2,982.88$ 3,057.45$ 3,131.11$ 3,209.54$ 3,289.11$ 3,372.44$ 3,456.75$ 3,543.17$
Bi-Monthly 1,421.00$ 1,456.52$ 1,491.44$ 1,528.72$ 1,565.56$ 1,604.77$ 1,644.55$ 1,686.22$ 1,728.38$ 1,771.59$
Mason County
Agenda Request Form
To: Board of Mason County Commissioners
From: Steve Duenkel Ext. 468
Department: Auditor's Office Briefing: ☒
Action Agenda: ☐
Public Hearing: ☐
Special Meeting: ☐
Briefing Date(s): March 27, 2023 Agenda Date:
Internal Review: ☐ Finance ☐ Human Resources ☐ Legal ☒ Information Technology ☐ Other
(This is the responsibility of the requesting Department)
Below for Clerk of the Board’s Use Only:
Item Number: 8.11
Approved: ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Tabled ☐ No Action Taken
Ordinance/Resolution No. __________ Contract No. __________ County Code: __________
Information Security Grant
Background/Executive Summary:
The Office of Secretary State awarded Mason County and Information Security Grant.
Budget Impact (amount, funding source, budget amendment):
Up to $80,000 a year for up to 3 years
Public Outreach (news release, community meeting, etc.):
N/A - potential content for future column article.
Requested Action:
Approval to move forward with the Information Security Grant and to any procurement processes
Auditor’s Update
Information Security Grant
Steve Duenkel
Mason County Auditor
Objectives for 2023 (refresher)
•Elections Department Security
•Ballot processing area (upgraded locks)
•Server protection (fire, wireless intrusion)
•Tabulation equipment (access, video surveillance)
•Assess voting system machine vulnerability
•Windows vulnerabilities
•Wireless intrusion
•Install Ballot Drop Box surveillance video
7/29/20XX 2
Information Security Grant
•Up to $80,000 per year (for up to 3 years).
•Expenses to be re-imbursed.
•2023 funds must be spent by June 30th.
•Tabulation room construction
•Tabulation room security locks
•Tabulation room video surveillance
•Temporary badge printer
•Ballot Drop Box surveillance video
•3rd Party Wireless Intrusion Testing
•Faraday cage / fabric
•Active Albert Sensor on County network is required.
Thank you
Steve Duenkel
Mason County Auditor
360-426-9670 ext 468
7/29/20XX Employee orientation 4
Mason County
Agenda Request Form
To: Board of Mason County Commissioners
From: Charles Rhodes Ext. 344
Department: Clerk's Office Briefing: ☒
Action Agenda: ☒
Public Hearing: ☐
Special Meeting: ☐
Briefing Date(s): March 27, 2023 Agenda Date: March 28, 2023
Internal Review: ☐ Finance ☒ Human Resources ☐ Legal ☐ Information Technology ☐ Risk
(This is the responsibility of the requesting Department)
Below for Clerk of the Board’s Use Only:
Item Number: 8.12
Approved: ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Tabled ☐ No Action Taken
Ordinance/Resolution No. __________ Contract No. __________ County Code: __________
Temporary Extra Help in Clerk’s Office
Background/Executive Summary:
The Clerk’s Office is down by five staff and need temporary extra help until new hires can be brought
onboard and fully trained not to exceed four months. The creation of a budget line under the Clerk’s
Office is needed.
Budget Impact (amount, funding source, budget amendment):
Creation of an Extra Help budget line under the Clerk’s Office.
1 FTE Extra Help at $18.57 per hour: 3 months $9,655.66; 4 months $12,874.21.
1 FTE Extra Help at $25.00 per hour: 3 months $12,999.00; 4 months $17,332.00.
Public Outreach (news release, community meeting, etc.):
Requested Action:
Approval to create and fund an Extra Help budget line under the Clerk’s Office.
1ST District
2nd District
3rd District
Mason County Building 1
411 North Fifth Street
Shelton, WA 98584-3400
(360) 427-9670 ext. 419
Fax (360) 427-8437
March 28, 2023
Honorable Marko Liias, Chair
Senate Transportation Committee
PO Box 40466
Olympia, WA 98504
Re: State Route 3 Freight Corridor T30400R
Dear Senator Liias,
Thank you and the Transportation Committee members for the hard work in passing the
2021-23 Biennium and 2022 Supplemental Law that includes the SR3 Freight Corridor
Move Ahead Washington programs $76.483 million to complete the SR3 Freight Corridor
over three biennia: 2021-23, 2023-25, and 2025-27. The Governor’s proposed
transportation budget moves completion of the SR3 Freight Corridor out to the 2035-37
Biennium. We respectfully request that the Legislature provide necessary funds to facilitate
continued work in the 2023-25, 2025-27, and 2027-29 biennia allowing for a 2026
construction start and road opening in 2028.
The SR3 Freight Corridor project will improve overall state highway system resiliency for
Olympic Peninsula and Puget Sound commuters. An alternate route will be available in
the event of regional closures or events impacting SR16, SR3 corridor, Tacoma Narrows,
and Hood Canal Bridges.
The SR3 Freight Corridor will improve freight mobility and is important for the continued
growth and development of the Puget Sound Industrial Center – one of only ten designated
Regional Manufacturing/Industrial Centers (MICs) in the Puget Sound Regional Council’s
Vision 2050. As such, it is a priority area for PSRC’s transportation funding. Improved
freight mobility compliments the SR3/SR16 Gorst investments and supports naval
operations, Port of Bremerton, Kitsap County, and Olympic Peninsula economies.
Locally, the project will provide immediate mobility and safety improvements to the SR3
corridor through Belfair. Freight, tourists, and commuters will move more efficiently
through Belfair. This is particularly important as Belfair already experiences major traffic
delay issues coupled with a surge of new development and more year-round residents.
Congestion will be improved.
WSDOT is well underway with preliminary engineering, permitting, and environmental
work. Delaying the project will lead to significant cost increases and investments to date
will be made a second time. The design will be subject to new standards and
environmental mitigation. Real estate will increase, and construction costs will escalate.
Item 8.13
We respectfully request that the project be programmed and funded to keep on track with a 2028
road opening. Thank you for your continued support of this regionally significant project.
Sharon Trask, Randy Neatherlin, Kevin Shutty,
Chair Vice-Chair Commissioner
CC: Senator John Lovic, Vice-Chair
Senator Sharon Shewmake, Vice-Chair
Senator Curtis King, Ranking Member
Senator Jeff Holy, Ranking Member
Senator Drew MacEwen, 35th Legislative District
Representative Travis Couture, 35th Legislative District
Representative Dan Griffey, 35th Legislative District