HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD2023-00186 - BLD CD Environmental Health Review - 2/15/2023 . :, �,„..,\-"'••`'`-N,,1 MASON COUNTY COMMUNITY SERVICES A' % -GAG I Rp 0. PERMIT ASSISTANCE CENTER: ---.• •BUILDING•PLANNING•PUBLIC HEALTH•FIRE MARSHAL - I .1 I• ,,,, 615 W.Alder Street,Shelton,WA 98584 FEB 15 2023 P`4, f Phone Shelton:(360)427-9670 ext.352•Fax:(360)427-7798 Phone 2 r).f` ,\~ Belfair.(360)275-4467•Phone Elma:(360)482-5269 615 W. Alder Stree BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: tr11 NAME: yikith.n.,..7rLi, NAME:HiLine Homes Z MAILING ADDRESS: '/Cc E Purr ja.. adsl_ MAILING ADDRESS: 11306 62ns Ave E CITY: 5 STATE:( )# ZIP: gg&-el CITY:Puyallup STATE:WA ZIP:98373 = M PHONE#1: O 2S3- 1Ri{14, PHONE:253-840-1849 CELL::4 -cjQq-()Li 3Z >m CD Z PHONE#2: 3100-�k oq-s-Da3 EMAIL :Pre-Construction@HiLineHomes.com EMAIL: 3C.LL I n/ II ®ComctsT r n el- L&I RE6#HILINH*983BD EXP. 11 / 8 /2 PRIMARY CONTACT: OWNER E1]� CONTRACTOR❑ OTHER❑ Z NAME 11 �Aitrrrno Iola EMAIL St'IJt Al/(�+ cro i aSt s9C. MAILING ADDRESS `/S grtya1N2 &c.. CITY A,41 '-a STATE ZIP 91'c J PHONE 36O`,253-)44 b CELL S0.1'1-e_, PARCEL INFORMATION: PARCEL NUMBER(12 Digit Number) -3'.2-1,7 `SD-00 1 10 ZONING JC.Q..6 i LEGAL DESCRIPTION(Abbreviated) tl e.kvr,ra i to {D, i,vr cwL*r'= lot 110 FIRE DISTRICTe2ak.p ) Masco SITE ADDRESS 720 £ fiG ltaml'YhCLe 61` . CITY S)to ,,, W . DIRECTIONS TO SITE ADDRESS V act lyi Lf t'L -t rp rn Ial. n:,&.{7e. 4r cr c (�--t' it Lei- b� +0 ��cl' i�" c/o I4& IS THE PROJECT WITHIN 300 FT OF SLOPE(S)GREATER THAN 14%: YESO NO NOW LOAD: psf IS PROPERTY WITHIN 200 FT OF THE FOLLOWING: (Check all that apply): SALTWATER❑ LAKE ❑ RIVER/CREEK❑ POND ❑ WETLAND ❑ SEASONAL RUNOFF ❑ STREAM 0 TYPE OF WORK: NEW 1g ADDITION ❑ ALTERATION ❑ REPAIR❑ OTHER ❑ USE OF STRUCTURE(Residence,Garage,Commercial Bldg,Etc.) IS USE: PRIMARY Er SEASONAL 0 NUMBER OF BEDROOMS 3 NUMBER OF BATHROOMS �. HEATED STRUCTURE? YES(Whole Bldg) ❑ YES(Part[s]of Bldg), ' NO 0 DESCRIBE WORK ' 1L' ) 1-1trkme. t,z''t -tit • SQUARE FOOTAGE: (proposed) 1ST FLOOR/70 sq. ft. 2ND FLOOR sq.ft. 3RD FLOOR sq.ft. BASEMENT sq. ft. DECK P sq. ft. COVERED DECK Z hp sq.ft. STORAGE sq.ft. OTHER sq. ft. GgIg ' .4Attachedlif Detached❑ CARPORT sq.ft. Attached 0 Detached 0 MANUFACTURED HOME INFORMATION: *4 COPIES OF THE FLOOR PLAN REQUIRED* MAKE MODEL YEAR LENGTH WIDTH BEDROOMS BATHS SERIAL NUMBER ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH: SEWAGE/SEWER SOURCE: SEPTIC LH' SEWER 0 / NEW EXISTING 0 PLUMBING IN STRUCTURE? YES E NO ❑ Ifyes, attach completed Water Adequacy Form PERIMETER/FOUNDATION DRAINS PROPOSED? YES 0 NOD. EXISTING SQ.FT. EXISTING BEDROOMS PROPOSED BEDROOMS `3 TOTAL BEDROOMS 3 OWNER acknowledges that submission of inaccurate information may result in a stop work order or permit revocation.Acknowledgement of such is by signature below.I declare that I am the owner and I further declare that I am entitled to receive this permit and to do the work as proposed.I have obtained permission from all the necessary parties,including any easement holder or parties of interest regarding this project. The owner or legal representative, represents that the information provided is accurate and grants employees of Mason County access to the above described property and structure(s)for review and inspection. This permit/application becomes null&void if work or authorized construction is not commenced within 180 days or if construction work is suspended for a period of 180 days. PROOF OF CONTINUATION OF WORK ON THIS PERMIT IS BY MEANS OF INSPECTION. INACTIVITY OF THIS PERMIT APPLICATION OF 180 DAYS OF MORE WILL CAUSE THE APPLICATION TO BE EXPIRED. (MASON �j COUNTY CODE 14.08.42) X zlieL¢herr- . 4�r7C o?-(Li —Z. Signature of OW R(Must be signed by the OWNER) Date DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW APPROVED DATE DENIED DATE TAGS/NOTES/CONDITIONS BUILDING DEPARTMENT . PLANNING DEPARTMENT FIRE MARSHAL PUBLIC HEALTH O Zll iki3 COnfit hcn% WO i 0 ,. i rt pt 20 ttq a- ;� t iJT rGi' RR5 Zoning ( Front Yard Setback.25'. �� f ` '!' S 'h of r r o1 1,\a i a G�h ! Side&Rear Yard Setbacks.Reisid:ntial dwelling f and accessory structures is 0' i ,11{ei 3 2;27• 5 0- 00 i iG OR 10%width of lot if not m re tha 100'wide OR approved ADV - F-J �20 E F flail;ra e Dr APPROVED S r JRo.I e. t 2.0 MASON COUNTY DCD PLANNING SCo7f gt1E y (cc Cr. I : : a 02/23/2023 (0` n_, ( ° f o z o 3 0 G Digifek tik) Lisirld-.,,A. I f � c c ( ( e. �,t 4)1<ei I I �l . •,,,\T , : ,�f u , 2°@ z it. � I Key. 2ti'x 3(' Et I l Ol Audio-Visual Alarm � t� • . S 0 P 0 Cleanout � � EXlS�-fn�j 1 ` 0500 Gallon Pre-Trash Tank`>. ` O NuWater BNR-500 Pretreatment Tank -......,_____ is' ` O5 1,000 Gallon Pump Chamber l All setbacks are measured from the furies(projection of the building. 1 s Garage ( O Subsurface Drip System Headworks ADV2023-00020- 5' Min 2?��x`/ (- 1- < - ADV2023-00020- 5' Min Porch S ( All setbacks are measured from the furthest projection of the } i x2 3"1 I buildin . �L � A� q t r . ., /f eur al ev p CR pr 0 5 `d 3 ll k EH SETBACKS r '� A)Drainfield/Reserve requires 10'setback from footing/foundations ,J F B)Septic tank(s)requires 5'setback from all footing/foundations Op C)No foundaton/penmeter drains within 30'down•gradient of drainfield/ N reserve area QtJ Se D)No cut(s).banks)(greater than 5'&over 45 degrees)within 50' 1 ,i. l• down-gradient of drainfieltl/reserve area — t( t EH APPROVED WI 0 \t 141 n.Ance^o7 02/27/2023 �� 1� 0 s C� Cps:, ��orc1� 6 ".\‘ f„z,� Arrow Septic Designs i O 171 E. Vuecrest Dr --1 Union,WA 98592 i 9 O Tt r 0 o o ow P 10 �• f (360)898 2255 ;rr t lI I r Z$sr f i 0 A�otk c ',;Or. t 23•S w x 3 o x So ! ua_ ' 0 ji-ow w.s Lb,P-c. ti`..‘„0 _ I 2 t { 1 j `toms.c, (21 1ra.1..cte<4.. Ii 5 wb s,..,--Cw_ '��-civ� '� 5 L bs t oe I i ta-e- ^�,�- +4 D,��p k� - roU.- 1 tLo see Ave-0. `� `1L_I— Oo _. f .�`Sc °mac k �i7`^'` vim`..'w. 2. �- ?Id 242 5- 156 ( a