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SHR99-0007 SHR98-0032 SEP98-0111 - SHX Permit / Conditions - 4/28/1999
MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SHORELINE MANAGEMENT ACT OF 1971 PERMIT FOR SHORELINE MANAGEMENT Type of Action(s) Case #: SHR99-0007 (*) Substantial Develops nt Permit Agency: MASON COUNTY (*) Conditional Use Perrot Issued: 2�5 qq ( ) Variance Permit Expire: /Tj-ZfJr1 0a Pursuant to RCW 90 . 98, A permit is hereby rante to: TIM SHELDON PO BOX 474 HCD DSPORT WA 98548 To undertake the followin development: REMOVE APPROXIMATELY 320 CUBIC YARDS. FILL ORIGINALLY PLA ED AS OLD ACCESS ROAD TO WATERFRONT LOG DUMP. ROAD FILL IS APPROX. 180 $' LONG, AND APPROX. 6 FT HIGH AT TALLEST END. RESTORE PROPERTY TO ORIGINAL CONTOUR BY PLACING THE FILL IN THREE UPLAND DEPRESSIONS. ANY EXCESS FILL WILL BE TRUCKED ACROSS HWY I01 AND PLAC D IN GRAVEL PIT OWNED BY APPLICANT. upon the following address: PARCEL#: 22235000091.,.- ADDRESS: 5 TLATCH RD SHELTON LEGAL:POTLATCH BEACH TRACTS TRS 91-94 & TL & VAC PUBLIC MARGINAL RD ADJ 93 PROJECT LOCATION: 101 TO : POTLATCH RD, TURN RIGHT. DRIVEWAY IS ON RIGHT WITH WHITE CONCRETE PILLARS AND CABLE ACROSS . Within HOOD CANAL and/or its associated wetlands. The project will be withi shorelines of state-wide significance (RCW 90 .58 . 030) . The project will be located with an urban designation. MASTER PROGRAM PROVISIONS & SPECIAL CONDITIONS ATTACHED This permit is granted pursuant to the Shoreline Management Act of 1971 and nothing in this Permit shall excuse the applicant from compliance with any other', federal, state or local statutes, ordinances or regulations applicable' to this project,but not inconsistent with the Shoreline Management Act (Chapter 90 . 58 RCW) . This permit may be rescinded pursuant to RCW 90 . 58 . 140 (7) in the event the permittee fails to co ply with the terms of conditions hereof . CONSTRUCTION PURSUANT TO THIS PERMIT WILL NOT BEGIN OR IS NOT AUTHORIZED UNTIL THIRTY ($0) DAYS FROM THE DATE OF FILING THE FINAL ORDER OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT WITH THE REGIONAL OFFICE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY ANDITHE ATTORNEY GENERAL, OR UNTIL ALL REVIEW PROCEEDINGS INITIATED WIT IN THIRTY (30) DAYS FROM THE DATE OF SUCH FILING HAVE TERMINATED. No permit authorizing con ruction shall extend for a term of more than five (5) years. If ad ual construction of a development for which a permit has been granted ) as not begun within two years after the approval of the permit byl he Board of Commissioners, the Board shall, at the expiration of the t$ o-year period, review the permit, and upon a showing of good cause, ext nd the permit for one year. Otherwise, the permit terminates: provid0l that no permit shall be extended unless the applicant has requested stjt h review and extension prior to the last regular meeting of the Board coming-before the permit xpi tion date. J Date Authori ed Local Government Official THIS SECTION FOR DEPARTME OF ECOLOGY USE ONLY IN REGARD TO A CONDITIONAL USE OR VARIANCE PERMIT. Date received by Department of Ecology Approved Denied This Substantial Developm t Permit with Conditional Use/Variance is approved by the Department of Ecology pursuant to Chapter 90 .58 RCW. Development shall be undertaken pursuant to the following additional terms and conditions: Date Authorized Dept. of Ecology Official SHR_PRMT, rev: 09/26/96 CONDITIONS FOR HORELINE PERMIT NO. : SHR99-0007 1. Temporary erosion control measures such as silt fencing and straw bales shall be properly installed and in place at the start of the project, and remain in place for the duration of the project until such time as the site has successfully revegetated and the potential for erosion is no longer a problem. 2 . All excavation materials and soils exposed to erosion by all phases of the grading project shall be stabilized and protected by seeding, mulching or other effective means, both during and after construction. 3 . Following completion of the grading project, all upland areas disturbed or newly created by construction activities shall be seeded, vegetated, or given some other equivalent type of protection against erosion. 4 . Any fill which will later be used as structual fill must be installed per the applicable requirements of the Mason County Building Depertment for structural fill . Applicant is recommended to contact Inspector Tami Griffey of the Mason County Building Department at (360) 427-9670 ext. 356 in advance of this grading project, for information on these requirements. 5. Applicant shall submit and receive approval of a land modification permit from the Mason County Permit Assistance Center. SHR99-0007 MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PUBLIC HEARING - - April 27, 1999 FINDINGS OF FACT: Tim Sheldon SHR99-0007 1. Under consideration is the proposal by Tim Sheldon to remove up to 320 cubic yards of fill originally placed as an old access road to a waterfront log dump. The fill is approximately 180 feet long, approx. 6 feet high at tallest end. Site to be regraded to original contour. The property is Lots 91, 92, 93 , 94 of Potlatch Beach Tracts in Section 23, Township 22 North, Range 4 West. 2. The proposed land use is guided by Landfill Chapter 7. 16 . 130 and Conditional Use Chapter 7.28 .010 of the Mason County Shoreline Master Program. 3 . The use requires review as a Conditional Use because this is upland land modification within 200 feet of the shoreline of Hood Canal, and is a Substantial Development because the value exceeds $2, 500 . 4 . The project was determined to be categorically exempt from SEPA as a grading project of less than 500 cubic yards, and it did not appear to impact a critical area. 5 . Based on the policies and use regulations of the Mason County Shoreline Master Program, the land modification to restore the site to its original contour is a proposal which is not detrimental to the public interest. FROM THE PRECEDING FACTS, it is concluded that this proposal is consistent with the Shoreline Management Act and Mason County Shoreline Master Program, and the Board of County Commissioners approves the proposal subject to the following conditions: 1. Temporary erosion control measures such as silt fencing and straw bales shall be properly installed and in place at the start of the project, and re ma n in place for the duration of the project until such time as the ite has successfully revegetated and the potential for erosion i no longer a problem. 2. All excavation materials and soils exposed to erosion by all phases of the grading p ject shall be stabilized and protected by seeding, mulching or other effective means, both during and after construction. 3 . Following completio�L of the grading project, all upland areas disturbed or newly created by construction activities shall be seeded, vegetated, or given some other equivalent type of protection against erosion. 4. Any fill which will later be used as structual fill must be installed per the applicable requirements of the Mason County Building Depertment for structural fill. Applicant is recommended to contact Inspector Tami Griffey of the Mason County Building Department at (360) 427-9670 ext. 356 in advance of this grading project, for information on these requirements. 5 . Applicant shall ubmit and receive approval of a land modi ication ermit fr he son County Permit Assistance Center. C son County issioners Date SHR99-0007 GARY YANDO,DIRECTOR PEON.sTgTFo c A U DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NN � PLANNING -SOLID WASTE-UTILITIES Y y BLDG.I . 411 N. 5THST. • P.O. BOX 578 of 1864 �O SHELTON,WA 98584 • (360)427-9670 April 27, 1999 TO: Mason County Commissioners FROM: Planning Staff- Pam Bennett-Cumming RE: SHR99-0007, Shoreline SDP/CUP for Tim Sheldon ADDENDUM TO STAFF REPORT On April 13, 1999 the . Board of County Commissioners heard the Shoreline Substantial Development and Conditional Use Permit application by Tim Sheldon. The proposal involved the grading of approximately 320 cubic yards of fill originally placed as an access road to the shoreline. The project is located on lots 91 through 94 of Potlatch Beach Tracts in Section 23, Township 22 North, Range 4 West. The road fill occupies lot 91 and 92, and would be used to fill depressions on the lots listed in the shoreline permit application. The application stated that any excess would be trucked across the highway to an existing pit owned by the applicant. Mason County's Chapter 33 Excavation and Grading Ordinance exempts grading of less that 200 cubic yards per lot, and based on the original understanding that under 200 yards per lot would be graded, the project was considered exempt from a grading permit. The Commissioners continued the hearing to April 27, 1999 at 7:30pm, so that the applicant could provide additional information on the amount of material to be graded per lot. The applicant's contractor Ron Gold has run profiles of the area to be graded, and provided the attached plan details relating to quantity of material to be graded. The additional field research also identified where the material would be placed. Based on the additional cross section work and calculations, it appears that a total of 293 . 1 yards of material will be graded from the original road fill. Of this material, approximately 265 .6 cubic yards will be placed in depressions on Lot 92, and about 27.5 yards will be on lot 91. It now appears that more than 200 cubic yards will be graded on one lot, which would require application for and approval of a grading permit for this project. Recycled MASON COUNTY Pam. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR SHORELINE MANAGEMENT PERMIT Substantial Development, notice is hereby given that TIM SHELDON who is MN5R of the tescribed property has filed an application for a Shoreline Management Permit- ;ubstantial Development, for the development of: 'OR THE SOUTHERLY 84 FT OF SHORELINE--. REPLACE EXISTING FAILING LOG BANK ,ROTECTION WITH ROCK BANK PROTECTION AT TOE OF BANK, SLOPING ROCKS BACK. THE .HORELINE NORTH OF THIS IS NOT AN ERODING SHORELINE, APPLICANTS WILL CONSTRUCT . 123 FT LONG 1 TO 1 1/2 FT HIGH CONCRETE RETAINING WALL ON THE UPLAND. AT THE 'ALL'S SOUTHERLY AND NORTHERLY ENDS THE STRUCTURE WILL BE ANGLED TOWARD THE ,HORELINE AND KEY INTO THE ROCK RETAINING WALL, AND . A NEIGHBORING BULKHEAD. 'ite Address: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . roject Location: 101 TO POTLATCH RD, TURN RIGHT.- DRIVEWAY IS ON RIGHT 'ITH WHITE CONCRETE PILLARS AND CABLE ACROSS.Parcel #422235000091 arcel Number: 422235000091 Within. . . . (quarter section) of Section. . .23 Township. .22N Range. . . . . 04W.W.M, ' in , Mason County Washington. aid development is proposed within HOOD CANAL and/or its ssociated wetlands. Any person desiring to express their view or, to be .otified of the action taken on the application should notify: MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PO BOX 578 SHELTON, WA 98584 n writing of their interest within 30 days of the final date of publication iven pursuant ' to WAC 173-14-020 . The final date of publication, posting, or .ailing of notice is 08/13/98 . _ "ritten comments must be received by 09/12/98 . . public hearing will held on this permit request. Contact this office at 360) 427-9670, Ext 296 for date and time of hearing. Determination of Nonsignificance was issued on 08/06/98 under WAC 97-11-340 . ritten comments regarding this determination must be received by 08/21/98 . 'R NOT, rev: 04/29/92 l' SEP98.0111 MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT F COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Pla ing-Landfill-Utilities MITIGATED DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE (WAC 197-11-350) Description of Proposal : FOR THE SOUTHERLY 84 FT OF $ ORELINE-- REPLACE EXISTING FAILING LOG BANK PROTECTION WITH ROCK BANK PROTECTION AT TOE OF BANK, SLOPING ROCKS BACK. THE SHORELINE NORTH OF THIS IS NOT AN ERODING SHORELINE, APPLICANTS WILL CONSTRUCT A 123 FT LONG 1 TO 1 1/2 FT HIGH CONCRETE RETAINING WALL ON THE UPLAND. AT THE WALLIS SOUT#RLy AND NORTHERLY ENDS THE STRUCTURE WILL BE ANGLED TOWARD THE SHORELINE' KEY INTO THE ROCK RETAINING WALL, AND A NEIGHBORING BULKHEAD. Proponent: TIM SHELDON Location of Proposal : rorr i } mA{SEE w) PARCEL#:422235000091 POTLATCH BEACH TRACTS TRS 9 -94 & TL & VAC PUBLIC MARGINAL RD ADJ 93 101 TO POTLATCH RD, TURN RI HT. DRIVEWAY IS ON RIGHT WITH WHITE CONCRETE PILLARS AND CABLE ACROSS. Lead Agency: MASON COUNTY The Lead Agency for this pr, posal has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is t required under RCW 43 .21C.030 (2) (c) . This decision was made after rev ew of a completed Environmental Checklist and other information on file with the Lead Agency. This information is available to the public upon request. MITIGATION MEASURES ARE ATTACHED. �J Please contact I a4JA, Pill n V1 III t at ext. with any questions. This DNS is issued under 19 -11-350 (2) , the Lead Agency will not act on this proposal for 14 days from the date below. Comments must be submitted by 08/20/98 . DATE: 08/06/98 Signatu responsible o icial Date Responsible Official : ; Gary 'Cando Cad �2'� -Q��d SIlwd) lKao 11-1;yi Dire or of Community Development 426 W. Cedar, -b111 1 PO B 578 OYN poet r r m t$ -A -�'`�.a `'Yak �F ... �r Za s, '4l .rf *H .,`r• Ya s ,z. zw �. j x Y� a ' c'� s A R P A FORM +� J U L 2 0 1998 - (for use in Washington State) 1 ��pp��nnNN PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT IN BLUE OR BLA'C7<`iR CO. PLANNING DEPT. Itt$ Based on the preceding checklist, I am sending copi6s of this application to the following: (check all that apply) ■ Local Government for shoreline: W SUBS at-Devetopment ❑Variance ❑Exemption;or, if applicable ❑Floodplain Management ❑Critical Areas Ordinance ■ Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife for HPA ❑ Washington Department of Ecology for: ❑ Approval to Allow Temporary Exceedance of Water Quality Standards ❑ 1 Water Quality Certification Nationwide Permits ❑ Washington.Depadment.ofNatural LL Use-Authorizati=Notificat ❑ Corps Engineers for: ❑ Section 404 0 Section 10 permit ❑ Coast Guard far:- D-Sec6orr9 Bridges SECTION A - Use for all permits covered Py this application. Be sure to also complete Section C (Signature Block) for all permit applications 1.APPLICANT Toni & Tim Sh don MAILING ADDRESS P.O. BOX 474, Hoodsport, WA 98548 WORKPHONE HOME PHONE FAX# (a6C}42&722715, If an agent is acting for the applicant during the permit process, complete #2 2. AUTHORIZED AGENT Ran Geld, d/b/a R.G. -arestry-Cansultant MAILING ADDRESS i R 0- Box 68t Ho-a WA 98548 WORK PHONE HODAE.PHONE. FAX (360) 426-9540 (360) 426-0308 (360) 426-9123 3. RELATIONSHIP OF APPLICANT TO PROPERTY: 9 OWNER PPURCHASER Q LESSEE ❑OTHER: 4. NAME,ADDRESS-AND PHONE NUMBER OF PROPERTY OW ER(SL 1F OTHER THAN APPLICANT: Potlatch 1997 Limited Partnership, P.O. Box 474, Hoodsport, WA 98548 5.LOCATION(STREET ADDRESS,INCLUDING CITY,COUNTY,Aih D ZIP CODE.WHERE PROPOSED ACTIVITY EXISTS OR WILL OCCUR) 1 st right on N. Pot atch Rd., Shelton, WA 98584 WATERBODY Hood Canal TA g TRTBURYOF Puget Sound 1/4SECTION TOWNSHIP RANGE GOVERNMENT LC T SHORELINE DESIGNATION Urban Residential SE 1/4 22N 4W Lots-9- 192,93-94 ZONING DESIGNATION Sec. 23 of Potlatch Beach Tracts TAX PARCEL NO.: DNR STREAM TYPE, IF KNOWN 4222a 50 0009-1 Application PaS78 t of 4 RG FOR CONS 6/97 6: DESCRIBE THE CURRENT USE OF THE PROPERTY,AND STRUCTURES EXISTING ON THE PROPERTY. IF ANY PORTION OF THE PROPOSED ACTIVITY IS ALREADY COMPLETED ON THIS PROPERTY,INDICATE MONTH AND YEAR OF COMPLETION. :The property, Ua sm6[I Inf approx_2Q wide that is currently undeveloped except for a ay.use picnid-area and.an-accesvrba ns-indud -a eat t�se�--rya �-aitvrrap- -- � tier-met�tod�f=bo�a�� �e� a�-y=##e���� 7a. DESCRIBE THE PROPOSED WORK: COMPLETE PLANS AND SPECIFICATI NS SHOULD B OVIDED FOR ALL WORK WATERWARD OF THE ORDINARY HIGH 'WATER MARK OR The bank along-this property_ is currently_ protected from storm wavejerosion by a line of rotting logs cabled to the bank. It is proposed to remove the rotting logs and replace the south 84' with large rock keyed-into-the-upper edge-of the beaeh-and-laid al©ng the bank at a 2:1 or 3:1 (H:V) as well as tucked underneath the trees whose roots have been undercut. Along the north-123' a concrete wall 1 to 1 112 feet fall-wi I-be constructed-along the top edge of the beach and will tie into and match the low concrete wall long-the neighboring_property to the north. 7b. DESCRIBE THE PURPOSE OF THE WORK To stop future storm.generated erosion-that is-underc-uttfng the bank and to prepare the site for future residential development 70. DESCRIBE THE POTENTIAL IMPACTS TO CHARACTERISTIC USES OF THE WATERBODY. THESE USES MAY INCLUDE FISH AND AQUATIC LIFE,WATER QUALITY,WATER SUPPLY, RECREATION,and AESTHETICS. IDENTIFY PROPOSED ACTIONS TO AVOID,MINIMIZE,AND MITIGATE DETRIMENTAL IMPACTS,AND PROVIDE PROPER PROTECTION Impacts from the completed project should not affect the water body since both the rock and concrete wall will be approx. 2 feet verticary andtQ-to 2Q feet horizontally from the OHWL. The only potential impacts could come from the operation of a hydraulic excavator along the upper edge of the beach about even with the OHWL. Care"will be taken to avoid damage to the small amount of inter-tidal-vegetation-present along-the-upper edge-of the beach. PREPARATION OF DRAWINGS: SEE APPENDIX A-SAMPLE DRAWINGS AND CHECKLIST FOR COMPLETING DRAWINGS. ONE SET OF ORIGINAL OR GOOD QUALITY REPRODUCIBLE DRAWINGS MUST BE ATTACHED. NOTE: APPLICANTS ARE ENCOURAGED TO SUBMIT PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE PROJECT SITE,BUT THESE DO NOT SUBSTITUTE FOR DRAWINGS. THE CORPS OF ENGINEERS AND COAST GUARD REQUIRE DRAWINGS ON 8-I&X 11 INCH SHEETS. LARGER DRAWINGS MAYBE REQUIRED BY OTHER AGENCIES. 8. WILL THE PROJECT BE CONSTRUCTED IN STAGES? ❑ YES ■ NO PROPOSED STARTING DATE: Immediately upon approval FIG FOR CONS 6/97 Applicadon Pape 2 Of ESTIMATED DURATION OF ACTIVITY: 5 Days 9. CHECK IF ANY STRUCTURES WILL BE PLACED: ❑ WATERWARD OF THE ORDINARY HIGH WATER MARK OR LINE FOR FRESH OR TIDAL WATERS;AND/OR ❑ WATERWARD OF THE MEAN HIGH WATER LINE IN TIDAL WATERS 10. WILL FILL MATERIAL(ROCK,FILL,BULKHEAD,PILINGS OR OTHER MATERIAL)BE PLACED: ❑ WATERWARD OF THE EORDtNARY4fGI-WATERMARKOfFLINEFOR FRESH-WATERS IFYES;VOLUME-(CUBIC YARDS) /AREA(ACRES) ❑ WATERWARD OF THE MEAN HIGHER HIGH WATER FOR TIDAL WATERS? IF YES,VOLUME(CUBIC YARDS) /ARFA(ACRES) 11. WILL MATERIAL BE PLACED IN WETLANDS? ❑ YES 0 NO IF YES: A. IMPACTED AREA IN ACRES: B. HAS A DELINEATION BEEN COMPLETED? IF YES, PLEASE SUBMIT WITH APPLICATION ❑ YES E NO C. HAS A WETLAND REPORT BEEN PREPARED? IF YES,PLEASE SUBMIT WITH APPLICATION Q YES N NO D. TYPE AND COMPOSITION OF FILL MATERIAL(E.G.,SAND ETC.): E. MATERIAL SOURCE; IF. LIST ALL SOIL SERIESNFORMATION CAN BE OBTAINED FROM-LOCATEDTHE RAL�OUPROJECT- RCES CONSERVATION SERVI IF CE( RN ARE COU14TYS LIST OF HYDRIC SOILS. SOILS 12. WILL PROPOSED ACTIVITY CAUSE FLOODING OR DRAINING OF WETLANDS? ❑ YES N NO IF YES, IMPACTED AREA ISACRES 13. WILL EXCAVATION OR DREDGING BE REQUIRED IN WATER OR WETLANDS? ❑ YES 0 NO IF YES: A. VOLUME: (CUBIC YARDS)/AREA (ACRES) B. COMPOSITION OF MATERIAL TO BE REMOVED- C. DISPOSAL SITE FOR EXCAVATED MATERIAL: D. METHOD OF DREDGING: 14. LIST OTHER APPLICATIONS,APPROVALS,OR CERTIFICATIONS FROM OTHER FEDERAL,STATE OR LOCAL AGENCIES FOR ANY STRUCTURES,CONSTRUCTION DISCHARGES,OR OTHER ACTIVITIES DESCRIBED IN THE APPLICATION (I.E., PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL,HEALTH DISTRICT APPROVAL,BUILDING PERMIT, SEPA REVIEW,FERC LICENSIE FORESTPRACTICES-APPCICAT-roW ETU- ALS�INDICATEWHETHER THE WORK HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND INDICATE ALL EXISTING WORK ON DRAWINGS. TYPE OF APPROVAL ISSUING AGENCY IDENTIFICATION NO. DATE OF APPLICATION DATE APPROVED COMPLETED? SEPA LEAD AGENCY: SEPA DECISION: SEPA DECISION DATE: 15. HAS ANY AGENCY DENIED APPROVAL FOR THE ACTIVITY DESCRIBED HEREIN OR FOR ANY ACTIVITY DIRECTLY RELATED TO THE ACTIVITY DESCRIBED HEREIN? ❑ YES NO IF YES,EXPLAIN: RG FOR CONS 6197 JARPA Appi cation Page 3 of 4 SECTION B - Use for Shoreline and Corps Engineers permits only 16. TOTAL COST OF PROJECT. THIS MEANS THE FAIR MARKET VALUE OF THE PROJECT,INCLUDING MATERIALS,LABOR,MACHINE RENTALS,ETC. 17. LOCAL GOVERNMENT WITHAUIRISDICTION: Mason County 18. FOR CORPS,COAST GUARD,AND DNR PERMITS:PROM NAMES;'ADDRESSES--AN -TELEPHONENUMBERS OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS, LESSEES,ETC. PLEASE NOTE: SHORELINE MANAGEMENT CO PLIANCE MAY REQUIR D E ADDITIONAL NOTICE—CONSULT YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT. Cathleen J -e- 42-Edgewc 06 Wayj San Ra#-ae-, CA-94901 -Lllr -I r 7-4 re Patty J. S offorth 3254 VerdE ICt. Pleasanton CA 94566 azs- 97JI90 SECTION C —This section MUST be comps d for any permit covered by this application. 19. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE FORA PERMIT OR PER S TO AUTHORIZE THE ACTIVITIES DESCRIBED HEREIN.1 CERTIFY THAT I AM FAMILIAR WITH THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS APPLICATION, THAT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF,SUCH INFORMATION IS TRUE, COMPLETE,AND ACCURATE.I FURTHER CERTIFY THAT 1 SSESS THE AUTHORITY TO UNDERTAKE THE PROPOSED ACTIVITIES.I HEREBY GRANT TO THE AGENCIES TO WHICH THIS APPLICATION IS MADE, RIGHT TO ENTER THE ABOVE-DESCRIBED LOCATION TO INSPECT THE PROPOSED,IN- PROGRESS OR COMPLETED WORK I AGREE TO START RK ONLY AFTER ALL NECESSARY PERMITS HAVE BEEN RECEIVED. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT OR-AUTHORIZED AGENT DATE I HER DESIGNATE Ron Gold, d a R.G. Forestry Consultant TO ACT AS MY AGENT IN MATTERS RELATED TO THIS APPLICATION FOR PERMIr(S).I UNDERSTAND THAT IF A FEDERAL PERMIT IS ISSUED,I MUST SIGN THE PERMIT. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE SIGNATURE OF LANDOWNER(EXCEPT PUBLIC ENTITY 4ANDE ERS,E.G.DNR DATE t , 01�,� a- 1 THIS APPLICATION MUST BE SIGNED BY THE APPLICAN AGENT,IF AN AUTHORIZED AGENT IS DESIGNATED 8 U.S.C.f 1001 provides that: Whoever,In any manner within the juany department or agency of the United States knowingly falsifies,conceals,or covers up by any trick,scheme, sr device a material fact or makes any false,fictitious,or fraudulent s representations or makes or uses any false writing of document knowing same to contain any false,fictitious,or taudulert statement or entry,shall be fined no more than$10,000 or not more than 5 years or both a x^s .p I`1� `..�i "�..' < r r�'_•sal, ';;�' c by �;�, 2... vr{, �' [- ca ,fy,� ,+- -xa r rst u ,.,.=x..r,•£°< }'°w`;'y,.h ,n`r `,'l ."'w nv ta:. .+.s.`ih, ': of�'�iz=_"y .e. -�w,"^xZ'- -. `mod$ `2'.�r. '..e �1:S` �T,s.4 A,+. .s4 •t 3?f c " F.a s,-Jam,.. . ,a .fit .s�A^ .s2C--� •r!' x, a s knt'3r'':: d?,Z. 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RG FOR CONS 6197 DARPA Application Pape 4 of 4 Determination of V lume of Old Road Fill on Sheldon Property Provided as a suppleme t to Mason County Shoreline Permit Application 4/24199 The fill in question was put in place about 60 years ago to serve as a truck road approach to a pier and water side log dump. The material comprising this road bed most likely originated from both material excavated immediately adjacent to the road and from a nearby gravel pit. The intention of this project is to remove this old fill and restore the land to its original cc ntours by filling in the depressions created by the original excavation. Original estimates of thel, ill were just that, estimates. An original figure of 490 of cubic yards was derived from erestimated dimensions of the fill. This erroneous estimate was then used in initi4 permit applications. Later, more accurate measurements were taken andl a volume of 320 cubic yards was calculated. This change was made to some of the the various applications. This change has raised uestions about the accuracy and validity of these volume figures, therefore it was decided to remeasure the fill with cross sections taken every 20 feet and elevations measured at 5 foot intervals along these cross sections. This allowed volume to be calc lated in 20 foot segments and therefore provide much more accurate figures. This process pointed out an inaccurate assumption made in the original calculations in that the original topography of the site is not a consistent slope towards the beach but is somewhat flat ith a steeper slope towards the beach end. Therefore the fill was not an evenly tapered wedge shape, as assumed, but a thinner layer (2.5 to 3 feet) on most of the upland portion with a thicker portion closer to the beach. It was also determined that the beach] end was not as thick as originally estimated. Final calculations determined a total volume of 293.1 cubic yards of fill to be removed from the old road bed' Of this, 236 yards will be absorbed by the depressions along the road lei ing 57.1 yards to be transported off site, all of which will now probably be used to provide a lift on the driveway. This fill occupies two lot$ lot #91 to the north and lot #92 to the south. After careful measurement of the all nment of the old road in relation to the property lines it was found most of the fill is on I t#92. It has been determined lot #92 contains 265.6 yards and 27.5 yards are on lot #91. Mason County Planning Dept. APR 2 6 1999 RECEIVED GARYYANDO,DIRECTOR �yoN.srarFo o a 0 N DEPAR ENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT r o T z PLANNING-SOLID WASTE-UTILITIES z� x y Y BLDG. I . 411 N. 5TH ST. •.P.O.BOX 578 1864 SHELTON,WA 98584 • (360)427-9670 April 13, 1999 TO: Mason County Commissioners FROM: Planning staff: Pam Bennett-Cumming SUBJECT: Shoreline Substantial Development and Conditional Use Permit request by Tim Sheldon. STAFF REPORT I. INTRODUCTION. This report evaluates , a proposal to excavate former fill and restore property to original contour. II. APPLICANT. The applicant is Tim Sheldon. III. LOCATION. Property is Lots 91, 92, 93, 94 of Potlatch Beach Tracts, in Section 23, Township 22 North, Range 4 West. Go north on Highway 101 to the north end of Potlatch, turn right on Potlatch lane, site is on right; located on Hood Canal. IV. PROJECT DESCRIPTION. The applicant proposes to remove approximately 320 cubic yards of fill originally placed as an old access road leading to a water front log dump. The road fill is approximately 180 feet long, and approximately 6 feet high at its tallest end. The property will be restored to its original contour by placing the fill in three upland depressions on site. Any excess fill material will be trucked across Highway 101 and placed in a gravel pit owned by the applicant. V. EVALUATION. A. Characteristics of the site. The property is located on the west shoreline of Hood Canal . The approximately 2 . 65 acres of upland is forested land which slopes to the Canal; the slope is steeper on the southerly end. Douglas Firs predominate, with some Madronas near the shoreline. The old logging road runs easterly down the center of the property, with its highest point being at its terminus near the shoreline. B. Characteristics of the area. The surrounding area consists of single family residences on the shoreline, with forested property to the landward. Back up on Highway 101 there are some commercial activities. Recycled C. Shoreline Designation. The shoreline designation is Urban Residential, Hood Canal s a Shoreline of Statewide Significance. D. Comprehensive Plan.11 The Comprehensive Plan designation is Rural Community Center. E. Sepa compliance. Upl d grading of less than 500 cubic yards which has no negative id act a critical area or shoreline of the state, is categorically '' xempt from the SEPA process. F. Other Permits. This project has been determined to be exempt from a Grading Permit because the property consists of four parcels, and grading of less than 200 cubic yards per lot, outside of a critical area, is exempt from the Grading Ordinance. A Forest Practices Application co' ersion will be necessary for the logging, since a portion of the' property will be converted to a residential use, rather than being reforested. VIII. ANALYSIS. This proposal requires a Substantial Development Permit because the vallIB, exceeds $2,500 and a Conditional Use Permit because there is excavation and fill occurring within 200 feet of a shoreline of the state. Landfill Chapter 7.16.130 and Conditional Use Chapteri 7.28.010 of the Mason County Shoreline Master Program guide in the review of this proposal. The applicable Policies f the Landfill Chapter are as follows: 1 Any permitted fills or shoreline cuts should be designed so that no significant damage existing ecological values or natural resources, or alterations of local currents, will occur, creating a hazard to adjacent life, property, ecological values, or natural resources. The applicable Use Regulations of the Landfill Chapter are as follows: 4 Landfills shall not d-srupt normal surface water drainage. 5. Permitted fills shall. be appropriately sloped and planted with vegetation to prevent -er sion. 6. Applications for landfill projects shall include the following information (at minimum) : a. Character and source of fill material; b. Method of placement and compaction; c. Type of surfacin proposed, if any; d. Method of perimeter erosion control; e. Proposed use of ill area; f. Location of fill' relative to natural or existing drainage patterns; g. Proposed revegetation and/or landscaping. 2 8 Fill materials shall a of a quality that they will not cause degradation of water quality. Uses which are classifie or. set forth in the Master Program as conditional uses may be '', uthorized under Conditional Use Chapter 7.28.010 provided the a ' licant can demonstrate consistency with the Conditional Use Chap er: 1. The proposed use wil be consistent with the policies of RCW 90.58 and the policies o the Master Program. 2 . The proposed use will not interfere with the normal public use of the shoreline. 3 . The proposed use of a site and design of the project will be compatible with other pe itted uses in the area. 4. The proposed use will cause no unreasonable adverse effects to the shoreline environment in which it is located. 5. That the Public interest suffers no substantial detrimental effect. EVALUATION The road fill was origin lly placed in the 1920 's or 19301s, the .applicant has stated it is likely that it initially came from the gravel pit across 101 to which some of it will be returned. approximately 200 yards will be used to fill three small upland depressions identified on the attached site plan, and resurface the drivaway and the balance ' eturned to its probable original origin. The installation of appr ipriate erosion control measures such as straw bales and silt fern ing prior to grading, and post-project revegetation will be required as a condition of the permit. The removal of the road fill ' ill restore the site more closely 'to its original contour. There will be no negative impact on drainage patterns, since the site ', lopes naturally toward the shoreline. The applicant has provided responses to the conditional use criteria (attached) . T4h property will be used for residential development, and as such that is consistent with permitted uses under the Shoreline Mast r Program. This is an upland activity which will not have an i ' act on the public use of the shoreline. Erosion control and reveg' tatation requirements are intended ensure there will not be any negative impact to shorelines of the state due to runoff or sedimentation from the construction site. IX. CONCLUSION. Based upon the information provided and the regulations as set forth} the project appears consistent with the applicable chapters of ' the Shoreline Master . Program. Staff recommends approval of t e Substantial Development - Conditional Use Permit, with the cond' tions attached: 3 1. Temporary erosion c trol measures such as silt fencing and straw bales shall be properly installed and in place at the start of the project, and remain in place for the duration of the project until such time as the site. has successfully revegetated and the i potential for erosion s� no longer a problem. 2 . . All excavation materials and soils exposed to erosion by all phases of the grading project shall be stabilized and protected by seeding, mulching or other effective means, both during and after construction. 3 . Following completion' of the grading project, all upland areas disturbed or newly crea ed by construction activities shall be seeded, vegetated, or ', given some other equivalent type of protection against erosion. 4 . Any fill which will1ater be used as structural fill must be installed per the appli able requirements of the Mason County Building Department for structural fill. Applicant is recommended to contact Inspector TOi Griffey of the Mason County Building Department at (360) 427-I 670 ext. 356 in advance of this grading project, for informati= on these requirements. IX. CHOICE OF ACTION. 1. Approval of the SDP/CUP request. 2 . Denial of the SDP/CUt, request. 3 . Conditional Approval, of the SDP/CUP request. 4 . Postpone for further information. 4 V�:_-M L i v► SHOR LINES ADVISORY BOARD PUBLIC BfEETING -- March 22, 1999 FINDINGS OF FACT: Tim Sheldon SHR99-0007 1. Under consideration is the proposal by Tim Sheldon to remove approximately 320 cubic ards of fill originally placed as an old access road to a waterf ont log dump. The fill is approximately 180 feet long, approx. feet high at tallest end. Site to be regraded to original con bur. The property is Lots 91, 92, 93, 94 of Potlatch Beach Tracts in Section 23, Township 22 North, Range 4 West. 2 . The proposed land use is guided by Landfill Chapter 7.16.130 and Conditional Use Chapter 7.28.010 of the Mason County Shoreline Master Program. 3 . The use requires reel ew as a Conditional Use because this is upland land modification within 200 feet of the shoreline of Hood Canal, and is a Substant'al Development because the value exceeds $2, 500. 4 . The project was determined to be categorically exempt from SEPA as a grading project of ess than 500 cubic yards, and it did not appear to impact a criti' al area. 5. Based on the policieo and use regulations of the Mason County Shoreline Master Program,, the land modification to restore the site to its original contour is a proposal which is not detrimental to the public interest. FROM THE PRECEDING FACT it is concluded that this proposal is consistent with the Shc eline Management Act and Mason County Shoreline Master Programs and it is recommended that the Board of County Commissioners app ve the proposal subject to the following conditions: 1. Temporary erosion control measures such as silt fencing and straw bales shall be properly installed and in place at the start of the project, and remain. in place for the duration of the project until such time as the site has successfully revegetated and the potential for erosion is no longer a problem. 2 . All excavation materials and soils exposed to erosion by all phases of the grading project shall be stabulized and protected by seeding, mulching or other effective means, both during and after construction. 3 . Following completion of the grading project, all upland areas disturbed or newly cris ted by construction activities shall be seeded, vegetated, or given some other , equivalent type of protection against eros on. 4. Any fill which will later be used as structual fill must be installed per the applicable requirements of the Mason County Building Depertment for': structural fill. Applicant is recommended to contact Inspector Tami Griffey of the Mason County Building Department at (360) 42 9670 ext. 356 in advance of this grading project, for informatio on these requirements. 0°3 zz Chair, Shoreline Advisory Board Dat SHR99-0007 enri��C innZ3 z C26 G!� - F unwe0C. DccW p- JOB p SH ET No. CONSULTING STRUCTURAL FNGINEER -mm SCALE; DATE: / 512 122ND S. • TACOMA, AfffT 5331-8128 f777 � H u G 2 21000 BJSS DUARTE BRYANT PERMIT ASSISTANCE F F*LLLr G-"TCA 114(NC, \SSIAN C ILULAd2 o _0 L E� P� I �S3 i&19 — 0 toll �' �1ca11 oo IO ' d V131 ;60 00-ZZ-linty pl /Ivr® w�- 1I-t:- mriscon DRAWN BY: JOB O. SH�ET No F urroe CC- cc) CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEER — SGALE; DATE; / 2Ml'1tjTjz'-GVL�Aj4j* 206 53/-8128 � '�(� -�--� �C MUG 2 2000 PERMIT ASSISTANCE CENTF`BJSS DUARTE BRYANT l�lI F-,-4cxF L`Lj`FReF SiAN cs all 0 J of I N LT V o f- ✓+ 0 U��. .�?��✓� ul� ern I-?- rya, � � � ��`-��'� � IO ' d Vel :60 00-ZZ-6nd 00 IQ 10 � a � I � °' N = U 7 J (_ L It V o a 031 A O to A 1 I 1 a -N 2 d" I +I 1 t Q I M CL i , 1 1 LL 1° M H I I t I x /\ iv tn .� tn1 l7 m0 . O C_ N III = I C 4 i v I n. to I I > 10 ° CL p a� ! 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OKOMIS 1NDIAN kpKO .�. 17 RD• :� FF 14 13 _ Oy•, Q . 24 23 1 2-324 919 20 2-6 .25 30 20 20 27 RgCKDALE S2 --�- - - • �� 36 31 . MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT Of COMMUNITY- DEVELOPMENT NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR SHORELINE MANAGEMENT PERMIT Substantial Dovelopment, . Conditiotal Use Notice is hereby given that TIM SHELTON who is 15W1 62, of the described property has filed aft application for a Shoreline Management Permit- Substantial Development, Cond4ional Use for the development of: REMOVE APPROXIMATELY 320 CUBIC 'YARDS FILL ORIGINALLY PLACED AS OLD ACCESS ROAD TO WATERFRONT LOG DUMP. R� FILL IS APPROX. 180 FT LONG, AND APPROX. 6 FT HIGH AT TALLEST END. RESTO PROPERTY TO ORIGINAL CONTOUR BY PLACING THE FILL IN THREE UPLAND DEPRESSIONS. ANY EXCESS FILL WILL BE TRUCKED ACROSS HWY IOI AND PLACED IN GRAVEL PIT OWNED BY APPLICANT. Site Address: 50 N POTLATCH RD ' SHELTON - Project Location: 101 TO POTLA7� RD, TURN RIGHT. DRIVEWAY IS ON RIGHT WITH WHITE CONCRETE PILLARS AND CABLE ACROSS.Parcel #422235000091 Parcel Number: 422235000091 Within. . . . (quarter section) of Section. . .23 Township. .22N Range. . . . .04W.W.M, in SHELTON, Mason Count Washington. Said development is proposed wi hin HOOD CANAL and/or its associated wetlands. Any person desiring to express their view or to be notified of the action taken on the application should notify: MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PO BOX 578 SHELTON, WA 98584 in writing of their interest within 30 days of the final date of publication given .pursuant to WAC 173-14-020. The final date of publication, posting, or nailing of notice is 02/11/99 . Britten comments must be receive by 03/13/99 . V public hearing will held on this permit request. Contact this office at (360) 427-9670, Ext 296 for date and' time of hearing. This proposal is categorically e .empt from SEPA under: WAC197-11-800 (1) (c) (v) , catego "'cal exemptions . Calculations of cut and fill volumes of old road on Sheldon property Section ' s.-fill Average: seg.vol. t Average -.seg. vol. N. fill` Average'seg.--vol. -- --- 1 ------- ----------•--------- �--------------------------------- ----------------------�---- ------- •--------------------. ----- 0 ------.----------- 0 0.0 17.84 356.8 0 0 2 o 35 8 - --- ------------- --------------------- -..... --- - - -- ------------' ----- 6.515 130.3I 42.97 59.4 1525_. 316.5 . ------- . - 8 8 3 13.03 ........5...Q... 2..6..... 0 6 31-.65 -' --------------------------------------------'- • ------------------ -- ----'---- 25.78. - 515.6 48.48---- 9--- --- =27 82 556,4__.... 4 38.53 46 1 23.99' - ' -- --- -- -------- ---------- "-- -- 23.72 i-......_474.4 ---... _50.76 - 101-5.2 18.605 372.1------- 5 8.91 ----- ------------ ------------- '_54 1 - ----+------------------------=--..a.1.3.22 -' - ---------------- - .__, ; . 6.165 123.3 - - - . : 50.47 ' 1009.4 '9.925 - 198.5 --------------------------- •------•------- ------•--- _.. f '3.42 - ------------ -------- ----- ...._--------------- 6•63.-- _------ 3.95 79.0 34.55 69-1 r 20.575- 411.5 7 4.48 22 7 ''T 34.52 ' - - t---------- - --- - -35.33--.._... 706.6-1 46.67 - 933.4.--- - ------ 28.73-----a 574.E -8 66.18 70 7 - 22.94 ---- --------•--------------- 40.3-1-5-------- 806.3 ---- ------ --- 66.79_------`-13 3 5.8 ------ --------- 23.48--- - 469.6 - - ---- --. ..... ---------------------- ------ --------- '-14.45--1-----------------------1-----------------......-"- 63- -1----i--._....-------------- 24.02 -------------------- 16.93 338.6' i 35.835 716.7 12.01 240.2 -------------- ----- ---------------------------------- ------ ............... - ------------------ .._------------- ----------- 10 19.41 8. 0 ----------- ----- ------------------------------------------- :---- - ------------------ ---------------------- ----''... .. 9.705 ---------------58.2:: :4.23 25.38 0 0 ............. ---- ---.-- " ----- ---- ------- ------10a------•0.................................._..' ----------------- -0------.. ---------------------------------------------- :0 0 ._.... 0.0 ! 0 0 0 0 ------------ ............----------------- ......... �� 0 0 0 r --------- ----- ---------r --------- r -----_-- ------------------- ttl, cu ft ------------------------.3232.33---- ----- -------<----- 7912.78 i ------------------ 31.... ttl-cu yd r 119.716 293.06----- ---------------i--- 116.27 _ --------------------------------------- ---------- --------: ------ -------------------------------------------------..---------------------- Total--cu--vd-excavated-- _----293.066 cu. -d,--excavated-on south _-_---- !.265.61-8 Total cu Xd fill v 235 99. - cu. d excavated on north-lot 27.4484: Net total removed = 57.0759 n 0 � fl o w u) -n rl � � r• m -P n r• m Q o =; G) n o cn < I fl o o o g o 0 0 0 to 0 0 0 V) r N W N fD O O r• (,n Op cn r ( Ln - fl fl n w N rt' lfl :3 W S I� 0- a. 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LL In r-I V) O 0 V a MAJUN UUUN I Y s, DEPART OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Courtly use Annex III,426 W. Cedar P.O. Box 578, Shelton, WA 98584 (360) 427-9670 THE SHORELINE PERMIT APPLICATION PERMIT NO. Pb 7 ORELINE SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT _ S ORSLINE VARIANCE DATE RECEIVED l! S ORELINE CONDITIONAL USE The Washington State Shoreline Management Act(RCW 90.58) requires that substantial developments within designated shore Ines of the state comply with its administrative procedures (WAC 173-14) and the provisions of e Mason County Shoreline Management Master Program. The purpose of this Act and local pro rams to protect the state's shoreline resources. The program requires that substantial development ny development of which the total cost or fair market value exceeds$2,.5W or materially interfe with the normal public use of the water or shorelines of the state) be reviewed with the goals,pol'� 'es, and performance standards established in the Master Program. Anwser all questions completely. A h any additional information that may further describe the proposed development. APPLICANT: Toni and Tim Sheldon ADDRESS: P.O. Box 474 (Street) _ Hoodsoort WA 98W (City) (State) (Zip) TELEPHONE: (Home): (360)877-5105 (Business): AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE: Ron.CbId, d/b/a/R.Q. Forestry Consultant ADDRESS: P.O. Box AR (Street) Hoodspor# WA 98548 (City) (State) (Zip) PROPERTY DESCRIPTION General Location (include water bod5, or wetlands involved, address, if any): ProDertv.is IQQated on N Potlatch, -Rd-and H Canal 112 mile north of the Potlatch ewer house Legal Description(include quarter section, township,range,and parcel munber): E 1/4 . 23, T.22N., RA Potlatch Beach Tracts, Lots 1 2 4 --pgrcel no. 4222 - - 1 OWNERSHIP Contract Other Applicant Owner—-X _ Lessee Purchaser (identify) Owner: P tlatch 1997 1 i ited Partnership -- P O Box 474 (Street) H WA 4 (City)'' (State) (7jp) (Revised 1/95) �7 1 • A# 1 1 '1999 ^CNTFP TheShoreline Permit Application Page 2 DEVELOPMENT:DESCRIPTION Development(identify and describe a proposed project,including the type of materials to be used, construction methods,princip a dimensions, and other pertinent information): This project involves removi g an old road fill placed in the 1920's or 30's to access a waterfront log durm for a nearby sawmill. Removing this material will restore the lot to its original ' ontour. Material will be removed by excavator and hauled by dump truck to a n arby pit owned by the landowners. The fill is 1 So' long, 6' high on the east end tapering to 2' at the west end. It Is approx. 30'wide at the east end and a little n rrower at the west end. Approx. cu. yds. will be removed. 37O Use(identify current use of property with existing improvements): The property is Icurrently undeveloped with only the driveway, a storage shed and some recent beach protection rock work as improvements. Reason forrequesting development:. To return the property its original contour in preparation for construction of a residence ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I hereby declare,to the best of my k� ,wledge and belief,the foregoing information and all attached inform n is true nd correct. (Applicant or Authorized Representat ve) (Date) TO BE COMPLETED BY LOCAL O ICIAL - - _ __ __ _ _ _ ------ Identify and describe Existing feature of the site and surrounding area. If proposed structures will exceed a ho' ht of 35 feet above the existing grade level,indicate the location of any residential units that Will have an obstructed view. If a Conditional Use or Variance is reqUested, make reference to the appropriate section in the Master Program. (Revised 1/95) s MASON COUNTY DEPARTME T OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Building III, 426 W_ Cedar P.O. Box 578 Shelton, WA 98584 Telephone: (360) 427-9670 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR SHORELINE CONDITIONAL USE The purpose of a Conditional 6se Permit is to allow greater flexibility in varying the new application of the Use Regulati' ns of the Master Program. Conditional Use Permits should also be granted in circa stances where denial of the permit would result in a thwarting of the policy enumer� ed in RCW 90.58.020. In authorizing a Conditional. Use, special conditions may be ttached to the permit by local government or the Department of Ecology to preva t undesirable effects of the proposed use. Uses which are classified or set forth in the Master Program as conditional uses may be authorized provided the applica t can demonstrate all of the following: 1. Show that the proposed use will be consistent with the policies of RCW 90.58 and the policies of the M ster Program. The purpose ose of this projeq s to prepare the prope for residential development along shoreline that is desi ated `Urban Residential'. Mason County Shoreline Master Program defines Urban Residential as `an area of high intensity residential ------------------------- land use' and `to ensure op mum utilization of shorelines for residential development'. Therefore iiTc preparation of this property for development by removing an old road fill is ithin the policies of the Master Program 2. Show that the proposed use will not interfere with the normal public use of the shoreline. Since the project takes place on private property there is no public access to the shoreline by land at this loca -on and therefore no public use of the shoreline. Revised 8/94 J O U D J4 1 1 11999 3. Show that the proposec use of the site and design of the project will be compatible with other rmitted uses within the area. The adjoining lots to the orth and the south�haveoth been develop ed for residential use so the future develo ent of this roe compatible with other permitted uses within the area. 4. Show that the proposed lise will cause no unreasonable adverse effects ffects to the shoreline en vironment nt i which it is to be located. The material to be remove is more than �' awav from the shoreline so its removal should Pose no threat to th natural shoreline environment. 5. Show that the public interi,9st suffers no substantial-detrimental effect. The development of this )erty is similar to and consistent with the development throughout the immediate aida so therefore should not have detrimental effects on the public interest. Other uses which are not classifi or set forth in the Master Program may be authorized as conditional uses pr ided that the applicant to the criteria set forth above, that) xtraordinary ci uma ces preclude demonstrate, In able on of the property � P reasonable use p perty In a manner consi ent with the Use Regulations of the Master Program. Uses which are specifically prohibj ed by the Master Program may not be authorized. In the granting of all Conditional U e Permits, consideration shall be given to the cumulative impact of additional req jests for like actions in the area. For example, if Conditional Use Permits were gran ed for other developments in the area where similar circumstances exist, the total of tho Conditional uses should remain consistent with the policies of the Master Program and' should not produce substantial adverse effects to the shoreline environment. Revised 8/94 w CD rn Q � O v M C Qo O m m Q < —n rt O N 3 N O _ DO r-+ N N N 00 rt _a fD r-+ 00 CD � r � n O L8 N N U) CD cn r+ -* o r+ =3 r-r W G7 °l (Dl -r1 0; CO CI w � or C) O Ul O O rr G, r+ w lQ r+ cn Q w C) O -P N C) C!1 O � o � V) __a zT CD r ► O O r t O 7-3 Qo r+ CD D w ► ►" � r 0 Q.) / ►Q o T m o CL / 1 w / 1 r 1 D 1 cn r 0 I c- CD t < t < Ul / Q I r I / 1 �' ► 1 r I r ► r I ► I 1 _ ► 00 t I / Lr, (D / r VJ W i 1 / t ► o I t � / ► o / Z N r / r+ 1 1 i t 0 r 3` r a r r Affidavit of Publication WASHINGTON, SS. Y OF MASON Julie G. Orme being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says that she is the clerk of THE SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL,a weekly newspaper.That said news- paper is a legal newspaper and it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of the publication hereinafter referred to,published in the English language continu- ously as a weekly newspaper in SHELTON,Mason County,Washington, and it is now and during all of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of publication of said newspaper.That the said SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL was on the 9th day of August,1941,approved as a legal newspaper by the Superior Court of said Mason County. That the annexedis atruecopy of a Notice of Appl. For Shoreline M mt Permit - Tim Sheldon as it was published in regular issues(and not in supplement form)of said newspaper once each week for a period of two consecutive weeks,commencing on the 4 th day of February , 19 99 and ending on the l l th day of February ,19 99 both dates inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its subscribers during all of the said period.That the full amount of the fee charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of$ 101 . 5 0 Subscribed nd sworn to before me this llth day of 01S10 � 1I February 19 99 =°°NOTAR *: - Notary Public0n and for the State of Washington B L �' 'Z j Residing at Shelton,Washington (�`�•�e•W A � My commission expires o�— 20 C» DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY •:�' DEVELOPMENT; NOTICE OF,APPLICATION FOR' a SHORELINE MANAGEMENT PERMIT Substantial Development,. AMavit of Publication Cort<iitional usa: ? , Notice is hereby given that TIM SHELDON ; who is owf the des—'off�DeV40�pr as filed an application fps a Sge- WASHINGTON, SS. ment Permit- Substantiant Y OF MASON Conditional Use for the development off RE- MOVE APPROXIMATELY";320 'CUBIC, YARDS FILL ORIGINALLY PLACED AS. OLD ACCESS ROAD TO WATERFRONT Julie G. Orme being first duly sworn LOG DUMP.ROAD FILL IS APPROX.180 FT LONG,AND APPROX. 6 FT HIGH AT Clerk TALLEST END.RESTORE PROPERTY TO ',es and says that she is the ORIGINAL CONTOUR BY PLACING THE. TON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL,a weekly newspaper.That said news- FILL IN THREE UPLAND DEPRESSIONS. tl newspaper and it is now and has been for more than six months prior to the ANY EXCESS FILL WILL BE'TRUCKED blication hereinafter referred to,published in the English language continu- ACROSS HWY 101 AND- PLACED IN ;ekly newspaper in SHELTON,Mason County,Washington,and it is now GRAVEL PIT OWNED BY APPLICANT. I of said time was printed in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of Site Address:, 50 N POTLATCH RD -said newspaper.That the said SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL SHELTON t day of August,1941,approved as a legal newspaper by the Superior Court Project Location:101 TO POTLATCH RD,TURN RIGHT. DRIVEWAY IS ON RIGHT i County. WITH WHITE CONCRETE PILLARS AND Notice Al . For Shoreline CABLE ACROSS.Parcel#422235000091 xed is a true copy of a No ce o pp Parcel Number 42=5000091 Within...(quarter section)of t Permit — Tim Sheldon Section...23 Township...22N Range...04W.W.M., ished in regular issues(and not in supplement form)of said In SHELTON,Mason County,Washington. Said development is proposed within two HOOD CANAL and/or its associated wet- ce each week for a period of lands. Any person desiring to express their ✓eeks,commencing on the view or to be notified of the action taken on the application should notify: Jay of February , 19 99 and ending on the MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Jay of February ,19 99 both dates inclusive, P.O.BOX 578 newspaper was regularly distributed to its subscribers during all of the said SHELTON,WA 98584 he full amount of the fee charged for the in writing of their interest within 30 days of the final date of publication given pursuant to WAC 173-14-020.The final date of publication, blication is the sum of$ 101 . 5 0 posting,or mailing of notice is 02111/99. Written comments must be received by 03113/99. A public hearing will be held on this permit l l th request.Contact this office at(360)427-9670, ind sworn t efore me this day of Extension 296 for date and time of hearing. This proposal is categorically exempt from February 19 99 SEPA under. WAC197-11-800(1)(c)(v),categorical emptions. y4 Notary Publi and for the State of Washington Residing at Shelton,Washington +�9�•��'.e 4 ZO�����/ My commission expires —7 20 QC)�WASN\�I AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING N13TICE DATE: 2-` �� I STATE OF WASHINGTON) :SS COUNTY OF MASON ) I OU4 (2kwmi vkj do hereby certify that I posted copies of the attached in 3 public places as follows: 1 at 1 at 1 at WITNESS my hand and s al this day of 19 i 1 Name Address STATE OF WASHINGTON) :SS COUNTY OF MASON ) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to me this Yj/n— day of Mat, 19 �• i . ` Notary Pub i f r the State TONI MENKINS of Washington residing at i NOTAR PUBLIC STATE OF WASHINGTON � � 0 My Commission Wires Dec.6,2000