HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023/03/14 - Regular PacketBoard of Mason County Commissioners Draft Meeting Agenda Commission Chambers 411 N 5th St, Shelton, WA 98584 March 14, 2023 9:00 a.m. March 14.2 Commission meetings are live streamed at http://www.masonwebtv.com/ Effective May 10, 2022, regular Commission business meetings will be held in -person and via Zoom. Please click the Zoom meeting link posted on the Mason County homepage and use the “raise hand” feature to be recognized by the Chair to provide your comments and testimony. Public comment and testimony can be provided in -person, and you can also e-mail msmith@masoncountywa.gov; mail in to the Commissioners’ Office at 411 N 5th St, Shelton, WA 98584; or call (360) 427-9670 ext. 419. If you need to listen to the Commission meeting via telephone, please provide your telephone number to the Commissioners’ Office no later than 4:00 p.m. the Friday before the meeting. 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call 4. Correspondence and Organizational Business 4.1 Correspondence 4.2 2023 Days of Caring Free Dump Vouchers News Release by Richard Dickinson 4.3 Timberland Regional Library Spring Presentation – Cheryl Heywood 5. Open Forum for Citizen Input Please see above options to provide public comment; 3 minutes per person, 15-minute time limit. 6. Adoption of Agenda Items appearing on the agenda after “Item 10. Public Hearings” may be acted upon before 9:15 a.m. 7. Approval of Minutes – February 27, 2023 Briefing Minutes 8. Approval of Action Agenda Items listed under “Action Agenda” may be enacted by one motion unless a Commissioner or citizen requests an item be removed from the Action Agenda and considered a separate item. 8.1 Approval of Warrants and Treasurer Electronic Remittances Claims Clearing Fund Warrant # 8094208-8094650 $ 2,165,810.27 Direct Deposit Fund Warrant # 94410-94810 $ 938,958.33 Salary Clearing Fund Warrant # 7007205-7007228 $ 640,090.34 Treasurer Electronic Remittance $ 284,431.84 8.2 Approval of the following 2023 Mason County Heritage Grants: Mason General Hospital Foundation’s Arts Commission Chapter for $5,000; McReavy House Museum of Hood Canal for $5,000; North Bay Historical Society for $5,000; Peninsular Railway and Lumbermen’s Museum for $2,000; and Pickering Homemakers Club DBA Pickering Community Club for $5,000; for a total amount of $22,000. 8.3 Approval of the CHOICE Regional Health Network Youth Cannabis and Commercial Tobacco Prevention Program contract in the amount of $52,676.01. 8.4 Approval to authorize the County Engineer to submit the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) grant for safety improvements on Shelton-Matlock Road from milepost 1.76 to milepost 7.67 and approval to authorize the Chair to sign all pertinent documents for the grant. 8.5 Approval to execute the Notification of Final Cost of County Road Construction projects completed in 2022 performed by County forces in the amount of $652,594. 8.6 Approval to authorize the transfer of funds from Beginning Fund Balance in the amount of $220,000; approval of the Resolution for County Road Project No. 2048 to replace the Rock Creek Bridge superstructure; approval for the County Engineer to procure the bridge structure from the apparent low bidder, TrueNorth Steel Bridge; and approval for the County Engineer and Chair to sign all pertinent documents for the project. 8.7 Approval of the Resolution for the sole-source purchase from Correct Equipment of seventy-five (75) grinder pumps and conversion kits for a total of $212,877. 8.8 Approval to sign the letter of support for the Port of Port Angeles’ application for a Foreign-Trade Zone (FTZ) in the proposed service area of Clallam County/North Olympic Peninsula. 8.9 Approval to set a Public Hearing for Tuesday, April 5, 2023 at 9:15 a.m. to consider the rezone of parcels 22129-34-90002, 22129-34-90003, and 22129-34-90004 from Rural Residential 5 (RR5) to Rural Commercial 2 (RC2). 8.10 Approval to appoint the following applicants to the Solid Waste Advisory Committee (SWAC): Thomas Duffield to represent District No. 1; Sharon Trask to represent Local Elected Public Official; Tessa Halloran to represent Special Group – Agriculture; and to reappoint Lynda Links to represent District No. 3; Delroy Cox to represent Business; and Chad White to represent the Solid Waste Industry. 8.11 Approval of the Resolution for County Road Project No. 2046 Bear Creek Dewatto Road milepost 0.43 to milepost 1.02 to realign the roadway to improve the horizontal curves with wider lanes and shoulders paved with hot mix asphalt and approval for the County Engineer and/or Chair to sign all pertinent documents. 8.12 Approval of the Resolution for County Road Project No. 2047 Skokomish Valley Road milepost 3.80 to milepost 4.60 to preserve and improve access to the upper Skokomish River Valley and Olympic National Forest by stabilizing, strengthening, and elevating the roadway and improving drainage and approval for the County Engineer and/or Chair to sign all pertinent documents. 8.13 Approval to issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) for food concessions at Mason County Recreational Area (MCRA) for the spring and summer of 2023. 8.14 Approval of the AFSCME Memorandum of Understanding for 0.25% and closing out the “Me Too” clause of the 2020-2022 Collective Bargaining Agreement. 8.15 Approval for Lead Pay for Tom Gibbons in the Assessor’s Office from March 16, 2023 through December 31, 2023. 8.16 Approval for Lead Pay for Rose Boughton in the Public Defender’s Office from March 16, 2023 through December 31, 2023. 9. Other Business (Department Heads and Elected Officials) 10. 9:15 a.m. Public Hearings and Items Set for a Certain Time Please see above options to provide public testimony. 10.1 Continuation of the Public Hearing on February 28, 2023 to consider amending Mason County Code Title 15 – Development Code to add to the Hearing Examiner’s Authority and Mason County Code Title 17 – Zoning Code to allow higher residential densities within the Shelton Urban Growth Area (UGA) by use of the City of Shelton’s Planned Unit Development standards. Staff: Kell Rowen 11. Board’s Calendar and Reports 12. Adjournment MASON COUNTY TO: Board of Mason County Commissioners Reviewed FROM: Cassidy Perkins Ext. 419 DEPARTMENT: Support Services Action Agenda DATE: March 14, 2023 No. 4.1 ITEM: Correspondence 4.1.1 Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board sent in the following: Notice of Liquor License Application for Taylor Station LLC, and Special Occasion Liquor License Applications for the following: Karen Hilburn Cancer Fund,Hood Canal Salmon Enhancement Group, and the Washington Indian Gaming Association. 4.1.2 Advisory Board Applications received from the following: Tessa Halloran for the Solid Waste Advisory Committee 4.1.3 Notification received from Hood Canal Communications regarding our basic cable TV rate increasing to $119.95 per month effective April 1,2023. 4.1.4 Notification received from the Port of Port Angeles regarding their Foreign-Trade Zone Application. 4.1.5 Notice of Postponed Action Date for an Annexation Request for the City of Shelton to Annex the"Peacock Ridge"Area into Shelton City Limits received from the City of Shelton. 4.1.6 Letter received from North Mason Fire regarding their Partnership with Mason County. 4.1.7 Citizen Letter received from Ken VanBuskirk to Commissioner Trask regarding Roy Boad Apartments. Attachments: Originals on file with the Clerk of the Board. Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board NOTICE OF LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION WASHINGTON STATE LIQUOR AND CANNABIS BOARD License Division - P.O. Box 43098 Olympia,WA 98504-3098 Customer Service: (360) 664-1600 Fax: (360) 753-2710 Website: http://Icb.wa.gov TO:MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RETURN TO: localauthority@sp.lcb.wa.gov RE:ASSUMPTION DATE: 3101/23 From TAYLOR STATION LLC Dba TAYLOR STATION APPLICANTS: STEATHER ENTERPRISES LLC License: 357262 -2N County:23 BRONSON,STEPHANIE ANN UBI: 605-025-355-001-0001 1970-02-03 Tradename:TAYLOR STATION RESTAURANT AND LOUNGE BRONSON JR,BRUCE WAYNE -02 Loc Addr: SE 62 LYNCH RD (Spouse) SHELTON WA 98584 KNIGHT,HEATHER ANN 1973-11-15 Mail Addr: 62 SE LYNCH RD SHELTON WA 98584-6225 RECEIVED i[ Phone No.: 360-480-9032 STEPHANIE BRONSON Privileges Applied For. SPIRITS/BR/WN REST LOUNGE+ Mason County Commissioners As required by RCW 66.24.010(8), the Liquor and Cannabis Board is notifying you that the above has applied for a liquor license. You have 20 days from the date of this notice to give your input on this application. If we do not receive this notice back within 20 days,we will assume you have no abjection to the issuance of the license. If you need additional time to respond,you must submit a written request for an extension of up to 20 days,with the reason(s)you need more time. If you need information on SSN,contact our CHRI desk at(360)664-1724. M NO 1.Do you approve of applicant? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ ❑ 2.Do you approve of location? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ ❑ 3. If you disapprove and the Board contemplates issuing a license,do you wish to request an adjudicative hearing before final action is taken?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ ❑ (See WAC 314-09-010 for information about this process) 4. If you disapprove,per RCW 66.24.010(8)you MUST attach a letter to the Board detailing the reason(s)for the objection and a statement of all facts on which your objection(s)are based. DATE SIGNATURE OF MAYORCITY MANAGERCOUNTY COMMISSIONERS OR DESIGNEE WASHINGTON STATE LIQUOR AND CANNABIS BOARD - LICENSE SERVICES 1025 UNION AVE SE - P 0 Box 43075 Olympia WA 98504-3075 specialoccasions@lab.wa.gov Fax: 360-753-2710 TO: MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MARCH 3, 2023 R E C LI Y E V SPECIAL OCCASION Y: 090366 a.R KAREN HILBURN CANCER FUND 2625 LACROSSE CT SHELTON, WA 98592 Mason County Commissioners DATE: APRIL 23, 2023 TIME: 4 PM - 9 PM PLACE: ALDERBROOK RESORT - 10 E ALDERBROOK DR, UNION CONTACT: KELLE OBLIZALO (DOB: 1.28.1970) 360-490-0902 SPECIAL OCCASION LICENSES * _Licenses to sell beer on a specified date for consumption at a specific place. * License to sell wine on a specific date for consumption at a specific place. * Beer/Wine/Spirits in unopened bottle or package in limited quantity for off premise consumption. * _Spirituous liquor by the individual glass for consumption at a specific place. If return of this notice is not received in this office within 20 days from the above date, we will assume you have no objections to the issuance of the license. If additional time is required please advise. 1. Do you approve of applicant? YES_ NO 2. Do you approve of location? YES NO- 3. If you disapprove and the Board contemplates issuing a license, do you want a hearing before final action is taken? YES NO OPTIONAL CHECK LIST EXPLANATION YES NO LAW ENFORCEMENT YES_ NO HEALTH & SANITATION YES_ No FIRE, BUILDING, ZONING YES_ NO OTHER: YES NO If you have indicated disapproval of the applicant, location or both, please submit a statement of all facts upon which such objections are based. DATE SIGNATURE OF MAYOR, CITY MANAGER, COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OR DESIGNEE WASHINGTON STATE LIQUOR AND CANNABIS BOARD - LICENSE SERVICES 1025 UNION AVE SE - P 0 Box 43075 Olympia WA 98504-3075 specialoccasions@lcb.wa.gov Fax: 360-753-2710 TO: MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MARCH 6, 2023 SPECIAL OCCASION $: 094442 •. 1AR 0 7 r HOOD CANAL SALMON ENHANCEMENT GROUP Mason County I 600 NE ROESSEL ROAD Cnmmissianers BELFAIR, WA 98528 DATE: JUNE 17, 2023 TIME: 11 AM TO 3 PM PLACE: HOODSPORT PARK - INGVALD GRONVILD PARK - ENCLOSED - 21443 N HWY 101, HOODSPORT WA, 98548 CONTACT: JOANNE TEJEDA (DOB: 0/21/1965) 360-275-3575 SPECIAL OCCASION LICENSES » _Licenses to sell beer on a specified date for consumption at a specific place. + _License to sell wine on a specific date for consumption at a specific place. + _Beer/Wine/Spirits in unopened bottle or package in limited quantity for off premise consumption. + _Spirituous liquor by the individual glass for consumption at a specific place. If return of this notice is not received in this office within 20 days from the above date, we will assume you have no objections to the issuance of the license. If additional time is required please advise. 1. Do you approve of applicant? YES_ NO 2. Do you approve of location? YES NO- 3. If you disapprove and the Board contemplates issuing a license, do you want a hearing before final action is taken? YES NO OPTIONAL CHECK LIST EXPLANATION YES_ NO LAW ENFORCEMENT YES_ NO HEALTH & SANITATION YES_ NO FIRE, BUILDING, ZONING YES NO OTHER: YES NO If you have indicated disapproval of the applicant, location or both, please submit a statement of all facts upon which such objections are based. DATE SIGNATURE OF MAYOR, CITY MANAGER, COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OR DESIGNEE WASHINGTON STATE LIQUOR AND CANNABIS HOARD - LICENSE SERVICES 1025 UNION AVE SE - P O Boa 43075 Olympia WA 98504-3075 specialoccasions@lcb.wa.gov Fax: 360-753-2710 RECEIVED TO: MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MARCH 7, 2023 A SPECIAL. OCCASION B: 091604 14AR 08 ? WASHINGTON INDIAN GAMING ASSOCIATION Mason County 525 PEAR ST SE Commissioners OLYMPIA, WA 98501 DATE: JUNE 19, 2023 TIME: 9:00 AM TO 4:30 PM JUNE 20, 2023 PLACE: LITTLE CREEK CASINO RESORT - 91 WA-108, SHELTON CONTACT: REBECCA GEORGE (DOB: 9.26.1976) 360.652.3248 SPECIAL OCCASION LICENSES * Licenses to sell beer on a specified date for consumption at a specific place. * _License to sell wine on a specific date for consumption at a specific place. * _Beer/Wine/Spirits in unopened bottle or package in limited quantity for off premise consumption. * _Spirituous liquor by the individual glass for consumption at a specific place. I£ return of this notice is not received in this office within 20 days from the above date, we will assume you have no objections to the issuance of the license. If additional time is required please advise. 1. Do you approve of applicant? YES_ NO 2. Do you approve of location? YES_ NO- 3. If you disapprove and the Board contemplates issuing a license, do you want a hearing before final action is taken? YES NO OPTIONAL CHECK LIST EXPLANATION YES NO LAW ENFORCEMENT YES NO HEALTH & SANITATION YES NO FIRE, BUILDING, ZONING YES_ No OTHER: YES NO If you have indicated disapproval of the applicant, location or both, please submit a statement of all facts upon which such objections are based. DATE SIGNATURE OF MAYOR, CITY MANAGER, COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OR DESIGNEE RECEIVED MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FEB 2 411 NORTH FIFTH STREET SHELTON WA 98584 Mason County Fax 360-427-6437; Voice 360-427-9670, Ext. 419;275-4467 or482-5269 Commissioners 0--- s I AM SEEKING APPOINTMENT TO Solid Waste Advisory Committee NAME: Tessa Halloran ADDRESS PHONE; (360) CITYOP: VOTING PRECINCT: WORK PHONE: ( ©(OR AREA IN THE COUNTY you LIVE) 6-MAIL -___ ______—_________________ -__ COMMUNITY SERVICE EMPLOYMENT: (IF RETIRED. PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE) (ACTIVITIES OR MEMBERSHIPS) COMPANY: WSU Mason County Ext. January 2023-6 YRS POSMON: Small Farms&Master Gardener Prograra COMPANY: Cowlitz Indian Tribe(2020-2023) YRS POSMON: Cowlitz Garden Education &Outreach CqM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In your words,what do you perceive is the role or purpose of the Board, Committee or Council for which you are applying: I believe the purpose of the Solid Waste Advisory Commifte is to protect Macon County's diverse natural r co Ir es by determining appropriate management strategies and developing program options to improve waste reduction, iacycling, and compasting offaits, ensum appicipilats disposal of I imidous waste items, and to prevent arid addless illegal dumping. What interests, skills do you wish to offer the Board, Committee,or Council? I have extensive experience in smail-sc2le agri-i'lli ire and hortic,ilt,ire, including compristing of yard apri forkil waste I think that composting,waste prevention, and recycling methods are integral to both my Small Farms and Master Uardener programs, and I am looking torward to working with others to develop unique ways to incorporate edi trAfi nni nnnni-I initiPC nn thpgp Cl ihiprtC into(N IP nfferinnq Please list any financial, professional, or voluntary affiliations which may influence or affect your position on this Board: (i.e. create a potential conflict of interest) Your participation is dependent upon attending certain trainings made available by the County during regular business hours (such as Open Public Meetings Act and Public Records).The trainings would be at no cost to you.Would you be able to attend such trainings? Yes Realistically,how much time can you give to this position? Quarterly X MCI" We" Daily Office Use Only Tessa Halloran 2i22/23 Appointment Date_ Signature Da Term Expire Date • • •:� HoodCanal • • COMMUNICATIONS KGeony ou Conrt'u^.4y ClmnectQd 11334 February 21, 2023 RECEIVED ED FEB 23 '-;1i:3 Board of Mason County Commissioners 411 N 511 St Mason County Shelton, WA 98584 Commissioners To Whom It May Concern: We have notified all of Hood Canal Communications cable TV subscribers on their March 1, 2022, billing statements that a rate increase will go into effect on April 1, 2023. The new rate for basic cable TV will be $119.95 a month. If you have any questions regarding this notification or the rate increase itself, please call me at (360) 898-2481. Thank you, Darren Eisele Customer Experience and Marketing Director Hood Canal Communications 360.898,2481 phone PO Box 249 2218 Olympic Hwy N www.hcc.net 360.898.2244 fax Union. WA 98592 Shelton, WA 98592 Broadband • Video • Voice P.O.Box 1350 Board of Commissioners [ PORT 338 West First Street Connie Beauvais,President '� Port Angeles WA 98362 Colleen McAleer,Vice President 360.457.8527 Steven Burke,Secretary W of Port Angeles PortofPA.com Executive Director Geoff James February 22,2023 FEB 2 .S Mason County VIA CERTIFIED MAIL AND EMAIL Mason County Attn:Board of County Commissioners Mason County 411 N.Sth Street Shelton,WA 98584 randyN@masoncountywa.Rov;kshutty@masoncountywa.aov;strask(cDmasoncountvwa.gov RE: Foreign-Trade Zone(FTZ)application by Port of Port Angeles This letter is intended to provide information to you pertaining to the Port of Port Angeles'application to the U.S. Foreign-Trade Zones(FTZ)Board for authority to use a new procedure(the"Alternative Site Framework")to provide quick and simple access to FTZ service for companies in our region. Our organization is the grantee of FTZ Clallam County/North Olympic Peninsula and currently sponsors a limited number of FTZ sites in our region. The authority we are requesting from the FTZ Board would enable us to quickly bring FTZ designation to any company within our proposed "service area." Our proposed service area includes Mason County as well as Clallam County,Jefferson County,Grays Harbor County,Island County,Kitsap County,San Juan County,Skagit County,and Snohomish County. FTZ designation can provide companies with customs duty savings and logistical benefits that can help encourage them to establish or maintain operations in the U.S. As such, access to FTZ benefits can be an important tool in economic development efforts. If the FTZ Board approves our application,Port of Port Angeles will be able to bring FTZ designation to companies anywhere in the proposed service area based on those companies' trade-related needs. We also note that FTZ access will be made available on a uniform basis to companies across the service area, in a manner consistent with the legal requirement that each FTZ be operated as a public utility. Regarding any local taxes for which collections may be affected by FTZ designation of sites, FTZ Clallam County/North Olympic Peninsula application to establish its "service area" under the Alternative Site Framework does not propose any specific new FTZ sites(and therefore can have no impact on tax collections). At the time that any specific new site is proposed for FTZ designation in the future,we will contact parties potentially affected by the site's proposed designation(such as the county government)so that they can indicate their views on the impact on tax collections related to the proposed designation. If you have questions about the Port of Port Angeles'application to the FTZ Board, please contact Caleb McMahon at Port of Port Angeles at calebM@portofpa.com. If you have comments you would like the FTZ Board to consider regarding the proposed inclusion of Mason County in the proposed service area of FTZ Clallam County/North Olympic Peninsula,please provide your comments to the staff of the FTZ Board by March 20,2023. The FTZ Board staff also welcomes any questions you may have—the staff can be reached at 202-482-2862 or ftz@trade.aov The Port would appreciate your support of this FTZ in our region. We have included a support letter example. If you could please send a support letter to my email by March 1,2023,we would appreciate it. Sincerely, Caleb McMahon,Director of Economic Development Port Of Port Angeles P.O. Box 1350,Port Angeles,WA 98362 360-417-3366 desk Calebm@oortofoa.com i [Use letterhead appropriate for the county official signing the letter] Date I Grantee Official Name Grantee Organization Address Dear, [The following paragraph is standard for all Service Area letters:] The purpose of this letter is to document the support of this county for inclusion within the Service Area of Foreign-Trade Zone(FTZ) [insert FTZ number]. We understand that this means that the grantee, [insert name of grantee organization], will be able to apply to the Foreign-Trade Zones Board for authority to serve sites located within this county based on businesses' trade-related needs. We also note that the zone will be made available on a uniform basis to companies within this county,in a manner consistent with the legal requirement that each FTZ be operated as a public utility. [The following paragraph must be included if the zone is in a state where FTZ designation of specific sites may have an impact on state/local tax collections (for example, ad valorem property taxes in Texas or real property taxes in Arizona):] I Regarding state or local taxes for which collections may be affected by FTZ designation of sites, this letter is not intended to provide a,position on state or local tax issues for any site within this jurisdiction. At the time that any specific site is proposed for FTZ designation,parties potentially affected by the site's proposed designation(such as a local school board)will need to provide their own correspondence indicating their views on the impact on tax collections related to the proposed designation. [Signature of county official] [Title of county official] i oE SHEZ RECEIVED Mason County Commissioners 9sN t N G,�O NOTICE OF POSTPONED ACTION DATE FOR AN ANNEXATION REQUEST FOR THE CITY OF SHELTON TO ANNEX THE "PEACOCK RIDGE" AREA INTO SHELTON CITY LIMITS TO: Property owners within 300 feet of the"PEACOCK RIDGE"Annexation Area (See Attached Vicinity Map, Existing/Future Land Use Map, and Common Questions Sheet). FROM: Jason Dose, City Planner DATE: February 23, 2023 SUBJECT: Notice of Postponed Action for the City of Shelton City Council to consider the annexation of approximately 370 acres of Neighborhood Residential Zoned Land into Shelton City Limits. NOTICE OF POSTPONED ACTION: On January 20, 2023 and pursuant to Shelton Municipal Code Chapter 17.06.070, the City of Shelton mailed a notice of public hearing notifying property owners within 300 feet of the subject property that the City of Shelton City Council received a petition to annex approximately 370 acres of Neighborhood Residentially Zoned, vacant, land into Shelton City limits. A public hearing to consider the request was held during the City Council's regularly scheduled meeting on February 7, 2023 at the Shelton Civic Center located at 525 West Cota Street in Shelton, WA. Public testimony was received at the hearing and the item was placed on the Council's February 2151 meeting for final action. Prior to the meeting on the 2151 staff was notified that approximately 12 property owners within the notification radius were not on the mailing list in error. Staff recommended that the Council postpone a decision on the matter until appropriate notice could be provided. This notice is intended to rectify the situation and notify all property owners as required of the postponed action date . NOTICE OF REVISED/POSTPONED REQUESTED ACTION DATE: The Shelton City Council will reconsider the annexation request at their regular meeting on March 7, 2023. See meeting location and time details on the next page. PROPONENT: Mitchell Development LLC PROJECT LOCATION: Approximately 370 Acres of vacant land roughly located to the east of the Manke Alpine View Subdivision, to the east of the Terrace Heights Subdivision, to the east of Olympic College, to the south of the Hiawatha Park Subdivision, to the west of Capital Prairie Road, and to the north of the"Capital Hill"area of Shelton. (see attached vicinity map and preliminary plat map) PROJECT DESCIPTION: The proponent has applied on behalf of four separate property owners (Green Diamond, JPS Properties, Alpine Evergreen, and Bence)to have approximately 370 acres of vacant land annexed into Shelton City limits. The property is currently located within the City of Shelton's Urban Growth Area, is vacant, and has a future land use designation/zoning of Neighborhood Residential as identified in the City of Shelton Comprehensive Plan. No development of the parcels is proposed at this time. Please see attached vicinity map, City of Shelton Future Land Use Map with the subject parcels delineated, and Common Questions sheet. QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS If you have any questions or comments relative to this proposal that you would like presented to the Council, please send them to Jason Dose, Planner, City of Shelton, 525 W. Cola Street, 98584. Alternatively, you may E-mail Jason at: Jason.Dose(a)SheltonWA.-go or Phone: (360) 432-5102. You are also encouraged to attend the meeting to provide comment directly to the Shelton City Council. Public Meeting Details When: Tuesday March 7, 2023 Where: The City of Shelton Civic Center 525 West Cota Street Shelton, WA 88584 Time: 6:00 P.M. Questions? Jason Dose, Senior Planner 360-432-5102 Jason.Dose(aD_SheltonWA.gov sf ' . �BeITce f • 41, ' vy a h�IP ,�. • ��°i I . � Hiawatha Park' 1 1.4 f y M I. `h•; := Manke's Alpine 0Alpine —. View Evergreen 9- } Parcels, 50 Acres �!ptne JPS Properties LLC Parcel ~ r 39.09 Acres Green Diamond Parcels, 240,_ Acres r- qlwplw 1 � Terrace Heights Olympic College Noah R f 1 Urban Growth Area, Figure t Dashed Line Future Land Use Map Comprehensive Plan Update 201 i Ot :� City of Shaken WA Shelton City Limits, �� 1! Black Line Ws 6'rod •_ I pmem p [ace, / J ■u.�mm��mwmn spa . Proposed Annexation Area, 1 Blue Line "EElea M E m, _ ■P..an .� Map aeaed of Mason Cnunry GIs Degmmml aL M M Lan Uaend MepFie MCFq_1Furoe nonalm Mep Oab.tSovct Mason) Dole Dste;'.Mason Cwmy GIS. Wagon, Stela pen.1eniof I ResoodWon.SGS NUbn Depehmenl al NeWrelRwourcea USCS NLGD ae N _ a 1,250 2s0D 5o00 O Feel Net COMMON QUESTIONS REGARDING THE PEACOCK RIDGE ANNEATION REQUEST 1) When will we know what development is proposed at Peacock Ridge? No development plans—even draft plans—have been submitted to the City yet. The annexing properties are owned separately by multiple parties who are under no obligation to develop as a result of the annexation; the City could receive an application shortly after annexation or ten years from now or never. The important thing to know is that you will be informed of future applications and hearings through a number of methods: on-site signs, newspaper ads,the City's website and social media,direct mailings, and other media. 2) If no development is proposed,then, why is are the property owners petitioning to be incorporated into City limits? The Peacock Ridge Annexation area is located within the City's Urban Growth Area (UGA). Property owners within the UGA have the option of developing their property through Mason County, but they often require the provision of City utilities and services to do so,which requires annexation. Projects that occur within Shelton's UGA directly impact other City services(whether they are connected to City utilities) including parks, roadways(traffic), police service, fire service, schools, etc. Having future development in this area reviewed exclusively by City staff better ensures project related direct impacts on City services and facilities are more fully considered and addressed. 3) City representatives mentioned that the Peacock Ridge Annexation Area is located outside City Limits but within its Urban Growth Area (UGA). What is an Urban Growth Area and how does it get established? Urban Growth Areas area required for all Cities and Counties under the provisions of Washington State's Growth Management Act (GMA)as codified in Chapter 36.70A RCW(Link here). The City's 1995 Comprehensive Plan developed under the GMA was adopted in 1995 and designated the area located within the "Peacock Ridge Annexation Area" as Neighborhood Residential for land use and zoning purposes. Prior to the Growth Management Act, however, the City of Shelton Adopted Comprehensive Plans that designated the same area as being within the City's planning area and targeted it for residential land uses as early as 1970 and 1981. 4) The Peacock Ridge Annexation Area is designated "Neighborhood Residential". What kind of development density can be allowed in the Neighborhood Residential Zone? Shelton Municipal Code Chapter 20.08 codifies the development standards for all new development within the Neighborhood Residential Zone. The zoning allows for a minimum residential density of 3 units per acre and a maximum density of 9 units per acre unless modified through the Planned Unit Development process as codified in Shelton Municipal Code Chapter 20.32. 5) There are wetlands and,at least,one waterway(Canyon Creek) located on the site. Does the City require preservation of these natural resources? Yes. Shelton Municipal Code Chapter 21.64 codifies the requirements for all defined "Critical Areas" (Wetlands, Fish and Wildlife Habitat Areas,and Steep Slopes). Further,the City of Shelton has adopted the 2019 Washington State Department of Ecology Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington which requires very in-depth consideration of storm water concerns related to new development. 6) The Peacock Ridge Annexation Area could require a large number of roads and utilities to be provided. Will existing residents have to pay for the installation of those facilities? No. As part of the development review process for new subdivisions, City.standards require the developer to provide roads(including pedestrian facilities/sidewalks),water, sewer,stormwater systems,streetlights, parkland throughout the developed area. 7) There are few roads accessing the Peacock Ridge Annexation Area. How can development be considered on the property without overloading existing roadways? At the time of future development proposals,the City will be required by the State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA) in WAC 197-11 to evaluate the proposed development for impacts to traffic, infrastructure,schools,the environment,and other factors. Until an actual proposal for development is submitted, the City can't require any mitigation because we don't know what the specific impacts will be. City staff has identified the need for a minimum of two or three access points for any large development in the area, and the potential for up to five different points, depending on what eventually gets built.The City can not mandate access across adjacent private drives or roads without public access easements. 8) Will the development be accessed through my street? We don't know yet. Access can be determined through any public road or right-of-way as part of the subdivision application process. While Alpine Way is the most likely primary access point, there are a number of other roads or streets that may provide primary,secondary, or even emergency-only access—these include Terrace Blvd., Capital Hill Rd., and even Tobin and Fogerty Aves. 9) How will impacts on local schools be addressed? City staff have been in contact with local school districts(Shelton School District and Southside School District) in recent months discussing the need for each respective district to update their facilities plans in order to establish sufficient developer-paid mitigation fees. The impacts of specific development proposals will be considered as part of application reviews and the SEPA Environmental Impact Statement process. Nth Mas�rz March 23m,2023 RECEIVE Board of County Commissioners RECEIVED fG 411 N.So Street Z't Shelton,WA Mason County Mason County Board of Commissioners, Commissioners The North Mason Regional Fire Authority Board of Commissioners would like to take the opportunity to thank Mason County for its continued partnership with us on the North Mason Emergency Management Campus in Belfair.-The collaboration of services between Mason County and the Fire Authority will prove to be of significant benefit for public safety and our citizens. As we progress forward on our collaborative partnership,we would like to formally inquire about Mason County's intentions and timelines for moving into the old Fire Station. We are approaching a year since we have vacated the building. The number one question that we are asked by members of the North Mason community is what's happening with the old Fire Station.-We strongly sense the eagerness among a good portion of the public in North Mason to see Mason County move into the Fire Station and unite all elements of the North Mason Emergency Management Campus. We are routinely asked about the timeline for the County's move into the Fire Station, but we find ourselves at a disadvantage to answer with the limited information available. We would also like to relay our concern about the prolonged dormancy of the Fire Authority's old headquarters Fire Station.The station's continued lack of daily use is assisting mother nature's processes for reclaiming the building:The building is still in good condition,but the signs of stress from lack of use are becoming apparent.-We are aware that the County is researching how best to utilize the Fire Station's space, but we hope that Mason County can expedite the timeline for occupying the building.- This will significantly assist in preserving the building's condition and extending its useful life. Lastly, we are under the assertion that the County will prepare a lease agreement for the use of the Fire Station, which the Fire Authority can review:We stand ready to review any agreement proposed by the County. We ask that an agreement be executed in the next 90 days so that we can expedite the public benefits derived from the North Mason Emergency Management Campus: If there is anything that we can do to assist the County towards occupying the building, please don't hesitate to let us know. We look forward to hearing back from Mason County.To assist with future planning,we hope that we can have a reply by Friday, March 17. Sincerely and respectfully, Page 1 of 2 4� Fire Commissioner Paul Severson Fire Commissioner Bob Miller Fire Commissioner Kelley McIntosh Fire Commissioner John Inch Fire Commissioner Dan Kewish Page 2 of 2 M Y Am she An ti/�. Mason ,R�, Cda��r4�>Se�ners ' Ar Qom .f — P ZOZ2 Do�S� d ire141 /r,?- QS 1paeli Or, Ye c-&-W a4741 .berme a��fu b rs r� by � � Ctye Z ir�i°r.�-►,7te ffi*ri�cs ����//> �''� dya✓�mkt/-.� e�arT'aoa r,�r�..�`.�i� . if pae-7' r , :.. c r i w�Kr i�te i t �y d/p E!S EFFERSON 1M KITSAP MASON PIERCE f _ I \ z F 2 Z I O O 1 U V —� z 'a N � ' I � 1 I 1 I ?s�Pump Water ! r Station W1 I i I Reclamation t I Facility '-+♦ Treafotl Water r Storage Pand LocatiLynch on Cow Pump r Station 172 Ip vSlatlon p3 � ' 1 � rr rig anon 0QP I I • mE U i i .s J I Source'.Data fmm Mason County(200'1)anE WSDDT arrin.Aerial,Wt from WSDOT(2008)artl WADNR(2W5). ^` Proposed Force Main I. _, Service Area Proposed Gravity Sewer [" Belfair UGA Boundary Proposed Low Pressure Sewer l.__' County Boundary F Proposed Pump Station ——— Proposed Access Road Stream t LFAlu Figure 1-1 I r r—r, Project Location o 015 Mile and Vicinity ASUMIPROJ"A oNCOUNrniS385M[SAAPoocuMENTSV"OMPS%AMM 30,12M CHI2MHILL Wetland Classification Estuarine Aquatic Bed(EAB) F Estuarine Emergent(EEM) Paiustrine Emergent(PEM) j Palustrine Forested(PFO) Palustrine Scrub-shrub(PSS) z Palustrine Open Water(POW) Pow. PBS P39 - JPOW t NE MCKMGHT RD POW,1 1 —1 3 JOSS\ 1 1' ' r I PSS , z = 0 p t 5a! r �� p O r i .�. \Jess, rr fZ IL O a 1— ,`� 1 X Pump 1 Station#1 1 water f Reclamation , t E19111 j" 1 Facility Treated EEM Water Storage / -- - Pond 1 Location PEM 1 i PWllp b /r stnd ! PS 1 i� Pump — v' Station 2 t pQlyl 1 u 1 t , t -A, ¢Fe Nrle,CmeA a" .- I � �.- — ——— — ----- Pro 1I 3 / r I Source:Dale lien Meson County(mm)and Puget Smn,J Lida Cwsvurn�(20021. ^V Proposed Force Main 1__, Service Area ^r>f Proposed Gravity Sewer L] Belfair UGA Boundary *0V Proposed Low Pressure Sewer C-1 County Boundary 0 Proposed Pump Station ——— Proposed Access Road Stream eLr.:r: Figure 3-2 National Wetlands r�-1 Inventory Map 0 025 Age Wetlands tslMen tHGWEPA_EAtWETtAPO%WlI_WEnANDSMIm DMOMN1 ynaoos CH2MM: coU��� NEWS RELEASE March 14, 2023 - - MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE 1854 ` 411 N 5TH ST, BLDG 1, SHELTON,WA 98584 TO: KMAS, KRXY, SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL, THE OLYMPIAN, SHELTON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE,NORTH MASON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, CITY OF SHELTON, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL, THE SUN RE: 2023 Days of Caring—Free Dump Vouchers In partnership with Mason County Public Works and Republic Services, United Way of Mason County and Youth Connections of Belfair will be handing out vouchers for the 2023 Days of Caring. Starting March 15, 2023, vouchers will be available at the following locations on a first come first serve basis: United Way of Mason County's office is available Monday — Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at 536 W Railroad Avenue, Shelton, WA 98584 (300 vouchers available). Youth Connection of Belfair's office is available Monday—Friday from 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at 23299 NE Highway 3, Belfair, WA 98528 (150 vouchers available for Belfair and North Mason residents). To receive a voucher,you must fill out the required paperwork,have a valid ID, and proof of Mason County address. Vouchers will only cover 1,000 pounds of household garbage; redeemable at the Mason County Landfill located at 501 E Eells Hill Road, Shelton, WA 98584. Vouchers must be used by June 30, 2023. For any questions, please contact United Way of Mason County at (360) 426-4999 or Youth Connection of Belfair at (360) 277-5017. More information regarding the voucher process and items covered and not covered by voucher is available on the Mason County Utilities and Waste Management/Solid Waste webpage. BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Sharon Trask, Randy Neatherlin, Kevin Shutty, Chair Vice-Chair Commissioner ti _ 1 I t y %M d� J — .r► 1 :4 1 _ - Timberland Regional LIBRARY Timberland Regional Library's 255 staff and 29 public libraries provides services to the residents # of five counties in Southwest Washington State:aid , . Grays Harbor, Lewis, Mason, Pacific, and Thurstonf r Counties; and is an Intercounty Rural Library District, funded b property taxes and revenue # • ' � >{u. Y p p Y �. . from timber sales of nearly $25.9 million.Ana I , GRAYS lr r. ► HARBOR 4 Aberdeen,Amanda Park,Elrna, t Hoquia Fri.P:1CCleary,Montesano, Oakvillc,Westport MASON Amanda Park �� Hoodspoit,North Mason,Shelton IjPF i � r THURSTON F 4 l yy 4� r HciwksPrsairic,Lacep,4lyinpiii,Tcnino. Jsa!e? 8xk':' McCleary* cey Turra itcr.Ut+est Olympia,Yclm t a Hoc uiara ' Bonk Rcturn;Rainier,Lire❑istict 3,West 01ympia s _ f * • Elnia +* i Aberdeen Montesano i Westport• � -- — Oakville e Tenino ow Ihoa W 11, Centralia RackNood Chehalis '7. a 444 CAR1(YJM1�LiGsry Ocean mountacnView Winlock * ' Park Ji Ilwaca h PACIFIC LEWIS IlwaCo.NaseIle,Occan Park, Centralia,Chehalis,hlountiiin Vicw. i Rayiriond,South Bcnd.Shoa Ewa ter Say Packwood,SaIkuin,VOinlock Kiosk:Toledo.Morton TimberlandCONTACT FOLLOW Regional LIBRARY Timberland Regional Library(TRL)recognizes that we operate within the traditional territories of the Coast Salish people and 415 _ Boulevard Chinook people who have been the stewards of these lands since time immemorial. TRL provides library services to Indian tribes, extending beyond the geographic limits of Lewis, Mason, Thurston, Pacific, and Grays Harbor Counties. This acknowledgment = • reminds us to strive for respectful partnerships with all people, as we search for collective healing and learn how to be better 360.943.5001 stewards of the indigenous lands we inhabit. wo 2020-2024 STRATEGIC DIRECTION The Timberland Regional Library Strategic Direction for 2020-2024 was developed through community and staff participation with our Board of Trustees strategic planning committee. We appreciate the time and effort that was given to understand the needs within the community, identify areas of focus that we assist with, and then align our resources to create positive change in those areas. v MISSION _ Welcoming everyone to a vibrant world of possibilities. ►* �' Connecting people, places, and ideas. Evolving to meet the needs of our communities. LOCAL COMMUNITIES 000 VISION • Sharing local culture. Libraries connecting to our communities. • Increasing our presence in under-served communities. • Creating opportunities for inter-generational connection. WE VALUE Access for all. Working together. Diverse communities '0 EQUITY, DIVERSITY, AND INCLUSION and ideas. • Reaching those with disabilities and other access barriers. Responsible use of public resources. • Reflecting under-represented groups in our collections, staff, and services. • Partnering with local agencies and organizations to support diverse communities. ® CHILDREN FROM BIRTH TO FIVE • Providing appealing spaces and engaging experiences. BORROW PARTICIPATE DISCOVER CONNECT • Clarifying what they need and how to provide for those needs. Assistive cesmesorms • Empowering them to build relationships with the library & within their communities. eBooks and Books Book Groups Auto Repair Printing Movies Arts & Crafts Homework - • Computers Audiobooks Meeting Space History & Genealogy Job Search In August of 1 • year • • patron and author named Abigail had recently finished her own book titled,"A Tale of Tails", a book that combined her love of "th dogs andscience.WhenAbigailPhysical Checkouts 2,631,222 suggestedthe library,she OverDrive Total.......................1,398,045 67.4% Salaries& Benefits $16,582,420 Meghan Hall,"Maybe you could have my book at the library o other kidscould enjoy . thus the idea OverDrive Magazines...................44,807 Tota 1 16.3% Books& Materials $4,017,708 for - Books for Kids by Kids collectionwas born! Kanopy.........................................75,205 Expenditures • 8.7% Other $2,133,667 low R _ j Total Circulation .............. 422842294 $24,6081630 • 4.8% Professional Services $1,184,773 *OverDrive Magazine total included in the • 1.89% Supplies $464,351 lift OverDrive Total R • .9% Capital Expenditures $225,711 Physical Collection Total...........761,927 New items/Orders .....................109,397 Processed Items .......................112,845 PC Print Jobs............................ 490,962 $23,470,510 Property Taxes ........90.5% • Total Revenues MIA _ Sheets of Paper Used .............1,900,479 $1,996,180 Timber ........................7.7% • $ 25,931,476 New Patrons 53,408 $464,786 Other.......................... 1.8% • New OverDrive Patrons...............12,001 Active Patrons ...........................134,065 Total Patrons .............................331,099 14� el of AskLib Turnaround Time for New Collection Items ese a low o kd id wha cs 3,443 email s MAN e w ui l ore ea IILr�ryl PfeA � __ p ` ® . .. Live Chat { _ 71042 Chats 27,095 1092397 3,381 1042338 112,845 3 Days Total Total Items Total Boxes Total Items Total Items Average Items Requested Ordered Received Received Cataloged Out to Branches via Interlibrary Time* Grab Bags Loan 0 day ave •. 239 Bags Q turnaround time since April 2022 y� . "- 5 NEW OPEN HOURS f i Kids Music t • No • � -� •- .ii��i r � Kids Music We are FEARE ,n� e11111 - -- - •' _ r v�.-k�' . � ti, rN:i -�'^1a.S� >b'iPY,ti•ir .��.w::r --' .� �. } _ _ � La ''• � n. 'yj'1 rw ell,{. � ,L: West Olympia Timberland Library r ON MAY1, in Capital Mall µ��•��• - , � - Sunday 10 am - 5 pm WEST OLYMPIA LIBRARY OPENED _ ON SUNDAYS! d1�►jttr r`. ""•�yT-,n► l•f.,:+!,.f, ,•-".-!}K y � tti.r.w ��y��r�3'r��•;."il9 ara l�� • -:ii f'� `.. •�.�. •. YN A +r�,fRl �1��V��^r[i' ✓�-71rw. • _��`�1'. - ��.�e���^�•`�y�.i wF - y��•���yel���rt.►t.r r�4��A!cF�1'��' .��= • �.'.ir- - - �_-'+axe � -r.�-'�',i'.it� � � •- .-�.'�'�ai.. ..,R�i �..4, e •�1� r EXPANDED ACCESS HOURS PACKWOOD [1:31 Library - - Schedule • Daily am until i library opens and after i library closes r pm 'I s Available at selectlocations ccessExPANDED Earl 4 Cleo rorlo 4 � 4 op 10, , e Cvpi�r DA y -- PATRONS WITH OTHER482 EAH CARD HOLDERS HOME LIBRARIES 5 LOCATIONS E, NEW LOCATIONOPENS: HPRAIRIE GRAND OPENING: FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2022 The Hawks Prairie Lucky Day Library,the second of its kind for Timberland } � TIMBERLAND LIBRARY Regional Library, offers the • Newest and most in-demand books and movies f • Modern layout • 3-year pilot project • Wlfl • Computers • Printing/Scanning/Faxing Services NA- LUEELIE 11 w7 0 9717 IMP i 10 10. t, k _ :� SHELTON GRAND OPENING SHELTON'S GRAND OPENING JUNE 10 Li z 4. About 25 people, including Mayor Onisko, members of Shelton's City Council, members of Shelton's Chamber of Commerce,Shelton City staff and Shelton library staff I attended Shelton's Grand Opening,with a ribbon-cutting I w M ceremony hosted by the Chamber of Commerce.TRL President Oliver and Trustee Sebby shared comments, DOWNSTAIRS and Trustee Harrington attended as well. rI2 r'. r .r ' r Fin i ry P x• - . e- ,. NOLA P' � , �_� .. - .. .AVDONSTAIRS 1 — krk UPSTAIRS _- - I ' AREA moor 1� .: 13 mr NEW ESS LIBRARY PROGR IlkMCCLEARY k• NEW MOUNTAIN VIEW LOCATION ��' r ' �� - - t - MCCLEARY REFRESH McCleary closed at the end of October, and will reopen early y tr February 2023 with NEW: w ,. _ ine y�t Lighting and Cab• tr �, Paint and Flooring ?. _ '�x'«f=. :. •. - Library Manager Office ` Furniture and Shelving BEFOREI ' I RP :;�. �i-. @" x.. �— �` a ,� ► •fix`' '�*V ,S- . X` _ ...y { — — F it ,:-:s. JAi 777 x BEFORE 14 15 NEW LIBRARY CARDS SEPTEMBER IS LIBRARY CARD SIGN UP MONTH if �,¢• r. ., yf ,�.;,,y; y NEW CARDS ISSUED Timberland Regional LIBRARY 51423IN SEPTEMBER Timberland Regional EKganging I"�V •a • .. . • B D Q K „� oreams � �.�� �" with words G - k YY •{— Y T-be,f-d Reg one] CROW A READER (RICE ON LECTOR LIBRARY Nikki McClure, a local artist and children's book author,teamed up to create an early learning ■ r g = reading engagement activity, Grow a Reader, with a matching library card; and a beautiful keepsake ""- piece containing Nikki's artwork. r, x 5 Eji- • r• R i a ;, We are • • r , honored • present Heritage Month Timberland Regional Library card! I am Coast Salish (Sto:lo and Nlaka'pamux Nations)graphic artist and designer originally from .• • Island '- British Columbia. ■ _ -MOM Ovilla Maillhot r ei17 I i FAN ..,. ,: TRL SUMMER LIBRARY PROGRAM cttiritaTri .` BIZ. L 6� �• {7.'�� V 1 ��-: i■ � � i�}F.J . �' .'�-: t y4.J �*�AF�� j15�h� - � _ '.t Y'r" �'P' �'„! ii � �• Y •019 1• Ar.,. , • w�' * s , I TRLAIMMER + J 46� two MM�R �, U -. #TRLS -- :. Y _ .•'y,�- ''fig -� � � •��� �'[� >R5 1-' �1 { t: - j,, • ` 14 ' 'I +��,' '!R� I � in a ,5 s ' "!kz ,r3 •11 r✓` ,,x.Y.. � �. s�`V7' a ' ®E V IF �MI'C■ .. ����•T. "F - ..!• �"[N i ��� ti� '���.�. .,,ref:aaA�'• �' .Zi1 hh��^e. � �+•1 `I t] t S _h , 'I �•�T l'j -�1 � f S -� • `1 � i•iT�I[_ 1' -.j �L Sys• � •� � / i S }}���� ti �d'�•5 mil. ,I•r�. }g' �r �4 `�"��`,}� :� •r�j - � � _ � 4 4. }''� in I 1 �4 J`�r 1��J�� n't1r ^�"!. �,��+ __ - yy F _•• � I 'Y. 1. �,t � ¢ ` f{�T�yy � � f: �.2:'M:7 M.'.•':"', M1':�".1 .7. r� M' il :.4' \ n . ? jA•'+��) 3 iti .'2 i1�•rf_ .. .bi'4!J•' � y ATTENDED BOOKS 9 v PROGRAMS652PROGRAMS9 11 910 9 DISTRIBUTED 15STORYTRAILS .. �`� I 'Z�K';!.',. �4. ;>u' a+.9_Cs +:i �`;��L �;�1e'`' �; � � 1.�'•,r' �':d - W� � r MATH BACKPACKS LIBRARY OF THINGS TRL developed STEM Backpacks from a $7,500 grant awarded by Capital STEM Alliance.The goal is to provide caregivers in rural and under-served communities the resources to support their children's(ages 3-6)early math development. Backpacks are designed based on six early learning math themes: Patterns, Measurement, Counting,Addition &Subtraction, and Shapes. Picture books and activity sheets will be included. I ' l ,•,W Timberland RegionalLIBRARy - ` • T ` � • , • - 4W FARAIM • - w , -. C A N q 1 ROO 10007 1� ' LIMENTANI 00k ' 400 — I ;�l f „N� `1 LIBRARY POLKAOut - WSECU :; roP —SNINCTON STATE � - __ __ r.-�• N TREES d WILDFLOWERS • �H1N��,�FE • �`•p �- F '�A� '-.!.1I4���' NGTON STATE W• a... SF� � 1 BIRDS . � r fX 20 FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY LIBRARY GIVING DAY S5,133 NATIONAL FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY WEEK, OCTOBER 16-22 DONATED APRIL 6 ONE DAY ANNUAL EVENT Librar'►� f � L)v yOne-day online fundraising event will aceur on April 6 and will helpus strengthen our @, eom1 V#, i munit and transform lies eve day. r1 Qa 9 Y every Y fb all, M YJ 1D MOM T. A r - - r Cfildre Area iltlF-,S �R1Fe,,,S — _ . �• a "� 3 ,;+il: h 4 � � _ � �.• 1 OA You Otter be 22 23 z� CELEBRATIONS -04 1 I THURSTON COUNTY L_ •I, COUNCIL ON RACIAL EQUITY AND INCLUSION 14. 4 Thank you, Commissioners, for appointing Juliet Lawson Hall,TRL's District Manager for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion to serve on the first ever Thurston County Council on r .' s - uN AAfERJCAH - v Racial Equity and Inclusion. Juliet holds one of the 7 spots on the Council.The Council will expand to 15 members qua = �,04 Isar SUMMER yt n over the next three years.The purpose of the Council is to �. ;�w,� ll - �� 7 ir= advise and engage the Board _• 'i ;' „� F !$ N of County Commissioners,the - ARLIL Board of Health, and elected and appointed officials, on matters .. 1 of racial equity and inclusion ;; r within all county services and the 7`y clx➢. l '� ,;,,• policies, processes, and practices "� ,R ,'; Affl NMI "r: ; used to accomplish the mission of Thurston County government. Juliet was selected by her peers Ilk I to lead this Council. a ; 24 S s 7 � ETERAIVs C � H C T14N ` *-4 Bilingual Time:One Little Red Fish =" Read,Sing Write,Play...EIevl 6Q•- a 1 20t� . Early Learning Youth Summit"2022 * ■ X*1 TZiesday W,7 November2$2022 7:00 a.m.—3 p.m. Watch on oYDuTuhe The Evergreen Slate College,Olympia � �"'� ' 7 This college and career event is open C � \r%// to high school studentsto , and their educators in Thurston,Lewis,Mason, ie Grays harbor,and Pacific counties. 7iU�V Lu�. Register Early Registration is FREE,but space is limited. Veterans Connection Cafe Refreshed Earl Learning Website -. TRL partnered with WestCare Foundation,the y g LA 14 O R A B I L I N G U E Affirming Latinidad&Community Aberdeen and Lacey American Legions, Lacey TRL recently redesigned our e into aa web Learning pg Veterans Service Center, and VA American Lake Early So " Se[vYlaslWe a>ze Seeds: to offer this innovative community ro comprehensive library resource center BILINGUAL T IMI E "Quisiem enterrarnos,pero se les olvid6 que somas semillas." Y program.ram. for caregivers and early childhood "They wanted to bury us,but they forgot that we are seeds." Connection Sites: educators. The goal was to create one Westport NEW location for all of TRL's resources to support early childhood development join our expert StoryTime providers, Mountain View and learning. and other families live on Zoom for During the Latinx Youth Summit(LYS), songs, music, movement, books, Latinx high school students from Veterans,their spouses, and family members g can set up appointments to receive and activities for the whole family in Thurston, Mason, Lewis, Pacific and Grays professional assistance with healthcare, TRURG/EARLY-LEARNING Spanish and English. Harbor counties have an opportunity to pensions, lawyers, and other Veterans' benefits. learn about post-secondary education Acompananos en vivo por Zoom pathways, celebrate their multi-cultural para canciones, rimas y movimientos heritage and focus on their future, said en ingles y espahol para las edades Betsy Storey, public services specialist at de 0-5. Olympia Timberland Library. "This vital and unique community event r i I i 1 ► �J join us live on Zoom for songs, affords students in TRL's five-county 1 � rhymes, and movement in Spanish district access to the tools they need Is and English for ages 0 - 5. to build the bridge from high school to '4;.�;, college and beyond,"Storey said. The event is rich with knowledge and inspiration for students. ' This is the 20th year for the Latinx Youth t � Launch Grow A Reader Keepsake Summit(LYS), and Timberland Regional Library(TRL) has supported the event for l. - E� f Keep track of the reading journey you and 19 years. ' y your child embark on with Grow A Reader. Copies available in English and Spanish at A —r all locations. AM . ��Y1 O � 6 O (�►1 � r � '' \ +` erkand Regional LIBRp' Yimh - -- _ rf• �� i .� - 1 � y 40 pRpGRAM i •_ LIBRARY _ =u '?y _ •ii I Or fee Ack f commune members _- across 7,0 0 0 . mi es .,, We love living here. We are '" 4• raising our children here, and _ - - we want them to stay here when Timbefland RVonal LIBRARY -^ they grow up and we want them L 1 8 R A R y PR to have family wage jobs." . ,. ..- \ MESSAGE FROM DIRECTOR �f yI f / Nesternss _ -� - nce �S � � y,, Welcome to the 2022 Annual Report showcasing many initiatives put forth by our 255 talented staff! ' 2022 marked new library open hours at the 29 libraries,a return to in person Summer Library -- programs,and in the fall, in person story-times.Additional services created during the 2020 pandemic such as Zoom bilingual story-times and take and makes continued to be offered in 2022. . . [ j TRL remained flexible, nimble and responsive during 2022. Here are additional highlights: L IIUN ' • r Opening of TRL's 29th library Hawks Prairie Timberland Library, a Luck Da Demonstration .__.� JAW, . I I - �_ � p g y- Y. Y Y I library,with a 3-year lease, at 8205 Martin Way. New- Grow a Reader early literacy activity for ages birth to 6 and their caregivers. ' I,� • New- iPads to checkout for in library use. 1 I I New- Library of Things expanded to include new stargazing kits, kitchen tools, plankton kits, I f and early math backpacks. Added additional fishing kits and "check out Washington" kits. —J Celebrating TRL's Friends of the Library groups during the 17th National Friends of the Library Week, October 16-22. V 1 :t - �_+: Expanded Access Hours program for patrons over 18 years of age who want to access the • « T o library outside of standard operating hours without staff expanded to Naselle, Hoodsport, F Ocean Park, Packwood and McCleary libraries; daily 7 a.m. -8 p.m. Shelton Timberland Library Major Refresh - new paint,flooring,furniture, layout. �r+ W Exterior Refreshes:Amanda Park, Ocean Park and Salkum libraries. 5uppoh 1e Interior Refreshes: Elma Library, Centralia Library Restroom; McCleary Library. Mountain View Timberland Library-community engagement regarding new library design. pBoard of Trustees approved an additional 2-year lease for the West Olympia Timberland Library- ► � May 1,2023 to April 30,2025,same location,double the size. Financed by the City of Olympia. Expanded Story Trails with new partners: Capital Land Trust, Onalaska Alliance, Lake Sylvia State Park, Carlisle Lake Park, Lacey Regional Athletic Complex(Lacey). 1 _ Thank you for your support, i 4 �i IVA'V 31 HAL BLANTON I Member-at-Large I Lewis County I Term expires: 12/2025 BOARD OF When asked to join the TRL Board, he saw it as an opportunity to serve the community and support the library's efforts."I like being able to serve in an ,. important organization that brings a vital service to our counties,and serve the patrons and taxpayers of the counties in a fiduciary relationship,"says Hal,a Read full article: Dyson, Heather Leigh. "Timberland Regional Library Board Members Work Together previous board member."I believe the staff of TRL works hard to bring great in Service, Care and Commitment to Community. Thurston Talk,July 22, 2022. View on Web library services to our five counties." NICOLETTE OLIVER I President/Member-at-Large I Thurston County Term expires: 12/2026 . • . "I became involved with the TRL Board because I wanted to provide equitable ''" 'm%, access to library services for all students, regardless of their neighborhood, BRIAN ZYLSTRA I Lewis County I Term expires: 12/2022 family's income, home language and other circumstances,"says Nicolette, whose term ends December 2026."Our public libraries are important - For Brian, it has been a joy to be involved in such an integral part of the places for lifelong learning, and I am very proud to be a part of the Board — community. "I enjoy helping play a role as a trustee in improving services for as we have opened new library branches, increased digital resources, patrons," he says."I think Timberland is a great library system that provides expanded partnerships with local school districts, purchased books in diverse �, , a wide range of services to people, both in person and online. I'm also very proud that the Chehalis branch is the first library in our state to have a languages,and invested in mobile library services to better reach students t f drive-through window!and families throughout our rural district." MARY BETH HARRINGTON I Thurston County I Term expires: 12/2023 "I think what I like best is seeing firsthand the care and consideration that the staff give to every element of theirjob,"Mary Beth says."The people here are so . lucky that the Timberland Regional Library is on the cutting edge of many new r and innovative programs and services. I encourage everyone to take the time to TONI GWIN Pacific County Term expires: 12/2028 learn more about their library and the critical role it plays in our community-it is "As a trustee, I hope to leverage my background and skills to strengthen our far more than just books!" libraries and be a library advocate in our communities,"Toni says. KENNETH SEBBY I Mason County I Term expires: 12/2024 MEN JASMINE DICKHOFF I President Elect Grays Harbor County In his retirement, Kenneth still wanted to find ways to contribute to Term expires: 12/2027 the community and help people, so in March 2021 he fulfilled a former Jasmine has long been involved in community service and has sought to serve ' member's term,which will end December 2024. For Kenneth,the library is her neighbors throughout her life.She is the former mayor of Hoquiam as well an important part of every community, and he is honored to be part of the as a former member of the Grays Harbor Transit Board of Directors.She also TRL Board. "The purpose of the TRL Board of Trustees is to promote reading served on the Hoquiam City Council from 2007 until she was elected mayor in and learning to all, but especially young, inquiring minds of all persuasions," 2015.Jasmine joined the TRL Board in February 2021 and is eager to serve her he says."A library should be a hub in the community, and it should be safe �A term representing and supporting the TRL Board through 2027. and fiscally sound...plus fun!" 32 33 GRAYS HARBOR COUNTY THURSTON COUNTY Aberdeen Timberland Library Hawks Prairie Timberland Library 121 East Market Street;360.533.2360 8205 Martin Way; 360.252.9658 Amanda Park Timberland Library Lacey Timberland Library 6118 US Highway 101; 360.288.2725 500 College Street Southeast; 360.491.3860 Elma Timberland Library Olympia Timberland Library 119 North 1 st Street;360.482.3737 313 8th Avenue Southeast;360.352.0595 Hoquiam Timberland Library Tenino Timberland Library 420 7th Street;360.532.1710 172 Central Avenue West; 360.539.3329 McCleary Timberland Library Tumwater Timberland Library 121 South 4th Street;360.495.3368 7023 New Market Street; 360.943.7790 Montesano Timberland Library West Olympia Timberland Library W.H.Abel Memorial Library 625 Black Lake Blvd SW; 360.764.4440 125 Main Street South;360.249.4211 Yelm Timberland Library Oakville Timberland Library 210 Prairie Park Street; 360.539.3330 204 Main Street;360.273.5305 Book Return - Fire District 3, Station 35 Westport Timberland Library 3701 Willamette Drive, Lacey 101 East Harms Drive;360.268.0521 Book Return -West Olympia 1313 Cooper Point Road Southwest Rainier Book Drop at Rainier City Hall COUNTYPACIFIC 102 Rochester Street West, Rainier Ilwaco Timberland Library 158 1 st Avenue North; 360.642.3908 COUNTYLEWIS Naselle Timberland Library 4 Parpala Road; 360.539.3327 Centralia Timberland Library Ocean Park Timberland Library 110 South Silver Street; 360.736.0183 1308 256th Place; 360.665.4184 Vernetta Smith Chehalis Timberland Library Raymond Timberland Library 400 North Market Boulevard; 360.748.3301 507 Duryea Street; 360.942.2408 Mountain View Timberland Library(Randle) South Bend Timberland Library 210 Silverbrook Road; 360.497.2665 1 st and Pacific; 360.875.5532 Packwood Timberland Library Shoalwater Bay Tribal Community Library 109 West Main Street; 360.494.5111 4115 State Route 105,Tokeland;360.267.8190 Salkum Timberland Library 2480 US Hghway 12; 360.539.3328 Winlock Timberland Library 322 Northeast 1 st Street; 360.785.3461 MASON • Morton Centralia College East Kiosk 701 Airport Way; 360.496.5022 Hoodsport Timberland Library Toledo Community Library Kiosk 40 N Schoolhouse Hill Road; 360.877.9339 241 Cowlitz Street; 360.864.4247 North Mason Timberland Library(Belfair) 23081 NE State Rt 3; 360.275.3232 As a convenience to you, most checked out Shelton Timberland Library items can be returned to any TRL book returns. William G. Reed Public Library A few specifically labeled items need to be returned 710 W Alder Street; 360.426.1362 to their original location. BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS'BRIEFING MINUTES Mason County Commission Chambers,411 North 5th Street,Shelton,WA Week of February 27,2023 Monday,February 27,2023 9:00 A.M. Closed Session—RCW 42.30.140(4)Labor Discussion Commissioners Neatherlin, Shutty,and Trask met in closed session for labor negotiation via Zoom from 9:00 a.m.to 10:00 a.m. Mark Neary,Mary Ransier,Nichole Wilston,Cabot Dow,and Lindsey Smith were also in attendance. 10:00 A.M. WSU Extension—Kela Hall-Wieckert Commissioners Neatherlin, Shutty,and Trask were in attendance via Zoom. • Kela shared the Interlocal Agreement between Washington State Parks and Recreation and Mason County Noxious Weed Board to survey for and control noxious weed species within state parks in Mason County for$17,500. Approved to move forward. • Kela shared the Interlocal Agreement between the Department of Agriculture and Mason County Noxious Weed Board to survey for and control Giant Hogweed within Mason County for$5,000. Approved to move forward. • Mark added that members are needed for the Noxious Weed Control Board. 10:05 A.M. Clerk's Office—Charles Rhodes Commissioners Neatherlin, Shutty,and Trask were in attendance via Zoom. • Charles requested a full-size security door with window and combination code door lock for safety and to prevent public access. Approved to move forward. 10:15 A.M. Community Development—Kell Rowen Commissioners Neatherlin, Shutty,and Trask were in attendance via Zoom. • Kell requested to close Community Development from noon to 4:30 p.m.on Tuesday,March 14 for staff SmartGov training. Approved to move forward. • Kell shared a news release for Planning Advisory Commission vacancies. Approved to move forward. • Kell offered to host one-on-one meetings with the Commissioners regarding the changes to Titles 15 and 17. • Marissa Watson shared a news release to solicit community input on the Shoreline Master Program user guide. Approved to move forward. • Luke Viscusi discussed the 2023 Mason County Heritage Grant applications received from Mason General Foundation's Art Commission Chapter,McReavy House Museum of Hood Canal,North Bay Historical Society,Peninsular Railway&Lumbermen's Museum,and Pickering Homemakers Club totaling$22,000. Approved to move forward. • Luke shared a news release sharing the launch of the Mason County Historic Preservation Commission's Historical Building,Structure,or Place Plaque Program. Approved to move forward. 10:35 A.M. Public Health—Dave Windom Commissioners Neatherlin, Shutty,and Trask were in attendance via Zoom. • Dave shared the 2023-2025 Public Health and Human Services Strategic Plan which covers the planning process,guiding statements,context and challenges,strategic goals,objectives, initiatives,and implementation. • Melissa Casey requested to share the Housing Needs Assessment on the County website. Approved to move forward. Page I 1 • Melissa shared the CHOICE Regional Health Network Youth Cannabis and Commercial Tobacco Prevention Program contract for$52,676.01. Approved to move forward. • Melissa shared the Consolidated Homeless Grant Contract amendment and amendment with Community Action Council for$76,933. Approved to move forward. 10:50 A.M. Public Works—Loretta Swanson Utilities&Waste Management Commissioners Neatherlin, Shutty,and Trask were in attendance via Zoom. • Loretta discussed additional recommendations for the 2023 Road Fund Project Program which was increased by$1.04 million. Recommended projects are Rock Creek Bridge on Cloquallum Road$80k;Vance Creek Bridge on Skokomish Valley Road$150k;Tahuya Post Office Bridge on North Shore Road$150k;paving Lakeland Drive$63k;paving Homestead Drive$31k;Little Shoe Fly culvert replacement on North Shore Road$200k;raising culvert and roadway on Belfair Tahuya Road$100k;paving shoulders on Grapeview Road$79k;and extending shoulder paving on Lynch Road$22k;for a grand total of$875k. • Loretta discussed applicants for the Solid Waste Advisory Committee. Reappointments include Lynda Links for Citizen District 3,Delroy Cox for Business,and Chad White for Solid Waste Industry. New appointments include Thomas Duffield for Citizen District 1, Sharon Trask for Local Elected Official,and Tessa Halloran for Special Group-Agriculture. • Loretta shared that the 2023 Days of Caring free dump vouchers will be available soon. • Mike Collins discussed the Washington State Department of Transportation(WSDOT) Highway Safety Improvement Program(HSIP)grant request for safety improvements on Shelton-Matlock Road from milepost 1.76 to milepost 7.67 due March 15. Approved to move forward. • Mike shared the 2022 Notification of Final Costs for County Force construction projects required by RCW 36.77. Projects include Cady Creek on North Shore Road,Great Bend culvert replacement on North Shore Road,road resurfacing on Sunnyside Road,and road resurfacing on California Road for a total of$652,594. Approved to move forward. • Mike requested to establish County Road Project No.2048 -Rock Creek bridge replacement on Cloquallum Road structure purchase. Approved to move forward. • Richard Dickinson requested the sole-source bulk purchase of seventy-five grinder pumps and conversion kits from Correct Equipment for a total of$212,877. Approved to move forward. 11:10 A.M. Support Services—Mark Neary Commissioners Neatherlin, Shutty,and Trask were in attendance via Zoom. • John Taylor shared a Parks Advisory Board application from Dennis Hamilton. Approved to interview. • Diane Zoren shared a Housing Authority Board application from Becky Cronquist. Approved to interview. • Mary Ransier discussed updates to the Mason County Personnel Policy. Approved to move forward. • Mary discussed the reclassification of Stephen Thur from Accounting Technician to Senior Accounting Technician. Approved to move forward. • Mary shared the results of the 2022 employee engagement survey. A total of 142 responses were received. Approximately 73%of employees indicated as"agree"or"strongly agree"to being overall satisfied with their job. • Mary shared the second proposal and findings from the Non-Represented Class/Comp Study and recommendations for 2023 and 2024. This included market adjustments and retitling. Approved to move forward with titling changes. • Mary shared Flex Spending Account(FSA)through Navia Benefits Solutions and requested to administer a survey to County employees to gauge interest. Costs are dependent upon employee participation. Page 12 • Mary shared the Memorandum of Understanding with Teamsters Union Local No.252 Appraiser's Unit to add Lead Worker language in Article 10 of the current 2022-2024 Collective Bargaining Agreement. Approved to move forward. • Mary shared the Memorandum of Understanding for the 2022-2024 Woodworkers Local Lodge W38 IAM Corrections&Support Staff Collective Bargaining Agreement to correct a Scrivener's error to the Appendix A—Wage Tables. Approved to move forward. • Mary shared the Memorandum of Understanding to add Lead Pay language to Article VI Wages and Benefits of the 2021-2023 Woodworkers Local Lodge W38,I.A.M Mason County Office of Public Defense Collective Bargaining Agreement. Approved to move forward. • Mark discussed adding Advance Travel to Chapter 14 Travel Policy in the Mason County Personnel Policy. Approved to move forward. • Mark shared a letter of support for a jail system study and Jail Modernization Task Force proviso for Washington State Association of Counties' (WSAC)2023 legislative priorities. Approved to move forward. • Mark discussed the January 2023 Financial Report. Current Expense revenue$2,832,572 at 7%;last year$2,084,682 at 5%. Treasurer Department receipts$1,410,302 at 5%;last year $1,107,666 at 4%. Six-Year revenue stream comparison: Current Expense expenditure $3,922,708 at 8%;last year$3,246,033 at 7%. Community Development revenue$173,270; Detention and Correction services$6,169;Current Expense Property Taxes$27,845;Road Diversion Property Tax$2,894;County Road Property Tax$23,013;Current Expense Sales Tax$762,083;Criminal Justice Taxes/Entitlements$279,197;Rural Sales and Use Tax Fund $94,094;Homelessness Prevention Filings$38,084;Lodging Tax$49,681;REET 1 and 2 $60,834. Revenue$762,082.70;projected end of year revenue$9,477,885.55. Current Expense cash$25,631,349. Special Fund cash$52,795,123. Motor Pool Expenditure comparison$100,117 at 5.88%;last year$67,597 at 4.5%. Special and Other Fund revenue $3,440,640 at 6%;last year$2,896,734 at 4%. Special and Other Fund expenditure $4,153,423 at 5%; last year$5,006,496 at 6%. • Mark discussed the letter of support for the Port of Port Angeles'Foreign-Trade Zone(FTZ) request. Tabled. • Cmmr. Shutty shared letters of support for the Youth Connection requesting additional funding for transitional housing project and Community Lifeline requesting additional funding for a pallet shelter. Respectfully submitted, McKenzie Smith, Clerk of the Board BOARD OF MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Sharon Trask, Randy Neatherlin, Kevin Shutty, Chair Vice-Chair Commission Page 13 r f Mason County Agenda Request Form r- Fh'il yrtT To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Cassidy Perkins Ext.419 Department: Support Services Briefing: ❑ Action Agenda: Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): Click or tap here to enter text. Agenda Date: March 14,2023 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Other (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item• Approval of Warrants&Treasurer Electronic Remittances Claims Clearing Fund Warrant# 8094208-8094650 $ 2,165,810.27 Direct Deposit Fund Warrant#94410-94810 $ 938,958.33 Salary Clearing Fund Warrant#7007205-7007228 $ 640,090.34 Treasurer Electronic Remittance $ 284,431.84 Macecom 2/3/2023 $ 156,324.24 Mental Health 2/10/2023 $ 550.10 Dispute Resolution Surcharge 2/10/2023 $ 1,135.00 USDA Beard's Cove Water Meters#1,#91-8 2/3/2023 $ 2,362.50 Reet 2 2/24/2023 $ 62,000.00 Rustlewood Sewer&Water 2/24/2023 $ 62,000.00 Current Expense 2/24/2023 $ 30.00 Trial Court Improvement $ 30.00 Refund Interest Earned 2/28/2023 $ 84.52 Background/Executive Summary: The Board approved Resolution no. 80-00 Payment of Claims Against County: Procedure Authorizing Warrant Issue and Release Prior to Board Claim Approval. Mason County Code 3.32.060(a)requires that the Board enter into the minutes of the County Commissioners the approval of claims listing warrant numbers. Claims Clearing YTD total $ 12,598,970.78 Direct Deposit YTD total $ 4,355,634.31 r f Mason County Agenda Request Form r- lh'a,�- r r Salary Clearing YTD total $ 4,039,742.03 Approval of Treasurer Electronic Remittances YTD total $ 2,632,942.67 Requested Action: Approval of the aforementioned Claims Clearing Fund, Direct Deposit Fund, Salary Clearing Fund, and Treasurer Electronic Remittance warrants. Attachments: Originals on file with the Auditor/Financial Services; copies on file with the Clerk of the Board r f Mason County Agenda Request Form r- To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Luke Viscusi Ext.282 Department: Community Services Briefing: Action Agenda: Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): February 27,2023 Agenda Date: March 14,2023 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ® Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Other (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item• The Mason County Historic Preservation Commission is seeking approval for funding five 2023 Mason County Heritage Grant applications for$22,000.00. This amount was previously budgeted for. Background/Executive Summary: At their February 2023 monthly meeting,the Mason County Historic Preservation Commission voted to forward the following Heritage Grants to the BOCC for approval: • Mason General Hospital Foundation's Arts Commission Chapter: $5,000.00 towards the showcasing of Mason County's history through historic pictures within Mason Health's Rehabilitation Services/Patient Connection Center and the creation of promotional material. • McReavy House Museum of Hood Canal: $5,000.00 towards the purchase of four period style windows and seven reproduction redwood corbels, along with taxes and shipping. • North Bay Historical Society: $5,000.00 towards the restoration and reinstallation of windows for the Sargent Oyster Building. • Peninsular Railway&Lumbermen's Museum: $2,000.00 towards the purchase and moving expenses for Simpson Timber Caboose 1201. • Pickering Homemakers Club (DBA. Pickering Community Club): $5,000.00 towards cleaning and re-oiling the original fir floors of the Grant School. Budget Impact(amount,funding source,budget amendment): The Historic Preservation Commission budgeted$25,000.00 for Heritage Grants for fiscal year 2023. If approved by the BOCC,this grant cycle will cost the Historic Preservation fund$22,000.00. This will leave a remaining balance of$3,000.00 from what was budgeted for Heritage Grants in fiscal year 2023. Public Outreach(news release, community meeting,etc.): The Mason County Historic Preservation Commission held their regular,public monthly meeting on February 9,2023. During this meeting, applicants and their representatives had the opportunity to present their proposal and answer questions r f Mason County Agenda Request Form r- lh'�d from the Commission. The Commission then scored the applications in the public meeting. Requested Action: Approval of the following 2023 Mason County Heritage Grants: Mason General Hospital Foundation's Arts Commission Chapter$5,000; McReavy House Museum of Hood Canal $5,000;North Bay Historical Society$5,000; Peninsular Railway and Lumbermen's Museum$2,000; and Pickering Homemakers Club DBA Pickering Community Club $5,000; for a total amount of$22,000.00. Attachments: • Mason County Heritage Grant Program Guidelines • Memo from Tim Whitehead approving contracts • Grant Contract with Scope of Work(Exhibit"A") • 2023 Mason County Heritage Grant Application from Mason General Hospital Foundation's Arts Commission Chapter Grant Contract with Scope of Work(Exhibit"B") • 2023 Mason County Heritage Grant Application from McReavy House Museum of Hood Canal Grant Contract with Scope of Work(Exhibit"C") • 2023 Mason County Heritage Grant Application from North Bay Historical Society • Grant Contract with Scope of Work(Exhibit"D") • 2023 Mason County Heritage Grant Application from Peninsular Railway&Lumbermen's Museum Grant Contract with Scope of Work(Exhibit"E") • 2023 Mason County Heritage Grant Application from Pickering Homemakers Club ril .MQ"IfyW Mason County Heritage Grant Program Guidelines Mission: The Mason County Heritage Grant Program provides resources to assist in the collection, preservation, and interpretation of Mason County's heritage. About the Program: On behalf of the Board of County Commissioners, the Mason County Historic Preservation Commission(MCHPC) administers the Mason County Heritage Grant Program(HGP)to assist projects that promote the public's access to County history. The program is funded with a portion of document recording fees collected by the Mason County Auditor. The allocation of these fees for projects that "promote historical preservation or historical programs, which may include preservation of historic documents"is authorized under RCW 36.22.170. The revenues accrue to a dedicated fund and may not be used for any purposes other than those stipulated in the statute. The program is operated in such a way that revenues accruing to the fund in one year are allocated in the following year, ensuring that project awards will be available regardless of prevailing economic conditions. Eligibility: 1. Who can apply: Non-profit organizations currently registered with the Washington Secretary of State or 501(c)(3), government entities, including tribes, are eligible for consideration as long as they have a clear focus on heritage within Mason County. Projects sponsored by individuals are not eligible. 2. Project Categories: To qualify for assistance,projects must fall into one of the following categories: • Professional Development • Public Education • Small Capital Projects • Collections Management • Heritage Investigations • Historic Preservation 3. Project Ranking Criteria: The evaluation of the grant proposals will be based on the following criteria. (Points in parentheses): • Promotes heritage, preservation and history in Mason County(25 pts. maximum) • Public benefit, shows public need and scope, and will increase public understanding, exposure and experience of Mason County history(20 pts. maximum) • Applicant has the capacity to complete the project using professional standards (15 pts. maximum) • Immediate need or opportunity and relates to applicants mission and/or goals (15 pts. maximum) • Measurable outcomes (10 pts. maximum) • Well defined budget as well as effectively leveraged funding and support from other sources (total project costs, i.e. grant amount plus hard and soft match; enhancing historic visibility) (10 pts. maximum) • Economic benefit to Mason County(5 pts. maximum) Mason County Heritage Grant Program Guidelines March 14,2019 Page 1 Note - Ongoing operational costs (staff,utilities, rent, etc.) are not eligible for HGP funding. Available Funds: Grant proposals may be requested up to $5,000. Total funding level for the Mason County Heritage Grant Program will be determined by the number and quality of the proposals. Proposal Process: The program operates on a calendar year budget with one proposal period during the calendar year. The proposal deadline for each calendar year is the third Friday of January by 12:00 p.m. Projects to be completed within 6 months of grant award. Grant recipients can request a one time six-month extension. Extension requests must be in writing and be submitted to the Mason County Historic Preservation Commission for approval no later than 12:00 p.m. four months from date of award. Applicants are allowed to submit one proposal per grant period. If a six-month time extension has been granted for a previously approved grant, the grant recipient will not be eligible to request grant funding until completion of the participants current grant. Grant recipients not completing projects within the initial six month period and do not have an approved time extension will not be eligible for grant funding for one year from the date of the completed grant. Only an authorized official for the organization is allowed to sign the proposal (i.e. city official, organization president, etc.). The application must also be signed by the organization's financial officer. 1. Submittal/Review: • Develop grant proposals addressing each element in the order identified under Project Ranking Criteria. • Complete the grant proposal and submit one original signed proposal, one set of support materials (optional), and five additional copies of all materials to the Mason County Historical Preservation Commission, Mason County DCD, 615 W. Alder Street Shelton, WA 98584. Proposals which are mailed to the above address must be postmarked by the deadline dates established for each period. Hand delivered proposals must be received no later than by 12:00 p.m. for the deadline dates established for each period. If proposal deadline dates fall on a non-county business day, proposals are due by 12:00 p.m. the next business day. Late or incomplete proposals will not be accepted. • Proposals will be reviewed for completeness by staff. After the proposal deadline closes, staff will forward completed proposals to the MCHPC Subcommittee for review and ranking using the MCHPC approved ranking criteria. The Subcommittee will forward a ranking report to the MCHPC for endorsement by a majority of the MCHPC. A recommendation will then be forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC). The BOCC will make all final funding and approval decisions. 2. Contract/Scope of Work: Approved grant proposal recipients will sign a contract with Mason County, and will provide a scope of work. The scope of work will be an attachment to the contract. 3.Reimbursement: The HGP is a reimbursement program. The grantee will complete their projects and invoice the County for reimbursement of the approved expenditures. Grantees will allow at least 30 days for reimbursement after the invoice has been received by the County. A Mason County Heritage Grant Program Guidelines March 14,2019 Page 2 progress report and documentation of expenditures will be required for the advance of funds before the completion of a project. 4. Final Report: Upon completion of the granted project, a final report shall be submitted by the grantee to the MCHPC. The final report should briefly report the completion and the outcome of the granted project and shall be submitted to the Mason County Historical Preservation Commission, Mason County DCD, 615 W. Alder Street, WA 98584 within 10 calendar days of the authorized grant completion date. 5. Special Notice: Properties listed on the Mason County Register of Historic Places must have a Certificate of Appropriateness submitted with the application package if the project meets the review requirements of the Mason County Historic Preservation Ordinance Chapter 17.40.150. Mason County Heritage Grants will not be approved for projects that would result in the disqualification of properties on federal, state or county historic registers. 6. Compliance With Local, State and Federal Permits, Requirements, Ordinances, Regulations and Laws: Applicants are responsible for compliance with all local, state and federal permits, requirements, ordinances, regulations and laws associated with approved Heritage Grants. Non- compliance can result in revocation of reimbursement of approved funds. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Proiect Categories: The following are examples of activities which are meant to illustrate the types of potentially eligible projects. The examples listed below are not meant to be exclusive. Applicants unsure of a potential project's eligibility should contact the Mason County Historical Preservation Commission, at Mason County DCD, 615 W. Alder Street Shelton, WA 98584, 360-427-9670 for a determination. Projects may fall under more than one category. • Professional Development: This category provides support for activities, which enhance the capabilities of the board, staff and volunteers of non-profit organizations to collect, preserve and interpret history in Mason County. Examples: o Development or sponsorship of programs for the professional training of non- profit staff and volunteers related to historical preservation. o Provide capacity-building training for the boards and staff of non- profit heritage organizations. • Public Education: This category provides support for activities that incorporate Mason County history into the educational infrastructure and the general public discourse. Examples: o Research, design,production, installation and promotion of permanent and semi-permanent exhibits, both on-site and off-site. o Research, design, production and management of traveling exhibits for schools. o Original research that will result in publication, exhibit, public event, or some other product that places the outcome of the research before the public on a not for profit basis. Mason County Heritage Grant Program Guidelines March 14,2019 Page 3 o Production and distribution costs for books, articles, videos, oral history tapes, DVDs, etc., on a not for profit basis which address some aspect of Mason County history. • Small Capital Projects: This category provides support for historical preservation projects that assist an organization in meeting health, safety and welfare needs that preserve its facility assets and enhance service to the public. If a small capital project is located within a local historic preservation jurisdiction, evidence of review and approval by the local jurisdiction that the project meets the U.S. Secretary of the Interior Standards is required. o Design and installation of modifications to meet ADA requirements. o Exterior maintenance (roofing, painting, relevant landscaping, etc.) of substantive value/nature, i.e., more than routine and periodic maintenance expected of a prudent owner or tenant if such maintenance is necessary to protect historic archival exhibits. o Substantial interior projects that preserve the structural and/or signature design integrity of heritage facilities. o Acquisition of technology hardware with a projected useful life of three or more years that is used in direct support of the applicant's project. • Collections Management: This category provides support for projects that assist nonprofit organizations to effectively execute their stewardship obligations for their collections. Examples: o Acquisition of significant additions to the collections of non-profit heritage or historical organizations. o Professional services related to conservation of key items in the collections of nonprofit heritage agencies. o Acquisition of software to computerize collections management(For technology hardware, refer to Small Capital Projects). o Provision of a portion of the local share of the cost for an operational assessment by a qualified professional or an accredited institutional program (e.g., the Museum Assessment Program). • Heritage Investigations: This category provides support for activities that involve recovery, recording and reporting/presentations of Mason County heritage materials. Examples: o Archaeological surveys, excavations and reporting of heritage sites and artifacts, in consultation with local Indian Tribes, within Mason County. o Archival investigations and reporting of documents involving the heritage of Mason County. o Recording and reporting ancient and historic artifact collections in public and private ownership from Mason County. Artifacts in this category can vary in scale, e.g., from barns/buildings down to projectile points and oxen shoes. • Historic Preservation: This category provides support for activities that directly result in the identification, evaluation and and protection of significant heritage resources. Examples: Mason County Heritage Grant Program Guidelines March 14,2019 Page 4 o Survey efforts. o Historic designation. o Site condition analysis or evaluation. o Research/documentation efforts. o Completion of preservation planning documents. o Other efforts that result in the protection of Mason County heritage. Enabling Legislation for this Program: RCW 36.22.170: The Revised Code of Washington can be viewed online at: hqp:Hgpps.leg.wa.gov/rcw/. Professional Standards Guidelines for Applicants: If the core of the grant project is historic preservation, it shall be carried out in compliance with the U.S. Secretary of the Interior Standards for such projects and other applicable codes and regulations at the federal, state and local levels. Please see link below. American Association of Museums Best Practices: https://www.aam-us.org/?s=standards Secretary of the Interior Standards for Rehabilitating, Restoring, and Reconstructing Historic Buildings: hLtp://www.Lips.gov/hps/t2s/standguide Oral History Standards: hLtp://www.oralhistory.org/?s=Standards Americans with Disabilities Act Guidelines: http://www.ada.gov/ Digital Project Standards Resources: hllp:Hcontent.lib.washington.edu/cmpweb/prof ect/proj-resources.html Mason County Historical Preservation Commission http://www.co.mason.wa.us/historic/index.php Mason County Heritage Grant Program Guidelines March 14,2019 Page 5 Luke Viscusi From : Tim Whitehead Sent : Tuesday, February 21 , 2023 3 :48 PM To : Luke Viscusi Subject: RE : Historic Preservation Commission Heritage grants 2023 Contracts Hi Luke , They all look just fine . Thanks for reaching out and if you ever have any questions don ' t hesitate to email or call . Timothy W Whitehead Mason County Prosecutor' s Office Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney P : ( 360 ) 427 -9670 ext . 417 F : ( 360 ) 427 -7554 From : Luke Viscusi < LViscusi@masoncountywa . gov> Sent : Tuesday, February 21, 2023 11 : 35 AM To : Tim Whitehead <TimW@masoncountywa . gov> Subject : Historic Preservation Commission Heritage grants 2023 Contracts Hello Tim , I am the new staff person for the Historic Preservation Commission and am currently working to get the 2023 Heritage Grant contracts approved by the BOCC . I was told that before they go to the BOCC, I needed to get the contracts approved by you . Please see the 5 contracts attached . Let me know if you have any questions or concerns ! Sincerely, Luke Viscusi ( he/ him ) Planner Mason County Community Services Office # 360-427 -9670 ext . 282 Cell # 360 -490-3103 LViscusi@MasonCountVWA . gov 1 HERITAGE GRANT CONTRACT This Heritage Grant Contract(this"Contract")is entered into as of March 28,2023,by and between Mason County(the"County"),and the Mason General Hospital Foundation's Arts Commission Chapter(the "Grantee"). Mason General Hospital Foundation Mason County Arts Commission Chapter c/o Mason County Historic Preservation Commission Attn: Terri Gushee 615 W Alder Street PO Box 1668 Shelton,WA 98584 Shelton,WA 98584 Attn:Luke Viscusi (360)432-7739 (360)427-9670 ext.282 RECITALS 1.The Grantee has applied for a grant in the amount of$5,000 towards the showcasing of Mason County's rich history through historic pictures within Mason Health's Rehabilitation Services/Patient Connection Center and the creation of promotional material. 2.The County is granting up to the$5,000 requested for this project on a reimbursement basis,based on receipts.All persons performing the work associated with this grant shall act as an independent contractor(s),and not as an employee(s),on the terms and conditions set forth herein.The money for this grant comes from fees collected by the Mason County Auditor as authorized by RCW 36.22.170,which established a dedicated fund for support local historic preservation. AGREEMENT In consideration of the foregoing and of the mutual promises set forth herein,and intending to be legally bound,the parties herein agree as follows: 1.Eng_agement (a)The County hereby agrees to reimburse the Grantee up to the full amount of the grant based on an invoice and a final report of the completion of the showcase of historic pictures and creation of promotional material as described in the scope-of-work (Exhibit "A"), which shall be performed by independent contractor(s). (b)The Grantee hereby accepts the engagement to have said work performed, to present an invoice and a final report for reimbursement and agrees to an inspection of the final product prior to receiving payment under the terms and conditions set forth herein. 2.Term. (a) This Contract will commence on the date written above, and unless modified by the mutual written agreement of the parties, shall continue until six months from that date. March 28,2023,to September 28,2023 The Grantee may request a one-time six-month extension.Extension request must be in writing and be submitted to the Mason County Historic 2023A Preservation Commission for approval no later than 5:00 p.m. four months from the date of the award(July 28,2023). 3.Grantee's Obligations (a) The Grantee shall provide a scope-of-work, consistent with the grant application,which shall be attached to this contract as Exhibit A. (b) Upon completion of the project the Grantee shall provide the County with an invoice for reimbursement for the work approved by this grant award.At a minimum the invoice shall include the organization's name, remittance address,date,details of expenses(paid receipts),invoice total and program or grant being billed. Grantees will allow at least 60-days for reimbursement after the invoice has been received by the County. (c) Upon completion of the granted project,a final report shall be submitted by the Grantee to the Mason County Historic Preservation Commission. The final report shall summarize the project,its completion and outcome. The final report shall be submitted to the Mason County Historic Preservation Commission, 615 West Alder St, Shelton, WA 98584 within 10 calendar days of the authorized grant completion date(October 12,2023). (d) Grant recipients are required to comply with all local, state,and federal permit requirements,ordinances and laws.Non-compliance can result in the revocation of approved funding. Chair,Mason County Board of County Commissioners Date Chair,Mason County Historic Preservation Commission Date Authorized Representative of the Grantee Date 2023A EXHIBIT A Mason General Hospital Foundation's Arts Commission Chapter - $5,000.00 Mason General Hospital Foundation's Arts Commission Chapter will use the funds to purchase and install panels, plaques, and mounting fixtures to showcase a variety of historical pictures within Mason Health's Rehabilitation Services/ Patient Connection Center, as well as create brochures and flyers in both English and Spanish. They will partner with local artists and installers to curate custom pictures from a variety of sources. The overall project will educate, inform, display, and teach patients and staff about the rich history of Mason County. 2023A Mason County Heritage Grant Application Applicant:- �'l� IIW,4 ate : 01 / 10 /2023 Mailing Address : C) . / ) �5 'J� /� "WY Email : Tgushee@masongeneral . com Phone : 360432J739 Project Description Attached on Separate Page : Yes No Total Project Cost` / iS , tSv� E 40 Grant Request Amount : $ 5 , 0 0 0 Heritage grants are available to non-profits , government agencies and tribes . If your organization is a non-profit, please attach proof that your organization is currently registered with the Washington Secretary of State or is 501 (c) . ( 3 ) . Proof of non-profit status is attached : Yes X No How many of the following categories does your project fall into ? Please marls all that apply: Professional Development : Yes _ No. Public Education : Yes X No Small Capital Projects : Yes No Collections Management : Yes_No Heritage Investigations : Yes X No Historic Preservation : Yes X No Does your organization have a current incomplete Heritage Grant project pending? Yes No X Does your organization have a previously approved six month time extension for an incomplete approved project? Yes No X Rev. 0210112018 If your organization had a previously approved six month time extension, has one year elapsed since the completion of the project? Yes_ No. i Has the person completing this application read the Heritage Grant Guidelines published on the Mason County website? Yes X No Does your organization understand that this is a reimbursement grant not to exceed $ 5 , 000? Yes X No Does your organization have the funding ability to complete the project prior to reimbursement? Yes X No Signature of official for your organization (Le, city official, organizational president, etc . ) : r Lid", r� S ✓ Date : { Signature of your organization ' s financial officer : T )17V� KVv. ce CcwAA, l ee-Date :/11 Rev. 0210112018 Department of the Treasury IIIIIIIIiilllllllllll111111 ] Illllllllllill lllllll ( II ] { I Internal Revenue Service Date Taxpayer donnenotice : SEP . 18 , 1995 Taxpayer Indentitying Number 91 1529293 FRESNO ) CA 93888 Form : Tax Period : For assistance you may oal ► usat: 1 - 800 - 829 - 1040 ST . OF MASON GENERAL HOSPITAL FOUNDATION LAURIE MCCLANAHAN SECY PO BOX 789 SHELTON WA 98584 - 0789895 WE CHANGED YOUR NAME AND / OR ADDRESS THANK YOU FOR YOUR CORRESPOND (EwNGE . AS YOU REQUESTED , . WE ! VE MADE THE FOLLOWING CHANGES TO YOUR NAME AND / OR ADDRESS : NAME AND ADDRESS PREVIOUSLY NAME AND ADDRESS NOW SHOWN ON YOUR ACCOUNT SHOWN ON YOUR ACCOUNT PENINSULA HEALTH CARE FOUNDATION MASON GENERAL HOSPITAL FOUNDATION LAURIE MCCLANAHAN SECY % LAURIE MCCLANAHAN SECY PO BOX 789 PO BOX 789 SHELTON WA 98584 � 0789895 SHELTON WA 98584 - 0789895 IF YOU DON ' T AGREE WITH THIS CHANGE , PLEASE LET US KNOW . t INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY DISTRICT DIRECTOR 2 CUPANIA CIRCLE MONTEREY PARK , CA 91. 754 Employer Identification Number : 91 - 152 ?293 Date : OCT . 31 , 1991 Case Number : 951280045 THE PENINSULA HEALTH CARE Contact Person : FOUNDATION JULES , NORMA JEAN C / O MARGARET MCPHEE Contact Telephone Number : PO BOX 789 ( 213 ) 725 - 7876 SHELTON , WA 98584 Accounting Period Ending : Dcumber 31 Form 990 Required : Yes Addendum Applies : No Dear Applicant . Based on information supplied , and assuming your operations will be as stated in your application for recognition of exemption , we have determined you are exempt from Federal income tax under section 501 ( a ) of the Internal Revenue Code as an organization dv� ; cribed in section 501 ( c ) ( 3 ) . We have further determined that you are not a private foundation within the meaning of section 509 ( a ) of the Code , because you are an organization described in section 509 ( a ) ( 3 ) . If your sources of support , or your purposes , character , or method of operation c. hangei please let us know so we can consider the effect of the change on your exempt status and foundation status . In the case of an amend - ment to your organizational dncum () nt or bylaws, , please send usi a copy of the amended document or bylaws . Also , you should inform us of all changes in your name or address . As of January 1 , 1984 , you are, liable for taxes under the Federal Insurance Contributions Act ( t, ocial security taxes ) on remuneration of 11100 or more you pay to each of your employees during a calendar year . You are not liable for the tax imposed under the Federal. Unemployment 1' ax Art ( FUTA ) . Since you are not a private foundation , you are not subject to the excise taxes under Chapter 42 of they Code . However , you are not automatically exempt from other Federal excise taxes . If you have any questions about excise , employment , or other Federal taxers , please let us know . Donors may deduct contributions to you as provided in section 170 of the Code . Requests , legacies , devised; , transfers , or gifts to you or for your use are deductible for Federal estate and gift tax purposes if they meet the applicable provisions of Code Sections 2055 , 2106 , and 252. 2 . Contribution deductions are allowable to donors only to the extent that their contributions are gifts , with no consideration received . Ticket pur -- Letter 947 ( CG ) THE PENINSULA HEALTH CARE chases and similar payments in conjunction with fundraising events may not necessarily qualify .rs deductible contributions , depending on the circ; Eam - stances . See Revenue Ruling 67 - 246 , published in Cumulative Bulletin 1967 - 21 on page 104 , which scar, forth guideline , regarding thca deducti. bili, ty , as charity table contributions , of payments made by taxpayers for admission to or other participation in fundrdit5ing activities for charity . In the heading of this letter we have indicated whether you must file Form 990 , Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax . If Yes is Indicated , you are required to file Form 990 only if your gross receipts each year are normally more than $ 25 , 000 , However , if you receive a Form 990 package in the mail , pleases file the return even if you do not exceed the gross receipts test . If you are not required to file , simply attach the label, provided , check the box in the heading to indicate that your annual gross receipts are normally $ 257000 or lass , and sign the return . If a return is required , it must be filed by the 15th day of the fifth month after the end of your annual accounting period . A penalty of $ 10 a day is charged when a return is filed late , unless there is reasonable cause for the delay . However , the maximum penalty charged cannot exceed $5 , 000 or 5 per - cent of your gross receipts for the year , whichever is less . This penalty ri «ry also be charged if a return its nol complete , sic please be sure your return it; complete before you file it . You are not required to file Federal income tax returns unless you are subject to the tax on unrelated business income under section 51. 1 of the Code . If you are subject to this tax , you must file an income tax return an Form 990 -- T , Exempt llrganixatinn Business income Tax Return . In this letter we are not determining whether any of your present or proposed activities are unre - lated trade or bu % iness as defined in section 51. 3 of the Code . You need an employer identification number even if you have no employees . If an employer identification number was not entered on your application , a number will be assigned to you and you will be advised of it . Please use that number on all rPtUrTIS you file and in all corres, pondence with the Internal. Revenue Service . If we have indicated in the heading of this letter that an addendum applies. , the enclosed addendum iri an integral part of this, letter . Because this letter could help resolve any questions about your exempt status and foundation status , you should keep it in your permanent records . We have sent a copy of this letter to your representative as indicated in your power of attorney . If you have any questions , please contact the person whose name and telephone number are shown in the heading of this .letter . Letter 947 ( CG ) THE PENINSULA HEALTH CARE Sincerely yours , Michael J . Quinn District, Director Letter 947 ( CG ) O$ O� v� H d h FOUNDATION Arts Commission Mason General Hospital Foundation Arts Commission Chapter PO BOX 1669 , Shelton, WA 98584 (360) 427-3623 Mason General Hospital Foundation (MGHF), Arts Commission Chapter Proposal Mason General Hospital Foundation' s Arts Commission Chapter respectfully requests $ 5000 from the 2023 Mason County Heritage Grant Program. The Arts Commission will use the grant money to promote Mason County ' s rich history of forestry, fishing, shellfish, and tourism. The Arts Commission and Cooper Studios will collaborate to showcase a variety of historical pictures within Mason Health' s, Rehabilitation Services/ Patient Connection Center which is now located in the newly remodeled Cedar Building. The custom pictures will be curated from a variety of sources, including local archives, museums , and private collections . Historical and Educational information will be made available to the public through : 1 . On site viewing by patients and community members 2 . Informational onsite plaques 3 . Brochures and flyers in English and Spanish 4 . Mason General Hospital Foundation and Mason Health social media Heritage Grant Application Eligibility Mission of the MGHF Arts Commission Mason General Hospital Foundation is a registered 501 (c) (3 ) non-profit organization, tax identification number, 91 - 1529293 . MGHF is a sperate organization from Mason Health. It is the mission of Mason General Hospital Foundation to provide funding to Public Hospital District No . 1 of Mason County which is now known as Mason Health. No funding from Mason Health is distributed to the Arts Commission. See attached paperwork from the Department of Treasury for non- profit status and the IRS determination letter. The purpose of the MGHF Arts Commission is organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes . The purpose of Mason General Hospital Foundation and the Arts Commission Chapter is to aid in the promotion of health and healing through the integration of quality art in the environment . Requirements Met Our project meets the Heritage Grant Project Categories as outlined below : 1 . Public education 2 . Heritage investigation 3 . Historic preservation Our project also meets the Heritage Grant Project Ranking Criteria as defined in the program guidelines, listed below : 1 . Promotes Heritage, preservation, and history in Mason County through : 1 Page • Display of historical photographs that represent the cultural and rural heritage of Mason County, preserved in custom prints , and displays that promote a rich past and visual record of Mason County ' s history • Preservation: In collaboration with Cooper Studios, each photograph chosen will be curated from a variety of relevant sources . This archival research will be held, in perpetuity, at the MGHF Arts Commission office as backup and historical guidepost for future generations . Criteria for archival preservation includes : o Geographic location (may include historical name changes over time, such as j streets , buildings, etc .) o Date photo was taken (if known) o Photographic content, person or event shared in the picture • Pictorial research of all artworks will then be shared across multiple media channels including Mason Health and NIGH Foundation social media, website, brochures and flyers , electronic media such as Pulse eNewsletter, and mass media print such as SCOPE magazine. These items will be made available in English and Spanish. 2 . Public benefit, shows public need and scope, and will increase public understanding, exposure, and experience of Mason County history by: • Displaying historical pictures of Mason County benefits the public by providing a visual record of our past , our heritage and culture, and can be used as a teaching tool to educate our community about context and perspective on important events over time • Historical pictures where our ancestors lived and worked can foster a sense of identity, belonging, and a sense of connection to the past where they may not otherwise be able to see and read about the history of our county • The intent is to educate, inform, display, and teach the community about the rich history of Mason County as displayed throughout the Cedar Building 3 . Capacity to complete the project using professional standards • Archival information will be curated through Mason County Historical Society • Brochures and flyers will be created by contracted vendors of MGHF , and local businesses as available • Working with local professional artist(s) and installer (s) , such as Cooper Studios , to accomplish professional installation and curating services 4. Immediate need or opportunity and relates to applicant' s mission and/or goals • Opportunity to display quality, custom and professional portraits in a meaningful way • Promote our mission of health and healing through the integration of historical art pieces in the Mason Health Cedar Building, located at 939 Mt. View Drive, Shelton, WA 98584, to aide in the healing process • Fulfills the Arts Commission educational goal to promote knowledge through physical, visual representation of historic events , people, and places , throughout Mason County 5 . Measurable outcomes • Tracking the number of people who take brochures and flyers • The number of people who interact or engage through social media with sharing of the photos by liking, commenting, and sharing the social media post(s) • Tracking comments on social media, through the mail, or by phone 6. Well defined budget as well as effectively leveraged funding and support from other sources (total project costs, i. e. grant amounts plus hard and soft match, enhancing historic visibility) • Total project $ 18 , 822 . 40 ( See enclosed proposal from Cooper Studios) 2 Page • Donations from Copper Studios of $ 3 ,500 and an additional 30x48 Metal Wall print valued at $ 1 , 579 . 00 • Mason County Heritage Grant ($ 5000) will be used to purchase : o 2 Custom metal 3602 hanging panels o 2 16x20 History plaques o Installation and mounting fixtures o Brochures and Flyers in English and Spanish - $ 350 o Work to be completed within 6 months of grant award • Mason General Hospital Foundation, will cover up to $ 5000 in expenses and will invoice the County for reimbursement of the approved expenditures • Arts Commission and MGHF Board members will continue to raise funds to complete the project through o Grant funding opportunities o Community outreach and fundraising efforts 7. Economic benefit to Mason County • Benefit to Mason County includes building a knowledge base for Mason Health patients , staff, and community that reference the Historical Society, which draws community interest that may benefit the labor, services , and impact of the Historical Society' s work. This was successfully executed in 2019 with the grand opening of Mason Health' s new medical office building, Mason Clinic . You can learn more on our website via this link: https : //www . masongeneral . com/media/forms/Mason-Health- SCOPE-Low-Res-FINAL- 9 .pdf • Additional economic benefit to Mason County includes the contracting of professional services from local vendors, artists , installers , and consultants that keeps dollars and taxes within the boundaries of our county . • Promoting high-level professional artwork at the Cedar Building also impacts the work of medical professionals and a sense of pride they have in working in a stylish and impactful workspace, which translates into loyal staff, successful retaining of patient services , and positive feedback from the community • Monthly patient visits to the Cedar Building for 2023 is projected to exceed 1 , 500 visits . In fiscal year 2022 the total number of visits to the Rehabilitation Services Department was 1200 visits , and we expect this number to continue to grow in the future. This does not include employees , other staff and professionals who work on the second floor. 3 Page Proposal to : Mason General Hospital Foundation Arts Commission Cedar Building Art Pro j ect Janurary 16, 2023 oloper Shelton , Cooper Studios 409 w Railroad Ave Shelton , WA 98584 ( 360 ) 426 - 6646 III Mount Aluminum channel vath SS � ' Wort back tended to another aluminum channel suspended bellow the panels to 36"% 72" ,t : create tension and reduce sway Laminatedphotographic riot phoro panels mounted it whh rou P standoffs toss rods for adjmt mountedto .080Aluminum (4 Panels ) �> r _ 24"x 96' ' Acrylic Letters. q I LED edgrlit illumination from Laminatedphotographic rint { ttO;'.. LED frostrmiluI10%v on P +_ �/ from bellow, mounted to .080 Aluminum (3 Panels) / 1 —low At Wr History Panel. ` HistoryPanel. Law etched lacquered bass. laser etched lacquered Mass ■ \ / ! I MasonkP tq - • . r Building i and edge lit led ACEDARO letters ahm reception. VAN &0 Include histork painels that Wit tell a stoty related to Sheltorfs historic past This enuimple Is the high Cooper Studios I I I Cedar Building Art : Installation Detail Cooper Studios 409 w Railroad Ave, Shelton , WA (360 ) 426-6646 < -- Aluminum Track Stainless Steel (SS) Rod Hanger 1 /4" SSRodfl (4 - 36" Sections) Setscrew to adjust height 1 - m4 *— 1 " Diameter standoffs 13' Aluminum Art Print i }i Setscrew to adjust height A— 1 " Diameter standoffs Ye i Cedar Acrylic Letters —� Aluminum Art Print LED UP Light p < LED Edge Light 8' Optional cross cable if air from vent causes movement FC Shelton, WA From To Quote 5575368 Cooper Studios Mason General Hospital Foundation Issued January 16, 2023 409 W Railroad Ave . Jennifer Capps valid Until April 30, 2023 Shelton , WA 98584 Po Box 1668 Shelton, WA ITEM QUANTITY PRICE TOTAL Custom Metal Display Panels 1 $ 151300 . 00 $ 15, 300 . 00 Four 36"x72" hanging panels and three 16'x96" panels, " CEDAR" letters and two 1420 history plaques. Includes mounting fixtures and LED lighting Art Consultation & Design 1 $ 800 . 00 $800 .00 Installation Service 1 $ 1 , 200 . 00 $ 1 , 200 . 00 Delivery and hanging of artwork RESTORE - Art Work 1 /2 Hour 10 $ 35 . 00 $350 .00 Restoration Artwork fee Cooper Studios Donation to MGHF 1 $ -31500 . 00 $-3, 500. 00 Thank you for your continued support of our small business ! Notes : 1 $ 0 . 00 $0 .00 Mason County Historical Society Grant ($ 5000) will be put toward two of the large hanging panels and the two historical informational plaques . Subtotal : $ 14, 150000 Discount : -$350 . 00 Sales Tax (8. 8%) $ 1 , 514. 79 Total : $ 15, 314.79 . . E ner L C Shelton, WA From To Quote 5580268 Cooper Studios Mason General Hospital Foundation Issued January 18, 2023 409 W Railroad Ave. Jennifer Capps Shelton , WA 98584 Po Box 1668 Shelton, WA ITEM QUANTITY PRICE TOTAL 30x48 Metal Wall Print 1 $ 1 , 579900 $ 1 , 579* 00 30x48 photographic print mounted to metal with luster over- laminate. Stand -off or Float hanging option . FULL DONATION from Cooper Studios 1 $ - 11579 , 00 $-1 , 579 .00 This product and install will be fully comped by Cooper Studios Subtotal : $0 . 00 Tax: $0 . 00 Total : $0800 HERITAGE GRANT CONTRACT This Heritage Grant Contract(this"Contract")is entered into as of March 28,2023,by and between Mason County(the"County"),and the McReavy House Museum of Hood Canal(the"Grantee"). McReavy House Museum of Hood Canal Mason County Attn: Jayni Kamin c/o Mason County Historic Preservation Commission PO Box 388 615 W Alder Street Union,WA 98592 Shelton,WA 98584 (360)239-6790 Attn:Luke Viscusi (360)427-9670 ext.282 RECITALS 1.The Grantee has applied for a grant in the amount of$5,000 towards the purchase of four period style windows and seven reproduction redwood corbels,along with taxes and shipping. 2.The County is granting up to the$5,000 requested for this project on a reimbursement basis,based on receipts.All persons performing the work associated with this grant shall act as an independent contractor(s),and not as an employee(s),on the terms and conditions set forth herein.The money for this grant comes from fees collected by the Mason County Auditor as authorized by RCW 36.22.170,which established a dedicated fund for support local historic preservation. AGREEMENT In consideration of the foregoing and of the mutual promises set forth herein,and intending to be legally bound,the parties herein agree as follows: 1.Eng_agement (a)The County hereby agrees to reimburse the Grantee up to the full amount of the grant based on an invoice and a final report of the completion of purchasing four period style windows and seven reproduction redwood corbels, as described in the scope-of-work (Exhibit "B"), which shall be performed by independent contractor(s). (b)The Grantee hereby accepts the engagement to have said work performed, to present an invoice and a final report for reimbursement and agrees to an inspection of the final product prior to receiving payment under the terms and conditions set forth herein. 2.Term. (a) This Contract will commence on the date written above, and unless modified by the mutual written agreement of the parties, shall continue until six months from that date. March 28,2023,to September 28,2023 The Grantee may request a one-time six-month extension.Extension request must be in writing and be submitted to the Mason County Historic Preservation Commission for approval no later than 5:00 p.m. four months from the date of the award(July 28,2023). 2023B 3.Grantee's Obligations (a) The Grantee shall provide a scope-of-work, consistent with the grant application,which shall be attached to this contract as Exhibit B. (b) Upon completion of the project the Grantee shall provide the County with an invoice for reimbursement for the work approved by this grant award.At a minimum the invoice shall include the organization's name, remittance address,date,details of expenses(paid receipts),invoice total and program or grant being billed. Grantees will allow at least 60-days for reimbursement after the invoice has been received by the County. (c) Upon completion of the granted project,a final report shall be submitted by the Grantee to the Mason County Historic Preservation Commission. The final report shall summarize the project,its completion and outcome. The final report shall be submitted to the Mason County Historic Preservation Commission, 615 West Alder St, Shelton, WA 98584 within 10 calendar days of the authorized grant completion date(October 12,2023). (d) Grant recipients are required to comply with all local, state,and federal permit requirements,ordinances and laws.Non-compliance can result in the revocation of approved funding. Chair,Mason County Board of County Commissioners Date Chair,Mason County Historic Preservation Commission Date Authorized Representative of the Grantee Date 2023B EXHIBIT B McReavy House Museum of Hood Canal - $5,000.00 The McReavy House Museum of Hood Canal will use the funds to purchase four period style windows and seven reproduction redwood corbels, along with taxes and shipping. They will partner with volunteers and licensed contractors to install the windows and corbels as part of a larger project to restore the historical focal point of the entry to the house. Restoration of the box bay window will further preserve the history of the McReavy family and allow them to share that history with local residents and tourists. 2023B Mason County Heritage Grant Application Applicant ; cTwA l Pa � cx Sc �lu um � � �GnUlD ate : January 16 , 2023 Mailing Address : Cl , L`%x ���� t �,l') VIA � R Email : jayni@kaminpro . com Phone : 360 - 23M790 Project Description Attached on Separate Page : Yes X No. Total Project Cost : $ 5000000 Grant Request Amount : M O M Heritage grants are available to non-profits , government agencies and tribes . If your organization is a non-profit, please attach proof that your organization is currently registered with the Washington Secretary of State or is 501 (c) . ( 3 ) . Proof of non-profit status is attached : Yes X No How many of the following categories does your project fall into? Please mark all that apply: Professional Development : Yes No_ Public Education : Yes No Small Capital Projects : Yes XNo Collections Management : Yes_No Heritage Investigations : Yes No Historic Preservation : Yes X No Does your organization have a current incomplete Heritage Grant project pending? Yes No X Does your organization have a previously approved six month time extension for an incomplete approved project? Yes No X Rev. 0210112018 If your organization had a previously approved six month time extension, has one year elapsed since the completion of the project? Yes No X Has the person completing this application read the Heritage Grant Guidelines published on the Mason County website? Yes X No Does your organization understand that this is a reimbursement grant not to exceed $ 5 , 000 ? Yes X No Does your organization have the funding ability to complete the project prior to reimbursement? Yes X No Signature of official for your organization (i . e . city official, organizational president, etc . ) : U Date : January 16 , 2023 Signature of your organization ' s financial officer : Date : 23 Rev. 02/01/2018 Mason County Heritage Grant Application Proiect Description : Purchase New Energy Efficient Period Style Windows and Additional Reproduction Wood Corbels for the Reconstruction of the Front Box Bay ( Phase 1 ) to 1890 Appearance and Function We are requesting funds to purchase four windows and seven reproduction corbels for the first phase of the reconstruction efforts of the two story bay on the west side of the house . This small capital project is to be completed in two phases and will consist of totally reconstructing the two -story box bay structure . The first phase will be to rebuild the first floor bay with four double - hung wood windows, reproduction wooden corbels, shingles and molding detail as per the original 1890 home . The second phase which we hope to start next year will be the reconstruction of the second -floor bay and windows . The original elegant eight window bay was removed and replaced in the 1970s with two large picture windows . As evidenced by family photos of the era , the original box bay and entry porch was the focal point of the house . The removal of the bay dramatically altered the entire front entry side of the house and is inconsistent with our goal of restoring the historical appearance of the home . We hope that by restoring the bay windows and rebuilding the entry porch ( which we did last year) the exterior of the home will be vastly improved and will once again stand as a proud monument to the pioneering spirit of John McReavy . Our primary cost is the purchase of the four new energy efficient double-hung wood windows custom ordered from Jen -Weld windows . These windows will match the twenty-one windows we have already replaced as part of our four year window campaign . Because replacing the box bay windows is a unique and more costly venture we kept its construction separate from the other windows in the campaign . The remainder of the request is for 7 additional corbels ( identical to what we had milled last year) from Mad River Millworks of Arcata , CA which mills vintage materials specifically for historic projects such as ours . As with everything else, the cost of the windows and the corbels has gone up significantly . We feel it is imperative that we secure these items as soon as we can . Promotes heritage, preservation and history in Mason County-(25 points maximum ) - The McReavy House of Hood Canal was built in 1890 by pioneer John McReavy, He platted Union City in 1889 with dreams of it becoming a railroad terminal for goods traveling between Port Townsend and Tacoma . The elegant mansion was a fitting capstone to the bustling metropolis he envisioned for Union City . Unfortunately, those dreams dissolved with the world -wide economic crash of 1893 . McReavy built the first hotel in Union City, The Occidental Hotel ; owned a mercantile and sawmill ; as well as several logging operations throughout the Hood Canal area . He was a member of the 1889 Washington State Constitutional Convention and served as a legislator in the Territorial and first state legislature for many years . He served as the school superintendent, postmaster, hotel and store owner, and real estate agent during his time in Union . His home was the center of cultural , social and business activities in the Hood Canal area for many years . Our organization has been working to preserve and renovate the historic McReavy House for the last 9 years with the goal of preserving the history of this pioneering family and also to provide a special place that celebrates the unique spirit of Hood Canal and its community . Public benefit , shows public need and scope , and will increase public understanding, exposure and experience of Mason County history ( 20) pts . Maximum ) - We are hoping to offer weekly tours during the summer months to share the history of the home with local residents as well as the many tourists who frequent the area . The McReavy House is likely the oldest existing residential structure on the lower Hood Canal . Restoring and maintaining the house will help keep this history alive . Applicant has the capacity to complete the project using professional standards ( 15 points maximum ) Several of our volunteers are experienced carpenters and handymen . Most of the actual construction will be done by licensed contractors . Immediate need or opportunity and relates to applicants mission and/or goals ( 15 points) Reconstruction of the two -story box bay will be the most ambitious of our projects but we believe that it is imperative to completing our goal of restoring the exterior to its original glory . Our hope is to one day begin the long-term effort to rebuild the roof which was removed along with the box bay in the 1970s but until then we feel that rebuilding this box bay will restore much of the house' s original elegance . Our small but committed group of volunteers has worked tirelessly to procure materials and expertise when needed to achieve our mission . Every item or service has either been donated to the house or purchased with donated funds . As we are such a small group, we have put our energy into the preservation of the house first then to restoring as much as we can within our limited budget rather than in fund raising . Consequently, each project may take years to complete as we gather the materials and find the necessary volunteer expertise, always with the goal of creating a special place to preserve and celebrate the unique history of our illustrious founder and the Hood Canal . We believe now is the time to begin the restoration of the box bay window which is so crucial to the historical integrity and appearance of the home . We have done extensive renovation in the interior and exterior in the past few years and will be ready soon to start using the house for events and tours . This grant will help us complete the exterior of the west side of the house which will restore the historical focal point of the entry to the house Measurable outcomes-( 10 points maximum ) - Measurable outcomes will be the purchase of four period style windows and seven reproduction redwood corbels as part of phase one of the reconstruction of the box bay . Well -defined budget as well as effectively leveraged funding and support from other sources (total Proiect costs , i . e . grant amount plus hard and soft match ; enhancing historic visibility) ( 10 Pts. Maximum )= As with most of the projects we have already completed , most of the labor and materials will be donated , although we plan to use a licensed contractor to install the windows . A rough bid from Mad River Millworks for the seven redwood corbels will be $ 196 each ( up from last year' s cost of $ 116 ) for a total of $ 1372 without taxes and shipping . Four Jen-Weld wood windows will cost $813 . 16 each ( up from last year' s cost of $ 756 each ) for a total of $ 3252 . 24 . The grand total without taxes and shipping is $4, 624 . 24 . We are requesting up to the full $ 5000 to cover taxes and shipping costs . Economic benefit to Mason County (5 pts . Maximum ) - Union envisions itself as a gateway destination, a jumping off point for people traveling to the Olympic Peninsula . Local businesses and the Alderbrook Resort are positioning themselves to increase the draw to the area . Creating another cultural and community venue to attract tourists and businesses to Union and the lower Hood Canal will assist in these efforts and have a positive impact on the local area and the region . The restored McReavy House will serve as the primary historical site of Union and Hood Canal, educating residents and visitors alike on the important historical role this region played in local and Washington state history . Corporations and Charities Division Physical/Overnight address: WAyliaNG TON 801 Capitol Way S Olympia, WA 985U1 - 1226 Secretary of Mate Mailin address: is -_. g ��___ Corporations & Charities Division PO Box 40234 Olympia, WA 98504-0234 Tel : 360.725 .0377 sos .wa . aov/corps 09/27/2022 THE MCREAVY HOUSE MUSEUM Or HOOD CANAL JAYNI KAMIN 500 SE COLE RD SHELTON WA 98584-7755 i UBI Number: 602 642 447 Business Name: THE MCREAVY HOUSE MUSEUM OF HOOD CANAL Expiration Date: 08/31/2023 Dear JAYNI KAMIN, Thank you for our recent submission. on. This letter is to confirm that the following documents have been received and successfully filed: ANNUAL REPORT You can view and download your filed document(s) for no charge at our website, www .sos.wasrov/ccfs If you haven't already, please sign up for a user account on our website, www.sos.wa.aov/cefs to file online, conduct searches, and receive status updates. Please contact our office at corpsOsos.wa. goy or (360) 725-0377 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Corporations and Charities Division Office of the Secretary of State www.sos.wa.gov/cores IF IF ' i ^ aoff , s "` •y i , FFI IF Joe A •: _ r IF Fore . ; . - , ,► 411110 . - - - �- tt • tf Nu z 6 k*4,q� � i 5 Ft- +ill + ~ {' � q +ills ! ♦ ` �'s • ; , ...> IF �'C �' " ' r � • . IF! .. _ ; ` IF It I - , IF IF .rIF lotIF If - IF ' 4 IF Atj JI, IF IF rA IF pr V ] t FIT s' IF - r - - - IF - - r IF rl For FIFF'F g Y. IF FIF IF W Far IFF IF kip IF tL It IF OF FaFF OF IF S Al f , h ,��� �(y�],���pp d; �kale ,j,�� Rke F. L !-a We 'for ''M 1 t— _ — 1 GI flbe k �IIiiIR- t •I tiny ' f sW air el - . . S 1 a No - Waal IF 44 1 s . JMP ' a c yy ' .r sa�r bb 4 age dv —efflF Mae , met t Aw ne j ' 7 ; - elt 041 ear — . . ..y .owe.,^�.M - _-. 1ls -.�'y , J wmaw ea to;a ow Ai ew eve Be r AN I at n uWL I r y l . 1e w ,rr Nidg. AV \ c , Y The Home Depot Special Order Quote ` Customer Agreement #: H4724457735 Printed Dates 1/ 12/2023 Customer: JAYNI KAMIN Store : 4724 Pre-Savings Total : Address : 500 COLE RD Associate* BETH Total Savings : SHELTON , WA 98584 Address : 1101 Kingswood Dr Sw Pre-Tax Price : Phone 1 : 360-239-6790 Tumwater, WA 98512 Phone 2 : Phone : ( 360) 786- 9890 Email : JAYNI@KAMINPRO . COM All prices are subject to change. Customer is responsible for verifying product selections. The Home Depot will not accept returns for the below products. Frame Width = 37 3/8" ( Frame Height = 76 " Sash Split = Even Divide JELaWEN \% IXDU S k 0011S Catalog Version 128 100-1 JELD-WEN 37. 375 " x 76" Clad W-2500 Double Hung $813 . 16 $813 . 16 1 $0 .00 $813 . 16 Begin Line 100 Description ---- Line 1004 ---- JELD-WEN Clad W-2500 Double Hung Energy Star Zone = Energy Star - Northern Exterior Trim Options = No Is This a Remake = No STC / OITC Rating = Standard Rating = PG 35 Specific Information = 4 Glazing = Insulated Prep for Stool = No Assembly = Full Unit Glass Energy Options = SunResist with HeatSave Drip Cap = Color Match Metal Regional Compliance = US NationakWDMA/ASTM Glass Color = SunResist with HeatSave Certification = None Order By = Rough Opening Size Glass Type = Annealed Jambliner = White lambliner Rough Opening Width = 381/8" Neat Glass = Neat Sash Limiter = No Sash Limiter Rough Opening Height = 76 3/4" Glass Thickness = Standard Default Thickness Grid Type = No Grids Vent Division = Even Divide Protective Film = No Protective Film U - Factor = 0.25 Jamb Width = 4 9/16" Spacer Color = Black Spacer Solar Heat Gain Coefficient = 0. 21 Sash Model = Standard Glass Options = Argon Visible Light Transmittance = 0. 5 Species = Auralast Pine Hardware Finish - Interior = Oil Rub Bronze Condensation Resistance = 44 Interior Finish Type = Natural Number of Locks = 2 CPD# = JEL-W850-02074-00001 Finish - Interior = Natural Storm Screen/Combo = No Combo Manufacturer = JELD-WEN , Rantoul ( IL) Finish - Exterior = Chestnut Bronze Screen Options = BetterVue Mesh Contact Number = 1-800-246-9131 Option 2 Sash to Match Exterior Finish = Yes Screen Finish = Chestnut Bronze Catalog Version Date = 11/03/2022 Finish - Sash ( Exterior) = Chestnut Bronze Exterior Trim Type = Nail Fin (Standard ) Catalog Version = 22 . 5 . 12 . 1 Energy Efficiency = Energy Star End Line 100 Description Page 1 of 6 Date Printed : 1/12/2023 I ' Mad River Construction 1499 10th St. Arcata , CA 95521 US +17074965940 AlexanddConstruction@gmail. com Estimate ADDRESS ESTIMAI L 1004 Jayni Kamin DATE 01 /13/2023 SERVICE DESCRIPTION QTY RATE 11, 1 Quoted Price Custom corbels to match ones made by Tim in April , 2022 7 196 ,00 11372 ,00 shipping and handling 1 150 ,00 150 . 00 SUBTOTAL 11522000 1AX 0 . 00 TOTAL $ 1 , 52100 Accepted By Accepted Date Page 1 of i rr - • • , 41 1 � I HERITAGE GRANT CONTRACT This Heritage Grant Contract(this"Contract")is entered into as of March 28,2023,by and between Mason County(the"County"),and the North Bay Historical Society(the"Grantee"). North Bay Historical Society Mason County Attn: Bonnie Knight c/o Mason County Historic Preservation Commission PO Box 1313 615 W Alder Street Allyn,WA 98524 Shelton,WA 98584 (360)801-1064 Attn:Luke Viscusi (360)427-9670 ext.282 RECITALS 1.The Grantee has applied for a grant in the amount of$5,000 towards the restoration and reinstallation of windows for the Sargent Oyster Building. 2.The County is granting up to the$5,000 requested for this project on a reimbursement basis,based on receipts.All persons performing the work associated with this grant shall act as an independent contractor(s),and not as an employee(s),on the terms and conditions set forth herein.The money for this grant comes from fees collected by the Mason County Auditor as authorized by RCW 36.22.170,which established a dedicated fund for support local historic preservation. AGREEMENT In consideration of the foregoing and of the mutual promises set forth herein,and intending to be legally bound,the parties herein agree as follows: 1.Enga eg merit (a)The County hereby agrees to reimburse the Grantee up to the full amount of the grant based on an invoice and a final report of the restoration and reinstallation of the remaining windows, as described in the scope-of-work (Exhibit"C"),which shall be performed by independent contractor(s). (b)The Grantee hereby accepts the engagement to have said work performed, to present an invoice and a final report for reimbursement and agrees to an inspection of the final product prior to receiving payment under the terms and conditions set forth herein. 2.Term. (a) This Contract will commence on the date written above, and unless modified by the mutual written agreement of the parties, shall continue until six months from that date. March 28,2023,to September 28,2023 The Grantee may request a one-time six-month extension.Extension request must be in writing and be submitted to the Mason County Historic Preservation Commission for approval no later than 5:00 p.m. four months from the date of the award(July 28,2023). 2023 C 3.Grantee's Obligations (a) The Grantee shall provide a scope-of-work, consistent with the grant application,which shall be attached to this contract as Exhibit C. (b) Upon completion of the project the Grantee shall provide the County with an invoice for reimbursement for the work approved by this grant award.At a minimum the invoice shall include the organization's name, remittance address,date,details of expenses(paid receipts),invoice total and program or grant being billed. Grantees will allow at least 60-days for reimbursement after the invoice has been received by the County. (c) Upon completion of the granted project,a final report shall be submitted by the Grantee to the Mason County Historic Preservation Commission. The final report shall summarize the project,its completion and outcome. The final report shall be submitted to the Mason County Historic Preservation Commission, 615 West Alder St, Shelton, WA 98584 within 10 calendar days of the authorized grant completion date(October 12,2023). (d) Grant recipients are required to comply with all local, state,and federal permit requirements,ordinances and laws.Non-compliance can result in the revocation of approved funding. Chair,Mason County Board of County Commissioners Date Chair,Mason County Historic Preservation Commission Date Authorized Representative of the Grantee Date 2023 C EXHIBIT C North Bay Historical Society - $5,000.00 The North Bay Historical Society will use the funds to help complete the restoration and reinstallation of the remaining windows for the Sargent Oyster Building. They are working on a larger project to restore the historic Sargent Oyster Building and turn it into a nationally recognized museum detailing the shellfish, marine, and general history of the North Bay area. Completion of this project will allow the North Bay Historical Society to preserve the unique architecture of the building and share the impact it had on the North Bay area of Mason County. 2023 C Mason County Heritage Grant Application North Bay Historical Society 1 /20/23 Applicant : Date : Mailing Address : PO Box 1313 Allyn , WA 98524 Email : 3Knight173@aol . com Phone : 36M01 - 1064 Project Description Attached on Separate Page : Yes No $ 507 , 500 Total Project Cost: Grant Request Amount : $ 55000 Heritage grants are available to non-profits , government agencies and tribes . If your organization is a non-profit, please attach proof that your organization is currently registered with the Washington Secretary of State or is 501 (c) . (3 ) . Proof of non-profit status is attached : Yes No How many of the following categories does your project fall into? Please mark all that apply: Professional Development: Yes _ No. Public Education : Yes No Small Capital Projects : Yes No Collections Management: Yes No Heritage Investigations : Yes No Historic Preservation : Yes No Does your organization have a current incomplete Heritage Grant proj ect pending . Yes NoX Does your organization have a previously approved six month time extension for an incomplete approved project? Yes No X Rev. 0210112018 If your organization had a previously approved six month time extension, has one year elapsed since the completion of the project? Yes No Has the person completing this application read the Heritage Grant Guidelines published on the Mason County website? Yes X No Does your organization understand that this is a reimbursement grant not to exceed $ 5 ,000? Yes X No Does your organization have the funding ability to complete the project prior to reimbursement? Yes X No Signature of official for your organization (i.e . city official, organizational president, etc .) : 1 /20/23 Date : Oor Signature of your organization ' s financial officer: 01A `� 1 /20/23 � 4cb" y Date ,• Rev. 0210112018 North Bay Historical Society PO Box 1313 Allyn, WA 98524 January 20, 2023 Historic Preservation Commission Mason County DCD 615 West Alder ST Shelton, WA 98584 Dear Commissioners : The North Bay Historical Society is working to restore the historic Sargent Oyster Building and turn it into a maritime and general history museum. In 2011 the building was to be destroyed in a shoreline restoration project. The Society and Port of Allyn worked to protect the building and in January of 2015 it was moved to its temporary location near the Port of Allyn administrative building for restoration. NBHS is taking the lead for restoration to assure compliance with all historic restoration standards and the end is in sight. We are requesting $ 5 ,000 to help complete restoration and reinstallation of the windows . We are about half-way done with the windows and the money will help us complete that portion of the project. When the doors and windows are in and the building secure, we can finish the interior. ABOUT THE ORGANIZATION The NBHS has been registered in Washington State as a 501 (c)(3 ) non-profit organization since 1997 and is dedicated to the discovery, preservation and dissemination of knowledge about the history of the North Bay area of Mason County both before and after statehood . Our goal is to establish a nationally recognized museum that will provide a fun, educational and historic attraction for local residents and draw over 5 ,000 out of town visitors per year. This will give a tremendous boost to the local economy and preserve an important piece of local history . Even though Allyn is an unincorporated town building a museum is listed as a top priority in the Urban Growth Area Comprehensive Plan adopted by the Allyn Community Association and Mason County . We sincerely hope you will support preservation of this important part of Mason County history . Respectfully, Bonnie Knight President Attachments : Project Application, 501 (c) ( 3 ) documentation, Project Description, Project Ranking Criteria , Detailed Budget i PROJECT DESCRIPTION The North Bay Historical Society is restoring the historic Sargent Oyster processing building to preserve the unique architecture of the building, the history of the building and business . We will document an important piece of local history and the impact of the oyster industry on Allyn and the surrounding area. Our goal is to establish a nationally recognized museum detailing the shellfish, maritime, and general history of the North Bay area. The building has been recognized as the last known, unaltered building of its kind on Puget Sound and qualifies for the National Historic Register. The Historical Society is nearing completion of the project. To date the building has been moved from its original location to the Port of Allyn property in Allyn, stabilization is complete, new roof and chimney installed, siding is complete, windows are over half restored and reinstalled and a local electrician is donating his time to complete all necessary electrical work and the Port of Allyn has removed the old launch ramp to clear a place to build the foundation for final placement of the building . We are requesting $ 5 ,000 from the Mason County Heritage Commission to help us cover the cost to complete the restoration and installation of the remaining windows . We are working on the inter and hoping to have volunteers help with some of it. We continue to have fundraisers , request grants and solicit donations of time, materials and funding . We ' ve come a long way but still need help with things we can' t get any other way . We would like to have the building finished by this Fall. I NORTH BAY HISTORICAL SOCIETY SARGENT OYSTER BUILDING RESTORATION PROJECT RANKING CRITERIA Promotes heritage, preservation and history of Mason County : It has been acknowledged by the State office of Archeology and Historic Preservation and the Army Corps of Engineers that the building does qualify for inclusion in State and National Historic Registers . The Sargent Oyster business has been an integral part of the history of Allyn and the North Bay area since the early 1900 ' s . According to Artifacts Consulting , Inc . from Tacoma, the Sargent oyster building is the last known, unaltered building of its kind on Puget Sound . This project will preserve the unique architecture of the building, the history associated with the Sargent Business and the impact it had on the North Bay area of Mason County . The museum will include the general history of the Allyn and North Bay area of Mason County . Public Benefit : There is limited historic information on the North Bay area available to the public, Through the process of protecting and acquiring the building there have been many news articles written about the building which has generated much interest in the history of this area . The Sargent Oyster building museum will provide an opportunity for the public to learn not only about the Sargent building and business but the history of the shellfish and maritime industries and general history of the North Bay and Allyn areas . Capacity to complete project using Professional Standards : The North Bay Historical Society will assure that all Professional Standards are adhered to . We have been working with the state and Mason County to assure compliance . With a prior Heritage grant we hired a professional videographer to record first-hand accounts of what the building looked like and how the business operated . These will be used as a base of information throughout the project as different people are involved to assure that the restoration efforts are consistent and true to the original building . These videos will become part of our permanent archives and portions will be used as informational displays in the museum. Immediate Need : We are nearing completion of the restoration. The building has been stabilized and repaired where necessary, a new roof and siding have been installed, and a local electrician is donating his time to do the electrical work, and restoration and installation of the windows is about half done but we are nearly out of funds . Measurable Outcomes : We believe the museum will have upwards of 5 , 000 visitors per year including those for special events and educational functions . The University of Washington brought aquaculture students here for field training include local residents . We plan to provide training opportunities in the historic ways of processing shellfish and the importance of the environment. Well defined budget. -Attached Economic Benefit to Mason County : It is anticipated that over 5 , 000 visitors per year will come to the museum from out of the area. These visitors will stop at local restaurants, grocery stores, gift shops and gas stations which will support local businesses, provide jobs and increase tax revenues to the county . WASHINGTON Filed Secretary of State Secretary of State a' �6 State of Washington ~�� °' w•�"' Corporations & Charities Division Date Filed: 01 /20/2023 Effective Date : 01 /20/2023 i UBI #: 601 836 871 Annual Report BUSINESS INFORMATION Business Name : NORTH BAY HISTORICAL SOCIETY UBI Number: 601836 871 Business Type: WA NONPROFIT CORPORATION Business Status : ACTIVE Principal Office Street Address : 31 E WADE ST, ALLYN, WA, 98524-7760, UNITED STATES Principal Office Mailing Address: 31 E WADE ST, ALLYN, WA, 98524, UNITED STATES Expiration Date : 12/31 /2023 Jurisdiction: UNITED STATES, WASHINGTON Formation/Registration Date : 12/04/1997 I Period of Duration: PERPETUAL Inactive Date: Nature of Business: CULTURAL, EDUCATIONAL NONPROFIT GROSS REVENUE CERTIFICATION Per RCW 24 . 03A . 960 does the Nonprofit certify that its total gross revenue in the most recent fiscal year was less than $500,000? - Yes NONPROFIT CORPORATION ' S EIN Nonprofit EIN : 91-2003532 REGISTERED AGENT RCW 2195A10 Registered Agent Street Address Mailing Address Name This document is a public record. For more information visit www . sos . wa . gov/coll)s Work Order #: 2023012000054940 - 1 Received Date: 01 /20/2023 Amount Received : $20.00 BONNIE KNIGHT 31 E WADE ST, ALLYN, WA, 98524-00001 PO BOX 84, ALLYN, WA, 98524-0000 , UNITED STATES UNITED STATES PRINCIPAL OFFICE Phone: 3608011064 Email. BKN1GHT173@A0L.00M Street Address : 31 E WADE ST, ALLYN, WA, 98524-7760, USA Mailing Address : 31 E WADE ST, ALLYN, WA, 98524, USA GOVERNORS Title Type Entity Name First Name Last Name GOVERNOR INDIVIDUAL BONNIE KNIGHT NATURE OF BUSINESS . CULTURAL . EDUCATIONAL CHARITABLE NONPROFIT CORPORATION Is the Nonprofit Corporation a Charitable Nonprofit as defined by RCW 24 . 03A . 010 ( 6)? - Yes REPORTING CHANGES FOR THE CHARITABLE NONPROFIT CORPORATION Does the Nonprofit Corporation meet exemptions of reporting as outlined in RCW 24 . 03A . 0759 - Yes CONTROLLING INTEREST 1 . Does this entity own (hold title) real property in Washington, such as land or buildings, including leasehold improvements? - No 2 . In the past 12 months, has there been a transfer of at least 16-2/3 percent of the ownership, stock, or other financial interest in the entity? - No a. If "Yes" , in the past 36 months, has there been a transfer of controlling interest (50 percent or greater) of the ownership , stock, or other financial interest in the enti st tY? - No 3 . If you answered "Yes" to question 2a, has a controlling interest transfer return been filed with the Department of Revenue? - No You must submit a Controlling Interest Transfer Return form if you answered "yes" to questions 1 and 2a. Failure to report a Controlling Interest Transfer is subject to penalty provisions of RCW 82 .45 . 2204 This document is a public record. For more information visit www , sos . wa . govicorps Work Order #: 2023012000054940 - 1 Received Date: 01 /20/2023 Amount Received: $20.00 For more information on Controlling Interest, visit www . dor.wa .gov/REET . RETURN ADDRESS FOR THIS FILING Attention: Email: BKNIGHT173@AOL.COM Address : PO BOX 84, ALLYN, WA, 98524-0084, USA UPLOAD ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS Do you have additional documents to upload? - No EMAIL OPTdN ❑ By checking this box, I hereby opt into receiving all notifications from the Secretary of State for this entity via email only. I acknowledge that I will no longer receive paper notifications. AUTHORIZED PERSON R I am an authorized person. Person Type: INDIVIDUAL First Name: BONNIE Last Name : KNIGHT Title : PRESIDENT This document is hereby executed under penalty of law and is to the best of my knowledge, true and correct. This document is a public record. For more information visit www . sos . wa . gov/ cores Work Order #: 2023012000054940 - 1 Received Date: 01 /20/2023 Amount Received : $20.00 Sargent Oyster Project Budget Cost Category Cash Match In Kind Match State Grant TOTAL Architecure & Engineering 51000 3, 000 81000 Construction / Restoration 185, 300 142, 000 155, 200 482, 500 Consultants 10,000 71000 17 , 000 TOTAL BUDGET 200, 300 152, 000 155, 200 507, 500 NBHS EXPENDITURES TO DATE 267, 914 39, 805 Grant expenditures to date 307, 719 139, 808 TOTAL TO DATE 447, 527 NEEDED TO COMPLETE RESTORATION 59 , 973 TOTAL AVAILABLE GRANT FUNDS 15 , 392 SHORTFALL 44, 581 HERITAGE GRANT CONTRACT This Heritage Grant Contract(this"Contract")is entered into as of March 28,2023,by and between Mason County(the"County"),and the Peninsular Railway&Lumbermen's Museum(the"Grantee"). Peninsular Railway& Mason County Lumbermen's Museum c/o Mason County Historic Preservation Commission Attn: Josh Kaivo 615 W Alder Street PO Box 1333 Shelton,WA 98584 Shelton,WA 98584 Attn:Luke Viscusi (360)589-9201 (360)427-9670 ext.282 RECITALS 1.The Grantee has applied for a grant in the amount of$2,000 towards the purchase and moving expenses for Simpson Timber Caboose 1201. 2.The County is granting up to the$2,000 requested for this project on a reimbursement basis,based on receipts.All persons performing the work associated with this grant shall act as an independent contractor(s),and not as an employee(s),on the terms and conditions set forth herein.The money for this grant comes from fees collected by the Mason County Auditor as authorized by RCW 36.22.170,which established a dedicated fund for support local historic preservation. AGREEMENT In consideration of the foregoing and of the mutual promises set forth herein,and intending to be legally bound,the parties herein agree as follows: 1.Enga eg merit (a)The County hereby agrees to reimburse the Grantee up to the full amount of the grant based on an invoice and a final report of the purchase and moving expenses for Simpson Timber Caboose 1201, as described in the scope-of- work(Exhibit"D"),which shall be performed by independent contractor(s). (b)The Grantee hereby accepts the engagement to have said work performed, to present an invoice and a final report for reimbursement and agrees to an inspection of the final product prior to receiving payment under the terms and conditions set forth herein. 2.Term. (a) This Contract will commence on the date written above, and unless modified by the mutual written agreement of the parties, shall continue until six months from that date. March 28,2023,to September 28,2023 The Grantee may request a one-time six-month extension.Extension request must be in writing and be submitted to the Mason County Historic Preservation Commission for approval no later than 5:00 p.m. four months from the date of the award(July 28,2023). 2023D 3.Grantee's Obligations (a) The Grantee shall provide a scope-of-work, consistent with the grant application,which shall be attached to this contract as Exhibit D. (b) Upon completion of the project the Grantee shall provide the County with an invoice for reimbursement for the work approved by this grant award.At a minimum the invoice shall include the organization's name, remittance address,date,details of expenses(paid receipts),invoice total and program or grant being billed. Grantees will allow at least 60-days for reimbursement after the invoice has been received by the County. (c) Upon completion of the granted project,a final report shall be submitted by the Grantee to the Mason County Historic Preservation Commission. The final report shall summarize the project,its completion and outcome. The final report shall be submitted to the Mason County Historic Preservation Commission, 615 West Alder St, Shelton, WA 98584 within 10 calendar days of the authorized grant completion date(October 12,2023). (d) Grant recipients are required to comply with all local, state,and federal permit requirements,ordinances and laws.Non-compliance can result in the revocation of approved funding. Chair,Mason County Board of County Commissioners Date Chair,Mason County Historic Preservation Commission Date Authorized Representative of the Grantee Date 2023D EXHIBIT D Peninsular Railway & Lumbermen's Museum - $2,000.00 The Peninsular Railway & Lumbermen's Museum will use the funds to purchase and move Simpson Timber Caboose 1201 back to its home rails. They are working on a larger project to restore the caboose to its previous working/as-built condition while it was on the Simpson Timber Railroad. Completion of this project will allow the Peninsular Railway & Lumbermen's Museum to share the caboose's significant historical value with residents and visitors of Mason County. 2023D Mason County Heritage Grant Application Applicant : Peninsular Railway & Lumbermen ' s Museum Date : 1 /20/2022 Mailing Address : P. O. Box 1333 Contact@simpsonrailroad.org 360-589 -9201 Email : Phone : Project Description Attached on Separate Page : Yes x No Total Project Cost : $49000 Grant Request Amount : $ 2 ,000 Heritage grants are available to non -profits , government agencies and tribes . If your organization is a non -profit , please attach proof that your organization is currently registered with the Washington Secretary of State or is 501 (c) . ( 3 ) . Proof of non -profit status is attached : Yes x No How many of the following categories does your project fall into ? Please mark all that apply : Professional Development : Yes No Public Education . Yes No Small Capital Projects : Yes'No No Collections Management : Yes No Heritage Investigations : Yes No Historic Preservation : Yes x No Does your organization have a current incomplete Heritage Grant project pending? Yes No x Does your organization have a previously approved six month time extension for an incomplete approved project? Yes No x If your organization had a previously approved six month time extension , has one year elapsed since the completion of the project? Yes No Has the person completing this application read the Heritage Grant Guidelines published on the Mason County website? Yes No x Does your organization understand that this is a reimbursement grant not to exceed $ 5 , 000? Yes x No Does your organization have the funding ability to complete the project prior to reimbursement? Yes ` No Signature of official for your organization ( i . e . city official , organizational president, etc . ) . Date : l a 01 Signature of your organization ' s financial officer : J a 4y K. a�vv-a- 1 / 19 /zoz. z Datc : IRSDEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY 1NTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE CINCINNATI OH 45999- 0023 Date of this notice : 01 - 03 - 2017 Employer Identification Number : 81 - 4827245 Form : SS - 4 Number of this notice : CP 575 E PENINSULAR RAILWAY & LUMBERMENS MUSEUM JOSH KAIVO For assistance you may call. us at : 613 N UNION AVE 1 - 800 - 829 - 4933 TACOMA , WA 98406 IF YOU WRITE , ATTACH THE STUB AT THE END OF THIS NOTICE. . WE ASSIGNED YOU AN EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER Thank you for applying for an Employer Identification Number ( EIN ) . We assigned you EIN 81 - 4827245 . This EIN will identify you , your business accounts , tax returns , and documents , even if you have no employees . Please keep this notice in your permanent records . When filing tax documents , payments , and related correspondence , it is very important that you use your EIN and complete name and address exactly as shown above . Any variation may cause a delay in processing , result in incorrect information in your account , or even cause you to be assigned more than one EIN . If the information is not correct as shown above , please make the correction using the attached tear -off stub and return it to us . When you submitted your application for an EIN , you checked the box indicating you are a non-profit organization . Assigning an EIN does not grant tax-exempt status to non -profit organizations . Publication 557 , Tax -Exempt Status for Your Organization , has details on the application process , as well as information on returns you may need to file . To apply for recognition of tax - exempt status under Internal Revenue Code Section 501 ( c ) ( 3 ) , organizations must complete a Form 1023 - series application for recognition . All other entities should file Form 1024 if they want to request recognition under Section 501 ( a ) . Nearly all organizations claiming tax-exempt status must file a Form 990 - series annual information return ( Form 990 , 990-EZ , or 990 - PF ) or notice ( Form 990-N ) beginning with the year they legally form , even if they have not yet applied for or received recognition of tax-exempt status . Unless a filing exception applies to you ( search www . irs . gov for Annual Exempt Organization Return : Who Must File ) , you will lose your tax - exempt status if you fail to file a required return or notice for three consecutive years . We start calculating this three - year period from the tax year we assigned the EIN to you . If that first tax year isn ' t a full twelve months , you ' re still responsible for submitting a return for that year . If you didn ' t legally form in the same tax year in which you obtained your EIN , contact us at the phone number or address listed at the top of this letter . For the most current information on your filing requirements and other important information , visit www . irs . gov/ charities . P1, lay & UrbwTufs Nkwzn P . O . Box 1333 , Shelton Washington 98584 simpsonrailroad . org Simpson Timber Caboose 1201 ji � 0 1201 i , k 7f� . �_ `-e 0 „ems• -- Brief History Caboose 1201 was home built by Simpson Timber in early 1960 ' s at the cars shops located at the Simpson mill in downtown Shelton . In typical logging railroad fashion Simpson reused a steal caboose frame from a Great North- ern Railroad caboose originally built by Pacific Car & Founder in Renton WA . The 1201 ' s entire working life was spent on the Simpson Timber Railroad based in Shelton WA . After it retirement it was sold into private hands and moved away from Shelton . Recently it was made available to the PRLM . Having significant historic value to Mason County and the Simpson Railroad the PRLM I wishes to purchase and bring the 1201 back to it ' s home rails . PI, 0M & laybeanafs museum P . O . Box 1333 . Shelton Washington 98584 sirripst > nraiIrc ) ad . ciorg S impson Timber Caboose 1201 Restoration and Use Once caboose 1201 is moved onsite a complete restoration assessment and plan will be developed . The restoration will be to restore in kind to it ' s working/as built life on the Simpson Timber Railroad using best avail& ble museum practices . The Preliminary assessment shows it to be a great candidate for restoration do to it ' s simple constriction and steel frame . Once restored the caboose will be available for use giving rides aboard a piece of liv - ing history on the Simpson Railroad where it worked for many years . Restoration efforts will be lead by Dale Campbell an experience railroad restoration volunteer and museum President Josh Kaivo . Once on site and a resto- ration plan developed a list of material will be on hand and flee restoration phase of the project can commence . Asking For What the museum is asking for is $ 1500 purchase price for Caboose 1201 Plus $ 500 towards the estimated $ 2500 for moving expenses . Will Simpson homebuilt caboose #1201 — o D � 0 11mbanvifs P . O . 98584 LLLL a , Ir 1 � SOUTHERN • ' �S'ERN ` - HERITAGE GRANT CONTRACT This Heritage Grant Contract(this"Contract")is entered into as of March 28,2023,by and between Mason County(the"County"),and the Pickering Homemakers Club(the"Grantee"). Pickering Homemakers Club Mason County DBA:Pickering Community Club c/o Mason County Historic Preservation Commission Attn: Jonelle Adams 615 W Alder Street 2736 Gravelly Beach Loop NW Shelton,WA 98584 Olympia,WA 98502 Attn:Luke Viscusi (206)235-7830 (360)427-9670 ext.282 RECITALS 1.The Grantee has applied for a grant in the amount of$5,000 towards cleaning and re- oiling the original fir floors of the Grant School. 2.The County is granting up to the$5,000 requested for this project on a reimbursement basis,based on receipts.All persons performing the work associated with this grant shall act as an independent contractor(s),and not as an employee(s),on the terms and conditions set forth herein.The money for this grant comes from fees collected by the Mason County Auditor as authorized by RCW 36.22.170,which established a dedicated fund for support local historic preservation. AGREEMENT In consideration of the foregoing and of the mutual promises set forth herein,and intending to be legally bound,the parties herein agree as follows: 1.Enga eg merit (a)The County hereby agrees to reimburse the Grantee up to the full amount of the grant based on an invoice and a final report of the cleaning and re-oiling of the original fir floors in the Grant School, as described in the scope-of- work(Exhibit"E"),which shall be performed by independent contractor(s). (b)The Grantee hereby accepts the engagement to have said work performed, to present an invoice and a final report for reimbursement and agrees to an inspection of the final product prior to receiving payment under the terms and conditions set forth herein. 2.Term. (a) This Contract will commence on the date written above, and unless modified by the mutual written agreement of the parties, shall continue until six months from that date. March 28,2023,to September 28,2023 The Grantee may request a one-time six-month extension.Extension request must be in writing and be submitted to the Mason County Historic Preservation Commission for approval no later than 5:00 p.m. four months from the date of the award(July 28,2023). 2023E 3.Grantee's Obligations (a) The Grantee shall provide a scope-of-work, consistent with the grant application,which shall be attached to this contract as Exhibit E. (b) Upon completion of the project the Grantee shall provide the County with an invoice for reimbursement for the work approved by this grant award.At a minimum the invoice shall include the organization's name, remittance address,date,details of expenses(paid receipts),invoice total and program or grant being billed. Grantees will allow at least 60-days for reimbursement after the invoice has been received by the County. (c) Upon completion of the granted project,a final report shall be submitted by the Grantee to the Mason County Historic Preservation Commission. The final report shall summarize the project,its completion and outcome. The final report shall be submitted to the Mason County Historic Preservation Commission, 615 West Alder St, Shelton, WA 98584 within 10 calendar days of the authorized grant completion date(October 12,2023). (d) Grant recipients are required to comply with all local, state,and federal permit requirements,ordinances and laws.Non-compliance can result in the revocation of approved funding. Chair,Mason County Board of County Commissioners Date Chair,Mason County Historic Preservation Commission Date Authorized Representative of the Grantee Date 2023E EXHIBIT E Pickering Homemakers Club - $5,000.00 The Pickering Homemakers Club will use the funds to work with experts in cleaning and re-oiling the original fir floors of the Grant School. Upkeep and continued preservation of the Grant School allows the Pickering Homemakers Club to share Mason County's history with their various communities. Completion of this project will allow the Grant School to continue being a local hub for gatherings, events, and historical education. 2023E 0 r3 1'1a l Mason County Heritage Grant ApplicaCioUt Applicant: P, cker I V\ q Homemuk& r �s Club Date : Ja/I • /7 24 3 Mailing Address . Q�et V e « &:'Poel t • NI rn /.r1 A ?5-Dz Email : Qhlle . Corn Phone : 7- 0 & -3D Project Description Attached on Separate Page : Yes& No. Total Project Cost: Grant Request Amount: 5, p e) o v D Heritage grants are available to non-profits, government agencies and tribes . If your organization is a non-profit, plcasc attach proof that your organization is currcntly registered with the Washington Secretary of State or is 501 (c) . (3 ) . Proof of non-profit status is attached: Yes No How many of the following categories does your project fall into? Please mark all that apply: Professional Development: Yes _ No. Public Education : Yes No Small Capital Projects : Yes X No Collections Management: Yes No Heritage Investigations : Yes No Historic Preservation: Yes No Does your organization have a current incomplete Heritage Grant project pending? Yes No X Does your organization have a previously approved six month time extension for an incomplete approved project? Yes No > � k Rev. 0210112018 If your organization had a previously approved six month time extension, has one year elapsed since the completion of the project? Yes No X Has the person completing this application read the Heritage Grant Guidelines published on the Mason County website? Yes X No Does your organization understand that this is a reimbursement grant not to exceed $ 5 , 000? Yes No Does your organization have the funding ability to complete the project prior to reimbursement? Yes X No Signature of official for your organization (i . e . city official , organizational president, etc . ) : Date : S 1. / 2 40 Z A Signature of your organization ' s financial officer : 2Of �r Date : wl lr al? 4 ; 5' Rev. 0210112018 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY P . O . BOX 2508 CINCINNATI , OH 45201 'JAN 15 2002 Employer Identification Number : Date : 91 - 1275293 DLN : 17053355012021 PICKERING HOMEOWNERS CLUB INC Contact Person : C / O JANICE E EDWARDS VICTORIA LAHEY ID# 31304 4240 E PICKERING RD Contact Telephone Number : SHELTON , WA 98584 ( 877 ) 829 - 5500 Accounting Period Ending : December 31 Form 990 Required : Yes Addendum Applies : No Dear Applicant : Based on information supplied , and assuming your operations will be as stated in your application for recognition of exemption , we have determined you are exempt from federal income tax under section 501 ( a ) of the Internal Revenue Code as an organization described in section 501 ( c ) ( 3 ) . We have further determined that you are not a private foundation within the meaning of section 509 ( a ) of the Code , because you are an organization described in sections 509 ( a ) ( 1 ) and 170 ( b ) ( 1 ) ( A ) ( vi ) . If your sources of support , or your purposes , character , or method of operation change , please let us know so we can consider the effect of the change on your exempt status and foundation status . In the case of an amend - ment to your organizational document or bylaws , please send us a copy of the amended document or bylaws . Also , you should inform us of all changes in your name or address . As of January 1 , 1984 , you are liable for taxes under the Federal Insurance Contributions Act ( social security taxes ) on remuneration of $ 100 or more you pay to each of your employees during a calendar year . You are not liable for the tax imposed under the Federal Unemployment Tax Act ( FUTA ) . Since you are not y a private foundation , you are not subject to the excise p y J taxes under Chapter 42 of the Code . However , if you are involved in an excess benefit transaction , that transaction might be subject to the excise taxes of section 4958 . Additionally , you are not automatically exempt from other federal excise taxes . If you have any questions about excise , employment , or other federal taxes , please contact your key district office , Grantors and contributors may rely on this determination unless the Internal Revenue Service publishes notice to the contrary . However , if you lose your section 509 ( a ) ( 1 ) status , a grantor or contributor may not rely on this determination if he or she was in part responsible for , or was aware of , the act or failure to act , or the substantial or material change on the Letter 947 ( DO / CG ) - 2 - PICKERING HOMEOWNERS CLUB INC part of the organization that resulted in your loss of such status , or if he or she acquired knowledge that the Internal Revenue Service had given notice that you would no longer be classified as a section 509 ( a ) ( 1 ) organization . Donors may deduct contributions to you as provided in section 170 of the Code . Bequests , legacies , devises , transfers , or gifts to you or for your use are deductible for federal estate and gift tax purposes if they meet the applicable provisions of Code sections 2055 , 2106 , and 2522 . Contribution deductions are allowable to donors only to the extent that their contributions are gifts , with no consideration received . Ticket pur - chases and similar payments in conjunction with fundraising events may not necessarily qualify as deductible contributions , depending on the circum - stances . See Revenue Ruling 67 - 2461 published in Cumulative Bulletin 1967 . 2 , on page 104 , which sets forth guidelines regarding the deductibility , as chari - table contributions , of payments made by taxpayers for admission to or other participation in fundraising activities for charity . In the heading of this letter we have indicated whether you must file Form 990 , Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax . If Yes is indicated , you are required to file Form 990 only if your gross receipts each year are normally more than $ 25 , 000 , However , if you receive a Form 990 package in the mail , please file the return even if you do not exceed the gross receipts test . If you are not required to file , simply attach the label provided , check the box in the heading to indicate that your annual gross receipts are normally $ 25 , 000 or less , and sign the return . If a return is required , it must be filed by the 15th day of the fifth month after the end of your annual accounting period . A penalty of $ 20 a day is charged when a return is filed late , unless there is reasonable cause for the delay . However , the maximum penalty charged cannot exceed $ 10 , 000 or 5 percent of your gross receipts for the year , whichever is less . For organizations with gross receipts exceeding $ 1 , 000 , 000 in any year , the penalty is $ 100 per day per return , unless there is reasonable cause for the delay . The maximum penalty for an organization with gross receipts exceeding $ 1 , 000 , 000 shall not exceed $ 50 , 000 . This penalty may also be charged if a return is not complete , so be sure your return is complete before you file it . You are required to make your annual information return , Form 990 or Form 990 - EZ , available for public inspection for three years after the later of the due date of the return or the date the return is filed . You are also required to make available for public inspection your exemption application , any supporting documents , and your exemption letter . Copies of these documents are also required to be provided to any individual upon written or in person request without charge other than reasonable fees for copying and postage . You may fulfill this requirement by placing these documents on the Internet . Penalties may be imposed for failure to comply with these requirements . Additional information is available in Publication 557 , Tax - Exempt Status for Your Organization , or you may call our toll free number shown above . Letter 947 ( DO / CG ) - 3 - PICKERING HOMEOWNERS CLUB INC You are not required to file federal income tax returns unless you are subject to the tax on unrelated business income under section 511 of the Code , If you are subject to this tax , you must file an income tax return on Form 990 - T , Exempt Organization Business Income Tax Return . In this letter we are not determining whether any of your present or proposed activities are unre - lated trade or business as defined in section 513 of the Code . You need an employer identification number even if you have no employees . If an employer identification number was not entered on your application , a number will be assigned to you and you will be advised of it . Please use that number on all returns you file and in all correspondence with the Internal Revenue Service . If we have indicated in the heading of this letter that an addendum applies , the enclosed addendum is an integral part of this letter , Because this letter could help resolve any questions about your exempt status and foundation status , you should ]seep it in your permanent records . If you have any questions , please contact the person whose name and telephone number are shown in the heading of this letter , Sincerely yours , e NOW 4% �, � Steven T . Miller Director , Exempt organizations I Letter 947 ( DO / CG ) Corporations and Charities Division Physical/Overniuht address : WASH801 Capitol Way S 3 O Olympia, WA 98501 - 1226 Secretary of State(0� e)e iE'dalling a(1(Di`eSs: Corporations & Charities Division PO Box 40234 ^1 _ .,,, ._ : _ 117A A8Cn .l nn1 A VlY' lllplµ• vvry IUJVY- VLJY Tel : 360 , 725 , 0377 sos ' a . Coy colds 12/07/2022 YIC&EK1NU HUMEMAK M' ULUB, INC, PICKERING HOMEMAKERS CLUB INC 2736 GRAVELLY BEACH LOOP NW OLYMPIA WA 98502- 8826 UDI Number: bill tiYl boI Business Name: PICKERINC HOMEMAICERS' CLUB, INC. Expiration Date: 11/30/2023 Dear PICKERING HOMEMAKERS CLUB INC, 1 hank you for your recent submission. I his letter is to continn that the tollowmg documents have been received and successfully filed : ANNUAL REPORT You can view and download your filed document(s) for no charge at our website, w « .sos . \ a. Vo\ /ccfs It you haven ' t already, please sign up for a user account on our webs(te, X w w .sos .wa .uov/cots to tile online, conduct searches, and receive status updates. Please contact our office at corps(ar sos. wa. eov or (360) 725 - 0377 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Corporations and Chanties Division Office of the Secretarcm of State 1N1 \rsos .wa.Rov/con)s i I I FILED t3''iA H I N D T' O N Contact Inti)rtttati(tn �f Secretary of St:2tte ro ,a 3ti0,725,UJ77 � Secretary of State t.. State of Washington t- Vw Corporations g Charities Division w«'a'.Mos.n a, kor /cort)x v Date Filed: 12/07/2022 s u + :rit,n� in c► ni inii i 'ntriini li u� 0; i , i 'iaYiii - I Asir �`1' R#'�9e D"=+a: 1210VOMA29 ii✓F< i ur !ia « : v rt a 1in . 4hlr : •, : t?< ) t?:6k 49234 t )t, :::,t:r . M . t9h4s4-to±3.t 07 UBI No: 601 591 607 Select one riling fee option M ❑ Filing Fee $60 on Default :c ta► rui„� �'e,, a1n r �.N(�n . .." Or ^;i . ' , ...t r. .,,..:..nM - 'ro txpeditc tiling, Atld ti4t► NONPROFIT CORPORATION ANNUAL RIsPOR1 RC %i' 24.03 A & WAN 33 .95, 255 .sii iiritis i�, i +lirii�e: u tit,tier� uieace ►rise slieciiieui ( t i ,U tIlsit) essh 'tiatuwa Pickering Hutneinakr is flub Inc ( W ) UBI No 6a01 - M4rt _ tu) 7 Per the IRS a Noal'i•(,tit Corp oration it. i-equirs(I to }bill r, an EIN . se tiv,4 (3) E I : 91 - I .` 75AwN3 - -- - instructions for the IRS website regarding thi.s process , (4) GROSS REVENUE CERTIFIt `ATION : - -Per R ( %W 24403A , 9ti0 does the Nonprofit certfAw that its total gross revenue in the most recent fiscal Near was less than S500,000 ') {Check one ) 0 VES ❑ tit) i tf' . •),<�s, , the tilitt� fee is reduced to S2t11 ( S ) 11 >t , t) al ► registered Agent changed` ( Check one ) [ ] �r' ES 0NO If Yes . complete page 3 --�-- .. ( 0 ) PRINCIPAL. 01, ICE : The location )There the bueiness 's words are kept Street Address MMina )) Address ( uptionui) ( -Must in a Ift sicai addles; No PO Do% or KNIH ) ( . fleck if nuliting ;tt►dress to the some as ,treet address Address : l s I E . C'un)ntunitw- Club R()a(! Address : 2730 ( itav*ee } } Beach L. p NW 21 118 .5 4 Ctt}' : Shelton _ ....._. _ - - c► eS i " p ' il'i l� : i City: t.� I� n)pta State : WA Countrv : USA State : WA Country : USA Pl) tltt@ : 06-2 : 5_'l4 :it Entail :does itltlal tnl �-i litr .�s�rtt _ _ ( 7 ) GOVERNOR( s): 1. iat at last tote, itttitch additional Pages if necessary . A huciness cannot setwc, .js iitr z►nu (ymernor V Name : lonelleAdarns Natne: Named t2oxututa Siiven }u) rn (9) NATURE OF H SINESS ; lfrieM describe the tipt' of t)ttoittt�5 t4►ttr itusine%s conduct% in the state (►f 1N 11shin4„ t+ on WA tic)it-eroiit C_fi<iritc: blc (9 ) RENEWAL OF PUBLIC BENEFIT DESIGNATION , Itt`V 24 . 0 A* 245l2S1} if the Nonnro it Corporation is curreiuly deslartatted as a 1) Itl?: ie IIL'ISC' fit C't)rc)arati (ytt With the Office (if the Secretary of State the bolo« questions must be answered , ( . [)r)cs the Nani)rotit C 'Orlll)IYlttt)t1 titi } } Iltt'Ct the rcgairewents to maintain its Public Benefit desiguation f (Check one) ® VES ❑ NO if "uu " is se/wed the Aunprujit will nal /lltlililain lite de±viguution of a Public /ktreJit Ctirpuruduu { a . [ f ties does the Nonprofit C'urit( rratiutt Still ele( t 1 () htt � e lire Public Benefit Designation ? ( ClIcck one) Rj YES (J NO Annual ReportWork Order N : 2022110100676322 - 1 Received Date: 11 /01/2022 nh I ReviLwd2 . 2022 Page: 1 of � .._ _ . .._. ,, _ _ . • _ 1 % ( 10) CHARITABLE NONPROFIT CORPORATION : nliro is tllz ) ;ottlartitit Corporation a Charitable Not as defined by Kt" �'�;-'a�.t)�.� . t�l �}�1' (Check one) ] YES F1 NO If "no " coWlnue to sertlnn I•?! r% \GE'.S FOR THE CHARITABLE NONPIi0I:1T CORPORATION * Docks the' � onprotlt Corporation meet exempt of reporting as outlined in R�' t�' ?44t�_; Ari ! ?� ` ' ( Chvvk cold �` g:S [ N0 116ono the relmribig questions below are' required to be anwered ( 12 ) REPORTING; Qt' ESTIONS : lj .su fill;itting tier Aitit lid i Report jer a I•i+reigtt No tip r4it corporation or f itreitjn .ti"nnprojlt Nrojis.,iuntzl 1'cr+lice Corporation ont) questtatt l is required. 1 . I las t11r ?3tttlprotit C.ur1tE>ratiotl filed utt Amendment in tilt: la t year that t 1l�ttigt eP onectl el ►ure purposes of tl►e corporation recorded in its initial Articles of incorporatioW (C iv c+ nel C� �' L � As Ilit tltC iVUilpittilt t Urlxltatit?ID opt:tztiYU ti signil Catli prograili of c1clivily that is d Il.ClClil itVni : a. A pxogx;tm ter activity tlt.3t the \atlpritit has previous l } operatt d ; and K A program or activity described in the most recent aplalicatian for recognition of exemption from federal tax incontz? ( Check one) 0 YES 0 NO ( 0 ) Controlling Interest 1RCiW 82 .45.224l Answer all ques410114 11cloW 1 . Does this entM own ( hold title ) real property in Washington , Shell as land or buildings , including leasehold illlprovements) ® YES 0 NO 2 . In the past 12 months, has there been a transter of at least 16 - > t7erca; t ;►f the crtviterr;llip. stock. or other financial interest in life entity, L7 YES ONO 2a. if "yes' in the past •30 months, has there been a transfer of controlling interest ( 50 percent or *rcatcr) at' thc ownership, stock, or other financial interest in the entity', © YFfi 0 NO A . If Vail :lncu•ered " r>Pc ' to ntwgtinn ?:t , hst � the c r►ttirnititi�? intt�rHaf trnncter return been ri1t2+ 3 tuitt, r)omiriment 4 Revenue'? L YES 0 NO For more infarmation on 01ttVIU119 Interest, contact Defrartment of ' Re►ventie f?t� visiting rt wlv. tlrrr'. etn. gtti 'RF. 1s" T ( 13) POSTAL MAIL OP i W lN c the checking the hax the business and Registered Agent will not receive email notifications t.1 t itt= UUtIK:J� W �Xtllti LV IC4Ui � l% iqf llUtlt / LtYill+lll t�l 11iG l\G�'jtAtG1GU It �'l' tll t/�! iillltalt lltallt ( IS ) I hereby ecrtify, under penalty of law . that the above intormation is accurate and complies ti�►�th the filing requirements of state law. �t Signature of Authorized Person : &I, e, ,a. Print Nance and Title of annlicabte) : onelle Adatrts - - Phone : (optiullat) ? ot+-? 35 .7g3U _ Email : (uprtouai) a;litm. l 5444U1; lit'e.Wrlt - - Work Order # : 2022110100676K Received Date: 11 /011 Annual Repots Page : 2 of 2 Amount Received: $: Pg 2 1 Revised 2.2022 Mason County Heritage Grant ' Date of Grant Application : Jan . 17, 2023 Organization : Pickering Homemakers Club Inc . dba — Pickering Community Club www .thegrantschool . org Address : 151 E . Community Club Road — Shelton , WA 98584 President : Bill Gaines Contact person and Mailing Address . Jonelle Adams, Treasurer — 2736 Gravelly Beach Lp . NW, Olympia , WA 98502 Cell Phone : 206- 235 -7830 Email : jadams13444@live . com Mason County Heritage Grant Application for 2023 Applicant : Pickering Homemakers Club Inc dba - Pickering Community Club Category : Small Capitol Improvement Project Description : Pickering Community Club is seeking funds to help clean and protect the original fir floors of Grant School . Since the school opened in 1914, the original fir floors have set the stage for both school activities and gymnasium play time . The original floors are a substantial part of the interior integrity and a design feature of the one room schoolhouse . The floors have captured all the wear of the school ' s history and activities throughout the years . All the unique scars and marks in the old fir floors make a lasting impression on visitors and community members . The school floors remind us about the legacy of Mason County' s timber industry and the beauty of the wood used to build the Grant School . To keep the fir floors in good condition ( beyond general maintenance ) it is recommended and necessary to professionally clean and oil them every decade or so . The Pickering Community Club is requesting a grant to help preserve the original fir floors . What will the work entail ? The work will entail clearing the building of all furniture and then having the floors professionally cleaned and re-oiled . Re-oiling will preserve the fir floors and prevent dirt from discoloring/graying the wood and breaking down wood fibers . Re - oiling will fill or soften scratches and dents, but existing black marks or dents will remain . No plastic filler or resin will be used . Christopherson Wood Floors are experts in restoring old fir floors and are familiar with the school ' s floors and their condition . I 1 I If I trial .. Fri IL __"'S< '"s 5 � x.. Fr r _ - fp �. - IF Fir ir� Iff .:spij ue /+' _ p � C _ p • 4PP { vprip imFF . {FILL 4� IY1IL r- s 6s f F � ill , i { , jF ` LipLLL _ 'NI ' d I . j ki r' I! !� I L. I F , . f $. 'f' It fll 1 �Iti) I � k• ; , i ., l, Ff Lily }Uk I , �( trill PLO L 1nl y �;4� ;it it ,lr��I1 �l1 , , I It L it Lp Lj i h ,� s` , �kFo + ' .� j 1 ,�� n � ) tp �Flit � a /J r t ` At L pil IIF 9 x�l Lip ILL, < y.. ' P pr 61 1pripp s F .i:�.j' ! . � F, .,'` 1 � I What materials will be used ? The cleaning process begins with an application of non -toxic cleaning solution and then wiped clean . The floors are allowed to dry for 24 hours . The next step is to apply an oil based finish product applied to protect the floors . The process will take about two days for cleaning and then applying the finish coat . Overall Total Project Budget: Cleaning and re -oiling x 1515 ft. of wood floors = $70575 . 00 643 . 88 Tax Total Budget $ 8, 218. 88 Request for Grant funding: $ 5,000 Pickering Community Club will cover the remaining cost of $ 3, 218 . 88 How does this project promote heritage, preservation, and history of Mason County? In 1946, the Pickering Homemakers Club, alumni and residents of the surrounding neighborhoods were concerned about the future of an old one room schoolhouse called the "Grant School " established in 1914 and closed in 1942 . The Pickering Homemakers Club had just incorporated in 1946 which gave it a solid community presence and they agreed to take over the stewardship of the old school with full responsibility for its upkeep and continued preservation . Subsequently, the property was then deeded to the Pickering Homemakers Club and their meetings and activities were located at the school . Sometime later, the masculine gender joined the membership as the "homemakers" responsibilities began to include building repairs, roof replacement and social events . The school also had the honor of being used as a precinct polling site . In 2002, the Pickering Homemakers Club filed for non - profit status ( 5016 ) and several years later changed their name to Pickering Community Club as filed with the Washington State Secretary. As caretakers of The Grant School, the Pickering Community Club has the following goals : • To preserve the 1914 Grant School historic flavor for the Pickering neighborhood ' s use and enjoyment. • To invite neighbors and friends to share in the experience of The Grant School and to be a part of our community engagement events . • To create a living classroom museum available to children for educational school field trips . • To support community engagement and provide outreach to K- 12 education to our area . 3 Through the interest, participation and monetary support of friends and neighbors in the Pickering area, Mason County Heritage Grant program, and Green Diamond Grants, the school ' s history and structures are being preserved . Fund - raising for the restoration or improvement of The Grant School is an ongoing project . We wish to acknowledge past support from Mason County Historical Preservation Commission and the Green Diamond Corporation for funding past improvements which included, updating a bathroom , return of the original school bell to the roof-top, repair of 191 &era maps and map case, meeting room ceiling replacement, a new flagpole, the rebuilding of three porch railings and outside shed, a new roof, electrical , new heating and cooling system, additional attic and floor insulation, and recent updated well building and tanks . Grant School is proudly being preserved for future generations of the Pickering community to use and enjoy. How does this project benefit the public and increase public understanding, exposure, and experience of Mason County history? The Pickering Community Club is responsible for the preservation of the Grant School and is very proud to promote the legacy and history of the Pickering Community . By providing this grant to restore the floors and keep them in good shape is helping Grant School remain a treasure in our Pickering Community . Through community projects and community volunteerism, the Grant School property is known as a local hub for community gatherings and fundraising events for its ' historic preservation - examples : annual plant and bake sale and special fund - raising auctions . During covid, Pickering Community Club members produced a 751h Anniversary Cookbook with historic photos of Grant School ' s history. Summer Music Concerts were added in 2022 . The Grant School also serves our community by providing exercise classes, monthly Club meetings, a venue for memorials, community classes and family/social events . The Pickering Community Club has also partnered with Pioneer School District to engage students in a STEM project to help replant native plants on the old playground area . Students learned to apply plant identification skills, soil conservation and erosion prevention techniques and the importance of preserving beaches along the Puget Sound . This project was funded by a Green Diamond Grant, Pickering Community Club also continues to promote Mason County history by offering field trips for surrounding school districts . Grade school students visit Grant School and learn how students were educated back in 1914 . Students learn the history of the area by participating in a hand - on - experience, while pretending to be a student at Grant School . Volunteer members conduct the educational field trip and help students experience "a day in the life of Mason County history in 1914 . " Our new photo gallery displays historic photos of Grant School ' s history from 1914- 1942 . The gallery showcases the history of our Pickering pioneer families and celebrates the support and restoration for the Grant School by volunteer members . 4 Does the applicant have the capacity to complete the project using professional standards ? The Pickering Community Club has received previous grants and has proven capacity to complete past projects using professional standards and following grant procedures with final report filing . Past grants were received in 201112013; 2017, 2018, and 2019 . What is the immediate need and relationship to our mission ? Preserving the original fir floors are a necessary task and if left unprotected , the floors will turn grey, and the wood fibers will break down overtime . According to the floor experts, deep cleaning of these floors to remove the dirt is an absolute necessity especially in high traffic areas . There are specific areas on the floor that have been damaged and have exposed some bare wood . These areas need to be oiled and sealed to protect them from further damage . Pickering Community Club is dedicated to the preservation of Grant School and has been conducting continuous fundraising events to accomplish this goal . We have just completed several ambitious capital improvement projects which have drawn down our capital improvement reserve fund . Our large capital improvements have included a new roof, new attic and under floor insulation, new heating, and cooling system, updated kitchen with new appliances, updated electrical wiring, and well repairs . Our membership participates in volunteer work groups to keep the school in working order and hosts limited fundraising opportunities to raise funds for capital improvements . We are a dedicated group of volunteers with a proven track record for the continuous preservation of Grant School . We have set ambitious goals and hope our commitment to the long-term investment and preservation of the Grant School is worthy of your support. What are the measurable outcomes? Pickering Community Club is committed to assure that the work is completed with quality materials and done by professionals with the expertise to complete the tasks as outlined in this grant . Board members will monitor the cleaning and re - oiling of the floors with photos to provide evidence of completion of this grant . What is the economic benefit to Mason County? The overall economic benefit to Mason County is the preserving and enhancing as the Grant School a community facility for continued community use and supportive resources . One example is Pickering Community Club has just added an Emergency Preparedness Committee to map and establish neighborhood block watches in the Pickering Community . Using the Grant School as the headquarters for Emergency Preparedness events is helpful and economic benefit . By establishing these volunteer groups to be prepared to handle emergency situations is an added economic benefit especially when Fire Departments and Police are understaffed and under resourced in our area . We also provide support to Pioneer School District with STEM projects and donate back to Pioneer Schools through volunteer projects, financial support and scholarships . 5 Christopherson Wood Floors Estimate PO Box 592 DATEI ESTIMATE # Olympia WA 98507 1 / 11 /2023 9759 (360 ) 357 - 7919 Fax 352 = 9474 WmNr Nntional 1 1Vood Flooring „ Association Jonelle Adams Jobsite Address 2736 Gravelly Beach Loop NW 151 E Community Club Rd Please visit our website @ Olympia, WA 98502 Shelton, WA 98584 www.christophersonwoodfloors.coni JOB DESCRIPTION Estimate Option 1 reoil Clean and re-oil 1515 sq ft of Fir wood floors with 1 coat of finish. WE CANNOT GUARANTEE 7 , 575 . 00T RE-COATS . Depending on the type of original finish, how the floors have been maintained, the existing wear and damages, there may be issues that you may not be happy with such as sheen or finish adhesion issues , existing cracks, dents, scratches and sunlight fading. Re-oiling will fill or soften existing dents and scratches but many may still be present. Unfortunately, these issues may require that the floor be completely refinished . THIS WOULD BE AT THE HOMEOWNERS or CONTRACTORS EXPENSE , i li I I I Thank you for considering Christopherson Wood Floors! Subtotal S7,575 .00 Christopherson Wood Floors guarantees our workmanship for as long as you own your home. S»Ies. Taz (8.S%) $643 .88 WE REQUIRE a 25% non-refundable deposit once bid is accepted to insure schedule cotmnitment. Estimate $g 21< 8.�8 Install jobs require a 50% non-refundable deposit for materials. Installed flooring: 66% rough-in amount due at completion of install. All estimates are valid for 30 days (HOWEVER, currently, with prices fluctuating, materials pricing on installs is only good for 15 days. After 15 days, at time of scheduling we will let you know if there's a price increase for materials.) CWF is not responsible for moving furniture or appliances. CWF does not remove or reconnect plumbing fixtures. PLEASE USE EXTREME CARE WHEN MOVING THE REFRIGERATOR AND LARGE OBJECTS AS THIS MAY CAUSE FLOORS TO BE SCRATCHED. While we strive to keep dust to a minimum, final dust clean-up is the responsibility of the homeowner. TERMS: PAYMENT DUE UPON RECEIPT OF INVOICE. A SERVICE CHARGE of 1 .5% will be added to all balances of 10 or more days past date of invoice. CC subject to 3% fee. r f Mason County Agenda Request Form r- To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Melissa Casey Ext.404 Department: Public Health Briefing: Action Agenda: Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): February 27,2023 Agenda Date: March 14,2023 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Other (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item: CHOICE Regional Health Network Youth Cannabis and Commercial Tobacco Prevention Program Background/Executive Summary: The Washington State Department of Health is funding the CHOICE Regional Health Network to serve as the Regional Lead Organization(RLO)coordinating the Youth Cannabis and Commercial Tobacco Prevention Program(YCCTPP) in the Cascade Pacific Action Alliance(CPAA)Region. Mason County Public Health and Human Services is subcontracted for the amount of$52,676.01 to work with CHOICE on events and activities focused on cannabis and commercial tobacco prevention efforts towards youth, school districts, and community members. Budget Impact(amount,funding source,budget amendment): None Public Outreach (news release, community meeting, etc.): None Requested Action: Approval of the CHOICE Regional Health Network Youth Cannabis and Commercial Tobacco Prevention Program contract in the amount of$52,676.01. Attachments: CHOICE Regional Health Network Contract No: CB027574-MCPHHS2023 CHOICE Regional Health Network Contract No: CB027574- CHOICE REGIONAL Cascade Pacific Action Alliance MCPHHS2023 HEALTH NETWORK 1217 4th Ave E., Suite 200 Olympia, WA 98506 ❑New Contract cascade Pacific Action Alliance (360) 539-7576 ❑Amendment No: CHOICE Regional Health Network, Regional Lead Organization (RLO) coordinator of Youth Cannabis and Commercial Tobacco Prevention Program Subcontractor Information Name Address Phone Number(s) Mason County Public Health and Street: 415 N 6th St 360-490-5698 Human Services City: Shelton State: WA Zip: 98584 Social Security or Federal ID# Contract Signatory Project Contact 91-6001354; DUNS 232-002-01 Kevin Shutty, County Commissioner Casey Bingham, Finance Manager Contact Phone Number Contract Signatory E-Mail Address Project Contact E-Mail Address 360-427-9670x400 KshuttV(@masoncountVwa.gov CaseVb(@masoncountVwa.gov RLO Subcontractor CHOICE Regional Health Network Project/Contract Youth Cannabis and Commercial Tobacco Prevention Program-CB027574 CHOICE Subcontract# Contact Person Contact Title CB027574-MCPHHS2023 Rob Molina Program Manager Contact Phone Number Contact Fax Number Contact E-Mail Address 786.663.3585 360.943.1164 molinar@crhn.org Funding Source Contract Amount Amendment Amount(if Washington State Department of $ 52,676.01 applicable) Health Grant#CB027574 $ Reason for Amendment Effective Date: Upon Execution July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023 The terms and conditions of this Agreement, including all attachments and subsequent amendments constitute the entire and exclusive understanding between the parties. No other understandings, writings, and communications, oral or otherwise regarding the subject matter of this Agreement will exist to bind the Parties. The Parties signing below represent they have read and understand this Agreement, and have the authority to execute this Agreement. This A reement will be binding on CHOICE only upon signature by CHOICE. SUBCONTRACTOR SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME AND TITLE DATE SIGNED CHOICE SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME AND TITLE DATE SIGNED CHOICE Subcontractor Agreement Page 1 of 19 C13027574- MCPHHS2023 PURPOSE The Washington State Department of Health (DOH) will provide state funding to plan, implement, and evaluate cannabis and commercial tobacco (including vaping products) prevention and control activities focused in the Cascade Pacific Action Alliance (CPAA) Region, and to participate in the Coverage Study in partnership with the Washington State Healthcare Authority (HCA). State funding is further defined on Exhibit B, Funding, incorporated herein. GRANT REQUIREMENTS &STATEMENT OF WORK: The Subcontractor will furnish the necessary personnel, equipment, material and/or services and otherwise do all things necessary for or incidental to the performance of the work detailed in Exhibit A, Statement of Work (SOW), incorporated herein. PAYMENT PROVISIONS: Compensation for the work provided in accordance with this agreement has been established under the terms of RCW 39.34.130. The Parties have estimated that the cost of accomplishing the work described will not exceed $52,676.01 in accordance with Exhibit B, Funding. Payment will not exceed this amount without a prior written amendment. CHOICE will authorize payment only upon satisfactory completion and acceptance of deliverables and for allowable costs as outlined in the SOW and/or budget. BILLING PROCEDURE: Payment to the Subcontractor for approved and completed work will be made by CHOICE within 30 days of receipt of the Subcontractor's invoice (Exhibit C Subcontract Invoice Template) and approved deliverables. Upon expiration of the agreement, any claim for payment not already made will be submitted within 60 days after the expiration date or the end of the fiscal year, whichever is earlier. SUBCONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITIES: A. The Subcontractor has full responsibility for the conduct and activity supported under this contract and for adherence to the contract conditions. Although the Subcontractor is encouraged to seek the advice and opinion of CHOICE and DOH on special problems that may arise, such advice does not diminish the Subcontractor's responsibility for making sound scientific and administrative judgments and should not imply that the responsibility for operating decisions has shifted to CHOICE or DOH. The Subcontractor is responsible for notifying CHOICE about any significant problems relating to the administrative or financial aspects of thecontract. B. The requirements of this contract are contained in the General Terms and Conditions and SOW unless otherwise specified in this contract. Certain applicable Federal standards are incorporated by reference. C. By acceptance of this contract, the Subcontractor agrees to comply with the applicable Federal requirements and management of all expenditures and actions affecting the contract. Documentation for each expenditure or action affecting this contract must reflect appropriate organizational reviews or approvals which should be made in advance of the action. Organizational reviews are intended to help assure that expenditures are allowable, necessary and reasonable for the conduct of the project, and that the proposed action: 1. Is consistent with the contract terms and conditions; 2. Represents effective utilization of resources; and 3. Does not constitute a significant project change. CHOICE Subcontractor Agreement Page 2 of 19 C6027574- MCPHHS2023 GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS AGREEMENT ALTERATIONS AND AMENDMENTS: This agreement may be amended by mutual agreement of the Parties. Such amendments will not be binding unless they are in writing and signed by those authorized to bind each of the parties. Only the Contracting Officer or his/her delegate will have the express, implied, or apparent authority to alter, amend, modify, or waive any clause or condition of this agreement on behalf of DOH. No alteration, modification, or waiver of any clause or condition of this agreement is effective or binding unless made in writing and signed by authorized parties. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) OF 1990, PUBLIC LAW 101-336, also referred to as the "ADA" 28 CFR Part 35: The Subcontractor must comply with the ADA, which provides comprehensive civil rights protection to individuals with disabilities in the areas of employment, public accommodations, state and local government services, and telecommunications. ASSIGNMENT: The work to be provided under this Contract, and any possible claim, cannot be assigned or delegated by either party in whole or in part, without the express prior written consent of the other party. CHANGE IN STATUS: In the event of substantive change in the legal status, organizational structure, or fiscal reporting responsibility of the Subcontractor, Subcontractor agrees to notify CHOICE of the change. Subcontractor will provide notice as soon as practicable, but no later than thirty (30) days after such a change takes effect. CONFIDENTIALITY/SAFEGUARDING OF INFORMATION: The use or disclosure by any party, either verbally or in writing, of any Confidential Information will be subject to Chapter 42.56 RCW and Chapter 70.02 RCW, as well as other applicable federal and state laws and administrative rules governing confidentiality. Specifically, the Subcontractor agrees to limit access to Confidential Information to the minimum amount of information necessary, to the fewest number of people, for the least amount of time required to do the work. The obligations set forth in this clause will survive completion, cancellation, expiration, or termination of this Contract. A. Notification of Confidentiality Breach Upon a breach or suspected breach of confidentiality, the Subcontractor will immediately notify CHOICE. CHOICE will subsequently notify the DOH Privacy Officer of the suspected breach. For the purposes of this Agreement, "immediately "will mean within one calendar day. The Subcontractor will take steps necessary to mitigate any known harmful effects of such unauthorized access including, but not limited to sanctioning employees, notifying subjects, and taking steps necessary to stop further unauthorized access. The Subcontractor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless CHOICE and DOH for any damages related to unauthorized use or disclosure by the Subcontractor, its officers, directors, employees, contractors or agents. Any breach of this clause may result in termination of the agreement and the demand for return of all confidential information. B. Subsequent Disclosure The Subcontractor will not release, divulge, publish, transfer, sell, disclose, or otherwise make the Confidential Information known to any other entity or person without the express prior written consent of the Secretary of Health, or as required by law. If responding to public record disclosure requests under RCW 42.56, the Subcontractor agrees to notify and discuss with CHOICE requests for all information that are part of this Contract, prior to disclosing the information. The Subcontractor further agrees to provide DOH and CHOICE a minimum of two calendar weeks to initiate legal action to secure a protective order under RCW 42.56.540. CHOICE Subcontractor Agreement Page 3 of 19 C6027574- MCPHHS2023 DEBARMENT: The Subcontractor, by signature to this Contract, certifies that the Subcontractor is not presently debarred,suspended, proposed for debarment,declared ineligible,or voluntarily excluded in any Federal department or agency from participating in transactions. The Subcontractor agrees to include the above requirement in all subcontracts into which it enters to complete this Contract. DISPUTES: The Subcontractor and CHOICE agree that any disputes that arise relating to the terms under this Contract will be submitted to mediation before either party starts litigation in any form. An impartial third party acceptable to both the Subcontractor and CHOICE will be appointed to mediate. The Subcontractor and CHOICE will pay an equal percentage of the mediator's fees and expenses. The mediation will be confidential in all respects, as allowed or required by law. GOVERNANCE: This agreement is entered into pursuant to and under the authority granted by the laws of the state of Washington and any applicable federal laws. The provisions of this agreement will be construed to conform to those laws. In the event of an inconsistency in the terms of this Contract, or between its terms and any applicable statute or rule, the inconsistency will be resolved by giving precedence in the following order: A. Federal statutes and regulations B. State statutes and regulations C. Agreement amendments D. The Contract (in this order) 1. Primary document (document that includes the signature page) 2. Statement of Work (Exhibit A) 3. Funding (Exhibit B) 4. Subcontractor Invoice Template (Exhibit C) HOLD HARMLESS: The Subcontractor will defend, protect, and hold harmless the State of Washington, DOH, CHOICE or any employees thereof, from and against all claims, suits or action arising from any intentional or negligent act or omission of the Subcontractor, or agents of either, while performing under the terms of this agreement. Claims will include, but not be limited to, assertions that the use or transfer of any software, book, document, report, film, tape or sound reproduction or material of any kind, delivered hereunder, constitutes an infringement of any copyright, patent, trademark, trade name, or otherwise results in an unfair trade practice. INDEPENDENT CAPACITY: The employees or agents of each party who are engaged in the performance of this Contract will continue to be employees or agents of that party and will not be considered for any purpose to be employees or agents of the other party. INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE COVERAGE: The Subcontractor will comply with the provisions of Title 51 RCW, Industrial Insurance. Prior to performing work under this agreement, the Subcontractor will provide or purchase industrial insurance coverage for the Subcontractor's employees, as may be required of an"employer"as defined in Title 51 RCW, and will maintain full compliance with Title 51 RCW during the course of this agreement. If the Subcontractor fails to provide industrial insurance coverage or fails to pay premiums or penalties on behalf of its employees as may be required by law, CHOICE may collect from the Subcontractor the full amount payable to the Industrial Insurance accident fund. CHOICE may deduct the amount owed by the Subcontractor to the accident fund from the amount payable to the Subcontractor by CHOICE under this agreement, and transmit the deducted amount to the Department of Labor and Industries, Division of Insurance Services. This provision does not waive any of L&I's rights to collect from the Subcontractor. CHOICE Subcontractor Agreement Page 4 of 19 C6027574- MCPHHS2023 Industrial insurance coverage through the Department of Labor & Industries is optional for sole proprietors, partners, corporate officers and others, per RCW 51.12.020. NONDISCRIMINATION: During the performance of this agreement, the Subcontractor will comply with all federal and state nondiscrimination laws, regulations, and policies. NONDISCRIMINATION LAWS NONCOMPLIANCE: In the event of the Subcontractor's noncompliance or refusal to comply with any nondiscrimination law, regulation, or policy, this agreement may be rescinded, canceled or terminated in whole or in part, and the Subcontractor may be declared ineligible for further contracts with CHOICE. The Subcontractor will, however, be given a reasonable time in which to correct this noncompliance. Any dispute may be resolved in accordance with the "Disputes" procedure set forth herein. RECORDS MAINTENANCE: The Parties to this agreement will each maintain books, records, documents, and other evidence which sufficiently and properly reflect all direct and indirect costs expended by either party in the performance of the services described herein. These records will be subject to inspection, review, or audit by personnel of both parties other personnel duly authorized by either party, the Office of the State Auditor, and federal officials so authorized by law. All books, records, documents, and other material relevant to this Agreement will be retained for six years after expiration and the Office of the State Auditor, federal auditors, and any persons duly authorized by the parties will have full access and the right to examine any of these materials during this period. Records and other documents, in any medium,furnished by one party in this Contract to the other party,will remain the property of the furnishing party, unless otherwise agreed. The receiving party will not disclose or make available this material to any third parties without first giving notice to the furnishing party and giving it a reasonable opportunity to respond. Each party will utilize reasonable security procedures and protections to assure that records and documents provided by the other party are not erroneously disclosed to third parties. RIGHT OF INSPECTION: The Subcontractor will provide right of access to its facilities to DOH and CHOICE, or any of its officers, or to any other authorized agent or official of the state of Washington or the federal government, at all reasonable times, in order to monitor and evaluate performance, compliance, and/or quality assurance under this agreement. The Subcontractor will make available information necessary for DOH and CHOICE to comply with the client's right to access, amend, and receive an accounting of disclosures of their confidential information according state and federal law. The Subcontractor's internal policies and procedures, books, and records relating to the safeguarding, use, and disclosure of confidential information obtained or used as a result of this agreement will be made available to DOH, CHOICE, and the U.S. Secretary of the Department of Health & Human Services, upon request. SAVINGS: In the event funding from state, federal, or other sources is withdrawn, reduced, or limited in any way after the effective date of this agreement and prior to normal completion, DOH may terminate the Grant under the "Termination" clause, subject to renegotiation under those new funding limitations and conditions. SEVERABILITY: If any provision of this Contract or any provision of any document incorporated by reference is deemed invalid, such invalidity will not affect the other provisions of this Contract which can be given effect without the invalid provision, and to this end the provisions of this Contract are declared to be severable. SUBGRANTING: The Subcontractor will not enter into subcontracts for any of the work contemplated under this agreement without prior written approval of DOH and CHOICE. In no event will the existence of the subcontract operate to release or reduce the liability of the Subcontractor to DOH or CHOICE for any breach in the performance of the Subcontractor's duties. This clause does not include contracts of employment between the Subcontractor and personnel assigned to work under this agreement, nor does it prevent vendor agreements from being issued y the Subcontractor. Please refer to the Statement of Work for final details on vendor agreements and contracts. Additionally, the Subcontractor is responsible for ensuring that all terms, conditions, assurances, and certifications set forth in this Contract are carried forward to any approved subcontracts. CHOICE Subcontractor Agreement Page 5 of 19 C6027574- MCPHHS2023 If, at any time during the progress of the work, DOH determines in it sole judgment that the Subcontractor is incompetent or undesirable, DOH will notify CHOICE and CHOICE will take immediate steps to terminate the Subcontractor's involvement in the work. This clause also includes any further approved subcontracts the Subcontractor may have entered into. SURVIVABILITY: The terms and conditions contained in this agreement, will survive the completion, cancellation, termination, or expiration of the agreement. SUSPENSION OF PERFORMANCE AND RESUMPTION OF PERFORMANCE: In the event of government closure, suspension or limitation of funding in any way after the effective date of this agreement and prior to normal completion, CHOICE may give notice to Subcontractor to suspend performance as an alternative to termination. CHOICE may elect to give written notice to the Subcontractor to suspend performance when CHOICE determines that there is a reasonable likelihood that the funding insufficiency may be resolved in a timeframe that would allow performance to be resumed prior to the end date of this agreement. Notice may include notice by facsimile or email to the Subcontractor's representative. The Subcontractor will suspend performance on the date stated in the written notice to suspend. During the period of suspension of performance, each party may inform the other of any conditions that may reasonably affect the potential for resumption of performance. When CHOICE determines that the funding insufficiency is resolved, CHOICE may give the Subcontractor written notice to resume performance and a proposed date to resume performance. Upon receipt of written notice to resume performance, Subcontractor will give written notice to CHOICE as to whether it can resume performance, and, if so, the date upon which it agrees to resume performance. If Subcontractor gives notice to CHOICE that it cannot resume performance, the Parties agree that the agreement will be terminated retroactive to the original date of termination. If the date the Subcontractor gives notice it can resume performance is not acceptable to CHOICE, the Parties agree to discuss an alternative acceptable date. If an alternative date is not acceptable to CHOICE, the Parties agree that the agreement will be terminated retroactive to the original date of termination. TAXES: All payments accrued on account of payroll taxes, unemployment contributions, any other taxes, insurance or other expenses for the Subcontractor or its staff will be the sole responsibility of the Subcontractor. TERMINATION: Either party may terminate this agreement upon thirty (30) days prior written notification to the other party. If this agreement is so terminated, the Parties will be liable only for performance rendered or costs incurred in accordance with the terms of this agreement prior to the effective date of termination. TERMINATION FOR CAUSE: If for any cause, either party does not fulfill in a timely and proper manner its obligations under this agreement, or if either party violates any of these terms and conditions, the aggrieved party will give the other party written notice of such failure or violation. The responsible party will be given the opportunity to correct the violation or failure within 15 working days. If the failure or violation is not corrected, this agreement may be terminated immediately by written notice of the aggrieved party to the other. WAIVER: A failure by either party to exercise its rights under this agreement will not preclude that party from subsequent exercise of such rights and will not constitute a waiver of any other rights under this agreement unless stated to be such in a writing signed by an authorized representative of the party and attached to the original agreement. CHOICE Subcontractor Agreement Page 6 of 19 C6027574- MCPHHS2023 EXHIBIT A STATEMENT OF WORK The Mason County Public Health and Human Services (MCPHHS) and CHOICE will work together on a series of events that will be focused on cannabis and commercial tobacco prevention efforts towards youth, school districts, and community members. With this relationship, we are hoping to strengthen the work being done around smoking and vaping, leverage the expertise of ESD 113 professionals in the region, and increase cessation by youth in the region. Responsibilities of Mason County Public Health and Human Services (MCPHHS): Responsibilities of Mason County Public Health Department: 1. Deliverable: Support schools in implementing effective and equitable Substance Use Discipline Policies, Practices, and Procedures, and in providing prevention resources on cannabis and tobacco prevention. Activities: a. Support at least 3 additional schools/Youth coalitions on school discipline topics through technical assistance on specific areas of need. Propose b. Compile, and disseminate prevention and cessation resources to school and coalition partners. c. Assess training needs of school partners in relation to School Substance Use d. Hold at least 1 training with school professionals on School Substance Use/ Fentanyl, Fetal Alcohol or vape. e. Promote Prevention Voices Tools and Resources to Mason County Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition Partners 2. Deliverable: Create a community engagement campaign around prioritized populations/communities on youth cannabis and tobacco prevention. Activities: a. Complete assessment of Mason County capacity needs related to inequities in youth cannabis and tobacco prevention in our region. Prioritized youth populations of focus may include: LGBTQ+, Rural, Low Hope, Native American, and/or Hispanic. b. Support regional equity training&TA opportunities to regional network partners via email, local coalition meetings, regional coalition coordinators meetings, and ESD promotion to school admin &SAPs. i. At least 1 regional equity training in the region 3. Deliverable: City and County tobacco and vape policies review Activities: a. Conduct Shelton City Tobacco and Marijuana Vape Policy assessment b. Share results of policy assessment and determined priorities to City Council and Mason County Board of Health partners via regional network meeting/email updates. c. Meet with City and County leadership. Council, County Commission meetings providing technical assistance as requested. d. YCCTPP coordinator to attend at least 1 capacity building/training event on prevention or related subject 4. Deliverable: Community education Activities• a. Host at least 1Region Wide Prevention Summit b. Create a regional positive community norms campaign addressing youth cannabis and tobacco prevention c. Create media plan for 22-23 to promote You Can, Under the Influence of You, WA Quitline and any additional Youth Cannabis and Tobacco Prevention campaigns and resources provided by WA DOH: i. Social media campaign ii. Traditional brick and mortar campaign d. Hold at least 2 focus groups/listening sessions on how to best support and assist Mason County Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition. Include CHOICE High, Cedar High and North Mason High schools CHOICE Subcontractor Agreement Page 7 of 19 C6027574- MCPHHS2023 S. Deliverable: Collaborate with regional partners to explore addressing safe storage of cannabis &tobacco products Activities: a. Plan and implement safe storage project or RX take back Day promotion Project in Spanish and English b. Promote safe storage project opportunities&safe storage messaging via email and social media and North Mason Safety Days project c. Implement "National Drug Take-back" day"Month" Partner with CHOICE High, Cedar High and North Mason High school Youth Coalitions and Prevention Groups d. Work with at least 2 private businesses to distribute safe storage materials in Mason Co. Responsibilities of CHOICE to Mason County Public Health Dept. 1. CHOICE will disburse funds to Mason County 2. CHOICE will provide technical assistance if needed CHOICE will report to DOH on implementation progress. Other Activities To ensure compliance and consistency with program requirements, CHOICE will conduct a series of monitoring activities throughout the life of this contract and any subsequent amendments and/or extensions made by either CHOICE or DOH. Those activities include, but are not limited to,the following: • Reporting on any other activities outlined in MCPH;s Work Plan as listed below: • Timely reporting by Subrecipient/Subcontractor • Audit of Subrecipient/Subcontractor invoices (if applicable) • Site visits • Regular attendance to network monthly meetings and activities Mason County Work Plan- 2022- 2023 Fiscal Year Coordination Plan Required Activities By DOH Activity Hire or assign project staff TE-TBA Assure all staff working with youth have an acceptable criminal background Complete and required in subcontracts check on file. that work directly with youtb Participate in performance measure data collection activities in collaboration Yes with DOH. Participate in project evaluation activities developed and coordinated by DOH. Yes Participate in meetin s with State YCCTPP contractors hosted by the DOH. Yes Participate in Monthly YCCTPP Practice collaborative meeting Attend a one-day workshop with other Department of Health YCCTPP Yes contractors to receive orientation and foster collaboration(Year 1 only. Travel aid by DOH). Provide workforce development training, technical assistance and support to Yes, see workplan project partners as needed. Participate in the recruitment of Healthy Youth Survey participation with school Yes, at county level districts in your community. CHOICE Subcontractor Agreement Page 8 of 19 CB027574- MCPHHS2023 Create data management plan to protect participant confidentiality Additional Coordination Efforts Network PSE Goal 1: Support schools in implementing effective and equitable Substance Use Discipline Policies, Practices,and Procedures, and in providing prevention resources on cannabis and tobacco prevention. Objective 1: Support at least 2 schools in the Conducting Social Norms Messaging Objective 2: Support at least 3 additional schools/coalitions on school discipline topics through technical assistance on specific areas of need. Which Stategoal(s) does this contribute to? 1,2,3,4 Network Activities Strategy 1: Network Management & Sustainability Activity ubstance(s) Funding Who is responsible? By when? Or Addressed Sources ow often? Participate in TA opportunities with regional Cannabis& Regional partners 2 twice a year, network partners Tobacco Fall 22& Spring 23 Strategy 2: Collaboration & Engagement Activity ubstance(s) Funding Who is responsible? By when? Or Addressed Source(s) ow often? Cannabis& Tobacco Strategy 3: Media & Communication Activity ubstance(s) Funding Who is responsible? By when? Or Addressed Sources ow often? Partner with Mason County Coalition and County YCCTPP staff Updates Media team and CHOICE and Cedar high youth Partner w/mason throughout the groups to develop social norms messages County Sub Abuse year Coalition Coordinator. Compile, and disseminate prevention and cessation Cannabis& CCTPP staff Annually resources to school and coalitionpartners/ Tobacco Partner w/mason 7 CHOICE Subcontractor Agreement Page 9 of 19 C13027574- MCPHHS2023 County Sub Abuse Coalition Coordinator Strategy 4: Education & Technical Assistance Activity ubstance(s) Funding Who is responsible? By when? Or Addressed Sources ow often? Sept 22—June 23 Assess training needs of school partners in relation Cannabis& YCCTPP staff Winter/Spring o School Substance Use DATA HYS, then Tobacco Partner w/mason 23 Coordinate related training opportunities and County Sub Abuse resources. Coalition Coordinator Strategy 5: Workforce Development Activity ubstance(s) Funding Who is responsible? By when? Or Addressed Sources ow often? Network PSE Goal 2: Explore and address inequities in relation to youth cannabis and tobacco prevention. Objective 1: Complete assessment and develop plan to address LGBTQ+youth and additional prioritized populations. Which Stategoal(s) does this contribute to? 1,2,3 Network Activities Strategy 1: Network Management& Sustainability Activity Substance(s) Funding Who is By when? Or Addressed ource s responsible? How often? Assist region with planning, reviewing and Cannabis& Mason YCCTPP Aug-Oct 22 feedback with YCCTPP Regional Network Tobacco staff/ Health Equity Planning Tool with regional network partners Assist with Assessment of Mason Cannabis& Mason YCCTPP Aug-Oct 22 County capacity/needs related to inequities in Tobacco staff/ elation to youth cannabis and tobacco prevention in our region. Prioritized youth populations of focus may include: LGBTQ+, Rural, Low Hope,Native American, and/or Hispanic. Strategy 2: Collaboration & Engagement Activity Substance(s) Funding Who is By when? Or Addressed ource s responsible? How often? Support Engagement with school and Cannabis& YCCTPP staff Fall 22- Spring community partners to provide TA and support Tobacco Partner with 23 around LGBTQ+youth Coalition Coordinator Mason Count Strategy 3: Media & Communication Activity Substance(s) Funding Who is By when? Or Addressed ource s responsible? How often? Support regional equity training & TA Cannabis& YCCTPP staff July 22-June 23 opportunities to regional network partners via: Tobacco Partner with CHOICE Subcontractor Agreement Page 10 of 19 C13027574- MCPHHS2023 email, local coalition meetings, regional Coalition coalition coordinators meetings, and ESD Coordinator Mason promotion to school admin & SAPs. County Strategy 4: Education & Technical Assistance Activity Substance(s) Funding Who is By when? Or Addressed Source(s) responsible? How often? Continue building Mason County TA and Cannabis& YCCTPP staff Summer/Fall— raining provided in Spring 22 to support Tobacco Partner with Assess needs and building spaces of safety and belonging with Coalition plan. Fall— LGBTQ+Youth. Assess needs and next steps Coordinator Mason Spring,provide for TA and support for a Mason County school County training and TA and coalition partners. Support additional priority population TA and Cannabis& Mason YCCTPP Fall -Assessment, raining provided based on Regional and Tobacco staff Winter—Summer network assessment - additional TA& raining Strategy 5: Workforce Development Activity Substance(s) Funding Who is By when? Or Addressed Sources responsible? How often? Promote training and TA opportunities Cannabis& Mason YCCTPP Sept 22—June provided by YCCTPP Priority Population Tobacco staff/ 23 Contractors, as well as other local/state/and national training addressing equity in cannabis and tobacco prevention to regional subcontractors and regional network partners. Network PSE Goal 4: Increase engagement of YCCTPP Staff prevention partners in involvement with LCB rulemaking, outreach to decision makers on cannabis and tobacco prevention topics, and in addressing local cannabis and tobacco policies&advertising and promotion practices. Objective 1: Objective 2: Increase confidence, skills, and engagement among regional prevention partners on outreach with decision makers and with LCB (Liquor and Cannabis Board)rulemaking process(as measured through network survey). Objective 3: Complete a regional scan of community tobacco and vape policies within the 5 counties in our region and identify at least one priority of focus per county. (Will also include cannabis,but focus will be on tobacco&vaping). Which Stategoal(s) does this contribute to? 1,2,3,4 Network Activities Strategy 1: Network Management & Sustainability Activity Substance(s) unding Source(s) Who is By when? Or How Addressed responsible? often? Engage network partners in reviewing Cannabis& YCCTPP staff inter/Spring assessment results and determining Tobacco Partner with 2023 priorities Coalition Coordinator Mason County Strategy 2: Collaboration & Engagement Activity Substance(s) Funding Source(s) Who is By when? Or How Addressed responsible? often? Participation in Prevention Voices. Cannabis& Mason YCCTPP July 22-June 23 [YCCTPP Staff will participate in monthly Tobacco staff CHOICE Subcontractor Agreement Page 11 of 19 C13027574- MCPHHS2023 information meetings as appropriate for Mason County Engage local coalition and youth groups Cannabis& Mason YCCTPP July 22-June 23 with advertising/promotion assessment Tobacco staff project opportunities Utilize Prevention Voices partnerships, Cannabis& Mason YCCTPP July 22-June 23 tools, and resources to engage in Tobacco staff education and advocacy re: youth marijuana and tobacco prevention regarding key topics in legislation and lemaking as appropriate for Mason Count Participate in Statewide Tobacco Tobacco Mason YCCTPP July 22-June 23 Prevention Coalition and Tobacco Policy staff Learning Circles. Promote opportunities o participate to subcontractors and regional network partners as appropriate for Mason Count Participate in Retailer Workgroup of WA Cannabis Mason YCCTPP July 22 -June 23, Practice Collaborative as appropriate for staff monthly meetings Mason County or as scheduled Strategy 3: Media and Communication Activity Substance(s) Funding Source(s) Who is By when? Or How Addressed responsible? often? Conduct Shelton City Tobacco and Cannabis& Mason YCCTPP July 22-June 23 Marijuana Vape Policy assessment Tobacco staff/Mason County Prevention Coalition Coordinator Share results of policy assessment and Cannabis& Mason YCCTPP inter/Spring determined priorities to City Council and Tobacco staff and Mason 2023 Mason County Board of Health partners county Coalition is regional network meeting/email coordinator dates Strategy 4: Education & Technical Assistance Activity Substance(s) Funding Source(s) Who is By when? Or How Addressed responsible? often? Prevention Voices Tools and Resources Cannabis& Mason YCCTPP July 22-June 23 ill be promoted to Mason County Tobacco staff Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition Partners Conduct 1 County Wide Prevention Cannabis& Mason YCCTPP inter/Spring Summit Tobacco staff/Mason County 2023 substance Abuse Coalition coordinator/FES S Family Support CHOICE Subcontractor Agreement Page 12 of 19 C13027574- MCPHHS2023 Strategy 5: Workforce Development Activity Substance(s) Funding Source(s) Who is By when? Or How Addressed responsible? often? Promote related training and TA Cannabis& Mason YCCTPP July 22-June 23 opportunities throughout Mason County Tobacco staff/Mason Web sites, and other social media sources other local/state/and national opportunities. Network PSE Goal 5: Increase Positive Community Norms around youth cannabis and tobacco prevention. Promote positive messaging and resources to youth and families through use of local,regional, and state messaging/campaigns. Objective 1: You Can and Under the Influence of You Campaign will be promoted through local channels in all 5 counties in the North Sound Region. Objective 2: Create regional positive community norms messages addressing youth cannabis and tobacco prevention. Which Stategoal(s) does this contribute to? 1,2,3 Network Activities Strategy 1: Network Management & Sustainability ActivitySubstance(s) Funding Who is By when? Or Addressed ounces responsible? How often? Strategy 2: Collaboration & Engagement ActivitySubstance(s) Funding Who is By when? Or Addressed ounces responsible? How often? Utilizing Regional HYS data and/or Cannabis& Mason YCCTPP Sept 22—June 23 community surveys, create shared Mason Tobacco staff/Mason County positive community norms messaging County Substance around youth cannabis and tobacco prevention Abuse Prevention Coalition/Shelton CHOICE Schools Strategy 3: Media and Communication ActivitySubstance(s) Funding Who is By when? Or AddressedSource(s) responsible? How often? Create media plan for 22-23 to promote You Cannabis& Mason YCCTPP Updated Media Can, Under the Influence of You, WA Quitline Tobacco staff/ Plan—Fall,Media and any additional Youth Cannabis and promotion July- Tobacco Prevention campaigns and resources June provided by WA DOH. Create promotion plan for regional positive Cannabis& Mason YCCTPP inter/Spring 23 community norms messages Tobacco staff//Mason Coalition Coordinator, Shelton CHOICE Sshool Strategy 4: Education & Technical Assistance ActivitySubstance(s) Funding Who is By when? Or AddressedSource(s) responsible? How often? Support and assist with development of Mason Cannabis& Mason YCCTPP all/Winter— County Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition Tobacco staff/Mason Planning with School Based positive community inter/Spring- orms/science of the positive messaging and I Training CHOICE Subcontractor Agreement Page 13 of 19 C13027574- MCPHHS2023 promotion. 2 focus groups or listening sessions Strategy 5: Workforce Development Activity ubstance(s) Funding Who is y when? Or ddressed ounces responsible? ow often? Network PSE Goal 6: Collaborate with regional partners to explore 1) addressing safe storage of cannabis&tobacco products,and 2)increase focus on youth mental health as a protective factor to decrease youth cannabis and tobacco use. Objective 1: Complete at Safe Storage project within Mason County"Safety Days and Rx Drug Take back promotion Objective 2: Based on data review&information gathering with local and statewide partners,determine&implement at least one mental health connection strategy. Which Stategoal(s) does this contribute to? 1,2,4 Network Activities Strategy 1: Network Management & Sustainability Activity ubstance(s) Funding Who is By when? Or How Addressed Sources responsible? often? Utilize network partner input in planning for Cannabis& Mason YCCTPP Spring 2023 safe storage project Tobacco staff/ Strategy 2: Collaboration & Engagement Activity ubstance(s) Funding Who is By when? Or How Addressed ource s res onsible? often? Mason County Rx Take safe storage Cannabis& Mason YCCTPP Spring 2023 project(s) Safety Days Project Promotion Tobacco staff/ Plan and implement safe storage project(s) Cannabis& Mason YCCTPP inter/Spring 2023 To include Spanish language translation and Tobacco staff/North Mason promotion School Dist. Public Health Hispanic translator Strategy 3: Media and Communication Activity ubstance(s) Funding Who is By when? Or How Addressed ource s res onsible? often? Gather input and share updates through Cannabis& Mason YCCTPP Fall/Winter/Spring regional network meetings and emails Tobacco staff/ Promote safe storage project opportunities & Cannabis& Mason YCCTPP Winter/Spring 23 safe storage messaging via email and social Tobacco staff/ media Strategy 4: Education & Technical Assistance Activity ubstance(s) Funding Who is By when? Or How Addressed ource s res onsible? often? Assess and coordinate related training needs Cannabis& Mason YCCTPP Assess Fall,training For Mason County YCCTPP Staff(such as Tobacco staff inter/Spring A Poison Control or other), or support local partners in attending statewide training Strategy 5: Workforce Development Activity ubstance(s) Funding Who is y when? Or How ddressed ource s responsible? loften? CHOICE Subcontractor Agreement Page 14 of 19 C13027574- MCPHHS2023 Attend and promote related state/national Cannabis& Mason YCCTPP July-June raining opportunities Such as (WA Tobacco staff Prevention Summit, Social Norms Training, SAPTS or related Substance Use Prevention Training, yearly ESD 112 rural prevention conference or other related tabaco and ari'uana trainin s CHOICE Subcontractor Agreement Page 15 of 19 C13O27574- MCPHHS2023 EXHIBIT B Funding The Youth and Cannabis and Commercial Tobacco Prevention Program's(YCCTPP)mission is to prevent initiation and reduce cannabis and commercial tobacco use by youth, ages 12-20, support adults who influence these youth,leverage resources for promoting and supporting commercial tobacco dependence treatment and reduce cannabis and commercial tobacco-related inequities within Washington State. The program itself is made up of four(4)different funding sources for cannabis and commercial tobacco: • The National and State Tobacco Control Program(NTCP) from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)and Office of Smoking and Health(OSH); • The Youth Tobacco and Vapor Product Prevention Account(YTVP); • The Dedicated Cannabis Account(DCA); and • The Tobacco Prevention Provision(TPP). Total consideration by DOH: $571,636 and is further divided as follows: Chart of Accounts,Program Funding Period Start Date Funding Period End Date Funding Amount Name or Title SFY23 Youth Tobacco Vapor July 1,2022 June 30,2023 $48,756.00 Products SFY23 Marijuana Education July 1,2022 June 30,2023 $312,880.00 SFY23 Tobacco Prevention July 1,2022 June 30,2023 $210,000.00 Provision 1. For the services performed hereunder, the Contractor shall be paid no more than $52,676.01 2. No payment shall be made for any work performed by the Contractor, except for work identified and set forth in this Contract or supporting exhibits or attachments incorporated by reference into this Contract. 3. The Monthly Activity Reports are to be submitted to CHOICE by the 5th day of each month for the previous month's activity, and the Expenditure Report and Invoice Request for Reimbursement must be provided to CHOICE by the 15th day of the month for the previous month's activity in order to receive reimbursement for the previous month. If CHOICE does not receive the Monthly Expenditure Report and Request for Reimbursement form by the end of the month, CHOICE may withhold approval and payment, at its discretion,until the 30th of the month following submittal. 4. Contractor will submit all reimbursement forms to finance&crhn.org and to YCCTPP Program Manager. 5. Reimbursement requests must include supporting documentation such as approved timesheets,payroll records, and receipts for equipment, goods, services, related travel, and payments to vendors contracted by MCPHHS. 6. Expectations related to monthly billing will remain consistent. Late invoices will be processed in the subsequent month. CHOICE will no longer accept end of year invoices with less than ten days before final deadline submission to DOH to allow CHOICE finance appropriate time to process all documents. CHOICE Subcontractor Agreement Page 16 of 19 C13027574- MCPHHS2023 Exhibit C Subcontract Invoice Template CHOICE REGIONAL CONTRACT NO. HEALTH NETWORK FUNDING SOURCE: Cascade Pacific Action AllianceTOTAL CONTRACT BUDGET: INVOICE NO. SUBCONTRACTOR NAME AND ADDRESS TAX ID: 'Reporting Month and Year: Date Description Amount TOTAL 0 CONTRACT EXPENDITURE AND REVENUE RECONCILIATION (a)Total Subcontract Amount: (b)Reimbursements Received to Date: Total Reimbursement Requested This Month: 0 (c)Balance of Total Contract Amount: For internal use only: Approved by: (Signature and date required to process payment to partner) Date 1217 4th Avenue,Suite 200,Olympia,WA 98506 (360)539-7576 CHOICE Subcontractor Agreement Page 17 of 19 C6027574- MCPHHS2023 Exhibit D Subcontractor/Vendor Proclamation 21-14—COVID-19 Vaccination Certification To reduce the spread of COVID-19, Washington state Governor Jay Inslee,pursuant to emergency powers authorized in RCW 43.06.220, issued Proclamation 21-14—COVIDI9 Vaccination Requirement(dated August 9, 2021), as amended by Proclamation 21- 14.2—COVID-19 Vaccination Requirement(dated September 27, 2021)and as may be amended thereafter. The Proclamation requires contractors/vendors who have goods, services, or public works contracts with a Washington state agency to ensure that their personnel (including subcontractors)who perform contract activities on-site comply with the COVID-19 vaccination requirements, unless exempted as prescribed by the Proclamation. I hereby certify, on behalf of Mason County Public Health and Human Services has or does not have a COVID-19 Contractor Vaccination Verification Plan that complies with the state's Vaccination Proclamation as defined below: 1. I have reviewed and understand the Subcontractor/Vendor obligations as set forth in Proclamation 21-14—COVID- 19 Vaccination Requirement(dated August 9,2021),as amended by Proclamation 21-14.2—COVID-19 Vaccination Requirement(dated September 27,2021); 2. I have developed a COVID-19 Vaccination Verification Plan for personnel that complies with the above-referenced Proclamation; 3. I have obtained a copay or visually observed proof of full vaccination against COVID-19 for my personnel who are subject to the vaccination requirement in the above-referenced Proclamation; 4. I am complying with the requirements for granting disability and religious accommodations for my personnel who are subject to the vaccination requirement in the above-referenced Proclamation; 5. I have operational procedures in place to ensure that any contract activities that occur in person and on-site at DOH premises performed by our organization will be performed by personnel who are fully vaccinated or properly exempted; 6. I have operational procedures in place to enable my personnel who perform contract activities on-site at DOH premises to provide compliance documentation that such personnel are in compliance with the above-referenced Proclamation; 7. I will provide to DOH and/or CHOICE,upon request,my COVD-19 Vaccination Verification Plan,and related records, except as prohibited by law, and will cooperate with any investigation or inquiry pertaining to the same. OR Mason County Public Health and Human Services does not have a current COVID-19 Vaccination Verification Plan and,is not able to develop and provide a COVID-19 Vaccination Verification Plan to ensure that personnel meet the COVID-19 vaccination requirements as set forth in the above-referenced Proclamation,and provide the same to DOH within twenty-four(24)hours of such request. (NOTE: Compliance with the Proclamation is mandatory and failure to comply could result in termination of Contract/purchase order.) I hereby certify,under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington,that the certifications herein are true and correct and that I am authorized to make these certifications on behalf of the organization listed above. SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED CERTIFYING OFFICIAL NAME AND TITLE Kevin Shutty, Commissioner SUBCONTRACTOR ORGANIZATION DATE SUBMITTED Mason County Public Health and Human Services CHOICE Subcontractor Agreement Page 18 of 19 C13027574- MCPHHS2023 Exhibit E SubcontractorNendor Background Check Verification Certification In accordance with Washington State Legislature RCW 43.150.080(At risk children—Collaborative program)and RCW 43.43.830 through 43.43.834(Background checks—Access to children or vulnerable persons), all Subcontractors and Vendors who work directly with youth (ages 0-17)are required to disclose that their background check policies include language that covers both volunteers and staff who may work with or have unsupervised access to youth and at-risk youth ages 0 to 17,, developmentally disabled persons or vulnerable adults. I hereby certify, on behalf of Mason County Public Health and Human Services has or does not have a Background Checks Policy that complies with RCW 43.150.080 and 43.43.830 through 43.43.834. I further understand that if I do not currently have a compliant Background Checks Policy,that I have 30 days from the date of this fully executed contract to amend any existing policy with relevant language based on the following RCW 43.43.830 language: 1. An"Applicant"or"Volunteer"means: a. Any prospective employee who will or may have unsupervised access to children,youth,and at-risk youth seventeen years or younger,or developmentally disabled persons or vulnerable adults during the course of their employment or involvement with the business or organization; b. Any prospective volunteer who will have regularly scheduled unsupervised access to children seventeen years or younger,developmentally disabled persons,or vulnerable adults during the course of their employment or involvement with the business or organization under circumstance where such access will or may involve groups of(i) five or fewer children under twelve years of age, (ii)three or fewer children and/or at-risk youth between twelve and sixteen years of age, (iii)developmentally disabled persons, or(iv)vulnerable adults 2. "Peer counselor"means a nonprofessional person who has equal standing with another person,providing advice on a topic about which the nonprofessional person is more experienced or knowledgeable, and who is a counselor for a peer counseling program that contracts with or is otherwise approved by the department, another state or local agency, or the court. a. With regard to peer counselors, "unsupervised"does not include incidental contact with children or at- risk youth under age seventeen at the location at which the peer counseling is taking place. b. "Incidental contact"means minor or casual contact with a child or at-risk youth in an area accessible to and within visual or auditory range of others. It could include passing a child or at-risk youth while walking down a hallway but would not include being alone with a child or at-risk youth for any period of time in a closed room or office. SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED CERTIFYING OFFICIAL NAME AND TITLE Kevin Shutty, Commissioner SUBCONTRACTOR ORGANIZATION DATE SUBMITTED Mason County Public Health and Human Services END OF CONTRACT CHOICE Subcontractor Agreement Page 19 of 19 C13027574- MCPHHS2023 r f Mason County Agenda Request Form r- To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Mike Collins Ext.450 Department: Public Works Briefing: Action Agenda: Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): February 27,2023 Agenda Date: March 14,2023 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Risk (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item• 2023 WSDOT Highway Safety Improvement Program(HSIP) Grant Background/Executive Summary: Public Works is requesting approval to submit a HSIP Grant to WSDOT for the purpose of seeking funding for a shoulder safety improvement project on Shelton Matlock Road from M.P. 1.76 to M.P. 7.67 (5.91 miles). The project would overlay the existing gravel shoulders with hot mix asphalt,remove and replace existing substandard guardrail,remove guardrail and install crash cushions around utility poles within the clear zone. Applications are due March 15,2023 and funding awards will to be announced by September 2023 Budget Impact(amount,funding source,budget amendment): The project is estimated to cost$1,424,000; Public Works is requesting 100%federal HSIP funding for all phases of the project. Projects are eligible for 100%federal HSIP funding for all phases authorized prior to April 30,2026.Any phases not authorized by this date may be subject to the remaining funds being rescinded Public Outreach(news release, community meeting,etc.): This grant proposal was reviewed with TIP-CAP during their January 11, 2023 meeting and members voted to recommend approval. Requested Action: Approval to authorize the County Engineer to submit the HSIP grant to for safety improvements on Shelton Matlock Road from MP 1.76 to M.P7.67, as well as approval to authorize the Chair to sign all pertinent documents for the grant. Attachments: Questionnaire Location Map and Drawing Highway Safety Improvement Program call for projects 2023 County Safety Program - Call for projects Open - Applications Due March 15, 2023 Available funding for 2022 $35 million of federal Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) funds. $4 million of state Reducing Rural Roadway Departures funds. Program Purpose The purpose of this program is to reduce fatal and serious injury crashes on county roads using engineering improvements/countermeasures. Learn more about the Highway Safety Improvement Program. Eligibility • Only counties in Washington State are eligible to apply. Other organizations may work with a county to propose/develop a project. • Preliminary engineering/design, right-of-way, and construction phases of projects are eligible for funding. • Counties must submit a local road safety plan that addresses fatal and serious injury crashes in the county to be eligible to apply.A local road safety plan is a data-driven analysis and prioritization of an agency's roadways for traffic safety. Using specific information about the factors present at specific crash locations, the county must identify locations where those factors are present. They then must identify and prioritize improvements/countermeasures/projects to address the highest priority locations. This prioritized list of projects must be presented in the local road safety plan, which must be submitted with the application. The local road safety plan must document how and why the priorities were selected. Additional Considerations • Counties are encouraged to incorporate equity-specific safety data and consider equity-related safety risk factors in the development of the local road safety plan. In many communities, traditionally disadvantaged populations are disproportionately impacted by fatal and serious injury crashes. For more information please see Target Zero, pp. 217-221 (PDF 1.31VIB). Counties can access equity-related data through the Washington Tracking Network. • Counties should consider including projects related to smaller towns or tribes with interconnected roadways in their applications. • When upgrading an intersection's control type from traffic signs,the county must evaluate a roundabout and provide justification if a roundabout is not selected. Crash Data Summary Local Programs is providing each county with a crash data summary.The summary shows information about the fatal, serious injury, and total crashes in the county. It also shows how the county compares with other counties in the state.The summary does not include detailed crash data. Other Requirements • Projects are eligible for 100%federal HSIP funding for all phases authorized prior to April 30, 2026.Any phases not authorized by this date may be subject to the remaining funds being rescinded. • Projects must be fully funded between this funding and other funding sources, as applicable. • Only one application per county may be submitted.All prioritized projects should be shown on the application. • There is no maximum funding level for the application. • Projects must comply with all necessary federal and state requirements as detailed in the Local Agency Guidelines Manual. • Projects must be completed as selected once they have been awarded funding. • Recipients must report biannually on the status and expenditures of each project. • Recipients are required to submit monthly progress billings for projects to ensure timely reimbursement of eligible federal expenditures. • Costs incurred prior to federal fund obligation are not eligible for reimbursement. • Projects that are not actively pursued or that become inactive(23 CFR 630)are at risk of being cancelled and the funds reprogrammed. • All projects must be ADA compliant upon completion or federal funds must be repaid. Selection process • All properly submitted applications will be reviewed to ensure they are complete and eligible for funding. • All projects will be prioritized based on the anticipated cost effectiveness of the proposed work in reducing fatal and serious injury crashes in support of Target Zero. • WSDOT may conduct site visits with the applicant, as needed. • WSDOT's Local Programs Director will select the final County Safety projects by September 2023. Application form A completed application form (DOCX 45KB) or application form (PDF 208KB) is required. Applications must include: • A local road safety plan for the county applying for funding.The information in the application must match what is in the plan. • A vicinity map showing the location of all improvements/countermeasures/projects. • A conceptual plan and cross section showing the existing and final configurations for projects that add or revise travel lanes or sidewalks. • A detailed cost estimate for each phase (preliminary engineering, right of way, and construction). The cost estimate for construction must be determined assuming that the project is design-bid-build or design-build and not constructed by the agency's forces. Application forms and the above items can be completed electronically or in writing but must be submitted electronically by 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, March 15, 2023 by email to HLPGrants@wsdot.wa.gov. Paper submittals will not be accepted.Applications received after the deadline will not be considered. Mason County GRANT QUESTIONNAIRE Date : February 16 , 2023 Office/ Department : Public Works Contact Person : Mike Collins . PLS , PE 1 . Name of Grant/Program : Highway Safety Improvement Program 2 . New Grant X Renewing Grant . Term ( # of years) 2 3 . Is the grant unchanged, and does not require Current Expense funding? (If Y, please skip to number 24) Y _ N X 4 . How will this grant benefit the County' s citizens? The grant will provide funding for a safety project on Shelton Matlock Road that will provide paved shoulders on 5 . 91 miles of roadway. 5 . Is this a program grant or an equipment grant? Program Grant. 6 . Is this a "one-time only grant" or is it renewable? If renewable, how long is grant anticipated to last? One-time only rant. 7 . If this is a new grant how will the grant support a current program OR how will the program change? New grant If the county is awarded the funding , project will be added to next year's program and TIP. 8 . Does this grant require upfront funds? Y X N If so, what is the source of the up-front funds needed to cover costs prior to initial and continuing reimbursements being received ? The Road Fund will cover the costs and be reimbursed . 9 . How many employees (new or current) will be paid by the grant? The grant will cover the cost of employees working on this project. a. If this grant requires new hire(s) and grant ends, how will unemployment costs be funded ? N/A. 10 . Will the grant require matching funds, i . e . , in - kind , cash , Employment Security , Social Security, FICA, PERS , etc. ? The grant is 100% funded for all phases authorized prior to April 30, 2026 . 11a Would the grant allow for an annual COLA in salary , increase in medical insurance premiums or increases in any personnel benefits? Covers salary increases, but not benefits. 12 . What fund would support a cash match (if required ) ?. Road Fund . 13 . If required what is the TOTAL cost of the match over the life of the grant? r Not eg uired . 14 . What fund would support the administration of the grant? Road Fund . Page 1 15 . Will the grant allow for the County cost allocation plan to be funded ? N /A 16 . Would the grant require the county to provide office space and/or additional equipment to administer the program ? If so, what are the requirements? No 17 . Would the program require use of a county vehicle or personal vehicle? Y X N 18 . If so , would the grant provide for the cost of the automobile and/or liability insurance? Y NX 19 . Would the grant require activities by other county offices/departments? ( i . e . legal review, technology services assistance, new BARS numbers. ) Y_ N X If so , what activities? 20 . Would acceptance and completion of the grant project in any way OBLIGATE the County to create/enact new ordinance or policies? Y _ N X If so , what obligations? 21 . Does this grant project include any activities that may fall outside the county' s standard policies ( personnel policies on travel , hours of work, training required , reimbursement for meeting refreshments, paying for meeting space, etc. ?) No 22 . Will outside consultants be solicited to work on the grant and if so, is a process in place for appropriate selection and oversight of consultant activities? Y _ N X If so, what is the funding source for consultant fees? 23 . For a program grant, how would the program be funded after the grant expires? ( It should be understood that once grant funding ends, either the program ceases OR the funding for the program needs to be absorbed within the department' s or office's existing budget) OR justification must be provided that the program has been and will continue to save or benefit taxpayers . Program would cease maintenance of the safety improvements would be covered through the road fund as it is today. 24 . Please provide (attached to questionnaire) a synopsis of the grant or a copy of the fact sheet. Please feel free to submit additional information as needed . Information regarding the Highway Safety Improvement Program and a copy of the County Safety Program : Call for Projects is attached . Official signature of requesting office/department : z1 zz � Elected Official/Department Head Date Approved by : Chair, Board of County Commissioners Date Page 2 Turtle Lah,. - Shoulder SafetyImprovementJ Project z Shelton Matlock Rd - MP 1 . 76-7 .67Z�q s p y ti Q North Ao P �'��, p5 R •rO Field sa .4rnLake nq. o�v/..- I 0 WALLACE�I oG d �ao� KNEELAND BLVD MP 7.67 Esy Jauey --- J ---� .� c600seLake% - Creek J TON 1 �.. �'°��� -o•Iilsh�r°�ek � ' '� ��_�� �♦ ce k ♦` w c Sr i 1 _ —��� `pa ►�`` '� __.� ,l Sj y Qn ire ,y�, helton ;,,rrou h�• en , 11 _� re MP 1.67 N VALLERD o `. ���^y' i - �� SHELTO �Z 0 1 2 Miles NRD w CIARX d � d SHELTON MATLOCK ROAD MP 1 . 76 TO 7 . 67 < SHOULDER SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT '0( 1 .00 5.00 12.00 2,00 5.00 z TRAVEL LANE TRAVEL LANE LACE 3.0' CSTC TYP, EXISTING PAVEMENT VARIES VARIES � NOTE: TACK COAT THE EXISTING ASPHALT EDGE REMOVE EXISTING SHOULDER MATERIAL AND PLACE 3.0' HMA SHOULDER TYPE XISTING GRAVEL PRIOR TO PLACING HMA, ALL COST INCLUDED IN 9 HMA ITEM. m NOTE: THE CONTRACTOR WILL GRADE AND COMPACT TYPICAL SECTION THE EXISTING GRAVEL SHOULDER PRIOR TO PLACING NTS n HMA. INCLUDED IN HMA BID ITEM. Y ai 00 ww 99 ii OR 3i n < r f Mason County Agenda Request Form r- To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Mike Collins Ext.450 Department: Public Works Briefing: Action Agenda: Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): February 27,2023 Agenda Date: March 14,2023 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Risk (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item• County Force Construction Projects—2022 Notification of Final Costs as per Chapter 36.77 RCW Background/Executive Summary: RCW 36.77.070 requires advertisement in County newspaper of construction projects performed by county forces over$1 Ok before projects initializes(brief description of work and engineers estimate of cost) and after completed(similar brief description of work with true and complete cost). The annual costs of projects performed in-house are limited by a set statute. Public Works is presenting to the Board a"Notification of Final Costs"of county force construction projects completed during the previous year to meet the project completion advertising requirements. Budget Impact(amount,funding source,budget amendment): N/A Public Outreach(news release, community meeting,etc.): All County Road Project(CRP's)resolutions are published in the Shelton Journal. When using County Forces to complete a CRP that is over$1 Ok, a notice of completion is posted in the Journal with estimated and final project cost as required by RCW. Requested Action: Approval to execute the"Notification of Final Cost"of County Road Construction projects completed in 2022 performed by county forces. Attachments: Notification of Final Cost BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON NOTIFICATION OF FINAL COST COUNTY ROAD CONSTRUCTION—2022 BE IT HEREBY ORDERED,that the undersigned Board of County Commissioners of Mason County,Washington, gives official notification in conformance to RCW 36.77.070 of the actual construction expenditures for county force construction projects in Mason County for year 2022 where the estimated cost of the work exceeds $10,000. CRP/PROD.# COUNTY ROAD NAME COUNTY FORCES PROJECT TOTAL DATE 1995 North Shore Road $280,000 $242,117 9/7/2022 (Cady Creek) 2021 North Shore Road $500,000 $250,008 9/8/2022 (Great Bend Culvert Replacement) 2037 Sunnyside Road $145,000 $ 77,599 8/2/2022 (Road Resurfacing—Gravel to Chip Seal, M.P. 0.55 —M.P. 1.55) 2038 California Road $ 65,000 $ 82,870 8/22/2022 (Road Resurfacing- Gravel to Chip Seal) ** Total County Forces Expenditures: $ 652,594 * The preliminary cost estimate, covering the above-named project(s)was formerly ordered on the indicated days, as provided by RCW 36.77.070. ** This figure satisfies the requirement of RCW 36.77.065. Mason County's 2022 County Forces Construction limit was $1,269,485.00. DATED this day of , 2023. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS CERTIFIED BY: MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON MIKE COLLINS, PE County Engineer SHARON TRASK, Chair ATTEST: RANDY NEATHERLIN,Vice Chair MCKENZIE SMITH, Clerk of the Board KEVIN SHUTTY, Commissioner APPROVE AS TO FORM TIM WHITEHEAD, Ch. DPA cc: Commissioners Finance JOURNAL: Publ.It.:3/23/2023(Bill: Mason County Dept.of Public works) r f Mason County Agenda Request Form r- To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Mike Collins Ext.450 Department: Public Works Briefing: Action Agenda: Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): February 27,2023 Agenda Date: March 14,2023 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Risk (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item• County Road Project No. 2048 -Rock Creek Bridge Replacement on Cloquallum Road Background/Executive Summary: Recent inspection of the Rock Creek Bridge,located at approximately MP 5.82 on Cloquallum Road,has revealed a failing superstructure. The bridge is estimated to have been built in the early 60's as there are no plans on file. The superstructure is a laminated slab timber deck with an 18 ft span. The timber slab sets on concrete spread footings. Years ago, a marine plywood layer was lag bolted to the deck surface and asphalt was placed over top. This layer of plywood has rotted, allowing water to intrude into the top of the timber slab. It is recommended that we replace the timber superstructure with a new one. Public Works staff, solicited to the five(5) companies they found that could build this type of structure. Three(3)quotes were procured(the other 2 companies could not bid due to affiliation to other company providing quote).Public Works is requesting authorization from Commissioners to award to the low bidder,TrueNorth Steel Bridge (see attached quotes). Budget Impact(amount,funding source,budget amendment): This project is on the adopted 6-Year TIP for construction in 2024. Given the long lead time for bridge manufacturing and delivery,we request 2023 budget authority to expend approximately $220,000. Funds would be moved from Beginning Fund Balance. Public Outreach(news release, community meeting,etc.): Project resolutions will be published in the Shelton Journal. A one-week road closure is estimated to complete the project._Public Works will publish the closure dates in the Shelton Journal, county website, Channel 3,road closure hotline, email to road closure group and post reader boards, a week prior, at location. r R�i Mason County Agenda Request Form Requested Action: Approval to authorize the transfer of funds from Beginning Fund Balance; approval of the Resolution for County Road Project No. 2048 to replace the Rock Creek Bridge Superstructure; approval for the County Engineer to procure the bridge structure from the apparent low bidder,TrueNorth Steel Bridge; and approval for the County Engineer and Chair to sign all pertinent documents for the project. Attachments: Resolution Vicinity Map/Bridge Photos Quotes MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION NO: COUNTY ROAD PROJECT NO. 2048 WHEREAS,on Mason County Road No. 10000,known locally as the Cloauallum Road and more specifically located in Sec.3,T. 19N,R 04W,WM at approximately mile post 5.82;work defined as"construction'in the BARS Manual,Page II-63,et seq,is determined to be necessary and proper; and, THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS that it is their intention to: Replace the timber superstructure on the Rock Creek Bridle. SAID WORK is to be performed by Contract and/or County Forces in accordance with Washington State Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction as adopted by Mason County(RCW 36.77.020 and/or RCW 36.77.065 and WAC 136-18). BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the described County Road Project is necessary and proper,and the estimated costs of said project are herewith set out as follows: Engineering: $ -0- Right of Way $ -0- Construction $ 220,000 The County Road project herein described in HEREBY DECLARED to be a public necessity,and the County Road Engineer is HEREBY ORDERED AND AUTHORIZED to report and proceed thereon as by law,provided and in accordance with RCW 36.75.050,36.80.080 and 36.80.070. ADOPTED this day of 2023. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON Sharon Trask,Chair ATTEST: Randy Neatherlin,Vice Chair McKenzie Smith,Clerk of the Board Kevin Shutty,Commissioner APPROVED AS TO FORM: Tim Whitehead,Ch. Deputy Prosecuting Attorney cc: Co.Commissioners Engineer JOURNAL: Publ.1t: Rock Creek Bridge Replacement CRP 2048 Clo uallum Rd MP 5.82 r WWAd -----L } d _ M P 5.82 f- a F cro MR �n . Rock reek a 0 Shelton ' Us lot 0 335 670 1,340 2,010 Feet urces: Esn, HERE pan, METI,Esri C ©OpenStreetMap(and) OpenStreetMap cont contributors,CC-BY-SA ..may�c ' :, I"l 'C• ,. i2 y j'� � - - - ._ 4'� f i -Jf •f ANN, 14 �� �� .i:° i1. , ''�yl.l - '�f,� t� :f - -'sq '�- Lrr�,' v._ �s� � •:j`.- - w 17 FT • ram. _/:� f ,��:� ;��• �F� - c+� i. ��S_....3.:�� _ •'" _ i - r .f;I -�r,:i���-��- :'r.a - r. ,..'�t,r `.7 liJ."?'.�ti.-.�_ .._. •.�: •�-^ - '�'rs�-�u'ti'�'�r'j"-r-'.,�-'ray..._�...�.����yC=�•��•�i.�--.�•Yip r", -•��� � ,6 S� ����,}� 'F rtr` r ..� Truenorth Steel Bridge" Quote 4401 Main Avenue 401 N. Loop 289 5405 Momont Road Fargo, ND 58103 Lubbock, TX 79403 Missoula, MT 59808 Phone: (866) 982-9511 Phone: (806) 762-3255 Phone: (406) 532-7103 Project Name: Rock Creek Bridge City, State: Shelton, WA Quote # B02231709 Date: 2/21/2023 Quotation is valid for 15 days due to steel and fuel volatility TrueNorth Steel Territory Manager: Tom Viall Cell: 406-698-5234 Email: tom.viall@truenorthsteel.com Estimate Prepared By: Clint LaRowe BOM Reference:00853 i Vehicular Mod Bridge QTY SIZE DESCRIPTION PRICE 1 30 X 18 VEHICLE BRIDGE $60,031 3 modules for bolt-together field installation Design Load HL-93 30 Feet Travel Way- inside of guardrail to inside of guardrail 18 Feet Travel Length - end to end of girder Top of deck to low steel is approximately 24 inches Estimated bridge weight is 13427 Ibs, estimated heaviest module is 4699 lbs. TO INCLUDE: • Structural Support Beams—A588 weathering steel, mill-rolled W-Beam • Bearing Plates, and Leveling Pads for up to an Elevation Rise of 1.5% • Rail—Galvanized W-Beam, Non-crash Tested. • Bridge Deck Surface— Galvanized, 12"x4-1/4" roll or press break formed panels Configured to accept gravel, timber, or asphalt wearing surface • Hardware -Weathering steel splice bolts (if required) and bearing assemblies (excludes anchor bolts) • Design drawings stamped by a WA Professional Engineer *Price does not include embedded anchor bolts for pre-cast or poured in place concrete. *TrueNorth Steel will design the anchor bolts for shear and tension of the bolt only for lateral and uplift forces.Embedment and foundation checks by the foundation engineer of record.Any request for TNS to perform checks will be at the cost of the contractor. *Hardware bolts and fasteners may include foreign/import content.It is TrueNorth Steel's intent to maximize domestic sourcing of raw materials and hardware when available. Below options are only available for purchase with this bridge for use with this bridge Page 1 of 4 Truenorth Steel Bridge'" Delivery FREIGHT- FOB JOBSITE Included in Bridge Includes delivery of all components listed above - unloading/installation by others All schedules and shipping sequences will be mutually agreed upon by customer and TrueNorth Steel - Schedule will be contingent on material availability and mill rollings. Freight is based on rates at time of quote, actual costs will be charged at time of delivery. SPECIFIC EXCLUSIONS Calculations and Load Ratings (unless otherwise noted specifically in quote); Galvanizing, Paint or any other finishes(unless otherwise noted in quote); Third-party inspection of bridge during fabrication; Design, excavation and construction of bridge abutments; Unloading and assembly of bridge at the project site; Site surveys, permitting or geotechnical evaluations; Supply and placement of reinforced concrete deck (if applicable); Anchor bolt design, supply and installation (unless otherwise specifically noted in quote); Any storage fees (unless otherwise noted specifically in quote); Any freight costs (unless noted specifically in quote); Any Federal, State, County, or Local Sales Tax. TRUENORTH STEEL, INC. -TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1.ACCEPTANCE.The following terms and conditions are attached to and incorporated in the quotation.ACCEPTANCE OF THE OFFER REPRESENTED BY THIS QUOTATION IS EXPRESSLY LIMITED TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS HEREOF.NO TERMS ADDITIONAL TO OR DIFFERENT FROM THOSE IN THIS OFFER ARE BINDING ON THE SELLER. 2.TERMS.Seller's quotation is firm for thirty(30)calendar days from the date of the quote,unless otherwise stated on the quote.TrueNorth Steel reserves the right to review and revise pricing based upon steel market conditions.Unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the Seller,the Buyer hereby agrees to take delivery of the materials on this order within the later of thirty(30)days after the mutually agreed upon delivery date or within thirty(30)days after notification,oral or written,that the materials are ready for shipment.In the event that the Buyer does not arrange to take delivery of the materials within thirty(30)days of the mutually agreed upon delivery date,seller may invoice the Buyer for the materials less freight if applicable and payment is required within thirty(30)days.As an option to Buyer the material may be stored in Seller's yard for a period not to exceed sixty(60)days from the date of invoice and Seller will charge Buyer a storage fee not to exceed 5%of the purchase price per month.Materials stored at Seller's yard in excess of(60)days will be subject to a storage fee of 10%of the purchase price and may be subject to additional charges related to any repair work to protective coatings harmed by weathering while such material is being stored. 3.CHANGES.Any requests to change or modify this quotation requires a WRITTEN REQUEST from Buyer to Seller.If quantities,design parameters or design layouts change from those detailed on the original quote,the original quote may be deemed invalid and Buyer must request a new quote reflecting actual conditions.Previous delivery schedules and commitments may be altered as a result of changes. 4.PAYMENT TERMS AND LATE CHARGES. All sales are COD unless credit is approved in advance.Upon approved credit,payment is due NET 30 DAYS from date invoiced.Down payment of 25%and progress payments may be required.Without credit 50%down and 50%prior to shipment.Buyer shall pay interest charges on all past due amounts at the rate of 1 3/4%PER MONTH(21%per annum),or if that rate is not allowed under applicable law or statute then at the highest rate allowed under applicable law or statute.Buyer is responsible for all costs of collection including without limitation reasonable attorneys'fees and court costs.If Buyer shall fail to comply with any provision or fail to make payments in accordance with the terms of this contract or of any other contract between Buyer or Seller,Seller may at its option defer further shipments,or without waiving any other rights it may have,terminate this contract.All deliveries shall be subject to Seller's Credit Department.Seller reserves the right before making any delivery to require payment in cash or security payment;and if Buyer fails to comply with such requirement,Seller may terminate this contract. 5.SALES TAX. Sales tax is NOT included in any quotation by Seller unless specifically included.All applicable taxes shall be added and paid by Buyer in addition to the purchase price. 6.FORCE MAJEURE.Seller does not assume the risk of and shall not be liable for failure to perform any obligation caused by civil insurrection,war,riot quarantine,terrorism,fire, strike,labor stoppages or other labor disturbances,acts of God,acts or omissions of Buyer,acts or omissions of any government body or entity,floods,epidemics,pandemics,freight embargoes,shortages of labor,fuel,energy or materials,failure of suppliers or subcontractors to satisfactorily meet scheduled deliveries,accidents to machinery,delays in transportation or any other cause beyond the reasonable commercial control of Seller.Upon the occurrence of any such event,Seller may terminate this Contract without liability.In no event shall Seller be liable to Buyer for any consequential damages or claims for labor resulting from failure or delay in delivery. Page 2 of 4 Truenorth Steel Bridge" 7.DESIGN DRAWINGS. Seller will commence with bridge design drawings and calculations upon receipt of signed agreement,required deposits,and receipt of all necessary documents from Buyer.Seller is dependent upon Buyer for supplying complete and accurate site information and design parameters.Designs supplied by Seller are based upon information provided by Buyer.Buyer or Buyer's representative is responsible for confirming that all information supplied to Seller is current,accurate and applicable.Scope of Seller's design is limited only to the bridge supplied unless additional design features are specifically requested by Buyer and agreed to by Seller. 8.DELIVERY. Site must be safely and reasonably accessible for an over-the-road truck under its own power.The Buyer is responsible for providing safe means for off-loading on-site and for all rigging equipment,connection of rigging to bridge and lifting and placement of the bridge.Two(2)hours of off-load time is included in the delivery/freight cost per truck. Additional off-load time is provided at$150/hour,per hour.Buyer will be responsible to reimburse freight carrier for any damage to delivery equipment as part of unloading or any other actions on delivery site. 9.MANUFACTURING VARIANCE.The materials sold hereunder shall be subject to the Seller's standard manufacturing variations,tolerances and classifications. 10.RETURNS. Materials associated with this order may not be returned unless Buyer has received specific approval from Seller in writing. 11. CANCELLATION FOR CONVENIENCE.Due to the project-specific engineered content inherent to the order,cancellations of orders must be mutually agreed upon between Buyer and Seller.If Buyer makes a written request to Seller to cancel this order,Seller at its sole discretion,and only by written notice to Buyer,may authorize Buyer to cancel this order. In that event,Seller shall charge Buyer fully for all services and materials(including raw materials Seller has incoming from outside suppliers)specific to this order and for all work performed. 12.CLAIMS BY BUYER.Passage of title to items sold to Buyer shall occur upon delivery and/or unloading by either party.If Buyer uses its own trucking or other means of pickup or delivery,then passage of title occurs upon completion of items being loaded at TrueNorth Steel facility.Any claims by Buyer must be made promptly in writing and in no event later than thirty(30)days after transfer of title.Written notification from Buyer must detail to the Seller the exact damage or shortcoming of the item and the reason Seller is claimed to be responsible.Seller must be given ten(10)working days to investigate the claim and should the Seller assume responsibility,Seller will be allowed ten(10)additional working days to replace the product or to provide a remedy deemed acceptable by the owner or owner's representative.In any case,Seller must be allowed a reasonable amount of time to correct any claim of deficiency.In no circumstance will Seller assume responsibility or accept charges from Buyer without written acceptance from Seller. 13.LIMITED WARRANTY.In order for there to be any coverage under the warranty herein,the following terms and conditions must be satisfied: (1)The bridge must be(i)installed within the United States and Canada;(ii)the bridge must be installed and maintained in accordance with all applicable manufacturer,owner and industry instructions,specifications and standards that were in effect as of the date of the shipment;(iii)the bridge must be installed and maintained in accordance with all applicable government laws,regulations,rules, ordinances,codes and other requirements that were in effect as of the date of shipment;(iv)the bridge's installation and maintenance must be upgraded in accordance with all manufacturer,industry and/or government instructions,specifications,standards,laws,regulations,rules,ordinances,codes and other requirements that may become effective after date of shipment.(2)Upon discovery of issues related to materials or workmanship or any other matter for which the warranty or other claim may be brought and in accordance with Section 11,the Seller,together with its representatives and anyone else acting on its behalf,must be given written notice of the event and must be given the opportunity to inspect and test the bridge and the site where the bridge was installed before,during and after any change in any condition that might affect the ability of the Seller to determine what happened and/or the cause of what happened.The owner will take all caution and responsibility to determine the safety of the bridge until due process is completed.The owner of the bridge bears the responsibility of establishing that any alleged issues related to materials or workmanship is covered by the warranty herein.(3)If it is established that the event is covered by the warranty herein,the Manufacturer will at its sole option:(i)repair the bridge;or(ii)replace the bridge with a bridge of approximately the same size,design,quality of material and workmanship specified for the original bridge.Manufacturer will repair or replace the bridge within a reasonable time period agreed upon by the manufacturer and owner.If the Manufacturer,at its sole discretion,is unable to repair or replace the bridge,it will refund the original purchase price of the bridge. What is covered by warranty:Provided that the terms and conditions set forth herein are fully satisfied,"TrueNorth Steel",a registered tradename and its Affiliates(hereinafter refer to as"Seller")warrants the bridge against defective steel materials or workmanship for up to one(1)year following the delivery of the bridge to the customer.Steel decks and wood carry no warranty,with the exception of naturally durable Ipe hardwood decking and Ipe hardwood attachments shall carry a one(1)year warranty against rot,termite damage,or fungal decay.The warranty coverage provided herein extends only to the initial end user.Extended warranty from the original purchase date must be granted upon written request by a dealer/distributer to the Manufacturer for the initial end user. What is not covered:(1)The Seller does not warrant any additional accessories and/or other attachments connected to the bridge.Under no circumstances will the Seller be liable for (i)the cost of repair or replacement of any accessories or other attachments to the bridge placed by others including pavement or other materials placed as a driving surface;or(ii) labor costs or other installation costs either for the bridge's original installation or for its repair or replacement or(iii)damage to the bridge or other property resulting from wind,rain, earthquake,building or earth collapse,explosions,and other acts of nature or man;or(iv)damage caused by installation,outside attachments not included in original bridge design, operating,service,maintenance(including de-icing agents)and/or repair practices;(v)failure due to defective materials and/or workmanship occurring later than one(1)year following delivery of the bridge,(vi)delivery to and from Seller's facility for repair or replacement;(vii)any exterior coatings unless specified in writing at time of purchase by the Seller and touch up to exterior coating as a result of delivery or installation,or(viii)any other damages as the result of delivery or installation.(2)This warranty shall not cover defects in the bridge caused by abuse,misuse,overloading,accident,improper installation,maintenance,alteration or any other cause not expressly warranted.This warranty does not cover damage resulting from or relating to the use of any kind of de-icing material.This warranty shall be void unless owner's records are supplied which show that the bridge has been properly maintained.(3)Warranty does not cover any issues related to the design,installation,failure or settlement of the bridge abutment,piling,retaining walls or other structures supporting the bridge.Seller is not responsible for scour,erosion or other design aspects related to soils,foundations or other hydraulic degradation of streams.(3)Warranty does not cover any issues related to the design,installation,failure or settlement of the bridge abutment,piling,retaining walls or other structures supporting the bridge. LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY AND DAMAGES AND EXCLUSION OF OTHER REMEDIES.THE FORGOING REMEDY OF REPAIR,REPLACEMENT OR REFUND IS THE SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY AVAILABLE FROM TRUENORTH STEEL AND ITS AFFILIATES.UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL THE LIABILITY OF TRUENORTH STEEL AND ITS AFFILIATES EXCEED THE PURCHASE PRICE OF THE BRIDGE.IN NO EVENT WILL THE MANUFACTURER OR ANY OF ITS EMPLOYEES OR REPRESENTATIVES BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIMS FOR SPECIAL,INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES,INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO,LOSS OF PROFITS OR REVENUE,BUSINESS INTERRUPTION,LOSS OF USE,COST OF CAPITAL,COST OF SUBSTITUTE EQUIPMENT OR MATERIALS,DOWNTIME COST,ENVIRONMENTAL LOSS,LOSS OF ENJOYMENT,OR OTHER ITEM OF LOSS OR DAMAGE HOWEVER DESIGNATED,WHETHER SUCH CLAIMS SHALL BE FOR BREACH OF CONTRACT,BREACH OF WARRANTY,NEGLIGENCE,STRICT LIABILITY IN TORT,OR OTHER CLAIM HOWEVER DESIGNATED,WHETHER SUCH CLAIM ARISES OUT OF OR RESULTS FROM THE LIMITED WARRANTY HEREIN,OR FROM EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES,OR FROM THE DESIGN,MANUFACTURE,SALE,DELIVERY, RESALE,INSTALLATION,TECHNICAL DIRECTION,OR INSTRUCTION FOR INSTALLATION,INSPECTION,REPAIR,MAINTENANCE,SERVICE,OPERATION OR USE OF THE BRIDGE. Page 3 of 4 Truenorth Steel Bridge" DISCLAIMER OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES THE FOREGOING LIMITED WARRANTY IS THE ONLY WARRANTY MADE,THERE ARE NO OTHER WARRANTIES,EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING,BUT NOT LIMITED TO,ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.TRUENORTH STEEL AND ITS AFFILIATES DO NOT WARRANT PRODUCTS FURNISHED BY OTHER MANUFACTURERS ATTACHED OR UNATTACHED TO THE BRIDGE BEYOND THE ORIGINAL MANUFACTURER'S WARRANTY. 14.INDEMNITY.To the fullest extent permitted by law,Buyer,for itself and its affiliates and subsidiaries,agrees to indemnify,defend and hold harmless Seller and its parent and affiliate companies and their respective officers,directors,shareholders,sureties,insurers,subsidiaries,employees,agents,representatives,and assigns from and against any and all losses,damages,liabilities,obligations,penalties,judgments,awards,costs and disbursements,including,without limitation,any and all costs and attorneys'fees associated with investigating,preparing for and defending against any claim asserted by a third party,arising out of or relating to(a)any personal injury(including death)or property or commercial damage arising out of the failure of any product relating to this Quotation,except to the extent caused by Seller's failure to comply with the plans and/or specifications Buyer provides to Seller for the product(s);(b)Buyer's failure to comply with applicable law,including,but not limited to,failure to warn;and/or(c)any gross negligence,recklessness,or intentional misconduct on the part of Buyer or its employees,agents,representatives,consultants,subcontractors and suppliers(other than Seller),officers,directors,subsidiaries,affiliates,or parent company.Seller shall also be entitled to recover from Buyer all attorneys'fees and costs Seller incurs to enforce this Order(including without limitation these General Terms and Conditions). 15.RIGHTS AND REMEDIES NOT EXCLUSIVE.The foregoing paragraphs of these Terms and Conditions are in addition to,and do not limit Seller's other rights or remedies. A reference to certain rights or remedies in any one paragraph of these Terms and Conditions does not limit Seller's rights or remedies under any other paragraph of these Terms and Conditions, or otherwise under this Purchase Order or at law,in equity or under applicable statute. 16.SEVERABILITY.If any provision of this contract shall be declared unenforceable,only that portion necessary shall be modified or stricken and all other provisions shall remain in full force and effect. 17.WAIVER.Failure of Seller to enforce any right or remedy shall not be construed as a waiver of such right or remedy. 18.GOVERNING LAW.This contract shall be construed,interpreted,and governed by the laws of North Dakota.The exclusive forum for any disputes arising out of or relating to this Contract shall be any federal or state court sitting in North Dakota.The parties irrevocable consent to such exclusive jurisdiction in such courts and to the proper venue therein.If Seller must resort to legal action or remedies,Buyer shall reimburse Seller for all of Seller's legal fees and expenses,whether or not suit is filed by Seller. BUYER/CUSTOMER PLEASE SIGN HERE: We hereby order the described material subject to all Terms and Conditions included in this quotation. Accepted By: Printed Name: Title: Company: Date: Page 4 of 4 BUDGET/ ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE CV411ONTECH 2022 Budget Date: 12 15 g / / BIG R ENGINEERED SOLUTIONS Project No.: TBD a R i D G E A 411IN(lEWCOMPANY Project Name: Mason County RG Location: Mason,WA Item Description Qty Unit Price Total Price 1 The following is a Big R Rolled Girder Vehicular Bridge System ENGINEER'S 1 ea. Lump Sum $67,300.00 COST ESTIMATE for the subject project.This ESTIMATE is intended for preliminary Includes Freight estimating purposes only and should not be interpreted as a final QUOTATION.The information presented is based on the most current data made available to Contech Engineered Solutions,LLC(CES). Prefabricated steel bridge superstructure with features as described below: Bridge Model: Site-Specific Modular Length: 18 ft(out to out girder dimension) Width: 30 ft(clear between rails) Design Code: AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications,9th Edition,2020(ABDS) Live Load: HL-93 Design Vehicle Owner Vehicle: No Owner-Specified Vehicle Deflection: L/500 Number of Pieces: 3(field bolting by others) Finish: Weathering SP6 Bridge Decking: 12 x 41/4 Steel Bridge Plank x 9 gauge Wearing Surface: Asphalt(by others) Railing Type: TL-2 Design Rated;12 Ga Thrie-Beam;Galvanized Girder Mounted-Not Crash Tested Railing Height: 27 Inches-Vehicle Only Bearing: Contech Designed Bearings are included: Elastomeric Leveling Pads Preliminary Superstructure Weight lbs.: 16,000 Shop drawings will be provided,signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer registered in the State of WA Special Considerations: Top of steel bridge plank to low steel dimension is: 18.2" Figure an additional 3"for asphalt and 1.5"for bearings. Doug Myers Doug.Myers@ContechES.com 253-797-8293 C aNTECH' ENGINEERED SOLUTIONS BIG A IJUINRETE-COMPANY r: �: To ensure quality standards are followed,Contech holds the following certifications: ■ In the United States we are certified under the AISC Quality Certification Program for Simple,Major and Advanced(ABR)Steel Bridges with Fracture Critical and Sophisticated Paint endorsements. Lead time for submittal drawings and calculations is 8-10 weeks from formal notice to proceed and receipt of all necessary project information. Due to fluctuations in backlog which occur between the date of this quotation and approval of submittals,material availability,and other supply chain issues,fabrication lead time will be communicated upon receipt of approved submittals. Dimension&Weight Disclaimer: ■ All dimensions and weights listed in this proposal are approximate and are subject to change upon final design parameters and customer approval of engineered submittal drawings. ■ Do not base the selection and/or mobilization of installation equipment off of approximate dimensions and weights. ■ Final dimensions and weights will be noted on customer approved submittal drawings. The following items are not included with this proposal: § third party inspections at any time during the project duration, § design,excavation and construction of bridge abutments, § anchor bolt design,supply and installation, § unloading and assembly of bridge at the project site, § supply and placement of reinforced concrete deck(if applicable), § site surveys,permitting or geotechnical evaluations, § any federal,state,county or local sales tax § approach rail,transitions,or terminal ends § expansion/sealed or compression joints, § UT or RT testing, § Skewed Ends § Bridge Grade Prepared by: Doug Myers Bridge Consultant Contech Engineered Solutions 253-797-8293 Doug.Myers@ContechES.com Project No.: TBD Project Name: Mason County RG Quote Number � ■ 322131 December 22, 2022 nAoQuik Jeremy Seymour BRIDGING SYSTEMS Mason County Public Works 411 N 5th Street Shelton,WA 98584 Project Name: Mason County Bridge Deck-only InQuik Bridge— BUDGET PROPOSAL Based on available information, we have developed the following budget proposal for InQuik deck panels on by-others, existing abutment: Option Heaviest Pick 5000 psi concrete Price required 30 LF Wide x 21 LF Span 2.5 ton 24 cubic yards $82,600 Prices include: InQuik standard design report/AASHTO verification, project-specific shop drawings, on-site installation support, QC and material certifications Prices exclude: site-specific stamped engineering, delivery to site (estimated at$5,500),guardrails, abutments, abutment design, foundation design, abutment connection design Notes QUOTATION VALIDITY This is a budget proposal based on limited information; pricing is approximate and subject to change without notice LEAD TI M E 16-24 weeks from design finalization, subject to workload at time of order. Urgent bridge replacements may be eligible for priority treatment. PAYMENT 50% upon signing a contract between the parties within 14 days,the remainder upon delivery of bridge components, unless otherwise agreed by InQuik. Design and manufacture of bridge components will not commence until contract documents have been signed and returned, and the deposit has been received. 1644 Platte Street, Suite 322, Denver, CO 80202 Phone: 866-2498-9661 1 Email: sales@inguikbridge.com Website:www.inguikbridge.com r f Mason County Agenda Request Form r- To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Richard Dickinson Ext. 652 Department: Utilities&Waste Management Briefing: Action Agenda: Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): February 27,2023 Agenda Date: March 14,2023 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ® Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Risk (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item: Sole Source Bulk Purchase of Grinder Pumps from Correct Equipment Background/Executive Summary: Public Works(U&W Management Division)has a service maintenance agreement with Correct Equipment to provide service for the grinder pumps for the North Bay and Belfair Sewer Systems. The agreement includes a price list for pumps and parts. Due to the age of the equipment,many of the service problems result in the purchase and installation of a new pumping unit. Correct Equipment is still offering to provide a discount on the pumps if we purchased a minimum of 50 at one time because the pump company gives Correct Equipment discounts for large orders. Without discount pricing,the grinder pumps would cost$3,486.00 each. With the discount pricing,the grinder pumps cost$2,606.00. This is a savings of—25.25%, equal to $880.00 per pump. In the last three years,there has been an average of 72 Dry well and 8 Wet well grinder pumps replaced per year in North Bay and Belfair. Public Works would like to order 65 Dry Well and 10 Wet Well grinder pumps for this year. Budget Impact(amount,funding source,budget amendment): Funding is available in current budget. The pumps would be paid for primarily out of North Bay Fund #403,with 5%out of Belfair Fund#413. The North Bay system is older, almost all the pump replacements are in that system. Public Outreach(news release, community meeting,etc.): N/A Requested Action: Approval of the Resolution for the sole-source purchase from Correct Equipment of 75 grinder pumps and conversion kits for a total of$212,877. r f Mason County Agenda Request Form r- lh'a.�— Attachments: Resolution Quote RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION WAIVING PUBLIC BIDDING REQUIREMENTS AND APPROVING A SOLE SOURCE PROCURMENT FOR THE PURCHASE OF E-ONE GRINDER PUMPS FOR COUNTY MAINTAINED AND OPERATED GRINDER PUMP SYSTEMS WHEREAS, Mason County is responsible for the maintenance and operation of approximately 450 grinder pump systems for single-family residential properties that have been designated as low-pressure sewer areas that connect to either the North Bay Sewer System or the Belfair Sewer System; and WHEREAS, many of the pumps used at the North Bay Sewer System have met their maximum operational lifespan and the availability of parts for these older systems are limited. WHEREAS, the County has been upgrading the older pumps to the newer E-One pump, given that they are the only pumps that fit the size of the older tanks; and WHEREAS, the County currently has a maintenance services agreement with Correct Equipment, which are the only licensed supplier of the E-One Pumps in Washington State to provide the replacement parts and pumps that meet our specifications. WHEREAS, RCW 39.04.280(1) (a) specifies exemption to competitive bidding if the purchase is clearly and legitimately limited to a single source supplier; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Mason County Commissioners as follows: 1. Correction Equipment is a sole source supplier of the E-one grinder pumps that are used at the North Bay Sewer and Belfair Sewer Systems. 2. That the County is authorized to purchase (75) E-One Grinder Pumps without proceeding to secure competitive bids, estimated at $212,877.00. ADOPTED this day of , 2023 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON ATTEST: Sharon Trask, Chair McKenzie Smith, Clerk of the Board Randy Neatherlin,Vice Chair APPROVED AS TO FORM: Kevin Shutty, Commissioner Tim Whitehead, Ch. DPA _srarFo� g M` 7 MASON COUNTY O A U 0 Y o T o z SOLE SOURCE JUSTIFICATION FORM 2 Y Y 1200 �O 1864 Date: February 22, 2023 Department: Public Works Department Contact: Richard Dickinson, Ext. 652 Recommended Vendor: Correct Equipment Address: 14576 NE 95th Street, Redmond, WA 98052 Phone: 877.371.4555 Cost Estimate: $212.877. Describe the item requested and its function: E-One Grinder Pumps and Conversion Kits 1. Check the reasons for the sole source request: ® Sole Source: No other items are known to exist which performs the same function ❑ Special Design: Item is of specific design to fit in with an existing installation ❑ Consultant: Providing professional or technical expertise of a unique nature or location availability ❑ Proprietary: Item is held under exclusive title,trademark or copyright ❑ Warranty Service:The vendor is the sole provider of goods and services which the County has established a standard. ❑ Used item: 3. Is this product available from other sources? ❑ Yes ❑ No 4. What necessary features does the vendor provide which are not available from other vendors? Correct Equipment is the only licensed supplier of the specific pumps that the County must use due to the size of the sewer tanks. 5. Can your requirements be modified so that competitive products or services may be used? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, please explain modifications and potential costs: 6. How does the recommended vendor's prices or fees compare to the general market?The vendor's price is reasonable and discounted for buying in bulk. 7. What steps were taken to verify that these features were not available elsewhere? ❑ Other brands manufactures were examined. Provide a list of phone numbers and names and explain why these did not meet the requirement: ❑ Other vendors were contacted but did not meet the requirements. Provide a list of companies and phone numbers and why they did not meet the requirements: ❑ Other, please explain: These pumps are the only ones that fit the older tanks, which have the older version of the new E-One pumps. My department's recommendation for sole source is based upon an objective review of the product/service required and appears to be in the best interest of the County. I know of no conflict of interest on my part or personal involvement in any way with this request. No gratuities, favors or compromising action have taken place. Neither has my personal familiarity with particular brands,types of equipment, materials or firms been a deciding influence on my request to sole source this purchase when there are other known suppliers to exist. Elected Official or Director Signature for Approval: Date: Correct ui ►w Quote 9 � E ent Date Quote# 14576 NE 95th St 1/24/2023 5813 Redmond,WA 98052 877-371-4555 Name/Address Mason Co.Util.&Waste Manage 100 West Public Works Drive Shelton,WA 98584 Job Name Rep Project NET 30 Days DW Item Description d Qty Cost Total E1 D200AOIAOIAA Part#D200AOIAOIAA 65 2,606.00 169,390.00T 240 Volt Model Wired Pressure Switch Level Sensing 7' Core Cable Candy Cane Discharge. No Tank-Core only E1 W200PIOAAF Part#W200PIOAAF 10 2,606.00 26,060.00T Squat Core(Wired) E1 ND0058GOI Part#ND0058GO1 75 0.00 O.00T Conversion Kit,2000 Series Tank with EXTREME Core, Permanent Freight Freight Estimate(prepay and add)*****Freight is only 1 750.00 750.00T Estimated and will be adjusted upon delivery. Please note: Your freight charges may differ from the freight estimated Mason County 8.50% 16,677.00 Total $212,877.00 Toll Free:877-371-4555 www.correctequipment.com Fax:425-869-1033 r f Mason County Agenda Request Form r- To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Mark Neary Ext. 530 Department: Support Services Briefing: Z Action Agenda: Z Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): February 27,2023 Agenda Date: February 28,2023 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Risk (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item• Foreign-Trade Zone(FTZ)Application by Port of Port Angeles Background/Executive Summary: The Port of Port Angeles applied to the U.S. Foreign-Trade Zones(FTZ)Board for authority to use a new procedure called the"Alternative Site Framework"to provide quick and simple access to FTZ service for companies in the region. The Port of Port Angeles is the grantee of FTZ Clallam County/North Olympic Peninsula and sponsors a limited number of FTZ sites. This authority would allow the Port of Port Angeles to quickly bring FTZ designation to any company within the proposed service area of Clallam County, Grays Harbor County, Island County,Jefferson County,Kitsap County,Mason County, San Juan County, Skagit County, and Snohomish County. Budget Impact(amount,funding source,budget amendment): None Public Outreach(news release, community meeting, etc.): N/A Requested Action: Approval to sign the letter of support for the Port of Port Angeles' application for a Foreign-Trade Zone (FTZ)in the proposed service area of Clallam County/North Olympic Peninsula. Attachments: Letters %wilm- P.O.Box 1350 Board of Commissioners 338 West First Street Connie Beauvais,President p" PORT Port Angeles WA 98362 Colleen McAleer,Vice President Owlika of Port Angeles 360.457.8527 Steven Burke,Secretary PortofPA.COm Executive Director Geoff James February 22, 2023 Mason County VIA CERTIFIED MAIL AND EMAIL Attn: Board of County Commissioners 411 N. 5th Street Shelton,WA 98584 randyN@masoncountywa.gov; kshutty@masoncountywa.gov;strask@masoncountywa.gov RE: Foreign-Trade Zone(FTZ)application by Port of Port Angeles This letter is intended to provide information to you pertaining to the Port of Port Angeles' application to the U.S. Foreign-Trade Zones(FTZ)Board for authority to use a new procedure(the"Alternative Site Framework")to provide quick and simple access to FTZ service for companies in our region. Our organization is the grantee of FTZ Clallam County/North Olympic Peninsula and currently sponsors a limited number of FTZ sites in our region. The authority we are requesting from the FTZ Board would enable us to quickly bring FTZ designation to any company within our proposed "service area." Our proposed service area includes Mason County as well as Clallam County, Jefferson County,Grays Harbor County,Island County,Kitsap County,San Juan County,Skagit County,and Snohomish County. FTZ designation can provide companies with customs duty savings and logistical benefits that can help encourage them to establish or maintain operations in the U.S. As such, access to FTZ benefits can be an important tool in economic development efforts. If the FTZ Board approves our application, Port of Port Angeles will be able to bring FTZ designation to companies anywhere in the proposed service area based on those companies' trade-related needs. We also note that FTZ access will be made available on a uniform basis to companies across the service area, in a manner consistent with the legal requirement that each FTZ be operated as a public utility. Regarding any local taxes for which collections may be affected by FTZ designation of sites, FTZ Clallam County/North Olympic Peninsula application to establish its "service area" under the Alternative Site Framework does not propose any specific new FTZ sites(and therefore can have no impact on tax collections). At the time that any specific new site is proposed for FTZ designation in the future,we will contact parties potentially affected by the site's proposed designation (such as the county government)so that they can indicate their views on the impact on tax collections related to the proposed designation. If you have questions about the Port of Port Angeles'application to the FTZ Board, please contact Caleb McMahon at Port of Port Angeles at calebM@portofpa.com. If you have comments you would like the FTZ Board to consider regarding the proposed inclusion of Mason County in the proposed service area of FTZ Clallam County/North Olympic Peninsula, please provide your comments to the staff of the FTZ Board by March 20,2023. The FTZ Board staff also welcomes any questions you may have—the staff can be reached at 202-482-2862 or ftz@trade.gov The Port would appreciate your support of this FTZ in our region. We have included a support letter example. If you could please send a support letter to my email by March 1, 2023,we would appreciate it. Sincerely, Caleb McMahon, Director of Economic Development Port of Port Angeles P.O. Box 1350, Port Angeles,WA 98362 360-417-3366 desk Calebm@portofpa.com K P.O.Box 1350 Board of Commissioners 338 West First Street Connie Beauvais,President Iff Port Angeles Colleen McAleer,Vice President PORT Washington 98362 Steven Burke,secretary of Port Angeles 360.457.8527 Executive Director Geoff James February 22, 2023 To Whom It May Concern: The Port of Port Angeles is applying for a Foreign-Trade Zone (FTZ) in Clallam County. Clallam County doesn't have an FTZ. We have attached our information letter to you of this exciting opportunity for our region. The Port would appreciate your support. We have provided a sample support letter,which you can customize and return to us to be included with the Port's application. If you have any questions, please contact me at 360-417-3366. Sincerely, Caleb McMahon Caleb McMahon, Director of Economic Development Port of Port Angeles P.O. Box 1350 Port Angeles, WA 98362 360-417-3366 Calebm@portofpa.com WE BRING PEOPLE, RESOURCES AND INDUSTRY TOGETHER TO FOSTER LIVING WAGE JOBS www.portofpa.com a� February 28,2023 Foreign-Trade Zones Board 1854 U.S. Department of Commerce 1401 Constitution Ave NW Room 21013 Washington,DC 20230 MASON COUNTY BOARD Re: Foreign-Trade Zone(FTZ)Application by Port of Port Angeles OF COMMISSIONERS To Whom It May Concern, 1ST District The purpose of this letter is to document Mason County's support of the Port of Port RANDY NEATHERLIN Angeles' application to the U.S. Foreign-Trade Zones (FTZ)Board for authority to use the"Alternative Site Framework"to provide access to FTZ service for companies in our 2"d District region. Authority from the FTZ Board would enable the Port of Port Angeles to quickly KEVIN SHUTTY bring FTZ designation to any company within the proposed service area of Clallam County, Grays Harbor County,Island County,Jefferson County,Kitsap County,Mason 3rd District County, San Juan County, Skagit County, and Snohomish County. SHARON TRASK FTZ designation can provide companies with customs duty savings and logistical benefits that can help encourage them to establish or maintain operations in the U.S. As such, access to FTZ benefits can be an important tool in economic development efforts. If Mason County Building 1 approved,the Port of Port Angeles will be able to bring FTZ designation to companies anywhere in the proposed service area based on those companies' trade-related needs. We 411 North Fifth Street also note that FTZ access will be made available on a uniform basis to companies across the service area, in a manner consistent with the legal requirement that each FTZ be Shelton,WA 98584-3400 operated as a public utility. (360)427-9670 ext. 419 Regarding state or local taxes for which collections may be affected by FTZ designation of sites,this letter is not intended to provide a position on state or local tax issues for any Fax(360)427-8437 site within this jurisdiction. At the time that any specific site is proposed for FTZ designation,parties potentially affected by the site's proposed designation(such as a local school board)will need to provide their own correspondence indicating their views on the impact on tax collections related to the proposed designation. Sincerely, Sharon Trask, Randy Neatherlin, Kevin Shutty, Chair Vice-Chair Commissioner r f Mason County Agenda Request Form r- To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Marissa Watson Ext. 367 Department Community Development: Briefing: Action Agenda: ❑ Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): March 6,2023 Agenda Date: March 14,2023 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Other (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item• Rezone of Parcels 22129-34-90002,22129-34-90003,and 22129-34-90004 from Rural Residential 5 (RR5)to Rural Commercial 2 (RC2) Background/Executive Summary: Rezone three parcels,22129-34-90004,22129-34-90003,and 22129-34-90002,from Rural Residential 5 to Rural Commercial 2. These parcels are in the Rural Development Areas close to the Spencer Lake Hamlet. This request does not require an amendment to the Future Land Use Map. If the request is approved the applicant intends to apply for a special use permit to expand his self-storage business that is adjacent to the subject parcels. The approximate acreage requested for rezone is 5.91 acres. The applicant,Alfred W.Jones, owns an additional 8 acres to the north of the subject parcels,this acreage is zoned Rural Commercial 2. The acreage is the site of the applicant's self-storage business that has existed in some form since the early 1990s, prior to the implementation of land use designations and zoning within the County. The applicant recently expanded the business on the existing RC2 acreage. Budget Impact(amount,funding source,budget amendment): N/A Public Outreach(news release, community meeting,etc.): The public hearing with the PAC on 02.27.23 was advertised in the Mason Shelton Journal on February 16, 2023 and February 23,2023.This meeting of the BOCC to brief was advertised on the home page of the Mason County website and subsequent requests for action will also be advertised on the home page under the corresponding agenda. Requested Action: Approval to set a Public Hearing for Tuesday,April 25,2023 at 9:15 a.m.to consider the rezone of parcels 22129-34-90002,22129-34-90003, and 22129-34-90004 from Rural Residential 5 (RR5)to Rural Commercial 2(RC2). Attachments: Map with subject parcels(current zoning) Mason County WA GIS Web Map Ilk 4 1 fi OF • I - 2/7/2023, 10:26:35 AM 1:3,068 0 0.03 0.05 0.1 mi L_J County Boundary Rural Residential 2.5 Acres 0 0.04 0.08 0.16 km ❑ No Filled Rural Residential 5 Acres ❑ Tax Parcels(Zoom in to 1:30,000) Rural Residential 10 Acres Rural Zoning Rural Residential 20 Acres Source:Esri,Maxar,Earthstar Geographics,and the GIS User Community Rural Multi Family Agricultural Resource Lands Inholding Lands Mason County WA GIS Web Map Application Maxar I NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Mason County Commissioners will hold a public hearing in Mason County Building I,Commission Chambers,411 North Fifth Street,Shelton, WA 98584 on April 25,2023 at 9a. SAID HEARING will be to take public comment on Alfred W. Jones' request for rezone of three parcels, 22129-34-90002, 22129-34-90003, and 22129-34-90004, from Rural Residential 5 (RR5)to Rural Commercial 2 (RC2). Public testimony will be available in-person or via Zoom. The URL is available on the County website https://www.masoncogptywa.gov/ to sign into the meeting. Please use the "raise hand" feature to be recognized by the Chair to provide your testimony. You can also email testimony to msmithkmasoncounWya.gov or mail to the Commissioners' Office, 411 N 5t' St, Shelton, WA 98584; or call(360)427-9670 ext. 230. If special accommodations are needed,please contact the Commissioners' office, (360) 427- 9670 ext. 419. DATED this 14th day of March, 2023. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON McKenzie Smith, Clerk of the Board Bill: Community Development Department 615 W. Alder Street Shelton,Wa 98584 Cc: Commissioners Shelton Journal: Publ. 2t: March 23, 2023 &March 30,2023 r f Mason County Agenda Request Form r- To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Richard Dickinson Ext.450 Department: Public Works Briefing: Action Agenda: Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): March 6,2023 Agenda Date: March 14,2023 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Risk (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item• Solid Waste Advisory Committee Membership Appointments Backuround/Executive Summary: RCW 70A.205.110 requires Mason County to establish a Solid Waste Advisory Committee SWAC (Resolution 08-05)to assist in the development of programs and policies concerning solid waste handling and disposal and to review and comment upon proposed rules,policies,or ordinances prior to their adoption. Such committees shall consist of a minimum of nine members and shall represent a balance of interests including, but not limited to, citizens,public interest groups,business,the waste management industry,agriculture,and local elected public officials.The members shall be appointed by the county legislative authority and subject to the discretion of the Board of County Commissioner to the extent that qualified representative is unavailable. Mason County has been actively looking for community members interested in joining the County's Solid Waste Advisory Committee(SWAC). The County has received the attached applications from Thomas Duffield,Lynda Links,Tessa Hollaran,Delroy Cox and Chad White. Mason County Commissioner, Sharon Trask,has also expressed her interest in filling the local elected official position. SWAC members serve a three-year term;per Resolution 08-05,terms must be staggered so no more than three member terms expire within a given year. Terms below have been staggered to reflect term guidelines. There is only one out of the nine positions currently filled. NN G -W Citizen District 1 Thomas Duffield(new appointment) 3/14/2023 - 1/14/2027 Citizen District 1 Vacant Citizen District 2 Monica Nerney(current member) 7/6/2021 -7/6/2024 Citizen District 2 Vacant r f Mason County Agenda Request Form r- lh'a,�— Citizen District 3 Lynda Links(re-appointment for 2nd term) 3/14/2023 —3/14/2026 Citizen District 3 Vacant Local Elected Official Sharon Trask(new appointment) 3/14/2023 - 1/14/2027 Special Group-Agriculture Tessa Halloran(new appointment) 3/14/2023 -1/14/2027 Business—JDEL Consulting Delroy Cox(re-appointment for 3 term) 3/14/2023 —3/14/2026 Solid Waste Industry— Chad White (re-appointment for 2nd term) 3/14/2023 —3/14/2026 Mason County Garbage Budget Impact(amount,funding source,budget amendment): N/A Public Outreach(news release, community meeting,etc.): Public Works will continue to try to fill the remaining open SWAC positions. Requested Action: Approval to appoint the following applicants to the Solid Waste Advisory Committee: Thomas Duffield,to represent District#1, Sharon Trask,to represent Local Elected Public Official,Tessa Halloran, Special Group- Agriculture and re-appoint Lynda Links,to represent District#3 Delroy Cox,to represent Business and Chad White,to represent the Solid Waste Industry. Attachments: Applications copN�A MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 411 NORTH FIFTH STREET SHELTON WA 98584 Fax 360-427-8437; Voice 360-427-9670, Ext. 419;275-4467 or 482-5269 1854� - I AM SEEKING APPOINTMENT TO SWAC NAME: Chad White ADDRESS: PHONE: CITY/ZIP: VOTING PRECINCT: WORK PHONE: E-MAIL (OR AREA IN THE COUNTY YOU LIVE) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMUNITY SERVICE EMPLOYMENT: (IF RETIRED, PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE) Chamber of Commerce MEMBERSHIPS) COMPANY: Mason County Garbage 20 YRS POSITION: Site Manager COMPANY: YRS POSITION: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In your words, what do you perceive is the role or purpose of the Board, Committee or Council for which you are applying: Too look into and maintain the best practices for keeping the community clean What interests, skills do you wish to offer the Board, Committee,or Council? Insight to the garbage and recycling business Please list any financial, professional, or voluntary affiliations which may influence or affect your position on this Board: (i.e.create a potential conflict of interest) Your participation is dependent upon attending certain trainings made available by the County during regular business hours (such as Open Public Meetings Act and Public Records).The trainings would be at no cost to you.Would you be able to attend such trainings? Yes Realistically,how much time can you give to this position? arterly X o ly Weekly Daily Office Use Only Appoint vent Date Signature Die Term Expire Date RECENED MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 411 NORTH FIFTH STREET SHELTON WA 98584 Mason County Fax 360-427-8437; Voice 360-427-9670, Ext 419,275-4467 or 482-5269 Commissioners I AM SEEKING APPOINTMENT TO THE MASON COUNTY SOLID WASTE ADVISORY COMMITTEE NAME: DELROY COX ADDRESS- j ( CfTY/ZIP: VOTING PRECINCT: WORK PHONE: (OR AREA IN THE COUNTY YOU LIVE) E-C'MIL: -_---------'--------------"-------_-----_ ---------------_------_----_----_-__-___--_---_-- COMMUNITY SERVICE EMPLOYMENT: (IF RETIRED. PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE) Acrwmes oR E'EC'O'IPS) COMPANY: JDEL CONSULTING-12 YEARS YRS MEMBER FOR SOLID WAS E ADVISO Y COMMITTEE THE PAST NINE PLUS YEARS. POSITION: SOLE OWNER COMPANY: HAROLD LEMAY ENT. INC:43 YEARS YRS POSITION: REGIONAL MANAGER (RETIRED 2008) In your words, what do you perceive is the role or purpose of the Board, Committee or Council for which you are applying: I'm currently a member on the Mason County Solid Waste Advisery Committee. I was notified my term is up and I'm requesting to be re-appointed to another term. What interests, skills do you wish to offer the Board, Committee,or Council? I have over 43 years experience in the solid waste industry,managing oprations in four counties for Harold LeMay Enterprises Inc. I retired from Harold LeMay Enterprises Inc. in 2008. 1 started my own business,JDEL Counsulting August 1, 2008 to dal . Please list any financial, professional, or voluntary affiliations which may influence or affect your position on this Board: (i.e. create a potential conflict of interest) As a consultant.Waste Conections Inc. is a client. I serve as a member on the Solid Waste Advisery Committee for Grays Harbor County and Thurston County. Your participation is dependent upon attending certain trainings made available by the County during regular business hours (such as Open Public Meetings Act and Public Records).The trainings would be at no cost to you. Would you be able to attend such trainings? yes Realistically,how much time can you give to this position? Quarterly x Monthly x Why Daily Office Use Only Delroy Cox 02/6/2023 Appointment Date, Signature Dais Term Expire Date RECEIVED /�DgpP CppN�F MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS �'Eg 21 fC[ 411 NORTH FIFTH STREET SHELTON WA 98584 _ = Mason County Fax 360-427-8437, Voice 360-427-9670, Ext. 419,275-4467 or 482-5269 85+� Commissioners I AM SEEKING APPOINTMENT TO S Lk/A NAME: L V PJ Dp Al K S CITY/ZIP: VOTING PRECINCT: WORK PHONE: ; (OR AREA IN THE COUNTY YOU LIVE) E-MAIL: - ------------------------------------------------------------------_ -_---------------------- COMMUNITY SERVICE EMPLOYMENT: (IF RETIRED, PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE) (ACTIVITIES OR MEMBERSHIPS) COMPANY: 0 e' er l / YRS I ti 'Y� & ^U� V d t s POSITION: COMPANY: YRS POSITION: --- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In your words,what do you perceive is the role or purpose of the Board, Committee or Council for which you are applying: �jLjS Arnr� � What interests, skills do you wish to offer the Board, Committee,or Council? Please list any financial, professional, or voluntary affiliations which may influence or affect your position on this Board: (i.e. create a potential conflict of interest) 1'1� Your participation is dependent upon attending certain trainings made available by the County during regular business hours (such as Open Public Meetings Act and Public Records).The trainings would be at no cost to you. Would you be able to attend such trainings? Realistically, how much time can you give to this position? Quarterly Weekly Daily Office Use Only Appointment Date Signaba � Date r Term Expire Date BON coay�A MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 411 NORTH FIFTH STREET SHELTON WA 98584 _-— Fax 360-427-8437; Voice 360-427-9670, Ext. 419;275-4467 or 482-5269 1854 1 AM SEEKING APPOINTMENT TO Solid Waste Advisory Committee NAME: Tessa Halloran ADDRESS: PHONE: ( CITY/ZIP: VOTING PRECINCT: WORK PHONE: ( OR AREA IN THE COUNTY YOU LIVE) E-MAIL E) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMUNITY SERVICE EMPLOYMENT: (IF RETIRED, PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE) (ACTIVITIES OR MEMBERSHIPS) COMPANY: WSU Mason County Ext. January 2023-P YRS POSITION: Small Farms & Master Gardener Program COMPANY: Cowlitz Indian Tribe (2020-2023) YRS POSITION: Cowlitz Garden Education &Outreach Coc -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In your words, what do you perceive is the role or purpose of the Board, Committee or Council for which you are applying: I believe the impose of the Solid Waste Advisory Committee is to protect Mason County's diverse natural resources by determining appropriate management strategies and developing program options to improve waste reduction, recycling, arid composting efforts, ensure appropriate disposal of hazardous waste, items, arid to prevent arid addrebs illegal dumping. What interests, skills do you wish to offer the Board, Committee, or Council? I have extensive experience on small-sr-aie agriculture and hortia dt,ire, including cornposting of yard and food W@ste think that composting, waste prevention, and recycling methods are integral to both my Small Farms and Master Gardener programs, and I am looking forward to working with others to develop unique ways to incorporate anti irnfinnni nnnnrti initiac nn thaca ci ihiartc into nu it nffarinnc Please list any financial, professional, or voluntary affiliations which may influence or affect your position on this Board: (i.e. create a potential conflict of interest) Your participation is dependent upon attending certain trainings made available by the County during regular business hours (such as Open Public Meetings Act and Public Records).The trainings would be at no cost to you. Would you be able to attend such trainings? Yes Realistically, how much time can you give to this position? Quarterly X Monthly Weekly Daily Office Use Only Tessa Halloran 2/22/23 Appointment Date Signature Date Term Expire Date 9 RECEIVED MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 411 NORTHFTFFIHSTREET SHELTON WA 98584 Mason County Fax 3W-427-8437, Voice 360-427-9670,Ext 419,2754467 or 482-5269 =— Commissioners ^ \ ` I AM SEEKING APPOINTMENT TO O\A'd W�TY. A70.V I3 p r 4 /-C*�+ C2 AnoREss: - CmlaP: VOTING PRECIN T: ter�', ton AREA VA TM MUIM rouv.� ___________________________________________-_____-------- --------------------------------- COMMUNITY SERVICE EMPLOYMENT (IF RETIRED PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE) oµcrnmes OR 141159" e"'st COMPANY: ��S I.. C!)C-"O1 3 OI _ YRS �Cl�t rwA o+ LVanat„ LJ,)-1 10 POSMON: S cl t v LC. *CZ, .1 ey/G.c�V��,,,O) " COMPANY: YRS POSFION: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In your words,what do you perceive is the rote or purpose 1of the Board,Committee or Council for which you are applying: 70�I V L C -���Cti �4��.� C+& ut V c Lf, O" 155ta.ti4+ La "Ltt t '+o\-d wt�s�L et ��0 5ta1 aH.a. Mta.�t�ce M.Cta.� What interests,skills do you wish to or the Board m � 'x,Co a Catma7t ,� effe o�w.e� - ► SoecS,z sic,'l!t a•..l C % Please list any financial, professional, or voluntary affiliations which may influence or affect your position on this Board: (i.e.create a potential conflict of interest) Nt(T Your participation is dependent upon attending certain trainings made available by the County during regular business hours (such as Open Public Meetings Act and Public Records).The trainings would be at no cost to you.Would you be able to attend such trainings? lre� 7 Realistically,how much time can you 10 Vis position? Quarterly Weeldy Z-1/ Daily Office Use Onty 0w��ru�l`y U6 2023 Appointment Date Signature Date Term.Expire Dare__ r f Mason County Agenda Request Form r- To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Mike Collins Ext.450 Department: Public Works Briefing: Action Agenda: Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): March 6,2023 Agenda Date: March 14,2023 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Risk (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item• County Road Project(CRP)No.2046—Bear Creek Dewatto Road Backuround/Executive Summary: Bear Creek Dewatto Road is the primary connection between Belfair and the Dewatto area with an ADT of 2,600.The section of roadway between MP 0.43 and MP 1.02,has deficient horizontal curves for line of sight, radius and posted speed,which contributes to an abnormally high accident rate. The purpose of this project is to realign the road to improve the horizontal curves.The new alignment will have wider lanes and shoulder that will be paved with Hot Mix Asphalt(HMA), along with new striping and any other necessary safety improvements. Budget Impact(amount,funding source,budget amendment): On December 6,2022,Commissioner authorized the Chair to execute the attached County Road Administration Board(CRAB)RAP Project Prospectus Contract,which set forth approved funding for the project as follows: Bear Creek Dewatto Road Estimated Project Cost: $680,000 Authorized RATA Funds: $ 59( 4,000) County Road Funds: $ 86,000 The project is listed on the updated 2023-2028 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program(#49)and will be added to the 2024 Annual Construction Program Public Outreach(news release, community meeting,etc.): Resolutions will be published in the Shelton Journal.Public Works will use mail,road closure email list,Ch. 3, reader boards,Facebook,and county website for public outreach/project notification. r f Mason County Agenda Request Form r- lh'�d Requested Action: Approval of the Resolution for County Road Project No.2046,Bear Creek Dewatto Road and authorize the County Engineer and/or the Chair to sign all pertinent documents. Attachments: Resolutions Project Location Map Prospectus MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION NO: COUNTY ROAD PROJECT NO. 2046 WHEREAS,on Mason County Road No.79800,known locally as the Bear Creek Dewatto Road and more specifically located in Sec.9,T.23 N,R 1W,WM at approximately mile post 0.43 to mile post 1.02;work defined as"construction"in the BARS Manual,Page II-63,et seq,is determined to be necessary and proper; and, THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS that it is their intention to: Realign roadway to improve the horizontal curves with wider lanes and shoulders that will be paved with Hot Mix Asphalt(HMA). SAID WORK is to be performed by Contract and/or County Forces in accordance with Washington State Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction as adopted by Mason County(RCW 36.77.020 and/or RCW 36.77.065 and WAC 136-18). BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the described County Road Project is necessary and proper,and the estimated costs of said project are herewith set out as follows: Engineering: $ 20,000 Right of Way $ 20,000 Construction $ 640,000 The County Road project herein described in HEREBY DECLARED to be a public necessity,and the County Road Engineer is HEREBY ORDERED AND AUTHORIZED to report and proceed thereon as by law,provided and in accordance with RCW 36.75.050,36.80.080 and 36.80.070. ADOPTED this day of 2023. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON Sharon Trask,Chair ATTEST: Randy Neatherlin,Vice Chair McKenzie Smith,Clerk of the Board Kevin Shutty,Commissioner APPROVED AS TO FORM: Tim Whitehead,Ch.DPA cc: Co.Commissioners Engineer JOURNAL: Publ.1t: 03/23/2023 CRP 2046 - Bear Creek Dewatto Rd MP 043w fu 02 1 N 5 0 0.25 0. l Miles O o% \ r MP 1.02 ' r,r af.rtt`R - - Proposed RealigBremE nment i USGS The National Ma National Boundaries Dataset,3DEP Nati onal Pi I Elevation Program,Geographic Namps Information System, Co ry of Kitsap,WA National Hydrography Dataset,Nation4Land Cover Dakabase,' ate Parks GIS, Esri National Structures Dataset,and 4�ational Transportation Canada,Esri, HERE, Dataset;USGS Global Ecosystems;U.�,J.'Census Bureau TIGER/ Garmin,SafeGraph, Line data;USFS Road Data;Natural Earth Data;U.S. e air MOTI/NASA,USGS, Department of St�fe Humanit iian Information Unit;andr� I Bureau of Land NOAA National Ce ters for Envi�n°mental Information,U.S I' Managelment,EPA,NPS, Coastal Reli f Model.Da ' refreshed August,202,. . USDA STATE OF WASHINGTON - COUNTY ROAD ADMINISTRATION BOARD RURAL ARTERIAL PROGRAM FINAL PROSPECTUS Biennium : 2023 - 2025 Region : SW County: Mason IDENTIFICATION State Legislative District: 35 Six-Year T.I.P. Priority No: 49 Total Points : 66.10 Road Number(s) I Road Name(s) I FFC(s) I TRC(s) I BMP(s) EMP(s) 79800 Bear Creek Dewatto Road 07 T4 0.430 1 .020 PROJECTTYPE Project Type: RC - Reconstruction DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS - Attach Rating Worksheets Roadway Structural Section, or Bridge Condition: ❑✓ Deviation Anticipated? Describe structural deficiencies and proposed improvements in keeping with the attached roadway cross section . (Proposed structural section details may change based on final design .) N/A Horizontal Alignment: Q Deviation Anticipated? the horizontal curve will be improved to full design standard of 40 MPH . Vertical Alignment: ❑✓ Deviation Anticipated? N/A Width: ✓❑ Deviation Anticipated? re existing 11 ft lane and 2 ft paved shoulder and 2 ft gravel shoulder will be widened to 12 ft lane, paved shoulder and 1 ft gravel shoulder. Other: Clear Zone, Slopes, Guardrail, Illumination, signals etc.: ODeviation Anticipated? The clear zone will be improved by removing above ground obstacles and installing guardrail where arranted. ESTIMATED FUNDING AND TIMING Estimated Year Phase Est Total Cost RATA Amount Start End Design/Prelim. Engr. $20,000 $183000 Jun-23 Dec-23 Right of Way $20,000 Jun-24 Dec-24 Construction $640,000 $576,000 Jun-25 Dec-25 TOTAL $680,000 $594,000 Schedule of CRAB reimbursements for Canstrucdon will be or dependent on Project SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS THAT MAY AFFECT PROJECT SCHEDULE: ❑ Wetlands ❑ NMFS © R.O.W. [] Shorelines ❑ USFWS ❑ BIA QHPA [] RR ❑ USACE ❑WDFW QCultrual (Hist. Arch- Paleo.) ❑ Tied (Other agency work) ❑ Other LOCAL PROJECT APPROVAL s J RAP Project Prospectus prepared under the supervision of: Sign re - Co t Engineer / Date RAP Project Prospectus submitted to CRAB with the approval of: Z ^ Zo Z2 Signature of Cha r f the Board of County Commissioners County Executive / Date Page 1 of 2 STATE OF WASHINGTON - COUNTY ROAD ADMINISTRATION BOARD RURAL ARTERIAL PROGRAM FINAL PROSPECTUS Biennium: 2023 - 2025 Region : SW County : Mason PROJECT NARRATIVE Bear Creek Dewatto Road is the primary connection between Belfair and the Dewatto area with an ADT of 2,600. This section of the roadway, between MP 0,43 and MP 1 .02 , has deficient horizontal curves for line of sight, radius, and posted speed, which contributes to an abnormally high accident rate. This road section has narrow lanes and shoulders and does not meet Mason County, WSDOT or AASHTO road design standards. This section will be re-aligned horizontally to meet current standards for the posted speed of 35 mph along with shoulder widening, and clear zone improvements. Page 2 of 2 r f Mason County Agenda Request Form r- To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Mike Collins Ext.450 Department: Public Works Briefing: M Action Agenda: M Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): March 6,2023 Agenda Date: March 14,2023 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources M Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Risk (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item• County Road Project(CRP)No.2047—Skokomish Valley Road Background/Executive Summary: The purpose of this project is to preserve and improve access to the upper Skokomish River Valley and the Olympic National Forest via FS-23 by stabilizing, strengthening,and elevating the roadway and improving drainage between MP 3.80 and MP 4.60 of Skokomish Valley Road. Budget Impact(amount,funding source,budget amendment): Public Works has received 1.6 million through FFY2023 WA Federal Lands Access program(FLAP)that will be transferred to FHWA and administered through WSDOT Local Programs. Project will require the County to pay 13.5%of the project cost. Public Outreach(news release, community meeting,etc.): Resolutions will be published in the Shelton Journal.Public Works will use mail,road closure email list,Ch. 3, reader boards,Facebook,and county website for public outreach/project notification. Requested Action: Approval of the Resolution for County Road Project No.2047, Skokomish Valley Road and authorize the County Engineer and/or the Chair to sign all pertinent documents. Attachments: Resolutions Project Location Map Funding Award Letter MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION NO: COUNTY ROAD PROJECT NO. 2047 WHEREAS,on Mason County Road No.41640,known locally as the Skokomish Valley Road and more specifically located in Sec. 13 &18,T.21N,R 4W,WM at approximately mile post 3.80 to mile post 4.60;work defined as"construction"in the BARS Manual,Page II-63,et seq,is determined to be necessary and proper; and, THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS that it is their intention to: To preserve and improve access to the upper Skokomish River Valley and the Olympic National Forest via FS-23 by stabilizing,strengthening,and elevating the roadway and improving drainage. SAID WORK is to be performed by Contract and/or County Forces in accordance with Washington State Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction as adopted by Mason County(RCW 36.77.020 and/or RCW 36.77.065 and WAC 136-18). BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the described County Road Project is necessary and proper,and the estimated costs of said project are herewith set out as follows: Engineering: $ 10,000 Right of Way $ -0- Construction $ 1,600,000 The County Road project herein described in HEREBY DECLARED to be a public necessity,and the County Road Engineer is HEREBY ORDERED AND AUTHORIZED to report and proceed thereon as by law,provided and in accordance with RCW 36.75.050,36.80.080 and 36.80.070. ADOPTED this day of 2023. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY,WASHINGTON Sharon Trask,Chair ATTEST: Randy Neatherlin,Vice Chair McKenzie Smith,Clerk of the Board Kevin Shutty,Commissioner APPROVED AS TO FORM: Tim Whitehead,Ch.DPA cc: Co.Commissioners Engineer JOURNAL: Publ.1t: 03/23/2023 N CRP 2047 - Skokomish Valley Rd s� r -0 /f OM�s MP 4.60 yVq<<F OKOM`SN Skoko sh f •—...t �yRo V� s� Valley VALLEY RD �JiF M P 3.80 ,Weaver Creek �O O�016,� 'Qp 9 l O G'D 9�RO `'� W CpLIFOR►4lp RD CpL1FORNIP►RO W = z WWEAVER Gp CREEK LN = cn 700o z v RNEFtS RO `O c _ W FOVR Cog o I2 r m 0 0.5 1 �Ip A r Miles 4 v cn Adft Washington State Transportation Building w, De artment of Transportation 310 Maple Park Avenue S.E. P � P.D.Box 47300 Olympia,WA 98504-7300 360-705-7000 TTY:1-800-833-6388 www.wsdot.wa.gov February 22, 2023 Ms. Loretta Swanson Public Works Director Mason County 100 W. Public Works Drive Shelton, Washington 98584-9714 Skokomish Valley Road FFY 2023 Federal Lands Access Program (FLAP) Federal Funding Dear Ms. Swanson: WSDOT is pleased to advise you that the above-mentioned project was selected to receive funding through the FFY 2023 WA Federal Lands Access Program(FLAP). The FLAP funds were transferred to FHWA and will be administered through WSDOT Local Programs per the Local Agency Guidelines (LAG) manual. The federal funding is limited as shown below: Skokomish Valley Road $1,600,000 FFY 2023 Available Funding: $1,600,000 (CN) Scope: The purpose of this project is to preserve and improve access to the upper Skokomish River Valley and the Olympic National Forest via FS-23 by stabilizing, strengthening, and elevating the roadway and improving drainage between MP 3.8 and MP 4.6 of Skokomish Valley Road. Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) #: 20.224 Federal Lands Access Program NOTE:Federal share is 86.5 percent for federal eligible costs. The project was approved with an estimated 13.5%match as cash and in-kind services from the county. In order to meet federal requirements, the following are required: • FFY 2023 funding must be obligated by September 1, 2023. If the county is unable to meet this deadline,please notify Local Programs by July 1, 2023, so that the funds are returned to FHWA for re-allocation in FFY 2024. • Project expenditures incurred before receiving notice from Local Programs of federal fund authorization are not eligible for reimbursement. • Please refer to the Local Programs webpage for detailed authorization information including: (http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/localprogams/) Ms. Loretta Swanson Mason County February 22, 2023 ✓ Local Agency Guidelines (LAG)manual for detailed requirements; ✓ Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and Statewide Transportation Improvement Program(STIP amendments, as applicable; ✓ Funding and billing forms; ✓ Local Project Report is required to be completed by the end of June and December each year. To access the database, you will need an account name and password. Your account name is Mason Co. and your password is MasCo894. The password is case sensitive. • If the project is not actively pursued, or becomes inactive (23 CFR 630), the project is at risk of being cancelled, funds repaid and reprogrammed. • FHWA requires that all projects are ADA compliant upon completion or the federal funds must be repaid. As a reminder, Local Programs requires all agencies to submit monthly progress billings to ensure timely reimbursement of eligible federal expenditures. For assistance, please contact your Region Local Programs Engineer, John Ho, at 564.669.1018 or John.Hokwsdot.wa.gov. Sincerely, Jay Drye, PE Director Local Programs JD:st:cdm cc: John Ho, Olympic Region Local Programs Engineer Mason County Agenda Request Form To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: John Taylor Ext. 806 Department: Parks & Trails Briefing: ☒ Action Agenda: ☒ Public Hearing: ☐ Special Meeting: ☐ Briefing Date(s): March 13, 2023 Agenda Date: March 14, 2023 Internal Review: ☐ Finance ☐ Human Resources ☐ Legal ☐ Information Technology ☐ Risk (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board’s Use Only: Item Number: 8.13 Approved: ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Tabled ☐ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. __________ Contract No. __________ County Code: __________ Item: Request for Proposals for the 2023 MCRA Concession Services Background/Executive Summary: Mason County Parks and Trails Department is requesting proposals for food concessions at Mason County Recreational Area (MCRA) for the spring and summer of 2023. The deadline for submittal is noon on Tuesday, April 4, 2023. At the County’s discretion, a contract can be extended for up to three additional years. Budget Impact (amount, funding source, budget amendment): N/A Public Outreach (news release, community meeting, etc.): The Request for Proposals (RFP) will be shared online and advertised in the Shelton-Mason County Journal. Requested Action: Approval to issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) for food concessions at Mason County Recreational Area (MCRA) for the spring and summer of 2023. Attachments: Request for Proposal REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL MASON COUNTY RECREATION AREA CONCESSIONS Mason County Parks and Trails Department 411 N 5th Street Shelton, WA 98584 (360) 427-9670, ext. 806 Purpose of Request Mason County Parks and Trails Department is requesting proposals for the furnishing of all staffing and equipment necessary to provide food concessions on a competitive level at Mason County Recreation Area for spring/summer of 20 23. The food concession contract will be issued for the spring/summer of 20 23, with an option at County’s sole discretion, to extend this contract for up to three additional years. The concession operator and Mason County will review the concession arrangement annually, determining if the option will be exercised. The County's needs are outlined in a Request for Proposal (RFP), available upon request, beginning immediately. Deadline for submittal of RFP's is Noon, April 4, 2023. Requests for a copy of the RFP should be made to: John Taylor Mason County Parks and Trails Departm ent 411 N 5th Street Shelton, WA 98584 (360) 427-9670, ext. 806 jtaylor@masoncountywa.gov MASON COUNTY PARKS 411 N 5th Street Shelton, WA 98584 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL MCRA Park Concessions I Purpose of Request Mason County Parks is requesting proposals for the furnishing of all staffing and equipment necessary to provide food concessions on a competitive level at Mason County Recreation Area for the summer of 20 23. The food concession contract will be issued for the spring/summer of 2023, with an option, at the County’s sole discretion, to extend this contract for up to three additional years . The concession operator and Mason County will review the concession arrangement at the conclusion of the first year to determine if the option will be exercised. The County's needs are outlined in the following Request for Proposal (RFP). II Time Schedule The County will adhere to the following timetable, which should result in selection of a firm being chosen in April 2023. Issue RFP Deadline for Submittal of Proposal March 2023 April 4, 2023 Proposers are invited to tour the concession area by contacting Mason County Parks at (360) 427-9670, ext. 535 and scheduling an appointment with Carl Olson. III • • All proposals should be sent to: John Taylor, Mason County Parks and Trails 411 N 5th Street Shelton, WA 98584 (360) 427-9670, ext. 806 All proposals must be in a sealed envelope and clearly marked in the lower left- hand corner: RFP-MCRA Concessions. All proposals must be received by Noon, April 4, 2023 at which time they will be opened. Two (2) copies of the RFP must be presented. No faxed or telephone proposals will be accepted. Proposals should be prepared simply and economically, providing a straightforward, concise description of provider cap abilities to satisfy the requirements of the request. Special bindings, colored displays, promotional materials, etc. are not desired. Emphasis should be on completeness and clarity of content. All proposals must include the followi ng information. • The names of individuals from the fi rm who will be working and their areas of responsibility. • A narrative background of proposer's ability and experience in providing concessions. • A minimum of three (3) references indicating recent experience pertaining to concessions; references to include company name, contact person and telephone number. • A proposal of any temporary site improvements the proposer would recommend based on a one-year contract. (Note: MCRA Park presently does not have a concession building. The park does have a concrete pad, water, and electrical service for a concessionaire. The concession operator would need to provide a self- contained trailer or portable-temporary structure for the concession operations). • A list and explanation of the equipment the proposer will be providing at the site. • A sample menu and prices for the items listed on the menu. • A short narrative of how the proposer intends to promote customer service and quality, including but not limited to, a list of equipment to be installed at the site and a description of employee training program. • An explanation of routine cleaning and preventative maintenance schedules (interior and exterior) intended to assure an attractive appearance for equipment and preventative operating problems. • Proposer to submit Attachment "A" Acknowledgment with proposal. IV Selection Criteria The ultimate objective of this RFP is to provide dependable services with a reasonable percentage or rental paid to the Mason County Parks Depa rtment. Accordingly, the County will select the successful proposer after evaluation of the following RFP elements: - • Sale Price of Products 25% Competitiveness of pricing for food and beverages of the same or superior quality as those offered by competing proposers. • Quality of Products and Service 20% • Experience/References • Compensation Total Criteria Weight Each proposal will be independently evaluated on factors 1-4. 25% 100% V. Terms and Conditions • The County reserves the right to reject any and all proposals and to waive minor irregularities in any proposal. • The County reserves the right to request clarification of information submitted and to request additional information from any proposer. • The County reserves the right to award any contract to the next most qualified contractor if the successful contractor does not execute a contract within thirty (30) days after the award of the proposal. • Any proposal may be withdrawn, up until the date and time set for opening of the RFP's. • The contract resulting from acceptance of a RFP by the County, shall be in a form supplied or approved by the County and shall reflect the specifications in this RFP. The County reserves the right to reject any proposed agreement or contract that does not conform to the specifications contained in this RFP and which is not approved by Mason County. • The County shall not be responsible for any costs incurred by the firm in preparing, submitting or presenting its response to the RFP. • Failure to submit all required items in response to this RFP, shall result in rejection of any proposal not so complying. VI Scope of Services The proposer shall provide services of the highest quality and dependability, during the days and hours listed below: Mason County Recreation Area East 2100 East Johns Prairie Road Shelton, WA 98584 March 2023 through September 20 23 (dates are negotiable), hours of operation are weekday evenings (league play) and weekends (tournament play or league play). VII Compensation A. Please present detailed information on the firm's proposed fee schedule for the specifications proposed and for any variation for non -routine services, inclusive of Washington State sales tax and any other applicable governmental charges. In addition, please provide a statement outlining how the concessionaire will document and report revenues and expenditures. Detail the proposed rent to be paid to Mason County (Monthly lease is preferred). Provide specifics as to definitions of routine versus non -routine tasks, what is fixed, as opposed to variable, and how costs are adjusted according to that classification. B. In the event of a contract award, proposers shall be required to submit an itemized statement in the form specified by the County and approved by the appropriate County representative, which shall specifically set forth the services performed and the gross monthly revenue. (The term Gross Monthly Revenue shall mean the total amount charged by concessionaire, its employees, agents or licensees, for all goods and merchandise sold or services performed, whether for cash or other consideration or on credit, and regardless of collections including, but not limited to, orders taken at the concession stand, but filled elsewhere and orders taken elsewhere but filled at the concession stands.) C. Leasehold excise tax payment (current rate of 12.84%). Attachments: Acknowledgment Sample Contract Available Upon Request Attachment A ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF CERTAIN CONDITIONS OF MASON COUNTY RECREATION AREA CONCESSIONS RFP In the event of a successful award of contract, proposer acknowledges that: • He/She will be able to comply with the insurance provisions of MCRA Concessionaire Contract and to provide in a timely manner, a certificate of insurance. • He/She will have in their possession, or will obtain prior to contract commencement, a valid business registration, as well as all other required permits or licenses required by the State of Washington, Mason Cou nty or any other lawful authority. Proposer: Signature Date Name (please print) Company Name Request for Proposals Mason County is requesting proposals for the furnishing of all staffing and equipment necessary to provide food concessions on a competitive level at Mason County Recreation Area for the summer of 2023. The food concession contract will be issued for the spring/summer of 2023, with an option, at the County’s sole discretion, to extend this contract for up to three additional years. The concession operator and Mason County will review the concession arrangement at the conclusion of the first year to determine if the option will be exercised. Deadline for submittal of RFP’s, 12:00 p.m., Tuesday, April 4, 2023. 411 North 5th Street, Shelton, WA 98584 To request the proposal specifications: Download from website: www.masoncountywa.gov/ Email: jtaylor@masoncountywa.gov Phone requests: 360-427-9670 ext. 806 Contact: John Taylor Mason County is an Equal Opportunity Employer Mason County Agenda Request Form To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Mary Ransier Ext. 422 Department: Human Resources Briefing: ☒ Action Agenda: ☒ Public Hearing: ☐ Special Meeting: ☐ Briefing Date(s): March 13, 2023 Agenda Date: March 14, 2023 Internal Review: ☐ Finance ☒ Human Resources ☒ Legal ☐ Information Technology ☐ Risk (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board’s Use Only: Item Number: 8.14 Approved: ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Tabled ☐ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. __________ Contract No. __________ County Code: __________ Item: AFSCME Memorandum of Understanding Background/Executive Summary: The County and AFSCME are closing the “Me Too” clause for the 2020-2022 Collective Bargaining Agreement. Budget Impact (amount, funding source, budget amendment): Approximately $3,700 Public Outreach (news release, community meeting, etc.): N/A Requested Action: Approval of the AFSCME Memorandum of Understanding for 0.25% and closing out the “Me Too” clause of the 2020-2022 Collective Bargaining Agreement. Attachments: Memorandum of Understanding "Me Too" Memorandum of Understanding Between Mason County ("County") And AFSCME, Local 1504 of the WSCCCE ("Union") Pursuant to the 2020-22 CBA between the County and Union, the parties agree to the implementation of an additional 0.25% wage increase in 2022 for the members of AFSCME 1504 to be effective June 1, 2022 as set forth herein. Whereas; Mason County settled the Teamsters Union Local No. 252 and Mason County Appraisers Unit 2022-2024 Collective Bargaining Agreement with an across the board wage increase of 2.25% effective June 1, 2022; and Whereas; the current 2020-2022 Collective Bargaining Agreement with AFSCME Local 1504 Article 9.1 set the wage increase by 2.00% effective January 1, 2022; and Whereas; the difference between Teamsters Union Local No. 252 wage increase and AFSCME Local 1504 as of June 1, 2022 is a .25% difference; Now therefore the parties agree employees in the AFSCME, Local 1504 will receive a .25% across the board general wage increase for its current members effective June 1, 2022. Application: This MOU shall apply to employees who were active in a bargaining unit position for the entire period of June 1, 2022-December 31, 2022. This MOU only applies to the wage provisions related to the 0.25% increase of the 2020-22 CBA. There is no other application of this provision for the members of AFSCME 1504 for the contract that expired December 31, 2022, and does not apply to anything subsequently agreed to by the County in 2023; in addition, any wage increases for uniformed personnel in the MCSO shall not apply to the members of AFSCME 1504. The pay schedule shall be updated, as of June 1, 2022, reflecting an increase of .25% going forward. Date: March 8, 2023 For the County Commissioner. Sharon Trask, Chair Mason County Agenda Request Form To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Mary Ransier Ext. 422 Department: Human Resources Briefing: ☒ Action Agenda: ☒ Public Hearing: ☐ Special Meeting: ☐ Briefing Date(s): March 13, 2023 Agenda Date: March 14, 2023 Internal Review: ☐ Finance ☒ Human Resources ☐ Legal ☐ Information Technology ☐ Risk (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board’s Use Only: Item Number: 8.14 Approved: ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Tabled ☐ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. __________ Contract No. __________ County Code: __________ Item: Lead Pay for Tom Gibbons Background/Executive Summary: Tom Gibbons will be tasked with creating revaluation assignments, oversee and review assignments, training all appraisers. He will also oversee the office in the absence of Assessor and Chief Deputy. Budget Impact (amount, funding source, budget amendment): General Fund Supplement Public Outreach (news release, community meeting, etc.): N/A Requested Action: Approval for Lead Pay for Tom Gibbons in the Assessor’s Office from March 16, 2023 through December 31, 2023. Attachments: Lead Pay Request Form Out of Class/Lead Pay Request Form Working in a Higher Class/Lead Pay requests must be submitted on this form to Human Resources for review and approval before moving forward. Refer to the Personnel Policy or applicable CBA for additional requirements, clarification, or information. Type of Pay Request Lead Pay Union Status Non-Union Name TOM GIBBONS Department Assessor's Office Employee Current Job Title Appraiser Analyst Proposed Increase (%) 10% Funding Source Assessor Budget Effective Date 01/01/2023 End Date 12/31/2023 What specific job duties is or will this employee be performing outside of their current position description? Create revaluation assignments, oversee and review assignments, training all appraisers. In charge of office in the absence of Assessor and Chief Deputy. I would like to create a new job class for this specifically and have attached this description as it is what he is currently doing. Attach job description of higher class Senior Analyst-.docx Requestor's Email pmclean@masoncountywa.go v Department Head Email pmclean@masoncountywa.gov Mason County Agenda Request Form To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Mary Ransier Ext. 422 Department: Human Resources Briefing: ☒ Action Agenda: ☒ Public Hearing: ☐ Special Meeting: ☐ Briefing Date(s): March 13, 2023 Agenda Date: March 14, 2023 Internal Review: ☐ Finance ☒ Human Resources ☐ Legal ☐ Information Technology ☐ Risk (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board’s Use Only: Item Number: 8.16 Approved: ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Tabled ☐ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. __________ Contract No. __________ County Code: __________ Item: Lead Pay for Rose Boughton Background/Executive Summary: Rose Boughton will be tasked with evaluation of assignments and workloads in District Court. Oversee and review assignments, training new attorneys. Budget Impact (amount, funding source, budget amendment): General Fund Supplement Public Outreach (news release, community meeting, etc.): N/A Requested Action: Approval for Lead Pay for Rose Boughton in the Public Defender’s Office from March 16, 2023 through December 31, 2023. Attachments: Lead Pay Request Form Out of Class/Lead Pay Request Form Working in a Higher Class/Lead Pay requests must be submitted on this form to Human Resources for review and approval before moving forward. Refer to the Personnel Policy or applicable CBA for additional requirements, clarification, or information. Type of Pay Request Lead Pay Union Status Union Union Indigent Defence - IAM Name Rose Boughton Department Public Defense Employee Current Job Title Deputy Public Defender I Proposed Increase (%) 10 Funding Source Effective Date 3/16/23 End Date 9/16/23 What specific job duties is or will this employee be performing outside of their current position description? Rose is taking the lead for case distribution in District Court. She is directing and mentoring new contract attorneys in that court, and will likely be mentoring the new attorney who we finally hire. Attach job description of higher class Requestor's Email peterj@masoncountywa.gov Department Head Email peterj@masoncountywa.gov r f Mason County Agenda Request Form r- To: Board of Mason County Commissioners From: Kell Rowen Ext.286 Department: Community Development Briefing: Z Action Agenda: Z Public Hearing: ❑ Special Meeting: ❑ Briefing Date(s): January 30,2023 Agenda Date: January 31 &February 28,2023 Internal Review: ❑ Finance ❑ Human Resources ❑ Legal ❑ Information Technology ❑ Other: Environmental Health. (This is the responsibility of the requesting Department) Below for Clerk of the Board's Use Only: Item Number: 10.1 Approved: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Tabled ❑ No Action Taken Ordinance/Resolution No. Contract No. County Code: Item: Title 17 Amendments Related to the Shelton Urban Growth Area(UGA) and Minor Amendments to Title 15 Related to Hearing Examiner Authority Background/Executive Summary: Proposed amendments to Mason County Code Title 15 and 17 related to the use of the City of Shelton's Planned Unit Development(PUD) code when a development proposal requires city services (sewer and water)within the Shelton UGA. This amendment will allow greater residential densities and encourage the development of housing. The PAC, at their January 23, 2023 meeting recommended the amendments be forwarded to the BOCC for consideration and approval by a 4-1 vote. Budget Impact(amount,funding source,budget amendment): None Public Outreach(news release, community meeting, etc.): SEPA notice was filed with Ecology and distributed to agencies and Tribes. 60-day Notice was filed with Department of Commerce. Staff and the PAC held one public hearing which was advertised according to the notification requirements of Title 15.07.030. Requested Action: Approval of the Ordinance amending Mason County Code Title 15—Development Code to add to the Hearing Examiner's Authority and Mason County Code Title 17—Zoning Code to allow higher residential densities within the Shelton Urban Growth Area(UGA)by use of the City of Shelton's Planned Unit Development standards. Attachments: Staff Report Amendments Ordinance 60-Day Notice to Commerce SEPA/DNS Checklist Comment Letter STAFF REPORT ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ RE: Proposed amendments to Mason County Code Title 15 and 17 related to ` MEETING OUTCOME the use of the City of Shelton's Planned Unit Development code when a Q REC.APPROVAL development proposal requires city services (sewer and water)within the Shelton Urban Growth Area.This amendment will allow greater residential AYE densities to encourage the development of housing. NAY Department: Community Development—Planning Staff Contact(s): C. CONT. HEARING Kell Rowen, Director C. OTHER Ext. 286 or krowen@masoncountywa.gov Date: February 28, 2023 Meeting Type: Public Hearing Action Requested at this Meeting: BOCC review the proposed amendments and materials and approve associated Ordinance. Amendments(s): Title 15, section 15.03.050 and Title 17, sections 17.02.022 and 17.07, new section Article 9—Planned Unit Development PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TITLE 15, SECTION 15.03.050 AND TITLE 17, SECTIONS 17.02.022 AND 17.07 Background Mason County and the City of Shelton jointly want to encourage the development of housing where possible. The county's existing regulations for the Shelton Urban Growth Area (UGA) limits residential densities to a level that discourages non single-family residential development. Staff is proposing to adopt City Planned Unit Development (PUD) standards, under certain conditions, so that developers can take advantage of higher residential densities. Discussion Summary of Changes: 615 W.Alder Street 1 Shelton,Wa 98584 ® 360.427.9670 ext. 352 1 ©masoncountywa.gov Note:Please reference the attached code for a redlined version of the proposed changes. => 15.03.050 Adds PUDs in Shelton UGA to Hearing Examiner review => 17.02.022 Adds statement that residential densities may be increased through use of a PUD where city services (water/sewer) are provided. => 17.07 New Section Article 9 — Planned Unit Development. Details the requirements and review procedures for when the use of a PUD is allowed. STATE ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT (SEPA) DETERMINATION A SEPA checklist was prepared, and threshold Determination of Non-Significance was made on January 11, 2023. As of the date of this report (2-17-2023) PUD3 was the only agency to send comments (supports). PUBLIC NOTICE Public notice requirements per MCC Title 15.07.030 implemented. REQUESTED ACTION BY BOCC (PUBLIC HEARING — ACTION) Staff and the PAC request that the BOCC approve and adopt the proposed amendments to Title 15 & 17 as it relates to the use of the City of Shelton's PUD standards to allow for higher residential densities within the Shelton UGA when City Services are available and provided as outlined in Attachment A. 615 W.Alder Street ♦ Shelton, Wa 98584 2 OO 360.427.9670 ext. 352 1 �, masoncountywa.gov ATTACHMENT A Proposed PUD Text Amendments to Mason County Code 15.03.050 Hearing examiner. The hearing examiner shall review and act on the following subjects: (1) Appeals of decisions of the building official on the interpretation or application of the building code. (2) Revoking or modifying a permit or approval per Section 15.13.070. (3) Appeals of enforcement actions under the codes,ordinances and regulations listed under 15.03.005. Enforcement actions include interpretations and decisions made as part of the enforcement actions under the authority of provisions in Section 15.03.005. (4) Appeals of decisions of the fire marshal on interpretation or application of the fire code. (5) Enforcement actions as provided in Chapter 15.13. (6) Applications for preliminary and final plats. (7) Appeal of administrative decisions made by the community services department as set forth in Sections 15.09.020, 15.09.030, and 15.09.040. (8) Appeal of threshold determination under Title 8 (Environmental policy). (9) Granting of variances, except for administrative variances. (10) Other Type III permit reviews, including: large lot subdivisions involving a public hearing, Mason Conditional Environmental Permits, mobile home and recreational park permits, special use permits, reasonable use exceptions, and shoreline substantial development permits and conditional use permits. (11) Plat vacation or amendments, pursuant to Chapter 58.17 RCW, and for the purpose of removing utility and drainage easements set forth in Section 15.03.060. (12)Approval of Planned Unit Developments in the Shelton UGA as provided for in Chapter 17.07. 17.02.022-Shelton UGA. The Shelton UGA has separate development regulations under Chapter 17.07 to assure compatibility with the City of Shelton as these properties are annexed into the city. In areas of the UGA where City sewer and water services are available, residential densities may be increased through use of a Planned Unit Development(PUD). Chapter 17.07—Shelton Urban Growth Area Development Regulations [NEW SECTIONI Article 9—Planned Unit Development(PUD) 17.07.910 In zoning districts where residential development is permitted and in UGA areas where City of Shelton sewer and water services are available, residential densities may be increased through use of a Planned Unit Development.The County shall use the standards in City of Shelton's municipal code ATTACHMENT A Chapter 20.32 PUD—Planned Unit Development, or as amended, for project review of PUDs under this provision. Prior to submitting a land use application to the County for a PUD,the applicant shall have entered into a utility extension agreement with the City of Shelton for water and sewer service as provided for in Shelton Municipal Code Ch. 17.10. In addition to the PUD standards, the applicant will be required to comply with all requirements of the City's land use plan, zoning,fire codes and those portions of the city building code which are referenced by the fire code, and the city public works standards when developing or redeveloping the property subject to the agreement. In addition to any required notice under MCC 15.07, the County Administrator shall provide a copy of the complete application for PUD to the City of Shelton for review and comment in conjunction with review. The City shall have twenty-eight days from date of issuance to provide written comments or requests for additional information to the County; however, Mason County shall have the authority to review and approve the PUD. ORDINANCE NUMBER AMENDMENT TO MASON COUNTY CODE TITLE 15 Ft TITLE 17 ORDINANCE amending sections of Mason County Code Title 15 — Development Code adding to the Hearing Examiner's authority and Title 17 — Zoning Code allowing higher residential densities within the Shelton Urban Growth Area (UGA) by use of the City of Shelton's Planned Unit Development standards when certain circumstances apply. WHEREAS, under the authority of the Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA) (RCW 36.70A) Mason County is taking legislative action to revise its development regulations; and WHEREAS, Mason County wants to encourage the development of housing units within the Shelton UGA by utilizing the City of Shelton's Planned Unit Development standards when a development has access to the City of Shelton's water and sewer services; and WHEREAS, the revision of Mason County Code Title 17 — Zoning Code necessitated minor revision to Title 15, giving the Hearing Examiner authority to review and approve Planned Unit Developments; and WHEREAS, on January 23, 2023 the Mason County Planning Advisory Commission held a public hearing to consider the amendment and passed a motion to recommend approval of said amendment by a vote of 4— 1; and WHEREAS, the Commissioners considered the proposed amendment at a duly advertised public hearing on February 28, 2023; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners took public testimony from interested parties, considered all the written and oral arguments, testimony and comments presented; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners also considered the Staff Report and recommendations of the Mason County Planning Advisory Commission; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners finds that the proposed amendment to Title 15, Section 15.03.050 and Title 17, Section 17.02.022 and Section 17.07, new Section Article 9 — Planned Unit Development, complies with all applicable requirements of the Growth Management Act, the Comprehensive Plan, and the Mason County Code, and that it is in the best public interest; and BE IT HEREBY ORDAINED, the Mason County Board of Commissioners hereby approves and ADOPTS amendments to the Mason County Code Title 15 and Title 17, as described in Attachment A. DATED this day of 2023. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON ATTEST: Sharon Trask, Chair McKenzie Smith, Clerk of the Board APPROVED AS TO FORM: Kevin Shutty, Commissioner Tim Whitehead, Chief DPA Randy Neatherlin, Commissioner a STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE 1011 Plum Street SE • PO Box 42525. Olympia, Washington 98504-2525• (360) 725-4000 www.commerce.wa.gov 01/12/2023 Ms. Kell Rowen Community Development Director Mason County 411 N 5th Street Shelton, WA 98332 Sent Via Electronic Mail Re: Mason County--2023-S-4711--60-day Notice of Intent to Adopt Amendment Dear Ms. Rowen: Thank you for sending the Washington State Department of Commerce (Commerce) the 60-day Notice of Intent to Adopt Amendment as required under RCW 36.70A.106. We received your submittal with the following description. Proposed amendments to Mason County Code Title 15 and 17 related to the use of the City of Shelton's Planned Unit Development code when a development proposal requires city services (sewer and water)within the Shelton Urban Growth Area. This amendment will allow greater residential densities to encourage the development of housing. We received your submittal on 01/12/2023 and processed it with the Submittal ID 2023-S-4711. Please keep this letter as documentation that you have met this procedural requirement. Your 60-day notice period ends on 03/13/2023. We have forwarded a copy of this notice to other state agencies for comment. Please remember to submit the final adopted amendment to Commerce within ten days of adoption. If you have any questions,please contact Growth Management Services at reviewteam@commerce.wa.gov, or call Matt Ojennus, (360) 292-3435. Sincerely, Review Team Growth Management Services Page: 1 of 1 Environmental Checklist (WAC 197-11-960): A. BACKGROUND 1. Name of Proposed Project: Proposed amendments to Mason County Code Title 15 and 17 related to the use of the City of Shelton's Planned Unit Development (PUD) code when a development proposal requires city services (sewer and water)within the Shelton Urban Growth Area.This amendment will allow greater residential densities to encourage the development of housing. 2. Name of Applicant MASON COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person KELL ROWEN, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR MASON COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 615 W.ALDER ST. SHELTON,WA 98584 (360)427-9670 EXT. 286 4. Date Checklist Prepared: JANUARY 10, 2023 5. Agency Requesting Checklist MASON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 6. Proposed timing or schedule (including phasing, if applicable): THIS AMENDMENT WILL BE HEARD BY THE PLANNING ADVISORY COMMISSION IN JANUARY OF 2023 AND THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS IN FEBRUARY OR MARCH OF 2023. 7. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal?If yes, explain. NO 8. List any environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal. CITY of SHELTON'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE AND UGA EXPANSION FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT(FEIS)—POSTED AUGUST 2017. 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal?If yes, explain. NO 10. List any government approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known. APPROVAL OF THE MASON COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 11. Give brief, complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. There are several questions later in this checklist that ask you to describe certain aspects of your proposal. You do not need to repeat those answers on this page. (Lead agencies may modify this form to include additional specific information on project description.) THESE Proposed amendments to Mason County Code Title 15 and 17 related to the use of the City of Shelton's Planned Unit Development (PUD) code when a development proposal requires city services (sewer and water) within the Shelton Urban Growth Area.This amendment will allow greater residential densities and is intended to encourage the development of housing. 12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project, including a street address, if any, and section, township, and range, if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topographic map, if reasonably available. SEPA Environmental checklist(WAC 197-11-960)(MC version) July 2016 Page 12 of 20 While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with any permit applications related to this checklist. RESTRICTED TO RESIDENTIAL ZONES WITHIN THE SHELTON UGA. B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS N/A—NON PROJECT ACTION C. SIGNATURE The above answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the lead agency is relying on them to make its decision. 'K,e& R.anue^ January 11, 2023 Signature Date Name of Signee Kell Rowen Position Director D. Supplemental sheet for nonproject actions luaLp (IT IS NOT NECESSARY to use this sheet for project actions) Because these questions are very general, it may be helpful to read them in conjunction with the list of the elements of the environment. When answering these questions, be aware of the extent the proposal, or the types of activities likely to result from the proposal, would affect the item at a greater intensity or at a faster rate than if the proposal were not implemented. Respond briefly and in general terms. SEPA Environmental checklist(WAC 197-11-960)(MC version) July 2016 Page 13 of 20 1. How would the proposal be likely to increase discharge to water; emissions to air; production,storage,or release of toxic or hazardous substances;or production of noise? Not Likely Proposed measures to avoid or reduce such increases are: Use existing development regulations. 2. How would the proposal be likely to affect plants,animals,fish,or marine life? Not likely Proposed measures to protect or conserve plants,animals,fish,or marine life are: Use of existing development regulations. 3. How would the proposal be likely to deplete energy or natural resources? Not likely Proposed measures to protect or conserve energy and natural resources are: Use of existing development regulations. 4. How would the proposal be likely to use or affect environmentally sensitive areas or areas designated (or eligible or under study)for governmental protection; such as parks, wilderness,wild and scenic rivers,threatened or endangered species habitat, historic or cultural sites,wetlands,floodplains, or prime farmlands? Not likely Proposed measures to protect such resources or to avoid or reduce impacts are: Use of existing development regulations 5. How would the proposal be likely to affect land and shoreline use, including whether it would allow or encourage land or shoreline uses incompatible with existing plans? Not likely Proposed measures to avoid or reduce shoreline and land use impacts are: Use of existing Shoreline Master Program regulations. 6. How would the proposal be likely to increase demands on transportation or public services and utilities? Somewhat likely Proposed measures to reduce or respond to such demand(s) are: New project proposals would be required to mitigate for traffic impacts as required through project action SEPA review to include City, County and State impacts/mitigation, including the collection of impact fees. 7. Identify, if possible,whether the proposal may conflict with local,state,or federal laws or requirements for the protection of the environment.N/A MASON COUNTY �l Planning Division of Community MASON COUNTY Development = i COMMUNITY SERVICES 615 W. Alder St. Bldg. 8, Shelton,WA 98584 360-427-9670 ext 352 ,' fi<tJdi SMimring,FnviraimentiUlnaphCommunityN�111} DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE (WAC 197-11-34) SEP2023-00005 Description of Code amendments related to the use of City of Shelton's PUD and development standards when Proposal: project proposals require City Services within the Shelton UGA Proponent: MASON COUNTY Location of Proposal: Shelton Urban Growth Area Parcel Number: 420022190010 Legal Description: Lead Agency: Mason County Planner: Kell Rowen The Lead Agency for this proposal has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Statement(EIS)is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review of a completed Environmental Checklist and other information on file with the Lead Agency. This information is available to the public upon request. Please contact the planner at 360-427-9670 x352 with any questions. This DNS is issued under WAC 197-11-340(2). The Lead Agency will not act on this proposal for 14 days from the date shown below, when the determination is final. Comments must be submitted to the Dept. of Community Development, 615 W Alder St, Shelton WA 98584 by: 01/25/2023 Appeal of this determination must be filed with a 14-day period following this final determination date, per Mason County Code Chapter 15.11 Appeals. (-ZE) 2— Authorized Local Government Official Date Page: 1 Z COMMISSIONERS O . , THOMAS J . FARMER U) JULI A. TUSON JEFFREY S . MCHARGUE PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT MANAGER ANNETTE CREEKPAUM January 17 , 2023 Mason County Department of Community Development Attn : Kell Rowen 615 W Alder St Shelton WA, 98584 krowen@masoncountywa . gov RE : SEP2023 -00005; Applicant : Mason County - Proposed amendments to Mason County Code Titles 15 and 17 related to ( PUD ) code applicable within Shelton Urban Growth Area ( UGA) Dear Kell : Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the DNS - Determination of Nonsignificance issued by Mason County, regarding the above - referenced project . Mason County PUD 3 ( " PUD" ) has reviewed the information provided and has the following comment ( s ) : Although the information provided to the PUD through the SEPA process does not include specific details regarding how the proposed code amendments will impact utility service needs within the Shelton Urban Growth Area ( UGA) , it appears that a primary purpose of the proposed amendments is to allow greater residential densities within the Shelton UGA where city services ( sewer and water) can be provided , to encourage development of increased housing densities within the Shelton UGA . Mason PUD 3 strongly encourages opportunities to increase density of development in Mason County . This allows for more efficient utilization of new and existing utility infrastructure such as electric power and telecommunications . Project proponents seeking future project review under the proposed amended code sections are encouraged to consult with the PUD early in the planning/design process to ensure that any potential design issues can be evaluated and addressed early in the process . If you have any questions or would like to respond to these comments, please contact Justin Holzgrove, Director of Engineering & Utility Services, at ( 360 ) 426-8255 or lustinh@masonpud3 . org . Sincerely, Annette Creekpaum (Jan 17, 2023 14 : )KPST) Annette Creekpaum , Manager Mason County Public Utility District 3 P . O . Box 2148 • Shelton , WA 98584 • ( Bus ) 360426 -8255 • ( Fax) 360 -426-8547 www . pud3 . org